LW 74 - London Welsh Centre


LW 74 - London Welsh Centre
Chwefror/February 2014 • Rhif/lssue 74
^ CQ
From the
London Welsh Centre
at Grays Inn Road
_Gwyl Dewi Sant
David's Day
Canolfan*: §
ERygbi^.S-c :entre
Cylchgrawn Cymry Llundain
The magazine of the London Welsh
London Welsh chair gives up
his seat to stand for Parliament
As 2015 got underway there was an important change amongst
the Trustees, i have been selected as a candidate in the General
Election and therefore to protect the non-political status of the
Trust and the Centre, I have stepped back from the Chairman role.
Happily, James Thomas (formerly Vice Chairman) has agreed to
take over the Chair. That change was made by the Trustees on 19
James will be known to most of you but will introduce himself
when he takes over this column in the next edition. By way of
brief introduction, he is a first language Welsh speaker and a
passionate and committed Trustee of the Centre.
James Thomas
He has worked side-by-side with me on the operational
changes that we have implemented over the past few years and
A lex Meredith
ensure that our community continues to enjoy a vibrant and
has almost single-handedly run the refurbishment project for a
welcoming cultural home on Gray's Inn Road. Please continue to
number of years.
support that work by remaining a member, attending events and
I have no doubt that James will be an accomplished leader for
our organisation and will continue the strong progress that we
have been making.
It has been a great pleasure for me to Chair the organisation
lending a hand whenever possible.
We continue to dream big for our future, and with your
support we can make it happen. Thank you for your commitment
to our Canolfan.
and I want to thank you for your support over the past three
years. I am very proud to have helped lead the Centre towards
Alex Meredith, Chairman
becoming a well-run organisation and to have made strides
forward on our refurbishment plans.
HQ @LondonWelshCCLL
We are all working hard to consolidate that progress while our
new team are bedding in and so I will remain a Trustee at the
Centre to be on hand to help James as much as required as we
make this transition.
As I have learned over the past few years, the road forward for
our small but complicated charity is never entirely smooth. We
recognise that there have been some operational difficulties over
the past few months and the Trustees are committed to putting
those right. Please have patience with us while we make the
necessary adjustments at a board and staff level to ensure that
the Centre continues to move in the right direction.
As I step back from the Chair I am filled with admiration for
the amount of time invested by my colleagues on the board to
LWCl! - The Magazine of the London Welsh
Published by London Welsh Centre Ltd.
157 Grays inn Road, London WCIX 8UE.
11th Annual
St David's Day Walk
Come and walk around The Borough and Bankside and hear
about some Welsh chapels and Welsh people and events
connected with the area.
Led by Caroline James,
(City of London and Clerkenwell and Islington Guide)
Saturday 28 February 2015 -11.00 am
Meet outside London Bridge Station, at the red banner next to
the escalator down to The View and St Thomas Street.
Telephone: 0207 837 3722
EDITORIAL TEAM: Eirlys Bebb, Theo Brueton, Rita Clark, David Daniel, Gordon Roberts,
Bob Trevor and Gethin Williams.
Lasts around an hour and a half to two hours and ends at
London Bridge.
DESIGN SUPPORT: Taliesin Communications.
Editorial contributions may be sent to the address above or, preferably, emailed to
Rita@ritaclark.co.uk Advertisers may also contact Rita Clark
Views expressed in this publication must not be taken as necessarily representing those
Cost: Minimum donation of £6 per person,
preferably more, as all proceeds to The London Welsh Centre -
of the London Welsh Centre.
London Welsh Centre Trust is a Registered Charity. This statement is given to support any
advertisement which appears in the columns of London Welsh Magazine from time to
t: 07906 892 337
time in the name of the Trust and deemed, in terms of the Act, to be fundraising.
Front cover: Celebrate St David's Day and everything Welsh at the London Welsh Centre this year...
Copy from contributorsand advertisersis required by April12 for inclusion in thenext issue.
Dydd Gwyl Dewi
Cawl a Chan
Dydd Gwyl Dewi. Un o'r diwrnodau hynny sy'n byw ym mer fy
27 Chwefror 7yh
esgyrn. Beth sy'n dod i'r atgof yw'r cyffro o gerdded i'r Ysgol
Dewch i ddathlu Dydd Gwyl Dewi mewn ffordd
Gynradd yn Aberystwyth mewn sgert wlanen goch, ffedog wen
draddodiadol: cawl a phice bach, adloniant a gwledd o ganu!
bert, siol Bersli a rhuban y'n het ddu yn crafu dan fy ngen. A'r
Bwcio o flaen Haw yn angenrheidiol: aelodau £10 y pen,
cynnwrf o wybod taw nid diwrnod arferol mohono ond diwrnod
£15 i eraill.
Eisteddfod yr Ysgol. Dim gwersi am ddiwrnod cyfan! Pawb wedi'u
Supper and Song
stwffio i neuadd yr Ysgol yn barod i gystadlu ary cyd-adrodd a'r
canu a'r cerdd dant a'r gan actol. Ac
wrth gwrs pawb yn cael bloeddio
27 February 7pm
To celebrate St David's Day come for a traditional evening
of cawl, Welsh cakes, entertainment and a chance to raise
the roof with some singing!
Booking essential: members £10 non-members £15
nerth eu pennau dros eu tim hwy!
Dewi! Dewi! Dewi! Y tim gorau wrth
gwrs - bathodyn melyn pert yn
tystiolaethu am fy nheyrngarwch.
A beth fydd yn aros amdanaf
eleni? Wei, wn i ddim os yw
Llundain yn barod i weld atgyfodiad
Parti Dydd Gwyl Dewi plant
28 Chwefror lOyb
Mae Sali Mali ar ei ffordd!!
o'r wisg draddodiadol a'r hen het
ddu ond wy'n sicr yn teimlo'n
gyffroes ofnadw am yr hyn sydd ar y
DrNon Vaughan-O'Hagan
gweill. Ymweliad gan un o wragedd o fri Cymru - Sali Mali, gwledd
Dewch yn llu am sbort a sbri i ddathlu Dydd Gwyl Dewi ar
ddydd Sadwrn 28ain o Chwefror am 10yb yn y Bar i'r rhai
o rygbi a gwasanaeth yn St Paul's Covent Garden gan Eglwysi
Cymraeg Llundain i ddathlu 300 mlynedd ersy bregeth gyntafyno
ieuengaf. Chwareuon a gemau actio i blant dros 6 oed yng
yn y Gymraeg. Os nad yw hyn yn ddigon i godi cyffro beth am gawl
nghwmni Sam Ebenezer lawr llawryn y Neuadd Waelod.
a chan traddodiadol ar nos Wener 27ain o Chwefror yn y Ganolfan.
£10 y teulu i aelodau, £15 y teulu i eraill.
Beth sy'n well na phowlen o gawl twym, aelodau Aelwyd Llundain
Mae bwcio lie o flaen llawyn hanfodol.
a disgyblion yr Ysgol Gymraeg i'n diddannu ac ychydtg o ganu
Ebostiwch non@lcwentre.demon.co.uk
cymunedol i godi chwant am bice bach! Rhywbeth at ddant pawb!
Children's St David's Day party
with special guest Sali Mali
28 February 10am
Come and join the St David's Day Children's party at 10am
in the bar.There will be fun and games with Sam Ebenezer in
the lower hall for children over 6 years of age.
£10 per family for members,
£15 per family for non-members
Booking essential:
contact non@lwcentre.demon.co.uk
Dysgu Cymraeg? Learning Welsh?
Cwrs Dwys Undydd at the London Welsh Centre
Saturday, 7 March 2015 - 9.30 am-5pm - The London Welsh
Centre, 157-163 Gray's Inn Road WC1X 8UE
Classes will run at levels where there is sufficient demand so to
avoid disappointment please register in good time!
Further details and registration form can be found at
www.londonwelsh.org or 020 7837 3722
Come and watch
Wales v France
On the Big Screen in the Big Hall - Saturday 28th February
KO 5pm Doors open 1.30pm for Scotland v Italy
Dymuniadau cynhesaf i chwi oil ar ddiwrnod gwyl ein nawddsant.
DrNon Vaughan-O'Hagan PrifSwyddog Gweithredol
Saint David's Day
Saint David's Day. One of those days that live in the very marrow
of my memory. What comes to my mind was the excitement of
walking to Ysgol Gymraeg in Aberystwyth dressed in a my red
woollen skirt, the pretty white apron, the Paisley shawl and the
ribbon of my black hat itching beneath my chin. It was the thrill
of knowing that this wasn't an ordinary day but the day of the
School Eisteddfod. A whole day with no lessons! Everyone
stuffed into the School hall ready to compete in choral recitation
and singing and cerdd dant and the action song. And of course
everyone yelling at the tops of their voices for their team! Dewi!
Dewi! Dewi! The best team of course - a pretty yellow rosette
testifying to my allegiance.
What awaits me this year? Well, I'm not sure that London is
quite ready for me to resurrect my traditional costume and the
black hat but I'm very excited at the things which are ahead. A
visit by one of Wales' major celebs - Sali Mali, a feast of rugby, a
service by the Welsh Churches in London to mark the 300th
anniversary since the first sermon in Welsh at St Paul's Covent
Garden. And if that's not enough for you how about a traditional
supper and song on Friday 27th February in the Centre. What
better than a bowl of warm cawl, entertainment by members of
Aelwyd Llundain and pupils from the London Welsh School and
then some community singing to whet the appetite for some
welsh cakes. Something for everyone! Warmest best wishes to
you all on our Patron Saint's day.
DrNon Vaughan-O'Hagan Chief Executive Officer
Proving you can have
your cake... and eat it!
Amy Gulsen and Jo Messenger, who impressed friends with
their home made Welsh cakes, have seen their hobby grow
into a successful business. Cariad Welshcakes launched in
Autumn 2014 and the girls have been busy baking and
delivering welsh cakes all over London. They have also been
busy raising funds for the Centre; their website
(www.cariadwelshcakes.co.uk) gives people the
opportunity to donate to the Centre with every purchase.
'Mr Urdd' - Wynne Mel's support
for the London Welsh Centre
Ceredigion artist Wynne Melville Jones, who had a year long
exhibition at the Centre in 2013, is helping raise money for the
London Welsh Centre through
Amy and Jo also regularly attend events at the Centre and
donate a percentage of all sales straight back to us. From
February you will be able to buy and order Cariad Welshcakes
at the bar, and every purchase helps the Centre.
We are really grateful to Amy and Jo for their kind
support, and also for supplying the most delicious Welshcakes
we have tasted in a long time!
If you would like to support our work like Amy and Jo,
please get in touch, cerys@londonwelsh.org
the sale of three, very special,
pieces of his own work. Wynne
is the Honorary President of the
Urdd and the man who created
the movement's popular
mascot Mr Urdd in 1979.
Soar-Y-Mynydd is a print of
the iconic chapel of Soar-yMynydd, one of only 50 prints,
with print number 1 now
belonging to former US
president Jimmy Carter - £345.
w^nns Me,v/"e7°nes
Amy Culsen andJo Messenger
Boathouse, Talacharn - Cartref Dylan Thomas. A print of the
original oil painting by Wynne Melville Jones is currently on
display at Browns Hotel, King Street, Laugharne. Browns was
Dylan Thomas' favourite watering-hole and he considered the bar
there his second home - £245.
Nant-Y-Moch - Boddwyd 1964. Nant-y-moch Reservoir in the
Cambrian Mountains flooded a part of the valley of the River
Rheidol and Wyn was present at the last service held in the
church drowned by the project, giving this piece special
significance - £245.
All the prints are available framed from the Centre. "We are so
grateful to Wynne for his generous support - if you want to see
more of his work please have a look on his website
www.orielwynmel.co.uk," said Centre head of fund-raising
Cerys Shepherd.
Contact cerys@londonwelsh.org if you wish to buy one of
the prints or, if you would like to support the Centre like Wynne
please contact Non or Cerys.
ROOJW HIRE great rates • flexible options • warm welcome
The Boathouse
Dreigiau, Llewod ac Ungyrn: Dyfodol y Deyrnas Unedig
Dragons, Lions and Unicorns: the Future of the United Kingdom
Guest speakers:
Tom Holland, Billy Bragg, Andrew Wilson,
Professor Richard Wyn Jones and Professor
Adam Tomkins, and to be chaired by Jason
Cowley, editor of The New Statesman
Gwasanaeth Gwyl Dewi yn
San Steffan
Eleni, cynhelir y gwasanaeth ddwyieithogi ddathlu Gwyl
Ddewi yn y Senedd Ddydd Mawrth, y 3ydd Mawrth, am
12:00pm yng nghapel Mary Undercroft, oddi ar Neuadd San
Bydd y gwasanaeth yn cael ei arwain gan y Parch Rose
Hudson Wilkin, Caplan y Llefarydd. Eleni, y pregethwr gwadd
A public debate at
The London Welsh Centre
Nos Fercher 4ydd o Fawrth 2015 7yh
Wednesday 4th March 2015 7pm
Admission by ticket only
£15 for members, £20 for non-members
fydd Arglwydd Leslie Griffiths o Borth Tywyn, ac fe fydd
gwleidyddion o bleidiau gwahanol hefyd yn cymryd rhan. Bydd
plant Ysgol Gymraeg Llundain yn perfformio, yn ogystal a
chyfranwyr nodedig eraill o Gymru.
Mae croeso cynnes i bawb fynychu'r gwasanaeth.
Am mwy o fanylion ar sut i fynychu, cysylltwch 3
Tickets available from wegottickets.com
For more details contact Cerys@londonwelsh.org
St David's Day service at the
Palace of Westminster
This year, the bilingual service to celebrate St David's Day in
Scrum down
at the Centre...
The London Welsh Centre. The best place
to watch Wales play rugby in London.
Every Welsh game shown on big screens in
a friendly Welsh atmosphere. See the back
page for details.
Parliament will take place on Tuesday, 3rd March at 12 noon
in St Mary Undercroft chapel, off Westminster Hall.
The service will be led by the Speaker's Chaplain, Revd Rose
Hudson-Wilkin. This year, the guest preacher will be Lord Leslie
Griffiths of Bury Port, and there will be politicians from across
the political spectrum taking part. The children from the
London Welsh School will be performing, as well as other
notable contributors from Wales.
Everyone is welcome to attend the service.
Tell us what you've been up to...
The greatest ambassadors for the LWC are our Members. Hearing
your stories is the best possible way of letting our supporters know
about our work and explaining why it's so vital to raise money to
support the Centre. "It is so important for us to engage with as many
people as possible who can share their memories of the Centre and
it's a reminder to all of us what a special place this is," said Centre
head of fundraising Cerys Shephered. To share your Centre memories
contact cerys@londonwelsh.org
For further details on how to attend, please contact
Cinio Dydd Gwyl Dewi yn
Neuadd y Gorfforaeth
2 Fawrth
Mae'rachlysuryn llawn eleni. Cysylltwch a
ynglyn a chinio blwyddyn nesa'.
Yr Eglwysi Cymraeg Ynghyd yn Llundain
Welsh Churches Together in London
Oedfa Ddydd Gwyl Ddewi ar
Dri Chanmlwyddiant yr oedfa gyntaf
yn Eglwys S. Paul, Covent Garden, Bedford Street, WC2E 9ED
Mawrth laf 2015 am 5.00 o'rgloch
Pregethwr: Parchg. Athro D. Densil Morgan
St David's Day Dinner
in the Guildhall
2 March
This year's event is sold out. Please contact
for next year's event.
Organydd: Christopher Enston
Cymerir rhan gan gynrychiolwyr mudiadau Cymreigyn Llundain
gan gynnwys Coral Cymry Llundain
St David's Day Service on March 1st at 5pm at St Paul's Church,
Covent Garden, to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the first
Welsh service in London.
at's on and Wher
Interested in artists from Wales performing across a wide
range of genres? Here are some dates for your diaries,
24 Catrin Finch launches her new CD 'Tides' at The Union Chapel
30 Sarah Waters takes part in Polari, London's award-winning LGBT
literary salon. 7 30 in Level 5 Function Room at Royal Festival Hall
30 12 April Bryn Terfel as Sweeney Todd, ENO, Coliseum
see also London Welsh events on page 16.
February 2015
17 Kyshera at The Square, Harlow
5-24 Bryn Terfel in Title Role, Der Fliegende Hollander, ROH CGdn
18 Kyshera 14+ show at Underworld 174 Camden High Street
7 Feb-10 Mar (8 perfs only) Gwyn Hughes Jones as Walther von
29 Dan Bettridge, ClimbingTrees at Strongroom Bar & Kitchen,120-
Stolzing in The Mastersingers of Nuremberg - ENO, Coliseum
124 Curtain Road EC2A 3SQ
17 Katherine Jenkins at Royal FestivalHall
22 MAN (new album REANIMATED MEMORIES) at The Half Moon, 93
Lower Richmond Rd Putney SW151EU
25 at 5:30pm Caryl Hughes as Mariko in Tokaido Road: AJourney after
7 Lewis & Leigh with AlLewis and Alva Leigh, The Slaughtered Lamb,
34-35 Great Sutton Street EC1V 0DX
Hiroshige (Nicola LeFanu) -London premiere- Guildhall School at
20 Paper Aeroplanes at Oslo, Hackney Central Station
Milton Court Theatre, Barbican (tickets Barbican)
20 May - 3 July Alun Rhys-Jenkins tenor as Remendado in Carmen -
25 Bryn Terfel soloist in Gala Concert at ROH Covent Garden
26 Kizzy Crawford supp. Howie B at Rich Mix, 35-47 Bethnal Green
Road, El 6LA
27 Rhys Ifans, Super Furry Animals and friends, Fundraiser for
English National Opera, Coliseum
30 Funeral for a Friend headline Camden Rocks Fest - venues tba
30 Kyshera at Camden Rocks Fest at Electric Ballroom 184 Camden
High Street NW1 8QP
Howard Marks at The Forum, Kentish Town
28 2pm-midnight Green Man Festival presents Hwyl Gwyl Dewi Sant
with Sweet Baboo, Georgia Ruth, Cowbois Rhos Botwnnog,
Huw Stephens DJs, poets Owen Sheers, Patience Agbabiand
Haf Davies; Twmpath, mythicalstorytelling, comedy, board games,
4 Jun -3 July Bryn Terfel in Fiddler on the Roof, Grange Park Opera,
S024 9AQ. tel. 01962 737373
5 Gelynion - The Enemies project: Wales. Celebrating the great
live rugby, workshops, theatre, a pub quiz, with Dylan Thomas Book
modern tradition of Welsh language and experimental and
Bus, Welsh Craft Workshops and performances from Tangerino
poetry alongside innovative collaborative practise, Gelynion will be
Circus. At Cecil Sharp House, NW17AY
a unique evening of poetry. Featuring Nia Davies, Joe Dunthome,
28 Amy Wadge with Luke Jackson at Stanley Halls South Norwood Hill
SE25 6AB
Zoe Skoulding, Rhys Trimble, Eurig Salisbury & SJ Fowler. 8pm
Upstairs at Rich Mix 35-47 Bethnal Green Road E1 6LA - FREE
1 Cyfarfod Gwyl Ddewi, St Pauls, Covent Garden
6 Kernow in the City - Dewgh onan hag oil dhe Gernow y'n Sita - Rich
17 Caryl Hughes mezzo with Diva Opera as Cherubino in Le nozze di
Figaro at Syon Park
Mix! 35 - 47 Bethnal Green Road El 6LA
7 Jan Capinski baritone as Armando in L'Assedio di Calais - English
Touring Opera at Hackney Empire
23 Stereophonies for Teenage Cancer Trust at Royal Albert Hall
24,25 Peter Pan - Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru wno.org.uk/event/peterpan at ROH CGdn - Tickets open 31/310am.
Clwb Ddarllen Llundain
Nos wener lonawr 30fed buom yn trafod llyfr "Be' Nesaf" gan Dafydd Wigley. Roedd
trafodaeth egni'ol am lyfr diddorol.
Gan ein bod ni i gyd am weld perfformiad drama "Y Twr" gan Gwenlyn Parry,
penderfynwyd mae hwnnw bydd cynwys ein cyfarfod nesaf ar Chwefror 23ain 2015.
Wedyn, penderfynwyd ar "Dan Gadarn Goncrit" gan Mihangel Morgan i'n cyfarfod
ar Ebrill 27ain 2015
Gweddilly flwyddyn bydd cyfarfodydd ar:
Mehefin 29ain
Medi 28ain
Tachwedd 30fed
Pob un ar Nos Lun olaf y misoedd a enwir, i dechrau am 7.00 naillyn Mary Ganolfan neu
yn y lolfa isaf. Enwir y llyfrau dan sylw nes ymlaen.
:„WE1.SH»UWD0N 1 500-2000
* iMMIhlon "I«>l|i )
Putuf Huultik
The London Welsh
School - an
exciting year
Ysgol Gymraeg
Llundain - Blwyddyn
The London Welsh School children, staff and families have had a fun
Mae plant, staff, a rhieni'r Ysgol Gymraeg wedi cael blwyddyn
packed academic year so far. Both in and out of the classroom, there
addysgiadol prysur iawn hyd yn hyn. O fewn a thu allan i'r dosbarth
have been incredible learning adventures, performances and cultural
maent wedi profi anturiaethau addysgiadol a pherfformiadau a
events. All of which have embraced the wonderful welsh heritage
digwyddiadau celfyddydol gan gofleidio'r iaith a'u hetifeddiaeth
and language.
Mae nifer o'r digwyddiadau yma wedi cymryd lie yng
Many activities have taken place at the epicentre of London
Welsh life, The London Welsh Centre. These have included; watching
nghanolbwynt bywyd Cymry Llundain sef Canolfan Cymry Llundain.
Arad Goch perform 'Ble Mae'r Dailyn Hedfan', helping out at Gwyl a
Mae rhain yn cynnwys; gwylio Arad Goch yn perfformio "Ble Mae'r
Halabalw childrens day, making Christmas decorations for the centre,
Dailyn Hedfan", cynorthwyoyng Ngwyl Halibalw, gwneud
performing their Nativity play, a quiz night fundraiser and performing
addurniadau Nadolig i'r Ganolfan, perfformio Drama'r Geni, Noson
at the Noson Lawen Dwynwen on 24January.
Gwis a pherfformio yn Noson Lawen Dwynwen ar lonawr 24ain.
There has also been an exchange trip to Paris to visit the Breton
Cafwyd hefyd ymweliad ag Ysgol Lydaweg ym Mharis, gwerthu
School, selling yummy welsh cakes at the Queens Park Day festival
pice-ar-y-maen hyfryd yng Ngwyl Queens Park, a pherfformio yng
and performing at the Jewin Fundraiser.
nghyngerdd Jewin.
Efallai un peth arbennig am yr ysgol hon yw'r teimlad o fod yn
Perhaps one of the most amazing things about this unique school
is its sense of community. The village school-like atmosphere in the
rhan o'r gymuned. Mae naws ysgol bentref yno er ei bod mewn
heart of the sprawling metropolis is often a source for interest. So
dinas anferthol, ac mae hyn yn tynnu sylw. Enghraifft o hyn yw'r
much so that a documentary
rhaglen ddogfen sydd wedi ei
about the school and some of its
gwneud am yr ysgol a rhai o'r
families has been made by
teuluoedd gan gwmni teledu
production company TiFiNi. The
TiFiNi. Fe fyddy rhaglen "Teulu"
programme called "Teulu" will be
yn cael ei ddarlledu ar S4C ym
aired in April on S4C.
mis Ebrill.
Bydd un o uchafbwyntiau'r
One of the many highlights of
the school calendar is fast
calendr ysgol yma'n fuan, sef
approaching: Performing at
perfformio yn San Steffan i
Westminster to celebrate St
ddathlu Gwyl Ddewi. Diolchwn i
David's Day. Thanks to Rhian
Rhian Medi Roberts am drefnu'r
Medi Roberts the event organizer,
Gwasanaeth yn flynyddol. Eleni
the children perform in front of
fe fydd y Gwasanaeth ar Fawrth
parliamentary members and their
families on 3 March as part of a
The London Welsh School at the Jewin Concert
Photo: John Downing
3ydd, ac fe fydd y plant yn cael
cyfle i berfformio o flaen Aelodau
Seneddol a'u teuluoedd i ddathlu diwrnod arbennig Cymru.
service to commemorate Wales's special day.
With more events such as participating in the Urdd competitions,
a fashion show fundraiser and a visit to Llangranog this year all to
Mae'r plant a'r rhieni hefyd yn edrych ymlaen at gystadlu yn
Eisteddfod yr Urdd; codi pres mewn Sioe Ffaswin; ac wrth gwrs yr
come, no wonder the children and parents alike adore their school so
ymweliad blynyddol i Langrannog. Does dim syndod eu bod y caru'r
much. What other school in London could offer such a wide range of
ysgol - pa ysgol arall yn Llundain allai gynnig gymaint o
There is more excitement for the school as it enters a new phase
Ar ol bodoli bron i 60 mlynedd, mae cyffro yn yr ysgol gan ei bod
in its almost 60 year history. Its 15 years of residency at Stonebridge
ar fin dechrau pennod newydd arall yn ei hanes. Ers 15 mlynedd
School near Wembley is coming to an end and a new home is being
mae'r ysgol wedi bod ar dir Ysgol Stonebridge ger Wembley, ond
nawr mae'r amser wedi dod i ymgartrefu.
Head Teacher Mrs Julie Griffiths said of the move, "We will be sad
Meddai Mrs Julie Griffiths y Brifathrawes," Fe fyddwn yn drist i
to leave Stonebridge as the school has flourished during our time
adael Stonebridge gan fod yr ysgol wedi blodeuo yn ein hamser
here. We are looking forward to the next step in the schools journey,
yma. Ond edrychwn ymlaen at gyfnod newydd yn hanes yr ysgol, ac
where we will continue to grow and succeed. This is an exciting but
fe barhawn i dyfu a llwyddo. Bydd hyn yn antur gyffrous ond drud,
costly adventure and we will be looking to the wider community to
ac fe edrychwn i'r gymuned gyfan i'n cynorthwyo gyda chymaint o
help us with as many fundraising activities as possible. We would
weithgareddau codi pres a fydd yn bosib. Fe dderbyniwn hefyd
gratefully receive any donations to assist with this mammoth task!"
unrhyw roddion ar gyfer y dasg anferthol yma!"
If you would like more information about the school, the move or
Os am fwy o wybodaeth am yr ysgol, yr adleoli, neu am
if you would like to support the school with a donatation, please
gefnogi'r ysgol gyda rhodd, cysylltwch ag:
contact: eleribrady@ysgolgymraegllundain.co.uk
Sara-Ellen Scalise
Following in the footsteps of David Lloyd George at Westminster
On a chilly but bright morning in January a group of thirty people
years, she became Lloyd George's second wife, for the last two
joined Ruth Polling, a Blue Badge Guide, on her excellent guided
years of his life.
walk of Lloyd George's Westminster, organised by the London
Welsh Centre.
17 January fell on the birthday of Lloyd George in 1863 so
was a pertinent date for his followers to be guided along
Westminster and Whitehall where he spent fifty five years as an
Next stop was the War Office, the management of which
was undermined by persistent clashes between the civilian and
military sides of the organisation with Lloyd George thrust into
the middle of these confrontations.
During WW1 Lord Kitchener was appointed Secretary for
War, making him the first and only soldier to hold the post and
Ruth recounted his meteoric rise to Prime Minister and
there were frequent and fierce clashes with Lloyd George. Lloyd
becoming one of the greatest statesmen of the 20th century.
George's arch enemy was Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, whom
After his election as Liberal MP for Caernarfon Boroughs in 1890,
he could not forgive for driving 20,000 service men to their
his powerful oratory made for compelling debates in the
death at the Battle of the Somme.
Commons and made his name. He managed his time between
Nearby stands the Cenotaph which Lloyd George was
Parliament and developing his practice as a young lawyer,
instrumental in insisting that the first temporary structure, built
opening an office in London under the name of Lloyd George and
for a peace parade in 1918, be replaced by a permanent structure
Co, as a backbench member of the House of Commons he did
which was to become the country's primary national war
not receive a salary.
For a young, Welsh, state educated Liberal, Parliament could
have been a forbidding place but it provided Lloyd George an
Next, to the Embankment to stand and admire the National
Liberal Club. Established by William Gladstone in 1882, it is the
opportunity to confront the Establishment and launched a
second largest clubhouse ever built and Lloyd George's portrait
political career of unswerving determination for reform.
takes pride of place in the entrance hall.
As Chancellor of the Exchequer (1908-1915), Lloyd George
Lloyd George remained passionate about his Welsh non­
was a key figure in the introduction of reforms which laid the
conformist heritage throughout his life and, amongst other
foundations of the modern welfare state. The responsibility of
causes, led the appeal for funds to found the London Welsh
being the Prime Minister of the Wartime Coalition Government
Centre in Gray's Inn Road in 1920 which was officially opened by
(1916-22), suited Lloyd George's confrontational approach and
Dame Margaret Lloyd George.
unswerving self-belief.
At Whitehall, we paused to look up at No. 10 Downing Street
The tour terminated at the Wesley Cafe in Westminster
Central Methodist Hall, famous in Welsh circles as the Hall
where the family lived during Lloyd George's six years as Prime
where Lloyd George's Memorial Cymanfa Ganu was held each
Minister. For his wife Margaret the basic accommodation did not
November for over half a century.
suit but at least indoor toilets had been recently installed!
Behind the closed doors they were unhappy days, for
A Guided Walk I would highly recommend and to be
reminded of the colossal achievements of Lloyd George as the
Margaret ruled the upper floors and domestic arrangements
only Welshman to have held the office of Prime Minister makes
whilst Frances Stephenson held power and the Prime Minister's
every Welsh man and woman proud.
ear in the Office downstairs. After a partnership of over thirty
Towering performance of Gwenlyn Parry's YTwr
For just one night in February, Invertigo theatre company brought
accessible to non-Welsh speakers, learners and fluent Welsh
its new production of YTwr/The Tower to the London fringe,
speakers alike.
playing to a packed house at the Areola Theatre, Dalston.
YTwr, written by Gwenlyn Parry, one of the most prominent
The life story of a nameless couple (played by Catherine Ayers
and Steffan Donnelly) which takes place within the confines of an
Welsh-language playwrights of the 20th century, was first
isolated tower appearing, in this production, as a number of
performed in 1978. Invertigo's revival aimed to refresh the play,
moveable blocks. At critical points in their unfolding relationship
reintroduce it to audiences familiar with the original and widen its
the couple are drawn to climb up the mysterious, symbolic
structure. Each new floor is a new stage in their lives, with the
It achieved with director Aled Pedrick's subtly revised script,
its focus on the universal aspects of the original, and actor-
question of what awaits at the top becoming ever more present.
Originally a play in three acts, Invertigo's production consists
producer Steffan Donnelly's English translation. This allowed the
of one 80-minute act during which the characters move from
play to be performed in Welsh with English subtitles making it
exuberant, passionate youth, through disillusioned middle-age to
Re-writing the history of Welsh in
London - using modern day resources
London Welsh President Huw Edwards spoke to the January
meeting of the London Branch of the Welsh Family History
Societies about the research which underpinned his recent book
City Mission - The Story of London's Welsh Chapels.
Acknowledging his debt to those who had preceded him particularly Emrys Jones and Meurig Owen - he described how,
using today's greater accessibility of sources, he had been able
to uncover documents which re-wrote some of the history of
the earliest Welsh causes in London. Huw's talk was thoroughly
researched and vividly illustrated; this is only a brief glimpse of
its range and those who want to know more will just have to
buy the book!
Preaching to Welsh people in London in their native
language undoubtedly has a long history. The earliest sermon
known to have been preached in Welsh was delivered in St
Davids Day 1715 at St Paul's, Covent Garden. During the
eighteenth century preaching took place in the open air in
places where the Welsh congregated; Howell Harries, for
example, preached on numerous occasions during his visits to
London over the period 1739-67. The first regular use of a
meeting room has long been thought to have been at Cock
Lane in Smithfield around 1774, but a notice in the Daily
Advertiser of January 1773 shows that the room was already in
homes. From Cock Lane a Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Chapel
use for preaching at this earlier date.
Huw's researches have uncovered more detail about the
was established in Wilderness Row from 1788, which eventually
early years of the causes in the City of London, Lambeth and
became Jewin; another Methodist cause at Gravel Lane,
Southwark, and also provided evidence of the location of those
Borough, broke away after a few years to become an
early places of association, often in dilapidated buildings and
Independent cause, building a new chapel in 1807, a short
less salubrious areas of town. It is clear from the documentary
distance away at Little Guildford Street, and known today as Y
evidence that the denominational affiliation of those early
causes were fluid. From these early beginnings grew both
Methodist and Independent causes with more permanent
The nineteenth century saw rebuilding and expansion in
central London and further developments in the suburbs. The
fortunes of the chapels went hand in hand with those of the
milk trade, which the Welsh came increasingly to dominate.
The pinnacle of this building effort can be seen at Charing Cross
old age, infirmity, and finally death (with subtle intimations of a
life beyond). The fast pace places heavy demands on the cast
who rose fully to the challenge with performances combining
great energy and subtle emotion.
Although on occasion Parry's play seems of its time,
Invertigo's production successfully conveyed the universality of
its central themes: the way intimate relationships evolve; the
fleeting nature of time and our own lives; how life forces us to
keep moving forward, however unready we may feel, and the
perennial question of what may lie at the end of it all.
Chapel, designed in the "English Romanesque" style by James
Cubitt; fortunately the building survives largely intact. No
longer a church, it has a new future as a cultural charity.
Huw also spoke about the unfortunate tendencies to rivalry
and division, which had so often stood in the way of
cooperation and consolidation in difficult times. He emphasised
the need for London's Welsh churches and their congregations
to work together to secure their future. He encouraged us to
celebrate the achievements of the generations of Welsh people
in London who gave tangible form to their faith in buildings
The ending of YTwr may be predictable but it was
powerfully acted by the Invertigo cast and the production as a
whole marked by its polish and clarity.
which nurtured generations of Welsh families in London, both
culturally and spiritually.
Anna Brueton
Star studded
night atjewin
The president of the London
Welsh Centre Trust, Huw
Edwards, played a prominent
part in the concert at Jewin
Chapel on the 7 December. In his
welcoming address Huw pointed
Bryn Terfyl joined the audience
out that Jewin had been
established in 1770 or even
Hannah Stone, the Royal Harpist, played Concert Variations on
earlier, although the board
outside the Chapel indicated
'O Tannenbaum' and Clair detune. The evening featured two choirs
-The London Welsh Male Voice Choir under the direction of its MD
It is the oldest Welsh
Huw Edwards conveys a passionate
Edward-Rhys Harry and Cor Ysgol Gymraeg Llundain accompanied
by Rhian Hughes Ahmed.
religious cause in London, being
It was fantastic to hear contributions from the wonderful Sian
initially established in Cock Lane
(Smithfield) before moving to
Phillips who will celebrate her 82 birthday this year. She recited
Wilderness Row (Charterhouse)
John Julius Norwich's The Twelve Days of Christmas, and in Welsh,
Drama'rNadolig by Gwyn Thomas, and reflected on chapel
and Jewin Crescent (Aldersgate),
and finally to Fann Street
(Barbican) after WWII. The
concert was taking place to raise
^ flj
Dafydd Iwan was persuaded to support the cause, and was the
attraction of the evening singing his traditional repertoire of Canyr
Ysgol, Cadfi'n llonydd, EsgairLlyn and Panfodeirayn wyn. He
money to ensure that Jewin
rounded off the evening singing Yma o hyd, with the London Welsh
continued promoting Welsh
culture and being a beacon of
childhood in Gwaun-Cae-Gurwen.
S/'an Phillips entertains the audience
Male Voice Choir backing him - he had previously sung the piece at
the 2006 Festival of Male Voice Choirs, when he was backed by
Welsh life in the city.
The evening's programme, predominantly in Welsh, was
almost a thousand voices.
compered by Huw, and featured a wide variety of artistes. These
included the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama's Brass
Ensemble and soloists Hannah Grace, James Clark and Wilf Scolding
from the College. Casi Wyn, who hails from Bangor and is now
based in London, was the principal soloist and sang MorOCariad
and Suai'rGwynt.
Rugby Choir on song - and looking
forward to the World Cup
It was another good build up to Christmas for the London
Welsh Rugby Club choir with the annual Carols by
Candlelight concert, at St Martin's in the Field, singing to a
packed house for the concert organised by Ronald McDonald
House at Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital. This has become an
event that the choir looks forward to every year and as well
as singing in their own right, the choir was coerced into
providing an impromptu backing for the infamous Duke
Street Jazz Band who performed Jazzy Christmas. Other
artistes included the Chorus of the ENO and Emma Johnson.
The choir are looking to a full and enjoyable 2015 with
six concerts and a number of cabarets already booked and
with the prospect of the Rugby World Cup on the horizon it
looks like a very exciting time to be involved in the choir.
Please refer to the back of this magazine for full details.
Joe Jones
Dafydd Iwan pleased the audience in song
Former official
harpist to Prince
Charles is back on the
concert platform
Internationally renowned harpist, Claire Jones returns to the
concert platform on 5 March to launch her new album, 'Journey',
a collection of music inspired by her journey of recovery from ME,
and her understanding of music as a core element of sustaining
Celebrating the first
Welsh Church Service in
London - 300 years on
Next on the schedule for the London Welsh Chorale is the service
on 1 March to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the first Welsh
The former official harpist to the Prince of Wales will be
joined by the London Mozart Players, for an evening of stirring
orchestral music featuring Mozart's Flute and Harp Concerto, and
a selection of beautiful pieces from Claire's new album, drawn
from classical melodies and orchestral repertoire, film scores and
the cannon of British folk songs.
Tickets for the gala concert at St John's, Smith Square, London
Service in London. This will take place at St Paul's Covent Garden.
on the evening of 5 March are on sale now via St John's, Smith
The church, built by Inigo Jones in 1633, is affectionately known as
Square box office on 020 72221061, or via their website
the 'Actors' Church, an association which began in 1662. We're
looking forward to the occasion and to working at yet another
Proceeds from the evening will be donated to the Optimum
Health Clinic Foundation to support its research work into the
historic London venue.
The Chorale's spring concert on 28 March will again be at St
Andrew Holborn with a programme comprising the Mozart and
active treatment of ME/CFS and its associated condition,
Faure requiems - or should that be requies?
Mozart died in 1791, leaving his Requiem unfinished. Though
subsequently completed, there is much debate on exactly who
finished it. One theory suggests that Joseph von Eybler worked on it
and then felt unable to finish it; another that it was then completed
by Franz Sussmayr, possibly assisted by others.
Faure composed his Requiem a century later though not,
apparently, as a consequence of the loss of his parents around that
time, but more prompted by the challenge, or as he phrased it, the
pleasure, of expressing loss.
The London Welsh Chorale gave a wonderfully atmospheric
Christmas concert in the mediaeval surroundings of St Andrew
Holborn on 13 December. The dark, smoky atmosphere of this
wonderful church is enhanced by its lighting and layout and formed
a fitting backdrop to music and readings by Chorale and soloists.
This was a slightly different programme for us and was much
\ V
enjoyed by performers and audience.
Next day, the London Welsh Centre was host to a much-loved
annual event, the service of Nine Lessons & Carols for the Welsh
community in London. The Chorale and the London Welsh Brass
Ensemble performed for and with a large audience who joined in
enthusiastically whenever the opportunity offered!
On 11 July, we return to St Sepulchre-without-Newgate for our
summer concert. More information about the programme will be
available on our website soon and in the next edition of the London
Welsh magazine.
Lynne Tew
HARP ro soon IT ft ! SOUL
The Cwalia on the Concourse at Paddington Station raisingfunds for COSMIC
As yet another year of 'flying the flag' for Welsh choral singing
who broke off from their reception to thank us all before we left
drew to a close, the Cwalia was delighted, at the start of
the venue. This event was just a short walk from the Ritz Hotel,
November, to perform at two important events within a week.
where we appeared earlier in the year, following a wedding in
The first was a joint concert with our friends from the London
Welsh Rugby Club Choir as part of the Landmark Festival in
Teddington. I think it's fair to say that both choirs really enjoyed
The New Year saw the Choir back in 'wedding mode' and
striking out for the rather wonderful Grade 1 listed church of St
the opportunity to sing in a larger ensemble, and under the
Maty the Virgin in the beautiful Essex village of Stebbing. Built in
energetic conducting of James Heam, everyone seemed to
1326, the church has a stone rood screen (one of only three in
perform at their best.
the World). The many smiling faces of the guests, who we met in
This ensured that the audience left very happy that their
investment in the ticket price was well rewarded. I am pleased to
report that the organisers have already been in contact to
the church grounds afterwards, left us with a feeling of a 'job well
A note for your diaries: On Saturday 7 March - a St David's
enquire about the availability of both choirs for a follow-up
Concert at St Andrew's Church, Greyhound Road, West
Kensington, W14 9SA. Tickets: £10 from gwaliachoir@gmail.com.
Just five days later, the choir was privileged to repeat our
As we approach our 50th anniversary in 2017, we shall be
appearance twelve months earlier at the Jewin Chapel
working hard to add new items to our repertoire, and to
Remembrance Day Service. It was a very worthwhile and
hopefully swell our numbers; so, if you, or anyone you know,
rewarding experience which gave us all a chance to pause for
would like to join a male choir, then please come along to one of
thought on the Centenary of the start of the Great War.
our rehearsals. We meet in the Main Hall at the London Welsh
Later in November, the choir appeared on a bandstand at The
Ideal Home Christmas Show at Earls Court, singing a mixture of
Centre every Wednesday evening at 7.30pm. All are welcome
and 'every voice counts'.
Christmas Carols and Welsh songs.
Richard Killoughery
We ended the year singing carols, with a few Welsh items, at
Paddington Station, and then onwards to three very welcoming
hostelries. We were collecting for COSMIC, the Children of St
Mary's Intensive Care Unit. Our connection with COSMIC is
through Wyn, our accompanist. His daughter, Georgina, has been
admitted on two occasions to St Mary's Hospital and the family
have chosen COSMIC as their daughter's charity. We are grateful
to those who gave so generously at all locations, enabling us to
collect £528. This was followed a few days later by a
performance at a wedding in an impressive central London
venue, Dartmouth House, in Mayfair. The bride was radiant, the
assembled guests enthusiastic, and a good time was had by alL
We appreciated the generous feedback from the happy couple,
Saturday 7th March 2015 at 7.30pm
St David's Concert
Cor Meibion Gwalia and special guest soloists
St Andrew's Fulham Fields
Greyhound Rd W14 9SA
Nearest tube station: West Kensington
Admission £10
For Tickets please contact:
gwaliachoir@gmail.com or
Steve on 07768 726281
The London Welsh Male Voice Choir at Canterbury Cathedral under the direction of Edward-Rhys Harry, with Annabel Thwaite at the piano
Tales of Canterbury as LWMVC
visit Cathedral ten years on
An audience of over a thousand provided thrilling experience for
at the Noson Lawen at Jewin Chapel in December, in aid of the
almost 100 members of the London Welsh Male Voice Choir at
Chapel Restoration Funds, particularly the appropriateness of its
Canterbury Cathedral almost exactly ten years since the Choir last
repertoire for the occasion.
performed there.
Under the direction of Edward-Rhys Harry, with pianist Annabel
Commenting on the evening, Huw Edwards, the Choir's
President and President of the London Welsh Centre Trust, said "It
Thwaite and cathedral organist David Flood providing the
was not only a great sight but an even greater sound. The response
accompaniment, the Choir gave a performance that has drawn wide
from the crowd spoke volumes and I have received many messages
today from those who came. I am extremely grateful to the Choirfor
The principal guest soloist was soprano Menna Cazel Davies
their commitment, generosity and loyalty. It was a stellar
from Pontypridd, with local schoolboy trumpeter James Pooley also
performance". A full report on the concert appears on page 10 in
providing a solo performance. Choir soloists were Harry Bell, David
this magazine.
Jones and David Williams, with Berwyn Evans was the compere. The
success of the concert owes much to the organisational skills of a
member of the Choir, Les Leslie.
Full details of the Choir's engagements during the coming
The first engagement of the New Year for many choristers was
at the wedding of top tenor James Milanovicto Laura Birrell at The
Parish Church of St Peter and St Paul in Lavenham, in Suffolk. We
wish the newly-weds every success and happiness together.
months are given on the back cover of this magazine and include
concerts at Bedford, Eton College, Henley-on Thames, Chelmsford
Cathedral and Sevenoaks School,
The Choir, following its performance last August, has been
Audrey Morgan heads for a century...
Mrs Audrey Morgan, past Willesden Green Chapel member,
invited back this year to participate in the Association of British
now living in Aberaeron, will be Celebrating her 100th
Choral Directors (ABCD) annual convention at the Royal Welsh
Birthday in February, with all her family and friends in
College of Music and Drama in Cardiff.
attendance. A full report will be given in the next issue.
The Choir has received many complements on its performance
Looking for a level playing field - on
and off the pitch - and a major miracle!
Only a major miracle will save London Welsh from being relegated
from the Aviva Premiership after just one season back in the top
flight of English rugby. To date they have lost all 20 games in the
three league and cup competitions.
These include 13 Premiership fixtures in which they have
conceded an average of 44 points per game.
With just one try bonus point acquired, they are on course for
the lowest season's total on record - 20 league points adrift of
nearest rivals London Irish and Newcastle with just nine
Premiership fixtures remaining.
Wholesale player changes were made before the start of the
season, with the intention of strengthening the squad. Some
predicted that such a newly formed team would take time to blend,
but no one could have envisaged how off the pace they have been,
with both scrum and line out struggling, and one on one tackling
continually letting them down.
It has not however been a case of too much change, but an
inability to purchase players or facilities of sufficient quality.
London Welsh are severely hampered by the limited share of
central RFU funds that they receive.
The club's allocation currently amounts to £1.7m, a portion of
which is diverted to the RFU academy programme, despite the fact
that the area's academy franchise is run by Wasps, now based in
unwanted outcome would be a league where the same few clubs
are in contention, year in, year out.
Time as usual is of the essence. At the start of the season Welsh
had less time to prepare than other clubs as a result of the
protracted nature of the play-offs to decide the winner of the
Championship. And currently, even if the clubs agree to a greater
equality of funding, including a backdating of London Welsh's
shortfall, it must be too late to save London Welsh's season.
But whatever the league position of London Welsh at the end
of the season, surely equality of funding has to come if English club
rugby is not to lose its competitive soul.
Peter Daniels
This is in sharp contrast to the £4m plus received by many
other Premiership clubs, based on their length of tenure in the
league, and the acquisition of so called P shares for being founder
These latter factors also contribute to Championship teams,
Bristol and recently relegated Worcester, actually receiving
considerably more funds than promoted Welsh. Added to that,
Welsh don't benefit from the commercial revenue generated by
owning their own ground.
This situation has been described as the discriminatory act of a
cartel, and even compares unfavourably with the relatively equal
level of funding operated by football's highly competitive Premier
League, and France's Top 14, in which newly promoted teams are
actually given extra funds to help them compete.
London Welsh chairman, Bleddyn Phillips, has asked the other
Premiership clubs to consider making funding more equal. Legal
action has not been ruled out if the move fails. Although one
wonders how sympathetic the clubs are going to be, if the
simultaneous request by Saracens to remove the current £4.76m
salary cap (this excludes one major marquee signing), is indicative
of their mood.
Even the historically well supported clubs like Leicester,
Northampton and Gloucester must fear the escalation in costs that
the removal of the salary cap would create, and the likely greater
reliance on rich owners, who, like Ashley Levett at Richmond in
1999, can withdraw their support at a moment's notice. The other
Can't make it to the
Millenium Stadium...
there's just as much hwyl
at the Centre!
The London Welsh Centre/Y Ganolfan Cymry Llundain has
to be the best place in London to watch Wales in the Six
Nations. Live coverage is transmitted on to big screens in
both main hall and bar, where the huge crowd in
attendance generates its own noise and atmosphere. (It has
to be experienced to be believed.)
Why not join these several hundred Welsh men and
women in supporting the team, singing the anthem, the
hymns and the arias, whilst supping Brains beers and
Wrexham Lager, and sampling exotic Asian and European
cuisine in the pre match build up.
If you become a member of the Centre you can even
qualify for free entry to view future matches.
If you haven't got a seat in the stadium, Gray's Inn Road
has to be the next best thing.
- '"•' V>^x!L.
DNA\/\ Cymru
1 Mawrth March
Pwy yw'r Cymry? Edrych
yn 61 drwy'r canrifoedd er
mwyn deall ein gorffennol
a'n presennol.
Who are the WelshQ Looking
back through the centuries
to understand our past and
Am ragor o wybodaeth ewch i s4c.co.uk/cymrudnawales
For more information go to s4c.co.uk/cymrudnawales
Who's doing what, and where
20 February
Bands concert in aid of Velindre Hospital - ticketing via
27 February
St David's Day concert (MH): 7pm proposed line up Aelwyd Llundain, Ysgol Gymraeg Llundain, Llunsain; Casi
28 February
28 February
4 March
Children's Dydd Gwyl Dewi party (bar): 10am12.30pm appearance by Sali Mali, storytelling, games
Scotland v Italy, France v Wales Doors Open 1.30pm
The Future of the Union debate, chaired by Tom
14 March
17 March
Cwrs Undydd - One day Welsh course
Book Launch (Bar) (Carol Lee) Out of The Winter (Hodder
&. Stoughton)
Wales v Ireland, England v Scotland Doors Open 12.30
Happy Birthday Bar! 44 years All members invited for a
21 March
beer tasting evening
Rugby family event (Bar) £10 per family 12noon - pizza
21 March
and play space
Wales v Italy (Doors Open11.30am) - Scotland v
7 March
10 March
28 March
9 May
13 June
Ireland - England v France
Swish - clothes swap event - entry fee
70th Anniversary of VE evening - Swing Sisters, Tigz
theatre immersive experience
Cwalia & Llunsain joint concert
London Welsh Chorale
Musical Director Edward-Rhys Harry
I March
5 pm - St Paul's, Covent Garden Celebrating the 300th
Anniversary of the First Welsh Service in London
28 March
7.30 pm - Spring Concert St Andrew Holborn Mozart Requiem Faur6 - Requiem
7.30 pm - Summer Concert St Sepulchre-withoutNewgate Programme to be confirmed
Choir rehearsals are held from 7.30 - 9.30 pm every Tuesday at the London
Welsh Centre, 157, Gray's Inn Road. All visitors and potential new members
are always welcome. For more information:
II July
www.londonwelshchorale.org.uk - e-mail:
The London Welsh Camerata, drawn from the main Chorale, is a small
group performing regularly at weddings, and special occasions of all kinds.
To find out more about the Camerata, to discuss repertoire, or to make a
booking, please contact Rhiannon Hughes:
Voice Choir
Musical Director: Edward-Rhys Harry.
Accompanist: AnnabelThwaite.
21 February
Choir Workshop
7 March
St Paul's Church, Bedford
11 April
Eton College Hall, Berks
9 May
St Mary's Church, Henley-on Thames
13 June
Chelmsford Cathedral, Essex
20 June
Sevenoaks School, Kent
Choir rehearsals are held from 7.30- 9.30 every Thursday evening at the
London Welsh Centre,157, Gray's Inn Road. All visitors and potentialnew
choristers are always welcome.
For more information, please see our up-to-date website at:
www.londonwelshmvc.org or register as a LWMVC Friend to receive a
quarterly Newsletter.
President: Prys Morgan, DL MA, DPhil, FSA, FRHistS.
18 February Richard Wilson: A Tercentenary Re-examination by
Oliver Fairclough, Keeper of Art, National Museum Wales.
Professor Prys Morgan, President of the Society in the
10 March
15 April
12 May
The Newbridge Memorial Hall: 'The Miners' One
Penny Legacy by Howard Stone, Chair of the Newbridge
'Memo'Trustees with Professor John Elliott Member of
Council in the chair
Alfred Russel Wallace In Wales by Sandra Knapp, Head
of Plants division, Natural History Museum with Peter
Jeffreys, Honorary Secretary of the Society in the chair
ACM followed by: Is There a Crisis in Welsh
Education? Statistics and the Politics of Educational
Opportunity by Professor Gareth Rees, Research
Professor, Wales Institute of Social and Economic
Research, Data and Methods (WISERD), Cardiff University,
with Ceridwen Roberts OBE, Member of Council in the
Please note that unless indicated otherwise, all lectures are delivered at:
The Medical Society of London, 11 Chandos Street, Cavendish Square,
London W1G 9EB, at 6.30pm.
Musical Director.James Hearn
Accompanist: Wyn Hyland
7 March
7.30pm - St David's Concert at St Andrew's Church,
West Kensington, W14 9SA Tickets £10 via email to
24 March
7.30pm - Spring Singfest Choir Festival in aid of Marie
Curie Cancer Care Emmanuel Church, West Hampstead
Public performance - all welcome
The Gwalia rehearses on Wednesdays (19.30-21.30) at the London Welsh
Centre where a warm welcome to visitors and new members is guaranteed.
See: www.gwaliamalevoicechoir.org.uk
ndon Welsh Rugby Male Voice Choir
Musical Director Michael Wyn Jones.
Accompanist: Anita D'Attellis.
28 March
Levesden Church, Watford
29 March
Kassam Stadium, Oxford - Aviva Premiership
18 April
Apex Theatre, Bury St. Edmunds
1-4 May
Grenoble, France
26 June
All Angels Church, Chiswick
11 July
West Rd Concert Hall, Cambridge
Choir rehearsals are held on Sundays once a month at Clapham Chapel. For
more information, please see our up-to-date website at:
elsh Family
25 April
Brian Picton Swann "Sir Thomas Picton: Researching his
early life and military career, 1758-1810."
Unless otherwise shown, meetings are held at 2 pm at Borough Welsh
Congregational Chapel, 90 Southwark Bridge Road, London SE1 OEX.
Anyone with an interest in Welsh family history is very welcome to join us.
Details of meetings can be found by contacting the Secretary, Anne Jones,
on 0208 925 4000, or e-mail annee.jones@ntlworld.com