Click here for 2013 Annual Report


Click here for 2013 Annual Report
Dear Friend of The Baum School of Art,
While the past year was full of creative growth, the region lost several important community leaders
who have had deep impact on The Baum School of Art over the years. Dexter Baker, Inez Donley,
Linny Fowler and Priscilla Payne Hurd will be sorely missed. Their legacy of generosity, concern for
children and steadfast support for the arts continue to inspire us all. While these leaders will not be
easily replaced, a remarkable movement is beginning to take hold. At The Baum School of Art, the
tremendous void we feel is beginning to be filled by new leaders, new donors, and active students who
care deeply about the role the school can play in the lives of our friends, neighbors, and children. The
downtown redevelopment is building excitement as we all become engaged in actively making our
vision for a stronger community real, and the arts are a big part of that vision.
Another big part of that vision is YOU. The Baum School of Art needs your support now, more than
ever. Get involved - be part of the fabric of community support for art education. Make a donation,
attend an event, or take a class! Support the creative growth, and honor the memories of those who
came before us to support, uplift, engage and inspire the community through the arts, especially at The
Baum School of Art.
In the past year, over two thousand students took part in art classes that kindled their creativity, with
many receiving financial aid from either our Linny’s Kids fund or the STAR (Senior Tuition Assistance
Reward) Fund. Exhibitions featuring regional, national, and international artists provided creative
inspiration, critical cultural dialogue and celebrated the creative process. The new Summer Fashion
Academy brought droves of young future designers to The Baum School to explore the world of fashion.
Partnerships with Da Vinci Science Center, the Wildlands Connservancy and Communities In Schools
resulted in unique youth programs connecting art with STEM curriculum, environmental stewardship,
and successful after school initiatives. Our Circulating Picture Club rental program transformed our
corporate clients’ walls into community art galleries. Our partners in art education remain invaluable;
from Lehigh Carbon Community College, the Allentown School District, PA Cyber Charter School,
Mercy Special Learning Center and more– together we ensure that the arts are accessible to everyone.
Finally, we are proud to announce that The Baum School of Art has once again successfully achieved
national accreditation through the ACCPAS, the Accrediting Commission for Community and
Precollegiate Art Schools, a testament to the standard of excellence we uphold.
As 2013 comes to a close, we at The Baum School of Art reflect on a year of creative growth. As you
page through this newsletter, you will see the evidence of an organization dedicated to enriching lives
through arts education. We thank all those whose support made this past year a success.
Shannon Slattery Fugate
Executive Director
J. Robert Lovett
President, Board of Trustees
2 Accreditation & Enrollment
3 Enrollment Continued
4&5 Partnerships
6 Community Programs
7 Summer Camps
8 Exhibitions & Circulating Picture Club
9 Art in the City Gala
10 Special Events
11 28th Annual Art Auction
12 Tributes
13 In Memory of Edgar & June Baum
Baum School Society
14 Trustee Spotlight
15 Trustees, Staff & Faculty
16&17 Thanks for your support!
Scholarship & Community Programs
In 2012, The Baum School of Art was reviewed for re-accreditation by the Accrediting Commission for Community
and Precollegiate Arts Schools(ACCPAS). After a lengthy self study evaluation by the staff, board, and steering
committee, followed by a thorough evaluation by visiting representatives, The Baum School of Art received the
distinguished honor of re-accreditation by ACCPAS.
The Accrediting Commission for Community and Pre-collegiate Arts Schools has been established by the Council of
Arts Accrediting Associations to review and accredit schools and programs providing non-degree instruction in the
arts disciplines to children, youth, and adults. Council members are the National Association of Schools of Music,
the National Association of Schools of Art and Design, the National Association of Schools of Theatre, and the
National Association of Schools of Dance. Among them, these organizations accredit over 1,000 institutions or
programs in the arts, primarily in conservatories, colleges, universities, and independent schools of the arts.
The Baum School of Art was the first visual arts school in the country to receive this distinguished accreditation in
2005, and remains the only community visual arts school in Pennsylvania to have achieved this distinction.
26 Students
This program is designed for adult mental health consumers in the Lehigh Valley and began in the spring of 2002. Students are identified
through organizations including Clubhouse of Lehigh County, Via, Lehigh County Conference of Churches, Step-by-Step, Lehigh Valley Hospital,
and others.
Grace Montessori Program
48 Students
The Baum School of Art provides the elementary art program for our neighbors across the street at Grace Montessori School. Students explore a
variety of media and techniques from drawing and painting, to sculpture, printmaking, and mixed media. Inner-City Neighborhood Program
100 Students
Third through fifth grade students at Central, Cleveland, Jefferson, McKinley, Ramos, Ritter, Sheridan, and Washington Elementary Schools in
the Allentown School District participated in this free after-school program during the winter and spring terms. The Baum School of Art provides
transportation for students from their schools to The Baum School of Art to work with our faculty exploring a variety of media and developing
their personal expression and self confidence. (EITC approved)
Young Artists Program 20 Students
Children & Teens’ Enrollment 2012-2013
Access to the Arts Enrollment
Adult Enrollment 2012-2013
197 Students
Teens on probation in Lehigh County studied art after school in the Young Artists Program. A student exhibition and graduation ceremony
celebrating student achievements was held for each session in the fall and spring. Students come to the program who are involved in juvenile
court for various reasons, but graduate from the program as creative artists who give back to their community and make a difference in the lives
of others. (EITC approved)
Mercy Special Learning Center 14 Students
359 Students
Students from Mercy Special Learning Center attended classes at The Baum School of Art during their school year. These students thrive
creatively, despite developmental challenges. Teachers and students enjoy coming to The Baum School of Art regularly and create works of art
in a variety of media.
231 Students
SMArt Program
35 Students
No Adult Winter Session Offered.
This free afterschool program provides students in third through fifth grades at Mosser and Roosevelt Elementary Schools in the Allentown School
District the opportunity to come to The Baum School of Art for art classes. (EITC approved)
327 Students
168 Students
587 Students
75 Students
Summer 97 Students
374 Students
Teenage Scholarship Program
Teachers from 40 Lehigh Valley Middle Schools are asked to recommend talented eighth graders to participate in this free after school program.
Recommended students must complete an interview process and are awarded this prestigious opportunity that can spark a lifetime of
achievement in the arts. The Teenage Scholarship Program has provided opportunities to young talented students since 1965. (EITC approved)
Linny’s Kids
Total Enrollment: 905
139 Students
Financial assitance is provided for children who wish to attend classes but cannot afford tuition. Our financial assistance program is named for
our late benefactor and friend, Linny Fowler, whose tremendous contributions to The Baum School of Art have provided thousands of students the
chance to dream and create.
STAR (Senior Tuition Assistance Reward)
Total Enrollment: 1,510
40 Students
21 Students
STAR is a financial aid program founded by Fredda and the late Bruce Fischman to provide tuition assistance to senior citizens who wish to take
classes at The Baum School of Art but lack the resources to pay for tuition.
Birdtown Arts & EnviroMentor Program
a selection from
Bodies Revealed Figure
Drawing Workshop
Capture Lehigh Valley
Photography Exhibition
Studio requirements are
offered at The Baum
School of Art
Vintage Fashion Trunk Show
Pastel Portrait Demonstration
inspired by Toulouse-Laurec
Where the Wild Eggs Are
The Baum School of Art
provides art instruction
for PA Cyber students
Wildlife Drawing & Painting
Summmer Camp
Discount Program
Busing provided certain weeks
to/from Air Products Campus
Teenage Scholarship
The Dexter Baker
Picking Up STEAM Camp
(Students Making ART)
Summer Camps
Community Programs
with The Da Vinci Science Center
Cedarbrook Nursing Home Mural
Mercy Special
Learning Center
City Arts
Summer Camp
Grace Montessori Art Program
Nature and the Arts Camp
Young Artists
with The Wildlands Conservancy
Lehigh County Probation
Access to
the Arts
Summer Art Camps
Art in the
City Gala
David E. Rodale &
Rodale Family Galleries
Max Ginsburg:
The Social Realist Master
October 13, 2012
Adriano Farinella: In Memory of Adrienne Snelling
The Way Home
Max Ginsburg: The Social Realist Master • The Annual Holiday Card Competition • In Memory of Adrienne
Snelling • The Holliday Gift Gallery • 2013 East Central Pennsylvania Scholastic Art Awards • Edgar S. Baum:
For the Love of Painting • The Paintings of Edith Roeder • The Adult Student Exhibition • The Children and Teen
Exhibition • An Artistic Discovery • Adriano Farinella: The Way Home • The Baum School of Art Annual Auction
• John Altobelli: Simply Color • Capture Greater Lehigh Valley Photography Contest • The Paintings of Clarence
Carter • Milan Melicharek: Regional Landscapes • The Baum School of Art Facutly and Staff Exhibition • The
Morning Call 7th Annual Juried Exhibition
John & Jane Altobelli • Dr. Andrew Bausch • Joe Brookes & Kirk Kozero • J. Lawrence Grim, Jr. & Kathy O’Dea • Gregory D. Kirk
Bruce & Pamela Loch • Bob & Sandy Lovett • The Morning Call • National Penn Bank • PBS39 • PPL Corporation
Kathleen & JB Reilly • Joel & Ruth Spira • Eric K. Steen and Associates
The Paintings of
Edith Roeder
Edgar S. Baum:
For the Love of Painting
An Artistic Discovery
The Baum School of Art’s Art in the
City Gala was held on October 13,
2012 in The Fowler Community Room
at The Baum School of Art. The event
honored Fredda Fischman, a dedicated
student and supporter of The Baum
School of Art, whose philanthropic
gifts have provided over 120 seniors
class tuition at the school. Fredda and
her late husband Bruce founded STAR
(Senior Tuition Assistance Reward), a
special program at The Baum School
of Art that provides scholarships and
awards to seniors who wish to explore
Max Ginsburg & Fredda Fischman
their creative potential, but lack the financial
resources to pay for tuition at The Baum School
of Art.
The event also featured our visiting artist, Max
Ginsburg. Max is one of America’s most highly
respected and accomplished painters whose
career spans five decades. As an art educator
he has inspired thousands of students, at The
Art Students League of New York, The School
of Visual Art, and the High School of Art and
Design. In addition to his exhibition, Max
engaged the community with his well attended
workshop and demonstration on painting from
We thank all of our guests,
sponsors, silent auction donors,
artists, and supporters who
joined us for a lovely evening
celebrating Fredda and Max’s
spirit of generosity and creativity.
Special thanks to the
Avancement Commitee, who
helped plan the event and silent
auction, and to the organizations
and businesses who donated
their goods and services to the
Milan Melicharek:
Regional Landscapes
Circulating Picture Club
The Circulating Picture Club provides beautiful original paintings for professional, industrial and
educational clients. Over 500 paintings by regional artists are currently leased throughout the Lehigh
Valley area.
Fisher BioPharma
Mack Trucks, Inc.
National Penn Bank
Pennsylvania School of Business
Scoblionko, Scoblionko, Muir, Melman
Team Capital Bank
Tubiello-Harr and Associates
White and Willams, LLC
Wilmington Trust
Interested in becoming a club member? Contact Rudy Ackerman at or 610.433.0032
Platinum: Bob & Sandy Lovett • Gold: Linda & Howard Epstein • Silver: Janet & Malcolm Gross, Highmark, Inc.,
Klunk & Millan Advertising, Brian & Denise McCall, PPL Corporation • Bronze: Alvin H. Butz, Inc, Capital BlueCross, Richard E. & Sally
Caruso, Barnet & Lisa Fraenkel, Connie & Bill Hansell, Lutron Foundation, Anthony & Pamela Salvino, Attorney John P. Servis,
Karen & Eric Steen, Wallitsch & Iacobelli, L.L.P., Steven Zelenkofske & Leslie Cormier • Donors: Sandy Bigatel, Rebecca Capkovic,
Kathleen Flannery, J. Lawrence Grim, Jr. & Kathy O’Dea, Joe & Judy Kaminski, Raymond Maysek, Artis Palmo, D.R. Powell
Allied Building Corporation
Duggan and Marcon
Embassy Bank
Electron Energy Corp.
a selection from
A vintage fashion trunk show was held on Thursday, April 11,
2013 at Cosmopolitan Restaurant. Several vintage shops had
clothes and accessories for sale. Pieces from the Jane Stieg
Collection were on display for attendees to view, and fashion
historian Monica D. Murgia conducted a short presentation on
the Stieg Collection acquired by The Baum School of Art. This
event was supported in part by a grant from The Dexter F. and
Dorothy H. Baker Foundation.
Special Thanks to:
The Dexter F. & Dorothy H. Baker Foundation
The Stieg Family
M i c h a e l J . E g a n I I I Wa l k w a y D e d i c a t i o n
Attorney Michael J. Egan, past trustee and friend of The Baum
School of Art, passed away on January 20, 2012. On October
10, 2012, the school dedicated the walkway leading to 5th Street
in Mike’s memory. That land was generously given to the school
by Michael Egan in order for the building to have an accessible
entrance from 5th Street. The Baum School of Art will be forever
grateful for Michael’s service and support.
Da Vinci Horse Anniversary
The 10th Anniversary of Da Vinci’s Horse was celebrated on November 15, 2012. The Baum School of Art and
the Da Vinci Science Center partnered on this celebration. The evening featured cocktails, dinner, and a special
lecture by Peter Dent, hosted at The Baum School of Art.
28th annual
Art Auction
May 18, 2013
Event Sponsors:
Joe Brookes & Kirk Kozero
Approximately two hundred art enthusiasts attended The Baum
School of Art’s 28th Annual Art Auction on Saturday, May 18,
2013. The exciting evening began with a silent auction of 178
pieces throughout the David E. Rodale and Rodale Family Galleries. From paintings and sculptures, to jewelry and quilts, there was
something for everyone in the silent auction. Guests dined on
a delicious buffet in the Fowler Community Room, prepared by
Catering by Karen Hunter. Later in the evening, auctioneer Boris Wainio called the live auction
in the Fowler Family Room. Guests were entertained by spirited
bidding on the 104 lots. The highest bid of the evening went to a
Walter Emerson Baum oil painting, titled “Locust Valley”. Other
popular lots of the night included paintings by Joseph Meierhans
and Clarence Dreisbach, and a unique copper piece by Edgar
Baum. We would like to
thank the 52 artists and 33
consignors who contributed
work to year’s auction. We
would also like to thank the
many sponsors and volunteers
of this event who helped to
make this auction a success
once again this year!
Special Thanks to:
Da Vinci Science Center
Peter Dent
Special thanks to the following donors for covering the cost of professional cleaning for the horse:
Bob and Sandy Lovett • J. Lawrence Grim, Jr. and Kathy O’Dea • Brian and Denise McCall
Patron of the Arts: Amaranth Foundation, Janet & Malcolm Gross, Bob & Sandy Lovett, PPL Corporation, J.B. & Kathleen
Reilly, Steven Zelenkofske & Leslie Cormier • Benefactor: Scott & Cathy Fainor, Fredda Fischman, J. Lawrence Grim Jr. & Kathy
O’Dea, Highmark Inc., Tony & Pam Salvino, Karen & Eric Steen • Advocate: Brian & Denise McCall, Barnet & Lisa Fraenkel, Shelbi R.
Gourniak, Howard & Jill Stevens • Collector: Mario & Dee Ann Andretti, Senator Pat Browne, Dr. Harold & Sandra Goldfarb, Holly Harter
& Harry Snodgrass, Judy & Joe Kaminski, Volkmar Dierolf & Tinku Khanwalkar, Gregory D. Kirk, Larry Miley & Judy Barrick, Alex & Karen
Tamerler • Friend: Mrs. Nolan Benner, Jr., Terry Berndt, Sandy Bigatel, Wendy & Ross Born, Richard & Juanita Bronstein, Dr. & Mrs. Walter
Dex, Herman & Marianne Fortkamp, Lawrence & Debra Johnson, Suzanne & Ted Lyons, Myers Benner Corp., Anthony & Florence Rodale,
Missy & Sam Saxton, Judy & Larrie Sheftel, Susan Williams and Associates LLC
In Memoriam
Marlene O. “Linny” Fowler & Priscilla Payne Hurd
Along with the rest of the Lehigh Valley, The Baum School of Art will always remember Marlene
O. “Linny” Fowler and Priscilla Payne Hurd. The passion these two remarkable and generous
women had for the arts will be celebrated for years to come. We will forever be grateful for
Linny and Prill’s leadership and support, and the school is a testament to the wonderful legacy
they have left throughout our community.
Priscilla Payne Hurd
1919 - 2013
Linny Fowler
1939 - 2013
in memory of the following individuals/families:
The Feldman Family, Dexter F. Baker, Marlene “Linny” O. Fowler, William Hansell,
Allan J. Holtz, Jack Hudders, Robert Kern, Steve Lathrop, Fred Schneider, Sal and Mae
Schwartz, Bernadine Slabikosky, Adrienne Snelling, Robert Stieg and Howard Yeakel
in honor of the following individuals/families:
Sybil Fischman, Maryann Haller and Lillian Schrecengost
M e r i t S c h o l a r s h i p Aw a r d s
awarded to children and teen students at Open House on April 21, 2013
We thank The Holt Family Foundation for their generous $100,000 endowment gift
to support youth prgorams at The Baum School of Art. Leon and June Holt were close
with Edgar and June Baum, and dedicated their gift in memory of their dear friends.
Friendship is
That secret filament
That tugs
‘Twixt certain
Similar genes
Contained in the hearts
And minds of
-Edgar S. Baum
Tr i b u t e G i f t s
Rose Ackerman Fashion Scholarship
Walter Emerson Baum Memorial Award
Edgar and June Baum Memorial Award
Nolan Benner, Jr. Memorial Award
Harry Bertoia Memorial Award
Barba-Del Campbell Memorial Award
Morris & Myrtle Corbman Foundation
Scholarship Award
Charles C. Dent Memorial Award
Linny and Beall Fowler Scholarship Award
In Memor y of Edgar and June Baum
Theodore “Tom” Heeps Memorial Award
John Hudders Memorial Award
Bob and Sandy Lovett Scholarship Award
Hans and Helen Moller Memorial Award
David E. Rodale Memorial Award
Dr. Samuel Silberg Memorial Award
Eric K. Steen & Associates Award
Martin Stogniew Scholarship Award
Barbara Strohl Memorial Award
The William Zwikl Photography Scholarship Award
Baum School Society
This exclusive group of donors contributed $1,000 or more towards the Annual Appeal
Thanks for your support!
Walter and Ruth Dex
Marian Fetterman
Mary Fetterman
J. Lawrence Grim, Jr. & Kathy O’Dea
Janet and Malcolm Gross
Keystone Savings Foundation
Arundhati Khanwalkar & Volkmar Dierolf
Gregory D. Kirk
Bob and Sandy Lovett
Charles and Ruth Marcon
Brian and Denise McCall
Larry Miley and Judy Barrick
J.B. and Kathleen Reilly
Eric and Karen Steen
Alex and Karen Tamerler
Drs. Steven Zelenkofske and Leslie Cormier
Trustee Spotlight
Richard Caruso
Cathy Fainor
Shelbi R. Gourniak
J. Lawrence Grim, Jr, Emeritus
Phyllis Grube
Connie Hansell
Holly Harter
Raymond Holland, Emeritus
Arundhati Khanwalkar
Mary Klunk
Kirk Kozero
Larry Miley
Simon Moore
James Musselman, Emeritus
Kathleen Reilly
Donald Snyder
Eric Steen
Karen Tamerler
Ricardo Viera
Steven Zelenkofske
An active and engaged Board of Trustees is vital to our success. The following trustees complete six years of service
in December. We appreciate their service and support, and are honored by their commitment to The Baum School
of Art and our students.
Kirk Kozero
Director of Marketing Integration, TIAA-CREF
Kirk Kozero has been committed to finding innovative strategies to promote the
school. In 2006, Kirk led a comprehensive re-branding campaign for the school.
As Chair of the Marketing Committee, Kozero led efforts showcasing the school’s
85th Anniversary. This year, Kirk co-chaired the Marketing/Programs Committee
that focused on growing enrollment and developing new partnerships, including
a new partnership with Zoellner Arts Center. In 2009-10, Kozero served on the
search committee for the Executive Director, and as the Board Liaison to staff
during the leadership transition. In addition, he has served on various special
events committees, and is a jewelry artist and Baum School student. Kirk and his
partner, Joe Brookes, have generously sponsored and volunteered for many events
and gallery exhibitions.
Staff Faculty
Denise McCall
CFO, Britech
Denise has shown exemplary service to the school as an active trustee. From
2010-2013, Denise served in a leadership role as Secretary and member of
the Executive Committee. As the Chair of the Nominating/Trustee Committee
from 2011-2013, Denise led efforts to identify and engage new trustees. In
addition to her committee service, Denise and her husband Brian have been
steadfast and generous financial supporters of the school, as sponsors of
numerous exhibitions, events, annual appeals, and as members of the Baum
Ricardo Viera
Director/Curator, Lehigh University Art Galleries
We thank Ricardo for his six years of service to The Baum School of Art as a
Trustee. Ricardo has supported and attended many special events, and provided
a wealth of artistic guidance and insight. Through his prominent role at LUAG,
Ricardo served as an important voice of the arts community on our board.
J. Robert Lovett, President
Janet Gross, 1st Vice President
Anthony Salvino, 2nd Vice President
Greg Kirk, Treasurer
Denise McCall, Secretary
Shannon Slattery Fugate
Rudy S. Ackerman
Linda Giasullo
Robin Iannelli
MaryAnn Knight
Kristine Kotsch
Heather Latta
Michelle Schmall
Laurie Siegfried
Leigh Young
Kara DeBoeser
Sherry Devine
Renzo Faggioli
Adriano Farinella
Rosemary Geseck
Janna Gregonis
Katie Gustafson
Terry Hahn
Carol Kamph
Anna Kaarina Lake
Carter LeBlanc
Bill Leth
Amanda Madea
Carla Majczan
Jacqueline Meyerson
Sarah Buck Mueller
Jennifer Nahan Gidley
Nicole Obertubbesing
Lydia Panas
Karen Reifinger
Heidi Reuter
Andrea Rincon
Barbara Tiberio
Thomas Unger
Dana Van Horn
Charles Vlasics
Martha Moore Westbrook
Ashley Witman
Jennifer Wylie
Thank you to our generous donors
gifts from 9/1/2012 – 9/1/2013
$100,000 +
The Holt Family Foundation
$20,000 +
Harry C. Trexler Trust
$10,000 +
The Century Fund
Bob and Sandy Lovett
Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (PCA)
$5,000 +
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
City of Allentown
County of Lehigh
Fredda Fischman
Janet and Malcolm Gross
Hans Moller Studio
Just Born, Incorporated
Keystone Savings Foundation
Arundhati Khanwalkar and Volkmar Dierolf
PPL Corporation
J.B. and Kathleen Reilly
Eric and Karen Steen
Wells Fargo Foundation
Steven Zelenkofske and Leslie Cormier
$2,500 +
Brian and Denise McCall
Amaranth Foundation
Joe Brookes and Kirk Kozero
The Charles H. Hoch Foundation
Dexter F. & Dorothy H. Baker Foundation
Howard and Linda Epstein
J. Lawrence Grim, Jr. and Kathy O’Dea
Highmark Inc.
Gregory D. Kirk
$1000 +
John and Jane Altobelli
Dr. Andrew Bausch
Capital BlueCross
The Dex Family Foundation
Alfred and Jill Douglass III
Embassy Bank
Scott and Cathy Fainor
Marian Fetterman
Mary Fetterman
Barnet and Lisa Fraenkel
William and Phyllis Grube
Holly E. Harter and Harry Snodgrass
Klunk and Millan Advertising
Lutron Electronics Co., Inc.
Charles and Ruth Marcon
Larry Miley and Judy Barrick
National Penn Bank
The Rider-Pool Foundation
Anthony and Pamela Salvino
Joel and Ruth Spira
Alexander and Karen Tamerler
$100 +
Mario and Dee Ann Andretti
Mrs. Nolan Benner, Jr.
Terry Berndt
Sandy Bigatel
Ross and Wendy Born
Richard and Juanita Bronstein
Senator Pat Browne
Phil and JoannBurstein
Walter and Ruth Dex
Charles Flynn
Matthew Flynn
Herman and Marianne Fortkamp
Harold and Sandy Goldfarb
Paul and Michele Haldeman
Indiemade Craft Market
Lawrence T. and Debra Johnson
Ruth Keblish
James and Mary Klunk
Suzanne and Henry T. Lyons
Raymond Maysek
Donald and Kim Monteverde
Anthony and JoJo Muir
Myers Benner Corp.
Anthony and Florence Rodale
Missy and Sam Saxton
John Schneider
Lawrence and Judy Sheftel
Robert Stieg, Jr.
Susan L. Williams and Associates
Barbara Tiberio
Tara Yglesias
Alvin H. Butz, Inc.
George and ElizabethBrower
Richard E. and Sally Caruso
William and Connie Hansell
Joseph and Judy Kaminski
Bruce and Pamela Loch
D.R. Powell
Shelbi R. Gourniak
Atty. John P. Servis
Howard and Jill Stevens
Wallitsch, Iacobelli, Aach & Schwartz, LLP
The Baum School of Art Annual Appeal
UNDER $100
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Judith and Gus Belaires
Larry and Susan Berman
Martha Anne Burkley
Rebecca Capkovic
Thomas and Louise Davis
August and Maria T. Fix
Kathy Flannery
Norman Girardot and Diane LaBelle
Barry and Carol Hartman
Lynne Heicklen Fendell
Sharon Hilbert
Peggy Hobbs
Patrick Houghton and Elizabeth Schaub
Herbert Hyman
Marilyn Jensen
Louise Kinter
Norman and Roberta Marcus
Joel Messick
Tom and Elenore O’Donnell
Artis J. Palmo
Lorn and Nancy Paxton
Phoebe Floral Shop Helping Hands
Paul and Donna Pozorski
Rhona Shane
Harry and Sally Taub
Kurt and Barbara Zwikl
Please consider making a tax deductible gift in the
following areas:
One Child Scholarship: $220
One Adult Scholarship: $250
Other Amount:
The Baum School Society:
$250 quarterly pledge
Tribute Gift Amount:
In Tribute to:
Please Charge $
to my: Visa
Account #
Exp. Date
Gift dates range from 9/1/2012 – 9/1/2013
Every efftort has been made to ensure the accuracy
and completeness of this list. Please contact The Baum
School of art at 610-433-0032 in the event of error or
oversight so that we may update our records.
*please make checks payable to
The Baum School of Art
510 Linden Street, Allentown, PA 18101
Payments can also be made at
through arts education.
510 Linden Street
P.O. Box 653
Allentown, PA 18105
Our Mission
Non-Profit Org.
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Lehigh Valley, PA
Permit # 1571
As a National Guild member,
The Baum School of Art is
committed to making arts
education accessible to all.
Member since 1977.
The Baum School of Art receives
state arts funding support through
a grant from the Pennsylvania
Council on the Arts, a state
agency funded by the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
and the National Endowment for
the Arts, a federal agency.