Saint Jouin de Marnes SJM M anifestations municipal bulletin 2016 The word from the maire There are times when, in the life of the Commune, choices have to be made even if the perspectives are still obscured. At the beginning of November, Mme Varloteau, manageress of the bar (BEC A VIN), informed me of the definite closure of this establishment on December 31st 2015. The Council met on November 27th and expressed their wish to find a solution to retain a bar/ sale of newspapers and tobacco in the village, and decided to purchase the alcohol licence 4 (that allows the sale of alcohol). A first meeting between the Chamber ofCommerce and industry, the economical service of the assembly of the Community, the owner and the Commune. The research for a solution has already started. I take advantage of the publication to keep you up to date with the important dossier of restorations, bells, relics, pictures, and purchase of show cases, the totality of the furniture of the church, Abbey, for an estimated € 64 124. To realise this operation we had to search and obtain subventions from the state for €23 200. We had ,by the intervention of the Foundation of the Patrimony, already started a public subscription, which has allowed us to collect €29 700, hence, the amount left at the charge of the Commune, after recovery of the VAT, is €2835; I wished to keep you informed of the situation. WORKS TO START IN 2016 Improvement of the area in front of the church: after waiting one year, the archeological digs have been completed; we await the results. The continuation of the roadworks on the Route de Poitiers: putting the cables under ground ( electricity, public lighting and France telecom). Creation and enlargement of more pavements to assure the safety of pedestrians. We are still searching for a solution for the evacuation of rain waters, which are still causing us problems in this part of the village. Sommaire Associations Word from the Maire.................................................... 2 Friends of bolld donors .................................................... 11 Parents teachers association ............................................ 11 Associations of St Jouin de Marnes ........................... 11 Committee of St Jouin de Marnes ................................... 12 L’ACCA (hunting) ........................................................... 12 Les Marchapattes (walkers) ............................................. 13 Association TRAC (theatre) ............................................ 13 Community of church ...................................................... 14 Friends of the abbey ......................................................... 15 Association du Livre ouvert (library) ............................. 16 La FNACA (Association of the old fighters of Algeria/ Morocco/Tunisia) ............................................................ 16 Census ............................................................................... 16 Informations Healty Earth ............................................................. 3 Birds exposition ....................................................... 3 Realised Budgets ..................................................... 4 The Major Door ....................................................... 5 Newcommers ........................................................... 6 Births/Deaths/Marriages .......................................... 6 Transferring to TNT (digital television) .................. 6 Municipal Police (reminder) .................................... 6 Reseau Alter Base (base to recharge electric/hybrid cars) ......................................................................... 7 Works achieved in 2015 ........................................... 8 Plans of the work for 2016 .......................................... 8 Act’e (advice to improve the energy values of your habitation) ................................................................ 9 Information on the disposal of rubbish .................. 10 Manifestations.............................................................. 17-18 Your agenda 2016................................................................... 19 SJM 2 infos Healthy Earth of the Poitou-Charentes Our Commune without any pesticides Our commune has decided to reduce the use of pesticides Our Commune's decision to act in order to reduce the use of pesticides is due to the knowledge of the impact of the said pesticides to the health and the environment. It wants to stop using them in public places such parks. Hence, by deliberation of the Municipal Council (03/07/15), the Commune has taken the collective initiative put into place in 2009: the charter healthy earth of Poitou-Charentes: "Your Commune without pesticides". This initiative guides the collectivities in their action to reduce the use of pesticides and valorise the efforts made. This charter has for objectives : - The public health protection, especially for the employees of the Commune using these products and the inhabitants of the Commune The protection of the environment, especially natural resources and biodiversity. The objective to obtain a solution with "zero pesticides" in public, communal spaces. The promotion of alternative methods. You can act : - By cleaning up and maintaining the pavement in front of your house without desherbant off course. By reducing or stopping the use of pesticides in your garden (lawn, terrace, flower borders or vegetable garden). A guide on this Charter is available. An internet site helps with the development of this charter and informs the counsellors, the technical agents and the private users: http//www.terresaine-poitou-charentes. A public meeting will be organised during January to inform you if what has been achieved so far, of what is possible to achieve and of what we plan to achieve. EXPOSITION 19 schools of the area have created some arts to take part in a competition: MANIFESTATION PASSAGE. The theme chosen was the "birds of Massais" where the manifestation was held. This exposition, of a great diversity of creation, touches our imagination, the bright vivid colours exited our senses. The children showed great creative abilities. This exposition can be seen at the Mairie, in the Council room, from January 11th to February 12th during opening hours. 3 SJM infos REALIZED BUDGETS Dépenses de fonctionnement 250 000,00 € 200 000,00 € 150 000,00 € 100 000,00 € 50 000,00 € 0,00 € charges a caractère général charges de personnel Aténuation des produits (impôts et taxes) dépenses imprévues 2015 2014 autres charges de gestion charges financières charges transfert entre section exceptionnelles 2013 Recettes de fonctionnement 300 000,00 € 250 000,00 € 200 000,00 € 150 000,00 € 100 000,00 € 50 000,00 € 0,00 € Impôts et taxes dotations et subventions excédent antérieur reporté Remboursement Transfert entre section sur s rémunération 2015 2014 produits de services revenus des immeubles produits exceptionnels 2013 Dépenses d'investissement 350 000,00 € 300 000,00 € 250 000,00 € 200 000,00 € 150 000,00 € 100 000,00 € 50 000,00 € 0,00 € remboursement d'emprunts equipement 2015 transfert entre section 2014 immobilisation corporelle 2013 Recette d'investissement 250 000,00 € 200 000,00 € 150 000,00 € 100 000,00 € 50 000,00 € 0,00 € emprunts subventions 2015 SJM dotations 2014 4 2013 transfert entre section infos THE MAIN DOOR You have all noticed my imposing size at the entry of Pierre and Michelle Guerineau. But, do you know my history? I WAS BORN IN 1717 This year, a new abbot, Armand Bazin de Besons, aged 17 years, is appointed to the services of the Abbey. The monks decide to transfer the entry of the Abbey to a more centralised position and build me instead of a tiny doorway in the wall around the space dedicated to the monks, between the church and the cellars (today the presbytery as from 1880). Sold as national buildings in April 1791, many buildings were demolished and I stayed in place until 1896, year of my demolition and reconstruction in today's size, and such as the dimensions shown on the limits of separation of the land given and buildings belonging to the consorts Bouquet. (Legal deeds established on May 18th 1896 and inscribed on a stone: my birth "certificate". (AN*D*M*DCCXVll.....ELEVATA*EST*PORTA*MAJOR*....) Plan of 1657 convents storeroom ▲ Little door Opposite, watercolor drawings of Deverin (1890) Before 1717, the entrance of the abbey was Place du Minage 5 SJM infos IN 2015 NEW INHABITANTS IN 2015 M. & Mme GANZMANN Franck et LANGLACE Virginie 1 Chemin de Bataillis BIRTHS M. VIGNAUD Alexandre 3 Rue des Alberts MARRIAGES Mme ELLIS Kirstin 19 Rue du Stade DEATHS M. GALLEMANT Christian 13 Route de Thouars Mme LEBEAU née BOSSARD Antoinette M. & Mme LOUIS Thomas et DANJARD Laëtitia 6 Rue de la Galerne On 24/02/2015 me M. & M CAINTEAUX Fabien et GUILLOT Delphine 4 Rue de la Galerne M. CLAVEAU Auguste Jean Mme MOREAU Coralie 4 Rue Du plessis de Paumard Mme NAUDEAU Jeanne On 07/03/2015 M. HARROP David 9 Rue de la Galerne On 19/03/2015 M. POINT Dominique M. & Mme CAVE Sylvain et PRONEL Agnès 14 Rue des Gentils Lieux On 05/05/2015 M. MARSAULT Pierre-Marie M. & Mme BREMAUD Etienne et AUDOUIN Marine 11 Rue de la Prévoté On 24/10/2015 M. & Mme MERCIER Serge 2 Route de l’Ancienne Gare M. BECQUET Jean-Louis On 25/10/2015 M. RAMBEAULT Vincent 7 Rue de la Garenne DOURON M. RIPPE-LEMER Bernard On 31/10/2015 M. RAULIN Jean-Pierre 4 Rue de la Girauderie – DOURON Mme MARSAULT née OLIVIER Huguette M. TREHOUR Kévin 2 Impasse de la Rue du Bois Dub GERMON On 22/11/2015 Mr CAILLETEAU Julien - 1 Route de Oiron M. RIDOUARD Joseph me M. LHOMEDET Jérome & M TALON Aurélie 7 Rue Principale – DOURON On 02/09/2015 Mme MARTIN née BRÉMANT Anne-Marie M. LEMOIRE Florian - 8 Rue de la Grigandière On 14/11/2015 MUNICIPAL POLICE CONVERSION TO DIGITAL TELEVISION AND HD We remind all the inhabitants of the Commune that all household rubbish MUST be deposited to the points of collection designated. This is due to the difficulty of passage with the dustbin lorry through the narrow streets of the village. On April 5th 2016, we are being converted! Are you ready? This change will happen during the night of 4th to 5th April this year . This means that if you receive your television programs through an ariel on the roof, make sure that your television is compatible with the new digital and HD norms. Otherwise, after the April 5th, you might be loosing your favourite soaps, programs, etc.. Personal dustbins, etc, must be brought back in as soon as they have been emptied. Only household rubbish must be left at the dropping off zones. Newspapers, glass, plastics, etc, must be deposited in the recycling containers for this use: in DOURON and in GERMON. Check immediately and if necessary, you can buy and install an TNT HD adaptor. For more informations go to or ring 0970 818 818 ( cost of a local call). SJM 6 infos Installationofof Installation anelan ectrielectric crecharging recharging point for electric and pour les véhicules et les hybridélectriques cars véhicules hybrides rechargeables To facilitate the use of cleaner modes of car usage, our Commune has wished to install a recharging point for electric and hybrid cars in Rue du Stade, opposite the shops. TO ENCOURAGE THE DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES Up to now, the users of electric and hybrid vehicles did not have the necessary equipment to re-charge their vehicles in our Commune. To support the development of this new and more respectful of the environment, mean of transport and to simplify life for the more Eco-responsible ones of us in the Department, the Commune, in partnership with the Syndicate of energy of Deux Sevres (SIEDS) has decided to install a re- charging point. This project corresponds to the criteria of attribution linked to the works realised with the financial contribution of the SIEDS (10%), of the Region through the " regional development of Eco-industries and of electric vehicles" (20%) and of the state by a program" investments for the future" by the ADEME (50%) . Through these different sources, the Commune benefits of 80% of the total cost before tax, paid by the SIEDS in relation to the purchase, installation and put into service of the post. THE NETWORK OF POINTS OF RE-CHARGE The SIEDS, within its scheme of promoting these points of re-charge, predicts that by the end of 2015, close to 100 points will be available in Deux- Sevres. These should be available every 20 kms for normal charge and /or quick charge; these points will be available 24h/24 and 7day/7, thanks to the members' card. In front of each point, 2 parking spaces are provided freely for the user's. SEOLIS, the operator of the service, assures daily of the good working order of the service, by checking the infrastructure with a special tool and several teams of engineers to ensure that the whole system remains operational. TO USE THE RE-CHARGING POINTS Today, the posts are accessible to private users and enterprises. The cards of access are on sale on the site o r i n a n y o f t h e f i v e SÉOLIS agencies. 7 SJM infos WORK REALISED IN 2015 ◊ Restoration and re-installation of the bells and their motorisation. ◊ Restoration of the picture (les Apotres, Saint Benoit) ◊ Restoration of the relics ◊ Purchase and placing of show cases to expose the relics ◊ Maintenance of the paths: Re-instating the path from the railway line to the Valley "de la Sauté aux Chiens" ◊ For the maintenance of the railway line to the Thenezay bridge, 3 lorries full of gravel were needed ◊ Paths of the "Bois Chiron", of Assais, the "sente divine" ◊ Cutting the bushes along the paths on the whole Commune, except in the woods, followed by the chipping of the branches ◊ Repair of several roads ◊ Patching up other paths. (11 tons of gravel) ◊ Review of the parking at Rue du Stade ◊ In Douron, cleaning of the ditch on the route de Borq ◊ Planting new trees at the " Croix d' Embrun", new trees and bushes in "Venise". This task was carried out in association with the Mairie and L'ACCA . The association of the hunters provided the plants. ◊ Scattering of flower seeds at the foot of the walls in rue de la Marillere ◊ Scattering of wild flower seeds in front of the council room and rue du Laquereau ◊ Finishing the work at the council employees' building. (Cloakroom, kitchen,shower, toilets) in the rue du Cedre. Works realised by the Communal employees. ◊ Without forgetting the normal daily maintenance. PRÉVISION TRAVAUX2016 ◊ 2nd part of the road works: putting under ground all the services, electric cables,street lighting, France telecom and the canalisation for rain waters. ◊ Improving the ground in front of the church ◊ To continue to improve public buildings and places (Access to the establishments receiving the public) ◊ To improve the access for disabled/handicapped people. Creating better parking for disabled/handicapped people ◊ Creating parking for disabled/handicapped people to facilitate the access to the Mairie; marking the way to public WC, to the Mairie and to the post office bureau. ◊ Planning easy access from the roads to public spaces ◊ Putting into practice the charter of "terre saine". (Healthy earth) ◊ Creation of a remembrance garden SJM 8 8 infos In regions of Bressuire, Niort, Thouars ENERGETIC RENOVATION OF THE LIVING SPACE : The community of the communes of the Thouars region passes to ACT’e The Community of Communes of the region of Thouars and its partners have developed a mean of assisting in the energetic renovation of the living space called ACT'e. ACT'e proposes a personal help free of charge at every step of any project of energetic renovation. ACT'e puts at the disposition of the house owners who wish to improve their habitation on the plan energy, an expert advisor to help them during every step of the improvement of their living space. The Community of Communes has pledged to become Territory of positive energy. That means, to produce as much energy as is used from renewable sources. The reduction of the use of energy by private dwellings is their main objective to obtain this. That is why, the help offered by ACT'e, will allow to find solutions of renovation to reach the level required: "BBC RENOVATION" (80kw/m2/year). The work will be done either per stages or by a global performance of renovation. That means done in one stage. Realising a renovation of high performance, is guaranting to: greater comfort of life in winter as in summer Economising on energy and reducing the bills Adding value to our dwelling at the same time as getting it up to date To protect the environment by reducing the hothouse gases in the territory To get help or advice about a project of renovation and benefiting of a personal support, contact. L'ADIL OF DEUX SEVRES On this unique number: Monday to Friday between 09h00 and 12h30, 14h and 17h30 The territories of Deux Sevres suggest a new way of help and support in your project of energy/renovation for the living space for the private person, l'ACTe. From the pre-diagnostic of your dwelling to the identification of professionals RGE, including preparing the dossier to request financial help, l'ACTe will be helping you impartially during the totality of your energy renovation project. To benefit of an personal support and advice, contact without delay the Office of l'ACT'e On this unique number: Monday to Friday between 09h00 and 12h30, 14h and 17h30 9 SJM infos INFORMATIONS ON HOUSEHOLD RUBBISH Community of Communes of the region of Thouars THE COST OF THE SERVICE FOR THE DISPOSAL OF HOUSEHOLD RUBBISH How to calculate la TEOM? The TEOM is the tax to dispose of household rubbish. This is calculated in function of the value of the house. It is neither related to the amount of rubbish produced, or to the number of people living in the house What is its use? This tax finances not only the collection of rubbish, but also the recycling, the treatment, the management of the sorting plant and the cost of the structure. To enable you to understand better, here is the explanation of how the cost of disposal is divided: Type of rubbish Type de Déchet Is this true ? % of the cost Part du coût (%) Household rubbish Ordures ménagères The more I sort out and the more I am expensive 54 54 %% Déchèteries Sorting out plants Emballages & Papiers Wrapping and paper Verres Biodéchets des restaurations Glass collectives et cartons des Biodegradable of the commerçants collective restoriations Autres Household rubbish 27 27 %% 14,5 % 14.52,5 %% No it is false. As indicate of the distribution of the costs opposite, it is the collection and the refuse processing which is the most expensive 2.5 % 1,5 % 1.5 % 0,5 % 0.5 % What was the average production, per year and per inhabitant in 2014? Household rubbish. Sorting plants Glass. Wrapping /cardboard boxes If tomorrow, people did not sort out their rubbish at all, each dustbin would weigh 500kg, which would increase the cost of collection and treatment and the TEOM would have to increase its cost by 50% in comparison with today's price! On the reverse side of the coin, if all the inhabitants recycled all their rubbish correctly, the dustbin would only weigh 70kg, and the TEOM would decrease by 40%! ESTIMATION OF THE AVERAGE COSTS PAID PER INHABITANT NO SORTING OUT 125 €. SORTING OUT C.C.T. MAXIMAL RECYCLING 84 € 40 € Together, lets continue our efforts to reduce the production of rubbish and recycle more. 10 SJM Associations Friends bloodsdonnerstoSt Jouin-Irais afternoon.Our country style buffet was on Saturday April 25th in St Jouin de Marnes with around 30 participants in the "salle des fetes". For this occasion, we honoured Anne-Marie Chauveau for the totality of her gifts and for the way she is available to help the association. I wanted firstly, in the name of the association, send you all my best wishes of happiness and good health for 2016. There are the results of our collection in 2015 : ◊ Wednesday April 1st in Oiron: 54 donors of which 3 new participants ◊ Wednesday June 24th in Irais: 21 donors of which 2 new participants ◊ Thursday. August 27th in Irais: 19 donors ◊ Wednesday November 18th in Oiron: 60 donors of which 8 new participants. I wanted to thank the Commune of Irais to have lent us the new hall for the donors cessions, the "belotte" competition and St Jouin de Marnes for the country style buffet. I also to thank you for your participation to the collections. For 2016, we invite you firstly to the AGM on January 12th at 20.30h in the reunion hall of the Mairie, to our "belotte" competition on March 5th in Irais as well as to our friendly reunion at the same place on Saturday May 21st for a country style buffet. There are the dates for the 2016 collections : In the afternoon between 16.30h and 19.30h ◊ Thursday January 28th in Oiron ◊ Thursday April 14th in Oiron ◊ Tuesday July 19th in Irais ◊ Thursday October 20th in Oiron To close, I wish you a merry Christmas and a very happy new year and send all my wishes for 2016 to all of you, in the name of the association. We have organised a "belotte" competition for Saturday March 7th in the new hall in Irais and got 36 doubles. On a lovely sunny The President, Sabine Richard. of R RPIles thefiveVillages Association of the Parents of pupils RPI Cinq Villages The association of parents of pupils is made of a bureau of 6 members : President : Mme OLIVER Tatiana (St Generoux) Vice-president : Mme THIBAULT Annabelle (Irais) Treasury : Mme MOIGNER Cecile (St Generoux) Vice-treasurer : Mme DESCHAMPS Pauline (Irais) Secretary : Mme RAYMOND Sandra (St Generoux) L'APE plays an important role for the school. It organises and animates some activities, means to support the education action of the teachers. Thanks to the money it raised during 2014/2015, the association managed to finance entries to the swimming pool, the Christmas spectacle (Christmas concert of Karabal), the outings: visit to the fire station in Airvault, to the seaside at Notre Dame de Mont. Our next manifestations : October: sale of sausages and pates Friday December 11th 2015 : Christmas festival in Availles Thouarsais Saturday March 5th 2016: dinner dance with "fouees" in Oiron April or May: walk in Availles Thouarsais Saturday June 11th 2016: Festival of the school in St Jouin de Marnes. This year's theme is the circus. 3rd Age Group Happy New Year 2016 to all the members of the 3rd age and in every ST JOUINAIS. Unfortunately,many have left us for another world and without new members, the future of the club is uncertain !! For the coming year, the AGM will be on Friday January 22nd at 14h30 in the hall of the Council at the Mairie. There will not only be the recapitulation of the last year, but also the financial report and the voting of the new members of the bureau. We always welcome everybody wishing to join the club, as it is not exclusively reserved for the present members. The usual annual meal will be on September 21st 2016. To close: good news, the membership fee stays the same at 10€. 11 SJM Associations Commitee of St-Jouin de Marnes Hello to everyone, As previous years, the different manifestations of 2015 have mobilised an important number of people. On June 13th was the 7th festival of music, with this year again, a great variety of music and a large, enthusiastic public . On July 25th, the 2nd edition of "the great meeting of the inhabitants of St Jouin de Marnes" reunited more than 320 guests for lunch. The day was animated by a folkloric group who got a great number of people on the dance floor with their repertory of traditional Poitou dances. Several other activities were offered such as: make-up, exposition of photos, game of "palets"....All these diverse activities allowed people to pass a very pleasant afternoon. Early evening, a meal was served and the DJ played the latest CDs as well as the more nostalgic pieces of music. The dance floor did not empty until 1 am! On October 10th, the group Happy Gospel, with its director of orchestra, its piano player and its 26 singers, animated the evening in the Abbey, with songs that the fans were able to appreciate. On September 11th, 12th and 13th the week-end of the "Relics", was another success despite a weather less than inviting. The Commitee of animation of St Jouin would be pleased to welcome new members, so that the continuation of the manifestations can be assured during the coming years. Come and join us to participate to the animation of our village. Dates to remember in 2016 - January 15th. AGM and "galette des rois" in the "salle des Fetes" from 19h30. - June 11th Festival of music - July 23rd. Meal for the reunion of the inhabitants of the village - September 9th,10th,11th. Festival of the Relics On Friday September 11th, bingo filled the "salle des Fetes". On Saturday, the walk was punctuated by tasting of local specialities. Some 180 walkers took part in this activity, discovering the marshes of St Jouin and being fed along the way. In the evening, everyone joined in a communal meal in one of the squares of the village. It was on Sunday morning, for the car boot, that the weather stopped play! A very wet forecast kept the number of visitors and participants to a minimum, despite the greater number of registered stall holders. The rain, although rather persistent, did let out just long enough to allow some hardy folks to come and support this famous car boot. Best wishes to everyone for 2016. Site: L’ ACCA (hunting association) This association counts 113 members and its administrative council wish you the best for 2016. A few years back, the ACCA, with the aim of creating spaces for fawn and flora, bought land with the help of the federation of hunters. For your information On December 19th 2015, bushes of different kinds were planted to provide cover for our wild animals. This work was done with the participation of the "Marchapattes", the Mairie, and some pupils from the school. L'ACCA is always looking to purchase land suitable for its activity. SJM - On March 26th there will be a meal to close this year's hunting season. Everyone welcome! - On June 26th. AGM at 9h30 in their building, Rue du Cedre THE DISTRIBUTION OF HUNTING CARDS WILL BE THE 2 SUNDAYS PRIOR TO THE OPENING IF THE SEASON. 12 Associations The Marchapattes The few days in Baie de Morlaix in June (62 participants) and the ones in the Cantal in September, 65 members, were enjoyed by all. The bureau President……………….Michel Juillet Vice-President…………Marie-Claude Serreau Secretary………………Serge Meunier Treasurer………………Christian Serreau In September, 6 the MARCHAPATTES walked the GR 20: 14 days of walking in Corsica, from south to north. The AGM of the association of the September 14th was held in Irais. After the speeches of the treasurer and a resume of the activities, films of the events of the year allowed us to relive all these fabulous moments. The buffet amongst friends gave us the opportunity to taste different dishes, savoury and sweet, brought in by everyone present. The evening was finished by playing society games. NOTE: the association took part in the walks called: "the Thouet's Spring" (a walk of discovery of Availles-Thouarsais), the gourmet walk of the Committee of animation of St Jouin de Marnes, to l'Iraisienne (organised by Irais Loisirs Animation), to the Telethon by organising the "Douronnaise" for the benefit of the AFM, took part in the planting of bushes and trees with the ACCA. The membership is: for new members: 6€ for existing members: 5€. Lundi 18 mai à Argenton-les-Vallées The association counts 172 active members who enjoy their weekly walk. The members come from all walks of life and some from quite a distance away! Every Monday afternoon, 2 groups set off on their walks: one for 4 to 5 km of slow walk with Marco, and the other for a circuit of 10 to 12 km, with possibility of taking a short cut of 5 to 6 km. Site: http// : Projets 2016 PROJECTS FOR 2016 ◊ Walk on Monday afternoons: 10/12 km with possibility of a short cut or slower walk of 4/5km. Meeting in front of the "salle des fetes" at 13h30 to organise transport. Trip with picnic on the last Monday in March, April and May and the 1st Monday of October. In July, leaving at 18h and in August at 9o'clock. ◊ Outings: between June 4th and 11th in the Vosges and between September 3rd and 10th in les Landes. The day trips with picnic (along the GR 36: Airvault-Gourge; la Chapelle-Bertrand and Saint Martin de Fouilloux; Argenton les Vallees) are usually well supported, but the rain discupted the last outing in the region of Saumur in Souzay Champighy (outing that will be back on the program in 2016) . Association TRAC (Theatrical group) Work and laughter go side by side during our meetings. There are several weeks now that we are working on a new comedy for your pleasure: "Ne vous derangez pas pour nous ( do not disturb yourself on our account), written by Paul Martineau Laughter reduces stress, eases the pain, strengthens the immune system and protect your heart, so do not hesitate to take a bath in what will do you good in our company! Dates to remember February 26th/27th/28th 2016 and March 4th/5th at 20h30 Thank you to everybody who comes to see us. For more informations (time table, telephone number, reservation, photos, etc...) The TRAC team wish you all the best for this new year. 13 SJM Associations Church commitee of Saint-Jouin-de-Marnes RELIQUES ET RELIQUAIRES Saint Jouin and Martin de Vertou are patrons saints of the old benedict Abbey The official inauguration of the restored items of furniture of the Abbey, Saturday September 19th, during the days of Patrimony 2015, and especially the 2 precious relics, shows once more the importance of these items in our Abbey. Even if we all are very fond of the festival of the relics in our village, it is not certain that the origins of this festival are well known. That is why I wrote this brief resume. In the 4th century, a hermit monk, Jovinus or Jouin, descending from a well known Gallo-roman family from the region of Loudun, contemporary of Martin of Tours (founder member of the Abbey of Liguge) and of Hilaire of Poitiers, came to retire at the foot of the hillock where the present Abbey is, in a place called Ension (actually village of the castle) to live his ideal life and offered himself to the service of God. The small community of disciples assembled around saint Jouin, hence, gave birth to the monastery of Ension, one of the oldest centre of monastic life in the west (with Liguge). Towards the end of the 6th century, Martin de Vertou, founder member of an Abbey at the doors of Nantes, became priest of the monastery of Ension where he seemed to have introduce the St Benoit's rule. It is for that reason that Saint Martin de Vertou was equally revered as Saint Jouin as founder member of the old Abbey. The new Abbey grows and is moved from its original place towards the hillock where the present Abbey is with the vestiges surrounding it. Its fame spread through Poitou, Anjou and to the limit of Brittany. At the end of the 11th century, the pilgrimages drove the monks of Saint Jouin to build a new Abbey. Unfortunately the relics of Saint Jouin and the ones of Saint Martin de Vertou are dispersed or destroyed during the wars of religion (16th century), as their original casks (made of copper, silver, and gems). Today, only a few fragments of Saint Jouin's bones are left. The origins: The festival of the relics is a tradition very dear to the hearts of the inhabitants of St Jouin de Marnes. Its institution goes back as far as the 12th century, more precisely in 1130, date of the achievement of the construction of the actual Abbey by the Benedict monks of the time. This church, magnificent realisation of Roman architecture, then in full development, was destined to receive the numerous pilgrims who had come to revere the relics of local saints: Saint Jouin and Martin de Vertou, on the way to Compostelle, Saint Jouin was a secondary stop. It is on September 8th of that year,for the festival of the Nativity of the Virgin Marie, that the dedication of the Abbey was celebrated. It would seem that these relics in the casks so magnificently restored and exposed in the show case in the chapel of Sainte Marguerite (on the south-east side of the Abbey) do not belong to the patrons saints of the old Abbey. Their presence in the "treasure" of the old Abbey, results probably of the very frequent transfers of the relics from one monastery to another since the Middle Ages up to the more recent period (19th century), due to the great power of protection that was attributed to them. In fact, there are the remains of 2saints martyrs during the first centuries of Christianity, the cult of which expended in the Middle-Ages, Sainte Fauste, revered in Berry (a village in Indre, her name) and Saint Celestin, Pope in the 5th century. By historical sources, we learn that ,on that day, an important religious celebration during which, the then, Bishop of Poitiers, came himself to celebrate the consecration during the service, to the main altar in the church, with the monks of the Abbey, members of the clergy and the nobles of the region and the whole population of the village and its surroundings. You can imagine the enormous crowd assembled in this magnificent church, glistening in white, that the people did not tire to admire! By the festival of dedication, the church became the sacred place of the celebration of every part of Christian life. Saint Jouin and Saint John the Evangelist became the patrons saints of the church. You can still see their statues on the wall of the Abbey. Happy 2016 This important festival became also the occasion for the solemn veneration of the relics (or bones) of the patrons saints of the old Abbey, Saint Jouin and Saint Martin de Vertou. These were placed in the precious casks exposed on the main altar. This is the origin of our festival of the relics. We must add, that, in the honour of this great festival of our village, a popular fair was organised on the vast squares of Saint Jouin de Marnes. What is remarkable, is that the tradition of the festival of the relics, religious and profane at the same time, remains today! It is without doubt why the folks memory has retained the name of festival of the relics, rather than festival of the dedication. The date has stayed the same: the Sunday that follows the festival of the Nativity of the Virgin Marie (September 8th). SJM Marie-Josephe NAUDEAU. Notes taken from an extract of a work which, despite its old age, is always used as reference for the history of our Abbey: the Abbey of Ension or St Jouin de Marnes, by the priest A Lerosey, Niort 1915. 14 Associations Friends of the abbey of SaintJouin-de-Marnes On December 1st, the association of the friends of the Abbey, was given the price "Coup de coeur" from the jury of the competition "Handi'Thouarsais", in appreciation for the realisation of the ramps to enable handicapped and disabled people to get access to the Abbey. The jury of this competition, organised by the Community of Commune of the region of Thouars, to encourage the actions in favour of handicapped and disabled people, was especially keen on the aesthetic quality of the work entirely financed by the association. The friends of the Abbey were particularly proud that their work was recognised by the jury. They received the sum of 100€ which will be put towards the completion of this work. 2015 was eventful for our association and bears witness to the active presence of the Friends of the Abbey at the heart of the Community. Manifestations of last year Two highlights of the season 2015 A high class concert of Misa Criolla of the Argentin Ramirez with the participation of the young and promising Columbian tenor: Juan Carlos Etcheverry and 2 local choirs: the Baladins de la Tremoille from Thouars with the choir of the Val d'Or from Airvault. The concert of May 31st has enchanted the large crowd assembled in the Abbey. This wonderful, enthusiastic and emotional moment was carried by Latin American rhythm, the talent and the warm voice of this young tenor and was closed by a long ovation from the many assisting to the concert. The 10th "nuit romane" of the Abbey, on Sunday August 2nd, represented an important birthday for the association, and its partners ( the municipality, the committee of animation, the church community and the many helpers) involved in the organisation of this event. It was a magnificent summer's evening for nearly 2000 visitors who came specifically to be part of the program. The group, singing ,dancing was dynamic and talented. Their repertory " Sacred gypsy songs from Provence", with, as a back ground, the fairy illumination of the church. A spectacle unanimously appreciated by the crowd. The presence of "the market of the local producers", stalls of restauration on the site of the spectacle. This was considered as a "plus" for the conviviality of the evening. A very big "thank you" to all the voluntary workers who contributed efficiently to the success of this 10th "Nuit Romane". A prestigious end of the season The 2015 season finished beautifully with the Christmas concert given by the group Josquin des Pres, which was sold out, on December 13th. In a full Abbey, more than 60 singers sang a Christmas voyage through the ages, to allow us to discover with great pleasure the most beautiful classic Christmases, and most popular repertory. Projects for 2016 The AGM of the association will be held on March 12th, it will be in the "salle des fetes" in St Jouin de Marnes. The annual outing of the friends of the Abbey Our annual outing, on Tuesday June 30th, had for destination this year, the valley of the Gartempe with, beside others, the discovery of the restored frescos of the Abbey of Saint Savin and the visit of the village of Angles-sur-l'Anglin. For the 50 participants, members and supporters, the day, although saddened by the absence of the organiser, our friend, Jacques Thinon, who died suddenly on June 7th. It was for the association, the occasion to rend homage again to this missed and very much respected member of the Council of administration. An annual concert is planned for June, as well as an 11th participation of the "nuits romanes" during the first week of August. The exact dates and programs will be given during the AGM. The friends of the Abbey wish to thank everybody who support them and encourage them since the creation of the association or who has joined them since. We welcome any propositions and participation of anyone wishing to help in the cultural and artistic animation of the Abbey and to the preservation of its patrimony, in the same spirit of openness and voluntary help GREAT AND GOOD YEAR 2016 TO ALL !! The promise of the association to the service of the patrimoine of the Abbey friendlyceremony ceremony was was organised organised for AAfriendly for the the Days Daysofof Patrimony in 2015, by the Municipality on Saturday Patrimony in 2015, by the Municipality on Saturday September 19th to present the renovated furniture of the September 19th to present the renovated furniture Abbey, pictures and relics casks and thank officially all who ofgave the to Abbey, pictures and casks andrestoration. thank the subscription fundrelics started for this This officially all who gave to the subscription fund fund was under the patronage of the Foundation of the started for this restoration. was under the of honour patrimony. Our associationThis had,fund off course, a place patronage of the of thefor patrimony. Ourpatrimony for its active and Foundation constant support caring for the of the Abbey. association had, off course, a place of honour for its active and constant support for caring for the patrimony of the Abbey. Jean-Baptiste Suire 15 SJM Associations Association of open book (Library) For the new year, the association of open book wish you a good and happy year 2016. The library is still behind the Mairie. You enter by the Room of the Council. As usual, best sellers having received a price such as LE GONCOURT, LE FEMINA OU LE RENAUDOT, are available for you to borrow.. The annual membership is still 5€ The library is closed during school holidays, but remains a meeting place. A small change to the opening hours For the winter (from November to the end of March) the library will be open on Tuesday between 16h and 18h, and from April to the end of October, on Tuesday 16h30 till 18h30. The bureau of the association La FNACA (Old soldiers from the campaigns of Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia) The national federation of the old fighters in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia is a specific association including only old fighters in North Africa between 1952 and 1962. To defend the rights of the old fighters and pass on the duty of memory, the FNACA is associated with all other associations, encouraging the "life together", fighting all manipulations that could push youngsters to terrorism. Duty to remember: on March 19th each year, we remember that on March 19th 1962 is the date of the cease-fire in Algeria (cease-fire not respected by l'OSA) (organisation of the secrete army). At this date, we honour all our dead and more specifically, Georges Mederic and Serge a Roux, 2 children from St Jouin who died for France in Algeria. 19 mars 2015 On March 19th 2015, Gabriel Retailleau, holder of the military valour, gave "the cross of the combatant" to Claude Rheau and the medal of "gratefulness from the nation" to Michel Berthonneau. Cérémony of march 2016 at 11o’clock Bureau of FNACA President/treasurer..................................Michel Berthonneau Members ...................................................Robert Paynot Vice-president..........................................Gilles Moine ....................................................................Gabriel Retailleau ...................................................................André Fruchet Accounts check………….......................Gilbert Biny Secretary/treasurer.................................Michel Juillet The Census Since the abolition of national service, the census is obligatory and universal. It includes boys and girls from the age of 16 and up to 3 months passed the date of the anniversary, at the Mairie of the domicile with a piece of national identity. The attention of the census is obligatory for the inscription to examinations or application to examination under the authority of the state. around the age of 17.5 years old, the young "registered" receives a certificate of participation to the JDC, also obligatory for all inscriptions. This procedure of citizenship allows the systematic inscription on the electoral list from the age of 18. Address : Centre du Service National de Poitiers – Quartier Aboville – BP 647 – 86023 POITIERS CEDEX Mail : Tél : – Fax : After the day : "defence and citizenship" (JDC EX JAPD), in principal, the year following the census, SJM 16 Manifestations 11th november : cérémony of remembrance, rich and natural The children of the Commune read texts from Poilus (soldiers from WW1). The pupils of the RPI , aged around 11 years old, read extracts of letters from soldiers to their wives or sweethearts, the College pupils, passages of letters from Constant Nouet, describing the retreat at the end of June 1914 until the battle of the Marnes from September 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th 1914 in the marshes of Saint Gond (the order given was : hold on at all cost). After the reading of the official texts ( message from the French Union of associations for the old fighters and victims of the wars [UFAC-VG] and message from the Ministry of the old fighters) ,after a bouquet of flowers was deposited, the minute of silence for the people who died for France and "the Marseillaise", the followers went to the cemetery to accompany the children carrying flowers to be put on the graves of the Poilus. After that, everybody met up in the "salle des fetes" for a glass of friendship! Part of the remembrance of the 100th anniversary of the Great War, 1914-1918, Michel Juillet, Didier Claveau and Michel Clairand organised an exposition in the "salle des fetes" on November 8th and 11th: " 2 soldiers, 2 destinies " based on letters of 2 soldiers from Saint Jouin de Marnes: Constant Nouet and Amedee Claveau. For 2016, the exposition will be about the war in 1916. If you have any letters, photos and any other object relating to this time and if you wish to take part in this work of remembrance and commemoration, please let the Mairie know. The pupils of the RPI will also take part in the research. Planting : Athought for the planet, 900trees planted ondecember9th The morning team: hunters, walkers and commune employees The afternoon team: the children take part in the planting Oaks, lime trees, blackthorn, crabapple trees, wild roses, elder bushes.........only species growing locally were planted. This is part of the environment and biodiversity program of the hunters' federation. 17 SJM Manifestations Nuits Romanes Donor Thancks Donor Thancks (for restauration : des cloches, reliquaires et tableaux) Nuits Romanes Téléthon Concert POREBSKA-QUASNIK Théâtre en déambulation » Le Grand Troupeau » SJM 18 Agenda 2016 January 12th AGM for Blood Donors January 15th AGM and galette des rois Committee of animation January 22nd AGM 3rd Age Group January 28th Blood donors in Oiron February 26-27-28th TRAC « Do not disturb yourselves on our account » March 4-5th TRAC « Do not disturb yourselves on our account » March 5th « Belotte » competition. Blood donors in Irais March 5th Diner dance « fouees » in Oiron March 12th AGM friends of the abbey March 19th Commemoration of the end of the Algerian war April 14th Blood donors in Oiron April or May Walk with the APE May 8th Commemoration of the WW2 May 21st Country style buffet. Blood donors in St Jouin de Marnes June Concert at the abbey June 11th Festival of music in St Jouin de Marnes June 11th School Festival on the theme of the circus June 18th Call of the 18th June June 26th AGM of ACCA July 14th National fete July 14th Blood donors in Irais July 23rd Meeting for the inhabitants of St Jouin de Marnes August Roman nigths « Nuits Romanes » September 9-10-11 Relics September 21st Meal with the 3rd Age Group October Sales for the APE October 20th Blood Donors in Oiron November 11th Commemoration of the end of WW 1 November 29th Sainte Barbe December 3-4th Telethon 19 SJM Fonds G. PROUST Imprimé sur papier issu de forêts gérées durablement par : Mairie 4 route d’Airvault 79600 Saint Jouin de Marnes Tel : Mail : mairie@mairie-stjouindemarnes Site : Opening hours Lundi, Mardi, Jeudi, Vendredi : 14h00 - 17h00