Material Safety Data Sheet
Material Safety Data Sheet
Keson Industries, Inc. 810 Commerce Street Aurora, IL 60504 Date Prepared: January 1, 2013 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION 1 Concentrated (color) indicator Marking Chalk-‐Blue Product Name: For Information Call: 1-‐800-‐345-‐3766 SECTION II-‐Hazardous Ingredients of Mixture Principal Component (s) Ultramarine Blue Calcium Carbonate Silicon Dioxide Boiling Point: N/A Vapor Pressure: N/A % Volatile by weight: N/A Appearance: Odorless Blue Powder CAS # 57455-‐37-‐5 3 471-‐34-‐1 15 mg/m 7631-‐86-‐9 OSHA PEL ACGIH, TLV 3 NA 10 mg/m 3 10 mg/m 3 3 6.00 mg/m 10.00 mg/m SECTION III-‐Physical Data Specific Gravity (H2O=1) 2.4 Solubility in Water: Negligible Vapor Pressure: N/A pH 5-‐8 (5% solution) SECTION IV-‐ Fire and Explosion Data Flash Point: Non-‐Flammable Extinguishing Media: Non-‐Flammable Special Firefighting Procedures: NIOSH Approved respirator and protective clothing should be worn. Use water spray to cool equipment and containers. Unusual Fire Explosion Hazards: None known. SECTION V-‐Health Hazard Data Routes of Entry: Skin-‐Yes, Inhalation-‐Yes, Ingestion-‐Yes, Eyes-‐Yes. Carcinogenicity-‐Calcium Carbonate contains crystalline silica at levels between 0.01-‐2%. There is some evidence that this material may be carcinogenic. Limit exposure to the lowest limit possible. Effects of Overexposure: Eye Contact-‐ Irritating to eyes Skin Contact-‐ None noted Inhalation-‐ May cause irritation to the nose, throat and respiratory tract. Ingestion-‐ Harmful or fatal if swallowed. Emergency First Aid Procedures: Eye Contact: Flush with warm water, lifting the eyelids periodically for 15 minutes. Consult a physician if condition Keson Industries, Inc. 810 Commerce Street Aurora, IL 60504 Date Prepared: January 1, 2013 SECTION VI-‐Reactivity Data Stability: Stable Conditions to avoid: None known. Incompatibility (materials to avoid): Strong acids liberate carbon dioxide. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Combustion will produce toxic oxides of carbon and calcium oxide. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. SECTION VII-‐Spill or Leak Procedures Vacuum or scoop material into approved containers for reclamation or disposal. If excessive dust is generated, wear NIOSH approved respirator for mineral dust. SECTION VIII-‐Special Protection Information Respiratory Protection: An approved NIOSH respirator should be worn when TWA limits are exceeded. Ventilation: Use local ventilation to keep dust levels below recommended exposure limits. If exposure limits are exceeded, a NIOSH approved respirator for mineral dust should be worn. Protective Clothing: Employees must wear gloves. Eye Protection: Chemical safety goggles or safety glasses with splash guards. Other Protective equipment: Eye bath and safety shower should be available. SECTION IX-‐ Special Precautions Precautions to be taken in handling and storage: Do not store near acids. Follow normal good housekeeping procedures. Other Precautions: Wash hands thoroughly after handling. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. SECTION X-‐ Regulatory Status TSCA Inventory Status: This material is a mixture, the ingredients of which are on TSCA inventory. RCRA: This material, when disposed of, is not specifically listed as a hazardous waste according to federal regulations unless it meets the USEPA definitions for being toxic, corrosive, ignitable or reactive, or it is mixed with or comes in contact with a listed hazardous waste. Consult local, state and federal regulations. California Proposition 65: See Section XI SECTION XI-‐Other Regulatory Information CHEMICAL NAME/ CAS NUMBER CONCENTRATION STATE CODE Arsenic/7440-‐38-‐2 <30 ppm * CA, MA Cadmium/7440-‐43-‐9 <5 ppm* CA,MA Lead/7439-‐92-‐1 <30 ppm * CA Keson Industries, Inc. 810 Commerce Street Aurora, IL 60504 Date Prepared: January 1, 2013 HMIS CODE: Health Flammability Reactivity 1 0 0 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Klean Strip Easy Liquid Sander Flammability Instability 1 1 1 1 0 0 Health PPE X Special 1. Product and Company Identification HEALTH FLAMMABILITY PHYSICAL HAZ. Product Code: Product Name: Manufacturer Information Company Name: Phone Number: Emergency Contact: Information: Web site address: Preparer Name: Intended Use: Synonyms Page: 1 Printed: 04/29/2010 Revision: 04/23/2010 Supercedes Revision: 07/31/2003 515.1 Klean Strip Easy Liquid Sander W. M. Barr 2105 Channel Avenue Memphis, TN 38113 (901)775-0100 3E 24 Hour Emergency Contact (800)451-8346 W.M. Barr Customer Service (800)398-3892 W.M. Barr EHS Dept (901)775-0100 Paint Adhesion Product QWN285 2. Hazards Identification Emergency Overview Caution! Harmful if swallowed. Eye irritant. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and mucous membranes. Do not take internally. Use only with adequate ventilation. OSHA Regulatory Status: This material is classified as hazardous under OSHA regulations. Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic) This product has not been tested to determine health effects. The health effects listed below are associated with the individual ingredients listed in Section 3. EYES: Can cause eye irritation. Symptoms include stinging, tearing, redness, swelling of the eyes, and blurred vision. SKIN: Can cause skin irritation. Prolonged or repeated contact may dry the skin or cause discomfort and redness. Symptoms include redness, burning, drying and cracking of the skin. Burns may be possible from prolonged contact, especially if contact with the skin is under clothing or personal protective equipment. Individuals with sensitive skin may be more likely to develop skin irritation from contact. INHALATION: Breathing small amounts during normal handling is not likely to cause harmful effects. Breathing large amounts may be harmful. Symptoms usually occur at air concentrations higher than the MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Klean Strip Easy Liquid Sander Page: 2 Printed: 04/29/2010 Revision: 04/23/2010 Supercedes Revision: 07/31/2003 This product contains ~ 5% crystalline silica in the form of quartz. In respirable form, chronic overexposure can cause lung disease and silicosis. The silica in this product is not in respirable form. The silica is encapsulated, which should present no health hazard due to inhalation exposure. TARGET ORGANS: liver, stomach/intestines, lungs PRIMARY ROUTES OF ENTRY: inhalation, absorption Signs and Symptoms Of Exposure See Potential Health Effects. Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated By Exposure None known. 3. Composition/Information on Ingredients Hazardous Components (Chemical Name) CAS # 1. Dimethyl glutarate 1119-40-0 Concentration 5.0 -10.0 % 2. Dimethyl adipate 627-93-0 1.0 -5.0 % 3. Dimethyl succinate 4. Ethylene glycol monopropyl ether {(a glycol 106-65-0 1.0 -5.0 % 2807-30-9 7.0 -13.0 % 9036-19-5 1.0 -5.0 % 14808-60-7 3.0 -7.0 % ether)} 5. Octylphenoxypolyethoxyethanol 6. Quartz {Silica-crystalline; Cistobalite; Tridymite} 4. First Aid Measures Emergency and First Aid Procedures INHALATION: If user experiences breathing difficulty, move to air free of vapors. Administer oxygen or artificial respiration until medical assistance can be rendered. SKIN CONTACT: Immediately wash with soap and water. Seek medical attention if irritation from contact persists. EYE CONTACT: Immediately flush with water, remove any contact lens, and continue flushing with water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention immediately. INGESTION: Do not induce vomiting, unless directed to by medical personnel. Call your poison control center, hospital, emergency room, or physician immediately for instructions. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Note to Physician MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Klean Strip Easy Liquid Sander Page: 3 Printed: 04/29/2010 Revision: 04/23/2010 Supercedes Revision: 07/31/2003 Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards Ethylene glycol monopropyl ether may form peroxides of unknown stability when involved in a fire. Hazardous Combustion Products Oxides of carbon Suitable Extinguishing Media Non-combustible liquid - use extinguishing media for underlying cause of fire. Unsuitable Extinguishing Media None known. 6. Accidental Release Measures Steps To Be Taken In Case Material Is Released Or Spilled Isolate the immediate area. Prevent unauthorized entry. Stay upwind, out of low areas, and ventilate closed spaces before entering. Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Stop leak if you can do so without risk. Prevent entry into waterways, sewers, or confined areas. A vapor suppressing foam may be used to reduce vapors. Absorb or cover with dry earth, sand, or other non-combustible material and transfer to compatible containers. For large spills, dike ahead of the spill. 7. Handling and Storage Precautions To Be Taken in Handling Read carefully all cautions and directions on product label before use. Since empty container retains residue, follow all label warnings even after container is empty. Dispose of empty container according to all waste regulations. Do not reuse this container. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and mucous membranes. Do not take internally. Precautions To Be Taken in Storing Keep container tightly closed when not in use. Store in a cool, dry place. Do not store near flames or at elevated temperatures. 8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection Hazardous Components (Chemical Name) CAS # OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV Other Limits 1. 1119-40-0 No data. No data. No data. Dimethyl glutarate 2. Dimethyl adipate 627-93-0 No data. No data. No data. 3. Dimethyl succinate 106-65-0 No data. No data. No data. 4. Ethylene glycol monopropyl ether {(a glycol 2807-30-9 No data. No data. No data. ether)} 5. Octylphenoxypolyethoxyethanol 6. Quartz {Silica-crystalline; Cistobalite; 9036-19-5 14808-60-7 No data. No data. No data. 8825 ppm/(%SiO2+5) 0.05 mg/m3 (R) No data. Tridymite} Respiratory Equipment (Specify Type) For consumer use, use only with adequate ventilation. If strong odor is noticed or you experience slight dizziness - STOP - ventilation is inadequate. Leave area immediately. For OSHA controlled workplace and other regular users - Use only with adequate ventilation under engineered air MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Klean Strip Easy Liquid Sander Page: 4 Printed: 04/29/2010 Revision: 04/23/2010 Supercedes Revision: 07/31/2003 Other Protective Clothing Various application methods can dictate use of additional protective safety equipment, such as impermeable aprons, etc., to minimize exposure. Before reuse, thoroughly clean any clothing or protective equipment that has been contaminated by prior use. Discard any clothing or other protective equipment that cannot be decontaminated, such as gloves or shoes. Ventilation Use only with adequate ventilation to prevent build-up of vapors. Open all windows and doors. Use only with a cross ventilation of moving fresh air across the work area. If strong odor is noticed or you experience slight dizziness, headache, nausea, or eye-watering - STOP - ventilation is not adequate. Leave area immediately and move to fresh air. Work/Hygienic/Maintenance Practices Wash hands thoroughly after use and before eating, drinking, or smoking. Do not eat, drink, or smoke in the work area. Facilities storing or handling this material should be equipped with an emergency eyewash and safety shower. 9. Physical and Chemical Properties Physical States: Melting Point: Boiling Point: Autoignition Pt: Flash Pt: Explosive Limits: Specific Gravity (Water = 1): Density: Bulk density: Vapor Pressure (vs. Air or mm Hg): Vapor Density (vs. Air = 1): Evaporation Rate (vs Butyl Acetate=1): Solubility in Water: Percent Volatile: Heat Value: Particle Size: Corrosion Rate: pH: Appearance and Odor [ ] Gas [ X ] Liquid No data. > 212.00 F No data. No data. LEL: No data. No data. 8.6 LB/GL No data. No data. >1 <1 [ ] Solid UEL: No data. No data. 92.8 % by weight. No data. No data. No data. No data. milky emulsion 10. Stability and Reactivity Stability: Unstable [ ] Stable [ X ] MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Klean Strip Easy Liquid Sander Possibility of Hazardous Reactions: Will occur [ Conditions To Avoid - Hazardous Reactions ] Page: 5 Printed: 04/29/2010 Revision: 04/23/2010 Supercedes Revision: 07/31/2003 Will not occur [ X ] No data available. 11. Toxicological Information This product has not been tested as a whole. Information below will be for individual ingredients. Chronic Toxicological Effects This product has not been tested as a whole. Information below will be for individual ingredients. Carcinogenicity/Other Information No data available. Hazardous Components (Chemical Name) CAS # NTP IARC ACGIH OSHA 1. 1119-40-0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Dimethyl glutarate 2. Dimethyl adipate 627-93-0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 3. Dimethyl succinate 106-65-0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 4. Ethylene glycol monopropyl ether {(a glycol 2807-30-9 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 9036-19-5 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Known 2B A2 n.a. ether)} 5. Octylphenoxypolyethoxyethanol 6. Quartz {Silica-crystalline; Cistobalite; 14808-60-7 Tridymite} 12. Ecological Information No information available for this product as a whole. 13. Disposal Considerations Waste Disposal Method Dispose of in accordance with local, state, and federal laws. Do not place material in general trash. Do not allow material to enter bodies of water or sewers. 14. Transport Information LAND TRANSPORT (US DOT) DOT Proper Shipping Name Additional Transport Information Paint Related Material For D.O.T. information, contact W.M. Barr Technical Services at 1-800-398-3892. The shipper/supplier may apply one of the following exceptions: Combustible Liquid, Consumer Commodity, Limited Quantity, Viscous Liquid, Does Not Sustain Combustion, or others, as allowed under 49CFR Hazmat Regulations. Please consult 49CFR Subchapter C to ensure that subsequent shipments comply with these exceptions. 15. Regulatory Information MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Klean Strip Easy Liquid Sander Page: 6 Printed: 04/29/2010 Revision: 04/23/2010 Supercedes Revision: 07/31/2003 Hazardous Components (Chemical Name) CAS # Sec.302 (EHS) Sec.304 RQ Sec.313 (TRI) Sec.110 5. Octylphenoxypolyethoxyethanol 9036-19-5 No No No No 6. Quartz {Silica-crystalline; Cistobalite; 14808-60-7 No No No No Tridymite} US EPA CAA, CWA, TSCA Hazardous Components (Chemical Name) CAS # EPA CAA EPA CWA NPDES EPA TSCA CA PROP 65 1. Dimethyl glutarate 1119-40-0 HAP, ODC () No Inventory, 4 Test, No 2. Dimethyl adipate 627-93-0 HAP, ODC () No 12(b) Inventory, 4 Test, No 12(b) 3. Dimethyl succinate 106-65-0 HAP, ODC () No Inventory, 4 Test, No 12(b) 4. Ethylene glycol monopropyl ether {(a glycol 2807-30-9 HAP, ODC () No Inventory No 9036-19-5 HAP, ODC () No Inventory, 8A PAIR No 14808-60-7 HAP, ODC () No Inventory No ether)} 5. Octylphenoxypolyethoxyethanol 6. Quartz {Silica-crystalline; Cistobalite; Tridymite} SARA (Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986) Lists: Sec.302: EPA SARA Title III Section 302 Extremely Hazardous Chemical with TPQ. * indicates 10000 LB TPQ if not volatile. Sec.304: EPA SARA Title III Section 304: CERCLA Reportable + Sec.302 with Reportable Quantity. ** indicates statutory RQ. Sec.313: EPA SARA Title III Section 313 Toxic Release Inventory. Note: -Cat indicates a member of a chemical category. Sec.110: EPA SARA 110 Superfund Site Priority Contaminant List TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) Lists: Inventory: Chemical Listed in the TSCA Inventory. 5A(2): Chemical Subject to Significant New Rules (SNURS) 6A: Commercial Chemical Control Rules 8A: Toxic Substances Subject To Information Rules on Production 8A CAIR: Comprehensive Assessment Information Rules - (CAIR) 8A PAIR: Preliminary Assessment Information Rules - (PAIR) 8C: Records of Allegations of Significant Adverse Reactions 8D: Health and Safety Data Reporting Rules 8D TERM: Health and Safety Data Reporting Rule Terminations 12(b): Notice of Export Other Important Lists: CWA NPDES: EPA Clean Water Act NPDES Permit Chemical CAA HAP: EPA Clean Air Act Hazardous Air Pollutant CAA ODC: EPA Clean Air Act Ozone Depleting Chemical (1=CFC, 2=HCFC) CA PROP 65: California Proposition 65 International Regulatory Lists: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Klean Strip Easy Liquid Sander Page: 7 Printed: 04/29/2010 Revision: 04/23/2010 Supercedes Revision: 07/31/2003 16. Other Information Company Policy or Disclaimer The information contained herein is presented in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the effective date shown above. This information is furnished without warranty of any kind. Employers should use this information only as a supplement to other information gathered by them and must make independent determination of suitability and completeness of information from all sources to assure proper use of these materials and the safety and health of employees. Any use of this data and information must be determined by the user to be in accordance with applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 4291 13 00 DATE OF PREPARATION May 24, 2013 SECTION 1 — PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NUMBER 4291 PRODUCT NAME KRYLON® Camouflage Paint, Khaki MANUFACTURER'S NAME Krylon Products Group Cleveland, OH 44115 Telephone Numbers and Websites Product Information (800) 247-3268 Regulatory Information (216) 566-2902 Medical Emergency (216) 566-2917 Transportation Emergency* (800) 424-9300 *for Chemical Emergency ONLY (spill, leak, fire, exposure, or accident) page 1 of 6 4291 SECTION 2 — COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS % by Weight 17 8 4 12 0.5 3 35 1 CAS Number 74-98-6 106-97-8 64742-89-8 108-88-3 100-41-4 1330-20-7 67-64-1 108-10-1 2 112926-00-8 3 13463-67-7 Ingredient Units Propane ACGIH TLV 1000 PPM OSHA PEL 1000 PPM Butane ACGIH TLV 1000 PPM OSHA PEL 800 PPM V. M. & P. Naphtha ACGIH TLV 300 PPM OSHA PEL 300 PPM OSHA PEL 400 PPM STEL Toluene ACGIH TLV 20 PPM OSHA PEL 100 ppm (Skin) OSHA PEL 150 ppm (Skin) STEL Ethylbenzene ACGIH TLV 20 PPM OSHA PEL 100 PPM OSHA PEL 125 PPM STEL Xylene ACGIH TLV 100 PPM ACGIH TLV 150 PPM STEL OSHA PEL 100 PPM OSHA PEL 150 PPM STEL Acetone ACGIH TLV 500 PPM ACGIH TLV 750 PPM STEL OSHA PEL 1000 PPM Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ACGIH TLV 50 PPM ACGIH TLV 75 PPM STEL OSHA PEL 50 PPM OSHA PEL 75 PPM STEL Amorphous Precipitated Silica ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 as Dust OSHA PEL 6 mg/m3 as Dust Titanium Dioxide ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 as Dust OSHA PEL 10 mg/m3 Total Dust OSHA PEL 5 mg/m3 Respirable Fraction Vapor Pressure 760 mm 760 mm 12 mm 22 mm 7.1 mm 5.9 mm 180 mm 16 mm SECTION 3 — HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INHALATION of vapor or spray mist. EYE or SKIN contact with the product, vapor or spray mist. EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE EYES: Irritation. SKIN: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause irritation. INHALATION: Irritation of the upper respiratory system. HMIS Codes Health 2* Flammability 3 Reactivity 0 May cause nervous system depression. Extreme overexposure may result in unconsciousness and possibly death. Prolonged overexposure to hazardous ingredients in Section 2 may cause adverse chronic effects to the following organs or systems: the liver the urinary system the cardiovascular system the reproductive system SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE Headache, dizziness, nausea, and loss of coordination are indications of excessive exposure to vapors or spray mists. Redness and itching or burning sensation may indicate eye or excessive skin exposure. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE None generally recognized. CANCER INFORMATION For complete discussion of toxicology data refer to Section 11. page 2 of 6 4291 SECTION 4 — FIRST AID MEASURES EYES: SKIN: INHALATION: INGESTION: Flush eyes with large amounts of water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. Wash affected area thoroughly with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and launder before re-use. If affected, remove from exposure. Restore breathing. Keep warm and quiet. Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention immediately. SECTION 5 — FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT LEL UEL EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Propellant < 0 °F 0.9 12.8 Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Foam UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Containers may explode when exposed to extreme heat. Application to hot surfaces requires special precautions. During emergency conditions overexposure to decomposition products may cause a health hazard. Symptoms may not be immediately apparent. Obtain medical attention. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Full protective equipment including self-contained breathing apparatus should be used. Water spray may be ineffective. If water is used, fog nozzles are preferable. Water may be used to cool closed containers to prevent pressure build-up and possible autoignition or explosion when exposed to extreme heat. SECTION 6 — ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Remove all sources of ignition. Ventilate the area. Remove with inert absorbent. SECTION 7 — HANDLING AND STORAGE STORAGE CATEGORY Not Available PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flame. Vapors will accumulate readily and may ignite explosively. During use and until all vapors are gone: Keep area ventilated - Do not smoke - Extinguish all flames, pilot lights, and heaters - Turn off stoves, electric tools and appliances, and any other sources of ignition. Consult NFPA Code. Use approved Bonding and Grounding procedures. Contents under pressure. Do not puncture, incinerate, or expose to temperature above 120F. Heat from sunlight, radiators, stoves, hot water, and other heat sources could cause container to burst. Do not take internally. Keep out of the reach of children. SECTION 8 — EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN USE Use only with adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid breathing vapor and spray mist. Wash hands after using. This coating may contain materials classified as nuisance particulates (listed "as Dust" in Section 2) which may be present at hazardous levels only during sanding or abrading of the dried film. If no specific dusts are listed in Section 2, the applicable limits for nuisance dusts are ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 (total dust), 3 mg/m3 (respirable fraction), OSHA PEL 15 mg/m3 (total dust), 5 mg/m3 (respirable fraction). Removal of old paint by sanding, scraping or other means may generate dust or fumes that contain lead. Exposure to lead dust or fumes may cause brain damage or other adverse health effects, especially in children or pregnant women. Controlling exposure to lead or other hazardous substances requires the use of proper protective equipment, such as a properly fitted respirator (NIOSH approved) and proper containment and cleanup. For more information, call the National Lead Information Center at 1-800-424-LEAD (in US) or contact your local health authority. VENTILATION Local exhaust preferable. General exhaust acceptable if the exposure to materials in Section 2 is maintained below applicable exposure limits. Refer to OSHA Standards 1910.94, 1910.107, 1910.108. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION If personal exposure cannot be controlled below applicable limits by ventilation, wear a properly fitted organic vapor/particulate respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for protection against materials in Section 2. When sanding or abrading the dried film, wear a dust/mist respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for dust which may be generated from this product, underlying paint, or the abrasive. PROTECTIVE GLOVES None required for normal application of aerosol products where minimal skin contact is expected. For long or repeated contact, wear chemical resistant gloves. EYE PROTECTION Wear safety spectacles with unperforated sideshields. page 3 of 6 4291 OTHER PRECAUTIONS Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents can be harmful or fatal. SECTION 9 — PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 6.36 lb/gal 761 g/l 0.77 <0 - 325 °F <-18 - 162 °C Not Available 90% Faster than ether VAPOR DENSITY Heavier than air SOLUBILITY IN WATER Not Available pH 7.0 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOC Theoretical - As Packaged) Volatile Weight 46.81% Less Water and Federally Exempt Solvents PRODUCT WEIGHT SPECIFIC GRAVITY BOILING POINT MELTING POINT VOLATILE VOLUME EVAPORATION RATE SECTION 10 — STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY — Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID None known. INCOMPATIBILITY None known. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS By fire: Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION Will not occur SECTION 11 — TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARDS Reports have associated repeated and prolonged overexposure to solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage. Ethylbenzene is classified by IARC as possibly carcinogenic to humans (2B) based on inadequate evidence in humans and sufficient evidence in laboratory animals. Lifetime inhalation exposure of rats and mice to high ethylbenzene concentrations resulted in increases in certain types of cancer, including kidney tumors in rats and lung and liver tumors in mice. These effects were not observed in animals exposed to lower concentrations. There is no evidence that ethylbenzene causes cancer in humans. IARC's Monograph No. 93 reports there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental rats exposed to titanium dioxide but inadequate evidence for carcinogenicity in humans and has assigned a Group 2B rating. In addition, the IARC summary concludes, "No significant exposure to titanium dioxide is thought to occur during the use of products in which titanium is bound to other materials, such as paint." page 4 of 6 4291 TOXICOLOGY DATA CAS No. 74-98-6 106-97-8 64742-89-8 108-88-3 100-41-4 1330-20-7 67-64-1 108-10-1 112926-00-8 13463-67-7 Ingredient Name Propane LC50 RAT LD50 RAT 4HR Not Available Not Available LC50 RAT LD50 RAT 4HR Not Available Not Available LC50 RAT LD50 RAT 4HR Not Available Not Available LC50 RAT LD50 RAT 4HR 4000 ppm 5000 mg/kg LC50 RAT LD50 RAT 4HR Not Available 3500 mg/kg LC50 RAT LD50 RAT 4HR 5000 ppm 4300 mg/kg LC50 RAT LD50 RAT 4HR Not Available 5800 mg/kg LC50 RAT LD50 RAT Amorphous Precipitated Silica LC50 RAT LD50 RAT Titanium Dioxide LC50 RAT LD50 RAT 4HR Not Available 2080 mg/kg 4HR Not Available 4999. mg/kg 4HR Not Available Not Available Butane V. M. & P. Naphtha Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylene Acetone Methyl Isobutyl Ketone SECTION 12 — ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION No data available. SECTION 13 — DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Waste from this product may be hazardous as defined under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 40 CFR 261. Waste must be tested for ignitability to determine the applicable EPA hazardous waste numbers. Do not incinerate. Depressurize container. Dispose of in accordance with Federal, State/Provincial, and Local regulations regarding pollution. SECTION 14 — TRANSPORT INFORMATION Multi-modal shipping descriptions are provided for informational purposes and do not consider container sizes. The presence of a shipping description for a particular mode of transport (ocean, air, etc.), does not indicate that the product is packaged suitably for that mode of transport. All packaging must be reviewed for suitability prior to shipment, and compliance with the applicable regulations is the sole responsibility of the person offering the product for transport. US Ground (DOT) May be classed as LTD. QTY. OR ORM-D UN1950, AEROSOLS, 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, (ERG#126) Canada (TDG) May be classed as LTD. QTY. OR ORM-D UN1950, AEROSOLS, CLASS 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, (ERG#126) IMO May be shipped as Limited Quantity UN1950, AEROSOLS, CLASS 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, EmS F-D, S-U, ADR (D) IATA/ICAO UN1950, AEROSOLS, FLAMMABLE, 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY page 5 of 6 4291 SECTION 15 — REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA 313 (40 CFR 372.65C) SUPPLIER NOTIFICATION CAS No. CHEMICAL/COMPOUND % by WT % Element 108-88-3 Toluene 12 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 0.5 1330-20-7 Xylene 3 108-10-1 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 1 CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. TSCA CERTIFICATION All chemicals in this product are listed, or are exempt from listing, on the TSCA Inventory. SECTION 16 — OTHER INFORMATION This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Canadian Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR. The above information pertains to this product as currently formulated, and is based on the information available at this time. Addition of reducers or other additives to this product may substantially alter the composition and hazards of the product. Since conditions of use are outside our control, we make no warranties, express or implied, and assume no liability in connection with any use of this information. page 6 of 6 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET KDQ5223 17 00 DATE OF PREPARATION May 24, 2013 SECTION 1 — PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NUMBER KDQ5223 PRODUCT NAME KRYLON® Chalkboard Paint MANUFACTURER'S NAME Krylon Products Group Cleveland, OH 44115 Telephone Numbers and Websites Product Information (800) 247-3268 Regulatory Information (216) 566-2902 Medical Emergency (216) 566-2917 Transportation Emergency* (800) 424-9300 *for Chemical Emergency ONLY (spill, leak, fire, exposure, or accident) SECTION 2 — COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS % by Weight 2 20 2 CAS Number 111-77-3 14808-60-7 1333-86-4 Ingredient Units 2-(2-Methoxyethoxy)-ethanol ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL Quartz ACGIH TLV 0.025 OSHA PEL 0.1 Carbon Black ACGIH TLV 3.5 OSHA PEL 3.5 Vapor Pressure Not Available Not Available 1 mm mg/m3 as Resp. Dust mg/m3 as Resp. Dust MG/M3 MG/M3 SECTION 3 — HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INHALATION of vapor or spray mist. EYE or SKIN contact with the product, vapor or spray mist. EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE EYES: Irritation. SKIN: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause irritation. INHALATION: Irritation of the upper respiratory system. HMIS Codes Health 2* Flammability 0 Reactivity 0 In a confined area vapors in high concentration may cause headache, nausea or dizziness. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE Redness and itching or burning sensation may indicate eye or excessive skin exposure. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE None generally recognized. CANCER INFORMATION For complete discussion of toxicology data refer to Section 11. SECTION 4 — FIRST AID MEASURES EYES: SKIN: INHALATION: INGESTION: Flush eyes with large amounts of water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. Wash affected area thoroughly with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and launder before re-use. If affected, remove from exposure. Restore breathing. Keep warm and quiet. Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention immediately. page 1 of 4 KDQ5223 SECTION 5 — FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT Not Applicable LEL UEL FLAMMABILITY CLASSIFICATION Not Not Not Applicable Applicable Applicable EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Alcohol Foam UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Closed containers may explode (due to the build-up of pressure) when exposed to extreme heat. During emergency conditions overexposure to decomposition products may cause a health hazard. Symptoms may not be immediately apparent. Obtain medical attention. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Full protective equipment including self-contained breathing apparatus should be used. Water spray may be ineffective. If water is used, fog nozzles are preferable. Water may be used to cool closed containers to prevent pressure build-up and possible autoignition or explosion when exposed to extreme heat. SECTION 6 — ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Remove all sources of ignition. Ventilate the area. Remove with inert absorbent. SECTION 7 — HANDLING AND STORAGE STORAGE CATEGORY Not Applicable PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE Keep container closed when not in use. Transfer only to approved containers with complete and appropriate labeling. Do not take internally. Keep out of the reach of children. SECTION 8 — EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN USE Use only with adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid breathing vapor and spray mist. Wash hands after using. This coating may contain materials classified as nuisance particulates (listed "as Dust" in Section 2) which may be present at hazardous levels only during sanding or abrading of the dried film. If no specific dusts are listed in Section 2, the applicable limits for nuisance dusts are ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 (total dust), 3 mg/m3 (respirable fraction), OSHA PEL 15 mg/m3 (total dust), 5 mg/m3 (respirable fraction). Removal of old paint by sanding, scraping or other means may generate dust or fumes that contain lead. Exposure to lead dust or fumes may cause brain damage or other adverse health effects, especially in children or pregnant women. Controlling exposure to lead or other hazardous substances requires the use of proper protective equipment, such as a properly fitted respirator (NIOSH approved) and proper containment and cleanup. For more information, call the National Lead Information Center at 1-800-424-LEAD (in US) or contact your local health authority. VENTILATION Local exhaust preferable. General exhaust acceptable if the exposure to materials in Section 2 is maintained below applicable exposure limits. Refer to OSHA Standards 1910.94, 1910.107, 1910.108. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION If personal exposure cannot be controlled below applicable limits by ventilation, wear a properly fitted organic vapor/particulate respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for protection against materials in Section 2. When sanding or abrading the dried film, wear a dust/mist respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for dust which may be generated from this product, underlying paint, or the abrasive. PROTECTIVE GLOVES Wear gloves which are recommended by glove supplier for protection against materials in Section 2. EYE PROTECTION Wear safety spectacles with unperforated sideshields. page 2 of 4 KDQ5223 SECTION 9 — PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 9.89 lb/gal 1184 g/l 1.19 212 - 382 °F 100 - 194 °C Not Available 72% Slower than ether VAPOR DENSITY Heavier than air SOLUBILITY IN WATER Not Available pH 9.0 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOC Theoretical - As Packaged) 1.20 lb/gal 144 g/l Less Water and Federally Exempt Solvents 0.38 lb/gal 45 g/l Emitted VOC PRODUCT WEIGHT SPECIFIC GRAVITY BOILING POINT MELTING POINT VOLATILE VOLUME EVAPORATION RATE SECTION 10 — STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY — Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID None known. INCOMPATIBILITY None known. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS By fire: Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION Will not occur SECTION 11 — TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARDS Crystalline Silica (Quartz, Cristobalite) is listed by IARC and NTP. Long term exposure to high levels of silica dust, which can occur only when sanding or abrading the dry film, may cause lung damage (silicosis) and possibly cancer. Carbon Black is classified by IARC as possibly carcinogenic to humans (group 2B) based on experimental animal data, however, there is insufficient evidence in humans for its carcinogenicity. TOXICOLOGY DATA CAS No. Ingredient Name 111-77-3 2-(2-Methoxyethoxy)-ethanol LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT 5500 mg/kg 14808-60-7 Quartz LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 1333-86-4 Carbon Black LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available SECTION 12 — ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION No data available. SECTION 13 — DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Waste from this product is not hazardous as defined under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 40 CFR 261. Incinerate in approved facility. Do not incinerate closed container. Dispose of in accordance with Federal, State/Provincial, and Local regulations regarding pollution. SECTION 14 — TRANSPORT INFORMATION Multi-modal shipping descriptions are provided for informational purposes and do not consider container sizes. The presence of a shipping description for a particular mode of transport (ocean, air, etc.), does not indicate that the product is packaged suitably for that mode of transport. All packaging must be reviewed for suitability prior to shipment, and compliance with the applicable regulations is the sole responsibility of the person offering the product for transport. page 3 of 4 KDQ5223 US Ground (DOT) Not Regulated for Transportation. Canada (TDG) Not Regulated for Transportation. IMO Not Regulated for Transportation. IATA/ICAO Not Regulated for Transportation. SECTION 15 — REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA 313 (40 CFR 372.65C) SUPPLIER NOTIFICATION CAS No. CHEMICAL/COMPOUND % by WT % Element Glycol Ethers 2 CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. TSCA CERTIFICATION All chemicals in this product are listed, or are exempt from listing, on the TSCA Inventory. SECTION 16 — OTHER INFORMATION This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Canadian Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR. The above information pertains to this product as currently formulated, and is based on the information available at this time. Addition of reducers or other additives to this product may substantially alter the composition and hazards of the product. Since conditions of use are outside our control, we make no warranties, express or implied, and assume no liability in connection with any use of this information. page 4 of 4 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 51301 06 00 DATE OF PREPARATION Jul 17, 2013 SECTION 1 — PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NUMBER 51301 PRODUCT NAME KRYLON® ColorMaster™ with Covermax™ Technology Acrylic Crystal Clear, Gloss MANUFACTURER'S NAME Krylon Products Group Cleveland, OH 44115 Telephone Numbers and Websites Product Information (800) 247-3268 Regulatory Information (216) 566-2902 Medical Emergency (216) 566-2917 Transportation Emergency* (800) 424-9300 *for Chemical Emergency ONLY (spill, leak, fire, exposure, or accident) SECTION 2 — COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS % by Weight 14 13 17 3 0.4 41 4 CAS Number 74-98-6 106-97-8 108-88-3 64742-94-5 91-20-3 67-64-1 763-69-9 Ingredient Units Propane ACGIH TLV 1000 PPM OSHA PEL 1000 PPM Butane ACGIH TLV 1000 PPM OSHA PEL 800 PPM Toluene ACGIH TLV 20 PPM OSHA PEL 100 ppm (Skin) OSHA PEL 150 ppm (Skin) STEL Medium Aromatic Hydrocarbons ACGIH TLV Not Available OSHA PEL Not Available Naphthalene ACGIH TLV 10 PPM ACGIH TLV 15 PPM STEL OSHA PEL 10 PPM OSHA PEL 15 PPM STEL Acetone ACGIH TLV 500 PPM ACGIH TLV 750 PPM STEL OSHA PEL 1000 PPM Ethyl 3-Ethoxypropionate ACGIH TLV Not Available OSHA PEL Not Available Vapor Pressure 760 mm 760 mm 22 mm 0.12 mm 1 mm 180 mm 1.11 mm SECTION 3 — HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INHALATION of vapor or spray mist. EYE or SKIN contact with the product, vapor or spray mist. EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE EYES: Irritation. SKIN: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause irritation. INHALATION: Irritation of the upper respiratory system. HMIS Codes Health 2* Flammability 4 Reactivity 0 May cause nervous system depression. Extreme overexposure may result in unconsciousness and possibly death. page 1 of 4 51301 Prolonged overexposure to hazardous ingredients in Section 2 may cause adverse chronic effects to the following organs or systems: the liver the urinary system the cardiovascular system the reproductive system SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE Headache, dizziness, nausea, and loss of coordination are indications of excessive exposure to vapors or spray mists. Redness and itching or burning sensation may indicate eye or excessive skin exposure. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE None generally recognized. CANCER INFORMATION For complete discussion of toxicology data refer to Section 11. SECTION 4 — FIRST AID MEASURES EYES: SKIN: INHALATION: INGESTION: Flush eyes with large amounts of water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. Wash affected area thoroughly with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and launder before re-use. If affected, remove from exposure. Restore breathing. Keep warm and quiet. Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention immediately. SECTION 5 — FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT LEL UEL EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Propellant < 0 °F 0.8 12.8 Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Foam UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Containers may explode when exposed to extreme heat. Application to hot surfaces requires special precautions. During emergency conditions overexposure to decomposition products may cause a health hazard. Symptoms may not be immediately apparent. Obtain medical attention. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Full protective equipment including self-contained breathing apparatus should be used. Water spray may be ineffective. If water is used, fog nozzles are preferable. Water may be used to cool closed containers to prevent pressure build-up and possible autoignition or explosion when exposed to extreme heat. SECTION 6 — ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Remove all sources of ignition. Ventilate the area. Remove with inert absorbent. SECTION 7 — HANDLING AND STORAGE STORAGE CATEGORY Not Available PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flame. Vapors will accumulate readily and may ignite explosively. During use and until all vapors are gone: Keep area ventilated - Do not smoke - Extinguish all flames, pilot lights, and heaters - Turn off stoves, electric tools and appliances, and any other sources of ignition. Consult NFPA Code. Use approved Bonding and Grounding procedures. Contents under pressure. Do not puncture, incinerate, or expose to temperature above 120F. Heat from sunlight, radiators, stoves, hot water, and other heat sources could cause container to burst. Do not take internally. Keep out of the reach of children. SECTION 8 — EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN USE Use only with adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid breathing vapor and spray mist. Wash hands after using. This coating may contain materials classified as nuisance particulates (listed "as Dust" in Section 2) which may be present at hazardous levels only during sanding or abrading of the dried film. If no specific dusts are listed in Section 2, the applicable limits for nuisance dusts are ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 (total dust), 3 mg/m3 (respirable fraction), OSHA PEL 15 mg/m3 (total dust), 5 mg/m3 (respirable fraction). VENTILATION Local exhaust preferable. General exhaust acceptable if the exposure to materials in Section 2 is maintained below applicable exposure limits. Refer to OSHA Standards 1910.94, 1910.107, 1910.108. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION If personal exposure cannot be controlled below applicable limits by ventilation, wear a properly fitted organic vapor/particulate respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for protection against materials in Section 2. page 2 of 4 51301 When sanding or abrading the dried film, wear a dust/mist respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for dust which may be generated from this product, underlying paint, or the abrasive. PROTECTIVE GLOVES None required for normal application of aerosol products where minimal skin contact is expected. For long or repeated contact, wear chemical resistant gloves. EYE PROTECTION Wear safety spectacles with unperforated sideshields. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents can be harmful or fatal. SECTION 9 — PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 6.07 lb/gal 727 g/l 0.73 <0 - 415 °F <-18 - 212 °C Not Available 94% Faster than ether VAPOR DENSITY Heavier than air SOLUBILITY IN WATER Not Available pH 7.0 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOC Theoretical - As Packaged) Volatile Weight 50.64% Less Water and Federally Exempt Solvents PRODUCT WEIGHT SPECIFIC GRAVITY BOILING POINT MELTING POINT VOLATILE VOLUME EVAPORATION RATE SECTION 10 — STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY — Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID None known. INCOMPATIBILITY None known. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS By fire: Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION Will not occur SECTION 11 — TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARDS Reports have associated repeated and prolonged overexposure to solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage. Naphthalene is classified by IARC as possibly carcinogenic to humans (2B) based on inadequate evidence in humans and sufficient evidence in laboratory animals. TOXICOLOGY DATA CAS No. Ingredient Name 74-98-6 Propane LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 106-97-8 Butane LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 108-88-3 Toluene LC50 RAT 4HR 4000 ppm LD50 RAT 5000 mg/kg 64742-94-5 Medium Aromatic Hydrocarbons LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 91-20-3 Naphthalene LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 67-64-1 Acetone LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT 5800 mg/kg 763-69-9 Ethyl 3-Ethoxypropionate LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available page 3 of 4 51301 SECTION 12 — ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION No data available. SECTION 13 — DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Waste from this product may be hazardous as defined under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 40 CFR 261. Waste must be tested for ignitability to determine the applicable EPA hazardous waste numbers. Do not incinerate. Depressurize container. Dispose of in accordance with Federal, State/Provincial, and Local regulations regarding pollution. SECTION 14 — TRANSPORT INFORMATION Multi-modal shipping descriptions are provided for informational purposes and do not consider container sizes. The presence of a shipping description for a particular mode of transport (ocean, air, etc.), does not indicate that the product is packaged suitably for that mode of transport. All packaging must be reviewed for suitability prior to shipment, and compliance with the applicable regulations is the sole responsibility of the person offering the product for transport. US Ground (DOT) May be classed as LTD. QTY. OR ORM-D UN1950, AEROSOLS, 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, (ERG#126) Canada (TDG) May be classed as LTD. QTY. OR ORM-D UN1950, AEROSOLS, CLASS 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, (ERG#126) IMO May be shipped as Limited Quantity UN1950, AEROSOLS, CLASS 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, EmS F-D, S-U IATA/ICAO UN1950, AEROSOLS, FLAMMABLE, 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY SECTION 15 — REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA 313 (40 CFR 372.65C) SUPPLIER NOTIFICATION CAS No. CHEMICAL/COMPOUND % by WT % Element 108-88-3 Toluene 17 91-20-3 Naphthalene 0.3 CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. TSCA CERTIFICATION All chemicals in this product are listed, or are exempt from listing, on the TSCA Inventory. SECTION 16 — OTHER INFORMATION This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Canadian Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR. The above information pertains to this product as currently formulated, and is based on the information available at this time. Addition of reducers or other additives to this product may substantially alter the composition and hazards of the product. Since conditions of use are outside our control, we make no warranties, express or implied, and assume no liability in connection with any use of this information. page 4 of 4 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 2338 08 00 DATE OF PREPARATION Jul 23, 2013 SECTION 1 — PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NUMBER 2338 PRODUCT NAME KRYLON® Fusion for Plastic® Metallic Shimmer, Nickel Shimmer MANUFACTURER'S NAME Krylon Products Group Cleveland, OH 44115 Telephone Numbers and Websites Product Information (800) 247-3268 Regulatory Information (216) 566-2902 Medical Emergency (216) 566-2917 Transportation Emergency* (800) 424-9300 *for Chemical Emergency ONLY (spill, leak, fire, exposure, or accident) SECTION 2 — COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS % by Weight 17 CAS Number 74-98-6 8 5 106-97-8 64742-89-8 14 108-88-3 0.5 3 100-41-4 1330-20-7 35 2 67-64-1 108-10-1 Ingredient Propane ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL Butane ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL V. M. & P. Naphtha ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL OSHA PEL Toluene ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL OSHA PEL Ethylbenzene ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL OSHA PEL Xylene ACGIH TLV ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL OSHA PEL Acetone ACGIH TLV ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ACGIH TLV ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL OSHA PEL Units Vapor Pressure 1000 PPM 1000 PPM 760 mm 1000 PPM 800 PPM 760 mm 300 PPM 300 PPM 400 PPM STEL 12 mm 20 PPM 100 ppm (Skin) 150 ppm (Skin) STEL 22 mm 20 PPM 100 PPM 125 PPM STEL 7.1 mm 100 150 100 150 PPM PPM STEL PPM PPM STEL 5.9 mm 500 PPM 750 PPM STEL 1000 PPM 180 mm 50 75 50 75 PPM PPM STEL PPM PPM STEL 16 mm SECTION 3 — HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INHALATION of vapor or spray mist. page 1 of 5 2338 EYE or SKIN contact with the product, vapor or spray mist. EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE EYES: Irritation. SKIN: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause irritation. INHALATION: Irritation of the upper respiratory system. HMIS Codes Health 2* Flammability 3 Reactivity 1 May cause nervous system depression. Extreme overexposure may result in unconsciousness and possibly death. Prolonged overexposure to hazardous ingredients in Section 2 may cause adverse chronic effects to the following organs or systems: the liver the urinary system the cardiovascular system the reproductive system SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE Headache, dizziness, nausea, and loss of coordination are indications of excessive exposure to vapors or spray mists. Redness and itching or burning sensation may indicate eye or excessive skin exposure. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE None generally recognized. CANCER INFORMATION For complete discussion of toxicology data refer to Section 11. SECTION 4 — FIRST AID MEASURES EYES: SKIN: INHALATION: INGESTION: Flush eyes with large amounts of water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. Wash affected area thoroughly with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and launder before re-use. If affected, remove from exposure. Restore breathing. Keep warm and quiet. Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention immediately. SECTION 5 — FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT LEL UEL EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Propellant < 0 °F 0.9 12.8 Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Foam UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Containers may explode when exposed to extreme heat. Application to hot surfaces requires special precautions. During emergency conditions overexposure to decomposition products may cause a health hazard. Symptoms may not be immediately apparent. Obtain medical attention. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Full protective equipment including self-contained breathing apparatus should be used. Water spray may be ineffective. If water is used, fog nozzles are preferable. Water may be used to cool closed containers to prevent pressure build-up and possible autoignition or explosion when exposed to extreme heat. SECTION 6 — ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Remove all sources of ignition. Ventilate the area. Remove with inert absorbent. SECTION 7 — HANDLING AND STORAGE STORAGE CATEGORY Not Available PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flame. Vapors will accumulate readily and may ignite explosively. During use and until all vapors are gone: Keep area ventilated - Do not smoke - Extinguish all flames, pilot lights, and heaters - Turn off stoves, electric tools and appliances, and any other sources of ignition. Consult NFPA Code. Use approved Bonding and Grounding procedures. Contents under pressure. Do not puncture, incinerate, or expose to temperature above 120F. Heat from sunlight, radiators, stoves, hot water, and other heat sources could cause container to burst. Do not take internally. Keep out of the reach of children. SECTION 8 — EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN USE Use only with adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid breathing vapor and spray mist. Wash hands after using. page 2 of 5 2338 This coating may contain materials classified as nuisance particulates (listed "as Dust" in Section 2) which may be present at hazardous levels only during sanding or abrading of the dried film. If no specific dusts are listed in Section 2, the applicable limits for nuisance dusts are ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 (total dust), 3 mg/m3 (respirable fraction), OSHA PEL 15 mg/m3 (total dust), 5 mg/m3 (respirable fraction). VENTILATION Local exhaust preferable. General exhaust acceptable if the exposure to materials in Section 2 is maintained below applicable exposure limits. Refer to OSHA Standards 1910.94, 1910.107, 1910.108. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION If personal exposure cannot be controlled below applicable limits by ventilation, wear a properly fitted organic vapor/particulate respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for protection against materials in Section 2. When sanding or abrading the dried film, wear a dust/mist respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for dust which may be generated from this product, underlying paint, or the abrasive. PROTECTIVE GLOVES None required for normal application of aerosol products where minimal skin contact is expected. For long or repeated contact, wear chemical resistant gloves. EYE PROTECTION Wear safety spectacles with unperforated sideshields. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents can be harmful or fatal. SECTION 9 — PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 6.18 lb/gal 740 g/l 0.74 <0 - 325 °F <-18 - 162 °C Not Available 91% Faster than ether VAPOR DENSITY Heavier than air SOLUBILITY IN WATER Not Available pH 7.0 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOC Theoretical - As Packaged) Volatile Weight 51.35% Less Water and Federally Exempt Solvents PRODUCT WEIGHT SPECIFIC GRAVITY BOILING POINT MELTING POINT VOLATILE VOLUME EVAPORATION RATE SECTION 10 — STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY — Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID None known. INCOMPATIBILITY None known. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS By fire: Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION Will not occur SECTION 11 — TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARDS Reports have associated repeated and prolonged overexposure to solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage. Ethylbenzene is classified by IARC as possibly carcinogenic to humans (2B) based on inadequate evidence in humans and sufficient evidence in laboratory animals. Lifetime inhalation exposure of rats and mice to high ethylbenzene concentrations resulted in increases in certain types of cancer, including kidney tumors in rats and lung and liver tumors in mice. These effects were not observed in animals exposed to lower concentrations. There is no evidence that ethylbenzene causes cancer in humans. page 3 of 5 2338 TOXICOLOGY DATA CAS No. 74-98-6 106-97-8 64742-89-8 108-88-3 100-41-4 1330-20-7 67-64-1 108-10-1 Ingredient Name Propane LC50 RAT LD50 RAT 4HR Not Available Not Available LC50 RAT LD50 RAT 4HR Not Available Not Available LC50 RAT LD50 RAT 4HR Not Available Not Available LC50 RAT LD50 RAT 4HR 4000 ppm 5000 mg/kg LC50 RAT LD50 RAT 4HR Not Available 3500 mg/kg LC50 RAT LD50 RAT 4HR 5000 ppm 4300 mg/kg LC50 RAT LD50 RAT 4HR Not Available 5800 mg/kg LC50 RAT LD50 RAT 4HR Not Available 2080 mg/kg Butane V. M. & P. Naphtha Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylene Acetone Methyl Isobutyl Ketone SECTION 12 — ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION No data available. SECTION 13 — DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Waste from this product may be hazardous as defined under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 40 CFR 261. Waste must be tested for ignitability to determine the applicable EPA hazardous waste numbers. Do not incinerate. Depressurize container. Dispose of in accordance with Federal, State/Provincial, and Local regulations regarding pollution. SECTION 14 — TRANSPORT INFORMATION Multi-modal shipping descriptions are provided for informational purposes and do not consider container sizes. The presence of a shipping description for a particular mode of transport (ocean, air, etc.), does not indicate that the product is packaged suitably for that mode of transport. All packaging must be reviewed for suitability prior to shipment, and compliance with the applicable regulations is the sole responsibility of the person offering the product for transport. US Ground (DOT) May be classed as LTD. QTY. OR ORM-D UN1950, AEROSOLS, 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, (ERG#126) Canada (TDG) May be classed as LTD. QTY. OR ORM-D UN1950, AEROSOLS, CLASS 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, (ERG#126) IMO May be shipped as Limited Quantity UN1950, AEROSOLS, CLASS 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, EmS F-D, S-U IATA/ICAO UN1950, AEROSOLS, FLAMMABLE, 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY SECTION 15 — REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA 313 (40 CFR 372.65C) SUPPLIER NOTIFICATION CAS No. CHEMICAL/COMPOUND % by WT % Element 108-88-3 Toluene 14 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 0.5 1330-20-7 Xylene 3 108-10-1 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 2 CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. page 4 of 5 2338 TSCA CERTIFICATION All chemicals in this product are listed, or are exempt from listing, on the TSCA Inventory. SECTION 16 — OTHER INFORMATION This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Canadian Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR. The above information pertains to this product as currently formulated, and is based on the information available at this time. Addition of reducers or other additives to this product may substantially alter the composition and hazards of the product. Since conditions of use are outside our control, we make no warranties, express or implied, and assume no liability in connection with any use of this information. page 5 of 5 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 2410 10 00 DATE OF PREPARATION Jul 23, 2013 SECTION 1 — PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NUMBER 2410 PRODUCT NAME KRYLON® OSHA Colors, Safety Orange MANUFACTURER'S NAME Krylon Products Group Cleveland, OH 44115 Telephone Numbers and Websites Product Information (800) 247-3268 Regulatory Information (216) 566-2902 Medical Emergency (216) 566-2917 Transportation Emergency* (800) 424-9300 *for Chemical Emergency ONLY (spill, leak, fire, exposure, or accident) SECTION 2 — COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS % by Weight 15 7 1 8 38 11 6 0.3 CAS Number 74-98-6 106-97-8 100-41-4 1330-20-7 67-64-1 78-93-3 108-65-6 13463-67-7 Ingredient Units Propane ACGIH TLV 1000 PPM OSHA PEL 1000 PPM Butane ACGIH TLV 1000 PPM OSHA PEL 800 PPM Ethylbenzene ACGIH TLV 20 PPM OSHA PEL 100 PPM OSHA PEL 125 PPM STEL Xylene ACGIH TLV 100 PPM ACGIH TLV 150 PPM STEL OSHA PEL 100 PPM OSHA PEL 150 PPM STEL Acetone ACGIH TLV 500 PPM ACGIH TLV 750 PPM STEL OSHA PEL 1000 PPM Methyl Ethyl Ketone ACGIH TLV 200 PPM ACGIH TLV 300 PPM STEL OSHA PEL 200 PPM OSHA PEL 300 PPM STEL 1-Methoxy-2-Propanol Acetate ACGIH TLV Not Available OSHA PEL Not Available Titanium Dioxide ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 as Dust OSHA PEL 10 mg/m3 Total Dust OSHA PEL 5 mg/m3 Respirable Fraction Vapor Pressure 760 mm 760 mm 7.1 mm 5.9 mm 180 mm 90.6 mm 1.8 mm SECTION 3 — HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INHALATION of vapor or spray mist. EYE or SKIN contact with the product, vapor or spray mist. page 1 of 5 2410 EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE EYES: Irritation. SKIN: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause irritation. INHALATION: Irritation of the upper respiratory system. HMIS Codes Health 2* Flammability 3 Reactivity 0 May cause nervous system depression. Extreme overexposure may result in unconsciousness and possibly death. Prolonged overexposure to hazardous ingredients in Section 2 may cause adverse chronic effects to the following organs or systems: the liver the urinary system the hematopoietic (blood-forming) system the reproductive system SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE Headache, dizziness, nausea, and loss of coordination are indications of excessive exposure to vapors or spray mists. Redness and itching or burning sensation may indicate eye or excessive skin exposure. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE None generally recognized. CANCER INFORMATION For complete discussion of toxicology data refer to Section 11. SECTION 4 — FIRST AID MEASURES EYES: SKIN: INHALATION: INGESTION: Flush eyes with large amounts of water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. Wash affected area thoroughly with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and launder before re-use. If affected, remove from exposure. Restore breathing. Keep warm and quiet. Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention immediately. SECTION 5 — FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT LEL UEL EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Propellant < 0 °F 1.0 13.1 Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Foam UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Containers may explode when exposed to extreme heat. Application to hot surfaces requires special precautions. During emergency conditions overexposure to decomposition products may cause a health hazard. Symptoms may not be immediately apparent. Obtain medical attention. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Full protective equipment including self-contained breathing apparatus should be used. Water spray may be ineffective. If water is used, fog nozzles are preferable. Water may be used to cool closed containers to prevent pressure build-up and possible autoignition or explosion when exposed to extreme heat. SECTION 6 — ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Remove all sources of ignition. Ventilate the area. Remove with inert absorbent. SECTION 7 — HANDLING AND STORAGE STORAGE CATEGORY Not Available PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flame. Vapors will accumulate readily and may ignite explosively. During use and until all vapors are gone: Keep area ventilated - Do not smoke - Extinguish all flames, pilot lights, and heaters - Turn off stoves, electric tools and appliances, and any other sources of ignition. Consult NFPA Code. Use approved Bonding and Grounding procedures. Contents under pressure. Do not puncture, incinerate, or expose to temperature above 120F. Heat from sunlight, radiators, stoves, hot water, and other heat sources could cause container to burst. Do not take internally. Keep out of the reach of children. SECTION 8 — EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN USE Use only with adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid breathing vapor and spray mist. Wash hands after using. This coating may contain materials classified as nuisance particulates (listed "as Dust" in Section 2) which may be present at hazardous levels only during sanding or abrading of the dried film. If no specific dusts are listed in Section 2, the applicable limits for nuisance dusts are ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 (total dust), 3 mg/m3 (respirable fraction), OSHA PEL 15 mg/m3 (total dust), 5 mg/m3 (respirable fraction). page 2 of 5 2410 VENTILATION Local exhaust preferable. General exhaust acceptable if the exposure to materials in Section 2 is maintained below applicable exposure limits. Refer to OSHA Standards 1910.94, 1910.107, 1910.108. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION If personal exposure cannot be controlled below applicable limits by ventilation, wear a properly fitted organic vapor/particulate respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for protection against materials in Section 2. When sanding or abrading the dried film, wear a dust/mist respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for dust which may be generated from this product, underlying paint, or the abrasive. PROTECTIVE GLOVES None required for normal application of aerosol products where minimal skin contact is expected. For long or repeated contact, wear chemical resistant gloves. EYE PROTECTION Wear safety spectacles with unperforated sideshields. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents can be harmful or fatal. SECTION 9 — PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 6.29 lb/gal 753 g/l 0.76 <0 - 302 °F <-18 - 150 °C Not Available 93% Faster than ether VAPOR DENSITY Heavier than air SOLUBILITY IN WATER Not Available pH 7.0 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOC Theoretical - As Packaged) Volatile Weight 50.38% Less Water and Federally Exempt Solvents PRODUCT WEIGHT SPECIFIC GRAVITY BOILING POINT MELTING POINT VOLATILE VOLUME EVAPORATION RATE SECTION 10 — STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY — Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID None known. INCOMPATIBILITY None known. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS By fire: Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION Will not occur SECTION 11 — TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARDS Methyl Ethyl Ketone may increase the nervous system effects of other solvents. Reports have associated repeated and prolonged overexposure to solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage. Ethylbenzene is classified by IARC as possibly carcinogenic to humans (2B) based on inadequate evidence in humans and sufficient evidence in laboratory animals. Lifetime inhalation exposure of rats and mice to high ethylbenzene concentrations resulted in increases in certain types of cancer, including kidney tumors in rats and lung and liver tumors in mice. These effects were not observed in animals exposed to lower concentrations. There is no evidence that ethylbenzene causes cancer in humans. IARC's Monograph No. 93 reports there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental rats exposed to titanium dioxide but inadequate evidence for carcinogenicity in humans and has assigned a Group 2B rating. In addition, the IARC summary concludes, "No significant exposure to titanium dioxide is thought to occur during the use of products in which titanium is bound to other materials, such as paint." page 3 of 5 2410 TOXICOLOGY DATA CAS No. 74-98-6 106-97-8 100-41-4 1330-20-7 67-64-1 78-93-3 108-65-6 13463-67-7 Ingredient Name Propane LC50 RAT LD50 RAT 4HR Not Available Not Available LC50 RAT LD50 RAT 4HR Not Available Not Available LC50 RAT LD50 RAT 4HR Not Available 3500 mg/kg LC50 RAT LD50 RAT 4HR 5000 ppm 4300 mg/kg LC50 RAT LD50 RAT 4HR Not Available 5800 mg/kg RAT RAT 4HR Not Available 2740 mg/kg RAT RAT 4HR Not Available 8500 mg/kg RAT RAT 4HR Not Available Not Available Butane Ethylbenzene Xylene Acetone Methyl Ethyl Ketone LC50 LD50 1-Methoxy-2-Propanol Acetate LC50 LD50 Titanium Dioxide LC50 LD50 SECTION 12 — ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION No data available. SECTION 13 — DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Waste from this product may be hazardous as defined under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 40 CFR 261. Waste must be tested for ignitability to determine the applicable EPA hazardous waste numbers. Do not incinerate. Depressurize container. Dispose of in accordance with Federal, State/Provincial, and Local regulations regarding pollution. SECTION 14 — TRANSPORT INFORMATION Multi-modal shipping descriptions are provided for informational purposes and do not consider container sizes. The presence of a shipping description for a particular mode of transport (ocean, air, etc.), does not indicate that the product is packaged suitably for that mode of transport. All packaging must be reviewed for suitability prior to shipment, and compliance with the applicable regulations is the sole responsibility of the person offering the product for transport. US Ground (DOT) May be classed as LTD. QTY. OR ORM-D UN1950, AEROSOLS, 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, (ERG#126) Canada (TDG) May be classed as LTD. QTY. OR ORM-D UN1950, AEROSOLS, CLASS 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, (ERG#126) IMO May be shipped as Limited Quantity UN1950, AEROSOLS, CLASS 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, EmS F-D, S-U IATA/ICAO UN1950, AEROSOLS, 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY SECTION 15 — REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA 313 (40 CFR 372.65C) SUPPLIER NOTIFICATION CAS No. CHEMICAL/COMPOUND % by WT % Element 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 1 1330-20-7 Xylene 8 CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. TSCA CERTIFICATION All chemicals in this product are listed, or are exempt from listing, on the TSCA Inventory. page 4 of 5 2410 SECTION 16 — OTHER INFORMATION This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Canadian Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR. The above information pertains to this product as currently formulated, and is based on the information available at this time. Addition of reducers or other additives to this product may substantially alter the composition and hazards of the product. Since conditions of use are outside our control, we make no warranties, express or implied, and assume no liability in connection with any use of this information. page 5 of 5 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SCS-036 08 00 DATE OF PREPARATION May 24, 2013 SECTION 1 — PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NUMBER SCS-036 PRODUCT NAME KRYLON® SHORT CUTS™ Spray Paint, Sun Yellow MANUFACTURER'S NAME Krylon Products Group Cleveland, OH 44115 Telephone Numbers and Websites Product Information (800) 247-3268 Regulatory Information (216) 566-2902 Medical Emergency (216) 566-2917 Transportation Emergency* (800) 424-9300 *for Chemical Emergency ONLY (spill, leak, fire, exposure, or accident) SECTION 2 — COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS % by Weight 16 15 10 9 29 6 CAS Number 74-98-6 106-97-8 64742-89-8 64742-88-7 67-64-1 13463-67-7 Ingredient Propane ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL Butane ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL V. M. & P. Naphtha ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL OSHA PEL Mineral Spirits ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL Acetone ACGIH TLV ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL Titanium Dioxide ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL OSHA PEL Units Vapor Pressure 1000 PPM 1000 PPM 760 mm 1000 PPM 800 PPM 760 mm 300 PPM 300 PPM 400 PPM STEL 12 mm 100 PPM 100 PPM 2 mm 500 PPM 750 PPM STEL 1000 PPM 180 mm 10 mg/m3 as Dust 10 mg/m3 Total Dust 5 mg/m3 Respirable Fraction SECTION 3 — HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INHALATION of vapor or spray mist. EYE or SKIN contact with the product, vapor or spray mist. EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE EYES: Irritation. SKIN: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause irritation. INHALATION: Irritation of the upper respiratory system. HMIS Codes Health 2* Flammability 4 Reactivity 0 May cause nervous system depression. Extreme overexposure may result in unconsciousness and possibly death. Prolonged overexposure to hazardous ingredients in Section 2 may cause adverse chronic effects to the following organs or systems: the liver the urinary system SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE Headache, dizziness, nausea, and loss of coordination are indications of excessive exposure to vapors or spray mists. page 1 of 4 SCS-036 Redness and itching or burning sensation may indicate eye or excessive skin exposure. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE None generally recognized. CANCER INFORMATION For complete discussion of toxicology data refer to Section 11. SECTION 4 — FIRST AID MEASURES EYES: SKIN: INHALATION: INGESTION: Flush eyes with large amounts of water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. Wash affected area thoroughly with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and launder before re-use. If affected, remove from exposure. Restore breathing. Keep warm and quiet. Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention immediately. SECTION 5 — FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT LEL UEL EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Propellant < 0 °F 0.9 12.8 Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Foam UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Containers may explode when exposed to extreme heat. Application to hot surfaces requires special precautions. During emergency conditions overexposure to decomposition products may cause a health hazard. Symptoms may not be immediately apparent. Obtain medical attention. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Full protective equipment including self-contained breathing apparatus should be used. Water spray may be ineffective. If water is used, fog nozzles are preferable. Water may be used to cool closed containers to prevent pressure build-up and possible autoignition or explosion when exposed to extreme heat. SECTION 6 — ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Remove all sources of ignition. Ventilate the area. Remove with inert absorbent. SECTION 7 — HANDLING AND STORAGE STORAGE CATEGORY Not Available PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flame. Vapors will accumulate readily and may ignite explosively. During use and until all vapors are gone: Keep area ventilated - Do not smoke - Extinguish all flames, pilot lights, and heaters - Turn off stoves, electric tools and appliances, and any other sources of ignition. Consult NFPA Code. Use approved Bonding and Grounding procedures. Contents under pressure. Do not puncture, incinerate, or expose to temperature above 120F. Heat from sunlight, radiators, stoves, hot water, and other heat sources could cause container to burst. Do not take internally. Keep out of the reach of children. SECTION 8 — EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN USE Use only with adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid breathing vapor and spray mist. Wash hands after using. This coating may contain materials classified as nuisance particulates (listed "as Dust" in Section 2) which may be present at hazardous levels only during sanding or abrading of the dried film. If no specific dusts are listed in Section 2, the applicable limits for nuisance dusts are ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 (total dust), 3 mg/m3 (respirable fraction), OSHA PEL 15 mg/m3 (total dust), 5 mg/m3 (respirable fraction). Removal of old paint by sanding, scraping or other means may generate dust or fumes that contain lead. Exposure to lead dust or fumes may cause brain damage or other adverse health effects, especially in children or pregnant women. Controlling exposure to lead or other hazardous substances requires the use of proper protective equipment, such as a properly fitted respirator (NIOSH approved) and proper containment and cleanup. For more information, call the National Lead Information Center at 1-800-424-LEAD (in US) or contact your local health authority. VENTILATION Local exhaust preferable. General exhaust acceptable if the exposure to materials in Section 2 is maintained below applicable exposure limits. Refer to OSHA Standards 1910.94, 1910.107, 1910.108. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION If personal exposure cannot be controlled below applicable limits by ventilation, wear a properly fitted organic vapor/particulate respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for protection against materials in Section 2. When sanding or abrading the dried film, wear a dust/mist respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for dust which may be generated from this product, underlying paint, or the abrasive. page 2 of 4 SCS-036 PROTECTIVE GLOVES None required for normal application of aerosol products where minimal skin contact is expected. For long or repeated contact, wear chemical resistant gloves. EYE PROTECTION Wear safety spectacles with unperforated sideshields. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents can be harmful or fatal. SECTION 9 — PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 6.14 lb/gal 735 g/l 0.74 <0 - 395 °F <-18 - 201 °C Not Available 90% Faster than ether VAPOR DENSITY Heavier than air SOLUBILITY IN WATER Not Available VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOC Theoretical - As Packaged) Volatile Weight 52.11% Less Water and Federally Exempt Solvents PRODUCT WEIGHT SPECIFIC GRAVITY BOILING POINT MELTING POINT VOLATILE VOLUME EVAPORATION RATE SECTION 10 — STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY — Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID None known. INCOMPATIBILITY None known. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS By fire: Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION Will not occur SECTION 11 — TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARDS Reports have associated repeated and prolonged overexposure to solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage. IARC's Monograph No. 93 reports there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental rats exposed to titanium dioxide but inadequate evidence for carcinogenicity in humans and has assigned a Group 2B rating. In addition, the IARC summary concludes, "No significant exposure to titanium dioxide is thought to occur during the use of products in which titanium is bound to other materials, such as paint." TOXICOLOGY DATA CAS No. Ingredient Name 74-98-6 Propane LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 106-97-8 Butane LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 64742-89-8 V. M. & P. Naphtha LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 64742-88-7 Mineral Spirits LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 67-64-1 Acetone LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT 5800 mg/kg 13463-67-7 Titanium Dioxide LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available SECTION 12 — ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION No data available. page 3 of 4 SCS-036 SECTION 13 — DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Waste from this product may be hazardous as defined under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 40 CFR 261. Waste must be tested for ignitability to determine the applicable EPA hazardous waste numbers. Do not incinerate. Depressurize container. Dispose of in accordance with Federal, State/Provincial, and Local regulations regarding pollution. SECTION 14 — TRANSPORT INFORMATION Multi-modal shipping descriptions are provided for informational purposes and do not consider container sizes. The presence of a shipping description for a particular mode of transport (ocean, air, etc.), does not indicate that the product is packaged suitably for that mode of transport. All packaging must be reviewed for suitability prior to shipment, and compliance with the applicable regulations is the sole responsibility of the person offering the product for transport. US Ground (DOT) May be classed as LTD. QTY. OR ORM-D UN1950, AEROSOLS, 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, (ERG#126) Canada (TDG) May be classed as LTD. QTY. OR ORM-D UN1950, AEROSOLS, CLASS 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, (ERG#126) IMO May be shipped as Limited Quantity UN1950, AEROSOLS, CLASS 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, EmS F-D, S-U, ADR (D) IATA/ICAO UN1950, AEROSOLS, FLAMMABLE, 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY SECTION 15 — REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA 313 (40 CFR 372.65C) SUPPLIER NOTIFICATION CAS No. CHEMICAL/COMPOUND % by WT % Element No ingredients in this product are subject to SARA 313 (40 CFR 372.65C) Supplier Notification. CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. TSCA CERTIFICATION All chemicals in this product are listed, or are exempt from listing, on the TSCA Inventory. SECTION 16 — OTHER INFORMATION This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Canadian Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR. The above information pertains to this product as currently formulated, and is based on the information available at this time. Addition of reducers or other additives to this product may substantially alter the composition and hazards of the product. Since conditions of use are outside our control, we make no warranties, express or implied, and assume no liability in connection with any use of this information. page 4 of 4 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 1601 03 00 Section 1 -- PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NUMBER DATE OF PREPARATION 1601 14-JAN-08 PRODUCT NAME KRYLON® Interior/Exterior Paint, Glossy Black HMIS CODES Health Flammability Reactivity 2* 3 0 MANUFACTURER'S NAME THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY KRYLON Products Group Cleveland, OH 44115 TELEPHONE NUMBERS and WEBSITES Product Information (800) 832-2541 Regulatory Information (216) 566-2902 Medical Emergency (216) 566-2917 Transportation Emergency for Chemical Emergency ONLY (spill, leak, (800) 424-9300 fire, exposure, or accident) % by WT 14 6 1 8 39 Section 2 -- COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS CAS No. INGREDIENT UNITS VAPOR PRESSURE 74-98-6 Propane ACGIH TLV 2500 ppm 760 mm OSHA PEL 1000 ppm 106-97-8 Butane ACGIH TLV 800 ppm 760 mm OSHA PEL 800 ppm 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ACGIH TLV 100 ppm 7.1 mm ACGIH TLV 125 ppm STEL OSHA PEL 100 ppm OSHA PEL 125 ppm STEL 1330-20-7 Xylene ACGIH TLV 100 ppm 5.9 mm ACGIH TLV 150 ppm STEL OSHA PEL 100 ppm OSHA PEL 150 ppm STEL 67-64-1 Acetone ACGIH TLV 500 ppm 180 mm ACGIH TLV 750 ppm STEL OSHA PEL 1000 ppm 1601 page 2 6 108-65-6 0.4 1333-86-4 1-Methoxy-2-Propanol Acetate ACGIH TLV Not Available OSHA PEL Not Available Carbon Black ACGIH TLV 3.5 mg/m3 OSHA PEL 3.5 mg/m3 1.8 mm Section 3 -- HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INHALATION of vapor or spray mist. EYE or SKIN contact with the product, vapor or spray mist. EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE EYES: Irritation. SKIN: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause irritation. INHALATION: Irritation of the upper respiratory system. May cause nervous system depression. Extreme overexposure may result in unconsciousness and possibly death. Prolonged overexposure to solvent ingredients in Section 2 may cause adverse effects to the liver, urinary, blood forming and reproductive systems. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE Headache, dizziness, nausea, and loss of coordination are indications of excessive exposure to vapors or spray mists. Redness and itching or burning sensation may indicate eye or excessive skin exposure. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE None generally recognized. CANCER INFORMATION For complete discussion of toxicology data refer to Section 11. Section 4 -- FIRST AID MEASURES EYES: SKIN: INHALATION: INGESTION: Flush eyes with large amounts of water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. Wash affected area thoroughly with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and launder before re-use. If affected, remove from exposure. Restore breathing. Keep warm and quiet. Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention immediately. Section 5 -- FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT LEL UEL Propellant < 0 F 1.0 13.1 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Foam UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Containers may explode when exposed to extreme heat. Application to hot surfaces requires special precautions. 1601 page 3 SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Full protective equipment including self-contained breathing apparatus should be used. Water spray may be ineffective. If water is used, fog nozzles are preferable. Water may be used to cool closed containers to prevent pressure build-up and possible autoignition or explosion when exposed to extreme heat. Section 6 -- ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Remove all sources of ignition. Ventilate the area. Remove with inert absorbent. Section 7 -- HANDLING AND STORAGE STORAGE CATEGORY Not Available PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flame. Vapors will accumulate readily and may ignite explosively. During use and until all vapors are gone: Keep area ventilated - Do not smoke - Extinguish all flames, pilot lights, and heaters - Turn off stoves, electric tools and appliances, and any other sources of ignition. Consult NFPA Code. Use approved Bonding and Grounding procedures. Contents under pressure. Do not puncture, incinerate, or expose to temperature above 120F. Heat from sunlight, radiators, stoves, hot water, and other heat sources could cause container to burst. Do not take internally. Keep out of the reach of children. Section 8 -- EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN USE Use only with adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid breathing vapor and spray mist. Wash hands after using. This coating may contain materials classified as nuisance particulates (listed "as Dust" in Section 2) which may be present at hazardous levels only during sanding or abrading of the dried film. If no specific dusts are listed in Section 2, the applicable limits for nuisance dusts are ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 (total dust), 3 mg/m3 (respirable fraction), OSHA PEL 15 mg/m3 (total dust), 5 mg/m3 (respirable fraction). Removal of old paint by sanding, scraping or other means may generate dust or fumes that contain lead. Exposure to lead dust or fumes may cause brain damage or other adverse health effects, especially in children or pregnant women. Controlling exposure to lead or other hazardous substances requires the use of proper protective equipment, such as a properly fitted respirator (NIOSH approved) and proper containment and cleanup. For more information, call the National Lead Information Center at 1-800-424-LEAD (in US) or contact your local health authority. VENTILATION Local exhaust preferable. General exhaust acceptable if the exposure to 1601 page 4 RESPIRATORY PROTECTION If personal exposure cannot be controlled below applicable limits by ventilation, wear a properly fitted organic vapor/particulate respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for protection against materials in Section 2. When sanding or abrading the dried film, wear a dust/mist respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for dust which may be generated from this product, underlying paint, or the abrasive. PROTECTIVE GLOVES None required for normal application of aerosol products where minimal skin contact is expected. For long or repeated contact, wear chemical resistant gloves. EYE PROTECTION Wear safety spectacles with unperforated sideshields. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents can be harmful or fatal. Section 9 -- PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES PRODUCT WEIGHT 6.30 lb/gal 754 g/l SPECIFIC GRAVITY 0.76 BOILING POINT <0 - 302 F <-18 - 150 C MELTING POINT Not Available VOLATILE VOLUME 93 % EVAPORATION RATE Faster than ether VAPOR DENSITY Heavier than air SOLUBILITY IN WATER N.A. pH 7.0 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOC Theoretical - As Packaged) Volatile Weight 51.08% Less Water and Federally Exempt Solvents Section 10 -- STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY -- Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID None known. INCOMPATIBILITY None known. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS By fire: Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION Will not occur 1601 page 5 Section 11 -- TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARDS Methyl Ethyl Ketone may increase the nervous system effects of other solvents. Reports have associated repeated and prolonged overexposure to solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage. Ethylbenzene is classified by IARC as possibly carcinogenic to humans (2B) based on inadequate evidence in humans and sufficient evidence in laboratory animals. Lifetime inhalation exposure of rats and mice to high ethylbenzene concentrations resulted in increases in certain types of cancer, including kidney tumors in rats and lung and liver tumors in mice. These effects were not observed in animals exposed to lower concentrations. There is no evidence that ethylbenzene causes cancer in humans. Carbon Black is classified by IARC as possibly carcinogenic to humans (group 2B) based on experimental animal data, however, there is insufficient evidence in humans for its carcinogenicity. TOXICOLOGY DATA CAS No. Ingredient Name 74-98-6 Propane LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 106-97-8 Butane LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT 3500 mg/kg 1330-20-7 Xylene LC50 RAT 4HR 5000 ppm LD50 RAT 4300 mg/kg 67-64-1 Acetone LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT 5800 mg/kg 78-93-3 Methyl Ethyl Ketone LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT 2740 mg/kg 108-65-6 1-Methoxy-2-Propanol Acetate LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT 8500 mg/kg 1333-86-4 Carbon Black LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available Section 12 -- ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION No data available. 1601 page 6 Section 13 -- DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Waste from this product may be hazardous as defined under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 40 CFR 261. Waste must be tested for ignitability to determine the applicable EPA hazardous waste numbers. Do not incinerate. Depressurize container. Dispose of in accordance with Federal, State/Provincial, and Local regulations regarding pollution. Section 14 -- TRANSPORT INFORMATION US Ground (DOT) May be classed as Consumer Commodity, ORM-D UN1950, AEROSOLS, 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, (ERG#126) Canada (TDG) May be classed as Consumer Commodity, ORM-D UN1950, AEROSOLS, CLASS 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, (ERG#126) IMO May be shipped as Limited Quantity UN1950, AEROSOLS, CLASS 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, EmS F-D, S-U Section 15 -- REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA 313 (40 CFR 372.65C) SUPPLIER NOTIFICATION CAS No. CHEMICAL/COMPOUND 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 1330-20-7 Xylene % by WT 1 8 % Element CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. TSCA CERTIFICATION All chemicals in this product are listed, or are exempt from listing, on the TSCA Inventory. Section 16 -- OTHER INFORMATION This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Canadian Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR. The above information pertains to this product as currently formulated, and is based on the information available at this time. Addition of MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 51608 03 00 DATE OF PREPARATION May 24, 2013 SECTION 1 — PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NUMBER 51608 PRODUCT NAME KRYLON® ColorMaster™ with Covermax™ Technology, Gloss Smoke Gray MANUFACTURER'S NAME Krylon Products Group Cleveland, OH 44115 Telephone Numbers and Websites Product Information (800) 247-3268 Regulatory Information (216) 566-2902 Medical Emergency (216) 566-2917 Transportation Emergency* (800) 424-9300 *for Chemical Emergency ONLY (spill, leak, fire, exposure, or accident) SECTION 2 — COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS % by Weight 14 13 18 0.1 34 2 CAS Number 74-98-6 106-97-8 108-88-3 100-41-4 67-64-1 13463-67-7 Ingredient Propane ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL Butane ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL Toluene ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL OSHA PEL Ethylbenzene ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL OSHA PEL Acetone ACGIH TLV ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL Titanium Dioxide ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL OSHA PEL Units Vapor Pressure 1000 PPM 1000 PPM 760 mm 1000 PPM 800 PPM 760 mm 20 PPM 100 ppm (Skin) 150 ppm (Skin) STEL 22 mm 20 PPM 100 PPM 125 PPM STEL 7.1 mm 500 PPM 750 PPM STEL 1000 PPM 180 mm 10 mg/m3 as Dust 10 mg/m3 Total Dust 5 mg/m3 Respirable Fraction SECTION 3 — HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INHALATION of vapor or spray mist. EYE or SKIN contact with the product, vapor or spray mist. HMIS Codes Health 2* 51608 the reproductive system SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE Headache, dizziness, nausea, and loss of coordination are indications of excessive exposure to vapors or spray mists. Redness and itching or burning sensation may indicate eye or excessive skin exposure. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE None generally recognized. CANCER INFORMATION For complete discussion of toxicology data refer to Section 11. SECTION 4 — FIRST AID MEASURES EYES: SKIN: INHALATION: INGESTION: Flush eyes with large amounts of water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. Wash affected area thoroughly with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and launder before re-use. If affected, remove from exposure. Restore breathing. Keep warm and quiet. Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention immediately. SECTION 5 — FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT LEL UEL EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Propellant < 0 °F 1.0 12.8 Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Foam UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Containers may explode when exposed to extreme heat. Application to hot surfaces requires special precautions. During emergency conditions overexposure to decomposition products may cause a health hazard. Symptoms may not be immediately apparent. Obtain medical attention. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Full protective equipment including self-contained breathing apparatus should be used. Water spray may be ineffective. If water is used, fog nozzles are preferable. Water may be used to cool closed containers to prevent pressure build-up and possible autoignition or explosion when exposed to extreme heat. SECTION 6 — ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Remove all sources of ignition. Ventilate the area. Remove with inert absorbent. SECTION 7 — HANDLING AND STORAGE STORAGE CATEGORY Not Available PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flame. Vapors will accumulate readily and may ignite explosively. During use and until all vapors are gone: Keep area ventilated - Do not smoke - Extinguish all flames, pilot lights, and heaters - Turn off stoves, electric tools and appliances, and any other sources of ignition. Consult NFPA Code. Use approved Bonding and Grounding procedures. Contents under pressure. Do not puncture, incinerate, or expose to temperature above 120F. Heat from sunlight, radiators, stoves, hot water, and other heat sources could cause container to burst. Do not take internally. Keep out of the reach of children. SECTION 8 — EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN USE Use only with adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid breathing vapor and spray mist. Wash hands after using. This coating may contain materials classified as nuisance particulates (listed "as Dust" in Section 2) which may be present at hazardous levels only during sanding or abrading of the dried film. If no specific dusts are listed in Section 2, the applicable limits for nuisance dusts are ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 (total dust), 3 mg/m3 (respirable fraction), OSHA PEL 15 mg/m3 (total dust), 5 mg/m3 (respirable fraction). 51608 PROTECTIVE GLOVES None required for normal application of aerosol products where minimal skin contact is expected. For long or repeated contact, wear chemical resistant gloves. EYE PROTECTION Wear safety spectacles with unperforated sideshields. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents can be harmful or fatal. SECTION 9 — PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 6.24 lb/gal 748 g/l 0.75 <0 - 238 °F <-18 - 114 °C Not Available 88% Faster than ether VAPOR DENSITY Heavier than air SOLUBILITY IN WATER Not Available pH 7.0 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOC Theoretical - As Packaged) Volatile Weight 48.24% Less Water and Federally Exempt Solvents PRODUCT WEIGHT SPECIFIC GRAVITY BOILING POINT MELTING POINT VOLATILE VOLUME EVAPORATION RATE SECTION 10 — STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY — Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID None known. INCOMPATIBILITY None known. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS By fire: Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION Will not occur SECTION 11 — TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARDS Reports have associated repeated and prolonged overexposure to solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage. Ethylbenzene is classified by IARC as possibly carcinogenic to humans (2B) based on inadequate evidence in humans and sufficient evidence in laboratory animals. Lifetime inhalation exposure of rats and mice to high ethylbenzene concentrations resulted in increases in certain types of cancer, including kidney tumors in rats and lung and liver tumors in mice. These effects were not observed in animals exposed to lower concentrations. There is no evidence that ethylbenzene causes cancer in humans. IARC's Monograph No. 93 reports there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental rats exposed to titanium dioxide but inadequate evidence for carcinogenicity in humans and has assigned a Group 2B rating. In addition, the IARC summary concludes, "No significant exposure to titanium dioxide is thought to occur during the use of products in which titanium is bound to other materials, such as paint." TOXICOLOGY DATA CAS No. Ingredient Name 74-98-6 Propane LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 106-97-8 Butane LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 108-88-3 Toluene LC50 RAT 4HR 4000 ppm LD50 RAT 5000 mg/kg 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 51608 SECTION 12 — ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION No data available. SECTION 13 — DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Waste from this product may be hazardous as defined under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 40 CFR 261. Waste must be tested for ignitability to determine the applicable EPA hazardous waste numbers. Do not incinerate. Depressurize container. Dispose of in accordance with Federal, State/Provincial, and Local regulations regarding pollution. SECTION 14 — TRANSPORT INFORMATION Multi-modal shipping descriptions are provided for informational purposes and do not consider container sizes. The presence of a shipping description for a particular mode of transport (ocean, air, etc.), does not indicate that the product is packaged suitably for that mode of transport. All packaging must be reviewed for suitability prior to shipment, and compliance with the applicable regulations is the sole responsibility of the person offering the product for transport. US Ground (DOT) May be classed as LTD. QTY. OR ORM-D UN1950, AEROSOLS, 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, (ERG#126) Canada (TDG) May be classed as LTD. QTY. OR ORM-D UN1950, AEROSOLS, CLASS 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, (ERG#126) IMO May be shipped as Limited Quantity UN1950, AEROSOLS, CLASS 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, EmS F-D, S-U, ADR (D) IATA/ICAO UN1950, AEROSOLS, FLAMMABLE, 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY SECTION 15 — REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA 313 (40 CFR 372.65C) SUPPLIER NOTIFICATION CAS No. CHEMICAL/COMPOUND % by WT % Element 108-88-3 Toluene 18 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 0.1 CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. TSCA CERTIFICATION All chemicals in this product are listed, or are exempt from listing, on the TSCA Inventory. SECTION 16 — OTHER INFORMATION This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Canadian Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR. The above information pertains to this product as currently formulated, and is based on the information available at this time. Addition of reducers or other additives to this product may substantially alter the composition and hazards of the product. Since conditions of use are outside our control, we make no warranties, express or implied, and assume no liability in connection with any use of this information. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 1501 03 00 Section 1 -- PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NUMBER DATE OF PREPARATION 1501 14-JAN-08 HMIS CODES Health Flammability Reactivity PRODUCT NAME KRYLON® Interior/Exterior Paint, Glossy White (OSHA White) 2* 3 0 MANUFACTURER'S NAME THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY KRYLON Products Group Cleveland, OH 44115 TELEPHONE NUMBERS and WEBSITES Product Information (800) 832-2541 Regulatory Information (216) 566-2902 Medical Emergency (216) 566-2917 Transportation Emergency for Chemical Emergency ONLY (spill, leak, (800) 424-9300 fire, exposure, or accident) % by WT 14 6 1 7 36 Section 2 -- COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS CAS No. INGREDIENT UNITS VAPOR PRESSURE 74-98-6 Propane ACGIH TLV 2500 ppm 760 mm OSHA PEL 1000 ppm 106-97-8 Butane ACGIH TLV 800 ppm 760 mm OSHA PEL 800 ppm 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ACGIH TLV 100 ppm 7.1 mm ACGIH TLV 125 ppm STEL OSHA PEL 100 ppm OSHA PEL 125 ppm STEL 1330-20-7 Xylene ACGIH TLV 100 ppm 5.9 mm ACGIH TLV 150 ppm STEL OSHA PEL 100 ppm OSHA PEL 150 ppm STEL 67-64-1 Acetone ACGIH TLV 500 ppm 180 mm ACGIH TLV 750 ppm STEL OSHA PEL 1000 ppm 1501 page 2 6 108-65-6 6 13463-67-7 1-Methoxy-2-Propanol Acetate ACGIH TLV Not Available 1.8 mm OSHA PEL Not Available Titanium Dioxide ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 as Dust OSHA PEL 10 mg/m3 Total Dust OSHA PEL 5 mg/m3 Respirable Fraction Section 3 -- HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INHALATION of vapor or spray mist. EYE or SKIN contact with the product, vapor or spray mist. EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE EYES: Irritation. SKIN: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause irritation. INHALATION: Irritation of the upper respiratory system. May cause nervous system depression. Extreme overexposure may result in unconsciousness and possibly death. Prolonged overexposure to solvent ingredients in Section 2 may cause adverse effects to the liver, urinary, blood forming and reproductive systems. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE Headache, dizziness, nausea, and loss of coordination are indications of excessive exposure to vapors or spray mists. Redness and itching or burning sensation may indicate eye or excessive skin exposure. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE None generally recognized. CANCER INFORMATION For complete discussion of toxicology data refer to Section 11. Section 4 -- FIRST AID MEASURES EYES: SKIN: INHALATION: INGESTION: Flush eyes with large amounts of water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. Wash affected area thoroughly with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and launder before re-use. If affected, remove from exposure. Restore breathing. Keep warm and quiet. Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention immediately. Section 5 -- FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT LEL UEL Propellant < 0 F 1.0 13.1 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Foam 1501 page 3 UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Containers may explode when exposed to extreme heat. Application to hot surfaces requires special precautions. During emergency conditions overexposure to decomposition products may cause a health hazard. Symptoms may not be immediately apparent. Obtain medical attention. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Full protective equipment including self-contained breathing apparatus should be used. Water spray may be ineffective. If water is used, fog nozzles are preferable. Water may be used to cool closed containers to prevent pressure build-up and possible autoignition or explosion when exposed to extreme heat. Section 6 -- ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Remove all sources of ignition. Ventilate the area. Remove with inert absorbent. Section 7 -- HANDLING AND STORAGE STORAGE CATEGORY Not Available PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flame. Vapors will accumulate readily and may ignite explosively. During use and until all vapors are gone: Keep area ventilated - Do not smoke - Extinguish all flames, pilot lights, and heaters - Turn off stoves, electric tools and appliances, and any other sources of ignition. Consult NFPA Code. Use approved Bonding and Grounding procedures. Contents under pressure. Do not puncture, incinerate, or expose to temperature above 120F. Heat from sunlight, radiators, stoves, hot water, and other heat sources could cause container to burst. Do not take internally. Keep out of the reach of children. 1501 page 4 Section 8 -- EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN USE Use only with adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid breathing vapor and spray mist. Wash hands after using. This coating may contain materials classified as nuisance particulates (listed "as Dust" in Section 2) which may be present at hazardous levels only during sanding or abrading of the dried film. If no specific dusts are listed in Section 2, the applicable limits for nuisance dusts are ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 (total dust), 3 mg/m3 (respirable fraction), OSHA PEL 15 mg/m3 (total dust), 5 mg/m3 (respirable fraction). Removal of old paint by sanding, scraping or other means may generate dust or fumes that contain lead. Exposure to lead dust or fumes may cause brain damage or other adverse health effects, especially in children or pregnant women. Controlling exposure to lead or other hazardous substances requires the use of proper protective equipment, such as a properly fitted respirator (NIOSH approved) and proper containment and cleanup. For more information, call the National Lead Information Center at 1-800-424-LEAD (in US) or contact your local health authority. VENTILATION Local exhaust preferable. General exhaust acceptable if the exposure to materials in Section 2 is maintained below applicable exposure limits. Refer to OSHA Standards 1910.94, 1910.107, 1910.108. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION If personal exposure cannot be controlled below applicable limits by ventilation, wear a properly fitted organic vapor/particulate respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for protection against materials in Section 2. When sanding or abrading the dried film, wear a dust/mist respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for dust which may be generated from this product, underlying paint, or the abrasive. PROTECTIVE GLOVES None required for normal application of aerosol products where minimal skin contact is expected. For long or repeated contact, wear chemical resistant gloves. EYE PROTECTION Wear safety spectacles with unperforated sideshields. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents can be harmful or fatal. Section 9 -- PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES PRODUCT WEIGHT SPECIFIC GRAVITY BOILING POINT MELTING POINT VOLATILE VOLUME EVAPORATION RATE VAPOR DENSITY 6.58 lb/gal 788 g/l 0.79 <0 - 302 F <-18 - 150 C Not Available 92 % Faster than ether Heavier than air 1501 page 5 Section 10 -- STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY -- Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID None known. INCOMPATIBILITY None known. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS By fire: Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION Will not occur Section 11 -- TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARDS Methyl Ethyl Ketone may increase the nervous system effects of other solvents. Reports have associated repeated and prolonged overexposure to solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage. Ethylbenzene is classified by IARC as possibly carcinogenic to humans (2B) based on inadequate evidence in humans and sufficient evidence in laboratory animals. Lifetime inhalation exposure of rats and mice to high ethylbenzene concentrations resulted in increases in certain types of cancer, including kidney tumors in rats and lung and liver tumors in mice. These effects were not observed in animals exposed to lower concentrations. There is no evidence that ethylbenzene causes cancer in humans. IARC's Monograph No. 93 reports there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental rats exposed to titanium dioxide but inadequate evidence for carcinogenicity in humans and has assigned a Group 2B rating. In addition, the IARC summary concludes, "No significant exposure to titanium dioxide is thought to occur during the use of products in which titanium is bound to other materials, such as paint." TOXICOLOGY DATA 1501 page 6 CAS No. Ingredient Name 74-98-6 Propane 106-97-8 100-41-4 1330-20-7 67-64-1 78-93-3 108-65-6 13463-67-7 Butane Ethylbenzene Xylene Acetone LC50 LD50 RAT RAT 4HR Not Available Not Available LC50 LD50 RAT RAT 4HR Not Available Not Available LC50 LD50 RAT RAT 4HR Not Available 3500 mg/kg LC50 LD50 RAT RAT 4HR LC50 RAT 4HR LD50 RAT Methyl Ethyl Ketone LC50 RAT 4HR LD50 RAT 1-Methoxy-2-Propanol Acetate LC50 RAT 4HR LD50 RAT Titanium Dioxide LC50 RAT 4HR LD50 RAT 5000 4300 ppm mg/kg Not Available 5800 mg/kg Not Available 2740 mg/kg Not Available 8500 mg/kg Not Available Not Available Section 12 -- ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION No data available. Section 13 -- DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Waste from this product may be hazardous as defined under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 40 CFR 261. Waste must be tested for ignitability to determine the applicable EPA hazardous waste numbers. Do not incinerate. Depressurize container. Dispose of in accordance with Federal, State/Provincial, and Local regulations regarding pollution. 1501 page 7 Section 14 -- TRANSPORT INFORMATION US Ground (DOT) May be classed as Consumer Commodity, ORM-D UN1950, AEROSOLS, 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, (ERG#126) Canada (TDG) May be classed as Consumer Commodity, ORM-D UN1950, AEROSOLS, CLASS 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, (ERG#126) IMO May be shipped as Limited Quantity UN1950, AEROSOLS, CLASS 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, EmS F-D, S-U Section 15 -- REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA 313 (40 CFR 372.65C) SUPPLIER NOTIFICATION CAS No. CHEMICAL/COMPOUND 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 1330-20-7 Xylene % by WT 1 7 % Element CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. TSCA CERTIFICATION All chemicals in this product are listed, or are exempt from listing, on the TSCA Inventory. Section 16 -- OTHER INFORMATION This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Canadian Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR. The above information pertains to this product as currently formulated, Lamplight Farms 4900 N. Lilly Road Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 1-800-645-5267 (262) 781-9590 LAMPLIGHT ULTRA-PURE LAMP OIL Filename: MSDS Ultra Pure Revision Date: 03/03 Printed on: 04/11/03 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION TRADE NAME: SYNONYMS: ULTRA PURE LAMP OIL LINPAR 1416-V NORMAL PARAFFIN, Mixture of Tetradecane, Pentadecane, and Hexadecane. EINECS # 265-233-4 MANUFACTURER: ADDRESS: Lamplight Farms 4900 North Lilly Road, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 (800) 645-5267 262-781-9590 (8:00 AM- 4:30 PM CST) M-F EMERGENCY NUMBER: 1-800-308-7141 (Prosar) For non-emergency and all other information call: 1-800-645-5267 2. COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Components CAS Number C14-C16 Paraffins 90622-46-1 Weight % 100 See Section 8 for Exposure Guidelines and Section 15 for OSHA Classification 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Emergency Overview Water white, oily liquid. Mild hydrocarbon odor. HEALTH HAZARD: MAY CAUSE EYE OR SKIN IRRITAION. High vapor concentrations may cause headache, stupor, dizziness, or irritation of throat and eyes Potential Health Effects EYES: Irritation may occur with exposure to concentrated vapors or contact with product. SKIN: Repeated or prolonged contact can cause redness, irritation, and scaling of the skin (dermatitis). Normal care and personal hygiene should prevent skin effects. INHALATION: Exposure to high concentration of vapors may result in headache and stupor. INGESTION: Lung exposure to this product either by prolonged breathing of a mist or vomiting following ingestion, can lead to serious lung injury and possibly death. (See section 11 for Toxicological Information). -1- Lamplight Farms 4900 N. Lilly Road Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 1-800-645-5267 (262) 781-9590 LAMPLIGHT ULTRA-PURE LAMP OIL Filename: MSDS Ultra Pure Revision Date: 03/03 Printed on: 04/11/03 4. FIRST AID MEASURES EYES: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation persists, seek medical attention. SKIN: Immediately flush skin with plenty of water. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash affected area with mild soap. Call a physician if irritation occurs. INHALATION: Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration and seek medical attention immediately. Oxygen should only be administered by trained personnel. INGESTION: DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Seek medical advice immediately. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Flammable Properties FLASH POINT / METHOD: 250°F (121° C) / PM AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE: 420°F (216° C) FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR % BY VOLUME: None Expected. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD: None Expected. FIRE FIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS: Water spray, carbon dioxide,, dry chemical, or alcohol compatible foam is recommended. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE OF A SPILL OR LEAK: Evacuate the area and eliminate all sources of ignition. Contain the spill if possible. Material may be picked up with a solid sorbent. Dispose of only in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations. CERCLA HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE: Component CERCLA RQ Contains no chemicals on the CERCLA Hazardous Substance List. -2- Maximum Wt. % Lamplight Farms 4900 N. Lilly Road Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 1-800-645-5267 (262) 781-9590 LAMPLIGHT ULTRA-PURE LAMP OIL Filename: MSDS Ultra Pure Revision Date: 03/03 Printed on: 04/11/03 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE ELECTROSTATIC ACCUMULATION HAZARD: Yes – ground all equipment. USUAL SHIPPING CONTAINERS: Tank cars, tank trucks. STORAGE / TRANSPORT TEMPERATURE: Ambient. (Product will freeze at 47° F (8° C)) STORAGE / TRANSPORT PRESSURE: Ambient. (Product will freeze at 47° F (8° C)) LOAD / UNLOAD TEMPERATURE: Ambient, above freezing point. (Product will freeze at 47° F (8° C)) STORAGE AND HANDLING MATERIALS: Carbon steel is suitable. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION Engineering Controls Air contaminant levels should be controlled below the PEL or TLV for this product (see Exposure Guidelines of this section). Mechanical ventilation may be necessary if working with this product in enclosed areas and at elevated temperatures. Personal Protective Equipment EYES: When contact with liquid is possible, use a face shield and chemical goggles. Otherwise use safety glasses or goggles. SKIN: Chemical gloves should be worn to prevent repeated contact. If potential for significant exposure to liquid exists, use full protective clothing and chemical boots. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: NIOSH-approved organic vapor air-purifying respirator, self contained breathing apparatus, or airsupplied respirators dependent on concentration. -3- Lamplight Farms 4900 N. Lilly Road Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 1-800-645-5267 (262) 781-9590 LAMPLIGHT ULTRA-PURE LAMP OIL Filename: MSDS Ultra Pure Revision Date: 03/03 Printed on: 04/11/03 Exposure Guidelines: No exposure limit has been set for exposure to vapors for this product. However, Lamplight and its suppliers recommend the ACGIH/OSHA/NIOSH – recommended limit of 5 mg/m3 (8-hour TWA) fir exposure to mists of this product. OSHA PEL Component ACGIH TLV None Established. PEL = Permissible Exposure Limits TLV = Threshold Limit Value TWA = Time Weighted Average ( 8hr.) STEL = Short Term Exposure Limit (15 min.) Carcinogenicity No carcinogenic ingredients. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE: Water white, oily liquid VISCOCITY: 2.5 – 2.7 cSt @ 104° F (40° C). ODOR: PHYSICAL STATE: Liquid. Mild hydrocarbon odor. VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg.). 0.05 @ 68° F (20° C). BOILING POINT: 490 - 592° F (254 – 283° C). VAPOR DENSITY (Air=1). 7-8 MELTING POINT: 48 - 50° F (8 - 10° C). SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Negligible SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H2O = 1): 0.773 @ 60°F/60°F (16°C/16°C). 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY CONDITIONS TO AVOID: High Temperatures. INCOMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER MATERIALS: Strong Oxidizers. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Combustion products include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and possibly other unidentified organic compound. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Stable. -4- Lamplight Farms 4900 N. Lilly Road Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 1-800-645-5267 (262) 781-9590 LAMPLIGHT ULTRA-PURE LAMP OIL Filename: MSDS Ultra Pure Revision Date: 03/03 Printed on: 04/11/03 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION EYES: Primary Eye Irritation Index (Rabbits): 5.7 for nonwashed eyes after 1 hour, 6 for washed eyes after 1 hour. (Maximum score is 110). SKIN: Acute Dermal LD50 (Rabbits): >2 g/kg Primary Skin Irritation Index (Rabbits): 4.4 (Maximum score is 8.0) INHALATION: LC50 (Rats): >5.8 mg/l (nominal) with four-hour exposure. INGESTION: Acute Oral LD50 (Rat): > 5 g/kg. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION: Not Available. CHEMICAL FATE INFORMATION: Not Available. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Evacuate the area and eliminate all sources of ignition. Contain the spill is possible. Material may be picked up with solid sorbent. Dispose of only in accordance with local state, and federal regulations. WASTE CLASSIFICATION: If discarded in its purchased form, this product is not a RCRA hazardous waste. Re-evaluation of the product may be required by the user at the time of disposal, since the product uses, transforms, and mixtures may change the classification. EMPTY CONTAINERS: Empty containers retain product residue (liquid and/or vapor) can be dangerous. DO NOT PRESSURIZE, CUT WELD, BRAZE, SOLDER, DRILL, GRIND, OR EXPOSE SUCH CONTAINERS TO HEAT, FLAME, SPARKS, STATIC ELECTRICITY, OR OTHER SOURCES OF IGNITION; THEY MAY EXPLODE AND CAUSE INJURY OR DEATH. Empty drums should be completely drained, properly bunged and promptly returned to a drum reconditioner, or properly disposed of. (See Section 6 for CERCLA Reporting Requirements). -5- Lamplight Farms 4900 N. Lilly Road Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 1-800-645-5267 (262) 781-9590 LAMPLIGHT ULTRA-PURE LAMP OIL Filename: MSDS Ultra Pure Revision Date: 03/03 Printed on: 04/11/03 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT DESCRIPTION: This product is not a hazardous material according to DOT regulations for ground transportation. ICAO / IATA DESCRIPTION: This product is not a dangerous good as defined by IATA for air transportation. IMO DESCRIPTION (IMDG CODE): This product is not a dangerous good as defined by IMO in the IMDG Code for water transportation. 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION U.S. Federal Regulations OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD CLASSIFICATION: Nonhazardous as defined by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard. TSCA INVENTORY LISTING: Component CAS Number Alkanes (C14-C16) 90622-46-1 SARA 302 STATUS Component CAS Number Maximum Wt. % Contains no chemicals subject to SARA 302 reporting. SARA 311/312 CLASSIFICATION: Nonhazardous according to SARA 311/312. SARA 313 CHEMICALS: CAS Number Component Contains no chemicals subject to SARA 313 reporting. (See Section 6 for CERCLA Reporting Requirements.) -6- Maximum Wt. % Lamplight Farms 4900 N. Lilly Road Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 1-800-645-5267 (262) 781-9590 LAMPLIGHT ULTRA-PURE LAMP OIL Filename: MSDS Ultra Pure Revision Date: 03/03 Printed on: 04/11/03 International Regulations WORKPLACE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INFORMATION SYSTEM (WHMIS) CLASSIFICATION: This material is not a controlled product as defined by Canada's Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS). CANADIAN DOMESTIC SUBSTANCE LIST (DSL) INVENTORY LISTING: CAS Number Chemical Name C14 Tetradecane C15 Pentadecane C16 Hexadecane 629-59-4 629-62-9 544-76-3 EUROPEAN INVENTORY OF EXISTING COMMERCIAL SUBSTANCES (EINECS) LISTING: EINECS Number Chemical Name C14 Tetradecane C15 Pentadecane C16 Hexadecane 2110960 2110981 2088789 JAPANESE MINISTER OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND INDUSTRY (MITI) INVENTORY LISTING: Section Structure # Chemical Name Alkane (C10-29) 2-10 AUSTRALIAN INVENTORY OF CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES (AICS) LISTING: CAS Number Chemical Name C14 Tetradecane C15 Pentadecane C16 Hexadecane 629-59-4 629-62-9 544-76-3 State Regulations CALIFORNIA SAFE DRINKING WATER ACT (PROP 65) LISTING: Component CAS Number **No ingredients listed in this section** CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD Title 17, Article 2, Section 94510 Consumer Products: This product is VOC exempt by 94510 (d)(1) as it has a vapor pressure below 0.1 mm Hg at 20°C. -7- Lamplight Farms 4900 N. Lilly Road Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 1-800-645-5267 (262) 781-9590 LAMPLIGHT ULTRA-PURE LAMP OIL Filename: MSDS Ultra Pure Revision Date: 03/03 Printed on: 04/11/03 16. OTHER INFORMATION Hazard Ratings Health: FLAMMABILITY: REACTIVITY: NFPA HMIS 1 1 0 1 1 0 Revision Summary Date Description Jan 10, 2002 June 28, 2002 Document created. Added Emergency numbers (Prosar) and Non emergency contact number. THE DATA AND INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN ARE BEING FURNISHED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. UPON TH E EXPRESS CONDITION THAT EACH CUSTOMER SHALL MAKE ITS OWN ASSESMENT OF APPROPRIATE USE AND APPROPRIATE SHIPPING, TRANSFER, AND STORAGE MATERIALS AND PROCEDURES FOR LAMPLIGHT FARMS PRODUCTS. LAMPLIGHT DISCAIMS ANY LIABILITY FOR DAMAGE OR INJURY WHICH MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF THE ABOVE DATA, AND NOTHING CONTAINED THEREIN SHALL CONSTITUTE A GUARANTEE, WARRANTY, (INCLUDING WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY) OR REPRESENTATION (INCLUDING FREEDOM FROM PATENT LIABLITY) BY LAMPLIGHT WITH RESPECT TO THE DATA, THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED, OR THEIR USE FOR ANY SPECIFIC PURPOSE, EVEN IF THAT PURPOSE IS KNOWN TO LAMPLIGHT. PREPARED BY: PHONE NUMBER: LAMPLIGHT FARMS Engineering Department. (800) 645-5267 (262) 781-9590 -8- 1 of 4 GLIDDEN COMPANY -- 1008001-CA-80 LIQUID NAILS ADHESIVES CONTACT CEMENT -- 8040-00F051677 ===================== Product Identification ===================== Product ID:1008001-CA-80 LIQUID NAILS ADHESIVES CONTACT CEMENT MSDS Date:04/08/1996 FSC:8040 NIIN:00F051677 MSDS Number: CCFMW === Responsible Party === Company Name:GLIDDEN COMPANY Address:925 EUCLID AVENUE City:CLEVELAND State:OH ZIP:44115-5000 Country:US Info Phone Num:216-344-8000/800-634-0015 Emergency Phone Num:800-634-0015/216-344-8049 CAGE:01PD6 === Contractor Identification === Company Name:GLIDDEN PAINT, ICI PAINTS NORTH AMERICA Address:925 EUCLID AVE Box:City:CLEVELAND State:OH ZIP:44115 Country:US Phone:800-545-2643/216-344-8207 CAGE:01PD6 ============= Composition/Information on Ingredients Ingred Name:TOLUENE (IARC CARC- GROUP 3) CAS:108-88-3 RTECS #:XS5250000 Fraction by Wt: 10-20% Other REC Limits:375 MG/CUM EPA Rpt Qty:1000 LBS DOT Rpt Qty:1000 LBS ============= *96-3* Ingred Name:STYRENE, ALPHA-METHYLSTYRENE, VINYLTOLUENE, DICYCLOPENTADIENE, INDENE POLYMER CAS:68240-01-7 Fraction by Wt: 1-5% Ingred Name:METHYL ETHYL KETONE, 2-BUTANONE CAS:78-93-3 RTECS #:EL6475000 Fraction by Wt: 10-20% Other REC Limits:590 MG/CUM OSHA PEL:200 PPM ACGIH TLV:200 PPM *96-3* 7/16/13 6:13 PM 2 of 4 EPA Rpt Qty:5000 LBS DOT Rpt Qty:5000 LBS Ingred Name:LIGHT ALIPHATIC NAPHTHA, VM & P NAPHTHA, LACOLENE CAS:64742-89-8 Fraction by Wt: 40-50% OSHA PEL:300 PPM * 96-3 * Ingred Name:NEOPRENE, 2 CHLORO-1, 3-BUTADIENE HOMOPOLYMER, CHLOROPRENE POLYMER CAS:9010-98-4 RTECS #:EI9640000 Fraction by Wt: 10-20% ===================== Hazards Identification ===================== LD50 LC50 Mixture:ORAL LD50(RAT): 636.00 MG/KG TOLUENE Routes of Entry: Inhalation:YES Skin:YES Ingestion:YES Reports of Carcinogenicity:NTP:NO IARC:NO OSHA:NO Health Hazards Acute and Chronic:INHALATION: IRRITATION OF RESPIRATORY TRACT, CNS DEPRESSION, ANESTHETIC EFFECT, NEUROTOXICITY, ASPHYXIATION/DEATH. SKIN: IRRITATION/DERMATITIS & ABSORPTION. EYES: SEVERE IRRITATION & CORNEAL INJURY. I NGESTION: CAUSES LUNG INFLAMMATION & DAMAGE DUE TO ASPIRATION OF MATEIRAL INTO LUNGS, MOUTH & THROAT IRRITATION. (SUPP) Explanation of Carcinogenicity:NONE Effects of Overexposure:IRRITATION, FATIGUE, DROWSINESS, DIZZINESS, LIGHTHEADEDNESS, HEADACHE, UNCOORDINATION, NAUSEA, VOMITING, CHEST PAIN, DIFFICULTY W/SPEECH, APATHY, METALLIC TASTE, CONFUSION, NARCOSIS, LOSS OF CONSCIOUS NESS, DEFATTING, BLURRED VISION, TEARING, REDNESS, DIARRHEA, GI DISTURBANCES, ABDOMINAL PAIN, APATHY. Medical Cond Aggravated by Exposure:EYE, SKIN, RESPIRATORY DISORDERS, NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS. ======================= First Aid Measures ======================= First Aid:INHALATION: REMOVE TO FRESH AIR. RESTORE & SUPPORT CONTINUED BREATHING. HAVE TRAINED PERSON GIVE OXYGEN IF NECESSARY. SKIN: FLUSH W/WATER. THEN WASH THOROUGHLY W/SOAP & WATER. EYES: FLUSH IMMEDIATELY W/LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER. OBTAIN MEDICAL ATTENTION IN ALL CASES. ===================== Fire Fighting Measures ===================== Flash Point Method:SCC Flash Point:20F Lower Limits:1 Upper Limits:12 Extinguishing Media:DRY CHEMICAL/FOAM, WTAER FOG, CO2. Fire Fighting Procedures:WATER MAY BE USED TO COOL & PROTECT EXPOSED CONTAINERS. USE FULL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, EYE PROTECTION & SCBA. 7/16/13 6:13 PM 3 of 4 Unusual Fire/Explosion Hazard:CLOSED CONTAINERS EXPLODE TO EXTREME HEAT. VAPORS IGNITE EXPLOSIVELY AT AMBIENT TEMPS & ARE > THAN AIR & TRAVEL LONG DISTANCE TO SOURCE OF IGNITION/FLASHBACK. ================== Accidental Release Measures Spill Release Procedures:LARGE: SHUT OFF PUMP TO STORAGE/SALVAGE VESSELS. USE RESIDUE. KEEP SALVAGEABLE MATERIAL & WATER COURSES. SMALL: USE ABSORBENT PROPERLY. ====================== ================== LEAK SAFELY. DIKE & CONTAIN. ABSORBNET TO PICKUP EXCESS RINSE WATER OUT OF SEWERS & TO PICKUP RESIDUE & DISPOSE OF Handling and Storage ====================== Handling and Storage Precautions:STORE BELOW 80F. KEEP AWAY FROM HEAT, SPARKS & OPEN FLAME. USE ONLY W/ADEQUATE VENTILATION. KEEP CONTAINERS TIGHLTY CLOSED & UPRIGHT WHEN NOT IN USE. Other Precautions:DON'T TAKE INTERNALLY. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. AVOID CONTACT W/SKIN, EYES & BREATHING OF VAPORS. EMPTY CONTAINERS MAY CONTAIN HAZARDOUS RESIDUES. GROUND EQUIPMENT WHEN TRANSFERRED TO PREVENT AC CUMULATION OF STATIC CHARGE. (SEE SUPP) ============= Exposure Controls/Personal Protection ============= Respiratory Protection:WHERE RESPIRATORY PROTECTION IS REQUIRED, USE ONLY NIOSH/MSHA APPROVED RESPIRATORS IAW/OSHA STANDARD. Ventilation:DILUTION/LOCAL EXHAUST TO PREVENT BUILD UP OF VAPORS. USE EXPLOSION PROOF EQUIPMENT/NON SPARKING EQUIPMENT. Protective Gloves:IMPERVIOUS Eye Protection:SAFETY GLASSES/GOGGLES Other Protective Equipment:EYE WASH, SAFETY SHOWER, IMPERVIOUS CLOTHING. Work Hygienic Practices:REMOVE/LAUNDER CONTAMINATED CLOTHING BEFORE REUSE. WASH HANDS THOROUGHLY AFTER HANDLING/BEFORE EATING/SMOKING. Supplemental Safety and Health HLTH HZRD CONT'D: CNS DEPRESSION, PULMONARY EDEMA, TOXICITY TO LIVER/KIDNEY, CNS, BLOOD, HEART. OVEREXPOSURE TO SOLVENTS MAY CAUSE PERMANENT BRAIN & NERVOUS SYSTEM DAMAGE. PRECAUTIONS: INTENTIONAL MIS USE BY DELIBERATELY CONCENTRATING & INHALING THE CONTENTS MAY BE HARMFUL/FATAL. ================== Physical/Chemical Properties ================== Boiling Pt:B.P. Text:172-527F Spec Gravity:0.854 Appearance and Odor:YELLOW LIQUID Percent Volatiles by Volume:87.25 ================= Stability and Reactivity Data ================= Stability Indicator/Materials to Avoid:YES OXIDIZERS, ACIDS, BASES, ALDEHYDES, AMINES, AMMONIA, NITRIC ACID, 7/16/13 6:13 PM 4 of 4 CAUSTICS, MINERAL ACIDS. Stability Condition to Avoid:ELEVATED TEMPS, SPARKS, OPEN FLAME, IGNITION SOURCES. Hazardous Decomposition Products:CO, CO2, HYDROGEN CHLORIDE. ==================== Disposal Considerations ==================== Waste Disposal Methods:DISPOSE OF IAW/FEDERAL, STATE & LOCAL REGULATIONS. AVOID DISCHARGE TO NATURAL WATERS. Disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies): This information is formulated for use by elements of the Department of Defense. The United States of America in no manner whatsoever, expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and disclaims all liability for its use. Any person utilizing this document should seek competent professional advice to verify and assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their particular situation. 7/16/13 6:13 PM MSDS for: LN-604 Revised: 18-May-2012 SECTION 1: PRODUCT IDENTIFIER: DATE OF PREPARATION: PRODUCT USE: LN-604 LATEX PROJECT & FOAM ADHESIVE MAY 18, 2012 ADHESIVE MANUFACTURED BY: AKZO NOBEL 15885 WEST SPRAGUE ROAD STRONGSVILLE, OHIO 44136, U.S.A. AKZO NOBEL (CANADA) 8200 KEELE STREET CONCORD, ONTARIO L4K 2A5, CANADA EMERGENCY AND MSDS TELEPHONE NUMBER: MSDS PREPARED BY: 1-800-545-2643 PRODUCT SAFETY AND COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENT AKZO NOBEL NORTH AMERICA SECTION 2: COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS INGREDIENT WT. % CHEMICAL NAME: COMMON NAME: CAS NUMBER: ACRYLIC RESI ACRYLIC RESIN CONFIDENTIAL 10-20 CHEMICAL NAME: COMMON NAME: CAS NUMBER: 1,2-ETHANEDIOL ETHYLENE GLYCOL 107-21-1 0.1-1.0 CHEMICAL NAME: COMMON NAME: CAS NUMBER: LIMESTONE LIMESTONE 1317-65-3 30-40 CHEMICAL NAME: COMMON NAME: CAS NUMBER: KAOLIN CLAY 1332-58-7 10-20 CHEMICAL NAME: COMMON NAME: CAS NUMBER: TITANIUM OXIDE TITANIUM DIOXIDE 13463-67-7 0.1-1.0 CHEMICAL NAME: CRISTOBALITE 0.1-1.0 CHEMICAL NAME: COMMON NAME: CAS NUMBER: PROPANOL, OXYBIS-, DIBENZOATE DIPROPYLENE GLYCOL DIBENZOATE 27138-31-4 1-5 CHEMICAL NAME: COMMON NAME: CAS NUMBER: WATER WATER 7732-18-5 30-40 SECTION 3: HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION PRIMARY ROUTE(S) OF EXPOSURE: INHALATION, SKIN CONTACT, EYE CONTACT, INGESTION EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE INHALATION: IRRITATION OF RESPIRATORY TRACT. PROLONGED INHALATION MAY LEAD TO HEADACHE, NAUSEA, DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING, PNEUMOCONIOSIS. SKIN CONTACT: IRRITATION OF SKIN. PROLONGED OR REPEATED CONTACT CAN CAUSE DEFATTING. EYE CONTACT: IRRITATION OF EYES. PROLONGED OR REPEATED CONTACT CAN CAUSE TEARING OF EYES, REDNESS OF EYES. INGESTION: INGESTION MAY CAUSE MOUTH AND THROAT IRRITATION, NAUSEA, GASTRO-INTESTINAL DISTURBANCES, ABDOMINAL PAIN. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: EYE, SKIN, RESPIRATORY DISORDERS, LUNG DISORDERS SECTION 4: FIRST-AID MEASURES INHALATION: REMOVE TO FRESH AIR. RESTORE AND SUPPORT CONTINUED BREATHING. GET EMERGENCY MEDICAL ATTENTION. HAVE TRAINED PERSON GIVE OXYGEN IF NECESSARY. GET MEDICAL HELP FOR ANY BREATHING DIFFICULTY. SKIN CONTACT: WASH THOROUGHLY WITH SOAP AND WATER. IF ANY PRODUCT REMAINS, GENTLY RUB PETROLEUM JELLY, VEGETABLE OR MINERAL/BABY OIL ONTO SKIN. REPEATED APPLICATIONS MAY BE NEEDED. REMOVE CONTAMINATED CLOTHING. WASH CONTAMINATED CLOTHING BEFORE RE-USE. EYE CONTACT: FLUSH IMMEDIATELY WITH LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER, ESPECIALLY UNDER LIDS FOR AT LEAST 15 MINUTES. IF SECTION 5: FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT (SETA): ABOVE 200F/93C LOWER EXPLOSIVE LIMIT: NOT AVAILABLE UPPER EXPLOSIVE LIMIT: NOT AVAILABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: DRY CHEMICAL OR FOAM, WATER FOG, CARBON DIOXIDE UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS CLOSED CONTAINERS MAY BURST IF EXPOSED TO EXTREME HEAT OR FIRE. FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES WATER MAY BE USED TO COOL AND PROTECT EXPOSED CONTAINERS. FIREFIGHTERS SHOULD USE FULL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, EYE PROTECTION, AND SELF-CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION OR COMBUSTION PRODUCTS CARBON MONOXIDE, CARBON DIOXIDE, ACRYLIC MONOMERS, OXIDES OF CALCIUM SECTION 6: ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS. VENTILATE AREA. PLACE COLLECTED MATERIAL IN PROPER CONTAINER. SPILLED MATERIAL IS EXTREMELY SLIPPERY. LARGE SPILLS: SHUT OFF LEAK IF SAFE TO DO SO. DIKE AND CONTAIN SPILL. PUMP TO STORAGE OR SALVAGE VESSELS. USE ABSORBENT TO PICK UP EXCESS RESIDUE. KEEP SALVAGEABLE MATERIAL AND RINSE WATER OUT OF SEWERS AND WATER COURSES. SMALL SPILLS: USE ABSORBENT TO PICK UP RESIDUE AND DISPOSE OF PROPERLY. SECTION 7: HANDLING AND STORAGE STORE BELOW 100F (38C). KEEP AWAY FROM HEAT, SPARKS AND OPEN FLAME. KEEP FROM FREEZING. OTHER PRECAUTIONS USE ONLY WITH ADEQUATE VENTILATION. DO NOT TAKE INTERNALLY. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN AND EYES, AND BREATHING OF VAPORS. WASH HANDS THOROUGHLY AFTER HANDLING, ESPECIALLY BEFORE EATING SECTION 8: EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION COMMON NAME: CAS NUMBER: ACGIH(TWA): LIMESTONE 1317-65-3 10 MG/M3 OSHA(TWA): 5 MG/M3 COMMON NAME: CAS NUMBER: ACGIH(TWA): CLAY 1332-58-7 2 MG/M3 OSHA(TWA): 5 MG/M3 COMMON NAME: CAS NUMBER: ACGIH(TWA): TITANIUM DIOXIDE 13463-67-7 10 MG/M3 OSHA(TWA): 10 MG/M3 COMMON NAME: CAS NUMBER: ACGIH(TWA): CRYSTALLINE SILICA, CRISTOBALITE 14464-46-1 0.025 MG/M3 OSHA(TWA): 0.05 MG/M3 COMMON NAME: CAS NUMBER: ACGIH(TWA): QUARTZ 14808-60-7 0.025 MG/M3 OSHA(TWA): 0.1 MG/M3 RESPIRATORY PROTECTION CONTROL ENVIRONMENTAL CONCENTRATIONS BELOW APPLICABLE EXPOSURE STANDARDS WHEN USING THIS MATERIAL. WHENRESPIRATORY PROTECTION IS DETERMINED TO BE NECESSARY, USE A NIOSH/MSHA (CANADIAN Z94.4) APPROVED ELASTOMERIC SEALING-SURFACE FACEPIECE RESPIRATOR OUTFITTED WITH ORGANIC VAPOR CARTRIDGES AND PAINT SPRAY (DUST/MIST) PREFILTERS. DETERMINE THE PROPER LEVEL OF PROTECTION BY CONDUCTING APPROPRIATE AIR MONITORING. CONSULT 29CFR1910.134 FOR SELECTION OF RESPIRATORS (CANADIAN Z94.4). VENTILATION PROVIDE DILUTION VENTILATION OR LOCAL EXHAUST TO PREVENT BUILD-UP OF VAPORS. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: EYE WASH, SAFETY SHOWER, SAFETY GLASSES OR GOGGLES, IMPERVIOUS GLOVES, IMPERVIOUS CLOTHING SECTION 9: PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES VAPOR PRESSURE: BOILING RANGE (F/C): APPEARANCE: PHYSICAL STATE: NOT AVAILABLE 212-212/100-100 WHITE PASTE SPECIFIC GRAVITY: WEIGHT PER GALLON: %VOLATILE BY VOLUME: SOLUBLE IN WATER: 1.492 12.43/14.93 IMP 53.23 YES MATERIALS TO AVOID: OXIDIZERS, ACIDS, BASES, AMMONIUM SALTS, STYRENE MONOMER CONDITIONS TO AVOID: FREEZING HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: WILL NOT OCCUR SECTION 11: TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION COMMON NAME: LIMESTONE CAS NUMBER: 1317-65-3 CARCINOGENICITY LISTED BY: NTP NO LD50: 6450.00 MG/KG ORL RAT COMMON NAME: CLAY CAS NUMBER: 1332-58-7 CARCINOGENICITY LISTED BY: NTP NO COMMON NAME: TITANIUM DIOXIDE CAS NUMBER: 13463-67-7 CARCINOGENICITY LISTED BY: NTP YES 2B LD50: 24.00 GM/KG ORL RAT LC50: 6820.00 MG/M3/4HR IHL RAT IARC NO OSHA NO ACGIH NO IARC NO OSHA NO ACGIH NO IARC YES 2B OSHA NO ACGIH NO COMMON NAME: CRYSTALLINE SILICA, CRISTOBALITE CAS NUMBER: 14464-46-1 CARCINOGENICITY LISTED BY: NTP YES IARC YES 1 OSHA NO ACGIH YES A2 COMMON NAME: QUARTZ CAS NUMBER: 14808-60-7 CARCINOGENICITY LISTED BY: NTP YES ACGIH YES A2 IARC YES 1 OSHA NO COMMON NAME: DIPROPYLENE GLYCOL DIBENZOATE CAS NUMBER: 27138-31-4 CARCINOGENICITY LISTED BY: NTP NO IARC NO OSHA NO LD50: > 2000.00 MG/KG SKN RBT LD50: 4673.00 MG/KG ORL RAT LC50: > 200.00 GM/M3/4HR IHL RAT ACGIH NO SUPPLEMENTAL HEALTH INFORMATION THE MANUFACTURER OF DIPROPYLENE GLYCOL DIBENZOATE CONDUCTED TOXICITY TESTS AND FOUND DECREASED BODY WEIGHT GAIN, AND BLOOD, LIVER AND CAECUM EFFECTS IN RATS GIVEN UP TO 2500 MG/KG/DAY IN THE DIET FOR 13 WEEKS. ALL TREATMENT RELATED CHANGES SHOWED EVIDENCE OF, OR COMPLETE, RECOVERY AFTER 4 WEEKS WITHOUT TREATMENT. RELEVANCE TO HUMANS IS UNKNOWN. CRYSTALLINE SILICA AS A KNOWN HUMAN CARCINOGEN. IN A LIFETIME INHALATION STUDY, EXPOSURE TO 250 MG/M3 TITANIUM DIOXIDE RESULTED IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF LUNG TUMORS IN RATS. THESE TUMORS OCCURRED ONLY AT DUST LEVELS THAT OVERWHELMED THE ANIMALS' LUNG CLEARANCE MECHANISMS AND WERE DIFFERENT FROM COMMON HUMAN LUNG TUMORS IN BOTH TYPE AND LOCATION. THE RELEVANCE OF THESE FINDINGS TO HUMANS IS UNKNOWN BUT QUESTIONABLE. THE INTERNATIONAL AGENCY FOR RESEARCH ON CANCER (IARC) HAS CLASSIFIED TITANIUM DIOXIDE AS POSSIBLY CARCINOGENIC TO HUMANS (GROUP 2B) BASED ON INADEQUATE EVIDENCE OF CARCINOGENICITY IN HUMANS AND SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE OF CARCINOGENICITY IN EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS. REPRODUCTIVE EFFECTS: NO REPRODUCTIVE EFFECTS ARE ANTICIPATED MUTAGENICITY: NO MUTAGENIC EFFECTS ARE ANTICIPATED TERATOGENICITY: NO TERATOGENIC EFFECTS ARE ANTICIPATED SECTION 12: ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION NO ECOLOGICAL TESTING HAS BEEN DONE BY AKZO NOBEL PAINTS LLC ON THIS PRODUCT AS A WHOLE. SECTION 13: DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS WASTE DISPOSAL: DISPOSE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS. SECTION 14: TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT: IMDG: IATA: TDG: ADHESIVE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE SECTION 15: REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA SARA CERCLA 302 313 302.4 HAZ AIR POLLUTANT MARINE POLTNT THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS NO SARA 302, CERCLA 302.4 OR HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT CHEMICALS. IT ALSO CONTAINS NO CHEMICALS WHICH ARE SUBJECT TO THE SECTION 16: OTHER INFORMATION THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS BASED ON DATA AVAILABLE AT THE TIME OF PREPARATION OF THIS DATA SHEET AND WHICH AKZO NOBEL PAINTS LLC BELIEVES TO BE RELIABLE. HOWEVER, NO WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED REGARDING THE ACCURACY OF THIS DATA. AKZO NOBEL PAINTS LLC SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE USE OF THIS INFORMATION, OR OF ANY PRODUCT, METHOD OR APPARATUS MENTIONED AND YOU MUST MAKE YOUR OWN DETERMINATION OF ITS SUITABILITY AND COMPLETENESS FOR YOUR OWN USE, FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT, AND THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF YOUR EMPLOYEES AND USERS OF THIS MATERIAL. COMPLIES WITH OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD 29CFR1910.1200. Material Safety Data Sheet Revision Number: 003.3 Issue date: 01/17/2012 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name: Product type: Loctite Super Glue Gel Control Cyanoacrylate IDH number: 234790 Item number: 30379 Region: United States Contact information: Telephone: 800.624.7767 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Phone: Poison Control Center 1-877-671-4608 (toll free) or 1-303-592-1711 TRANSPORT EMERGENCY Phone: CHEMTREC 1-800-424-9300 (toll free) or 1-703-527-3887 Internet: Company address: Henkel Corporation One Henkel Way Rocky Hill, Connecticut 06067 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Physical state: Color: Odor: gel, Liquid Colorless Irritating WARNING: EMERGENCY OVERVIEW HMIS: HEALTH: FLAMMABILITY: PHYSICAL HAZARD: Personal Protection: 2 2 1 See MSDS Section 8 BONDS SKIN IN SECONDS. MAY CAUSE EYE AND RESPIRATORY TRACT IRRITATION. COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID AND VAPOR. Relevant routes of exposure: Skin, Inhalation, Eyes Potential Health Effects Inhalation: Exposure to vapors above the established exposure limit results in respiratory irritation, which may lead to difficulty in breathing and tightness in the chest. Bonds skin in seconds. May cause skin irritation. Cyanoacrylates have been reported to cause allergic reaction but due to rapid polymerization at the skin surface, an allergic response is rare. Cyanoacrylates generate heat on solidification. In rare circumstances a large drop will burn the skin. Cured adhesive does not present a health hazard even if bonded to the skin. Irritating to eyes. Causes excessive tearing. Eyelids may bond. Not expected to be harmful by ingestion. Rapidly polymerizes (solidifies) and bonds in mouth. It is almost impossible to swallow. Skin contact: Eye contact: Ingestion: Existing conditions aggravated by exposure: Eye, skin, and respiratory disorders. This product is considered hazardous under 29 CFR 1910.1200 (Hazard Communication). See Section 11 for additional toxicological information. 3. COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Hazardous components CAS NUMBER % Ethyl 2-cyanoacrylate Treated fumed silica 7085-85-0 67762-90-7 60 - 100 5 - 10 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Inhalation: Move to fresh air. If symptoms persist, seek medical advice. IDH number: 234790 Product name: Loctite Super Glue Gel Control Page 1 of 5 Skin contact: Do not pull bonded skin apart. Soak in warm soapy water. Gently peel apart using a blunt instrument. If skin is burned due to the rapid generation of heat by a large drop, seek medical attention. If lips are bonded, apply warm water to the lips and encourage wetting and pressure from saliva in mouth. Peel or roll lips apart. Do not pull lips apart with direct opposing force. Eye contact: Immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention. If eyelids are bonded closed, release eyelashes with warm water by covering with a wet pad. Do not force eye open. Cyanoacrylate will bond to eye protein and will cause a lachrymatory effect which will help to debond the adhesive. Keep eye covered until debonding is complete, usually within 1-3 days. Medical attention should be sought in case solid particles of polymerized cyanoacrylate trapped behind the eyelid caused abrasive damage. Ingestion: Ensure breathing passages are not obstructed. The product will polymerize rapidly and bond to the mouth making it almost impossible to swallow. Saliva will separate any solidified product in several hours. Prevent the patient from swallowing any separated mass. Notes to physician: Surgery is not necessary to separate accidentally bonded tissues. Experience has shown that bonded tissues are best treated by passive, non-surgical first aid. If rapid curing has caused thermal bums they should be treated symptomatically after adhesive is removed. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Flash point: 80 - 93.4 °C (176°F - 200.12 °F) Tagliabue closed cup Autoignition temperature: 485 °C (905°F) Flammable/Explosive limits - lower: Not available. Flammable/Explosive limits - upper: Not available. Extinguishing media: Dry powder. foam Carbon dioxide. Special firefighting procedures: Fire fighters should wear positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Unusual fire or explosion hazards: Not available. Hazardous combustion products: Trace amounts of toxic and/or irritating fumes may be released and the use of breathing apparatus is recommended. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Use personal protection recommended in Section 8, isolate the hazard area and deny entry to unnecessary and unprotected personnel. Environmental precautions: Do not allow product to enter sewer or waterways. Clean-up methods: Do not use cloths for mopping up. Flood with water to complete polymerization and scrape off the floor. Cured material can be disposed of as non-hazardous waste. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling: Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Avoid breathing vapors or mists of this product. Wash thoroughly after handling. Avoid contact with fabric or paper goods. Contact with these materials may cause rapid polymerization which can generate smoke and strong irritating vapors, and cause thermal burns. IDH number: 234790 Product name: Loctite Super Glue Gel Control Page 2 of 5 Storage: Keep in a cool, well ventilated area away from heat, sparks and open flame. Keep container tightly closed until ready for use. For information on product shelf life, please review labels on container or check the Technical Data Sheet. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION Employers should complete an assessment of all workplaces to determine the need for, and selection of, proper exposure controls and protective equipment for each task performed. Hazardous components ACGIH TLV Ethyl 2-cyanoacrylate OSHA PEL AIHA WEEL OTHER None None None None 0.2 ppm TWA None 10 mg/m3 TWA 15 mg/m3 TWA Inhalable dust. Total dust. 3 mg/m3 TWA 5 mg/m3 TWA Respirable fraction. Respirable fraction. Treated fumed silica Engineering controls: Use positive down-draft exhaust ventilation if general ventilation is insufficient to maintain vapor concentration below established exposure limits. Respiratory protection: Use NIOSH approved respirator if there is potential to exceed exposure limit(s). Eye/face protection: Safety goggles or safety glasses with side shields. Skin protection: Use nitrile gloves and aprons as necessary to prevent contact. Do not use PVC, nylon or cotton. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Physical state: Color: Odor: Odor threshold: pH: Vapor pressure: Boiling point/range: Melting point/ range: Vapor density: Flash point: Flammable/Explosive limits - lower: Flammable/Explosive limits - upper: Autoignition temperature: Evaporation rate: Solubility in water: Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water): VOC content: gel, Liquid Colorless Irritating 1 - 2 ppm Not available. < 0.2 mm hg > 149 °C (> 300.2 °F) Not available. Approximate 3 80 - 93.4 °C (176°F - 200.12 °F) Tagliabue closed cup Not available. Not available. 485 °C (905°F) Not available. Polymerises in presence of water. Not available. < 2 %; < 20 g/l (California SCAQMD Method 316B) (Estimated) 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability: Stable under recommended storage conditions. Hazardous reactions: Rapid exothermic polymerization will occur in the presence of water, amines, alkalis and alcohols. Hazardous decomposition products: None Incompatible materials: Water, Amines, Alkalis, Alcohols. Conditions to avoid: Spontaneous polymerization. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Acute oral product toxicity: LD50 (rat) > 5,000 mg/kg (Estimated) IDH number: 234790 Product name: Loctite Super Glue Gel Control Page 3 of 5 Acute dermal product toxicity: LD50 (rabbit) > 2,000 mg/kg (Estimated) Hazardous components NTP Carcinogen IARC Carcinogen No No No No Ethyl 2-cyanoacrylate Treated fumed silica Hazardous components OSHA Carcinogen (Specifically Regulated) No No Health Effects/Target Organs Ethyl 2-cyanoacrylate Treated fumed silica Irritant, Allergen, Respiratory Irritant 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Ecological information: Not available. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Information provided is for unused product only. Recommended method of disposal: Dispose of according to Federal, State and local governmental regulations. Hazardous waste number: Not a RCRA hazardous waste. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION The shipping classification in this section are for bulk packaging only. Shipping classification may be different for non-bulk packaging as exceptions may apply. Refer to shipping documents for package specific transportation classification. U.S. Department of Transportation Ground (49 CFR) Proper shipping name: Combustible liquid, n.o.s. (Ethyl cyanoacrylate) Hazard class or division: Combustible Liquid Identification number: NA 1993 Packing group: III Exceptions: (Not more than 450 Liters), Unrestricted International Air Transportation (ICAO/IATA) Proper shipping name: Hazard class or division: Identification number: Packing group: Exceptions: Aviation regulated liquid, n.o.s. (Ethyl cyanoacrylate) 9 UN 3334 None (Not more than 500ml) Unrestricted Water Transportation (IMO/IMDG) Proper shipping name: Hazard class or division: Identification number: Packing group: Not regulated None None None 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION United States Regulatory Information TSCA 8 (b) Inventory Status: TSCA 12(b) Export Notification: CERCLA/SARA Section 302 EHS: All components are listed or are exempt from listing on the Toxic Substances Control Act Inventory. None above reporting de minimus CERCLA/SARA Section 311/312: CERCLA/SARA 313: Hydroquinone (CAS# 123-31-9). Sulfur dioxide (CAS# 7446-09-5). Boron trifluoride dihydrate (CAS# 13319-75-0). Boron trifluoride (CAS# 7637-07-2). Immediate Health, Delayed Health, Fire, Reactive None above reporting de minimus California Proposition 65: No California Proposition 65 listed chemicals are known to be present. IDH number: 234790 Product name: Loctite Super Glue Gel Control Page 4 of 5 Canada Regulatory Information CEPA DSL/NDSL Status: WHMIS hazard class: Contains one or more components listed on the Non-Domestic Substances list. All other components are listed on or are exempt from listing on the Domestic Substances List. B.3, D.2.B 16. OTHER INFORMATION This material safety data sheet contains changes from the previous version in sections: New Material Safety Data Sheet format. Prepared by: Karim Nasr, Regulatory Affairs Specialist DISCLAIMER: The data contained herein are furnished for information only and are believed to be reliable. However, Henkel Corporation and its affiliates (“Henkel”) does not assume responsibility for any results obtained by persons over whose methods Henkel has no control. It is the user’s responsibility to determine the suitability of Henkel’s products or any production methods mentioned herein for a particular purpose, and to adopt such precautions as may be advisable for the protection of property and persons against any hazards that may be involved in the handling and use of any Henkel’s products. In light of the foregoing, Henkel specifically disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, arising from sale or use of Henkel’s products. Henkel further disclaims any liability for consequential or incidental damages of any kind, including lost profits. IDH number: 234790 Product name: Loctite Super Glue Gel Control Page 5 of 5 Material Safety Data Sheet Revision Number: 001.2 Issue date: 01/17/2012 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name: Product type: Loctite® Threadlocker Red 271 Heavy Duty Thread sealing Company address: Henkel Corporation One Henkel Way Rocky Hill, Connecticut 06067 IDH number: 209741 Item number: 27100 Region: United States Contact information: Telephone: 800.624.7767 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Phone: Poison Control Center 1-877-671-4608 (toll free) or 1-303-592-1711 TRANSPORT EMERGENCY Phone: CHEMTREC 1-800-424-9300 (toll free) or 1-703-527-3887 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Physical state: Color: Odor: EMERGENCY OVERVIEW HMIS: HEALTH: FLAMMABILITY: PHYSICAL HAZARD: Personal Protection: Liquid Red Mild WARNING: *2 1 1 Not available. CAUSES EYE IRRITATION. MAY CAUSE SKIN IRRITATION. MAY CAUSE RESPIRATORY TRACT IRRITATION. MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. Relevant routes of exposure: Skin, Inhalation, Eyes Potential Health Effects Inhalation: Skin contact: Eye contact: Ingestion: May cause respiratory tract irritation. May cause allergic skin reaction. May cause skin irritation. Contact with eyes will cause irritation. Not expected to be harmful by ingestion. Existing conditions aggravated by exposure: Eye, skin, and respiratory disorders. This material is considered hazardous by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). See Section 11 for additional toxicological information. 3. COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Hazardous components CAS NUMBER % Polyglycol dimethacrylate Bisphenol A fumarate resin Saccharin Cumene hydroperoxide 25852-47-5 39382-25-7 81-07-2 80-15-9 60 - 100 10 - 30 1-5 1-5 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Inhalation: Move to fresh air. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If symptoms develop and persist, get medical attention. IDH number: 209741 Product name: Loctite® Threadlocker Red 271 Heavy Duty Page 1 of 5 Skin contact: Wash with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and footwear. Wash clothing before reuse. If symptoms develop and persist, get medical attention. Eye contact: Flush with copious amounts of water, preferably, lukewarm water for at least 15 minutes, holding eyelids open all the time. Get medical attention. Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Keep individual calm. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Flash point: > 93.3 °C (> 199.94 °F) Tagliabue closed cup Autoignition temperature: Not available. Flammable/Explosive limits - lower: Not available. Flammable/Explosive limits - upper: Not available. Extinguishing media: Foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide. Special firefighting procedures: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing, such as turn-out gear. Unusual fire or explosion hazards: None Hazardous combustion products: Oxides of carbon. Oxides of sulfur. Oxides of nitrogen. Irritating organic vapours. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Use personal protection recommended in Section 8, isolate the hazard area and deny entry to unnecessary and unprotected personnel. Environmental precautions: Remove all sources of ignition. Do not allow product to enter sewer or waterways. Clean-up methods: Store in a partly filled, closed container until disposal. Soak up with inert absorbent material (e.g. sand, silica gel, acid binder, universal binder, sawdust). Ensure adequate ventilation. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling: Prevent contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Do not breathe vapor and mist. Wash thoroughly after handling. Use only with adequate ventilation. Keep container closed. Storage: For safe storage, store at or below 38 °C (100.4 °F) Keep in a cool, well ventilated area away from heat, sparks and open flame. Keep container tightly closed until ready for use. For information on product shelf life, please review labels on container or check the Technical Data Sheet. For information on product shelf life contact Henkel Customer Service at (800) 243-4874. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION Employers should complete an assessment of all workplaces to determine the need for, and selection of, proper exposure controls and protective equipment for each task performed. IDH number: 209741 Product name: Loctite® Threadlocker Red 271 Heavy Duty Page 2 of 5 Hazardous components ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL AIHA WEEL OTHER Polyglycol dimethacrylate Bisphenol A fumarate resin Saccharin None None None None None None None None None Cumene hydroperoxide None None None None None 1 ppm (6 mg/m3) TWA (SKIN) None Engineering controls: Local exhaust ventilation is recommended when general ventilation is not sufficient to control airborne contamination below occupational exposure limits. Respiratory protection: Use a NIOSH approved air-purifying respirator with an organic vapor cartridge. Eye/face protection: Safety goggles or safety glasses with side shields. Skin protection: Use impermeable gloves and protective clothing as necessary to prevent skin contact. Neoprene gloves. Butyl rubber gloves. Natural rubber gloves. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Physical state: Color: Odor: Odor threshold: pH: Vapor pressure: Boiling point/range: Melting point/ range: Specific gravity: Specific gravity: Vapor density: Flash point: Flammable/Explosive limits - lower: Flammable/Explosive limits - upper: Autoignition temperature: Evaporation rate: Solubility in water: Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water): VOC content: Liquid Red Mild Not available. Not applicable < 5 mm hg (26.7 °C (80.1 °F)) > 148.9 °C (> 300°F) Not available. 1.07 at 26.70 °C (80.06 °F) 1.1 Not available. > 93.3 °C (> 199.94 °F) Tagliabue closed cup Not available. Not available. Not available. Not available. Slight Not available. 0.82 %; 7.81 g/l 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability: Stable Hazardous reactions: Will not occur. Hazardous decomposition products: Oxides of carbon. Oxides of sulfur. Oxides of nitrogen. Irritating organic vapours. Phenolics. Incompatible materials: Rust. Strong oxidizing agents. Reducing agents. Strong acids. Copper. Conditions to avoid: Keep away from heat, ignition sources and incompatible materials. See "Handling and Storage" (Section 7) and "Incompatibility" (Section 10). 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Hazardous components Polyglycol dimethacrylate Bisphenol A fumarate resin Saccharin Cumene hydroperoxide NTP Carcinogen IARC Carcinogen No No No No No No No No IDH number: 209741 OSHA Carcinogen (Specifically Regulated) No No No No Product name: Loctite® Threadlocker Red 271 Heavy Duty Page 3 of 5 Hazardous components Health Effects/Target Organs Polyglycol dimethacrylate Bisphenol A fumarate resin Saccharin Cumene hydroperoxide Irritant, Allergen No Target Organs No Target Organs Allergen, Central nervous system, Corrosive, Irritant, Mutagen 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Ecological information: Not available. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Information provided is for unused product only. Recommended method of disposal: Follow all local, state, federal and provincial regulations for disposal. Hazardous waste number: It is the responsibility of the user to determine if an item is hazardous as defined in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) at the time of disposal. Product uses, transformations, mixtures, processes, etc., may render the resulting material hazardous, under the criteria of ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity and toxicity characteristics of the Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP) 40 CFR 261.20-24. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION U.S. Department of Transportation Ground (49 CFR) Proper shipping name: Not regulated Hazard class or division: None Identification number: None Packing group: None International Air Transportation (ICAO/IATA) Proper shipping name: Hazard class or division: Identification number: Packing group: Not regulated None None None Water Transportation (IMO/IMDG) Proper shipping name: Hazard class or division: Identification number: Packing group: Not regulated None None None 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION United States Regulatory Information TSCA 8 (b) Inventory Status: TSCA 12(b) Export Notification: CERCLA/SARA Section 302 EHS: CERCLA/SARA Section 311/312: CERCLA/SARA 313: California Proposition 65: All components are listed or are exempt from listing on the Toxic Substances Control Act Inventory. None above reporting de minimus Immediate Health, Delayed Health This product contains the following toxic chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act of 1986 (40 CFR 372). Saccharin (CAS# 81-07-2). Cumene hydroperoxide (CAS# 80-15-9). This product contains a chemical known in the State of California to cause cancer. Canada Regulatory Information CEPA DSL/NDSL Status: All components are listed on or are exempt from listing on the Canadian Domestic Substances List. IDH number: 209741 Product name: Loctite® Threadlocker Red 271 Heavy Duty Page 4 of 5 WHMIS hazard class: D.2.B 16. OTHER INFORMATION This material safety data sheet contains changes from the previous version in sections: New Material Safety Data Sheet format. Prepared by: Karim Nasr, Regulatory Affairs Specialist DISCLAIMER: The data contained herein are furnished for information only and are believed to be reliable. However, Henkel Corporation and its affiliates (“Henkel”) does not assume responsibility for any results obtained by persons over whose methods Henkel has no control. It is the user’s responsibility to determine the suitability of Henkel’s products or any production methods mentioned herein for a particular purpose, and to adopt such precautions as may be advisable for the protection of property and persons against any hazards that may be involved in the handling and use of any Henkel’s products. In light of the foregoing, Henkel specifically disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, arising from sale or use of Henkel’s products. Henkel further disclaims any liability for consequential or incidental damages of any kind, including lost profits. IDH number: 209741 Product name: Loctite® Threadlocker Red 271 Heavy Duty Page 5 of 5 Page 1 of 5 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET __________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING LUBRIPLATE Lubricants Co. 129 Lockwood St. Newark, NJ 07105 Emergency Telephone Number: 1-800-255-3924-CHEM-TEL (24 hour) Telephone Number for information: 1-973-589-9150 SUBSTANCE: LUBRIPLATE® Air Tool Lubricant MSDS No. – 0892150713054 TRADE NAMES/SYNONYMS: PRODUCT USE: Petroleum lubricating oil CREATION DATE: 02/13/2008 REVISION DATE: 07/22/2011 __________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 2 COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS COMPONENT: Hydrotreated naphthenic distillates CAS NUMBER: 64742-52-5/64742-53-6 EC NUMBER (EINECS): 265-155-0/265-156-6 PERCENTAGE: 90-95 COMPONENT: Soy methyl ester CAS NUMBER: 67784-80-9 EC NUMBER (EINECS): 267-055-2 PERCENTAGE: 2-5 COMPONENT: Proprietary additive package CAS NUMBER: NA EC NUMBER (EINECS): NA PERCENTAGE: 0-2 NOTE: The IP 346 value of the mineral oil is less than 3% __________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 3 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Page 2 of 5 EYE CONTACT: SHORT TERM EXPOSURE: Irritation LONG TERM EXPOSURE: No information available INGESTION: SHORT TERM EXPOSURE: Diarrhea, difficulty breathing LONG TERM EXPOSURE: no information on significant adverse effects HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM (HMIS): Health – 1 Flammability – 1 Reactivity – 0 Not a Controlled Product under (WHMIS) – Canada Special Protection: See Section 8 __________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 4 FIRST AID MEASURES INHALATION: Remove to fresh air. See a physician if irritation persists. SKIN CONTACT: Remove any contaminated clothing and wash with soap and warm water. EYE CONTACT: Flush with clear water for 15 minutes or until irritation subsides. If irritation persists, consult a physician. INGESTION: If ingested, call a physician immediately. Do not induce vomiting. __________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 5 FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Slight fire hazard EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Foam, Dry Chemical, Carbon Dioxide or Water Spray (Fog) SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Cool exposed containers with water. Use air-supplied breathing equipment for enclosed or confined spaces. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Do not store or mix with strong oxidants. Empty containers retain residue. Do not cut, drill, grind, or weld, as they may explode. __________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 6 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Page 3 of 5 __________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 7 HANDLING AND STORAGE STORAGE: Store at temperatures below 100°F. Store in a cool, dry area in tightly closed containers. Use adequate ventilation. Avoid excessive heat, sparks, or open flames. Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact. __________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 8 EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION EXPOSURE LIMITS: OIL MIST IN AIR (Not Encountered in Normal Usage): 5 mg/m3 UK OES TWA 10mg/m3 UK OES STEL VENTILATION: Provide local exhaust ventilation system. Ensure compliance with applicable exposure limits. EYE PROTECTION: Wear splash resistant safety goggles. Provide an emergency eye wash fountain and quick drench shower in the immediate work area. CLOTHING: Wear appropriate chemical resistant clothing. GLOVES: Wear appropriate chemical resistant (nitrile) gloves. RESPIRATOR: Consider the need for appropriate protective equipment, such as self-contained breathing apparatus, adequate masks and filters. __________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 9 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES PHYSICAL STATE: liquid APPEARANCE: transparent COLOUR: amber PHYSICAL FORM: oil ODOR: mineral oil odor BOILING POINT: >288 C FREEZING POINT: Not available FLASH POINT: 196 C (COC) LOWER FLAMMABLE LIMIT: 0.9% by volume UPPER FLAMMABLE LIMIT: 7.0% by volume AUTO IGNITION: not available VAPOUR PRESSURE: <5 mm Hg Page 4 of 5 EVAPORATION RATE: not available VISCOSITY: 5 mm2/s @ 100 C COEFFICIENT OF WATER/OIL DISTRIBUTION: not available __________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 10 STABILITY AND REACTIVITY REACTIVITY: Stable at normal temperatures and pressures CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Avoid heat, flames, sparks and other sources of ignition. Avoid contact with incompatible materials. INCOMPATIBLES: Oxidising materials, chlorine HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION: Thermal decomposition products or combustion: oxides of carbon, oxides of sulphur POLYMERISATION: Will not polymerise. __________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 11 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Hydrotreated naphthenic distillates: TOXICITY DATA: Greater than 5 g/kg oral-rat LD50 Soy methyl ester: TOXICITY DATA: No data available Proprietary additive package: TOXICITY DATA: No data available ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 12 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Not available __________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 13 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Page 5 of 5 LAND TRANSPORT RID: No classification assigned. AIR TRANSPORT IATA: No classification assigned. AIR TRANSPORT ICAO: No classification assigned. MARITIME TRANSPORT IMDG: No classification assigned. __________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 15 REGULATORY INFORMATION EUROPEAN REGULATIONS: EC CLASSIFICATION (CALCULATED): Not classified as dangerous. SARA/TITLE III, Section 313 Status – Zinc compounds <1% __________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 16 OTHER INFORMATION The above information is furnished without warranty, expressed or implied, except that it is accurate to the best knowledge of LUBRIPLATE Lubricants Company. The data on these sheets relates only to the specific material designated herein. LUBRIPLATE Lubricants Company assumes no legal responsibility for use or reliance upon this data. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 22-3101 20 00 DATE OF PREPARATION Apr 26, 2013 SECTION 1 — PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NUMBER 22-3101 PRODUCT NAME BRIGHT LIFE® Interior Latex Satin Gloss Enamel, White MANUFACTURER'S NAME MARTIN SENOUR PAINTS 101 Prospect Avenue N.W. Cleveland, OH 44115 Telephone Numbers and Websites Product Information Regulatory Information (216) 566-2902 Medical Emergency (216) 566-2917 Transportation Emergency* (800) 424-9300 *for Chemical Emergency ONLY (spill, leak, fire, exposure, or accident) SECTION 2 — COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS % by Weight 2 1 0.1 5 12 CAS Number 112-34-5 107-21-1 14464-46-1 471-34-1 13463-67-7 Ingredient Units 2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)-ethanol ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL Ethylene Glycol ACGIH TLV 100 OSHA PEL 50 Cristobalite ACGIH TLV 0.025 OSHA PEL 0.05 Calcium Carbonate ACGIH TLV 10 OSHA PEL 15 OSHA PEL 5 Titanium Dioxide ACGIH TLV 10 OSHA PEL 10 OSHA PEL 5 Vapor Pressure Not Available Not Available 0.06 mm MG/M3 CEILING (aerosol) PPM CEILING 0.12 mm mg/m3 as Resp. Dust mg/m3 as Resp. Dust mg/m3 as Dust mg/m3 Total Dust mg/m3 Respirable Fraction mg/m3 as Dust mg/m3 Total Dust mg/m3 Respirable Fraction SECTION 3 — HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INHALATION of vapor or spray mist. EYE or SKIN contact with the product, vapor or spray mist. EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE EYES: Irritation. SKIN: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause irritation. INHALATION: Irritation of the upper respiratory system. HMIS Codes Health 2* Flammability 0 Reactivity 0 In a confined area vapors in high concentration may cause headache, nausea or dizziness. Prolonged overexposure to hazardous ingredients in Section 2 may cause adverse chronic effects to the following organs or systems: the liver the urinary system SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE Redness and itching or burning sensation may indicate eye or excessive skin exposure. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE None generally recognized. page 1 of 4 22-3101 CANCER INFORMATION For complete discussion of toxicology data refer to Section 11. SECTION 4 — FIRST AID MEASURES EYES: SKIN: INHALATION: INGESTION: Flush eyes with large amounts of water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. Wash affected area thoroughly with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and launder before re-use. If affected, remove from exposure. Restore breathing. Keep warm and quiet. Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention immediately. SECTION 5 — FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT Not Applicable LEL UEL FLAMMABILITY CLASSIFICATION Not Not Not Applicable Applicable Applicable EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Alcohol Foam UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Closed containers may explode (due to the build-up of pressure) when exposed to extreme heat. During emergency conditions overexposure to decomposition products may cause a health hazard. Symptoms may not be immediately apparent. Obtain medical attention. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Full protective equipment including self-contained breathing apparatus should be used. Water spray may be ineffective. If water is used, fog nozzles are preferable. Water may be used to cool closed containers to prevent pressure build-up and possible autoignition or explosion when exposed to extreme heat. SECTION 6 — ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Remove all sources of ignition. Ventilate the area. Remove with inert absorbent. SECTION 7 — HANDLING AND STORAGE STORAGE CATEGORY Not Applicable PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE Keep container closed when not in use. Transfer only to approved containers with complete and appropriate labeling. Do not take internally. Keep out of the reach of children. SECTION 8 — EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN USE Use only with adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid breathing vapor and spray mist. Wash hands after using. This coating may contain materials classified as nuisance particulates (listed "as Dust" in Section 2) which may be present at hazardous levels only during sanding or abrading of the dried film. If no specific dusts are listed in Section 2, the applicable limits for nuisance dusts are ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 (total dust), 3 mg/m3 (respirable fraction), OSHA PEL 15 mg/m3 (total dust), 5 mg/m3 (respirable fraction). Removal of old paint by sanding, scraping or other means may generate dust or fumes that contain lead. Exposure to lead dust or fumes may cause brain damage or other adverse health effects, especially in children or pregnant women. Controlling exposure to lead or other hazardous substances requires the use of proper protective equipment, such as a properly fitted respirator (NIOSH approved) and proper containment and cleanup. For more information, call the National Lead Information Center at 1-800-424-LEAD (in US) or contact your local health authority. VENTILATION Local exhaust preferable. General exhaust acceptable if the exposure to materials in Section 2 is maintained below applicable exposure limits. Refer to OSHA Standards 1910.94, 1910.107, 1910.108. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION If personal exposure cannot be controlled below applicable limits by ventilation, wear a properly fitted organic vapor/particulate respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for protection against materials in Section 2. When sanding or abrading the dried film, wear a dust/mist respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for dust which may be generated from this product, underlying paint, or the abrasive. PROTECTIVE GLOVES Wear gloves which are recommended by glove supplier for protection against materials in Section 2. EYE PROTECTION Wear safety spectacles with unperforated sideshields. page 2 of 4 22-3101 SECTION 9 — PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 9.93 lb/gal 1189 g/l 1.19 212 - 448 °F 100 - 231 °C Not Available 62% Slower than ether VAPOR DENSITY Heavier than air SOLUBILITY IN WATER Not Available pH 9.5 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOC Theoretical - As Packaged) 0.72 lb/gal 86 g/l Less Water and Federally Exempt Solvents 0.30 lb/gal 36 g/l Emitted VOC PRODUCT WEIGHT SPECIFIC GRAVITY BOILING POINT MELTING POINT VOLATILE VOLUME EVAPORATION RATE SECTION 10 — STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY — Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID None known. INCOMPATIBILITY None known. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS By fire: Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION Will not occur SECTION 11 — TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARDS Crystalline Silica (Quartz, Cristobalite) is listed by IARC and NTP. Long term exposure to high levels of silica dust, which can occur only when sanding or abrading the dry film, may cause lung damage (silicosis) and possibly cancer. IARC's Monograph No. 93 reports there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental rats exposed to titanium dioxide but inadequate evidence for carcinogenicity in humans and has assigned a Group 2B rating. In addition, the IARC summary concludes, "No significant exposure to titanium dioxide is thought to occur during the use of products in which titanium is bound to other materials, such as paint." Ethylene Glycol is considered an animal teratogen. It has been shown to cause birth defects in rats and mice at high doses when given in drinking water or by gavage. There is no evidence to indicate it causes birth defects in humans. TOXICOLOGY DATA CAS No. Ingredient Name 112-34-5 2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)-ethanol LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT 5660 mg/kg 107-21-1 Ethylene Glycol LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT 4700 mg/kg 14464-46-1 Cristobalite LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 471-34-1 Calcium Carbonate LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 13463-67-7 Titanium Dioxide LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available SECTION 12 — ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION No data available. SECTION 13 — DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Waste from this product is not hazardous as defined under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 40 CFR 261. page 3 of 4 22-3101 Incinerate in approved facility. Do not incinerate closed container. Dispose of in accordance with Federal, State/Provincial, and Local regulations regarding pollution. SECTION 14 — TRANSPORT INFORMATION Multi-modal shipping descriptions are provided for informational purposes and do not consider container sizes. The presence of a shipping description for a particular mode of transport (ocean, air, etc.), does not indicate that the product is packaged suitably for that mode of transport. All packaging must be reviewed for suitability prior to shipment, and compliance with the applicable regulations is the sole responsibility of the person offering the product for transport. US Ground (DOT) Not Regulated for Transportation. Canada (TDG) Not Regulated for Transportation. IMO Not Regulated for Transportation. IATA/ICAO Not Regulated for Transportation. SECTION 15 — REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA 313 (40 CFR 372.65C) SUPPLIER NOTIFICATION CAS No. CHEMICAL/COMPOUND % by WT % Element 107-21-1 Ethylene Glycol 1 Glycol Ethers 2 CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. TSCA CERTIFICATION All chemicals in this product are listed, or are exempt from listing, on the TSCA Inventory. SECTION 16 — OTHER INFORMATION This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Canadian Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR. The above information pertains to this product as currently formulated, and is based on the information available at this time. Addition of reducers or other additives to this product may substantially alter the composition and hazards of the product. Since conditions of use are outside our control, we make no warranties, express or implied, and assume no liability in connection with any use of this information. page 4 of 4 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 72-3101 45 00 DATE OF PREPARATION Mar 26, 2013 SECTION 1 — PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NUMBER 72-3101 PRODUCT NAME PRO LINE® Interior Latex Semi-Gloss Finish, White MANUFACTURER'S NAME MARTIN SENOUR PAINTS 101 Prospect Avenue N.W. Cleveland, OH 44115 Telephone Numbers and Websites Product Information Regulatory Information (216) 566-2902 Medical Emergency (216) 566-2917 Transportation Emergency* (800) 424-9300 *for Chemical Emergency ONLY (spill, leak, fire, exposure, or accident) SECTION 2 — COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS % by Weight 0.1 6 10 CAS Number 14464-46-1 471-34-1 13463-67-7 Ingredient Cristobalite ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL Calcium Carbonate ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL OSHA PEL Titanium Dioxide ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL OSHA PEL Units Vapor Pressure 0.025 mg/m3 as Resp. Dust 0.05 mg/m3 as Resp. Dust 10 mg/m3 as Dust 15 mg/m3 Total Dust 5 mg/m3 Respirable Fraction 10 mg/m3 as Dust 10 mg/m3 Total Dust 5 mg/m3 Respirable Fraction SECTION 3 — HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INHALATION of vapor or spray mist. EYE or SKIN contact with the product, vapor or spray mist. EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE EYES: Irritation. SKIN: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause irritation. INHALATION: Irritation of the upper respiratory system. HMIS Codes Health 1* Flammability 0 Reactivity 0 In a confined area vapors in high concentration may cause headache, nausea or dizziness. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE Redness and itching or burning sensation may indicate eye or excessive skin exposure. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE None generally recognized. CANCER INFORMATION For complete discussion of toxicology data refer to Section 11. page 1 of 4 72-3101 SECTION 4 — FIRST AID MEASURES EYES: SKIN: INHALATION: INGESTION: Flush eyes with large amounts of water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. Wash affected area thoroughly with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and launder before re-use. If affected, remove from exposure. Restore breathing. Keep warm and quiet. Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention immediately. SECTION 5 — FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT Not Applicable LEL UEL FLAMMABILITY CLASSIFICATION Not Not Not Applicable Applicable Applicable EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Alcohol Foam UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Closed containers may explode (due to the build-up of pressure) when exposed to extreme heat. During emergency conditions overexposure to decomposition products may cause a health hazard. Symptoms may not be immediately apparent. Obtain medical attention. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Full protective equipment including self-contained breathing apparatus should be used. Water spray may be ineffective. If water is used, fog nozzles are preferable. Water may be used to cool closed containers to prevent pressure build-up and possible autoignition or explosion when exposed to extreme heat. SECTION 6 — ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Remove all sources of ignition. Ventilate the area. Remove with inert absorbent. SECTION 7 — HANDLING AND STORAGE STORAGE CATEGORY Not Applicable PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE Keep container closed when not in use. Transfer only to approved containers with complete and appropriate labeling. Do not take internally. Keep out of the reach of children. SECTION 8 — EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN USE Use only with adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid breathing vapor and spray mist. Wash hands after using. This coating may contain materials classified as nuisance particulates (listed "as Dust" in Section 2) which may be present at hazardous levels only during sanding or abrading of the dried film. If no specific dusts are listed in Section 2, the applicable limits for nuisance dusts are ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 (total dust), 3 mg/m3 (respirable fraction), OSHA PEL 15 mg/m3 (total dust), 5 mg/m3 (respirable fraction). Removal of old paint by sanding, scraping or other means may generate dust or fumes that contain lead. Exposure to lead dust or fumes may cause brain damage or other adverse health effects, especially in children or pregnant women. Controlling exposure to lead or other hazardous substances requires the use of proper protective equipment, such as a properly fitted respirator (NIOSH approved) and proper containment and cleanup. For more information, call the National Lead Information Center at 1-800-424-LEAD (in US) or contact your local health authority. VENTILATION Local exhaust preferable. General exhaust acceptable if the exposure to materials in Section 2 is maintained below applicable exposure limits. Refer to OSHA Standards 1910.94, 1910.107, 1910.108. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION If personal exposure cannot be controlled below applicable limits by ventilation, wear a properly fitted organic vapor/particulate respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for protection against materials in Section 2. When sanding or abrading the dried film, wear a dust/mist respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for dust which may be generated from this product, underlying paint, or the abrasive. PROTECTIVE GLOVES Wear gloves which are recommended by glove supplier for protection against materials in Section 2. EYE PROTECTION Wear safety spectacles with unperforated sideshields. page 2 of 4 72-3101 SECTION 9 — PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 9.78 lb/gal 1171 g/l 1.18 212 - 213 °F 100 - 100 °C Not Available 66% Slower than ether VAPOR DENSITY Heavier than air SOLUBILITY IN WATER Not Available pH 9.5 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOC Theoretical - As Packaged) 0.50 lb/gal 60 g/l Less Water and Federally Exempt Solvents 0.17 lb/gal 21 g/l Emitted VOC PRODUCT WEIGHT SPECIFIC GRAVITY BOILING POINT MELTING POINT VOLATILE VOLUME EVAPORATION RATE SECTION 10 — STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY — Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID None known. INCOMPATIBILITY None known. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS By fire: Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION Will not occur SECTION 11 — TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARDS Crystalline Silica (Quartz, Cristobalite) is listed by IARC and NTP. Long term exposure to high levels of silica dust, which can occur only when sanding or abrading the dry film, may cause lung damage (silicosis) and possibly cancer. IARC's Monograph No. 93 reports there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental rats exposed to titanium dioxide but inadequate evidence for carcinogenicity in humans and has assigned a Group 2B rating. In addition, the IARC summary concludes, "No significant exposure to titanium dioxide is thought to occur during the use of products in which titanium is bound to other materials, such as paint." TOXICOLOGY DATA CAS No. Ingredient Name 14464-46-1 Cristobalite LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 471-34-1 Calcium Carbonate LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 13463-67-7 Titanium Dioxide LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available SECTION 12 — ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION No data available. SECTION 13 — DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Waste from this product is not hazardous as defined under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 40 CFR 261. Incinerate in approved facility. Do not incinerate closed container. Dispose of in accordance with Federal, State/Provincial, and Local regulations regarding pollution. page 3 of 4 72-3101 SECTION 14 — TRANSPORT INFORMATION Multi-modal shipping descriptions are provided for informational purposes and do not consider container sizes. The presence of a shipping description for a particular mode of transport (ocean, air, etc.), does not indicate that the product is packaged suitably for that mode of transport. All packaging must be reviewed for suitability prior to shipment, and compliance with the applicable regulations is the sole responsibility of the person offering the product for transport. US Ground (DOT) Not Regulated for Transportation. Canada (TDG) Not Regulated for Transportation. IMO Not Regulated for Transportation. IATA/ICAO Not Regulated for Transportation. SECTION 15 — REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA 313 (40 CFR 372.65C) SUPPLIER NOTIFICATION CAS No. CHEMICAL/COMPOUND % by WT % Element No ingredients in this product are subject to SARA 313 (40 CFR 372.65C) Supplier Notification. CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. TSCA CERTIFICATION All chemicals in this product are listed, or are exempt from listing, on the TSCA Inventory. SECTION 16 — OTHER INFORMATION This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Canadian Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR. The above information pertains to this product as currently formulated, and is based on the information available at this time. Addition of reducers or other additives to this product may substantially alter the composition and hazards of the product. Since conditions of use are outside our control, we make no warranties, express or implied, and assume no liability in connection with any use of this information. page 4 of 4 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 22-3100 12 00 DATE OF PREPARATION Apr 26, 2013 SECTION 1 — PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NUMBER 22-3100 PRODUCT NAME BRIGHT LIFE® Interior Latex Satin Gloss Enamel, Bright White MANUFACTURER'S NAME MARTIN SENOUR PAINTS 101 Prospect Avenue N.W. Cleveland, OH 44115 Telephone Numbers and Websites Product Information Regulatory Information (216) 566-2902 Medical Emergency (216) 566-2917 Transportation Emergency* (800) 424-9300 *for Chemical Emergency ONLY (spill, leak, fire, exposure, or accident) SECTION 2 — COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS % by Weight 2 2 0.1 2 22 CAS Number 112-34-5 107-21-1 14464-46-1 471-34-1 13463-67-7 Ingredient Units 2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)-ethanol ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL Ethylene Glycol ACGIH TLV 100 OSHA PEL 50 Cristobalite ACGIH TLV 0.025 OSHA PEL 0.05 Calcium Carbonate ACGIH TLV 10 OSHA PEL 15 OSHA PEL 5 Titanium Dioxide ACGIH TLV 10 OSHA PEL 10 OSHA PEL 5 Vapor Pressure Not Available Not Available 0.06 mm MG/M3 CEILING (aerosol) PPM CEILING 0.12 mm mg/m3 as Resp. Dust mg/m3 as Resp. Dust mg/m3 as Dust mg/m3 Total Dust mg/m3 Respirable Fraction mg/m3 as Dust mg/m3 Total Dust mg/m3 Respirable Fraction SECTION 3 — HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INHALATION of vapor or spray mist. EYE or SKIN contact with the product, vapor or spray mist. EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE EYES: Irritation. SKIN: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause irritation. INHALATION: Irritation of the upper respiratory system. HMIS Codes Health 2* Flammability 0 Reactivity 0 In a confined area vapors in high concentration may cause headache, nausea or dizziness. Prolonged overexposure to hazardous ingredients in Section 2 may cause adverse chronic effects to the following organs or systems: the liver the urinary system SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE Redness and itching or burning sensation may indicate eye or excessive skin exposure. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE None generally recognized. page 1 of 4 22-3100 CANCER INFORMATION For complete discussion of toxicology data refer to Section 11. SECTION 4 — FIRST AID MEASURES EYES: SKIN: INHALATION: INGESTION: Flush eyes with large amounts of water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. Wash affected area thoroughly with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and launder before re-use. If affected, remove from exposure. Restore breathing. Keep warm and quiet. Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention immediately. SECTION 5 — FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT Not Applicable LEL UEL FLAMMABILITY CLASSIFICATION Not Not Not Applicable Applicable Applicable EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Alcohol Foam UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Closed containers may explode (due to the build-up of pressure) when exposed to extreme heat. During emergency conditions overexposure to decomposition products may cause a health hazard. Symptoms may not be immediately apparent. Obtain medical attention. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Full protective equipment including self-contained breathing apparatus should be used. Water spray may be ineffective. If water is used, fog nozzles are preferable. Water may be used to cool closed containers to prevent pressure build-up and possible autoignition or explosion when exposed to extreme heat. SECTION 6 — ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Remove all sources of ignition. Ventilate the area. Remove with inert absorbent. SECTION 7 — HANDLING AND STORAGE STORAGE CATEGORY Not Applicable PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE Keep container closed when not in use. Transfer only to approved containers with complete and appropriate labeling. Do not take internally. Keep out of the reach of children. SECTION 8 — EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN USE Use only with adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid breathing vapor and spray mist. Wash hands after using. This coating may contain materials classified as nuisance particulates (listed "as Dust" in Section 2) which may be present at hazardous levels only during sanding or abrading of the dried film. If no specific dusts are listed in Section 2, the applicable limits for nuisance dusts are ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 (total dust), 3 mg/m3 (respirable fraction), OSHA PEL 15 mg/m3 (total dust), 5 mg/m3 (respirable fraction). Removal of old paint by sanding, scraping or other means may generate dust or fumes that contain lead. Exposure to lead dust or fumes may cause brain damage or other adverse health effects, especially in children or pregnant women. Controlling exposure to lead or other hazardous substances requires the use of proper protective equipment, such as a properly fitted respirator (NIOSH approved) and proper containment and cleanup. For more information, call the National Lead Information Center at 1-800-424-LEAD (in US) or contact your local health authority. VENTILATION Local exhaust preferable. General exhaust acceptable if the exposure to materials in Section 2 is maintained below applicable exposure limits. Refer to OSHA Standards 1910.94, 1910.107, 1910.108. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION If personal exposure cannot be controlled below applicable limits by ventilation, wear a properly fitted organic vapor/particulate respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for protection against materials in Section 2. When sanding or abrading the dried film, wear a dust/mist respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for dust which may be generated from this product, underlying paint, or the abrasive. PROTECTIVE GLOVES Wear gloves which are recommended by glove supplier for protection against materials in Section 2. EYE PROTECTION Wear safety spectacles with unperforated sideshields. page 2 of 4 22-3100 SECTION 9 — PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 10.58 lb/gal 1267 g/l 1.27 212 - 448 °F 100 - 231 °C Not Available 66% Slower than ether VAPOR DENSITY Heavier than air SOLUBILITY IN WATER Not Available pH 9.0 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOC Theoretical - As Packaged) 1.02 lb/gal 122 g/l Less Water and Federally Exempt Solvents 0.39 lb/gal 47 g/l Emitted VOC PRODUCT WEIGHT SPECIFIC GRAVITY BOILING POINT MELTING POINT VOLATILE VOLUME EVAPORATION RATE SECTION 10 — STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY — Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID None known. INCOMPATIBILITY None known. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS By fire: Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION Will not occur SECTION 11 — TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARDS Crystalline Silica (Quartz, Cristobalite) is listed by IARC and NTP. Long term exposure to high levels of silica dust, which can occur only when sanding or abrading the dry film, may cause lung damage (silicosis) and possibly cancer. IARC's Monograph No. 93 reports there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental rats exposed to titanium dioxide but inadequate evidence for carcinogenicity in humans and has assigned a Group 2B rating. In addition, the IARC summary concludes, "No significant exposure to titanium dioxide is thought to occur during the use of products in which titanium is bound to other materials, such as paint." Ethylene Glycol is considered an animal teratogen. It has been shown to cause birth defects in rats and mice at high doses when given in drinking water or by gavage. There is no evidence to indicate it causes birth defects in humans. TOXICOLOGY DATA CAS No. Ingredient Name 112-34-5 2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)-ethanol LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT 5660 mg/kg 107-21-1 Ethylene Glycol LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT 4700 mg/kg 14464-46-1 Cristobalite LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 471-34-1 Calcium Carbonate LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 13463-67-7 Titanium Dioxide LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available SECTION 12 — ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION No data available. SECTION 13 — DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Waste from this product is not hazardous as defined under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 40 CFR 261. page 3 of 4 22-3100 Incinerate in approved facility. Do not incinerate closed container. Dispose of in accordance with Federal, State/Provincial, and Local regulations regarding pollution. SECTION 14 — TRANSPORT INFORMATION Multi-modal shipping descriptions are provided for informational purposes and do not consider container sizes. The presence of a shipping description for a particular mode of transport (ocean, air, etc.), does not indicate that the product is packaged suitably for that mode of transport. All packaging must be reviewed for suitability prior to shipment, and compliance with the applicable regulations is the sole responsibility of the person offering the product for transport. US Ground (DOT) Not Regulated for Transportation. Canada (TDG) Not Regulated for Transportation. IMO Not Regulated for Transportation. IATA/ICAO Not Regulated for Transportation. SECTION 15 — REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA 313 (40 CFR 372.65C) SUPPLIER NOTIFICATION CAS No. CHEMICAL/COMPOUND % by WT % Element 107-21-1 Ethylene Glycol 2 Glycol Ethers 2 CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. TSCA CERTIFICATION All chemicals in this product are listed, or are exempt from listing, on the TSCA Inventory. SECTION 16 — OTHER INFORMATION This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Canadian Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR. The above information pertains to this product as currently formulated, and is based on the information available at this time. Addition of reducers or other additives to this product may substantially alter the composition and hazards of the product. Since conditions of use are outside our control, we make no warranties, express or implied, and assume no liability in connection with any use of this information. page 4 of 4 Material Safety Data Sheet U.S. Department of Labor May be used to comply with OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200. Standard must be consulted for specific requirements. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Non-Mandatory Form) Form Approved OMB No. 1218-0072 Page 1 of 2 IDENTITY (As used on label and list) Master Appliance Ultratane Butane Fuel Note: Blank spaces are not permitted. If any item is not applicable, or no information is available, the space must be marked to indicate that. SECTION I. MANUFACTURER’S NAME ADDRESS Master Appliance Corp. 2420 18 TH Street EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NO. 1-800-535-5053 (Infotrac) TELEPHONE NO. FOR INFORMATION 1-262-633-7791 PO BOX 68 DATE PREPARED January 2, 2013 RACINE WI 53401 SIGNATURE OF PREPARER (optional) SECTION II. HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS/IDENTITY INFORMATION HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS (Specific Chemical Identity: Common Name(s)) OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV Isobutane (CAS 75-28-5) NE 800ppm Propane (CAS 74-98-6) 1000ppm NE Butane (CAS 106-97-8) 800ppm 800ppm Other Limits Recommended % (optional) SECTION III. SHIPPING INFORMATION PROPER SHIPPING NAME Petroleum Gases, Liquefied CLASS AND DIVISION NUMBER 2.1 (Flammable Gas) UN NUMBER UN-1075 REQUIRED LABELS Flammable Gas label on each non-bulk package PACKING GROUP Not Listed SECTION IV. PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS BOILING POINT 11°F SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H20 = 1) .571 VAPOR PRESSURE @70°F (psig) 30 ± 2 MELTING POINT -138c VAPOR DENSITY (air = 1) 1 EVAPORATION RATE (Butyl Acetate = 1) 1 SOLUBILITY IN WATER Negligible APPEARANCE AND ODOR Clear gas with light ethereal odor SECTION V. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLAMMABLE LIMITS LEL: 1.4 UEL: 9.5 FLASH POINT (METHOD USED) -100°F Estimated EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Dry chemical, foam, carbon dioxide SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Use water spray to cool containers. Avoid rocketing containers. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Containers generate pressure when heated causing violent bursting and dangerous propelling of containers. Material Safety Data Sheet For Master Appliance Ultratane Butane Fuel January 2, 2013 Page 2 of 2 SECTION VI. REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY Stable: Yes Unstable: CONDITIONS TO AVOID Not established INCOMPATIBILITY (Materials to Avoid) Oxygen and strong oxidizing materials HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION OR BYPRODUCTS Carbon oxides formed when burned HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION May occur: CONDITIONS TO AVOID Not established Will not occur: Yes SECTION VII. HEALTH HAZARD DATA ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY Inhalation? HEALTH HAZARDS (Acute and Chronic) Yes (A) Skin? Yes (B) Ingestion? N/A (A) Simple asphyxiant, dizziness, disorientation, headache, excitation, central nervous system depression, anesthesia. (B) Liquid contact with exposed skin can cause frostbite. CARCINOGENICITY? N/A NTP? SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE N/A IARC MONOGRAPHS? N/A OSHA REGULATED? N/A Dizziness, headache, ect. MEDICAL CONDITIONS GENERALLY AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES None Remove from exposure. If irritation develops seek medical attention. SECTION VIII. PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Protect from ignition. Ventilate area thoroughly. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Treatment, storage, transportation and disposal must be in accordance with applicable Federal, State and Local regulations. PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING Store below 120°F. In case of accidental puncturing with forklift, shut off forklift and any other possible source of ignition. Ventilate area. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Use with adequate ventilation. SECTION IX. CONTROL MEASURES RESPIRATORY PROTECTION (Specific Type) N/A VENTILATION Adequate LOCAL EXHAUST For small enclosed work areas MECHANICAL (General) Adequate for storage PROTECTIVE GLOVES Not required for normal handling EYE PROTECTION Safety Glasses OTHER PROTECTIVE CLOTHING OR EQUIPMENT Not required for normal handling WORK/HYGIENIC PRATICES N/A SECTION X. NFPA HAZARD CODES – HMIS RATING HEALTH: 1 FIRE: 4 REACTIVITY: 0 Material Safety Data Sheet U.S. Department of Labor May be used to comply with OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910.1200. Standard must be consulted for specific requirements. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Non-Mandatory Form) Form Approved OMB No. 1218-0072 Identity (As Used on Label and List) Note: Blank spaces are not permitted. If any item is not applicable, or no information is available, the space must be marked to indicate that. PROPANE SECTION 1 Supplier’s Name Emergency Telephone Number Bernz-O-matic 716-798-4949 Address Number, Street, City, State and ZIP Code Telephone Number for Information 716-798-4949 Date Prepared One BernzOmatic Drive Medina, NY 14103 January 12, 2000 Signature of Preparer (Optional) SECTION II - Hazardous Ingredients / Identity Information Hazardous Components Specific Chemical Identity, Common Name(s) PROPANE CAS #74-98-6 NFPA HAZARD RATINGS OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV Other Limits Recommende d % (optional) 1000PPM 1000PPM NA 100 HMIS RATINGS Health -1 Health -0 Flammability -4 Flammability -4 Reactivity -0 Reactivity -0 Note: When propane fuel is burned efficiently, the normal by-products of combustion are CO2 and H20. Inefficient burning may add CO to the by-products of combustion. SECTION III - Physical / Chemical Characteristics Boiling Point Specific Gravity (H20 - 1) -44º F Liquid @ 60º F Vapor Pressure (mm Hg) .51 Melting Point @ 100º F 197 psig Vapor Density (AIR=1) N/A Evaporation Rate @ 1 ATM @ 60º F 1.56 Butyl Acetate -1) N/A Solubility in Water Not Soluble Appearance and Odor Colorless - Rotten Egg Odor SECTION IV - Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Flash Point (Method Used) Flammable Limits -156º F Closed Cup LEL UEL 2.1 9.5 Extinguishing Media Stop flow of gas or oxygen Special Fire Fighting Procedures Use water to cool tanks Auto Ignition temp. 842º F Heavier than air (vapor density 1.5). Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards May travel a considerable distance to a source of ignition and flashback. SECTION V - Reactivity Data Stability Ë Unstable Stable X Conditions to Avoid N/A Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid) N/A Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts None Hazardous Polymerization Ë May Occur Will Not Occur X Conditions to Avoid N/A SECTION VI - Health Hazard Data Routes of Entry Ë Inhalation? Skin? Ingestion? YES YES NO Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic) Contact with liquid propane may cause frost burns Carcinogenicity Ë NTP? IARC Monographs? OSHA Regulated? N/A N/A N/A Signs and Symptoms of Exposure High concentrations may cause headaches and drowsiness. Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure N/A Emergency and First Aid Procedures Remove exposed person from contaminated area. Warning This fuel, and byproducts of combustion of this fuel, contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, and other reproductive harm. SECTION VII - Precautions for Safe Handling and Use Steps to be Taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled Remove ignition sources and ventilate area. Waste Disposal Method Vent gas to atmosphere in flame free, spark free area outdoors. Precautions to be Taken in Handling and Storing Store at temperatures below 120º F in well ventilated, spark free, flame free area. Other Precautions None SECTION VIII - Control Measures Respiratory Protection (Specify Type) Not required with normal use. Ventilation Ë Local Exhaust Mechanical (General) Special Other N/A N/A N/A N/A Protective Gloves Not required Eye Protection Not required Other Protective Clothing or Equipment Not required Work / Hygienic Practices N/A SECTION IX - Shipping Information WHMIS Classification: A - Compressed Gas & B1-Flammable Gas DOT Proper Shipping Name Petroleum Gas, Liquefied Class: 2.1 Hazard Classification Flammable Gas UN. No. 1075 Tuesday, October 06, 2009 Page 1 of 5 MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet Product Name: Thread Cutting Oil MSDS No.: 016035 Part Numbers Covered: 016035 016036 016050 016055 016060 016070 016100 016101 016102 016105 016110 016115 016120 016150 016151 016153 016154 016155 016157 016160 016165 016170 016190 016205 016215 016261 016264 016265 016266 016267 016272 016273 016276-W 016277 016278 016279 016281 016320 016321 016322 016324 016325 016326-W 016327 016328 016330 016331 016332 016333 016334 016336 016337 016338 016341 016342 016343 016348 016350 016351 016353 016365 016366 016390 016391 248674 403766 403774 Premier 461020 Premier 461020 Premier 461023 Premier 461024 1. Basic Information: Manufacturer: William H. Harvey Company 1 Address: 4334 South 67th Street City, ST Zip: Omaha, NE 68117-1019 1 0 Emergency Contact: CHEMTREC Emergency Telephone Number: (800)424-9300 Contact: Information Telephone Number Information Telephone Number: (800)228-9681 Last Update: 02/06/2009 Chemical State: X Chemical Type: 1 1 Expiration Date: Liquid Pure Gas X 0 Solid B Mixture 2. Ingredients: Trade Secret EHS CAS No. Chemical Name % Range 64742-65-0 HIghly Refined Petroleum Oil 90 - 100 IARC NTP SARA 313 OSHA SUB Z PEL 5 mg/m3 ACGIH TLV Other Limits 5 mg/m3 NI 3. Hazardous Identification: Hazard Category: X Acute Chronic Fire Pressure Reactive Hazardous Identification Information: Product has a low order of oral and dermal toxicity. Possible aspiration hazard. Induced vomiting may cause aspiration of product into lungs. 4. First Aid Measures: Route(s) of Entry: SKIN, EYES, INHALATION, INGESTION Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic): Acute: Ingestion may cause gastric disturbance. Chronic: Not known to have chronic toxic effects. Signs and Symptoms: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 Page 2 of 5 MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet Product Name: Thread Cutting Oil MSDS No.: 016035 EYE CONTACT: Lubricating oils are generally considered no more than minimally irritating to the eyes. SKIN CONTACT: Brief contact is not irritating. Lubricating oils are generally considered no more than mildly irritating to the skin. Because of its defatting properties, prolonged and repeated contact may aggravate an existing or result in various skin disorders (dermatitis, folliculitis, etc.). INHALATION: Inhalation of vapor or oil mist (generated at high temperatures) may result in mild irritation of the upper respiratory tract, including irritation of the nose and throat, headache, nausea and drowsiness. INGESTION: No adverse effects expected. If more than several mouthfuls are swallowed, abdominal discomfort, nausea and diarrhea may occur. Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: None known in normal usage concentrations. Emergency and First Aid Procedures: EMERGENCY FIRST AID CALL: 1-303-623-5716 COLLECT EYES: Flush with water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention if effects persist. SKIN: Wash thoroughly with soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation persists. INHALATION: Move to fresh aire and provide oxygen if difficulty in breathing. Get medical attention. INGESTION: Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention Other Health Warnings: Avoid breathing of oil mists. 5. Fire Fighting Measures: Flash Point: >370F Lower Explosive Limit: NE Upper Explosive Limit: NE F.P. Method: COC Fire Extinguishing Media: According to the NFPA guide, used water fog, foam, dry chemical or CO2. Do not use a direct stream of water. Product will float and can be reignited on the surface of water. Use water to cool containers. Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Material will not burn unless preheated. Don not enter confined fire-space without proper protective equipment including a positive-pressure, NIOSH approved self-contained breathing apparatus. Use water to keep fire exposed containers cool. Unusual Fire and Explosion: Exposing containers to high heat may cause container to rupture. 6. Accidental Release Measures: Steps to be Taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled: LARGE SPILLS: evacuate area and remove ignition sources. Dike and contain. Take up spills with sand, dirt, or other absorbent. Clean surfaces so they do not remain slippery. Treat as an oil spill. Pump excess to storage tanks. Use absorbent for remaining liquid and place in closed container for disposal according to local, state and federal regulations. SMALL SPILLS: follow directions above but do not evacuate area unless the potential to slip and fall due to the spill is possible. . Tuesday, October 06, 2009 Page 3 of 5 MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet Product Name: Thread Cutting Oil MSDS No.: 016035 7. Handling and Storage: Precautions to be Taken: Store in a cool dry place. Store away from flames, heat, oxidizing agents, and strong alkalies. Keep containers tightly closed when not in use. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN AND ANIMALS. Other Precautions: Oily metal cuttings should be handled with the same precautions as for the cutting oil. Keep away from ignition sources. Do not take internally. Avoid skin contact. Avoid eye contact. Avoid breathing vapors. Wash thoroughly after skin contact. 8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection: Ventilation Requirements: Use with adequate ventillation. Mechanical exaust is reccomended for areas of concentrated mists, fumes or vapors. Personal Protective Equipment: EYES: wear splash proof goggles SKIN: wear oil resistant gloves. Wash hands and arms after use. Remove contaminated clothing promptly and wash before reuse. Treat contaminated clothing as a fire hazard . INHALATION: ( if no mechanical exaust is available or in small enclosed areas) wear mist and/or organic vapr respirator when mists or fumes are present. A well ventilated work area is the best engineering ppe. INGESTION: avoid swallowing. 9. Physical and Chemical Properties: Boiling Point: > 680º F Melting Point: NA Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate = 1): < 1.0 Vapor Pressure (mm Hg.): < .01 Specific Gravity (H20 = 1): 0.90000 Vapor Density (AIR = 1): NDA Solubility In Water: Negligible Appearance and Odor: Light amber to dark brown liquid / Sulfur Other Information: VOC Content: < 20 grams/L 10. Stability and Reactivity: Stability: Stable Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid): High heat, open flame, strong oxidizers. Decomposition/By Products: May form carbon monoxide and other unidentified organic compounds upon combustion. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur Tuesday, October 06, 2009 Page 4 of 5 MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet Product Name: Thread Cutting Oil MSDS No.: 016035 11. Toxicological Information: Median Lethal Dose (LD50 LC50) (Species) Oral: Believed to be >5 g/kg (rat); practically non-toxic Inhalation: Not Determined Dermal: Believed to be 5 g/kg (rabbit); no appreciable effect Irritation Index, estimate of Irritation (Species) Skin: Believed to be <0.5 / 8.0 (rabbit); no appreciable effect Eyes: Believed to be <15 / 110 (rabbit); no appreciable effect Sensitization: Not Determined Other: This product and its components are not classified as carcinogens by the IARC or OSHA. Used gasoline motor oils have been shown to cause skin cancer when repeatedly applied to mouse skin without any effort to remove the material between applications. There is no evidence of a causal relationship between skin cancer in humans and exposure to used motor oil. 12. Ecological Information: No data available, but based on similar compounds, this product may have toxic effects to aquatic life. 13. Disposal Considerations: This product has been evaluated for RCRA characteristics and does not meet the criteria of a hazardous waste if discarded in its purchased form. Under RCRA, it is the responsibility of the user of the product to determine at the time of disposal, whether the product meets RCRA criteria for hazardous waste. This is because product uses, transformations, mixtures, processes, etc. may render the resulting materials hazardous. Dispose in accordance with all local, state and federal regulations. REMARKS: Recycle all used oils. Recycling used oils may provide exemptions related to hazardous waste regulations. 14. Transport Information: DOT PROPER SHIPPING NAME: NA DOT LABEL: NA DOT NUMBER: NA UN NUMBER: NA IMCO CLASS: NA DOT HAZARD CLASSIFICATION: NA This product is considered an oil under 49 CFR (DOT) Part 130. If shipped by rail or highway in a tank with a capacity of 3,500 gllons or more, it is subject to the requirements of Part 130. 15. Regulatory Information: NI 16. Other Information: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 Page 5 of 5 MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet Product Name: Thread Cutting Oil MSDS No.: 016035 ABBREVIATIONS: ~ = < = > = ACGIH AIHA C = Deg = EPA F = HMIS IARC NA = NDA NE = NFPA NI = NIOSH NTP OSHA Approximately Less Than Greater Than = American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists = American Industrial Hygiene Association Degrees Celcius Degrees = Environmental Protection Agency Degrees Farenheit = Hazardous Materials Information System = International Agency for Research on Cancer Not Applicable = No Data Available Not Established = National Fire Protection Association Not Indicated = National Institure of Occupational Safety and Health = National Toxicology Program = Occupational Safety and Health Administration The information in this MSDS was obtained from sources which we believe are reliable. However, the information is provided by the William H. Harvey Company without any warranty, expressed or implied regading its correctness. Some information presented and conclusions drawn herein are from sources other than direct test data on the substance itself. This MSDS was prepared and is to be used only for this product. If the product is used as a component in another product, this MSDS information may not be applicable. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information or products for their particular purpose. The conditions or methods of handling, storage, use, and disposal of the product are beyond our control and may be beyond our knowledge. For this and other reasons, the William H. Harvey company does not assume responsibility and expressly disclaims liability for loss, damage or expense arising out of or in any way connected with handling, storage, use or disposal of the product. Polycrylic/MW Material Safety Data Sheet Document Code: Polycrylic/MW Version: 03 Date of Preparation March 14, 2003 Section 1 - Product and Company Identification PRODUCT NAME & NUMBERS MINWAX® POLYCRYLIC® Protective Finish 3333 Satin Rockler SKUs: 4444 Semi-Gloss 31895, 32135, 33821, 34701, 35455, 39863 5555 Gloss MANUFACTURER'S NAME MINWAX Company 10 Mountainview Road Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 Section 2 – Composition/Information on Ingredients HMIS CODES Health Flammability Reactivity 2 0 0 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NO. (216) 566-2917 INFORMATION TELEPHONE NO. (800) 523-9299 % WT. CAS No. Ingredient Name Vapor Pressure ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1 34590-94-8 2-Methoxymethylethoxypropanol ACGIH TLV 100 ppm (skin) 0.4 mm ACGIH TLV 150 ppm (skin) STEL OSHA PEL 100 ppm (skin) OSHA PEL 150 ppm (skin) STEL 2 29911-28-2 1-(2-Butoxymethylethoxy)-propanol ACGIH TLV Not Available 0.06 mm OSHA PEL Not Available 4 5131-66-8 Butoxypropanol ACGIH TLV Not Available 0.6 mm OSHA PEL Not Available 3 107-21-1 Ethylene Glycol ACGIH TLV 50 ppm CEILING 0.12 mm OSHA PEL 50 ppm CEILING 1 9014-85-1 Decylpoly(ethyleneoxy)ethanol ACGIH TLV Not Available OSHA PEL Not Available 2 872-50-4 1-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone ACGIH TLV Not Available 1 mm OSHA PEL Not Available Section 3 – Hazards Identification ROUTES OF EXPOSURE Exposure may be by INHALATION and/or SKIN or EYE contact, depending on conditions of use. To minimize exposure, follow recommendations for proper use, ventilation, and personal protective equipment. EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Page 2 of 4 Polycrylic/MW Section 4 – First Aid Measures If INHALED: If on SKIN: If in EYES: If SWALLOWED: If affected, remove from exposure. Restore breathing. Keep warm and quiet. Wash affected area thoroughly with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and launder before re-use. Flush eyes with large amounts of water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention immediately. Section 5 – Fire Fighting Measures FLASH POINT LEL UEL >200 °F PMCC N.A. N.A. FLAMMABILITY CLASSIFICATION – Not Applicable EXTINGUISHING MEDIA - Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Alcohol Foam UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Closed containers may explode (due to the build-up of pressure) when exposed to extreme heat. During emergency conditions overexposure to decomposition products may cause a health hazard. Symptoms may not be immediately apparent. Obtain medical attention. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Full protective equipment including self-contained breathing apparatus should be used. Water spray may be ineffective. If water is used, fog nozzles are preferable. Water may be used to cool closed containers to prevent pressure build-up and possible autoignition or explosion when exposed to extreme heat. Section 6 – Accidental Release Measures STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Remove all sources of ignition. Ventilate the area. Remove with inert absorbent. Section 7 – Handling and Storage STORAGE CATEGORY – DOL Storage Class IIIB PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE Keep container closed when not in use. Transfer only to approved containers with complete and appropriate labeling. Do not take internally. Keep out of the reach of children. Section 8 – Exposure Controls/Personal Protection PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN USE Use only with adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid breathing vapor and spray mist. Wash hands after using. These coatings may contain materials classified as nuisance particulates (listed "as Dust" in Section 2) which may be present at hazardous levels only during sanding or abrading of the dried film. If no specific dusts are listed in Section 2, the applicable limits for nuisance dusts are ACGIH TLV 10 mg./m3 (total dust), 3 mg./m3 (respirable fraction), OSHA PEL 15 mg./m3 (total dust), 5 mg./m3 (respirable fraction). Removal of old paint by sanding, scraping or other means may generate dust or Page 3 of 4 Polycrylic/MW Section 8 – Exposure Controls/Personal Protection (continued) VENTILATION Local exhaust preferable. General exhaust acceptable if the exposure to materials in Section 2 is maintained below applicable exposure limits. Refer to OSHA Standards 1910.94, 1910.107, 1910.108. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION If personal exposure cannot be controlled below applicable limits by ventilation, wear a properly fitted organic vapor/particulate respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for protection against materials in Section 2. When sanding or abrading the dried film, wear a dust/mist respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for dust which may be generated from this product, underlying paint, or the abrasive. PROTECTIVE GLOVES Wear gloves which are recommended by glove supplier for protection against materials in Section 2. EYE PROTECTION Wear safety spectacles with unperforated sideshields. Section 9 – Physical and Chemical Properties PRODUCT WEIGHT 8.51–8.55 lb/gal EVAPORATION RATE SPECIFIC GRAVITY 1.02-1.03 VAPOR DENSITY BOILING POINT 212-449 °F MELTING POINT VOLATILE VOLUME 71 % SOLUBILITY IN WATER VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOC Theoretical) 2.5 lb/gal Less Federally Exempt Solvents 1.0-1.1 lb/gal Emitted VOC Slower than Ether Heavier than Air Not Available Not Available Section 10 – Stability and Reactivity STABILITY - Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID - None known. INCOMPATIBILITY - None known. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS - By fire: Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION - Will not occur Section 11 – Toxicological Information CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARDS No ingredient in these products is an IARC, NTP or OSHA listed carcinogen. Ethylene Glycol is considered an animal teratogen. It has been shown to cause birth defects in rats and mice at high doses when given in drinking water or by gavage. There is no evidence to indicate it causes birth defects in humans. Prolonged overexposure to solvent ingredients in Section 2 may cause adverse effects to the liver and urinary systems. TOXICOLOGY DATA CAS No. Ingredient Name ---------------------------------------------------------------------------34590-94-8 2-Methoxymethylethoxypropanol LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available Page 4 of 4 Polycrylic/MW TOXICOLOGY DATA (continued) CAS No. Ingredient Name ---------------------------------------------------------------------------107-21-1 Ethylene Glycol LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT 4700 mg/kg 9014-85-1 Decylpoly(ethyleneoxy)ethanol LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 872-50-4 1-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT 4200 mg/kg Section 12 – Ecological Information ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION - No data available. Section 13 – Disposal Considerations WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Waste from these products is not hazardous as defined under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 40 CFR 261. Incinerate in approved facility. Do not incinerate closed container. Dispose of in accordance with Federal, State/Provincial, and Local regulations regarding pollution. Section 14 – Transport Information - No data available. Section 15 – Regulatory Information SARA 313 (40 CFR 372.65C) SUPPLIER NOTIFICATION CAS No. CHEMICAL/COMPOUND % by WT % Element 107-21-1 Ethylene Glycol 3 872-50-4 1-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone 2 CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: These products contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. TSCA CERTIFICATION All chemicals in these products are listed, or are exempt from listing, on the TSCA Inventory. Section 16 – Other Information CANADIAN DISTRIBUTOR: Consumer Brands Canada Inc. 200 Confederation Parkway Vaughn, ON L4K 4T8 NOTE: These products have been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the CPR and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 2716 11 00 DATE OF PREPARATION May 24, 2013 SECTION 1 — PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NUMBER 2716 PRODUCT NAME MINWAX® WOOD FINISH®, Dark Walnut MANUFACTURER'S NAME MINWAX Company 10 Mountainview Road Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 Telephone Numbers and Websites Product Information (800) 523-9299 Regulatory Information (216) 566-2902 Medical Emergency (216) 566-2917 Transportation Emergency* (800) 424-9300 *for Chemical Emergency ONLY (spill, leak, fire, exposure, or accident) SECTION 2 — COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS % by Weight 3 55 0.2 CAS Number 64742-88-7 64742-88-7 1333-86-4 Ingredient Units Med. Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Solvent ACGIH TLV Not Available OSHA PEL Not Available Mineral Spirits ACGIH TLV 100 PPM OSHA PEL 100 PPM Carbon Black ACGIH TLV 3.5 MG/M3 OSHA PEL 3.5 MG/M3 Vapor Pressure 2 mm 2 mm SECTION 3 — HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INHALATION of vapor or spray mist. EYE or SKIN contact with the product, vapor or spray mist. EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE EYES: Irritation. SKIN: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause irritation. INHALATION: Irritation of the upper respiratory system. HMIS Codes Health 2* Flammability 2 Reactivity 0 May cause nervous system depression. Extreme overexposure may result in unconsciousness and possibly death. Prolonged overexposure to hazardous ingredients in Section 2 may cause adverse chronic effects to the following organs or systems: the liver the urinary system SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE Headache, dizziness, nausea, and loss of coordination are indications of excessive exposure to vapors or spray mists. Redness and itching or burning sensation may indicate eye or excessive skin exposure. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE None generally recognized. CANCER INFORMATION For complete discussion of toxicology data refer to Section 11. page 1 of 4 2716 SECTION 4 — FIRST AID MEASURES EYES: SKIN: INHALATION: INGESTION: Flush eyes with large amounts of water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. Wash affected area thoroughly with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and launder before re-use. If affected, remove from exposure. Restore breathing. Keep warm and quiet. Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention immediately. SECTION 5 — FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT LEL UEL FLAMMABILITY CLASSIFICATION 105 °F PMCC 1.0 6.0 Combustible, Flash above 99 and below 200 °F EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Foam UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Closed containers may explode when exposed to extreme heat. Application to hot surfaces requires special precautions. During emergency conditions overexposure to decomposition products may cause a health hazard. Symptoms may not be immediately apparent. Obtain medical attention. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Full protective equipment including self-contained breathing apparatus should be used. Water spray may be ineffective. If water is used, fog nozzles are preferable. Water may be used to cool closed containers to prevent pressure build-up and possible autoignition or explosion when exposed to extreme heat. SECTION 6 — ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Remove all sources of ignition. Ventilate the area. Remove with inert absorbent. SECTION 7 — HANDLING AND STORAGE STORAGE CATEGORY DOL Storage Class II PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE Contents are COMBUSTIBLE. Keep away from heat and open flame. Consult NFPA Code. Use approved Bonding and Grounding procedures. Keep container closed when not in use. Transfer only to approved containers with complete and appropriate labeling. Do not take internally. Keep out of the reach of children. To minimize the possibility of spontaneous combustion: control the accumulation of overspray; soak wiping rags and waste immediately after use in a water-filled, closed metal container; air dry filters outside, far from any combustible material and separated by bricks or other noncombustible spacers; dispose of all contaminated materials and waste properly. Consult OSHA 29 CFR 1910.107(b)(5) and NFPA 33, Chapter 8 (8-9) for the proper procedures. SECTION 8 — EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN USE Use only with adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid breathing vapor and spray mist. Wash hands after using. This coating may contain materials classified as nuisance particulates (listed "as Dust" in Section 2) which may be present at hazardous levels only during sanding or abrading of the dried film. If no specific dusts are listed in Section 2, the applicable limits for nuisance dusts are ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 (total dust), 3 mg/m3 (respirable fraction), OSHA PEL 15 mg/m3 (total dust), 5 mg/m3 (respirable fraction). Removal of old paint by sanding, scraping or other means may generate dust or fumes that contain lead. Exposure to lead dust or fumes may cause brain damage or other adverse health effects, especially in children or pregnant women. Controlling exposure to lead or other hazardous substances requires the use of proper protective equipment, such as a properly fitted respirator (NIOSH approved) and proper containment and cleanup. For more information, call the National Lead Information Center at 1-800-424-LEAD (in US) or contact your local health authority. VENTILATION Local exhaust preferable. General exhaust acceptable if the exposure to materials in Section 2 is maintained below applicable exposure limits. Refer to OSHA Standards 1910.94, 1910.107, 1910.108. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION If personal exposure cannot be controlled below applicable limits by ventilation, wear a properly fitted organic vapor/particulate respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for protection against materials in Section 2. When sanding or abrading the dried film, wear a dust/mist respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for dust which may be generated from this product, underlying paint, or the abrasive. page 2 of 4 2716 PROTECTIVE GLOVES Wear gloves which are recommended by glove supplier for protection against materials in Section 2. EYE PROTECTION Wear safety spectacles with unperforated sideshields. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents can be harmful or fatal. SECTION 9 — PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 7.07 lb/gal 846 g/l 0.85 300 - 425 °F 148 - 218 °C Not Available 66% Slower than ether VAPOR DENSITY Heavier than air SOLUBILITY IN WATER Not Available VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOC Theoretical - As Packaged) 4.25 lb/gal 509 g/l Less Water and Federally Exempt Solvents 4.25 lb/gal 509 g/l Emitted VOC PRODUCT WEIGHT SPECIFIC GRAVITY BOILING POINT MELTING POINT VOLATILE VOLUME EVAPORATION RATE SECTION 10 — STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY — Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID None known. INCOMPATIBILITY None known. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS By fire: Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION Will not occur SECTION 11 — TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARDS Reports have associated repeated and prolonged overexposure to solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage. Carbon Black is classified by IARC as possibly carcinogenic to humans (group 2B) based on experimental animal data, however, there is insufficient evidence in humans for its carcinogenicity. TOXICOLOGY DATA CAS No. Ingredient Name 64742-88-7 Med. Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Solvent LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 64742-88-7 Mineral Spirits LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 1333-86-4 Carbon Black LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available SECTION 12 — ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION No data available. SECTION 13 — DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Waste from this product may be hazardous as defined under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 40 CFR 261. Waste must be tested for ignitability to determine the applicable EPA hazardous waste numbers. Incinerate in approved facility. Do not incinerate closed container. Dispose of in accordance with Federal, State/Provincial, and Local regulations regarding pollution. page 3 of 4 2716 SECTION 14 — TRANSPORT INFORMATION Multi-modal shipping descriptions are provided for informational purposes and do not consider container sizes. The presence of a shipping description for a particular mode of transport (ocean, air, etc.), does not indicate that the product is packaged suitably for that mode of transport. All packaging must be reviewed for suitability prior to shipment, and compliance with the applicable regulations is the sole responsibility of the person offering the product for transport. US Ground (DOT) May be Classed as a Combustible Liquid for U.S. Ground. UN1263, PAINT, 3, PG III, (ERG#128) Bulk Containers may be Shipped as: UN1263, PAINT, COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID, PG III, (ERG#128) Canada (TDG) May be Classed as a Combustible Liquid for Canadian Ground. UN1263, PAINT, CLASS 3, PG III, (ERG#128) IMO 5 Liters (1.3 Gallons) and Less may be Shipped as Limited Quantity. UN1263, PAINT, CLASS 3, PG III, (41 C c.c.), EmS F-E, S-E, ADR (D/E) IATA/ICAO UN1263, PAINT, 3, PG III SECTION 15 — REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA 313 (40 CFR 372.65C) SUPPLIER NOTIFICATION CAS No. CHEMICAL/COMPOUND % by WT % Element No ingredients in this product are subject to SARA 313 (40 CFR 372.65C) Supplier Notification. CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. TSCA CERTIFICATION All chemicals in this product are listed, or are exempt from listing, on the TSCA Inventory. SECTION 16 — OTHER INFORMATION This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Canadian Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR. The above information pertains to this product as currently formulated, and is based on the information available at this time. Addition of reducers or other additives to this product may substantially alter the composition and hazards of the product. Since conditions of use are outside our control, we make no warranties, express or implied, and assume no liability in connection with any use of this information. page 4 of 4 Product Name: MOBIL SHC 634 Revision Date: 23May2007 Page 1 of 8 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION 1 PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT Product Name: MOBIL SHC 634 Product Description: Synthetic Base Stocks and Additives Product Code: 201560500570, 602912-00, 970321 Intended Use: Circulating/gear oil COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Supplier: EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION 3225 GALLOWS RD. FAIRFAX, VA. 22037 USA 24 Hour Health Emergency 609-737-4411 Transportation Emergency Phone 800-424-9300 ExxonMobil Transportation No. 281-834-3296 MSDS Requests 713-613-3661 Product Technical Information 800-662-4525, 800-947-9147 MSDS Internet Address, SECTION 2 COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS No Reportable Hazardous Substance(s) or Complex Substance(s). SECTION 3 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION This material is not considered to be hazardous according to regulatory guidelines (see (M)SDS Section 15). POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS Low order of toxicity. Excessive exposure may result in eye, skin, or respiratory irritation. High-pressure injection under skin may cause serious damage. NFPA Hazard ID: HMIS Hazard ID: Health: Health: 0 0 Flammability: 1 Flammability: 1 Reactivity: 0 Reactivity: 0 NOTE: This material should not be used for any other purpose than the intended use in Section 1 without expert advice. Health studies have shown that chemical exposure may cause potential human health risks which may vary from person to person. Product Name: MOBIL SHC 634 Revision Date: 23May2007 Page 2 of 8 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. SKIN CONTACT Wash contact areas with soap and water. If product is injected into or under the skin, or into any part of the body, regardless of the appearance of the wound or its size, the individual should be evaluated immediately by a physician as a surgical emergency. Even though initial symptoms from high pressure injection may be minimal or absent, early surgical treatment within the first few hours may significantly reduce the ultimate extent of injury. EYE CONTACT Flush thoroughly with water. If irritation occurs, get medical assistance. INGESTION First aid is normally not required. Seek medical attention if discomfort occurs. SECTION 5 FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Appropriate Extinguishing Media: Use water fog, foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide (CO2) to extinguish flames. Inappropriate Extinguishing Media: Straight Streams of Water FIRE FIGHTING Fire Fighting Instructions: Evacuate area. Prevent runoff from fire control or dilution from entering streams, sewers, or drinking water supply. Firefighters should use standard protective equipment and in enclosed spaces, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Use water spray to cool fire exposed surfaces and to protect personnel. Hazardous Combustion Products: Smoke, Fume, Oxides of carbon, Aldehydes, Incomplete combustion products, Sulfur oxides FLAMMABILITY PROPERTIES Flash Point [Method]: >210C (410F) [ ASTM D-92] Flammable Limits (Approximate volume % in air): LEL: 0.9 Autoignition Temperature: N/D SECTION 6 UEL: 7.0 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES In the event of a spill or accidental release, notify relevant authorities in accordance with all applicable Product Name: MOBIL SHC 634 Revision Date: 23May2007 Page 3 of 8 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Land Spill: Stop leak if you can do it without risk. Recover by pumping or with suitable absorbent. Water Spill: Stop leak if you can do it without risk. Confine the spill immediately with booms. Warn other shipping. Remove from the surface by skimming or with suitable absorbents. Seek the advice of a specialist before using dispersants. Water spill and land spill recommendations are based on the most likely spill scenario for this material; however, geographic conditions, wind, temperature, (and in the case of a water spill) wave and current direction and speed may greatly influence the appropriate action to be taken. For this reason, local experts should be consulted. Note: Local regulations may prescribe or limit action to be taken. ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONS Large Spills: Dike far ahead of liquid spill for later recovery and disposal. Prevent entry into waterways, sewers, basements or confined areas. SECTION 7 HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING Prevent small spills and leakage to avoid slip hazard. Static Accumulator: This material is a static accumulator. STORAGE Do not store in open or unlabelled containers. SECTION 8 EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION Exposure limits/standards for materials that can be formed when handling this product: When mists / aerosols can occur, the following are recommended: 5 mg/m³ - ACGIH TLV, 10 mg/m³ - ACGIH STEL, 5 mg/m³ - OSHA PEL. NOTE: Limits/standards shown for guidance only. Follow applicable regulations. ENGINEERING CONTROLS The level of protection and types of controls necessary will vary depending upon potential exposure conditions. Control measures to consider: No special requirements under ordinary conditions of use and with adequate ventilation. PERSONAL PROTECTION Product Name: MOBIL SHC 634 Revision Date: 23May2007 Page 4 of 8 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ selection, use, and maintenance must be in accordance with regulatory requirements, if applicable. Types of respirators to be considered for this material include: No special requirements under ordinary conditions of use and with adequate ventilation. For high airborne concentrations, use an approved supplied-air respirator, operated in positive pressure mode. Supplied air respirators with an escape bottle may be appropriate when oxygen levels are inadequate, gas/vapor warning properties are poor, or if air purifying filter capacity/rating may be exceeded. Hand Protection: Any specific glove information provided is based on published literature and glove manufacturer data. Work conditions can greatly affect glove durability; inspect and replace worn or damaged gloves. The types of gloves to be considered for this material include: No protection is ordinarily required under normal conditions of use. Eye Protection: If contact is likely, safety glasses with side shields are recommended. Skin and Body Protection: Any specific clothing information provided is based on published literature or manufacturer data. The types of clothing to be considered for this material include: No skin protection is ordinarily required under normal conditions of use. In accordance with good industrial hygiene practices, precautions should be taken to avoid skin contact. Specific Hygiene Measures: Always observe good personal hygiene measures, such as washing after handling the material and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking. Routinely wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove contaminants. Discard contaminated clothing and footwear that cannot be cleaned. Practice good housekeeping. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS See Sections 6, 7, 12, 13. SECTION 9 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Typical physical and chemical properties are given below. Consult the Supplier in Section 1 for additional data. GENERAL INFORMATION Physical State: Liquid Color: Orange Odor: Characteristic Odor Threshold: N/D IMPORTANT HEALTH, SAFETY, AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION Relative Density (at 15 C ): 0.869 Flash Point [Method]: >210C (410F) [ ASTM D-92] Flammable Limits (Approximate volume % in air): LEL: 0.9 UEL: 7.0 Autoignition Temperature: N/D Boiling Point / Range: > 316C (600F) Product Name: MOBIL SHC 634 Revision Date: 23May2007 Page 5 of 8 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Viscosity: 460 cSt (460 mm2/sec ) at 40 C Oxidizing Properties: See Sections 3, 15, 16. OTHER INFORMATION Freezing Point: N/D Melting Point: N/A Pour Point: -30°C (-22°F) SECTION 10 STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: Material is stable under normal conditions. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Excessive heat. High energy sources of ignition. MATERIALS TO AVOID: Strong oxidizers HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Material does not decompose at ambient temperatures. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur. SECTION 11 ACUTE TOXICITY Route of Exposure Inhalation Toxicity (Rat): LC50 > 5000 mg/m3 Irritation: No end point data. Ingestion Toxicity (Rat): LD50 > 2000 mg/kg Skin Toxicity (Rabbit): LD50 > 2000 mg/kg Irritation (Rabbit): Data available. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Conclusion / Remarks Minimally Toxic. Based on test data for structurally similar materials. Negligible hazard at ambient/normal handling temperatures. Based on assessment of the components. Minimally Toxic. Based on test data for structurally similar materials. Minimally Toxic. Based on test data for structurally similar materials. Negligible irritation to skin at ambient temperatures. Based on test data for structurally similar materials. Eye Irritation (Rabbit): Data available. CHRONIC/OTHER EFFECTS Contains: May cause mild, short-lasting discomfort to eyes. Based on test data for structurally similar materials. Product Name: MOBIL SHC 634 Revision Date: 23May2007 Page 6 of 8 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The following ingredients are cited on the lists below: None. 1 = NTP CARC 2 = NTP SUS SECTION 12 --REGULATORY LISTS SEARCHED-3 = IARC 1 5 = IARC 2B 4 = IARC 2A 6 = OSHA CARC ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION The information given is based on data available for the material, the components of the material, and similar materials. ECOTOXICITY Material -- Not expected to be harmful to aquatic organisms. Material -- Not expected to demonstrate chronic toxicity to aquatic organisms. MOBILITY Base oil component -- Low solubility and floats and is expected to migrate from water to the land. Expected to partition to sediment and wastewater solids. SECTION 13 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Disposal recommendations based on material as supplied. Disposal must be in accordance with current applicable laws and regulations, and material characteristics at time of disposal. DISPOSAL RECOMMENDATIONS Product is suitable for burning in an enclosed controlled burner for fuel value or disposal by supervised incineration at very high temperatures to prevent formation of undesirable combustion products. REGULATORY DISPOSAL INFORMATION RCRA Information: The unused product, in our opinion, is not specifically listed by the EPA as a hazardous waste (40 CFR, Part 261D), nor is it formulated to contain materials which are listed as hazardous wastes. It does not exhibit the hazardous characteristics of ignitability, corrositivity or reactivity and is not formulated with contaminants as determined by the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP). However, used product may be regulated. Empty Container Warning Empty Container Warning (where applicable): Empty containers may contain residue and can be dangerous. Do not attempt to refill or clean containers without proper instructions. Empty drums should be completely drained and safely stored until appropriately reconditioned or disposed. Empty containers should be taken for recycling, recovery, or disposal through suitably qualified or licensed contractor and in accordance with Product Name: MOBIL SHC 634 Revision Date: 23May2007 Page 7 of 8 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LAND (TDG) : Not Regulated for Land Transport SEA (IMDG) : Not Regulated for Sea Transport according to IMDG-Code AIR (IATA) : Not Regulated for Air Transport SECTION 15 REGULATORY INFORMATION OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD: When used for its intended purposes, this material is not classified as hazardous in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200. NATIONAL CHEMICAL INVENTORY LISTING: IECSC, DSL, EINECS, KECI, TSCA EPCRA: This material contains no extremely hazardous substances. SARA (311/312) REPORTABLE HAZARD CATEGORIES: None. SARA (313) TOXIC RELEASE INVENTORY: This material contains no chemicals subject to the supplier notification requirements of the SARA 313 Toxic Release Program. The Following Ingredients are Cited on the Lists Below: Chemical Name CAS Number PHENOL, 4,4118-82-1 METHYLENEBIS(2,6-BIS(1,1DIMETHYLETHYL)1 = ACGIH ALL 2 = ACGIH A1 3 = ACGIH A2 4 = OSHA Z 5 = TSCA 4 List Citations 5, 9 --REGULATORY LISTS SEARCHED-6 = TSCA 5a2 11 = CA P65 REPRO 7 = TSCA 5e 12 = CA RTK 8 = TSCA 6 13 = IL RTK 9 = TSCA 12b 14 = LA RTK 10 = CA P65 CARC 15 = MI 293 Code key: CARC=Carcinogen; REPRO=Reproductive SECTION 16 OTHER INFORMATION N/D = Not determined, N/A = Not applicable 16 = MN RTK 17 = NJ RTK 18 = PA RTK 19 = RI RTK Product Name: MOBIL SHC 634 Revision Date: 23May2007 Page 8 of 8 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This warning is given to comply with California Health and Safety Code 25249.6 and does not constitute an admission or a waiver of rights. This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The information and recommendations contained herein are, to the best of ExxonMobil's knowledge and belief, accurate and reliable as of the date issued. You can contact ExxonMobil to insure that this document is the most current available from ExxonMobil. The information and recommendations are offered for the user's consideration and examination. It is the user's responsibility to satisfy itself that the product is suitable for the intended use. If buyer repackages this product, it is the user's responsibility to insure proper health, safety and other necessary information is included with and/or on the container. Appropriate warnings and safe-handling procedures should be provided to handlers and users. Alteration of this document is strictly prohibited. Except to the extent required by law, republication or retransmission of this document, in whole or in part, is not permitted. The term, "ExxonMobil" is used for convenience, and may include any one or more of ExxonMobil Chemical Company, Exxon Mobil Corporation, or any affiliates in which they directly or indirectly hold any interest. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Internal Use Only MHC: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 PPEC: A DGN: 2007946XUS (547900) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Copyright 2002 Exxon Mobil Corporation, All rights reserved The Procter & Gamble Company P&G Household Care Fabric & Home Care Innovation Center 5299 Spring Grove Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45217-1087 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MSDS #: FH/H/2003/TWTA-5HRJZ8 Supersedes: Issue Date: 7/2007 Issue Date: 5/2006 SECTION I - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Identity: Mr Clean Magic Eraser (Original, Duo, Extra Strength, Auto) Finished Product Brands: 1-800-248-1612 or call your Poison Control Center or your physician P&G Telephone Number: 1-800-248-1612 or call your Poison Control Center or your physician . SECTION II - HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Potential Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic): (See Section 11 for more information) Ingestion: Blockage of the gastrointestinal tract may occur if swallowed. Do not ingest. Eye Contact: Irritating to eyes. Skin Contact: Moderately irritating to the skin. Prolonged / repeated contact may result in skin sensitization. Inhalation: Ensure adequate ventilation. Signs and Symptoms of Exposure: Ingestion: May cause irritation and/or blockage of the gastrointestinal track. Eye Contact: Dust from foam may cause mechanical irritation. Skin: Dust from foam may cause mechanical irritation. Inhalation: Dust from foam may cause irritation of the respiratory track. Medical Conditions Generally Know to be Aggravated by Exposure: None Potential Environmental Effects: (See Section 12 for more information) MrClean MagicEraser OrginalDuoExtraAuto (2).doc SECTION III - COMPOSITION AND INGREDIENTS Hazardous Ingredients as defined by OSHA, 29 CFR 1910.1200. and/or WHMIS under the HPA: CAS No. Composition LD50/LC50 Chemical Name Common Name Range NONE SECTION IV – FIRST AID INFORMATION First Aid Procedures: Ingestion: If foam is ingested, contact a physician or veterinarian immediately. Intestinal blockage may be life threatening to some household pets.. Eye Contact: In case of eye irritation, flush thoroughly with water for 15 minutes. If irritation persists, seek medical advice. Skin: In case of skin irritation, flush affected area thoroughly with water and apply a cold compress. If irritation persists, seek medical advice. Remove any contaminated clothing. Inhalation: If respiratory irritation occurs, moving from the site of exposure to an area with fresh air. If irritation persists, seek medical advice. Note to Physician: (if applicable) Other: Consumer product package has the following precautionary statement: Consumer product package has the following precautionary statement: “Caution: keep out of reach of children. Keep out of reach of toddlers and pets to avoid accidental ingestion. Do not use on skin or other parts of the body. Using on skin will likely cause abrasions.” SECTION V - FIRE FIGHTING INFORMATION Flash Point (Method Used): Closed Cup FP Flashpoint: 1076ºF (5806ºC) This product does not sustain combustion when exposed to an open flame. Flammable Properties: Upper Flammable Limit: unknown Lower Flammable Limit: unknown Explosive Limits: UEL: unknown LEL:unknown Auto-ignition Temperature: Unknown Hazardous Combustion Products: Unknown Explosion Data (Sensitivity to Mechanical Impact): NA Explosion Data (Sensitivity to Static Discharge):NA Extinguishing Media: Suitable: Regular dry chemical, carbon dioxide, water, regular foam. For large fires use regular foam or flood with fine water spray. Unsuitable: Protection of Firefighters: Specific Hazards Arising from the Material: None known Protective Equipment and Precautions for Firefighters: MrClean MagicEraser OrginalDuoExtraAuto (2).doc SECTION VI - ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal Precautions: None known Environmental Precautions: DISPOSAL IS TO BE PERFORMED IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL FEDERAL, STATE, PROVINCIAL AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. Methods for Containment: Collect spilled material in an appropriate container for disposal. Methods for Cleanup: Keep out of water supplies and sewer. Other Information: (if applicable) NA SECTION VII – HANDLING AND STORAGE Precautions To Be Taken in Handling: None known Precautions To Be Taken in Storage:: None known SECTION VIII - EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION Exposure Guidelines: Workplace should have sufficient general. Engineering Controls: Provide local ventilation. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Eye/Face Protection: Provide emergency eyewash fountain and quick drench shower in the work area. Skin Protection: Do not rub on skin, foam can cause abrasion to skin Respiratory Protection: Under conditions of frequent use or heavy exposure, respiratory protection may be needed. (Any chemical cartridge respirator with an organic vapor cartridge, dust and mist filter(s)). SECTION IX - PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Flash Point (Method Used): This material does Appearance (color, physical form, shape): not sustain combustion in open flame testing. Original, Duo, Extra Strength, Auto – white foam Duo - white and blue foam Odor: None Reserve Alkalinity: NK Solubility in Water: NK Odor Threshold: Not applicable Decomposition Temperature: NK Physical State: Liquid Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): Below 2 mm Hg Evaporation Rate (nBuOAc=1): NK Vapor Density (Air=1): NK Specific Gravity/Density: NK Melting/Freezing Point: NK Boiling Point:NK Partition Coefficient (n-octanol/water): NK pH ( ): NK Volatile Organic Compound (VOC): Not applicable - Product not regulated for VOC Content at State or Federal level. MrClean MagicEraser OrginalDuoExtraAuto (2).doc SECTION X - STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Chemical Stability: Stable at normal temperatures and pressures Conditions to Avoid: Avoid heat, flames, sparks, and other sources of ignition. Avoid contact with incompatible materials. Incompatible Materials: Avoid contact with strong oxidizers. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Oxides of carbon, oxides of sulfur, aromatic compounds, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide. Possibility of Hazardous Reactions: No systemic effects expected. SECTION XI - TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Chronic Effects: No chronic health effects reported. Target Organs: No target organs reported. Carcinogenicity: This finished consumer product is not carcinogenic. NTP: No IARC: No SECTION XII - ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION This product is expected to be safe at relevant environmental concentrations. It is intended for dispersive use and should not be disposed of directly into the environment. The article, packaging, or container is compatible with municipal solid waste systems and will not pose a hazard to the environment when the waste is properly handled. SECTION XIII - DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Waste Disposal Method: Disposal is to be performed in compliance with federal, state/provincial and local regulations. Non-Household Setting (US Federal): Product covered by this MSDS, in their original form, when disposed as waste, are considered non hazardous waste according to the federal RCRA Regulation (40CFR261). Disposal should be in accordance with the local, state and federal regulations. Non-Household Setting (California): No Household Use: Product used in household may be disposed of in refuse. SECTION XIV - TRANSPORT INFORMATION Ground Transport (US DOT): Not regulated Air Transport (IATA): Not regulated Marine/Water Transport (IMDG): Not regulated MrClean MagicEraser OrginalDuoExtraAuto (2).doc SECTION XV - REGULATORY INFORMATION United States All intentionally-added components of this product are listed on the US TSCA Inventory. EPA Registration Number: Not Applicable SARA 313/302/304/311/312 chemicals: None California: This product has been evaluated and does not require warning labeling under California Proposition 65. California Registration Number: Not Applicable State Right-to-Know and CERCLA: The following ingredients present in the finished product are listed on state right-to-know lists or state worker exposure lists Ingredient CAS # Level CERCLA RQ IL MA State NJ PA RI NONE Canada All ingredients are CEPA approved for import to Canada by Procter & Gamble. This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Canadian Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and this MSDS contains all information required by the Controlled Products Regulations. SECTION XVI - OTHER INFORMATION Perfumes contained within the products covered by this MSDS comply with appropriate IFRA guidance. P&G Hazard Rating: *N/A. - Not Applicable Health: 1 Flammability: 2 Reactivity: 1 4=EXTREME 3=HIGH 2=MODERATE 1=SLIGHT 0=NOT SIGNIFICANT *N/K. - Not Known Data supplied is for use only in connection with occupational safety and health. DISCLAIMER: This MSDS is intended to provide a brief summary of our knowledge and guidance regarding the use of this material. The information contained here has been compiled from sources considered by Procter & Gamble to be dependable and is accurate to the best of the Company’s knowledge. It is not meant to be an all-inclusive document on worldwide hazard communication regulations. This information is offered in good faith. Each user of this material needs to evaluate the conditions of use and design the appropriate protective mechanisms to prevent employee exposures, property damage or release to the environment. Procter & Gamble assumed no responsibility for injury to the recipient or third persons, or for any damage to any property resulting from misuse of the product. MrClean MagicEraser OrginalDuoExtraAuto (2).doc MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Murphy® Oil Soap Liquid 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION COLGATE-PALMOLIVE COMPANY Institutional Products Division 191 East Hanover Avenue Morristown, NJ 07960-3151 ACUTE HEALTH. . . 1 FIRE. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 REACTIVITY. . . . . . 0 Least=0 HMIS HAZARD RATING Slight=1 Moderate=2 High=3 Extreme= 4 ® PRODUCT NAME: Murphy Oil Soap Liquid LABEL CODE: 01101 (16 oz), 01106 (32 oz), 01103 (1 gal) CAS NUMBER: Not applicable - product is a mixture GENERAL USE: A specially formulated, mild, multi-purpose cleaner. 2. For consumer information: Call (800) 432-8226 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER: For emergency involving spill, leak, fire, exposure or accident, call CHEMTREC: (800) 424-9300, day or night. THE PITTSBURGH POISON CENTER HAS BEEN PROVIDED SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR USE IN MEDICAL EMERGENCIES INVOLVING THIS PRODUCT: CALL COLLECT: (412) 692-5596. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS OSHA REGULATED COMPONENTS (present at a concentration > or = 1%): Component Potassium Hydroxide CAS # 1310-58-3 % 1-5 PEL None TLV 2 mg/m3 The following components, present at a concentration > or = 0.1%, are listed as carcinogens or potential carcinogens by either the National Toxicology Program (NTP), the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) or OSHA: Component CAS # % PEL TLV None - not applicable 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS: EYE CONTACT: Direct exposure to large amounts may cause eye irritation, but no permanent eye injury is expected. SKIN CONTACT: No skin irritation is expected with normal use. However, skin irritation may occur with prolonged or excessive contact. INGESTION: Repeated overexposure may be harmful. INHALATION: No adverse effects expected with normal use. 4. FIRST AID MEASURES EYE CONTACT: Flush eye with large amounts of warm water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention if irritation persists. SKIN CONTACT: Flush skin with large amounts of water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention if irritation occurs. INGESTION: Drink 2-4 ounces of a clear liquid. Get medical attention. INHALATION: Not applicable. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Flash Point (Method): Extinguishing Media: SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Not established. Water spray, CO2, All-purpose dry chemical Self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing should be worn when fighting chemical fires. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Cover with inert, absorbent material and remove to disposal container. Spill area may be slippery. Flush with plenty of water. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE: Store in a cool dry place (40 – 125 degrees F). 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION GENERAL CONTROLS: Avoid contact with skin and eyes. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: Under normal conditions of use, no special precautions or control measures are required. In processing and packaging operations where repeated skin or eye contact are possible, the use of safety goggles and rubber gloves is recommended. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS: Keep out of the reach of children. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance and odor: Specific Gravity: Amber, viscous liquid. Citrus odor. Approximately 1.0 pH: 11.0 ± 0.6 (1% Solution) 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY GENERAL: INCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS: HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION: This product is stable. Hazardous polymerization will not occur. Avoid contact with strong oxidizing and reducing agents, acids, alkalis, organic peroxides and easily ignitable materials. Avoid prolonged contact with reactive metals (e.g. aluminum, brass, bronze, etc.). May produce irritating or poisonous gases upon thermal decomposition. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION This product has not been tested as a whole. However, this formula was reviewed by expert toxicologists in the Product Safety Assurance Department of Colgate-Palmolive and is determined to be safe for its intended use. This review has taken into consideration available safety-related information including information on individual ingredients, similar ingredients, similar formulas and potential ingredient interactions. This review is a component of the hazard determination used to prepare the statements in Section 3 of the MSDS. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION: Not Available. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Small quantities generated by consumer use may be disposed of in a sanitary sewer with large quantities of water. Empty containers generated by consumer use may be disposed of as conventional waste. Any disposal practice must be in compliance with local, state, and federal laws and regulations (contact local or state government agency for specific rules). Do not dump into sewers, any body of water, or onto the ground. 14. TRANSPORTATION This product is not regulated as a DOT hazardous material. 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION RCRA (40 CFR 261, Subpart D): Not Applicable. CLEAN WATER ACT: Contains potassium hydroxide which is a Section 311 material. CLEAN AIR ACT: Contains ethanol which is a Section 111 material. SARA: Sections 301-304 (Threshold planning quantity – TPQ) 40 CFR 355: The TPQ for this product is 10,000 lbs. Acute health hazard: Irritant Section 313 (Toxic chemical release reporting) 40 CFR 372: The following chemicals must be reported under SARA 313: Not Applicable. CERCLA: Section 102 (Reportable Quantity – RQ) 40 CFR 302: The RQ for this product to the environment is 32,258 lbs. based on the presence of potassium hydroxide (3.1%). Releases greater than or equal to 32,258 lbs. must be reported to The National Response Center (NRC) immediately: 800-424-8802. TSCA Section 8(b) INVENTORY STATUS: All ingredients in this product are listed on the TSCA Inventory or are not required to be listed on the TSCA Inventory. NEW JERSEY RIGHT TO KNOW HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE LIST: This product contains the following components subject to reporting requirements: Potassium hydroxide, ethanol PENNSYLVANIA HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE LIST: This product contains the following components subject to reporting requirements: Potassium hydroxide MASSACHUSETTS SUBSTANCE LIST: This product contains the following components subject to reporting requirements: Potassium hydroxide, ethanol CALIFORNIA SAFE DRINKING WATER AND TOXIC ENFORCEMENT ACT (PROPOSITION 65): This product contains the following components subject to reporting requirements: None CANADA: Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)-listed material. This product contains the following components subject to reporting requirements: Potassium hydroxide 16. OTHER INFORMATION Effective Date: June 29, 2000 Supersedes MSDS dated April 28, 1997 MSDS Status: Revised sections 1, 8, 11 The information on this sheet is limited to the material identified and is believed by the Colgate-Palmolive Company to be correct based on its knowledge and information as of the date noted. Colgate-Palmolive makes no representation, guarantee or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information and assumes no responsibility for injury, damage or loss resulting from the use of the material. Material Safety Data Sheet Prepared in accordance with ISO 11014-1/ANSI standard Z400.1-2004 Print Date Mar-08-2013 Revision Date Mar-08-2013 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product code Product name 5512 Opaque White Product category 5500 Series Flat Poster Screen Ink Manufacturer or supplier's details UNITED STATES Nazdar Company 8501 Hedge Lane Terrace Shawnee, KS 66227 Tel: 1-913-422-1888 Tel: 1-800-677-4657 Fax: 1-913-422-2294 UNITED KINGDOM Nazdar Limited Barton Road Heaton Mersey Stockport, England SK4 3EG Tel: +44 161 442 2111 Emergency Telephone Number USA: Chemtrec: 1-800-424-9300 Outside USA: Chemtrec: 1-703-527-3887 Website: MSDS Information: 1-913-422-1888 ext 2305 MSDS Contact: Regulatory Compliance email: 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION This product is a preparation. Health hazard information is based on its components. Appearance Flammable Properties Emergency Overview Colored liquid FLAMMABLE LIQUID AND VAPOR. Aspiration hazard. Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. Irritant. May cause drowsiness and dizziness. Eyes Skin Inhalation Moderately irritating to the eyes. Causes skin irritation. May cause irritation of respiratory tract. Inhalation of high vapour concentrations may cause symptoms like headache, dizziness, tiredness, nausea and vomiting. Harmful if swallowed. Potential for aspiration if swallowed. Risk of serious damage to the lungs (by aspiration). Ingestion 3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Component Titanium dioxide Kaolin Stoddard solvent Petroleum naphtha, light aromatic Ethylene glycol monopropyl ether 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene (contaminant) Solvent naphtha (petroleum), medium aliphatic Silicon Dioxide 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene (contaminant) Cumene (contaminant) CAS-No 13463-67-7 1332-58-7 8052-41-3 64742-95-6 2807-30-9 95-63-6 64742-88-7 7631-86-9 108-67-8 98-82-8 Weight % 10 - 30 10 - 30 10 - 30 10 - 30 5 - 10 5 - 10 5 - 10 1-5 1-5 <1 the ingredient and cannot be separated. The percentage listed for the contaminant is as contained in the Hydrocarbon ingredient. (Example: 100% Hydrocarbon, 10% Contaminant A, 3% Contaminant B) 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Eye Contact Immediately flush with plenty of water. After initial flushing, remove any contact lenses and continue flushing for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention immediately if irritation develops and persists. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 1 / 7 Product code 5512 - Opaque White Revision Date Mar-08-2013 ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Skin Contact Wash off immediately with soap and plenty of water. Use a mild soap if available. Rinse immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing. If irritation develops, get medical attention. Inhalation If breathed in, move person into fresh air. If breathing is irregular or stopped, administer artificial respiration. Get medical attention immediately. Ingestion If swallowed, DO NOT induce vomiting. Call a physician or Poison Control Centre immediately. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. 5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES Flammable Properties FLAMMABLE LIQUID AND VAPOR. Suitable Extinguishing Media Foam. Carbon dioxide (CO2). Dry chemical. Water spray. Use extinguishing measures that are appropriate to local circumstances and the surrounding environment. Protective Equipment and Precautions for Firefighters As in any fire, wear self-contained breathing apparatus pressure-demand, MSHA/NIOSH (approved or equivalent) and full protective gear. Keep away from fire, sparks and heated surfaces. Cool containers / tanks with water spray. Fire or intense heat may cause violent rupture of packages. Specific Hazards Arising from the Chemical Thermal decomposition can lead to release of irritating gases and vapours. Burning produces obnoxious and toxic fumes. Keep product and empty container away from heat and sources of ignition. Risk of ignition. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal Precautions Remove all sources of ignition. Ventilate the area. Avoid breathing dust or vapor. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Evacuate personnel to safe areas. Keep people away from and upwind of spill/leak. Methods for Cleaning Up Contain spillage, soak up with non-combustible absorbent material, (e.g. sand, earth, diatomaceous earth, vermiculite) and transfer to a container for disposal according to local / national regulations (see section 13). Do not use sparking tools. Environmental Precautions Prevent product from entering drains. Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so. If the product contaminates rivers and lakes or drains inform respective authorities. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Ensure adequate ventilation. Remove and wash contaminated clothing before re-use. Discard contaminated shoes. When using do not smoke. Do not take internally. Harmful or fatal if swallowed. Take notice of the directions of use on the label. Storage Keep containers tightly closed in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place. Keep container closed when not in use. Keep out of the reach of children. Keep away from heat and sources of ignition. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Exposure limits Component ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL NIOSH IDLH Ontario TWAEV Mexico OEL (TWA) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 2 / 7 Product code 5512 - Opaque White Revision Date Mar-08-2013 ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Titanium dioxide TWA: 10 mg/m3 Kaolin TWA: 2 mg/m3 (respirable fraction) Stoddard solvent TWA: 100 ppm TWA: 10 mg/m3 (total dust) TWA: 15 mg/m3 (total dust) TWA: 10 mg/m3 (total dust) TWA: 5 mg/m3 (respirable fraction) TWA: 15 mg/m3 (total dust) TWA: 100 ppm TWA: 525 mg/m3 TWA: 500 ppm TWA: 2900 mg/m3 5000 mg/m3 TWA: 2 mg/m3 (respirable) 20000 mg/m3 Ethylene glycol monopropyl ether TWA: 525 mg/m3 TWA/LMPE-PPT: 10 mg/m3 (as Ti) STEL/LMPE-CT: 20 mg/m3 (as Ti) TWA/LMPE-PPT: 10 mg/m3 STEL/LMPE-CT: 20 mg/m3 TWA/LMPE-PPT: 100 ppm TWA/LMPE-PPT: 523 mg/m3 STEL/LMPE-CT: 200 ppm STEL/LMPE-CT: 1050 mg/m3 TWA: 25 ppm TWA: 110 mg/m3 Skin TWA: 525 mg/m3 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), medium aliphatic Silicon Dioxide Cumene (contaminant) TWA: 10 mg/m3 (total dust) TWA: 50 ppm TWA: 6 mg/m3 3000 mg/m3 TWA: 50 ppm TWA: 245 mg/m3 Skin 900 ppm (10% LEL) TWA: 50 ppm TWA/LMPE-PPT: 50 ppm TWA/LMPE-PPT: 245 mg/m3 STEL/LMPE-CT: 75 ppm STEL/LMPE-CT: 365 mg/m3 Use ventilation adequate to keep exposures below recommended exposure limits. In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment. Engineering Measures Personal Protective Equipment Respiratory Protection Eye Protection Skin Protection General Hygiene Considerations Use the indicated respiratory protection if the occupational exposure limit is exceeded and/or in case of product release (dust). Respirator with a vapour filter. Ensure that eyewash stations and safety showers are close to the workstation location. Avoid contact with eyes. Safety glasses with side-shields. Goggles. Face-shield. Wear protective gloves/clothing. Solvent-resistant apron and boots. Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. Wash hands before eating, drinking, or smoking. Remove and wash contaminated clothing before re-use. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Wear suitable gloves and eye/face protection. Regular cleaning of equipment, work area and clothing is recommended. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance Odor pH Boiling point/Boiling Range Freezing Point/Range Evaporation Rate Colored liquid Characteristic No information available >149 °C / >300 °F No information available No information available Vapour Pressure Flammability (solid, gas) No information available No information available Physical State Odor Threshold Autoignition Temperature Melting Point/Range Solubility Partition Coefficient (n-octanol/water) Vapour Density Liquid No information available No information available No information available No information available No information available Heavier than air Flammability Limits in Air Upper No information available Lower No information available ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 3 / 7 Product code 5512 - Opaque White Revision Date Mar-08-2013 ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Flash Point Method 29 °C / 85 °F Pensky Martens Closed Cup (PMCC) Photochemically Reactive 11.16 Weight Per Gallon (lbs/gal) VOC by weight % (less water) 41.46 4.63 VOC lbs/gal (less water) Yes 1.34 Specific Gravity VOC by volume % (less water) 64.6 VOC grams/liter (less water) 554.96 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Chemical Stability Stable under normal conditions. Conditions to Avoid Heat, flames and sparks. Incompatible Products Strong acids. Strong bases. Strong oxidizing agents. Reducing agents. Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition can lead to release of irritating gases and vapours. Carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon monoxide. Possibility of Hazardous Reactions None under normal processing. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Acute Toxicity Component Titanium dioxide LD50 Oral >10000 mg/kg ( Rat ) LD50 Dermal LC50 Inhalation Petroleum naphtha, light aromatic 8400 mg/kg ( Rat ) >2000 mg/kg ( Rabbit ) 3400 ppm ( Rat ) 4 h >5.2 mg/L ( Rat ) 4 h Ethylene glycol monopropyl ether 3089 mg/kg ( Rat ) 960 µL/kg ( Rabbit ) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene (contaminant) Solvent naphtha (petroleum), medium aliphatic Silicon Dioxide 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene (contaminant) Cumene (contaminant) 3400 mg/kg ( Rat ) >3160 mg/kg ( Rabbit ) 18 g/m3 ( Rat ) 4 h >5000 mg/kg ( Rat ) 3000 mg/kg ( Rabbit ) >5.28 mg/L ( Rat ) 4 h >5000 mg/kg ( Rat ) 5000 mg/kg ( Rat ) >2000 mg/kg ( Rabbit ) >2.2 mg/L ( Rat ) 1 h 24 g/m3 ( Rat ) 4 h 1400 mg/kg ( Rat ) >3160 mg/kg ( Rabbit ) 39000 mg/m3 ( Rat ) 4 h Chronic Toxicity Component Titanium dioxide ACGIH IARC Group 2B Cumene (contaminant) Group 2B IARC: (International Agency for Research on Cancer) OSHA: (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) Sensitisation Mutagenic Effects Reproductive Effects Developmental hazard Teratogenicity Chronic Effects Target Organ Effects NTP OSHA X X Group 2B - Possibly Carcinogenic to Humans X - Present No information available No information available No information available No information available No information available Exposure to component solvent vapour concentrations in excess of the stated occupational exposure limit may result in adverse health effect, such as mucous membrane and respiratory system irritation and adverse effect on kidney, liver and central nervous system. Blood, Central nervous system, Eyes, Kidney, Respiratory system, Skin. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 4 / 7 Product code 5512 - Opaque White Revision Date Mar-08-2013 ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Ecotoxicity We have no quantitative data concerning the ecological effects of this product. Should not be released into the environment. Component Petroleum naphtha, light aromatic 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene (contaminant) Solvent naphtha (petroleum), medium aliphatic Silicon Dioxide 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene (contaminant) Cumene (contaminant) Algae 96h EC50 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata: 450 mg/L 72h EC50 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata: 440 mg/L 72h EC50 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata: 2.6 mg/L Persistence and Degradability Bioaccumulation Mobility in Environmental Media Fish 96h LC50 Oncorhynchus mykiss: 9.22 mg/L 96h LC50 Pimephales promelas: 7.19 - 8.28 mg/L [flow-through] 96h LC50 Pimephales promelas: 800 mg/L [static] 96h LC50 Brachydanio rerio: 5000 mg/L [static] 96h LC50 Pimephales promelas: 3.48 mg/L 96h LC50 Pimephales promelas: 6.04 - 6.61 mg/L [flow-through] 96h LC50 Oncorhynchus mykiss: 2.7 mg/L [semi-static] 96h LC50 Oncorhynchus mykiss: 4.8 mg/L [flow-through] 96h LC50 Poecilia reticulata: 5.1 mg/L [semi-static] Water Flea 48h EC50 Daphnia magna: 6.14 mg/L 48h EC50 Daphnia magna: >100 mg/L 48h EC50 Ceriodaphnia dubia: 7600 mg/L 24h EC50 Daphnia magna: 50 mg/L 48h EC50 Daphnia magna: 7.9 - 14.1 mg/L [static] 48h EC50 Daphnia magna: 0.6 mg/L No information available No information available No information available Component 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene (contaminant) Cumene (contaminant) log Pow 3.63 3.55 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Waste Disposal Methods Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local regulation. Contaminated Packaging Empty containers should be taken to an approved waste handling site for recycling or disposal. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT UN1210, Printing Ink, 3, III ICAO/IATA UN1210, Printing Ink, 3, III IMDG/IMO UN1210, Printing Ink, 3, III 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION International Inventories Listed on TSCA. For further information, please contact: Manufacturer, importer, supplier U.S. Federal Regulations SARA 313 The following components are subject to reporting levels established by SARA Title III, Section 313 Component CAS-No Weight % SARA 313 - Threshold Values ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 5 / 7 Product code 5512 - Opaque White Revision Date Mar-08-2013 ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Ethylene glycol monopropyl ether 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene (contaminant) 2807-30-9 95-63-6 5 - 10 5 - 10 1.0 1.0 Clean Air Act, Section 112 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) (see 40 CFR 61) Component Ethylene glycol monopropyl ether CAS-No 2807-30-9 Weight % 5 - 10 U.S. State Regulations Component Titanium dioxide Kaolin Stoddard solvent Ethylene glycol monopropyl ether 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene (contaminant) Solvent naphtha (petroleum), medium aliphatic Silicon Dioxide 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene (contaminant) Cumene (contaminant) California Prop. 65 Massachusetts Right To Know X X X Not Listed X Not Listed X X X Minnesota Right To Know X X X Not Listed X Not Listed X Not Listed X New Jersey Right To Know X X X X X X X Not Listed X Pennsylvania Right To Know X X X X X Not Listed X Not Listed X WARNING! This product contains a chemical known in the State of California to cause cancer and / or WARNING! This product contains a chemical known in the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm Component Titanium dioxide Cumene (contaminant) CAS-No 13463-67-7 98-82-8 Weight % 10 - 30 <1 Canada This product has been classified according to the hazard criteria of the CPR and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR Component Titanium dioxide Kaolin Stoddard solvent Petroleum naphtha, light aromatic Ethylene glycol monopropyl ether 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene (contaminant) Solvent naphtha (petroleum), medium aliphatic Silicon Dioxide 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene (contaminant) Cumene (contaminant) WHMIS Classifications of Components D2A D2A B3,D2B B3,D2B B3,D1B,D2B B3 B3 Uncontrolled product according to WHMIS classification criteria B3 B2,D2A Component Stoddard solvent NPRI - National Pollutant Release Inventory Part 5 Substance Part 5, Other Groups and Mixtures Part 5 Substance Part 5, Other Groups and Mixtures Part 4 Substance Part 4 Substance Part 1, Group 1 Substance Part 5, Individual Substance Part 5 Substance Part 5, Other Groups and Mixtures Part 4 Substance Part 5, Isomer Groups Part 4 Substance Part 1, Group 1 Substance Petroleum naphtha, light aromatic Ethylene glycol monopropyl ether 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene (contaminant) Solvent naphtha (petroleum), medium aliphatic 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene (contaminant) Cumene (contaminant) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 6 / 7 Product code 5512 - Opaque White Revision Date Mar-08-2013 ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH), Article 57 This product does not contain substances of very high concern (Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH), Article 57) HMIS: Health Flammability Reactivity PPE 2* 3 0 X 16. OTHER INFORMATION Revision Date Mar-08-2013 Revision Note New MSDS format Disclaimer The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication. The information given is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. The information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process, unless specified in the text End of MSDS ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 7 / 7 MSDS 1 of 3 [What is it?] [Where do I get it?] [Who uses it?] [How good is it?] [Material Safety Data Sheet] [Contact Us] [Home Page] NEVR-DULL MAGIC WADDING POLISH Material Safety Data Sheet May be used to comply with OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard, 29CFR 1910. 1200. Standard must be consulted for specific requirements. QUICK INDENTIFIER Common Name: (used on label and list) TRADE SECRET (Proprietary) SECTION 1 Manufacturer's Name THE GEORGE BASCH CO., INC. Address 19 HANSE AVE - P.O. BOX 188 Emergency Telephone No. 516-378-8100 City, State, and ZIP FREEPORT, N.Y. 11520 Other Information Calls same Date Prepared 1-1-2013 Signature of Person Responsible for Preparation (Optional) SECTION 2 - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS/IDENTITY Hazardous Component(s) (chemical & common name(s)) OSHA PEL ACGIII TLV Other Exposure Limits % (optional) CAS NO. Mineral Spirits – Petroleum Hydrocarbon This product is C.A.R.B. , V.O.C. Compliant SECTION 3 - PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS Boiling Point Specific Gravity (H2O = 1) 343 F Vapor Density (Air = 1) 0.805 @60 F Vapor Pressure (mm Hg)@20c 0.6 5.8 7/22/13 2:32 PM MSDS 2 of 3 Solubility in Water Stable under normal conditions Appearance and Odor cotton wadding Impregnated with liquid chemical Reactivity in Water None Melting Point NA SECTION 4 - FIRE & EXPLOSION DATA Flash Point 145 F. 63 C. Method Used Open cup Auto-Ignition Temperature 490 F Extinguisher Media Fire Extinguisher- type-Monoamnonium Phosphate (class ABC - Dry Chemical) Flammable Limits in Air % by Volume Special Fire Fighting Procedures Keep away from open flame- Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards None LEL Lower 0.9 UEL Upper NA SECTION 5 - PHYSICAL HAZARDS (REACTIVITY DATA) Stability Unstable [ ] Stable [x] Conditions to Avoid Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid) Isolate from strong oxidizers such as permanganates, chromates & peroxides Hazardous Decomposition Products Carbon monoxide, Carbon Dioxide from burning Hazardous Polymerization Will Not Occur Isolate from strong oxidizers, heat and open flame SECTION 6 - HEALTH HAZARDS Eye Contact Slightly irritating but does not injure eye tissue Skin Contact Low order of toxicity. Skin contact may irritate or cause an existing dermatitis condition Inhalation Low vapor concentrations may cause dizziness, headaches, drowsiness Ingestion May cause local irritation, vomiting, respiratory irritation, headache, dizziness, nausea SECTION 7 – First Aid Measures Eye Contact Flush eyes with large amounts of water until irritation subsides Skin Contact Recommend rubber gloves to use. Wash hands with soap and water Inhalation Remove to fresh air. Give artificial respiration if necessary 7/22/13 2:32 PM MSDS 3 of 3 If swallowed DO NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention Ingestion SECTION 8 – PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE Precautions to be Taken in Handling and Storage Store at room temperature. Keep away from open flames SECTION 9 – STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability Stable Conditions to Avoid Instability N/A Hazardous Polymerization Will Not Occur Conditions to Avoid Hazardous Polymerization N/A Materials & Conditions to avoid Incompatibility Oxidizers Hazardous Decomposition Products None SECTION 10 – HAZARD RATING SYSTEM NPCA-HMIS Nat’l Paint & Coating Assoc./ Hazardous indent. Systems HEALTH FLAMMABILITY REACTIVITY 1 2 0 NFPA 704 National Fire Protection Association 0 2 0 KEY 4 = Severe 3 = Serious 2 = Moderate 1 = Slight 0 = Minimal [What is it?] [Where do I get it?] [Who uses it?] [How good is it?] [Material Safety Data Sheet] [Contact Us] [Home Page] 7/22/13 2:32 PM MSDS 1 of 3 [What is it?] [Where do I get it?] [Who uses it?] [How good is it?] [Material Safety Data Sheet] [Contact Us] [Home Page] NEVR-DULL MAGIC WADDING POLISH Material Safety Data Sheet May be used to comply with OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard, 29CFR 1910. 1200. Standard must be consulted for specific requirements. QUICK INDENTIFIER Common Name: (used on label and list) TRADE SECRET (Proprietary) SECTION 1 Manufacturer's Name THE GEORGE BASCH CO., INC. Address 19 HANSE AVE - P.O. BOX 188 Emergency Telephone No. 516-378-8100 City, State, and ZIP FREEPORT, N.Y. 11520 Other Information Calls same Date Prepared 1-1-2013 Signature of Person Responsible for Preparation (Optional) SECTION 2 - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS/IDENTITY Hazardous Component(s) (chemical & common name(s)) OSHA PEL ACGIII TLV Other Exposure Limits % (optional) CAS NO. Mineral Spirits – Petroleum Hydrocarbon This product is C.A.R.B. , V.O.C. Compliant SECTION 3 - PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS Boiling Point Specific Gravity (H2O = 1) 343 F Vapor Density (Air = 1) 0.805 @60 F Vapor Pressure (mm Hg)@20c 0.6 5.8 7/16/13 5:42 PM MSDS 2 of 3 Solubility in Water Stable under normal conditions Appearance and Odor cotton wadding Impregnated with liquid chemical Reactivity in Water None Melting Point NA SECTION 4 - FIRE & EXPLOSION DATA Flash Point 145 F. 63 C. Method Used Open cup Auto-Ignition Temperature 490 F Extinguisher Media Fire Extinguisher- type-Monoamnonium Phosphate (class ABC - Dry Chemical) Flammable Limits in Air % by Volume Special Fire Fighting Procedures Keep away from open flame- Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards None LEL Lower 0.9 UEL Upper NA SECTION 5 - PHYSICAL HAZARDS (REACTIVITY DATA) Stability Unstable [ ] Stable [x] Conditions to Avoid Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid) Isolate from strong oxidizers such as permanganates, chromates & peroxides Hazardous Decomposition Products Carbon monoxide, Carbon Dioxide from burning Hazardous Polymerization Will Not Occur Isolate from strong oxidizers, heat and open flame SECTION 6 - HEALTH HAZARDS Eye Contact Slightly irritating but does not injure eye tissue Skin Contact Low order of toxicity. Skin contact may irritate or cause an existing dermatitis condition Inhalation Low vapor concentrations may cause dizziness, headaches, drowsiness Ingestion May cause local irritation, vomiting, respiratory irritation, headache, dizziness, nausea SECTION 7 – First Aid Measures Eye Contact Flush eyes with large amounts of water until irritation subsides Skin Contact Recommend rubber gloves to use. Wash hands with soap and water Inhalation Remove to fresh air. Give artificial respiration if necessary 7/16/13 5:42 PM MSDS 3 of 3 If swallowed DO NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention Ingestion SECTION 8 – PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE Precautions to be Taken in Handling and Storage Store at room temperature. Keep away from open flames SECTION 9 – STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability Stable Conditions to Avoid Instability N/A Hazardous Polymerization Will Not Occur Conditions to Avoid Hazardous Polymerization N/A Materials & Conditions to avoid Incompatibility Oxidizers Hazardous Decomposition Products None SECTION 10 – HAZARD RATING SYSTEM NPCA-HMIS Nat’l Paint & Coating Assoc./ Hazardous indent. Systems HEALTH FLAMMABILITY REACTIVITY 1 2 0 NFPA 704 National Fire Protection Association 0 2 0 KEY 4 = Severe 3 = Serious 2 = Moderate 1 = Slight 0 = Minimal [What is it?] [Where do I get it?] [Who uses it?] [How good is it?] [Material Safety Data Sheet] [Contact Us] [Home Page] 7/16/13 5:42 PM MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 140-0597 12 00 DATE OF PREPARATION Jul 23, 2013 SECTION 1 — PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NUMBER 140-0597 PRODUCT NAME SUPERACRYLIC® Controls Rust Spray Enamel, Wr. Iron Flat White MANUFACTURER'S NAME THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY 101 Prospect Avenue N.W. Cleveland, OH 44115 Telephone Numbers and Websites Regulatory Information (216) 566-2902 Medical Emergency (216) 566-2917 Transportation Emergency* (800) 424-9300 *for Chemical Emergency ONLY (spill, leak, fire, exposure, or accident) SECTION 2 — COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS % by Weight 14 13 18 29 2 7 7 CAS Number 74-98-6 106-97-8 108-88-3 67-64-1 763-69-9 14807-96-6 13463-67-7 Ingredient Units Propane ACGIH TLV 1000 OSHA PEL 1000 Butane ACGIH TLV 1000 OSHA PEL 800 Toluene ACGIH TLV 20 OSHA PEL 100 OSHA PEL 150 Acetone ACGIH TLV 500 ACGIH TLV 750 OSHA PEL 1000 Ethyl 3-Ethoxypropionate ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL Talc ACGIH TLV 2 OSHA PEL 2 Titanium Dioxide ACGIH TLV 10 OSHA PEL 10 OSHA PEL 5 Vapor Pressure PPM PPM 760 mm PPM PPM 760 mm PPM ppm (Skin) ppm (Skin) STEL 22 mm PPM PPM STEL PPM 180 mm Not Available Not Available 1.11 mm mg/m3 as Resp. Dust mg/m3 as Resp. Dust mg/m3 as Dust mg/m3 Total Dust mg/m3 Respirable Fraction SECTION 3 — HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INHALATION of vapor or spray mist. EYE or SKIN contact with the product, vapor or spray mist. EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE EYES: Irritation. SKIN: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause irritation. INHALATION: Irritation of the upper respiratory system. HMIS Codes Health 2* Flammability 3 Reactivity 0 May cause nervous system depression. Extreme overexposure may result in unconsciousness and possibly death. Prolonged overexposure to hazardous ingredients in Section 2 may cause adverse chronic effects to the following organs or systems: page 1 of 4 140-0597 the liver the urinary system the cardiovascular system the reproductive system SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE Headache, dizziness, nausea, and loss of coordination are indications of excessive exposure to vapors or spray mists. Redness and itching or burning sensation may indicate eye or excessive skin exposure. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE None generally recognized. CANCER INFORMATION For complete discussion of toxicology data refer to Section 11. SECTION 4 — FIRST AID MEASURES EYES: SKIN: INHALATION: INGESTION: Flush eyes with large amounts of water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. Wash affected area thoroughly with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and launder before re-use. If affected, remove from exposure. Restore breathing. Keep warm and quiet. Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention immediately. SECTION 5 — FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT LEL UEL EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Propellant < 0 °F 1.0 12.8 Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Foam UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Containers may explode when exposed to extreme heat. Application to hot surfaces requires special precautions. During emergency conditions overexposure to decomposition products may cause a health hazard. Symptoms may not be immediately apparent. Obtain medical attention. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Full protective equipment including self-contained breathing apparatus should be used. Water spray may be ineffective. If water is used, fog nozzles are preferable. Water may be used to cool closed containers to prevent pressure build-up and possible autoignition or explosion when exposed to extreme heat. SECTION 6 — ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Remove all sources of ignition. Ventilate the area. Remove with inert absorbent. SECTION 7 — HANDLING AND STORAGE STORAGE CATEGORY Not Available PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flame. Vapors will accumulate readily and may ignite explosively. During use and until all vapors are gone: Keep area ventilated - Do not smoke - Extinguish all flames, pilot lights, and heaters - Turn off stoves, electric tools and appliances, and any other sources of ignition. Consult NFPA Code. Use approved Bonding and Grounding procedures. Contents under pressure. Do not puncture, incinerate, or expose to temperature above 120F. Heat from sunlight, radiators, stoves, hot water, and other heat sources could cause container to burst. Do not take internally. Keep out of the reach of children. SECTION 8 — EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN USE Use only with adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid breathing vapor and spray mist. Wash hands after using. This coating may contain materials classified as nuisance particulates (listed "as Dust" in Section 2) which may be present at hazardous levels only during sanding or abrading of the dried film. If no specific dusts are listed in Section 2, the applicable limits for nuisance dusts are ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 (total dust), 3 mg/m3 (respirable fraction), OSHA PEL 15 mg/m3 (total dust), 5 mg/m3 (respirable fraction). VENTILATION Local exhaust preferable. General exhaust acceptable if the exposure to materials in Section 2 is maintained below applicable exposure limits. Refer to OSHA Standards 1910.94, 1910.107, 1910.108. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION If personal exposure cannot be controlled below applicable limits by ventilation, wear a properly fitted organic vapor/particulate respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for protection against materials in Section 2. page 2 of 4 140-0597 When sanding or abrading the dried film, wear a dust/mist respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for dust which may be generated from this product, underlying paint, or the abrasive. PROTECTIVE GLOVES None required for normal application of aerosol products where minimal skin contact is expected. For long or repeated contact, wear chemical resistant gloves. EYE PROTECTION Wear safety spectacles with unperforated sideshields. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents can be harmful or fatal. SECTION 9 — PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 6.70 lb/gal 803 g/l 0.81 <0 - 342 °F <-18 - 172 °C Not Available 90% Faster than ether VAPOR DENSITY Heavier than air SOLUBILITY IN WATER Not Available pH 7.0 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOC Theoretical - As Packaged) Volatile Weight 47.71% Less Water and Federally Exempt Solvents PRODUCT WEIGHT SPECIFIC GRAVITY BOILING POINT MELTING POINT VOLATILE VOLUME EVAPORATION RATE SECTION 10 — STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY — Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID None known. INCOMPATIBILITY None known. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS By fire: Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION Will not occur SECTION 11 — TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARDS Reports have associated repeated and prolonged overexposure to solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage. IARC's Monograph No. 93 reports there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental rats exposed to titanium dioxide but inadequate evidence for carcinogenicity in humans and has assigned a Group 2B rating. In addition, the IARC summary concludes, "No significant exposure to titanium dioxide is thought to occur during the use of products in which titanium is bound to other materials, such as paint." TOXICOLOGY DATA CAS No. Ingredient Name 74-98-6 Propane LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 106-97-8 Butane LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 108-88-3 Toluene LC50 RAT 4HR 4000 ppm LD50 RAT 5000 mg/kg 67-64-1 Acetone LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT 5800 mg/kg 763-69-9 Ethyl 3-Ethoxypropionate LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 14807-96-6 Talc LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available 13463-67-7 Titanium Dioxide LC50 RAT 4HR Not Available LD50 RAT Not Available page 3 of 4 140-0597 SECTION 12 — ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION No data available. SECTION 13 — DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Waste from this product may be hazardous as defined under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 40 CFR 261. Waste must be tested for ignitability to determine the applicable EPA hazardous waste numbers. Do not incinerate. Depressurize container. Dispose of in accordance with Federal, State/Provincial, and Local regulations regarding pollution. SECTION 14 — TRANSPORT INFORMATION Multi-modal shipping descriptions are provided for informational purposes and do not consider container sizes. The presence of a shipping description for a particular mode of transport (ocean, air, etc.), does not indicate that the product is packaged suitably for that mode of transport. All packaging must be reviewed for suitability prior to shipment, and compliance with the applicable regulations is the sole responsibility of the person offering the product for transport. US Ground (DOT) May be classed as LTD. QTY. OR ORM-D UN1950, AEROSOLS, 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, (ERG#126) Canada (TDG) May be classed as LTD. QTY. OR ORM-D UN1950, AEROSOLS, CLASS 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, (ERG#126) IMO May be shipped as Limited Quantity UN1950, AEROSOLS, CLASS 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, EmS F-D, S-U IATA/ICAO UN1950, AEROSOLS, FLAMMABLE, 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY SECTION 15 — REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA 313 (40 CFR 372.65C) SUPPLIER NOTIFICATION CAS No. CHEMICAL/COMPOUND % by WT % Element 108-88-3 Toluene 18 CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. TSCA CERTIFICATION All chemicals in this product are listed, or are exempt from listing, on the TSCA Inventory. SECTION 16 — OTHER INFORMATION This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Canadian Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR. The above information pertains to this product as currently formulated, and is based on the information available at this time. Addition of reducers or other additives to this product may substantially alter the composition and hazards of the product. Since conditions of use are outside our control, we make no warranties, express or implied, and assume no liability in connection with any use of this information. page 4 of 4