May 2016 05 - Central Ohio Woodturners


May 2016 05 - Central Ohio Woodturners
MAY 2016
Words From Your President...
“It has been my pleasure to serve you...Thank you for the opportunity!”
Welcome to the last official newsletter of the program year. As we close the year out and look forward to our
summer activities, we have our last monthly meeting on May 10. We will start this meeting a little earlier than
normal, so plan to arrive at 5:30 so you can look over the auction
items before we eat. At 6 o'clock, Freddy Dutton will give the blessing of the food, so please bring a covered dish to be shared with your
fellow club members. There will be enough for everybody; bring
your family, friends and guests.
The monthly meeting will include a welcome to our visitors,
brief recap of summer activities, recognition of key people and
our official annual meeting, followed by our auction.
As you know, I have served as your president for the last four
years. It is time for me to step down and let a very capable
nominee, Mike Trucco, take on the reins. I am very confident
that he and the rest of the nominees, Nelson, Tom and Mark,
will serve the club proud.
For our annual May meeting, there will be a potluck, awards, election of officers and an auction. Please invite
or promote the auction to all your friends and family; let's see how many visitors/guest we can get at our auction.
I am not just going to ride off in the sunset, but I will be active in helping with other functions, focusing on
promoting the club to keep it moving to be the best club AAW has seen.
continued on page2
In this issue...
Presidential Words 1
Safety Tip 2
President's Challenge Submissions 5
Guest Turner 3
Mentoring 4
Members Shown N Tell Gallery 6
Unvarnished 8
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MAY 2016
Words From Your President: (continued from page 1)..
I would like to thank each and every one of you for your support encouragement over the last 4 years. It
has been my pleasure to serve you as president. Thank you for the opportunity!
You're retiring President,
Paul N. Courtright
Marty Gottesman, MD
COW Safety Officer
Speed Setting
Whenever you turn off the lathe after a session of turning a project make it a habit to turn the speed down to
zero. When you return and switch it back on you won’t have any surprises and you can then safely increase
speed as needed. A flying object coming off of a lathe can cause some serious pain.
A 10”bowl turning at 800 RPMs will hit your face with the equivalent force of dropping it on you from 9.5’.
At 1200 RPMs the force would equal a 21.4’ smash.
A good reason to use a face shield, too.
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MAY 2016
The April 2016 COW Club Meeting
Guest Turner Liam O'Neil from Ireland Demonstrating Turning Techniques
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MAY 2016
April 23, 2016 Mentoring Event at WoodWerks with Walt Betley
By Steve Wagner
The April mentoring session held on Saturday, April 23, 2016 at Wood Werks, was an excellent one. Walt Betley
demonstrated how to turn a rolling pin with a Celtic Knot in the center.
COW member and visitors of Wood Werks watched as Walt walked us through step by step (with examples) of
how to make the rolling pin with the Celtic knot. He started with a 2-1/2” square piece of wood approximately
18” long. He laid out the length of the knot and the angles he would be cutting. He used contrasting pieces of
wood to inlay the knot.
Walt passed around examples so everyone could see each steps of the procedure. The two hours session was one
of the most interesting mentoring sessions of the year. By the end of the session, Walt had demonstrated every
aspect of making a rolling pin with the Celtic knot. His finished pin was beautiful and functional. A few members had the opportunity to turn the rolling pins Walt brought with him.
If you missed this session, you missed a great opportunity to see one of Walt’s last demonstrations. At 94 years
old (soon to turn 95 in a few weeks), Walt said he will be cutting back on during demonstrations, but will keep
on turning. Thanks Walt!
This was our last mentoring session before our summer break. The next session will be in September so watch
the news letter for the date.
As always, if you have any questions about any of the upcoming mentoring sessions or would like to suggest a
specific topic for a future mentoring session, please call Steve Wagner at 614-725-6480 or email at"
Please send any suggestions that you would like to see or learn. I need ideas for the fall.
Many Happy Turns Newsletter is produced by the Central Ohio Woodturners Club in Columbus Ohio.
The Club's Office bearers are:
Paul Courtright
Nelson Meyer
Mike Trucco
Editor: Naeem Khan
h: (740) 363-6042
h: (614) 231-8850
c: (614) 218-4397
c 614-216-8594
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MAY 2016
The April 2016 Club Meeting
Members Art Show-N-Tell
Photography and Pictures By Mark Boyd
Ron Gardner Wins President's Challenge Submissions
Check out and “like” the COW Facebook page at
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MAY 2016
COW Member Displays
Barbara Polsley
Bob Dadik
Bob Dadik
Paul Courtright
Brandon Jones
Ron Tomasch
Ron Gardner
Bruce Kerns
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MAY 2016
Dave Phelan
George Geissbuhler
Lynn Schaper
Linda Dipaola
Marty Gottesman
Mike Foley
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MAY 2016
Paul Courtright
Ron Damon
Ron Tomasch
Tom Hale
Mike Foley
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Re-printed article
MAY 2016
WOOD magazine May 2016
Straight talk from the WOOD-wide web
by Jim Heavey
Just Shut Up!
We teach our kids that saying “shut up” is inappropriate. But, for woodworkers, that phrase is an important admonishment to yourself. The next time you hand a woodworking gift to someone and they offer sincere thanks,
I suggest saying, “You’re welcome.” And then shut up.
Admit it: Most of the time this is when you offer disclaimers such as, “No big deal.” Or “Not bad for the first
time I tried cutting dovetails.” Or “The finish would have looked a little deeper had I used oil.”
Maybe the recipient said that this masterpiece must have taken you forever. And you counter with: “No, it was
actually really easy. I had some scrap that I wanted to use up, and this seemed like a good project for it.”
Shut up!
Friends and family know how much you must care about them to have handcrafted a gift. Don’t tarnish that sentiment by denigrating your work. You are a lot better than you give yourself credit for, and those who know you
hold your sincerity and craftsmanship in high regard. You might just as well have said: “This is nothing special.
When I make something that’s really not that good, I think of you.”
Shut up!
Accepting compliments makes many woodworkers uncomfortable, especially when they are given in person. So
deflect those kind words by minimizing our accomplishments. Or maybe we are so insecure about our skill that
we immediately point out our flaws, figuring that someone is going to see them anyway.
Listen: Anyone who looks for imperfections in another’s work only reflects back their own character flaws, not
your woodworking mistakes. (At any rate, if that’s the type of people you’re making things for, consider a nice
gift card instead.)
At a woodworking show awhile back, an attendee wanted to show me his submission for the weekly contest. As
he opened the cardboard package and unwrapped his entry, he told me that he had a bit of trouble working with
that particular species of wood. He explained that the finish was affected by the natural oils in the stock. He
apologized for not backing up the material when he cut the dovetails.
Before I had even seen his jewelry box, he had told me all the reasons that I probably wouldn’t like it.
It was actually very well done, and I told him so. Truth be told, had I entered that particular contest, I would
have taken my project out of the running after seeing his. He won handily that weekend, and he deserved to.
The long-term effects of being so self-critical and self-effacing get in the way of the joy that comes with woodworking. Aside from the occasional screaming and swearing, woodworking is supposed to be fun. What should
give you pleasure is seeing the appreciative look that you get from those you have chosen to make something
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MAY 2016
for. Every time they look at that clock, nightstand, or cutting board, they will think of you. While you may question your ability, they are in awe.
Try this the next time you present someone with a handcrafted item. After the effusive and well-deserved compliments, say, “You’re welcome” or “You’re too kind.”
Then take a deep breath.
Feel the love.
And shut up!
Trust me, you’ll thank me for it. Now I’ll shut up.
Jim has been teaching and touring with WOOD magazine for almost 20 years.
You can find him in the WOOD booth at The Woodworking Shows ( again this
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MAY 2016
Central Ohio Woodturners
Annual Membership Meeting – May 12, 2015
The Central Ohio Woodturners gathered at 6:00 p.m. for dinner at Holy Spirit Church on East Broad Street at
Yearling in Columbus. More than 80 members and guests enjoyed a potluck dinner; the Club provided the meat
and drinks.
President Paul Courtright called the Annual Membership Meeting to order at 7:00 and introduced Treasurer,
Mike Trucco, who gave the Treasurer’s report. He summarized the year’s activities, which included hosting
turners, sponsoring workshops and purchasing 2 new lathes.
The president introduced Nelson Meyer who reported that an Audit Committee composed of John Hahn and
Robin Moro had been appointed by the officers. They audited the financial records and the equipment list on
April 15 and issued a “clean” opinion on all they reviewed. Having received the opinion earlier and upon the
recommendation of the officers and Steering Committee, the members unanimously voted to accept it.
The president then asked Nelson to present the proposed amendment to the bylaws which had been distributed
to members earlier and recommended for approval by the officers and Steering Committee. The amendment,
which requires an annual audit, was unanimously approved.
Paul introduced the Nominating Committee of Steve Wagner and Bob Pfister and invited them to assume the
chair for the election of officers. The Committee nominated the following to serve for the coming year:
President: Paul Courtright
Vice-president: Devon Palmer
Treasurer: Mike Trucco
Secretary: Nelson Meyer
There were no nominations from the floor. The acting Chair accepted a motion to close the nominations and to
cast a unanimous ballot. It was passed unanimously.
President Paul Courtright adjourned the Annual meeting.
Paul and the officers expressed appreciation for members of the Steering Committee and other individuals who
made key contributions during the year.
Auctioneer Jim Brown led the auction of demonstrators’ items, items from the President’s Challenge, works of
guest turners, and a donated Duracraft lathe. The auction and sale of miscellaneous donated items generated
$1,609 for the Club.
Nelson Meyer,
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MAY 2016
Not an AAW member? Try this two-month FREE trial! UN-like most "free" trials, you don't have to give them
your credit card first; just follow the link and sign in. Even if you don't want to continue, you'll get a lot of
tips -- and the price is right!
New AAW Guest Membership Program
AAW has created a Guest membership program for chapter members who are not yet AAW members. By signing up for a complimentary Guest membership, club members can have limited access to AAW member resources for a full 60 days. They'll be able to explore what the AAW has to offer, kick our tires, and hopefully
decide to become full-fledged AAW members and benefit from everything the AAW has to offer.
The Guest membership welcome page at
page=GuestMemberLanding has handy resources for getting started in woodturning, the Safety Guidebook for
Woodturners, and much more. We will be adding sample articles to this page from each new American Woodturner and Woodturning FUNdamentals issue. All AAW members have access to the materials on this page.
Check it out and help us spread the word.
May Issue of Woodturning FUNdamentals
The upcoming issue of Woodturning FUNdamentals will be out May 10th. Appropriately, this issue will be
heavily oriented toward practical project ideas and woodturning tips. For the benefit of all chapter members, a
special preview issue of Woodturning FUNdamentals, which includes the project, "Scrabble anyone?" by Pay
Thobe and a variety of tips, will available for download by AAW members and Guest members beginning May
10th at
Look forward to these articles in the May issue of Woodturning FUNdamentals:
•Turning Multi-Axis Spindles, Barbara Dill
•Are you ready to sell your items? David Schell
•Scrabble anyone? Pat Thobe
•Something From Nothing, Melissa Russell
•Turning Miniatures, Part 3: Advanced Bowl, Thomas E. Jones
•Why should I use sanding sealer? Jack Morse
•Repairing Small Cracks with CA Glue, Linda Bohl-Berry
•Sandpaper Packets, Janice Levi
•Ask the Expert: Twice Turned Bowls, John Lucas
•Ask the Expert: How do I turn legs to be the same? Janet Collins
•Video: Make a Natural Edge Bowl with a Stitch by Jerry Kermode, a full demonstration from the 2015
AAW Symposium in Pittsburgh (TRT 1:16:40).
This is the best deal coming down the pike in a long time; don't miss it!
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MAY 2016
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MAY 2016
Save 15% on Festool CT Dust
Extractors May 1 – June 30
Save 10% on All Jet Machines &
Accessories May 13th- 16th
Mark your calendars June 18th for the annual
Share your projects with us on Instagram (@woodcraftofcolumbus) and Facebook (Woodcraft Store #508)
Present this ad on your next Woodcraft visit and receive 10% off (offer excludes power tools,
SawStop, Festool, Gift Cards and already discounted merchandise.)
Only good at your Columbus, OH location.
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MAY 2016
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