a jewel in the crown of texas


a jewel in the crown of texas
Fourth Quarter 2015
of Salado
#1 Salado Square | Main Street | Salado
254-947-0323 | www.magnoliasofsalado.com
Page 2
Chef’s two course
Prix Fixe with
adult beverage
pairing only
Monday through
Thusday from 5-6pm
and 4-6pm on Fridays
and Saturdays.
The Lounge is Open
5:00pm till close
Lounge opens at
Live music at
Page 3
Page 3
Salado Calendar of Events
October 1
Salado Chamber of Commerce Golf
Tournament at Mill Creek Golf Club.
info: salado.com
October 2
Randy Rogers Band, 7 p.m. at Johnny’s Outback Tickets: johnnysoutback.
October 2-3, 9-10
Blow your own beer mugs for Oktoberfest. Register at saladoglassworks.com.
October 3
Watercolor Fun with Joyce class, 10:30
a.m. at Stamp Salado. Cost: $26 info:
(254) 947-8848
October 3
Fall Glitter Card class, 2 p.m. at Stamp
Salado. Cost: $28 info: (254) 947-8848
October 3
Salado Youth Fair Boosters Reverse
Raffle, Tenroc Ranch. Tickets: (254) 6241008
October 3
Hunter Spectacular 4-H fundraiser at
the Bell County Expo Center.
October 7-10
October Bow Hunt at Solana Ranch.
info: solanaranch.com or (254) 947-8331.
October 8
ArTexas Award Reception, 6 p.m. at
Salado Civic Center.
October 9-23
ArTexas Juried Art exhibit, 9 - 5 p.m.
at Salado Civic Center on Main Street
October 9-10
Christmas in October at The Venue,
tickets $3 info: salado.com
October 10
Salado Volunteer Fire Department
Family Fun Day and Open House, 2 - 5
p.m. at Station 2 on FM 2484.
October 10-11
Original Salado Market Days at Salado
Antique Mall, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. & Sun.
October 16-17, 23-24, 30-31
Blow your own Fall Pumpkins. Register at saladoglassworks.com.
October 17
Cattleman’s Ball, Tenroc Ranch, benefiting Salado Education Foundation.
October 17
Highland Games, Pace Park.
October 18
Blow your own Christmas ornaments.
Register at saladoglassworks.com.
October 21
Original Salado Market Days at Salado
Antique Mall, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. & Sun.
Josh Abbott Band, 7 p.m. at Johnny’s
Outback. Tickets: johnnysoutback.com
St. Stephen Catholic Church Fall Fest,
601 FM 2268
Beyond Basics Knitting Class with
Salado Yarn Co, 10 a.m. - noon inside
The Shoppes on Main. $25 plus materials.
Register at saladoyarn.com
October 24
Willingham Springs Baptist Church
Service, 11 a.m. at the historic church on
FM2843 in Salado. Signing and worship
at the 100 year old church followed by
dinner on the grounds.
October 23
Friends of Salado Cemetery Association Annual Meeting, 9:30 a.m. in the
Meadows room of the Salado Civic Center.
October 27
Second Annual Fall Pub Crawl, 6 - 10
p.m. Tickets: $19.95, Premium Ticket with
handblown glass mug $59.99
November 4 & 11
Learn to Knit Class with Salado Yarn
Co, 10 a.m. - noon inside The Shoppes
on Main. $30 plus materials. Register at
November 6-7
Blow your own Fall Pumpkins. Register at saladoglassworks.com.
November 7
Springhouse Annual Holiday Open
House, 2-7 p.m.
November 7
Our Salado Heritage Speaks; Historic
Old Salado Graveyard Walking tour, 5
- 6:30 p.m. Costumed characters will present the lives of the men and women who
made an impact on the history of Salado
and early Texas. $5 adults, $3 children
November 7
Salado United Methodist Church Garden Guild style show and luncheon, 12:30
p.m. at the church. Tickets: $25 info: 9475434
November 13-15
54th Gathering of the Scottish Clans &
Page 4
November 13-15, 20-22,27-29
November 14-15
November 21
Salado Empty Bowl Salado Civic Center on Main Street. Enjoy a selection of
soups from local restaurants and choose
a hand made bowl. Proceeds benefit the
Salado Family Relief Fund.
November 23 - 27
Salado ISD Thanksgiving Break
December 3
Salado Christmas parade, 5 p.m. on
Main Street. Kick off for the Salado
Christmas Stroll.
December 3
The Robertson Plantation Gala Evening, 7 - 10 p.m. Tour the recently renovated 1856 Robertson Home to benefit
the Central Texas Museum, Robertson
Colony - Salado College Foundation and
the Salado Historical Society. See Story.
December 4-5, 11-12
A Christmas Carol at Tablerock Amphitheater.
December 4-6
Salado Historical Society Annual
Christmas Tour of Homes.
December 4-6 and 11-13
Salado Christmas Stroll, shops open
late, strolling carolers, food and fun.
December 4-6 and 11-13
Live Nativity Scene presented by First
Baptist Church of Salado, 6 - 8 p.m. on
Main Street
December 4-6, 11-13, 18-20
Blow your own Christmas ornaments.
Register at saladoglassworks.com.
December 10
Salado Community Chorus Christmas
Concert, 7 p.m. at First Baptist Church of
December 12-13
Original Salado Market Days at Salado
Antique Mall, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. & Sun.
Dec 18 - Jan 1
Winter Dove Season
Stagecoach Inn undergoing renovation
By Tim Fleischer
Stagecoach Inn restaurant is
expected to re-open in May 2016
after an extensive renovation and
reconstruction project that will
begin in November.
Clark Lyda purchased the
Stagecoach Inn restaurant and
hotel from Terry Potts in July.
Work will begin soon on the
1861 building that opened as the
Shady Villa Hotel. The second
story balcony of the old hotel is
storied to have been the location
of an anti-secession speech by
Sam Houston. According to the
Texana book “Texas Siftings,”
Houston reportedly had an exchange with a fiery secessionist
from the crowd who shouted at
him, “General Sam, we can whip
them Yankees with cornstalks!”
“That may be true, but they
have not agreed to fight with
cornstalks,” Houston retorted.
This is just one of the many
stories that has kept travelers
from around the state enrapt
with the Stagecoach Inn.
That historic charm is part of
what led Lyda to purchase the
property and will continue to
be a focus in the branding of the
Stagecoach Inn as a destination
for travelers.
Dion and Ruth Van Bibber opened the restaurant in
1943 and it quickly became a
renowned bighway restaurant
featured in Life magazine, Ford
Times and on the prestigious
Duncan Hines list. It was named
by Texas Highways Readers as
a Readers Favorite restaurant in
The distinctive menu, recited from memory by waitresses
who had worked decades at the
restaurant, included the famous
hush puppies, tomato aspic, banana fritter and, of course, the
Strawberry Kiss.
When the restaurant reopens
in May 2016, you can expect
A rendering of the plans for the renovation and expansion of the Stagecoach Inn, which Clark Lyda
of Austin purchased in July. Work will begin in Novemberon renovating the historic restaurant building, followed by a complete renovation and expansion of the hotel property.
many of those favorites to stay
the same.
But there will be some exciting changes to the restaurant,
which will be under the opera-
tion of La Corsha Hospitality.
The team, according to Lyda,
has “a clear understanding of
the Stagecoach’s history, the
strength of the brand and peo-
Page 6
ple’s affection for it, and the potential of the place to once again
Turn to Stagecoach Inn renovation, Page 26
Unique home decor
21 North Main Street
254-947-4000 - twentyonemain.com - open 7 days
Page 7
Women’s & Children’s Apparel & Accessories
2 Rock Creek
(254) 947-0303
Opening Soon!
108 Royal Street
Home Decor
New & Vintage
Gifts Boutique
save the date
November 7 | 2 - 7 p.m.
Springhouse Annual
Holiday Open House
Like Us on Facebook
Springhouse Salado
Page 9
Historic Old Salado
Graveyard Walking Tour
Come see what’s different in Salado
(469) 877-0374
#1 Royal Street at Main
Michael Pritchett & other local artists
Call for personal art lessons
In the dusky
evening of Saturday, Nov. 7, the
Salado pioneers
who are buried
Historic Salado Old
Graveyard will
come to life to tell
their stories. They
will tell how they
came to Texas,
when they came
to Salado, and
how they served
their community
and their country. Some will tell
of other relatives
who are buried
next to them.
Some will tell all;
others will keep
their secrets buried.
Society Hans and Judy Fields will portray historical
Tablerock Salado pioneers during the “Our Salado Herare
sponsoring itage Speaks” tour 5-6:30 p.m. Nov. 7 at the
a walking tour historical Old Salado Graveyard.
of the Old Salado Graveyard on Nov. 7, from 5-6:30 p.m. The historic Old Salado
Graveyard is on Baines Street The program is titled “Our Salado Heritage Speaks” referring to the lives of Salado settlers buried in the
Old Graveyard who will have their biographies presented by historical reenactors. The program is scheduled to begin at dusk and will
conclude before dark.
Sixteen early pioneers designated historically significant to the
founding and early settlement of Salado are the focus of the walking
tour. Seven grave sites have Texas Historical Commission markers,
two have markers on their Salado homes, two have family markers ,
and five are remaining to be researched for markers.
The early pioneers on the tour are: Col. Hermon Aiken, Dr. Welborn and Louisa Barton, Captain Milton Damron, Rev. James and
Fannie Ferguson, Capt. Robert Bonner Halley, Dr. Samuel Jones,
Professor James Lowry Smith, James Anderson, Rev. George Washington Baines, Dr. Benjamin McKie, Archibald J. Rose, Leroy A.
Griffith, John Paine, John Wesley Ray, Charley Schoepf, and Emily
Bumpass Stockton.
Besides being noted Salado pioneers, these individuals made significant contributions to the educational, religious, political, and civic lives of people in the county and the State of Texas.
Tickets will cost $5 for adults and $3 for children 12 and under.
Tickets can be purchased at the cemetery on the night of the program.
Parking will be on site. Cars will not be permitted in the cemetery
during the program.
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Salado Community Chorus performs in 2014.
concert Dec. 10
Salado Community Chorus will present its annual Christmas con-
Downtown Salado
201 N. Main St.
10-5:30 M-Sat • 12:30-5 Sun
cert 7 p.m. Dec. 10 in the auditorium of the First Baptist Church of
Salado, on Main Street at Salado Creek.
“Christmas on our Minds and in our Hearts” has everything from
fanciful “Elf” to the sacred “Hallelujah Chorus” and a multitude of
Yuletide tunes in between, according to chorus director Jim Mohon.
In addition, Elves, Frosty the Snowman, Wise Men, and a surprise
or two will join the Chorus in presenting an evening of amusement.
Mr. Mohon also states “This concert will be the “Inn” place to be in
Salado on December 10, 2015.”
The Chorus Christmas Concert is part of the festive activities surrounding the annual Christmas Stroll that occurs the first two weekends in December each year in Salado. The chorus welcomes local
as well as all visitors to attend their concert and enjoy the variety of
Christmas activities scheduled throughout the Village of Salado.
For more information, visit www.saladochorus.com
Page 12
Winning Wines
Join the
Wine Club
for special
and events
Texas Wine
& Craft Beer
Tastings Daily
41 Texas
Craft Beers
On Tap & In Bottles
Free Live Music Friday & Saturday Night
418 N. Main St.
(Corner of Main and Van Bibber)
Sat noon - 1 a.m. | Sun - Mon noon - 6 p.m.
Tues - Thurs noon - 10 p.m. | Fri noon - midnight
Page 13
Main Street at Creekside
Tuesday 8AM—12PM
Gourmet Tea
Hot Cocoa
Holiday Season Sales Event
10% OFF
Choose from 100 different Coffee Beans
Page 14
When you Present this Coupon
Page 15
Weekly Events in the Village of Salado
List of health, food, fun, clubs & gatherings
Yoga for Women’s Health,
10 a.m. at The Yoga Room Info:
(254) 681-7623.
Salado Village Artists
Stitchers & Knitters, 1 p.m. at
Salado Village Artists Building.
Yoga Basics & Beyond, 6
p.m. at The Yoga Room. Info:
(254) 681-7623.
Salado Masonic Lodge,
Floor practice is 6:30 p.m. at
the Lodge every Monday except
Stated Meeting. Stated meeting is 7:30 p.m. Monday on or
before Full Moon.
First Monday
Salado First Monday
Gardeners, 8 a.m. at the Visitor
Salado Historical Society
board meeting, 6 p.m. at The
Baines House. Salado FFA Meeting, 6
p.m. at Salado High School AG
building Sept. - May.
Salado Youth Fair Booster
Club meeting, after the FFA
meeting Salado High School
AG building Info: SYFBClub@
Second Monday
Public Arts League of Salado open board meeting, 5:30
p.m. at the Visitor’s Center on
Main Street.
Salado Athletic Boosters
Club meeting, 7 p.m. at the
High School Library. Info: saladoathleticbooster.org.
Third Monday
Salado ISD Board of
Trustees meeting, 6 p.m. at the
Salado Civic Center.
YogaStrong, 9-10 a.m. at
The Yoga Room. Info: (254)
Salado Village Artists, Village Art Building, 9:30 a.m.
Adult game day at Presbyte-
rian Church of Salado, 10 a.m.
Salado Rotary Club, 11:30
a.m. at Johnny’s Steaks &
Barbecue first three Tuesdays
of month; Roving Social after
hours on fourth Tuesday of
Chair Yoga, noon - 1 p.m.
at The Yoga Room Info: (254)
Prix Fixe at The Range, 5
p.m.- close. $14.95 for entree,
dessert, drink.
Salado Community Chorus
practice, 6 p.m., Salado Civic
Center, unless otherwise noted.
First Tuesday
Salado Village Artists
Board Meeting, 9 a.m. at the
Village Art Building.
Salado 4-H Club meeting,
6 p.m. at Salado Intermediate
Cafeteria, Sept. - May.
Second Tuesday
Sit & Knit, 10 a.m - noon
at Salado Yarn Co, inside The
Shoppes on Main.
Yoga for Core, 8:30 - 9:45
a.m. at The Yoga Room. Info:
(254) 681-7623.
Power Flow Yoga level 1&2,
6:10-7:10 p.m. at The Yoga
Room. Info: (254) 681-7623.
Wine Down Wednesday at
The Range. Half price glasses of
wine, staff’s choice.
First Wednesday
Adult craft group meets at
Salado Public Library, 2 - 4 p.m.
Second Wednesday
Salado Lions Club, 11:30
a.m., Salado Civic Center.
Mah Jongg at Salado Public
Library, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Fourth Wednesday
Salado Lions Club, 11:30
a.m., Salado Civic Center.
Yoga for healing, 9 a.m. at
The Yoga Room Info: (254) 6817623.
Chair Yoga, noon - 1 p.m.
at The Yoga Room Info: (254)
Flow and Go Yoga aka
Travelers Yoga, 3 - 4 p.m. at
The Yoga Room Info: (254)
Hatha Flow levels 1&2, 6:15
- 7:15 p.m. at The Yoga Room
Info: (254) 681-7623.
Martinis and Manicures
at The Lounge at The Range, 5
p.m.-close. $25 for 2 ladies night
adult beverages, a manicure and
a selection of appetizers, space
is limited. appointments: 254947-3828.
Salado Aldermen meeting,
6:30 p.m., Municipal building,
301 N. Stagecoach Rd. Meeting
is open to the public.
First Thursday
Third Wednesday
Chisholm Trail American
Business Woman’s Association
meeting, 6 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church of Salado.
Second Thursday
Salado Ladies Auxiliary
Meeting, 9:30 a.m. at the Salado
United Methodist Church Youth
Activities Center.
Third Thursday
Salado Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting, 8:30
a.m. at the Visitors Center.
Third Thursday Music
Club, 5 - 8 p.m. at JD’s Travel
Center. Old time music, acoustic only. Everyone welcome to
come play or listen.
Fourth Thursday
Salado Area Republican
Women, time varies. Salado
Civic Center. Public welcome:
Page 16
Pop in for a pastry, 8:15 9:30 a.m. at First Community
Friday Night Special at
Mill Creek Country Club Bar
and Grill. Menu changes every
week. Call 947-5698.
Live Music at Chupacabra
Craft Beer and Salado Lone
Star Winery.
Fourth Friday
Fourth Friday Gospel
Singing, 7 p.m. at First Cedar
Valley Baptist Church on FM
2843. Pot luck to follow, bring a
favorite dish or dessert.
Hatha Flow Levels 1 &
2, 8:30-9:30 a.m. at The Yoga
Room. Info: (254) 681-7623
Live music in The Lounge,
upstairs at The Range Restaurant on Main St., 7 p.m. Artists
change weekly. Check website
for details.
Live Music at Chupacabra
Craft Beer and Salado Lone
Star Winery.
Third Saturday
Bell County Star Party,
8:30 - 11:30 p.m. at Overlook
Park, Stillhouse Hollow Lake on
FM1670. Central Texas Astronomical Society. info: centexastronomy.org.
Open discussion Al-Anon
Meeting, 6 p.m. Salado United
Methodist Church Youth Activities Center.
Hatha Therapy, 3 - 4 p.m.
at The Yoga Room. Info: (254)
Second Weekends
Salado Market Days, 9 a.m.5 p.m. at Salado Antique Mall,
721 Stagecoach Road. Salado’s
original Market Days event.
info: (254) 947-3355.
• Restored • Renewed • Reimagined
Reopening Spring 2016
The 1861 historic restaurant and a newly-expanded conference center
return this spring with a menu and approach that pays homage to our rich history
and lays a foundation for a bright future.
The hotel will then undergo a top-to-bottom renovation and expansion.
Page 17
Salado United Methodist
Garden Guild Style Show Nov. 7
“Reflections” is the theme for the upcoming Salado United
Methodist Church Garden Guild Style Show, November 7 and not
only will they be reflecting on their appearances, with the viewing
of beautiful clothes, but also reflecting on 20 years of commitment
and service to the beautification and preservation of the historic
chapel at SUMC.
The Garden Guild, which began when the historic chapel was
still located on Thomas Arnold Street, was the brain child of members of SUMC who wanted to honor family members and friends
with statuary and flowers to beautify the chapel grounds. With no
funding available, the small, informal group determined to raise
the necessary funds for the implementation of gardens around the
chapel. Plans are well underway for the 20th annual event to take place
at the church at 650 Royal Street in Salado on November 7. Tickets
are $25.00 and a limited number will be available at the door. Gracious dining beginning at 12:30 p.m. will be the usual highly anticipated salads and desserts served on beautifully decorated tables,
followed by glamorous designs modeled by ladies of the church.
The Style Show will features fashion offerings from Salado
shops, including Christy’s, Elizabeth’s, Susan Marie’s and Magnolia’s of Salado.
Each shop will be showing their own specialties and favorites
along with fashion tips in accessorizing to make shopping more fun.
Mud Pies
Royal Street Salado
October 17, 24, 31
Fright Trail
Classic Thrills and Chills
along Tablerock’s 1/2 mile walking trail
6:30 - 9:30 p.m. | adults $5 | 12 and under $3
November 7
Our Salado Heritage Speaks
Historic Salado Graveyard Walking Tour
5 - 6:30 p.m. | Adults $5 | 12 and under $3
parking off Baines Street
December 4, 5, 11, 12
A Christmas Carol
Dicken’s yuletide classic
7 p.m. | Adults $10 | Students $5 | 12 and under $3
concessions open at 6:30 p.m.
Save the Date
Poetry Festival
February 4
Salado Legends Auditions
February 6 - 7
Denver Mills Golf Tournament
March 14
Gospel Festival
May 6 & 7
Sir Wigglesworth’s
Homemade Fudge
18 N. Main
tickets and information at
ask about group rates
Page 18
(254) 947-9205
At Horizon Bank, we understand local
businesses — because we are one.
Stop by. We’d love to meet you.
815 North Stagecoach Road
Salado, Texas 76571
Phone: 254-947-8636
Page 19
Painter of Delight
Visit the B. Herd Gallery
#12 Old Town Salado
Main St. across from Salado Civic Center
106 N. Main Street, Salado
(254) 855-5538
(next to Ambrosia Tea Room)
‘Now! Thats Texas’
Private Showings Upon Request
106 N. Main Street Salado
next to Ambrosia Tea Roo
(254) 855-5538
Page 20
Private Showings Upon Request
560 Main Street #8
behind Howling Wolf
(254) 791-9440
Birthday Parties
Bridal Parties
Girl’s Weekend
Bachlorette Parties
Yoga Inspired Jewelry
Essential Oils
call for details
Private Lessons
Individual or Group
Check our website for full schedule saladoyoga.com
Salado Creek Antiques
Fine American Antiques
Something for every
discriminating taste!
Open 7 days a week
Mon - Sat 10 - 5 | Sun 12 - 5
Shipping Worldwide
511 Stagecoach Rd.
(East Access Road) IH35
(254) 947-1800
Page 21
Get lost in tales of treasure
during Salado Ghost Walk
This autumn, take a lantern-lit stroll down Salado’s Main Street
and get lost in tales of cowboys, Indians, buried treasure and, of
course, ghosts.
Local author, Jonathan
Hal Reynolds, will be
your guide for the evening
as you visit historic sites
such as the Stagecoach
Inn, the Salado College
Grounds, Pace Park and
Hear spooky legends
and macabre folklore as
twilight falls upon the village. The ghostwalk begins at dusk, and
lasts for approximately an hour and a half.
Salado Ghost Walk dates are Oct. 3, 10 and 24 and Nov. 7, 14 and
21 and Dec. 19.
Public tour tickets are on sale now forthose for $20 per person.
Private group tours are available seven nights a week year around
for groups of 10 or more. To check availability, purchase tickets, or
request a private group tour, visit www.saladoghostwalk.com
Don’t forget your outdoor shoes, walking stick, and canteen. Recommended for ages 13 and older.
To submit your local ghost stories, please contact the Historic Salado Ghostwalk at info@saladoghostwalk.com
Creekside Used Furniture
#6 Old Town Road
Page 22
Home of the O
d of Every Mo
NOv 14 - 15
Oct 10 - 11
Dec 12 - 13
9 - 10
Feb 13 - 14
March 12 - 13
april 9 - 10
May 14 - 15
Ju Ne 11 - 12
July 9 - 10
aug 13 - 14
Sept 10 - 11
Oct 8 - 9
NOv 12 - 13
Dec 10 - 11
unday 9 - 5
Sat urday and S
THURS - SAT 10 - 5
SUN 12 - 5 MON 10 - 5
Thousands of Antiques, Collectibles and Primitives
in a unique and inviting atmosphere
Salado’s Best Kept Secret
751 Stagecoach Road I-35 frontage road North
Clean Restrooms
702 N Main Street
Dee’s Antique Mall
Packed with memories of days gone by
SUN Noon - 5 MON 10 - 5
THURS - FRI 10 - 5
SAT 10 - 6
(254) 947-3775
Page 23
30 Vendors
Historians and architects have been in love with the Robertson Plantation since it was built in the late 1850s by Elijah Sterling Clack
Roberston near the banks of Salado Creek. They have debated when it was started, completed and the architectural influences of
the two-story mansion for decades. The sixth-generation family members have recently renovated the home place. You will have your
chance to fall in love with the place when the doors open in December for a Gala evening and for the Salado Historical Society Tour
of Homes.
Robertson Plantation is fascinating piece
of history of Salado, Texas and the South
By Tim Fleischer
They know the tinner’s name
who did the standing seam roof.
They know who made the
11,000 shingles for the original
barn came.
The windows, sashes and
shutters came from Houston.
They know that, as well.
They have records of just
about everything.
“The Colonel didn’t throw
away anything,” stated restoration specialist Gregory Free
five years ago when he was leading the research into and restoration of Salado’s Robertson
Plantation, acting on behalf of
the sixth generation of the family
that had such a great influence on
But what Free doesn’t yet
know is simple: who designed
the antebellum mansion.
The frontier mansion was
built near the banks of the Salado
Creek less than a decade after the
last known Indian raids in central
“We don’t know who the architect was,” Free said about
what is perhaps Salado’s best and
least-known resource.
The Robertson Plantation
was built by Col. Elijah Sterling Clack Robertson in the late
1850s. Construction on the main
house finished in 1860, built of
siding from the Lost Pines area
of Bastrop.
The slave quarters, stable and
kitchen/smokehouse/dining area
were built of the ubiquitous native limestone of the area. “It was
plentiful and cheap because it did
not have to be transported,” Free
Other materials, including the
metal roof, the windows (about
56 of them) and the siding were
transported overland from Houston and other areas.
Free spoke about the challenge of building a home of this
stature in this area which was not
much more than frontier at the
“Colonel Robertson was dedicated to what he envisioned Salado to be,” he said, “and invested
himself in that manner.”
That investment of time, money and labor -- slave labor as
the place was a Plantation -- has
stood near the banks of Salado
Creek since then.
Free said that because the
property has remained for more
than 160 years in one family, it
has been well kept for the most
Its history has been well
chronicled and kept by the descendants.
During the Depression, the
Robertson Plantation was studied
in-depth as part of a works program called the Historic American Buildings Survey. Of the
Page 24
homes in Texas that were part of
that survey conducted from 1936
to 1940, the Robertson Plantation
was the most drawn in detail and
number. Architectural drawings
(some to scale) exist of all the
details of the home and outbuildings. In fact, all of the moldings
are drawn to scale, Free said.
Free said that while the name
of the architect of the Plantation
is not known, the style is more
French Colonial than Palladian.
Pointing to the small rooms on
either side of the front and rear
recessed galleries -- cabinets, as
they were called, Free said that
design is more likely to be found
in the colonial architecture of
West Africa and Louisiana than
in the rest of the south. The Robertson Plantation has eight cabinets, or small rooms, in its symmetrical design.
The small rooms served as an
office, stranger’s rooms, dressing
Story continues on page 42
210 S Main Street
Main St. at the Creek
Dr. Travis Burleson
Senior Pastor
Exalt, Equip, Care, Share
Join Us
8:30 a.m.
9:45 a.m.
11 a.m.
Classic Worship Service
Sunday School
Contemporary Worship Service
Memorial Day – Labor Day
9:15 Small Group Bible Studies 10:30 Worship Service
6 p.m.
6 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
Adult Bible Study
Childrens and Youth Activities*
Choir Practice
* Contact church office for children’s and youth activities schedule
Rev. Lara Whitley Franklin, Pastor
P. O. Box 771 / 650 Royal Street
Salado, TX 76571
(254) 947-5482
email: sumc@saladoumc.org
Sunday Morning
Traditional Worship 9 a.m.
Sunday School 10 a.m.
Contemporary Worship 11:15 a.m.
Wednesday Evening
Fellowship Meal 5:15 p.m.
Adult, Youth & Children programs 6 p.m.
Study, worship and service opportunities are
available throughout the year.
Call the church office for more information.
Page 25
Historic Stagecoach Inn undergoing renovation
Story continued from Page 6
draw locals and visitors from
across Texas.”
Jeff Trigger and David Bull
are the principals of La Corsha.
They “have a lifetime of remarkable experience in the hospitality industry from operating the
iconic Mansion on Turtle Creek
in Dallas to the restoration of the
Driskill Hotel in Austin.
Bull graduated from the Culinary Institute of America in
1994. He joined The Mansion
on Turtle Creek in Dallas, Texas and became the youngest-ever
sous chef employed by the hotel.
Moving to Austin, he served as
the executive chef of the Driskill Grill, earning the Austin
American-Statesman’s Number
One Restaurant Award for three
consecutive years. The Driskill
Grill was recognized by USA
Today as one of the country’s
Top 50 Hotel Restaurants. Food
and Wine Magazine honored
Chef Bull as one of “The Best
New Chefs 2003.” Bull has been
nominated three times for the
prestigious James Beard award
for “Best New Chef Southwest.”
La Corsha operates Congress
Austin, a tri-leveled dining and
drinking establishment that includes the popular Second Bar
+ Kitchen, Bar Congress and
Restaurant Congress.
The group is scheduled
to open Boiler 9 Grill at the
Seaholm development in Southwest Austin this year.
Trigger began his career in
the hotel industry at Amfac Resorts in California and Hawaii.
He was the managing director of
The Mansion on Turtle Creek in
Dallas and was recruited in 1999
to restore and reposition The
Driskill Hotel in Austin.
With that success, Trigger
Summers Mill
Retreat & Conference Center
Salado/Belton, Texas
Ideal for church or family retreats, workshops,
gatherings, meetings, or corporate events
7441 FM 1123 #41 • Belton, TX 76513
254-939-6194 • Fax: 254-939-6183
launched La Corsha Hospitality
Texas Monthly named Congress as the best new restaurant
in 2010, while Esquire Magazine
named it to its Top 10 list of new
restaurants in the country. Bon
Appetite magazine named Second Bar + Kitchen as a Top 10
choice nationwide as well.
Trigger was listed as a General Manager of the Year by Business Traveler Magazine and was
named by Leaders Magazine as
one of the Best Hotel Managers
in the World.
Other developments for La
Corsha include opening a Second
Bar + Kitchen in the Domain, the
development and construction of
an East Austin boutique hotel,
the Hotel Saint George in Marfa,
and the Baker Hotel in Mineral
The first phase for the redevelopment program is the complete renovation of the existing
restaurant. This will include
demolishing and re-building the
kitchen and service area. Current
retail space on the west side of
Main Street will be redeveloped
to its earlier use as a conference
center. Old-timers in Salado will
well-remember when the Longhorn Room was on Main Street
and hosted gatherings large and
According to Lyda, the 5,000
square feet on Main Street will
be refocused as a conference
center in close proximity to the
kitchen facility of the restaurant.
“An emphasis on meetings
and special events in the adjacent Longhorn Room will enhance sales and begin to rebuild
demand for lodging,” Lyda stated. “Over the course of a year we
intend to re-establish the brand
and build a solid book of business for the restaurant and meeting facilities.”
The second phase is to completely renovate, expand and reopen the hotel. Plans call for adding 38 rooms and an additional
5,000 sq. ft. in meeting space.
Page 26
The property will have two swimming pools and a mineral spa.
The primary hotel entrance
and reception will be moved to
Main Street. The I-35 frontage
of the property will be heavily
landscaped, according to Lyda
with a buffer against the highway noise.
The central portion of the site
will be landscaped courtyard
and include an outdoor event
and activity spaces, new family
areas around the main pool.
“We will also visually open
the Stagecoach’s connection to
Salado Creek and connect to the
village’s trail system,” Lyda stated.
“Our goal is to re-establish
the Stagecoach Inn as a destination venue in Texas for small
conferences, special events and
weekend tourism travel,” Lyda
said, adding that the group will
capitalize on “the strong brand
of the Stagecoach Inn as an authentic place offering gracious
The renovation and expansion
of the hotel property is expected
to take two years, Lyda said.
Lyda is a lifelong central Texan. He fondly recalls weekend
visits from Austin to the Stagecoach Inn with his family. A
commercial developer, he was
labeled by the Austin Chronicle
as the “anti-developer developer” because of his inclinations
toward preserving the historical
and cultural integrity of the developments in which he has invested.
During a career that has
spanned more than two decades,
he has chosen unique projects,
including most recently the Perry Mansion in Austin for renovation and redevelopment.
Lyda is the co-owner of Monument Cafe and El Monumento
in Georgetown.
“It’s not going to be Monument or Mexican,” Lyda said. “It
will be definitively Stagecoach
Inn. We are hoping to make Salado proud.”
All Aboard for Christmas
There is nostalgia in childhood...the security of a family
holiday tradition...and in the adventure of railway travel. In this
homecoming, family and friends
are reunited for the holidays. It
is a community event in Lionelville when the train arrives and
the celebration begins. Indeed,
I smile when I say...All Aboard
for Christmas! God Bless!
171 S. Main St. • Salado, TX • 254-947-3727
Connie’s Gifts & Art
“Holiday in the Park” by Rod Chase
Featuring the Art of Kyle Polzin,
R. Reynolds, CAo Yong, Larry Dyke,
Mark Keathley and W. Slaughter
Bradford Exchange
Christmas Ornaments
Unique Crosses
Open daily 10 am-5 pm
Exquisite Crystal
Fine Jewelry/Pearls
Men’s Gifts
Baby Gifts
AT OUR NEW LOCATION 171 S. Main Street
Page 27
5. Wildfire Ranch Arena
877-947-9988 E
6. St. Stephen Catholic Church
254-947-8037 C
7. StoneCreek Settlement
254-947-9099 L
8. SALADO COLLEGE HILL PARK 10. Stagecoach Inn Restaurant
254-947-5111 D
The entire Stagecoach property is undergoing
extensive renovation and construction.
14. Central Texas Area Museum 254-947-5232E
17. The Mix on Main
512-808-0446 S
19. Salado Glassworks
254-947-0339 S
20. Salado Patio
254-947-8209 D
A. Sirril Art Gallery
469-877-0374 S
22. Barrow Brewing Company
254-947-0747 S
25. The Lodgings by Inn on the Creek 254-947-5554 L
26. The Venue by Inn on the Creek
254-947-5554 G
27. The Shed
254-947-1960 D
28. The Baines House B&B
254-947-5260 L
29. Inn on the Creek B&B
254-947-5554 L
Alexander’s Distillery
254-947-5554 D
32. Tablerock Amphitheater
254-947-9205 E
35. The Rose Mansion B&B
254-947-8200 L
36. Salado United Methodist Church 254-947-5482 C
37. First Baptist Church of Salado
254-947-5465 C
43. Susan Marie’s Dress Shop
254-947-5239 S
Stagecoach Kinkade Gallery
254-947-3727 S
Main Street Fine Art Gallery
254-947-8769 S
Connie’s Collectibles
254-947-8769 S
44. The Strawberry Patch
800-270-7984 S
47. The 1860 Shop
254-947-1860 S
48. W.A. Pace Memorial Park254-947-5060
A. First Texas Brokerage
51. First State Bank
A. First Community Title
54. Inn at Salado B&B
Page 28
254-947-5577 R
254-947-5852 $
254-947-8480 R
254-947-0027 L
A. Magnolia’s
B. 21 Main
C. Lively Coffeehouse & Bistro
56. The Range at the Barton House
58. Salado Family Dentisty
61. Salado Creek Jewelers by Kiki
63. Mud Pies Pottery
Sir Wigglesworth Fudge
64. The Shoppes on Main in Salado
66. The Red Cactus
A. The Pizza Place
A. McCain’s Cafe & Bakery
76. Wells Gallery
78. Antique Rose of Bell
A. Salado Lone Star Winery
B. Chupacabra Craft Beer
254-947-0303 S
254-947-0222 D
254-947-3354 D
254-947-0311 S
254-947-3330 S
254-947-9000 D
254-947-9000 D
80. Historic Log Cabins & Aiken Cemetery
254-947-5593 D
81. Salado Art Center and Village Artists
Old-Fashioned Burgers
254-947-5271 D
82. Salado Civic Center
85. Salado Visitors Center254-947-8634
A. Salado Village Voice
254-947-5321 $
Salado Chamber of Commerce254-947-5040
B. Brookshire Brothers
254-947-8922 S
86. Salado Wine Seller
254-947-8011 D
108. Mill Creek Country Club
254-947-5698 E
87. St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church
254-947-3160 C
109. Salado Public Library
254-947-9191 E
89. Presbyterian Church of Salado
254-947-8106 C
116. Salado High School
254-947-5429 E
91. Salado Sculpture Garden
119. Salado Fire Department Station #2
92. Glass River Design
254-947-0002 S
121. Grace Baptist Church
254-947-5917 C
123. Robertson’s Hams
254-947-5562 S
A. Angelic Herbs
254-947-1909 S
126. Fairway Sports Vehicles
254-947-4065 S
B. The Yoga Room
254-791-9440 $
131. Johnny’s Steaks & Bar-Be-Que
254-947-4663 D
138. Salado Lady Eagles Softball Field
A. Pen Station
254-947-0300 S
139. Thomas Arnold Elementary
254-947-5191 E
B. Creekside Used Furniture
254-947-9477 S
140. Salado Intermediate School
254-947-1700 E
C. B. Herd Gallery
254-947-HERD S
141. Salado Junior High School
254-947-6985 E
D. Salado Olive Oil Co.
512-800-8222 S
142. Salado Eagle Stadium
98. Stamp Salado
254-947-8848 S
143. Eagle Baseball Field
99. Dee’s Antique Mall
254-947-3375 S
144. Village Spirits
254-947-7117 S
100. Salado Post Office254-947-5322
146. Stagecoach Inn Motel (Under Renovation)
101. Century 21 Bill Bartlett Real Estate 254-947-5050 R
147. Salado Masonic Lodge #296
148. Salado Baptist Church Youth Center
Page 29
149. Heart Filled Bakery
254-947-3610 D
151. Salado Fire Department Station #1
152. Salado Church of Christ
254-947-5241 C
153. Village of Salado254-947-5060
155. Salado Creek Antiques
254-947-1800 S
156. Salado Antique Mall
254-947-3355 S
157. Horizon Bank Salado
254-947-8636 $
159. Cedar Valley Baptist Church
254-947-0148 C
Cultural Activities Center
254-773-9926 E
Don Ringler
254-774-6500 S
Garlyn-Shelton Automotive
877-750-0555 S
Heritage Subdivision
254-947-0592 R
Solana Ranch
254-947-8331 $
Summers Mill Retreat
254-939-6194 G
To advertise your business in the
Salado: A Jewel in the Crown of Texas
magazine, call Marilyn
at 254.947.5321 or email
Flaming art at Salado Glassworks
enjoy a hands-on experience at local studio
y essica
all lynn
Just off of the beaten path of Historic
Main Street Salado, is Peddler’s Alley. What
once was an abandoned and seemingly forgotten alleyway has now become home to
Salado Glassworks; a new, vital core within
the community of Salado of energized creativity, modern vision and good old fashioned determination. Run by owner and artist
Gail Allard, Salado Glassworks is one of the
rare working, interactive glassblowing studios currently operating in the state of Texas.
Gail and his team create some of the most
sought after glass art in the nation. With the
creation of each individual piece, not only is
Gail furthering and pushing the boundaries
of his art, he is, in his own subtle way, fueling the fire of an emerging generation of
artistic visionaries in Salado and beyond.
It doesn’t take long after meeting Gail to
see that he accomplishes his most inspired
work when he is pushing the limits of his
craft. The result is a constant flow of new
forms, ideas given color and brought to life
both by fire and a master’s touch. His intrigue with the magic of glassblowing is now
more than 14 years in the making.
In 2001 Gail wandered into Rynoglass
in Temple, simply out of curiosity. “It was
the fire,” he states. “Who isn’t completely
intrigued by fire?” Soon after he began his
apprenticeship under Bob Rynearson and
was forever mesmerized by the passion and
mystique of glassworking, whether fused
or blown. Over the next eight years, Gail
learned the intricacies of the the delicate and
sometimes unforgiving nature of his craft.
He was part of assisting in the creation of
thousands of glass pieces to include art installations that were commissioned throughout the nation and world wide. As he worked,
traveled and created beside Rynearson, Gail
also began to absorb the day in and day out
rhythms of what it took to practically manage a working glass studio.
Gail soon found himself at the Salado
Arts Workshop. While he was pleased to be
in Salado due to its longstanding reputation
of quality artists and the support of a tightly woven community, he realized the studio
wasn’t quite the fit he needed. “I wasn’t able
to shape my client experience in the way I
hoped to. But I couldn’t be more thankful
for my time at the Workshop. It helped me
to realize that with all of my experience at
(Photo by Jessica Mall Flynn)
Gail Allard II at work in his Salado Glassworks studio in Peddler’s Alley Salado.
Rynoglass, not only could I run my own studio, but the timing was right. It wasn’t just
enough any more that I could run a working
glass shop if I wanted to, it became evident
that I should open my own studio”, he recalls.
Backed by experience, initiative and a
small army of support, Gail began work on
his first Peddler’s Alley location in May
2011. By November 11, 2011, Salado Glassworks was officially open for business. “The
goal was simple - keep the lights on. Blow
glass. Maybe drink a little beer here and
there,” he says.
It was this easy-going approach combined
with a willingness to let the public interact
with his art that shaped the vibe he had hoped
to offer as his signature “Glassworks Culture” client experience. Glassworks quickly
became a hub not just for innovative art, or a
unique experience, but a gathering place for
eclectic camaraderie. Gail comments that the
community which emerged is part of what
was and is most energizing about his creative
endeavor; “it’s the people. It’s the ability to
invite them to pull up a seat, share their stoPage 30 Page 30
ries, and be a part of what’s going on here. ”
As Gail made a place for others to share
in the intrigue and culture of his art, word
spread. Quickly. By 2012, the Central Texas community was buzzing about Gail’s
“Blow Your Own” events where anyone
was welcome to participate in creating their
own hand blown glass piece. Along with a
steady stream of intrigued clients in and out
of the studio on BYO event days, Gail also
was approached for a major commission for
Texas A&M Central Texas - a 21 foot high
torch suspended three stories up containing
450+ individually crafted glass components
and custom metal work. It took him and his
team three months to fully complete. Those
two major efforts combined with a growing
demand for custom fine art lighting, custom
sculptural work and one of a kind art glass
vessels set Gail and Salado Glassworks on a
path not just to grow, but to succeed in the
rigorous industry of artistic entrepreneurship.
Please Turn to Glass Art, Page 36
Page 31
StoneCreek Settlement
Bed & Breakfast
Bed and Breakfast Inn
College Hill • Historic Salado
Weddings • Receptions • Conference Center
Quaint And Quality…
King Sized Beds and Cozy Comforts
Early Texas & German
Sunday Haus style cottages
316 Royal – near Main Street
(254) 947-5260 baineshouse.com
Built 1870
Lodging also in
restored log cabins
and a German
stone cottage
903 Rose Way • Salado
254-947-8200 • 800-948-1004
Page 32
Christmas in October will be October 9-10 at The Venue by Inn on
the Creek.
With fall in the cool air,
Christmas in October is here
Balsamic Vinegars
Naturally Infused Olive Oils
Extra Virgin Olive Oils
Sesame Seed Oil | Avocado Oil
Gourmet Olives | Bella Cucina Pesto
Marinades | Sea Salts | Spices
Gif t Bas
Any whe
Fall is in the air and around the corner! So is the Salado Chamber
of Commerce Ladies Auxiliary’s Christmas in October. The event is
scheduled for October 9-10, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at The Venue on
College Street (near the corner of Royal Street and College Street)
in Salado, Texas. Admission is $3 per adult. This annual event is an
introduction to the Christmas season and will feature sights, sounds,
smells, tastes and charms of the Village of Salado. Local and area
merchants will display their wares inside a beautiful setting at The
Venue on College Street.
“The vendors will bring holiday decorations, jewelry, clothing,
food and specialty gift ideas for shoppers to experience. Each year
we have a wonderful variety of merchants and this year is exceptional!” states Christmas in October Co-Chair, Tommye Prater.
“We are delighted to have the Style Show returning this year.
Models will feature fashions from local boutiques as well as out
of town merchants. Also, on Saturday at 10 a.m., we anticipate the
performance of a Salado Community Chorus sextet group singing
Christmas arrangements,” said Deborah Roberson, Christmas in OcTexas’ largest selection of
tober Co-Chair.
infused olive oil & balsamic vinegars
“Of course, you do not want to forget the fabulous bake sale!” said
Prater, “It is also located inside The Venue.” Customers will enjoy
25 year old balsamic from Northern Italy
browsing through the booth area and the bake sale area all in the
same climate controlled building. Roberson states, “Best part of the
bake sale is the opportunity to purchase delicious homemade pies,
cakes, cookies and a wide variety of desserts.”
The Village trolley will be available to transport visitors from several Village parking areas to the entrance of The Venue on College
602 Old Town Center, Ste 5
Street. For more information, visit us online at www.salado.com or
contact the Salado Chamber of Commerce at 254-947-5040 or contact the Village of Salado Tourism Department at 254-947-8634.
Page 33
Christmas Carol on Tablerock stage
Kelly Parker, Tablerock Board of Directors member, will direct Tablerock’s 23rd
annual performances of Charles Dickens’ A
Christmas Carol at the Goodnight Amphitheater on Royal Street in Salado. Dates for
the production are December 4, 5, 11, and 12.
Show begins at 7 p.m.
Kelly and his wife, Anna, live in Salado.
He served as Director for Tablerock’s production of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night this past
spring. He was appointed to the Tablerock
Advisory Board in 2013 and elected to the
Board of Directors in 2014. A Belton High
Schools graduate, Kelly was a Performance
Major at Baylor University where he earned
his MFA in 2006. Kelley is the Theater Director at McLennan County College in Waco.
Professor Parker has performed professionally in numerous productions throughout
Texas and in New York. Kelly has studied
the Meisner acting technique with Larry Silverberg and is a certified teacher through the
True Acting Institute. He has trained in voice
and speech work in New York City and Los
Angeles with Catherine Fitzmaurice, Patsy
Rodenberg, and Phil Thompson. Currently,
He holds the distinction of a candidate for
classic pastries
certification as a Fitzmaurice Voicework®
Teacher. He is a certified UIL OAP critic
judge. This year, Parker has been appointed
as the adjudicator for the UIL OAP 1A State
A Christmas Carol has a cast and crew of
60, some new-comers to the play and a handful who have been associated with the play
since its inception, 23 years ago. A Christmas Carol was adapted to the stage by Harry
Sweet. Mr. Sweet, director of Carol for 15
years and a retired Ethics Professor at Mary
Hardin Baylor said, “No one can improve on
Dickens’s works,” so the show remains pure
Dickens, to the delight of all who come back
year after year to enjoy the production. Mr.
Kelly Parker agrees with Mr. Sweet’s theory
about Dicken’s and plans to “Keep the play
true to Dickens.”
Performance will begin at 7 p.m. each
evening at Tablerock’s Goodnight Amphitheater located on Royal Street in Salado,
TX. Tickets are available at the gate: $10 for
adults, $5 for students and $3 for children
12 and under. Tickets may be purchased on
line at www.tablerock.org or at the gate the
night of each performance.
custom cake
Kelly Parker directs A Christmas Carol.
The concession stand opens at 6:30 p.m.
for sandwiches, cold and hot drinks, chips
and candy.
For group information call Tablerock at
special orders
now serving lunch
Heart Filled Bakery
made with love in salado
100 North Church
Tuesday - Saturday
7 a.m. - 4 p.m.
(254) 947-3610
Brittany Lynn, pastry chef
Page 34
Gala evening at Robertson
Plantation on Dec. 3 benefits
local historical preservation
The Ambrose and Cowan families, sixth generation owners of the
Robertson Plantation and descendents of E.S.C. Robertson, are hosting a gala to benefit historic preservation in Salado on 7-10 p.m. Dec.
3. The Gala will benefit three Salado non-profit organizations: the
Central Texas Area Museum, the Robertson Colony-Salado College
Foundation, and the Salado Historical Society.
Tickets to the Robertson Plantation Gala are $100 each and will
include a home tour, hors d’oeuvres catered by The Range at the Barton House, and live music by Drs. Matt Rogers, Guy Okeson and Pam
Bland. The host families are opening the entire Robertson home for
the Gala event, including the private residence upstairs. Although
the Robertson home is on the Salado Christmas Stroll home tour on
December 3-4, only the downstairs rooms will be open for viewing
at that time.
Colonel Elijah Sterling Clack (E.S.C.) Robertson was a Texas pioneer, patriot, soldier and jurist and was one of the founders of Salado College. E.S.C. and his wife Mary Elizabeth Robertson began
building their Greek Revival style plantation home in 1856 and completed it in 1860. In addition to the 22-room mansion, there are slave
quarters and a family cemetery on the plantation grounds.
Tickets may be purchased by check mailed to P.O. Box 36 in Salado, TX 76571. For credit card charges or other information, please
call 254-947-5232.
The elegant central staircase will lead guest upstairs to the private quarters during the Dec. 3 Gala benefiting the Salado Historical Society, Central Texas Area Museum and the Robertson
Colony-Salado College Foundation. (Photo by Bill Kinnison)
Salado Rocks!
Serving Bell, Coryell and Williamson Counties
with Escrow Offices in
Salado, Temple, Harker Heights and Gatesville
40 N. Main, Salado
Page 35
Glass art (and flame) in Peddler’s Alley
Story continues from Page 30
By 2014, it was clear that
Glassworks needed more space
than the original shop offered.
Next door to his studio was an
abandoned building, just waiting
to be brought back to life. Gail
expanded into his now 5,000+
square feet of gallery and working studio space by the fall of
2014. Keeping the familiarity
and accessibility of the Glassworks intact while expanding
was key and was reflected even
down to the way each element of
the historic building was repurposed and revitalized. “I wanted
(and want) to grow, just not too
slow and not too fast. I don’t ever
want to lose the local feel that
we’ve been so careful to create”,
Gail says.
When asked about how he
sees not just Glassworks, but
Salado as a whole succeeding heading in the future, Gail
shares his belief that an essential
(Photo by Jessica Mall Flynn)
You’ll find yourself mesmerized by the flames at Salado Glassworks.
component to the progression
of an individual business and/
or community lies within an
openness and commitment of
that entity to embrace and offer
unique experiences. “People get
excited about seeing something
alive. I believe we all need a lit-
tle more of that”, he observes, “I
hope to see that trend continue,
especially here in Salado. The
location is ideal to pull so many
people in. Why not attract them
by positive, one of a kind experiences from people who have
a unique blend of skill sets that
they simply won’t be able to
find or meet anywhere else?”
To stay up with the buzz of
what’s happening around Salado
Glassworks, feel free to stop by
Peddler’s Alley, head to www.
saladoglassworks.com, give the
gallery a call (254-947-0339).
Inn at Salado
Weddings ~ Receptions ~ Meetings
254 947-0027 • (800) 724-0027
We have everything you need
Full Service Catering on site
Event Planning
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North Main Street & Pace Park Dr.
Page 36
The Artist, Ronnie Wells welcomes you to stop by
Wells Gallery and watch "Spirit of Texas" evolve.
(Taking Pre-Casting Orders)
Nationally Recognized Ar tist
R onnie Wells |
302 N. Main Street
w w w. r o n n i ewe l l s . c o m | 8 0 0 - 9 9 5 - 0 311 | 2 5 4 - 9 47- 0 311
Page 37
Salado's Boutique Market
5,000 sq. ft. of shopping
more than 25 shops under one roof
Women’s Apparel
Jewelry & Accessories
Infant & Kids Gifts & Apparel
Gourmet Food
Home Decor & Furniture
Yarn Shop
Artisans Alley
Wedding Gifts
Bridal Accessories
Junk Gypsy™ Paint
Men’s Apparel & Gifts
Wall Art & more...
Open Daily
22 North Main Street
Each of the 100 Premium Ticketholders will get a hand-made
glass mug from Salado Glassworks. (Photo by Jessica Mall Flynn)
Pub Crawl is Oct. 24
Halloween festivities kick off early at the 2015 Salado October
Pub Crawl, slated for 6-10 p.m. Oct. 24 throughout the village.
“We welcome you to partake of a unique Salado experience of
fun, friends, and beer at select Salado venues,” event chair Jenifer
McFarland said. “Costumes are welcome and encouraged but not required.”
Stops for the Pub Crawl are The Range at the Barton House, Alexander’s Distillery, The Shed, Chupacabra Craft Beer, Johnny’s Cantina, and for premium ticket holders, Salado Glassworks.
Each ticket includes: Five stops with a twelve ounce draw of the
featured beer for $19.95. Additionally, premium tickets include all
five stops plus a limited edition, hand-blown, signed and numberedby
the artists at Salado Glassworks mug for $59.95.
Please note: All ticket holders will need to check into the Salado
Visitor’s Center at 831 N. Main Street, to pick up cups and passports
for the event. We cannot offer refunds in the event of ticket holder
cancellation. 21 and over please – this event is intended for adults
only. WE ID.
For update information, please visit us online at www.salado.com
or contact the Salado Chamber of Commerce office at 254-947-5040.
For ticket sales, please visit www.eventbrite.com and search Salado October Pub Crawl or purchase tickets at the Salado Chamber of
Commerce located at 831 N. Main St, Salado, TX 76571.
Jack Hilliard Distributing is a sponsor of the event. “Thanks to
Jack Hilliard Distributing for their support and sponsorship of this
Salado Chamber of Commerce event,” McFarland said.
Page 38
Get the driving experience you want...
the service you deserve.
Garlyn Shelton Volkswagen • 5620 S. General Bruce • Temple • (254) 773-4634
Mercedes-Benz of Georgetown/Smart of Georgetown • IH-35 at Westinghouse Road • Georgetown • 1-800 MERCEDES
Garlyn Shelton Cadillac/GMC/Buick • 5625 S. General Bruce Dr. at I35 • Temple • (254) 771-0128
Garlyn Shelton Mazda/BMW/Volvo • 5700 SW H.K. Dodgen Loop 363 • Temple • (254) 771-0128
Garlyn Shelton Nissan • 5420 Midway Drive • Temple • (254) 773-4828
Page 39
Monday thru Saturday
10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
C h r i s t ma s
1109 W. Village Rd, Salado (behind Sonic)
(254) 947-7117
Boutique and Art Gallery
Apparel | Jewelry | Art | Home Decor and Furniture | Vintage Finds
Gourmet Food | CeCe Caldwell’s Chalk + Clay Paint
paint supplies & workshops
The Mix on Main (Salado)
Page 40
401 South Main Street
EST. 2015
SUN 10 - 4 | MON 9 - 4 closed Tues
Coffee | Espresso
Breakfast | Lunch
The Headless Horseman at Tablerock.
Fright Trail
Salado’s Tablerock Walking Trail will be transformed into a Fright
Trail on October 17, 24 and 31.
A guide will enlighten visitors with facts about respective authors
as they lead you to scenes from Macbeth, The Invisible Man, Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy’s Curse and Phantom of the Opera,
among other vignettes.
Thom Woodruff the World Poet will read excerpts from stories by
Edgar Allen Poe.
America’s most treasured classics will be portrayed. One section of the trail will portray Alice in Wonderland, Billy Goat Gruff
and the Troll who guards the bridge, Dorothy and the Wicked Witch,
elves and blithe spirits.
Andy Andersen, the channel 6 Chief Meterologist for KCEN HD,
will once again be The Headless Horseman.
Actors will enact scenes from chosen classical tales of terror and
from Grimm’s Fairy Tales to entertain and educate both the young
and the young at heart.
Snacks, drinks and smelling salts will be available at the concession stand to refresh the weak of heart. Tablerock Trail is located in
Salado on Royal Street, three blocks east of down town. For more
information, call Tablerock at 254-947-9205 or e-mail tablerock1@
The Fright Trail will be open 6:30-10 p.m. Tickets are $3 for children and $5 for adults for a walk on the spectral side of Tablerock.
Page 41
Bagel | Croissant | Pastry
Toast Selections
Salad | Soup | Sandwich
(254) 947-3688
21 North Main
Salado Square
Salado’s Robertson Plantation
Shown at left, a 1936
photo of the mantle in the
living room of the Robertson
Plantation that was taken as
part of the Historic American
Buildings Survey. Arthur W.
Stewart, Photographer taken
on September 11, 1936.
Photo from Survey HABS
TX-394. The Robertson
Plantation will be opened for
visitors as part of a Gala Evening on Dec. 3 and as part of
the Salado Historical Society
Tour of Homes on Dec. 4-6.
Story continued from Page 24
later, with the advent of indoor plumbing,
The family completed a major restoration
of the mansion this year. The historical
architects were Jim Thompson and Justin
Lowe of Centric Architecture of Nashville.
Tim Brown of Salado led the entire restoration and all areas where renovated. Installed HVAC, first time ever for the house,
new baths in each bedroom in residence area,
new roof and insulation. The entire house
has been updated with new wiring, AV, internet but no structure changes were made.
The symmetrical design of the main
house is Greek Revival in essence. The small
rooms on each side are reminiscent of Palladio’s out buildings on either side of the main
house as are the three triangular cornices of
the roofline. These were hints at the architecture of the Robertson Plantation that the
late Lucile Robertson shared with me some
27 years ago when she first gave me a tour of
the grand place.
Regardless of the architectural influence,
the Robertson Plantation is certainly Salado’s Grand Dame.
Above, the initials S.C.R.
(Sterling Clack Robertson)
in a brand on the fireplace
mantle. (Photo by Bill Kinnison)
Antique Rose
of Bell
Shop in romantic late Victorian ambiance of
Salado’s historical 1885 home that features
Antiques, Vintage Jewelry, Clothing and more.
Distributor of “All Hours” Sparkle Tops
Rubber Stamps - Scrapbooking
ribbons - Great Classes
642 N. Main St.
(254) 947-8848
402 N. Main • Salado • 947-3330
Page 42
Salado Family Dentistry
Get Straighter,
Whiter Teeth
Without Removing
Healthy Tooth
Douglas B. Willingham, D.D.S.
(254) 947-5242
Main and Thomas Arnold Road
1 plus Acre Homesites
• Salado School District
• No City Taxes
• Highly Restricted
• No Homeowners Association
• Combined lots at discount
• Mail delivered to house
E. Amity
<-------(1.4 miles)------>
Page 43
Bill Smith knives
are hot items for
Cattlemen’s Ball
McCain’s Bakery & Cafe
417 N. Main
Some of the hottest competition is not found on
the field or court or even in the classroom, but at
the auction block in Salado, especially when a Bill
Smith original hand-made knife comes up for sale.
“It is such a labor intensive process because I
choose to make them the old way by not using modern tools,” Smith said of the process.
For the past 13 years Bill has drawn plans, cut
out, and built two or three one-of-a-kind custom
knives for the Salado Education Foundation auctions, which have raised tens of thousands of dollars
for local scholarships.
Salado Education Foundation hosts its 16th
annual Cattlemen’s Ball on October 17 at Tenroc
Ranch. Freddie Fuller will perform for guests as they
arrive and sign-in at 6:30 p.m. A steak dinner grilled
by Johnny’s Steaks and Bar-Be-Que in Salado will
begin at 7 p.m.
Tickets are available at First Community Title Salado office, Century 21 Bill Bartlett and the
Superintendent’s office. For more information, call
Gourmet Espresso Bar
Speciality Coffees
Gourmet Breakfast & Lunch
~ Bakery ~
Cakes, Pies, Cookies & More
Freshly served daily!
The Salado Church of Christ
welcomes you to Salado
We are honored to have
you visit our village
and if you are spending
the weekend in Salado,
please come by and
worship with us. A special welcome awaits you
at the friendly Salado
Church of Christ
Joe Keyes
Bible Classes • 9 a.m.
Worship • 10 a.m.
Evening Worship • 6 p.m.
Bible Classes • 6:30 p.m.
IH-35 at Blacksmith Rd.
Page 44
On College Street—Salado
Three Tier Deck Appropriate for Large Groups—Overlooking Creek
Natural Springs Beside Formal Entertaining Areas
Multiple Interior Event Spaces (for 50—300)
19 Renovated On-site Guest Rooms
Built-in Audio/Video for Presentations & Entertainment
Interior Performance Stage—Perfect for Musical or Theatrical Events
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday
Open at 5 p.m.
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
Open at 11 a.m.
Closed Tuesday
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... an eclect
ic décor cre
a relaxing y
casual dinin et upbeat
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comfort food
with a twist!
R oy a l t t h e Co r n e
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enter of
off M a quick st Circle
i n S t re
et in S
Full Bar and
Cold Beer on Ta
i i
7 TV's
a unique Tavern Experience...
...a place for weary travelers, thirsty tourists, and hungry neighbors!
Page 45
Christmas Stroll
Get in the holiday spirit in picturesque historic Salado with a
holiday parade, home tours, a live nativity scene and theatrical performances.
The two weekends of December 4-6 and December 11-13, 2015
are filled with entertainment, activities and Christmas shopping
experiences for the whole family.
Festivities start with the annual Christmas Parade at 5 p.m. December 3. The Parade will begin on Royal St. and make its way up
Main Street to the Salado Civic Center.
Arrive early (4:30 p.m.) to get the best spots along the parade
The parade will have more than 40 entries and will include the
SHS marching band, floats, walking groups, bicycle riders and
vintage cars.
At the end of the parade, there will be hot chocolate and cookies
and a visit from jolly old St. Nick at the Civic Center.
Strolling holiday carolers will serenade the late evening shoppers
along Main Street each Friday and Saturday. Be sure to look for the
roaming live versions of Elf on Shelf for photo opportunities with
your kids.
Many of the shops will host a variety of live entertainment at
their shops all day and evening during the Stroll. For a complete
listing of the entertainment available, visit salado.com or salado
villagevoice.com in the days leading up to the event.
Children will be enchanted with the live nativity scene, sponsored by the First Baptist Church, in the evenings on both weekends
of the Stroll.
Beautifully decorated historic and contemporary homes open
their doors to visitors during Christmas Stroll. The Salado Historical Society Homes Tour will be throughout the Village. Friday
December 4 from 5 to 8 p.m., Saturday December 5from 10 a.m. to
5 p.m. and Sunday December 6 from 1 to 4 p.m. See related story
in this edition.
You may enjoy taking a carriage ride through the village to see
the Salado shops, restaurants, inns and galleries twinkling with
white lights for the season.
To get in the holiday spirit, take in Tablerock Amphitheater’s
production of Dickens’s “A Christmas Carol” at Goodnight Amphitheater on Royal Street December 4-5 and December 11-12 with the
curtain opening at 7 p.m. See related story this edition.
The Salado Community Chorus will have its annual Christmas
Concert at the First Baptist Church Worship Center on Main Street.
The concert will feature traditional and contemporary Christmas
carols at 7 p.m. on December 10.
For the latest schedule of events visit salado.com and the Salado
Village Voice website, saladovillagevoice.com.
Shopping in Salado?
Rentals available (254) 947-4065
Sun, Mon, Wed, Thurs
7 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Fri. & Sat. 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
closed Tues.
Full Bar
109 Royal Street
1220 N. Robertson Road | Salado
(254) 947-8209
see our menu online
Page 46
Village Artists, Public Arts
League of Salado announce
2015 Juried Art Competition
Rock into t
The Salado Village
Artists and the Public
Arts League of Salado are pleased to announce their 2015 Juried Art Competition.
The competition is
open to all artists, including High School
Awards and scholarships totaling more
than $3,000 are offered in more than seven visual art categories, including Fiber Art
and Sculpture.
A three-panel jury will select the winners in each category; Best
of Show; Memorial and Scholarship recipients plus there will be a
$1,000 grand prize.
Artwork will be selected on Oct. 3 and exhibited Oct. 9–23 at the
Salado Civic Center on Main Street.
For more information, visit the website, saladovillageartists.com,
call 254-718-5388, or Email: arTexas@saladovillageartists.com.
With Nature’s Sunshine’s
premium-quality solutions
Artisan Gifts to nurture the soul
of those you hold dear
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Art by Lucian Richards
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Made in Salado
~ We’re here for YOU Daily ~
560 N. Main St., Suite 10
(254) 947-1909
Page 47
401 S. Main
( 2 5 4) 9 47- 4 3 3 6
Tour of
Homes set
Dec. 4-6
Salado Historical Society invites you
to its annual Christmas Home Tour, which
will be anchored by the historic Robertson
Plantation. The tour will be open 5-8 p.m.
December 4, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. December 5 and
1-4 p.m. December 6.
Tickets are $18 before Thanksgiving and
$20 after November 26. Tickets are pre-sold
at the Visitors Center on Main Street and
will be available at the tour stops during
the first weekend of the Christmas Stroll,
December 4-6.
Stops on the tour include the historic
Boles-Aiken Cabin and Denman Cabin on
Van Bibber, which were reconstructed at
their current location by the Salado Historical Society. The cabins will be decorated for
a traditional Christmas. Springhouse will
decorate the cabins this year.
David and Barbara Swarthout home at 11300 Stinnet Mill Rd.
The home of Dena Parks at 800 Blaylock Dr.
One of the many fireplaces in the Robertson Plantation.
The Boles-Aiken (foreground) and the Denman cabin (background) will be on the
The home of Charles and Martha Vickers at 713 Arrowhead Dr.
Page 48
54th Highland Games
Mark your calendars for your chance
enjoy the culture of the Scottish Highlands
right in your own backyard when the Central
Texas Area Museum Scottish Gathering &
Highland Games brings world class competition in dancing, bagpiping, drumming, athletics to Salado November 13-15. The 54th
Annual Gathering, which benefits the Central Texas Area Museum, will be held at Pace
Park (off Main Street) on Salado Creek.
Activities will include the athletic competition featuring tossing of the caber, stone,
hammer, sheaf, weight for distance and
weight for height on Saturday and Sunday.
Performers will compete in bagpipe and
drum contests for individual pipers and
drummers as well as for bands. The host
band is Houston’s St. Thomas Episcopal
School, which has won the Juvenile World
Pipe Band Championships in Scotland numerous times.
The dance competition will feature continuous performances of the Highland Fling,
Scottish Hornpipe, Sword Dance, Sean Triubhas and the Lilt.
The folk singer stage will offer acts by
popular returning festival performers Carl
Peterson, the Drambeauties and more.
Guests at the family-oriented gathering,
can delve into Scottish ancestry and heritage
while visiting with representatives of family
clan societies, cheer the children’s games or
visit vendors and artisans selling a wide variety of Scottish goods.
Day passes to access all events in Pace
Park are $15 for adults on Saturday, November 14 and $10 on Sunday, November
15. Children’s admission is $6 either day. A
two-day pass can be purchased for $20. Saturday’s pass, also provides free admission to
an evening event known as the Tattoo.
For more information, visit the festival
website at: www.saladoscottishfestival.com
or call the Central Texas Area Museum at
Salado has Scottish culture embedded
in its history. Empresario Sterling Robertson brought about 600 Scottish families to
Central Texas just before and after the Texas
The stone toss is one of the many athletic
contests during the Highland Games.
For Gifts You Love To Give
555 Pace Park Road
Salado, TX 76571
Page 49
Scan To Check Out
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Page 50
Home. It’s where our heart is. And this has been our home for almost
a hundred years. We’re First State Bank Central Texas. And since
1909, we’ve been as much a part of the landscape around here as live
oaks and bluebonnets. Thirty locations, tucked into cities and towns
all across the sprawling horizon. And serving our customers like
nobody else can. Come on home to a hometown bank.
50 S. Main Street • Salado
(254) 947-5852
Page 51
- 100% Fresh Burgers, NEVER Frozen – ¼ lb or ½ lb
- Fries, Hot Dogs, Chicken Tenders, Junior Burgers and more…
- Thick & Frosty Shakes made with REAL Ice-cream from Bluebell.
- Sundae, Floats, Smoothies and Frozen Yogurt.
Texas Music Series
882 North Main Street
Sun - Thur: 11 AM – 7 PM
Fri - Sat: 11 AM – 9 PM
advance tickets $22 | pre-show dinner (by reservation) $14
tickets at the door $27
Will Sexton
Gurf Morlix
Dale Watson
Oct. 17
Nov. 14
Dec. 19
Family Fun
M-F: 7 AM – 10 PM
Sat: 8 AM – 9 PM
Sun: 9 AM – 9 PM
(254) 947-5593
Chisholm Trail Chorus Annual Show
Sweet Adelines
Nov. 21
Dec. 5-6
Tickets at
3011 N. Third Street, Temple 76501
Brookshire Brothers
Your Neighborhood Specialty Store
215 Mill Creek Dr. • Salado • (254) 947-8922
7 am-10 pm Daily • Pharmacy: 9am-6 pm Mon-Fri, 9 am-2 pm Sat., closed Sun
Artisan Cheeses and Breads
Wines from Texas and Around the World
Wide Selection of Beers and Ales
Fresh Produce & Organics
Deli & Bakery • We Cater
Fresh Fish & Meat Market
Full-Service Pharmacy
Floral Department
Page 52
The Pizza Place
230 North Main Street
Open at 11 a.m. Daily
Handcrafted Pizza and Sandwiches
Baked Pasta Dishes | Wings
All You Can Eat Salad Bar
Open at Lunch
Pickup • Dine-in • Delivery
Page 53
Christmas Stroll
December 4 - 6 and 11 - 13
Late Night
Shopping, Dining & Entertainment
across the Village
Homes Tour
featuring the Robertson Plantation
A Christmas Carol
Live Nativity
(254) 947-5040
Page 54
Page 55
Page 56

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