14.Envelopes, Single-leaf and multi-leaf facades
14.Envelopes, Single-leaf and multi-leaf facades
Pág. 1 Clave Máster y Curso Sesión 1/4 Asignatura LIGHTWEIGHT VENTILATED AND EXTERNAL WALL INSULATION SYSTEM FACADES Construction II. Mineral Construction. 2nd year Construction Area Academic Year 2014-2015 Review 28/04/2015 Authors: Josep Olivé, Marta Adroer Pàg. 2/78 Àrea de Construcció Construcció II AR012 Index 1. Scope of study 2. Typologies 2.1. Lightweight ventilated facade (cat. Façana ventilada lleugera) Concept and basic features Thermal performance scheme Materials Design determining factors Singular points Installation on site Strategies: facade’s behavior 2.2. Facade with external insulation and without chamber (EWI System. External Insulation Wall system) (cat. Façana abrigada sense cambra (SATE- IDEA Vocabulari) ) Concept and basic features Thermal performance scheme Materials Design determining factors Singular points Installation on site Strategies: facade’s behavior 3. Information sources Scheme of layers HEAVY (cat. PESADA) Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 3/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources SINGLE LEAF (Cat.MONOFULLA) MULTI LEAF (cat.MULTIFULLA) EXTERNAL WALL INSULATION EWI System (“coated”) (cat. ABRIGADA) WITHOUT air chamber AR012 Construcció II (cat SENSE cambra d'aire) WITH Air chamber (cat AMB cambra d'aire) LIGHTWEIGHT VENTILATED (cat. VENTILADA LLEUGERA) AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 4/78 Definition l Requirements l Typologies l Materialization I Controls I Information sources Typologies and nomenclatures of the most common mineral origin facades in our country SINGLE LEAF without a specific insulation layer Using “traditional” materials Single-leaf: (cat. Monofulla) (cat. amb materials “tradicionals”) Using low transmittance materials (cat. amb materials de baixa conductivitat) (cat. MONOFULLA sense capa específica d'aïllament) without cavity Conventional: (cat. sense cambra) (cat. Convencional) with a non-ventilated cavity (cat. amb cambra no ventilada) heavy. Precast: (cat. Prefabricada) MULTI-LEAF with a specific insulation layer (cat. MULTIFULLA amb capa específica d'aïllament) (cat. Pesada) not ventilated lightweight. (cat. no ventilades) (cat. Lleugera) cavity wall heavy selfDouble-leaf: supporting (cat. Doble fulla) exterior leaf Lightweight Lightweight ventilated not self(cat. Ventilada lleugera) supporting exterior leaf With external insulation (EWI System) (cat. Abrigada (SATE)) (cat. cavity wall full exterior pesat autoportant ) ventilated (cat. Ventilada) (cat. full exterior lleuger no autoportant ) very ventilated (cat. molt ventilada) not ventilated (cat. no ventilada) AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 5/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Concept and basic features LIGHTWEIGHT VENTILATED FACADE (Cat. Façana ventilada lleugera) DEFINITION: The principle of the facade is the same as with the double leaf facade: a stable interior enclosure structure (wall) that works against gravitational loads and horizontal forces. An insulating material covers the external wall completely in order to avoid thermal bridges; an air cavity is left in order to ventilate and then finishing the system, a second leaf is placed giving the image of the building. Unlike the double leaf facade, this second leaf is not self-supporting: it transfers horizontal forces towards the interior leaf, as well as the gravitational loads of its own weight (It has no foundation). The external cladding is suspended. IDEA: evacuate water evacuate hot air reduce thermal bridges create shade BASIC FEATURES complexity on its on site installation good control of its insulation layer good control of its water tightness and breathability inertia on its interior avoids thermal bridges completely protection is necessary to ensure durability, on ground level AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 6/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Basic characteristics Thermal performance scheme: warm climate The solar radiation (light and short wave infrared IR) affects the exterior leaf. Part of the radiation is reflected by the exterior leaf (depending on the reflection index p[%] color and brightness). Part of the radiation is absorbed by the exterior leaf, which warms and emits energy (now as a form of long wave Infrared IR) both inwards and outwards. The air in the ventilated chamber gets warm, decreases its density and rises up, starting a convection movement inside the cavity. This warm air, while it is moving, takes some of the thermal load with it as well. Thermal insulation makes it difficult for the remaining energy to move inwards, into the interior leaf. The interior leaf, with its inertia, is able to weaken temperature oscillations. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 7/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Basic characteristics Thermal performance scheme: cold climate The thermal energy from the interior space warms up the heavy interior leaf. The interior leaf serves as an energy accumulator using its own inertia and is constantly radiating its surroundings. Thermal insulation placed on the exterior face of the interior leaf makes it difficult for the energy to be transferred to the ventilated cavity. This makes the energy absorbed by the interior leaf returns to the interior space. Inside the air cavity, although there might be some sort of ventilation, there is no wind like in the exterior area higher Re AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 8/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Basic characteristics Thermal performance scheme: thermal bridges Thermal energy from the interior area warms up structural elements (such as floors and columns embedded in the facade), which are normally higher conductors than those in the interior leaf of the facade. If these conducting elements are not thermally well insulated from the exterior, higher energy transfers will take place at these points (known as thermal bridges). Condensation might also occur. This problem is solved by placing thermal insulation which completely surrounds these elements AR012 Construcció II INTERIOR INTERIOR LEAF INSULATION VENTILATED CHAMBER EXTERIOR LEAF Materials: Interior Leaf EXTERIOR Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 9/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Interior Leaf The most common materials are masonry walls, made up of ceramic pieces or concrete block, with thicknesses between 10 and 15 cm. On the most industrializes systems we might find lightweight leafs (panels). Usually the interior part has a finishing layer. Materials: Interior Leaf AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 10/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources PERFORATED BRICK (cat.MAÓ CALAT (gero)) Measurements from the Catalan format (h x L x e): 5x29x14 cm 7x29x14 cm 9x29x14 cm CONCRETE BLOCK (or mortar blocs) (cat BLOC DE FORMIGÓ (o de morter)) Common measurements (h x L x e): 20x40x15 cm 20x40x20 cm The interior leaf’s constructive principles are those from the construction of walls. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 11/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Singular points: in relation to the structure Without a secondary structure - The interior leaf has to be stable against horizontal thrusts, and it also has to stabilize and support weight (gravity weight) of the exterior leaf, in order to transmit loads further onto the principal structure. - The exterior leaf is supported by the interior one in a linear or in a point-based way (by a series of points), through the means of fastening elements. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 12/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Singular points: in relation to the structure With a secondary structure - The interior leaf is not usually part of the principal structure, although it can form part of it. If it does, the interior leaf is always inserted between structural elements, in a way that always permits the pass of the insulation layer in front of it. - The interior leaf has to be stable against horizontal thrusts, and it also has to stabilize and support weight (gravity weight) of the exterior leaf, in order to transmit loads further on onto the principal structure. - The exterior leaf is supported by the interior one in a linear or in a point-based way (by a series of points), through the means of fastening elements AR012 Construcció II INTERIOR FULL INTERIOR (cat. SISTEMA DE SUBJECCIÓ) FASTENING SYSTEM FULL EXTERIOR Materials: support or fixing system: systems for transferring gravity loads and horizontal forces EXTERIOR Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 13/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Depending on the type of material, there are many fixing systems for the exterior leaf; always using stainless materials. Put into other words, the finishing material affects the type of fixation. In general we can distinguish: - Direct and individual fixing (reserved almost exclusively to stone systems) - Secondary structures (supporting frames) with more elements (struts, crosspieces, etc.) AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 14/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Materials: Fixing framework requirements The requirements that the fixing system (and supporting frame) of the exterior leaf must accomplish are: It must effectively transmit the actions of the outer leaf to the final support. Some of these actions are the exterior leaf’s weight and horizontal thrusts which may be transferred to this element (mainly wind). The structure must adapt to the very likely irregularity of the support, assuming sufficient assembly tolerances (in the three spatial directions). This will enable the finishing pieces to be placed with the dimensional accuracy that these pieces demand. It must allow free movements of the external leaf pieces, which will be subjected to major changes; both in temperature and humidity. It must not generate points where rainwater can flow or pass into the interior leaf. This water must be conducted out of the building in a very controlled way. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 15/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Materials: Fixing framework anchorage onto the support AR012 Construcció II Materials: Thermal insulation INTERIOR INTERIOR LEAF INSUALTION VENTILATED CHAMBER EXTERIOR LEAF Adequate insulation: EXTERIOR Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 16/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Thermal insulating elements must be unchangeable in front of moderate or intense humidity in relation to its climate zone. In order to choose the best insulating element, it is important to analyze where the water tightness barrier is placed as well as the risk of interstitial condensation. These insulating elements must fulfill: -It does not contribute to the creation of fire B-s3, d2 on ground floor level and in most of the other cases. -Blankets, projected, or rigid panels may be used Most common materials -Rockwool recommended from an environmental point of view. (cat. Llana de roca) -Extruded polystyrene as it maintains its properties in the presence of water (cat. Poliestirè extrudit) -Polyurethane projected foam: attention! when it is burned, it generates hydrocyanic acid which is extremely toxic to humans! In this case it is more dangerous because the ventilation chamber disperses gases easily. (cat. Escuma de poliuretà projectat ) -Can use alternative materials such as cellular glass or natural wool.(cat. vidre cel·lular o la llana natural) AR012 Construcció II INTERIOR INTERIOR LEAF INSULATION VENTILATED CHAMBER EXTERIOR LEAF Materials: Air cavity EXTERIOR Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 17/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Purpose: do to the fact that it is placed on the insulation’s exterior side, the cavity can be ventilated. This way, it acts on two fronts: - Evaporation of rainwater and condensed water that comes from interior vapor. -Evacuate, through means of convection, the radiation emitted by the external leaf which has been heated up by solar radiation. Width: Requirements: the width of the air chamber must be between 2 and 10 cm. In order to have enough movement to cool the cavity during summer, it is considered to need to be at least 5 cm wide. Diaphragms are needed in order to prevent undesirable sucking and / or maintain fire building sectors Ventilation: It is important to foresee where ventilation will happen (ventilation lines or joints) as well as water evacuation systems in the exterior leaf. AR012 Construcció II INTERIOR INTERIOR LEAF INSULATIONG FASTENING SYSTEM (cat. SISTEMA DE SUBJECCIÓ) EXTERIOR LEAF Materials: Exterior Leaf EXTERIOR Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 18/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Requirements: - Homogeneity and continuity of the pieces - Porosity (does not absorb water by capillarity) - Hardness - Mechanical properties: strength against tensile forces, compression and bending (impact resistance) - Durability of these properties after being exposed to the environment (sun, rain). Usually, the material is the one that defines the system: - Natural stone slabs (cat. pedra natural en plaques) - Mortar pieces, artificial stone, or ceramic pieces (cat. peces de morter, pedra artificial o ceràmica) - Composite panels (cellulose-cement, cement-wood ..) (cat. Plafons composites (ciment-cel·lulosa, cimentfusta) - Metal panels ( sandwich panels, thin composite panels, folded sheets) (cat. Plafons metal·lis (sandvitxos, compòsits prims, xapes plegades)) - Solid wood or plywood AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 19/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Materials: different positions of the exterior leaf’s fixing system AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 20/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Materials: exterior leaf made of stone (cat. Pedra) Natural stone Natural stones' characteristics mainly depend on the type of stone. This type of stone must have enough strength to be able to be mechanized and supported by points. Its most common thickness varies between 2 and 5 cm. Limestone and marbles Sandstones Granites Phyllites Slates Quartzite (cat. Calcària i marbres) (cat. Sorrenques) (cat. Granits) (cat. Fil·lites) (cat. Pissarres) (cat. Quarsites) Fixing elements: - Fixing elements must be unalterable by water: oxidation would create an increase of the piece’s volume that could destroy the area of the fixing element and would cause a decrease on the fixing element’s section; and therefore, creating a possible release of the piece (stainless steel). - Strength to hold the piece’s weight on suspended claddings, which will determine the fixing element’s dimensions. -Resistance against both the panel detachment and tipping over -Mechanical resistance against wind forces - Adaptability to the support from where the piece is held, in order to correct errors such as the lack of flatness. - Facility to maintain and to change a piece if it has a broken item. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 21/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Materials: exterior leaf made of stone, fixing elements (cat. Ceràmica plana) Fixing elements by pieces made of stone can be classified in two types: Fixing elements screwed directly onto the interior leaf: This type of fixing element joins the closing elements using screws. - These elements can directly enter in a loading situation - Due to the piece’s design, different “free” degrees can be achieved between the point from where the fixing element is supported onto the enclosure wall, and the hole made in the stone finishing. Fixing elements supported by a supporting framework: This is a much more sophisticated system that incorporates a substructure (struts and crosspieces, cat.muntants i travessers); which is fixed onto the interior enclosure and is in charge of transmitting the loads onto the structure. There are some anchorage elements designed to support the piece’s weight (support elements) and other elements which only prevent the piece from tipping over (retaining elements). Some anchorage elements can fulfill the two conditions. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 22/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Materials: exterior leaf made of stone, individual fixing elements AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 23/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Materials: exterior leaf made of flat ceramic pieces (cat. Ceràmica plana) Characteristics of a flat ceramic piece: Dimensional accuracy Homogeneity Reduced coefficient of dilation Resistance against corrosion Resistance against acids Resistance against solar radiation Resistance against frosting High durability Very sophisticated and delicate fastening elements are needed due to the fact that ceramic can not be formed on site. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 24/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Materials: exterior leaf made of flat ceramic pieces, fixing elements (cat. Ceràmica plana) Materials: exterior leaf made of flat ceramic pieces, fixing elements (cat. Ceràmica plana) AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 25/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Ceramic tiles: supports (cat. Ceràmica en rajola: suports) Materials: exterior leaf made of flat ceramic pieces, fixing elements (cat. Ceràmica plana) AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 26/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Ceramic tiles: fixing elements (cat. Ceràmica en rajola: fixacions) Materials: exterior leaf made of flat ceramic pieces, fixing elements (cat. Ceràmica plana) AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 27/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Flat ceramic pieces: anchorage onto the ceramic piece (cat. Ceràmica plana: ancoratge a la peça ceràmica) Materials: exterior leaf made of flat ceramic pieces Ceramic tiles: example (cat. Ceràmica plana) Image source: “Tectónica” Magazine AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 28/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources New Art Gallery in Walsall, United Kingdom. Caruso & St John Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 29/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Materials: exterior leaf made of extruded ceramic pieces (cat. Ceràmica extrudida) Extruded ceramic pieces AR012 Construcció II Not flat ceramic pieces Material’s characteristics: Homogeneity Reduced coefficient of dilation Resistance against corrosion Resistance against solar radiation Resistance against frosting High durability Limited colors to clay colors Ability to mold the piece in order to facilitate its anchorage. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 30/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Materials: exterior leaf made of extruded ceramic pieces (cat. Ceràmica extrudida) Extruded ceramic pieces AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 31/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Materials: exterior leaf made of extruded ceramic pieces (cat. Ceràmica extrudida) Fixing systems for ceramic elements, using individual fixing elements for each piece or using a support guide for various adjacent pieces. Must ensure the vertical continuity of the air chamber. Extruded ceramic pieces AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 32/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Materials: exterior leaf made of wood and wood-based materials (cat. Fusta i derivats) Timber boards (cat. taulers de fusta) Wooden boards must be protected on all sides (edges, exterior and interior sides) because the air cavity provides suitable conditions for insects to make their dens, and if we do not take this fact into consideration, insects can end up damaging the wood. The best protective treatment for ventilated facades is the autoclave (cat. autoclau) for a deep penetration (risk 3) and possible solar radiation filter. Its durability is no more than ten years long because sun rays deteriorate wood causing it to lose and damage its color and this can not be repaired using any treatment. Materials: exterior leaf made of wood and wood-based materials (cat. Fusta i derivats) Image source: “Quaderns. COAC” Magazines Timber larch boards or battens: (cat. llates de fusta) This cladding product made out of wood is attached to the interior leaf using a supporting framework made out of vertical battens or horizontal crosspieces. (cat. mitjançant rastells verticals o travessers horitzontals). Boards or planks (cat. llistons or plafons) are normally screwed on to these vertical and horizontal elements. Must have the same precautions as the ones used for timber boards. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 33/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Housing in Borneo Docks. Amsterdam. Netherlands. 1999. MAP arquitectes AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 34/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Materials: exterior leaf made of wood and wood-based materials (cat. Fusta i derivats) The most suitable boards used for exteriors are phenolic laminated boards (cat. Taulers estratificats fenòlics) bakelite board (cat. baquelitzats) and coated boards (cat. revestits) (HPL). We can also find high density plywood boards (cat. taulers contraxapats d'alta densitat), which use phenolic adhesive material to completely impregnate the wooden board. However, these boards are not recommended for use in exterior areas because they are easily damaged by humidity on their edges. These boards are heavy, hard, and therefore, require their own fixing system. The fixing method uses metallic profiles placed on its backside. Despite its popularity and usage in facades, the only technical literature available is the one given by the manufactures themselves. Therefore, although it has a good durable life, we do not have precise knowledge about its service life nor its possible pathologies. So far, we have only found specific problems with the board’s hardware chemical compatibilities. Font imatge : revista Quaderns AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 35/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Materials: exterior leaf made of Cement fiberboards (Cat. fibrociment) Cement Bonded Particle Board VIROC ® Composite material, composed of a compressed dry mixture of wooden fibers and cement, which acts as a binder. The finished material is sterilized by a process where the mixture (between wood and cement) is exposed to high vapor pressure, increasing the cohesion and that gives the finishing appearance. This process gives the material: -Resistance and durability -Flexibility -Protection against fire and humidity -Good acoustic characteristics Materials: exterior leaf made of phenolic resin panels (cat. plafons de resines fenòliques) TRESPA ® and other companies Construcció II Product that comes from an industrial process, which consists of a combination of heat and high pressures onto synthetic and phenolic resins which are then reinforced with wooden fibers. In general, the thickness of the panels can vary between 6 mm and 13 mm, and we can also apply some curvature on the panels. AR012 Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 36/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources These panels have lots of variations in colors and textures for its finishing layer. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 37/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Materials: exterior leaf made of panels: exposed mechanical fastening system (cat. pannells, fixació mecànica vista) This type of system is valid for all types of materials which can be fixed by screws and can be drilled: phenolic panels, made out of wood, plywood, made out of wood chips (cat. encenalls, cast. virutas), agglomerates, etc. Nevertheless, each material will have a specific screw or adhesive materials and the distances and fastening systems used will have to be adequate for each product. Image examples from the Prodema company. Fixing system using screws or rivets. (Cat. Cargols o reblons) AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 38/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Materials: exterior leaf made of panels: hidden mechanical fastening system (cat. pannells, fixació mecànica oculta) This type of system is valid for all types of materials which can be fixed by screws and can be drilled: phenolic panels, made out of wood, plywood, wood chips (cat. encenalls, cast. virutas), agglomerates, etc. Nevertheless, each material will have a specific screw or adhesive materials and the distances and fastening systems used will have to be adequate for each product. Image examples from the Prodema company. Fixing system using hidden screws and guides (Cat. cargols ocults i guies) AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 39/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Materials: exterior leaf made of panels: attached fastening systems (cat. panells, fixació adherida) This type of system is valid for all types of materials which can be fixed by screws and can be drilled: phenolic panels, made out of wood, plywood, wood chips (cat. encenalls, cast. virutas), agglomerates, etc. Nevertheless, each material will have a specific screw or adhesive materials and the distances and fastening systems used will have to be adequate for each product. Image examples from the Prodema company. Fixing system using adhesive tapes Cat. cintes adhesives) AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 40/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Materials: exterior leaf made of metal trays (cat. safates metàl·liques) Metallic plates - The finishing elements made out of metallic sheets stand out for their lightness, total absence of water absorption, and no gas emission in case of fire. - On the other hand, metallic plates present condensation problems and loss of flatness caused by dilatations. - The first of these problems can be solved by creating a ventilated facade, and the second one is solved by using small pieces to separate them from each other. - As in the case of ceramic elements, metallic plates have a wide variety of finishes (form, texture, and color) Materials: exterior leaf made of metal trays, fastening system (cat. safates metàl·liques, fixacions) Fastening system AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 41/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Vertical section Horizontal section AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 42/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Materials: exterior leaf made of metal trays, fixing system (cat. safates metàl·liques, fixacions) AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 43/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Determining factors of a project: constructive characteristics: Design and modulation In vertical and horizontal directions. It is absolutely essential for all elements (windows, sills, heights between ceilings, …) which will have to be modulated according to the exterior layer’s finishing. Water control Sills and lintels are designed in order to evacuate the water inside the façade. The shape of the fixing elements have to permit the flow of water and ventilation. Effective ventilation Continuity of the chamber. Movements Due to the fact that the exterior leaf is exposed to outside conditions, it is very suitable to thermal movements; therefore, we must foresee sufficient joints between pieces in order to withstand these movements (the joints will depend on pieces’ material) Fixing elements, durability A study about the cost-benefit relationship of the different fixing systems will be needed. In particular, the possibility that some systems have to replace parts without having to dissemble the facade. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 44/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Determining factors of the project. Reflection. Industry – systems relation versus designer-opinion leader (Relació indústria- sistemes versus dissenyador- prescriptor.) [...] Evolution takes place in a very biased way. A material is introduced in the exterior layer without knowing how it affects the movement of air inside the ventilated chamber, the interior layer is lightened without thinking about the acoustic or air tightness consequences, solid is optimized without thinking about void, carpentry is worked without thinking about solar protection, etc. Many reasons explain the combination of good intentions with an incomplete understanding of problems. The most important reason affects industries and very diverse material suppliers. What would the man in charge of hanging the stone know about what plasterboards can (Pladur) offer? How can the Alucobond manufacturer deal with the window frame designed nowadays by architects? Who has to explain to the big semi-products manufacturers the necessity of design and how to introduce a new material into the market that can solve potentially interesting middle leaf? What does a porcelain tile company know about the function of a drain cavity? In past years, there has been proposed and tested a series of construction techniques, each of which can provide solutions to partial aspects of lightweight facades. The wise combination of theses proposals, already proven, could put us in a position of collective design, as a collage, that new facades need nowadays, using the best and most experienced of each proposal, benefiting from the success and good perspective of each of them. […]La evolución sucede de una manera absolutamente parcializada. Se introduce un material en la hoja exterior sin saber cómo afecta a los movimientos de aire en la cámara ventilada, se aligera la hoja interior sin pensar en las consecuencias acústicas o de estanqueidad al aire, se optimiza el macizo sin pensar en el hueco, se trabaja en la carpintería sin pensar en la protección solar, etc. Muchas razones explican esa combinación de buenas intenciones con una visión parcial del problema. La más importante afecta a industrias y proveedores de materiales muy diversos. ¿Qué sabe el que cuelga la piedra de lo que ofrece el Pladur, cómo puede el fabricante de Alucobond afrontar su relación con el premarco telar que hoy diseñan los arquitectos? ¿Quién debe explicar a los grandes fabricantes de semiproductos la necesidad del diseño y puesta en el mercado de un nuevo material para resolver la potencialmente interesantísima hoja central? ¿Qué sabe una empresa de gres porcelánico del funcionamiento de una cámara drenante? En los últimos años se han propuesto y ensayado una serie de técnicas constructivas, cada una de las cuales puede aportar soluciones a aspectos parciales de la fachada ligera. La sabia combinación de esas propuestas, ya comprobadas, podría ponernos en situación de diseñar colectivamente, como un collage, esa nueva fachada que hoy necesitamos, que aproveche lo mejor y más experimentado de cada propuesta y que se beneficie del éxito y las buenas perspectivas de algunas de ellas. “La fachada. Ventilada y Ligera”. Cristina Pardal – Ignacio Paricio. Ed. Bisagra AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 45/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Singular points: in contact with the ground 1. Take into consideration to respect bottom ventilation 2. In areas exposed to impacts (public spaces, schools, etc…) protect ground floor level areas in order for the exterior leaf not to be damaged (since it is usually a very thin layer): - Change material or thickness - Fill in the air cavity (so, it doesn’t ventilate in this area) (cat. Full interior Full exterior (termoarcilla) Aplacat full exterior Massissat de morter Solera Barrera capil·laritat Vorera) Interior leaf Exterior leaf (aerated clay bricks) Exterior leaf cladding Mortar infilling Slab on grade Capillarity barrier Sidewalk/pavement Llar d’avis. Campdevànol. 1997. MAP arquitectes i J. Avellaneda AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 46/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Singular points: corners Recommendations: - Reconsider or replan the modules on the exterior layer. - Choose the geometry of the joint between the two pieces at the angle. Each type of material allows a certain number of geometries and some others are not possible. - Reinforce the corners if the fixing elements are far away from the corners or if it is an Example of the image: possible solutions for phenolic panels exposed point. Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 47/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Singular points: openings Lintels: The interior has a lintel unless its blind/shutter box or its own opening Exterior panel (cat. plafó exterior) arrives to the structural floor. Partition frame (cat. Bastiment) A piece can be placed in order to Insulation (cat. Aïllament) visually close the air cavity on its top Window Blind (cat. Persiana replegable) part. This piece is also used to evacuate water out of the cavity, far Window blind track (cat. guia away from the opening. persiana) On the exterior leaf there is no lintel. AR012 Construcció II Jamb (Cat. Brancal) Jambs: When the window has an interior position, it is recommended to Glass with a cavity (cat. vidre amb cambra) use isolated jambs in order to guarantee the envelope’s thermal Window pane (cat. Fulla) continuity. Window sill: weathering (cat escopidors) must be fixed on to the interior leaf and Window frame (cat. marc) must overhang the air cavity thickness without breaking. When the window has an interior position, it is Window sub-frame(cat premarc) recommended to guarantee the Weathering with drip envelope’s thermal continuity (cat. Escopidor amb trenca aigües) Llar d’avis. Campdevànol. 1997. MAP arquitectes i J. Avellaneda AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 48/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Singular points: openings Precipitations: Although the exterior leaf takes over most of the raindrops’ impacts and conducts most of it, it is possible that some of the drops enter the air cavity due to the big amount of open joints. (remember that ventilation is very important for most of the cases.) The window puts in contact the exterior leaf with the interior one, and therefore, generates a path for the entrance of water. Depending on the opening’s position in relation to the enclosure, it will need waterproof sealing bands/strips. (cat. bandes impermeables) Source: http://www.mecanofas.com/docs/DIT%20353-R.pdf AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 49/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Singular points: openings Interior position of a window in a ventilated facade (cat. Finestra en tancament de façana ventilada en posició interior) AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 50/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Singular points: openings Middle position of a window in a ventilated facade (cat. Finestra en tancament de façana ventilada en posició intermitja) AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 51/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Singular points: openings Exterior position of a window in a ventilated facade (cat. Finestra en tancament de façana ventilada en posició exterior) AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 52/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Singular points: facade capping Ensure ventilation: In order to allow air movements, openings on the air cavity’s top part are needed Ensure thermal insulation continuity on the last structural floor. Thermal insulation can end up being continuous over the roof (it is not the case from the details below). Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 53/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources On site installation On site installation process Font de la imatge: l'Informatiu del CAATB 1. 2. 3. AR012 4. 5. 6. Construction and plumbing of the interior leaf. Setting-out and fixing of the substructure(support framework) or of individual elements on the interior leaf in order to subsequently receive the exterior leaf. Thermal insulation placing fixed on to the interior leaf using adhesive elements and/or mechanical fixing, without thermal bridges. Setting-out and fastening of the fixing elements and accessories that support the exterior leaf. Placement of the exterior leaf. Placement of the finishing/flashing pieces (cat. peces de remat) if these pieces are needed. Llar d’avis. Campdevànol. 1997. MAP arquitectes i J. Avellaneda AR012 Construcció II Strategies of the facade’s behavior l1 l2 e1 e2 INTERIOR INTERIORLEAF INSULATION VENTILATED CHAMBER EXTERIOR LEAF Thermal insulation EXTERIOR Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 54/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources The strategies depend on the addition of the different thermal insulation layers and the ventilation degree of the cavity. Nevertheless, the essential factor is the specific insulation layer (l1 and e1), and the interior leaf, which also collaborates (l2 and e2). AR012 Construcció II Strategies of the facade’s behavior INTERIOR INTERIOR LEAF INSULATION VENTILATED CHAMBER EXTERIOR LEAF Thermal inertia EXTERIOR Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 55/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Thermal inertia is exclusively provided by the interior leaf. Thermal inertia depends on the material’s specific heat Ce and the enclosure's mass, which depends on the density and thickness e, and on the l which will have influence on the heat flow’s velocity through the mass. AR012 Construcció II Strategies of the facade’s behavior INTERIOR INTERIOR LEAF INSULATION VENTILATED CHAMBER EXTERIOR LEAF Solar protection EXTERIOR Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 56/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources The exterior leaf works as a shade, protecting the interior layers from sunlight’s direct incidence. Solar radiation protection depends on the exterior leaf’s characteristics: opacity, absorption, reflection (color), control customizability (movable slats…). It is very important to guarantee an intense ventilation of the air chamber in order to reduce the heat gains from radiation and heat transfer to the inside by convection. AR012 Construcció II Strategies of the facade’s behavior INTERIOR INTERIOR LEAF INSULATION CAMBRA VENTILADA EXTERIOR LEAF Water exchange EXTERIOR Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 57/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Precipitations The exterior leaf takes over most of the raindrops’ impacts and conducts most of it, it is possible that some of the drops enter the air cavity, depending on the amount of open joints proposed by the system. We must analyze and recognize until what point the water will flow inside. (remember that ventilation is very important for most of the cases.) The ventilated cavity has to permit a good drain. We must foresee drainage systems, specially on window sills and lintels on openings and in contact with the ground. If thermal insulation is not well protected, it has to withstand the presence of liquid water, can not loose its insulating ability, nor undertake degradation. In very ventilated facades, in which water can flow until the interior leaf, a waterproof coating against rain must be foreseen. As a consequence of this, we must analyze the facade’s hydro-thermal behavior. AR012 Construcció II Strategies of the facade’s behavior INTERIOR LEAF INSULATION VENTILATED CHAMBER EXTERIOR LEAF Breathability EXTERIOR Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 58/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources See higroterm The outcome of water vapor has to be permitted by the interior leaf’s materials. Once the water vapor is inside the cavity, it will have to be evacuated by the airflow. This vapor can also condensate and then be evacuated as the water that comes from rain. Condensation In the case of interstitial condensations, a water vapor barrier can be placed on the exterior face of the interior leaf. Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 59/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Concept and basic features FACADE WITH EXTERNAL INSULATION AND WITHOUT AIR CHAMBER OR EWI SYSTEM (EXTERNAL INSULATION SYSTEM) (cat. Façana abrigada sense cambra o bé SATE (Sistema aïllant tèrmic per l’exterior)) DEFINITION: Thermal insulation is supported directly on the interior leaf and finished with a render layer, specially designed to ensure the adherence with the insulation. AR012 Construcció II CONCEPT: Avoid thermal bridges Reduce thickness Possibility of an easy final application BASIC FEATURES: Not easy to install, needs means on its exterior. Good control of its insulation layer Needs protection to ensure durability, on ground floor level Suitable for remodeling facades Avoids thermal bridges completely AR012 Construcció II The most common materials are masonry walls (cat. Obres de fàbrica). But it can also be any stable support. Usually it has an interior finishing treatment. INTERIOR INTERIOR LEAF INSULATION Materials: Interior Leaf EXTERIOR Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 60/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Materials: Interior Leaf AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 61/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources PERFORATED BRICK (cat.MAÓ CALAT (gero)) Catalan format dimensions (h x L x e): 5x29x14 cm 7x29x14 cm 9x29x14 cm The interior leaf’s constructive characteristics are those from the construction of walls. CONCRETE BLOCK (OR MORTAR) Dimensions (h x L x e): 20x40x15 cm 20x40x20 cm Singular points: in relation to the structure - The interior leaf can be a bearing or a simple enclosure, but has to be inserted in between the structural elements. In the case of remodeling, if it has various planes, we can place different insulation thicknesses in order to give the facade’s surface a flat finishing, just like the image on the right. . AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 62/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Housing building. Montbau. Barcelona. 1961. J. Soteras i L. Garcia-Barbón. Rehabillitation: Josep Olivé AR012 Construcció II INTERIOR INTERIOR LEAF INSULATION Materials: thermal insulation EXTERIOR Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 63/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Thermal insulation has to be a rigid panel, they can not be “blankets”. Usually, the most common material is expanded polystyrene, because we do not need an inalterable material in front of humidity; the exterior finishing layer is the one in charge of giving water tightness to the envelope. Most common insulations: Expanded polystyrene EPS (cat. Poliestirè expandit) - Medium thermal resistant values - Low water absorption - Water vapor diffusion possible - Good mechanical features Extruded polystyrene XPS (cat. Poliestirè extrudit) - Very high thermal resistant values. - Very low water absorption - Very high mechanical features In all cases, most common thicknesses from cm to cm: are from 1 cm until 20 cm AR012 Construcció II Regarding the finishing layers, we must distinguish the exterior, which is the one in charge of water tightness and solar radiation control, from the interior, which is only a finishing. INTERIOR INTERIOR LEAF INSULATION Materials: finishing layer EXTERIOR Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 64/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources The exterior coating has two layers: the finishing layer and the insulation’s adherence layer The exterior coating’s conditions are: 1.Mechanical resistance 2.Stability against UV rays 3.Water tightness 4.Water vapor permeability (breathability *) 5.Adherence to thermal insulation Can be used: 1.Mortars made out of resins (guaranteed by the manufacturer *) The interior coatings must have: 1. Mechanical resistance 2. Water vapor permeability (breathability *) Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 65/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Materials: adherence layer between thermal insulation and exterior finishing layer 1. Interior leaf (cat. full interior) 2. Thermal insulation (cat. Aïllament tèrmic) 3. Insulation’s fastening System avoiding thermal bridges (cat. Subjecció aïllament) 4 i 6. Resin layer which works as an adherence bridge between thermal insulation and exterior finishing layer (cat. capa de resina) 5. Reinforced plastic mesh which holds together all the coatings. Avoids marks from the thermal insulation panels onto the exterior coating. It also avoids cracking on the exterior layer. (cat. malla plàstica d'armat del conjunt dels revestiments) A,B,C. Different finishing types according to the commercial company FINISHING RENDERS COTETERM INSULATION Panels and suitable fixings AR012 1st LAYER COTETERM M MESHCLOTH COTETERM 2nd LAYER COTETERM M STOP BEAD SUPPORT AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 66/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Materialization: exterior finishing layer Single layer renders: Single layer stuccos specially formulated to adhere to the resin support. The pigment is in the mass. Must require that the render must be waterproof against rainwater but permeable to water vapor. Renders have an excellent adherence to the support, rationed for a mechanical application although it is difficult to be corrected or reviewed in case of deterioration. There is a wide range of colors coordinated with the same pigments used in the paintings said on color-charts of each company. There are various finishing textures: AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 67/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Singular points: in contact with the ground - It is indispensable a horizontal waterproof barrier in order to avoid humidity on the interior leaf. - Placement of the bottom profile, separated minimum 15 cm from the ground. - Placement of a double layer made up of a plastic mesh or fiberglass used for the reinforcement of the initial meters. Actual wall Expanded polyestyrene 1st and 2nd COTETERM layer Mesh (fiberglass) Mesh COTETERM Finishing COTETERM finishing Plinth’s profile New plinth A. Stop Bead (cat. Perfil d’arrencada) Actual wall Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 68/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Singular points: openings Thermal envelope continuity: We must ensure its continuity Mesh (fiberglass) Finishing COTETERM finishing COTETERM Mesh 1st COTETERM layer Protective angle 2nd COTETERM layer AR012 Construcció II New weathering In relation to single-leaf facades, it avoids thermal bridges. If the system is used until the opening, it guarantees a water tightness continuity. If the system overlaps with the opening’s subframe, it reduces the risk of air filtrations. Brick Expanded polystyrene Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 69/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Singular points: openings Thermal envelope continuity: We must ensure its continuity Elastic waterproofing joint Filling mortar New rain gutter Lacquered aluminum Profile Anchorage Link with an existent weathering Finishing COTETERM finishing Mesh (fiberglass) COTETERM Mesh 1stCOTETERM layer 2ndCOTETERM layer AR012 Construcció II Expanded polyethylene Sto rain gutter AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 70/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Singular points: facade capping Ensure protection against water over all the facade, and especially for insulation. It is achieved with a waterproof finishing element (cat. remat impermeable). If we do not want this finishing to get dirty, we must incorporate a drip (cat.goteró) to this finishing element. Ensure thermal insulation continuity on the last structural floor. Thermal insulation can end up being continuous over the roof (it is not the case of the detail). AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 71/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources On site installation 1. Base bead (starter profile): metallic profile with a “U” perforated form and a 1 drip. It is placed at a minimum height of 15cm from the ground and it is subjected with screws and dowels every 30cm. It needs a previous horizontal levelling 2. Expanded polystyrene thermal 2 insulation, EPS: EPS panel placement onto the starter metallic profile, they must be attached with the company‘s recommended product. 3. Fixing for insulation: fasten the insulation panel onto the interior leaf (a 3 polypropylene dowel and washer in order to avoid thermal bridges) 4. Corner profiles 5. Surface protection for EPS panels with a Coteterm metallic mesh adhered with resin. 4 6. Resin priming (in function of the type of finishing) 7. Applying of the finishing render layer 8. Final texture We must avoid placing it under rainy conditions or extreme temperature.. 5 Coteterm system start up 6 Distribution of Coteterm M on panel 7 Perforation of plate on 5 points COTESPIGA placement Embedding of the Coteterm mesh Application of Coteterm base coat Application of decorative finishes 8 with trowel Application of decorative finishes with gun Example of “Parex” from Coteterm company AR012 Construcció II Strategies of the facade’s behavior l1 l2 e1 e2 INTERIOR INTERIOR LEAF INSULATION Insulation EXTERIOR Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 72/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Insulation depends on the addition of the thermal insulation layers. The essential factor is the specific insulation layer (l1 and e1), and occasionally, can also collaborate with the interior leaf (l2 and e2). AR012 Construcció II Strategies of the facade’s behavior INTERIOR INTERIOR LEAF INSULATION Thermal inertia EXTERIOR Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 73/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Thermal inertia depends on the material’s specific heat Ce and the interior leaf’s mass t. The l of the insulation layer will affect on the loss of heat towards the exterior. AR012 Construcció II Strategies of the facade’s behavior Precipitations Water tightness envelope is given by the exterior coating layer INTERIOR INTERIOR LEAF INSULATION Water exchange EXTERIOR Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 74/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Capillarity Inner leaf: protection against the rising water depends on the porosity of the material and the continued existence of water in the soil. Protection systems include the placement of barriers against the ascent of capillary water Insulation: should never get to the soil AR012 Construcció II Strategies of the facade’s behavior veure higroterm Breathable facade. The materials do not deteriorate under moderate humidity. INTERIOR INTERIOR LEAF INSULATION Breathability EXTERIOR Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 75/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Condensation In case of existing interstitial condensations, a water vapor barrier can be placed on the exterior face of the interior leaf. (warm side of the insulation) Stolite (resin coating from the STO company) =150 Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 76/78 Area of studies l Typologies - lightweight ventilated l Typologies - External ventilation l Information sources Information sources Class bibliography: Facade Construction Manual. Ed Birkhäuser. Edition Detail. Herzog Krippner Lang. Complementary bibliography. RECOMMENDED - La fachada. Ventilada y Ligera. Cristina Pardal – Ignacio Paricio. Ed. Bisagra AR012 Construcció II -Revista Tectónica. nº1 i nº 2 - La Arquitectura como técnica (1). Ramón Araujo. A.T.C. Ediciones S.L. caps. 2, 3 i 4 WEBSITES OF INTEREST - Prodema: www.prodema.com/ - STO ibérica: www.sto.es/ - Wall Term: www.wall-term.com/ - Coteterm Parex: www.parex.es/ Bibliography for INTERIOR FINISHING LAYERS http://www.salleurl.edu/tecnologia/pdf/teoria/segon/22.pdf > 2nd year class about FINISHING LAYERS, Nº561 notes about “Finishing layers (cat. Acabats)" sale on “Publicacions”