Issue 1 - Mindef
Issue 1 - Mindef
A Publication of The Republic of Singapore Navy ISSUE 01 2007 NSmen Take to the Seas: People Always Matter: “Our People Make A Difference to the goals and outcomes we seek as a Navy family” “ICT… is a melting point where minds meet” A Word from CNV Republic of Singapore Navy BESIDES transformational capabilities and operational readiness, strong commitment and cohesion of our people are crucial to our Navy. We are proud of our Navy family culture and its fine values, something we want to see prevail in every generation of Navy men and women. Therefore, our leaders at all levels should continue to foster commitment and cohesion (or C&C) of our people, amidst our busy schedules. The RSN has articulated a simple C&C framework for common understanding and easy communication; we see that C&C is forged when people feel that the work they do is engaging and meaningful, they have a sense of belonging to their units, there is inspiring and caring leadership, they share common defining experiences, there are opportunities to connect with one another, individuals’ needs are being met and members are united by their common values. Let me highlight a few initiatives which I think are particularly helpful to fostering C&C. RADM Ronnie Tay Chief of Navy First is the coaching method, a process of partnership, mentoring and feedback. We have implemented coaching in our schools, and we will be having more of our people trained in it. I see every CO and team leader to be a coach – whether in helping their sub-ordinates develop leadership skills, providing professional guidance or even in giving guidance in their personal situations. Secondly, I applaud the good work of our warrant officers in fostering C&C among the WOSR corps, through enlarging their contribution to the RSN, highlighting their aspirations, and developing their skills. Thirdly, the regular dialogues by commanders are one channel of communication on policies and changes as well as gathering feedback from our servicemen. Another important channel is the Pers Hubs now well established in Changi and Tuas Naval Bases. They are one-stop centres for our people to enquire about career matters without having to travel to HQ or make appointments with different staff officers in NPD. Since settling in their steady-state, the Pers Hubs have taken the extra step of visiting units regularly to solicit concerns of our people. I encourage our servicemen to make the most of the services and convenience provided by Pers Hubs. Finally, I want to express my sincere appreciation to the Navy family for their fine efforts in raising $171,687 during the recent RSN Charity Heartstrings 2007. Your concern for the needy in our society is a value we all share in the RSN. Together, let us continue to serve the Navy with commitment and cohesion. Courtesy Calls (From Left to right) Vice Admiral Charles D. Wurster, Commander Coast Guard Pacific Area, Coast Guard Defence Forces West, US Coast Guard Vice Admiral Jan Willem Kelder, Commander, Royal Netherlands Navy (From Left to right) Admiral Datuk Ramlan Bin Mohamed Ali, Chief Of Navy, Royal Malaysian Navy Vice Admiral Raman Prem Suthan, Deputy Chief of the Naval Staff, Indian Navy Cover Page Photo by 3SG Stephan Qiu Back Page Photo provided by NRC Chairman Editor Members Executive Staff LTC Soh Cheow Guan LTC Irvin Lim LTC Spencer Ngui I LTC John Liow I MAJ Jamie Yee I MAJ Eugene Chng I Mr Narindar Singh I Ms Jessica Teo I MWO Lim Chock Seng Ms Serena Lim I SSG James Chan I 3SG Stephan Qiu I LCP Yeo Kei Seen I LCP Robin Ong NAVY NEWS ia a bi-monthly publication of the Republic of Singapore Navy. The views expressed by its writers do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Navy or the Ministry of Defence. NAVY NEWS is not to be reproduced in whole or in parts without the written consent of the RSN. Articles of interest are invited from readers, who may send them to NAVY NEWS, Naval Operations Department, HQ RSN, 303 Gombak Drive, #03-36, Singapore 669645. For enquiries, call 6768 3367 or email EX Pelican 28/06, a bilateral exercise between the Royal Brunei Navy (RBN) and Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN), was conducted successfully in Changi Naval Base (CNB) from 14 to 21 Jan 07. This year’s exercise, the twenty-eighth in the series, was hosted by RSN, and included a visit by RBN Fleet Commander, COL(L) Abd Aziz Bin Hj Mohd Tamit. The command teams of three RBN and three RSN ships, KDB Waspada, KDB Pejuang, KDB Perwira, RSS Sea Tiger, RSS Vigour and RSS Fearless participated in the exercise. The Opening Ceremony was jointly officiated by RADM Tan Kai Hoe, Fleet Commander RSN and COL(L) Abd Aziz Bin Hj Mohd Tamit, Fleet Commander RBN, at Changi Naval Base on 15 Jan. This year’s exercise saw the RBN using the Changi Tactical Training Centre for the first time and comprised of tactical exercises in all dimensions of warfare. Interactions between both navies were apparent at all levels as the ships’ officers and crews exchanged professional knowledge during the tactical training exercises. EX PELICAN 28/06 Said Commander 1st Flotilla RSN, COL Joseph Leong, in his speech during the Opening Ceremony: “the exercise gives the two navies an opportunity to foster closer ties and enhance cooperation in the undertaking of future operations.” Article Contributed by CPT Chang Tuck Kam ARF Maritime Security Shore Exercise 2007 Sharing Perspectives, Creating Awareness SINGAPORE hosted the first ever ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Maritime Security Shore Exercise on 22-23 Jan, which is aimed at building confidence, understanding and familiarity between the 21 participating member countries. The exercise arose from ARF Confidence Building Measures (CBM) on “Regional Cooperation in Maritime Security”, which Singapore co-hosted with the US from 2-4 Mar 05, and was initiated for the Asia-Pacific security forum to move beyond confidence-building measures. The two days saw participating countries involved in professional discussions on National Inter-agency Models of Information Sharing and International and Regional Cooperation Agreements, and table-top discussions as well as simulation exercises to promote interagency co-operation to deal with potential maritime security threats. At the Tactical Training Centre (TTC) in Changi Naval Base, member countries had to identify and track a missing fictitious vessel-ofinterest. With limited information on the lost vessel, participants had to work together in composite teams to share information to collectively compile the sea situation picture. In his closing address, Fleet Commander RADM Tan Kai Hoe remarked on the positive outcome of the exercise: “At the operational level, the table-top execise may not have provided any definite solutions but it has given us possibilities from hearing and understanding all the differing perspectives we bring to the table.” He added: “Ideas picked up from this exercise may well provide the solution to challenges we face in the future.” ~RO ‘GUNBOAT DIPLOMACY’ from a bygone era...fired by friendship! THE blast of a cannon shattered the calm of an otherwise normal shopping day at Vivocity recently. Screams and commotion from the crowd quickly followed, but was abruptly silenced by another 7 loud blasts, sending shockwaves that could be felt from the harbour front. Fortunately, the blasts were not fired in anger but came from the Swedish ship Gotheborg – an 18th century East Indiaman replica – as it set off on the next leg of its journey to India on 14 Jan. It was a tradition in the 18th century for all cannons on the deck of a tall ship to be fired as a gesture of friendship and salute at an overseas port. The Gotheborg, which had been at sea for some 470 days before calling into Singapore was making a round-the-world trip, retracing the route the Swedish East India Company used in the 1700s when trading with China and the Orient. It is a true blue sailing ship from the 18th century – meaning that its propulsion is mainly sourced from the wind. To harness this energy are a total of 1900 square metres of linen sails which allows the ship to travel at an average speed of 6 knots. Onboard the ship, the crew has to operate the ship in the traditional fashion. Sails are let loose and hoisted manually, which means that crew members have to climb up around 47 metres of rigging in order to perform this tedious task. Anchors are also operated manually. However, there are some differences. Firstly, the 18th century crew consisted of only men. The contemporary voyage includes both men and women on board the ship. Secondly, modern facilities such as refrigerators and medicinal supplies are available to ensure the well-being of the crew, unlike the past where many crew members suffered from poor living conditions. Thirdly, the ship is equipped with two engines, only used to navigate through busy waterways, which can propel it up to a top speed of 8 knots. Lastly, the vessel possesses modern navigational equipment. “The journey was definitely tough ...we met with very rough seas... More than half the ship crew got sea sick” ~ LTA Oh Poh Huat The crew consists of 80 members of different nationalities. Some of them are from countries which Gotheborg had visited. Along with two other Singaporeans, RSN’s very own LTA Oh Zong Bo and LTA Oh Poh Huat were given the oncein-a-life-time opportunity to sail onboard the ship when it departed from Hong Kong on 12 Dec 06. “The journey was definitely tough because when we set sail from Hong Kong, we met with very rough seas and rough weather. More than half the ship crew got sea sick”, said LTA Oh Poh Huat. Agreeing with him, LTA Oh Zong Bo said, “I was seasick for the initial part of the journey too.” For LTA Oh Zong Bo, a moment that he will never forget was when “I climbed up to the Bram, that’s Swedish for the highest point of the ship, I suddenly turned around and threw up in my watchmate’s face! She was really cool about it and totally understood how I felt, and did not kick up a fuss. After that rather embarassing episode, we just gathered around and talked about it. That’s the fantastic part of being on this ship.” Even when seasick, they also had to climb the rigs of the ship. “I was vomitting but I still had to work because we believe that as a seafarer, no matter what kind of condition you are in, you must be able to work”, said LTA Oh Zong Bo. “When the watch leader gave an order, we needed to push on and do everything that was necessary...When we looked around us and saw the Swedes still going strong, we couldn’t help but rally on,” added LTA Oh Poh Huat. Besides overcoming the physical challenges onboard the 18th century ship, our two officers faced yet another challenge. “We did not know the Swedish language,” said LTA Oh Poh Huat. ”We had problems understanding simple instructions that were given to us. We coped by listening out for familiar keywords. When needed, we would look around for someone who could provide us with an English translation.“ “While life onboard the ship may be tough, it provided opportunities to stop and notice some of the little things in life that are overlooked in our fast-paced lifestyle. One particular experience for me was when I climbed all the way to the tip of the Bowstrint to see past the bleenders - the two sails hanging down the Bowstrint. I had a clear view all around and below me was just water with sea spray and pounding waves. It was a fantastic view. I was up there for an hour,” recalled LTA Oh Zong Bo. Important lessons were learnt too. “The first four days, the Sea State was really bad. As representatives of the RSN, we couldn’t give up just like that. This really increased and improved my determination,” said LTA Oh Poh Huat. As for LTA Oh Zong Bo: “onboard any ship, teamwork is of utmost importance. You can be a soloist and climb the rig fast, but you won’t be able to unfurl the sails alone. You have to work with everyone to get the sails down. Everybody has to work as a team to get the ship going. There is so much more to learn and what we have been exposed to was merely a tip of the iceberg.” commendation from both the crew and Captain onboard the ship. The Captain of Gotheborg, Captain Peter Kaaling said: “These officers are fast learners and did well to integrate into the running and operations of the ship.” Another crew member, Jesper, the ship’s carpenter, had this to add: “ What we have here are 2 fine gentlemen from the Singapore Navy, who worked hard to battle the tough conditions onboard. They certainly look great in their uniforms.” For sure, their participation in one leg of the historical voyage onboard Gotheborg, has left LTA Oh Zong Bo and LTA Oh Poh Huat with many memorable seafaring memories and experiences to treasure. When asked for parting words before heading off for a well-deserved break, LTA Oh Zong Bo said with a smile: “Clear skies and calm blue seas all the way, of course! That’s what we hope for everyday.” ~KS Despite the tough and unfamiliar conditions experienced by our very own RSN officers, both LTAs received words of Ex LEJON SINGA 11/06 THE Republic of Singapore Navy and Royal Swedish Navy took part in a 13-day annual bilateral exercise codenamed, Ex LEJON SINGA 11/06 from 1- 13 Dec 06. This year, the exercise was hosted by the RSN, comprising topical presentations, ships visits, MCM planning and a concurrent EOD programme. A sea phase for MCM operations was also conducted. This exercise was the eleventh in the series that is aimed at benchmarking the best practices in Mine Counter Measure Operations as well as EOD operations and foster of relationship between the two MCM communities. Three ships, RSS BEDOK, RSS KATONG and RSS PUNGGOL took part in the exercise. The highlight of this year’s exercise was the setting-up of an afloat MCM Tasking Authority (MCMTA) onboard the MCMV to provide commands with the opportunity for on-scene threat analysis and exercise injects. Small boat threats and simulated drifting mines were included as part of the exercise scenario to increase the realism of the exercise in the current maritime security environment. Incorporated into the exercise was a senior commander programme where the Commanding Officer of the 4th Naval Warfare Flotilla (RSWN), CAPT Jan Thornqvist visited both naval bases, SAFTI-MI, FMSS and POCC. This event was hosted by Commander COSCOM, COL Tan Wee Beng. Both MCM Squadron Commanders agreed in unison that LEJON SINGA has fostered dependable friendship and interoperability over the years between the two countries. As CO 194 SQN, LTC Tan Yong Kee summed it: “ Both MCM communities have been enjoying a longstanding friendship and an edifying exercise together and we believe that we can carry the exercise to even greater heights moving forward.” Article contributed by LTA Calvin Loh Let’s Talk Terrorism Base Security Seminar 2007 Changi and Tuas Naval Base residents in the Fleet Auditorium benefitted greatly from the seminar that included presentations on maritime terrorism case-studies. CHANGI Defence Squadron organised its inaugural Base Security Seminar on 25 Jan to update participants on the maritime terrorism threat around the region and the world. Guest-of-Honour, Fleet Commander RADM Tan Kai Hoe also shared his thoughts on how each personnel can help play a critical role in enhancing base security. Attended by various formations in the Navy, the overlapping sea of green and white uniforms of MAJ Patrick Foo, newly appointed CO Changi Defence Squadron, advised the audience never to underestimate the terrorists’ deadly determination: “With global counter-terrorism initiatives cutting off their financial and supply linkages, terrorist groups are forced to employ innovative attack strategies. They plan up to the minute, and conduct thorough rehearsals to ensure flawless execution of their attacks with a Do-and-Die theory!” The seminar’s knowledge sharing with base residents has enhanced understanding on the need for robust base security as part and parcel of the state of heightened vigilance today, with greater tolerance for minor inconveniences like regular batch, bag and boot checks. We can all do our part by keeping vigilant and not leave anything to chance. After all, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. ~RO CDS Changes Command CHANGI Defence Squadron (CDS) welcomed on board its third Commanding Officer, MAJ Patrick Foo Kok Boon, who took over from MAJ Danny Tan Tiong Kee at a Change of Command Ceremony on 19 Jan 07. The COC also marked MAJ Tan’s retirement from the RSN. Fleet Commander, RADM Tan Kai Hoe graced the occasion. MAJ Patrick Foo swearing-in as CO CDS Being the second Commanding Officer of CDS, MAJ Tan was instrumental in the further developments of CDS, focusing on “heartware” - the management of human capacity. In his farewell speech, MAJ Tan expressed his heartfelt gratitude towards his loyal and competent team of Sea Soldiers and support staff for their strong support and dedication during his tour in CDS. In his inaugural address, MAJ Foo reinforced the need for CDS to continually stay Alert and Vigilant when faced against contemporary threats. He also emphasized CDS’ focus will be on enhancing its physical protection system through the integration of people, equipment and processes that operate within the base, in order to be “ready to deter, detect, defend and defeat any adversary that seeks to deny us from fulfilling our mission.” The ceremony ended poignantly with the event’s highlight – the Line of Honour where MAJ Danny Tan bade farewell to all his men and welcomed MAJ Patrick Foo with a warm round of applause. FC thanking MAJ Danny Tan for his contributions Article contributed by Mr. Tan Kok Siong levels, from the NSF who raises posting directives, to the branch head who looks after servicemen’s interest in his recommendation for compensation. Something MAD is happening at NPD! THE staff in NPD has gone MAD! A blank wall in NPD’s office at Gombak has been transformed into a colourful depiction of Wishing Trees, Starfishes, and the Sea. For all in NPD, MAD stands for Making A Difference. The MAD depiction on the wall aims to constantly remind staff members that the work in NPD can and will make a difference to that individual, unit or formation. Unlike operational units on the ground, NPD is a department where members are charged with wide ranging and diversified responsibilities on all HR matters, from postings to Personnel Affairs. NPD endeavours to fulfil its vision to be the Premier HR Department, providing Trusted Experiences for our People in a World Class Navy. The MAD movement will help to foster an ethos in NPD and inculcate a greater sense of purpose in the work that the department undertakes at all The MAD movement also attempts to pay attention to the “goodness” that is extended from one staff member to another. In this way, members will feel appreciated and will be further engaged to their duties, reinforcing a positive movement that can potentially transform sparks to a bonfire. The STARFISH on the wall captures the goodness displayed by any member in NPD family that does not necessarily has to be work-related experience. One Starfish has this story... “I would like to thank LCP Windsor from NPD Registry for making a difference to my day. He is always polite and has a cheerful deposition. There are many instances when I need him to run despatch errands for me (although we are at different location) and he never fail to make sure that the other parties receive the items on time. He would drop me a note when it is done without me asking for it. There was one instance when I mistype the address and he took the initiative to verify and correct the error. Simple follow-ups but these are what set him apart from other NSFs. He takes pride in his job and I am pleased with his work attitude. “ - Yuen Kar Woh, SO MP & A, NNSB If you have a positive encounter with a NPD staff , you are invited to B1-45 at MINDEF building and write this “goodness” on the Starfish, and become a part of NPD’s MAD movement! Article contributed by LTC Neo Eng Chuan, MAJ Eric Tan, Ms. Rosalind Tan Friendly Doorstep Service with Pers Hub! Bringing more responsive and convenient HR service to our personnel serving at the operational commands has earned much kudos for the RSN Pers Hub concept which was initiated barely a few years ago. Since establishment in Tuas and Changi Naval Bases in 2004 and 2005 respectively, many of our RSN personnel working there have benefitted from the services provided by the two Pers Hubs – Changi Pers Hub and Tuas Pers Hub. As part of the RSN Human Resource (HR) framework, the Pers Hub provides customer-centric and enhanced responsiveness in delivering HR services to personnel on the ground. The aim of setting up the Pers Hub is to enhance employee relations and to actively engage our servicemen in HR matters. By doing so, they aim to uplift the morale by better meeting the HR needs of our navy men and women. Let’s hear from some satisfied customers: As MWO Wong Fook Lam, SCOXN, 185 Sqn HQ, puts it: “I enquired about certain HR matters and was pleasantly surprised to be given an instant response. Not only was the proper directive cited, the Pers Hub staff are also accommodating with their helpful advice. The creation of Pers Hub benefits all sailors as it helps to alleviate doubts whenever possible. It is a convenient communication channel that is much appreciated by our servicemen.” MWO Ganapathy, 185 Sqn HQ, agrees: “Since the implementation of Pers Hub, queries on HR and other welfare related issues have been well disseminated to all the service personnel thus ensuring that they are kept up-todate with the latest circulars. Furthermore, both the staff and officers at Pers Hub are dedicated, professionally trained and polite in answering all queries. Their eagerness to assist us is most appreciated.” He goes on to add: “We can now look forward to Pers Hub to assist us with our manpower queries. We certainly appreciate the Pers Hub officers’ passion in helping those who require assistance and providing them with good advice. This has helped to strengthen the good relationship which have already been built among the service personnel.” Ship COs like LTC Chow Khim Chong, CO RSS Persistence, regularly receives positive feedback from his crew. “Pers Hub has been very proactive, responsive and dedicated to serving the RSN servicemen/women. Servicemen/women directed by me to seek advice/consultation from Pers Hub on matters related to the services provided were well received and attended to. On 24 Jul 06, Changi Pers Hub even volunteered to run a dialogue session with my crew onboard the ship. Case studies presented during this session was clearly presented to the personnel,” he says. “I’ve approached Pers Hub on a few occasions with issues pertaining to my crew’s service terms and personnel matters. She adds: “Besides providing quick and relevant answers to the servicemens’ queries, we also seek to engage our servicemen so as to gain a better understanding of their needs and requirements and in the process, develop understanding and better customer relationships.” To Pers Hub staff, the well-being of all in-service personnel is always a top priority. As Ms Annie Puah, SO Changi Pers Hub shares: “We also provide a listening ear to our servicemen and feedback to management on ground sentiments over manpower policies.” Indeed, Pers Hubs’ staff at our bases are the friendly faces and ‘frontline feelers’ for the Naval Personnel Department (NPD) based at HQ RSN, providing responsive and accurate information pertaining to personnel affairs and career management issues. Despite “We also provide a listening ear to our servicemen and feedback to management on ground sentiments over manpower policies.” ~Ms Annie Puah The response has always been exceedingly prompt and comprehensive. From the conversations I’ve had with staff at Pers Hub, it is evident that they have the welfare of our servicemen and women at heart and will always try to provide the requisite advise and explain options available to the servicemen concerned. The staff are knowledgeable and more than willing to expend that added effort to ensure that our personnel policies and rationales are well communicated,” says MAJ Richard Lim, CO RSS Endurance. their relatively small numbers - only four personnel in each Pers Hub – the staff stay true to their promise statement signed on 5 Mar 04 when Tuas Pers Hub was launched - Pers Hub exists to provide responsive, prompt and friendly services to our RSN servicemen and women when they approach us with queries. Now our sailors know where to turn to whenever there are HR matters they need advice on at their work bases! Others like LTC Woo Chee Seng, CO 180 Sqn, think that the novel idea of Pers Hub is very good for personnel to clarify issues which may take more time in the past to resolve. “However, my feel is that Pers Hub needs more publicity for more personnel to know of its existence and services offered,” he says. Taking note of the feedback, Ms Josephine Chua, Hd Changi Pers Hub, assures that “Pers Hub will continue with regular ships visits and road shows to update servicemen on HR policy matters and publicise the role of Pers Hub.” THEIR office space may not revolve around or be onboard a ship anymore, but these men just keep coming back for more – for what is known as In-Camp Training (ICT). These are our NSmen, who make up a considerable portion of our armed forces, contributing to the defence of Singapore. Many of whom look forward to their ICTs to update their combat skills, as well as meet familiar old faces as a good time-out from the humdrum of everyday career responsibilities. Three NSmen from various walks of life share with Navy News their views on how ICT has impacted their lives outside of NS. CPT (NS) Raymond Kumar, who has completed reservist training on several occasions, has fond memories of sailing to places such as Mumbai and the South China Sea. Previously, an XO onboard RSS Intrepid, he currently heads the Logistics & Supply chain for a chemical company, keeping in touch with the shipping industry through chartering vessels for shipments. He relishes the challenge that he faces during his yearly call of duty where he not only has to get the men to work together as a cohesive team within a short period of time, but also to motivate them to work towards a common goal. “It is very important to ensure that the men feel supported for them to give more beyond the call of duty,” CPT (NS) Kumar shares. 1SG (NS) Silas Parasuraman, who was once an integral part of 191 SQN’s support crew, warmly recalls a time when he was docked in the waters of Mumbai. LTC (NS) Nama, who was his CO when he was still a recruit, spent several hours talking with the crew. “He taught us how life was run onboard a ship, giving us a different side of the picture. It wasn’t all army-style; it’s about how you want to live your life, and to what end,” he said. The informal conversation and catered meal, courtesy of LTC (NS) Nama and CPT (NS) Kumar, went a long way to keep morale high and hearts warmed. 1SG (NS) Silas Parasuraman NAVY NSmen ICT Training for Real Life! SSG (NS) Ronald Soh To SSG (NS) Ronald Soh, who spent 6 years in the Navy as Chief Radar Plotter at Pulau Brani Tactical Training Centre, the charm of ICT has to do with the human factors. “When I go back for ICT there’s a reunion atmosphere. It’s then that we get to know people who are facing problems,” says SSG (NS) Soh. “These are the times when we really gel together like a family to try to help each other out.” Frequently, he uses his network of contacts and networking skills to help match his fellow Navy colleagues to a suitable career in his “day” job as Account Manager at Royal Selangor. The most important lesson that all three NSmen feel that they have gained through ICT is the intangible skills that they have picked up during the time in ICT. For SSG (NS) Soh, it was the simple skill of multitasking, which had greatly benefitted him in his civilian life. 1SG (NS) Silas says: “The readiness not only applies in my current job as a lifeguard in Wild Wild Wet... You know what to do when something happens and not panic. It’s not an office-oriented job, just like in the Navy. Everyday it’s a different kind of scenario.” As CPT (NS) Kumar puts it: “Beyond sharpening our fighting skills, ICT gives us the space to hone our leadership and life skills. It boosts my confidence every time I go in there!” ICT has in many ways come to play an integral role in enriching our NSmens’ lives! ~RO 10 We are commemorating 40 Years of National Service! Join us at Ngee Ann City from 12 to 15 April 2007. CPT (NS) Raymond Kumar 56th Midshipman Course with Sword of Honour MID Tan Shing Ee HARD work, good time management and a positive attitude made Midshipman Tan Shing Ee stand-out as a top promising young leader recently. He was presented with the prestigious Sword of Honour from President S.R. Nathan at the 63/06 Officer Cadet Course & 56th Midshipman Course Commissioning Parade on 9 Dec 06. A total of 433 officer cadets were present at the ceremony, of which 43 RSN cadets were commissioned as new additions to the SAF Officer Corps. “Being trainees all this while, the officer-like qualities in us have yet to be developed fully...I know that there are many areas in which I can still improve much further,” said 2LT Tan humbly. A passionate mountain biker and kayaking enthusiast, he decided that his future lay with the Navy partly because he was attracted by the idea of not just defence but also diplomacy at sea. Cocktail receptions with foreign Navies during overseas sailing struck a chord with him, as they gave him the opportunity to better understand each other’s culture and how each others’ systems worked. 2LT Tan aspires to one day work onboard the frigates, where he believes he can help contribute by shaping ”the future direction of the RSN at sea”. ~RO 12 Naval Specialists Promoted to Warrant Officer Corp 63 MSGs from the SAF graduated from 34th Joint Warrant Officer Course (JWOC) and was promoted to 2WOs on 28 Dec 06. Chief of Defence Force LG Ng Yat Chung presented them with their promotion certificates during the Promotion Ceremony held at Pasir Laba Leaders’ Hall. A total of 12 Navy students completed the 9-week JWOC conducted by SAFWOS, the “Home of the Warrant Officers”. The course encompassed a wide spectrum of modules that covered essential topics such as Military Law, Organizational Awareness, Logistic & Finance, Manpower Policies and Supervisory Management & Development Programme (SMDP) conducted by IBMEC. The students learned much and benefited especially from the SMDP module. The module gave them many useful and important soft skills on leadership as they embark on their next journey in their career as Warrant Officers. 1st Sea Soldier Leaders Course Graduates 28 Nov 06 marked a new beginning to a special group of young gentlemen, for it was the day that the 1st Sea Soldier Leaders Course (SSLC) passed out from their course, not just as commanders but leaders as well. Traditionally called the Sea Soldier Commanders Course, SSLC is an extended JWOC also provided good network opportunities for the students from the three Services. Students were given ample opportunities to interact, share experiences and establish rapport with one another. SAFWOS placed great emphasis on the importance of upholding the SAF Core Values. Students were frequently told to reflect and share their views on SAF Core Values in case studies and scenario-based learning. Said 2WO Puah Tee Hiang from Naval Diving Unit, the Book Prize Award Winner for Navy: “I have learned that as leaders, we need to recognize and manage change as change is constant and inevitable”. As he further elaborated: “WOs need to be steadfast in the way they uphold the SAF Core Values. While having the need to embrace change one must not compromise in our Values System, otherwise the significant changes that take place will lose their underlying purpose and true meaning.” Article contributed by MWO Lim Chock Seng rendition of the former training programme for future 3SGs. Although the leaders only had a short period of training, the course managed to obtain eight Gold awards along with fifteen Silver awards for IPPT. Another impressive achievement was chalked up when all trainees completed the 2.4km run under the 11:00min mark. The leaders also participated in the 10km Singapore-Johor 2nd Link Bridge Run on 12 Nov 06. Although participation was not a course requirement, the leaders took the opportunity to forge stronger bonds and comradeship. Indeed, the fervent display of enthusiasm and motivation in striving towards a common goal resulted in a Sunday morning to remember for all who participated. The main criterion of the course was not just to build-up a physically fit person, but also a leader of sharp intellect and strong character who is a team player. Article contributed by 1st SSLC graduates & PTE Daniel Ho 11 who were colonies, were seeking independence from the west. LTC (Ret) Gill was also fired up with this feeling of independence and felt that we, as Singaporeans, should train to prepare ourselves for our independence. While teaching and undergoing the Teacher’s Training Course during the day, LTC (Ret) Gill trained with the Royal Naval Volunteers Reserves (RNVR) during the evenings to become a Naval Officer. He rose through the ranks from being a sailor to Commander in the RNVR, where the Navy comprised mainly of volunteers totaling about 1,000 men only. First in Honours-Roll meets CNV The call allowed LTC (Ret) Gill to touch base personally with the Navy family. Upon hearing personally the advancements the Navy has made over the years, LTC (Ret) Gill was filled with pride. CNV remarked that the current achievements are built on the firm foundations made by the pioneers of the Navy. THE honours-roll in the office of the Chief of Navy starts off with a picture of LTC (Ret) Jaswant Singh Gill. On 28 Dec 06, LTC (Ret) Gill caught up with the Chief of Navy, RADM Ronnie Tay four decades after handing over the helm of the Navy in 1968. He shared with CNV his memories on the beginning of the Navy and the challenges that he faced then. The period after 1945 was the period in which many Asian countries, Despite having retired forty years earlier from the Navy, LTC (Ret) Gill still feels strongly for the Navy and enjoys reading the Navy News. Since leaving the Navy, he has been actively engaged. He taught for 10 years at United World College and went into business after his retirement at 60 years. On 29 Dec 06, he was also recognised for his contributions to the Sikh community at Singapore Khalsa Association’s 75th Anniversary celebrations. ~RO THE RSN witnessed a change of its Chief Warrant Officer Navy (CWN) at the Fleet Auditorium in Changi Naval Base on 12 Jan. Outgoing CWN SWO Roger Seow handed over the pace-stick to SWO Aloysius Cheong at the ceremony which was graced by CNV RADM Ronnie Tay. SWO Seow has served as CWN since taking over the position of SWO Choo Thiam Fook on 21 Feb 05. In his speech, SWO Seow said: “I lead through mutual trust and understanding amongst my warrant officers and men... I did not encounter any challenges of deploying my WOSR to take up extra responsibilities because of the respect they have given me.” “SWO Cheong is firm in his decision-making and I have confidence that he will motivate and bring the WOSR Corp to greater heights,” said SWO Seow. SWO Cheong was NDU’s Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) prior to being appointed CWN. Having imbibed NDU’s motto of “Nothing Stands In Our Way” and anchored to the firm belief that one should always take pride in performing to the best of one’s ability no matter how difficult or challenging the journey, SWO Cheong aims to bring the RSN WOSR corp to the next level as a world class Navy. “When SWO Seow took over, he said that he would be looking into and cleaning out the lower decks and bilges. Now that these are ship-shape and sea worthy, I guess the only place left that still requires attention is the underwater hull.” With a witty glint in his eye, he added: “Maybe that’s why a Diver has been summoned to carry out this task!” ~KS 12 CNV thanks outgoing CWN SWO Seow Chief Warrant Navy COA SWO Seow hands over the CWN pace-stick to SWO Cheong CDF Visits Tuas Naval Base CHIEF of Defence Force LG Ng Yat Chung visited the standby units of Tuas Naval Base on 29 Dec 06. The event was organised to provide the opportunity for CDF to interact with the units on duty for the New Year. Upon his arrival, he was received by COL Tan Wee Beng, Commander COSCOM who briefed him on the programme for the day. After the briefing, CDF was escorted to RSS Sovereignty. After interacting with the ship’s crew, CDF sent RSS Sovereignty off for their patrol. He then had an interaction session with the Pier Duty System personnel onboard RSS Gallant. CDF also interacted with Fast Craft & Training Unit and Tuas Defence Squadron at the Fast Craft Marina. The visit concluded with an interaction session with personnel on duty over the New Year period - namely the Accompany Sea Security Team (ASSeT), the Integrated Operations Centre (IOC), Pier Duty System and Harbour Security Teams (HST), and Tuas Defence Squadron. The visit provided a boost to the morale of the personnel on duty. ~KS Kudos to RSN’s Swimming Technical Practitioners SINGAPORE hosted an International Swimming Federation (FINA) World Swimming Officials Seminar from 13-14 Oct 06. A number of RSN personnel, MWO Kwan Wai Wing from NSuWC, 1WO Ong Hock Lai from NDU and SSG Low Hoo Chung from IMOS, had the privilege to be selected by the Singapore Swimming Association (SSA) to attend the 7th in the series of seminars, in recognition for their consistent and excellent performance as swimming technical officials at national and international swimming meets. International swimming competitions such as the Olympics, World Swimming Championship series, International and Regional Swimming Championships are under the purview of FINA. The FINA World Swimming Officials Seminar has long been highly regarded internationally where well-respected Swimming Technical practitioners are invited to conduct workshops and talks to share their experiences and to enhance the knowledge of fellow swimming technical officials. “We are honoured to be given the privilege and recognition by SSA to attend such a premier seminar for the swimming technical officials,” said 1WO Ong. ~RO 13 Wisley, Chef Whets Sailors’ Appetites and Wins Judges’ Hearts! NAVY Chef SSG Wisley Tay recently clinched the overall second place in the annual SHATEC Chef Competition (Junior Category) on the 18 Nov 06. It was another feather in the toque (chef’s hat) for the Chief Chef of RSS Formidable, who is certainly no stranger to the delightful world of fabulous food. Having been in the RSN for almost 14 years, he has gained much experience serving onboard the different classes of ships in the RSN, “from the smaller crafts like the Patrol Crafts to the MCVs ... and finally, to the Frigate”, as he puts it. SSG Wisley was selected to be part of the pioneer crew of the new stealth frigate (RSS Formidable) and was sent to France to sail back the ship to Singapore in 2005. On his voyage back, he even managed to pick up new skills and techniques from a French chef onboard. Life in the RSN has also made a big impact on SSG Tay’s outlook on life and his role in the navy. “It has given me more responsibility as it’s not myself I’m taking care of but more importantly, I have to take care of my whole crew ,“ he says. Feedback from the crew, hence, is of great importance whether it is positive or negative, “it is up to us on the receiving end to accept the comments. From there, we can then see how to improve further.” “When I first joined the Navy, I was a bit disappointed with my first impression of life as a cook in the cookhouses,” he recollects. “Luckily, this quickly changed! I went to the cookhouses and was advised by then SSG Anthony, who is now 1WO Anthony. Back Paddle NAVY cuisine certainly has undergone drastic changes since its humble beginning in the 60s. Operating under the Maritime Command, our Navy Chefs - then known as Navy Cooks - trained in Maju camp along with the other two Forces in Maju Camp. Navy Cooks, then, came from the British Force and were trained under a course which went by a simple name - COOK COURSE. In 1975, the training location was shifted from Maju Camp to Seletar camp. 14 He really guided me along and he gave me a lot of encouragement that propelled me to become what I am today.” The SHATEC Chef Competition, which was sponsored by the US Potatoes Board, pit junior chefs against each other in a battle of gastronomic proportions. There were a total of six judges, whereby one was a representative from the sponsor and the remaining five were renowned chefs in Singapore. Amongst the twelve participants of the competition was SSG Wisley Tay. Knowledge and skills gained over these years have certainly enlightened SSG Tay. “I would really want to make full use of whatever knowledge that I’ve received from the competitions and the attachments because they have given me a lot of ideas and fired-me up to do more for the organisation. For example, I would like to start-up a training programme for our chefs and the future chefs”, he says when asked about his ambition. When the final results for the competition was announced, SSG Wisley Tay’s ‘tongue-talising’ creation - “Pearl of the Orient with Wasabi Mayo Sauce” - won the hearts of the judges. This dish was an intriguing one as instead of conventional cooking, SSG Tay chose to adopt a “fusion-style” approach to it. “I’m the type of guy who likes to play around with taste and I don’t like to stick with one type of cuisine”, he says. When asked of his feelings towards achieving the impressive second place win, he says: “The prize does not matter. Rather, it’s the pride. Behind this chef attire, I’m wearing a uniform. I feel really happy and proud to be a Naval Chef.” What is it that drives SSG Wisley Tay to continue striving for excellence in his vocation? “Well, when there’s a will, there is always a way!” ~ KS Through the years, a number of changes were introduced to improve the skills of Navy Cooks. This included the introduction of an advanced course, SUPERVISOR 1 course, and realistic On Job Training attachment with Hotels in 1978; and introduction of systematic training to SMT (present-day IMOS) in 1988. In 1995, after achieving the ISO 9002 certification, the name Naval Cook was changed to Naval Chef. Today, our chefs are sent to SHATEC for training. Gone are the days of yellow vegetables, stone-in-my-rice situations and the never-changing menu of the past. Our sailors today enjoy nutritionally balanced and well-prepared food served onboard our ships. 1WO Toh (centre) receiving his prize Navy Instructor Develops Winning eLearning Courseware! 1WO Janiel Toh, resident training officer at the Instructional Development Branch (IDB) of the Institute of Maritime Operations & Systems (IMOS), was the proud recipient of the Best Use of Multimedia, Interaction or Simulation award for his entry, An Idiot’s Guide to Instructional Techniques, at the Lectora Carnival & Awards Ceremony held on 26 Jan. A product created partly out of necessity, An Idiot’s Guide is a courseware designed with instructors in mind. As Method of Instruction (MOI) courses - where instructors are trained - come about only on a quarterly basis, affected instructors found it unproductive to be left waiting for months before the next course came along. 1WO Toh’s product was created to make up for this void – effectively bridging this gap to equip the instructors with necessary instructional techniques on-time and on-need. Organised by solutions company eLearning Consultants, the Lectora competition is into its 2nd year and aims to showcase and recognise outstanding examples of eLearning courseware, encouraging the creation of good interactive resources for the purpose of teaching and learning. As an instructor in Instructional Development Branch of IMOS, most of 1WO Toh’s working hours were spent on coaching his instructors and he had to make personal sacrifices in order to find time to develop the eLearning courseware after work. 1WO Toh was among a select group of prize winners from various private organisations and educational institutions, as well as other formations in the SAF. He humbly credits IMOS for the achievement, explaining: “It’s more for the benefit of the Navy; not as a personal achievement ... The award itself is a bonus – an incentive perhaps for others to continue to do good work to impart knowledge to our instructors and ultimately, our learners”. With more future instructional projects in the pipeline, 1WO Toh has this advice for those developing instructional techniques: “They should concentrate on how they can benefit their students/trainees, developing always based on-need in mind”. ~RO opportunities offered by the Navy, so immediately I grabbed the chance”. No Boxing Up, this Sailor! THE journey from ITE to Polytechnic is an arduous journey and demands much hardwork and sacrifice from one should he or she decide to pursue this path. MSG Ruan Qin Yuan is one such candidate. Under the Continuous Learning Academic Study Scheme (CLASS) sponsored by the RSN, MSG Ruan has done the RSN proud by not only accomplishing this journey, but by also clinching the position of top student in Singapore Polytechnic. Currently pursuing a diploma in Electronics, Computer & Communications Engineering, MSG Ruan had always wanted to pursue a degree. However, “because of my poor family background, I had to give up my studies”, said MSG Ruan during an interview. After completing his ‘N’ Levels, MSG Ruan set his sights on joining the Navy: “I saw Through the newspapers, MSG Ruan chanced upon the “Learn As You Earn” (LAYE) Scheme. “It offered the opportunity for one to do ‘O’ levels, BMT and serve the force at the same time. It appeared like a good catch, so I applied and took up my first sponsorship”, he said. After completing his BMT, MSG Ruan was posted to the Navy. Eight years later, another chance presented itself to him. This time, the sponsorship offered him the opportunity to further his studies in ITE. Upon graduating from ITE, he returned to serve the RSN for four years before applying for his present scholarship. Certainly his journey has not been an easy one. Between scholarships there were lull periods of four to eight years. “It was quite a difficult time for me to catch up with my studies. Aside from this, I also had to juggle studies with the birth of my newborn child and taking care of my father,” he shares. Maintaining the position of top student for 2 consecutive years was also another challenge that he faced and overcame. However, the greatest “pressure comes especially from the Navy. It’s like you’re representing and running for the country,” he says. In summing his philosophy on lifelong learning, he says: ”It is never too late to continue and never stay within your comfort zone. Always explore and try new things and never have fixed thinking concepts. This reminds me of a joke I often tell my classmates, people say, ‘Think out of the box.’ I like to say -” don’t think out of the box, tear the box, don’t even let there be a box!”~KS 15 The awareness of the psychological welfare of the troops had long been recognised as a critical factor in ensuring operational readiness by the SAF. Since the establishment of the SAF Paracounselling Scheme in 1982, the number of SAF Paracounsellors has grown to an impressive strength of 916. This, according to RADM(Ret) Kwek Siew Jin, Chairman of the National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre, translates into “an average of one paracounsellor for every 100 servicemen”. Of these 916 paracounsellors, 122 are from the Navy. On 20 Dec 06, the SAF Paracounsellor Appreciation Dinner was held at the Civil Service Club as a gesture of appreciation towards this dedicated group of people. Gracing the occasion was PS(D), Mr Chiang Chie Foo as the Guest-of-Honour. The key note speaker for the event was RADM (Ret) Kwek Siew Jin. RADM(Ret) Kwek Siew Jin receiving his appreciation plaque from PS(D) SAF Paracounsellor Appreciation Dinner 330 paracounsellors were recognised for their contributions and presented with awards for their valuable contributions in spite of their tight work schedule. Of the recipients, three were from the RSN. 1WO Ng Kaa Teck Aloysius from NOD received the Distinguished Service Award, while LTC Chong Han Sy, Dy CO, 182/189 SQN and CPT Alvin Cheong from NPD received the Outstanding Newcomer Awards. “It is good that they give out such awards. It makes us feel motivated and appreciated”, said 1WO Ng. As for CPT Alvin Cheong, who recently joined the scheme in Jan 05: “Every person in MINDEF/SAF contributes to the defence of the country. Very frequently, personal problems distract and divert a serviceman’s attention, affecting their work. These are trying times where they need someone who can really empathise and understand them.” ~KS CPT Alvin Cheong receiving his certificate of appreciation from PS(D) UNLIKE past Christmas celebrations that were held for COSCOM personnel only, this year, COSCOM shared their joy with friends from Katong School and the Society for the Aged Sick. “Christmas is not just about celebration. It is a festive period to share the goodness and the blessings we had for the whole year. And to round-off 2006, COSCOM decided to do it in an especially meaningful way,” said CPT Dominic Teo, organising committee chairman for 180 SQN. Spreading Joy the COSCOM Way! The organising committee started preparation for the event in early Sep 06. Activities planned included a Gift Donation Drive, where more than 600 presents were collected and presented to the children from Katong School and the old folks from the Society for the Aged Sick. COSCOM personnel and Katong School children then went over to help to clean up the walkways and compound, as well as giving the perimeter walls a new coat of paint at the Society for the Aged Sick on 20 Dec 06. Many of them also mingled with the old folks. The small but kind gesture brought light into the lives of the old folks. The clean-up was followed by a fun-filled show that included the melodious voices of the formation’s performers, a puppet show and acrobatics performance by professionals. It was indeed a memorable event to end the year with. “The delight of the old folks and vibrant smiles of the students are the special ingredients that made the festive season one to remember for all involved,” said CPL Ng Wee Hua from 180 SQN. Article contributed by CPT Dominic Teo, 180 SQN 16 Naval Customs The Ship’s Bell ‘Eight o’clock, Sir!’ ‘Make it so!’ ‘Ding-Ding, Ding-Ding, Ding-Ding, Ding-Ding’ And eight strokes of the bell are sounded. A fine tradition experienced in the course of a naval career, would be the age-old practice of colours; a ceremony where the ship’s bell is rang, just prior to a ‘pipe to still’ and raising of the colours. In modern times, the ship’s bell serves purely ceremonial purposes. However, the ship’s bell had an illustrious history serving essential practical purposes. Interested in finding out more? Do read on in this re-launched Navy News’ Naval Customs feature to start the brand new year...with a ring! History of the Bell: Bells cast from metal were first developed in the Bronze Age, achieving a particularly high level of sophistication in China. During the European Middle Ages, they were used by Christians to signal divine services and make special announcements. Christian and Buddhist monasteries historically used them to regulate daily activity, conceptually similar to later timekeeping systems in the US Navy. The Catholics consider bells a representation of the voice of God and of paradise. One of the earliest recorded mentions of the shipboard bell was on the British ship Grace Dieu about 1485. Some ten years later, the English ship Regent lists two “wache bells” in its inventory. In days of sail, the bell served several functions. . . Warning and Signals: The sounding of a ship’s bell found a natural application as a warning signal to other vessels in poor visibility and fog. In 1676 , Henry Teonage, a chaplain in the British Mediterranean Fleet recorded, “so great a fog that we were fain to ring our bells, beat drums, and fire muskets often to keep us from falling foul one upon another”. Ringing a ship’s bell in fog gradually became customary. In 1858, British Naval Regulations made it mandatory. Today, maritime law still requires all ships to carry an efficient bell. Alarms: The bell is essential as the ship’s fire alarm system. In the event of a fire, the bell is rung rapidly for at least five seconds, followed by one, two or three rings to indicate the location of a fire - forward, amidships, or aft respectively. Without the bell, there is no means of alarming the entire ship of the fire! Time Keeping: The most critical role of the bell in pre-modern time was timekeeping. All men on board kept four-hour watches, and the bell would tell them how much of their watch had been completed. Time was indicated by striking the bell every half hour. The number of strokes denoted the time that had elapsed since the watch began. Thus, one bell was sounded 30 minutes after the hours of four, eight and and Traditions twelve; two at the hours of one, five and nine; and the number of strokes increased by one every half hour thereafter, till eight bells are sounded at four, eight and twelve, the hours marking the change of watch. Bells were sounded in pairs and with vim and verve except during the silent hours between Pipe-Down and Hands-Call. The time during this period was denoted by sounding little bells, which could only be heard in the immediate vicinity. Ringing Endorsements from the Ground: “The Bell is affixed onto the Ship during its commissioning through elaborate ceremonial proceedings. Even after a ship decommissions and long gone, its bell lives on as it is handed over to the Naval Museum. Thus, in my opinion, the Bell is a sacred artifact, from cradle to grave, that signifies the soul and spirit of the ship.” ~ 1WO Loh Wai Hon, Coxswain RSS Valour “It is a pity that daily Colours conducted on our ships in our bases no longer involves the striking of the bell; something which is still done at our training schools like the Midshipman Wing. The conduct of the Colours with the Bell adds a sense of grandeur to the ceremony that makes me proud to be part of this unique service.” ~ CPT Lim Kim Chong, NO RSS Victory Other Nauti Stories involving the Bell: Dog Watch: Aside from the often-quoted story of the ‘dog’ watch being so named due to the well known story of the Captain’s dog being paraded on one ship, the term could probably have originated from dodge watch. Sailors complained of keeping the same watch each day in a 4 hour 3 watch system and devised a system to rotate watches. By dividing one four hour watch period into two separate 2 hour watches, there will be 7 watches instead of 6, naturally bringing a rotation. Since one bell was used to denote the first half hour of the watch, in the revised system, it was sounded at 1830h after sounding four bells at 1800h. Two bells were sounded at 1900h and three at 1930h, but eight bells again marked the change of the watch at 2000h. New Year’s Day: The RSN once had the tradition of welcoming the New Year by sounding our ships’ horn. The roots of this tradition can be traced back to the ship’s bell. In the olden Navy, on New Year’s Eve, sixteen bells were sounded at midnight: eight to ring in the old year, and eight to ring out the new. The privilege of sounding the bell on this occasion was reserved for the youngest person on board. However, since this was an occasion for celebration, many a young man expecting to strike the bell found that some other had claimed this distinction by reaching it first. A wise Executive Officer took precautions against this by slipping out the tongue of the bell in advance, and giving it to the youngest person to sound at the stroke of midnight. Article & Pictures contributed by CPT Herbert Pang & CPT Eric Ang 17 NOD Family Day 06 at Discovery centre What better way to spend a meaningful day than spending quality time with your loved ones and learning interesting facts about our nation at the same time? On 2 Dec 06, personnel of Naval Operations Department (NOD) made their way down to the newly re-vamped Singapore Discovery Centre where the annual NOD Family Day was held. Graced by guest of honour, Chief of Staff (COS), RADM Chew Men Leong, the itinerary of the fun-filled day included activities such as an enriching tour around the latest cultural and heritage attraction within the Centre, a bus tour of SAFTI Military Institute; the training ground of SAF’s officers-to-be and a 3-D movie screening in the one of a kind iWerks Theatre. Ms Wendy Kwok, Admin Officer of NOD and member of the organising committee felt that “it was a good time to hold the family day at the end of the year as it was a more relaxing period with the children’s school holidays and the festive seasons around the corner.” She also shared that “the tranquil environment surrounding the venue added to the relaxing experience and that the venue proved to be a good choice as it was educational for both the adults and the children, with the ‘Wired To Win’ movie being especially inspirational.” The freshly re-opened Discovery Centre boasts a world class attraction that uses interactive and multi-sensory exhibits to tell the ‘Singapore Story’. Guests were able to immerse themselves in Singapore’s past, present and future, experiencing key moments in our nationhood “as they happen”. One of the main highlights of the event was a sumptuous buffet lunch that awaited the personnel at the end of their tours, but not before an address by Head Naval Operations (HNO), COL Tay Kian Seng where he saluted the hard work and efforts of all NOD personnel. COL Tay also took the chance to thank his predecessor RADM Chew for his contributions to NOD during his helm as HNO, a plaque as a token of appreciation was then presented to RADM Chew. Ms Janet Loh, an Admin Clerk in NOD, who came with her family commented, “I’ve gotten to know more about my colleagues outside work and it was nice seeing everyone helping each other to make the event work. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and so did my children! The food was incredibly good and it was a joy to see my children playing and interacting with my colleagues’ children.” -SQ open house. Yes, both active, NSmen and their families gathered onboard MV AVATAR at TNB to celebrate the SQN’s family day-cum-open house. The day’s fun-filled activities gave a rare opportunity for family members of the SQN’s servicemen to catch a glimpse of the working environment of their loved ones in order to better appreciate the important roles they play in the operational readiness and capability of the SQN. In his welcome address , CO 192/193 SQN LTC Samuel Abey, commended the men and women of the SQN for their contributions, and the NSmen for their professionalism and the high state of readiness. He also paid tribute to all family members who made up the extended 192/193 family for their unrelenting support and many sacrifices, which have been instrumental to the success of the SQN. A Family Day of Sun & Sea for 192/193 SQN What a day it was ….Saturday 9 Dec 06, many people (active and NSmen) were seen rushing to Tuas Naval Base. No, it was not another mobilisation exercise for the 192/193 SQN’s’NSmen. No.. it was 192/193 SQN’s Family Day and 18 It was indeed a joyous occasion as the families engaged in a wide range of fun-filled activities which included FCU cruises to Sultan Shoal, rides in the LARC V and a tour of MV AVATAR that was particularly enjoyed by the children. It was not just all tour and rides, there was also great food prepared by the chefs from MV AVATAR to whet everyone’s appetite. One of the NSmen , 1SG(NS) Raymond Tan, best summarised the day’s activities: “It was great day, the weather was fine, the company was superb and the food was great. More importantly, now my family knows where I serve my NS duty and the ship that I sail with for my training deployments.” Article contributed by 2WO S.V.Samy SWIMMERS from five formations (COSCOM, FLEET, HQ RSN/NDU, NALCOM/WARCEN and TRACOM) showed their prowess in the pool recently. After a hard fought race, HQ RSN/NDU emerged as champions in the 34th RSN Swimming Meet with a massive score over the rest. The event was held at the CNB Swimming Complex on 16 Jan. Six new records were set at the meet. RSN Swimming Meet 2007 Another Splashing Year for Breaking the Records! The main highlight was the record set by LCP Leonard Tan (TRACOM) (100m breaststroke open) with a timing of 1min 07.91sec. New records were also set by LCP Marcus Lee (TRACOM) (400m freestyle, open), CPL Yip Ren Kai (TRACOM) (50m breaststroke, open), Mr Lim Kian Huat (NALCOM) (50m freestyle and 50m breaststroke, senior). This year’s event saw 302 swimmers participate in 56 events. The event, organised by the Institute of Maritime Operations and System (IMOS), was graced by Guest of Honour, Commanding Officer, 185 Squadron COL Wellman Wan Ooi Chin. Mr Lim Kian Huat (NALCOM) won the Best Performing Male Swimmer Award. He broke 2 RSN Swimming records in the individual events (50m freestyle and 50m breaststroke, senior). The Best Performing Female Swimmer Award went to CPT Sharen Png (FLEET) who came in first for 3 individual events. She successfully defended her title as she was the winner for last year’s award. With a talent pool of strong swimmers, RSN is ready to defend its title in the coming 38th SAFSA Swimming Meet in Feb 2007. Article contributed by 2WO Jeremy Wee BZ! RSN - SAFSA Squash Runners-Up THE Navy Squash Team emerged 2nd place at the recent SAFSA Inter-formation Squash Competition. This result comes as a marked improvement from the team’s previous standing as second runner-up last year. Two weeks of intense competition saw a total of 11 teams representing their respective formations, battling it out in the group stages before the elimination rounds. In a nail-biting showdown against 9th Division in the semi-finals, the Navy team displayed true fighting spirit and tenacity to emerge victorious, despite being down in the first game. In the finals on 19 Jan, the team was pitted against the hot favourites, 3rd Division, as the longstanding defending champions for the past 3 years. Undeterred by the youthful opponent team, which fielded a couple of national junior players, the Navy team put up a good fight. In spite of their best efforts, the Navy team lost narrowly by 2-3. Team captain MAJ Soh Kay Soon attributed this year’s salutary performance to the determination and dedication of the players. “Despite their busy and varied schedules, the players made it a point to train together at least twice per week before the start of the tournament.” The prize presentation was graced by COL Woo Yew Chung, Comd HQ 8th Singapore Armour Brigade, who presented the team with their trophies and a memento to the team manager in appreciation for their participation. RSN Squash Convenor, COL Foo Toon Lim, conveys his wishes to the team and commended BZ to all who supported them in one way or another. Article contributed by MSG Marvin Koh 19 A fleeting moment in concentration Is no joy-ride; Not with a blue-chip reputation For sailing against any tide.
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