A JPCL eResource
A JPCL eResource
jpcl PAINTSQUARE.COM JOURNAL OF PROTECTIVE COATINGS & LININGS SOURCING AND SELECTING BRIDGE COATING SYSTEMS A JPCL eResource Selecting and Sourcing Bridge Coating Systems A JPCL eBook Copyright 2013 by Technology Publishing Company 2100 Wharton Street, Suite 310 Pittsburgh, PA 15203 All Rights Reserved This eBook may not be copied or redistributed without the written permission of the publisher. SPONSORED BY Contents ii Contents iv Introduction 1 Preparing an Inspection Plan for Bridge Maintenance Painting by William D. Corbett, KTA-Tator, Inc. 7 Coating System Guide for Bridges 18 Coatings Company Profiles Photo courtesy Sherwin-Williams Click our Reader e-Card at paintsquare.com/ric Introduction iv Introduction This eBook consists of a feature published in JPCL concerning the topic of bridge maintenance painting, as well as JPCL Buying Guide material on selecting and specifying coatings for bridges in various exposure environments. The Buying Guide is organized, first, by exposure type, such as “Exterior Weathering - Mild/Moderate,” then by substrate type, first steel, then concrete. Then, coating manufacturers are listed in alphabetical order and their preferred system is named in both proprietary and generic terms. Finally, contact details are given for all the companies. This collection is designed to provide general guidance on selecting and specifying bridge coatings, and then to give sources for acquiring the appropriate systems. Photo courtesy of Sherwin-Williams Bridge Coatings Inspection By William D. Corbett, KTA-Tator Inc. Editor’s note: This article appeared in JPCL in May 2011, and is based on a paper the author presented at SSPC 2011, the conference of SSPC: Society of Protective Coatings. The original paper is in the Proceedings of SSPC 2011 (www.sspc.org). 1 Preparing an Inspection Plan for Bridge Maintenance Painting A bridge coatings specification can be complex and confusing. Yet it is regarded as the rulebook for quality control and quality assurance personnel responsible for inspecting the work. An inspection plan can streamline understanding the inspection checkpoints that a bridge coating specification invokes and can be a key communication tool for contractor and inspection personnel. This article reviews the purpose and benefits of developing an inspection plan and reviews the content of SSPC’s Guide for Planning Coatings Inspection. Two formats for inspection plans are illustrated, and how to populate an inspection plan based on the requirements of a bridge coating specification is demonstrated. Why Prepare an Inspection Plan? Why should a quality control or a quality assurance inspector prepare an inspection plan when all of the inspection requirements and acceptance criteria are already described in the specification? A thorough, well-organized inspection plan provides an inspector with a systematic tool that covers each phase of work in the sequence in which it will likely be performed. In general, an inspection, plan is a written document that lists what must be inspected, how it is to be inspected, and the acceptance criteria from the specification. The process of developing an inspection plan provides the inspector with an opportunity to carefully navigate through the contract, extract the inspection check points, and transfer them to a separate chart that can be referenced throughout the project to clearly understand and communicate the quality requirements of the specification. Some specifications require the contractor to develop a Work Plan and a Process Control Plan or PCP. The inspection plan is a component to the Process Control Plan. These items, considered “submittals,” often must be approved before production operations are allowed to begin. Bridge coating specifications often contain multiple parts, sections, and items. The quality requirements for a bridge coatings project are often in the Execution component of the specification but may also be scattered in other parts or sections. 2 Proper inspection doesn’t happen by accident. One of the many keys to quality inspection is careful planning so that each check point is properly inspected using the techniques, instruments, standards, guides, and test methods established by the industry to verify the adequacy of the work before proceeding to the next step. Developing a well-organized, thorough inspection plan before starting production activities (surface preparation and coating work) can help quality assurance and quality control inspection personnel verify that each of the specification requirements will be inspected. It is a key communication tool between contractor and inspector personnel. SSPC Guide for Planning Coating Inspection SSPC’s Painting Contractor Certification Program or PCCP, which oversees SSPC’s Qualification Procedures, such SSPC-QP 1 and SSPC-QP 3, requires the contractor to prepare a quality control plan. Many of SSPC’s coatings inspection training courses include the preparation of inspection plans in the curriculum. To provide guidance to those responsible for creating quality control plans and a training document to course participants, SSPC developed a Guide for Planning Coating Inspection in 2008. The Guide first describes the importance of quality monitoring on a project to reduce the risk of coating failure and describes the challenges of trying to assess quality after a project is complete. The Guide also stresses the importance of planning the inspection to increase the likelihood of properly performing inspections and documenting the results. The intended purpose of the guide is to assist coating inspectors, quality control personnel, and owners with the development of a tool to help ensure the coating or lining installation is the best it can be. The facility owner’s, contractor’s, and coating inspector’s responsibilities for managing project quality are also described in the Guide. The owner’s responsibility includes developing the project specification and performing quality assurance inspection of the work (unless the inspection task is contracted to a third party). The contractor’s responsibility includes purchasing the coating materials; performing all surface preparation and coating installation work; controlling the quality of the work; documenting and resolving non-conformities with the owner; and preparing corrective action reports so that non-conformities do not reoccur. The quality assurance inspector’s responsibility is to observe the work performed, assess whether it meets the minimum requirements of the specification, document the results of the inspection, and report to the owner. The Guide also calls for the preparation and implementation of an inspection plan so that an inspector can work thoroughly and efficiently. The Guide describes a typical scope of an inspection plan and recommends that the plan include a project schedule that matches the contractor’s Work Plan. The scope and schedule allow the inspector and contractor to coordinate inspection and production activities without unduly interrupting production. The Guide also describes a plan format, which will be illustrated later in this article. The documents typically required to prepare an inspection plan, the equipment typically required to perform inspections, and a list of common inspection hold points and check points are described in the Guide. We will look at each of these items in detail, since they are all vital to the preparation of a quality inspection plan. Finally, the Guide provides a sample coating inspection plan for an amine-cured epoxy coating or lining applied to a carbon steel structure, as well as an inspection plan for coating of concrete. Photos: JPCL 3 Required Items for Inspection Plan Development Four documents or references will be used during the development of an inspection plan. They include a copy of the specification and any notes from the pre-construction conference that may become part of the specification; and all of the referenced standards from the specification, including those from SSPC, NACE International, ASTM International, and others. Current product data sheets, application instructions, and material safety data sheets (MSDS) from the coating manufacturer for each product to be applied are also acquired. Technical data sheets and MSDS should also be obtained from the abrasive supplier or any supplier of surface preparation-related products or chemicals. While MSDS have little to do with quality, they are required to be on-site and read and understood by all personnel who will potentially come into contact with the product during its use. The project specification should be read carefully to identify each requirement and the owner’s expectation. It may be beneficial to highlight the inspection requirements as they are read. Recognize that the requirements may not be stated in the specification in the order that they will occur during execution of the work; for example, a specification may establish the surface preparation requirements, then requirements for containment of the structure, followed by requirements for a certified coatings inspector. The specification should establish each inspection test method to be used, the equipment necessary to perform each test, and the frequency at which each test should be performed. If these items are not included in the specification, then they should be addressed at the pre-construction conference. Referenced standards detail how to perform a specific test but typically do not identify how frequently the test should be performed. All inspection equipment necessary for a successful inspection should be verified for accuracy before starting Fig 1: Example of the simple (three-column) inspection plan format, which provides work and maintained in good working order throughout the the basic information for the inspector. Figures courtesy of KTA-Tator. project. The inspector should maintain a log of the inspection equipment used on each project. Inspection Plan Format There is no standard format for inspection plans. The format may be dictated by the specification, or may be customized based on inspector preference. This article illustrates two formats: a simple three-column format and a more complex six-column format. The simple format contains three column headers: one to list the inspection check points from the specification; one to list the methods and instruments that will be used to perform the inspections; and one to list the acceptance criteria corresponding to each inspection check point, which is provided in the specification. Figure 1 shows the three-column format; note, however, that the simple format does not indicate how often to perform a test, nor does it list the test method to be used. The more complex format contains the same three columns shown in Fig. 1 but includes three more columns to Fig. 2: Example of complex inspection plan format, which provides inspectors with a tool more complete than the simple format 4 list the testing frequency; the standard test method reference; and a reference to the specification part, section, and item number for each inspection checkpoint (Fig. 2). The “Specification Reference” column is particularly useful when there is a need to go back into the specification for confirmation, clarifications, etc. It directs the user to the section where the inspection check point and the acceptance criteria are indicated. This format is preferred since it provides inspection personnel with a more complete tool. Hold Point Inspections Hold points are designated stages of a coating project at which production stops, and the work is inspected for conformance. If an inspection does not occur at a hold point, non-conforming work may be coated over, or the structure may be put into service with a compromised coating system, which may lead to failure. When inspections occur at hold points and non-conforming work is corrected before proceeding to the next step, the risk of coating failure is reduced. Common hold points include pre- and post-surface preparation, surface condition prior to coating, coating application, post-coating application, curing, and final inspection. Note that each of these hold points has multiple check points, each of which should be listed on the inspection plan. Fig. 3: Example of checkpoints relating to pre-and post-surface preparation inspection Fig. 4: Example of checkpoints relating to post-surface preparation and coating application inspection • Hold Point 1: Pre-surface Preparation Many specifications require contractors to prepare a number of submittals for the owner before beginning work. These submittals often include detailed progress work schedules, worker safety plans, waste management plans, and other engineered drawings or plans. Before the contractor begins surface preparation, the inspector verifies that the contractor has acquired the appropriate surface preparation media based on the requirements of the specification. Containment materials, installation of the containment and ventilation system, required air and site monitoring, and waste management plans are also verified for conformance to the specification requirements and submitted. In addition, the surface of the structure is examined for surface contamination, such as heavy deposits of oil, grease, debris, or soluble salts, which generally require pre-cleaning and inspection before mechanical surface preparation begins. Although Hold Point 1 is identified as pre-surface preparation, some of the inspection checkpoints such as ambient conditions, surface preparation media, and removal of surface contamination are verified or inspected before and throughout the surface preparation phase of work. 5 • Hold Point 2: Post-surface Preparation Checkpoints at Hold Point 2 include examining the surface after mechanical preparation for cleanliness as well as for surface profile yield if the latter is invoked by the contract documents. Surface imperfections caused by surface preparation operations are documented and addressed before coating system application. Finally, the inspector may also be required to verify that the waste generated during surface preparation activities is properly stored and secured until it can be removed from the project site. As with Hold Point 1 checkpoints, some Hold Point 2 checkpoints occur during the surface preparation process. • Hold Point 3: Surface Conditions for Coatings Application Checkpoints for conditions for coating application include inspection of prepared surfaces for dust or other debris that may inhibit surface wetting of the coating or adhesion; verification that the air and surface temperatures as well as the relative humidity are within the allowable ranges; and verification that the surface temperature is high enough above the dew point to preclude moisture formation on prepared surfaces. • Hold Point 4: Coating Application The coating application check points include verification that the coating materials on site are the correct products; have a current shelf life; and are mixed, thinned, and strained according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Again, the prevailing conditions of temperature and humidity are measured and recorded, and the applied wet film thickness may be measured and recorded, especially when dry film thickness measurements are not possible. The applied coating should also be inspected for visible defects that occurred during application so that they can be repaired before the next coat is applied. These inspection checkpoints are performed for each coating layer to be applied. • Hold Point 5: Post-Coating Application Monitoring and recording ambient conditions throughout the curing process of the coating, observing the minimum and maximum recoat windows, and verifying cleanliness between coats can be significant checkpoints in minimizing premature coatings failure, and are typically performed for each coating layer to be applied. • Hold Point 6: Post-curing of Coating Post-curing checkpoints include inspection for visible defects that occurred during application and measurement of dry film thickness (when possible) of each applied coating. Fig. 5: Example of checkpoints relating to lighting and coating material preparation inspection • Hold Point 7: Final Inspection Final inspection includes examination of repaired areas, as well as removal of waste by a licensed transporter, restoring the site to its original condition, and verification that the contractor has implemented all corrective actions. Developing an Inspection Plan Based on the six-column format, examples of parts of an inspection plan for maintenance painting of a bridge are shown in Figs. 3–5. The specification is simulated and not designed to represent an actual contract. Furthermore, the inspection checkpoints are not listed in the precise order in which they would be performed, but rather the order in which they appeared in the simulated project’s specification. If an inspection plan is created in an electronic spreadsheet, it can be customized and reorganized with little effort. 6 Summary In summary, an inspection plan can make the process of understanding the inspection checkpoints invoked by a bridge coating specification more streamlined and can be a key communication tool for contractor and inspection personnel. About the Author Bill Corbett is the Professional Services Business Unit Manager for KTA-Tator, Inc., where he has been employed for 31 years. He is an SSPC-approved instructor for three SSPC courses, and he holds SSPC certifications as a Protective Coatings Specialist, Protective Coatings Inspector, and Bridge Coatings Inspector. He is also a NACE Level 3-certified Coatings Inspector. He was the co-recipient of the SSPC 1992 Outstanding Publication Award, co-recipient of the 2001 JPCL Editors’ Award, recipient of SSPC’s 2006 Coatings Education Award, and recipient JPCL of SSPC 2011 John D. Keane Award of Merit. Bridge Coating Systems 7 SPONSORED BY Coating System Guide for Bridges Listings are alphabetized by company name. Exterior Weathering Mild/Moderate Steel Photo courtesy Sherwin-Williams Chemtreat India Ltd. Rustuff ENV Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane Epmar Corp. Kemiko Urethane/Urethane Altex Coatings Ltd. Carbomastic Epoxy/Epoxy/Epoxy Chugoku Marine Paints Singapore Pte. Ltd. Chugoku Organic Zinc/Urethane/Urethane ErgonArmor Novocoat Epoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats) Armor Plate, Inc. Armor Flake 820 Organic Zinc/Epoxy Flake Filled (2 Coats) CIM Industries CIM 1000 Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane Euclid Chemical Company Eucothane Urethane/Urethane Avilion Inc. Wasser MCU Zinc Rich/MCU/MCU Coatings For Industry, Inc. Urethabond Urethane/Urethane Fabick Protective Coatings Fabick Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) Bowers Industrial Gulf Coast Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane Concrete Solutions—Prods. by Rhino Linings HP Urethane Urethane/Urethane FSC Coatings Inc. Rustop/Bio-Safe MaxLife Alkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic Bridgeport Chemical GA 27P Epoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats) Corchem Corchem 97/260/274 Organic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane Gemite Products Inc. Gem-Cote EP 100 Epoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats) Corotech High Performance Coatings Corotech Inorganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane Gulf Coast Paint Mfg., Inc. GCP Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane Cortec Corporation VpCI-396 MCU/MCU/MCU Highland International, Inc. 84 Dry-Fall Primer/720 Dry-Fall Topcoat Alkyd/Alkyd/Silicone Alkyd Cote-L Industries Inc. Durabak 18 Urethane/Urethane HJ3 Composite Technologies HJ3 Civil & Commercial Systems Epoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats) Dampney Co., Inc. Thurmalox Other Induron Coatings, Inc. Indurethane 6600 Plus MCU Zinc Rich/Epoxy/Urethane Denso North America Denso Tape Wraps Industrial Nanotech Inc. Nansulate PT Thermal Spray Devoe HPC (International Paint LLC) Devoe High Performance Coatings Organic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane Instacoat Premium Products Instacoat Other Diamond Vogel Paint Company Iron Prime 600/Finium DTM-AT/Finium DTM-AT Alkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic International Paint LLC International Organic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane Duraamen Engineered Products Inc. Perdure A01 Alkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic ITW American Safety Technology AS-250 Epoxy/Epoxy/Epoxy Enecon Corporation Eneseal CR Other ITW PolySpec/Futura Coatings Futura-Thane Urethane Elastomeric (1 Coat) Eoncoat LLC EonCoat 0 VOC Other Jotun Powder Coatings Jotun Facade Polyester/Polyester/Polyester Carboline Company Carbozinc Inorganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane Bridges 8 SPONSORED BY Kaufman Products, Inc. SurePoxy HiBild Epoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats) Polibrid Coatings, Inc. Polibrid 705 Urethane Elastomeric (1 Coat) Protek Paint Ltd. Protek Urethane Urethane/Urethane KCC Corrosion Control Co., Ltd. Techni-Plus EP14 Epoxy/Epoxy Flake Filled (2 Coats) Polycoat Products Polyeuro 5502/7502 Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) Quest Constr. Prods. (HydroStop/United Ctgs.) Elastuff Polyurea Hybrid (1, 2, or 3 Coats) Kemper System America, Inc. Kemperol 2K-PUR Urethane/Urethane PPC Coatings (MTR) PPC Coatings Other Rhino Linings Corporation Rhino Extreme Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) Mad Dog Primer Mad Dog Primer Alkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic Rodda Paint Co./Cloverdale Paint AP Primer/Multimaster Alkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic Madison Chemical Industries Alumizinc ‘S’/AcrylaThane 55 MCU Zinc Rich/Urethane/Urethane RoofMart International Inc. Garna Flex Urethane Elastomeric (1 Coat) Micor Company, Inc. Micorthane 6-23 Urethane/Urethane Roval USA Corp. Roval R22 Cold Galvanizing Compound Zinc-Rich, Organic PPG Protective & Marine Coatings Amercoat 68HS/PSX-700 Organic Zinc/Siloxane NCFI Polyurethanes EnduraTech Alkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic Premier Coating Systems Inc. PCS-#1111/PCS-#4300 Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Fluorourethane NIC Industries Prismatic Epoxy/Polyester/Polyester Prime Resins Prime Resins Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) Nukote Arabia Nukote Metalshield Polyurea Hybrid (1, 2, or 3 Coats) Pacific Polymers (A Division of ITW) Elasto-Deck 6500 Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)r Watsonplaced2:Layout 1 7/30/09 Protecto Wrap Company Protecto Liner 1350 Urethane/Urethane 3:55 PM Rust Bullet, LLC Rust Bullet Standard Other Safe Encasement Systems SE-110-MS/SE-120 Other Seal For Life Industries Wrappingband EZ + Paint or Outerwrap PU Tape Wraps Shalimar Paints Limited Shalithane Finish Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane Page 1 Sherwin-Williams Zinc Clad III HS/Macropoxy 646/Acrolon 218 HS Organic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane Simpson Strong-Tie/Fox Industries Fox FX-501M Elastomeric Coating Other Specialty Products, Inc. (SPI) Polyshield HT-SL, AMP 100, CAP 100 Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) Stirling Lloyd Group Plc. Eliminator Methyl Methacrylate/Methyl Methacrylate Click our Reader e-Card at paintsquare.com/ric Sulzer Metco Roadrunner Thermospray Thermal Spray Superior Products Rust Grip Urethane/Urethane Termarust Technologies Termarust TR2000 HR CSA Series Calcium Sulphonate Tesla NanoCoatings Ltd. Teslan Zinc-Rich, Organic Textured Coatings of America Reflect Tec Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Fluoropolymer Thermion Thermion Thermal Spray SPONSORED BY 9 Thin Film Technology, Inc. Bio-Gard 251/257/258 Epoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids 3M Infrastructure Protection Division Scotchkote Fusion-Bonded Epoxy (1-2 Coats) TMS Metalizing Systems, Ltd. TMS Metalizing Thermal Spray Tnemec Company, Inc. Hi-Build Epoxoline II/UVX Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane U.S. Coatings, LLC ZincGard/UreGrip Inorganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane VersaFlex Incorporated FSS 50 DM Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) Wasser Corporation Wasser MCU Zinc Rich/MCU/MCU Watson Coatings, Inc. Armor-Shield Calcium Sulphonate Wilko Paint, Inc. Wilko Alkyd/Alkyd/Silicone Alkyd Willamette Valley Company PolyQuik Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) ZRC Worldwide ZRC-221 Cold Galvanizing Compound Zinc-Rich, Organic Exterior Weathering Mild/Moderate Concrete AcryliCon Flooring Solutions AcryliCon Decor Other Advanced Chemical Technologies, Inc. Sil-Act Siloxane/Siloxane Altex Coatings Ltd. Carbomastic & Carbothane Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane Armor Plate, Inc. Armorcoat 969 AB Epoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids BASF Corporation—Building Systems Enviroseal 40 Siloxane/Siloxane Bridgeport Chemical GA 27P Epoxy/Epoxy/Epoxy Carboline Company Carbothane Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane ChemCo Systems CCS General Purpose Epoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids ChemMasters, Inc. Texture DOT Alkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic Click our Reader e-Card at paintsquare.com/ric Bowers Industrial Duromar Epoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids Bridges 10 SPONSORED BY Chemtreat India Ltd. Rustuff EAU Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Acrylic (1-2 Coats) Global EcoTechnologies Endura-Flex Urethane Elastomeric (1 Coat) PPC Coatings (MTR) PPC Coatings Other Chugoku Marine Paints Singapore Pte. Ltd. Chugoku Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane Gulf Coast Paint Mfg., Inc. GCP Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane PPG Protective & Marine Coatings Amercoat 220 Other CIM Industries CIM 1000 Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane HJ3 Composite Technologies HJ3 Civil & Commercial Systems Epoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats) Premier Coating Systems Inc. PCS-#1100/PCS-#4300 Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Fluorourethane Coatings For Industry, Inc. Urethabond Urethane/Urethane Induron Coatings, Inc. Indurethane 6600 Plus Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane Prime Resins Prime Resins Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) Concrete Solutions—Prods. by Rhino Linings HP Urethane Urethane/Urethane Industrial Nanotech Inc. Nansulate Energy Protect Thermal Spray Protecto Wrap Company M 400 AR Tape Wraps ConShield Technologies Cor+Gard Epoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids Instacoat Premium Products Instacoat Other Quest Constr. Prods. (HydroStop/United Ctgs.) Elastuff Polyurea Hybrid (1, 2, or 3 Coats) Copps Industries, Inc. Armorgard 202 Epoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids International Coatings Inc. ICO Flexicoat Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Fluoropolymer Rhino Linings Corporation Rhino Extreme Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) Corchem Corchem 283 Epoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats) ITW American Safety Technology AS-250 Epoxy/Epoxy/Epoxy Rodda Paint Co./Cloverdale Paint First Coat/Multimaster Other Corotech High Performance Coatings Corotech Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane ITW PolySpec/Futura Coatings Futura-Thane Urethane Elastomeric (1 Coat) RoofMart International Inc. Garna Flex Urethane Elastomeric (1 Coat) Corro-Shield International, Inc. Corro-Cote Epoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids Kaufman Products, Inc. SurePoxy HiBild Epoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats) Rust Bullet, LLC Rust Bullet Standard Other Cote-L Industries Inc. Durabak 18 Urethane/Urethane KCC Corrosion Control Co., Ltd. Techni-Plus EP14 Epoxy/Epoxy Flake Filled (2 Coats) Safe Encasement Systems SE-110-MS/SE-120 Other Creative Polymers Inc. Pliathane Urethane Elastomeric (1 Coat) Kemper System America, Inc. Kemperol 2K-PUR Urethane/Urethane Seal For Life Industries Stopaq Wrappingband Tape Wraps Dampney Co., Inc. Dymacryl Other Key Resin Company Plasti-Chemie Methyl Methacrylate/Methyl Methacrylate Shalimar Paints Limited Epigard HP Offwhite Primer Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Acrylic (1-2 Coats) Denso North America Denso Tape Wraps Kryton International Inc. Hydrostop Sealer Siloxane/Siloxane Sherwin-Williams Acrylic Texture Ctgs., Stains or Solvent Stains Other Diamond Vogel Paint Company Vers-Acryl 200/Vers-Acryl 222/Vers-Acryl 222 Other Mad Dog Primer Mad Dog Primer Alkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic Simpson Strong-Tie/Fox Industries Fox FX-460 Breathable Masonry System Other Duraamen Engineered Products Inc. Perdure A01 Alkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic Micor Company, Inc. Micorthane 6-23 Urethane/Urethane Specialty Products, Inc. (SPI) Polyprime-100, Polyshield HT-SL, AMP 100 Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) Enecon Corporation Eneseal Other NCFI Polyurethanes EnduraTech Alkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic Stirling Lloyd Group Plc. Eliminator Methyl Methacrylate/Methyl Methacrylate Eoncoat LLC EonCoat 0 VOC Other Northern Industries Inc. Hydro-Seal 75 Epoxy Novolac (1 or 2 Coats) Superior Products Enamo Grip Urethane/Urethane Epmar Corp. Kemiko Urethane/Urethane Nox-Crete Products Group Stifel Silane Sealer/Water Repellent Siloxane/Siloxane Termarust Technologies Termarust TR2000 HR CSA Series Calcium Sulphonate ErgonArmor Ertech Coal Tar/Asphalt Nukote Arabia Nukote ST Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) Textured Coatings of America Bridge Cote Alkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic Euclid Chemical Company Tammscoat Alkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic Pacific Polymers (A Division of ITW) Elasto-Deck 6500 Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) Thermion Thermion Thermal Spray FSC Coatings Inc. Bio-Safe MaxLife Alkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic Polibrid Coatings, Inc. Polibrid 705 Urethane Elastomeric (1 Coat) Thin Film Technology, Inc. Bio-Gard 251/257/258 Epoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids Gemite Products Inc. Gem-Gard SX WB Siloxane/Siloxane Polycoat Products Polyeuro 5502/7502 Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) TMS Metalizing Systems, Ltd. TMS Metalizing Thermal Spray True or False? 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Endcor Other KCC Corrosion Control Co., Ltd. Techni-Plus UR-5 Urethane/Urethane U.S. Coatings, LLC EpoxyGrip/AquaGrip Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Acrylic (1-2 Coats) Denso North America Denso Tape Wraps Kemper System America, Inc. Kemperol 2K-Pur Urethane/Urethane VersaFlex Incorporated FSS 45 DC Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) Devoe HPC (International Paint LLC) Devoe High Performance Coatings Organic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane Madison Chemical Industries Alumizinc ‘S’/AcrylaThane 55 MCU Zinc Rich/Urethane/Urethane Wasser Corporation Wasser MCU/MCU/MCU Diamond Vogel Paint Company Endura-Zinc 768/Mult-E-Prime 500/Multi-Thane Organic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane NCFI Polyurethanes EnduraTech Alkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic Watson Coatings, Inc. Armorex Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane Duraamen Engineered Products Inc. Perdure AU52 Urethane/Urethane NIC Industries Prismatic Epoxy/Polyester/Polyester Wilko Paint, Inc. Wilko Alkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic Enecon Corporation Eneseal CR Other Nukote Arabia Nukote Chemshield Polyurea Hybrid (1, 2, or 3 Coats) Willamette Valley Company PolyQuik Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) Eoncoat LLC EonCoat 0 VOC Other Pacific Polymers (A Division of ITW) Elasto-Deck 6500 Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) ErgonArmor Novocoat Epoxy Novolac (1 or 2 Coats) Polibrid Coatings, Inc. Polibrid 705 Urethane Elastomeric (1 Coat) Euclid Chemical Company Eucothane Urethane/Urethane PPC Coatings (MTR) PPC Coatings Other Fabick Protective Coatings Fabick Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) PPG Protective & Marine Coatings Dimetcote 9H/Amercoat 385/Amercoat 450H Inorganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane FSC Coatings Inc. Rustop/ Bio-Safe MaxLife Alkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic Premier Coating Systems Inc. PCS-#1111/PCS-#4300 Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Fluorourethane Gemite Products Inc. Gem-Cote EP 100 Epoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats) Prime Resins Prime Resins Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) Gulf Coast Paint Mfg., Inc. GCP Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane Protecto Wrap Company Protecto Liner 1350 Urethane/Urethane Highland International, Inc. 325R Dry-Fall/475R Dry-Fall/68R Dry-Fall Organic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane Quest Constr. Prods. (HydroStop/United Ctgs.) Elastuff Polyurea Hybrid (1, 2, or 3 Coats) HJ3 Composite Technologies HJ3 Civil & Commercial Systems Epoxy/Epoxy Novolac/Epoxy Novolac Rhino Linings Corporation Rhino Linings Epoxy Epoxy/Epoxy Novolac/Epoxy Novolac Induron Coatings, Inc. Perma-Gloss Organic Zinc/Epoxy/Fluorourethane Rodda Paint Co./Cloverdale Paint Clovazinc 3/ClovaMastic/ArmourShield Organic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane Industrial Nanotech Inc. Nansulate PT Thermal Spray RoofMart International Inc. Garna Flex Urethane Elastomeric (1 Coat) Instacoat Premium Products Instacoat Other Roval USA Corp. Roval R22 Cold Galvanizing Compound Zinc-Rich, Organic International Paint LLC International Inorganic Zinc/Epoxy/Siloxane Rust Bullet, LLC Rust Bullet Standard Other ITW American Safety Technology AS-250 Epoxy/Epoxy/Epoxy Safe Encasement Systems SE-110-MS/SE-120 Other ITW PolySpec/Futura Coatings Futura-Thane Urethane Elastomeric (1 Coat) Seal For Life Industries Stopaq Wrappingband Tape Wraps Jotun Powder Coatings Jotun Super Durable Polyester/Polyester/Polyester Shalimar Paints Limited Tuffkote Zilikate Z85 Zinc-Rich, Inorganic Exterior Weathering Severe Steel Altex Coatings Ltd. Carbozinc, Carboguard, Carbothane Organic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane Armor Plate, Inc. Armor Plate 370 PLC Epoxy/Epoxy/Epoxy Avilion Inc. PPG Organic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane Bowers Industrial Gulf Coast Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane Bridgeport Chemical GA 27P Epoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids Carboline Company Carbothane Organic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane Chemtreat India Ltd. Chemtuff Epoxy/Epoxy Flake Filled (2 Coats) Chugoku Marine Paints Singapore Pte. Ltd. Chugoku Organic Zinc/Epoxy/Siloxane CIM Industries CIM 1000 Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane Coatings For Industry, Inc. Urethabond MCU Zinc Rich/Urethane/Urethane Corchem Corchem 97/260/274 Organic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane Corotech High Performance Coatings Cortech Inorganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane Cote-L Industries Inc. Durabak 18 Urethane/Urethane Kaufman Products, Inc. SurePoxy HiBild Epoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats) Click our Reader e-Card at paintsquare.com/ric Bridges 14 SPONSORED BY 9/11/12 3:54 PM Page 1 Sherwin-Williams Zinc Clad III HS/Macropoxy 646/FluoroKem Organic Zinc/Epoxy/Fluorourethane Simpson Strong-Tie/Fox Industries Fox FX-408, FX-475, FX-442 Organic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane Sulzer Metco Roadrunner Thermospray Thermal Spray Specialty Products, Inc. (SPI) Polyshield HT-SL, AMP 100, CAP 100 Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) Superior Products Enamo Grip Urethane/Urethane Stirling Lloyd Group Plc. Eliminator Methyl Methacrylate/Methyl Methacrylate Termarust Technologies Termarust TR2000 HR CSA Series Calcium Sulphonate Subsea Industries NV Ecospeed Vinyl Ester/Vinyl Ester/Vinyl Ester Tesla NanoCoatings Ltd. Teslan Zinc-Rich, Organic Textured Coatings of America Reflect Tec Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Fluoropolymer H IPPWRAP™ Containment is America’s 1st Choice in Shrinkwrap Protection for all your blasting, coating, weather protection, and asbestos containment jobs. Whether you need to wrap a ship, storage tank, tower, building, aircraft, bridge, or any other steel structure, HIPPWRAP can get the job done quickly and affordably. Vincent Thomas Bridge www.hippwrap.com Click our Reader e-Card at paintsquare.com/ric SOUTHWEST OFFICE FOR SALES 4070 Kearny Mesa Road San Diego, CA 92111 1-800-362-4477 Toll Free • FAX - 858-541-1580 kevin@hippwrap.com SAN FRANCISCO/FAIRFIELD OFFICE FOR SALES 149 Grobric Ct. Unit D Fairfield, CA 94534 1-877-362-4477 Toll Free • Fax: 707-864-5567 grover@hippwrap.com EASTCOAST OFFICE FOR SALES 3575 Bridge Rd Ste 8 PMB 215 Suffolk, VA 23435 Ph: 1-757-538-5094 grover@hippwrap.com And, HIPPWRAP contains your bottom line. Our team of professionals are ready to visit your job site to conduct or oversee the efficient and proper installation of our durable, fire-retardant, seamless system that is sure to increase your productivity with less down time, minimal maintenance, and quick and easy clean up. You can trust the HIPPWRAP team for quality materials, a firm commitment to the customer, and the know-how and experience to get your next job done right. Call us today for a HIPPWRAP quote. www.thermioninc.com 877.884.3428 Dean Hooks, Sales Manager dhooks@Thermioninc.com Thermion Thermion Thermal Spray Thin Film Technology, Inc. Bio-Dur 568 Epoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids 3M Infrastructure Protection Division Scotchkote Fusion-Bonded Epoxy (1-2 Coats) TMS Metalizing Systems, Ltd. TMS Metalizing Thermal Spray Tnemec Company, Inc. Tneme-Zinc/Hi-Build Epoxoline II/Fluoronar Organic Zinc/Epoxy/Fluorourethane U.S. Coatings, LLC ZincGard/EpoxyGrip/UreGrip Inorganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane VersaFlex Incorporated FSS 50 DM Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) Wasser Corporation Wasser MCU Zinc Rich/MCU/MCU Watson Coatings, Inc. Armor-Shield Calcium Sulphonate Wilko Paint, Inc. Wilko Organic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane Bridges 15 SPONSORED BY Willamette Valley Company PolyQuik Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) Dampney Co., Inc. Epodur Other Gemite Products Inc. Tuff-Flex CA Other ZRC Worldwide ZRC Zero-VOC Galvanzing Compound Zinc-Rich, Inorganic Denso North America Denso Tape Wraps Global EcoTechnologies Endura-Flex Urethane Elastomeric (1 Coat) Diamond Vogel Paint Company Mult-E-Poxy 180/Multi-Thane 330 or 340 Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane Gulf Coast Paint Mfg., Inc. GCP Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane Duraamen Engineered Products Inc. Perdure AU52 Urethane/Urethane HJ3 Composite Technologies HJ3 Civil & Commercial Systems Epoxy/Epoxy Novolac/Epoxy Novolac Enecon Corporation Eneseal Other Induron Coatings, Inc. Perma-Gloss Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Fluorourethane Eoncoat LLC EonCoat 0 VOC Other Industrial Nanotech Inc. Nansulate Energy Protect Thermal Spray Epmar Corp. Kemiko Urethane/Urethane Instacoat Premium Products Instacoat Other ErgonArmor Novocoat Epoxy Novolac (1 or 2 Coats) International Coatings Inc. ICO Flexicoat Epoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats) Euclid Chemical Company Tammscoat Alkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic ITW American Safety Technology AS-250 Epoxy/Epoxy/Epoxy FSC Coatings Inc. Rustop/Bio-Safe Alkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic ITW PolySpec/Futura Coatings Futura-Thane Urethane Elastomeric (1 Coat) Exterior Weathering Severe Concrete AcryliCon Flooring Solutions AcryliCon Decor Other Advanced Chemical Technologies, Inc. Sil-Act Siloxane/Siloxane Altex Coatings Ltd. Carboguard Epoxy/Epoxy/Epoxy Armor Plate, Inc. Armorcoat 969 AB+ Epoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids BASF Corporation—Building Systems Traficdeck EP 35 Epoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats) Bowers Industrial Duromar Epoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats) Carboline Company Carboguard Epoxy/Epoxy/Epoxy ChemMasters, Inc. Safe-Cure & Seal EPX/Duraguard 310CRU Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane Chemtreat India Ltd. Chemtuff Epoxy Flake Filled/Epoxy Flake Filled Chugoku Marine Paints Singapore Pte. Ltd. Chugoku Epoxy/Epoxy/Siloxane CIM Industries CIM 1000 Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane Coatings For Industry, Inc. Urethabond Urethane/Urethane ConShield Technologies Cor+Roc Epoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids Corchem Corchem 283 Epoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats) Corotech High Performance Coatings Corotech Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane Corro-Shield International, Inc. Corro-Cote Epoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids Cote-L Industries Inc. Durabak 18 Urethane/Urethane Creative Polymers Inc. Pliathane Urethane Elastomeric (1 Coat) CO monitor Unique, patented low temperature catalyst purifies compressed breathing air. • for continuous use to remove carbon monoxide • no expensive desiccant drying equipment needed • helps provide comfortable, humidified compressed air to meet Grade-D requirements • by far, the most economical CO-removal alternative Don’t Just Filter...Purify! Deep charcoal bed removes tastes, odors, gaseous hydrocarbons AIR IN Particulate removal Liquid contaminate removal AIR OUT Portable CO removal units from 8 SCFM to 50 SCFM; fixed systems up to 1000 SCFM. (800) 542-6646 Fax (419) 542-6475 www.modsafe.com Email: modsafe@bright.net Click our Reader e-Card at paintsquare.com/ric Copps Industries, Inc. Armorgard 202 Epoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids Unique catalyst removes CO 16 Bridges SPONSORED BY Kaufman Products, Inc. SurePoxy HiBild Epoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats) Polibrid Coatings, Inc. Polibrid 705 Urethane Elastomeric (1 Coat) Quest Constr. Prods. (HydroStop/United Ctgs.) Elastuff Polyurea Hybrid (1, 2, or 3 Coats) KCC Corrosion Control Co., Ltd. Techni-Plus UR-5 Urethane/Urethane Polycoat Products Polyeuro 5502/7502 Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) Rhino Linings Corporation Rhino Linings Epoxy Epoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids Kemper System America, Inc. Kemperol 2K-Pur Urethane/Urethane PPC Coatings (MTR) PPC Coatings Other Rodda Paint Co./Cloverdale Paint ClovaMastic/ArmourShield Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane Key Resin Company Plasti-Chemie Methyl Methacrylate/Methyl Methacrylate RoofMart International Inc. Garna Flex Urethane Elastomeric (1 Coat) Kryton International Inc. Krystol T1, Krystol T2 Other Rust Bullet, LLC Rust Bullet Standard Other NCFI Polyurethanes EnduraTech Alkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic Safe Encasement Systems SE-110-MS/SE-120 Other PPG Protective & Marine Coatings Amerlock/Amercoat 450H Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane Northern Industries Inc. NI-21 Epoxy Novolac (1 or 2 Coats) Premier Coating Systems Inc. PCS-#1100/PCS-#4300 Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Fluorourethane Nox-Crete Products Group Nox-Carb Sealer & Stain Alkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic Nukote Arabia Nukote XT Plus Polyurea Hybrid (1, 2, or 3 Coats) Prime Resins Prime Resins Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) Seal For Life Industries Stopaq Wrappingband Tape Wraps Shalimar Paints Limited Shalithane Finish Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane Protecto Wrap Company Pacific Polymers (A Division of ITW) M 400 AR Elasto-Deck 6500 Tape Wraps Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) novetashorizontal1_Layout 1 8/10/12 8:57 AM Page 1 The leading glass abrasive in the United States... www.newageblastmedia.com Click our Reader e-Card at paintsquare.com/ric “Cleaner, Safer, Faster!” Phone: 866-775-6226 Fax: 215-551-3073 • Manufactured from 100% Recycled Glass • Contains NO Free Crystalline Silica • Contains NO Cancer Causing toxins like Beryllium, Cadmium & Arsenic now listed on the MSDS’ of coal & copper slag abrasives per OSHA! • Only crushed glass abrasive with 3 plants approved by the US Navy (NJ, VA and CA Plants) SPONSORED BY 17 Sherwin-Williams Macropoxy 646/Polysiloxane 1K Other Simpson Strong-Tie/Fox Industries Fox FX-480 Epoxy Protective Coating Epoxy/Epoxy/Epoxy Specialty Products, Inc. (SPI) Polyprime-100, Polyshield HT-SL, AMP 100 Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) Stirling Lloyd Group Plc. Eliminator Methyl Methacrylate/Methyl Methacrylate Superior Products Rust Grip Urethane/Urethane Get sky-high productivity without leaving the ground The NLB SRT-10-W Crawler Termarust Technologies Termarust TR2000 HR CSA Series Calcium Sulphonate prepares big and tall surfaces Textured Coatings of America Bridge Cote Alkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic faster than manual methods, Thermion Thermion Thermal Spray of falling. Its wireless controls let a without exposing anyone to the risk single operator direct the entire job Thin Film Technology, Inc. Bio-Gard 251/257/258 Epoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids from as far away as 1,500 feet. Rotating SPIN JET® nozzles use TMS Metalizing Systems, Ltd. TMS Metalizing Thermal Spray water at 40,000 psi to strip steel Tnemec Company, Inc. Hi-Build Epoxoline II/Enviro-Crete Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Acrylic (1-2 Coats) or concrete without abrasive, leaving a surface ready to repaint. U.S. Coatings, LLC EpoxyGrip/AquaGrip Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Acrylic (1-2 Coats) And vacuum recovery of water U.S. Industrial Coatings U.S. Industrial Coatings Epoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats) containment. and debris means you don't need VersaFlex Incorporated FSS 45 DC Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) The NLB SRT-10-W Crawler is a people-friendly, Wasser Corporation Wasser MCU/MCU/MCU environmentally-friendly way Watson Coatings, Inc. Armorex Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane For details, call NLB today, or Now with wireless controls! visit our website. Willamette Valley Company PolyQuik Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats) 1-877-NLB-7996 www.nlbcorp.com nlbmktg@nlbusa.com Click our Reader e-Card at paintsquare.com/ric Wilko Paint, Inc. Wilko Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane to boost your productivity. 18 company profiles A Abatron, Inc. 5501-95th Ave. Kenosha, WI 53144 Phone: 800-445-1754 Contact: Marsha Caporaso info@abatron.com abatron.com AcryliCon Flooring Solutions 2905 Jordan Crt., Ste. B, #301 Alpharetta, GA 30004 Phone: 888-736-7550 Contact: Jason Bye jasonbye@acryliconusa.com acrylicon.com Acrymax Technologies, Inc. 221 Brooke St. Media, PA 19063 Phone: 800-553-0523 Contact: Eric Bennung eric@acrymax.com acrymax.com Advanced Chemical Technologies, Inc. 100 W. Wilshire Blvd., Ste. C-1 Oklahoma City, OK 73116 Phone: 800-535-0433 Contact: Kevin Brown customersupport@advchemtech.com advchemtech.com Advanced Polymer Coatings, Ltd. 951 Jaycox Rd. Avon, OH 44011 Phone: 800-334-7193 Contact: Jim DeChant jdechant@adv-polymer.com adv-polymer.com Alistagen Corporation Ten Park Ave. New York, NY 10016 Phone: 212-317-0100 Contact: Alis Yeterian alis.yeterian@alistagen.com alistagen.com Altex Coatings Ltd. PO Box 142 Tauranga, 3140 New Zealand Phone: 64 7 541 2327 Contact: Ricky Collins sales@carboline.co.nz altexcoatings.co.nz Amercoat Canada 1174 South Service Rd. W Oakville, ON L6L 5T7 Canada Phone: 905-847-1500 Contact: Daniel Agnew amercoat@amercoatcanada.com amercoatcanada.com Andek Corporation 850 Glen Ave., PO Box 392 Moorestown, NJ 08057 Phone: 800-800-2844 Contact: Neil Shearer nshearer@andek.com andek.com Arizona Polymer Flooring Inc. 7731 N 68th Ave. Glendale, AZ 85303 Phone: 888-855-3455 Contact: Daniel Owen contact@apfepoxy.com apfepoxy.com See our display ad, p. 60. Arizona Specialty Coatings LLC 21242 N. Black Canyon Hwy., Ste. A Phoenix, AZ 85027 Phone: 623-780-3336 Contact: Pete Postiglione pete@azpolyurea.com azpolyurea.com Arkema Inc. 900 First Ave., Bldg. 10 King of Prussia, PA 19406 Phone: 610-205-7898 Contact: Vince Casmirri vincent.casmirri@arkema.com kynar500.com Armor Plate, Inc. PO Box 5625 Pasadena, TX 77508 Phone: 337-540-7606 Contact: Tommy Precht tprecht@armorplateinc.com armorplateinc.com Atlas Minerals & Chemicals, Inc. 1227 Valley Rd., PO Box 38 Mertztown, PA 19539 Phone: 610-682-7171 Contact: Scott Gallagher sales@atlasmin.com atlasmin.com Avilion Inc. 3947 Lincoln Hwy. Downingtown, PA 19335 Phone: 610-942-7388 Contact: Michelle Morkun michelle@avilioninc.com avilioninc.com B BASF Corporation Building Systems 889 Valley Park Dr. Shakopee, MN 55379 Phone: 800-433-9517 Contact: Customer Service basfbscst@basf.com buildingsystems.basf.com Bechtel Industrial Coating Supply 21424 SE 16th Pl. Sammamish, WA 98075 Phone: 425-392-1876 Contact: Robert Bechtel sales@bechtelcoatingsupply.com bechtelcoatingsupply.com Belzona, Inc. 2000 NW 88th Crt. Miami, FL 33172 Phone: 305-594-4994 Contact: Kelli Cleveland kcleveland@belzona.com belzona.com Blair Rubber Company 5020 Panther Pkwy. Seville, OH 44273 Phone: 888-276-1400 Contact: Howard Golden hgolden@marseal.com marseal.com 19 Blome International Part of the Hempel Group 1450 Hoff Industrial Dr. O’Fallon, MO 63366 Phone: 636-379-9119 Contact: Laura Pecoraro info@blome.com blome.com Bowers Industrial 3645 W. 1987 South Salt Lake City, UT 84104 Phone: 800-892-5224 Contact: Kevin bowers@xmission.com bowersindustrial.com Bridgeport Chemical 291 West McAllen Sikeston, MO 63801 Phone: 573-472-9700 Contact: Rob Russell rob@bridgeportchemical.com bridgeportchemical.com C Canusa-CPS 25 Bethridge Rd. Toronto, ON M9W 1M7 Canada Phone: 416-744-5798 Contact: Bob Buchanan info@canusacps.com canusa.com Carboline Company 2150 Schuetz Rd. St. Louis, MO 63146 Phone: 314-644-1000 Contact: Steve Harrison steve_harrison@carboline.com carboline.com See our display ads, inside front cover and p. 136. CCI Con-Tech of California, Inc. 2211 Navy Dr. Stockton, CA 95206 Phone: 209-941-8324 Contact: Steven A. Williams sw@hydro-pox.com hydro-pox.com Ceilcote (International Paint LLC) 6001 Antoine Dr. Houston, TX 77091 Phone: 800-589-1267 Contact: Sales Adminstration pcmarketing.americas@akzonobel.com international-pc.com Celufibre Industries Inc. 14735–124 Ave. Edmonton, AB T5L 3B2 Canada Phone: 780-447-1255 Contact: Kevin Olsen kevin.olsen@can-cell.com can-cell.com Company Profiles ChemCo Systems 2800 Bay Rd. Redwood City, CA 94063 Phone: 800-757-6773 Contact: John Bors email@chemcosystems.com chemcosystems.com Copps Industries, Inc. 10600 N. Industrial Dr. Mequon, WI 53092 Phone: 800-672-2622 Contact: Jeff Oleson coppsind@coppsindustries.com coppsindustries.com Chemtreat India Ltd. 408 Srishti Plaza Mumbai, 400070 India Phone: 91 9820024504 Contact: Mukul Gupta chemtreatindia.com Corotech High Performance Coatings 101 Paragon Dr. Montvale, NJ 07645 Phone: 201-949-6216 Contact: Jeffrey T. Spillane jeff.spillane@inslx.com insl-x.com ChemMasters, Inc. 300 Edwards St. Madison, OH 44057 Phone: 800-486-7866 Contact: John Fauth jfauth@chemmasters.net chemmasters.net Chugoku Marine Paints Singapore Pte. Ltd. No. 22 Tuas St. Singapore, 638459 Singapore Phone: 65 90665888 patrickchua@cmpsin.com.sg CIM Industries 23 Elm St. Peterborough, NH 03458 Phone: 603-924-9481 Contact: Becky Tatro information@cimind.com cimindustries.com Coatings For Industry, Inc. 319 Township Line Rd. Souderton, PA 18964 Phone: 215-723-0919 Contact: Kevin Klotz coatingsforindustry.com See our display ad, p. 62. Concrete Solutions™ Products by Rhino Linings 9151 Rehco Rd. San Diego, CA 92121 Phone: 619-410-6020 Contact: Bart Sadleir sales@concretesolutions.com concretesolutions.com ConShield Technologies 541 10th St., #233 Atlanta, GA 30318 Phone: 877-543-2094 Contact: Joe Cherry info@conshield.com conshield.com Copolymer Protection Systems PO Box 2860 Danville, CA 94526 Phone: 925-551-7796 Contact: Gerald Morris cpsfloor@comcast.net chemproof.com Corchem® 1227 South Murphy St. Odessa, TX 79766 Phone: 432-332-1335 Contact: Daryl Bibens sales@corchem.com corchem.com Corroseal 6107 N Marine Dr. Portland, OR 97203 Phone: 800-237-1573 Contact: Sue Steele ssteele@roddapaint.com corroseal.com Corro-Shield International, Inc. 7059 Barry St. Rosemont, IL 60018 Phone: 847-298-7770 Contact: Hugh McVey info@corroshield.com corroshield.com Cortec Corporation 4119 White Bear Pkwy. St. Paul, MN 55110 Phone: 651-429-1100 Contact: Cliff Cracauer cliff@cortecvci.com cortecvci.com Cote-L Industries Inc. 1542 Jefferson St. Teaneck, NJ 07666 Phone: 201-836-0733 Contact: Cy Fine info@cotelind.com cotelind.com Creative Polymers Inc. 9200 Latty Ave. Saint Louis, MO 63042 Phone: 314-524-0191 Contact: Rod Jarboe rod@creativepolymersinc.com creativepolymersinc.com Crossfield Products Corp. 3000 E. Harcourt St. Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 Phone: 310-886-9100 Contact: Jodi Hood dexotex@cpcmail.net dexotex.com 20 D Dampney Co., Inc. 85 Paris St. Everett, MA 02149 Phone: 617-389-2805 Contact: Dennis Aikman dennis@dampney.com thurmalox.com Denso North America 9747 Whithorn Dr. Houston, TX 77095 Phone: 281-821-3355 Contact: Jesse Flores info@densona.com densona.com Devoe High Performance Coatings (International Paint LLC) 6001 Antoine Dr. Houston, TX 77091 Phone: 888-338-6347 Contact: Sales & Tech Support pcmarketing.americas@akzonobel.com international-pc.com Diamond Vogel Paint Company 1110 Albany Pl. SE Orange City, IA 51041 Phone: 712-737-8880 Contact: Perry Foreman perry.foreman@vogelpaint.com diamondvogel.com Dow Chemical Company 9008 Bldg. Midland, MI 48642 Phone: 800-447-4369 Contact: Barb Gustafson dow.com Company Profiles Dow Corning Corporation PO Box 0994 Midland, MI 48686 Phone: 800-248-2481 Contact: Customer Service coatings@dowcorning.com dowcorning.com/coatings Dudick, Inc. 1818 Miller Pkwy. Streetsboro, OH 44241 Phone: 330-562-1970 Contact: Barb Fischer bfischer@dudick.com dudick.com Dunn-Edwards 4885 E. 52nd Pl. Los Angeles, CA 90058 Contact: Customer Service dunnedwards.com Duraamen Engineered Products Inc. 116 West 23rd St. New York, NY 10011 Phone: 212-386-7609 Contact: Victor Pachade info@duraamen.com duraamen.com E Ellis Paint Company 3150 E. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90023 Contact: Karen Hollinhurst khollinhurst@ellispaint.com ellispaint.com Enecon Corporation 6 Platinum Crt. Medford, NY 11763 Phone: 516-349-0022 Contact: Mike Tedesco info@enecon.com enecon.com Enviroline (International Paint LLC) 6001 Antoine Dr. Houston, TX 77091 Phone: 800-589-1267 Contact: Sales Administration pcmarketing.americas@akzonobel.com international-pc.com Eoncoat LLC 4000 Airport Dr. NW Wilson, NC 27896 Phone: 252-360-3110 Contact: Tony Collins tonyc@eoncoat.com eoncoat.com Epmar Corp. 13210 Barton Cl. Whittier, CA 90605 Phone: 562-236-1170 Contact: Michael Soriano epmar.com ErgonArmor PO Box 23028 Jackson, MS 39225 Phone: 877-982-7667 Contact: Customer Service info@ergonarmor.com ergonarmor.com Euclid Chemical Company 19218 Redwood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44110 Phone: 800-321-7628 Contact: Technical Support info@euclidchemical.com euclidchemical.com Evonik Industries 299 Jefferson Rd. Parsippany, NJ 07054 Phone: 973-929-8522 Contact: Christopher Soldi christopher.soldi@evonik.com protectosil.com Click our Reader e-Card at paintsquare.com/ric Company Profiles 21 F G Fabick Protective Coatings 4118 Robertson Rd. Madison, WI 53714 Phone: 608-242-1100 Contact: Brad Gabrielse info@fabick.com fabick.com Gelest, Inc. 11 E. Steel Rd. Morrisville, PA 19067 Phone: 215-547-1015 Contact: Gabrielle Horvath ghorvath@gelest.com gelest.com Flame Control Coatings, LLC 4120 Hyde Park Blvd. Niagara Falls, NY 14305 Phone: 716-282-1399 Contact: Jim Raby flame@flamecontrol.com flamecontrol.com Global EcoTechnologies PO Box 2205 Antioch, CA 94531 Phone: 925-473-9250 Contact: Scott Hobbs scotthobbs@getcoatings.com getcoatings.com Farwest Corrosion Control Company 1480 W. Artesia Blvd. Gardena, CA 90248 Phone: 310-532-9314 Contact: Marnie Rankin sales@farwestcorrosion.com farwestcorrosion.com Flame Seal Products, Inc. 15200 West Dr. Houston, TX 77053 Phone: 713-668-4291 Contact: Terri Kiser flameseal@flameseal.com flameseal.com Flexi-Liner Corp. 3198 Factory Dr. Pomona, CA 91768 Phone: 800-423-4909 Contact: Kyle Foutz sales@flexi-liner.com flexi-liner.com Florock, Crawford Labs, Inc. 4165 S. Emerald Ave. Chicago, IL 60609 Phone: 800-356-7625 Contact: Customer Service sales@florock.net florock.net FSC Coatings Inc. 5360 Eastgate Mall Rd., Ste. F San Diego, CA 92121 Phone: 800-579-8459 Contact: Steve Cerenzie fsccoating@aol.com fsccoatings.com FujiFilm Smart Surfaces, LLC 40 Boroline Rd. Allendale, NJ 07401 Phone: 877-770-7446 Contact: Charles Fisher cfisher@fujifilm.com fujifilmsmartsurfaces.com Fusion UV Systems 910 Clopper Rd. Gaithersburg, MD 20878 Phone: 301-527-2660 Contact: Kevin Joesel info@fusionuv.com fusionuv.com Gemite Products Inc. 1787 Drew Rd. Mississauga, ON L5S 1J5 Canada Phone: 888-443-6483 Contact: Igor Nikolajev sales@gemite.com gemite.com Groco Specialty Coatings 10818 C.F. Hawn Frwy. Dallas, TX 75217 Phone: 972-286-7890 Contact: Bob Guenther rcg@grocosc.com grocosc.com Gulf Coast Paint Mfg., Inc. 30075 County Rd. 49 Loxley, AL 36551 Phone: 251-964-7911 Contact: John R. Theis info@gulfcoastpaint.com gulfcoastpaint.com H hci chemtech, inc. 310 S. Bellis St. Wausau, WI 54403 Phone: 800-596-6282 Contact: Cheryl Barton hcimarketing@hciinfo.com hciinfo.com Hempel (USA) Inc. 600 Conroe Park North Dr. Conroe, TX 77303 Phone: 936-523-6000 Contact: Malcolm Kerr hempel.us@hempel.com hempel.us See our display ads, pp. 46 and 94. Hempel Denmark Lundtoftevej 150 DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby Phone: 45 4593 3800 hempel@hempel.com www.hempel.dk See our display ads, pp.76 and 100. Heresite Protective Coatings, LLC 822 South 14th St. Manitowoc, WI 54220 Phone: 920-684-6646 Contact: Doug Schmidt sales@heresite.com heresite.com Highland International, Inc. 465 Industrial Park Dr., PO Box 3564 Boone, NC 28607 Phone: 828-265-2513 Contact: Sales pbaxter@highland-international.com highland-international.com See our display ad, p. 53. Hi-Temp Coatings Technology PO Box 2347 Acton, MA 01720 Phone: 978-635-1110 Contact: Mike MeLampy mmelampy@hitempcoatings.com hitempcoatings.com HJ3 Composite Technologies 2440 West Majestic Park Way Tucson, AZ 85705 Phone: 520-322-0010 Contact: John Huedepohl sales@hj3.com hj3.com Huntsman Polyurethanes 2190 Executive Hills Blvd. Auburn Hills, MI 48326 Phone: 248-322-7431 Contact: Kevin A. Buck kevin_a_buck@huntsman.com huntsman.com/pu/ace Hydrex Underwater Technology 604 Druid Rd. E. Clearwater, FL 33756 Phone: 727-443-3900 Contact: George Aristizabal info@ecospeed.us ecospeed.us I Induron Coatings, Inc. 3333 R. Arrington Jr. Blvd. N. Birmingham, AL 35234 Phone: 800-324-9584 Contact: Jeff White jwhite@induron.com induron.com Industrial Nanotech Inc. 1925 Trade Center Way, Ste. 1 Naples, FL 34109 Phone: 800-767-3998 Contact: Francesca Crolley contact@nansulate.com nansulate.com Instacoat Premium Products 44648 Mound Rd., Ste. 104 Sterling Heights, MI 48317 Phone: 877-552-6724 Contact: Anthony Miriani amiriani@instacoat.com sprayrubber.com Insulating Coatings Corporation 27 Link Dr., Ste. D Binghamton, NY 13904 Phone: 800-223-8494 Contact: Rick Thomas info@icc-astec.com whyreplace.com Company Profiles 22 International Coatings Inc. 2925 Lucy Ln. Franklin Park, IL 60131 Phone: 800-624-8919 Contact: Angel Llanes angel@icocoat.com internationalcoatings.com International Paint LLC 6001 Antoine Dr. Houston, TX 77091 Phone: 800-589-1267 Contact: Sales Adminstration pcmarketing.americas@akzonobel.com international-pc.com See our display ad, p. 30. Isolatek International 41 Furnace St. Stanhope, NJ 07874 Phone: 800-631-9600 Contact: Sean Canfield scanfield@isolatek.com isolatek.com ITW American Safety Technology 6614 Gant Rd. Houston, TX 77066 Phone: 281-397-0033 Contact: Alan Kaniss akaniss@polyspec.com astantislip.com ITW Devcon 30 Endicott St. Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: 800-933-8266 Contact: Jessica Desrochers info@devcon.com devcon.com ITW PolySpec/Futura Coatings 6614 Gant Rd. Houston, TX 77066 Phone: 281-397-0033 Contact: Alan Kaniss nunderwood@futuracoatings.com futuracoatings.com See our display ad, p. 51. J Jotun Paints Inc. 9203 Hwy. 23 Belle Chasse, LA 70037 Phone: 504-394-3538 Contact: Sales jotun.com/us See our display ad, p. 68. Kema Coatings Limited Unit 904–60 Wyndham St. S Guelph, ON N1E 7H7 Canada Phone: 519-826-9374 Contact: Mark Gibson info@4pipelines.com 4pipelines.com Kemper System America, Inc. 1 Reuten Dr. Closter, NJ 07624 Phone: 800-541-5455 Contact: Diana Nino-Tables dntables@kempersystem.net kempersystem.net Key Resin Company 4050 Clough Woods Dr. Batavia, OH 45103 Phone: 888-943-4532 Contact: Eric Borglum sales@keyresin.com keyresin.com Jotun Powder Coatings PO Box 2130, Stubberod 3255 Larvik, 3255 Norway Phone: 47 33 16 40 00 Contact: Fredrik Barth-Nilsen fredrik.barth-nilsen@jotun.no K Kaufman Products, Inc. 3811 Curtis Ave. Baltimore, MD 21226 Phone: 800-637-6372 Contact: Alex Kaufman akaufman@kaufmanproducts.net kaufmanproducts.net KCC Corrosion Control Co., Ltd. 4018 Trey Dr. Houston, TX 77084 Phone: 281-550-1199 Contact: Owen T. Priest solutions@kcchouston.com kcccontrol.com Kryton International Inc. 1645 East Kent Ave. Vancouver, BC V5P 2S8 Canada Phone: 604-324-8280 Contact: Isabella Germinario info@kryton.com kryton.com L Lonza Microbial Control 5660 New Northside Dr., Ste. 1100 Atlanta, GA 30328 Phone: 800-523-7391 Contact: Customer Service microbialcontrol@lonza.com lonza.com RUST NEVER SLEEPS! INCREASE PROFITS ! Vacuum TO 6,000 CFM diesel / electric (877) 529-2124 www.rapidprep.com Blast & Recovery Systems all sizes 60 ton eight outlet blasters Shipyard vacs & dc’s Rapid Prep Service Center Locations: Johnston, RI - Chesapeake, VA Chula Vista, CA - Lakewood, WA Click our Reader e-Card at paintsquare.com/ric DH / AC Units Dust Collectors to 80,000 CFM Company Profiles 23 M Mad Dog Primer 309 Plum St. N Northfield, MN 55057 Phone: 507-645-7431 Contact: Steve Ryan sales@maddogprimer.com maddogprimer.com Madison Chemical Industries 490 McGeachie Dr. Milton, ON L9T 3Y5 Canada Phone: 905-878-8863 Contact: Kim Bruce sales@madisonchemical.com madisonchemical.com Mascoat 4310 Campbell Rd. Houston, TX 77041 Phone: 713-465-0304 Contact: Chad Davis cdavis@mascoat.com mascoat.com See our display ad, p. 49. Micor Company, Inc. 3232 N. 31st St. Milwaukee, WI 53216 Phone: 800-284-4308 Contact: Bill Siefert micorox@sbcglobal.net micorco.com N National Polymers Inc. 9 Guttman Ave. Charleroi, PA 15022 Phone: 724-483-9300 Contact: Erica Corrick questions@nationalpolymers.com nationalpolymers.com Nationwide Chemical Coating Mfrs., Inc. 7106 24th Crt. East Sarasota, FL 34243 Phone: 800-423-7264 Contact: Sales info@natcoat.net nationwidecoatings.com Navcor 4150 112th Terr. N., Bldg. A Clearwater, FL 33762 Phone: 727-299-9090 Contact: Steve Kearns customerservice@navcor.us navcor.us NCFI Polyurethanes PO Box 1528 Mt. Airy, NC 27030 Phone: 800-246-8229 Contact: Customer Service emillie.lee@ncfi.net enduratechsystems.com NIC Industries 7050 6th St. White City, OR 97503 Phone: 541-826-1922 Contact: Jeff Scheid jeff@nicindustries.com nicindustries.com The Platt Brothers & Company PO Box 1030 Waterbury, CT 06721 Phone: 203-753-4194 Contact: David Berardinelli plattbros.com Northern Industries Inc. 429 Tiogue Ave. Coventry, RI 02816 Phone: 401-821-2121 Contact: Rick Bernard rick@northerncoatings.com northerncoatings.com Polycoat Products 14722 Spring Ave. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Phone: 562-802-8834 Contact: Joe Nichy wpsales@polycoatusa.com polycoatusa.com NoFire Technologies, Inc. 5 James St. South Hackensack, NJ 07606 Phone: 201-818-1616 Contact: Al Margino nofire@nofire.net nofire.com Polibrid Coatings, Inc. 6700 F.M. 802 Brownsville, TX 78526 Phone: 956-831-7818 Contact: Klaus D. Meyer klaus@polibrid.com polibrid.com See our display ad, p. 48. Nox-Crete Products Group 1444 S. 20th St. Omaha, NE 68108 Phone: 402-341-2080 Contact: Customer Service customerservice@nox-crete.com nox-crete.com Polycorp Ltd. 33 York St. Elora, ON N0B 1S0 Canada Phone: 519-846-2075 Contact: Dennis Nolan dnolan@poly-corp.com poly-corp.com NSP Specialty Products PO Box 4690 Pinehurst, NC 28374 Phone: 910-235-0468 Contact: Larry Harrison lharrison@nsp-specialty.com nsp-specialty.com Nukote Arabia Prince Thamer St., Cross 25 Al Khobar, 31952 Saudi Arabia Phone: 966 3 8677004 Contact: Abdul Wahab nukote@bldgtec.com Nutech Paint LLC 104 North Smith St., Units 103, 104 Corona, CA 92880 Phone: 714-557-4180 Contact: Robert Dixon info@nutech.com nutechpaints.com P Pacific Polymers (A Division of ITW) 12271 Monarch St. Garden Grove, CA 92841 Phone: 714-793-1988 Contact: Michael Claus michaelclaus@pacpoly.com pacpoly.com Para Paints 11 Kenview Blvd. Brampton, ON L6T 5G5 Canada Phone: 905-792-0940 Contact: Garry Belfall gbelfall@para.com para.com Polymax/Milamar Coatings L.L.C. 311 NW 122nd St., Ste. 100 Oklahoma City, OK 73114 Phone: 405-755-8454 Contact: Joanne Kontorchik polymax@casspolymers.com polymax-us.com PPC Coatings (MTR) 2 Pixie Rd. Wilmington, DE 19810 Phone: 877-588-2227 Contact: Cliff Narunsky ppc@ppccoatings.com ppccoatings.com PPG Protective & Marine Coatings One PPG Pl. Pittsburgh, PA 15272 Phone: 888-977-4762 Contact: Steve Feldman pmcmarketing@ppg.com ppgpmc.com See our display ad, p. 112. Premier Coating Systems Inc. 606 N. Lane Ave., #6 Jacksonville, FL 32254 Phone: 904-403-6113 Contact: Ron Fake ronfake11@gmail.com Prime Resins 2291 Plunkett Rd. Conyers, GA 30012 Phone: 800-321-7212 Contact: Adam Goldstone sales@primeresins.com primeresins.com Company Profiles 24 Protective Floorings and Linings a Division of Milamar Coatings LLC 311 NW 122nd St., Ste. 100 Oklahoma City, OK 73114 Phone: 405-755-8454 Contact: Joanne Kontorchik pfl@casspolymers.com protective-floorings.com Protecto Wrap Company 1955 Cherokee St. Denver, CO 80223 Phone: 800-759-9727 Contact: Customer Service info@protectowrap.com protectowrap.com Protek Paint Ltd. 335 Horner Ave. Toronto, ON M8W 1Z6 Canada Phone: 800-773-5233 Contact: Barry Affleck info@texturline.com texturline.com Q Quest Construction Products (HydroStop/United Coatings) 1465 Pipefitter St. N Charleston, SC 29405 Phone: 800-739-5566 Contact: Customer Service info@quest-cp.com quest-cp.com R Raven Lining Systems 13105 East 61st St., Ste. A Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Phone: 800-324-2810 Contact: Jim Henke henkej@ravenlining.com ravenlining.com Rema Tip Top/North America Inc. 1500 Industrial Blvd. Madison, GA 30650 Phone: 440-781-6226 Contact: Larry Hess lhess@rematiptop.com rematiptop.com See our display ad, p. 57. Republic Powdered Metals, Inc. 2628 Pearl Rd. Medina, OH 44256 Phone: 800-551-7081 Contact: Paula Coombes pcoombes@rpmrepublic.com rpmrepublic.com Rhino Linings Corporation 9151 Rehco Rd. San Diego, CA 92121 Phone: 800-422-2603 Contact: John Henningsen rhinomarketing@rhinolinings.com rhinoliningsindustrial.com Rodda Paint Co./Cloverdale Paint 6107 N. Marine Dr. Portland, OR 97203 Phone: 503-572-8201 Contact: Tom Selby tselby@roddapaint.com roddapaint.com RoofMart International Inc. 2735 Rain Rd., PO Box 502 Chapman, KS 67431 Phone: 800-345-1439 Contact: Customer Service sales@roofrmi.com roofrmi.com Roval USA Corp. 12270 NW Luoto Ln. Carlton, OR 97111 Phone: 971-237-0958 Contact: Aldo Donnaloia aldo@roval-usa.com roval-usa.com Rust Bullet, LLC 300 Brinkby Ave., Ste. 200 Reno, NV 89509 Phone: 775-829-5606 Contact: Kathline A. Spring kathline@rustbullet.com rustbullet.com S Safe Encasement Systems 1795 N. Snow Canyon Pkwy., Unit 63 St. George, UT 84770 Phone: 888-277-8834 Contact: John Thoburn thoburn@safeencasement.com safeencasement.com Sauereisen, Inc. 160 Gamma Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15238 Phone: 412-963-0303 Contact: Lake Barrett questions@sauereisen.com sauereisen.com Seacoat Technology 11215 Jones Rd. W., Ste. H Houston, TX 77065 Phone: 832-237-4400 Contact: John Bowlin sales@seacoat.com seacoat.com Seal For Life Industries, Part of Berry Plastics Engineered Materials Division Gasselterstraat 20 Stadskanaal, 9503JB Netherlands Phone: 31 599696170 Contact: J.F. Doddema info@stopaq.com stopaq.com See our display ads, pp. 82 and 103. Overspray Problems? We Have the Solution! 800-835-5858 www.sprayclaims.com Click our Reader e-Card at paintsquare.com/ric DAMAGE CONTROL: Costs are lowered, as much as 75%, through our fast, professional on-site overspray removal service. COMPETITIVE PRICING: No charges, other than those for cleaning vehicles. Experience: Forty-four years of experience in removing: paint, epoxies, urethanes, roofing foam, asphalt, tar, concrete, industrial fallout, and most other contaminants, from all types of vehicles, boats, and aircraft. STATE-OF-THE ART TECHNOLOGY: Our unique rubber pad eraser eliminates the use of: solvents, razor blades, buffing machines, sandpaper, rubbing compounds, and clay products. IMMEDIATE ACTION: Skilled and uniformed technicians are quickly mobilized to any overspray claim site in the nation. COMPLETE DOCUMENTATION: Signed pre-inspection forms and releases from satisfied claimants, that limit liability issues, along with vehicle photos. Company Profiles 25 Shalimar Paints Limited Oberoi Garden Estate, C Wing, 5th Fl. Mumbai, 400 072 India Phone: 91 22 2857 7591 Contact: P. Hari Kumar harikumar@shalimarpaints.com shalimarpaints.com ShawCor CSI Services 1607–10 St. Nisku, AB T9E 0A7 Canada Phone: 403-218-8262 Contact: Sam Miller smiller@shawcorcsi.com shawcorcsi.com Sherwin-Williams 101 Prospect Ave. NW Cleveland, OH 44115 Phone: 800-524-5979 Contact: Customer Service sherwin@ultlead.com sherwin-williams.com/protective See our display ads, pp. 34 and 144. Simpson Strong-Tie/Fox Industries 3100 Falls Cliff Rd. Baltimore, MD 21211 Phone: 410-243-8856 Contact: Edye Fox Abrams edyefox@strongtie.com foxind.com Specialty Products, Inc. (SPI) 2410 104th St., Crt. S, Ste. D Lakewood, WA 98499 Phone: 253-588-7101 Contact: Cliff Haskins info@specialty-products.com specialty-products.com SpectraShield Liner Systems 4527 Sunbeam Rd. Jacksonville, FL 32257 Phone: 904-419-4889 Contact: Bob Klopfenstein bklopfenstein@ccispectrum.com spectrashield.com SpeedCove Precast Cove Base Systems 5781 Pleasant Valley Rd. El Dorado, CA 95623 Phone: 530-344-9000 Contact: Doug Standal dstandal@speedcove.com speedcove.com Stirling Lloyd Group Plc. Union Bank, King St. Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 6EF UK Phone: 44 1565 633111 Contact: Dave Mulligan marketing@stirlinglloyd.com stirlinglloyd.com Sub-One Technology 4464 Willow Rd., Bldg. 103 Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925-924-1020 Contact: Dore Rosenblum drosenblum@sub-one.com sub-one.com Subsea Industries NV Haven 29–Noorderlaan 9 Antwerp, 2030 Belgium Phone: 32 3 213 53 18 Contact: Manuel Hof info@ecospeed.be ecospeed.be Sulzer Metco 1101 Prospect Ave. Westbury, NY 11590 Phone: 800-638-2699 Contact: Customer Service ts-classics@sulzer.com sulzermetco.com Directories on Demand • Fully searchable • Share via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and email • Find listings instantly by industry, exposure, substrate, company or product trade name jpcl PAINTSQUARE.COM Click our Reader e-Card at paintsquare.com/ric Visit www.paintsquare.com/bg/ or Scan this QR code for immediate access! Company Profiles 26 Sumter Coatings Inc. 2410 Hwy. 15 South Sumter, SC 29154 Phone: 803-481-3400 Contact: Jimmy Reynolds emonarch@sumtercoatings.com sumtercoatings.com Superior Products 10835 W 78th St. Shawnee, KS 66214 Phone: 832-683-1123 Contact: Hal McElroy hmcelroy@superiorcoatingsusa.com spicoatings.com T Termarust Technologies 8150 Rue de L’Industrie Montreal, QC H1J 1S7 Canada Phone: 888-279-5497 Contact: Craig Ballinger info@termarust.com termarust.com See our display ad, p.39. Tesla NanoCoatings Ltd. 6200 Frank Ave. NW Massillon, OH 44720 Phone: 330-880-5229 Contact: Todd Hawkins sales@teslanano.com teslanano.com Textured Coatings of America 2422 E. 15th St. Panama City, FL 32405 Phone: 800-454-0340 Contact: Regina Price info@texcote.com texcote.com Thermion PO Box 780 Silverdale, WA 98383 Phone: 877-884-3428 Contact: Dean Hooks dhooks@thermioninc.com thermioninc.com Thin Film Technology, Inc. 5211 Brookglen Dr., Ste. A Houston, TX 77017 Phone: 713-910-6200 Contact: Jeff Longmore jeff@thinfilmtech.net thinfilmtech.net 3L&T Inc. 897 Independence Ave., Ste.1B Mountain View, CA 94043 Phone: 650-625-0177 Contact: Linas Mazeika linas@3l-t.com 3l-t.com 3M Infrastructure Protection Division 6801 River Pl. Blvd., 147-4N-01 Austin, TX 78726 Phone: 512-984-7801 Contact: Michelle Latham mklatham@mmm.com 3m.com/corrosion TIB Chemicals AG Muelheimer Str. 16-22 Mannheim, D-68219 Germany Phone: 49 621 8901 812 Contact: Rainer Kuprion rainer.kuprion@tib-chemicals.com tib-chemicals.com TMS Metalizing Systems, Ltd. 7665 NW Eldorado Blvd. Bremerton, WA 98312 Phone: 360-692-6656 Contact: Dave Wixson info@tmsmetalizing.com tmsmetalizing.com Tnemec Company, Inc. 6800 Corporate Dr. Kansas City, MO 64120 Phone: 816-483-3400 Contact: Marketing marketing@tnemec.com tnemec.com See our display ad, p. 140. TPR2 Corporation 36 Plains Rd. Essex, CT 06426 Phone: 860-767-8772 Contact: Brian Flaherty mail@tpr2.com tpr2.com U U.S. Coatings, LLC PO Box 220313 St. Louis, MO 63122 Phone: 314-205-1500 Contact: Larry LeSeure plitzsinger@uscoatings.com uscoatings.com U.S. Industrial Coatings PO Box 3200 Framingham, MA 01705 Phone: 508-980-1000 Contact: Ken usindustrialcoatings.com United Gilsonite Laboratories 1396 Jefferson Ave. Dunmore, PA 18509 Phone: 800-845-5227 Contact: William Tucker sales@ugl.com ugl.com V VersaFlex Incorporated 686 S. Adams St. Kansas City, KS 66105 Phone: 913-321-9000 Contact: Sales sales@versaflex.com versaflex.com W W.R. Meadows 300 Industrial Dr. Hampshire, IL 60140 Phone: 800-342-5976 Contact: W. R. Meadows Walla Walla Environmental 4 West Rees Ave. Walla Walla, WA 99362 Phone: 509-522-0496 Contact: Jamie Dressler jamie@wwenvironmental.com wwenvironmental.com Wasser Corporation 4118 B Pl. NW, Ste. B Auburn, WA 98001 Phone: 800-627-2968 Contact: Kevin Grillo info@wassercoatings.com wassercoatings.com Watson Coatings, Inc. 325 Paul Ave. St. Louis, MO 63135 Phone: 314-521-2000 Contact: Paul Powers powerspm@watsoncoatings.com watsoncoatings.com See our display ad, p. 36. Wilko Paint, Inc. 2727 Ohio Wichita, KS 67219 Phone: 800-658-3799 Contact: Don Holt orders@wilkopaintinc.com wilkopaintinc.com Willamette Valley Company 1075 Arrowsmith St. Eugene, OR 97402 Phone: 541-484-9621 Contact: Gary Williams polyquiksales@wilvaco.com polyquik.com z ZRC Worldwide 145 Enterprise Dr. Marshfield, MA 02050 Phone: 800-831-3275 Contact: Lorraine DeWald info@zrcworldwide.com zrcworldwide.com