S - Buchanan District Library
S - Buchanan District Library
~-J— -------- I f 'm t§qrrien ie n §ga. R etard. t e r m s REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER, k — :: v v... . ■'jLj.nwi* ts & to 5* '* jQecard. O F *a d v e r t i s i n g s a 5* ih » 9 5* y ^ v- h 2 B* S* & lW66g{ 1 U0| 1 60| a 00| 2 60| 8 00| 8 76| 6 26| 6 OQ| 10 O 1 w*ka|| 1 60| a 25| 300 | 3 7fi|i 3 S| 5251 7 001 9 001 1*00 PUBLISHED EVURV THURSDAY, BY JO H N G ' H O LM E S. 3 w’kaj 1 7S| 3 Tfl| 3 7 5 | 4 2 5 | 476| 8 SO] B00{1200|17~00 T e r m s s— § ! i p e r X c m * . 8 moa.l 4 00j 6 60S 7 501 8 50fL0 00|13 OOjlT 00^ 3 001 86 CC m os-i a OOjlQ 00jl3 o o p s 00117 00120 00£23 00138 001 60 00 4 -H’ kBl 2 0 0 ) 3 60J 4E0J £ 2SJ 6 00) 8 60J1000[U 001 20 00 6 VklH 2 501 4 75| fi 00J 7 00j 8 25JU 00J1-1 OOp.9 00| 28 0 0 ^ 3 -r ifly Gent, ilednetea If palil Yearly la Advanco-IBS No paper continue?. sRer tlio expiration or one year *uless paid for. 0 moa.l 8^6011300/17001120POP300127100136 60160 00| 86 0 0 BUCHANAN, MICH., THURSDAY, yOLUME AUGUST UMBER N 8, 1876. 25. OTPICE—In“ Rocard Brick Braiding,’ "north aldoof SroutStroot.fourdoocaeastof Main. Ja / an Tea, common, . . 45c ] Extra C Sugar, (nearly "white), “ * fair. . . , 6 5 c ! Nice Brown Sugar, . . “ good, . . 80c |Splendid Syrup, . • Good Green Coffe, . . 25c j Good Fine Gut Tobacco, . Havana Filled Cigars, 5c each. Canned and Dried Fruits, and all 10c 9c 80c 60c FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES, A t s m a l l advance on cost, F O R C A SH , at *8 s -%Kra w « Sole agents for Co5sa|>vessert T o a s t , T r u m p e t R o l l T l u g - T o 3>sit*c*©, the best goods in the market. The X ia J J a s tlc C h i m n e y , a wonderful French invention that will save you tho annoyance and loss caused by the breakage o f lamp chimneys. Also, dealers in Crockery, Glassware, Table Cutlery, ke., &e. Tls.e I V o p l e V S tov e. - - Oexrtx*ixL 531o c l r . "We Have the Largest and Best Selected Stock of BOOTS & SHOES. f f i < /5 fu l i Poetry. “ ONSS 3 I U N B K S I ) I N T H E S H A D S .” At last two Fahrncheits blow up, And killed two children small, And one barometer shot dend A tutor with Us ball. Now all day long the locusts sang Among the leafless trees ; Three now hotels warped inside out, The pumps could only wheeze ; And ripe old wine, that twenty years Had cobwebbed o’er in vain, Came spouting through the rotten'eorks, Like Joly’s best champagne 1 ' The -Worcester locomotives did Their trips in half a hour; Tho Lowell cars ran forty miles Before they checked the power ; And brimstone soon became a drug, And loeo-foeos fell, AU asked for ice, but everywhere Saltpetre was to sell. Plump men o f mornings ordered tights, But, e’er the scorching noons, Their candle-moulds had grown as loose As Cossack pantaloons! The doss run mad—men could not try If water they would choose; A horse fell dead—ho only left Pour red-hot, rusty shoes ! C j— L 1 O T H I 3J ■ And all about the warehouse steps Were angry men in droves, Crashing and splintering through the doors To smash the patent stoves! — Oliver W endell H olm es. Story. H ATS AM© CAPS, M H & : THE RIVAL’S REVENGE. ------ A N D ------ The town o f Hope had boon in a state o f the most unusual excitement C /D all day, The Good W ill Bank had been rob bed, and the chief clerk had been cap E V E R BROUGH T T O BUCHAKAN, tured in the office, with the safe and AND ARE SELLING AT private desk o f the manager both opened with stolen keys. The good people o f Hope were all s P R IC E S TO S U IT T H E T IM E S. the more indignant over the daring 7~ g \ W E A R E SOLE A G E N TS FO R I robbery, because Bernard HiltoD, the i clerk, had received much kindness H Burt's Shoes and Baldwin's Boots, | ^ J from the hands o f Mr. Mervin, the manager. T T n i c n A R E W A R R A N T E D TO G IV E ; I Coming to Hope a poor hoy, or phaned and friendless, Mr Mervin had given him employment, and finding him a hoy o f good intellect, had al Ciill mid E xam ine! N o Charge lor Showing Y o u : ^ L J lowed him unusual advantages o f edu O cation. G oods! i A s he developed mentally, he was promoted, till at the age o f twentyT thias5» five he occupied the position o f head clerk and trusted friend as well. And from that position he was suddenly F U M T S M S W © G © @ B S . hurled to find himself a prisoner in one o f the hank rooms, waiting for the officers to take him thence for de T O H I f "WEISGESLBESt, m anufn ctiiror tention and trial.— A s he paced the Z* t f I uml t r. c*t:s!«iu sawiup done to erder, and at re isunulle ratts c«sh paid fer till hinds of bolts. Mill floor up and down, driven to action ,'U SoiitL Oak Street, huchanan. Midi M:nuf4Cl::rer»ef anTi\\iu.v :.**rKin't-of by the tumult in his own heart, his J • V A N H IP E H , A tto r n e y and temporary keeper, the bank porter, • Counsellor at Law, and Solicitor in Chancery. Col F U R 1 I T U E E looking intently at him, said sudden.K ii’.ns uado and proceeds promptly remitted* Office- : F U R N IS H IN G GOODS. 9? < « O ENTIRE SATISFACTION. £Q G. W . P O X . CO SPENCER & BARNES, J i econdfloor. Howe’s Block. Buchanan.Mich. rein the CoiEmcii Wt ou gnat Ctiur tu the nfctat {5-.*cr»-».‘rv. 1’Mr. Hilton, it’s hard to believe you’d do the likes o f that.” The young man stopped in his quick pacing, saying abruptly: &T H A M IL T O N , licen sed au ction eer. “ Do you believe it, Jerry ? You W 9 Will attend to all calls promptly, and sell at as r»a.4.'nablerates as any other good auctioneer in the have known me since I was a b o y ; do county. Reaidenceand P.O.addreas.Buchauan.SIich. you believe I am a thief, and would S S B S H & G R A H A M , dealers in rob the best friend I ever had?” Dry Goods and Groceries, F o n t Street, Buchanan, The man pondered, looking into the All Work Fully Warranted. ilich large brown eye3 fixed upon his in IS T . 13A K S R , Mill-nrrigiLt a n d B uild.- eager questioning. er o f Turbine Water Wheels warranted in power Planing, Matching & Job W ork Visa Then he cried, heartily, extending equal to any other wheels Jn use. Kesideuco, Bakertown. Post Office address, Buchanan, Mich. his hand: Done W ith Dispatch. “ Ho, I don’ t ! it’s a muddle, but Those contemplating tuiUing would do well to 6 | & "W. "W. S M IT H , dealers in staple you’re no thief.” „ s and Fancy Groceries, 1’iovieions and Crockery. G I Y E U S -A_ C A L L , Central Block, Buchanan. “ I am no thief,” was the reply, For we can make “ but I must bear the punishment of P . & C. C. H IG H , d lers in D ry ____ ,, A X ijL K I N D S © F F R A J J I E S O Goods and Notions. Central Block, 1’ront Street, one. Buchanan, Mich. as gooil and c'jcapor tlisn any carpenter can do. “ Y ou’ll be cleared when you’re up for trial.” W E M E A N B U S IN E S S . Tl. SO B E R , M . © ,, E cleotio P 3iy “ Ho, my word against; that of Jul W* • Sician and Surgeon. Offico and residence. Hill’s Corners, Berrien Co., Mich. ius Mervin would be o f no value. I am a friendless man ; he is the son of ^OjTO OBEAN I) H O U SE, TR roo Oalrs, the leading man in Hope, older by ten * ® D .F .B osucbrsoileui, Proprietor. This house has years than I am— a man o f established changed proprietors, changed its name, been thoroughly repaired and refitted, and every effort will be made by Its position. H e has schemed to ruin me, F . Vy±iXXE, D ru g g ist and cApothmanager to earn and sustain for it a reputation * ecary, south aide o f Front Street, Buchanan. present and has succeeded.” a first*claes hotel. Good stables in connection with Michigan. 7-17 tf “ Y ou say he gave you the keys ? H e swears you stole them from him B . P E T T IT T , M« B m H om eopatliic • Physician and Surgeon. Special attention paid to to overhaul his private hooks.” chronic diseases. Office and residence with M. C.T rarer, Bridgman, Micli. “ He told me some o f the year’s ac counts were in the safe, some in his T . M O B .L E Y , sta r fo u n d ry . A ll father’s desk, and I was to get them • kinds ofcastlngjsuchasplow points jSUgarkottles, already last night to investigate some leigh shoes, Ac. Iron turning and jo b work done to der. O ldm etaltakoninoschangofor w ork. Portage errors in the books,” replied the reet^ieartho depot. SStt young man. IK D ’S ’B U S .—Georg© B ird w ill n m “ Mr. Hilton, I ’m an old man, and his ’Bus to and from, tho Railroad trains andHotels, you have been good to me and mine, so to any part o f tho Tillage. Faro only 25 cents, in* if - F . H A H N . ndlng baggage. many’s the time. Swear to me you M etalic and Casket Coffins, didn't steal the notes they say are C . S M IT H , M . ©•• P hysician and esdy-made.conatantlyon hand,or m ad eto r d o c C gone, and I ’ll open the door and let a Surgeon. Office over Emery & Smith’s Drug Store shortuotice. Residence north side o f Gallon, Mich. you go.” “ I swear it. M y hand is as honest h e a r s e B . CHXJRCHU jI i, de a le r in Clocks, as your own.” • Watches, Jewelry, Spectacles, Ac. Also, repairing Itarnlshedto allord ezlng, and a tr lo ts tto n llo o p . done to order. AU work warranted. Store, third door digging sndlooatlngwheredealred “ Suppose, then, just to save me,” * I f HJ.HW west o f Binns AJKose’ s store, north side o f Front Street, said Jerry, rapidly loosening the cord Buchanan. Mich. that bound Bernard Hilton’ s arms to TT\E Y IE L D H O U S E , B e r r ie n Springs. his side, “ you tie me and gag me and This oldaud favorably known Hotel is still under he management o f Mrs. DeFiold & Son, who w ill spare take the keys. You can do it loose bo efforts to maintain a first class Hotel at the Gonnty like, so that I can breathe.” Seat. ns § 3 o g a Ten minuted later Bernard Hilton, T J A Y T O N H O U SE , D ayton, M ich ., o a . tB^?Sro ^ “ a free man again, was rapidly walking g d "5 g ► .g f H y H JLJ ]ate Burdick House, has been no wly furnished and s a f e 's s *2's -3 every arrangement made f<?r the comfort o f the guests. towards Barn. Charges reasonable. Mns. E . C. Cady, Proprietress. Yet, with his mind fully I roused to the danger of his position i f recaptur bS . D O D D , £d* D ., pIiysioiaxL & s u r •’ geon. Special attention given to chronicdiaeases. ed, he struck from the broad highway Office first floor o f “ Record. Brick.** Residence on Day’s into a narrow lane, and stopped be Avenue.eastside.Buchanan.Mich. fore a small cottage. Only two per M . P L IM P T O N , atto rn ey & oounsons dwelt there; the aged pastor o f • sellorat Law,andSolicitorinChancery. Office on Hope, Mr. Selwyn, and his grand south side Front Street, over Redden & Graham’s store, Buchanan,Berrien Go., Mich. ^s P I ^'Sa H S o io g| oZ-g-s g g S'3® o . »! child, Rachel. I 2 S I 2 b s g g g 5 | * SIt” »Z qJ l 8 I S Bernard Hilton, leaning against the U A G L E H O T E L , B errien Springs. ai O 2 « e 2 S '; ! • o ’r 8 * 4 (near the Court House) having changed proprietors, gate-post and looking up at the cot has been newly furnished throughout. The utmost care will be taken to provido for the convenience and com tage windows, thought that he "was fort o f guests. A good stable in connection with the bidding a silent, lifelong farewell to Hotel. OTisREEn.I’roprietor. the only woman he ever loved, pretty & A , M . Sum m it Lodge H o. 1 9 2 R ay Selwyn. His whole frame shook • holds a regular meeting every Monday evvningon or before the full o f the moon, in each month. with emotion as he bowed his head for H . N. Uowmy , W . M. B. D. Hakpeb, Sec. a moment, hiding his pale face con & A . M . T lio re g n la r com m nnicavulsed with grief. * * tiona o f Buchanan Lodgo No. 6S aro heldatMaaonic There was a sound o f a softly open Hall In this village, on Friday evening on or before tho nil o f the moon in each month. 8. A twood, 'VT.M. ed door, a swift dash o f feet upon the W .W . Smith, Sec. graveled walk, and upon the bowed 5 H r B E H R I C K , M . B . Office in John 0. head fell a little trembling hand. 0 Welch’s building. Residence on Front Street, “ Bernard,” R ay Selwyn said, and Buchanan. Mich. 1 >1 -ai g i f i | ! 1 1 1 1 gJ | i § S-i1i § Bernard looked up to see a face as *3*11 a i l l p l i g l l l % H , M oXjIN , D ., H om eopathic tJ n S v l d a f i t j i ' Y / S fl*S*.2S Ec5 S3* 5 pale, eyes heavy and sleepless as his • Physician and Surgeon. Special-attention paid to own. chronic diseases, Office and Residence on. Portage street second house south o f Front street. “ How did you escape?" R ay pant ed, frightened to see -him. r j A I H S N H O U SE, G a llo n , M i c h .Z%P . R zddwg, Proprietor. Htder entirely new “ They will tell you to-day. I a m management. Every arrangement mado for the conveneatand comforof geests. Charges reasonable. on my way to Barn, hut could not pass the lane. I did not expect to O . Or E.—T h e r e g u la r m eetin gs o f see you, Ray, and yet your coming c Buchanan Lodge No. 75are held at their hall,in Buchanan, on Tuesday evening o f each week, at 7 out to me fills me with proud hope; o’clock. Transient brethren in goodetauding are cordl* ally invited to attend. Insurance & Collection A gency You do not befieve me arobber, R ay ?” 0. C. AmsstyN, G. J , D. P 2NNZIL. flee. Represents a number o f the loading and moat reliable “ I believe it,. Bernard ? You mustHre insurance Companies-in tho Uni ted States. -Al, M i “w j l j j S O N | d e n i i s t r O i f i c e f i r i t collections attended to »nd moneys promptly remitted. know me better than to think I doubt J : "S’ P. COPELAKX), A tto r n e y an d i .Ada Counsellor at Law, aud Solicitor in Chancery, Col* j lections made and proceeds promptly remitted. Office | second floor, nowo’s Block, Buchanan, Mich. E S Business Directory. A B B B B G E £ r 1 G L P. Justice of the Peacej I Notary Public, * d o o r n o r th o f th e Bonk* tatiifaotion gu&rantded^ Btulneea Cards o f fire lines or less, $5 per annum/ Legal advertisem ents a t statute rates. FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE S . X yeatjjlO 00{1S OOjM 00124 00 28 00j33 00/15 OOjflO 005100 0 Office in Howe’ s Block) south side of Trent B tm t Bnebanuii Mich; ' OhaTgos re a so n a b le and you." “ Heaven bless you, Ray. I can go on bravely now.” “ W here?” she asked, pale and (r enabling. “ I must sail as a sailor at Barn. I have no money or I would go on the 'Ariadne.’ She sails for the Cape of Good Hope this morning.” “ Wait.” She was gone, returning in a mo ment with her hands clasping a small casket. “ Heaven smiles upon us, Bernard. Only yesterday IJncle Ralph sent me fifty pounds for a birthday gift, and you must take this.” She opened the casket as she spoke, and took out an old fashioned locket set with diamonds. “ It is mine,” she said hurriedly ; “ a legacy from my mother’s mother, and the diamonds are very pure and valuable.” “ And what I know well, that is your sole fortune, and highly prized,” said Bernard.— “ I cannot take your money or your locket, R ay .” “ You must. Think, i f you are ta ken, what I shall suffer, Bernard. Pity mo, if not yourself.” “ I cannot rob you.” “ You will rob me far more i f you refuse me. See, it is late. The ship will go. Oh, Bernard, if you love me, take these and go.” A moment longer he hesitated; then catching R ay in nis arms he pressed his lips to hers, seized the locket and roll o f notes, and turning from her, strode rapidly back to the highway again. A nd Ray, white as death, staggered back to her room and sank hack trembling upon her knees, to pray for the safety o f her lover. The morning was still young and the good pastor was lingering over a late breakfast, when Julius Mervin, with furious eyes and rigid face, burst into the room. Without one word o f greeting he cried: “ Ray, have you seen that villain, Bernard Hilton, this morning?” - “ Gently, gently, Julius,” said the old man. “ You seem excited.” “ Excited. I should think so. The thief, the ungrateful hound, who has robbed my father o f six thousand pounds has escaped! We found his keeper bound and gagged, and the robber gone. He has been here. I am sure o f it.” Still R ay was silent, her face pale, but her eyes full o f steady, brave light. “ Ray, my child,” said her grand father, “ tell your cousin he is mista ken.” “ I should speak falsely,” was the reply.— “ I gave Bernard my God speed this morning.” “ I knew it,” Julius cried fiercely. “ He has made off with his plunder.” “ I think, Julius,” R ay said quietly, “ that the less you say about the stolen notes the better. They are all use less, and uncle told me he had the numbers, and they could easily be traced. So the loss to the hank is nothing, and the little plan to ruin Bernard Hilton may yet fail.” “ What do you mean ?— How dare you ?” cried Julius. “ I mean that when you promised me six months ago, to he revenged upon Bernard Hilton because I loved him and refused to be your wife, you meant what you said. You have branded him as a thief— driven him from home. I remain here, loving him, and resolved to try what woman’ s wit will do towards proving him inno cent. W e understand each other, I think, Julius.” As she spoke, she rose from her seat and left the room, her grand father and cousin looking after her with as much amazement as if they had seen a lamb biting a tiger. Surely it would have been but little more unnatural than this display of spirited resolution in gentle, shy R ay Selwyn. Mr. Selwyn rose too, and his face was sterner, his voice colder than Julius had ever known them, as he sa id : “ There seems some strange compli cation there, Julius.” “ I see none, sir,” was the quick answer, “ my cousin is naturally angry that her promised husband has proved himself a scoundrel, and in her anger she is unjust. • But I must hid you good morning. W e may yet capture the runaway.” This was the fear pressing heavily upon R ay’s heart, as she moved about the little cottage, busy with her duties. She had made a frank confession to her grandfather of her own share in the morning’s escape, and while re gretting the deprivations the loss of her uncle’s gift entailed upon her, he spoke no word of chiding. Five long years, speeding by for some, dragging wearily for others, found Hope but little changed, though there were great changes among the people. Mr. Selwyn, at an advanced age, had yielded to the call o f nature, and passed peacefully to his long rest, and R ay was with her uncle Ralph, a most reluctant dependent upon his bounty. She sewed for her pocket money and clothing, greatly against her un cle’s wish. But there was no oppor-, tunity for her to obtain other employ ment at Hope, and she could not re solve to leave the place. Here B e r nard Hilton had left her;- here he would seek her i f he ever returned to’ his native land.— Here his innocence must he proved. This last was the] hope that made her patiently endure^ ( her life in her uncle’s house, and sub-j mit passively to Julius Mervin’s hated presence and attentions. ! Winter was raging with unusual severity, when, one morning, RayJ seated in her own room, sewing, heard a tramping of feet in the hall, a'con-j fused mingling o f many voices, and at last, above all, the voice o f her uncle,’ calling: < .| - “ Rachel, Rachel.” J " I the dead body o f her cousin Julius. Her uncle, his voice full o f agony, suppressing his grief by an iron will — turned to her as she came trembling across the hall. “ His horse slipped upon the ice, R ay,” h8 said, in a moaning c r y ; “ Can we take him to his room ?” Silently she led the way, while her uncle, leaning heavily upon her, con tinued : “ We have had him at the bank with two doctors. There can be nothing done. Oh, my son, my son !” It was a sorrow no human power could comfort, and Ray, moving me chanically to perform necessary du ties, could only offer mute sympathy, her own heart cold with horror and despair. She had not loved her cous in, but her womanly feeling grieved over his sudden, awful call into eter nity. She was darkening the windows, pulling down the heavy curtain, stoop ing sometimes to caress the white head bent in sorrow by the bedside, when the undertaker came in, and whispered to her to take her uncle into another room. “ And i f you could let me take out a chair or two and a table,” he said, respectfully.— “ We would like a little more room.” “ You can have the table and what ever else you wish moved to my un cle’s room, next to this,” she said, opening the door as Bhe spoke. “ Uncle, you will come in your room with me ? will you not ?” The old man rose heavily, and fol lowed her. Just as they reached the larger room, the man carrying the little table let it slip, and a writing desk upon it came crashing to the floor, breaking at every joint. The man, hastily apologizing, re placed the pieces upon the table, and hurriedly went to his table in the chamber o f death. But Ralph Mer vin approached the table. “ We must take care o f the papers,” he said. Then he gave a cry o f horror and despair that brought R ay quickly to his side. Her own lips blanched as the aged and shaking hand pointed to a roll of bank notes, sticking partly out of a false bottom to the desk. “ The stolen notes,” the old man cried. “ I know them well. M y son was the thief. O h ! heaven have mercy.” Even in her jo y at this revelation, R ay’s heart ached for the stricken father, who had sunk upon his knees beside the table, quivering in agony o f grief and horror. She could comfort him even then as no one else could, knowing his poor heart found solace in her presence. The days of mourning were doubly sad to the bereaved father in the dreadful certainty of his son’s foul treachery. But he caused a para graph to he inserted in the papers, calling upon Bernard Hilton to return, as his innocence of the crime of which he-had been accused was proven, but not mentioning the silent witness of another’s guilt. June had come, when one morning Ray, coming to her uncle’s side, her sweet face wearing a smile, long a stranger there, said, softly: “ It is my birthday, Uncle Ralph, and I have a gift to show you.” She opened her hand to show, lying on the palm, an old-fashioned locket studded with diamonds. In the months of mourning, Ralph Mervin had been told the history of the locket, so he cried quickly: “ Bernard has come home again! Where is h e?” And in answer to the call, Bernard Hilton came to his side, to meet his outstretched hands, and to know that he had come to his home, his old friend, and to Ray, was a glad welcome for life. There was a very quiet wed ding, and the declining years o f Ralph Mervin are gladdened and comforted by the love o f Ray, his niece, and Bernard, his adopted son. A Curious Lake. One o f the most cuiious and inter esting lakes in the world is Zirkwitz Lake Laybach, Illyria, at 1,115 yards above the level o f the sea. It is 10,150 yards long, its greatest width 4,750 yards, and its greatest depth 34 yards. It presents the singular phenomenon o f being sometimes filled with water and sometimes being per fectly dry, so that it can be cultiva ted as an ordinary field. How the water escapes has never been satisfac torily ascertained. Six brooks empty into it, hut the greatest part o f the water comes by infiltration. It often happens that there is not the least sign o f rain in the valley and its en virons, while an immense volume of water flows into the lake and speedily fills it. This is explained as follow s: While fair weather prevails at Zirk witz, it rains on the higher table-lands, and the water filters to the lake, fill ing it in Beventy-two hours. It dries in thirty days. This singular lake yields in the same year buckwheat and perch, rice, seeds and chub, clo ver and wild ducks. It Is All Here. What would we have ? “ Beauty ?” The world is full o f it. Opportunity ? The world, is crowded with the ele ments o f happiness. I f heaven means rest, here is the divine bosom to rest on—just as warm, tender and broad, as it ever was or ever will he. I f heaven means action, we‘ are solicited on all aides to engage in it. Do we live in our affections ? Here are pa rents and kindred, wife and children, friends and lovers, people who need us, and' people whom we need; There is nothing else in all the universe that: can make the heart happy but just what it has now; Here is work every d»y for/th e. ^ods. W hy,, we may, standfih-imagination" any day, i f ; we: willj’ hjri'th'e side of- ^those men and-; women who are the glories o f the race,* whom all ure praising, or of whom all She hurried down stairs to see a litter laid on the floor, and upon that art oonfeuing ths power. T H E B A IM IS G CR T. rime.—"Buttle Cry o f Freedom." We will Jlayesten to tlie call, boys, ITayeslen once again, Responding to the cry o f Hayes and Wheeler; Wo will rally round the flag, "with our might and with our main, Under the names of Hayes and Wheeler. Ohorus— Our country forever 1 Hurrah, boys, Hurrah ! Hold all together, lose not a star,' While we rally round the flag, boys, rally once again, . Emblazoned with the names o f Hayes and Wheeler. They are eomming with their force, they are comming with their might, Shouting the names of Hayes and Wheeler— from Atlantic’s rugged coasts to Pacific gold en light, Rallying to the cry of Hayes and Wheeler. They are coming in their age, and in all their hearty youth, • Hallooing with zeal for Hayes and W heeler; Prom the lakes of the North t« the Gulf o f the South Gomes the vig’rous shout for Hayes and Wheeler. W e, an eight thousand. host, on these prairie Kansas plains, _ Greetings will send to Hayes and W heeler; W e will keep the Star of Freedom, and on it have no stains, While we battle on for Hayes and Wheeler. And when autumn leares have fall’n, fand free dom with a zest Have east in their votes for Hayes and W heeler; From' the North and from the South, from the East and from the West, W ill the clear air ring for Hayes and Wheeler. A Dlean Device. There was a score or more o f wo men gathered together at Mr John son’s house. Mr. Johnson is a goodhearted man and a respectable citizen, though he is rather skeptical about some things. The women had just organized “ The Foreign Benevolent Society,” when Mr. Johnson entered the room. H e was at once appealed to to donate a few dollars as a founda tion to work on, and Mrs. Graham added: “ It would be so pleasant in after years for you to remember that you gave the society the first dollar and its first kind word.” He slowly opened his wallet, drew out a $10 bill, and as the ladies smack ed their lips and clapped their hands he asked: “ Is this society organized to aid the poor of foreign countries?” “ Yes—-yes!” they chorused. “ And it wants money ?” “ Yes— y e s !” “ Well, now,” said Johnson, as he folded the hill in a tempting shape, “ there are twenty married women here. I f there are fifteen o f you who cau make oath that you -have combed your children’s hair this morning, washed the .dishes, blackened the cook stove, and made the beds, I ’ll donate this $10.” “ I have,” answered two o f the crowd, and the rest said: “ Why, now, Mr. Johnson !” “ I f fifteen of you can make oath that your husbands are not wearing socks with holes in the heels, this money is yours,” continued the wretch. ‘-‘Just hear him !” they exclaimed, each one looking at the other. “ I f ten of you have hoys without holesjn the knees of their pants, this ‘X ’ goes to the society!” said John son. “ Such a man !” they whispered. “T f there are five pairs o f stockings in this room that don’ t need darning, I ’ll hand over the money,” he went on. “ Mr. Johnson,” said Mrs. Graham, with great dignity, “ the rules of this society declare that no money shall be contributed except by members; and as you are not a member, I beg that you will withdraw and let u3 proceed with the routine of business.” A Truly Frudeut Mother. A dwelling house on Clifford street took fire in one o f the chambers, re cently, from an exploding kerosene lamp. The flames were extinguished after a sharp struggle by the woman o f the house, who had her hands pret ty badly burned. She was relating her adventures next morning, and the woman asked :. “ Why didn’ t you raise an alarm— where was Bessie ?” “ Bessie and her beau were courting in the parlor,” was the calm reply. “ And you never called them ?” “ Hot a word. ■I have known of cases where a sudden alarm has upset a young man just as he was about topropose, and changed the whole fu-. ture o f two lives.” Jackson’s Duel With Dickinson. The duel ostensibly originated in a horse race, which, by the way, was never ru n ; hut the animus of it, so far as General Jackson was concerned, lay in the fact that Dickinson had spoken ill o f Mr. Jaokson: Dickinson was a dead sh ot; could hit his dollar at ten paces, kill birds on* the wing and perform other mirac ulous feats with his pistol. H e was as brave and cool as he was skillfuil, and never entertained a doubt as to the result o f the combat. The arrangement was that when the word was given, they could fire as soon as they pleased. Jackson, knowing Dickinson’s su perior quickness with his weapon, re solved not to attempt to- get the first fire, but take the chances for a second The instant the signal was shouted, Dickinson fired. The dust flew from the breast o f the loose-fitting frock coat which Jackson wore, but he stood there like a pillar o f adamant, appa rently unharmed. Dickinson started hack in horror and amazement, ex claiming : “ M y God I have I missed ?” His stern and unrelenting antagon ist took deliberate aim and pulled the trigger. The pistol did not respond. H e looked and'found i t was only at half-cock. A second time he took aim, and as the sharp crack rang out among the silent woods where the deadly scene was laid, Dickinson tot tered and fell into the arms o f his friends. H e died the same night. Jackson was able to mount his horse and ride home the next day— barely able, for the bullet, which seemed to miss him, had really passed through the fleshy part o f his breast and ent the breast hone: His shoes were full o f blood when he walked from the fatal field, hut he concealed the fact, as he said, “ because he did not want Dickinson to Have the satis faction o f knowing that he had hit him at all.” In answer to the question how he could, after receiving sueh a shock, retain his steadiness o f nerve, he re plied : “ I believe I should have killed him had he shot me through the brain.” The wound never healed properly; was the occasion* of'frequent hemor rhage in later years, and ultimately caused his death: There is no -evi dence going to showthat Jackson ever repented o f this duel. Long after ward— indeed, only a few weeks before his death— a friend, visiting his sick chamber, happened to pick up an-old pistol lying on the mantel. The keen eyed invalid saw the movement, and remarked, quietly: “ That is the pistol with which I killed Mr. Dickinson.” Stop the Interest. Daniel Webster once dined with an old Boston merchant, and when they came to the wine; a dusty old bottle was carefully .decanted by Peter and passed to the host. Taking the bot tle, he poured out Webster’s-glass and handed it to him. Then pouring an other for himself, he held it up to the light and said: “ How do you like it, Mr. Web ster?” “ I think it is a fine specimen o f old Port.” “ Now, you can guess what that cost me,” said the eost. “ Surely not !” said Mr. W ebster; “ I only know that is it excellent.” “ Well now, I can tell you, for I made a careful estimate the otherday. When I add the interest to the first price, I find that it cost me the sum o f just one dollar and twenty-five cents per glass!” .“ Good gracious 1 you dou’ t sa y ; so,” said Webster ; and then drain ing his glass, he hastily presented it again, with the remark,^ “ fill up as quick as you can, for I want to stop that confounded interest.” Bow to Break off Bad Habits. Transient advertising psyablo in adTsnce. Yesrly adverting payable on demand. Hatter In local columns, tea coats per line or-each insertion; but no local taken for less than $1.-00. |{Obituary Notices—moro than tbeannouncement—-w il be obarged for at the rate o f five cents for each line. AdYertisementanotoccompanied -wlth directions as to time, will be inserted until forbidden, and charged fo accordingly. D ou b le co lu m n a d T ertlsem en tsch a rged a t B hortcolnm n rates". Short noHoes o f meetings, 25 cents. Yearly adrerHsersallowod four changes without e i t n Charge. Farm and Household. Things Worth Knowing. A good and simple furniture polish consists of a little castile soap scraped into a pint o f warm water. A dd three tablespoonfuls o f sweet oil ; heat, and apply while hot.— Ceilings that look very rough and manifest a tendency to peel should be gone over with a solu tion o f one ounce o f alum to one quart o f water. This will remove the superfluous lime and render -the ceil ing white.— A cement suitable for joining rnetala to non-metallic subs tances is prepared by dissolving in boiling water two ounces gum am moniac, adding in small quantities about two ounces sulphuric acid.— I f brooms are wet with boiling suds once a week, they will become very tough, will not cut a carpet, and will last much longer. A handfnl o f salt sparinkled on a carpet will carry the dust along with it and make the carpet look bright and clean. A very dusty carpet may be cleaned b y dipping the broom iu cold water, shaking o ff all the drops; and sweeping a yard or so at a time. Wash the broom and repeat, until the entire carpet has been swept. ■— V ery durable and neat mats for .floors can be made from old coffee! sacks. A piece o f the bagging o f ’ suitable size is bound with some dark fabric and secured to a frame o f four : laths. B y means o f a hook o f wood or iron, like an enlarged crochet needle, carpet rags are carried through the material so as to skip every other ’ thread and to leave loops half an inch long, the ends, o f course, being fasten ed. Old red flannel can be used to make tasteful borders.— A few drops o f carbolic acid in a pint o f water will clean house plants o f lice in a very short time. I f mosquitoes or others blood-suckers infest our sleep ing rooms at night, we uncork a bot tle o f pennyroyal, and these insects leave in great haste, nor will they re turn so long as the air o f the room is loaded with the fumes o f that aromatic herb,— I f rats enter the cellar, a little powdered potash thrown into their holes, or mixed with meal and scatter ed in their runways, never fails to drive them away. Lime Soils rich in organic matter, even though they already contain it in con siderable quantities, drained peat swamps, stiff clays and coarse heavy soils, and especially those destitute o f it, are 'all benfited by any application o f lime. Good results also follow its use on light soils after an incorporation o f organic matter, as green manure, muck, or a thick sod or green crop ploughed under. Sterile soils are rapidly rendered more sterile by its application. W et lands show least effect -from treatment with lime. H ence lands must either be drained, or receive an extra amount. Clays should-also have organic matter appli ed in connection With lime. It acts most effectually near the surface. The apparent effect is greater the second season than tbe first, so that tbe most satisfactory result are obtained by sowing broadcast in the early fall, with at most only a light harrowing or brushing. It should be applied in an air slaked, fine mechanical condition. The most profitable quantity to apply depends much on the land; wet-soils, those well filled with organic matter .and clays, taking most— from ten to forty bushels being recommended, according to the circumstances. Butter. A t a meeting o f the National But ter and E g g Association, held some time ago-at Davenport, Iowa, i t was stated that the annual.conBumption o f butter in the United States amounts to fourteen thousand millions o f pounds, being on an average thirtyfive “pounds for each man, woman and child in the country. The value o f butter was set down at four hundred and twenty millions o f dollars, or thir ty tents a pound. The annual export ation o f butter was estimated by which at thirty cents a pound would amount to four millions and a half o f dollars. Understand the reasons, and alii the reasons, why the habit is injurious. Study the subject until there is no longer doubt in your mind. Avoid, the places, the persons, and ; the thoughts that lead to temptation.;’ Frequent the places, associate •ffith; the persons, indulge in the thoughts; that lead away from temptation. Kee bn sy; idleness is the strength o f. bad! habits. D o not give up the struggle! when you have broken your resolutiononce, twice— a thousand times. ’ That: only shows how much need there is! Lime For Weevil. for you to strive. When you have; Some years ago, hearing complaint broken your resolutions) just think the! o f weevil in wheat about the 'close o f Is anything grander than personal- matter over and endeavor to under-* worth and dignity ? Is anything more, stand why it is you failed, so' that; harvest, when we were ricking our celostial than the spotless conscience you may be on jo u r guard .against? wheat we got fresh slaked lime and and the blameless heart ? Is anything: the recurrence o f the same circum sufficient,to whiten the stack. There more' beautifying than human esteem, stances. Do not think it*is an easy was no weevil in our wheat. A neigh veneration and love ? Is anything more thing that you have undertaken. _ I t bor who threshed his wheat, from the transporting than the sense o f com is a folly to expect to break off a; shook came to us a few days after and munion with those who are nobly in habit in a day which may have bean? said he should lose his wheat, for it was alive with weevil. W e told him to fluencing public opinion; who are gathering Jong years. throw lime oyer it, and shovel it strengthening the bonds o f justice; who are augmenting the sum of hon The Day You WeM Bora. ? through his wheat, which be did. Two days’ after there was not a weevil to orable principle in the community; or Here is an infallible method o f dis-i are redeeming the misery, the infa covering the day o f the week on which be seen in ib.— Country Gtentleman. mous from their infamy.? I f there he a given day o f the month any number Brick Floors in Stables. any celestial angels anywhere, they o f years previous occurred. To the are aueh as these, and we may have number representing your age.afcyour.; John More, o f Quincy, HI.,.writes: these here as well as elsewhere.— £0. next birthday add one-fourth for leap I have my stall floored with brick, and B . Frothingham. years; this amount, divide .by seven,,- after experimenting with plank, clay and the remainder counted back from' and cinders mixed with gas lime. Tbe the day o f the week on which you were; method o f laying it is as fo llo w : First, Transmission of Focal Sound by. horn: 'F o r instance, on your, next spread over the dirt-about four inches Electricity. birthday you aro twen'ty-four years o f sand and lay the. brick— the hardest Prof. Bell, o f this city, and Sir; old. This divided by four, and the- that can b e obtained— on edge.' A fter Wm. Thompson the celebrated electri-; quotient, six, added to. twenty-four, laying them' take a piece o f plank, say cian, made some very interesting ex^ gives thirty,' the amount, which divi four or five feet long, and lay it on periments last evening, in the trans- ded by seven, the.number o f days in a. tbe’.fioqr and with' a heavy hammer sion o f vocal and instrumental music week, gives four and'a remainder of- poixnd;it.well to make it even, and i f by means o f ordinary telegraph wire." two. Now i f your birthday/ini 1876 i t is properly laid a stable floor that A n organ in the the Atlantic and Pa-/ comes on Monday, * count back two is rat proof and not liable to rot or cific Telegraph Company’s office in the days, and you hayerthe!day pH Vrhich, wear out-in- a- -generation, will be Equitable Building on Milk street was’ you/were'.bo'rnj^‘Saturday.— lSL‘ Louit produced..; - ___ _■: - - e*.-\-V* * -♦ f - . ?•'**'* played, and different tunes were dis Cfiole-Democrdf." v/ ' ~ . . . tinguished by the operator in New j’yJLt*Silveri G?eek, .Minnesota, at sunYork,- and' conversation was carried Health, an,indispensable1requisite fise3n''the;'mbfning' o f the Fourth o f onhetweentheEquitableBuildihgand for business; *as - welP;'a8vamusemijnt,: ^uly,**tbJ.wifelofJHarry Prescott prethe .office on Statc;street./’!A;feW 'days’ which^young men epen^ ‘tfie’^^reitfiSri Bentea^hiffi*with three daughtersj who agoconversatfonwhs carried onhetwe^n part o f their money in- daffia'ging,’snd ;-Fave>beMigdylfcd “ queens o f the frest.J’ this city and Rye Beach, 69 miles the old men the greater part o f their A good commencement o f the‘second distanti-*Bo»ton JQurnrU wealth in repairing: OtafaaiftU ->T^P__ Berrien , County R e c o r d ,^ ^ _^Thursday August ,3'‘^ 1876* President Grant, has signed. the Sundry Civil A ppropriation bill ^ith reluctancej and at the samoitimesent a message to the Housex denouncing in strong terms the Democratic Hou^e for its niggardly ; appropriations for. tha support qffv tl^ S ig p a l Service,' a 1‘ailure to provide for the increased' expenses o f the mint and assay offi ces, a. deficiency o f $900,000 in the appropriation for repairs in the differ ent navy yards and stations, a reduc tion in the ~provision for the Judicial expenses, besides many others o f great importance i n j he .prosecution,of; "gov e rn m e n t's* ^ ^ ............ - Tlie Objections to the Silver Bill. unit of- value in tbe ' United States The Wyandotte Courier says-: Mrs. . M O RTG AG E SALE. The bill; now before Congress on from 1792 to the date-in 1873 when S. C. Felt, o f Belden, was, attacked T\KFAUriT. having boon nmrte in tUft paymcnt or a corJ tain anm of mono? eecurod to bopniil .by nn iudonttbe subject o f .coinage provides that the change was surreptitiously made. by a large blue racer snake, July 22d; jnreofmortgftgohoaHDgiUto tlio tvvonty.HCComl day of. March, In,the yoar.of our.Lord ono thousand eight him-; Tho dcclino'of *the*market ytvaluerof ;and waB saved "from doatb only by tho whenever gold; or silver bullion sball JOHN-G. HOLMES, Editor. drad and eevonly-flvo, mado and executed by and h^twoon Mary A. iraya and Anrom L. .11 iyp, her linrilmnd, of- Borbo deposited at . the mints or assay the bonds from the gold to ;tho silvor heroic exertions o f a neighbor. The rlon County, Michigan, of tlie Prst part, mid Samuel VV. offices, there shall be issuod to tho de value is an incident in the riso and reptile tore M rs.-F elt’s clothing bad Reddon, also of Hold county aud State'Gf lho soeond part; ■: itissp^x'MOKSiirG.'ATja. s, isw. ~n wliich eald Mortgago waa recorded In; tho ofBce ol tho fall o f commodities for which the Gov ly, and that lady was nearly exhaust Regialor of Dooda for said Oouuly, on tho Gth day of positors gold notes or-silver notes to D_-1S75. at 3jx; o’clock P. IT., In fiihor No. 15vof the net value theroof, redeemable on ernment is in no wise m orilly *or le-‘ ed with fright' and oxertion when help April,-A. Martgnges, on pago 8oT which fluid Mortgago was duly ABsigncd hy Samuo! W . Iteddon^to Win. Peara, on the demand in coin or fine bars at the gaily responsible, "“and which it is un arrived. The man grasped tho snako 30lh day of March, A, D..1S75, which said naalgnment Treasury, gold for gold notes, and, der no legal or moral obligation to by the tail and struck it repeatedly was recorded in tho oiBco of su'd Kogister of Doeds for K eep you r eyes wide open, ns well as you r, ears, for you will see or Berrien County,on the Glh day of April, A. 1). 1S75, at silver for silver notes. Tho -gold rectify.; There is no more obligation with a club bcforo.it released its hold lJ4 o»oloclc P. M, in. Liber No. 9 of Mortgages, ou pa^° hear something drop. 400. and tho said Mortgago was also dulyasaigDod hy tho bullion is to be computed at its coin upon the Government to prevent a o f Mrs. Felt. The Bnake escaped nald William Poara to Geovgo II. Richard#, on tho*25th fall in -the market prices o f' Govern day of July, A.D.187G, which said nssigumontwns rocor .while ; the rescuer7 was assisting, Mr3. age value, and silver at the weight of S e llin g G ood M u s lin , b o t h in B le a c h e d a n d U n b le a ch e d , ed Intbooflicoofaald"RegisterofDeecls for UcrrTon county tho standard dollar. The coin notes ment bonds than there is to interpose Folt, who swooned and remained in a on tho 25th day of July, A "U. 1876, o’cioclc P. 31., iu Libor N o.17 of Mortgages, /on pago 47. The partlos in favor o f any other _ bonds, or.to fr o m 6 to 10 cts. a 'y a r d . semhconacious .condition, for. nearly ol tho flrst part having iailod' lio pay accordihg to .tho. shall be a legal-tender for all dues of said Mortgage/ tlie- aasigneo electa to Jo to tho United States, and tho coin be keep up the price "of cotton, wheat, or an hour. The reptile has frequently conditions el are the whole amount ol principal sum of paid Mort-. In 1873 there been seon in the neighborhood, and is gago and tbo Interest thereon'diio, and that tlipre Is a.legal-tender for all debts, public and other commodity. therefore duo and unpaid ou aald Mortgage, at tho.dAto were millions o f bonds and stocks over ton feet in length, and six inches of this nollco. tho sum of oilo thdnsa'iid live hundred and 1 .The ^initial H ayes and Wheeler Drivate. Tho objections urged to this slxty-nlnovdoliars and elghty-lbur cehta ($1,569.84) and which wore selling at par oh a.'premi- in diameter off body at the thickest nosuit,at law or procobdlnigB rally was held in Mishatvako., .on Sat- bill may be thus stated : iu eqiity haviDg beeu In* At Reduced Prices. stiluted to recovor tho said snmryuf nioney or any part um, which in’ a few days became val part. ■ (1) 'That it will legalize a coin urclay.last. '" .The" address was deliver thereof,-notice is lieroby givoo, that by virtuo of a power FOR PRESIDENT, ueless. It was the fate o f speculation, of salo contaiuod in said Alortgagohud now become 0[.-which at the present, price o f silver ed h y Gen. Packard,-ef.Laporte. O f The Northrenliight, published at Sault orative, and iu pursuance' of-the,.Statute.in such case and so with the national bonds,— madp and provided, the land dosc.riho.d in said 3fortgago the crowd present,1, the South Bend will bo worth less than the gold coin, St. Marie,; says .that during 'the last as being that, certain piece or parcol of land situate, holders take them with all the chanc lying and boing in tho County of Berrien aud Statoof Tribune says that from that place there and worth less than the paper money, es. To attempt to brand the passage couple of weeks the'water in the river Michigan, and known and 'described^ Villago Lot hum* OP OHIO,was not,'less than 500 hona-fido voters, and will be a repudiation o f all- coin (49) in A^B.,Staples’ addition to tho vilhas been two feet higher than it has bor forty*nlne, Cheaper than auybody. W hite Blanks from 1 2 $ to 1 5 cents a roll. of Bachanau, as will ino.ro. fully appear by roforenco .and in. all, the crowd from,there, num debts, public and private, and a re o f this bill as repudiation of the bonds been-for 3Q years past at this time of lags to tho recorded plat thereof, ou file with the ltegislcr of or any part o f "them is but the"shriek Satin a t ' 2 2 'cents. Brown B acks from 8 to 1 0 cents. A ll ti’immed Deeds of said County, will bo Hold at public auction or FOR TICE-ERE3IDENT,... bered' about .six .hundred people. The pudiation, o f one-tenth of the curren o f the speculator and the wail .of .the year:- Upon one- occasion it raised near venduo at tbo front door of tho Court Ifouso iu tho vil* for use. cy of debts. (2) That there being no lago of Borrien Springs, in e»i(l county of Berrien, on enthusiasm has beon . 'equaled by no man who really seeks to have 20 per ly five feet, overflowing tho canal, and F r i d a y , t h o 2 7 i U d a y o f O c t o b e r , A .I> .1 S 7 G , similar gathering .since the campaign use for gold, it will be exported. (8) doing considerable damage. A t that tit 11 o’clock *iu the Jorouoon, ‘ n satisfy tho. amount It will result in an immense inflation. cent added to the legal value of his o f Grant and. Colfax. shall thou bodno on said Mortgago, togotlicr with time it receded very rapidly even be which OF NEW PORK. costs.of foreclosure and salo, a jd alr'o au ailornoy foe (4) That it will damage the national investment.— Chicago Tribune, low its usual standard, leaving some thoroln provided for credit by striking down the value o f Dated August 1st, 1876 boats in' tho canal hard a-ground. - A-spedal- to-the Ijfew 'York World GJ20RCE IT. IUC(rAKD3, As Cheap as tlie Cheapest. Asaigneo ofMoilgago. Republican Congressional Convention. o f July 31st s a y s • Governor Hen the national bonds at least 20 per Tennessee. Ever since, day and night, every two J. J. V an R iper , AU’yfor Aseignoo. 25wl3 cent, and that this will necessarily de The Republicans o f the Fourth: Congression drick’s letter'is ready^ but will-not be W e A r e N o t S e llin g O f f a t C o s t, b u t A r e S e llin g In the State o f Tennesseo great ac hours the' water rises and falls. to a stroy all faith in' American interests. al District o f Michigan are requested' to meet greater or less degree.' This singular ROBATE ORDEH.—Statoof Michigan, County o f Borat PeukHall, in tho city o f Niles, at. l l o’c lo c t given, to - the public: -b efore:.,Tilden’ s. a t a V e r y S m a ll P r o fit. How far are these objections sub cessions are being daily, made to tho. riou,69.—At a session of tho Probuto Court for the &«m., on ., , . The -letter flavorsj reform, economy* stantial ? The public debt o f tbe Republican party, among others ex- circumstance as yet remains a mystery County of Borrieu, holdon nt tho Probuto Oflico in tho Tuesday, the Slhday o f August, 1876, village of Berrion Springs, on Friday, tho 2Sth day of among our sav’ans. and:a return to specie -payments, and July, in tho year ono thousand eight hundred aud fo r the purpose o f nominating'a cafftlidate for ■ Unified 'States,' o f every form, 'when U. S. Senator .Foote, formerly of seventy-six. Representative in the- 45th'Congress. - It is willt-remove many- o f .-tho points made not payable in “ lawful money,” — a Mississippi and leader o f tbo Demo A Grandvillo correspordent o f the Presont,Daniel Chapman, Jndge of Vrobato, recommended, that the basis o f representation . by-the -Republicans' against him. It In tho matter of tho cstato .of William S. Piorce, term intended to cover paper,— was cratic party has declared for Haves Detroit. Post, of July 30th, says: deceased. adopted by tho lost State Convention be'fol- . On reading middling the petition, duly verified,.of lowed in tho. apportionment of'deleg ates t o - ■will show that-he is no inflationist, . While some men were at work grad George made payable in express terms “ in and Wheeler. In a recent letter Gen. Piorco, ndmini3trator on said estate, praying that this Convention, upon which basis-the county' but-favors-the .earliest possiblercturn ing' Kent street yesterday, dug up a timo and place may bo resigned for Uie ullowancoof c o i n t h e coin meant the gold and Foote.writes: o f Berrien will have 13 delegates, Kalamazoo,. -to-specie payments. his final account as such ndminiatrator. He favors‘a six “ I shall be content to fight in the three skeletons .which were in a good silver coin o f the United States, then Thoronpon it is ordered that Monday, tho 23lh day ol 12: Tan Bnren, 10; fit. Joseph, 1 0 ; Cass, S. year’s term for' President,-and a pro August next* at 11 o’clock in the foroiiodii, be assigned Total, 53. • ’ • ' a legal-tender. The United States ranks for the .success o f Republican state o f preservation and found in a for tho l'Oariug o f said petition,and that tho lioirs at * R E A D T H E A J ilT orN O E M E N t vision making-him in eligible thereaf " Wit. B k.v.veti, law of snid deceased, and all other persona iiitorestediii f \ A G EN TS W A N TED FOR T H E G R EA T then, and at no time, undertook to principles, the firm and steady main sitting posture, with the face to said o r thh e estato,arorequirodtoappearata3C3sion.ofaaid Court E. W- CCRXKMCS, ter; and he may include this view-in ward the west. They were undoubt tenance o f -which. I deem essential to then to be holdon at tho Probato Office, in the village guarantee the permanency o f the * E ri B eRrr, M u r r a y H ill P u b l i s h i n g C o . of BorrloQ Springs, aud show causo, I f any: tlioro he, why enten history his letter.' ' H e also condemns party J. P. Thvssher; . values o f either gold or silver. F or the national repose and happiness. .It edly the remains of some Indian war- the pri.yer of the petitioner Hhould not bo granted. And It srlU fester than any other book evor publish ed, One J o l m P . J e w e t t , Itla n n g e r . antagonism.?-: Both tho letters will be ia further ordorod, that Raid Petitioner give notice T. E . C l a f p , Agont sold 01 copioH in 1 day. Send for our ex tra forms is my. deliberate opinion that the pres riois, as they were found in what was it over twenty-five years silver was at a to tho persons interested in said estate, of tho pen to Agefus. National Publishing Co., Chicago, 111., St. Eourth Congressional Dist. Committee, B IS K A S E S C u red , strbng- "documents, - and - positive- in of said petition, aud tho hearing thereof, by Lonifl, Mo., or Cincinnati O premium, in'gold, and hence no man ent is by far the most important po once an Indian . inound. One o f the dency Kew paths marked oat to Dated. June 19th, 1876. causing a copy of this ordor to be publiahod in the their terms.: . --- ' --------. — — _ Health by that plainest o I can claim that payment o f tho debt litical. struggle that our country has skeletons, whose hones, indicated that Berrion County Record, a newspaper printed aud cirjfc Vljvy at lnmo. Agents wanted. O r:tfit and all books—Plajk .Homb T at.k jjn y iiEbicAh cp’ itod in said County of Borrien, for throe sticcosaivo terms srop. TRUE <5: COn Augusta, Maine. CotncoK Sekbe,which contains nearly i.OOOpagea | l 2 l he must have beon at least seven feet yet “known. Between now and N o in silver dollars was excluded either weeks previous to said day of hearing. Republican County Convention, of original matter, as entertaining as afasciuatmg ' [L, S.j ‘ DANIEL CHAPMAN, ■ story. Health and Jong life made easy for the The Illinois State ' Convention met in terms or.by implication'. There is, vember next, has to ho settled, 1 trust in height, had a flint arrow-head im A Republican County Convention will A trnocopv * 25sv4 Judge o f T'robaU. learned and Unlearned. Crammed full of brand n o w l d e a a , which are cheering to the sick, and be held, at the Court House in " Berrien last week, and sold'hut "to the “ green therefore, no more legal objection to forever, through the peaceful instru bedded in the lower part of the spinal Intensely entertaining to those who are fortunate Springs, on Tuesday, ' Aug. 29, lS7G,-at back party,” by .adopting the princi- United States paying their debts in mentality o f the.ballot-box, the great' column. The point-of the arrow-head ROBATE ORDER.—Stato ot Michigan, County, of er ” "I t guards - the reader enough to escape disease. Borrien, ss.—A t a session of the Probate Court tor against the pftholes of human suffering, and 11 o'clock, A. it, for the purpose of select-' paljnominees o f the ticketnomihated by silver then there would be if gold had question whether we are indeed a na passed through the bone and protrud- P the County of Borrien, holdon at tho Probate office in tlie points the w way to those who are .. of deliverance ______________ ______ already B y all means, find ' ’ engnlphed. ------- ' ' " ' oui' nil ing proper names and placing in nomina the- “ greenbackera” a'week or so pre declined and the United States should tion or a wretched league of- ever-an ed.in about.three-fourths o f an inch, viliago Of Borrien Springs, on Monday, tho 31st day of July, Iii tlio year one thousand eight hundred afid abontit. I t i s f o r y o u . It’s author, Dr. JS. tion suitable candidates to be elected by vious. - Thus’the nominees in Illinois tender gold to their creditors. The tagonizing local sovereignties, entitled, without disabling the Indian,' appa Boventy-six. B . F oote, of 1 2 0 Lexington A tenue , N e w Y ork , Is consulted by invalids at home and Present,Daniel Chapman, Judge of Probate. the voters of the county of Berrien at the are; trying to'stand with one foot on legal right and power may thereforo at pleasure to secede from and break rently, as the bone had grown fast to abroad, In person and by letter, and has had the In . tho matter of the estate of Charles Blake, ensuing general election, to the various thei1 ‘ ‘greenback’ ’ .platform, and the up the Union, nullify the .most wise the arrow-head, and the place which- it deceased. be taken as conceded. On reading and filing tho petition, duly verified, of county offices, to become vacant January eases of every character; hence his ability to "William Haslett, Administrator de bo7iis non, with the other " leg' on the Sit. Louis platform The objection that gold will be ex and salutary enactments of the Na-. entered was . entirely grown up. It will A i m i u e f li o f c i l Iie a ltU was asked how it was write practical truths for the invalid reader; Bit annexed, praying for reasocs therein set forth that 1st, ISY'7, to-wit: State Senator; Judge be somuedto bo always well. * ‘I aiu not particular [in consultations are tb e e to the sick everywhere; tional Legislature, ruthlessly trample had the nppearence of having been lie may be liceused to sell the real oaf» to in said pelition hence his immense correspondence with the sick my meals; Teat wliat llik e ; aud whenovorl fool under of Probate; Register of Deeds j County They are labeled Democatio behind, ported rests on a natural result, that, described. under .profane and factious feet the' all over the globe, Y ou , reader , a r e a t x ib shot there when the Indian was a the weather* I resort to my Thereupon it is orderod, that Monday IhO 4th day of Treasurer; Sheriff; Prosecuting Attor and “ anti-monopoly,” or “ greenback,” as soon as7there ceases to be a use for e r t t to consult the able author of PlainHome Septombor next, at 11 o’clock in theforonoon, bo assign* l principles of civil order, ' and shame young man. The curiosity is now in before. The ticket should be called TalkandMedical Common Sense. Write(ohim Tarrant’ s Seltzer Aperient, gold, it will go where it is needed. for the heariug ofsatd petition,and thattlio hoirsatlaw of n ey ; two Commissioners o f the 'Circuit and yon will he struck with his Common Sense. which I keep always fu the house.” Wise man and econ Court; two County Coroners; and one* ■the, Demecr^tic-Anti-Mehopolyrhard- We have in the United States at this lessly set at defiance the 'supreme the possession o f Dr. Win. Decamp, said(IocOascd,andaUotIiQrporsousintQrestQdinsaldesttito, Whatever your malady, you will receive light are required to appear at a session of saidCourt, thon to be omical as.well* Ho does uotxesort to violent means for which will do you good, by Investing only a o f Grand, to be presented to the Kent holdon at tho Probate Oflico, iii tho village of Borrien relief. Ho usos Nature’s remedy, In the sliapoof thiH Pish Inspector; and for the transaction of soft-Money’ficket. - It will' probably time an average o f $150,000,000 o f law of.the land.’ .” postage Stamp, and writing to Dr. P . W eawish _ Springs, and show cause, if any there bo, why the prayer aporiont. to interestyoii in both the doctor and his im Frank T. Reid, an ex-officer o f the Scienific Institute. ^ . such other business as may be necessarily be, buried,'next November, in a" hard- gold. This, no longer being needed, of the petitiouer should not bo granted :. Anfl itia fur SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. book. T ir I I t Itself, X h o l t o o l c itself, which frives mortal book ther ordered, that said petitioner give notice to thopo^ satisfaction to9 all-who read it, can be he lift had. of. brought before the Convention-. The sev pan-soft-mvid':graYe.—-DetroitTribune. will go to Europe, and, with our an late Confederate army, has come out ANTED— Tniveliug Salesmen. Fair Hulary nnd exbliss Mary Graham (colored), a sons interested in said estate, of tho pendency of said po agents, or of the publishers direct. Plain mus tition,and tho hearing theroof, by causiuga copy Of this eral townships and; city wards-of the coun pouses paid. Gem Manul’g Co. St. Louis. Mo. boldly for .Hayes and Wheeler and, lin binding; S325, in tho English or German nual product o f $50,000,000, will graduate of the Flint high school, order to bo published in the. Berrien County Record, a language. library binding, in English only, ty will be entitled to the representation, PER WEEK GUARANTEED to Agent* and circulated in said County of Ber $3,75. Sent by man, postage prepaid, on receipt tend largely to supply the temporary has started a Republican paper in will enter the university next fall in newspapqrprintod Male aud Female, In their own locality. D etroit , Mich., A u g . 1.—-A Sun rien for four successive weeks provious to said day of of tho price. A lady writes the authorr “ I S3 follows: Bambridge, 5 ; Benton, 11; Nashville. H e is a splendid speaker Terms aud OUTFIT FREE. Address hearing. demand which exists there, and to have always felt that yonwere the physician of the Latin scientific course. Sho wiU P. O. VICKERY & CO.. Augasta, Me. Berrien, 5 ; Bertrand, 4 ; .Buchanan, S; day-school, excursion .party from GoldfL.S.1 DANTED CHAPMAN, the world, from the fact of your wonderful suc and brilliant writer, and will do good that extent reduce the maximum of dif (A true oopv.V 25w5 Jndgt.oi F*nbafc. original ideas.'* One reader says — cess and bo tho first colored girl, to enter (bat water held a pic-nic to-day on a small Ohickaming, 3 ; Galien, 4 ; Hagar, S; (hft d>Q A Per day at home. Samples worth $1 “ I have found it to he one of the grandest recently been work for the Republican party. Em institution.UU (pEj'J free. Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine. works of the eee.” Another says—“ I would not Lake, 3 ; Lincoln, 3 ; New Buffalo, 5 ; sheet of water known as Bawbeese ference which has erson Etheridge, one o f the leading be withontit for twice its cost.5’ Similar letters Niles township, 7 ; and Niles city—first L a k e;,-in ' the southern part o f the caused between the values o f the two 11 p s Y c n o ji A s e v o r s o u t c h a r m i n g .” now reach the author every day. Contents table George M. Savage & Co’s List. Democratic orators, o f Tennessee, has JT cither sex.may fascinate and gain tho love and aftr ee. , ward, 6 ; second ward, 4 ; third ward, 4 ; State. Fourteen o f them started for metals. In the place o f this gold, T hose out o f health can have im fectious ol any person they choose, instantly. This art you an invention for which you I N S X O R F j also by fourth ward, 4 ; Oronoko, 7 ; Pipestone, a -boat ride on. two old boats lashed there will o f necessity he a demand come out for Hayes and Wheeler, and plicit confidence in Dr. V . Clarence PATENTS. Haro all can possess, Ireo, by mail, for 25 cents ; together with dealro a Patent, either iii tho United D r. B oots. Cheap edia Marriage Gnide, Egyptiah Oracle, Dreams* Hints to aiij foreign coontry? Thon send to the 4; Royalton, 2 ; Sodus, 2 ; St. Joseph, together and . covered. With .boards, tor a larger supply o f silver, for ex will stump the State for the Republi Brice, and certain when consulting | States or any _____ ________ Hon. S toIs . I u I, neatly bailie3, etc. 1,000,000 sold. A queer book. Address T. Jfaclmnics aud Inventors* Association, tho only re bound, $2; In 5 separate vels. at $5 and $7.50, can nominees. The prospects are WILLIAM. & CO., Pubs., Philadelphia. 10; Three Oaks, 5 ; "Watervliet, 6; and according to binding. Sent by mall on receipt him,, that he is a thoroughly educated liable Patent Agency in Michigan. 37 W . Congress St., One o f the .boots filled and sank, and ceeding the surplus whose presence in Detroit. brighter than they have been for of price. Just the thingforyoungpeople. Con "Weesaw, 3,-—total, 117 delegates. A J i T E D . - A N Y P E R SO ST C A N M A K E physician, with years of experience in 23w-1. TUOS. S. SPRAGUE, President. the result was. that seven o f the child Europe has produced the panic under tents tablo free. _ _ _ _ _ _ “ $ 5 0 0 a month soiling our letter-copying book. Dated Berrien Springs, July 24, 187d, years, and with an earnest, united Any one that has blotter to write will buy it. No press the treatment o f Chronic diseases exren and two adults; were drowned, which the price o f the metal has de n i a M r P u b l i c a t i o n s . W e can furor water uaod. Send stamp for circular. effort, the reclaiming of the State of J ames Graham, Chairman; i l l l u i f i n]sh all of D r . P oote’ s popular EXCELSIOR CO., 17 Tribune Bulldiog, Chicago, 111. clusivcly. only five o f the party escaped. . The clined. The exportation o f our gold, U llflla Dime Publications on health and Tennesseo is not hy any means an "Wm. S. F armer, H . G. P ratt, and the utilization o f a much larger ■kindred topics, “ OLD EYES H A D E N E W ,” . WHOLESALE AND REX’AXL. Dr. Price will be for consultation victims.. are. all: connected, with first TTm. Chambsrlaix, J. P. T hresher, tells how to restore the sight and give up glasses, Glass, Plate Glass, Cut, Stained and Enameled amount o f silver;, will jointly contrib impossibility.— Allegan Journal. oh his next visit at Niles,, Clifton Window without tho aid of Doctor or Medicine. Half a Glass, F r e n c h u iiil G e r m a n L o o k i n g G h is s J. H. Oaxfielt), D. A . W agxer, - families in Ooldwater, and in that million have been leaned already I .—Comfort M m e , aho k e y m e r , B a u m a n i t C o .'s a n d House, on Saturday & Sunday, Aug. iJf^Alisaesf.ocIr^ tpwn all-business was at once suspend- ute to bring tho value o f silver nearer and ours fob th e K uftured ” Is a valuable Republican, county committee. Strictly Pure White Load. From 10 monograph for thoso who are afflicted with Rup to 2o per cent.-saved by buyiug direct from ua. Write for H O B3ESTSAPS. ed.on the receipt-of the news.. The to that o f the gold ture or liernia. ‘ ‘Butsiologicat. I mi-kovement Sammy Tilden knows how" to make 5th & 6 th. prices. of H u-makitv ,” relates to the subject of having I f yon waut reliable information, Where and how to get There is, we concede, a peril of R E ID A H IL L S , Third Representative District Con- soene at the lake was o f the .most .ex crooked whisky a3 well as the best o f peopleborn right. <(F htsiologioai. M arrtagr” achcup F A R i i f , or government l l o m e f l l e a d , free , I OS Woodward Ave., and 10 and 12 Cougros3 St. E, serious inflation, not because of tbe them, and only escaped Bristow’s at gives the latest researches regarding the laws send yourhddross to S. J. GILMORE Land Commissioner, rentibn. citing and painful character. DETROIT. MtCH^ governing temperamental adaptation, &c., &c. New Advertisements. Lawronce* Ktiusas, and receive gratis a copy of T h e revival o f silver coinage, but because tention by going out o f the business A Step B ackward , reviewing inconsiderateItnnsjiK P a c i f i c K o x n c s t e a a , The Republican voters o f the Third' Reprelegislation concerning the Prevention of o f the presence of the greenbacks. before the secretary came in. George santative District Of Berrien County are re Conception. “ Spermatorrhoea,” or Sem TJffE N E W Y O R K C o m m is s io n e rs ’ N o t ic e . The Senate has taken up and inal Weakness with evidence of its curability, quested to send delegates to a Convention to The revival o f silver coinage should “W. Guysi o f Cincinnati, late special “ C roup, its causes, prevention and cure,” inval IN TH E promptly passed the bill; recommended UB nndorsigned having booj appointed by tho Judgo be held in the village o f Buchanan on Friday, uable to every mother having the care of small MILITARY AGENCY be attended -with the retirement of agent of the internal revenue depart of Probate for tbo Oouoty of Berrien and State of the 1st day o f September, A. D., 1S76, at 11 children. “ Cold B eet,’ * causes, prevention W ORLD1 . by Gen.. Sherman •to increase the Michigan, Commissioners to audit and adjust all debts procures P e n s i o n s lor Officers and Soldiers wounded, and cure. Any one o f the foregoing Dime the greenbacks, and the issue o f gold ment, tells the Cincinnati Commercial and SO L D B Y A L L o’clock, A. M., for: the -purpose o f placing in demands age.inst the es*^to o f Bnrr Benton, late of injured or ruptured, however slightly; obtains an increase Publications will he sent by maB, postage pre strength o f the companies o f five cav nomination a candidate for Representative of County, deceased, do borohv give notice to all of old rates; collects arrears of pay and bounty, etc. No notes and silver notes will render the some interesting facts in this connec Berrien paid, on receipt of ten cents. DRUGGISTS, persons having demands against said estate, either by charge unless successful. Letters promptly answered by alry .regiments, to 100 men,each, said district. The several wards and town use o f greenbacks wholly unnecessary. tion which' will be new to the public. noto, account or otherwise^, to present the same to said addressing J. H . SCHOLL, Attorney at Law, 51 Chambers Parson’s Exterminator has destroyed all tho CockroacT? ships in the -district will be entitled to ropre- which will, add 2,'500 men to the; force, P IN P r P u b l i c a t i o n s . W e will stip( immissiooers at A . P . Gardner's store,iuWeeaaw’town Street, New York City, cafe P. O. Box 2,534. os and rats at the Doy Street House, New York Its ef !■ K g p ply D r . B oote’ s Eree PuhlicaThese issued in any amount .not less sentation on the basis adopted by the County Borrien Coonty, M-cbigan, within bix .months from fects are certain. | |t U U tions. “ Gratuitous A d vice to ths and '.cost “the Government, for. horses, than $10, -mil furnish the country Mr. Guysi, in 1867, seized the “ labor ship. the 1st day of August, 1S7C, for adjustment. The Com Convention o f June, 1S76,.as. follows:: ., . F arbaxd, W illiams & Co., Wholesalo Agents. T T N IV R R S IT X O F M IC H IG A N . S ick," abroad as wtU as a t home ; a circular of atory” ■o f the Tilden, Bortbera, of missioners will meet at said A . E. Gardner’ s store on the U D e p a rtm e n t o f M e d ic in e n m l S u r g e r y . outfits,;.and:snpport one*;year the sum Bertrand, 4 ; Buchanan, 8 ; Galien 4 ; Niles value to the sick. “ Evidences o f M r. Foote's following days, to^wlt:; On Friday, September 8, 1S76; The27th annual course of lectures will commence on JS. W . V O I G T ’ S Success ; ” a sixty page pamphlet, f r e e by mail. township, 7 ; Niles City—First "Ward, G; Sec o f $1,625,0,0,0; I f the addtions could with all the currency that ca n . be whom Sam. was one, at Lebanon Friday, October 13,1876; Friday, Noy. 10th, 1876, and at ~ Oct. 2 , 1S76. -S e n d for them. needed. Being redeemable" on de Springs, N. Y ., for' defrauding the such other times rnd places as they shall from t;ine ond Ward, 4 ; Third Ward,.4 ; Fourth Ward; Course separate hut <-qual for women. S A L V A T O R B E E R bo made 'immediately to the cavalry time adjourn thereafter.' Matticulation Fee—Residents ot Michigan, $10; non* 4.. Total,41 delegates ..." mand in. coin, and secured, dollar for revenue. Tilden claimed that they" 5 .0 0 0 g o o d A g e n ts Dated August-1st, 1876. redden ts, $25. Is the Best lager Brewed in the WestIt is especially requested -that each ward and; force, operating, against the -.-Indians, ran find profitable employL EVI LOGAN T. Aonoal Dues—Residents of Michigan. S15; non-resi dollar, will he the best possible cur Were' only ' distilling either, but tbe _ _ ment in tie sale of the Sold by Cast at MILWAUKUB BRBWBRT, PETER S MIT Hi > Commissioners. township send a full in delegation. delegation. dents. $20. they would make quick; work o f Sit Grand River Ave., Detroit, Mloh. foregoing publications, and also several others A. E. GARDNER, J Graduatxou Fee—For all alike, $5. rency, ranking above, that o f green revenue officers found evidences .that 25w4 «J. F» P. H o w e e t i , ) This boer is bottled by Jacob Boiler, 11 .State street, published oy us. Hcad^ all of the above, and Send for Circular and Catalogue. ting" Bull: and. his.savage followers. L, P , A lexander, l.Opnr. . X, iend for particulars. Address, for terms, outfits, J. F. Moloney & Co., 2S0 Graud llivor avonue, and Wil backs. The latter, therefore, in prde'r the “ laboratory” was a distilling, and A .B .P A L B E R , M. D ., Deax, Ann Arbor,Mich & c,, The JtfunayHill Publishing Company, M U ) liams & CoM brewers, Duncan’s Brewery It is far better in every respect to fill s.3; AvDiauiisoit. ROBATE ORDER.— State of Michigan, Oonnty.of E a s t 2 8 t h S t r e e t , N e to Y o r k , to prevent a loss to the holder, .and “ ether”- was whisky, manufactured at Berrien, S3.—A t a session of the Probate Court for up-the .skeleton regiments of-regulars leabntelegbaph y the County" of Berrien. holden at the Probate office in the to relieve the country o f a complica the rate- Of 125 barrels a day, on Tillage of Berrien Springs, on Monday, the 31st day of than to call out volunteers for a short lililWU UL iflli b fill. But before goins elsewhere to do so. send for circulars ■Forty-two German newspapers in X I ic E a ttie s’ H a n d -B o o l t j ted; system o f legal-tenders, should Which the regular tax, then §2 a gal July, in tho jeor^'one thousand eight hundred. And of N. "W. TELEGRAPH INSTITDTE, Janesville, IVis. -this country have declared' for- Hayes Campaign',' and.'then . have to be'pro Recommended by Supt. of Western Union Telegraph Co.. 1876 D A IL Y 1876 o f valuable information to e v e r y j f c ^ be retired. This should be done, by lon, was being evaded. Accordingly seventy-six. Presentj.DANiEL Chapman, Judge of Probate as tho only reliable school in the West. viding laud-warrants,' special bounties and Wheeler. In the matter of tho estaio of Ruth DeArmond, The commodious Side Wheel Pnssonger Steamers woman, OLD or YOTJNg J ^ ; offering to the holder a .bond bearing the establishment was shut up, though deceased. and life-pensfons, in' addition-to" pay r t E l EXTRA FINE Mixed Cards, with name, 10 cents, Married or Single. LADIES On-reading and filing the petition, duly verified, of R . N . R IC E , I N O R T H W E S T , a low rate o f interest payable in coin. Tilden has, with his usual luck, thus ^ 3 post paid. L. Jokes & Co. Nassau, N. Y .' WUUam Haslett, executor on said estate, praying for and all-the: enlistment contract- called ■SiCXXX Capt.W m * McK ay. | Oapt. A .M cLachlan, w ill thank ns fo r this Into this bond the whole; wolume ' o f reasons therein sot forth thathe may be licensed and The Republicans o f West [Virginia •for'"•the *.'next fifty-' ye&xs.— Chicago far escaped punishment. His.proper empowered to sell the real estate in said petition do- Leav thoM .C.R .R . wharf,Detroit,daily,at9 o ’ e l o e k * KXKXH H a n d B o o k , a n d n o / w P . M“ , T J ic C h e a p e s t K o n t e to nil points East greenbacks will go,, so soon as the place, according to these facts; is Sing scribed. have nominated Gen. 'Nathan'-Goff -.Tribune.. and South and the choice of 2 0 D i f r c r c u t I c o n i c s m o t h e r w ill object f . .T Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 4tli, day of to tho C e u l e n n i n l and K e t u r u , nt lowest rates. silver coin and the silver notes shall S in g.. This is the second instance on September for Governor o f that "State. *■ next, nt 11 o’clock in the foronoon, be assigned to placing it in thej S ie e p i n ir A c c o i n m o d a t i o n s l r c c . be -issued in an amount equal to the record in which he-has defrauded the for -the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law . Ask for Tickets by this Line. D. CARTER, Agent-. handsofherdaugh $ IN GIFTS! of said deceased, and all other persons interested iii said Foot Shelby Stroot, Detroit .'.'One of 'the! “ r'eforms” "called for in wants-of business. required to appear at a session of .said Court, tens These Handnational revenue, the other being in eatato/are then to be-holden at the Probate Office, in the Village of Senator Hamlin is making an effort the" Democratic; national platform is Grandest Scheme Ever Presented to the Public! . The other .objection,' that the pas Books are n o ti^ S S i^ -m S R A S r C r E ' Berrien SpringB, and show causQt if any there bo, why connection with that issue o f $6,665,.to re-establish; the fast, mails, which to stop,-granting any m ore-public sage of this bill will damage-the na the prayer of tho petitioner Bhould not be granted. And IT, private t r e a t - / ^ / ® ® ^ 1^ ? . 0^ 0!;^ farther ordered, that said petitioner, give notice to si t. . / . /s e x e s , particularly were lately discontinued.. . * lands'for'railroads," Hendricks is put tional credit by striking . down tbe 670 worth of private currency in ittheispersons interested in said estate, of the pendency of NSrs. S. TCWXjE, Principalj ises, hut tu e/C ^ yp aj-a lvsis. Apoplexy, northern Michigan, on which he evad said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy THE KEN TU CK Y WILL RE-OPEN SEPT. 5th. forward "'as' a' sample"'“ reformer’.’ i n t e n d e d / Q y E p i l e p s y , and all nervalue of tbe bonds 20 per cent from ed a ten per cent tax. A very rich this order to be published in the Berrien. County liccord, a newspaper printed and circulated in said County of Attention is specially called to the advantages afforded for gen-/ & §> / voua derangements ; T he -Michigan- State •Fair -will'/be ■fhisVmatter. .-‘He is a tremendous, en their present value, is an exaggera errien| 'for- four successive weeks-previous to said day for the study of Modern Languages, taught by native record has Mr. Tilden. ■ Sink your B‘ M-ni /»ir / T*5/their Cause and Cure. of hearing; teachers of high culture; also Painting, (portrait, land held in. Jackson September 18th to emy', o f' railroad-''land-grabs and authori’ / ed by a special act of tbo KouCucby Loplalaturetion.; In tbe first.-.place, .the-.'bonds shaft where you will; you are sure to . A n . / T h i s Essay w ill be found ‘ [L. S.]. — DANIEL CHAPMAN, scape and panel,) taught by: artists of ability;; and Music. for tlie boaeflt of tbe l*n l> lic S c h o o ls o f F r a i i K 20th. The premiunrlistsnre ready for champion o f giving ,the. public 'lands ■will have the value.of "the;silver.dol: strike a paying vein.— Springfield, (A true copy.) 25w5 Judge of Probate. 7 The latter Department, t^the Detroit Conservatory Of C. a “^ ? $ y d e e p l y interesting to all f o r t , will have the Viral of tbeireeriea of Grand,Draw. Music,) will remain in charge of Prof. J. H. Hahn. tion. /• o t /n e r v o u s sufferers. BOTH inga at M A .T O lt 1 1 A J .I., in tho C I T Y OF distribution. only to .actual's'ettlerSj-^sV the "Dem lars as metal, -withthe additional.value Mass. Union. Catalogues will Be furnished bn application. F R A S K F O R T , K T ., ....... E IT H E R o f the foregoing Mrs; Towle refers, by permission, to R t. Rev. S. A .M c* ocracy- will tell -you. But the. Con- .of .bearing interest.,.. There is no rea H AN D-BOOKS sent e r e e I o Coskrt,-D etroit; R t. R ev. W . E. McLaren'; Chicago; NORTHERN CENTRAL R ev. Z. Eddy,D etroit; R ev T. C.P itkin, D.D.,Detroit; fany address. Address, with The decrease.'in/the public -debt .gressional 'Gflbbe" for 1 8 6 3 -4 , page son, to suppose that the present decline on which occasion they will distribute to tho ticket hold Rev A , l\Pi8R30N, Detroit; H. M. Pierce, L L. D., Destam p,N .Y.P. Co., Bedford,Mass. ers the immense sum of troitj(latePros’t Rutgers CollegevN. Y. City,) James F during the.monfh e f July .was. $1,128;- 329,1, .'shows '.that '."Hendricks spoke in silver is to be permanent. F or many STATE ITEMS. R A I L W A Y . Jot,E sq.,Detroit; ErakkltnM oore, Esq /Detroit;-John ’.and. voted'for'a bill.'gr anting. 37; 000,;- .centuries the two metals . have main .033. ... ........ N ewberbt, Esq., Detroit; James E. Pittman, Esq a, ■ Mr. -William 'Jones, o f Grayling, Detroit; H on. C.’ I. W alker, Detroit ; H on. H .P . Bald $ , ! ;0.0p .a'cres" of, land tb the NortheruRa- tained a proportionate value so-nearly 'r . 24w4 has slaughtered 14 full-grown bear's ' Great North] and South Through Line win, Detroit. ^ yu *. . *.■" Tliosj, Pi Porter, Ex-Gov. J(y., General Manager, The final :vote on ■the ••Belknap -im ‘ cifi’d 'railroad'coinpany; ‘ Thisfact-was permanent that a standard,of- relative within a-few weeks, and ia referred' to . " DR.; BOHANNAIPS F O S m V F b T NO FO STP O XE M E ST ! peachment’ ca'se waB'taken on:Tnesday, 'brought, out with- crushing' effect'by values ha's been established.,. "There as the' champion- bear-/hunter, of Watkins Gflen, Minnequa Springe, MarrlagcGuidoillustrated . withluumerous engravings as we will have a aoriea of Grand1Drawings and can not [Senator:Morton,‘.aft'er Hendricks.in. a have; been fluctuations. ..Gold-, has •Aug. 1st.’- T h e vote-'stood, guiltyj*38>; iromlUbteaclics all thein• -Niagara Palls, Buffalo, and establish the precedent of postponing. Michigan. * MRS, MARIA DUTTON, uisitiveshould know know ooil n' ja m m h i m quisitlveshould LIST OF GIFTS: not guilty, '25.. - N ot being 'a-two-third ■publicV'speeCh. at'Laporte, 'in:~l'872, frequently .■declined, and,, as we have -Rochester$ •*'......... »•"- ..........\ Q 't e R sevela i ^tion ws of s th se One Grand Cash Gilt...... ......... ........ ........................$100,000 M ID W IF E AND NURSE, O Ipj. R L I'R I I IFj TJ. ”SIjrand ‘ Vote, -Belknap stands-aquitted. ' - •• "had'-denounced' "the;'JRepublicana’ fo r stated, continuously, for .twenty-five •. 'The' Grand Rapids . wool ■ buydrs -'"«•* —TO~- * •» :■ One Grand Cash Gift...... ......................................... .50,000 ■ ■•Sexualsystem,howto euro AGENT FOR.THE giving lands-tV that": company. The years, preceding the recent-fall, in sil purchased. 1,093;225 pounds, o f wool Philadelphia', Neiu Yorli, Baltimore all kind of Diseases, with hundreds of valuable receipts, One Grand Cash Gift.................................. .............. 25,000 who should marry,the impediments to marriage/thdir na-' One Grand Cash Gilt...... « . . . ........ .......................... 20,000 ["double-dealing'of', 'this "man* 'in con- ver, silver commanded: a premium in •this year. ture and cure. Treats on ail Diseases, tully.explaining their o f T h in g s "W orth One Grand Cash Gilt................................................ 10.000 C y c lo p e d ia . . ', rand WashingtonCity J id;mean8 to cure: cure s iitia the only causesi "symptoms andmeansto t ________ w really ...... Dom Pedro and the Empress of ’ dem'niUg[“what he'hims'elf;. spoke anc Ono Grand Cash Gift...... .............................. .. 6,000 ecientiuc work oi the kind ever published, dncl is complete gold. To assume' that silver..will 60,000 K n o w in g , o r 2 5 ,0 9 0 w a n ts 50 Cash Gilts of $1,000 each...... in evciyTcsncct.’ Sent securely se'aled’oii receipt of 50-cts. Brazil and theirunite Have- arri've'd.in- 'voted'"for"is"well" matched by the imTh'e Chicago and Lake Huron R ail-; , t3?“Fiye fast •trains daily-, .EullmaiijPalace Address, D r. C. A . B oiia n n a n , 619, North Filth street, 50 000 100 Cash Gifts of 500 each.......... never recover.its: standard value, is;an St. Louis, Mo. Establishedin.1857. *. S u p p lie d . 40.000 100rCash Gifts o f 400 each............... . L on d on .'. " , .................. ; 'p'udence'.df.[his party in denouncing '•extreme assu'mption.not.warranted.by road Company,, expect to".complete D^y.prilfigkt.OarS:0n;'iffi,toirins.,. , so.oco 100 Cash Gifts of 300 each..... ................ ...... f Don’t do any.. ALSO, AGEtfEBOR IH E 40.000 •|!EgF”No.'dust, 'as-road is thoroughly stone , 200 Cash Gifts of 200 each........... ............. I in any paperor [the' Republican's" as alaiid-grant party, history or any present facts.. .The their line o f Road to [Port Huron this ballasted. 60.000 600 Cash Gifts of 100 each...... ....... ............ ■ papers,: until ' R a g L o o p e r , ............ lypugetourfig10,000 Cash Gifts of 12 each....;..... ........... ;...... 120,000 C a r p e t “M r. Bristow is about, to. enter, upon 'whereas .our platforms' o f 1872 ant very fact that the, United States has year,'this giving".that- place a through ures it will cost3‘ou-nothing- "and will'surely saye you" Total, 11,156 ’Gifts, All Cash....... ................ . 600,000 WlTich will attach rags without needle, thread, tlfimblo money. Address, * ■' . _. . , , '. .. -i.* • the campaign work for .H ayes “ and 1876 bqth'condemn'.' the practice; anc created a demand for $500,000,000 of line to-Chicago'. - . [Via Canada Southern R’y.]. cissora or spectacles. St. Iiom a Advertia’g & ■Pu'bl’g Co., S t Louis, hfo. PRICE OF TICKETS: Kesi, donco on Front Street,^near the comorof Fortnga T o l e d o . 6.10 p. m. I 10.45 a. m. "Wheeler, in Maibei^ "- . KJ. ■, 4*+ * . ' H"o landa.have'bebn ‘given to'railroadB silver will offset the whole demonetiza -. Tha...Grand. Rapids JUagle.- BayB ,Ijdavo' Mouroo.:.......6.52., Whole tickets, $12: Halves, $6; Q,aarters, $ 3 ; 9 Tick street; Buchanan, Mich. -■ * S3yl 'I 5.20,a.m , I • <* Ili45a. m. ets. $100; 27}4 Tickets,.$300; 4 6 ^ Tickets, $500; 05% -« Detroit................. 6.55 < f 12.20 p.m "during Grant’s Second administration. tion o f silver that has taken, place Samuel. Jones Tilden.is one, of- tlie 10. IMARRIAGE GUI D P Tickets, $l,0CQ. 100.000 Tickets at $12 each. " * ' [Via Great Wa<l:c*rn R*y*J Hon E. II. Taylor, Mayor of Frankfort, tho entire board of City Couocilmeu, Hon. Alvin Duvall, lato Chief KNO W THYSELF. I t is now reported that the". Indians ‘ Tb'eplCdge'made'in ’ 72 has been kept. during the last five years. I t is'not bondholders: of.the .Michigan Central Loaro Detroit..... 25 p. m: ] 4.20 a; w., 112.20-p. m. Jastice of Kentuckv, nDd other distinguished citizens, QVfa Grand Trunk R’y.j possible to demonetize’ "silver. . The Railroad, .running., from. Monfeith -to I The Physiology of Marriaga. who were -engaged-in the Ouster mas-, '[— I/ansing Republican: ’ together with such disinterested persons as tbo ticket ,G E aV E K A L LeayeDoLroit....;.......... 5 45 p.m . 1 2 50 a. m I 7.30 a.m. I A reliable Guide for the married, bold era present muy dosiguato witisuporinteod tbo draw* debtor nations o f the .world ‘ are" not Muskegon, and they.are about,to oust M .J?ort Huron......... 8.40..“ | 5.20 ** |1010 «*• I and those contemplatingmarriage; sacr'ef were led by -white scouts; who iug. I on its duties and disqualifications, in a condition to do soy and in 1878 the stockholders and;, take:'possession; ItomittAuccs ean be nmdo by Express, L'raft, Post-office l.tho scienco of reproduction, and treacherously led the General- an'd his. , ' The.House, yesterday adopted a res 00 am 1736 am 1.46. pm ,7.55pm I tho effect of early abuses and exMoney order, or Registered Latter, made, payable- to 20 17 35 2 00« 7 45 * France will resume specie payments I cesses, with an extensive treatiseoh .o£. t h e . . r b a d ' . , . . , .. i H e u l u c k y C a s h JO iM tribu tioii Coiui>tm'T> command into the: ambush. ■- -• - - - ..olution. prohibiting the sale o f metallic ' the various Private and Chronia 35»* . .1 7 45150 ♦ 8 30 • A ILconiniuuicntioos, orders for Ticket*), sud applications I Dieeasoa of Youth, Manhood and Womanhood, in silver. France has. the dual stand lb h. 30 ' | 3 25 pm 6 30 12 20a for^AgoncioH should bo addressed to cartridges to the.Indians..; This mea I with the latest treatment, theonly-work giving prePOTt TUE PURCHASEAXD SALE OF ": “ A" special :to the Detroit'Y’osi of Iseriptiona-in full, cmbracir<.everything on the rtbern Coutral IVy-1 H ON. TH O S. P. PORTER, I Generative System worth knowing, and worth all sure do.es not meet. the., emergency. It ard o f silver and gold: The two'coins July 26tbr’from Paw Paw says': [ The 4.40pin .0 55pm ••1.45am Grain, Seeds, Hides, Green and Dried G e u c r u l H a n a g c r i F r a n k f o r t , K y . I the cheap books combined— 250 lftrgo “ double column ,-^n -Brigham Young’s'; alimony .'case" Pen Yan...-......ll 02 5 53 are "legal-tender.: Can ifcbe "any-great7 48 242 I pages, and 200 plates and cugravings scut under seal Frnits, Butter, Eggs, &c., &c. does not provide against the sale -o f delegates chosen in this county on' the Watkln»:...'../..1217pi 7 00 ^ •8 37 ' •3 3S S*00am I on receipt of*61,t)0. . _ 0 . . . with Ann 4Eliza,-.-by a late*, "decision, IIavanna...Hr..l2 27. ,3.43 f 7 09 I A -Private Medical Treatise on Sexual and 3 OS powder'and lead, and;.-:if the hostiles er breach o f faith: for"-the ' United 25th are solid-.for A .[S . Dyckman, *lm*ra‘ Particular Attention Gfiven to Wool. I Chronic Diseases, Seminal Weakness,' Impotence, . .::..::...’,T 3 0 ’ 8 109’30 4 30 900 the amount made payable b y a former States to resume specie-payments and I Catarrh, Cancer, Rupture, the Opium Habit, &c., sent Troyi......rv....;3 38 10,39 > 534 10,09 192 SOUTH WATER ST., I under seal for10 cts; ...........- * decision hasJieen iednced_Lfrom '$500- "can 'obtain 'plenty . o f ' -that they wil. discharge their obligations'in'' silver "for Congress;, first," last .and', all "-the Mlnnequa.*....' 4 09 . 11 0 6 ’ G 02 10 33 I Medical Troatpient and advice, personally or by .Williamspor\. 6.10,. 12 35am *7-407 12 25pm riot want' for.-metaliic:cartridgea.' ' s y I letter at this old androliablc Institute,-which has been O H I O A G -. O . time, no compromise," complimentary •to $100 per month; and making the I operatedmany years under a Charter frositho State than "it will be for F r a n c e ? ' t * : . N’ thcmberl’d 12 40am 9 25 .2 05 A T 9 P E R C E N T ., . I Legislature. Address,2 00 9 35 '. * 115 vote, no second choice" arrangement. Sunbrry........l2 50 References:—J: J. Murpby, Cashier First Nat’J Bank, whole amount; $3,600 ' instead o f a simple-contrivance the shells of. ex TheMedical and Surgical Institute;.. .3 65 ' 1140 £10 That", the remonotizing o f "the" silver They moan thej nomination of D yck Harrisburg;... 2-45. On long timo,, in sums or not- less than SI ,000, on.forn Woodstock. Hall, Pattorsoa & Co., Union. Stock Ynr«la, ploded cartridges can.b.e reloaded, "anc -•< • ' Milwaukeo, Wlsoi 7 35 ' 6 25pm f 35 $17,500. l>iltimore.;'..7.* ' ' • and City pruporly; Chicago. -Gorman NatiooalBank, Chicago. X f l . Knlfleu, [Trademark, \ . u dollar will have the effect of. reducing *9 02. 9.07 ; "W ashington;..'; • 9 07*. Apply to * • ■ s ^ JHIwankoo. Industrial Age, Chicago. -19m4 [so'skillful' are'thei'Indians a't this work man.’-’ " * • i Philadelphia'.. 7 00am 7 35 3 80 7 20 BEST IS.THE. CHEAPEST* that afc dho-'tfme it'was deemed advis- the market value o f the bonds in gold 10 20 a Now Vork^arlO’l 0* * 10;25 .6 46: GEORGE & PFLECER, Company H , 'Bixth''" Michigan' In-; ■The^^Lansing -Republican gives" £He> .able 'to instruct'solders'to destory the is true, and that this will be true so i u j ’ « « (. i . i i w . s o u t h ;b k n i >. i a d ■fantry,' are to ..have a ’grand'reunion, following report o f the business " o f 'shells'! hefo're/'tlirbwing.' them away; long as’ silyer may remain “below the Privilege; of^Gpop-' the; State Treasurer'?- .’. ‘Z. t '[We. underataiid'fliat'.this' order is 'not standard ; but "that- involves- iio bad picnic-arid'festival at'.Charlotte Sep-, [ ‘‘ " The" balance in the State.. Treasury how.ih .'forCeJ. 'I f ‘this'be.' true;' there faith on the part o f the United States, temher "28-and 29. VXnd of.tlBiling; .WasliingJoh.City,. on-roiito] to tliQi'-'CenTO CONSUMPTIVES, MQBWnXE and INTKMPEBATE HABITS speed - ......... ... ,1 nunial,” ,,, , July 22 was $1,142,009.70j "receipts, 'is.still.a fruitful, source -’ of'supply for which was under no obligation to ; ^East Saginaw is/ to- have a'.daily ily cured;; paiidess;nd"£UbUcity,:at homeand wthout Th'o advorliaer^baving beeu porinnnHully ctued o f that Inconvenience. A n antidote that stands on its merits, “during the week ending Ju ly"29 were- 'th e ' savages'C jD urihg' 'tho ".Rosebud guarantee the value of. silver or gold, /morning -Repulicanpaperj issued-fromi ,. W i t h o u t . E r t r a G lia r g ^ o . droad iliaoaso, ConSDniptiMn; by a ■Hlhri.ne.':ti;enied^;ii ifl uuxSend stamps,for particulars. -D R ; C A R L T O N ;' i 87 ' Ions to nniko known to.hiH fellow sulh-verw the incun's (» AVashin'gton.Streetj Qhicago7rIlJ." •" .> / § 1 9 , 4 7 0 . 6 9 payments -during same _.Creek,fight GeneraLOrobk-s.c'ommand ,audrwhich reserved, the choice-,to -pay /the; office- pf',the.; weekly;; Republican: xurOi .T o Si 1’wlio;dosire jt,- he will hernia copy of. ibi v0gpExcursVonist8 should .Visit tho'Jar-famed prescriptibn iu'fled (free o f .ciirifge), w iih' tb«.(hrM;ti..i^ time were. $90,'526;92; balance".in, "fired .^sonlethingYiikel' 't e n .' .thousand 'in either coin. An illustratcdrwork, 27# Dt is to hVa;permanent a f f a i r . f;.-, . “ W a tk in a G Ie ii" in'their routof- ’ ^ ■ U ; v-. for pfepdrihg arid usiug tho^Hamof whfeh thj*y will find a pages, a private counselor 8PRB C ose , for C onsumption,- A sthma, B ronchitis, Ac. _Treasure July 2 9 ,1 8 7 6 , $1,(170,953;-, ■'sb[ofs;[7and,'discarded,..'bfc'o'urse,.'an '[[married and mar-*: . There,is^ajiide-difference between -". VRichard- -Ha][zdixr'f- o f -Port1 -Austin: PartiCK'wishing the pruscriptioii will pleaseHddnw8 v nageableonflie rnysteries* 111 C ' [Ofthe sexual system, its abusesf "47 ; - decrease " f o r -the, -week- $7l\-! ‘ ^utQ“ -htfdil>et:'76^,.cartridge? bbells. -the -cases.-qf-redemption, in sjlver.coin, v .R ev. K." A WILSON , U I I I U C . cts., latest discoveries m the/ -became-vcry#warm-16'ading -’lumKef/at > I^ ;r’T H £E A T IN G STATIONS - 44mG...... . 19* Fonn Si; WililAmsbnric.'N V ^■ mM ■ ■ flcience.of.reproductionf how t<f. 056.23; [The Jndian[,"haye sihce..'been .^in/ tbat- and’ .redemption-fin -.the? .^greenback.; •Sanilac; July-22, -drank freely;'of-ice-; On this Lino are UNBTJRPAS9EDP and'meals will b?fnr: be truly,happy in tlie.marriod relatioh.'^-Malc and- femala, young aud. middle* aged should: read and- preserve it fit •nished at suitable, hours,,and ample time allowed'to' W. E. PLIMET0R,"-" wnfoms information,.whlch no'one can sfforu lo bo wita-J The one'has-.yaluej-tbe.'other js > mere" -water, arid-started-for home':' ’ H e had fe^oy'fhein.A^.f „viA - > ** * t .■'**•*■ • ■ * * ' • »•*4 * • — f heighb[6rhob'd,'“ fan3"7have -'doubtless .out; on how to preserve the health, and complexion, and K E E D <fc * S O I V S 3 ' * ** “4 , 4 1/*** f*, * The picture o f Tilden,* published.at gathered up'Jthoae'shells aitd"converted p r o m is e o f . valuo. The: silver., un 'only-'gope'-'a few steps' w hen';he' sankonly, true C o n v e y a n ce r , I n s u r a n c e , -Pen- -'[[Be [Sure 'and Purehaso Tickets via • by Mail.ao head-o£ the columns of. many of; them infiTldaded'caiftrfdgea.'-The[true stamped,- and-,in7the,,mere. ,form.'of[ -down-in cohyulsions 'andsoon- died J * ’mail on any pf the subjects'mentioned in-hla work.-AddrcV ■’n EW XORK CENTIt'Ai," .Now Styles. c* > “ « s io n & C o lle c t io n -A g e n c y . G.^OIiLN", 137 Washington fit, Chicagq,'IU. iHOSTHKKN CENTRAL ;AUD “A ■ ie -Democratic: ;papers.of,- this;State policy would he to. enact'' a 'la'W fo'r- metal, has. an. intrinsic value ;v.the;p;a-t : - n Now Improvements; , -'/rij'I 1: t s ’ , ■ ..PENNSYLVANIA RAILROADS * Terms of Pajunont: . * * ^ ' Township' Clerk and Notary Public.. k’'AhIQNTH--AgchIs wanted every- spresents the? great ring-crusher"with’, ,bidding- the sale of-. any- kind ’j ) f ^am- per* ^unstamped,*, has-no value./.;OThei V-Horse thives are.aoing.a'liyely busi-. ^ ttteRxcai $25 cash, remainder-$10 monthly; or,- - . “ caraioii "and; Thrbugii1 Tickets ‘sold^at all Riiil■where eBusiness libnorable.anu.first; Companies represented: ‘Detroit 'Fire nud'M&flnehud ■class. Particulars .sent free.A'd dress 1 . * $50 cash, remainder $25 quarterly. . and.-;t.o -make ngte 'is.',a‘,mere; pr.omise. to;:.pay; a-;dolr: rness; ip-E^amazoo:; 3[Spmevfiye;or[-.six; .rpaj^cket - ‘ pfflces.yi;v,! iii'. 1 . '/ j .. ’•: i ’ is head stuck"- to . one 6fde,.">makih'g 'mumtiouitp^heHn^ F .t/, -jr W O R T H & .0 0 M-SULouis,M o.. Kansas Ins. Co., of Leavenworth, Han. ,, Catalogues wilh’fQll explanation sent froe. BAML.L: SEYMOUR, D.-U. BOVD. Jr. * J^-Momes collected promptly remitted.*^#. > R E E D ’ S T K B T P L E A F lI IT flH l. tin look piquant, like-a chicken lo o k - rgbo5'pri^sfoh..jfof ,its*. strict-enforce-? lan;",the.snver :is. tKe dollar, its.elf, -and; "yaluabfij howes Iyere;sM en/ a few-dayfl W **temFua’rAgent, , , Gen’lPaS«’rAgent,' ' Offlc'o over Smith Bros, & Co’s Grocery Store, Buchanan.'Micb.' " \ ’ '2Stf jtfie.-sily.er,;dollar iffiag ifeeeA-tjjeJegals ■ ig through the fence.— i/w m n y Sfem J " ^ e c a r d f OUR■TICKET;’-^ Stand From Under! T H IN G S A R E T U M B L I N G ! ALL DRT GOODS EOT1 E1 RDB.MII; A P C O M E IN A N D S EE. REDDEN A GRAHAM. L NiAL W SCIENCE W G L A S S -.* P A IN T . W ESTERN LA N D S BEST T AGENTS P SOLI D W E A L T H ! 600,000 ?SF !S NER VOUS A FORTUM E FO R OM LV $12. CASH DISTRIBUTION COMPANY THURSDAY, AUG. 31,1876,' 6 0 0 0 0 0 M ID W IFE R Y! MARRIAGE ADVERTISING A. J. Thompson & Go, COMMISSION ‘ MERCHANTS, M O N E Y TO L O A N , MARRIAGE / - “ "-I --7 r J i'i-. "r-frvV • - l* l * x *- 3 iCi 9 * it l r1 •- 9* "F *4 *8$ 1: -cnAi*-W ikcwi. sA ’i YAi* :.r * ", -- 7. '-A - The >y. jmcrncn THURSDAY MORNING, AUG. 8..1S7G. To B lackberries aro coming market. There is reported to large crop in the north and west o f the county; as largo or larger before for several years. into bo a part than Advertisers. The “ Record!1 Is the test Advertising Medium1in South-western. Michigan, hav ing the largest circulation: o f any- other paper in this part of the State. T he game o f quoits has been intro duced in this place. Wonder if the boys will become as expert at that as they did at marbles a few weeks since. A g en ts. Geo. P. Rowell & Co., 41 Park Row, N. T., S. ST. Pettiagill, SV Park Row, N. Y., and Rowell .t Chearaan, St. Louis, Missouri, are snr authorized agents to contract for advertis ing, at out lowest rates, for tho columns of the B srhikn C o c s t v R ecord , Republican Township Caucus. | f f 1 i i I A Republican Township Oaucns win h e held at the Engine House in the V illa g e o f Buchanan, on Saturday, A ug. 19th, 1876, at two: o ’clock n. m., to select eight delegates to attend the County Goaveu(ion at Berrien, on the 29 th inst., which Convention will nominate, candidates for l County Officers and State Senator. A Township. Committee will be ap pointed at the Canons on the 19th, aud also the manner of conducting Township nomination Gaucnes will come up for action m accordance with a resolution adopted at a previous Township Oaucns. A full attendance is requested. B echaxax , Aug. 1, 1S<6. D A . W aorfh , John T . B W m . P e c k w it h kars, L. P. A i . s x a x d r i :, J oseph C o \ e j ?e y , } , I Township J- j Committee. J T he whortleberry reason is about past. D r., ICendall o f Hew Buffalo was in town on Saturday. R ead TUden’s letter ot' acceptance -when it ia written. S cotch, blessings are cheap nowa days. S enator T . 1V . F erry will please accept our thanks for a copy o f a por-O oir off the Congressional Record. M iss L illie H owe returned from a six weeks’ visit in the East and South, last Wednesday evening. T he poor man is the best off when burglars come around. The man who has nothing can lose nothing. C aptain R ich ards is building an addition to his small brick: residence on Front Street. T he Independent Greenback party will hold a Congressional Convention in Three Rivers, August 226. Y ou can always toll a gentleman by the language he uses. The rule was never known to. fail. July 2-lth, John Covenoy. Jr., aged 4 months and 24 days. The father was absent at the time o f the decease. D i e d .— The Republican State Convention meets at Lansing to-d.iy. Hcxc week we will give the ticket that ui.l be elected in November next. T he Berrien County Agricultural Society has decided to hold its 26th annual fair at Niles, on Sept. 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29. % W e hear o f quite a number who intend attending the M. E. Camp Meeting at Crystal Springs, com mencing August 15th. T he visitors to the Centennial from this vicinity are returning. About all that can be learned from them: is that the show is all. there yet. A man,, with woman, hand organ, and monkey, discoursed sweet (?) music on Front Street, Saturday afternoon and gathered up: a few loose pennies. T he Gassopolls Vigilant willpublish the dilinquent tax list in Cass county and the South Haven Sentinel in Van Buren county, this year. S ojourner T ruth , who was re ported dead a few weeks since, now informs tho people that that was a mistake, and o f course she knows. <= A Hayes: and W heeler Club has been formed in Niles, with G°o. F . Edwards for President,, and Geo. S. Hoppin for Vice-President. T h e ladies: o f the Presbyterian church wish to tender their thanks to - the Buchanan Cornet Band for gra tuitous services rendered at the Lawn Social at; J .M , Matthews’, on Tuesday -j** -evening. T he Benton Harbor Palladium has been designated as the paper tp publish the list o f lands to bo sold for delinquent taxes this year; The sale will be hold at jBerrion Springs O cto ber 2d. A Lawn Social was held at J. M. Mathews’, on Tuesday evening for the benefit: o f the Presbyterian Church. Over nine dollars were taken in at the gate. The admission price was five cents. The principal excitement o f the evening was a wedding under the mask. F armers are complaining o f a want o f more rainy woathor. The ground is getting so dry as to make hard plowing; •Mr . J . P . R oss, one o f tho first settlers o f this place, has; for some time been quite sick, and we learn that the case had become o f a serious nature, but he is now improving. T h e case o f the Village o f Bu chanan against Molsbcrry & Dempsey, which has been “ hanging fire” so. long, has finally been decided in favor o f the village, and the §150 liquor tax will have to be forthcoming. J. F . H a h n complained, before Es quire Alexander that Henry Schafer had violated tho law by-selling liquor to his= son after having been notified not to do so. The case: will bo tried on Wednesday next, if not again ad journed. A man was seen to enter Mr. Wm. Pears’ barn about three o’clock: W ed nesday morning., I t is supposed for the purpose o f taking a horse from the stable- An alarm was given, but the intruder disappeared and all was quiet again. A Lawn Social for the benefit o f the- Buchanan Cornet Band was held on the Park Ground last evening. Between three and four hundred per sons were, present, showing that the citizens; o f Buchanan do appreciate a good band. The receipts of the even in g amounted to about eighty-two dollars- A pretty good help for the bayslS a close canvass of tho Congres sional Convention we find that Hon; J. 0 Burrows has the balance in his favor. Of the fifty-two delegates, Kalamazoo’ s twelve, St. Joseph’s ten, and six and probably seven of the delegates of this county, favor the nomination o f Mr. Burrows, while Cass county wilt give her eight votes for C. W. Clisbee and V an Buren. sends a delegation o f ten for Dyckman. O ne who knows from experience tells us “ How it is; done.” H o paid for his experience, but is willing to givo the readers; o f the R ecord the benefit of it,, gratis. He is one of the “ old men” mentioned by the R ec ord last week. W . H. F o r d u a m , age 60 years, weight 200 lbs., climbed the liberty pole 104 feet high, at Buchanan, some weeks ago, and put a rope; through, tho pulley .—Berrien Spnng Bra. What a whopper. No such, man and: no such liberty pole is to be found in this place. I f it were not for- these facts the above item might be true; T h a n k s — The Buchanan Cornet Band wisfi to; return, their grateful thanks to the Ladies A id Society of the M . E. jChurch and Choir for the benefit, guen them last evening by the Society, aid. to all others who by their presenceald influence assisted in ren dering the(occasion so enjoyable and pleasant; j A Gerimn named Goeschel, a gro cer in South Bend and a man o f some means, downed himself in the river at that race, on Tuesday. His ac tions befffc taking his final, bath would seel to indicate a degree o f insanity. The body was in the water about an hur before being recovered, although s roral persons were bathing in the rive: a short, distance above, at the time. A Niled[special to tho Evening News of j j y 29th says:: F. X . Bach* man, of tbi|cifcy, dealer in boots and shoes, in ^fit o f insanity, hanged himself thismorning in his store. He A l o d g e ; o f tho I. 0 . G. T . has was dead hen; the body was found. been formed o f the. printers, o f Chica Coroner Carles summoned a jury, goN one being* admitted but and they r<urned a verdict in' accor members o f the above craft. The dance; with he above facts. Finan lodge: starts* out with over fifty mem cial distressB supposed to have driv bers. en him to it T he Bank, building is receiving a general overhauling, and in the mean time tho business o f the bank will be carried on in Redden & . Graham’s store. i T he Buchanan Grange had a grand fe a st in their hall yesterday, (Wednes day) and over one hundred members and invited, friends were present to enjoy a good hearty meal. J oseph W ells ,: o f Wccsaw town ship, was arraigned before.'. Justice Alexander on Monday,, on complaint of- Gotlieb H agley for. assault. Wells plead guilty and was .finedthree dol lars and; costs; amounting J n all to nine dollars. * : . The Rep licans o f Cass County, at their Couly Convention, on Tues day, July 2jh,. elected a s . delegates to the Congssional Convention, S. T. Read, J. lj Swee tland, J. C. Bradfc, J. 0 . Early, [colored) J. H . Hitch cock, Jas. ALee, Stephen A . Bogue, and J. N - Mehall, all o f whom will vote, for O. Y Clisbee. A set o f res olutions denmeing-the resumption act o f 1875 j being detrimental to the best,interts o f the country, and sustaining thogreenback 8,65 inter convertible bet” theory; were intro duced. The Solutions were laid up on the table- l M a r s h a l Ians , has* received a postal.card fr} John -Thompson, of Sumnerville, i ; , stating 'that, he had a horse sen from his-premises J ame S C ullen - will- have' a •.public July 24th, alia card from Henry auction on his-farm four, miles west Hayes,, .of Bean Harbor;, making a o f this place; on Thursday-next.' M r : similar announment and asking the Cullen anticipates, moving to Iowa-:in Marshal to- he. olhe lookout for the a short time, where he expects to have property and ..thres. The" Marshal a little more searoom. - informs us .that (has received several o f a similar charter.There'seems B usiness Cards; — E very . parson to be a hand of is kind. |of'thieves'; in business-should keep* s.upp 1jert with .who have a prett systematic mode o f business cards. Wo. print, them in as operating, that tlr should ho able to "good style as, they can he^printed any-| take -’a horse o ..buggy* from the where, and very, cheap- 'We .have a 1 publin,'streets ah a fewhours large variety o f' card stock to select, ;.theLs\art, get o o f thv.way’o f 'all from*, •Call and see sampl'esj' *. * ch'ance of 'detectu andareVg, . . < „ Berrien County W e learn that we arc to receive a regular old-fashioned horsewhipping in return for some o f our depreda lions. Now we aro vory sorrow if such is the case, but if any man thinks it his duty to perform 'such an .unpleasant, (to us), task wo would say that from Bcvon o’clock in the morning until six m the ovoning wo will bo found in our office, Sundays excepted. T he Greenback Club o f this place adopted the following resolutions at their last meeting: “ That any mem ber o f tho Buchanan Greenback Club may withdraw from the club by re questing the secretary to orase his name from the roll.” Some are tak ing advantage o f this, while many others who openly declare that they will vote for Hayes and Wheeler, (and Burrows if nominated), are hold ing on “ a little bit” to see what will be (lone. W e have recoived from the Toledo a splendid lithograph potrait o f Rutherford "B. Hayes, which is given, gratis, to ovory subscriber to the Blade. W e are authorized to receive subscriptions for the Blade Company’s publication as follow s: Weekly Blade, §2 .0 0 ; Locke’s N a tional Magazine, § 1 .0 0 ; American Journal, 75 c ts ; Blade with Journal, §2 .8 5 ; all threo with tho R ecord, § 4 .5 0 ; Blade with R ecord §3.30 ; Magazine with R ecord, §2.30 ; Jour nal with R ecord §2.05. Blade Co. T here is considerable complaint among farmers that upon threshing they find that their wheat does not turn out so well as they expected, not yielding more than ten or twelvo bushels to the acre, where twenty or t wenty-five were expected- One thresh er tells us that in opening he finds a heavy growth of straw but lightly filled, and in the timber land the straw is generally short, but the yield about the shme as in the openings. A minister not far from this place not long since, explained to his little son, who by the way has a very good memory, that the wind was the breath o f God. A few days after, when quite a breeze was blowing, the little fellow went to his mother’s side, and looking up into her face, said: “ Mamma, God must be very tired now, for he is breathing awful hard.” T homas A nderson, a young man formerly a resident here, but now in the employ o f A.. H . Wheeler, piano and organ dealer o f South Bead, was robbed o f a valuable watch and chain and §4 or §5 in money at Jonesville, this State, on Monday night, the 24th inst., by a burglar who got into his room at the hotel and chloroformed him. His many friends here will re gret to hear of his misfortune. A D emocratic caucus was held in this place on Saturday, July 29th, to elect delegates to the Democratic County Convention: L . F . Copeland was appointed Chairman and A l. O. Howe, Secretary. The following del egates were chosen: Dr. F . H . Berrick, Col. L. F . Copeland-, EL H . Has kins, Eli W . Penwell, S. W . Redden, Sumner Black, Richard McOmber, A l. O. Howe, Joel Hartline, Dr. R . W . Pierce, Samuel, Gamp aud Gideon RouseDr. F . H . Berrick, S. W . Redden and H . H . Haskins were appointed Democratic township committee. A t the Greenback meeting, held in this place on Friday evening last, some interesting features o f the Green back party were developed, and among them, the tenacity with which some of tho leaders o f this movement cling to their own peculiar notions and ideas, as being “ sound,” “ correct,” “'the only true,” etc,, and yet, after boldly throwing down the gauntlet for dis cussion, suddenly discover that it would be policy to send to Detroit and obtain the services o f Mr. Rich ard Trevillick," in order that the “ sound,” “ correct,” etc,, may be dis cussed with one o f their own towns men, What has Become o f those twenty men who can make; a better speech than Senator Sherman, of Ohio? D ear B erries.— George Gifford, o f Wccsaw, was arraigned before Jus tice Alexander, on Monday, for pick ing whortleberries on that portion o f the Drybread’marsh owned by Peter Nolan, without the consent o f the owner. It cost him §12 for a chance to pick, as many quarts o f berries af ter going about six miles to the marsh. Mr. Gifford will hardly be apt to pick any more berries that do not belong to him without first obtaining leave o f the owner. There seems to be a gen eral feeling that whortleberries are public property in this country, but a few such cases as this will tend to prove the contrary. People who make a common practice o f taking berries in this way would'not think o f going into a man’s granary and carrying off his corn or wheat, but so far as right and wrong are concerned oneJs just as bad as tho other— nothing more nor less than stealing. Others may profit from the experienc which Mr. Gifford has paid for, and he a- little careful in the future. Record, Buchanany Thursday, . TIIE COCSTV PRESS. This came to tho latter’s knowledge and ho took steps immediately which . INilea-Dpmoerat.'l resulted in Hick’s arrest. O’ Conner - Henry Weaver^ tof this city, was tells, o f saturating rags with oil ; o f arrested in Buchanan on Monday for their different trips to the property disorderly cond.uet, and find §5.00 bo to burned; and of their work at tho and "cost, or ton days in the county buildings. B y his Bfcory sovcral fires ja il.......O n Monday Dr. Bonino was have been accounted for already.” called on to attond a Mr. Pennell who was kicked in the side by a horse, F «W 9l F irE S T O N F . while plowing. The injury was quito July 27,1876. serious.........The Gass county delega E d . R ecord :— Not seeing any nows tion to the Republican Congressional from our town for some time, I thought Convention which meets here’ Aug. I would send you a few items. 8th, was pledged to Glisbeo and he Harvest is ovor and some, have was in the city Wednesday looking threshed; but wheat in this section jollier than ever. docs not yield very well. The largest |St. Josep h R ep u blican . 1 yield so far is eleven bushels per acre; The blackberry crop promises an and from that down to three bushels, unusually largo one........... Nicholas averaging about seven or eight. Farmers who cut their hay bofore RoBwell, a Swede employed in un harvest had tho most o f it’ spoiled by loading iron ore from the schooner getting wet; but those who made hay Golden West, fell from tho scaffold after harvest had a good time for it, ing down into- the hold, on Monday and got their hay in in good condition. last, breaking three ribs besides bruis ing him otherwise, H ay is a good crop this year. It has been dry for some time, and [Niles Mirror.J is raining to-day for the first time John Metzger and Joseph J. his since" harvest. Corn looks well, gen son, and Mrs. T. Metzger a daughter, erally, yet there are some pieces that arrived here from Cambridge, Texas are pretty poor. on Saturday last, leaving Frank Metz Fruit, apples in particular, will be ger still there. They remain here until scarce this fall. Huckleberries have about December when they wiU return been plenty hut are about all gone with the intention o f making it their Blackberries are ripening, and will bo permanent hpme.. John has improved abundant. much in health. He cannot well leave More anon, T r ix . permanently his 1,200 acres here for his 1,200 thoro. They all like tho H O W I T IS DONE. country well. Crops of all kinds' look , H e was very kind and obliging. finely. Cotton on sod land will make Y ou supposed he belonged to Fore- one bale to the acre. Oldjland cotton paugh’8 institution, and was an hon one bale and a half. Corn will produce orable man— thought nothing else. from 40 to 60 bushel to the acre. Ho He kindly takes you round to see the brought with him this year’s field corn curiosities, and then asks you to step hard enough to crib. They are plant in and see them inflate the balloon. ing a second crop of.7every thing. He You wish to see it and follow him, raised sweet potatoes that weighed with two or three others. In the pas from 2 to 3 pounds each; Land is sage way lie stops, and remarks to worth from §1.50 to §5 per acre. Wm. another man in a low, confidential Squires is there starting a brick yard. tone, “ Mr. Forepaugh allows me to Corn is worth from.50 to 60 ots. Oats make a small present to a very few from 45 to 50 cts., wheat §1.25 to persons, on condition that they will §1.50. Potatoes)§1.50. Sweet Potatoes state to those outside that the show is from 40 to 50 cts. not a humbug, as many allege, but .. [Benton Harbor Times.] that they show all they promise.” The young man o f whom mention A ll this time you suspect nothing was made in la s t' week’s Times, in' wrong. You are very green, o f course, connection with the mysterious disap but others might he as green i f they pearance o f the old captain of th elit were around such places as little as tle schooner, was bound over for trial you are. While talking with the man at the circuit court. His bail was about the gift, he takes out three small fixed at §500. The young man’s cards, one with a peculiar picture on name, it seems, is Henwood, and he it, different from the other two. He hails from Buchanan,: this county....... mixes them around slowly, occasion A horse and buggy was stolen from ally letting you see the face o f the pe Ed. Burrows, on Tuesday night. culiar one. H e then lays them down, Burrows lives about four miles north backs up, and asks you to guess which of Benton Harbor; On Wednesday is the peculiar one. You do it every night a horse and bridle 'were stolen time without fail. He then explains from Henry Hayes, o f this township. to the man his manner of making the No trace has yet been found o f the g ift ; the man should put down five thieves. -Stealing seems to be. a suc dollars and he would. Then he would mix them as he had before, and i f the cessful and a lucrative business in these parts now-a-days.: man told right he was to take the whole. The man did so, guessed right, I t Y anisheth A w ay .— Do all our without any trouble, and took up his readers understand . that D . B . Degift. Ho mixes them again, plainer Land & Co.’ b Best Chemical Salerathan before, and tells you you may tus, made by H. A . DeLand & Go., is try it. In an unguarded moment, never eaten. In the process of bak (Alas, that there should he any such!) ing it all evaporates, leaving the bread you think; “ well, if you want to give light and pure.— It has been imitated, away money that easy, and on such but the counterfeit is not easily dis nple terms you can do so.” You posed of. Use it instead o f Soda or know the middle card is the one, and iking Powder. It weighs sixteen put down 'on that. But it is not tho? ounces to the paper. one at a ll! Why it is not, the devil himself, and the operator are the only Locals. two that can tell. A ll this has been.A. Double. I)an|f«r Averted. clone in just no time— in the whirl o f a moment, and without thought- But. The inhabitent o f a malarious region is' you now see through the: whole thing. threatened- by a double danger. H e is You denounce him as a cheat and a Dot only'compelled to ireaZ/te miaama, but blackleg. Y ou certainly are no gam to sioalloio it, since it affects not only the bler if you. are green; a n d 'y ou get atmosphere,’ 'b u t ’ the water; The aerial right out of there and go your way— poison threatens-its -system through the regretting much more that you should lungs and pores, the liquid through the seem to be a gambler than for the stomach. Against this double peril there is but one-protection, and that is to invig small amount you have lost. orate the entire body through the digest • * Ti'ocoertinffs o f tlie C om m on C ou u cll o r th e V iU ngo o f B n ch n n a u . A regular meeting of the Common Council of the village of Buchanan was held at -the Council room, in Engine House No. 1, on Thurs day evening, June 3 9 ,1S7B. Present— C. S. Black, President,; B. 30,»Har per, Recorder ; Messrs. Binns, Churchill, Pox, Howe and Strong, Trustees. The minutes olth e Special meeting held May 39th were read, "and on motion o f Mr. Binns, supported by Mr. Churchill, the same were ap proved. The following bills were read and referred to the Committee on Pinance and Claims: J. G. Holmes, printing. 7........ .7 .7.7 . ‘.7$42 50 M. C. R. R. Co., freight on lumber.. , . . , 20 40 J. S. Hopper &■Clo., 0,600 ft. plank.. . . . 'll 50 Binns & Rose, m use............... . 3 11 Roe & Case, 0,112-ft. Oak lumber.. . . . . , . 68 S9 Win. Pattcngell, night watch to Juno 29, 88 1r> A. P. Evans, Marshal and St. C o n i...,. 81 31 Jos. Clout, 1 day laying stone gutter.... 2 50 J. Charlwood, “ “ 3 SO 2 85 H. Johnson, draying, Atwood & Mowrey, blacksmithing . . . 2 50 H. N. Mowrdy, 1 day on Registration board and 1 day settling with Marshal, 8 00 Isaac Wilson, 2 days labor with team, 5 00 Henry Morgan, V 1-0 “ “ 11 IS James Grant, 5 21 50 Josia Dunbar, 8 1-10 <c “ 20 25 Cass Molsbcrry, 11 “ “ 27 50 P. Molsberry, 8 8-10 “ “ 22 00 8 75 Jos. Snyder. 3J “ “ Geo. Richerson, 4 “ “ 10 00 L. Baker, 2 “ “ 5 00 A. O. Day, 1 “ “ 2 50 C. S. Black, G 4-10 “ “ 1G 00. C. Ashcraft, <31-0 “ ‘‘ 5 35 Day & Rough, 14“ “ 3 75 Wm. B, Hoag, 3" “ •“ 7 50 Wm. Saddler, 5V “ “ 13 75 O. Dalrymple, 8 ‘‘ ------- ■ 7 50 O. W . Smith, 7-J“ “ 18 75 125 H. Denno, 1 day’s labor on streets', Robert Coveil, 1 1 25 Manny Matchett, 1 “ ™ . 125 Fremont Matchctt, 1 “ “ 125 Peg. Lambert, 1 “ “ 126 Henry W ood ,-5 “ “ 0 25 Prank Enos, 24 “ *■' 313 James Sweeney, 1 “• “ 1 25 Robert Lomas, 0 ““ 7 50 Jos. Anstis3, 34 3-10 “ “ 42 88 W. Powell; 25 “ “ 8125 Austin Durand, } “ “ C8 N. Arney; 17 MO " « 21 38 W . Sparks, 2 “ “ 2 60 Wm. Green, 44 “ “5 03: Chas, Hamlin, 1^“ “ 1 88 Clyde Baker, 1 “ “ 125 Hiram Fellows, 4 “ “ 5 00 Hel Dragoo, 1 0-10 “ “ 2 00James Dunbar, 7 - <r “ 7 00 S. T. Baughman, 7 S-10*‘ “ 9-75 "Wm. G. Evans; 10 “ “ 12 50 C. C. Boyce, 6 7-10 “ “ 8.37. John Donahue, 3J “ “ 4 38 Tho Finance Committee reported all the' above bills correct, and recommended their al lowance at the amounts stated. Moved by Mr. Churchill, supported by Mr.': Strong, that the hills reported correct by the: Finance Committee, bo allowed, and that the; Recorder draw the proper orders for the same. Motion carried. . . The Recorder presented and read a list of notes; due the village "for Cemetery lots, and asked that some-action-be.taken,by the Council to collect the same‘ : Moved By Mr. Strong, supported by Mr; Fox, that the notes and accounts due the village for Cemetery lots : be placed in the bands o f the Marshal for collection. Motion carried. ; . ■On motion o f Mr. Binns, the Common. Counoil adjourned. -■ - . ; . • ' B. D. H aiu’kr, Recorder. T he Niles authouties have, captur ed one o f their building burners and intend having a little free sport with him: before they let him go. He will probably bring up in Jackson. Of his depredations, a correspondent to tho Chicago Tribune, under date of July 24th, sa y s: “ During a few weeks last spring, there were a. dozen or so incendiary fires in this city, and all. efforts- o f the authorities to detect the person or persons, doing the business were futile. Yesterday, G. S. Hicks, a young, law student, was: arrested,— the complain ing witness being Jerry O’ Conner,— and taken before Justice Kellogg. Considerable interest was centered in tho case, and the court-room was crowded. O’ Conner was called-by the prosecution, and turned State’s evidence on Hicks. From his testi mony there appears to have been a •conspiracy. between the two to fire "We can furnish . you a. box*^of buildings, out o f pure deviltry. Hicks envelo’pos; with your card neatly print| was working for..a reward offered’ by, ed on them,- cheaper, .- than;- you can tho Common Council, and endeavored buy the envelopes alone" at to have .O’ Conner - arrested while'in tail " Oall and see.: the act of -failed. firing ahuildingtbut Michigan, stores. the re? if.this is ive and secretive, organs. ’ Ordinary tonics usually fail to accomplish this-—Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters ’ never. In_ the tropics, where the diseases originated by -malaria are o f a far mere, malignant type than those originated, by the same cause in the temperate'zone, .it enjoys immense and constantly increasing sales, •and there is no portion' of this continent where’ it is not the reigning specific for miasmatic fevers and disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, proceeding from malaria and other causes, , F or ^R ent .— T wo bouses in this place, inquire o f .Richards. . Nebraska Ahead: - , This year the, wheat, .barley, oat and corn crop o f Southern Nebraska, will lead any other section, o f country, A splendid crop of the finest wheat and barley is now being harvested; oats are ready for cutting -and the corn crop is in splen did condition, and nearly ready to ear-out. The enormous advances in the price of land that we have all witnessed in Illinois and Iowa, will shortly be repeated in Ne-. braska. S e n s ib le , Y ou can get7the best pure cider vinegar cheap, at the Grange store. P ositive . R esults.— Tbero are nu merous remedies that cure sometimes and become trusted as useful, but none have, ever proved so. effectual— cured so many and such remarkable cases— as Dr. A yer’s medicines. The Cherry Pectoral has restored great numbers o f patients who were believed to be hopelessly affected with consumption. Ague Cure breaks up chills § and fever quickly and surely, A yer’s Compound Extract of Sarr saparilla eradicates scrofula, and im purities of the blood, cleanse the sys tem and restores it to vigorous -health. B y its timely use many troublesome disorders that cause a decline of health are expelled or cured. A yer’s Pills and their effects are too well known everywhere to require any commendation from us here.— Scranton (Pec-) Times. ,; BUCHANAN PRICES CTJMENT. Qorrectidivtry Wednesday morningfor iht Rtcor&.’by KI2TY0IT<& YTNCEJSfT,Dealersin OroGtriisand'Pro• visions, FrontStrect, 3uchanan%Mich., Thesefigures represent theprioespaid by dealer's,[units otherwise specified. Wheat, white, por bushel.............. ......... . 1 00 Whea^ red, per bushel..... ............................. 90 Hour, White, per barrel, selling...................... 7 50 Hour, red; per barrel, selling........................... 7 00 Buckwheat Flour, selling.............. .................... 7 00 Clover Seed, per bushel................ ..................... 8 00 35mothy Seed, per bushel.....^......................... 3 00 Com, new, perbushel................... .................. . 35 Oats, per busbol...........i...i.«..................... . 30 Bran, per ton, selling....;...^...*......... .......... . 12 00 Pork, live, per hundred...^............. ................ . 7 00 Pork, dressed, per hundred........... 8 00 Pork, mess, per pound............ . 10 Com Heal, bolted,per hundred, selling......... 2 00 Plaster, per barrel,, selling........... 1 75 Hay, tiwne, per pci. ton bUU................ .................................... ...................... . S 00(5)10 00 Hay,^marsh, per ton........... ............... ......... . 5’ 0Q@6 00 Salt, fine, per barrel, selling.............. 180 Salt, coarse, per barrol, selling......... 2 50 Beans, per bushel.................... . 1 00 Wood, 13 inch, per cord......... . 1-76 Wood, 4 feet, per cord.......... . 3 50 Butter, per pound.............. 15 Bggs, per dozen....v.i............... ............ 10 Lard, per pound... Tallow, per pound............................... . 5@fl Honey, per pound........... ........................ . IS Green Apples, per bushel........^.................... 30 Chickens, per pound.. 8 Brick, per thousand, selling.........,.,.....*,..... 8:oo Hides, green, per pound*.*.*............ .............. Hides, dry, por pound...................................... . 10@16 Belts.. 50@1 50 Mackerel, No. 1, per pound,'selling............... 123* White Fish, por pound, selling..*...*....*........ 10 , ■"V . V . ■!.:. *. L etter?H eads,, -Note H eads, etc. — W e make a .specialty o f this class o f work, and claim we cannot be beat, either in quality o f .work or prices. Come, and :see "us^when you want work o f this description, and we will guar-; antee to g iv e , you complete satis faction. ' " ■O hio - hasva-champion ?.Bagaciousdog. -A t all; times very savage on the approach h f strangers he recently aBtonisheditber community: b y , joyous ly .welcoming A ,man in a light wagon •who tied. up[at_the hitching post be fo r e the house.- The .dog had never -seen-the man before but -something in thejlighfc wagon, put him on his good ' behavior.,*^ It was.'alj'Ligbt'Running Domestic” /a n d "th e -man" a “ Domes,tic” agent./5 _ , - a lw tfy a th e ;fo u n a A % u d t ■V-jt- r+ p 1 N T J E N i ' ' E C ^ .S H Z O IP B IS T E D -A .T G Where you can see the best line of That has ever been brought to this city, and no charge for showing goods. Our prices are lower than ever. W e keep everything tha belongs to a -first- class D ry Goods Store. , A . I X j» j JE3 A X -- In all the difierent kinds, and will trim your paper F R E E : friends and customers for past favors, we remain, Thanking R espectfully Y ours , s. p. & a a Old Sewing Machines for F^eW MacMnes. A ll kinds o f repairing done. First-class Sewing Machines C H E A P F O R C AS H, and sold on easy monthly payments. Embroidering, Fancy Stitching and Stamping done. F. B. E A G L E S F IE L D , Agent. P. O. B ox 331. Front Street, B uchanan, M ich . • Berrien Co. In all that goes to make up a first-class local paper is not excelled in Southern Michigan. Its colums contain an account o f the local events and home news in full, and this feature alone makes it almost an indispensable necessi ty in every household in the county. Subscription price $2 per year. deducted if paid in advance. 50* cents 15 cents extra for postage when sent outside the county. Promptly and neatly executed, and satisfaction guaranteed. G-. HOLMES, Publisher and Proprietor, BUCHANAN* MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. T im e T a b l e —N o v . 2 1 , I S 7 5 . *Mail. 5 00 A .M . 5 ‘15 6 40 7 32 7 55 8 4 2 .... . 9 00 9 27 9 "52 1010 1045 LI 12 1152 12 45 B. M 114 r 2 08 212 . 2 45 . 310 . 3 25 . 3 52 ... '4 T 5 . ' 445 . f> 30 r 5 -15 , Kensington*........... . . Lako......................... . Michigan City.’..... . . Niles....... Dowagiflo..... Lawton.......... Kalamazoo..... Galesburg...... Albion ... Jackson.. Chelsea...*..*..'....... Dexter............... ♦Mail. 7 00 A. M Yysilnufi...... '..... .Anu Arbor.......... Dextor ....................... Chelsea...... . Grass hake.............. . Jackson............. Ar Jackson............. ..Lv. Albion ............ UarahttU................... Battle Creek...*..*.,.. Galesburg;....***.....'**. KalamazoO....... Lawtou;........ v Decatur Dowaginc.................. Niles........................... Baohanan..*,*........ Now Buffalo.....*...... Michigan City...,.*... Lake. ......... . Kenaingfcou...... ...... Chicago;.........,'....Ar *Accom. 4 00 P .M . 4 45 . 530 6 30 0 55 7 50 8 20 8 49 915 9 35 10 10 - 7 00 A .M . 7 30: 7 56 8 13 8 30 8 5n”^ ” 9 *23 IU00 10 15 'Accom. A 00 P.M . JUight Express. 9 OOP. M 9 43 10 25 1115 n 35 12 20 A. Mi 12 35 1 01 1 25 5 23 5 50 6 08 628 G4S * * 70S 745 8 00 itiveuiug Kxmoss. ooo i-.hr. _1 5 ^ 'S t a t e S t x -e e t y O liie a jy o > Gcncral Agents for Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, and Western- Territo- AGENTS WANTED. A L A C E O R G Manufactured by the “ " ' LOEiire &blase 0KaA|r' co. 140 6 45 7 15 1155 *-( O f W o r c e s t e r , M a s s . «£: T o l e d o , ” <».) Mixod. JEK CESI. pileroet;' Upn’ t ra-a nay ;yoar hddr^s by'POSTAX CARD to tun d, - FA R R A R & W H E E L E R , (TRADE MARK.) xiNDS. __goodAgriCTiltoral^XAtids^oiiT^N oSSfew*£ * .B * J OP h ANlS. . . . . . . NO SHUTTLE TO THREAD, .Does not oil the thread or goods.* No expense from wear of shuttles. * *■_ It is tho simplest and easiest to handle, rnas easily, 'ing. ' It Will sew the lioaviest or lightest goods, and from quietly and rapidly. I t is witiioura rival for th'S .family one to the other witbOQt chango ot tensionor the workshop*. T H E N E W W H E E L E R «fc W I L S O N N O . G M A C H I N E is recommended for Leather work ; and the N E W N O . 7 forLeaitherworkahd;Tailpripg--espfciftlIy for Tailoring, ’ “ ' *■’ P 1240 A .M . Big Itapidsil;.l.v..’i.r.... C2i3oS;]M. 7;0p.^L.;M( ’Muskeeon ;8.J5-«S.»- -6i5o;.?.-Grand Rapids........... lLOO,^ . 8,00;*-*. St.-Jo’s AcSt Joseph ’...... . •3H5-P7;Mi rjlOTAJ Mir o 3o?a .:, i .w- V.hV- -.055. yLincoluJ.';..'.'.'..";.^.;.^ /3.27-1:<--v ,SteYenavilIe:i.'*v^;-;:» *7 15“ L-riw....—.. - 7 35- . f •Morris Bridgeman.............. . 3 5 0 . , _2 3 5 : .’4;03--^. 1- ■4.-^#..; . .. ,Z:m ♦Brown'si....^.'. •S05, *7-. .1 Y’.*-1 • sis; •Troy ...i:...-.r....’.:r.'..M. i •Obikaminjr-/..'*'*.-.-:.’.;.'..- 4 J 5 ,, .r* 8,30; .’T:- : 8 10♦Wilkinson’s *,^.T.;-.-r.. 419 k' **Tovm Lino.....r....Y- 7423; -- - ••^ fr 8,50 s. cNew. Buffalo,.-.. .n.C.A. ’ 4 35\ . o io; • ’ s” NifiW machine with STRAIGHT needle. lTio work tdns back from the operator. ' It has a take-up, preventing tho*thread frdrn brfak- 115QP.M . Jivoniug Xxprefo. __ F am ily Sew ing M achine, N o, 8. 3 47 407 . 4 52 v^TRAINSSOUTIT.^.i,. •passengorat THE HEW WHEELER &W R S W 216 2 3S 7 57 A:50 •047'5 2^ S 31 712s 8 50 • 5 40 7 45 9;*20 6 00 S 10 041 6 23 S 28 0 49 10 07 S 55 10 JO 7 15 9 25 10 45 9 30 , 10 25 1L35 i2 2 5 1>. ar 10 58 1.00 . 1137 ■1'31 1210 A . »lt. 1 52 4 00 A. M. 12 30 2 35 4 41*. 105 2 52 5 00 : fc125 3’IC 5 26 :* i ! 3 45 . 6 10, , 230 3 59 6 25 * 2 45 4 43 7 21........ 340* 510 4 05 VO - . 5 48 s!35 .4 52 645. 9 35 5 42* 730 1020 0 30 ♦Town Lino'..;,....;.... ♦Wilkinson's,.... Chickaming............ Troy ...... ♦Brown’s Bridgeman. 1200M. Morris...... *................ Stevensvillo..... *....... 1210 •Lincoln........... St. Joseph*;;,,.-*,,,.*,.* 12Q 5 GrandRapida............ 4 40 Muskegon.......... ;arr. 7 00 Pontwater..... . ^ -1 ' S ])rug E Special ITotices, “ A ir their any letters for my wimmin folks „ said a: plain looking old gentleman -at the post "office the other ♦Sundays orcepted/ JSaturday and Sunday excepted H. B, I iedyard, W m. B. Strong* *day.' ■“ N o;” .' said-- the post-master, Ass't Gen. Sup't, Detroit. Gen'l £up% Chicago “ but here’s' a big j a t x envelope Hjekrt O. W entworth, Gen'i Pass. Agent, Ghicago. with some-pictures on the front for your daughters” . '“ Jis’ . what I ,camel CHICAGO & MICH, i : SHORE R . R. down arterj^said the ‘old -'gentlemen; smiling, “ Melindy’s going to be mar N and after Sunday, Kov. 21, 18T5, ‘ trains Will run ried ; nan’ this ;here’s one o f them Oas follow s: TRAINS NORTH. bandy ‘Domestic’ papper patruns to Lay . . Night’ ' BxpTess, Express'. out out Her weddin’ gown'd by.” No w B uffalo...*....*..-* 1125 A . M. NoBLE.has a fall; stock ofCBuell’s Boss Boots.’ 7;- - ' : ' A Sowing Machine for pay is a very good thing, but a Sewing Ma chine free is bett’er, and it is a good ono too. For particulars write to H. O. Morell, Bon &.'Co., Philadelphia, Pa. • Two good cigars for five cents at the Sign o f the Sugar Tub. ’ B inns & R ose are packing apples to ship. Farmers having choice, picked fruit can find sale for it at their store; A d v ic e - You aro asked every day through the columns: o f newspapers and by your Druggist to use something for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint that you know nothing about, you get dis couraged spending money with but little success. Now to give'-you satis factory proof that Green ’ s A ugust F lower will cure you o f Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint with all its ef fects, such as Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Costivenoss, Palpatation of the Heart, Heart Burn, Water-brash, coming, up o f food after eating, low spirits etc., we ask you to go to your Druggist, O. E. Woods & Co., and get a sample bottlo of Green’ s A ugust F lower for 10 cents and try it, or a regular size for 75 cents, two doses will relieve you. S pencer & B arnes would call at tention to their card on the first page. for C " the finest corn crop in the whole West. R emember .you can always get more goods for your butter and eggs at the Sign of the'Sugar Tub than anywhere else'in to.wn. F our pounds o f choice Rio §1.00, at the Grange Store. • ' The truth will at last be sure to '"prove itself. • No young State lias had more false hoods to fight against' than, Nebraska. She is showing herself, however, to be the banner State of our bread raising country. Last year she had a fair wheat, .crop, and Choice Japan Tea for 80 cents, at S. &. W . W ’ Smith’s. C ome in and see o u r good s and H . J. H o w e . prices. is m August T H E B E S T I N TI£!l 'W O R L D * « ; Tor tho follow lnffScosoi^fe^j^ — motla in — taJiv.. a: : - , ’ _ w 11*' . r i l : faint L The most.w^no-de'with , ■8 can not be »dueerl-cqfiSes..'but little effort-.^- _. , , ■ Sof tfie air desired. ; .PaPacitj-.ig0 : The^best-m ade and most elegant ca^Jeet to supply Noshoadvornaments-used—Kot/ij«£rj;V E v e r y O r g a n f u l l y w a,-t-antea f p r -flvey,-c ^ -r . Writd.to us lor-mustrated Gatalosno aud •whicli will bfeiuailed postpaid on application,- A®. L .O R IN C & B L A K E O R G A N C O ? ; T O L E D O , - tp - 032SO >„ , - ~TJ. S . A . ' *s t Oak St.5Buehaiiaii. « rrrt The. ;Berrien S a n d a l R e a d in g , T H E S E E T O T .it U I U . Two jolly, topers once, sat in sji inn, discussing, the. merits o f brandy and gin. »Jne- said to, the other, “ I tell you what, Bill, J’ve been hearing to-day o f the teetotal mill. T or muBt.jcnow that this comical mill has been bnilt f i t old, broken casks when the liquor’s been ^spiltj • T ou go up some high steps, and when at the sill, Tbu’ve a paper to sign at the; teetotal mill; •‘You promise, by Eigning' this paper, I think, Ifhat ale, wine; and spirits you never will drink; T ou give, up (as. they call it) such rascally awillv~ And then go in to the teetotal mill. jpROBATE ORDER,—Stat e oCM lOhlgna ,Cfoiraty orBerrleu, 93.—A t aaoaskm, o f tlio Probate Courtfor the CountyofBorrien.holdttii at tlie Probata Office, in the Tillago^ o f Berrien Spriuga, on Saturday, the 8th day of Jaly,. in the year oao thousand oftrht hnudred and aavonty-six. Present, Daniel Chapman, Judge o f ProbAte * In tho matter of. the Estato of Lesley Smith, deceased. Omreading. aadfittng the petition,duly verified, of Levi Logan, Administrator de bouts non* pr&ylog that a time and pinco may he aasigned for the exoraioadon and allowance o f his final account as such administrator.' Thereupon It la ordered, that Tuesday, the 8th day of August next,.'at IQ o’clock in tho forenoon, be assign* ed for the hearing of said petition, and that tho heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in. said ostate, are 'required to nppoat at a session ofsaidGonrt,then to be holden at theProbate Office,in the ylllAgeof.Berrien Springs,andshow cause,If any thereto Why the prayerof the petitioner should not bo granted. And itl efurthorordered,that sold petitioner givo notice to the persons Intereatedlu said estate, of the pendency o f s a ii petition,, and tho hearing thereof*, bycausing; a copy o f this- Order to ho published In •the Berrien- County. R ecord a newspaperprinted an^clrcnlatod in said Gouuty o f Berrien, for throe successive* weeks prevloustoaaiddayofhearisg. [ L .S il DANIEL CHAPMAN, ’ ........A true copy, 22w4 J u d o e o f Probate. , quickly came out the picture o f health, . 1* walked briskly oil' on: the highway to W e a lth ; *ud as onward he pressed, he shouted out, Still; “ Success to the wheel o f the teetotal mill.” The next: that went in was a man. and his w ife; For many- long years they’d, been living in strife; He had beat. and. abused her, and; swore he would kill, But his heart took, a turn, in. the teetotal mill. And when b e came out, bow happy was he 1~” Steady, honest, and sober, — how happy was she 1 They no- more; contend, “Ho, -you shan't “ Yes, X will.” ' They were blessing together the teetotal mill. Next came a rough fellow, as grim as a Turk, To curse and to swear seemed his principal w ork ; He swore, that thatmorning h!S “ skin he would fill,” And, drunk an he was, he reeled into the mill. Cheerful Christians. God does not drive ns into his vine yard, nor keep ns there by holt and shackle and whip. W e are not forced to serve Christ any more than ire were, driven to love him. W e do It o f onr own free will, and therefore cheer fully; The average state, therefore, o f a Christian soul should be a happy one* Christians should sing while they work, as birds do while; building their nests and gathering food for their young. W e remember hearing, a. story o f a ferryman who agreed to take a l o v e ly girl, who was flying from a cruel fath er, over the river, and* before starting, he turned to her lover, and said, “ A s long as you hear me singing, you may knew we are safe.” Welly they started. Darkness and the storm closed in up on them ; hut ever and anon, through the roar o f the gale and the surge o f the billow; came to the anxious listen er, ringing loud and clear, the notes o f the boatman’s song. This is pre cisely the case with those who are seeking escape from Satan. Amid, no matter what perils, never despair o f a sou l; for while, over the roar o f a fierc er storm and the Surge o f wilder billow, you can feel it is safe. Who does not remember that; passage in The Pil grim’s Progress where a disciple is represented as going down into a dark v alley; and, as he is about to give up, and turn back in despair, he hears a strong; clear voice ahead o f him, chant ing, “ Though I walk through the Valley o f the shadow o f death, I will fear no evil,” and he takes courage, and goes on. . Brave song, thart! And so, perhaps, my good brother or sister in Christ, there may he some poor soul hack o f you creeping along: with fear and trembling amid the exper ience o f life, poor, timid and broken hearted: Y ou cannot go hack and * creep with him ; you connot go hack amid.the darkness o f that despair with him f ’hut you can do one thing— you can lift up your voice, and sing some Song o f holy confidence, some sublime hymn o f tru st; and God shall float the sounds back to that halting: soul, and he shall he cheered and strength ened and saved by your joy . “ Rejoice evermore.” Gen.Pass. Ag’t, Chicago. 0 kinds of produce, corn, Hour and oatd f ' 1 : ' * *^C|'ice9t or blitter, ou whicli nTcustoroer dotes. “g*u quallty and. price can none"others compete, M o .a W. a\ ' iats. «✓ . y *n g ^ in g an The yesa vlo^VVYill be rememberauswer the.h®! ed* >^es, .upoa the wreck o f - 8063 a- picture o f his' own ‘ ^ v rage th0re c^ n o t be: nth, and without truth.ther can be no other virtue.Men want restraining as well ai propelhng power. The good ship is pro vided with' anchors as well as sails. ^ y r u p s aud Sugars we’ ll sliow Vou^vith pride; ; ' ^ i v e s a tia tio n wherever they ore tried, Gilt Edge Butter, &e., Nice Dried Poaches, . Hice Canned Fruit, ! ^^onsistibg of everything foi-tho toilpf in,tiH.o, 'g v e r y articlo waitanted to boautifuliy diffusa. ■ Nice Raisins, ^g^emembor onr sodas, which are always on htihda; Nice New Pickles,Nice Buckwheat Flour, ’ . Nice Salt, coarse and fine, Nice R io and Java Coffee, ’^'mperial soap—in fact soap of all brands. Ira tobaccos, both smoking and chewing, ^^^olations and powders, for laundry blueing; ranges, lemons, and extracts we never dilute. careful attention wo select all our wares, distressed Yeast That W ill Not Stay ©own. Remember die place— 58 Front Street, Buchanan, Mich. TO THIS STATEMENT AND THE MACHINE ITSELF W e' invite the attention o f all, especially those -haying high mechanical skill or observation. N . B.—A ll Machines fully warranted. Also, the. best stock of- DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., THE ENEMY OF DISEASE! THE FOE O f P A IN N e w r TO M A N A N D B E A S T JHXTSTANGL IN IM E N T sto o d t h e G LASSW ARE, ;w ”. Queensware I s t h o G r a n d 1)1(1]4 h a s t e s t o f Y o rk L A D IE S . U S E “ D O M E S T IC ” 1 In town. Crockery Please call and look for yourselves. Of you order your goods in a hurry, Smith & Son have der hosses vot goes dere pefore you starts avay. 40 There is no sore it will not heal, no lameness it will not care, no ache, no pain, that afflicts the human body, or the body of a horse or other domestic animal, that does not yield to its magio touch. A bottle costing 2oc., 60c, or §1.00, has often saved the life of a human being, and restored to life- and usefulness many a valuable horse. 4yl S fifS IT H & " 8 0 N , Ish der bosses vat shtop in. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, F or the relief and cure o f all clerange, ments in the stom ach, liver, and. bow els. They are a mild, aperient, and an excellentpurgative. B eing purely vege table, they contain m ercury or mine ra l whatever. Much serious sickness and suffering is prevent ed b y their timely u se; and every family should have them on hand for 'their protection and relief, when required. perience has ed them to... b o . tlie L on g experience J____p_rov ____________ . —safost, surest, and best or all the F i l l s with winch the market abounds. 33y their occasional use; the blood Is purified, the corruptions o f the sys” cf, obstructions tern expelleu, ------------------ ---removed, ----------- , aud ... tho whole machinery o f life restored to its Healthy activity. Internal organs which, becom e clogged, and sluggish are cleansed b y A y e r ’ s F i l l s , and stimulated into action. Thus incipient disease is changed into health, the value o f which change, when reckoned, on the vast multitudes w ho enjoy it, can hardly b e computed. Their sugar coating ; makes them pleasant to take, and preserves their . virtues unimpaired fo r any length o f rime, so CUSTOM This is the famous Threshing machine that has “ swept the field” and created such a revolution in the trade,, by its matchless Grain -Saving and T ime-Sav ing principles. -nvi TH B ENORMOUS WASTAGE of grain, so inevitable with other styles of Threshers, can be SAVED by this Improved Machine, sufficient, on every job, to more titan. pa y dll expenses of threshing. FLAX, TIMOTHY, BULLET, HtiHGABIAN- andlike seeds are tbroshed, separated, cleaned and eared ^ as easily and perfectly as Wheat, Oats, Bye or Barley. <* A il EXTEA PBICE is usually paid*for grain and seeds cleaned by this machine, for extra cleanliness. UT THE -WET GBAIM of 1875, these were substan tially the ONLY BliOHINES that could run with profit or economy, doing fast, thorough and perfect work,: when others utterly failed. ALL GRAIN, TIME and MONEY wasting complica tions, such as “Endless Aprons,”. “Baddies," “ Beaters,,v “ Bickers,” etc., are entirely dispensed with; less than, one-half the usual Gears, Balts, Boxes, and Journals; easier managed; more durablo; light running; no costlyrepaiis; nodust; no “ litterings” to cleanup; not troubled by adverse winds, rain or storms. FAEMEES and GBAIN. BAISEBS who. are’ potted in the large saving mado by it will not employ infe rior and wasteful machines, but will insist on this, improved Thresher doing their work. FOUB SIZES made for 6, 8, 10 and 12 Horae Powers. Also a specialty o f S epaitatobs, designed and made expressly ran sxeasi power. TWO STYLES OF HOBSE POWERS, viz.: our im proved "Triple, Gear,” and our “ Spur Speed” [(Wood bury Style), both “ Mounted ’ton four wheels. IF INTERESTED in Threshing or Grain Baising, apply to our nearest Dealer, or write to ns forHlustroted Circular free), giving full particulars of Sizes, ---------------------------‘ id Cir ' (eout ' Styles, Prices, Terms, etc. <s& N ichols, Shepard & Co,, per to F ull directions are given on the wrappi each box , h ow to use them aa a Fam ily Physic; ----------which these and for' the follow ing complaints, F ill s rapidly cu r e :— F or B y s p c p s i a o r I n d i g e s t i o n , S i s t l c s s n c s s , L a i w n o r and L o s s o f A i , p e t i t e , they should b e taken m oderately to stimulate tho stom ach, and restore its healthy bone and action. F or X i v c r C o m p l a i n t and its various symp toms, S i l i o u s H e a d a c h e , S i c k H e a d a c h e , J a u n d ic e or G r e e n S ic k n e s s ,B ilI o n s C o l i c and B i l i o u s P e v e r s , the;- should b e judiciously taken fo r each case, to correct the diseased action or rem ove the ohstructions which cause it. F o r D y s e n t e r y o r I> ia r r!to e a ,;b u fc one inild dose is generally required. F or B l i e u m a t i s m , « 5 o u t , G r a v e l , P a l p ita tio n o f th o H e a r t , P a i n in th o i$i<lo, B a c k and L o i n s , they should b e contin uously taken, Us required, to change the diseased notion o f tho system. W ith such change those complaints disappear. F o r B r o p s y and M r o p s i c a l S n e l l i n g s , they should bo taken in large and frequent doses to produce tho effect o f a drastic purge. F or S u p p r e s s i o n , a large dose should b e taken, as it produces the desn-ed effect b y sym pathy. As a D i n n e r F i l l , take one or two F i l l s to promote digestion and relieve tho stomach. A n occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the ence it is----------------often advantageous where system. H ---------------- no. serious derangement exists. One w h o feels tolerably w ell, often finds that a dose o f these F i l l s makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect oil the digestive apparatus. PREPARED BY D r . J". <7. A Y F H Ss C O ., Practical C h e m is ts , F O W E X iJ j, M A S S ., V . S . A . FINE BOOKS A SPECIALTY. BOB SALE B Y ALL DBUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. & 00. M cO LTJRG IMPORTERS, B. T. MORIiEY 117 & i 19 State St., C hicago, Keep constantly in stock, as heretofore, the largest and best selection to be found in the West o f S ta n d a rd L ib r a r y B o o k s in the best editions, and in all varieties of binding, Illustrated Gift Book's, Awarded the Highest Modal at Vienna. E. & H . T. A N T H O N Y & 0 0 ., (591 B r o a d T r a y ,3 f e w X o r k . K IN G E R Y & M A R B L E , D P r o p B i e t o r s . Engravings, Chromos and Frames. The m ill has recently undergone repairs and is better able than, for years previous to do all kinds o f w ork promptly and in the very best condition. Orders for Flour, Meal, Feed, & c., for the wholesale ana retail trade prom ptly filled. P p S p e c ial attention paid to custom grinding. SATISFACTION Albums, Graphoscopes, Photographs, BUCHANAN FLOIIBING_ MILLS. ROUGH & PeS I bOPRIETORS. Gash Paid tor Wheat, Corn, fee CSfSTOM WORK CAREFULLY T 8 RT5>li:i) TO. AT- Photographic Materials. ' We are Headquarters for everything in the way of Stereopticons and Magic Lanterns, Being Manufacturers of tho. MICR O-SCIJENTIFIC L A N T E R N , STEREO-PANOPTJCON, U NIVERSITY STEREOPTICON, AD V E R T IS E R ’ S STEREOPTICON ARTOPTICON, SCHOOL LANTERN, TAMILY LANTERN. PEOPLE’S LANTERN Each style being tlie best of its class in the market. Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, with directions for using, sect on application. Any enterpriajngman can make money with a Magic Lantern. -S^-Tisitors to the Centennial Exposition will do wiselv to defer purriiasing goods in our line until they come to our store in New York, where theywill find greater variety and more moderate prices, and can select more at their leisure. But we have a concession, to sell some styles of our goods in the building of the Department of Public Comfort, and thosenot coming to New York are invited to call on representation there^**A. full stock of views of the Exposition Bni! dings and their contents. J&5“Cut out this advertisement for reference.'^V B T R E m r & S M IT H ’S HAS visited PW rB & n m L m PUBLICATIONS. ¥ 6 AM S. SC H O O L BOCKS, H e says that lie is too busy to advertise Ms “ White Iron” Plows and Points, G h F o n ie D is e a s e s TM BOAT, HEAET STOMACH, Has a good assortment of Time-Pieces, Jewelry, Spet\a cles, &c„ cheap. Special attention given to repairing T7oodenj Ancient and Marino Time-Pieces. All work i his line done with neatnesss and dispatch; and warranted, Store on Haiti! Street, thro© doors north of the Bank, Buchanan, JMich. NO M ORE H IG H P R IC E S . The old arrangement of charging high prices, and then throwing off large discounts and commissions, W E HATE DONE AW AY WITH. " It; M a y S a y e Y o iu - l u t e . Now wo put all our friends on au even basis, and deal direct with all. The most wonderful medical-discovory know t, man D r . Marshal’s L uxq S yrup, will positively cure Con • TH E N E W P L A N W O R K S W E LL ; sumption in its first stages, and all diseases of theThroat Tlioso who buy of us are delighted with getting a firstLungs, and Chest. This almost miraculous compound Is class Piano at a far less price than they thought such an the discovery of Dr. E. T. Marshall, Fort Wayne, Indiana instrument could be afforded. while experimenting for hi3 0wn health, ana was the All our Pianos have full iron frames, overstrung bass, means of saving his life. No medicine has ever yet been aud solid rosewood mouldings. introduced to the American people, likeit. It is war •Mo. 1 .—R o s e w o o d , 7 ^ Octave,- Grand Scale, Round ranted to break up and euro the most troublesome Cou Corners, Length— 0 to 30 in. Width—3 ft. 5 in/ in an incredibly short time.. There is no remedy that P rice {boxed) with Stool and•Cboer, S275 can Bhowmore evidence of real merit than Dr . Marshal ’ s L ung-Syrup , for curing Consumption, Spitting of Blood T fo . 2,r—Same as No. 1, with additional Waving Mould severo Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma. Croup, otc ing on Baso. It acts on the kidneys, and on the liver, and is perfectly P rice (boxed), with Stool and Cover, $285. harmless to tho mo6t delicate child, being a purely vege N o * 3 .—AU Round Corners, Carvod Moulding Top of table compound. Ask your druggist for D r . M arshal’ s Case. Full Agraffe. L unq Syrup,, take no other, as.its equal .does not exist Price (boxed), with Stool and Cover, $300. Price 25o; DOc, and $1 per bottle. For sale, by all the. £ lC i ? a u t 3 > s t r iu g U p r i g h t , 8 3 2 5 , principal druggists. 0 . E. W oods & Co., Agents, Bu chanan. Mich. 35m6. R E A B T H IS ! ST A T IO N E R Y . 4&*0ar facilities for supplying dealers at tho lowest rates are equal to those of any exclusively stationery house. J9 **Propriotor8 of iho superior . Embracing all tho different sizes and styles. These pa pers possess advantages over all others, at tho prices. Send for samples. THESUMMER CAME-CRQQUET. "Wo claim for tb e STANDARD Croquet sold by us, that it is the'beat in the market for the price. Send for our prico list* jy B u y e rs and dealers are invited to call upon us be fore making their purchases elsewhere. 4^-Correspondenco solicited from Library Committees,, dealers, and all persons interested in the purchase ofBooks. Price lists, terms, otc.. furnished on application' ’ jjg -A cordial invitation i* extended to all to visit our* now and beautiful store, and oxamine our stock at their leisure. 8 2 W. Madison St., Chicago, FOUNDED BY X > X t. C . B I G E L O W , Wboifl &renUt rrado&teoCUedle&l College, aadhasbeeo long er engaged in tbe treatment- of all VENEREAL, SEXUAL tod CHROKIO DISEASES than so t other physician In Chicago. SYPHILIS,' GOJfOURHtEA, GLEET, STRICTURE, ORCUKTIS, 1IERSLL all Urinary disease*, or xoercnrlal affection* «r tho throat, skla or hone*, treatedwithnnparaUeled success, nml&test scteaUfle princlples.ia halt the nstxaltime, safely; prl- . - « p i’RXATOBRn<EA, SEXUAL DEBILITT and UPO- . 9EXCY,a* the resultof self abase la yoath, aexnal excesses In ■satnreryears, or other causes, which produce some or the fol lowing effects: Nervousness, seminal emissions, debility, dim-, mesa of sight, defective memory; pimples on the face, aversion to aocioty, loss of sexual power, etc., rendering MARRIAGE IMPROPER, are permanently cored. Pamphlet (36 pages) re nting, to the above, sent in sealed envelopes, for two 3-cent ; ------- - or .................. IHKfiffiP^ConsaUatioa at office hy mail invited. Hi* xm* Iria TEETH ONLY $10. ’ 131. R O E , -DEALER IN— . C L O C K S , W atches, Jew elry, SC H O O L BOOKS, Dr. L. L. CARMER. Dentist; Stationery, Music, Periodicals, Has permanently located at. Bridgman, Mich., to prac taco in all branches of the profession. With a largo ex. -perience, he. warrants his work to compete with any DehT •tlst-East or W est.: A full TTpper: or Lower Sot of Teeth for $10, warranted to.ho of the very best material and to !give, perfect satisfaction or no charge. Fine gold fillings at reduced rates.* 'Call and .;see. Teeth extracted with little or no pain,; . . . •’.'Office for; the present at residence; •' * Daily and W eekly Papers, & c., &c. . IS -A B h aroof tho public patronage solicited. Store, corner of Front and Main streets^ in tbe room, formerly occupied byTV. H.FoXj Ruchanani Mich. " *• r inUr£3HfJa^s and gentlemen. Cures guaranteed. Harness Makers,-B.oot Makers, PATHOLOGY. Manufacturers &1Builders,: ■ ;w.-sasggasss:w ill find all klnda o f - - a u i .,. repnui E a tin g H o n se and Ice b« had at the news depot of J.*H. Roe. - tf A + ‘ “| ?A ?.^ J lD .B B IL D ilt«E k A T E £lii;B 7 A T J . 5 . - TUVi - — ‘ " ‘ i M ISS?M A R Y A R T H U R H A8 fitted, up rooms In- Dunbar’s BriokV second doo east of the Ba&k, where she intends to ksep latan 5vB-H6BM.and aXei Oroam Baloon* ■ H U G U k tin . <11 ■. w < fu ? -% ■ • •• m sm In making remittances for subscript*., always pro cure a draft on New York, or a Post-01b Money Order, if possible. Where neither of these cane procured, Bend tho money, but always in a registeredjfera The regis tration feo is ten cents, and tbe presenfegistration sys tem has been found by the postal au/nties to bo vir tually an.absolute protection against lies by mail.. All Postma >tors are obliged to register tors whenever re quested to do so. | In addressing letters to Street & STu, do not omit our M ox Number. By a recent ordof the Post-Office Department this i3 absolutely ueces^, to insure tbe prompt delivery of letters. ) A11 Letters should he addressed to ! - S T R E E T &, S fITH , P. Box 4S9G. • SEN D FOR -- C IR C U LA R . R A V E N & C O ., „ ' 2S E a s t U t l i S tre e t, S e w Y o r k fV ^ ^ :rsel£yoTi. ;ri;watcU: arid u C c C l -fv M lJ ,l^l J#^doliverit..to. ypU’ immediately; •-yo'ui'canipay’ 6p'cenfsiper,week-K‘ nnttiipaid*for/“:.Thi9 j s n " rare cbauce to obtain a time piece. . ^ A M * J* B* T H O B P , J r . , " . . I8w4 t D1TB0IT,' MICH. X 2 5 , 2 7 , 2 9 * 31<*se S < ., Jf. Y . [ap27 ollmG) | pTom mms whom Pen^ns are A T in * E V J S D E ll S o l d i e r J ^ ^ A A ^ e B I S A B L E D ule in the line and discharge of duty, oittoby ancidont or otherwise, should havo a peDn. Tbo loss of a finger entitles you to a popn. A rup^aie, no matter how slight, gives yApension. Tho Iobs of a toe gives yoipensiooi. The loss of au eye gives y* pension*. _ 4 ^ r o i ” 2 ™ f i j r Le y o u ^ o n .EA .sEij> United States Claim A'genV ia n Atolis^ I nd, , jB^^On. all letters tnarkO* Box PleasestateIn what paperyousa« adverOscment.. M O N E Y I t ! LOAN N SUMS' TO STHTi dn ap froin .three to, five years, ALSO, REAL rea l estate^Beourlly O T AGENT K ^ S 'X E G O B S . OlOo* Blok l. B. A U xtii'F : out Street, BnekaDftB 49tr Errors7c Youth. GENTtEM^NiSvv>.%offi|.forTto^ SyonthfifiindiBcrp'P” sake otanffarinsAu.;. ■m'.inty, aondfc'” to *11 who‘ ;l it;tborecipe end direc tion for. m rf!|lS -the :BinipI»niedy,-.by.ichicli»ke w ex* cured:- Snfifofts v W jfn g to fit ’by - the adTertiaer’i •----t in perfect cocflde&M. erienco ,OHK B. PQVT aoeder St;KtwTM*l'F- g @ “ “ W hy,” inquired a country clergyman o f one o f his flock, “ do you always sleep in your pew when I am in the pulpit, while you are all attention when a stranger -is here ?” “ Because, sir,” was the reply, “ when you preach, I know it’s all righ t; but I keep a good look out on a strang er.” $ g “ “ Sarah, you’re a good gal, but there ain’t no gal a-going to call for two plates o f ice-cream on me, and keep me for her fe lle r?” were the -.closing remarks o f a young gen tleman o f Chicago upon parting with his inamor ata. ones and Brown were talk ing lately ot a young clergyman whose preaching he had Heard tnan day. “ What do you think o f him ?” asked Brown. ‘ T think,” said Jones, “ he did better two years ago,” “ Why, he didn’ t preach then ?” “ True,” said Jones, “ that is what I mean,” J g g fA . Massachusetts matron, in taking leave o f her newly married daughter, said : “ Remember, Lucy, that the first principal in cleaning house is to make everybody as uncom fortable as possible.” Recitation in Mineralogy. Professor : “ Mr. EL, give some ex ample of cleavage.” H . : “ Galcite, X feldspar and man. A man will leave his father and mother and cleave nnto his wife.’ H © . A Louisana, wife tried to pois on herself because her husband, in a prayer meeting, had frequently said amen to the petition of a girl of whom she was jealous. HSL.A practical rural lady, attired m a black bombazine dress and an overgrown bonnet, gave vent to her astonishment when looking at the laces displayed by Belgium by exclaim ing : “ Five hundred dollars for one single handkerchief like that ? Why, one good blow would send it all to tatters!” 'Boys,” said the teacher, hold ing up her right forefinger to make the scholars attentive, “ what is In dian meal composed o f? ” And a little hoy in the back seat, who woro patched trousers, got up -and said, “ Please m a’am, roasted missions;., ries.” U @ = A n old maid suggests that when men break their hearts it is all the same as wheri*a lobster breaks his claws— another sprouts immediately, and grows in its place. 15©= A young lady being asked by a rich bachelor, “ I f not yourself, who would you rather be ?” replied, sweet ly and modestly; “ Yours’ truly.” I ® “ What is the n e x t th in g to a Why a co ck rob in , to hen stealing ? b e Bure. j^g“ “ Do you see anything ridicu lous in this wig ?” asked a -brother councelor o f Curran. “ ^Nothing but the head,” was the reply. Covington man died and they put him on ice, but he awoke in the night and yelled o u t: “ W hy don’ t you put some wood in that .stove ?” A couple 'o f fellows who were ' . pretty thoroughly soaked with bad. -A whisky got into the gutter. A lter * floundering for some time, one o f them sasd: “ Let’ s: get to another house, this hotel leaks.” l ® * A n able physiologist haB writ ten that one-fifth ot the humat> bodv is composed: ;of phosphorus. Punch remarks that this most likely accounts :‘or the number o f matches made. •married man says he don’t care so much for silver change -after all; because the baby swallows- a dime a day,- and it never had any apptite or ''sSii?* r- V . o f securing a perfectly new Piano direct fro m the Factory, m unblemished condition, and f r e t fro m the scratches and dullness- consequent on a stay of. several months in the dusty warerooms a f some distant dealer. W E S H IP D IR E C T TO TH E PU RCHASER. Tho amount which you send us includes t li e P i a n o , t l i e fe lo o l9 t b e C lo lla C o v e r , a n d lir e B o x in wliich thoy are s e c u r e l y j> a c lte tl?_ This wo.dellver into tho bauds of the express or fneghb company, in per* feet order, and ready for a journey to any distance. J P nrclisrscrsata distance may send their O r d e r s b y jSEsiU, with tho certuiuty of receiving tho same . Prompt A? teniion-and Complete Satisfaction us .if they came, to make personalidspectiohot thePisnos they wish: to buy. The nest way. vis to send us.a certificate of the ■Cashier oi any respectable Bank that the amount oi the. price, of' the Piano you Want is deposited to our credit, subject tb your approvaliot; thednstrument w’hea it shall reacli you. The Piano you order Will theii be shippod as yoxi'direbt; and you will bo alio wed five- days’ in which to ary.it and allow ydur friends to pass-judgment on ,it.; If it is unsatisfactory'to you, returh.it; and take your money •from; tli'e;Bauk. .. If;you are satisded -with-it^you keep it; and-we take tho money,, and there.is greatbati&facfiiih.aU around^ ■;/ T h e R a y e u $ 1 0 0 X»Iftiiba 7- StopB, 2 Sets of Reeds. I jfil o lir'P ia n o s a re F u lly W arran ted fo r . F I V E . ' " YFARS * r i8 m 6 l / Cream S aloon. « « . <• lTHER AND RUBBER'GOODS, EXTBA COPlES-' o f the^ RECO^D can This is a weekly paper, designed especily for the en* tortainment of Young People. I t contas delightfully interesting long Stories, pleasing Sketch^ Tales of Ad venture, and various Miscellaneous Matt; I t also con tains ingenious and curious Puzzle's, Chadea, Rebusses, instructive Mathematical Problems, ana Cheoker Col umn. * TERMS TO SUBSCRIBE): One copy, 1 year...,.....$2 50 I Two copiei year...,..$5 00 One copy, 6 months..... 125 } Three copf, £Lyear... 7 00 One copy, 3 months..... €3 I Four ccpi,; 1 year..... 9 00 One copy, 4 weeks...... 20 |Eight Cpis, l year...l7 00 Singlo Copy, 5 cents, f * TOSTAQE FREE IN AIL CAS. Thisk of the Advantages J A N S E N , M cC E T JR G & CO . MadisonDispensary, I-ate KAYES & BACON. E .S T E 1 1 L I S J I X V 45 TEARS. W a re r o o n iS j 28 E . 14th S t., S e w Y o r k , PUT SIM THROUGH. W q kayo a far larger Stock than ever before.* TVe solicit orders from the trade, and guarantee the lowest prices. p k r iV e a r i. p a p e r s J An oigbt-pago paper, containiug forty columns of firsts class original literature he best Slories ’and Sketches are always to be round in the N ew Y ork W eekly. The writers regularly contributiug to the Nxw Y ork Weekly comprise many of toe most ronowned Novelists in the O F TTJ1F. World. A t least Six Serial Stories are contioually run ning in the New Y ore W eekly, and a .New Story is com menced ever second week, so that new readers get the beginning of a new.story no matter when they subscribe. Besides t ,e long stories, there are a number of short Sketches, our Regular Departments, Answera to Corres pondents, Knowledge Box, Items of Intereat, Ladies’ X O T G S ,Work-Box, Histori al Items, Josh Billings’ Contribu tions, Pleasant Paragraphs, nd a variety of desultory reading matter of the most interesting character. The New Y ork W eekly is universally admitted to be THE BEST STORY AND SKETCH PAP1R IN THE WORLD. TERUS TO SUBSCRIBERS.—'(Postage n all cases Prepaid by us ) One year, Ono Copy, $3. Oio year, Two copies, $5. One year, Four copies, $10. One year, Elgiit copies, $20. One month, 25 cents. T * ( months, 50 cents. Threemonths, 75 cents. Fourmontia, $1, Those I I Y S 1 . sending $20 for a Club of Eight, all sent at die time, will bo entitled to a Ninth Copy tree . Getter* up of Clubs Head, nerves, kidneys, bladder, womb, and blood. Affec can afterward add single copies at $2 50 iach. Single tions of the urinary organs, gravel, scrofula, rheumatism, Copies^O cents. Postage Free to every Eubsriber. -‘■^°*vecimen Copies can be seen at evey Post-office, catarrh, asthma, bronchitis, dyspepsia, &c. :e tand news agency throughout theUnion, Dr. Price’s reputation has been acquired candid, drug store honest dealing and years of successful practice. .My practice) not one of experiment, bnt founded-on the THE laws of Nature, with 3axsof experience and evidence to sustaiQ it, does not tear down, make sick to make well; no harsh treatment, no trifling, no flattering. We know the cause and the remedy needed, no guess work, bat knowl Contains eight large pages-fifty-six Ion*columns—of edge gained by years of experience in the treatments the most entertaining, original and selectecreadipg mat Chronic diseases exclusively; no encouragement withouta ter. Notable Events, Strange Occurrence, Historical prospect; Candid in otir opinion, reasonable in our charges, claim not to know everything, or to cure every Narratives, Items for Farmers and Garden(s» the Crimi body,hut do claim to reason and common sense. We nal Record of the Month, Scientific Note Sketches of Invite.the sick, no matter what their ailment, to call.in- Love atid Adventure, firstrclass Long Stori/. Poetry, etc* vestigatebefore they abandonhopej makeinterrogation are embraced in the contents of the MAMMjTH MONTH LY READER and decide for themselves. I t will cost nothing, as con TERMS TO SUBSCRIBERS.—One Cop, one year, 75 sultation is free. Visits made regularly. cents. Five copies, one year, $3. Single opies, S cents Dr. V . Olarenoe Price can bo consulted at Niles, Postage Free to every Subscriber. Reading’ s Hotel, Saturday and Sunday, the 5th and 6th of August.* A t Laporte, In d , Myers House, on Sat urday and Sunday, tho 8th and .9th of July, and Sat T H E urday and Sunday, the 2d and 3d of September. Patients willaddress all letters to Dr. Y . Clarence Price, Waukegan, 111. with stamp. B. CHBBOHILIi, SP IJ3N D X D A R T W O R K S , The Choicest Stationery for Ladies, OO 33C E ! ~pTAS mot with uoprvcodentod success in the treatment full ___ .n a la te severe gale, a asked a man i f he Was not afraid his horse w ould blow aw ay. “ Oh, n o,” was th e answer ; “ the m ortgage on it is so h eavy as to m ake that im possi b le.” And kindred goods—Celebrities, Actresses, etc. GUARANTEED. Mill on Portage Street. 19tf P. H K IN N E Y Miller. j g e f A Dutchman lately attended the law court in Boston, to get ex cused from the jury box. “ I can’ t understand goot Englese,” he said. “ What did he say ?” asked the judge. “ I can’ t understand go.ot Englese,” repeated the Dutchman. “ Take your seat,’ ’ cried the judge ; “ that’s no ex cuse : you need not be you are not likely tojiear any.’ (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers trt A preference.heing given to the most truly BEAUTIFUL and ARTISTIC productions of the English and American presses, v Including fine Imported Papers and Envelopes, of all sizes and tints. Engraved Cards, Initial Monograms, In vitation and Wedding Stationery; C ltie a g r o - Mammoth Monthly Reader AND STATIONERS, Those which reproduce most delicately thernoster-pieces o£ the great artists, and the most attractive scenes of nature. and P A P E R F A S H IO N S . MILL, B l T C I B t A jf f A S r j M I C H . , no 1000 SOLD LAST SEASON: WITHOUT ONE FAILURE OR REJECTION BATTLE GREEK, MICH. f ™ 0™ snd-4bDEM la early life. . Manhood restored. Jm^ ° 5 S nta-t? 5 r“ rtaS0 removed. Now -o f tro“ taont. Now and reMARR ARF ^ * * U o : tm a a tm Books and cirn n jflb t, ron froo in T ,ed onvelopof vXij* * TT retains all the virtues of the Light-Running “ D O M E ST IC ,” including tlie. Autom atic A T .n .in n ’which was and is the best in use. Tension, jg5 F»Plcase notice our PATENT HAR D EN ED CONICAL BEARINGS on both theMachine and Stand. Our new and old ideas, worked out with brand new Machinery and Tools at our own newworks, in the busy city of Newark, New Jersey, have given us a standard of M ECHANICAL EXCEL LENCE, Minimum of Friction, Maximum of Durability, and range of work> never heretofore reached in the Sewing Machine world. Nice Smoked Halibut, either would we for n moment your Intereat ensnare. Conceded to be tbe Finest Bookstore in the United States;— The Advance. JAN SEN , want it nice, and strong, and snug-like,” said the widow, ex huming a. fresh pocket-handkerchief, and controlling her sobs with diffi culty. “ O h ! that’ s all right, ma’am, that’s all right,” returned the under taker, tapping the coffin merrily: “ he couldn’ t get out of it, ma’am if he had a mind to.” 'H u rled apples, poaches, and all kinds.of frnlt;* Books and Stationery. RSLIEy to Young Men - JPor flue job printing, call at the R ecord- office. : ■Chicago Cured Dried Beef, . ^ ^ i l s for the. hair, and pleasant porftiinea,v T o t h e W o r l i i u g G lo s s .—TTe can furnis&yon employment at which you caa make very large pay, in your own localities, vvithout beingaway from home over night.. Agents wanted in every town and county to take snbscribera for Tho Centennial Record, the largest publication in the United States—16 pages, 61 columns; lle gantly Illustrated j Terms only M. per year. The Record Is devoted to whatever is of interest connected with*the Centennial year. The Great Exhibition .at Philadelphia, is fnlly illustrated in detail. Everybody wants it. The wholepcople feel great interest in their Country’s Centenial Birthday, and want to know all about it. An ele gant patriotic crayon drawing premium picture is pre sented free to each subscriber. I t is entitled,* ‘‘In re membrance of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Independence of tlieUnited States;*’ Size,23 bySOinchea. Any one canbecome a successful agent, for but show the paper and picture and hundreds of subscribers are easily obtained everywhere. There is no business that will pay like this at present. lYe have many agents who are making as high as $20 per day And upwards, Nowis the time;; don’ t delay. Remember it costs nothing to give thebasiness a trial. Send for onr circulars, terms, and sample copy of paper, which are Bent: free to all who ap ply; do ic to-day. Complete outfit free to those who docide to engage. Farmers and mechanics, and their sons and daughters make the very best o f agents. Address THE CENTENNIAL RECORD, Portland. Maine. $100 T Chicago Gurecl Hams, '*’■ .^^alsins anil currants, nice' figs and prunes: a^ fall, information sentfreff^CaM e. Invest according to telegraph toj^ y o d c P r lv H c g c s ip . Bankers and Brokora, 17’ \Vklf a in g in - that they are ever fi-esh, and perfectly-rcliable. (Although they aro mild, and operate ' A ssearching, -• •without disturbance to tho constitution, or diet, or 'occupation l l A n n S t*, N e w T o r k . Post Offlco Box; 4 5 8 6 . HOWARD ASSOCIATION 419 N? S ■ I bet ish der such voc viil do you. o F. BRUGMAN & SON, T ft IU •xhorter in a camp-meet-_ jia was telling his congregation ___ o f the wickedness o f the world, and how many people cheated, and lied, and back hi ted, arid all that sort o f thing, ■when an old storekeep er jumped up, and said : “ I know who you are hintin’ at. Tain’t no such thing.” 9 @ t ,A n rg lo show you our goods whenever ybuhs'k. h Just published, a new odiiion of D r . C u lv e r w e l l ’s C e l e b r a t e d E s s a y on the radical cure (without medicine) of ’SpxuatATOBRHCEl or Seminal 'Weakness, In voluntary Sominal Losses, I mpotxnct, Mental and Physi cal Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, eto.; also, C0NeuMPE02f,.J3PiixB8Yand Fits, indneed by self-Indulgenco or sexual extravagance, &c* •^^prlce, in a sealed envolope, only six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years successful practice, thti the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically curod without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of tho knife; pointing oat a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which ovoiy sufferer, no matter-what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. ja -T h is Lee tare should beta theh&nds of every youth and every man in the land. ' Sent under seal, in a plain envelopo, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two post stamps. Address thePablishera, OBSTAGLESf BI LL V0R5 VARE, think for a moment we doom ltJa’task I Manhood: How Lost, How Restored! oh * '* ^Svorread3Ti with pleasure your ord’era to'flll; 1 a O : HENRY CAUFFMANJ ^ ^ E _____ r o_ f i t oml. ^ h a r l e ^ o n band with a heart aud iVwIUj 9) THEVIBRATOR” EH PQ EALED PROPOSALS will be received by tho under signed until the hoar of noon on the 29th day of July, A.D TV; 1 CVfl for the building of a TlJsvtMl't A 1876, a B.lwvil school Lrtwna. house’ in inDiSiXict No. 8, in Bertrand Township^ according to plans ard specifications which may be seen at the residence of Cur tiss Lamb, one and one-half mile son Ji-east of Dayton The undersigned reserve the right, to reject any or all proposals made. Proposals will be opened at the present school houBe insald: District, at one o’clock P. H ., July 29th, A. D.1876, CURTISS L iM B , 1 JOSEPH PROUD, ^-Com. has Q <1 Notice to Contractors. advise sS V l’ voyou gcL soheep goods und good briceS. Of you -see vat you don’ t vant, yust schpeek - or will they attempt, for fear:of defeat. * M b O A Western tailor advertised: “ Wanted— Two or three steady girls to put on pants.” Dr. Mary Walker called next morning, and said, “ How bring on your pants, and don’t look.” The tailor explained, and she left with a, sorrowful air, vowing that she would send bim a grammar as soon as Bbe god home.— Norristown Herald. k SO I SMITH ^ ^ “ery nicest of coflboa, uud tons byjthe chest, " Gen. &up*t, Chicago. •4-= S W PhmiYgrams.:} 01' you bin a TIousgeeper, unci don’ t got no , blace to trade, go to -^ • e v e r out of tho-vegetablos any one eats. M artin H ughiti , I A-BPIildATiON pursuant to law having been, made to ___ undersigned, drain Commissioner for the town* XXtiie ship of GalieU. and county of Borries, to establish and: open a water course or to locate and construct a ditch or diainin said township .as follows: Commencing at the. highway ntnnlngmprtii and south' between Section four (4) and five; (5) tbence wes^ thence northwest across the south half (3*) of the northeast quarter and the east tslf(3^) of the northwest quarter (J^), to the township Jlne between Galien and Weesaw. Therefore, be it known that I , the said drain. Commissioner, will , he at the Postofficeinsaid township of Galien, on the 5th day o f Au gust, 1876, at one o’clock in the afternoon, to hear any and all persons who may wish to be heard, with respect to establishing and Opening said water course or locating and constructing said ditch or drain. . Dated this 17th day ot July, A . D.1876. B, F. YAW , 23 w4 Drain Commissioner of the Township of Galien* - - J ^ o u b le extracts, the flnost and boatl bs3 Drain Commissioner’ s Notice. at J876c ^Juions andcabbago, potatoes aud beets—* _■ w H cicn e t TEARS. A PPLICJATIONpurauant to law haring been, made to i l the undersigned. Drain Commissioner for the Townphip o f T7eesaw, and County o f Berrien, to open and e'eara .watercourse insaid Township as follows:: Comiaeuclng at the mouth o f the south branch o f the Galien River, in the northwest quarter of section seventeen (17) town seven (7) _ _ south, range _ nineteen west,^ and following _ the course o f said water course, through 'section section seven^ teen,, twenty, iwenty-nlne, twenty eight, thirty-two, thirty-three and thirty*four of said’ township seven (7) south, range nineteen (19) west. Therefore be it known that l , the said Drain Commissioner, will bo at myxesidence,in Bald township, on the 19th day Of AuguBt, 1876, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, to hear any and Oil persons who ' may wish * ' to~be * “*■ *heard ■* with respect to ope: isning and clearing said watercourse. Dated this 26th day of July, A . D.1876. ORR HENDERSON, 24w2 Drain Com. of the Township of Weesaw. The honester a man the easier cheat e d ; nothing is more difficult than tO' Eujipon an impostor. M -<&im0UA Winona and St. Peter Lino Is iho only route for W inona, BooriEaTRR, Owatonna, M ankato, St. Peter, N ew U nr, and all points in South ern and Central Minnesota. Its Application for Opening the South Branch of the Galien River. W e have noticed;that he who thinks every man a rogue is very certain to see one when he shaves himself, and he ought; in mercy to his neighbors, to surrender the rascal to justice. ° /7 Is tho short lino for N orthern W isconsin and M innesota, aud for Madison, St.'P aul, M inneapolis, D uluth aud nil poiuts in the GronfNorlhwest. Its a cer; indenture Mortgage made and executed by Edwin S. H&dlock and Samuel E. Hadlock, o f Berriexi County, Michigan, to Charles H. Parketon, of the same place, au d bearing date the sixth, day ot August, in. the year IS66, and recordf 1 i i the office of the Register of Deeds of the County of Berrien, in said: State, on the ITth. (lay>of October, 1S68, at 9 o*elock a- m., m Liber f'Q” of Mortgages, on page 77, tholaSfe two notes,mentioned in. said. Mortgat Mortgage..with the. Mortgage security therewith, were on1 the 15th of 15tl day * October, 1870. daly assigned by said! Charles H . Farketon to Biadlov M. FenneU, of Berrien County, Michigar which assignment was duly recorded in the office o f the Register ot Deeds aforesaid,oirthelOth day of February, 1571, at X)A o’clock p. m., in Book No. 4 of Mortgages, ct page 14, oh which said Mortgage there fa claimed to*be due and unpaid at the date oi tbis-forecloaure, the sum o f one. thousand seven hundred and ninety-one dollars, and no suit in law or proceedings in equity having been in stituted to recover said sum or any part thereof. Notice therefore is hereby given that by virtue of a power of sale contained in said Mortgage and noyr become opera tive. and in pursuance of the; statute in such, case made' aud provided, ao much: o f the land described in said Mortgage (as has not been released by said Bradley M.. Feonollj situated in the Coimtyof Berrien, and State of Michigan, to-wit: The east.halfof the south ea-t quarter of section nineteen, and the south-west quarter o f the south-west quarter o f section twenty, in township six south of range eighteen west, will be sold at public auc tion or Toudue at the front door of the Court House, in the village of. Berrien Springs, in the said County o f Berrien^ O u t b e 6 tb d u y o f C c to h cr, 1 8 7 6 , at eleven o’clock in the forenoon, to satisfy the amount which shall then be due on said Mortgage, together with tho attorney fee and costs of foreclosure and Baleprovided. for in arid: Mortgage.. Dated July 13,1876. BRADLEY M. FENNELL, Assignee. D. H# H xxmax, Att’ y for Asslguee^ A firm faith is the best th eology; a good life the best; philosophy; a clear conscience the best la w ; honesty the best policy; and temperance the best physic. ^ Chicago, MaiMs.on and St, Paul Line M ORTGAGE SALE. That; the happiness o f life depends upon the regular prosecution o f some laudable purpose or calling, which en gages, helps, and enlivens all: our pow ers, let those; hear witness who, after spending years in active usefulness, retire; to enjoy themselves. ’ AUSTRALIA, Its iSFAULir having been; made in:the payment of a certain sum of“money secured to be paid byan indenture ot Mortgage, bearing date the eighteenth day of May, m the year of pi ^ — one thousand eight hundred, and pur Lord seventy-five; mode and executed by William. Hardy *&nd Nancy J. Hardy, his wife; of Berrien County and State ot Michigan, of the first part, and David Rough, of the same county and Stare, party o f the Second part, which said Mortgage was duly recorded in the office.of the Reg ister of Deeds ofsald county of Berrien, on the 26th day . of May, A . D .1875, at 1 % o’clock p. m., in Liber 11 of j Mortgages, on page 233, on which said Mortgage there is claimed to be due and unpaid at the date of this notice the sum of two thousand ana forty-five dollars and twenty eight cents, ($2045.25) and no suit at law or proceedings in equity having been instituted to recover the same or any part thereof.-. Therefor© notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a power o f sale.contained in said Mortgage, and now become operative, and in pursuance of the stat ute in such case made and provided, the lands described in eaid Mortgage as lying and being in the count of Berrien and State of Michigan, known as the west sixty (60) acres of the north-east quarter (34) o f section four teen (14) in.township, eight (8) south of Range nineteen (19) wost< will be sold at public auction or vendue, at the front door o f the Court House, in the village of Berrien Springs, in said county of Berrien, O n t h e F i r s t D a y o f S e p t e i u b e r ,A .D i lS 7 6 at the hour of eleven o’clock in the forenoon, to satisfy the amount which shall then be due on said Mortgage, ile, and together with the costs of such foreclosure aud sale, an attorney fee provided for in said Mortgage. June Sth.lS76. * DAYID ROUGH, Mortgagee# J. J. Y a n ;Ripsb, Att’yXor Mortgagee. Wise Saying, , nU and crackors,. camlioa and cakos, * ^ - o u never ate. better tlmm our Johnuy.bakes D A little while after. I heard a great shout; I turned round to see what the noise was about; A flag was conveyed to the top o f the hill, And a crowd, among which were Thomas and Bill, W ere shouting, “ Hurrah for the teetotal m ill!” — Irish World- STeaB“ L e S • p r o v in g v e i - j O m ah a a n d C a lifo r n ia L in e M O R TG A G E SALE. The poor were made rich,, the weak were made strong, The shot was made short, and the purse was made long ; These mircales puzzled both Thomas and Bill, A t length they went in for S turn on the mill. s e ttle d ; T^n tho most refinoil Btate, that never will, roll, N Is tho shortest and best route for all points in N orthern I llinois, I owa, D akota , N ebraska, W yoming, Colorado XlTAir, N evada, California , Oregon, China , J apan and W.BC. Sisnnett , And what: he saw there one never could te ll; Hut his conduct was changed, and: his ldngauge as w ell; A n d when he had, turned round, the brow o f the hill. He knelt and thanked God for teetotal the mill. % August ttis Fetter You Look Leedle Oud. ■ y ^ erosene lamps, chimneys and oil, and'all ey gazsii with arnszetueut; tljeii came in a man. With excess and; disease Ms visagq was wan; . mounted the steps, signed the; pledge with a will, And went in for a turn in the teetotal mill. Thursday, XUS. CHICAGO A SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY. Embraces under ono management the Great Trunk Bail* way Xlnea o f tho W E S T and NORTH-WEST, and, with Us numerous branches and connections, forms the^horteat and quickest route between Gmaiao and all points in IuiaoiR, W isconsin, N orthern M ichigan , M innesota, I owa, N ibraska , California and the W estern T briuto ries. Its: T'vKS'AtJI/C having been mittfe In tfco payment of a cor^Green Bay and Marquette Line -U talhVuQt k— —of moneys secured, to bepaid by a cectalu'la* Zs the only lino for Janesville, Watertown, 'Fbnd Du Lac, duuluro oi Mortgage, bearing date tho eleventh day of An* Oshtosh, -Appleton, . Green B ay, Etcanaba, Ncgaunee, gmt, In tho year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred Marquette, Houghton, Hancock, and tho Lake Superior uud sovonty, made and oxecutod by George F* Thayer Country*. Its and Maggie Thayor, his wife, of tho County of Berrien and.State of Mlcbigau, of tho first part, and John Blako Freeport and Dubuque Line of iho same place party of tho second part, which said Is the only route for JElgin Rockford, Freeport, Mortgage waa recorded la the office of the Register of points via Freeport. Its Deeds to aiidior said County, in Xlber .No. 2 of Mortgages, oupago 346, on the 12 th day o f August, A . D »1S70,.at Chicago and Milwaukee Line the hour of 11 o’clock A . M., on which, said Mortgage, by failure-to pay in accordance with the terms thereof, there fs the old Lake Shore Route, and la the only ono passing (s cUimed and declared to be; due and unpaid at the date through. Duanston, Lake Forest, Highland. F o r k , IV'un of this notice the sum o f two thousand, five hundred and kegan, Racine, Kenosha; to Milwaukee. fifteen, doliarsv ai^d twenty-two cents ($2,515 22) and no Pullman Palace Cars cuit or proceedings at l&w or in equity having been in stituted to recover the same or an ; part thereof. Notice are run on all through trains of this road. fa therefore,, hereby" given that by virtue of. a pow.er of This is the ONLY LINE running these airs between sale contained'in said Mortgage and How become opera Chicago and St. Paul, Chicago ami Milwaukee, or Chicago tive and to pursuance. o f the Statute In sncli case made and Winpun. and provided, the premises therein described, sitimto in At Omaha our Sleepers connect with the Overland tho County of Berrien'and Stato o f Michigan, and known JSIeepers on the Union Pacific Bailroad forsll poiuts M’ est os tbo eoat half of the sonth-e&st quarter of section ser of tho Missouri River. eutoen (17) in township seven (7:) south, o f range ss^eqOn the arrival of the trains from the Bast or South, "teen (17) west, containing eighty acres'■of land more or the trains of the Chicago & North-Western Railway, lessi will be sold at public auction or vendno at tho front LEAVING CHICAGO as follows: . door of the court house, in the vHhigo of Berrion j Jbr Council J3he$s, Omaha and California, Two Springs, in said County of Berrion and State of Michigan, Through 'Trains daily, with Potman Palace Drawing; Room, and Sleeping through to Council Bluffs. F r i d a y , t l i o 22<1. d a y : o f S e p t e m b e r . fjRw* St, JPiail and Minneapolis, Twb Through Trains daily, with Pullman Palace Cars attached on both trains. A. 13.ISi 6, at the hour o f eleven o’clock in the torenoon F o r OreenJBay ahd Zake Superior, Two Trains daily, of said day,, to satisfy* the amount- Which ahall then be with Pullman Palace Cars attached, and running:through dne on said Mortgage, together with, costs of toroclosnre to Marquette. andsale and an- attorney-fee therein provided for. Jin* Milwaukee,. Pour- Trains daily, Pullman Oars on Bated June 2Sth, A.B .1S76. night tralna,Parlor Chair Cars on day. trains. JOH}fBI.AKE;'M6rtgogee. j b r Sparta: and Winona and Points in Minnesota, One J. J. Y ak Kipsr, Att’y for Mortgagee. * Through,Titan dally, withPullman Sleepers to "Winona. IbrH U bu gnt, via'Preeport, Two>Thrbugh TrMns daily,: with Pullman Cars, on might trains. Jfbr Ihtbugue and:XaCrosse^yie, Ollnton, Two Through N o t ic e - o f A tta c h m e n t. Trains daily, with' Pullman Cars on. night train to McGregor.Xowa., ” ’ CITATK-OF-MIOHIOAN, the Circuit Court ior the P •County o— —*JPr Sioux City, and Yankton, Two Trains daily.- Pull f Berrien. John OrMarbte- t*. 'W'iUiam Morley.—In Attachment. man Cara to Missouri Yalley Junction* Jhr Lake ffenct>a, Pour Trains dally. Notice Is hereby given that on the 27th day of May, A. S. Jbr F ockford Sterling, Kenosha, Janesville, aud other D.1876, a writ of attachment was duly issued out of the poiuts;youcanhave from two to ten txaina daily. Circuit Court for the County o f Berrien, a t. the suit of New York Office, No. 415 Broadway ; Boston Office, No,* John C. Marble, the abov6. named*plaintiff, agairiHt the 5 State Street; Omaha Office, 253 Parhham Stroot; San. lands, tenements, goods and chattels,', moneys and effects of ^miarnMorley, the defendant above nained, for the- Jrancisco 0ffice,12I Montgomery Street; Chicago Ticket Offices; 62 Clark Street; under. Sherman House; corner sam of six^hundred and forty-eight dollars and fifty-three Canal and Madison Streets; Kinzie Street Depot, corner cents, which said writ was returnable on the 6th day ot W . Kinzie and Canal:Streete; Wells Street Dopot, corner Jnne. A .D . lS76, at 10 o’clook in the forenoon. Wells andKinzie Streets. J. J . Y A N RIPBR, Attorney for Plaintiff. For rates or Information not attainable from your home Dated June-19, A.D .1876. 19w7 ticket agents, apply to Bill listened and, wondered; and at length he cried; “ Why, Torn, Jf its true what you’re telling -about, What' fools wo must be to be here sitting still,— Let us go, and we’ll look at tho teetotal mill. ^ l a i s q u o t ^ T c e l a n d er s Beepi'd^^Biichaiiap, - Michigan, 01 111 MOTTO STOP A LEEDLE, INTHEFOLtOWING. . M O RTG AG E SALE. ‘‘ There’s a. wheel in the mill they call selfdenial, ’ They turn it a bit, just to give us; a trial j Old clothes aro made new, and, if you’ ve: been ill; Y ou ’re vory soon, cured, at tho teetotal mill,” County t