Chronology: 16 February-15 May 2000 Author(s): Michele L. Kjorlien
Chronology: 16 February-15 May 2000 Author(s): Michele L. Kjorlien
Chronology: 16 February-15 May 2000 Author(s): Michele L. Kjorlien Source: Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 29, No. 4 (Autumn, 2000), pp. 168-187 Published by: University of California Press on behalf of the Institute for Palestine Studies Stable URL: Accessed: 06-03-2015 18:29 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact University of California Press and Institute for Palestine Studies are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of Palestine Studies. This content downloaded from on Fri, 06 Mar 2015 18:29:32 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions CHRONOLOGY 16 FEBRuAY-15 MAY 2000 Thissectionispart sixty-six of a chronology begunin JPS23, no. 3 (Spring1984). ChronolEasternStandardTime.For moredetail on eventsrelatedto thepeace proogydates reflect cess,see thePeace Monitorin thisissue. 16 FEBRUARY On hisway homefr.theVatican(see 2/15),Palestinian Authority(PA) head Yasir Arafitstopsin Ammanto meetwith King Abdallh ofJordan (MM 2/16) Israeli PM Ehud Barak phonesEgyptan pres. Husni Mubarak to discussobstaSyriantracksof cles blockingthePalestinian, thepeace process.(MENA2/17in WNC 2/18) of violencein s. Reactingto theflare-up Lebanon in thepast3 wks.,Israel empowBarak, FM ers a 3-manteamcomprising David Levy,TransportationM Yitzhak Mordechai to authorizeimmediatereprisals forattackson Israel Defense Forces (TDF) to hitcivilian intention soldiers,reiterates targets. 2,000 Lebanese studentsblock HamraStreetin Beirut'smainshoppingdistrictto protestagainstIsraelforitsrecentair theU.S. forallegedlygivingIsraelthe strikes, "greenlight"to attack.(MM 2/16,2/17;RL 2/17in WNC 2/18;AYM 2/17in WNC 2/22; CSM,MM,NYT,WP,WT 2/18;NYT 2/19; MM 2/21;MEI 2/25) U.S. Secy. of State Madeleine Albright Relations tellstheHouse International Comm.thatshe is exploringwaysto help collect terrorism victimsof state-sponsored returned on judgements by U.S.courtseven thoughPres. Bill Clinton has blockedcollection,citingforeignpolicyconcernsand worriesthatothercountriescould use the abroad. precedentto seize U.S. properties (WP 2/17;Guardian Weekly2/24) PA General Intelllgence questionsPalesnian journalist Khaled Amayrehfor his new the 2d timein a wk. regarding weeklypaper,Hebron Times,whichis critical of thePA.(PalestinianHumanRights Grouppressrelease2/21)(see Monitoring 2/15) 17 FEBRUARY The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) saysitwillresumefull in thePLO Executive Comm participation and Cental Council, whichithas boycottedsincethesigningof the 1993Oslo Accord.(NYT 2/18;AYM2/21in WNC 2/28) Atan American Comm. on Jerusalem on CapitolHill,eminent Pal(ACJ)briefing estinian historianWalid Khalidi reveals provingthat of a 3-yr.investigation findings theownershipof theproposedsitefora U.S. emb.inJerusalem,as mandatedby ConEmb.Act,is largely gress's 1995Jerusalem (some of whichcan be privateproperty claimedby U.S. citizens)and waqf land that by Israel. have been illegallyconfiscated (ACJpressrelease2/17) PA teachers go on striketo protesttheir had promisedpay raises low salaries.Arafat as partof thecivilservicelaw,butthesalary increaseswerenotworkedintotheFY 2000 budgetapprovedon 1/26.(MENL2/18;LAW 2/22;MEI 2/25)(see Peace Monitor) continuein Beirut,where Demonstrations 2,000 Lebanese hold a protestoutsidethe U.S. emb.;severalare injuredwhen army, police unitsbreakthemup. (MM 2/17;CSM, MM,NYT,WP,WT 2/18;MM 2/21) In s. Lebanon, an IDF soldieris killedby a Hlzballah shelling.In a separateincident, roadsidebomb plantedby Hizballah ex1 South Lebanon Army plodes,injuring (SILA)mbr.Israeldoes notstagemajorretaliatoryattacks.(RL 2/17in WNC 2/18;MM 2/21) 18 FEBRUARY In Beirut,around5,000 Lebanese protest nr.theUN headquarters againstIsrael's retheU.S.'s centairstrikeson civiliantargets, Israel.Atanotherrally failureto restrain outsidetheCNNbureau,3,000 studentsare teargas and confronted by police firing watercannons.The U.S. makesits 1stcomwhichbegan mentcriticalof Israel'sstrikes, 2/8,saying"we do notbelievethatIsraeliatand poputacksagainstcivilianinfrastructure latedareaswillsolve theproblem."(NYT, WP 2/19;MM 2/21;MEI 2/25) Journalof PalestineStudiesXXIX,no. 4 (Summer2000),pp. 168-187. This content downloaded from on Fri, 06 Mar 2015 18:29:32 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 169 CHRONOLOGY In protestoverIsrael's threats to continuestrikesagainstciviliantargets in s. Lebanon (see 2/16),King AbdaflahofJordan cancelsa plannedvisitto Israel (WP 2/19; MEI 2/25) Iran holdsthe 1stroundof parliamentary elections,withsome 6,000candidates,including400 women,vyingfor290 seats.Reform-minded supporters ofPres. Mohamed Khatami overwhelmingly defeatconservawith80% voterturnout. The tivecandidates, 2d roundofvotingwilltakeplace on 5/5. (CSM,MM 2/18;NYT,WP,WT 2/19;MM, NYT,WP 2/21;MM,NYT,WP,WT 2/22; AYM2/22,al-Quds2/24in WNC2/29;MM 2/23;JP,MEI 2/25;WJW3/2;NYT 3/9) The PA arrestswithoutchargeal-Najah Universityprofessor'Abd al-Sattar ofthe Qasim, one of the20 signatories 11/99anticorruption statement. (LAW2/20; AFP 2/21in WNC 2/23;MEI 2/25;JP3/3) (see Doc. B1 inJPS 115) 19 FEBRUARY PA head Arafatcalls forresumption of withIsrael on hold since2/6; negotiations agmt saysteamsshouldforgoa framework on permanent status(FAPS)and focuson the9/13 targetdate.Israeli chief negotiatorOded can be Eran saysa FAPSis important, reachedby end of 3/00.(WP,WT 2/21) Pres.Mubarak makesthe 1sttripto Beirutby an Egyptianleadersince 1952to meet withLebanese pres. Emile Laoud to show solidarity withLebanonin thewake of reiterate Israeliattacks.Bothpresidents Hizbaltahs'srightto resistIsrael's occupation. (MENA, RL 2/19 in WNC 2/22; NYT, WP, WT 2/20; AFP, MENA 2/20 in WNC 2/23; MM, WT 2/21; MM 2/22; GIU 2/23; AYM 2/24,MENA 2/26,Der Spiegel 2/28 in WNC 2/29;JP,MEI 2/25) The PA shutsdown Nawras TV in Hefor bronfor1 wk on chargesof incitement (MENL coveringtheongoingteachersstrike. 2/20) (see 2/17) In s. Lebanon, 1 civilian is injuredby IDF shelling.(RL 2/19in WNC 2/22) 20 FEBRUARY The UNRWAends a 2-dayworkshopon thefateof theagencyfollowinga finalstatus agmt.(PalestinianRefugeeResearchNet [Internet]4/17)(see Peace Monitor) 21 FEBRUARY U.S. special envoy Dennis Ross returns to theMiddleEastto tryto revivethestalled meetswithPM Israeli-PAnegotiations, Barakproposes5/00 Barak upon his arrival. as a new targetdate forcompletinga FAPS; saysIsraelis willingto offerthePA a confipackage,includinga release dence-building paymentof some taxes,minor of prisoners, changesto maps ofthe3d stageof the2d further redeployment (FRD). (MM,WT 2/21; AYM2/22in WNC 2/28;WT 2/22)(see 2/19) In Cairo,Pres.Mubarak receives Kuwaiti FM Shaykh Sabah al-AhmadalSabah fortalkson Israeliattackson Lebanon Kuwaitsaysitwould attenda pan-Arab also even ifIraq wereto participate; summit, saysitdoes notoppose Arabstatesopening a dialoguewithIraq,thoughitwould notdo so untilBaghdadapologizesforthe 1990invasion.(MENA2/21in WNC 2/23) 22 FEBRUARY U.S. specialenvoyRoss meetswith Arafatin Ramallah.Beforethemtg.Arafat messagefr.Barak that receivesa written saysIsraelwilladjustitsmap forthe3d stage ofthe2d FRD butwillnotgivethePA controlof anyof thevillagesitwantsin the area.(MM 2/22;CSM,MM greater Jerusalem 2/23;MM 2/25) KuwaitiFM Shaykh Sabah travelsto BeiwithLebarut,to show Kuwait's solidarity non in lightof Israel'srecentairstrikes. (MENA2/22in WNC 2/24;NYT 3/4;MEI 3/10)(see 2/19) for Israel cutsitsbudgetforsecurity Jewishsettlersin theWestBankand Gaza fr.$34.5m. to $6.2 m.,in keepingwithoverin thedefensebudget.(NYT all reductions 2/23) Arafatchairsthe 1stmtg.of thePA Higher Council forDevelopment (HCD). PA beginworkon consolidating Participants forimprovedfinancialaccountdepartments ing,forma groupto explorewaysof atagreeto drafta foreigninvestment, tracting strategy by workingpaperon a privatization 4/25.(al-Quds2/22in WNC 2/29) 23 EBRUARY In a speech to theKnesset,IsraeliFM violentlanguage, Levy,usingparticularly threatens Lebanon thatifn. Israelis attacked,theIDF willretaliate"blood for blood,soul forsoul,childforchild."Israeli Araband leftist MKs,Arableadersdenounce This content downloaded from on Fri, 06 Mar 2015 18:29:32 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 170 JOURNAL oF PAEmNE STUDES his statements.(MM, NYT 2/24; MENA 2/24 in WNC 2/28; WP 2/26; AYM 2/26 in WNC 2/29;JP,MM 3/3;JP,MEI 3/10)(see 2/16) Israeli securityofficialssay thatIn recentwks.,Israeland thePA have arrested severalHamas mbrs.on chargesofplotting to blow up a buildinginJerusalem. Some of thosearrestedare also chargedwithplanningthefailedattacksin Natanya(11/7), Hadera(1/17).(MM 2/23;NY 2/24) 24 FEBRUARY U.S. specialenvoyRoss makes1-daytrip to Cairoto consultwithEgyptianFM'Amr Musa. (MENA2/24in WNC 2/28) PM Barak defendsFM Levy's speech to theKnesseton 2/23,sayinghe is a voice of moderation, "hiswordsillustrate theweighty responsibility we feelforIsrael'ssecurity in thefaceof dangersthatlie in waitforus whenwe enterthedecisivestageofthe peace process."(MM,NYT 2/25;WP 2/26; AYM 2/26in WNC 2/29;MEI 3/10) The Arab Leagueannouncesthatitsnext regularFMs mtg.willbe held 3/11-12in Beirut,insteadof Cairo,as a gestureof solidarity in supportforLebanon's"steadfastness in the faceof ongoingIsraeliaggression." (MM 2/24; al-Musawwar 3/3,MENA 3/5 in WNC 3/6;MM 3/8) Pope John Paul II arrivesin Egyptfor 3-dayvisit,meetswithPres.Mubarak,calls forunityand toleranceamongall religious groups.Meanwhilein Israel, a groupofsenlor rabbis asks thepope to cancelplans to hold a daytimeSaturday masswhenhe visitsNazarethon 3/25,sayingitwould of theJewish cause "massivedesecration" sabbath.Far-rightJewishgroups putup postersinJerusalem callingthepope "the wickedone,"sayingprayerservicewould be in theheartofJeruan act of "massidolatry salem."(ANSA[Rome],MENA2/24,MENA 2/25in WNC 2/28;MM,NYT,WP,WT 2/25; MENA2/26in WNC 2/29;WT 2/27,2/29;JP 3/3) After a mtg.with.BarakinJerusalem, French PM Lionel Jospin saysthat"France condemnsHizballah's [recentattackson theIDF in s. Lebanon],and all typesof terroristattackswhichmaybe carriedout againstsoldiersor possiblyIsrael's civilian population."Firenchpres. Jacques Chirac reprimands Jospin.(MM 2/25;WT 2/27;WP 2/28;Le Monde 2/28in WNC 2/29;AYM 2/28in WNC3/1;al-Quds2/29in WNC3/3; WJW3/9;JP,MEI 3/10) 25 FBRUARY After a lullof abouta wk.,theIDF, Hlzballah exchangefirein s. Lebanon. A mortar landsin a fieldin n. Israel but causes no damageor injuries.(ITAR-TASS 2/25in WNC 2/28;NYT 2/26) 26 FEBRUARY FrenchPMJospin,In Ramallahto meet withArafat,is chased intohis limousineby a rock-throwing crowdof BlrzeltUniversitystude , angeredbyJospin'scharacterization(2/24)of Hizballah attackson the IDF in s. Lebanon as "terrorist attacks." PA police arrest12 students, shutBirzeituntil 2/29.(MENA2/26,Le Monde 2/28in WNC 2/29;NYT,WP,WT 2/27;CSM,LAW,MM, NYT,WP,WT 2/28;al-Quds2/29in WNC 3/3;JP3/3;MEI 3/10) 27 FEBRUARY In an Israeli cabinet mtg.,PM Barak ad- mitsthat4 past PMs (Yitzhak Shamir, Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres, Benjamin Netanyahu)had effectively guaranteedto withdraw fr.theGolan Heights to the 6/4/67borderwithSyria; sayshe willnot "erasethepast."(MM,NYT,WP 2/28;CSM, MM 2/29;X[N 2/29in WNC3/1;WJW3/2; AYM3/5in WNC3/9;JP,MEI 3/10)(see Peace Monitor) In Ramallah,Palesnians marchto PA headquarters to protestthearrestof a totalof 69 Blrzelt stdents sincethe2/26attackon FrenchPMJospln 3,000 Palestinian students in Hebron,Lebanese in Sidonhold demonstrations. anti-Jospin (LAW,NYT,WP, VW2/28;al-Quds2/29In WNC 3/3;MEI 3/10) 28 FEBRUARY a wk of mtgs.,U.S. specialenvoy After Ross returns to Washington havingfailedto revivePA-Isreli talks.(CSM,NYT,WP 2/29; AYM 2/29in WNC 3/1;XIN 2/29in WNC 3/2;al-Quds2/29,DUS, al-Quds3/1in WNC 3/3;WT 3/1;AYM3/1in WNC 3/6)(see Peace Monitor) ThePoliticalComm.of thePalestin- Ian Council (PC) condemnsFrenchPM on Hizballah,the atJospln's 2/24statement tackon Jospinby BirzeltUniversitystudents,thePA's arrestof studentsand closure of theuniversity. The comm.calls on thePA to reopenBirzeit, to turnoverstudentsto This content downloaded from on Fri, 06 Mar 2015 18:29:32 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 171 CHRONOLOGY theuniversity's disciplinary comm.(al-Quds 2/29in WNC3/3) Withthenumberof popularand labor protestsin theWestBankand Gaza growing, thePA declaresthatall demonstrations, public mtgs.mustreceivepriorauthorization of thePA police. (LAW2/29;NYT,WT 3/1; LAW3/2;MEI 3/10;alQuds 3/28in WNC 3/29) In Ramallah,PA officialsdiscussthe ongoingteachers strike, promiseto seek fundsforpay raises.In additionto notreceivingsalaryincreases,some teachershave notbeen paid in mos.,have been fired,or have been transferred. (MENL2/29)(see 2/17) In s. Lebanon, Hizballah attacksIDF 2 IDF soldiers,1 civillan The posts,injuring IDF respondswithairstrikesagainstHizballah targets. (WP 2/29) 29 FEBRUARY In Israel,Egyptianpresidential adviser Osama Baz holdsdiscussionswithPM Barak, otherseniorIsraeliofficials on the peace process.(MENA2/29,3/1in WNC3/2; al-Quds3/1in WNC3/3) Crown Prince Abdallah of Saudi Arabia arrivesin Cairoon a 2-dayvisitto discuss thepeace process,inter-Arab withPres.Mubarak (MM 2/29; coordination MENA2/29in WNC 3/1;MM3/1;MENA3/1 in WNC 3/2) 1 MARCH The Knesset, includingmuchofBarak's governing coalition,approves(60-53)a draft billdesignedto block a Golan withdrawal thata referendum on a peace by requiring agmt.withSyria win supportof 61 of the 120 MKsand 62.5%of all eligiblevoters, whetheror nottheyactuallyvote.JusticeM Yossi Beilin denouncesthebillas racist,because itwould neutralizethevotesof Israeli Arabs,who makeup justover 10%of the electorate. The draftis sentto comm.,is unlikelyto become law soon. (MM 3/1;MM, NYT,WP 3/2;al-Quds3/2in WNC3/6;JP, MEI 3/10) SaudiArabia'sCrown Prince Abdallah arrivesin Damascusfora 2-dayvisitto discuss withSyrian pres. Hafiz al-Asad the peace process,conveningan Arabsummit. RumorshintthatAbdallahmaydelivera messageconveyingguaranteesfromWashington,proposinga Clinton-Asad Ge- neva.(MM 3/1,3/3;NYT 3/4;MENA3/4in WNC3/6) In s. Lebanon, Hlzballah attacksan SLA patrol,killing5 SLAmbrs.3 SLAmbrs.are injuredin a separateHizballahmortarattack. An exchangeof shellingbtwn.the2 groups afterward killsa Druze cleric,injures2 civilIans. (MM 3/1;ANSA[Rome]3/1in WNC 3/2;NYT 3/2;JP,MEI 3/10) 2 MARCH In theIsraeliArabvillageof Taibeh,Isreli comm -nds, actingon information fr. thePA, raida Hamas safehouse.In theen4 Hamas mbrs.are killed,1 is suinggunfight captured,1 commandois injured.Israelipolice thenbulldozethehouse.Barak claims themenwereplanningan attackon Israelis to derailthestalledpeace process.(MM 3/2; MM,NYT,WP 3/3;MM3/7;JP,MEI 3/10) BirzeitUniversitystudents, teacherssuspend classesindefinitely to protestthePA's arrestof studentsduringand following FrenchFMJospin's visitThe PA is still holdingaround30 students. (NYT 3/3;WP 3/5;MEI 3/10)(see 2/28) SaudiArabia'sCrown Prince Abdaflah arrivesin Lebanon on a 2-daysolidarity visit,meetswithPres.Lahoudand parliamentary mbrs.representing Hlzballah. (MM 3/3;NYT,WP 3/4;MEI 3/10)(see 2/24) 3 MARCH ArafatreceivesKnesset speaker thehighestlevel AvrahamBurg,marking PA-Israeli 1 mo. BurgpresentsArafat to achievea withBarak's"fullcommitment" permanent agmt.,butPA saysthemtg.does of talks.(NYT notrepresent a resumption 3/4) 4 MARCH In Cairo,Russian FM Igor Ivanov, FM Musa discussthepeace proEgyptian cess,bilateraland regionalissues.Ivanov also meetswithPres.Mubarak in SharmalShaykh, Arab League secy.-gen.Ismat MENA3/4,ITAR'Abd al-Majid (Interfax, TASS,MENA3/5in WNC3/6) Some 100 prominentPalestinian diaspora figuresissue a statement emphasizing theimportance to thePA-Israeli negotiations of therefugeeissue,theconcernsof diaspora Palestinians. (MM 3/15,3/22)(see Doc. B1) Hizballah shellsan IlDF outpostin s. Lebanon, wounding1 IDF soldier.(WT 3/5) This content downloaded from on Fri, 06 Mar 2015 18:29:32 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 172 JOURNAL OF PALESrIrESTUIES 5 MARCH Barak winsunanimousapprovalof his cabinetto pullthe IDF out of s. Lebanon by 7/00,even withoutan accordwithSyria. Israelalso promisesto "honoritscommitments"to theSLA (MN 3/5,DUS, Interfax 3/6in WNC3/7;XIN 3/5,3/7in WNC3/8; MM,NYT,WP,WT 3/6;al-Quds3/6in WNC 3/9;MM3/7;CSM,MEI 3/10) PA police releaseall Palesthnia stuin dents stillbeingheld forparticipating demonstrations. (NYT,WP 3/6; anti-Jospin MM3/8)(see 3/2) In s. Lebanon, 2 Hlzllah mbrs.are killedduringan operationagainstthe IDF/SIA (MEI 3/10) 6 MARCH In Sharmal-Shaykh, Arafat,Mubarak discussthepeace process.Mubarakalso discusses thepeace processby phonewith Barak. (MENA3/6in WNC3/7) Lebanon welcomesIsrael's 3/5decision to withdraw itstroopsbutsaysitwillnot giveanyguaranteesforpeace untilIsrael comes to an agmt.withSyria overtheGolan Heights.(MM 3/6;WT 3/7;MEI 3/10) Israel parolesa Jewish settlersentencedto lifein jail fortheexecution-style slayingof a Palestiian in theWestBank7 yrs.ago. (NYT 3/7;WT 3/8) 7 MARCH to the U.S. specialenvoyRoss returns MiddleEastto tryto restart talkson theIstrack.(AYM,al-Quds3/7in raeli-Palestinian WNC 3/9;WP,WT 3/8) meetin Tel Aviv Arafat,Barak secretly to discussdifferences blockingrenewalof theirpeace talks,especiallyimplementation of the3d stageof the2d FRD outlinedin WyeII. Ross does notattend.(MM,NYT, WP,WT 3/8;al-Quds3/9in WNC 3/13) Syria's cabinetresigns.Pres.Aad names AleppogovernorMuhammad Mustafa MIru as thenew PM,charginghimwith to "modernize a new government forming Thisis seen as a move theadministration." by Asad to accelerateeconomicand social reform, to reducetheBa'thparty'spolitical to inrole (Miruis a low-levelBa'thofficial), jectnew blood intothecabinetand is not withIsrael. expectedto affect negotiations (CSM,MM,NYT,WP 3/8;MM 3/9,3/10;JP 3/17;MEI 3/24;al-Majallah4/10in WNC 4/14) Israell police beginto investigate a complaintthatTransportation M Mordechai sexuallyassaulteda femaleemployee. Mordechaideniesthecharges,takesa leave of absencefr.his postto speed theinvestigation.(MM3/7;MM,NYT,WT 3/8;WJW3/9, 3/16;JP3/17) 8 MARCH After anothermtg.btwn.Arafiatand Barak in Ramallah,thistimeattendedby U.S. specialenvoyRoss, Ross announces thatIsraeL thePA willresumenegotiations in theU.S. aftertheId al-Adhaholidayends on 3/20.The sides stillaim to concludea full 9/13.Ross saysthere havebeen "constructive" talkson interim issues. (MM 3/8;NYT,WP,WT 3/9;ITAR-TASS 3/9in WNC3/14;al-Quds3/9,DUS 3/11in WNC3/13;CSM 3/10) Lebanesepres.Lahoud saysLebanon wouldguaranteesecurity along thes. border aftertheIDF withdraws, butonlyas partof an overallMiddleEastsettlement; warnsthat Palestinian guerrillas opposed to Arafat might attackn. Israelfr.s. Lebanoniftherefugee issueis notsolved.(XIN 3/8in WNC 3/9; CSM,WP 3/9;NYT 3/12;Le Monde 3/17in WNC3/20) Israel's High Court rules(4-1) thatan cannotbe barredfr.livIsraeli Arab family ingin a cooperativeJewishcommunity. thedecisionaffects the 1 family Although thatseparate only,thecourt'sdetermination are "inherently ArabandJewishcommunities unequal"and discriminate againstArabssets legal precedentthatmaybe used in future cases. (NYT,WP 3/9;WJW3/16;JP3/17) In s. Lebanon, 2 SLA mbrs.are killedin a clashwithHlzballah (MEI 3/10) 9 MARCH to Arafat,Barak go to Sharmal-Shaykh meetwithPres.Mubarak in advanceof PAlaterthismo. AfIsraelitalksin Washington terward, theypubliclyannouncetheunderstandings theyhave reachedin orderto resumetalks.(MM 3/9;ITAR-TASS 3/9in WNC3/14;NYT,WT 3/10;MENA3/10,DUS 3/11in WNC3/13;WJW3/16;JP3/17;MEI 3/24)(see Peace Monitor) 10 MARCH Czech Republic announcesplansto missionto thePA in open a permanent Ramallahin the comingmos. (CTK [Prague], Noviny[Prague]3/10in WNC 3/13) This content downloaded from on Fri, 06 Mar 2015 18:29:32 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 173 CHRONOLOGY 11 MARCH Some 850 Israeli Arabs attenda rallyin Nazarethsupporting thePalestinian refugees' rightof return. (BDL 3/13) 12 MARCH The EDF presentsBarak witha proposal called MorningTwilight, underwhichthe IDF would withdraw fr.all but8 strategic sitesin s. Lebanon in 7/00.Whenthegistof theplan is leakedby theIsraelipress,LebanonASyria,UN InterimForce in Lebanon (UNFIL) termita "doomsdayoption" (UNIFILadviserTimurGoksel'sterm)that would exacerbateinstability and violence. (MM 3/13,3/15;MEI,MM3/24;MEI 4/7) Attheclose of a 2-dayArab League mtg. in Beirut,FMsdeclaretheirsupportofLebanon's rightto resistIsraeli occupation,urge Arabstatesto uniteand resistnormalization withIsraeluntila comprehensive peace is achieved.Israel considersthestatement exhostileto thepeace process.(NYT, tremist, WP,WT 3/12;IRNA,MENA3/12in WNC 3/13,3/14;MM,NYT 3/13;MENA3/13in WNC 3/15;MM3/14;AYM3/14in WNC 3/20;WJW3/16;MEI 3/24)(see Doc. B3) lOs of Palestinians demonstrate outside thePC in Ramallahto protestthePA's decision to raisefuelpricesgivenworldwidegas pricehikes.(MENL3/12;AYM3/14in WNC 3/20) 13 MARCH Barak narrowly winsa no-confidence in theKnesvote (47-42,with3 abstentions) set,whichwas called afterheatedpublicdebate overEducaton M Yossi Sarid's decisionto include5 poemsby Palestinian nationalist poet Mahmud Darwish in school curricula. (MM 3/13;MM,NYT,WP, WT 3/14;AYM3/14in WNC 3/15;NYT 3/15; MENL,WJW3/16;MEI 3/24) In apparentresponseto theArab Israel stepsup Iague's 3/12statement, bombingcampaignsagainstAmal,FatahUprising,Hlzballah, thePopular Front for the Liberationof Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC), Lebanese army targetsin s. Lebanon and nr.theLebaneseSyrianborder,killing1 Lebanesesoldier,1 civilian,woundingseveralothers.The attackson Fatah-Uprising and PFLP-GCare the firstsince 1986.(MM 3/13,3/14;MENA3/14 in WNC3/15;MM,NYT 3/15) Prince Hassan of Jordan saysthathe willnotbe able to makea previously ar- rangedtripto Israel todayto receivean honorary doctorate.(DUS 3/14in WNC 3/15) PA Social AffairsM Intisar al-Wazirresignsto protestcutsto herbudgetforstipendsto familiesof Palestinians killedby Israeliforcesor jailedin Israel,thePA's failure to fundpay raisesforcivilservants. Arafatrefusesherresignation, appointsa panel to investigate waysof meetingthese budgetneeds.(MENL3/21;MEI 3/24;PR [Intemet]3/29;MENL4/3) As a goodwillgesturebeforetheId, ArafatordersthePA PreventiveSecurity Force (PSF) to release18 Hamas activists beingheld as administrative detainees.(alQuds 3/13in WNC 3/16) SyrianPM Mimipresentshis new government.FM Faruq al-Sham', DM Muswtaa Tas, Interior M Muhammad Harba, Finance M Muhammad Khalid al-Mahaini, Economics M Muhammad Imadi, 8 other Ms retaintheirposts;22 new mbrs.are all technocrats. (MM,WT 3/15;MM 3/20;MEI 3/24) Lebanese Shi'i leader Mustafa Dirani, jailedin Israelsincebeingabductedfr.Lebanon by theIDF in 5/94,filesa $1.5-m.lawsuit against the Israeli government, durallegingthathe was rapedand tortured (WP 3/14;WT 3/15;IRNA inginterrogations. 3/15in WNC3/16;WJW3/16) 14 MARCH After fr.right-wing criticism MKs,Barak removestheWestBankvillageofAnata,in jointlycontrolledarea B nr.Jerusalem,from to thelistof possibleareas to be transferred PA-controlled area A underthe3d stageof the2d FRD. (MM 3/14;MENA3/14in WNC 3/15;CSM,MM,NYT,WT 3/15;CSM,MM, WJW3/16;CSM 3/21) Israel formally deploystheArrow 2 misa 14-yr., sile system, culminating $13-b.joint development projectwiththeU.S. (NYT 3/15) Israeli airstrikeson s. Lebanon continue.The Lebanese army saystherehave been 20 raidsin thepast24 hrs.(MENA3/14 in WNC 3/15;NYT 3/15) Kuwait announcesthatithas startedacceptingjob applicationsfr.Jodanians, Palestinians,Yemenis forthe 1sttime sinceaccusingtheirleadersof supporting Iraq duringthe 1990-91Gulfconflict. (WT 3/15)(see 2/21) U.S. congressional stafferswho traveled to Iaq in 8/99releasea reportdesanctionsregime, nouncingtheU.S.,British This content downloaded from on Fri, 06 Mar 2015 18:29:32 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 174 JOURNAL OF PALESINE STUDIES thenegativeeffects delineating of sanctions, and callingforsupportin Congressforpendinglegislation to liftsanctions.(MM 3/16) (see Doc. Cl) al-Safir3/18in WNC3/21;NYT 3/19;MM 3/21;WP,WT 3/22;MEI 5/5)(see 7/31/97) 15 MARCH In Gaza, PA police detainan IDF jeep escortinga convoyof settlersthrough Netzarim junction, claimingitcutoffa Palestiniancar.After intervention by seniorofficers, thejeep is allowedto pass. Israelfiles a complaintwiththePA,notingthatPAIsraelisecurity agmts.forbidPalestinian vehicles to cutintoan Israeliconvoy.(Hatzofe 3/19in WNC 3/21) Israel, thePA agreeon areasto be transferredin the3d stageof the2d FRD. Israel's security cabinetapprovesthemapsand a list of 15 PalestInian prisoners to be released forId al-Adha.Jewish settlershold 3 demonstrations againsttheFRD plans.(MM 3/15; NYT,WT 3/16;JP3/31)(see Peace Monitor) As fighting in s. Lebanon continues, Hlzbalah firesrocketsinton. Irael in retaliationforIDF attacks3/13-14thatkilled, woundedcivilians.Rocketscause no damage, injuries.(NYT 3/16) 16 MARCH In Washington, 23 retred U.S. generals publisha letteropposinganyU.S. military or civilianaid to Syria as partof a Syrian-Israeli peace agmt.(MM 3/29) In Nablus,PA police arrest2 Palestinians suspectedof plotting bombings,confiscate 88 lbs.of explosives.(NYT 3/18) 17 MARCH The U.S. announcesa "majorgesture"to Iran, acknowledging (butnotapologizing for)pastmeddlingin Iran,includingthe 1953CIA-backedcoup thatrestoredthe monarchy; promising stepstowardthereturn of assetsfrozensincethe 1979revolution; a ban on importsof Iranianluxury lifting on Iranianacademgoods; easingrestrictions ics and athletesvisiting theU.S. Secy.of State Albrightadds thattheU.S.willalso consider theupcomingtrialof 13 IranianJews as a "barometer of U.S.-Iranrelations." (NYT,WP, WT 3/17;NYT,WP 3/18;IRNA3/18,3/19in WNC 3/21;NYT 3/19;MM3/20;AYM3/21in WNC3/23;CSM,MM3/24;NYT 4/27)(see 2/2) Lebanon grantsasylumto 1 of 5 Japanese Red Armymbrs. who justcompleted prisontermsforpassportforgery. The other 4 mbrs.are deportedtoJordan,which handsthemovertoJapanese officialsfor extradition to Tokyo,wheretheywillstand trialforbombingstheycarriedout therein the 1970s.Whentheyhearthenews,angry demonstrators rallyoutsideLebanese PM Salim al-Huss's home.Huss claimsLebanon did nothave an agmtwithJordan, Japanto send the4 back to Tokyo.(NYT,WP 3/18; 18 MARCH 19 MARCH Jewishextremistsvandalize Overnight, thehelipadand welcomingvenue thathas been speciallybuiltforthepope's visitthis w}c,spraypaintingsymbolsequatingthe crosswiththeswastika.(NYT,WP 3/20;MM 3/21) 20 MARCH Pres. Cllnton announces thathe will meet Syrianpres. Asad in Geneva on 3/26 in hopes of restartingSyrian-Israelitalks. (MM 3/20; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 3/21; MENA 3/21 in WNC 3/22; MM 3/22; MENA 3/21, Le Monde 3/22 in WNC 3/23; MM, WJW3/23; MEI 3/24;JP 3/31) (see 3/1) Pope John Paul U arrivesinJordan on the 1st leg of a 1-wk. Middle East tour,meets with King Ab lalih The pope's theme for the tripis thatregional leaders should do more to reach a lastingpeace, to promote Christian-Jewish-Muslim understanding.(MM 3/20;al-Quds3/20in WNC 3/22;CSM,NYT, WT 3/21;al-Quds3/21in WNC3/23;MEI 3/24) IIDF soldiers open fireon a Palestinian car at a West Bank checkpoint, killinga woman, wounding her husband. The IDF shooting, which was apparentlyunprovoked, followed a drive-byshooting at nearby Tsurif settlementthatwounded 4 Jewish settlers. (WP 3/21; WJW3/23; MEI 3/24; NYT 4/21) 21 MARCH Egyptian pres.Mubarak saysthatIsrael, Syria have neareda peace behindthe-scenestalks(through"specialenvoys," U.S. and British thathave continued officials) sincetalkswere formally suspendedin 1/00. (WP 3/22)(see 3/20) PA,Israeli negotiating teams,led by Yasir 'Abid Rabbu and Eran, respectively, This content downloaded from on Fri, 06 Mar 2015 18:29:32 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 175 CHRONOLOGY resumefinalstatustalksat BoilingAirForce undera media Base (AFB) nr.Washington blackout.U.S. specialenvoyRoss, his assistant,Aaron Miller,willoverseethetalksbut willnot,at thisstage,presentU.S. proposals. (CSM 3/21;MENA3/21in WNC3/22;NYT, WP,WT 3/22)(see Peace Monitor) the3d stageof the2d Israel implements 6.1%of area B to area A In FRD,transfeffing total,thePA now has fullcontrolof 18.2%of theWestBank,partialcontrolof 21.8%.(CSM 3/21;CSM,NYT,WP,WT 3/22;JP3/31) The pope celebratesmassfor30,000 Catholicsin Amman,visitsseveralreligious sitesbeforeheadingto Isral. (MM 3/21; NYT,WP,WT 3/22;MEI 3/24) 22 MARCH Barak phonesUN Secy.-Gen.Kofi Annan, Frenchpres.Chlrac, IsraelMartinIndyk to discussscenariosfor a unilateral s. Lebanon pulloutifAsad does negotianotagreeto resumeSyrian-Israeli tionsin his mtg.withClHntonon 3/26.(MM 3/24)(see 3/12) wherehe The pope visitsBethlehem, meetswithArafat,conductsmass,visits Dahaysharefugeecamp,and toursreligious sites.The pope pauses hismassfor2 minutesof silenceduringtheMuslimafternoon theaccommocall to prayerto demonstrate dation,respectnecessaryamongreligious groups.(MM 3/22;CSM,JP,MM,NYT,WP, WT 3/23;MEI 3/24;PR [Internet] 3/29;MEI 4/7)(see Doc. A2) After thepope leaves Dahaysha refugee camp (wherealmost10,000refugeesliveon less than1 mi.2of land),Palestinians angry of PA police enoverthehigh-handedness forthepope's visitclash forcingsecurity withthepolice in an exchangeof rock beatings,weapon fire.Some 60 inthrowing, mostlycaused by rocks. juriesare reported, (NY, WP,WT 3/23;LAW3/27;MEI,MM 4/7) After overseeingthepope's visit,Arafat heads to Cairoto hold talkswithMubarak on thepeace processin advanceof Mubarak'stripto Washington beginning 3/25.(MENA3/22in WNC3/23;MENA3/23 in WNC3/27) Giventheskyrocketing gas pricesin the agreesto allow laq to U.S., Washington exdouble itsspendingon maintaining, to $1.2 b. a yr.(WP pandingitsoil industry 3/23,3/25;MEI 4/7)(see 3/14) 23 MARCH BeforeleavingCairo,Arafatdiscussesthe peace processwithArab League secy.-gen. Ismat 'Abd al-MaJid.(MENA3/23in WNC 3/27) SyrianFM Shara', RussianFM Ivanov by negotiations discusstheSyrian-Israeli 3/23in WNC 3/27) phone.(Interfax The pope spendstheday in Israel,visitingYad Vashem,meetingwithPres. Ezer Welzman and Israel's chief rabbis, leadThe pope also hostsa ingmassinJerusalem. whichhe "healingand reconciliation" invitesChief Rabbi MartinLau, Grand MuftiofJerusalem ikramSabri Sabrirefusesto siton thesame podiumas Lau and so refusesto attend.The PA sendsShaykh i in his place. In their Taysir Tm speechesLau,Tamimibothstresstheirpeo(MM 3/23;CSM, ples' rightsoverJerusalem. MM, NYT, WP 3/24; NYT 3/26;JP 3/31; MEI 4/7) 24 MARCH Israeli FM Levy, Russian FM Ivanov dis- cuss thepeace processby phone.(Interfax 3/24 in WNC 3/28) (see 3/23) The pope meetswithPM Barak, holds a youthmassattendedby 100,000persons,visitsreligioussitesin theGalilee.(MM 3/24; NYT,WP,WT 3/25) Nr.Petra,Jordanian securityforces demolisha Jordanian's home, whichhad for4 yrs.and was been underconstruction nearlycompleted,claimingithad been built touristarea." withouta permitin a "sensitive The demolitionsparksa riotduringwhich3 Jodanians are shotdead by thesecurity forces.(MEI 4/21) In reactionto recentgas pricehikes,the U.S. House of Representativespasses a thatwould urgetheadministration resolution sales to OPEC counto cutoffaid,military triesthattryto pushup oil pricesby condemand.Pres.Clinton opposes the straining measure,whichhe saysis too heavy-handed. (MM,WP 3/27)(see 3/22) The U.S. DistrictCourt ordersIran to pay $341 m. in damagesto journalst Terry Anderson,sayingtheevidencewas overwhelmingthatIranwas behindhis kidnappingin Lebanonin 1985.(NYT,WP,WT 3/25)(see 2/16) This content downloaded from on Fri, 06 Mar 2015 18:29:32 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 176 JOURNAL OF PALESINE 25 MARCH Israel, thePA reportedly hold the 1st whattheyhope to be a seriesof "back-channel" contactsto establisha "real" trackto drawup solutionson majorfinalstatusissues.Israelis supposedlyrepresented by Tourism M Amnon Shahak, Intemal SecurityM Shlomo Ben Ami,thePA by PC speaker Ahmad Qural' and Oslo negotiatorMahmud Abbas. (MM 3/30;AYM4/1 in WNC4/6) The pope conductsmorningprayersand mass at theBasilicaof theAnnunciation in Nazareth.He also meetswithGreekOrthodox patriarchs and bishops,urgesChristian communities to resolvetheirdifferences. (NYT,WP,WT 3/26) 26 MARCH In Geneva,Pres.Clinton presentsSyrian pres.Asad, FM Shara' witha maximalist proposalfr.IsraeliPM Barak fora Golan withdrawal thatwould place thefinalborder east of the 1923international borderaround LakeTiberias.Asad rejectstheproposaloutright. After themtg.,theU.S. saysthatit would notbe productive forIsrael,Syriato resumetalksnow,since "it'snotobviousthat . . . differences can be bridged."(WP 3/26; al-Quds3/26in WNC3/28;MM,NYT,WP, WT 3/27;al-Quds3/27,DUS, Le Monde 3/28 in WNC 3/29;XIN 3/27in WNC4/12;CSM, MM,NYT,WP,WT 3/28;AYM,al-Quds3/28 in WNC 3/30;WP 3/29;WJW3/30,4/6;alQuds 4/6in WNC4/11;JP,MEI 4/7)(see Peace Monitor, Docs. A4,C2) The pope ends his MiddleEasttripby holdingSundaymass at theBasilicaofthe Churchof theHolySepulcher,joiningworwiththe shipersat theWesternWall,visiting ofJerusalem, grandmufti meetingwithLatin and bishops.(NYT,WP,WT 3/27; patriarchs WJW3/30;JP3/31) 27 MARCH AtBollingAFB,Secy.of StateAlbright teams. meetswithPA, Israeli negotiating (WT 3/28) U.S. specialenvoyRoss arrivesin Israel to briefBarak on Clinton's3/26mtg.with Asad. Afterward BaraktellstheKnesset that Asad is "notreadyforthetypeof decisions thatare necessaryto reacha peace agreement."(WP 3/27;MM,WP,WT 3/28;WJW 3/30) SyrianFM Shara' saysthattheIsraeliproposals Pres.Clinton broughtto Genevanot STUDIES onlywere notnew or betterbutwere actuallyworsethanpreviousproposals.(MM 3/27;WP 3/28,3/29;WT 3/31;MEI 4/7) In an unprecedented move,Israel's Interior M Natan Sharnsky announcesthat he willrestoreto theIsraeli Arab village of Kafr Kaslm 250 acresof itsland thathad been takento developtheneighboring Jewish town of Rosh Ha'ayln The stepis intendedto promotedemocracy, social justice, and equal opportunities forall citizens.(NYT 3/28;MM3/30) Israel'satty.gen.opens a criminalinvestigationof Shas spiritualleader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef to determine whetherto chargehimwithincitement fora 3/18sermonin whichhe said thatEducationM Sarid shouldbe "extirpated" and his memforrecommending oryobliterated Palestinian poetrybe includedin Israelicurricula(MM 3/27;NYT,WP 3/28;JP3/31;CSM 4/4)(see 3/13) In theKnesset, 5 no-confidence votes againsttheBarak government fail.The most seriousmotionattackedBarak'spresumed intentto giveawayArabneighborhoods abutting Jerusalem (NYT 3/28) 28 MARCH The 1stroundof PA-IsraeliFAPStalksat Boilingends.The State Dept. saystheteams to achievea spentthisround"attempting of each other'sneeds betterunderstanding and requirements." No progresswas made on narrowing thegaps in theirpositions. Teamsagreeto open a 2d roundof talksat Bollingon 4/6.(NYT,WP,WT 3/29;AYM,alQuds 3/29in WNC 3/30;AYM4/1in WNC 4/6)(see Peace Monitor) Barak phonesEgypt'sMubarak in to briefhimon Israel'sviewson Washington the3/26Clinton-Asad Geneva.EgyptianFM Musa phonesSyrianFM Shara' to discussSyria'sview of the3/26mtg.(MENA 3/28in WNC 3/29;MEI 4/7) In Washington fortalkson bilateralrelations,Pres.Mubarak meetswithPres.Clinton to discussthepeace process.Clinton callsfor"intensifying" PA-Israeli negotiations, saysthat"theball is in [Asad's]court"regardingmovementon theSyrian-Israeli track.(MENA3/28in WNC3/29;MM,NYT, WP,WT 3/29;MENA3/29in WNC 3/30;MM 3/30;DUS, MENA3/30in WNC 3/31;MM 4/3;MEI 4/7)(see Peace Monitor) Jordan indicts28 Arabs allegedlylinked to SaudidissidentOsama Bin Laden on terto attackU.S., rorismchargesforconspiring This content downloaded from on Fri, 06 Mar 2015 18:29:32 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions CHRONOLOGY 177 Israeli targetsduringNew Year'scelebrations.15 suspectsare in custody;13 others are at large.Mostof thesuspectsare Iraqi,Palestinothersare Algerian, Jordanian, ian,Yemeni.(DUS 3/28in WNC3/29;NYT, WP 3/29;DUS 3/29in WNC 3/30;NYT 4/11) Israeli police After a 7-mo.investigation, recommendthatfmr.PM Benjamin Netanyahu and his wffeSara be indictedon of theft criminalchargesoffraud,bribery, of 700 stategiftsworth$100,000,obstruction justice.(MM,NYT,WP,WT 3/29) OPEC agreesto Bowingto Washington, boostoil output.(Iran refusesto signthe protestto theU.S.butagreesto Clinton calls themove complyin effect.) "good news ... fortheAmericanconsumer," complainthatthe butmanyOPEC officials U.S. pressure(especiallyfr. heavy-handed who hopes to EnergySecy.BillRichardson, matefor be chosenas VP Al Gore'srunning the 11/00U.S. elections)makestheirown moreawkpoliticaland economicsituations ward.(CSM,NYT,WP 3/29;WP 3/30;MEI 4/7)(see 3/24) 29 MARCH Pres.Clinton saysthatat the3/26Gefr. to withdraw neva mtg.,Israel had offered a "significant" portionof theGolan Heights; itis inifSyria cannotacceptIsrael'soffer, cumbentupon Damascusto come up with an alternative. (MM 3/30)(see Doc. C2) The Israeli High Court rulesthatsome 730 Palestlnians who challengedtheirexpulsion(11/16)fr.theircave homesnr.Yatta untilthecourt in theWestBankmayreturn thecase and issueda final has investigated ruling.(WP 3/30) 30 MARCH Israeli Arabs observetheirannual1-day the 1976incidentin strikecommemorating Israeliland which6 Palestinians protesting were shotdead by Israelipoconfiscations lice.For the 1sttime,3 Druze communities observethestrike.LandDay demonstrators storman IDF base beingbuilton landexfr.theArabvillageof Sakhnin.Ispropriated raeli police dispersethecrowdusingtear 20 and resulting in thedeathof gas, injuring woman.(MM 3/30;HA [ntemet] a 72-yr.-old 3/31,4/5;WJW4/6;JP4/7) Land In Gaza, 500 Palestlnians marking Day block theentranceto theJewish settlement of GushKatif.PA police keep the containedto preventIDF intervenprotesters tion.(MM 3/30) Some 150 Jews fr.Rosh Ha'ayin M Sharanskys againstInterior demonstrate 3/27decisionto return250 acresof land to theArabvillageKafr Kaslm (MM 3/30) For unclearreasons,an IDF soldier shoots,killsa Palestinian driverat a checkpointoutsideShu'afatrefugeecamp in the WestBank,arrestshis passenger.(IAW 3/31) 31 MARCH Egyptianpres.Mubarak phones Syrian pres.Asad to briefhimon his meetingwith on 3/28. Pres.Clinton in Washington (MENA3/31in WNC4/5) Iraq givesPalesdnians who have lived some 30,000 in Baghdadsince 1948(totalling but therightto own property, individuals) stressesthatrightscannotbe passed on. (JT [nternet]3/31) 1 APRIL Lebanese DM Ghazi Zaytirsuggests thatLebanonmayask Syria to deploy borderif troopsalongtheIsraeli-Lebanese AlthoughZayunilaterally. Israel withdraws his personal reflect tirsayshis statements views,Israelexpressesconcern,suspecting theidea is backedby Syria.(CSM,WP 4/2; MM,WP 4/3;AYM4/3,al-Quds4/4in WNC 4/6;MM4/4;JP,MEI 4/7;CSM4/19) 2 APRIL 'Abid Rabbuh says PA chiefnegotiator thatIsrael has droppeditsoppositionto a Palestinian state,whichArafathopes to declarein 9/00,butthePA rejectsIsrael'svision of thatstate:two clustersof areas connectedby a landpassage,alongwith totalsome WestBanksuburbsofJerusalem, ling50% of theWestBank,withIsraelcontheborderwithJordan.(MM 4/3) trolling SyrianFM Shara' denouncesLebanese DM Zaytrs suggestion(4/1) thatSyrian troopsguardtheLebaneseborderwhen Israel pullsout.(MM,WP 4/3) In Ramallah,5 armedmenbreakintothe officeof PA EnvironmentalM Yusif Abu Saflyya,beat himseverely.The PA police Min. arrest5 suspectsplus theEnvironmental theattack.(MENL dir.gen.fororchestrating 4/3;AYM4/8in WNC4/12) In a separateincidentin Ramallah,PC mbr. Qaddura Faris, mbr.of a new PC and HumanRightsComm.,is Monitoring beatenbyAraft's guards outsideArafat's This content downloaded from on Fri, 06 Mar 2015 18:29:32 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 178 OF PALEsrmESTUIES JOURNAL to enterfora comm. officewhenhe attempts whichis stillbemtg.on theteachersstrike, ingobservedin some areas(see 2/28). FarisreArafathas the7 guardsarrested. (LAW,MENL protest. 4/4;AYM4/4in WNC4/6;AYM4/8in WNC 4/12) 3 APRIL After a mtg.withPM Barak in Israel,U.S. Defense Secy. Wlliam Cohen saysthat defensepacthave plansfora U.S.-Israeli been puton hold since thedeal is continfr.theGolan, gentupon Israeliwithdrawal whichdoes notappearlikely.Cohenalso discussesIsrael'splannedsale of sophistito catedU.S.-developedAWACStechnology China (MM,NYT,WP, WT4/4;WP 4/5; WJW4/6;MM4/10;WP 4/11)(see Peace Monitor) Israeli Arab studentsat Halfa Univerto protestthe sitystagea demonstration deathof a womanduringLandDay protests 4/5) in Sakhninon 3/31.(HA [Internet] To protestsanctionson Iraq, an Italian EU parliament mbr. Vitplane carrying torlo Sgarbi,an Italian journalst, and a French Catholic priest leavesJordan's Ammanairportand fliesto Baghdadwithout UN permission. (MM 4/4,4/7;JT4/7in WNC 4/11) Turkeysends 1,000troopsinton. Iraq to huntKurdish separatist, makesair strikeson Kurdishbases. Turkeyhas previouslycarriedout springcampaignsagainst of troops,supSince 1,OOOs theseparatists. portedby mbrs.of Iraq'sKurdistanDemocratic Party,began massingon theborder withIraq in 3/00,therehave been a few butthisis the 1st cross-border skirmishes, largeincursionintoIraq.(NYT 4/4;WT 4/5; see also WP 3/27) 4 APRIL In Geneva,IsraeliFM Levy assuresUN Secy.-Gen.Annan thatIsrael willwithdraw with fr.s. Lebanon in 7/00in coordination theUN. Annansaysthathe willdiscusswith theUN SecurityCouncil (UNSC) possibly force.(MM expandingUNIFIL's 4,500-mbr. 4/4;MM,WP, WT 4/5;WJW4/6;Mm4/7) In Amman,U.S.DefenseSecy.Cohen, King Abdallah discusscooperationefforts to modernizetheJordanian army,improve livingconditionsin thekingdom.Cohenalso complainsabouttheviolationof theem- bargoon Iraq by an Itlan plane thatdepartedAmmanon 4/3.(MM 4/4) breaks AtHaifa University,a fistfight out btwn.severalIsraeli Arab and rightwing Jewishstidnts overinsultsby the an IsraeliArab Jewishstudentsregarding on campus4/3.Israeli podemonstration detain1 Araband 1 Jewish lice intervene, Iratestudentsattack studentforquestioning. thepolice,sparkinga riotthatlasts2 hrs. 4/5) (HA [Internet] Jordanian police clashwith In Amman, a UniversityofJordan stuents protesting to apdecisionby theschool administration pointhalfof the80 stuas to reducetheinfluenceof pro-Islamist dentgroups.(WT 4/5;JT4/7in WNC 4/11; MM4/12;MEI 4/21) 5 APRIL The donors'JointLiaison Comm and Local Aid Coordination Comm. bothmeet in Gaza. (WorldBankpressrelease4/19, 5/4)(see Peace Monitor) Israel releasesGhassan Dirani, nephew ofMustafaDlrani (see 3/13),to theRed to Lebanon.Lebanese Cross forrepatriation Chrisdan mlltla men kidnappedDiraniin 1986,hopingto tradehimwithIsrael,who would wanthimas a bargaintheythought to findout whathapingchip in itsefforts pened to IDF airman Ron Arad,who was downedoverLebanonearlierin 1986,allegedlyby mbrs.of MustafaDirani'sgroup. Israeltookcustodyof Ghassanin 1990 and had sinceheld himwithoutcharge.(NYT, WP 4/6;WT 4/20) To protesttheIsraeliHighCourt's3/29 to to return decisionallowingPalestinians theirhomesnr.Yatta,Jewish settlersreoccupytheWestBankhilltopwheretheillegal outpostHavat Maon was dismantledin 11/99as partof an agmtbtwn.PM Barak and theYESHA settlerscouncil (NYT 4/6) the TheJordanian air force intercepts Italian plane thatdefiedUN sanctionson tripand forcesitto Iraq on 4/3on itsreturn land.The plane is impounded,thepilotarand Italianfilmrested,and theEU official makerdeported.(MM 4/6,4/7;JT4/7in WNC4/11;DUS 4/23in WNC4/24)(see 4/4) 6 APRI PA,Israeli teamsresumeFAPStalksat BoilingAFB.(WJW4/6;WP 4/7)(see Peace Monitor) This content downloaded from on Fri, 06 Mar 2015 18:29:32 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 179 CHRONOLOGY In Beirut,Lebanesepres.Lahoud, UN special envoy Terje Larsen discussIsrael's plansto pullout of s. Lebanon in 7/00. LahoudgivesLarsena letteroutlining Lebanon's concernsregarding a unilateral IDF withdrawal. (MM4/6;MM,NYT 3/7;MEI 4/21)(see Doc. B4) Rep. Sonny allaan (R-AL),chmn.of theHouse Appropriations Subcomm.,vows to block $250 m. in FY 2001 aid to Israel to offsetitsprofit fr.theplannedsale ofAWACS technology to China, ifthesale goes through. (WP 4/7,4/11;WJW4/13,4/20) (see 4/3) After a 2-mo.investigation, Israel police concludethatPres.Welzman committed fraud,breachof trustby acceptingunreportedfundsand favorsfrom2 privatebusinessmenbutsay he cannotbe indicted has runout. because thestatuteof limitations (MM,NYT,WP,WT 4/7;MM,WT 4/10;WJW 4/13;JP4/14)(see 1/20) The IDF evacuatesJewish settlersfr. HavatMaon.(NYT 4/7)(see 4/5) Jordanian riot police standby as UniversityofJordan studentsstagea peaceful 2-hr.sit-into protesttheuniversity's decision to appointhalfof thestudentcouncil.(JT4/7 in WNC 4/11)(see 4/4) 7 APRIL In Damascus,UN specialenvoyLarsen discusseswithSyrianFM Shara' Israel's fr.s. Lebaplansfora unilateral withdrawal non, thepossibleroleof UN forces.(NYT 4/7;MENA4/8in WNC 4/11) 8 APRIL The White House announcesthat Araft, Barak willcome to Washington separatelyto meetwithClinton on finalstatus talkswillalso address talks.Clinton-Barak theSyriantrack.(NYT,WT 4/9;XIN 4/9in WNC 4/11) SyrianFM Shara' arrivesin Cairowitha messageto Pres.Mubark fr.Pres.Asad rewithgardingIsrael's proposedunilateral drawalfr.s. Lebanon; sayspubliclythat even if Syriawould welcomea withdrawal, unilateral. (MENA4/8in WNC4/11;NYT 4/10; USIS Washington File [nternet] 4/12; WP 4/14; al-Musawwar 4/14 in WNC 4/17; AYM4/18in WNC 4/20) In an editorialin theLondon-baseddaily al-Hayat,Britishjournalist and Asad biographer PatrickSeale offersan independentproposal,whichIsrael interprets as floatedby Syria,fora compromisesolution issue.(MM 4/8; to theGolan withdrawal NYT 4/10;see also MM4/7)(see Doc. A3) In the 1stmajorpubliceventon thePalestinianrefugeeissue,lOOs of activists,students, scholars fr.aroundtheworldattend a conferencein Bostonaimedat developing actionplan to support an international Palestinians' rightof retbn. lOOsmore are turnedawaydue to limitedspace. Speakers are respectedsenioracademicsand politincludingEdward Said, Noam ical analysts, Chomsky.(BDL 4/19;al-Safir Internet] 5/1) 9 APRIL In s. Lebanon, IDF artillery fireinjures3 In retaliacivilians,1 Lebanesearmyofficer. tionfortheciviliancasualties,IIlaIlah firesa rocketinton. Israet causingno damage or injuries.In a separateclash in s. Lebanon,Hizballahwounds2 SLA mbrs.(NYT, WP,WT 4/10;WJW4/13) 10 APRIL AtBolfing, theIsraeli, PA teamsexchangepaperson thecomponentsof a FAPS agmt.,discussthe3d FRD. U.S. specialenvoy Ross sitsin. (AYM4/11in WNC 4/12;AYM 4/12in WNC4/14;AYM4/15in WNC4/17, 4/18) Barak stops On hisway to Washington, in Cairoto meetwithPres.Mubarak on the peace process.(MENA4/10in WNC 4/11; MM 4/11;al-Musawwar4/14 HA [nternet], in WNC4/17) Israel saysithas been briefedon Syria's responseto Clinton's3/26proposalsand that the"detailedanswers"fr.Damascusare "very negative."(MM 4/10)(see 4/8) freezein the Israel liftstheconstruction Golan Heights,allowingworkto beginon 200 new housingunitsin Qatzrin;also anof workon 12 West nouncesresumption Bank bypass roads, whichhas been suspendedforthepastfewmos.The U.S. does notcomment.(LAW,MM4/11;NYT 4/12; AYM, MENA 4/12 in WNC 4/13; MM, WJW 4/13;WP 4/14;JT4/14in WNC 4/17;JP,MEI 4/21;MM4/27) In Amman, Jordanian riot police, plain of clothes police surroundtheheadquarters theIslamic Action Front,wherea rallyis takingplace in supportof theUniversityof Jordan studentswho clashedwithpolice on 4/4.(MM 4/12;MEI 4/21) This content downloaded from on Fri, 06 Mar 2015 18:29:32 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 180 JOURNAL OF PALETINE STUDnS 11 APRIL In Washington, Clinton holds4 hrs.of talkswithBarak on PA-Israeli finalstatus talks,IDF withdrawal fr.s. Lebanon,theSyrian-Israelinegotiations, Israel'splannedsale of AWACStechnology to China.(MM 4/11; MM,NYT,WP,WT 4/12;al-Anwar4/12in WNC 4/17;WJW4/13;MM,WP 4/14;WJW 4/20;JP,MEI 4/21)(see Peace Monitor) The U.S. State Dept. confirms receiptof a Syrianresponseto theproposals presentedby Pres.Clinton in Genevaon 3/26.Secy.of StateAlbrlghtsays"thereis notmuchgive"in theSyrianposition,"butI do thinkit'simportant thattheyresponded." (MM 4/11;USIS Washington File 4/12;WP 4/14)(see 4/10) Jewish settlersin theWestBank,angry overIsrael'srejectionof 60-70 requeststo authorizenew setdement construction, say theywillstartcarrying out expansionsillegally.Theybeginbulldozingon Olive Hill nr.Efrat, witha plan to build230 housing units.(NYT 4/12;AYM4/12in WNC4/13; NYT 4/13;MEI 4/21) Jordan becomes a mbr.of theWorld Trade Organization (NYT 4/12) 12 APRIL Immediately upon Barak'sreturn fr. Israel saysitwillwithdraw Washington, fullyfr.s. Lebanon, evacuatingall fortified outpostsjustinsideLebanon,acrossthe Israel-Lebanon to restany border,putting of the)IDFs MorningTwilight consideration proposal.(MM 4/14;MEI 4/21)(see 3/12) Israel's High Court rules(6-3) against in thecase of 15 Lebanese thegovernment men heldwithoutchargeor afterthecompletionof theirterms,concludingthata 1979 law does notauthorizethetaking emergency of hostageswho pose no riskto IsraelinaThe Israeli prison authortionalsecurity. ity agreesto releasethe 13 detaineesin its custodyby 4/17in compliancewiththeruling.The IDF, however,refusesto freethe2 men itholdsin military prisons:Shaykh 'Abd al-Karim Obeid, a Hizballahspiritual leaderkidnappedin 1989,and Mutafa DiranJ1fmr.Amalsecurity chiefkidnapped in 1994.(MM,NYT,WIP,WT 4/13;MM4/14, 4/18;WP 4/19) 13 APRIL In Geneva,the 176 mbrs.of theInternational Red Cross agreeto granttheIsraell relliefagency Magen David Adom ob- serverstatusuntila finaldecisioncan be reachedon adoptinga new neutralemblem, in additionto its2 official symbols,thered crossor red crescent, whichIsraelrefusesto use. (NYT 4/14;WP 4/15;WJW4/20)(see Peace Monitor) 14 APRIL AtBollingAFB,PA,Israeli teamsend their2d roundof FAPStalkswithoutagreeingon theoutlinefortheFAPSagmt.Teams return hometo brieftheirleaders,agreeto hold a 3d roundof talksin theMiddleEast. (AYM4/15in WNC 4/17,4/18;WT 4/17; AYM,al-Quds4/18in WNC 4/19;WJW4/20; AYM4/22in WNC 4/26)(see Peace Monitor) 15 APRIL Lebanesepres.Iahoud arrivesin Saudi Arabia on the 1stleg of a 7-nationtourto buildsupportforLebanonin advanceof an Isreli withdrawal. (Daily Star [nternet] 4/17)(see Peace Monitor) The New York Times runsextensive coverageof a classifiedCIA reporton theinnerworkingsof the 1953Iranian coup, orchestrated by theU.S. and UK, that broughtShah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi to power.Accordingto thedocument,which was unnamedsource,theaim of thecoup was "tobringto powera government whichwould reachan equitableoil settlement . . . [and]vigorouslyprosecute thedangerously strongCommunist Party." (NYT 4/16)(see 3/17) in theWestBank,6 Nr.Brackasettlement armed Jewishsetders assaulta 71-yr.-old to buryher Palesdnian woman, threaten motorist alive.A passingPalestinian stopsthe attack,takesthewomanto thehospitalfor forbruises,shock.(LAW4/17) treatment 16 APRIL Barak forthe 1sttimesaysthatIsrael would notannexPalestinianvillagesnr.Jerusalem butwould seek to annexmost Jewishsettlementsin a finalagmt.;says on fuIsraelmightmakea "downpayment" turelandtransfers, possiblyhandingover Palestinian villagesnr.Jerusalem. (MM,NYT, WT 4/17;WJW4/20;WP 5/4) Another4 senior Israell officialsconfirmthatundertherightconditions, Israel would formally recognizea Palestinianstate. who have made statements The 5 officials M Ben Ami, since4/15are InternalSecurity Regional Cooperation M Shimon Peres, This content downloaded from on Fri, 06 Mar 2015 18:29:32 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions CHRONOLOGY M Without Portfolio Haim Ramon, Education M Sarid, Dep. DM Ephralm Sneh (WP 4/17) IsraeliFM Levy arrivesin Paristo meet with French offidals. (Le Monde 5/6in WNC 5/10) Israel postponesthereleaseof 13 Lebanese detainees afterthefamily of IDF airmanArad filesan appeal of theHighCourt's 4/12ruling.(NYT,WT 4/17) After a 6-wk.investigation, Israeli police recommendthatTransportation M Mordechai be indictedon chargesof having sexuallyassaulted3 womenover8 yrs.Police say thatthestatuteof limitations has expiredon "several"otherincidents. (NYT,WP, WT 4/17;WJW4/20)(see 3/7) 17 APRIL Syrianpres.Asad's son and heirapparent Bashar al-Asad saysthatpessimismfollowingthe3/26Geneva unrealistic, thata Syrian-Israelipeace stillpossible. (MM 4/17;NYT 4/18) Israel's Amb. to the UN Yehuda Lancry deliversa letterfr.FM Levy to Secy.Gen.Annan formally Israel'sinreaffirming tentionto withdraw fr.s. Lebanon (MM, NYT,WT 4/18;CSM4/19;XIN 4/20in WNC 4/21) The Israeli High Court dismissestheapordersthe peal submitted by Arad'sfamily, releaseof 13 Lebanese detainees by 4/19. (MM 4/17;NYT 4/18)(see 4/16) Palestinians in theoccupiedterritories IDF markPrisonersDay. In Bethlehem, bulletsat demontroops firerubber-coated strators. (WT 4/18) 18 APRIL Israel demolishes3 Palestinian homes in Issawiyya, in WestBankarea C, outside Jerusalem. (LAW4/18) 19 APRIL En routeto Washington, Arafatholds talkson thepeace processwithPres. Mubarak in Cairo.(MENA4/19in WNC 4/20) The UNSC adoptsa statement fr.Secy.Gen.Annan informing thecouncilof Israel's intentions to withdraw fr.s. Lebanon in keepingwithUN Res. 425 and 426 and initiating to enable theUN preparations to carryout itsresponsibilities underthose in orderto avoid a deterioration resolutions 181 of thesituation in Lebanon.(X[N 4/20in WNC4/24)(see 4/17) Israel releases13 Lebanese detainees, returns themto Lebanon.2,000friends, relatives,supporters greetthemat theborder. The remaining 2, Obeid and Dirani, willbe held at leastuntila hearingon 5/8to determinewhethertheypose a security threatto Israel.(MM,NYT,WP 4/19;CSM,NYT,WP, WT 4/20;WW 4/27;JP4/28)(see 4/17) 20 APRIL In Washington, Clinton holdstalkswith Arafaton finalstatusnegotiations, whichthe U.S. announcesare set to resumeafterPassoverends on 4/27.The U.S. saystherehas notbeen enoughprogressin theBoilingsessionsto meetthe5/13FAPStargetdate,so all efforts willbe directedtowardthe9/13 deadline.Attherequestof bothsides,the U.S. agreesto takea "moreintensified role." (MM 4/20;XIN 4/20in WNC 4/24;NYT,WP, WT 4/21;AYM4/23in WNC 4/26) The UN saysitmaynearlydouble the size ofUNFIL fr.4,500to 8,000troopsto preventformation of a security vacuumin s. Lebanon followingan IDF withdrawal. Annan dispatcheshis special enSecy.-Gen. voy Larsen to theregionto coordinateplans withIsrael, Lebanon, Syriak(MEI,WP 4/21) Jordan opens thetrialof 15 alleged Bin Laden associates chargedwithconspiring to attackIsraeli,U.S. targets. (CSM,NYT,WP 4/21;MEI 5/19)(see 3/28) 21 APRIL King Abdallah ofJordanapprovesa plan to establisha low-taxeconomiczone in tourismand technology Aqaba to attract companies,hopes to create70,000jobs. (NYT 4/22) In Sarvestan, Iran,150 Inians clash withriot police forthe3d day in protestof theannulment by theGuardian Council, led by Ayatollah comprisedof conservatives candidate'selection Khamenei,of a reform in the 1stroundof theparliamentary race on 2/18.Since 2/18,thecouncil,whichholds ultimatepoliticalauthority, has nullified the electionof severalcandidatesalignedwith reform-minded Pres.Khatami, apparently to reinin thereform movementin advanceof run-off electionson 5/5.(WP 4/22) 22 APRIL Arafatarrivesin Cairoon hisway home to briefPres.Mubarak on his fr.Washington This content downloaded from on Fri, 06 Mar 2015 18:29:32 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 182 STuuS oF PALESnxM JOURNAL talkswithPres.Clinton (MENA4/22,4/23 in WNC4/24) 23 APRIL King Abdallah ofJordanmeetswithPM Barak in Elat.Talksfocuson bilateralissues. In an interview withIsraelTelevisiontaped beforethevisitbutairedafterward, theking callsfora dual capitalsolutionforJerusalem (DUS 4/23in WNC 4/24;CSM,NYT, WP, WT 4/24; MM 4/25;WJW4/27) (see Peace Monitor) Armedwitha new presslaw thatbans criticism of theconstitution, theTehran court,controlledby conservatives, orders8 daily,4 weeklynewspapers thatsupportreform-minded Pres.Khatami to cease publicationimmediately. 2 journalists are also arrested.(CSM, NYT 4/25; WP, WT 4/26; NYT 4/27; MM 4/28; MEI 5/5) (see 4/21) In Issawiyya,the IDF demolishes at least 5 Palestnian homes, 21 tents,a water reservoir.(MM 4/25; LAW 4/26; MM 4/27) (see 4/18) 24 APRIL U.S. Secy. of State Albrightannounces thatshe will go to the Middle East in 6-8 wks. to arrange a summitmtg.btwn. Barak, Arafat (MM, WT 4/25) All 26 mbrs. of the UN's WesternEurope and Other Group (WEOG) agree to offerIsrael fullbut temporarymembership in theirregional group while it continues to work for admission to the Asian grouping. (WJW 5/4; MEI 5/5) (see Peace Monitor) In Tehran,lOOs of universitystudents at KhajehNaseerTechnicalUniversity cut classesto demonstrate againsttheTehran courts crackdownon pro-Khataminewspapers.(NYT,WP,WT 4/26)(see 4/23) 26 APRIL Arafatfliesto Paristo discussthestatus of thepeace processwithPres.Chlrc. (MM 4/27;al-Quds4/27in WNC 5/2)(see 4/25) UN specialenvoyLarsen meetswithPM Barak, FM Levy to discussIsrael'splansto pull out of s. Lebanon (MM 4/27) In Paris, the UN Comnu. on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (CEIRPP) opens a 2-day internationalconference on Palestinian refugees. It is a precursorto CEIRPP's annual mtg.of NGOs on the question of Palestine, which begins in Paris on 4/28. (UN press release 4/27) (see Peace Monitor) 27 APRIL At a PFLP congress in Damascus, party head George Habash announces his plans to retirefr.the organization. He is expected to be replaced by Abu Ali Mustafa (NYT 4/29; AYM 4/29 in WNC 5/2; WT 5/3; alQuds 5/7 in WNC 5/10; MM 5/8, 5/9) (see JPS's interviewwith MustafainJPS 114) Iranian conservatives close the last 3 pro-reformnewspapers stilloperating,including 1 owned by Pres. Khatami's brother,1 by a Khatami adviser. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 4/28; NYT 4/29; WP 5/1; MM 5/2; WT 5/6) (see 4/25) 28 APRIL 25 APRIL SyrianFM Shara' flies to Paris to hand Pres.Chirac a letterfr.Pres.Asad and to fr.s. discussIsrael's plannedwithdrawal MM 4/25;MM 4/27, Lebanon (JP[Intemetj, 4/28;Le Monde 5/6in WNC 5/10)(see 4/16) King Abdallah ofJordanfliesto Ramallah to meetwithArafatfortalkson thePAIsraelitrackof thepeace process,bilateral relations.(MM 4/25;JT [Intemetj 4/26;DUS 4/26in WNC 4/27;NYT 4/27) IsraeliPM Barak phonesEgyptian pres. Mubarak to discussrecentdevelopments in thepeace process.(MENA4/25in WNC 4/26) UN specialenvoyLIrsen arrivesin Israel to meetwithseniorofficials regarding Israel'swithdrawal fr.s. Lebanon (MM 4/25, 4/27) In s. Lebanon, Hizba11ah attacks an SLA outpost, killing3 SLA mbrs.,wounding 4. (NYT 4/29; WJW5/4; MEI 5/5) 29 APRIL PA officialsaccuse Israel of attempting to undermine foreigninvestmentIn the Palestinian economy by refusingto grantvisas or reentrypermitsto the administrative,technical, professional staffof Egyptianfirms working on contractsin the West Bank and Gaza. (AYM 4/29 in WNC 5/3) 30 APRIL PA-Israeli FAPS talks resume in Elat but are delayed by 5 hrs. while the PA flles a complaint against Barak's authorizationof new settlementconstructionjust a few hrs. This content downloaded from on Fri, 06 Mar 2015 18:29:32 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 183 CHRONOLOGY before.Palestinians rallyto protestBarak's decision.(NYT,WP,WT 5/1;LAW5/2;AYM, al-Quds5/2in WNC 5/4;WT 5/3;AYM5/3 in WNC 5/8;WJW5/4;MEI 5/5) The PFIP closes itscongressin Damascus withoutdecidingwhetherto accept Habash's 4/27resignation. The partycalls fora Palestinian nationaldialoguewithall factions, organizations. (WT 4/3;MM 5/8) In Hebron, IDF troops forcibly remove militant settlersfr.a new encampment they were stakingout in thecenterof a Palestinian neighborhood. (NYT 5/1) 1 MAY In Beirut,UN specialenvoyLarsen meetswithLebanesepres.Lahoud, PM Huss to discussa new mandateforUNIFIL fr.s. Lebafollowingan Israeliwithdrawal non. (Le Monde 5/6in WNC 5/10) In Shiraz,numerousforeigndiplomats, observers fr.internationalhuman rights groups attendtheopeningof thetrialof 13 Iranian Jews accused of spyingforIsrael (8 Muslims were also arrestedon thesame chargesbutwillbe triedseparately.)1 defendantconfessesto thecourtand on nationaltelevision, buthumanrightsgroups are skepticalof thevalidity of his statement. (CSM 5/1;IRNA5/1in WNC 5/2;CSM,MM, NYT,WP,WT 5/2;WP,WT 5/3;NYT,WJW, WP,WT 5/4;JP5/5;WP,WT 5/9;NYT, WT 5/11;IRNA5/15in WNC 5/16) WJW, (see 3/17) Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails begina hungerstriketo protesttheirconditions.(WT 5/3) Forthe 2d day,IDF troopsforcibly rein move setders fr.a makeshift encampment sectionof Hebron (NYT 5/2) thePalestinian 2 MAY On the3d day of Elat,Israel for the 1sttimepresentsthePA withmapsthat show how itenvisionsthefinalstatus.The PA walksout,sayingthemaps show Israel plansto annexlargeareasof theWestBank, leaving3 noncontiguous parcelsto thePA and preserving numerousWestBankand Gaza settlements. U.S. specialenvoyRoss arrivesin Elatthisevening.(MM 5/2,5/3;CSM 5/5;NYT, WP 5/8;Financial Times, MA 5/11;AYM 5/11in WNC 5/12;MEI 5/19) UN specialenvoyLarsen fliesto Paristo meetwithPres.Chlrac regarding Israel's fr.s. Lebanon Franceis plannedwithdrawal expectedto providethebulkof extratroops ifUNIFILis expanded.(Le Monde 5/6in WNC 5/10) The PC postponesdiscussionson implementingthecivilservicelaw until4/5.In response,West Bank Palestinian teachers resumetheirstrikeforhigherwages,which was calledoff3 wks.ago; schoolsin Gaza are notaffected. (MENL5/2,5/3)(see 4/2) Jordanian parliamenan Ishaq Farhan, a university presidentand prominentmoderateIslamistpoliticalleaderwho receivedhis, arrivesatJFKairportin New Yorkwitha multiple-entry diplomaticvisa issuedby the U.S. StateDept. thatis validuntil2003.Nonetheless,he is heldby theImmiation and Naturaization Service (INS) for6 hrs.of questioningon his "terrorist" connections, forced to buy a $2000 returnticketto Jordan, and deported. The State Dept. says it revoked Farhan's visa last yr.withoutinforming him and gives no furtherexplanation. U.S. emb. In Jordan says it considers Farhan an importantmoderatingpolitical force,cannot comprehend the INS or State Dept.'s actions. (MM, NYT, WP 5/5; DUS 5/5, 5/7 in WNC 5/8; DUS 5/5, 5/8 in WNC 5/10; MM 5/9; WT 5/13) 3 MAY U.S. special envoy Ross convinces Israel, PA to resume FAPS talks in Elat. Negotiators complain thatreportersare gettingin their way. (MM 5/3; NYT 5/4; al-Quds 5/4 in WNC 5/8; MEI 5/5) (see 5/2) The FMsof Egypt,Saudi Arabia, Syria open a 2-day Palmyra,Syria,to coordinate theirstands on the peace process, explore the possibilityof holding an Arab summit.(MM, NYT 5/3; MENA 5/3 in WNC 5/4; MM 5/4; MENA 5/4 in WNC 5/5; MENA 5/6 in WNC 5/8; MM 5/8) (see Peace Monitor) The Israeli DMIL saysthataround 10/00,Israelwilldeploya $250-m.laserbased airdefensesystem, developedjointly withtheU.S., to protectagainstmissilesfired intoIsraelfollowinga withdrawal fr.s. Lebanon. (MM 5/3;WP 5/4) PA Dep. Education M Naim Abu alHumus resignsin protestof thefailureof thePA to respondto teachers'demandsfor pay increases.Teahers fr.Hebron hold a largesit-instrikeoutsidethePA Education Min.officesto protestthePA's inactionregardingtheirsalaryincreases.(MENL,PCHR 5/3;MENL5/4;PR 5/10)(see 5/2) This content downloaded from on Fri, 06 Mar 2015 18:29:32 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 184 JOURNAL OF PALESTINE STUDIES The PA High Court suspendsthe2/28 decreerequiring all demonstrations, public receivepriorauthorization fr.thePA police.(PCHR 5/3) In Iqlimal-Tuffah, outsideIsrael'sself-declaredsecurity zone, an Israefliplane drops a 660-lb.bomb on thehomeofAmal regionl cmdr. Abbas HaflaI injuring his mother,14 civlians (including6 children). Israelclaimstheshellingwas a mistake.In 2 otherIDF and SIA attacksin s. Lebanon, 3 HizbalIah mbrs.and 2 civians are killed. (NYT 5/4;MM,NYT,WP 5/5) In theNetherlands, thetrialof 2 Libyans chargedin the 1988bombingof Pan Am 103 opens. The Libyansplead notguilty, blamethecrimeon thePEP-GC and the Palesdnian Popular Strugle Front Both groupsdenythecharge.(MM,NYT,WP 5/4; MEI 5/5;CSM 5/9) 4 MAY In retaliation forIsraeli attackson 5/3 thatkilledand injureda numberof civilians, Hlzballah firesrocketsinton. Israel,killing 1 OF solider, 28 civiliansare slightly injuredby flying glass.(MM,NYT,WP 5/5;InIRNA5/5in WNC 5/8;al-Quds5/7in terfax, WNC 5/10;WJW5/11) In Beirut,UN specialenvoyLarsen holds talkswithLebanesepres.Lahoud, PM Huss withregarding Israel's plannedunilateral drawalfr.s. Lebanon (MEI,MM,WP 5/5;alSafir5/9in WNC 5/15;MEI 5/19) In Cairo,Egypt,Israel,Jordan,thePA hold a technicalcomm.mtg.on displaced persons.(AYM 5/6in WNC 5/10)(see Peace Monitor) 5 MAY In retaliation forHlzbaflah rocketattacks on nmIsrael5/4,the OF carriesout air shells strikeson Lebanesepowerstations, hitsHizballah theBeirut-Damascus highway, Atleast1 Lebanesecivilianis injured. targets. Largeareas of Beirutand n. and e. Lebanon are leftwithoutpower.The repairson the2 powerstationscaused by Israel'slastair strikesin early2/00werejustcompleteda wk ago. Hizballahfiresa 2d roundof rockets at n. Israel,butIsraeldecidesnotto respond.(WP 5/5;NYT,WP,WT 5/6;al-Quds 5/7in WNC 5/10;MM 5/8;JP5/12;MEI 5/19) Iran holdsmn-off elecparliamentary allied tions.Initialresultsshow reformers withPres.Khatami taking52 of the66 re- mainingopen seats,givingthema totalof around200 of the290 seats.(NYT 5/6;NYT, WP 5/7)(see 2/18) Turkeyelectsreformistjudge Necdet Sezer as itsnew pres.He willtakeoffice whenoutgoingpres.Suleyman Demlml's termends on 5/16.(MM 5/5;ATL5/5in WNC 5/8;WP 5/6) PA police detainOmar Assaf,head of the Palestinian teachers' union in the WestBank,and close Love and Peace Radio in Ramallahforairingan interview with himon 5/3.(WorkersAdviceCenter[Ramallah]pressrelease 5/5;LAW5/8;JT [Intemet]5/11)(see 5/3) 6 MAY U.S. specialenvoyRoss, U.S.Amb.Indyk meetwithsenior PA, Israei negotiators (includingthePA'sAbbas and Qurai',Israel's FM Levy)to discusstheimpassein theFAPS talks.Later,Ross meetswithPM Barak (WT 5/7) FollowingIsrael's latestroundof attacks on Lebanon, theArab League convenesan sessionin Cairo;calls fora freeze emergency in normalization, a haltto all Arabparticipationin themultilateral until negotiations thereis substantial progresson all tracksof thepeace process.(MENA5/6in WNC 5/8; JT[Intemet] 5/7;MENA5/9in WNC 5/10) AllPalestinian teachers resumetheir generalstrikeaftera PA ExecutiveAuthoritymtg.5/5failsto move themcloserto theirgoal of higherwages,betterworking conditions. (MENL5/7;LAW5/8)(see 5/2) Iran's Guardian Council saysithas foundevidenceofvoterfraudin the5/5 elections,raisingspeculationthatitmaynullifyvictoriesofreformcandidates. The councilhas alreadyannulled12 reformist victories fr.the2/18roundof elections. (NYT,WP,WT 5/8) 7 MAY In a late-night Ramallah,Barak, Arafatagreeto resumepeace talkson 5/8at an undisclosedlocation.After themtg.,Barak announcesto thepressthathe has decided to cede controlof 3 West Bank villages nr. withina fewwks.or mos. (MM,Le Jerusalem Monde,NYT,WP,WT 5/8;al-Quds5/8in WNC 5/10;MM,WT 5/9;Le Monde 5/10in WNC 5/11;WJW5/11;al-Quds5/11in WNC 5/12;MEI 5/19)(see Peace Monitor) In theearlymominghrs.,100 PA riot police raidBureij refugeecamp in Gaza, This content downloaded from on Fri, 06 Mar 2015 18:29:32 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 185 CHRONOLOGY affesting 50 Palesdnians who wereallegedlybehinda fightat a basketballmatchin observea thecamp on 5/5.Bureijresidents generalstrikefortherestof theday to pro(PCHR testthePA's handlingof thesituation. 5/7;MENL5/8) IsIn theIsraeliArabvillageShafa'amr, day raeliJews holdingan "independence" clashwithlocal Palestinians celebration Israeli holdinga Nakbacommemoration. intensifying theconflict police intervene, beforebreakingitup, leaving20 Palestinians 30. (BDL 5/9) injured,arresting 8 MAY PA-Israeliteamshold a finalroundof FAPStalksbeforerecessing5/9-10while Israelmarksitsmemorialand "independence"days.U.S. specialenvoyRoss returns to Washington to briefPres.Clinton and the U.S. peace teamon theElatroundoftalks. He reportedly sees a lotof hardworkahead forprogress." butalso a "potential (MM,NYT 5/9) In thewake of recentcross-border clasheswithHizballah,Israel saysitmay withdrawal fr.s. Lebanon makeitsunilateral before7/00.(NYT 5/9)(see Peace Monitor) Syrianpres.Asad fliesto Cairoto meet withPres.Mubarak to coordinatepositions with on Lebanese,PA,Syriannegotiations fr. Israeland on Israel'splannedwithdrawal s. Lebanon.(MENA5/8,IRNA5/9in WNC 5/10;MENL,MM 5/9) IsraeliPM Barak phonesEgyptianpres. Mubarak to discussthevarioustracksof the peace process,briefshimon his mtg.with on 5/7.(MM 5/8;MENA5/8in WNC Arafat 5/10) Palestinian studentsclashwithIDF troops in BethlehemduringPA-organized forthereleaseof Palestinian demonstrations are inprisonersheld in Israel.6 Palestinians juredby rubberbulletsfiredby theIDF. (MENL5/8;NYT 5/9) 9 MAY Arafatarrivesin Cairoon a 2-dayvisitto briefMubarak on thestatusof negotiations withIsrael.MubarakupdatesArafat on his mtg.withAsad 5/8.(MENL5/9;MENA5/9in WNC 5/10;MENA5/10in WNC 5/11) Dir. of the Russian FMIn Dept for the Middle East and NorthAfrica,Alexander Saltanov, arrivesin Syria fora 2-day visiton the 1stleg of a regionaltourto assess thepeace process.He holdstalkswith with FM Shara' on thestatusof negotiations 5/9in WNC 5/10;ITARIsrael.(ITAR-TASS TASS 5/10in WNC 5/11;RAI[Moscow]5/11 in WNC 5/15) In Cairo,UN specialenvoyLarsen briefs theArab ILague on his contactswithIsrael, Israel'splanned Lebanon,Syriaregarding withdrawal fr.s. Lebanon (MENA5/9in WNC 5/10) parliaThe State Dept. issuesJordanian Farhan a new multipleentrydipmentarian lomaticvisa.The U.S. emb. in Amman but overtheincident," reiterates its"regret theStateDept. saysonlythatiterredby not Farhanthathis originalvisa had informing been revoked.(MM,NYT 5/10)(see 5/2) The ActingCouncil of the Palestinian Bar Association revokestheaccreditation of 37 Palestlnian lawyers workingfor groupscriticalof thePA. (PHRC 5/10;LAW 5/11;PCHR 5/14)(see Peace Monitor) 10 MAY After a 2d roundof talkswithSyrianFM Saltanov goes Shara', RussianFMin.official to Beirutto meetwithPM Huss regarding fr.s. Lebanon. Israel'splannedwithdrawal 5/10in WNC 5/11;RAI[Mos(ITAR-TASS cow] 5/11in WNC 5/15) Some 5,000 Israeli Arabs markIsrael's in a "right independenceday by participating of return march"fr.thevillageof Kabul in theGalileeto thesiteof thevillageof alDamun,nr.Haifa,thatwas destroyedby Zionistforcesin 1948.Another1,000 Israeli Arabs and displacedresidentsof UmmalZaynathold a memorialat thesiteof thatdestroyedvillage.(BDL 5/12) some AtthemainBethlehemcheckpoint, 500 PalestInans demonstratefor the re- prisonersfr.Israelijails. lease of Palestinian IDF soldiersfirerubberbulletsat thecrowd, 5/11) (MA [Internet] injuring5 Palestinians. The PA allows Love and Peace Radio in UT [InRamallahto resumebroadcasting. ternet]5/11)(see 5/5) as a resultof SyrianheirapApparently camparentBashar al-Asad's anticorruption paign,fmr.PM Muhammad Zu'bi, who was replaced3/13withthenew government, is expelledfr.theBa'thpartyand indictedon unspecifiedfinancial, chargesof committing (MEI 5/19) politicalirregularities. 11 MAY Residentsof theIsraell town of Metulla, nr.theLebaneseborder,observea This content downloaded from on Fri, 06 Mar 2015 18:29:32 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 186 OF PALESTNE STUDIES JOURNAL generalstrikeand demonstrate to protest government plansto withdraw fr.s. Lebanon. (NYT 5/12;WJW5/18) Israel's High Court overturns a decision to parolea Jewish settlerwho had initially been sentencedto lifeimprisonment forthe execution-style slayingof a Palestinian. (NYT 5/12)(see 3/6) In Amman,50 UniversityofJordan studentsstagea sit-inoutsideparliament to protestthegovernment's 4/4decisionto appointhalfof theirstudentcouncil.(JT5/12in WNC 5/15)(see 4/10) 12 MAY Israel,Jordan signan proceed withlong-delayed plansforexpansionof the Aqaba-Elatairport. (NYT 5/13;WJW5/18) (see Peace Monitor) 13 MAY Speakingin Kuwait,Qatari FM Shaykh Hamad Bin-JassimBin-Jabbaral-Thani calls foran initiative by GulfArabstatesto normalizetieswithIraq, liftUN sanctions. (MM 5/15,5/17)(see 3/22) 14 MAY Ata PC mtg.,PA chiefnegotiator 'Abid Rabbuh resignsin protestafterlearningthat secretPA-Israelifinalstatustalksrecently The Stockholm talks startedin Stockholm. are beingheld btwn.Israel'sInternalSecurity M Ben Ami,lawyer Gilead Sher and PC speakerQuai', PC mbr. Hassan Asfour, PSF chief Muhammad Dahlan (MENL 5/15;MENA5/15in WNC 5/16;NYT,WT 5/16) U.S. Consul GeneralJohn Herbstdeliversto Arafata letterfr.Pres.Clinton regardingthepeace process.No detailsare released.(MENL5/15) issue teammeet.PA PA, Israeli interim interimaffahs negotiatorSaeb Erakat himto discussonly saysArafatinstructed theimmediate demandthat230 Palestinan prisoners be released.Israelinegotiator Eran,however,asks thatthePalestinian in supportof theprisoners demonstrations be haltedso thetalkscan be held in a positiveatmosphere. (NYT,WT 5/15) AcrosstheWestBankand Gaza, Palesdnians marlingthe52d anniversary of the Nakba hold demonstrations to protestthe continueddetentionof Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jailsand to demandthatthe PA pushtherefugeeissue in negotiations withIsrael.In severallocations,theIDF clasheswithprotesters, openingfirewithlive ammunition and rubberbullets,killing1 Palestinianand woundingat least30. 2 IDF soldiersare also injured.The worstclashes are nr.Netzarim junctionin Gaza and in Nablus,Qalqilya,and Ramallahin theWest Bank (AYM5/14in WNC 5/17;NYT,WP, WT 5/15;MEI 5/19) Some 150 Palestinians fr.Dahaysha, Aida, Azza refugeecamps nr.Bethlehem makea symbolicvisitto thesitesof theirvillages of origin,whichwere destroyedby Zionistforcesin 1948:BaytNattif, Zakriyya, and BaytJibrin. (BDL 5/15)(see 5/10) The PA and Israe announcethatthePA has capturedMuhammadDaygf,a leaderof Hamas's Izeddin al-Qassam Brigades who is Israel'smostwantedforallegedlyorganizinga seriesof suicidebombingsin 2-3/96.IsraelreleasesSalah Shihada, a Hamasleaderwho has been jailedfor12 yrs. It is uncertain whethertheShihadarelease and Dayifcaptureare partof a reciprocal agmt.relatedto negotiations. (MM,NYT,WP 5/15;NYT 5/17;WJW5/18) 15 MAY In a scathing4-pageletter, 'Abid Rabbuh as PA publiclyannounceshis resignation chiefnegotiator forthefmalstatus,revealing talks.(MENL5/15; thesecretStockholm MENA5/15in WNC 5/16;MM,NYT,WI' 5/16;AYM5/16in WNC 5/18) U.S. specialenvoyRoss arrivesin Israel fr.Stockholm, alongwiththenew PA, Israeli finalstatusteams.Allpartiesrefuseto commenton thesuccessor failureof the Stockholm talks.The StateDept. does not or denythatRoss was in Sweeven confirm den,saysonlythatthePA and Israel"are talkingto each otherin different ways at different levels."(StateDept. dailypressbriefing 5/15;MM,NYT,WT 5/16;StateDept. WT 5/17;al-Quds5/17 dailypressbriefing, in WNC 5/18) AcrosstheWestBankand Gaza, 1,000s of Palestinins commemorating theNakba and protesting thestalledpeace processand Israel'scontinueddetentionof Palestinian prisonersclashwithIDF troops and borsince9/96.2 der police in theworstfighting civilianare PA policemenand 1 Palestinian killedand lOOsare injuredby rubberbullets, liveammunition, and teargas; 14 Israeli are also injured. soldiersand police officers forcesexchange PA police,Israelisecurity gunfire. Arafat,Barak are in contactvia This content downloaded from on Fri, 06 Mar 2015 18:29:32 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 187 CHRONOLOGY theday,speakby theiradvisersthroughout phone in theevening.(LAW,MM 5/15;BDL, LAW,NYT,WP,WT 5/16;ITAR-TASS 5/15, MENA5/16in WNC5/17;AYM,al-Quds5/16 in WNC 5/18;WJW5/18;MEI 5/19) Despiteclashes,theIsraeli cabinet votes (15-6) to transfer 3 Palesthnianvillages outsideJerusalem (Abu Dis, Azariyya, fr.area B to area A. Sawaharaal-Sharqiyya) Laterin theday,theKnesset approves(5648, with1 abstention) thecabinetdecision. Barak, however,sayshe willnotturnover thevillagesuntilhe receivesan explanation fr.thePA fortoday'sclashesin theterrito- ries.(MM 5/15;MENA5/15in WNC 5/16; MM,NYT,WP,WT 5/16;MM 5/17;WJW 5/18;MEI 5/19) ofJewish settlersrallyinJeru1O,OOOs salem'sZion Squareto protestfurther territorialconcessionsto thePalestinians. The rally was plannedby Shas lastwk.,beforetoday's Knessetvotewas announced.(MM 5/15;MM, NYT,WP 5/16;WW 5/18) In s. Lebanon, theIDF turnsoverits Taybiyya postto theSLA,markingthe 1st stepin itswithdrawal fr.Lebanon.(MM,WT 5/17;NYT 5/18) SOURCEABBREVIATIONS CHRONOLOGY MA MEI MENA MENL MM (Agence France-Presse,Paris) (Anatolia, Ankara) (al-Ayyam,Ramallah) (BADIL Resource Center,Bethlehem) (Christian Science Monitor, Boston) (al-Dustur, Amman) (Global Intelligence Update, Austin) (Ha Aretz, Tel Aviv) (Islamic Republic News Agency,Tehran) (Jerusalem Post International Edition, Jerusalem) (Jordan Times, Amman) (Palestinian Society forthe Protectionof Human Rightsand the Environment, Jerusalem) (Ma'ariv, Tel Aviv) (Middle East International, London) (Middle East News Agency, Cairo) (Middle East Newsline, Internet) (Mideast Mirror,London) PCHR PR RL WJW WNC WP (Palestinian Center forHuman Rights,Gaza) (Palestine Report,Jerusalem) (Radio Lebanon, Beirut) (WashingtonJewish Week, Rockville,MD) (World News Connection [nte4net],Washington,DC) (Washington Post, Washington,DC) AFP ATL AYM BDL CSM DUS GIU HA IRNA JP JT LAW NYT wT XIN (New YorkTimes,New York) DC) (WashingtonTimes,Washington, (Xinhua-New China News Agency,Beijing) Chronology compiled by Michele L. Kjorlien This content downloaded from on Fri, 06 Mar 2015 18:29:32 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions
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