Guide to Processed Collections - Harold B. Lee Library
Guide to Processed Collections - Harold B. Lee Library
Guide to Processed Collections in the University Archives Introduction The Brigham Young University Archives preserves records documenting the history of the university and its people as well as their impact on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and society. This guide describes the processed collections housed by the University Archives. A processed collection is one that has been rehoused and carefully described with either a catalog record or a finding aid or, in many cases, both a catalog record and a finding aid. This guide gives the title of a collection, its call number and a brief description of its contents. The guide is arranged topically and a list of those topics follows. To see the topics (sorted in alphabetical order) click here. Click on the link that interests you to be taken directly to the applicable portion of the guide. The vast majority of the collections held by the University Archives are available for public research. However, because the University Archives is the corporate archives for Brigham Young University, several collections have restricted access. All restricted collections have a note indicating which restriction applies. The end date of the restriction is always calculated from the closing date of a collection. For example, UA 925 Rex E. Lee Brigham Young University Presidents Records, 1910-1995 will be restricted until 2045 not 1960. If you have any questions about restrictions, please contact the University Archivist at (801) 422-5821 or To access the policy guiding the application of restrictions to Brigham Young University corporate records, click here. Restriction Policy College/Department records Restricted. Closed for 25 years after the creation of the records and thereafter open to the public after consultation with the University Archivist and in accordance with the General Restriction Statement of the L. Tom Perry Special Collections. Presidents/Vice Presidents Restricted. Closed for 50 years following the end of the President's administration and thereafter open to the public after consultation with the University Archivist and in accordance with the General Restriction Statement of the L. Tom Perry Special Collections. Presidential Records from Dallin H. Oaks through Cecil O. Samuelson Jr. (current president) may be accessed only with the permission of the L. Tom Perry Special Collections Board of Curators and the current sitting president of Brigham Young University. Board of Trustees Restricted. Approval of the University President or his appointee required if the minutes are less than 50 years old. Minutes over 50 years old may be accessed after consultation with the University Archivist and in accordance with the General Restriction Statement of the L. Tom Perry Special Collections. University Committees and Councils Restricted. Closed for 25 years after the creation of the records and thereafter open to the public after consultation with the University Archivist and in accordance with the General Restriction Statement of the L. Tom Perry Special Collections. Unprocessed Restricted. This collection is unprocessed. See the University Archivist for access. Topic List (Alphabetical order) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ A E P ABC Employee Orientation and Information Committee Abraham O. Smoot Administration and General Services Building (Provo, Ut.) Academic Advisement Academic Vice President Accounting Accreditation Accreditation Studies Committee Acting President Adams, K. Haybron Administration Administrative Assistant Administrative Council Administrative Vice President Admission Admissions and Records Office Adult Education and Extension Services Advancement Vice President Alice Louise Reynolds Club Alice Louise Reynolds Library Allen, James B. Allen, Mark K. Allen, Robert E. Alley, Stephen L. Allred, Berna B. Allred, J. Urban Alpha Kappa Psi Alpine Summer School Alta Mitra (Brigham Young University) Alumni and alumnae Alumni Association Amanda Knight Hall American Indian Services and Research Center Anderson, Blaine Anderson, Harold Anderson, Helen R. Andrus, Hyrum Leslie Andrus, J. Roman Anniversaries Arnold, Marilyn Ash, Owen Kenneth Aspen Grove Assemblies Assembly Committee Assistant Academic Vice President Assistant Academic Vice President for Research and Planning Assistant Administrative Vice President for Information Systems Assistant to the President Assistant Vice President of Religious Education Associate Academic Vice President Associated Men Students of Brigham Young University Associated Students of Brigham Young University Associated Women Students of Brigham Young University Association for Asian Studies Athletic Advisory Council Athletic Media Relations Athletics Audiovisual Services Auxiliary Services Awards Earth Sciences Museum Eastmond, E. John Eastmond, Elbert H. Education Education Learning Resource Center Education Week Edwards, William F. Eggertsen, Lars Echert Elementary Laboratory School Ellsworth, Betty M. Emeritus Association Emery, Marjorie Merrill Reeve Employees Endowments English Dept. Enrollment Entrance requirements Ephemera Equipment and supplies Esplin, Ronald K. Evaluation Evenson, William E. Examinations Executive Assistant to the President Executive Vice President Executive Vice President for Auxiliary Services Exhibitions Extension Division Eyring, Carl F. Ezra Taft Benson Agriculture and Food Institute Packer, Boyd K. Palmer, Spencer J. Pardoe, Kathryn Pardoe, T. Earl Parker, Clyde Alvin Partridge, E. DeAlton Partridge, Nell Clark Partridge, Ruth Louise Patton, Annaloene Davis Performance Scheduling Performances Periodicals Perkins, Keith W. Personnel Services Peterson, Cornelius R. Peterson, Dean A. Peterson, Hugh Wickman Peterson, Neal Phi Kappa Phi (Brigham Young University Chapter) Photo Arts Society Photo Studio Photographs Physical Plant Placement Center Planning Planning Committee Pond, A. Smith Potok, Chaim Potter, Margaret Schow Poulsen, I. W. Poulson, Moroni Otto Poulson, Virginia B. Presidents Productions Program Bureau Provo City Corporation Provo Temple (Provo, Utah) Provo (Utah) Provost Public Affairs Office Public Communications Dept. Public Relations Publications Publications and Graphics Purchasing Dept. B Bailey, Harold Ballif, Ariel S. Banyan [Brigham Young University] Bascom, Earl W. Basketball Belarsky, Sidor Benefactors Bennett, Richard Edmond Bentley, Joseph T. Bernhard, John T. Berrett, William E. Bissell, Harold Joseph Bloxham, V. Ben Board of Trustee Board of Trustees Boberg, Lowell J. Boel, Joseph M. Bookstore Booth, John Edge Booth, Lillian C. Bowen, Albert E. Bowie, George H. Boyer, Francis Boyle, William H. Bradley, Cleo Bradley, Mildred H. Brasher, Ruth E. Brewster, Sam F. Brigham Young Academy Brigham Young Academy--History Brigham Young Academy South American Expedition (1900-1901) Brigham Young Academy--Statistics Brigham Young Academy--Students Brigham Young High School (Provo, Utah) Brigham Young University Brigham Young University Magazine Brigham Young University Opera Company Brigham Young University Press Brigham Young University Student Association Brimhall, George H. Brimhall, Golden Britsch, Florence Todd Britsch, R. Lanier Britsch, Ralph A. Broadcast Services Brockbank, Elsie Booth Brown, Gail Brown, Hugh B. Brown, Violet J. Browne, Arthur D. Bryner, Loren C. Budo, Lois Christianson Buildings Bullock, Kenneth C. Bureau of Church Studies Burgner, C. R. Burton, Alma P. Butt, Newbern I. Butterworth, Edwin BYU Studies BYU Women (Club) C Calorimetry Conference Cameron, J. Elliot Campus Tours and Conferences Cannon, Edna S. Card, Zina Young Williams Card, Zina Young Williams, 18501931 Cardon, Chloe Smoot Career Education Carillons Carl F. Eyring Science Center (Provo, Utah) Carroll, Elsie Chamberlain Centennial celebrations Centennial Committee Centennial History Committee Center for Business and Economic Research Center for Thermochemical Studies Charles Redd Center for Western Studies Cheney, Tom Christensen, Dean C. Christensen, Edward L. Christensen, N. La Verl Christensen, Ross T. Church Educational System (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Clark, Harold Glen Clark III, J. Reuben Clark, James R. Clark, Shelby G. Clarke, A. John Clarke, Rissa M. Clawson, John Willard Cloward, Vera H. Clubs Cluff, Benjamin College Bowl College Club College of Arts and Sciences College of Biological and Agricultural Sciences College of Biology and Agriculture College of Business College of Commerce and Business Administration College of Education College of Engineering Sciences and Technology College of Family, Home and Social Sciences College of Family Living College of Fine Arts and Communications College of General Studies College of Humanities College of Industrial and Technical Education College of Music College of Nursing College of Physical and Engineering Sciences College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences College of Physical Education College of Recreation, Physical and Health Education, and Athletics College of Religious Instruction Commencement Committee on Scholarships, Fellowships, Assistantships, and Academic Grants Committees Computer Research Center Computer Services Conferences Cope, George M. Cougar Club Counseling Service Covey, Stephen R. Cowley, Ruby Dixon Cox, Amasa Bernard Crandall, Evelyn Maeser Crocheron, George Washington Crockett, Earl C. Cullimore, Lloyd L. Cullimore, Odessa Allred Culmsee, Carlton Fordis Cummings, Benjamin F. Curricula D Daily Universe Dalley, Mayhew H. David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies Daw, Albert W. Day, Orville Cox de Jong, Gerrit De Jong, Thelma Bonham Dean of Admissions and Records Dean of Students Dean of Summer School Dean of Women Deans' Council Decker, Verena Stevens Degrees Delta Phi Kappa Dent, Ellsworth C. Departments Dept. of Accounting Dept. of Aerospace Studies Dept. of Agricultural Economics Dept. of Agronomy and Horticulture Dept. of Animal Science Dept. of Anthropology and Archaeology Dept. of Archaeology Dept. of Archives and Manuscripts Dept. of Art Dept. of Asian Studies Dept. of Athletics Dept. of Audio-Visual Communications Dept. of Botany Dept. of Botany and Range Science Dept. of Business Education Dept. of Business Management Dept. of Chemical Engineering Dept. of Chemistry Dept. of Child Development and Family Relationships Dept. of Clothing and Textiles Dept. of Communications Dept. of Communicative Disorders Dept. of Computer Science Dept. of Conferences and Workshops Dept. of Design Dept. of Economics Dept. of Education Dept. of Educational Administration Dept. of Educational Psychology Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept. of Electrical Engineering Dept. of Electrical Engineering Science Dept. of Evening Classes Dept. of Geography Dept. of Geology Dept. of Germanic and Slavic Languages Dept. of Government Dept. of Health Education Dept. of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Dept. of Health Sciences Dept. of History Dept. of Home Economics Dept. of Home Economics Education Dept. of Homemaking Education Dept. of Human Development and Family Relations Dept. of Independent Study Dept. of Industrial Arts Dept. of Interior Design Dept. of Journalism Dept. of Library and Information Sciences Dept. of Mathematics Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Dept. of Microbiology Dept. of Military Science Dept. of Modern and Classical Languages Dept. of Music Dept. of Philosophy Dept. of Physical Education Dept. of Physics Dept. of Physics and Astronomy Dept. of Planning Dept. of Political Science Dept. of Psychology Dept. of Recreation Management and Youth Leadership Dept. of Recreational Education Dept. of Secondary Education and Foundations Dept. of Social Work Dept. of Sociology Dept. of Special Collections and Manuscripts Dept. of Theatre and Cinematic Arts Dept. of Theology Dept. of Theology and Religion Dept. of Travel Study Dept. of Youth Leadership Dept. of Zoology Dern, George Henry Destiny Fund Development Office Dewey, John Division of Continuing Education Division of Instructional Services Division of Physical Facilities Division of Religion Dixon, Fred Domestic Dept. Done, Willard Downs, Robert B. Doxey, Willard B. Dramatic Arts Dept. Draper, Larry W. Dyer, Bonnie Hansen F Faculty Faculty Center Faculty Committee on Teaching Farnsworth, Raymond B. Farrer, James R. Faux, M. Charles Finance Financial Aids Financial Services Financial Vice President Fisher, Flora Davis Fitzgerald, H. Alvah Flammer, Philip M. Fletcher, Fern Eyring Fletcher, Harvey Folk Dancers Food Science and Nutrition Dept. Food Services Football Foreign Language Houses Foreign Student Office Foster, Jeffrey R. Founders Day Franklin S. Harris Fine Arts Center (Provo, Utah) Freshman Academy Frost, Herbert H. Funds and scholarships G Gamma Phi Omicron (Brigham Young University) Gardner, Ray Garrard, Agnes W. Gates, Crawford Gates, Susa Young Genealogical Society of Utah Genealogy Dept. General Counsel General Education General Services General Zoology Committee George Albert Smith Fieldhouse (Provo, Utah) George H. Brimhall building (Provo, Utah) Goodyear, Lloyd E. Gowans, Fred R. Graduate School Grant, Heber Jeddy Green, Arnold H. Grigg, Leslie M. Griggs, C. Wilfred Gubler, Clark J. Guest Speakers on Campus Committee H Hafen, Bruce C. Haight, David B. Hale, K. Lawrence Hales, Richard Wayne Hales, Wayne B. Halliday, John R. Handbooks Hansen, George Henry Hansen, H. P. Hansen, Harold I. Hansen, Ralph W. Hardy, Kenneth R. Harlow, LeRoy F. Harmon, Frank Wendell Harmon, Melvin Myron Harold B. Lee Library Harrington, Daniel H. Harris, Chauncy Dennison Harris, Colleen Riggs Harris, Franklin Stewart Harrison, Bertrand F. Harrison, Lorna Jensen Hart, Anna Boss Hartvigsen, Milton Farrell Harward, VerDon Hayward, Charles Lynn Heaton, Alma Heber J. Grant Building (Provo, Utah) Heber J. Grant Library Hedquist, Alex Hedquist, Vivia F. Helaman Halls (Provo, Utah) Heritage Halls (Provo, Utah) Hill, Armin J. Hill, George R. Hillam, Ray C. Hinckley, Edwin S. Hinkson, Jim History History Committee Hoggan, Lella Marier Holbrook, Alsina Elizabeth Brimhall Holland, Jeffrey R. Holman, Marinda Halliday Holt, Edward H. Honor Code Hoover, Marian M. Housing Office Housing Services Howe, Orvil Hoyt, Forrest T. Humanities Research Center Hunt, Jay B. Hunter, John J. Huynh, Cam Loi Hyer, Paul I Independent Study Indian Education Program Indian Student Program Information Technology Insignia Institute for Computer Use in Education Institute of American Indian Services and Research Institutional Studies Instructional Technology Center Inter-Organizational Council Intercollegiate Knights International Office International Student Services Izatt, Jan C. J J. Reuben Clark, Jr., Library J. Reuben Clark Law School J. Willard Marriott Center (Provo, Utah) Jacobs, Briant Jacobs, J. Smith Jarvis, Joseph Smith Jenkins, Clayton Jensen, Christen Jensen, Christen, Mrs. Jensen, J. Marinus Jensen, James A. Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies Johnson, Arlin Rex Johnson, David Johnson, Edith Johnson, J. Edward Johnson, Jared K. Johnson, Marian Ashby Jones, Sarah Fletcher Jonsson, Jens J. Joseph F. Smith Family Living Center (Provo, Ut.) Joseph Smith Memorial Building (Provo, Utah) K Kappa Debonaire (Brigham Young University) Karl G. Maeser Building (Provo, Utah) Karst, Edgar KBYU-FM (Radio Station: Provo, Utah) KBYU (Television station: Provo, Utah) Keeler, Daniel Keeler, Joseph B. Kennedy, John F. Kienke, Asa Solomon Kimball, Edward L. Kimball, Spencer W. King, Alma W. Kirkham, Francis W. Knecht, William P. Knight, Jesse Knudsen, Vern Oliver KOY (Phoenix, Arizona) L Laboratory School (1955- ) Land Languages Larsen, B. F. Larsen, Martha Geneva Day Larson, Gustive O. Latter-day Saints Hospital (Salt Lake City, Utah) Law, Reuben D. Lawrence, Nathan LDS Foundation Leadership Week Learning Resource Center Learning Resources Division Lee, Rex E. Lee, Richard Lehnardt, Michael Lewis, Ben E. Lewis Building (Provo, Utah) Libraries Lloyd, Wesley P. Ludlow, Alice Lund, Anthony C. M Madsen, Florence Jepperson Madsen, Franklin Madsen, Harold S. Maeser, Emil Maeser, Karl G. Maeser, Karl G., 1828-1901 Maeser, Karl Gilbert Maeser, Reinhard Magleby, Heber L. Marketing Dept. Markham, Maud Dixon Marriott School of Management Marshall, Milton Martin, Thomas L. Mascots Maw, Margaret McDonald, Howard Stevenson McDonald Student Health Center Media Services Memorial Hall Meredith, Leo George Merrill, Harrison R. Millet, W. Floyd Miner, Caroline Eyring Missionary Training Center Mitchell, Beatrice Maeser Moffitt, John Clifton Monson, Darrel J. Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum Montgomery, David C. Moore, Dorothy P. Morley, Alonzo J. Morrill, A. Reed Morrison, Carl Motion Picture Studio Mountain States Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Murdoch Academy Museum of Art Museums Mutual Improvement Association Q R Ramses II Rasmussen, Paul G. Registrar's Office Religion Religious Education Research Research Division Reserve Officer's Training Corps Rex, Janet J. Reynolds, Alice Louise Reynolds, George Rialto Club Rich, Owen S. Rich, Russell R. Richards, Alma W. Richards Building (Provo, Utah) Richards, J. Morris Richey, Melva H. Riggs, Robert Edwin Roberts, Eugene L. Roberts, May Rocky Mountain Faculty Athletic Conference Rocky Mountain Forensic League Rocky Mountain Oratorical League Rollins, Marie H. Romney, Antone K. Romney, Gretta P. Rowe, Ed M. Ruesch, Matilda Woodbury Rushforth, Layne T. S Salt Lake Center for Continuing Education Sam F. Brewster Building (Provo, Utah) Sandgren, Clyde D. Sardoni, Lawrence W. Sauls, Kiefer B. School of Library and Information Science School of Library and Information Sciences Schulthess, David A. Schwendiman, Fred A. Scott, Hollis Secondary Laboratory School Security Sessions, J. Wyley Seventh East Press Shelley, George F. Shields, Dorothy M. Shim, Bok Suk Siddoway, William R. Smart, Lyman F. Smith, Hyrum Jenkins Smith, Ida Smith, Joseph Fielding Smith, Oliver R. Smith, Wilford E. Smoot, A. O. Smoot, Reed Snell, William H. Snow, G. Gardner Snow, William J. Society of the Sigma Xi Songs and music Sovine, Helen D. Spears, Irene Osmond Speech and Dramatic Arts Dept. Speeches Sperry, Sidney Branton Sports Information Statistics Steed, Margaret S. Stevens, John L. Stewart, John R. Stewart, Mary B. Stewart, Nancy T. Stewart, Virginia R. Stovall, Mary Elizabeth Stringham, Briant H. Student Auxiliary Services Student Health Center Student Housing Student Leadership Development Student Life Student Loan Association of Utah Student Publications Office Students Students' Supply Association Summer School Sunday School Sutherland, George Swensen, John C. Swensen, Russel B. T Talbot, Melva H. Talmage, James Edward Tanner, Vasco M. Tanner, Wilmer W. Taylor, Delenna Rogers Taylor, Eunice A. Taylor, Harvey L. Taylor, Kenneth Teacher Education Program Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association Temple Hill (Provo, Utah) Testing and Counseling Service Thatcher, Margaret Theodore Roosevelt Centennial Commission Thomas, Robert K. Thomson, Dennis L. Thorne, Lucile Timpanogos, Mount (Utah) Tingey, Dale T. Tingey, Helga P. Tobler, Douglas F. Tolton, Walter S. Track Training school Treasurer's Office Tyler, S. Lyman U Unified Church School System (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) United States of America University Archives University Committees University Computing Services University Irrigation Company University Programs in Computer Aided Engineering, Design, and Manufacturing University Publications University Relations University Speakers Committee Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters Utah Conference on Higher Education Utah Library Association Utah. Supreme Court V Van Buren, Chester G. Van Cott, John W. Vernon, Leo P. Veterans Vice President and General Counsel Vice President of Finance and Business Administration Vice President of Religious Education Vocational guidance W Wahlin, Kate Houtz Groesbeck Waite, W. Noble Wakefield, John Homer Wakefield, T. Lynn Walker, R. H. War Memorials Warnick, Gerald B., 1937-1978 Washburn, Juna C., 1920Washington Seminar Watkins, Arthur R. Watkins, Leona A. Watts, Stanley Howard West, Dale H. West, Franklin L. Westover, V. Robert White and Blue (Provo, Utah) Widtsoe, Leah D. Wilcox, Val Camenish Wilkes, William Wilkinson, Alice L. Wilkinson Center Director Wilkinson Center (Provo, Utah) Wilkinson, Ernest L. Wilson, Marguerite Ivins Wing, Elayne Hinckley Winsor, A. L. Wistisen, Martin J. Wolfe, Walter M. Wolsey, Heber G. Woolf, Golden L. Woolley, Royal B. World Conference on Records and Genealogical Seminar Wright, Norman Edgar Wymount Terrace Wymount Village (Provo, Utah) Wyview Park (Provo, Utah) Wyview Village (Provo, Utah) X Y Y Bell Y Calcares Y Day Y News (Provo, Utah) Y Psychological Society (Provo, Utah) Yarn, David H. York, Neil L. Young Ambassadors Young, Aretta Young, Brigham Young, Karl E. Young, Kimball Young, Lorenzo S. Z N National Exchange Club Neff, Andrew Love Nelson, Joseph H. Nelson, Lowry New World Archaeological Foundation Newell, Myron C. News Bureau Newspapers Nicholes, Henry Joseph Nixon, Lorraine L. North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools Nuttal, L. John O Oaks, Carol Oaks, Dallin H. Office of Comptroller Office of Information Technology Office of Research and Creative Activities Office of the President Olpin, Albert Ray Olsen, Bruce L. Oral history Oriatt, Dee T. Processed Collections in the University Archives ABC Employee Orientation and Information Committee ABC Employee Orientation and Information Committee. Retirement and insurance meeting, June 28, 1967. 1 reel to reel tape . Call Number: UA OH 53 Abstract: Audio tape of Kiefer Sauls answering questions about retirement and insurance. Abraham O. Smoot Administration and General Services Building (Provo, Ut.) Brigham Young University. Compilation of the dedicatory services for the Clark Library, Smoot Administration building, General Services building, and the Physical Plant, 1962. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 470 Abstract: Includes dedicatory prayers, addresses, and a list of Smoot descendants in attendance. Rasmussen, Paul G. Memos, 1959. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 500 Abstract: Three copied memos from Paul Rasmussen to Sam Brewster concerning the construction of a utility tunnel, the addition to the library, and the administration building. Academic Advisement Academic Advisement. Department records, 1965-1987. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 980 Abstract: Contains correspondence, reports, and general files of the Brigham Young University Academic Advisement department. Also includes correspondence, minutes, and conference reports of the National Academic Advising Association. Academic Vice President Academic Vice President. Leaflet, 1960. Call Number: UA 52 Abstract: Collection includes a regulation governing publications by faculty of materials for use in classes and laboratories. ———. Records and correspondence of Robert K. Thomas, 1967-1983. 45 boxes (22.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 687 Abstract: Records and correspondence of Robert K. Thomas during his tenure as Academic Vice President, 1967-1983. ———. Stan Albrecht records, 1976-1992. 34 boxes (17 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 991 Abstract: This collection contains reports and correspondence collected by Stan Albrecht while he was Academic Vice President. Bernhard, John T. Correspondence, 1959-1963. 7 volumes . Abstract: Includes correspondence and subject files concerning university administration, admissions and records, AFROTC, Alumni Association, assemblies, Auxiliary Services, biographical information, businesses and companies, BYU committees, church, civil defense, colleges, comptroller, contributions, faculty, federal aid to education, government, institutes, Placement Bureau, policies, public relations, publications, speeches, Student Personnel Services, and other universities. Crockett, Earl C. Records, 1957-1968. 62 boxes (31 linear ft.) and 24 volumes . Abstract: Files from his service as Acting President of BYU and Academic VicePresident, 1957-68. Includes correspondence, memos, and reports made while acting president of BYU concerning such subjects as enrollment, financial aid, devotional and forum assemblies, university colleges and departments, recreational activities, and faculty concerns. Thomas, Robert K. Records, 1968-1974. 56 boxes (28 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence concerning accreditation, Administrative Council, colleges and departments, committees, divisions and schools, faculty, foundations and scholarships, Mormon studies, university presidents, deans of colleges, and administrative directors. Also includes individual academic unit reports. Accounting Brigham Young University. Inventory Sheets, 1906-1923. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 173 Abstract: Includes inventories of supplies and furnishing for various departments and administrative offices. Accreditation Accreditation Studies Committee. Records, 1956-1966. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 311 Abstract: Includes course outlines, self-evaluations, re-evaluations, and accreditation reports concerning BYU colleges. Brigham Young University. BYU accreditation and self-studies, 1956-. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 730 Abstract: Includes accreditation reports and self-studies for BYU and individual departments. ———. Interim report to Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges, 1991. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 79 Abstract: Report to the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges dealing with the recommendations of the 1986 evaluation committee. ———. Re-accreditation reports, 1970s. 15 boxes (7.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 624 Abstract: Self-study reports from most departments at BYU for re-accreditation during the 1970's. ———. Self-study report, 1996. 6 bound volumes . Call Number: UA 826 Abstract: Brigham Young University self-study and accreditation report done in 1996. The first volume gives a report about the administration structure and curriculum. The next 5 volumes are graphs and charts giving information and statistics on all aspects of BYU. College of Education. Institutional report of basic programs / prepared for the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education [by the] College of Education, Brigham Young University, 1981. 1 box (4 volumes) . Call Number: UA 733 Abstract: Volume titles include: "College of Education basic programs ," "Secondary education," "College of Education advanced programs," and "Faculty exhibits." College of Nursing. Self-Study Report on Baccalaureate and Master programs of the Nursing college, 1981. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 767 Abstract: This report was compiled in order to renew the accreditation of the College of Nursing. It gives statistics on students and faculty, and information on the organization and the curriculum of the College. Dept. of Chemical Engineering. Annual reports, 1967-1983. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 965 Abstract: This collection contains the annual reports documenting the activities of the Department of Chemical Engineering from 1967 to 1983. It also includes some accreditation reports and grant proposals. Office of the President. Re-accreditation files, 1985-1986. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 627 Abstract: These files document the re-accreditation of Brigham Young University. The files also include the self study reports made in conjunction with reaccreditation Accreditation Studies Committee Accreditation Studies Committee. Records, 1956-1966. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 311 Abstract: Includes course outlines, self-evaluations, re-evaluations, and accreditation reports concerning BYU colleges. Acting President Crockett, Earl C. Records, 1957-1968. 62 boxes (31 linear ft.) and 24 volumes . Abstract: Files from his service as Acting President of BYU and Academic VicePresident, 1957-68. Includes correspondence, memos, and reports made while acting president of BYU concerning such subjects as enrollment, financial aid, devotional and forum assemblies, university colleges and departments, recreational activities, and faculty concerns. Jensen, Christen. Papers, 1903-1961. 19 folders . Call Number: UA 96 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, reports, memoranda, minutes, and examinations concerning Brigham Young University transfer credits, awards, faculty meetings, graduate school, Franklin S. Harris, Ernest L. Wilkinson, history, political science, and public administration. ———. Records, 1939-1940 and 1949-1951. 10 boxes (5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, addresses and subject files made while acting president concerning such subjects as university colleges and departments, library, summer school, buildings and grounds, Myron J. Abbey Estate, accidents, Alumni Association, 75th Anniversary, annual reports, campus housing, dedication of Science Building, heating facilities, Leadership Week, student employment, faculty reports, and tuition. Nuttal, L. John. Records, 1926-1927. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence and reports made while acting president of BYU concerning such subjects as Association of American Colleges, accreditation, BYU employees, student statistics, student body government, campus buildings, Extension Services, library finances, standards, gifts, scholarships, and student loans. Adams, K. Haybron Adams, K. Haybron. Correspondence and research, n. d. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 693 Notes: Restricted. See University Archivist. Abstract: Includes research and correspondence for Church Officials. Administration Academic Vice President. Records and correspondence of Robert K. Thomas, 19671983. 45 boxes (22.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 687 Abstract: Records and correspondence of Robert K. Thomas during his tenure as Academic Vice President, 1967-1983. ———. Stan Albrecht records, 1976-1992. 34 boxes (17 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 991 Abstract: This collection contains reports and correspondence collected by Stan Albrecht while he was Academic Vice President. Administrative Vice President. Dee Anderson administrative files, 1986-1993. 24 boxes (12 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 993 Abstract: This collection contains the administrative files, subject files, correspondence, and financial papers originating in the office of Dee Anderson while serving as Administrative Vice-President at Brigham Young University. ———. Files of Fred A. Schwendiman, 1952-1971. 10 microfilm reels . Call Number: UA 615 Abstract: Contains the records and correspondence of Fred Schwendiman, whose responsibilities included planning and construction, student housing, food services, auxiliary services, laundry, purchasing, warehousing, property management, bookstore, farm properties. ———. Records and correspondence of Fred Schwendiman, 1951-1978. Call Number: UA 698 Abstract: Records and correspondence of Fred Schwendiman during his tenure as Assistant Business Vice-President, and Assistant Vice-President--Physical Plant. ———. Records of Jae R. Ballif, 1980-1989. 37 boxes (18.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 681 Notes: Restricted access; Permission required; University Archivist Abstract: This collection contains material from Ballif acting as both Administrative vice-President, and Provost. Advancement Vice President. Ronald G. Hyde files, 1985-1993. 31 boxes (15.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 927 Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, and subject files for Ronald G. Hyde during his service in the following capacities at BYU: assistant to the president for University Relations, 1985-1989; executive assistant to the president, 1989-1990; executive assistant to the president for development and university relations, 19901992; and advancement vice president, 1992-1994. Topics include BYU athletics, service and seminar organizations, the Alumni Association, campus colleges and departments, assemblies, devotionals, firesides, workshops, and other administrative concerns. Assistant Academic Vice President. Records and correspondence of L. Robert Webb, 1969-1979. 22 boxes (11 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 686 Abstract: Records and correspondence of L. Robert Webb during his tenure as Administrative Assistant to the Academic Vice-Presidents, and Associate Academic Vice-President. Assistant Administrative Vice President for Information Systems. Records and correspondence, 1981-1990. 16 boxes (8 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 668 Abstract: Records and correspondence during Lynn McClurg's tenure as University Information Advocate, and Administrative Vice President for Information Systems. Assistant to the President. Papers of Bruce C. Hafen, 1971-1977. 38 boxes (19 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 735 Notes: Restricted permission required Bruce Hafen or President's office. Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes, contracts, legal case reports, speeches, Bass-Billings research papers, drafts of the Honor Code, materials for religion and law classes, and research materials for the biography of Dallin H. Oaks. ———. Robert F. Driggs correspondence and minutes, 1970-1978. 4 boxes (2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 683 Abstract: While Dr. Driggs also held the positions of Assistant Vice President of Business, and Assistant Executive Vice President, this collection contains only material from his tenure as Administrative Assistant to the President, an office he held from 1977-1979. Some correspondence from his predecessor is also included. Associate Academic Vice President. Correspondence and files of Neal Lambert, 1981-1985. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 655 Abstract: Correspondence and files of Neal Lambert. Lambert was Associate Academic Vice President from 1981-1985. ———. Correspondence and records of William Evenson, 1977-1989. 13 boxes (6.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 678 Notes: Permission required University Archivist. Jerusalem center material is restricted until 2052 or with permission from the L. Tom Perry Board of Curators and the Board of Trustees for the Jerusalem Center of Neear Eastern Studies. Abstract: Correspondence and records of William Evenson while Associate Academic Vice President. Contains a significant amount of Jerusalem Center material. ———. Eliot Butler files, 1973-1989. 15 boxes (7.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 677 Abstract: Files divided into colleges, correspondence, Deans' Council minutes, visiting scholars, and other subject headings of Eliot Butler, Associate Academic Vice President at Brigham Young University, 1980-1989. ———. Records, 1981-1995. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1027 Notes: Vice Presidential Records from Dallin H. Oaks through Merrill J. Bateman (current president) may be accessed only with the permission of the L. Tom Perry Special Collections Board of Curators and the current sitting president of Brigham Young University. Abstract: This collection consists of faculty recruitment files, rank advancement documents, faculty awards, catalog changes, emeritus faculty, and correspondence from the office of the Associate Academic Vice President. ———. Records and correspondence of F. Lamond Tullis, 1980-1987. 13 boxes (6.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 679 Abstract: Dr. Tullis' tenure was from 1985-1989. The correspondence in this collection dates from 1980-1987. Bentley, Joseph T. Administrative records, 1952-1969. 158 boxes and 31 volumes (89 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 878 Abstract: Includes files concerning university budget, LDS Church School System, campus colleges and departments, faculty, staff, fund-raising, administrative meetings, students, Treasurer's Office, New World Archaeological Foundation, and athletics. Also includes files relative to Church schools in Mexico and in the Pacific, and some of Bentley's personal files. Includes significant amounts of correspondence with Ernest L. Wilkinson (president of BYU) and others. ———. Correspondence, 1952-1969. 31 volumes . Abstract: Includes correspondence concerning the Administrative Council, budget, bulletins and publications, reports, requests, Church School System, colleges, appointments, contracts, salary information, recruitment, faculty retirement, funds and grants, Board of Trustees meetings, Deans Council, Investment Committee, Missionary Training, BYU New World Archaeology Foundation, Patent Committee, presidency, Staff Personnel, Auxiliary Services, Bookstore, Campus Planning Development, Extension Division, Public Service, traffic, students, treasurers office, Ernest L. Wilkinson, admissions and records, Alumni Association, assemblies and lyceums, athletics, Audio Visual Center, Chamber of Commerce, LDS Church Financial and Auditing Departments, home study, sabbatical leaves, Special Courses and Conferences, News Bureau, and Credit Union. Bernhard, John T. Correspondence, 1959-1963. 7 volumes . Abstract: Includes correspondence and subject files concerning university administration, admissions and records, AFROTC, Alumni Association, assemblies, Auxiliary Services, biographical information, businesses and companies, BYU committees, church, civil defense, colleges, comptroller, contributions, faculty, federal aid to education, government, institutes, Placement Bureau, policies, public relations, publications, speeches, Student Personnel Services, and other universities. ———. Correspondence and subject files, 1958-1966. 24 boxes (12 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence and subject files concerning university administration, admissions and records, AFROTC, Alumni Association, assemblies, Auxiliary Services, biographical information, businesses and companies, BYU committees, church, civil defense, colleges, comptroller, contributions, faculty, federal aid to education, government, institutes, Placement Bureau, policies, public relations, publications, speeches, Student Personnel Services, and other universities. Berrett, William E. Correspondence, 1951-1966. 18 volumes . Abstract: Correspondence concerns Student Military Relations Committee, faculty, and LDS Institute assistant administrators Alma P. Burton, Boyd K. Packer, and Dale T. Tingey. ———. Oral history interview, Jan. 27, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 69 Abstract: Interview by Thomas E. Cheney with William E. Berrett concerning the history of the LDS Church Education System, particularily the Seminary and Institutes program. Also speaks on the development of religious instruction at BYU, his experiences with Ernest wilkinson, and the development of BYU from 19481971. Also discusses the discontinuance of social units at BYU, the organization of BYU wards, and the establishment of the ROTC program. ———. Records, 1951-1966. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: This collection includes minutes, correspondence, reports, course outlines, newsletters, speeches, pamphlets, lists, recommendations, and Division of Religion faculty applications. Board of Trustee. Correspondence of the Brigham Young University Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees, 1907-1922. 1 folder (44 items) . Call Number: UA 148 Notes: Restricted access; permission required; University Archivist. Abstract: Contains various correspondence from Horace H. Cummings, General Superintendent of LDS Schools, to the Board of Trustees, and President Brimhall. Includes letters concerning theological controversies, the re-establishment of BYU football, information of faculty members, appointments and resignations, tithing of faculty, and other information. Board of Trustees. Executive Committeee minutes, 1875-1985. 62 volumes . Abstract: Minutes of meetings of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees ———. Meeting minutes, 1875-1979. 37 volumes . Call Number: UA 6 Notes: These materials are only available for research with the approval of the Special Collections and Manuscripts Board of Curators. Abstract: Bound holograph meeting minutes of the Board of Trustees of Brigham Young University. These items deal with the administration of BYU. They include information on faculty, finances, athletics, and many other matters relating to that institution. Minutes dated 1952-54 are missing from the collection. Bowie, George H. Files, 1989-1992. 3 cartons . Call Number: UA 832 Abstract: Correspondence, memoranda, financial records, short publications, handbooks, schedules, manuals, outlines, questionnaires, charts, agendas, calendars, news clippings, maps, programs, photographs concerning BYU 1991 Homecoming, and other office files. Also includes alumni board meeting minutes. Brigham Young Academy. Deeds and indentures of the Brigham Young Academy, 1872-1903. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 399 Abstract: Typewritten and photocopied articles of incorporation with amendments, first and second deeds of trust, and a deed of conveyance designating Brigham Young (1801-1877) as owner of a land parcel occupied in part by the Lewis Building. ———. Presidents' Council records, 1898, Nov. 14-1902, May 22. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 194 Abstract: Collection includes original handwritten minutes, bound typewritten transcript of original, and loose leaf pages concerning roll of President's council, faculty, courses taught and hours per week taught. Brigham Young University. Booklet full of facts, figures, and histories of BYU, 1980's. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 760 Abstract: Information and statistics about buildings (including blueprints), athletics, academics, and administration compiled circa 1990. ———. Meeting minutes, 1876-1951. 4 boxes (14 volumes) . Call Number: UA 5 Abstract: Holograph volumes of minutes from faculty, university council and deans' council meetings of Brigham Young Academy and Brigham Young University. These items document issues regarding the administration of that institution. The location of volume number 3 covering the time frame March 1881-Nov. 1883 is unknown. It may have been destroyed in a fire in the Lewis Building. Brimhall, George H. Records, 1904-1921. 45 boxes (22.5 linear ft.) . Notes: Access Restricted. See University Archivist. Abstract: Includes typescript diaries, correspondence, statistics, and financial reports. For papers covering period as acting president, 1893 to 1904, see register to the papers of the resident, Benjamin Cluff. Correspondence includes many letters to and from LDS Church leaders, students, and faculty covering such subjects as the Reed Smoot hearings, recruitment, student attitudes and morals, BYA South American Expedition, purchase and dedication of Temple Hill, establishment of credit hours, statistics on enrollment, finances, the contribution of 500 acres by Jesse Knight, purchase of Y Mountain, church school education fund, theological training in church schools, building contracts, history and statistics of BYU, Agricultural Department, evolution controversy, professional ability of BYU faculty, College Library, LDS Church High School, Athletic Association, Health Services, awarding B.S. and B.A. degrees in Arts and Science, and accreditation and seminary documents. ———. [Reports and statistics of Brigham Young University, ca. 1880-1915]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 205 Abstract: Collection includes several reports from the Office of the President containing basic statistics of enrollment, finances, and procurements. Provides brief historical information regarding the University and its academic and financial achievements. These are state of the campus reports. Not all were generated from the Office of the President. Browne, Arthur D. Papers, 1955-1957. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 180 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence; questionnaires; self-evaluation reports; reports concerning deans, auxiliary servies, and registrar's records; descriptions of job positions; minutes of faculty, Deans' Council, and College of Education meetings; and individual college statistics. Cameron, J. Elliot. Records, 1957-1974. 14 boxes (7 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes, information, reports, memoranda, statements, articles, and news clippings concerning the Administrative Council, ASBYU budget, athletic grade point average, Counseling Center, Deans Council, Dean of Student Staff, discontinuance of students, faculty advisement, Honor Council, Indian Students, security and traffic, student government handbook, student organizations, University Standards, Calendar Committee, College Student Personnel Institute, Returned Missionary Committee, vandalism, sabbaticals, black students, assemblies, scheduling, Student Executive Council, student publications and special student problems. Cluff, Benjamin. Annual report of the principle of the Brigham Young Academy : To the Board of Trustees and Stake Board of Education, for the sixteenth academic year, 1891-92. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 326 Abstract: Includes the president's report of the faculty, students, curricula, facilities, and finances for 1891-1892. Covey, Stephen R. Records, 1965-1970. 14 boxes (7 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence and memoranda concerning Admissions and Records, colleges, faculty, students, Administrative Council, finances, committees, associations, organizations, Auxiliary Services, LDS Church organizations, conferences, research, physical plant, University Relations Department and staff, projects, and prominent visitors. Crockett, Earl C. Records, 1957-1968. 62 boxes (31 linear ft.) and 24 volumes . Abstract: Files from his service as Acting President of BYU and Academic VicePresident, 1957-68. Includes correspondence, memos, and reports made while acting president of BYU concerning such subjects as enrollment, financial aid, devotional and forum assemblies, university colleges and departments, recreational activities, and faculty concerns. Dean of Women. Records and correspondence of Lucile O. Petty, Dean of Women, 1969-1971. 4 boxes (2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 572 Abstract: Includes correspondence and administrative records from the office of the Dean of Women. Deans' Council. Meeting minutes, 1961-1974. 13 volumes . Abstract: Minutes of the meetings of the Deans' Council. Edwards, William F. Correspondence, 1951-1957. 3 volumes . Abstract: Correspondence concerning colleges and departments, Auxiliary Services, Alumni Association, budget, Church Building Committees, campus planning, faculty, Deans Council, insurance lyceums and assemblies, associations and companies, real estate, Student Special Services, Ernest L. Wilkinson, projects, loans, policies, and procedures. ———. Records, 1951-1957. 34 boxes (17 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, memoranda, and reports concerning colleges and departments, Auxiliary Services, Alumni Association, budget, Church Building Committees, campus planning, faculty, Deans Council, insurance lyceums and assemblies, associations and companies, real estate, Student Special Services, Ernest L. Wilkinson, projects, loans, policies, and procedures. Executive Vice President for Auxiliary Services. John B. Stohlton files, 1970-1989. 18 cartons . Call Number: UA 934 Abstract: Administrative files of John B. Stohlton, including some files of his predecessors, W. Rolfe Kerr and Fred A. Schwendiman. Stohlton was appointed as assistant executive vice president for auxiliary services at BYU in January 1984. He was named executive vice president in May 1984, succeeding W. Rolfe Kerr. Files concern student life, special events, housing, food, athletics, committees, university relations, personnel, alumni, and related topics. Includes retained copies of correspondence, 1984-1989. The sequencing of sections of the collection is not strictly chronological. ———. William Rolfe Kerr files, 1976-1983. 5 cartons . Call Number: UA 933 Abstract: Administrative files of W. Rolfe Kerr, executive vice president at BYU, 1980-1984. Includes files relating to athletics; special events; student leadership, clubs, and dress-and-grooming standards; public relations; campus security; Media Services; KBYU (radio and television); and other topics. Includes correspondence, reports, and other information, some predating Kerr's appointment. Financial Vice President. Records and correspondence of Robert J. Smith , 19691983. 50 boxes (25 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 690 Abstract: Records and correspondence of Robert J. Smith during his tenure as Academic Vice-President and Financial Vice-President. Haight, David B. Records, 1966-1971. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Haight had special responsibilities over commercial ventures and real estate. Harris, Franklin Stewart. Records, 1908-1949. 57 boxes (28.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes personal diaries, correspondence, documents, reports, budgets, Alumni Association minutes, financial statements, and texts of addresses given at various occasions concerning such subjects as employment, education, contributions towards erection of the Brimhall Building, teacher's weekly reports, student housing, student suggestions to administration, Utah Valley Hospital, military affairs, Church School Convention bus, printing equipment, Aspen Grove, library, textbooks, finances, scholarships, Leadership Week, summer and extension programs, research plans, commencements, and societies to which Harris belonged. Holland, Jeffrey R. Records, 1980-1989. 207 boxes (103.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1030 Abstract: Correspondence, memoranda, news clippings and other records documenting Holland's tenure as President of Brigham Young University. Jensen, Christen. Papers, 1903-1961. 19 folders . Call Number: UA 96 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, reports, memoranda, minutes, and examinations concerning Brigham Young University transfer credits, awards, faculty meetings, graduate school, Franklin S. Harris, Ernest L. Wilkinson, history, political science, and public administration. ———. Records, 1939-1940 and 1949-1951. 10 boxes (5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, addresses and subject files made while acting president concerning such subjects as university colleges and departments, library, summer school, buildings and grounds, Myron J. Abbey Estate, accidents, Alumni Association, 75th Anniversary, annual reports, campus housing, dedication of Science Building, heating facilities, Leadership Week, student employment, faculty reports, and tuition. Lee, Rex E. Brigham Young University Presidents Records, 1989-1996. 91 boxes (45 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 925 Notes: Presidential Records from Dallin H. Oaks through Merrill J. Bateman (current president) may be accessed only with the permission of the L. Tom Perry Special Collections Board of Curators and the current sitting president of Brigham Young University. Abstract: The collection includes correspondence with university vice presidents and colleges, General Authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, BYU-Hawaii, and others. Major subjects include university relations, admissions and records, athletics, the Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies, the honor and dress codes, and other related issues. Also includes minutes to Board of Trustees meetings. Lewis, Ben E. Correspondence, 1952-1974. 6 volume . Abstract: Correspondence concerning auxiliary operations, committees, construction, finances, housing, improvements, utilities, applications, budgets, Communication Services, Physical Plant, Food Services, University Relations, Treasurer's Office, and Indian Placement. ———. Oral history interview, Oct. 18-Nov. 17, 1994. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 175 Abstract: Interview by Mark Smith with Ben E. Lewis about his experiences at BYU as a student and administrator. Also gives his background working for the Marriott corporation prior to his career at BYU. Talks at length about Ernest Wilkinson and the administration of the University. ———. Records, 1952-1974. 22 boxes (11 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes minutes, reports, bulletins, pamphlets, and correspondence concerning auxiliary operations, committees, construction, finances, housing, improvements, utilities, applications, budgets, Communication Services, Physical Plant, Food Services, University Relations, Treasurer's Office, and Indian Placement. ———. Records, 1971-1973. 52 cartons . Notes: Unprocessed collection. See University Archivist. Abstract: Correspondence and subject files related to Ben E. Lewis' tenure as Vice President of Business Affairs. ———. Records of the Wilkinson Center businesses, 1971-1974. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 737 Abstract: Includes records and correspondence of the BYU bookstore, food services, special events, and Wilkinson Center remodeling. McDonald, Howard Stevenson. Records, 1945-1949. 20 boxes (10 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, personnel files, academic and administrative proposals, minutes of meetings, financial records, subject files, and campus plans concerning such subjects as appointment and inauguration as president, quarter-semester problem, faculty matters, PTA Selective Services classification, student assistants, personnel, Alumni Association, various colleges and departments of the university, Dean of Students, buildings and grounds, Summer School, and Special Services. Nuttal, L. John. Records, 1926-1927. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence and reports made while acting president of BYU concerning such subjects as Association of American Colleges, accreditation, BYU employees, student statistics, student body government, campus buildings, Extension Services, library finances, standards, gifts, scholarships, and student loans. Oaks, Dallin H. Records, 1971-1980. 362 boxes (181 linear ft.) . Abstract: Correspondence, memoranda, reports, news clippings and other records documenting Oaks' tenure as President of Brigham Young University. Office of the President. Correspondence and files of Carolyn J. Rasmus, 1970-1982. 15 boxes (7.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 657 Abstract: Correspondence and files of Carolyn J. Rasmus, Executive Assistant to the President. Peterson, Dean A. Records, 1950s-1970s. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Correspondence and subject files from Dean A. Peterson's service as Adminsitrative Assistant to the President. Sandgren, Clyde D. Correspondence, 1953-1975. 20 volumes . Abstract: Includes correspondence and memoranda concerning Administrative Council, athletics, curriculum, committees, colleges and departments, faculty, students, insurance, investments, Provo City, publications, radio and television, Max Redburn, tax matters, traffic, construction companies, married students' housing, loans, Iran Point Four Program, tuition, leases, fringe benefits, federal aid to education, Keifer B. Sauls, Bassett School District, accreditation, Board of Trustees, wages, administration, and civil rights. ———. Records, 1953-1975. 149 boxes (74.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, contracts, newspaper clippings, and memoranda concerning Administrative Council, athletics, curriculum, committees, colleges and departments, faculty, students, insurance, investments, Provo City, publications, radio and television, Max Redburn, tax matters, traffic, construction companies, married students' housing, loans, Iran Point Four Program, tuition, leases, fringe benefits, federal aid to education, Keifer B. Sauls, Bassett School District, accreditation, Board of Trustees, wages, administration, and civil rights. Sauls, Kiefer B. Oral history interview, June 6, 7, 26th, 1979. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 41 Abstract: Interview by Mark K. Allen with Kiefer Sauls, BYU treasurer, purchasing agent and secretary to three presidents. Topics cover his association with BYU in those capacities over a 51 year period, childhood reminiscences and family data. ———. Oral interview, 1975. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 144 Abstract: Sauls tells about coming to Brigham Young University as a student in 1911 and his employment by that institution from 1920-1972. He presents many personal observations on the growth of BYU and how it was administered during the terms of various presidents. Siddoway, William R. Correspondence, 1955-1966. 4 volumes . Abstract: Correspondence and memoranda of William R. Siddoway during his tenure as Dean of Admissions and Records. Taylor, Harvey L. Correspondence, 1953-1964. 24 volumes . Abstract: Correspondence concerning accreditation, Administrative Council, admissions and records, advisement program, colleges and departments, committees, associations, budget, building programs, Deans' Council, Deseret News, funds, employees, evaluation, faculty, pageants, Physical Plant, presidential reports, public relations, students, and Student Personnel Services. ———. Oral history interview, Feb 12, 1979. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 52 Abstract: Interview by Celestia Taylor with Harvey Taylor, concerning his work as a BYU Vice President, LDS Church Schools administrator, and family information. ———. Records, 1953-1964. 46 boxes (23 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence concerning accreditation, Administrative Council, admissions and records, advisement program, colleges and departments, committees, associations, budget, building programs, Deans' Council, Deseret News, funds, employees, evaluation, faculty, pageants, Physical Plant, presidential reports, public relations, students, and Student Personnel Services. Thomas, Robert K. Records, 1968-1974. 56 boxes (28 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence concerning accreditation, Administrative Council, colleges and departments, committees, divisions and schools, faculty, foundations and scholarships, Mormon studies, university presidents, deans of colleges, and administrative directors. Also includes individual academic unit reports. Tingey, Dale T. Correspondence, 1962-1964. 5 volumes . Abstract: Correspondence written while Tingey served as Assistant to William E. Berrett. Vernon, Leo P. Records, 1970-1979. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes of staff meetings, and information concerning Task Force on Reporting and Evaluation Procedures, research committee meetings, and a research corporation. Waite, W. Noble. Records, 1957-1959. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports and brochures concerning the Destiny Fund. Wilkinson, Ernest L. Personal papers, 1917-1978. 300 boxes (155 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1000 Notes: This collection is open to the public with the following exceptions: Boxes 7374, 248-53, 257 (fd. 7), and 258-260 are restricted subject to approval from the President of Brigham Young University; Boxes 256 (fd. 2-3) and 271-273 are restricted until April 2008. Abstract: The Ernest L. Wilkinson personal papers consist of three series I. Personal Papers (1923-78), II. Corporate Records (1954-78) and III. Oversized Material (1917-75). The Personal Papers series documents Wilkinson's personal and professional life. The Corporate Records series documents his extensive career as president of Brigham Young University. The Oversized Materials series contains scrapbooks kept by Wilkinson as well as three films about his administration. Administrative Assistant Bernhard, John T. Correspondence, 1959-1963. 7 volumes . Abstract: Includes correspondence and subject files concerning university administration, admissions and records, AFROTC, Alumni Association, assemblies, Auxiliary Services, biographical information, businesses and companies, BYU committees, church, civil defense, colleges, comptroller, contributions, faculty, federal aid to education, government, institutes, Placement Bureau, policies, public relations, publications, speeches, Student Personnel Services, and other universities. Peterson, Dean A. Records, 1950s-1970s. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Correspondence and subject files from Dean A. Peterson's service as Adminsitrative Assistant to the President. Administrative Council Bernhard, John T. Correspondence and subject files, 1958-1966. 24 boxes (12 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence and subject files concerning university administration, admissions and records, AFROTC, Alumni Association, assemblies, Auxiliary Services, biographical information, businesses and companies, BYU committees, church, civil defense, colleges, comptroller, contributions, faculty, federal aid to education, government, institutes, Placement Bureau, policies, public relations, publications, speeches, Student Personnel Services, and other universities. Brigham Young Academy. Academic Council records, 1886, August. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 227 Abstract: Collection includes minutes of meetings and proceedings concerning academy problems in purchasing, hiring, and student discipline. Cameron, J. Elliot. Records, 1957-1974. 14 boxes (7 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes, information, reports, memoranda, statements, articles, and news clippings concerning the Administrative Council, ASBYU budget, athletic grade point average, Counseling Center, Deans Council, Dean of Student Staff, discontinuance of students, faculty advisement, Honor Council, Indian Students, security and traffic, student government handbook, student organizations, University Standards, Calendar Committee, College Student Personnel Institute, Returned Missionary Committee, vandalism, sabbaticals, black students, assemblies, scheduling, Student Executive Council, student publications and special student problems. Covey, Stephen R. Records, 1965-1970. 14 boxes (7 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence and memoranda concerning Admissions and Records, colleges, faculty, students, Administrative Council, finances, committees, associations, organizations, Auxiliary Services, LDS Church organizations, conferences, research, physical plant, University Relations Department and staff, projects, and prominent visitors. Lewis, Ben E. Correspondence, 1952-1974. 6 volume . Abstract: Correspondence concerning auxiliary operations, committees, construction, finances, housing, improvements, utilities, applications, budgets, Communication Services, Physical Plant, Food Services, University Relations, Treasurer's Office, and Indian Placement. ———. Records, 1952-1974. 22 boxes (11 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes minutes, reports, bulletins, pamphlets, and correspondence concerning auxiliary operations, committees, construction, finances, housing, improvements, utilities, applications, budgets, Communication Services, Physical Plant, Food Services, University Relations, Treasurer's Office, and Indian Placement. Taylor, Harvey L. Records, 1953-1964. 46 boxes (23 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence concerning accreditation, Administrative Council, admissions and records, advisement program, colleges and departments, committees, associations, budget, building programs, Deans' Council, Deseret News, funds, employees, evaluation, faculty, pageants, Physical Plant, presidential reports, public relations, students, and Student Personnel Services. Thomas, Robert K. Records, 1968-1974. 56 boxes (28 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence concerning accreditation, Administrative Council, colleges and departments, committees, divisions and schools, faculty, foundations and scholarships, Mormon studies, university presidents, deans of colleges, and administrative directors. Also includes individual academic unit reports. Waite, W. Noble. Records, 1957-1959. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports and brochures concerning the Destiny Fund. Wolsey, Heber G. Records, 1965-1972. 24 boxes (12 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence concerning policies and procedures of the Board of Trustees, colleges and departments, committees, research, Auxiliary Services, Church School System, Public Relations, office of university programs, University Relations, students, and Communication Services. Administrative Vice President Administrative Vice President. Dee Anderson administrative files, 1986-1993. 24 boxes (12 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 993 Abstract: This collection contains the administrative files, subject files, correspondence, and financial papers originating in the office of Dee Anderson while serving as Administrative Vice-President at Brigham Young University. ———. Files of Fred A. Schwendiman, 1952-1971. 10 microfilm reels . Call Number: UA 615 Abstract: Contains the records and correspondence of Fred Schwendiman, whose responsibilities included planning and construction, student housing, food services, auxiliary services, laundry, purchasing, warehousing, property management, bookstore, farm properties. ———. Records and correspondence of Fred Schwendiman, 1951-1978. Call Number: UA 698 Abstract: Records and correspondence of Fred Schwendiman during his tenure as Assistant Business Vice-President, and Assistant Vice-President--Physical Plant. ———. Records of Jae R. Ballif, 1980-1989. 37 boxes (18.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 681 Notes: Restricted access; Permission required; University Archivist Abstract: This collection contains material from Ballif acting as both Administrative vice-President, and Provost. Financial Vice President. Records and correspondence of Robert J. Smith , 19691983. 50 boxes (25 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 690 Abstract: Records and correspondence of Robert J. Smith during his tenure as Academic Vice-President and Financial Vice-President. Taylor, Harvey L. Correspondence, 1953-1964. 24 volumes . Abstract: Correspondence concerning accreditation, Administrative Council, admissions and records, advisement program, colleges and departments, committees, associations, budget, building programs, Deans' Council, Deseret News, funds, employees, evaluation, faculty, pageants, Physical Plant, presidential reports, public relations, students, and Student Personnel Services. ———. Records, 1953-1964. 46 boxes (23 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence concerning accreditation, Administrative Council, admissions and records, advisement program, colleges and departments, committees, associations, budget, building programs, Deans' Council, Deseret News, funds, employees, evaluation, faculty, pageants, Physical Plant, presidential reports, public relations, students, and Student Personnel Services. Admission Admissions and Records Office. Grade charts, 1939-1940. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 396 Abstract: Freshman grade point average charts. ———. Recommendations for transfer students, n. d. 1 folder (2 items) . Call Number: UA 159 Abstract: Collection includes recommendations for prospective transfer students concerning courses transferable to Brigham Young University, and a correction sheet for the recommendations. ———. Records, 1953-1957. 1 folder (21 items) . Call Number: UA 128 Abstract: Includes minutes, reports and memorandum of the Admissions Policies Committee concerning unmatriculated students, grade point averages, credits, transfer students, counseling and testing. Brigham Young University. Counselor's guide to Brigham Young University, 1967. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 72 Abstract: Gives guidance on preparing students to attend Brigham Young University. Lloyd, Wesley P. Records, 1946-1960. 17 boxes (8.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 183 Abstract: Collections includes correspondence, minutes, memoranda, pamphlets, reports, publications, and agendas concerning admissions and credits, assemblies, athletics and the athletic council, discontinuance of students, orientation, attendance and scholarship, budget, buildings and groungs, counseling services, food service, foreign students, health services, Honor code, housing, Indian students, personnel services, public relations, scheduling, scholarships, security, registration, statistics, veterans affairs, and "Y" day. Maeser, Karl Gilbert. Petition for advanced credit, 1909. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 340 Abstract: Includes a petition for advanced credit at BYU. Also includes a list of classes and credit hours from the Murdoch Academy. Murdoch Academy. Records, 1922-1923. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 152 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence between Murdock Academy and Brigham Young University concerning credit transfers and evaluations. Registrar's Office. Correspondence, 1931-1953. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 485 Abstract: Includes letters of appreciation to John Hayes, Registrar, from various individuals, ASBYU officers and university officials. ———. Receipt and admission cards, 1915-1921. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 469 Abstract: Receipt and admission cards. ———. Records, 1904-1916. 1 folder (82 items) . Call Number: UA 175 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, report cards and transcripts of credits from high school and college students. ———. Records, 1922-1925, 1971-1973. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 116 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence concerning credit evaluations, transfers and course descriptions. Testing and Counseling Service. Records, 1939-1949. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 83 Abstract: Collection includes tests administered to freshmen upon entrance into Brigham Young University, information concerning faculty advisors, Thurston psychological examination and scores, literary comprehension scores, English placement scores, and natural science scores. ———. Records, 1946-1963. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 540 Abstract: Includes correspondence, GED results, reports on tests, and processed answer sheets. Admissions and Records Office Admissions and Records Office. Commencement speakers, 1918-1995. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 50 Abstract: Chronological list of commencement speakers. ———. Cumulative enrollment according to stakes and missions, 1953. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 318 Abstract: Student enrollment broken out according to stakes and missions. ———. Department files, 1968-1980. 25 boxes (12.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: PM 23 Abstract: Minutes of meetings, brochures about admission, college advisement centers, and a department history. ———. Grade charts, 1939-1940. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 396 Abstract: Freshman grade point average charts. ———. Recommendations for transfer students, n. d. 1 folder (2 items) . Call Number: UA 159 Abstract: Collection includes recommendations for prospective transfer students concerning courses transferable to Brigham Young University, and a correction sheet for the recommendations. ———. Records, 1922-1962. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 60 Abstract: Collection includes a record of the distribution of grades given by Brigham Young University teachers (1922-1923, 1933-1934, 1936-1937, 1962), keys to student transcripts, and data concerning various changes in semester and quarter hour systems, course division, gradepoint systems, and grading systems. ———. Records, 1953-1957. 1 folder (21 items) . Call Number: UA 128 Abstract: Includes minutes, reports and memorandum of the Admissions Policies Committee concerning unmatriculated students, grade point averages, credits, transfer students, counseling and testing. ———. Records, 1957-1973. 10 boxes (5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 583 Abstract: Records and correspondence from the office of Bruce L. Olsen, director of Admissions and Records, 1957-1973. ———. Returned missionaries in attendance at BYU through the school year 195253. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 334 Abstract: Includes the names and mission of each individual. ———. A Statement of regulations, policies, and procedures, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 431 Abstract: Includes statement of regulations, policies, procedures, functions and relationships of the different divisions of the Admissions and Records Office. Computer Research Center. Flow charts, 1966. 3 items . Call Number: UA 851 Abstract: Charts visually depict the conversion of student records, such as admissions, class schedules, registration, grades, rolls, and graduation, from paper systems to automated systems. Siddoway, William R. Correspondence, 1955-1966. 4 volumes . Abstract: Correspondence and memoranda of William R. Siddoway during his tenure as Dean of Admissions and Records. Adult Education and Extension Services Division of Continuing Education. Records, 1921-1977. 180 boxes (90 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 547 Abstract: Contains files of the Deans and Directors. Includes records for Eduction Week, leadership conferences, Travel Study, Home Study, evening classes, Special Courses and Conferences, community education, Salt Lake Center, and a brief history of the Division. Jensen, Christen Mrs. Course outlines, 1924-1928. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 441 Abstract: Includes the outlines of literary lessons used by Mrs. Jensen for BYU Extension courses. Also includes the Story of the Kalevala. University Publications. Correspondence, 1955-1971. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 440 Abstract: Includes correspondence with devotional and forum speakers regarding the publication of their addresses by BYU Extension Services. Advancement Vice President Advancement Vice President. Ronald G. Hyde files, 1985-1993. 31 boxes (15.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 927 Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, and subject files for Ronald G. Hyde during his service in the following capacities at BYU: assistant to the president for University Relations, 1985-1989; executive assistant to the president, 1989-1990; executive assistant to the president for development and university relations, 19901992; and advancement vice president, 1992-1994. Topics include BYU athletics, service and seminar organizations, the Alumni Association, campus colleges and departments, assemblies, devotionals, firesides, workshops, and other administrative concerns. Alice Louise Reynolds Club Alice Louise Reynolds Club. Records, 1932-1977. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 465 Abstract: Includes minutes, correspondence, scrapbooks, programs, financial reports, and study courses of various chapters. Also includes newsclippings, tributes, an autobiography, and correspondence concerning Reynolds, and records of a project for a room in the library in remembrance of Reynolds. Alice Louise Reynolds Library Alice Louise Reynolds Library. Accession book. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 437 Abstract: Accession record listing the titles of books donated or purchased through the efforts of Alice Louise Reynolds. Includes an extract from the Library Committee minutes explaining the genesis of the collection. Allen, James B. Allen, James B. Oral history, 1988-1989. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 157 Abstract: Allen describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department, discusses different aspects of his career, and describes his contributions to the History Department and the University. Allen, Mark K. Allen, Mark K. Oral history interview, Aug. 4, 1978. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 59 Abstract: Contains an interview moderated by Golden H. Brimhall with Mark K. Allen, Golden H. Brimhall, Wilma Boyle Bunker, Walter Buss, Richard Clark, Fern Eyring Fletcher, Harvey Fletcher, Fred Hinkley, Robert Hinkley Jr., Ruth L. Partridge, Wayne N. Smart, William Snow Jr., Irene Osmond Spears and Lynn Wakefield. Topics include the posterity of early BYU faculty members, concerns of BYA and BYU. Includes reminiscences and personal experiences, particularily in regard to their perspective parents who all taught at BYU and BYA. ———. Oral history interview, March 22, 1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 128 Abstract: Interview by Karl Young with Mark K. Allen concerning his early life, family, grandfather, time as a student at BYU, education, and experiences at BYU as a professor and counselor. ———. Papers, 1929-1976. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 585 Abstract: Mark K. Allen was Chairman of the Department of Psychology, 19551961. This collection includes various materials created while he was a teacher and administrator. Also includes personal papers concerning biographical matters and professional associations. Allen, Robert E. Allen, Robert E. Papers, 1936. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 260 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence concerning the Blue Bench Irrigation District No. 1 Project and the activities of the Bureau of Reclamation. Alley, Stephen L. Alley, Stephen L. Oral history interview, Aug. 2, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 23 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Stephen L. Alley, BYU professor, concerning his experiences as a member of the BYU College of Education since 1965. Allred, Berna B. Allred, Berna B. Oral history interview, March 22, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 103 Abstract: Interview by Kim Jensen with Berna Allred, secretary, discussing her family background, education, career, marriage, children, and her attitudes concerning the feminist movement. Allred, J. Urban Allred, J. Urban. Papers, 1894-1898. 1 folder (8 items) . Call Number: UA 145 Abstract: Collection includes typewritten extractions from his diary, as compiled by his children, concerning his ancestry, student activities, lectures given by faculty members and Latter-day Saint Church leaders, and the founding of Lehi, Utah. Alpha Kappa Psi Alpha Kappa Psi. Beta Delta Chapter (Brigham Young University) publications, 1928-1936. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 432 Abstract: Includes a history of the chapter of the student fraternity and alumni bulletins concerning news of members and activities of the chapter. ———. Beta Delta Chapter (Brigham Young University) survey of student expenditures in Provo, Utah, 1937-1938. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 47 Abstract: Survey of Brigham Young University students, to determine the amount of money students spend in Provo, instituted by the Associated Students of Brigham Young University. Alpine Summer School College of Biology and Agriculture. Photographs, ca. 1891-1969. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 823 Abstract: All dates in the following description are approximate. Includes views of Brigham Young Academy (BYA) faculty; Alpine summer school botany classes, 1922-1924; Alpine summer school faculty, 1928-1930 and 1941; Lewis building, BYA, 1885; Education building, BYA, 1893; Franklin Stewart Harris; landscape architecture group, 1935; David Starr Jordan Biology Club, 1929-1931; BYU faculty, 1928; Thomas L. Martin; Brimhall Botany Lab, 1936; Brimhall Building, 1940; Clarence Cottam; Raymond B. Farnsworth, 1955-1958; Merrill Hallam, 19581960; Rudger Walker; Lester Allen; Howard C. Stutz; and Kent H. McKnight. Hales, Wayne B. Negatives, ca. 1926-1940. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: MSS 2199 Abstract: Six photograph albums, accompanied by ten boxes of photograph negatives, which document Brigham Young University faculty, students, buildings, and events, including dramatic and musical productions. The images, collected by Hales, were taken by himself, Walter Cottam, and others. Includes images relating to the Alpine Summer School, Mount Timpanogos, Aspen Grove, Utah Lake, and the city of Provo. Individual images are numbered in the first four volumes, and correspond to the numbering of the negatives. The collection does not include negatives for images in volumes five and six. The collection includes some negatives for which there are no corresponding prints. Merrill, Harrison R. Papers, 1924-1929. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 132 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, essays and clippings (photocopies) to and from Merrill concerning his publications in newspapers and periodicals, the Alpine Summer School, Brigham Young University athletics, curricula and religious atmosphere. Wakefield, John Homer. Photographs, 1913-1978. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 948 Abstract: Photographs of various buildings, faculty members, students, and activities of Brigham Young University during the years 1913-1978. Alta Mitra (Brigham Young University) Alta Mitra (Brigham Young University). Account book, 1941-1942. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 408 Abstract: Account book of Alta Mitra, a student social club on BYU campus. Alumni and alumnae Funeral services for Hannah S. Jones, May 4, 19641 volume . Call Number: UA OH 12 Abstract: Includes eulogies delivered by Harold R. Clark and T. Earl Pardoe. Allen, Mark K. Oral history interview, Aug. 4, 1978. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 59 Abstract: Contains an interview moderated by Golden H. Brimhall with Mark K. Allen, Golden H. Brimhall, Wilma Boyle Bunker, Walter Buss, Richard Clark, Fern Eyring Fletcher, Harvey Fletcher, Fred Hinkley, Robert Hinkley Jr., Ruth L. Partridge, Wayne N. Smart, William Snow Jr., Irene Osmond Spears and Lynn Wakefield. Topics include the posterity of early BYU faculty members, concerns of BYA and BYU. Includes reminiscences and personal experiences, particularily in regard to their perspective parents who all taught at BYU and BYA. Alumni Association. Activity files, 1967-1988. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 968 Abstract: This collection includes files and correspondence from the Alumni Association's activities for Founders' Days, homecomings, and reunions. ———. Class reunion projects: individual histories of class members, 1937, 19391941 and 1952. 1 box . Call Number: UA 651 Abstract: These compilations consist of one or two page histories of individual members of various graduating classes at BYU. This is an on-going project sponsored and financed by the Alumni Association. Each book is part of a class reunion project. ———. Deceased alumni files. 64 boxes (32 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 636 Abstract: News clippings and other biographical information (most have an autobiographical sheet) of alumni who have died. ———. Deceased prominent alumni files. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: News clippings and other biographical information (most have an autobiographical sheet) of alumni who have been judged to be “prominent”. ———. Record of life memberships, ca. 1900-ca. 1950. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 975 Abstract: One bound volume listing the life members of the Brigham Young Alumni Association. The memberships appear to have been purchased in the early to midtwentieth century. ———. Records, 1893-1975. 20 boxes (10 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 541 Abstract: Includes constitution, by-laws, and procedures of the Association. Also includes lists of officers, members, and organizations; also records of fund drives, activities and projects. Also includes receipt books, minutes, correspondence, surveys, newsclippings, press releases, and class and club histories. ———. Records, 1905-1922. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 130 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten and typewritten summary lists of donations, endowments and contributions to the Karl G. Maeser Memorial Building exclusive of the property in deed of trust and the appropriations of the trustee-intrust, and a brief financial history of Brigham Young University. ———. These we honor, ca. 1980. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 67 Abstract: Includes names of BYU students and alumni who died during the Korean and Vietnam conflicts. Boberg, Lowell J. Papers, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 272 Abstract: Collection includes a typewritten, edited poem entitled "Memories of a Brigham Young University Alumnus." Brigham Young University. BYU Day planners, 1937-1939. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 54 Abstract: Small day planners sent to BYU graduates. Included are photos of BYU faculty with comments about education. ———. News clippings of the DC-3 plane crash and deaths of BYU Alumni, 1965. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 446 Abstract: Includes news clippings of the Nov. 12, 1965 DC-3 plane crash in which 13 Utahns died on their way to a BYU football game. ———. Single photo file, 1890s-1980s. 25 boxes (12.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 869 Abstract: Contains images of students, faculty, activities, and organizations at Brigham Young University. Includes images of alumni; student officers; Alpine Summer School; assemblies; devotionals; BYU Bookstore; BYU-Hawaii; campus royalty; views of campus, including aerial views; building dedications; cheerleaders and other pep groups; Cosmo, the school mascot; individual colleges; dance groups; live cougars; exhibits; faculty; Board of Trustees; homecoming parades; Leadership Week; Education Week; ROTC; instrumental and vocal performing groups; dramatic productions; school registration; Program Bureau; clubs; debate team; Benjamin Cluff's South American expedition; Timp Hike; and Y-Day. ———. Souvenir Album, 1904. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 40 Abstract: Momento of the twenty-eighth year, containing half tone photographs of the members of the Board of Trustees, most members of the present faculty and a few of the leading graduates, August 1904. Brimhall, George H. Papers, 1925. 2 folders (53 items) . Call Number: UA 206 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten and typewritten correspondence to and from Brimhall and Brigham Young University alumni requesting and concerning reminiscences of experiences at Brigham Young Academy and Brigham Young University. Cougar Club. Historical files, 1964-1989. 19 boxes (9.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1005 Abstract: This collection contains the historical files relating to the activities, growth and day-to-day running of the Cougar Club. It includes administrative files, including correspondence and subject files, files on fund-raising and membership, as well as photos of various athletic events, athletes, and Cougar Club functions. Executive Vice President for Auxiliary Services. John B. Stohlton files, 1970-1989. 18 cartons . Call Number: UA 934 Abstract: Administrative files of John B. Stohlton, including some files of his predecessors, W. Rolfe Kerr and Fred A. Schwendiman. Stohlton was appointed as assistant executive vice president for auxiliary services at BYU in January 1984. He was named executive vice president in May 1984, succeeding W. Rolfe Kerr. Files concern student life, special events, housing, food, athletics, committees, university relations, personnel, alumni, and related topics. Includes retained copies of correspondence, 1984-1989. The sequencing of sections of the collection is not strictly chronological. Fletcher, Harvey. Oral history interview, Sept. 19, 1968. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 6 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Harvey Fletcher, scientist and teacher, concerning his experiences in Provo, Utah, as a graduate student at the University of Chicago, as a teacher at BYU, and as a bishop and stake president in the New York Stake. Harrington, Daniel H. Letter, pamphlet and reminiscence from Daniel Harrington, ca. 1915. 1 folder (3 items) . Call Number: UA 317 Abstract: Includes a published pamphlet which appraises the work of Karl Maeser; a letter to Franklin Harris concerning the Maeser celebration in Provo in 1915; and his personal reminiscences of Provo and the Brigham Young Academy from 18791881. Alumni Association Advancement Vice President. Ronald G. Hyde files, 1985-1993. 31 boxes (15.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 927 Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, and subject files for Ronald G. Hyde during his service in the following capacities at BYU: assistant to the president for University Relations, 1985-1989; executive assistant to the president, 1989-1990; executive assistant to the president for development and university relations, 19901992; and advancement vice president, 1992-1994. Topics include BYU athletics, service and seminar organizations, the Alumni Association, campus colleges and departments, assemblies, devotionals, firesides, workshops, and other administrative concerns. Alumni Association. Activity files, 1967-1988. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 968 Abstract: This collection includes files and correspondence from the Alumni Association's activities for Founders' Days, homecomings, and reunions. ———. Alumni Memories of BYU, 1990. 1 folder (3 items) . Call Number: UA 770 Abstract: Responses sent to Arthur R. Watkins, addressing specific questions about student life at BYU. Respondents were Gwen L. Riches, Francis N. Mortenson, and Mark A. Stahmann. ———. Campus newsletter samples, 1981-1991. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 852 Abstract: Contains outlines concerning department and college responses relating to possible department newsletters and reunions. Includes newsletters from the following BYU organizations: Department of Animal Science, "Roundup," 19891991; Department of Microbiology, "The Micro-Scope," 1990, and "Department of Microbiology Newsletter," Department of Food Science and Nutrition, "FS & N News," 1991; College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences newsletter, "Interact," 1989; School of Social Work, "Update;" Department of Physics and Astronomy, "Toccare," 1990; and Department of Chemistry and Alumni Association, "Chemigram," 1988, 1991. Also includes "Y News," 1990, and alumni directory, "Geoscience," 1981. ———. Class reunion projects: individual histories of class members, 1937, 19391941 and 1952. 1 box . Call Number: UA 651 Abstract: These compilations consist of one or two page histories of individual members of various graduating classes at BYU. This is an on-going project sponsored and financed by the Alumni Association. Each book is part of a class reunion project. ———. Deceased alumni files. 64 boxes (32 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 636 Abstract: News clippings and other biographical information (most have an autobiographical sheet) of alumni who have died. ———. Deceased prominent alumni files. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: News clippings and other biographical information (most have an autobiographical sheet) of alumni who have been judged to be “prominent”. ———. Emeritus Association records, 1941-1991. 2 cartons . Call Number: UA 719 Abstract: Collection includes information on class reunions, slides of BYU activities and sports events, and Emeritus Association meeting minutes. ———. Emeritus Club oral history project records, 1983. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 1001 Abstract: Correspondence and other materials relating to a joint oral history project between the Brigham Young University Archives and the Alumni Association's Emeritus Club. These records are not comprehensive. ———. Historical records, 1937-1987. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1006 Abstract: This collection includes periodicals and records of alumni activities including Homecomings and Founder's Day celebrations. ———. Maeser Memorial Building, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 37 Abstract: This is a brief notation describing the role of the Alumni Association in raising money for the Maeser Memorial Building. ———. Memorial Hall dedication files, 1980-1983. 9 folders . Call Number: UA 797 Abstract: Work files concerning dedication for the Memorial Hall in the Ernest L. Wilkinson Center on the BYU campus, honoring students killed during the Korean and Vietnam wars. Most likely files of dedication director, Joyce Baggerly. Files concern: invitation lists, dedication committee, media coverage, research, Freedoms Foundation award, personal responses to the ceremony, and photographs of the memorial plaques. Also includes a copy of the program and accompanying brochure listing students killed in Korean and Vietnam wars; also a brochure listing students killed in World Wars I and II. The second brochure also lists students who served in World War II who were not killed. A previous ceremony for students killed in World War II was held December 8th, 1967. ———. Record of life memberships, ca. 1900-ca. 1950. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 975 Abstract: One bound volume listing the life members of the Brigham Young Alumni Association. The memberships appear to have been purchased in the early to midtwentieth century. ———. Records, 1893-1975. 20 boxes (10 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 541 Abstract: Includes constitution, by-laws, and procedures of the Association. Also includes lists of officers, members, and organizations; also records of fund drives, activities and projects. Also includes receipt books, minutes, correspondence, surveys, newsclippings, press releases, and class and club histories. ———. Records, 1905-1922. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 130 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten and typewritten summary lists of donations, endowments and contributions to the Karl G. Maeser Memorial Building exclusive of the property in deed of trust and the appropriations of the trustee-intrust, and a brief financial history of Brigham Young University. ———. Records, 1908-1913. 4 folders . Call Number: UA 247 Abstract: Collection includes checks, receipts, promissory notes, correspondence, and various other financial data concerning donations for the construction of the Maeser Memorial building. ———. Records, 1967. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 450 Abstract: Contains information and addresses about Founder's Day at BYU. Also includes two addresses by Harold B. Lee and Karl Maeser. ———. These we honor, ca. 1980. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 67 Abstract: Includes names of BYU students and alumni who died during the Korean and Vietnam conflicts. ———. These we honor: scrapbook, 1983. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 921 Abstract: Contains photographs, programs, and transcripts of speeches given at the dedication of an addition to the Memorial Hall in the Ernest L. Wilkinson Center on the BYU campus, held 11 November 1983, for BYU alumni who died in the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Includes speeches by Stephen L. Barrett, executive director of BYU Alumni Association; Greg Fullmer, president of Associated Students of BYU; Joni Littler, daughter of an honoree; Harry A. Wesche, veteran of the Korea and Vietnam military conflicts; Matthew L. Duffin, son of an honoree; Jeffrey R. Holland, president of BYU; and Marion D. Hanks of the First Quorum of the Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Includes text of dedicatory prayer given by Elder Hanks. Also includes photographs of the Memorial Hall, the BYU Air Force ROTC Student Chorus, ROTC honor guard, Jay C. Hess (returned Vietnam POW), Stephen L. Barrett, Joni Littler, Harry A. Wesche, Matthew L. Duffin, Jeffrey R. Holland, Marion D. Hanks, and W. Evan Bateman. ———. Yes what about the Destiny Fund, ca. 1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 58 Abstract: Pamphlet discusses the Destiny Fund and its purposes. Andrus, J. Roman. J. Roman Andrus oral history interview, Oct. 23, 1980. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 37 Abstract: Interview by Leonard Arrington with J. Roman Andrus concerning his childhood, art education, teaching experiences at BYU, and thoughts on the art world and the destiny of BYU. Bowie, George H. Oral history of the Division of University Relations at Brigham Young University, March 9, 1994. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 174 Abstract: Interview by Mark Smith with George Bowie to chart out and understand the history, development and organization of the division of University Relations. Cullimore, Odessa Allred. Oral history interview, Feb. 12, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 116 Abstract: Interview by Virginia Poulson with Odessa Allred Cullimore concerning her childhood, marriage and family. Speaks on her interest in politics, her election to the state legislature, her involvement with BYU, and Church service. Farrer, James R. Examination papers, 1879-1880. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 600 Abstract: Contains two examination papers and a certificate from the Emeritus Club of the BYU Alumni Association. Johnson, Arlin Rex. Letters, 1922-1930. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 378 Abstract: Includes correspondence to and from Johnson while he was student body president and president of the Alumni Association. Includes correspondence with President Harris, faculty, administrators, and others outside of campus. Speaks on life after leaving BYU. Amanda Knight Hall Physical Plant. Records, 1939. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 444 Abstract: Includes blueprints of Amanda Knight Hall. American Indian Services and Research Center American Indian Services and Research Center. Department Files, 1954-1990. 29 boxes (14.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1011 Abstract: This collection contains the department files of the American Indian Services. Correspondence (1979-1989), Subject Files (1961-1990), Chronological Files (1980-1984), Publications (1972-1987), Photographs, Administrative Files (1973-1985), and Handouts (1954-1988) are included in this collection and are the major series. Anderson, Blaine Anderson, Blaine. Lecture, Aug. 21, 1967. 1 reel to reel tape . Call Number: UA OH 56 Notes: most of the tape is inaudible Abstract: Discussion and casual lecture by Blaine Anderson, BYU Credit Union employee, to the BYU faculty concerning the Credit Union--its purpose and services. Anderson, Harold Anderson, Harold. Oral history interview, Jan. 31, 1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 120 Abstract: Interview by John Quist with Harold Anderson concerning his early life, education at BYU, employment, and subsequent recruitment by President Wilkinson. Largely deals with his role as Director of Planning and Physical Facilities at BYU. Anderson, Helen R. Anderson, Helen R. Oral history interview, March 15, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 91 Abstract: An interview by Roselle Hamblin with Helen Anderson, seamstress, discussing biographical information and attitudes concerning the feminist movement. Andrus, Hyrum Leslie Andrus, Hyrum Leslie. [Transcript of debate between Hyrum Andrus and J.D. Williams, March 30, 1967.]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 438 Abstract: As part of Inquiry Week, Andrus and Williams discussed "Resolved: That Latter-day Saints are bound by historical and theological precedents to support statements by their Prophet on political issues. Andrus, J. Roman Andrus, J. Roman. J. Roman Andrus oral history interview, Oct. 23, 1980. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 37 Abstract: Interview by Leonard Arrington with J. Roman Andrus concerning his childhood, art education, teaching experiences at BYU, and thoughts on the art world and the destiny of BYU. ———. Papers, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 299 Abstract: Includes a brief history of the BYU Art Department. Anniversaries Bowie, George H. Files, 1989-1992. 3 cartons . Call Number: UA 832 Abstract: Correspondence, memoranda, financial records, short publications, handbooks, schedules, manuals, outlines, questionnaires, charts, agendas, calendars, news clippings, maps, programs, photographs concerning BYU 1991 Homecoming, and other office files. Also includes alumni board meeting minutes. Brigham Young University. Diamond Jubilee records, 1950. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 579 Abstract: Includes program of events, general information, texts of addresses, dedication of the Science building, photos of events, congratulatory letters, and newsclippings. ———. Programs, announcements and invitations to Brigham Young Academy and University events, 1878-1935. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 602 Abstract: Includes a student body handbook 1923-1924 and a souvenir program of the dedication of the Brimhall building. Also includes two ribbons commemerating a Maeser reunion (1902) and a First Annual Exhibition day (1911). Also invitations to several graduation and musical events. ———. Records relating to the semi-centennial celebration, 1925. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 321 Abstract: Includes correspondence, press clippings and the official report of the semi-centennial celebration. Also includes a copy of the Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine v. 27, which contains addresses of celebration speakers; and the dedication of the Heber J. Grant Library. ———. Semi-centennial celebration of the Brigham Young University. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 41 Abstract: Includes addresses by Adam S. Bennion, George H. Brimhall, Colonel Willard Young, David J. Wilson, Herbert E. Bolton, Heber J. Grant, Augusta Grant, George Thomas, E.G. Peterson, Richard R. Lyman, C.W. Jensen, W.J. Snow, John A. Widstoe, Lars Eggerstsen, Edwin S. Hinckley, and others. Includes addresses, prayers, dedication of the Heber J. Grant Library, and brief histories of the University and Academy. College of Nursing. 50th Anniversary Celebration records, 2002. 4 folders . Call Number: UA 1028 Abstract: Collection includes materials from the Brigham Young University College of Nursing's 50th Anniversary Celebration in October 2002. Materials include greeting cards with College of Nursing images, a program for the 50th Anniversary Celebration, a video entitled "The Healer's Art" and a print entitled "I would learn the healer's art." Johnson, Arlin Rex. Report of semi-centennial celebration of the founding of Brigham Young University, 1925. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 894 Abstract: Record of events held as part of the semicentennial celebration, compiled by A. Rex Johnson and Melvin C. Miller. Includes transcripts of talks. Also includes a photograph showing people and parade floats in front of the Maeser Building. Speakers included George H. Brimhall, Willard Young, Adam S. Bennion, David J. Wilson, Herbert E. Bolton, Heber J. Grant, Franklin S. Harris, E. G. Peterson, John A. Widtsoe, Richard R. Lyman, and others. Includes a report on the dedication of the Heber J. Grant Library. Arnold, Marilyn Arnold, Marilyn. Records, 1975-1979. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Correspondence and memos produced by Marilyn Arnold, Assistant to the President. Ash, Owen Kenneth Ash, Owen Kenneth. Papers, 1958-1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 138 Abstract: Collection includes a handwritten laboratory notebook concerning bacterial photosynthesis. Aspen Grove Hales, Wayne B. Negatives, ca. 1926-1940. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: MSS 2199 Abstract: Six photograph albums, accompanied by ten boxes of photograph negatives, which document Brigham Young University faculty, students, buildings, and events, including dramatic and musical productions. The images, collected by Hales, were taken by himself, Walter Cottam, and others. Includes images relating to the Alpine Summer School, Mount Timpanogos, Aspen Grove, Utah Lake, and the city of Provo. Individual images are numbered in the first four volumes, and correspond to the numbering of the negatives. The collection does not include negatives for images in volumes five and six. The collection includes some negatives for which there are no corresponding prints. Stewart, John R. Letter to Franklin Harris, 1921. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 254 Abstract: Letter confirming donation of Aspen Grove to BYU from John R. Stewart, Scott P. Stewart, Joseph Nelson, Rose Young Stewart, and Melissa R. Stewart. Assemblies Advancement Vice President. Ronald G. Hyde files, 1985-1993. 31 boxes (15.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 927 Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, and subject files for Ronald G. Hyde during his service in the following capacities at BYU: assistant to the president for University Relations, 1985-1989; executive assistant to the president, 1989-1990; executive assistant to the president for development and university relations, 19901992; and advancement vice president, 1992-1994. Topics include BYU athletics, service and seminar organizations, the Alumni Association, campus colleges and departments, assemblies, devotionals, firesides, workshops, and other administrative concerns. Assembly Committee. Minutes and counts of forum and devotional assemblies, 1956-1973. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 475 Abstract: Includes annual reports, statistics, minutes of devotionals and forums; and lists of speakers. ———. Records, 1926-1927. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 18 Abstract: Collection includes reports concerning devotional and assembly addresses and statements of reactions to the addresses. ———. Records, 1952-1953. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 16 Abstract: Collection includes information concerning attendance and agendas for devotional and forum assemblies. Bowen, Albert E. Some obligations of citizenship, 1939. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 103 Abstract: Address given at BYU, June 7, 1939. Brigham Young Academy. Records, 1903-1904. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 357 Abstract: Includes a list of faculty members and minutes of daily devotionals. Brigham Young University. Devotional and fireside speeches of the year, 19511996. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 995 Abstract: This collection contains copies of speeches given at Brigham Young University devotionals and firesides from 1951-1996 and copies of the "Speeches of the Year" booklets. ———. Single photo file, 1890s-1980s. 25 boxes (12.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 869 Abstract: Contains images of students, faculty, activities, and organizations at Brigham Young University. Includes images of alumni; student officers; Alpine Summer School; assemblies; devotionals; BYU Bookstore; BYU-Hawaii; campus royalty; views of campus, including aerial views; building dedications; cheerleaders and other pep groups; Cosmo, the school mascot; individual colleges; dance groups; live cougars; exhibits; faculty; Board of Trustees; homecoming parades; Leadership Week; Education Week; ROTC; instrumental and vocal performing groups; dramatic productions; school registration; Program Bureau; clubs; debate team; Benjamin Cluff's South American expedition; Timp Hike; and Y-Day. ———. Sounds of a century : sound records, 1975. 1 box (.25 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 985 Abstract: These records were compiled by Lorin F. Wheelwright for Brigham Young University's Centennial celebration in 1975 and produced by BYU Sound Services. Fifty-five memorable excerpts from BYU forums, assemblies, and devotionals. Also contains memorable music from campus festivities and concerts. ———. Speakers and performers, 1901-1945. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 94 Abstract: Includes a list of forum and lyceum participants for the years 1901-1945. ———. University-related audio-visual material, 1957-1989. 11 cartons . Call Number: UA 996 Abstract: This artificial collection includes video tapes from sporting events, cassette tapes of lecture series and other speeches, as well as film from other university events such as the Women's Science Workshop and university forums. Crockett, Earl C. Records, 1957-1968. 62 boxes (31 linear ft.) and 24 volumes . Abstract: Files from his service as Acting President of BYU and Academic VicePresident, 1957-68. Includes correspondence, memos, and reports made while acting president of BYU concerning such subjects as enrollment, financial aid, devotional and forum assemblies, university colleges and departments, recreational activities, and faculty concerns. Guest Speakers on Campus Committee. Correspondence and records, 1965-1974. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 708 Abstract: Collection documents the activities of the Guest Speakers on Campus Committee and the decisions that they made about who to invite to campus. Holt, Edward H. Papers, 1899-1938. 1 box . Call Number: UA 250 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence regarding admission to Brigham Young Academy, theology class assignments, petitions, essays, talks by Lorenzo Snow and George Q. Cannon, papers regarding credit, advanced standing, student clubs, and miscellaneous correspondence and reports from Holt's files. Office of Information Technology. Audiovisual collection, 1978-2000. 11 cartons . Call Number: UA 951 Abstract: Audio and video footage of annual university conferences, forum lectures, dramatic productions, building dedications, firesides, symposia, and other events. Includes materials in following formats: VHS, DVC, CD, 3/4 in. tape, Betacam SP, Hi8, Video 8, mini DV, audiocassette, DVC Pro, and 8 mm. Potok, Chaim. Address, 9 Dec. 1982. 4 items . Call Number: UA 861 Abstract: Contains reel-to-reel recording of Chaim Potok address at Brigham Young University and subsequent question-and-answer session. Also includes audiocassette duplicate. Smoot, Reed. Papers, 1930, 1932. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 290 Abstract: Collection includes a typewritten assembly addresses and a typewritten Founder's Day assembly address. Thatcher, Margaret. Forum address, 1996. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 863 Abstract: Contains text of her address, "The moral challenges for the next century," given at Brigham Young University, and a special convocation where BYU presented her with an honorary doctorate degree. University Archives. Video and audio tapes held by the BYU Archives, 1949-. 14 cartons . Call Number: UA 720 Abstract: These are audio and visual tapes sent to the Archives by various departments on campus. Many have come from the Motion Picture Studios. The collection varies in content. There are sports films, talks by General Authorities and BYU Presidents, music productions, ground-breakings, University conferences, etc. University Publications. Correspondence, 1955-1971. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 440 Abstract: Includes correspondence with devotional and forum speakers regarding the publication of their addresses by BYU Extension Services. Assembly Committee Assembly Committee. Minutes and counts of forum and devotional assemblies, 1956-1973. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 475 Abstract: Includes annual reports, statistics, minutes of devotionals and forums; and lists of speakers. ———. Records, 1926-1927. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 18 Abstract: Collection includes reports concerning devotional and assembly addresses and statements of reactions to the addresses. ———. Records, 1952-1953. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 16 Abstract: Collection includes information concerning attendance and agendas for devotional and forum assemblies. Assistant Academic Vice President Assistant Academic Vice President. Records and correspondence of L. Robert Webb, 1969-1979. 22 boxes (11 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 686 Abstract: Records and correspondence of L. Robert Webb during his tenure as Administrative Assistant to the Academic Vice-Presidents, and Associate Academic Vice-President. Assistant Academic Vice President for Research and Planning Vernon, Leo P. Records, 1970-1979. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes of staff meetings, and information concerning Task Force on Reporting and Evaluation Procedures, research committee meetings, and a research corporation. Assistant Administrative Vice President for Information Systems Assistant Administrative Vice President for Information Systems. Records and correspondence, 1981-1990. 16 boxes (8 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 668 Abstract: Records and correspondence during Lynn McClurg's tenure as University Information Advocate, and Administrative Vice President for Information Systems. Assistant to the President Arnold, Marilyn. Records, 1975-1979. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Correspondence and memos produced by Marilyn Arnold, Assistant to the President. Assistant to the President. Papers of Bruce C. Hafen, 1971-1977. 38 boxes (19 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 735 Notes: Restricted permission required Bruce Hafen or President's office. Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes, contracts, legal case reports, speeches, Bass-Billings research papers, drafts of the Honor Code, materials for religion and law classes, and research materials for the biography of Dallin H. Oaks. ———. Robert F. Driggs correspondence and minutes, 1970-1978. 4 boxes (2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 683 Abstract: While Dr. Driggs also held the positions of Assistant Vice President of Business, and Assistant Executive Vice President, this collection contains only material from his tenure as Administrative Assistant to the President, an office he held from 1977-1979. Some correspondence from his predecessor is also included. Bentley, Joseph T. Correspondence, 1952-1969. 31 volumes . Abstract: Includes correspondence concerning the Administrative Council, budget, bulletins and publications, reports, requests, Church School System, colleges, appointments, contracts, salary information, recruitment, faculty retirement, funds and grants, Board of Trustees meetings, Deans Council, Investment Committee, Missionary Training, BYU New World Archaeology Foundation, Patent Committee, presidency, Staff Personnel, Auxiliary Services, Bookstore, Campus Planning Development, Extension Division, Public Service, traffic, students, treasurers office, Ernest L. Wilkinson, admissions and records, Alumni Association, assemblies and lyceums, athletics, Audio Visual Center, Chamber of Commerce, LDS Church Financial and Auditing Departments, home study, sabbatical leaves, Special Courses and Conferences, News Bureau, and Credit Union. Bernhard, John T. Correspondence and subject files, 1958-1966. 24 boxes (12 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence and subject files concerning university administration, admissions and records, AFROTC, Alumni Association, assemblies, Auxiliary Services, biographical information, businesses and companies, BYU committees, church, civil defense, colleges, comptroller, contributions, faculty, federal aid to education, government, institutes, Placement Bureau, policies, public relations, publications, speeches, Student Personnel Services, and other universities. Cameron, J. Elliot. Records, 1957-1974. 14 boxes (7 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes, information, reports, memoranda, statements, articles, and news clippings concerning the Administrative Council, ASBYU budget, athletic grade point average, Counseling Center, Deans Council, Dean of Student Staff, discontinuance of students, faculty advisement, Honor Council, Indian Students, security and traffic, student government handbook, student organizations, University Standards, Calendar Committee, College Student Personnel Institute, Returned Missionary Committee, vandalism, sabbaticals, black students, assemblies, scheduling, Student Executive Council, student publications and special student problems. Covey, Stephen R. Records, 1965-1970. 14 boxes (7 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence and memoranda concerning Admissions and Records, colleges, faculty, students, Administrative Council, finances, committees, associations, organizations, Auxiliary Services, LDS Church organizations, conferences, research, physical plant, University Relations Department and staff, projects, and prominent visitors. Haight, David B. Records, 1966-1971. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Haight had special responsibilities over commercial ventures and real estate. Waite, W. Noble. Records, 1957-1959. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports and brochures concerning the Destiny Fund. Wolsey, Heber G. Records, 1965-1972. 24 boxes (12 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence concerning policies and procedures of the Board of Trustees, colleges and departments, committees, research, Auxiliary Services, Church School System, Public Relations, office of university programs, University Relations, students, and Communication Services. Assistant Vice President of Religious Education Tingey, Dale T. Correspondence, 1962-1964. 5 volumes . Abstract: Correspondence written while Tingey served as Assistant to William E. Berrett. Associate Academic Vice President Assistant Academic Vice President. Records and correspondence of L. Robert Webb, 1969-1979. 22 boxes (11 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 686 Abstract: Records and correspondence of L. Robert Webb during his tenure as Administrative Assistant to the Academic Vice-Presidents, and Associate Academic Vice-President. Associate Academic Vice President. Correspondence and files of Neal Lambert, 1981-1985. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 655 Abstract: Correspondence and files of Neal Lambert. Lambert was Associate Academic Vice President from 1981-1985. ———. Correspondence and records of William Evenson, 1977-1989. 13 boxes (6.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 678 Notes: Permission required University Archivist. Jerusalem center material is restricted until 2052 or with permission from the L. Tom Perry Board of Curators and the Board of Trustees for the Jerusalem Center of Neear Eastern Studies. Abstract: Correspondence and records of William Evenson while Associate Academic Vice President. Contains a significant amount of Jerusalem Center material. ———. Eliot Butler files, 1973-1989. 15 boxes (7.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 677 Abstract: Files divided into colleges, correspondence, Deans' Council minutes, visiting scholars, and other subject headings of Eliot Butler, Associate Academic Vice President at Brigham Young University, 1980-1989. ———. Records, 1981-1995. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1027 Notes: Vice Presidential Records from Dallin H. Oaks through Merrill J. Bateman (current president) may be accessed only with the permission of the L. Tom Perry Special Collections Board of Curators and the current sitting president of Brigham Young University. Abstract: This collection consists of faculty recruitment files, rank advancement documents, faculty awards, catalog changes, emeritus faculty, and correspondence from the office of the Associate Academic Vice President. ———. Records and correspondence of F. Lamond Tullis, 1980-1987. 13 boxes (6.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 679 Abstract: Dr. Tullis' tenure was from 1985-1989. The correspondence in this collection dates from 1980-1987. Associated Men Students of Brigham Young University Associated Men Students of Brigham Young University. Records and minutes of the Associated Men Students of BYU, 1941-1945. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 376 Abstract: Includes minutes of meetings concerning Y-Day plans, social and activity surveys, tuxedo bureau, rules for song contests, ice carnival, skits, and radio programs. Associated Students of Brigham Young University Andrus, Hyrum Leslie. [Transcript of debate between Hyrum Andrus and J.D. Williams, March 30, 1967.]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 438 Abstract: As part of Inquiry Week, Andrus and Williams discussed "Resolved: That Latter-day Saints are bound by historical and theological precedents to support statements by their Prophet on political issues. Associated Men Students of Brigham Young University. Records and minutes of the Associated Men Students of BYU, 1941-1945. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 376 Abstract: Includes minutes of meetings concerning Y-Day plans, social and activity surveys, tuxedo bureau, rules for song contests, ice carnival, skits, and radio programs. Associated Students of Brigham Young University. Constitution of the Associated Students of Brigham Young University, 1935 and 1962. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 433 Abstract: Includes ASBYU constitutions for 1935 and 1962. ———. The Daily Universe Microform, 1969-. 22 volumes . Call Number: UA 641 Abstract: Daily newspaper published by Brigham Young University. ———. Records, 1912-1916. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 401 Abstract: Includes correspondence, financial reports, athletic information, and a resolution concerning conduct. ———. Records, 1912-1920. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 112 Abstract: Collection includes student body treasurer's reports listing receipts and disbursements for student publications, athletic programs, student fees, drama productions, and supplies. ———. Records, 1918-1919. 2 volumes . Call Number: UA 74 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten lists of Brigham Young University students enlisted in World War I and lists of those killed in action and receiving commendations. One notebook compiled by Alice Reynolds. ———. Records, 1942-1943, 1947-1949. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 287 Abstract: Collection includes weekly calendars of events. ———. Records, 1953-1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 489 Abstract: Includes reports compiled by the ASBYU business manager Fred Money concerning finances and 1953 activites. Also includes a leadership conference handbook (1958), and an executive handbook (1959) concerning student government and student organizations. ———. Records, 1956-1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 487 Abstract: Includes reports of Associated Women Students activities such as fashion shows, visiting programs and songfest. Also includes reports of combined AWS and Associated Men Students' activities such as the freshman hike, Christmas drives, and foreign student parties. ———. Records, 1961. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 488 Abstract: Includes the Student Activity Handbook containing policies and procedures in the administration of student government, student organizations, and other student activities. Brigham Young University. Proposal for new student association, 1988. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 1018 Abstract: This proposal relates the reasons behind a student association and then goes into detail concerning the structure and mission of the new student service association that was to be formed. Wilkinson Center Director. Records, 1960-1978. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 732 Abstract: Contains the office records of Lyle Curtis and Curtis Wynder, Director and Assistant Director of the Wilkinson Center respectively. Associated Women Students of Brigham Young University Booth, Lillian C. Associated Women Students of Brigham Young University : report, 1922-1956. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 592 Abstract: This report lists the officers of the Associated Women Students of BYU for the years 1922-1956. ———. Papers, 1947-1958. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 56 Abstract: Collection includes typescripts of job descriptions (some carbon copies and photocopies) for the Counselor of Women (1950, 1953-1955, 1957), annual reports (1945-1957), lists of officers from 1922-1957 of the Associated Women Students of Brigham Young University, a history from 1897-1957 of the Matron, Dean of Women, and Counselor of Women, and records of sample student problems. Association for Asian Studies Association for Asian Studies. Records of the Western Conference of the Association of Asian Studies, 1968-1981, 1974-1981. 2 folders . Call Number: UA SC 18 Abstract: These materials were gathered by Dr. Paul Hyer, who was the Executive Secretary of the Association. These materials represent some correspondence and records of several conferences in which Dr. Hyer was involved. Athletic Advisory Council Athletic Advisory Council. Meeting minutes, 1965-1974. 3 volumes . Abstract: Minutes of the Athletic Advisory Council Athletic Media Relations Athletic Media Relations. Basketball game-day programs, 1970-1998. 3 records center cartons (1 carton duplicates) . Call Number: UA 782 Notes: Unprocessed. See University Archivist. Abstract: Programs include advertisements, player rosters, short biographies and other articles. Some programs are missing. ———. Basketball media guides, 1950-1998. 2 cartons (1 carton duplicates) . Call Number: UA 786 Abstract: Media guides include season schedules; player rosters; season outlooks; profiles of BYU coaches, coaches of opposing teams, players, and other athletic personnel; lists of BYU lettermen; team won-loss records; tournament results; and other statistics. ———. BYU Football Media Guides, 1952-1998. 2 records cartons (1 carton duplicates) . Call Number: UA 785 Notes: Unprocessed. See University Archivist. Abstract: Guides include season schedules; player rosters; season outlooks; profiles of coaches, players, opposing coaches, and other athletic personnel; lists of BYU lettermen; team won-loss records, tournament results, statistics, and bowl histories. ———. Football game-day programs, 1938-1997. 4 records center cartons (1 carton duplicates) . Call Number: UA 778 Notes: Unprocessed. See University Archivist. Abstract: Programs include advertisements, player rosters, statistics, and biographical and other articles, 1938-1977. Some programs are missing. ———. Football player photographs, 1980-1990. 1 box . Call Number: UA 769 Abstract: Photographic images of individual athletes, including some shots taken during games. Most views were taken during the 1980s. Each image is identified. Name lists appear on some of the envelopes in which the photographs are housed. ———. Media guides and related items, 1930-2000 (bulk dates: 1961-1993). 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 669 Abstract: Primarily media guides for men's and women's sports programs at BYU, including baseball, basketball (women's), cross country, golf, gymnastics, soccer, swimming, tennis, track, volleyball, and wrestling. The collection is not comprehensive. Also includes a small number of event programs and recruiting booklets, plus handbooks for intramural sports programs. Media guides were prepared by Athletic Media Relations and its predecessor(s). Athletics Advancement Vice President. Ronald G. Hyde files, 1985-1993. 31 boxes (15.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 927 Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, and subject files for Ronald G. Hyde during his service in the following capacities at BYU: assistant to the president for University Relations, 1985-1989; executive assistant to the president, 1989-1990; executive assistant to the president for development and university relations, 19901992; and advancement vice president, 1992-1994. Topics include BYU athletics, service and seminar organizations, the Alumni Association, campus colleges and departments, assemblies, devotionals, firesides, workshops, and other administrative concerns. Athletic Advisory Council. Meeting minutes, 1965-1974. 3 volumes . Abstract: Minutes of the Athletic Advisory Council Athletic Media Relations. Media guides and related items, 1930-2000 (bulk dates: 1961-1993). 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 669 Abstract: Primarily media guides for men's and women's sports programs at BYU, including baseball, basketball (women's), cross country, golf, gymnastics, soccer, swimming, tennis, track, volleyball, and wrestling. The collection is not comprehensive. Also includes a small number of event programs and recruiting booklets, plus handbooks for intramural sports programs. Media guides were prepared by Athletic Media Relations and its predecessor(s). Bentley, Joseph T. Administrative records, 1952-1969. 158 boxes and 31 volumes (89 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 878 Abstract: Includes files concerning university budget, LDS Church School System, campus colleges and departments, faculty, staff, fund-raising, administrative meetings, students, Treasurer's Office, New World Archaeological Foundation, and athletics. Also includes files relative to Church schools in Mexico and in the Pacific, and some of Bentley's personal files. Includes significant amounts of correspondence with Ernest L. Wilkinson (president of BYU) and others. Board of Trustees. Executive Committee records, 1921-1922. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 256 Notes: Restricted Abstract: Collection includes minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee of the Brigham Young University Board of Trustees. Brigham Young University. Athletic Photographs, 1893-1989. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1029 Abstract: This collection documents photographically a variety of athletic activities that took place at Brigham Young University from 1893 until the end of the 1980s. ———. Booklet full of facts, figures, and histories of BYU, 1980's. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 760 Abstract: Information and statistics about buildings (including blueprints), athletics, academics, and administration compiled circa 1990. ———. Correspondence regarding the University of Washington's refusal to participate in athletics with Brigham Young University, 1970. 2 bound letters . Call Number: UA 976 Abstract: Two bound copies of a letter sent by Dr. John R. Hogness concerning the University of Washington's refusal to participate in athletic competition with Brigham Young University because of racial policies. ———. Photo of a track meet, ca. 1910. 1 oversize box . Call Number: UA 1010 Abstract: The field in this photo was built in 1904 on the site where the present Joseph Smith Memorial Building now stands. It was used for sporting events until April 15, 1932 when it was destroyed by fire. ———. Program of the 40th invitational track and field meet at Brigham Young University, 1953. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 49 Abstract: Program from the 40th invitational track and field meet at Brigham Young University. ———. University-related audio-visual material, 1957-1989. 11 cartons . Call Number: UA 996 Abstract: This artificial collection includes video tapes from sporting events, cassette tapes of lecture series and other speeches, as well as film from other university events such as the Women's Science Workshop and university forums. College of Recreation, Physical and Health Education and Athletics. Intramural activities handbook, 1957-1965. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 59 Abstract: Handbook of intramural activities for men and women. Cougar Club. Historical files, 1964-1989. 19 boxes (9.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1005 Abstract: This collection contains the historical files relating to the activities, growth and day-to-day running of the Cougar Club. It includes administrative files, including correspondence and subject files, files on fund-raising and membership, as well as photos of various athletic events, athletes, and Cougar Club functions. Dept. of Athletics. Football Programs, 1928-1953. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 28 Abstract: Collection includes Brigham Young University football programs with biographical sketches and photographs of head coaches, G. Ott Romney and Edwin R. Kimball, and team members, November 17, 1928 to September 19, 1953. ———. Records, 1923, 1928. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 266 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, lists of donors and ticket holders, and receipts for donations for the construction of the Brigham Young University football stadium. ———. Records, 1942-1943. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 19 Abstract: Collection includes typewritten schedules and biographical sketches of basketball and football team members and coaches. ———. Records of BYU Invitational Track and Field meets, 1936-1960. 4 boxes (2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 443 Abstract: Includes news clippings of track events, official announcements, correspondence, scrapbook memorabilia, and pep club records. Dept. of Physical Education. Making mountains out of molehills, 1988-1990. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 746 Abstract: Includes information about inclusion of the following sports in the extramural program (including dates of initial inclusion): alpine skiing, 1980; fencing 1979; lacrosse, 1968; men's soccer, 1987; nordic skiing, 1980s; power lifting, 1975; racquetball, 1988; rugby, 1986; sofball, 1980; men's volleyball, 1968; water polo, 1988; women's soccer, late 1970s; archery, 1968; badminton, 1954 (discontinued in 1982); and ice hockey, late 1970s (discontinued in 1984). Dixon, Fred. Oral history interview, Jan. 16, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 61 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo J. Morley with Fred "Buck" Dixon concerning his experiences with BYU athletics and other BYU activities and interests. Includes brief comments about his early life and his family. Executive Vice President for Auxiliary Services. John B. Stohlton files, 1970-1989. 18 cartons . Call Number: UA 934 Abstract: Administrative files of John B. Stohlton, including some files of his predecessors, W. Rolfe Kerr and Fred A. Schwendiman. Stohlton was appointed as assistant executive vice president for auxiliary services at BYU in January 1984. He was named executive vice president in May 1984, succeeding W. Rolfe Kerr. Files concern student life, special events, housing, food, athletics, committees, university relations, personnel, alumni, and related topics. Includes retained copies of correspondence, 1984-1989. The sequencing of sections of the collection is not strictly chronological. ———. William Rolfe Kerr files, 1976-1983. 5 cartons . Call Number: UA 933 Abstract: Administrative files of W. Rolfe Kerr, executive vice president at BYU, 1980-1984. Includes files relating to athletics; special events; student leadership, clubs, and dress-and-grooming standards; public relations; campus security; Media Services; KBYU (radio and television); and other topics. Includes correspondence, reports, and other information, some predating Kerr's appointment. Hale, K. Lawrence. Brigham Young University basketball and football historical data, 1982-1986. 5 volumes . Call Number: UA 753 Abstract: Two volumes about BYU basketball and three volumes about BYU football, containing information about playing facilities, coaches, athletic conferences, individual players, tournaments, won/loss records against different opponents, yearly won/loss records, and individual game scores. The football volumes also include information about homecoming and bowl games. Lee, Rex E. Brigham Young University Presidents Records, 1989-1996. 91 boxes (45 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 925 Notes: Presidential Records from Dallin H. Oaks through Merrill J. Bateman (current president) may be accessed only with the permission of the L. Tom Perry Special Collections Board of Curators and the current sitting president of Brigham Young University. Abstract: The collection includes correspondence with university vice presidents and colleges, General Authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, BYU-Hawaii, and others. Major subjects include university relations, admissions and records, athletics, the Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies, the honor and dress codes, and other related issues. Also includes minutes to Board of Trustees meetings. Lewis, Ben E. Oral history interview, Oct. 18-Nov. 17, 1994. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 175 Abstract: Interview by Mark Smith with Ben E. Lewis about his experiences at BYU as a student and administrator. Also gives his background working for the Marriott corporation prior to his career at BYU. Talks at length about Ernest Wilkinson and the administration of the University. Merrill, Harrison R. Papers, 1924-1929. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 132 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, essays and clippings (photocopies) to and from Merrill concerning his publications in newspapers and periodicals, the Alpine Summer School, Brigham Young University athletics, curricula and religious atmosphere. Millet, W. Floyd. Oral history, 1992. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 172 Abstract: Millet tells about attending Brigham Young University and about his career teaching there. ———. Oral history interview, Feb. 1, 1979. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 31 Abstract: Interview by Edwin R. Kimball with Floyd W. Millet concerning his experiences playing basketball at Gila Junior College and BYU, and his later experiences as a coach at Davis High School and BYU. Mountain States Intercollegiate Athletic Conference. Program for the Mountain States Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Track and Field Meet, 1940. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 27 Abstract: The meet was held in the University of Utah Stadium on May 24 and 25, 1940. The Mountain States Intercollegiate Athletic Conference consisted of Colorado University, Colorado State A.C., Denver University, Wyoming University, Brigham Young University, Utah State Agricultural College, and the University of Utah. Photo Studio. Negative files, 1950-1970. 78 boxes (39 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 865 Abstract: Produced by Photo Studio staff photographers of campus activities, scenes, BYU athletes and some family portraits. Richards, Alma W. Papers, 1919-1972. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 310 Abstract: Includes correspondence, news clippings, scrapbooks, certificates and photos of Richards' athletic career. Roberts, Eugene L. Papers, 1912-1972. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 562 Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, a thesis and practicum manuscripts about Roberts, and research materials for "History of BYU Physical Education, Sports, and Athletics, 1875-1901." Also includes printed programs, newsclippings, songs and poetry concerning the Timpanogos hike. Rocky Mountain Faculty Athletic Conference. Minutes, 1919-1937. 3 folders . Call Number: UA 113 Abstract: Includes meeting minutes of the Rocky Mountain Faculty Athletic Conference. Also includes a petition for the reestablishment of football at BYU for 1919. Schulthess, David A. Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 319 Abstract: Contains an article about BYU written by Dave Schulthess for Coach and Athlete. Schulthess was the BYU Sports Information Director. ———. Oral history, 1992. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 166 Abstract: Schulthess talks about his thirty-seven year career as Sports Information Director, including details of racial problems in the sports program, the role of sports in society, and some of his relationships with head figures at Brigham Young University. Shim, Bok Suk. Getting to know Korean running : Western viewpoint of Korean running and my track activities at Brigham Young University in the United States. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 33 Abstract: Senior research paper dedicated to coach Clarence F. Robinson (USA) and coach Key Chung Son (Korea). Sports Information. Publicity information, 1953-1986. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 740 Abstract: Contains media and personal information for most of the BYU sports and athletes, e.g., biographical information, statistics, press releases. etc. Student Life. Records, 1979-1985. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 963 Notes: Public use of this collection is restricted. See University Archivist for details. Abstract: This collection contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, reports, and other information relating to the operation of Student Life. Of particular interest are files on the development of the dress and grooming standards and the athletic ticket policy. University Archives. Video and audio tapes held by the BYU Archives, 1949-. 14 cartons . Call Number: UA 720 Abstract: These are audio and visual tapes sent to the Archives by various departments on campus. Many have come from the Motion Picture Studios. The collection varies in content. There are sports films, talks by General Authorities and BYU Presidents, music productions, ground-breakings, University conferences, etc. University Relations. Ron Hyde files, 1985-1987. 2 cartons (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 738 Abstract: Contains chronological files, July 1985-June 1897; President Holland's mail and correspondence, Jan. 1986-Aug. 1987; Performance Scheduling reports; CASE files; NCAA, sports; and other various files. ———. Scrapbooks, [1979-1981]. 2 volumes . Call Number: UA 836 Abstract: Two volumes relating to Brigham Young University football and basketball. Volume one includes quotes from members of the 1979 football team; images of old Cougar Stadium, the team, and individual players; caricatures and reproductions of photos of coaches LaVell Edwards, Norm Chow, Dick Felt, Garth Hall, Dave Kragthorpe, Mel Jay Olson, Tom Ramage, Doug Scovil, and Fred Whittingham; and newspaper clippings. Volume two includes images of the 198081 BYU basketball team, fans, players, university president Jeffrey R. Holland, and Cosmo (BYU mascot); plus newspaper clippings. ———. Slide collection, 1973. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 13 Abstract: Slides depicting campus scenes, buildings, athletic events, classroom scenes, artistic scenes and some individuals. Utilized in slide presentation for prospective students. Watts, Stanley Howard. Oral history interview, Sept. 26, 1978. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 58 Abstract: Interview by Edwin Kimball with Stan Watts concerning his involvement in sports, while in school and as a professional coach at BYU. Discusses his book about coaching basketball. Audiovisual Services Boyer, Francis. Francis Boyer oral history interview, May 19, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 139 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Francis Boyer concerning his childhood, problems with hearing and sight, education, and subsequent employment director of BYU's Audio-visual services. Auxiliary Services Auxiliary Services. Records, 1958-1978. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 724 Abstract: Includes correspondence and other records related to the functioning of Auxiliary Maintenance. ———. Reports, 1960s. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: PM 25 Abstract: Reports of BYU auxiliaries, the Bookstore, the Wilkinson Center, and the Dairy Farm. ———. Slide collection, 1966. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 15 Abstract: Slides used in a presentation for Auxiliary and Communication Services employee orientation. Ben Lewis served as director. Brigham Young University. Centennial history: Office of the Executive Vice President, ca. 1975. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 82 Abstract: Includes histories of the departments of Purchasing, Student Housing, Food Services, Bookstore, and Auxiliary Services. Awards Brigham Young Academy. Thesis committee recommendations to the faculty of Brigham Young Academy, 1898. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 606 Abstract: Includes thesis committee recommendations on three theses submitted for graduation. Committee consisted of Nels Nelson, Walter Wolfe, and J. Brunsen. Theses submitted by David Prior, J.U. Allred, and S.E. Hinkley. Brigham Young University. Certificates awarded to faculty and students, 18701931. 1 oversize box . Call Number: UA 312 Abstract: Certificates awarded to the faculty and students of both Brigham Young Academy and Brigham Young University. Dept. of Communications. Award night photos, 1979. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 17 Abstract: Photos of Communications Department's award night. Scott, Hollis. Brief synopsis of awarding academic diplomas and degrees at Brigham Young Academy and Brigham Young University from 1876-1919. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 590 Abstract: This is a compilation by Hollis Scott describing the various degrees and diplomas awarded by Brigham Young Academy and Brigham Young University. Thatcher, Margaret. Forum address, 1996. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 863 Abstract: Contains text of her address, "The moral challenges for the next century," given at Brigham Young University, and a special convocation where BYU presented her with an honorary doctorate degree. Theodore Roosevelt Centennial Commission. Theodore Roosevelt Centennial Commission award presented to Brigham Young University, 1959. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 344 Abstract: Includes the award and correspondence about the award. Wahlin, Kate Houtz Groesbeck. Papers, 1880-1883. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 381 Abstract: Includes an album of autographs by class members, friends and teachers; a graduation certificate from the BYU Normal department; two photographs of Kate Wahlin; and a brief autobiographical description by the donor. Bailey, Harold Bailey, Harold. Biography of Nellie Bailey, 1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 23 Abstract: This is a brief biography of Nellie Bailey. Nellie Baley was a member of the Nelke Reading Club, which promoted the compilation of the biographies of its members. Ballif, Ariel S. Ballif, Ariel S. Correspondence, 1950-1956. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 379 Abstract: Correspondence to and from Ariel Baliff, Dean of Summer School, concerning teaching and classes during the Summer terms. ———. History of the Foreign Student Office, ca. 1973. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 44 Abstract: Brief history of the Foreign Student Office Banyan [Brigham Young University] Brigham Young University. Virtual banyan, 1996-1997. 4 items . Call Number: UA 755 Abstract: Four copies of the first BYU yearbook to be produced on CD-ROM. The CD-ROM, produced by "The Daily Universe" and the Intructional Technology Center, can be used with "Windows 95" or "MacOS" computer software. Includes a video clip of Merrill J. Bateman, university president. Also includes photo and text images representing activities of colleges, facilities, and events on campus. The storage-case cover contains an overview of the contents of the disk; credits identifying people who handled various aspects of disk production; instructions for running the CD-ROM program on a computer; and computer system requirements. Each disk is accompanied by a "Virtual Banyan Registration Card." College of Fine Arts and Communications. Deans' office files, 1952-1975. 39 boxes (19.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 567 Abstract: Includes files and correspondence of the administration of the College of Fine Arts and Communication. Includes records of the Mormon Arts Festival, Banyan, Daily Universe, and other facets of the College. Student Publications Office. Records, 1932-1933. 1 folder (13 items) . Call Number: UA 126 Abstract: Collection includes budget reports, bids, audits, contracts and correspondence between Franklin S. Harris (Brigham Young University President, 1921-1945), Ralph W. Jenson (Brigham Young University Banyan editor) and photographers, printers and designers concerning the preparations of the Banyan and the "Y" News. Bascom, Earl W. Bascom, Earl W. Oral history, 1992. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 171 Abstract: Bascom tells about his life in Vernal, Utah and in Alberta. He also talks about his various careers including that of an artist and that of a cowboy. Bascom also comments on various other artists. Basketball Athletic Media Relations. Basketball game-day programs, 1970-1998. 3 records center cartons (1 carton duplicates) . Call Number: UA 782 Notes: Unprocessed. See University Archivist. Abstract: Programs include advertisements, player rosters, short biographies and other articles. Some programs are missing. ———. Basketball media guides, 1950-1998. 2 cartons (1 carton duplicates) . Call Number: UA 786 Abstract: Media guides include season schedules; player rosters; season outlooks; profiles of BYU coaches, coaches of opposing teams, players, and other athletic personnel; lists of BYU lettermen; team won-loss records; tournament results; and other statistics. Dept. of Athletics. Records, 1942-1943. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 19 Abstract: Collection includes typewritten schedules and biographical sketches of basketball and football team members and coaches. Dept. of Physical Education. Records, 1920-1980. 32 boxes (16 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 544 Abstract: Includes correspondence and records from the office of the dean. Also includes records from the various department offices, faculty directories, biographical sketches and newspaper clippings. Hale, K. Lawrence. Brigham Young University basketball and football historical data, 1982-1986. 5 volumes . Call Number: UA 753 Abstract: Two volumes about BYU basketball and three volumes about BYU football, containing information about playing facilities, coaches, athletic conferences, individual players, tournaments, won/loss records against different opponents, yearly won/loss records, and individual game scores. The football volumes also include information about homecoming and bowl games. Millet, W. Floyd. Oral history interview, Feb. 1, 1979. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 31 Abstract: Interview by Edwin R. Kimball with Floyd W. Millet concerning his experiences playing basketball at Gila Junior College and BYU, and his later experiences as a coach at Davis High School and BYU. University Relations. Scrapbooks, [1979-1981]. 2 volumes . Call Number: UA 836 Abstract: Two volumes relating to Brigham Young University football and basketball. Volume one includes quotes from members of the 1979 football team; images of old Cougar Stadium, the team, and individual players; caricatures and reproductions of photos of coaches LaVell Edwards, Norm Chow, Dick Felt, Garth Hall, Dave Kragthorpe, Mel Jay Olson, Tom Ramage, Doug Scovil, and Fred Whittingham; and newspaper clippings. Volume two includes images of the 198081 BYU basketball team, fans, players, university president Jeffrey R. Holland, and Cosmo (BYU mascot); plus newspaper clippings. Watts, Stanley Howard. Oral history interview, Sept. 26, 1978. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 58 Abstract: Interview by Edwin Kimball with Stan Watts concerning his involvement in sports, while in school and as a professional coach at BYU. Discusses his book about coaching basketball. Belarsky, Sidor Belarsky, Sidor. Records, 1930-1980. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 27 Abstract: Collection includes biographical information, newspaper articles, songbooks, personal sheetmusic, letters of appreciation, and recordings (CD). Benefactors Biography of Robert A. Berry1 folder . Call Number: UA 427 Abstract: Berry was an insurance agent who secured a loan for BYU. Clawson, John Willard. Collection, 1938. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 269 Abstract: Collection includes a Bill of Sale concerning the John Willard Clawson Memorial Collection and a typewritten list of 25 drawings and paintings in the collection. Lewis, Ben E. George Barrett, ca. 1993. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 20 Abstract: This is a short biography of George Barrett, who endowed BYU with money for scholarships. Marriott School of Management. External relations files, 1991-1993. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 834 Abstract: Contains fund raising information; committee meeting minutes, 19921993; "1991-1992 Year in Review"; and other papers. Bennett, Richard Edmond Bennett, Richard Edmond. Oral history interview, Jan. 20, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 75 Abstract: Interview by David Whittaker with Richard Bennett, historian, discussing his role and responsibilities relating to the research and writing of the Brigham Young University Centennial History, including opinions on co-workers on the project. Bentley, Joseph T. Bentley, Joseph T. Administrative records, 1952-1969. 158 boxes and 31 volumes (89 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 878 Abstract: Includes files concerning university budget, LDS Church School System, campus colleges and departments, faculty, staff, fund-raising, administrative meetings, students, Treasurer's Office, New World Archaeological Foundation, and athletics. Also includes files relative to Church schools in Mexico and in the Pacific, and some of Bentley's personal files. Includes significant amounts of correspondence with Ernest L. Wilkinson (president of BYU) and others. ———. Correspondence, 1952-1969. 31 volumes . Abstract: Includes correspondence concerning the Administrative Council, budget, bulletins and publications, reports, requests, Church School System, colleges, appointments, contracts, salary information, recruitment, faculty retirement, funds and grants, Board of Trustees meetings, Deans Council, Investment Committee, Missionary Training, BYU New World Archaeology Foundation, Patent Committee, presidency, Staff Personnel, Auxiliary Services, Bookstore, Campus Planning Development, Extension Division, Public Service, traffic, students, treasurers office, Ernest L. Wilkinson, admissions and records, Alumni Association, assemblies and lyceums, athletics, Audio Visual Center, Chamber of Commerce, LDS Church Financial and Auditing Departments, home study, sabbatical leaves, Special Courses and Conferences, News Bureau, and Credit Union. ———. Financial reports of the Alvina Soffel Barrett Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund, 1963-1964. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 505 Abstract: Report compiled by Joseph T. Bentley, comptroller and trustee for Brigham Young University, and Ben Lewis, Financial Vice President. Bernhard, John T. Bernhard, John T. Correspondence, 1959-1963. 7 volumes . Abstract: Includes correspondence and subject files concerning university administration, admissions and records, AFROTC, Alumni Association, assemblies, Auxiliary Services, biographical information, businesses and companies, BYU committees, church, civil defense, colleges, comptroller, contributions, faculty, federal aid to education, government, institutes, Placement Bureau, policies, public relations, publications, speeches, Student Personnel Services, and other universities. ———. Correspondence and subject files, 1958-1966. 24 boxes (12 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence and subject files concerning university administration, admissions and records, AFROTC, Alumni Association, assemblies, Auxiliary Services, biographical information, businesses and companies, BYU committees, church, civil defense, colleges, comptroller, contributions, faculty, federal aid to education, government, institutes, Placement Bureau, policies, public relations, publications, speeches, Student Personnel Services, and other universities. Berrett, William E. Berrett, William E. Correspondence, 1951-1966. 18 volumes . Abstract: Correspondence concerns Student Military Relations Committee, faculty, and LDS Institute assistant administrators Alma P. Burton, Boyd K. Packer, and Dale T. Tingey. ———. Oral history interview, Jan. 27, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 69 Abstract: Interview by Thomas E. Cheney with William E. Berrett concerning the history of the LDS Church Education System, particularily the Seminary and Institutes program. Also speaks on the development of religious instruction at BYU, his experiences with Ernest wilkinson, and the development of BYU from 19481971. Also discusses the discontinuance of social units at BYU, the organization of BYU wards, and the establishment of the ROTC program. ———. Records, 1951-1966. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: This collection includes minutes, correspondence, reports, course outlines, newsletters, speeches, pamphlets, lists, recommendations, and Division of Religion faculty applications. Bissell, Harold Joseph Bissell, Harold Joseph. Oral history interview, Jan. 31, 1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 131 Abstract: Interview by Arthur Chapman with Harold J. Bissell, who recounts his education at BYU and Iowa, and his teaching experiences and thoughts about BYU. Bloxham, V. Ben Bloxham, V. Ben. Oral history interview, March 11, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 109 Abstract: Interview by Robert Psuik with Ben Bloxham, discussing the genesis and development of the Family and Local History program at BYU. Board of Trustee Board of Trustee. Correspondence of the Brigham Young University Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees, 1907-1922. 1 folder (44 items) . Call Number: UA 148 Notes: Restricted access; permission required; University Archivist. Abstract: Contains various correspondence from Horace H. Cummings, General Superintendent of LDS Schools, to the Board of Trustees, and President Brimhall. Includes letters concerning theological controversies, the re-establishment of BYU football, information of faculty members, appointments and resignations, tithing of faculty, and other information. Board of Trustees Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints presidents photographs, 1850-19951 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 945 Abstract: Contains photographs of the presidents of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and members of the Council of the Twelve Apostles and members of the Brigham Young University Board of Trustees. Board of Trustees. Executive Committee records, 1921-1922. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 256 Notes: Restricted Abstract: Collection includes minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee of the Brigham Young University Board of Trustees. ———. Executive Committeee minutes, 1875-1985. 62 volumes . Abstract: Minutes of meetings of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees ———. Incorporation of Brigham Young University, 1949. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 89 Abstract: Collection includes typewritten reproduction of document concerning the incorporation of Brigham Young University, April 29, 1949. ———. Meeting minutes, 1875-1979. 37 volumes . Call Number: UA 6 Notes: These materials are only available for research with the approval of the Special Collections and Manuscripts Board of Curators. Abstract: Bound holograph meeting minutes of the Board of Trustees of Brigham Young University. These items deal with the administration of BYU. They include information on faculty, finances, athletics, and many other matters relating to that institution. Minutes dated 1952-54 are missing from the collection. ———. Records, 1910-1919. 2 folders (186 items) . Call Number: UA 146 Abstract: Collection includes certificates of sale and correspondence to and from Joseph B. Keeler concerning Brigham Young University lands sold to various individuals and the deeding of Brigham Young University lands to the Church of Jesus of Christ of Latter-day Saints. Brigham Young University. Academic standards collection, 1911-1912, 1916-1917, 1920. 1 folder (20 items) . Call Number: UA 168 Abstract: Collection includes poems written by students, faculty term reports, minutes of the Board of Trustees, real estate, academic standing of students and faculty salaries. ———. Board of Trustees photographs, 1875-1975. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 830 Abstract: Contains thirty-nine black-and-white photographs of presidents of the Board of Trustees of Brigham Young Academy and University; also photographs of chairmen of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of BYU. Last folder includes a photograph of Karl G. Maeser's wife, Anna. ———. Board of Trustees photographs, 1978-1981. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 772 Abstract: Photographs and photograph negatives of members of the Brigham Young University Board of Trustees, who were also General Authorities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Includes images of M. Russell Ballard, William R. Bradford, Bernard P. Brockbank, Robert L. Backman, Teddy E. Brewerton, Gene R. Cook, J. Richard Clarke, John K. Carmack, Jacob de Jager, Royden G. Derrick, James E. Faust, Vaughn J. Featherstone, J. Thomas Fyans, Jack H. Goaslind Jr., Robert B. Harbertson, Yoshihiko Kikuchi, Hugh W. Pinnock, H. Burke Peterson, Ronald E. Poelman, Joseph Anderson, Rex C. Reeve Sr., Richard G. Scott, and Robert E. Wells. ———. Campus photographs, ca. 1880-1958. 4 boxes (2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 919 Abstract: Originally bound in four volumes, images show BYU buildings, students, faculty, trustees, and campus life. The volume dealing with students was compiled by Mrs. Fletcher Eyring. Sources for the images include campus yearbooks and Wayne B. Hales. Includes views of Aspen Grove, the Alpine Summer School, and the Timpanogos Hike. Some images are original prints, others are reprints, and still others are from yearbooks and other published sources. ———. Changes in personnel of Board of Trustees, 1939. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 38 Abstract: This briefly describes the appointments to the Brigham Young University Board of Trustees in 1939. ———. Souvenir Album, 1904. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 40 Abstract: Momento of the twenty-eighth year, containing half tone photographs of the members of the Board of Trustees, most members of the present faculty and a few of the leading graduates, August 1904. Financial Services. Records, 1911-1922. 1 folder (47 items) . Call Number: UA 149 Abstract: Collection includes annual financial reports and estimates of expenses including teachers' salaries and departmental budgets, real estate sales, statements from Knight Trust and Savings Bank, and correspondence concerning financial affairs between the Office of the President of Brigham Young University, the Brigham Young University Board of Trustees and the LDS Church Commission of Education. University Archives. Faculty biographical files, [ca. 1900-2000]. 197 boxes (98.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 909 Abstract: Contains biographical information on members of the BYU faculty, administration, and Board of Trustees. Various files contain information on the subjects' professional, civic, family, and church activities. Some files include newspaper and magazine articles, and talks. The files are arranged alphabetically. A small section of biographical information on BYU staff, also arranged alphabetically, is included near the end of the collection; as are booklets prepared for annual faculty workshops, 1952-1971, which include pictures and thumbnail sketches of new and returning faculty members. Most of the information in the collection predates 1990. Boberg, Lowell J. Boberg, Lowell J. Papers, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 272 Abstract: Collection includes a typewritten, edited poem entitled "Memories of a Brigham Young University Alumnus." Boel, Joseph M. Boel, Joseph M. Papers, 1946-1962. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 498 Abstract: Includes correspondence and papers pertaining to journalism and news photography, with copies of the Intermountain Journalism Bulletin, and Nieman Reports. Bookstore Brigham Young University. Centennial history: Office of the Executive Vice President, ca. 1975. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 82 Abstract: Includes histories of the departments of Purchasing, Student Housing, Food Services, Bookstore, and Auxiliary Services. Booth, John Edge Brockbank, Elsie Booth. Oral history interview, July 26, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 51 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Elsie B. Brockbank, daughter of John Edge Booth, regarding her father, his marriages, law career, and family associations with Heber J. Grant and Susa Y. Gates. Booth, Lillian C. Booth, Lillian C. Associated Women Students of Brigham Young University : report, 1922-1956. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 592 Abstract: This report lists the officers of the Associated Women Students of BYU for the years 1922-1956. ———. Papers, 1947-1958. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 56 Abstract: Collection includes typescripts of job descriptions (some carbon copies and photocopies) for the Counselor of Women (1950, 1953-1955, 1957), annual reports (1945-1957), lists of officers from 1922-1957 of the Associated Women Students of Brigham Young University, a history from 1897-1957 of the Matron, Dean of Women, and Counselor of Women, and records of sample student problems. Bowen, Albert E. Bowen, Albert E. Some obligations of citizenship, 1939. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 103 Abstract: Address given at BYU, June 7, 1939. Bowie, George H. Bowie, George H. Files, 1989-1992. 3 cartons . Call Number: UA 832 Abstract: Correspondence, memoranda, financial records, short publications, handbooks, schedules, manuals, outlines, questionnaires, charts, agendas, calendars, news clippings, maps, programs, photographs concerning BYU 1991 Homecoming, and other office files. Also includes alumni board meeting minutes. ———. Oral history of the Division of University Relations at Brigham Young University, March 9, 1994. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 174 Abstract: Interview by Mark Smith with George Bowie to chart out and understand the history, development and organization of the division of University Relations. Boyer, Francis Boyer, Francis. Francis Boyer oral history interview, May 19, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 139 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Francis Boyer concerning his childhood, problems with hearing and sight, education, and subsequent employment director of BYU's Audio-visual services. Boyle, William H. Boyle, William H. Reminiscences, 1946. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 163 Abstract: Boyle describes his childhood, his educational background, his professional affiliation with Brigham Young University, and his spiritual experiences. Bradley, Cleo Bradley, Cleo. Oral history interview, March 4, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 102 Abstract: Interview by Janet Langeland with Cleo Bradley, elementary school teacher, discussing basic biographical information, and attitudes concerning the feminist movement. Bradley, Mildred H. Bradley, Mildred H. Oral history interview, March 13, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 101 Abstract: Interview by Martha Bradley with Mildred Bradley, housewife and daughter of BYU President Franklin S. Harris. She discusses her family background, education, marriage and children. Brasher, Ruth E. Brasher, Ruth E. Oral history interview, March 23, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 94 Abstract: Interview by Alice Gardner with Ruth Brasher, discussing basic biographical information, and attitudes concerning the feminist movement. Brewster, Sam F. Brewster, Sam F. Oral history interview, Nov. 29, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 118 Abstract: Interview by John Quist with Sam Brewster who speaks about his recruitment by Ernest Wilkinson, and his experiences and administration as director of the BYU Physical Plant. Brigham Young Academy Funeral services for Hannah S. Jones, May 4, 1964, 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 12 Abstract: Includes eulogies delivered by Harold R. Clark and T. Earl Pardoe. Brigham Young Academy. Academic Council records, 1886, August. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 227 Abstract: Collection includes minutes of meetings and proceedings concerning academy problems in purchasing, hiring, and student discipline. ———. Academy Fund Day letter, 1899. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 598 Abstract: Form letter created by George Q. Cannon and Benjamin Cluff announcing "Academy Fund Day,"in order to solicit contributions for the Brigham Young Academy. ———. Annual statistical and financial report of the Brigham Young Academy Sunday School of the Utah Stake : for the year ending December 31, 1900. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 588 Abstract: This is a brief statistical summary of enrollment, finances, ward officers; and includes instructions to ward superintendencies and secretaries. ———. Annual statistical reports of the Brigham Young Academy for the twenty first academic year 1896-1897, and 1900. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 338 Abstract: Statistical reports for Brigham Young Academy. ———. Attendance statistics of the Brigham Young Academy, 1876-1891. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 32 Abstract: This is a compilation of the total number of students of each year, broken down by gender. ———. Brochures, 1898-1916. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 605 Abstract: Includes four brochures advocating and announcing new sessions of school. Specifically announces courses for the BYA Commercial College, the Deseret Summer Institute, and one general announcement for winter semester of 1915-16. ———. Catalogs, songs, announcements and history of the Beaver Branch of the Brigham Young Academy, ca. 1909. 1 folder (22 items) . Call Number: UA 242 Abstract: Includes songs, yells, announcements, school catalog, and some mementos. Also includes a brief history of the Academy written by Mary K. Davis, former student, with a photograph of the 1909 graduating class. ———. Commercial College list of classes offered and corresponding teachers, 1876-1890. Call Number: UA 308 Abstract: List of classes offered. ———. Dedicatory exercises of the Brigham Young Academy Building, 1892. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 33 Abstract: Contains the description of the dedicatory exercises and the farewell speech given by Karl G. Maeser, 1892. ———. Deeds and indentures of the Brigham Young Academy, 1872-1903. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 399 Abstract: Typewritten and photocopied articles of incorporation with amendments, first and second deeds of trust, and a deed of conveyance designating Brigham Young (1801-1877) as owner of a land parcel occupied in part by the Lewis Building. ———. Domestic Deparment records, 1879-1881. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 239 Abstract: Collection includes domestic department records with typewritten transcript of minutes and description of organization for maintaining honorable conduct. ———. Domestic Department records, 1879-1900. 4 folders . Call Number: UA 195 Abstract: Collection includes minutes of meetings and lists of students involved. The Domestic Organization, created by Karl G. Maeser, concerned itself with regulating student life through a self-policing system. It concentrated on curfew times, boarding house regulations and adherence to the Word of Wisdom. The 18841885 volume also includes minutes of the missionary meetings and the general theology class. ———. Faculty, 1876-1902. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 86 Abstract: Includes list of faculty, teaching terms and subjects. ———. Financial records, 1892-1900. 8 folders . Call Number: UA 424 Abstract: Includes receipts, invoices, supply ledgers, check stubs, blank checks. ———. Graduation program, 1896. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 13 Abstract: Early graduation program from Brigham Young Academy. ———. Latter-day Saint priesthood class minutes, 1894-1897. 1 item . Call Number: UA 71 Abstract: Collection includes a bound carbon copy of the typescript copy of the minutes of class meetings and list of quorum members. ———. Latter-day Saint priesthood records, 1879-1881. 3 items . Call Number: UA 70 Notes: Original restricted Abstract: Collection includes a bound typescript copy and a bound carbon copy of typescript copies of Latter-day Saints priesthood meetings and lists of ordinances performed. James E. Talmage was clerk. Typescript copies from p. 75 to p. 123 of original. ———. Library reports, 1893-1894 and 1914-1923. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 210 Abstract: Two volumes entitled “Library Report” which inventory the holdings of the library during the years 1893-94 and 1914-1923. ———. [List of faculty, instructors, and courses offered, 1899]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 596 Abstract: This is a small information card providing the names of faculty and instructors, and listing the various grades, classes, and degrees offered by the Academy. ———. Minutes of the Committee of the B.Y. Academy, Jan. 18, 1878. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 342 Abstract: Contains minutes of a social committee planning a party for BYA students of 1878. ———. Normal School records, 1905-1912. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 214 Abstract: Collection includes list of students with birth date, home address, church standing, and Provo address. Also includes a questionnaire for girls. ———. Notes and statistical reports taken from original Brigham Young Academy records, 1876-1878. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 237 Abstract: Includes training school history and curriculum, statistical reports, and faculty activities at the Academy. ———. Papers, 1879. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 238 Abstract: Collection includes theological minutes and references. ———. Papers, 1879-1888, 1891-1892. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 230 Abstract: Collection includes samples of examination questions for various classes. ———. Papers, 1882-1883. 1 volume (108 pages) . Call Number: UA 225 Abstract: A book of incidental questions written by instructors for various subjects. ———. Pedagogium records, 1892-1894. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 189 Abstract: Collection includes its constitution and by-laws, minutes of meetings, and membership list. ———. Polysophical Society records, 1880-1895. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 226 Abstract: Collection includes meeting minutes, programs, membership records, and party invitations. Also includes a brief history and correspondence from Herald Clark to Ernest Wilkinson concerning Polysophical Society as forerunner of lyceum course. ———. Polysophical Society records, 1884-1939. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 84 Abstract: Includes minutes of the Polysophical Society 1892-1895, souvenir copies of the first Society meeting agenda and several handwritten notes. ———. Preparatory School records, 1892-1898. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 235 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten faculty meeting minutes with a partial typewritten transcript. ———. Presidents' Council records, 1898, Nov. 14-1902, May 22. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 194 Abstract: Collection includes original handwritten minutes, bound typewritten transcript of original, and loose leaf pages concerning roll of President's council, faculty, courses taught and hours per week taught. ———. Priesthood classes, 1894-1897. 1 volume . Abstract: Minutes of Priesthood meetings. ———. Priesthood meetings, 1879-1881. 1 volume . Abstract: Minutes of Priesthood meetings. ———. Receipts of Priesthood ordinations at the Brigham Young Academy, 19011911. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 362 Abstract: Contains receipts of Priesthood ordinations performed while at the Academy. Many ordinations performed by President George Brimhall and Joseph Keeler, Director of Theological Work. ———. Recorder reports : commencing the 10th year. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 186 Abstract: Collection includes class, library, music, theology, domestic, and general statistics for 1885-1891, 1885 being the 10th year of the Academy. ———. Records, 1876-1892. 3 folders . Call Number: UA 219 Abstract: Collection includes registers of student enrollment containing information on home address, parents, Provo address, church membership and age. Also contains enrollment slips from Benjamin Cluff, Brigham Young Academy treasurer. ———. Records, 1878-1892. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 213 Abstract: Collection includes report arranged by departments containing students' grades in percentages for various classes. ———. Records, 1891-1905. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 248 Abstract: Collection includes promissory notes and correspondence relating to tuition and financial statements. ———. Records, 1892-1904. 16 volumes . Call Number: UA 356 Abstract: Includes roll books listing student names, admittance numbers, academic and attendance records, and LDS Church home wards and stakes. ———. Records, 1893-1903. 8 items . Call Number: UA 77 Abstract: Collection includes copies of the Constitution and By-laws of the Class of 1902; graduation program for the Commercial Class 1902; Articles of Incorporation of Brigham Young Academy and Brigham Young University, 1896-1903. ———. Records, 1893-1905. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 341 Abstract: This is a collection of unrelated items. Includes a letter from the Utah teachers' Association (1905), a program for a special theological meeting at the Brigham Young Academy (mostly room assignments) not dated, room and faculty assignments for the Business College (n.d.), a geology examination (n.d.), an announcement for Academy summer school (n.d.), register of monies collected and paid out for Academy expenses (1904), and room and faculty assignments for regular Academy courses (n.d.). ———. Records, 1894. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 207 Abstract: Collection includes a handwritten visitor's register from the Brigham Young Academy Educational Matter Exhibit at the Territorial Fair. ———. Records, 1894, 1902-1917. 5 volumes . Call Number: UA 361 Abstract: Includes registers listing student names, home towns and academic standings. ———. Records, 1902-1913. 2 volumes . Call Number: UA 358 Abstract: Includes minutes of the BYA and BYU LDS Church Sunday Schools. ———. Records, 1902-1914. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 360 Abstract: Includes minutes of primary school teachers' weekly meetings. ———. Records, 1903-1904. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 357 Abstract: Includes a list of faculty members and minutes of daily devotionals. ———. Records of theological class, 1876-1883. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 228 Abstract: Collection includes minutes of meetings for the General Theology class and Priesthood meetings held in the Brigham Young Academy. ———. Register of studies, 1876-1894. 2 boxes (10 items) . Call Number: UA 229 Abstract: Includes reports to the Board of Directors of daily schedules of classes, weekly lesson plans, statistics and reports, student examinations, and faculty in each department. ———. [Room assignments, 1885-1886, 1888]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 232 Abstract: Collection includes daily room schedules, regulations of the boarding house, and a report listing the number of students in each class. ———. School activities, 1881-1884. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 751 Abstract: Contains statistics for registration within the Normal, Academic A and B, Intermediate A and B, Primary schools; statistics relating to registration of classes; statistics for faculty meeting attendance; and statistics regarding memberships in organizations. Also included are lists of courses, teachers, and subjects covered in classes. Index included. ———. Sunday School minute books, 1893-1901. 3 folders . Call Number: UA 200 Abstract: Collection contains minutes of the Brigham Young Academy School. ———. Sunday School minutes, 1898-1900. 2 items . Call Number: UA 66 Abstract: Bound typescript copy and bound carbon copy. Minutes of Sunday School meetings from April 22, 1899 to May 27, 1900 and a name index. ———. Term records of the Brigham Young Academy, 1883-1907. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 603 Abstract: Contains grade reports for George Albert Smith, B.F. Larsen, and E.Y. Houtz. Also includes a petition from J.F. Hoyt for credit for teaching. ———. Theological Department records, 1888, Aug. 22- 1889, May 7. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 193 Abstract: Collection includes minutes of the general Theological Class. ———. Theological Department records, 1889, Aug. 11-1891, Nov. 1. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 192 Abstract: Collection includes minutes of missionary meetings, started in 1883, to prepare young men for Latter-day Saint Church missions. ———. Thesis committee recommendations to the faculty of Brigham Young Academy, 1898. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 606 Abstract: Includes thesis committee recommendations on three theses submitted for graduation. Committee consisted of Nels Nelson, Walter Wolfe, and J. Brunsen. Theses submitted by David Prior, J.U. Allred, and S.E. Hinkley. ———. Tuition accounts, 1880-1889. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 240 Abstract: Collection includes tuition account book. ———. Young Ladies Association records, 1893, 1895-1902. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 201 Abstract: Collection includes minutes of meetings and lists of students' names. Brigham Young University. Board of Trustees photographs, 1875-1975. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 830 Abstract: Contains thirty-nine black-and-white photographs of presidents of the Board of Trustees of Brigham Young Academy and University; also photographs of chairmen of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of BYU. Last folder includes a photograph of Karl G. Maeser's wife, Anna. ———. Brief history of the Brigham Young Academy to 1908. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 416 Abstract: A brief history of Brigham Young Academy to 1908. ———. Historical files, 1875-1980s. 18 boxes (9 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 704 Notes: This collecton is unprocessed. See University Archivist. Abstract: Subject files arranged alphabetically on all aspects of Brigham Young University history, ranging from information on the different departments to athletics to lists of other cultural activities. Also contains stats and information about student body and teachers. Has information from beginning of the Brigham Young Academy to the 1980's. ———. Significant dates in BYU history, 1875-1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 380 Abstract: Includes a list of selected significant dates and events in Brigham Young Academy and Brigham Young University history, including a deed of trust, tenure of presidents and principals, construction of buildings, founding of organizations, clubs, academic departments and colleges, sports events, and festivals. ———. Student register collection, 1896-1913. 5 volumes . Call Number: UA 261 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten registers of names of primary, grammar, sub-freshmen, high school and normal school students, listing faculty references, academic standings and promotions, Latter-day Saint Church memberships, priesthood offices, and domestic Latter-day Saint Church wards and residences. Butterworth, Edwin. Photographs used in 1000 views of 100 years, [ca. 1875-1975]. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 2 Abstract: Images used in the book, Brigham Young University: 1000 views of 100 years, published in 1975 in conjunction with the centennial of the university. Page numbers in the book correspond to folder numbers in the photograph collection. Butterworth presumably gathered the images from a variety of sources. Also includes a box containing an incomplete set of photograph negatives. Card, Zina Young Williams 1850-1931. Papers, 1885. 1 folder (1 item) . Call Number: UA 211 Abstract: Collection includes sentence diagrams for grammar class, history notes, and other class notes. Also includes a party list. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Provo storehouse monetary script, 1901. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 637 Abstract: Engraved monetary script. This item was worth 10 cents, could only be spent at the Provo Storehouse (Bishop's Storehouse), and was not to be used as money elsewhere. This bill is engraved on both sides with a representation of the main building of the Brigham Young Academy on it. It also has an engraved signature of Wm. B. Preston (1830-1908), Presiding Bishop of the Mormon Church, on it. Those individuals who worked for the Brigham Young Academy were often paid in such script. Cluff, Benjamin. Annual report of the principle of the Brigham Young Academy : To the Board of Trustees and Stake Board of Education, for the sixteenth academic year, 1891-92. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 326 Abstract: Includes the president's report of the faculty, students, curricula, facilities, and finances for 1891-1892. ———. Records, 1892-1903. 10 boxes (5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, building contracts and letter press books, correspondence with General Authorities of the LDS Church, educators, students, faculty, and prospective faculty. Concerns such subjects as BYA South American Expedition, establishment of BYA Beaver Branch, equal accreditation with the University of Utah, financing, salaries, recommendation to introduce graduate level instruction in pedagogy and psychology, raising standards of the academy, sabbatical leaves, summer school libraries, fund drive of 1899, and President's report for 1899-1900. College of Biology and Agriculture. Photographs, ca. 1891-1969. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 823 Abstract: All dates in the following description are approximate. Includes views of Brigham Young Academy (BYA) faculty; Alpine summer school botany classes, 1922-1924; Alpine summer school faculty, 1928-1930 and 1941; Lewis building, BYA, 1885; Education building, BYA, 1893; Franklin Stewart Harris; landscape architecture group, 1935; David Starr Jordan Biology Club, 1929-1931; BYU faculty, 1928; Thomas L. Martin; Brimhall Botany Lab, 1936; Brimhall Building, 1940; Clarence Cottam; Raymond B. Farnsworth, 1955-1958; Merrill Hallam, 19581960; Rudger Walker; Lester Allen; Howard C. Stutz; and Kent H. McKnight. Cox, Amasa Bernard. Class notes, 1881-1882. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 604 Abstract: Includes theology and science notes and a brief biography written by his son and pasted to the front cover. Crandall, Evelyn Maeser. Oral history interview, June 26, 1964. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 63 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Eva M. Crandall, teacher and poet, concerning recollections of her father, Karl G. Maeser, and the BYA which she attended as a student, 1881-1899. ———. Oral history interviews, 1961-1964. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 64 Abstract: Collection of four separate monologues by Eva Maeser Crandall discussing her father and her mother, Anna Mieth, the Academy and school life, and her poem, "Karl G. Maeser." Dalley, Mayhew H. Normal diagram papers, 1879. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 421 Abstract: Holograph diagrams showing which academic skills supported which courses at Brigham Young Academy. The item is dated 20 June 1879 and was "drawn by James E. Talmage." Day, Orville Cox. Oral history interview, Jan. 26, 1965. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 2 Abstract: Interview by Kieth Ward with Orville Cox Day, BYA student and LDS Church leader, concerning his experiences at BYA, his teaching and public life. Dept. of Archives and Manuscripts. BYU centennial flashbacks : scrapbook, [ca. 1875-1975]. 1 box (1.2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 880 Abstract: Collection of newspaper articles from the Daily Herald pertaining to events on campus since the time of its creation. Includes stories about various presidents of BYU, accomplishments of students and athletes, groups and clubs, and photographic images of Brigham Young Academy as well as significant persons in the university's history. Dewey, John. Lectures, 1901. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 21 Abstract: Lectures given at the Brigham Young Academy, 1901. Domestic Dept. Enrollment statistics, 1895. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 593 Abstract: Includes a compilation of students by county or home state. Farrer, James R. Examination papers, 1879-1880. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 600 Abstract: Contains two examination papers and a certificate from the Emeritus Club of the BYU Alumni Association. Gates, Susa Young. Reminiscences of Brigham Young Academy, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 594 Abstract: Contains an article on the origin of the Music department by Susa Young Gates; recollections of teaching in the Primary department by Anna Smoot Taylor; a brief overview of the Ladies Work department by Jennie Tanner; and a tribute to A. O. Smoot (authorship unknown). Harmon, Melvin Myron. Class notes, Sept. 3 - Oct. 13, 1884. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 100 Abstract: Collection includes class notes (holograph) from the Normal Department on various aspects of teacher training. Includes teacher training, rhetoric, theology and physiology with diagrams. Harrington, Daniel H. Letter, pamphlet and reminiscence from Daniel Harrington, ca. 1915. 1 folder (3 items) . Call Number: UA 317 Abstract: Includes a published pamphlet which appraises the work of Karl Maeser; a letter to Franklin Harris concerning the Maeser celebration in Provo in 1915; and his personal reminiscences of Provo and the Brigham Young Academy from 18791881. Hedquist, Alex. Oral history interview, April 27, 1964. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 13 Abstract: Interview by Newbern I. Butt with Alexander Hedquist Jr. concerning his experiences as a student at the Brigham Young Academy, c. 1886-1888. Hill, George R. Oral history interview, Sept. 19, 1968. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 18 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with George R. Hill. Hill discusses his experiences as a student at the BY Academy. Hoggan, Lella Marier. Papers, 1880-1940. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 383 Abstract: Includes copies of letters from George Brimhall to Lella Hoggan, her expense account and grades for one quarter at BYA, and her life sketch from the Relief Society Magazine. Holman, Marinda Halliday. Essay, 1882. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 599 Abstract: Includes an essay on education. Holt, Edward H. Papers, 1899-1938. 1 box . Call Number: UA 250 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence regarding admission to Brigham Young Academy, theology class assignments, petitions, essays, talks by Lorenzo Snow and George Q. Cannon, papers regarding credit, advanced standing, student clubs, and miscellaneous correspondence and reports from Holt's files. Hoyt, Forrest T. Papers, 1972 Aug. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 289 Abstract: Collection includes a typewritten research paper concerning the Brigham Young Academy Domestic Department written for a history seminar taught by Eugene Campbell. Johnson, David. Written interview, March 1969. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 15 Abstract: Includes reminiscenes of Brigham Young Academy, written questions and answers about experiences as a student, and correspondence between Johnson and Hollis Scott. Johnson, Jared K. Grande dame of University Avenue, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 105 Abstract: Paper by high school student Jared Johnson covering the history of the Brigham Young Academy, and the issues surrounding its renovation. Jones, Sarah Fletcher. Oral history interview, April 29, 1965. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 3 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Sarah F. Jones concerning her experiences at the BYA in the 1880s and as a resident of Provo, Utah. ———. Papers, 1890-1927. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 494 Abstract: Includes notes, assignments and papers of schoolwork as well as notes of church activities, meetings and assignments. Keeler, Joseph B. Papers, 1884, 1891-1897. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 262 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten class rolls and examination scores. Kirkham, Francis W. Oral history interview, Feb. 3, 1972. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 19 Abstract: Interview by James R. Clark with Francis Kirkham concerning his experiences at Brigham Young Academy, 1893-1904. ———. Oral history interview, Nov. 4, 1966. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 9 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Francis Kirkham regarding his book "A New Witness for Christ in America," and some recollections of the Brigham Young Academy. Lawrence, Nathan. Does the world look gray to you : or, how to get an education . 1 folder . Call Number: UA 345 Abstract: Contains information for entering BYA students, 1895. Lund, Anthony C. Notebooks, 1888-1890. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 423 Abstract: Includes lecture and lesson materials on philosophy of education. Maeser, Karl G. Records, 1876-1892. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: This collection includes photocopies of microfilm copies of the originals as preserved in the Church Historical Department in Salt Lake City. Included are a few original letters prior to 1875. Represented in the collection are letters, letter press books, and reports concerning LDS Stake Boards of Education, dedication of BYA buildings, appointment of Benjamin Cluff as assistant principal of BYA, LDS seminaries and academies, BYA administrative matters, and applicants seeking Church School admissions or faculty positions. Maeser, Reinhard. Karl G. Maeser; a biography by his son, Reinhard Maeser. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 157 Abstract: Biography of Karl G. Maeser, second principal of Brigham Young Academy. Magleby, Heber L. Journals and correspondence of Heber L. Magleby during his time as a member of the Brigham Young Academy South American Expedition, 1900-1902. 5 folders . Call Number: UA 363 Abstract: Journals and correspondence document Heber L. Mableby's experience with the Brigham Young Academy South American Expedition. Maw, Margaret. Oral history interview, Jan. 19, 1965. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 8 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Margaret P. Maw, teacher, author, and housewife, concerning her experiences growing up in Deseret, Utah, and as a student and teacher at the Brigham Young Academy. Neff, Andrew Love. School papers, 1900-1903. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 406 Abstract: Includes account records for fund raising for the library, a draft of correspondence used to solicit funds for a new gymnasium, a bank passbook with canceled checks, an account book for the new gymnasium, a financial ledger, and a draft of a school or class song. Newell, Myron C. Oral history interview, April 24, 1964. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 11 Abstract: Interview by Newbern Butt with Myron C. Newell concerning the Brigham Young Academy buildings, facilities, faculty and student activities. Partridge, Ruth Louise. Oral history interview, Dec. 18, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 40 Abstract: Interview by Leonard R. Grover with Ruth Partridge, nurse, writer and housewife, concerning her life, schooling, residence and labors in Provo, Utah. Also discusses her father, Ernest D. Partridge, and his teaching experiences at Brigham Young Academy and University. Poulson, Moroni Otto. Oral history interview, Dec. 3, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 60 Abstract: Interview by Leonard R. Grover with Moroni O. Poulson, rancher and teacher, concerning his education with brief varied comments about BYU activities between 1905 and 1910. Also briefly discusses his family. Publications and Graphics. Photographs, ca. 1880-1987. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 763 Abstract: Photographs used by Brigham Young University's Publications and Graphics department, many of which are copies made from other sources. Includes photographs of Brigham Young University buildings; Brigham Young Academy; men; women; and photographs relating to the BYU Film and Music Archives; Mormon history; and manuscripts. Also includes photographs taken by GEA Photo and George Edward Anderson. Reynolds, George. Letter, 1884 December 29. 1 folder (1 item) . Call Number: UA 208 Abstract: Correspondence from Reynolds to Abraham Smoot authorizing an order for $1,000 labor and merchandise tithing for the Brigham Young Academy. Roberts, May. Examination papers, 1879-1880. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 43 Abstract: Examination papers of May Roberts. Rollins, Marie H. Oral history interview, Nov. 24, 1965. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 5 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott, with Marie H. Rollins, housewife, concerning experiences as a student at the Beaver Branch of the Brigham Young Academy, 1881-1901. Scott, Hollis. Brief synopsis of awarding academic diplomas and degrees at Brigham Young Academy and Brigham Young University from 1876-1919. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 590 Abstract: This is a compilation by Hollis Scott describing the various degrees and diplomas awarded by Brigham Young Academy and Brigham Young University. Shelley, George F. Oral history interview, May, 28, 1965. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 4 Abstract: An interview by Hollis Scott with George F. Shelley, farmer and teacher, concerning his experiences at BYA, 1888-1890, and later activities as a school teacher. Stewart, Mary B. Class notes, 1881-1883. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 42 Abstract: Includes notes for theology and U. S. history. Student Loan Association of Utah. Records, 1891-1932. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 458 Abstract: Includes minutes of directors meeting, articles of agreement, licenses, correspondence, financial records, and applications for loans. Talmage, James Edward. Chart, 1878. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 608 Abstract: Hand drawn chart depicting the general curriculum at Brigham Young Academy including an hourly schedule for classes and activities during each week. Taylor, Delenna Rogers. Oral history interview, Oct. 14, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 127 Abstract: Interview by Nadine Ashby with Delenna Taylor on her experiences and memories of BYA, its faculty, students, and other persons and events associated with the Academy. Tobler, Douglas F. Karl G. Maeser lecture, Sept. 18, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 55 Abstract: Lecture by Dr. Douglas F. Tobler concerning Karl G. Maeser as a man and educator at Brigham Young Academy. Tolton, Walter S. Diary excerpt of the South American scientific expedition of the Brigham Young Academy, 1900-1902. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 368 Abstract: Contains a typescript of journal of the BYA South American Expedition and correspondence concerning the Tolton family genealogy. Van Buren, Chester G. Papers, 1887-1933. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 352 Abstract: Includes journals, handwritten and typewritten correspondence, supply lists, financial papers, certificates, passports, maps and photographs concerning the BYA South American Expedition. Also includes correspondence concerning Van Buren's journals, papers and ornithological collections. Wahlin, Kate Houtz Groesbeck. Papers, 1880-1883. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 381 Abstract: Includes an album of autographs by class members, friends and teachers; a graduation certificate from the BYU Normal department; two photographs of Kate Wahlin; and a brief autobiographical description by the donor. Wakefield, T. Lynn. Oral history interview, May, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 143 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo Morley with Lynn Wakefield who speaks about his childhood, education at BYU, working for his grandfather who was the "Handiman" for the Academy and University. Wakefield recounts his time as electrician for the University, and speaks on his experiences with students, faculty, and presidents. Wolfe, Walter M. Collection, 1887-[ca. 1983]. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 366 Abstract: Includes detailed journals, 1900-1901; copies of numerous articles by him, 1887-1905; and biographical information. Journals were recorded during the Brigham Young Academy South American Expedition. Collection includes transcriptions of the journals. Young, Aretta. On the burning of the Brigham Young Academy at Provo, 1884. 1 folder (2 pages) . Call Number: UA 179 Abstract: Collection includes a letter to Evanda Young in the form of a poem concerning the burning of Brigham Young Academy, January 28, 1884. Brigham Young Academy--History Joseph Brigham Keeler, n. d.1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 34 Abstract: This is a brief biography of Joseph Brigham Keeler. Allen, Mark K. Oral history interview, Aug. 4, 1978. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 59 Abstract: Contains an interview moderated by Golden H. Brimhall with Mark K. Allen, Golden H. Brimhall, Wilma Boyle Bunker, Walter Buss, Richard Clark, Fern Eyring Fletcher, Harvey Fletcher, Fred Hinkley, Robert Hinkley Jr., Ruth L. Partridge, Wayne N. Smart, William Snow Jr., Irene Osmond Spears and Lynn Wakefield. Topics include the posterity of early BYU faculty members, concerns of BYA and BYU. Includes reminiscences and personal experiences, particularily in regard to their perspective parents who all taught at BYU and BYA. Brigham Young Academy. Catalogs, songs, announcements and history of the Beaver Branch of the Brigham Young Academy, ca. 1909. 1 folder (22 items) . Call Number: UA 242 Abstract: Includes songs, yells, announcements, school catalog, and some mementos. Also includes a brief history of the Academy written by Mary K. Davis, former student, with a photograph of the 1909 graduating class. ———. Recorder reports : commencing the 10th year. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 186 Abstract: Collection includes class, library, music, theology, domestic, and general statistics for 1885-1891, 1885 being the 10th year of the Academy. Brigham Young Academy South American Expedition (1900-1901) Brigham Young University. Single photo file, 1890s-1980s. 25 boxes (12.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 869 Abstract: Contains images of students, faculty, activities, and organizations at Brigham Young University. Includes images of alumni; student officers; Alpine Summer School; assemblies; devotionals; BYU Bookstore; BYU-Hawaii; campus royalty; views of campus, including aerial views; building dedications; cheerleaders and other pep groups; Cosmo, the school mascot; individual colleges; dance groups; live cougars; exhibits; faculty; Board of Trustees; homecoming parades; Leadership Week; Education Week; ROTC; instrumental and vocal performing groups; dramatic productions; school registration; Program Bureau; clubs; debate team; Benjamin Cluff's South American expedition; Timp Hike; and Y-Day. Cluff, Benjamin. Papers, 1900-1902. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 135 Abstract: Scrapbook containing newspaper articles (photocopy) concerning the Brigham Young Academy South American Expedition, and The Brigham Young Alumnus. ———. Records, 1892-1903. 10 boxes (5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, building contracts and letter press books, correspondence with General Authorities of the LDS Church, educators, students, faculty, and prospective faculty. Concerns such subjects as BYA South American Expedition, establishment of BYA Beaver Branch, equal accreditation with the University of Utah, financing, salaries, recommendation to introduce graduate level instruction in pedagogy and psychology, raising standards of the academy, sabbatical leaves, summer school libraries, fund drive of 1899, and President's report for 1899-1900. Kienke, Asa Solomon. Diaries and papers, 1896-1902. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 88 Abstract: Collection contains two journals of Keinke's mission to Illinois and Indiana for the Mormon Church in 1896-98, seven journals kept as a member of the Brigham Young Academy South American Expedition 1900-02, and archaelogical and miscellaneous papers. Also included is a bound typescript of the expedition journals. Magleby, Heber L. Journals and correspondence of Heber L. Magleby during his time as a member of the Brigham Young Academy South American Expedition, 1900-1902. 5 folders . Call Number: UA 363 Abstract: Journals and correspondence document Heber L. Mableby's experience with the Brigham Young Academy South American Expedition. Tolton, Walter S. Diary excerpt of the South American scientific expedition of the Brigham Young Academy, 1900-1902. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 368 Abstract: Contains a typescript of journal of the BYA South American Expedition and correspondence concerning the Tolton family genealogy. Van Buren, Chester G. Papers, 1887-1933. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 352 Abstract: Includes journals, handwritten and typewritten correspondence, supply lists, financial papers, certificates, passports, maps and photographs concerning the BYA South American Expedition. Also includes correspondence concerning Van Buren's journals, papers and ornithological collections. Wolfe, Walter M. Collection, 1887-[ca. 1983]. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 366 Abstract: Includes detailed journals, 1900-1901; copies of numerous articles by him, 1887-1905; and biographical information. Journals were recorded during the Brigham Young Academy South American Expedition. Collection includes transcriptions of the journals. Woolley, Royal B. Oral history interview, July 9 and 23, 1964. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 7 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Royal B. Woolley, livestockman, concerning his experiences as a member of the Brigham Young Academy South American scientific expedition during the trip from Kanab, to Colonia Dublan, Mexico, 1900-1901. Brigham Young Academy--Statistics Brigham Young Academy. Annual statistical and financial report of the Brigham Young Academy Sunday School of the Utah Stake : for the year ending December 31, 1900. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 588 Abstract: This is a brief statistical summary of enrollment, finances, ward officers; and includes instructions to ward superintendencies and secretaries. ———. Records, 1876-1892. 3 folders . Call Number: UA 219 Abstract: Collection includes registers of student enrollment containing information on home address, parents, Provo address, church membership and age. Also contains enrollment slips from Benjamin Cluff, Brigham Young Academy treasurer. Brigham Young Academy--Students Brigham Young Academy. Term records of the Brigham Young Academy, 18831907. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 603 Abstract: Contains grade reports for George Albert Smith, B.F. Larsen, and E.Y. Houtz. Also includes a petition from J.F. Hoyt for credit for teaching. ———. Thesis committee recommendations to the faculty of Brigham Young Academy, 1898. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 606 Abstract: Includes thesis committee recommendations on three theses submitted for graduation. Committee consisted of Nels Nelson, Walter Wolfe, and J. Brunsen. Theses submitted by David Prior, J.U. Allred, and S.E. Hinkley. Brigham Young University. Daily record of Don Smith, October-December 1886. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 95 Abstract: Collection includes academic record in ten subject areas of an Intermediate Department student during 1886. Printed form with holograph markings; photocopy. Cluff, Benjamin. Term record of the Brigham Young Academy commencing Jan. 28, 1884. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 220 Abstract: Collection includes term records of students enrolled at Brigham Young Academy. ———. Theological Notes, 1882-1885. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 191 Abstract: Collection includes notes on theology, articles by Cluff, education notes, world situation notes, and titles of library books. Day, Orville Cox. Oral history interview, Jan. 26, 1965. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 2 Abstract: Interview by Kieth Ward with Orville Cox Day, BYA student and LDS Church leader, concerning his experiences at BYA, his teaching and public life. Brigham Young High School (Provo, Utah) The Brigham Young University High School, n. d.1 folder . Call Number: UA 167 Abstract: Collection includes a typewritten essay concerning the importance of high schools and the aims and purposes of Brigham Young University High School. Alumni Association. Activity files, 1967-1988. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 968 Abstract: This collection includes files and correspondence from the Alumni Association's activities for Founders' Days, homecomings, and reunions. Brigham Young High School (Provo, Utah). Ephemera, [ca. 1965]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 758 Abstract: Includes pin and two patches. Pin bears photographic image of several students, plus text: "Brigham Young Wildcats, 1964-65." Patches, identical to each other, bear artistic images: beehive; block Y; mountains and partial wagon wheel; wildcat; and hand bearing a torch. Patches also contain text: "Uniti Stetimus" and "Brigham Young High School." ———. Hi Steppers, 1958-1960. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 752 Abstract: Volume includes photographs, newspaper clippings, and papers pertaining to the members of the Brigham Young High School Hi-steppers. Several news clippings are located in an envelope at the front of the volume. ———. New horizons, 1955. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 747 Abstract: Volume contains four separate sections on BY High School written by different authors: (1) June Berry, "The Library in BY High School"; (2) Faye Buttle, Don McConkie, and Grant D. Bendixsen, "The Core Curriculum in the BYU Junior High School"; (3) Leland Anderson, "General Aims of the BYU Seminary"; (4) Jesse R. Black, Julia Caine, William McKell, Lane Compton, LeRoy Sparks, June Berry, Principal Morris Shirts, and BY High School faculty, "A Study of Brigham Young University High School Building Needs." Last section includes enrollment graphs; evaluation of building and rooms; and plans for future facilities, including maps. ———. Sophomore at B. Y. High, 1952-1953. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 795 Abstract: Unpublished class yearbook compiled by students in Brigham Young High School's English B, Section Two, class. The book includes information on campus layout, location, buildings, and history; names of school officers; traditions; athletics; and clubs. Also includes a transcript of the U.S. Constitution, drawings, newspaper and magazine clippings, and autographs of class members. Bonnie Kae Andrus and Jackie Beck were editors of the volume. ———. Student Handbook, ca. 1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 55 Abstract: Student handbook contains rules for conduct at BY High School. Brigham Young University. Student register collection, 1896-1913. 5 volumes . Call Number: UA 261 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten registers of names of primary, grammar, sub-freshmen, high school and normal school students, listing faculty references, academic standings and promotions, Latter-day Saint Church memberships, priesthood offices, and domestic Latter-day Saint Church wards and residences. Clarke, A. John. Oral history interview, July 27, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 21 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with A. John Clarke, BYU professor, concerning his experiences as a student at BYU during the late 1930's, and as an instructor and principle of the BY High School in the mid 1940's. College of Education. Records of the BYU Laboratory School, 1914-1968. 13 boxes (6.5 linear ft.), 2 albums, 4 oversize flat boxes, 1 carton (1 cubic ft.). Call Number: UA 564 Abstract: Includes correspondence, policy statements, brochures, attendance records, building plans, enrollment statistics, Immigration and Naturalization Services information, examinations, surveys, financial records, histories, and miscellaneous materials. Also includes information concerning BY High School and the Elementary Training School. Hart, Anna Boss. Oral history interview, Aug. 15, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 28 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Anna Boss Hart, educator, concerning her experiences as a member of the faculty of the BY High School. Markham, Maud Dixon. Oral history interview, July 28, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 119 Abstract: Interview by Lucille Thorne with Maud Dixon Cullimore concerning her childhood, education at BYU, marriage to Fred Markham, and experiences at BY High as a teacher. Speaks about her association with BY High and BYU. Oriatt, Dee T. Letter, 1953. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 386 Abstract: Letter to Leon Winsor concerning his impressions on housing, equipment, enrollment, and staff at Brigham Young High School. United States of America. National Youth Administration records, 1935-1941. 4 folders . Call Number: UA 251 Abstract: Collection includes records of National Youth Administration dealings with Brigham Young University students. Includes correspondence, reports, bulletins, affidavits, recommendations, lists of students and a University of Utah survey concerning student financial aid for high school, undergraduate and graduate students, the Utah Works Progress Administration and suggested programs. Brigham Young University Brigham Young Academy. Library reports, 1893-1894 and 1914-1923. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 210 Abstract: Two volumes entitled “Library Report” which inventory the holdings of the library during the years 1893-94 and 1914-1923. Brigham Young University. Academic standards collection, 1911-1912, 1916-1917, 1920. 1 folder (20 items) . Call Number: UA 168 Abstract: Collection includes poems written by students, faculty term reports, minutes of the Board of Trustees, real estate, academic standing of students and faculty salaries. ———. Annual University Conferences, 1952-1999. 6 box (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 790 Notes: There is a duplicates collection for this call number (1 box). Abstract: Incomplete collection of addresses, printed programs, and audiocassette and videocassette (VHS) recordings of annual university conference meetings, 19521999. Includes addresses by presidents of Brigham Young University and by General Authorities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Meetings generally held for university employees immediately before the start of each new school year. ———. Athletic Photographs, 1893-1989. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1029 Abstract: This collection documents photographically a variety of athletic activities that took place at Brigham Young University from 1893 until the end of the 1980s. ———. Board of Trustees photographs, 1875-1975. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 830 Abstract: Contains thirty-nine black-and-white photographs of presidents of the Board of Trustees of Brigham Young Academy and University; also photographs of chairmen of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of BYU. Last folder includes a photograph of Karl G. Maeser's wife, Anna. ———. Board of Trustees photographs, 1978-1981. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 772 Abstract: Photographs and photograph negatives of members of the Brigham Young University Board of Trustees, who were also General Authorities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Includes images of M. Russell Ballard, William R. Bradford, Bernard P. Brockbank, Robert L. Backman, Teddy E. Brewerton, Gene R. Cook, J. Richard Clarke, John K. Carmack, Jacob de Jager, Royden G. Derrick, James E. Faust, Vaughn J. Featherstone, J. Thomas Fyans, Jack H. Goaslind Jr., Robert B. Harbertson, Yoshihiko Kikuchi, Hugh W. Pinnock, H. Burke Peterson, Ronald E. Poelman, Joseph Anderson, Rex C. Reeve Sr., Richard G. Scott, and Robert E. Wells. ———. Booklet full of facts, figures, and histories of BYU, 1980's. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 760 Abstract: Information and statistics about buildings (including blueprints), athletics, academics, and administration compiled circa 1990. ———. Brief descriptions of some BYU clubs and social organizations, ca. 1930ca. 1950. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 39 Abstract: Contains information on the following clubs: Faculty BYU Women's Organization, BYU X Lady Missionaries Blue Key, Beta Beta Beta, Future Teachers Society, and White Key and Gold Y. The dates of these items are between the 1930's and 1950's. ———. Brief history of the Brigham Young Academy to 1908. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 416 Abstract: A brief history of Brigham Young Academy to 1908. ———. Brigham Young University : a self- study conducted for the Sloan Commission on government and higher education, 1977. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 833 Abstract: Prepared by a president's task force, chaired by O. Robert Driggs, the study contains information concerning BYU's personnel services, facilities, student life, admissions and registrar, and student financial aid. Also contains newsletter, "Higher Education & National Affairs," pertaining to IRS demand for BYU donor lists. Also contains a list of acts, laws, and regulations looked at in the study. ———. Building dedications, 1892-2001. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 877 Abstract: Collection of flyers, programs, invitations, speeches, dedicatory prayers, and other memorabilia associated with various building dedications on the Brigham Young University campus. ———. Building program requirements, 1983-2000. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 955 Abstract: This collection consists of the building program requirements for a number of campus additions and remodels. Information consists of space requirements summaries, cost guidelines, justification for the construction of a new building or remodel of an existing structure, approvals, and special considerations. ———. Bulletins and media publications, 1971-. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 734 Abstract: This is an open-ended collection of miscellaneous bulletins and media publications. ———. BYU accreditation and self-studies, 1956-. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 730 Abstract: Includes accreditation reports and self-studies for BYU and individual departments. ———. BYU centennial frolics, 1875-1975 : memories light the corners of your mind. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 48 Abstract: This is a pamphlet highlighting some of the performers of the BYU Centennial Frolics show. ———. BYU Day planners, 1937-1939. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 54 Abstract: Small day planners sent to BYU graduates. Included are photos of BYU faculty with comments about education. ———. Campus aerial photograph, ca. 2000. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1003 Abstract: This collection consists of an aerial photograph of the Brigham Young University campus taken ca. 2000. ———. Campus building photographs, 1875-ca. 1975. 13 boxes (6.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 827 Abstract: Includes photographs of most campus buildings, arranged alphabetically by building name. Includes views relating to the Alpine Summer school, athletic stadiums, student housing, and temporary buildings. ———. Campus photographs, 1920s. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1007 Abstract: This collection consists of 46 photographs (mostly 8 x 10s) that document campus life in the 1920s. Subjects include Cleo and Tarbo (early BYU cougar cub mascots), the construction of Heber J. Grant Library, lower campus, and student activities. Also included are photographs of Mount Timpanogos. ———. Campus photographs, ca. 1880-1958. 4 boxes (2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 919 Abstract: Originally bound in four volumes, images show BYU buildings, students, faculty, trustees, and campus life. The volume dealing with students was compiled by Mrs. Fletcher Eyring. Sources for the images include campus yearbooks and Wayne B. Hales. Includes views of Aspen Grove, the Alpine Summer School, and the Timpanogos Hike. Some images are original prints, others are reprints, and still others are from yearbooks and other published sources. ———. Campus road closings, 1956-1984. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 803 Abstract: Papers on the annual closing of campus-owned roads and parking lots accessible by public roads in order to maintain private ownership. Includes photographs, negatives, memoranda, maps and letters. ———. Campus security reports, 2000-. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 954 Abstract: These reports are produced annually and describe security on the Brigham Young University campus. ———. Carillon chimes at BYU, 1955. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 336 Abstract: Contains a newspaper article about the acquisition of the original carillon chimes within the Eyring Science Center. ———. Centennial Celebration photos, slides and negatives, 1975. 18 boxes (9 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 3 Abstract: Photographs, slides and negatives of Brigham Young University's centennial celebration. ———. Centennial history collection, 1942-1985. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 930 Abstract: Histories compiled by several colleges and departments at BYU, mostly between 1974 and 1975, in conjunction with the centennial of the university. Includes a few other histories, dating as early as 1942 and as late as 1985. ———. Centennial history: Office of the Executive Vice President, ca. 1975. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 82 Abstract: Includes histories of the departments of Purchasing, Student Housing, Food Services, Bookstore, and Auxiliary Services. ———. Centennial pins, 1975. 4 items . Call Number: UA 857 Abstract: Four pins containing BYU centennial logo, one of which includes a service slogan. ———. Certificates awarded to faculty and students, 1870-1931. 1 oversize box . Call Number: UA 312 Abstract: Certificates awarded to the faculty and students of both Brigham Young Academy and Brigham Young University. ———. Changes in personnel of Board of Trustees, 1939. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 38 Abstract: This briefly describes the appointments to the Brigham Young University Board of Trustees in 1939. ———. Class of 1904 records, 1900-1950. 9 items . Call Number: UA 187 Abstract: Collection includes a bound minute book of the Class of 1904, correspondence between George C. Laney and O. S. Jarvis, list of class members of 1904, and addresses of some of the former students in 1950. ———. Class of 1936 records, 1936-1937. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 259 Abstract: Collection includes receipts, lists of paying students and correspondence from Cornelius R. Peterson and Eli K. Clayson to class members concerning donations for the construction and furnishing of the George Albert Smith Fieldhouse. ———. Collected articles about BYU buildings, ca. 1970-ca. 1989. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 626 Abstract: Includes articles concerning the history, dedication and completion of various campus buildings. Articles collected during the 1970's and 1980's. ———. Collected articles about the Heber J. Grant Library, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 231 Abstract: Includes a series of articles from the Alumni Announcer concerning the Heber J. Grant Library. ———. College Bowl collected correspondence and articles, 1961-1962. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 447 Abstract: Includes correspondence, articles and memoranda concerning the appearance of the BYU College Bowl team on the General Electric College Bowl television show. ———. Color photograph collection, 1940s. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 11 Abstract: Depicts early campus scenes, individual buildings, and student and faculty activities. ———. Commencement addresses, 1930-1999. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 862 Abstract: Commencement speeches given at BYU graduations, arranged chronologically. Collection does not include all speakers for all years. ———. Commencement exercise programs, 1890-. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1008 Abstract: This collection includes commencement exercise programs from 1890 to the present. ———. Compilation of the dedicatory services for the Clark Library, Smoot Administration building, General Services building, and the Physical Plant, 1962. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 470 Abstract: Includes dedicatory prayers, addresses, and a list of Smoot descendants in attendance. ———. Compiled information about Sharlene Wells, 1984-1987. 4 folders . Call Number: UA 799 Abstract: Newspaper clippings, magazines, photographs, and other images concerning the 1984 Miss America Pageant, won by Sharlene Wells, and subsequent events. Wells was a student at Brigham Young University. ———. Contribution cards for the Maeser Memorial Building, 1908. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 90 Abstract: Each card signed by donor, with date and contribution. ———. Contributors to the Heber J. Grant Library. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 405 Abstract: Includes a list of individuals and institutions who contributed to the Heber J. Grant building (1925). Also includes a list of contributors to the 1924 campus beautification drive. ———. Correspondence regarding the University of Washington's refusal to participate in athletics with Brigham Young University, 1970. 2 bound letters . Call Number: UA 976 Abstract: Two bound copies of a letter sent by Dr. John R. Hogness concerning the University of Washington's refusal to participate in athletic competition with Brigham Young University because of racial policies. ———. Counselor's guide to Brigham Young University, 1967. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 72 Abstract: Gives guidance on preparing students to attend Brigham Young University. ———. Curriculum collection, 1914-1919. 1 folder (47 items) . Call Number: UA 165 Abstract: Collection includes various reports and descriptions of courses offered by the University ———. Daily record of Don Smith, October-December 1886. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 95 Abstract: Collection includes academic record in ten subject areas of an Intermediate Department student during 1886. Printed form with holograph markings; photocopy. ———. Devotional and fireside speeches of the year, 1951-1996. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 995 Abstract: This collection contains copies of speeches given at Brigham Young University devotionals and firesides from 1951-1996 and copies of the "Speeches of the Year" booklets. ———. Diamond Jubilee records, 1950. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 579 Abstract: Includes program of events, general information, texts of addresses, dedication of the Science building, photos of events, congratulatory letters, and newsclippings. ———. Editors and business managers of the Daily Universe and predecessors, 1898-1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 451 Abstract: Includes the names of editors and business managers of the Daily Universe and its predecessors. Also includes a newspaper article relating the reminiscences of Alvin G. Hubbard, first editor of the Y News. ———. Ephemera, 1931-. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 829 Abstract: Includes posters, programs, correspondence, advertisements, order forms, calendars, fliers, invitations, dance cards, greeting cards, and other printed items relating primarily to activities at Brigham Young University. The material is arranged chronologically. ———. Faculty Autobiographical Files, 1999-. 5 folders . Call Number: UA 776 Abstract: Contains autobiographical sketches and curriculum vitae of retired faculty from BYU. ———. Faculty creative activities, 1995-1996. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 93 Abstract: Contains a bibliography of published and creative works for BYU faculty members. ———. Faculty handbooks, 1954. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 672 Abstract: Faculty handbooks and correspondence to all faculty produced around 1954. ———. Faculty handbooks, 1955-1967. 3 volumes . Call Number: UA 856 Abstract: Handbooks detailing school policies, standards and procedures. Organizational charts are included. ———. Faculty retirement program : as approved by Board of Trustees, 1954. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 410 Abstract: Description of the faculty retirement program at Brigham Young University. ———. Fund raising, 1993-2000. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1014 Abstract: Lighting the Way was a program launched by Rex E. Lee and finished by Merril J. Bateman to raise money for different campus programs. The money raised was used for expansion of the Harold B. Lee and Howard W. Hunter libraries, scholarships, department expansions, and technological advances. BYU Hawaii campus also received funding for scholarships and internships. The Together for Greatness program is part of the BYU Annual Fund and encourages employees of BYU to contribute. Collection includes one booklet and four video cassettes. ———. Graduation photographs, ca. 1950s. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 1012 Abstract: Photographs of students receiving diplomas and shaking hands with President David O McKay at a Brigham Young University graduation sometime in the early 1950s. ———. Harold B. Lee Library 1st addition drawings, ca. 1974. 2 drawings . Call Number: UA 1002 Abstract: Two drawings of the 1974 addition to the Harold B. Lee Library. A large drawing is framed and a smaller drawing is accompanied by text discussing the involvement of Brigham Young University students in funding the addition to the library. ———. Historical files, 1875-1980s. 18 boxes (9 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 704 Notes: This collecton is unprocessed. See University Archivist. Abstract: Subject files arranged alphabetically on all aspects of Brigham Young University history, ranging from information on the different departments to athletics to lists of other cultural activities. Also contains stats and information about student body and teachers. Has information from beginning of the Brigham Young Academy to the 1980's. ———. A History of Wymount Branch : one year of progress, 1947-1948. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 49 Abstract: A history of the Wymount Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints at Brigham Young University. ———. Honorary degrees conferred by Brigham Young University, 1889-1996. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 92 Abstract: List of honorary degrees conferred by Brigham Young Univeristy between 1889 and 1996. ———. Interim report to Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges, 1991. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 79 Abstract: Report to the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges dealing with the recommendations of the 1986 evaluation committee. ———. Inventory Sheets, 1906-1923. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 173 Abstract: Includes inventories of supplies and furnishing for various departments and administrative offices. ———. Land acquisitions deeds and documents, 1890-1938. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 714 Abstract: Includes abstracts of title, indentures, water rights, deeds, and court proceedings. ———. Leaflet, 1931. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 53 Abstract: Collection includes a list of faculty publications available for purchase. ———. Maeser Building cornerstone collection, 1887-1909. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 542 Abstract: Includes items dated 1887-1909 sealed in the cornerstone of the Karl G. Maeser building in 1909 and removed in 1975 as part of the University's centennial celebration. Items include articles of incorporation, songs, pennants, albums, pamphlets, directories, poetry, photo albums, Latter-day Saint scriptures and hymn book, copies of the Blue and White, and two articles by N.L. Nelson--"Scientific Aspects of Mormonism" and "The Mormon Point of View." ———. The Maeser Memorial, ca. 1910. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 66 Abstract: This is a small pamphlet describing the efforts in creating and funding a memorial for Karl G. Maeser. The last page is a donation slip. ———. Meeting minutes, 1876-1951. 4 boxes (14 volumes) . Call Number: UA 5 Abstract: Holograph volumes of minutes from faculty, university council and deans' council meetings of Brigham Young Academy and Brigham Young University. These items document issues regarding the administration of that institution. The location of volume number 3 covering the time frame March 1881-Nov. 1883 is unknown. It may have been destroyed in a fire in the Lewis Building. ———. Memorial services for President John F. Kennedy, 1963. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 14 Abstract: This booklet is a copy of the remarks given at the memorial services for the late President Kennedy, Monday, November 25, 1963, at Brigham Young University. Presiding was Clyde Sandgren, President of the BYU Second Stake. Remarks were offered by Gordon B. Hinkley. ———. Miscellaneous items on the BYU honor system, 1957-1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 56 Abstract: Includes student handbooks and two recommendations to the faculty council on the honor code. ———. The mission of Brigham Young University and the aims of a BYU education, 1995. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 81 Abstract: Pamphlet explaining the mission of Brigham Young University and the aims of a BYU education. ———. National champion football team, 1984. 1 box . Call Number: UA 635 Abstract: Collection documents Brigham Young University's national football championship. ———. Natural History Museum catalog, [ca. 1912]-1917. 9 folders . Call Number: UA 912 Abstract: Listing of nine categories of material acquired by the museum: works of art, books, large animal specimens, fossils, insects, historical artifacts, organic products, small animal and plant specimens, and mollusks. Entries are retroactive to as early as 1873. Historical artifacts section includes several entries relating to guns and to Latter-day Saint history. ———. News clippings of the DC-3 plane crash and deaths of BYU Alumni, 1965. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 446 Abstract: Includes news clippings of the Nov. 12, 1965 DC-3 plane crash in which 13 Utahns died on their way to a BYU football game. ———. News clippings of Ty Detmer's 1990 football season. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 709 Abstract: Contains newsprint and copies of newspaper and magazine articles about Ty Detmer during his 1990 season. ———. Nineteen fifty-one to nineteen seventy-one : the Wilkinson years, ca. 1971. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 112 Abstract: Brief history of Brigham Young University during Ernest L. Wilkinson's presidency. ———. Old BYU traditions and accompanying songs, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 36 Abstract: Collection contains four items. They are a history of the "Y" Bell and the "Old Y Bell" song, a copy of the College Song and a revision, a history of the block Y and "The trail of the Y" song, and a copy of the Athletic Carnival and the Timpanogos song. ———. Pamphlet, 1958. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 51 Abstract: Collection includes a printed program honoring 46 Brigham Young University faculty members for long and distinguished service. ———. Pamphlets concerning the Honor Code, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 1022 Abstract: This collection contains pamphlets from the Honor Code office, the Student Associations, and from the Athletic Department explaining the Honor Code. ———. “Passport to Y's Land” pamphlet, 1936. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 1023 Abstract: Pamphlet was published in 1936 as an orientation to incoming freshmen. It gives information about important dates in the school year, available activities and explanations of college jargon. ———. Pennants, [ca. 1920s-1970s]. 3 items . Call Number: UA 873 Abstract: Collection of three pennants. One pennant contains the Brigham Young University logo, one includes a representation of Cosmo, the school mascot, and one includes school initials. ———. Perpetual Endowment Fund pamphlet. n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 347 Abstract: A pamphlet explaining the Perpetual Endowment Fund, a program of the Destiny Fund. ———. Photo of a track meet, ca. 1910. 1 oversize box . Call Number: UA 1010 Abstract: The field in this photo was built in 1904 on the site where the present Joseph Smith Memorial Building now stands. It was used for sporting events until April 15, 1932 when it was destroyed by fire. ———. Program of the 40th invitational track and field meet at Brigham Young University, 1953. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 49 Abstract: Program from the 40th invitational track and field meet at Brigham Young University. ———. Program of the dedication of the John C. Swensen Lecture Hall in the Joseph F. Smith Family Living Center, 1961. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 107 Abstract: Program of the dedication of the John C. Swensen Lecture Hall in the Joseph F. Smith Family Living Center. ———. Programs, announcements and invitations to Brigham Young Academy and University events, 1878-1935. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 602 Abstract: Includes a student body handbook 1923-1924 and a souvenir program of the dedication of the Brimhall building. Also includes two ribbons commemerating a Maeser reunion (1902) and a First Annual Exhibition day (1911). Also invitations to several graduation and musical events. ———. Proposal for new student association, 1988. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 1018 Abstract: This proposal relates the reasons behind a student association and then goes into detail concerning the structure and mission of the new student service association that was to be formed. ———. Publications, 1970s. 13 boxes (6.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 630 Notes: Collection is unprocessed. See University Archivist. Abstract: Booklets, brochures, pamphlets, and programs from the 1970's. ———. Re-accreditation reports, 1970s. 15 boxes (7.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 624 Abstract: Self-study reports from most departments at BYU for re-accreditation during the 1970's. ———. Records, 1910-1913. 1 folder (117 items) . Call Number: UA 141 Abstract: Collection includes certificates of sale of land from Brigham Young University to various individuals from Utah. ———. Records, 1914. 1 folder (2 items) . Call Number: UA 178 Abstract: Collection includes a copy of a document deeding land in Provo, Utah from Brigham Young University to the Knight Investment Company. ———. Records, 1916. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 115 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence and maps concerning the request for donations for land for the Brigham Young University campus. ———. Records, 1952. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 335 Abstract: Includes a program of a faculty meeting containing photographs and brief life sketches of newly appointed faculty and administrative assistants. ———. Records, articles and report of the block Y and Y day of Brigham Young University, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 486 Abstract: Includes articles documenting the genesis and construction of the block Y. Also includes list of payments for the purchase of Y Mountain and articles about the continuing celebration and ritual of Y Day. ———. Records relating to the semi-centennial celebration, 1925. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 321 Abstract: Includes correspondence, press clippings and the official report of the semi-centennial celebration. Also includes a copy of the Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine v. 27, which contains addresses of celebration speakers; and the dedication of the Heber J. Grant Library. ———. Recreational Leadership Syllabus from Education Week, 1929. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 775 Abstract: Syllabus for a Recreational Leadership course offered during Education Week. ———. Report, 1887-1888. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 217 Abstract: Collection includes an inventory of school furniture, utensils and fixtures. ———. Romanian book project, 1990-1991. 1 Folder . Call Number: UA 997 Abstract: Correspondence, newspaper articles and other memorabilia concerning the collection and donation of 45, 000 books to Bucharest University in Romania in 1991. ———. Salaries collection, 1919-1920, 1926-1927. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 258 Abstract: Collection includes summary of regular annual salaries of professors, associate professors and instructors. ———. Self-study report, 1996. 6 bound volumes . Call Number: UA 826 Abstract: Brigham Young University self-study and accreditation report done in 1996. The first volume gives a report about the administration structure and curriculum. The next 5 volumes are graphs and charts giving information and statistics on all aspects of BYU. ———. Semi-centennial celebration of the Brigham Young University. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 41 Abstract: Includes addresses by Adam S. Bennion, George H. Brimhall, Colonel Willard Young, David J. Wilson, Herbert E. Bolton, Heber J. Grant, Augusta Grant, George Thomas, E.G. Peterson, Richard R. Lyman, C.W. Jensen, W.J. Snow, John A. Widstoe, Lars Eggerstsen, Edwin S. Hinckley, and others. Includes addresses, prayers, dedication of the Heber J. Grant Library, and brief histories of the University and Academy. ———. Senior class projects and gifts, 1905-1961. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 297 Abstract: Brief listing of senior class projects and gifts. ———. Serials and newsletters, 1957-. 21 boxes (10.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 956 Notes: There is a duplicates collection for this call number (2 boxes). Abstract: This collection is comprised of serials and newsletters produced by the various departments and other entities that comprise Brigham Young University. The collection is not comprehensive. Also included are a small number of ephemeral items that relate to the collection. ———. Significant dates in BYU history, 1875-1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 380 Abstract: Includes a list of selected significant dates and events in Brigham Young Academy and Brigham Young University history, including a deed of trust, tenure of presidents and principals, construction of buildings, founding of organizations, clubs, academic departments and colleges, sports events, and festivals. ———. Single photo file, 1890s-1980s. 25 boxes (12.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 869 Abstract: Contains images of students, faculty, activities, and organizations at Brigham Young University. Includes images of alumni; student officers; Alpine Summer School; assemblies; devotionals; BYU Bookstore; BYU-Hawaii; campus royalty; views of campus, including aerial views; building dedications; cheerleaders and other pep groups; Cosmo, the school mascot; individual colleges; dance groups; live cougars; exhibits; faculty; Board of Trustees; homecoming parades; Leadership Week; Education Week; ROTC; instrumental and vocal performing groups; dramatic productions; school registration; Program Bureau; clubs; debate team; Benjamin Cluff's South American expedition; Timp Hike; and Y-Day. ———. Social photos, 1900-1970. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 842 Abstract: Collection of class photos, clubs, dances, and different activities. ———. Sounds of a century : sound records, 1975. 1 box (.25 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 985 Abstract: These records were compiled by Lorin F. Wheelwright for Brigham Young University's Centennial celebration in 1975 and produced by BYU Sound Services. Fifty-five memorable excerpts from BYU forums, assemblies, and devotionals. Also contains memorable music from campus festivities and concerts. ———. Souvenir Album, 1904. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 40 Abstract: Momento of the twenty-eighth year, containing half tone photographs of the members of the Board of Trustees, most members of the present faculty and a few of the leading graduates, August 1904. ———. Souvenir program and dedication exercises of the BYU stadium, Oct. 27, 1928. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 331 Abstract: Also includes many photos of campus and University leaders. ———. Speakers and performers, 1901-1945. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 94 Abstract: Includes a list of forum and lyceum participants for the years 1901-1945. ———. Special convocation, 5 March 1996. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 64 Abstract: A special convocation was held March 5, 1996 to honor Margaret Thatcher and Rex E. Lee. Both received honorary degrees. ———. Speeches on audio cassette tapes, 1954-1988. 2 cartons . Call Number: UA 994 Abstract: Audio cassette tapes of speeches made during BYU devotionals, firesides, and other meetings. Most are recordings of General Authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. ———. Stickers, [ca. 1960s]-1996. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 831 Abstract: Stickers relating to Brigham Young University. Sticker images include the BYU logo, Cosmo, the school mascot, and the "Lighting the Way" fund-raising campaign. ———. Student essays, 1920. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 349 Abstract: Contains student essays written in response to lectures given by Zina Young Card. ———. Student greetings to President Heber J. Grant, 22 Nov. 1936. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 949 Abstract: Contains signatures of several hundred BYU students expressing appreciation and good wishes to Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints President Heber J. Grant on his eightieth birthday. Each student recorded his or her signature and hometown. ———. Student register collection, 1896-1913. 5 volumes . Call Number: UA 261 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten registers of names of primary, grammar, sub-freshmen, high school and normal school students, listing faculty references, academic standings and promotions, Latter-day Saint Church memberships, priesthood offices, and domestic Latter-day Saint Church wards and residences. ———. Study to establish additional junior colleges as part of the LDS Church educational system, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 468 Abstract: Includes a study of enrollment trends in the Church Education system in order to determine the locations of additional junior colleges, 1957. ———. Teacher's rolls and other small booklets, 1920's. 7 folders . Call Number: UA 768 Abstract: Teacher's rolls and other small booklets. The roll is for the class "Accounting 3" during the Spring Quarter 1926. ———. Theatre productions scrapbook, 1952-1981. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 926 Abstract: Includes a scrapbook of programs and photographs for productions dated 1952-1964. The table of contents to the volume lists plays as late as 1966. Collection also contains a list of Hansen-directed productions, 1952-1956, which includes several names, presumably of cast members. A second list identifies productions dated 1969-1981, with specific performance dates; directors, including Hansen and others; and scene designers. ———. Tributes, 1969-1979. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 971 Abstract: This collection contains tributes to Brigham Young University that were gathered during the administration of President Dallin H. Oaks. Topics include the cleanliness of the campus, the honor code and the appearance of students and faculty. ———. Undergraduate Course Catalog, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 160 Abstract: Includes information about each class offered at BYU during the 1957 school year. Each sheet contains information on texts, class objectives, subject matter outlines, quarters offered, instructor, and procedure. ———. United States Army collection, 1914-1918. 6 items . Call Number: UA 38 Abstract: List of Brigham Young University students who were in the United States Army during World War I, 1914-1918, including those who lost their lives. ———. University committees, 1980-1982. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 791 Abstract: Two reports listing all existing committees functioning under auspices of Brigham Young University, 1980-1982. Includes a brief description of each committee: responsibilities, leaders, functions, and duration. Also includes definitions of councils, committees, and boards. ———. University Personnel Services Annual Reports, 1977-82. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 773 Abstract: Reports concerning employment at BYU, including number and type of faculty and employees, and the benefits available to employees. ———. University-related audio-visual material, 1957-1989. 11 cartons . Call Number: UA 996 Abstract: This artificial collection includes video tapes from sporting events, cassette tapes of lecture series and other speeches, as well as film from other university events such as the Women's Science Workshop and university forums. ———. Utah County industrial pattern--first unit, 1947. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 32 Abstract: Occupational employment data, wage rates, and ages for September 1947. Also includes employment and wages by industry. ———. Utah Workshop on Economic Education, 1953-1958. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 12 Abstract: Contains the Utah Workshop on Economic Education symposiums held at BYU during the years 1953-1958. ———. Views of campus development, ca. 1974-1991. 18 boxes (9 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 923 Abstract: Includes pictorial histories of building construction at Brigham Young University, 1875-1975, arranged chronologically by university president; pictorial survey of BYU Physical Plant Dept., 1974; pictorial histories of individual campus structures built and remodeled during 1970s and early 1980s; and photographs, slides, and negatives of campus buildings and personnel, and other schools operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Includes views of construction of Provo and Jordan River temples. Also includes views of BYU-Hawaii campus, Ricks College campus, Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies, and Missionary Training Center adjacent to BYU. Materials mostly compiled as part of Hatch's work in BYU Physical Plant Department. ———. Views of Heber J. Grant building, 1920s-1950s. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 798 Abstract: Twelve images documenting the building's groundbreaking, construction, dedication, extension, original library, and door arch. Each item is mounted on light brown card stock. Images hung on the walls of the second floor testing room in the Heber J. Grant building. ———. Virtual banyan, 1996-1997. 4 items . Call Number: UA 755 Abstract: Four copies of the first BYU yearbook to be produced on CD-ROM. The CD-ROM, produced by "The Daily Universe" and the Intructional Technology Center, can be used with "Windows 95" or "MacOS" computer software. Includes a video clip of Merrill J. Bateman, university president. Also includes photo and text images representing activities of colleges, facilities, and events on campus. The storage-case cover contains an overview of the contents of the disk; credits identifying people who handled various aspects of disk production; instructions for running the CD-ROM program on a computer; and computer system requirements. Each disk is accompanied by a "Virtual Banyan Registration Card." ———. Wilkinson Center dedication, 1965 April 3. 1 magnetic tape . Call Number: UA 998 Abstract: The Ernest L. Wilkinson Student Center was completed in 1964 and was named for the sixth president of the university. The Student Center provides a number of services to Brigham Young University students. It is the home of a bookstore, food court, study areas, ballroom dance halls, and several recreation opportunities. ———. Wilkinson Center photograph, 1961. 1 photograph . Call Number: UA 977 Abstract: Photograph of the start of construction on the Wilkinson Center in 1971. ———. Wilkinson Floor Plan Collection, n.d. 4 oversize items . Call Number: UA 533 Abstract: Includes basic floor plans of the various levels of the Wilkinson Center. ———. Wyview Park dedication, 1 Nov. 1998. 2 items . Call Number: UA 910 Abstract: Audiocassette and videocassette recordings of dedication services for family student housing on the BYU campus. Speakers included Merrill J. Bateman, John M. R. Covey, David A. Hunt, Henry B. Eyring, and James E. Faust. Includes dedicatory prayer offered by President James E. Faust of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Butterworth, Edwin. Photographs used in 1000 views of 100 years, [ca. 1875-1975]. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 2 Abstract: Images used in the book, Brigham Young University: 1000 views of 100 years, published in 1975 in conjunction with the centennial of the university. Page numbers in the book correspond to folder numbers in the photograph collection. Butterworth presumably gathered the images from a variety of sources. Also includes a box containing an incomplete set of photograph negatives. Hales, Wayne B. Negatives, ca. 1926-1940. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: MSS 2199 Abstract: Six photograph albums, accompanied by ten boxes of photograph negatives, which document Brigham Young University faculty, students, buildings, and events, including dramatic and musical productions. The images, collected by Hales, were taken by himself, Walter Cottam, and others. Includes images relating to the Alpine Summer School, Mount Timpanogos, Aspen Grove, Utah Lake, and the city of Provo. Individual images are numbered in the first four volumes, and correspond to the numbering of the negatives. The collection does not include negatives for images in volumes five and six. The collection includes some negatives for which there are no corresponding prints. Johnson, Arlin Rex. Photograph collection, 1920-1930. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 9 Abstract: Photographs of BYU associates and friends, BYU campus scenes and activities, and some travel scenes. Monson, Darrel J. Slide collection, 1965-1975. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 18 Abstract: Slides of campus scenes and media and class instructional materials. Scott, Hollis. Oral history interview, Nov. 12, 1968. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 16 Abstract: Interview by Reed Hansen with Hollis Scott, discussing the function and purpose of the BYU University Archives. Utah Conference on Higher Education. Records, 1955-1959. 1 folder (17 items) . Call Number: UA 163 Abstract: Collection includes reports, programs, newsletters and a brochure concerning conference policies, programs, speeches and other activities. Brigham Young University Magazine Brigham Young University Magazine. Reminiscence of BYU students, faculty and alumni, [1937-1990]. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 864 Abstract: Responses to an advertisement placed in the BYU Magazine requesting recollections concerning the JFK assassination, the space shuttle Challenger explosion, campus working experiences, social life, Y Bell, Y Days, BYU mascot, lighting the Y, dating, places of hangouts, Persian Gulf War, Intermountain Association of College and University Residence Halls (IACURH) conference, Preference Ball dances, KBYU, and World War II. Brigham Young University Opera Company Brigham Young University Opera Company. Press notices of the BYU Opera Company's production of Maritana, 1910. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 350 Abstract: Contains press clippings from Salt Lake papers and includes a copy of a program. Brigham Young University Press Brigham Young University Press. Committee and meeting minutes, 1968-1975. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 706 Abstract: Collection contains committee and meeting minutes from the Brigham Young University Press. BYU Studies. Administrative Files, 1967-1983. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1019 Abstract: Correspondence, minutes, subscription details, and other paperwork dealing with the administration of the scholarly journal BYU Studies. Brigham Young University Student Association Brigham Young University. Proposal for new student association, 1988. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 1018 Abstract: This proposal relates the reasons behind a student association and then goes into detail concerning the structure and mission of the new student service association that was to be formed. Brigham Young University Student Association. File regarding Gerald R. Ford visit, 1985-1987. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 950 Abstract: Correspondence, itineraries, guest lists, and related information concerning the visit of former U.S. president Gerald R. Ford to the BYU campus on 19 March 1987. Also includes photocopy of two letters exchanged between Ford and Israeli prime minister Shimon Peres, 1985-1986, about proposed construction of the BYU Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies. Brimhall, George H. George H. Brimhall pocketknife1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 85 Abstract: This pocketknife was found by Chuck Wachs of Salt Lake City. It was discovered in 1993 at a demolition site next to the Delta Center by the donor. Brimhall, George H. Letters, 1922. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 595 Abstract: Contains copies of two letters addressed to principles of LDS Seminaries. The letters ask for statistics on attendance, enrollment, and other information about the Seminary program. George Brimhall was, at the time, Director of the Department of Theology at BYU. ———. [Miscellaneous records of, and articles about, the Brigham Young Academy, 1891-1925]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 607 Abstract: Includes a poem "The Builder" which is a tribute to BYU by Marie Clark Miller; officers of Brigham Young University, 1923-1924; a news article examining the progress of BYU, 1918; a brief history and suggested outline for a history of BYU, with name of compilers, 1920; copy of the Deseret Weekly containing an article about Brigham Young Academy, 1891; a brief history of the Academy from the Contributor written by James Talmage, 1881; enrollment statistics for the years 1875-1924; and a poem by George Brimhall written for a student body meeting, n.d. ———. Papers, 1925. 2 folders (53 items) . Call Number: UA 206 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten and typewritten correspondence to and from Brimhall and Brigham Young University alumni requesting and concerning reminiscences of experiences at Brigham Young Academy and Brigham Young University. ———. Records, 1872-1926. 8 items . Call Number: UA 72 Abstract: Collection includes speeches, literary compositions, an autobiography, class notes and notebooks on philosophy of education, notes from speeches, an 1879 account of student tuition to the Young Men's Academy at Spanish Fork, Utah, and records of tuition accounts when Brimhall served as district superintendent of Utah County schools. ———. Records, 1904-1921. 45 boxes (22.5 linear ft.) . Notes: Access Restricted. See University Archivist. Abstract: Includes typescript diaries, correspondence, statistics, and financial reports. For papers covering period as acting president, 1893 to 1904, see register to the papers of the resident, Benjamin Cluff. Correspondence includes many letters to and from LDS Church leaders, students, and faculty covering such subjects as the Reed Smoot hearings, recruitment, student attitudes and morals, BYA South American Expedition, purchase and dedication of Temple Hill, establishment of credit hours, statistics on enrollment, finances, the contribution of 500 acres by Jesse Knight, purchase of Y Mountain, church school education fund, theological training in church schools, building contracts, history and statistics of BYU, Agricultural Department, evolution controversy, professional ability of BYU faculty, College Library, LDS Church High School, Athletic Association, Health Services, awarding B.S. and B.A. degrees in Arts and Science, and accreditation and seminary documents. ———. Records, 1916. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 139 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence to Latter-day Saint bishoprics in Utah notifying and requesting the application of young men to attend the Brigham Young University missionary class, and the responses with lists of prospective students from the bishoprics. ———. [Reports and statistics of Brigham Young University, ca. 1880-1915]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 205 Abstract: Collection includes several reports from the Office of the President containing basic statistics of enrollment, finances, and procurements. Provides brief historical information regarding the University and its academic and financial achievements. These are state of the campus reports. Not all were generated from the Office of the President. Brimhall, Golden. Oral history interview, Oct. 1, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 50 Abstract: Contains an interview by Mark K. Allen with Golden Brimhall, son of George H. Brimhall, on the subjects of George H. Brimhall, the BYU Training School, and family interests. Johnson, J. Edward. George H. Brimhall : an attempted approximation of his genius, accomplishments, stature. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 97 Abstract: Includes a draft of a biography of George H. Brimhall which includes Johnson's personal recollections of BYU. Brimhall, Golden Brimhall, Golden. Oral history interview, Oct. 1, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 50 Abstract: Contains an interview by Mark K. Allen with Golden Brimhall, son of George H. Brimhall, on the subjects of George H. Brimhall, the BYU Training School, and family interests. Britsch, Florence Todd Britsch, Florence Todd. Life story of Florence Todd Britsch, 1993. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 68 Abstract: Brief autobiography of Florence Todd Britsch. Britsch, R. Lanier Britsch, R. Lanier. Records, 1957-2002. 16 boxes (8 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 959 Abstract: This collection includes resumes, letters of recommendation, and correspondence while at the university as well as grades, old class rolls, reading lists, and other class material. Education Week and Kennedy Center records are also included as are Britsch's dissertation, drafts of other writings and faculty addresses. Britsch, Ralph A. Britsch, Ralph A. Oral history interview, April 4, 1979. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 67 Abstract: Interview by Thomas E. Cheney with Ralph A. Britsch concerning his experiences as a student at BYU, including comments about his teachers, and the development of BYU from 1931 to the present, particularily in the areas of music and drama. Broadcast Services Broadcast Services. Department records, 1962-1987. 38 boxes (19 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1017 Abstract: The records document the activities of Broadcast Services. Records include correspondence, meeting minutes and general files. ———. Inside the Wilkinson era, 1971 May 25. 1 item . Call Number: UA 871 Abstract: Interview by Heber G. Wolsey with Ben E. Lewis, Robert K. Thomas, Harvey Taylor, Sam Brewster, and Bruce L. Olsen concerning their personal experiences with Ernest L. Wilkinson. Wilkinson's resignation as president of Brigham Young University had been announced in March 1971 and the interviews were recorded as a tribute to him. ———. Records, 1962-1976. 22 boxes (11 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 558 Abstract: Contains correspondence from the office of director. ———. Scripts, 1954. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 75 Abstract: Collection includes mimeograph, stencil and carbon copies of typescripts. Includes radio scripts titled "The Challenge," "World Series of Basketball--1954," and "Why Do I Love You?" Learning Resources Division. Records, 1964-1967. 118 boxes (59 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 282 Abstract: Collection includes files of the director, assistant directors and departments and a brief history of the division. Rich, Owen S. Speech and video on KBYU, 1999. 1 folder and 1 video . Call Number: UA 989 Abstract: Speech given by Rich on the establishment of KBYU and a video documenting Rich's career at KBYU. Brockbank, Elsie Booth Brockbank, Elsie Booth. Oral history interview, July 26, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 51 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Elsie B. Brockbank, daughter of John Edge Booth, regarding her father, his marriages, law career, and family associations with Heber J. Grant and Susa Y. Gates. Brown, Gail Brown, Gail. Founder's Day report, 1941. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 91 Abstract: Collection includes a report prepared by Brown, a student and secretary to Franklin S. Harris, concerning Founder's Day, October 16, 1941. Also concerns dedication of Joseph Smith Building with statements by Harris, Joseph Fielding Smith, and David O. McKay. Brown, Hugh B. Brown, Hugh B. Address, [ca. 1958]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 304 Abstract: Address given for Faculty Honor Night in 1958. Brown, Violet J. Brown, Violet J. Oral history interview, May 15-18, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 74 Abstract: Interview by Helen Stark with Violet Brown, educator, discussing her early life in Alpine, Santaquin and Provo, Utah. Also discusses her education, travels, and marriage. Browne, Arthur D. Browne, Arthur D. Papers, 1955-1957. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 180 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence; questionnaires; self-evaluation reports; reports concerning deans, auxiliary servies, and registrar's records; descriptions of job positions; minutes of faculty, Deans' Council, and College of Education meetings; and individual college statistics. Bryner, Loren C. Bryner, Loren C. Oral history interview, Aug. 3, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 62 Abstract: Interview by Jay Beck with Loren Bryner concerning his schooling, employment at BYU and Kennecott, and his involvement in science organizations. Budo, Lois Christianson Budo, Lois Christianson. Oral history interview, March 26, 1978. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 100 Abstract: Interview by McCaye Christianson with Lois Budo, discussing her education, career, marriage and children. Buildings W. W. Clyde Building (Provo, UT) photographs, ca. 19731 oversize box . Call Number: UA 1026 Abstract: Thirteen photographs of the construction of the W. W. Clyde Building taken ca. 1973. Alumni Association. Maeser Memorial Building, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 37 Abstract: This is a brief notation describing the role of the Alumni Association in raising money for the Maeser Memorial Building. ———. Records, 1893-1975. 20 boxes (10 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 541 Abstract: Includes constitution, by-laws, and procedures of the Association. Also includes lists of officers, members, and organizations; also records of fund drives, activities and projects. Also includes receipt books, minutes, correspondence, surveys, newsclippings, press releases, and class and club histories. ———. Records, 1905-1922. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 130 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten and typewritten summary lists of donations, endowments and contributions to the Karl G. Maeser Memorial Building exclusive of the property in deed of trust and the appropriations of the trustee-intrust, and a brief financial history of Brigham Young University. ———. Records, 1908-1913. 4 folders . Call Number: UA 247 Abstract: Collection includes checks, receipts, promissory notes, correspondence, and various other financial data concerning donations for the construction of the Maeser Memorial building. Brewster, Sam F. Oral history interview, Nov. 29, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 118 Abstract: Interview by John Quist with Sam Brewster who speaks about his recruitment by Ernest Wilkinson, and his experiences and administration as director of the BYU Physical Plant. Brigham Young Academy. Dedicatory exercises of the Brigham Young Academy Building, 1892. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 33 Abstract: Contains the description of the dedicatory exercises and the farewell speech given by Karl G. Maeser, 1892. Brigham Young University. Booklet full of facts, figures, and histories of BYU, 1980's. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 760 Abstract: Information and statistics about buildings (including blueprints), athletics, academics, and administration compiled circa 1990. ———. Building dedications, 1892-2001. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 877 Abstract: Collection of flyers, programs, invitations, speeches, dedicatory prayers, and other memorabilia associated with various building dedications on the Brigham Young University campus. ———. Building program requirements, 1983-2000. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 955 Abstract: This collection consists of the building program requirements for a number of campus additions and remodels. Information consists of space requirements summaries, cost guidelines, justification for the construction of a new building or remodel of an existing structure, approvals, and special considerations. ———. Campus building photographs, 1875-ca. 1975. 13 boxes (6.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 827 Abstract: Includes photographs of most campus buildings, arranged alphabetically by building name. Includes views relating to the Alpine Summer school, athletic stadiums, student housing, and temporary buildings. ———. Campus photographs, ca. 1880-1958. 4 boxes (2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 919 Abstract: Originally bound in four volumes, images show BYU buildings, students, faculty, trustees, and campus life. The volume dealing with students was compiled by Mrs. Fletcher Eyring. Sources for the images include campus yearbooks and Wayne B. Hales. Includes views of Aspen Grove, the Alpine Summer School, and the Timpanogos Hike. Some images are original prints, others are reprints, and still others are from yearbooks and other published sources. ———. Class of 1936 records, 1936-1937. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 259 Abstract: Collection includes receipts, lists of paying students and correspondence from Cornelius R. Peterson and Eli K. Clayson to class members concerning donations for the construction and furnishing of the George Albert Smith Fieldhouse. ———. Collected articles about BYU buildings, ca. 1970-ca. 1989. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 626 Abstract: Includes articles concerning the history, dedication and completion of various campus buildings. Articles collected during the 1970's and 1980's. ———. Collected articles about the Heber J. Grant Library, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 231 Abstract: Includes a series of articles from the Alumni Announcer concerning the Heber J. Grant Library. ———. Color photograph collection, 1940s. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 11 Abstract: Depicts early campus scenes, individual buildings, and student and faculty activities. ———. Compilation of the dedicatory services for the Clark Library, Smoot Administration building, General Services building, and the Physical Plant, 1962. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 470 Abstract: Includes dedicatory prayers, addresses, and a list of Smoot descendants in attendance. ———. Contributors to the Heber J. Grant Library. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 405 Abstract: Includes a list of individuals and institutions who contributed to the Heber J. Grant building (1925). Also includes a list of contributors to the 1924 campus beautification drive. ———. Diamond Jubilee records, 1950. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 579 Abstract: Includes program of events, general information, texts of addresses, dedication of the Science building, photos of events, congratulatory letters, and newsclippings. ———. Harold B. Lee Library 1st addition drawings, ca. 1974. 2 drawings . Call Number: UA 1002 Abstract: Two drawings of the 1974 addition to the Harold B. Lee Library. A large drawing is framed and a smaller drawing is accompanied by text discussing the involvement of Brigham Young University students in funding the addition to the library. ———. Maeser Building cornerstone collection, 1887-1909. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 542 Abstract: Includes items dated 1887-1909 sealed in the cornerstone of the Karl G. Maeser building in 1909 and removed in 1975 as part of the University's centennial celebration. Items include articles of incorporation, songs, pennants, albums, pamphlets, directories, poetry, photo albums, Latter-day Saint scriptures and hymn book, copies of the Blue and White, and two articles by N.L. Nelson--"Scientific Aspects of Mormonism" and "The Mormon Point of View." ———. The Maeser Memorial, ca. 1910. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 66 Abstract: This is a small pamphlet describing the efforts in creating and funding a memorial for Karl G. Maeser. The last page is a donation slip. ———. Program of the dedication of the John C. Swensen Lecture Hall in the Joseph F. Smith Family Living Center, 1961. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 107 Abstract: Program of the dedication of the John C. Swensen Lecture Hall in the Joseph F. Smith Family Living Center. ———. Programs, announcements and invitations to Brigham Young Academy and University events, 1878-1935. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 602 Abstract: Includes a student body handbook 1923-1924 and a souvenir program of the dedication of the Brimhall building. Also includes two ribbons commemerating a Maeser reunion (1902) and a First Annual Exhibition day (1911). Also invitations to several graduation and musical events. ———. Report, 1887-1888. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 217 Abstract: Collection includes an inventory of school furniture, utensils and fixtures. ———. Single photo file, 1890s-1980s. 25 boxes (12.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 869 Abstract: Contains images of students, faculty, activities, and organizations at Brigham Young University. Includes images of alumni; student officers; Alpine Summer School; assemblies; devotionals; BYU Bookstore; BYU-Hawaii; campus royalty; views of campus, including aerial views; building dedications; cheerleaders and other pep groups; Cosmo, the school mascot; individual colleges; dance groups; live cougars; exhibits; faculty; Board of Trustees; homecoming parades; Leadership Week; Education Week; ROTC; instrumental and vocal performing groups; dramatic productions; school registration; Program Bureau; clubs; debate team; Benjamin Cluff's South American expedition; Timp Hike; and Y-Day. ———. Souvenir program and dedication exercises of the BYU stadium, Oct. 27, 1928. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 331 Abstract: Also includes many photos of campus and University leaders. ———. Views of campus development, ca. 1974-1991. 18 boxes (9 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 923 Abstract: Includes pictorial histories of building construction at Brigham Young University, 1875-1975, arranged chronologically by university president; pictorial survey of BYU Physical Plant Dept., 1974; pictorial histories of individual campus structures built and remodeled during 1970s and early 1980s; and photographs, slides, and negatives of campus buildings and personnel, and other schools operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Includes views of construction of Provo and Jordan River temples. Also includes views of BYU-Hawaii campus, Ricks College campus, Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies, and Missionary Training Center adjacent to BYU. Materials mostly compiled as part of Hatch's work in BYU Physical Plant Department. ———. Wilkinson Center dedication, 1965 April 3. 1 magnetic tape . Call Number: UA 998 Abstract: The Ernest L. Wilkinson Student Center was completed in 1964 and was named for the sixth president of the university. The Student Center provides a number of services to Brigham Young University students. It is the home of a bookstore, food court, study areas, ballroom dance halls, and several recreation opportunities. ———. Wilkinson Floor Plan Collection, n.d. 4 oversize items . Call Number: UA 533 Abstract: Includes basic floor plans of the various levels of the Wilkinson Center. Brimhall, George H. [Miscellaneous records of, and articles about, the Brigham Young Academy, 1891-1925]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 607 Abstract: Includes a poem "The Builder" which is a tribute to BYU by Marie Clark Miller; officers of Brigham Young University, 1923-1924; a news article examining the progress of BYU, 1918; a brief history and suggested outline for a history of BYU, with name of compilers, 1920; copy of the Deseret Weekly containing an article about Brigham Young Academy, 1891; a brief history of the Academy from the Contributor written by James Talmage, 1881; enrollment statistics for the years 1875-1924; and a poem by George Brimhall written for a student body meeting, n.d. Brown, Gail. Founder's Day report, 1941. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 91 Abstract: Collection includes a report prepared by Brown, a student and secretary to Franklin S. Harris, concerning Founder's Day, October 16, 1941. Also concerns dedication of Joseph Smith Building with statements by Harris, Joseph Fielding Smith, and David O. McKay. College of Biology and Agriculture. Photographs, ca. 1891-1969. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 823 Abstract: All dates in the following description are approximate. Includes views of Brigham Young Academy (BYA) faculty; Alpine summer school botany classes, 1922-1924; Alpine summer school faculty, 1928-1930 and 1941; Lewis building, BYA, 1885; Education building, BYA, 1893; Franklin Stewart Harris; landscape architecture group, 1935; David Starr Jordan Biology Club, 1929-1931; BYU faculty, 1928; Thomas L. Martin; Brimhall Botany Lab, 1936; Brimhall Building, 1940; Clarence Cottam; Raymond B. Farnsworth, 1955-1958; Merrill Hallam, 19581960; Rudger Walker; Lester Allen; Howard C. Stutz; and Kent H. McKnight. Daily Universe. Heritage edition dedicated to the opening of the Bean Museum, 1978. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 113 Abstract: Contains articles about the M.L. Science Museum, the dedication, and its namesake Monte L. Bean. Dept. of Athletics. Records, 1923, 1928. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 266 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, lists of donors and ticket holders, and receipts for donations for the construction of the Brigham Young University football stadium. Dept. of Chemical Engineering. Records, 1953-1968. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 375 Abstract: Includes correspondence and memorandum from the chairman's office, minutes of meetings, building floor plans, and information concerning policies and activities of the department. Dept. of Electrical Engineering. Department chair papers, 1956-1960. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 453 Abstract: Contains papers of the chair of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Jens J. Jonsson, including correspondence and memoranda on curriculum, faculty, students and facilities. Dept. of Physical Education. Records, 1920-1980. 32 boxes (16 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 544 Abstract: Includes correspondence and records from the office of the dean. Also includes records from the various department offices, faculty directories, biographical sketches and newspaper clippings. Division of Religion. Records, 1939-1940. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 436 Abstract: Includes records of volunteer work during the construction of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Eggertsen, Lars Echert. Letter, 1884. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 521 Abstract: Contains a copy of a letter from Eggertsen to his brother, Simon, describing the fire that burned the Lewis building. Fletcher, Harvey. Correspondence relating to the naming of the Eyring Science Center, 1954. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 504 Abstract: Includes guest lists, invitations, program, and correspondence concerning the naming of the Science Center, lecture halls and laboratories. Grant, Heber Jeddy. Founders Day address, 1934. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 418 Abstract: Includes original copy of the Founders Day address by Heber J. Grant at the dedication of the George H. Brimhall building. Hales, Wayne B. Negatives, ca. 1926-1940. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: MSS 2199 Abstract: Six photograph albums, accompanied by ten boxes of photograph negatives, which document Brigham Young University faculty, students, buildings, and events, including dramatic and musical productions. The images, collected by Hales, were taken by himself, Walter Cottam, and others. Includes images relating to the Alpine Summer School, Mount Timpanogos, Aspen Grove, Utah Lake, and the city of Provo. Individual images are numbered in the first four volumes, and correspond to the numbering of the negatives. The collection does not include negatives for images in volumes five and six. The collection includes some negatives for which there are no corresponding prints. Holt, Edward H. Papers, 1936-1937. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 270 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence and a record of original costs, depreciated values and amounts of insurance carried for Brigham Young University buildings. Housing Office. Records, 1945. 1 folder (54 items) . Call Number: UA 177 Abstract: Collection includes graphs, charts, construction plans and contracts, telegrams and correspondence with the National Housing Agency, Feberal Public Housing Authority, United Engineers, and O. J. Scherer Company concerning the use of former military buildings as Wymount Village student housing. Johnson, Arlin Rex. Report of semi-centennial celebration of the founding of Brigham Young University, 1925. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 894 Abstract: Record of events held as part of the semicentennial celebration, compiled by A. Rex Johnson and Melvin C. Miller. Includes transcripts of talks. Also includes a photograph showing people and parade floats in front of the Maeser Building. Speakers included George H. Brimhall, Willard Young, Adam S. Bennion, David J. Wilson, Herbert E. Bolton, Heber J. Grant, Franklin S. Harris, E. G. Peterson, John A. Widtsoe, Richard R. Lyman, and others. Includes a report on the dedication of the Heber J. Grant Library. Madsen, Florence Jepperson. Papers, 1901-1971. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 571 Abstract: Includes personal correspondence, articles, programs, newsclippings, yearbooks, scrapbooks, poetry, resumes, tributes, journals, photographs, patriarchal blessings, and biographical materials. Also includes published, unpublished, and workcopy music manuscripts by the Madsens. Marshall, Milton. Papers, 1947-1961. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 387 Abstract: Papers, correspondence, notes, and photographs regarding teaching, research, and administration at Brigham Young University. The correspondence deals with various university matters. Neff, Andrew Love. School papers, 1900-1903. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 406 Abstract: Includes account records for fund raising for the library, a draft of correspondence used to solicit funds for a new gymnasium, a bank passbook with canceled checks, an account book for the new gymnasium, a financial ledger, and a draft of a school or class song. Nelson, Joseph H. Papers, 1925. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) and 15 blueprints . Call Number: UA 172 Abstract: Collection includes blueprints, drawings, correspondence, and a report concerning bids, building plans and specifications for the Heber J. Grant Library. Newell, Myron C. Oral history interview, April 24, 1964. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 11 Abstract: Interview by Newbern Butt with Myron C. Newell concerning the Brigham Young Academy buildings, facilities, faculty and student activities. Office of the President. Pictorial report of the President of Brigham Young University and the administrator of other areas of the Unified Church School System to Aug. 31, 1961. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 434 Abstract: A pictorial report concerning the LDS Church School System, the Board of Trustees, Executive Committee, BYU Presidents, and Church buildings. Pardoe, T. Earl. The Brigham Young University Celebrates a Salt Lake Theatre Festival, 1937. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 184 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, news clippings, programs and photographs concerning productions in the Salt Lake Theatre Festival, October 29, 1937 at College Hall, Provo, Utah. Peterson, Dean A. Papers, 1938-1967. 9 cartons (9 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 514 Abstract: Includes personal correspondence, published and unpublished writings, instructional materials relating to his administrative assignments which included U.S. Point Four Program in Iran, the Destiny Fund, and planning a new building for the College of Business. Physical Plant. Papers, 1955. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 419 Abstract: Includes building specifications for the Joseph F. Smith Family Living Center. ———. Papers, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 420 Abstract: Includes building specifications for men's residence halls. ———. Photograph collection, n.d. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 10 Abstract: Photographs of campus buildings with brief historical data about each. The collection was compiled by Ephraim Hatch, programmer for Physical Plant's planning and architecture department, . Also includes Physical Plant departmental photos. ———. Records, 1935. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 445 Abstract: Includes blueprints of the addition to the George H. Brimhall Building. ———. Records, 1939. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 444 Abstract: Includes blueprints of Amanda Knight Hall. ———. Records, 1947-1979. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 491 Notes: Boxes 1-6 missing since 1988. Abstract: Includes program requirements, reports, blueprints, budget estimates, minutes, correspondence, and aperture cards regarding the construction and layout of several campus buildings. Also includes biographical sketches of men after whom Helaman Halls were named and statements concerning increasing enrollment. ———. Records, 1958-1959. 45 boxes (22.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 119 Abstract: Collection includes a map of the Brigham Young University campus, committee reports, layout drawings and construction specifications concerning campus buildings and facilities. Planning Committee. Papers, 1956-1966. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 92 Abstract: Collection includes a 44 p. report of the Planning Committee for a comprehensive Campus plan, 1957, covering construction of Brigham Young University Campus from 1884-1957; an 8 p. Brigham Young University Physical Plant Facilities Self Evaluation Survey, Spring 1956; and a 9 p. photocopy of Joys of Discovery-Historical Research and Writing by LeRoy R. Hafen, 1966. Public Affairs Office. Working files, 1968-1991. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 658 Abstract: Contains working files of dedications of buildings, inaugurations, ceremonies, bowl games, commencements, and other special events. Publications and Graphics. Photographs, ca. 1880-1987. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 763 Abstract: Photographs used by Brigham Young University's Publications and Graphics department, many of which are copies made from other sources. Includes photographs of Brigham Young University buildings; Brigham Young Academy; men; women; and photographs relating to the BYU Film and Music Archives; Mormon history; and manuscripts. Also includes photographs taken by GEA Photo and George Edward Anderson. ———. Records, 1951-1963. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 476 Abstract: Includes a collection compiled in honor of David O. McKay on his 90th birthday which contains a pictorial summary showing growth of the Unified Church School System; a dedicatory letter from Ernest L. Wilkinson; cumulative enrollment charts of BYU, institutes, and seminaries; photos of campuses, buildings, students, and leaders of schools in the Unified Church School System; and photos of McKay. Rasmussen, Paul G. Memos, 1959. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 500 Abstract: Three copied memos from Paul Rasmussen to Sam Brewster concerning the construction of a utility tunnel, the addition to the library, and the administration building. Rex, Janet J. BYU Physical Facility Building Histories, 1998. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 779 Abstract: Compiled by Janet J. Rex of Public Communications at Brigham Young University, the document gives summary information about each structure on the BYU campus, including date of construction, its uses, departments housed therein, dates of renovation (if applicable), and, in some instances, anecdotal information. Sauls, Kiefer B. Oral history interview, June 6, 7, 26th, 1979. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 41 Abstract: Interview by Mark K. Allen with Kiefer Sauls, BYU treasurer, purchasing agent and secretary to three presidents. Topics cover his association with BYU in those capacities over a 51 year period, childhood reminiscences and family data. Snell, William H. History of industrial arts at B.Y.U. from 1883 to 1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 294 Abstract: History of industrial arts at Brigham Young University from 1883 to 1960. Student Auxiliary Services. Records of the director of married student housing, 1949-1971. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 537 Abstract: Includes sampling of correspondence, memos and other materials relating to the operation of this office. Swensen, John C. Papers, 1956. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 108 Abstract: Collection includes typewritten autobiography, speeches and historical summaries concerning Brigham Young Academy and Brigham Young University, taken from Swensen's notes and writings, and a printed program for the dedication of the John C. Swensen Lecture Hall in the Joseph F. Smith Family Living Center. Treasurer's Office. Records, 1880-1978. 15 cartons . Call Number: UA 355 Abstract: Includes correspondence and financial records of BYA and BYU departmental offices. ———. Records, 1941-1947. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 371 Abstract: Includes lists of donations to the Student Hall Fund, scholarship and award funds. Also includes correspondence concerning fund-raising for the Student Hall Fund. ———. Records, 1949-1952. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 370 Abstract: Includes typewritten lists of students, faculty and private donations for the Fieldhouse. Also includes correspondence of fundraising, and a list of pledge transfers from the BYU 75th Anniversary fund to the Fieldhouse fund. Tyler, S. Lyman. Library photographs, n. d. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Photos of the Harold B. Lee Library as well as other libraries on other college campuses. University Publications. Records of naming and dedicating Heritage and Helaman Halls, 1956-1958. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 409 Abstract: Includes internal correspondence about the naming and dedication of Heritage and Helaman Halls. Also includes correspondence with the family organizations representing those individuals whose names are associated with each Hall. University Relations. Slide collection, 1973. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 13 Abstract: Slides depicting campus scenes, buildings, athletic events, classroom scenes, artistic scenes and some individuals. Utilized in slide presentation for prospective students. Wakefield, John Homer. Photographs, 1913-1978. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 948 Abstract: Photographs of various buildings, faculty members, students, and activities of Brigham Young University during the years 1913-1978. Young, Aretta. On the burning of the Brigham Young Academy at Provo, 1884. 1 folder (2 pages) . Call Number: UA 179 Abstract: Collection includes a letter to Evanda Young in the form of a poem concerning the burning of Brigham Young Academy, January 28, 1884. Young, Lorenzo S. Papers, 1959. 2 bound volumes . Call Number: UA 351 Abstract: Includes contract documents and building specifications for the Harold B. Lee Library. Bullock, Kenneth C. Bullock, Kenneth C. Eighty year history of the Department of Geology, Brigham Young University, 1959. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 306 Abstract: History of the Department of Geology. Bureau of Church Studies Bureau of Church Studies. Questionnaire, 1962. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 367 Abstract: Includes a questionnaire given to Church members to determine member activity in Church programs. ———. Statistical studies. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 402 Abstract: Includes two statistical studies concerning member growth of the LDS Church, Church University needs, and other statistical information. Burgner, C. R. Burgner, C. R. Brigham Young U. rooted in Utah history. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 343 Abstract: This article was published in The Monitor, an official publication of the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company. It was issued to employees in the states of Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming. It talks about BYU's place in Utah history. Burton, Alma P. Burton, Alma P. Correspondence, 1961-1964. 4 volumes . Abstract: Correspondence with Brigham Young University officials from Boyd K. Packer and Alma P. Burton. Packer served as General Supervisor of the Church's department of education, 1961; Alma P. Burton served as Assistant Administrator, 1961-1964. Butt, Newbern I. Butt, Newbern I. Collected history of the Old Y Bell, 1884-1968. 1 folder (27 items) . Call Number: UA 123 Abstract: Collection includes documented histories, poems and articles (photocopies) concerning the "Y" Bell and other bells at Brigham Young University. Butterworth, Edwin Butterworth, Edwin. A Brief history of the Brigham Young University News Bureau, 1972. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 116 Abstract: History of the public relations arm of BYU, formerly called the New Bureau, currently named Public Communications. ———. Photographs used in 1000 views of 100 years, [ca. 1875-1975]. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 2 Abstract: Images used in the book, Brigham Young University: 1000 views of 100 years, published in 1975 in conjunction with the centennial of the university. Page numbers in the book correspond to folder numbers in the photograph collection. Butterworth presumably gathered the images from a variety of sources. Also includes a box containing an incomplete set of photograph negatives. BYU Studies BYU Studies. Administrative Files, 1967-1983. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1019 Abstract: Correspondence, minutes, subscription details, and other paperwork dealing with the administration of the scholarly journal BYU Studies. BYU Women (Club) BYU Women (Club). Cash book, 1938-1947. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 111 Abstract: Cashbook for BYU Women. ———. Receipt and disbursement book, 1947-1953. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 110 Abstract: Receipt and disbursement book. ———. Records, 1914-1978. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 545 Abstract: Includes news clippings, announcements, programs, newsletters, membership directories, photographs, minutes, invitations, reports, constitution and by-laws, and the correspondence of Virginia Allred, Vera Millett, Gretta Romney, and Ruth Cannon who served as presidents of the club. ———. Scrapbook, 1915-1965. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 920 Abstract: Originally housed in a scrapbook volume, images depict female members of the BYU faculty and Board of Trustees, wives of male faculty and trustees, and other prominent women on campus. ———. Treasurer's account book, 1927-1956. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 109 Abstract: Account book for the BYU Women (Club). Calorimetry Conference Calorimetry Conference. Abstracts and programs, 1968-. 1 box . Call Number: UA 717 Abstract: Contains the abstracts, programs and other information on successive Calorimetry Conferences. Cameron, J. Elliot Cameron, J. Elliot. Oral reminiscences, April 27, 1990. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 159 Abstract: Oral reminiscences of J. Elliot Cameron on his time as a student at BYU, and experiences as Dean of Student Life. ———. Records, 1957-1974. 14 boxes (7 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes, information, reports, memoranda, statements, articles, and news clippings concerning the Administrative Council, ASBYU budget, athletic grade point average, Counseling Center, Deans Council, Dean of Student Staff, discontinuance of students, faculty advisement, Honor Council, Indian Students, security and traffic, student government handbook, student organizations, University Standards, Calendar Committee, College Student Personnel Institute, Returned Missionary Committee, vandalism, sabbaticals, black students, assemblies, scheduling, Student Executive Council, student publications and special student problems. Campus Tours and Conferences University Relations. Records, 1952-1973. 26 boxes (13 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 550 Abstract: Collection contains the records of Campus Tours and Conferences. Campus Tours and Conferences was organized during the 1950s by Lester B. Whetton, as per the wishes of President Wilkinson. The Department was dissolved in 1973, and its duties assumed by University Relations. Cannon, Edna S. Cannon, Edna S. Grade books, 1939-1946. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 114 Abstract: Collection includes grade books for bacteriology and botany classes. Card, Zina Young Williams Brigham Young University. Student essays, 1920. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 349 Abstract: Contains student essays written in response to lectures given by Zina Young Card. Card, Zina Young Williams. Papers, 1879. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 221 Abstract: Collection includes a series of normal notes from lectures given by Karl Maeser. Card, Zina Young Williams, 1850-1931 Card, Zina Young Williams 1850-1931. Papers, 1885. 1 folder (1 item) . Call Number: UA 211 Abstract: Collection includes sentence diagrams for grammar class, history notes, and other class notes. Also includes a party list. Cardon, Chloe Smoot Cardon, Chloe Smoot. Notebook of the domestic art class at Brigham Young University, 1907. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 601 Abstract: Handwritten notebook of illustrated sewing patterns, instructions and attached fabrics. Career Education Career Education. Records, 1969-1975. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 457 Abstract: Includes budget reports, memoranda, class program proposals, brochures, minutes of faculty committee and planning meetings, and description of the Personal Development Center Program and workshops. Carillons Brigham Young University. Carillon chimes at BYU, 1955. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 336 Abstract: Contains a newspaper article about the acquisition of the original carillon chimes within the Eyring Science Center. Carl F. Eyring Science Center (Provo, Utah) Brigham Young University. Diamond Jubilee records, 1950. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 579 Abstract: Includes program of events, general information, texts of addresses, dedication of the Science building, photos of events, congratulatory letters, and newsclippings. College of Engineering Sciences and Technology. Records, 1954-1963. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 546 Abstract: Includes various records of the College and blueprints for the Eyring Science Center. Fletcher, Harvey. Correspondence relating to the naming of the Eyring Science Center, 1954. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 504 Abstract: Includes guest lists, invitations, program, and correspondence concerning the naming of the Science Center, lecture halls and laboratories. Carroll, Elsie Chamberlain Carroll, Elsie Chamberlain. Papers, 1931-1934. 16 volumes . Call Number: UA 158 Abstract: Collection includes typewritten and illustrated scrapbooks containing stories, poems, essays and plays, written and prepared by Carroll's students. Centennial celebrations Brigham Young University. BYU centennial frolics, 1875-1975 : memories light the corners of your mind. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 48 Abstract: This is a pamphlet highlighting some of the performers of the BYU Centennial Frolics show. ———. Centennial Celebration photos, slides and negatives, 1975. 18 boxes (9 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 3 Abstract: Photographs, slides and negatives of Brigham Young University's centennial celebration. ———. Centennial pins, 1975. 4 items . Call Number: UA 857 Abstract: Four pins containing BYU centennial logo, one of which includes a service slogan. ———. Maeser Building cornerstone collection, 1887-1909. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 542 Abstract: Includes items dated 1887-1909 sealed in the cornerstone of the Karl G. Maeser building in 1909 and removed in 1975 as part of the University's centennial celebration. Items include articles of incorporation, songs, pennants, albums, pamphlets, directories, poetry, photo albums, Latter-day Saint scriptures and hymn book, copies of the Blue and White, and two articles by N.L. Nelson--"Scientific Aspects of Mormonism" and "The Mormon Point of View." ———. Sounds of a century : sound records, 1975. 1 box (.25 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 985 Abstract: These records were compiled by Lorin F. Wheelwright for Brigham Young University's Centennial celebration in 1975 and produced by BYU Sound Services. Fifty-five memorable excerpts from BYU forums, assemblies, and devotionals. Also contains memorable music from campus festivities and concerts. Centennial Committee. Centennial reports, 1975-1976. 4 boxes (2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 695 Abstract: The collection is divided into a series of Centennial reports that deal with the management of BYU's Centennial Celebration. Reports include information on events, publicity, picking a centennial theme and symbol, and exhibits. Most reports contain photos and bound materials. Centennial History Committee. Records, 1972-1976. 137 boxes (68.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 566 Abstract: Includes research materials for "Brigham Young University: a school of destiny", and "Brigham Young University: the first one hundred years". Materials include photocopies of presidential and administrative officers, papers, journal extracts, student, faculty and LDS Church publications, oral histories, correspondence, news clippings, and other material related to the published history of BYU. Centennial Committee Centennial Committee. Centennial reports, 1975-1976. 4 boxes (2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 695 Abstract: The collection is divided into a series of Centennial reports that deal with the management of BYU's Centennial Celebration. Reports include information on events, publicity, picking a centennial theme and symbol, and exhibits. Most reports contain photos and bound materials. Centennial History Committee Bennett, Richard Edmond. Oral history interview, Jan. 20, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 75 Abstract: Interview by David Whittaker with Richard Bennett, historian, discussing his role and responsibilities relating to the research and writing of the Brigham Young University Centennial History, including opinions on co-workers on the project. Centennial History Committee. Records, 1972-1976. 137 boxes (68.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 566 Abstract: Includes research materials for "Brigham Young University: a school of destiny", and "Brigham Young University: the first one hundred years". Materials include photocopies of presidential and administrative officers, papers, journal extracts, student, faculty and LDS Church publications, oral histories, correspondence, news clippings, and other material related to the published history of BYU. Clark, James R. Oral history interview, Jan. 10, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 57 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo J. Morley with James R. Clark concerning his professional assignments, his work on the BYU Centennial History Committee, and his involvement with the Indian Institute program. Also discusses his early life and education. Center for Business and Economic Research Center for Business and Economic Research. Drafts and typescripts, 1959-1983. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 639 Abstract: Handwritten, typed, and printed reports, proposals, analyses, and studies. The items are mostly in a semi-published state with some taking the form of drafts and initial typescripts. The subject matter of the various studies include: industrial development for Utah and the Navajo Nation, and reports on economic and business matters in Polynesia, Utah, Idaho, Montana, and Southern California. These reports concern social welfare policies, land use, energy use, local business improvement, and taxation. Center for Thermochemical Studies Center for Thermochemical Studies. Correspondence, 1972-1975. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 58 Abstract: Typed correspondence (some carbon copies) concerning conferences, research, publications, and equipment. Charles Redd Center for Western Studies Charles Redd Center for Western Studies. Lecture series collection, 1982-1983. 4 reel to reel tapes . Call Number: UA OH 72 Abstract: Recordings of lectures given Sept. 22, and Nov. 3, 1982; and Jan. 19, and March 9, 1983. Subjects discussed includeed Mormonism and secularization; the Utah Territorial Militia; the influence of Mormonism in Colonia Dublan, Chiuahua, Mexico; and the settlement of Cache and Weber valleys, Utah. ———. Records, 1972-1980. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 478 Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, news clippings, budgets and other financial records, monographs, manuscripts of lectures, proposals and agreements. Cheney, Tom Cheney, Tom. Oral history interview, Oct. 10, 1979. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 46 Abstract: Interview by J. Roman Andrus with Tom Cheney, BYU English professor, concerning his teaching experience, his relationship with the faculty and administration, and his paper concerning the Negro and the Mormon Church and subsequent controversy. Christensen, Dean C. Christensen, Dean C. Oral history interview, Aug. 2, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 22 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Dean C. Christensen regarding his experiences as a teacher in Duchesne County, Utah during the 1940's and early 1950's, and later as a member of the BYU College of Education. Christensen, Edward L. Christensen, Edward L. College of Business : a century of progress at Brigham Young University, 1973. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 119 Abstract: History of the Brigham Young University College of Business from its inception until 1972. Christensen, N. La Verl Christensen, N. La Verl. Oral history, 1984-1987. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 162 Abstract: Christensen talks about his educational background, his professional affiliation with various local newspapers in Provo, and his spiritual experiences. Christensen, Ross T. Christensen, Ross T. A Historical sketch of the Department of Archaeology of Brigham Young University, ca. 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 303 Abstract: History of the Department of Archaeology. Church Educational System (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) Bentley, Joseph T. Administrative records, 1952-1969. 158 boxes and 31 volumes (89 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 878 Abstract: Includes files concerning university budget, LDS Church School System, campus colleges and departments, faculty, staff, fund-raising, administrative meetings, students, Treasurer's Office, New World Archaeological Foundation, and athletics. Also includes files relative to Church schools in Mexico and in the Pacific, and some of Bentley's personal files. Includes significant amounts of correspondence with Ernest L. Wilkinson (president of BYU) and others. Berrett, William E. Oral history interview, Jan. 27, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 69 Abstract: Interview by Thomas E. Cheney with William E. Berrett concerning the history of the LDS Church Education System, particularily the Seminary and Institutes program. Also speaks on the development of religious instruction at BYU, his experiences with Ernest wilkinson, and the development of BYU from 19481971. Also discusses the discontinuance of social units at BYU, the organization of BYU wards, and the establishment of the ROTC program. Brigham Young University. Study to establish additional junior colleges as part of the LDS Church educational system, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 468 Abstract: Includes a study of enrollment trends in the Church Education system in order to determine the locations of additional junior colleges, 1957. Burton, Alma P. Correspondence, 1961-1964. 4 volumes . Abstract: Correspondence with Brigham Young University officials from Boyd K. Packer and Alma P. Burton. Packer served as General Supervisor of the Church's department of education, 1961; Alma P. Burton served as Assistant Administrator, 1961-1964. Church Educational System (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). Church schools : the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1968. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 84 Abstract: Discusses the church schools that make up the Church Educational System. ———. Especially for youth program booklets, 1990-1991. 2 items . Call Number: UA 854 Abstract: Includes a brief history of EFY program; biographical sketches and photographs of Session Directors, teachers, and speakers; group photographs of counselors; definition of annual theme; schedule of week activities; words to theme song and Latter-day Saint hymns; and program standards. ———. Records, 1921-1927. 1 folder (8 items) . Call Number: UA 124 Abstract: Collection includes a list of Latter-day Saint Church schools operating in 1921-1922, correspondence from Superintendent Adam S. Bennion and Assistant Secretary Franklin S. Davis of the Latter-day Saint Church Commission of Education, a list of comparative attendance of seminaries, historical records of members of the church school system, and information concerning the development of the seminary system with statistics referring to student attendance at church meetings and their observance of church doctrines and standards. Office of the President. Pictorial report of the President of Brigham Young University and the administrator of other areas of the Unified Church School System to Aug. 31, 1961. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 434 Abstract: A pictorial report concerning the LDS Church School System, the Board of Trustees, Executive Committee, BYU Presidents, and Church buildings. Sessions, J. Wyley. Oral history interview, Aug. 12, 1972. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 65 Abstract: Interview by Don David Sessions with J. Wyley Sessions concerning his work experiences at BYU, and in starting the LDS Institute Program at the University of Idaho, Idaho State, and the University of Wyoming. ———. Papers, 1911-1978. 5 boxes . Call Number: UA 156 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten and typewritten correspondence, news clippings (photocopies), financial reports and budgets, certificates, documents, poems, articles and speeches concerning his education, career, Latter-Day Saint Church assignments, business pursuits, genealogy and personal and family history. West, Franklin L. Papers, 1936-1951. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 536 Abstract: Includes records relating to BYU, LDS Business College, and the Juarez and Kelsey academies. Also includes correspondence on candidates for BYU president. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints presidents photographs, 1850-19951 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 945 Abstract: Contains photographs of the presidents of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and members of the Council of the Twelve Apostles and members of the Brigham Young University Board of Trustees. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Board of Education records, 1938-1943. 1 folder (17 items) . Call Number: UA 121 Abstract: Collection includes administrative codes, regulations, minutes of executive meetings and charts concerning the Latter-day Saint Church Education System and its relationship to Brigham Young University, and listings of LDS Church positions held by Brigham Young University staff members. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Brigham Young Academy Ward Priest's Quorum records, 1892-1896. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 199 Abstract: Collection includes a handwritten record listing Latter-Day Saint Aaronic Priesthood ordinations of Brigham Young University students and contains minutes of meetings of the Priest's Quorum. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Development Office Annual report, 1978-1979. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 806 Abstract: Annual report documenting the fund-raising performance of the Development office. Includes correspondence and charts. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Provo storehouse monetary script, 1901. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 637 Abstract: Engraved monetary script. This item was worth 10 cents, could only be spent at the Provo Storehouse (Bishop's Storehouse), and was not to be used as money elsewhere. This bill is engraved on both sides with a representation of the main building of the Brigham Young Academy on it. It also has an engraved signature of Wm. B. Preston (1830-1908), Presiding Bishop of the Mormon Church, on it. Those individuals who worked for the Brigham Young Academy were often paid in such script. ———. Tithing records of Brigham Young University faculty members living in the Utah Stake for 1937. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 411 Abstract: Tithing records of Brigham Young University faculty members living in the Utah Stake. Larson, Gustive O. Papers, 1921-1978. 67 boxes (33.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 622 Abstract: Correspondence, personal histories, scholarly and religious writings, student papers, research files, business records, civic and professional organization files, and personal memorabilia. These materials relate to a wide range of personal matters and to the histories of Utah, the American West, American Indians, and the Mormon Church. Clark, Harold Glen Clark, Harold Glen. The Golden years of Continuing Education at Brigham Young University, 1971. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 47 Abstract: A fiftieth year anniversary pamphlet for the Division of Continuing Education. Clark III, J. Reuben Clark III, J. Reuben. Oral history interview, Jan. 19, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 129 Abstract: Interview by Thomas Cheney with J. Reuben Clark III, on his experiences as a student at BYU, and as a professor of French and Latin at BYU. Includes thoughts on several BYU presidents, and his father. Clark, James R. Clark, James R. Oral history interview, Jan. 10, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 57 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo J. Morley with James R. Clark concerning his professional assignments, his work on the BYU Centennial History Committee, and his involvement with the Indian Institute program. Also discusses his early life and education. Clark, Shelby G. Clark, Shelby G. Papers, 1952-1959. 3 boxes (1.25 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 63 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, reports, memoranda, and evaluations concerning admissions, social units, probations, student personnel services, scholarships, College of Education faculty meetings and university procedures and policies. Clarke, A. John Clarke, A. John. Oral history interview, July 27, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 21 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with A. John Clarke, BYU professor, concerning his experiences as a student at BYU during the late 1930's, and as an instructor and principle of the BY High School in the mid 1940's. Clarke, Rissa M. Clarke, Rissa M. Oral history interview, April 3, 1978. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 98 Abstract: Interview by Merrilee Browne with Rissa M. Clarke discussing her education, family and career. Clawson, John Willard Clawson, John Willard. Collection, 1938. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 269 Abstract: Collection includes a Bill of Sale concerning the John Willard Clawson Memorial Collection and a typewritten list of 25 drawings and paintings in the collection. Cloward, Vera H. Cloward, Vera H. Oral history interview, March 22, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 97 Abstract: Interview by Myrna Thornton with Vera Cloward discussing her family background, life in the Mormon Mexican colonies, education, matiage, and attitudes about women and the feminist movement. Clubs A brief history of Ida Smoot Dusenberry, 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 26 Abstract: Ida Dusenberry was a member of the Nelke Reading Club, which promoted the compilation of biographies of it's members. [A brief history of Lydia Geneva Jones Deming], n. d.1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 25 Abstract: Lydia Deming was a member of the Nelke Reading Club, which promoted the compilation of the biographies of its members. [Two short histories of Clara Clarkson Nuttall Giles]1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 24 Abstract: Clara Giles was a part of the Nelke Reading Club, which promoted the compilation of the biographies of its members. Alice Louise Reynolds Club. Records, 1932-1977. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 465 Abstract: Includes minutes, correspondence, scrapbooks, programs, financial reports, and study courses of various chapters. Also includes newsclippings, tributes, an autobiography, and correspondence concerning Reynolds, and records of a project for a room in the library in remembrance of Reynolds. Alpha Kappa Psi. Beta Delta Chapter (Brigham Young University) publications, 1928-1936. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 432 Abstract: Includes a history of the chapter of the student fraternity and alumni bulletins concerning news of members and activities of the chapter. ———. Beta Delta Chapter (Brigham Young University) survey of student expenditures in Provo, Utah, 1937-1938. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 47 Abstract: Survey of Brigham Young University students, to determine the amount of money students spend in Provo, instituted by the Associated Students of Brigham Young University. Alta Mitra (Brigham Young University). Account book, 1941-1942. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 408 Abstract: Account book of Alta Mitra, a student social club on BYU campus. Associated Men Students of Brigham Young University. Records and minutes of the Associated Men Students of BYU, 1941-1945. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 376 Abstract: Includes minutes of meetings concerning Y-Day plans, social and activity surveys, tuxedo bureau, rules for song contests, ice carnival, skits, and radio programs. Bailey, Harold. Biography of Nellie Bailey, 1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 23 Abstract: This is a brief biography of Nellie Bailey. Nellie Baley was a member of the Nelke Reading Club, which promoted the compilation of the biographies of its members. Berrett, William E. Oral history interview, Jan. 27, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 69 Abstract: Interview by Thomas E. Cheney with William E. Berrett concerning the history of the LDS Church Education System, particularily the Seminary and Institutes program. Also speaks on the development of religious instruction at BYU, his experiences with Ernest wilkinson, and the development of BYU from 19481971. Also discusses the discontinuance of social units at BYU, the organization of BYU wards, and the establishment of the ROTC program. Booth, Lillian C. Papers, 1947-1958. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 56 Abstract: Collection includes typescripts of job descriptions (some carbon copies and photocopies) for the Counselor of Women (1950, 1953-1955, 1957), annual reports (1945-1957), lists of officers from 1922-1957 of the Associated Women Students of Brigham Young University, a history from 1897-1957 of the Matron, Dean of Women, and Counselor of Women, and records of sample student problems. Brigham Young Academy. Pedagogium records, 1892-1894. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 189 Abstract: Collection includes its constitution and by-laws, minutes of meetings, and membership list. ———. Polysophical Society records, 1880-1895. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 226 Abstract: Collection includes meeting minutes, programs, membership records, and party invitations. Also includes a brief history and correspondence from Herald Clark to Ernest Wilkinson concerning Polysophical Society as forerunner of lyceum course. ———. Polysophical Society records, 1884-1939. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 84 Abstract: Includes minutes of the Polysophical Society 1892-1895, souvenir copies of the first Society meeting agenda and several handwritten notes. Brigham Young University. Brief descriptions of some BYU clubs and social organizations, ca. 1930-ca. 1950. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 39 Abstract: Contains information on the following clubs: Faculty BYU Women's Organization, BYU X Lady Missionaries Blue Key, Beta Beta Beta, Future Teachers Society, and White Key and Gold Y. The dates of these items are between the 1930's and 1950's. BYU Women (Club). Cash book, 1938-1947. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 111 Abstract: Cashbook for BYU Women. ———. Receipt and disbursement book, 1947-1953. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 110 Abstract: Receipt and disbursement book. ———. Records, 1914-1978. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 545 Abstract: Includes news clippings, announcements, programs, newsletters, membership directories, photographs, minutes, invitations, reports, constitution and by-laws, and the correspondence of Virginia Allred, Vera Millett, Gretta Romney, and Ruth Cannon who served as presidents of the club. ———. Scrapbook, 1915-1965. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 920 Abstract: Originally housed in a scrapbook volume, images depict female members of the BYU faculty and Board of Trustees, wives of male faculty and trustees, and other prominent women on campus. ———. Treasurer's account book, 1927-1956. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 109 Abstract: Account book for the BYU Women (Club). Clark, Shelby G. Papers, 1952-1959. 3 boxes (1.25 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 63 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, reports, memoranda, and evaluations concerning admissions, social units, probations, student personnel services, scholarships, College of Education faculty meetings and university procedures and policies. College Club. Records, 1912-1916. 1 folder (9 items) . Call Number: UA 190 Abstract: Collection includes a Valentine card, club membership list, correspondence, cancelled check, and bound volume of club records. Delta Phi Kappa. Periodicals, 1930-1966. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 983 Abstract: Publications from the fraternity including "The Friar News", "Delta Phi Bulletin", and "Delta Phi Clarion." Publications are filed by decade beginning with the 1930's and ending in the 1960's. Evenson, William E. College rush procedures, 1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 519 Abstract: Includes a research paper submitted by William Evenson for his English 116 class at BYU, 1960. Contains no information about BYU clubs or organizations, but draws on BYU faculty for information concerning the philosophy of clubs and rushing. Executive Vice President for Auxiliary Services. William Rolfe Kerr files, 19761983. 5 cartons . Call Number: UA 933 Abstract: Administrative files of W. Rolfe Kerr, executive vice president at BYU, 1980-1984. Includes files relating to athletics; special events; student leadership, clubs, and dress-and-grooming standards; public relations; campus security; Media Services; KBYU (radio and television); and other topics. Includes correspondence, reports, and other information, some predating Kerr's appointment. Gamma Phi Omicron (Brigham Young University). Records, 1926-1961. 1 box . Call Number: UA 461 Abstract: Includes the constitution, history, minutes, membership lists, financial records, scrapbooks, and photo albums. Hansen, Ralph W. Brigham Young University fraternity artifacts, [ca. 1948-1950]. 3 folders . Call Number: UA 858 Abstract: Includes paddle used during Hansen's initiation into the Tausig (Tau Sigma) social unit at Brigham Young University. Contains several signatures of active members, gathered by Hansen as a pledge (prospective member). Also includes Hansen's Tausig membership certificate, 9 January 1848, and membership cards for Tau Sigma, Phi Alpha Theta, and Intercollegiate Knights. Also includes sew-on cloth emblem for Intercollegiate Knights. Cover letter, 14 June 1996, contains additional information about the Tausig paddle. Holt, Edward H. Papers, 1899-1938. 1 box . Call Number: UA 250 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence regarding admission to Brigham Young Academy, theology class assignments, petitions, essays, talks by Lorenzo Snow and George Q. Cannon, papers regarding credit, advanced standing, student clubs, and miscellaneous correspondence and reports from Holt's files. Inter-Organizational Council. Records, 1957-1960. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 481 Abstract: Includes minutes, constitution, policies, and procedures of the Council. Intercollegiate Knights. Gold "Y" Chapter records, 1970s-1990s. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 742 Abstract: Club constitutions, correspondence with the national office and news clippings. ———. Records of the national organization, 1922-1990. 39 boxes (19.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 810 Abstract: This collection contains minutes of meetings, national newsletters, pictures, guidebooks, correspondence, and other various tokens from the national organization of the Intercollegiate Knights. Kappa Debonaire (Brigham Young University). Records, 1955-1963. 8 folders . Call Number: UA 377 Abstract: Includes handbook, correspondence, ledger, mailing lists, check register, and miscellaneous information. Marketing Dept. A study of the radio listening habits of the people in Utah County, Utah, 1940. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 42 Abstract: Study conducted by Weldon J. Taylor, instructor, concerning the radio listening habits of the people in Utah County, Utah with the assistance of Alpha Kappa Psi. National Exchange Club. Complete texts of the Freedom Shrine documents, ca. 1970. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 73 Abstract: Includes printed texts of the 28 documents which comprise the Freedom Shrine. Phi Kappa Phi (Brigham Young University Chapter). Poster, 1951. 1 item . Call Number: UA 859 Abstract: Poster describing the formation of the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society at Brigham Young University and which is signed by the charter members. Photo Arts Society. Minutes, 1949-1950. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 395 Abstract: Minutes of the club's meetings. ———. Photographs, 1938-1954. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 23 Abstract: Photos taken by student and faculty members of this society. Rialto Club. Records, 1903-1905. 1 folder (9 items) . Call Number: UA 188 Abstract: Collection includes bound 76 page journal of the club and materials concerning debate topics. Rocky Mountain Forensic League. Records, 1925-1942. 3 volumes . Call Number: UA 154 Abstract: Collection includes orations, programs and proceedings of the Rocky Mountain Speech Conference, the Rocky Mountain Oratorical League and the Rocky Mountain Forensic League held at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah; the University of Denver, Denver, Colorado; the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado; Colorado State College, Fort Collins, Colorado; the University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming; Montana State College, Bozeman, Montana; Utah State Agricultural College, Logan, Utah; and the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Rocky Mountain Oratorical League. Records, 1925-1928, 1930. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 153 Abstract: Collection includes orations from the 1st-4th and the 6th annual contests held at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado; Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah; University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming; Montana State College, Bozeman, Montana; and the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Society of the Sigma Xi. Brigham Young University Chapter records, 1935-1975. 6 boxes (3 linear ft) . Call Number: UA 415 Abstract: Includes petitions, correspondence, constitution and by-laws, membership lists, minutes, reports, and a copy of the Sigma XI Half Century Record and History 1886-1936. Y Calcares. Records, 1943-1962. 2 volumes . Call Number: UA 462 Abstract: Student service club records include a pledge book, a minute book and histories. Y Psychological Society (Provo, Utah. Constitution of the "Y" Psychological Society, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 369 Abstract: Constitution of the "Y" Psychological Society. Cluff, Benjamin Cluff, Benjamin. Annual report of the principle of the Brigham Young Academy : To the Board of Trustees and Stake Board of Education, for the sixteenth academic year, 1891-92. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 326 Abstract: Includes the president's report of the faculty, students, curricula, facilities, and finances for 1891-1892. ———. Papers, 1900-1902. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 135 Abstract: Scrapbook containing newspaper articles (photocopy) concerning the Brigham Young Academy South American Expedition, and The Brigham Young Alumnus. ———. Photographs and correspondence, 1911-1943. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 1013 Abstract: Photographs and correspondence of Benjamin Cluff, Jr. Among the photographs is a family picture of the Benjamin and Harriett Cluff family. Correspondence is between Cluff and his son, Cyril, as well as Cluff and the UtahMexican Rubber Company. ———. Records, 1892-1903. 10 boxes (5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, building contracts and letter press books, correspondence with General Authorities of the LDS Church, educators, students, faculty, and prospective faculty. Concerns such subjects as BYA South American Expedition, establishment of BYA Beaver Branch, equal accreditation with the University of Utah, financing, salaries, recommendation to introduce graduate level instruction in pedagogy and psychology, raising standards of the academy, sabbatical leaves, summer school libraries, fund drive of 1899, and President's report for 1899-1900. ———. Term record of the Brigham Young Academy commencing Jan. 28, 1884. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 220 Abstract: Collection includes term records of students enrolled at Brigham Young Academy. ———. Theological Notes, 1882-1885. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 191 Abstract: Collection includes notes on theology, articles by Cluff, education notes, world situation notes, and titles of library books. Magleby, Heber L. Journals and correspondence of Heber L. Magleby during his time as a member of the Brigham Young Academy South American Expedition, 1900-1902. 5 folders . Call Number: UA 363 Abstract: Journals and correspondence document Heber L. Mableby's experience with the Brigham Young Academy South American Expedition. Tolton, Walter S. Diary excerpt of the South American scientific expedition of the Brigham Young Academy, 1900-1902. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 368 Abstract: Contains a typescript of journal of the BYA South American Expedition and correspondence concerning the Tolton family genealogy. Wolfe, Walter M. Collection, 1887-[ca. 1983]. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 366 Abstract: Includes detailed journals, 1900-1901; copies of numerous articles by him, 1887-1905; and biographical information. Journals were recorded during the Brigham Young Academy South American Expedition. Collection includes transcriptions of the journals. College Bowl Brigham Young University. College Bowl collected correspondence and articles, 1961-1962. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 447 Abstract: Includes correspondence, articles and memoranda concerning the appearance of the BYU College Bowl team on the General Electric College Bowl television show. College Club College Club. Records, 1912-1916. 1 folder (9 items) . Call Number: UA 190 Abstract: Collection includes a Valentine card, club membership list, correspondence, cancelled check, and bound volume of club records. College of Arts and Sciences Eyring, Carl F. Gradebook for Physics 1, Fall 1950. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 176 Abstract: Collection includes lists, names, final test scores, student grades, and the curve used to determine the grades. ———. Papers, 1912. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 106 Abstract: Collection includes a holograph draft of a thesis concerning electric waves written while attending Brigham Young University. ———. Papers, 1943-1950. 5 folders . Call Number: UA 507 Abstract: Includes correspondence concerning research projects, annual department budgets, personal opinions as to the future of BYU. Also includes records of a farewell reception and address given in behalf of President and Mrs. Howard S. McDonald. Hansen, George Henry. Papers, 1951-1959. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 509 Abstract: Includes correspondence, photographs, reports and news clippings concerning the College of Arts and Sciences, college policies, faculty, senior students and Utah's geology. College of Biological and Agricultural Sciences College of Biological and Agricultural Sciences. Annual reports, 1982-1994. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 729 Abstract: Includes annual reports for 1982-1990, a special report of 1988 and reports on scholarly/research productivity for 1990-1994. College of Biology and Agriculture. Records and correspondence, 1917-1986. 36 boxes (18 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 702 Abstract: Contains records, minutes, publications, etc. of the College of Biology and Agriculture, the Benson Institute, and the departments of the College. Dept. of Agricultural Economics. Records, 1969-1974. 2 boxes . Call Number: UA 442 Abstract: Includes correspondence and memoranda of the department chair. Also includes information concerning the San Juan training program. Dept. of Botany and Range Science. Environmental impact studies, n. d. 27 cartons . Call Number: UA 870 Abstract: Files concerning studies of the environment at different sites, mostly in Utah. College of Biology and Agriculture College of Biology and Agriculture. Photographs, ca. 1891-1969. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 823 Abstract: All dates in the following description are approximate. Includes views of Brigham Young Academy (BYA) faculty; Alpine summer school botany classes, 1922-1924; Alpine summer school faculty, 1928-1930 and 1941; Lewis building, BYA, 1885; Education building, BYA, 1893; Franklin Stewart Harris; landscape architecture group, 1935; David Starr Jordan Biology Club, 1929-1931; BYU faculty, 1928; Thomas L. Martin; Brimhall Botany Lab, 1936; Brimhall Building, 1940; Clarence Cottam; Raymond B. Farnsworth, 1955-1958; Merrill Hallam, 19581960; Rudger Walker; Lester Allen; Howard C. Stutz; and Kent H. McKnight. ———. Records and correspondence, 1917-1986. 36 boxes (18 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 702 Abstract: Contains records, minutes, publications, etc. of the College of Biology and Agriculture, the Benson Institute, and the departments of the College. College of Business Academic Advisement. Department records, 1965-1987. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 980 Abstract: Contains correspondence, reports, and general files of the Brigham Young University Academic Advisement department. Also includes correspondence, minutes, and conference reports of the National Academic Advising Association. Brigham Young Academy. Commercial College list of classes offered and corresponding teachers, 1876-1890. Call Number: UA 308 Abstract: List of classes offered. Christensen, Edward L. College of Business : a century of progress at Brigham Young University, 1973. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 119 Abstract: History of the Brigham Young University College of Business from its inception until 1972. College of Business. An analysis of trading stamps in Utah, 1958-1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 316 Abstract: Analyzes the trading of stamps in Utah. ———. Learning, living, and leadership : the BYU college of business looks to the future ; The Alta Summit Symposium August 31 to September 3, 1971. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 80 Abstract: Symposium on the future of the College of Business. ———. Records, 1921-1976. 51 boxes (25 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 170 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, memoranda, speeches, minutes, reports and surveys from deans, Brigham Young University presidents, personnel, students, Latter-day Saint Church General Authorities, committees, councils, universities, and corporations. ———. Records, 1953-1976. 14 boxes (7 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 647 Abstract: Files on the different departments in this college(including economics and accounting) and the MBA program. ———. Student papers, 1942-1943. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 513 Abstract: Contains student papers written for an economics class taught by Weldon Taylor. Dept. of Business Education. What does your school stand for : a brief chat with perspective business students, ca. 1900. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 332 Abstract: An informational pamphlet for those interested in a degree and career in business. A recruiting tool for the BYU Business Education department, published in the early 1900's. Edwards, William F. Oral history interview, Oct. 21, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 122 Abstract: Interview by Oliver Smith with William F. Edwards recounting his early life, education in Utah and New York; his work on Wall Street, tenure at BYU, and further work for the LDS Church and University of Utah. Marketing Dept. Studies and papers, 1937-1940. 4 folders . Call Number: UA 512 Abstract: Includes twenty-two student papers written for marketing classes of Weldon Taylor. Also includes two studies published by BYU College of Business entitled "Consumer Buying Practices: A Survey of Provo, Utah, 1947," and "A Study of the Radio Listening Habits of the People in Utah County." Peterson, Dean A. Papers, 1938-1967. 9 cartons (9 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 514 Abstract: Includes personal correspondence, published and unpublished writings, instructional materials relating to his administrative assignments which included U.S. Point Four Program in Iran, the Destiny Fund, and planning a new building for the College of Business. Pond, A. Smith. Papers, 1945-1959. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 117 Abstract: Collection includes reports, minutes, correspondence, recommendations, objectives and evaluations concerning higher, general, and economic education, committees, associations, curriculum, and superior students. College of Commerce and Business Administration College of Commerce and Business Administration. Application of Brigham Young University College of Commerce for membership in the American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business, 1958. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 882 Abstract: Completed questionnaire for accreditation with the American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business. ———. Booklet, 1928. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 34 Abstract: Collection includes a business procedure containing charts for a home budget. Taylor, Kenneth. Papers, 1938. 1 folder (3 items) . Call Number: UA 203 Abstract: Collection includes a typewritten questionnaire for an advertising survey conducted for the Brigham Young University School of Commerce among Provo, Utah merchants. College of Education Alley, Stephen L. Oral history interview, Aug. 2, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 23 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Stephen L. Alley, BYU professor, concerning his experiences as a member of the BYU College of Education since 1965. Brigham Young Academy. Normal School records, 1905-1912. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 214 Abstract: Collection includes list of students with birth date, home address, church standing, and Provo address. Also includes a questionnaire for girls. Browne, Arthur D. Papers, 1955-1957. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 180 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence; questionnaires; self-evaluation reports; reports concerning deans, auxiliary servies, and registrar's records; descriptions of job positions; minutes of faculty, Deans' Council, and College of Education meetings; and individual college statistics. Christensen, Dean C. Oral history interview, Aug. 2, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 22 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Dean C. Christensen regarding his experiences as a teacher in Duchesne County, Utah during the 1940's and early 1950's, and later as a member of the BYU College of Education. Clark, Shelby G. Papers, 1952-1959. 3 boxes (1.25 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 63 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, reports, memoranda, and evaluations concerning admissions, social units, probations, student personnel services, scholarships, College of Education faculty meetings and university procedures and policies. College of Education. Deans' files, 1938-1983. 22 boxes (11 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 700 Abstract: This collection includes awards, research notes, conference minutes, financial records, correspondence and bulletins. ———. Deans' records, 1980s. 5 cartons . Call Number: UA 805 Abstract: Collection consists of the Deans' records from the College of Education including correspondence, reports, and memos. ———. Fundamental principles and generalizations of teaching, 1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 35 Abstract: Collection includes a brief description of teaching concepts for an Education department class, Instruction 405. ———. Institutional report, 1989. 2 folders . Call Number: UA SC 78 Abstract: Contains information about the college, program descriptions and faculty vitae. ———. Institutional report, 1991. 2 folders . Call Number: UA SC 77 Abstract: Contains information about the college, program descriptions and faculty vitae. ———. Institutional report of basic programs / prepared for the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education [by the] College of Education, Brigham Young University, 1981. 1 box (4 volumes) . Call Number: UA 733 Abstract: Volume titles include: "College of Education basic programs ," "Secondary education," "College of Education advanced programs," and "Faculty exhibits." ———. Papers, 1953. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 385 Abstract: A study of the college concerning its administration including faculty and students, correspondence concerning the study, and preliminary report on the college's physical plant. ———. Records, 1926. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 17 Abstract: Collection includes syllabus and supplementary material for a course concerning literature in elementary curriculum. ———. Records, 1930-1959. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 93 Abstract: Collection includes examinations given to students from 1930 to 1959, including accounting, agricultural economics, chemistry, economics, English, educational psychology, speech, and history classes. ———. Records, 1940. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 25 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten and typewritten student evaluations and reports on the Brigham Young University Summer School Conference concerning the improvement of education. ———. Records, 1942-1975. 54 boxes (27 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 559 Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes, reports, comparative graphic charts, booklets, manuals, studies, catalogues, student publications, policy statements, memoranda, bulletins, newsclippings, and payroll schedules. ———. Records of the BYU Laboratory School, 1914-1968. 13 boxes (6.5 linear ft.), 2 albums, 4 oversize flat boxes, 1 carton (1 cubic ft.). Call Number: UA 564 Abstract: Includes correspondence, policy statements, brochures, attendance records, building plans, enrollment statistics, Immigration and Naturalization Services information, examinations, surveys, financial records, histories, and miscellaneous materials. Also includes information concerning BY High School and the Elementary Training School. ———. A Statement of the purpose and functions of the BYU Laboratory schools. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 382 Abstract: Describes the purpose and functions of the BYU Laboratory schools ———. Subject files, 1950s-1960s. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 822 Abstract: Subject files dealing with educational topics. The collection also contains some minutes and reports. De Jong, Thelma Bonham. Oral history interview, July 22, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 26 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Thelma de Jong concerning her experiences as a teacher trainer at BYU during the 1950s and 1960s. Education Learning Resource Center. Staff meeting minutes, 1973-1987. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 846 Notes: Under the auspices of the Lee Library, the Education Learning Resource Center was a resource for students and faculty in the College of Education. The center was located in the David O. McKay Building beginning in the late 1970s. The minutes document discussions relating to policies, procedures, daily operations, and other concerns. Fisher, Flora Davis. Oral history interview, July 27, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 25 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Flora Fisher regarding her experiences while teaching at BYU from 1917-1940 and her experiences with the BYU College of Education. Law, Reuben D. Oral history interview, Aug. 22, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 27 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Reuben D. Law concerning his experiences as a professor in the BYU College of Education, 1935-1977. Moffitt, John Clifton. Oral history interview, July 28, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 24 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with John C. Moffitt regarding his experiences as a teacher and superintendent of schools in Utah from the 1930s through the 1960s. Also reflects on his experiences with the BYU College of Education. Morrill, A. Reed. Papers, 1946-1959. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 454 Abstract: Includes personal, committee and research correspondence; department minutes, agendas, reports, studies, and contracts. Also includes contracts, correspondence and reports of the Point IV Program in Iran. ———. A. Reed Morrill oral history interview, Aug. 12, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 29 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with A. Reed Morrill concerning his experiences as a BYU student in the late 1920s; and as a member of the Utah State Board of Education, and as a member of the BYU College of Education. Pond, A. Smith. Papers, 1945-1959. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 117 Abstract: Collection includes reports, minutes, correspondence, recommendations, objectives and evaluations concerning higher, general, and economic education, committees, associations, curriculum, and superior students. Teacher Education Program. An Accreditation report to the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, 1961. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 333 Abstract: Accreditation report for the College of Education's Teacher Education Program Wilson, Marguerite Ivins. Oral history interview, Aug. 18, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 123 Abstract: Interview by Edith Bauer with Marguerite Wilson who recounts her childhood, education and teaching in Utah and her teaching at experiences at BYU. Winsor, A. L. A summary report of the evaluation of the College of Education at the BYU, 1953. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 315 Abstract: The survey committee was chaired by A. L. Winsor and evaluated the performance of the College of Education. Woolf, Golden L. Records, 1957-1961. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 576 Abstract: Includes correspondence, financial records and other materials relating to the Point Four Program in Iran. Also includes contracts between the National Teacher's College and the Division of Education. College of Engineering Sciences and Technology College of Engineering Sciences and Technology. 5-year development plan : for the period 1978-1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 883 Abstract: Outlines plans, anticipated growth, objectives, etc. for the BYU College of Engineering Science and Technology from 1978 to 1983. ———. Annual report, 1975-1976. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 95 Abstract: Annual report of the College of Engineering Sciences and Technology for 1975-1976. ———. Records, 1954-1963. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 546 Abstract: Includes various records of the College and blueprints for the Eyring Science Center. ———. Records, 1960s-1970s. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 663 Abstract: Reports, information concerning engineering symposiums, newsletters, and minutes of faculty meetings. College of Industrial and Technical Education. Records, 1954-1974. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 574 Abstract: Includes department minutes, reports, correspondence, a historical report of the College, and other information originating from the office of the dean. Instructional Technology Center. Current projects, [ca. 1997]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 745 Abstract: Booklet advertising the services of the Instructional Technology Center (ITC) by highlighting specific projects done in collaboration with other campus agencies. Accompanied by a cover letter, 20 January 1998, from John B. Stohlton, acting interim director, to "Dear Faculty Member." College of Family, Home and Social Sciences Academic Advisement. Department records, 1965-1987. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 980 Abstract: Contains correspondence, reports, and general files of the Brigham Young University Academic Advisement department. Also includes correspondence, minutes, and conference reports of the National Academic Advising Association. Alumni Association. Campus newsletter samples, 1981-1991. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 852 Abstract: Contains outlines concerning department and college responses relating to possible department newsletters and reunions. Includes newsletters from the following BYU organizations: Department of Animal Science, "Roundup," 19891991; Department of Microbiology, "The Micro-Scope," 1990, and "Department of Microbiology Newsletter," Department of Food Science and Nutrition, "FS & N News," 1991; College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences newsletter, "Interact," 1989; School of Social Work, "Update;" Department of Physics and Astronomy, "Toccare," 1990; and Department of Chemistry and Alumni Association, "Chemigram," 1988, 1991. Also includes "Y News," 1990, and alumni directory, "Geoscience," 1981. College of Family, Home and Social Sciences. Deans' files, 1941-1980. 13 boxes (6.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 692 Abstract: Correspondence and records from the office of the Dean. ———. Records, 1918-1962. 20 boxes (10 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 464 Abstract: Includes correspondence, memoranda, faculty load reports, budget reports, curriculum, catalog material, registration, scholarship and fellowship information. Also includes information concerning various departments, data processing reports, college enrollment and grades, and faculty personnel files. ———. Records 1954-1972. 18 boxes (9 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 309 Abstract: Includes general College records and files from the office of the Dean. ———. Records, 1957-1976. 39 boxes (19.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 568 Abstract: Includes correspondence and records from the office of the Dean of the College of Social Sciences. ———. Records, 1959-1964. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 515 Abstract: Includes minutes of College meetings, teaching and testing materials for human development and family relations classes, homemaking education, child development, marriage, and clothing and textiles classes. Potter, Margaret Schow. History of the Department of Clothing and Textiles, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 295 Abstract: History of the Department of Clothing and Textiles. College of Family Living Coeds living on fifty cents a day, 1958, 1 folder . Call Number: UA 384 Abstract: Includes articles and correspondence regarding several coeds who fed themselves for fifty cents daily. Dept. of Child Development and Family Relationships. Department chair records, 1954-1971. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 479 Abstract: Includes reports, minutes, curriculum materials, and other records of the department chair. Poulson, Virginia B. History of College of Family Living : Ladies Work Department to College of Family Living, 1875 - 1975. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 120 Abstract: History of the College of Family Living. College of Fine Arts and Communications College of Fine Arts and Communications. Correspondence and records, 19491983, 1970-1980. 50 boxes (25 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 666 Abstract: Includes correspondence of Dean Lael Woodbury. ———. Deans' office files, 1952-1975. 39 boxes (19.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 567 Abstract: Includes files and correspondence of the administration of the College of Fine Arts and Communication. Includes records of the Mormon Arts Festival, Banyan, Daily Universe, and other facets of the College. ———. Files, [ca. 1968-1989]. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 821 Abstract: Contains outlines, handouts, and packet materials relating to communications courses; brochures, programs, form letters, forms, and advertisements concerning Department of Communications; advertisements for High School Press Workshops; four issues of Comm World magazine, 1986-1989; two issues of Communications Newsletter, 1972; two issues of Alumni Update, 1982-1984; KBYU-FM Radio brochures, circulars, and correspondence; KBYU TV brochures, logo, report, and promotions; sequence coordinators meeting minutes; faculty meeting minutes; and Publication Workshop's yearbook, "Encounter", 19721973. ———. Miscellaneous Film Clips and Recordings, n. d. 4 cartons . Call Number: UA 741 Abstract: Contains various identified and unidentified rolls of video and audio tapes, some labeled as theater productions, talks, interviews, and recitals. The bulk of films are labeled "A Shade of Difference." ———. Report of the College of Fine Arts given to the general BYU faculty, April 12, 1956. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 298 Abstract: Includes a report describing the curriculum, achievements, and faculty of the College of Fine Arts. A bulletin of the College is also included. ———. Slide collection, 1957-. 10 boxes (5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 12 Abstract: Slides taken by various photographers of BYU dramatic and musical productions, art, sculpture, exhibits, special programs, and events as sponsored by various departments of the college. de Jong, Gerrit. Oral history interview, Aug. 8, 1978. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 33 Abstract: An interview by Mark K. Allen with Gerrit de Jong Jr., BYU dean and professor. Reflections of his childhood and teaching experiences at the Murdock Academy and BYU. He discusses his role in organizing the College of Fine Arts, and his associations with faculty and administrators. ———. Papers, 1950-1970. 10 boxes (5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 722 Abstract: Includes professional correspondence, publications, teaching materials, speeches, and musical drafts and publications. Dept. of Special Collections and Manuscripts. Compiled information on the Alfred Newman concert at Brigham Young University, [1987]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 835 Abstract: Concert sponsored by the BYU College of Fine Arts and Communications in memory of Alfred Newman and Ken Darby, film composer and film music arranger, respectively. Includes program; advertisement; article from "The Cue Sheet"; and twenty-eight photographs of Ken Darby, performers, guests, and recording equipment. Compiled in 1997 by James V. D'Arc, curator of Arts and Communication Archives at BYU. Eastmond, Elbert H. Papers, 20 August 1936. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 245 Abstract: Collection includes a record of Eastmond's funeral services. Pardoe, T. Earl. Papers, 1930-1970. 30 boxes (15 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 557 Abstract: Includes correspondence with associations and organizations, e.g. Rotary Club, Boy Scouts. Also includes correspondence with servicemen and veterans, personal, professional and travel correspondence, and a collection of slides documenting his travels throughout the world. College of General Studies College of General Studies. Deans' files, 1958-1973. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 581 Abstract: Includes files of Lester Whetten, specifically memos, minutes, budget, curriculum, and Indian Program correspondence. ———. Missionary Training Center annual report, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 807 Abstract: Annual report documenting the history of the Missionary Training Center, lists, graphs, charts, outlines, and statistics. ———. Subject files, ca. 1970s. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 670 Abstract: Subject files about American Indian Programs, Department of Military Science, and Department of University Studies. College of Humanities College of Humanities. College history, 1965-1987. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 628 Abstract: Notes, memoranda, newsletters, programs, lectures, announcements, news items, correspondence, and miscellaneous materials relating to the College of Humanities at Brigham Young University. ———. Printed matter files, 1955-1988. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 660 Abstract: Contains some annual reports, meeting minutes, Language Research Center records (see Humanities Research Center), etc. College of Industrial and Technical Education College of Industrial and Technical Education. Records, 1954-1974. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 574 Abstract: Includes department minutes, reports, correspondence, a historical report of the College, and other information originating from the office of the dean. College of Music Placement Center. Records, 1936. 1 folder (23 items) . Call Number: UA 137 Abstract: Collection includes employment recommendations for students, primarily from the department of music, by the administration and faculty. College of Nursing College of Nursing. 50th Anniversary Celebration records, 2002. 4 folders . Call Number: UA 1028 Abstract: Collection includes materials from the Brigham Young University College of Nursing's 50th Anniversary Celebration in October 2002. Materials include greeting cards with College of Nursing images, a program for the 50th Anniversary Celebration, a video entitled "The Healer's Art" and a print entitled "I would learn the healer's art." ———. Printed matter files, 1963-1987. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 653 Abstract: Contains college and committee minutes and a few course syllabi for historical interest. ———. Records, 1950-1964. 4 boxes (2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 524 Abstract: Includes general files of the College, policy statements, statistics and reports. ———. Self-Study Report on Baccalaureate and Master programs of the Nursing college, 1981. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 767 Abstract: This report was compiled in order to renew the accreditation of the College of Nursing. It gives statistics on students and faculty, and information on the organization and the curriculum of the College. Latter-day Saints Hospital (Salt Lake City, Utah. Alumni records, 1908-1985. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1020 Abstract: This collection contains the records of the LDS School of Nursing Alumni Association. The records include minutes of the organization, newsletters, white books (photo albums of graduating nurses), scrapbooks, financial reports, as well as some written histories of the Dr. W. H. Groves Latter-day Saints School of Nursing. McDonald Student Health Center. Records, 1940-1959. 7 folders . Call Number: UA 499 Abstract: Includes reports, records and correspondence concerning the operation of the Health Center. College of Physical and Engineering Sciences Addresses in honor of Harvey Fletcher, n. d.1 folder (8 items) . Call Number: UA 129 Abstract: Collection includes typewritten, edited and final drafts of speeches about Fletcher written and given by William L. Woolf and George H. Hansen, a memorandum concerning a speech from Ernest L. Wilkinson to George H. Hansen, a record of Fletcher's professional experience, and biographical information submitted to Who's Who in America. Hales, Wayne B. Centennial history of the college of Physical and Engineering Sciences, Brigham Young University, 1974. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 118 Abstract: History of the College of Physical and Engineering Sciences. Hill, Armin J. Oral history interview, May 25, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 77 Abstract: Interview by Mardin Clark with Armin Hill discussing his responsibilities and administrative activities at BYU. Wilkinson, Ernest L. Addresses in honor of Harvey Fletcher. 8 items . Call Number: UA 129 Abstract: Collection includes typewritten, edited and final drafts of speeches about Fletcher written and given by William L. Woolf and George H. Hansen, a memorandum concerning a speech from Ernest L. Wilkinson to George H. Hansen, a record of Fletcher's professional experience, and biographical information submitted to Who's Who in America. College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Department files, 1959-1980, 1992. 18 boxes (9 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 659 Abstract: Department files include minutes correspondence and reports. Hill, Armin J. Oral history interview, May 25, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 77 Abstract: Interview by Mardin Clark with Armin Hill discussing his responsibilities and administrative activities at BYU. College of Physical Education Hartvigsen, Milton Farrell. Oral history interview, Aug. 31, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 136 Abstract: Interview by Alma Heaton with Milton Hartvigsen concerning his childhood in Idaho, education, administrative duties at BYU, and Church service. College of Recreation, Physical and Health Education, and Athletics College of Recreation, Physical and Health Education and Athletics. Intramural activities handbook, 1957-1965. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 59 Abstract: Handbook of intramural activities for men and women. College of Religious Instruction Berrett, William E. Oral history interview, Jan. 27, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 69 Abstract: Interview by Thomas E. Cheney with William E. Berrett concerning the history of the LDS Church Education System, particularily the Seminary and Institutes program. Also speaks on the development of religious instruction at BYU, his experiences with Ernest wilkinson, and the development of BYU from 19481971. Also discusses the discontinuance of social units at BYU, the organization of BYU wards, and the establishment of the ROTC program. College of Religious Instruction. Department files, 1961-1985. 10 boxes (5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 701 Abstract: Department files include correspondence and minutes. Also includes information on curriculum and events (i. e. symposiums). ———. Records, 1962-1983. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 656 Abstract: Talks, minutes, and memos of College of Religious Instruction. Also contains a manual from a BYU religion class in 1938. ———. Records and correspondence from the office of the Dean, 1937-1973. 29 boxes (14.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 584 Abstract: Includes the official correspondence of Bryan Belnap, David Yarn, Roy Doxey, and Daniel Ludlow, all deans of the College of Religious Instruction. Dept. of Theology. Records, 1910-1911. 3 folders . Call Number: UA 222 Abstract: Collection includes theology class rolls arranged by instructor. Fitzgerald, H. Alvah. Oral history interview, Feb. 6, 1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 124 Abstract: Interview by Oliver Smith with H. Alvah Fitzgerald recounting his education and experiences teaching seminary and religion at BYU. Rich, Russell R. Papers, 1954-1984. 33 boxes (16.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 611 Abstract: Includes talks, correspondence, class lectures, and research. Also included are research notes and chapter drafts for "Ensign to the Nations." Sessions, J. Wyley. Papers, 1911-1978. 5 boxes . Call Number: UA 156 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten and typewritten correspondence, news clippings (photocopies), financial reports and budgets, certificates, documents, poems, articles and speeches concerning his education, career, Latter-Day Saint Church assignments, business pursuits, genealogy and personal and family history. Sperry, Sidney Branton. Papers, 1837, 1921-1971. 26 boxes (13 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 618 Abstract: Correspondence, talks, and articles from Sydney Sperry's work at BYU. The majority of these materials relate to religion and church curriculum. Wilkes, William. Papers, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 400 Abstract: Course outline and final examination for a Mormon Church history class at Brigham Young University. Commencement Admissions and Records Office. Commencement speakers, 1918-1995. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 50 Abstract: Chronological list of commencement speakers. Brigham Young Academy. Graduation program, 1896. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 13 Abstract: Early graduation program from Brigham Young Academy. Brigham Young University. Commencement addresses, 1930-1999. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 862 Abstract: Commencement speeches given at BYU graduations, arranged chronologically. Collection does not include all speakers for all years. ———. Commencement exercise programs, 1890-. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1008 Abstract: This collection includes commencement exercise programs from 1890 to the present. ———. Graduation photographs, ca. 1950s. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 1012 Abstract: Photographs of students receiving diplomas and shaking hands with President David O McKay at a Brigham Young University graduation sometime in the early 1950s. Harris, Chauncy Dennison. Papers, 1933. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 291 Abstract: Collection includes a typewritten graduation address delivered to the Brigham Young University Class of 1933 concerning Brigham Young University and the Latter-day Saint Church. Public Affairs Office. Working files, 1968-1991. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 658 Abstract: Contains working files of dedications of buildings, inaugurations, ceremonies, bowl games, commencements, and other special events. Sutherland, George. A message to the 1941 graduating class of Brigham Young University from Justice George Sutherland. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 497 Abstract: This address was written by George Sutherland, but delivered by George S. Ballif. It was read as part of the commencement exercises in the Joseph Smith building, June 4, 1941. Committee on Scholarships, Fellowships, Assistantships, and Academic Grants Committee on Scholarships, Fellowships Assistantships and Academic Grants. Minutes, 1956. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 417 Abstract: Includes committee meeting agendas and minutes. Committees Accreditation Studies Committee. Records, 1956-1966. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 311 Abstract: Includes course outlines, self-evaluations, re-evaluations, and accreditation reports concerning BYU colleges. Assembly Committee. Minutes and counts of forum and devotional assemblies, 1956-1973. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 475 Abstract: Includes annual reports, statistics, minutes of devotionals and forums; and lists of speakers. ———. Records, 1926-1927. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 18 Abstract: Collection includes reports concerning devotional and assembly addresses and statements of reactions to the addresses. ———. Records, 1952-1953. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 16 Abstract: Collection includes information concerning attendance and agendas for devotional and forum assemblies. Brigham Young Academy. Minutes of the Committee of the B.Y. Academy, Jan. 18, 1878. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 342 Abstract: Contains minutes of a social committee planning a party for BYA students of 1878. Brigham Young University. University committees, 1980-1982. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 791 Abstract: Two reports listing all existing committees functioning under auspices of Brigham Young University, 1980-1982. Includes a brief description of each committee: responsibilities, leaders, functions, and duration. Also includes definitions of councils, committees, and boards. Committee on Scholarships, Fellowships Assistantships and Academic Grants. Minutes, 1956. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 417 Abstract: Includes committee meeting agendas and minutes. Harold B. Lee Library. Library Committee meeting minutes, 1917-1945. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 209 Abstract: Includes minutes of the Library Committee. The Committee was chaired by Alice Reynolds and included Sidney Sperry, Anna Ollerton, and the University President. Includes small tribute to Annie Gillespie and A. Reynolds. University Committees. Records, 1940-1983. 55 boxes (27.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 553 Abstract: Includes minutes of meetings, reports, correspondence, and resource and reference material for the official committees sponsored by the University. Computer Research Center Computer Research Center. Flow charts, 1966. 3 items . Call Number: UA 851 Abstract: Charts visually depict the conversion of student records, such as admissions, class schedules, registration, grades, rolls, and graduation, from paper systems to automated systems. Computer Services Computer Services. Printed matter correspondence and files, 1966-1975. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 652 Abstract: Contains correspondence, committee meeting minutes, reports, newsletters, and manuals. ———. Willard Gardner papers, 1962-1990. 24 boxes (12 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 990 Abstract: This collection contains the administrative files of Willard Gardner as he served as the assistant director and then director of BYU's Computing Services, later renamed Information Systems Services. These files include reports and files on employees, correspondence, reports, and minutes of committees. Schwendiman, Fred A. Library, Housing, and Computer Services self-study report, 1976. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 828 Abstract: Library, Housing, and Computer Services self-study report, 1976. Conferences Association for Asian Studies. Records of the Western Conference of the Association of Asian Studies, 1968-1981, 1974-1981. 2 folders . Call Number: UA SC 18 Abstract: These materials were gathered by Dr. Paul Hyer, who was the Executive Secretary of the Association. These materials represent some correspondence and records of several conferences in which Dr. Hyer was involved. Brigham Young University. Annual University Conferences, 1952-1999. 6 box (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 790 Notes: There is a duplicates collection for this call number (1 box). Abstract: Incomplete collection of addresses, printed programs, and audiocassette and videocassette (VHS) recordings of annual university conference meetings, 19521999. Includes addresses by presidents of Brigham Young University and by General Authorities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Meetings generally held for university employees immediately before the start of each new school year. ———. Utah Workshop on Economic Education, 1953-1958. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 12 Abstract: Contains the Utah Workshop on Economic Education symposiums held at BYU during the years 1953-1958. Calorimetry Conference. Abstracts and programs, 1968-. 1 box . Call Number: UA 717 Abstract: Contains the abstracts, programs and other information on successive Calorimetry Conferences. Center for Thermochemical Studies. Correspondence, 1972-1975. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 58 Abstract: Typed correspondence (some carbon copies) concerning conferences, research, publications, and equipment. College of Education. Records, 1940. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 25 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten and typewritten student evaluations and reports on the Brigham Young University Summer School Conference concerning the improvement of education. Harold B. Lee Library. Posters created for the 1993 Annual University Conference. 35 photo largements on poster board . Call Number: UA 696 Abstract: These posters were "commissioned" by Dean Larson, Chad Flake, and Gloria Jensen for the Library part of the 1993 Annual University Conference. They illustrate various historical elements of the Library. University Programs in Computer Aided Engineering, Design and Manufacturing. Conference program, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 98 Abstract: Report on the conference of University Programs in Computer Aided Engineering, Design, and Manufacturing (UPCAEDM) held at BYU. Cope, George M. Cope, George M. Reports, 31 Oct. 1900, 28 Feb. 1901 and 31 March 1901. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 216 Abstract: Collection includes monthly reports containing information about library acquisitions, losses, student forfeitures, and materials. Cougar Club Cougar Club. Historical files, 1964-1989. 19 boxes (9.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1005 Abstract: This collection contains the historical files relating to the activities, growth and day-to-day running of the Cougar Club. It includes administrative files, including correspondence and subject files, files on fund-raising and membership, as well as photos of various athletic events, athletes, and Cougar Club functions. Counseling Service Counseling Service. Papers, 1954-1964. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 353 Abstract: Vern H. Jensen was Assistant Director of Counseling Service, 1954-1964. Includes correspondence, financial records, reports and statistics of Vern Jensen of the BYU Counseling Service. Also includes some correspondence while Bishop of the BYU 26th ward. ———. Records, 1945-1959. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 538 Abstract: Includes correspondence, questionnaires, minutes, reports, and student test scores. ———. Records, 1959-1963. 4 boxes (2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 548 Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes, studies and reports of the Counseling Service. Covey, Stephen R. Covey, Stephen R. Records, 1965-1970. 14 boxes (7 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence and memoranda concerning Admissions and Records, colleges, faculty, students, Administrative Council, finances, committees, associations, organizations, Auxiliary Services, LDS Church organizations, conferences, research, physical plant, University Relations Department and staff, projects, and prominent visitors. Cowley, Ruby Dixon Cowley, Ruby Dixon. Oral history interview, March 29, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 99 Abstract: Interview by Kerri Huber with Ruby Cowley, discussing her family background, career, and attitudes about the feminist movement. Cox, Amasa Bernard Cox, Amasa Bernard. Class notes, 1881-1882. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 604 Abstract: Includes theology and science notes and a brief biography written by his son and pasted to the front cover. Crandall, Evelyn Maeser Crandall, Evelyn Maeser. Oral history interview, June 26, 1964. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 63 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Eva M. Crandall, teacher and poet, concerning recollections of her father, Karl G. Maeser, and the BYA which she attended as a student, 1881-1899. ———. Oral history interviews, 1961-1964. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 64 Abstract: Collection of four separate monologues by Eva Maeser Crandall discussing her father and her mother, Anna Mieth, the Academy and school life, and her poem, "Karl G. Maeser." Crocheron, George Washington Crocheron, George Washington. Engraving of Brigham Young, ca. 1870. 1 framed engraving . Call Number: UA 987 Abstract: This collection contains one framed engraving taken from a picture taken of Brigham Young around 1870. Crockett, Earl C. Crockett, Earl C. Records, 1957-1968. 62 boxes (31 linear ft.) and 24 volumes . Abstract: Files from his service as Acting President of BYU and Academic VicePresident, 1957-68. Includes correspondence, memos, and reports made while acting president of BYU concerning such subjects as enrollment, financial aid, devotional and forum assemblies, university colleges and departments, recreational activities, and faculty concerns. Cullimore, Lloyd L. Cullimore, Lloyd L. Oral history, 1978-1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 115 Abstract: The material centers on the 1920s and is mostly concerned with the early years of the BYU health center. Cullimore reminisces about BYU personalities such as Benjamin Cluff and Ernest L. Wilkinson. He talks about student health and also shares his ideas on preventative medicine, nutrition, rest homes, and practical religion. Cullimore, Odessa Allred Cullimore, Odessa Allred. Oral history interview, Feb. 12, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 116 Abstract: Interview by Virginia Poulson with Odessa Allred Cullimore concerning her childhood, marriage and family. Speaks on her interest in politics, her election to the state legislature, her involvement with BYU, and Church service. Culmsee, Carlton Fordis Culmsee, Carlton Fordis. Oral history interview, Nov. 16, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 71 Abstract: Interview by Oliver Smith with Carlton Culmsee regarding his family background, his schooling, his work at BYU with the development of the journalism department, publicity, and the BYU Extension division and his work at Utah State University as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Cummings, Benjamin F. Cummings, Benjamin F. Papers, 1929-1955. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 171 Abstract: Collection includes a handwritten and typewritten history of the Brigham Young University Department of Modern and Classical Languages, minutes of department conferences, foreign language plays, speeches and articles, class outlines, rolls and gradesheets. Curricula Brigham Young Academy. Brochures, 1898-1916. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 605 Abstract: Includes four brochures advocating and announcing new sessions of school. Specifically announces courses for the BYA Commercial College, the Deseret Summer Institute, and one general announcement for winter semester of 1915-16. ———. Notes and statistical reports taken from original Brigham Young Academy records, 1876-1878. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 237 Abstract: Includes training school history and curriculum, statistical reports, and faculty activities at the Academy. ———. Papers, 1882-1883. 1 volume (108 pages) . Call Number: UA 225 Abstract: A book of incidental questions written by instructors for various subjects. ———. Records of theological class, 1876-1883. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 228 Abstract: Collection includes minutes of meetings for the General Theology class and Priesthood meetings held in the Brigham Young Academy. ———. Register of studies, 1876-1894. 2 boxes (10 items) . Call Number: UA 229 Abstract: Includes reports to the Board of Directors of daily schedules of classes, weekly lesson plans, statistics and reports, student examinations, and faculty in each department. ———. School activities, 1881-1884. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 751 Abstract: Contains statistics for registration within the Normal, Academic A and B, Intermediate A and B, Primary schools; statistics relating to registration of classes; statistics for faculty meeting attendance; and statistics regarding memberships in organizations. Also included are lists of courses, teachers, and subjects covered in classes. Index included. Brigham Young University. Curriculum collection, 1914-1919. 1 folder (47 items) . Call Number: UA 165 Abstract: Collection includes various reports and descriptions of courses offered by the University ———. Student essays, 1920. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 349 Abstract: Contains student essays written in response to lectures given by Zina Young Card. ———. Undergraduate Course Catalog, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 160 Abstract: Includes information about each class offered at BYU during the 1957 school year. Each sheet contains information on texts, class objectives, subject matter outlines, quarters offered, instructor, and procedure. Cardon, Chloe Smoot. Notebook of the domestic art class at Brigham Young University, 1907. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 601 Abstract: Handwritten notebook of illustrated sewing patterns, instructions and attached fabrics. College of Education. Fundamental principles and generalizations of teaching, 1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 35 Abstract: Collection includes a brief description of teaching concepts for an Education department class, Instruction 405. ———. Institutional report, 1989. 2 folders . Call Number: UA SC 78 Abstract: Contains information about the college, program descriptions and faculty vitae. ———. Institutional report, 1991. 2 folders . Call Number: UA SC 77 Abstract: Contains information about the college, program descriptions and faculty vitae. ———. Records, 1926. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 17 Abstract: Collection includes syllabus and supplementary material for a course concerning literature in elementary curriculum. College of Family, Home and Social Sciences. Records, 1918-1962. 20 boxes (10 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 464 Abstract: Includes correspondence, memoranda, faculty load reports, budget reports, curriculum, catalog material, registration, scholarship and fellowship information. Also includes information concerning various departments, data processing reports, college enrollment and grades, and faculty personnel files. College of Fine Arts and Communications. Files, [ca. 1968-1989]. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 821 Abstract: Contains outlines, handouts, and packet materials relating to communications courses; brochures, programs, form letters, forms, and advertisements concerning Department of Communications; advertisements for High School Press Workshops; four issues of Comm World magazine, 1986-1989; two issues of Communications Newsletter, 1972; two issues of Alumni Update, 1982-1984; KBYU-FM Radio brochures, circulars, and correspondence; KBYU TV brochures, logo, report, and promotions; sequence coordinators meeting minutes; faculty meeting minutes; and Publication Workshop's yearbook, "Encounter", 19721973. ———. Report of the College of Fine Arts given to the general BYU faculty, April 12, 1956. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 298 Abstract: Includes a report describing the curriculum, achievements, and faculty of the College of Fine Arts. A bulletin of the College is also included. College of Nursing. Printed matter files, 1963-1987. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 653 Abstract: Contains college and committee minutes and a few course syllabi for historical interest. College of Religious Instruction. Department files, 1961-1985. 10 boxes (5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 701 Abstract: Department files include correspondence and minutes. Also includes information on curriculum and events (i. e. symposiums). Cox, Amasa Bernard. Class notes, 1881-1882. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 604 Abstract: Includes theology and science notes and a brief biography written by his son and pasted to the front cover. Cummings, Benjamin F. Papers, 1929-1955. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 171 Abstract: Collection includes a handwritten and typewritten history of the Brigham Young University Department of Modern and Classical Languages, minutes of department conferences, foreign language plays, speeches and articles, class outlines, rolls and gradesheets. Dalley, Mayhew H. Normal diagram papers, 1879. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 421 Abstract: Holograph diagrams showing which academic skills supported which courses at Brigham Young Academy. The item is dated 20 June 1879 and was "drawn by James E. Talmage." Dept. of Aerospace Studies. Course outlines and tests, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 392 Abstract: Course outlines and examinations for selected aerospace studies courses at Brigham Young University. Includes recruitment letter from Ernest L. Wilkinson, President of Brigham Young University, for aerospace studies. Dept. of Art. Records and correspondence, 1960-1980. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 662 Abstract: Contains correspondence of the Dean, Chair, and faculty meeting minutes. Also administrative records concerning curriculum, Mormon Arts Festival, parttime faculty, faculty advancement, and other items and issues. Dept. of Botany and Range Science. Records, 1934-1964. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 569 Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, procedure statements, brochures, programs, minutes, outlines, examinations, and enrollment statistics for botany classes. Dept. of Child Development and Family Relationships. Department chair records, 1954-1971. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 479 Abstract: Includes reports, minutes, curriculum materials, and other records of the department chair. Dept. of Electrical Engineering. Department chair papers, 1956-1960. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 453 Abstract: Contains papers of the chair of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Jens J. Jonsson, including correspondence and memoranda on curriculum, faculty, students and facilities. Dept. of Geography. Department chair records, 1955-1973. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 523 Abstract: Includes correspondence and records of the department chair, budget reports, curriculum, and class samplings. Dept. of Geology. Laboratory manual for historical geology, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 426 Abstract: Includes a student manual for an introductory class in historical geology at BYU. Dept. of Independent Study. Seminars and syllabi, 1972-1979. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 979 Abstract: Correspondence, reports and syllabi of seminars put on by Independent Study. Dept. of Journalism. Photo journalism records, 1949, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 407 Abstract: Includes class outlines, handouts, assignments, examinations, and committee suggestions concerning the photo studio. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. Papers, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 397 Abstract: Course outline, final examination and letters concerning grade requirements and student absenteeism. Dept. of Music. Records 1931-1971. 30 boxes (15 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 522 Abstract: Contains files of the department chair and general department and faculty records including correspondence, minutes, procedures, publications, and a sampling of class outlines and examinations. Dept. of Physical Education. Course outlines, 1957-1958. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 398 Abstract: Course and lecture outlines, rules for various sports and a summer session schedule for Dept. of Physical Education at Brigham Young University. Dept. of Physics. Laboratory direction sheets in electricity and magnetism, n. d. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 43 Abstract: Laboratory manual for basic physics containing 20 experiments. ———. Laboratory direction sheets in electricity and magnetism, n. d. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 44 Abstract: Laboratory manuals for basic physics containing 20 experiments. ———. Records, 1950-1971. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 374 Abstract: Includes department records and correspondence concerning the curricula and administration of the Physics department. Dept. of Political Science. Papers, 1952-1965. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 526 Abstract: Includes correspondence of the Department Chair, examinations, class outlines, and student term papers selected by the Department. English Dept. Department chair records, 1951-1972. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 573 Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes, financial reports, grades, curriculum, etc. Faculty Committee on Teaching. Records, 1969-ca. 1975. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 619 Abstract: Agendas and minutes from 1969 and the early 1970s from the Faculty Committee on Teaching. Also includes some material that was used in classes put on for BYU teachers. Genealogy Dept. Records, 1970-1975. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 15 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence and memoranda to and from Norman E. Wright, coordinator of genealogical instruction, and other departmental personnel concerning genealogical research, curriculum, continuing education and career possibilities. Harmon, Melvin Myron. Class notes, Sept. 3 - Oct. 13, 1884. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 100 Abstract: Collection includes class notes (holograph) from the Normal Department on various aspects of teacher training. Includes teacher training, rhetoric, theology and physiology with diagrams. Holman, Marinda Halliday. Essay, 1882. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 599 Abstract: Includes an essay on education. Jones, Sarah Fletcher. Papers, 1890-1927. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 494 Abstract: Includes notes, assignments and papers of schoolwork as well as notes of church activities, meetings and assignments. Knudsen, Vern Oliver. Laboratory notebooks, 1913-1940. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 731 Abstract: Includes notebooks from Knudsen's undergraduate years at BYU; graduate years at Chicago, lecture notes from UCLA, and lab notes of various experiments. Lund, Anthony C. Notebooks, 1888-1890. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 423 Abstract: Includes lecture and lesson materials on philosophy of education. Madsen, Harold S. A quarter century of TESL at BYU : a focus on tesl roots, 1992. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 76 Abstract: History of teaching english as a second language (TESL) at Brigham Young University. Maeser, Emil. Papers, 1886-1893. 1 fd . Call Number: UA 236 Abstract: Collection includes a notebook containing various essays, reports and schedules. Merrill, Harrison R. Papers, 1924-1929. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 132 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, essays and clippings (photocopies) to and from Merrill concerning his publications in newspapers and periodicals, the Alpine Summer School, Brigham Young University athletics, curricula and religious atmosphere. Pond, A. Smith. Papers, 1945-1959. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 117 Abstract: Collection includes reports, minutes, correspondence, recommendations, objectives and evaluations concerning higher, general, and economic education, committees, associations, curriculum, and superior students. School of Library and Information Sciences. Papers, [1981]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 843 Abstract: Includes class handouts, examinations, course outline, memoranda, and photocopied documents for cataloging exercises. Snow, G. Gardner. Professional records and correspondence, 1965-1982. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 712 Abstract: Includes Dr. Snow's work with Knapp and AECT. Also includes notes and syllabi for the graduate classes he taught at BYU, and collected materials on media. Speech and Dramatic Arts Dept. Class related materials of Robert Struthers, 19711972. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 713 Abstract: Contains class and teaching materials. Also includes music manuscripts by Lex De Azevedo. Stewart, Mary B. Class notes, 1881-1883. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 42 Abstract: Includes notes for theology and U. S. history. Talmage, James Edward. Chart, 1878. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 608 Abstract: Hand drawn chart depicting the general curriculum at Brigham Young Academy including an hourly schedule for classes and activities during each week. Wahlin, Kate Houtz Groesbeck. Papers, 1880-1883. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 381 Abstract: Includes an album of autographs by class members, friends and teachers; a graduation certificate from the BYU Normal department; two photographs of Kate Wahlin; and a brief autobiographical description by the donor. Wilkes, William. Papers, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 400 Abstract: Course outline and final examination for a Mormon Church history class at Brigham Young University. Daily Universe Associated Students of Brigham Young University. The Daily Universe Microform, 1969-. 22 volumes . Call Number: UA 641 Abstract: Daily newspaper published by Brigham Young University. Brigham Young University. Editors and business managers of the Daily Universe and predecessors, 1898-1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 451 Abstract: Includes the names of editors and business managers of the Daily Universe and its predecessors. Also includes a newspaper article relating the reminiscences of Alvin G. Hubbard, first editor of the Y News. College of Fine Arts and Communications. Deans' office files, 1952-1975. 39 boxes (19.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 567 Abstract: Includes files and correspondence of the administration of the College of Fine Arts and Communication. Includes records of the Mormon Arts Festival, Banyan, Daily Universe, and other facets of the College. Daily Universe. Announcement of the new BYU library, 1978. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 114 Abstract: The new library was named the J. Reuben Clark, Jr. Library until 1973, after which it was named the Harold B. Lee Library. The new law school was named for J. Reuben Clark, Jr. ———. Heritage edition dedicated to the opening of the Bean Museum, 1978. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 113 Abstract: Contains articles about the M.L. Science Museum, the dedication, and its namesake Monte L. Bean. ———. Negatives, 1963-1979. 80 boxes (40 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 787 Abstract: Negatives of photos that appeared in the Daily Universe. Dalley, Mayhew H. Dalley, Mayhew H. Normal diagram papers, 1879. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 421 Abstract: Holograph diagrams showing which academic skills supported which courses at Brigham Young Academy. The item is dated 20 June 1879 and was "drawn by James E. Talmage." David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies Britsch, R. Lanier. Records, 1957-2002. 16 boxes (8 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 959 Abstract: This collection includes resumes, letters of recommendation, and correspondence while at the university as well as grades, old class rolls, reading lists, and other class material. Education Week and Kennedy Center records are also included as are Britsch's dissertation, drafts of other writings and faculty addresses. David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. Culturgrams and other intercultural publications, 1975-1989. 19 cartons . Call Number: UA 721 Abstract: Includes correspondence, research, and publications relating to the creation and publication of the Culturgrams. Green, Arnold H. Oral history interview, Sept. 13, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 147 Abstract: Interview by Richard Poll with Arnold Green concerning his education and subsequent appointment at BYU. Hillam, Ray C. Interview, 2000 Feb. 23. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 181 Abstract: Briefly comments on the China Teachers Program which sent couples to China to teach English beginning in 1989; the International Relations Program, subsequently known as David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies; and the Washington Seminar, which sent students to study in Washington D.C. Also mentions his experience as a Fulbright professor in Vietnam during Vietnam War, and on the "spy scandal" at BYU in the late 1960s. Jacobs, Briant. Interview, 2000 Mar. 3. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 180 Abstract: Comments on his choice of English as a field of study, great American authors, academic freedom at BYU, including controversies in the late 1960s, and participation with his wife in the China Teachers Program sponsored by BYU's David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies, 1983-1984 and 1991-1992. Palmer, Spencer J. Brigham Young University and the People's Republic of China : the first five years, 1984. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 45 Abstract: Relates the initial educational and cultural exchanges between BYU and China. Daw, Albert W. Daw, Albert W. Paper, 1915. 1 item . Call Number: UA 166 Abstract: Typewritten chapter summaries of The Principles of irrigation practice by John A. Widtsoe. Day, Orville Cox Day, Orville Cox. Oral history interview, Jan. 26, 1965. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 2 Abstract: Interview by Kieth Ward with Orville Cox Day, BYA student and LDS Church leader, concerning his experiences at BYA, his teaching and public life. de Jong, Gerrit de Jong, Gerrit. Oral history interview, Aug. 8, 1978. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 33 Abstract: An interview by Mark K. Allen with Gerrit de Jong Jr., BYU dean and professor. Reflections of his childhood and teaching experiences at the Murdock Academy and BYU. He discusses his role in organizing the College of Fine Arts, and his associations with faculty and administrators. ———. Papers, 1950-1970. 10 boxes (5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 722 Abstract: Includes professional correspondence, publications, teaching materials, speeches, and musical drafts and publications. ———. Papers, 1953. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 286 Abstract: Collection includes a typewritten report to Ernest L. Wilkinson concerning the participation of Brigham Young University musical groups in the dedicatory services of the Mormon Memorial Cemetery and Mormon Bridge in Omaha, Nebraska. De Jong, Thelma Bonham De Jong, Thelma Bonham. Oral history interview, July 22, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 26 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Thelma de Jong concerning her experiences as a teacher trainer at BYU during the 1950s and 1960s. Dean of Admissions and Records Siddoway, William R. Correspondence, 1955-1966. 4 volumes . Abstract: Correspondence and memoranda of William R. Siddoway during his tenure as Dean of Admissions and Records. Dean of Students Cameron, J. Elliot. Records, 1957-1974. 14 boxes (7 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes, information, reports, memoranda, statements, articles, and news clippings concerning the Administrative Council, ASBYU budget, athletic grade point average, Counseling Center, Deans Council, Dean of Student Staff, discontinuance of students, faculty advisement, Honor Council, Indian Students, security and traffic, student government handbook, student organizations, University Standards, Calendar Committee, College Student Personnel Institute, Returned Missionary Committee, vandalism, sabbaticals, black students, assemblies, scheduling, Student Executive Council, student publications and special student problems. King, Alma W. Oral history interview, March 8, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 134 Abstract: Interview by Morris Klinger with Alma King concerning his early education at BYU, involvement in sports, marriage, teaching seminary, graduate education, and subsequent appointment as Dean of Students. Lloyd, Wesley P. Papers, 1933-1976. 15 boxes (7.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 86 Abstract: Includes personal files and publications, some professional files relating to his positions at BYU, records of his position at USIU San Diego, records of his position with the Center for Educational Renewal, and other records. ———. Records, 1946-1960. 17 boxes (8.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 183 Abstract: Collections includes correspondence, minutes, memoranda, pamphlets, reports, publications, and agendas concerning admissions and credits, assemblies, athletics and the athletic council, discontinuance of students, orientation, attendance and scholarship, budget, buildings and groungs, counseling services, food service, foreign students, health services, Honor code, housing, Indian students, personnel services, public relations, scheduling, scholarships, security, registration, statistics, veterans affairs, and "Y" day. Romney, Antone K. Oral history interview, July 23, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 20 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Antone Romney concerning his experiences as a student at BYU, and later as Dean of Students at BYU. Dean of Summer School Dean of Summer School. Records, 1950-1953. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 279 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence and payroll reports concerning summer school faculty. Dean of Women Dean of Women. Records and correspondence of Lucile O. Petty, Dean of Women, 1969-1971. 4 boxes (2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 572 Abstract: Includes correspondence and administrative records from the office of the Dean of Women. Deans' Council Deans' Council. Meeting minutes, 1961-1974. 13 volumes . Abstract: Minutes of the meetings of the Deans' Council. Decker, Verena Stevens Decker, Verena Stevens. Oral history interview, March 25, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 105 Abstract: Interview by Jennie Salisbury with Verena Decker, discussing her life, family background, education, career, church amd missionary service. Degrees Bloxham, V. Ben. Oral history interview, March 11, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 109 Abstract: Interview by Robert Psuik with Ben Bloxham, discussing the genesis and development of the Family and Local History program at BYU. Brigham Young University. Honorary degrees conferred by Brigham Young University, 1889-1996. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 92 Abstract: List of honorary degrees conferred by Brigham Young Univeristy between 1889 and 1996. Scott, Hollis. Brief synopsis of awarding academic diplomas and degrees at Brigham Young Academy and Brigham Young University from 1876-1919. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 590 Abstract: This is a compilation by Hollis Scott describing the various degrees and diplomas awarded by Brigham Young Academy and Brigham Young University. Delta Phi Kappa Delta Phi Kappa. Periodicals, 1930-1966. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 983 Abstract: Publications from the fraternity including "The Friar News", "Delta Phi Bulletin", and "Delta Phi Clarion." Publications are filed by decade beginning with the 1930's and ending in the 1960's. Dent, Ellsworth C. Dent, Ellsworth C. Correspondence and related materials, 1940-1970. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 728 Abstract: Includes various correspondence, newsprint and magazine articles, and photos. Departments Berrett, William E. Oral history interview, Jan. 27, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 69 Abstract: Interview by Thomas E. Cheney with William E. Berrett concerning the history of the LDS Church Education System, particularily the Seminary and Institutes program. Also speaks on the development of religious instruction at BYU, his experiences with Ernest wilkinson, and the development of BYU from 19481971. Also discusses the discontinuance of social units at BYU, the organization of BYU wards, and the establishment of the ROTC program. Dept. of Accounting Dept. of Accounting. Records 1941-1956, 1972. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 527 Abstract: Includes student reports from accounting classes. Also includes an audiotape recorded from a videotape original of a lecture by Robert T. Sprouse entitled "The Future and Challenge of Accounting." Warnick, Gerald B. 1937-1978. An early history of accounting at Brigham Young University, 1962. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 394 Abstract: Research paper on the history of the Accounting Department at Brigham Young University. Dept. of Aerospace Studies College of Industrial and Technical Education. Records, 1954-1974. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 574 Abstract: Includes department minutes, reports, correspondence, a historical report of the College, and other information originating from the office of the dean. Dept. of Aerospace Studies. Course outlines and tests, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 392 Abstract: Course outlines and examinations for selected aerospace studies courses at Brigham Young University. Includes recruitment letter from Ernest L. Wilkinson, President of Brigham Young University, for aerospace studies. Dept. of Agricultural Economics Dept. of Agricultural Economics. Records, 1969-1974. 2 boxes . Call Number: UA 442 Abstract: Includes correspondence and memoranda of the department chair. Also includes information concerning the San Juan training program. Dept. of Agronomy and Horticulture College of Biology and Agriculture. Records and correspondence, 1917-1986. 36 boxes (18 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 702 Abstract: Contains records, minutes, publications, etc. of the College of Biology and Agriculture, the Benson Institute, and the departments of the College. Dept. of Agronomy and Horticulture. History files, 1937-1989. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 961 Abstract: Collection contains class lists, grade rolls, lists of graduates, correspondence, commencement programs, a draft of the department history, and other related materials. It also contains correspondence written by R. D. Horrocks when he was the chair of the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture. ———. Indian history and other project records, 1971-1984. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 962 Abstract: Records contain correspondence, notes, reports, and newspaper clippings relating to the work of Dr. Raymond B. Farnsworth with American Indians and other projects. ———. Raymond B. Farnsworth and W. Derby Laws files, 1945-1978. 10 boxes (5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 960 Abstract: This collection is divided into two series: I. W. Derby Laws files and II. Raymond B. Farnsworth files. The W. Derby Laws files contain class notes, research files, publications produced by Laws, and student prepared research projects. The Raymond B. Farnsworth files contain information on the operation of the University farm in Spanish Fork, Utah; research on nitrogen-fixation in sagebrush; material on the Desert Biome project, various projects for Iran and a project for the Tennessee Valley Authority; as well as miscellaneous research files and data. Farnsworth, Raymond B. History of the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, 1885-1974. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 867 Abstract: Contains correspondence; memoranda; visual images; news clippings; and lists of classes offered, student statistics, names and addresses of graduates, graduates who received fellowships, deceased graduates, faculty and staff. Includes a table of contents. Title page suggests that the history was originally compiled by Farnsworth between 1946 and 1958, then revised and updated in 1973-1974. Dept. of Animal Science College of Biology and Agriculture. Records and correspondence, 1917-1986. 36 boxes (18 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 702 Abstract: Contains records, minutes, publications, etc. of the College of Biology and Agriculture, the Benson Institute, and the departments of the College. Dept. of Anthropology and Archaeology Dept. of Anthropology and Archaeology. Department records, 1941-1977. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 675 Abstract: Records document the activity of the Dept. of Anthropology and Archaeology. ———. Scrapbook history, 1946-1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 902 Abstract: Scrapbook contains news clippings describing the activities of members of the Department of Anthropology from 1946 to 1988. Dept. of Archaeology Christensen, Ross T. A Historical sketch of the Department of Archaeology of Brigham Young University, ca. 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 303 Abstract: History of the Department of Archaeology. Dept. of Archives and Manuscripts Dept. of Archives and Manuscripts. BYU centennial flashbacks : scrapbook, [ca. 1875-1975]. 1 box (1.2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 880 Abstract: Collection of newspaper articles from the Daily Herald pertaining to events on campus since the time of its creation. Includes stories about various presidents of BYU, accomplishments of students and athletes, groups and clubs, and photographic images of Brigham Young Academy as well as significant persons in the university's history. ———. Music Collection, 1916-1975. 1 box . Call Number: UA 133 Abstract: Collection includes published and handwritten unpublished musical selections written and arranged by Brigham Young University faculty members. ———. Papers, 1965-1975. 1 folder (13 items) . Call Number: UA 233 Abstract: Collection includes research materials, data from deeds, plot maps, and quotes from journals and oral history interviews concerning the origin of the name "Temple Hill" in the 1870s. "Temple Hill" is the area subsequently occupied by Brigham Young University. Also includes a song entitled "A Temple at Brigham Young University." Richey, Melva H. Manuscript library questionnaires, 1976. 4 folders . Call Number: UA 65 Abstract: Collection includes 79 questionnaires concerning policies and procedures followed in United States' state historical societies and university libraries in regard to their manuscript collections. A paper for the Research Project Seminar under the direction of Merle Lamson and Victor Purdy, Department of Library and Information Science. A summary of results may to found in "Policies governing the access to and use of manuscript collections in the United States," in LIS Projects, 1976. Scott, Hollis. Oral history interview, Nov. 12, 1968. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 16 Abstract: Interview by Reed Hansen with Hollis Scott, discussing the function and purpose of the BYU University Archives. Dept. of Art Andrus, J. Roman. J. Roman Andrus oral history interview, Oct. 23, 1980. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 37 Abstract: Interview by Leonard Arrington with J. Roman Andrus concerning his childhood, art education, teaching experiences at BYU, and thoughts on the art world and the destiny of BYU. ———. Papers, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 299 Abstract: Includes a brief history of the BYU Art Department. Dept. of Art. Records and correspondence, 1960-1980. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 662 Abstract: Contains correspondence of the Dean, Chair, and faculty meeting minutes. Also administrative records concerning curriculum, Mormon Arts Festival, parttime faculty, faculty advancement, and other items and issues. Eastmond, Elbert H. Papers, 1902-1936. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 388 Abstract: Scripts, outlines, songs, poems, photographs, scrapbooks, and newspaper clippings concerning the production and presentation of various Mormon Church pageants. Larsen, B. F. Oral reminiscences of Bent F. Larsen. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 111 Abstract: Oral reminiscences of Bent Larsen about his father Bent Rolf Larsen. Also discusses his own later life, including marriage, education and career. Earliest memories commence in the 1880's. ———. Papers, 1910-1967. 32 boxes (16 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 556 Abstract: Includes correspondence, news clippings, reports, minutes, policy statements, radio talks, articles, lecture notes, art samplings, catalog of slides, art notebooks, and poems. Also includes biographical material concerning Larsen and his wife, Martha Day Larsen. Dept. of Asian Studies Dept. of Asian Studies. Records, 1961-1975. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 551 Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, policy statements, and other material created by the Department. Also includes records of the World Conference on Records. Dept. of Athletics Dept. of Athletics. Football Programs, 1928-1953. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 28 Abstract: Collection includes Brigham Young University football programs with biographical sketches and photographs of head coaches, G. Ott Romney and Edwin R. Kimball, and team members, November 17, 1928 to September 19, 1953. ———. Records, 1923, 1928. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 266 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, lists of donors and ticket holders, and receipts for donations for the construction of the Brigham Young University football stadium. ———. Records, 1925-1928. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 62 Abstract: Collection includes typescript news release and a program announcing the acquisition of two cougar kittens to become mascots. It also includes their dispositions and names. ———. Records, 1942-1943. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 19 Abstract: Collection includes typewritten schedules and biographical sketches of basketball and football team members and coaches. ———. Records of BYU Invitational Track and Field meets, 1936-1960. 4 boxes (2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 443 Abstract: Includes news clippings of track events, official announcements, correspondence, scrapbook memorabilia, and pep club records. Rocky Mountain Faculty Athletic Conference. Minutes, 1919-1937. 3 folders . Call Number: UA 113 Abstract: Includes meeting minutes of the Rocky Mountain Faculty Athletic Conference. Also includes a petition for the reestablishment of football at BYU for 1919. Dept. of Audio-Visual Communications Boyer, Francis. Francis Boyer oral history interview, May 19, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 139 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Francis Boyer concerning his childhood, problems with hearing and sight, education, and subsequent employment director of BYU's Audio-visual services. Dept. of Audio-Visual Communications. Program requirements for the campus audio system wiring, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 365 Abstract: Includes a brief history of audio recording at BYU, a map of the campus audio system wiring, and audio system program requirements, specifications, recommendations and estimated costs. Dept. of Botany Cannon, Edna S. Grade books, 1939-1946. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 114 Abstract: Collection includes grade books for bacteriology and botany classes. College of Biology and Agriculture. Records and correspondence, 1917-1986. 36 boxes (18 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 702 Abstract: Contains records, minutes, publications, etc. of the College of Biology and Agriculture, the Benson Institute, and the departments of the College. Harrison, Bertrand F. Oral history interview, March 15, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 125 Abstract: Interview by David Whittaker with Bertrand F. Harrison concerning his student years at BYU, marriage, graduate school, and the development of the Botany program at BYU. Dept. of Botany and Range Science Dept. of Botany and Range Science. Environmental impact studies, n. d. 27 cartons . Call Number: UA 870 Abstract: Files concerning studies of the environment at different sites, mostly in Utah. ———. Records, 1934-1964. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 569 Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, procedure statements, brochures, programs, minutes, outlines, examinations, and enrollment statistics for botany classes. Dept. of Business Education Dept. of Business Education. What does your school stand for : a brief chat with perspective business students, ca. 1900. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 332 Abstract: An informational pamphlet for those interested in a degree and career in business. A recruiting tool for the BYU Business Education department, published in the early 1900's. Dept. of Business Management Dept. of Business Management. First Annual Marketing Symposium discussions, 1949. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 22 Abstract: This is a compilation of speeches delivered at the 1st Annual Marketing Symposium at BYU. ———. Records, 1947-1948. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 23 Abstract: Collection includes weekly newspaper readership studies, based on representative Utah newspapers, conducted by the department of marketing and journalism. Faux, M. Charles. Reports, 1956-1960. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 85 Abstract: Collection includes cases prepared by Professor of Business Management, M. Charles Faux, and his students in business management, concerning various manufacturing companies and corporations. Goodyear, Lloyd E. Goodyears's bank accounting: tablet method, ca. 1914. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 73 Abstract: Kit used by Brigham Young University students Heber M. Slack and Olga Wunderly in 1914. Dept. of Chemical Engineering Dept. of Chemical Engineering. Annual reports, 1967-1983. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 965 Abstract: This collection contains the annual reports documenting the activities of the Department of Chemical Engineering from 1967 to 1983. It also includes some accreditation reports and grant proposals. ———. Faculty meeting minutes, 1964-1986. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 964 Abstract: This collection contains the minutes of the faculty meetings of the Department of Chemical Engineering from 1964 to 1986. Also included is a file on the development of department policies in 1982-1983. ———. Records, 1953-1968. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 375 Abstract: Includes correspondence and memorandum from the chairman's office, minutes of meetings, building floor plans, and information concerning policies and activities of the department. Dept. of Chemistry Alumni Association. Campus newsletter samples, 1981-1991. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 852 Abstract: Contains outlines concerning department and college responses relating to possible department newsletters and reunions. Includes newsletters from the following BYU organizations: Department of Animal Science, "Roundup," 19891991; Department of Microbiology, "The Micro-Scope," 1990, and "Department of Microbiology Newsletter," Department of Food Science and Nutrition, "FS & N News," 1991; College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences newsletter, "Interact," 1989; School of Social Work, "Update;" Department of Physics and Astronomy, "Toccare," 1990; and Department of Chemistry and Alumni Association, "Chemigram," 1988, 1991. Also includes "Y News," 1990, and alumni directory, "Geoscience," 1981. Bryner, Loren C. Oral history interview, Aug. 3, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 62 Abstract: Interview by Jay Beck with Loren Bryner concerning his schooling, employment at BYU and Kennecott, and his involvement in science organizations. Dept. of Chemistry. Records, 1928-1964. 10 boxes (5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 510 Abstract: Includes general department files and files of the department chair and faculty. Hinkson, Jim. Laboratory notes, 1956-1957. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 14 Abstract: Includes a lab book for chemistry class. Peterson, Hugh Wickman. A Brief history of the Chemistry Department of Brigham Young University, 1966. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 69 Abstract: Brief history of the Chemistry Department. ———. Oral history interview, Nov. 19, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 45 Abstract: Interview by Leonard W. Grover with Hugh W. Peterson concerning his experiences at BYU, with the faculty, the chemistry department, and the administration. Also talks about his family, and his association with Geneva Steel, and his work with the LDS Church Welfare Committee. Vernon, Leo P. Research notes, 1953. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 13 Abstract: BYU professor of chemistry and director of Research. Dept. of Child Development and Family Relationships Dept. of Child Development and Family Relationships. Department chair records, 1954-1971. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 479 Abstract: Includes reports, minutes, curriculum materials, and other records of the department chair. Dept. of Clothing and Textiles Dept. of Clothing and Textiles. BYU CLTIX : 44 years of success, 1955-1999. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 860 Abstract: Includes a history of the department plus autobiographical sketches and pictures of faculty and students who were affiliated with the program between the 1920s and 1990s. Volume has a plastic spiral binding. ———. Historical files on Cougar Custom Sewing, 1964-98. 12 folder . Call Number: UA 781 Abstract: Files include a brief history, staff meeting agendas, project lists, statistics, newspaper articles, advertisements, and related information. The files were largely compiled by Sue Swinyard, shop manager from 1989 to 1998. Potter, Margaret Schow. History of the Department of Clothing and Textiles, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 295 Abstract: History of the Department of Clothing and Textiles. Dept. of Communications Boel, Joseph M. Papers, 1946-1962. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 498 Abstract: Includes correspondence and papers pertaining to journalism and news photography, with copies of the Intermountain Journalism Bulletin, and Nieman Reports. Dept. of Communications. Award night photos, 1979. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 17 Abstract: Photos of Communications Department's award night. ———. Records of the department chair, 1933-1972. 21 boxes (10.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 560 Abstract: Includes the correspondence and department records of Oliver Smith and J. Morris Richards. ———. Student photos, n. d. 14 boxes (7 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 25 Abstract: Selected student photos from Photography classes. Rich, Owen S. Speech and video on KBYU, 1999. 1 folder and 1 video . Call Number: UA 989 Abstract: Speech given by Rich on the establishment of KBYU and a video documenting Rich's career at KBYU. Speech and Dramatic Arts Dept. Correspondence and records of the Speech and Dramatic Arts Department, 1950s-1960s. 30 boxes (15 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 87 Abstract: Collection includes the files and records of the department chair and other faculty. Dept. of Communicative Disorders Dept. of Communicative Disorders. Records, 1959-1973. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 459 Abstract: Includes correspondence, memoranda, staff agendas and minutes, audiometric examinations and certification requirements for the department. Also includes financial information, reports, and correspondence to the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Dept. of Computer Science Computer Services. Willard Gardner papers, 1962-1990. 24 boxes (12 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 990 Abstract: This collection contains the administrative files of Willard Gardner as he served as the assistant director and then director of BYU's Computing Services, later renamed Information Systems Services. These files include reports and files on employees, correspondence, reports, and minutes of committees. Dept. of Conferences and Workshops Division of Continuing Education. Records, 1921-1977. 180 boxes (90 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 547 Abstract: Contains files of the Deans and Directors. Includes records for Eduction Week, leadership conferences, Travel Study, Home Study, evening classes, Special Courses and Conferences, community education, Salt Lake Center, and a brief history of the Division. General Services. Conferences and groups annual report, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 809 Abstract: Annual report includes statistical reviews, reports, lists, and charts. Dept. of Design Boel, Joseph M. Papers, 1946-1962. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 498 Abstract: Includes correspondence and papers pertaining to journalism and news photography, with copies of the Intermountain Journalism Bulletin, and Nieman Reports. Dept. of Economics Doxey, Willard B. History of the Economics Department, ca. 1958. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 302 Abstract: Includes a brief history of the department of Economics and a list of graduate degrees in economics conferred by BYU. Pond, A. Smith. Papers, 1945-1959. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 117 Abstract: Collection includes reports, minutes, correspondence, recommendations, objectives and evaluations concerning higher, general, and economic education, committees, associations, curriculum, and superior students. Dept. of Education Boyle, William H. Reminiscences, 1946. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 163 Abstract: Boyle describes his childhood, his educational background, his professional affiliation with Brigham Young University, and his spiritual experiences. Dept. of Educational Administration Morrill, A. Reed. Papers, 1946-1959. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 454 Abstract: Includes personal, committee and research correspondence; department minutes, agendas, reports, studies, and contracts. Also includes contracts, correspondence and reports of the Point IV Program in Iran. Dept. of Educational Psychology Speech and Dramatic Arts Dept. Correspondence and records of the Speech and Dramatic Arts Department, 1950s-1960s. 30 boxes (15 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 87 Abstract: Collection includes the files and records of the department chair and other faculty. Wilson, Marguerite Ivins. Oral history interview, Aug. 18, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 123 Abstract: Interview by Edith Bauer with Marguerite Wilson who recounts her childhood, education and teaching in Utah and her teaching at experiences at BYU. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Jonsson, Jens J. History of electrical and computer engineering at Brigham Young University / by Jens Jonsson ; addendum by David J. Comer, 1990. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 89 Abstract: History of electrical and computer engineering at Brigham Young University. Dept. of Electrical Engineering Dept. of Electrical Engineering. Department chair papers, 1956-1960. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 453 Abstract: Contains papers of the chair of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Jens J. Jonsson, including correspondence and memoranda on curriculum, faculty, students and facilities. ———. Laplace transform tables, [n.d.]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 50 Abstract: Operation-transform pairs, function-transform pairs, and jump functiontransform pairs. Jonsson, Jens J. History of the Electrical Engineering Sciences department, ca. 1959. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 300 Abstract: Includes a brief history of the Department of Electrical Engineering, including a memo from Dr. Jonsson to Newbern Butt concerning Jonsson's appointment as departmental historian. Dept. of Electrical Engineering Science Jonsson, Jens J. History of electrical and computer engineering at Brigham Young University / by Jens Jonsson ; addendum by David J. Comer, 1990. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 89 Abstract: History of electrical and computer engineering at Brigham Young University. Dept. of Evening Classes Division of Continuing Education. Records, 1921-1977. 180 boxes (90 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 547 Abstract: Contains files of the Deans and Directors. Includes records for Eduction Week, leadership conferences, Travel Study, Home Study, evening classes, Special Courses and Conferences, community education, Salt Lake Center, and a brief history of the Division. Hedquist, Vivia F. Papers [n.d.]. 1 folder (60 items) . Call Number: UA 134 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten and typewritten class notes, a 30 p. handwritten paperbound music notebook, a 60 p. handwritten paperbound English notebook and eight handwritten essays with the instructor's comments, written for a literature class taught by Juliaetta Bateman. Dept. of Geography Dept. of Geography. Department chair records, 1955-1973. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 523 Abstract: Includes correspondence and records of the department chair, budget reports, curriculum, and class samplings. Dept. of Geology Bissell, Harold Joseph. Oral history interview, Jan. 31, 1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 131 Abstract: Interview by Arthur Chapman with Harold J. Bissell, who recounts his education at BYU and Iowa, and his teaching experiences and thoughts about BYU. Bullock, Kenneth C. Eighty year history of the Department of Geology, Brigham Young University, 1959. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 306 Abstract: History of the Department of Geology. Dept. of Geology. Laboratory manual for historical geology, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 426 Abstract: Includes a student manual for an introductory class in historical geology at BYU. ———. Laboratory manual for physical geology, n. d. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 31 Abstract: Topographical maps concerning common minerals, rocks and basic geology. ———. Pamphlet, 1959. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 55 Abstract: Collection includes a list of student publications in the Brigham Young University Research Studies, Geology Series produced from 1954-1958 under the supervision of the Geology faculty. Jensen, James A. Historical sketch : James A. Jensen at BYU, 1961-1983. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 83 Abstract: Talks about Jensen's experiences at Brigham Young University. Dept. of Germanic and Slavic Languages Watkins, Arthur R. Oral history, 1991. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 158 Abstract: Watkins talks about his first years at Brigham Young University, U.S. Army Service, getting a Ph.D. at Stanford, teaching at Brigham Young University, and coping with a growing family. Dept. of Government Dept. of Government. Records and correspondence of the Department of Government, 1968-1981. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 705 Abstract: The Department of Political Science existed briefly as the Department of Government, ca. 1971-1981. These records document department activities. Dept. of Health Education Dept. of Health Education. Guiding questions for personal hygiene, 1958. 1 item . Call Number: UA 37 Abstract: A guide containing questions concerning personal hygiene for students in an introductory health class. Dept. of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Dept. of Health, Physical Education and Recreation. Department chair records, 19221971. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 561 Abstract: Includes the records of Charles J. Hart while serving as chairman of the departments of Health and Physical Education. Dept. of Health Sciences Dept. of Physical Education. Records, 1920-1980. 32 boxes (16 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 544 Abstract: Includes correspondence and records from the office of the dean. Also includes records from the various department offices, faculty directories, biographical sketches and newspaper clippings. Dept. of History Allen, James B. Oral history, 1988-1989. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 157 Abstract: Allen describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department, discusses different aspects of his career, and describes his contributions to the History Department and the University. Bennett, Richard Edmond. Oral history interview, Jan. 20, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 75 Abstract: Interview by David Whittaker with Richard Bennett, historian, discussing his role and responsibilities relating to the research and writing of the Brigham Young University Centennial History, including opinions on co-workers on the project. Bloxham, V. Ben. Oral history interview, March 11, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 109 Abstract: Interview by Robert Psuik with Ben Bloxham, discussing the genesis and development of the Family and Local History program at BYU. Britsch, R. Lanier. Records, 1957-2002. 16 boxes (8 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 959 Abstract: This collection includes resumes, letters of recommendation, and correspondence while at the university as well as grades, old class rolls, reading lists, and other class material. Education Week and Kennedy Center records are also included as are Britsch's dissertation, drafts of other writings and faculty addresses. Dept. of History. Department and faculty records, 1957-1979. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 680 Abstract: Contains faculty load reports, some correspondence about faculty, department correspondence and minutes, and other records. ———. Department chair files, 1973-1980. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 736 Abstract: Includes correspondence of Ted Warner, faculty meeting minutes and other material. ———. Department files, 1947-1973. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 577 Abstract: Includes department chair files, 1956-1974. Esplin, Ronald K. Oral history, 1989. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 153 Abstract: Esplin describes his connection with the History Department at BYU, gives an account of his employment with the Joseph Fielding Smith Institute, and discusses different aspects and projects of his career. Flammer, Philip M. Oral history, 1989. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 149 Abstract: Flammer describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of his career including his experiences as a pilot and historian for the Air Force. Gowans, Fred R. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 151 Abstract: Gowans describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of his career including research on a biography on Andrew Henry and a small book on the contributions of the Warren A. Ferris outline of Western history. Green, Arnold H. Oral history interview, Sept. 13, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 147 Abstract: Interview by Richard Poll with Arnold Green concerning his education and subsequent appointment at BYU. Johnson, Edith. Oral history, 1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 155 Abstract: Johnson discusses her career at Brigham Young University and her experiences as secretary to Ernest L. Wilkinson. She also comments on Mrs. Wilkinson's involvement in University affairs. Johnson, Marian Ashby. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 156 Abstract: Johnson describes why she chose to teach history at BYU. She gives an account of her employment with the BYU History department and discusses different aspects of her career including her love affair with the Renaissance. Larson, Gustive O. Papers, 1921-1978. 67 boxes (33.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 622 Abstract: Correspondence, personal histories, scholarly and religious writings, student papers, research files, business records, civic and professional organization files, and personal memorabilia. These materials relate to a wide range of personal matters and to the histories of Utah, the American West, American Indians, and the Mormon Church. Montgomery, David C. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 164 Abstract: Montgomery describes why he chose to teach at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the History Department and talks about different aspects of his career including his love affair with Near Eastern Studies. Stovall, Mary Elizabeth. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 154 Abstract: Stovall describes why she chose to teach history at BYU. She gives an account of her employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of her career including her special interest in examining the impact of the Civil War on white southern families. Tobler, Douglas F. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 152 Abstract: Tobler describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of his career including his love affair with European History. Westover, V. Robert. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 165 Abstract: Westover describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of his career especially teaching and counseling in the high schools on the Navajo reservation. Wright, Norman Edgar. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 148 Abstract: Wright describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of his career including his involvement with the Center for Family History and the publication of his ten books. York, Neil L. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 150 Abstract: York describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of his career and his interests in American diplomatic history, the Early American period and the history of science and technology. Dept. of Home Economics Ruesch, Matilda Woodbury. Class notes, 1916. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 422 Abstract: Contains notes from the BYU camp cookery class. Includes recipes and instructions. Dept. of Home Economics Education Widtsoe, Leah D. Papers, 1890-1966. 2 boxes (83 items) . Call Number: UA 155 Abstract: Collection includes school notebooks, published works, correspondence, and genealogical information including information on her family history, her education at Pratt Institute and the University of Utah, and her career as an instructor at Brigham Young University. Dept. of Homemaking Education Coeds living on fifty cents a day, 19581 folder . Call Number: UA 384 Abstract: Includes articles and correspondence regarding several coeds who fed themselves for fifty cents daily. Dept. of Homemaking Education. Evaluation record for student teaching in homemaking, 1958-1959. 1 item . Call Number: UA 36 Abstract: Collection includes a form for evaluation of student teachers in Homemaking by the student teacher, supervising teacher, and the teacher trainer at Brigham Young University, University of Utah, and Utah State University. Dept. of Human Development and Family Relations Dept. of Human Development and Family Relations. Child feeding - Training Literature, 1929. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 41 Abstract: Information concerning the rearing of babies and preschool children. Dept. of Independent Study Dept. of Independent Study. Correspondence, 1981-1987. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 967 Abstract: Correspondence of former directors in the Independent Study office. ———. Seminars and syllabi, 1972-1979. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 979 Abstract: Correspondence, reports and syllabi of seminars put on by Independent Study. Dept. of Industrial Arts Snell, William H. History of industrial arts at B.Y.U. from 1883 to 1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 294 Abstract: History of industrial arts at Brigham Young University from 1883 to 1960. Dept. of Interior Design Dept. of Interior Design. Records, 1966-1974. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 322 Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes of meetings, memorandum, curriculum outlines, and budget reports concerning departmental developments and procedures. Dept. of Journalism Culmsee, Carlton Fordis. Oral history interview, Nov. 16, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 71 Abstract: Interview by Oliver Smith with Carlton Culmsee regarding his family background, his schooling, his work at BYU with the development of the journalism department, publicity, and the BYU Extension division and his work at Utah State University as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Dept. of Journalism. Photo journalism records, 1949, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 407 Abstract: Includes class outlines, handouts, assignments, examinations, and committee suggestions concerning the photo studio. Smith, Oliver R. Oral history, 1989-1991. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 160 Abstract: Smith talks about his educational background, his professional affiliation with Brigham Young University and his religious experiences. Dept. of Library and Information Sciences Dept. of Library and Information Sciences. Records, 1964-1973. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 582 Abstract: Files of the director of the department, Hattie Knight. Dept. of Mathematics Marshall, Milton. Papers, 1947-1961. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 387 Abstract: Papers, correspondence, notes, and photographs regarding teaching, research, and administration at Brigham Young University. The correspondence deals with various university matters. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. Papers, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 397 Abstract: Course outline, final examination and letters concerning grade requirements and student absenteeism. Dept. of Microbiology Alumni Association. Campus newsletter samples, 1981-1991. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 852 Abstract: Contains outlines concerning department and college responses relating to possible department newsletters and reunions. Includes newsletters from the following BYU organizations: Department of Animal Science, "Roundup," 19891991; Department of Microbiology, "The Micro-Scope," 1990, and "Department of Microbiology Newsletter," Department of Food Science and Nutrition, "FS & N News," 1991; College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences newsletter, "Interact," 1989; School of Social Work, "Update;" Department of Physics and Astronomy, "Toccare," 1990; and Department of Chemistry and Alumni Association, "Chemigram," 1988, 1991. Also includes "Y News," 1990, and alumni directory, "Geoscience," 1981. College of Biology and Agriculture. Records and correspondence, 1917-1986. 36 boxes (18 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 702 Abstract: Contains records, minutes, publications, etc. of the College of Biology and Agriculture, the Benson Institute, and the departments of the College. Dept. of Military Science College of Industrial and Technical Education. Records, 1954-1974. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 574 Abstract: Includes department minutes, reports, correspondence, a historical report of the College, and other information originating from the office of the dean. Dept. of Military Science. The Brigham Young University War Service Letter, 19501961. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 28 Abstract: Copies of the BYU War Service Letter. ———. Brigham Young University war service newsletter, 1954-1961. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 813 Abstract: Newsletters contain information on what BYU has to offer to the returning service man, information on the activities of service men who attended BYU and other interesting bits of news. ———. Department minutes, 1991-1993. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 104 Abstract: Contains the department meeting minutes for 1991-1993. Dept. of Modern and Classical Languages Cummings, Benjamin F. Papers, 1929-1955. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 171 Abstract: Collection includes a handwritten and typewritten history of the Brigham Young University Department of Modern and Classical Languages, minutes of department conferences, foreign language plays, speeches and articles, class outlines, rolls and gradesheets. Dept. of Music Dept. of Music. Biographical Sketches, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 305 Abstract: Contains brief biographical sketches of Gustav Buggert, Don L. Earl, George W. Fitzroy, Joseph Keeler, Lawrence Sardoni, John Wakefield, Franklin Madsen, and Gerrit de Jong. ———. Department chair files, 1942-1988. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 665 Abstract: Contains correspondence and other materials related to the department chair. ———. Music programs, 1948-2000. 36 volumes . Call Number: UA 761 Abstract: Annual compilations of programs distributed at music performances. Each volume contains programs for a given school year. Collection lacks volumes for 1982-83 through 1995-96; also 1997-98 and 1998-99. ———. Records 1931-1971. 30 boxes (15 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 522 Abstract: Contains files of the department chair and general department and faculty records including correspondence, minutes, procedures, publications, and a sampling of class outlines and examinations. Madsen, Florence Jepperson. Papers, 1901-1971. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 571 Abstract: Includes personal correspondence, articles, programs, newsclippings, yearbooks, scrapbooks, poetry, resumes, tributes, journals, photographs, patriarchal blessings, and biographical materials. Also includes published, unpublished, and workcopy music manuscripts by the Madsens. ———. Photograph collection, 1900-1946. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 8 Abstract: Photographs collected by BYU music faculty members depicting their musical activities before, during and after coming to BYU. Sardoni, Lawrence W. Oral history interview, Feb. 16, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 141 Abstract: Interview by Bertrand Harrison with Lawrence Sardoni concerning his childhood, education, and experiences as a professor at BYU. He elaborates on the Department of Music and his association with LeRoy Robertson. Dept. of Philosophy Lloyd, Wesley P. Papers, 1933-1976. 15 boxes (7.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 86 Abstract: Includes personal files and publications, some professional files relating to his positions at BYU, records of his position at USIU San Diego, records of his position with the Center for Educational Renewal, and other records. Dept. of Physical Education Dept. of Physical Education. Course outlines, 1957-1958. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 398 Abstract: Course and lecture outlines, rules for various sports and a summer session schedule for Dept. of Physical Education at Brigham Young University. ———. Making mountains out of molehills, 1988-1990. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 746 Abstract: Includes information about inclusion of the following sports in the extramural program (including dates of initial inclusion): alpine skiing, 1980; fencing 1979; lacrosse, 1968; men's soccer, 1987; nordic skiing, 1980s; power lifting, 1975; racquetball, 1988; rugby, 1986; sofball, 1980; men's volleyball, 1968; water polo, 1988; women's soccer, late 1970s; archery, 1968; badminton, 1954 (discontinued in 1982); and ice hockey, late 1970s (discontinued in 1984). ———. Programs of the BYU Dance Revue, 1930-1937. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 29 Abstract: Contains programs from 1930, 1932, 1933, 1935, 1936, and 1937. ———. Records, 1920-1980. 32 boxes (16 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 544 Abstract: Includes correspondence and records from the office of the dean. Also includes records from the various department offices, faculty directories, biographical sketches and newspaper clippings. Heaton, Alma. Oral history interview, Sept. 27, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 142 Abstract: Interview by David Whittaker with Alma Heaton, who recounts his childhood in Kanab, education, courtship, military service, and subsequent appointment at BYU. Dept. of Physics Dept. of Physics. Laboratory direction sheets in electricity and magnetism, n. d. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 43 Abstract: Laboratory manual for basic physics containing 20 experiments. ———. Laboratory direction sheets in electricity and magnetism, n. d. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 44 Abstract: Laboratory manuals for basic physics containing 20 experiments. ———. Records, 1950-1971. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 374 Abstract: Includes department records and correspondence concerning the curricula and administration of the Physics department. Hales, Richard Wayne. “Atomic number dependence of neutral meson yield from proton bombardment”, 1952. 6 folders . Call Number: UA 393 Abstract: Outline, draft and final form of Hales' PhD dissertation at the University of California at Berkeley. Also included are photographs, calculations, and a letter from Burton J. Moyer of the faculty at UC Berkeley. Hales, Wayne B. Records, 1944-1945. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 570 Abstract: Records include twent-five mounted, photographic Lissajous figures and a reprint of the article, "Recording the Lissajous Figures" from The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Also includes a mounted explanation of the process. Marshall, Milton. Papers, 1947-1961. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 387 Abstract: Papers, correspondence, notes, and photographs regarding teaching, research, and administration at Brigham Young University. The correspondence deals with various university matters. Dept. of Physics and Astronomy Alumni Association. Campus newsletter samples, 1981-1991. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 852 Abstract: Contains outlines concerning department and college responses relating to possible department newsletters and reunions. Includes newsletters from the following BYU organizations: Department of Animal Science, "Roundup," 19891991; Department of Microbiology, "The Micro-Scope," 1990, and "Department of Microbiology Newsletter," Department of Food Science and Nutrition, "FS & N News," 1991; College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences newsletter, "Interact," 1989; School of Social Work, "Update;" Department of Physics and Astronomy, "Toccare," 1990; and Department of Chemistry and Alumni Association, "Chemigram," 1988, 1991. Also includes "Y News," 1990, and alumni directory, "Geoscience," 1981. Eastmond, E. John. Brief history of the Physics Department at BYU, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 307 Abstract: History of the Physics Department. Hales, Richard Wayne. History of the Department of Physics, Brigham Young University / compiled by Richard W. Hales and E. John Eastmond, 1961. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 503 Abstract: History of the Brigham Young University Department of Physics. Dept. of Planning Anderson, Harold. Oral history interview, Jan. 31, 1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 120 Abstract: Interview by John Quist with Harold Anderson concerning his early life, education at BYU, employment, and subsequent recruitment by President Wilkinson. Largely deals with his role as Director of Planning and Physical Facilities at BYU. Dept. of Political Science Dept. of Government. Records and correspondence of the Department of Government, 1968-1981. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 705 Abstract: The Department of Political Science existed briefly as the Department of Government, ca. 1971-1981. These records document department activities. Dept. of Political Science. Department files, 1970s. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 815 Abstract: Department files include correspondence, minutes and subject files. ———. Papers, 1952-1965. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 526 Abstract: Includes correspondence of the Department Chair, examinations, class outlines, and student term papers selected by the Department. ———. Records, 1955-1956. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 267 Abstract: Collection includes multiple choice and essay examinations administered to senior students majoring in political science. Rushforth, Layne T. Decision-making: toward a grand model, 1973. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 429 Abstract: This was a term paper for political science 330 at BYU. Thomson, Dennis L. Professional papers, 1961-2001. 28 boxes (18.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 981 Abstract: This collection contains copies of Thomson's master thesis and his doctoral dissertation. It also includes articles published by Thomson, correspondence, course files, materials related to his administrative role at BYU, a file on his involvement in the creation of the Namibian constitution, and research files. Dept. of Psychology Allen, Mark K. Papers, 1929-1976. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 585 Abstract: Mark K. Allen was Chairman of the Department of Psychology, 19551961. This collection includes various materials created while he was a teacher and administrator. Also includes personal papers concerning biographical matters and professional associations. Browne, Arthur D. Papers, 1955-1957. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 180 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence; questionnaires; self-evaluation reports; reports concerning deans, auxiliary servies, and registrar's records; descriptions of job positions; minutes of faculty, Deans' Council, and College of Education meetings; and individual college statistics. Hardy, Kenneth R. Papers, 1955-1965. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 529 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, book lists, reports, and proposals from various university committees. Dept. of Recreation Management and Youth Leadership Heaton, Alma. Oral history interview, Sept. 27, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 142 Abstract: Interview by David Whittaker with Alma Heaton, who recounts his childhood in Kanab, education, courtship, military service, and subsequent appointment at BYU. Dept. of Recreational Education Dept. of Physical Education. Records, 1920-1980. 32 boxes (16 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 544 Abstract: Includes correspondence and records from the office of the dean. Also includes records from the various department offices, faculty directories, biographical sketches and newspaper clippings. Dept. of Recreational Education. Mount Timpanogos Hike files, 1912-1971. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 563 Abstract: Includes lists of participants, newspaper clippings, songs, signature books, slides, negatives of photographs, and correspondence relating to the preparation of the hike. Dept. of Secondary Education and Foundations College of Education. Records, 1942-1975. 54 boxes (27 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 559 Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes, reports, comparative graphic charts, booklets, manuals, studies, catalogues, student publications, policy statements, memoranda, bulletins, newsclippings, and payroll schedules. Dept. of Social Work Alumni Association. Campus newsletter samples, 1981-1991. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 852 Abstract: Contains outlines concerning department and college responses relating to possible department newsletters and reunions. Includes newsletters from the following BYU organizations: Department of Animal Science, "Roundup," 19891991; Department of Microbiology, "The Micro-Scope," 1990, and "Department of Microbiology Newsletter," Department of Food Science and Nutrition, "FS & N News," 1991; College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences newsletter, "Interact," 1989; School of Social Work, "Update;" Department of Physics and Astronomy, "Toccare," 1990; and Department of Chemistry and Alumni Association, "Chemigram," 1988, 1991. Also includes "Y News," 1990, and alumni directory, "Geoscience," 1981. Dept. of Sociology Dept. of Sociology. Records, 1940-1970. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 554 Abstract: Includes records and correspondence of the department chair, department meeting minutes, general department information, and a brief history of the department, 1906-1954. Smith, Wilford E. History of the Brigham Young University Sociology Department, ca. 1954. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 301 Abstract: Contains a brief history of the Sociology Department, including names of those with masters' and bachelors degrees, 1954. Swensen, John C. Local history term papers, 1924. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 30 Abstract: Collection of term papers presenting community histories of the towns in which the students resided. Dept. of Special Collections and Manuscripts Dept. of Special Collections and Manuscripts. Compiled information on the Alfred Newman concert at Brigham Young University, [1987]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 835 Abstract: Concert sponsored by the BYU College of Fine Arts and Communications in memory of Alfred Newman and Ken Darby, film composer and film music arranger, respectively. Includes program; advertisement; article from "The Cue Sheet"; and twenty-eight photographs of Ken Darby, performers, guests, and recording equipment. Compiled in 1997 by James V. D'Arc, curator of Arts and Communication Archives at BYU. Harold B. Lee Library. Archives and Manuscripts Policies and Procedures Manual, ca. 1980. 2 folders (.15 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 953 Abstract: This manual provides a concise and clear description of the policies and procedures of the Department of Archives and Manuscripts of the Harold B. Lee Library. It discusses the purpose of the department and the fundamental archival principles used in the work of the department. It also contains photocopies of pictures of the department staff ca. 1980. Dept. of Theatre and Cinematic Arts Dept. of Theatre and Cinematic Arts. Department chair files, 1947-1989. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 684 Abstract: Includes records and correspondence of Lael Woodbury and Morris Clinger. ———. Original productions of Saturday's Warrior and Dance on a Country Grave, n. d. 4 boxes (2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 688 Abstract: Materials related to the productions of Saturday's Warrior and Dance on a Country Grave. ———. Records, 1966-1988. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 818 Abstract: Records including playbills, photographs, programs, and newspaper clippings about past theatrical works performed in the Pardoe Theater and elsewhere in the Harris Fine Arts Center. Speech and Dramatic Arts Dept. Correspondence and records of the Speech and Dramatic Arts Department, 1950s-1960s. 30 boxes (15 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 87 Abstract: Collection includes the files and records of the department chair and other faculty. Dept. of Theology Dept. of Theology. Records, 1910-1911. 3 folders . Call Number: UA 222 Abstract: Collection includes theology class rolls arranged by instructor. Dept. of Theology and Religion Brimhall, George H. Letters, 1922. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 595 Abstract: Contains copies of two letters addressed to principles of LDS Seminaries. The letters ask for statistics on attendance, enrollment, and other information about the Seminary program. George Brimhall was, at the time, Director of the Department of Theology at BYU. Wilkes, William. Papers, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 400 Abstract: Course outline and final examination for a Mormon Church history class at Brigham Young University. Dept. of Travel Study Dept. of Travel Study. Roots of Mormonism : Upper Mississippi cruise, [1980]. 20 audiocassettes . Call Number: UA 841 Abstract: Speeches recorded on a river tour, offered by BYU Travel Study, highlighting Mormon historical sites in the Mississippi River region. Speeches relate to Mormon history, Mississippi River history and Mark Twain. Also includes recordings of riverboat music, guided tours, firesides, and the musical, "The City of Joseph." Includes speeches by Jeffrey R. Holland, Dallin H. Oaks, Bruce C. Hafen, and others. Dept. of Youth Leadership Dept. of Youth Leadership. Young adult male attitudes and interests of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: a research report, 1970. Call Number: UA SC 94 Abstract: Research report discusses young adult male attitudes and interests of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Dept. of Zoology College of Biology and Agriculture. Records and correspondence, 1917-1986. 36 boxes (18 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 702 Abstract: Contains records, minutes, publications, etc. of the College of Biology and Agriculture, the Benson Institute, and the departments of the College. Dept. of Zoology. Records, 1960. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 21 Abstract: Collection includes an illustrated laboratory guide for animal biology written by staff members of the Department of Zoology and Entomology. ———. Slides of Vasco Tanner, n. d. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 20 Abstract: Slide presentation on the life and career of Vasco Tanner. Frost, Herbert H. Oral history interview, Dec. 13, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 137 Abstract: Interview by Arthur Chapman concerning his student experiences, war experiences, and graduate education and subsequent appointment as BYU professor of Zoology. General Zoology Committee. A laboratory guide for general zoology, 1957. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 45 Abstract: General zoology laboratory manual with 19 exercises prepared for September 1957. ———. A laboratory guide for general zoology, 1958. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 46 Abstract: General Zoology laboratory manual with 19 exercises prepared for September 1958. Hayward, Charles Lynn. Oral history, 1983-1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 112 Abstract: The material covers the time that Dr. Hayward was growing up in Paris, Idaho, observations on student life at Brigham Young University in the 1920s, and working on his doctorate at the University of Illinois. Much of the interview covers his tenure in the Zoology department at BYU. He includes his observations on the administration of BYU and his department and gives his impressions of prominent individuals associated with the university including three presidents of that institution. Tanner, Vasco M. Leaflet, 1936. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 54 Abstract: Collection includes a list of publications by members of the Department of Zoology and Entomology for the years 1926-1936. ———. Oral history interview, July 8, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 135 Abstract: Interview by Mark K. Allen with Vasco M. Tanner, who recounts his childhood in Idaho, his interest in Zoology, his education at Stanford, and teaching experiences while at BYU. Also speaks about several BYU presidents, academic freedom issues, and family accomplishments. Tanner, Wilmer W. History of the Life Science Museum movement at Brigham Young University, 1900-1980. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 117 Abstract: Brief history of the Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum. ———. Oral history, 1983-1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 114 Abstract: The material gives a brief sketch of Tanner's life and concentrates on the time he served as a professor of zoology at Brigham Young University. He mentions his relationship with Monte L. Bean which was instrumental in Bean's donation of his animal trophies and the building of the Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum. He also reflects upon certain experiences with Ernest L. Wilkinson. Dern, George Henry Dern, George Henry. Speech, 1928. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 35 Abstract: Speech by Governor George H. Dern at Jefferson Day Banquet, Provo, Utah, April 12, 1928. Destiny Fund Alumni Association. Yes what about the Destiny Fund, ca. 1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 58 Abstract: Pamphlet discusses the Destiny Fund and its purposes. Brigham Young University. Perpetual Endowment Fund pamphlet. n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 347 Abstract: A pamphlet explaining the Perpetual Endowment Fund, a program of the Destiny Fund. Peterson, Dean A. Papers, 1938-1967. 9 cartons (9 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 514 Abstract: Includes personal correspondence, published and unpublished writings, instructional materials relating to his administrative assignments which included U.S. Point Four Program in Iran, the Destiny Fund, and planning a new building for the College of Business. Waite, W. Noble. Records, 1957-1959. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports and brochures concerning the Destiny Fund. Development Office Development Office. Slide collection, n. d. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 14 Abstract: Slides used for the presentation “The President and His Lady” concerning Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Wilkinson. Dewey, John Dewey, John. Lectures, 1901. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 21 Abstract: Lectures given at the Brigham Young Academy, 1901. Division of Continuing Education American Indian Services and Research Center. Department Files, 1954-1990. 29 boxes (14.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1011 Abstract: This collection contains the department files of the American Indian Services. Correspondence (1979-1989), Subject Files (1961-1990), Chronological Files (1980-1984), Publications (1972-1987), Photographs, Administrative Files (1973-1985), and Handouts (1954-1988) are included in this collection and are the major series. Clark, Harold Glen. The Golden years of Continuing Education at Brigham Young University, 1971. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 47 Abstract: A fiftieth year anniversary pamphlet for the Division of Continuing Education. College of Education. Records, 1942-1975. 54 boxes (27 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 559 Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes, reports, comparative graphic charts, booklets, manuals, studies, catalogues, student publications, policy statements, memoranda, bulletins, newsclippings, and payroll schedules. Division of Continuing Education. Evening school statistics and information, 1958. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 404 Abstract: Includes summary sheets for spring and summer quarters of the BYU evening school. Sheets contain statistics on enrollment, teacher load, classes offered, credits, etc. ———. Meeting minutes, 1965-1991. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: PM 14 Abstract: Meeting minutes with the Dean of Continuing Education, annual reports and home study course catalogs. ———. Records, 1921-1977. 180 boxes (90 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 547 Abstract: Contains files of the Deans and Directors. Includes records for Eduction Week, leadership conferences, Travel Study, Home Study, evening classes, Special Courses and Conferences, community education, Salt Lake Center, and a brief history of the Division. ———. Richard H. Henstrom records, 1964-1994. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1016 Abstract: These records document the activities of the Division of Continuing Education from 1961 until 1994 particularly emphasizing the areas of responsibility of Richard H. Henstrom. Henstrom served as an assistant and associate dean in the Division. Among his responsibilities were academics, faculty clearances, the continuing education centers, budget and finance, computer services and research, promotion and publicity, special degrees, physical facilities, reports, and special projects. ———. William Hartman case, 1965-1968. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 973 Abstract: This collection contains correspondence and other documents pertaining to the William Hartman case involving Brigham Young University and the Association of American University Professors. Hedquist, Vivia F. Papers [n.d.]. 1 folder (60 items) . Call Number: UA 134 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten and typewritten class notes, a 30 p. handwritten paperbound music notebook, a 60 p. handwritten paperbound English notebook and eight handwritten essays with the instructor's comments, written for a literature class taught by Juliaetta Bateman. Leadership Week. Records, 1958-1959. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 413 Abstract: Includes a brief informational and historical overview of Leadership Week, several Leadership Week agendas and evaluations of Leadership Week by stake presidents and the Presiding Bishopric. Salt Lake Center for Continuing Education. Scrapbooks, 1959-1975. 3 large scrapbooks . Call Number: UA 984 Abstract: The scrapbooks contain newspaper clippings and other memorabilia concerning the Salt Lake Center. Division of Instructional Services Media Services. Records of the director, 1966-1982. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 727 Abstract: Includes correspondence of W.D. Farnsworth and Darrel Monson. Division of Physical Facilities Anderson, Harold. Oral history interview, Jan. 31, 1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 120 Abstract: Interview by John Quist with Harold Anderson concerning his early life, education at BYU, employment, and subsequent recruitment by President Wilkinson. Largely deals with his role as Director of Planning and Physical Facilities at BYU. Wakefield, T. Lynn. Oral history interview, May, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 143 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo Morley with Lynn Wakefield who speaks about his childhood, education at BYU, working for his grandfather who was the "Handiman" for the Academy and University. Wakefield recounts his time as electrician for the University, and speaks on his experiences with students, faculty, and presidents. Division of Religion Berrett, William E. Records, 1951-1966. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: This collection includes minutes, correspondence, reports, course outlines, newsletters, speeches, pamphlets, lists, recommendations, and Division of Religion faculty applications. Division of Religion. Photographs of Mormon Church historic sites, Biblical sites, and proposed Book of Mormon sites, 1960-1970s. 20 containers of photographs (50 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 765 Notes: Unprocessed collection. See University Archivist. Abstract: Contains views of archaeological sites and artifacts in Central and South America and Palestine. The views taken in the Americas are offered as Book of Mormon sites; the views taken in Palestine as Biblical sites. The collection also includes views of Mormon Church historic sites in the United States and Israel. ———. Records, 1939-1940. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 436 Abstract: Includes records of volunteer work during the construction of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Rich, Russell R. Papers, 1954-1984. 33 boxes (16.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 611 Abstract: Includes talks, correspondence, class lectures, and research. Also included are research notes and chapter drafts for "Ensign to the Nations." Dixon, Fred Dixon, Fred. Oral history interview, Jan. 16, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 61 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo J. Morley with Fred "Buck" Dixon concerning his experiences with BYU athletics and other BYU activities and interests. Includes brief comments about his early life and his family. Domestic Dept. Domestic Dept. Enrollment statistics, 1895. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 593 Abstract: Includes a compilation of students by county or home state. Done, Willard Done, Willard. Catalogue, August 1886. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 215 Abstract: Collection includes a list of the library's books divided by subject. Downs, Robert B. Downs, Robert B. Survey of the library at Brigham Young University, 1969. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 99 Abstract: Survey of the library at Brigham Young University. Doxey, Willard B. Doxey, Willard B. History of the Economics Department, ca. 1958. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 302 Abstract: Includes a brief history of the department of Economics and a list of graduate degrees in economics conferred by BYU. Dramatic Arts Dept. Pardoe, T. Earl. The Brigham Young University Celebrates a Salt Lake Theatre Festival, 1937. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 184 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, news clippings, programs and photographs concerning productions in the Salt Lake Theatre Festival, October 29, 1937 at College Hall, Provo, Utah. Draper, Larry W. Draper, Larry W. Introduction to logic: study guide, 1980. 1 box . Call Number: UA 389 Abstract: Handwritten and typescript drafts, galley proofs, and a published copy of Draper's study guide to the text "Introduction to Logic" by Dennis J. Packard and James E. Faulconer. Dyer, Bonnie Hansen Dyer, Bonnie Hansen. Oral history interview, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 96 Abstract: Interview by Terri Macy with Bonnie Dyer, discussing basic biographical information, family, education, and attitudes about the feminist movement. Earth Sciences Museum Jensen, James A. Historical sketch : James A. Jensen at BYU, 1961-1983. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 83 Abstract: Talks about Jensen's experiences at Brigham Young University. Eastmond, E. John Eastmond, E. John. Brief history of the Physics Department at BYU, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 307 Abstract: History of the Physics Department. Eastmond, Elbert H. Eastmond, Elbert H. Papers, 1902-1936. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 388 Abstract: Scripts, outlines, songs, poems, photographs, scrapbooks, and newspaper clippings concerning the production and presentation of various Mormon Church pageants. ———. Papers, 20 August 1936. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 245 Abstract: Collection includes a record of Eastmond's funeral services. Education Brimhall, George H. Records, 1872-1926. 8 items . Call Number: UA 72 Abstract: Collection includes speeches, literary compositions, an autobiography, class notes and notebooks on philosophy of education, notes from speeches, an 1879 account of student tuition to the Young Men's Academy at Spanish Fork, Utah, and records of tuition accounts when Brimhall served as district superintendent of Utah County schools. Church Educational System (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). Church schools : the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1968. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 84 Abstract: Discusses the church schools that make up the Church Educational System. Utah Conference on Higher Education. Records, 1955-1959. 1 folder (17 items) . Call Number: UA 163 Abstract: Collection includes reports, programs, newsletters and a brochure concerning conference policies, programs, speeches and other activities. Education Learning Resource Center Education Learning Resource Center. Staff meeting minutes, 1973-1987. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 846 Notes: Under the auspices of the Lee Library, the Education Learning Resource Center was a resource for students and faculty in the College of Education. The center was located in the David O. McKay Building beginning in the late 1970s. The minutes document discussions relating to policies, procedures, daily operations, and other concerns. Education Week Brigham Young University. Recreational Leadership Syllabus from Education Week, 1929. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 775 Abstract: Syllabus for a Recreational Leadership course offered during Education Week. Division of Continuing Education. Records, 1921-1977. 180 boxes (90 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 547 Abstract: Contains files of the Deans and Directors. Includes records for Eduction Week, leadership conferences, Travel Study, Home Study, evening classes, Special Courses and Conferences, community education, Salt Lake Center, and a brief history of the Division. Education Week. Historical files, [ca. 1923]-1992. 11 cartons . Call Number: UA 788 Abstract: Files include histories and research notes, circa 1923-1980; subject files relating primarily to Education Week programs held on the BYU campus and at various other locations, 1957-1991; printed programs, 1925-1971; scrapbooks, 19691992; newspaper articles and ephemera, 1924-1986; and photographs, circa 1950s1979. ———. Recreational Leadership syllabus, 1929. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 775 Abstract: Packet given out in a Recreational Leadership class during Education Week in 1929. It gives ideas for recreational ideas, including party, dance, and drama ideas. Leadership Week. Records, 1958-1959. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 413 Abstract: Includes a brief informational and historical overview of Leadership Week, several Leadership Week agendas and evaluations of Leadership Week by stake presidents and the Presiding Bishopric. Edwards, William F. Edwards, William F. Correspondence, 1951-1957. 3 volumes . Abstract: Correspondence concerning colleges and departments, Auxiliary Services, Alumni Association, budget, Church Building Committees, campus planning, faculty, Deans Council, insurance lyceums and assemblies, associations and companies, real estate, Student Special Services, Ernest L. Wilkinson, projects, loans, policies, and procedures. ———. Oral history interview, Oct. 21, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 122 Abstract: Interview by Oliver Smith with William F. Edwards recounting his early life, education in Utah and New York; his work on Wall Street, tenure at BYU, and further work for the LDS Church and University of Utah. ———. Records, 1951-1957. 34 boxes (17 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, memoranda, and reports concerning colleges and departments, Auxiliary Services, Alumni Association, budget, Church Building Committees, campus planning, faculty, Deans Council, insurance lyceums and assemblies, associations and companies, real estate, Student Special Services, Ernest L. Wilkinson, projects, loans, policies, and procedures. Eggertsen, Lars Echert Eggertsen, Lars Echert. Letter, 1884. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 521 Abstract: Contains a copy of a letter from Eggertsen to his brother, Simon, describing the fire that burned the Lewis building. Elementary Laboratory School College of Education. Records of the BYU Laboratory School, 1914-1968. 13 boxes (6.5 linear ft.), 2 albums, 4 oversize flat boxes, 1 carton (1 cubic ft.). Call Number: UA 564 Abstract: Includes correspondence, policy statements, brochures, attendance records, building plans, enrollment statistics, Immigration and Naturalization Services information, examinations, surveys, financial records, histories, and miscellaneous materials. Also includes information concerning BY High School and the Elementary Training School. Ellsworth, Betty M. Ellsworth, Betty M. Oral history interview, April 11, 1978. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 95 Abstract: Interview by Lisa Bickmore with Betty Ellsworth, college educator, discussing her education and career in teaching about learning disabilities. Emeritus Association Alumni Association. Emeritus Association records, 1941-1991. 2 cartons . Call Number: UA 719 Abstract: Collection includes information on class reunions, slides of BYU activities and sports events, and Emeritus Association meeting minutes. Emery, Marjorie Merrill Reeve Emery, Marjorie Merrill Reeve. Oral history, 1992. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 169 Abstract: Emery tells about attending Brigham Young University, her marriages to Wayne L. Reeve and Wesley F. Emery, her Relief Society callings, her missions to Ireland and to the Liberty Jail Visitors Center, and about living in Kansas and Salt Lake City, Utah. Employees Personal histories of Wells and Myrle Cloward, n. d.1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 70 Abstract: Wells Cloward was the director of Food Services at BYU, ca. 1953-1983. ABC Employee Orientation and Information Committee. Retirement and insurance meeting, June 28, 1967. 1 reel to reel tape . Call Number: UA OH 53 Abstract: Audio tape of Kiefer Sauls answering questions about retirement and insurance. Allred, Berna B. Oral history interview, March 22, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 103 Abstract: Interview by Kim Jensen with Berna Allred, secretary, discussing her family background, education, career, marriage, children, and her attitudes concerning the feminist movement. Auxiliary Services. Slide collection, 1966. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 15 Abstract: Slides used in a presentation for Auxiliary and Communication Services employee orientation. Ben Lewis served as director. Brigham Young Academy. Academic Council records, 1886, August. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 227 Abstract: Collection includes minutes of meetings and proceedings concerning academy problems in purchasing, hiring, and student discipline. Brigham Young University. Annual University Conferences, 1952-1999. 6 box (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 790 Notes: There is a duplicates collection for this call number (1 box). Abstract: Incomplete collection of addresses, printed programs, and audiocassette and videocassette (VHS) recordings of annual university conference meetings, 19521999. Includes addresses by presidents of Brigham Young University and by General Authorities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Meetings generally held for university employees immediately before the start of each new school year. ———. University Personnel Services Annual Reports, 1977-82. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 773 Abstract: Reports concerning employment at BYU, including number and type of faculty and employees, and the benefits available to employees. Executive Vice President for Auxiliary Services. John B. Stohlton files, 1970-1989. 18 cartons . Call Number: UA 934 Abstract: Administrative files of John B. Stohlton, including some files of his predecessors, W. Rolfe Kerr and Fred A. Schwendiman. Stohlton was appointed as assistant executive vice president for auxiliary services at BYU in January 1984. He was named executive vice president in May 1984, succeeding W. Rolfe Kerr. Files concern student life, special events, housing, food, athletics, committees, university relations, personnel, alumni, and related topics. Includes retained copies of correspondence, 1984-1989. The sequencing of sections of the collection is not strictly chronological. Office of Research and Creative Activities. Staff meeting minutes, 1980-1993. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 853 Abstract: Includes lists of employees's goals, assignments, work schedules, special projects, travel plans, requests and vacation time. Also contains inquiries into office improvements and concerns. Personnel Services. Office handbook, [ca. 1970]. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 938 Abstract: Cover sheet in front of volume reads: "This handbook is provided for stenographic or clerical offices at Brigham Young University." Includes two major sections: (1) policies and procedures, and (2) office guidelines. Policies and procedures contain the following subsections: absences, employee benefits, personnel policies, payroll information, and general procedures. Office guidelines contain the following subsections: correspondence, equipment, general office information, grammar, personal traits, punctuation, and spelling. A third section, department procedures, was also provided, in which individual departments could house unique documents. Handbook housed in dark-blue, three-ring binder, with BYU seal embossed in white on front cover. ———. Records, 1952-1968. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 580 Abstract: Includes general files of the office including employee policies and procedures manual. Peterson, Cornelius R. Papers and correspondence, 1920-1975. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 715 Abstract: Includes personal and professional correspondence, retirement book and photos, Church papers, mission and military correspondence, and a description of experiences at Iwo Jima. Student Auxiliary Services. Staff meeting, Aug. 22, 1967. 1 reel to reel tape . Call Number: UA OH 54 Abstract: Proceedings of staff orientation meeting concerning staff use of activity cards, Richards building activities, sports and ticket distribution, BYU Dairy lab, Wilkinson Center services, BYU Bookstore, and swimming pool and cafeteria use. Includes a question and answer discussion by several of the Auxiliary Services directors. Treasurer's Office. Records, 1951-1952. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 281 Abstract: Collection includes salary schedules, and letters of acceptance and appointment concerning non-academic personnel. Endowments Alumni Association. Records, 1905-1922. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 130 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten and typewritten summary lists of donations, endowments and contributions to the Karl G. Maeser Memorial Building exclusive of the property in deed of trust and the appropriations of the trustee-intrust, and a brief financial history of Brigham Young University. ———. Yes what about the Destiny Fund, ca. 1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 58 Abstract: Pamphlet discusses the Destiny Fund and its purposes. Bentley, Joseph T. Financial reports of the Alvina Soffel Barrett Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund, 1963-1964. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 505 Abstract: Report compiled by Joseph T. Bentley, comptroller and trustee for Brigham Young University, and Ben Lewis, Financial Vice President. Brigham Young Academy. Academy Fund Day letter, 1899. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 598 Abstract: Form letter created by George Q. Cannon and Benjamin Cluff announcing "Academy Fund Day,"in order to solicit contributions for the Brigham Young Academy. Brigham Young University. Contributors to the Heber J. Grant Library. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 405 Abstract: Includes a list of individuals and institutions who contributed to the Heber J. Grant building (1925). Also includes a list of contributors to the 1924 campus beautification drive. ———. Land acquisitions deeds and documents, 1890-1938. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 714 Abstract: Includes abstracts of title, indentures, water rights, deeds, and court proceedings. ———. Perpetual Endowment Fund pamphlet. n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 347 Abstract: A pamphlet explaining the Perpetual Endowment Fund, a program of the Destiny Fund. Lewis, Ben E. George Barrett, ca. 1993. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 20 Abstract: This is a short biography of George Barrett, who endowed BYU with money for scholarships. Stringham, Briant H. Papers, 1912, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 285 Abstract: Collection includes a typewritten history of the graduation gift of the Class of 1912 and a memorandum concerning the written history. Treasurer's Office. Records, 1941-1947. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 371 Abstract: Includes lists of donations to the Student Hall Fund, scholarship and award funds. Also includes correspondence concerning fund-raising for the Student Hall Fund. ———. Records of the Jesse Knight Endowment Fund, 1941-1946. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 373 Abstract: Contains records and receipts of the Jesse Knight Endowment Fund. English Dept. Carroll, Elsie Chamberlain. Papers, 1931-1934. 16 volumes . Call Number: UA 158 Abstract: Collection includes typewritten and illustrated scrapbooks containing stories, poems, essays and plays, written and prepared by Carroll's students. English Dept. Composition Office correspondence, 1982-1984. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 12 Abstract: General memos to and from faculty associated with the Composition Office. ———. Department chair records, 1951-1972. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 573 Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes, financial reports, grades, curriculum, etc. ———. Records, 1934-1935. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 20 Abstract: Collection includes typewritten essays, stories and poems written by members of an English class taught by Alice Louise Reynolds. Hedquist, Vivia F. Papers [n.d.]. 1 folder (60 items) . Call Number: UA 134 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten and typewritten class notes, a 30 p. handwritten paperbound music notebook, a 60 p. handwritten paperbound English notebook and eight handwritten essays with the instructor's comments, written for a literature class taught by Juliaetta Bateman. Rowe, Ed M. Papers, 1924-1951. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 181 Abstract: Collection includes card files concerning authors, especially English Romantics, biographies, notes on individual works, and bibliographies. Also includes news clippings concerning history, politics, celebrities of the 1930s, correspondence with Heber J. Grant, theological notes, speeches, and addresses of missionaries and associates in Europe. West, Dale H. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 146 Abstract: West describes why he chose to teach English at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU English Department and describes different aspects of his career including the people who were influential in his professional life. Enrollment Admissions and Records Office. Cumulative enrollment according to stakes and missions, 1953. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 318 Abstract: Student enrollment broken out according to stakes and missions. Brigham Young Academy. Records, 1892-1904. 16 volumes . Call Number: UA 356 Abstract: Includes roll books listing student names, admittance numbers, academic and attendance records, and LDS Church home wards and stakes. Registrar's Office. Records, 1930-1946. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 273 Abstract: Collection includes reports concerning enrollment and degrees conferred, private schools, course offerings, and the growth of summer school attendance. Entrance requirements Admissions and Records Office. Recommendations for transfer students, n. d. 1 folder (2 items) . Call Number: UA 159 Abstract: Collection includes recommendations for prospective transfer students concerning courses transferable to Brigham Young University, and a correction sheet for the recommendations. ———. Records, 1953-1957. 1 folder (21 items) . Call Number: UA 128 Abstract: Includes minutes, reports and memorandum of the Admissions Policies Committee concerning unmatriculated students, grade point averages, credits, transfer students, counseling and testing. Ephemera Brigham Young University. Ephemera, 1931-. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 829 Abstract: Includes posters, programs, correspondence, advertisements, order forms, calendars, fliers, invitations, dance cards, greeting cards, and other printed items relating primarily to activities at Brigham Young University. The material is arranged chronologically. Equipment and supplies Brigham Young Academy. Records, 1893-1905. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 341 Abstract: This is a collection of unrelated items. Includes a letter from the Utah teachers' Association (1905), a program for a special theological meeting at the Brigham Young Academy (mostly room assignments) not dated, room and faculty assignments for the Business College (n.d.), a geology examination (n.d.), an announcement for Academy summer school (n.d.), register of monies collected and paid out for Academy expenses (1904), and room and faculty assignments for regular Academy courses (n.d.). Brigham Young University. Inventory Sheets, 1906-1923. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 173 Abstract: Includes inventories of supplies and furnishing for various departments and administrative offices. ———. Report, 1887-1888. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 217 Abstract: Collection includes an inventory of school furniture, utensils and fixtures. Purchasing Dept. Records, 1961-1962. 1 box . Call Number: UA 354 Abstract: Correspondence and memoranda regarding the purchase of equipment and supplies. Students' Supply Association. Records, 1912-1913. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 477 Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports and orders for the purchase of student supplies and books. Esplin, Ronald K. Esplin, Ronald K. Oral history, 1989. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 153 Abstract: Esplin describes his connection with the History Department at BYU, gives an account of his employment with the Joseph Fielding Smith Institute, and discusses different aspects and projects of his career. Evaluation External reviews, n. d.26 boxes (13 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 631 Abstract: Reports done on some departments at BYU by envoys from different universities. Brigham Young University. Brigham Young University : a self- study conducted for the Sloan Commission on government and higher education, 1977. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 833 Abstract: Prepared by a president's task force, chaired by O. Robert Driggs, the study contains information concerning BYU's personnel services, facilities, student life, admissions and registrar, and student financial aid. Also contains newsletter, "Higher Education & National Affairs," pertaining to IRS demand for BYU donor lists. Also contains a list of acts, laws, and regulations looked at in the study. ———. BYU accreditation and self-studies, 1956-. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 730 Abstract: Includes accreditation reports and self-studies for BYU and individual departments. ———. Interim report to Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges, 1991. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 79 Abstract: Report to the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges dealing with the recommendations of the 1986 evaluation committee. College of Biological and Agricultural Sciences. Annual reports, 1982-1994. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 729 Abstract: Includes annual reports for 1982-1990, a special report of 1988 and reports on scholarly/research productivity for 1990-1994. College of Education. Papers, 1953. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 385 Abstract: A study of the college concerning its administration including faculty and students, correspondence concerning the study, and preliminary report on the college's physical plant. Dept. of Homemaking Education. Evaluation record for student teaching in homemaking, 1958-1959. 1 item . Call Number: UA 36 Abstract: Collection includes a form for evaluation of student teachers in Homemaking by the student teacher, supervising teacher, and the teacher trainer at Brigham Young University, University of Utah, and Utah State University. Harold B. Lee Library. Annual report, 1977-1978. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 96 Abstract: Annual report of the Harold B. Lee Library for 1977-1978 ———. Biennial and Annual reports, 1973-2001. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1015 Abstract: These biennial and annual reports document the activities of the Harold B. Lee Library for each academic year. They include discussions of personnel changes, significant accomplishments, organizational changes, library needs, and professional activities. Also included is an annual report from 1966-1967. ———. Collection analysis project final report, 1979. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 75 Abstract: Report done in 1979 analyzing the library's collections and structure. ———. Collection analysis project report and correspondence, 1980. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 102 Abstract: Collection analysis project report and associated correspondence. ———. Library survey report, 1953. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 101 Abstract: Plan for increasing collections and physical facilities. ———. Reaccreditation self-study, 1995. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 52 Abstract: Reaccreditation self-study was prepared by the Strategic Planning Steering Committee. North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Records, 1931-1933. 1 folder (8 items) . Call Number: UA 127 Abstract: Collection includes evaluations of Brigham Young University concerning athletics, physical education, scholarships, awards and loans granted to student athletes. Office of the President. Re-accreditation files, 1985-1986. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 627 Abstract: These files document the re-accreditation of Brigham Young University. The files also include the self study reports made in conjunction with reaccreditation Winsor, A. L. A summary report of the evaluation of the College of Education at the BYU, 1953. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 315 Abstract: The survey committee was chaired by A. L. Winsor and evaluated the performance of the College of Education. Evenson, William E. Evenson, William E. College rush procedures, 1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 519 Abstract: Includes a research paper submitted by William Evenson for his English 116 class at BYU, 1960. Contains no information about BYU clubs or organizations, but draws on BYU faculty for information concerning the philosophy of clubs and rushing. Examinations Admissions and Records Office. Records, 1922-1962. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 60 Abstract: Collection includes a record of the distribution of grades given by Brigham Young University teachers (1922-1923, 1933-1934, 1936-1937, 1962), keys to student transcripts, and data concerning various changes in semester and quarter hour systems, course division, gradepoint systems, and grading systems. Brigham Young Academy. Papers, 1879-1888, 1891-1892. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 230 Abstract: Collection includes samples of examination questions for various classes. ———. Papers, 1882-1883. 1 volume (108 pages) . Call Number: UA 225 Abstract: A book of incidental questions written by instructors for various subjects. ———. Records, 1893-1905. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 341 Abstract: This is a collection of unrelated items. Includes a letter from the Utah teachers' Association (1905), a program for a special theological meeting at the Brigham Young Academy (mostly room assignments) not dated, room and faculty assignments for the Business College (n.d.), a geology examination (n.d.), an announcement for Academy summer school (n.d.), register of monies collected and paid out for Academy expenses (1904), and room and faculty assignments for regular Academy courses (n.d.). ———. Register of studies, 1876-1894. 2 boxes (10 items) . Call Number: UA 229 Abstract: Includes reports to the Board of Directors of daily schedules of classes, weekly lesson plans, statistics and reports, student examinations, and faculty in each department. College of Education. Records, 1930-1959. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 93 Abstract: Collection includes examinations given to students from 1930 to 1959, including accounting, agricultural economics, chemistry, economics, English, educational psychology, speech, and history classes. College of Family, Home and Social Sciences. Records, 1959-1964. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 515 Abstract: Includes minutes of College meetings, teaching and testing materials for human development and family relations classes, homemaking education, child development, marriage, and clothing and textiles classes. Dept. of Aerospace Studies. Course outlines and tests, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 392 Abstract: Course outlines and examinations for selected aerospace studies courses at Brigham Young University. Includes recruitment letter from Ernest L. Wilkinson, President of Brigham Young University, for aerospace studies. Dept. of Botany and Range Science. Records, 1934-1964. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 569 Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, procedure statements, brochures, programs, minutes, outlines, examinations, and enrollment statistics for botany classes. Dept. of Journalism. Photo journalism records, 1949, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 407 Abstract: Includes class outlines, handouts, assignments, examinations, and committee suggestions concerning the photo studio. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. Papers, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 397 Abstract: Course outline, final examination and letters concerning grade requirements and student absenteeism. Dept. of Political Science. Papers, 1952-1965. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 526 Abstract: Includes correspondence of the Department Chair, examinations, class outlines, and student term papers selected by the Department. ———. Records, 1955-1956. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 267 Abstract: Collection includes multiple choice and essay examinations administered to senior students majoring in political science. Eyring, Carl F. Gradebook for Physics 1, Fall 1950. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 176 Abstract: Collection includes lists, names, final test scores, student grades, and the curve used to determine the grades. Farrer, James R. Examination papers, 1879-1880. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 600 Abstract: Contains two examination papers and a certificate from the Emeritus Club of the BYU Alumni Association. Jensen, Christen. Papers, 1903-1961. 19 folders . Call Number: UA 96 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, reports, memoranda, minutes, and examinations concerning Brigham Young University transfer credits, awards, faculty meetings, graduate school, Franklin S. Harris, Ernest L. Wilkinson, history, political science, and public administration. Keeler, Joseph B. Papers, 1884, 1891-1897. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 262 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten class rolls and examination scores. Roberts, May. Examination papers, 1879-1880. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 43 Abstract: Examination papers of May Roberts. School of Library and Information Sciences. Papers, [1981]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 843 Abstract: Includes class handouts, examinations, course outline, memoranda, and photocopied documents for cataloging exercises. Testing and Counseling Service. Records, 1931-1960. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 508 Abstract: Contains various freshman test results and lists of freshmen. Also includes information about the tests themselves. ———. Records, 1946-1963. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 540 Abstract: Includes correspondence, GED results, reports on tests, and processed answer sheets. Wilkes, William. Papers, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 400 Abstract: Course outline and final examination for a Mormon Church history class at Brigham Young University. Executive Assistant to the President Office of the President. Correspondence and files of Carolyn J. Rasmus, 1970-1982. 15 boxes (7.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 657 Abstract: Correspondence and files of Carolyn J. Rasmus, Executive Assistant to the President. Executive Vice President Brigham Young University. Centennial history: Office of the Executive Vice President, ca. 1975. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 82 Abstract: Includes histories of the departments of Purchasing, Student Housing, Food Services, Bookstore, and Auxiliary Services. Lewis, Ben E. Correspondence, 1952-1974. 6 volume . Abstract: Correspondence concerning auxiliary operations, committees, construction, finances, housing, improvements, utilities, applications, budgets, Communication Services, Physical Plant, Food Services, University Relations, Treasurer's Office, and Indian Placement. ———. Records, 1952-1974. 22 boxes (11 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes minutes, reports, bulletins, pamphlets, and correspondence concerning auxiliary operations, committees, construction, finances, housing, improvements, utilities, applications, budgets, Communication Services, Physical Plant, Food Services, University Relations, Treasurer's Office, and Indian Placement. Executive Vice President for Auxiliary Services Executive Vice President for Auxiliary Services. John B. Stohlton files, 1970-1989. 18 cartons . Call Number: UA 934 Abstract: Administrative files of John B. Stohlton, including some files of his predecessors, W. Rolfe Kerr and Fred A. Schwendiman. Stohlton was appointed as assistant executive vice president for auxiliary services at BYU in January 1984. He was named executive vice president in May 1984, succeeding W. Rolfe Kerr. Files concern student life, special events, housing, food, athletics, committees, university relations, personnel, alumni, and related topics. Includes retained copies of correspondence, 1984-1989. The sequencing of sections of the collection is not strictly chronological. ———. William Rolfe Kerr files, 1976-1983. 5 cartons . Call Number: UA 933 Abstract: Administrative files of W. Rolfe Kerr, executive vice president at BYU, 1980-1984. Includes files relating to athletics; special events; student leadership, clubs, and dress-and-grooming standards; public relations; campus security; Media Services; KBYU (radio and television); and other topics. Includes correspondence, reports, and other information, some predating Kerr's appointment. Exhibitions Griggs, C. Wilfred. [Office files of the Ramses exhibit, 1985-1987]. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 689 Abstract: This collection represents the working files of Dr. Wilfred Griggs, as per his pivotal involvement with the Ramses exhibit. There is an additional Ramses collection which originated from the BYU Public Affairs Office. Public Affairs Office. Ramses II exhibit, 1985-1986. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 697 Abstract: Contains correspondence, ads, posters, catalogs, logistical information, contracts, marketing strategies, and interviews with Jeffrey Holland, Jae Ballif, and George Bowie. Extension Division Culmsee, Carlton Fordis. Oral history interview, Nov. 16, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 71 Abstract: Interview by Oliver Smith with Carlton Culmsee regarding his family background, his schooling, his work at BYU with the development of the journalism department, publicity, and the BYU Extension division and his work at Utah State University as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Extension Division. Timpanogos, wonder mountain, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 364 Abstract: Pamphlet examines the history of Mount Timpanogos. Nelson, Lowry. Letter, 1954. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 292 Abstract: Letter from Lowry Nelson to T. Earl Pardoe describing a brief history and overview of the BYU Extension division. Nelson was, at the time, a professor of sociology at the University of Minnesota. ———. Oral history interview, Sept. 3, 1963. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 1 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Lowry Nelson, first director of the BYU Extension Services, concerning the development of the Extension Center and Social Unit systems at BYU, 1921-1935. Also includes activities since leaving BYU. Eyring, Carl F. Eyring, Carl F. Class notes, 1912-1913. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 11 Abstract: Includes handwritten class notes on mechanics and wave motion, taught by Harvey Fletcher Sr. ———. Gradebook for Physics 1, Fall 1950. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 176 Abstract: Collection includes lists, names, final test scores, student grades, and the curve used to determine the grades. ———. Laboratory notes 1909-1911. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 8 Notes: Includes handwritten class and laboratory notes for a class in electrical and optical measurements taken at BYU. ———. Laboratory notes, 1919. 1 bound . Call Number: UA 10 Abstract: Includes handwritten class and laboratory notes while a student at Columbia University. Classes in electrical testing of DC and AC machinery. ———. Lecture notes, 1922-1923. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 7 Abstract: Includes handwritten lecture notes on thermodynamics, while attending the California Institute of Technology. ———. Lecture notes, 1922-1923. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 9 Abstract: Includes lecture notes of a class in electricity and magnetism at the California Institute of Technology. ———. Papers, 1912. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 106 Abstract: Collection includes a holograph draft of a thesis concerning electric waves written while attending Brigham Young University. ———. Papers, 1943-1950. 5 folders . Call Number: UA 507 Abstract: Includes correspondence concerning research projects, annual department budgets, personal opinions as to the future of BYU. Also includes records of a farewell reception and address given in behalf of President and Mrs. Howard S. McDonald. ———. Published papers, 1933, 1948. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 105 Abstract: Includes two published articles from the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Ezra Taft Benson Agriculture and Food Institute College of Biology and Agriculture. Records and correspondence, 1917-1986. 36 boxes (18 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 702 Abstract: Contains records, minutes, publications, etc. of the College of Biology and Agriculture, the Benson Institute, and the departments of the College. Faculty Addresses in honor of Harvey Fletcher, n. d.1 folder (8 items) . Call Number: UA 129 Abstract: Collection includes typewritten, edited and final drafts of speeches about Fletcher written and given by William L. Woolf and George H. Hansen, a memorandum concerning a speech from Ernest L. Wilkinson to George H. Hansen, a record of Fletcher's professional experience, and biographical information submitted to Who's Who in America. Study of speech and hearing at Bell Telephone Laboratories : the Fletcher years, 1917-1933, ca. 1940.2 CDs . Call Number: UA 974 Abstract: During the first half of the 20th century, Bell Telephone Laboratories carried out an extensive research program aimed at improving the quality of telephone speech. Harvey Fletcher led this effort and these CD's contain correspondence and reports related to his work. Academic Vice President. Leaflet, 1960. Call Number: UA 52 Abstract: Collection includes a regulation governing publications by faculty of materials for use in classes and laboratories. Adams, K. Haybron. Correspondence and research, n. d. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 693 Notes: Restricted. See University Archivist. Abstract: Includes research and correspondence for Church Officials. Allen, James B. Oral history, 1988-1989. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 157 Abstract: Allen describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department, discusses different aspects of his career, and describes his contributions to the History Department and the University. Allen, Mark K. Oral history interview, Aug. 4, 1978. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 59 Abstract: Contains an interview moderated by Golden H. Brimhall with Mark K. Allen, Golden H. Brimhall, Wilma Boyle Bunker, Walter Buss, Richard Clark, Fern Eyring Fletcher, Harvey Fletcher, Fred Hinkley, Robert Hinkley Jr., Ruth L. Partridge, Wayne N. Smart, William Snow Jr., Irene Osmond Spears and Lynn Wakefield. Topics include the posterity of early BYU faculty members, concerns of BYA and BYU. Includes reminiscences and personal experiences, particularily in regard to their perspective parents who all taught at BYU and BYA. ———. Oral history interview, March 22, 1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 128 Abstract: Interview by Karl Young with Mark K. Allen concerning his early life, family, grandfather, time as a student at BYU, education, and experiences at BYU as a professor and counselor. Alley, Stephen L. Oral history interview, Aug. 2, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 23 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Stephen L. Alley, BYU professor, concerning his experiences as a member of the BYU College of Education since 1965. Allred, J. Urban. Papers, 1894-1898. 1 folder (8 items) . Call Number: UA 145 Abstract: Collection includes typewritten extractions from his diary, as compiled by his children, concerning his ancestry, student activities, lectures given by faculty members and Latter-day Saint Church leaders, and the founding of Lehi, Utah. Andrus, J. Roman. J. Roman Andrus oral history interview, Oct. 23, 1980. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 37 Abstract: Interview by Leonard Arrington with J. Roman Andrus concerning his childhood, art education, teaching experiences at BYU, and thoughts on the art world and the destiny of BYU. ———. Papers, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 299 Abstract: Includes a brief history of the BYU Art Department. Assembly Committee. Minutes and counts of forum and devotional assemblies, 1956-1973. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 475 Abstract: Includes annual reports, statistics, minutes of devotionals and forums; and lists of speakers. Associate Academic Vice President. Records, 1981-1995. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1027 Notes: Vice Presidential Records from Dallin H. Oaks through Merrill J. Bateman (current president) may be accessed only with the permission of the L. Tom Perry Special Collections Board of Curators and the current sitting president of Brigham Young University. Abstract: This collection consists of faculty recruitment files, rank advancement documents, faculty awards, catalog changes, emeritus faculty, and correspondence from the office of the Associate Academic Vice President. Belarsky, Sidor. Records, 1930-1980. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 27 Abstract: Collection includes biographical information, newspaper articles, songbooks, personal sheetmusic, letters of appreciation, and recordings (CD). Bentley, Joseph T. Administrative records, 1952-1969. 158 boxes and 31 volumes (89 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 878 Abstract: Includes files concerning university budget, LDS Church School System, campus colleges and departments, faculty, staff, fund-raising, administrative meetings, students, Treasurer's Office, New World Archaeological Foundation, and athletics. Also includes files relative to Church schools in Mexico and in the Pacific, and some of Bentley's personal files. Includes significant amounts of correspondence with Ernest L. Wilkinson (president of BYU) and others. Bissell, Harold Joseph. Oral history interview, Jan. 31, 1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 131 Abstract: Interview by Arthur Chapman with Harold J. Bissell, who recounts his education at BYU and Iowa, and his teaching experiences and thoughts about BYU. Bloxham, V. Ben. Oral history interview, March 11, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 109 Abstract: Interview by Robert Psuik with Ben Bloxham, discussing the genesis and development of the Family and Local History program at BYU. Board of Trustee. Correspondence of the Brigham Young University Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees, 1907-1922. 1 folder (44 items) . Call Number: UA 148 Notes: Restricted access; permission required; University Archivist. Abstract: Contains various correspondence from Horace H. Cummings, General Superintendent of LDS Schools, to the Board of Trustees, and President Brimhall. Includes letters concerning theological controversies, the re-establishment of BYU football, information of faculty members, appointments and resignations, tithing of faculty, and other information. Boel, Joseph M. Papers, 1946-1962. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 498 Abstract: Includes correspondence and papers pertaining to journalism and news photography, with copies of the Intermountain Journalism Bulletin, and Nieman Reports. Boyle, William H. Reminiscences, 1946. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 163 Abstract: Boyle describes his childhood, his educational background, his professional affiliation with Brigham Young University, and his spiritual experiences. Brasher, Ruth E. Oral history interview, March 23, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 94 Abstract: Interview by Alice Gardner with Ruth Brasher, discussing basic biographical information, and attitudes concerning the feminist movement. Brigham Young Academy. Commercial College list of classes offered and corresponding teachers, 1876-1890. Call Number: UA 308 Abstract: List of classes offered. ———. Faculty, 1876-1902. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 86 Abstract: Includes list of faculty, teaching terms and subjects. ———. [List of faculty, instructors, and courses offered, 1899]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 596 Abstract: This is a small information card providing the names of faculty and instructors, and listing the various grades, classes, and degrees offered by the Academy. ———. Notes and statistical reports taken from original Brigham Young Academy records, 1876-1878. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 237 Abstract: Includes training school history and curriculum, statistical reports, and faculty activities at the Academy. ———. Preparatory School records, 1892-1898. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 235 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten faculty meeting minutes with a partial typewritten transcript. ———. Records, 1893-1905. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 341 Abstract: This is a collection of unrelated items. Includes a letter from the Utah teachers' Association (1905), a program for a special theological meeting at the Brigham Young Academy (mostly room assignments) not dated, room and faculty assignments for the Business College (n.d.), a geology examination (n.d.), an announcement for Academy summer school (n.d.), register of monies collected and paid out for Academy expenses (1904), and room and faculty assignments for regular Academy courses (n.d.). ———. Records, 1902-1914. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 360 Abstract: Includes minutes of primary school teachers' weekly meetings. ———. Records, 1903-1904. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 357 Abstract: Includes a list of faculty members and minutes of daily devotionals. ———. Register of studies, 1876-1894. 2 boxes (10 items) . Call Number: UA 229 Abstract: Includes reports to the Board of Directors of daily schedules of classes, weekly lesson plans, statistics and reports, student examinations, and faculty in each department. Brigham Young University. Academic standards collection, 1911-1912, 1916-1917, 1920. 1 folder (20 items) . Call Number: UA 168 Abstract: Collection includes poems written by students, faculty term reports, minutes of the Board of Trustees, real estate, academic standing of students and faculty salaries. ———. Annual University Conferences, 1952-1999. 6 box (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 790 Notes: There is a duplicates collection for this call number (1 box). Abstract: Incomplete collection of addresses, printed programs, and audiocassette and videocassette (VHS) recordings of annual university conference meetings, 19521999. Includes addresses by presidents of Brigham Young University and by General Authorities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Meetings generally held for university employees immediately before the start of each new school year. ———. BYU Day planners, 1937-1939. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 54 Abstract: Small day planners sent to BYU graduates. Included are photos of BYU faculty with comments about education. ———. Campus photographs, ca. 1880-1958. 4 boxes (2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 919 Abstract: Originally bound in four volumes, images show BYU buildings, students, faculty, trustees, and campus life. The volume dealing with students was compiled by Mrs. Fletcher Eyring. Sources for the images include campus yearbooks and Wayne B. Hales. Includes views of Aspen Grove, the Alpine Summer School, and the Timpanogos Hike. Some images are original prints, others are reprints, and still others are from yearbooks and other published sources. ———. Certificates awarded to faculty and students, 1870-1931. 1 oversize box . Call Number: UA 312 Abstract: Certificates awarded to the faculty and students of both Brigham Young Academy and Brigham Young University. ———. Color photograph collection, 1940s. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 11 Abstract: Depicts early campus scenes, individual buildings, and student and faculty activities. ———. Faculty Autobiographical Files, 1999-. 5 folders . Call Number: UA 776 Abstract: Contains autobiographical sketches and curriculum vitae of retired faculty from BYU. ———. Faculty creative activities, 1995-1996. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 93 Abstract: Contains a bibliography of published and creative works for BYU faculty members. ———. Faculty handbooks, 1954. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 672 Abstract: Faculty handbooks and correspondence to all faculty produced around 1954. ———. Faculty handbooks, 1955-1967. 3 volumes . Call Number: UA 856 Abstract: Handbooks detailing school policies, standards and procedures. Organizational charts are included. ———. Faculty retirement program : as approved by Board of Trustees, 1954. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 410 Abstract: Description of the faculty retirement program at Brigham Young University. ———. Leaflet, 1931. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 53 Abstract: Collection includes a list of faculty publications available for purchase. ———. Meeting minutes, 1876-1951. 4 boxes (14 volumes) . Call Number: UA 5 Abstract: Holograph volumes of minutes from faculty, university council and deans' council meetings of Brigham Young Academy and Brigham Young University. These items document issues regarding the administration of that institution. The location of volume number 3 covering the time frame March 1881-Nov. 1883 is unknown. It may have been destroyed in a fire in the Lewis Building. ———. Pamphlet, 1958. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 51 Abstract: Collection includes a printed program honoring 46 Brigham Young University faculty members for long and distinguished service. ———. Records, 1952. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 335 Abstract: Includes a program of a faculty meeting containing photographs and brief life sketches of newly appointed faculty and administrative assistants. ———. Salaries collection, 1919-1920, 1926-1927. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 258 Abstract: Collection includes summary of regular annual salaries of professors, associate professors and instructors. ———. Single photo file, 1890s-1980s. 25 boxes (12.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 869 Abstract: Contains images of students, faculty, activities, and organizations at Brigham Young University. Includes images of alumni; student officers; Alpine Summer School; assemblies; devotionals; BYU Bookstore; BYU-Hawaii; campus royalty; views of campus, including aerial views; building dedications; cheerleaders and other pep groups; Cosmo, the school mascot; individual colleges; dance groups; live cougars; exhibits; faculty; Board of Trustees; homecoming parades; Leadership Week; Education Week; ROTC; instrumental and vocal performing groups; dramatic productions; school registration; Program Bureau; clubs; debate team; Benjamin Cluff's South American expedition; Timp Hike; and Y-Day. ———. Souvenir Album, 1904. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 40 Abstract: Momento of the twenty-eighth year, containing half tone photographs of the members of the Board of Trustees, most members of the present faculty and a few of the leading graduates, August 1904. ———. Student register collection, 1896-1913. 5 volumes . Call Number: UA 261 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten registers of names of primary, grammar, sub-freshmen, high school and normal school students, listing faculty references, academic standings and promotions, Latter-day Saint Church memberships, priesthood offices, and domestic Latter-day Saint Church wards and residences. ———. Teacher's rolls and other small booklets, 1920's. 7 folders . Call Number: UA 768 Abstract: Teacher's rolls and other small booklets. The roll is for the class "Accounting 3" during the Spring Quarter 1926. ———. Tributes, 1969-1979. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 971 Abstract: This collection contains tributes to Brigham Young University that were gathered during the administration of President Dallin H. Oaks. Topics include the cleanliness of the campus, the honor code and the appearance of students and faculty. ———. University Personnel Services Annual Reports, 1977-82. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 773 Abstract: Reports concerning employment at BYU, including number and type of faculty and employees, and the benefits available to employees. Brigham Young University Magazine. Reminiscence of BYU students, faculty and alumni, [1937-1990]. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 864 Abstract: Responses to an advertisement placed in the BYU Magazine requesting recollections concerning the JFK assassination, the space shuttle Challenger explosion, campus working experiences, social life, Y Bell, Y Days, BYU mascot, lighting the Y, dating, places of hangouts, Persian Gulf War, Intermountain Association of College and University Residence Halls (IACURH) conference, Preference Ball dances, KBYU, and World War II. Britsch, R. Lanier. Records, 1957-2002. 16 boxes (8 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 959 Abstract: This collection includes resumes, letters of recommendation, and correspondence while at the university as well as grades, old class rolls, reading lists, and other class material. Education Week and Kennedy Center records are also included as are Britsch's dissertation, drafts of other writings and faculty addresses. Britsch, Ralph A. Oral history interview, April 4, 1979. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 67 Abstract: Interview by Thomas E. Cheney with Ralph A. Britsch concerning his experiences as a student at BYU, including comments about his teachers, and the development of BYU from 1931 to the present, particularily in the areas of music and drama. Brown, Hugh B. Address, [ca. 1958]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 304 Abstract: Address given for Faculty Honor Night in 1958. Brown, Violet J. Oral history interview, May 15-18, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 74 Abstract: Interview by Helen Stark with Violet Brown, educator, discussing her early life in Alpine, Santaquin and Provo, Utah. Also discusses her education, travels, and marriage. Bryner, Loren C. Oral history interview, Aug. 3, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 62 Abstract: Interview by Jay Beck with Loren Bryner concerning his schooling, employment at BYU and Kennecott, and his involvement in science organizations. Cannon, Edna S. Grade books, 1939-1946. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 114 Abstract: Collection includes grade books for bacteriology and botany classes. Carroll, Elsie Chamberlain. Papers, 1931-1934. 16 volumes . Call Number: UA 158 Abstract: Collection includes typewritten and illustrated scrapbooks containing stories, poems, essays and plays, written and prepared by Carroll's students. Cheney, Tom. Oral history interview, Oct. 10, 1979. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 46 Abstract: Interview by J. Roman Andrus with Tom Cheney, BYU English professor, concerning his teaching experience, his relationship with the faculty and administration, and his paper concerning the Negro and the Mormon Church and subsequent controversy. Christensen, Dean C. Oral history interview, Aug. 2, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 22 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Dean C. Christensen regarding his experiences as a teacher in Duchesne County, Utah during the 1940's and early 1950's, and later as a member of the BYU College of Education. Christensen, N. La Verl. Oral history, 1984-1987. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 162 Abstract: Christensen talks about his educational background, his professional affiliation with various local newspapers in Provo, and his spiritual experiences. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Tithing records of Brigham Young University faculty members living in the Utah Stake for 1937. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 411 Abstract: Tithing records of Brigham Young University faculty members living in the Utah Stake. Clark III, J. Reuben. Oral history interview, Jan. 19, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 129 Abstract: Interview by Thomas Cheney with J. Reuben Clark III, on his experiences as a student at BYU, and as a professor of French and Latin at BYU. Includes thoughts on several BYU presidents, and his father. Clark, Shelby G. Papers, 1952-1959. 3 boxes (1.25 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 63 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, reports, memoranda, and evaluations concerning admissions, social units, probations, student personnel services, scholarships, College of Education faculty meetings and university procedures and policies. Clarke, A. John. Oral history interview, July 27, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 21 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with A. John Clarke, BYU professor, concerning his experiences as a student at BYU during the late 1930's, and as an instructor and principle of the BY High School in the mid 1940's. Cluff, Benjamin. Annual report of the principle of the Brigham Young Academy : To the Board of Trustees and Stake Board of Education, for the sixteenth academic year, 1891-92. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 326 Abstract: Includes the president's report of the faculty, students, curricula, facilities, and finances for 1891-1892. College of Biology and Agriculture. Photographs, ca. 1891-1969. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 823 Abstract: All dates in the following description are approximate. Includes views of Brigham Young Academy (BYA) faculty; Alpine summer school botany classes, 1922-1924; Alpine summer school faculty, 1928-1930 and 1941; Lewis building, BYA, 1885; Education building, BYA, 1893; Franklin Stewart Harris; landscape architecture group, 1935; David Starr Jordan Biology Club, 1929-1931; BYU faculty, 1928; Thomas L. Martin; Brimhall Botany Lab, 1936; Brimhall Building, 1940; Clarence Cottam; Raymond B. Farnsworth, 1955-1958; Merrill Hallam, 19581960; Rudger Walker; Lester Allen; Howard C. Stutz; and Kent H. McKnight. College of Education. Institutional report, 1989. 2 folders . Call Number: UA SC 78 Abstract: Contains information about the college, program descriptions and faculty vitae. ———. Institutional report, 1991. 2 folders . Call Number: UA SC 77 Abstract: Contains information about the college, program descriptions and faculty vitae. College of Engineering Sciences and Technology. Records, 1960s-1970s. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 663 Abstract: Reports, information concerning engineering symposiums, newsletters, and minutes of faculty meetings. College of Family, Home and Social Sciences. Records, 1918-1962. 20 boxes (10 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 464 Abstract: Includes correspondence, memoranda, faculty load reports, budget reports, curriculum, catalog material, registration, scholarship and fellowship information. Also includes information concerning various departments, data processing reports, college enrollment and grades, and faculty personnel files. College of Fine Arts and Communications. Files, [ca. 1968-1989]. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 821 Abstract: Contains outlines, handouts, and packet materials relating to communications courses; brochures, programs, form letters, forms, and advertisements concerning Department of Communications; advertisements for High School Press Workshops; four issues of Comm World magazine, 1986-1989; two issues of Communications Newsletter, 1972; two issues of Alumni Update, 1982-1984; KBYU-FM Radio brochures, circulars, and correspondence; KBYU TV brochures, logo, report, and promotions; sequence coordinators meeting minutes; faculty meeting minutes; and Publication Workshop's yearbook, "Encounter", 19721973. ———. Report of the College of Fine Arts given to the general BYU faculty, April 12, 1956. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 298 Abstract: Includes a report describing the curriculum, achievements, and faculty of the College of Fine Arts. A bulletin of the College is also included. Culmsee, Carlton Fordis. Oral history interview, Nov. 16, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 71 Abstract: Interview by Oliver Smith with Carlton Culmsee regarding his family background, his schooling, his work at BYU with the development of the journalism department, publicity, and the BYU Extension division and his work at Utah State University as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Cummings, Benjamin F. Papers, 1929-1955. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 171 Abstract: Collection includes a handwritten and typewritten history of the Brigham Young University Department of Modern and Classical Languages, minutes of department conferences, foreign language plays, speeches and articles, class outlines, rolls and gradesheets. Daw, Albert W. Paper, 1915. 1 item . Call Number: UA 166 Abstract: Typewritten chapter summaries of The Principles of irrigation practice by John A. Widtsoe. de Jong, Gerrit. Oral history interview, Aug. 8, 1978. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 33 Abstract: An interview by Mark K. Allen with Gerrit de Jong Jr., BYU dean and professor. Reflections of his childhood and teaching experiences at the Murdock Academy and BYU. He discusses his role in organizing the College of Fine Arts, and his associations with faculty and administrators. ———. Papers, 1950-1970. 10 boxes (5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 722 Abstract: Includes professional correspondence, publications, teaching materials, speeches, and musical drafts and publications. De Jong, Thelma Bonham. Oral history interview, July 22, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 26 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Thelma de Jong concerning her experiences as a teacher trainer at BYU during the 1950s and 1960s. Dean of Summer School. Records, 1950-1953. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 279 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence and payroll reports concerning summer school faculty. Dept. of Agronomy and Horticulture. Raymond B. Farnsworth and W. Derby Laws files, 1945-1978. 10 boxes (5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 960 Abstract: This collection is divided into two series: I. W. Derby Laws files and II. Raymond B. Farnsworth files. The W. Derby Laws files contain class notes, research files, publications produced by Laws, and student prepared research projects. The Raymond B. Farnsworth files contain information on the operation of the University farm in Spanish Fork, Utah; research on nitrogen-fixation in sagebrush; material on the Desert Biome project, various projects for Iran and a project for the Tennessee Valley Authority; as well as miscellaneous research files and data. Dept. of Archives and Manuscripts. BYU centennial flashbacks : scrapbook, [ca. 1875-1975]. 1 box (1.2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 880 Abstract: Collection of newspaper articles from the Daily Herald pertaining to events on campus since the time of its creation. Includes stories about various presidents of BYU, accomplishments of students and athletes, groups and clubs, and photographic images of Brigham Young Academy as well as significant persons in the university's history. ———. Music Collection, 1916-1975. 1 box . Call Number: UA 133 Abstract: Collection includes published and handwritten unpublished musical selections written and arranged by Brigham Young University faculty members. Dept. of Art. Records and correspondence, 1960-1980. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 662 Abstract: Contains correspondence of the Dean, Chair, and faculty meeting minutes. Also administrative records concerning curriculum, Mormon Arts Festival, parttime faculty, faculty advancement, and other items and issues. Dept. of Chemistry. Records, 1928-1964. 10 boxes (5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 510 Abstract: Includes general department files and files of the department chair and faculty. Dept. of Child Development and Family Relationships. Department chair records, 1954-1971. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 479 Abstract: Includes reports, minutes, curriculum materials, and other records of the department chair. Dept. of Clothing and Textiles. BYU CLTIX : 44 years of success, 1955-1999. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 860 Abstract: Includes a history of the department plus autobiographical sketches and pictures of faculty and students who were affiliated with the program between the 1920s and 1990s. Volume has a plastic spiral binding. Dept. of Electrical Engineering. Department chair papers, 1956-1960. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 453 Abstract: Contains papers of the chair of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Jens J. Jonsson, including correspondence and memoranda on curriculum, faculty, students and facilities. Dept. of History. Department and faculty records, 1957-1979. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 680 Abstract: Contains faculty load reports, some correspondence about faculty, department correspondence and minutes, and other records. Dept. of Music. Records 1931-1971. 30 boxes (15 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 522 Abstract: Contains files of the department chair and general department and faculty records including correspondence, minutes, procedures, publications, and a sampling of class outlines and examinations. Division of Continuing Education. William Hartman case, 1965-1968. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 973 Abstract: This collection contains correspondence and other documents pertaining to the William Hartman case involving Brigham Young University and the Association of American University Professors. Eastmond, Elbert H. Papers, 20 August 1936. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 245 Abstract: Collection includes a record of Eastmond's funeral services. English Dept. Composition Office correspondence, 1982-1984. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 12 Abstract: General memos to and from faculty associated with the Composition Office. Esplin, Ronald K. Oral history, 1989. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 153 Abstract: Esplin describes his connection with the History Department at BYU, gives an account of his employment with the Joseph Fielding Smith Institute, and discusses different aspects and projects of his career. Eyring, Carl F. Gradebook for Physics 1, Fall 1950. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 176 Abstract: Collection includes lists, names, final test scores, student grades, and the curve used to determine the grades. ———. Papers, 1912. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 106 Abstract: Collection includes a holograph draft of a thesis concerning electric waves written while attending Brigham Young University. ———. Published papers, 1933, 1948. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 105 Abstract: Includes two published articles from the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Faculty Center. Faculty Development Seminar records, 1994-2002. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1021 Abstract: This collection consists of records documenting the Faculty Development Seminar (FDS) for new faculty put on by the Brigham Young University Faculty Center. Records include FDS packets, participant directories, invitations, and FDS evaluations. ———. Faculty development series for new faculty participant directories, 19921998. 4 folders . Call Number: UA 794 Abstract: Pictorial directory of new faculty who attended the series. Brief biographical sketch accompanies each picture. Series held each school year, beginning in 1992, to acquaint new BYU faculty with university resources, standards, and expectations. Entitled "Professional Development Seminar" when first instituted, renamed to "Faculty Development Series" in 1997 or 1998. ———. Faculty resource guide: Brigham Young University, 1993. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 74 Abstract: Guide to the resources available to help faculty achieve their goals at Brigham Young University. Faculty Committee on Teaching. Records, 1969-ca. 1975. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 619 Abstract: Agendas and minutes from 1969 and the early 1970s from the Faculty Committee on Teaching. Also includes some material that was used in classes put on for BYU teachers. Farnsworth, Raymond B. History of the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, 1885-1974. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 867 Abstract: Contains correspondence; memoranda; visual images; news clippings; and lists of classes offered, student statistics, names and addresses of graduates, graduates who received fellowships, deceased graduates, faculty and staff. Includes a table of contents. Title page suggests that the history was originally compiled by Farnsworth between 1946 and 1958, then revised and updated in 1973-1974. Faux, M. Charles. Reports, 1956-1960. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 85 Abstract: Collection includes cases prepared by Professor of Business Management, M. Charles Faux, and his students in business management, concerning various manufacturing companies and corporations. Financial Services. Records, 1911-1922. 1 folder (47 items) . Call Number: UA 149 Abstract: Collection includes annual financial reports and estimates of expenses including teachers' salaries and departmental budgets, real estate sales, statements from Knight Trust and Savings Bank, and correspondence concerning financial affairs between the Office of the President of Brigham Young University, the Brigham Young University Board of Trustees and the LDS Church Commission of Education. ———. Records, 1922-1924, 1927-1928. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 255 Abstract: Collection includes summary of regular annual salaries of professors, associate professors and instructors. Fisher, Flora Davis. Oral history interview, July 27, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 25 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Flora Fisher regarding her experiences while teaching at BYU from 1917-1940 and her experiences with the BYU College of Education. Fitzgerald, H. Alvah. Oral history interview, Feb. 6, 1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 124 Abstract: Interview by Oliver Smith with H. Alvah Fitzgerald recounting his education and experiences teaching seminary and religion at BYU. Flammer, Philip M. Oral history, 1989. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 149 Abstract: Flammer describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of his career including his experiences as a pilot and historian for the Air Force. Fletcher, Fern Eyring. Oral history interview, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 70 Abstract: Interview by Scott Hollis with Fern Eyring Fletcher of her recollections of childhood, her father Stephen L. Chipman, various LDS General Authorities, experiences in high school, as a student at BYU, about faculty members at BYU, her teaching experiences at BYU, and her feelings about BYU. Fletcher, Harvey. Oral history interview, Sept. 19, 1968. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 6 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Harvey Fletcher, scientist and teacher, concerning his experiences in Provo, Utah, as a graduate student at the University of Chicago, as a teacher at BYU, and as a bishop and stake president in the New York Stake. Frost, Herbert H. Oral history interview, Dec. 13, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 137 Abstract: Interview by Arthur Chapman concerning his student experiences, war experiences, and graduate education and subsequent appointment as BYU professor of Zoology. Gowans, Fred R. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 151 Abstract: Gowans describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of his career including research on a biography on Andrew Henry and a small book on the contributions of the Warren A. Ferris outline of Western history. Gubler, Clark J. Interview, 1992. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 167 Abstract: Clark talks about going to school, teaching and doing research in nutritional biochemistry at Brigham Young University. He also talks about doing research at the University of Utah and setting up a graduate program at Kuwait University. Hales, Richard Wayne. “Atomic number dependence of neutral meson yield from proton bombardment”, 1952. 6 folders . Call Number: UA 393 Abstract: Outline, draft and final form of Hales' PhD dissertation at the University of California at Berkeley. Also included are photographs, calculations, and a letter from Burton J. Moyer of the faculty at UC Berkeley. Hales, Wayne B. Better photographs : an outline course in theoretical and experimental photography / by Wayne B. Hales ; including The relation of art principles to pictorial composition / Bent F. Larsen ; and Press photography / by Harrison R. Merrill. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 150 Abstract: Includes information concerning basic photographic techniques, photo journalism, and the relationship of art principles to photo composition. Also includes original photographic prints. ———. Negatives, ca. 1926-1940. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: MSS 2199 Abstract: Six photograph albums, accompanied by ten boxes of photograph negatives, which document Brigham Young University faculty, students, buildings, and events, including dramatic and musical productions. The images, collected by Hales, were taken by himself, Walter Cottam, and others. Includes images relating to the Alpine Summer School, Mount Timpanogos, Aspen Grove, Utah Lake, and the city of Provo. Individual images are numbered in the first four volumes, and correspond to the numbering of the negatives. The collection does not include negatives for images in volumes five and six. The collection includes some negatives for which there are no corresponding prints. ———. Oral history interview, May 25, 1978. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 30 Abstract: Interview by Edwin R. Kimball with Wayne B. Hales, concerning his experiences as a BYU student, and as a member of the BYU Athletic Council, his family and his experiences with other faculty and administrators at BYU. ———. Records, 1944-1945. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 570 Abstract: Records include twent-five mounted, photographic Lissajous figures and a reprint of the article, "Recording the Lissajous Figures" from The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Also includes a mounted explanation of the process. Halliday, John R. Oral history, 1983-1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 113 Abstract: The material gives a brief sketch of Halliday's life and concentrates on the time he served as a professor of Music at Brigham Young University. He mentions serving as the mission president for the LDS Church in Milan, Italy from 19761979. He also speaks at length about his philosophy of life and his following of LDS Church precepts. Hansen, George Henry. Oral history interview, Feb. 19, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 44 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo Morley with George H. Hansen, geologist, concerning his experiences in Richfield, Utah; as a student at Utah State University, 1915-1918, as a missionary in England, as a faculty member and administrator at BYU from 1927, and on later work at a university in Java. ———. Papers, 1951-1959. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 509 Abstract: Includes correspondence, photographs, reports and news clippings concerning the College of Arts and Sciences, college policies, faculty, senior students and Utah's geology. Hardy, Kenneth R. Papers, 1955-1965. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 529 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, book lists, reports, and proposals from various university committees. Harold B. Lee Library. Files on BYU Library School Professors, 1970's. 1.5 boxes (.75 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 771 Abstract: Correspondence, syllabi, and vitae of Thayne Johnson, Maurice Marchant, Lucille M. Thorne, and Hatti M. Knight, BYU Library School Professors ———. Photos of employees, 1992. 80 photographs . Call Number: UA 897 Abstract: Photographs of current and former Brigham Young University Library employees. Harrison, Bertrand F. Oral history interview, March 15, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 125 Abstract: Interview by David Whittaker with Bertrand F. Harrison concerning his student years at BYU, marriage, graduate school, and the development of the Botany program at BYU. Harrison, Lorna Jensen. Oral history interview, May 31, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 133 Abstract: Interview by David Whittaker with Lorna Harrison who recounts her childhood and education in Provo, marriage to Bertrand Harrison, and her association with BYU. Also talk at length about her parents and their education and association with BYU. Hartvigsen, Milton Farrell. Oral history interview, Aug. 31, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 136 Abstract: Interview by Alma Heaton with Milton Hartvigsen concerning his childhood in Idaho, education, administrative duties at BYU, and Church service. Heaton, Alma. Oral history interview, Sept. 27, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 142 Abstract: Interview by David Whittaker with Alma Heaton, who recounts his childhood in Kanab, education, courtship, military service, and subsequent appointment at BYU. Hedquist, Vivia F. Papers [n.d.]. 1 folder (60 items) . Call Number: UA 134 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten and typewritten class notes, a 30 p. handwritten paperbound music notebook, a 60 p. handwritten paperbound English notebook and eight handwritten essays with the instructor's comments, written for a literature class taught by Juliaetta Bateman. Hill, Armin J. Oral history interview, May 25, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 77 Abstract: Interview by Mardin Clark with Armin Hill discussing his responsibilities and administrative activities at BYU. Hillam, Ray C. Interview, 2000 Feb. 23. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 181 Abstract: Briefly comments on the China Teachers Program which sent couples to China to teach English beginning in 1989; the International Relations Program, subsequently known as David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies; and the Washington Seminar, which sent students to study in Washington D.C. Also mentions his experience as a Fulbright professor in Vietnam during Vietnam War, and on the "spy scandal" at BYU in the late 1960s. Hinckley, Edwin S. Correspondence, 1904-1929. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 484 Abstract: The eight loose letters are to and from William Morris Davis. The bound volume contains a variety of items all relating to Edwin Hinckley, ie., geneaology, correspondence, newspaper clippings, tributes ———. Papers, 1927. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 243 Abstract: Collection includes an article published in the Provo Evening Herald entitled: "Prosperity and Future Possibilities of Provo Emphasized by C. of C." Holt, Edward H. Papers, 1899-1938. 1 box . Call Number: UA 250 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence regarding admission to Brigham Young Academy, theology class assignments, petitions, essays, talks by Lorenzo Snow and George Q. Cannon, papers regarding credit, advanced standing, student clubs, and miscellaneous correspondence and reports from Holt's files. ———. Papers, 1936. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 271 Abstract: Collection lists awards and scholarships presented. Hunt, Jay B. Oral history interview, July 9, 1994. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 178 Abstract: Interview by Arthur Watkins with Jay B. Hunt, concerning his early life, education, war experiences, career experiences with BYU, the FBI, and teaching in Arizona. Also speaks about his Church service. Hyer, Paul. Manuscripts, n. d. 4 boxes (2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 612 Abstract: Manuscripts for books concerning the Mongols written by Paul Hyer and Sechim Tagchid, who were professors at BYU. Jacobs, Briant. Interview, 2000 Mar. 3. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 180 Abstract: Comments on his choice of English as a field of study, great American authors, academic freedom at BYU, including controversies in the late 1960s, and participation with his wife in the China Teachers Program sponsored by BYU's David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies, 1983-1984 and 1991-1992. Jarvis, Joseph Smith. Oral history interview, Oct. 13, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 76 Abstract: Jarvis discusses his experiences at Brigham Young University. Jensen, Christen. Papers, 1903-1961. 19 folders . Call Number: UA 96 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, reports, memoranda, minutes, and examinations concerning Brigham Young University transfer credits, awards, faculty meetings, graduate school, Franklin S. Harris, Ernest L. Wilkinson, history, political science, and public administration. Johnson, Arlin Rex. Letters, 1922-1930. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 378 Abstract: Includes correspondence to and from Johnson while he was student body president and president of the Alumni Association. Includes correspondence with President Harris, faculty, administrators, and others outside of campus. Speaks on life after leaving BYU. Johnson, Edith. Oral history, 1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 155 Abstract: Johnson discusses her career at Brigham Young University and her experiences as secretary to Ernest L. Wilkinson. She also comments on Mrs. Wilkinson's involvement in University affairs. Johnson, Marian Ashby. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 156 Abstract: Johnson describes why she chose to teach history at BYU. She gives an account of her employment with the BYU History department and discusses different aspects of her career including her love affair with the Renaissance. Kienke, Asa Solomon. Diaries and papers, 1896-1902. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 88 Abstract: Collection contains two journals of Keinke's mission to Illinois and Indiana for the Mormon Church in 1896-98, seven journals kept as a member of the Brigham Young Academy South American Expedition 1900-02, and archaelogical and miscellaneous papers. Also included is a bound typescript of the expedition journals. King, Alma W. Oral history interview, March 8, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 134 Abstract: Interview by Morris Klinger with Alma King concerning his early education at BYU, involvement in sports, marriage, teaching seminary, graduate education, and subsequent appointment as Dean of Students. Larsen, B. F. Oral reminiscences of Bent F. Larsen. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 111 Abstract: Oral reminiscences of Bent Larsen about his father Bent Rolf Larsen. Also discusses his own later life, including marriage, education and career. Earliest memories commence in the 1880's. ———. Papers, 1910-1967. 32 boxes (16 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 556 Abstract: Includes correspondence, news clippings, reports, minutes, policy statements, radio talks, articles, lecture notes, art samplings, catalog of slides, art notebooks, and poems. Also includes biographical material concerning Larsen and his wife, Martha Day Larsen. Larson, Gustive O. Papers, 1921-1978. 67 boxes (33.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 622 Abstract: Correspondence, personal histories, scholarly and religious writings, student papers, research files, business records, civic and professional organization files, and personal memorabilia. These materials relate to a wide range of personal matters and to the histories of Utah, the American West, American Indians, and the Mormon Church. Law, Reuben D. Oral history interview, Aug. 22, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 27 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Reuben D. Law concerning his experiences as a professor in the BYU College of Education, 1935-1977. Lloyd, Wesley P. Papers, 1933-1976. 15 boxes (7.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 86 Abstract: Includes personal files and publications, some professional files relating to his positions at BYU, records of his position at USIU San Diego, records of his position with the Center for Educational Renewal, and other records. Madsen, Florence Jepperson. Papers, 1901-1971. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 571 Abstract: Includes personal correspondence, articles, programs, newsclippings, yearbooks, scrapbooks, poetry, resumes, tributes, journals, photographs, patriarchal blessings, and biographical materials. Also includes published, unpublished, and workcopy music manuscripts by the Madsens. Maeser, Emil. Papers, 1886-1893. 1 fd . Call Number: UA 236 Abstract: Collection includes a notebook containing various essays, reports and schedules. Markham, Maud Dixon. Oral history interview, July 28, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 119 Abstract: Interview by Lucille Thorne with Maud Dixon Cullimore concerning her childhood, education at BYU, marriage to Fred Markham, and experiences at BY High as a teacher. Speaks about her association with BY High and BYU. Marshall, Milton. Papers, 1947-1961. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 387 Abstract: Papers, correspondence, notes, and photographs regarding teaching, research, and administration at Brigham Young University. The correspondence deals with various university matters. Martin, Thomas L. Papers, 1924-1950. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 98 Abstract: Includes correspondence, scrapbook items, published writings, and copies of photographs. Meredith, Leo George. Oral history interview and autobiography, Sept. 3, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 140 Abstract: Interview by Alozo Morley with Leo G. Meredith concerning his childhood in American Fork, education at BYU, and years as employee and manager of Chipman Mercantile Co. Meredith also elaborates on some of his professors at BYU. Merrill, Harrison R. Papers, 1924-1929. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 132 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, essays and clippings (photocopies) to and from Merrill concerning his publications in newspapers and periodicals, the Alpine Summer School, Brigham Young University athletics, curricula and religious atmosphere. Millet, W. Floyd. Oral history, 1992. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 172 Abstract: Millet tells about attending Brigham Young University and about his career teaching there. Moffitt, John Clifton. Oral history interview, July 28, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 24 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with John C. Moffitt regarding his experiences as a teacher and superintendent of schools in Utah from the 1930s through the 1960s. Also reflects on his experiences with the BYU College of Education. Montgomery, David C. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 164 Abstract: Montgomery describes why he chose to teach at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the History Department and talks about different aspects of his career including his love affair with Near Eastern Studies. Morley, Alonzo J. Oral history interview, March 7, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 66 Abstract: Self-interview of Alonzo J. Morley concerning his childhood in Moroni, Utah, and family and genealogical information. Also talks about life in Provo, Utah; his work in the BYU Department of Public Speaking and Dramatic Arts developing the Speech Pathology program; also his participation in dramatic productions, and descriptions of his world travels. Morrill, A. Reed. A. Reed Morrill oral history interview, Aug. 12, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 29 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with A. Reed Morrill concerning his experiences as a BYU student in the late 1920s; and as a member of the Utah State Board of Education, and as a member of the BYU College of Education. Newell, Myron C. Oral history interview, April 24, 1964. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 11 Abstract: Interview by Newbern Butt with Myron C. Newell concerning the Brigham Young Academy buildings, facilities, faculty and student activities. Nicholes, Henry Joseph. Oral history, 1991. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 161 Abstract: Nicholes talks about his childhood in St. George, his educational background, his career as a teacher at Brigham Young University, his two marriages, and his spiritual feelings. Office of Research and Creative Activities. Model for directing scholarly work at Brigham Young University, [ca. 1995]. 1 item . Call Number: UA 757 Abstract: Guidelines for faculty in pursuing scholarly work at the university. Prepared by Gary R. Hooper and J. Bevan Ott. ———. Staff meeting minutes, 1980-1993. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 853 Abstract: Includes lists of employees's goals, assignments, work schedules, special projects, travel plans, requests and vacation time. Also contains inquiries into office improvements and concerns. Office of the President. Salaries, budget, and finances of Brigham Young University, 1939-1943. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 120 Abstract: Includes enrollment records and financial reports, and discussion and dissent about faculty salaries during the tenure of president Franklin Harris. Pardoe, Kathryn. Oral history interview, July 2, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 132 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo J. Morley with Kathryn Pardoe concerning her childhood, education, life in Utah and Idaho, undergraduate education at Utah State and Henniger's Business College, dating and marriage, and years teaching speech at BYU. Pardoe, T. Earl. The Brigham Young University Celebrates a Salt Lake Theatre Festival, 1937. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 184 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, news clippings, programs and photographs concerning productions in the Salt Lake Theatre Festival, October 29, 1937 at College Hall, Provo, Utah. ———. Papers, 1930-1970. 30 boxes (15 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 557 Abstract: Includes correspondence with associations and organizations, e.g. Rotary Club, Boy Scouts. Also includes correspondence with servicemen and veterans, personal, professional and travel correspondence, and a collection of slides documenting his travels throughout the world. ———. Records, 1922-1950. 13 volumes . Call Number: UA 185 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, newspaper clippings, programs, plays, pictures, and pamphlets concerning the Public Speaking and Dramatic Arts Department. ———. Scrapbook, 1910-1915. 1 scrapbook . Call Number: UA 988 Abstract: This scrapbook contains newspaper clippings and other memorabilia collected by Pardoe. Materials are mostly cultural: musical performances, plays, speeches, etc. Partridge, E. DeAlton. Oral history interview, July 20, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 78 Abstract: Interview by Karl Young with E. DeAlton Partridge, discussing his ancestry, life in Provo, education, career, travels, marriage, and memories of BYU. Partridge, Nell Clark. Oral history interview, July 20, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 108 Abstract: Interview by Helen Stark with Nell Partridge, discussing her early life in Farmington, Utah; her education, career, travels, marriage and children. Partridge, Ruth Louise. Oral history interview, Dec. 18, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 40 Abstract: Interview by Leonard R. Grover with Ruth Partridge, nurse, writer and housewife, concerning her life, schooling, residence and labors in Provo, Utah. Also discusses her father, Ernest D. Partridge, and his teaching experiences at Brigham Young Academy and University. Peterson, Cornelius R. Oral history, 1995. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 176 Abstract: Peterson discusses his employment at Brigham Young University. Peterson, Hugh Wickman. Oral history interview, Nov. 19, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 45 Abstract: Interview by Leonard W. Grover with Hugh W. Peterson concerning his experiences at BYU, with the faculty, the chemistry department, and the administration. Also talks about his family, and his association with Geneva Steel, and his work with the LDS Church Welfare Committee. Placement Center. Records, 1936. 1 folder (23 items) . Call Number: UA 137 Abstract: Collection includes employment recommendations for students, primarily from the department of music, by the administration and faculty. Pond, A. Smith. Papers, 1945-1959. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 117 Abstract: Collection includes reports, minutes, correspondence, recommendations, objectives and evaluations concerning higher, general, and economic education, committees, associations, curriculum, and superior students. Poulson, Moroni Otto. Oral history interview, Dec. 3, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 60 Abstract: Interview by Leonard R. Grover with Moroni O. Poulson, rancher and teacher, concerning his education with brief varied comments about BYU activities between 1905 and 1910. Also briefly discusses his family. Provo (Utah). Records, 1882. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 81 Abstract: Collection includes one Pioneer party ticket, and three People's party tickets, for a general election held March 1, 1882 at Brigham Young Academy Hall. Candidates included James E. Talmage, Simmon P. Eggertsen, Joseph M. Tanner, Milton Hardy and John Foote who served as Brigham Young Academy faculty. Public Communications Dept. Newspaper clipping collection, 1947-1951. 4 volumes . Call Number: UA 76 Abstract: Collection includes newspaper clippings about Brigham Young University students and faculty, noting accomplishments, game schedules, tours, performances, and mission calls, mostly from Utah newspapers. Research Division. Records, 1960-1971. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 517 Abstract: Includes records from the office of Garth Frazier, administrative supervisor. Includes budget, correspondence, faculty fellowship applications and rejections, reports, and a sampling of projects. Rich, Owen S. Speech and video on KBYU, 1999. 1 folder and 1 video . Call Number: UA 989 Abstract: Speech given by Rich on the establishment of KBYU and a video documenting Rich's career at KBYU. Rich, Russell R. Papers, 1954-1984. 33 boxes (16.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 611 Abstract: Includes talks, correspondence, class lectures, and research. Also included are research notes and chapter drafts for "Ensign to the Nations." Richards, J. Morris. Oral history, 1992. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 173 Abstract: Richards, who was born in 1906, tells about being raised in Arizona and his teaching career at Brigham Young University. Riggs, Robert Edwin. Oral history, 1992. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 170 Abstract: Riggs talks about his education, his law career, his employment at Brigham Young University, and his disagreements with the president of Brigham Young University, Ernest L. Wilkinson. Roberts, Eugene L. Papers, 1912-1972. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 562 Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, a thesis and practicum manuscripts about Roberts, and research materials for "History of BYU Physical Education, Sports, and Athletics, 1875-1901." Also includes printed programs, newsclippings, songs and poetry concerning the Timpanogos hike. Romney, Antone K. Oral history interview, July 23, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 20 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Antone Romney concerning his experiences as a student at BYU, and later as Dean of Students at BYU. Rowe, Ed M. Papers, 1924-1951. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 181 Abstract: Collection includes card files concerning authors, especially English Romantics, biographies, notes on individual works, and bibliographies. Also includes news clippings concerning history, politics, celebrities of the 1930s, correspondence with Heber J. Grant, theological notes, speeches, and addresses of missionaries and associates in Europe. Schulthess, David A. Oral history, 1992. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 166 Abstract: Schulthess talks about his thirty-seven year career as Sports Information Director, including details of racial problems in the sports program, the role of sports in society, and some of his relationships with head figures at Brigham Young University. Sessions, J. Wyley. Oral history interview, Aug. 12, 1972. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 65 Abstract: Interview by Don David Sessions with J. Wyley Sessions concerning his work experiences at BYU, and in starting the LDS Institute Program at the University of Idaho, Idaho State, and the University of Wyoming. ———. Papers, 1911-1978. 5 boxes . Call Number: UA 156 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten and typewritten correspondence, news clippings (photocopies), financial reports and budgets, certificates, documents, poems, articles and speeches concerning his education, career, Latter-Day Saint Church assignments, business pursuits, genealogy and personal and family history. Shelley, George F. Oral history interview, May, 28, 1965. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 4 Abstract: An interview by Hollis Scott with George F. Shelley, farmer and teacher, concerning his experiences at BYA, 1888-1890, and later activities as a school teacher. Smart, Lyman F. Papers, 1955-1964. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 496 Abstract: Includes correspondence with Henry D. Moyle, correspondence regarding various conferences, and with the Utah Council of Teachers of English. Smith, Oliver R. Oral history, 1989-1991. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 160 Abstract: Smith talks about his educational background, his professional affiliation with Brigham Young University and his religious experiences. Snow, G. Gardner. Professional records and correspondence, 1965-1982. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 712 Abstract: Includes Dr. Snow's work with Knapp and AECT. Also includes notes and syllabi for the graduate classes he taught at BYU, and collected materials on media. Spears, Irene Osmond. Oral history interview, Dec. 18, 1979. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 36 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo Morley with Irene Osmond Spears concerning her experiences as a student at BYU, as a graduate student at Stanford and Europe, marriage and family, and as a professor at BYU. Sperry, Sidney Branton. Papers, 1837, 1921-1971. 26 boxes (13 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 618 Abstract: Correspondence, talks, and articles from Sydney Sperry's work at BYU. The majority of these materials relate to religion and church curriculum. Stovall, Mary Elizabeth. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 154 Abstract: Stovall describes why she chose to teach history at BYU. She gives an account of her employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of her career including her special interest in examining the impact of the Civil War on white southern families. Swensen, John C. Papers, 1895-1898. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 109 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten and typewritten notes and syllabi concerning European civilization and American history, taken while attending Stanford University. ———. Papers, 1956. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 108 Abstract: Collection includes typewritten autobiography, speeches and historical summaries concerning Brigham Young Academy and Brigham Young University, taken from Swensen's notes and writings, and a printed program for the dedication of the John C. Swensen Lecture Hall in the Joseph F. Smith Family Living Center. Swensen, Russel B. Oral history interview, Sept. 13, 1978. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 32 Abstract: Interview by Mark K. Allen with Russel B. Swensen, BYU professor of Medieval history and comparative religion, concerning his family life, hobbies, education, early employment, LDS mission to Germany, athletic participation, seminary, and teaching at BYU. Swensen gives his impressions of several BYU presidents, and discusses his philosophy of teaching. Talbot, Melva H. Oral history interview, March 24, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 82 Abstract: Interview by G. L. Soderborg with Melva Talbot discussing basic biographical data and attitudes concerning the feminist movement. Tanner, Vasco M. Oral history interview, 1975. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 117 Notes: Tapes and transcripts missing as of 1995 ———. Oral history interview, July 8, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 135 Abstract: Interview by Mark K. Allen with Vasco M. Tanner, who recounts his childhood in Idaho, his interest in Zoology, his education at Stanford, and teaching experiences while at BYU. Also speaks about several BYU presidents, academic freedom issues, and family accomplishments. Taylor, Delenna Rogers. Oral history interview, Oct. 14, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 127 Abstract: Interview by Nadine Ashby with Delenna Taylor on her experiences and memories of BYA, its faculty, students, and other persons and events associated with the Academy. Taylor, Eunice A. Papers, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 288 Abstract: Collection includes a brief autobiography. Testing and Counseling Service. Records, 1939-1949. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 83 Abstract: Collection includes tests administered to freshmen upon entrance into Brigham Young University, information concerning faculty advisors, Thurston psychological examination and scores, literary comprehension scores, English placement scores, and natural science scores. Thomson, Dennis L. Professional papers, 1961-2001. 28 boxes (18.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 981 Abstract: This collection contains copies of Thomson's master thesis and his doctoral dissertation. It also includes articles published by Thomson, correspondence, course files, materials related to his administrative role at BYU, a file on his involvement in the creation of the Namibian constitution, and research files. Thorne, Lucile. Oral history interview, July 9, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 73 Abstract: Interview by Francis Barlow with Lucile Thorne, teacher and librarian, discussing her associates, teaching experiences, library experiences at BYU and reflections on her life. Tobler, Douglas F. Karl G. Maeser lecture, Sept. 18, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 55 Abstract: Lecture by Dr. Douglas F. Tobler concerning Karl G. Maeser as a man and educator at Brigham Young Academy. ———. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 152 Abstract: Tobler describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of his career including his love affair with European History. Training school. Records, 1914-1920. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 359 Abstract: Includes annual reports listing faculty members and describing activities of the school. Treasurer's Office. Records, 1945-1951. 3 folders . Call Number: UA 276 Abstract: Collection includes salary schedules, budget estimates, and letters of acceptance, appointment and termination concerning Brigham Young University faculty positions. ———. Records, 1950-1951. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 280 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence concerning faculty appointments, terminations, salaries and insurance premiums. Tyler, S. Lyman. Papers, 1952-1976. 50 boxes (25 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 614 Abstract: Holographs, typescripts, printed forms, writings, personal and business correspondence, building specifications and plans, news clippings, and documents relating to American Indian government and history. Also included are research papers on Fred Rosenstock, BYU history, construction of the BYU library, and papers on the Utah Committee on Indian Affairs, Utah Heritage Foundation, Sons of the Utah Pioneers, and Utah Historical Society. University Archives. Faculty biographical files, [ca. 1900-2000]. 197 boxes (98.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 909 Abstract: Contains biographical information on members of the BYU faculty, administration, and Board of Trustees. Various files contain information on the subjects' professional, civic, family, and church activities. Some files include newspaper and magazine articles, and talks. The files are arranged alphabetically. A small section of biographical information on BYU staff, also arranged alphabetically, is included near the end of the collection; as are booklets prepared for annual faculty workshops, 1952-1971, which include pictures and thumbnail sketches of new and returning faculty members. Most of the information in the collection predates 1990. University Relations. Ron Hyde files, 1985-1987. 2 cartons (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 738 Abstract: Contains chronological files, July 1985-June 1897; President Holland's mail and correspondence, Jan. 1986-Aug. 1987; Performance Scheduling reports; CASE files; NCAA, sports; and other various files. Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters. Records, 1957, 1959-1960. 1 folder (7 items) . Call Number: UA 164 Abstract: Collection includes reports, programs, newsletters and a brochure concerning conference policies, programs, speeches and other activities. Van Cott, John W. Papers, 1957-1971. 9 folders . Call Number: UA 449 Abstract: Includes correspondence, rules, award lists, printed materials, photographs, and newspaper clippings relating to Van Cott's work as fair director. Vernon, Leo P. Research notes, 1953. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 13 Abstract: BYU professor of chemistry and director of Research. Wakefield, John Homer. Photographs, 1913-1978. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 948 Abstract: Photographs of various buildings, faculty members, students, and activities of Brigham Young University during the years 1913-1978. Wakefield, T. Lynn. Oral history interview, May, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 143 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo Morley with Lynn Wakefield who speaks about his childhood, education at BYU, working for his grandfather who was the "Handiman" for the Academy and University. Wakefield recounts his time as electrician for the University, and speaks on his experiences with students, faculty, and presidents. Walker, R. H. Oral history interview, Oct. 13, 1978. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 34 Abstract: Interview by Mark K. Allen with Rudger H. Walker, agronomist, educator, and BYU dean, concerning his childhood experiences in Idaho, school experiences at Ricks College, BYU, and Iowa State. Also speaks of his teaching and research experiences at Colorado, Iowa, and Utah State Universities, and at BYU. Comments on his work assignments in Iran, Siam and Lebannon. Watkins, Arthur R. Oral history, 1991. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 158 Abstract: Watkins talks about his first years at Brigham Young University, U.S. Army Service, getting a Ph.D. at Stanford, teaching at Brigham Young University, and coping with a growing family. West, Dale H. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 146 Abstract: West describes why he chose to teach English at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU English Department and describes different aspects of his career including the people who were influential in his professional life. Westover, V. Robert. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 165 Abstract: Westover describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of his career especially teaching and counseling in the high schools on the Navajo reservation. Widtsoe, Leah D. Oral history interview, Feb. 11, 1965. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 10 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Leah E.D. Widtsoe, teacher and author, concerning her reminiscences about her parents, her grandfather (Brigham Young), and her husband (John A. Widtsoe). Also recalls her experiences as a student, faculty member, and matron at BYA, 1896-1898; 1905-1907. Gives her views on nutrition and the Word of Wisdom. ———. Papers, 1890-1966. 2 boxes (83 items) . Call Number: UA 155 Abstract: Collection includes school notebooks, published works, correspondence, and genealogical information including information on her family history, her education at Pratt Institute and the University of Utah, and her career as an instructor at Brigham Young University. Wilkinson, Ernest L. Addresses in honor of Harvey Fletcher. 8 items . Call Number: UA 129 Abstract: Collection includes typewritten, edited and final drafts of speeches about Fletcher written and given by William L. Woolf and George H. Hansen, a memorandum concerning a speech from Ernest L. Wilkinson to George H. Hansen, a record of Fletcher's professional experience, and biographical information submitted to Who's Who in America. ———. Papers, 1954 September 15. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 283 Abstract: Collection includes an edited, typewritten memorandum containing information concerning returned and newly appointed Brigham Young University faculty. Wilson, Marguerite Ivins. Oral history interview, Aug. 18, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 123 Abstract: Interview by Edith Bauer with Marguerite Wilson who recounts her childhood, education and teaching in Utah and her teaching at experiences at BYU. Wistisen, Martin J. Papers and publications of Martin J. Wistisen, 1970-ca. 1980. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 682 Abstract: Collection documents the career and activities of Martin J. Wistisen. Wistisen was a professor with the BYU School of Management. Wolfe, Walter M. Collection, 1887-[ca. 1983]. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 366 Abstract: Includes detailed journals, 1900-1901; copies of numerous articles by him, 1887-1905; and biographical information. Journals were recorded during the Brigham Young Academy South American Expedition. Collection includes transcriptions of the journals. Wright, Norman Edgar. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 148 Abstract: Wright describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of his career including his involvement with the Center for Family History and the publication of his ten books. Yarn, David H. Reflections. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 39 Abstract: Audio recording of a talk given by David Yarn. He discusses the impact of philosophy upon theology at the 5th Annual P.A. Christensen Humanities Lecture at BYU. York, Neil L. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 150 Abstract: York describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of his career and his interests in American diplomatic history, the Early American period and the history of science and technology. Young, Karl E. Oral history interview, Oct. 4, 1979. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 35 Abstract: Interview by J. Roman Andrus with Karl Young concerning his experiences as a student at Harvard and Oxford, as a faculty member at BYU and his memories of several BYU presidents. Faculty Center Faculty Center. Faculty Development Seminar records, 1994-2002. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1021 Abstract: This collection consists of records documenting the Faculty Development Seminar (FDS) for new faculty put on by the Brigham Young University Faculty Center. Records include FDS packets, participant directories, invitations, and FDS evaluations. ———. Faculty development series for new faculty participant directories, 19921998. 4 folders . Call Number: UA 794 Abstract: Pictorial directory of new faculty who attended the series. Brief biographical sketch accompanies each picture. Series held each school year, beginning in 1992, to acquaint new BYU faculty with university resources, standards, and expectations. Entitled "Professional Development Seminar" when first instituted, renamed to "Faculty Development Series" in 1997 or 1998. ———. Faculty resource guide: Brigham Young University, 1993. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 74 Abstract: Guide to the resources available to help faculty achieve their goals at Brigham Young University. Faculty Committee on Teaching Faculty Committee on Teaching. Records, 1969-ca. 1975. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 619 Abstract: Agendas and minutes from 1969 and the early 1970s from the Faculty Committee on Teaching. Also includes some material that was used in classes put on for BYU teachers. Farnsworth, Raymond B. Farnsworth, Raymond B. History of the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, 1885-1974. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 867 Abstract: Contains correspondence; memoranda; visual images; news clippings; and lists of classes offered, student statistics, names and addresses of graduates, graduates who received fellowships, deceased graduates, faculty and staff. Includes a table of contents. Title page suggests that the history was originally compiled by Farnsworth between 1946 and 1958, then revised and updated in 1973-1974. Farrer, James R. Farrer, James R. Examination papers, 1879-1880. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 600 Abstract: Contains two examination papers and a certificate from the Emeritus Club of the BYU Alumni Association. Faux, M. Charles Faux, M. Charles. Reports, 1956-1960. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 85 Abstract: Collection includes cases prepared by Professor of Business Management, M. Charles Faux, and his students in business management, concerning various manufacturing companies and corporations. Finance Administrative Vice President. Dee Anderson administrative files, 1986-1993. 24 boxes (12 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 993 Abstract: This collection contains the administrative files, subject files, correspondence, and financial papers originating in the office of Dee Anderson while serving as Administrative Vice-President at Brigham Young University. ———. Records and correspondence of Fred Schwendiman, 1951-1978. Call Number: UA 698 Abstract: Records and correspondence of Fred Schwendiman during his tenure as Assistant Business Vice-President, and Assistant Vice-President--Physical Plant. Allen, Robert E. Papers, 1936. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 260 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence concerning the Blue Bench Irrigation District No. 1 Project and the activities of the Bureau of Reclamation. Alumni Association. Records, 1908-1913. 4 folders . Call Number: UA 247 Abstract: Collection includes checks, receipts, promissory notes, correspondence, and various other financial data concerning donations for the construction of the Maeser Memorial building. Bentley, Joseph T. Financial reports of the Alvina Soffel Barrett Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund, 1963-1964. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 505 Abstract: Report compiled by Joseph T. Bentley, comptroller and trustee for Brigham Young University, and Ben Lewis, Financial Vice President. Board of Trustees. Executive Committee records, 1921-1922. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 256 Notes: Restricted Abstract: Collection includes minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee of the Brigham Young University Board of Trustees. ———. Records, 1910-1919. 2 folders (186 items) . Call Number: UA 146 Abstract: Collection includes certificates of sale and correspondence to and from Joseph B. Keeler concerning Brigham Young University lands sold to various individuals and the deeding of Brigham Young University lands to the Church of Jesus of Christ of Latter-day Saints. Brigham Young Academy. Financial records, 1892-1900. 8 folders . Call Number: UA 424 Abstract: Includes receipts, invoices, supply ledgers, check stubs, blank checks. ———. Records, 1891-1905. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 248 Abstract: Collection includes promissory notes and correspondence relating to tuition and financial statements. ———. Records, 1893-1905. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 341 Abstract: This is a collection of unrelated items. Includes a letter from the Utah teachers' Association (1905), a program for a special theological meeting at the Brigham Young Academy (mostly room assignments) not dated, room and faculty assignments for the Business College (n.d.), a geology examination (n.d.), an announcement for Academy summer school (n.d.), register of monies collected and paid out for Academy expenses (1904), and room and faculty assignments for regular Academy courses (n.d.). ———. Tuition accounts, 1880-1889. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 240 Abstract: Collection includes tuition account book. Brigham Young University. Salaries collection, 1919-1920, 1926-1927. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 258 Abstract: Collection includes summary of regular annual salaries of professors, associate professors and instructors. Cluff, Benjamin. Annual report of the principle of the Brigham Young Academy : To the Board of Trustees and Stake Board of Education, for the sixteenth academic year, 1891-92. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 326 Abstract: Includes the president's report of the faculty, students, curricula, facilities, and finances for 1891-1892. Financial Services. Annual financial reports, 1950-84. 1 carton . Call Number: UA 825 Abstract: Annual financial reports for Brigham Young University from 1950-1984. ———. Records, 1911-1922. 1 folder (47 items) . Call Number: UA 149 Abstract: Collection includes annual financial reports and estimates of expenses including teachers' salaries and departmental budgets, real estate sales, statements from Knight Trust and Savings Bank, and correspondence concerning financial affairs between the Office of the President of Brigham Young University, the Brigham Young University Board of Trustees and the LDS Church Commission of Education. ———. Records, 1922-1924, 1927-1928. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 255 Abstract: Collection includes summary of regular annual salaries of professors, associate professors and instructors. Financial Vice President. Records and correspondence of Robert J. Smith , 19691983. 50 boxes (25 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 690 Abstract: Records and correspondence of Robert J. Smith during his tenure as Academic Vice-President and Financial Vice-President. Holt, Edward H. Papers, 1936-1937. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 270 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence and a record of original costs, depreciated values and amounts of insurance carried for Brigham Young University buildings. Lewis, Ben E. Records of the Wilkinson Center businesses, 1971-1974. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 737 Abstract: Includes records and correspondence of the BYU bookstore, food services, special events, and Wilkinson Center remodeling. Neff, Andrew Love. School papers, 1900-1903. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 406 Abstract: Includes account records for fund raising for the library, a draft of correspondence used to solicit funds for a new gymnasium, a bank passbook with canceled checks, an account book for the new gymnasium, a financial ledger, and a draft of a school or class song. Office of the President. Salaries, budget, and finances of Brigham Young University, 1939-1943. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 120 Abstract: Includes enrollment records and financial reports, and discussion and dissent about faculty salaries during the tenure of president Franklin Harris. Sauls, Kiefer B. Oral history interview, June 6, 7, 26th, 1979. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 41 Abstract: Interview by Mark K. Allen with Kiefer Sauls, BYU treasurer, purchasing agent and secretary to three presidents. Topics cover his association with BYU in those capacities over a 51 year period, childhood reminiscences and family data. Student Loan Association of Utah. Records, 1891-1932. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 458 Abstract: Includes minutes of directors meeting, articles of agreement, licenses, correspondence, financial records, and applications for loans. Treasurer's Office. Records, 1945-1951. 3 folders . Call Number: UA 276 Abstract: Collection includes salary schedules, budget estimates, and letters of acceptance, appointment and termination concerning Brigham Young University faculty positions. ———. Records, 1950-1951. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 280 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence concerning faculty appointments, terminations, salaries and insurance premiums. ———. Records, 1951-1952. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 281 Abstract: Collection includes salary schedules, and letters of acceptance and appointment concerning non-academic personnel. United States of America. Veterans Administration contracts collection, 1948-1949. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 274 Abstract: Collection includes contracts negotiated between the Veterans Administration and Brigham Young University concerning financial aid for veterans, 1948-49. Financial Aids Financial Aids. Records, 1956-1964. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 403 Abstract: Contains correspondence regarding the establishment of student financial aid through the Church and administered through the Financial Aids office at BYU. O. Wendle Nielsen was director of Financial Aids. ———. Records, 1968-1978. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 847 Abstract: Contains assistant deans' reports, 1972-1978; meeting minutes, 1973; scholarship historical data, 1967-1973; and "Church News" publicity, 1978. Financial Services Financial Services. Annual financial reports, 1950-84. 1 carton . Call Number: UA 825 Abstract: Annual financial reports for Brigham Young University from 1950-1984. ———. Ford L. Stevenson papers, 1973-1986. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 966 Abstract: Contains reports, correspondence and general administrative files of Ford L. Stevenson's tenure as the director of the Financial Aid Office. ———. Minutes, 1971-1983. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: PM 31 Abstract: Division of Financial Services minutes, 1971-1974 and Division of Media Services minutes, 1973-1983. ———. Records, 1911-1922. 1 folder (47 items) . Call Number: UA 149 Abstract: Collection includes annual financial reports and estimates of expenses including teachers' salaries and departmental budgets, real estate sales, statements from Knight Trust and Savings Bank, and correspondence concerning financial affairs between the Office of the President of Brigham Young University, the Brigham Young University Board of Trustees and the LDS Church Commission of Education. ———. Records, 1922-1924, 1927-1928. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 255 Abstract: Collection includes summary of regular annual salaries of professors, associate professors and instructors. Treasurer's Office. Records, 1880-1978. 15 cartons . Call Number: UA 355 Abstract: Includes correspondence and financial records of BYA and BYU departmental offices. Financial Vice President Financial Vice President. Records and correspondence of Robert J. Smith , 19691983. 50 boxes (25 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 690 Abstract: Records and correspondence of Robert J. Smith during his tenure as Academic Vice-President and Financial Vice-President. Fisher, Flora Davis Fisher, Flora Davis. Oral history interview, July 27, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 25 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Flora Fisher regarding her experiences while teaching at BYU from 1917-1940 and her experiences with the BYU College of Education. Fitzgerald, H. Alvah Fitzgerald, H. Alvah. Oral history interview, Feb. 6, 1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 124 Abstract: Interview by Oliver Smith with H. Alvah Fitzgerald recounting his education and experiences teaching seminary and religion at BYU. Flammer, Philip M. Flammer, Philip M. Oral history, 1989. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 149 Abstract: Flammer describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of his career including his experiences as a pilot and historian for the Air Force. Fletcher, Fern Eyring Fletcher, Fern Eyring. Oral history interview, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 70 Abstract: Interview by Scott Hollis with Fern Eyring Fletcher of her recollections of childhood, her father Stephen L. Chipman, various LDS General Authorities, experiences in high school, as a student at BYU, about faculty members at BYU, her teaching experiences at BYU, and her feelings about BYU. Fletcher, Harvey Fletcher, Harvey. Correspondence relating to the naming of the Eyring Science Center, 1954. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 504 Abstract: Includes guest lists, invitations, program, and correspondence concerning the naming of the Science Center, lecture halls and laboratories. ———. Oral history interview, Sept. 19, 1968. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 6 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Harvey Fletcher, scientist and teacher, concerning his experiences in Provo, Utah, as a graduate student at the University of Chicago, as a teacher at BYU, and as a bishop and stake president in the New York Stake. Wilkinson, Ernest L. Addresses in honor of Harvey Fletcher. 8 items . Call Number: UA 129 Abstract: Collection includes typewritten, edited and final drafts of speeches about Fletcher written and given by William L. Woolf and George H. Hansen, a memorandum concerning a speech from Ernest L. Wilkinson to George H. Hansen, a record of Fletcher's professional experience, and biographical information submitted to Who's Who in America. Folk Dancers Folk Dancers. China and the Orient / Brigham Young University International Folk Dancers, 1983. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 71 Abstract: Documents the experiences of the BYU International Folk Dancers in China and the Orient. Food Science and Nutrition Dept. Alumni Association. Campus newsletter samples, 1981-1991. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 852 Abstract: Contains outlines concerning department and college responses relating to possible department newsletters and reunions. Includes newsletters from the following BYU organizations: Department of Animal Science, "Roundup," 19891991; Department of Microbiology, "The Micro-Scope," 1990, and "Department of Microbiology Newsletter," Department of Food Science and Nutrition, "FS & N News," 1991; College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences newsletter, "Interact," 1989; School of Social Work, "Update;" Department of Physics and Astronomy, "Toccare," 1990; and Department of Chemistry and Alumni Association, "Chemigram," 1988, 1991. Also includes "Y News," 1990, and alumni directory, "Geoscience," 1981. Food Services Personal histories of Wells and Myrle Cloward, n. d.1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 70 Abstract: Wells Cloward was the director of Food Services at BYU, ca. 1953-1983. Brigham Young University. Centennial history: Office of the Executive Vice President, ca. 1975. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 82 Abstract: Includes histories of the departments of Purchasing, Student Housing, Food Services, Bookstore, and Auxiliary Services. Lewis, Ben E. Oral history interview, Oct. 18-Nov. 17, 1994. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 175 Abstract: Interview by Mark Smith with Ben E. Lewis about his experiences at BYU as a student and administrator. Also gives his background working for the Marriott corporation prior to his career at BYU. Talks at length about Ernest Wilkinson and the administration of the University. Football Athletic Media Relations. BYU Football Media Guides, 1952-1998. 2 records cartons (1 carton duplicates) . Call Number: UA 785 Notes: Unprocessed. See University Archivist. Abstract: Guides include season schedules; player rosters; season outlooks; profiles of coaches, players, opposing coaches, and other athletic personnel; lists of BYU lettermen; team won-loss records, tournament results, statistics, and bowl histories. ———. Football game-day programs, 1938-1997. 4 records center cartons (1 carton duplicates) . Call Number: UA 778 Notes: Unprocessed. See University Archivist. Abstract: Programs include advertisements, player rosters, statistics, and biographical and other articles, 1938-1977. Some programs are missing. ———. Football player photographs, 1980-1990. 1 box . Call Number: UA 769 Abstract: Photographic images of individual athletes, including some shots taken during games. Most views were taken during the 1980s. Each image is identified. Name lists appear on some of the envelopes in which the photographs are housed. Board of Trustee. Correspondence of the Brigham Young University Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees, 1907-1922. 1 folder (44 items) . Call Number: UA 148 Notes: Restricted access; permission required; University Archivist. Abstract: Contains various correspondence from Horace H. Cummings, General Superintendent of LDS Schools, to the Board of Trustees, and President Brimhall. Includes letters concerning theological controversies, the re-establishment of BYU football, information of faculty members, appointments and resignations, tithing of faculty, and other information. Brigham Young University. National champion football team, 1984. 1 box . Call Number: UA 635 Abstract: Collection documents Brigham Young University's national football championship. ———. News clippings of Ty Detmer's 1990 football season. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 709 Abstract: Contains newsprint and copies of newspaper and magazine articles about Ty Detmer during his 1990 season. Dept. of Athletics. Football Programs, 1928-1953. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 28 Abstract: Collection includes Brigham Young University football programs with biographical sketches and photographs of head coaches, G. Ott Romney and Edwin R. Kimball, and team members, November 17, 1928 to September 19, 1953. ———. Records, 1923, 1928. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 266 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, lists of donors and ticket holders, and receipts for donations for the construction of the Brigham Young University football stadium. ———. Records, 1942-1943. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 19 Abstract: Collection includes typewritten schedules and biographical sketches of basketball and football team members and coaches. Dept. of Physical Education. Records, 1920-1980. 32 boxes (16 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 544 Abstract: Includes correspondence and records from the office of the dean. Also includes records from the various department offices, faculty directories, biographical sketches and newspaper clippings. Hale, K. Lawrence. Brigham Young University basketball and football historical data, 1982-1986. 5 volumes . Call Number: UA 753 Abstract: Two volumes about BYU basketball and three volumes about BYU football, containing information about playing facilities, coaches, athletic conferences, individual players, tournaments, won/loss records against different opponents, yearly won/loss records, and individual game scores. The football volumes also include information about homecoming and bowl games. Public Affairs Office. Working files, 1968-1991. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 658 Abstract: Contains working files of dedications of buildings, inaugurations, ceremonies, bowl games, commencements, and other special events. Rocky Mountain Faculty Athletic Conference. Minutes, 1919-1937. 3 folders . Call Number: UA 113 Abstract: Includes meeting minutes of the Rocky Mountain Faculty Athletic Conference. Also includes a petition for the reestablishment of football at BYU for 1919. University Relations. Scrapbooks, [1979-1981]. 2 volumes . Call Number: UA 836 Abstract: Two volumes relating to Brigham Young University football and basketball. Volume one includes quotes from members of the 1979 football team; images of old Cougar Stadium, the team, and individual players; caricatures and reproductions of photos of coaches LaVell Edwards, Norm Chow, Dick Felt, Garth Hall, Dave Kragthorpe, Mel Jay Olson, Tom Ramage, Doug Scovil, and Fred Whittingham; and newspaper clippings. Volume two includes images of the 198081 BYU basketball team, fans, players, university president Jeffrey R. Holland, and Cosmo (BYU mascot); plus newspaper clippings. Wakefield, John Homer. Photographs, 1913-1978. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 948 Abstract: Photographs of various buildings, faculty members, students, and activities of Brigham Young University during the years 1913-1978. Foreign Language Houses Foreign Language Houses. Memoranda, 1986-1990. 1 folder (ca. 50 items) . Call Number: UA 777 Abstract: From program administrators and staff to head residents, coordinators, and others, concerning policies and procedures in the foreign language houses for students, located adjancent to the BYU campus. Memos address such issues as rent and other fees; approval of a new housing complex, 1990; and house rules. From program administrators and staff to head residents, coordinators, and others, concerning policies and procedures in the foreign language houses for students, located adjancent to the BYU campus. Memos address such issues as rent and other fees; approval of a new housing complex, 1990; and house rules. Foreign Student Office Ballif, Ariel S. History of the Foreign Student Office, ca. 1973. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 44 Abstract: Brief history of the Foreign Student Office Foreign Student Office. Records, 1954-1966. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 492 Abstract: Includes reports and correspondence with the Institute of International Education, and the National Association of Foreign Students' Advisors, and other associations regarding foreign students, policies, exchanges and conferences. Foster, Jeffrey R. Foster, Jeffrey R. Arabic at Brigham Young University : an oral history, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 46 Abstract: Interviews by Jeffrey Foster with Kathleen Andrus, Hugh Nibley, Rey L. Baird, Daniel C. Peterson, Arnold Green, and Dilworth B. Parkinson on the history of the study of Arabic at BYU. Founders Day Alumni Association. Activity files, 1967-1988. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 968 Abstract: This collection includes files and correspondence from the Alumni Association's activities for Founders' Days, homecomings, and reunions. ———. Historical records, 1937-1987. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1006 Abstract: This collection includes periodicals and records of alumni activities including Homecomings and Founder's Day celebrations. ———. Records, 1967. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 450 Abstract: Contains information and addresses about Founder's Day at BYU. Also includes two addresses by Harold B. Lee and Karl Maeser. Brown, Gail. Founder's Day report, 1941. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 91 Abstract: Collection includes a report prepared by Brown, a student and secretary to Franklin S. Harris, concerning Founder's Day, October 16, 1941. Also concerns dedication of Joseph Smith Building with statements by Harris, Joseph Fielding Smith, and David O. McKay. Grant, Heber Jeddy. Founders Day address, 1934. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 418 Abstract: Includes original copy of the Founders Day address by Heber J. Grant at the dedication of the George H. Brimhall building. Reynolds, Alice Louise. Students of the First Twenty-Five Years, 1933. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 31 Abstract: Address delivered during Founders Day in 1933. Smoot, Reed. Papers, 1930, 1932. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 290 Abstract: Collection includes a typewritten assembly addresses and a typewritten Founder's Day assembly address. Franklin S. Harris Fine Arts Center (Provo, Utah) Madsen, Florence Jepperson. Papers, 1901-1971. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 571 Abstract: Includes personal correspondence, articles, programs, newsclippings, yearbooks, scrapbooks, poetry, resumes, tributes, journals, photographs, patriarchal blessings, and biographical materials. Also includes published, unpublished, and workcopy music manuscripts by the Madsens. Freshman Academy Freshman Academy. Journals, 1999. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 969 Abstract: This collection contains journal entries made by incoming freshmen participating in the Freshman Academy. Frost, Herbert H. Frost, Herbert H. Oral history interview, Dec. 13, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 137 Abstract: Interview by Arthur Chapman concerning his student experiences, war experiences, and graduate education and subsequent appointment as BYU professor of Zoology. Funds and scholarships Brigham Young Academy. Academy Fund Day letter, 1899. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 598 Abstract: Form letter created by George Q. Cannon and Benjamin Cluff announcing "Academy Fund Day,"in order to solicit contributions for the Brigham Young Academy. Brigham Young University. Fund raising, 1993-2000. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1014 Abstract: Lighting the Way was a program launched by Rex E. Lee and finished by Merril J. Bateman to raise money for different campus programs. The money raised was used for expansion of the Harold B. Lee and Howard W. Hunter libraries, scholarships, department expansions, and technological advances. BYU Hawaii campus also received funding for scholarships and internships. The Together for Greatness program is part of the BYU Annual Fund and encourages employees of BYU to contribute. Collection includes one booklet and four video cassettes. ———. Stickers, [ca. 1960s]-1996. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 831 Abstract: Stickers relating to Brigham Young University. Sticker images include the BYU logo, Cosmo, the school mascot, and the "Lighting the Way" fund-raising campaign. Committee on Scholarships, Fellowships Assistantships and Academic Grants. Minutes, 1956. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 417 Abstract: Includes committee meeting agendas and minutes. Financial Aids. Records, 1956-1964. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 403 Abstract: Contains correspondence regarding the establishment of student financial aid through the Church and administered through the Financial Aids office at BYU. O. Wendle Nielsen was director of Financial Aids. ———. Records, 1968-1978. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 847 Abstract: Contains assistant deans' reports, 1972-1978; meeting minutes, 1973; scholarship historical data, 1967-1973; and "Church News" publicity, 1978. Holt, Edward H. Papers, 1936. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 271 Abstract: Collection lists awards and scholarships presented. LDS Foundation. Brigham Young University historical records, 1947-1986. 12 boxes (6 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1009 Abstract: This collection includes financial records, correspondence, and awards pertaining to the Annual Giving Fund and telefund. Also included are the Ironton Industrial Park proposals, plans, and correspondence. ———. Records, [1991-1992]. 3 folders . Call Number: UA 849 Abstract: Contains minutes to meetings of executive staff, major gifts council and annual giving council. Also includes prospect management reports. Lloyd, Wesley P. Records, 1946-1960. 17 boxes (8.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 183 Abstract: Collections includes correspondence, minutes, memoranda, pamphlets, reports, publications, and agendas concerning admissions and credits, assemblies, athletics and the athletic council, discontinuance of students, orientation, attendance and scholarship, budget, buildings and groungs, counseling services, food service, foreign students, health services, Honor code, housing, Indian students, personnel services, public relations, scheduling, scholarships, security, registration, statistics, veterans affairs, and "Y" day. Student Loan Association of Utah. Records, 1891-1932. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 458 Abstract: Includes minutes of directors meeting, articles of agreement, licenses, correspondence, financial records, and applications for loans. Treasurer's Office. Records of the Jesse Knight Endowment Fund, 1941-1946. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 373 Abstract: Contains records and receipts of the Jesse Knight Endowment Fund. United States of America. National Youth Administration records, 1935-1941. 4 folders . Call Number: UA 251 Abstract: Collection includes records of National Youth Administration dealings with Brigham Young University students. Includes correspondence, reports, bulletins, affidavits, recommendations, lists of students and a University of Utah survey concerning student financial aid for high school, undergraduate and graduate students, the Utah Works Progress Administration and suggested programs. Waite, W. Noble. Records, 1957-1959. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports and brochures concerning the Destiny Fund. Gamma Phi Omicron (Brigham Young University) Gamma Phi Omicron (Brigham Young University). Records, 1926-1961. 1 box . Call Number: UA 461 Abstract: Includes the constitution, history, minutes, membership lists, financial records, scrapbooks, and photo albums. Gardner, Ray Gardner, Ray. Ioma townsite : subdivision and description of Brigham Young University lands, 1911, 1913. 2 manuscript drawings . Call Number: UA 140 Abstract: Maps show Section 11, 12, and 14 T.6S, R.2E of Salt Lake Basin and Meridian. Garrard, Agnes W. Garrard, Agnes W. Oral history interview, March 22, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 93 Abstract: Interview by Enita Torres with Agnes Garrard, discussing basic biographical material, family, education, and attitudes about the feminist movement. Gates, Crawford Gates, Crawford. Sand in their shoes and related materials, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 472 Abstract: Includes two copies of the script to Sand in their Shoes, a souvenir program and newspaper clippings about the play and performances. Gates, Susa Young Gates, Susa Young. Reminiscences of Brigham Young Academy, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 594 Abstract: Contains an article on the origin of the Music department by Susa Young Gates; recollections of teaching in the Primary department by Anna Smoot Taylor; a brief overview of the Ladies Work department by Jennie Tanner; and a tribute to A. O. Smoot (authorship unknown). Genealogical Society of Utah Genealogical Society of Utah. Lessons in genealogy, 1915. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 97 Abstract: Pamphlet on doing genealogy. Genealogy Dept. Genealogy Dept. Records, 1970-1975. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 15 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence and memoranda to and from Norman E. Wright, coordinator of genealogical instruction, and other departmental personnel concerning genealogical research, curriculum, continuing education and career possibilities. General Counsel Sandgren, Clyde D. Correspondence, 1953-1975. 20 volumes . Abstract: Includes correspondence and memoranda concerning Administrative Council, athletics, curriculum, committees, colleges and departments, faculty, students, insurance, investments, Provo City, publications, radio and television, Max Redburn, tax matters, traffic, construction companies, married students' housing, loans, Iran Point Four Program, tuition, leases, fringe benefits, federal aid to education, Keifer B. Sauls, Bassett School District, accreditation, Board of Trustees, wages, administration, and civil rights. ———. Records, 1953-1975. 149 boxes (74.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, contracts, newspaper clippings, and memoranda concerning Administrative Council, athletics, curriculum, committees, colleges and departments, faculty, students, insurance, investments, Provo City, publications, radio and television, Max Redburn, tax matters, traffic, construction companies, married students' housing, loans, Iran Point Four Program, tuition, leases, fringe benefits, federal aid to education, Keifer B. Sauls, Bassett School District, accreditation, Board of Trustees, wages, administration, and civil rights. General Education General Education. Catalogs and brochures, 1978-1981. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: PM 13 Abstract: Catalogs and brochures about the General Education Program, 1978-1981. ———. A guide to General Education at Brigham Young University, 1976. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 65 Abstract: Includes memorandum and published information in notebook form which describe the new program for General Education (for 1976). General Services General Services. Conferences and groups annual report, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 809 Abstract: Annual report includes statistical reviews, reports, lists, and charts. General Zoology Committee General Zoology Committee. A laboratory guide for general zoology, 1957. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 45 Abstract: General zoology laboratory manual with 19 exercises prepared for September 1957. ———. A laboratory guide for general zoology, 1958. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 46 Abstract: General Zoology laboratory manual with 19 exercises prepared for September 1958. George Albert Smith Fieldhouse (Provo, Utah) Brigham Young University. Class of 1936 records, 1936-1937. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 259 Abstract: Collection includes receipts, lists of paying students and correspondence from Cornelius R. Peterson and Eli K. Clayson to class members concerning donations for the construction and furnishing of the George Albert Smith Fieldhouse. Dept. of Physical Education. Records, 1920-1980. 32 boxes (16 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 544 Abstract: Includes correspondence and records from the office of the dean. Also includes records from the various department offices, faculty directories, biographical sketches and newspaper clippings. Treasurer's Office. Records, 1949-1952. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 370 Abstract: Includes typewritten lists of students, faculty and private donations for the Fieldhouse. Also includes correspondence of fundraising, and a list of pledge transfers from the BYU 75th Anniversary fund to the Fieldhouse fund. George H. Brimhall building (Provo, Utah) Grant, Heber Jeddy. Founders Day address, 1934. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 418 Abstract: Includes original copy of the Founders Day address by Heber J. Grant at the dedication of the George H. Brimhall building. Physical Plant. Records, 1935. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 445 Abstract: Includes blueprints of the addition to the George H. Brimhall Building. Goodyear, Lloyd E. Goodyear, Lloyd E. Goodyears's bank accounting: tablet method, ca. 1914. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 73 Abstract: Kit used by Brigham Young University students Heber M. Slack and Olga Wunderly in 1914. Gowans, Fred R. Gowans, Fred R. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 151 Abstract: Gowans describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of his career including research on a biography on Andrew Henry and a small book on the contributions of the Warren A. Ferris outline of Western history. Graduate School Graduate School. Graduate Council minutes, 1946-1973. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 875 Abstract: Graduate Council minutes, 1946-1973; Graduate School report, August 1962; and Graduate School procedures manual, September 1972. ———. History and mission, 1949, 1969. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 296 Abstract: Contains a brief history by Christen Jensen and two papers describing the administrative responsibilities and mission of the Graduate School. ———. Meeting minutes, 1964-1981. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 739 Abstract: Contains minutes of the Graduate Faculty, Graduate Council, President's monthly meeting, and meetings with Vice Presidents' Earl Crockett and Robert K. Thomas. ———. Records, 1946-1977. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: PM 15 Abstract: Graduate School reports and Graduate School Council minutes, 1946-77. ———. Records, 1952-1968. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 118 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence to and from Deans' Christen Jensen (1953-1954), George H. Hansen (1954-1957), and A. Smith Pond (1957-1959) concerning the graduate programs, policies and requirements for admittance. Also includes memorandums concerning graduate awards, nominations for honorary degrees and the religious influence and standards of Brigham Young University. ———. Records and correspondence of Chauncey C. Riddle, 1970-1979. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 710 Abstract: Records of Chauncey C. Riddle that document his activities in the Graduate School. Grant, Heber Jeddy Brigham Young University. Student greetings to President Heber J. Grant, 22 Nov. 1936. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 949 Abstract: Contains signatures of several hundred BYU students expressing appreciation and good wishes to Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints President Heber J. Grant on his eightieth birthday. Each student recorded his or her signature and hometown. Brockbank, Elsie Booth. Oral history interview, July 26, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 51 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Elsie B. Brockbank, daughter of John Edge Booth, regarding her father, his marriages, law career, and family associations with Heber J. Grant and Susa Y. Gates. Grant, Heber Jeddy. Founders Day address, 1934. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 418 Abstract: Includes original copy of the Founders Day address by Heber J. Grant at the dedication of the George H. Brimhall building. Green, Arnold H. Green, Arnold H. Oral history interview, Sept. 13, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 147 Abstract: Interview by Richard Poll with Arnold Green concerning his education and subsequent appointment at BYU. Grigg, Leslie M. Grigg, Leslie M. Hunger and diplomacy : LeGare and the surrender of Sitting Bull. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 293 Abstract: Student research paper witten for History 490. Griggs, C. Wilfred Griggs, C. Wilfred. [Office files of the Ramses exhibit, 1985-1987]. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 689 Abstract: This collection represents the working files of Dr. Wilfred Griggs, as per his pivotal involvement with the Ramses exhibit. There is an additional Ramses collection which originated from the BYU Public Affairs Office. Gubler, Clark J. Gubler, Clark J. Interview, 1992. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 167 Abstract: Clark talks about going to school, teaching and doing research in nutritional biochemistry at Brigham Young University. He also talks about doing research at the University of Utah and setting up a graduate program at Kuwait University. Guest Speakers on Campus Committee Guest Speakers on Campus Committee. Correspondence and records, 1965-1974. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 708 Abstract: Collection documents the activities of the Guest Speakers on Campus Committee and the decisions that they made about who to invite to campus. Hafen, Bruce C. Hafen, Bruce C. Civil Rights papers, 1984. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 814 Abstract: Papers regarding civil rights legislation mostly gathered to attack of the Civil Rights Act of 1984; includes newspaper articles and correspondence. Bruce Hafen was acting as President of Ricks College and of the American Association of Presidents of Independent Colleges and Universities. Haight, David B. Haight, David B. Records, 1966-1971. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Haight had special responsibilities over commercial ventures and real estate. Hale, K. Lawrence Hale, K. Lawrence. Brigham Young University basketball and football historical data, 1982-1986. 5 volumes . Call Number: UA 753 Abstract: Two volumes about BYU basketball and three volumes about BYU football, containing information about playing facilities, coaches, athletic conferences, individual players, tournaments, won/loss records against different opponents, yearly won/loss records, and individual game scores. The football volumes also include information about homecoming and bowl games. Hales, Richard Wayne Hales, Richard Wayne. “Atomic number dependence of neutral meson yield from proton bombardment”, 1952. 6 folders . Call Number: UA 393 Abstract: Outline, draft and final form of Hales' PhD dissertation at the University of California at Berkeley. Also included are photographs, calculations, and a letter from Burton J. Moyer of the faculty at UC Berkeley. ———. History of the Department of Physics, Brigham Young University / compiled by Richard W. Hales and E. John Eastmond, 1961. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 503 Abstract: History of the Brigham Young University Department of Physics. Hales, Wayne B. Hales, Wayne B. Better photographs : an outline course in theoretical and experimental photography / by Wayne B. Hales ; including The relation of art principles to pictorial composition / Bent F. Larsen ; and Press photography / by Harrison R. Merrill. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 150 Abstract: Includes information concerning basic photographic techniques, photo journalism, and the relationship of art principles to photo composition. Also includes original photographic prints. ———. Centennial history of the college of Physical and Engineering Sciences, Brigham Young University, 1974. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 118 Abstract: History of the College of Physical and Engineering Sciences. ———. Negatives, ca. 1926-1940. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: MSS 2199 Abstract: Six photograph albums, accompanied by ten boxes of photograph negatives, which document Brigham Young University faculty, students, buildings, and events, including dramatic and musical productions. The images, collected by Hales, were taken by himself, Walter Cottam, and others. Includes images relating to the Alpine Summer School, Mount Timpanogos, Aspen Grove, Utah Lake, and the city of Provo. Individual images are numbered in the first four volumes, and correspond to the numbering of the negatives. The collection does not include negatives for images in volumes five and six. The collection includes some negatives for which there are no corresponding prints. ———. Oral history interview, May 25, 1978. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 30 Abstract: Interview by Edwin R. Kimball with Wayne B. Hales, concerning his experiences as a BYU student, and as a member of the BYU Athletic Council, his family and his experiences with other faculty and administrators at BYU. ———. Records, 1944-1945. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 570 Abstract: Records include twent-five mounted, photographic Lissajous figures and a reprint of the article, "Recording the Lissajous Figures" from The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Also includes a mounted explanation of the process. Halliday, John R. Halliday, John R. Oral history, 1983-1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 113 Abstract: The material gives a brief sketch of Halliday's life and concentrates on the time he served as a professor of Music at Brigham Young University. He mentions serving as the mission president for the LDS Church in Milan, Italy from 19761979. He also speaks at length about his philosophy of life and his following of LDS Church precepts. Handbooks Associated Students of Brigham Young University. Records, 1961. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 488 Abstract: Includes the Student Activity Handbook containing policies and procedures in the administration of student government, student organizations, and other student activities. Brigham Young University. Faculty handbooks, 1954. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 672 Abstract: Faculty handbooks and correspondence to all faculty produced around 1954. ———. Faculty handbooks, 1955-1967. 3 volumes . Call Number: UA 856 Abstract: Handbooks detailing school policies, standards and procedures. Organizational charts are included. Faculty Center. Faculty resource guide: Brigham Young University, 1993. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 74 Abstract: Guide to the resources available to help faculty achieve their goals at Brigham Young University. Personnel Services. Office handbook, [ca. 1970]. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 938 Abstract: Cover sheet in front of volume reads: "This handbook is provided for stenographic or clerical offices at Brigham Young University." Includes two major sections: (1) policies and procedures, and (2) office guidelines. Policies and procedures contain the following subsections: absences, employee benefits, personnel policies, payroll information, and general procedures. Office guidelines contain the following subsections: correspondence, equipment, general office information, grammar, personal traits, punctuation, and spelling. A third section, department procedures, was also provided, in which individual departments could house unique documents. Handbook housed in dark-blue, three-ring binder, with BYU seal embossed in white on front cover. ———. Records, 1952-1968. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 580 Abstract: Includes general files of the office including employee policies and procedures manual. Hansen, George Henry Hansen, George Henry. Oral history interview, Feb. 19, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 44 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo Morley with George H. Hansen, geologist, concerning his experiences in Richfield, Utah; as a student at Utah State University, 1915-1918, as a missionary in England, as a faculty member and administrator at BYU from 1927, and on later work at a university in Java. ———. Papers, 1951-1959. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 509 Abstract: Includes correspondence, photographs, reports and news clippings concerning the College of Arts and Sciences, college policies, faculty, senior students and Utah's geology. Hansen, H. P. Hansen, H. P. Letter, April 4, 1961 . 1 folder . Call Number: UA 589 Abstract: Includes correspondence to BYU manuscript librarian Ralph Hansen about recollections of teachers, classes, housing, and life as a BYA student. Hansen, Harold I. Brigham Young University. Theatre productions scrapbook, 1952-1981. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 926 Abstract: Includes a scrapbook of programs and photographs for productions dated 1952-1964. The table of contents to the volume lists plays as late as 1966. Collection also contains a list of Hansen-directed productions, 1952-1956, which includes several names, presumably of cast members. A second list identifies productions dated 1969-1981, with specific performance dates; directors, including Hansen and others; and scene designers. Hansen, Harold I. Papers, 1959-1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 78 Abstract: Collection includes photocopies of newspaper clippings and reports of Brigham Young University's presentation of "Blithe Spirit," with joint sponsorship of the USO and the American Educational Theatre. Also includes clippings of a seven week tour to Japan and Korea, 1959-1960. Hansen, Ralph W. Hansen, Ralph W. Brigham Young University fraternity artifacts, [ca. 1948-1950]. 3 folders . Call Number: UA 858 Abstract: Includes paddle used during Hansen's initiation into the Tausig (Tau Sigma) social unit at Brigham Young University. Contains several signatures of active members, gathered by Hansen as a pledge (prospective member). Also includes Hansen's Tausig membership certificate, 9 January 1848, and membership cards for Tau Sigma, Phi Alpha Theta, and Intercollegiate Knights. Also includes sew-on cloth emblem for Intercollegiate Knights. Cover letter, 14 June 1996, contains additional information about the Tausig paddle. Hardy, Kenneth R. Hardy, Kenneth R. Papers, 1955-1965. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 529 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, book lists, reports, and proposals from various university committees. Harlow, LeRoy F. Harlow, LeRoy F. Studies and surveys for BYU, 1964-1973. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 578 Abstract: Contains many preliminary studies, surveys, and case studies Harlow did for BYU, including studies for the Health Center, the sports arena, Indian education, Mail Services, and the University press. Harmon, Frank Wendell Harmon, Frank Wendell. Oral history interview, 1994. 2 folders . Call Number: UA SC 22 Abstract: Oral history submitted as a part of the BYU Joint Oral History Project. Harmon, Melvin Myron Harmon, Melvin Myron. Class notes, Sept. 3 - Oct. 13, 1884. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 100 Abstract: Collection includes class notes (holograph) from the Normal Department on various aspects of teacher training. Includes teacher training, rhetoric, theology and physiology with diagrams. Harold B. Lee Library Brigham Young University. Compilation of the dedicatory services for the Clark Library, Smoot Administration building, General Services building, and the Physical Plant, 1962. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 470 Abstract: Includes dedicatory prayers, addresses, and a list of Smoot descendants in attendance. ———. Harold B. Lee Library 1st addition drawings, ca. 1974. 2 drawings . Call Number: UA 1002 Abstract: Two drawings of the 1974 addition to the Harold B. Lee Library. A large drawing is framed and a smaller drawing is accompanied by text discussing the involvement of Brigham Young University students in funding the addition to the library. Daily Universe. Announcement of the new BYU library, 1978. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 114 Abstract: The new library was named the J. Reuben Clark, Jr. Library until 1973, after which it was named the Harold B. Lee Library. The new law school was named for J. Reuben Clark, Jr. Harold B. Lee Library. Accession books, 1918-1922, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 202 Abstract: Includes two accession logs of the BYU library when housed in the Education building. One volume dates from 1918-1922. The other volume is without dates, but is probably contemporary with the former. Annie Gillespie was the librarian. ———. Ameritech files, 1995-1998. 4 folders . Call Number: UA 868 Abstract: Includes correspondence, memoranda, contracts, quote summaries, license agreements, a manual, and an Ameritech proposal for an automated library system to be used by a consortium of Utah colleges and universities. Brigham Young University elected not to use the Ameritech system. ———. Annual report, 1977-1978. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 96 Abstract: Annual report of the Harold B. Lee Library for 1977-1978 ———. Annual report, 1983-1984. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 844 Abstract: Includes statistics on library holdings, use, and employment; summaries of accomplishments and personnel changes; and assessment of needs. ———. Archives and Manuscripts Policies and Procedures Manual, ca. 1980. 2 folders (.15 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 953 Abstract: This manual provides a concise and clear description of the policies and procedures of the Department of Archives and Manuscripts of the Harold B. Lee Library. It discusses the purpose of the department and the fundamental archival principles used in the work of the department. It also contains photocopies of pictures of the department staff ca. 1980. ———. Audit report, 1976-77. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 764 Abstract: Audit report for Brigham Young University's Harold B. Lee Library. ———. Biennial and Annual reports, 1973-2001. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1015 Abstract: These biennial and annual reports document the activities of the Harold B. Lee Library for each academic year. They include discussions of personnel changes, significant accomplishments, organizational changes, library needs, and professional activities. Also included is an annual report from 1966-1967. ———. Collected articles about the Harold B. Lee Library, 1991-1995. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 61 Abstract: Collected articles concerning electronic advancements, services, donations, etc. ———. Collection analysis project final report, 1979. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 75 Abstract: Report done in 1979 analyzing the library's collections and structure. ———. Collection analysis project report and correspondence, 1980. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 102 Abstract: Collection analysis project report and associated correspondence. ———. Collection development policy statement, 1985. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 100 Abstract: Collection development policy statement for the Harold B. Lee Library. ———. Correspondence, 1983-1989. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 87 Abstract: Correspondence dealing with the administration of the Harold B. Lee Library. ———. Correspondence and records, 1962-1979. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 62 Abstract: Includes records and correspondence regarding the establishment of the Education Learning Resource Center (LRC) and the development of policies which would govern later LRC's. ———. Donation records, 1958-2000. 26 boxes (13 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 941 Abstract: Appraisals of worth of collections and Instruments of Gifts donated to the HBLL, 1988-2000. Also includes a written list of books with dates ranging from the 1950's to the 1980's. ———. Expansion groundbreaking agenda and media items, 1996. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 88 Abstract: Includes the radio report released by the LDS Church about the groundbreaking of the Lee Library addition. ———. Files on BYU Library School Professors, 1970's. 1.5 boxes (.75 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 771 Abstract: Correspondence, syllabi, and vitae of Thayne Johnson, Maurice Marchant, Lucille M. Thorne, and Hatti M. Knight, BYU Library School Professors ———. Learning resource center records, 1967-1981. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 824 Abstract: Contains 15 filmstrips concerning LDS Church History. Also contains meeting notes, reports, memoranda, tests, and manuals relating to the Learning Resource Center in the Harold B. Lee Library. ———. Library Committee meeting minutes, 1917-1945. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 209 Abstract: Includes minutes of the Library Committee. The Committee was chaired by Alice Reynolds and included Sidney Sperry, Anna Ollerton, and the University President. Includes small tribute to Annie Gillespie and A. Reynolds. ———. Library survey report, 1953. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 101 Abstract: Plan for increasing collections and physical facilities. ———. New addition dedication, 2000. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 978 Abstract: Newspaper articles, journal article and photograph documenting the dedication of the new wing of the Harold B. Lee Library, 2000. ———. Photos of employees, 1992. 80 photographs . Call Number: UA 897 Abstract: Photographs of current and former Brigham Young University Library employees. ———. Posters created for the 1993 Annual University Conference. 35 photo largements on poster board . Call Number: UA 696 Abstract: These posters were "commissioned" by Dean Larson, Chad Flake, and Gloria Jensen for the Library part of the 1993 Annual University Conference. They illustrate various historical elements of the Library. ———. Reaccreditation self-study, 1995. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 52 Abstract: Reaccreditation self-study was prepared by the Strategic Planning Steering Committee. ———. Records, 1954-1976. 184 boxes (92 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 549 Abstract: Includes files of the various departments within the library. Contains correspondence, reports, newsclippings, publications, statistics and minutes. Also includes information concerning the J. Reuben Clark and Heber J. Grant Libraries. ———. Statement of primary needs, 1989. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 999 Abstract: Report that discusses the primary needs of the Harold B. Lee Library in 1989. It discusses physical facilities, collection development, personnel, automation projects, and preservation issues. ———. Subject files, n. f. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 671 Abstract: Subject files relating to all facets of the HBLL including minutes of Administrative Council, Special Collections, and acquisitions. ———. Video training package materials, ca. 1985. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 17 Abstract: Includes script (1985), story boards and exit control interviews. Lehnardt, Michael. Come now and let us reason together saith the Lord : Mural, 2002. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 982 Abstract: Contains drawings, reports and newspaper articles concerning the children's mural. School of Library and Information Sciences. Proposal for a school of library and information sciences, 1999. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 957 Abstract: This collection contains the Harold B. Lee Library Administrative Council's Proposal for a School of Library and Information Sciences. Smith, Ida. Papers regarding the visit of the seven crew members of the space shuttle Discovery 51-D and the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Women of Science Reading Room of the Brigham Young University Library, 1985. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 879 Abstract: Contains agenda, press releases, speeches, correspondence, minutes of planning meetings, biographical information on the Discovery shuttle crew members, and space shuttle mission 51-D press kit compiled by NASA. Thorne, Lucile. Oral history interview, July 9, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 73 Abstract: Interview by Francis Barlow with Lucile Thorne, teacher and librarian, discussing her associates, teaching experiences, library experiences at BYU and reflections on her life. Tyler, S. Lyman. Library photographs, n. d. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Photos of the Harold B. Lee Library as well as other libraries on other college campuses. Young, Lorenzo S. Papers, 1959. 2 bound volumes . Call Number: UA 351 Abstract: Includes contract documents and building specifications for the Harold B. Lee Library. Harrington, Daniel H. Harrington, Daniel H. Letter, pamphlet and reminiscence from Daniel Harrington, ca. 1915. 1 folder (3 items) . Call Number: UA 317 Abstract: Includes a published pamphlet which appraises the work of Karl Maeser; a letter to Franklin Harris concerning the Maeser celebration in Provo in 1915; and his personal reminiscences of Provo and the Brigham Young Academy from 18791881. ———. Report, 1879-1880. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 218 Abstract: Collection includes a report card of Harrington's class grades signed by Karl Maeser and James Talmage. Harris, Chauncy Dennison Harris, Chauncy Dennison. Papers, 1933. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 291 Abstract: Collection includes a typewritten graduation address delivered to the Brigham Young University Class of 1933 concerning Brigham Young University and the Latter-day Saint Church. Harris, Colleen Riggs Harris, Colleen Riggs. Oral history interview, March 25, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 106 Abstract: Interview by Stacy Burton with Colleen Harris, discussing her family background, education, career, travels, marriage, family, and attitudes about the feminist movement. Harris, Franklin Stewart Board of Trustees. Executive Committee records, 1921-1922. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 256 Notes: Restricted Abstract: Collection includes minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee of the Brigham Young University Board of Trustees. Bradley, Mildred H. Oral history interview, March 13, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 101 Abstract: Interview by Martha Bradley with Mildred Bradley, housewife and daughter of BYU President Franklin S. Harris. She discusses her family background, education, marriage and children. Harris, Franklin Stewart. Papers, 1912-1959. 53 boxes (26.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: MSS 340 Abstract: Correspondence, diaries and his published thesis along with rough drafts and research notes. ———. Papers, 1921. 1 folder (4 items) . Call Number: UA 125 Abstract: Collection includes edited, typewritten copies of his inauguaral address, "The Outlook for the Brigham Young University," and a letter concerning the history of the grounds at Brigham Young University. ———. Records, 1908-1949. 57 boxes (28.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes personal diaries, correspondence, documents, reports, budgets, Alumni Association minutes, financial statements, and texts of addresses given at various occasions concerning such subjects as employment, education, contributions towards erection of the Brimhall Building, teacher's weekly reports, student housing, student suggestions to administration, Utah Valley Hospital, military affairs, Church School Convention bus, printing equipment, Aspen Grove, library, textbooks, finances, scholarships, Leadership Week, summer and extension programs, research plans, commencements, and societies to which Harris belonged. ———. Some activities at Brigham Young University during the presidency of Franklin S. Harris, 1921-1945. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 452 Abstract: Documents the growth of the University during the presidency of Franklin Harris. Jacobs, J. Smith. Oral history, 1993. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 168 Abstract: Jacobs tells about attending Brigham Young University from 1928 to 1930 and gives his impressions of the university presidents, Ernest L. Wilkinson and Franklin S. Harris. Jenkins, Clayton. Oral history interview, Feb. 6, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 49 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Clayton Jenkins discussing Jenkins' involvement with various Chamber of Commerce concerns, and his professional career in the knit goods business. Touches upon some historical aspects of Brigham Young University and its contributions to the area economy. Harrison, Bertrand F. Harrison, Bertrand F. Oral history interview, March 15, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 125 Abstract: Interview by David Whittaker with Bertrand F. Harrison concerning his student years at BYU, marriage, graduate school, and the development of the Botany program at BYU. Harrison, Lorna Jensen Harrison, Lorna Jensen. Oral history interview, May 31, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 133 Abstract: Interview by David Whittaker with Lorna Harrison who recounts her childhood and education in Provo, marriage to Bertrand Harrison, and her association with BYU. Also talk at length about her parents and their education and association with BYU. Hart, Anna Boss Hart, Anna Boss. Oral history interview, Aug. 15, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 28 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Anna Boss Hart, educator, concerning her experiences as a member of the faculty of the BY High School. Hartvigsen, Milton Farrell Hartvigsen, Milton Farrell. Oral history interview, Aug. 31, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 136 Abstract: Interview by Alma Heaton with Milton Hartvigsen concerning his childhood in Idaho, education, administrative duties at BYU, and Church service. Harward, VerDon Harward, VerDon. Oral history interview, May 26, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 107 Abstract: Interview by Wendy Burnett with VerDon Harward, discussing his career, memories of and working relations with BYU presidents. Also discusses personnel and reminiscences of student activities and pranks. Hayward, Charles Lynn Hayward, Charles Lynn. Oral history, 1983-1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 112 Abstract: The material covers the time that Dr. Hayward was growing up in Paris, Idaho, observations on student life at Brigham Young University in the 1920s, and working on his doctorate at the University of Illinois. Much of the interview covers his tenure in the Zoology department at BYU. He includes his observations on the administration of BYU and his department and gives his impressions of prominent individuals associated with the university including three presidents of that institution. Heaton, Alma Heaton, Alma. Oral history interview, Sept. 27, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 142 Abstract: Interview by David Whittaker with Alma Heaton, who recounts his childhood in Kanab, education, courtship, military service, and subsequent appointment at BYU. Heber J. Grant Building (Provo, Utah) Brigham Young University. Collected articles about the Heber J. Grant Library, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 231 Abstract: Includes a series of articles from the Alumni Announcer concerning the Heber J. Grant Library. ———. Contributors to the Heber J. Grant Library. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 405 Abstract: Includes a list of individuals and institutions who contributed to the Heber J. Grant building (1925). Also includes a list of contributors to the 1924 campus beautification drive. ———. Records relating to the semi-centennial celebration, 1925. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 321 Abstract: Includes correspondence, press clippings and the official report of the semi-centennial celebration. Also includes a copy of the Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine v. 27, which contains addresses of celebration speakers; and the dedication of the Heber J. Grant Library. ———. Semi-centennial celebration of the Brigham Young University. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 41 Abstract: Includes addresses by Adam S. Bennion, George H. Brimhall, Colonel Willard Young, David J. Wilson, Herbert E. Bolton, Heber J. Grant, Augusta Grant, George Thomas, E.G. Peterson, Richard R. Lyman, C.W. Jensen, W.J. Snow, John A. Widstoe, Lars Eggerstsen, Edwin S. Hinckley, and others. Includes addresses, prayers, dedication of the Heber J. Grant Library, and brief histories of the University and Academy. ———. Views of Heber J. Grant building, 1920s-1950s. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 798 Abstract: Twelve images documenting the building's groundbreaking, construction, dedication, extension, original library, and door arch. Each item is mounted on light brown card stock. Images hung on the walls of the second floor testing room in the Heber J. Grant building. Johnson, Arlin Rex. Report of semi-centennial celebration of the founding of Brigham Young University, 1925. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 894 Abstract: Record of events held as part of the semicentennial celebration, compiled by A. Rex Johnson and Melvin C. Miller. Includes transcripts of talks. Also includes a photograph showing people and parade floats in front of the Maeser Building. Speakers included George H. Brimhall, Willard Young, Adam S. Bennion, David J. Wilson, Herbert E. Bolton, Heber J. Grant, Franklin S. Harris, E. G. Peterson, John A. Widtsoe, Richard R. Lyman, and others. Includes a report on the dedication of the Heber J. Grant Library. Nelson, Joseph H. Papers, 1925. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) and 15 blueprints . Call Number: UA 172 Abstract: Collection includes blueprints, drawings, correspondence, and a report concerning bids, building plans and specifications for the Heber J. Grant Library. Heber J. Grant Library Harold B. Lee Library. Records, 1954-1976. 184 boxes (92 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 549 Abstract: Includes files of the various departments within the library. Contains correspondence, reports, newsclippings, publications, statistics and minutes. Also includes information concerning the J. Reuben Clark and Heber J. Grant Libraries. Hedquist, Alex Hedquist, Alex. Oral history interview, April 27, 1964. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 13 Abstract: Interview by Newbern I. Butt with Alexander Hedquist Jr. concerning his experiences as a student at the Brigham Young Academy, c. 1886-1888. Hedquist, Vivia F. Hedquist, Vivia F. Papers [n.d.]. 1 folder (60 items) . Call Number: UA 134 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten and typewritten class notes, a 30 p. handwritten paperbound music notebook, a 60 p. handwritten paperbound English notebook and eight handwritten essays with the instructor's comments, written for a literature class taught by Juliaetta Bateman. Helaman Halls (Provo, Utah) Physical Plant. Papers, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 420 Abstract: Includes building specifications for men's residence halls. ———. Records, 1947-1979. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 491 Notes: Boxes 1-6 missing since 1988. Abstract: Includes program requirements, reports, blueprints, budget estimates, minutes, correspondence, and aperture cards regarding the construction and layout of several campus buildings. Also includes biographical sketches of men after whom Helaman Halls were named and statements concerning increasing enrollment. University Publications. Records of naming and dedicating Heritage and Helaman Halls, 1956-1958. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 409 Abstract: Includes internal correspondence about the naming and dedication of Heritage and Helaman Halls. Also includes correspondence with the family organizations representing those individuals whose names are associated with each Hall. Heritage Halls (Provo, Utah) University Publications. Records of naming and dedicating Heritage and Helaman Halls, 1956-1958. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 409 Abstract: Includes internal correspondence about the naming and dedication of Heritage and Helaman Halls. Also includes correspondence with the family organizations representing those individuals whose names are associated with each Hall. Hill, Armin J. Hill, Armin J. Oral history interview, May 25, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 77 Abstract: Interview by Mardin Clark with Armin Hill discussing his responsibilities and administrative activities at BYU. Hill, George R. Hill, George R. Oral history interview, Sept. 19, 1968. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 18 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with George R. Hill. Hill discusses his experiences as a student at the BY Academy. Hillam, Ray C. Hillam, Ray C. Interview, 2000 Feb. 23. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 181 Abstract: Briefly comments on the China Teachers Program which sent couples to China to teach English beginning in 1989; the International Relations Program, subsequently known as David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies; and the Washington Seminar, which sent students to study in Washington D.C. Also mentions his experience as a Fulbright professor in Vietnam during Vietnam War, and on the "spy scandal" at BYU in the late 1960s. Hinckley, Edwin S. Hinckley, Edwin S. Correspondence, 1904-1929. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 484 Abstract: The eight loose letters are to and from William Morris Davis. The bound volume contains a variety of items all relating to Edwin Hinckley, ie., geneaology, correspondence, newspaper clippings, tributes ———. Papers, 1927. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 243 Abstract: Collection includes an article published in the Provo Evening Herald entitled: "Prosperity and Future Possibilities of Provo Emphasized by C. of C." Hinkson, Jim Hinkson, Jim. Laboratory notes, 1956-1957. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 14 Abstract: Includes a lab book for chemistry class. History Collected correspondence to Arthur Edmund Berkman, 1910-19121 folder . Call Number: UA 591 Abstract: Contains several letters to Arthur Berkman from President Brimhall, E.D. Partridge, and John L. Davis. President Brimhall's letter concerns Arthur's appointment to the Naval Academy. The other two letters were written to Arthur while he was at the Academy. Ballif, Ariel S. History of the Foreign Student Office, ca. 1973. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 44 Abstract: Brief history of the Foreign Student Office Brigham Young University. Centennial history collection, 1942-1985. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 930 Abstract: Histories compiled by several colleges and departments at BYU, mostly between 1974 and 1975, in conjunction with the centennial of the university. Includes a few other histories, dating as early as 1942 and as late as 1985. ———. Centennial history: Office of the Executive Vice President, ca. 1975. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 82 Abstract: Includes histories of the departments of Purchasing, Student Housing, Food Services, Bookstore, and Auxiliary Services. ———. Historical files, 1875-1980s. 18 boxes (9 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 704 Notes: This collecton is unprocessed. See University Archivist. Abstract: Subject files arranged alphabetically on all aspects of Brigham Young University history, ranging from information on the different departments to athletics to lists of other cultural activities. Also contains stats and information about student body and teachers. Has information from beginning of the Brigham Young Academy to the 1980's. ———. Nineteen fifty-one to nineteen seventy-one : the Wilkinson years, ca. 1971. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 112 Abstract: Brief history of Brigham Young University during Ernest L. Wilkinson's presidency. ———. Semi-centennial celebration of the Brigham Young University. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 41 Abstract: Includes addresses by Adam S. Bennion, George H. Brimhall, Colonel Willard Young, David J. Wilson, Herbert E. Bolton, Heber J. Grant, Augusta Grant, George Thomas, E.G. Peterson, Richard R. Lyman, C.W. Jensen, W.J. Snow, John A. Widstoe, Lars Eggerstsen, Edwin S. Hinckley, and others. Includes addresses, prayers, dedication of the Heber J. Grant Library, and brief histories of the University and Academy. Brimhall, George H. [Miscellaneous records of, and articles about, the Brigham Young Academy, 1891-1925]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 607 Abstract: Includes a poem "The Builder" which is a tribute to BYU by Marie Clark Miller; officers of Brigham Young University, 1923-1924; a news article examining the progress of BYU, 1918; a brief history and suggested outline for a history of BYU, with name of compilers, 1920; copy of the Deseret Weekly containing an article about Brigham Young Academy, 1891; a brief history of the Academy from the Contributor written by James Talmage, 1881; enrollment statistics for the years 1875-1924; and a poem by George Brimhall written for a student body meeting, n.d. Bullock, Kenneth C. Eighty year history of the Department of Geology, Brigham Young University, 1959. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 306 Abstract: History of the Department of Geology. Burgner, C. R. Brigham Young U. rooted in Utah history. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 343 Abstract: This article was published in The Monitor, an official publication of the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company. It was issued to employees in the states of Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming. It talks about BYU's place in Utah history. Butterworth, Edwin. Photographs used in 1000 views of 100 years, [ca. 1875-1975]. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 2 Abstract: Images used in the book, Brigham Young University: 1000 views of 100 years, published in 1975 in conjunction with the centennial of the university. Page numbers in the book correspond to folder numbers in the photograph collection. Butterworth presumably gathered the images from a variety of sources. Also includes a box containing an incomplete set of photograph negatives. Centennial History Committee. Records, 1972-1976. 137 boxes (68.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 566 Abstract: Includes research materials for "Brigham Young University: a school of destiny", and "Brigham Young University: the first one hundred years". Materials include photocopies of presidential and administrative officers, papers, journal extracts, student, faculty and LDS Church publications, oral histories, correspondence, news clippings, and other material related to the published history of BYU. Christensen, Edward L. College of Business : a century of progress at Brigham Young University, 1973. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 119 Abstract: History of the Brigham Young University College of Business from its inception until 1972. Christensen, Ross T. A Historical sketch of the Department of Archaeology of Brigham Young University, ca. 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 303 Abstract: History of the Department of Archaeology. Clark, Harold Glen. The Golden years of Continuing Education at Brigham Young University, 1971. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 47 Abstract: A fiftieth year anniversary pamphlet for the Division of Continuing Education. Dept. of Archives and Manuscripts. BYU centennial flashbacks : scrapbook, [ca. 1875-1975]. 1 box (1.2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 880 Abstract: Collection of newspaper articles from the Daily Herald pertaining to events on campus since the time of its creation. Includes stories about various presidents of BYU, accomplishments of students and athletes, groups and clubs, and photographic images of Brigham Young Academy as well as significant persons in the university's history. ———. Papers, 1965-1975. 1 folder (13 items) . Call Number: UA 233 Abstract: Collection includes research materials, data from deeds, plot maps, and quotes from journals and oral history interviews concerning the origin of the name "Temple Hill" in the 1870s. "Temple Hill" is the area subsequently occupied by Brigham Young University. Also includes a song entitled "A Temple at Brigham Young University." Division of Continuing Education. Records, 1921-1977. 180 boxes (90 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 547 Abstract: Contains files of the Deans and Directors. Includes records for Eduction Week, leadership conferences, Travel Study, Home Study, evening classes, Special Courses and Conferences, community education, Salt Lake Center, and a brief history of the Division. Doxey, Willard B. History of the Economics Department, ca. 1958. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 302 Abstract: Includes a brief history of the department of Economics and a list of graduate degrees in economics conferred by BYU. Eastmond, E. John. Brief history of the Physics Department at BYU, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 307 Abstract: History of the Physics Department. Farnsworth, Raymond B. History of the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, 1885-1974. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 867 Abstract: Contains correspondence; memoranda; visual images; news clippings; and lists of classes offered, student statistics, names and addresses of graduates, graduates who received fellowships, deceased graduates, faculty and staff. Includes a table of contents. Title page suggests that the history was originally compiled by Farnsworth between 1946 and 1958, then revised and updated in 1973-1974. Hales, Richard Wayne. History of the Department of Physics, Brigham Young University / compiled by Richard W. Hales and E. John Eastmond, 1961. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 503 Abstract: History of the Brigham Young University Department of Physics. Hales, Wayne B. Centennial history of the college of Physical and Engineering Sciences, Brigham Young University, 1974. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 118 Abstract: History of the College of Physical and Engineering Sciences. Harris, Franklin Stewart. Papers, 1921. 1 folder (4 items) . Call Number: UA 125 Abstract: Collection includes edited, typewritten copies of his inauguaral address, "The Outlook for the Brigham Young University," and a letter concerning the history of the grounds at Brigham Young University. ———. Some activities at Brigham Young University during the presidency of Franklin S. Harris, 1921-1945. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 452 Abstract: Documents the growth of the University during the presidency of Franklin Harris. History Committee. Records, 1875-1942. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 104 Abstract: Collection includes original manuscripts consisting of Brigham Young Academy student registers, addresses by Karl G. Maeser, life sketches, and histories of departments, clubs and organizations used in the preparation of History of Brigham Young University, compiled and written by J. Marinus Jensen et al. (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. [1945]). Jensen, J. Marinus. History of Brigham Young University / J. Marinus Jensen et al. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 483 Abstract: J. Marinus Jensen, Newbern Butt, Elsie Carroll, and Bertha Roberts made up the Committee on University History, all appointed by Franklin Harris, 1937. Madsen, Harold S. A quarter century of TESL at BYU : a focus on tesl roots, 1992. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 76 Abstract: History of teaching english as a second language (TESL) at Brigham Young University. Peterson, Hugh Wickman. A Brief history of the Chemistry Department of Brigham Young University, 1966. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 69 Abstract: Brief history of the Chemistry Department. Poulson, Virginia B. History of College of Family Living : Ladies Work Department to College of Family Living, 1875 - 1975. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 120 Abstract: History of the College of Family Living. Roberts, Eugene L. Papers, 1912-1972. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 562 Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, a thesis and practicum manuscripts about Roberts, and research materials for "History of BYU Physical Education, Sports, and Athletics, 1875-1901." Also includes printed programs, newsclippings, songs and poetry concerning the Timpanogos hike. Tyler, S. Lyman. Papers, 1952-1976. 50 boxes (25 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 614 Abstract: Holographs, typescripts, printed forms, writings, personal and business correspondence, building specifications and plans, news clippings, and documents relating to American Indian government and history. Also included are research papers on Fred Rosenstock, BYU history, construction of the BYU library, and papers on the Utah Committee on Indian Affairs, Utah Heritage Foundation, Sons of the Utah Pioneers, and Utah Historical Society. Warnick, Gerald B. 1937-1978. An early history of accounting at Brigham Young University, 1962. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 394 Abstract: Research paper on the history of the Accounting Department at Brigham Young University. History Committee History Committee. Records, 1875-1942. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 104 Abstract: Collection includes original manuscripts consisting of Brigham Young Academy student registers, addresses by Karl G. Maeser, life sketches, and histories of departments, clubs and organizations used in the preparation of History of Brigham Young University, compiled and written by J. Marinus Jensen et al. (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. [1945]). Hoggan, Lella Marier Hoggan, Lella Marier. Papers, 1880-1940. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 383 Abstract: Includes copies of letters from George Brimhall to Lella Hoggan, her expense account and grades for one quarter at BYA, and her life sketch from the Relief Society Magazine. Holbrook, Alsina Elizabeth Brimhall Holbrook, Alsina Elizabeth Brimhall. J. William and Jennie B. Knight / from readings by Alsina E. Brimhall Holbrook. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 177 Abstract: The tape begins with Jennie Holbrook Groberg introducing her mother Alsina Holbrook, who reads excerpts of letters and/or diaries about her sister, Lucy Jane Knight, and brother-in-law, J. William Knight. Alsina Holbrook and Lucy Jane Knight (Jennie) were daughters of George H. Brimhall and Alsina Wilkins. Holland, Jeffrey R. Holland, Jeffrey R. Records, 1980-1989. 207 boxes (103.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1030 Abstract: Correspondence, memoranda, news clippings and other records documenting Holland's tenure as President of Brigham Young University. Public Affairs Office. Ramses II exhibit, 1985-1986. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 697 Abstract: Contains correspondence, ads, posters, catalogs, logistical information, contracts, marketing strategies, and interviews with Jeffrey Holland, Jae Ballif, and George Bowie. Holman, Marinda Halliday Holman, Marinda Halliday. Essay, 1882. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 599 Abstract: Includes an essay on education. Holt, Edward H. Holt, Edward H. Papers, 1899-1938. 1 box . Call Number: UA 250 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence regarding admission to Brigham Young Academy, theology class assignments, petitions, essays, talks by Lorenzo Snow and George Q. Cannon, papers regarding credit, advanced standing, student clubs, and miscellaneous correspondence and reports from Holt's files. ———. Papers, 1936. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 271 Abstract: Collection lists awards and scholarships presented. ———. Papers, 1936-1937. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 270 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence and a record of original costs, depreciated values and amounts of insurance carried for Brigham Young University buildings. Honor Code Assistant to the President. Papers of Bruce C. Hafen, 1971-1977. 38 boxes (19 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 735 Notes: Restricted permission required Bruce Hafen or President's office. Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes, contracts, legal case reports, speeches, Bass-Billings research papers, drafts of the Honor Code, materials for religion and law classes, and research materials for the biography of Dallin H. Oaks. Brigham Young Academy. Domestic Deparment records, 1879-1881. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 239 Abstract: Collection includes domestic department records with typewritten transcript of minutes and description of organization for maintaining honorable conduct. ———. Domestic Department records, 1879-1900. 4 folders . Call Number: UA 195 Abstract: Collection includes minutes of meetings and lists of students involved. The Domestic Organization, created by Karl G. Maeser, concerned itself with regulating student life through a self-policing system. It concentrated on curfew times, boarding house regulations and adherence to the Word of Wisdom. The 18841885 volume also includes minutes of the missionary meetings and the general theology class. ———. [Room assignments, 1885-1886, 1888]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 232 Abstract: Collection includes daily room schedules, regulations of the boarding house, and a report listing the number of students in each class. Brigham Young University. Miscellaneous items on the BYU honor system, 19571960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 56 Abstract: Includes student handbooks and two recommendations to the faculty council on the honor code. ———. Pamphlets concerning the Honor Code, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 1022 Abstract: This collection contains pamphlets from the Honor Code office, the Student Associations, and from the Athletic Department explaining the Honor Code. ———. Tributes, 1969-1979. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 971 Abstract: This collection contains tributes to Brigham Young University that were gathered during the administration of President Dallin H. Oaks. Topics include the cleanliness of the campus, the honor code and the appearance of students and faculty. Housing Office. Records, 1956-1960. 5 folders . Call Number: UA 471 Abstract: Includes correspondence with students and parents concerning problems, space availability, room assignments, roommate preferences, and financial requests. Also includes memoranda by the faculty committee on honor and by University officials. Hunter, John J. History of the formal honor system at Brigham Young University during the first ten years, 1950-1960. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 64 Abstract: Collection includes a report on the history of the Honor System at Brigham Young University since its formal adoption and an analysis of its major problems. It also discusses the attitudes of students and faculty and methods of operation used by the Honor Council. Also contains surveys and other documents concerning the history and effectiveness of the system. Lee, Rex E. Brigham Young University Presidents Records, 1989-1996. 91 boxes (45 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 925 Notes: Presidential Records from Dallin H. Oaks through Merrill J. Bateman (current president) may be accessed only with the permission of the L. Tom Perry Special Collections Board of Curators and the current sitting president of Brigham Young University. Abstract: The collection includes correspondence with university vice presidents and colleges, General Authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, BYU-Hawaii, and others. Major subjects include university relations, admissions and records, athletics, the Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies, the honor and dress codes, and other related issues. Also includes minutes to Board of Trustees meetings. Student Life. Records, 1979-1985. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 963 Notes: Public use of this collection is restricted. See University Archivist for details. Abstract: This collection contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, reports, and other information relating to the operation of Student Life. Of particular interest are files on the development of the dress and grooming standards and the athletic ticket policy. Hoover, Marian M. Hoover, Marian M. Oral history interview, March 26, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 88 Abstract: Interview by Kristin Kiipack with Marian M. Hoover discussing basic biographical information, and attitudes about education and the feminist movement. Housing Office Housing Office. Records, 1945. 1 folder (54 items) . Call Number: UA 177 Abstract: Collection includes graphs, charts, construction plans and contracts, telegrams and correspondence with the National Housing Agency, Feberal Public Housing Authority, United Engineers, and O. J. Scherer Company concerning the use of former military buildings as Wymount Village student housing. ———. Records, 1956-1960. 5 folders . Call Number: UA 471 Abstract: Includes correspondence with students and parents concerning problems, space availability, room assignments, roommate preferences, and financial requests. Also includes memoranda by the faculty committee on honor and by University officials. ———. Student housing pamphlets, 1950-1966. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 60 Abstract: Includes pamphlets issued to students about the housing policies and etiquette. Housing Services Schwendiman, Fred A. Library, Housing, and Computer Services self-study report, 1976. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 828 Abstract: Library, Housing, and Computer Services self-study report, 1976. Student Auxiliary Services. Head resident meeting minutes, Jan 10, 1989-Dec., 1989. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 40 Abstract: Contains head resident meeting minutes. Howe, Orvil Howe, Orvil. Consumer buying practices : with reference to buying goods by brand. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 412 Abstract: Marketing survey conducted by students for a class at BYU. Hoyt, Forrest T. Hoyt, Forrest T. Papers, 1972 Aug. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 289 Abstract: Collection includes a typewritten research paper concerning the Brigham Young Academy Domestic Department written for a history seminar taught by Eugene Campbell. Humanities Research Center College of Humanities. Printed matter files, 1955-1988. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 660 Abstract: Contains some annual reports, meeting minutes, Language Research Center records (see Humanities Research Center), etc. Hunt, Jay B. Hunt, Jay B. Oral history interview, July 9, 1994. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 178 Abstract: Interview by Arthur Watkins with Jay B. Hunt, concerning his early life, education, war experiences, career experiences with BYU, the FBI, and teaching in Arizona. Also speaks about his Church service. Hunter, John J. Hunter, John J. History of the formal honor system at Brigham Young University during the first ten years, 1950-1960. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 64 Abstract: Collection includes a report on the history of the Honor System at Brigham Young University since its formal adoption and an analysis of its major problems. It also discusses the attitudes of students and faculty and methods of operation used by the Honor Council. Also contains surveys and other documents concerning the history and effectiveness of the system. Huynh, Cam Loi Huynh, Cam Loi. Tax administration in the Republic of Viet-Nam : reforms for postwar economic development / by Huynh Cam Loi. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 428 Abstract: Student research project for Public Administration 600. Robert H. Slover, teacher. Hyer, Paul Hyer, Paul. Manuscripts, n. d. 4 boxes (2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 612 Abstract: Manuscripts for books concerning the Mongols written by Paul Hyer and Sechim Tagchid, who were professors at BYU. Independent Study Division of Continuing Education. Records, 1921-1977. 180 boxes (90 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 547 Abstract: Contains files of the Deans and Directors. Includes records for Eduction Week, leadership conferences, Travel Study, Home Study, evening classes, Special Courses and Conferences, community education, Salt Lake Center, and a brief history of the Division. Indian Education Program Indian Education Program. Records, 1956-1959. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 430 Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes, reports, tribal membership, and reports on Indian issues outside of campus. Indian Student Program American Indian Services and Research Center. Department Files, 1954-1990. 29 boxes (14.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1011 Abstract: This collection contains the department files of the American Indian Services. Correspondence (1979-1989), Subject Files (1961-1990), Chronological Files (1980-1984), Publications (1972-1987), Photographs, Administrative Files (1973-1985), and Handouts (1954-1988) are included in this collection and are the major series. Clark, James R. Oral history interview, Jan. 10, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 57 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo J. Morley with James R. Clark concerning his professional assignments, his work on the BYU Centennial History Committee, and his involvement with the Indian Institute program. Also discusses his early life and education. College of General Studies. Deans' files, 1958-1973. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 581 Abstract: Includes files of Lester Whetten, specifically memos, minutes, budget, curriculum, and Indian Program correspondence. Treasurer's Office. Papers, 1935-1939. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 249 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, checks, and receipts between the Brigham Young University treasurer's office and Uintah and Ouray Indian Agency, and invoices from the Student's Supply Association regarding financial assistance given to four Brigham Young University students. Information Technology Assistant Administrative Vice President for Information Systems. Records and correspondence, 1981-1990. 16 boxes (8 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 668 Abstract: Records and correspondence during Lynn McClurg's tenure as University Information Advocate, and Administrative Vice President for Information Systems. Computer Services. Willard Gardner papers, 1962-1990. 24 boxes (12 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 990 Abstract: This collection contains the administrative files of Willard Gardner as he served as the assistant director and then director of BYU's Computing Services, later renamed Information Systems Services. These files include reports and files on employees, correspondence, reports, and minutes of committees. Karst, Edgar. Brigham Young University Applied Number Theory News, 19591961. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 29 Abstract: Brigham Young University Applied Number Theory News containing progress reports, articles on computer systems and the computation center, January 20, 1959 to March 6, 1961. Insignia Brigham Young University. Pennants, [ca. 1920s-1970s]. 3 items . Call Number: UA 873 Abstract: Collection of three pennants. One pennant contains the Brigham Young University logo, one includes a representation of Cosmo, the school mascot, and one includes school initials. Institute for Computer Use in Education Institute for Computer Use in Education. TICCIT records and research, 1972-1986. 4 boxes (2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 725 Abstract: TICCIT was a computer project done by the Institute for Computer Use in Education (ICUE). This collection contains information, budgets and correspondence concerning this project and organization. Institute of American Indian Services and Research Institute of American Indian Services and Research. Records, 1956-1972. 31 boxes (15.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 552 Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes, brochures, news releases, maps, and surveys; financial, statistical, historical information, and annual reports. Includes information concerning Indian education, employment, alcoholism, conferences, and tribes. Also includes BYU Indian program development, campus tours, performing groups, tribal contacts, and memoranda. ———. Records, 1968-1978. 24 boxes (12 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 623 Abstract: Correspondence, press releases, news clippings, job lists, and reports of projects from the Institute of American Indian Services and Research Institutional Studies Institutional Studies. Building requirements, n. d. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: PM 20 Abstract: Law School building requirements and specifications and a report of different comments on the building plans. ———. Statistical summaries, 1939-1973. 12 cartons (12 linear); 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 466 Abstract: Includes various statistical summaries e.g. summaries of class rolls, student demographics, church studies, new and former student studies, grade distribution, and other studies for the University. Instructional Technology Center Instructional Technology Center. Current projects, [ca. 1997]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 745 Abstract: Booklet advertising the services of the Instructional Technology Center (ITC) by highlighting specific projects done in collaboration with other campus agencies. Accompanied by a cover letter, 20 January 1998, from John B. Stohlton, acting interim director, to "Dear Faculty Member." Inter-Organizational Council Inter-Organizational Council. Records, 1957-1960. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 481 Abstract: Includes minutes, constitution, policies, and procedures of the Council. Intercollegiate Knights Intercollegiate Knights. Gold "Y" Chapter records, 1970s-1990s. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 742 Abstract: Club constitutions, correspondence with the national office and news clippings. ———. Records of the national organization, 1922-1990. 39 boxes (19.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 810 Abstract: This collection contains minutes of meetings, national newsletters, pictures, guidebooks, correspondence, and other various tokens from the national organization of the Intercollegiate Knights. International Office Ballif, Ariel S. History of the Foreign Student Office, ca. 1973. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 44 Abstract: Brief history of the Foreign Student Office International Student Services Foreign Student Office. Records, 1954-1966. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 492 Abstract: Includes reports and correspondence with the Institute of International Education, and the National Association of Foreign Students' Advisors, and other associations regarding foreign students, policies, exchanges and conferences. International Student Services. Correspondence, 1974-79. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 774 Abstract: Correspondence to and from the ISS concerning International Students, programs, and foreign countries. Izatt, Jan C. Izatt, Jan C. Recollections of Ernest L. Wilkinson by his secretary Jan C. Izatt. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 14 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Jan C. Izatt, secretary to Ernest Wilkinson. Includes comments about Wilkinson's personality and work habits, and about her experiences working for Wilkinson. J. Reuben Clark, Jr., Library Brigham Young University. Compilation of the dedicatory services for the Clark Library, Smoot Administration building, General Services building, and the Physical Plant, 1962. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 470 Abstract: Includes dedicatory prayers, addresses, and a list of Smoot descendants in attendance. Daily Universe. Announcement of the new BYU library, 1978. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 114 Abstract: The new library was named the J. Reuben Clark, Jr. Library until 1973, after which it was named the Harold B. Lee Library. The new law school was named for J. Reuben Clark, Jr. Harold B. Lee Library. Correspondence and records, 1962-1979. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 62 Abstract: Includes records and correspondence regarding the establishment of the Education Learning Resource Center (LRC) and the development of policies which would govern later LRC's. ———. Records, 1954-1976. 184 boxes (92 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 549 Abstract: Includes files of the various departments within the library. Contains correspondence, reports, newsclippings, publications, statistics and minutes. Also includes information concerning the J. Reuben Clark and Heber J. Grant Libraries. Rasmussen, Paul G. Memos, 1959. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 500 Abstract: Three copied memos from Paul Rasmussen to Sam Brewster concerning the construction of a utility tunnel, the addition to the library, and the administration building. J. Reuben Clark Law School Assistant to the President. Papers of Bruce C. Hafen, 1971-1977. 38 boxes (19 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 735 Notes: Restricted permission required Bruce Hafen or President's office. Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes, contracts, legal case reports, speeches, Bass-Billings research papers, drafts of the Honor Code, materials for religion and law classes, and research materials for the biography of Dallin H. Oaks. Institutional Studies. Building requirements, n. d. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: PM 20 Abstract: Law School building requirements and specifications and a report of different comments on the building plans. Lee, Rex E. Personal Papers, 1910-1996. 186 boxes (95 linear ft.) . Call Number: MSS 2017 Notes: Presidential Records from Dallin H. Oaks through Merrill J. Bateman (current president) may be accessed only with the permission of the L. Tom Perry Special Collections Board of Curators and the current sitting president of Brigham Young University. Abstract: The Rex E. Lee personal papers document the varied aspects of Lee's life. They include materials from his work with the Jennings, Strouss, & Salmon law firm, the establishment of Brigham Young Universitys J. Reuben Clark School of Law, Lees service as assistant United States Attorney General , his service as United States Solicitor General, and his tenure as president of Brigham Young University. Wilkinson, Ernest L. Personal papers, 1917-1978. 300 boxes (155 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1000 Notes: This collection is open to the public with the following exceptions: Boxes 7374, 248-53, 257 (fd. 7), and 258-260 are restricted subject to approval from the President of Brigham Young University; Boxes 256 (fd. 2-3) and 271-273 are restricted until April 2008. Abstract: The Ernest L. Wilkinson personal papers consist of three series I. Personal Papers (1923-78), II. Corporate Records (1954-78) and III. Oversized Material (1917-75). The Personal Papers series documents Wilkinson's personal and professional life. The Corporate Records series documents his extensive career as president of Brigham Young University. The Oversized Materials series contains scrapbooks kept by Wilkinson as well as three films about his administration. J. Willard Marriott Center (Provo, Utah) Dept. of Physical Education. Records, 1920-1980. 32 boxes (16 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 544 Abstract: Includes correspondence and records from the office of the dean. Also includes records from the various department offices, faculty directories, biographical sketches and newspaper clippings. Jacobs, Briant Jacobs, Briant. Interview, 2000 Mar. 3. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 180 Abstract: Comments on his choice of English as a field of study, great American authors, academic freedom at BYU, including controversies in the late 1960s, and participation with his wife in the China Teachers Program sponsored by BYU's David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies, 1983-1984 and 1991-1992. Jacobs, J. Smith Jacobs, J. Smith. Oral history, 1993. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 168 Abstract: Jacobs tells about attending Brigham Young University from 1928 to 1930 and gives his impressions of the university presidents, Ernest L. Wilkinson and Franklin S. Harris. Jarvis, Joseph Smith Jarvis, Joseph Smith. Oral history interview, Oct. 13, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 76 Abstract: Jarvis discusses his experiences at Brigham Young University. Jenkins, Clayton Jenkins, Clayton. Oral history interview, Feb. 6, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 49 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Clayton Jenkins discussing Jenkins' involvement with various Chamber of Commerce concerns, and his professional career in the knit goods business. Touches upon some historical aspects of Brigham Young University and its contributions to the area economy. Jensen, Christen Jensen, Christen. Papers, 1903-1961. 19 folders . Call Number: UA 96 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, reports, memoranda, minutes, and examinations concerning Brigham Young University transfer credits, awards, faculty meetings, graduate school, Franklin S. Harris, Ernest L. Wilkinson, history, political science, and public administration. ———. Records, 1939-1940 and 1949-1951. 10 boxes (5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, addresses and subject files made while acting president concerning such subjects as university colleges and departments, library, summer school, buildings and grounds, Myron J. Abbey Estate, accidents, Alumni Association, 75th Anniversary, annual reports, campus housing, dedication of Science Building, heating facilities, Leadership Week, student employment, faculty reports, and tuition. Jensen, Christen, Mrs. Jensen, Christen Mrs. Course outlines, 1924-1928. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 441 Abstract: Includes the outlines of literary lessons used by Mrs. Jensen for BYU Extension courses. Also includes the Story of the Kalevala. Jensen, J. Marinus Jensen, J. Marinus. History of Brigham Young University / J. Marinus Jensen et al. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 483 Abstract: J. Marinus Jensen, Newbern Butt, Elsie Carroll, and Bertha Roberts made up the Committee on University History, all appointed by Franklin Harris, 1937. Jensen, James A. Jensen, James A. Historical sketch : James A. Jensen at BYU, 1961-1983. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 83 Abstract: Talks about Jensen's experiences at Brigham Young University. Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies Associate Academic Vice President. Correspondence and records of William Evenson, 1977-1989. 13 boxes (6.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 678 Notes: Permission required University Archivist. Jerusalem center material is restricted until 2052 or with permission from the L. Tom Perry Board of Curators and the Board of Trustees for the Jerusalem Center of Neear Eastern Studies. Abstract: Correspondence and records of William Evenson while Associate Academic Vice President. Contains a significant amount of Jerusalem Center material. Brigham Young University. Views of campus development, ca. 1974-1991. 18 boxes (9 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 923 Abstract: Includes pictorial histories of building construction at Brigham Young University, 1875-1975, arranged chronologically by university president; pictorial survey of BYU Physical Plant Dept., 1974; pictorial histories of individual campus structures built and remodeled during 1970s and early 1980s; and photographs, slides, and negatives of campus buildings and personnel, and other schools operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Includes views of construction of Provo and Jordan River temples. Also includes views of BYU-Hawaii campus, Ricks College campus, Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies, and Missionary Training Center adjacent to BYU. Materials mostly compiled as part of Hatch's work in BYU Physical Plant Department. Brigham Young University Student Association. File regarding Gerald R. Ford visit, 1985-1987. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 950 Abstract: Correspondence, itineraries, guest lists, and related information concerning the visit of former U.S. president Gerald R. Ford to the BYU campus on 19 March 1987. Also includes photocopy of two letters exchanged between Ford and Israeli prime minister Shimon Peres, 1985-1986, about proposed construction of the BYU Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies. Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies. Papers, 1968-1989. 13 cartons . Call Number: UA 952 Notes: This collection is restricted until 2052 or with persmission from the L. Tom Perry Board of Curators and the Board of Trustees for the Jerusalem Center of Near Eastern Studies. Abstract: This collection, containing correspondence, newspaper articles, reports, and other material concerning the BYU Jerusalem Center, has been organized into folders within thirteen storage boxes. Lee, Rex E. Brigham Young University Presidents Records, 1989-1996. 91 boxes (45 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 925 Notes: Presidential Records from Dallin H. Oaks through Merrill J. Bateman (current president) may be accessed only with the permission of the L. Tom Perry Special Collections Board of Curators and the current sitting president of Brigham Young University. Abstract: The collection includes correspondence with university vice presidents and colleges, General Authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, BYU-Hawaii, and others. Major subjects include university relations, admissions and records, athletics, the Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies, the honor and dress codes, and other related issues. Also includes minutes to Board of Trustees meetings. Johnson, Arlin Rex Johnson, Arlin Rex. Letters, 1922-1930. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 378 Abstract: Includes correspondence to and from Johnson while he was student body president and president of the Alumni Association. Includes correspondence with President Harris, faculty, administrators, and others outside of campus. Speaks on life after leaving BYU. ———. Photograph collection, 1920-1930. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 9 Abstract: Photographs of BYU associates and friends, BYU campus scenes and activities, and some travel scenes. ———. Report of semi-centennial celebration of the founding of Brigham Young University, 1925. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 894 Abstract: Record of events held as part of the semicentennial celebration, compiled by A. Rex Johnson and Melvin C. Miller. Includes transcripts of talks. Also includes a photograph showing people and parade floats in front of the Maeser Building. Speakers included George H. Brimhall, Willard Young, Adam S. Bennion, David J. Wilson, Herbert E. Bolton, Heber J. Grant, Franklin S. Harris, E. G. Peterson, John A. Widtsoe, Richard R. Lyman, and others. Includes a report on the dedication of the Heber J. Grant Library. Johnson, David Johnson, David. Written interview, March 1969. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 15 Abstract: Includes reminiscenes of Brigham Young Academy, written questions and answers about experiences as a student, and correspondence between Johnson and Hollis Scott. Johnson, Edith Johnson, Edith. Oral history, 1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 155 Abstract: Johnson discusses her career at Brigham Young University and her experiences as secretary to Ernest L. Wilkinson. She also comments on Mrs. Wilkinson's involvement in University affairs. Johnson, J. Edward Johnson, J. Edward. George H. Brimhall : an attempted approximation of his genius, accomplishments, stature. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 97 Abstract: Includes a draft of a biography of George H. Brimhall which includes Johnson's personal recollections of BYU. Johnson, Jared K. Johnson, Jared K. Grande dame of University Avenue, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 105 Abstract: Paper by high school student Jared Johnson covering the history of the Brigham Young Academy, and the issues surrounding its renovation. Johnson, Marian Ashby Johnson, Marian Ashby. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 156 Abstract: Johnson describes why she chose to teach history at BYU. She gives an account of her employment with the BYU History department and discusses different aspects of her career including her love affair with the Renaissance. Jones, Sarah Fletcher Jones, Sarah Fletcher. Oral history interview, April 29, 1965. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 3 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Sarah F. Jones concerning her experiences at the BYA in the 1880s and as a resident of Provo, Utah. ———. Papers, 1890-1927. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 494 Abstract: Includes notes, assignments and papers of schoolwork as well as notes of church activities, meetings and assignments. Jonsson, Jens J. Jonsson, Jens J. History of electrical and computer engineering at Brigham Young University / by Jens Jonsson ; addendum by David J. Comer, 1990. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 89 Abstract: History of electrical and computer engineering at Brigham Young University. ———. History of the Electrical Engineering Sciences department, ca. 1959. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 300 Abstract: Includes a brief history of the Department of Electrical Engineering, including a memo from Dr. Jonsson to Newbern Butt concerning Jonsson's appointment as departmental historian. Joseph F. Smith Family Living Center (Provo, Ut.) Brigham Young University. Program of the dedication of the John C. Swensen Lecture Hall in the Joseph F. Smith Family Living Center, 1961. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 107 Abstract: Program of the dedication of the John C. Swensen Lecture Hall in the Joseph F. Smith Family Living Center. Physical Plant. Papers, 1955. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 419 Abstract: Includes building specifications for the Joseph F. Smith Family Living Center. Swensen, John C. Papers, 1956. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 108 Abstract: Collection includes typewritten autobiography, speeches and historical summaries concerning Brigham Young Academy and Brigham Young University, taken from Swensen's notes and writings, and a printed program for the dedication of the John C. Swensen Lecture Hall in the Joseph F. Smith Family Living Center. Joseph Smith Memorial Building (Provo, Utah) Division of Religion. Records, 1939-1940. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 436 Abstract: Includes records of volunteer work during the construction of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Kappa Debonaire (Brigham Young University) Kappa Debonaire (Brigham Young University). Records, 1955-1963. 8 folders . Call Number: UA 377 Abstract: Includes handbook, correspondence, ledger, mailing lists, check register, and miscellaneous information. Karl G. Maeser Building (Provo, Utah) Alumni Association. Maeser Memorial Building, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 37 Abstract: This is a brief notation describing the role of the Alumni Association in raising money for the Maeser Memorial Building. ———. Records, 1908-1913. 4 folders . Call Number: UA 247 Abstract: Collection includes checks, receipts, promissory notes, correspondence, and various other financial data concerning donations for the construction of the Maeser Memorial building. Brigham Young University. Contribution cards for the Maeser Memorial Building, 1908. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 90 Abstract: Each card signed by donor, with date and contribution. ———. Maeser Building cornerstone collection, 1887-1909. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 542 Abstract: Includes items dated 1887-1909 sealed in the cornerstone of the Karl G. Maeser building in 1909 and removed in 1975 as part of the University's centennial celebration. Items include articles of incorporation, songs, pennants, albums, pamphlets, directories, poetry, photo albums, Latter-day Saint scriptures and hymn book, copies of the Blue and White, and two articles by N.L. Nelson--"Scientific Aspects of Mormonism" and "The Mormon Point of View." ———. The Maeser Memorial, ca. 1910. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 66 Abstract: This is a small pamphlet describing the efforts in creating and funding a memorial for Karl G. Maeser. The last page is a donation slip. Karst, Edgar Karst, Edgar. Brigham Young University Applied Number Theory News, 19591961. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 29 Abstract: Brigham Young University Applied Number Theory News containing progress reports, articles on computer systems and the computation center, January 20, 1959 to March 6, 1961. KBYU-FM (Radio Station: Provo, Utah) Brigham Young University Magazine. Reminiscence of BYU students, faculty and alumni, [1937-1990]. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 864 Abstract: Responses to an advertisement placed in the BYU Magazine requesting recollections concerning the JFK assassination, the space shuttle Challenger explosion, campus working experiences, social life, Y Bell, Y Days, BYU mascot, lighting the Y, dating, places of hangouts, Persian Gulf War, Intermountain Association of College and University Residence Halls (IACURH) conference, Preference Ball dances, KBYU, and World War II. Broadcast Services. Department records, 1962-1987. 38 boxes (19 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1017 Abstract: The records document the activities of Broadcast Services. Records include correspondence, meeting minutes and general files. ———. Scripts, 1954. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 75 Abstract: Collection includes mimeograph, stencil and carbon copies of typescripts. Includes radio scripts titled "The Challenge," "World Series of Basketball--1954," and "Why Do I Love You?" College of Fine Arts and Communications. Files, [ca. 1968-1989]. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 821 Abstract: Contains outlines, handouts, and packet materials relating to communications courses; brochures, programs, form letters, forms, and advertisements concerning Department of Communications; advertisements for High School Press Workshops; four issues of Comm World magazine, 1986-1989; two issues of Communications Newsletter, 1972; two issues of Alumni Update, 1982-1984; KBYU-FM Radio brochures, circulars, and correspondence; KBYU TV brochures, logo, report, and promotions; sequence coordinators meeting minutes; faculty meeting minutes; and Publication Workshop's yearbook, "Encounter", 19721973. Executive Vice President for Auxiliary Services. William Rolfe Kerr files, 19761983. 5 cartons . Call Number: UA 933 Abstract: Administrative files of W. Rolfe Kerr, executive vice president at BYU, 1980-1984. Includes files relating to athletics; special events; student leadership, clubs, and dress-and-grooming standards; public relations; campus security; Media Services; KBYU (radio and television); and other topics. Includes correspondence, reports, and other information, some predating Kerr's appointment. Media Services. Records, 1974-1992. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: PM 27 Abstract: Minutes of Computer Guidance Council, Broadcast Services, and Media Services also has a monthly programming guide to KBYU. Rich, Owen S. Speech and video on KBYU, 1999. 1 folder and 1 video . Call Number: UA 989 Abstract: Speech given by Rich on the establishment of KBYU and a video documenting Rich's career at KBYU. KBYU (Television station: Provo, Utah) Broadcast Services. Inside the Wilkinson era, 1971 May 25. 1 item . Call Number: UA 871 Abstract: Interview by Heber G. Wolsey with Ben E. Lewis, Robert K. Thomas, Harvey Taylor, Sam Brewster, and Bruce L. Olsen concerning their personal experiences with Ernest L. Wilkinson. Wilkinson's resignation as president of Brigham Young University had been announced in March 1971 and the interviews were recorded as a tribute to him. College of Fine Arts and Communications. Files, [ca. 1968-1989]. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 821 Abstract: Contains outlines, handouts, and packet materials relating to communications courses; brochures, programs, form letters, forms, and advertisements concerning Department of Communications; advertisements for High School Press Workshops; four issues of Comm World magazine, 1986-1989; two issues of Communications Newsletter, 1972; two issues of Alumni Update, 1982-1984; KBYU-FM Radio brochures, circulars, and correspondence; KBYU TV brochures, logo, report, and promotions; sequence coordinators meeting minutes; faculty meeting minutes; and Publication Workshop's yearbook, "Encounter", 19721973. Executive Vice President for Auxiliary Services. William Rolfe Kerr files, 19761983. 5 cartons . Call Number: UA 933 Abstract: Administrative files of W. Rolfe Kerr, executive vice president at BYU, 1980-1984. Includes files relating to athletics; special events; student leadership, clubs, and dress-and-grooming standards; public relations; campus security; Media Services; KBYU (radio and television); and other topics. Includes correspondence, reports, and other information, some predating Kerr's appointment. Keeler, Daniel Keeler, Daniel. Oral history interview, Feb. 11, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 68 Abstract: Interview by Bertrand Harrison with Daniel Keeler, coal miner and steel worker, concerning the work of his father, Joseph B. Keeler, at BYA and BYU, 1884-1920. Includes comments on the development of BYU, and particularly the construction of campus buildings, and comments about BYU presidents. Also tells of Keeler's experiences as a student at BYU, his family, and the work of his parents in the Utah Stake with the development of Aaronic Priesthood and Relief Society manuals. Keeler, Joseph B. Keeler, Joseph B. Papers, 1884, 1891-1897. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 262 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten class rolls and examination scores. Kennedy, John F. Brigham Young University. Memorial services for President John F. Kennedy, 1963. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 14 Abstract: This booklet is a copy of the remarks given at the memorial services for the late President Kennedy, Monday, November 25, 1963, at Brigham Young University. Presiding was Clyde Sandgren, President of the BYU Second Stake. Remarks were offered by Gordon B. Hinckley. Kienke, Asa Solomon Kienke, Asa Solomon. Diaries and papers, 1896-1902. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 88 Abstract: Collection contains two journals of Keinke's mission to Illinois and Indiana for the Mormon Church in 1896-98, seven journals kept as a member of the Brigham Young Academy South American Expedition 1900-02, and archaeological and miscellaneous papers. Also included is a bound typescript of the expedition journals. Kimball, Edward L. Kimball, Edward L. Spencer W. Kimball Collection, 1947-1982. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 617 Abstract: Correspondence and speeches by Spencer W. Kimball which seem to have been collected as sources for a book written by Edward Kimball. Kimball, Spencer W. Kimball, Edward L. Spencer W. Kimball Collection, 1947-1982. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 617 Abstract: Correspondence and speeches by Spencer W. Kimball which seem to have been collected as sources for a book written by Edward Kimball. King, Alma W. King, Alma W. Oral history interview, March 8, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 134 Abstract: Interview by Morris Klinger with Alma King concerning his early education at BYU, involvement in sports, marriage, teaching seminary, graduate education, and subsequent appointment as Dean of Students. Kirkham, Francis W. Kirkham, Francis W. Oral history interview, Feb. 3, 1972. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 19 Abstract: Interview by James R. Clark with Francis Kirkham concerning his experiences at Brigham Young Academy, 1893-1904. ———. Oral history interview, Nov. 4, 1966. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 9 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Francis Kirkham regarding his book "A New Witness for Christ in America," and some recollections of the Brigham Young Academy. Knecht, William P. Knecht, William P. Correspondence, 1946-1961. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 91 Abstract: Includes correspondence between William P. Knecht and Ernest L. Wilkinson concerning the use of the Joseph Smith Memorial Farm. Knight, Jesse Allen, Mark K. Oral history interview, March 22, 1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 128 Abstract: Interview by Karl Young with Mark K. Allen concerning his early life, family, grandfather, time as a student at BYU, education, and experiences at BYU as a professor and counselor. Treasurer's Office. Records of the Jesse Knight Endowment Fund, 1941-1946. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 373 Abstract: Contains records and receipts of the Jesse Knight Endowment Fund. Knudsen, Vern Oliver Knudsen, Vern Oliver. Laboratory notebooks, 1913-1940. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 731 Abstract: Includes notebooks from Knudsen's undergraduate years at BYU; graduate years at Chicago, lecture notes from UCLA, and lab notes of various experiments. KOY (Phoenix, Arizona) KOY (Phoenix, Arizona). Tape of the bidding on the State Hospital Farm in Phoenix, Arizona, 1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 314 Abstract: Tape prepared by radio station KOY of Phoenix which covers the bidding for the purchase of the State Hospital Farm at Phoenix for BYU. Laboratory School (1955- ) College of Education. Records, 1942-1975. 54 boxes (27 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 559 Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes, reports, comparative graphic charts, booklets, manuals, studies, catalogues, student publications, policy statements, memoranda, bulletins, newsclippings, and payroll schedules. ———. A Statement of the purpose and functions of the BYU Laboratory schools. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 382 Abstract: Describes the purpose and functions of the BYU Laboratory schools Land Board of Trustees. Records, 1910-1919. 2 folders (186 items) . Call Number: UA 146 Abstract: Collection includes certificates of sale and correspondence to and from Joseph B. Keeler concerning Brigham Young University lands sold to various individuals and the deeding of Brigham Young University lands to the Church of Jesus of Christ of Latter-day Saints. Brigham Young Academy. Deeds and indentures of the Brigham Young Academy, 1872-1903. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 399 Abstract: Typewritten and photocopied articles of incorporation with amendments, first and second deeds of trust, and a deed of conveyance designating Brigham Young (1801-1877) as owner of a land parcel occupied in part by the Lewis Building. Brigham Young University. Land acquisitions deeds and documents, 1890-1938. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 714 Abstract: Includes abstracts of title, indentures, water rights, deeds, and court proceedings. ———. Records, 1910-1913. 1 folder (117 items) . Call Number: UA 141 Abstract: Collection includes certificates of sale of land from Brigham Young University to various individuals from Utah. ———. Records, 1914. 1 folder (2 items) . Call Number: UA 178 Abstract: Collection includes a copy of a document deeding land in Provo, Utah from Brigham Young University to the Knight Investment Company. ———. Records, 1916. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 115 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence and maps concerning the request for donations for land for the Brigham Young University campus. Gardner, Ray. Ioma townsite : subdivision and description of Brigham Young University lands, 1911, 1913. 2 manuscript drawings . Call Number: UA 140 Abstract: Maps show Section 11, 12, and 14 T.6S, R.2E of Salt Lake Basin and Meridian. Haight, David B. Records, 1966-1971. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Haight had special responsibilities over commercial ventures and real estate. KOY (Phoenix, Arizona. Tape of the bidding on the State Hospital Farm in Phoenix, Arizona, 1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 314 Abstract: Tape prepared by radio station KOY of Phoenix which covers the bidding for the purchase of the State Hospital Farm at Phoenix for BYU. Patton, Annaloene Davis. John Conrad Naegle historical and biographical materials. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 414 Abstract: Contains historical and biographical material of John Conrad Naegle, Mormon pioneer, who, at one time, owned a tract of land in Fremont, California, which was purchased by BYU in 1961 as a possible site for a junior college. Stevens, John L. Papers, 1906-1929. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 463 Abstract: Includes class notes, essays, correspondence, and land titles. Stewart, John R. Letter to Franklin Harris, 1921. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 254 Abstract: Letter confirming donation of Aspen Grove to BYU from John R. Stewart, Scott P. Stewart, Joseph Nelson, Rose Young Stewart, and Melissa R. Stewart. Treasurer's Office. Records, 1880-1978. 15 cartons . Call Number: UA 355 Abstract: Includes correspondence and financial records of BYA and BYU departmental offices. University Irrigation Company. Articles of Incorporation, 1908. 1 folder (1 item) . Call Number: UA 143 Abstract: Collection includes articles of incorporation specifying names of incorporators, regulations, and policies. ———. Records, 1910-1916. 1 folder (8 items) . Call Number: UA 144 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, contracts and deeds concerning water rights between Brigham Young University and Provo Reservoir Company. Languages Foster, Jeffrey R. Arabic at Brigham Young University : an oral history, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 46 Abstract: Interviews by Jeffrey Foster with Kathleen Andrus, Hugh Nibley, Rey L. Baird, Daniel C. Peterson, Arnold Green, and Dilworth B. Parkinson on the history of the study of Arabic at BYU. Larsen, B. F. Larsen, B. F. Oral reminiscences of Bent F. Larsen. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 111 Abstract: Oral reminiscences of Bent Larsen about his father Bent Rolf Larsen. Also discusses his own later life, including marriage, education and career. Earliest memories commence in the 1880's. ———. Papers, 1910-1967. 32 boxes (16 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 556 Abstract: Includes correspondence, news clippings, reports, minutes, policy statements, radio talks, articles, lecture notes, art samplings, catalog of slides, art notebooks, and poems. Also includes biographical material concerning Larsen and his wife, Martha Day Larsen. Larsen, Martha Geneva Day. Oral reminiscenes of Martha Larsen. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 110 Abstract: Oral reminiscences of Martha Larsen, discussing contents of her journal of 1906, including relatives, genealogy, her father's plural wives, illnesses, chores, and home in Fairview, Utah. Also discusses courtship, marriage, family, education and church activities. Larsen, Martha Geneva Day Larsen, Martha Geneva Day. Oral reminiscenes of Martha Larsen. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 110 Abstract: Oral reminiscences of Martha Larsen, discussing contents of her journal of 1906, including relatives, genealogy, her father's plural wives, illnesses, chores, and home in Fairview, Utah. Also discusses courtship, marriage, family, education and church activities. Larson, Gustive O. Larson, Gustive O. Papers, 1921-1978. 67 boxes (33.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 622 Abstract: Correspondence, personal histories, scholarly and religious writings, student papers, research files, business records, civic and professional organization files, and personal memorabilia. These materials relate to a wide range of personal matters and to the histories of Utah, the American West, American Indians, and the Mormon Church. ———. Photographs, 1888-1971. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 622 Abstract: Pictures from American Fork and California Mission among other more miscellaneous pictures taken by Gustive O. Larson. Latter-day Saints Hospital (Salt Lake City, Utah) Latter-day Saints Hospital (Salt Lake City, Utah). Alumni records, 1908-1985. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1020 Abstract: This collection contains the records of the LDS School of Nursing Alumni Association. The records include minutes of the organization, newsletters, white books (photo albums of graduating nurses), scrapbooks, financial reports, as well as some written histories of the Dr. W. H. Groves Latter-day Saints School of Nursing. Law, Reuben D. Law, Reuben D. Oral history interview, Aug. 22, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 27 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Reuben D. Law concerning his experiences as a professor in the BYU College of Education, 1935-1977. Lawrence, Nathan Lawrence, Nathan. Does the world look gray to you : or, how to get an education . 1 folder . Call Number: UA 345 Abstract: Contains information for entering BYA students, 1895. LDS Foundation Bowie, George H. Oral history of the Division of University Relations at Brigham Young University, March 9, 1994. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 174 Abstract: Interview by Mark Smith with George Bowie to chart out and understand the history, development and organization of the division of University Relations. LDS Foundation. Brigham Young University historical records, 1947-1986. 12 boxes (6 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1009 Abstract: This collection includes financial records, correspondence, and awards pertaining to the Annual Giving Fund and telefund. Also included are the Ironton Industrial Park proposals, plans, and correspondence. ———. Records, [1991-1992]. 3 folders . Call Number: UA 849 Abstract: Contains minutes to meetings of executive staff, major gifts council and annual giving council. Also includes prospect management reports. Leadership Week Leadership Week. Records, 1958-1959. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 413 Abstract: Includes a brief informational and historical overview of Leadership Week, several Leadership Week agendas and evaluations of Leadership Week by stake presidents and the Presiding Bishopric. Learning Resource Center Harold B. Lee Library. Correspondence and records, 1962-1979. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 62 Abstract: Includes records and correspondence regarding the establishment of the Education Learning Resource Center (LRC) and the development of policies which would govern later LRC's. ———. Learning resource center records, 1967-1981. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 824 Abstract: Contains 15 filmstrips concerning LDS Church History. Also contains meeting notes, reports, memoranda, tests, and manuals relating to the Learning Resource Center in the Harold B. Lee Library. Learning Resources Division Learning Resources Division. Records, 1964-1967. 118 boxes (59 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 282 Abstract: Collection includes files of the director, assistant directors and departments and a brief history of the division. Lee, Rex E. Brigham Young University. Special convocation, 5 March 1996. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 64 Abstract: A special convocation was held March 5, 1996 to honor Margaret Thatcher and Rex E. Lee. Both received honorary degrees. Lee, Rex E. Brigham Young University Presidents Records, 1989-1996. 91 boxes (45 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 925 Notes: Presidential Records from Dallin H. Oaks through Merrill J. Bateman (current president) may be accessed only with the permission of the L. Tom Perry Special Collections Board of Curators and the current sitting president of Brigham Young University. Abstract: The collection includes correspondence with university vice presidents and colleges, General Authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, BYU-Hawaii, and others. Major subjects include university relations, admissions and records, athletics, the Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies, the honor and dress codes, and other related issues. Also includes minutes to Board of Trustees meetings. ———. Personal Papers, 1910-1996. 186 boxes (95 linear ft.) . Call Number: MSS 2017 Notes: Presidential Records from Dallin H. Oaks through Merrill J. Bateman (current president) may be accessed only with the permission of the L. Tom Perry Special Collections Board of Curators and the current sitting president of Brigham Young University. Abstract: The Rex E. Lee personal papers document the varied aspects of Lee's life. They include materials from his work with the Jennings, Strouss, & Salmon law firm, the establishment of Brigham Young Universitys J. Reuben Clark School of Law, Lees service as assistant United States Attorney General , his service as United States Solicitor General, and his tenure as president of Brigham Young University. Office of the President. Rex E. Lee inauguration files, 1989. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 812 Abstract: Correspondence, programs, speeches, and files concerning the inauguration of Rex E. Lee. Lee, Richard Lee, Richard. [Comic sketches of library situations] : posters, 1991. 15 posters . Call Number: UA 694 Abstract: These sketches on posters were created by Richard Lee as a part of the 25 year reunion (1991) of the School of information and Library Science. Lehnardt, Michael Lehnardt, Michael. Come now and let us reason together saith the Lord : Mural, 2002. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 982 Abstract: Contains drawings, reports and newspaper articles concerning the children's mural. Lewis, Ben E. Lewis, Ben E. Correspondence, 1952-1974. 6 volume . Abstract: Correspondence concerning auxiliary operations, committees, construction, finances, housing, improvements, utilities, applications, budgets, Communication Services, Physical Plant, Food Services, University Relations, Treasurer's Office, and Indian Placement. ———. George Barrett, ca. 1993. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 20 Abstract: This is a short biography of George Barrett, who endowed BYU with money for scholarships. ———. Oral history interview, Oct. 18-Nov. 17, 1994. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 175 Abstract: Interview by Mark Smith with Ben E. Lewis about his experiences at BYU as a student and administrator. Also gives his background working for the Marriott corporation prior to his career at BYU. Talks at length about Ernest Wilkinson and the administration of the University. ———. Records, 1952-1974. 22 boxes (11 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes minutes, reports, bulletins, pamphlets, and correspondence concerning auxiliary operations, committees, construction, finances, housing, improvements, utilities, applications, budgets, Communication Services, Physical Plant, Food Services, University Relations, Treasurer's Office, and Indian Placement. ———. Records, 1971-1973. 52 cartons . Notes: Unprocessed collection. See University Archivist. Abstract: Correspondence and subject files related to Ben E. Lewis' tenure as Vice President of Business Affairs. ———. Records of the Wilkinson Center businesses, 1971-1974. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 737 Abstract: Includes records and correspondence of the BYU bookstore, food services, special events, and Wilkinson Center remodeling. Lewis Building (Provo, Utah) Eggertsen, Lars Echert. Letter, 1884. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 521 Abstract: Contains a copy of a letter from Eggertsen to his brother, Simon, describing the fire that burned the Lewis building. Young, Aretta. On the burning of the Brigham Young Academy at Provo, 1884. 1 folder (2 pages) . Call Number: UA 179 Abstract: Collection includes a letter to Evanda Young in the form of a poem concerning the burning of Brigham Young Academy, January 28, 1884. Libraries Alice Louise Reynolds Library. Accession book. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 437 Abstract: Accession record listing the titles of books donated or purchased through the efforts of Alice Louise Reynolds. Includes an extract from the Library Committee minutes explaining the genesis of the collection. Brigham Young Academy. Library reports, 1893-1894 and 1914-1923. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 210 Abstract: Two volumes entitled “Library Report” which inventory the holdings of the library during the years 1893-94 and 1914-1923. Brigham Young University. Romanian book project, 1990-1991. 1 Folder . Call Number: UA 997 Abstract: Correspondence, newspaper articles and other memorabilia concerning the collection and donation of 45, 000 books to Bucharest University in Romania in 1991. Cope, George M. Reports, 31 Oct. 1900, 28 Feb. 1901 and 31 March 1901. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 216 Abstract: Collection includes monthly reports containing information about library acquisitions, losses, student forfeitures, and materials. Done, Willard. Catalogue, August 1886. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 215 Abstract: Collection includes a list of the library's books divided by subject. Downs, Robert B. Survey of the library at Brigham Young University, 1969. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 99 Abstract: Survey of the library at Brigham Young University. Education Learning Resource Center. Staff meeting minutes, 1973-1987. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 846 Notes: Under the auspices of the Lee Library, the Education Learning Resource Center was a resource for students and faculty in the College of Education. The center was located in the David O. McKay Building beginning in the late 1970s. The minutes document discussions relating to policies, procedures, daily operations, and other concerns. Schwendiman, Fred A. Library, Housing, and Computer Services self-study report, 1976. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 828 Abstract: Library, Housing, and Computer Services self-study report, 1976. Tyler, S. Lyman. Library photographs, n. d. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Photos of the Harold B. Lee Library as well as other libraries on other college campuses. ———. Papers, 1952-1976. 50 boxes (25 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 614 Abstract: Holographs, typescripts, printed forms, writings, personal and business correspondence, building specifications and plans, news clippings, and documents relating to American Indian government and history. Also included are research papers on Fred Rosenstock, BYU history, construction of the BYU library, and papers on the Utah Committee on Indian Affairs, Utah Heritage Foundation, Sons of the Utah Pioneers, and Utah Historical Society. Utah Library Association. Committee on Mormon Classification records, 1959. 1 folder (28 pages) . Call Number: UA 151 Abstract: Collection includes typescript of the preliminary draft of a Mormon subject classification schedule, consisting of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd summaries. Lloyd, Wesley P. Lloyd, Wesley P. Papers, 1933-1976. 15 boxes (7.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 86 Abstract: Includes personal files and publications, some professional files relating to his positions at BYU, records of his position at USIU San Diego, records of his position with the Center for Educational Renewal, and other records. ———. Records, 1946-1960. 17 boxes (8.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 183 Abstract: Collections includes correspondence, minutes, memoranda, pamphlets, reports, publications, and agendas concerning admissions and credits, assemblies, athletics and the athletic council, discontinuance of students, orientation, attendance and scholarship, budget, buildings and groungs, counseling services, food service, foreign students, health services, Honor code, housing, Indian students, personnel services, public relations, scheduling, scholarships, security, registration, statistics, veterans affairs, and "Y" day. Ludlow, Alice Ludlow, Alice. Oral history interview, March 26, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 92 Abstract: Interview by DeNeece Guerney with Alice Ludlow discussing her family background, conversion, education, marriage, and attitudes about the feminist movement. Lund, Anthony C. Lund, Anthony C. Notebooks, 1888-1890. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 423 Abstract: Includes lecture and lesson materials on philosophy of education. Madsen, Florence Jepperson Florence J. Madsen 86th birthday tribute1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 48 Abstract: Proceedings of tribute to Florence Madsen. Includes guest appearances by friends, former classmates and students, and an adopted daughter. Also musical numbers, including renditions of three of Mrs. Madsen's compositions, and climaxed by remarks by the honoree. Madsen, Florence Jepperson. Papers, 1901-1971. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 571 Abstract: Includes personal correspondence, articles, programs, newsclippings, yearbooks, scrapbooks, poetry, resumes, tributes, journals, photographs, patriarchal blessings, and biographical materials. Also includes published, unpublished, and workcopy music manuscripts by the Madsens. ———. Photograph collection, 1900-1946. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 8 Abstract: Photographs collected by BYU music faculty members depicting their musical activities before, during and after coming to BYU. ———. Records, 1901-1971. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 571, UAP 8 Abstract: Includes personal correspondence, articles, programs, newsclippings, yearbooks, scrapbooks, poetry, resumes, tributes, journals, photographs, patriarchal blessings, and biographical materials. Also includes published, unpublished, and workcopy music manuscripts by the Madsens. Madsen, Franklin Madsen, Florence Jepperson. Photograph collection, 1900-1946. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 8 Abstract: Photographs collected by BYU music faculty members depicting their musical activities before, during and after coming to BYU. Madsen, Harold S. Madsen, Harold S. A quarter century of TESL at BYU : a focus on tesl roots, 1992. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 76 Abstract: History of teaching english as a second language (TESL) at Brigham Young University. Maeser, Emil Maeser, Emil. Papers, 1886-1893. 1 fd . Call Number: UA 236 Abstract: Collection includes a notebook containing various essays, reports and schedules. Maeser, Karl G. Brigham Young Academy. Dedicatory exercises of the Brigham Young Academy Building, 1892. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 33 Abstract: Contains the description of the dedicatory exercises and the farewell speech given by Karl G. Maeser, 1892. Brigham Young University. The Maeser Memorial, ca. 1910. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 66 Abstract: This is a small pamphlet describing the efforts in creating and funding a memorial for Karl G. Maeser. The last page is a donation slip. Card, Zina Young Williams. Papers, 1879. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 221 Abstract: Collection includes a series of normal notes from lectures given by Karl Maeser. Crandall, Evelyn Maeser. Oral history interview, June 26, 1964. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 63 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Eva M. Crandall, teacher and poet, concerning recollections of her father, Karl G. Maeser, and the BYA which she attended as a student, 1881-1899. ———. Oral history interviews, 1961-1964. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 64 Abstract: Collection of four separate monologues by Eva Maeser Crandall discussing her father and her mother, Anna Mieth, the Academy and school life, and her poem, "Karl G. Maeser." Gates, Susa Young. Reminiscences of Brigham Young Academy, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 594 Abstract: Contains an article on the origin of the Music department by Susa Young Gates; recollections of teaching in the Primary department by Anna Smoot Taylor; a brief overview of the Ladies Work department by Jennie Tanner; and a tribute to A. O. Smoot (authorship unknown). Harrington, Daniel H. Letter, pamphlet and reminiscence from Daniel Harrington, ca. 1915. 1 folder (3 items) . Call Number: UA 317 Abstract: Includes a published pamphlet which appraises the work of Karl Maeser; a letter to Franklin Harris concerning the Maeser celebration in Provo in 1915; and his personal reminiscences of Provo and the Brigham Young Academy from 18791881. ———. Report, 1879-1880. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 218 Abstract: Collection includes a report card of Harrington's class grades signed by Karl Maeser and James Talmage. Hoyt, Forrest T. Papers, 1972 Aug. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 289 Abstract: Collection includes a typewritten research paper concerning the Brigham Young Academy Domestic Department written for a history seminar taught by Eugene Campbell. Maeser, Karl G. Records, 1876-1892. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: This collection includes photocopies of microfilm copies of the originals as preserved in the Church Historical Department in Salt Lake City. Included are a few original letters prior to 1875. Represented in the collection are letters, letter press books, and reports concerning LDS Stake Boards of Education, dedication of BYA buildings, appointment of Benjamin Cluff as assistant principal of BYA, LDS seminaries and academies, BYA administrative matters, and applicants seeking Church School admissions or faculty positions. Maeser, Reinhard. Karl G. Maeser; a biography by his son, Reinhard Maeser. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 157 Abstract: Biography of Karl G. Maeser, second principal of Brigham Young Academy. Mitchell, Beatrice Maeser. Oral history interview, Sept. 29, 1980. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 38 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Beatrice M. Mitchell, regarding her grandfather Karl G. Maeser, her father Reinhard Maeser, and herself. Tobler, Douglas F. Karl G. Maeser lecture, Sept. 18, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 55 Abstract: Lecture by Dr. Douglas F. Tobler concerning Karl G. Maeser as a man and educator at Brigham Young Academy. Maeser, Karl G., 1828-1901 Advent of Karl G. Maeser, n. d.1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 30 Abstract: This is a brief biography of Karl Maeser. Maeser, Karl Gilbert Maeser, Karl Gilbert. Petition for advanced credit, 1909. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 340 Abstract: Includes a petition for advanced credit at BYU. Also includes a list of classes and credit hours from the Murdoch Academy. Maeser, Reinhard Maeser, Reinhard. Karl G. Maeser; a biography by his son, Reinhard Maeser. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 157 Abstract: Biography of Karl G. Maeser, second principal of Brigham Young Academy. Magleby, Heber L. Magleby, Heber L. Journals and correspondence of Heber L. Magleby during his time as a member of the Brigham Young Academy South American Expedition, 1900-1902. 5 folders . Call Number: UA 363 Abstract: Journals and correspondence document Heber L. Mableby's experience with the Brigham Young Academy South American Expedition. Marketing Dept. Howe, Orvil. Consumer buying practices : with reference to buying goods by brand. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 412 Abstract: Marketing survey conducted by students for a class at BYU. Marketing Dept. Studies and papers, 1937-1940. 4 folders . Call Number: UA 512 Abstract: Includes twenty-two student papers written for marketing classes of Weldon Taylor. Also includes two studies published by BYU College of Business entitled "Consumer Buying Practices: A Survey of Provo, Utah, 1947," and "A Study of the Radio Listening Habits of the People in Utah County." ———. A study of the radio listening habits of the people in Utah County, Utah, 1940. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 42 Abstract: Study conducted by Weldon J. Taylor, instructor, concerning the radio listening habits of the people in Utah County, Utah with the assistance of Alpha Kappa Psi. Markham, Maud Dixon Markham, Maud Dixon. Oral history interview, July 28, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 119 Abstract: Interview by Lucille Thorne with Maud Dixon Cullimore concerning her childhood, education at BYU, marriage to Fred Markham, and experiences at BY High as a teacher. Speaks about her association with BY High and BYU. Marriott School of Management Marriott School of Management. Correspondence, 1978-1982. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 664 Abstract: Correspondence and memos from 1978-82. ———. Executive lecture series, n. d. 4 cartons . Call Number: UA 718 Abstract: Includes Executive lectures, Entreprenuer lectures, Financial lectures, International lectures, and Real Estate lectures. ———. External relations files, 1991-1993. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 834 Abstract: Contains fund raising information; committee meeting minutes, 19921993; "1991-1992 Year in Review"; and other papers. ———. Records, 1962-1985, 1971-1980. 58 boxes (29 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 711 Abstract: Includes correspondence and records from the office of the Dean, the departments, graduate programs, and other School of Management organizations and projects. Wistisen, Martin J. Papers and publications of Martin J. Wistisen, 1970-ca. 1980. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 682 Abstract: Collection documents the career and activities of Martin J. Wistisen. Wistisen was a professor with the BYU School of Management. Marshall, Milton Marshall, Milton. Papers, 1947-1961. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 387 Abstract: Papers, correspondence, notes, and photographs regarding teaching, research, and administration at Brigham Young University. The correspondence deals with various university matters. Martin, Thomas L. Martin, Thomas L. Papers, 1924-1950. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 98 Abstract: Includes correspondence, scrapbook items, published writings, and copies of photographs. Mascots Brigham Young University. Campus photographs, 1920s. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1007 Abstract: This collection consists of 46 photographs (mostly 8 x 10s) that document campus life in the 1920s. Subjects include Cleo and Tarbo (early BYU cougar cub mascots), the construction of Heber J. Grant Library, lower campus, and student activities. Also included are photographs of Mount Timpanogos. ———. Pennants, [ca. 1920s-1970s]. 3 items . Call Number: UA 873 Abstract: Collection of three pennants. One pennant contains the Brigham Young University logo, one includes a representation of Cosmo, the school mascot, and one includes school initials. ———. Single photo file, 1890s-1980s. 25 boxes (12.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 869 Abstract: Contains images of students, faculty, activities, and organizations at Brigham Young University. Includes images of alumni; student officers; Alpine Summer School; assemblies; devotionals; BYU Bookstore; BYU-Hawaii; campus royalty; views of campus, including aerial views; building dedications; cheerleaders and other pep groups; Cosmo, the school mascot; individual colleges; dance groups; live cougars; exhibits; faculty; Board of Trustees; homecoming parades; Leadership Week; Education Week; ROTC; instrumental and vocal performing groups; dramatic productions; school registration; Program Bureau; clubs; debate team; Benjamin Cluff's South American expedition; Timp Hike; and Y-Day. ———. Stickers, [ca. 1960s]-1996. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 831 Abstract: Stickers relating to Brigham Young University. Sticker images include the BYU logo, Cosmo, the school mascot, and the "Lighting the Way" fund-raising campaign. Brigham Young University Magazine. Reminiscence of BYU students, faculty and alumni, [1937-1990]. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 864 Abstract: Responses to an advertisement placed in the BYU Magazine requesting recollections concerning the JFK assassination, the space shuttle Challenger explosion, campus working experiences, social life, Y Bell, Y Days, BYU mascot, lighting the Y, dating, places of hangouts, Persian Gulf War, Intermountain Association of College and University Residence Halls (IACURH) conference, Preference Ball dances, KBYU, and World War II. Dept. of Athletics. Records, 1925-1928. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 62 Abstract: Collection includes typescript news release and a program announcing the acquisition of two cougar kittens to become mascots. It also includes their dispositions and names. Maw, Margaret Maw, Margaret. Oral history interview, Jan. 19, 1965. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 8 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Margaret P. Maw, teacher, author, and housewife, concerning her experiences growing up in Deseret, Utah, and as a student and teacher at the Brigham Young Academy. McDonald, Howard Stevenson Eyring, Carl F. Papers, 1943-1950. 5 folders . Call Number: UA 507 Abstract: Includes correspondence concerning research projects, annual department budgets, personal opinions as to the future of BYU. Also includes records of a farewell reception and address given in behalf of President and Mrs. Howard S. McDonald. McDonald, Howard Stevenson. Letter, 1953. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 90 Abstract: Collection includes a letter from McDonald to LaVieve H. Earl, concerning accomplishments during McDonald's administration as president of Brigham Young University 1945 to 1949, dated April 22, 1953. ———. Records, 1945-1949. 20 boxes (10 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, personnel files, academic and administrative proposals, minutes of meetings, financial records, subject files, and campus plans concerning such subjects as appointment and inauguration as president, quarter-semester problem, faculty matters, PTA Selective Services classification, student assistants, personnel, Alumni Association, various colleges and departments of the university, Dean of Students, buildings and grounds, Summer School, and Special Services. McDonald Student Health Center McDonald Student Health Center. McDonald Student Health Center reports, 19661989. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 819 Abstract: Eleven reports concerning various topics such as student and faculty views of BYU counseling and health centers; quality of clinical services; statistics of marital status, age, dependents, year in college, gender, employment status, and other factors; insurance coverage; and finances. Also includes a brief chronology of the history of the McDonald Health Center. ———. Records, 1940-1959. 7 folders . Call Number: UA 499 Abstract: Includes reports, records and correspondence concerning the operation of the Health Center. Media Services Dept. of Audio-Visual Communications. Program requirements for the campus audio system wiring, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 365 Abstract: Includes a brief history of audio recording at BYU, a map of the campus audio system wiring, and audio system program requirements, specifications, recommendations and estimated costs. Financial Services. Minutes, 1971-1983. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: PM 31 Abstract: Division of Financial Services minutes, 1971-1974 and Division of Media Services minutes, 1973-1983. Media Services. Council meeting minutes, 1992-1994. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 103 Abstract: Minutes from the Media Services Council meetings. ———. Council minutes, 1995-1996. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 970 Abstract: This collection contains minutes from the Media Services Council. ———. Department records, 1968-1991. 17 boxes (8.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 992 Abstract: This collection includes records from the Department of Media Services including correspondence, financial records, meeting minutes, and other departmental records. ———. Media Services Council minutes, 1994-1995. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 57 Abstract: Minutes of the Media Council of the Media Services Division. ———. Records, 1974-1992. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: PM 27 Abstract: Minutes of Computer Guidance Council, Broadcast Services, and Media Services also has a monthly programming guide to KBYU. ———. Records of the director, 1966-1982. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 727 Abstract: Includes correspondence of W.D. Farnsworth and Darrel Monson. Memorial Hall Alumni Association. Memorial Hall dedication files, 1980-1983. 9 folders . Call Number: UA 797 Abstract: Work files concerning dedication for the Memorial Hall in the Ernest L. Wilkinson Center on the BYU campus, honoring students killed during the Korean and Vietnam wars. Most likely files of dedication director, Joyce Baggerly. Files concern: invitation lists, dedication committee, media coverage, research, Freedoms Foundation award, personal responses to the ceremony, and photographs of the memorial plaques. Also includes a copy of the program and accompanying brochure listing students killed in Korean and Vietnam wars; also a brochure listing students killed in World Wars I and II. The second brochure also lists students who served in World War II who were not killed. A previous ceremony for students killed in World War II was held December 8th, 1967. ———. These we honor: scrapbook, 1983. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 921 Abstract: Contains photographs, programs, and transcripts of speeches given at the dedication of an addition to the Memorial Hall in the Ernest L. Wilkinson Center on the BYU campus, held 11 November 1983, for BYU alumni who died in the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Includes speeches by Stephen L. Barrett, executive director of BYU Alumni Association; Greg Fullmer, president of Associated Students of BYU; Joni Littler, daughter of an honoree; Harry A. Wesche, veteran of the Korea and Vietnam military conflicts; Matthew L. Duffin, son of an honoree; Jeffrey R. Holland, president of BYU; and Marion D. Hanks of the First Quorum of the Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Includes text of dedicatory prayer given by Elder Hanks. Also includes photographs of the Memorial Hall, the BYU Air Force ROTC Student Chorus, ROTC honor guard, Jay C. Hess (returned Vietnam POW), Stephen L. Barrett, Joni Littler, Harry A. Wesche, Matthew L. Duffin, Jeffrey R. Holland, Marion D. Hanks, and W. Evan Bateman. Meredith, Leo George Meredith, Leo George. Oral history interview and autobiography, Sept. 3, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 140 Abstract: Interview by Alozo Morley with Leo G. Meredith concerning his childhood in American Fork, education at BYU, and years as employee and manager of Chipman Mercantile Co. Meredith also elaborates on some of his professors at BYU. Merrill, Harrison R. Merrill, Harrison R. Papers, 1924-1929. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 132 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, essays and clippings (photocopies) to and from Merrill concerning his publications in newspapers and periodicals, the Alpine Summer School, Brigham Young University athletics, curricula and religious atmosphere. Millet, W. Floyd Millet, W. Floyd. Oral history, 1992. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 172 Abstract: Millet tells about attending Brigham Young University and about his career teaching there. ———. Oral history interview, Feb. 1, 1979. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 31 Abstract: Interview by Edwin R. Kimball with Floyd W. Millet concerning his experiences playing basketball at Gila Junior College and BYU, and his later experiences as a coach at Davis High School and BYU. Miner, Caroline Eyring Miner, Caroline Eyring. Oral history interview, April 30, 1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 138 Abstract: Interview by Donna Sorenson with Caroline Eyring Miner concerning her childhood in the Mormon Colonies in Juarez, student experiences at BYU, family and marriage, public school teaching experiences, and Church work. Missionary Training Center College of General Studies. Missionary Training Center annual report, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 807 Abstract: Annual report documenting the history of the Missionary Training Center, lists, graphs, charts, outlines, and statistics. Mitchell, Beatrice Maeser Mitchell, Beatrice Maeser. Oral history interview, Sept. 29, 1980. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 38 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Beatrice M. Mitchell, regarding her grandfather Karl G. Maeser, her father Reinhard Maeser, and herself. Moffitt, John Clifton Moffitt, John Clifton. Oral history interview, July 28, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 24 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with John C. Moffitt regarding his experiences as a teacher and superintendent of schools in Utah from the 1930s through the 1960s. Also reflects on his experiences with the BYU College of Education. Monson, Darrel J. Monson, Darrel J. Slide collection, 1965-1975. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 18 Abstract: Slides of campus scenes and media and class instructional materials. Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum Daily Universe. Heritage edition dedicated to the opening of the Bean Museum, 1978. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 113 Abstract: Contains articles about the M.L. Science Museum, the dedication, and its namesake Monte L. Bean. Tanner, Wilmer W. History of the Life Science Museum movement at Brigham Young University, 1900-1980. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 117 Abstract: Brief history of the Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum. ———. Oral history, 1983-1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 114 Abstract: The material gives a brief sketch of Tanner's life and concentrates on the time he served as a professor of zoology at Brigham Young University. He mentions his relationship with Monte L. Bean which was instrumental in Bean's donation of his animal trophies and the building of the Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum. He also reflects upon certain experiences with Ernest L. Wilkinson. Montgomery, David C. Montgomery, David C. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 164 Abstract: Montgomery describes why he chose to teach at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the History Department and talks about different aspects of his career including his love affair with Near Eastern Studies. Moore, Dorothy P. Moore, Dorothy P. Oral history interview, March 27, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 89 Abstract: Interview by Cynthia Livingston with Dorothy Moore discussing basic biographical data, education and attitudes concerning the feminist movement. Morley, Alonzo J. Morley, Alonzo J. Oral history interview, March 7, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 66 Abstract: Self-interview of Alonzo J. Morley concerning his childhood in Moroni, Utah, and family and genealogical information. Also talks about life in Provo, Utah; his work in the BYU Department of Public Speaking and Dramatic Arts developing the Speech Pathology program; also his participation in dramatic productions, and descriptions of his world travels. Morrill, A. Reed Morrill, A. Reed. Papers, 1946-1959. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 454 Abstract: Includes personal, committee and research correspondence; department minutes, agendas, reports, studies, and contracts. Also includes contracts, correspondence and reports of the Point IV Program in Iran. ———. A. Reed Morrill oral history interview, Aug. 12, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 29 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with A. Reed Morrill concerning his experiences as a BYU student in the late 1920s; and as a member of the Utah State Board of Education, and as a member of the BYU College of Education. Morrison, Carl Morrison, Carl. Selected correspondence and autobiographical materials, n. d. 2 folders . Call Number: UA SC 11 Abstract: Contains brief autobiographical material. Correspondence limited to expressions of gratitude from Ernest Wilkinson and other administrators. James Carl Morrison served as BYU Grounds Superintendent, 1954-1973. Motion Picture Studio Motion Picture Studio. Alamo : The Price of Freedom, a music master tape, 1987. 1 tape . Call Number: UA 887 Abstract: Contains background music of the movie produced by Kieth Merrill. ———. Audiovisual production files, n. d. 80 cartons and 8 oversize items . Call Number: UA 940 Abstract: Films made for BYU ranging from informational videos about BYU (about the honor code or BYU projects) to instructional videos. ———. Flip chart, 1957. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 850 Abstract: Flip chart describes the facilities of the Motion Picture Studio, its productions and their distribution. ———. Production files, [ca. 1946-1991]. 99 cartons . Call Number: UA 893 Abstract: Paper files relating to films, videos and filmstrips produced by the studio. Includes scripts, correspondence, and financial papers. Arranged by project number. The collection is incomplete and the files for some productions are absent. Productions were made for BYU, the LDS Church and others. Mountain States Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Mountain States Intercollegiate Athletic Conference. Program for the Mountain States Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Track and Field Meet, 1940. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 27 Abstract: The meet was held in the University of Utah Stadium on May 24 and 25, 1940. The Mountain States Intercollegiate Athletic Conference consisted of Colorado University, Colorado State A.C., Denver University, Wyoming University, Brigham Young University, Utah State Agricultural College, and the University of Utah. Murdoch Academy de Jong, Gerrit. Oral history interview, Aug. 8, 1978. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 33 Abstract: An interview by Mark K. Allen with Gerrit de Jong Jr., BYU dean and professor. Reflections of his childhood and teaching experiences at the Murdock Academy and BYU. He discusses his role in organizing the College of Fine Arts, and his associations with faculty and administrators. Maeser, Karl Gilbert. Petition for advanced credit, 1909. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 340 Abstract: Includes a petition for advanced credit at BYU. Also includes a list of classes and credit hours from the Murdoch Academy. Murdoch Academy. Papers, 1908-1922. 3 folders . Call Number: UA 241 Abstract: Collection includes invitations and announcements, programs, annuals, yearbooks, constitution and by-laws, and school songs. ———. Records, 1917-1922. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 244 Abstract: Collection includes the 1917 (2 copies), 1918 and 1922 editions of "The Meteor," the yearbook of the Academy. ———. Records, 1922-1923. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 152 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence between Murdock Academy and Brigham Young University concerning credit transfers and evaluations. Museum of Art Museum of Art. Weisenbach collection records, n. d. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 707 Abstract: Object worksheets, provenance records and correspondence concerning the Weisenbach collection. Museums Brigham Young University. Natural History Museum catalog, [ca. 1912]-1917. 9 folders . Call Number: UA 912 Abstract: Listing of nine categories of material acquired by the museum: works of art, books, large animal specimens, fossils, insects, historical artifacts, organic products, small animal and plant specimens, and mollusks. Entries are retroactive to as early as 1873. Historical artifacts section includes several entries relating to guns and to Latter-day Saint history. Daily Universe. Heritage edition dedicated to the opening of the Bean Museum, 1978. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 113 Abstract: Contains articles about the M.L. Science Museum, the dedication, and its namesake Monte L. Bean. Tanner, Wilmer W. History of the Life Science Museum movement at Brigham Young University, 1900-1980. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 117 Abstract: Brief history of the Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum. Mutual Improvement Association Mutual Improvement Association. Records of the Young Men's and Young Women's Mutual Improvement Associations at Brigham Young University, 19401941. 2 volumes . Call Number: UA 224 Abstract: Contains the minutes, program notes, history, and news clippings of the weekly M.I.A. assemblies held at BYU. National Exchange Club National Exchange Club. Complete texts of the Freedom Shrine documents, ca. 1970. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 73 Abstract: Includes printed texts of the 28 documents which comprise the Freedom Shrine. Neff, Andrew Love Neff, Andrew Love. School papers, 1900-1903. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 406 Abstract: Includes account records for fund raising for the library, a draft of correspondence used to solicit funds for a new gymnasium, a bank passbook with canceled checks, an account book for the new gymnasium, a financial ledger, and a draft of a school or class song. Nelson, Joseph H. Nelson, Joseph H. Papers, 1925. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) and 15 blueprints . Call Number: UA 172 Abstract: Collection includes blueprints, drawings, correspondence, and a report concerning bids, building plans and specifications for the Heber J. Grant Library. Nelson, Lowry Nelson, Lowry. Letter, 1954. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 292 Abstract: Letter from Lowry Nelson to T. Earl Pardoe describing a brief history and overview of the BYU Extension division. Nelson was, at the time, a professor of sociology at the University of Minnesota. ———. Oral history interview, Sept. 3, 1963. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 1 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Lowry Nelson, first director of the BYU Extension Services, concerning the development of the Extension Center and Social Unit systems at BYU, 1921-1935. Also includes activities since leaving BYU. New World Archaeological Foundation Bentley, Joseph T. Administrative records, 1952-1969. 158 boxes and 31 volumes (89 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 878 Abstract: Includes files concerning university budget, LDS Church School System, campus colleges and departments, faculty, staff, fund-raising, administrative meetings, students, Treasurer's Office, New World Archaeological Foundation, and athletics. Also includes files relative to Church schools in Mexico and in the Pacific, and some of Bentley's personal files. Includes significant amounts of correspondence with Ernest L. Wilkinson (president of BYU) and others. Newell, Myron C. Newell, Myron C. Oral history interview, April 24, 1964. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 11 Abstract: Interview by Newbern Butt with Myron C. Newell concerning the Brigham Young Academy buildings, facilities, faculty and student activities. News Bureau Butterworth, Edwin. A Brief history of the Brigham Young University News Bureau, 1972. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 116 Abstract: History of the public relations arm of BYU, formerly called the New Bureau, currently named Public Communications. Culmsee, Carlton Fordis. Oral history interview, Nov. 16, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 71 Abstract: Interview by Oliver Smith with Carlton Culmsee regarding his family background, his schooling, his work at BYU with the development of the journalism department, publicity, and the BYU Extension division and his work at Utah State University as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Public Communications Dept. Records, 1951-1979. 56 boxes (28 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 586 Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes, financial records, and other materials relating to the operation of the University's news bureau and public relations. Also contains copies of news clippings and articles concerning the University and various issues attached to the University. Contains Lyceum files, and VIP files. Newspapers Associated Students of Brigham Young University. The Daily Universe Microform, 1969-. 22 volumes . Call Number: UA 641 Abstract: Daily newspaper published by Brigham Young University. Daily Universe. Negatives, 1963-1979. 80 boxes (40 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 787 Abstract: Negatives of photos that appeared in the Daily Universe. Seventh East Press. Papers, 1981-1983. 10 boxes (5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 609 Abstract: Publication materials, illustrations, materials not used, correspondence, subscription requests, documents related to advertising and finances, and miscellaneous materials. It was planned that the newspaper would come out weekly, but its actual publication was much more irregular. In December 1982 no items were published. Nicholes, Henry Joseph Nicholes, Henry Joseph. Oral history, 1991. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 161 Abstract: Nicholes talks about his childhood in St. George, his educational background, his career as a teacher at Brigham Young University, his two marriages, and his spiritual feelings. Nixon, Lorraine L. Nixon, Lorraine L. Oral history interview, April 1, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 87 Abstract: Interview by Tammy Compton with Lorraine Nixon, discussing basic biographical information, education, career, and attitudes about the feminist movement. North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Records, 1931-1933. 1 folder (8 items) . Call Number: UA 127 Abstract: Collection includes evaluations of Brigham Young University concerning athletics, physical education, scholarships, awards and loans granted to student athletes. Nuttal, L. John Nuttal, L. John. Records, 1926-1927. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence and reports made while acting president of BYU concerning such subjects as Association of American Colleges, accreditation, BYU employees, student statistics, student body government, campus buildings, Extension Services, library finances, standards, gifts, scholarships, and student loans. Oaks, Carol Oaks, Carol. Our American negro : study of the dialect of the American negro, 1941. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 108 Abstract: Study of the dialect of the American negro. Oaks, Dallin H. Assistant to the President. Papers of Bruce C. Hafen, 1971-1977. 38 boxes (19 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 735 Notes: Restricted permission required Bruce Hafen or President's office. Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes, contracts, legal case reports, speeches, Bass-Billings research papers, drafts of the Honor Code, materials for religion and law classes, and research materials for the biography of Dallin H. Oaks. Oaks, Dallin H. Records, 1971-1980. 362 boxes (181 linear ft.) . Abstract: Correspondence, memoranda, reports, news clippings and other records documenting Oaks' tenure as President of Brigham Young University. Office of Comptroller Bentley, Joseph T. Correspondence, 1952-1969. 31 volumes . Abstract: Includes correspondence concerning the Administrative Council, budget, bulletins and publications, reports, requests, Church School System, colleges, appointments, contracts, salary information, recruitment, faculty retirement, funds and grants, Board of Trustees meetings, Deans Council, Investment Committee, Missionary Training, BYU New World Archaeology Foundation, Patent Committee, presidency, Staff Personnel, Auxiliary Services, Bookstore, Campus Planning Development, Extension Division, Public Service, traffic, students, treasurers office, Ernest L. Wilkinson, admissions and records, Alumni Association, assemblies and lyceums, athletics, Audio Visual Center, Chamber of Commerce, LDS Church Financial and Auditing Departments, home study, sabbatical leaves, Special Courses and Conferences, News Bureau, and Credit Union. Bernhard, John T. Correspondence and subject files, 1958-1966. 24 boxes (12 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence and subject files concerning university administration, admissions and records, AFROTC, Alumni Association, assemblies, Auxiliary Services, biographical information, businesses and companies, BYU committees, church, civil defense, colleges, comptroller, contributions, faculty, federal aid to education, government, institutes, Placement Bureau, policies, public relations, publications, speeches, Student Personnel Services, and other universities. Office of Information Technology Office of Information Technology. Audiovisual collection, 1978-2000. 11 cartons . Call Number: UA 951 Abstract: Audio and video footage of annual university conferences, forum lectures, dramatic productions, building dedications, firesides, symposia, and other events. Includes materials in following formats: VHS, DVC, CD, 3/4 in. tape, Betacam SP, Hi8, Video 8, mini DV, audiocassette, DVC Pro, and 8 mm. Office of Research and Creative Activities Office of Research and Creative Activities. Annual reports, 1992-1997. 3 volumes . Call Number: UA 748 Abstract: Financial summary of research projects conducted at Brigham Young University that were funded by sources outside the university, for the years 1991-92, 1995-96, and 1997. Includes total figures for the university and specific data for each college or school on campus. ———. Model for directing scholarly work at Brigham Young University, [ca. 1995]. 1 item . Call Number: UA 757 Abstract: Guidelines for faculty in pursuing scholarly work at the university. Prepared by Gary R. Hooper and J. Bevan Ott. ———. Staff meeting minutes, 1980-1993. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 853 Abstract: Includes lists of employees's goals, assignments, work schedules, special projects, travel plans, requests and vacation time. Also contains inquiries into office improvements and concerns. Office of the President Office of the President. BYU inaugural speeches and responses, 1921-1989. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 19 Abstract: Contains inaugural speeches and responses by presidents Harris, McDonald, Wilkinson, Oaks, Holland, and Lee. (Rex Lee, 27 October 1989; Dallin Oaks, 4 May 1971; Jeffrey Holland, 14 November 1980; Ernest Wilkinson, 8 October 1951; Howard McDonald, 14 November 1945; Franklin Harris, 17 October 1921.) ———. Correspondence and files of Carolyn J. Rasmus, 1970-1982. 15 boxes (7.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 657 Abstract: Correspondence and files of Carolyn J. Rasmus, Executive Assistant to the President. ———. Letters, 1905-1906. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 597 Abstract: Includes form letters from the BYU presidency announcing a farmers' class and a letter of introduction to labor in the interests of Church schools. ———. Pictorial report of the President of Brigham Young University and the administrator of other areas of the Unified Church School System to Aug. 31, 1961. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 434 Abstract: A pictorial report concerning the LDS Church School System, the Board of Trustees, Executive Committee, BYU Presidents, and Church buildings. ———. Re-accreditation files, 1985-1986. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 627 Abstract: These files document the re-accreditation of Brigham Young University. The files also include the self study reports made in conjunction with reaccreditation ———. Records, 1905-1921. 1 folder (2 items) . Call Number: UA 204 Abstract: Collection includes academic year Presidents' reports concerning Brigham Young University organization and objectives. ———. Report of the presidency of the Brigham Young University for the twentyeighth academic year, 1903-1904. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 323 Abstract: Includes the president's report of the faculty, students, curricula, facilities, and finances for 1903-1904. ———. Reports, 1892-1949. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 726 Abstract: Includes information on enrollment, academic courses and curriculum, finances, buildings and real estate, etc. Includes reports from Presidents Cluff, Brimhall, Harris, Nuttall (Acting), Jensen (Acting), and McDonald. ———. Rex E. Lee inauguration files, 1989. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 812 Abstract: Correspondence, programs, speeches, and files concerning the inauguration of Rex E. Lee. ———. Salaries, budget, and finances of Brigham Young University, 1939-1943. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 120 Abstract: Includes enrollment records and financial reports, and discussion and dissent about faculty salaries during the tenure of president Franklin Harris. Olpin, Albert Ray Olpin, Albert Ray. Oral history interview, Aug. 13, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 121 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with A. Ray Olpin concerning his student experiences at BYU. Also includes life experiences after BYU. Olsen, Bruce L. Olsen, Bruce L. Journal, 1979. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 439 Abstract: Journal of Olsen's trip to China with the BYU Young Ambassadors. Oral history Florence J. Madsen 86th birthday tribute1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 48 Abstract: Proceedings of tribute to Florence Madsen. Includes guest appearances by friends, former classmates and students, and an adopted daughter. Also musical numbers, including renditions of three of Mrs. Madsen's compositions, and climaxed by remarks by the honoree. Funeral services for Hannah S. Jones, May 4, 19641 volume . Call Number: UA OH 12 Abstract: Includes eulogies delivered by Harold R. Clark and T. Earl Pardoe. ABC Employee Orientation and Information Committee. Retirement and insurance meeting, June 28, 1967. 1 reel to reel tape . Call Number: UA OH 53 Abstract: Audio tape of Kiefer Sauls answering questions about retirement and insurance. Allen, James B. Oral history, 1988-1989. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 157 Abstract: Allen describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department, discusses different aspects of his career, and describes his contributions to the History Department and the University. Allen, Mark K. Oral history interview, March 22, 1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 128 Abstract: Interview by Karl Young with Mark K. Allen concerning his early life, family, grandfather, time as a student at BYU, education, and experiences at BYU as a professor and counselor. Alley, Stephen L. Oral history interview, Aug. 2, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 23 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Stephen L. Alley, BYU professor, concerning his experiences as a member of the BYU College of Education since 1965. Allred, Berna B. Oral history interview, March 22, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 103 Abstract: Interview by Kim Jensen with Berna Allred, secretary, discussing her family background, education, career, marriage, children, and her attitudes concerning the feminist movement. Alumni Association. Emeritus Club oral history project records, 1983. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 1001 Abstract: Correspondence and other materials relating to a joint oral history project between the Brigham Young University Archives and the Alumni Association's Emeritus Club. These records are not comprehensive. Anderson, Blaine. Lecture, Aug. 21, 1967. 1 reel to reel tape . Call Number: UA OH 56 Notes: most of the tape is inaudible Abstract: Discussion and casual lecture by Blaine Anderson, BYU Credit Union employee, to the BYU faculty concerning the Credit Union--its purpose and services. Anderson, Harold. Oral history interview, Jan. 31, 1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 120 Abstract: Interview by John Quist with Harold Anderson concerning his early life, education at BYU, employment, and subsequent recruitment by President Wilkinson. Largely deals with his role as Director of Planning and Physical Facilities at BYU. Anderson, Helen R. Oral history interview, March 15, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 91 Abstract: An interview by Roselle Hamblin with Helen Anderson, seamstress, discussing biographical information and attitudes concerning the feminist movement. Bascom, Earl W. Oral history, 1992. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 171 Abstract: Bascom tells about his life in Vernal, Utah and in Alberta. He also talks about his various careers including that of an artist and that of a cowboy. Bascom also comments on various other artists. Bennett, Richard Edmond. Oral history interview, Jan. 20, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 75 Abstract: Interview by David Whittaker with Richard Bennett, historian, discussing his role and responsibilities relating to the research and writing of the Brigham Young University Centennial History, including opinions on co-workers on the project. Berrett, William E. Oral history interview, Jan. 27, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 69 Abstract: Interview by Thomas E. Cheney with William E. Berrett concerning the history of the LDS Church Education System, particularily the Seminary and Institutes program. Also speaks on the development of religious instruction at BYU, his experiences with Ernest wilkinson, and the development of BYU from 19481971. Also discusses the discontinuance of social units at BYU, the organization of BYU wards, and the establishment of the ROTC program. Bissell, Harold Joseph. Oral history interview, Jan. 31, 1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 131 Abstract: Interview by Arthur Chapman with Harold J. Bissell, who recounts his education at BYU and Iowa, and his teaching experiences and thoughts about BYU. Bloxham, V. Ben. Oral history interview, March 11, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 109 Abstract: Interview by Robert Psuik with Ben Bloxham, discussing the genesis and development of the Family and Local History program at BYU. Bowie, George H. Oral history of the Division of University Relations at Brigham Young University, March 9, 1994. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 174 Abstract: Interview by Mark Smith with George Bowie to chart out and understand the history, development and organization of the division of University Relations. Boyer, Francis. Francis Boyer oral history interview, May 19, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 139 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Francis Boyer concerning his childhood, problems with hearing and sight, education, and subsequent employment director of BYU's Audio-visual services. Boyle, William H. Reminiscences, 1946. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 163 Abstract: Boyle describes his childhood, his educational background, his professional affiliation with Brigham Young University, and his spiritual experiences. Bradley, Cleo. Oral history interview, March 4, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 102 Abstract: Interview by Janet Langeland with Cleo Bradley, elementary school teacher, discussing basic biographical information, and attitudes concerning the feminist movement. Bradley, Mildred H. Oral history interview, March 13, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 101 Abstract: Interview by Martha Bradley with Mildred Bradley, housewife and daughter of BYU President Franklin S. Harris. She discusses her family background, education, marriage and children. Brasher, Ruth E. Oral history interview, March 23, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 94 Abstract: Interview by Alice Gardner with Ruth Brasher, discussing basic biographical information, and attitudes concerning the feminist movement. Brewster, Sam F. Oral history interview, Nov. 29, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 118 Abstract: Interview by John Quist with Sam Brewster who speaks about his recruitment by Ernest Wilkinson, and his experiences and administration as director of the BYU Physical Plant. Brimhall, Golden. Oral history interview, Oct. 1, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 50 Abstract: Contains an interview by Mark K. Allen with Golden Brimhall, son of George H. Brimhall, on the subjects of George H. Brimhall, the BYU Training School, and family interests. Britsch, Florence Todd. Life story of Florence Todd Britsch, 1993. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 68 Abstract: Brief autobiography of Florence Todd Britsch. Britsch, Ralph A. Oral history interview, April 4, 1979. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 67 Abstract: Interview by Thomas E. Cheney with Ralph A. Britsch concerning his experiences as a student at BYU, including comments about his teachers, and the development of BYU from 1931 to the present, particularily in the areas of music and drama. Brockbank, Elsie Booth. Oral history interview, July 26, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 51 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Elsie B. Brockbank, daughter of John Edge Booth, regarding her father, his marriages, law career, and family associations with Heber J. Grant and Susa Y. Gates. Brown, Violet J. Oral history interview, May 15-18, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 74 Abstract: Interview by Helen Stark with Violet Brown, educator, discussing her early life in Alpine, Santaquin and Provo, Utah. Also discusses her education, travels, and marriage. Bryner, Loren C. Oral history interview, Aug. 3, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 62 Abstract: Interview by Jay Beck with Loren Bryner concerning his schooling, employment at BYU and Kennecott, and his involvement in science organizations. Budo, Lois Christianson. Oral history interview, March 26, 1978. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 100 Abstract: Interview by McCaye Christianson with Lois Budo, discussing her education, career, marriage and children. Cameron, J. Elliot. Oral reminiscences, April 27, 1990. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 159 Abstract: Oral reminiscences of J. Elliot Cameron on his time as a student at BYU, and experiences as Dean of Student Life. Charles Redd Center for Western Studies. Lecture series collection, 1982-1983. 4 reel to reel tapes . Call Number: UA OH 72 Abstract: Recordings of lectures given Sept. 22, and Nov. 3, 1982; and Jan. 19, and March 9, 1983. Subjects discussed includeed Mormonism and secularization; the Utah Territorial Militia; the influence of Mormonism in Colonia Dublan, Chiuahua, Mexico; and the settlement of Cache and Weber valleys, Utah. Cheney, Tom. Oral history interview, Oct. 10, 1979. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 46 Abstract: Interview by J. Roman Andrus with Tom Cheney, BYU English professor, concerning his teaching experience, his relationship with the faculty and administration, and his paper concerning the Negro and the Mormon Church and subsequent controversy. Christensen, Dean C. Oral history interview, Aug. 2, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 22 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Dean C. Christensen regarding his experiences as a teacher in Duchesne County, Utah during the 1940's and early 1950's, and later as a member of the BYU College of Education. Christensen, N. La Verl. Oral history, 1984-1987. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 162 Abstract: Christensen talks about his educational background, his professional affiliation with various local newspapers in Provo, and his spiritual experiences. Clark III, J. Reuben. Oral history interview, Jan. 19, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 129 Abstract: Interview by Thomas Cheney with J. Reuben Clark III, on his experiences as a student at BYU, and as a professor of French and Latin at BYU. Includes thoughts on several BYU presidents, and his father. Clark, James R. Oral history interview, Jan. 10, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 57 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo J. Morley with James R. Clark concerning his professional assignments, his work on the BYU Centennial History Committee, and his involvement with the Indian Institute program. Also discusses his early life and education. Clarke, A. John. Oral history interview, July 27, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 21 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with A. John Clarke, BYU professor, concerning his experiences as a student at BYU during the late 1930's, and as an instructor and principle of the BY High School in the mid 1940's. Clarke, Rissa M. Oral history interview, April 3, 1978. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 98 Abstract: Interview by Merrilee Browne with Rissa M. Clarke discussing her education, family and career. Cloward, Vera H. Oral history interview, March 22, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 97 Abstract: Interview by Myrna Thornton with Vera Cloward discussing her family background, life in the Mormon Mexican colonies, education, matiage, and attitudes about women and the feminist movement. Cowley, Ruby Dixon. Oral history interview, March 29, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 99 Abstract: Interview by Kerri Huber with Ruby Cowley, discussing her family background, career, and attitudes about the feminist movement. Crandall, Evelyn Maeser. Oral history interview, June 26, 1964. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 63 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Eva M. Crandall, teacher and poet, concerning recollections of her father, Karl G. Maeser, and the BYA which she attended as a student, 1881-1899. ———. Oral history interviews, 1961-1964. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 64 Abstract: Collection of four separate monologues by Eva Maeser Crandall discussing her father and her mother, Anna Mieth, the Academy and school life, and her poem, "Karl G. Maeser." Cullimore, Lloyd L. Oral history, 1978-1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 115 Abstract: The material centers on the 1920s and is mostly concerned with the early years of the BYU health center. Cullimore reminisces about BYU personalities such as Benjamin Cluff and Ernest L. Wilkinson. He talks about student health and also shares his ideas on preventative medicine, nutrition, rest homes, and practical religion. Cullimore, Odessa Allred. Oral history interview, Feb. 12, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 116 Abstract: Interview by Virginia Poulson with Odessa Allred Cullimore concerning her childhood, marriage and family. Speaks on her interest in politics, her election to the state legislature, her involvement with BYU, and Church service. Culmsee, Carlton Fordis. Oral history interview, Nov. 16, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 71 Abstract: Interview by Oliver Smith with Carlton Culmsee regarding his family background, his schooling, his work at BYU with the development of the journalism department, publicity, and the BYU Extension division and his work at Utah State University as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Day, Orville Cox. Oral history interview, Jan. 26, 1965. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 2 Abstract: Interview by Kieth Ward with Orville Cox Day, BYA student and LDS Church leader, concerning his experiences at BYA, his teaching and public life. de Jong, Gerrit. Oral history interview, Aug. 8, 1978. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 33 Abstract: An interview by Mark K. Allen with Gerrit de Jong Jr., BYU dean and professor. Reflections of his childhood and teaching experiences at the Murdock Academy and BYU. He discusses his role in organizing the College of Fine Arts, and his associations with faculty and administrators. De Jong, Thelma Bonham. Oral history interview, July 22, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 26 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Thelma de Jong concerning her experiences as a teacher trainer at BYU during the 1950s and 1960s. Decker, Verena Stevens. Oral history interview, March 25, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 105 Abstract: Interview by Jennie Salisbury with Verena Decker, discussing her life, family background, education, career, church amd missionary service. Dixon, Fred. Oral history interview, Jan. 16, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 61 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo J. Morley with Fred "Buck" Dixon concerning his experiences with BYU athletics and other BYU activities and interests. Includes brief comments about his early life and his family. Dyer, Bonnie Hansen. Oral history interview, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 96 Abstract: Interview by Terri Macy with Bonnie Dyer, discussing basic biographical information, family, education, and attitudes about the feminist movement. Edwards, William F. Oral history interview, Oct. 21, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 122 Abstract: Interview by Oliver Smith with William F. Edwards recounting his early life, education in Utah and New York; his work on Wall Street, tenure at BYU, and further work for the LDS Church and University of Utah. Ellsworth, Betty M. Oral history interview, April 11, 1978. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 95 Abstract: Interview by Lisa Bickmore with Betty Ellsworth, college educator, discussing her education and career in teaching about learning disabilities. Emery, Marjorie Merrill Reeve. Oral history, 1992. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 169 Abstract: Emery tells about attending Brigham Young University, her marriages to Wayne L. Reeve and Wesley F. Emery, her Relief Society callings, her missions to Ireland and to the Liberty Jail Visitors Center, and about living in Kansas and Salt Lake City, Utah. Esplin, Ronald K. Oral history, 1989. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 153 Abstract: Esplin describes his connection with the History Department at BYU, gives an account of his employment with the Joseph Fielding Smith Institute, and discusses different aspects and projects of his career. Fisher, Flora Davis. Oral history interview, July 27, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 25 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Flora Fisher regarding her experiences while teaching at BYU from 1917-1940 and her experiences with the BYU College of Education. Fitzgerald, H. Alvah. Oral history interview, Feb. 6, 1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 124 Abstract: Interview by Oliver Smith with H. Alvah Fitzgerald recounting his education and experiences teaching seminary and religion at BYU. Flammer, Philip M. Oral history, 1989. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 149 Abstract: Flammer describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of his career including his experiences as a pilot and historian for the Air Force. Fletcher, Fern Eyring. Oral history interview, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 70 Abstract: Interview by Scott Hollis with Fern Eyring Fletcher of her recollections of childhood, her father Stephen L. Chipman, various LDS General Authorities, experiences in high school, as a student at BYU, about faculty members at BYU, her teaching experiences at BYU, and her feelings about BYU. Fletcher, Harvey. Oral history interview, Sept. 19, 1968. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 6 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Harvey Fletcher, scientist and teacher, concerning his experiences in Provo, Utah, as a graduate student at the University of Chicago, as a teacher at BYU, and as a bishop and stake president in the New York Stake. Foster, Jeffrey R. Arabic at Brigham Young University : an oral history, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 46 Abstract: Interviews by Jeffrey Foster with Kathleen Andrus, Hugh Nibley, Rey L. Baird, Daniel C. Peterson, Arnold Green, and Dilworth B. Parkinson on the history of the study of Arabic at BYU. Frost, Herbert H. Oral history interview, Dec. 13, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 137 Abstract: Interview by Arthur Chapman concerning his student experiences, war experiences, and graduate education and subsequent appointment as BYU professor of Zoology. Garrard, Agnes W. Oral history interview, March 22, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 93 Abstract: Interview by Enita Torres with Agnes Garrard, discussing basic biographical material, family, education, and attitudes about the feminist movement. Gowans, Fred R. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 151 Abstract: Gowans describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of his career including research on a biography on Andrew Henry and a small book on the contributions of the Warren A. Ferris outline of Western history. Green, Arnold H. Oral history interview, Sept. 13, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 147 Abstract: Interview by Richard Poll with Arnold Green concerning his education and subsequent appointment at BYU. Gubler, Clark J. Interview, 1992. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 167 Abstract: Clark talks about going to school, teaching and doing research in nutritional biochemistry at Brigham Young University. He also talks about doing research at the University of Utah and setting up a graduate program at Kuwait University. Hales, Wayne B. Oral history interview, May 25, 1978. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 30 Abstract: Interview by Edwin R. Kimball with Wayne B. Hales, concerning his experiences as a BYU student, and as a member of the BYU Athletic Council, his family and his experiences with other faculty and administrators at BYU. Halliday, John R. Oral history, 1983-1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 113 Abstract: The material gives a brief sketch of Halliday's life and concentrates on the time he served as a professor of Music at Brigham Young University. He mentions serving as the mission president for the LDS Church in Milan, Italy from 19761979. He also speaks at length about his philosophy of life and his following of LDS Church precepts. Hansen, George Henry. Oral history interview, Feb. 19, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 44 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo Morley with George H. Hansen, geologist, concerning his experiences in Richfield, Utah; as a student at Utah State University, 1915-1918, as a missionary in England, as a faculty member and administrator at BYU from 1927, and on later work at a university in Java. Harmon, Frank Wendell. Oral history interview, 1994. 2 folders . Call Number: UA SC 22 Abstract: Oral history submitted as a part of the BYU Joint Oral History Project. Harris, Colleen Riggs. Oral history interview, March 25, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 106 Abstract: Interview by Stacy Burton with Colleen Harris, discussing her family background, education, career, travels, marriage, family, and attitudes about the feminist movement. Harrison, Bertrand F. Oral history interview, March 15, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 125 Abstract: Interview by David Whittaker with Bertrand F. Harrison concerning his student years at BYU, marriage, graduate school, and the development of the Botany program at BYU. Harrison, Lorna Jensen. Oral history interview, May 31, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 133 Abstract: Interview by David Whittaker with Lorna Harrison who recounts her childhood and education in Provo, marriage to Bertrand Harrison, and her association with BYU. Also talk at length about her parents and their education and association with BYU. Hart, Anna Boss. Oral history interview, Aug. 15, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 28 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Anna Boss Hart, educator, concerning her experiences as a member of the faculty of the BY High School. Hartvigsen, Milton Farrell. Oral history interview, Aug. 31, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 136 Abstract: Interview by Alma Heaton with Milton Hartvigsen concerning his childhood in Idaho, education, administrative duties at BYU, and Church service. Harward, VerDon. Oral history interview, May 26, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 107 Abstract: Interview by Wendy Burnett with VerDon Harward, discussing his career, memories of and working relations with BYU presidents. Also discusses personnel and reminiscences of student activities and pranks. Hayward, Charles Lynn. Oral history, 1983-1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 112 Abstract: The material covers the time that Dr. Hayward was growing up in Paris, Idaho, observations on student life at Brigham Young University in the 1920s, and working on his doctorate at the University of Illinois. Much of the interview covers his tenure in the Zoology department at BYU. He includes his observations on the administration of BYU and his department and gives his impressions of prominent individuals associated with the university including three presidents of that institution. Heaton, Alma. Oral history interview, Sept. 27, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 142 Abstract: Interview by David Whittaker with Alma Heaton, who recounts his childhood in Kanab, education, courtship, military service, and subsequent appointment at BYU. Hedquist, Alex. Oral history interview, April 27, 1964. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 13 Abstract: Interview by Newbern I. Butt with Alexander Hedquist Jr. concerning his experiences as a student at the Brigham Young Academy, c. 1886-1888. Hill, Armin J. Oral history interview, May 25, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 77 Abstract: Interview by Mardin Clark with Armin Hill discussing his responsibilities and administrative activities at BYU. Hill, George R. Oral history interview, Sept. 19, 1968. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 18 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with George R. Hill. Hill discusses his experiences as a student at the BY Academy. Hillam, Ray C. Interview, 2000 Feb. 23. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 181 Abstract: Briefly comments on the China Teachers Program which sent couples to China to teach English beginning in 1989; the International Relations Program, subsequently known as David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies; and the Washington Seminar, which sent students to study in Washington D.C. Also mentions his experience as a Fulbright professor in Vietnam during Vietnam War, and on the "spy scandal" at BYU in the late 1960s. Holbrook, Alsina Elizabeth Brimhall. J. William and Jennie B. Knight / from readings by Alsina E. Brimhall Holbrook. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 177 Abstract: The tape begins with Jennie Holbrook Groberg introducing her mother Alsina Holbrook, who reads excerpts of letters and/or diaries about her sister, Lucy Jane Knight, and brother-in-law, J. William Knight. Alsina Holbrook and Lucy Jane Knight (Jennie) were daughters of George H. Brimhall and Alsina Wilkins. Hoover, Marian M. Oral history interview, March 26, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 88 Abstract: Interview by Kristin Kiipack with Marian M. Hoover discussing basic biographical information, and attitudes about education and the feminist movement. Hunt, Jay B. Oral history interview, July 9, 1994. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 178 Abstract: Interview by Arthur Watkins with Jay B. Hunt, concerning his early life, education, war experiences, career experiences with BYU, the FBI, and teaching in Arizona. Also speaks about his Church service. Izatt, Jan C. Recollections of Ernest L. Wilkinson by his secretary Jan C. Izatt. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 14 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Jan C. Izatt, secretary to Ernest Wilkinson. Includes comments about Wilkinson's personality and work habits, and about her experiences working for Wilkinson. Jacobs, Briant. Interview, 2000 Mar. 3. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 180 Abstract: Comments on his choice of English as a field of study, great American authors, academic freedom at BYU, including controversies in the late 1960s, and participation with his wife in the China Teachers Program sponsored by BYU's David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies, 1983-1984 and 1991-1992. Jacobs, J. Smith. Oral history, 1993. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 168 Abstract: Jacobs tells about attending Brigham Young University from 1928 to 1930 and gives his impressions of the university presidents, Ernest L. Wilkinson and Franklin S. Harris. Jarvis, Joseph Smith. Oral history interview, Oct. 13, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 76 Abstract: Jarvis discusses his experiences at Brigham Young University. Jenkins, Clayton. Oral history interview, Feb. 6, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 49 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Clayton Jenkins discussing Jenkins' involvement with various Chamber of Commerce concerns, and his professional career in the knit goods business. Touches upon some historical aspects of Brigham Young University and its contributions to the area economy. Johnson, David. Written interview, March 1969. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 15 Abstract: Includes reminiscenes of Brigham Young Academy, written questions and answers about experiences as a student, and correspondence between Johnson and Hollis Scott. Johnson, Edith. Oral history, 1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 155 Abstract: Johnson discusses her career at Brigham Young University and her experiences as secretary to Ernest L. Wilkinson. She also comments on Mrs. Wilkinson's involvement in University affairs. Johnson, Marian Ashby. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 156 Abstract: Johnson describes why she chose to teach history at BYU. She gives an account of her employment with the BYU History department and discusses different aspects of her career including her love affair with the Renaissance. Jones, Sarah Fletcher. Oral history interview, April 29, 1965. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 3 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Sarah F. Jones concerning her experiences at the BYA in the 1880s and as a resident of Provo, Utah. Keeler, Daniel. Oral history interview, Feb. 11, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 68 Abstract: Interview by Bertrand Harrison with Daniel Keeler, coal miner and steel worker, concerning the work of his father, Joseph B. Keeler, at BYA and BYU, 1884-1920. Includes comments on the development of BYU, and particularily the construction of campus buildings, and comments about BYU presidents. Also tells of Keeler's experiences as a student at BYU, his family, and the work of his parents in the Utah Stake with the development of Aaronic Priesthood and Relief Society manuals. King, Alma W. Oral history interview, March 8, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 134 Abstract: Interview by Morris Klinger with Alma King concerning his early education at BYU, involvement in sports, marriage, teaching seminary, graduate education, and subsequent appointment as Dean of Students. Kirkham, Francis W. Oral history interview, Feb. 3, 1972. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 19 Abstract: Interview by James R. Clark with Francis Kirkham concerning his experiences at Brigham Young Academy, 1893-1904. ———. Oral history interview, Nov. 4, 1966. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 9 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Francis Kirkham regarding his book "A New Witness for Christ in America," and some recollections of the Brigham Young Academy. Larsen, B. F. Oral reminiscences of Bent F. Larsen. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 111 Abstract: Oral reminiscences of Bent Larsen about his father Bent Rolf Larsen. Also discusses his own later life, including marriage, education and career. Earliest memories commence in the 1880's. Larsen, Martha Geneva Day. Oral reminiscenes of Martha Larsen. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 110 Abstract: Oral reminiscences of Martha Larsen, discussing contents of her journal of 1906, including relatives, genealogy, her father's plural wives, illnesses, chores, and home in Fairview, Utah. Also discusses courtship, marriage, family, education and church activities. Law, Reuben D. Oral history interview, Aug. 22, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 27 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Reuben D. Law concerning his experiences as a professor in the BYU College of Education, 1935-1977. Lewis, Ben E. Oral history interview, Oct. 18-Nov. 17, 1994. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 175 Abstract: Interview by Mark Smith with Ben E. Lewis about his experiences at BYU as a student and administrator. Also gives his background working for the Marriott corporation prior to his career at BYU. Talks at length about Ernest Wilkinson and the administration of the University. Ludlow, Alice. Oral history interview, March 26, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 92 Abstract: Interview by DeNeece Guerney with Alice Ludlow discussing her family background, conversion, education, marriage, and attitudes about the feminist movement. Markham, Maud Dixon. Oral history interview, July 28, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 119 Abstract: Interview by Lucille Thorne with Maud Dixon Cullimore concerning her childhood, education at BYU, marriage to Fred Markham, and experiences at BY High as a teacher. Speaks about her association with BY High and BYU. Maw, Margaret. Oral history interview, Jan. 19, 1965. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 8 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Margaret P. Maw, teacher, author, and housewife, concerning her experiences growing up in Deseret, Utah, and as a student and teacher at the Brigham Young Academy. Meredith, Leo George. Oral history interview and autobiography, Sept. 3, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 140 Abstract: Interview by Alozo Morley with Leo G. Meredith concerning his childhood in American Fork, education at BYU, and years as employee and manager of Chipman Mercantile Co. Meredith also elaborates on some of his professors at BYU. Millet, W. Floyd. Oral history, 1992. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 172 Abstract: Millet tells about attending Brigham Young University and about his career teaching there. ———. Oral history interview, Feb. 1, 1979. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 31 Abstract: Interview by Edwin R. Kimball with Floyd W. Millet concerning his experiences playing basketball at Gila Junior College and BYU, and his later experiences as a coach at Davis High School and BYU. Miner, Caroline Eyring. Oral history interview, April 30, 1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 138 Abstract: Interview by Donna Sorenson with Caroline Eyring Miner concerning her childhood in the Mormon Colonies in Juarez, student experiences at BYU, family and marriage, public school teaching experiences, and Church work. Mitchell, Beatrice Maeser. Oral history interview, Sept. 29, 1980. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 38 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Beatrice M. Mitchell, regarding her grandfather Karl G. Maeser, her father Reinhard Maeser, and herself. Moffitt, John Clifton. Oral history interview, July 28, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 24 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with John C. Moffitt regarding his experiences as a teacher and superintendent of schools in Utah from the 1930s through the 1960s. Also reflects on his experiences with the BYU College of Education. Montgomery, David C. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 164 Abstract: Montgomery describes why he chose to teach at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the History Department and talks about different aspects of his career including his love affair with Near Eastern Studies. Moore, Dorothy P. Oral history interview, March 27, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 89 Abstract: Interview by Cynthia Livingston with Dorothy Moore discussing basic biographical data, education and attitudes concerning the feminist movement. Morley, Alonzo J. Oral history interview, March 7, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 66 Abstract: Self-interview of Alonzo J. Morley concerning his childhood in Moroni, Utah, and family and genealogical information. Also talks about life in Provo, Utah; his work in the BYU Department of Public Speaking and Dramatic Arts developing the Speech Pathology program; also his participation in dramatic productions, and descriptions of his world travels. Morrill, A. Reed. A. Reed Morrill oral history interview, Aug. 12, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 29 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with A. Reed Morrill concerning his experiences as a BYU student in the late 1920s; and as a member of the Utah State Board of Education, and as a member of the BYU College of Education. Nelson, Lowry. Oral history interview, Sept. 3, 1963. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 1 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Lowry Nelson, first director of the BYU Extension Services, concerning the development of the Extension Center and Social Unit systems at BYU, 1921-1935. Also includes activities since leaving BYU. Newell, Myron C. Oral history interview, April 24, 1964. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 11 Abstract: Interview by Newbern Butt with Myron C. Newell concerning the Brigham Young Academy buildings, facilities, faculty and student activities. Nicholes, Henry Joseph. Oral history, 1991. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 161 Abstract: Nicholes talks about his childhood in St. George, his educational background, his career as a teacher at Brigham Young University, his two marriages, and his spiritual feelings. Nixon, Lorraine L. Oral history interview, April 1, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 87 Abstract: Interview by Tammy Compton with Lorraine Nixon, discussing basic biographical information, education, career, and attitudes about the feminist movement. Olpin, Albert Ray. Oral history interview, Aug. 13, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 121 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with A. Ray Olpin concerning his student experiences at BYU. Also includes life experiences after BYU. Pardoe, Kathryn. Oral history interview, July 2, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 132 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo J. Morley with Kathryn Pardoe concerning her childhood, education, life in Utah and Idaho, undergraduate education at Utah State and Henniger's Business College, dating and marriage, and years teaching speech at BYU. Partridge, E. DeAlton. Oral history interview, July 20, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 78 Abstract: Interview by Karl Young with E. DeAlton Partridge, discussing his ancestry, life in Provo, education, career, travels, marriage, and memories of BYU. Partridge, Nell Clark. Oral history interview, July 20, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 108 Abstract: Interview by Helen Stark with Nell Partridge, discussing her early life in Farmington, Utah; her education, career, travels, marriage and children. Partridge, Ruth Louise. Oral history interview, Dec. 18, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 40 Abstract: Interview by Leonard R. Grover with Ruth Partridge, nurse, writer and housewife, concerning her life, schooling, residence and labors in Provo, Utah. Also discusses her father, Ernest D. Partridge, and his teaching experiences at Brigham Young Academy and University. Peterson, Cornelius R. Oral history, 1995. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 176 Abstract: Peterson discusses his employment at Brigham Young University. Peterson, Hugh Wickman. Oral history interview, Nov. 19, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 45 Abstract: Interview by Leonard W. Grover with Hugh W. Peterson concerning his experiences at BYU, with the faculty, the chemistry department, and the administration. Also talks about his family, and his association with Geneva Steel, and his work with the LDS Church Welfare Committee. Poulsen, I. W. Interview, Dec. 26, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 179 Abstract: No information on content was available. Richards, J. Morris. Oral history, 1992. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 173 Abstract: Richards, who was born in 1906, tells about being raised in Arizona and his teaching career at Brigham Young University. Riggs, Robert Edwin. Oral history, 1992. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 170 Abstract: Riggs talks about his education, his law career, his employment at Brigham Young University, and his disagreements with the president of Brigham Young University, Ernest L. Wilkinson. Rollins, Marie H. Oral history interview, Nov. 24, 1965. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 5 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott, with Marie H. Rollins, housewife, concerning experiences as a student at the Beaver Branch of the Brigham Young Academy, 1881-1901. Romney, Antone K. Oral history interview, July 23, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 20 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Antone Romney concerning his experiences as a student at BYU, and later as Dean of Students at BYU. Romney, Gretta P. Oral history interview, March 25, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 90 Abstract: Interview by Shana Habel with Gretta Romney discussing basic biographical information, education and attitudes about the feminist movement. Sardoni, Lawrence W. Oral history interview, Feb. 16, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 141 Abstract: Interview by Bertrand Harrison with Lawrence Sardoni concerning his childhood, education, and experiences as a professor at BYU. He elaborates on the Department of Music and his association with LeRoy Robertson. Sauls, Kiefer B. Oral history interview, June 6, 7, 26th, 1979. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 41 Abstract: Interview by Mark K. Allen with Kiefer Sauls, BYU treasurer, purchasing agent and secretary to three presidents. Topics cover his association with BYU in those capacities over a 51 year period, childhood reminiscences and family data. ———. Oral interview, 1975. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 144 Abstract: Sauls tells about coming to Brigham Young University as a student in 1911 and his employment by that institution from 1920-1972. He presents many personal observations on the growth of BYU and how it was administered during the terms of various presidents. Schulthess, David A. Oral history, 1992. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 166 Abstract: Schulthess talks about his thirty-seven year career as Sports Information Director, including details of racial problems in the sports program, the role of sports in society, and some of his relationships with head figures at Brigham Young University. Scott, Hollis. Oral history interview, Nov. 12, 1968. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 16 Abstract: Interview by Reed Hansen with Hollis Scott, discussing the function and purpose of the BYU University Archives. Sessions, J. Wyley. Oral history interview, Aug. 12, 1972. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 65 Abstract: Interview by Don David Sessions with J. Wyley Sessions concerning his work experiences at BYU, and in starting the LDS Institute Program at the University of Idaho, Idaho State, and the University of Wyoming. Shelley, George F. Oral history interview, May, 28, 1965. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 4 Abstract: An interview by Hollis Scott with George F. Shelley, farmer and teacher, concerning his experiences at BYA, 1888-1890, and later activities as a school teacher. Smith, Hyrum Jenkins. Oral history interview, Oct. 17, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 43 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Hyrum J. Smith regarding his experiences as a BYU student, 1932-1939; and reminiscences of the faculty. Smith, Oliver R. Oral history, 1989-1991. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 160 Abstract: Smith talks about his educational background, his professional affiliation with Brigham Young University and his religious experiences. Snow, William J. Oral history interview, June 27, 1979. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 42 Abstract: Interview by Helen Stark with William J. Snow, Jr. of his reminiscences of his pioneer grandfather, and his father's and his education at Berkeley and BYU. Sovine, Helen D. Oral history interview, March 23, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 84 Abstract: Interview by Marilyn Green with Helen Sovine discussing basic biographical data and attitudes about the feminist movement. Spears, Irene Osmond. Oral history interview, Dec. 18, 1979. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 36 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo Morley with Irene Osmond Spears concerning her experiences as a student at BYU, as a graduate student at Stanford and Europe, marriage and family, and as a professor at BYU. Steed, Margaret S. Oral history interview, March 28, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 83 Abstract: Interview by Elena Hutchinson with Margaret Steed, housewife, discussing basic biographical data and attitudes about the feminist movement. Stewart, Nancy T. Oral history interview, April 3, 1978. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 85 Abstract: Interview by Frank Rolapp with Nancy Stewart, who discusses her education, career, marriage, and family. Stewart, Virginia R. Oral history interview, April 4, 1978. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 86 Abstract: Interview by Dan Taylor with Virginia Stewart discussing her education, career, marriage, and family. Stovall, Mary Elizabeth. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 154 Abstract: Stovall describes why she chose to teach history at BYU. She gives an account of her employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of her career including her special interest in examining the impact of the Civil War on white southern families. Student Auxiliary Services. Staff meeting, Aug. 22, 1967. 1 reel to reel tape . Call Number: UA OH 54 Abstract: Proceedings of staff orientation meeting concerning staff use of activity cards, Richards building activities, sports and ticket distribution, BYU Dairy lab, Wilkinson Center services, BYU Bookstore, and swimming pool and cafeteria use. Includes a question and answer discussion by several of the Auxiliary Services directors. Swensen, Russel B. Oral history interview, Sept. 13, 1978. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 32 Abstract: Interview by Mark K. Allen with Russel B. Swensen, BYU professor of Medieval history and comparative religion, concerning his family life, hobbies, education, early employment, LDS mission to Germany, athletic participation, seminary, and teaching at BYU. Swensen gives his impressions of several BYU presidents, and discusses his philosophy of teaching. Talbot, Melva H. Oral history interview, March 24, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 82 Abstract: Interview by G. L. Soderborg with Melva Talbot discussing basic biographical data and attitudes concerning the feminist movement. Tanner, Vasco M. Oral history interview, 1975. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 117 Notes: Tapes and transcripts missing as of 1995 ———. Oral history interview, July 8, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 135 Abstract: Interview by Mark K. Allen with Vasco M. Tanner, who recounts his childhood in Idaho, his interest in Zoology, his education at Stanford, and teaching experiences while at BYU. Also speaks about several BYU presidents, academic freedom issues, and family accomplishments. Tanner, Wilmer W. Oral history, 1983-1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 114 Abstract: The material gives a brief sketch of Tanner's life and concentrates on the time he served as a professor of zoology at Brigham Young University. He mentions his relationship with Monte L. Bean which was instrumental in Bean's donation of his animal trophies and the building of the Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum. He also reflects upon certain experiences with Ernest L. Wilkinson. Taylor, Delenna Rogers. Oral history interview, Oct. 14, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 127 Abstract: Interview by Nadine Ashby with Delenna Taylor on her experiences and memories of BYA, its faculty, students, and other persons and events associated with the Academy. Taylor, Harvey L. Oral history interview, Feb 12, 1979. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 52 Abstract: Interview by Celestia Taylor with Harvey Taylor, concerning his work as a BYU Vice President, LDS Church Schools administrator, and family information. Thorne, Lucile. Oral history interview, July 9, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 73 Abstract: Interview by Francis Barlow with Lucile Thorne, teacher and librarian, discussing her associates, teaching experiences, library experiences at BYU and reflections on her life. Tingey, Helga P. Oral history interview, March, 1976. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 17 Abstract: Interview by Scott Hollis with Helga Tingey, secretary to James Talmage, concerning her work for James Talmage. Tobler, Douglas F. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 152 Abstract: Tobler describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of his career including his love affair with European History. Wakefield, T. Lynn. Oral history interview, May, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 143 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo Morley with Lynn Wakefield who speaks about his childhood, education at BYU, working for his grandfather who was the "Handiman" for the Academy and University. Wakefield recounts his time as electrician for the University, and speaks on his experiences with students, faculty, and presidents. Walker, R. H. Oral history interview, Oct. 13, 1978. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 34 Abstract: Interview by Mark K. Allen with Rudger H. Walker, agronomist, educator, and BYU dean, concerning his childhood experiences in Idaho, school experiences at Ricks College, BYU, and Iowa State. Also speaks of his teaching and research experiences at Colorado, Iowa, and Utah State Universities, and at BYU. Comments on his work assignments in Iran, Siam and Lebannon. Washburn, Juna C. 1920. Oral history interview, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 81 Abstract: Interview by Patricia Stoddard with Juna Washburn discussing basic biographical data and attitudes about the feminist movement. Watkins, Arthur R. Oral history, 1991. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 158 Abstract: Watkins talks about his first years at Brigham Young University, U.S. Army Service, getting a Ph.D. at Stanford, teaching at Brigham Young University, and coping with a growing family. Watkins, Leona A. Oral history interview, March 24, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 80 Abstract: Interview by June Langeland with Leona Watkins discussing basic biographical data and attitudes concerning the feminist movement. Watts, Stanley Howard. Oral history interview, Sept. 26, 1978. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 58 Abstract: Interview by Edwin Kimball with Stan Watts concerning his involvement in sports, while in school and as a professional coach at BYU. Discusses his book about coaching basketball. West, Dale H. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 146 Abstract: West describes why he chose to teach English at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU English Department and describes different aspects of his career including the people who were influential in his professional life. Westover, V. Robert. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 165 Abstract: Westover describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of his career especially teaching and counseling in the high schools on the Navajo reservation. Widtsoe, Leah D. Oral history interview, Feb. 11, 1965. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 10 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Leah E.D. Widtsoe, teacher and author, concerning her reminiscences about her parents, her grandfather (Brigham Young), and her husband (John A. Widtsoe). Also recalls her experiences as a student, faculty member, and matron at BYA, 1896-1898; 1905-1907. Gives her views on nutrition and the Word of Wisdom. Wilcox, Val Camenish. Oral history interview, March 27, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 104 Abstract: Interview by Chris Burdick with Val Wilcox discussing her family background, education, career, marriage, and attitudes about the feminist movement. Wilkinson, Alice L. Oral history interview, Sept. 28, 1979. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 47 Abstract: Interview by Virginia Poulson with Alice Wilkinson concerning her background, family, college life and activities, church and community activities, travel, and the contributions of her husband in church, education and politics. Wilson, Marguerite Ivins. Oral history interview, Aug. 18, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 123 Abstract: Interview by Edith Bauer with Marguerite Wilson who recounts her childhood, education and teaching in Utah and her teaching at experiences at BYU. Wing, Elayne Hinckley. Oral history interview, March 28, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 79 Abstract: Interview by Anna Tueller with Elayne Wing, educator, discussing basic biographical information and attitudes about the feminist movement. Woolley, Royal B. Oral history interview, July 9 and 23, 1964. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 7 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Royal B. Woolley, livestockman, concerning his experiences as a member of the Brigham Young Academy South American scientific expedition during the trip from Kanab, to Colonia Dublan, Mexico, 1900-1901. Wright, Norman Edgar. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 148 Abstract: Wright describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of his career including his involvement with the Center for Family History and the publication of his ten books. Yarn, David H. Reflections. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 39 Abstract: Audio recording of a talk given by David Yarn. He discusses the impact of philosophy upon theology at the 5th Annual P.A. Christensen Humanities Lecture at BYU. York, Neil L. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 150 Abstract: York describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of his career and his interests in American diplomatic history, the Early American period and the history of science and technology. Young, Karl E. Oral history interview, Oct. 4, 1979. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 35 Abstract: Interview by J. Roman Andrus with Karl Young concerning his experiences as a student at Harvard and Oxford, as a faculty member at BYU and his memories of several BYU presidents. Oriatt, Dee T. Oriatt, Dee T. Letter, 1953. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 386 Abstract: Letter to Leon Winsor concerning his impressions on housing, equipment, enrollment, and staff at Brigham Young High School. Packer, Boyd K. Burton, Alma P. Correspondence, 1961-1964. 4 volumes . Abstract: Correspondence with Brigham Young University officials from Boyd K. Packer and Alma P. Burton. Packer served as General Supervisor of the Church's department of education, 1961; Alma P. Burton served as Assistant Administrator, 1961-1964. Palmer, Spencer J. Palmer, Spencer J. Brigham Young University and the People's Republic of China : the first five years, 1984. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 45 Abstract: Relates the initial educational and cultural exchanges between BYU and China. Pardoe, Kathryn Pardoe, Kathryn. Oral history interview, July 2, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 132 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo J. Morley with Kathryn Pardoe concerning her childhood, education, life in Utah and Idaho, undergraduate education at Utah State and Henniger's Business College, dating and marriage, and years teaching speech at BYU. Pardoe, T. Earl Pardoe, Kathryn. Oral history interview, July 2, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 132 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo J. Morley with Kathryn Pardoe concerning her childhood, education, life in Utah and Idaho, undergraduate education at Utah State and Henniger's Business College, dating and marriage, and years teaching speech at BYU. Pardoe, T. Earl. The Brigham Young University Celebrates a Salt Lake Theatre Festival, 1937. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 184 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, news clippings, programs and photographs concerning productions in the Salt Lake Theatre Festival, October 29, 1937 at College Hall, Provo, Utah. ———. Papers, 1930-1970. 30 boxes (15 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 557 Abstract: Includes correspondence with associations and organizations, e.g. Rotary Club, Boy Scouts. Also includes correspondence with servicemen and veterans, personal, professional and travel correspondence, and a collection of slides documenting his travels throughout the world. ———. Postcards, n. d. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 22 Abstract: Postcard collection of T. Earl Pardoe. ———. Records, 1922-1950. 13 volumes . Call Number: UA 185 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, newspaper clippings, programs, plays, pictures, and pamphlets concerning the Public Speaking and Dramatic Arts Department. ———. Scrapbook, 1910-1915. 1 scrapbook . Call Number: UA 988 Abstract: This scrapbook contains newspaper clippings and other memorabilia collected by Pardoe. Materials are mostly cultural: musical performances, plays, speeches, etc. Parker, Clyde Alvin Parker, Clyde Alvin. Papers, 1957-1962. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 501 Notes: Restricted Abstract: Includes minutes from LDS Bishops' meetings and High Council meetings, correspondence among members of the High Council, and quorum reports. Also includes correspondence concerning creator's Sunday School manual, reprints of the Melchizedek Priesthood page from The Improvement Era and The Messenger. Partridge, E. DeAlton Partridge, E. DeAlton. Oral history interview, July 20, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 78 Abstract: Interview by Karl Young with E. DeAlton Partridge, discussing his ancestry, life in Provo, education, career, travels, marriage, and memories of BYU. Partridge, Nell Clark Partridge, Nell Clark. Oral history interview, July 20, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 108 Abstract: Interview by Helen Stark with Nell Partridge, discussing her early life in Farmington, Utah; her education, career, travels, marriage and children. Partridge, Ruth Louise Partridge, Ruth Louise. Oral history interview, Dec. 18, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 40 Abstract: Interview by Leonard R. Grover with Ruth Partridge, nurse, writer and housewife, concerning her life, schooling, residence and labors in Provo, Utah. Also discusses her father, Ernest D. Partridge, and his teaching experiences at Brigham Young Academy and University. Patton, Annaloene Davis Patton, Annaloene Davis. John Conrad Naegle historical and biographical materials. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 414 Abstract: Contains historical and biographical material of John Conrad Naegle, Mormon pioneer, who, at one time, owned a tract of land in Fremont, California, which was purchased by BYU in 1961 as a possible site for a junior college. Performance Scheduling University Relations. Ron Hyde files, 1985-1987. 2 cartons (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 738 Abstract: Contains chronological files, July 1985-June 1897; President Holland's mail and correspondence, Jan. 1986-Aug. 1987; Performance Scheduling reports; CASE files; NCAA, sports; and other various files. Performances Brigham Young University. BYU centennial frolics, 1875-1975 : memories light the corners of your mind. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 48 Abstract: This is a pamphlet highlighting some of the performers of the BYU Centennial Frolics show. ———. Single photo file, 1890s-1980s. 25 boxes (12.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 869 Abstract: Contains images of students, faculty, activities, and organizations at Brigham Young University. Includes images of alumni; student officers; Alpine Summer School; assemblies; devotionals; BYU Bookstore; BYU-Hawaii; campus royalty; views of campus, including aerial views; building dedications; cheerleaders and other pep groups; Cosmo, the school mascot; individual colleges; dance groups; live cougars; exhibits; faculty; Board of Trustees; homecoming parades; Leadership Week; Education Week; ROTC; instrumental and vocal performing groups; dramatic productions; school registration; Program Bureau; clubs; debate team; Benjamin Cluff's South American expedition; Timp Hike; and Y-Day. ———. Theatre productions scrapbook, 1952-1981. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 926 Abstract: Includes a scrapbook of programs and photographs for productions dated 1952-1964. The table of contents to the volume lists plays as late as 1966. Collection also contains a list of Hansen-directed productions, 1952-1956, which includes several names, presumably of cast members. A second list identifies productions dated 1969-1981, with specific performance dates; directors, including Hansen and others; and scene designers. College of Fine Arts and Communications. Slide collection, 1957-. 10 boxes (5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 12 Abstract: Slides taken by various photographers of BYU dramatic and musical productions, art, sculpture, exhibits, special programs, and events as sponsored by various departments of the college. de Jong, Gerrit. Papers, 1953. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 286 Abstract: Collection includes a typewritten report to Ernest L. Wilkinson concerning the participation of Brigham Young University musical groups in the dedicatory services of the Mormon Memorial Cemetery and Mormon Bridge in Omaha, Nebraska. Dept. of Music. Music programs, 1948-2000. 36 volumes . Call Number: UA 761 Abstract: Annual compilations of programs distributed at music performances. Each volume contains programs for a given school year. Collection lacks volumes for 1982-83 through 1995-96; also 1997-98 and 1998-99. ———. Records 1931-1971. 30 boxes (15 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 522 Abstract: Contains files of the department chair and general department and faculty records including correspondence, minutes, procedures, publications, and a sampling of class outlines and examinations. Dept. of Physical Education. Programs of the BYU Dance Revue, 1930-1937. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 29 Abstract: Contains programs from 1930, 1932, 1933, 1935, 1936, and 1937. Dept. of Theatre and Cinematic Arts. Original productions of Saturday's Warrior and Dance on a Country Grave, n. d. 4 boxes (2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 688 Abstract: Materials related to the productions of Saturday's Warrior and Dance on a Country Grave. ———. Records, 1966-1988. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 818 Abstract: Records including playbills, photographs, programs, and newspaper clippings about past theatrical works performed in the Pardoe Theater and elsewhere in the Harris Fine Arts Center. Folk Dancers. China and the Orient / Brigham Young University International Folk Dancers, 1983. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 71 Abstract: Documents the experiences of the BYU International Folk Dancers in China and the Orient. Gates, Crawford. Sand in their shoes and related materials, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 472 Abstract: Includes two copies of the script to Sand in their Shoes, a souvenir program and newspaper clippings about the play and performances. Hales, Wayne B. Negatives, ca. 1926-1940. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: MSS 2199 Abstract: Six photograph albums, accompanied by ten boxes of photograph negatives, which document Brigham Young University faculty, students, buildings, and events, including dramatic and musical productions. The images, collected by Hales, were taken by himself, Walter Cottam, and others. Includes images relating to the Alpine Summer School, Mount Timpanogos, Aspen Grove, Utah Lake, and the city of Provo. Individual images are numbered in the first four volumes, and correspond to the numbering of the negatives. The collection does not include negatives for images in volumes five and six. The collection includes some negatives for which there are no corresponding prints. Hansen, Harold I. Papers, 1959-1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 78 Abstract: Collection includes photocopies of newspaper clippings and reports of Brigham Young University's presentation of "Blithe Spirit," with joint sponsorship of the USO and the American Educational Theatre. Also includes clippings of a seven week tour to Japan and Korea, 1959-1960. Program Bureau. Records, 1953-1969. 16 boxes (8 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 518 Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes, scripts, lists, newsclippings, and photographs concerning tours and shows. Public Communications Dept. Newspaper clipping collection, 1947-1951. 4 volumes . Call Number: UA 76 Abstract: Collection includes newspaper clippings about Brigham Young University students and faculty, noting accomplishments, game schedules, tours, performances, and mission calls, mostly from Utah newspapers. Speech and Dramatic Arts Dept. Class related materials of Robert Struthers, 19711972. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 713 Abstract: Contains class and teaching materials. Also includes music manuscripts by Lex De Azevedo. University Relations. Department files. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: PM 39 Abstract: Department staff meeting minutes and reports of performing groups such as the A Capella choir and Young Ambassadors. Periodicals Brigham Young University. Editors and business managers of the Daily Universe and predecessors, 1898-1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 451 Abstract: Includes the names of editors and business managers of the Daily Universe and its predecessors. Also includes a newspaper article relating the reminiscences of Alvin G. Hubbard, first editor of the Y News. ———. Serials and newsletters, 1957-. 21 boxes (10.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 956 Notes: There is a duplicates collection for this call number (2 boxes). Abstract: This collection is comprised of serials and newsletters produced by the various departments and other entities that comprise Brigham Young University. The collection is not comprehensive. Also included are a small number of ephemeral items that relate to the collection. Perkins, Keith W. Perkins, Keith W. Decade of decision : President John Taylor, 1980 Aug. 20. 2 items . Call Number: UA 924 Abstract: Includes an original three-quarter-inch recording, and a VHS copy, of Perkins's talk about John Taylor, president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints from 1880 to 1887. The talk, lasting about fifty-five minutes, was delivered on Wednesday, 20 August 1980, apparently as part of a lecture series. Personnel Services Personnel Services. Office handbook, [ca. 1970]. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 938 Abstract: Cover sheet in front of volume reads: "This handbook is provided for stenographic or clerical offices at Brigham Young University." Includes two major sections: (1) policies and procedures, and (2) office guidelines. Policies and procedures contain the following subsections: absences, employee benefits, personnel policies, payroll information, and general procedures. Office guidelines contain the following subsections: correspondence, equipment, general office information, grammar, personal traits, punctuation, and spelling. A third section, department procedures, was also provided, in which individual departments could house unique documents. Handbook housed in dark-blue, three-ring binder, with BYU seal embossed in white on front cover. ———. Records, 1952-1968. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 580 Abstract: Includes general files of the office including employee policies and procedures manual. ———. Records, 1955-1965. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 182 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, reports, procedures, statistics, memoranda, and minutes concerning student organizations, activities, academic standards, orientations, discontinuances, housing, Indian program, traffic violations, accidents, veterans affairs, and security reports. Peterson, Cornelius R. Peterson, Cornelius R. Oral history, 1995. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 176 Abstract: Peterson discusses his employment at Brigham Young University. ———. Papers and correspondence, 1920-1975. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 715 Abstract: Includes personal and professional correspondence, retirement book and photos, Church papers, mission and military correspondence, and a description of experiences at Iwo Jima. Peterson, Dean A. Peterson, Dean A. Papers, 1938-1967. 9 cartons (9 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 514 Abstract: Includes personal correspondence, published and unpublished writings, instructional materials relating to his administrative assignments which included U.S. Point Four Program in Iran, the Destiny Fund, and planning a new building for the College of Business. ———. Records, 1950s-1970s. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Correspondence and subject files from Dean A. Peterson's service as Adminsitrative Assistant to the President. Peterson, Hugh Wickman Peterson, Hugh Wickman. A Brief history of the Chemistry Department of Brigham Young University, 1966. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 69 Abstract: Brief history of the Chemistry Department. ———. Oral history interview, Nov. 19, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 45 Abstract: Interview by Leonard W. Grover with Hugh W. Peterson concerning his experiences at BYU, with the faculty, the chemistry department, and the administration. Also talks about his family, and his association with Geneva Steel, and his work with the LDS Church Welfare Committee. Peterson, Neal Peterson, Neal. Sweater, coat and hat belonging to Neal Peterson as a student at BYU, 1935-1936. 1 sweater, 1 leather coat, 1 hat . Call Number: UA 716 Abstract: Contains a student council school sweater, a leather coat decorated with a cougar head painted by Glen Potter, and a felt hiking hat with pins awarded for each year of the Timp Hike (1935-1946). Phi Kappa Phi (Brigham Young University Chapter) Phi Kappa Phi (Brigham Young University Chapter). Poster, 1951. 1 item . Call Number: UA 859 Abstract: Poster describing the formation of the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society at Brigham Young University and which is signed by the charter members. Photo Arts Society Photo Arts Society. Minutes, 1949-1950. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 395 Abstract: Minutes of the club's meetings. ———. Photographs, 1938-1954. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 23 Abstract: Photos taken by student and faculty members of this society. Photo Studio Boel, Joseph M. Papers, 1946-1962. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 498 Abstract: Includes correspondence and papers pertaining to journalism and news photography, with copies of the Intermountain Journalism Bulletin, and Nieman Reports. Photo Studio. Negative files, 1950-1970. 78 boxes (39 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 865 Abstract: Produced by Photo Studio staff photographers of campus activities, scenes, BYU athletes and some family portraits. Photographs [Photograph of Harrison Hoyt], n. d.1 folder . Call Number: UA 685 Abstract: Photograph of Harrison Hoyt. W. W. Clyde Building (Provo, UT) photographs, ca. 19731 oversize box . Call Number: UA 1026 Abstract: Thirteen photographs of the construction of the W. W. Clyde Building taken ca. 1973. Alumni Association. These we honor: scrapbook, 1983. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 921 Abstract: Contains photographs, programs, and transcripts of speeches given at the dedication of an addition to the Memorial Hall in the Ernest L. Wilkinson Center on the BYU campus, held 11 November 1983, for BYU alumni who died in the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Includes speeches by Stephen L. Barrett, executive director of BYU Alumni Association; Greg Fullmer, president of Associated Students of BYU; Joni Littler, daughter of an honoree; Harry A. Wesche, veteran of the Korea and Vietnam military conflicts; Matthew L. Duffin, son of an honoree; Jeffrey R. Holland, president of BYU; and Marion D. Hanks of the First Quorum of the Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Includes text of dedicatory prayer given by Elder Hanks. Also includes photographs of the Memorial Hall, the BYU Air Force ROTC Student Chorus, ROTC honor guard, Jay C. Hess (returned Vietnam POW), Stephen L. Barrett, Joni Littler, Harry A. Wesche, Matthew L. Duffin, Jeffrey R. Holland, Marion D. Hanks, and W. Evan Bateman. Auxiliary Services. Slide collection, 1966. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 15 Abstract: Slides used in a presentation for Auxiliary and Communication Services employee orientation. Ben Lewis served as director. Brigham Young University. Athletic Photographs, 1893-1989. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1029 Abstract: This collection documents photographically a variety of athletic activities that took place at Brigham Young University from 1893 until the end of the 1980s. ———. Board of Trustees photographs, 1875-1975. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 830 Abstract: Contains thirty-nine black-and-white photographs of presidents of the Board of Trustees of Brigham Young Academy and University; also photographs of chairmen of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of BYU. Last folder includes a photograph of Karl G. Maeser's wife, Anna. ———. Board of Trustees photographs, 1978-1981. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 772 Abstract: Photographs and photograph negatives of members of the Brigham Young University Board of Trustees, who were also General Authorities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Includes images of M. Russell Ballard, William R. Bradford, Bernard P. Brockbank, Robert L. Backman, Teddy E. Brewerton, Gene R. Cook, J. Richard Clarke, John K. Carmack, Jacob de Jager, Royden G. Derrick, James E. Faust, Vaughn J. Featherstone, J. Thomas Fyans, Jack H. Goaslind Jr., Robert B. Harbertson, Yoshihiko Kikuchi, Hugh W. Pinnock, H. Burke Peterson, Ronald E. Poelman, Joseph Anderson, Rex C. Reeve Sr., Richard G. Scott, and Robert E. Wells. ———. Campus aerial photograph, ca. 2000. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1003 Abstract: This collection consists of an aerial photograph of the Brigham Young University campus taken ca. 2000. ———. Campus building photographs, 1875-ca. 1975. 13 boxes (6.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 827 Abstract: Includes photographs of most campus buildings, arranged alphabetically by building name. Includes views relating to the Alpine Summer school, athletic stadiums, student housing, and temporary buildings. ———. Campus photographs, 1920s. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1007 Abstract: This collection consists of 46 photographs (mostly 8 x 10s) that document campus life in the 1920s. Subjects include Cleo and Tarbo (early BYU cougar cub mascots), the construction of Heber J. Grant Library, lower campus, and student activities. Also included are photographs of Mount Timpanogos. ———. Campus photographs, ca. 1880-1958. 4 boxes (2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 919 Abstract: Originally bound in four volumes, images show BYU buildings, students, faculty, trustees, and campus life. The volume dealing with students was compiled by Mrs. Fletcher Eyring. Sources for the images include campus yearbooks and Wayne B. Hales. Includes views of Aspen Grove, the Alpine Summer School, and the Timpanogos Hike. Some images are original prints, others are reprints, and still others are from yearbooks and other published sources. ———. Centennial Celebration photos, slides and negatives, 1975. 18 boxes (9 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 3 Abstract: Photographs, slides and negatives of Brigham Young University's centennial celebration. ———. Color photograph collection, 1940s. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 11 Abstract: Depicts early campus scenes, individual buildings, and student and faculty activities. ———. Single photo file, 1890s-1980s. 25 boxes (12.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 869 Abstract: Contains images of students, faculty, activities, and organizations at Brigham Young University. Includes images of alumni; student officers; Alpine Summer School; assemblies; devotionals; BYU Bookstore; BYU-Hawaii; campus royalty; views of campus, including aerial views; building dedications; cheerleaders and other pep groups; Cosmo, the school mascot; individual colleges; dance groups; live cougars; exhibits; faculty; Board of Trustees; homecoming parades; Leadership Week; Education Week; ROTC; instrumental and vocal performing groups; dramatic productions; school registration; Program Bureau; clubs; debate team; Benjamin Cluff's South American expedition; Timp Hike; and Y-Day. ———. Social photos, 1900-1970. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 842 Abstract: Collection of class photos, clubs, dances, and different activities. ———. Theatre productions scrapbook, 1952-1981. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 926 Abstract: Includes a scrapbook of programs and photographs for productions dated 1952-1964. The table of contents to the volume lists plays as late as 1966. Collection also contains a list of Hansen-directed productions, 1952-1956, which includes several names, presumably of cast members. A second list identifies productions dated 1969-1981, with specific performance dates; directors, including Hansen and others; and scene designers. ———. Views of campus development, ca. 1974-1991. 18 boxes (9 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 923 Abstract: Includes pictorial histories of building construction at Brigham Young University, 1875-1975, arranged chronologically by university president; pictorial survey of BYU Physical Plant Dept., 1974; pictorial histories of individual campus structures built and remodeled during 1970s and early 1980s; and photographs, slides, and negatives of campus buildings and personnel, and other schools operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Includes views of construction of Provo and Jordan River temples. Also includes views of BYU-Hawaii campus, Ricks College campus, Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies, and Missionary Training Center adjacent to BYU. Materials mostly compiled as part of Hatch's work in BYU Physical Plant Department. ———. Views of Heber J. Grant building, 1920s-1950s. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 798 Abstract: Twelve images documenting the building's groundbreaking, construction, dedication, extension, original library, and door arch. Each item is mounted on light brown card stock. Images hung on the walls of the second floor testing room in the Heber J. Grant building. ———. Wilkinson Center photograph, 1961. 1 photograph . Call Number: UA 977 Abstract: Photograph of the start of construction on the Wilkinson Center in 1971. Butterworth, Edwin. Photographs used in 1000 views of 100 years, [ca. 1875-1975]. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 2 Abstract: Images used in the book, Brigham Young University: 1000 views of 100 years, published in 1975 in conjunction with the centennial of the university. Page numbers in the book correspond to folder numbers in the photograph collection. Butterworth presumably gathered the images from a variety of sources. Also includes a box containing an incomplete set of photograph negatives. BYU Women (Club). Scrapbook, 1915-1965. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 920 Abstract: Originally housed in a scrapbook volume, images depict female members of the BYU faculty and Board of Trustees, wives of male faculty and trustees, and other prominent women on campus. College of Biology and Agriculture. Photographs, ca. 1891-1969. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 823 Abstract: All dates in the following description are approximate. Includes views of Brigham Young Academy (BYA) faculty; Alpine summer school botany classes, 1922-1924; Alpine summer school faculty, 1928-1930 and 1941; Lewis building, BYA, 1885; Education building, BYA, 1893; Franklin Stewart Harris; landscape architecture group, 1935; David Starr Jordan Biology Club, 1929-1931; BYU faculty, 1928; Thomas L. Martin; Brimhall Botany Lab, 1936; Brimhall Building, 1940; Clarence Cottam; Raymond B. Farnsworth, 1955-1958; Merrill Hallam, 19581960; Rudger Walker; Lester Allen; Howard C. Stutz; and Kent H. McKnight. College of Fine Arts and Communications. Slide collection, 1957-. 10 boxes (5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 12 Abstract: Slides taken by various photographers of BYU dramatic and musical productions, art, sculpture, exhibits, special programs, and events as sponsored by various departments of the college. Daily Universe. Negatives, 1963-1979. 80 boxes (40 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 787 Abstract: Negatives of photos that appeared in the Daily Universe. Dept. of Communications. Award night photos, 1979. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 17 Abstract: Photos of Communications Department's award night. ———. Student photos, n. d. 14 boxes (7 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 25 Abstract: Selected student photos from Photography classes. Dept. of Zoology. Slides of Vasco Tanner, n. d. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 20 Abstract: Slide presentation on the life and career of Vasco Tanner. Development Office. Slide collection, n. d. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 14 Abstract: Slides used for the presentation “The President and His Lady” concerning Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Wilkinson. Division of Religion. Photographs of Mormon Church historic sites, Biblical sites, and proposed Book of Mormon sites, 1960-1970s. 20 containers of photographs (50 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 765 Notes: Unprocessed collection. See University Archivist. Abstract: Contains views of archaeological sites and artifacts in Central and South America and Palestine. The views taken in the Americas are offered as Book of Mormon sites; the views taken in Palestine as Biblical sites. The collection also includes views of Mormon Church historic sites in the United States and Israel. Hales, Wayne B. Better photographs : an outline course in theoretical and experimental photography / by Wayne B. Hales ; including The relation of art principles to pictorial composition / Bent F. Larsen ; and Press photography / by Harrison R. Merrill. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 150 Abstract: Includes information concerning basic photographic techniques, photo journalism, and the relationship of art principles to photo composition. Also includes original photographic prints. Harold B. Lee Library. Photos of employees, 1992. 80 photographs . Call Number: UA 897 Abstract: Photographs of current and former Brigham Young University Library employees. Johnson, Arlin Rex. Photograph collection, 1920-1930. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 9 Abstract: Photographs of BYU associates and friends, BYU campus scenes and activities, and some travel scenes. Larson, Gustive O. Photographs, 1888-1971. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 622 Abstract: Pictures from American Fork and California Mission among other more miscellaneous pictures taken by Gustive O. Larson. Madsen, Florence Jepperson. Photograph collection, 1900-1946. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 8 Abstract: Photographs collected by BYU music faculty members depicting their musical activities before, during and after coming to BYU. ———. Records, 1901-1971. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 571, UAP 8 Abstract: Includes personal correspondence, articles, programs, newsclippings, yearbooks, scrapbooks, poetry, resumes, tributes, journals, photographs, patriarchal blessings, and biographical materials. Also includes published, unpublished, and workcopy music manuscripts by the Madsens. Monson, Darrel J. Slide collection, 1965-1975. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 18 Abstract: Slides of campus scenes and media and class instructional materials. Photo Studio. Negative files, 1950-1970. 78 boxes (39 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 865 Abstract: Produced by Photo Studio staff photographers of campus activities, scenes, BYU athletes and some family portraits. Physical Plant. Photo album, [ca. 1962-1967]. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 922 Abstract: Volume shows staff of the Physical Plant Department, specifically in the following areas: accounting office, air conditioning, custodial, civil engineering, construction, carpenter shop, electrical shop, grounds, heating plant, mechanical shop, motor pool, planning, paint shop, security, stock room, service station, and type shop. ———. Photograph collection, n.d. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 10 Abstract: Photographs of campus buildings with brief historical data about each. The collection was compiled by Ephraim Hatch, programmer for Physical Plant's planning and architecture department, . Also includes Physical Plant departmental photos. Provo City Corporation. Aerial view of Provo, 1980. 1 oversize box . Call Number: MSS SC 2962 Abstract: Two copies of the same image. Printed on front: "Compliments of Provo City Corporation. Litho by Press Publishing Company, Provo, Utah." Reynolds, Alice Louise. Photograph collection, n. d. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 6 Abstract: Photographs of Reynolds, her family and friends. Tyler, S. Lyman. Library photographs, n. d. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Photos of the Harold B. Lee Library as well as other libraries on other college campuses. University Relations. Slide collection, 1973. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 13 Abstract: Slides depicting campus scenes, buildings, athletic events, classroom scenes, artistic scenes and some individuals. Utilized in slide presentation for prospective students. Physical Plant Administrative Vice President. Records and correspondence of Fred Schwendiman, 1951-1978. Call Number: UA 698 Abstract: Records and correspondence of Fred Schwendiman during his tenure as Assistant Business Vice-President, and Assistant Vice-President--Physical Plant. Morrison, Carl. Selected correspondence and autobiographical materials, n. d. 2 folders . Call Number: UA SC 11 Abstract: Contains brief autobiographical material. Correspondence limited to expressions of gratitude from Ernest Wilkinson and other administrators. James Carl Morrison served as BYU Grounds Superintendent, 1954-1973. Physical Plant. Papers, 1955. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 419 Abstract: Includes building specifications for the Joseph F. Smith Family Living Center. ———. Papers, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 420 Abstract: Includes building specifications for men's residence halls. ———. Photo album, [ca. 1962-1967]. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 922 Abstract: Volume shows staff of the Physical Plant Department, specifically in the following areas: accounting office, air conditioning, custodial, civil engineering, construction, carpenter shop, electrical shop, grounds, heating plant, mechanical shop, motor pool, planning, paint shop, security, stock room, service station, and type shop. ———. Photograph collection, n.d. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 10 Abstract: Photographs of campus buildings with brief historical data about each. The collection was compiled by Ephraim Hatch, programmer for Physical Plant's planning and architecture department, . Also includes Physical Plant departmental photos. ———. Records, 1935. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 445 Abstract: Includes blueprints of the addition to the George H. Brimhall Building. ———. Records, 1939. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 444 Abstract: Includes blueprints of Amanda Knight Hall. ———. Records, 1947-1979. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 491 Notes: Boxes 1-6 missing since 1988. Abstract: Includes program requirements, reports, blueprints, budget estimates, minutes, correspondence, and aperture cards regarding the construction and layout of several campus buildings. Also includes biographical sketches of men after whom Helaman Halls were named and statements concerning increasing enrollment. ———. Records, 1958-1959. 45 boxes (22.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 119 Abstract: Collection includes a map of the Brigham Young University campus, committee reports, layout drawings and construction specifications concerning campus buildings and facilities. ———. Records, 1960. 2 maps . Call Number: UA 348 Abstract: Includes information concerning the high temperature water and electrical distribution system at BYU. ———. Repair list, 1929. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 257 Abstract: A list of repair work to be done on BYU campus approved by President Harris. Rasmussen, Paul G. Memos, 1959. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 500 Abstract: Three copied memos from Paul Rasmussen to Sam Brewster concerning the construction of a utility tunnel, the addition to the library, and the administration building. Placement Center Placement Center. Records, 1936. 1 folder (23 items) . Call Number: UA 137 Abstract: Collection includes employment recommendations for students, primarily from the department of music, by the administration and faculty. Planning Administrative Vice President. Files of Fred A. Schwendiman, 1952-1971. 10 microfilm reels . Call Number: UA 615 Abstract: Contains the records and correspondence of Fred Schwendiman, whose responsibilities included planning and construction, student housing, food services, auxiliary services, laundry, purchasing, warehousing, property management, bookstore, farm properties. Alumni Association. Yes what about the Destiny Fund, ca. 1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 58 Abstract: Pamphlet discusses the Destiny Fund and its purposes. Brigham Young University. University committees, 1980-1982. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 791 Abstract: Two reports listing all existing committees functioning under auspices of Brigham Young University, 1980-1982. Includes a brief description of each committee: responsibilities, leaders, functions, and duration. Also includes definitions of councils, committees, and boards. Harlow, LeRoy F. Studies and surveys for BYU, 1964-1973. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 578 Abstract: Contains many preliminary studies, surveys, and case studies Harlow did for BYU, including studies for the Health Center, the sports arena, Indian education, Mail Services, and the University press. Housing Office. Records, 1945. 1 folder (54 items) . Call Number: UA 177 Abstract: Collection includes graphs, charts, construction plans and contracts, telegrams and correspondence with the National Housing Agency, Feberal Public Housing Authority, United Engineers, and O. J. Scherer Company concerning the use of former military buildings as Wymount Village student housing. Physical Plant. Records, 1947-1979. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 491 Notes: Boxes 1-6 missing since 1988. Abstract: Includes program requirements, reports, blueprints, budget estimates, minutes, correspondence, and aperture cards regarding the construction and layout of several campus buildings. Also includes biographical sketches of men after whom Helaman Halls were named and statements concerning increasing enrollment. ———. Records, 1958-1959. 45 boxes (22.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 119 Abstract: Collection includes a map of the Brigham Young University campus, committee reports, layout drawings and construction specifications concerning campus buildings and facilities. Planning Committee. Papers, 1956-1966. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 92 Abstract: Collection includes a 44 p. report of the Planning Committee for a comprehensive Campus plan, 1957, covering construction of Brigham Young University Campus from 1884-1957; an 8 p. Brigham Young University Physical Plant Facilities Self Evaluation Survey, Spring 1956; and a 9 p. photocopy of Joys of Discovery-Historical Research and Writing by LeRoy R. Hafen, 1966. Snell, William H. History of industrial arts at B.Y.U. from 1883 to 1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 294 Abstract: History of industrial arts at Brigham Young University from 1883 to 1960. Planning Committee Planning Committee. Papers, 1956-1966. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 92 Abstract: Collection includes a 44 p. report of the Planning Committee for a comprehensive Campus plan, 1957, covering construction of Brigham Young University Campus from 1884-1957; an 8 p. Brigham Young University Physical Plant Facilities Self Evaluation Survey, Spring 1956; and a 9 p. photocopy of Joys of Discovery-Historical Research and Writing by LeRoy R. Hafen, 1966. Pond, A. Smith Pond, A. Smith. Papers, 1945-1959. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 117 Abstract: Collection includes reports, minutes, correspondence, recommendations, objectives and evaluations concerning higher, general, and economic education, committees, associations, curriculum, and superior students. Potok, Chaim Potok, Chaim. Address, 9 Dec. 1982. 4 items . Call Number: UA 861 Abstract: Contains reel-to-reel recording of Chaim Potok address at Brigham Young University and subsequent question-and-answer session. Also includes audiocassette duplicate. Potter, Margaret Schow Potter, Margaret Schow. History of the Department of Clothing and Textiles, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 295 Abstract: History of the Department of Clothing and Textiles. Poulsen, I. W. Poulsen, I. W. Interview, Dec. 26, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 179 Abstract: No information on content was available. Poulson, Moroni Otto Poulson, Moroni Otto. Oral history interview, Dec. 3, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 60 Abstract: Interview by Leonard R. Grover with Moroni O. Poulson, rancher and teacher, concerning his education with brief varied comments about BYU activities between 1905 and 1910. Also briefly discusses his family. Poulson, Virginia B. Poulson, Virginia B. History of College of Family Living : Ladies Work Department to College of Family Living, 1875 - 1975. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 120 Abstract: History of the College of Family Living. Presidents Anderson, Harold. Oral history interview, Jan. 31, 1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 120 Abstract: Interview by John Quist with Harold Anderson concerning his early life, education at BYU, employment, and subsequent recruitment by President Wilkinson. Largely deals with his role as Director of Planning and Physical Facilities at BYU. Bradley, Mildred H. Oral history interview, March 13, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 101 Abstract: Interview by Martha Bradley with Mildred Bradley, housewife and daughter of BYU President Franklin S. Harris. She discusses her family background, education, marriage and children. Brewster, Sam F. Oral history interview, Nov. 29, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 118 Abstract: Interview by John Quist with Sam Brewster who speaks about his recruitment by Ernest Wilkinson, and his experiences and administration as director of the BYU Physical Plant. Brigham Young University. Annual University Conferences, 1952-1999. 6 box (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 790 Notes: There is a duplicates collection for this call number (1 box). Abstract: Incomplete collection of addresses, printed programs, and audiocassette and videocassette (VHS) recordings of annual university conference meetings, 19521999. Includes addresses by presidents of Brigham Young University and by General Authorities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Meetings generally held for university employees immediately before the start of each new school year. ———. Semi-centennial celebration of the Brigham Young University. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 41 Abstract: Includes addresses by Adam S. Bennion, George H. Brimhall, Colonel Willard Young, David J. Wilson, Herbert E. Bolton, Heber J. Grant, Augusta Grant, George Thomas, E.G. Peterson, Richard R. Lyman, C.W. Jensen, W.J. Snow, John A. Widstoe, Lars Eggerstsen, Edwin S. Hinckley, and others. Includes addresses, prayers, dedication of the Heber J. Grant Library, and brief histories of the University and Academy. ———. Special convocation, 5 March 1996. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 64 Abstract: A special convocation was held March 5, 1996 to honor Margaret Thatcher and Rex E. Lee. Both received honorary degrees. Brimhall, George H. Records, 1872-1926. 8 items . Call Number: UA 72 Abstract: Collection includes speeches, literary compositions, an autobiography, class notes and notebooks on philosophy of education, notes from speeches, an 1879 account of student tuition to the Young Men's Academy at Spanish Fork, Utah, and records of tuition accounts when Brimhall served as district superintendent of Utah County schools. ———. Records, 1904-1921. 45 boxes (22.5 linear ft.) . Notes: Access Restricted. See University Archivist. Abstract: Includes typescript diaries, correspondence, statistics, and financial reports. For papers covering period as acting president, 1893 to 1904, see register to the papers of the resident, Benjamin Cluff. Correspondence includes many letters to and from LDS Church leaders, students, and faculty covering such subjects as the Reed Smoot hearings, recruitment, student attitudes and morals, BYA South American Expedition, purchase and dedication of Temple Hill, establishment of credit hours, statistics on enrollment, finances, the contribution of 500 acres by Jesse Knight, purchase of Y Mountain, church school education fund, theological training in church schools, building contracts, history and statistics of BYU, Agricultural Department, evolution controversy, professional ability of BYU faculty, College Library, LDS Church High School, Athletic Association, Health Services, awarding B.S. and B.A. degrees in Arts and Science, and accreditation and seminary documents. Broadcast Services. Inside the Wilkinson era, 1971 May 25. 1 item . Call Number: UA 871 Abstract: Interview by Heber G. Wolsey with Ben E. Lewis, Robert K. Thomas, Harvey Taylor, Sam Brewster, and Bruce L. Olsen concerning their personal experiences with Ernest L. Wilkinson. Wilkinson's resignation as president of Brigham Young University had been announced in March 1971 and the interviews were recorded as a tribute to him. Clark III, J. Reuben. Oral history interview, Jan. 19, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 129 Abstract: Interview by Thomas Cheney with J. Reuben Clark III, on his experiences as a student at BYU, and as a professor of French and Latin at BYU. Includes thoughts on several BYU presidents, and his father. Cluff, Benjamin. Papers, 1900-1902. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 135 Abstract: Scrapbook containing newspaper articles (photocopy) concerning the Brigham Young Academy South American Expedition, and The Brigham Young Alumnus. ———. Photographs and correspondence, 1911-1943. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 1013 Abstract: Photographs and correspondence of Benjamin Cluff, Jr. Among the photographs is a family picture of the Benjamin and Harriett Cluff family. Correspondence is between Cluff and his son, Cyril, as well as Cluff and the UtahMexican Rubber Company. ———. Records, 1892-1903. 10 boxes (5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, building contracts and letter press books, correspondence with General Authorities of the LDS Church, educators, students, faculty, and prospective faculty. Concerns such subjects as BYA South American Expedition, establishment of BYA Beaver Branch, equal accreditation with the University of Utah, financing, salaries, recommendation to introduce graduate level instruction in pedagogy and psychology, raising standards of the academy, sabbatical leaves, summer school libraries, fund drive of 1899, and President's report for 1899-1900. ———. Theological Notes, 1882-1885. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 191 Abstract: Collection includes notes on theology, articles by Cluff, education notes, world situation notes, and titles of library books. Cullimore, Lloyd L. Oral history, 1978-1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 115 Abstract: The material centers on the 1920s and is mostly concerned with the early years of the BYU health center. Cullimore reminisces about BYU personalities such as Benjamin Cluff and Ernest L. Wilkinson. He talks about student health and also shares his ideas on preventative medicine, nutrition, rest homes, and practical religion. Dept. of Archives and Manuscripts. BYU centennial flashbacks : scrapbook, [ca. 1875-1975]. 1 box (1.2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 880 Abstract: Collection of newspaper articles from the Daily Herald pertaining to events on campus since the time of its creation. Includes stories about various presidents of BYU, accomplishments of students and athletes, groups and clubs, and photographic images of Brigham Young Academy as well as significant persons in the university's history. Eyring, Carl F. Papers, 1943-1950. 5 folders . Call Number: UA 507 Abstract: Includes correspondence concerning research projects, annual department budgets, personal opinions as to the future of BYU. Also includes records of a farewell reception and address given in behalf of President and Mrs. Howard S. McDonald. Harris, Franklin Stewart. Papers, 1912-1959. 53 boxes (26.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: MSS 340 Abstract: Correspondence, diaries and his published thesis along with rough drafts and research notes. ———. Papers, 1921. 1 folder (4 items) . Call Number: UA 125 Abstract: Collection includes edited, typewritten copies of his inauguaral address, "The Outlook for the Brigham Young University," and a letter concerning the history of the grounds at Brigham Young University. ———. Records, 1908-1949. 57 boxes (28.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes personal diaries, correspondence, documents, reports, budgets, Alumni Association minutes, financial statements, and texts of addresses given at various occasions concerning such subjects as employment, education, contributions towards erection of the Brimhall Building, teacher's weekly reports, student housing, student suggestions to administration, Utah Valley Hospital, military affairs, Church School Convention bus, printing equipment, Aspen Grove, library, textbooks, finances, scholarships, Leadership Week, summer and extension programs, research plans, commencements, and societies to which Harris belonged. Harrison, Lorna Jensen. Oral history interview, May 31, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 133 Abstract: Interview by David Whittaker with Lorna Harrison who recounts her childhood and education in Provo, marriage to Bertrand Harrison, and her association with BYU. Also talk at length about her parents and their education and association with BYU. Harward, VerDon. Oral history interview, May 26, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 107 Abstract: Interview by Wendy Burnett with VerDon Harward, discussing his career, memories of and working relations with BYU presidents. Also discusses personnel and reminiscences of student activities and pranks. Hayward, Charles Lynn. Oral history, 1983-1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 112 Abstract: The material covers the time that Dr. Hayward was growing up in Paris, Idaho, observations on student life at Brigham Young University in the 1920s, and working on his doctorate at the University of Illinois. Much of the interview covers his tenure in the Zoology department at BYU. He includes his observations on the administration of BYU and his department and gives his impressions of prominent individuals associated with the university including three presidents of that institution. Holland, Jeffrey R. Records, 1980-1989. 207 boxes (103.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1030 Abstract: Correspondence, memoranda, news clippings and other records documenting Holland's tenure as President of Brigham Young University. Izatt, Jan C. Recollections of Ernest L. Wilkinson by his secretary Jan C. Izatt. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 14 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Jan C. Izatt, secretary to Ernest Wilkinson. Includes comments about Wilkinson's personality and work habits, and about her experiences working for Wilkinson. Jensen, Christen. Papers, 1903-1961. 19 folders . Call Number: UA 96 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, reports, memoranda, minutes, and examinations concerning Brigham Young University transfer credits, awards, faculty meetings, graduate school, Franklin S. Harris, Ernest L. Wilkinson, history, political science, and public administration. Johnson, Arlin Rex. Letters, 1922-1930. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 378 Abstract: Includes correspondence to and from Johnson while he was student body president and president of the Alumni Association. Includes correspondence with President Harris, faculty, administrators, and others outside of campus. Speaks on life after leaving BYU. Lee, Rex E. Brigham Young University Presidents Records, 1989-1996. 91 boxes (45 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 925 Notes: Presidential Records from Dallin H. Oaks through Merrill J. Bateman (current president) may be accessed only with the permission of the L. Tom Perry Special Collections Board of Curators and the current sitting president of Brigham Young University. Abstract: The collection includes correspondence with university vice presidents and colleges, General Authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, BYU-Hawaii, and others. Major subjects include university relations, admissions and records, athletics, the Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies, the honor and dress codes, and other related issues. Also includes minutes to Board of Trustees meetings. ———. Personal Papers, 1910-1996. 186 boxes (95 linear ft.) . Call Number: MSS 2017 Notes: Presidential Records from Dallin H. Oaks through Merrill J. Bateman (current president) may be accessed only with the permission of the L. Tom Perry Special Collections Board of Curators and the current sitting president of Brigham Young University. Abstract: The Rex E. Lee personal papers document the varied aspects of Lee's life. They include materials from his work with the Jennings, Strouss, & Salmon law firm, the establishment of Brigham Young Universitys J. Reuben Clark School of Law, Lees service as assistant United States Attorney General , his service as United States Solicitor General, and his tenure as president of Brigham Young University. Lewis, Ben E. Oral history interview, Oct. 18-Nov. 17, 1994. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 175 Abstract: Interview by Mark Smith with Ben E. Lewis about his experiences at BYU as a student and administrator. Also gives his background working for the Marriott corporation prior to his career at BYU. Talks at length about Ernest Wilkinson and the administration of the University. Maeser, Karl G. Records, 1876-1892. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: This collection includes photocopies of microfilm copies of the originals as preserved in the Church Historical Department in Salt Lake City. Included are a few original letters prior to 1875. Represented in the collection are letters, letter press books, and reports concerning LDS Stake Boards of Education, dedication of BYA buildings, appointment of Benjamin Cluff as assistant principal of BYA, LDS seminaries and academies, BYA administrative matters, and applicants seeking Church School admissions or faculty positions. McDonald, Howard Stevenson. Letter, 1953. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 90 Abstract: Collection includes a letter from McDonald to LaVieve H. Earl, concerning accomplishments during McDonald's administration as president of Brigham Young University 1945 to 1949, dated April 22, 1953. ———. Records, 1945-1949. 20 boxes (10 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, personnel files, academic and administrative proposals, minutes of meetings, financial records, subject files, and campus plans concerning such subjects as appointment and inauguration as president, quarter-semester problem, faculty matters, PTA Selective Services classification, student assistants, personnel, Alumni Association, various colleges and departments of the university, Dean of Students, buildings and grounds, Summer School, and Special Services. Oaks, Dallin H. Records, 1971-1980. 362 boxes (181 linear ft.) . Abstract: Correspondence, memoranda, reports, news clippings and other records documenting Oaks' tenure as President of Brigham Young University. Office of the President. BYU inaugural speeches and responses, 1921-1989. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 19 Abstract: Contains inaugural speeches and responses by presidents Harris, McDonald, Wilkinson, Oaks, Holland, and Lee. (Rex Lee, 27 October 1989; Dallin Oaks, 4 May 1971; Jeffrey Holland, 14 November 1980; Ernest Wilkinson, 8 October 1951; Howard McDonald, 14 November 1945; Franklin Harris, 17 October 1921.) ———. Rex E. Lee inauguration files, 1989. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 812 Abstract: Correspondence, programs, speeches, and files concerning the inauguration of Rex E. Lee. Public Affairs Office. Inauguration files, 1996. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 804 Abstract: Copies of programs, speeches, invitations to President Bateman's inauguration, and files relating to the organization of this event. It also has a couple of certificates from other universities congratulating President Bateman. Sauls, Kiefer B. Oral history interview, June 6, 7, 26th, 1979. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 41 Abstract: Interview by Mark K. Allen with Kiefer Sauls, BYU treasurer, purchasing agent and secretary to three presidents. Topics cover his association with BYU in those capacities over a 51 year period, childhood reminiscences and family data. ———. Oral interview, 1975. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 144 Abstract: Sauls tells about coming to Brigham Young University as a student in 1911 and his employment by that institution from 1920-1972. He presents many personal observations on the growth of BYU and how it was administered during the terms of various presidents. Swensen, Russel B. Oral history interview, Sept. 13, 1978. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 32 Abstract: Interview by Mark K. Allen with Russel B. Swensen, BYU professor of Medieval history and comparative religion, concerning his family life, hobbies, education, early employment, LDS mission to Germany, athletic participation, seminary, and teaching at BYU. Swensen gives his impressions of several BYU presidents, and discusses his philosophy of teaching. Tanner, Vasco M. Oral history interview, July 8, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 135 Abstract: Interview by Mark K. Allen with Vasco M. Tanner, who recounts his childhood in Idaho, his interest in Zoology, his education at Stanford, and teaching experiences while at BYU. Also speaks about several BYU presidents, academic freedom issues, and family accomplishments. University Relations. Ron Hyde files, 1985-1987. 2 cartons (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 738 Abstract: Contains chronological files, July 1985-June 1897; President Holland's mail and correspondence, Jan. 1986-Aug. 1987; Performance Scheduling reports; CASE files; NCAA, sports; and other various files. West, Franklin L. Papers, 1936-1951. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 536 Abstract: Includes records relating to BYU, LDS Business College, and the Juarez and Kelsey academies. Also includes correspondence on candidates for BYU president. Wilkinson, Alice L. Oral history interview, Sept. 28, 1979. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 47 Abstract: Interview by Virginia Poulson with Alice Wilkinson concerning her background, family, college life and activities, church and community activities, travel, and the contributions of her husband in church, education and politics. Wilkinson, Ernest L. Personal papers, 1917-1978. 300 boxes (155 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1000 Notes: This collection is open to the public with the following exceptions: Boxes 7374, 248-53, 257 (fd. 7), and 258-260 are restricted subject to approval from the President of Brigham Young University; Boxes 256 (fd. 2-3) and 271-273 are restricted until April 2008. Abstract: The Ernest L. Wilkinson personal papers consist of three series I. Personal Papers (1923-78), II. Corporate Records (1954-78) and III. Oversized Material (1917-75). The Personal Papers series documents Wilkinson's personal and professional life. The Corporate Records series documents his extensive career as president of Brigham Young University. The Oversized Materials series contains scrapbooks kept by Wilkinson as well as three films about his administration. Young, Karl E. Oral history interview, Oct. 4, 1979. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 35 Abstract: Interview by J. Roman Andrus with Karl Young concerning his experiences as a student at Harvard and Oxford, as a faculty member at BYU and his memories of several BYU presidents. Productions The Christians, 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 63 Notes: Restricted. No copies except by written permission; Granada Television Ltd. Abstract: This is a script adapted from the original work by Bamber Gascoigne. Produced by Granada Television and shown in the U.S. 1988-1989 Photos of theater productions, n. d.2 folders . Call Number: UA 766 Abstract: Photographs of productions of Comedy of Errors, Merry Wives of Windsor, and You can't take it with you. Brigham Young University Opera Company. Press notices of the BYU Opera Company's production of Maritana, 1910. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 350 Abstract: Contains press clippings from Salt Lake papers and includes a copy of a program. Program Bureau Program Bureau. Records, 1953-1969. 16 boxes (8 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 518 Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes, scripts, lists, newsclippings, and photographs concerning tours and shows. Provo City Corporation Provo City Corporation. Aerial view of Provo, 1980. 1 oversize box . Call Number: MSS SC 2962 Abstract: Two copies of the same image. Printed on front: "Compliments of Provo City Corporation. Litho by Press Publishing Company, Provo, Utah." Provo Temple (Provo, Utah) Smith, Joseph Fielding. Dedicatory prayer of the Provo Temple, 1972. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 15 Abstract: Prayer given at several sessions Feb. 9, 1972. Provo (Utah) Provo (Utah). Records, 1882. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 81 Abstract: Collection includes one Pioneer party ticket, and three People's party tickets, for a general election held March 1, 1882 at Brigham Young Academy Hall. Candidates included James E. Talmage, Simmon P. Eggertsen, Joseph M. Tanner, Milton Hardy and John Foote who served as Brigham Young Academy faculty. Provost Administrative Vice President. Records of Jae R. Ballif, 1980-1989. 37 boxes (18.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 681 Notes: Restricted access; Permission required; University Archivist Abstract: This collection contains material from Ballif acting as both Administrative vice-President, and Provost. Public Affairs Office Public Affairs Office. Inauguration files, 1996. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 804 Abstract: Copies of programs, speeches, invitations to President Bateman's inauguration, and files relating to the organization of this event. It also has a couple of certificates from other universities congratulating President Bateman. ———. Ramses II exhibit, 1985-1986. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 697 Abstract: Contains correspondence, ads, posters, catalogs, logistical information, contracts, marketing strategies, and interviews with Jeffrey Holland, Jae Ballif, and George Bowie. ———. Working files, 1968-1991. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 658 Abstract: Contains working files of dedications of buildings, inaugurations, ceremonies, bowl games, commencements, and other special events. Public Communications Dept. Butterworth, Edwin. A Brief history of the Brigham Young University News Bureau, 1972. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 116 Abstract: History of the public relations arm of BYU, formerly called the New Bureau, currently named Public Communications. Public Communications Dept. Newspaper clipping collection, 1947-1951. 4 volumes . Call Number: UA 76 Abstract: Collection includes newspaper clippings about Brigham Young University students and faculty, noting accomplishments, game schedules, tours, performances, and mission calls, mostly from Utah newspapers. ———. Records, 1951-1979. 56 boxes (28 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 586 Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes, financial records, and other materials relating to the operation of the University's news bureau and public relations. Also contains copies of news clippings and articles concerning the University and various issues attached to the University. Contains Lyceum files, and VIP files. Rex, Janet J. BYU Physical Facility Building Histories, 1998. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 779 Abstract: Compiled by Janet J. Rex of Public Communications at Brigham Young University, the document gives summary information about each structure on the BYU campus, including date of construction, its uses, departments housed therein, dates of renovation (if applicable), and, in some instances, anecdotal information. Public Relations Athletic Media Relations. Media guides and related items, 1930-2000 (bulk dates: 1961-1993). 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 669 Abstract: Primarily media guides for men's and women's sports programs at BYU, including baseball, basketball (women's), cross country, golf, gymnastics, soccer, swimming, tennis, track, volleyball, and wrestling. The collection is not comprehensive. Also includes a small number of event programs and recruiting booklets, plus handbooks for intramural sports programs. Media guides were prepared by Athletic Media Relations and its predecessor(s). Brigham Young Academy. Records, 1894. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 207 Abstract: Collection includes a handwritten visitor's register from the Brigham Young Academy Educational Matter Exhibit at the Territorial Fair. Executive Vice President for Auxiliary Services. John B. Stohlton files, 1970-1989. 18 cartons . Call Number: UA 934 Abstract: Administrative files of John B. Stohlton, including some files of his predecessors, W. Rolfe Kerr and Fred A. Schwendiman. Stohlton was appointed as assistant executive vice president for auxiliary services at BYU in January 1984. He was named executive vice president in May 1984, succeeding W. Rolfe Kerr. Files concern student life, special events, housing, food, athletics, committees, university relations, personnel, alumni, and related topics. Includes retained copies of correspondence, 1984-1989. The sequencing of sections of the collection is not strictly chronological. ———. William Rolfe Kerr files, 1976-1983. 5 cartons . Call Number: UA 933 Abstract: Administrative files of W. Rolfe Kerr, executive vice president at BYU, 1980-1984. Includes files relating to athletics; special events; student leadership, clubs, and dress-and-grooming standards; public relations; campus security; Media Services; KBYU (radio and television); and other topics. Includes correspondence, reports, and other information, some predating Kerr's appointment. Motion Picture Studio. Production files, [ca. 1946-1991]. 99 cartons . Call Number: UA 893 Abstract: Paper files relating to films, videos and filmstrips produced by the studio. Includes scripts, correspondence, and financial papers. Arranged by project number. The collection is incomplete and the files for some productions are absent. Productions were made for BYU, the LDS Church and others. Publications Brigham Young University. Bulletins and media publications, 1971-. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 734 Abstract: This is an open-ended collection of miscellaneous bulletins and media publications. ———. Publications, 1970s. 13 boxes (6.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 630 Notes: Collection is unprocessed. See University Archivist. Abstract: Booklets, brochures, pamphlets, and programs from the 1970's. ———. Serials and newsletters, 1957-. 21 boxes (10.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 956 Notes: There is a duplicates collection for this call number (2 boxes). Abstract: This collection is comprised of serials and newsletters produced by the various departments and other entities that comprise Brigham Young University. The collection is not comprehensive. Also included are a small number of ephemeral items that relate to the collection. Brigham Young University Press. Committee and meeting minutes, 1968-1975. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 706 Abstract: Collection contains committee and meeting minutes from the Brigham Young University Press. BYU Studies. Administrative Files, 1967-1983. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1019 Abstract: Correspondence, minutes, subscription details, and other paperwork dealing with the administration of the scholarly journal BYU Studies. Publications and Graphics Publications and Graphics. Photographs, ca. 1880-1987. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 763 Abstract: Photographs used by Brigham Young University's Publications and Graphics department, many of which are copies made from other sources. Includes photographs of Brigham Young University buildings; Brigham Young Academy; men; women; and photographs relating to the BYU Film and Music Archives; Mormon history; and manuscripts. Also includes photographs taken by GEA Photo and George Edward Anderson. ———. Records, 1951-1963. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 476 Abstract: Includes a collection compiled in honor of David O. McKay on his 90th birthday which contains a pictorial summary showing growth of the Unified Church School System; a dedicatory letter from Ernest L. Wilkinson; cumulative enrollment charts of BYU, institutes, and seminaries; photos of campuses, buildings, students, and leaders of schools in the Unified Church School System; and photos of McKay. Purchasing Dept. Brigham Young University. Centennial history: Office of the Executive Vice President, ca. 1975. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 82 Abstract: Includes histories of the departments of Purchasing, Student Housing, Food Services, Bookstore, and Auxiliary Services. Peterson, Cornelius R. Oral history, 1995. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 176 Abstract: Peterson discusses his employment at Brigham Young University. ———. Papers and correspondence, 1920-1975. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 715 Abstract: Includes personal and professional correspondence, retirement book and photos, Church papers, mission and military correspondence, and a description of experiences at Iwo Jima. Purchasing Dept. Records, 1961-1962. 1 box . Call Number: UA 354 Abstract: Correspondence and memoranda regarding the purchase of equipment and supplies. Ramses II Griggs, C. Wilfred. [Office files of the Ramses exhibit, 1985-1987]. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 689 Abstract: This collection represents the working files of Dr. Wilfred Griggs, as per his pivotal involvement with the Ramses exhibit. There is an additional Ramses collection which originated from the BYU Public Affairs Office. Public Affairs Office. Ramses II exhibit, 1985-1986. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 697 Abstract: Contains correspondence, ads, posters, catalogs, logistical information, contracts, marketing strategies, and interviews with Jeffrey Holland, Jae Ballif, and George Bowie. Rasmussen, Paul G. Rasmussen, Paul G. Memos, 1959. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 500 Abstract: Three copied memos from Paul Rasmussen to Sam Brewster concerning the construction of a utility tunnel, the addition to the library, and the administration building. Registrar's Office Registrar's Office. Correspondence, 1931-1953. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 485 Abstract: Includes letters of appreciation to John Hayes, Registrar, from various individuals, ASBYU officers and university officials. ———. Receipt and admission cards, 1915-1921. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 469 Abstract: Receipt and admission cards. ———. Records, 1904-1916. 1 folder (82 items) . Call Number: UA 175 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, report cards and transcripts of credits from high school and college students. ———. Records, 1911-1912. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 79 Abstract: Collection includes petitions to the faculty by students requesting change in individual registration, December 15, 1911 to March 5, 1912. ———. Records, 1922-1925, 1971-1973. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 116 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence concerning credit evaluations, transfers and course descriptions. ———. Records, 1930-1946. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 273 Abstract: Collection includes reports concerning enrollment and degrees conferred, private schools, course offerings, and the growth of summer school attendance. Religion The Brigham Young University High School, n. d.1 folder . Call Number: UA 167 Abstract: Collection includes a typewritten essay concerning the importance of high schools and the aims and purposes of Brigham Young University High School. Brigham Young Academy. Annual statistical and financial report of the Brigham Young Academy Sunday School of the Utah Stake : for the year ending December 31, 1900. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 588 Abstract: This is a brief statistical summary of enrollment, finances, ward officers; and includes instructions to ward superintendencies and secretaries. ———. Latter-day Saint priesthood class minutes, 1894-1897. 1 item . Call Number: UA 71 Abstract: Collection includes a bound carbon copy of the typescript copy of the minutes of class meetings and list of quorum members. ———. Latter-day Saint priesthood records, 1879-1881. 3 items . Call Number: UA 70 Notes: Original restricted Abstract: Collection includes a bound typescript copy and a bound carbon copy of typescript copies of Latter-day Saints priesthood meetings and lists of ordinances performed. James E. Talmage was clerk. Typescript copies from p. 75 to p. 123 of original. ———. Papers, 1879. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 238 Abstract: Collection includes theological minutes and references. ———. Priesthood classes, 1894-1897. 1 volume . Abstract: Minutes of Priesthood meetings. ———. Priesthood meetings, 1879-1881. 1 volume . Abstract: Minutes of Priesthood meetings. ———. Receipts of Priesthood ordinations at the Brigham Young Academy, 19011911. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 362 Abstract: Contains receipts of Priesthood ordinations performed while at the Academy. Many ordinations performed by President George Brimhall and Joseph Keeler, Director of Theological Work. ———. Records, 1902-1913. 2 volumes . Call Number: UA 358 Abstract: Includes minutes of the BYA and BYU LDS Church Sunday Schools. ———. Records of theological class, 1876-1883. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 228 Abstract: Collection includes minutes of meetings for the General Theology class and Priesthood meetings held in the Brigham Young Academy. ———. Sunday School minute books, 1893-1901. 3 folders . Call Number: UA 200 Abstract: Collection contains minutes of the Brigham Young Academy School. ———. Sunday School minutes, 1898-1900. 2 items . Call Number: UA 66 Abstract: Bound typescript copy and bound carbon copy. Minutes of Sunday School meetings from April 22, 1899 to May 27, 1900 and a name index. ———. Theological Department records, 1888, Aug. 22- 1889, May 7. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 193 Abstract: Collection includes minutes of the general Theological Class. ———. Theological Department records, 1889, Aug. 11-1891, Nov. 1. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 192 Abstract: Collection includes minutes of missionary meetings, started in 1883, to prepare young men for Latter-day Saint Church missions. Brigham Young University. A History of Wymount Branch : one year of progress, 1947-1948. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 49 Abstract: A history of the Wymount Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints at Brigham Young University. Brimhall, George H. Records, 1916. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 139 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence to Latter-day Saint bishoprics in Utah notifying and requesting the application of young men to attend the Brigham Young University missionary class, and the responses with lists of prospective students from the bishoprics. Bureau of Church Studies. Questionnaire, 1962. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 367 Abstract: Includes a questionnaire given to Church members to determine member activity in Church programs. ———. Statistical studies. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 402 Abstract: Includes two statistical studies concerning member growth of the LDS Church, Church University needs, and other statistical information. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Brigham Young Academy Ward Priest's Quorum records, 1892-1896. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 199 Abstract: Collection includes a handwritten record listing Latter-Day Saint Aaronic Priesthood ordinations of Brigham Young University students and contains minutes of meetings of the Priest's Quorum. ———. Tithing records of Brigham Young University faculty members living in the Utah Stake for 1937. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 411 Abstract: Tithing records of Brigham Young University faculty members living in the Utah Stake. Dept. of Theology. Records, 1910-1911. 3 folders . Call Number: UA 222 Abstract: Collection includes theology class rolls arranged by instructor. Harris, Chauncy Dennison. Papers, 1933. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 291 Abstract: Collection includes a typewritten graduation address delivered to the Brigham Young University Class of 1933 concerning Brigham Young University and the Latter-day Saint Church. Holt, Edward H. Papers, 1899-1938. 1 box . Call Number: UA 250 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence regarding admission to Brigham Young Academy, theology class assignments, petitions, essays, talks by Lorenzo Snow and George Q. Cannon, papers regarding credit, advanced standing, student clubs, and miscellaneous correspondence and reports from Holt's files. Merrill, Harrison R. Papers, 1924-1929. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 132 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, essays and clippings (photocopies) to and from Merrill concerning his publications in newspapers and periodicals, the Alpine Summer School, Brigham Young University athletics, curricula and religious atmosphere. Mutual Improvement Association. Records of the Young Men's and Young Women's Mutual Improvement Associations at Brigham Young University, 19401941. 2 volumes . Call Number: UA 224 Abstract: Contains the minutes, program notes, history, and news clippings of the weekly M.I.A. assemblies held at BYU. Parker, Clyde Alvin. Papers, 1957-1962. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 501 Notes: Restricted Abstract: Includes minutes from LDS Bishops' meetings and High Council meetings, correspondence among members of the High Council, and quorum reports. Also includes correspondence concerning creator's Sunday School manual, reprints of the Melchizedek Priesthood page from The Improvement Era and The Messenger. Schulthess, David A. Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 319 Abstract: Contains an article about BYU written by Dave Schulthess for Coach and Athlete. Schulthess was the BYU Sports Information Director. Sunday School. Brigham Young University Sunday School services, 1941-1947. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 26 Abstract: Includes printed programs of the BYU Sunday School. Religious Education Religious Education. Social recreation manual / prepared by students in Religious Education 80, 1941. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 106 Abstract: A manual of social activities, dances, etc., 1941. Research Brigham Young University. Faculty creative activities, 1995-1996. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 93 Abstract: Contains a bibliography of published and creative works for BYU faculty members. Center for Thermochemical Studies. Correspondence, 1972-1975. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 58 Abstract: Typed correspondence (some carbon copies) concerning conferences, research, publications, and equipment. Dept. of Geology. Pamphlet, 1959. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 55 Abstract: Collection includes a list of student publications in the Brigham Young University Research Studies, Geology Series produced from 1954-1958 under the supervision of the Geology faculty. Dept. of Youth Leadership. Young adult male attitudes and interests of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: a research report, 1970. Call Number: UA SC 94 Abstract: Research report discusses young adult male attitudes and interests of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Oaks, Carol. Our American negro : study of the dialect of the American negro, 1941. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 108 Abstract: Study of the dialect of the American negro. Office of Research and Creative Activities. Annual reports, 1992-1997. 3 volumes . Call Number: UA 748 Abstract: Financial summary of research projects conducted at Brigham Young University that were funded by sources outside the university, for the years 1991-92, 1995-96, and 1997. Includes total figures for the university and specific data for each college or school on campus. Research Division. Records, 1960-1971. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 517 Abstract: Includes records from the office of Garth Frazier, administrative supervisor. Includes budget, correspondence, faculty fellowship applications and rejections, reports, and a sampling of projects. Vernon, Leo P. Records, 1970-1979. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes of staff meetings, and information concerning Task Force on Reporting and Evaluation Procedures, research committee meetings, and a research corporation. ———. Research notes, 1953. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 13 Abstract: BYU professor of chemistry and director of Research. Research Division Research Division. Annual report, 1977-1978. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 808 Abstract: Annual report includes reports, tables and charts concerning funding. ———. Records, 1960-1971. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 517 Abstract: Includes records from the office of Garth Frazier, administrative supervisor. Includes budget, correspondence, faculty fellowship applications and rejections, reports, and a sampling of projects. Reserve Officer's Training Corps Reserve Officer's Training Corps. Records, 1918-1919. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 110 Abstract: Collection includes reports, memoranda, schedules, lists, statements and correspondence concerning construction, Utah States War Department, George H. Brimhall, and Brigham Young Univerity students in the United States Army. Rex, Janet J. Rex, Janet J. BYU Physical Facility Building Histories, 1998. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 779 Abstract: Compiled by Janet J. Rex of Public Communications at Brigham Young University, the document gives summary information about each structure on the BYU campus, including date of construction, its uses, departments housed therein, dates of renovation (if applicable), and, in some instances, anecdotal information. Reynolds, Alice Louise Alice Louise Reynolds Club. Records, 1932-1977. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 465 Abstract: Includes minutes, correspondence, scrapbooks, programs, financial reports, and study courses of various chapters. Also includes newsclippings, tributes, an autobiography, and correspondence concerning Reynolds, and records of a project for a room in the library in remembrance of Reynolds. English Dept. Records, 1934-1935. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 20 Abstract: Collection includes typewritten essays, stories and poems written by members of an English class taught by Alice Louise Reynolds. Reynolds, Alice Louise. Photograph collection, n. d. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAP 6 Abstract: Photographs of Reynolds, her family and friends. ———. Students of the First Twenty-Five Years, 1933. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 31 Abstract: Address delivered during Founders Day in 1933. Reynolds, George Reynolds, George. Letter, 1884 December 29. 1 folder (1 item) . Call Number: UA 208 Abstract: Correspondence from Reynolds to Abraham Smoot authorizing an order for $1,000 labor and merchandise tithing for the Brigham Young Academy. Rialto Club Rialto Club. Records, 1903-1905. 1 folder (9 items) . Call Number: UA 188 Abstract: Collection includes bound 76 page journal of the club and materials concerning debate topics. Rich, Owen S. Rich, Owen S. Speech and video on KBYU, 1999. 1 folder and 1 video . Call Number: UA 989 Abstract: Speech given by Rich on the establishment of KBYU and a video documenting Rich's career at KBYU. Rich, Russell R. Rich, Russell R. Papers, 1954-1984. 33 boxes (16.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 611 Abstract: Includes talks, correspondence, class lectures, and research. Also included are research notes and chapter drafts for "Ensign to the Nations." Richards, Alma W. Richards, Alma W. Papers, 1919-1972. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 310 Abstract: Includes correspondence, news clippings, scrapbooks, certificates and photos of Richards' athletic career. Richards Building (Provo, Utah) Dept. of Physical Education. Records, 1920-1980. 32 boxes (16 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 544 Abstract: Includes correspondence and records from the office of the dean. Also includes records from the various department offices, faculty directories, biographical sketches and newspaper clippings. Richards, J. Morris Richards, J. Morris. Oral history, 1992. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 173 Abstract: Richards, who was born in 1906, tells about being raised in Arizona and his teaching career at Brigham Young University. Richey, Melva H. Richey, Melva H. Manuscript library questionnaires, 1976. 4 folders . Call Number: UA 65 Abstract: Collection includes 79 questionnaires concerning policies and procedures followed in United States' state historical societies and university libraries in regard to their manuscript collections. A paper for the Research Project Seminar under the direction of Merle Lamson and Victor Purdy, Department of Library and Information Science. A summary of results may to found in "Policies governing the access to and use of manuscript collections in the United States," in LIS Projects, 1976. Riggs, Robert Edwin Riggs, Robert Edwin. Oral history, 1992. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 170 Abstract: Riggs talks about his education, his law career, his employment at Brigham Young University, and his disagreements with the president of Brigham Young University, Ernest L. Wilkinson. Roberts, Eugene L. Roberts, Eugene L. Papers, 1912-1972. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 562 Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, a thesis and practicum manuscripts about Roberts, and research materials for "History of BYU Physical Education, Sports, and Athletics, 1875-1901." Also includes printed programs, newsclippings, songs and poetry concerning the Timpanogos hike. ———. Timpanogos hike programs, 1922-1940. 12 items . Call Number: UA 48 Abstract: Collection includes various printed programs, On the Trail to Timpanogos, 1922-23; the Timpanogos Trail, 1924-26; letterhead Timpanogos Hike, 1928; and a souvenir program Timpanogos Hike, 1940. Roberts, May Roberts, May. Examination papers, 1879-1880. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 43 Abstract: Examination papers of May Roberts. Rocky Mountain Faculty Athletic Conference Rocky Mountain Faculty Athletic Conference. Minutes, 1919-1937. 3 folders . Call Number: UA 113 Abstract: Includes meeting minutes of the Rocky Mountain Faculty Athletic Conference. Also includes a petition for the reestablishment of football at BYU for 1919. Rocky Mountain Forensic League Rocky Mountain Forensic League. Records, 1925-1942. 3 volumes . Call Number: UA 154 Abstract: Collection includes orations, programs and proceedings of the Rocky Mountain Speech Conference, the Rocky Mountain Oratorical League and the Rocky Mountain Forensic League held at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah; the University of Denver, Denver, Colorado; the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado; Colorado State College, Fort Collins, Colorado; the University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming; Montana State College, Bozeman, Montana; Utah State Agricultural College, Logan, Utah; and the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Rocky Mountain Oratorical League Rocky Mountain Oratorical League. Records, 1925-1928, 1930. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 153 Abstract: Collection includes orations from the 1st-4th and the 6th annual contests held at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado; Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah; University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming; Montana State College, Bozeman, Montana; and the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Rollins, Marie H. Rollins, Marie H. Oral history interview, Nov. 24, 1965. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 5 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott, with Marie H. Rollins, housewife, concerning experiences as a student at the Beaver Branch of the Brigham Young Academy, 1881-1901. Romney, Antone K. Romney, Antone K. Oral history interview, July 23, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 20 Abstract: Interview by C. Garn Coombs with Antone Romney concerning his experiences as a student at BYU, and later as Dean of Students at BYU. Romney, Gretta P. Romney, Gretta P. Oral history interview, March 25, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 90 Abstract: Interview by Shana Habel with Gretta Romney discussing basic biographical information, education and attitudes about the feminist movement. Rowe, Ed M. Rowe, Ed M. Papers, 1924-1951. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 181 Abstract: Collection includes card files concerning authors, especially English Romantics, biographies, notes on individual works, and bibliographies. Also includes news clippings concerning history, politics, celebrities of the 1930s, correspondence with Heber J. Grant, theological notes, speeches, and addresses of missionaries and associates in Europe. Ruesch, Matilda Woodbury Ruesch, Matilda Woodbury. Class notes, 1916. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 422 Abstract: Contains notes from the BYU camp cookery class. Includes recipes and instructions. Rushforth, Layne T. Rushforth, Layne T. Decision-making: toward a grand model, 1973. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 429 Abstract: This was a term paper for political science 330 at BYU. Salt Lake Center for Continuing Education Salt Lake Center for Continuing Education. Scrapbooks, 1959-1975. 3 large scrapbooks . Call Number: UA 984 Abstract: The scrapbooks contain newspaper clippings and other memorabilia concerning the Salt Lake Center. Sam F. Brewster Building (Provo, Utah) Brigham Young University. Compilation of the dedicatory services for the Clark Library, Smoot Administration building, General Services building, and the Physical Plant, 1962. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 470 Abstract: Includes dedicatory prayers, addresses, and a list of Smoot descendants in attendance. Sandgren, Clyde D. Sandgren, Clyde D. Correspondence, 1953-1975. 20 volumes . Abstract: Includes correspondence and memoranda concerning Administrative Council, athletics, curriculum, committees, colleges and departments, faculty, students, insurance, investments, Provo City, publications, radio and television, Max Redburn, tax matters, traffic, construction companies, married students' housing, loans, Iran Point Four Program, tuition, leases, fringe benefits, federal aid to education, Keifer B. Sauls, Bassett School District, accreditation, Board of Trustees, wages, administration, and civil rights. ———. Records, 1953-1975. 149 boxes (74.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, contracts, newspaper clippings, and memoranda concerning Administrative Council, athletics, curriculum, committees, colleges and departments, faculty, students, insurance, investments, Provo City, publications, radio and television, Max Redburn, tax matters, traffic, construction companies, married students' housing, loans, Iran Point Four Program, tuition, leases, fringe benefits, federal aid to education, Keifer B. Sauls, Bassett School District, accreditation, Board of Trustees, wages, administration, and civil rights. ———. Yells and songs of Brigham Young University, 1900-1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 330 Abstract: Includes articles about BYU songs and traditions. Also includes the original BYU yells and songs, and musical scores relating to BYU. Sardoni, Lawrence W. Sardoni, Lawrence W. Oral history interview, Feb. 16, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 141 Abstract: Interview by Bertrand Harrison with Lawrence Sardoni concerning his childhood, education, and experiences as a professor at BYU. He elaborates on the Department of Music and his association with LeRoy Robertson. Sauls, Kiefer B. Sauls, Kiefer B. Oral history interview, June 6, 7, 26th, 1979. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 41 Abstract: Interview by Mark K. Allen with Kiefer Sauls, BYU treasurer, purchasing agent and secretary to three presidents. Topics cover his association with BYU in those capacities over a 51 year period, childhood reminiscences and family data. ———. Oral interview, 1975. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 144 Abstract: Sauls tells about coming to Brigham Young University as a student in 1911 and his employment by that institution from 1920-1972. He presents many personal observations on the growth of BYU and how it was administered during the terms of various presidents. School of Library and Information Science Dept. of Library and Information Sciences. Records, 1964-1973. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 582 Abstract: Files of the director of the department, Hattie Knight. Harold B. Lee Library. Files on BYU Library School Professors, 1970's. 1.5 boxes (.75 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 771 Abstract: Correspondence, syllabi, and vitae of Thayne Johnson, Maurice Marchant, Lucille M. Thorne, and Hatti M. Knight, BYU Library School Professors Lee, Richard. [Comic sketches of library situations] : posters, 1991. 15 posters . Call Number: UA 694 Abstract: These sketches on posters were created by Richard Lee as a part of the 25 year reunion (1991) of the School of information and Library Science. Shields, Dorothy M. Library science student information cards, 1975-1986. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 874 Abstract: Shields kept a file of student information cards on each student who attended her Library Science classes. Cards include information concerning student name, address, campus job, hometown, marital status, educational background, and lists Library Science classes previously taken from Shields. Most cards include a photograph of the student. Cards are arranged alphabetically. School of Library and Information Sciences School of Library and Information Sciences. Certificate of appreciation, 1991. 1 item . Call Number: UA 1004 Abstract: Framed certificate of appreciation from the faculty of the School of Library and Informational Sciences on its 25th anniversary to the Harold B. Lee Library. ———. Memorabilia, 1980-1993. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 986 Abstract: This collection contains two posters dealing with library rules and ethics, 7 bookmarks containing the "7 deadly sins of book care" and one book bag from the School of Library and Information Sciences. ———. Papers, [1981]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 843 Abstract: Includes class handouts, examinations, course outline, memoranda, and photocopied documents for cataloging exercises. ———. Proposal for a school of library and information sciences, 1999. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 957 Abstract: This collection contains the Harold B. Lee Library Administrative Council's Proposal for a School of Library and Information Sciences. Schulthess, David A. Schulthess, David A. Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 319 Abstract: Contains an article about BYU written by Dave Schulthess for Coach and Athlete. Schulthess was the BYU Sports Information Director. ———. Oral history, 1992. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 166 Abstract: Schulthess talks about his thirty-seven year career as Sports Information Director, including details of racial problems in the sports program, the role of sports in society, and some of his relationships with head figures at Brigham Young University. Schwendiman, Fred A. Schwendiman, Fred A. Library, Housing, and Computer Services self-study report, 1976. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 828 Abstract: Library, Housing, and Computer Services self-study report, 1976. Scott, Hollis Scott, Hollis. Brief synopsis of awarding academic diplomas and degrees at Brigham Young Academy and Brigham Young University from 1876-1919. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 590 Abstract: This is a compilation by Hollis Scott describing the various degrees and diplomas awarded by Brigham Young Academy and Brigham Young University. ———. Oral history interview, Nov. 12, 1968. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 16 Abstract: Interview by Reed Hansen with Hollis Scott, discussing the function and purpose of the BYU University Archives. Secondary Laboratory School College of Education. Records of the BYU Laboratory School, 1914-1968. 13 boxes (6.5 linear ft.), 2 albums, 4 oversize flat boxes, 1 carton (1 cubic ft.). Call Number: UA 564 Abstract: Includes correspondence, policy statements, brochures, attendance records, building plans, enrollment statistics, Immigration and Naturalization Services information, examinations, surveys, financial records, histories, and miscellaneous materials. Also includes information concerning BY High School and the Elementary Training School. Security Brigham Young University. Campus security reports, 2000-. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 954 Abstract: These reports are produced annually and describe security on the Brigham Young University campus. Sessions, J. Wyley Sessions, J. Wyley. Oral history interview, Aug. 12, 1972. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 65 Abstract: Interview by Don David Sessions with J. Wyley Sessions concerning his work experiences at BYU, and in starting the LDS Institute Program at the University of Idaho, Idaho State, and the University of Wyoming. ———. Papers, 1911-1978. 5 boxes . Call Number: UA 156 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten and typewritten correspondence, news clippings (photocopies), financial reports and budgets, certificates, documents, poems, articles and speeches concerning his education, career, Latter-Day Saint Church assignments, business pursuits, genealogy and personal and family history. Seventh East Press Seventh East Press. Papers, 1981-1983. 10 boxes (5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 609 Abstract: Publication materials, illustrations, materials not used, correspondence, subscription requests, documents related to advertising and finances, and miscellaneous materials. It was planned that the newspaper would come out weekly, but its actual publication was much more irregular. In December 1982 no items were published. Shelley, George F. Shelley, George F. Oral history interview, May, 28, 1965. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 4 Abstract: An interview by Hollis Scott with George F. Shelley, farmer and teacher, concerning his experiences at BYA, 1888-1890, and later activities as a school teacher. Shields, Dorothy M. Shields, Dorothy M. Library science student information cards, 1975-1986. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 874 Abstract: Shields kept a file of student information cards on each student who attended her Library Science classes. Cards include information concerning student name, address, campus job, hometown, marital status, educational background, and lists Library Science classes previously taken from Shields. Most cards include a photograph of the student. Cards are arranged alphabetically. Shim, Bok Suk Shim, Bok Suk. Getting to know Korean running : Western viewpoint of Korean running and my track activities at Brigham Young University in the United States. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 33 Abstract: Senior research paper dedicated to coach Clarence F. Robinson (USA) and coach Key Chung Son (Korea). Siddoway, William R. Siddoway, William R. Correspondence, 1955-1966. 4 volumes . Abstract: Correspondence and memoranda of William R. Siddoway during his tenure as Dean of Admissions and Records. Smart, Lyman F. Smart, Lyman F. Papers, 1955-1964. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 496 Abstract: Includes correspondence with Henry D. Moyle, correspondence regarding various conferences, and with the Utah Council of Teachers of English. Smith, Hyrum Jenkins Smith, Hyrum Jenkins. Oral history interview, Oct. 17, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 43 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Hyrum J. Smith regarding his experiences as a BYU student, 1932-1939; and reminiscences of the faculty. Smith, Ida Smith, Ida. Papers regarding the visit of the seven crew members of the space shuttle Discovery 51-D and the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Women of Science Reading Room of the Brigham Young University Library, 1985. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 879 Abstract: Contains agenda, press releases, speeches, correspondence, minutes of planning meetings, biographical information on the Discovery shuttle crew members, and space shuttle mission 51-D press kit compiled by NASA. Smith, Joseph Fielding Smith, Joseph Fielding. Dedicatory prayer of the Provo Temple, 1972. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 15 Abstract: Prayer given at several sessions Feb. 9, 1972. Smith, Oliver R. Smith, Oliver R. Oral history, 1989-1991. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 160 Abstract: Smith talks about his educational background, his professional affiliation with Brigham Young University and his religious experiences. Smith, Wilford E. Smith, Wilford E. History of the Brigham Young University Sociology Department, ca. 1954. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 301 Abstract: Contains a brief history of the Sociology Department, including names of those with masters' and bachelors degrees, 1954. Smoot, A. O. Gates, Susa Young. Reminiscences of Brigham Young Academy, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 594 Abstract: Contains an article on the origin of the Music department by Susa Young Gates; recollections of teaching in the Primary department by Anna Smoot Taylor; a brief overview of the Ladies Work department by Jennie Tanner; and a tribute to A. O. Smoot (authorship unknown). Smoot, Reed Smoot, Reed. Papers, 1930, 1932. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 290 Abstract: Collection includes a typewritten assembly addresses and a typewritten Founder's Day assembly address. Snell, William H. Snell, William H. History of industrial arts at B.Y.U. from 1883 to 1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 294 Abstract: History of industrial arts at Brigham Young University from 1883 to 1960. Snow, G. Gardner Snow, G. Gardner. Professional records and correspondence, 1965-1982. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 712 Abstract: Includes Dr. Snow's work with Knapp and AECT. Also includes notes and syllabi for the graduate classes he taught at BYU, and collected materials on media. Snow, William J. Snow, William J. Oral history interview, June 27, 1979. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 42 Abstract: Interview by Helen Stark with William J. Snow, Jr. of his reminiscences of his pioneer grandfather, and his father's and his education at Berkeley and BYU. Society of the Sigma Xi Society of the Sigma Xi. Brigham Young University Chapter records, 1935-1975. 6 boxes (3 linear ft) . Call Number: UA 415 Abstract: Includes petitions, correspondence, constitution and by-laws, membership lists, minutes, reports, and a copy of the Sigma XI Half Century Record and History 1886-1936. Songs and music Brigham Young Academy. Catalogs, songs, announcements and history of the Beaver Branch of the Brigham Young Academy, ca. 1909. 1 folder (22 items) . Call Number: UA 242 Abstract: Includes songs, yells, announcements, school catalog, and some mementos. Also includes a brief history of the Academy written by Mary K. Davis, former student, with a photograph of the 1909 graduating class. Brigham Young University. Carillon chimes at BYU, 1955. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 336 Abstract: Contains a newspaper article about the acquisition of the original carillon chimes within the Eyring Science Center. ———. Old BYU traditions and accompanying songs, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 36 Abstract: Collection contains four items. They are a history of the "Y" Bell and the "Old Y Bell" song, a copy of the College Song and a revision, a history of the block Y and "The trail of the Y" song, and a copy of the Athletic Carnival and the Timpanogos song. Dept. of Archives and Manuscripts. Music Collection, 1916-1975. 1 box . Call Number: UA 133 Abstract: Collection includes published and handwritten unpublished musical selections written and arranged by Brigham Young University faculty members. ———. Papers, 1965-1975. 1 folder (13 items) . Call Number: UA 233 Abstract: Collection includes research materials, data from deeds, plot maps, and quotes from journals and oral history interviews concerning the origin of the name "Temple Hill" in the 1870s. "Temple Hill" is the area subsequently occupied by Brigham Young University. Also includes a song entitled "A Temple at Brigham Young University." Eastmond, Elbert H. Papers, 1902-1936. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 388 Abstract: Scripts, outlines, songs, poems, photographs, scrapbooks, and newspaper clippings concerning the production and presentation of various Mormon Church pageants. Neff, Andrew Love. School papers, 1900-1903. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 406 Abstract: Includes account records for fund raising for the library, a draft of correspondence used to solicit funds for a new gymnasium, a bank passbook with canceled checks, an account book for the new gymnasium, a financial ledger, and a draft of a school or class song. Roberts, Eugene L. Papers, 1912-1972. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 562 Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, a thesis and practicum manuscripts about Roberts, and research materials for "History of BYU Physical Education, Sports, and Athletics, 1875-1901." Also includes printed programs, newsclippings, songs and poetry concerning the Timpanogos hike. Sandgren, Clyde D. Yells and songs of Brigham Young University, 1900-1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 330 Abstract: Includes articles about BYU songs and traditions. Also includes the original BYU yells and songs, and musical scores relating to BYU. Sovine, Helen D. Sovine, Helen D. Oral history interview, March 23, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 84 Abstract: Interview by Marilyn Green with Helen Sovine discussing basic biographical data and attitudes about the feminist movement. Spears, Irene Osmond Spears, Irene Osmond. Oral history interview, Dec. 18, 1979. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 36 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo Morley with Irene Osmond Spears concerning her experiences as a student at BYU, as a graduate student at Stanford and Europe, marriage and family, and as a professor at BYU. Speech and Dramatic Arts Dept. Britsch, Ralph A. Oral history interview, April 4, 1979. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 67 Abstract: Interview by Thomas E. Cheney with Ralph A. Britsch concerning his experiences as a student at BYU, including comments about his teachers, and the development of BYU from 1931 to the present, particularily in the areas of music and drama. Morley, Alonzo J. Oral history interview, March 7, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 66 Abstract: Self-interview of Alonzo J. Morley concerning his childhood in Moroni, Utah, and family and genealogical information. Also talks about life in Provo, Utah; his work in the BYU Department of Public Speaking and Dramatic Arts developing the Speech Pathology program; also his participation in dramatic productions, and descriptions of his world travels. Pardoe, Kathryn. Oral history interview, July 2, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 132 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo J. Morley with Kathryn Pardoe concerning her childhood, education, life in Utah and Idaho, undergraduate education at Utah State and Henniger's Business College, dating and marriage, and years teaching speech at BYU. Pardoe, T. Earl. Records, 1922-1950. 13 volumes . Call Number: UA 185 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, newspaper clippings, programs, plays, pictures, and pamphlets concerning the Public Speaking and Dramatic Arts Department. Speech and Dramatic Arts Dept. Class related materials of Robert Struthers, 19711972. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 713 Abstract: Contains class and teaching materials. Also includes music manuscripts by Lex De Azevedo. ———. Correspondence and records of the Speech and Dramatic Arts Department, 1950s-1960s. 30 boxes (15 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 87 Abstract: Collection includes the files and records of the department chair and other faculty. Speeches Education and Brigham Young University : excerpts from Christian holy writ and the sermons and writings of modern-day apostles, prophets and educators respecting the purpose and powers of education and the destiny of Brigham Young University, ca. 19501 folder . Call Number: UA SC 53 Abstract: Collection of quotes from various Church leaders and educators on the purpose and future of BYU. Brigham Young University. Speeches on audio cassette tapes, 1954-1988. 2 cartons . Call Number: UA 994 Abstract: Audio cassette tapes of speeches made during BYU devotionals, firesides, and other meetings. Most are recordings of General Authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Dern, George Henry. Speech, 1928. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 35 Abstract: Speech by Governor George H. Dern at Jefferson Day Banquet, Provo, Utah, April 12, 1928. Perkins, Keith W. Decade of decision : President John Taylor, 1980 Aug. 20. 2 items . Call Number: UA 924 Abstract: Includes an original three-quarter-inch recording, and a VHS copy, of Perkins's talk about John Taylor, president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints from 1880 to 1887. The talk, lasting about fifty-five minutes, was delivered on Wednesday, 20 August 1980, apparently as part of a lecture series. Sperry, Sidney Branton Sperry, Sidney Branton. Papers, 1837, 1921-1971. 26 boxes (13 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 618 Abstract: Correspondence, talks, and articles from Sydney Sperry's work at BYU. The majority of these materials relate to religion and church curriculum. Sports Information Sports Information. Publicity information, 1953-1986. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 740 Abstract: Contains media and personal information for most of the BYU sports and athletes, e.g., biographical information, statistics, press releases. etc. Statistics Brigham Young Academy. Annual statistical reports of the Brigham Young Academy for the twenty first academic year 1896-1897, and 1900. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 338 Abstract: Statistical reports for Brigham Young Academy. ———. Attendance statistics of the Brigham Young Academy, 1876-1891. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 32 Abstract: This is a compilation of the total number of students of each year, broken down by gender. ———. School activities, 1881-1884. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 751 Abstract: Contains statistics for registration within the Normal, Academic A and B, Intermediate A and B, Primary schools; statistics relating to registration of classes; statistics for faculty meeting attendance; and statistics regarding memberships in organizations. Also included are lists of courses, teachers, and subjects covered in classes. Index included. Brimhall, George H. [Miscellaneous records of, and articles about, the Brigham Young Academy, 1891-1925]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 607 Abstract: Includes a poem "The Builder" which is a tribute to BYU by Marie Clark Miller; officers of Brigham Young University, 1923-1924; a news article examining the progress of BYU, 1918; a brief history and suggested outline for a history of BYU, with name of compilers, 1920; copy of the Deseret Weekly containing an article about Brigham Young Academy, 1891; a brief history of the Academy from the Contributor written by James Talmage, 1881; enrollment statistics for the years 1875-1924; and a poem by George Brimhall written for a student body meeting, n.d. ———. [Reports and statistics of Brigham Young University, ca. 1880-1915]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 205 Abstract: Collection includes several reports from the Office of the President containing basic statistics of enrollment, finances, and procurements. Provides brief historical information regarding the University and its academic and financial achievements. These are state of the campus reports. Not all were generated from the Office of the President. Domestic Dept. Enrollment statistics, 1895. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 593 Abstract: Includes a compilation of students by county or home state. Harold B. Lee Library. Annual report, 1983-1984. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 844 Abstract: Includes statistics on library holdings, use, and employment; summaries of accomplishments and personnel changes; and assessment of needs. Institutional Studies. Statistical summaries, 1939-1973. 12 cartons (12 linear); 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 466 Abstract: Includes various statistical summaries e.g. summaries of class rolls, student demographics, church studies, new and former student studies, grade distribution, and other studies for the University. McDonald Student Health Center. McDonald Student Health Center reports, 19661989. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 819 Abstract: Eleven reports concerning various topics such as student and faculty views of BYU counseling and health centers; quality of clinical services; statistics of marital status, age, dependents, year in college, gender, employment status, and other factors; insurance coverage; and finances. Also includes a brief chronology of the history of the McDonald Health Center. Steed, Margaret S. Steed, Margaret S. Oral history interview, March 28, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 83 Abstract: Interview by Elena Hutchinson with Margaret Steed, housewife, discussing basic biographical data and attitudes about the feminist movement. Stevens, John L. Stevens, John L. Papers, 1906-1929. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 463 Abstract: Includes class notes, essays, correspondence, and land titles. Stewart, John R. Stewart, John R. Letter to Franklin Harris, 1921. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 254 Abstract: Letter confirming donation of Aspen Grove to BYU from John R. Stewart, Scott P. Stewart, Joseph Nelson, Rose Young Stewart, and Melissa R. Stewart. Stewart, Mary B. Stewart, Mary B. Class notes, 1881-1883. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 42 Abstract: Includes notes for theology and U. S. history. Stewart, Nancy T. Stewart, Nancy T. Oral history interview, April 3, 1978. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 85 Abstract: Interview by Frank Rolapp with Nancy Stewart, who discusses her education, career, marriage, and family. Stewart, Virginia R. Stewart, Virginia R. Oral history interview, April 4, 1978. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 86 Abstract: Interview by Dan Taylor with Virginia Stewart discussing her education, career, marriage, and family. Stovall, Mary Elizabeth Stovall, Mary Elizabeth. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 154 Abstract: Stovall describes why she chose to teach history at BYU. She gives an account of her employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of her career including her special interest in examining the impact of the Civil War on white southern families. Stringham, Briant H. Stringham, Briant H. Papers, 1912, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 285 Abstract: Collection includes a typewritten history of the graduation gift of the Class of 1912 and a memorandum concerning the written history. Student Auxiliary Services Student Auxiliary Services. Head resident meeting minutes, Jan 10, 1989-Dec., 1989. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 40 Abstract: Contains head resident meeting minutes. ———. Records of the director of married student housing, 1949-1971. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 537 Abstract: Includes sampling of correspondence, memos and other materials relating to the operation of this office. ———. Staff meeting, Aug. 22, 1967. 1 reel to reel tape . Call Number: UA OH 54 Abstract: Proceedings of staff orientation meeting concerning staff use of activity cards, Richards building activities, sports and ticket distribution, BYU Dairy lab, Wilkinson Center services, BYU Bookstore, and swimming pool and cafeteria use. Includes a question and answer discussion by several of the Auxiliary Services directors. Student Health Center Cullimore, Lloyd L. Oral history, 1978-1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 115 Abstract: The material centers on the 1920s and is mostly concerned with the early years of the BYU health center. Cullimore reminisces about BYU personalities such as Benjamin Cluff and Ernest L. Wilkinson. He talks about student health and also shares his ideas on preventative medicine, nutrition, rest homes, and practical religion. Student Housing Brigham Young Academy. [Room assignments, 1885-1886, 1888]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 232 Abstract: Collection includes daily room schedules, regulations of the boarding house, and a report listing the number of students in each class. Brigham Young University. Centennial history: Office of the Executive Vice President, ca. 1975. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 82 Abstract: Includes histories of the departments of Purchasing, Student Housing, Food Services, Bookstore, and Auxiliary Services. ———. Wyview Park dedication, 1 Nov. 1998. 2 items . Call Number: UA 910 Abstract: Audiocassette and videocassette recordings of dedication services for family student housing on the BYU campus. Speakers included Merrill J. Bateman, John M. R. Covey, David A. Hunt, Henry B. Eyring, and James E. Faust. Includes dedicatory prayer offered by President James E. Faust of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Executive Vice President for Auxiliary Services. John B. Stohlton files, 1970-1989. 18 cartons . Call Number: UA 934 Abstract: Administrative files of John B. Stohlton, including some files of his predecessors, W. Rolfe Kerr and Fred A. Schwendiman. Stohlton was appointed as assistant executive vice president for auxiliary services at BYU in January 1984. He was named executive vice president in May 1984, succeeding W. Rolfe Kerr. Files concern student life, special events, housing, food, athletics, committees, university relations, personnel, alumni, and related topics. Includes retained copies of correspondence, 1984-1989. The sequencing of sections of the collection is not strictly chronological. Foreign Language Houses. Memoranda, 1986-1990. 1 folder (ca. 50 items) . Call Number: UA 777 Abstract: From program administrators and staff to head residents, coordinators, and others, concerning policies and procedures in the foreign language houses for students, located adjancent to the BYU campus. Memos address such issues as rent and other fees; approval of a new housing complex, 1990; and house rules. From program administrators and staff to head residents, coordinators, and others, concerning policies and procedures in the foreign language houses for students, located adjancent to the BYU campus. Memos address such issues as rent and other fees; approval of a new housing complex, 1990; and house rules. Housing Office. Records, 1945. 1 folder (54 items) . Call Number: UA 177 Abstract: Collection includes graphs, charts, construction plans and contracts, telegrams and correspondence with the National Housing Agency, Feberal Public Housing Authority, United Engineers, and O. J. Scherer Company concerning the use of former military buildings as Wymount Village student housing. ———. Records, 1956-1960. 5 folders . Call Number: UA 471 Abstract: Includes correspondence with students and parents concerning problems, space availability, room assignments, roommate preferences, and financial requests. Also includes memoranda by the faculty committee on honor and by University officials. ———. Student housing pamphlets, 1950-1966. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 60 Abstract: Includes pamphlets issued to students about the housing policies and etiquette. Hoyt, Forrest T. Papers, 1972 Aug. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 289 Abstract: Collection includes a typewritten research paper concerning the Brigham Young Academy Domestic Department written for a history seminar taught by Eugene Campbell. Physical Plant. Records, 1947-1979. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 491 Notes: Boxes 1-6 missing since 1988. Abstract: Includes program requirements, reports, blueprints, budget estimates, minutes, correspondence, and aperture cards regarding the construction and layout of several campus buildings. Also includes biographical sketches of men after whom Helaman Halls were named and statements concerning increasing enrollment. Student Auxiliary Services. Head resident meeting minutes, Jan 10, 1989-Dec., 1989. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 40 Abstract: Contains head resident meeting minutes. ———. Records of the director of married student housing, 1949-1971. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 537 Abstract: Includes sampling of correspondence, memos and other materials relating to the operation of this office. Student Leadership Development Wilkinson Center Director. Records, 1960-1978. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 732 Abstract: Contains the office records of Lyle Curtis and Curtis Wynder, Director and Assistant Director of the Wilkinson Center respectively. ———. Records of the Director of Wilkinson Center and Student Activities, 19381974. 81 boxes (40.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 460 Abstract: Includes the files and records of student activities, student government, and the function of the offices and businesses of the Wilkinson Center Student Life Cameron, J. Elliot. Oral reminiscences, April 27, 1990. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 159 Abstract: Oral reminiscences of J. Elliot Cameron on his time as a student at BYU, and experiences as Dean of Student Life. Student Life. Deans' office files, 1978-1985. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 811 Abstract: Includes a copy of the management report of the McDonald Health Center, 1978; a copy of "On the Lord's errand," from the Student Life fall conference, 1985; and memoranda concerning international student enrollment, student standards, and the task force on nutritional needs of students. Also includes cassette tape and transcript of talk given by Elder Thomas S. Monson to bishops, stake presidents, and university administrators on 26 August 1985. ———. Records, 1979-1985. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 963 Notes: Public use of this collection is restricted. See University Archivist for details. Abstract: This collection contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, reports, and other information relating to the operation of Student Life. Of particular interest are files on the development of the dress and grooming standards and the athletic ticket policy. ———. Subject files, 1950-1986. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 703 Abstract: Subject files of different areas overseen by the Office of Student Life. Wilkinson Center Director. Records, 1960-1978. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 732 Abstract: Contains the office records of Lyle Curtis and Curtis Wynder, Director and Assistant Director of the Wilkinson Center respectively. ———. Records of the Director of Wilkinson Center and Student Activities, 19381974. 81 boxes (40.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 460 Abstract: Includes the files and records of student activities, student government, and the function of the offices and businesses of the Wilkinson Center Student Loan Association of Utah Student Loan Association of Utah. Records, 1891-1932. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 458 Abstract: Includes minutes of directors meeting, articles of agreement, licenses, correspondence, financial records, and applications for loans. Student Publications Office Student Publications Office. Records, 1932-1933. 1 folder (13 items) . Call Number: UA 126 Abstract: Collection includes budget reports, bids, audits, contracts and correspondence between Franklin S. Harris (Brigham Young University President, 1921-1945), Ralph W. Jenson (Brigham Young University Banyan editor) and photographers, printers and designers concerning the preparations of the Banyan and the "Y" News. Students Coeds living on fifty cents a day, 19581 folder . Call Number: UA 384 Abstract: Includes articles and correspondence regarding several coeds who fed themselves for fifty cents daily. Collected correspondence to Arthur Edmund Berkman, 1910-19121 folder . Call Number: UA 591 Abstract: Contains several letters to Arthur Berkman from President Brimhall, E.D. Partridge, and John L. Davis. President Brimhall's letter concerns Arthur's appointment to the Naval Academy. The other two letters were written to Arthur while he was at the Academy. Admissions and Records Office. Grade charts, 1939-1940. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 396 Abstract: Freshman grade point average charts. ———. Returned missionaries in attendance at BYU through the school year 195253. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 334 Abstract: Includes the names and mission of each individual. Allen, Mark K. Oral history interview, Aug. 4, 1978. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 59 Abstract: Contains an interview moderated by Golden H. Brimhall with Mark K. Allen, Golden H. Brimhall, Wilma Boyle Bunker, Walter Buss, Richard Clark, Fern Eyring Fletcher, Harvey Fletcher, Fred Hinkley, Robert Hinkley Jr., Ruth L. Partridge, Wayne N. Smart, William Snow Jr., Irene Osmond Spears and Lynn Wakefield. Topics include the posterity of early BYU faculty members, concerns of BYA and BYU. Includes reminiscences and personal experiences, particularily in regard to their perspective parents who all taught at BYU and BYA. ———. Oral history interview, March 22, 1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 128 Abstract: Interview by Karl Young with Mark K. Allen concerning his early life, family, grandfather, time as a student at BYU, education, and experiences at BYU as a professor and counselor. Allred, Berna B. Oral history interview, March 22, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 103 Abstract: Interview by Kim Jensen with Berna Allred, secretary, discussing her family background, education, career, marriage, children, and her attitudes concerning the feminist movement. Allred, J. Urban. Papers, 1894-1898. 1 folder (8 items) . Call Number: UA 145 Abstract: Collection includes typewritten extractions from his diary, as compiled by his children, concerning his ancestry, student activities, lectures given by faculty members and Latter-day Saint Church leaders, and the founding of Lehi, Utah. Alpha Kappa Psi. Beta Delta Chapter (Brigham Young University) survey of student expenditures in Provo, Utah, 1937-1938. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 47 Abstract: Survey of Brigham Young University students, to determine the amount of money students spend in Provo, instituted by the Associated Students of Brigham Young University. Alumni Association. Alumni Memories of BYU, 1990. 1 folder (3 items) . Call Number: UA 770 Abstract: Responses sent to Arthur R. Watkins, addressing specific questions about student life at BYU. Respondents were Gwen L. Riches, Francis N. Mortenson, and Mark A. Stahmann. ———. These we honor, ca. 1980. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 67 Abstract: Includes names of BYU students and alumni who died during the Korean and Vietnam conflicts. Anderson, Helen R. Oral history interview, March 15, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 91 Abstract: An interview by Roselle Hamblin with Helen Anderson, seamstress, discussing biographical information and attitudes concerning the feminist movement. Ash, Owen Kenneth. Papers, 1958-1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 138 Abstract: Collection includes a handwritten laboratory notebook concerning bacterial photosynthesis. Associated Men Students of Brigham Young University. Records and minutes of the Associated Men Students of BYU, 1941-1945. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 376 Abstract: Includes minutes of meetings concerning Y-Day plans, social and activity surveys, tuxedo bureau, rules for song contests, ice carnival, skits, and radio programs. Associated Students of Brigham Young University. Constitution of the Associated Students of Brigham Young University, 1935 and 1962. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 433 Abstract: Includes ASBYU constitutions for 1935 and 1962. ———. Records, 1912-1916. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 401 Abstract: Includes correspondence, financial reports, athletic information, and a resolution concerning conduct. ———. Records, 1912-1920. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 112 Abstract: Collection includes student body treasurer's reports listing receipts and disbursements for student publications, athletic programs, student fees, drama productions, and supplies. ———. Records, 1918-1919. 2 volumes . Call Number: UA 74 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten lists of Brigham Young University students enlisted in World War I and lists of those killed in action and receiving commendations. One notebook compiled by Alice Reynolds. ———. Records, 1942-1943, 1947-1949. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 287 Abstract: Collection includes weekly calendars of events. ———. Records, 1953-1960. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 489 Abstract: Includes reports compiled by the ASBYU business manager Fred Money concerning finances and 1953 activites. Also includes a leadership conference handbook (1958), and an executive handbook (1959) concerning student government and student organizations. ———. Records, 1956-1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 487 Abstract: Includes reports of Associated Women Students activities such as fashion shows, visiting programs and songfest. Also includes reports of combined AWS and Associated Men Students' activities such as the freshman hike, Christmas drives, and foreign student parties. ———. Records, 1961. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 488 Abstract: Includes the Student Activity Handbook containing policies and procedures in the administration of student government, student organizations, and other student activities. Bentley, Joseph T. Administrative records, 1952-1969. 158 boxes and 31 volumes (89 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 878 Abstract: Includes files concerning university budget, LDS Church School System, campus colleges and departments, faculty, staff, fund-raising, administrative meetings, students, Treasurer's Office, New World Archaeological Foundation, and athletics. Also includes files relative to Church schools in Mexico and in the Pacific, and some of Bentley's personal files. Includes significant amounts of correspondence with Ernest L. Wilkinson (president of BYU) and others. Booth, Lillian C. Associated Women Students of Brigham Young University : report, 1922-1956. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 592 Abstract: This report lists the officers of the Associated Women Students of BYU for the years 1922-1956. ———. Papers, 1947-1958. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 56 Abstract: Collection includes typescripts of job descriptions (some carbon copies and photocopies) for the Counselor of Women (1950, 1953-1955, 1957), annual reports (1945-1957), lists of officers from 1922-1957 of the Associated Women Students of Brigham Young University, a history from 1897-1957 of the Matron, Dean of Women, and Counselor of Women, and records of sample student problems. Bradley, Cleo. Oral history interview, March 4, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 102 Abstract: Interview by Janet Langeland with Cleo Bradley, elementary school teacher, discussing basic biographical information, and attitudes concerning the feminist movement. Brasher, Ruth E. Oral history interview, March 23, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 94 Abstract: Interview by Alice Gardner with Ruth Brasher, discussing basic biographical information, and attitudes concerning the feminist movement. Brigham Young Academy. Minutes of the Committee of the B.Y. Academy, Jan. 18, 1878. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 342 Abstract: Contains minutes of a social committee planning a party for BYA students of 1878. ———. Records, 1878-1892. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 213 Abstract: Collection includes report arranged by departments containing students' grades in percentages for various classes. ———. Records, 1894, 1902-1917. 5 volumes . Call Number: UA 361 Abstract: Includes registers listing student names, home towns and academic standings. ———. [Room assignments, 1885-1886, 1888]. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 232 Abstract: Collection includes daily room schedules, regulations of the boarding house, and a report listing the number of students in each class. ———. Young Ladies Association records, 1893, 1895-1902. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 201 Abstract: Collection includes minutes of meetings and lists of students' names. Brigham Young University. Campus photographs, ca. 1880-1958. 4 boxes (2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 919 Abstract: Originally bound in four volumes, images show BYU buildings, students, faculty, trustees, and campus life. The volume dealing with students was compiled by Mrs. Fletcher Eyring. Sources for the images include campus yearbooks and Wayne B. Hales. Includes views of Aspen Grove, the Alpine Summer School, and the Timpanogos Hike. Some images are original prints, others are reprints, and still others are from yearbooks and other published sources. ———. Certificates awarded to faculty and students, 1870-1931. 1 oversize box . Call Number: UA 312 Abstract: Certificates awarded to the faculty and students of both Brigham Young Academy and Brigham Young University. ———. Class of 1904 records, 1900-1950. 9 items . Call Number: UA 187 Abstract: Collection includes a bound minute book of the Class of 1904, correspondence between George C. Laney and O. S. Jarvis, list of class members of 1904, and addresses of some of the former students in 1950. ———. Class of 1936 records, 1936-1937. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 259 Abstract: Collection includes receipts, lists of paying students and correspondence from Cornelius R. Peterson and Eli K. Clayson to class members concerning donations for the construction and furnishing of the George Albert Smith Fieldhouse. ———. College Bowl collected correspondence and articles, 1961-1962. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 447 Abstract: Includes correspondence, articles and memoranda concerning the appearance of the BYU College Bowl team on the General Electric College Bowl television show. ———. Color photograph collection, 1940s. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 11 Abstract: Depicts early campus scenes, individual buildings, and student and faculty activities. ———. Compiled information about Sharlene Wells, 1984-1987. 4 folders . Call Number: UA 799 Abstract: Newspaper clippings, magazines, photographs, and other images concerning the 1984 Miss America Pageant, won by Sharlene Wells, and subsequent events. Wells was a student at Brigham Young University. ———. Counselor's guide to Brigham Young University, 1967. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 72 Abstract: Gives guidance on preparing students to attend Brigham Young University. ———. Editors and business managers of the Daily Universe and predecessors, 1898-1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 451 Abstract: Includes the names of editors and business managers of the Daily Universe and its predecessors. Also includes a newspaper article relating the reminiscences of Alvin G. Hubbard, first editor of the Y News. ———. “Passport to Y's Land” pamphlet, 1936. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 1023 Abstract: Pamphlet was published in 1936 as an orientation to incoming freshmen. It gives information about important dates in the school year, available activities and explanations of college jargon. ———. Senior class projects and gifts, 1905-1961. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 297 Abstract: Brief listing of senior class projects and gifts. ———. Single photo file, 1890s-1980s. 25 boxes (12.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 869 Abstract: Contains images of students, faculty, activities, and organizations at Brigham Young University. Includes images of alumni; student officers; Alpine Summer School; assemblies; devotionals; BYU Bookstore; BYU-Hawaii; campus royalty; views of campus, including aerial views; building dedications; cheerleaders and other pep groups; Cosmo, the school mascot; individual colleges; dance groups; live cougars; exhibits; faculty; Board of Trustees; homecoming parades; Leadership Week; Education Week; ROTC; instrumental and vocal performing groups; dramatic productions; school registration; Program Bureau; clubs; debate team; Benjamin Cluff's South American expedition; Timp Hike; and Y-Day. ———. Social photos, 1900-1970. 9 boxes (4.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 842 Abstract: Collection of class photos, clubs, dances, and different activities. ———. Student greetings to President Heber J. Grant, 22 Nov. 1936. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 949 Abstract: Contains signatures of several hundred BYU students expressing appreciation and good wishes to Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints President Heber J. Grant on his eightieth birthday. Each student recorded his or her signature and hometown. ———. Student register collection, 1896-1913. 5 volumes . Call Number: UA 261 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten registers of names of primary, grammar, sub-freshmen, high school and normal school students, listing faculty references, academic standings and promotions, Latter-day Saint Church memberships, priesthood offices, and domestic Latter-day Saint Church wards and residences. ———. Tributes, 1969-1979. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 971 Abstract: This collection contains tributes to Brigham Young University that were gathered during the administration of President Dallin H. Oaks. Topics include the cleanliness of the campus, the honor code and the appearance of students and faculty. ———. United States Army collection, 1914-1918. 6 items . Call Number: UA 38 Abstract: List of Brigham Young University students who were in the United States Army during World War I, 1914-1918, including those who lost their lives. Brigham Young University Magazine. Reminiscence of BYU students, faculty and alumni, [1937-1990]. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 864 Abstract: Responses to an advertisement placed in the BYU Magazine requesting recollections concerning the JFK assassination, the space shuttle Challenger explosion, campus working experiences, social life, Y Bell, Y Days, BYU mascot, lighting the Y, dating, places of hangouts, Persian Gulf War, Intermountain Association of College and University Residence Halls (IACURH) conference, Preference Ball dances, KBYU, and World War II. Budo, Lois Christianson. Oral history interview, March 26, 1978. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 100 Abstract: Interview by McCaye Christianson with Lois Budo, discussing her education, career, marriage and children. Cameron, J. Elliot. Oral reminiscences, April 27, 1990. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 159 Abstract: Oral reminiscences of J. Elliot Cameron on his time as a student at BYU, and experiences as Dean of Student Life. Carroll, Elsie Chamberlain. Papers, 1931-1934. 16 volumes . Call Number: UA 158 Abstract: Collection includes typewritten and illustrated scrapbooks containing stories, poems, essays and plays, written and prepared by Carroll's students. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Brigham Young Academy Ward Priest's Quorum records, 1892-1896. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 199 Abstract: Collection includes a handwritten record listing Latter-Day Saint Aaronic Priesthood ordinations of Brigham Young University students and contains minutes of meetings of the Priest's Quorum. Clark III, J. Reuben. Oral history interview, Jan. 19, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 129 Abstract: Interview by Thomas Cheney with J. Reuben Clark III, on his experiences as a student at BYU, and as a professor of French and Latin at BYU. Includes thoughts on several BYU presidents, and his father. Clarke, Rissa M. Oral history interview, April 3, 1978. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 98 Abstract: Interview by Merrilee Browne with Rissa M. Clarke discussing her education, family and career. Cloward, Vera H. Oral history interview, March 22, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 97 Abstract: Interview by Myrna Thornton with Vera Cloward discussing her family background, life in the Mormon Mexican colonies, education, matiage, and attitudes about women and the feminist movement. Cluff, Benjamin. Annual report of the principle of the Brigham Young Academy : To the Board of Trustees and Stake Board of Education, for the sixteenth academic year, 1891-92. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 326 Abstract: Includes the president's report of the faculty, students, curricula, facilities, and finances for 1891-1892. College Club. Records, 1912-1916. 1 folder (9 items) . Call Number: UA 190 Abstract: Collection includes a Valentine card, club membership list, correspondence, cancelled check, and bound volume of club records. College of Business. Student papers, 1942-1943. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 513 Abstract: Contains student papers written for an economics class taught by Weldon Taylor. College of Recreation, Physical and Health Education and Athletics. Intramural activities handbook, 1957-1965. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 59 Abstract: Handbook of intramural activities for men and women. Computer Research Center. Flow charts, 1966. 3 items . Call Number: UA 851 Abstract: Charts visually depict the conversion of student records, such as admissions, class schedules, registration, grades, rolls, and graduation, from paper systems to automated systems. Cowley, Ruby Dixon. Oral history interview, March 29, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 99 Abstract: Interview by Kerri Huber with Ruby Cowley, discussing her family background, career, and attitudes about the feminist movement. Cullimore, Lloyd L. Oral history, 1978-1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 115 Abstract: The material centers on the 1920s and is mostly concerned with the early years of the BYU health center. Cullimore reminisces about BYU personalities such as Benjamin Cluff and Ernest L. Wilkinson. He talks about student health and also shares his ideas on preventative medicine, nutrition, rest homes, and practical religion. Decker, Verena Stevens. Oral history interview, March 25, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 105 Abstract: Interview by Jennie Salisbury with Verena Decker, discussing her life, family background, education, career, church amd missionary service. Dept. of Accounting. Records 1941-1956, 1972. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 527 Abstract: Includes student reports from accounting classes. Also includes an audiotape recorded from a videotape original of a lecture by Robert T. Sprouse entitled "The Future and Challenge of Accounting." Dept. of Clothing and Textiles. BYU CLTIX : 44 years of success, 1955-1999. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 860 Abstract: Includes a history of the department plus autobiographical sketches and pictures of faculty and students who were affiliated with the program between the 1920s and 1990s. Volume has a plastic spiral binding. Dept. of Electrical Engineering. Department chair papers, 1956-1960. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 453 Abstract: Contains papers of the chair of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Jens J. Jonsson, including correspondence and memoranda on curriculum, faculty, students and facilities. Dept. of Geology. Pamphlet, 1959. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 55 Abstract: Collection includes a list of student publications in the Brigham Young University Research Studies, Geology Series produced from 1954-1958 under the supervision of the Geology faculty. Dept. of Military Science. Brigham Young University war service newsletter, 19541961. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 813 Abstract: Newsletters contain information on what BYU has to offer to the returning service man, information on the activities of service men who attended BYU and other interesting bits of news. Dept. of Physical Education. Making mountains out of molehills, 1988-1990. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 746 Abstract: Includes information about inclusion of the following sports in the extramural program (including dates of initial inclusion): alpine skiing, 1980; fencing 1979; lacrosse, 1968; men's soccer, 1987; nordic skiing, 1980s; power lifting, 1975; racquetball, 1988; rugby, 1986; sofball, 1980; men's volleyball, 1968; water polo, 1988; women's soccer, late 1970s; archery, 1968; badminton, 1954 (discontinued in 1982); and ice hockey, late 1970s (discontinued in 1984). Dept. of Recreational Education. Mount Timpanogos Hike files, 1912-1971. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 563 Abstract: Includes lists of participants, newspaper clippings, songs, signature books, slides, negatives of photographs, and correspondence relating to the preparation of the hike. Dept. of Theology. Records, 1910-1911. 3 folders . Call Number: UA 222 Abstract: Collection includes theology class rolls arranged by instructor. Dixon, Fred. Oral history interview, Jan. 16, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 61 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo J. Morley with Fred "Buck" Dixon concerning his experiences with BYU athletics and other BYU activities and interests. Includes brief comments about his early life and his family. Dyer, Bonnie Hansen. Oral history interview, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 96 Abstract: Interview by Terri Macy with Bonnie Dyer, discussing basic biographical information, family, education, and attitudes about the feminist movement. Edwards, William F. Oral history interview, Oct. 21, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 122 Abstract: Interview by Oliver Smith with William F. Edwards recounting his early life, education in Utah and New York; his work on Wall Street, tenure at BYU, and further work for the LDS Church and University of Utah. Ellsworth, Betty M. Oral history interview, April 11, 1978. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 95 Abstract: Interview by Lisa Bickmore with Betty Ellsworth, college educator, discussing her education and career in teaching about learning disabilities. Emery, Marjorie Merrill Reeve. Oral history, 1992. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 169 Abstract: Emery tells about attending Brigham Young University, her marriages to Wayne L. Reeve and Wesley F. Emery, her Relief Society callings, her missions to Ireland and to the Liberty Jail Visitors Center, and about living in Kansas and Salt Lake City, Utah. English Dept. Records, 1934-1935. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 20 Abstract: Collection includes typewritten essays, stories and poems written by members of an English class taught by Alice Louise Reynolds. Executive Vice President for Auxiliary Services. John B. Stohlton files, 1970-1989. 18 cartons . Call Number: UA 934 Abstract: Administrative files of John B. Stohlton, including some files of his predecessors, W. Rolfe Kerr and Fred A. Schwendiman. Stohlton was appointed as assistant executive vice president for auxiliary services at BYU in January 1984. He was named executive vice president in May 1984, succeeding W. Rolfe Kerr. Files concern student life, special events, housing, food, athletics, committees, university relations, personnel, alumni, and related topics. Includes retained copies of correspondence, 1984-1989. The sequencing of sections of the collection is not strictly chronological. ———. William Rolfe Kerr files, 1976-1983. 5 cartons . Call Number: UA 933 Abstract: Administrative files of W. Rolfe Kerr, executive vice president at BYU, 1980-1984. Includes files relating to athletics; special events; student leadership, clubs, and dress-and-grooming standards; public relations; campus security; Media Services; KBYU (radio and television); and other topics. Includes correspondence, reports, and other information, some predating Kerr's appointment. Eyring, Carl F. Laboratory notes 1909-1911. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 8 Notes: Includes handwritten class and laboratory notes for a class in electrical and optical measurements taken at BYU. ———. Laboratory notes, 1919. 1 bound . Call Number: UA 10 Abstract: Includes handwritten class and laboratory notes while a student at Columbia University. Classes in electrical testing of DC and AC machinery. ———. Lecture notes, 1922-1923. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 7 Abstract: Includes handwritten lecture notes on thermodynamics, while attending the California Institute of Technology. ———. Lecture notes, 1922-1923. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 9 Abstract: Includes lecture notes of a class in electricity and magnetism at the California Institute of Technology. Fletcher, Fern Eyring. Oral history interview, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 70 Abstract: Interview by Scott Hollis with Fern Eyring Fletcher of her recollections of childhood, her father Stephen L. Chipman, various LDS General Authorities, experiences in high school, as a student at BYU, about faculty members at BYU, her teaching experiences at BYU, and her feelings about BYU. Foreign Language Houses. Memoranda, 1986-1990. 1 folder (ca. 50 items) . Call Number: UA 777 Abstract: From program administrators and staff to head residents, coordinators, and others, concerning policies and procedures in the foreign language houses for students, located adjancent to the BYU campus. Memos address such issues as rent and other fees; approval of a new housing complex, 1990; and house rules. From program administrators and staff to head residents, coordinators, and others, concerning policies and procedures in the foreign language houses for students, located adjancent to the BYU campus. Memos address such issues as rent and other fees; approval of a new housing complex, 1990; and house rules. Foreign Student Office. Records, 1954-1966. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 492 Abstract: Includes reports and correspondence with the Institute of International Education, and the National Association of Foreign Students' Advisors, and other associations regarding foreign students, policies, exchanges and conferences. Freshman Academy. Journals, 1999. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 969 Abstract: This collection contains journal entries made by incoming freshmen participating in the Freshman Academy. Frost, Herbert H. Oral history interview, Dec. 13, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 137 Abstract: Interview by Arthur Chapman concerning his student experiences, war experiences, and graduate education and subsequent appointment as BYU professor of Zoology. Gamma Phi Omicron (Brigham Young University). Records, 1926-1961. 1 box . Call Number: UA 461 Abstract: Includes the constitution, history, minutes, membership lists, financial records, scrapbooks, and photo albums. Garrard, Agnes W. Oral history interview, March 22, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 93 Abstract: Interview by Enita Torres with Agnes Garrard, discussing basic biographical material, family, education, and attitudes about the feminist movement. Grigg, Leslie M. Hunger and diplomacy : LeGare and the surrender of Sitting Bull. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 293 Abstract: Student research paper witten for History 490. Hales, Wayne B. Negatives, ca. 1926-1940. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: MSS 2199 Abstract: Six photograph albums, accompanied by ten boxes of photograph negatives, which document Brigham Young University faculty, students, buildings, and events, including dramatic and musical productions. The images, collected by Hales, were taken by himself, Walter Cottam, and others. Includes images relating to the Alpine Summer School, Mount Timpanogos, Aspen Grove, Utah Lake, and the city of Provo. Individual images are numbered in the first four volumes, and correspond to the numbering of the negatives. The collection does not include negatives for images in volumes five and six. The collection includes some negatives for which there are no corresponding prints. ———. Oral history interview, May 25, 1978. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 30 Abstract: Interview by Edwin R. Kimball with Wayne B. Hales, concerning his experiences as a BYU student, and as a member of the BYU Athletic Council, his family and his experiences with other faculty and administrators at BYU. Hansen, H. P. Letter, April 4, 1961 . 1 folder . Call Number: UA 589 Abstract: Includes correspondence to BYU manuscript librarian Ralph Hansen about recollections of teachers, classes, housing, and life as a BYA student. Harris, Colleen Riggs. Oral history interview, March 25, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 106 Abstract: Interview by Stacy Burton with Colleen Harris, discussing her family background, education, career, travels, marriage, family, and attitudes about the feminist movement. Harward, VerDon. Oral history interview, May 26, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 107 Abstract: Interview by Wendy Burnett with VerDon Harward, discussing his career, memories of and working relations with BYU presidents. Also discusses personnel and reminiscences of student activities and pranks. Hayward, Charles Lynn. Oral history, 1983-1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 112 Abstract: The material covers the time that Dr. Hayward was growing up in Paris, Idaho, observations on student life at Brigham Young University in the 1920s, and working on his doctorate at the University of Illinois. Much of the interview covers his tenure in the Zoology department at BYU. He includes his observations on the administration of BYU and his department and gives his impressions of prominent individuals associated with the university including three presidents of that institution. Hinkson, Jim. Laboratory notes, 1956-1957. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 14 Abstract: Includes a lab book for chemistry class. Hoggan, Lella Marier. Papers, 1880-1940. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 383 Abstract: Includes copies of letters from George Brimhall to Lella Hoggan, her expense account and grades for one quarter at BYA, and her life sketch from the Relief Society Magazine. Holt, Edward H. Papers, 1899-1938. 1 box . Call Number: UA 250 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence regarding admission to Brigham Young Academy, theology class assignments, petitions, essays, talks by Lorenzo Snow and George Q. Cannon, papers regarding credit, advanced standing, student clubs, and miscellaneous correspondence and reports from Holt's files. ———. Papers, 1936. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 271 Abstract: Collection lists awards and scholarships presented. Hoover, Marian M. Oral history interview, March 26, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 88 Abstract: Interview by Kristin Kiipack with Marian M. Hoover discussing basic biographical information, and attitudes about education and the feminist movement. Howe, Orvil. Consumer buying practices : with reference to buying goods by brand. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 412 Abstract: Marketing survey conducted by students for a class at BYU. Huynh, Cam Loi. Tax administration in the Republic of Viet-Nam : reforms for postwar economic development / by Huynh Cam Loi. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 428 Abstract: Student research project for Public Administration 600. Robert H. Slover, teacher. Indian Education Program. Records, 1956-1959. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 430 Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes, reports, tribal membership, and reports on Indian issues outside of campus. International Student Services. Correspondence, 1974-79. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 774 Abstract: Correspondence to and from the ISS concerning International Students, programs, and foreign countries. Jacobs, J. Smith. Oral history, 1993. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 168 Abstract: Jacobs tells about attending Brigham Young University from 1928 to 1930 and gives his impressions of the university presidents, Ernest L. Wilkinson and Franklin S. Harris. Keeler, Daniel. Oral history interview, Feb. 11, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 68 Abstract: Interview by Bertrand Harrison with Daniel Keeler, coal miner and steel worker, concerning the work of his father, Joseph B. Keeler, at BYA and BYU, 1884-1920. Includes comments on the development of BYU, and particularily the construction of campus buildings, and comments about BYU presidents. Also tells of Keeler's experiences as a student at BYU, his family, and the work of his parents in the Utah Stake with the development of Aaronic Priesthood and Relief Society manuals. King, Alma W. Oral history interview, March 8, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 134 Abstract: Interview by Morris Klinger with Alma King concerning his early education at BYU, involvement in sports, marriage, teaching seminary, graduate education, and subsequent appointment as Dean of Students. Lewis, Ben E. Oral history interview, Oct. 18-Nov. 17, 1994. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 175 Abstract: Interview by Mark Smith with Ben E. Lewis about his experiences at BYU as a student and administrator. Also gives his background working for the Marriott corporation prior to his career at BYU. Talks at length about Ernest Wilkinson and the administration of the University. Lloyd, Wesley P. Records, 1946-1960. 17 boxes (8.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 183 Abstract: Collections includes correspondence, minutes, memoranda, pamphlets, reports, publications, and agendas concerning admissions and credits, assemblies, athletics and the athletic council, discontinuance of students, orientation, attendance and scholarship, budget, buildings and groungs, counseling services, food service, foreign students, health services, Honor code, housing, Indian students, personnel services, public relations, scheduling, scholarships, security, registration, statistics, veterans affairs, and "Y" day. Marketing Dept. Studies and papers, 1937-1940. 4 folders . Call Number: UA 512 Abstract: Includes twenty-two student papers written for marketing classes of Weldon Taylor. Also includes two studies published by BYU College of Business entitled "Consumer Buying Practices: A Survey of Provo, Utah, 1947," and "A Study of the Radio Listening Habits of the People in Utah County." Markham, Maud Dixon. Oral history interview, July 28, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 119 Abstract: Interview by Lucille Thorne with Maud Dixon Cullimore concerning her childhood, education at BYU, marriage to Fred Markham, and experiences at BY High as a teacher. Speaks about her association with BY High and BYU. Miner, Caroline Eyring. Oral history interview, April 30, 1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 138 Abstract: Interview by Donna Sorenson with Caroline Eyring Miner concerning her childhood in the Mormon Colonies in Juarez, student experiences at BYU, family and marriage, public school teaching experiences, and Church work. Moore, Dorothy P. Oral history interview, March 27, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 89 Abstract: Interview by Cynthia Livingston with Dorothy Moore discussing basic biographical data, education and attitudes concerning the feminist movement. Morley, Alonzo J. Oral history interview, March 7, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 66 Abstract: Self-interview of Alonzo J. Morley concerning his childhood in Moroni, Utah, and family and genealogical information. Also talks about life in Provo, Utah; his work in the BYU Department of Public Speaking and Dramatic Arts developing the Speech Pathology program; also his participation in dramatic productions, and descriptions of his world travels. Mutual Improvement Association. Records of the Young Men's and Young Women's Mutual Improvement Associations at Brigham Young University, 19401941. 2 volumes . Call Number: UA 224 Abstract: Contains the minutes, program notes, history, and news clippings of the weekly M.I.A. assemblies held at BYU. Nixon, Lorraine L. Oral history interview, April 1, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 87 Abstract: Interview by Tammy Compton with Lorraine Nixon, discussing basic biographical information, education, career, and attitudes about the feminist movement. Oaks, Carol. Our American negro : study of the dialect of the American negro, 1941. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 108 Abstract: Study of the dialect of the American negro. Olpin, Albert Ray. Oral history interview, Aug. 13, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 121 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with A. Ray Olpin concerning his student experiences at BYU. Also includes life experiences after BYU. Partridge, E. DeAlton. Oral history interview, July 20, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 78 Abstract: Interview by Karl Young with E. DeAlton Partridge, discussing his ancestry, life in Provo, education, career, travels, marriage, and memories of BYU. Partridge, Nell Clark. Oral history interview, July 20, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 108 Abstract: Interview by Helen Stark with Nell Partridge, discussing her early life in Farmington, Utah; her education, career, travels, marriage and children. Peterson, Neal. Sweater, coat and hat belonging to Neal Peterson as a student at BYU, 1935-1936. 1 sweater, 1 leather coat, 1 hat . Call Number: UA 716 Abstract: Contains a student council school sweater, a leather coat decorated with a cougar head painted by Glen Potter, and a felt hiking hat with pins awarded for each year of the Timp Hike (1935-1946). Photo Studio. Negative files, 1950-1970. 78 boxes (39 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 865 Abstract: Produced by Photo Studio staff photographers of campus activities, scenes, BYU athletes and some family portraits. Placement Center. Records, 1936. 1 folder (23 items) . Call Number: UA 137 Abstract: Collection includes employment recommendations for students, primarily from the department of music, by the administration and faculty. Public Communications Dept. Newspaper clipping collection, 1947-1951. 4 volumes . Call Number: UA 76 Abstract: Collection includes newspaper clippings about Brigham Young University students and faculty, noting accomplishments, game schedules, tours, performances, and mission calls, mostly from Utah newspapers. Religious Education. Social recreation manual / prepared by students in Religious Education 80, 1941. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 106 Abstract: A manual of social activities, dances, etc., 1941. Reserve Officer's Training Corps. Records, 1918-1919. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 110 Abstract: Collection includes reports, memoranda, schedules, lists, statements and correspondence concerning construction, Utah States War Department, George H. Brimhall, and Brigham Young Univerity students in the United States Army. Reynolds, Alice Louise. Students of the First Twenty-Five Years, 1933. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 31 Abstract: Address delivered during Founders Day in 1933. Richards, Alma W. Papers, 1919-1972. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 310 Abstract: Includes correspondence, news clippings, scrapbooks, certificates and photos of Richards' athletic career. Richards, J. Morris. Oral history, 1992. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 173 Abstract: Richards, who was born in 1906, tells about being raised in Arizona and his teaching career at Brigham Young University. Riggs, Robert Edwin. Oral history, 1992. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 170 Abstract: Riggs talks about his education, his law career, his employment at Brigham Young University, and his disagreements with the president of Brigham Young University, Ernest L. Wilkinson. Rocky Mountain Forensic League. Records, 1925-1942. 3 volumes . Call Number: UA 154 Abstract: Collection includes orations, programs and proceedings of the Rocky Mountain Speech Conference, the Rocky Mountain Oratorical League and the Rocky Mountain Forensic League held at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah; the University of Denver, Denver, Colorado; the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado; Colorado State College, Fort Collins, Colorado; the University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming; Montana State College, Bozeman, Montana; Utah State Agricultural College, Logan, Utah; and the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Rocky Mountain Oratorical League. Records, 1925-1928, 1930. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 153 Abstract: Collection includes orations from the 1st-4th and the 6th annual contests held at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado; Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah; University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming; Montana State College, Bozeman, Montana; and the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Romney, Gretta P. Oral history interview, March 25, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 90 Abstract: Interview by Shana Habel with Gretta Romney discussing basic biographical information, education and attitudes about the feminist movement. Rushforth, Layne T. Decision-making: toward a grand model, 1973. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 429 Abstract: This was a term paper for political science 330 at BYU. Seventh East Press. Papers, 1981-1983. 10 boxes (5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 609 Abstract: Publication materials, illustrations, materials not used, correspondence, subscription requests, documents related to advertising and finances, and miscellaneous materials. It was planned that the newspaper would come out weekly, but its actual publication was much more irregular. In December 1982 no items were published. Shields, Dorothy M. Library science student information cards, 1975-1986. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 874 Abstract: Shields kept a file of student information cards on each student who attended her Library Science classes. Cards include information concerning student name, address, campus job, hometown, marital status, educational background, and lists Library Science classes previously taken from Shields. Most cards include a photograph of the student. Cards are arranged alphabetically. Shim, Bok Suk. Getting to know Korean running : Western viewpoint of Korean running and my track activities at Brigham Young University in the United States. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 33 Abstract: Senior research paper dedicated to coach Clarence F. Robinson (USA) and coach Key Chung Son (Korea). Smith, Hyrum Jenkins. Oral history interview, Oct. 17, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 43 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Hyrum J. Smith regarding his experiences as a BYU student, 1932-1939; and reminiscences of the faculty. Snow, William J. Oral history interview, June 27, 1979. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 42 Abstract: Interview by Helen Stark with William J. Snow, Jr. of his reminiscences of his pioneer grandfather, and his father's and his education at Berkeley and BYU. Sovine, Helen D. Oral history interview, March 23, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 84 Abstract: Interview by Marilyn Green with Helen Sovine discussing basic biographical data and attitudes about the feminist movement. Spears, Irene Osmond. Oral history interview, Dec. 18, 1979. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 36 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo Morley with Irene Osmond Spears concerning her experiences as a student at BYU, as a graduate student at Stanford and Europe, marriage and family, and as a professor at BYU. Steed, Margaret S. Oral history interview, March 28, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 83 Abstract: Interview by Elena Hutchinson with Margaret Steed, housewife, discussing basic biographical data and attitudes about the feminist movement. Stevens, John L. Papers, 1906-1929. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 463 Abstract: Includes class notes, essays, correspondence, and land titles. Stewart, Nancy T. Oral history interview, April 3, 1978. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 85 Abstract: Interview by Frank Rolapp with Nancy Stewart, who discusses her education, career, marriage, and family. Stewart, Virginia R. Oral history interview, April 4, 1978. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 86 Abstract: Interview by Dan Taylor with Virginia Stewart discussing her education, career, marriage, and family. Stringham, Briant H. Papers, 1912, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 285 Abstract: Collection includes a typewritten history of the graduation gift of the Class of 1912 and a memorandum concerning the written history. Student Life. Records, 1979-1985. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 963 Notes: Public use of this collection is restricted. See University Archivist for details. Abstract: This collection contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, reports, and other information relating to the operation of Student Life. Of particular interest are files on the development of the dress and grooming standards and the athletic ticket policy. ———. Subject files, 1950-1986. 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 703 Abstract: Subject files of different areas overseen by the Office of Student Life. Student Publications Office. Records, 1932-1933. 1 folder (13 items) . Call Number: UA 126 Abstract: Collection includes budget reports, bids, audits, contracts and correspondence between Franklin S. Harris (Brigham Young University President, 1921-1945), Ralph W. Jenson (Brigham Young University Banyan editor) and photographers, printers and designers concerning the preparations of the Banyan and the "Y" News. Students' Supply Association. Records, 1912-1913. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 477 Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports and orders for the purchase of student supplies and books. Summer School. The Alpinian, 1939. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 107 Abstract: This was the yearbook for the summer school students of Brigham Young University held at Aspen Grove. Sutherland, George. A message to the 1941 graduating class of Brigham Young University from Justice George Sutherland. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 497 Abstract: This address was written by George Sutherland, but delivered by George S. Ballif. It was read as part of the commencement exercises in the Joseph Smith building, June 4, 1941. Swensen, John C. Local history term papers, 1924. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 30 Abstract: Collection of term papers presenting community histories of the towns in which the students resided. Talbot, Melva H. Oral history interview, March 24, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 82 Abstract: Interview by G. L. Soderborg with Melva Talbot discussing basic biographical data and attitudes concerning the feminist movement. Testing and Counseling Service. Records, 1907-1922, 1939. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 268 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, student information records, test results, personality rating charts and certificates of credits and admissions. ———. Records, 1931-1960. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 508 Abstract: Contains various freshman test results and lists of freshmen. Also includes information about the tests themselves. ———. Records, 1939-1949. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 83 Abstract: Collection includes tests administered to freshmen upon entrance into Brigham Young University, information concerning faculty advisors, Thurston psychological examination and scores, literary comprehension scores, English placement scores, and natural science scores. Training school. Records, 1914-1920. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 359 Abstract: Includes annual reports listing faculty members and describing activities of the school. United States of America. National Youth Administration records, 1935-1941. 4 folders . Call Number: UA 251 Abstract: Collection includes records of National Youth Administration dealings with Brigham Young University students. Includes correspondence, reports, bulletins, affidavits, recommendations, lists of students and a University of Utah survey concerning student financial aid for high school, undergraduate and graduate students, the Utah Works Progress Administration and suggested programs. ———. Veterans Administration records, 1946. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 275 Abstract: Collection includes student billings concerning tuition, fees, and equipment for various school terms. University Relations. Slide collection, 1973. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 13 Abstract: Slides depicting campus scenes, buildings, athletic events, classroom scenes, artistic scenes and some individuals. Utilized in slide presentation for prospective students. Wahlin, Kate Houtz Groesbeck. Papers, 1880-1883. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 381 Abstract: Includes an album of autographs by class members, friends and teachers; a graduation certificate from the BYU Normal department; two photographs of Kate Wahlin; and a brief autobiographical description by the donor. Wakefield, John Homer. Photographs, 1913-1978. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 948 Abstract: Photographs of various buildings, faculty members, students, and activities of Brigham Young University during the years 1913-1978. Wakefield, T. Lynn. Oral history interview, May, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 143 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo Morley with Lynn Wakefield who speaks about his childhood, education at BYU, working for his grandfather who was the "Handiman" for the Academy and University. Wakefield recounts his time as electrician for the University, and speaks on his experiences with students, faculty, and presidents. Walker, R. H. Oral history interview, Oct. 13, 1978. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 34 Abstract: Interview by Mark K. Allen with Rudger H. Walker, agronomist, educator, and BYU dean, concerning his childhood experiences in Idaho, school experiences at Ricks College, BYU, and Iowa State. Also speaks of his teaching and research experiences at Colorado, Iowa, and Utah State Universities, and at BYU. Comments on his work assignments in Iran, Siam and Lebannon. Washburn, Juna C. 1920. Oral history interview, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 81 Abstract: Interview by Patricia Stoddard with Juna Washburn discussing basic biographical data and attitudes about the feminist movement. Watkins, Leona A. Oral history interview, March 24, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 80 Abstract: Interview by June Langeland with Leona Watkins discussing basic biographical data and attitudes concerning the feminist movement. Widtsoe, Leah D. Oral history interview, Feb. 11, 1965. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 10 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Leah E.D. Widtsoe, teacher and author, concerning her reminiscences about her parents, her grandfather (Brigham Young), and her husband (John A. Widtsoe). Also recalls her experiences as a student, faculty member, and matron at BYA, 1896-1898; 1905-1907. Gives her views on nutrition and the Word of Wisdom. Wilcox, Val Camenish. Oral history interview, March 27, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 104 Abstract: Interview by Chris Burdick with Val Wilcox discussing her family background, education, career, marriage, and attitudes about the feminist movement. Wilkinson Center Director. Records, 1960-1978. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 732 Abstract: Contains the office records of Lyle Curtis and Curtis Wynder, Director and Assistant Director of the Wilkinson Center respectively. ———. Records of the Director of Wilkinson Center and Student Activities, 19381974. 81 boxes (40.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 460 Abstract: Includes the files and records of student activities, student government, and the function of the offices and businesses of the Wilkinson Center Wilkinson, Ernest L. Right to Petition at Brigham Young University, May 15, 1970. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 59 Abstract: Collection includes statement issued (printed copy of TDS) in response to queries about petitions circulated on campus relative to U.S. military operations in Cambodia. Discusses policy for circulating petitions on campus, position on student political involvement and expression. Wing, Elayne Hinckley. Oral history interview, March 28, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 79 Abstract: Interview by Anna Tueller with Elayne Wing, educator, discussing basic biographical information and attitudes about the feminist movement. Students' Supply Association Students' Supply Association. Records, 1912-1913. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 477 Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports and orders for the purchase of student supplies and books. Summer School Ballif, Ariel S. Correspondence, 1950-1956. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 379 Abstract: Correspondence to and from Ariel Baliff, Dean of Summer School, concerning teaching and classes during the Summer terms. College of Education. Records, 1940. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 25 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten and typewritten student evaluations and reports on the Brigham Young University Summer School Conference concerning the improvement of education. Summer School. The Alpinian, 1939. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 107 Abstract: This was the yearbook for the summer school students of Brigham Young University held at Aspen Grove. ———. Records, 1957-1972. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 555 Abstract: Includes correspondence, finance and budget reports, advertising, and other records created by the office of Summer School. Sunday School Sunday School. Brigham Young University Sunday School services, 1941-1947. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 26 Abstract: Includes printed programs of the BYU Sunday School. Sutherland, George Sutherland, George. A message to the 1941 graduating class of Brigham Young University from Justice George Sutherland. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 497 Abstract: This address was written by George Sutherland, but delivered by George S. Ballif. It was read as part of the commencement exercises in the Joseph Smith building, June 4, 1941. Swensen, John C. Swensen, John C. Local history term papers, 1924. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 30 Abstract: Collection of term papers presenting community histories of the towns in which the students resided. ———. Papers, 1895-1898. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 109 Abstract: Collection includes handwritten and typewritten notes and syllabi concerning European civilization and American history, taken while attending Stanford University. ———. Papers, 1956. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 108 Abstract: Collection includes typewritten autobiography, speeches and historical summaries concerning Brigham Young Academy and Brigham Young University, taken from Swensen's notes and writings, and a printed program for the dedication of the John C. Swensen Lecture Hall in the Joseph F. Smith Family Living Center. Swensen, Russel B. Swensen, Russel B. Oral history interview, Sept. 13, 1978. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 32 Abstract: Interview by Mark K. Allen with Russel B. Swensen, BYU professor of Medieval history and comparative religion, concerning his family life, hobbies, education, early employment, LDS mission to Germany, athletic participation, seminary, and teaching at BYU. Swensen gives his impressions of several BYU presidents, and discusses his philosophy of teaching. Talbot, Melva H. Talbot, Melva H. Oral history interview, March 24, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 82 Abstract: Interview by G. L. Soderborg with Melva Talbot discussing basic biographical data and attitudes concerning the feminist movement. Talmage, James Edward Talmage, James Edward. Chart, 1878. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 608 Abstract: Hand drawn chart depicting the general curriculum at Brigham Young Academy including an hourly schedule for classes and activities during each week. Tingey, Helga P. Oral history interview, March, 1976. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 17 Abstract: Interview by Scott Hollis with Helga Tingey, secretary to James Talmage, concerning her work for James Talmage. Tanner, Vasco M. Dept. of Zoology. Slides of Vasco Tanner, n. d. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 20 Abstract: Slide presentation on the life and career of Vasco Tanner. Tanner, Vasco M. Leaflet, 1936. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 54 Abstract: Collection includes a list of publications by members of the Department of Zoology and Entomology for the years 1926-1936. ———. Oral history interview, 1975. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 117 Notes: Tapes and transcripts missing as of 1995 ———. Oral history interview, July 8, 1981. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 135 Abstract: Interview by Mark K. Allen with Vasco M. Tanner, who recounts his childhood in Idaho, his interest in Zoology, his education at Stanford, and teaching experiences while at BYU. Also speaks about several BYU presidents, academic freedom issues, and family accomplishments. Tanner, Wilmer W. Tanner, Wilmer W. History of the Life Science Museum movement at Brigham Young University, 1900-1980. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 117 Abstract: Brief history of the Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum. ———. Oral history, 1983-1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 114 Abstract: The material gives a brief sketch of Tanner's life and concentrates on the time he served as a professor of zoology at Brigham Young University. He mentions his relationship with Monte L. Bean which was instrumental in Bean's donation of his animal trophies and the building of the Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum. He also reflects upon certain experiences with Ernest L. Wilkinson. Taylor, Delenna Rogers Taylor, Delenna Rogers. Oral history interview, Oct. 14, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 127 Abstract: Interview by Nadine Ashby with Delenna Taylor on her experiences and memories of BYA, its faculty, students, and other persons and events associated with the Academy. Taylor, Eunice A. Taylor, Eunice A. Papers, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 288 Abstract: Collection includes a brief autobiography. Taylor, Harvey L. Taylor, Harvey L. Correspondence, 1953-1964. 24 volumes . Abstract: Correspondence concerning accreditation, Administrative Council, admissions and records, advisement program, colleges and departments, committees, associations, budget, building programs, Deans' Council, Deseret News, funds, employees, evaluation, faculty, pageants, Physical Plant, presidential reports, public relations, students, and Student Personnel Services. ———. Oral history interview, Feb 12, 1979. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 52 Abstract: Interview by Celestia Taylor with Harvey Taylor, concerning his work as a BYU Vice President, LDS Church Schools administrator, and family information. ———. Records, 1953-1964. 46 boxes (23 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence concerning accreditation, Administrative Council, admissions and records, advisement program, colleges and departments, committees, associations, budget, building programs, Deans' Council, Deseret News, funds, employees, evaluation, faculty, pageants, Physical Plant, presidential reports, public relations, students, and Student Personnel Services. Taylor, Kenneth Taylor, Kenneth. Papers, 1938. 1 folder (3 items) . Call Number: UA 203 Abstract: Collection includes a typewritten questionnaire for an advertising survey conducted for the Brigham Young University School of Commerce among Provo, Utah merchants. Teacher Education Program Teacher Education Program. An Accreditation report to the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, 1961. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 333 Abstract: Accreditation report for the College of Education's Teacher Education Program. Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association. Pamphlets, 1952-1956. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 320 Abstract: Includes pamphlets from TIAA regarding BYU insurance and retirement. ———. Papers, 1934-1941. 1 folder (8 items) . Call Number: UA 246 Abstract: Collection includes brochures and reports to policy holders. Treasurer's Office. Records, 1924-1931. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 122 Abstract: Includes correspondence from the Treasurer's office to the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association concerning insurance for BYU faculty. Temple Hill (Provo, Utah) Dept. of Archives and Manuscripts. Papers, 1965-1975. 1 folder (13 items) . Call Number: UA 233 Abstract: Collection includes research materials, data from deeds, plot maps, and quotes from journals and oral history interviews concerning the origin of the name "Temple Hill" in the 1870s. "Temple Hill" is the area subsequently occupied by Brigham Young University. Also includes a song entitled "A Temple at Brigham Young University." Testing and Counseling Service Testing and Counseling Service. Records, 1907-1922, 1939. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 268 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, student information records, test results, personality rating charts and certificates of credits and admissions. ———. Records, 1931-1960. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 508 Abstract: Contains various freshman test results and lists of freshmen. Also includes information about the tests themselves. ———. Records, 1939-1949. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 83 Abstract: Collection includes tests administered to freshmen upon entrance into Brigham Young University, information concerning faculty advisors, Thurston psychological examination and scores, literary comprehension scores, English placement scores, and natural science scores. ———. Records, 1946-1963. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 540 Abstract: Includes correspondence, GED results, reports on tests, and processed answer sheets. Thatcher, Margaret Thatcher, Margaret. Forum address, 1996. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 863 Abstract: Contains text of her address, "The moral challenges for the next century," given at Brigham Young University, and a special convocation where BYU presented her with an honorary doctorate degree. Theodore Roosevelt Centennial Commission Theodore Roosevelt Centennial Commission. Theodore Roosevelt Centennial Commission award presented to Brigham Young University, 1959. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 344 Abstract: Includes the award and correspondence about the award. Thomas, Robert K. Thomas, Robert K. Records, 1968-1974. 56 boxes (28 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence concerning accreditation, Administrative Council, colleges and departments, committees, divisions and schools, faculty, foundations and scholarships, Mormon studies, university presidents, deans of colleges, and administrative directors. Also includes individual academic unit reports. Thomson, Dennis L. Thomson, Dennis L. Professional papers, 1961-2001. 28 boxes (18.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 981 Abstract: This collection contains copies of Thomson's master thesis and his doctoral dissertation. It also includes articles published by Thomson, correspondence, course files, materials related to his administrative role at BYU, a file on his involvement in the creation of the Namibian constitution, and research files. Thorne, Lucile Thorne, Lucile. Oral history interview, July 9, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 73 Abstract: Interview by Francis Barlow with Lucile Thorne, teacher and librarian, discussing her associates, teaching experiences, library experiences at BYU and reflections on her life. Timpanogos, Mount (Utah) Brigham Young University. Campus photographs, 1920s. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1007 Abstract: This collection consists of 46 photographs (mostly 8 x 10s) that document campus life in the 1920s. Subjects include Cleo and Tarbo (early BYU cougar cub mascots), the construction of Heber J. Grant Library, lower campus, and student activities. Also included are photographs of Mount Timpanogos. ———. Campus photographs, ca. 1880-1958. 4 boxes (2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 919 Abstract: Originally bound in four volumes, images show BYU buildings, students, faculty, trustees, and campus life. The volume dealing with students was compiled by Mrs. Fletcher Eyring. Sources for the images include campus yearbooks and Wayne B. Hales. Includes views of Aspen Grove, the Alpine Summer School, and the Timpanogos Hike. Some images are original prints, others are reprints, and still others are from yearbooks and other published sources. ———. Old BYU traditions and accompanying songs, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 36 Abstract: Collection contains four items. They are a history of the "Y" Bell and the "Old Y Bell" song, a copy of the College Song and a revision, a history of the block Y and "The trail of the Y" song, and a copy of the Athletic Carnival and the Timpanogos song. Dept. of Recreational Education. Mount Timpanogos Hike files, 1912-1971. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 563 Abstract: Includes lists of participants, newspaper clippings, songs, signature books, slides, negatives of photographs, and correspondence relating to the preparation of the hike. Extension Division. Timpanogos, wonder mountain, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 364 Abstract: Pamphlet examines the history of Mount Timpanogos. Hales, Wayne B. Negatives, ca. 1926-1940. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: MSS 2199 Abstract: Six photograph albums, accompanied by ten boxes of photograph negatives, which document Brigham Young University faculty, students, buildings, and events, including dramatic and musical productions. The images, collected by Hales, were taken by himself, Walter Cottam, and others. Includes images relating to the Alpine Summer School, Mount Timpanogos, Aspen Grove, Utah Lake, and the city of Provo. Individual images are numbered in the first four volumes, and correspond to the numbering of the negatives. The collection does not include negatives for images in volumes five and six. The collection includes some negatives for which there are no corresponding prints. Peterson, Neal. Sweater, coat and hat belonging to Neal Peterson as a student at BYU, 1935-1936. 1 sweater, 1 leather coat, 1 hat . Call Number: UA 716 Abstract: Contains a student council school sweater, a leather coat decorated with a cougar head painted by Glen Potter, and a felt hiking hat with pins awarded for each year of the Timp Hike (1935-1946). Roberts, Eugene L. Papers, 1912-1972. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 562 Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, a thesis and practicum manuscripts about Roberts, and research materials for "History of BYU Physical Education, Sports, and Athletics, 1875-1901." Also includes printed programs, newsclippings, songs and poetry concerning the Timpanogos hike. ———. Timpanogos hike programs, 1922-1940. 12 items . Call Number: UA 48 Abstract: Collection includes various printed programs, On the Trail to Timpanogos, 1922-23; the Timpanogos Trail, 1924-26; letterhead Timpanogos Hike, 1928; and a souvenir program Timpanogos Hike, 1940. Wakefield, John Homer. Photographs, 1913-1978. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 948 Abstract: Photographs of various buildings, faculty members, students, and activities of Brigham Young University during the years 1913-1978. Tingey, Dale T. Tingey, Dale T. Correspondence, 1962-1964. 5 volumes . Abstract: Correspondence written while Tingey served as Assistant to William E. Berrett. Tingey, Helga P. Tingey, Helga P. Oral history interview, March, 1976. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 17 Abstract: Interview by Scott Hollis with Helga Tingey, secretary to James Talmage, concerning her work for James Talmage. Tobler, Douglas F. Tobler, Douglas F. Karl G. Maeser lecture, Sept. 18, 1980. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 55 Abstract: Lecture by Dr. Douglas F. Tobler concerning Karl G. Maeser as a man and educator at Brigham Young Academy. ———. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 152 Abstract: Tobler describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of his career including his love affair with European History. Tolton, Walter S. Tolton, Walter S. Diary excerpt of the South American scientific expedition of the Brigham Young Academy, 1900-1902. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 368 Abstract: Contains a typescript of journal of the BYA South American Expedition and correspondence concerning the Tolton family genealogy. Track Shim, Bok Suk. Getting to know Korean running : Western viewpoint of Korean running and my track activities at Brigham Young University in the United States. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 33 Abstract: Senior research paper dedicated to coach Clarence F. Robinson (USA) and coach Key Chung Son (Korea). Training school Training school. Records, 1914-1920. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 359 Abstract: Includes annual reports listing faculty members and describing activities of the school. Treasurer's Office Treasurer's Office. Insurance benefits pamphlet, ca. 1939. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 346 Abstract: Explanation of medical benefits and coverage. ———. Papers, 1935-1939. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 249 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, checks, and receipts between the Brigham Young University treasurer's office and Uintah and Ouray Indian Agency, and invoices from the Student's Supply Association regarding financial assistance given to four Brigham Young University students. ———. Records, 1880-1978. 15 cartons . Call Number: UA 355 Abstract: Includes correspondence and financial records of BYA and BYU departmental offices. ———. Records, 1924-1931. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 122 Abstract: Includes correspondence from the Treasurer's office to the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association concerning insurance for BYU faculty. ———. Records, 1926-1927. 2 folders . Call Number: UA 111 Abstract: Collection includes budget summaries, salary schedules, treasurer's report, statements and requests for additional employees. ———. Records, 1940-1951. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 372 Abstract: Includes correspondence concerning the exchange of art work for tuition credits for relatives of Avard Fairbanks and account statements concerning the arrangements. ———. Records, 1941-1947. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 371 Abstract: Includes lists of donations to the Student Hall Fund, scholarship and award funds. Also includes correspondence concerning fund-raising for the Student Hall Fund. ———. Records, 1945-1951. 3 folders . Call Number: UA 276 Abstract: Collection includes salary schedules, budget estimates, and letters of acceptance, appointment and termination concerning Brigham Young University faculty positions. ———. Records, 1949-1952. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 370 Abstract: Includes typewritten lists of students, faculty and private donations for the Fieldhouse. Also includes correspondence of fundraising, and a list of pledge transfers from the BYU 75th Anniversary fund to the Fieldhouse fund. ———. Records, 1950-1951. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 280 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence concerning faculty appointments, terminations, salaries and insurance premiums. ———. Records, 1951-1952. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 281 Abstract: Collection includes salary schedules, and letters of acceptance and appointment concerning non-academic personnel. ———. Records of the Jesse Knight Endowment Fund, 1941-1946. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 373 Abstract: Contains records and receipts of the Jesse Knight Endowment Fund. Tyler, S. Lyman Tyler, S. Lyman. Library photographs, n. d. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Photos of the Harold B. Lee Library as well as other libraries on other college campuses. ———. Papers, 1952-1976. 50 boxes (25 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 614 Abstract: Holographs, typescripts, printed forms, writings, personal and business correspondence, building specifications and plans, news clippings, and documents relating to American Indian government and history. Also included are research papers on Fred Rosenstock, BYU history, construction of the BYU library, and papers on the Utah Committee on Indian Affairs, Utah Heritage Foundation, Sons of the Utah Pioneers, and Utah Historical Society. Unified Church School System (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) Brigham Young University. Study to establish additional junior colleges as part of the LDS Church educational system, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 468 Abstract: Includes a study of enrollment trends in the Church Education system in order to determine the locations of additional junior colleges, 1957. Church Educational System (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). Records, 1921-1927. 1 folder (8 items) . Call Number: UA 124 Abstract: Collection includes a list of Latter-day Saint Church schools operating in 1921-1922, correspondence from Superintendent Adam S. Bennion and Assistant Secretary Franklin S. Davis of the Latter-day Saint Church Commission of Education, a list of comparative attendance of seminaries, historical records of members of the church school system, and information concerning the development of the seminary system with statistics referring to student attendance at church meetings and their observance of church doctrines and standards. Publications and Graphics. Records, 1951-1963. 1 volume . Call Number: UA 476 Abstract: Includes a collection compiled in honor of David O. McKay on his 90th birthday which contains a pictorial summary showing growth of the Unified Church School System; a dedicatory letter from Ernest L. Wilkinson; cumulative enrollment charts of BYU, institutes, and seminaries; photos of campuses, buildings, students, and leaders of schools in the Unified Church School System; and photos of McKay. Unified Church School System (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). Records, 1953-1965. 10 boxes (5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 535 Abstract: Includes reports, charts, correspondence and publications of the various schools and units under the Unified Church School System. ———. Seven and eleven year reports, 1951-1961. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 502 Abstract: Contains two volumes concerning BYU, Institutes of Religion, Seminaries, Ricks College, LDS Business School, Juarez School, McCune School, and schools in Mexico in the Unified Church School System. United States of America United States of America. National Youth Administration records, 1935-1941. 4 folders . Call Number: UA 251 Abstract: Collection includes records of National Youth Administration dealings with Brigham Young University students. Includes correspondence, reports, bulletins, affidavits, recommendations, lists of students and a University of Utah survey concerning student financial aid for high school, undergraduate and graduate students, the Utah Works Progress Administration and suggested programs. ———. Veterans Administration contracts collection, 1948-1949. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 274 Abstract: Collection includes contracts negotiated between the Veterans Administration and Brigham Young University concerning financial aid for veterans, 1948-49. ———. Veterans Administration records, 1946. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 275 Abstract: Collection includes student billings concerning tuition, fees, and equipment for various school terms. University Archives University Archives. Faculty biographical files, [ca. 1900-2000]. 197 boxes (98.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 909 Abstract: Contains biographical information on members of the BYU faculty, administration, and Board of Trustees. Various files contain information on the subjects' professional, civic, family, and church activities. Some files include newspaper and magazine articles, and talks. The files are arranged alphabetically. A small section of biographical information on BYU staff, also arranged alphabetically, is included near the end of the collection; as are booklets prepared for annual faculty workshops, 1952-1971, which include pictures and thumbnail sketches of new and returning faculty members. Most of the information in the collection predates 1990. ———. Microfilm system reference files, 1962-1977. 1 box . Call Number: UA 792 Abstract: Items referring to the introduction of microfilming and microfiche technologies to libraries and the public. Includes newspaper clippings, magazine articles, handbooks, manuals, memoranda, and cost estimates. The files were compiled by Hollis Scott, University Archivist. ———. Old archival forms, ca. 1970. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 958 Abstract: Old archival forms that were used by the University Archivist and student assistants to facilitate processing and cataloging of university documents. ———. Scrapbooks, 1962-1982. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 972 Abstract: This collection contains newspaper clippings about the University Archives. ———. Video and audio tapes held by the BYU Archives, 1949-. 14 cartons . Call Number: UA 720 Abstract: These are audio and visual tapes sent to the Archives by various departments on campus. Many have come from the Motion Picture Studios. The collection varies in content. There are sports films, talks by General Authorities and BYU Presidents, music productions, ground-breakings, University conferences, etc. University Committees University Committees. Records, 1940-1983. 55 boxes (27.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 553 Abstract: Includes minutes of meetings, reports, correspondence, and resource and reference material for the official committees sponsored by the University. University Computing Services Computer Services. Printed matter correspondence and files, 1966-1975. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 652 Abstract: Contains correspondence, committee meeting minutes, reports, newsletters, and manuals. University Irrigation Company University Irrigation Company. Articles of Incorporation, 1908. 1 folder (1 item) . Call Number: UA 143 Abstract: Collection includes articles of incorporation specifying names of incorporators, regulations, and policies. ———. Records, 1910-1916. 1 folder (8 items) . Call Number: UA 144 Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, contracts and deeds concerning water rights between Brigham Young University and Provo Reservoir Company. University Programs in Computer Aided Engineering, Design, and Manufacturing University Programs in Computer Aided Engineering, Design and Manufacturing. Conference program, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 98 Abstract: Report on the conference of University Programs in Computer Aided Engineering, Design, and Manufacturing (UPCAEDM) held at BYU. University Publications University Publications. Correspondence, 1955-1971. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 440 Abstract: Includes correspondence with devotional and forum speakers regarding the publication of their addresses by BYU Extension Services. ———. Records of naming and dedicating Heritage and Helaman Halls, 1956-1958. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 409 Abstract: Includes internal correspondence about the naming and dedication of Heritage and Helaman Halls. Also includes correspondence with the family organizations representing those individuals whose names are associated with each Hall. University Relations Bowie, George H. Oral history of the Division of University Relations at Brigham Young University, March 9, 1994. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 174 Abstract: Interview by Mark Smith with George Bowie to chart out and understand the history, development and organization of the division of University Relations. Covey, Stephen R. Records, 1965-1970. 14 boxes (7 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence and memoranda concerning Admissions and Records, colleges, faculty, students, Administrative Council, finances, committees, associations, organizations, Auxiliary Services, LDS Church organizations, conferences, research, physical plant, University Relations Department and staff, projects, and prominent visitors. Olsen, Bruce L. Journal, 1979. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 439 Abstract: Journal of Olsen's trip to China with the BYU Young Ambassadors. University Relations. Department files. 5 boxes (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: PM 39 Abstract: Department staff meeting minutes and reports of performing groups such as the A Capella choir and Young Ambassadors. ———. Identity program, 1976. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 780 Abstract: Volume prepared for Brigham Young University personnel identifying university standards for logos, font style, symbols, stationery, business cards, envelopes, university seal, vehicle signage, and verbal identity. ———. Records, 1929-1972. 47 boxes (23.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 543 Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes, memoranda, news clippings, statements, enrollment statistics, questionnaires, newsletters, handbooks, brochures, and catalogs. Also includes earlier information concerning public relations. ———. Records, 1952-1973. 26 boxes (13 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 550 Abstract: Collection contains the records of Campus Tours and Conferences. Campus Tours and Conferences was organized during the 1950s by Lester B. Whetton, as per the wishes of President Wilkinson. The Department was dissolved in 1973, and its duties assumed by University Relations. ———. Records, 1958-1972. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 516 Abstract: Includes minutes of the public relations staff and Speakers Bureau meetings and correspondence concerning speeches given by university personnel. ———. Ron Hyde files, 1985-1987. 2 cartons (2.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 738 Abstract: Contains chronological files, July 1985-June 1897; President Holland's mail and correspondence, Jan. 1986-Aug. 1987; Performance Scheduling reports; CASE files; NCAA, sports; and other various files. ———. Scrapbooks, [1979-1981]. 2 volumes . Call Number: UA 836 Abstract: Two volumes relating to Brigham Young University football and basketball. Volume one includes quotes from members of the 1979 football team; images of old Cougar Stadium, the team, and individual players; caricatures and reproductions of photos of coaches LaVell Edwards, Norm Chow, Dick Felt, Garth Hall, Dave Kragthorpe, Mel Jay Olson, Tom Ramage, Doug Scovil, and Fred Whittingham; and newspaper clippings. Volume two includes images of the 198081 BYU basketball team, fans, players, university president Jeffrey R. Holland, and Cosmo (BYU mascot); plus newspaper clippings. ———. Slide collection, 1973. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 13 Abstract: Slides depicting campus scenes, buildings, athletic events, classroom scenes, artistic scenes and some individuals. Utilized in slide presentation for prospective students. ———. Subject files, 1970-1986. 33 boxes (16.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 676 Abstract: Subject files about the Office of University Relations documenting the relationship between the public and the administration. Wolsey, Heber G. Records, 1965-1972. 24 boxes (12 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence concerning policies and procedures of the Board of Trustees, colleges and departments, committees, research, Auxiliary Services, Church School System, Public Relations, office of university programs, University Relations, students, and Communication Services. University Speakers Committee Guest Speakers on Campus Committee. Correspondence and records, 1965-1974. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 708 Abstract: Collection documents the activities of the Guest Speakers on Campus Committee and the decisions that they made about who to invite to campus. Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters. Records, 1957, 1959-1960. 1 folder (7 items) . Call Number: UA 164 Abstract: Collection includes reports, programs, newsletters and a brochure concerning conference policies, programs, speeches and other activities. Utah Conference on Higher Education Utah Conference on Higher Education. Records, 1955-1959. 1 folder (17 items) . Call Number: UA 163 Abstract: Collection includes reports, programs, newsletters and a brochure concerning conference policies, programs, speeches and other activities. Utah Library Association Utah Library Association. Committee on Mormon Classification records, 1959. 1 folder (28 pages) . Call Number: UA 151 Abstract: Collection includes typescript of the preliminary draft of a Mormon subject classification schedule, consisting of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd summaries. Utah. Supreme Court Utah. Supreme Court. Records, 1928. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 253 Abstract: Collection includes a plaintiffs' brief in the case of Brigham Young University and Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company vs. Industrial Commission of Utah and Geneva Speakman, widow of W. D. Speakman, et al. Van Buren, Chester G. Van Buren, Chester G. Papers, 1887-1933. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 352 Abstract: Includes journals, handwritten and typewritten correspondence, supply lists, financial papers, certificates, passports, maps and photographs concerning the BYA South American Expedition. Also includes correspondence concerning Van Buren's journals, papers and ornithological collections. Van Cott, John W. Van Cott, John W. Papers, 1957-1971. 9 folders . Call Number: UA 449 Abstract: Includes correspondence, rules, award lists, printed materials, photographs, and newspaper clippings relating to Van Cott's work as fair director. Vernon, Leo P. Vernon, Leo P. Records, 1970-1979. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, minutes of staff meetings, and information concerning Task Force on Reporting and Evaluation Procedures, research committee meetings, and a research corporation. ———. Research notes, 1953. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA 13 Abstract: BYU professor of chemistry and director of Research. Veterans United States of America. Veterans Administration contracts collection, 1948-1949. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 274 Abstract: Collection includes contracts negotiated between the Veterans Administration and Brigham Young University concerning financial aid for veterans, 1948-49. ———. Veterans Administration records, 1946. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 275 Abstract: Collection includes student billings concerning tuition, fees, and equipment for various school terms. Vice President and General Counsel Sandgren, Clyde D. Correspondence, 1953-1975. 20 volumes . Abstract: Includes correspondence and memoranda concerning Administrative Council, athletics, curriculum, committees, colleges and departments, faculty, students, insurance, investments, Provo City, publications, radio and television, Max Redburn, tax matters, traffic, construction companies, married students' housing, loans, Iran Point Four Program, tuition, leases, fringe benefits, federal aid to education, Keifer B. Sauls, Bassett School District, accreditation, Board of Trustees, wages, administration, and civil rights. ———. Records, 1953-1975. 149 boxes (74.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, contracts, newspaper clippings, and memoranda concerning Administrative Council, athletics, curriculum, committees, colleges and departments, faculty, students, insurance, investments, Provo City, publications, radio and television, Max Redburn, tax matters, traffic, construction companies, married students' housing, loans, Iran Point Four Program, tuition, leases, fringe benefits, federal aid to education, Keifer B. Sauls, Bassett School District, accreditation, Board of Trustees, wages, administration, and civil rights. Vice President of Finance and Business Administration Edwards, William F. Correspondence, 1951-1957. 3 volumes . Abstract: Correspondence concerning colleges and departments, Auxiliary Services, Alumni Association, budget, Church Building Committees, campus planning, faculty, Deans Council, insurance lyceums and assemblies, associations and companies, real estate, Student Special Services, Ernest L. Wilkinson, projects, loans, policies, and procedures. ———. Records, 1951-1957. 34 boxes (17 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, memoranda, and reports concerning colleges and departments, Auxiliary Services, Alumni Association, budget, Church Building Committees, campus planning, faculty, Deans Council, insurance lyceums and assemblies, associations and companies, real estate, Student Special Services, Ernest L. Wilkinson, projects, loans, policies, and procedures. Lewis, Ben E. Records, 1971-1973. 52 cartons . Notes: Unprocessed collection. See University Archivist. Abstract: Correspondence and subject files related to Ben E. Lewis' tenure as Vice President of Business Affairs. Vice President of Religious Education Berrett, William E. Correspondence, 1951-1966. 18 volumes . Abstract: Correspondence concerns Student Military Relations Committee, faculty, and LDS Institute assistant administrators Alma P. Burton, Boyd K. Packer, and Dale T. Tingey. ———. Records, 1951-1966. 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: This collection includes minutes, correspondence, reports, course outlines, newsletters, speeches, pamphlets, lists, recommendations, and Division of Religion faculty applications. Vocational guidance Career Education. Records, 1969-1975. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 457 Abstract: Includes budget reports, memoranda, class program proposals, brochures, minutes of faculty committee and planning meetings, and description of the Personal Development Center Program and workshops. Wahlin, Kate Houtz Groesbeck Wahlin, Kate Houtz Groesbeck. Papers, 1880-1883. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 381 Abstract: Includes an album of autographs by class members, friends and teachers; a graduation certificate from the BYU Normal department; two photographs of Kate Wahlin; and a brief autobiographical description by the donor. Waite, W. Noble Waite, W. Noble. Records, 1957-1959. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports and brochures concerning the Destiny Fund. Wakefield, John Homer Wakefield, John Homer. Photographs, 1913-1978. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 948 Abstract: Photographs of various buildings, faculty members, students, and activities of Brigham Young University during the years 1913-1978. Wakefield, T. Lynn Wakefield, T. Lynn. Oral history interview, May, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 143 Abstract: Interview by Alonzo Morley with Lynn Wakefield who speaks about his childhood, education at BYU, working for his grandfather who was the "Handiman" for the Academy and University. Wakefield recounts his time as electrician for the University, and speaks on his experiences with students, faculty, and presidents. Walker, R. H. Walker, R. H. Oral history interview, Oct. 13, 1978. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 34 Abstract: Interview by Mark K. Allen with Rudger H. Walker, agronomist, educator, and BYU dean, concerning his childhood experiences in Idaho, school experiences at Ricks College, BYU, and Iowa State. Also speaks of his teaching and research experiences at Colorado, Iowa, and Utah State Universities, and at BYU. Comments on his work assignments in Iran, Siam and Lebannon. War Memorials Alumni Association. Memorial Hall dedication files, 1980-1983. 9 folders . Call Number: UA 797 Abstract: Work files concerning dedication for the Memorial Hall in the Ernest L. Wilkinson Center on the BYU campus, honoring students killed during the Korean and Vietnam wars. Most likely files of dedication director, Joyce Baggerly. Files concern: invitation lists, dedication committee, media coverage, research, Freedoms Foundation award, personal responses to the ceremony, and photographs of the memorial plaques. Also includes a copy of the program and accompanying brochure listing students killed in Korean and Vietnam wars; also a brochure listing students killed in World Wars I and II. The second brochure also lists students who served in World War II who were not killed. A previous ceremony for students killed in World War II was held December 8th, 1967. ———. These we honor, ca. 1980. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 67 Abstract: Includes names of BYU students and alumni who died during the Korean and Vietnam conflicts. Warnick, Gerald B., 1937-1978 Warnick, Gerald B. 1937-1978. An early history of accounting at Brigham Young University, 1962. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 394 Abstract: Research paper on the history of the Accounting Department at Brigham Young University. Washburn, Juna C., 1920Washburn, Juna C. 1920. Oral history interview, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 81 Abstract: Interview by Patricia Stoddard with Juna Washburn discussing basic biographical data and attitudes about the feminist movement. Washington Seminar Hillam, Ray C. Interview, 2000 Feb. 23. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 181 Abstract: Briefly comments on the China Teachers Program which sent couples to China to teach English beginning in 1989; the International Relations Program, subsequently known as David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies; and the Washington Seminar, which sent students to study in Washington D.C. Also mentions his experience as a Fulbright professor in Vietnam during Vietnam War, and on the "spy scandal" at BYU in the late 1960s. Watkins, Arthur R. Watkins, Arthur R. Oral history, 1991. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 158 Abstract: Watkins talks about his first years at Brigham Young University, U.S. Army Service, getting a Ph.D. at Stanford, teaching at Brigham Young University, and coping with a growing family. Watkins, Leona A. Watkins, Leona A. Oral history interview, March 24, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 80 Abstract: Interview by June Langeland with Leona Watkins discussing basic biographical data and attitudes concerning the feminist movement. Watts, Stanley Howard Watts, Stanley Howard. Oral history interview, Sept. 26, 1978. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 58 Abstract: Interview by Edwin Kimball with Stan Watts concerning his involvement in sports, while in school and as a professional coach at BYU. Discusses his book about coaching basketball. West, Dale H. West, Dale H. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 146 Abstract: West describes why he chose to teach English at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU English Department and describes different aspects of his career including the people who were influential in his professional life. West, Franklin L. West, Franklin L. Papers, 1936-1951. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 536 Abstract: Includes records relating to BYU, LDS Business College, and the Juarez and Kelsey academies. Also includes correspondence on candidates for BYU president. Westover, V. Robert Westover, V. Robert. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 165 Abstract: Westover describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of his career especially teaching and counseling in the high schools on the Navajo reservation. White and Blue (Provo, Utah) Brigham Young University. Editors and business managers of the Daily Universe and predecessors, 1898-1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 451 Abstract: Includes the names of editors and business managers of the Daily Universe and its predecessors. Also includes a newspaper article relating the reminiscences of Alvin G. Hubbard, first editor of the Y News. Widtsoe, Leah D. Widtsoe, Leah D. Oral history interview, Feb. 11, 1965. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 10 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Leah E.D. Widtsoe, teacher and author, concerning her reminiscences about her parents, her grandfather (Brigham Young), and her husband (John A. Widtsoe). Also recalls her experiences as a student, faculty member, and matron at BYA, 1896-1898; 1905-1907. Gives her views on nutrition and the Word of Wisdom. ———. Papers, 1890-1966. 2 boxes (83 items) . Call Number: UA 155 Abstract: Collection includes school notebooks, published works, correspondence, and genealogical information including information on her family history, her education at Pratt Institute and the University of Utah, and her career as an instructor at Brigham Young University. Wilcox, Val Camenish Wilcox, Val Camenish. Oral history interview, March 27, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 104 Abstract: Interview by Chris Burdick with Val Wilcox discussing her family background, education, career, marriage, and attitudes about the feminist movement. Wilkes, William Wilkes, William. Papers, 1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 400 Abstract: Course outline and final examination for a Mormon Church history class at Brigham Young University. Wilkinson, Alice L. Wilkinson, Alice L. Oral history interview, Sept. 28, 1979. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 47 Abstract: Interview by Virginia Poulson with Alice Wilkinson concerning her background, family, college life and activities, church and community activities, travel, and the contributions of her husband in church, education and politics. Wilkinson Center Director Wilkinson Center Director. Memorandum from the Director of the Wilkinson Center, 1970-1979. 4 boxes (2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 723 Abstract: Includes memorandum of Lyle Curtis and Robert Moss as directors of the Wilkinson Center. ———. Records, 1960-1978. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 732 Abstract: Contains the office records of Lyle Curtis and Curtis Wynder, Director and Assistant Director of the Wilkinson Center respectively. ———. Records of the Director of Wilkinson Center and Student Activities, 19381974. 81 boxes (40.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 460 Abstract: Includes the files and records of student activities, student government, and the function of the offices and businesses of the Wilkinson Center Wilkinson Center (Provo, Utah) Alumni Association. Memorial Hall dedication files, 1980-1983. 9 folders . Call Number: UA 797 Abstract: Work files concerning dedication for the Memorial Hall in the Ernest L. Wilkinson Center on the BYU campus, honoring students killed during the Korean and Vietnam wars. Most likely files of dedication director, Joyce Baggerly. Files concern: invitation lists, dedication committee, media coverage, research, Freedoms Foundation award, personal responses to the ceremony, and photographs of the memorial plaques. Also includes a copy of the program and accompanying brochure listing students killed in Korean and Vietnam wars; also a brochure listing students killed in World Wars I and II. The second brochure also lists students who served in World War II who were not killed. A previous ceremony for students killed in World War II was held December 8th, 1967. ———. These we honor: scrapbook, 1983. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 921 Abstract: Contains photographs, programs, and transcripts of speeches given at the dedication of an addition to the Memorial Hall in the Ernest L. Wilkinson Center on the BYU campus, held 11 November 1983, for BYU alumni who died in the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Includes speeches by Stephen L. Barrett, executive director of BYU Alumni Association; Greg Fullmer, president of Associated Students of BYU; Joni Littler, daughter of an honoree; Harry A. Wesche, veteran of the Korea and Vietnam military conflicts; Matthew L. Duffin, son of an honoree; Jeffrey R. Holland, president of BYU; and Marion D. Hanks of the First Quorum of the Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Includes text of dedicatory prayer given by Elder Hanks. Also includes photographs of the Memorial Hall, the BYU Air Force ROTC Student Chorus, ROTC honor guard, Jay C. Hess (returned Vietnam POW), Stephen L. Barrett, Joni Littler, Harry A. Wesche, Matthew L. Duffin, Jeffrey R. Holland, Marion D. Hanks, and W. Evan Bateman. Auxiliary Services. Reports, 1960s. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: PM 25 Abstract: Reports of BYU auxiliaries, the Bookstore, the Wilkinson Center, and the Dairy Farm. Brigham Young University. Wilkinson Center dedication, 1965 April 3. 1 magnetic tape . Call Number: UA 998 Abstract: The Ernest L. Wilkinson Student Center was completed in 1964 and was named for the sixth president of the university. The Student Center provides a number of services to Brigham Young University students. It is the home of a bookstore, food court, study areas, ballroom dance halls, and several recreation opportunities. ———. Wilkinson Center photograph, 1961. 1 photograph . Call Number: UA 977 Abstract: Photograph of the start of construction on the Wilkinson Center in 1971. ———. Wilkinson Floor Plan Collection, n.d. 4 oversize items . Call Number: UA 533 Abstract: Includes basic floor plans of the various levels of the Wilkinson Center. Lewis, Ben E. Records of the Wilkinson Center businesses, 1971-1974. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 737 Abstract: Includes records and correspondence of the BYU bookstore, food services, special events, and Wilkinson Center remodeling. Treasurer's Office. Records, 1941-1947. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 371 Abstract: Includes lists of donations to the Student Hall Fund, scholarship and award funds. Also includes correspondence concerning fund-raising for the Student Hall Fund. Wilkinson Center Director. Memorandum from the Director of the Wilkinson Center, 1970-1979. 4 boxes (2 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 723 Abstract: Includes memorandum of Lyle Curtis and Robert Moss as directors of the Wilkinson Center. ———. Records, 1960-1978. 11 boxes (5.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 732 Abstract: Contains the office records of Lyle Curtis and Curtis Wynder, Director and Assistant Director of the Wilkinson Center respectively. ———. Records of the Director of Wilkinson Center and Student Activities, 19381974. 81 boxes (40.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 460 Abstract: Includes the files and records of student activities, student government, and the function of the offices and businesses of the Wilkinson Center Wilkinson Center (Provo, Utah. Reports, 1970s. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 673 Abstract: Reports concerning offices and services available in the Wilkinson Center. Wilkinson, Ernest L. Berrett, William E. Oral history interview, Jan. 27, 1982. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 69 Abstract: Interview by Thomas E. Cheney with William E. Berrett concerning the history of the LDS Church Education System, particularily the Seminary and Institutes program. Also speaks on the development of religious instruction at BYU, his experiences with Ernest wilkinson, and the development of BYU from 19481971. Also discusses the discontinuance of social units at BYU, the organization of BYU wards, and the establishment of the ROTC program. Brigham Young University. Nineteen fifty-one to nineteen seventy-one : the Wilkinson years, ca. 1971. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 112 Abstract: Brief history of Brigham Young University during Ernest L. Wilkinson's presidency. Broadcast Services. Inside the Wilkinson era, 1971 May 25. 1 item . Call Number: UA 871 Abstract: Interview by Heber G. Wolsey with Ben E. Lewis, Robert K. Thomas, Harvey Taylor, Sam Brewster, and Bruce L. Olsen concerning their personal experiences with Ernest L. Wilkinson. Wilkinson's resignation as president of Brigham Young University had been announced in March 1971 and the interviews were recorded as a tribute to him. Development Office. Slide collection, n. d. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UAPS 14 Abstract: Slides used for the presentation “The President and His Lady” concerning Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Wilkinson. Izatt, Jan C. Recollections of Ernest L. Wilkinson by his secretary Jan C. Izatt. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 14 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Jan C. Izatt, secretary to Ernest Wilkinson. Includes comments about Wilkinson's personality and work habits, and about her experiences working for Wilkinson. Jacobs, J. Smith. Oral history, 1993. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 168 Abstract: Jacobs tells about attending Brigham Young University from 1928 to 1930 and gives his impressions of the university presidents, Ernest L. Wilkinson and Franklin S. Harris. Knecht, William P. Correspondence, 1946-1961. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 91 Abstract: Includes correspondence between William P. Knecht and Ernest L. Wilkinson concerning the use of the Joseph Smith Memorial Farm. Office of the President. Pictorial report of the President of Brigham Young University and the administrator of other areas of the Unified Church School System to Aug. 31, 1961. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 434 Abstract: A pictorial report concerning the LDS Church School System, the Board of Trustees, Executive Committee, BYU Presidents, and Church buildings. Riggs, Robert Edwin. Oral history, 1992. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 170 Abstract: Riggs talks about his education, his law career, his employment at Brigham Young University, and his disagreements with the president of Brigham Young University, Ernest L. Wilkinson. Tanner, Wilmer W. Oral history, 1983-1984. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 114 Abstract: The material gives a brief sketch of Tanner's life and concentrates on the time he served as a professor of zoology at Brigham Young University. He mentions his relationship with Monte L. Bean which was instrumental in Bean's donation of his animal trophies and the building of the Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum. He also reflects upon certain experiences with Ernest L. Wilkinson. Taylor, Harvey L. Oral history interview, Feb 12, 1979. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 52 Abstract: Interview by Celestia Taylor with Harvey Taylor, concerning his work as a BYU Vice President, LDS Church Schools administrator, and family information. Wilkinson, Alice L. Oral history interview, Sept. 28, 1979. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 47 Abstract: Interview by Virginia Poulson with Alice Wilkinson concerning her background, family, college life and activities, church and community activities, travel, and the contributions of her husband in church, education and politics. Wilkinson, Ernest L. Addresses in honor of Harvey Fletcher. 8 items . Call Number: UA 129 Abstract: Collection includes typewritten, edited and final drafts of speeches about Fletcher written and given by William L. Woolf and George H. Hansen, a memorandum concerning a speech from Ernest L. Wilkinson to George H. Hansen, a record of Fletcher's professional experience, and biographical information submitted to Who's Who in America. ———. Papers, 1954 September 15. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 283 Abstract: Collection includes an edited, typewritten memorandum containing information concerning returned and newly appointed Brigham Young University faculty. ———. Personal papers, 1917-1978. 300 boxes (155 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 1000 Notes: This collection is open to the public with the following exceptions: Boxes 7374, 248-53, 257 (fd. 7), and 258-260 are restricted subject to approval from the President of Brigham Young University; Boxes 256 (fd. 2-3) and 271-273 are restricted until April 2008. Abstract: The Ernest L. Wilkinson personal papers consist of three series I. Personal Papers (1923-78), II. Corporate Records (1954-78) and III. Oversized Material (1917-75). The Personal Papers series documents Wilkinson's personal and professional life. The Corporate Records series documents his extensive career as president of Brigham Young University. The Oversized Materials series contains scrapbooks kept by Wilkinson as well as three films about his administration. ———. Right to Petition at Brigham Young University, May 15, 1970. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 59 Abstract: Collection includes statement issued (printed copy of TDS) in response to queries about petitions circulated on campus relative to U.S. military operations in Cambodia. Discusses policy for circulating petitions on campus, position on student political involvement and expression. Wilson, Marguerite Ivins Wilson, Marguerite Ivins. Oral history interview, Aug. 18, 1983. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 123 Abstract: Interview by Edith Bauer with Marguerite Wilson who recounts her childhood, education and teaching in Utah and her teaching at experiences at BYU. Wing, Elayne Hinckley Wing, Elayne Hinckley. Oral history interview, March 28, 1977. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 79 Abstract: Interview by Anna Tueller with Elayne Wing, educator, discussing basic biographical information and attitudes about the feminist movement. Winsor, A. L. Winsor, A. L. A summary report of the evaluation of the College of Education at the BYU, 1953. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 315 Abstract: The survey committee was chaired by A. L. Winsor and evaluated the performance of the College of Education. Wistisen, Martin J. Wistisen, Martin J. Papers and publications of Martin J. Wistisen, 1970-ca. 1980. 1 box (.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 682 Abstract: Collection documents the career and activities of Martin J. Wistisen. Wistisen was a professor with the BYU School of Management. Wolfe, Walter M. Wolfe, Walter M. Collection, 1887-[ca. 1983]. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 366 Abstract: Includes detailed journals, 1900-1901; copies of numerous articles by him, 1887-1905; and biographical information. Journals were recorded during the Brigham Young Academy South American Expedition. Collection includes transcriptions of the journals. Wolsey, Heber G. Wolsey, Heber G. Records, 1965-1972. 24 boxes (12 linear ft.) . Abstract: Includes correspondence concerning policies and procedures of the Board of Trustees, colleges and departments, committees, research, Auxiliary Services, Church School System, Public Relations, office of university programs, University Relations, students, and Communication Services. Woolf, Golden L. Woolf, Golden L. Records, 1957-1961. 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 576 Abstract: Includes correspondence, financial records and other materials relating to the Point Four Program in Iran. Also includes contracts between the National Teacher's College and the Division of Education. Woolley, Royal B. Woolley, Royal B. Oral history interview, July 9 and 23, 1964. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 7 Abstract: Interview by Hollis Scott with Royal B. Woolley, livestockman, concerning his experiences as a member of the Brigham Young Academy South American scientific expedition during the trip from Kanab, to Colonia Dublan, Mexico, 1900-1901. World Conference on Records and Genealogical Seminar Dept. of Asian Studies. Records, 1961-1975. 6 boxes (3 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 551 Abstract: Includes correspondence, reports, policy statements, and other material created by the Department. Also includes records of the World Conference on Records. Wright, Norman Edgar Wright, Norman Edgar. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 148 Abstract: Wright describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of his career including his involvement with the Center for Family History and the publication of his ten books. Wymount Terrace Student Auxiliary Services. Records of the director of married student housing, 1949-1971. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 537 Abstract: Includes sampling of correspondence, memos and other materials relating to the operation of this office. Wymount Village (Provo, Utah) Housing Office. Records, 1945. 1 folder (54 items) . Call Number: UA 177 Abstract: Collection includes graphs, charts, construction plans and contracts, telegrams and correspondence with the National Housing Agency, Feberal Public Housing Authority, United Engineers, and O. J. Scherer Company concerning the use of former military buildings as Wymount Village student housing. Wyview Park (Provo, Utah) Brigham Young University. Wyview Park dedication, 1 Nov. 1998. 2 items . Call Number: UA 910 Abstract: Audiocassette and videocassette recordings of dedication services for family student housing on the BYU campus. Speakers included Merrill J. Bateman, John M. R. Covey, David A. Hunt, Henry B. Eyring, and James E. Faust. Includes dedicatory prayer offered by President James E. Faust of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Wyview Village (Provo, Utah) Student Auxiliary Services. Records of the director of married student housing, 1949-1971. 2 boxes (1 linear ft.) . Call Number: UA 537 Abstract: Includes sampling of correspondence, memos and other materials relating to the operation of this office. Y Bell Brigham Young University. Old BYU traditions and accompanying songs, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 36 Abstract: Collection contains four items. They are a history of the "Y" Bell and the "Old Y Bell" song, a copy of the College Song and a revision, a history of the block Y and "The trail of the Y" song, and a copy of the Athletic Carnival and the Timpanogos song. Butt, Newbern I. Collected history of the Old Y Bell, 1884-1968. 1 folder (27 items) . Call Number: UA 123 Abstract: Collection includes documented histories, poems and articles (photocopies) concerning the "Y" Bell and other bells at Brigham Young University. Y Calcares Y Calcares. Records, 1943-1962. 2 volumes . Call Number: UA 462 Abstract: Student service club records include a pledge book, a minute book and histories. Y Day Brigham Young University. Old BYU traditions and accompanying songs, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA SC 36 Abstract: Collection contains four items. They are a history of the "Y" Bell and the "Old Y Bell" song, a copy of the College Song and a revision, a history of the block Y and "The trail of the Y" song, and a copy of the Athletic Carnival and the Timpanogos song. ———. Records, articles and report of the block Y and Y day of Brigham Young University, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 486 Abstract: Includes articles documenting the genesis and construction of the block Y. Also includes list of payments for the purchase of Y Mountain and articles about the continuing celebration and ritual of Y Day. Y News (Provo, Utah) Brigham Young University. Editors and business managers of the Daily Universe and predecessors, 1898-1957. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 451 Abstract: Includes the names of editors and business managers of the Daily Universe and its predecessors. Also includes a newspaper article relating the reminiscences of Alvin G. Hubbard, first editor of the Y News. Student Publications Office. Records, 1932-1933. 1 folder (13 items) . Call Number: UA 126 Abstract: Collection includes budget reports, bids, audits, contracts and correspondence between Franklin S. Harris (Brigham Young University President, 1921-1945), Ralph W. Jenson (Brigham Young University Banyan editor) and photographers, printers and designers concerning the preparations of the Banyan and the "Y" News. Y Psychological Society (Provo, Utah) Y Psychological Society (Provo, Utah). Constitution of the "Y" Psychological Society, n. d. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 369 Abstract: Constitution of the "Y" Psychological Society. Yarn, David H. Yarn, David H. Reflections. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 39 Abstract: Audio recording of a talk given by David Yarn. He discusses the impact of philosophy upon theology at the 5th Annual P.A. Christensen Humanities Lecture at BYU. York, Neil L. York, Neil L. Oral history, 1988. 1 volume . Call Number: UA OH 150 Abstract: York describes why he chose to teach history at BYU. He gives an account of his employment with the BYU History Department and discusses different aspects of his career and his interests in American diplomatic history, the Early American period and the history of science and technology. Young Ambassadors Olsen, Bruce L. Journal, 1979. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 439 Abstract: Journal of Olsen's trip to China with the BYU Young Ambassadors. Young, Aretta Young, Aretta. On the burning of the Brigham Young Academy at Provo, 1884. 1 folder (2 pages) . Call Number: UA 179 Abstract: Collection includes a letter to Evanda Young in the form of a poem concerning the burning of Brigham Young Academy, January 28, 1884. Young, Brigham Brigham Young Academy. Deeds and indentures of the Brigham Young Academy, 1872-1903. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 399 Abstract: Typewritten and photocopied articles of incorporation with amendments, first and second deeds of trust, and a deed of conveyance designating Brigham Young (1801-1877) as owner of a land parcel occupied in part by the Lewis Building. Crocheron, George Washington. Engraving of Brigham Young, ca. 1870. 1 framed engraving . Call Number: UA 987 Abstract: This collection contains one framed engraving taken from a picture taken of Brigham Young around 1870. Young, Karl E. Young, Karl E. Oral history interview, Oct. 4, 1979. 1 bound volume . Call Number: UA OH 35 Abstract: Interview by J. Roman Andrus with Karl Young concerning his experiences as a student at Harvard and Oxford, as a faculty member at BYU and his memories of several BYU presidents. Young, Kimball Young, Kimball. Records 1912-1959. 1 folder . Call Number: UA 39 Abstract: Includes a letter from Kimball Young to the Presidency of the LDS Utah Stake, April 16, 1912, accepting a mission call, with a note of recommendation by Bishop Alfred Booth. Also include extract of anti-Mormon articles from the Salt Lake Review, 1871-1872, compiled 1959. Young, Lorenzo S. Young, Lorenzo S. Papers, 1959. 2 bound volumes . Call Number: UA 351 Abstract: Includes contract documents and building specifications for the Harold B. Lee Library.