Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry Lecture


Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry Lecture
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January 2016
January 2016 Volume 21 Issue 1
Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. - Maya Anjelou
Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry Lecture
I am thrilled to announce the program for January! Caryl Bryer Fallert Gentry is giving a lecture and trunk
show. She is internationally known for her award-winning fine-art quilts, which are easily recognized by their
luminous colors and illusions of light, depth,
and motion. Her attention to detail has earned
her a reputation for fine craftsmanship as well
as stunning designs. Her quilt, Corona 2: Solar
Eclipse was voted one of the hundred best
quilts of the 20th Century.
Caryl's work has appeared in hundreds of exhibitions and publications throughout the world,
and can be found in museum, corporate, public, and private collections in almost every state and eight foreign countries. From 1986 until 2013, Caryl has traveled extensively, lecturing and
conducting workshops for quilt and textile arts groups throughout the
United States, and in ten foreign countries. She continues to share her
knowledge through her publications and her website
Her one woman show is at the University Museum of Mississippi at Oxford January 26 to April 16th. Field Trip!!!!
The public is invited to come for the lecture for a $5 charge.
Pat Pauly’s Workshop
Registration continues for Pat Pauly's workshops in February. We
already are at half capacity for both the February 20th Big Leaf class
and the February 22nd Slash and Burn class. Leigh Ann Dye will present pictures with various colorways done of the class projects and
accept registration in my absence at the January meeting. Paid students will be given the supply list for their class/es at that time. If
you would like to check out the class description on her Each class is
$45, or if you take both, total cost is $75. In addition, there is a $15
pattern fee for the Big Leaf class which will be paid to Pat the day of
the class.
Pat's classes will be open to the public after the meeting is over. Get your check in at the meeting if you want
to take these fabulous classes. We have people joining the guild to secure a place!
If the Shelby County Schools are closed on Guild meeting day because of bad
weather, the church will be closed as well. Even if the sun comes out later and everything melts, the church will not be open
- meeting is cancelled. If workshops or other activities are cancelled, check your email or Facebook about rescheduling.
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January 2016
Message from the Prez
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Do you believe it? We are in another year already. As I get older I think the years speed up and whiz
by. We had a great 2015 quilt year with our friends at Uncommon Threads and now we have lots of great plans for 2016
already in the works. We already know that Carol Bryer Fallert-Gentry and Pat Pauley are coming. Our retreat has a great
out of town quilter coming and we have a few surprises up our sleeves too. Wait til you hear what your program chair has
been planning with her committee.
My little sewing room looks like a disaster area but I have finished several quilts that have been in the works for years and
some more recent ones too with the help of my quilting friends. It’s funny, sometimes I make a quilt and know exactly who
it is going to be given to and why they must receive it. Other quilts I make because I just have to make this pattern or use
this gorgeous fabric. Sometimes I don't want to part with the quilts. I think we could all write stories about our quilting
processes, don't you? I don't have many orphan blocks but I have orphan quilt tops that I need to finish so my 2016 New
Year's resolution is to get them quilted. So what are your New Year's resolutions? Some years I don't even make them because I know I will break them. I figured if I put this in writing it WILL happen!
I know we will all enjoy this new year together. So keep coming and keep quilting. Thank you all for all you do to make this
guild a success.
Your President, Pat
Longarm Bee Changes
In 2016 starting with the February meeting we will meet on the SECOND Saturday of the month, not the third. Also we will
be meeting at a different member’s house each month. The next two months will be announced in the newsletter each
month. The schedule for the next two months is as follows:
February-1 p.m. Dana Lynch, 8015 Oxford Drive, Olive Branch, (662) 796-1145 or (901) 921-1276,
March-1:30 p.m. Donna Northcutt, 1241 Irwins Grove Lane, Collierville, (901) 283-1344
Contact Marge Nickels at (901) 268-9580 or for information. The bee is open to anyone who has
a longarm, is thinking of buying one, wants to learn about longarms or just wants to hang out with a fun group. If you have
a longarm and you are not receiving monthly meeting reminders or if you know someone who has recently purchased a
longarm, please contact Marge to get on the list.
Below are some photos from the January Longarm Bee. Left: Pieced by Marge Nickels, quilted mostly by Arlene Abernathy.
Center: Hand pieced by Jody Townley!! Really!!! This is remarkable because Jody thinks “hand” is a four letter word, and
not a nice one! Right: Pieced and quilted by Patti Sandage who bought Jody’s A-1 machine.
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January 2016
Committee Communications
To contact an officer or committee chair, find their phone number or email in the “who’s who” section.
In December we had no new members and a total of 102 members.
-Deloris Richmond & Lois Acklen
Door Prizes
Wear your name tag! You might win a nice little prize! (be sure to put your name in the can). Names will be drawn for one or more
door prizes.
-Sandy Call
The Alzheimer's Figet Quilts will be revealed at the March 2016 meeting. Figet quilts are made from a variety of textures and objects
that dementia or Alzheimer's patient find help to calm their fidgety hands. If you Google “fidget quilts” and then click on images you will
see many examples.
SIZE: no larger than 20” - 24” as these are lap type quilts.
The quilts can be made utilizing bits and pieces of left over blocks, pieces of color that catch the eye. simple graphic elements, bright
colors, textures, takes or anything that extends beyond the edges is fine.
COLORS - preferences lean more towards reds, fustian, orange with a combination of calming color. Patients have a tendency to
have vision problems due to dimming of their eyesight, so utilizing BOLD patterns is better.
TEXTURES play an important part in giving the patient something to fondle, so corduroy, Minkie, velvet, fleece can all be used at the
same time, as well as cotton fabrics.
PLAYFUL items can be sewn onto the quilt - buttons, ribbons, zippers, beads, empty spools, rick rack, pockets with attached small
stuffed toys, lace, shoelaces to thread into something, all must be attached securely so as not to be lost.
BACKING of the quilt should be flannel or a fabric that won't slip off their laps easily.
Creating a small quilt for these precious people is only a small part of the comfort we can give to the days they have lost and the
memories so long forgotten - it takes a small amount of time to create a 24" quilt. Quilts for our challenge will be donated to Silvercreek Senior Living Community in Olive Branch. Questions, call me at 682-5170.
-Patty Harants
Corresponding Secretary
Some of you may have heard that Paula Miller’s son was injured badly in an accident in November. If you would like to send a card or a
note to Paula or to her son, the address is Greg Payne, Baton Rouge General, c/o Burn Center Room 2605, 8585 Picardy Avenue, Baton
Rouge, LA 70809. You can also follow his progress and drop them a note on Facebook at “Keeping Up with Greg Major Payne”.
-Linda McPherson
Everything you wanted to know about committees and officers……
I started this column in June at President Pat’s request. Then in September I didn’t have room, and then I forgot. So I’m starting again
this month. This month’s positions are great chairs for people who want to be on the board but who don’t have a lot of extra time during the month. The Door Prize Chair is responsible for obtaining door prizes and conducting the monthly drawings. Recently we’ve had
mostly gift certificates for door prizes so this chair would have to purchase them. The Hospitality Chair is often filled by more than one
person. Duties are to be sure that there are enough paper plates, napkins, and silverware, to set up the food and beverage tables each
month and to clean up afterwards. The Show and Tell Chair is responsible for introducing show and tell participants at the meetings.
Some show and tell chairs have had contests and keep track of how many quilts in various categories have been shown and give prizes
in May for the most. But this is up to the chair. Remember back in June I explained that we have standing committee chairs who are
voting board members and special committee chairs who do not vote. Each of these are special committees so they are non-voting
positions. That means also that although these chairs are welcome to come to board meetings, they don’t have to attend unless they
have something specific they would like to bring to the board’s attention. They do have to be able to attend most meetings, since their
jobs mostly are done at the meetings. If they are not able to attend, they should ask someone to fill in for them.
If you missed previous columns, they are in the June, July and August issues of the newsletter, which you can access by going to and click on the appropriate month. May will be here before you know it and a new president will
be looking for people to fill all the board positions. Think about it. Guild is more fun when you get involved.
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January 2016
Who’s Who - Officers and Chairpersons - 2015-16
Vice President
Rec. Scty
Past President
Pat Deeken
Jane Jacobson
Charla Viehe
Linda McPherson
Becky Williams
Donna Northcutt
Alice Franceschetti
Standing Committees:
Community Svc.
Carol Rife
Sandy Lumsden
Deloris Richmond
Lois Acklen
Jeanie Velarde
Mary Lessman
Angela Buckley
Ways and Means
Ernestine Smith
Special Committees:
Block Whenever
Jane Jacobson
Patty Harants
Door Prizes
Sandy Call
Polly Stone
Margaret Smith
Scrapbook &
Claire Prince
Show & Tell
Sue Frost
Jane Jacobson
Happy Birthday!
Sandy Hathaway 1/2
Iris Tyler 1/2
Cathy Wilhelm 1/4
Shan Bailey 1/10
Linda Gidley 2/7
Debra Bautista 2/8
Joyce Graff 2/11
Jan Porter 2/15
Nysha Nelson 2/20
Kay Smith 2/23
Dates to Remember
Jan 26 Tues Guild Meeting—Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry
Feb 4 Thur Collierville Sewing Guild, Coll.Hobby Lobby, 10 am
Feb 8 Mon Board Meeting - Emmanuel Methodist Church, 6:30
Feb 11 Thur Mphs Sewing Guild, Gtown Hobby Lobby, 10 am
Feb 13 Sat Longarm Bee, 1:30
Feb 13 Sat Embroidery Guild - St. George Episc.Church, Gtown, 9:30 am
Feb 13 Sat Patchwork & Prayer Sit and Sew, 9-12, Gtown Baptist
Feb 15 Mon Embroidery Guild - St. George Episc.Church, Gtown, 9:30 am
Feb 20 Sat Weavers Guild, St. Johns Methodist
Feb 20 Sat Pat Pauly Workshop, Studio Nysha
Feb 21 Sun Spinning Guild, St. Francis of Assisi, 1:30-5:00
Feb 22 Mon Pat Pauly Workshop, Studio Nysha
Feb 23 Tues Guild Meeting—Pat Pauly
Feb 27 Sat Weavers Guild, St. Johns Methodist
Mar 3 Thur Collierville Sewing Guild, Coll.Hobby Lobby, 10 am
Mar 7 Mon Board Meeting - Emmanuel Methodist Church, 6:30
Mar 10 Thur Mphs Sewing Guild, Gtown Hobby Lobby, 10 am
Mar 12 Sat Longarm Bee, 1:30
Mar 12 Sat Embroidery Guild - St. George Episc.Church, Gtown, 9:30 am
Mar 12 Sat Patchwork & Prayer Sit and Sew, 9-12, Gtown Baptist
Mar 19 Sat Weavers Guild, St. Johns Methodist
Mar 20 Sun Spinning Guild, St. Francis of Assisi, 1:30-5:00
Mar 21 Mon Embroidery Guild - St. George Episc.Church, Gtown, 9:30 am
Mar 22 Tues Guild Meeting
Mar 26 Sat Weavers Guild, St. Johns Methodist
All members are welcome to attend UTQG Board Meetings. Meetings
are held at Emmanuel Methodist Church at the corner of Mesick and
Kirby. To list an event, please contact Jeanie Velarde.
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January 2016
Through the Years - One More Time
After listing everything we did during the past 20 years during 2015, I thought it might be interesting to see some of what
we did summarized (and I had a LOT of white space to fill this month). So here are all the guest teachers we’ve had the past
20 years +1 (I added 2015 in too). Retreat teachers are listed in bold. Pretty impressive!! This month we have Caryl Bryer
Fallert-Gentry coming, Pat Pauly in February and we are in contact with (drum roll) Kaffe Fassett’s “people”!! (Yeah, it’s a
long shot but it doesn’t hurt to try!!)
1996—Karen Combs
1998—Linda Cantrell and Lynne Harrell
1999—Brenda Papadakis, Bridget Corry of Tunbridge Wells England, and Anna Lue Cook, the Feed Sack Lady
2000—Jennifer Bruechel, Mimi Detrich and Irma Gail Hatcher
2001—Robbie Joy Eklow and Jean Shaw
2002—June Coburn, Nancy Lee Chong, Sharon Newman and Karen Stone
2003—Jean Shaw and Sue Spargo
2004—Helen Squire, Linda Hall, Jan Scheer and Jackie Robinson
2005—Diane Herbort, Becky Goldsmith and Klaudeen Hanson
2006—Suzanne Marshall and Freida Anderson
2007—Eileen Sullivan, Marti Michell and Linda Poole
2008—Marge Myers of Aurafil and Ellen Anne Eddy
2009—Janet Jones Worley, Joan Shay and Pat Speth
2010—Eileen Sullivan, Nancy Sapin of Sulky and Diane Herbort
2011—Susan Cleveland and Anne Lullie
2012—Sharon Schamber
2013—Flavin Glover
2014—Elsie Campbell and Susan Brubaker Knapp
2015—Cynthia England and Sue Nickels
And here are our challenges through the years:
1998- Presidents challenge - finish 6 UFOs by December
2002 - The Baptist Women’s Hospital challenge - make a quilt using “Quilt for the Cure” fabrics with the theme “The Healing
Garden”. All quilts were donated to the new Baptist Women’s Hospital.
2003 –St. Columba challenge—quilts used the Tennessee state flower fabric and all quilts were donated to St Columba.
2004 – “Blues on the River” - Memphis themed quilts
2005 – “Black and White and …” - use black and white and other fabrics, Marge Nickels and Jeanie Velarde, chairs
2006 - Jody Townley issued a president’s challenge to make lap quilts for Kings Daughters and Sons
2006 – “Field of Dreams through a Window” , Donna Northcutt, chair
2007 – “Blooms and Birds on a Stormy Day” , Anna Liddell, chair
2007 – “In the Neighborhood Challenge” , Anna Liddell, chair, all quilts donated to Belmont Village Alzheimer's unit
2008 – “My Checkered Past”, a self portrait with a checkerboard somewhere, Marilyn League, chair.
2010 – Repetitive Consequences - repeat a design element at least 3 times, Nysha Nelson, chair
2011 – Color Saturation challenge - draw 3 crayons, use those colors and one complement, Charla Viehe, chair
2012 – “Ugly Quilts” , make an ugly quilt, funny awards, Charla Viehe, chair
2013-Program was a challenge to design a modern quilt
2014 -PD Parrot Challenge, quilts using the Baptist Pediatric Hospital cartoon characters, all quilts donated to the hospital,
Nysha Nelson, chair
2015- “Fly Your Flag” challenge, make a flag shaped quilt, if you were a country what would it be? A book was created with
all the flags, Leigh Ann Dye, chair
2016- Figit Quilts for Alzheimer's patients, Patty Harants, chair
There, I filled a whole page and hope I entertained you at the same time!!!! JV
January 2016
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General Meeting Minutes - December 15, 2015 - Germantown Methodist Church
The meeting was called to order at 6:44 by President Pat Deeken, following the annual potluck dinner.
The minutes were approved as printed in the November newsletter. The motion was made by Becky Williams and seconded by Iris Tyler.
Recording Secretary: No report
Corresponding Secretary: Cards were sent to Margaret Smith, Etta McFarland, Alice Franceschetti and Bridget Ciaramitaro.
Treasurer: The current outstanding balance is $15,627.00 and almost all the bills have been paid from the retreat 2015.
A motion was made by Ernestine Smith and seconded by Margaret Smith, to approve up to $75 for the guild to order new checks and
other paperwork for the treasurer. Since the amount was over $50, it had to approved by the general membership, after being approved by the board. The motion passed.
Block of Whatever: The November pattern is on the web site.
There was also a request for volunteers to teach beginning quilting at the Cherokee Library. A class on crocheting will be held February
Community Service: 8 Hospice quilts have been delivered. There are quilt kits – some to piece, some to quilt, and some to finish -- all
Challenge: A reminder for all interested guild members to make a 24” Fidget quilt that will be presented to Silver Creek Assisted Living
Center. If possible, quilts should be made of bright colors, various textures and different attachments. They are due at the March 2016
Membership: 40 members were present and there were 2 visitors. Welcome to Kathryn Gardner and Brenda
Door Prizes: Winners were Kay Smith, Angela Buckley, Leigh Ann Dye and Judy Bell.
Retreat: “Lost and found” items were displayed.
The 1st place ribbon of the Challenge Block contest was presented to Susan Torchia.
Programs: Carol Bryer Fallert-Gentry will have a one woman show in Oxford at the University of Mississippi January 26-April16. She will
be presenting the program at our January general meeting.
A reminder that Pat Pauly will be the speaker at the February general meeting. There will be 2 special classes on previous days. We
were reminded to read the upcoming newsletters and to look at her web site for more details.
Show and Tell: Participants were Ernestine Smith, Margarita Korioth, Angela Buckley, Chris Baker, Patty Harants, Lois Acklen, Lynn Martin, Carol Rife, Becky Williams, Paula Kovarik, Stacye Richardson, Lora Cornelius, Leigh Ann Dye, Donna Northcutt and Jane Jacobson.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm. After a short break, the program was an ornament exchange for all interested guild members.
Respectfully submitted,
Charla J. Viehe
Board Meeting Minutes - January 11, 2016 - Emmanuel Methodist Church
Attendees: Pat Deeken, Jane Jacobson, Becky Williams, Charla Viehe, Linda McPherson, Alice Franceschetti, Sandy Lumsden, Lois Acklen,
Jeanie Velarde, Mary Lessman, Angela Buckley, Ernestine Smith, Patty Harants, Sandy Call, Iris Tyler, Sue Frost
The meeting was called to order at 6:34pm, by President, Pat Deeken.
Vice President: No report
Recording Secretary: The November minutes stand as were printed in the newsletter.
Corresponding Secretary: A card was sent to Carol Kline. Guild members will be encouraged to send Paula Miller and family upbeat
cards. The address will be printed in the newsletter.
Treasurer: The balance as of December 31, 2015 was $16,319.36. New checks have been ordered and we have been notified that they
have been shipped. Due to a special we were able to order 300 checks, instead of 150, for less than the approved $75.00. In the next
few days the spread sheet will be updated and all board members will be emailed the information. The retreat costs are almost completed.
Past President: No report
January 2016
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Parliamentarian: No report
Community Service: Hospice was presented with 9 quilts in December. The committee has plenty of fabric and there are kits available
for guild members to construct. Information was discussed about conducting an all day workshop for guild members for hospice quilts
on National Quilt Day in March.
Membership: Information was shared about charging non-members $5 for the January lecture of Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry. It will be
collected at the membership table.
Newsletter: Thursday is the deadline for articles for the January newsletter. Committee descriptions will begin again in the newsletter.
Programs: Information was shared about Caryl’s lecture at the guild meeting. We will keep the business meeting, followed by show and
tell, as short as possible. Since we do not need to be out of the building until 9pm, there should be plenty of time. Etta McFarland will
introduce Caryl and Glenda Cunningham will provide the projector.
Information was shared about Pat Pauly’s 2 workshops and guild lecture in February. On Saturday, Feb. 20 the workshop will be the “Big
Leaf” and Monday, Feb. 22 will be the Slash and Burn workshop. The lecture will be Feb. 23 at the general guild meeting. The cost of
one workshop is $45 or both for $75. Leigh Ann Dye will handle the sign ups at the January guild meeting.
Arlene Blackburn will present a lecture at the guild meeting April 26. On May 21 there will be a workshop on dyeing and embellishing.
The cost is $55 and will cover supplies used in the class. It will be held at Arlene’s studio in Bartlett.
Publicity: Press releases will be sent out regarding Caryl’s lecture at the guild meeting. Other guilds and shops will be notified also.
Ways and Means: A discussion was held about using the previous logos. One was used on shirts and large canvas totebags. Another
logo was used for guild membership pins. The guild might use the same design for the pins, but with a third colorway. More information
is going to be gathered. We are still looking into Tervis tumblers and vinyl motifs for car windows.
Block of Whenever: A combined January/February one will be on the web site.
Challenge: The information will be repeated in the newsletter. The fidget quilts are due at the March guild meeting.
Door Prizes: No report
Hospitality: No report
Photos/Scrapbook: No report
Retreat: Just waiting on the final financial totals to finish retreat 2015. Probably the report will be given at the February board meeting
and then finished at the February guild meeting. A contract for Lola Jenkins for retreat 2016 still needs to be sent out. Margaret Smith,
the new retreat chair, will be joining the board in February or March.
Show and Tell: Everything is going just fine!
Webmaster: The guild was notified that the prices have increased. After learning that “Dear Daddy” was charging $286 for 2 years, we
approached them. They have reduced our renewal cost to $250.20 for 3 years. That is within our approved annual budget.
Old Business: No report
New Business: No report
No other business was brought before the board and the meeting was adjourned at 7:28pm
Respectfully submitted,
Charla J. Viehe
Recording Secretary
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January 2016
Meeting Info
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
6:15 social, 6:30-9:00 meeting
Where: Germantown United Methodist Church
2331 S. Germantown Road
If you need directions or
information on exactly how to
get to the meeting, please call
one of the guild officers listed
in the Who’s Who section.
What’s On?: Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry
For the December Meeting:
* Name Badges * Show & Tell * Hospice quilts if you have any *
* A snack to share * Money to pay for Pat Pauley classes *
n’ t
Do get!
Threadlines Newsletter Deadline Send your info to Jeanie Velarde by the 2nd Thursday of every month. Mail to: 8497
Bergen Cove, Cordova, TN 38018. Phone (901) 754-2146 or e-mail
First Class
Cordova, TN 38018
8497 Bergen Cove
Uncommon Threads Quilt Guild