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Catena 33 Ž1998. 139–153 Spatial variability of soil properties at different scales within three terraces of the Henares River žSpain / A. Saldana ˜ ) , A. Stein, J.A. Zinck ITC International Institute for Aerospace SurÕey and Earth Sciences, P.O. Box 6, 7500 AA Enschede, Netherlands Received 26 September 1997; revised 27 August 1998; accepted 27 August 1998 Abstract This paper applies statistical and geostatistical procedures to a soil chronosequence on the terraces of the Henares River ŽNE Madrid. to analyse the spatial distribution of several soil properties and use the contribution of geostatistics to establishing a landscape evolution model of the area. Particle-size distribution, pH, calcium carbonate and organic carbon were analysed. Statistical procedures focus on analysing differences between terraces. Geostatistical procedures identify short- and medium-range variations within individual terraces at different scales. Standard transitive variogram models describe the properties of the younger terrace, whereas the linear intransitive model fits the majority of variograms of the older terrace. The analysis confirms and quantifies the decrease in variability of soil properties from young to old deposits, showing thus an increment of soil homogenisation with time. Ageing of the terraces causes the variables to show nontransitive variogram models with unbounded variances within the observation range. q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Chronosequence; Spatial variability; Variogram; Soil homogenisation; Spatial sampling 1. Introduction Spatial variation in soil has been recognised for many years ŽBurrough, 1993.. A useful distinction is that between random and systematic variation. Systematic variation is a gradual or marked change in soil properties as a function of landforms, geomorphic ) Corresponding author. Zaragoza 5, 28804 Alcala´ de Henares, Madrid, Spain. E-mail: 0341-8162r98r$ - see front matter q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 3 4 1 - 8 1 6 2 Ž 9 8 . 0 0 0 9 0 - 3 140 A. Saldana ˜ et al.r Catena 33 (1998) 139–153 elements, soil-forming factors andror soil management ŽJenny, 1941.. Random variations entail either differences in soil properties which cannot be explained in terms of known soil-forming factors, recognisable at a reasonable sampling density, or measurement errors at the scale of the study. Few attempts have been made so far to differentiate between systematic and random soil variations in chronosequences ŽHarrison et al., 1990.. The soils of the Henares River terraces are arranged in a topo-chronosequence. They have been studied along transects to establish relationships between terrace surfaces and soil properties, and to understand the evolution of the valley during the Pliocene and Quaternary Žsee, e.g., Ibanez ´˜ et al., 1990, 1994.. However, few soil chronosequence studies were based on sufficient data points within terraces and at different depths to enable the degree and nature of soil variability within and between seemingly homogeneous land areas to be determined. On a soil map, variation is displayed using geomorphic and soil knowledge, mainly in terms of systematic variation. Map units often contain information on the degree and nature of spatial variation, but the areal proportion occupied by each taxum is not always precisely determined. Moreover, the patterns of soil distribution and the scale at which the soil components are mapped may not be compatible. In this paper, statistical methods were used to describe quantitatively the variation in soil properties within and between map units. The coefficient of variation and the t-test, for instance, help distinguish variation between units. Geostatistics, based on the theory of regionalized variables, provides a basis for quantifying the spatial relation among sample values within map units. It also allows to predict values at unvisited locations by kriging and to design rational sampling schemes ŽWebster, 1985.. However, uncritical use of geostatistics in soil survey has several drawbacks. The large number of data required to estimate a variogram and the assumptions regarding stationarity of the variation, necessary to measure spatial variation from a single set of observations ŽJournel and Huijbregts, 1978., restrict the application of the variogram to small sections of landscape ŽAgbu and Olsen, 1990.. Selection of the appropriate variogram model is still largely done interactively, which may introduce some subjectivity in the process. Interpolation of data yields maps of single properties at one depth, whereas a real soil body on the landscape integrates many soil properties at several depths. In spite of these limitations, a combination of geostatistics with soil classification could improve the soil survey method and, in particular, determine the observation density needed to properly describe soil units, as suggested by several authors. Stein et al. Ž1988. applied Žco.-kriging to existing soil map delineations to improve the accuracy of prediction of land qualities at minimal effort and costs. Prior landscape stratification, based on the correlation of soil types with major landforms and geological features, was used to establish the soil map units. Water-table classes based on ground-water table measures were also considered in the analysis. Goovaerts and Journel Ž1995. used indicator kriging and the Markov–Bayes algorithm to establish the probability of copper and cobalt deficiencies in soils. They showed that the use of soil map information improves the delineation of deficiency areas, particularly where the sampling is sparse. On the other hand, Voltz et al. Ž1997. proposed a method combining soil classification and three interpolation methods Žkriging, inverse squared distance and nearest neighbour. to A. Saldana ˜ et al.r Catena 33 (1998) 139–153 141 map soil properties at regional scale with acceptable precision. Sample information from a reference area and soil observations distributed over the region were also used. They found that estimates from soil classification combined with kriging were the most precise. Determining the number and location of the field observations is difficult in flat alluvial systems, where the inherent spatial variation of soil properties is not easily predicted from soil–landform relationships ŽDi et al., 1989.. Alluvial soils are often very variable, both laterally and with depth, because changes in both dimensions can result from differences in parent material and depositional processes. This paper shows results obtained from the geostatistical analysis of soil properties within the terraces generated by Quaternary evolution of the Henares River incision. Stationarity is assumed provided the similar nature, origin of the parent material and pedogenesis of the terraces. The study examines sampling at different spatial scales to establish Ž1. differences among three selected terraces of lower, medium and upper Pleistocene age and Ž2. short- and medium-range variations occurring within the terraces. 2. Material and methods 2.1. Study area characteristics The study area is in the provinces of Madrid and Guadalajara, between 40830X N and 40850X N and 3810X W and 3830X W ŽFig. 1., 40 km NE of Madrid, on the southern slope of the Ayllon ´ mountain range. The altitude varies from 600 to 900 m above sea level. The climate is continental Mediterranean, with hot dry summers and cold wet winters. Fig. 1. Location of the three sample areas in the Henares River valley and structure of the 3-level sampling scheme applied to each terrace. A. Saldana ˜ et al.r Catena 33 (1998) 139–153 142 The annual mean temperature is 148C and the annual mean rainfall is 400 mm ŽIMN, 1992.. The soil moisture regime is xeric and the soil temperature regime is mesic ŽUSDA, 1994.. Past climate fluctuations, tectonic movements and lithologic-structural controls have influenced the development of the Henares River valley, resulting in a typical asymmetric valley of central Spain. As many as 20 terraces and a series of incised glacis-terraces of Pleistocene age have been identified along the right and left banks of the river, respectively. The granulometric and petrographic composition of the terraces is very similar throughout, with quartzite, quartz and limestone pebbles within a sandy matrix. Calcareous pebbles are absent from the higher terraces ŽITGE, 1990.. The ages of the terraces probably range from late Pliocene to upper Pleistocene and Holocene ŽGallardo et al., 1987.. Three terraces of lower, middle and upper Pleistocene age were selected for description and sampling. The soil types developed on them include Inceptisols and Alfisols ŽUSDA, 1994.. Calcixerollic, Fluventic and Typic Xerochrepts are found on the lower and younger terrace. Haploxeralfs, Rhodoxeralfs and Palexeralfs, with Calcic, Petrocalcic, Vertic and Typic subgroups, dominate the middle and higher terraces. The land is mainly used for rainfed agriculture, in particular wheat, barley and sunflowers. Irrigated sunflower and maize are produced on the floodplain and lower terraces. Natural vegetation occurs only in marginal areas with poor agricultural productivity; it is mainly the degradation stage of the original climax forest formation. 2.2. Statistics and geostatistics 2.2.1. Variogram estimation Statistics, such as minimum, maximum, mean, median, standard deviation and coefficient of variation summarise the data. Graphs of the cumulative relative variance for increasing distances show the distances at which important increases in variance occur. To analyse the spatial variability between observation points Žhorizontal. and observations depth Žvertical., use was made of geostatistical methods ŽJournel and Huijbregts, 1978; Cressie, 1991.. Each soil variable that is measured is associated with its observation location x. For the ith variable, denoted as z i Ž x ., the variogram g i Ž h. is the expected squared difference as a function of the distance h or lag between two locations, defined by: gi Ž h. s 1 2 E Zi Ž x . y Zi Ž x q h . , 2 where x and x q h are two locations, separated by a distance h, at which the regionalized variable is measured, and E denotes the mathematical expectation. Use of the variogram for interpolation requires Ew Zi Ž x .x to be constant in the area and that the g i Ž h. do not depend upon x, according to the so-called intrinsic hypothesis. To estimate g i Ž h. using n observations of Zi Ž x . with values z i Ž x 1 ., z i Ž x 2 ., . . . , z i Ž x n ., the expectation E is replaced by the average value and a sample variogram gˆ i Ž h. is computed by: gˆ i Ž h . s 1 Ni Ž h . 2 Ni Ž h . js1 Ý Ž zi Ž x j . y zi Ž x j q h. . 2 , A. Saldana ˜ et al.r Catena 33 (1998) 139–153 143 where z i Ž x j . and z i Ž x j q h. form a pair of points separated by a distance h of which there are Ni Ž h.. Commonly, pairs of observations are grouped into a limited number of distance classes to ensure that Ni Ž h. is sufficiently large. Each class contains pairs with approximately the same distance. The sample variogram was estimated using the programme SPATANAL ŽStein, 1993.. 2.2.2. Model fitting The parameters of a variogram contain the spatial information required for prediction; they are estimated for distances h and sample variogram values gˆ i Ž h.. A variogram is a mathematical function that must be able to characterise three important parameters: the nugget variance, the sill variance and the range. The nugget is the positive intercept of the variogram with the ordinate and represents unexplained spatially dependent variation or purely random variance. Transitive variograms reach a sill value at which they level out, at a distance known as the range of spatial dependence. Common transitive models are the spherical, exponential, Gaussian, hole effect Žor wave. and pure nugget ŽCressie, 1991.. Continuous, gradually varying attributes are often described by a Gaussian variogram. Attributes with abrupt boundaries at discrete and regular spacings Žthe range. are described by the linear model with a sill. The spherical model describes variables similar to the previous ones when the distance between abrupt changes is not clearly defined. Attributes characterised by abrupt changes at all distances are described by the exponential model. The hole effect model reflects repetition in the data related to the periodicity of parent material deposition and consequently to the repetition of landform sequences in space. The pure nugget model indicates that there is no spatial dependence at the scale of investigation. In contrast, a common nontransitive model is the linear one, which is suitable to describe attributes varying at all scales ŽJournel and Huijbregts, 1978; Burrough, 1983, 1987; Oliver, 1987.. Model fitting is required for interpolation procedures and is a previous step to the creation of soil property maps. Model selection was based on a combination of the R 2 , or unadjusted coefficient of determination, of a weighted nonlinear regression Žvalues close to 1 indicate a good fit., and interactive interpretation of the sample variogram values. For example, both the hole effect and the Gaussian models yielded a similar R 2 value for the pH at depth d 2 in sample area A 1 , but the experimental variogram did not show any evidence of periodicity. Therefore, the Gaussian model was selected. All parameters were estimated by a weighted nonlinear regression procedure using the Statistical Analysis System ŽSAS, 1985.. 2.3. Spatial sampling at different scales A previous knowledge of soil properties and variation relationships with landscape features and statistical sampling can be used to collect spatial information. The collected data z i Ž x i1 ., . . . , z i Ž x i n ., including their sampling locations x i1 , . . . , x i n , can be summarised by the sampling design for the ith variable Si s Ž z i , x i ., distinguishing between the variable-specific part of the design and the location-specific part. For the location-specific part, random sampling, grid sampling or any other sampling procedure 144 A. Saldana ˜ et al.r Catena 33 (1998) 139–153 can be applied. The final sampling design S s jSi is the collection of the individual sampling designs. The density of observations depends on the variation: a very variable property may need to be collected with a greater density than one that is less variable. The sampling density for the random design and for the grid sampling is governed by criteria such as the standard deviation of the observations z Ž x i .. Sampling is complicated by the fact that the data are spatially dependent, usually with an unknown degree of spatial dependence, hence the need to cover several scales of spatial resolution for several variables in a single sample design. van Groenigen and Stein Ž1998. distinguish between Ž1. designs for estimating spatial dependence, Ž2. designs for even spacing of data throughout the area using previous observations and ancillary information such as irregular boundaries of the area, and Ž3. designs for optimising spatial interpolation. These designs might be totally different even for a single variable. The design for estimating spatial dependence leads to a clustering of observation locations in an area, whereas this is generally avoided when an even cover of samples or a design for optimising spatial interpolation is applied. All these considerations therefore produce a sampling scheme that has to serve several objectives, several variables and an unknown relation between a variable and its observation locations. In this study, a multi-scale sampling grid was used to quantify and model the spatial variability of soil properties. For such a grid, s grid meshes d j , j s 1, . . . , s, are decided upon in advance, and sampling grids S Ž1., . . . , S Ž s. are defined such that for i - j the average distance between points in S Ž i. is less than that in S Ž j.. A multi-level grid has some advantages over a single grid as single observations may belong to more than one level of the design. For example, each design may be concentrated around a single point, that is the centre of all of the designs S Ž i.. This enables the spatial dependence of the data to be analysed at different spatial scales and a comparison between the scales is then easy to determine. This provides a compromise where there are variables with different spatial behaviour and when different research objectives are pursued. In such a scheme, there is some clustering and, at the same time, the area is fairly evenly covered with observations. Three areas of 540 m = 540 m were sampled ŽFig. 1.. Sample area A 1 was located on a low Pleistocene terrace ŽT-29., A 2 on a middle Pleistocene terrace ŽT-25. and A 3 on a high Pleistocene terrace ŽT-15., with terrace labelling according to ITGE Ž1990.. Three sampling intervals were selected and the observations arranged in a nested scheme ŽFig. 1. with: Ø 10 m intervals, to sample the short-range variation at the intra-polypedon scale, giving 49 observations on a square grid of 7 by 7 points; Ø 30 m intervals, to sample the medium-range variation, giving observations on a square grid of 7 by 7 points, with the innermost nine locations coinciding with the locations on the 10-m-interval grid. A distance of 30 m was considered appropriate to describe the transverse structure of alluvial systems, e.g., variation from the levee to the basin. It corresponds to the sampling distances used by Campbell Ž1978. and Weitz et al. Ž1993.; Ø 90 m intervals, to sample medium-range variation, giving 49 observations on a square grid of 7 by 7 points, with the innermost nine locations coinciding with the A. Saldana ˜ et al.r Catena 33 (1998) 139–153 145 locations on the 30-m-interval grid. This interval is appropriate for terrace fragments of limited flat areas, as higher terraces have been strongly dissected by erosion. The total number of observations was 129, as there was some overlap in the central locations. At each observation point, samples were taken at three standard depths: 0.1–0.2 m Ž d1 ., 0.4–0.5 m Ž d 2 . and 0.9–1.0 m Ž d 3 .. Variables measured in all areas included sand, silt, clay, calcium carbonate and soil reaction ŽpH.. Organic carbon was determined in all areas at d1 and in A 1 also at the other depths. Particle-size distribution was determined by the Bouyoucos method, organic carbon by the Walkley–Black method, calcium carbonate with the Bernard calcimeter, and pH with a pH meter in 1:2.5 soil–water mixtures. A test was developed to investigate the significance of the differences in mean values between strata when the observations of a regionalized variable are Žspatially. related. Suppose p strata are investigated, from every stratum it is known that the spatial dependency structure is given by the variograms g i Ž r . for r G 0, i s 1, . . . , p. As an estimator for the mean and the variance within the ith stratum we have: m ˆ is 1XnGy1 y i 1XnGy1 i 1n , where the matrix Gi contains values of the variogram in the ith stratum; Gi depends on the variable under study. The variance of the mean is equal to: y1 1 Var Ž m ˆ i . s X y1 s . gi 1 n Gi 1 n The null hypothesis H0 that no differences exist between the different strata and the alternative hypothesis H1 can be formulated as: H0 : m 1 s m 2 s . . . s m p H1 : at least one m j differs from the other mXi s, i / j. When the spatial structure is known, this hypothesis is tested with the test statistic: 2 p Ts Ý is1 žÝ / g i m̂ i p g i m2i y ˆ is1 p , Ý gi is1 2 which has under H0 a x -distribution with p y 1 df. Of course, in practical studies, the spatial structure has to be estimated from the data. As the test value will only slightly change, the same x 2-distribution can be used ŽStein et al., 1988.. The variogram parameters were used in the program OPTIM ŽStein, 1996. that determines the best sampling interval to obtain estimates at a given level of precision for each soil property, i.e., the necessary sampling spacing to arrive at a preset kriging variance s 02 . For square grids, the highest kriging variance occurs at the centre of four grid points. Moreover, the kriging variance is independent from actual observations. OPTIM uses an iterative optimisation procedure. It needs the size of the area, d a , as the upper limit for grid spacing Ž d M ., as well as a minimum grid spacing, d m , initially set A. Saldana ˜ et al.r Catena 33 (1998) 139–153 146 equal to 0. It then starts with a grid mesh d1 s 1r2 d a , yielding a maximum kriging variance s 12 . If s 12 ) s 02 then the second grid mesh d 2 equals 1r2 d1 , d m is fixed at zero, and d M changes to d1. If, on the other hand, s 12 F s 02 , mesh d 2 is set equal to 1r2 Ž d1 q d a ., d m to d1 , and d M remains unchanged. Next, a grid mesh d 3 is determined, yielding new values for d m and d M in a similar way as d 2 . Iteration stops when s 02 is determined to a sufficient level of precision Že.g., 10y4 ., yielding an optimal grid spacing d opt . Values of s 02 below the size of the nugget effect can never be reached, even with a very small grid mesh. Inversely, values of s 02 above the sill value are always reached, even if a single measurement point is used. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Summary statistics and tests for significance Table 1 shows summary statistics of sand, silt, clay, calcium carbonate, organic carbon and pH for the three sample areas at the different sampling depths. The variables sand, CaCO 3 and pH decrease with the age of the terrace presumably as a consequence of weathering and leaching. On the contrary, the clay content increases both in depth and from the lower to the higher terraces as a result of clay illuviation and weathering, Table 1 Summary statistics of soil properties for the sample areas Variable Sand% Silt% Clay% pH CaCO 3% O.C.% Depth d1 d2 d3 d1 d2 d3 d1 d2 d3 d1 d2 d3 d1 d2 d3 d1 d2 d3 A 1 Ž N s129. A 2 Ž N s129. A 3 Ž N s89. m s CV m s CV m S CV 35 31 31 42 43 45 22 27 24 8 8.2 8.3 7 14 24 0.7 0.4 0.21 6 8 5 5 6 10 3 4 7 0.3 0.2 0.2 6 11 6 0.1 0.2 0.15 16 24 47 11 15 22 14 15 28 4 2 2 80 73 25 14 50 70 31 27 – 41 37 – 28 36 – 6.9 7.4 – 0 1 – 0.5 – – 3 4 – 4 6 – 4 6 – 0.3 0.4 – 0 1 – 0.1 – – 11 16 – 9 16 – 13 17 – 4 5 – 0 171 – 20 – – 25 22 26 41 33 26 34 45 48 6.7 7.2 8.2 1 0.1 7 0.6 – – 5 6 6 4 5 5 6 6 5 0.4 0.3 0.3 19 25 21 10 16 19 17 14 11 6 4 4 17 550 78 17 – – 1 5 0.1 – – N s Number of data for each depth; ms mean; s sstandard deviation; CVs coefficient of variation. A 1 , A 2 , A 3 are the sample areas in terraces T-29, T-25 and T-15, respectively. d1 s10–20 cm depth; d 2 s 40–50 cm depth; d 3 s90–100 cm depth. A. Saldana ˜ et al.r Catena 33 (1998) 139–153 147 Table 2 Statistics of the x 2-test for soil properties at different depths Žsignificance at - 0.05 level in bold face. Variable Sand% Silt% Clay% pH CaCO 3%a O.C.% a b Depth d1 d2 d 3b 607 11.3 38 0.01 – 0.0002 609 1850 625 0.02 485 – 142000 1750 3320 4.81 8530 – Calculation considering A 1 and A 3 . Calculation considering A 1 and A 3 . whereas the silt content increases with depth in the younger terrace and decreases in the older one. The clay distribution in the three terraces correlates with the presence of Bw horizons in A 1 and Bt horizons in A 2 and A 3 at d 3 and sometimes d 2 depth. The organic carbon of d1 shows little variation because of similar soil management practices. The variation of the properties within terraces is generally small: the CV values are less than 50% for texture, pH and organic carbon. There are large CV values Žup to 550%. for CaCO 3 at d 2 either because of uneven decalcification or local recalcification in the upper parts of the cambic and argillic horizons. The presencerabsence and concentration of CaCO 3 are very variable at short-distances, even within individual pedons. Differences between terraces are significant for most variables as shown by the tests at 0.95 confidence level ŽTable 2.. The only nonsignificant differences are for sand and Table 3 Distance Žin metres. to largest cumulative relative variance for soil properties at different depths Depth Variable A1 A2 A3 d1 Sand% Silt% Clay% pH CaCO 3% O.C.% Sand% Silt% Clay% pH CaCO 3% O.C.% Sand% Silt% Clay% pH CaCO 3% O.C.% 30 10 10 10 10 30 30 30 90 30 30 10 30 30 30 90 90 10 10 90 30 90 – 90 30 90 30 30 90 – – – – – – – 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 – 90 90 90 90 90 – d2 d3 A. Saldana ˜ et al.r Catena 33 (1998) 139–153 148 Table 4 Best fitting variogram models and ranges Žin brackets. for selected soil properties Area Depth Sand% Silt% Clay% pH CaCO 3% O. C.% A1 d1 d2 d3 d1 d2 d1 d2 d3 Hole Ž27. Sph Ž131. Nugget Nugget Nugget Nugget Linear Linear Gauss Ž66. Sph Ž84. Nugget Hole Ž26. Linear Linear Linear Linear Sph Ž76. Exp Ž71. Nugget Nugget Nugget Linear Linear Linear Hole Ž27. Gauss Ž55. Nugget Sph Ž161. Exp Ž50. Sph Ž100. Linear Power Sph Ž65. Hole Ž23. Nugget – – – Power Linear Sph Ž93. Nugget Nugget Linear – Linear – – A2 A3 Sph: spherical; Exp: exponential; Gauss: Gaussian. organic carbon at d1 , and for pH at d1 in all areas as it is strongly influenced by the homogenisation effect of land management. The distance at which the highest cumulative relative variance occurs is an inherent feature of each soil property, but is also controlled to a certain extent by the sampling interval. For example, the distance at which this occurs might be 15 or 20 m, but the latter were not used as sampling distances in this study ŽTable 3.. The effect of depth is best illustrated within terrace A 1. At d1 , four variables show the greatest variation at a distance of 10 m and the other two at 30 m. At d 2 , four variables show the most variation at 30 m, whereas for organic carbon and clay this occurs at 10 and 90 m, respectively. At d 3 , the particle size components show the largest variance at 30 m, pH and CaCO 3 at 90 m and organic carbon at 10 m. There is little change in the distance of maximum variance within terrace A 2 , with the largest variance mainly at 30 and 90 m at both d1 and d 2 . For terrace A 3 , the maximum variance occurs at 90-m distance for all soil properties and at all depths. Thus, in this respect, terrace A 2 is intermediate between terraces A 1 and A 3 . The analysis of the sampling interval indicates that the degree of variation in the soil decreases from the lower to the higher terraces. Fig. 2. Depth to the gravel layer in terrace A 1 , showing large irregularities. A. Saldana ˜ et al.r Catena 33 (1998) 139–153 149 3.2. Spatial Õariation Table 4 displays the best fitting models and ranges of the variograms within the different sample areas. In A 1 , the youngest terrace, the spatial behaviour of the selected soil properties is rather diverse and almost all common transitive models could be fitted at depths d1 and d 2 . At d 3 , however, all the variograms were pure nugget effect, which reflects the absence of spatial correlation at the sampling scale arising from large point-to-point variation at short distances. This is probably related to the irregularity of the underlying gravel layer ŽFig. 2.. Within A 3 , the oldest terrace, the most common Fig. 3. Variograms and interpolated maps for CaCO 3% in area A 1 : Ža. depth d1 ; Žb. depth d 2 ; Žc. depth d 3 . As the model fitting the latter is nugget Žhence the structure of the variation is not revealed at the scale of sampling., it is not possible to create a map. 150 A. Saldana ˜ et al.r Catena 33 (1998) 139–153 model is the linear one, indicating that the sill variance has not been reached within the maximum sampling distance of 540 m. This suggests that spatial correlation extends beyond the size of the current sampling scheme. The oldest terrace, therefore, has a long-range spatial dependence, which results from advanced homogenisation of the soil cover during the Quaternary and correlates with the observed large distance at which the highest variance of the selected soil properties Ž90 m. occurs. Of particular interest is the spatial structure of CaCO 3 , because of its somewhat deviant behaviour but also because of the important role it plays for soil evolution in the valley. Figs. 3 and 4 show the variograms and interpolated maps obtained by ordinary kriging in sample areas A 1 and A 3 . Different variogram models provided the best fit to the same property at different depths within the same sample area. In area A 1 , a spherical model with a range of 65 m is obtained at d1 ŽFig. 3a., whereas periodicity related to the structure of the river depositional system is evident at d 2 ŽFig. 3b.. Homogenisation of calcium carbonate in the surface layer is due to farming practices. The irregular distribution of the CaCO 3 in the gravel layer generates a pure nugget effect in d 3 of A 1 ŽFig. 3c.. Within A 3 , power model is observed at d 2 ŽFig. 4a. whereas the linear model fits the variable at d 3 ŽFig. 4b.. The quadratic model could indicate a structural change of CaCO 3 within A 3 , resulting from the leaching of CaCO 3 from the upper terrace. Fig. 4. Variograms and interpolated maps for CaCO 3% in area A 3 : Ža. depth d 2 ; Žb. depth d 3 . CaCO 3 is absent in the upper part of the soils of this sample area. A. Saldana ˜ et al.r Catena 33 (1998) 139–153 151 Table 5 Required sampling distances Žm. to predict CaCO 3% with various precisions Precision Ž%. A 1 , d1 A 1, d2 A 3 , d3 5 6 8 10 48 66 )1000 )1000 -1 -1 29 82 84 419 )1000 )1000 3.3. Effects of sampling at different scales As a final analysis, the sampling interval required to estimate properties with a prescribed precision was investigated. Optimal grid spacings, depending on the estimated variograms, were determined to obtain an estimated map of CaCO 3 with precisions of 5, 6, 8 and 10% ŽTable 5.. The 5% precision can only be obtained at terrace A 1 , depth d1 , by using a 48 m grid spacing. The 6% precision can be obtained at terrace A 1 , depth d1 with a 66 m grid spacing and at terrace A 3 , depth d 3 with a 419-m grid spacing, but it cannot be obtained at terrace A 1 , depth d 2 , because of the large nugget effect. In the case of the terrace A 1 , depth d 3 , the sampling density should be increased to reveal the spatial structure and shorter range of the soil variables. The 8 and 10% precisions require a grid interval of 29 and 82 m at terrace A 1 , depth d 2 , respectively, and are always obtained at terrace A 1 , depth d1 and at terrace A 3 , depth d 3 . Small differences in percentage, even smaller than the determination errors in the laboratory, have a large influence on the sampling distances: at A 1 , depth d1 , a difference in precision from 6 to 8% leads to a difference in sampling distance from 66 to more than 1000 m. 4. Conclusions As a consequence of soil evolution, increasing clay translocation and calcium carbonate leaching are evident from younger to older terraces of the Henares River. Clay contents increase with depth. A large coefficient of variation illustrates the irregular distribution of calcium carbonate at depth mainly coinciding with Bwk or Btk horizons. The analysis of spatial variation using variograms shows that many standard models could be fitted to soil properties in the area. Several types of model describe the properties of the younger terrace ŽT-29., while the linear model fitted most variograms for the older terrace ŽT-15.. The older terrace has the largest range of spatial dependence, resulting from the homogenisation of soil properties with increasing time. This results in unbounded models within the range of observation. Thus, the variability of the soil properties decreases from younger to older deposits, as soil bodies converge to increasing homogenisation as a function of age. Development and application of a multi-scale sampling strategy have the advantage that, with a shorter data set Žsome observations belong to more than one level, which means cost reduction and time saving., a compromise can be achieved between shortand long-range variation, and that various targets of spatial analysis are met. 152 A. Saldana ˜ et al.r Catena 33 (1998) 139–153 Acknowledgements This paper is funded by the project NAT89-0996 supported by the CICyT ŽSpain.. 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