Newburg News - Kentucky Department of Education


Newburg News - Kentucky Department of Education
November 22, 2013
Newburg News
A Word From
The Principal . . .
It is hard to believe that we are completing our 15th week of school and the holidays are upon
us! I am still finding joy every day of being your new principal at Newburg Middle School!
Watching our students perform in the classroom, witnessing content delivery from teachers
and writing “Why You’re Awesome Notes” to students for demonstrating excellent character
traits are examples of what makes it such a pleasure to work with everyone!
One area that has remained constant and will continue throughout our year is the focus on
academic excellence. It is very important that you check with your student every day
regarding his homework. If the answer you receive is, “There is no homework,” please reach
out to his teachers to double check. You can have your student log into Infinite Campus.
Every two weeks, students are taken to the computer lab to check their grades. As parents, we
remember the challenges of staying focused in middle school. It is now time to transfer that
memory to help our children become focused academically by having them check their grades
and be responsible for classwork and homework on a daily basis.
Principals Message .................1
Today Affects Tomorrow .........2
You will read about a lot of exciting things involving extracurricular activities in this
newsletter and these are definitely added bonuses; but Newburg Middle School Tigers’ main
focus should be academic excellence. The concept should be student/athlete, student/
musician or student/artist; but you will notice that the first word in all of these phrases is
Teacher Trappings ...................2
Sometimes we think middle schoolers do not need to read aloud to us at home. I feel it is a
skill that needs to be practiced as often as possible. To sit beside your child and have him or
her read silently is one thing, but to have them read aloud to you is another. It gives you the
opportunity to ask questions and see if they are comprehending what they read. Non-fictional
writings such as newspapers, magazines or journal articles are great examples for students to
read aloud and discuss. This is the key to increase fluency and comprehension. When a
student is a strong reader, other content area material is less intimidating.
Music To Our Ears ...................4
Another area in which your help would be appreciated is reviewing math skills with your
student. Reviewing basic multiplication facts is a great place to start because it helps to
support and enrich their math knowledge. Simplifying even the most simple fractions with
your middle schooler can make a difference.
Kudos to our Kiddos ...............3
Hoops For Diabetes .................3
Youth Service Center ...............4
Choir Chatter………………………5
Orchestra Ovations……………...5
Sporting News .........................5
All-Stars ..................................6
Seekers ....................................6
Trailblazers .............................6
Declaration for Libraries……….7
Our students can also become well-rounded individuals by comprehending current events.
What affects us locally may also have national and world implications. Just as you would hold
a conversation with another adult about current events, include your middle schooler. The
ability for our students to partake in discussions, watch the news and make connections with
their learning is powerful.
Bullying ...................................7
The old adage, “It takes a village,” is truly a belief of mine. I am calling on all villagers to
assist in our primary goal of academic excellence at Newburg Middle School. When you ask
your middle schooler, “How was school today?” and he responds, “Good,” don’t accept that
one word answer. Probe by asking for his Newburg Agenda. Have him explain what each
Learning Target means. Have your student check his grades on Infinite Campus before he
moves on to Instagram or his social media world. I need your help. Have your student read
aloud to you. Talk with him about math facts. With all of us working together for the
common goal of academic excellence, we will develop our students into well-rounded
individuals. It takes a village!
Achievers .................................9
Be safe and make lasting memories with your family and friends during the holidays!
~ Mrs. Adell
Aviators ...................................8
Dream Keepers .......................8
Voyagers ..................................8
Leaders ....................................9
Scholars ...................................9
Newburg’s Non-Negotiables….10
What you do today … will effect your tomorrow! This
statement is true for every person but especially our 8th grade
students! If your child is interested in attending a high school
other than their reside high school, it is so important that they
apply during the time frame below.
October 29th – January 10th is the application period for
high school optional/magnet programs and magnet schools.
What you do today…will effect your tomorrow is also true for
attendance, grades and behavior! Please communicate the
importance of good attendance, grades and behavior ALL
year! High schools often follow up after students have been
accepted to monitor their YEARLY progress!
End of the year Awards – Will your name be called?
Why are we talking about awards that are given at the end of
the year? Because what you do now will effect which awards
you are eligible to receive! Only students receiving one or
more of the following awards will be called onto the stage
during the 8th grade awards ceremony. Prepare NOW!
JCPS Scholar – 3.5 GPA or higher (not rounded)
Newburg Scholar – All A’s and B’s with all S’s in
4.0 GPA – Self explanatory
Consider what your child’s
teacher does for them everyday;
and if, in your searching, you find
that you would like to reward
them, nominate them for the
ExCEL Award. Excellence in
Classroom and Educational
Leadership (ExCEL) is what it
stands for and since 1989, more
than 300 teachers in JCPS and
the surrounding counties have
received the award, which
includes a $1000 instructional
grant from LG&E. The
nomination deadline is February
14th. Forms are available on the
JCPS website, and, in the
Newburg Daily News email which
goes out each morning (M—F)
you can click on the “link” and
get the form. It’s as simple as
that. Don’t let
an opportunity
to thank your
child’s teacher
go by. Send in
today. It’s the best thank you
that you could give them!
Perfect Attendance - Student cannot be more than .5 days
absent (excused or unexcused)
Team Citizenship Award – Selected students who
demonstrate superior citizenship
Triple A Club – Students who meet Academic (3.0GPA),
Attendance (less than 3 days absent per semester)
and Achievement (community service hours)
Assistant Principal’s Award – No overdue detentions
ALL year
Principal’s Award – Select students who exemplify the
Newburg Tiger attitude, effort and focus
Ms. Irvin
8th Grade Administrator
Newburg’s own—Ms. Molly Duffield—was accepted into the National Science
Teachers Association (NSTA). NSTA is the largest professional organization in
the world promoting excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning
for all. Fellows selected for the program receive a comprehensive membership
package, online mentoring with trained mentors who teach in the same discipline
and the opportunity to participate in a variety of web-based professional
development activities, including
web seminars. In addition, each
NSTA Fellow receives financial
support to attend and participate
in NSTA’s 2014 National
Conference on Science Education in Boston!
We have hired two new teachers with the specific aim of lifting our students up to
be the best that they can be.
To this end, we now have on staff Mr. Joe Welch
who will serve as an interventionist to work with and
model to our students academic and behavioral
Additionally, Mr. Larry Woods is our new Recovery
Teacher . He will assist students in mastering
curriculum standards in English language arts,
science, math and social studies.
Report Cards
EKU Honors Band
Thanksgiving Break
Winter Chorus Concert, NMS Cafeteria, 7 PM
Winter Orchestra Concert, NMS Cafeteria, 7 PM
Winter Band Concert, NMS Cafeteria, 7 PM
Winter Break
District Grading
Martin Luther King Day
Report Card
Solo & Ensemble Chamber Recital
KMEA Solo & Small Ensemble Festival
Newburg Middle School
4901 Exeter Avenue
Louisville, KY 40218
(502) 485-8306
(502) 485-8883
We at Newburg Middle
School have been stressing
the 5 Non-Negotiables since
the beginning of the year.
Please engage your student
in a conversation about
them. Ask them where they
are posted in the school,
how they are stressed and
how they feel they apply to
At Newburg, we believe that all kids can learn at high levels, all students will be
academically and behaviorally ready to transition to high school, college, careers
and beyond. In order to accomplish this goal and to prepare our students to
transition to the next level, we have come up with 5 non-negotiable. Each week,
we highlight one of the non-negotiables in an effort to drive the message home to
our students.
1. I will value the education rights of others by not being
disruptive in any class.
2. I will treat others as they wish to be treated.
3. I will immediately be seated upon entering every
classroom . . . Ready to learn.
4. I will demonstrate respect by following all dress code
5. I will be prepared for class with my Agenda, ready to
record learning targets and daily class agenda items.
* Like *
Newburg Middle School
earned the Bronze Star in a
very special community
service program sponsored
by JDRF for raising over
$1000. Hoops for Diabetes
took place at Newburg from
September 23rd—27th.
Hoops is the world’s largest
charitable fundraiser and an
advocate of Type 1 diabetes
(T1D) research. Dramatic
research is in progress and a
cure is now within reach!
Essay Contest
Maonna Hayes
Amber Johnson
Braxton Grant
Deasia Yates
Zach Williams
Jesus Chavez
PTA Reflections Contest
6th Grade
1st—Sadie Lawrence
2nd—Alaija Bennett
3rd—Dasia Finch
Honorable Mention—Jazeara Burden
8th Grade
Coming Soon . . .
1st— Jackeline Ramirez
2nd—Ronae Crowder
3rd—Jordan Pulford
Honorable Mention—Nija Mackey
Music Composition
Newburg Middle School
7th Grade
Facebook Page !
8th Grade
1st—Eldin Drljevic
1st— Daija Anderson
Visual Arts
8th Grade
Happenings, events, sports, academic, brag ,
collaborate, converse, comment, answer,
share. . .
It is not a place to despair, complain or
criticize, but a place to celebrate the
wonderful happenings at Newburg.
1st—Eldin Drljevic
2nd—Navaria Lawless
3rd—Henry Camacho
Red Ribbon Door
Decoration Winners
6th Grade—Ms. Dehr
7th Grade—Mr. Goodwin & Ms.
8th Grade—Ms. Holland & Ms. Evans
Congratulations to Alexander
G. Gates who has been chose
to play for Team Kentucky in
the FBU National
Championship Football
Tournament. Alexander will
be representing Newburg Middle School as a
6th Grader. Chosen for his strong work
ethic, this honor will expose Alexander to
play not only with Kentucky’s best players,
but some of the Nation’s best players!
One-quarter of the 20132014 Yearbooks have
already been sold! Our 8th
grade yearbook class is
working hard to make this
year’s book more personal.
The next pre-order sale @
$30 will take place from
January 13—17, 2014, and
you can save $5; but don’t
wait too long . . . they are
going fast!
It’s a new adventure for all of us . . . We
welcome your supportive comments!
These classes were awarded with a free
Coordinator: Karen Evans
Direct Line: 485-8740
Tis the season to be musical—from All County Band to All County Chorus to All
County Orchestra to EKU Honors Band, we have many talented studentmusicians! A few rounds of applause, please . . .
All-County Band
EKU Honors Band
The YSC offers a variety of services/
programs for our students and families:
Gabe Agrinsoni
Harrison French
Tanner Swift
Free on-site counseling
Counseling referrals
Uniforms/school supplies
Family crisis assistance
Health/social service agency
After-school programs/activities
Employment counseling
Peer mediation
Tutoring assistance
Adult education/GED information
Attendance services
All-County Orchestra:
Every 1 Reads
Drug/alcohol assistance
Lighthouse Community Center
Upward Bound
Whitney Young Scholars
Physicals/sports physicals
Sophia Baete
Jaila Bracken
Je’Kayla Bradford
Aungelique Felton
Rahab McKellery
Danielle Sinkhorn
Rameisha Smith
Kathleen Wakeman
Ayana White
Tylar Davidson
Crystal Ferrell
Jeannie Nguyen
Emma Watson
Madison Winspare
Congratulations to Eldin Drljevic and Daija Anderson for winning their
grade-level PTSA Reflections contest in music composition! Eldin’s
work, From the Beginning, and Daija’s melodic composition entitled
Inspirational will go on to compete at the district level!
Free &/or Affordable AfterSchool Programs:
Kudos to Tanner Swift on Tenor Sax, Harrison French on Trumpet and
Gabe Agrinsoni on Tuba for being selected as some of the finest 8th
grade musicians in JCPS! They will perform with the All-County 8th
Grade Honors Band at Male High School’s Durrett Auditorium on
Tuesday, November 19th!
Newburg Boys & Girls Club | 5020
E. Indian Trail | 485-9783 | Offering
a variety of after-school activities.
Newburg Community Center | 4810
Exeter Avenue | 456-8122
November 23
Newburg Library | 479-6160
December 19
Lighthouse Community Center |
5312 Shepherdsville Road | 9645909. Offer a variety of activities,
including free tutoring.
Transportation is provided from
Newburg every day. Program runs
Gabe Aginsoni
Winie Atak
Diego Cruz
Steven Eason
Harrison French
Angel Gross
Breanna Jones
Alex Keck
Navaria Lawless
Jovani Martinez
Meaghan Mickelson
Sam Olayemi
Ethan Taylor
Amara Terril
Sophia Samora
Kylie Seymour
Cameron Swift
Tanner Swift
Douglas Weaver
Regis Wilson
Trinity Wilson
EKU Honors Band
7:00 PM
Winter Band Concert in NMS Cafeteria. This
performance is mandatory for all band students.
January 30
Solo & Ensemble Chamber Recital
February 1
KMEA Solo & Small Ensemble Festival
If you would like to hear Mrs. McCord live in concert, she will be playing trumpet
with the Bellarmine Civic Orchestra at Bellarmine University on December 8th and
15th. In addition to holiday tunes, the orchestra will also be performing selections
from Video Games Live!
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
MS. Cean Peevey
Ms. Karen Jackman
Mr. Wayde Hart
Mr. Porter Hamilton
We are proud as students continue
to strive for success and achieve at
high levels. Many students are
scoring proficient and
distinguished on district
assessments. Students are
reaching for the honor roll and
succeeding! Achiever students are
learning all about linear equations
in Algebra and gaining a deeper
understanding about molds and
fungi in
Science. In
Social Studies,
we are learning
all about why
the English
rebelled against
British rule and are analyzing the
Declaration of Independence. This
ties in well with informational
reading and writing which is our
focus in Language Arts. Students
continue their work with Ms.
Jackman on equations as they
advance in Algebra classes.
Students will be turning their
research into speeches and
arguments with Ms. Peevey in
Language Arts. We are about to
break down the Constitution with
Mr. Porter and determine which of
our rights as citizens are the most
important. Achievers will be
scientists learning all about
genetics with Mr. Hart.
Student Team Leaders
Alexandria Anderson
Jesus Chavez
Sierra Hancock
Dianna Nguyen
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
Ms. Heather Jones
Ms. Jennifer Stallings
Mr. James Baker-Noren
Mr. Kevin Wekch
Many of our students have truly
taken on leadership roles in their
classes. During a time of their lives
when distractions come so easily,
more than half of the Leaders
students have made the decision to
show movement towards maturity.
We remain hopeful that their
actions will serve as examples for
others to follow.
Historical Town
Meetings have been
the buzz on the
Leaders Team.
Using strategies
revolving around
making claims
supported with
evidence, students
have been
challenged to look at the actions of
the British Parliament in the late
1700’s from different perspectives.
“Hear! Hear!”
In an effort to celebrate all of the
achievements, the Leaders teachers
are going to have a chili cook-off.
Only the most responsible students
will get the opportunity to taste and
vote on their favorite chili . . . The
winning teacher? That person gets
bragging rights!
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
Ms. Mollie Evans
Ms. Jean Clayton
Ms. Denise Negrus
Ms. Callie Thompson
We are proud of our students who
are turning in all of their
assignments on time and staying
focused on the goal! Keep up the
good work!
their Fantastic
Congratulations Scholars! You
rock! In science, students are
wrapping up their cell theory unit.
For all
of you
Thursday from 2:30 to 4 PM.
We will be working on social skills
with some of our Scholars in hopes
that there will be a change in
targeted behaviors. You can do it!
Student Team Leaders
John Batausa
Emily Clark
Jessica Cutler
Elizabeth Romero
Student Team Leaders
Cameron Holt
Jack Leppert
Nitisha Malhotra
Keshawn Wright
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
Mr. Solomon Johnson
Ms. Kayla Brunswick
Ms. Molly Duffield
Mr. Patrick Rohrer
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
Ms. Marie Hagan
Ms. Rhonda Rowland
Ms. Christina Pellman
Ms. Bonnie Brown
We are proud of the flexibility of our
students and teachers, student
creativity on projects, perseverance
through tough content, and
willingness to grow as learners.
The Dream Keepers did very well
on their proficiency assessments.
Mrs. Hagan is excited and
entertained by the students
hilarious short stories!
Social Studies
is finishing up
economic life
skills (Junior
In Language Arts we are doing
reading and
writing. In
math we are
learning Mequations and
Moby Math.
students are investigating energy
transfers at the particle level.
Ms. Pellman’s class is currently
working on Junior Achievement.
Ms. Rowland is moving into
Two of our upcoming events are:
November 25—Career Block Party
November 26—Junior Achievement
Field Trip.
class is
working on
designing their own projects. Ms.
Brown’s class is studying energy
and relevance
to daily life.
Students will be
traveling to the Junior
Achievement Finance Park on
November 25th. We are excited
about teaching our students the
benefits of creating a budget.
Student Team Leaders
Alexis Dircksen
Larry Holt
Lacey Powell
Geyhona Webb
Student Team Leaders
Noah Brooks
Miranda Dumm
Katie Galloway
Destiny Wiley
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
Ms. Margaret Brown
Mr. Thomas Tedtman
Mr. Ronald Bertucci
Ms. Beth Cornell
A big shout out to Shirley Chen,
who we are very proud of for her
1000+ minutes on Moby Max!
Voyager science proficiency scores
are showing that the students are
doing remarkably well, with almost
65% scoring in the proficient/
distinguished category for the
Social Studies Proficiency
Assessment #1. Way to go
In Social
Studies, we
will return to
civilizations starting with the Indus
River Valley.
In Math,
students will
start learning
functions and
Students will need a flashlight for our
December performance. Our
performance will be December 16 at 7
PM in the Cafeteria.
We are looking forward to singing out in
the community for the next month.
Aurora Cruz
Jasmine Hughes
The Orchestra is very proud of the following
students who auditioned for All-County Orchestra
and were selected for the
performance on November
5th at Ballard High School.
Emma Watson
Crystal Ferrell
Madison Winspare
Jeannie Nguyen
Tylar Davidson
All Orchestra classes are now preparing for our
Winter Concert on December 17th. We have some
exciting musical surprises in store and we hope to
see you at our performance!
The coaching staff of Newburg
Football extends a big thank you to
all involved with the program this
To Ms. Adell for providing
guidance and school support
To our student/athletes who
work hard at being both a
student -- accountable for their
academic requirements — while
at the same time putting forth
their greatest efforts on the
practice field. This combined
with their teamwork and
outstanding sportsmanship while
on the field is an example for all
of us.
Student Team Leaders
Al Muluberehan
We are busy preparing for our Winter
Chorus concert and continuing our Sight
Singing Lessons.
Language Arts will be starting
informational readings. Science
will focus on energy transfers and
counting calories.
Zaed Alia
To the parents and family
members of our players for the
guidance you provide as well as
your support, confidence and
dedication to the program. We
love what we do but couldn’t even
begin without you – the parent.
Our football program endured some
highs and lows this season, but with
each new day our players lifted their
heads and demonstrated their “Tiger
Pride” through each obstacle they
encountered. We knew for some,
they were embarking on a new
journey — suffering through the heat
of July and August, wondering what
to expect next — yet continuing to
come to practice and worked hard!
Understanding that Newburg was a
front runner (from the season before)
and a team to be dealt with; our
players looked forward to the
challenges set before them. After a
disappointing loss in their first game,
they preserved, resulting in a winning
record of 6 wins and 2 loses.
Newburg Tigers won their conference
for the second time in three years.
As we stated at our sports banquet,
thank you from the entire coaching
staff, to all of you who supported us
during the season and most of all to
the student/athletes of Newburg’s
football team for all your hard work
and dedication.
Our players demonstrated
their own individual
Ben Hanson played as a
Newburg “Tiger” for
three straight years in a
state middle school
Daeton Atkins set a
school record of scoring
14 touchdowns as well
as running in 4 extra
points for the regular
6th grader, Alexander
Gates made the all state
6/7th grade state middle
school team (he will be
playing for Kentucky as
they take on Tennessee
in December).
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
Ms. Judy Dehr
Ms. Laurie Moore
Ms. Melissa Mould
Mr. Regina Bohanan
Cookie Dough was a huge success!
Thank you for your effort. Our
students were AWESOME on our field
trips. Great job All-Stars!
Students planted tulip bulbs while
interacting with the outdoor
classroom environment. Physics is
fun in science. Ask your
student about speed and
Newton’s Laws of
Motion. In math we are
learning about integers.
Language arts students
are writing informational pieces. If
you received a distinguished or
on your
you can
wear jeans on November 26th. The
jeans you wear must be blue or black
and should have no holes or fraying or
other signs of distress. Social studies
students will complete their
Individual Learning Plan.
Language Arts/
Social Studies:
Math/Social Studies:
Social Studies:
Ms. Tracy Slone
Ms. Mary Rumsey
Mr. Michael Dunn
We are proud of Seeker Sadie
Lawrence who placed first among
all 6th Grade entries in the PTSA
Reflections Writing Competition.
Sadie will advance to District
In math we are
beginning a
unit on
In language
arts we’ll be
reading Hoot soon.
Please continue to use Student/
Parent portal to check grades and
missing assignments.
Student Team Leaders
Mekhi Hall
Clay Henegar
Lorry Moe
Leroy Thomas
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
We are proud of our Challenger
& Black Acre field trips. We had
great fun completing a mission to
the moon where we successfully
made it there and back at the
Challenger Learning Center at
Shawnee High School. We also
went hiking and
exploring rocks and
history at Black
Language Art is learning how to
identify supporting evidence in
non-fiction text.
Homework structure:
Student Team Leaders
NMS held a special signing ceremony
on October 10th to celebrate Libraries
Change Lives: Declaration for the
Right to Libraries, a promotion
sponsored by the American Library
Association. Author and local
storyteller, Roberta Simpson Brown
was the guest speaker. Mrs. Brown
joined Mrs. Wilson, the Library Media
Specialists, Mrs. Adell, the school
Principal and over 900 students in
signing the Declaration! Students
discussed how libraries are a critical
resource for all community members.
Ms. Sarah Hill
Mr. Glenn King
Ms. Karen Karnes
Mr. Chas Meinecke
In social studies,
we are starting a
unit on South
America. In
math we are
studying rates and
ratios. AP Math
is learning
algebraic equations. Science
classes are learning how to
calculate speed and physics.
Declaration for the Right to Libraries
Libraries empower the individual.
Libraries support literacy and lifelong learning.
Libraries strengthen families.
Libraries are the great equalizer.
Libraries build communities.
Libraries protect our right to know.
Libraries strengthen our nation.
Libraries advance research and scholarship.
Libraries help us to better understand each other.
Libraries preserve our nation’s cultural heritage.
Ignore the bully. Pretend you didn’t hear him/her. Don’t even make
eye contact.
2. Try not to cry, get angry or show that you are upset. That is the
bully’s goal. Don’t give them the satisfaction. Even if your feelings
are really hurt, don’t let it show. You can talk about it or write about
it later.
3. Respond to the bully in an EVEN and FIRM tone. Example: “Please
leave me alone!”
Je ‘Kayla Bradford
 Language Arts: Tuesdays &
4. If you can, turn a comment into a joke. Example: If the bully says,
“Stupid outfit,” you say, “Thanks! I’m glad you noticed.”
Will Brown
 Math: Monday—Thursday
Jacob Shears
 Science: Wednesday
Charisma Smith
 Social Studies: Monday
(due Friday)
Student Team Leaders
Bailey Crain
Hunter Mesmer
Mark Weis
Amber Willard
Turn and walk away, or run if you have to. Remove yourself from the situation. Go to a place where an
adult is present.
6. Remember that you are not the one with the problem. It’s the bully who has the problem.
Talk with your parents about the situation. Ask them to call and talk with a Counselor.
8. Avoid unsupervised areas of the school and situations where you are by yourself. Make sure that you are
never alone in the locker room or bathroom. Always walk with a buddy.
9. Talk with your teacher about the problem. Ask for a new seat in the classroom—or—to be the line leader so
that you can avoid the bully.
10. Act confident. Hold your head up. Stand up straight. Make eye contact.