December Newsletter,


December Newsletter,
Be Not Afraid
1.) You shall cross the barren desert, but you shall not
die of thirst. You shall wander far in safety though
you do not know the way. You shall speak your words
in foreign lands and all will understand. You shall
see the face of God and
and live.
2.) If you pass through raging waters in the sea, you
shall not drown. I you walk amid the burning flames,
you shall not be harmed. If you stand before the
power of hell and death is at your side, know that I
am with you through it all.
3.) Blessed are the your poor, for the Kingdom shall
be theirs. Blest are you that weep and mourn, for one
day you
you shall laugh. And if wicked men insult and
hate you all because of me, blessbless-ed, blessbless-ed are you!
Be not afraid. I go before you always. Come follow
Me, and I will give you rest.
On the first Saturday in December the pro-death folks had
a counter protest against the defunding of Planned Parenthood. They had a rally in the workers parking lot. Numerous
young people attended.
We have been seeing a young man come on Saturday
wearing scrubs. Is he in training?
On the third Saturday Stacey Newman from the 87 District visited Planned Parenthood. She was present to see one
hundred twenty-five prayer warriors pray for her and others
who promote abortion.
Also on the same day 30 young folks came to learn how to
These babies don’t want to die. We must be the voice for the
voiceless. Visit our website and sign up to be a rescuer for the have safe sex and to promote the agenda of Planned Parenthood. The young folks came out onto the parking lot to chant
unborn babies. Be Not Afraid– God will lead you!
“these doors will stay open.” All that tells me is that Planned
Parenthood is scared. We need to keep them running scared.
Planned Parenthood was closed on Christmas Day and the
Saturday Prayer Warriors for December
next day. They wanted the workers to enjoy being with their
Early Morning: 24
families. Just a little confusing? Some families can be toSecond group: 25
gether but not others?
Youth: 16
Procession from Cathedral: 125
Just twelve months ago we were looking at the upcoming year.
Now we are once again looking at the upcoming year. Each year
we say that this will be the last year for abortions in Missouri but
once again we are looking at the upcoming year with babies dying at this death camp. Let us make this the last year that babies
die here. That is done by your constant presence at this abortion
mill. Remember Be Not Afraid– God will Lead You!
Saturday Stats for December
Expectant Moms: 40
Children died: unknown– 40 babies went into the deathcamp.
Literature handed out: 17
Pregnancy test: 15
Ultrasound: 2
Birth Control: 21
Counseling: 5
Other: – STD testing : 3
Turn Away: 0
Pregnancy test at alternative center: 0
Saved Babies: 0
Saved babies born in December: 0
Weekday Stats for December
Expectant moms: 7
Children died: Unknown– 7 Went into the deathcamp
Confirmed saved baby: 1
Literature handed out: 7
Pregnancy test: 4
Ultrasounds: 0
Counseling: 2
Birth Control: 10
Other: – STD testing– 0
RU-486 abortion: 1
Turn away: 0
Pregnancy test at alternative center: 0
Not a very productive time during the week. The young
girls were not wanting to talk.
We did have one mom stop to tell that she was going to
keep her baby. We exchanged numbers and will be calling
her to see what we can do to help.
It seems that the death camp is pushing the RU-486. They
have set aside one day for this abortion procedure. A young
girl takes a pill, and then the following day takes more pills.
Her baby then is expelled at home. A bit concerning!
Defenders of the Unborn received a call from a mom who
has three other children and is pregnant with number four.
She wants to give this child up for adoption. She lives in another state. We found an agency that will help her with this
decision. I will keep in contact with her as the process moves
along. She just needs a little encouragement that this is the
right decision. For the baby that is an absolute. It is a very
difficult thing to give your baby to someone else but how rewarding it is to know that your child is alive. This is something that you can live with. God will bless her!
Away from the deathcamp.
On the third Saturday St. Nicholas joined us and offered gifts to those going into the deathcamp. Dressed as St. Nicholas he
stood at the entrance of this evil place to plea for the child’s life as the parents entered Planned Parenthood.
As St. Nicholas stood at the entrance Defenders of the Unborn held an Empty Manger vigil. As we gathered to pray at this
empty manger we remembered all the homes that will have an empty place in their hearts. Fifty warriors took the time to come
to pray for these moms and dads. Father Mark Chrismer offered us encouragement for our continued work.
Father Dan Kinkead lead us in prayer. As we sang Christmas carols you could feel the love around us. This love is from God as
His son was to be born in a stable in a few days. As the vigil came to an end Jesus was placed in the manger and we all sang
Silent Night.
On the Feast of the Holy Innocent Herod ordered all boys three years and younger to be killed. He wanted to be king and this
was the only way he could. His fear of the Christ Child was too much for him. In today’s world Planned Parenthood can’t allow children to live.
We prayed for those children who lost their lives to the abortionist just as when Herod killed God’s precious little ones in order
for him to be king. It was fitting that we remember all those affected by abortion.
Help Needed
Defenders of the Unborn has been growing in support
from across the state. It has become apparent that we need
to add help to our staff.
We are looking for someone willing to help in the office a
few hours a week. As things grow it will lead to a paying job.
I am having a difficult time keeping up with the girls that
I support. Each month I call them to make sure things are
going okay. As of late that has not been possible. So our
staff has made the decision to look for someone to help in the
office. We would like for that person to have some computer
and filing skills. Nothing too hard.
I have not been able to maintain my presence at the death
camp due to other obligations. We are wanting to free up
some of the office work so that I can continue to offer help to
moms in a crisis pregnancy.
Please contact Mary if you feel you are able to help. 314346-9052 or email–
We also want to expand our sidewalk training. Many
have shown an interest in learning our technique of counseling. There is really no right technique but only the desire to
save the baby.
We are looking for a new office in the Maryland Heights/
Bridgeton area. If you have contact with anyone who has an
office to rent please contact us.
Much to do and so few hands to do it. But with God in
the lead we will over come.
Delivered baby items to an expectant mom
Held an Empty Manger vigil.
Remembered those on the Feast of the Holy Innocent
Supported St. Nicholas at the death camp.
Prayer for you in the New Year
The Lord bless you and
keep you!
The Lord shine His face upon you,
and be gracious to you!
The Lord look upon you
and give you peace!
Numbers 6:246:24-26
Happy New Year!
Constant Witness schedule
Tuesday– 7:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Wednesday– 7:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Thursday– 7:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Friday– 7:00 a.m.– 1:00 p.m.
Saturday– 6:30 a.m.-12:00 noon
We have added another constant witness to our schedule. Several faithful prayer warriors have been standing witness at the
satellite office of Planned Parenthood at Big Bend and Hwy
141. They are there every Saturday from 11:00 a.m. –12:00
noon. Think about joining them.
Because these faithful warriors have been standing witness at
this satellite office it is now closed on Thursday the 2nd and 3rd
Buses leave from various locations throughout the St. Louis
Metro area. For more information or to register, contact the
MRL-ER office manager at or 314434-4900.
January 30, 2016
Walk of Jericho
Join us surround this death camp with prayers. We will begin at 10:00 walking seven times. As we pray we will ask
God to bring this evil to the ground. We pray that no more
babies will die. For more information contact Mary @314346-9052 or email
Upcoming Events
February 9 -Pro-Life Action Day at Missouri State Capitol.
Come to express your disgust with Planned Parenthood for
selling baby body parts, displeasure with the current administration's Dept of Health for not following the law in the licensing of the Columbia abortion clinic and with federal
Please join Defenders of the Unborn as we defend and protect those judge Laughrey's decision to stay the pulling of the Columthat are in danger of death.
bia PP's license by the state.
I stand witness on Wednesday from 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. as well as April 5 - Pro-Life Action Day at Missouri State Capitol.
Saturday from 6:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Please stand with me. If that We Need You in Jefferson City Again! This will be the day
doesn’t work for you, schedule a different day. We have counselors to emphasize "Defunding of Planned Parenthood"
and prayer warriors there on other days. We ask that you take two Plan now to come to Jefferson City on Tuesday, February 9,
hours to pray for those going in.
2016 and Tuesday, April 5, 2016, for Pro-Life Action Days
To sign up log onto our website to register to encourage your legislators to pass pro-life legislation.
your time to rescue the innocent little ones.
On February 9, registration begins at 11:00 a.m.
On April 5, registration begins at 10:00 a.m.
God is calling you, will you answer His call?
On both days, lobby your legislators and join the noon rally.
Project Rachel & Project Joseph
The services of Project Rachel and Joseph are available to anyone
who has been wounded by an abortion experience and is seeking
Project Rachel Spiritual Support
Gerard Vaccaro
Fourth Thursday of the month at- 7:00 PM
Gerard is a cousin of my husband. He passed away sudContact Marisol at (314) 792-7451
denly. We ask for your prayers for his repose of his soul
and for his wife and two children.
Project Joseph Spiritual Support
Monday, Dec. 7, 7:00 PM On First Monday of the month
Marge Munsell
Contact Chuck at (314) 974-6787
Marge hospitalized while they were traveling to see grandchildren. Our prayers for her and Doug that she will return
home in good health.
January 16, 2016
Annual Memorial Mass & Procession
All are invited to attend the Annual Roe v. Wade Memorial Mass at Father Joseph Coffey
the Cathedral Basilica on Sat., January 16 at 9:30 AM. Mass will be Father was in the states for the marriage of his nephew.
celebrated by Archbishop Robert J. Carlson. This Mass is a wonPrayers for his safe return to the ship in Japan. We all miss
derful way for pilgrims attending the March for Life to spiritually
prepare and to join in prayer locally for those unable to travel to DC Emily Peckman
this year.
Sister of Sam Lee. She died in December after a 8 month
Following Mass, a Rosary Procession to Planned Parenthood will
battle with kidney cancer. We ask for your prayer for her
take place; Benediction will be offered in the Cathedral upon return husband and their three children. May her soul rest in peace.
to the church.
Barbara Dodge
We ask for your prayers for my dear friend, Barb. She is
January 22, 2016
Pro-Abort Celebration having test on her heart. Barb is a faithful warrior who does
Please visit the website for details. Each year the pro-death folks
not compromise on the life issue.
have a celebration of death. We don’t have the info of the place
January 21-23, 2016 43rd Annual National March for Life
MRL Caravan Logo Join us as we travel by bus to Washington,
"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a
DC for the Annual March for Life and to meet with our elected offi- drop in the ocean. But, the ocean would be less becials.
cause of that missing drop."
Missouri Lawmakers Propose Bill because of Down syndrome
A Missouri state lawmaker responsible for the 72 hour waiting
period before an abortion has proposed a new restriction: preventing an abortion because of a Down syndrome diagnosis.
The measure, sponsored by Sen. David Sater, R-Cassville,
would ban doctors from performing an abortion if a woman is
seeking it solely because a test indicated the baby either has or
could have the genetic disorder that causes developmental and intellectual delays.
Following an abortion, doctors would have to certify they had
no knowledge the abortion was sought solely because of this diagnosis. If a doctor violates the measure, he or she could serve up to
a year in prison and pay a fine up to $1,000.
Sater said he moved forward with this legislation after hearing
about similar ones in other states. North Dakota already has
banned abortions if the reason is a fetal genetic abnormality, such
as Downs syndrome, and other states have mulled similar bans.
Babies with the syndrome "deser life and shouldn't be discriminated against just because of this," Sater said. "Most grow up to be
fine citizens and they're loved and I think it's inhumane to abort
someone just because they're a little different."
Sater filed the bill ahead of the 2016 Legislative session that
begins Jan. 6. The first day to file bills was Dec. 1, and at least
three other anti-abortion measures have been filed since then.
The measure comes as state Republicans' have zeroed in on
abortions and Planned Parenthood. Their attention, which likely
would have been focused on abortions already as the 2016 statewide election approaches, was grabbed by controversial videos released in July alleging Planned Parenthood sold fetal body parts.
Planned Parenthood vehemently denied these allegations and Attorney General Chris Koster, a Democrat running for governor
next year, found no evidence of wrongdoing in Missouri. Lawmakers, however, spent months investigating.
But Sater's anti-abortion bill isn't unexpected given he carried a
measure in 2014 that created one of the most stringent abortion
restrictions in the country.
The measure, which became law after the Legislature overrode
Nixon's veto, requires women to wait 72 hours to get an abortion
after seeing a physician. It does not contain an exception for victims of rape or incest. The bill is Senate bill 802.
U.S. abortion rate hits record low
The U.S. pregnancy rate hit an all-time low in 2010, according to the most recent CDC data. Abortions also declined
to a record low rate.
The U.S. abortion rate has declined by more than one-third
over the past two decades to a record low, federal officials
reported Friday.
Abortions fell 35 percent between 1990 and 2010, reaching 17.7 procedures per 1,000 women aged 15 to 44, said report lead author Sally Curtin, a statistician for the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health
That's the lowest abortion rate since the CDC began tracking the procedure in 1976, Curtin said.
"Abortion has been on a nearly steady decline since the
rate peaked in 1980," she said.
The pregnancy rate also hit an all-time low in 2010, according to the report.
Many factors likely contribute to the reduction in abortions, but increased use of highly effective birth control is one
of the most important trends, said report co-author Kathryn
Kost, principal research scientist at the Guttmacher Institute,
a sexual and reproductive health think-tank.
Pregnancy rates have been declining across the board for
women under age 30, according to the CDC report. That includes a 67 percent reduction for teens 14 or younger and a
50 percent reduction for teens 15 to 19.
At the same time, pregnancy rates increased for women
30 and older between 1990 and 2010, suggesting that men
and women are using effective contraception and choosing to
start families later in life, Kost said.
Live births declined by 10 percent between 1990 and
2010, while fetal loss rates remained relatively constant, according to data in the report.
In 2010, for every 100 pregnancies, 65 ended in birth, 18
in abortion and 17 in fetal loss, Curtin said.
Mom With Cancer Who Put Off Treatment to Save Her
Unborn Baby Dies Three Days After Birth
When St. Louis mother Cara Combs was diagnosed with
stage IV melanoma while she was pregnant with her fourth
child, she was given the choice of having treatment or saving
her own life. She chose to save her baby. She decided to put
off treatment in favor of giving birth at the 28th week to give
Ohio Attorney General: Planned Parenthood Dumps Babies in her baby girl a chance to live.
Historic City of Selma Finally Abortion Free
Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine has announced the reFr. Terry Gensemer of CEC For Life uncovered an illegal
sults of his investigation and he indicates the abortion giant apabortion
clinic in Selma, Alabama, and began efforts to stop
pears to be breaking state laws regarding the disposal of the bodies
operation. Now, the coalition of pro-life organiof aborted babies.
zations that developed around those efforts has confirmed
"All three Ohio Planned Parenthood affiliates, including the
Columbus facility, have sent fetal remains to companies which dis- that Dr. Samuel Lett is no longer performing abortions in the
posed of the fetuses in landfill," the investigative report indicates. city of Selma.
The Central Alabama Women's Clinic, formerly used as
The Attorney General argues that this is in violation of Ohio
back-alley abortion clinic, is now operating as a
Revised Code (3701-47-05) which requires that aborted fetal reweight-loss
mains be disposed humanely.
from CEC For Life, Operation Rescue,
Ohio is the second state to indicate Planned Parenthood is
Life Legal Defense Foundation, The National Black Prolife
unlawfully disposing of the bodies of aborted babies.
Coalition and Created Equal have been building public
awareness around this illegal clinic for nearly two years.
Supported those traveling to Washington, D.C. for the March for Life
Exposed Planned Parenthood at their Celebration party of death.
Attended and spoke at the Battle Cry for the Preborn at the Old Courthouse, Downtown St. Louis, MO
Attended the Mid-west March for Life
Held Walk of Jericho outside Planned Parenthood– St. Louis, MO
Spoke to a youth group who were preparing to travel to Washington, D.C.
Held Defenders of the Unborn Banquet with guest speaker Carol Everett
Held Truth Tour outside Planned Parenthood.
Participated in 40 Days for Life
Joined MRL for Lobby Day, Jefferson City, MO
Paid gas bill for expectant mom- $407.59
Delivered baby items
Celebrated the birth of four saved babies
Paid electric bill for mom- $113.00
Delivered baby items
Held 24 hour prayer vigil on Good Friday/Holy Saturday. 190 warriors participated
Supported American Life League– National Pro-Life T-shirt week.
Paid gas bill for mom- $796.41
Attended and spoke at Variety Guild Show in South county
Complaint letter sent to the Board of Healing Arts concerning ambulance at Planned Parenthood
Held Jericho Walk outside Planned Parenthood– St. Louis, MO
Prayer service for Mother’s Day outside Planned Parenthood– St. Louis, MO
Sent letters to CEO and Board of Directors for St. John’s Mercy against Komen Race for the Cure
Delivered baby items
Celebrated birth of a saved baby
Helped mom in Louisiana who needed help to keep her baby.
Participated in American Life League Pill Kills Day- stood outside Planned Parenthood with signs
Picket St. John’s Mercy Hospital. They have given money to Komen Race for the Cure
Remember fathers on Father’s Day.
Had float in the 4th of July Parade in Webster Groves. Gave out 2,500 carnations, and candy.
Informational Picket outside Planned Parenthood after video showing the selling of baby body parts.
Attended Students for Life Rally outside Planned Parenthood.
Paid Electric for mom- $52.03
Sent letter to Prosecuting Attorney– St. Louis, Attorney General– Missouri, concerning the selling of baby
body parts.
Attending Symposium on Sidewalk counseling in Chicago with Pro-Life Action League
Held National Day of Protest outside Planned Parenthood– Largest protest in years– 750 attended.
Attended hearings in Jefferson City –to defund Planned Parenthood and selling baby body parts
Truth Tour at Regency Park– West county. Site of closed abortion mill
Continued August:
Paid electric bill for mom- $77.75.
Attended Students for Life protest at Claire McCaskill office
Held Walk of Jericho outside Planned Parenthood
Held Sidewalk training seminar
Participated in National Day of Remembrance at Calvary Cemetery—Remembering aborted babies found in
the trash here in St. Louis, MO
Had a float in the Eureka Day Parade. Handed out 750 carnations, and candy
Attended and testified at the Senate Hearing on defunding Planned Parenthood.
Spoke to a group in Columbia, MO on Defenders of the Unborn
Held Walk of Jericho outside Planned Parenthood– St. Louis, MO
Had an informational table at the St. Louis Archdiocese Convention
Held second National Day of Protest against Planned Parenthood. 203 attended.
Celebrated Saved baby born
Guest at St. Alban Roe pro-life event. Students gave baby items for moms
Delivered baby items
Attended Vitae Dinner– with St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Pro-life committee
Held prayer of Thanksgiving outside Planned Parenthood.
Celebrated three saved babies born. Honor to hold two of them
Delivered baby items.
Paid gas bill for mom- $756.33
Paid electric bill- $100.00 for mom
Held Empty Manger vigil outside Planned Parenthood– St. Louis, MO
Organized visit from St. Nicholas outside Planned Parenthood
Held Feast of the Holy Innocent prayer service at the death camp in St. Louis, MO
Spent 755.15 hours in Constant Witness at Planned Parenthood. This is just at the death camp.
644 prayer warriors stood on the sidewalk. 190 participated in the 24 hr. prayer vigil, 295 youth prayer warriors.
Made contact with 2,852 clients– 624- birth control, 338– pregnancy test, 196 counseling for abortion. 610 pieces of literature handed out. 101 clients at planned parenthood for testing– STD, AIDS, 7 turnaways, 196 escorts. Made contact with
108 girls. 25 saved babies, 23 girls taken to alternative center for test, 8 negative test, 17 lost contact, 2 referral for housing, 11 aborted., 2 miscarried, 30 babies born- 22 boys, 8 girls, 15 pending.
Utilities paid- $1448.26, Rent- $650.00, Medical- $59.41, Hotel and food for pregnant girl- $394.75, Clothes for mom$30.59, paid car license and tax for girl- $287.76.
Delivered baby items to 7 moms.
Defenders of the Unborn can’t express the gratitude to you for your support to help these moms keep their baby. Without your help my task would be next to impossible.
As 2015 comes to a close I look forward to working with you in 2016. We have much to do and together we will do great
things. These great things are only accomplished through the hand of God. As He leads me I ask that you walk with us
to bring an end to the senseless killing of the most precious little ones.
Defenders of the Unborn has taken the theme for this coming year– BE NOT AFRAID– God will lead us and if we become weary He will carry us.
God bless you and may the New Year bring you peace and joy.
Mary Maschmeier– Founder/President –Defenders of the Unborn
Defenders of the Unborn is 501c3 organization.