mar 2016
mar 2016
ROTARY JOURNEYS District Governor’s Newsletter / Issue 9 / “March is Water and Sanitation Month” Greetings from PHILIP CHONG District Governor 2015-16 My fellow Rotarians, the month of March is always full of activity for our clubs and also for our district. On the district level, it is the start of the training cycle for The Assistant Governors and for the District Committee chairpersons. For many of our clubs, it is a busy month of in-house training for our incoming Presidents and new club “position holders”. President Elect Training is instilling positive energy among all participants and everyone seems to be in a high state of energy. It is absolutely invigorating. I hope you agree. As we approach this season of transition, it is incumbent on those of us in all leadership positions to nurture and aid those that will follow us. This is one of the most important phases of the year: to ensure that you have adequately prepared your successor. Let’s all work together to make your club even more engaged in your community and neighbourhoods, and more inviting to prospective members. For the President Elects, I can’t urge you enough to prepare for PETS. It is a FAST weekend full of information and education that builds on what you already know. A little self-study will go a long way. Also, I ask you to carefully consider your club’s contribution to “Our” Foundation this coming year and also to consider applying for a Global Grant to do good work in your community. The 25th District Conference which is in Chiang Mai, Thailand, is gathering momentum that will come to life during the weekend of April 29th to May 1st. As of today, we have more than 300 attendees. If you have not registered and you wish to attend, please do so very soon. On this month’s focus; clean water. It is a basic need for human beings. When people, especially children, have access to clean water, they live healthier and more productive lives. However, at least 3,000 children die each day from diseases caused by unsafe water, which is what motivates our members to build wells, install rainwater harvesting systems, and teach community members how to maintain new infrastructure. While very few people die of thirst, millions die from preventable waterborne diseases, providing the impetus for our members to also improve sanitation facilities in undeveloped countries. Members start by providing toilets and latrines that flush into a sewer or safe enclosure and then add education programs to promote hand-washing and other good hygiene habits. District Governor’s Newsletter / Issue 9 / 1 ROTARY JOURNEYS MESSAGE What you can do • Improve sanitation facilities by providing toilets and latrines that flush to a sewer or safe enclosure. • Promote good hygiene habits through education. Proper hand washing, with soap and water, can reduce diarrhea cases by up to 45%. • Implement rainwater harvesting systems to collect and store rainwater for drinking, irrigation, or recharging underground aquifers. • Build water wells to extract groundwater from underground aquifers. • Provide point of use home water filters, such as ceramic or sand filters, to make drinking water safe. • Promote low-cost solutions, such as chlorine tablets or plastic bottles that can be exposed to sunlight, to improve water quality. Water saving tips A) Save water throughout your home - Ensure all taps are fully closed – a dripping tap at 1 drip per second wastes up to 30 liters a day - that is equivalent to 10 000 liters a year. - Replace tap washers regularly and fit tap aerators to restrict and spread the flow. This saves water yet feels like you are using the same amount of water. - Ensure your plumbing system is regularly checked for leaks and engage a plumber when necessary. B) Save water in your garden - Water your garden before 09:00 or after 16:00 (or even later on hot summer days). Avoid watering during windy periods and only water your garden when necessary. - Re-use your bath and sink water to water plants and lawns. Professional greywater recycling systems are also available for purchase. - If you have an overflow pipe that drips into the garden, place a bucket beneath the drips and use the saved water to water pot plants. - Mulching flowerbeds keeps down the weeds and holds moisture in the soil for longer. - Use a mulching lawn mower that allows clippings to be finely cut and blown back into the lawn. - Don’t mow lawns below 4 cm in length, as this reduces root depth and lawns are more likely to burn in summer. - Use a trigger nozzle with automatic shut-off on your hose when you wash your car, and use short bursts of water – this can save up to 300 litres each time. Or, to save even more water wash your vehicle using a bucket of water. - Use a trigger nozzle with automatic shut-off on your hose when you water your garden. - Check and maintain your irrigation system regularly, to ensure no water is running to waste, or that paved areas are being watered. - Adjust your irrigation system for the season and switch it off during rainy weather - even if it is borehole or WellPoint water. - Watering the garden less frequently, but deeper (for longer) encourages a deeper root system, which results in stronger plants. This practice can make water-wise plants out of most established plants. C) Save water in your kitchen - Ensure washing machines or dishwashers have a full load before running them. - Rinse glasses, cutlery and vegetables in a basin of water, rather than under a running tap, and reuse the water for pot plants or in the garden. District Governor’s Newsletter / Issue 9 / 2 ROTARY JOURNEYS MESSAGE - Rinse water can be reused for the next cycle of washing up before being discarded. - Keep a bottle of drinking water in the fridge so that you don’t run lukewarm water down the drain when waiting for it to cool. - Run tap water into a bottle when waiting for it to heat up. - Thaw frozen foods in the fridge, sunlight or microwave rather than placing them under running water. D) Save water in your bathroom - Close the tap when brushing your teeth. This saves up to 20 liters per month. Use a mug of water to rinse your toothbrush. - Plug the sink when shaving rather than rinsing your razor under running water. This saves up to 45 liters per month. - A half-filled bath uses about 113 liters; a 5-minute shower uses about 56 liters. Shower rather than bath, if you have to bath make it a shallow one or share it. - Reuse bath water in your garden. - Install a new water-saving toilet or put a clean, sealed plastic container filled with sand in the toilet cistern. This could save you up to 7 300 liters each year. - A toilet leak can waste up to 30 liters an hour - check if your toilet is leaking by adding a few drops of food dye to the cistern. If the colour seeps into the bowl, you have a leak, which should be fixed as soon as possible. - Install a water-saving shower head, take shorter showers, don’t run the water at full force and turn off the shower when soaping or shaving. - Regular maintenance of toilet fittings will save unnecessarily flushed water. - Ensure your plumbing systems are regularly checked for leaks. - Use a broom to sweep forecourts and other paved areas. Do not use a hose for this purpose. F) Rainwater harvesting - Collecting and using your own water through rainwater harvesting is your insurance policy against short-term water outages. You can obtain 500 ℓ of water if 5 mm of rain is collected on a 100 m2 roof. - A rainwater tank may be connected for the use of garden irrigation, washing, cleaning, toilet flushing or topping up the pool. Rainwater tanks may also be plumbed to feed toilet cisterns and so reduce the considerable amount of water used daily for flushing. Looking forward, I have three months to go before the new Rotary year kicks in. As always, I am enjoying my year serving as the District Governor for our District. Each club visit, each district committee meeting, each new club launch, each conversation that deals with Rotary raises my spirits as I support you and serve you. Together you and I bring awareness and strength to our clubs as we serve, “To Be a Gift to the World”. I am proud to serve. Len Nyuk and I wish you all continued success. Kind regards, Philip Chong Mau Kiong (Rotary Club of Likas Bay) District Governor 2015-16 District Governor’s Newsletter / Issue 9 / 3 ROTARY JOURNEYS TRAVELOGUE MARCH 2016 1st : End Polio Ride in Sibu 2nd : End Polio Ride Day 2 District Governor’s Newsletter / Issue 9 / 4 ROTARY JOURNEYS TRAVELOGUE MARCH 2016 3rd : Rotary Club of Singapore West’s 56th Anniversary 4th : Visit to the Rotary Club of Pandan Valley District Governor’s Newsletter / Issue 9 / 5 ROTARY JOURNEYS TRAVELOGUE MARCH 2016 5th : End Polio Ride and Rotary Swimarathon in Singapore District Governor’s Newsletter / Issue 9 / 6 ROTARY JOURNEYS TRAVELOGUE MARCH 2016 5th : Mid Term Review & Induction of a new member into the Rotary Club of Bandar Seri Begawan District Governor’s Newsletter / Issue 9 / 7 ROTARY JOURNEYS TRAVELOGUE MARCH 2016 6th : Mid Term Review and JPM for Muar, Johor & Malacca clubs 11th : Fellowship Dinner with Taiwan District Governors District Governor’s Newsletter / Issue 9 / 8 ROTARY JOURNEYS TRAVELOGUE MARCH 2016 12-13th : Attending Rotary Club of Lu Chou’s 29th Anniversary District Governor’s Newsletter / Issue 9 / 9 ROTARY JOURNEYS TRAVELOGUE MARCH 2016 14th : Chiangmai 2016 District Conference Team Meeting in Kota Kinabalu 16-20th : 26th President Elects Training Seminar (PETS) & District Assembly (DISTAS) in Johor District Governor’s Newsletter / Issue 9 / 10 ROTARY JOURNEYS TRAVELOGUE MARCH 2016 16-20th : 26th President Elects Training Seminar (PETS) & District Assembly (DISTAS) in Johor District Governor’s Newsletter / Issue 9 / 11 ROTARY JOURNEYS TRAVELOGUE MARCH 2016 16-20th : 26th President Elects Training Seminar (PETS) & District Assembly (DISTAS) in Johor District Governor’s Newsletter / Issue 9 / 12 ROTARY JOURNEYS TRAVELOGUE MARCH 2016 22nd - 26th : Visit to Chiang Mai in preparation of our upcoming 25th District Conference in April District Governor’s Newsletter / Issue 9 / 13 ROTARY JOURNEYS TRAVELOGUE MARCH 2016 22nd - 26th : Visit to Chiang Mai and attending District 3360’s Conference in Phitsanulok District Governor’s Newsletter / Issue 9 / 14 ROTARY JOURNEYS TRAVELOGUE MARCH 2016 27th : End Polio Ride Finale (Johor-Malacca leg) District Governor’s Newsletter / Issue 9 / 15 ROTARY JOURNEYS YOUTH Greetings from JESSEY YAP District Rotaract Representative 2015-16 Dear Rotaractors and friends, My warmest greetings and peace to you all. March is World Rotaract Week (WRW)! This year, our District ran the WRW project concurrently in both Singapore and Sabah! Both zones did a very successful beach cleaning project to celebrate our World Rotaract Week. These projects are the collective effort by Rotaractors from all clubs in Singapore and Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. The WRW celebration is followed by our annual and most happening event which is the Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference (APRRC) 2016 in Kyoto, Japan! Quite a number of Rotaractors from our District 3310 flew all the way to Kyoto to blend in the fun and joy of APRRC 2016. During our 4 days 3 nights stay in Kyoto, Rotaractors got the chance to blend themselves into the Japan cultures. They also got to meet Rotaractors from all over the Asia Pacific region. They exchanged cultures and souvenirs by wearing their very own costume. Performances by all the participating Rotaractors garnered great big rounds of applause and joyful laughter. Community service and tours are also part of the program during the APRRC. We all get to work together and play together with other Rotaractors throughout the 1 day tour. Everyone truly enjoyed themselves in APRRC, and we all got to exchanged Facebook’s photo tag-ings, name cards etc. It was truly a memorable experience for all of us! An experience that we will treasure for the rest of our lifes. Rotaractors looking forward for the next APRRC 2017 which will be held at Thailand! Enjoy Rotaract and love humanity! District Governor’s Newsletter / Issue 9 / 16 ROTARY JOURNEYS YOUTH World Rotaract Week Beach Cleaning Project in Sabah and Singapore Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference (APRRC) 2016 in Kyoto, Japan District Governor’s Newsletter / Issue 9 / 17 ROTARY JOURNEYS FEATURES ROTARY IN THE NEWS DEAR COLLEAGUES As part of our continued efforts to increase our public outreach and measure results, I am pleased to report that Rotary received widespread media coverage throughout 2015, with more than 500 articles in 20 countries – representing a 33 percent increase in coverage from 2014. Roughly 75 stories appeared in top tier international news organizations, including eight out of the 10 most influential ranked by Forbes, such as the Associated Press, Agence France Presse, BBC, CNN, Reuters, The New York Times, The Washington Post and Wall Street Journal. Highlights include coverage of the one-year polio-free milestone in Nigeria and Africa: • BBC World News • Houston Chronicle • Agence France Presse/Yahoo! News UK Rotary’s social media presence was strong in 2015. Rotary and End Polio Now Facebook and Twitter channels gained more than 125,000 fans and followers. Overall, there was 46 percent increase in reach across all Rotary’s social channels from 2014 to 2015. Enclosed is a sharable compilation of the 2015 media highlights with links to the coverage here. This interactive report is available to view on Internet Explorer 10 or later and all other browsers. To view full articles, click on the headlines. View our year end media coverage report here. Best regards, John Hewko General Secretary Rotary International ONE ROTARY CENTER 1560 SHERMAN AVENUE EVANSTON, ILLINOIS 60201-3698 USA +1 866.976.8279 CONTACT.CENTER@ROTARY.ORG ROTARY.ORG District Governor’s Newsletter / Issue 9 / 18 ROTARY JOURNEYS FEATURES WHO RECEIVED THE FIRST TRF GRANT? Taking it from the TRF Trustee Chair’s message for March, my curiosity about “firsts” brought me to the website of the Disability History Museum where I found the story of the organization that received the first 500-dollar grant given by The Rotary Foundation in 1929-30. Who were involved? A tragic street car accident on Midde Avenue in Elyria, Ohio…. Memorial Day 1907-- 80 injured, 9 were killed, including a young man named Homer Allen, who was due to graduate from high school in a few days. This tragedy underlined the need for an adequate, modern hospital in the community. Homer’s father, businessman Edgar Allen, recognized the need … and started work with other friends. By 1908, a new and modern Elyria Memorial Hospital opened. In 1909, Edgar Allen thought about the care of crippled children. A 1910 survey showed that in Lorain Country (Ohio), 200 crippled children had only care that could be given in their own homes. Allen made his concern known to others. In September 1915, the Gates Hospital for Crippled Children was opened as the Children’s Orthopedic Unit of Elyria Memorial Hospital. ‘Gates’ was added to recognize the donor. WHY ROTARY? The new hospital’s staff were ready to give care, BUT patients were few. Parents did not bring their children for treatment. A false sense of shame or guilt on the parents’ part, lack of funds (even at $1 per day for care!), doubt, lack of knowledge kept too many children “hidden” in those days. Allen, who joined Rotary in 1919, felt that something should be done and that Elyria Rotarians could help. Rotary was needed to “span the gulf between parents and the hospital”. In April 1919, charter member Sam Spare encouraged Rotarians from Elyria, Cleveland, and Toledo to form the Ohio Society for Crippled Children, composed entirely by Rotarians. That year, the Ohio State passed a law providing for hospital care for crippled children. Allen is widely associated as leader in the Crippled Children movement; Harry Howett -- Secretary-Treasurer of Elyria Memorial Hospital, Crippled Children Committee chairman of the Rotary Club, and Board of Director of the Ohio Society for Crippled Children -- helped make Allen’s dream a reality. He conducted the “Easter Seal Sale” in Elyria for many years. The annual allocation of $15,000 was inadequate so Allen and Howett proposed another bill. With Allen’s leadership and great assistance from Rotarians throughout the state, Ohio became one of the first to have a complete program for crippled children. But as Howett pointed out in the 1920’s, “the greatest impact of the Crippled Children Society’s was the change in attitude…. A great increase in public treatment and a remarkable change in the attitude of parents. District Governor’s Newsletter / Issue 9 / 19 ROTARY JOURNEYS VALUES ROTARY’S CORE VALUES 1. Service THE FOUR WAY TEST of the things we think, say or do 2. Fellowship 1. Is it the TRUTH? 3. Diversity 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 4. Integrity 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIP? 5. Leadership 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? ROTARIAN CODE OF CONDUCT As a Rotarian, I will: 1. Act with integrity and high ethical standards in my personal and professional life. 2. Deal fairly with others and treat them and their occupations with respect. 3. Use my professional skills through Rotary to mentor young people, help those with special needs, and improve people’s quality of life in my community and in the world. 4. Avoid behavior that reflects adversely on Rotary or other Rotarians. THE GUIDE TO DAILY LIVING of the things we intend to do, ask ourselves these questions and act on them: 1. Have I spent meaningful time with my family? (Fellowship) 2. Have I given the best to my work? (Integrity) 3. Have I given some time to others, near and far? (Diversity, Service) 4. Have I spent some time in self-examination? (Leadership) The Editorial Team District Governor’s Newsletter / Issue 9 / Philip Chio Gary Fia Audrey 20 Wes