Pujols News3
Pujols News3
T H E O F F I C I A L Pujols News The Quarterly Newsletter of the Pujols Family Foundation Vol. 1 Issue No. 3 Winter 2005 / 2006 so many times, the already legendary Albert Pujols won the touted MVP award. While Jones had the power numbers, and Lee had the batting average, Albert Pujols seemed to lead the majors in nearly every other offensive stat. 2005 NL MVP! Story by Brady Holtzhauer / Photo by William Greenblatt/UPI Albert Pujols has become a household name now. It is one that everyone that likes baseball has said in their lifetime. He is, after all, one of the greatest baseball players in recent memory, and he has only played 5 major league seasons, all of which have been with the St. Louis Cardinals. Early in his career, Albert put up numbers great enough to win the MVP, but was beat out by a man trying to break the all-time home run record set by Hank Aaron. Yes, Barry Bonds continued to get the votes, mainly because everyone thought Albert would eventually be figured out by pitchers, and that somehow this force as strong as the wrecking ball that brought down Busch Stadium would be stopped. Unfortunately for them, nothing of that sort has happened. In 2005, Albert's fifth year in the league, Albert put up great stats, but was rivaled by Andruw Jones with his clobbering homerun swing and Derek Lee with his mix of power and contact. At the end of the year though, Albert was the number one player in the National League. Finally, after deserving it Page One Throughout his career, Albert has proved what a great, disciplined hitter he is. His strikeout to at-bat ratio throughout his career and in the 2005 season show his discipline in numbers. Through 2,954 career at-bats, Albert has only 344 strikeouts. That means that only 9% of the time he comes up to the plate does Albert strike out. Albert Pujols puts the ball in play 91% of the time he comes up to bat. His lifetime batting average is .332, meaning 33% of the time he gets a hit. Also, of those hits, around 20% of them have been home runs. He has 201 career crushed balls, and in five years, those numbers add up. Albert Pujols is even the first player in MLB history to bat over .300 with 30+ home runs, 100+ RBI, and 100+ runs scored in each of his first 5 Major League seasons. He is already on pace to break many Major League Baseball records, and he is laying out a path of red carpet to the Hall of Fame. He is being compared to all-time greats, such as Joe DiMaggio, Ted Williams, and Stan Musial. If those comparisons don't prove to you how great Albert Pujols really is, look at his 2005 numbers. In the 2005 season, Albert only missed one game, so these numbers come from 161 games. He was right on par with 591 at-bats, but strangely, some of his stats were down from past years. No, Albert didn't have a down year. Albert had a year that even some great players would die for. Albert's lowest stat this year was his RBI total of 117. It's his lowest amount of runners batted in in his entire career. His highest came in his rookie season, when he had 130. Some may wonder why his RBI numbers were down this year, but the answer is very simple. In his rookie year, Albert played in an equal amount of games as 2005. In those 161 ball games, he walked a career low 69 times. Even that number is pretty high for a career low, but it's obvious that the respect Albert has earned now is much higher. In 2001, his first year, he walked only 11% of the time he batted. In his MVP year, he walked 16% of the time for a total of 97 walks. P U J O L S N E W S Continued on page 2 2005 MVP- Continued from page 1 Just imagine what he could have done with 97 extra at-bats. The truth of the matter is, pitchers have figured out how to stop Albert Pujols. All they have to do is intentionally walk him. Aggravating to fans, yes, but it is also a smart move when half of the St. Louis lineup is injured. Basically, everyone in the entire league respects Albert, and it showed with the MVP balloting. Albert finally won the award, beating out Andruw Jones and Derek Lee respectively. Memorabilia Winners Each quarter we randomly select Albert Pujols Memorabilia winners from our supporters that quarter. This quarter’s winner of a Signed Albert Pujols Baseball is: Kyle Cooper, Lexington, Kentucky. This quarter’s winner of a Signed Albert Pujols Jersey is: Albert even improved his base running this year, having a total of 16 stolen bases, stealing successfully 88.9% of the time. He also had 81 extra base hits out of his 195 total. Basically, Albert's offensive stats were still amazing. It shows how great a player he really is when he has a semi-down year statwise and still wins the MVP award. Harry Fabick, Fenton, Missouri. Albert Pujols has always been known as a great hitter, but what many people do not know is how much the all-star is improving on defense. According to team sources, he continually works on his defense at first base. He's been through several positions in his career, but it seems that he has settled at first base. Become a Pujols Family Foundation supporter today! It is doubtful that this will be his last MVP trophy. This coming 2006 season, his numbers could go way, way up. He has the protection of a healthy Scott Rolen and Jim Edmonds around him. The addition of Juan Encarnacion will help as well. With other hitters around him in the lineup, and David Eckstein getting on base as many times as he does, expect to see his RBI totals skyrocket. I look forward to watching Albert power his way through the 2006 regular season and postseason, and I think that chances of him winning the MVP again are very high. He also has the opportunity to bring in a Golden Glove, along with teammates Yadier Molina and Scott Rolen. Congratulations to all of our winners! Please remember, we will draw for more free Albert Pujols Memorabilia next quarter. Photo of the Month Each quarter we will select a photo sent to us by a proud parent of a child with special needs. This quarter’s selection is of Audrey Ibata. Mother, Annette Ibata explains, “This photo was taken at the Missouri Botanical Garden during the Japanese Festival. You can see in the background some dancers which was a demo/lesson of traditional dances. She loves Tiako Drums so this was right up her alley. We don't watch TV (during the hours the kids are awake that is) so music is a huge influence in her world.” The bottom line is, Albert Pujols deserved the MVP in 2005, no questions asked. He is a hero to all Cardinals fans and an icon to general fans of baseball. Before Albert won the MVP, some said that one day people would pay to just see Albert Pujols. This statement came true the day he stepped on the field, but it has never been truer after he won the award. It is true that Albert is changing the game, changing it to a better sport. It shows people out there that hard work and talent go a long, long way. His perseverance and faith in God won him that prize. The first thing Albert did after winning the MVP is thank God for blessing him with the gift of playing baseball. Let's all hope God continues to bless him with more MVP trophies in the years to come. Story submitted by aspiring sports writer Brady Holzhauer. Brady is a 16 year hold high school student from Gillett, Arkansas. Page Two (Photo by Annette Ibata) P U J O L S N E W S “I’ve never seen anything like this before!” said Rush “This town is Cardinal Crazy in the middle of winter.” Yes sir, we are. Many attenders stopped by the booth just to watch Rick in action. Others placed pre-orders for the print right there. “We had over 30 people pre-order a print or print package during the event.” Rush said. “They were giving us credit card numbers to hold edition numbers... it was great!” Todd Perry, volunteer Shana Meyer and artist Rick Rush 2006 Winter Warm-Up 1/15/06 The Winter Warm-Up is a big deal in St. Louis. This year was no exception. For three days in midJanuary this town stops talking about the Rams, Blues and Mizzou basketball and focuses on the boys of summer; Cardinal Baseball. The Winter Warm-Up is an opportunity for Cardinal Nation to come face to face with their baseball heroes. Everyone from Albert Pujols to: Stan Musial, from David Eckstein to Ozzie Smith, from Tony LaRussa to Whitey Herzog. “The Serigraph edition will be limited to 300 pieces worldwide.” says Rush. Each of the 300 Serigraphs will be hand signed by Albert Pujols and Rick Rush. “This is the first time that Albert has ever done a limited edition print. Compound that with the last year at old Busch Stadium and the MVP season... I think this will be a very important sports collectible in the future.” says Rick Rush. The print packages range between $1,000.00 and $1,950.00, depending on quantities. For more information about the Rick Rush limited edition print, please contact Todd Perry at 314-518-5356. Most of the 2006 Cardinals were in attendance this year. All in attendance were signing autographs for a fee. “Albert Pujols and Chris Carpenter were the autographs to get this year.” said one young fan. “But, they also were the most expensive!” Both Pujols and Carpenter were limited to one ticket per person, and sold out with in minutes. All the proceeds of the Winter Warm-Up go to support the many children’s charities supported by Cardinal’s Care. The Pujols Family Foundation had a very special booth at the Warm-Up this year. Working in person at our booth was nationally known sports artist Rick Rush. Rick was there in support of his limited edition serigraph of Albert whose proceeds will go 100% to the Pujols Family Foundation. Rick Rush poses proudly by his creation at the 2006 Winter Warm-Up. For more information about Rick and his artwork, please visit: http://www.rickrushart.com Page Three P U J O L S N E W S Down syndrome and possibly get plugged into other organizations that are helpful. We also are going to plan an event for the Down syndrome community and their families. We have the Golf tournament to look forward to in August. I am looking forward to giving a make over to the memorabilia store. Keep checking the website for more information. Another goal of mine is to reach out to teenage mothers in love and encourage them. I don't condone teenage pregnancy but I do support the idea of encouraging the young mothers to becoming successful in parenting and in life. I am still in prayer about what God would have me do exactly. Keep this in your prayers. There are going to be other events that we are working on and the website will give you information as it comes. because women are told their baby I am excited for May to roll around will be born with Down syndrome. and we can give the recipients the WOW! What blow that is for me to funds that we have been raising for hear! The reason I became involved them. I pray the orphanage in the Dowith the Down Syndrome Association Greetings to everyone, minican Republic will just be blessed a few years ago was to promote beyond belief to buy the land they awareness to the public. Down synI am excited about sharing my heart need to build another building for all with you all this new year. This letter drome is the leading cause of mental the children. retardation but the children have NO is my opportunity to let you all know The Down Syndrome Association is what direction the foundation will be limitations. As far as I am concerned, also a recipient and I know they will the sky’s the limit for Bella or any moving in for 2006. be able to fund programs that they other child born with Down synFirst let me express my gratitude to want to begin. drome. I have high standards for Bella everyone who has been a part of our All I can say is God is GOOD and He as I do for AJ and Sophia. My goal for has used all of you amazing supportfoundation for its first year in operathe year is to kick it up a notch. tion. What the foundation has been ers to do big things. Thank you from I am going to really push awareness able to accomplish in its first year is the bottom of my heart and I pray this year to allow men and women to awesome! The website is a great way whatever area you have supported us to see all the events that we have done not feel pressured into making a most in, it will be returned to you regretful decision. I say get informed, ten-fold. so far, thanks to all of you and your knowledge is power! amazing support. This upcoming year my goal is to God has put something in my spirit In Gods Amazing Love, this year that I feel led to speak about. make our web page a place that peoDeidre Pujols ple can go to get information about I recently found out some alarming statistics on births that are terminated A Letter From Deidre Pujols Page Four P U J O L S N E W S Deidre and Albert Pujols welcome their guests at the O’Night Divine Christmas Party. (all Christmas photos by Gina Kelly) O’Night Divine By Anna Jones Albert Pujols’ 2005 MVP season first baseman’s glove and the jersey he wore when he hit his monstrous home run against the Houston Astros in October’s National League Championship Series didn’t even have a chance to collect a little dust before they were put to good use by the Pujols Family Foundation. The two were among numerous items that were auctioned off at “O Night Divine,” the foundation’s Christmas celebration dinner held Dec. 3 at the Chase Park Plaza. Among the most recognized attendants were Chuck Berry, Lou and Jackie Brock, Mickey Carroll, Walt Jocketty and Jim Edmonds. Ruben Studdard, American Idol’s velvet teddy bear, provided live music for the 350 or so gathered and Cardinals television broadcaster, Bob Carpenter served as master of ceremonies. Bob Carpenter and Albert Pujols. Page Five P U J O L S N E W wonderful stars relax, and they had a wonderful time, as did I.” Deidre Pujols greets Rock-n-roll legend Chuck Berry. While the relaxed, alcohol-free evening provided great opportunities for wonderful conversation, it was all about the foundation’s causes—children in orphanages in the Dominican Republic and children with Down syndrome. In addition to a five-course meal (including roasted bosc pear salad, a duet entrée of filet of beef and chicken and pumpkin crème brulee) with white-glove servers, attendants were able to watch videos about the children as part of the foundation’s presentation and take part in both the live and a silent auction. “The most moving part was when Mr. and Mrs. Pujols gave their phenomenally moving presentation,” said Joe Edwards, who has redeveloped The Loop in University City and who owns Blueberry Hill, where Chuck Berry plays regularly. “But on a lighthearted note, it was just fascinating to sit between Lou Brock and Chuck Berry while Lou explained in great detail all the nuances of a great curveball. … It was just so enjoyable hearing all these Page Six In addition to emceeing, Carpenter conducted the live auction and even had Albert come up to the podium to assist. “I think for everyone to see him and hear from him up there was a pretty big deal,” said Carpenter, who has known Albert since his rookie year and also attends Chapel services with him and other Cardinals when they’re on the road. “It was neat the way everyone responded.” During the auction, the “Miracle at Minute Maid” jersey went for $9,000 and the MVP season glove for $6,000. Between the ticket sales and auctions, the evening raised approximately $120,000 before expenses. “What really touched me was when we saw the video of the kids who benefit from Albert and Dee Dee’s generosity,” says Carpenter. “As a Cardinals broadcaster, I’m used to speaking and S emceeing, but when I saw the kids in the videos, that’s what really brought the whole evening to life for me.” Above: Jim Edmonds visits with “Munchkin” Mickey Carroll. Below: Albert and the “Miracle at Minute Maid” jersey. P U J O L S N E W S Albert Pujols with Miki and Karen Cunningham (photo by Gina Kelly) who was on the podium assisting with the auction, called over Foundation Executive Director, Todd Perry, and By Anna Jones said a little something to him. Todd then requested that Miki, 14, who has For Miki Cunningham, her favorite Down syndrome, and her mom, Karen, moment at “O Night Divine” was when come forward. she received a hug and kiss from her “I said ‘Come here Miki, Albert “friend Albert Pujols”. wants you to have this,’” says Perry. But it was the moments leading up “I started walking Miki up there to that peck that really showed what and we still didn’t have a clue,” says the evening was about. Karen. “Then Todd hugged me and I During the auction, one item up for bid was The Rocket 22, a special Lou- absolutely lost it, I just started to cry. isville Slugger glove custom made for Miki still didn’t quite understand what was going on until Albert came down and signed by future Hall of Famer th and handed her the glove. Then she Roger Clemens that marked his 300 cried. career win. “Miki still doesn’t really grasp it As the bidding climbed, Albert ofnow. Her understanding of that night fered $2,500. A moment later, Albert, Miki’s Divine Night Page Seven was that Albert hugged and kissed her. That’s all she cares about.” For now, the glove and its black velvet bag are tucked away under lock and key, but Karen has plans to find the best way to preserve it and create a display of it for Miki. “It was just a magical night for her,” Karen says. “Between Todd and Albert and DeeDee and Jim Edmonds, they were so good to her. They made her feel very special. There aren’t a lot of places where an adolescent with Down syndrome is made to feel special. And this is one of those nights that will always be special to Miki. So for me, that’s priceless.” Anna Jones is a freelance writer in St. Louis and a mother or a beautiful child with Down syndrome. P E V E N T S In keeping with their commitment to Faith, Family and Others, the Pujols Family Foundation is teaming with the local community to host or co-host the following events. Upcoming Events: The Pujols Family Foundation is proud to announce The Creation of an Original Fine Art Print Edition of Major League Baseball’s National League MVP Albert Pujols U J O L S N E W S lithograph print. Retail Value $1,150.00 Cost: $1,000.00 08-14-06 Package #2 You will receive; - 1 Serigraph, signed by Albert Pujols and Rick Rush. - 4 Unsigned / 1 signed 16”x20” Millennium lithograph prints. - 10 Unsigned 9”x12” Vignette lithograph prints. Retail Value $2,400.00 Cost: $1,500.00 Please join St. Louis Cardinal and 2005 NL MVP Albert Pujols and an impressive roster of celebrity participants for the Albert Pujols Celebrity Golf Classic on Monday, August 14, 2006, at the St. Alban’s Country Club in St. Alban’s Missouri. The event features star athletes and entertainers with this year’s proceeds benefiting the Pujols Family Foundation. An awards ceremony and auction will take place immediately following the event. For more information, call 314518-5356. Package #3 You will receive; Rick Rush’s print commemorating Al- 1 Serigraph, signed by Albert Pujols bert’s 2005 NL MVP season is on sale and Rick Rush. now through the Pujols Family Founda- - 9 Unsigned / 1 signed 16”x20” tion. Millennium lithograph prints. This limited edition serigraph measures - 10 Unsigned / 1 signed 9”x12” (approx.) 34“ X 21” and has been limited Vignette lithograph prints. to only 300 pieces worldwide. Retail Value $3,750.00 Cost: $1,950.00 Each one of these serigraphs will be hand signed by Albert Pujols and the To request a package or make your purartist Rick Rush. chase by phone, please call Todd at 314Serigraph - A serigraph is an original 518-5356. hand-done fine art print. Payment can also be made by credit card Each color is printed one at a time and at www.pujolsfamilyfoundation.org allowed to air dry. It takes approximately one month to create an edition of original serigraphs. Each serigraph is hand-wrapped in an acidfree paper with a hand-signed certificate of authenticity, provenance of ownership, and a vellum sheet describing the image. This print is of the highest quality for fine art standards. The Foundation will also offer smaller lithograph versions of this image in Millennium and Vignette sizes. These are the Packages we have available: Package #1 You will receive; - 1 Serigraph, signed by Albert Pujols and Rick Rush. - 1 Unsigned 16”x20” Millennium lithograph print. - 1 Unsigned 9”x12” Vignette Page Eight Pujols Family Foundation Celebrity Golf Classic. Past celebrity participants included Joe Buck, Chris Carpenter, Will Clark, Marshall Faulk, Whitey Herzog, Al Hrabosky, Jackie Joyner Kersee, Tony LaRussa, Jason Marquis, Mike Matheny, Andy McCollum, Mark Mulder, Ozzie Smith, Jeff Suppan, Adam Timmerman, Woody Williams and Tony Womack. P U J O L S N E W S Albert demonstrates his perfect swing for over 700 in attendance at the PFF / YMCA Baseball Clinic (photo by Michael Kilfoy) YMCA Hitting Clinic By Tina Millaway On Saturday, January 7, 2006, the YMCA of Greater St. Louis and The Pujols Family Foundation joined together to present “The Art of Baseball” featuring Albert Pujols. During the clinic, fielding, throwing, and pitching were demonstrated to more than 650 participants. Batting techniques were demonstrated by Albert Pujols and facilitated by Coach Ric Lessman, Washington University’s Head Baseball Coach. Coach Lessman stated, “Working with Albert PuPage Nine jols was a pleasure because he is the perfect hitter.” “The Pujols Clinic was a ‘field of dreams’ that builds character and vision for our YMCA youth,” stated Mel Elliott, Vice President of Operations of the YMCA of Greater St. Louis. Tom McCoy, Associate Executive Director, said, “It truly was our privilege to bring exceptional programming to our community. What makes this even more special for us is having a partner such as The Pujols Family Foundation share our Christian values. The YMCA of Greater St. Louis’ mission is to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.” Bart Aiello, South County Family YMCA’s Sports and Community Development Director, said, “For me this event represented the YMCA’s commitment to bringing only the best athletic instruction to our community. It allowed us to make new friends both professionally and personally.” Tina Millaway is an employee of the YMCA of Greater St. Louis and a good friend and volunteer of the Pujols Family Foundation. P U J O L S N E W S Photo by William Greenblatt and many driving lessons later… Hugh gave Ms. Peggy his car. Seem odd? Well, there are times when you have a desire to see someone blessed and you, naturally, pray for them. Only later do you realize that you already Hugh and Jennifer Lopes are dear friends of the have the ability to be the answer to their Pujols Family Foundation and the founders of ‘A needs. You and I are the vessels that God uses More Excellent Way Ministries’ in Mobile to show His love and His touch. James Alabama. You may contact Hugh and Jennifer at 251-345-7412 or email them at 2:15-16 says, “If a brother or sister be naked, jennniferlopes@bellsouth.net. We began to pick up Ms. Peggy and pay her and destitute of daily food, And one of you to clean our house. We decided to love her say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed Last summer we met Ms. Peggy. She seemed through the fear. She loved the trip to the saand filled; notwithstanding ye give them not a little nervous at first and then we realized lon for a makeover and she began to hold her those things which are needful to the body; that Ms. Peggy was tormented with a spirit of head a little higher each day! Hugh decided to what doth it profit? “ We are sharing Ms. Pegfear. This unreasonable fear caused her to be teach her to drive. I call it “Driving Miss gy’s testimony with you so that you will be unable to drive and left her crippled and dePeggy.” You should’ve been there! The first sensitive to the needs of others around you pendent upon others to get her around to the lesson took a few days of simply opening the and remind you that you can make a differplaces she needed to go. It grew worse and driver‘s side door and sitting behind the ence! Don’t be surprised when you find yourpeople began to forsake her. Because of her wheel. You would be surprised what we often self praying for something or someone…only fear she was unable to work cleaning houses take for granted. It took a lot of prayer for Ms. to discover that He has already given you the anymore because she couldn’t get a ride to the Peggy to be able to just hold the steering resources. various locations. It took only a few minutes wheel with no keys in the car! As time passed, Final Words of Encouragement Page Ten for Ms. Peggy to share her story and we decided to pray for her. As I prayed for her I began to hear the Lord say… not only would she overcome her fear but someone would bless her with a new car! As time passed we began to see that God wanted to use us to be the answer to the prayers we prayed in our living room that day. P U J O L S N E W S Third Quarter Sponsors We would like to thank all of our sponsors for their contributions and for making our third quarter a wonderful success! O’Night Divine, Christmas Event Sponsors American Airlines Anheuser Busch Companies AAA Travel Mozingo Music Chocolate Chocolate Amini’s Sporting News Southtown Dodge Chase Park Plaza YMCA Baseball Clinic YMCA of Greater St. Louis Lindbergh High School Domino's Pizza Coca Cola Studio X Ric Lessman Washington University Contributers Dana Ashley Diacom Marketing DDI Dan Donovan Fusion Brady Holzhauer ipowerweb hosting Anna Jones Michael Kilfoy Kristy Klien Hugh and Jennifer Lopes Shana Meyer Tina Millaway Porlier Scott Rovak Rick and Don Rush Schupp Advertising St. Louis Business Journal St. Louis Cardinals Tricia Stecher Buz Phelan Standing Partnership Wall USA VIACOM Special Thanks to: Beverly Hills Sports Council Mission Statement: To live and share our commitment to faith, family and others. To promote awareness, provide hope and meet tangible needs for families and children who live with Down syndrome. To provide extraordinary experiences for children with disabilities and life threatening illnesses. To improve the standard of living and quality of life for impoverished children and orphans in the Dominican Republic through education and tangible goods. From the Director’s Desk Dear Friends, As I am finishing up this newsletter, it still amazes me that this foundation is only nine months old. I look at the things we have been able to accomplish, in such a short amount of time and my heart swells with pride and accomplishment. Pujols Family Foundation Albert Pujols — Chairman of The Board Deidre Pujols — President Danny Lozono — Board of Directors Todd Perry — Vice President / Executive Director 2005 Events Committee: Tracey Mertz, Stefanie Maucher, Rob Steinmetz, Jennifer Lopes and Lauren Perry What is the secret to our success? Could it be that we have the 2005 NL MVP leading our efforts? Or could it be that Deidre’s boldness in her vision and heart for those less fortunate is causing grass roots movement for community involvement? The “secret” to our success, is no secret at all. As a matter of fact, the more I focus on my “pride and accomplishments” the harder it is for me to see. The fact is, it’s none on the above. Our success is summed up in two words: God’s Blessing. There is no greater place to be that in the center of God’s will for your life. That is exactly why we have been so successful. It’s not Albert, Deidre or me, we are just the vehicle, God is the driver. You may call it luck, fate, destiny or just rewards for our hard work. However, I know the secret to our success. We are blessed. Peace to you, Todd Perry Page Eleven Contact us: Todd Perry at 314-518-5356 Todd@pujolsfamilyfoundation.org Pujols Family Foundation Inc. PMB 180, 12545 Olive Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63141 www.pujolsfamilyfoundation.org
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