2010 Annual Report
2010 Annual Report
What does it take to save a child’s heart? Annual Report July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010 together, we have what it takes Dear Friends of Children’s HeartLink, We are pleased to report another successful year of educating, training and empowering medical communities at our many partner sites that span the globe. This year, our 41st, has been a time of maturity and focus — one in which we have begun to more clearly articulate how our experience helps us answer the question, “What does it take to save a child’s heart?” In this year’s annual report, we present a few of our thoughts to you. At the core of the answer are the vision and deep commitment that Children’s HeartLink shares with our many volunteers and partners: that children the world over should have ready access to quality cardiac care. Our approach is to support health care centers in their own communities as they build their capacity to become sustainable, regional centers of excellence. This approach is a challenging one, requiring dedication. Children’s HeartLink staff and volunteers patiently build and strengthen the long-term, long-distance relationships that are so fundamental to success. Knowing the impact of today on the outcomes of tomorrow is what keeps us marching toward our goal of saving more and more children’s lives. To save a child’s heart, it takes all of us, but the possibilities and opportunities available to children who have faced and overcome heart disease are simply breathtaking. Thank you to everyone who has united across the globe to help give children this hope. Thank you to the brilliant medical minds whose skill and dedication empower our global partners, and thank you to our generous, steadfast supporters. You are all in our hearts. Sincerely, Elizabeth Perlich Sweeney President together, we can save a child’s heart Congenital and acquired heart disease affects millions of children around the world. Approximately one in every 120 children is born with a heart defect. Yet in many countries with developing health care systems, the majority of children with heart disease lack access to adequate care. In fact, by some estimates, 90 percent of babies born with heart defects live in areas of the world where appropriate medical care is inadequate or unavailable. While a family’s financial resources are always a concern in obtaining treatment, other obstacles exist as well. In some countries, there are simply not enough trained physicians, nurses or other required cardiac team specialists to treat the vast number of children who need help. Each year, more children wait for help. Each year, the backlog grows. But not all the news is grim. Inspiring stories of hope and promise motivate the Children’s HeartLink team and its many committed and devoted partners. What are the successes that point to progress? What does it truly take to save a child’s heart? A patient at Innova Children’s Heart Hospital in Hyderabad, India. Photo: Bistra Zheleva teaching what we know and learning every step of the way Dear Friends of Children’s HeartLink, On our travels, we are fortunate to meet and work alongside physicians, nurses and other medical professionals who inspire us with their dedication and commitment. In eight different countries, we work closely with our partner health care programs to support them in strengthening the knowledge, skills and abilities of their pediatric cardiac teams. By providing the types of training and mentoring programs each individual site needs, we help our partners move toward becoming a sustainable center of excellence. For our partner programs, the road to successful development depends on numerous variables including government support, hospital administration support and consistent leadership from a committed medical staff that is receptive to making collaborative change. Children’s HeartLink asks that our partner sites embrace a patient-centered, multidisciplinary, integrated team approach to the cardiac care of children that is distinct from their adult care programs, because treating heart disease in children requires specific training, skills, instruments and follow-up care. Just as critical is our partner sites’ willingness to measure progress, report outcomes and evaluate success in areas such as diagnosis and treatment, data acquisition, morbidity, mortality and infection control. With these elements in place, our partner sites have successfully advanced their programs, improved the quality of care and increased their reach to more children. We could not do this work without the extraordinary dedication of our medical volunteers, who represent some of the finest medical institutions in the world, including Birmingham Children’s Hospital in the United Kingdom, Children’s Hospital Boston, Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota, The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford University, Mayo Clinic, New York Presbyterian Hospital, Seattle Children’s Hospital and University of Minnesota Amplatz Children’s Hospital. By capitalizing on their kindness, generosity and skill, Children’s HeartLink is able to mobilize resources to build capacity and promote sustainable cardiac care for children, touching hundreds of thousands of lives around the world. Thank you for your unwavering support. Sincerely, Joseph A. Dearani, M.D. Medical Director, Children’s HeartLink Mayo Clinic, Division of Cardiovascular Surgery What does it take to save a child’s heart? Effective International Programs and Dedicated Volunteers Volunteer Pam Sagan with a patient at Innova Children’s Heart Hospital in Hyderabad, India. Photo: Sam Mohan, yolkstudio.com Kyiv, Ukraine Children’s HeartLink Headquarters Minnesota, United States Changchun, China Lanzhou, China Hyderabad, India Bangalore, India Kochi, India Loja and Manabí Provinces, Ecuador Nairobi, Kenya São José do Rio Preto, Brazil Cape Town, South Africa Chengdu, China Shanghai, China Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia our commitment to healthier children The vision of Children’s HeartLink is that children the world over will have ready access to quality care for the prevention and treatment of heart disease. To expand children’s access to quality care, Children’s HeartLink’s program strategy has focused on this objective: to help pediatric cardiac programs in the developing world become sustainable centers of excellence in pediatric cardiac care and training. To do this work, Children’s HeartLink relies on the tools of collaboration, capacity-building, measurement, accountability, and most important of all, friendship. In this fiscal year, recognizing the rapid pace of change in the many disciplines with which our work intersects — pediatric cardiac and critical care, international development, medical diplomacy, and philanthropy — Children’s HeartLink continued to add new activities to its programmatic approach. Children’s HeartLink takes pride in working with partner sites to customize a development plan that meets their needs, incorporating both full-team training visits and, when specialized learning needs call for it, a more targeted approach. Examples of these other approaches can include: •Sponsoring specialized off-site training in the developed world for partner site staff Children’s HeartLink is committed to developing close working relationships with our partners in order to understand their needs. As appropriate, we will continue to provide these and other types of targeted support, as well as full-cardiac-team training visits. The need for our services remains strong throughout the world. As Dr. K.S. Murthy, Chairman and Managing Director of one of our partner hospitals, Innova Children’s Heart Hospital in Hyderabad, India, notes, “Unfortunately, the children born with congenital heart disease, many of them die before anyone recognizes (their illness) ... and they die silently because children, they can’t complain. “I’m very happy that Children’s HeartLink has chosen this specialty. They have identified rightly to train the medical professionals ... and as they improve their skills, they can serve the children much better. Children’s HeartLink brings expertise from other parts of the world to developing countries and develops much better care than what is there at this moment.” • O rganizing consultant or small-team visits to meet the specialized needs of our partner sites, such as infection prevention and control • Supporting distance learning opportunities •Supporting participation in quality measurement, monitoring and improvement activities •Supporting partner sites in educating parents and other family caregivers in the most effective ways to care for their child at home after an open-heart operation 1 in 120 number of children born with a heart defect worldwide our medical volunteers: Children’s HeartLink relies on the skills and expertise of dedicated volunteer medical professionals from the world’s foremost hospitals, clinics and medical organizations to fulfill its global work. Please join us in honoring these volunteers and their employers for their generous support: number 1 Mary Victoria Arnolde, R.T. Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Palo Alto, CA, United States Joseph A. Dearani, M.D. Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, United States Lori Harrison, R.N. Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital Tacoma, WA, United States Mark Lewin, M.D. Seattle Children’s Hospital Seattle, WA, United States Roxann Barnes, M.D. Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, United States Neil Derechin, M.D. Associated Anesthesiologists St. Paul, MN, United States Peter Hesslein, M.D. Swedish Pediatric Specialty Care Seattle, WA, United States Tim Lord, M.D. Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital Tacoma, WA, United States David Barron, M.D. Birmingham Children’s Hospital Birmingham, United Kingdom Linda Fazari, N.P. Hospital for Sick Children Toronto, ON, Canada Esther James, C.C.P. National Heart Centre Singapore, Singapore Lim Luen Ying, R.N. National University Hospital Singapore, Singapore Lisa Belch, R.N. Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, United States Marie Fewtrell, R.N. Birmingham Children’s Hospital Birmingham, United Kingdom Gina Martin, R.N. Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Palo Alto, CA, United States Lori Bizzell, R.N. Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Palo Alto, CA, United States Teresa Figari, R.N. Birmingham Children’s Hospital Birmingham, United Kingdom Beth Johnson, R.N. Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN, United States Barbara Bor, R.N., C.I.C. Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare St. Paul, MN, United States Lorry Frankel, M.D. Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Palo Alto, CA, United States Jo-Ann Marilyn Castanares, R.N. Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Palo Alto, CA, United States Deanna Gage, R.N. Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, United States Liao Sze Che, R.N. National University Hospital Singapore, Singapore Gayle Gilmore, C.I.C. St. Mary’s Medical Center Duluth, MN, United States Lynn Chernick, M.N, R.N. Seattle Children’s Hospital Seattle, WA, United States David Gremmels, M.D. Children’s Heart Clinic Minneapolis, MN, United States David Clements, C.C.P. Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, United States Jeanette Guimond, R.N. Hospital for Sick Children Toronto, ON, Canada David A Dassenko, M.D. Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN, United States Frank Hanley, M.D. Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Palo Alto, CA , United States Sophie Jones, R.N. Birmingham Children’s Hospital Birmingham, United Kingdom Robert Keenan, C.C.P. Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital Tacoma, WA, United States Justine Kidd, R.N. Birmingham Children’s Hospital Birmingham, United Kingdom Krishna Kumar, M.D. SevenHills Hospital Mumbai, India Stephen C. Kurachek, M.D. Children’s Respiratory & Critical Care Specialists, P.A. Minneapolis, MN, United States Linda Latta, Ph.D., R.N. Seattle Children’s Hospital Seattle, WA, United States Jason Macartney, R.R.T. Hospital for Sick Children Toronto, ON, Canada James Patrick McCarthy, C.C.P. Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Palo Alto, CA, United States Martha McCravey, M.D. Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital Tacoma, WA, United States Roger Mee, M.D. Cleveland Clinic Foundation Cleveland, OH, United States Sanford Melzer, M.D. Seattle Children’s Hospital Seattle, WA, United States Dennis Mills, C.C.P. Aurora Medical Chanhassen, MN, United States Jill Misgen, R.N. Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, United States congenital heart disease is the single most common major birth defect around the world parent education project launched in india Jimmy Montgomerie, M.D. Birmingham Children’s Hospital Birmingham, United Kingdom Rodolfo Neirotti, M.D. Buenos Aires, Argentina Nicola Ngiam, M.D. National University Hospital Singapore, Singapore Inger Olson, M.D. Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Palo Alto, CA, United States David Overman, M.D. Children’s Heart Clinic Minneapolis, MN, United States Jeff Paurus, R.N. Minneapolis Community and Technical College Minneapolis, MN, United States Stanton Perry, M.D. Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Palo Alto, CA, United States Li-Chen Linda Pu, R.N. Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Palo Alto, CA, United States Lee Pyles, M.D. University of Minnesota Amplatz Children’s Hospital Minneapolis, MN, United States Mohan Reddy, M.D. Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Palo Alto, CA, United States Fiona Reynolds, M.D. Birmingham Children’s Hospital Birmingham, United Kingdom Tracey Roberts, R.R.T. Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Palo Alto, CA, United States Pam Sagan, R.N. (retired) Los Altos Hills, CA, United States Christie Sawh, R.N. Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN, United States Edward Schneider, R. T. Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, United States Steve Schwartz, M.D. Hospital for Sick Children Toronto, ON, Canada Guat Ling Teo, R.N. KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital Singapore, Singapore John Tessmer, C.C.P. Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN, United States Anita Wattier, R.N. Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, United States Frank Watts, B.E. (retired) Nesbit, MS, United States Sriram Shankar, M.D. Gleneagles Hospital Singapore, Singapore Cindi Welch, R.N., C.I.C. SMDC Health System Duluth, MN, United States Shanthi Sivanandam, M.D. University of Minnesota Amplatz Children’s Hospital Minneapolis, MN, United States Robert Willets, C.C.P. Birmingham Children’s Hospital Birmingham, United Kingdom Jennifer Snider, R.N. Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN, United States James St. Louis, M.D. University of Minnesota Amplatz Children’s Hospital Minneapolis, MN, United States Sandra Staveski, R.N., P.N.P. Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Palo Alto, CA, United States Chris Stefanelli, M.D. Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital Tacoma, WA, United States Joan Wobig, C.S.T. Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, United States Keng Yean Wong, M.D. KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital Singapore, Singapore This year, Children’s HeartLink piloted the Parent Education Discharge Instructions (PEDI) project at Innova Children’s Heart Hospital in Hyderabad, India. The PEDI project goal is to provide better information for parents, and eventually for primary care physicians, cardiologists and nurses, that will support more consistent follow-up care for heart surgery patients at home and in the community. A group of volunteers, including nurses and physicians from Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford, University of Minnesota Amplatz Children’s Hospital, Birmingham Children’s Hospital UK and Minneapolis Community and Technical College, helped Children’s HeartLink develop postoperative information for parents on medication administration, wound care, physical activity, diet, etc. Alongside the discharge instructions, a booklet was produced to help prepare a family for their child’s hospital stay and heart surgery. In June, Sandy Staveski, a Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit nurse practitioner from Packard Children’s, and Pam Sagan, a retired PCICU nurse, joined the Packard Children’s team on a cardiac training visit to Innova and trained the local nursing staff in presenting the information to parents. Children’s HeartLink plans to introduce PEDI more widely in India. Ron Woods, M.D. Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital Tacoma, WA, United States John Wright, M.D. Starship Children’s Hospital Auckland, New Zealand Jenny Sullivan, R.N. Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital Tacoma, WA, United States Mary Tan, R.N. National University Hospital Singapore, Singapore Volunteer Sandy Staveski trains nursing staff at Innova. Photo: Bistra Zheleva 85 % percentage of operated cases of congenital heart disease that can be expected to reach adulthood our organizational volunteers: Children’s HeartLink depends upon the extraordinary dedication and tireless efforts of volunteers who support our organization’s programs, outreach, event logistics and numerous other activities. Thank you to everyone for your service! Amber Anderson Erica Dolan Stephanie Kolstad Tracy Olson Susan Smith Kielyn Anderson Kandace Ellis Taylor Kristoffe-Jones Teagan O’Malley Mary Solberg Robin Asbell Paul Enck Dave LaCouriere Erin O’Neil Justina Steele Tom Bach Pat Evans Amanda Lambrecht Kurt Paben Amanda Symes Katie Bellows Jeff Evanson Leila “Lee” Larson Omar Palacios Cindy Symes Peter Beniares Sarah Fesler Dee Lee Emily Pallansch Doug Symes Audrey Bergengren Karen Frankel Haley Leonard Juliana Junqueira Panetta Cathy Taylor-Sharp Madeleine Bickel Mike Fuller Kelly Linnihan Kristin Peters Kelly Thomas Kelsey Boer Susan Gebelein, M.S. William Lippitt Yena Phillips Michelle Thompson Susan Bordson Danny George Hank Long Randi Raslack Jessica Tibiatowski Lucy Bossert Emily Grimshaw Susan Long James Rice, Ph.D. Solveig Tofte Sarah Bougie Karin Haas Lindsey Loomer Gordon Ritz Jeanette Tsakistos Maurielle Bowers Elizabeth Hagen Megan Maguire Mary Root Lindsay Tsakistos Bradley Broom Joe Hanson Kathy Manley Mark Rosen Michael Tsakistos Maria Bruun Ben Heinemann Besse Maragos Amanda Russler Frank Vascellaro Thanh Bui Cindy Heinemann Jay Miller Ray Santos Carissa Wassing Tayler Burns Rachel Hilger Tajalli Missaghi Maya Schmelzer Amelia Watson Lydia Busiahn Laura Hinrichs Lisa Moore Barb Schuh Kate Weber Tzviatko Chiderov Tricia Hipps Rahul Nabar Brandon Schuh Cailin Wertish Sunny Comstock Jude Hockley Emily Najjar Joe Schwarz Tom Wertish John Cushing Christina Holm-Sandok Susan Najjar Liam Scott Barb Williams Gayle Dalton Anthea Johnson Jessie Narveson Dana Shapiro Deb Wuebker Grace Dawson Peggy Johnson Andrew Nelson Alan Share Molly Yee Greta Deutsch Marjorie Johnson Essa Nerenhausen Melanie Sherman Sue Zelickson Kim Deutsch Jamie Johnston Quan Ni, Ph.D. Sandy Simmons Lizzy DeVita Hillary Jordan Clare O’Donnell Barb Simonson Charlene Dobbs Jason Kalgreen Kerry Olejniczak Don Smith Linda Dohse Kathryn Kamrowski Eric Olsen Jackie Smith 1 What does it take to save a child’s heart? Fundraising Efforts and Events Sufi Aysar Amir with his mother, Nor Faizura, at Institut Jantung Negara in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Photo: Bistra Zheleva where philanthropy meets community Saving the heart of a child starts with the philanthropic spirit of our loyal volunteers and generous supporters. Children’s HeartLink is fortunate to partner with globally minded businesses and individuals who are passionate about the welfare of children suffering from heart disease. While fundraising is the focus of Children’s HeartLink events, the combination of exciting entertainment, celebrity guests and an enthusiastic audience makes each one unforgettable. This year’s events were a testament to the imagination and dedication of the volunteers, whose gifts of time and talent yield incredible dividends for our partner sites and the people they serve. 2009 HeartLink Gala The 2009 HeartLink Gala brought together nearly 700 guests and volunteers at the Hilton Minneapolis to celebrate Children’s HeartLink’s 40th anniversary. The guests were treated to performances by the JUGHEADS, the Unity Singers and soloist Maeve Moynihan — all of whom donated their time and talents. A thrilling combination of silent auction culinary experiences and live and reverse auctions helped us reach our fundraising goal, and the 2009 HeartLink Gala raised more than $595,110! Heart to Heart 2010 Our Valentine’s Day event helped raise nearly $61,263 for Children’s HeartLink. Gourmet supermarkets Lunds and Byerly’s created Tiramisu for Two, the perfect Valentine’s Day dessert, and proceeds from each sale benefited Children’s HeartLink. Lunds and Byerly’s also sponsored a tiramisu tasting in every Twin Cities location, featuring blue ribbon baker Marjorie Johnson, local chefs Robin Asbell and Solveig Tofte, Minnesota Monthly’s Sue Zelickson, TV personalities Frank Vascellaro and Pat Evans, as well as Cities 97 radio host Brian Turner (BT). 18th Annual heartLINKS Golf Invitational The 18th Annual heartLINKS Golf Invitational was held at the Golden Valley Golf and Country Club. The event, hosted by WCCO-TV Sports Director Mark Rosen, included an exciting day of golf, the Miller Lite heartLINKS Oasis, cocktail reception, award ceremony, and live and silent auctions. Contests such as Chipotle’s Beat-the-Pro, Halleland Habicht PA Million Dollar Hole-in-One Challenge, Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin provided a competitive atmosphere for golfers’ enjoyment. This year’s event raised $69,323 for Children’s HeartLink. in addition to these major fundraising events, many individuals and groups held fundraising campaigns on our behalf. thank you to everyone for your generosity! Top: Former patient Winnie Wanja Njue speaks at the 2009 HeartLink Gala. Middle: Elena Karalis, board member Besse Maragos and Paula Gerlach at Byerley’s during Heart to Heart 2010. Bottom: Eric Olsen, Gigi Marvin, Bill Marshall, Margaret Shreyers and Bernie Harlow at the golf invitational. What does it take to save a child’s heart? Generous Supporters Staff member Carrie Ellis holds a patient’s hand at Innova Children’s Heart Hospital in Hyderabad, India. Photo: Sam Mohan, yolkstudio.com thank you from the bottom of our hearts The generosity of Children’s HeartLink supporters never fails to overwhelm us. It is because of these individuals and organizations that Children’s HeartLink is able to continue its work to build sustainable programs to prevent and treat heart disease for more and more children around the world. We thank all of our donors for their devotion and their concern for children, and we are proud and honored to recognize their contributions. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of contributions made between July 1, 2009, and June 30, 2010. Please inform the development office at (952) 928-4860, ext.23, of any oversights or inaccuracies and accept our apologies in advance. corporations, foundations and organizations $100,000+ Medtronic Foundation $50,000–$99,999 AGA Medical Corporation Bracco Group Edwards Lifesciences $25,000–$49,999 Boston Scientific General Mills, Inc. Lownade Foundation/David and Deb Andreas Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc. St. Jude Medical, Inc. U.S. Bank/FAF Advisors Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota Delta Air Lines George Family Foundation The Hubbard Broadcasting Foundation Irish Titan Lazard Freres & Co. LLC Moss & Barnett P.A. Nath Family Foundation Nilan Johnson Lewis P.A. Pinnacle Airlines, Inc. Sandvold & Associates Target Corporation $1,000–$4,999 ADP Aeration Industries International, Inc. Alerus Financial UnitedHealth Foundation Alpha Theta of the University of Wisconsin $10,000–$24,999 American Legion Auxiliary Dept. of Illinois ACIST Medical Systems Bellisio Foods, Inc. Andreas Foundation Bjork Financial Services Best Buy Company, Inc. The Boston Consulting Group Caribou Coffee Company, Inc. Catholic Community Foundation Great River Energy CBX Lunds and Byerly’s Chestnut & Cambronne Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi LLP Customer Elation The Tarsadia Foundation Dorsey & Whitney, LLP UnitedHealthCare Services, Inc. Ernst & Young, LLP The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Greater Twin Cities United Way International Parts Supply Corp. $5,000–$9,999 Carlson Companies, Inc. Farihah Nizam, a patient at Institut Jantung Negara in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Photo: Bistra Zheleva Kaiser Permanente Community Giving Campaign LeJeune Family Foundation TexasOne Community Credit Union Geyen Group Medtronic, Inc. Thrivent Financials for Lutherans Foundation GoodSearch Mesaba Aviation, Inc. Mortenson Family Foundation Piper Jaffray Principal Financial Group Foundation Razr Marketing RBC Wealth Management Ritz Family Foundation Schwebel, Goetz, & Sieben, P.A. Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community Tradition Family Foundation Harvard American Legion Auxiliary Unit No. 185 Truist Nick Magazine The Walser Foundation Oak Grove Foundation Watershed Partners Inc. Ryan Companies US, Inc. Stanford University $250–$499 Stokes Auction Group, Inc. Aurora Medical, Inc. Tea Zing Chipotle Mexican Grill United Way of Northeastern New York Dorsey and Whitney Trust Company Tankenoff Families Foundation Lutheran Community Foundation UCare United Way of New York City United Way of Metropolitan Chicago Value Travel Inc. Up to $249 Wayzata Community Church American Legion Auxiliary Cecil Unit No. 15 Wells Fargo Minnesota Whitney Foundation Wicker Family Foundation $500–$999 American Legion Auxiliary Dept. of Oregon American Legion Auxiliary Dept. of South Carolina Airline Tariff Publishing Company American Legion Auxiliary Dept. of Vermont Airworthy Aerospace American Legion Auxiliary Unit 52 Bio Instruments, Inc. American Legion Auxiliary Unit 73 Brown and Brown American Legion Auxiliary Unit 139 Commgenix, LLC American Legion Auxiliary Unit 169 Grand Casino Hinckley American Legion Auxiliary Unit 186 Greenspring Media Group ATG Corporation Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. Avon Foundation The Olson Foundation C Cachet LLC PGN Foundation Cape Henry Collegiate School Phileona Foundation Church of our Saviour, Lutheran Symbios Clinical, Inc. End Childhood Hunger By the Yard Inc. United Way of Olmsted County, Inc. United Way Sacramento Area Uponor Vital Images, Inc. West Chester United Methodist Church individuals $25,000+ Gary and JoAnn Fink Franck and Katina Gougeon Steve and Kathi Austin Mahle Nadine and Bill McGuire, M.D. Mike and Elizabeth Perlich Sweeney $10,000–$24,999 Kay and Glen Hasse Laura and Joseph C. Kiser, M.D. Ann and Michael Lyon Kathy and Emmett McMahon Kathleen and Gim Middleton Darin and Vance Opperman Michael Rimland Kathleen and Thomas Rogers $5,000–$9,999 Anonymous Ann and Mike Ciresi Joel Conner Susan Gebelein and Richard Holcomb Jean and John Hedberg Gretchen and Rick Jelinek Kelly and Andrew Nelson Rene Newman Dorothy and Robert Ollmann, M.D. Judy and James Rice Mary and David Wicker $1,000–$4,999 David L. and Debra K. Andreas Rachael and Craig Atkinson Pat Berg and Gene Babos Karen and Thomas Bach Katie Bellows Nancy and Paul Boddicker Nancy Brown Susan Wyble and Kevin M. Busch Sally K. Bye Christine and Jeremy Chase Fay and Jack Chestnut Dannette Coleman Cinda Collins Delia Dall’Arancio Ann M. and Joseph A. Dearani, M.D. Holly and Francis Denis, M.D. Daniel J. Durda Katherine and Themis Economou Susan Kline and John Eisberg Brynn and Jeff Evanson Kathy and Bill Farley Janice M. and Lawrence J. Grundtner Sharon and Bill Hawkins Cindy and Greg Heinemann Stacey Mills and Samuel Heins Andrea Kaufman and Jim Jacobson Peggy Johnson Laurie and Mark Jordahl Molly Joseph and Andrew Olson Nischala Kale Carrie Ellis and Jason Kalgreen Cheri and Tom Kamp Brian Kirk Besse Maragos Stephanie and Daniel McKinnon Meghann McLouth Mark Murphy Leatta Hough and Bob Muschewske Ardelle Nicoloff Sara and Eric Olsen Donna and Jim Pohlad Brian Rice Maggie Gilbert and Robert Rosenbaum Pam and Bill Sagan Van and Jim Sanders Lynda and Terry Sandvold Janet and Ron Schutz Jennifer and Mark Sheffert Andrea Scott and Joe Schwarz Joyce and William Sieben Ann and Charles R. Singer Mary Lynn and Warren R. Staley Emily and Jonas Starita Julie and Todd Stohlmeyer Angela and David Sunberg Michael Towns, M.D. Tim Trissler Karen and Robert Vanney Christine Honaas and Craig Wildfang Beverly and Steven Woo 13 Pamela and Mark Wood Winifred Wu Carla and Rod Young Paul Zisla $500–$999 Shirley and Ray Bentdahl Connie and Bill Cameron Annamarie Daley Estelle Brouwer and Gary DeCramer Beatrice Rothweiler and Neil Derechin, M.D. Loralee and Gene Dilorenzo Sarah and Drew Fesler Karen and Lorry Frankel, M.D. Zachary Freedman Jan Conlin and Eugene Goetz Beverly Grossman Susan Haggberg Jane and Peter Hesslein, M.D. Carol and Jason Hoopman Sharalyn K. and Bruce S. Johnson Erika and Herbert F. Kahler Marlene B. and Thomas C. Kayser Victoria and Thomas Keller, III Maureen Kucera-Walsh and Michael Walsh Marie and Steve Kuker Elizabeth and Michael Lori Susan and Richard Lundell Robert Lux Jean and Jeff Paurus, R.N. Paul Pitlick, M.D. Anne and Phil Pole Sonja Hutchinson and Rick Rohrer Mark S. and Stephanie Nicoloff Schoening Joel Shapiro Susan and Don Smith John and Cheryl Alexander Stearns Robin and Henry Stein Marie Steiner, M.D. and Lee Pyles, M.D. Lawrence E. Stirtz Ida Belle R. Sweitzer Jeanette and Michael Tsakistos Bohdan Washchuk Cailin and Tom Wertish Steven Wexler Lois and Tim Young Sue and Alvin Zelickson $250–$499 Greg Appelhof Cheryl and Mark Ashby Amy and Stan Baratz Bonnie and F. Blanton Bessinger, Jr., M.D. Sue and Paul Breckner Elizabeth and Bradley Broom Alvina Vander Sluis and Louis Brouwer Julie Verry and Dean Davidson Kate and Jim Engel Paulette D. Engelby, R.N. Judith and Larry Ettinger Sarah Truesdell and David Etzwiler Becky and Damon Farber Mae Ferguson Amy and Pat Flanagan Bistra Zheleva and Denis Gablenko Irene M. Grangaard Jack Greenberg Caren Griffin Mary and Gregg Guider Dorothy and Larry Hamm Bernard Harlow Anna and Greg Hernandez Bill Hren Saraswathi and Sreenivas Illa Susan Isay Elizabeth and Erik Jensen Sally and Dan Johnson Robert M. Jones Claudia and William Kaul Sean Keegan Karen Kensok Cheryll A. and Joseph P. Kerzman Donna Avery and Thomas Kigin Pablo Kuntz Clifford Lake Edward Lechner Mia and David Liebl Jed Lund Tracey and Manfred Maiers Gina Martin, R.N. Elizabeth and Daniel Mayleben Tim McCarthy Mitch McMillian Jay Miller Mark Mooers Charles Neal Quan Ni Mary Nicol Carol and Steve Nulsen Ann and Roger Pagel Mary Perlich Diane and Scott Peterson Susan and Carl Platou Allen Pofahl John Polley Jesse Powell number of Children’s HeartLink partner hospitals in medically underserved areas of the world Nancy and Frank Rondoni Rebecca and Michael Sandberg Jayne and Mark Schneider Linda and Thomas Sheran Barb Simonson Nicole and Peter Slattery Karin and Steve Spencer Anne and Robert Strachota Michelle and Randy Strobel Paul Thissen Tom Trutna Lisa and Duke Uihlein Betty I. and Robert I. Van Tassel, M.D. Mark Weber Gloria and Howard Weisskopf Up to $249 Anonymous Teresa Ace and Nell Lewis Lauren B. and Walter L. Adamson Michelle and Blair Allen Kari and Gerald Anderson Donna Anderson Holly Andrews Linda Z. Andrews Marina and John Antoniou Robert and Patricia Appel Jerry Ann and Howard Applebaum Eileen and Thomas Armitage, M.D. Ann Bancroft and Pam Arnold Denise Artley Mary Bach Duncan Baird Christina Bakritzes Girish and Vaishalee Ballolla Carol Barnett Lucrece L. and Paul S. Bauer Mimi and John Bauer Carin R. and Todd J. Baumgartner Virginia Beckett Geraldine Beckmann Charlene Behne Brandon W. Bell Peter Beniares Rose Betzler Kelly Woods Birkenholz Jan Bjork Elizabeth Ann Blackhawk Bette Ann and Richard Bloom Mary and Ronald Bloomquist Brandon Boat Johnathan Boettcher Katherine D. and Nick T. Boosalis Barbara Bor Susan H. Bordson Nancy Borgstrom Jean Boyce Sara Ann Brinkman Richard Broderick JoAnn and Tom Brown Nancy Brown Leota K. and Gregory G. Brucker Yvonne Brutger and Dain Rodwell Tim Bryant Anna Burk Julianne Bye Kathryn L. Cahill Carolyn Calkins Mary Kay and Charlie Callahan Mary Ann Campbell Mary Capper Megan Carpenter Nadine Yvonne Cassada Courtney Michelle Caswell Erin Catlin Leslie Cedar Jen Chamberlain Hiren Chawra Stuart A. Chazin Luci and Michael Chorley Jason R. Chu Lois J. and William D. Clynes Gerry M. Cochran Maria and Thomas Coffman Marcia and Dan Cohen, M.D. Megan Craig-Casmer Roberta and James Craig, M.D. Kendra and Mike Creevy Ulisses Croti Martha Joy and John C. Cushing, Jr. Carol Cushmore Annie D’Souza Debbie and Rob Dalton Tane S. Danger Laurie Danley Ian Pool Dantuma Colleen and Paul Davis Silvia De La Vega Amy Delacluyse Dawn and Richard DeVerre Matthew Dickson Amber Dinopoulos Daisy Dohanos Joanna Dreyer Lewis Driskill Coleen M. Duke Margaret and George Eck Marjorie and Brooks Edwards Barbara Eiger Cydney Einck and Michael Shelton Janne and Rob Eller-Isaacs Marjorie and Erik R. Ellingson Carol Joy Ericson Cynthia Hasselbusch and Larry Espe Linda C. Evans Nicholas T. Evans John Falb Sarah Farnia Nancy J. Feldman Joy M. Fisher Stephanie and Scott Fisher Barbara and Rick Fisk Deborah Flood Gloria F. Freeman visionary circle The Children’s HeartLink Visionary Circle recognizes the largest investors in our mission to save lives and heal hearts around the globe. Members of the Visionary Circle are individuals who contribute $10,000 or more and corporations, foundations and organizations that contribute $25,000 or more in a given year. Thank you for your generous support! Individuals Gary and JoAnn Fink Franck and Katina Gougeon Kay and Glen Hasse Laura and Joseph C. Kiser, M.D. Ann and Michael Lyon Steve and Kathi Austin Mahle Nadine and Bill McGuire, M.D. Kathy and Emmett McMahon Kathleen and Gim Middleton Darin and Vance Opperman Michael Rimland Kathleen and Thomas Rogers Mike and Elizabeth Perlich Sweeney Corporations, Foundations and Organizations AGA Medical Corporation Boston Scientific Bracco Group Dalton Sherman Edwards Lifesciences General Mills, Inc. Lownade Foundation/David and Deb Andreas Medtronic Foundation Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc. St. Jude Medical, Inc. U.S. Bank/FAF Advisors UnitedHealth Foundation dr. demetre nicoloff fund Dr. Demetre Nicoloff, a Children’s HeartLink medical volunteer who passed away in 2003, epitomized the spirit of giving and gaining experience and skill through volunteerism. The Dr. Demetre Nicoloff Memorial Fund supports training and educating surgeons, physicians and nurses throughout the developing world to better care for their patients with heart disease. It also supports the cost of cardiac treatment for hundreds of children who otherwise would never receive the care they need. Bonnie and F. Blanton Bessinger, Jr., M.D. Marjorie and Brooks Edwards Paulette D. Engelby, R.N. Engelsma Family Foundation Leah Hendrikson Kelly and Steven Housh Elaine and Kenneth Jordan Alexander D. Nicoloff and Leslie Otto Ardelle Nicoloff Jim and Beth Otto Paul Rog Mark S. and Stephanie Nicoloff Schoening Nicole and Peter Slattery Tankenoff Families Foundation Volunteers Tracey Roberts, Gina Martin and Lorry Frankel talk to a patient. Photo: Bistra Zheleva Patty Fuelner Karyn and David Gaffaney Katherine Marie Galliart Hemalatha Ganesh Janet Garlock Dale Garton Daniel Philip George Deborah Giesen Jennifer Gilbert Kristina Gilbertson Gayle and Bob Gilmore Lilli Giron Beth and Christopher Gliedman Dorothy and Leonard Gloeb Alan Goldboom Burton Goldfield Rita and David Goodman Keith Grauman Mark Grauman Russell J. Gray, Jr. Donna and Gregory Greene Virginia and John Greenman Bonnie and George Griffiths Emily Grimshaw Curtis Allen Grupe Patty and Tony Guidice Terri Hagen Rodney D. Hald Meagan Halverson William D. and Donna Holtan Halverstadt Donna Gies and Richard Hamer Judy and Martin Hansen Floanne S. Hanson Joe Hanson John J. Harrer Lech Harris Ila and Kevin Harris, M.D. Roxane and Michael Hartkopf Jessica Hartnett Carmelinda and William Haury Frederick Hawkins Kiki and John Hedican Mary Ann and Jim Heine Benjamin Heinemann Rebecca Heistad Dean A. Henderson Tammy and Tim Hettinger Patricia Isabel Hibbard Judith and James Hibma Alexander William Hipp-Faragher Thavy Hoeun Gay Carpenter and Joet Holmberg Christina Holm-Sandok Elizabeth Hopwood Kelly and Steven Housh Alicia Corin Howes Jeff and Heather Hudnut Page Elma Hujic Sheri and Boyd Huppert Gretchen Iwen Caroline Jackson Theodore Jacobs Jill Jamison Michael Raphael Janisch Adam Johnson Carissa Johnson Rees Johnson Chreese and Geoffrey Jones Thomas Jones, M.D. Vijay Jonnalagadda Elaine and Kenneth Jordan Marilyn and Harlan Jorgensen, M.D. Irene and Jon Joseph, M.D. Erica Kagan Bonnie Barnett and Robert Kagan, M.D. Irene and Ed Kaplan, M.D. Margit Katz Gloria Gunville and John Kaul Phyllis and Robert Kilgore Kelli Kimpton Karen Welle and Bill Kirchgessner Patrick Klinger Alex and Debra Korluka Robert A. and Mary A. Kovell Carolyn Kreek Rosemary and George Kreutzer Mary Kuehl Alice H. and Thomas B. Kullman Rajesh Sampath Kumar Pamela and Richard Kunkel Raphael Kurian Craig A. Kvamme Aimee V. LaBree Kathy and Robert Laedtke Molly and Per Lagerback Bonnie Lambrecht Kevin Lane Paul Lane Alycia Larson Morse Leavenworth Ryan Lee Virginia M. and William A. Lee Ida and Ray Leightman Lonso and Sandra Leinonen, R.N. Voigt Lenmark Lori Lippert and Jane Leonard Cynthia A. Klassen-Leppink and Harold B. Leppink, M.D. Ruth Levin Oren and Jo Anne Lewis Bradley Paul Lewis Claudia Liebrecht Jennifer and Mark Lindberg Catherine and Greg Lindsey Susan and Hank Long Rick Loutsch Mary Ann Lucas Frank and Cheryl Lushine Michelle Lyden Christina Mahady Mary A. and Thomas J. Maimares Joanne Fioravanti Makielski, R.N. Kathy Manley Stanley Marks Bill Marshall Rebecca Martin Genna Martinez Swati and Barun Maskara Julia O. Mason Ingrid Mattsson Alison May Johanna Maytin Judy and Tom McCullough Jon McTaggart Edward L. Mears Paul M. Mendard Diana Metcalf Cynthia and Scott Mevissen Nor Meyer Lee Ann M. and Bruce R. Meyer Brian Meyers Cassandra Middleton Alison and Patrick Middon Lewis Miller Mary Pascale and Eleanor Mischuck Jill Misgen, R.N. Shrish Mishra Brittany Mold Kathy and Roland Molinet Heather Elizabeth Moore Katie and Mark Mortenson Bruce Moyer, C.C.P. David Narvaez Jonathan Philip Nash Turner Neal Karen and Kevin Nelson, M.D. Elaine Nelson Essa Nerenhausen Michelle and Erik Newcomb Evangeline Nicklow Leslie Otto and Alexander Nicoloff Stacy Nitz Michael R. Nixt Shannon Norton Feri Tabib and Fred Nourbakhsh Linda O’Brien Mary O’Brien Clare Aileen O’Donnell Betty J. and Richard J. Olen Jennifer Oliver Karen Orlosky Judith A. and Douglas A. Osland Phyllis Ostergren Beth and Jim Otto Larry Paster Abhilash and Prash Patangay Patty D. Pate Mary Jean Pearson Anthony K. Perkins Mike Peters Jon Peterson James R. Peterson Tam Doan and Tam Phan Lori and Darrell Phillips Margorie J. Pihl Julie and Robert Plaetz Jean Launspach, M.D. and Tony Plucinski, M.D. Kathy and Roger Post Robert Prisuta Eric Anthony Purves Robert Ready Marilyn and Paul Redin Judith and Pierre Regnier Rob Reul Virginia Rine Donna and Charles Rogers AnneMarie McNamara Rogers and J. Brittan Rogers, M.D. Richard L. Rosenberg Alice Ross Elizabeth and John Rossiter Patricia Rowe Nancy Rowland Carol and Anthony Ruggeri Mary Jo and William A. Rusinak Ann and Patrick Ryan Annamarie Saarinen Kimberly and Thomas Sabow Erin Scanlon Pat and Bernard Schellenberg Tom Schindler Karen Schlain Rachel Schutz Frances Schwartz Pryce Score Ashima Sehgal Lori Sharbono Melanie and Keith Sherman James McGee Shoemaker Samuel Riley Shoemaker Mary and Keith Sjodin Doris Skubinna Christine and Roy Smalley Alexandra Smith Dan Smith, M.D. Jessica Smith-Schuh and Brandon Schuh Maria Brunn and James Sondag Joan and Peter W. Spell Balaji Srinivasulu Jean and Ron Stanish Amy and David Stene Jaci and Robert Stephens Corinne and Timothy Sterling David B. Stewart Peter Storlie Sarah Storlie Tom Streitz Samuel Stuart Sanjay Swamy Amy Swan Edward Swingen Renee Tasaka Judith Taylor Sara Thatcher Audrey Thiesse Joan J. and Mark J. Thompson Veronika and George Thorne Casey Thrash Jessica Tibiatowski Karen and Daniel Tich Lindsey Tofte Janice Treat Carol Trick Katherine Trousdale Brian and Lori Turner Justin Turner Michael Ushay, M.D. C.J. Van Sloun Candice and John D. Varco Sanjay Vaswani Joan and Segundo Velasquez Gurugopal Venkatanarayanan Sharon Vik Linda and Douglas Von Allmen Matthew Vorwerk Ha Pham-Vu and Chinh Vu Erin Wallen Madeline and Fredrick Washburn, M.D. Emma Watson Merissa Ferraro and Brian Wellhouse Maria and Jeff Weness Cathy Whiting, M.D. and David Whiting, M.D. Lucia and Ricki Whitson Lana Wickberg Margaret WilcoxBrowning Danielle Kay Wilebski Betty Williams Marguerite P. and Alex Wilson Robert El Winston Laura and Teddy Wong Jon Woodruff Richard Wright Laurie and Wallace Yahn Howard Yee Molly Yee Nicolas S. Yee Elizabeth Young Rose Mary and Mark Zenobia Paulina and Glen Zibley Heather and Peter Zimmerman in-kind sponsors companies Children’s Theatre Company Heights Theater Minnesota Children’s Museum Chipotle Hell’s Kitchen Minnesota Monthly 20.21 Christos Greek Restaurant Hilton Minneapolis Minnesota Orchestra Chronicle Books Ichiban Japanese Steak House and Sushi Bar Minnesota Twins It’s Greek to Me… The Modern Café 5-8 Club Abdallah Candies and Gifts Shoppe AES Golf Strang The Affair AGA Medical Corporation Al Vento Aloft Hotel Amy Zaroff Events + Design ComedySportz Cossetta’s Italian Market & Pizzeria CRAVE Crispin Cider Company Custom Christmas Lighting Dalton Sherman Arrowwood Resort & Conference Center D’Amico & Partners Augusta Green Lawn Care Delta Air Lines Axel’s Dino’s Barbette Elsworth Menswear BayView Event Center Fat Lorenzo’s BDM Agency FireLake Grill House & Cocktail Bar Big Ink Display Graphics DeLonghi America, Inc. Ivy Spa Club Izzy’s Ice Cream Café Jerry’s Foods Jessica Barker Photography The Jewel Golf Club Joe’s Garage Restaurant Jyland Distinctive Homes Minnesota Vikings Old Dutch Foods, Inc. One Dish At A Time The Outing Lodge Outset Pairings Food & Wine Market Palomino Restaurant Kafe 421 Paradise Charter Cruise/ Minneapolis Queen Kathleen Interiors Parasole Restaurant Holdings Kemps, LLC. Penelope Paperie The Kitchen Periscope La Petite Fleur Peter’s Grill Le Creuset Phoetic Images Bourget Imports Fleurissima Lions Tap POWERadeZERO Broward Center for the Performing Arts Food Works, Inc. The Local Professional Turf Fortune Bay LoiSuites Hoteles Rainforest Café Bruegger’s Four Seasons Hotel Lucia’s Restaurant Red Stag Supper Club Brunswick Zone XL Fujiya Japanese Restaurant Lunds and Byerly’s Redstone American Grill Buffalo Wild Wings Gaddere M&S Grill Roberts Business Forms Burl Oaks Golf Club Garden of Salonica Mad Hatter Records Rocca Vinyards Café Latte Golden Valley Golf and Country Club Mahady Creative Services Rybicki Cheese, LTD. Grand Casino Mille Lacs Hinckley Makally Photography The Sample Circuit Mall of America Sanctuary Restaurant Media Loft Santorini Taverna Medtronic Scandinavian Child Miller-Coors Brewing Company Scanlan International Minikahda Country Club SCICOM Data Services Café Maude Callaway Golf Company Caribou Coffee Chanhassen Dinner Theatres Chapelco Golf & Resort Char Crusts, Inc. 405 Classics by David Great River Energy Hammer-Made Harbor Beach Marriott Resort & Spa Haskell’s, Inc. number of health care professionals Children’s HeartLink has helped train this year Sea Change Restaurant Wusthof-Trident of America Shakers Vodka Xcel Energy Center Shapco Printing, Inc. Yardscapes, Inc. Smashburger Zelo Spill the Wine Restaurant Sprecher Brewing Company, Inc. St. Jude Medical in-kind sponsors individuals St. Paul Saints Robin Asbell Stages Theatre Company Doris Fortino Star Tribune Vicky Lakshmanan Summer Harsh Botanical Artistry Paulette Mitchell Sundara Inn & Spa Pat McCarthy Sweet Queen, CLC. Sameer Mohan Tangletown Gardens Kathy and Allan Share Tiger Oak Publications Mary Tan The Toro Company Jorge Taylor Toshiba Andrew Weber St. James Hotel Red Wing, MN Turtle Bread Company Twin Cities Polo Club children’s heartlink adds a partner site in brazil with help from multiple teams of minnesota-based medical volunteers In September 2009, Children’s HeartLink added a new partner site: Hospital de Base in São José do Rio Preto, Brazil. A team of medical volunteers from Mayo Clinic and University of Minnesota Amplatz Children’s Hospital completed the first full-team cardiac training visit to Hospital de Base that month. In June 2010, Children’s HeartLink sent a second team, with volunteers from Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota and Mayo Clinic. During both trips, medical volunteers spent a week working side by side with and training the local pediatric cardiac staff, as well as providing patient screening and treatment. To be selected as a partner site, a hospital needs to demonstrate a commitment to pediatric cardiac care. Hospital de Base began its pediatric cardiac program in 2002 and has a pediatric cardiac surgeon on staff. Hospital de Base also plans to move its pediatric cardiac program to a new adjacent children’s hospital, currently under construction. Children’s HeartLink and the two volunteer teams will continue to work with Hospital de Base to enhance the knowledge and technical skills of its cardiac team and to promote its development as a regional center of excellence. Twin Cities Statement Magazine University of Minnesota Press Value Travel, Inc. View Restaurant and Bar Vincent – A Restaurant WA Frost and Company Walleye Dan’s Guide Service Whitefish Lodge & Suites Whole Foods Market Wild Mountain WineStyles Wintergreen Dogsled Lodge Brazilian cardiologist Carlos De Marchi (left) discusses a case with volunteers Rodolfo Neirotti (center) and David Dassenko (right). Photo: Katie Najjar in honor of Carrie Ellis Rees Johnson Abihudi Miduri Michael Towns Dr. and Mrs. George Fisher’s 50th Anniversary Ardelle Nicoloff AGA Board Members Jim Otto Jerry Ann Applebaum Bette Ann and Richard Bloom Gina and Corey Bauman’s 25th Anniversary Nancy Borgstrom Richard Bloom Jerry Ann and Howard Applebaum Estelle Brouwer Louis Brouwer and Alvina Vander Sluis the cardiac critical care team from the hospital for sick children visits chengdu, china West China Hospital #1 of Sichuan University in Chengdu, China, has been a partner of Children’s HeartLink since 2006. Since then, Children’s HeartLink and The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada, have collaborated to support the program’s growth and have traveled on fullteam cardiac training visits to Chengdu. In October 2009, to provide focused training to West China Hospital #1’s ICU staff, a critical care team from The Hospital for Sick Children visited the hospital for a weeklong training visit. In their follow-up report, The Hospital for Sick Children’s team observed significant progress in several areas: The West China Hospital #1 team exhibited an increased awareness and focus on teamwork, had better knowledge of current concepts surrounding infection control, and were more consistently using a broader array of pain control strategies. The small-team training visit also helped to identify other aspects of West China Hospital #1’s critical care needs, which are being incorporated into future activities with that partner site. Volunteer Jeanette Guimond (right) trains staff in West China Hospital’s ICU. Photo: Andreas Tsakistos Estelle Brouwer’s and Gary DeCramer’s Birthdays Duncan Baird Louis Brouwer and Alvina Vander Sluis Nancy J. Feldman Karyn and David Gaffaney Gloria Gunville Pamela and Richard Kunkel Catherine and Greg Lindsey Phyllis Ostergren Karen Welle Louis Brouwer’s Birthday Estelle Brouwer and Gary DeCramer Sally Bye Julianne Bye Children’s HeartLink Staff and Volunteers Annamarie, Paul, Jack, Elle and Eve Saarinen In Celebration of Christmas Sally Bye Mary Perlich Mike and Elizabeth Perlich Sweeney Franck and Katina Gougeon’s Wedding Lori and Darrell Phillips Anne and Robert Strachota Bennett Greenberg’s Bar Mitzvah Jack Greenberg Matthew Greenberg and Dr Jonathan Chen Karen Schlain Jean and John Hedberg Kathy and Roger Post Robert and Riksene Higgins 50th Anniversary Gayle Gilmore Ian’s Engagement Bette Ann and Richard Bloom Kathy Jenkins, M.D., M.P.H. Michelle Lyden, The Managers’ group from the Program for Patient Safey and Quality at Children’s Hospital Boston Peggy Johnson and Carissa Johnson Caroline Jackson Dr. Joe and Laura Kiser Dr. Francis and Holly Denis Joseph Kiser, M.D. Joet Holmberg and Gay Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Gordy Lewis Ardelle Nicoloff Michele’s Birthday Dale Garton Richard and Francis Moyer Bruce Moyer, C.C.P. Leslie Eber Bette Ann and Richard Bloom Wayne Meichner, Scott Hettinger, Dan Boivin & Michael Gatti Jill Halama Michael Eber Bette Ann and Richard Bloom Ardelle Nicoloff’s Birthday Beth and Jim Otto Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ollman’s 50th Anniversary Ardelle Nicoloff Alvina Vander Sluis’ and Lynnette Brouwer’s Birthdays Louis Brouwer Mr. and Mrs. Dave Paulson’s 50th Anniversary Ardelle Nicoloff Sharon Wisness and Smith Barney, Jean and Roger Sorenson & Michael Klovanich Bette Ann and Richard Bloom John Perlich Sally K. Bye Mary Perlich Sally K. Bye in memory of Richard Rocco Larry Paster Paul John Anderson Debra and Alex Korluka Eve Saarinen Annamarie Saarinen Nicholas Bakritzes Christina Bakritzes Amelia Schellenberg Pat and Bernard Schellenberg Fillis Bergstrom Richard Broderick Shirley Setterberg Craig and Christina Holm-Sandok Billy Bye Mary and Ronald Bloomquist Elizabeth and Erik Jensen Phyllis and Robert Kilgore Elizabeth and John Rossiter Sylvan Siegler Bette Ann and Richard Bloom Noah Sherman’s Birthday Mark and Stephanie Nicoloff Schoening Elizabeth and Mike Sweeney Sally K. Bye Jennifer and David Miller Mike and Elizabeth Perlich Sweeney’s Wedding Elizabeth and Erik Jensen AnneMarie McNamara Rogers and J. Brittan Rogers, M.D. Dennis Gablenko and Bistra Zheleva Heather and Peter Zimmerman Elizabeth Perlich Sweeney’s 50th Birthday Sally K. Bye Helen Haggberg Susan Haggberg Darcy Polhand Peter Beniares Baby John Hedican Kiki and John Hedican Pipitsa Sarlis Marina and John Antoniou Peter Beniares Lorraine Hedin Gayle and Bob Gilmore Dr. Bruce Johnson Frances Schwartz Dorothy and Larry Hamm Judith and James Hibma Claudia Liebrecht Jean Launspach, M.D. and Tony Plucinski, M.D. Dr. Bruce Johnson’s June 4th Birthday Judith and James Hibma Evangeline Kennedy Nicole and Matt Kennedy Judy and Tom McCullough Frank Kipeistin Jerry Ann and Howard Applebaum Philip Collins Charles Neal Judy Lindall-Hawkins Rita and David Goodman Frederick Hawkins Mary and Keith Sjodin Laurie and Wallace Yahn Delores Coolidge Howard Yee Connie Mattina Patty and Tony Guidice Maureen Crooker Judy and Martin Hansen Alan Miller Lewis Miller James Demos Besse Demos Maragos Joan and Peter W. Spell Olivia Rene Newman Timothy and Rene Taylor Newman Ian Campbell Mary Ann Campbell Benjamin Michael Dercks Judith Taylor Laura Driskill Lewis Driskill Dan Stendahl Debby Anderson Emily Ann Stene Amy and Dave Stene Cavan Varco Candice and John D. Varco Charlotte Vizzler Virginia Beckett Jean Boyce Margaret Wilcox Browning Lois J. and William D. Clynes Kendra and Mike Creevy Lewis Driskill Susan Haggberg Judith and James Hibma Sheri and Boyd Huppert Laura and Joseph Kiser, M.D. Claudia Liebrecht Cheryl and Frank Lushine Marilyn and Paul Redin Cydney Einck and Michael Shelton Mike and Elizabeth Perlich Sweeney Audrey B. Thiesse Joan J. and Mark J. Thompson Carol Trick C.J. Van Sloun Kermit Olson Ardelle Nicoloff Rita Patient Candice and John D. Varco percentage of newborns worldwide with congenital heart disease who live where medical care is inadequate or unavailable 2 90 % staff and board of directors 2009–2010 children’s heartlink staff board of directors President Elizabeth Perlich Sweeney Founder Joseph Kiser, M.D. Emmett J. McMahon, Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi Vice President and Director of International Programs Estelle Brouwer Chair Keith Halleland, Halleland Habicht PA Mahendra Nath, Nath Companies International Programs Advisor John Cushing, Jr., MHA Eric J. Olsen, Great River Energy James Rice, Ph.D., Integrated Healthcare Strategies Medical Director Joseph A. Dearani, M.D., Mayo Clinic International Programs Coordinator Andreas Tsakistos Secretary Jim Jacobson, Medica Office Manager/International Programs Assistant Carissa Johnson Stephanie Nicoloff Schoening, Community Leader Treasurer Ajay Gupta, Ernst & Young LLP David P. Wicker, As One Technologies Events Manager Katie Najjar Development Assistant Karin Haas Thomas L. Armitage, M.D., Medtronic, Inc. Thomas Bach, Community Leader Joel Conner, Bellisio Foods John F. Eisberg, Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi Gary C. Fink, Museum “Louvre It or Leave It” Director of Marketing and Communications Carrie Ellis Franck Gougeon, AGA Medical Corporation Finance Director Barb Simonson Mark Rosen, WCCO-TV Members Gerald R. Anderson, Commerce Bank Donor Relations Coordinator Tane Danger Events and Marketing Coordinator Jessica Smith-Schuh 61 million Keith Sherman, Go East Andrew Nelson, HealthPartners Research Foundation Assistant Director of International Programs Bistra Zheleva Director of Development Brian Herstig $ Vice Chairs Molly Joseph, UnitedHealth Group Susan H. Gebelein, Savannah Consulting Tom Jollie, Padilla Speer Beardsley Thomas A. Keller, III, Moss & Barnett PA Thomas J. Kigin, Minnesota Public Radio Besse D. Maragos, Schilling Travel value of support Children’s HeartLink has provided partner hospitals over the last 41 years What does it take to save a child’s heart? Strong Financials Volunteer Inger Olson examines Sreeja, a young patient at Innova Children’s Heart Hospital. Photo: Sam Mohan, yolkstudio.com a healthy balance sheet means more healthy hearts Balanced with the enthusiasm for the work we do is the knowledge that Children’s HeartLink must continue to be a strong, sound organization in order to help our partners reach more children. statements of financial position years ended June 30, 2010, and 2009 assets We are extremely well positioned for the future with: •Recognized global leadership in the development of sustainable pediatric cardiac care programs in underserved countries •Strong relationships with outstanding medical institutions and leaders in cardiac care • Solid fundraising results and committed supporters • Talented, experienced staff and a proven operational model With these strengths, Children’s HeartLink looks forward to continued work with our partners so more children in the world can access the cardiac care they need. assets Cash and cash equivalents Cash — Held for others Contributions and other receivables Prepaid expenses and other assets Property and equipment, net 2010 $1,246,984 — 11,021 6,709 186,091 2009 $1,221,255 4,345 104,418 10,847 191,284 $1,450,805 $1,532,149 $17,805 20,000 — 7,337 80,000 21,848 $67,610 20,000 4,345 35,526 42,500 21,848 146,990 191,829 net assets Unrestricted Temporarily restricted 803,419 500,396 932,232 408,088 total net assets 1,303,815 1,340,320 total liabilities and net assets $1,450,805 $1,532,149 total assets liabilities and net assets liabilities Accounts payable Due to hospital sites Funds held for others Accrued payroll and benefit liabilities Deferred revenue Beneficiary payable total liabilities Thank you to Shapco Printing and Periscope for graciously donating printing and design services. If you would like to help us reduce expenses by receiving an electronic version of our annual report next year, please email Karin Haas at karin@childrensheartlink.org. Patient Pham Thi Ngoc Duyen with her mother, Le Thi, at Nhi Dong 1 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Photo: Bistra Zheleva statements of activitiesyears ended June 30, 2010, and 2009 temporarily revenue and other support unrestricted restricted Contributions $282,974 $478,770 Donated goods and services 627,609 Special events and activities 725,696 ) Less direct benefits to donors (194,347 Net revenue from events and activities 531,349 Interest and other income 4,803 Satisfaction of restrictions 386,462 (386,462) total temporarily 2010 unrestricted restricted $761,744 $285,723 $350,360 627,609 793,644 725,696 902,542 ) (194,347) (269,627 531,349 632,915 4,803 11,058 0 377,505 (377,505) total 2009 $636,083 793,644 902,542 (269,627) 632,915 11,058 0 92,308 1,925,505 2,100,845 (27,145) 2,073,700 1,578,813 102,976 104,800 175,421 1,578,813 102,976 104,800 175,421 1,764,931 108,159 118,802 186,736 1,764,931 108,159 118,802 186,736 1,962,010 1,962,010 2,178,628 2,178,628 total 1,833,197 expenses Program services Management and general Special events and activities Other fundraising total expenses change in net assets (128,813) 92,308 (36,505) (77,783) (27,145) net assets — Beginning of Year 932,232 408,088 1,340,320 1,010,015 435,233 1,445,248 $803,419 $500,396 $1,303,815 $932,232 $408,088 $1,340,320 net assets — End of Year 5% Management 14% Fundraising expenses by activity 81% Program Expenses (104,928 ) 5075 Arcadia Avenue | Minneapolis, MN 55436 | USA | 888-928-6678 | childrensheartlink.org cover photo: Sam Mohan, yolkstudio.com 1 2 Saxena, A. “Congenital cardiac surgery in the less privileged regions of the world.” Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther. 2009 Dec; 7 (12): 1621-9 Tchervenkov, C., Jacobs, J., Bernier, P., et al. “The improvement of care for paediatric and congenital cardiac disease across the World: a challenge for the World Society for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery,” Cardiol Young 2008; 18 (Suppl. 2): 63-69. Cambridge University Press.
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