A LEGACY - Alpha Tau Omega


A LEGACY - Alpha Tau Omega
”To bind men together in a
brotherhood based upon eternal
and immutable principles”
A legacy of giving.
The 79th ΑΤΩ Congress was a huge success and the presence of the Alpha Tau Omega
Foundation could be felt throughout the week mostly due to the rollout of a new
undergraduate giving program named the (details on page 71). Over 80 undergraduates
signed up to give a one time annual gift of $18.65 with several alumni joining with gifts
of $100 or more.
I was very impressed with both the quality of the programming and the caliber of our
young men. In listening to the young brothers, I realized that these men were full of
energy, ideas and inspiration; however, I heard repeatedly, “What does the Foundation
do?” To make it short and sweet, my answer was this:
We RAISE money
INVEST money
AWAY money
The Alpha Tau Omega Foundation would like to thank YOU…not only for your
gifts but for your trust & belief in us that we are stewarding your gift(s) to help many
deserving young Taus! We know that you have many choices and it is an inspiration that
you have chosen the Alpha Tau Omega Foundation.
2011 Events
79TH ATO Congress in Orlando
Clark Buckner, Belmont ’09….An Undergraduate Giving Back!
ATO’s at Texas Tech
Remembering Gerry
Alpha Omega-University of Florida……a chapter re-born!
National Scholarship Recipients
How Two Tragedies Brought a Brotherhood Closer
2010 J. Milton Richardson Theological Award Winner
Kenneth F. Murrah, Emory ‘52
A note from the president’s desk
Giving Recognition Levels
Roll of Honor
2010 New Millennium Honor Society Members
Order of 1865
2010 Memorial and Honor Gifts
Erskine Mayo Ross Giving Club
2010 First Time Donors
Foundation Directory
Back Cover
John E. Robertson, Georgia Tech ‘63
Chairman, ATO Foundation
Beta Beta chapter at Birmingham-Southern College
house during 2009 Homecoming Week
A legacy of giving.
2011 Events
Fun Times at the 79TH ATO Congress
in Orlando!
January 7 - 9
Indianapolis, Seattle, Charlotte – January 22
Dallas, Newark, Orlando – January 29
LA, Omaha, Memphis – February 5
Foundation CEO Terry Turman and Bert Sams, TN ‘65
Matt Arnold, Director of Alumni Services & Kirby
Neumann, Cincinnati ‘00
January 31
Ritz Carlton – Charlotte, NC – February 11
Charlotte; NC – February 12
March 4
John Robertson proudly wearing a Simpson t-shirt after
losing a bet to Jim Spooner, Simpson ‘78
Foundation staff Shuler Griffin, Mississippi ‘78 and wife,
Gina and former National President Robert (Bob) Simonds,
Illinois ‘43
Los Angeles, CA – March 25 - 26
O’Hare Hyatt Regency – April 19th at 5:30 pm
Alabama Session – May 8 - 14
Indiana Session – May 15 - 20
This is National Chaplain Rev. Comforted Keen and his wife, “Miss Judy”.
Wynn Smiley, ATO Fraternity CEO and former National
President Miles McCall, Stephen F Austin ‘80
Indianapolis, IN – August 20
August 20
August 20
Coble Caperton, Rhodes ‘71, John (Doc) Potts, Indiana ‘73
and Jerry Papazian, Southern Cal ‘74 at Congress 2010
A legacy of giving.
Clark Buckner, Belmont ’09….
An Undergraduate Giving Back!
ATO’s at Texas Tech
Clark is a very interesting young man and when interviewed at Congress 2010 about his ATO
experience, he gave us one of the most enthusiastic and sincere answers we have ever heard.
Here is Clark’s story:
This summer I had the opportunity of going to Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic to work
hand-in-hand with an organization, DOVE Missions, and their youth development center to
film a youth development city that helps kids from the ghettos. DOVE Missions is a nonprofit
organization whose mission is to improve the lives and futures of Dominican & Haitian
children at risk and in crisis. One of my best friends, Hope Cooper, was serving as DOVE’s
media relations and fundraising intern for the summer. I went in her place the last week
to serve alongside a team to produce a new information video. What I saw while working
behind the lens was children living in extreme poverty (ranked 7th in the world). It was
shocking and honestly, was something I was not at all prepared for. Even though I was there
for just a week, the experience will last a lifetime.
I joined Alpha Tau Omega for several reasons. First of all, ATO’s emphasis on community
service, brotherhood and selflessness were very important to me, and I would not have had
the opportunity or encouragement without ATO to go on this mission trip. My chapter’s
commitment to being the leaders on campus was real. ATO has helped me to raise my
standards daily in ways I never thought possible. I’m constantly being challenged to be better,
work harder and live life fuller – all while growing a healthy community based around a
Christian foundation of brotherly love.
My plans for the future include graduating from Belmont in 2013 which a double major in
Entrepreneurship and Marketing. I have a passion for people and want my efforts in the “real
world” to help much more than my wallet. I plan on keeping in touch with my brothers for
the rest of my life and eventually being in a position economically and socially able to give
back to those in need….and of course the ATO National Foundation. If I ever get tired of my
frat-tastic adventure (which I know I won’t), one day I may start a family!
The brothers of the Zeta Eta chapter are proud to have hosted their spring signature event
for the first time. ATO World Cup was held on March 28, 2010 and had over 250 people in
attendance. We were able to raise a little over $1,000 and had dozens of soccer balls donated
to the Kick for Nick Foundation.
The fraternities at Texas Tech each have a philanthropic event that involves the sororities
and other organizations on campus each year. A year ago, we decided it was time for our
chapter to get involved and help make a difference. Chairman Roshan Sharma was able to put
together a “world cup” style bracket which had two categories that included a Skills Challenge
and an actual 5 on 5 tournament.
We wanted a way to promote the Greek
organizations at Texas Tech while shining a
light on the community of Lubbock and were
able to do that. We are hoping in the future
to possibly put the names of fallen soldiers
on the soccer balls that we collect to send
overseas. Overall, ATO World Cup was a great
success and the brothers of the Zeta Eta chapter
are excited to make this an annual event.
The brothers of the Zeta Eta chapter are proud to have hosted their fall signature event for
the first time. ATO GatorFest was held on September 4th, 2010. A block party style concert
benefitting the Lubbock YWCA chapter, ATO GatorFest proved to be a solid idea and
successful event. An estimated 3000 people attended GatorFest to enjoy live music, fried
gator, and lots of fun.
This event has been an idea and dream of the Zeta Eta chapter for three years. It has seen
three different Chapter Presidents and three different Chairmen. Each time the chairmen
were faced with the challenges of starting a new event with no history of success. The current
committee decided to take a new strategy - downsize the event. The committee focused on
reducing expenses and booking a headliner that would attract a large audience.
This strategy worked. With the new model of
the event, hard work of the chapter, and great
reaction from the public, GatorFest was more
successful than anyone could imagine. It has
received great feedback and excellent media
coverage from the Lubbock Community as
the Zeta Eta chapter was able to raise funds to
benefit the YWCA. The brothers are excited to
make this a yearly tradition for the chapter.
A legacy of giving.
Remembering Gerry
List of offices held by Gerry Bridges
Gerald W. Bridges pledged the Southern Cal ATO chapter in the fall of ‘55 and once a
member, his dedication to Alpha Tau Omega never waivered throughout his life.
Gerald W. Bridges, Southern California ‘56
In addition to his service to his local chapter, Gerry became very involved with the
National Fraternity and Foundation (please see the list of offices held on page 6).
Twice he served as WGKE and served years as Province Chief in two different Provinces
(V and XXI). It was a very busy and challenging time, as he worked to get the chapter
at Occidental back into the fold and save the UCLA chapter from folding. He took
this new responsibility with gusto, and while serving the Zeta Beta chapter in an
advisory role he expanded his influence to the good of the National Fraternity. At the
ATO National Congress in ‘73, Gerry received the first of his two Worth Grand Chief
Gerry recognized true leaders in his dealings with ATO brothers throughout the
country, and he in turn hired over 250 ATO’s to work for his company. He learned that
the fraternity experience is not just a four-year experience but a lifetime experience.
“Every young man should have the opportunity to join this unique organization and
be part of it. The crown jewel for me is leadership, a legacy preserved for others”.
Jerry Papazian, Southern Cal ’74, said that Gerry was the person “that kept me
involved in ATO after my graduation in ‘77…the one person I couldn’t say no to”.
Brother Papazian took over for Gerry as chapter advisor when Gerry moved to New
Gerry Bridges touched the lives of many people-but all behind the scenes and was a
quiet member of the Foundation’s prestigious Order of True Merit. He didn’t want
credit for it and never spoke of the many ATO’s he helped throughout his lifetime.
Gerry joined the Chapter Eternal on October 16, 2009. Foundation President/CEO,
Terry Turman, traveled to Los Angeles for a well attended and emotional farewell.
Positions Held:
Chief of Province V, ‘81- ‘89
Chief of Province XXI, ‘70- ‘74
Worthy Grand Keeper of Exchequer, ‘74- ‘77
National Fraternity Board of Director, ‘95
Foundation Board of Governor, ‘97-2000
Fraternity Activities:
Member of Zeta Beta (University of Southern California) House Corporation, ‘67-2010
Member of Delta Phi (Occidental) House Corporation Board, ‘72-2010
President of Zeta Beta Alumni Association, ‘67, ‘70
Secretary & Founding Board Member of Inter-Greek Society (alumni support group at USC), ‘76
Installing Officer, Delta Phi Chapter (Occidental), ‘73
Co-Installing Officer, Delta Chi Chapter (UCLS) ‘74
Member of Finance Committee
Vice-Chairman, Lake Geneva Congress, ‘72
Chairman, Atlanta Congress, ‘73
Vice-Chairman, Memphis Congress, ‘74
Chairman, Knoxville Congress, ‘75
Chairman, Indianapolis Congress, ‘76
President of Interfraternity Alumni Association of Southern California, ‘74- ‘75
Member of Chapter Loan and Development Committee, ‘72- ‘77
Member, Financial Advisory Committee
Worthy Grand Chief Award, ‘73
Zeta Beta (USC) Outstanding Alumni Award, ‘73
Order of Omega (Interfraternal Leadership Society), ‘74
Worthy Grand Chief Award, ‘75
Zeta Beta New House “Dedicated to Gerald Bridges”, ‘75
University of Southern California Outstanding Alumni Award, ‘76
Blue Key Robert Craig Award “The Most Dedicated Friend of the University”, ‘76
“It was and honor to attend the dinner.” said Turman. “From
all the stories I heard and his service to ATO, Brother Bridges
left an indelible mark on our fraternity”
Jerry Papazian, Gerry Bridges and David Strage at Congress ‘86
A legacy of giving.
Alpha Omega-University of Florida…
…a chapter re-born!
In their Annual Report to the National Fraternity, the Alpha Omega chapter described the
widespread apathy & no internal infrastructure that in 2007 almost closed the chapter. More
importantly they outlined in detail how they renovated the chapter’s operations, recruit and
groom new pledges to fill the void left by no 2008 pledge class. One message resounded
through the year….they needed to love and respect Alpha Omega enough to step into
leadership with an agenda of reorganization, renovation and perpetuation.
When interviewed, Alex Jenkins-Worthy Master stated, “at the time of my installment, my
entire Executive Board and I were lost. We weren’t handed anything which told us of our
responsibilities except our bylaws. This led to our desire for internal organization. It was our
belief that taking such action would be the vehicle to attain True Merit-our ultimate goal”. We
read the bylaws and adhered to them (something that hadn’t been done for many years), a
judicial board was created. The chapter began holding people accountable for their actions. It
was emphasized to our brothers that we had a legacy to protect; a legacy highly revered and
one which was worked hard for. We began by valuing the ideals of our founders.
Once the internal structure was there and the right people were in position, the other pieces
that made our chapter fell into place….not easily but with hard work and dedication to our
goal….achieving True Merit. For the 1st time in years, the chapter complied with the Greek
Standards set by the University of Florida, heavily participated in community service and
philanthropy. Two signature events were established….the Build a Better Holiday Christmas
Toy Drive and ATO Autism Day on the Lake.
Alex quoted “The Alpha Omega chapter is now a group of men bound together in a
brotherhood based upon eternal & immutable principles. That is, we believe in our Christian
ideals and have again begun practicing our rituals”.
Beyond all of the above, we have been quick to reignite the flame within our alumni so
as to create an intergenerational brotherhood which can work TOGETHER to solidify a
strong chapter incapable of future problems. Their (alumni) involvement has made them
recruitment assets, career mentors, friends, and chapter advisor. Needless to say, the Alpha
Omega chapter has come full circle and of course, won True Merit at Congress.
Their next goal…..TOP CHAPTER!
National Scholarship Recipients
Peter Boos, Kansas State ‘06
Michael Renda, Central Florida ‘07
Justin E Fine, Maryland ‘01
Jordan McFall, Kansas State ‘07
Noel James Alaka, New Hampshire ‘08
Vincenzo Bartucca, New Hampshire ‘08
Ryan Connors, New Hampshire ‘08
William K Geeslin, Auburn ‘09
Max Lazar, William and Mary ‘09
Adam H McTish, Georgia ‘08
Jarrod Franklin Parkes, Alabama-Huntsville ‘10
Thomas Casey Stamps, Florida ‘09
Maxwell C Stefka, Kentucky ‘07
Russell Taylor, William and Mary ‘09
Donald Ball, Adrian ‘10
Donald Ball, Adrian ‘10
Letters of appreciation
for me; I am
“ATO has opened many new doors
unity through
proud to be giving back to the comm
excited to see
our philanthropic events and I am
chapter, and
us grow, both, in our individual
ATO, is not
nationally. My only regret with
joining sooner.”
Donald Ball, Adrian ‘10
“I am proud to belong to Alpha Omeg
a and want
to make this brotherhood the best it can
be. By
lightening my financial load, you have
allowed me
to focus more on my studies and gettin
g the most
out of my time as an active brother.”
James Hartney, Florida ‘08
“This giving and receiving trend is obviou
sly not
a first for Alpha Tau Omega, and I fully intend
to give as much back to the fraternity, if not
than I have received through your scholarship.
Ruh rah!”
Jarrod Parkes, Alabama- Huntsville ‘10
pient of the ATO
“Being a national reci
Scholarship Award is
Foundation Graduate
tremendous honor tha
I rely on student loans
sincerely appreciate.
nce my education and
scholarships to help fina
ip has strengthened my
receiving the scholarsh
Tau Omega”
State ‘06
Peter Boos, Kansas
A legacy of giving.
How Two Tragedies Brought a
Brotherhood Closer
Two deaths, two brothers, two pledge classes apart. Tragedy can shake the bonds of
brotherhood. Many times tragedy can bring us closer together…as brothers, as family, as
friends, as colleagues. Illini Taus rallied together with family, friends, and business associates
to turn two brothers’ tragic deaths into a lasting memorial to honor their legacy and love for
our Fraternity.
Richard V. Clausing, Illinois ’74, passed away last September. His fraternity brother David
J. Seiler, Illinois ’74, contacted the Foundation about how he could honor Dave’s love of
ATO. Dave summarized their friendship, “Rich and I developed a deep friendship as fellow
accounting majors and members of ATO at the University of Illinois. Our friendship grew
over the years as our careers progressed and our families grew. As a result of annual vacations
with the Clausing’s, our wives and children have become good friends. When our son, Cam,
pledged ATO at Purdue, he indicated to us that one of the reasons he chose ATO was his
desire to develop life-long relationships similar to that which Rich and I developed with each
other and our pledge brothers.” Working with the family and Brother Seiler, it was obvious to
see the core principles Rich valued. As Brother Seiler put it, “Rich’s drive to be a top performer
was not based upon a need for personal accolades or recognition. Rich loved his family and
wanted to set a good example for them, just as his parents had set for him. Rich was driven by
a set of core values & principles that included hard work, trust, treating others with respect,
providing for your family and giving to others. I admired Rich for this.”
Three and a half months later, tragedy strikes the Gamma Zeta brotherhood again. David
S. Timson, Illinois ’72, died unexpectedly after a sudden illness. Dave’s former business
associates at Adams Street Partners wanted to do something to honor his memory. “At work,
Dave often spoke of his tremendous experience at the University of Illinois academically
and the lifelong friends he made at his fraternity,” said Dave Brett, one of Brother Timson’s
associates at Adams Street Partners. “When we discussed within the firm ways to honor Dave’s
memory, a scholarship fund felt like a very natural choice. We discussed the idea with his
wife, Reggie, and she thought a scholarship associated with ATO at the University of Illinois
would be a terrific way to remember Dave. You saw the swift reaction from family, friends
and colleagues. I think it is a powerful symbol of Dave’s impact on people in his life.” His
former colleagues led the initial efforts to create an endowment while his Fraternity brothers
put together an incredible evening on a rooftop event in Wrigleyville this summer. Over
110 family, friends, colleagues, and brothers attended the fundraising event hosted by Tom
Tunney, Illinois ’74, and organized by Dane Luhrsen, Illinois ’74, Bill Barry, Illinois ’74, Dave
Lundstedt, Illinois ’72, Don Armstrong, Illinois ’74, Terence Kelly, Illinois ’72, and Dave
Seiler, Illinois ’74 among others not listed.
Both men were ambassadors for Alpha Tau Omega as evidence through sharing their great
experiences in ATO with others, and they way the positively lived their lives. Family, brothers,
colleagues and friends have raised over $142,000 combined to create an endowment for each
brother leaving a legacy of their values and of their love for ATO. Although both men have
entered Chapter Eternal, their legacy and memory will continue through each undergraduate
brother at the Gamma Zeta chapter who wins the Richard V. Clausing and David S. Timson
Scholarships. A wonderful display of brotherly love and affection as embodied in our Ritual.
Barb Ganey (Bill Ganey ’75’s wife), Ginny Tolzien
(Mike Tolzien ‘75’s wife), Dave and Reggie Timson
Dane Luhrsen, Dave Seiler, Rich Clausing and
Don Armstrong – all ‘77s
A legacy of giving.
2010 J. Milton Richardson
Theological Award Winner
Jordan McFall, Kansas State ‘07 presented an amazing scholarship application, and out of the
many excellent applicants this year, was chosen because of his vision, dedication to God and
humility. In talking to Bill Muir, Delta Theta BOT Chairman about Jordan, he stated “Jordan
epitomizes ‘service and self-sacrifice’ to the nth degree. He is a caring, loving and great
Brother who ministered to humanity in all kinds of ways. And he will continue that ministry
throughout his life”.
When we (ATO Foundation) asked Jordan for his motivation & inspiration, he provided
the following: During my time at Kansas State, through the campus ministry Student
Mobilization, my involvement with the Delta Theta chapter, and in many other ways, God
worked through my life, preparing me for the ministry I believe He is calling me to. In my
time here a fellow brother came along side of me and taught me what it really means to be
in relationship with Christ. He helped provide me with the knowledge to continue that
relationship, as well as the tools to proclaim my faith to others around me, whether in word
or deed, showing me what it means to be a man of God, and to place Him first in my life in
all that I do. Through this, as I began to release control and allow God to work, I came to see
that He was calling me into full time ministry.
“We need Christian people to work as healers...We need people who will
hold on to Christ firmly with one hand and reach out with the other,
with wit and skill and cheerfulness, with compassion and sorrow and
tenderness, to the places where our world is in pain...We need people....
to hold over the wound the only medicine which will really heal, which
is the love of Christ made incarnate once more...” N.T. Wright
I am now in my second year here at Asbury Theological Seminary receiving a theological
education so ultimately I may bring the Good News of Christ in truth and love to those who
need it the most. As I have been here at Asbury, God has captivated my heart even more
with His goodness and love. There have been times when He has lifted me up, and other
times when He has brought me to my knees humbled before Him. Through my times spent
overseas in Kenya and Tanzania and now here at Asbury, God has been giving me a global
vision, revealing to me His heart for the nations.
When I look back at the resounding lesson God has taught me in my time in Alpha Tau
Omega, serving overseas, and here at Asbury it is one word: Love. Augustine believed the
“love of God and neighbor is the sum of what scripture teaches” and I would come into
agreement with him. The greatest command God gives us is to first and foremost love Him,
and secondly to love others. He continually reminds me that He is the way, the truth and the
life (John 14:6); that if I desire true life, I must love Him with my whole heart. Originally I
was challenged with the question, what does it truly mean to love God? Although I cannot
fully answer that question, I do know that it means I must deny myself and take up my cross
daily (Luke 9:23). I must run away from anything that brings death, running towards Him,
willing to obey all that He has commanded. Through this love for Him, He will give us a
heart and love for our neighbor: for our fellow brothers, for the orphans and widows, and yes
even for the person we once thought was unlovable.
A legacy of giving.
Kenneth F. Murrah, Emory ‘52
His contacts with ATO span nearly 60 years. Initially it was through his older brother who
was a member of the Emory ATO Chapter. When Ken pledged the chapter in the fall of
1951, the chapter required its pledges to join two extra curricular organizations. With that
encouragement, Ken joined the Emory Glee Club and ran for freshman representative in the
student government. By the time he graduated from college, he had toured the Southeast, the
Bahamas and Europe with the Glee Club. During that same time, he had also been elected
President of the chapter and the student body. He still enjoys the friendships he formed in
the chapter.
193 5
Because Ken needed financial aid to attend college and law school, he appreciates the value
of a scholarship. He has established endowments with the ATO Foundation to enable
undergraduates of the Emory and Central Florida chapters to attend all of the National ATO
leadership programs and grants academic scholarships to members of the Central Florida
chapter. His endowment at Emory University funds an annual scholarship to a law student.
Over a period of 25 years, Ken served the fraternity as National Alumni Director, National
Legal Advisor and National Chancellor. He was elected to the Board of Governors of the ATO
Foundation in 1998. He continues as a volunteer for the Emory and Central Florida chapters.
Currently he is helping the Emory chapter raise $150,000.00 to match the Howard Dobbs
Foundation Emory ATO Scholarship Challenge Grant and he is serving on the Central Florida
Housing Corporation. He was the National fraternity’s installing officer for that chapter.
Ken strongly believes that Alpha Tau Omega is a positive experience for an undergraduate!
He and the members of his
chapter strive to live by the
principles of the Glazebrook
The Alpha Tau Omega
Foundation can not thank Ken
and his wife Ann enough for
all they do for ATO through
their giving, volunteering and
attendance at all meetings.
Kenneth and Ann Murrah in
Prague on the Charles Ridge
When Brother Murrah was interviewed for this article, he was thanked thanked for investing
in the future of our undergraduate members by contributing to the ATO Foundation.
Ken has also been involved in community activities in his home town of Winter Park, Florida.
His wife, Rachel, was serving as a Winter Park City Commissioner at the time of her death in
2000. His current wife, Ann, is a leader in the City’s cultural organizations and their church.
On November 20, 2009, the City of Winter Park proclaimed Kenneth Francis Murrah Day to
recognize his service to the community.
SARY 2010
A note from the president’s desk
Friends and Brothers,
The Alpha Tau Omega Foundation is celebrating 75 years of supporting ATO chapters and
brothers, through scholarships and educational grants. In 1928 one of our Founders, Erskine
Mayo Ross made the first gift to the ATO Foundation of $5,000. That gift was used to open
our first bank account and would be the seed for an organization charged with supporting our
Fraternity and its brotherhood for eternity.
Over the last 75 years, the ATO Foundation has been involved in numerous chapter house
campaigns, supported thousands of brothers with scholarships and helped ATO become
America’s Leadership Development Fraternity by funding innovative programs such as
LeaderShape®, and funded ATO’s return to our heritage programming. In fact, the Foundation
gave over $600,000 in grants and scholarships last year alone!
In looking toward the next 75 years, the ATO Foundation’s Board of Governors has already
charted a direction. Our goal is for each chapter to have a source of long-term funding for
educational needs, and to endow the life-changing educational programs provided by the
National Fraternity. Such lofty ambitions would not be possible without YOU. Thank you for
supporting ATO!
May the next 75 years bring continued success in building upon the eternal principles of Alpha
Tau Omega!
Love and Respect,
Terry D. Turman
President and CEO
Oklahoma State ‘94
A legacy of giving.
Giving Recognition Levels
C u m u l at i v e G i v i n g
Order of the Maltese Cross
$100,000 or more
Order of True Merit
Order of the Shield
Otis Glazebrook Society
Founder’s Society
Heritage Club
Friendship Club
2010 Order of The Maltese Cross
James I Black III
Robert Mel Clark
Joseph W Gladis
Robert C Knuepfer, Jr
Charles E Lanham
Melvin C Magidson
Billy J McCombs
Florida ‘70 ✠
Oklahoma ‘70 ✠
Miami ‘63 ✠
Denison ‘71 ✠
Indiana ‘51 ✠
Florida State ‘49 ✠
Texas ‘49
Cary D McMillan
William L Muir III
Kenneth F Murrah
James Pingree Nelson Robert J Simonds
Charles H Simpson
James C Spooner
Illinois ‘77 ✠
Kansas State ‘67 ✠
Emory ‘52 ✠
Michigan State ‘57 ✠
Illinois ‘43 ✠
Tulsa ‘50
Simpson ‘79 ✠
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
A legacy of giving.
Alpha Mu
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
James F. Bowden ✠
Karl G. Epps ✠
J. Douglas Hay
Charles W. Sutherland
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
James I. Godfroy
David B. Lott
Arthur W. McKarns ✠
Donald B. Medley
Wallace W. Skinner ✠
Heritage Club - $500-999
James L. Bond
Ralph S Chesebrough
Thomas W. Lloyd
Donald R. Lucas ✠
Donald E Rink
S. Gary Spicer, Sr.
John H.C. Thompson
Albert D Yoke
Burgess O. Young
Friendship Club - $250-499
Erwin J. Brown ✠
Harold D. Craft ✠
John A. Edwards
John G. Fuller
Don M. Gascon
John S. Geisler ✠
James R. Glendening
Duane R. Hall
William H. Hewes, MD
Robert J. Solmonson
Dale J. Storrer ✠
Ronald W. Tuck
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Walter J. Hughes ✠
Charles T. McDowell
Langdon C. Parker, Jr.
Scott W. Spaulding
William S. Starnes ✠
George Dewey Wells
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Thomas Whit Armstrong
William W Bibb
Heritage Club - $500-999
Knight H. Berman
James P. Caldwell ✠
John S. Call
Ronald M. Childree ✠
William P Danforth
Albert B. Davis
Francis A. Drennen
Richard H. Grafton
David K Gunby
Richard A. Hamm
Robert H. Hart
Thomas Jeffrey House, Jr.
J. Turner Hudson, III
Cadwallader Jones, Jr.
A. Venable Lawson
William T Mayfield, Jr.
Robert J. McCreary, III ✠
Philip B. McLauchlin
Guy L. Rutledge, Jr.
James M. Walker
Jack W. Wells
Robert D. Wetzler
Friendship Club - $250-499
Beta Delta
Archie Norton
Timothy N. Bishop ✠
Dennis Keith Burns
Sam E. Christopher
Donald C. Curtin
Jefferson W. Davis
James E. Harmon ✠
John A. Lindley ✠
Wiley P. Long, Jr. ✠
Jeffrey L. Luther
Chris T. Matsos ✠
Walter Clayton McCoy, MD
William C Parker
Lawrence Drew Redden
Karl Michael Richards
Scott F. Shew
George H. Wakefield, III
James B. Whitfield, Jr.
James H. Alford, MD ✠
Dr. Paul J. Anderson
John N. Balabanos ✠
Joe J. Bethany
Arthur L. Brooke ✠
Robert S Clayton
Tine W. Davis, Jr.
Donald C. Fitzgerald
Roger W. Franklin
J. Michael Gregory
Barrie H. Harmon, III
Taylor H Henry
William I. Hill, II ✠
J. Christian Holcomb, Jr.
Gregory R. Houston ✠
John F. Ingram
John Thomas Summerford
James B. Johns
Joseph D. Jolly, Jr.
James C. Kennemer ✠
Alan L. King ✠
Elliot Owen Lipinsky ✠
Don B. McGinty ✠
Michael Craig Jones ✠
James Calvin Michael
Dr. Patrick L. Mills
David E. Owensby ✠
Maurice W. Patterson
Louis W. Perry ✠
John E. Rosich
Richard Nolan Sanders ✠
Danny T. Stutzman, Jr. ✠
Edward V. Welch, Jr. ✠
Brian M. Wirges ✠
John M. Wise ✠
Gerald G. Woodruff, Jr.
Theta Pi
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Ivan E. Piola
Friendship Club - $250-499
Christopher B. Kent
Paul K. Rencibia, PE ✠
Michael D. Thomas ✠
Theta Pi
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
William Kenneth Tapscott
Heritage Club - $500-999
Luke Green
Friendship Club - $250-499
Stephen J. Cross ✠
Robert B. Goyer, Jr. ✠
James S. Hawkins, Jr. ✠
Harold Matthew Iley ✠
Joe Webb ✠
David R. Johnson
James N. Kodrowski ✠
James Craig Martin ✠
Christopher Miller ✠
James R. Moore
Stephen C. Neeley
Thomas W. Pyburn ✠
Jason R. Warhurst ✠
C. Todd Whetstone
Beta Omicron
Epsilon Iota
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Joseph Q. Adams
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Tyndale F. Rutledge
Mark O. Thorsby
Paul W. Ungrodt, Jr.
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Donald M. Collins
Dr. B. Smith Hopkins, Jr.
Harold R. Otis ✠
Robert G. Page
David F Todd
Chris A. Trott ✠
Heritage Club - $500-999
G. Warren Abbott
Robert W. Allison
Murray F. Brown
Robert F. Decker
Norman C. Eifler
Robert S. Frey
Ken M. Groves, DDS
Howard N Maynard
James E. Montgomery
Peter Mosienko
Edwin B. Pearce, II
Bradley W. Smiles
George D. Spanos ✠
Neil D. Spengler
Milton E. Stahl ✠
Richard T. Utley
George R. Walkotten
Clarence T. Wilson
Friendship Club - $250-499
Matthew P. Babich
George P. Croll
Kevin G. Duris
William R. Foster
John F. Gumpper
E. H. Heck ✠
Samuel Hogg
Richard W. Huff, DVM
John W. Kirsch
Dr. Nicholas Ronald Loafman, DO ✠
Gerald E. Michael
Brian Reed ✠
T. Gordon Scupholm
Arthur C. Smith
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
Order of True Merit - $50,000-99,999
John I Whalley
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Edward B. Wilber
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Harry C. Ballman ✠
Frederick D. Carl
Jeffrey M. Holden
Brian Ingber
David R. Legge
Frank J. Patterson
William R. Raiford
Charles H. Schools
Kenneth A. Scutari ✠
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Dallas O Berry
Daniel T. Brassell
Steven J. Corrozi
Benjamin W Cotten
John H. Fonvielle, Jr.
George T. Glover
Kenneth R. Heyman, Jr.
Jack M. Koson
Thomas R. Kurtz, III ✠
Lawrence E. Levy
H. Houston Moore, III
Brian G. O’Neill
Newton H. Parkes, III
James E. Pitts, III ✠
Albert A. Rachel
Robert E. Sanders
Robert K. Van Fossan
Kenneth H. Williams
Heritage Club - $500-999
Stanley Betts
Kenneth H. Bruner
Jason Stuart Dalen, JD
Richard F. Dyson
Gilbert M. Hair
J. Erik Heinicke
Gerald F. Hunter
Mark H. Lewis
Russell B. Lewis
David G. Ross
William L Schmidt
Dan L Smith, II
David C. Thatcher
Michael L. Wald
Robert R. Williams, III ✠
Van C. Windham ✠
Friendship Club - $250-499
Richard J. Aubry, Jr.
Paul D. Bailey
Bronly S. Boyd
Robert N. Braff ✠
George T. Coyle
Warren A. Crosby
Charles Cannon Edwards, MD
Robert L. Elder
Bennett A. Hall
George D. Hill
Dr. Charles W. Kegley
H. L. Laws
Neal B. Lerner
Richard D. Marshall ✠
Michael R. Mazzoni
Kenneth B. Munsey
John E. Ryan
Daryl B. Settle
Ronald W. Sholes
James J. Toner
John B. Williams
Appalachian State
Iota Pi
Heritage Club - $500-999
John E Cushing, Jr.
Friendship Club - $250-499
Peter H. Clark
Michael P. Kesterson ✠
Brian A. McDowell ✠
John N. Whalen, Jr. ✠
David A. Willis ✠
Epsilon Beta
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Frank H Carpenter
Robert C. Majors
William E. Malcomb
Phillips H. Marshall ✠
Michael G. O’Harro
Robert A. Richardson
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Larry R. Adamson
D. David Alspach ✠
John P. Carrington ✠
James J. Cordano, Jr.
John J. Corley
Russell W. Dorn, Jr. ✠
Thomas S Duck
Dwight E. Eller
James C. Ganter
Robert B. Holt
Paul L. Kellogg ✠
A legacy of giving.
Richard L. Rupkey, Sr.
Justin G. Smith
Lee Smith
Robert A. Smith
Heritage Club - $500-999
Harold D. Adamson
William A. Barnes, USAF(Retired) ✠
George E. Burdick, MD
Devan E. Cress
James F. Eager, Jr.
James E. Elliott
Harold J Fouts
George D. Gardner
Hudson J. Harman
Jefferson J. Irvin
Cecil W. James
Donald H. Laidlaw
Edward T. McLoughlin, RPE
Lee B. Olsen
Howard G Richardson
Ronnie H Rothacher
Robert B. Steenbergen
Michael T. Sullivan, Sr.
Lane A. Swall ✠
Robert D. Walter
Lonnie E. Weaver ✠
Friendship Club - $250-499
William G. Crary
William N. Davis
John A. Gareeb ✠
Jonathan T. Hoch
Dennis A. Kuhl
Michael Perry Ladin ✠
William M. McMahon
Lyell E. Metcalf ✠
John Paul Simmons ✠
Michael R. Traficanti
Lowell E. Arnold ✠
Edward H. Boyd, USMC(Retired)
Ronald H. Cheuvront
Thomas C. Dahl
Stanley D. Duke
Ralph J Eady
Claude C. Fosdick, III
Jeffrey P Griffin
Charles A. Hill ✠
John E. Rehfield
Charles Kim Rose
Friendship Club - $250-499
Timothy J. Bray
Stephen C. Church
Ralph E. Cotter
Dennis J. Dobson
Charles Richard Dodson ✠
G. Brent Evans ✠
Paul J. Hanley
Norman J. Killip
John A. Kirkpatrick
Alan W. Laemmer ✠
Rene F. Larriva, USMC(Retired)
Steve R. Larsen
P. Richard Meyer
Neal H. Olshan, Ph.D
Charles L Ryan
Jeffrey A. Sell ✠
Robert B. Showers
James R. Sleeper
Larry L. Summerson
Thomas T. Walker
David O. Wilkey
Norman L. Wilson
Alpha Xi
Heritage Club - $500-999
Arizona state
Zeta Alpha
Ronald E. Sheets
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Osborn Neill Foster
Charles T. Johnston
Heritage Club - $500-999
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
John C. Badley ✠
Donald P. Bogner ✠
Thomas H. Bradbury ✠
John G. Campbell
Jon R. Elam
Stan J. Godbehere
Gerald H. Greene ✠
James H. Manley ✠
Richard M. McDaniel
Friendship Club - $250-499
Luis Seneriz
Eta Gamma
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Heritage Club - $500-999
George DuCharme
James Victor Hosman
Kevin M. Sedlacek
Craig R. Malinsky
Cecil M. Yarbrough
Friendship Club - $250-499
Athens State
Eta Eta
Friendship Club - $250-499
William M. Hays
Robert B. Simmons
Alpha Epsilon
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Edmund D. Taylor
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Yetta G. Samford
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Howard A Buchanan
Herbert O. Burton
Edwin M Crawford
D Henry Gambrell, Jr.
James E Hart
James Vann Henagan ✠
Morse B. Kent
James R. McCollough ✠
David C. McCullough
Braxton I Moody
Charles W. Regan, Sr. ✠
Richard D. Williams, III ✠
Robert L. Crook
Samuel B. Kent
William R. Knox
Raymond Dave Laney
Frank M. Malone
John F. Porter
Eugene S. Reynolds, MD
Thomas K. Savage ✠
Albert A. Schmidt
Albert A. Schmidt
Newton Oliver Smyth, III
Edwin P. Vaiden
Todd D. Williams
Arthur E. Manning, Jr. ✠
Keith Patrick Steinhurst, MD
James E. Trotter, P.G. ✠
Friendship Club - $250-499
Glen B. Adams
Danny Ellis Faulk ✠
Richard M. Green ✠
Dan L. Parker
James W. Smith ✠
Nickey P. Snow
Todd R. Stuart ✠
Jason Wagner
Bill G. Weaver, Jr. ✠
Jeremy Willis ✠
Bret Allen Yount ✠
Ben K. Armstrong, Jr.
Bryan David Brunner ✠
Michael R. Clark ✠
John N. Darby ✠
Charles H. Davis
Cecil L. Fields, Jr. ✠
Wiley M. Fite
George B. Gaissert
Jack Steven Hooks
Jackson Edmond Johnson
Andrew Wathen Larson ✠
Frank B. Lockridge ✠
Edsel F. Matthews ✠
David C. Oppen ✠
H. M. Perritt
Lee Pierson, III ✠
John B. Richardson
William J. Simmons
Merrill H. Stewart, Jr. ✠
George H. Wakefield, Jr.
Charles A. Walker
John P. Williams
Mark T. Williams ✠
Epsilon Theta
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Aaron E. Baldwin ✠
Joseph M. Ivcevich
Walter E. Riemenschneider
William B. Summers
Heritage Club - $500-999
Iota Chi
Heritage Club - $500-999
S. Douglas Brown, Jr. ✠
James E. Messick ✠
Kevin Mark Nelson ✠
Bryan Douglas Parker ✠
Shelton Blake Yow ✠
Eta Tau
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Lawrence E. Baggett
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
John Lilly
Bradley S. O’Shoney
Heritage Club - $500-999
Whitnell W. McMahan
Friendship Club - $250-499
Robert H. Adams
Steven P. Anderson ✠
Lawrence J. Borchert
Stephen P. Casper ✠
Robert Anthony Goodwin
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
Robert C. Cawrse
Thomas L. Culbertson
Patrick J. Dunlavy
Oliver H. Ferry
Edward E. Haddox
Gordon W Netschke
Milan Pribicevich
Dan M. Spengler, MD
Adelbert Spitzer
Zenon J Sykuta
Floyd A. Trouten
D P Weston
Friendship Club - $250-499
Austin Peay State
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Robert Barensfeld
Jesse A. Bell
Clifford O. Bemis ✠
Edward E. Klemm
William A. Niro
Mark H. Summers ✠
David L. Tressel ✠
James P. Tressel ✠
James D. Johnson
Gerald R. Walters
Friendship Club - $250-499
Heritage Club - $500-999
Arkansas state
Joseph M. Goss
Tommy D. Womack
Robert H. Baxendale ✠
Bruce T. Taylor ✠
James Teare Burnham ✠
Robert A Centa
Matthew Victor Daly, Esq. ✠
Oliver L. Hagan, DM
Dr. Jess L. Hamilton
Michael H. Hamza
Robert D. Havens
Jack H. Jones
John N. Kackloudis ✠
K. Bruce Lang ✠
Robert J. Mack
Wade I. Massad
James A. Maxwell
William H. Mowat
James F. Nevison
Harold R. Ossman
Aaron Scott ✠
Albert H. Stahmer
Dirk Van Emburgh, CFSP ✠
Ball State
Theta Alpha
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Gary N. Beaumont
William L. Evans ✠
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Chuck Bricker
Robert M. Damler ✠
C. Jeffrey De Witt
Gregory A. Holt
William T. Isaacs
John Millspaugh
Daryl D. Schweitzer
Matthew E. Smith ✠
Thomas J. Weinschenk
Christopher L. Wheeler
Heritage Club - $500-999
Brad Beumer
Brian Michael Blackburn
Russell A. Bruce ✠
James D. Coleman
Jason V. Cookson
Paul Edson
Ilan D. Eframian ✠
James R. Gast
Brian P. Gentrup
Mr. Kevin M. Jones
Derrick G. Millspaugh
Steven A. Nall ✠
John J. Nurkowski
Keith L Rector
Alan J. Smith ✠
Friendship Club - $250-499
John M. Boomershine ✠
Steven D. Clark
Matt Clodfelter
Mark Cox
Eugene F. Crabill
Charles J. Damler
Mario Garcia
Ned B. Green
Matthew R. Handy, USA
Jason N. Hashmi
Samuel R. Kilmer
Howard J. Lacy ✠
W. John Leganza
Scott A. LeVeque ✠
Jim T. Mahoney
David McConaha, CFA
Jeffrey Alan Newton ✠
Jonathan E. Shell ✠
Kevin J. Singh
David W. Tangerman
A legacy of giving.
British Columbia
Bemidji State
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Heritage Club - $500-999
Friendship Club - $250-499
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Nickolas Jorgenson ✠
Patrick Keegan O’Daniel
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
William J. Dube, III
Jim D. Hudson ✠
Heritage Club - $500-999
John Patrick Cahill, Jr.
Thomas L. Davis
Glen N. Guthrie ✠
Michael T. Kahley
Oliver Lee Sharp, III
Lance C. Travis
David R Williams
Kenneth A. Zschappel
Friendship Club - $250-499
Mark A. Bodron ✠
Spencer Thomas Caperton ✠
Joe A. Cestari
Chris James Fitzwater ✠
Christopher Kelly Tkach ✠
Wickliffe P. Curtis, Jr. ✠
Martin Mosely Davis ✠
Richard D. Dison
Randolph Preston Edwards, II ✠
Steven D. Glenn ✠
Kyle C. Hooper
Matthew Jared Russell ✠
H. Lewis McReynolds
C. Philip Miller ✠
Nathan Carl Grohmann ✠
Christopher Stratton Paxton ✠
Joe H. Phipps
Travis Evan Plummer ✠
Preston Steven Cutbirth ✠
Ross Pruett ✠
Robert Browder Kent ✠
Travis Allen Wendt ✠
Gregory Charles Valentine ✠
Robert Cunningham Wood, Jr. ✠
Alec C. Ylitalo ✠
Iota Phi
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Steven D. Richard
Friendship Club - $250-499
Jon Labarre Burt ✠
Joel Schlichtemier ✠
Bowling Green State
Daniel P. Taylor, OD ✠
Wade C. Thompson ✠
Michael R. Wilson
Bruce D. Wolfschlag
Alan J. Zmyslo
Theta Nu
Epsilon Kappa
A. Ray Van Horn
Eta Sigma
James E. Hetland
Roger A. Jarvi
Beta Beta
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Sam H. Allen, III
Elton B. Stephens
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Raiford W. Cooper
Albert L Fairley, Jr.
Robert H. Kelley ✠
Hoyt B Levie
Robert E. Smith
Leon M Stevenson, Sr.
George H Wakefield
Heritage Club - $500-999
Alvah W. Bearse
Cletus M Bonds, Jr.
Cecil F. Hackney
John B. Ivey
Guy E Snavely
Friendship Club - $250-499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Heritage Club - $500-999
David E. Clutts ✠
Donald W. Englebert
John D. Henderson
Jacob Lee Manning ✠
Frank D. Praytor
Joseph M. Prude ✠
J Terrell Spencer
William E. Spidle
Fred A. Stephens
Malcolm B. Street, Jr.
J. Quinton Thomas
Frank A Wagner
Delta Omega
Heritage Club - $500-999
Felix S. Verity
Friendship Club - $250-499
Robert E. Meehan, CPA
Robert A. Wagg
Peter R. Culos
Walter H. Lewis
David H. Doering
Lt. Col. Willis A. Ensign,
Julien A. Faisant
David L. Feasby
Karl A. Friend ✠
David L. Hein
Frederick H. Jackson
Daniel M. Lust
Allan J. Schutt, MD ✠
James D. Smith
Roger M. Williamson ✠
David L. Aufderstrasse ✠
Thomas J. Bebout
Edward C. Gregor
Richard M. Kranz
Dr. David L. Larson ✠
James L. Limbacher
William J. Lloyd
James B. Melrose
Raymond C. Presgrave ✠
Donald L. Speck
Thomas A. Ammeter
Thomas P. Bowlus, MD
John W. Bronson ✠
John J. Ellis
William S. Erickson
Mr. David C. Ewing ✠
Kevin P. Gaffney ✠
John A. Gregor
Robert E. Hauenstein
Paul K Heiberger
Jerry B. Hissong
Charles W. Holcomb
Eric L. Jenison
Ralph Kelbaugh
Richard A. Lehman
Michael P. Mehno
James E. Menger
Vernon E. Oechsle
Glen D. Perry
Larry G. Rebich
Frederick W. Richards
George A. Scheid
Brett G. Smith
Stuart A. Smith
James R. Wantland
Kent R. Williamson
William R. Licht
Theodore W Moore
Alan W. Morten, Jr.
Clifford J. Whitehead, Jr.
Epsilon Pi
Heritage Club - $500-999
Gamma Delta
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
S. James Beale, MD
Heritage Club - $500-999
Arthur E Axt
Horace P Bill
Arthur K Litchfield
Gordon W Roaf
Friendship Club - $250-499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Cal Poly-Pomona
Iota Eta
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Kevin M. Proctor
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Raymond Armenta
Robert B. Bakh ✠
William D. McCauley
Heritage Club - $500-999
Gregory J. Gude
Friendship Club - $250-499
Donald Jake Kramer ✠
Michael Patrick Mulgrew
Delta Pi
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Allen C. Green
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Donald C Blackwood
Allan H. Cass
Wilton A. Hawkins
M. Delmar Ritchie ✠
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
Richard A. Cloughley
Joseph D. Defilippi
Joseph A. Dougherty
Philip L. Dowd
Donald C. Franz
H. R. French
John C Geffel
Thomas D. Greider
Leland E. Jones
James E. Komer, USA(Retired)
Mitchell B. Lapman
Carroll J. Lawler
William S. McIntyre
Willard S. Rafferty
Robert R. Shuck ✠
Anthony M. Umek
Frederick J. Artz
Case Western Reserve
James I Bevan
Charles L. Fuellgraf
Millard F. Gordon
Harold G. Hall
Richard S Hoover
Dewitt C Howell
Thomas B Blackwood
Valentine T. Brandner, Jr.
John R. Huffman, Ph.D
Edward J. McVay
Harold P. Poe
Brian E. Renner
James D. Sands
Richard U. Swaney
Robert P. Taber
Ellroy G. Wildhaber
Anthony M. Scala
Heritage Club - $500-999
Donald A. Badger
Mark M. Deutsch ✠
Richard W. Gailey, Jr.
Brian G. Musick ✠
Richard A. Roberts
Friendship Club - $250-499
Adam Seth Wald ✠
Glenn A. Dial
Thomas E. Green
Matthew C. Jebb ✠
Shawn P. Kane ✠
G. Comforted Keen ✠
Mitchell R. Less, CPA
Stephen K. Miller
Ricardo J. Montero ✠
W. Bruce Mulvey
Walter K. Robinson
Clay W. Scherer
Sgt. Marc David Simon
Dwight D. Sparling
Central Missouri
Iota Sigma
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Marcus D. Casteel
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
David Barbour
Dennis Giardina
Friendship Club - $250-499
Gamma Kappa
Kevin Rhine
Skyler Spencer
Heritage Club - $500-999
Central oklahoma
Central Florida
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Newel J McConoughey
Zeta Nu
Eta Rho
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
C. Douglas Elliott
Trenton A Scott
Benjamin R. Ungerman
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Charles C Belcher
Chris Spence ✠
Thomas J. Cleary
Robert B. Fisher
Paul J. Halyard ✠
Ron P. Kennedy
David C. Miller ✠
Juan Javier Ongay-Diaz
William C. Bryant
Kent L. Magrini ✠
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Donald J. Blankenship
Frank I. Brisben
Erland Benny Christensen
Ellworth D. Humes
Don H. Vaughn
Thomas J. Vaughn, Jr. ✠
Larry W. Woodard
Heritage Club - $500-999
Clovis G. Davis
Mark A. Guilliams
Valdis Henkuzens
A legacy of giving.
William T. Kress ✠
W. D. Perrymore
Scott A. Schmidt ✠
Anthony C. Scott
Gary O Stone
Randy E. Streight
Ron L. Van Rossum ✠
Heritage Club - $500-999
Friendship Club - $250-499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Herbert W Clough
Stanley M Corbett
James E Elworth
Charles J Hibbard
Richard D Rudolph
Joseph F Sokal
Brad A. Bell
Joshua Paul Biggers ✠
Robert L. Bratton
Michael O. Dunn ✠
Robert A. Griffin
Randall L. Groves ✠
Jeff L. Jones ✠
Paul J. Kessler
Don A. Mace
Dewayne A. Misner
Mark E. Misner
Donald E. Pumphrey
Steven R. Thompson ✠
William G. Wilson
Beta Xi
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Robert E Moore
Rene Ravenel, MD
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Scott A. Cracraft
Jeffrey A. Foster ✠
Allison F.P. Wilder, Jr.
Heritage Club - $500-999
Edward W. Teal, Jr.
Kenneth B. Young, MD
Friendship Club - $250-499
Scott W. Barnhill
Kendall Glenn Beach
Maxcy C. Boineau
Victor M. Ott
Adolph Weil, III
Gamma Xi
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Edward J. Blume
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Howard Charles Abbott
Roy A Burt
Henry M Tibbits
Delta Lambda
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Fred R Armstrong
Carl K Gieringer
Jeffrey W Becker
Adam R. Osterholt
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Edwin J. Alexander
William A. Barrows
Edward F. Brent ✠
Thomas D. Cooper, PE ✠
Randall W. Franz ✠
Jerry L. Fritz
Ralph E. Gieringer
Solon L. Graham
Austin Hahn
Brian Kent Haisley
Scott M. Jackson ✠
Eric Edward Jerger
Jeffrey D. Keenan ✠
Jon D. Kessler
Gary P. Kreider ✠
Howard Kress
David J. Lovitz ✠
Ralph B. Melick ✠
George H. Musekamp
Kirby S Neumann ✠
Scott Joseph Schroeder
Eric S. Tomchik ✠
Dick E. Tullis
Frederick J. Zint ✠
Heritage Club - $500-999
John M. Arthur
Don R. Batchelder ✠
Robert W. Brafford
Henry A Burgett
Robert J. Erman
Theodore K. Harris
Daniel C. Heineman
Robert H. Huber
Guilbert M. Hunt
Daniel M Janosik
Emil J Kratt
Brett J.D. Kratzer
Heritage Club - $500-999
Donald P Krisher
Elwood S Leffel
Paul L. Lehrer ✠
Gerald L. Mattingly
James F. Miller
Anthony P. Rastani ✠
Richard C. Rastani
Robert E. Schneider
John T. Sharpnack
Kelly Y Siddall
Harry A Syak
Donald A. Turner
Karl T. Wagner
Joseph F. Wood
Paul M Woodward
Joseph R. Alpert
Christopher L Johnson
Michael R. McCabe
Edward T Moynahan
Scott D. Olewiler
Stanley L. Sorrentino ✠
Leroy N. Young
Friendship Club - $250-499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Robert B Polhemus
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Earle J. Bensing
Bruce R. Sullivan
Winthrop D Voorhees
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Eta Pi
Heritage Club - $500-999
Friendship Club - $250-499
Jonathan Matthew Luttrell
Jan L McCormick
Charles Edward Polley ✠
Charles R. Ruff ✠
Gamma Alpha
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Dwight L. Allison, III
G Cecil Goddard
Lewis Levine
Frederick M Brazier
Henry Curtis, Jr.
Peter E Durkee
Walter B Holton, Jr.
William R Hulsizer
Richard S. MacNeish
Morris E Midkiff, Jr.
G. Kirk Raab
H Grant Schroeder
Charles B. Carter
Mark Chilton
W. Gordon Fink ✠
David B. Gaw
Ronald D. Hicks
John A. Kintzele
Alva R. Kitt
Robert H LaGrange
Marvin W. Maydew
Max R Millis
Drexel D Minshall
William D. Ogden
Robert M. Powell
Peter A Ribar
Ted Shestak
Lorn M. Shields
J. Mark Taggart
Edward M. Tomsic
William H Tyler
J. Alan Webber
Eugene D. Wurdinger
Delta Gamma
Mark K. Brennan
Theodore Diktaban
James L. Elrod
Charles E. Ferree
Walter D. Ford
Daniel Joseph Glusker
Randall M. Green
Max W. Mason, Jr.
Michael S McNally
Richard S. Pierce
Alfred C. Turino
Stewart D. Woolley
Gamma Lambda
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
William C. Barber
William M Moore
Timothy M. Stephens
Edward J. Wirtz
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
colorado mines
Epsilon Alpha
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
James Boyd
Dunn Krahl
John J Rupnik
A. George Setter
John S. Southworth
Wendell A Van Hook
Gerald E. Van Sickle
Jasper N. Warren
Thomas G. Fails
Richard F. Hatfield
Kenneth W. Nickerson
Ernest F. Riefler
Lawrence E Smith
William F Welch
Heritage Club - $500-999
James G. Kennedy
Charles E. Smith ✠
Thomas H Barber
Richard S. Fuld
Richard B Fulton
Allan C. Jones
Thomas E Orr
R. Dale Rector
James R. Sherman ✠
Adrian W. Shopp
Jack H. Stoltz
Ronald A. Sudduth
Raymond J. Timmerman
Friendship Club - $250-499
Friendship Club - $250-499
William W. Britton
Thomas I Brunson
Richard J. Crispi
Mark A. Dornoff ✠
Charles F. Hanks
John C. Jones, CPA
Jack N. Kaiser
Timothy Paul Kesselem
Dean Patrick Kratzer
Richard M. Lasure
Douglas C. Lawrence
Alexander R. Le Donne
Kenneth R. McGohan
Earl F Miles
Forrest R Nagley
Edward F. Siermann
Herbert W. Starick
Robert N Sturm, Jr.
Greg H Thomas
Eric Paul Thurston ✠
Timothy A. Weikert
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Michael G. McNamara
Wayne B Sanders
Allan J Stinchfield
Donald E. Clark
George W Curtis
Joseph Bortner Famme, Sr.
Robert R. Foote
Thomas H. Garnett
Edward S. Havasy
Horace B. Holmes ✠
Richard E Hopper
Jack W. Montgomery
James L. Owsley
Melvin W. Pollock
Steve Potts
Ralph W. Reed
Thomas V. Reynolds
Luis D. Rovira
Roger H. Sherman
Heritage Club - $500-999
Theodore R. Bergstrom
Ralph H. Dougherty ✠
William G. Dutton
John J Faltis
John A. Geis
Henry H. Gruver
Robert N Hastings
Thomas P. Hester
Andrew C. Jurasin
Stanley J. Krick ✠
Joseph M Maxwell
William R. Mills
Robert P Obrecht
William F. Oline
William D. Payne
Roderick K. Rawlins
Irvin M. Rice
Robert J Rose
Richard L. Stallings
John C. Stimson
William A Waldschmidt
Friendship Club - $250-499
Alva M. Caster ✠
Ronald W. Clark
Thomas H. Cole
Donald I Gahagan
Francis E. Gibson
Dan H Griswold
James A. Hollywood
William P. Lesage
Byron J. Lindros
Eugene A. O’Brien
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Thomas G. Fails
Richard F. Hatfield
Kenneth W. Nickerson
Ernest F. Riefler
A legacy of giving.
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Lawrence E Smith
William F Welch
colorado state
Delta Eta
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Robert A. Smutz
Heritage Club - $500-999
Forrest R. Bassford
Robert C. Blatter ✠
James G. Brakke ✠
Jeff A. Christensen
William J McDonnal
James L. Peterson
Lynn D Selch
Vance E. Vorhees
Travis Brinkman ✠
Brian C. Brooks ✠
Calven P. Conrey
George Cox
Stewart D. Daniels
James E. Ellsworth ✠
Philip D. Harman
John S Jones
Donald P. Litke, USAF(Retired)
Robert T. Marland, Jr.
William B. McCollum
Charles P. Michel ✠
Peter Anthony Dearth ✠
Michael L. Peterson ✠
Robert A. Piper
Shawn L. Smith ✠
John C. Stermer
Roy W Vorhees
Beta Theta
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Charles J. Abbe
David G. Pyle
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Robert E. Ambrose
Jerome Fein ✠
Thomas G. Linxweiler
John D Rees
James G. Caldwell
Florian F. Ceperley
Steven Nelson Chase
Chris Vernick ✠
Thomas H. Clements
Wilmot S. Draper
Rickford J. Hanner
Ted Hill ✠
Guy T. Iaccarino ✠
Keith F. Lender
Trent Elliot Miller ✠
George K. Reilly
Donald B. Shanin
John M. Weir
Heritage Club - $500-999
Linny M. Baker
Joel H. Braswell
Frank M. Renfrow
James W. Stewart
Friendship Club - $250-499
Gordon L. Coxe
John B Garrett, Jr.
David A. Hardeman
Melvin C. Jones ✠
Donald D. McNeill, Jr.
Robert Kent Mitchell
Sandy M. Stubbs
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Joseph H. Fisher
Dr. Gregory R. Hoy, MD
William L. Payne
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Heritage Club - $500-999
Friendship Club - $250-499
Larry L. Askew, II ✠
James T. Haney ✠
Jeramy A. Ortiz ✠
Randy N. Trenhaile
Timothy C. Wilkerson
Jerry R. Swanson
A.W. Franklin Bloodworth
Timothy S. Rothermel
Epsilon Rho
Eta Omicron
F. Craig Baptist
Duane D. Waite
Friendship Club - $250-499
Ronald W. Hechler
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Curtis C. Rogers ✠
John R. Smart
Rolland William Trayte
Robert J. Zipfel
Epsilon Omega
Paul M Montague
David B. Nibouar, DMD
David A. Plastino
Donald S. Renshaw
Yorke E. Rhodes
Scott P. Sullivan
Daniel G. Tynan
Robert A. Woodruff
Delta Sigma
Richard L Griffin
Anthony J. Blumenstetter
Hans E. Dahl ✠
Robert J. James
William S. LaLonde, III
Harold B. MacPhillamy
Lawrence R McAfoos
Philip D Mickle
Leigh A Miller
Edward B Moebus
Per J. Ostman
Paul E. Pentz
John Weikart
Heritage Club - $500-999
Heritage Club - $500-999
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
George H. Boulton
C. Duane Harris
Edward B Hawkins
George S McClave
Douglas C. Perks
Ralph L. Westfall
John M. Ferris
John W Mallory
Frank Santa-Donato
Charles W Smith
Albert S. Trefts, Jr.
Fred D. Winslow ✠
James J. Doney
Alfred L. Minite ✠
William H Minner, Jr.
Richard D. Sanderson
Heritage Club - $500-999
Carl L. Biemiller
Bruce D. Blair
George M. Chamberlain, Jr.
Joseph K. Champness
Richard William Chappell
David H Dellinger
Samuel B. Fielder
William H. Fisher ✠
Richard P. Gordon
Steven W. Gutzman ✠
Richard F. Hammond
Robert Lewis Hutchison ✠
Douglas W. Johnson
Benjamin H. Lane, Jr. ✠
George A. MacFarland
Thomas E. Makowski
Peter E. Andrejev
Gregory R. Babowal
James M. Brock, Jr.
Robert P. Budakian
Albert F. Carter
Mark W. Cavanaugh ✠
Elbert Chance
Brian S. Davis
Ernest W. Dobson
Terry L. Dunlap
Daniel S. Hudson
Sean P. Hughes
H. Daniel Jobe, II ✠
Lawrence W. Kneisley
William G. MacFarland
Fredric J Mainwaring
Ralph D. Megee
Roland M. Mills, Jr. ✠
Thomas K. Pratt
John S. Rafanello
J David Ruf
David L. Specht
Order of the Maltese Cross - $100,000-
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Jon B. Boss ✠
James D. Tracy
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Robert C. Smykal
CDR R. Thomas Bell, III
William Scott Glickfield
John R. Lininger
Samuel D Schaff
Friendship Club - $250-499
Kenneth L. Bush, Jr.
Fredric Fenstermacher
Daniel A. Foy
William G. Harriss
Grant L. Jones
Walter E. Offinger, Jr.
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
David T. Anderson
Matthew P. Finnigan
Guy L Gronquist
Maury B. Mortensen
Bruce M. Van Slyke ✠
Heritage Club - $500-999
Calvin Carroll
Wallace D. Hunter, Ph.D
Dean G. Lehman
Friendship Club - $250-499
David S. Frech
Stephen D. Hopkins
Alex W. Lock ✠
David M. Rubin
Raymond D. Tewell
Jere G. Weliver
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Zeta Iota
Heritage Club - $500-999
Zeta Gamma
Delta Rho
Robert C Knuepfer, Jr
Charles A. Adams
Arthur L. Bryant
John W. Busey ✠
Gary P. Drew ✠
Dr. Brian G McElheny
William W. McKittrick
Robert J. Nunn
William E. Schmidt Foundation Inc
Thomas M. Schneider ✠
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Charles C. Adams
Frank W Braden
Mark A. Buening
Todd M. Cleveland
Thomas A. Drew
M. Lewis Gulick
Michael A. Huesing
Cloyd J. Julian
William F. Kolbe
Kevin A. Krakora
David F. Lau
Craig E. Lower
Dennis G. Lydick ✠
Benjamin W. Stokes
Paul A. Wright, JD ✠
Heritage Club - $500-999
Robert J. Angeli
John R. Ball
Randal D. Biederstedt
Daniel C. Blaney ✠
Curtis R. Bryant
Harley E Burckhalter
James J. Busey
Michael L Butler
Byron W. Daugherty
Howard W. Eloe
John D. Hennette
David A. Ketchum
Neil J Kurland
Jon D. Lehmkuhler
James F. Lininger
Thomas W. Lontz
John S Medaris
Ronald S. Miller, MD
C. Scott Molden
Gordon H Murray
Michael G. Neill
William H. Oberholtzer
Walter W. Rauch ✠
Michael L. Roach, Esq.
Robert R. Schlueter, DDS
Glenn R. Silcott
Philip D Snyder, MD
Steven A. Spreen
Norbert L. Talbott
Peter P. Ten Eyck
Michael J. Traylor
Donald T Turner
Seth Thomas Wilburn ✠
Todd Williams
Friendship Club - $250-499
Walter B Barney
Donald E. Blatchley
William R Bloss
Paul F. Boyer
Philip D. Burroughs
Louis O. Carr ✠
Richard T. Childs ✠
A B Cornthwaite
Daniel Kenneth Cetina
Don R. Daseke
John F. Davis
Mark E. Davis M.D.
Scott L. Davis
Robert J Doherty
Randall R. Dwenger
Charles T. Evans
Jack W. Graham
Kenneth E. Haacke
David C. Hess
A legacy of giving.
Charles S. Hoeppner
Curtis E. Huber
John G. Hurley
Robert S. Julian
John F. Krauss
William D. Krauss
David B. Langhout
Michael S. McCrea
Stephen M. Olin
Paul D. Pearson
Jason G. Petrovich
Alfred Piquette
Floyd E Placzek
William Riley ✠
Fred H. Snyder
Richard W. Talley
Brad J. Tandy
James H. Tate
Michael M. Webb, USAF
Michael B Zieg
Delta Omicron
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Loren D. Carlson
George M. Munson
Walter B. Scott
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Gerald K. Allen
Laurence J. Barkley
Paul T. Beyer
Robert F Dick
James E. Freeman
Robert R Kendall
John P. Liggett
George J Peairs
Robert L. Schmidt
Claire E Treman
John K. Van Dyke
Heritage Club - $500-999
David W. Dunn
Donald E. Fether
Robert L. Goldman
Larry D. Hamilton
Lovitt W. Henderson ✠
Charles S Johnson
Raymond J. Nicklas
Peter B. Pauli
Robert Pyles
William D. Trent ✠
James C. VanGinkel ✠
Friendship Club - $250-499
Richard C. Allen
Robert J. Baldwin
William D. Cate
Richard L. Davis
Warren L. Dvorak
Thomas B. Golden
William R Higgins, Jr.
James E. Maxwell
Terry G. Moore
Hubert G. Mote
Dennis R. Olden ✠
S. Josiah Penberthy, Jr.
Fred A Smith
James E Swaine, Jr.
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Guilbert L. Brandon
Albert G Clay
James G. Dalton, Sr.
Herbert H. Hurst, Jr.
James G Schneider
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
James F. Akers
Howard E. Bell
James H. Eddy, Jr.
Carl W. Franks
Basil M. Griffin, Jr., MD
Alfred F. Hooker, Jr.
Arthur B. Rouse, Jr.
Aldine K Siler
Jeff Staubach
Jess W. Talcott
W. James Turpit
John Vennema, Jr.
Richard J. Warren
William B. Wilmer
Joseph D. Wright
John J. Younger
Heritage Club - $500-999
William C Britt
D. Buckey Clemson
Robert E. Cline
Malcolm F. Crawford
John C. Ellsworth
Thomas N. Farr
William S. Hodges
Jesse D Long, Jr.
James B. Madden ✠
Edward V. O’Connor
Winston H. Palmer
Grady E. Price
Robert A Radtke
Jan M. Rivenbark
Harry D. Robinson
George M. Rushforth
Donald Stevenson
T. Scott Wilkinson
Friendship Club - $250-499
Henry D. Angelino
Stephen A. Barnes, MD ✠
Zeb E. Barnhardt, Jr.
Peter C. Brockett
Brandon H. Busteed ✠
John C. Conner ✠
Manny Fanarjian ✠
Leo M. Hart
Thomas Blair Hines, Jr. ✠
William G. Holyfield ✠
John P. Kauffman
Patrick Mannelly
William J. Massey, III
Matthew Miniat ✠
John E. McGaughey
James E. Miller
Edwin H. Page
Peter Woodward Allen ✠
Harry M. Piper ✠
Matthew T. Richardson, Esq.
Robert T. Rothberg
Skylar Bates ✠
Todd Monson ✠
John L. Waddell
William R. Ward
Douglas Whitlock, II ✠
William M. Ziegler
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
W. Daniel Barker
Frank T. Corker, MD
William L. Heinz
Paul M. McLarty, Jr. ✠
Dr. Alan D. Price
William F. Quillian, Jr. ✠
Jerry M. Robinson, MD ✠
Jesse E. Summers ✠
Albert D. Thomson, Jr. ✠
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
G. Revis Butler, Jr. ✠
John R. Crenshaw ✠
Russell V Douglas, MD
William M. Douglas, MD
Larry F. Elliott
David F Haddow
Robert H Hickman
Jack A. Lang ✠
Daniel C. Martin, MD
Donald R. Moore ✠
William B. Nipper
John C. Pruitt ✠
David H. Stemerman ✠
Thomas B. Strozier ✠
Heritage Club - $500-999
Theta Mu
Merritt S Bond
William C Clary
Emmett B Collins
Ernest F. Daniel
Dr. Sewell H. Dixon
Karl R. Guest
William R Harris
Roy O. Hill, Jr.
John S. Inman, Jr.
Gerald L. Knoedler ✠
W. Hugh Lasseter
Madison S Massey
Edward F Merritt
Mardis W. Parker
Thomas E. Penland, Jr.
William F. Quillian, III ✠
Capt. Stephen G. Ray ✠
Walter Dan Stinson
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Theta Gamma
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Father Naos McCool
Friendship Club - $250-499
John A. Barich
John D. Cecilian, Jr. ✠
Rodney Thomas Chakan
Anthony J. Gelose, III ✠
Thomas B Grealish
Wesley R. Mallicone ✠
Matthew J. Tarosky
James P. Daly
Heritage Club - $500-999
Charles T. Canfield
Daniel L. Wallace
Alpha Theta
Order of the Maltese Cross - $100,000Kenneth F Murrah
James L. Adams
Craig Caldwell
Sam Carmichael ✠
Christopher A. Clayton
Jeffrey D. Dinkle
Russell V. Douglas, Jr.
Tom W. Duke
Robert C. Field
Marion H. Greene
Stephen F. Hancy
James D. Henry ✠
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
Lex Heslin ✠
Charles W. Holmes, III ✠
Aaron L. King
John W. Kingery
Charles O. Lowe ✠
Richard W. Moss
Alvah J. Nelson
William B. Nipper, Jr., DMD
E. Alan Paulk
Stewart R. Roberts, Jr.
Dr. William C. Sharpton, Jr. ✠
Henry M. Shaver
Robert B. Smith, III
Oliver A. Sorsdahl
Myron James Szczukowski Jr., MD
Robert L. Whitmire, Jr. ✠
Roger J. Wise
David C. Wright
Morgan D. Wynne, MD
Order of the Maltese Cross - $100,000James I Black III
Order of True Merit - $50,000-99,999
Jack M. Berry, Jr. ✠
Michael D. Minton
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Dennis K. Hays ✠
David H. Hughes
Allen L. Lastinger, Jr.
W. Bruce O’Donoghue
Charles M. Paulk, Jr. ✠
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Charles W. Abbott ✠
John C. Barrott
Scott E. Bostick
Jim C. Buckner ✠
Samuel F. Elder
Harold W. Goforth
Yon P. Hammel ✠
C. Harold Hippler, Jr. ✠
Buck Lanier
Harold Franklin McCart, Jr.
Matthew E. Morrall
James W. Moyles, III
Jeffrey P. Phelan ✠
Francis E. Pierce, III ✠
Randolph J Rush
David F Scales
Joseph B Shearouse
John Tom Stewart
Jesse G. Tucker
Richard E. Turner
Howe Q. Wallace, Jr. ✠
R. David Wallace ✠
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Randal M. Alligood
William B. Barfield
William P. Battaglia
Alfred G. Bisset ✠
Daniel C. Brawner
Robert A. Burwell
Raymond A Carter
Michael J. Cassaras ✠
Joe B Cordell
Roy B. Dalton, Jr.
Julian K Dominick
George W. Etheridge, Jr.
Ralph L. Evans
Ronald W. Featherstone
Joseph W. Fleece
James L. Fly
Samuel J. Footer
Harold W. Goforth, Jr.
Robert L. Green
Robert M. Hallock
Kenneth E. Hartsaw
Woodford H. Hayes
Howard H. Hewitt
Earl B. Hooten, II
John C. Jennings, III
Matt M. Jetton
Tim W. Kaskey
T. Paine Kelly, Jr.
John M. Kuykendall
James D. Latimer
David P. Lyons
Jack C Massey
Robert D McDougal, III
Michael W. Melvin
T. Stephen Melvin, Jr. ✠
Rich Millar
Phillip D. O’Connell, Jr. ✠
Stephen C O’Connell
Edmund E. Olson ✠
John C Pinkerton
Donald R. Prokes ✠
Russell L. Reid
L. F. Rossignol, III ✠
Fletcher G Rush
Frederic A. Scarola
William H. Scovell
William Paul Shelley
Harold H. Sherrard
Chesterfield H. Smith
Ley H. Smith
Thomas H. Taylor, Jr.
William D. Tenney
Norman Todd ✠
Harold R. Torrance, MD ✠
Erik Van Brero ✠
Rev. Dr. Benjamin W. Wait, III
P. Joseph (Joe) Wright ✠
A legacy of giving.
Heritage Club - $500-999
Louie N. Adcock, Jr.
Robert N. Anderson
C. Jackson Baldwin
James A. Barks ✠
James L. Barnes
Bradford A. Batz
John W. Blackmon
Ronald E. Bray, CPA
Thomas M. Bucci ✠
Robert A. Buckner
William A. Buhner
William H Butler
Oliver L Butner
George A. Chatfield,
Curtis G. Culver
Samuel F Davis
Robert Sean DeMartino
Wade H. Dennis
Mark B. DiDea
Richard P. Donnellan
Robert W. Duckworth ✠
David L. Edwards
Robert P. Evans, IV ✠
Peter T. Eyrick
John T. Fallin ✠
Jeb R Ferebee
Paul G Franklin
Charles B Galloway, Jr.
Stephen H. Grimes
John M Hammer, Sr.
William M. Hamner
James R. Harper
Thomas C. Heath
David W Hedrick
Robert A. Isaac
Jay A. Johnston
A. Harman Jones, Jr. ✠
Ronald A. Jones
John D. Keating
Philip A. Kellogg
Roger W. Kellogg
David B. Kibler, III
Larry G. King ✠
Robert Kloeppel
Scott H. Langston
Marion Murray Lasley
Howarth L. Lewis, Jr. FAIA
Robert B. Lochrie, Jr.
Steven L. Lockhart ✠
Charles B. Lowe
Virgil D. Martin
Rafael E. Martinez ✠
Jim H. Mayfield ✠
Kevin M. Mays
Sean P. McCarthy
R. Wendell McMillan ✠
Alfred B Michael, Jr.
John B. Miller
Dr. Robert Harvey Miller
Fred Montsdeoca
Gregory K. Nelson
Victor F. Nettles
Steve Nouss
Matthew S. Nugent
Clifton Oliver, Jr.
Jesse J. Parrish, III
J. David Perdue
Donald M. Pickard
Charles E. Poe
Charles M Potter
George A. Reich
Charles E Rice
Wiley Terrell Simpson, Jr.
John J. Smith, Jr. ✠
Melvin B Smith
Dodd A. Southern
William G. Thomas, Jr.
Monte J. Tillis, Jr.
Norman E. Toy
Francisco F Trafficante ✠
David Vaughn
James A. Wasmund
Mark V. White ✠
Kevin B. Woods
Robert V Workman
Friendship Club - $250-499
James L. Avant ✠
Gerald L. Black
Donald B. Boone, CPCU,CLU ✠
Christian Bruey ✠
Frank A. Buskirk
George B. Cappy
John T Cash
Richard K. Cole
Gordon T. Connor, MD
Thomas A. Csencsitz, MD, Ph.D ✠
R. Todd Dantzler
Hugh Raymond Dollar
Chad G. Durrance
James W. Dyches
W. William Ellsworth, III
Robert G. Firkins
Francis E. Pierce, IV ✠
David R Garsh
Gilbert S. Goshorn
Joseph S. Guernsey
George E. W. Hardy
Gilmer M. Heitman
Daniel L. Helmick
William E. Herron, Jr.
Paul M. Huddleston
Peter C. Jordan
David R. Kendall ✠
Thomas B. Kibler
James H. Kimbrough, Jr.
Robert R. King
James T. Lang
J. Fran Lasseter, Jr.
Ramon A. Lopez
Neil T. MacMillan
Michael E. Malone
Charles W. Matheny, Jr.
Jon C. Mazzoli
Lawrence McNeill
Michael E. McVeigh
James L. Miller ✠
Frederick J. Mills ✠
Michael T. Moore
Christopher C. Morton
W. Mahon Myers, MD
Brian Jeffrey Natwick ✠
Jeffrey S. Neale
Patrick Ryan Nutt ✠
Thomas M. O’Connell
Charles F. Olson ✠
Joseph M. Paniello
Alfred E. Pellerin ✠
M. Julian Proctor
Ricky A. Rasmussen ✠
James C. Register ✠
Henry C. Richardson
Thomas D. Rielly ✠
Cecil O Ritch
Robert E. Rivers
Dickson W. Robertson
Steven W. Robertson ✠
David H. Robinson ✠
Smith J. Rudasill
Theodore E. Salb, Jr.
Jack B. Salt
T. Terrell Sessums
Robert H. Sitter ✠
Charles Harald Stone ✠
David S. Swan
Phillip W. Tanner
Randall J. Topjun
Todd G. Unbehagen ✠
Wayne E. Wadsworth
Terry B. Williamson
florida atlantic
Eta Mu
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Paul M. Lawless
Eric E. Oliver
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
David R Koburger
Heritage Club - $500-999
Michael R. Slade
Wayne R Thomann
Stephen Yuenger
Friendship Club - $250-499
Richard P. Gerdus
Marc Aaron Gordon ✠
Richard J. Guberman ✠
Julian B. Irby ✠
Robert T. Langford
Stephen D. Stubits
Jeffrey S. Williams
florida state
Epsilon Sigma
Order of the Maltese Cross - $100,000Melvin C Magidson
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Fred G. Clarke
Vernon G. Edgar, Jr.
Jeff P. Fusile ✠
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Cory J. Ciklin ✠
Dean K. Jennings
Matthew G. Nasrallah
Jack W. Rynerson
Jeffrey F. Scales
Joseph M. Snowden
Ty Charles Walraven
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Luke P. Cain ✠
Craig L. Hodges ✠
Jorge L. Piedra
Christopher S. Knopik
Fred John Maglione
William W Meigs
Charles L. Minter, Sr.
Brian A. Newman
Robert W. Pittman
John R. Schoonmaker
Douglas L. White
William H. Williams ✠
Heritage Club - $500-999
Edward J. Boyack
William C. Burkhardt
Cecil G. Carlton
Alwyn C. Cash, Jr.
Gerald P. Cigarran ✠
John W. Craig, Sr.
Thomas C. Cundy ✠
Thomas C. Cundy, Jr. ✠
Lester C. Lintz
Jimmy H. McRory
Gregory R. Michaud ✠
Stevens E. Tombrink ✠
Richard M. Wilson ✠
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
Friendship Club - $250-499
James W. Aikin ✠
George W. Arnau
Jeffrey L. Becker
Willard E. Crotty ✠
Dillon Dray ✠
Gregory M. Harris ✠
Thomas E Harritt ✠
Daniel C. Hayes
H.S. Bunker Hill ✠
Robert M. Jernigan
William H. Kemp ✠
Stephen Kosowsky
Robert G. Landrum ✠
Jordan Paul Marshall ✠
William E. McCormick
Richard T. Mead ✠
Donald William Scarlett ✠
Michael M. Schaeffer ✠
William P. Smith, Jr. ✠
Steve Kalenich ✠
Louis C. Taormina
James A. Topping ✠
W. Tyler Woolson ✠
James L. Wettengel
Wendell M. Winstead ✠
Christopher B. Young
florida tech
Kappa Eta
Friendship Club - $250-499
Ryan James Langdon ✠
Daniel Reinhold Schlegel
David R. Valletta, Jr. ✠
Frank W. Allcorn, IV
Glenn T. Austin
Matthew W. Hunt
Brad K. Jackson
David G. Salyers
James A West
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Dameron Black
Richard B. Bradshaw
John J Ciccarone ✠
Donald R Keough
Charles R. King, MD
Cecil L. Strickland
Robert R. Woodson ✠
Heritage Club - $500-999
Thomas M Clower
Julian H. Cook
Harold B. Goolsby
Robert F Hatcher
James L. Jones
John P. Jones
Edward S. Sell, Jr.
James W. Simpson
William H. Talbot, Jr.
James R Traylor, Jr.
Cone S. Underwood
Newton A. Whatley
Frederick L. Wickham
Friendship Club - $250-499
francis marion
Theta Xi
Heritage Club - $500-999
Frank F. Lee
Alpha Beta
Order of True - $50,000-99,999
James K Price
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Frederick L. Fine
Diedrich L. Lampe
Earl T Leonard, Jr. ✠
Thomas W. Malone
Sam P. McKenzie, Jr.
James L. Pannell
William Terry Pickren
Joseph P. Smaha
D. Richard Stamper
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Patrick H. Adamson ✠
Anthony T. Altobellis
William A. Amos
Ronald J. Binns
Bob Blumberg ✠
David C. Dadisman ✠
Walter Patrick Fischer
James Michael Fraser ✠
Charles W. Glass
Claude P Harman, Jr.
Jeffrey W. Jordan
Kenneth R. Kee
Kevin Ross ✠
Edwin G. Lane
Bobby L. Laslie
D. Fredrick Lindstrom
John S. Martin
Fred A. Miller, Jr.
David K Mitchell
Ralph B. Sheffield, Jr.
Matthew Ambos Tisdel ✠
Thomas R Wade
A legacy of giving.
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Georgia Southern
Eta Zeta
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Jeffrey S. Jernigan
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Gregory F. Fawcett
Brian S. Graham
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Mark H. Anderson
Adam K. Blank
James J. Childre, Jr.
Kent E. Dykes
Ronnie E. Perry ✠
Richard G. Poppell ✠
Friendship Club - $250-499
Erny C. Bonistall ✠
Clinton Bishop Brannen, III
Charles K. Johnson ✠
William H. Charles
Lloyd N. Dosier ✠
Devin Paul Effinger ✠
George A Gaines
Robert J. Goodman ✠
Patrick D. Keenan ✠
David M. Lang ✠
O. Smith Mayo
Kelly D. Peace ✠
Todd A. Porter ✠
Mark D. Sammons ✠
Larry C. Wells ✠
F. Stephen Young
Georgia State
Eta Zeta
Heritage Club - $500-999
Friendship Club - $250-499
James A. Crutchfield ✠
Bruce A. Kling
William J. Sidders, II ✠
Robert B. Stvan
Georgia tech
Beta Iota
Order of True Merit - $50,000-99,999
Eugene M. Clary ✠
Charles Whitney Knoll
Thomas E. Noonan ✠
John E. Robertson ✠
John B. Uttenhove ✠
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
F. Sibley Bryan, Jr. ✠
William R. Collins, Jr. ✠
Nathaniel J. Golding, Jr.
John R. Herrig
J. Frank Stovall, Jr.
Albert S. Thornton, Jr. ✠
Robert O. Allen
Hoke S. Brannen
William N. Brown ✠
Frederick J. Crowe
John R. Curtis
Walter G. Ehmer ✠
Eric J. Dalley
James M. Hamilton
Roy P. Herring, III
Melton W. Hood ✠
Stuart A. Jackson, CPA
Jack C. Kilgore
Walter S Lightbourn
William C. Mizell
Steven A. Morin
Rogers Parker
G. D. Peake
Cheves T. Powell
William D. Ramsbottom
Hugh L. Rice, III
William Thomas Smith, Jr.
William B Spencer
Stephen M. Worsham
Heritage Club - $500-999
James Q. Adams
John W. Adams, Jr.
Wayne M. Blancett
Walter S. Boone, Jr.
Charles W. Boroughs
William E Carlisle
Joel H. Cowan
Robert F. Darby
Edward W. Davis
Paul R. Davis
Tully J. Dawson
John W. Dyson
Joe H. Foy
Joseph G. Francis, Jr.
W. Jack Hamilton, III
Douglas A. Hartman
Jean R. Hecht
Donald C. Howard
Joseph H. King
Charles W. Mauze
Hayne D. McCondichie
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Robert G. McDaniel
Blake D. Moret
Leroy E Rogers
James F. Scott
John E. Smith
Arne S. Svindland
John S. Thibadeau, Jr.
Frank J. Winn
Samuel R. Young
Robert D. Brubaker ✠
Chester C. Creutzburg ✠
John W. Dean
Robert J. Dietze
David H. Fischer
Charles M. Hangsterfer ✠
George W Hinman
Robert G. March
Ellis R. McCracken
Archie M Tyson
Jonathan R. Wainwright
Friendship Club - $250-499
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Heritage Club - $500-999
Ralph K. Miller, Jr.
Harold B. McEver
James P. Poole
John Wayne Andrews
Thomas A Avery
Joseph S. Bond ✠
Brooks J. Bonnot
Arthur A. Bottone
Richard O. Brinkman ✠
Charles E. Carter, III
William V. Custer
Charles P. Day
Gordon L. Dukes
Jeffrey W. Dykes
Ryan B. Ellis ✠
Ward H Grantham
Edwin C. Hill
John A. Howton
Charles M. Hutcheson, Jr.
John G Jackson
Christopher Samuel Johnson
Robert F. Kearson
Andrew D. Lawes ✠
Robert G. Magbee
James B. Mathews
James W. Moody
Brandon Oglesby ✠
Dixon R. Olive
Joel V. O’Neal, Jr.
Richard C. Peebles, Jr.
Robert V. Phillips
William Lee Queen
Porter W Stone
Ronald M. Sytz
Thomas M. Thibadeau
Montgomery E. Thorne
Giles C. Toole, Jr.
Blair Trewhitt ✠
Larry P. Westmoreland
John T. Williamson
Douglas E. Wren
Heritage Club - $500-999
Robert N. Harcourt ✠
James O Hawkins
William L. Lowe ✠
Luther W. Ritter
Arthur S Sipe
Conrad W Snyder
Launcelot E. Soult
Martin L Valentine
Jonathan I. Walborn
Harvey M. White
Robert M Wolff, Jr.
Friendship Club - $250-499
Alpha Upsilon
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
William E. Dearden
Windom C Gramley
Stanley M. Hostler
Edward W.H. Kissinger
Edward T. Addison, Jr.
John W. Beiler, Jr.
Karl Richard Brunner, Jr. ✠
Alex A. Cacciarelli
David T. Culp
Reginald Davis ✠
David A. Donges
Sean P. Ford ✠
Willard P. Graham, Jr.
Ronald R. Kick
Derek Mekkawy ✠
Robert F. Murray
Scott F. Nunnamaker
George D. Selfridge, USN(Retired)
Ted Smith ✠
Robert H. Stark, Jr.
Antony John Striffler ✠
Jacob M. Yingling ✠
Goldey Beacom
Iota Kappa
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
John M. Troop
Heritage Club - $500-999
B. Scott Branch
Jonathan E. Consalo
Thomas Harkins ✠
Friendship Club - $250-499
Glenn Feazell
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
Timothy J. Fisher ✠
Kevin M. Lamb
Doug Samuel Sigafoos
Robert H. Weir ✠
Zeta Sigma
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Steven A. Dobin
Randy A. Mayer
John A. Rollins
John B. Studell ✠
houston baptist
Theta Epsilon
Heritage Club - $500-999
James M. Fulford
John F. Lyons
John H. Ruddy
Joseph G. Steinberg
Jon B. Henrickson
Gary R. Hickory
Michael M. Kilgore ✠
Leonard J. LoDico
Theron J Malarney
John M. McNamara ✠
Andrew W. Nickle
Christopher A. Perme
William A. Ruddell
Frank J Saxton
David A. Sporcic
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Bryan M. Long
Friendship Club - $250-499
Heritage Club - $500-999
Michael E. Henderson
Scott R. Perreault
Gerald V. Peterson
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Beta Kappa
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Stephen J. Ackerman
Robert F. Kizer ✠
C. Donald Miller, Jr. ✠
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
James R. Buck
Richard W. Fairgrieve
James W. Hallock
H. R. Hickory
Dr. Alton G. Marshall
Robert A. McConneghy
Ralph C Rosecrance
David J. Thomas
Heritage Club - $500-999
Albert A DeLapp, II
Arnold J. Kapan
Robert A. Koch
Milo R. Lude
Donn H. Meinert
Daryl V Minnis
J W Owen
Roman M. Podulka
M. G. Riethmiller
Richard M. Tod ✠
Friendship Club - $250-499
Dale H. Blanchard
Jerry S. Cifor ✠
Ralph E. Dreisbach
Edward T. Gwilt
Delta Tau
Robert G. Cowan
John C. Stanphill
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Don A Amos
Robert J. Drummond
James E. Grant ✠
James C. Gray
Richard A. Jurvelin
John R. Smiley
Arthur B. Swan
Joseph Tom ✠
Jeffrey G. Wombolt
Heritage Club - $500-999
Earl C. Acuff
John M. Ayers
Lee R Balderston
Robert G. Beasley
Dwight E. Greenfield
Gunner F. Harris
David B. Honcik
John O. Landreth
Warren G Miller
E. Neal Smiley
Friendship Club - $250-499
Paul R. Ackerman ✠
Walfrid P.J. Andersson
Keith C. Boam
Jack L. Culbertson
Melvin W. Drake ✠
Jeffrey G. Eisenbarth
William A. Everson
A legacy of giving.
Christopher S. Hein
Robert B. Horton, Jr.
Clyde B. Markeson
Frank M. McKinley
David R. Nordby
H. J. (Jack) Pepper, Jr.
Michael J Rowe
Phillip Schutte ✠
Kenneth P. Slusser
John S. Tewhey
David Welden ✠
Ken R. Wombacher
Gamma Zeta
Order of the Maltese Cross - $100,000Cary D McMillan ✠
Robert J Simonds ✠
Order of True Merit - $50,000-99,999
C. Donald Ainsworth ✠
Howard H Cook
Stewart D. Daniels, Jr. ✠
Harry V Lindahl
Brandon T. Peele
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Larry L. Austermiller ✠
Robert H. Bacon, Jr.
William T Barry
David J. Bryant
William D. Forsyth, III
Thomas C. Garrison
Edward B. Giller
Gerald J. Kostelny
Donald W. Leuthold
Nobel D. Olson
William R. Schnirring ✠
M. William Schueler
David J. Seiler ✠
Richard A. Voell ✠
Robert E. Vogele
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Donald G. Armstrong
John C. Aymond ✠
Frank R Baier
Daniel L. Barry
David A. Bradley
Jonathan M. Bradley
John W.C. Carlson
Merle R. Carroll
Ralph D Creasman
Thomas R. Crews
Hugh E. Cross
Lewis J. Dunn
Dewey A Ericsson
Gregory K. Foster
Marion J. French
Eric P. Handley
John L. Heath
James T Hemphill ✠
William B. Hopper
Thomas W. Hough
Patrick J. Jensen
Fletcher G Johnson
Scott S. Keegan
Jack M. Klues ✠
Edward F. Kral, Jr. ✠
Brad R. Krey
Thomas H. Krigbaum
David P. Krug ✠
William J. Lane, Jr.
Peter N. Lantero
Bryan W. Leonard
Gregory A. Lowenstein
James M. Luckey
Robert J Lundstedt
William F. McCarty
William F. McCarty, III
John V. McNeil
Matthew R. Menna
Thomas O. Minner
Jack E Moore
Edward D. Mountz
Ralph Waldo Peterson, II
Jeffrey S. Piper
Bruce E. Rodgers
John W Ruettinger
C. David Schmulbach
Robert M. Schram
John H. Seiler ✠
John J. Springman
Stephen D. Stoddard
Robert J. Tolliver
John E. Twomey
Victor L. Twomey
David J. Vaughan
Robert W. Vyverberg, Jr.
Jeffrey S. Wallace
Brice W. Weeks
David N. White
Robert L. White
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Richard B. Allen
Douglas E. Ausnehmer
Larry E. Becker
Albert E. Benoist
Robert T. Benton
Seth A. Berl
Wilson J Besant
Paul F. Blanke
Barry E. Booth
John J. Bowman
James C. Bremhorst
Neil Bresnahan
Richard K. Brown
William J. Carey
Ronald N. Carlson
W. Jack Chamblin ✠
Richard V. Clausing
John A. Cochrane
Ralph J. Converse
Robert G. Credi
Keith J. Cunningham
Stephen H. Dalley ✠
James R. DeBord, MD
Patrick L. Dennis
Michael D. DeYoung
Harold Boysen Diemer
G Grant Dixon
George J Ehni
Nathan Ernst
Ronald D. Ewing
Mark R. Faber
Jeffrey L. Ferguson
James T. Frakes ✠
Daniel P. Frank
Jefferson Davis Giller
James L. Gregory
Paul M. Hammaker
Arthur A. Hasse
James R. Hayes
W C Healy
William J. Hemphill
Ronald W. Henson
Herman O. Hertenstein
Kurt L. Hoeferle
E. Michael Houlihan
Doug Howenstein
Matt Huston
Michael P. Huston
Kent A. Knebelkamp
David J. Koehler
Frank A. Kulze
Steven A. Lamb
Dane K. Luhrsen
Robert D. Lyman
Michael J. Maher
Dean E. McAllister
William E McElroy
James A. Mitchell
Walter T. Morey
H. Cameron Murchison
Craig A. Nadborne ✠
Richard J. O’Neill
Bradley B. Palmer
James W. Paul
Thomas E. Paul
David R. Pesavento
Kevin L. Pfister
Edward J. Ptacek
Drew M. Raucci, CLU
Edward M. Reardon
Nicholas G. Roder, II
Ryan E. Roth
Dennis R. Schlemmer
Michael J. Serio
Richard L. Siegle
Elwyn L Simmons
Jerome M. Stoker
Steven F. Stratton
David S. Timson
Thomas M Tunney
Kenneth G. Venos
Scott D. Voris
Martin L. Wade
Joseph M. Ward
Andrew D. Weeks
Thomas M. Whiston ✠
Jeffrey A. Whitnell
Paul Garfield Wilkowski
Matthew Lawrence Williams
Thomas S. Wujek
D. L. Brig Young
Jack A. Young
Mark A. Zieba
Heritage Club - $500-999
Thomas J. Adamitis
Charles W. Adams
Robert J. Bachman ✠
Quinton D. Baily
Robert R. Beith
Patrick M. Brankin
Allen P. Britton
Walter S. Browning, Jr.
James W. Buckman
John C Carhart
Bruce I Carlson ✠
James N. Castles
Robert F. Cavoto ✠
Joseph P. Cihlar
Robert M. Darley
Alan B DeBord
Alan R. Dysert
Glenn V Ehni
Ralph E Ehni
Theodore L. Eissfeldt
William B. Erickson
Peter C Evanson
Mark W. Everette
William M. Ganey
Richard E. George
Richard H Giles
W E Glennon
William J. Gold
Bart Haas
Roger F. Haines
Scott A. Hemphill
Harold Edward Henderson
Merrill W. Huffman, MD
Brad Jacobsen
John T. Norton
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
Ivan C. Johnson, Jr.
Larry B. Jones
Robert P. Judson
John D. Knodell, Jr.
Peter K. Korst
Gary R. Kortkamp ✠
David J. Koscielniak
Ray F. Laughlin ✠
Douglas C. Laux
Fred H Lindstrom
Donald A Lisenby
Alex E. Macpherson
Matthew R. Massucci
Hal D. McReynolds
Richard Meinke ✠
Steven K. Norgaard
Charles L. Palmer
Michael M. Perkins
John D. Simpson
Steven J. Stewart
Michael A. Terry
David D. Teuscher, MD
Philip V. Wiles
Jeffrey Bennett Williams
Friendship Club - $250-499
Theodore E. Ahlem
William Louis Alton
Robert A. Anderson
William R. Aylesworth
Bo Batchelder
Ronald W. Bess
Timothy E. Bourke
Samuel Epes T. Boykin
Gresham T. Brebach, Jr.
John V. Brinkworth
Michael G. Casteel
James T. Cavoto
Christopher Edwin Chung
D. Jeffrey Clark
Thomas A. Clark
Keith Francis Conrad
David P Lundstedt
David S. Dickey
Paul A. Dioguardi
David D Ehrhardt
Lawrence C. Eppley
Joseph Farinella
Charles M. Foran
Thomas S. Frank
John F. Gremer
Michael William Haben ✠
David D. Hager
Philip B. Haskell, Jr.
James R. Heninger
David J. Hensler
David M. Holton
Robert B. Hutchison
Timothy D Hutchison
Richard H. Korst ✠
Thomas E. Krzeczowski
Joseph H. Landon
Louis V. Leonardi
Chan H. Lim
Christopher J. Lovin
John H. Lund
Todd R Mangun
Kevin M. Marston
Robert J. Mathias
Scott C. McClung
Edward T. McElroy
Stuart T Meacham
David Mickelsen ✠
David M. Miller
Craig T. Moore
Ryan J. Nelligan
Frederick C. Niemi
Richard W. Paterson ✠
John W. Petersen
Paul H. Prentiss
Robert Gregory
Swedo Foundation
Kevin L. Rudd
Thomas J. Schafer
Donald H. Scherwat
Kenneth F. Schwab
Gregory E. Scott
James J. Shanel
Dale W. Sheldon ✠
Sterling J. Simpson
Tom A. Svoboda
Terence R Kelly
Daniel M. Thompson
James A. Van Pelt
Paul M. Vance
Jon Kurt Von Achen
Chad M. Wanless
Leonard E. Webster ✠
Norman D. Wells
Thomas J. Wich ✠
William J Chrystal
Ryan E. Yagoda
Matthew F. Zieba
illinois state
Theta Theta
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Eric E. Burwell
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Kevin R. Petschow
Heritage Club - $500-999
Harry J. Brubeck ✠
Gary G. Chomko
Calvin J. Gavin
Douglas N. Koth
A legacy of giving.
Roland Spies
Friendship Club - $250-499
Michael Bilyeu
C. Alvin Bowman ✠
Randy L Cooper
Keith A. Goodall ✠
Mark D. Gronert ✠
Robert E. Havens, Jr. ✠
Mark T. McGinley ✠
Sean E. Murphy
Adam Nagele ✠
Ryan Nagele ✠
Larry D. Schumacher ✠
Andrew Sparks ✠
Derek C. Wilkinson ✠
Lee N. Winkler ✠
Jerald Kent Wyatt
Heritage Club - $500-999
Glenn L. Banks
Steven D Edging
James W. Heyde ✠
William R Nelson
Robert E. Norris
Ernest R. Olson
Luther S. Roehm
Richard C. Stiener ✠
Howard S Wilcox
Joseph E. Allardt ✠
Barrett Blake Bradley, MD ✠
James H. Cordova
Stanley W. Dickson
John W. Dinkel
Merrill T. Eaton, Jr.
Harold F Fries
Richard W. Goff
Matthew L. Halkyard ✠
Hugh P. Highsmith
Oliver M. Hunter
David E Laycock ✠
David W. Lottes ✠
Dr. Robert L. Mann
James F. Matthews
William B. Meyer
Kent A. Miller ✠
Ward A. Miller
Thomas M. Montgomery ✠
Jack W. Pearson
Dean H. Phillips
Edwin E. Pontius
John S. Regan
Herbert Seidensticker ✠
F. D. Smiley
Robert H. Staton, AB, JD
Seth A. Stevens ✠
Donald L. Viehmann
James M. Wertenberger ✠
Edward L. Whalen, Ph.D ✠
James S. Woodworth
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Delta Alpha
Order of the Maltese Cross - $100,000Charles E Lanham
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
John H. Potts
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Carter W. Austin
Verle A Baltzell
Gregory P. Blitz
Craig E. Booher
Read H. Bradford ✠
Brian Jeffrey Lusenhop
Gary L. Dyer
David P. Hopkins
James L Iorio
Glenn W. Irwin, Jr., MD
John D. Jones
William G. Karm ✠
Guy O. Kornblum
James F. Maurer, Jr.
Ralph E. McDonald
Richard A. Murrell
Jerome H Peters
Stephen H. Petersen
David J. Potts
Gene L Prather
Paul R. Pressler
James M. Seeright
Walter R St. Clair
Halfred E. Taylor ✠
Donald Z. Alexander ✠
David L. Bellefuil
Bryce H. Bennett, Jr. ✠
Bruce H. Briney ✠
Paul Callero ✠
Richard G. Chapman
Carl Cheadle
Bryan P. Cogswell
Mark D. Cohen
Matthew Cole ✠
Gary D. Cooper II, CPA.CITP
Joseph L Ernstes
Thomas D. Foy
Jon Kiley Gorman
John P. Gourley ✠
Kris Gui
Joe Hennessee ✠
Jon L. Hollingsworth
Miles Patterson Hommel ✠
Scott S. Higgins ✠
Robert E. Hunter, MD
James E. Jenison
David E. Knight ✠
Gerald A. Perrill
Edward G. Prusz, DDS
Richard C. Hitch
Jack M. Slattery
John C. Smith ✠
Frank R. Volkers ✠
Jack C. Volkers
Thomas A. Westfall
Daniel E. Wilbur
Jason Michael Williams
indiana state
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Zeta Omicron
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
John P. Newton ✠
Donald R. Prior
Robb T. Smoker
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Wayne H. Gross ✠
Thomas E. John
Jerry L. Lucas
James W Rabold
Heritage Club - $500-999
William H Joy
Eugene P. Richter
Roland J Sievers
Chris C. Spidle
Lyman L. Walter
Daniel D. Hoyt ✠
William H. Hunter
James L. Jordan
Blair C. Kellison
Oliver J. Kim
Thomas A. Laming ✠
Mark Leonardis ✠
Tyler Lewis ✠
Steven J. Mackey
John E. Marosky
Marc J. Meadows, DDS ✠
George G Miller
Michael C. Moorcroft ✠
Jerome C. Neely
David P. Regan
Robert P. Regnery
Albert D. Robinson
Edward D. Roop ✠
Douglas J. Rosenstein ✠
Jonathan M. Schepke
Samuel P. Shuler ✠
Charles R. Snyder, MD
Charles E. Stottlemyer
Frank W. Tabachka, Jr.
Stephen A. Weber ✠
W. Stewart Wilder
David A. Willits
Brad Wilson ✠
Arthur G. Wondrasek
Wallace R. Yakey
Thomas F. Druley
Andrew S. Hadley
Richard G. Landini
James Alan Loyd ✠
Bert W. Megan
Todd A. Osburn
Anthony D. Sanders
John A. Steward ✠
Alan R. Tehan
Friendship Club - $250-499
Daniel E. Cox ✠
Nicholas P Hertz
Theta Chi
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Oren Weinberg
William H. Gardiner
Heritage Club - $500-999
Delta Beta
Devon D. Dietz
Mark C. Hensel, Jr.
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Richard A. Dice
Richard G. Haegele
Dietrich Hartmann
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Brian R. Patt
Heritage Club - $500-999
iowa state
Order of True Merit - $50,000-99,999
Edwin D Blinks
Dwain W. Cummings
Arthur S. Filean
Jack W Fitzgerald
Ellsworth J. Glattly
Chadwick A. Hoyt
David E. Kinton ✠
Donald D Koons
George H Marston
Thomas F. Olson ✠
Gregory F. Otto
Horace G Parker
Eugene Winston Tyler, RPh
Neil A. Adams
John B. Benten
Kristopher M. Byam ✠
Glenn T. Chadima
William L. Donnell
Nathan M. Moore ✠
Stephen A. Mourer
Floyd W. Pillars
Timothy Alan Stewart ✠
Reno F. Walker
Gamma Upsilon
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Richard L. Olson
Charles S Remy
Larry L. Smith
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Robert H. McDevitt
Brian C. Morris
Jon W. Tiemeyer
Jon C. Weintz ✠
Russell W Westerstrom
William J. Burke, Jr. ✠
Gene W. Ehlert ✠
Daniel A. Molyneaux ✠
Richard E. Pospisil
Michael R. Sorden ✠
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Warren S. Anderson
Rollin W Brooks
Michael R. Crabb
Albert F Dodge
Bert J. Doyne
Charles W. Duncan
Hubert Garrecht
Alfred H. Hausrath
Russell E. Helms
Edwin M. Hill
Merlin J Hillman
Arden C. Hughes
Kenneth E. Kampfe
Karl R. Kullander ✠
John H. Maxheim ✠
Lester M. Moffitt
Derek B. Nordeen
Joshua J. Novak
George M Putnam
Henry B. Ramsey
Javier A. Salinas
Edwin C. Sandham
John H Sandham
Harvey R Sexauer
Allen C. Sheldon
Roger F. Stetson
Frederick H. Abrahamsen ✠
Daniel A. Barnard
Paul B Benner
Ben Bergherr
Stanley E. Blinks
Robert Winston Bruce
Richard S. Chamberlain
James F. Cochran
Alexander J. Conti
Dwight B. Coulter, DVM ✠
Roger L. Deaton
Lawrence W. Dutton ✠
Frank J. Fabre
Cedric A. Fegtly
Gary A. Flander ✠
Rick L. Flatt
Patrick M. Gross
Rolf E. Hansen
Nathaniel B Hanson
William H. Harrison
G S Holaday
Michael A. Kent
Steve J Kohles
Scott D. Krambeck ✠
Daniel R Kramer
Dean C Latta
Donald C. Marek
Floyd F Mellen
Robert C. Muller, USN(Retired)
David W. Ohde
John W. Olds
John L Overholt
Rawlins R. Perkins
John E. Pollack
James S. Porter
Robert E. Reeve ✠
John W. Sherman
Ronald K. Sley
Matthew E. Sopcich
Scott M. Stauffacher
Don W. Steffen
Keith H. Stivers
Peter M. Strub
Lawrence R. Tollenaere
Rex L. Troute
Marion G. True
John M. VanderLinden ✠
Charles D. Vogt
Robert J. Warren
Lyle D Wedemeyer
Michael W. Whitcomb
Marlo C Wicklund
Robert C. Wilkes
John R. Wolfe
A legacy of giving.
Heritage Club - $500-999
Robert E. Alfe
Gary L. Angle
James R. Barr
Albion A Blinks
Henry Dale Bossert
Edward F. Cambridge
Forrest L Carlson
John M. Cotton ✠
John Crisman
Don R. Curl
John D. Duren
Richard W. Farwell
Scott Feamster ✠
Dale H. Feazell
James R. Foster
Robert L. Freie
Jack B. Gearhart ✠
George W Gooch
Thomas L. Healy
Keith P. Hemingway
Robbin C. Hibray
Robert L. Holliday
F.M. Martin Hollister
Shawn Michael Kahler ✠
Michael P. Kelly
Douglas S. Kirk ✠
Larry S. Lehman
Todd H. Leyden ✠
James A. Lynch
Howard A. McMinimee
Kenneth W. Miller
Kenneth R. Mullin
Michael J. Murphy
Walter M Obye
William H. Pierce
Albert C. Pommerenk
Gale C. Reynolds
Timothy M. Riley
Eric E. Rogers
Don L. Safley
Joseph C. Saviano
Theodore R Schafroth
John B. Simpson
Kenny P Smith
Otto A. Tennant
David L. Turpin ✠
John A. Vifquain
H. D. Wagner
Charles H. Weatherly
Friendship Club - $250-499
Paul R. Anderson
Ward F. Baxter
Steven R. Brenkus
Roger M. Burton
Edward L. Duncan
Dwight F. Eaton
Richard P. Glovka
Ron A. Handley
John Herrig, II
Peter B. Hingtgen
Steven D. Jacque
Brent A. Jensen
Frank C. Kloke
Joseph P. Kloser
Dale J. Ludwig
Rolf H. Lund
John F. Martin
Gerald E. Martinson
Ronald J. Mertens
Robert E. Meyer, II
Richard T. Michell
Brian L. Morman ✠
Charles A. Nielsen
David B. Norris
William M. Otto
Robert L. Richert
Jerry Roche
Estill E Schnetzler ✠
Neil B. Scoles
Charles Jay Steele ✠
Scott Steffes
Wendell A. Volkens
Marion J Weigel
Richard J. Rizzo
Harry Edwin Sparhawk
jacksonville state
johnson & Wales
Heritage Club - $500-999
John J. Mitchell
Willard H. Neu
Charles W. Shivery
Dr. David B. Thomas
Dr. John Robert Yoder
Friendship Club - $250-499
James V. Broussalian
Finton P. Cordell ✠
Edward J Freeman
Stuart L. Hanlein
Edwin W. Harn
Franz J. Hartig
Paul Lane Ives, Jr. ✠
Harry M Louden
Thomas O. McCann
Juett R. McDonald
Craig B. Mousin
Philip W Ness
Jeffrey B. Sienkiewicz
Sergei V. Timkovsky
Charles G. Twyman
Eta Theta
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Dr. M. David Dawson
Iota Rho
Heritage Club - $500-999
Richard Fredy Steng
Heritage Club - $500-999
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Friendship Club - $250-499
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Bruce W. Schoonover
Doug B. Ford ✠
C. T. Hughes
William Charles Patterson ✠
Mr. Leslie R. Roberts, Jr. ✠
David A. Shumway ✠
johns hopkins
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Horace Z. Opel
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
William A. Bailey
Thomas G Downs
Stanley E. Hartman
George T Ness
Edgar A. Neu
Allen Lewis Pusch
Gamma Mu
Kenneth J. Wagnon
Carlos E. Borge
Ernest J Gilles
Robert G. McKenney
Robert L. Stark ✠
Richard A. Billings
Theodore K Burgenbauch
W L Chapin
Arthur A. Clevenger
John W. Doolittle
Richard W. Hall ✠
Emil T. Heuer
Barry Jeffries
John L. Nieman ✠
William E Rynerson
Milo G. Sloo
John M. Stephenson
George J. Trombold
Dr. James C. Trombold
Mastin G White
Mark E. Winkleman
Roy L. Wonder ✠
Friendship Club - $250-499
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Byron L. Studdard
Heritage Club - $500-999
Allan D Huxley
Peter V. Angles
Don C. Black
William L. Bruning
John S. Burke
Robert D. Conn, MD
Jack Forbes
Weston E. Goodnow, PE ✠
David C. Gough, MD
Wendell S. Holmes
Patrick Brendan Hosty ✠
James R. Jennings
Dennis H. Nelson
Pat K. Price
William K. Rose
Bill K. Rothenberger
Robert R. Shaw ✠
Raymond N. Spedding ✠
Brent Taylor
kansas state
Delta Theta
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Robert G Billings
Roland W. Carroll
Romulus B Church
Charles L Gilliland
Herman D Hale
Gregory M. Klipp ✠
James F Kubik
Robert C. Martindell
Claude E Mason
R. Michael Mendlick, MD
Tom G. Sullivan
John D. Wynkoop
Order of the Maltese Cross - $100,000William L Muir III
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Richard E. Fagerberg
James L. Filson ✠
Douglas A. Firebaugh
George R. Jones
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Richard J. Bloomer
Louis T. Bloukos
Robert E. Hahn
Peter E. Larsen
Cary L. Majors ✠
Richard E. Marcotte
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
John T Muir
Kyle R. Rolfing ✠
Richard H. Spingler, Jr.
John O. Thisler
John A. Towse, Jr. ✠
Edwin A. Weber
Heritage Club - $500-999
Benjamin B. Barnert ✠
Gary J. Bartak
Jack E. Beal ✠
Case A. Bonebrake
Dale L Duncan
Ronald K. Edwards
Thomas M Foncannon
Jeffrey L Gates
James W Goebel ✠
Allan D. Holiday, Jr.
Henry F. Kupfer ✠
Todd Forrest Lakin ✠
L. A. Laybourn
Floyd J Mayer
Walter A. Moriarty
Stephen J Mudrey
Richard J. Powell
Cecil R. Shove
Robert A. Spanke
Joseph G. Stein ✠
Rollin W. Vickery
Roger W. Wallace
Brad R. Winchell
Friendship Club - $250-499
John William Bensman ✠
Michael E. Brown ✠
Robert H. Buser
Richard R. Carr ✠
Anthony Lamar Carter ✠
Philip R. Carter
Lloyd E. Clarke ✠
Timothy E. Congrove
William E Dakan
Clay D. Davis ✠
Paul Degenhardt,
USAF(Retired) ✠
Donn A. Demaree ✠
Jeremy Tyler Graham
Brian John Hall, MD ✠
Richard Robert Harrison ✠
Mark L. Higgins ✠
Barry P. Hilton ✠
Duane C. Holloway
Donald J. Jermain
Steven C. Johnson ✠
Lance Tyler Jones ✠
David A. Kaster ✠
Greg A. Kelley ✠
Brian Matthew King ✠
John R. Kupfer ✠
Henry W. Lipps
David L. Meyer
Frederick G. Miller ✠
Eric L. Morgison ✠
Brent A. Nagel ✠
Andrew Martin Newton ✠
Edward R. Nickel
Stephen L. Patton ✠
Benjamin Cory Porter ✠
Dr. Michael S. Ribble, Ed.D
Charles Daniel Robben ✠
John A. Romes
Jared Mathis Schnefke ✠
Scott Ross Keller ✠
Curtis L. Stanford
Shawn Marcus Taddiken ✠
Mark D. Tate
Brent A. Taylor ✠
Daniel Joshua Tokar ✠
Marvin L Trayford
Alan D. Van Nice
Warren Robert White ✠
kent state
Zeta Zeta
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Leo F Kotte ✠
Melvin William McClain
John S. Wallach
Heritage Club - $500-999
Emil Berg
William C. Charvat
Steven P. Cress
Harry L. Dunlavy
Robert F. Gill
Adam D. Kahn
Stephen G. Ludick
John H. Palmer, CPA ✠
James F. Paul
William H. Roberts
Norman A. Smyke ✠
William L. Summers, Esq.
Friendship Club - $250-499
Robert M. Brewster
Harris F. Brown ✠
Vincent J. Capatosta
Vincent S. Capka
Andrew L. Eade ✠
Richard A. Edwards
Gary S. Griffin
Charles M. Hoffner ✠
Daniel J. Kelley
Robert E. Miller
Shawn William Morland
Don E. Smith
Robert A. Thomas
A legacy of giving.
Mu lota
Robert Kenneth Simpson
Thomas G Sommerkamp
James F. Vicendese
William H. Weaver
Christopher Dale White, MSPT
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Richard D. Warren ✠
Jerry G. Weinheimer
Matt Arthur Clay ✠
Kevin Jon Joynt, CPA
Frank J. Maturo, Jr. ✠
Adam S. Winterberg ✠
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
James N Janowiak ✠
F. James McDonald
Robert F. Wiltse
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Randall D. Boudinot
R. Scott Davis ✠
Felix M. Gossum, Jr.
Stanley T Griffiths
Kevin E. Kyde ✠
Michael W. Maier
Keith J. Muth
Meredith H. Mynhier
Haskell J Ross ✠
Roy W Tooms
Jesse D Willmott
Brett Michael Winterberg
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Paul E. Ayres
Jerry A. Hoover
Anthony A. Perona
John R. Barrickman
Thomas A. Dials
James E. Dockter
Edward J. Duke
Charles C. Guy
Bernard R. Hawke ✠
Arden Dale Henderson
Jess M Herndon
Joe R Johnson
Bill G Otto
Robert A Simons
William W. Bell
Sean Michael Bellinger ✠
James N. Bier
Harold E. Brock
Jason B. Brown ✠
Ronald T. Conway
Dennis P. Duffy
John D. Goodlette
Trey Wheeler Hieneman ✠
James R. Kruspe ✠
Joe K. Ligon
Gregory E. Maddox
William L Mahan
Tim Nelson ✠
Brett P. Owens
William L. Patrick
Carroll S. Rankin
Russell Russell Renaud ✠
Brett Rowe ✠
Curtis A. Baldwin
David M. Beare
John Fedototszkin
James B. May
Robert C. Newton
James A. Orbik
Tom R. Stevens
Gary A. White
Robert L. Wright, Jr.
Philip R. Anderson
Kenneth M. Baker
Frederick R. Casteel
Glen G. Guillet
Robert F. McClure
Ralph M Priest
Charles J. Strack
Dinos Triantafillis
James Wiese ✠
Henry Saur
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Zeta Chi
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Michael D. Milliken
Maurice D. Hillyer
Heritage Club - $500-999
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Friendship Club - $250-499
Charles J. Breuer ✠
Charles J. Breuer ✠
Eugene C. Connell ✠
Stuart L. Hammond
George W Schoenhut
Barry P. Shane
Garfield G. Thomas, Jr.
Duane C. Wilt
Heritage Club - $500-999
Christopher J. Brumbach
Howard E Datwyler
David C. Eaton
Robert M. Hetterly
G. M. Hurley
Michael A. Moran
Clark K. Riley
Robert W. Swartley
James J. Thompson
Warren E. Wilson
Friendship Club - $250-499
Donald L. Burgess
William H. Cornish
David Chella ✠
Louis P. Deffaa
louisiana state
Epsilon Zeta
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
David L. Laxton, III
Raymond L. Nesbit
Rodney C. Olivier
Halton H. Vincent
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
George A Farber, Sr.
Charles V. Hostetler
Stephenon L. LeGardeur
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Friendship Club - $250-499
Paul A Hahn
John R Laplant
Russell Lovaas
Gerald Duane Crump
Honorable Daniel J. Grady, III
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
Arthur F. Mayo, III
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
John P. Brucken ✠
Brian K. Fowler
Charles L. Riecker
James S. Wilson ✠
Jonathan E. Bennett
Robert A. Boettner
Otto F. Briede
William A. Callegari, Jr.
E. James Grethe
Jennings B. Jones
William E. Kidd
Francis H. La Roche, Jr.
George T. McKnight, MD
Kevin C. Smith
James M. Todd ✠
Heritage Club - $500-999
Beta Rho
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Beta Upsilon
Frank A Besse
Robert W. Gleason
Frederick W. Hill
Jerome H Knowles
Roger D. White ✠
Wendell R. Wilson
David R. Rood
Heritage Club - $500-999
Edwin P. Allen
David A. Dudley
Willard A Farris
Arthur L. Hanson
Scott D. Inglis
Richard S. Knowlton
Jerry E. Martin
William E. Penoyar
John J.B. Silvia, Jr. ✠
Arthur H. Thompson
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Friendship Club - $250-499
Richard B. Bailey
James E. Borchert ✠
Mr. Louis Henry Duhe ✠
Thomas E. Emmel ✠
Dennis P. Gilbert ✠
Timothy C. Gilbert ✠
Frederic J. Hebert
George C Mize
Robert C Naremore
Charles W. Philipbar
Patrick L. Rocke
Doran A. Sanger
Joseph Michael Wilhelm
Friendship Club - $250-499
Robert M. Brucken
John G. Elkins
Larry J Shorey
Steven L. Vick
Gary H Hunt
James C. Wickerd
Paul J. Michaud ✠
Col. Paul M. Payson
William L Philbrick
Craig G. Zahares
Order of True Merit - $50,000-99,999
Heritage Club - $500-999
Takeshige Iioka
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
louisiana tech
Zeta Delta
Richard L. Daugherty
Richard A. Muir
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
James L. Beard, IV ✠
Everette Wayne Cutler
De V Galland
Winston E. Harris
Robert E Holtzclaw
George Glenn Markley
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Zeta Theta
Heritage Club - $500-999
Friendship Club - $250-499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Neal S. Colligan
Jeremy R. Jenkins ✠
John L. Mann, MD
Dennis E. Lastrapes
Charles Stuart McKendrick, III
John G. Michiels
Mark H. Miller
Philip J. Pizzo ✠
Ronald S. Barron ✠
Charles O. Rountree
Scott G. Smith
James W. Teague
Michael L. Templet
J. Mark Wrighton ✠
Iota Beta
G. Kenneth Johnston
Kevin George ✠
Hartley C. King ✠
Donald C. McVay
Edward Mirra
Eugene F. Moran
Richard D. Prescott
Robert J Romeo
Richard M Rowsey
Charles J. Skender ✠
Carl W. Strayer
Howard E. Tomlinson
William C. Jones, Jr.
Cord A. Wintjen
Joseph M. Workman ✠
Alpha Rho
Friendship Club - $250-499
Gerald K. Auth
Andrew J. Brezinski
James J. Girdis
Anthony R. Janowiak ✠
John R. Kendig
Dean E. Mocko
Gregory J. Perona
Thomas F. Wallace
Steven B. Wertenberger
Mark F. White
Delbert L. Williams ✠
Elvis L. Mason
Andrew Barrett Langford ✠
Anthony Blake Langford ✠
Michael Andrew Balsiger ✠
Christopher J. Moffatt ✠
Heritage Club - $500-999
Heritage Club - $500-999
Friendship Club - $250-499
Zeta Xi
Robert M. Baer ✠
George J. Baratta, Jr.
M. Tyson Brown ✠
Joel D. Brucken
T. Owen Cooper
Ernest J. Gazda, Jr.
Ernest J. Gazda, Jr.
John F. Greacen ✠
Pietro J Muscari
Brian M. Page ✠
Frank Stone Trautman
Heritage Club - $500-999
Steven R. Adell ✠
Frank E. Bohman
J. Clark Burke, Jr. CTRS
James J. Chenard, Jr.
Michael G. Cloughley
Ralph B. Hanna
Leslie T. Harris
Wilbur O. Nelson
Roger L. Patterson ✠
Dolliver W. Pierce
Robert A. Walters
Creston F. Whiting, USAF(Retired)
Theodore R Wieber
A legacy of giving.
Friendship Club - $250-499
Robert C. Diehl
Clifton M. Eisele
S. Charles Hemming
Casimiro B. Hernandez
Amos A Holter
E Robert Kent
William E. King, Jr. ✠
Robert A. Maxwell
Basil I. Mishtowt
Thomas C. Williams, Jr.
Charles L. Winn
John W. Becker ✠
John J. Evans
Daniel Jacob Foraker
Lt. Col. John F. Greene,
USAF(Retired) ✠
John B. Harlan ✠
Daniel Holloway ✠
William G. Jahnes
George F. Macdonald ✠
David C. Maine
George F. Morris
Brinkman Allen Murray ✠
Thomas E. Richardson, MD
James R. Roberts
Charles W. Sanders
John P. Spindler ✠
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Heritage Club - $500-999
Steve M. Lambros
Friendship Club - $250-499
Ricky Boggs ✠
Lt. Col. James F. Fain ✠
Noah David Frantz
Danny J. Hackett
Harold W. Henson ✠
James A. Hopkins
Frederick R. Hubbard ✠
Bruce Kish ✠
Jack G. Lovejoy ✠
Paul J. Prunty
Zachary Ryan Sissel ✠
Richard Clayton Smoot, Ph.D
Robert P. Wise ✠
Friendship Club - $250-499
Epsilon Gamma
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Stephane Berthet
Perry N. Ives ✠
Clark E. Luther
Franklin M Seeley
Harry K. Wells
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Horace V. Boswell
Kenneth D. Brody
Harold B Coffee
Donald T. Ball, Jr. ✠
Charles C. Bender
David F. Buckingham
Kenneth A. Clagett
Clarence B Fry
Squire E Hamer
Harry E. Hasslinger
William H. Hicks
Kenneth P Lord
Joseph W. McCartin
Harold S. McGay ✠
Charles F. Ogle
Patrick E. Sheplee ✠
Benjamin F. Sheppard, Jr.
Robert S. Smith
Clifford M. Stretmater
Pieter W. Van Der Veer
Steve J. Volchko
Theta Omicron
Avery Allen Hager
Brett A. Lafferty
Michael L. Queen
Richard G. Shanklin, Jr.
Jeremy B. Small
Ernest Spencer, III ✠
John F. Stevens
William E. Turner
William A. Warner
William E. White
Heritage Club - $500-999
Anthony Spinicchia ✠
Victor Grant Balint ✠
James S Barley
Robert A. Bishton
Walter E. Buck, Jr.
Harvey T. Casbarian, Jr. ✠
William W Christopher
Todd Victor Clark, Esq. ✠
Leon A. Duncan ✠
Eugene L. Elliott
Richard V. Erkenbeck
James C. Forsyth, Jr.
Stanley M. Fulton ✠
Frank G. Gatchell
Jimmy C. Hiatt ✠
Alvey H. Horine
Benjamin Kahane ✠
Donald J Maher
Louis J. Migliorini, Jr.
George J. Newgarden, III
Timothy G. Nogle ✠
Walter M. Prichard ✠
Adam David Proger ✠
John A. Rehme ✠
Dennis O. Rippeon ✠
Kenneth G. Robinson
Iota Gamma
Brian N. O’Neel
Zeta Rho
Order of True Merit - $50,000-99,999
James F. Beedie
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Allen B. Clayborne ✠
Jerry D. Harris, Jr.
William Neely Key ✠
Lynn M. Pouncey
Robert L. Stephens
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Fred L. Massa
Arthur D. McGarrity
Heritage Club - $500-999
David C. Goodman
Donald R. Terrill ✠
Friendship Club - $250-499
Stephen R. Barkley ✠
Randall P. Burcham
William D. Cummins
Randall W. Davis
Mark A. Evans
Fred Patrick Gattas, III ✠
James R. Gulla
Joseph F. Hall, Jr. ✠
J. David McElroy ✠
James H. Starnes ✠
Joshua Christian Vincent
Alpha Zeta
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
David C Bowen, Jr.
John H. Deaton, Jr.
Edwin Brant Frost
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
James T. Pratt
Thomas W. Smith
Theodore C. Sofia
Heritage Club - $500-999
Heritage Club - $500-999
Lorenzer T. Jones ✠
Jerry M. Vanderhoef
Paul H. Garrison, Jr. ✠
H. Pope Hamrick ✠
William G. Key
Theron R. Ledford
Thomas Raleigh Mann
Robert D. Mathews
J. Richard Porter, III ✠
James Vincent Prolizo
Billy J. Williams
Walter G. Ashmore
Jesse W Bush
H. Lane Dennard ✠
J. Sidney Flowers ✠
Holmes W Giddens
Howard P. Giddens
John J Gilbert
Holcombe T Green
George S. Johnson
Robert B. McDaniel ✠
Roddy H. Oglesby
Edward P Stone
Henry H Ware
R. Newton Wilcox
Charles D. Williams ✠
Keith O. Wise
Friendship Club - $250-499
Spurgeon Ambrose ✠
Justin Lee Fussell ✠
George C. Grant
William Walter Green, III ✠
Albert Thomas Hall, III ✠
Walter R. Hammock
Robert P. Hicks ✠
Darren James Hyatt ✠
John A. Kaufman ✠
John D. Lewis
Robert Gordon Nichols ✠
Alexander H. Saunders ✠
Charles Daniel Dreher
Schenck, II ✠
Stephen Darrell Dominy ✠
Jonathan Albert Strunk ✠
Bobby L. Voyles ✠
Welcom H. Watson
William L. Weiffenbach, Jr. ✠
Robert G. Wilkinson, Jr.
Zeta Epsilon
Order of the Maltese Cross - $100,000Joseph W Gladis
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
John H. Pell
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Heritage Club - $500-999
Richard R. Berlant
Carl B. Freidhoff, Ph.D
Kurt W. Kaufman
Kent R. Porter ✠
Luis Sanchez ✠
Daniel R. Troutman
William H. Herrnstein
Peter D. Kleinpell ✠
Leigh P. Smith
Friendship Club - $250-499
Douglas J. Bingler
Robert H. Buckley ✠
Willie V. Canaday
Timothy A. Kaercher
Todd J Murray
Joe M. Occhionero
Joseph R. Pisegna ✠
Steven M. Poppleton
Michael H. Sadler
Raymond M. Sherry
Daniel R. Stanton
Jerald R. Vaughan ✠
Gordon B. Zellers
Maurice B. Allen, Jr.
William Deane Booth
Arthur J Brandt
David P Corbett, MD
W H Cox
William W. Davis, MD
William W. Eggleston ✠
Leslie A. Fish
William H Fleming
Thomas P. Healy
Thomas D. Hitchman ✠
James T. Jones
Dennis J. Kavanagh
Milton G Kendrick
Alan C. McManus
Patrick C. Ross ✠
Don J Wangelin
Joseph D. Williamson, II
Jeffrey C. Wilson ✠
Heritage Club - $500-999
Chris J. Scali
James W. McPherson, III
Jesse E. Aber, Jr.
Sherwood Ake
James R. Armstrong
Charles W. Beattie
Daniel J Boone
Bernard M. Cannan
Dr. George A. Condon
Franklin W. Edwards
John H. Flickinger
Emery T. Freeman
James W. Gkonos
Theron H. Haas ✠
Matthew St. John Harris
Lester A Hornung
Sumner Howard
Harry F. Kirby
William N. Koeller
John R. Mynatt
Gene A. Roth
Richard S. Smith ✠
Sterling L. Smith
J. Elmer Swanson
Charles J. Trick
Daniel L. Walter
John S. Winder
Friendship Club - $250-499
Theta Lambda
Friendship Club - $250-499
Nathan E. Cheesman ✠
Daniel R. Fescina ✠
Brian R. Gillespie
Gary A. Kline
David J. Laclede
Paul DeLong Miller ✠
Thomas K. Nash
Heritage Club - $500-999
Christian P. Dozois
Gregory S. Gacka ✠
Steven T. Holland
James W. McPherson
David J Precht
Mark W. Vander Veen
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Beta Lambda
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
John G. Angle
John J. Dau
J. T. Elliott
Oscar W. Agre, Jr., USAF(R)
Kurt A. Anselmi
David J. Barrett
Alvin K. Bek
James H. Braden
George T Callison
A legacy of giving.
Hugh A. Cameron, FACR
Brian T. Drabik
Joseph G. Foster
Frank H. Goodrich
Richard T. Guttman
John A. Huntoon
Douglas A. James
Peter M. Koch
James A. Reynolds
John F. Ryan
Paul H. Spitz
John R. Swanberg ✠
Charles S. Tompkins
John A. Van Vleet
Howard L. Wikel
michigan State
Epsilon Eta
Order of the Maltese Cross - $100,000James E. Pingree Nelson
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Robert H. Anderegg
David B. Bossert
Jason Fettig
Roger C. Schultz
Layne C Triplett
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Robert R. Buchanan
Gordon B. Elliott
Thomas C. Kennicott
Bruce Klump
Gregory H. Montgomery
Ken Schofield
Sidney R. Stamp
James F. Wiaduck
Heritage Club - $500-999
Alexander Arnot
Norman A. Barkeley
Carmon E Cobe
Robert W. Collins
Michael T. Gillen
Robert W. Hermanson
James P. Hoffa
Herbert E. Hoxie
Robert E. Huebner
F. David Humes
Edwin L. Joba
Fred H. Jung
Alfred J. Macksey, Jr.
John C. Mullen ✠
Peter A. Nagy
Harold F Neumann
Kurt A. Rivard
W. Lon Schreur
Daniel G. Schwartz
Richard H. Seebers
Fred S. Wojtalik
Dudley H. Dommerich, Jr.
Friendship Club - $250-499
Theta Iota
Jack R. Blanchard
Allen R. Buchanan
William Edwin Cooper
Richard L. Cunningham
Arnold E. Dreher
Emile C. Durocher
Glen A. Ekey
Ronald S. Faupel ✠
Gregory S. Geyer
Fred D. Gowan
Robert W. Graves ✠
James Burton Hellwarth ✠
Roger L. Herring ✠
James B. McCristal
Jack H. Mihelich ✠
Joseph P. Moceri
Gary R. Murphy
Douglas O. Neff
James G. Panks
James M. Purchase ✠
John H. Richardson
James K. Robinson
G. H. Russel, CFP
John S. Ruzza
Raymond M. Schincariol
Daniel I. Slott ✠
Donald R. Smith
Eric P. Thorne
Kenneth R. Wolfe ✠
Willard C. Zimmerman
Heritage Club - $500-999
Craig A. Calas
Curt W. Calas
J. Michael Gorman
Michael P. Walsh ✠
Kevin D Weikart
Mark H. Cieplik
Curt R. Crecelius ✠
Andrew J. Donahue
Steven T. Dove ✠
Trevor Graham Griffin ✠
Charles F. Johansen ✠
Mark Linton ✠
Douglas B. Looney ✠
Leonard C. Owens
Chris G. Piety ✠
Gamma Nu
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Jay H. Lietzow ✠
Wilbur A. Lunday
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
middle tennessee state
Eta Nu
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Timothy W. Denny
William E. Mason
Heritage Club - $500-999
Mr. William M. Williamson
Friendship Club - $250-499
Brett H. Bonham ✠
Scott Gordon Davidson
Roger D Kelton ✠
Robert J. Schamberg
Epsilon Mu
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Sheldon W. Dean, Jr.
Rev. Ronald C. Lawson
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Heritage Club - $500-999
Howard M. Aberg
Rolston S. Addy
William A Ankeny
Russell E. Baker
Richard L. Black
Clarence K Bros
Frederic W. Bursch ✠
Duane H. Eames
Edward A. Firestone
James W. Francois
Richard C Hinze
Clyde W. Trevathan
James Scott Vance ✠
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Friendship Club - $250-499
LeMoyne W. Anderson, Ph.D
Channing C. Beaudry
Robert J. Buscher ✠
Mitch R. Hatch ✠
Richard J. Kostick
Ed A. Lynner ✠
Fredrick W. Marpe
Marshall B. McKusick
Stephen B. Mead
William Mellenthin
Darol K. Ramey
Frederick L. Rayman, Jr.
James W. Rustad
James J. Trench
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Mark E Jones
James G. Kendrick
Harold G. Larson ✠
Mark J. Olson
William H Quirmbach
Donald L Robertson
Phillip D. Simon
Wallace M. Swanson
Douglas B. Tang
Richard T. VanWyck
Emmet M. Addy
Capt. Barry R. Allen ✠
Richard J. Devick
Gregg R. Emfield
Donald D. Evenson
Robert C Fuller
George G. Geelan
Kenneth W Hallberg
Rolf E. Haugen ✠
Donald O. Hilligoss ✠
Jonathan Joannides ✠
Kenneth A. Johnson
Glenn R Kessel
Richard J. Lambert
Roger W. Larson
Cyrus T. Lynch ✠
George C. Mayoue
John W. McTaggart
Robert A. Minish ✠
James K. Peterson ✠
Ronald M. Peterson
Roger O Pitsenbarger
William J. Remes
Manfred A. Rietsch
James H. Robinson
Ross G. Sinclair
Charles H. Swanson
James H. Taylor
Thomas O. Van Krevelin ✠
David C. Whitcomb
Robert P. Willing, III
Minnesota state-mankato
Eta Delta
Friendship Club - $250-499
Leo R. Balthazor ✠
Robert K. Oshel, CLU
Jerry W. Young
Delta Psi
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
William E. Berry
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
Owens F. Alexander, Jr. ✠
James Kendall Dillehay
Robert R Fallis
Jerry M. Gilbreath ✠
J. Shuler Griffin ✠
Michael R. Holcomb
D. Brooks Holstein ✠
Michael S. Lauth
Richard Duggan Paddock
Harris F. Powers, Jr.
Ben L Royce
Ancel C. Tipton, MD
Heritage Club - $500-999
Guy Lane Arbuthnot, III ✠
Tim M. Cooper
Edward V. Exum, Jr.
George O. Griffith, Jr.
Thomas E. Hadley
Jack W. Harper
John A. Rice
Michael J. Ross ✠
John Samuel Shellabarger, Jr.
Roy Sloan
Jetson P Tatum
G. Paul Tedford
Dennis W. Voge
Friendship Club - $250-499
John H. Allen
Reed Barrett ✠
Peyton Claybourne Beard
Tyler Benson Bier ✠
Kevin Michael Block ✠
William M. Bryson
Gerald A. Cook, Jr. ✠
Richard L. Croll
Vincent J. Cuevas
James B. Day ✠
Vance P. Derryberry ✠
David A. Deterly, Jr. ✠
Richard A. Hemenway ✠
David Elton Holder ✠
Nathaniel L. Holland
Hugh E Tanner ✠
George C. Johnston
Steven B. King
William T. Lovell
Arnie S. Malham ✠
David H. McCain ✠
Charles N. McKinney ✠
Roy G. Melnar
Bergen S. Merrill
Michael Ryan Hill ✠
Jonathan L. Muirhead
William B. Nobles
Samuel R. Pate
Michael A Poe
Danny E. Reynolds ✠
Haskell J. Ross, III ✠
Thomas B. Shepherd, III
Henry F. Skelton
William T. Sloan
Branson Hal Smith ✠
David O. Smith
Dr. Terrence Christopher
Forstall, Jr. ✠
Eb L. Thomas
John O. Turner
Arthur Pearce Williams
mississippi state
Epsilon Epsilon
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Amos D. Burns ✠
James H Lipscomb, III
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Lawrence E. Allison, Jr.
Hugh D. Brewer, Jr.
Winton B. Cain ✠
James A. Gilbert
Ramon J. Jackson
William C. Loden, Jr. ✠
Roy E. McLain
Henry G. Smith
Rayburn E. Smith
Mark G. Van Devender ✠
Heritage Club - $500-999
Charles M. Coker, III ✠
Edwin Russell Connell
James N. Karcher, USN ✠
Thomas H. Mason, Jr. ✠
William A. McCain
Robert Manly Neighbors ✠
John C. Norman
James M. Trimble
Thomas H. Walker, PE ✠
Wayne Spider Webb
Friendship Club - $250-499
Hildred S. Amsler
W. Lowry Barfield
Gene M. Clark
Walter L. Dickerson, Jr. ✠
Edwin E. Enlow, Jr. ✠
Robert T. Green, Sr.
Allen T Johnson
John H. Katusa
Emmett A. Kimbrough, Jr.
A legacy of giving.
James E. Knox
Kevin L. Kuhns
Ewell L. Little
Britt Timothy Manor ✠
Mark Hussey ✠
Taylor P. Moore
William A. Mullis
Henry P. Noland
Edward A. Richards
Russell Rinehart ✠
Robert E Ross
Drew Sparks ✠
Christopher Colton Turner
Gamma Rho
Order of True Merit - $50,000-99,999
Robert E. Bortz, Jr.
John H Chance
Gene D. Hoffman
William S. Thompson, Jr.
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Robert G. Alley ✠
Jeffrey O. Anglen
Mr. Larry S. Bacon
J. Philip Bender, Jr. ✠
John E. Jr. Brauch
Jack L. Campbell, Esq.
Robert E. Courtney ✠
John B. Ferris
Lawrence V. Fisher ✠
Harry W. Kolb
Mark F Mullinix
Robert E. Piles
Kenneth R. Teepe
Daniel J Welsh
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Scott J Arnold
Gregory S Bates
Gary C Batz
Dr. Kenneth L. Baughman
David C. Cooksey
Charles R. Davis
Ronald T. Dodd ✠
Michael Bruce Downey
Eugene A. Fribis
P. Gregory Garrison
Jon R. Gilstrap
James P. Hannon
Dennis R. Harper
James A. Heeter
Warren E. Hoffner
Frank M. Hopfinger
Kenneth R. Huff
Robert A. Humphreys
Maxwell M. Jewell
Lon B Klink
Edwin C. Lampitt
Charles J. Linn
Robert T. Littlejohn
Brian E. McAuliffe
Bruce McCurry
Terence P O’Leary
Timothy D. O’Leary
William Berry Parks ✠
Ernest C. Rea
John B Renick
Thomas Richichi
David B. Skinner
Stephen R. Stahle
John S. Stephens
Richard A. Strano
Greg W. Swetnam
Jerry R. Swormstedt
George D. Thompson
Thomas A. Tucker
Bruce E. Twaddle
Robert J Virden
Robert G. Watkins
Platt L Welker
Ronald R. Wollard
John E Young
James D. Arnold
Vince Aspromonte
David O. Barbe
James E. Barnes
Jay P. Barrington
Eugene L. Beckerle
John M. Bell
Roger N. Bell
Andrew K. Bennett
Carroll M. Blackwell
Michael F Bosworth
James N Brann
Gary G. Brown
John F. Byrd
Richard P. Cassidy
Robert P. Cassidy
Paul J. Chapo
Paul S Churchill
Gary M. Courter
James Smyth Cremins, Esq.
Dennis C. D’Amico
Joe F. Dickson
Michael J. Floodstrand
David M Fowler
Paul J. Freeman
Donald M Fulk
Lawrence R. Fuller
Robert W. Fulstone
Jack H. Garvin
Charles M. Grau ✠
Pierre J. Guignon, Jr.
Steven L. Halter
Victor C. Hanick
D. Mark Harvey
Drew W. Hause
Kurt E. H’Doubler
Scott W. H’Doubler
Douglas L Herrman
Robert M. Hickel
Charles B. (Bo) Hoskins
Timothy J. Hughes
William F James
Robert M. Jensen
Thomas L. Jones
Timothy M. Kane
Dr. John W. Kilgore
Michael S. King
Chris T. Koenemann
Kim M. Krueger,ChFC
Larry E. Lang
Paul O. Langenbeck
Raymond Trace Laux
William C. Leonard
Frederick J. Logan, Sr.
William C. Long
Jeffrey R. Lundal
Stephen M. Lundergan ✠
James H. May
Michael J. Mazzoni
Harold E. McClain
William R. McCormick
Mark D. McIntosh
Richard H. Merrifield, Jr.
Paul T Merrill
Donald E. Meyer ✠
Robert A. Meyer
James C Miller
Patrick D. Miller
Michael K. Milosovich
Gerald K. Mischon ✠
Fred T. Mitchell
Craig G. Mohler
George C Mora
Patrick E. Muller
Matthew F. Mullinix
Timothy M. Murch
Charles L. Naylor
Thomas K. O’Leary
Robert L. Oliver
James A. Pemberton
Russell E. Perry
James E. Pfander
Ray H. Potts
John D. Prosperi
Timothy A. Pusateri
Terry J Rackers
Michael S. Raines
Dan H. Rathgeber
James J. Rau
Robert L. Reames
Michael J Regan
James J. Reis
Kent B. Richardson
Paul L. Riekhof
James L. Rinehart
Christopher A. Sanders
George Sarantakis
Robert A. Schaefer
Robert A. Schmidt
Thomas M. Shirck
Leslie R. Siesser
John A. Skinner
Ortrie D. Smith
Michael C. Sonnenberg
John D. Speak
Robert B Spenke
Jerry J. Swartz
Wayne A. Swetnam
Terrence M. Tarwater
Peter A Tassinari
Austin R. Tinsley
Charles C. Underwood
Michael L. Villani
Carl R. Weber
Jeffery R Weber
Stephen A. Weber
Steven W. White
James R. Williams
Garland Wilson, Jr.
Milan K Yager
Eric M. Younger
Oland J. Younger
William M. Younger
William W Younger
Heritage Club - $500-999
Don A. Beckerle
Louis W Benecke
Herbert J. Blase
Jule E. Bolio
Cecil H Coggins
John J Conkovich
Lanny R. Dacus
Barry D. Davis
William A. Decker
John Gregory Ebeling
Albert D Franse
Barrett H. Geoghegan
John M. Hughes
John A. Johnson
Roger L. Johnson
Bob F. Lane
James W. Lewis ✠
Walter B McCormick
Howard G. McNish
John R. Morris
Carl D. Moses
Terry F Ralston
F. Tempel Riekhof, MD
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
Jerry A. Sackberger
W. Robert Semple
Brad K. Strope
Guy L Tourney
Lance W. Turner
Gregory R. Watkins
Kent Kent Wilson, II
Dennie P. Wise
Samuel G. Morrison
Heritage Club - $500-999
Friendship Club - $250-499
Jeffry C. Barron
Jeff F. Belmonti
John W. Bennett ✠
Todd A. Campbell
Ronald L. Cole ✠
John W. Ebeling
Clarence E. Enyart
C. Charles Franklin
Chris Heldorfer
Darren K. Kearns
William R. Klink
Larry K. Knisley
William D. Marriner
Steve H McElroy
Timothy M. McElroy
James W. Morris
Richard J. Nystrom
Marvin Lance Patterson
John M. Peterson
John T. Ray
James L. Riley, USN(Retired)
Daniel A. Sarver ✠
Robert E. Schuster
Donald R. Sellers
Randy K. Shearburn
Donald C Thompson
Kenneth J. Wessels
Friendship Club - $250-499
Nathan Ackerman ✠
Curt B. Beck
Donald R. Bruns
Colin E. Champ ✠
Edward W. Eacker
John Daniel Griffith ✠
George M. Haskew
William N. Hosley
John R. Lovasz
H. Tyler Marcy
Frederick S Nowlan
Robert W. Schoenlein
Donald K Stelling
Alan J. Wilson ✠
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Beta Gamma
Richard H. Hinchcliff ✠
Gardner S. Rogers
Armond J. Schroeder
Waite H. Stephenson, Jr.
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Robert E Benedict
Willard C Brown
Frank E Dame
Alan S Dana
Carlton G Davies
William C Ferguson
Evan D. Goldstein
Robert S. Griggs
Frank M. Guillot
Alwyne C. Jealous
Joseph T. Lester, Jr. ✠
Robert G. McGregor
Lee Y. Moriwaki
Edmund T Morris
Donald L. Robbins
Marvin S Smith
Jonathan S. Varsanik ✠
Kenneth F. Weber
Kenneth R. Woolling, Jr.
K. Andrew Achterkirchen
Norton Belknap
William H. Bertolet, III
Harry N Blakeslee
John E. Fries, Jr.
Jonathan W. Hopkins
Richard D Jackson
John A. Knowlton, Jr.
Jeremiah A Lott
Robert H. Maskrey
Brett A. Miwa
Epsilon Nu
Robert J. Ardell
Darrell W. Edson
Robert R. Gillogly
Oral C. Kost
Brad Douglas Mandeville
R. Walker Robb, Jr. ✠
Friendship Club - $250-499
Frank Adam, III
Brent M. Bodine
Ronald W. Boehm
David G. Camden ✠
Christopher D. Edmonds
John P. Edmonds ✠
Erik C. Hoffer ✠
Henry C. Kappel
Ronald T. Lundal
A legacy of giving.
Robert L. Marshall
William T. McBride
Frank R. Oakley
Richard L. Owens
James E. Samsel ✠
Robert L Singer
Ralph E. Stephenson
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Delta Xi
Robert A. Cipriani
Robert S Kunkel
John O Lee
Anthony J. Longo
Jeffrey H. Stambaugh
David A. Stofka ✠
William T Tannehill
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Heritage Club - $500-999
L. R. Carl Dix ✠
Jason R. Sexton
Jamie J. Anderson
Clarence M Cutler
Percy Frazier
John M Grey
Michael J. Harr
H Alvin Manring
Russell L. Nelson
Rolan J. Bingham ✠
Richard L Brooks
Lawrence B. Burkert, MD
E. Dominic Capers
Harold R Dillow
William G. Gordon
Jack E. Grapentine
James R. Hency ✠
Atlee B Hendricks
George G. Hunter
David E. Jones
Robert C. Koch
Robert R. Kolbinsky
Michael V. Kozub
Carl D. Orwick ✠
Carl N Shaheen
George M Wilcoxon
Friendship Club - $250-499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Edmund C. Hill
Harry M. Jenkins
George A. Northam
Richard L. Wray
Heritage Club - $500-999
Jerry H. Breidenfeld
Joseph F Connors
LaMar M. Forvilly
Ford L. Stuart, III
John S. Wertz
Eta Omega
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Fred C. Crawford ✠
R. Allen Vaughan, AIFA, ARPC
Jeffry Allen Wilson ✠
Heritage Club - $500-999
Tim McGuire
A. Neal Shirley
Friendship Club - $250-499
Patrick J. Anderson
David B. Herbert ✠
Mount union
Alpha Nu
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Mark S. Dray
William D. Krahling
Robert S. Kunkel, Jr.
John F. Beazle, III
Richard L. Berry
Jeffrey W. Callender ✠
Thomas J. Campeau
Timothy L. Carey
John A. Gottschling
Stephen David Harris ✠
John V. Moll
David G. Puchan
Richard F. Raebel
Thomas N. Salmon ✠
George J. Stephan
David E. Stoll
George E. Stradley
Paul E. Thomas ✠
Michael J. Woloschak
Alpha Iota
Order of True Merit - $50,000-99,999
Henry C. Harner
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Richard E. Bauer ✠
David K. Kaugher
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Mr. Thomas W. Mendham
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Seth W. Brown
Charles W Hollenbach ✠
Frederick W Lantz
Robert E. Lorish
Arthur D McTighe
Robert K Miller
Karl A. Peckmann
Andrew M. Rubin ✠
Rocco S. Sconzo ✠
James A. Skidmore, Jr.
Duane G. Sonneborn, Jr.
Charles H. Wescoe, III
Heritage Club - $500-999
John R Gilbert
Edward S. Horn
Joseph H. Jorda
David P. Keller
Erich Lachmann
Robert F. Mackay
Jerome T. Maddock ✠
Thomas E. McGee
Donald P Miller
William S Miller
Raymond M. Munsch
Richard O. Nelson
Harry J. Newman ✠
Robert S Oberly
George H Ostermayer
John J. Pollitt
Conrad W. Raker
Robert B Rowland
Richard J Sexton
Lester T. Smith
Richard P Stamm
Horace M. Swartz
Walter W. Weller, Jr.
Friendship Club - $250-499
Norton L. Behney, Jr.
John Christopher Betz
John D. Birchby
Malcolm J. Borthwick
Clifford J. Brinkman
Geoffrey Broocker, MD
Ronald L. Choquette
Frederick L. Cox ✠
William W. Deissler, Jr.
Clifford W. Doeringer
Robert F. Fischer
Joseph F. Fleischmann
Robert Michael Fritz ✠
Wilson F. Gum Jr, PhD
James Louis Socci ✠
John F Keller, Jr.
David W Kline
Norman B Land
Edward C. Landergren, Jr.
Robert J. Maiorino ✠
George D. Modica
Robert C. Nuss
Terry S. Randell
George W. Reeves
Bart Rein ✠
Thomas B Smyers, Jr.
William R. Summer
Wallace C. Worth, Jr. ✠
murray state
Zeta Lambda
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
J. Terry Wilkinson
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
James Greg Arterburn, MD
Loman D. Brown
Haskell J. Ross, Jr. ✠
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
David C. Blivin
Patrick I. Brown ✠
Mark Thomas Epperson
Rich Flynn
Richard B Habermel
David L. O’Daniel
Jay W. Richey
R. Michael Sanford
Heritage Club - $500-999
David S. Aycock
Charles B. Baize ✠
Michael B Carty
James H. Clinkenbeard
William M. Dixon
Stephen A. Farmer
Steven L. Gines
Billy J. Hodge
Taylor H Hoover
Frank E. Miller
David A. Parker
Kurt S Rhines
John R. Rudd
Charles D. Taylor
William E. Travis
Darrell E. Venters
Henry W. Willoughby
Friendship Club - $250-499
James D. Brown
James E. Burton
Paul E. Celano
David A. Franklin
Doug Glass ✠
Patrick C. Gossum
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
Timothy A. Gross ✠
Kenneth Harris
Henry E. Jones
Michael L. Kirkpatrick
Jack W. Lichtenberg
John G. Mueller ✠
Larry T. Mullen
P. Warren Nanney
John W. Sharber
Ronald J. Sheppard ✠
John E. Stanley
Lannie L. Stegall ✠
Alan C. Stout ✠
Howard K. Stout ✠
Joseph A. Swift
Jeff S. Taylor
Paul A. Turner
Stephen R. Wawrin
John W. McKee
Honorable Robert B. O’Neal
Magnus E Robinson
Brian S Rosen
Gerald W. Rounsborg
Ray C Simmons
Garrett K. Smith
John D Smith
John F. Stasiowski
D. Lehn Straub
Brad L. Tolstedt ✠
Heritage Club - $500-999
Henry A. Damkroger ✠
Brian M. Hendricks
Robert S. Milligan ✠
Roy F. Proffitt
Ward H. Reesman ✠
John M. Satterfield
Bryan E. Slone
David L. Stannard
William H. Wilson, MD
Reed L. Anderson ✠
Henry F Braun
Winton W. Buckley
Charles J. Carlson
Jeff F. Crist
Blake H. Dillon ✠
William F Dugan
Roland W. Finley
Michael A. Furmanski
Gary D. Gilson
Frank M. Hallgren
John F. Hogan ✠
Harold E. Larmon
Gerald W. Luckey, MD
Mark J. Meuret
Talmage E. Miller
Thomas O Milligan
Frank L Musgrave
Thomas H. Olson
Theodore F. Randolph
Scott C. Rasmussen, MD
Geoff A. Stalder
Dana B. Widstrom
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Gamma Theta
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
David L. Bomberger
Reuben R. Jensen
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Daniel L. Anderson ✠
Peter A. Bergsten
Robert H. Berkshire
Jerome P. Bonnett
Mark L. Buckley ✠
Charles M. Carpenter, MD
Alan L. Clem
Irving R Dana
Michael L. Day
Eugene A. Deeter
John J. Douglass ✠
Robert G. Dudley
Mark C. Hargrave
John A. Harnly
David K Jones ✠
Brian L Keech
J. Patrick Keenan
Mark C. Korell
Randy J. Kraft
David D. Linn
Francis R Loetterle
Joseph W. Ayres
Mark L. Beeson ✠
Thomas R. Boohar
Richard T. Christoph
Gregg L. Davidson
Howard Drew
Robert S. Ebers
Charles M. Fox
Douglas J. Geyer
Christopher P. Gilles
Edsel W. Glass
Brandon Gleason ✠
Joe E. Grantzinger ✠
Richard S. Harman
Thomas K. Harman
Mark B. Hegarty ✠
Jim G. James
Rady A. Johnson
Timothy L Jones ✠
Kurtis S. Krentz
Rodney W. Kriz ✠
A legacy of giving.
Scott A. Lortz
Richard R. Loucks
Max E. Meyer
William C. Meyer, OD
Robert J. Mitchell
Kenneth J. Myrberg
Thomas A. Noble
Robert R Otte
David M. Pleiss
William D. Sandstedt ✠
Michael H. Schlatter
Rodney E. Schroeder
W. R. Sintek
John H. Slavens
Merle R Stalder
Willis A. Sunde
Kent R. Therkelsen
John B. Valdrighi
Bart A. Votava
Kenneth P. West
Scott C. Williams
Heritage Club - $500-999
George M. Basta
Gary G. Harrigan
Thomas R. Reviglio
Greg R. Clemens
Friendship Club - $250-499
Josh Cole Brainerd ✠
Wayne L. Cohan ✠
Daryl R. DeHart ✠
Joseph R. DiRaffaele
John B. Jones
Joel S. Kostman ✠
Dennis I. Lauver
Anthony B. Mark
Chris Mathews ✠
Michael J. McDonald ✠
Frederic Tad Phelps ✠
Robert N. Rosenthal
Stephen S. Spaulding
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Donald K. Briggs ✠
Philip A. Gaffney ✠
Chad Hamor
Allan R. Neis ✠
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
David E. Rader
Heritage Club - $500-999
Francis H. Chapman
Steve T. Lamberti
Ernest J. Maupin, III
John Polish
William J. Raggio ✠
Edward C. Reed, Jr.
Carl M. Robinson, USAF(Retired)
Jamie Reza Homampour
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Roger V. Blecher
Wade Martin Goodwin
Jeffrey T. Lodl
Robert E. Neville
Michael J. Seggerman
Donald S. Slaughter
Harry A. Strohmyer ✠
nevada-las vegas
Eta Upsilon
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Roy E. Clason, Jr.
John D. Cook
James C. Coulthard
Daniel L. Russell
Larry L. Ball ✠
William B. Bianchi
John C. Buccambuso
Dennis K. Burge
Joe Cap ✠
Victor A. Cozzalio
Timothy S. Strongin
M. Brett Trapp ✠
Wesley Quenton Wages
Friendship Club - $250-499
new mexico state
Theta Kappa
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Dr. Joseph A. Favia, DDS
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Brett A. Bearce
Heritage Club - $500-999
Delta Delta
Order of True Merit - $50,000-99,999
Harold Fellbaum, Jr.
Leslie S. Hubbard
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Ferris G. Solomon
north alabama
Theta Eta
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Joseph MacKenzie Carroll
Michael A. Colvin ✠
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Sidney F. Hutcherson, III
Heritage Club - $500-999
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Price M. Bayless ✠
Ralph L. Brown, Jr.
David W. Dallas
Honorable William A. McBee
Frank W. Montoya ✠
Martin R. Abroms
L. Todd Gatewood ✠
Thomas Monroe Lovett
Troy E. Weatherford
Chris James Clark ✠
Michael W. Flanery ✠
Joseph Ernest Holt ✠
Jeffrey L. McDaniel
S. Kyle Newman ✠
Chris M. Owens ✠
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
William K Diehl
Thomas S. Kenan, III ✠
Walter C. Lusk, II
John L. Mills
L. Gordon Pfefferkorn, Jr.
north dakota
Delta Nu
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Heritage Club - $500-999
Robert F. Colyer
Reed L. Cunningham
James Douglas Holladay
William S. Jordan
Walter R. Kalmar ✠
Robert D. Moore
Friendship Club - $250-499
Thomas J. Adler
Christopher Blair Capel
Charles L Dean
William H. Edwards
J. Earle Elliott
John Russell Gardner
Dustin C. Harrison ✠
Ian Robert McDonald ✠
Wade H. Logan, III
Franklin J. Bavendick ✠
Paul A. Flaten ✠
Raymond P Hawkinson
J E Judge
Ronald T Taillon
Heritage Club - $500-999
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Harry M. Bryant, Sr.
Edmund S. Burke, Jr. ✠
G Munroe Cobey
Houston Spencer Everett, Jr.
Barron K Grier
Franklin A. Hart, Jr. ✠
George H. Johnson
Ronald M. Kimzey
Avery B. Wilkerson
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Robert C. Eubanks
Friendship Club - $250-499
Michael C. Cortney
Spenser Davis
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Chop B. Evans
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Friendship Club - $250-499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Eta Kappa
David R. Bailly
Gary L. Swenson
Creeley S. Buchanan
Parker L Riddle
new mexico
Kappa Delta
Alpha Delta
Zeta Psi
John S. Blaisdell
Tuck S. Keating
Stanley B. Lee, Jr.
John P. McDonough ✠
James E. Miller
Charles E. Richardson
James W. Skillings
Carl A. Young ✠
Ralph R. Young ✠
north carolina state
north carolina
Heritage Club - $500-999
Jeff Cox ✠
Eric James Ezzell
Matthew Edward Fike ✠
Jonathan P. Fleming
Logan Walter Key
George Mark Manush ✠
Phillip G. Maxwell, DC
Brian Christopher Neporadny
Jason W. Parks ✠
Graham Ralston Powell ✠
Andrew Sapp ✠
Steven Sewell ✠
Morris C. Shipper
David G. Grabiel ✠
Chris G. White ✠
Steve Schwab ✠
Sean Trujillo ✠
Louis A. Vega ✠
Klaus Eric Wittern
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Kenan S. Rand ✠
Daniel B Shepherd
Steven D. Skolsky
G. B. Spence
Joseph G Turner, Jr.
Russell E. Twiford
Leon F. Woodruff, Jr.
Friendship Club - $250-499
Stephen C. Nyland
John C. Podlesny
John K. Powers ✠
Steven C Suiter
Louis B Hoffmann
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
George W. Ball, Jr. ✠
Carl L. Bossieux
Donald E Butler
Earle P. Charlton
James M. Copenhaver
John T. Drakulich
Frank J. Fahrenkopf
Jay O Gibson
Martin James Hawkins
Harold E. Hodge ✠
Eugene J Kneebone
Addison A Millard
O. Bernie Snyder
Eugene J. Wait
Melvin L. Watson
Friendship Club - $250-499
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Heritage Club - $500-999
Stuart R Wilsman
Theodore Demosthenes
Peter M. Digrazia
Gordon L. Foote ✠
Richard M. Graver ✠
William M. Herrod
John W. Marvel ✠
Mervyn J. Matorian ✠
Fred M. Miller ✠
Todd Morse
Ronald R. Munk
John Hicks Pohorsky ✠
Joseph M. Pohorsky ✠
George E. Reading
Scott S. Schellin ✠
Murdock M. Smith
Kenneth H. Tedford
Ray T. Trease ✠
Patrick M. Walker
new hampshire
Delta Iota
Zeta Upsilon
Orville V. Bergren
John A. Cronquist
William W. Halverson
Matthew W. Honea ✠
William R. King, II
Peter D. Lewis
C. Warren Lindgren
John J Lipinski
Graham S. Lund
Larry R. Schneider
Ralph J. Scoular, Jr. ✠
Harold C Solberg
Raymond C. Staley, Jr.
Lee H. Wilson ✠
Friendship Club - $250-499
Jerome H. Arndt, MD, FACR
Jesse Banks ✠
Gerard G. D’Amour ✠
Terry E. Devlin ✠
Alfred N. Flaten
Jay T. Garske
Justin Gibb ✠
Ellsworth J. Hendrickson
Clark D. Robideaux ✠
Robert A. Solberg
A legacy of giving.
north dakota state
Epsilon Delta
Order of True Merit - $50,000-99,999
Arthur Sailer
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Sam C. Kalainov
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Frederick P. Brandt
Carl A. White
Iota Iota
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Heritage Club - $500-999
Shad Richard Schmid
Heritage Club - $500-999
Michael L. Pearson
Daniel C. Roseveare ✠
David J. Lerma ✠
Brent Smith ✠
Kendell Jason Veltman
George A. Nichols
Gordon H. Olson
Jarold L. Smith
Northern Kentucky
Heritage Club - $500-999
Theta Omega
John A. Bodmer
Charles T. Bohnet
Lewis R Croal
Charles S. Crum
Arnold L. Ellingson ✠
Joseph D Farnham
Marvin C. Franzen
Robert B. Horton
Vince Mayoue
Kevin P. Tooley
James E. Walster, Sr.
Robert G. Wentz
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Todd E. Keirns ✠
James Kevin Rowland
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Michael Huber
J. Douglas Peterson
Heritage Club - $500-999
Steven M. Koetting
Kenneth E. Rowland
Friendship Club - $250-499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Epsilon Xi
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Donald L. Altschuler
Gary K Anderson
William D. Bruce
Jon S. Castor
Paul D. Contos
Thomas E. Dubis ✠
Walter F. Gray
Clyde Holt, III
Robert G. Hyatt
Lester C. Jacobson, USMC(Retired)
James L. Johnson
Thomas A. North
Harold W. Olson
Lawrence H. Williford
Richard M Wilson
William D. Yanta
Friendship Club - $250-499
Robert O. Begtrup, “MD,
R. Dana Charles
Edward A. Corcoran
Richard A. Crawford
Edwin G. Davy
Stephan E. Hall
R. Scott Malmgren
H. Donald Nelson ✠
Jeffrey J. Newlin
Fernando Riveron ✠
John C. Schiro, MD
Paul T. Schultz
Donald B. Thompson
Wesley H. Williams
John W. Winings
Delta Phi
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Robert Oster
David R. Thomas
Garry K. Marshall
Richard R Rector
Alfred R Rose
V. Clark Sole, Jr.
Kappa Gamma
Robert Alviar, Jr. ✠
Mr. Michael Thomas Gallia
Mark Cross ✠
Christopher L. Boggs ✠
Michael J. Cline ✠
A. Chris Eichorn ✠
Thomas E. Manning ✠
Christopher D. Schnelle
Scott Matthew Pahren ✠
north texas
Northern Arizona
Donald L. Robinson
Lee F. Rogers ✠
Thomas E. Smith
Richard B. Turner ✠
Friendship Club - $250-499
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Deric D. Andre ✠
Joshua Boschee ✠
Charles D. Brown ✠
Capt. Peter O. Gustafson
Alan John De Keyrel ✠
Kirby J. Erickson
Edwin E. Graber
Willard A. Greenleaf
Robert J. Greuel
Wallace L. Hornberger ✠
James A. Meier ✠
George L. Pratt ✠
Erwin L. Samuelson, MD
Albert I. Sandsmark
Michael R. Siurek ✠
Robert M. Smoot
Steven D. Symons ✠
Bruce A. Uglem
Phil Matthews
Richard B. Falk
Richard H. Gillons
Donald A. Grasse
William E Heitz
James R. Lancaster
Howard F. Ahmanson
Laurence A. Bolton
Richard T. Cooper ✠
Farnham Alden Damon
Walter G. Jennings
Arthur H. Littlejohns
Peter R. Palermo ✠
Warren C. Palmer
Jack E. Shemer
Ray N Taylor
William Woollett, Jr.
Heritage Club - $500-999
Willis J. Handel, Jr. ✠
Harvey A. Heikel
Shepard A. Hildebrand
Arthur D Hiner
William G. Kelly
Steve Kolas
Ted L. Neely
Glenn W. Pfister, Jr.
Richard Deane Presar
Robert W. Reiner ✠
Lester L. Roby, Jr.
Richard D. Shields ✠
William F. Spengler
Rodger F. Thomas
Richard M Tubbs
Robert L. Waters
James P. Zorlas ✠
Wiley B. Adams
Robert A. Bowles
Frank A Bradshaw
Richard D. Conant ✠
Edward R Davis
Hal Scott Paulsen ✠
Charles Priest, Jr.
David L. Roberson
Norman T Smith
John D. Waddell
Warren B. Wells
Friendship Club - $250-499
Phillip R. Anton
Edward J. Boyer
Andrew J. Brooks
Dean B. Burgess
Alfred A. Hunt
Donald J. Kemp
Larry F Layne
Francis M White
Friendship Club - $250-499
ohio state
Beta Omega
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
James E. Bodman, Ph.D
John R. Daniels, MD
David L. Dragics ✠
Robbin A. Johnson
Dudley L Lea
Thomas E. Marx
Charles S. McClure
Howard A. Teifke ✠
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Horace W Baggott
Carter S. Boehm
George J. Caronis ✠
David M. Eyestone ✠
Gary A. Franklin
J. Emerson Hirsch
Franklin A. Lovell ✠
Walter B McCluskey
Wilbur B. McDowell, Ph.D
Harry V. Miles
Craig M. Morgan ✠
Charles A. Nitschke
Dr. Hal R. Ramer ✠
William D. Sparrow, CPA
Boyce M. Tope
Heritage Club - $500-999
Malcolm B. Buckingham
William G Davis, Jr.
Steven W. Drakesmith
Robert B. Franklin
David H George
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
Richard A. Abruzzi ✠
Donn E. Alspach ✠
Robert V. Byrd
Casey Peter Cadden ✠
James J. Caronis ✠
James M. Curry
Kenneth L. Eppich
Richard O. Harris
Edward C. Hawkins
Max W. Holzer
Timothy L. Horn ✠
Steven C. Kelley ✠
C. William Landefeld
John R. Landefeld ✠
Larry L. Lehring ✠
Douglas J. Lint
William C. Lowary
Robert G. McElroy
L. William Meacham
Robert S. Miller
Lawrence C. Musarra
David A. Nebergall ✠
Andrew Stuart Paul ✠
Wayne H. Pressler ✠
Charles W. Riegler ✠
Jeffrey R. Rodek
David Micheal Rome ✠
Paul C. Shin ✠
R. E. Slough
Hugh B Smith
Rick L. Terhune, DDS ✠
Hermann R Verwohlt
Nicholas H. Webb ✠
James M. Westlake ✠
James L Wilcox
Thomas C. Woodward
James C. Zemer
ohio Wesleyan
Beta Eta
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Robert W. Bright
Leon C. Holt ✠
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Bruce A. English
James B. Heisler
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Laurence A Bettcher
James A. Geesey
Ralph W. Roach, MD
The Holt Family Foundation
Heritage Club - $500-999
Phil Thomas Heyn ✠
Michael J. Howard
Robert L. Istnick ✠
Bill Tam Ming Ling ✠
George S. Morris ✠
Wesley H. Poling ✠
Douglas E. Weltz, Jr.
William R. Woodall
Friendship Club - $250-499
E. Chadwick Carver, Jr.
Harry L. Ewell, II
Gregor W. Pinney
Stanley P. Smith ✠
William R. Thompson
Burton R Waldorf
Roger E. Wright
Delta Kappa
Order of the Maltese Cross - $100,000Robert Mel Clark
Order of True Merit - $50,000-99,999
C. Robert Monnich
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Gregory H. Hall ✠
Gerald K. Hornung, II
Llewellyn O. Ward ✠
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Walter L Barnes
Brent D. Bloom
Stephen W. Davis
Richard M. Leonard
Matthew G. McGraw
David B. Ruble
J.Richard Street
A legacy of giving.
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
John C. Allen
Robert F. Askew ✠
Robert C. Benedict ✠
Peter L. Boatright
James B. Bright ✠
Elmer R. Burns
Albert C. Carnes, Jr.
William A. Champion
Jerry L Clark
J. Rodney Duckworth ✠
John B. Duffield
Kevin M. Dukes
Fletcher F Farrar
George B. Garrison
Ennis M. Gullatt
Kenneth J. Haigler
Glen D. Johnson, Jr.
Joseph C. Johnson
Christopher B. Kiker
Spencer L. Knapp
James A. Lathim, Jr.
John E. Leake Jr., CLU ✠
Jack H. Marshall
Terry Terry Mays ✠
Ira B McCroskey
Grady H. Nunn
James P. O’Brien
Joel W. Palmer ✠
Geoff M. Smith
Robert L. Smith
Gerald T. Van Nort ✠
Craig G. Weinbrenner
Joseph W Whitten
David T. Yelton
Heritage Club - $500-999
William R. Almen ✠
Ray T Anthony
Steven L. Ballard
Gary M. Bolton
James D. Butterworth
R. Alan Chase
Jeffery L. Cogburn
Harry L Crockett
Duane A. Davis
Maurice C. Foster
Robert T. Grisaffe ✠
Jerry D. Hagee
Fred E. Hammer
Edward H. Judson
William H. Martin
James R McBrayer
Arthur Daniel McIntosh
Robert F. Meyer
Col. Robert A. Norman
Lee B. Park
Steven D. Porter
Kendall A. Purgason ✠
Ted L. Sandridge ✠
John N Singletary
Vernon H. Stansell
Philip L. Stephenson
Harry M. Stoner
Walter Dudley Tichenor
Alan L. Tiede
Robert E. Wahlgren
Leslie F Warren
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Heritage Club - $500-999
O. Edwin Adams, Esq.
Robert E. Arn
Eric N. Arnold
Rex T. Baggett
Albert E. Basinger, Jr. ✠
Frank J. Belz
Charles W. Bonner
Justin Buckner
Lawrence G. Chance
Hubert C. Chancellor
Adam Chitwood ✠
Mark A. Cohen
A. Sam Coury
Kirby L. Croisant
Joseph J. Darby, III ✠
William C. Duke, CPA
O. Carey Epps, Jr.
Kirk H. Fritschen
Douglas Blake Herndon
Don R. Hill
William H. Hintze
Karl T. Holliman ✠
Larry W. Ishmael
Kenneth P. Johnson ✠
Raymond C. Kerr
John R. Luke
Matt Manoles ✠
Joe W. McBride, Jr.
Alexander E McKay
Charles R. Messer
Charles G. Ming
Samuel T. Moore, MD
James D. Morgan
Mark E. Patterson
A. Dee Pickard, USA
John T. Piper
Robert S. Purgason
Mark L. Seefeldt
Gordon L Smith
Clyde D. Towery
Lawrence J Vittrup
Allen M. Williams
oklahoma state
Epsilon Omicron
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Terry D. Turman
Lewis C Corey
M. Scott Gilpin
Edward W. Jones
Justin T. Lawson
Todd Lyle
Michael D. Roberts
J. Marshall Saye ✠
David B. White ✠
Eric L. Larsen ✠
James C. Lynch
Morris H Morgan, Sr.
William Wright ✠
William D. Domenighini
Horace Easterday
B S Edwards
Arthur R. Engstrom
Peter M Feibleman
Jerry D. Hamilton
Constantine N. Hanches
Patrick J. Hegarty
William L. Huggins
William B. Loch
Douglas M. Mahony
Byron W. Mayo
Harold B Palmer
Gary L. Ronning
Tom N. Trovato
Kenneth D. Wegner
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
oregon state
Robert B Baldridge
Charles E. Biederman
Glenn Burr
Francis D Jabara
Thomas D. Jordan, Ph.D
John H. Meinders ✠
David K. Ratcliff
Jeral C. Ziegler
Gamma Phi
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Friendship Club - $250-499
Jimmie H. Allred ✠
Kevin T. Corley
Michael Paul Cox ✠
Robert J. Crume ✠
Anthony Edward Dukes ✠
Bradley David Dunbar ✠
Kurt G. Glassco
Anthony C. Hackner
Mark Hartness ✠
Daniel T. Herndon
Alfredo Herrera, Jr. ✠
Robert E. Horter ✠
Bron Kronborg ✠
Jonathan D. Morris ✠
Robert L. Oxford, D.D.S. ✠
Mark Robert Passarelli ✠
Fred A. Shapley
Joseph Wang ✠
old dominion
Zeta Tau
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Dennis M. Gordon
Edward J Reed
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Daniel T. Kichline
Heritage Club - $500-999
Richard E. Campbell, II
Carter M. Turpin, Jr.
Matthew R. Wilcox
Friendship Club - $250-499
William S. Barfield
Thomas M. Buckley
Dennis R. Burke ✠
Keith R. Calhoun ✠
George W. Jensen
John L. Mathwick
William E. Owens
Patrick L. Shuler ✠
James R. Sutherland
Mark E. Wenners ✠
Jason W. Williams ✠
James R. Blackaby
Jack J. Crocker
Woodrow W Everitt
Joseph E Franz
E. Danell Giustina
Donald W. Hall
Ronald M Hubbs
Gordon R. Janney
Wayne S. Mackin
Ross R. Mellor
Howard B. Patterson
Joe B. Richards
Charles E. Warren ✠
Heritage Club - $500-999
Chester E. Adams
Edwin E. Allen
William E. Blackaby
Joseph F Callahan
David G. Emory
Victor J. Ferrette ✠
Theo R Gillenwaters
Gerald Graybeal
Thomas H. Hazzard
H L Hull
Jay R Matteson
John H McKay
Arthur R. Moshofsky
Michael S. Musulin
Robert M. Powell
Robert E. Southwell
Thomas J. Stack
John P. Talbot
Friendship Club - $250-499
David E. Atiyeh
Phillip C. Baylis
Arthur G. Bushman
David Callahan ✠
Edward E. Chrobot ✠
Norman C. Danielson
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
Alan M. Petersen
Jerry D. Price ✠
Robert E. Russell
Richard T. Sinclair
Tice R. Walker
Alpha Sigma
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Michael Hanlon
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Paul T Schooley
Darrell H. Schroeder
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
George G. Beveridge
Paul H. Casey ✠
Harry A. Dick, Jr.
Seth L. Gardner ✠
William P. Haberlach ✠
Charles S. James ✠
Frederick A Motz
Heritage Club - $500-999
Donald R. Amacher
Henry C. Beard
James E. Browne
Donald B Campbell
Robert R. Clark ✠
Randall E. Egertson, USMC(Retired)
Ralph C Elle
Henry J. Gagnon
Richard T Harris
Richard F. Hopper
Harry E. Joy ✠
Donald B Kempfer
David Kronsteiner
E. Ross Kuhnhausen
Ben H. Lee, III ✠
William R Little
Dr. Joseph C. Macdonald
Douglas H. Martin
Robert D Millar
Kim Mozejko
Irvin D. Nicholas, Jr. ✠
Richard D. Osborne
Friendship Club - $250-499
Stephen F. Altick
Robert K. Bauer
John P. Beardsley
Jerry L. Bramwell
Carlon F. Dodge ✠
Maurice H. Gardner
Dan A. Graham
Everett A. Hansen
David L. Haugen
Adrian L. Hewitt
Gordon E. Hillyard
Larry N. Jones ✠
Richard W. Jordan
Brian David Kugel ✠
Bryan William Lang ✠
John C. McCune
Ross K. Patterson
Kerby H. Simpson
Douglas R. Souvignier
John S. Storkersen
Marvin H. Thomas
Darin Wayrynen ✠
Boyd O. Whitney
Iota Lambda
Friendship Club - $250-499
Keith C. Kemp
penn state
Gamma Omega
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Sanford H. Bennett, Jr.
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Francis C. Angelo
Louis A. Camp
Jay M. Foulkrod
Jason W. Cave
John E Seeburger
Robert J. Steele ✠
Heritage Club - $500-999
George F. Bearer
Richard K. Dobbins
Robert A Herstine
Richard P. Kuegler
Watson K. Leese
Richard E. Mathias ✠
Keith D. Mekenney
A legacy of giving.
James H. Meyer
Carl B. Weiss, MD
Friendship Club - $250-499
Edwin R. Connelly
Edmund S Courter
Eugene R. Curry, Jr.
Leander B Dietrick
Albert E. Donnestad
Mark A. Finby
George T. Geiser
Donald A. Glendenning
Louis W. Gomlick ✠
William F. Howeth
H. William Hubbard
William H. Hughes ✠
J W Kindt
John R. Kroboth
Gregory R. Pierce ✠
Michael T. Rickert
Ambrose T Secor
Ben Siewert
Ernest A. Smith
Joseph Michael Walter
Todd F. Waltman ✠
Mark White ✠
Chester E. Wingert
John H. Witmer ✠
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Richard P. Albertson ✠
Bruce E. Barrett
William V. Ferdinand ✠
Frederick R. Griffiths
W. Hamilton Wilcox
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
LeRoy F. Alder
Frederick J Durkin
Bruce H. Gleason ✠
Frederick J Pfeiffer
Edward A. Schrag, Jr.
Heritage Club - $500-999
John M. Bourne
Clarence A Buell
R. Peterson Chalfant
Frank K Dutcher
Victor T Ehre
Howard C Eteson
Maxwell R Forrest
Luis R. Garcia
Arthur C Herman
Dennis W. Kelley
Edward D. Llerena
Charles C. Martin
Douglas H. Sampson
Gary F. Shillingford
Edwin D. Stevens
Harold M. Tague ✠
Friendship Club - $250-499
Keene Abbott
Richard L. Berberian
Mr. George R. Case ✠
Richard S. Denny ✠
Edward R Dunning
Ralph R. Franks, Jr. ✠
Peter W. Gehris
Frank C. Greiss
Anthony A. Volponi ✠
James S. Williams
James G. Zawick
Kappa Epsilon
Friendship Club - $250-499
John W. Kempe
Gamma Omicron
Order of True Merit - $50,000-99,999
Jerry D. Semler
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
W. Kerry Armstrong
Thomas W. Kincannon
Frederick S. Klipsch
Stephen R. Siders ✠
Wynn R. Smiley ✠
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Birch E. Bayh, Jr.
David L. BeMiller
Carl M. Bimel, Jr.
William W. Bryant
Robert P. Crowe ✠
Clois E. Dudgeon
Iddo L. Enochs
Jeffrey D Fisher
William L. Higginbotham, Jr.
Richard B. Hood
Perry A. Hopkins ✠
Jacob L. Jones
Jack P. Money
James L. Rine
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Edward Matthew Alt ✠
George E. Austin
Robert P. BaRoss
Harry B. Beach
Dr. James N. BeMiller ✠
Thomas B. Boots
Donald A. Doran ✠
David A. Doster
David J. Everhart
William C. Frick
Raymond A Goldsmith
D. Lynn Grider
Jerry B. Hindel
John T. Hocker, MD
Robert A. Holt
Andrew H. Kasowski
Verl D. Mauzy
Neel M. McCullough
Jerome J. McTague
Allan M. Miller
Thomas A. Nelson ✠
Richard T Orth
Richard G. Patterson
Don H. Potter
Merrill W Reece
Richard S. Roemmer ✠
Earl C Schrader
Walter J. Serbon ✠
Richard F. Shively
Richard L. Stephenson
K. Joseph Striebel
James V. Tribbett
J. David Webb
Michael C. Wiese
James W. Russey
Thomas H. Shortridge
Jacques Smith
Stuart R. Smith
Thomas H. Smith ✠
Edgar W Stienecker
William H. Troyer
James M. Venable
Charles H. Walter, Jr.
David G. Walter
Louis F. Warner
John P. Wilson
Friendship Club - $250-499
Heritage Club - $500-999
John R. Behrmann
John O Bowers
Michael S. Carswell
William O. Cochran
Edward C. Colman
R. Lee Cummings
Harry M. Dahl
John K. Deller
Robert J Detamore
Tom Douglas ✠
Christopher Clee Franks
Kevin E. Giacomini
Joseph M. Hammond
Ronald L. Hanna
Timothy A. Hine ✠
Donivan R Howard
James M. Howard
John J. Jackman
James A. Jenkins, Esq.
Wayne Jordan
John H. Karl
Ralph T. Knauer
William M. MacKay ✠
Jerald R. Moore
R. John Parry ✠
William G. Peters
Glenn R. Reasner
Chad Michael Rinker ✠
Armand M. Accordino
Gary A. Anderson
Patrick C. Beck
Glen D. Calhoun
Robert W. Chestnutt
Randall S. Clements
Louis G. Covelli ✠
John D. Curran
Thomas L. Davis
Albert F. Dejewski
James W. Demaree
Harley L Drake
Ray C. Fleitz, III ✠
Barry A. Gaar ✠
John D. Garrett
Kent Gerbers
Charles R. Gillespie
Phillip M Greene
Eric J. Hargens
Edwin J Hilpert
Joel L. Hochman ✠
Andrew A. Imperial
Kirk J. Johnson
Hamilton M. Jones
Donald R. Juncker
Peter C. Konotopka
Thomas R. Kroeschell
Thomas P. LaVanne
Gary J. Lehman
Roy A. Martin
Daniel M. Mason ✠
John L. McKee
James A. Mellott ✠
Stuart D. Monical
Anthony M Najem
Orin Eric Norris
John C. O’Haver
Michael R Pratt
William D. Pruitt
Joshua Allen Quinn ✠
James L Rector
Frank T. Ritter
Paul A. Rodwick
James P. Schulz ✠
Adam Kirk Smiley ✠
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
Heritage Club - $500-999
Warren B. Smith
Thomas L Strong
Ronald D. Sutton
Phillip E. Tucker
Scott M. Tucker ✠
Maurice E Vitale
Ronald E. Welsch
Lloyd B York
Delta Mu
Alan E Curle
John Farley
Charles L. Maxey
Thomas N. Moody
Woodward D. Morriss
Joseph A Moss
Donald L. Parker ✠
William L Ussery
Paul J. Ward
Hubert Wesley Williams
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Friendship Club - $250-499
Rensselaer Poly
J E Jonsson
Joseph C. Sonntag
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Thomas J. Brennan
Wilber S Eno
Charles R. Rudning
James B. Shore
Ronald S. Wishart
Heritage Club - $500-999
Iota Zeta
Donald M Calkins
Jackson W. Hollis
Carl F. Husen
William D. Liddy ✠
Neil W. Mann
Dimitris A. Maratos
Jon D McKee
James C. Parker
Donald H. Washburn
Friendship Club - $250-499
Bert Saville
Gamma Gamma
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Howard P. Freers
Robert S. Kahn, Ph.D
Ronald G. Reeves ✠
James G. Davis
Clifford H. Scarlett
M E Short
Douglas G. Tolley ✠
Robert F. Zembraski
John C. Fenoglio ✠
W. Kent Harris ✠
Russell R. Kerr
Edward W. McCarthy
Samuel J. Reed ✠
David Y Rice, Jr.
Charles E. Sweeney
Iota Tau
Friendship Club - $250-499
Alpha Tau
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Brady H Belcher
William D. Holeman
Kevin W Tilley
Bradley A. Todd
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Rhode Island
G. Coble Caperton
Friendship Club - $250-499
Robert Alexander Hancock
Brian M. Curtis
Bevington H. Farnsworth
John H Guthrie
William R. Hackleman
John W. Johnston
Arnold H. Pittman ✠
Evan Louis Weinberger ✠
Carsie C. Young
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
John G Appel
David L. Ayars
Michael Aaron Benefield
Frederick J. Bogardus
Joseph L. Bronnert
Paul F. Buechler
William E. Daugherty, PE
Louis D Duenweg
Eugene H. Glass
Stephen P. Gress ✠
Robert J. Hillis ✠
Mr. Joshua David Hudson
Ronald R. Jennings
A legacy of giving.
Robert E. Johnson
Michael P. King
Matt Isbell
Everett L. Ruddick
James C Skinner
Richard L. Stanley
William E. Supp
David L. Troyer
Robert L. Voges
Clyde F. Willian
John D. Winters
Heritage Club - $500-999
William H. Bradley
John L. Combs
Harold M. Coon
Jack D. Cox
Robert L. Crowell
J.Q. Q. Delap, Jr.
John A Edwards
Vern W Fellows
Robert E. Franzwa
David E. Freshour
Jeffrey B Hampel
Daily S. Hill
William B. Johnson
Karl R. Kleemeier
William R. Kniptash
Carl F Lesher
Donald J. McNally
Mitchell R. Olinger
Matthew J. Panuska
Dr. William C. Perkins
Michael L. Phifer ✠
Thomas L. Reese
Adam H Romeiser
Charles J. Schukai
Robert Joseph Schukai, PE
Jeffrey C. Shanks ✠
Virgil E Shaw
Bruce L. Shipley
Charles L. Sigman ✠
Stanley B. Smith
Robert L. Stark
Keith A. Sutton
Robert L. Trotter ✠
Thomas O. Trueb
Stewart William (Bill) Volkers
David J. Wanninger
John J. Weust ✠
Gene A Zwerner
Friendship Club - $250-499
William E. Beardslee
Thomas M. Blanford
James W. Craig
Thomas T. Dinkel
Carl E. Ehrenhardt
Jack L. Foltz
Winston P. Fowler
Robert W. Fransham
Gary H. Giffel
Joseph E. Haniford
D. Scott Herrin
Rolf P. Hill
Samuel F. Hulbert ✠
James C. Huller
David M. Jaksa
Clarence E. Kincaid
R. Alan Klaus
Paul N. Koch
William E. Kuchar
Roger D. Long
Frederick M. Lundgren
Thomas W. Mason ✠
Donald E. McCracken
Mark A. Memering ✠
Robert L. Memering ✠
Robert Michael Meneghini
Steve M. Mericle
Michael Burris ✠
Joseph T. Neill
Jack E. Parks, Jr.
James T. Pebworth
Jonathan T Perry
John C. Peters
Leif E. Petterson
Charles D. Ransdell
Brent E. Robertson
Todd P. Royer
Charlie R. Rupp
James T. Sargent ✠
Wilbur J. Steele
John F. Stineman
Sean D. Stoughton ✠
Gary L. Tucker ✠
Arthur W. Tuemler
R. Donald Tyler
Thomas C. Vanderlaan
William W. Weil
W. John Weinhardt
Mark A. White
Darrell C. Winn
William F. Yochman
Salem International
Eta Xi
Friendship Club - $250-499
Wallace E. Reed
Sam Houston State
Zeta Mu
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
George C. Yax
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Dalton C. DeHart
William Jackson Douglas, III
Rickey E. Hanna
Thomas J. Mach
W W Richardson
Terry J. Schwertner ✠
San Jose State
Epsilon Chi
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Stephen J Coates
Donald L. Felich ✠
Robert W. Foy ✠
Duane L. Kime ✠
Michael H. Mayon
William F. McCollam
Donald J. Triolo ✠
Fred R. Yrueta
Heritage Club - $500-999
Orin N. Covell ✠
Daniel W. Forney
Webb K. Melder
Michael J. Owen
Friendship Club - $250-499
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Charles H. Bang, Jr.
Edward D. Johnson, Jr. ✠
Josh Hawley ✠
Peter J. Kucera
Charles D. Orr
Gary C. Pugh
Michael J. Ramirez ✠
Boyd O. Roberts
Richard R. Serrill, III ✠
Shawn Sommer ✠
Brett E. Taylor
Thomas Alden Bentley ✠
Darrin E. Whatley ✠
Leon Clark
Donald R. Galey
John B. Howard ✠
Peter Kaldveer
Gordon J. Mace
William C. Miller
John F. Nohr ✠
J. Ralph Parker
William B. Sturgeon
David A. Traverso
David J. Warren ✠
Richard P. Wilson
Carlos I. Yrueta
san Diego State
Heritage Club - $500-999
Epsilon Psi
Steve C Andrews
Thomas J. Barber
Robert L Baron
Robert H. Daggett
Dr. D. Gene Davis, Ph.D
Alexander G. Geranios
Mike L. Herkenrath ✠
Donald E. Lindstrom ✠
John R. Macdonald ✠
Robert W. Naragon
Willard R. Olsen
Michael J. O’Neill
William L. Scarbrough
Ronald D. Street ✠
Jeffrey M. Waite ✠
John L. Ziegler
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Michael B. Hoctor
Gene A. Pastula
Heritage Club - $500-999
Steven M. Dougherty
Robert M. Gillett, USN(Retired)
Jeffrey L. Kirkendall
Carl C. Sandstrom
Frank H. Sell
Bradley K. Stone
Eugene A. Zervas
Friendship Club - $250-499
Kristen Braden Adams ✠
Michael J. Bailin
Eric C. Fryer ✠
Randall R. Gaughen ✠
Rory S. Gordon
Stuart C. Harris, USMC(Retired)
Edward G. Higginson ✠
David K. Hoff
Kurt V. Krasne
Eric P. Myrdal ✠
Burdett B. Plumb
Richard F. Wolters
Friendship Club - $250-499
Kenneth J. Abler
William P. Benson
Philo P Biane
John F. Burnett, MD
Terry E. Caldwell
E. D. Cooksey
Lawrence E. Fordyce
Norman C. Friborg
Donald L. Goudy ✠
Christian M. Heil ✠
Jack H. Holland
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
Eldon Dean Holloway
Robert C. Karpen
Dr. Alfonz Lengyel, RPA
Benny E. Lujan
James H. MacKie
Kenneth C. Metzger
Charles G. Miguelgorry ✠
Gene Mirra
Dennis F. Parker
Melvin J. Pryor
Michael E. Purcell
John B. Reilly
Kenny Vincent Resz ✠
Ken J. Schott
Ronald G. Stevenson
George W. Strickler
Jeffrey C. Swall
James E Thompson
Timothy C. Tinti
Curtis S. Wicks ✠
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
John T. Lawlor ✠
Joel G. Stewart ✠
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Lloyd L. Anderson ✠
Robert L. Calhoun ✠
Donald A. Campbell
Timothy J. Carrell
Jeffrey L. Cassat ✠
Eric R. Christensen ✠
H J Day
Matthew S. DeWolf ✠
D. Robert Downing
Warren W Gemberling
Larrie C. Hindman
James D Keast
C. Max Miller
Robert J. Samson
Wendell M Tutt
Stephen F. Van Buren, MD
James H. Weinman ✠
Douglas Thurlow Wilson
Heritage Club - $500-999
Donal S. Dunbar
Herbert C. Gibson
Tudor Jones, Jr.
Robert A. Rowland
Maurice H. Unger
Charles R. Walton
Bobby R Weddle
Douglas J. Barakat
Jay R. Byers, JD ✠
Thomas R. Cambridge ✠
John S. Chew
John A.E. Cunningham, Jr.
Kyle J. Dawson
Jerry C. DeLay
Milton M Evans
Jason A. Forret ✠
David L. Foster
Arvid B. Gose
Joseph D. Hall
Robert W. Kem
Kirk D Van Vleet
Robert D. MacKenzie
Herrold V Mann
Richard D Maxey
William A Sells
Stephen D. Shepard
James L. Steiner
Bruce A. Stuart
John W. Swisher
Friendship Club - $250-499
Homer W. Whitman, Jr.
Heritage Club - $500-999
George Y. Ballentine ✠
Ogden D. Carlton
David C. Conner
Harold Eustis
William P Kennedy
J Payton Lamb
William R. Nummy
A. Michael Pardue, MD
Conley J. Scott
Friendship Club - $250-499
Beta Alpha
Order of the Maltese Cross - $100,000James C Spooner
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Jeffrey M. Gater
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Robert W. Day ✠
John B. Farnham ✠
Garland J. Buxton ✠
Gary E. Coton
Arlyn H. Euken
Anthony J. Ferrantino
Robert J. Flint
Garth E. Griffith
John S. Houvenagle
John W Graber
R. Kyle Johnson ✠
Robert A. Kem
Steven R. Krajewski
A legacy of giving.
SOUTH Dakota
Terrance J. Lillis
Clifford S. Lowe
Steven T. Lowe
Gary B. Noble
Christopher H. Patton
Donald R. Phillips
Jack D. Stoffer
Philip N. Thomas
Eric N. Wilson
Justin Zenanko ✠
Delta Upsilon
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Donald L. Davis
Dan C. Leedy
Francis D. Moul
Harvey W Willoughby
Heritage Club - $500-999
Alpha Phi
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Charles R. Beans
Woodrow W. Goodson, Jr.
Josh Hankins
William C. Schoen, PHR ✠
William A. Steadley, USN ✠
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Edward L. Bignon ✠
William E. Boney
James F. Brehm ✠
Robert R Coker
William S. Johnson ✠
Julian B. Salley, Jr.
Richard G. Thompson
Heritage Club - $500-999
William P Baskin
Paul Hoot Clifton, Jr.
Roy H. Seay, Jr.
Vernon Smith, Jr.
Friendship Club - $250-499
Andrew Gault Leeson ✠
Kerry L. Avant
James A. Belous
Sean Daniel Coyle ✠
Michael G Culp
Thomas R. David ✠
Rex Lane Loftin Hayes ✠
Jason W. Hultgren ✠
Rhett A Jeffcoat ✠
Curtis C. Jones, Jr. ✠
Don M. Jordan
Kenneth L. McKelvey
John M. Narang
Larry E. Parker
Anthony H. Pope ✠
Cory Powell ✠
Walker Gaddy ✠
Grey D. Krieger
Edward N. Pellicotte
David A. Scott
H. Eugene Sechser
Robert A. Warder
Frederick W Zuercher
Friendship Club - $250-499
James Bruce Blake ✠
Thomas H. Bray
Carl Q. Christol
John E. Erickson
Orwin F. Johnson
Richard E. Kary
Gerald J. Laber
Charles E. McCain
Delmar H. Mulder
William D. Musolf
Erik L. Nystrom
Elton R. Shauf
Raymond M. Torkildson
Robert A. Tschetter ✠
Thomas J. Wood ✠
SOUTH florida
Eta Alpha
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Jay G. Schenck
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Frank J. Walther
Heritage Club - $500-999
Thomas D. Abbott
Bruce B. Goeser
Jerold K. Johnson
George C. Sinn
Friendship Club - $250-499
Phillip M. Esford ✠
Frank M Frankland
Frederick P. Frankland
Robert G. Hageny ✠
Roy M Harmon
Richard W. Hoerbelt
Mark S. Kaye
John S. Larson
Andrew J. Mayts, Jr. ✠
Frank M. Shore
Keith S. Templeman
Jeffrey J. Wagner ✠
Eta Chi
Eta Chi
Michael L. Osborn
John W Perme ✠
Steven E. Roy ✠
Calvin R. Sheets
Robert W. Torres
Chris J. Vanderhook ✠
Donald P. Wichmann
Friendship Club - $250-499
southeastern louisiana
Stephen Gaffney
R. Brink Grush
Garry P. Vedros ✠
Robert E. Strief
Heritage Club - $500-999
Theta Zeta
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Southern California
Zeta Beta
Todd R. Abrams
Matthew J. Arnold
Ed A. Hamilton
Order of True Merit - $50,000-99,999
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Gerald W Bridges
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
C. Robert Cook
Howard M. Farber ✠
Gerald S. Papazian ✠
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Anthony Bonfiglio
William F Blackburn, Jr.
Steven L. Craig
James Robert Fei, PE ✠
David L. Hotchkin
John C Casarietti
Jody Mulkey ✠
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
James T. Anastassiou
Edward E. Bloom ✠
Stratton F. Caldwell
John S Cauffman
Abram B. Garver
Michael A. Hood
Kenneth C. Kruger
Charly J. Netel
Jennings D. Pierce, Jr.
Christopher D. Semain
Gerald M. Whitehead
Charles S. Wilcox
Heritage Club - $500-999
Curtis H. Baer
David C. Bohnett
James S. Bosley
Roger C. Burrows
Robert E. Donker
William M. Foltz
Michael G. Gabor ✠
Alan B Graves
Dean V. Hestrup ✠
Richard J. McGeagh
Gregg C. Miller
Sean P. McCarthy
Eugene T Simonds
Heritage Club - $500-999
Robert J. Craig ✠
Kevin K. Gronemeier ✠
Gregory James Minarik
David R. Pearson ✠
Douglas E. Anderson
Sherwood E. Blount
Edward J. Bowles
Carlton B. Crenshaw
Scott A. Crum
John W. Fisher, MD
Richard R. Gunn
John M. Herman
Gene W. Hewett
Ira T Hurst
Frank Charles Napier ✠
Luther B Nicholson
Thomas H. Overstreet
Forrest N. Runnels
Roy C Smith
Timothy P. Snyder ✠
Ben O Spurgin
Blake Tartt ✠
Robert H. West
Raymond V. Wilmarth ✠
Friendship Club - $250-499
Robert V Cecil
Robert L Dillard, Jr.
Clark J. Matthews, II
James C. Taylor
Robert E. Titus
William G. Allen
Mark A. Baker
David A. Blakey
George G. Clark
William R. Cooper
James F. Crank
Richard E. Cree
Lanie B. Finlayson
Edwin T. Freeman, II ✠
Harold T. Hyde
Gregory A. Kintzele
William C. Millis, PE ✠
Oslin Nation
Carl E. Owens
Briscoe K. Parker
Karl V. Rohlen, Jr.
Daniel H. Siefert
Jerry M. Sutton
John D. Weatherly
John W. Wiesner
Robert S. Wilson
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Southern Mississippi
Friendship Club - $250-499
Joseph M. Blonski
Craig Jeffrey Millsap ✠
Joseph C. Godina ✠
Kyle Brandon Zake ✠
Steven A. Lyddon ✠
Patrick W. O’Brien ✠
Craig A. Reinmuth
Chandler Mathew Wescott
Southern Methodist
Delta Epsilon
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
James T. Ausmus, Sr. ✠
Reagan M. Brown
Richard D. Carlyon
Jack P Cecil
Robert R. Chapline
Emmett M. Collins
S. Thomas Grunnah
Charles E. Hardy
William H Hitzelberger, Jr.
John H. Massey
John R. McCaw ✠
Harry J Strief
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
Epsilon Upsilon
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Chris D. Bennett
Kent D. Pawlak ✠
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Ryan M Mahoney ✠
Jonathan Andrew Reeves
Heritage Club - $500-999
Gene D. Carlisle
David K. Carter
David Diamond ✠
Vern E Easterling
David H. Hong ✠
Adam L. Kobs, JD ✠
James S. Main ✠
Harold E. Marsh ✠
Donald E. Murphy
Jim C. Thompson ✠
Thomas E Walton
Friendship Club - $250-499
Henry R. Aparicio ✠
Eric Wayne Arrant ✠
Brent C. Belsom ✠
Tray Bourgoyne ✠
Bradley J. Tompkins ✠
David Byron Callaway, Jr.
Jared P. Carrubba ✠
Mark S. Chapman ✠
Roland W. Escher, Jr. ✠
Andrew E. Gay ✠
Samuel C. Jackson ✠
Paul M. Keith ✠
John E. Lazenby ✠
Monroe W. Long
Bayard Lamar Lott
Bobby Lott ✠
Robert K. Matas
George Napier ✠
David R. Parker ✠
James E Pledger ✠
William D Polidore
Robert A. Clement ✠
William H. Smith
Elton B Stephens Jr.
John D Stone
Joseph W. Sullivan
Billy Ray Thompson ✠
Erick L. Wicklund ✠
Walter H. Williams ✠
St Lawrence
Alpha Omicron
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
John K. O’Loughlin
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Joseph W Bowne
Lt. Gov. Howard G. Crowell
Jonathan D. Hutchison ✠
Stephen P. Larrabee
Clarence A. Patnode, Jr.
John H. Rostenberg
William W. Slocum
Burke Smith
Ralph B. Stilan
A legacy of giving.
Heritage Club - $500-999
Elwood R. Bailey ✠
Bruce W Benedict
Walter R. Boris
Stephen B. Bull ✠
John W Hannon, Jr.
W. Eugene Hays
Howard H Nichols
Warren A. Noden
Gary W. Reilly ✠
William H. Sias
Warren M. Slocum
Roy G Vilas
William J. Walsh
Fred W Zauner
Robert M. Zavell
Friendship Club - $250-499
Matthew S. Forelli
Lewis E. Hogg, Jr.
Thomas Kohler
C. D. Laidlaw
Frederick W. Laver
Conor B. McGrath ✠
James Petrizzo
Robert P. Prevost ✠
E. W. Shaffer
Charles T. Summers
William H. Truman
Herbert W. Watkins
John E. Wolf
Tyler Bowman
Timothy W. Clipson
Dave L Spurrier
Heritage Club - $500-999
Andrew R. Ansbro
Andrew J. Dalton ✠
Joseph Pinzone ✠
John C. Curvin
Gilbert J. Sabusay ✠
Sean Michael Willett
Larry R. Bush
Marker E Case ✠
Steve W. Lee ✠
Thomas T. Lynn
Marc E. Richards
Clint H. Simpson
Brandon S. Smith
Steven G. Stutsman, DDS
Epsilon Phi
Friendship Club - $250-499
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Raymond A. Ehrle, Ed.D
Joseph V. Formica, Ph.D
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Robert J Harris ✠
Haden A. Patten ✠
Arnold R. Baum ✠
John M. Maestri
Robert F. Nordin
Jon A. Spiegelhoff
Friendship Club - $250-499
Richard L. Cherry
Ralph E. Cotter, Jr.
Ian K. Lamberton
Charles B Smith
Heritage Club - $500-999
Heritage Club - $500-999
Friendship Club - $250-499
Beta Psi
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Calvin A Behle
William M. Boyd
James F. Morris
Mervyn J O’Neill
Friendship Club - $250-499
Robert W Cleary
Kenneth I. Jones
William G MacMaster
Ronald Pelosi ✠
Clarence J Woodard
Stephen F. Austin state
Eta Iota
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Miles L. McCall ✠
Wm Brian Ruyle
Eta Iota
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Paul T. Wasmund
Iota Psi
Friendship Club - $250-499
John H. Dickson ✠
Sean M. HusVar ✠
Adam Charles Kropp ✠
Brian Keith McCormick ✠
R. Shannon Osteen ✠
Seth M. Shapiro ✠
Lawrence M. Strawn
Frederick S. Barrett
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Richard A. Kent
Edmund T. Palmer, MD
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Peter Nickerson
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Robert G. Berry
Richard C. Bowman ✠
Thomas C. Dempster
William C. Hilleary ✠
Donald W. King
Thomas L. Little ✠
John C. Paschall ✠
Harold E. Walker
Robert L. Bevill
Calvin R. Bishop, MD
Nathaniel W Bowe
Charles T. Carlisle, Jr.
James C. Chandler
Calvin H. Crouch
Cyrus C. Erickson, Jr.
John H. Ford ✠
James T. Goodwin
Christopher M Hadorn
John S. Harris
Thomas F Hassell
Robert B. Hicks
Steve N Larkin
Robert E. Moore, Jr. ✠
David J. Myers
Robert C. Smith
Samuel L. Sullins
M. Vaughn Swafford ✠
Wayne Upton
Russell H Vandevelde
Frank Wyatt
Gordon N. Zane
Larry L. Adams
Dr. James R. Appleton, III ✠
Herbert M. Bacon
Thomas E. Bayston, Sr.
Harry L. Bibb ✠
Franklin M. Cantrell
David R. Carroll
William H. Clampitt ✠
Robert M. Curry
William T. Cutchin, Jr.
George Thomas Douglass, Jr.
George H. Flowers
Marshall M. Forrester ✠
Robert H. Gibson
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
Eta Lambda
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Heritage Club - $500-999
Order of the Maltese Cross - $100,000-
Friendship Club - $250-499
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Paul E. Perry
Bert S Calvert
Hugh W. Bradley
William D. Gazlay
Bobby G. Lawson
Zeta Pi
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Robert B. Briggs
Richard M. Hockins
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Paul T. McCord
David G. McCoy
Murry L. Moore
Walter T. Roberts
Reese L. Smith
J Patrick Sneed
Edward H. Welles, III
Heritage Club - $500-999
Friendship Club - $250-499
Tommy Allmon ✠
Clay Billingsley ✠
Alfred Hanlin Creswell ✠
Phillip C. Creswell ✠
Charles W. Crockarell
Stephen Chris Crockett ✠
Jim E. Douglas
Tony Forzono ✠
David H. Hays ✠
Charles M. Lamb
Gregory Alan Marshall ✠
Douglas G. Maxwell
William H. Nunnelly ✠
Randy Parks
John T Patterson
Eddie Lane Ponder ✠
Daniel T. Reid ✠
Jonathan Wiggins ✠
Tennessee tech
Friendship Club - $250-499
Iota Xi
Ronald A. Egan ✠
Thomas D. Sampson, USN
Bruce S. Conley ✠
Everett A. Covington ✠
Morgan K. Fields, Sr. ✠
Roland T. Hendren ✠
Homer L. Isbell
Larry D Lillard
Jewell C Maxwell
Delmar L. Ogle, Jr.
Calvin W. Ozier ✠
John W.R. Pope, Jr.
Richard D. Reeder, Sr.
William C. Smith ✠
James M Tuholski
Fred C. Walker
Walter A Wood
Heritage Club - $500-999
Heritage Club - $500-999
Harry L Hatcher ✠
Bill Martin, “Ph.D, PE”
Reginald J. Martin ✠
J. Murray Milliken
Mitchell A. Moore
Bert Edgar Sams ✠
Jeffrey E. Sams ✠
Joe T. Snodgrass
Don C. Stansberry
Robert S. Stone, Jr.
Russell F. Thomas
Jodie A Thornton, Jr.
C. Randolph Turner, MD
George C. Valentine, III ✠
James M. Walker ✠
John C. Williams
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Heritage Club - $500-999
Courtney T. Allen ✠
Wesley Barker ✠
Charles R. Cummings
David G. Godfrey, MD
Benjamin C. Henriksen
Larry W. Hughey ✠
Raymond E. Kliesing
Lawrence H. Orth
John D. Phillips
Glen E. Rich ✠
Curtis Rodgers ✠
John C Schneider
Stan Soderstrom ✠
William C. Stegall ✠
Dabney S. Wellford, Sr.
John E. Anderson
Robert G. Angelucci
Ariel H. Cretu ✠
John J. DiGesare
Joseph Robert DiMauro ✠
Robert P. Johnson ✠
Michael H. Munoz, MD ✠
Norman E. Ritchie
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
James Chuck Archie
Chester M Cocke
Deason C. Dunagan, MD
H. Shepherd Faught, Jr.
George L. Grugett
Turner E Kirkland
Clarence E. Lee, PE ✠
John William Taylor ✠
Steven S. White ✠
Dr. George L. Yarbro, Jr. ✠
Gamma Eta
Billy J McCombs
E. George Reynolds, Jr.
Frank J. Scanio
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Karl J. Amelang
William S. Bachman
Dr. Thomas D. Barrow
Robert L. Bradley
Joseph A. Goeth
Enoch C. Johnson
R. Timothy Marwill
Richard W. Lundbom
Joseph C. Walter, III
Willoughby Williams
Marshall R Young
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Edward E Barrow
George T Barrow
Robert Byers
Clyde C. Craven
Lance C. Cunningham
Troupe E Gammage, Jr.
Howard H Gano
Donald V Henderson
Robert C. Hooper
Raleigh Hortenstine
Thomas P. Hughes
John R. Kirk, Jr.
G. David Martin
James R. Millikin
Richard C. Parker
A legacy of giving.
Garrick R. Pitcher
Charles P. Ripley
Dudley C. Sharp
William C. Smith, Jr.
Harry R Thompson
Joseph C. Walter, Jr.
Richard L Wood
texas A&M
Heritage Club - $500-999
Andrew L. Fox ✠
Fredreck S. Hudgens ✠
Bradley Royce Hurt ✠
Steven O. Izzat ✠
David A. Lacombe ✠
Ronal A. MacInnes ✠
John B Armstrong
Monty C. Barber, Esq.
Samuel F. Bowen
Walter T. Caven
Seaborn Eastland
Benton S. Fleming
Robert E. Holmes
Peter L. Hudgins
Donald R. Knight
Ernest M. Koy
Brett R. Nelson
Eberhardt V. Niemeyer, Jr.
Charles P Pickett
Charles W. Price
James D. Rollin
Charles B. Runnels, Jr. ✠
Charles M. Sander
Herbert M. Stanley
Dalton D. Walton
Dan C. Williams
Sam F. Willson, Jr.
R. Stanton Wolfrom
Friendship Club - $250-499
William F Ash
Robert Beall ✠
Thomas R. Benesch
John R. Braniff, Jr.
Robert L Carter
Alex Duggan ✠
J. Ray Gayle, III
Dr. Adolph H. Giesecke, MD
John W. Hancock
Brian C. Hart ✠
Howard G. Bauer ✠
Ralph T Hull
William F Jones
John L. Kuhlman, Jr.
James P. Lee
Dudley D McCalla ✠
Howard D. Moon ✠
Nicholas Ware ✠
J. Stephen Penner ✠
Richard N. Pickett ✠
Mark M. Pond ✠
Jason A. Presley
Adam Sauer ✠
Robert W Taylor
Robert B. Wall
James C. Wynne, III
Theta Sigma
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Dwayne A. Bohac
Andrew C. Davis
Friendship Club - $250-499
texas A&M - Kingsville
Zeta Phi
Heritage Club - $500-999
Ronald J. Orrell, MD
Dale C. Phillips ✠
Friendship Club - $250-499
Michael J. Duda
Jimmy C. Thompson
texas State-San Marcos
Iota Alpha
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Shane Laurent
Jay H. Wysong
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Myron G. Galchutt
Heritage Club - $500-999
Lance Lightfoot
Friendship Club - $250-499
Jeffrey A Bankston
Kirby Reed Coker ✠
Marc Thomas Cruz ✠
Albert Vaiani, IV ✠
texas tech
Zeta Eta
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Dr. Edward L. Broome ✠
Charles R. Cummings ✠
David K. Ferry
Matthew D. Gustafson
Charles T. Jenkins ✠
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
John H. Aldrich
Brian J. Anderson
Jerry D. Boyle
Michael A. Doherty
Charles S. Longcope, Jr.
Joe Bob Mayo ✠
Brad L. Moran ✠
Porter P. Parris
Samuel M. Ray ✠
Christopher Rieber
David R. Wheeler ✠
E. Stan Wilson ✠
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Christopher L. Spence
Rocky Gerald Ahmann ✠
Mark S. Bell
Peter D. Brown ✠
David L. Chance
John L. Coffman
Sidney M. Cole
Garth E. Erickson ✠
John M. Fry ✠
Eric Eric Garrison ✠
Clifford D. Guess
Joe W. Harris ✠
Dave M. Hopper
Carlton Kyle Jackson ✠
David W Kirby ✠
Thomas T. McGrath, III ✠
David L. Miller
Carter F. Page
Kyle Pleasants ✠
James W. Reeds
Frederic H. Sage, III
Joseph D. Strickling
David L. Watkins
Kappa Alpha
Friendship Club - $250-499
James D. Urban
Texas-San Antonio
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Taylor J. Casey
Clarence C. Clifton, Jr.
Lloyd P. Fadrique ✠
Hugh A. Liles
Charles A. Magill, Jr.
William Michael Turner
Kappa Beta
Friendship Club - $250-499
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Joshua Joseph Cosker, CPA
Jimmy Sapp ✠
Truman State
Theta Rho
Friendship Club - $250-499
Martin D. Brenner ✠
Jon E. Dickinson
Jeff D. Kiefer
Lawrence L. Lehr, USA
Darren P. Millam ✠
Nelson S. Gifford
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Gamma Beta
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Heritage Club - $500-999
Roswell H Baker
Robert H. Charnock
Harvey A. Garcelon
Alexander N McFarlane
John F McMahon, Jr.
Edward F Hamilton, Jr.
Russell A. Holden
David S McLean
Carl E. Pearson ✠
Valentin H. Rabe
Raymond A. Sanborn
Donald F. Smith
George T Storrs
Iota Epsilon
David G. Blake
Guy T. Cannata
Robert M. Hughes ✠
Nolan C. Kammer
Bret Levy
Matthew D. Maxwell ✠
Daniel Mikulak, III ✠
James A. Morrill ✠
Jerry K. Nicholson
O. Keith Owen, IV ✠
Joseph A. Peduzzi, Esq.
Eugene J. Rutter
Kent H. Smith ✠
Ernest K. Strahan
Wesley A. Walk ✠
Tyler Junior College
Theta Beta
Friendship Club - $250-499
Michael J. Sword
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
Gamma Iota
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Lowell S. Dygert ✠
Frederic A. Sawyer
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Epsilon Lambda
Charles H Simpson
Christopher Andrew Trevelise
Robert L. Bayless
James A Black
John R. Haley
John W Kemper
Donald D Lewis
Harold G. Petersen
Raymond J. Stankunas
Lawrence V. Dulude, Jr.
Douglas A. Goding
Dean W. Jerome ✠
Robert L Kite
Rex M. Maloy
Thomas P. Shaw
Order of the Maltese Cross - $100,000-
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Dean S. Lovejoy
Robert B. Price ✠
Arthur E. Tucker
Friendship Club - $250-499
Heritage Club - $500-999
Friendship Club - $250-499
Paul Clark
Jack D. Dienes ✠
James A. Hardy
William D. Hughs, III
Euell E. McCoy
Shepard F. Perrin, III
Juan A. Velasco ✠
Jack A. Allison
Ralph O. Brennan
Frank O. Burge, Jr.
William K Christovich
John M Deben
J. Bres Eustis
James H. Gillis
Mallory V. Morgan
Kevin C. Piper
Emile A. Rainold
Heritage Club - $500-999
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Thomas C. Roche, Jr.
Robert B. Burnham
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Frank B. Stewart, Jr.
Friendship Club - $250-499
Ricardo Blazquez ✠
Daniel Clay Herbaugh
Beta Epsilon
Heritage Club - $500-999
Heritage Club - $500-999
Edmond L. Bradshaw
James A. Douglass ✠
Bruce L. Dugger
James M. Johnston, MD
Paul E. Parkinson
John A Russell
Marc L. Skeen
Brock R. Smith
William H. Snyder
William D. Watson
Billy C. Wood
Bradley T. Balbo
Robert L. Francisco
Jordan Dean Campsey
Frederick F. Berry, Jr.
Granville W Brumbaugh
Robert H. Bruster
Warren L. Coats, Jr. ✠
Claudius M. Easley, Jr.
Bart A Ghio
Harry J Kaindl
Gordon H. Nichol
Lt. Col. Jerry L. Peavy
R. Jay Sato ✠
Roland Seidler
Charles V. Soracco
Heritage Club - $500-999
Rafael Ahlgren
Glenn L. Atwater
Alpheus E. Garrissere
Joseph P. Henck ✠
Robert L. Hess
Herbert H Hiestand, Jr.
A legacy of giving.
Duane A Johnson ✠
Vinton S Matthews
Stephen M. Pace
Stephan C. Paliwoda ✠
Capp N Raisin
Edwin O. Robinson, Jr. ✠
Juan M. Samper
Daniel R Shoemaker
James M. Taylor ✠
Stephen A. Walker
Lester Kenna Wells, Jr.
Jeff Blair ✠
Mike H. Cross ✠
Adam Paul Dougherty
Taylor Greer ✠
Lewis Kubitz ✠
Eric M. Oddo ✠
Collin Thorne ✠
Friendship Club - $250-499
Neil R. Cadman
Gary W. Smith
Robert A Cavallero
John G. Davenport
Michael M. Forbes ✠
Robert M. Fulton
Max Theodore (Ted) Hirdler, III
Edward H. Hulsy ✠
Allen M. Kanouse ✠
Richard G. Luthy
John L. MacMichael, USN ✠
Charles Martin
Roland H. Martin
Marco Palmieri ✠
David M. Platter
Larry A. Smilie
Paul A. Smith
Howard E. Tolley ✠
Richard Cartwright Van Houten, II
Michael J. Vick
William G Watt
Ross E. Wright
Iota Theta
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Jatinder S. Somal, MD
Heritage Club - $500-999
Timothy Robert Carder
Friendship Club - $250-499
Erik Brand ✠
Brian J. Crow ✠
Omid Hamzeinejad ✠
Landers Niven ✠
Raymond Salgado ✠
UC-santa barbara
Iota Nu
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Christopher B. Fitz
Michael Glover
Friendship Club - $250-499
Richard G. Merrill
Robert C. O’Brien, Jr.
James L. Paver
W. Edward Sanford
John T. Sullivan
Robert B. Underwood
Jack M. Vollmer
Daniel M. Wetzel
John Mark Reed
John W Snyder
John R Thompson, Jr.
Marvin A. Woolen
Dr. Toby L. Alterman
Arthur B. Blakey
Ralph L. Haslund ✠
Fred E Robbins
Heritage Club - $500-999
Friendship Club - $250-499
John G. Dickinson
Theodore C Hoppe
Almus B Polsgrove
William J. Adcock
Sam T. Barnes ✠
Andrew Y. Beatty
Alan F. Brackett Jr
Frederick M. Corum
Terry P. Cruthirds, MD
Robert E. Dickson
John A. Harris, Sr.
Richard P. Lechleiter ✠
Richard C. Nailling, MD
Duane A. Nelles
D. Ray Redmon
Watkins A Saunders
Warren J. Sawyer
Thomas A. Stevens
Russell J. Thorne
Richard E. Carncross
Andrew T. Clifton
Patrick D. Coleman
Leon T. Delozier
William J. Dess
Gordon L. Dolfie, Jr.
Jeffrey W. Ester
Russell A. Everts
E W Fish
John A. Funtsch
Philip H Gonzalez
Harold J. Gray ✠
Donald G Kohlenberger
Frank W Marshall
Robert E. Merrill
Hans E. Morkisch
M. Ted Neville
John N. Pagones ✠
Theodore W. Paulson
Stephen A. Rados
Mark A. Ribisi ✠
Mark L. Strecker
Henry M. Sullivan
Lawrence C. Tistaert
Jerold H. Tuft
Frank J. Wasson, Jr.
Louis J. Zitnik
Friendship Club - $250-499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Delta Chi
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Sean P. Fox
William H. Heide
John W McCloskey
R B Murchison
Rick A. Wandrocke
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Heritage Club - $500-999
Heritage Club - $500-999
Lawrence Abraham Brock
Steven Ehrenkranz ✠
George A. Froley, III
Lawrence A. Grihalva
Eric G. Juline
Albert W. McCluney
Paul A. McGhee
Beta Tau
Joe M Collins
Robert A. Dannelley
William Polk Glover ✠
Harold L. Willis
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Robert Cusanelli ✠
Joseph Franklin Hall, III
Hutson E. McCorkle
Glenn N. Ramsey
Walter A. Schroeder
Jerry L. Wagster ✠
Mark P. Weidemaier ✠
Epsilon Tau
Friendship Club - $250-499
Michael Benjamin Altice ✠
Michael Wescott Goode ✠
Samuel Moll
Daniel Conrad Walter ✠
Beta Pi
Order of True Merit - $50,000-99,999
John S Kerfoot
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
John W. Johnson
Glenn D. Norfleet
Mark C. Adams, MD
E. Hugh Chappell, Jr.
Lewis H. Conner
F. G. Gieseke
Oliver H. Graves
J. Alex Haller, Jr.
D E Motlow
Peter F. Agnello
Clifford B. Bateman ✠
Ryan William Bowers ✠
Charles A. Buechlein ✠
Paul H Delaney, Jr.
Thomas H Duke
William P. Elliott
David Keith Griffin
James M. Grout
Christian M. Henry ✠
Eugene K. Kamarasy
Frank Lambertus, III ✠
David J. Malone, Jr.
Marion H. Massee
Robert W. Moulton
Jon Jeff Overby ✠
Mac E. Robinson, Esq.
Thomas Schweizer
W. R. Simpson
Robert Dudley Smith
Christopher L. Steadham
Robert M. Sullins ✠
Richard J. Tyrrell
Michael G. Wagner
Cheyenne Y. Wu
Beta Zeta
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Eric B. Aufderhaar
Libero A. Giardi
Kurt C. Scanio ✠
Heritage Club - $500-999
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
Friendship Club - $250-499
Kevin M. Brady ✠
Chris N. Cartee
Bradley A. Casper ✠
Mike J. Jackie
Scott Langford ✠
Michael Sanchez ✠
John M. Allen
Donald P. Clark
Thomas R. Creed
Edmund B. McMahon
Walter F. Meyer
Nicholas J. Sears, MD
Harry L White
Gamma Pi
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Adam B. Rynd
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Donnie L. Kidd, Jr.
Heritage Club - $500-999
David L. Blount
Derwood S. Chase, Jr.
Page M. Fletcher, MD
Geoffrey G. Hammett
Larkin Hundley
Lawrence McKay
John A. Mongeluzzi
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Thomas G. Coleman, Jr.
Roger D. Fraley
Otis C. Gregg, Jr.
William L. Hunt, III
W. Curtis Outten, Jr.
Edward P. Perrin
Malcolm S. Pray, Jr.
Frank H. Simonds
John M. Woodward
Virginia Military Institute
Heritage Club - $500-999
Otis A. Glazebrook, IV
Virginia Tech
Theta Beta
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Robert B. Swift
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
William R McWhirter, Jr.
Mark C. Micklem
David O. Stevenson ✠
Tony Tappan
F. Cole Wolford
William E. Barrere
Calvin M. Brockman ✠
Herbert O. Ennen
Robert L. Hayden
Guy E. Jaques, Jr.
Donald W. Morrison
David A Norton
Ernest J. Pearson ✠
Ken D. Sparks ✠
Joseph Z Todd
Roger E. Barr
James T. Breckenridge
Joseph C. Finnegan ✠
Samuel A. Fletcher
Christopher Roy Funk ✠
William J. Gazecki
Kent Halvorsen ✠
Joseph B. Harlacher, Jr. ✠
Frank M. Hensley ✠
Lafe Bjorn Hermansen ✠
George A. Johnson
Dr. Donald E Klopfer
Albert J. Kocher
Brook W. Lang
Floyd Loomis, Jr.
Duane E. Matthews
David H. Moen
Bruce A. Morgan ✠
Brad R. Parker
John M. Pembroke
Paul R. Ratliffe ✠
Clarence E. Reid
Stanley D. Ruble
Raymond F. Sandall
Dion M. Sarchet
Samuel L. Stanley
Robert E. Story
Carl R Swenson
David J. Taylor
Walter Tobiason, Jr. ✠
Michael B. Williams ✠
A legacy of giving.
Heritage Club - $500-999
Bruce E. Barner
Robert E. Browman ✠
Fletcher R. Burrus
William R Clark
Thomas D Davies
Richard M. Ervin
Chad J. Fischer
Donald L. Hansen
Douglas C. Hansen
Michael F. Kern
David W. Lantz
Philip K. LeVander
Frederic B. MacKenzie
Jeffrey J. Miles ✠
Henry L. Nornberg
Michael M. Ostrander
Richard C. Outsen
Robert C. Payne
Richard E. Pedersen ✠
Esson J Pool
Gregory C. Riegel
Gordon E. Schramm
Henry T. Simonson
Matthew T. Solie ✠
Daniel Stephen Thomas
William C. Van Rooy
Gavin H. Young
Robert P. Krass
Aaron K Lyle
Heritage Club - $500-999
Kenyon L. Anderson, Sr.
Robert E. Bayley
Ehrin S. Bulfin ✠
Jack M. Burt
Kyle Paul Craigen ✠
Richard L. Fain, Jr.
Phelps K. Fisher
Harold T. Fogelquist
Joseph J. Force ✠
Edward F. Ginnever
Bennard I. Grevstad ✠
William N. Gross
David C. Harrah
Bert Hasselberg
Richard L. Hedeen
Mark S. Heppler ✠
Russell M. Hull ✠
Andrew W. Langevin
Philip Lee Maldonado ✠
Eric M. McGough ✠
Warren F. McNeal
Joseph T. Mijich
Alan Roberts
Richard E. Scroggs
Per C. Valbo
Zachary Daniel Beck ✠
Washington & Jefferson
Thomas M. Barlow ✠
Stephen E. Beringer
David W. Christel
Jack G. Dillon
Robert E. Hallowell
Harold L. Haynes
Marvin E. Hollowell, Jr.
Terrill E. Hunt ✠
Alfred W Kienholz
Francis M. MacKenzie
Geoffrey Alan Nicholson
Charles E. Poe
Douglas J. Poffenroth ✠
Chester F Royse
Cam Smith, III
Steven M Silcock
Kris P. Thompson
Henry E Thurston
Larry J. Tuke
Friendship Club - $250-499
Heritage Club - $500-999
Washington & lee
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Robert A. Mosbacher
Heritage Club - $500-999
William H Baldock
Friendship Club - $250-499
Francis D. Horsfield
John S Petot, Jr.
Washington state
Gamma Chi
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
William O. Carter
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Albert Bates, Jr.
Robert H Bickerton
Matthew N. Boulis, MD
William G Brown
Thomas E. Dinnin, Jr.
William L. Duffield
Walter B. Fowler
Mark R. Katlic ✠
Richard D. Lynch
John A Malcolm
David B. Miller
Timothy W. Morris
Keith S. Reisinger
George F. Tibbens
Thomas J. Tredici
Friendship Club - $250-499
Alpha Pi
Barry K. Jones
Ted C Sten
Ben Wood, Jr.
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Justin Ameno ✠
Timothy E Annin
Alfred J. Boris
Barrett Burns
John C. Chogich
Christopher James Pfanstiel
John H. Decker
Dennis J. Delprato
John Glass
Christopher G. Hauser
Michael W. Klinkner ✠
Willmer A Latimore
Francis A. Locke, MD
David F. Morrisey
Albert G Nickel
Adam R. Swinchock ✠
Keith M. Weis
Fred J. Baxter
Jeffrey G. Busch ✠
Bradley J. Carlson ✠
Keith L. Carter
Roland E. Davis
Henry P. Green
Michael R. Gruber ✠
Robert P Heglar
Keith M. Jackson
Dennis B. Jones
Clarence T. Kasline
Fred E. Kasline
Andrew W. Keehn
Lindsay M Kinney
Ernest H Koller
Roscoe H Logan
Frederic B MacKenzie
Eric R. Myers
Gene S. Osborn ✠
Gilbert L. Oswald
Roy(butch) S. Peterson
William E. Pielow
Howard G Schuster
Friendship Club - $250-499
Charles E. Beckel
Brent D. Curran
Wray D. Farmin
Rob Foppiano ✠
Neal O. Forde ✠
Scott A. Forsyth ✠
Jay W. Giesa
Richard E. Hawes
Byron T Henry
Stephen White Hoover
Robin R. Hunt
David C. Hutchison
Michael F. Luiten
William C. Melendy
Ralph F. Moriarty
Howard G. Nelson, Ph.D
Peter A. Volk ✠
Donald L. Reynolds, Ph.D
Jay A. Schmalenberg ✠
Steven A. Schmitz
Randal James Swanlund ✠
Duane A. Tye
Donald S. Warrick
Darryl B. Weide
Brent Michael Wise ✠
Washington university
Delta Zeta
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Charles H Dolson
James G Thompson
George J Yaeger
Heritage Club - $500-999
William K Fuhri
Berthold L Lange
A Fred Miller
Harold B. Pough
Edward P Reichman
J. Jerome Stanford
Clifford M. Stiegler
Thornton O. Waller
Friendship Club - $250-499
Russell M. Bollinger
west florida
Eta Psi
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
James C. Hardy
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Eta Psi
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Bishop Jackson V. Plant
Zeta Omega
James J. Hill
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Heritage Club - $500-999
C. Joseph Russell
Andrew Turnbull Hixson
Ronnie F Wright ✠
Edgar H. Wynn, Jr. ✠
Heritage Club - $500-999
John C. Perkins
Friendship Club - $250-499
Friendship Club - $250-499
Michael G. Doles
James E. Godfrey, Jr.
Julian Brent Novinger ✠
Jesse Neal Shepard ✠
Jeffery Lee Smith ✠
Sanford W. Thompson
Ronald D. Jones ✠
John D. Langston ✠
David L. Speer, MD ✠
western Michigan
Iota Epsilon
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
west texas A&M
Zeta Kappa
Justin De Graaf
Order of the Shield - $10,000-49,999
Joseph C. Austin ✠
Glen Parkey
Dr. Early P Pritchett
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Colin Franklin Edward Howe
Heritage Club - $500-999
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Heritage Club - $500-999
Steven L. Self ✠
Michael A. Simpson
Friendship Club - $250-499
wichita state
Theta Tau
Friendship Club - $250-499
Ashton Neal Gallop ✠
George F. Gould ✠
Leroy H. Schulz ✠
Brady T. Marr ✠
Dr. William J. Rogers, Ph.D
Eugene Waits ✠
Dick B. Curren
Matt Cratty
Jason M. Terakedis
Kevin J. Margul ✠
Brian M. McShane
Reed Chase Rallojay
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Steven Brent Spurlock
western Kentucky
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Ronald G. Miller
Scott Norman Murphy ✠
Eric Sutton ✠
Robert Owen Thomas, III
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
David A. Dwyer
Friendship Club - $250-499
Troy L. Hantla ✠
Johnny J. Pellin
western illinois
Gregory P. Bailey ✠
Christopher S. Beard ✠
Todd A. Carnley ✠
Eric S. Fritz ✠
Jerry Joyce ✠
William Moore, III ✠
Julian Meade Ruffin, IV ✠
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Heritage Club - $500-999
west georgia
Michael D. Conner
Edwin Gregory Threadgill
Friendship Club - $250-499
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
Eta Upsilon
Hugh Thomas Cross
Ernest J. Codilis
Thomas P. Troll
Friendship Club - $250-499
Iota Delta
Matthew M. Scanlan
Gamma Tau
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Kenneth W. Ciriacks
Douglas D. Devenport
A legacy of giving.
Don R. Spiegelhoff, MD
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Oscar C. Boldt
Richard F. Clement
Robert H. Ellis
Daniel D. Hilgendorf
Thomas J. Oswald
Claude W. Pratt
Louis F Trubshaw
John R Zaylor
Heritage Club - $500-999
Edward J. Berman
John E Canfield
Joseph R. Filachek
Lawrence W Forster
Richard P. Franz
John Robert Fusch
William Hambley ✠
Edward D. Hill
Kurt R. Kuehlthau
John B. Menn
Paul D. Olson ✠
William D. Ricker ✠
Eli J Schmitt
Kenneth E. Schuman
Howard J Tanner
John H Tierney
Richard H. Towers
Arthur A. Wetzel
Charles E. White
Friendship Club - $250-499
James E. Bie
William A. Buehring, Ph.D
Robert H. Consigny
Garrett E Fusch
Werner M. Gruhl
G L Hall
Leonard B. Hertz
Douglas M. Holcomb
Winston N. Hollister
Harold O. Johnson
Richard M. Kennedy, Jr.
Robert F. Klemm
Bruce C. Kramlich
Kenneth B. Morley
Richard P. Mueller
Glenn K. Neuenschwander
David G. Newby
Jayme Olson ✠
Gary S. Palmer, CPA ✠
Arthur E. Rogers
Fredrick J. Rux
George A. Schmitt
Jon C. Strauss
Curtis V. Trinko
Alpha Psi
Walter C. Kress
Charles F. Walters
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Heritage Club - $500-999
Robert F Bueschen
Arnold F Gebhart
Richard P. Little ✠
Herbert R. Metzger
Clark B Rollins, Jr.
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Ellard K. Amundson
Fred M Godard
Gerald E Johnson
James C. Kelly
Earl F Morris
Stanley W. Schmucker
Daniel C. Stearns, III
Samuel D. Wang
Owen F. Allen
Donald R Campbell
Robert R. Demers
Nicholas N Economou
Edward F. Ford
David S. Jenney
John J Kraska, Jr.
Homer R Morrison
Carl T. Nelson
George B Ordway
Randall P Saxton
George W Smith
Edward E. Wetherhold
Friendship Club - $250-499
Jack K. Armstrong
Mark D. Baron
Gerald J. Fankhauser ✠
Harvey L. Heath
Victor W. Kowalczyk
Richard L. Kuss
Charles R. McMahan
Eugene F. Miller
James W. Sherman
Robert W Stolzenbach
David S. Stone
Paul A. Wehrum
William R Behrens ✠
worcester poly
Alexander Christopher Gorski
Nicholas Antonopoulos ✠
Michael Baer ✠
Dale R. Beaver
Dennis R. Beliveau
David Konrad Boger ✠
Richard A. Calvert
Paul S. Coggin, PE
Paul D. Curdo
Henry C. Durick
Brett Ferguson ✠
Glenn B. Hill
Robert E. Horner
Ian Cahill ✠
Richard H. Kimball
Richard S. Meyer
Robert B. Mulholland
Edmund S. Oshetsky
Steven Posnack ✠
J. Morrison Smith
Norman W. Sousa
Irwin T Vanderhoof
Gary K. Willis ✠
Gamma Psi
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Ardis G. Bunker
James A. Kibbee, Jr.
Otis Glazebrook Society - $2,500-9,999
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Edward M. Dennett ✠
Thomas D. Rockwood ✠
Founders Society - $1,000-2,499
Michael C. Annon
Gasper Buffa, Jr.
Gordon F Crowther
Gamma Sigma
Kenneth L. Bradley
Robert H. Johnson
Alan K. Simpson
Heritage Club - $500-999
Stephen P. Allen
Lloyd I Evans
Friendship Club - $250-499
Gordon G. Davis
Ronald E. Gilbert
Ernest J. Goppert
Harold A. Krause
Martin A. Markley
Patrick C. Rile
Samuel P. Schmehl
Charles E Spurlock
Robert C. Templeton
D. Neal Tomlinson ✠
Michael D. Wilcox
Annual Giving Clubs
Friendship Club - $250-499
Heritage Club - $500-999
David B. Albright
Eugene M. Fellmeth
James L. Gerber ✠
Robert A. Houston ✠
Jacob R Koenig
Robert N. Kolesar
Tim Kreiter
John D Kuhns
Oscar S. Metcalf
Frederick C. Michelson
Glenn D. Wise
H. Milton Heins
Bruce Lien
William W. Maurer
Robert M. Robertson
William H. Rotzler
Peter K. Simpson, Ph.D
William D. Smith
2010 New Millennium
Honor Society Members
We gratefully recognize the following alumni & friends for making an generous
unrestricted gift of $1,000 or more to the Annual Loyalty Fund Campaign
C. Donald Ainsworth, Illinois ‘39
Robert G. Alley, Missouri ‘67
W. Kerry Armstrong, Purdue ‘75
J. Philip Bender, Jr., Missouri ‘84
William E. Berry, Mississippi ‘49
James I. Black, III, Florida ‘70
David L. Bomberger, Nebraska ‘74
Richard C. Bowman, Tennessee ‘57
John W.C. Carlson, Illinois ‘44
Robert Mel Clark, Oklahoma ‘70
Steven L. Craig, Southern California ‘75
Hugh E. Cross, Illinois ‘46
Charles R. Cummings, Texas Tech ‘55
Roy B. Dalton, Jr., Florida ‘71
Henry A. Damkroger, Nebraska ‘67
Osborn Neill Foster, Arizona State ‘54
Robert W. Foy, San Jose State ‘56
Philip A. Gaffney, Nebraska-Kearney ‘69
William H. Gardiner, Iowa State ‘52
Jeffrey M. Gater, Simpson ‘81
Joseph W. Gladis, Miami ‘63
J. Shuler Griffin, Mississippi ‘78
Gregory H. Hall, Oklahoma ‘70
Mark C. Hensel, Jr., Iowa ‘58
D. Brooks Holstein, Mississippi ‘74
David L. Hotchkin, Southern California ‘75
Jeffrey S. Jernigan, Georgia Southern ‘80
Charles T. Johnston, Arizona State ‘64
Sam C. Kalainov, North Dakota State ‘52
Thomas S. Kenan, III, North Carolina ‘56
✠ = Life Loyal Tau
Allen L. Lastinger, Jr., Florida ‘61
Rev. Ronald C. Lawson, Middlebury ‘53
Donald W. Leuthold, Illinois ‘48
William F. McCollam, San Jose State ‘54
Robert S. Milligan, Nebraska ‘64
William L. Muir, III, Kansas State ‘67
Kenneth F. Murrah, Emory ‘52
James E. Pingree Nelson, Michigan State ‘57
Peter Nickerson, SUNY-Buffalo ‘98
Robert Oster, Northwestern ‘47
Charles M. Paulk, Jr., Florida ‘59
E. George Reynolds, Jr., Texas ‘61
John E. Robertson, Georgia Tech ‘63
William C. Schoen, South Carolina ‘81
Jatinder S. Somal, M.D. ,UC-Riverside ‘92
Bryan E. Slone, Nebraska ‘76
Wynn R. Smiley, Purdue ‘99
Chris Spence, Central Florida ‘89
The Community Foundation
of Greater Atlanta
The Glades Foundation
The Holt Family
Foundation, Ohio Wesleyan ‘45
Albert S. Thornton, Jr., Georgia Tech ‘65
Terry D. Turman, Oklahoma State ‘94
John B. Uttenhove, Georgia Tech ‘65
Llewellyn O. Ward, Oklahoma ‘51
J. Terry Wilkinson, Murray State ‘64
William Wright, Oregon ‘50
John E Young, Missouri ‘48
A legacy of giving.
2010 Memorial and Honor Gifts
In memory of:
Arthur Daniel McIntosh: Julia McLean
Arthur E Griffith, Simpson ‘14: Garth E. Griffith, Simpson ‘47
Rolled out at Congress, the Order of 1865 highlights UNDERGRADUATE giving
to the Annual Loyalty Fund (however alumni can also join by giving $18.65 or more).
Each donor received a commemorative Order of 1865 t-shirt.
Scott Jacob Fisher
Anthony Tamez
Jeremiah House
Matt Sayar
Rev. Dan Mullis
David Y. Young
Calvin Rutter
Charles E. Crump
Joshua R. Koehler
Patrick J. Berkheimer
Paul E. Ramsay
Blair D. Burgess, III
David V. Mathews
Ashish Gandhi
Donald R. Prokes
John B. Marion, IV
Michael L. Underwood
Brian Prokes
Justin Lubor
Sean Sawicki
Alexander Smith
Tyler J. Amadon
Matthew King
John E. Robertson
George A. Evagoras
Grant R. Lyon
Christopher Jarman
Matthew Martella
Rahil S. Kassam
Jon L. Schroeder
Jordan T Euson
Neal S. Colligan
Mike Siringer
Eric M. Reid
Central Florida
Colorado Mines
Colorado Mines
Eastern Illinois
Florida Atlantic
Florida Atlantic
Florida Atlantic
Florida Atlantic
Francis Marion
Georgia Tech
Georgia Tech
Grand Valley State
Grand Valley State
Grand Valley State
Illinois State
Iowa State
Iowa State
Patrick K. Morrison
Robert G. Alley
J. Philip Bender, Jr.
John Pagan
Zac Vaiskunas
Blake K. Hardy
Sean Trujillo
M. Brett Trapp
Graham R. Powell
Robert J. Winkles
Mark Asbill
David T. Busshart
Nicholas S. Brodbeck
Travis D. Legg
Dylan Nall
Jacob Carr
Tyler Kimbrell
Eric M. Schepman
Josh Wilson
Andrew C. Cox
Timothy W. Clipson
Aaron J. Resendez
Jimmy Sapp
Garrett R. Owoc
Bradley J. Carter
Justin Herrell
Jaryd Waegerle
Jonathon T. Solomon
Alex Bartlett
Christopher Driese
Acy Estes
Dustin S. Bohannon
David Briggs
Names in BOLD represent alumni members
Middle Tennessee State
Nevada-Las Vegas
New Mexico State
North Alabama
North Alabama
North Alabama
N. Carolina-Wilmington
N. Carolina-Wilmington
Northern Kentucky
Oklahoma State
Oklahoma State
Southern Illinois
Southern Mississippi
Stephen F. Austin State
West Florida
West Georgia
West Georgia
West Texas A & M
David S. Timson, Illinois ‘72: Edward Unger, Alan R. Dysert, Steven F. Stratton, Steven A. Lamb, William M.
Ganey, David R. Pesavento, David P Lundstedt, Mark R. Faber, Douglas C. Laux, Terence R Kelly, Joseph
E. Mais, Frank A. Kulze, William J Chrystal, William T Barry, William J. Gold, Dane K. Luhrsen, Nobel D.
Olson, Thomas M Tunney, Stephen H. Dalley, John V. Brinkworth, James W. Paul, Robert E Meyer, Gregory
E. Scott, Craig A. Nadborne, Kevin L. Rudd, John T. Norton, John C. Aymond, Daniel L. Barry, Robert G.
Credi, G Scott Gold, Reggie Timson, David Brett, Elisha P Gould, Micheal Zappert, Maureen Valencia,
Craig Waslin, Jeffrey Diehl, Sandi Mellin, Diane Shimmon, Randi Lundstedt, George Timson, Tony Schell,
Alvin W. Marley, Anne M. Semik, Patrick McGivney, T. Bondurant, Samuel M Mencoff, Andrew Richardson,
Paul J Finnegan, The Canning Foundation, James N. Perry, Nicholas W. Alexos, Christopher J. McGowan,
Thomas S. Souleles, . Madison Dearborn Partners LLC, The Banc Funds Company LLC, Wilbur Gantz,
Dennis McCrary, Greg Holden, Molly Veneziano, Katherine Wanner, Jolanta Bilotti, Jeffrey W. Burgis,
Sauganash Stores, John W Puth, Gregory Kapp, Patricia Gallagher, Scott Brandwein, Scott Rybak, Earl
Richardson, Vestar Capital Partners, John Serak, Kurt T Churchia, Robert D. Salm, Sam T Mauro, Jeffrey A.
Brandwein, Christopher J Johnson, Ralph J Gebert, Stephen Skiber, David F Work, Denise Helms
Donald L. Robinson: Richard H. Gillons
Donald W. Baird: Elvine Baird
Dudley D Griffith: Garth E. Griffith
Gene W. Ehlert: Joshua J. Novak
J Milton Richardson: Buck Lanier
Jack P. Money: Carl M. Bimel, Jr.
James F. Bickers: Don R. Spiegelhoff, MD
Jeffrey S. Hamilton, South Carolina ‘92: Roy H. Seay, Jr., Edward D Sullivan, W. Chaplain Spencer, Chad E
Elsey, Joseph R Christopher, Mark J. Lerner, Robert M Walden, Robert J Ward, Michael G Culp, Matthew
B. Pitts, Marc Bookmiller, Lynn W Hodge, Jr, Trey Smoak, John W Spratlin, John P. Hooks, Buzzy Myers,
Bill Pitts, Hunter Tallon Stokes, Marvin and Barbara Hamilton, Claude M. Warren, Jr., Jeff Tharp, Donald
G. Krieger, Allison Dobbins, Adolf Hansen, Christine L. Graninger, Christine K. Bucher, Marnie H. Martinez,
Thomas Scott Moran, Denis Duker, Adam Epstein, Jeffrey Sherman, Dennis Carie, Glenn D Gibbons,
George B Williams, George Short, Dennis E Wike, Jason Crippen, Derrick Demay, Geoff Steinkruger, Clay
Helms, Jason Matthews, Mike Hall, J. D. Hamilton, Ed Ferguson, Wayne Riess, Kevin Seagall, John Waite,
Brian Riley, Paul Gambill, David Paulk, Charles McCormack, Glen Walker, Jeff L McKean, Adam Brown
Memorial, Marnie H. Martinez, Denis Duker, Jonathan Pavey, Edward L. Bignon
Matt Heldman, Illinois ‘95: William T Barry, Cary D. McMillan, David J. Bryant, Matthew R. Menna, David P.
Krug, Mark A. Zieba, Jeffrey S. Piper, Athletic & Therapeutic Institute, Brotschul Potts LLC, Human Capital
Management Solutions, Inc., Where’s the Duke Inc.
Merle A. Long: Muriel Long
Michael W Moak: Richard A. Hamm
Paul M. McLarty, Jr.: David V. Mathews
Paul Millhone: Garth E. Griffith
A legacy of giving.
Richard V. Clausing, Illinois ‘74: John H. Seiler, Richard E. George, Douglas C. Laux, Peter K. Korst, William
T Barry, William J. Gold, Nobel D. Olson, David J. Seiler, Stanley K. Nord, James W. Paul, Thomas O.
Minner, Craig A. Nadborne, Cary D. McMillan, Daniel L. Barry, David P. Krug, Robert W Sterrett, Jr, Carol A
McKernan, Kathryn A Stanton, Peggy J Cox, Babson College, Dennis R McMillan, William J Florent, Wayne
Howard, Richard Cohen, Keith and Beth White, Mary Gremmler, John P and Rita M Bush, Gerald D and
Mary W Vogt, Linda J Balicki, Vernon H Clausing Family Trust, Dr. Marianne Clausing-Lee, Doug Shafer,
Alison E Tallard, Richard Rueckert, Amy V Clausing, David J. Seiler
Rodger F. Thomas: Mary F. Thomas
Steve Haisley, Cincinnati ‘2000: Kevin Graves, Kent and Deborah H Haisley, MaryAnn Duffy
Steven R. Prewitt: Steven R. Prewitt, Robert W. Day, Garth E. Griffith, Russell I. Long, Raymond R. Burchett,
Thomas R. Cambridge, Duane R. Finch, Clifford S. Lowe, Larry F. Hammans, Steven R. Prewitt, Gordon M.
Henderson, Jeffrey L. Cassat, John W Graber, Douglas Thurlow Wilson, Warren W Gemberling, Kirk D Van
Vleet, Jeffrey M. Gater, Steven T. Lowe, John T. Lawlor, James C. Spooner
Stewart D. Daniels, Jr., Illinois ‘44: Robert E. Courtney
Tim J. Wehrley: Margaret C. Wehrley
Rodger F. Thomas: Mary F. Thomas
Rodger F. Thomas: Mary F. Thomas
Whipple H. Manning: Peter R. Palermo
In honor of:
Gregory H Hall, Oklahoma ‘70: Geoff M. Smith
John E. Robertson, Georgia Tech ‘62: Anonymous Donations
Kenneth F. Murrah, Emory ‘52: Paul E. Ramsay, Blair Davis Burgess, III, David V. Mathews, Ashish Gandhi
Stephen R. Siders, Purdue ‘61: K Joseph Striebel, Robert E. Vogele, J. David Webb, George E. Austin,
Jerry B. Hindel, Brian R. Ruark, Kelly Raulin
Chapter Eternal Roll of Honor
An unrestricted gift of $1,000 or more made in memory of a brother, family member or friend:
Jack Breslin, Michigan State ‘44
Roger L. Forbush, Michigan State ‘55
Joe Machiorlatti, Michigan State ‘55
Roy D. Mathis, Michigan State ‘56
Dick R. Radatz, Michigan State ‘56
Dick Barnwell, Michigan State ’57
Ken Gilson, Michigan State ‘60
Tau Tributes
An unrestricted gift of $5,000 or more to create a living tribute:
Charles Nelson, Michigan State ’40
H. Frank Beeman, Michigan State ’41
Mel Buschman, Michigan State ’42
Bruce McCristal, Michigan State ’51
Norman Barkeley, Michigan State ’52
Ox (David) Humes, Michigan State ’53
Roger Schultz, Michigan State ’53
Joe Machiorlatti, Michigan State ’55
John Lofgren, Michigan State ’56
Tom Markovich, Michigan State ’56
William E. Cooper, Michigan State ‘57
D.Brant Cotterman, Michigan State ‘57
Robert (Bob) L. Idalski, Michigan State ‘57
Carl Keller, Michigan State ‘57
Doug Smith, Michigan State ‘57
Michael Oldham, Michigan State ‘57
Roger Herring. Michigan State ‘58
Frank Mehwald, Michigan State ‘58
Tony Smith, Michigan State ‘58
Matt A. Silvester, Michigan State ‘59
Gary R. Murphy, Michigan State ‘60
Erskine Mayo Ross Giving Club
Alumni and Friends who provide for the ATO Foundation through their wills or other planned gifts
are recognized in the Erskine Mayo Ross Giving Club. Please contact the ATO Foundation at
1-800-508-5131 if you would like information regarding giving through your will.
Robert G. Alley, Missouri ‘67
C. Donald Ainsworth, Illinois ‘39
*Fred R. Armstrong, Cincinnati ‘44
William Kerry Armstrong, Purdue ’75
*Dorothy A. Baier
Clark W. Bailey, Florida State ’78
*Robert Baynard, Florida ’24
J. Philip Bender, Jr, Missouri ’84
*Dr. John L. Berry, Colby ’22
Col. William E. Berry, Mississippi ’49
*David C. Blenard, Maryland ‘30
David L. Bomberger, Nebraska ‘74
*Joseph W. Bowne, Jr., St. Lawrence ’35
*Brook Bright, American ‘47
*Dr. Gerald Brown Benjamin, Drake ’34
William Frank Brown, Georgia State ’79
Robert M. Brucken, Marietta ’53
*Stuart C. Buxton, Rensselear ’22
*Clarence W. Cain, Jr., Birmingham-Southern ’28
Marcus D. Casteel, Central Missouri State ‘92
Honorable Cory J. Ciklin, Florida State ‘77
Dr. George A. Condon, Michigan ’53
*Lewis C. Corey, Oklahoma State ’47
John Clement Curvin, SUNY-Buffalo ‘91
Stewart D. Daniels, Jr., Illinois ‘44
*Paul Bauer Beisel Dennis, Muhlenberg ’23
*Col. Burton F. Ellis, Idaho ‘25
*Jordan A. Engberg, North Dakota State ’31
Kirby J. Erickson, North Dakota State ‘60
*Dewey A. Ericsson, Illinois ’18
*Stockton Fountain
William H. Gardiner, Iowa State ‘52
*Bart Albert Ghio, Cal-Berkeley ’17
*Zeta R. Gilles
*G. Cecil Goddard, Colby ’25
*Leon I. Godshall, Muhlenberg ’31
*Windom & Theresa Gramley, Gettysburg ’01
J. Schuler Griffin, Mississippi ’78
Gregory H. Hall, Oklahoma ‘70
Walter P. Hartje, Illinois ’42
*Louis B. Hoffman, New Hampshire ’17
Walter J. Hughes, Alabama ‘60
*Enoch C. Johnson, Jr., Texas ‘31
Richard M. Kennedy, Jr., Wisconsin ‘46
*John S. & Leora Kerfoot, Vanderbilt ‘25
Paul J. Kessler, Central Oklahoma ’68
*Brig. Gen. John F. Kinney, Washington State ‘33
James N. Kodrowski, Alabama-Huntsville ‘99
Charles E. Lanham, Indiana ‘51
*Dudley L. Lea, Ohio State ’21
David B. Lott, Adrian ’55
*John Ogilvie Lee, Mt. Union ’13
Robert D. Lyman, Illinois ’80
*Hobard Machamer
*Robert R. Marshall, Iowa State ’27
*Charles W. Mathias, Adrian ‘32
Dr. Miles L. McCall, Stephen F. Austin ‘80
*William D. Melton, Illinois ’27
*Jack P. Money, Purdue ‘39
C. Robert Monnich, Oklahoma ’48
*Morris H. Morgan, Sr., Oregon ’17
William L. Muir, III, Kansas State ’67
Kenneth F. Murrah, Emory ‘52
*N. Edward Nee, Colby ’25
James P. Nelson, Michigan State ‘57
*Joseph F. O’Hara, Rensselaer Poly ‘38
Michael G. O’Harro, Arizona ’60
Robert Odell, American ‘38
Ernest R.Olson, Indiana ‘50
Thomas F. Payne, Hillsdale ‘86
*Lewis E. Platt, Cornell ‘60
Dr. William F. Quillian, Jr., Emory ’32
*Richard R. Rector, Northwestern ’48
E. George Reynolds, Jr, Texas ‘61
Robert A. Richardson, Arizona ’79
R. Walker Robb, Jr., Monmouth ‘48
John E. & Jane R. Robertson, Georgia Tech ‘63
Gardner S. Rogers, MIT ’44
*Richard D. Rudolph, Chicago ’22
*John W. Ruettinger, Illinois ’24
W. Bryan Ruyle, Stephen F. Austin ’71
*Robert J. Samson, Simpson ’33
Frederic A. Sawyer, Cal-Berkeley ‘47
*Warren A. Schenck, Columbia
*Paul T. Schooley, Oregon State ’16
Stephen R. Siders, Purdue ’61
*Ruth J. Sittner
*James W. Sixty, Wisconsin ’47
Wynn R. Smiley, Purdue ‘99
James C. Spooner, Simpson ’79
*indicates Brothers who have joined the Chapter Eternal
A legacy of giving.
G. Michael Starks, Central Florida ‘74
Dr. George W. Starks, Florida ‘46
Paul B. Starks, Florida ‘74
*James M. Stewart, UCLA ’26
Joseph A. Swift, Murray State ’63
Harry C. Thompson, Worcester Poly ’67
*Rev. George Russell Tolson, Cal-Berkeley ’35
*Dale K. Weber, Iowa State ’29
Edward B. Wilber, American ’51
*Alfred H. Williams, Pennsylvania ’12
*Gail J. Wolfe, Ohio State ’49
Frederick J. Zint, Cincinnati ‘49
*indicates Brothers who have joined the Chapter Eternal
2010 First Time Donors
Stanley E Adams
Nicholas W. Alexos
Adrian Russell Allan
Dr. Walter M Allison
Dr. Myron Allukian, Jr.
Tyler Johnathon Amadon
Judith J Anderson Family
Foundation Inc
Paul E. Arneson
Mark Asbill
Babson College
The Emanual Bachmann
Elvine Baird
Linda J Balicki
Michael Andrew Balsiger
The Banc Funds Company LLC
Alex Bartlett
Howard G. Bauer
Richard L Bazuin
Peyton Claybourne Beard
Zachary Daniel Beck
Jeffrey W Becker
William R Behrens
Earle J. Bensing
Patrick Joseph Berkheimer
Barry D. Bertolet, MD
Jolanta Bilotti
Dustin S. Bohannon
David C. Bohnett
T. Bondurant
Peter Edward Boos
Robert H Bradley II
Erik Brand
Jeffrey A. Brandwein
Scott Brandwein
David Brett
David Briggs
Col. Ret. Marvin J. Brigman, Jr.
Nicholas S. Brodbeck
Robert J Brook
Adam Brown Memorial
Dorinda Bruce
Justin Buckner
Blair Davis Burgess, III
Jeffrey W. Burgis
Michael Burris
David Tyler Busshart
Ian Cahill
Paul Callero
Jordan Dean Campsey
The Canning Foundation
Dennis Carie
Jacob Carr
Bradley James Carter
John C Casarietti
Jason W. Cave
Daniel Kenneth Cetina
Grieve Family Charitable Trust
Joseph R Christopher
William J Chrystal
Christopher Edwin Chung
Kurt T Churchia
Vernon H Clausing Family Trust
Amy V Clausing
Dr. Marianne Clausing-Lee
Michael C. Cortney
Peggy J Cox
Andrew Christopher Cox
Sean Daniel Coyle
Jason Crippen
Joshua David Cromer
William B. Crum, MD
Charles Emery Crump
Eric J. Dalley
Timothy M Daly
Spenser Davis
Clifford M Deal
Madison Dearborn Partners LLC
Delaware Epsilon Rho
Delta Psi Ole Miss Alumni
Derrick Demay
Jeffrey Diehl
Christopher Driese
MaryAnn Duffy
Robert A Dunton
Chad E Elsey
Curt W. Englert
Acy Estes
Jordan T Euson
George Alexandros Evagoras
Manny Fanarjian
Ed Ferguson
Michael A. Figg
Duane R. Finch
Paul J Finnegan
Scott Jacob Fisher
John S Flagg
William J Florent
Dave L. Frankum
Patricia Gallagher
Ashton Neal Gallop
Paul Gambill
Ashish Gandhi
Wilbur Gantz
Ralph J Gebert
Douglas D Gee
Kevin George
Glenn D Gibbons
Elisha P Gould
John W Graber
Kevin Graves
Luke Green
Garth E. Griffith
Dr. John Richard Griggs
Mike Hall
J. D. Hamilton
Larry F. Hammans
Jordan Mark Hannah
Blake Kenneth Hardy
Josh Hawley
Hecht Family Foundation Inc
Clay Helms
Denise Helms
Justin Herrell
Michael Ryan Hill
Richard C. Hitch
Lynn W Hodge, Jr
Col. Harrison W. Hodgkins
Greg Holden
The Holt Family Foundation
Jeremiah House
Wayne Howard
Mark Hussey
Allan D Huxley
Jake Isaacs
Christopher Jarman
Christopher J Johnson
Andrew M. Jones
Michael Craig Jones
Kansas State University
Gregory Kapp
Rahil Saleem Kassam
Terence R Kelly
Roger D Kelton
John W. Kempe
Daniel Kerrick
Trent Kimbrell
Tyler Kimbrell
Thomas Glenn Kindred
Matthew King
David W Kirby
Joshua Ray Koehler
Marshall W. Kottler
Andrew Barrett Langford
Anthony Blake Langford
Peter E. Larsen
Travis Daniel Legg
Mark J. Lerner
Lance Lightfoot
Russell I. Long
Muriel Long
Justin Lubor
Christopher Michael Lucas
David P Lundstedt
Randi Lundstedt
Brian Jeffrey Lusenhop
Keith C Lustig
Grant Raymond Lyon
Joseph E. Mais
Marques Verbo Mallare
Dr. William A. Manning
Alvin W. Marley
Matthew Martella
David V. Mathews
Jason Matthews
Sam T Mauro
Charles McCormack
Dennis McCrary
Ian Robert McDonald
Patrick McGivney
Christopher J. McGowan
Jeff L McKean
Carol A McKernan
Ephraim R. McLean
Dennis R McMillan
Joe W. McNeese, III
Sandi Mellin
Samuel M Mencoff
Robert E Meyer
Mitchell Ryan Miller
Craig Jeffrey Millsap
William B Milstead
Walter H Monroe
Thomas Scott Moran
Patrick Kelley Morrison
Rev. Dan Mullis
Robert Leland Murrah, Sr.
Buzzy Myers
Dylan Nall
Richard R. Nelson, III
Stanley K. Nord
Eric Oh
Michael E Oldham
Garrett Richard Owoc
David W. Pabst
John Pagan
Scott Matthew Pahren
Vestar Capital Partners
David Paulk
Jonathan Pavey
Christopher Stratton Paxton
James N. Perry
Christopher James Pfanstiel
Francis E. Pierce, IV
Bill Pitts
Digital Pix
Graham Ralston Powell
Brian Prokes
H. Edwin Purchis
Edgard F. Puryear, Jr.
John W Puth
Paul E. Ramsay
Eric R Ray
Eric Michael Reid
Bart Rein
Aaron Joshua Resendez
Andrew Richardson
Earl Richardson
Wayne Riess
Brian Riley
James A. Roberts
Richard Rueckert
Eric Mitchell Rumple
Fred C Rupprecht
Randolph J Rush
John F. Russell
Calvin Rutter
Scott Rybak
Robert D. Salm
Richard Nolan Sanders
Jimmy Sapp
Sean Sawicki
Matt Sayar
Chris J. Scali
Tony Schell
Eric M. Schepman
Jared Mathis Schnefke
Jon Loren Schroeder
Michael K. Schulz
Jeremy Schutz
Kevin Seagall
Anne M. Semik
John Serak
Doug Shafer
Dr. William C. Sharpton, Jr.
Diane Shimmon
George Short
Jeremy S Siade
Mike Siringer
Zachary Ryan Sissel
Larry W. Sisson, Sr.
Stephen Skiber
Stephen Skiber
Alexander Smith
Trey Smoak
Ellen & Clark Sole Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati
Jonathon Taylor Solomon
Thomas S. Souleles
William G. Speer
Skyler Spencer
Anthony Spinicchia
John W Spratlin
Kathryn A Stanton
Larry A Steffy
Geoff Steinkruger
Shirley M & Roger F Stetson
Charitable Fund
Hunter Tallon Stokes
Wilson Tyler Stokes
Sauganash Stores
William R Streng
Thomas E. Strickland
John Thomas Summerford
Marc L. Sunshine
James R. Sutherland
Alison E Tallard
Allen L. Tamar
Anthony Tamez
Hugh E Tanner
Aaron Tastad
Jason M. Terakedis
Larry L Tilley
George Timson
Reggie Timson
Christopher Kelly Tkach
Bradley J. Tompkins
Val K. Trowbridge
George D. Tweedy
Edward Unger
Zac Vaiskunas
Maureen Valencia
Kirk D Van Vleet
Molly Veneziano
Chris Vernick
Peter A. Volk
Jaryd Waegerle
John Waite
Adam Seth Wald
Robert M Walden
Glen Walker
Katherine Wanner
Robert J Ward
Nicholas Ware
Craig Waslin
James T Watt
Margaret C. Wehrley
Chandler Mathew Wescott
Bryan Michael Westhoff
Dave Westol
Where’s the Duke Inc.
Mark White
Edwin E. Wilerson
Kevin Wilkinson
George B Williams
Mickey A Williams
Dustin Williams
Jeremy Willis
David E. Wilson
Josh Wilson
Robert Jacob Winkles
David F Work
David Y. Young
Micheal Zappert
Zeta Mu Alumni Association
Foundation Directory & Board of Governor Listing
Joseph W. Gladis, Miami ‘63
President, Int’l Tanker Chartering,
Inc. (Retired)
Bryan E. Slone, Nebraska ‘76
Managing Partner, Deloitte Nebraska /
Western Iowa
Dr. Allan D. Holiday, Jr.,
Kansas State ‘77
Orthopedic Surgeon
Howe Q. Wallace, Florida ‘74
CEO, President & Chairman of the
Board; Pallet One
Robert G. Alley, Missouri ‘67
Managing Director, AIM Capital
Management (Retired)
Glen D. Johnson, Jr. , Oklahoma ‘73
Chancellor, Ok State System of
Higher Education
Charles E. Lanham, Indiana ‘51
Chairman of the Board, Klipsch Inc.
John E. Robertson, Georgia Tech ’63
Sr. Vice President, Waffle House Inc.
Gregory H. Hall, Oklahoma ‘70
Greg Hall Oil & Gas, LLC
David L. Bomberger, Nebraska ‘74
Deputy Chief Investment Officer,
Colorado Public Employees
Retirement Assocation
W. Kerry Armstrong, Purdue ‘75
Sr. Vice President, Duke Realty Corp.
J. Philip Bender, Jr., Missouri ‘84
Managing Director, Northwestern
Mutual Financial
Jack M. Berry, Jr., Florida ‘76
President, Jack M. Berry, Inc.
Col William E. Berry, Mississippi ‘49
U.S. Army (Retired)
James I. Black III, Florida ‘70
Partner, Sullivan & Cromwell
Robert Mel Clark, M.D., Oklahoma ‘70
Michael K. Cormaci, Kansas State ‘86
President & Co-founder,
Watch Systems
William H. Gardiner, Iowa State ‘51
President, Gardiner Trane
William L. Muir III, Kansas State ‘67
Assistant VP, Community Relations of
Kansas State University (Retired)
Kenneth F. Murrah, Emory ‘52
Partner, Murrah, Doyle & Wigle, PA
Walter J Hughes, Alabama ‘60
Executive VP of Marketing & CEO of
Mutual Savings Life (Retired)
Terry D. Turman, Oklahoma State ‘94
Alpha Tau Omega Foundation, Inc.
James P. Nelson, Michigan State ‘57
Insurance & Securities
Sales/Marketing (Retired)
W. Bruce O’Donoghue, Florida ‘73
President, Control Specialists
Robert C. Knuepfer, Jr., Denison ‘71
Partner, Baker & McKenzie
Ernest R. Olson, Indiana ‘50
Senior VP, Metrovision (Retired)
Frederick S. Klipsch, Jr., Purdue ‘83
Chairman/CEO, Klipsch & Lanham
Gerald S. Papazian, Southern Cal ‘74
Managing Director, FountainHead
Charles M. Paulk, Jr., Florida ‘59
Partner, Accenture (Retired)
E. George Reynolds, Jr.,Texas ‘61
Master General Agent/Acct. Exec,
American General
Jerry D. Semler, Purdue ‘55
Chairman Emeritus, The companies of
Robert J. Simonds, Illinois ‘43
Chairman, International Group
President, North Group First Council,
Inc. (Retired)
Dorinda Bruce
Cheri Dillon Britt, R.N., M.S.N.
J. Shuler Griffin, Mississippi ‘78
Eric S. Tomchik, Cincinnati ‘01
Symphony Centre
32 E. Washington St., Ste. 1350
Indianapolis, IN 46204
ATO Foundation Roll of Honor, Volume 8
Editor: Cheri Dillon Britt, Chief Executive Officer: Terry D. Turman, Printing and Design: The Jackson Group