Aeries Browser Interface – Office Staff Documentation


Aeries Browser Interface – Office Staff Documentation
Aeries Browser Interface – Office Staff Documentation
The Aeries™ Browser Interface is an application accessed through a web browser that
can be used by teachers within the classroom to update attendance, gradebook, grades
and progress reports in the Aeries™ database.
ABI is a Web application and uses a single click when accessing
The logon for school sites to the Aeries Browser Interface is accomplished by entering
the appropriate URL for your school site.
School Site
Bryn Mawr ES
Crafton ES
Franklin ES
Lugonia ES
Smiley ES
ABI User Documentation
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Portions of this document have been taken from the Eagle Software – Aeries Browser Interface Document
The Aeries™ Browser Interface or ABI can be setup and accessed from any PC that
has access to the Internet. The user must be setup by the System Administrator at
the school district in order to have access to the system.
ABI can be viewed in Netscape 4.x or greater, Internet Explorer 4.x or greater, or any
industry standard web browser that supports JavaScript. The most success has
occurred with Internet Explorer.
To access ABI, type the name of the user into the User Name field and press Tab.
Type the password that has been assigned in the Password field.
Most school sites will only have one school available for access. If there are multiple
schools, click the mouse on the drop down arrow to the right of the School field and
click the mouse on the school you are selecting.
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Click the mouse on the Log In button and the Home page will display. At the top of the
screen tabs will display that allow you to access Attendance, Grades, Student Info and
various Resources. Placing the cursor directly on a tab and clicking the mouse will
display the information selected.
On the right side of the form, messages display that have been sent out by the school
either to the user signed in or to all users.
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The Attendance screen can be accessed for attendance update or display. Click the
mouse on the Attendance option. The Current Period for the teacher signed into ABI
and all students currently enrolled for that period will display. The Current Period is
determined according to the bell schedule.
The entry field for the date selected will display in yellow and the previous days will
display with any previous absence codes entered.
To select the attendance period click the mouse on the period number to be updated in
the View Period: field.
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The View Period: field will display the period selected and the students enrolled.
Attendance for previous days will also display for these students. To update the
attendance click the mouse on the absence mark button for the student selected. A
black dot will display below the absence mark.
After all absence marks have been entered click the mouse on Submit Attendance –
Even if all students are present. This will automatically update the Aeries™ database
and the date displayed in yellow will now contain the absence mark. Once the period is
updated the View Period: field will change from red to black.
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If there is attendance that still needs to be updated, messages will display in red at the
top of the screen.
For example: Need to Take Attendance Yesterday for Period: 2 3 4 6.
Attendance MUST be submitted daily regardless if there are no
absences or tardies.
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Click the mouse on the Reports tab and the following attendance reports will display.
To print the weekly attendance, click the mouse on Weekly Attendance Report. Select
the Period and Week to print. Click the mouse on the Submit button.
The following report will display. Click the mouse on the Printer button to print the
Weekly Attendance Report.
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To print class address labels, click the mouse on Address Class Labels. The following
screen will display with all students from the period selected. Click the mouse on the
Printer button and class address labels will be generated.
To print the class rosters, click the mouse on Class Rosters. Select the Period and
Attendance Month to print. Click the mouse on the Submit button.
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The following report will display. Click the mouse on the Printer button to print the
Class Rosters.
The District ABI Administrator can select certain student information that can be
viewed by teachers. To view the student information available, click the mouse on the
Student Info tab.
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The following screen will display with a class listing displayed on the left hand side of the
screen for the teacher signed into ABI. Tabs will display to the right of the different data.
Click the mouse on the drop down to select the period in the View Period field.
The students currently enrolled for the teacher and period selected will display. To view
a particular students information click the mouse on the student’s name. Select the data
to be viewed and click the mouse on the tab. The data will display on the screen for the
student selected.
REMEMBER: The student data available for the teacher to view is determined
and setup by the District ABI Administrator.
To display student demographics click the mouse on the Student Data tab. The
following screen will display with the demographic information for the student selected.
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To display a student’s attendance click the mouse on the Attendance tab. The following
screen will display with the attendance for the student selected.
To display assertive discipline for the student selected click the mouse on the Assertive
Discipline tab. The following screen will display with information if available.
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To display the class schedule for the student selected click the mouse on the Classes
tab. The following screen will display with the classes the student is currently enrolled in.
To display the contacts and emergency contacts for the student selected click the
mouse on the Contacts tab. The following screen will display.
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To display the classes that a student has requested for the upcoming semester click the
mouse on the Course Requests tab. The following screen will display with the courses
To display discipline for the student selected click the mouse on the Discipline tab. The
following screen will display with information if available.
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To display a student’s grades for this class click the mouse on the Grades tab. The
following screen will display.
To display a student’s progress reports for this class click the mouse on the Progress
tab. The following screen will display.
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To display a student’s test scores click the mouse on the Testing tab. The following
screen will display.
To display a student’s transcript information click the mouse on the Transcripts tab.
The following screen will display with all previous transcript history for the student
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To display a student’s graduation status click the mouse on the Grad Status tab. The
following screen will display with the graduation requirements and the graduation status
for the student selected.
To print class labels, click the mouse on View Period and select the period to print.
Click the mouse on Print Class Labels.
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The following screen will display with all students from the period selected. Click the
mouse on the Printer button and class labels will be generated.
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To display the Resources click the mouse on the Resources tab. The following screen
will display with the internet resources that have been setup by the school.
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So, now that you have an idea of what ABI is all about we will discuss the necessary
tasks that must be accomplished by the school site office to keep it running. We
recommend that the Office Manager or School Clerk be the person in charge of
maintaining this information
These tasks include:
User Accounts
Global Messages
User Messages
Resource Links
There are also several tasks to be completed on a daily basis by the school clerk to
Lunch Counts
None of the teachers will even be able to log into the ABI screens if they do not have an
account. The user accounts are setup in the using the regular Aeries.
First go to Main Aeries Screen, Go to the View All Forms, Add the filter and enter
Web into the filter window.
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What will be displayed are the first two forms that we want to review. The first one is the
Web Users form which allows us to add or change user accounts. Select the Web
Users form and click on OK. The following form will be displayed.
To add a user, click on the Add button in the bottom center of this screen. You will be
required to enter several values which are discussed below. To move from field to field
User ID: This is the user name that the teacher will use to log into ABI. The user
account is created by taking the last name of the teacher and adding the first two
characters of their first name. Each User ID must be unique to the school site, so if
the user ID would be duplicated, then the next method of creating the User ID is to use
the last name and adding the first initial of the first name and the first initial of the middle
name. If you still cannot create a unique user id, then consider using the first method
and add a number to the user name. As an example if we had two Sue Smith’s we
might user smithsu2 as the second Sue Smith.
Password: Enter the default password for all users which is secret. If a teacher forgets
their password this is also where you would change it back to the word secret for them.
All teacher should change their password as one of the first things they do after logging
into ABI for the first time.
User Type: There are four possible values. T = Teacher, C = Counselor, P = Parent,
and S = Student. Use the T for a teacher. To assign the user to a particular class, then
you need to specify the teacher number in the teacher association section of this form.
A teacher user type with a number 0 is able to login and simulate any teacher account.
This teacher type should be reserved for administrators or select users who require this
type of account. A counselor account would be used to access all students records in
the school. The counselor account would be used by RSP or Speech teachers.
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Message to User: This area is the location where you can put a specific message to a
user. Note that the message that was included was specific for Sue Smith.
In order for a teacher to take attendance with ABI the Elec. Tag field
needs to be checked on the teacher screen.
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Update Global Web Messages
Global messages are messages that are sent to all users of particular user type.
Messages are entered by clicking on the Add button and selecting the particular user
type that your message is targeted. You can also enter the expiration date for the
message so that it will only be displayed for a limited time.
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To get to the Web Resources go to the Main Aeries Screen, select View All Forms,
add the filter, enter the word link in the filter field and click on OK.
Select the Update Links for Online Resource Center, click on OK.
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The Resource Web Links, similar to the global messages are specific to the user type.
The example above is for the teachers. Select the Add button and enter the web site
address in the URL field. Enter a suitable description in the name field and enter a
future date in the expiration date field. Also note that each resource requires a unique
number in the sort field to sort the order of the resource links.
School Clerk Tasks
Instead of creating and scanning scantron sheets the school clerk must monitor, through
special attendance reports, that the teachers are taking attendance. There are two
attendance related reports which the clerk can run: Print Missing ABI Attendance and
Print ABI Attendance Submitted Early. Missing ABI Attendance is run by Elementary
and Secondary School, while the ABI Attendance Submitted Early is mainly run by
Secondary Schools. To run either report start from the Main Aeries Screen, select
View All Reports, add filter and type ABI into the filter field.
Select the report you want and click on OK.
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Missing ABI Attendance
Missing ABI Attendance displays teachers who have not taken ABI attendance for a
specific day. Once the report starts you will be asked for which date you want to run the
The current date will be the default date, which is the value you most likely will want to
use in most cases. Click on OK.
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ABI Attendance Submitted Early
For secondary schools, submitting attendance early can be a problem. For this feature
to work properly the school bell schedule, block days and rotation of the period
schedules must all be setup in Aeries. Once you are viewing reports that contain ABI in
the name, select the Print ABI Attendance Submitted Early and click on OK.
The current date will be the default date, which is the value you most likely will want to
use in most cases. Click on OK.
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Substitute Teachers
Rather than try to setup substitute teacher accounts and try to teach them how to use
the ABI attendance system, it is recommended that a current roster of the class be
printed out and the substitute take the attendance on paper. Start from the Main
Aeries Screen, select View All Reports, add filter and enter week in the filter field.
Select the report: Print Weekly Attendance Report By Teacher
Click on Run
Enter a date, a Monday of the week you want a class roster.
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Select Yes to the question about Electronic Attendance.
Select No to the questions about checking your Attendance Certification Text.
This is what the roster should look like.
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Make sure you have the substitute sign the attendance form when
they turn in their keys and forms at the send of the day.
Lunch Counts
To get to the Lunch Count reports go to the Main Aeries Screen, select View All
Reports, add the filter, enter the word ABI in the filter field and click on OK.
Select the Lunch Count report that you wish to run, either the Print ABI Lunch Count or
the Print Missing ABI Lunch Count.
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