Pujols News2.2 - Pujols Family Foundation


Pujols News2.2 - Pujols Family Foundation
Pujols News
The Quarterly Newsletter of the Pujols Family Foundation
Vol. 2 Issue No. 2
The Pujols Family Foundation
Visits the Dominican Republic
On August 10, 2006, the Pujols Family Foundation took an
evaluation mission trip to the Dominican Republic. The purpose of this trip was to scout other orphanages and needs in
the DR and to evaluate the conditions for our upcoming dentist mission trip in January.
"This trip took us to the poorest parts of La Romana and
Santo Domingo," said Todd Perry, Executive Director of the
PFF. "The average household income for many of these areas
is $1,500.00 (US) per year. It is amazing to see people living
Page One
Autumn 2006
their entire lives without running water or electricity. It really
puts things in perspective."
The first day of the trip, Thursday, found the team in La Romana at the orphanage we assist through the Foundation. "It
is amazing the changes in this orphanage from the last time
we visited," said Mrs. Pujols.
Friday, the next day of the trip, was spent on the road. The
team was transported by two leaders from Compassion International to some of the most depressed villages in the La
Romana area. "The second day was very wet and humid as
we went from village to village seeing undesirable poverty
and need," said Perry. "There were some things that we saw
Continued Page 2
Continued From Page 1
that day that simply were unbelievable, things like active
parasites working within open sores and infections that are
too graphic to describe. There are images in my mind from
that day that I will never forget."
Saturday took the team to Santo Domingo to visit two more
orphanages in the city and one extremely poor area housing
over 20,000 families. "We met with Andy Patterson at the
first orphanage that hosts 28 children who are either HIV
positive or have AIDS," said Pujols. "That was perhaps the
hardest emotional stop on our trip. From there we drove to an
area that was filled with squatters homes and shelters with no
water, no bathrooms - just home after home of people living
anyway they can. The need is overwhelming when you see
areas like this. It's really hard to get your mind around everything this is happening in front of you."
The team had time to visit one more orphanage in Santo Domingo before retiring for the night. "We had a good dinner
that night and discussed everything that we had seen," remembers Perry. "It was very hard to enjoy a hot shower and a
good meal after what we had seen that day." The departure
flight left at 8:20am on Sunday.
"We will show some of our video and share more about this
trip at our Christmas event in December," commented Deidre.
"It's hard not to be changed when you see the things we have
seen. There is a great need and hopefully we can help those
who need help as we grow."
News Notes
Mothers Roundtable Delves
Into Needs of DS Community
by Anna Jones
Tears and tissues marked an emotional and informative
roundtable with local moms of children with Down syndrome.
The Pujols Family Foundation hosted the mini focus
group, held in August at the Crowne Plaza, to learn more
about the unmet needs of those in the Down syndrome
community. The group was facilitated by Jeanette BaxKurtz of MPP&W, which provides accounting and management advisory services.
The questions were designed to draw off the positives in
the children as their needs and solutions were discussed.
“We wanted a good cross-section of parents who could
speak from their hearts,” said Jeanette. “We are looking
for the holes in services for the most people affected, not
just one group or part of the city.”
“At the end of the day, we went through several tissues
as well as flip chart pages,” noted PFF Director Todd
Perry. “But we found what we wanted. There are so
many people doing a great job in the Down syndrome
community, and we do not want to duplicate any services given. We are simply seeking the greatest needs for
the greatest number of people and we will try and address those issues, one at a time.”
8.15.06: Albert and Deidre Pujols with Dr. James Dobson.
August 15 & 16, Albert and Deidre were featured on "Focus
on the Family" with Dr. James Dobson.
For more information about Focus on the Family, or to find
the listing of a station in your area, please visit
Page Four
Special thanks to the Crowne Plaza, Jeanette Bax-Kurtz,
Lauren Perry, Dana Ashley and all the mothers for helping make this project a success!
Memorabilia Winners
Each quarter we randomly select Albert Pujols Memorabilia
winners from our supporters.
This quarter’s winner of a Signed Albert Pujols Baseball is:
Austin Culver, Cumming, GA
Congratulations to Austin!
Please remember, we will draw for more free Albert Pujols
Memorabilia next quarter.
Become a Pujols Family Foundation supporter today!
Pujols Foundation Supports
2006 Walk in the Park
by Anna Jones
On the morning of September 3, thousands clad in “Walk in
the Park” T-shirts could be found just outside of Busch Stadium dancing, dining and jumping and sliding. By late morning, the masses headed across the street and made a lap
around the warning track of the new baseball stadium just
before the Cardinals faced the Pirates. By game time, no one
at the stadium could miss the WITPers, who could be found
throughout the seats, concession lines and play areas.
The Walk in the Park is the Down Syndrome Association of
Greater St. Louis’ largest advocacy event, and the 2006 event
was one of the best yet, drawing more than 4,000 participants
and raising more than $70,000.
The PFF hosted a booth at the morning party, handing out
hats, key chains, mini-bats, stickers and cards for all in attendance. Come game time, Albert, who has developed a knack
for hitting homeruns on WITP day, belted not one or two, but
three homeruns and drove in five runs in the Cardinals’ 6-3
Photo of the Month
Each quarter we will select a photo sent to feature as Photo of the
Month. This quarter we selected a photo of six week old Carli
Maucher from of St. Louis, MO. Carli stopped by to visit the PFF
booth at the 2006 Walk in the Park. benefiting the Down Syndrome
Association of Greater St. Louis.
Page Three
While all the shirts and Albert’s homeruns created quite a
buzz, even making the front page of the St. Louis PostDispatch the next day, Albert and Dee Dee and other Cardinals quietly helped some special kids with Down syndrome
take part in the pre-game ceremonies. The youths who raised
the most funds were able to take the field before the game and
the top two fundraisers were able to throw out the first pitch
to Albert. But what might have meant the most to those families was the chance to see Albert with his daughter Isabella
before the game.
“It was cool to see Albert holding Bella because she’s the reason the foundation supports the Down Syndrome Association,” said Linda Orso, Executive Director of the DSA. “To
see Albert holding her on the field was really meaningful for
our membership.”
Pujols 5 Open for Business
by Anna Jones
When the Hanon family decided to change the
name of Patrick’s, a mainstay among the restaurants and clubs in West Port, they approached one
of baseball’s most prolific hitters and swung for the
Once known as a happy hour hot spot and dance
club, the new Pujols 5 Westport Grill has become a
very relaxed and cozy, yet cutting-edge, sports restaurant and bar.
“All of our marketing folks told us (last year)
that we needed to rename the restaurant,” says
David Hanon, who along with brother, Patrick Jr.,
and father, Patrick Sr, runs the restaurant and
Hanon Management Group. “One thing led to another and we worked it out over the next eight
Patrick’s originally underwent a remodel in the
spring of 2005, and the Hanons teamed with the
Pujols Family Foundation for the grand reopening
that September. The event raised $40,000 for the
foundation, double what the Hanons had planned.
In the process, a relationship grew between Albert
and Dee Dee and the Hanons approached them
about renaming the restaurant.
On August 28, more than 600 attended the grand
opening of Pujols 5 Grill.
In addition to juggling the opening of the new
restaurant with the remodel and bringing in new
staff, the Hanons made another big change. “We’ve
taken the money that we were spending on radio
(advertising) and music and moved that to the
foundation,” says David.
Page Four
A quiet dining area offers intimate nooks as
well as private rooms suitable for anything from
small parties to office get-togethers. And a stunning
bar area is replete with ever-changing wall-to-wall
and floor-to-ceiling sports photography and numerous state-of-the-art big screens.
In addition to the frequently updated artwork
and imagery (in December, NFL photos were en
route to replace the World Series photos), some of
Albert’s baseball paraphernalia can be found in a
large glass-encased wall near the entrance. At last
check, items included a pair of his size 13 cleats
from the 2006 World Baseball Classic as well as
Albert’s cleats from the 2003 All-Star Game. A
glass-enclosed wine closet includes artwork of Albert and Stan Musial that is signed by both.
Menu items range from burgers and potato skins
to steaks and fresh seafood. Also offered are a
number of Albert and Dee Dee’s favorites, including chicken flautas, Caribbean-jerked grilled
chicken wings, smoked half chicken with rice and
beans (arroz con pollo) and crème brulee.
For the Hanons and diners alike, it’s a refreshing change for a longtime staple.
“You don’t spend $2 million to miss something,
you spend $2 million to forget something,” David
says. “That was the hardest part, actually letting go
of a 23-year-old restaurant and 23-year-old name,
but we’re thrilled.”
To see the menu, take a video tour or learn
more, go to www.pujols5grill.com.
Celebrity Fundraiser
Benefits Local Kids
with Down syndrome
By Conor Nicholl / MLB.com
ST. LOUIS -- Kaitlyn Trower enjoyed a
terrific Monday morning. She was one of
three children who had their picture taken
with Albert Pujols at his golf tournament
at the Country Club of St. Albans.
"He's a nice man," Trower said with a
huge smile.
Trower, 12, a beautiful girl with Down
syndrome, was directly affected by the
reigning National League MVP's event.
The Albert Pujols Celebrity Golf Classic
helps raise money for the Down Syndrome Foundation and the Pujols Family
Foundation, an organization that reaches
Page Five
out to families with Down syndrome and
impoverished families and children in the
Dominican Republic.
local celebrities and citizens in the community. Paying $3,500 a group, 52 fivesomes -- four players and one celebrity
per group -- teed off at St. Albans' two
"This is what it's all about," Pujols said.
courses. In 2005, the Classic alone raised
"God gave me an opportunity, and I feel
approximately $200,000 and would likely
blessed to take advantage of every oppor- surpass that total this year.
tunity I have." And the golf tournament is "I would say right now that this is our top
a huge showcase to help families and
fundraiser," Perry said. "We've doubled in
raise awareness of Down syndrome. The size since last year. This event is fantastic,
event even helps the Pujols family: They and with the support of the community,
have a daughter, Isabella, with Down
the support of the players and the support
of Albert and [Deidre Pujols] themselves,
it is always successful and continues
"With Albert and [his wife Deidre] having
a child with Down syndrome, it hits close
to home," Todd Perry, Executive Director The event also continues to help the local
of the Pujols Family Foundation, said.
chapter for Down syndrome -- a foundation that has grown exponentially over the
Many other families also benefited from
past five years. "For the local Down synthe tremendous support by former and
drome community, the Pujols Family
current Cardinals players, other athletes,
Foundation is the catalyst to build the
awareness," Perry said. "It's not to say
that we are writing all the checks, but I do
know that in 2001, when Albert came to
town, the Down Syndrome Association
was an answering machine in a mother's
home. Now, they have an office and they
have a director."
The local celebrities and former players
included opposing players. Several Cincinnati Reds -- including Tuesday's starting pitcher, Aaron Harang -- participated.
Former Redbirds Scott Terry, Alan Benes,
Nearly half of the current Redbirds
Jack Clark and Bucky Dent also played,
played in the tournament. Cardinals' man- providing further help to Pujols' -- and
ager Tony La Russa, bench coach Joe
many other families' -- causes.
And Monday provided another big boost, Pettini, Hall of Famer and adviser Red
including 18 holes at one of St. Louis'
Schoendienst and players So Taguchi,
"He sets a nice example for Major League
premiere golf courses, dinner, memoraGary Bennett, Adam Wainwright, Yadier Baseball," Darrell Trower, the father of
bilia items and an evening auction. The
Molina, Anthony Reyes, Tyler Johnson,
Kaitlyn, said of "El Hombre." "Along
auction itself will likely raise thousands
Jeff Weaver, Josh Hancock and Chris
with Kurt Warner and Marshall Faulk, he
of dollars. On a long table, many different Duncan dotted the premises.
is strong in the community and sets a
items were on sale, including game-used
good example."
"It's definitely a good feeling," Johnson
apparel from Pujols, signed items from
said. "It feels good that we can help out." Conor Nicholl is an associate reporter for
David Wright, LaDainian Tomlinson,
One of his fellow rookies agreed. "He's a MLB.com.
Torry Holt, Marshall Faulk, Wayne
Gretzky and musician Chuck Berry. Most real good guy, and this goes for a good
cause," Duncan said of Pujols.
of the items had opening bids of over
Page Six
$200, and many people started raising the
prices on the memorabilia early in the
morning. "The auction is always a big
hit," Perry said.
In keeping with their commitment to Faith,
Family and Others, the Pujols Family
Foundation is teaming with the local
community to host or co-host the following
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
New Mother’s Luncheon
New mothers of children with Down
syndrome are invited to a luncheon at
Pujols 5 Grill to enjoy fellowship and
to hear keynote speaker, Deidre Pujols tell her story. For information,
please contact the PFF offices at 314878-2105.
Friday, December 8, 2006
O Night Divine PFF Christmas
Our 2nd Annual Christmas Celebration will be held at the Crowne Plaza
in Clayton on December 8, 2006 at
For questions concerning this event,
please contact us at:
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Mother-Daughter Dinner
Deidre Pujols is planning a Purse
Party and Dinner for mothers and
daughters 13 & older with Down syndrome on December 17, 2006 at Pujols 5 restaurant.
For questions concerning this event,
please contact us at:
Page Seven
S.A.I.L. Group
Recieves New
Van From PFF
take home, they all started applauding,
screaming and crying. It was the best
part of my day to see them all so excited!” says Dee Dee.
The van was donated to the PFF by
the Sinclair Ford Family of St. Louis.
by Anna Jones
“This is why we exist,” continued Dee
At the end of the evening of the Albert Dee, “to bless people. It means so
Pujols Golf Classic, a group of young much to these young adults to have
adults with Down syndrome and their transportation where they can all go
together to meetings and events.”
sponsor received a very big surprise.
Following the dinner and auction, Dee An emotional Dianne Trower, SAIL’s
Dee Pujols asked the members of
sponsor, proclaimed, “What a wonderSAIL (Self-Advocates for Indeful blessing! Thank you Sinclair Ford
pendent Living) to please stand up.
and thank you Pujols Family Founda“When I told them that we had a new tion!”
Ford van in the parking lot for them to
Page Eight
that he spoke the things out of his mouth
that he wanted to see in his future. “No
matter who asked me what I wanted to be
when I grew up, I told them I was going
to play baseball and I was going to play
Hugh and Jennifer Lopes are dear friends of the
for the Yankees. I was so confident in my
Pujols Family Foundation and the founders of ‘A
abilities and so consumed with my dream
More Excellent Way Ministries’ in Mobile
that I wanted to shout out my intentions,”
Alabama. You may contact Hugh and Jennifer at
251-345-7412 or email them at
he quotes. Perhaps, he must have underjennniferlopes@bellsouth.net.
stood the power of life and death is in the
tongue. Was he aware of the scripture in
Dear Friends,
Mark 11:24 that says that…”ye shall have
whatever you say?” Who knows if this
“I was about eight years old as I walked
along our thick carpet, past the pictures of was taught to him from a biblical standmy grandparents on the hallway walls and point or not, yet, it still worked for him.
into my parents’ bedroom. I announced
that I was going to play for the Yankees.” Maybe one day we will have the honor
This is a quote from Derek Jeter long af- and be able to ask him in person. Until
ter he had begun to live out his dream as a that time… we want to challenge you to
New York Yankee ballplayer. In the book begin to make daily confessions over
your life. Job 22:28 declares that You
The Life You Imagined, the autobiography, of Jeter - demonstrates tons of times shall also decide and decree a thing, and
Final Words of
Page Nine
it shall be established for you; and the
light [of God's favor] shall shine upon
your ways.
We have enclosed a copy of the confession that we speak out over you daily because you are in some way connected to
our ministry. Please keep this and begin
to use it as a starting point to speak the
blessings of God over your future. I like
what David said concerning his battle
with the giant, Goliath. His confession
also came to pass. He announced that he
was going to slay him, chop off his head
and feed him to the fowl of the air. Guess
what? That is exactly what happened.
What are you confessing about your life
today? Be careful. It will come to pass.
Speak life!
We love you,
Hugh and Jennifer Lopes
Page Ten
Second Quarter Sponsors
We would like to thank all of our sponsors for their contributions and
for making our second quarter a wonderful success!
Event Sponsors
Down Syndrome Association of
Greater St. Louis
Crowne Plaza
Hardee’s Restaurants
Sinclair Ford
Ford Motor Credit
American Airlines
The Chase Park Plaza
Pujols 5 Grill
Apple Vacations
Compassion International
Dicom Marketing
Fox Sports Midwest
Bill Greenblatt
The Hanon Family
ipowerweb hosting
Hugh and Jennifer Lopes
Linda Orso
Scott Rovak
Mission Statement:
To live and share our commitment to faith, family and others.
To promote awareness, provide hope and meet tangible needs for families and
children who live with Down syndrome. To provide extraordinary experiences for
children with disabilities and life threatening illnesses. To improve the standard of
living and quality of life for impoverished children and orphans in the Dominican
Republic through education and tangible goods.
Rick and Don Rush
St. Louis Business Journal
St. Louis Cardinals
Jeff Pomranka
Wall USA
Special Thanks to:
Kimberly Crossett
Josh Goldberg
Margaret Kim
Dominic Torres
Beverly Hills Sports Council
Pujols Family Foundation
Albert Pujols — Chairman of The Board
Deidre Pujols — President
Danny Lozano — Board of Directors
Todd Perry — Vice President / Executive Director
From the Director’s Desk
Contact us:
The Pujols Family Foundation at 314-878-2105
Dear Friends,
Just in case you have been on the other side of the moon, it
is official... the St. Louis Cardinals are indeed Major League
Baseball’s World Champions! Congratulation to Albert and
the entire Cardinal’s organization for bringing the championship back to St. Louis.
The only reason I bring this up is because of something Albert said the other day. When asked, “What was your personal highlight of the 2006 World Championship season?”
What do you think he said? Perhaps the three home runs on Easter Sunday? How
about the game winning shot into Big Mac Land to win the game against the Padres late in September? Or setting a MLB record with 14 home runs in the month of
April? Actually it was none of these.
What Albert Pujols said that his personal highlight of 2006 was, is when he led his
teammate and friend to Christ on a flight back from San Francisco. Albert confesses
“nothing even comes close” to the excitement of sharing his Faith and leading a lost
friend to the Lord.
Of course, I am very proud to work for the best player in baseball, but I am more
proud to be associated with a man who truly puts God and family first in his life.
Albert and Deidre both understand that ONLY what you do for the Kingdom will
last forever. Congratulations Albert -you truly are a Champion.
Todd Perry
Page Eleven
Executive Director
Todd Perry at 314-518-5356
Program Manager
Dana Ashley at 314-878-2105
Pujols Family Foundation Inc.
111 Westport Plaza, Suite 255
St. Louis, MO 63146

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