New England Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
New England Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
+f t€f6ffi 2005+i F4#ffir,HAH7\. + ffifrt;s A New Annotation of Huatuojiaji Points +,fE^6 X+fff+ By Aimee De Barbieri, Lic. Ac., Oriental Cultural Institute Throughout history many acupuncturists have spent much time studying ancient texts as a means for better understanding various approaches within the scope ofacupuncture. Through this study acupuncturists have popularized the use of many points including those of Dr. F{ua Tuo commonly referred to as the Huatuojiaji. This raises the question: how can we understand their use today in the framework of a westem medical model & how can this ancient approach be further understood outside of the concepts provided to us from a TCM model? Dr. Hua Tuo is a famous doctor of the Three Warring Kingdom period of the Han Dynasty (AD. 200). He is the first one in Chinese medical history to develop and use anesthesia during surgical procedures. Doctor Hua Tuo wrote many books most of which were lost. What remains today is discussed in our TCM books referring to the Huatojiaji points' These points are located along the spine 0.5 cun bilateral to the spinal column, between the spinous processes, fromCl to Sl. Cl to C7 indicates cervical problems. C4 to T1 are for treating the upper extremities. C3 to T9 are for treating the internal and external thoracic. T5 to T12 are for treatment of upper abdominal organ problems. Ll to L5 treat the pelvic organs. L2 to S1 are for treatment of the pelvic organs and lower extremities. Altogether there are 24 pairs of points. Yet, some books list only 17 pairs excluding the cervical vertebrae. Throughout history many experts have tried to understand the Huatojiaji points. Today we can use the study of anatomy and physiology to help explain and annotate these Huatuo points. We know from western sources and the study of anatomy & physiology that within the autonomic neryous system there is a sympathetic & parasympathetic(p.379) In TCM we use the back shu points which are similar yet different concepfually than those of the Huatojiaji points. The shu points are energy source points pertaining to a particular organ. In our system using Huatojiaji points the organs have blockage points that are related to organs which are controlled by the autonomic nervous system. The spinal cord descends from the brain and is connected to the medulla oblongata. All the neryes which stem from the spinal cord innervate their corresponding organs. The information gained from modem science about the nervous system has enabled us to develop a healing system that applies this information. Our system of healing considers the importance of the amount of voltage of bioelectricity in the brain. The voltage of bioelectricity becomes static if the spinal column has a high resistance. This causes the current ofbioelectricity to be low, and the nervous system to have difficulty in passing or receiving a signal from an organ. If we want healthy organ function, then we must keep the spinal cord and nervous system functioning in a low resistance state. Therapeutically our aim is to open the blockages in the body that cause such resistance. NEw ENGLAND JOURNAL of TRADITIONAL CHINESE IF. + i+ ts"t T tr.n+ tuI Wfr+ ++ hfr\ T ^Efr rtt*, , ffilr.H.T11.4tr.rdry€fr48#. +'fU^fX. ra?q+€HTffiEE , HPE ' lnl4fiH 4ffi8 ffi fE4s tt, FJ + #('ffl5 fi4ff#E'fH E"]E ff€-fr,ftti* ,4niEfr?lttrfffiMfiz Hr ,t , ffiag_G'-Dtu1k1fr? t - EffiF,q (^)L200+)V\# AW+.. {uE+€ffiF+ , Hfr,4*E[frffiffi #,fU EiFSE gHtAlF.&#, IEt&,+ ft,+iE *. " Ixffi 4+ tuI F*.tr1*Ntt + rcSt] nt #'fZ^'6 X . 1E'LbX'in{n T 6ft ffi 'fHl , ?ftclt|Js1. clfljc7+msFfcRffi. ffiE+Hit+1,fiH!€H" #,fZ +t6t fin)fr , c33Ure+ifi l^ fi'8Trfl. E@)tr. r5SUr12 +.!h LIF-*[8fi#H"llF;tx. rt c44Ur1 silrs,HHf;flf)fi " L2fils1hHanfnffi+$fr TnnH'!&,fr . kEJ!.24wN, {qaFte;Etr€ t zfi , SFtEh tl " W.E-L'tP?ffi xH-a*,T ft+ #{u +X+t,{FlEl Xffiffifr4#IJfrH4 -#fS lE'tj 4 NH^6/(" W fr1t+fi #'fU X . ffi*trtr.g Vlffi#lj fr 4rsg, +h,fffi fi €+H Fh r+ AsH L ffi?+ fis fi i.i t B i+ *E " x + E I ffi H fi! H ff 7t^rmleLb #'fU ^6 +H[A , EXTIE. HffAET+Eiffi+*PIftER Fftn" ffi &'[F1+XH E!+'fU{62t. €,nqffi+$ X'in*[tqffi *$fHr€, Af. ftU. 6B€1tfiffi H TFqrEff€ frffifn|+,&7.ffi14 ttu{. FfiH'ltr 6ffi IEitt++ t+ 4\ ffi H Be 14 AsK Afr,*1 ;tr'fF &'f € X i+ rE ^r -fsi&ffiH sU-{E hH6ffi H!q*Ei " +t'frl *l\AffiKffiirEXilffi E+nffiH! €E dfi H . in a H B't,i+*98[{AdfHE Flnffi #$. fr 15 RHfi€ ilI " HH!FHh , Rtlstrh€fi!€EEfiFLl Hr\+.Mr€ H'l €ifr P+'fR, 4+"sF.ffiW1+ FnHEIB€4&'l!{tfffi+$'fS S fi!'fH,H' " tult1'ffi. Volume fV Number 1 Summer 2005 7" 2005+x F #ffirB1tr-fr. +f *f&ffi+ffi*E;,* In our systerr we use the Huatuo points by applying pressure to them for diagnostic purposes. This technique in China is called An. It involves the application of pressure to a point in order to detect a problem with relationship to that point. This same technique can be used in reverse when a patient comes to your office with a western diagnosis involving a certain organ or area of the body. We can test these points along the spine to reconfirm and connect fur1her with the western diagnosis. By using these points along the spine we combine westem and eastern knowledge enhance the treatment benefits to the patient. This helps us get to the root cause of many serious illnesses. We find that this approach rs replicable in the treatment of many cases brought by patients with western medical diagnoses. At times we can use this blockage theory when we have an undiagnosable case. We can do this using our eyes to see and our fingers to feel where the blockage is along the spine. Often there is an area of puffiness along side ofthe spine, or the color ofthe skin is darker than another area, or perhaps a concentration ofmoles is found in one area along the spine. When we press this area using our thumb the patient will feel pain, where as they may not feel it eisewhere along the spine. This blockage indicates high resistance in a nerve which is often at the root cause of the patient's symptoms or problematic organ function. When finding a blockage at a Huatuo point, take note and after stimulating this point compare the results of this treatment at the time of future treatments. If the treatment yields good results the blockage will become less painful when we press it the future. If there is a knot in the blockage area, compare the size of this knot from treatment to treatment. lf the knot is smaller then it means that the blockage is beginning to open. Checking the Huatojiaji points for diagnosis is based on the theory that there is a blockage of chi in the body. As we know from Chinese medicine these blockages are related to the development of illness and disease. An illness can cause a blockage, and a blockage can cause an illness. The blockage philosophy is combined with the Autonomic nervous system. The Autonomic nervous system is divided into the Sympathetic and Para-sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nerves control the activity of the body, and determine Fight-or-Fiight response. The sympathetic nervous system can be called Yang Chi. The Para sympathetic nerve is called the rest-repose system and can be understood as Yin Chi. When the blockage causes a syrnpathetic nerve problem, the organ will lose its active function, meaning a Yang deficiency with a Yin excess. When the Para sympathetic nerve is blocked, it rvill cause a Yin deficiency and Yang excess, as the organ is overactive and cannot be rested. In using the Huatuo diagnosis we do not need to use the Yin and Yang philosophy, we use the autonomic nervous system. But these two systems in our philosophy are the same, because as described above the sympathetic nerve controls the activity represented by Yang Chi, and the parasympathetic nerve controls inactivity represented by the Yin Chi. In using the Huafuo points we are paying attention to the NEw ENGLAND JoURNAL ,/ TRADITToNAL CHTNESE -{Eift €pflH 4A ft\hfr\N\tt' tuq. ft.rLv,Akk, &'fF11FE# IP,^# I(NIE#W ft+ . x&Hffi+EE.^ffi Wl &.ffi" )*II*&,E4EF"IF-:'*. , Hffi^Fk-#ffi , ffiX tr ffi gIW H f4'{ X -,Hffi ?$ fi -nl\ 4nffi Hfln€:'atffi ' & if l 4 tJ H llhi*{fr A Xli-#H 4 tr- frffi WirWf . E €;it+l! H Tr F tr fn ifri F.i 3# A *, 6Tl iA,fi -^ t i'6 W4fr.tElE+4.,tfHE fit fi . HEh+\lF5ft{RAi i6 ffi-'a+ & ffi.E*I,tr )fi . +t I?14*IR , tL?l*q Dlf:.1F.4HffiW"AWffi'ffi -1, 'ffi ^I E4E-ytt'iHlFrfrE'a2WT'1'ffi FtJHWtrk\f 1rIDTH€ir iffi iffi 4;6. +t,fHffi HpH€€fl ffi n! fir Et€F! - rnE-E er';+H24*rn-lqryWfr1frAnd " 4il " HHgA-'fqlJf H€'fi4iF. E1&ryi^. {ffi ++F*BHHI X& ++qtrr?.ffi , ffi i.! ^ffiftRE,,fE+tHfi!^s i{ in4i€trffi . raLh€lJiffi 4t #.i+{ffA )rffiFl k ft &ffi M VI +RlF Ffr E. " E'4I:II ft HL\'ffi r* HE # lLt46 ^ffi X 4* IF,flliffi , W 4E;tan?,, iF lr /;' &vr,WkffiA#R. 4nRi6'ffiH -,&, FLj&trrtttr ft! Rffi4.+4H1" 4n{€Fi4i€-{8fi#6fl , Ft]']tt& lhffitftklx4'. 4n Rf;SHF g 4,-'afr,RA fr[iffi ffi ihE . +B Tu" A+ {ff {U {6 lUF ",rW E#.itRYffi fi! tE ;ft " ff € + tr's ift fi! €lr tffi tE Rffi *1 4*FH Ee " tfrRffi il P+HHFiffi , Fljiffi &, trlE 4 fr.ffi " HBiffi +E wryffi+,n i+ AsKAfi,tH E " tfl+n 4+ Av*Afi,b R ffi i+*Eru.i.ltB,iF*g " tBiF*EHftl/.fr9 fl'lifr dr, /^ft rf +EIF.+. tBi+f;$ BI tfr HPA-F,.,f.1-E +t'fru i tBi+ "1sfi g, nffi *$€* Nrh1z, EttFE ffi,Va H. H,{{tBi+,{s]fifrl3FE ^, F{Ht{F2,ffiF7ffi &f , e" , \n M4rlt! {+.43fi., Z;'x ffi V*FAw"k+E E€ffi+FAA E&.ff1fr1+8jry+E-19fr\ , \n +t'ff 5 ffi ,H Bi+ftSfAftUfiFf-, DJ e-F"4{,{t*. HEH #,fZft 'ff'i: ffi , &iFl fi! il,e,* h &l*7+ {#*1Hy.iffi , Ffr u}*, ,ffi. z, ra * aAh4ft;E A1#.h ffi Volume fV '4p. & HEffi L Number 1 Summer 2005 ft zoos+T tf4f&ffi+ffif;E;"{ blockage of the nele, therefore our main concern f 46ffir,HfrH_X IFHH -,&,fr\ . +KIPI'*IH, E€TEH € +-E.,RIN, 4 D} ft +t,fr5 fi ft ift rH 4+1,r Rffi fr\ F.n+ w * hfimft € # "'#+\|W*IE-{FTE JG+'R,/fifi l{ fi!tF6,H5F+, is to open the . blockage. In conclusion, this system has been found to be very effective in the treatment of many difficult iilnesses. We find that by accessing these points we are better able as acupuncturists and healers to treat people with any condition. When we find an ouch point that corresponds to the root cause ofa said illness, just about any kind of stimulation has been found to improve the condition of the patient. Why not try acupuncture needles, Tui Na massage, cupping, magnetic therapy or energy healing? This system is also found to be replicable, so it can be used in a similar manner for anyone who presents with a similar diagnosis. For example, if we have an adult or child with allergies to food, dust, or whatever, just using a stimulating technique at T7 , T2, and T3 can much improve these patient's conditions. At the same time we may also treat a patient with a rare form of leukemia by also stimulating these points to improve the condition of the blood. The application of this system is all encompassing and as acupuncturists we can readily use these points to continue our work and witness the miracles of healing. tnl*InT I+'f4FliFiE X&#G-/FjE , lt4ftrZ< ;{HS+^. ffie. +F+W, nztH&_x=thaE ? )A_^flfi, tr48 1*rn+,I 4-tE fft, 4+XH +Fi4 h\T tLH + +HlA E --atwfr\4Tl.l !n1: nilvrts 4'& ffiHtt€m. hB+€61, - ^. R4.lxtt ,12 , ffEr3 tfiU*tjjff , -EfttrlD)tF't+fr\t/t# ffi,'\g!,EH . trE++t'fF5€ff8tr!ts*rliffrE4it,fn, h )A+F4+,H,8!EIrfi , &#m)1i,{ i}1,. /'HHtr-6 F" EF,E ++*1, ft la tl ft,En+t'f )-'t t Je Je,H ra,t-9 2t {nir F,#i6ffi 916w4*+," 11 The Single-Source for all your Acupuncture Needs At Lhasa OMS, we are committed to providing the highest quality products and services at the lowest possible prices. This commitment drives us to continually improve and expand our product line to fulfill the needs of your practice. Call or email us today to receive our Free 104-page Catalog. 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