2010 Summer - Birthright Armenia


2010 Summer - Birthright Armenia
Depi Hayk
Alumni Newsletter
Summer Edition 2010
Story Highlights
• Alumni Committee
in Action: Launching a
New Alumni Chapter
• Alumni Corner:
Graduations, Engagements, Weddings and
New Arrivals
• Staff Corner: Moving
to a New Office Space
• Photo Contest Results
• The Latest Quiz
Alumni Committee in Action
Los Angeles Chapter:
ere on the West Coast, we feel that we have made our own impact
in keeping with Birthright Armenia’s core mission. In the spring,
we held a fundraiser and social in Los Angeles. Hundreds of alumni, future volunteers and Birthright Armenia supporters came out to mingle
and raise money for a worthy organization. In the end, we were able to raise
enough money to sponsor a volunteer from the West Coast. That kind of direct
impact, with concrete and tangible results, is what makes the Alumni Committee an integral and important part to the longevity of Birthright Armenia. That
being said, our committee decided to sponsor Nora Kayserian, a Los Angeles
resident who volunteered this summer in Gyumri.
Nora is a UCLA graduate and is currently pursuing her graduate degree at
Loyola Marymount. She has been a constant supporter of Birthright Armenia.
In the past year she has organized several fundraisers to benefit the AYF
Youth Corps (part of the Birthright Armenia family) summer camp program in
Gyumri. Nora was placed at the Social Child Care Center in Gyumri. You can
read her blogs on her work in Gyumri at: http://www.ayfyouthcorps.org/444/
The West Coast has also been busy reaching out to donors to create more communication through Birthright Armenia’s new launch of e-newsletters. At the
same time, we are also preparing for an upcoming event in September to welcome home the new 2010 alumni. The event is planned to be a joint fundraiser
with the AYF Youth Corps program.
This October will mark a year for our LA committee and we are looking for
alumni in the area who would like to get involved and keep the Birthright Armenia mission alive in the area.
If you are interested to be part of the new committee, please contact Tania, at
Greater Washington DC Chapter:
n June 11, the inaugural event hosted on the rooftop of the Donovan House,
marked the launch of the newest Birthright Armenia Alumni Chapter in
Washington, DC. Spearheaded by Natalie Grigorian (AYF 2006), and assisted
by Jocelyn Bissonnette (2008 AYF) and Sophia Shahverdian (2009 AVC) the
event was a great success; over 150 people waited in line, amidst the pulsating
sounds of DJ Raffi, to enter the ‘at capacity’ social at the modern, chic rooftop terrace. The evening gave attendees an opportunity to mingle, have a cocktail, enjoy
scenic views, and learn firsthand from those who volunteered in Armenia about
their experiences and the impact it has had in their lives. Distinguished guests
in attendance included Birthright
Armenia Advisory Committee
members Ambassador John
Evans and William Parsons, with
their spouses, Donna Evans and
Sylvia Parsons. In addition, representatives from the Armenian
Assembly, Armenian National
Committee of America, the
Armenian Network and a number of Armenian student associations were present to show their
support and interest in the alumni chapter’s activities.
The chapter is also beginning to brainstorm opportunities to promote awareness
of Birthright Armenia to Armenian college students in the DC, Maryland and
Virginia areas. The DC Alumni Committee is the fourth alumni committee up and
running in the U.S., preceded by the Western Region in Los Angeles, the Eastern
Region Committee based out of New York including a strong Philadelphia base.
If you would like to get involved with the DC chapter, please e-mail Natalie
Grigorian at n.grigorian@gmail.com
New York Chapter:
he NY/NJ region had a great summer! We hosted a Chess in the park/beer
garden social on July 10th and had an Armenian cooking meet-up on August
28th. We are also calling donors for the organization as well as planning to host a
fundraiser in the Fall.
Look out for all of these events and join in on the fun!
If you live in the New York area and would like to get involved, please email
Christine Serdjenian at christine.serdjenian@gmail.com
• Lilit Minasyan (AYF ’09) graduated from
the University of California, Davis with a
Bachelor’s in International Relations and
Comparative Literature. She currently
works for the marketing department
of a company called AgraQuest, while
planning to apply to law school in October
to pursue a JD in Immigration Law.
• Arthur Dolmajian (AVC ’09) graduated
with a Bachelor’s in Civil Engineering
from McGill University. He has started
his career at CIMA+, a well established
civil engineering firm in Quebec, Canada.
• Aleksan Giragosian (CYMA ’07)
graduated from University of California,
Irvine with a Bachelor’s in Political
Science/ International Studies. He studied
abroad in Istanbul during the summer,
while waiting to hear back from law
• Menar Boyadjian (AVC ’09) graduated
from Haigazian University in Beirut,
Lebanon, with a Bachelor’s in Economics.
• Melania Melikian (AVC ’09) graduated
from The University of Texas with a
Bachelor’s in Advertising. She is currently
living in New York and serving as the
Activities Coordinator for the AGBU
New York Summer Internship Program.
• Tatevik Revazian (AVC ’10) graduated
from Copenhagen Business School with
a Bachelor’s in Business Administration
and Organizational Communication.
• Hasmig Tatiossian (AVC ’08) graduated
with a Master’s in Global Affairs with
a Concentration on Human Rights from
New York University.
ALUMNI CORNER - Notable and Newsworthy
• Setta Mushegian (AVC ’07) graduated
from the University of Connecticut’s
School of Social Work with a Master’s
in Social Work. She since moved back
to Greenwich, CT, to begin working at
The Center for Sexual Assault Crisis
Counseling and Education as a Crisis
Counselor and Child Advocate.
• Matthew Ghazarian (AVC ’08) “finished
up” at Harvard University, and headed out
to Dushanbe for 6 weeks to study Farsi.
Afterwards following a short visit to
Yerevan and back home, he will fly off to
Istanbul, Turkey, where a job in teaching
awaits him.
• Elizabeth Gemdjian (AAA ’09) graduated
from Columbia University with a major in
Anthropology and minor in Linguistics.
After spending her summer in New York,
she will be heading off to Paris, France, in
October to teach English.
• Ani Martirosian (AYLA ’09) graduated
from University of Hawaii William S.
Richardson School of Law, but not before
making headlines in Pacific Business News
(Honolulu): Law’s hottest new areas: IP
and environment.
• Karinné
Hovnanian (MHF ’06)
graduated from Drexel University College
of Nursing and Health Sciences, with a
Master’s in Music Therapy. And just off
the press, she walked down the aisle and
married her sweetheart Gregory Andonian
on August 28. Mek partsi vra tseranak!
• Liya Manukyan (AYF ’05) graduated
from University of California, Davis with
a Master’s in Public Health, and has started
work as a Physician Assistant in Family
Practice at Sutter West Medical Group in
Davis. She also recently got engaged to
Ara Stephanian.
• In down under, Sarineh Grigorian
(Mission Armenia ’07) got engaged
to Matthew Manoukian in a beautiful
portside location on the 19th of June
• Ani Jilozian (AVC ’07) recently got
engaged and will get married next
year to Aramazt Kalayjian.
•Taleen Khoury (AVC ’08) has been off to a busy
start this year. She got married to fiancée Armen
Moughamian on May 15, started her Master’s program
at University of Pennsylvania to become a Women’s
Health Nurse Practitioner, and also started a new
job as a nurse in a clinic for under-served patients in
•Anouch Sarafian (DAC ’05) married Vahé Chahbendarian
on July 24th. This was a double celebration for Anouch,
who also celebrated her birthday the same day!
•On June 4th, Seta Iskandarian (AVC ’05) got married
to her fiancé Robert Nalbandov. The newlyweds will be
moving to Texas in August, as Robert obtained a teaching
position at a university there.
• Just a mere five months after repatriating to Artsakh, Cristina (Popa) Manian
(AVC ’08) tied the knot with Armen
Rakijian in St. Ghazanchetsots church,
Shushi, in a traditional Armenian wedding. Quite a change from her hometown of
• And finally, congratulations to Tamar
Shahabian (AVC ’05), who married
Steven Voskanian in a beautiful LA
wedding on June 19th.
On May 2nd Mia Talin Ohanian (right) was
born to first time parents Sevan Ohanian
(AVC ’06) and wife Ani. While second time dad Andranik Kababejian
(AVC ’09) and his lovely wife Gayane
got to meet their second baby girl
Natalie (left) on July 10 at 1:18am.
First time parents Tina Serebrakian- Esrailian and
husband Frederic Esrailian welcomed their baby boy,
Evan Nicholas Esrailian, (right) who was born 8 lbs. 4
oz. at UCLA on June 15.
Little Ani Rosa Kharatyan (left) was born to
proud parents Sonia Shahrigian (AVC ’04) and
long time Birthright Armenia tour guide Arsen
• Chant Der Atamian (AVC ’05) recently got certified as an Immigration
Consultant and is contemplating opening his own firm of immigration
consultants to support those who need help in immigrating to Canada. For
now, however, he and his wife are eagerly awaiting the birth of their second
child due in September.
• Talene Boodaghians (AVC ’09) received a full research grant from Fulbright
and will be back in Armenia for 10 months starting in September. She will be
working in conjunction with BioSophia, a NGO she volunteered for, focusing
on mental health related projects.
• Amy Hunter (AVC ’09) is now a part of the Adjunct Faculty at Montgomery
County Community College, where she will be teaching piano courses to
undergraduates. She is also approved to instruct Music Appreciation, American
Music and Introduction to Theory.
• Paul Maranian (LCO ’04) continues working hard as a statistician in the
UCLA Medical School.
• Since graduating from Drexel University in June of 2009 with a Bachelor’s in
Biological Sciences (with a focus in Molecular Biology) Mikael Garabedian
(AYF ’06) is currently working in cancer research at Fox Chase Cancer Center.
• This spring, Harutyun Gyurjyan (AVC ’09) was busy in Nicaragua for several
weeks with the Foundation for International Medical Relief of Children.
• Sevana Sammis (AVC ’08) just completed her Internship in Youth Programming
in Tbilisi, Georgia, with the Eurasia Partnership Foundation.
• Varty Defterderian (NY ASA ‘05) will start as a Litigation Associate this
December at a large international firm called O’Melveny & Myers based in
Century City, CA.
• Jeremy Dalmas (AVC ’08) is spending 3 weeks in the Sonoran Desert in
Arizona, on the border of Mexico, doing medical aid and humanitarian work
for migrants who are entering the U.S. from Mexico. He is volunteering with
an organization called No More Deaths (http://www.nomoredeaths.org/).
• Apart from applying to various
Master’s courses at different
universities, sitting exams and
filling in application forms, Anna
Kazarian (AVC ’09) has been
pretty busy fundraising for a 12day trek along the Great Wall of
China, which took place at the end
of August!
Talene Ghazarian (AAA ’09) returned to Armenia on June 1, to work
in the public health department of World Vision’s office in Talin for
at least four months. Her primary role is to help strengthen some
of the mother support groups there. Through meetings, trainings,
seminars and events, the project gets the mothers enthusiastic about
being a part of the public health education of their village. In addition,
Talene will be leading health talks at various camps in the area.
Guess who is a proud citizen of the Republic of Armenia? Talar
Yacoubian (AVC’ 07) took her Citizenship Oath on August 13 in
Yerevan, during a formal naturalization ceremony. Shnorhavor!
While actively pursuing his passion for acting, Manuel Ishkhanian
(AVC ’07) snagged a role in M. Night Shyamalan’s new film, The
Last Airbender, which was released in theaters in the US on July
2nd. Be sure to check out the movie, and keep your eye out for the
“nervous prison guard!”
And last but not least, Amanda Ani Messer (AVC ’09) known to most
of us as Mandy, has been busy training hard for a series of triathlons.
Her first run was on June 23rd, the second on July 21st, and the third
in August. Go Mandy, Go!
This summer opened a new chapter for Birthright
Armenia. On June 29, with much excitement and
anticipation, we moved into our new office space
located not too far from the old office. The address
of the new office is 37 Hanrapetutyun Street.
We are now comfortably housed in an historic building
which served as the Government Building during
the Armenian Republic of 1918-1920. Its balcony
is well known for serving as the podium for the
declaration of independence by Aram Manougian.
We hope all of you will be able to see your new “home”
soon ☺
We concluded our sixth quarterly Alumni Photo Contest.
Thanks for the many quality submissions. This round
the winning photo belongs to Antranik Kababejian
(AVC ’09). This photo was taken on the road to the
Shirak Province, more specifically- the ruins of Ani.
We are looking for photos in the following two categories:
Landscape/Nature and People/Lifestyle. Just make sure
your image is as vivid, exciting and emotional as life.
Photos can be in color or black and white. We look forward
to receiving your entry, even if you did not win for an earlier
contest (the same photo may be submitted twice) by the
September 30, 2010, submittal deadline. Send them to
info@birthrightarmenia.am. And remember: the winner
will receive a $100 amazon.com gift certificate.
QUIZ - Pages from Armenian History:
To encourage a higher number of respondents from our
alumni, and to create a more even playing field amongst
continents, we will give all of you 72 hours to respond to
our quiz with your answers. We will pick the winner from all
correct respondents by a lottery.
As always, e-mail all answers to info@birthrightarmenia.am and
the winner will earn a $25 gift certificate for
Here are the questions for the new quiz:
1) Which Armenian writer, considered to be the “Prince”
of the novella, was a member of the Ittihad Party and of
the Turkish Parliament, and one of the 250 intellectuals
of Constantinople to perish on April 24, 1915?
2) Which King of the Cilician Armenian Kingdom balanced
the Crusaders with a policy of alliance and friendship
with the Mongol leaders?
3) What is the name of the prolific 20th Century American
composer, the pioneer of East-West fusion, who mixed
Armenian and other Eastern themes into his music?
Interested in some Birthright Armenia
Interested in a sweatshirt or a cap with the Birthright Armenia
logo? Simply visit our shop at http://www.cafepress.com/
depihayk and see the available products. This is a good way to
showcase your pride as alumni.
We are eager to receive new alumni stories, updates and
photos for the Fall 2010 Alumni Newsletter, so please send
your submissions to info@birthrightarmenia.am.