Pres Report 10.indd - Shepherd University
Pres Report 10.indd - Shepherd University
Shepherd U N I V E R S I T Y President’s Report and Honor Roll of Donors 2009-10 2009-10 Board of Governors Mary Clare Eros Chair Shepherdstown Gat Caperton Vice Chair Berkeley Springs Daniel Bascom Student Representative Shepherdstown John F. Beatty Martinsburg Jason Best Faculty Representative Shepherdstown D. Scott Roach ’80 Martinsburg W. Mark Rudolph ’84 Winchester, Virginia Diane Shewbridge ’73 Classified Employee Representative Martinsburg Veronique N. Walker ’95 Martinsburg John Younis Shepherdstown Lacy I. Rice III Washington, D.C. 2009-10 Foundation Board of Directors Ramon A. Alvarez ’62 President Shepherdstown James M. Davis ’59 Vice President Shepherdstown Michael A. Smith ’89 Treasurer Winchester, Virginia Allen L. Lueck ’67 Secretary Shepherdstown Monica W. Lingenfelter Executive Vice President Hagerstown, Maryland John F. Beatty Martinsburg Jason S. Best Shepherdstown Kenneth J. Boone ’76 Baltimore, Maryland Lynn E. Leatherman ’92 Falling Waters John T. Reynolds ’74 Martinsburg Julia M. Connell ’84 Charles Town Elizabeth S. Lowe ’52 Shepherdstown Cinda L. Scales ’81 Martinsburg Deborah J. Dhayer ’74 Berkeley Springs Kenneth F. Lowe, Jr. ’71 Shepherdstown Suzanne Shipley Shepherdstown Scott Bradford Doleman ’95 Inwood Diane E. Melby Winchester, Virginia Larry A. Strite ’60 Shepherdstown Kenneth E. Harbaugh Williamsport, Maryland Susan Mentzer-Blair ’72 Knoxville, Maryland Jerry W. Williams ’71 Inwood Robert A. Holmes ’64 Atlanta, Georgia Andrew D. Michael ’75 Hedgesville David B. Wing Myersville, Maryland Jane Ikenberry-Dorrier ’65 Scottsville, Virginia Annette M. Murphy Charles Town Karl L. Wolf ’70 Shepherdstown Jerry P. Kerr ’68 Winchester, Virginia David T. Newlin ’76 Winchester, Virginia Lisa K. Younis Shepherdstown William E. Knode, Jr. ’58 Shepherdstown Tony W. Price ’93 Shepherdstown Honorary Director James A. Butcher Shepherdstown 2009-10 Alumni Association Board of Directors Scott Bradford Doleman ’95 President Inwood Tripp Lowe ’95 and ’97 Vice President Shepherdstown Brian Jackson ’87 Treasurer Toluca Lake, California Veronique Walker ’95 Secretary Martinsburg Elizabeth Greenfield Adams ’98 Martinsburg 2. Jim Auxer ’69 Shepherdstown Denny Barron ’73 Shepherdstown Lynn Leatherman ’92 Falling Waters Larry A. Strite ’60 Shepherdstown Karin Hammann Dunn ’93 Martinsburg Eric Lewis ’95 Shepherdstown Lou Tiano ’72 Shepherdstown James R. Fleenor ’74 Martinsburg Holly McCall ’04 Shepherdstown Nelson Vazquez ’86 Hooksett, New Hampshire Ted Gillette ’76 Ashland, Virginia Rebecca Myers ’02 Inwood Gina Groh ’86 Charles Town Barbara Pichot ’71 and ’81 Kearneysville Directors Emeriti Paul Hillyard ’58 Winchester, Virginia Bill Harper ’94 Martinsburg Nancy Smeltzer ’88 and ’97 Gerrardstown Tiffany Lawrence ’04 Ranson Sandy Sponaugle ’95 Shepherdstown Eric Stenger ’94 Martinsburg Charles VanMetre ’56 Shepherdstown Robert Wantz ’55 Hagerstown, Maryland Chris Wooten ’87 Fallston, Maryland About this publication The President’s Report and Honor Roll of Donors honors donors to Shepherd University during the 2009-10 fiscal year and provides an overview of Shepherd activities and events during the academic year. The President’s Report and Honor Roll of Donors is produced by the Foundation Office, Office of External Affairs, Office of Alumni Relations, and Office of Advancement. On the Cover: McMurran Hall, built as a community building in 1859 by Rezin D. Shepherd, is named in honor of Shepherd’s first principal (president) Joseph P. McMurran. The building served as the courthouse for Jefferson County from 1865 until 1871. When the county seat returned to Charles Town, the citizens of Shepherdstown approached Shepherd’s grandson, Shepherd Brooks, and made an arrangement for Shepherd College to open its doors in the building in September 1871. Shepherd University 2009-10 Facts and figures From the President Room and Board (per year): $7,228 This issue of the President’s Report and Honor Roll of Donors 2009-10 features the previous academic year’s highlights (of which we are so proud!) and pays tribute to the many alumni and friends of Shepherd University who have so generously supported the University with their gifts and bequests. As this annual report so clearly demonstrates, many programs, activities, and student scholarships would not exist at Shepherd without the support of our loyal donors. Thank you for showing your support of and belief in the Shepherd University mission in such a lasting and significant way. Tuition (per year): $5,234 In-State Resident $13,574 Out-of-State Resident Undergraduate Degrees Offered: Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Fine Arts Bachelor of Music Education Regents Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science in Nursing Bachelor of Social Work Gary Kable Enrollment: Full-time Undergraduate: 3,300 Part-time Undergraduate: 867 Full-time Graduate: 50 Part-time Graduate: 104 Dr. Suzanne Shipley Most Popular Majors by enrollment: Business Administration: 385 Secondary Education: 366 Nursing: 360 Elementary Education: 295 Recreation and Leisure Studies: 236 Graduate Degrees Offered: Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction Master of Arts in College Student Development and Administration Master of Arts in Teaching Master of Business Administration Master of Music, Music Education An emerging avenue of funding for Shepherd is external support from private foundations and state and federal government. We have seen recent success in this new area of research funding with the receipt of the $1.1 million, five-year renewable grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Student Support Services TRIO program; the $100,000 matching research grant from the state program Bucks for Brains Research Trust Fund; the $1.7 million contract with the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Services for developing electronic medical records; and the numerous environmental, science, and engineering research grants awarded to our faculty on an annual basis. This new source of external funding has received a big assist from Dr. Colleen Nolan, who wears two hats as the dean of the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and as the director of the Shepherd University Research Corporation, and from Warren Calderone, director of foundation, government, and corporate relations. They assist our faculty in identifying and seeking grant opportunities. The grant work that Warren and Colleen undertake makes the lives of our faculty easier by allowing them to concentrate on their primary mission—teaching and preparing Shepherd students for professional success. The benefits of faculty grants are twofold: the grants are aimed at undergraduate research, allowing for intellectual growth and development of Shepherd students, while at the same time giving our faculty the opportunity to perform and share research in a national forum. These opportunities expand avenues for faculty to develop ever greater expertise in their disciplines, which concurrently can result in improved teaching and mentorship of Shepherd students. I applaud our committed donors who, along with Shepherd’s dedicated faculty and staff, make Shepherd University a premier public liberal arts university. Suzanne Shipley, Ph.D. President Shepherd University President’s Report and Honor Roll of Donors 2009-10 3. Milestones su is one of Best in reGion for 5th year July 2009 marked the fifth year in a row that Shepherd University has been named one of the best colleges and universities in the southeast according to the Princeton Review’s website. Shepherd was one of 141 schools recommended in the “Best in the Southeast” section on the website feature 2010 Best Colleges: Region by Region. scarBorouGh liBrary selected for nippon foundation’s 100 BooKs proGram The Scarborough Library was selected in 2009 as a recipient of books through the Nippon Foundation’s program, 100 Books for Understanding Contemporary Japan. Ann W. Henriksson, coordinator of reference and government documents and study abroad director, and Dr. David Gordon, associate professor of history, prepared the grant. Gary KaBle shepherd launches rBa today proGram Shepherd joined all 12 of West Virginia’s public undergraduate colleges to help more adults return to college and earn a degree through the RBA Today program. RBA Today enhances the state’s existing Regents Bachelor of Arts program, a flexible degree option designed to help adults earn a bachelor’s degree. create campaiGn enters puBlic phase The Create the Future fundraising campaign was launched at Homecoming 2009 when volunteers, students, and staff joined campaign vice chairs Jenny Ewing Allen and Ramon Alvarez ’62 on the football field for a halftime announcement. fall 2009 enrollment hits 4,321 marK Shepherd University recorded the largest increase in new freshman students in the University’s history for fall semester 2009. The number of first-time-in-college freshmen increased by 13.3 percent for fall 2009. Shepherd also had the largest increase in transfer students with 5.1 percent more for fall 2009. The number of students pursuing graduate degrees at Shepherd increased by almost 10 percent. These totals combine to create Shepherd’s largest head count ever at 4,321 students. su named to community service honor roll For the second year in a row, Shepherd University was named to the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll, the highest federal recognition a college or university can receive for its commitment to volunteering, service learning, and civic engagement. worKman Gives commencement address in may 2010 West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals Justice Margaret L. Workman was the speaker at Shepherd’s 137th Commencement on May 15, 2010. Lily Hill and her husband, the late Phil Hill, were the recipients of the President’s Award for their service to the University and the community. Master’s degree were awarded to 51 students; 662 students received baccalaureate degrees. taBler retires after half century of service Associate registrar and Shepherd alumna Agnes Hull Tabler ’48 retired in June 2010 after 50 years of service to Shepherd University. Her half century of employment is a record among Shepherd employees. President’s Report and Honor Roll of Donors 2009-10 jillian Kesner catf wins martin luther KinG, jr. honor The Contemporary American Theater Festival was honored as an organization exemplifying the principles of equality, tolerance, and peace as demonstrated by Dr. King and was one of five recipients in the state to be named to the Living the Dream Service Organization Honor Roll in January 2010. junior hiGh Gateway celeBrates 20th year Shepherd’s Junior High Washington Gateway Academy marked 20 years in June 2010 as students from across West Virginia gathered on campus to get a feel for college life. This year, 72 incoming eighth-graders participated in the one-week residential, pre-college program, designed to encourage students to think about, plan, and prepare for college. Pictured above is Dr. Jason Best, professor of astronomy and astrophysics, demonstrating how black holes work using kitchen items. learninG commons named in honor of former academic vp dr. howard n. carper, jr. The Learning Commons in the Scarborough Library was named in honor of the late Dr. Howard N. Carper, Jr., vice president emeritus for academic affairs, in October 2009. The Howard N. Carper Learning Commons houses the Academic Support Center, Center for Teaching and Learning, First-Year Experience and Common Reading Program, Instructional Technology, and the Regents Bachelor of Arts Program offices. jillian Kesner shepherd Bids farewell to true friend Senator Robert C. Byrd’s death in June 2010 has left a void that will be difficult to fill. Senator Byrd helped obtain federal funding for three facilities on campus: Robert C. Byrd Science and Technology Center, 1997, $9 million (science and technology classrooms and labs); Scarborough Library addition which includes the Robert C. Byrd Center for Legislative Studies, 2002, $13.22 million; and Erma Ora Byrd Hall, 2007, $10 million (nursing labs and classrooms). BooKer t. washinGton is suBject of BooK In July 2009, Dr. Raymond Smock, director of the Robert C. Byrd Center for Legislative Studies, published Booker T. Washington: Black Leadership in the Age of Jim Crow, after working for 20 years on the papers of the African American educator, race leader, advisor to three U.S. presidents, and the most well-known black person in the world at the beginning of the 20th century. Along with Louis Harlan, Dr. Smock edited 14 volumes of Washington’s correspondence. 5. Faculty 6. Shepherd University Stern publishes chapter on the Holocaust Dr. Mark Stern, professor of political science, published a chapter, “Dignity and Despair: The Double Bind of Jean Amery’s Odyssey,” in the book The Double Binds of Ethics After the Holocaust: Salvaging the Fragments (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009). Water quality grant awarded Dr. Peter Vila, assistant professor of environmental studies, and Dr. Dan DiLella, professor and chair of the Department of Chemistry, received a grant in the amount of $38,000 from the Environmental Protection Agency and the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources. The grant, titled “Determination of Spring Water Quantity and Quality,” will be used to measure the quantity of water in the local area and to measure nutrients, bacteria, and discharge. Timothy D. Haines Porter named an ACE fellow Dr. Russell Porter, dean of graduate studies and continuing education, has been named an American Council on Education Fellow. The program is designed to strengthen leadership in higher education by identifying and preparing promising senior faculty and administrators. Henriksson’s book examines Imperial Russia Dr. Anders Henriksson, professor of history and chair of the Department of History, published Vassals and Citizens: The Baltic Germans in Constitutional Russia, 19051914 (Marburg: Verlag HerderInstitut, 2009) which examines the role of ethnicity-, class-, and gender-based collective identities in the development of civil society in late Imperial Russia. Wind turbine installed on campus Dr. Clarissa Mathews, assistant professor of environmental studies, and Dr. Edward Snyder, professor of environmental studies and chair, Institute for Environmental Studies, installed the first small-scale wind turbine in Shepherdstown behind the Robert C. Byrd Science and Technology Center at the Institute for Environmental Studies’ renewable energy demonstration site. The turbine-raising event involved students and community volunteers. The wind turbine will be used in educational and outreach efforts and will provide pollution-free power to the off-grid classroom. Groff recieves $72K EPSCoR grant Dr. Jeffrey Groff, assistant professor of physics, received a West Virginia EPSCoR Innovation Grant in the amount of $72,000 ($50,000 cash and $22,000 in-kind) for his proposal titled “The Acquisition of Biophysics Instrumentation for Curricular Enhancement, Research, and Outreach.” Guzide publishes in mathematics journal Dr. Osman Guzide, assistant professor of computer and information sciences, published an article titled “The Conditional Sequence Information Function,” in the Journal of Mathematics and Statistics. Stealey manuscript accepted by Kent State Dr. John E. Stealey III, Distinguished Professor of History, had his 1,800-page manuscript, “West Virginia’s Civil War Era Constitution: Loyal Revolution, Confederate CounterRevolution, and the Convention of 1872,” accepted for publication by the Kent State University Press. The work revises previous interpretations of Civil War era politics in West Virginia and the border states. Party system article published by Robbins Dr. Joseph W. Robbins, assistant professor of political science, had an article titled “Party System Institutionalization and Government Spending” published in the journal Comparative Politics in January 2010. President’s Report and Honor Roll of Donors 2009-10 Beard is Professor of the Year runner-up Dr. Scott Beard, professor of music, was named first runner-up for the 2009 West Virginia Professor of the Year award in March 2010. The Faculty Merit Foundation of West Virginia each year honors an outstanding faculty member at a West Virginia college or university. Social Work receives $171k Grant The Department of Social Work received a grant from the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) for the 2009-10 fiscal year in the amount of $171,663. Co-principal investigators were Dr. Geri Crawley-Woods, professor of social work, and Dr. Douglas C. Horner, professor of social work and chair, Department of Social Work. With this award, the program has secured $1.75 million in outside funding support for the program. Sun Yatsen book published by Gordon Dr. David B. Gordon, associate professor of history, published a textbook titled Sun Yatsen: Seeking a Newer China in July 2009 as part of Pearson Prentice Hall’s Library of World Biography series. CME Department launches research journal Reza Mirdamadi, associate professor of engineering and chair, Department of Computer Sciences, Mathematics, and Engineering, and Dr. Seung-yun Kim, assistant professor in the department, published the first volume of the Shepherd University Journal of Undergraduate Research. Snell named to commission Dr. Mark Snell, associate professor of history and director of the George Tyler Moore Center for the Study of the Civil War, was named vice chair of the West Virginia Sesquicentennial of the American Civil War Commission by Governor Joe Manchin. Smith wins 30 under 30 accolades Sara Smith, lecturer in physical education and head volleyball coach, was named by the American Volleyball Coaches Association to the Thirty Under 30 list, which honors upand-coming volleyball coaches. Jillian Kesner Mercado’s paper wins award Dr. Rebecca Mercado, assistant professor of education, presented her research on “New Teachers’ Visions of Teaching Literacy: Negotiating Intersections of Their Ideal with Classroom Reality” at the National Reading Conference in December 2009. The paper was awarded the Area One Chair Award for importance to the area of literacy teacher education and for consistently high scores by proposal reviewers. Gary Kable Legreid gives keynote in Norway Dr. Ann Marie Legreid, professor of geography and dean of the School of Business and Social Sciences, was a keynote speaker at a seminar held during summer 2009 in Norway. Dr. Legreid’s presentation dealt with Norwegians in America and their efforts in the 19th and 20th centuries to help rural America through education and public health campaigns. 7. Students jillian Kesner roBotics cluB taKes 2nd place Members of the Shepherd Robotics Club took second place at the Abington Regional Firefighting Robot Contest at Penn State Abington in Pennsylvania. The object of the exercise was to create a robot that could find the fire in a maze and extinguish it. Shepherd students entered three teams in the senior division of the competition. The competition included a total of 56 robots from schools across the Northeast and MidAtlantic regions, and one team traveled from the University of Wisconsin. relay for life enters eiGhth year Shepherd University’s eighth annual Relay for Life was kicked off with a torch-lighting ceremony by cancer survivors on German Street on April 16, 2010, followed by a procession onto campus. The all-night event, planned by students leaders, had 860 participants and 72 teams raising money to find a cure for cancer. Shepherd’s Relay for Life event raised $62,754. rotaract helps with haitian relief efforts Shepherd’s Rotaract teamed with the Shepherdstown Rotary club to raise money to assist the Albert Schweitzer Hospital, which is located approximately 50 miles north of Port-au-Prince. An 80-patient facility, it had been struggling to care for more than 500 patients after a 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit the island in January 2010. Graphic desiGn students place in top 16 Competing against 267 student and professional entries were Shepherd graphic design students John Embrey, a senior graphic design major from Fairfax, Virginia, and Cory McNamee, a junior graphic design major from Martinsburg. The two placed in the top 16 in a national poster contest sponsored by Blue Ridge Chapter of American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) in Frederick, Maryland. pe students honored at conference Senior Robert Group, Greencastle, Pennsylvania, was presented the Bee N. Orr Outstanding Student Award at the West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (WVAHPERD) Conference held in Flatwoods. David Canada, of Frederick, Maryland, was selected as the student representative to the board of directors of WVAHPERD. Canada, a junior majoring in physical education, replaced senior Kevin Reynolds, Hagerstown, Maryland, on the board. jillian Kesner jillian Kesner art students hold campus parade Students from Shepherd’s visual thinking class took an unusual approach to final projects when they held their first-ever art parade in April 2010. The visual thinking class, a two-semester core class that focuses on building three-dimensional problem-solving skills, brought students to the streets for a parade that started at the Center for Contemporary Arts and ended at McMurran Hall. space Grant fellows present research The recipients of the West Virginia Space Grant Undergraduate Fellowship Program presented their research as part of the 2010 NASA Day. The grants, which ranged from $300-500, were matched by the Office of the President. Program requirements include conducting meaningful research and presenting and publishing a paper. students return to jamaica Students from Shepherd’s nursing and education departments traveled to May Pen, Jamaica, during spring break 2010 to serve in hospitals and schools. This is the second time since 2008 that Shepherd has been represented in the Caribbean. enGineerinG students Build solar cart Shepherd’s engineering program recently unveiled its biggest project to date—a solar powered golf cart—at the March 2010 admissions office Open House. The students obtained funding for the project from local businesses. students participate in KinG day of service The Multicultural Leadership Team participated in A Day On Not a Day Off: Day of Service to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., on January 18, 2010. More than 25 students along with two staff members volunteered around the area on what would normally be a day off for them. The volunteers worked at Ranson Elementary and North Jefferson Elementary schools, where they disinfected classrooms, computer labs, and the cafeteria. That evening, they volunteered at Martinsburg’s Trinity United Methodist Church’s soup kitchen. students Build haBitat house in n.c. Twenty Shepherd students traveled to High Point, North Carolina, to work with Habitat for Humanity to build a house during spring break 2010. softBall posts first reGional win After enjoying a 36-16 mark for the 2010 season, the softball team posted its first NCAA II regional win beating Kutztown 8-3. This was the second time in program history that the Rams qualified for regional play. men’s BasKetBall team provides mentorinG at Boys and Girls cluB Men’s basketball team players worked with Boys and Girls Club members in Martinsburg to provide tutoring and mentoring services to students after school. The players helped with homework, provided basketball clinics, and served as referees for games. President’s Report and Honor Roll of Donors 2009-10 9. Alumni Homecoming Alumni Post-Game Returns Homecoming 2009 marked the return of the Alumni Association’s post-game party. Held on the grounds of the Bavarian Inn, the party brought alumni and friends together to celebrate a victory over West Virginia State. Not letting the rain dampen their spirits, more than 300 alumni and friends attended the event. Gary Kable Alumnus publishes book Robert J. Bell ’00 published his first book Mental Toughness Training for Golf, which provides insight into how players and coaches build and lose mental toughness. Livingston awarded alumnus status Ram mascot Livingston was granted Shepherd alumnus status at Homecoming 2009 after eight years of attending campus events and football games. His son Zan takes up the mascot mantle. The Ram mascots are named after the current president: Zan is named for President Suzanne Shipley and Livingston was named for former president David Livingston Dunlop. Librarian receives honor Susan Clohan Thorniley ’70 received the first Presidential Citation from the Virginia Library Association in recognition of her years of leadership in building bridges between school and public libraries in the commonwealth of Virginia and for her long and dedicated service as coordinator for library and information services with the Fairfax County Public School System and as member of the Fairfax County Public Library Board of Trustees. Alumnus starts chocolate company Pete Truby ’00 started his own company, Salazon Chocolate Co., LLC, which features a salted-chocolate-based brand. Pete completed his M.B.A. from University of Maryland College Park in 2007. Four Inducted into Athletic Hall of Fame The Hall of Fame inducted four new members in September 2009. The inductees honored as the 24th class were (l. to r.) Ed Fincham, Brian Lamb ’99 and ’04, John Treadway ’89, and Jennifer Chapman Goldsmith ’00. The 2009 medallion recipient was C. Dawn “Peachy” Diehl ’81. Alumna named president of state group Karin Hammann Dunn ’93 was elected the first female president of the West Virginia Association of Physical Plant Administrators. Alumni Honored as Outstanding Educators Judy Matlick ’73, of Shepherdstown, was honored by the National Extension Association for Family and Consumer Sciences (NEAFCS) as the National and Eastern Region Maytag Extension Educator of the Year. Washington High School principal Judy Ann Marcus ’75 was named Principal of the Year by the Jefferson County Board of Education. Janice Pittleman ’79 was named the Loudoun County (Virginia) Teacher of the Year by Shenandoah University’s Northern Virginia campus. Derek Beer ’06, math teacher at Brunswick (Maryland) Middle School, was awarded a Math Hero Award from MathMovesU, a national initiative from Raytheon Company. He received a $2,500 award and a matching grant of $2,500 for Brunswick Middle School. President’s Report and Honor Roll of Donors 2009-10 Jillian Kesner $10k raised for Nonrevenue Sports The Alumni Association held its 18th Annual Golf Tournament in October 2009 at Cress Creek Country Club in Shepherdstown. The sold-out event hosted 128 players, many of them Shepherd alumni. Proceeds from the golf tournament support the nonrevenue sports which include baseball, softball, volleyball, tennis, and soccer. Volunteer named to Hall of Fame Phyllis McCleaf ’65 was named to the Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame, which honors senior citizens who have made exemplary contributions to society. The Hall of Fame seeks to immortalize men and women for their caring volunteer efforts in improving the lives of others. Gary Kable Gary Kable Gary Kable Outstanding Alumni Honored in May 2010 Don Jones ’71 (top photo) and Jim Auxer ’69 were honored as Outstanding Alumni of the Year in recognition of their service to Shepherd University and the community. Making the presentation was Scott Bradford Doleman ’95 (r.), president of the Alumni Association. Don served the Alumni Association board as president, vice president, and director. Jim has served as a board director since 2004 and is a charter member of the Ram Gridiron Club. He currently serves as the mayor of Shepherdstown. Professional Connections Day The Alumni Association in partnership with the School of Business and Social Sciences held the first Professional Connections Day in April 2010. The daylong conference was organized to connect current Shepherd students to Shepherd alumni for an opportunity to discuss career planning and to hear from alumni about their careers since graduating from Shepherd. Shepherd students attended several different sessions which covered topics ranging from career development to workplace communications for small business entrepreneurs, corporate, government, and nonprofits. The event was attended by more than 300 Shepherd students, and 13 alumni served as guest speakers. 11. Honor Roll DOnOrs by Giving Level Recognition categories represent actual gifts received from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010. Governor’s Circle $100,000 and Greater Michael A. Smith ’89 Leadership Circle $50,000-$99,999 Anonymous Gerald and Kaye Dehaven Smith Partner’s Circle $25,000-$49,999 Allen ’67 and Sara Taylor ’67 Lueck * Robert and Tia McMillan President’s Club $10,000-$24,999 Mark H. Curley * A. Sinclair Dunlop Erdem I. Ergin Stanley ’56 and Judith Life Ikenberry * Brian Jackson ’87 and Tamara Meyer Lacy and Lisa Hess Rice Jeffrey S. Shultz ’63 Stephen G. Skinner Robert and Mary Helen Strauch Shepherd Club $5,000-$9,999 Ramon ’62 and Mary Alvarez Martin Burke and Barbara Spicher Ellen Cappellanti and Mark Carbone *McMurran Society Member Randy Peterson ‡ Deceased during 2009-10 Lynne Seaborg and William Cobb Norma Collins Gerbozy Kevin P. Howley ’95 Judith and Stanley Jones Jerry ’68 and Carol Prettyman Kerr Christopher ’88 and Christina Olson Mack Ruth Scarlett ’57 and Charles Miller William G. Pringle III Suzanne Shipley and Randall Wadsworth * Joseph ’66 and Elizabeth Strider ’67 Walter Paul and Lisa Welch Rumsey Club $1,000-$4,999 Anonymous James ’58 and Vizanah Artz Arthur Auxer ’69 and Dawn Fye Martin and Elise Baach Kenneth ’76 and Natasha Boone George ’79 and Anita Bragaw Lauri Marsteller ’87 and James Bridgeforth Julia Gore ’84 and Dane Connell Gregory ’82 and Bambi Conrad ’82 Crawford Martha Doss Doris Heath Douglass ’74 David and Cathy Dunlop * David‡ and Mary Sue Eldridge John A. Fraser Mark and Debra Gilkey Jeffrey ’69 and Jamie Bain Hedges Philip‡ and Lily Ritchie Hill * Dolly Gauggel Hoffman ’66 Robert ’64 and Gloria Carey Holmes Darren ’89 and Lorri Anne Ross ’89 Iden Catherine Irwin Dennis and Joan Jackson Ilhi ’58 and Yaejin Kang Diana Dickey Koski ’68 * Bradley ’93 and Ann Hanlon Lacey Lawrence ’61 and Helen Egnor ’63 Leonard William and Monica Lingenfelter * Sarah Lovell Elizabeth Snyder Lowe ’52 Eugene ’83 and Christine Lugat * Brent ’89 and Lisa Gregory ’90 May Scott ’71 and Michelle McCloskey Andrew D. Michael ’75 * Craig and Nancy Miller James and Joyce Miller Betty Myers Donald ’68 and Patricia Myers Françoise Nelles Mildred Nethken Norma Baker ’60 and Carroll Newbraugh M. Elizabeth Oates * Valerie Owens ’76 Estate of A. June Poisal ’36 Donald and Deborah Patthoff Carol and Jeffrey Plautz Michael L. Proffitt Whitney Queen Eileen Reeder Ronald R. Reeder II ’64 John T. Reynolds ’64 * T. Guy Reynolds, Jr. ’33 * Lacy ’99 and Suzy Rice Patsy and Elmer Riggleman Brent and Mary Catherine Robinson W. Mark ’84 and Mary Rudolph Junior‡ and Marlene Russell Brian ’98 and Jacqueline Sands Ryan and Jaime Sawyers Michael and Cinda ’81 Scales Norma Morris ’54 and Joseph Siler Peter and Lois Spreen Mark and Barbara Stern * Michael ’76 and Teresa Stout Larry ’60 and Nancy Strite Allen ’50 and Kitty Hott Swick John ’81 and Deborah Ford Thayer Doris Thompson Kirsten Trump Elizabeth Tyson Carol Ann Thacher Van Evera ’64 * Mikki Van Wyk Nelson ’86 and Barbara Vazquez W. Glenn ’52 and Margaret Ramey ’61 Welsh * Michelle L. Whittington Jerry ’71 and Nelda Grubb ’71 Williams Karl L. Wolf ’70 * Charles ’56 and Jacqueline Stratton Yates Potomac Club $500-$999 John ’72 and Janet Albert John and Jennifer Ewing Allen Eugene ’53 and Audrey Asbury Melissa Writt Axline ’89 Dan ’64 and Karen Emmart ’65 Baker A lifelong resident of Jefferson County, Elizabeth Snyder Lowe ’52 (pictured left with President Suzanne Shipley at the 2009 President’s Reception for Donors and Scholars) is among the third of four generations of the Folk-Snyder-Lowe family to attend and graduate from Shepherd University. Betty currently serves on the Foundation board of directors and sponsors two endowed scholarship funds—the John D. and Elizabeth Snyder Lowe Scholarship Fund and the Virginia Lowe Ramsburg Memorial Scholarship. President’s Report and Honor Roll of Donors 2009-10 Susan Barrick ’54 * Linda ’81 and L. Dow Benedict Robert and Marian Bergdolt Kathy Jo Tabler ’80 and John Blue Edward E. Burgee ’56 Warren ’67 and Carole Hall ’65 Carter Donald ’77 and Patricia Clem Michael and Carol Del-Colle Jeffrey ’97 and Sarah Meads ’95 Dodson Shelli Dronsfield John ’61 and Pat Moler ’60 Egle * David and Sophia Fincham James ’74 and Carolyn Gess ’78 Fleenor Eric Gates Daryl Grove ’80 Nancy and Robert Hall George and Barbara Halterman Kittylee Nye ’74 and Kenneth Harbaugh * H. Anne Harris ’61 Karen Hedlund James ’83 and Maureen McDonald ’83 Henriksen Daniel Herr ’78 and Eugenia Ropp Paul ’58 and Luella Jo Hillyard * Michael W. Hudson ’72 * William ’58 and Jo Ann Jackson ’58 Knode Kenneth ’71 and Mary Battista ’70 Lowe * Charles ’67 and Edna Lutman James ’78 and Mary Kay Doyle ’76 MacFarlane Sharon and Jerry Mailey Harriet Wright ’54 and William McCoy Hugh A. McNaughton ’65 Dave and Diane Melby Paul R. Mellott ’55 C. David ’63 and Barbara Lewis ’53 Miller * Naomi Moses Annette Murphy ’06 David ’76 and Betsy ’78 Newlin * Christopher A. Palmer ’01 Frederick K. Parsons William ’65 and Judy Passwaters James R. Pearson ’91 K. Alan Perdue James W. Poisal, Jr. ’50 Joan Walker Pope ’73 Mary Anne Pope ’77 Russell and Johnnie Porter J. David ’56 and Joyce Binner Rickard R. Raymond ’56 and Jean Pinder ’55 Riordon D. Scott ’80 and Linda Hottel ’81 Roach Eric and Diana Sievers Joseph ’80 and Julie Siler Raymond and Phyllis Smock C. Richard ’56 and Evelyn Snively Robert Stein and Gina Daddario Edward R. Strauss ’51 Agnes Hull Tabler ’48 Louis ’72 and Marina diGirolamo ’74 Tiano Urban J. Toucher Sara Townsend Karoly and Maria Maschl Varga Arthur Wineburg and Susan Brown John ’78 and Anne Wood Charles ’59 and Peggy Woodward * Patricia Knipe Wright ’77 William ’53 and Hazel Wysong Knutti Club $100-$499 Sharika Abdul-Muhaimin Edward L. Abner Roberta ’62 and Sidney Absher James ’91 and Kathleen Acly John ’71 and Sally Zemke ’71 Adams William H. Adams Skip Adkins James ’71 and I. Kibby Albright 13. Frank ’71 and Susan Johnston ’70 Aliveto Sarah and Benoni Allnutt Susan Alsip-Lawson ’76 and Duane Lawson Chad Alvarez Dianne and Michael Alvarez Clayton ’75 and Dana Hendricks ’78 Anders Roger ’69 and Carolyn Cline ’70 Anderson Richard Andrekanic ’79 and Michael Elton Don D. Andrews, Jr. ’58 E. Rae Arduini Paul ’70 and Judith Harris ’70 Armstrong Douglas ’81 and Beth Arndt Edward and Nina Arnett Maria Arrington ’09 John R. Artz Michael M. Athey ’62 Dorothy Baggarly ’69 Connie and Bill Baisey Ruth Ellen Banks Gaum ’53 and Carl Gaum Thomas ’54 and Rae Tennant ’54 Banks * J. Michael ’90 and Mitzi Ballard Barcus Nikki Bardin ’89 Roger A. Barney ’61 Walter ’62 and Connie Rectenwald ’65 Barr Patricia ’89 and Richard Barrett Dennis L. Barron ’73 Karen Barry ’86 Eugene R. Bartlett ’80 Tami Heyman ’86 and Douglas Barton Earl ’67 and Arlene Batten Todd ’80 and Martha Barney ’81 Beard Scott R. Beckner Katie Begole Mary Bell and Sandra Jenkins * Robert ’54 and Ruby Bellison C. Lynn Wiley ’69 and Ben Bennett *McMurran Society Member 14. ‡ Deceased during 2009-10 Raymond ’69 and Betty Boward ’70 Bennett Jason Best and Sara Maene Elise Beza W.M. Roderick and Juliann Biggs Gina and Edward Biondillo Jack ’53 and Peggy Oates ’53 Booth Shanna Leef ’07 and Richard Boutchyard James ’65 and Sue Boyd Scott ’95 and Lori Bradford Doleman Norman ’59 and Kadra Bradford Bonnie O’Rourke ’63 and Leslie Brannon Wayne Braunstein ’95 and Dannie Wall ’93 Ronald ’70 and Susan Papola ’72 Breeding Mary Beth Wagner ’85 and Philip Bressler Alan ’75 and Ginger Brill Charles and Doris Brown Dwayne ’98 and Robin Crim Brown Paul ’73 and Dale Brown Robert ’97 and Miriam Brown Sherry Miller Brown ’73 Harold E. Bruce Revocable Trust Rick E. Bruner David ’89 and Carolyn Waltz ’89 Bryant Kimberly Jeffries ’95 and Matthew Burch Rebecca Burford William ’99 and Courtney Guenther ’99 Burgan Arthur L. Burgess, Jr. ’02 Lisa and Brad Burtner James and Evelyn Poe Butcher Tammy and John Butler Anita Byham ’68 Sharon Glass ’82 and Thomas Byrd Thomas Byrd Michael F. Cajigao ’81 Robert ’61 and Gayle Campbell Eileen ’86 and Sam Carnaggio Jean Smith Carper ’52 Ronald G. Carper ’85 Peggy Byrd ’65 and Terry Carroll Bonnie ’05 and Monte Cater Mitsy Chambers-Hardy ’92 and Richard Hardy Lenora Charlton Guy and Helen Childs Donald and Victoria Chlebowski Steven A. Chmielewski ’80 Robert and Janice Chuey Kevin and Jacqueline Clancy Stephen E. Clarke ’74 Lisa Coblentz ’86 E. Stevenson ’83 and Marci Cocke Lisa Wright ’88 and Tony Cockrell Eileen Cokenias ’87 Gary ’58 and Beverly Cooper Jaye W. Copp ’74 Sandra and Jim Cornelius Doris Clevenger Costello ’51 Margaret Gore Covington ’54 Marilyn ’86 and David Cox Philip and Frances Cox Thomas ’75 and Carolyn Creager Kenneth and Raquel Crider Mark and Roberta Cucuzzella Daniel and Monica Cunningham W. Ross ’58 and Karen ’69 Cunningham * E. Ross and Pamela Curtis Jacqueline and Robert Dailey James S. Dailey III ’81 Larry and Ingrid Daily Janice Newbraugh Danhart ’73 Stephen ’82 and Cathy Schelhorn ’82 D’Antuono Momodou Darboe Annamae Rohanic ’63 and Arthur Darton Henry and Faye Byerly Davenport Jason ’00 and Sherrise Dowell ’99 De Baugh James ’77 and Cheryl Kelley ’79 Deaner Joyce and Arthur DeButts David ’89 and Cathy Clemmons ’92 Decker Margaret Seidler ’68 and John Demer Gordon E. Demeritt William and Julie Destefano Rob and Linda Dewberry Ronald ’68 and Marsha Dickerson David ’83 and Gina Fargo ’81 Diehl Pedro ’62 and Rebecca Diez Estate of James S. Digman Ralph ’56 and Nina Pownall ’57 Dipasquale Denis ’80 and Nancy Herridge ’80 Doss Mary Beth Dalgarn Dotton ’80 Marty and George Doty Maria Doukas Joyce ’83 John Doyle ’66 Keith ’74 and Janice DuBois Walter ’69 and Mary Shipe ’71 Duke George ’58 and Thelma Duncan Richard S. Durham Debra Hart ’89 and William Duvall Linda LeMaster ’75 and Henry Eccard Daryl ’85 and Barbara Eckard Betty Crampton ’99 and Larry Ecton Julie and J. G. Egeland Jonathan Eldridge Angela Blair ’85 and Garland Elliott Dawn Teufel ’94 and James Elliott Jean Elliott ’54 Jeffery R. Ely ’95 Scott ’79 and Caren Emmert Timothy ’87 and Lani Enterline Ann Eppinger ’85 John F. Ermerins ’59 Clara Evans ’51 Eric B. Fargo ’94 Franklin ’81 and Janet Farmer Gary E. Farmer Brenda Miller ’94 and David Feltner Beverly Ferrell Albert ’69 and Bettina Reid ’88 Fiery Mel Filler ’50 Cheryl Flagg ’69 Joyce Akins ’64 and Earl Fletcher June and Lawrence Fletcher-Hill David B. Flett * Arthur P. Foley Eugene and Carole Foltz William ’46 and Ruth Fournier David ’77 and Angela Frazier Mary Jane and Ernest Freeman Charles R. Frownfelter Rodney and Lynn Oliver Frye Leah and Roger Furr Sheldon and Robin Gardner Undine and E. Carlton Garner F. Richard ’65 and Cynthia Gastley William ’64 and Donna Gess James and Barbara Phillips Gibson Kenneth H. Gibson John and Elizabeth Giese Tobi Gilbert Ray and Susan Gillette Theodore ’76 and Pamella Clark ’77 Gillette John C. Gladhill ’69 Marshall ’01 and Angela Gladhill Maurice ’72 and Mary Lee DeHaven ’74 Gladhill Rosalee Brake Glisan ’55 Mary Devaney Golden ’81 Patricia Barnett ’85 and Charles Goodie Catherine Goodlin Andrea Irzinski ’94 and Todd Goren Gunther ’58 and Ann Richmond Gottfeld Frances Gower ’83 Marvin ’76 and Judy Snyder ’78 Gower Janeen Graham ’99 Rebecca Graham ’94 Rebecca Upton Grandle ’78 William ’76 and Kerry Hartsell ’75 Grantham Anthony ’85 and Janice Green Sally Ann Myers Greenfield ’66 Stephen and Gina Householder ’86 Groh Ellen Sewell and Glenn Grossman O. Bradley ’65 and Carolyn Grove Linda Grubb ’08 Betty Bradshaw Gunnoe Vivian Gunsell Donald ’85 and Laura ’90 Hale James ’57 and Jeannette Moore Hall Timothy ’84 and Karen Hall ’86 Frank ’95 and Mary Ann Hamilton Laura Wells Hamilton ’84 Kathryn Dorsey ’90 and Ron Hamm Bonny De Launey Hamrick ’83 Walter K. Hanak John ’61 and Laurel Hanf Terry ’72 and Kathy Schell ’74 Hardy Richard ’72 and Patricia ’73 Hare Ann Harkins and Frankie Tan Thomas ’71 and Deborah Harmon William D. Harper ’94 E. Wayne Harris ’68 Mark Hayes John ’76 and Yvonne Hemphill Al and Sharon Friend Henderson Gilbert ’52 and Ina Hendricks Shepherd University William and Gail Henning Anders and Ann Henriksson Donald Herbst ’81 and Kim Green Keith ’54 and Winnie Hess * Paul ’88 and Marianne Whitaker ’88 Hetzer Alice Hevner ’67 Karen Hickman Charles ’81 and Diane Hickok Dale C. Hicks ’61 Beatrice Hill C. William ’62 and Mary Bland ’61 Hill Glenn and Rhonda Hinton Dot Hively and Allison Edwards * Justin ’07 and Megan ’08 Hockman Lawson Hockman ’70 and Jacqueline Wolfe Edwin ’69 and Mary Cockey ’68 Hoeltzel E. Leslie Hoffman III Petrina Hoffman ’86 John and Lucinda Hoffmaster Lelia Moler Hoffmaster James and Mary Holland Agnes Warther Holloway ’71 A. Denise and John Holmes John ’63 and Loretta Sponaugle ’59 Homan Jerry ’73 and Susanne Long ’73 Horner Shell ’82 and Beth Hoskinson Dennis Householder ’76 and Debbie Reed Robert and Mary Logan Hoxton Ruth De Windt Hoxton Teri and J. S. Hudkins Douglas ’78 and Terry Huffer Joann Horst Huffman ’75 Jane and Thomas Hughes Robert ’57 and Dollie Hughes Robert and Beverly Skinner ’71 Hughes John and Glenda Hull Delmas Humphreys ’68 and Patricia Cupillari-Humphreys Vivian Comert ’90 and Raymond Hunsley Sharon Fulk Hylton Filsinger ’69 Charles E. Ingram John ’78 and Patricia Inwright R. William ’59 and Nikki Timbrook ’60 Isherwood Joan and Angelo Italiano Daniel ’01 and Sally Gavin ’79 Jackson J. Michael and Jean Kingsbury Jacobs Charles and Shirley Jacques Keith ’82 and Tari ’08 Janssen Brenda ’93 and Christopher Jenkins Patti and Sidney Jenkins Robert ’72 and Billie Jean Feller ’74 Jensenius John and Nancy Johns Michael J. Johns ’82 Gaylen ’85 and Karen Johnson Madeline Johnston David ’80 and Karen Jones J. Donald ’71 and Cynthia Grubb ’71 Jones Norma and Gene Jones Regina Jones ’54 Brian ’90 and Sherry Eskut ’91 Jordan Beth Butler ’88 and Michael Josephs Harry and Carol Kable Marjorie Hutton Kady ’50 John ’70 and Phyliss Twigg ’73 Kafton Robert ’65 and Carol ’68 Kamensky Jane Karsten Amy ’97 and Henry Kayes Lee ’60 and Wanda Tucker ’61 Keebler * James ’70 and Susan Holden ’68 Keegan Aretha ’65 and Thomas Kees Michael and Tina Kees Edward G. Keller Patricia Keller ’80 Richard W. Keller ’76 Anne ’66 and Thomas Kerfoot Brian G. Kerr ’00 Garry R. Kilmer ’71 Michele ’97 and J. Shannon Kimble Bryan Kimes Sharon Kipetz Edith Kirk ’79 Ramona Kissel Richard and Kathy Klein Charles ’49 and Mary Rider ’56 Kline Richard ’62 and Mary Jane Jones ’65 Knode Mark Knott ’98 and E. Rachel Hochman Knott Jennifer Neet and Stephen Koenig Keith ’97 and Julia Adams ’01 Koenig Charles ’78 and Patricia Funk ’77 Krzywicki Suda Kunyosying Harrison ’67 and Vicki Lanham Todd and Michele Lauer Lynn E. Leatherman ’92 Edward Leavy and Judith Katz-Leavy Susan Dean ’83 and Chris LeGrand Ann Legreid Nancy Boyd Leidenfrost ’56 Harvey ’61 and Peggy Lemaster Delores and Joseph Leone Gary ’66 and Carol Lewis James ’71 and Helen Friedel ’71 Lewis Rebecca Mason ’78 and Burton Lidgerding William C. Lind ’72 Norman ’59 and Joann Lineburg Adam ’75 and Diane Lewis Link David ’68 and Lynn Fisher ’70 Little Loretta and James Lively Susan Llewellyn Janet Lloyd David and Joan Logan Christopher K. Lott Gretchen Lott Lauren Shippee ’80 and David Lowman President’s Report and Honor Roll of Donors 2009-10 Marvin ’63 and Frances Luckett Stephen ’81 and Dawn Zakarian ’83 Lynch Susannah Lynch Joan and Richard Lyon Schley ’55‡ and Marlene Zimmerman ’55 Lyons Edward and Janet Magee Ira ’60 and Joan Little ’61 Manross Don W. Maphis ’53 Steuart and Kathleen Martens Thomas and Laura Martin William J. Martin, Jr. Vicki Marts Natalie Martz ’04 Enrico Massimino ’77 and Teresa McBee Larry ’63 and Rebecca Jo Riner Masters Eric and Sharon Matula Edward P. Maugans ’56 Jerry and Judy Mays Katherine McCarty Donald ’66 and Betty McCary Frances ’80 and Robert McFerren Kathryn Mcgrew Michelle Meehan ’96 John Meeker ’05 and Rachael Meads ’92 Susan Mentzer-Blair ’72 and William Blair * Kim Davis ’78 and William Mercier Thomas ’70 and Janet Meredith Robert and Sheila Metz Patricia ’92 and Robert Miley Alexander and Pamela Miller Eleanor Spohr ’70 and Charles Miller Floyd and Mildred Miller Frank ’55 and Althea Vickers ’57 Miller R. Craig ’73 and Cynthia Miller Rachel Miller and Abram Yasser Thomas ’76 and Penny Miller Thomas W. Miller Howard and Alice Mills Paula Pugh Mills Bonita ’66 and Carl Monk David ’63 and Patricia Moore Lee R. Moore, Jr. ’76 Wendy and Stanley Mopsik James and Nancy Moreland Mary Ann White Morgan ’53 John and Meredyth Moses Robin Longerbeam ’88 and William Moses C. Randal ’77 and Lucinda ’75 Mullett John H. Munday, Jr. ’75 Helen Boltz Murphy ’44 Cassandra Murray ’07 Michael ’86 and Lisa Muse Bruce Myers ’73 and M. J. Le May Myers ’76 Jeffrey A. Myers ’75 Marsh ’60 and Barbara Myers Michael ’74 and Jeanette Myers Richard L. Namolik Eddie ’96 and Sarah Naylor Laura Neal ’85 Nancy Needy ’55 Walter ’55 and Margaret Neely Roger ’73 and Margaret Newcome Jason and Mary Newlin Barbara ’52 and Richard Nickell Cristine Nickles Thomas and Karen Roach ’75 Niedermeier John Nissel ’87 and Maureen Dougherty ’86 Colleen Nolan James and Elizabeth Norton Phyllis and Ed Novak Alan ’56 and Geraldine Oates John Jack T. O’Brien ’63 Timothy M. O’Connell ’80 James ’57 and Ellen Keeler Omps Ila and John Orlandi Teresa and Daniel Orlandi Rodney ’58 and Flora Orndorff Barbara Harris ’59 and Donald Osburn Donald ’60 and Charlotte Painter Thomas ’69 and Yolanda Painter Jill ’79 and David Palanzo Walter and Tracy ’86 Palmer Homer ’59 and Patricia Pankey Shirley Parsons Abby Pearson ’86 Walter and Susan Pellish William ’56 and Phyllis Penn Ted and Jean Pfau Clarence and Judith ’92 Pharr John ’71 and Barbara Hunt ’71 Pichot Larry Pignone and Alyson Barabas Pignone ’01 Eric Pilato ’97 and Stephanie Nasteff ’98 Richard Pill Deborah Baumgardner Piscitelli ’71 Phyllis Groh and Charles Pitzer Robert and Pamela Plante Jennifer and Michael Poore Gary ’67 and Carolyn Myers ’67 Pope Philip T. Porterfield III Sharon and Ercel Potter Larry ’60 and Shirley Powell Babulal Pragani Julia Pratt Norman G. Price ’56 Melissa and J. Jeffrey Prine Charles ’40 and Bethel Hottel Printz James J. Pulchine, Jr. ’69 Jeffrey ’88 and Beverly Schwartz ’87 Purnell Ronald E. Pyles ’62 Donald and Evelyne Radosevic James D. Radosevic Robert ’74 and Cynthia Raff Stephen ’93 and Theresa Humberson ’93 Raff Charles ’68 and Mary Silvester ’70 Rannells 15. McMurran Joseph P. The Joseph P. McMurran Society was established to honor those individuals who wish to provide for the future of Shepherd University with a planned gift or bequest. The Society provides recognition of donors who have made such plans and hosts events to honor Meda C. Badeaux ’41 Fred M. and Jane Baer Thomas L. Banks ’54 Susan O. Barrick ’54 Helen Cook Barrow ’40 Linda R. Bartle ’69 Mary C. Bell William Blair and Susan Mentzer-Blair ’72 Sandra P. Cookson Brian P. and Paula Mays Coupe ’71 Daniel E. Cowgill W. Ross ’58 and Karen ’69 Cunningham Mark H. Curley James M. ’59 and Mary Jane ’60 Davis Robert L. Dotton ’65 David L. and Cathy Dunlop John L. ’61 and Pat M. ’60 Egle Mary C. Duke Enright ’36 Erdem I. Ergin Pauline Stone Ewald ’37 Charles ’86 and Wendy Strider ’86 Ransom Michael ’84 and Laurie Reed Suzanne Reisinger Laura and Dale Renninger George ’76 and Nena ’77 Rhoderick *McMurran Society Member 16. ‡ Deceased during 2009-10 Society Philip W. ’62 and Judith Ann Fearnow David Blair Flett Jean L. Gans Kenneth E. and Kitty ’74 Harbaugh Anders H. and Ann Witherspoon Henriksson Keith L. Hess ’54 Lily R. Hill Paul W. ’58 and Luella Jo Hillyard Dot E. Hively and Allison D. Edwards Michael W. Hudson ’72 Barbara A. Humes ’70 Stanley O. Ikenberry ’56 Lee E. ’60 and Wanda ’61 Keebler Carrol E. ’50 and Mary Ellen ’51 Kline Diana Dickey Koski ’68 William A.S. and Monica W. Lingenfelter Kenneth F. ’71 and Mary F. ’70 Lowe Frederick ’60 and Lindley Shockey Rhodes Michael and Barbara Riccards Linda Riegle ’70 Elizabeth Riggleman Georgette ’03 and Alden Riggleman Vickie Riggleman Denise Rivera Haymaker ’01 the Society members as well as keep them informed about the progress the University is making and its plans for the future. The McMurran Society bears the name of Joseph P. McMurran, Shepherd’s first principal (president) who served from 1871 to 1882. Allen L. ’67 and Sara T. ’67 Lueck Eugene M. Lugat ’83 Benjamin Mehrling ’54 Jo Ann Mentzer ’60 Andrew D. Michael ’75 C. David ’63 and Barbara L. ’53 Miller William E. (Ned) Moler ’65 David T. ’76 and Betsy B. ’78 Newlin Philip A. ’67 and Gwen C. Noll Mary Elizabeth Oates Travis M. Propst ’95 Carl K. Rauch ’58 John T. Reynolds ’64 T. Guy Reynolds ’33 Nila A. Saylor Zoë Haynes Seale Suzanne Shipley and Randall J. Wadsworth Elvin W. Sill ’59 Dennis D. and Anne Stewart ’67 Small Douglas ’53 and Joan Gruver ’53 Roach Cheryl D.L. Roberts ’80 Jason ’91 and Deborah Byer ’94 Robertson Anthony ’61 and Lois Rocco Carol Rockwell Chester ’47 and Thelma Rockwell Michael A. Smith ’89 J.J. Sorrenti II ’88 Philip W. Spaulding ’67 Daniel C. ’69 and Joan B. ’78 Starliper Mark and Barbara S. Stern Patricia A. Thompson Robert Schell Ulrich Carol Ann Van Evera James A. Watson W. Glenn ’52 and Margaret R. ’61 Welsh George A. Wilson ’59 James ’50 and Frances F. Wilson Karl L. Wolf ’70 John H. ’88 and Lisa M. ’87 Wolff Charles H. ’59 and Peggy J. Woodward James K. ’70 and Gladys L. Wright Charles S. ’56 and Jacqueline S. Yates Edward ’48 and Mary Ann Frye ’60 Rogers Roy ’08 and Mary-Theresa Rogers Thomas and Marcia Rogish Donald T. Rohel Carl A. Rosberg Carol Mason ’80 and Mark Rothman Wilma Wolfe Roumel ’61 Elaine and Robert Ruane Taylor ’58 and Linda Walden ’61 Rudd Larry P. G. Rudisill ’71 Rita Coleman ’85 and Haydon Rudolf Thomas D. Russell Blanche Saab Francisco D. Sabado, Jr. Richie and Wendy Safren S. Arthur Saladino ’61 Sylvia Sanders Jeffrey K. Sandusky Jill Miller and Rob Saufferer Lawrence and Susan Saunders Garland ’64 and Erica Saville Woodrow and Terry Scarborough Heidi Schaeffer ’08 Doreen Schaffner ’90 Beverly Schilling James ’70 and Jean Scott Tracy and George Seffers Mary Wanger ’66 and Joseph Selove J. Tevis ’86 and Pamela Sensel Marie Senzig Fred Marshall and Anne Shamberger Marshall ’87 John and Stacy Shaw Susan and Timothy Sheehan Howard L. Shepherd ’53 John and Joan Sheridan Edward ’73 and Diane Michael ’73 Shewbridge Gary R. Shortt Oscar N. Shrewsbury Philip M. Shultz ’68 T. Ray and S. Bailey Shurbutt Nicholas D. Siebold ’05 Patricia Sigle ’75 Michael ’53 and Lucy Skinner Stephanie Slocum-Schaffer Anne Stewart ’67 and Dennis Small * Nancy Smeltzer ’88 Anita Smith ’79 Jerome ’74 and Pamela Butko ’75 Smith Patrick R. Smith, Sr. Sarah Smith Bradley ’82 and Susan Stuckey ’82 Snowden Frank ’50 and Betty Snyder Judy Snyder ’69 Kathryn Snyder ’73 Lee Snyder Vivian Snyder Susan Walker ’85 and Stanley Sowers Rebecca Nerhood ’78 and Howard Speaks Donald ’74 and Nancy Digges ’75 Specht Daniel A. Speis ’06 Clifford and Patricia Sperow Joyce Knutti Sperow ’61 Gordon ’60 and Barbara Spessard John and Pam Splaine Sandra Dubay ’95 and Sid Sponaugle Fred ’60 and Patricia Martin Staats James ’68 and Mary ’70 Staley Mark ’85 and Salena Staley Linda Staub ’74 Margaret King Staubs ’82 Amanda Steiner ’98 Margaret McLurkin ’59 and Richard Stelle Kathryn Stephan Robert and Ruth Stephan Sara Steptoe James D. Stewart ’90 D. Timothy Stoner ’75 David ’73 and Anne Strider Emily Strite Potts ’64 and Russell Potts Richard ’60 and Ruhamah Strite Alan and Elizabeth Sturm David L. Sullivan ’71 Thomas Sullivan ’69 and Claudia Bolen-Sullivan ’67 Mary Kay Troub ’86 and Michael Sustek Karen Sutphin Paul ’60 and Shirley Horner ’60 Swartz James T. Sweeney, Jr. ’09 Peggy Swisher Donald ’57 and Clara Taylor Shepherd University Ronald ’63 and Charlotte Taylor Ronald ’61 and Nancie Taylor Teresa Taylor ’90 Mary ’77 and Lynn Tedrow Rose Anne and Tice Tennant Robert ’64 and Virginia Terpening Shelley Tharp Edward ’76 and Rose Gegor ’76 Thomas Victoria ’88 and Jerry Thomas James ’69 and Shirley Thompson Janinne and William Thompson Jerry ’66 and Reba Thompson Michael W. Thompson Wayne ’70 and Carol Thomson Lisa Thornburg ’66 James and Shirley Tolbert Sherry and John Torrens C. Vincent and Julie Townsend C. Vincent‡ and Sara Townsend Gary M. Townsend Robin ’74 and Janet Townsend Patryce Toye Robin Truax ’76 Guy ’50 and Marilyn Tucker H. William ’57 and T. Jeannie Turner Glenn Twigg, Jr. ’73 Andrew and Rebecca Van Evera Frank and Annette Van Hilst Charles W. Van Metre ’56 James Vigil Russell G. Voelker ’92 Richard S. Wachtel ’68 Wilson ’37 and Dorothy Waddy Margaret Ikenberry ’58 and Richard Wade Michael ’74 and Susan Miller ’73 Wagner Kenneth ’64 and Patricia Kirkpatrick ’72 Waldeck Veronique Walker ’95 Charla Wallace Henry and Dale Drennen Walter Robert ’55 and Cassandra Wantz Brenda and John Warehime Connie ’71 and Steven Washburn Emily Miller ’57 and Paul Waters Kurt Waters G. Raymond ’66 and Diane Woods ’63 Watson Mary Lowe Watson ’60 Austin ’57 and Edna Jean ’61 Webber Chad ’91 and Irene Weddle Gregory ’81 and Karen Cameron ’83 Weigel Francis and Viola Welch James ’01 and Amanda Frey ’02 Wells Jack ’55 and Ann West Michael Whalton ’08 and Susan Hawkens Whalton Thomas Wheelock and Victoria Barrett Wheelock Vanda White Helen Fisher ’65 and Robert Whitmer Shirley Kitzmiller ’61 and Albert Whitmer Willa Fraley Whitmer ’58 Reynolds ’59 and Nancy Fritts ’59 Williams Pamela Link ’69 and John Wilmer Frederick Wilson ’49 Mark ’95 and Kimberly Krams ’89 Wilson Chauncey ’95 and Michelle Winbush Gloria Elliott ’63 and Arlie Winters Kenneth ’56 and Margaret Wisecarver Cheryl Witman Stephen and Mary Wolfe John ’88 and Lisa Blunt ’87 Wolff * Barry ’87 and Robyn Woodard Beth Mahoney ’88 and Bryan Wright James ’70 and Gladys Cole Wright * Karen Wurster Mary Wysong ’66 Lynn and Chelsey Yellott Phyllis Stuckey ’52 and L. Carroll Yingling J. Bryan ’79 and Margaret Yoho Martha and Jack Young Richard ’92 and Kelly Hussion ’95 Young Dale ’58 and Dorothy Zimmerman Cecilia Zindel ’79 Timothy and Joan Zirkle Blue and Gold Club Under $100 Anonymous Shirley Abatta Riccardo and Paulette Aboe Charles M. Adam Barbara ’66 and Steve Adams Karla Adams Richard ’67 and Judith Adams Sharon Decker ’83 and Nick Affinito Joan and Richard Aikens Raymond ’65 and Mary Ann Rider ’64 Alexander John and M. Ann Alger John ’71 and Linda Aliveto Carol and John Allen Charlotte Anderson Jeffery ’86 and Valerie Anderson Sally Hendricks Anderson Theodore ’04 and Pamela Anderson Philip ’82 and Evelyn Hevener ’82 Ankers Evelyn Arduini G. Wayne ’70 and Judy Arnold James ’73 and Rosemary Arnold Frederick D. Artis ’84 Erwin and Carol Asam Bonnie and Michael Austin Nancy Avis ’87 Thomas and Roxann Ayers Terri Baal President’s Report and Honor Roll of Donors 2009-10 Carol Baker ’77 and John Olinski Patricia Baker William ’88 and Catherine Duray ’89 Baker Timothy ’70 and Susan Stein ’72 Baldwin Gary ’70 and Cynthia Thurston ’68 Ball Steve and Michelle Baluch Kelsey Banks ’96 James ’65 and Margaret Barb Betsy Barker Harry ’56 and Margaret Barker Virginia Green Barker ’88 Carey B. Barlowe ’91 Harvey ’86 and Jacqueline Barnhart Marlo Dunn Barnhart ’69 Thomas ’74 and Teri Barnhart Gary ’70 and Barbara Sherman ’71 Barr Wayne ’59 and Gail Hofe ’60 Barr David ’69 and Linda Dodson ’69 Bartlett Robert ’55 and Barbara Bartlett Donna Flynn ’81 and Steven Batcheller Beth Batdorf and John Bresland Cindy Baum Joanne Poole ’82 and Richard Baum Donald and Vera Baumgardner Mary Baxter Kelly Baxter Spitz and Kenneth Spitz Grace Baylor ’67 Carol and Miles Beard Clay ’80 and Sharon Appel ’81 Beard Clayton O. Beard ’06 Roger ’81 and Beverly Carol Beard Verna and Rodney Beard Dale and Vivian Beaston C. Dawn Weigel Beatty ’01 Carol Beatty Roger ’84 and Judy Beatty Linda Beavers Lisa Salazar ’02 and Michael Becker Amy Bell ’09 Franklin ’69 and Diana Bell Glenn ’78 and Maureen Looney ’81 Bell Crystal and Mark Benjamin Dennis ’02 and Melissa Bennett Kara Bennett ’95 N. Wayne Bennett Laurie and Dane Benson Gabriel ’97 and Jill Heavner ’98 Benton Andrew J. Berens ’86 Edwinna Bernat Betty Bevan David and Sandra Beyel Samuel and Linda Collins ’78 Billmyer Connie and William Bishop Helen Bissett and John Maurer Lisa Trayer ’83 and Scott Bivens Lynne Scafati ’57 and George Blackwood Charles ’54 and Janet Blake Dean Blake Doyle ’57 and Arlene Bolyard Larry ’57 and Joan Bolyard Susan Bowers ’72 and Dennis Bonebrake John ’65 and Margie Boor Rebecca Ware ’70 and Gary Borman Monica and William Bowen Cindy Bennett Bowers ’74 Benjamin J. Bowman Zachary Boyd ’08 Scott D. Boyer ’72 Dawn Moats ’86 and Randy Bozek John and Rita Brady Terence D. Brant ’64 Jeffrey A. Brasse Candice Breeden ’10 Dwayne ’00 and Amanda Schmidt ’99 Breeden William ’67 and Dawn Brenner James and Lily ’08 Bright Laura Lovett ’84 and George Brill Chad ’98 and Rebecca Goode Broadwater Shelley and Randall Brock Timothy ’84 and Tiffney Blohm ’84 Brockway Anthony ’86 and Christy Brooks John D. Brooks Sandra Rodgers ’89 and David Bross Charles and Patricia Brown Dudley ’56 and Norma Jean Brown J. Howe and Margaret Brown Patricia Brown ’78 Samuel H. Brown VII Thomas ’73 and Lisa Brugnoli Sharon Cather Brumback ’84 Mark Bruno Darren and Laura Bryan Betty Lou and Robert Bryant Susan ’71 and Jerry Bucey Carrie Cooper Buraker ’85 Wayne L. Burger, Jr. ’99 Daniel ’99 and Terri Kirk ’94 Burhans Pamela Harrison Burke Kathryn Burkhart ’71 Denise ’74 and Richard Burns Peggy Burrier ’86 Retha Busey ’58 Terri and Gary Bussenius David L. Bussey ’73 Michael and Patricia Butch Michael and Ginny Butch William and Katherine Butcher David J. Butler Kenneth ’97 and Alice Marie Butler Naomi Witmer ’57 and Philip Butler Robert and Peggy Butler James V. Butts, Jr. ’90 Gail Byrd Lanette and F. Samuel Byrer James and Snowdon Byron Shawn ’97 and Kim Cain Shaun P. Callaghan ’88 Jan and Karen Callen Karri ’00 and James Cameron Winston Cameron, Jr. 17. Linda Campbell ’75 Mary Campbell ’86 Wayne ’78 and Sara Cogan ’78 Canada George W. Cann Carolyn Wilson Carbone ’95 James ’73 and Lisa Hammond Carnes Josh Carpenter Susan ’69 and Gary Carpenter Dalton O. Carr ’70 Jacqueline and Bradley Carson Brian ’87 and Lynda Carter Charlene Carter ’03 Christopher ’75 and Jody Butler ’75 Carter Kevin ’88 and Sandra Carter Linda Cooper Carter ’57 Enrico and Denise Caruso Charles ’60 and Joyce Casey Sylvia Cash Kathee Cassedy Suellen Sager ’79 and J. Michael Cassell Edward C. Castle ’57 Wayne and Mary Catlett Shellie Chambers ’74 Bill ’68 and Paige ’67 Chapman Gladys and George Chapman R. Dabney Chapman Tony Charles Reves ’70 and Vera ’69 Childress Frances Knode Christman ’37 Robert H. Chuey II ’91 Lou Ann Church Carl A. Clark Ralph ’77 and Lora Clark William ’81 and Barbara Clark Laura Clayton Sandra and Robert Cleaver James ’78 and Sherry Clem Georgia Vest ’68 and Robert Clemens Bonnie Tyree ’76 and George Cleveland Sybil ’89 and Philippe Cobb Robert ’59 and Joan Coberly *McMurran Society Member 18. ‡ Deceased during 2009-10 John K. Cochran ’86 Thomas and Dorothy Cochrane Ray Coffey Kendra Walker Cole ’97 Lori Bellison ’84 and Richard Cole Sandra Collier ’81 Roy ’58 and Joan Comer Elaine and Michael Connolly Lisa Enrietti ’77 and Crispino Conti C. Lee ’63 and Dixie Cook Carol Cook ’74 H. Thomas ’83 and Laura Nan Cook Jane Cook ’05 and William Simmons Lorraine Cook Patsy Cleaver Cook ’59 Timothy ’80 and Angela Cook Gregory ’87 and Megan Bolyard ’91 Cooke Richard E. Cooley, Jr. ’81 Ashley Copenhaver Shari Corley Matthew ’98 and Whitney Roberts ’95 Cornwell Frank ’66 and Patricia Cosner Carmen R. Costanza Erin ’80 and Robert Coughlin Jo Ann and Phillip Councell Paula Mayes ’71 and Brian Coupe * John ’63 and Linda Covalt John ’91 and Marilyn Cowgill Geoff Cox Nancy and Gregory Cox Carol Coyle ’03 Dorothy Boltz Coyle ’60 Mark ’02 and Janine Crawford Stephanie Crawford-Morgan and Everton Morgan Jerry R. Creamer Lisa and Bradley Cress Roberta and Steven Cronk Laura Dorsey ’73 and Harry Crosby Kisha ’01 and Joseph Cross Frances Rice Cruger ’57 Arthur ’71 and Sondra Crumbacker James W. Crumbacker ’68 Abra Weller ’87 and Arthur Cullen Carolyn ’65 and Gerald Cump Donald ’56 and Sigrid Dahlin Carole Smith Daly Olivia Damasco ’07 Louis and Marilyn D’Antuono Harold ’70 and Sandra Hills ’70 Darlington Valinda Dozier ’77 and Patrick Dattilio Eileen and J. Blackwell Davis Harry Davis and Pamela Carlon-Davis R. Shelton Davis ’87 and Cosby Potter-Davis Rachelle Davis ’85 Susan Davis ’77 Mary Denton ’79 and Mark Day Donna Albright ’90 and Steven Deberry Lorie and Jeffrey Debo Helen and Philip Decker Pamela Holder ’89 and Christopher Deckert Christopher ’97 and Kristin DeLauter Eugene ’95 and Frances DeLawder Stephen ’88 and Dana Willis ’90 Denton Hugh ’65 and Shirley Derr Danny and Brenda Deshong Francis ’77 and Cynthia DeSirant Pamela Devotie Steven ’81 and C. Dawn Meadows ’81 Diehl Ann Wilson ’84 and Jack Diepersloot Kathy Blue ’76 and Wes Dilley G. Benjamin ’62 and Cherie Dillow Brenda and Scott Dimmick Elma and Scott Dimmick Paula Disante Marie Djeuta Richard B. Donovan, Jr. ’78 Michele Dorsey ’78 Patricia Dougherty Michael D. Douglass Mark ’96 and Kelly Cavey ’97 Dowe Jane Downey ’54 William ’51 and Virginia Higgs ’50 Downey Robert and Laura Doyle Hilda Draper David H. Drennen Mary ’86 and John Drew Dawn and Jack Drooger Sharon and Louis Drummeter Louis ’75 and Gail Duckworth Patricia Gompers ’77 and Kevin Duffin Glen ’83 and Sherry Shrader ’85 Dunham Larry Dunn ’97 and Karin Hammann Dunn ’93 Leah Dunn Wendy Dunn Leroy and Karen Eagan Ruth and Calvin Eaton Timothy P. Eberly Gregory ’82 and Linda Edmondson Bradley S. Edwards ’07 Richard ’04 and Amy Martz ’04 Egress Audrey Eichenberger Brenda Willingham ’73 and Paul Eisenhart Wilma Cooper ’72 and G. Douglas Elliott Marjorie Ellis Tamara Ellis Jessica Emerson-Barnabei ’02 and B.C. Barnabei Theron ’61 and Alice Emmons Ronnie ’63 and Dorothy Engle Mary Clare ’05 and James Eros Earl ’62 and Susan Eschbacher Russell V. Eschbacher ’66 Mary Mullins ’76 and P. Michael Evans Lori Fadeley Christopher R. Fauble Carol Faucett ’75 James Fedorko ’86 Patricia Flanagan ’83 and James Fellows Stephanie Eannottie ’96 and Johnny Felton Jason Ferguson ’06 and Elizabeth White ’08 Doris Horner ’76 and Charles Fiddler C. Andrew ’01 and Jennifer Fields Roger ’61 and Sally ’72 Fiery Maxine and Don Finkelstein Rebecca Fishack Brian P. Fisher ’89 Amanda Fleming Christopher ’82 and Jennifer Cooper ’82 Fletcher Leo R. Fogg ’59 Marc K. Foltz ’00 April Arnold Foor ’98 and Devin Foor Judith ’76 and Fred Ford Trevor W. Forshey ’03 V. Lynn and Michael Foster Steven ’90 and Cindy Lou Franke Robert ’72 and Barbara M. ’71 Frankenberry Linda Franz Janice and Joseph Franzello William ’70 and Susan Frazier Charles Frederick ’64 and Patricia Hill Walter and Judith French William and C. Elaine Hamner ’68 Friend Lowell ’53 and Deborah Fritts James ’68 and Holly Morgan Frye Lyle ’00 and Amanda Irvine ’03 Fultz Charles ’58 and Geraldine Funk Judith ’03 and Christopher Funke Vikki L. Fuss Kay Dill Gabbert ’68 Dennie ’82 and Michele Gandee Willie Omps Gano ’54 Susan ’80 and Robert Garrett Tracy Garrett ’84 Jacqueline Geigel ’00 Susan Gemeny ’73 James ’66 and Brenda George Susan Gerbing Nancy Harris ’75 and Donald Gibbons Alan Gibson and R. Scott Beard Ian Gibson-Smith and David Womack Heath ’99 and Tara Gilbert Suzanne Ginch Dorothea Dottie ’84 and Harold Gladstone Debra Glover ’95 Susan Davis Goble ’67 Mark ’77 and Sue Goller Karen and David Gonzol Michael C. Goode, Jr. ’90 Kimberly Goodlin M. Wayne Goodrich ’74 and Donna Bertazzoni Carmel Devlin ’79 and Joseph Goodwin Susan and Jerome Goralski Patricia Gorman Megan Graf ’10 Robin ’93 and Timothy Carl Grams Alan ’95 and Sharon Teter ’81 Granofsky Phyllis ’77 and William Grantham Harold ’68 and Maritta Perry ’68 Grau David G. Gray ’99 Marlene Frye ’84 and Franklin Gray Frederick ’59 and Carole ’62 Greco Brenda and Douglas Greenfield Kelli Potter ’04 and Robert Greenfield Barbara Puckett ’64 and Everett Greenstreet Curtis E. Gregory ’92 William ’58 and Carole Griffith Robert ’64 and Nancy Grim Michelle Grimes ’01 Shepherd University Kimberly Hawkins Heishman ’91 Fred and Veronica Hellwig Paul D. Hemme ’87 Frank R. Hendrix Elizabeth A. Hensley Sharon Garland ’99 and Rick Hensley Lisa Hering ’84 Wilbur ’82 and Donna Hershberger Lynne Hess ’96 Arthur S. Hickman Virginia Hicks Debra and John Hiergeist Charles ’64 and Sharon Higdon Sandra Higgins Jason Higinbotham Kelly Hile Lisa ’94 and Daniel Hileman Barbara Hill Christopher Hill ’92 Dena Hill Gale Hill Pamela Brooks ’77 and Terry Hilliard Paul and Deborah Hillyard Doris Holsinger ’61 and James Hilton Christine Hulver ’88 and Carroll Himelright Craig Hinds Raymond ’61 and Mary Hines Rebecca Ulrich ’95 and Joseph Hines Gina ’90 and Terry Hinkle W. and Betse Hinkley M. C. Hoch Judy Bateman Hockman ’80 Michael Hockman ’78 Denis ’81 and Vicki Hodgkins C. Mark Hofe ’77 Charles and Mary Bolling Hoffman Anthony T. Hoffmaster ’87 Deena Hockensmith ’83 and Eric ’82 Hofstetter Nancy Holden Danielle Renadette ’00 and Matt Hollandsworth Virginia Wolf Hollinger ’71 Regina Holmes ’90 Richard M. Holmes ’79 Amy Hutchison ’90 and Chris Homrock Theresa Janszen ’92 and William Hoover Christopher and Karissa Horowicz Richard and Robbye Barrow Horowicz George ’57 and Betty ’78 Hott Elizabeth ’96 and Rodney Hovermale Michael ’74 and Barbara Howard Jennifer Huerbin Michael and Penny Huffman Michael T. Hughes Marie Hummer David Hunt John ’66 and Sheila Hutzler Ronald W. Imbach, Jr. ’86 Michael ’74 and Barbara Imperio Karen Ingersoll Dolores Irving Brenda and D. Patrick Jackson Charles L. Jackson ’50 David ’78 and Sherri Jackson Jayne Jackson ’96 Margaret Jackson ’57 and Ulysses Smelley Susan and Zachary Jackson James E. Jeffries Craig ’95 and Barbara Johnson Eugenia Johnson ’85 Lisa Clem Johnson ’73 Terry and Patricia Johnson Helen Johnstone Bernard ’92 and Nancy ’85 Jones Charlene and James Jones Cheryl and Duane Jones Denise and Melvin Jones Jane and Yancey Jones Portia Jones Terena Jones Joyce Harman ’70 and Cornith Joslin Marie Josten Patricia Josten-Merrit President’s Report and Honor Roll of Donors 2009-10 Gary Kable Richard ’70 and Ginger Reid ’72 Grimes John D. Grimsley ’02 Michael R. Grove ’73 Tyler L. Grove ’05 Leigh Talbott ’78 and Christopher Grover Gregory ’90 and Sherry Groves Max ’52 and Portia Grubb Corinne ’77 and Jeffrey Gulin Gigi Gumenick and June Zimmerman Nancy Gunther-Snyder ’90 and Edward Snyder John Gustafson Kristen Hadel ’09 Jan Hafer ’74 Brandon Hahn Elizabeth Gloyd Haines ’65 Susan Haines Timothy D. Haines ’95 John and Kimberly Hairston Michele Hale Donna Haley Frederick and Jennifer Hamilton Mary Ann and Conrad Hammann Deborah Horvat Hammond ’78 Francesca Damiano ’96 and Kerman Hammond Thomas Hanna and Sandra Osbourn ’62 Steven and Brenda Hansel Susanne and Justin Harbert Cynthia and Jeff Hardy William ’43 and Bette Hardy Orie Thomas ’62 and Vicki Harman Donna Reed ’88 and Gary Harmison Billy ’76 and Janey Harper James L. Harrell Sheila and Clarence Harris Carolyn Harrison Patti Mazur ’87 and David Hartford Ardis Hass Melanie Hawkins ’99 James ’86 and Ellen Healey Troy ’95 and Andrea Gano ’93 Heck Dale ’92 and Jill Heironimus The Create the Future campaign, Shepherd’s first comprehensive fundraising campaign, was publicly announced October 22, 2009 by campaign chair Robert A. McMillan (l.) during a reception. Joining McMillan for a toast are Create campaign vice chairs Ramon A. Alvarez ’62 and Jenny Ewing Allen. James ’66 and Ruth Sundstrom ’66 Junkins Lori and Hunter Kaknis Euphemia Kallas and David Hammer Anna Lou Cummins Kalta ’58 Dave Karim Rhonda Eastham Katsirubas ’81 Charles ’73 and Cynthia Kauffman John Keane Kevin K. Keene Jerry ’62 and Ann Kelican Cynthia and Robert Keller Bruce and Carol Ann Frew Kelley Rolfe ’96 and Bonita Kelley Annie Kelly Charlene Notarange Kelly Kathryn and Edmund Kelly Barbara Kemerer Lisa and Lawrence Kempler Daniel D. Kendle ’73 Donna and Shawn Kennedy Michelle and John Kennedy Ruth and Ralph Kercheval Richard D. Kern, Jr. Treva Griffith Kerns ’71 Karsten ’95 and Georgia Kerrick Terry Wise ’76 and Kent Kesecker Marieann Kesler Debra and Bret Kesselring George ’00 and Rhetha Kidwiler Robyn Kimball Eugene and Patricia ’79 Kinder Doris Goeppner ’87 and Vernon King Michele Ours ’85 and Patrick King Mary Ellen Blue Kirk ’70 Nancy and Elliot Kirschbaum 19. Michele Kisner Hoke Stephania Masenheimer ’75 and Frederick Kitchen Richard ’82 and Laura Zaleski ’82 Klein Harry W. Kline Margaret Sherman ’63 and Jerome Kline Bernard ’86 and Adele Knott Walter ’64 and Bonnie Knott John L. Koepke ’80 Rose Anna Kottler ’50 Gerald ’74 and Catherine Krause Dirk E. Kraushaar ’96 Julie Kugler-Bentley ’89 and John Bentley Lois Kuhn ’78 Richard ’60 and Diana Kuninger Richard ’87 and M. Michelle Shewbridge ’88 LaFollette Kenneth and Melissa ’91 Laidlow Larry D. Laing ’76 Andy Lake Lori and Allen Lake Brian ’99 and Jennifer Childs ’00 Lamb Charles ’99 and Carrie Whittington ’98 Lamp Brenda Nicholas ’88 and Richard Lampard Roberta ’82 and Douglas Lance Michael ’77 and Rosalie Landis Melinda Wilmore ’75 and John Landolt Dianne Lane Harry ’03 and Sandra Lanehart Janet Lank ’69 Catherine ’64 and Eugene Lantz Neil and Bicki Lanzendorf Lillie Hoover ’90 and Theodore Largent Charles LaRue Jason C. LaRue ’00 Renee and John Latone Gerard ’78 and Mary Lawrence *McMurran Society Member 20. ‡ Deceased during 2009-10 Brenda Lea Carolyn Lea Conrad C. Lea Tammy Grove Leatherman ’04 Timothy ’84 and Kathy Leber Richard and Audrey LeDane J. Paige ’73 and Joyce Wotring ’73 Ledford Freda Lower ’80 and Thomas Lee Mariland ’71 and Charles Lee Paul and Patricia LeFever Rachel Schrumpf ’83 and Norman Lehner Stephen ’80 and Katherine Lehr Neville ’59 and Joyce ’01 Leonard Neville ’83 and Kathy Hoffmaster Leonard Harry ’76 and Marcia Sponaugle ’76 Lerch Brad P. Lewis ’98 David ’74 and Jacqueline Lewis Eric ’95 and Joy Osbourn ’91 Lewis Paul ’74 and Nancy Lewis Gail Nielsen ’80 and Thomas Licata Steven ’01 and Stephny McKown ’01 Lietuvnikas Samuel ’57 and Donna Link Lori Linney ’06 Charles ’94 and Anke Linton Kimberly Kees ’90 and Richard Linton Timothy D. Linton ’89 Terry Litz Gregory ’78 and Mary Ellen Wright ’89 Lloyd Richard Lloyd Lois Loen Bradley ’03 and Emily Bowers Long Debbie Long Jan Raney ’05 and Anthony Lorber Michael ’89 and Jill Jackson ’92 Lordan Carol and Stephen Lorenz John ’74 and Dorothy Lloyd ’74 Lorenz Rosemarie Cannarella Lorenzetti Cheryl Agee ’75 and Richard Losh Bridget Lott Mary Ellen Lott Rebecca Lott Vernon Lotts Victoria Kent ’69 and L. Robert Lotts Gary Loudan ’74 and Ellis McDowell-Loudan Stefanie Bell ’65 and Karl Low Alice and Dale Lowe Kenneth F. Lowe III ’95 Lizzie Lowe ’02 Robert and Dolores Lowe Matthew R. Lowers ’07 John and Vicki Lowery Sheila Lowery Michael ’86 and Ciaran Lusick Barbara Peer ’67 and Dennis Lutz Robin Mazzacane ’90 and David Lyles Marjorie and Douglas Lynch Rosemary ’85 and John Lynch Susan and John Lyons Marian MacKerrer Carl C. Mackey ’99 Marsha Maddox Terry L. Maddox ’75 Robert ’82 and Georgeanne Madison Gary Mahon Thomas and Kathleen Maiden Ann and Gary Maines Kathleen Manahan ’75 William ’53 and Susanne Manross Brenda Kramer Manspeaker ’88 James ’48 and Nancy Cohill ’49 Manuel Pauline Simpson Manuel ’52 Lawrence ’73 and Constance Manypenny Robert W. Maphis ’57 Winifred ’75 and John Marcum Judy ’75 and Terry Marcus Carolyn Birmingham Marino ’00 Geraldine and Richard Marsh Kimberly Marshall ’06 Catherine Martens Judith Gray ’74 and Clarence ’93 Martin Rosanne Pentz ’77 and John Martin Wade and Susan Martin Lauren Enrietti ’76 and Marc Maslov Andrea Lee Mason ’97 Candace Klein Mason ’03 Curtis G. Mason ’73 Janet Massett Sabrina Massett Carolyn and Donald Master Paula and Dennis Master Thomas G. Masterson G. Annette Mateer Jeremy ’96 and Jeanette Johnson ’94 Mathias Peggy and Stephen Matters Melissa Mattia ’87 and Jay Gibble Terri Mauk ’83 Kelly McBride Bruce and Alice McCarthy Krystel McCauley ’07 Robert and Nikki McClain Timothy McClain ’94 and Tricia Gardner Ernie and Elizabeth McCook R. Dale ’54 and Shirley McCormick Joe McDermott Lois Rebecca ’77 and Philip McDonald Richard L. McDonald ’72 Gail ’97 and John McDowell Carol and Terence McElroy Mark and Nancy McGaha Tamara and Robert McGaha Mary Louise McGarvey ’70 and K. Wayne Heil Judith McIntyre Margaret McKeon ’78 Al F. McKoy ’85 Elizabeth and Peter McMahon David ’83 and Pamela McMullan Dennis and Betty McMurran Betty Pilgrim ’49 and Thomas McNeill Garth and Alice McNeill Michelle McNichol ’84 and Jewell Estes Lesly ’57 and Donna McWhorter Shirley Mease Erin and Brad Medhus Mark and Cindy Melanson Phillip and Holly Mele Raymond and Francine Melewski Jeannette Hane ’75 and Patrick Mendonca Peter ’63 and Patricia Menke Kevin C. Mennett Jo Ann Mentzer ’60 * Michael ’87 and Kelli Meoli Sue Mercer ’03 Anthony ’60 and Jean Merceruio Joseph R. Merz John and Sarah Metzbower Barbara Maphis Meyers ’85 Christina and Robert Miccio Donald ’87 and Kimberly Middlecamp Beth and John Midkiff Lisa Mihalik ’90 John W. Milburn Darleen ’66 and Carl Miller Gilbert ’48 and Carolyn Miller Gina and Robert Miller H. Richard ’64 and Rebecca Miller James and Kay Miller Janine Duncan Miller ’82 Larry W. Miller Laura Miller ’01 Leon and Dixie Miller Lige ’38 and Jane Miller Mary and Donald Miller Paul Miller ’71 and Laurraine Landolt Paula and Gregory Miller Richard ’73 and Dena Miller Robert E. Miller William ’64 and Boniva ’85 Miller Marcyanna Worosila Millet ’96 Milton ’74 and Monasue Mills Robert Mills Helen Minnich Lisa Mish Cathy Eckerd ’82 and Joseph Mitchell Tamsen Farmer Molenda ’79 Joseph ’78 and Norma Moles Margaret Mollat ’83 Amber Musser ’03 and Jonathan Mongold Lillie Rockenbaugh Moore ’36 Ronald J. Moretti Lois Morgan ’09 Peter and Sharon Morris Robert and Cynthia Morrow Aldine N. Moser, Jr. ’76 Harriet Leach Mudge ’49 Deborah and Joseph Muir For the many ways to give to Shepherd University and information about membership societies in support of special interests and programs, please visit Shepherd University Lannie ’67 and M. Linda Mullenax Matthew ’02 and Michelle Henninger ’02 Mullenax Nancy Deaton ’97 and William Mullins Richard ’63 and Judith Ann Munch Faith Reckley Munson ’61 Patricia Munson Sherri Munson Brian ’80 and Maria Murray James Murray ’67 and Bo Ann Bohman ’67 Patricia Murray Richard D. Murray William J. Murray Darlene ’98 and Hugh Muse Craig ’00 and Maxine Myers K. William ’63 and Ruth Olean ’67 Myers Linda Myers Margaret Myers and Barbara Ware Olivia Myers ’76 Rebecca Myers ’02 Robert ’72 and Dixie Honodel Myers Max ’50 and Jeannine Nagley Christopher ’82 and Teresa Needham Lynda Nerhood Levine and Marshall Levine Robert and Deborah Nerhood Arthur A. Neu James ’94 and Joy Marsh ’93 Newkirk Cynthia Nicewarner ’82 Steven ’84 and Cynthia Jones ’85 Nicewarner Helen and Leonard Nicewonger Michael Nichols Elizabeth Nicodemus Rachel Krolikowski ’96 and William Nieberding Deborah Niswander Nancy Weese ’61 and Frank Nolen Danielle Dehaven ’94 and Brian Nordyke Joann Norris Denise ’99 and Richard Norton Pamela Notarange Philip and Christine Notarange Stephanie and Michael Notarange Fred ’50 and Dorothy Novak Matthew A. Noyes ’98 Tamara Peterson Obendorfer ’94 John H. O’Connor ’43 Rebecca ’92 and Ralph Olean Rita Quillen Oliver ’06 Sharon and William O’Neill Kenneth ’67 and Janice Onsa Janet Orkoskey Brenda Orr Charles W. Osbourn, Jr. ’50 Edward ’71 and Toni Ostrowski Clarise Hairston ’91 and Alford Ottley Jessica Keeffer ’95 and Erik Otto Paula Athey Owens ’82 Wendy Pacek ’77 Doris Painter ’75 Walter W. Painter ’68 Diana and Morris Pamepinto Kelly Pannill ’05 Christine Parfitt Mildred Coffinberger ’85 and Robert Park Cara Graham ’95 and Stephen Parker Christopher ’82 and Jennifer Parker John L. Parker Lisa Parkinson ’86 Rene Parks Allison Parrish Halron ’87 Mahlon ’81 and Ruth Patterson James and Suzanne Patton David B. Payne Marvin B. Payne Allen P. Peacher ’71 Thelma Pearl ’54 William ’82 and Doris Jean Pearman John Pearson ’09 Kenneth ’80 and Jody Peebles John ’63 and Yvonne Peiffer Helen Peil ’86 Lisa ’06 and Steven Peltier Kenneth ’79 and Phillis Peppard Judy Perdew Daniel ’97 and Amber Kodges ’97 Perkins Ann Perricone ’65 William ’50 and Nancy Perry Michael A. Peters Duane ’63 and Ivalu Peterson Margaret Peterson and Steven Smith Janice Phiffer John ’92 and Donna Phillips Nelson S. Phillips ’82 Rhonda and Dennis Phillips Rebecca Phipps Joan and Darrel Pierce Ann and Paul Pittman W. Douglas Pittsnogle Christopher ’97 and Dawn Freed ’99 Pitzer Lorna Pitzer Gregory ’70 and Candace Chambers ’71 Pleasant David ’77 and Barbara Stewart ’77 Plume M. Marsha Clark ’65 and George Plybon Daniel ’90 and Beth Pocock Carol and Eugene Podeszwa H. Kiehl ’55 and Roberta Poffenberger Patricia O’Brien ’92 and James Poffenberger Aaron ’95 and Kelli ’93 Polen John ’56 and Martha Poling Barry S. Polkinghorn ’87 Don ’67 and Linda ’71 Pontius William ’66 and Judy Pontius Bettie Newkirk ’54 and David Porterfield Douglas H. Powell ’86 Thomas L. Powell ’03 Delores and Richard Pownell Cynthia Price President’s Report and Honor Roll of Donors 2009-10 James C. Price ’05 Donna Walter ’75 and Charles Printz Jodi Pritchard ’02 John ’05 and Andrea Prytz David and Jean Anne Pugh Joseph ’77 and Judy Miller ’72 Pugh Karen and Thomas Pugsley Frances Quarles William Quinlan C. Aaron ’92 and Ilona Racey Sarah ’99 and Skeeter Ramey Herbert ’64 and Jo Anne Rankin G. Norris ’61 and Joyce Plitt ’71 Rath Michel C. Ravelonandro Lucretia Leather ’63 and Ronald Reaves Gary ’77 and Mary Anne Recher Lee Rector Kathryn Burgess ’69 and John Redmond Lois Shumaker ’79 and James Reed Marvin ’54 and Hazel Reel James ’77 and Cynthia Rehanek Kathleen and Richard Reid Michael A. Reid ’89 Thomas ’62 and Laura Reilly Yvonne Reitz Barbara Hicks ’86 and Stephen Reyda Gregory ’81 and Kimberly Donaldson ’84 Rhoe John R. Rice David ’78 and Lynne Hudson ’79 Richardson Matthew G. Richman ’92 Bruce Ridgeway Robert W. Riggs II ’08 Linda Rigsby ’76 Thomas ’78 and Mary Curry ’76 Rinard Elizabeth and Guy Rini Matthew S. Roark ’99 Andrew ’85 and Laurie Umbach ’85 Robertson Mary Ann ’72 and Marion Robertson Craig ’76 and Jeannie Robey Diane Robinson ’08 Gary ’75 and Diane Robinson Mary ’76 and H. Delmer Robinson Mark Roemer ’90 and Elizabeth Binns-Roemer ’96 Gregory Rogers Lisa Pittinger ’83 and William Rolle Michael A. Romeo ’07 W. Boyd Rooney, Jr. ’55 Carolyn Poisal ’99 and Philip Ropp John ’67 and Arlene Young ’67 Rose Juanita Rose Michael A. Rose ’98 Thelma Rose Megan Toy ’75 and Carl Rose-Jensen Jennifer and Jason Rosenbaum Donald ’82 and Gina Ross Jill Rotruck ’07 Scott M. Rover Ronald ’91 and Sheila Rowe Gerald C. Rowley Kathy Rowley Thomas M. Ruby Patrick ’67 and M. Christine Wizmerski ’68 Ruda Kathryn DeHaven Rudisill ’75 Diane and Dale Rudolph David ’83 and Teresa Rudy Risol Ruiz Belinda ’73 and Donald Rupp Amy Rush ’87 Thomas ’74 and Fay Rust George C. Rutherford ’62 Elizabeth Davis ’62 and James Salmon Joyce Sanders ’84 Beth Stith ’80 and Randall Sandifer Pam Santone ’75 Katherine Santucci Nancy Osbourn ’67 and Terry Sarra John and Helen Saum Debra Burhenn ’94 and John Saunders James E. Saunders Roger L. Saville ’00 Tara Saville ’95 Thomas ’76 and Janet Saxon Carlton ’79 and Julie Schelhorn Victoria and Ronald Schelhouse Robert ’59 and Carolyn Schellhaus John W. Schildt ’58 Rachel and Jan Schipper Mary Schnars and Deborah Frank Joseph ’60 and Jo Ann Schnebly Dieter Schneider Jenny Walsh ’86 and George Schooley Michelle and Jeffrey Schoppert Cathy Millard Schreiner ’69 Edward ’84 and Lorri Dove ’84 Schwartz Jan and Larry Schwartz Ralph and Marsha Scorza Cynthia Scott James S. Scott III ’88 Patricia Barrow ’75 and Robert Scrivener Daniel ’89 and Deborah Myers ’81 Seal Charles ’49 and Patsy Seaman Deborah McBee ’74 and Gary Seldomridge Donna and Roy Semler Karen S. Semple Ivan and Betty Severson Suzanne Shackelford ’75 Cynthia Berish and John Shaddix Jessie Shanholtz ’98 Sharon and John Shank Linda Sharar ’80 Robin Shaw ’00 Randall and Robin Sheetz Sheila ’76 and Daniel Shergy Forrest ’75 and Linda Sherman Robert and Sharon Strickland ’71 Sherrard Harriett Shortley Sherwood ’69 Susan and J. Shildmyer 21. Dorsey ’76 and Mildred Shipley Donald ’61 and Marcella Shirley Eleanor Ann Shirley ’51 Kathleen ’00 and Michael Sholl Carolyn Showalter ’90 Mary Showers ’10 Cortney Shrewsbury ’10 Gwen Light Sigler ’53 Julia Silber Sally Vass ’90 and Gray Silver Donald ’81 and Cathryn Silvius Eugene ’86 and Tabbetha Sites Carolyn Sizemore Terry L. Skaggs Joanne Small Barbara ’99 and Timothy Smith Carolyn Rexrode ’67 and Edward Smith Clifford and Val Gibson Smith David ’83 and Pamela Hohman ’81 Smith Doug ’76 and Maureen ’75 Smith Jerry and Janice Smith Judith Magaha Smith ’67 Kim Smith ’85 Mary ’02 and Robin Smith Jessica Lott Smolinski Jeffrey ’77 and Ellen Miller ’09 Smoot Ronald Smoot ’74 and Jacqueline Sullivan-Smoot Marie Snowden Dawn Cook ’92 and Rodney Snyder Gaye and Philip Snyder Jane Wiltshire Snyder ’53 John and Helen Snyder Keith ’84 and Cindy Collis ’88 Snyder Linda Snyder Thaddeus J. Sobczak ’95 Lucile Gunn ’65 and Elgar Soper Gloria Riley ’69 and *McMurran Society Member 22. ‡ Deceased during 2009-10 Billy Sorrells James ’99 and Anna Sothen David ’77 and Eileen Williams ’73 Southerly M. Elaine Cullers ’78 and John Southerly Nicholas ’03 and Jill Prichett Sowers Natalie Fox Spadacino ’02 Ellen and John Sparrow April Speakman ’05 Mark L. Spessard ’78 John ’88 and Holly Spickler Kerri Spies ’07 Sandra Williams ’72 and David Spies Mary Short Spriggs ’52 Joseph ’79 and Ann Spurgas Mary Farmer Stalnaker ’50 Claude S. Stanton, Jr. ’80 Daniel ’69 and Joan Bartley ’78 Starliper * Regina Devlin ’74 and Francis Stefanski M. Harris ’69 and Kitty Stein Eric ’94 and Kerry Cavanaugh ’93 Stenger Amanda Mulledy ’94 and Glenn Stevens Carl ’58 and Violet Wilt Stewart Gloria ’76 and Ralph Stickley Hugh and Katharine Stierhoff Regina Stiles ’04 Eleanor Oliver Stipe ’40 Judy and Lyle Stonestreet Denise Montgomery ’82 and Rick Stout Patricia Stout Dorothy Strange ’97 William and Jane Strasser Nancy and John Streeter Jim Studzinski James O. Stup ’63 Marcia and Lewis Subelky Carol Eppinger ’78 and Warren Suker Maryjo and Michael Sullivan Mike Sullivan Richard Sullivan Sarah Sullivan ’94 Suzanne Stouffer ’86 and Matthew Sullivan Dale ’83 and Monique Coates ’84 Summers Kelli Summers ’93 and Kristen Pike ’92 Urbieta Swallow Joseph ’61 and Dolores Szymialis Debra Griffith Tabler ’78 Margaret Kendig Tabler ’45 Donnagean Eyler ’65 and Donald Talbert Carol Witrowski Tamara ’03 John ’78 and Bonnie Tarmann Christine Taylor ’81 Christopher S. Taylor ’06 David ’70 and Barbara ’71 Taylor James ’59 and Dorothy ’59 Taylor John ’85 and Carolyn Sutton ’95 Taylor Ted Taylor Coleman A. Terry, Jr. Matthew Tetreault Gloria and Robert Thatcher The Miller/Landolt Revocable Living Trust Rose Thomas Catherine and David Thompson Cathy Foltz ’90 and Ashby Thompson Linda Gill ’68 and Larry Thompson Susan Clohan ’70 and Paul Thorniley John ’74 and Connie Perkins Tincher Thomas and Rebecca Tinder Adriana Tinto Janet and Robert Tipton Donna Tolland Nancy Esterline ’72 and Vincent Tornello Pat and Jeanette Trell Peter ’00 and Jennifer Elliott ’00 Truby Elizabeth and Phillip Truitt Florence Truitt Sharon Truitt Hao Truong Tammy Miller ’80 and Roy Tucker Agatha and David Tune David R. Tune ’07 Patricia Turek Allison Crews Turner ’94 Darlene Umbrell Diana Umbrell Tammy Umbrell Lois and John Unger Nancy Jo ’79 and Charles Upwright Shirley Utz Harry ’88 and Sandra Frye ’66 Van Metre Brenda and David Van Scoy Constance ’81 and Robert Van Sickler George D. Vandenbergh II ’81 Sandra Vandevander ’71 Belinda Vannatta Frank ’95 and Beverly ’98 Vetter Mary Vickers ’03 Diane Villecco Jocelyn Villecco Carol Miller ’74 and Lawrence Vogler Debora and Frederick Von Briesen Georgia Voss Eric ’76 and Barbara Waggy C. Eric and Lynn Wagner K. Bradshaw ’69 and Judith Waldeck Kirk P. Waldeck C. Owen Walker ’82 and Martha Walker John J. Walker, Jr. ’74 Mark and Janet Walker Melanie Funkhouser ’84 and Edwin Walker Monica Wall Kimberly Basore Walls ’80 Michael E. Walls Stacy Walter Richard and Suzanne Walton Vanda Wark ’73 H. Douglas Warner ’74 Janet Parks Warner ’65 Nicole Warner Allan ’74 and Brenda Warsaw Anthony S. Waskiewicz Earl ’04 and Joan Wean Cheryl and Wayne Weatherly D. Blaine ’58 and Jo Ann Weaver Edward ’64 and Cynthia Grove ’70 Weaver June Dudrow ’69 and Kim Weedy Ethel Weibley Jack and Mary Weigel Donna Wells Jack F. Wenzle Gregory A. West Randolph ’73 and Stephanie West Shelley Wetzel ’83 Mike Whalen Shayla ’06 and Jeffrey Wharton Michael ’80 and Chris Whitacre Olivia White ’84 Richard ’73 and Diane Whiting Nicole Wysong ’94 and Eric Whitman Jeraldine Hickerson ’76 and Cletus Whitmer Ronald L. Widmyer ’02 Patrick and Sara Sangston Wiggins Stephen ’72 and Kimberly Wildasin David S. Wilkinson ’90 Jessica Willard Brian ’97 and Jennifer Knott ’99 Williams Donald and Debra Williams Edna Williams Eugene and Pamela Gray Williams Hugh A. Williams ’59 Rosemarie Tutwiler Williams ’58 William R. Willingham ’69 Margaret Wills David ’67 and Rebecca Wiley ’67 Wilson James ’57 and Joan Brake ’56 Wilson Michael ’98 and Karen Wilson Faylee Wilt ’77 Norma Jean Wilt ’71 Bettie Morrow Wiltshire ’42 Shirley Wiltshire ’64 Gail Winans ’02 Craig A. Winkel Kevin W. Winters Lynn Wiseman Theresa and Steven Wiseman Darlene and Joseph Witt Jennifer Phillips ’87 and Mac Wohlleban Maria ’06 and John Wohlslagel Betty Wojcik ’74 Martha Wolfe Paul ’82 and Karole Wolfe Robert ’54 and Wanda Wolford Dolores Wood Cynthia Boyd ’75 and Rodney Woods Brian J. Wooton Richard C. Worl Keith ’03 and Misty Greenfield ’02 Worrell Jack ’77 and Betty Yankey LuAnn and Dan Yanna Maureen and Robert Yarrington Mervin and Beverly Burkhart ’69 Yeagle Mary Chilcote ’89 and Mark Yocum Everett L. Yore ’83 Richard ’94 and Teresa York John ’75 and Catherine Yost Chuck W. Young ’95 Wendy Young-Dyott ’85 and H. Steve Dyott John and Lisa Taka Younis Roger ’85 and Jill Younker Irene Bergland ’66 and Marvin Yurish Edward and Christine Zahniser Philip ’76 and Barbara Zerr David and Lisa Zerull Susan Tabler ’76 and Richard Zigler Richard K. Zimmerman Sandra Carlotti ’63 and R. Edward Zimmerman Roger ’69 and Linda Zirkle • Shepherd University Legacy Circle $500,000 and Greater James M. Moler Trust Leadership Circle $50,000-$99,999 Nora Roberts Foundation Valley Proteins, Inc. President’s Club $10,000-$24,999 BB&T West Virginia Foundation Jefferson Security Bank The Mary Tyler Moore Levine and S. Robert Levine Foundation The Loats Foundation, Inc. R. M. Roach & Sons Shepherd Club $5,000-$9,999 BB&T Wealth Management Jefferson Distributing Co., Inc. Macy’s Foundation Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program PNGI Charles Town Gaming, LLC Shepherd University Alumni Association United Bank, Inc. West Virginia Humanities Council Rumsey Club $1,000-$4,999 Apple Pie Ridge Rentals BP Solar Foundation for Mentally Retarded and Handicapped Children Gartner Family Foundation GE Foundation Estate of Hazel M. Hendricks James Moler and Katherine Moler Charitable Trust Kiwanis Club of Charles Town KRM Associates, Inc. La Societe Des 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux Martinsburg Civitan Club MBS Textbook Exchange, Inc. Panhandle Home Health, Inc. The Pittsburgh Foundation Proffitt & Associates Architects Royal Crown Bottling Co. of Hagerstown, Inc. S & S Recognition, LLC Shepherdstown Lutheran Parish Vivace Productions, Inc. West Virginia Bar Foundation West Virginia Library Commission Potomac Club $500-$999 American Public University System, Inc. Berkeley Community Pride, Inc. Capital Fiduciary Advisors, Inc. Duncan Brothers Tire Co. Ecolab, Inc. ETA Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society Fairway Home Sevices Kent Parsons Ford, Inc. Ours, Lawyer, Lewis & Company, PLLC Rickard Associates, Inc. Shepherd University Classified Employees South Central Football Camp State Farm Insurance, Agent Eric Gates Yount, Hyde & Barbour, PC Knutti Club $100-$499 All Creatures Veterinary ASG Events B - K Office Supply, Inc. B & B Marketing and Promotions LLC Barnhart Electric Service, Inc. Barrett’s Excavating and Hauling Bavarian Inn, Inc. Bennett Educational Consulting Big Brian’s Lift Warehouse Bowles Rice McDavid Graff & Love LLP Brody School of Medicine/ Pediatrics, East Carolina University Bucky’s LTD, Inc. Callas Contractors, Inc. Center for Dermatology Center for Orthopedic Excellence, PLLC Centra Bank Chick-fil-A at Ranson Clarion Hotel and Conference Center Dalb, Inc. Diamond General Contracting Done Right Inc. Eastern Savings Bank E. West Virginia Community Foundation, Inc. fargofotos Fargo-Jones Insurance Agency, Inc. First United Bank and Trust James G. Gibson, DDS H & H Well Drilling, LLC H & H Used Cars Harpers Ferry Cooking Club Harvey E. Le Master Agency Herald-Mail Hughes Group Architects, Inc. Kable Photographics Kern Toyota/Scion Leatherman Potomac Corporation Leonard P. Steuart Foundation Phillip J. Lewis Insurance Agency Lincoln Mortgage, LLC LSSH Credentialing, LLC Mahogany Hill Inspections Marlow Sports Martinsburg Kiwanis Club Mashordas County Gardens, Inc. Middletown High School Band Boosters, Inc. Miller & Anderson, Inc. President’s Report and Honor Roll of Donors 2009-10 Moseley & Associates LLC Mountaineer Standard Time The North Charles Street Design Organization NSDAR, William Henshaw Chapter Omega Chi Alpha Pill & Pill, PLLC Platinum PR, LLC PNC Foundation Porterfield’s Collision Center Presidential Storage, Inc. Prettyman Broadcasting Company Inc. Britt Reed Law Offices Reisingers Greenhouse Rotary Foundation of Shepherdstown Safren Sales Sheetz, Inc. Shepherd University Bookstore Shepherdstown Visitors Center Shippensburg Xtreme Softball The Shockey Companies Smith, Elliott, Kearns & Company, LLC The Station at Shepherdstown, Inc. Stepping Stones Cottages, LLC Studio 105, Inc. Thomas Miller Properties LLC Thomas Shepherd Inn Tropical Tanning and Gifts Vendorman LLC W.H. Knode’s Sons Wachovia Matching Gifts Wells Fargo Foundation Wells Real Estate Funds West Virginia State Society NSDAR Western Loudoun Mavericks WFN Sales, Inc. WGAM, Inc. Whale of a Wash Winchester Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine, Inc. WRNR Shenandoah Communications Your Family First Kristin Alexander COrpOrAte and Organization Donors The Shepherd University Alumni Association endowed a scholarship as a way to establish a lasting legacy of support to financially disadvantaged students and to inspire and encourage Shepherd’s more than 15,000 alumni to give back to their alma mater. Pictured are Alumni Association President Scott Bradford Doleman ’95 (r.) and past president Larry A. Strite ’60 as they officially establish the Shepherd University Alumni Association Scholarship Endowment. Blue and Gold Club Under $100 Aerojet Aldridge’s Garage Annarelli’s, Inc. AutoZone Bayside Blues BB&T Wealth Management Martinsburg Collins Reunion Fund CONSOL Energy Inc. Covalt Environmental Services Dolores Lowe Interiors Dr. John Gustafson, D.V.M. E.T. Auto Sales Earthnet Energy Elianna LLC GMG Management, Inc. The Herald-Mail Twenty-five Club Henry’s Towing Interior Building Systems Corp. Ledo Pizza at Eddie’s Place Leider Landscaping, Inc. Thomas W. Leslie, DDS Liberty Emblem Company Liberty Software Services Little Bo Peep Day Care Maiden Financial Services, Inc. Manor Street Mini Storage LLC Martinsburg Auto Parts State Farm Insurance, Agent Dawn M. Newland Phi Sigma Chi Bruce W. Riordan Real Estate, Inc. Robert Sellery Associates, LTD Shenandoah Energy Advisors LLC Shepherdstown School of Dance, LLC Stouffers Custom Cycles Strother Adams, Inc. Sunset Car Wash Wildwood Middle School WVUH-East Jefferson Memorial Hospital • 23. DOnOrs by ClAss YeAr Class of ’33 T. Guy Reynolds, Jr. * Class of ’36 Lillie Rockenbaugh Moore A. June Poisal‡ Class of ’37 Frances Knode Christman Wilson B. Waddy Class of ’38 Lige B. Miller, Sr. Class of ’40 Charles F. Printz, Sr. Eleanor Oliver Stipe Class of ’42 Bettie Morrow Wiltshire Class of ’43 William E. Hardy, Sr. John H. O’Connor Class of ’44 Helen Boltz Murphy Class of ’45 Margaret Kendig Tabler Class of ’46 William L. Fournier Class of ’47 Chester S. Rockwell Class of ’48 James E. Manuel Gilbert B. Miller, Sr. Edward B. Rogers Agnes Hull Tabler Class of ’49 Charles W. Kline Nancy Cohill Manuel Betty Pilgrim McNeill Harriet Leach Mudge Charles E. Seaman Frederick E. Wilson *McMurran Society Member 24. ‡ Deceased during 2009-10 Class of ’50 Virginia Higgs Downey Mel Filler Charles L. Jackson Marjorie Hutton Kady Rose Anna Kottler Max R. Nagley Fred M. Novak Charles W. Osbourn, Jr. William C. Perry James W. Poisal, Jr. Frank Snyder Mary Farmer Stalnaker Allen A. Swick Guy T. Tucker Class of ’51 Doris Clevenger Costello William M. Downey Clara Evans Frank L. Iannucci‡ Eleanor Ann Shirley Edward R. Strauss Class of ’54 Thomas L. Banks, Jr. * Rae Tennant Banks Susan Barrick * Robert E. Bellison Charles E. Blake Margaret Gore Covington Jane Downey Jean Elliott Willie Omps Gano Keith L. Hess * Regina Jones R. Dale McCormick Harriet Wright McCoy Thelma Pearl Bettie Newkirk Porterfield Marvin V. Reel Norma Morris Siler Robert G. Wolford Class of ’55 Jean Smith Carper Max E. Grubb Gilbert L. Hendricks, Jr. Elizabeth Snyder Lowe Pauline Simpson Manuel Barbara Nickell Mary Short Spriggs W. Glenn Welsh * Phyllis Stuckey Yingling Robert L. Bartlett, Jr. Rosalee Brake Glisan Marlene Zimmerman Lyons Schley R. Lyons‡ Paul R. Mellott Frank H. Miller Nancy Needy Walter F. Neely H. Kiehl Poffenberger Jean Pinder Riordon W. Boyd Rooney, Jr. Robert A. Wantz Jack L. West Class of ’53 Class of ’56 Class of ’52 Eugene D. Asbury Jack D. Booth Peggy Oates Booth Lowell R. Fritts Ruth Ellen Banks Gaum William L. Manross Don W. Maphis Barbara Lewis Miller * Mary Ann White Morgan Douglas M. Roach Joan Gruver Roach Howard L. Shepherd Gwen Light Sigler Michael M. Skinner Jane Wiltshire Snyder William S. Wysong Harry G. Barker Dudley B. Brown Edward E. Burgee Donald J. Dahlin Ralph A. Dipasquale Stanley O. Ikenberry * Mary Rider Kline Nancy Boyd Leidenfrost Edward P. Maugans Alan B. Oates William A. Penn John W. Poling Norman G. Price J. David L. Rickard R. Raymond Riordon C. Richard Snively, Sr. Charles W. Van Metre Joan Brake Wilson Kenneth M. Wisecarver Charles S. Yates Class of ’57 Lynne Scafati Blackwood Doyle W. Bolyard Larry G. Bolyard Naomi Witmer Butler Linda Cooper Carter Edward C. Castle Frances Rice Cruger Nina Pownall Dipasquale James B. Hall George A. Hott Robert C. Hughes, Jr. Samuel W. Link, Jr. Robert W. Maphis Lesly McWhorter III Althea Vickers Miller Ruth Scarlett Miller James M. Omps Margaret N. Jackson Smelley Donald F. Taylor, Sr. H. William Turner Emily Miller Waters Austin J. Webber James C. Wilson Class of ’58 Don D. Andrews, Jr. James S. Artz Retha Busey Roy L. Comer Gary T. Cooper W. Ross Cunningham, Jr. * George R. Duncan Charles G. Funk Gunther M. Gottfeld William P. Griffith Paul W. Hillyard, Jr. * Anna Lou Cummins Kalta Ilhi Kang Jo Ann Jackson Knode William E. Knode, Jr. Rodney C. Orndorff Taylor R. Rudd John W. Schildt Carl O. Stewart Margaret Ikenberry Wade D. Blaine Weaver Willa Fraley Whitmer Rosemarie Tutwiler Williams Dale F. Zimmerman Class of ’59 Wayne E. Barr Norman F. Bradford, Jr. Robert D. Coberly Patsy Cleaver Cook James M. Davis * John F. Ermerins Leo R. Fogg Frederick D. Greco Loretta Sponaugle Homan R. William Isherwood Neville L. Leonard, Sr. Norman G. Lineburg Barbara Harris Osburn Homer R. Pankey Robert H. Schellhaus Margaret McLurkin Stelle Dorothy Taylor James L. Taylor Hugh A. Williams Nancy Fritts Williams Reynolds M. Williams, Jr. Charles H. Woodward * Class of ’60 Gail Hofe Barr Charles H. Casey Dorothy Boltz Coyle Mary Jane Small Davis * Pat Moler Egle * Nikki Timbrook Isherwood Lee E. Keebler * Richard E. Kuninger Ira D. Manross Jo Ann Mentzer * Anthony D. Merceruio Marsh H. Myers, Jr. Norma Baker Newbraugh Donald L. Painter Larry A. Powell Frederick W. Rhodes Mary Ann Frye Rogers Joseph R. Schnebly Gordon R. Spessard Fred C. Staats Larry A. Strite Richard S. Strite Shirley Horner Swartz Paul L. Swartz Mary Lowe Watson Class of ’61 Roger A. Barney Robert H. Campbell, Jr. John L. Egle, Jr. * Theron R. Emmons Roger L. Fiery, Jr. John D. Hanf H. Anne Harris Dale C. Hicks Mary Bland Hill Doris Holsinger Hilton Raymond L. Hines, Jr. Wanda Tucker Keebler * Harvey E. Lemaster Lawrence H. Leonard, Jr. Joan Little Manross Faith Reckley Munson Nancy Weese Nolen G. Norris Rath Anthony Rocco, Jr. Wilma Wolfe Roumel Linda Walden Rudd S. Arthur Saladino Donald H. Shirley Joyce Knutti Sperow Joseph E. Szymialis Ronald W. Taylor Edna Jean Webber Margaret Ramey Welsh * Shirley Kitzmiller Whitmer Class of ’62 Roberta Absher Ramon A. Alvarez Michael M. Athey Walter A. Barr, Jr. Pedro O. Diez G. Benjamin Dillow Earl W. Eschbacher, Jr. Carole Greco Orie Thomas Harman C. William Hill, Jr. Jerry L. Kelican Richard L. Knode Sandra S. Osbourn Ronald E. Pyles Thomas A. Reilly George C. Rutherford Elizabeth Davis Salmon Class of ’63 Bonnie O’Rourke Brannon C. Lee Cook John F. Covalt, Jr. Annamae Rohanic Darton Ronnie E. Engle John F. Homan Margaret Sherman Kline Helen Egnor Leonard Shepherd University Hugh M. Derr, Jr. F. Richard Gastley O. Bradley Grove, Sr. Elizabeth Gloyd Haines Robert M. Kamensky Aretha Kees Mary Jane Jones Knode Stefanie Bell Low Hugh A. McNaughton William R. Passwaters Ann Perricone M. Marsha Clark Plybon Lucile Gunn Soper Donnagean Eyler Talbert Janet Parks Warner Helen Fisher Whitmer Class of ’64 Barbara Adams Frank R. Cosner John Doyle Russell V. Eschbacher James E. George Sally Ann Myers Greenfield Dolly Gauggel Hoffman John N. Hutzler, Jr. James R. Junkins Ruth Sundstrom Junkins Anne Kerfoot Suzanne Harsh Kershner Gary G. Lewis Donald W. McCary Darleen Miller Bonita Monk William G. Pontius Mary Wanger Selove Jerry D. Thompson Lisa Thornburg Sandra Frye Van Metre Joseph V. Walter III G. Raymond G. Watson, Jr. Mary Wysong Irene Bergland Yurish Mary Ann Rider Alexander Dan A. Baker Terence D. Brant Joyce Akins Fletcher Charles L. Frederick William G. Gess Barbara Puckett Greenstreet Robert M. Grim, Jr. Charles E. Higdon Robert A. Holmes Walter B. Knott Catherine Lantz H. Richard Miller William S. Miller Emily Strite Potts Herbert R. Rankin Ronald R. Reeder II John T. Reynolds * Garland D. Saville Robert J. Terpening, Jr. Carol Ann Thacher VanEvera* Kenneth T. Waldeck, Jr. Edward L. Weaver Shirley Wiltshire Class of ’65 Raymond D. Alexander, Jr. Karen Emmart Baker James E. Barb Connie Rectenwald Barr John L. Boor III James E. Boyd Peggy Byrd Carroll Carole Hall Carter Carolyn Cump Class of ’66 Class of ’67 Richard C. Adams Earl R. Batten Grace Baylor Bo Ann Bohman Claudia Bolen-Sullivan William G. Brenner Warren L. Carter Paige Chapman Susan Davis Goble Alice Hevner Harrison E. Lanham, Jr. Allen L. Lueck * Sara Taylor Lueck * Charles E. Lutman Barbara Peer Lutz Lannie C. Mullenax James Murray Ruth Olean Myers Kenneth S. Onsa Don C. Pontius Gary A. Pope Carolyn Myers Pope Arlene Young Rose John W. Rose Patrick B. Ruda Nancy Osbourn Sarra Anne Stewart Small * Judith Magaha Smith Carolyn Rexrode Smith Elizabeth Strider Walter David L. Wilson Rebecca Wiley Wilson Class of ’68 Cynthia Thurston Ball Anita Byham Bill Chapman Georgia Vest Clemens James W. Crumbacker Margaret Seidler Demer Ronald E. Dickerson C. Elaine Hamner Friend James V. Frye Kay Dill Gabbert Harold R. Grau Maritta Perry Grau E. Wayne Harris Mary Cockey Hoeltzel Delmas M. Humphreys Carol Kamensky Susan Holden Keegan Jerry P. Kerr Diana Dickey Koski * David C. Little Donald L. Myers Walter W. Painter Charles L. Rannells M. Christine Wizmerski Ruda Philip M. Shultz James W. Staley Linda Gill Thompson Richard S. Wachtel Class of ’69 Roger C. Anderson President’s Report and Honor Roll of Donors 2009-10 Katie Young Marvin E. Luckett Larry W. Masters Peter T. Menke C. David Miller * David Moore Richard D. Munch K. William Myers John Jack T. O’Brien John Peiffer Duane R. Peterson Lucretia Leather Reaves Jeffrey S. Shultz James O. Stup Ronald C. Taylor Diane Woods Watson Gloria Elliott Winters Sandra Carlotti Zimmerman Bob and Bev ’71 Hughes mingle at the 2009 Scarborough Society Gala with their daughter Kara. A physical education major while at Shepherd, Bev went on to become associate superintendent of the Jefferson County Board of Education. She and her husband are members of the Scarborough Society and often enjoy the Gala festivities. Arthur J. Auxer III Dorothy Baggarly Marlo Dunn Barnhart David M. Bartlett Linda Dodson Bartlett Franklin A. Bell, Jr. Raymond C. Bennett C. Lynn Wiley Bennett Susan Carpenter Vera Childress Karen Cunningham * Walter E. Duke Albert W. Fiery Sharon Fulk Hylton Filsinger Cheryl Flagg John C. Gladhill Jeffrey C. Hedges Edwin F. Hoeltzel, Jr. Janet Lank Victoria Kent Lotts Thomas E. Painter James J. Pulchine, Jr. Kathryn Burgess Redmond Cathy Millard Schreiner Harriett Shortley Sherwood Judy Snyder Gloria Riley Sorrells Daniel C. Starliper * M. Harris Stein, Jr. Thomas M. Sullivan James G. Thompson K. Bradshaw Waldeck June Dudrow Weedy William R. Willingham Pamela Link Wilmer Beverly Burkhart Yeagle Roger L. Zirkle Class of ’70 Susan Johnston Aliveto Carolyn Cline Anderson Paul V. Armstrong Judith Harris Armstrong G. Wayne Arnold Timothy L. Baldwin Gary C. Ball Gary E. Barr Betty Boward Bennett Rebecca Ware Borman Ronald A. Breeding Dalton O. Carr Reves Childress Harold E. Darlington Sandra Hills Darlington William D. Frazier Richard J. Grimes Lawson L. Hockman Joyce Harman Joslin John D. Kafton, Jr. James R. Keegan Mary Ellen Blue Kirk Lynn Fisher Little 25. Rob Shaw Chris Colbert ’95 and wife Samantha enjoy the 2010 Joseph P. McMurran Society dinner in the atrium of Erma Ora Byrd Hall. An active alumnus and West Virginia banker, Chris stays connected to Shepherd by supporting athletic and cultural events. Mary Battista Lowe * Mary Louise McGarvey Thomas R. Meredith Eleanor Spohr Miller Gregory R. Pleasant Mary Silvester Rannells Linda Riegle James S. Scott, Jr. Mary Staley David L. Taylor Wayne G. Thomson Susan Clohan Thorniley Cynthia Grove Weaver Karl L. Wolf* *McMurran Society Member 26. ‡ Deceased during 2009-10 James K. Wright, Jr.* Class of ’71 John E. Adams Sally Zemke Adams James H. Albright John B. Aliveto Frank Aliveto Barbara Sherman Barr Susan Bucey Kathryn Burkhart Paula Mayes Coupe * Arthur R. Crumbacker Mary Shipe Duke Barbara McDonald Frankenberry Thomas B. Harmon Virginia Wolf Hollinger Agnes Warther Holloway Beverly Skinner Hughes J. Donald Jones Treva Griffith Kerns Garry R. Kilmer Mariland Lee James W. Lewis Helen Friedel Lewis Kenneth F. Lowe, Jr. * Scott M. McCloskey Paul E. Miller III Edward L. Ostrowski, Jr. Allen P. Peacher Barbara Hunt Pichot John R. Pichot Deborah Baumgardner Piscitelli Candace Chambers Pleasant Linda Pontius Joyce Plitt Rath Larry P. G. Rudisill Sharon Strickland Sherrard David L. Sullivan Barbara Taylor Sandra Vandevander Connie Washburn Nelda Grubb Williams Jerry W. Williams Norma Jean Wilt Class of ’72 John M. Albert Susan Stein Baldwin Susan Bowers Bonebrake Scott D. Boyer Susan Papola Breeding Wilma Cooper Elliott Sally Fiery Robert H. Frankenberry Maurice A. Gladhill Ginger Reid Grimes Terry P. Hardy Richard W. Hare Michael W. Hudson * Robert H. Jensenius William C. Lind Richard L. McDonald Susan Mentzer-Blair * Robert T. Myers, Jr. Judy Miller Pugh Mary Ann Robertson Sandra Williams Spies Louis T. Tiano Nancy Esterline Tornello Patricia Kirkpatrick Waldeck Stephen G. Wildasin Class of ’73 James R. Arnold Dennis L. Barron Paul E. Brown Sherry Miller Brown Thomas L. Brugnoli David L. Bussey James B. Carnes Laura Dorsey Crosby Janice Newbraugh Danhart Brenda Willingham Eisenhart Susan Gemeny Michael R. Grove Patricia Hare Jerry W. Horner Susanne Long Horner Lisa Clem Johnson Phyliss Twigg Kafton Charles F. Kauffman, Jr. Daniel D. Kendle J. Paige Ledford Joyce Wotring Ledford Lawrence L. Manypenny Curtis G. Mason Richard D. Miller R. Craig Miller Bruce A. Myers Roger L. Newcome Joan Walker Pope Belinda Rupp Diane Michael Shewbridge Edward L. Shewbridge Kathryn Snyder Eileen Williams Southerly David B. Strider Glenn Twigg, Jr. Mary Hill Twigg Susan Miller Wagner Vanda Wark Randolph O. West Richard C. Whiting II Class of ’74 Thomas E. Barnhart Cindy Bennett Bowers Denise Burns Shellie Chambers Stephen E. Clarke Carol Cook Jaye W. Copp Doris Heath Douglass Keith B. DuBois James R. Fleenor Mary Lee DeHaven Gladhill M. Wayne Goodrich Jan Hafer Kittylee Nye Harbaugh * Kathy Schell Hardy Michael E. Howard Michael A. Imperio Billie Jean Feller Jensenius Gerald L. Krause David L. Lewis Paul R. Lewis Dorothy Lloyd Lorenz John H. Lorenz Gary L. Loudan Judith Gray Martin Milton D. Mills Michael T. Myers Robert C. Raff, Jr. Thomas E. Rust Deborah McBee Seldomridge Jerome J. Smith Ronald L. Smoot Donald G. Specht Cornelia Ann Spurgas Linda Staub Regina Devlin Stefanski Marina diGirolamo Tiano John H. Tincher Robin W. Townsend Carol Miller Vogler Michael E. Wagner, Sr. John J. Walker, Jr. H. Douglas Warner Allan J. Warsaw Betty Wojcik Class of ’75 Clayton A. Anders Alan L. Brill Linda Campbell Jody Butler Carter Christopher B. Carter Thomas O. Creager Louis A. Duckworth Linda LeMaster Eccard Carol Faucett Nancy Harris Gibbons Kerry Hartsell Grantham Joann Horst Huffman Stephania Masenheimer Kitchen Melinda Wilmore Landolt Adam B. Link III Cheryl Agee Losh Terry L. Maddox Kathleen Manahan Winifred Marcum Judy Marcus Jeannette Hane Mendonca Andrew D. Michael * Lucinda Mullett John H. Munday, Jr. Jeffrey A. Myers Karen Roach Niedermeier Doris Painter Donna Walter Printz Gary H. Robinson Megan Toy Rose-Jensen Kathryn DeHaven Rudisill Pam Santone Patricia Barrow Scrivener Suzanne Shackelford Forrest A. Sherman Patricia Sigle Pamela Butko Smith Nancy Digges Specht D. Timothy Stoner Cynthia Boyd Woods John H. Yost Class of ’76 Susan Alsip-Lawson Kenneth J. Boone Bonnie Tyree Cleveland Kathy Blue Dilley Mary Mullins Evans Doris Horner Fiddler Judith Ford Theodore Gillette Marvin W. Gower William W. Grantham Billy W. Harper John B. Hemphill Dennis L. Householder Richard W. Keller Terry Wise Kesecker Larry D. Laing Harry E. Lerch III Marcia Sponaugle Lerch Mary Kay Doyle MacFarlane Lauren Enrietti Maslov Thomas C. Miller Lee R. Moore, Jr. Aldine N. Moser, Jr. Shepherd University M. J. Le May Myers Olivia Myers David T. Newlin * Valerie Owens George C. Rhoderick V Linda Rigsby Mary Curry Rinard Craig W. Robey Mary Robinson Thomas C. Saxon Sheila Shergy Dorsey F. Shipley, Jr. Doug E. Smith Gloria Stickley Michael W. Stout Rose Gegor Thomas Edward D. Thomas Robin Truax Eric D. Waggy Jeraldine Hickerson Whitmer Philip B. Zerr Susan Tabler Zigler Class of ’77 Carol Baker Ralph D. Clark Donald E. Clem Lisa Enrietti Conti Valinda Dozier Dattilio Susan Davis James S. Deaner Francis L. DeSirant Patricia Gompers Duffin David M. Frazier Pamella Clark Gillette Mark W. Goller Phyllis Grantham Corinne Gulin Pamela Brooks Hilliard C. Mark Hofe Patricia Funk Krzywicki Michael E. Landis Rosanne Pentz Martin Enrico J. Massimino Lois Rebecca McDonald C. Randal Mullett Wendy Pacek Barbara Stewart Plume David L. Plume Mary Anne Pope Joseph W. Pugh, Jr. Gary L. Recher James J. Rehanek, Jr. Nena Rhoderick Jeffrey S. Smoot David M. Southerly Mary Tedrow Faylee Wilt Patricia Knipe Wright Jack K. Yankey Class of ’78 Dana Hendricks Anders Glenn H. Bell Linda Collins Billmyer Patricia Brown Wayne R. Canada Sara Cogan Canada James E. Clem Richard B. Donovan, Jr. Michele Dorsey Carolyn Gess Fleenor Judy Snyder Gower Rebecca Upton Grandle Leigh Talbott Grover Deborah Horvat Hammond Daniel L. Herr Michael D. Hockman Betty Hott Douglas C. Huffer John W. Inwright David A. Jackson Charles T. Krzywicki Lois Kuhn Gerard J. Lawrence, Jr. Rebecca Mason Lidgerding Gregory M. Lloyd James G. MacFarlane III Margaret McKeon Kim Davis Mercier Joseph B. Moles, Jr. Betsy Newlin * David R. Richardson Thomas J. Rinard M. Elaine Cullers Southerly Rebecca Nerhood Speaks Mark L. Spessard Joan Bartley Starliper * Carol Eppinger Suker Debra Griffith Tabler John H. Tarmann John P. Wood Class of ’79 Richard L. Andrekanic George D. Bragaw III Suellen Sager Cassell Mary Denton Day Cheryl Kelley Deaner Scott E. Emmert Carmel Devlin Goodwin Richard M. Holmes Sally Gavin Jackson Patricia Kinder Edith Kirk Tamsen Farmer Molenda Jill Palanzo Kenneth W. Peppard Lois Shumaker Reed Lynne Hudson Richardson Carlton L. Schelhorn, Jr. Anita Smith Joseph R. Spurgas Nancy Jo Upwright J. Bryan Yoho Cecilia Zindel Class of ’80 Eugene R. Bartlett Clay H. Beard Todd M. Beard Kathy Jo Tabler Blue Steven A. Chmielewski Timothy G. Cook Erin Coughlin Nancy Herridge Doss Denis L. Doss Mary Beth Dalgarn Dotton Susan Garrett Daryl J. Grove Judy Bateman Hockman David B. Jones Patricia Keller John L. Koepke Freda Lower Lee Stephen Lehr Gail Nielsen Licata Lauren Shippee Lowman Frances McFerren Brian X. Murray Timothy M. O’Connell Kenneth W. Peebles D. Scott Roach Cheryl D.L. Roberts Carol Mason Rothman Beth Stith Sandifer Linda Sharar Joseph A. Siler, Jr. Claude S. Stanton, Jr. Tammy Miller Tucker Kimberly Basore Walls Michael P. Whitacre Class of ’81 Douglas B. Arndt President’s Report and Honor Roll of Donors 2009-10 Donna Flynn Batcheller Sharon Appel Beard Martha Barney Beard Roger L. Beard Maureen Looney Bell Linda Benedict Michael F. Cajigao William R. Clark Sandra Collier Richard E. Cooley, Jr. James S. Dailey III Steven C. Diehl C. Dawn Meadows Diehl Gina Fargo Diehl Franklin E. Farmer Mary Devaney Golden Sharon Teter Granofsky Donald C. Herbst Charles B. Hickok Denis C. Hodgkins Rhonda Eastham Katsirubas Stephen J. Lynch Mahlon R. Patterson, Jr. Gregory S. Rhoe Linda Hottel Roach Cinda Scales Deborah Myers Seal Donald R. Silvius Pamela Hohman Smith Christine Taylor John T. Thayer Constance Van Sickler George D. Vandenbergh II Gregory M. Weigel Class of ’82 Philip A. Ankers Evelyn Hevener Ankers Joanne Poole Baum Sharon Glass Byrd Bambi Conrad Crawford Gregory S. Crawford Stephen E. D’Antuono Cathy Schelhorn D’Antuono Gregory H. Edmondson Christopher J. Fletcher Jennifer Cooper Fletcher Dennie J. Gandee Wilbur L. Hershberger Eric P. Hofstetter Shell L. Hoskinson Keith B. Janssen Michael J. Johns Richard H. Klein Laura Zaleski Klein Top 10 Classes by Giving Bravo to the following classes for being among the Top 10 donors by class year during 2009-10! Want to see your class among the Top 10 in 2010-11? Contact the Shepherd University Foundation to make your gift today! Rank Class Percent 1 ’54 45.0 2 ’53 37.2 3 ’50 35.9 4 ’59 35.5 5 ’48 30.8 6 ’56 30.3 7 ’61 29.9 8 ’57 29.5 9 ’60 29.0 10 ’58 27.6 Roberta Lance Robert B. Madison Janine Duncan Miller Cathy Eckerd Mitchell Christopher P. Needham Cynthia Nicewarner Paula Athey Owens Christopher P. Parker William W. Pearman, Jr. Nelson S. Phillips Donald E. Ross Bradley C. Snowden Susan Stuckey Snowden Margaret King Staubs Denise Montgomery Stout C. Owen Walker Paul F. Wolfe Class of ’83 Sharon Decker Affinito Lisa Trayer Bivens E. Stevenson Cocke H. Thomas Cook, Jr. David A. Diehl Maria Doukas Joyce Glen R. Dunham Patricia Flanagan Fellows Frances Gower Bonny De Launey Hamrick James D. Henriksen Maureen McDonald Henriksen Deena Hockensmith Hofstetter Susan Dean LeGrand Rachel Schrumpf Lehner Neville L. Leonard, Jr. Eugene M. Lugat * Dawn Zakarian Lynch Terri Mauk David H. McMullan Debra Huffer Moler Margaret Mollat Lisa Pittinger Rolle 27. Class of ’84 Frederick D. Artis Roger L. Beatty Laura Lovett Brill Tiffney Blohm Brockway Timothy E. Brockway Sharon Cather Brumback Lori Bellison Cole Julia Gore Connell Ann Wilson Diepersloot Tracy Garrett Dorothea Dottie Gladstone Marlene Frye Gray Timothy J. Hall Laura Wells Hamilton Lisa Hering Timothy J. Leber Michelle McNichol Thomas W. Moler, Jr. Steven L. Nicewarner Michael J. Reed Kimberly Donaldson Rhoe W. Mark Rudolph Joyce Sanders Lorri Dove Schwartz Edward K. Schwartz Keith B. Snyder Monique Coates Summers Melanie Funkhouser Walker Olivia White Class of ’85 Mary Beth Wagner Bressler Carrie Cooper Buraker Ronald G. Carper Rachelle Davis Sherry Shrader Dunham Daryl F. Eckard Angela Blair Elliott Ann Eppinger Patricia Barnett Goodie Anthony Green Donald B. Hale Gaylen S. Johnson Eugenia Johnson Nancy Jones *McMurran Society Member 28. ‡ Deceased during 2009-10 Michele Ours King Rosemary Lynch Al F. McKoy Barbara Maphis Meyers Boniva Miller Laura Neal Cynthia Jones Nicewarner Mildred Coffinberger Park Andrew C. Robertson Laurie Umbach Robertson Rita Coleman Rudolf Kim Smith Susan Walker Sowers Mark E. Staley John K. Taylor Wendy Young-Dyott Roger W. Younker, Jr. Class of ’86 Jeffery H. Anderson Harvey E. Barnhart III Karen Barry Tami Heyman Barton Andrew J. Berens Dawn Moats Bozek Anthony A. Brooks Peggy Burrier Mary Campbell Eileen Carnaggio Lisa Coblentz John K. Cochran Marilyn Cox Maureen Dougherty Mary Drew James Fedorko Gina Groh Karen Hall James K. Healey Petrina Hoffman Ronald W. Imbach, Jr. Bernard W. Knott Michael P. Lusick Michael D. Muse Tracy Palmer Lisa Parkinson Abby Pearson Helen Peil Douglas H. Powell Charles E. Ransom III Wendy Strider Ransom Barbara Hicks Reyda Jenny Walsh Schooley J. Tevis Sensel Eugene E. Sites, Jr. Suzanne Stouffer Sullivan Mary Kay Troub Sustek Nelson E. Vazquez Class of ’87 Nancy Avis Lauri Marsteller Bridgeforth Brian D. Carter Eileen Cokenias Gregory M. Cooke Abra Weller Cullen R. Shelton Davis Timothy E. Enterline Patti Mazur Hartford Paul D. Hemme Anthony T. Hoffmaster Brian K. Jackson Doris Goeppner King Richard W. LaFollette, Jr. Anne E. Shamberger Marshall Melissa Mattia Michael A. Meoli Donald C. Middlecamp John S. Nissel Allison Parrish Halron Barry S. Polkinghorn Beverly Schwartz Purnell Amy Rush Jennifer Phillips Wohlleban Lisa Blunt Wolff * Barry D. Woodard Class of ’88 William D. Baker Virginia Green Barker Shaun P. Callaghan Kevin S. Carter Lisa Wright Cockrell Stephen R. Denton Bettina Reid Fiery Donna Reed Harmison Paul R. Hetzer Marianne Whitaker Hetzer Christine Hulver Himelright Beth Butler Josephs M. Michelle Shewbridge LaFollette Brenda Nicholas Lampard Christopher E. Mack Brenda Kramer Manspeaker Robin Longerbeam Moses Jeffrey W. Purnell James S. Scott III Nancy Smeltzer Cindy Collis Snyder Gary Kable David P. Rudy David W. Smith Dale P. Summers Karen Cameron Weigel Shelley Wetzel Everett L. Yore Foundation scholar Jennifer Ferenz ’10 and senior Ahment Akaydin showcase their musical talents during a performance for guests at the October 2009 Create the Future campaign celebration. John R. Spickler Victoria Thomas Harry C. Van Metre John H. Wolff * Beth Mahoney Wright Class of ’89 Melissa Writt Axline Catherine Duray Baker Nikki Bardin Patricia Barrett Sandra Rodgers Bross David E. Bryant Carolyn Waltz Bryant Sybil Cobb David W. Decker Pamela Holder Deckert Debra Hart Duvall Brian P. Fisher Darren B. Iden Lorri Anne Ross Iden Julie Kugler-Bentley Timothy D. Linton Mary Ellen Wright Lloyd Michael J. Lordan Brent D. May Michael A. Reid Daniel F. Seal Michael A. Smith Kimberly Krams Wilson Mary Chilcote Yocum Class of ’90 J. Michael Barcus, Jr. James V. Butts, Jr. Donna Albright Deberry Dana Willis Denton Steven W. Franke Michael C. Goode, Jr. Gregory V. Groves Nancy Gunther-Snyder Laura Hale Kathryn Dorsey Hamm Gina Hinkle Regina Holmes Amy Hutchison Homrock Vivian Comert Hunsley Brian E. Jordan Lillie Hoover Largent Kimberly Kees Linton Robin Mazzacane Lyles Lisa Gregory May Lisa Mihalik Daniel B. Pocock Mark A. Roemer Doreen Schaffner Carolyn Showalter Sally Vass Silver James D. Stewart Teresa Taylor Cathy Foltz Thompson David S. Wilkinson Class of ’91 James P. Acly Carey B. Barlowe Robert H. Chuey II Megan Bolyard Cooke John Cowgill Kimberly Hawkins Heishman Sherry Eskut Jordan Melissa Laidlow Joy Osbourn Lewis Clarise Hairston Ottley James R. Pearson Jason L. Robertson Ronald F. Rowe Chad W. Weddle Class of ’92 Mitsy Chambers-Hardy Cathy Clemmons Decker Curtis E. Gregory Dale R. Heironimus Christopher Hill Theresa Janszen Hoover Bernard B. Jones Lynn E. Leatherman Jill Jackson Lordan Rachael Meads Shepherd University Patricia Miley Rebecca Olean Judith Pharr John R. Phillips Kristen Pike Patricia O’Brien Poffenberger C. Aaron A. Racey Matthew G. Richman Dawn Cook Snyder Russell G. Voelker Richard J. Young Class of ’93 Karin Hammann Dunn Robin Grams Andrea Gano Heck Brenda Jenkins Bradley W. Lacey Clarence E. Martin III Joy Marsh Newkirk Kelli Polen Theresa Humberson Raff Stephen D. Raff Kerry Cavanaugh Stenger Kelli Summers Dannie F. Wall Class of ’94 Terri Kirk Burhans Dawn Teufel Elliott Eric B. Fargo Brenda Miller Feltner Andrea Irzinski Goren Rebecca Graham William D. Harper Lisa Hileman Charles D. Linton Jeanette Johnson Mathias Timothy S. McClain James W. Newkirk Danielle Dehaven Nordyke Tamara Peterson Obendorfer Deborah Byer Robertson Debra Burhenn Saunders Eric K. Stenger Amanda Mulledy Stevens Sarah Sullivan Allison Crews Turner Nicole Wysong Whitman Richard K. York Class of ’95 Kara Bennett Scott L. Bradford Doleman Wayne E. Braunstein Kimberly Jeffries Burch Carolyn Wilson Carbone B. Whitney Roberts Cornwell Eugene S. DeLawder Sarah Meads Dodson Jeffery R. Ely Debra Glover Alan J. Granofsky Timothy D. Haines Frank A. Hamilton, Jr. Troy B. Heck Rebecca Ulrich Hines Kevin P. Howley Craig J. Johnson Karsten H. Kerrick Eric J. Lewis Kenneth Lowe Jessica Keeffer Otto Cara Graham Parker Aaron M. Polen Tara Saville Thaddeus J. Sobczak Sandra Dubay Sponaugle Carolyn Sutton Taylor Frank W. Vetter Veronique Walker Mark M. Wilson Chauncey L. Winbush Chuck W. Young Kelly Hussion Young Class of ’96 Kelsey Banks Elizabeth Binns-Roemer Mark A. Dowe Stephanie Eannottie Felton Francesca Damiano Hammond Lynne Hess Elizabeth Hovermale Jayne Jackson Rolfe M. Kelley Dirk E. Kraushaar Jeremy L. Mathias Michelle Meehan Marcyanna Worosila Millet Eddie L. Naylor, Jr. Rachel Krolikowski Nieberding Class of ’97 Gabriel J. Benton Robert L. Brown Kenneth F. Butler Shawn E. Cain Kendra Walker Cole Christopher M. DeLauter Jeffrey A. Dodson Kelly Cavey Dowe Larry W. Dunn Amy Kayes Michele Kimble Keith E. Koenig Andrea Lee Mason Gail McDowell Nancy Deaton Mullins Daniel M. Perkins Amber Kodges Perkins Eric S. Pilato Christopher C. Pitzer Dorothy Strange Brian E. Williams Class of ’98 Jill Heavner Benton Chad W. Broadwater Dwayne S. Brown Matthew R. Cornwell April Foor Mark D. Knott Carrie Whittington Lamp Brad P. Lewis Darlene Muse Stephanie Nasteff Matthew A. Noyes Michael A. Rose Brian J. Sands Jessie Shanholtz Amanda Steiner Beverly Vetter Michael P. Wilson Class of ’99 Amanda Schmidt Breeden Courtney Guenther Burgan William E. Burgan, Jr. Wayne L. Burger, Jr. Daniel Burhans Sherrise Dowell De Baugh Betty Crampton Ecton Heath D. Gilbert Janeen Graham David G. Gray Melanie Hawkins Sharon Garland Hensley Brian C. Lamb Charles D. Lamp Carl C. Mackey Denise Norton President’s Report and Honor Roll of Donors 2009-10 Dawn Freed Pitzer Sarah Ramey Lacy I. Rice, Jr. Matthew S. Roark Carolyn Poisal Ropp Barbara Smith James A. Sothen Jennifer Knott Williams Class of ’00 Dwayne D. Breeden Karri Cameron Jason B. De Baugh Marc K. Foltz Lyle E. Fultz II Jacqueline Geigel Danielle Renadette Hollandsworth Brian G. Kerr George I. Kidwiler, Jr. Jennifer Childs Lamb Jason C. LaRue Carolyn Birmingham Marino Craig E. Myers Roger L. Saville Robin Shaw Kathleen Sholl Jennifer Elliott Truby Peter E. Truby Class of ’01 C. Dawn Weigel Beatty Kisha Cross C. Andrew Fields Marshall A. Gladhill Michelle Grimes Denise Rivera Haymaker Daniel B. Jackson Julia Adams Koenig Joyce Leonard Steven M. Lietuvnikas Stephny McKown Lietuvnikas Laura Miller Christopher A. Palmer Alyson J. Barabas Pignone Keisha Burgess Rose James C. Wells, Jr. Class of ’02 Lisa Salazar Becker Dennis R. Bennett Arthur L. Burgess, Jr. Mark R. Crawford Jessica Emerson-Barnabei John D. Grimsley Lizzie Lowe Michelle Henninger Mullenax Matthew T. Mullenax Rebecca Myers Jodi Pritchard Mary Smith Natalie Fox Spadacino Amanda Frey Wells Ronald L. Widmyer Gail Winans Misty Greenfield Worrell Class of ’03 Charlene Carter Carol Coyle Trevor W. Forshey Amanda Irvine Fultz Judith Funke Harry N. Lanehart, Jr. Bradley J. Long Candace Klein Mason Sue Mercer Amber Musser Mongold Thomas L. Powell Georgette Riggleman Nora Roberts Nicholas W. S. Sowers Carol Witrowski Tamara Mary Vickers Keith A. Worrell Class of ’04 Theodore C. Anderson Richard J. Egress Amy Martz Egress Kelli Potter Greenfield Tammy Grove Leatherman Natalie Martz Holly McCall Regina Stiles Earl G. Wean Class of ’05 Bonnie Cater Jane M. Cook Mary Clare Eros Tyler L. Grove Jan Raney Lorber John D. Meeker Kelly Pannill James C. Price John P. Prytz Nicholas D. Siebold April Speakman Class of ’06 Clayton O. Beard Jason W. Ferguson Lori Linney Kimberly Marshall Annette Murphy Rita Quillen Oliver Lisa Peltier Daniel A. Speis Christopher S. Taylor Shayla Wharton Maria Wohlslagel Class of ’07 Shanna Leef Boutchyard Olivia Damasco Bradley S. Edwards Justin M. Hockman Matthew R. Lowers Krystel McCauley Cassandra Murray Michael A. Romeo Jill Rotruck Kerri Spies David R. Tune Class of ’08 Zachary Boyd Lily Bright Linda Grubb Megan Hockman Tari Janssen Robert W. Riggs II Diane Robinson Roy R. Rogers, Jr. Heidi Schaeffer Michael J. Whalton Elizabeth R. White Class of ’09 Maria Arrington Amy Bell Kristen Hadel Lois Morgan John Pearson Ellen Miller Smoot James T. Sweeney, Jr. Class of ’10 Candice Breeden Megan Graf Mary Showers Cortney Shrewsbury • 29. Honor/Memorial Contributors In Memory of Albert and Helen Alvarez Michael and Dianne Alvarez In Honor of Dr. Charlotte Anderson Lisa Trayer ’83 and Scott Bivens Kathy Jo Tabler ’80 and John Blue Evelyn Poe and James Butcher Mary Campbell ’86 Carolyn Wilson Carbone ’95 Laura Clayton Bonnie Tyree ’76 and George Cleveland Harry Davis and Pamela Carlon-Davis Donna Albright ’90 and Steven Deberry Joyce and Arthur DeButts Kathy Blue ’76 and Wes Dilley Mary ’86 and John Drew Dawn and Jack Drooger Sharon and Louis Drummeter Linda LeMaster ’75 and Henry Eccard Allison Edwards and Dot Hively * Albert ’69 and Bettina Reid ’88 Fiery Marlene Frye ’84 and Franklin Gray Kimberly Hawkins Heishman ’91 Virginia Hicks Dena Hill Michael ’78 Hockman Danielle Renadette ’00 and Matt Hollandsworth J. Michael and Jean Kingsbury Jacobs Charles and Shirley Jacques Eugenia Johnson ’85 Madeline Johnston Helen Johnstone Barbara Kemerer *McMurran Society Member 30. ‡ Deceased during 2009-10 Kimberly Kees ’90 and Richard Linton Jan Raney ’05 and Anthony Lorber Susan and John Lyons Sharon and Jerry Mailey G. Annette Mateer Linda Myers Deborah Niswander Clarise Hairston ’91 and Alford Ottley Panhandle Home Health, Inc. Helen Peil ’86 K. Alan Perdue Jodi Pritchard ’02 Karen and Thomas Pugsley Thomas ’78 and Mary Curry ’76 Rinard Elizabeth and Guy Rini Juanita Rose Amy Rush ’87 Debra Burhenn ’94 and John Saunders Suzanne Shackelford ’75 Robin Shaw ’00 Nancy Smeltzer ’88 Janice and Jerry Smith Keith ’84 and Cindy Collis ’88 Snyder April Speakman ’05 Marcia and Lewis Subelky Agnes Hull Tabler ’48 Christopher S. Taylor ’06 Janet and Robert Tipton Urban J. Toucher Jessica Willard Gail Winans ’02 Darlene and Joseph Witt Karl L. Wolf ’70 * David and Lisa Zerull In Memory of Kenneth H. Andrews Don D. Andrews, Jr. ’58 In Memory of Rebecca Miller Arnold Edwin ’69 and Mary Cockey ’68 Hoeltzel In Honor of the Auxer Family Arthur Auxer ’69 and Dawn Fye In Memory of Elwood Barnhart Donald ’68 and Patricia Myers In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barr Paul ’73 and Dale Brown In Honor of Walter A. Barr, Jr ’62 Dana Hendricks ’78 and Clayton ’75 Anders Walter ’62 and Connie Rectenwald ’65 Barr Paul ’73 and Dale Brown Sherry Miller Brown ’73 Jean Smith Carper ’52 James S. Dailey III ’81 Sarah Meads ’95 and Jeffrey ’97 Dodson Carole and Eugene Foltz Janice and Anthony ’85 Green Glenn and Rhonda Hinton Richard W. Keller ’76 Christine and Eugene ’83 Lugat * Steuart and Kathleen Martens Jeffrey A. Myers ’75 Mary Anne Pope ’77 Ronald E. Pyles ’62 Jo Anne and Herbert ’64 Rankin Evelyn and C. Richard ’56 Snively Barbara and Nelson ’86 Vazquez Dorothy and Wilson ’37 Waddy Patricia Kirkpatrick ’72 and Kenneth ’64 Waldeck Elizabeth Strider ’67 and Joseph ’66 Walter Francis and Viola Welch In Memory of C. Thomas Baxter, Jr. Mary Baxter Kelly Baxter Spitz and Kenneth Spitz In Memory of Helene Alvarez Bazzrea Chad Alvarez Ramon ’62 and Mary Alvarez Michael and Dianne Alvarez In Memory of V.J. Brown James D. Stewart ’90 In Memory of Dr. Millard K. Bushong M. Harris ’69 and Kitty Stein In Memory of Annita L. Capouellez Flett ’91 David B. Flett * In Memory of Howard and Goldie Carper Ronald G. Carper ’85 In Memory of Beverly Yakubow Carr Dalton O. Carr ’70 In Memory of Virginia L. Caton-Fawcett Phi Sigma Chi In Memory of Col. Herbert E. Clark Ramon ’62 and Mary Alvarez Kenneth ’76 and Natasha Boone Ralph ’77 and Lora Clark Donald ’77 and Patricia Clem Thomas and Dorothy Cochrane Ray and Susan Gillette Theodore ’76 and Pamella Clark ’77 Gillette Jane and Yancey Jones Phyllis Groh and Charles Pitzer Lois and John Unger In Honor of Woodrow and Anna Collins Norma Collins Gerbozy In Honor of Robert Crook Sandra Jenkins and Mary Bell * In Memory of Beatrice W. Danhart Janice Newbraugh Danhart ’73 In Honor of James ’59 and Mary Jane Small ’60 Davis Wendy and Stanley Mopsik David ’73 and Anne Strider In Honor of Mary Delashmutt Sharon Garland ’99 and Rick Hensley In Memory of Tony Del-Colle Carol and Michael Del-Colle In Memory of Nancy M. Dockeney ’70 Ruth Scarlett ’57 and Charles Miller In Memory of Charles E. Doss Martha Doss In Memory of Caroline Dunlop Shepherd University Office of the President In Memory of John and Anna Hill Egle Pat Moler ’60 and John ’61 Egle * In Memory of Dr. David C. Eldridge Brody School of Medicine/ Pediatrics, East Carolina University Kenneth and Raquel Crider Jonathan Eldridge Mark Hayes Edmund and Kathryn Kelly Suda Kunyosying Allen ’67 and Sara Taylor ’67 Lueck * Erin and Brad Medhus Marcyanna Worosila Millet ’96 Wendy and Stanley Mopsik Peter and Sharon Morris Betty Myers Judith ’92 and Clarence Pharr Julia Pratt Michael and Barbara Riccards Rita Coleman ’85 and Haydon Rudolf Shepherd University Office of the President Barbara and Mark Stern * Sherry and John Torrens Peggy and Charles ’59 Woodward * In Memory of Merva Dye Filler Phyllis and Ed Novak Rose Thomas In Memory of Donnie and Diane Grimsley John D. Grimsley ’02 In Memory of James S. Hafer Ilhi ’58 and Yaejin Kang Scott M. Rover In Memory of Florence M. Hamilton Brenda Kramer Manspeaker ’88 In Memory of Ray E. Harris H. Anne Harris ’61 Barbara Harris ’59 and Donald Osburn In Memory of John Headlee Annamae Rohanic ’63 and Arthur Darton In Memory of Terry L. Heck Troy ’95 and Andrea Gano ’93 Heck Shepherd University In Memory of William H. Hendricks Sally Hendricks Anderson Helen Bissett and John Maurer David J. Butler Gilbert ’52 and Ina Hendricks Elizabeth A. Hensley Dolores Irving Jo Ann Jackson ’58 and William ’58 Knode Jennifer Neet and Stephen Koenig Elizabeth Snyder Lowe ’52 Janet Massett Sabrina Massett Victoria and Ronald Schelhouse Mary Schnars and Deborah Frank John and Helen Snyder Mary ’70 and James ’68 Staley Rose Anne and Tice Tennant Jack and Mary Weigel In Memory of Anna Henshaw Gardiner NSDAR, William Henshaw Chapter In Honor of Ed Herendeen John and Jennifer Ewing Allen Ann Harkins and Frankie Tan Robert and Tia McMillan In Memory of Philip B. Hill Ramon ’62 and Mary Alvarez Robert and Marian Bergdolt Edwinna Bernat Bowles Rice McDavid Graff and Love LLP Snowdon and James Byron Sylvia Cash Philip and Frances Cox Mark and Roberta Cucuzzella James ’59 and Mary Jane Small ’60 Davis * David H. Drennen June and Lawrence Fletcher-Hill Gartner Family Foundation Ardis Hass Beatrice Hill Charles and Mary Bolling Hoffman Edmund and Kathryn Kelly Charles LaRue Allen ’67 and Sara Taylor ’67 Lueck * Geraldine and Richard Marsh Kathryn Mcgrew Robert and Tia McMillan Andrew D. Michael ’75 * Wendy and Stanley Mopsik Deborah and Joseph Muir Arthur A. Neu Rene Parks Suzy and Lacy ’99 Rice Rotary Foundation of Shepherdstown Shepherdstown Visitors Center Julia Silber Larry ’60 and Nancy Strite Gloria and Robert Thatcher Thomas and Rebecca Tinder Charla Wallace Paul and Lisa Welch Wells Real Estate Funds WVUH-East Jefferson Memorial Hospital In Memory of Mary Francis Hockman Denise ’74 and Richard Burns In Memory of Col. Robert L. Howard, M.O.H. Michael ’98 and Karen Wilson In Memory of Dr. Oliver S. Ikenberry Ilhi ’58 and Yaejin Kang In Honor of Dr. J. Michael Jacobs Dana Hendricks ’78 and Clayton ’75 Anders Walter ’62 and Connie Rectenwald ’65 Barr Paul ’73 and Dale Brown Sherry Miller Brown ’73 Jean Smith Carper ’52 James S. Dailey III ’81 Sarah Meads ’95 and Jeffrey ’97 Dodson Carole and Eugene Foltz Janice and Anthony ’85 Green Glenn and Rhonda Hinton Richard W. Keller ’76 Christine and Eugene ’83 Lugat * Steuart and Kathleen Martens Jeffrey A. Myers ’75 Mary Anne Pope ’77 Ronald E. Pyles ’62 Jo Anne and Herbert ’64 Rankin Evelyn and C. Richard ’56 Snively Barbara and Nelson ’86 Vazquez Dorothy and Wilson ’37 Waddy Patricia Kirkpatrick ’72 and Kenneth ’64 Waldeck Elizabeth Strider ’67 and Joseph ’66 Walter Francis and Viola Welch In Memory of Dr. E. William Johnson Carol Mason ’80 and Mark Rothman In Memory of Clyde and Cecelia Jones Regina Jones ’54 In Memory of Elmer F. Keebler Rebecca Upton Grandle ’78 In Memory of John F. Keller Edward G. Keller Richard W. Keller ’76 President’s Report and Honor Roll of Donors 2009-10 Katie Young In Memory of Dr. D. E. Hendricks William ’58 and Jo Ann Jackson ’58 Knode The late Dr. C. Vincent Townsend was a charter member of the Ram Gridiron Club and the regional medical director of North Eastern Regional Emergency Medical Services for more than 20 years. Upon his retirement, members of the EMS community established the C. Vincent Townsend EMS Scholarship in support of safety management students in the Eastern Panhandle. Dr. Townsend, who passed away in December 2009, is pictured above with his wife, Sara H. Townsend, at the 2009 Scarborough Society Gala. Jeannette Hane ’75 and Patrick Mendonca Linda Rigsby ’76 In Memory of John G. Knutti Joyce Knutti Sperow ’61 In Memory of Zora K. Leimbacher Vivian Snyder In Memory of Frederick Klein ’48 Ruth and William ’46 Fournier In Memory of Ronald J. Koski Diana Dickey Koski ’68 * In Memory of the Parents of Harriet McCoy Harriet Wright ’54 and William McCoy In Memory of Dr. Harry V. Klug Marlene Zimmerman Lyons ’55 In Memory of Vernon and Catherine Leather Lucretia Leather ’63 and Ronald Reaves In Memory of Dr. John Thomas Mentzer William Blair and Susan Mentzer-Blair ’72 * 31. In Memory of Evelyn Miller Stanley and Judith Jones In Honor of Jim and Joyce Miller Jill Miller and Rob Saufferer In Memory of Jeffrey F. Miller Joyce and James Miller In Honor of Matthew Aaron Miller ’09 Michelle and Jeffrey Schoppert In Memory of Dr. James M. Moler ’30 William Blair and Susan Mentzer-Blair ’72 * In Memory of Tom E. Moses John and Meredyth Moses Naomi Moses Frances Quarles Katharine and Hugh Stierhoff Lynn and Chelsey Yellott In Memory of Albert C. and Jeanne V. Nerhood Lynda Nerhood Levine and Marshall Levine Robert and Deborah Nerhood Philip T. Porterfield III Howard and Rebecca Nerhood ’78 Speaks In Memory of Caroline Fritts Nethken Mildred Nethken In Memory of George M. Nethken William and Monica Lingenfelter * Mildred Nethken In Memory of Hazel Newman Harriet Wright ’54 and William McCoy *McMurran Society Member 32. ‡ Deceased during 2009-10 In Memory of Nellie Gantt Owens William and Monica Lingenfelter * Valerie Owens ’76 In Memory of Pat Dudley Owens Grace Baylor ’67 In Memory of Homer N. and Jane Staples Pankey Homer ’59 and Patricia Pankey In Memory of Jean F. Parsons Shirley Parsons In Memory of Dr. Dean Pease Arthur P. Foley In Memory of Thomas A. Polutonavich William ’65 and Judy Passwaters In Memory of Peggy Collins Porterfield Collins Reunion Fund Norma Collins Gerbozy Bryan Kimes Kenneth ’71 and Mary Battista ’70 Lowe * In Memory of Sallye S. Price Phi Sigma Chi In Memory of Betty Pugh Paula Pugh Mills Robert Mills Nancy Smeltzer ’88 In Memory of Darrell Reeder Ronald R. Reeder II ’64 In Memory of Ronald R. Reeder Ronald R. Reeder II ’64 In Memory of Jason G. Regester Paul ’74 and Nancy Lewis In Memory of Elsie Brown and Joseph J. Renn, Jr. Roberta ’62 and Sidney Absher In Honor of T. Guy Reynolds, Jr. Vanda White In Honor of Dr. Michael P. Riccards Cheryl Flagg ’69 In Memory of Carl R. Riggleman Alden and Georgette ’03 Riggleman Elizabeth R. Riggleman Elmer and Patsy Riggleman Vickie C. Riggleman In Memory of John David Russell Junior A. Russell‡ Marlene Russell In Memory of Junior A. Russell The Herald-Mail Twenty-five Club Hilda Draper In Memory of Paul M. Saab Scott ’71 and Michelle McCloskey Blanche Saab Eric ’76 and Barbara Waggy In Memory of Catherine Ocheltree ’33 and Kenneth Miller Saunders Lawrence and Susan Saunders In Honor of Dr. John F. Schmidt Brent ’89 and Lisa Gregory ’90 May Mary Anne Pope ’77 Nena ’77 and George ’76 Rhoderick In Memory of Ralph Sherrard James R. Pearson ’91 In Honor of Dr. Suzanne Shipley Theresa and Steven Wiseman In Memory of Merle J. and Josephine Saville Shultz Jeffrey S. Shultz ’63 In Memory of Amanda Smailes John Smailes In Memory of Howard A. Small Jo Ann Jackson ’58 and William ’58 Knode In Memory of Gerald F. Smith Michael A. Smith ’89 In Memory of Edward L. Snyder Gerald and Kaye Dehaven Smith Michael A. Smith ’89 In Memory of Sallie Shepherd Spaulding Ramon ’62 and Mary Alvarez In Memory of Richard L. Stephan Catherine Irwin Nancy and Craig Miller Elizabeth Nicodemus Kathryn Stephan Robert and Ruth Stephan Elizabeth Tyson In Memory of William E. Strange Dorothy Strange ’97 In Memory of Virginia Stuckey ’24 Phyllis Stuckey ’52 and L. Carroll Yingling In Honor of Agnes H. Tabler ’48 Kathy Jo Tabler ’80 and John Blue Momodou Darboe Kittylee Nye ’74 and Kenneth Harbaugh * Allen ’67 and Sara Taylor ’67 Lueck * Betty Myers Laura Neal ’85 Rita Coleman ’85 and Haydon Rudolf Michael and Cinda ’81 Scales Tracy and George Seffers Donna and Roy Semler Shepherd University Classified Employees Keith ’84 and Cindy Collis ’88 Snyder Barbara and Mark Stern * Peggy Swisher Susan Tabler ’76 and Richard Zigler In Memory of Pansy Taylor Allen ’67 and Sara Taylor ’67 Lueck * In Memory of William R. Thacher, Jr. Andrew and Rebecca Van Evera In Memory of Ollie Lightfoot Tolbert James and Shirley Tolbert In Honor of Rev. John Torrence Shepherdstown Lutheran Parish In Memory of Dr. C. Vincent Townsend Sarah and Benoni Allnutt Ramon ’62 and Mary Alvarez Edward and Nina Arnett BB&T Wealth Management Martinsburg Charles and Doris Brown Robert and Peggy Butler Jan and Karen Callen Jean Smith Carper ’52 Gladys and George Chapman Lou Ann Church Sandra and Robert Cleaver Philip and Frances Cox E. Ross and Pamela Curtis Jacqueline and Robert Dailey Henry and Faye Byerly Davenport James ’59 and Mary Jane Small ’60 Davis * Julie and J. G. Egeland Lynn Oliver and Rodney Frye Undine and E. Carlton Garner Gigi Gumenick and June Zimmerman Frank ’95 and Mary Ann Hamilton Harold E. Bruce Revocable Trust Harpers Ferry Cooking Club Al and Sharon Friend Henderson Ruth De Windt Hoxton Carol and Harry Kable Ruth and Ralph Kercheval Michele Kisner Hoke Burton and Rebecca Mason ’78 Lidgerding Loretta and James Lively Elizabeth Snyder Lowe ’52 Allen ’67 and Sara Taylor ’67 Lueck * Jerry and Judy Mays Harriet Leach Mudge ’49 Rebecca ’92 and Ralph Olean Shirley Parsons Richard Pill Donald and Evelyne Radosevic James D. Radosevic Suzy and Lacy ’99 Rice Joan Gruver ’53 and Douglas ’53 Roach Carol Rockwell Francisco D. Sabado, Jr. Sylvia Sanders Katherine Santucci Eileen Williams ’73 and David ’77 Southerly Clifford and Patricia Sperow Sara Steptoe Larry ’60 and Nancy Strite Catherine and David Thompson (continued to next page) Shepherd University FOundAtiOn nAmed MemOriAl And hOnOrAry EndOwments $1,000,000+ • Ralph Burkhart Legacy: General academic scholarship and University support • James and Katherine Moler Scholarship: West Viginia student athletes • Robert L. and Jean M. Rissler Scholarship: General academic students $500,000-$999,999 • Leonard J. McCormack Endowment for Nursing: Scholarship and program support • Rubye Clyde McCormick Scholarship: General academic students • Dr. Dorothy Hively and Dr. Allison Edwards Scholarship: Education students; general academic students (deferred funding) • Moler General Scholarship: General academic students • William E. (Ned) Moler Scholarship: General academic students (deferred funding) $100,000-$499,999 • Helen and Albert Alvarez Memorial: West Virginia students • Ramon A. and Mary E. Alvarez Faculty Excellence Fund in Business Administration: Support for business department faculty • John R. Conard Science Fund: Scholarship and program support • Thomas T. and Margaret S. Dunn Scholarship: Martinsburg High School students • W. R. Hearst Endowed Scholarship for Honors Programs: Honors programs • C. Brown and Hazel M. Hendricks Scholarship: Home economics, psychology, arts, or music students • Ray and Madeline Johnston Endowed Chair in American History: Support of history faculty chair • Sarah Knutti Library Fund: Scarborough Library program support • Thomas and Sherry Lurry Memorial: General academic students • M. Elizabeth Oates Faculty Excellence Endowment for Business: Business faculty excellence support (deferred funding) • Carl K. Rauch Endowed Scholarship for Mathematics and Mathematics Education: Math and math education students • Carl K. Rauch Endowed Scholarship for Science and Science Education: Science and science education students • Carl K. Rauch Endowed Scholarship for Nursing: Nursing students • Carl K. Rauch Endowed Scholarship for Education: Education students • Carl K. Rauch Endowed Scholarship for Fine Arts: Fine arts students • Florence and Velma Shaw Memorial: Scholarship and residence hall life enhancement program support • Shepherd Ram Common Man Endowed Football Scholarship: Football student athletes • Shepherd University General Enhancement: General university program support • Edward L. Snyder Endowed Chair for Business and Social Sciences: Business program dean’s faculty excellence support $50,000-$99,999 • BB&T Bank/Lacy I. Rice Sr. Endowed Scholarship: Eastern Panhandle students • Bertha Rae Baker Memorial: Minority education students • Jean Skinner Baldwin Memorial: Jefferson County elementary education students • Dr. Sara H. Cree Scholarship: Physical education students • Nancy Miller Dockeney Memorial Scholarship: Music students • Jack and Pat Egle Scholarship: West Virginia biology or chemistry students (deferred funding) • M. Douglas Harlan Endowment: Community college scholarship and program support • Capt. Charles N.G. and Jessie S. Hendrix Memorial: Pre-med or related field • Mary J. Hendrix Scholarship: General academic students • Ernest Houser, Jr. and Gladys V. Houser, R.N., Scholarship: West Virginia nursing students • Stanley O. Ikenberry Presidential Discretionary Fund: Shepherd president’s support for excellence • Jefferson County Degree Completion Scholarship Fund: Minority residents of Jefferson County • Elmer F. Keebler Memorial: General academic students • Shirley A. Marinoff Educational Endowment: Theater students • Marian and Upton Martin Scholarship: Deserving West Virginia students • George Tyler Moore Center for the Study of the Civil War: Support of Civil War research President’s Report and Honor Roll of Donors 2009-10 • Travis M. Propst Faculty Excellence Fund for Economics: Economics faculty excellence support (deferred funding) • Travis M. Propst Scholarship: Economics students (deferred funding) • Dr. Ruth Scarborough Scholarship: Social science students • Scarborough Society Faculty Excellence Endowment Fund: Library dean faculty excellence support • Scarborough Society of Shepherd University Scholarship: Committed to improving library’s information technology students • Shepherd University Alumni Association Library Endowment: Library program support • Suzanne Shipley/Create the Future Endowment: Students and faculty studying abroad • T. Edward Stotler Memorial: Business administration students • Earl W. Weller Memorial: Berkeley County students $20,000-$49,999 • Athletic Scholarship: Student athletes • Myra H. Ault Scholarship: Early childhood education students (deferred funding) • Bank of Charles Town Scholarship: General academic students • Helene Alvarez Bazzrea Memorial Scholarship: Elementary education students • BB&T Bank Scholarship (formerly F&M): General academic and business students Honor/Memorial Contributors (continued from previous page) C. Vincent and Julie Townsend Gary M. Townsend Robin ’74 and Janet Townsend Karoly and Maria Maschl Varga Paul and Lisa Welch W. Glenn ’52 and Margaret Ramey ’61 Welsh * In Memory of Mary Twigg ’73 Glenn Twigg In Memory of Neill M. Whittington II Michelle L. Whittington In Honor of Charles H. Woodward ’59 Eugene R. Bartlett ’80 Terry ’72 and Kathy Schell ’74 Hardy Diane and Charles ’81 Hickok Reynolds ’59 and Nancy Fritts ’59 Williams • 33. Rob Shaw The Amanda Smailes Memorial Scholarship, established by the Smailes family, honors the memory of Shepherd student Amanda Smailes, whose life was ended by a drunk driver fleeing West Virginia State Police. As a result of this tragedy, the legislature passed the Smailes Bill (H.B. 2221) which made actions causing police chases and injury to innocent bystanders a felony. The scholarship is designated for a nursing major from Berkeley County. Family members who attended the 2010 Joseph P. McMurran Society dinner are (l. to r.) Ted Rybak, Cynthia Smailes-Rybak ’98, Christi Smailes-Smith ’95, and Kelly Smith. • Walter A. Barr and J. Michael Jacobs Endowed Football Scholarship: Football student athletes • Dr. Carl Bell Biology Fund: Biology scholarship and program support • Elizabeth Thornburg Brown Memorial: Eastern Panhandle students • Ralph and Margaret Burkhart Memorial Scholarship: Science, business education, or arts and humanities students • Erma Ora Byrd Memorial Scholarship: Funded by PrimeCare Medical, Inc. for nursing students • Charles Town Kiwanis Club Scholarship: General academic students • Albert H. and Estelle Koonce Cobb Memorial Research: Science research support • Daniel and Orpha Cowgill Scholarship: Support for Shepherd University South Branch area students (deferred funding) • Mary Jane Davis Scholarship: Education students • Tony Del-Colle Endowed Memorial: Jefferson County returning students 34. • Charles E. Doss Memorial: General academic students • Catherine Dunlop Scholarship: Elementary education students • David L. Dunlop Honors Scholarship: Honors Program students • Foundation Football Scholarship: Football student athletes • Carrie Armstrong Gans Memorial Scholarship: Deserving West Virginia education students • Gateway Nursing Endowment: Merit awards nursing students • James S. Hafer Memorial: Political science students • Frances and Lucille Hefflebower Scholarship: West Virginia elementary education students • Ida Elizabeth Hendricks Memorial Scholarship: Developmental studies students • Holcombe English Scholarship: English education students • Margaret Ikenberry Memorial Fund for Popodicon Garden: Beautification of Popodicon Garden • Dr. Oliver Ikenberry Memorial: Outstanding student awards • Jefferson Security Bank: General academic students • Jerry and Carol Kerr Scholarship: Accounting students • James and Virginia Kinkead and Hilda Beall Kinkead Scholarship: Education students • William E. and Jo Ann Jackson Knode Scholarship: General academic students • E. William Johnson Memorial Scholarship: Business students • R. E. Knutti, M.D., Fund in Memory of John G. Knutti: University library program support • Glen Lapp Excellence in Nursing Endowment: Outstanding West Virginia students • Louise Nelson Leonard Memorial Scholarship: Political science students • Andrew F. and Virginia Heckert Long Scholarship: General academic students • John D. and Elizabeth S. Lowe Scholarships: Students on golf team; historic preservation students • Newton B. McKee Scholarship: Berkeley/Jefferson County students • McMillan Family Scholarship for Theater: Theater students • Multicultural Leadership Scholarship: Students committed to improving diversity and race relations • Annette Murphy Faculty Excellence Fund in English: English department faculty excellence support • George M. Nethken Graduate Fellowship: Fellowship award to the George Tyler Moore Center for the Study of the Civil War • John Glenn Phillips Memorial: General academic students • Peggy Collins Porterfield Memorial Nursing Scholarship: Nursing students • Dr. Bill Pringle Scholarship: Science students • Darrell Reeder Memorial: Biology students • Elsie Brown and Joseph J. Renn Memorial Scholarship: Biological sciences students • Thomas Guy Reynolds Scholarship: Education students • Imogene Coleman Davenport Riely Memorial: General academic students, first priority to Jefferson County residents • Leeds K. Riely Memorial: Jefferson County students • Roach Oil Company Business Scholarship: Business management students • Thelma Faye Rollins Scholarship: Blind students • John David Russell Memorial: Basketball student athletes • Adele and Charles Sands Scholarship: Freshman student athletes majoring in business • Scholarship Fund for Students from Washington County, Maryland: General academic students Shepherd University • Florence Shaw Department of Education Endowment: Merit awards for faculty excellence support • Shepherd University Classified Employees Scholarship: Students who are children of classified employees • Shepherd University Alumni Association Scholarship Endowment: General academic students • M. Louise Shimp Memorial Faculty Excellence Endowment Fund for Art: Faculty excellence support • Merle J. and Josephine Saville Shultz Scholarship: Elementary education and science students • Edna and Henry Snyder, Jr. Scholarship: Jefferson County students • Storer College Scholarship: General academic students • John P. and Linda M. Strider Scholarship: Accounting or business students • George and Margaret Tabler Scholarship: Berkeley County elementary or secondary education students • W. R. Thacher Memorial: General academic students • Robert Schell Ulrich Endowment: George Tyler Moore Center for the Study of the Civil War program support (deferred funding) • Van Evera Scholarship: General academic students • Washington County, Maryland, Homemakers Scholarship: Washington County, Maryland, students • Elizabeth Wilson Scholarship: Eastern Panhandle students • George Wilson Endowment for Communications: Communications students (deferred funding) • George Wilson Endowment for Music: Music students (deferred funding) • Harry Edward Wilt, Jr. Memorial: Eastern Panhandle business/math/science students • James Wright Endowment: Academic programs support (deferred funding) $10,000-$19,999 • 1955 Football Team Endowment: Football program support • Allegheny Power Scholarship: General academic students • Raymond Baby-J.O. Knott Scholarship: General academic students from Jefferson County, West Virginia, and Washington County, Maryland. • Basketball Scholarship: Basketball student athletes • Berkeley County Crime Solvers Scholarship: Criminal justice or fire science students • Jeffery L. Blouse Memorial Scholarship: Freshman students active in HIV prevention and awareness • Joseph and William Byers Memorial: Education or business students • Roger and Emily Cissel Scholarship: Appalachia and West Virginia students • Citizens National Bank, Berkeley Springs, Scholarship: General academic students • S. Dallas Cooley Scholarship: South Branch area nursing students • Shirley Cooper Memorial: Tucker County students • Deborah Dhayer Scholarship: Female student athletes • District VI Nurses Scholarship: District VI Nursing students • Eastern Panhandle Federal Executives Association of West Virginia Public Service Scholarship: General academic students involved in public service • John L. and Anna Hill Egle Memorial: General academic students • David C. Eldridge Scholarship: West Virginia science students • Carole Ergin Scholarship Fund: West Virginia social work students • Everhart-Dersam-Unseld Scholarship: Elementary education students • Barbara Puckett Greenstreet Scholarship: Education students • Lavely D. Gruber Scholarship: General academic students • Ken and Kitty Harbaugh Scholarship: Washington County, Maryland, elementary education students • Ray E. Harris Scholarship: Science students • Ed Herendeen Fund for Contemporary Theater: CATF program support • Dayton and Donna Hinke Scholarship: West Virginia elementary or secondary education students • Dr. Cornelia Hoch-Ligeti Memorial: Music or life science students • Dr. Robert A. Holmes Endowed Scholarship: Eastern Panhandle political science students • Josephine Elizabeth McMurran Kellogg Scholarship: Nontraditional students • Richard A. Keplinger Scholarship: Delta Sigma students • Jerry and Carol Kerr Faculty Excellence Fund for Accounting: Faculty excellence support • Percy H. and Hubert D. Lowry Memorial: West Virginia students • Lueck-Taylor Memorial Football: Football student athletes • Jeffrey Miller Memorial Scholarship: Art students • Albert C. and Jeanne V. Nerhood Memorial: Jefferson County nursing students • Caroline Pritts Nethken Memorial: Deserving elementary education students • Lt. Gilbert Perry Memorial: General academic students • Virginia Lowe Ramsburg Memorial Scholarship: West Virginia nursing students President’s Report and Honor Roll of Donors 2009-10 • Ronald Reeder Memorial: Deserving environmental sciences students • Jason G. Regester Memorial Scholarship: Nursing students, male preference • John Thomas Reynolds Scholarship: General academic students • Harry C. Rickard Scholarship: General academic students • John F. Schmidt Scholarship: Chemistry students • Shepherd University Faculty Senate Scholarship: Faculty family students • Roy Blake and Beatrice Lentz Shrout Memorial: Rising junior or senior West Virginia education students • Amanda Smailes Memorial: Berkeley County nursing students completing junior year • Gerald F. Smith Memorial Scholarship: Frederick County, Virginia, business, science, or engineering students • Martha L. Smith Memorial Scholarship: Deserving West Virginia agriculture, horticulture-related, or environmental science students • Dr. William M. Speg Memorial: Secondary education students • Richard L. Stephan Endowment and Scholarship: Astronomy students and program support • Leona Bent Stutzman Memorial: University support • Bertha M. Thomas Memorial: General academic students • The Reverend John Torrence Endowed Scholarship: General academic students • Gregg Warfield Memorial: Graduates of Dundalk, Patapsco, or Sparrow Point high schools. • Jack M. and Anna P. Widmyer Scholarship: General academic students • Charles Woodward Scholarship: Nursing, biology, or related medical field students $5,000-$9,999 • Academic Programs: University academic programs support • Mrs. John N. Andrews Scholarship: General academic students • I.O. Ash Memorial Scholarship: Secondary education students • Minerva Pritchard Bancroft Memorial: Theater students • Hazel Barnes Memorial: Freshman general academic students from Falling Waters, West Virginia • C. Thomas Baxter Memorial: General academic students • Joanna de B. Blundell Memorial: Arts students • G. D. Bragaw Scholarship in Memory of Robert A. Lux: Political science or history students • Ruth F. Brant Memorial: Nursing students 35. • Harry Hunter Burks, Jr. Memorial: Elementary education students • Business Administration Scholarship: Business administration students • James A. Butcher Education Scholarship: Education students • Howard N. Carper, Jr. Scholarship: General academic students • Alma Lee Strider Christian Scholarship: General academic students • Sara Beth Chroussis Memorial Fund: Art students • City National Bank Scholarship: General academic students • Charles David and Sarah Reynolds Ebert Memorial: Berkeley County elementary education students • George W. Dersam and Blanche Dersam Everhart Memorial: Elementary education students • Catherine C. Fix English Department Fund: Theme writing awards • D. Allen Fowler Memorial: Eastern West Virginia students • Alice Wright Frank Memorial: Music students • Guy Frank Professor Emeritus Scholarship: Music students • Friends of the Art Department Fund: Art department program support and art students • Pauline Gregory Memorial: Nursing students • Florence M. Hamilton Memorial: Elementary education students • Hazel Hendricks Endowed Family/Consumer Sciences Scholarship: Books/supplies for FCS students • Elise Hoch Memorial: Music students • Edmund Schley and Lelia Jeanette Moler Hoffmaster Scholarship: Jefferson County education students • Huntington National Bank Scholarship: General academic students • Dr. Fred Kenamond Business Scholarship: Business students • Calvin and Dorothy Rutherford Kibler Memorial: Berkeley County students • Capt. Joseph G. Kime III Memorial: Jefferson County veterans or children of veterans • Frederick Klein Memorial: Student athletes • Harry V. Klug Memorial: General academic students • Library Miscellaneous: Scarborough Library program support • Vera Malton Scholarship: English and communications students • Martinsburg Civitan Club Scholarship: Nursing, pre-med, or special education students 36. • Mr. and Mrs. C. David Miller Scholarship: West Virginia returning students • D. Lee Morgan Scholarship: Fire science students • Wilma A. Neff Endowed Scholarship: Jefferson County or Eastern Panhandle elementary education students with strong emphasis in special education • David and Betsy Newlin Scholarship: General academic students • Nellie Gantt Owens Book Scholarship: English majors • Jean F. Parsons Memorial: Nursing students • Coach Dean Pease Memorial: Baseball program support • Piedmont, West Virginia, High School Scholarship: Graduates and descendants of PHS graduates • Thomas A. Polutanovitch Scholarship: Science students from Delaware • N. Lamont Pyles Scholarship: General academic students • Dr. Michael Riccards Minority Student Scholarship: Minority general academic students • Anna Thorn Rice Memorial Scholarship: Nursing students • Paul Saab Memorial: General academic students • Catherine Ocheltree and Kenneth Miller Saunders Memorial: General academic students • Shepherd University Foundation Tours Scholarship: General academic students • Agnes Tabler Scholarship: Elementary education students • Elizabeth R. Tabler Scholarship: Elementary/secondary education students • Rev. Paul and Jean Thompson Scholarship: Pre-ministerial students • Tri-State Civitan Scholarship: West Virginia, Maryland, or Pennsylvania nursing, social work, or psychology students • United National Bank Scholarship: Business administration students • Washington Gateway Program Endowed Scholarship: Students who participated in the Junior High Washington Gateway Academy • Marstella Rosa Washington Scholarship: General academic students • Paul and Lisa Welch Endowment: Community-based program support • Karen Wempe Memorial Scholarship: General academic students • West Virginia Society of D.C. Scholarship: West Virginia general academic students • James and Gladys Wright Annuity: Unrestricted university support (deferred funding) • Zenith Young Memorial: General academic students $2,000-$4,999 • Accounting Scholarship: Accounting students • Maurice Adams II Scholarship: Children of Maurice Adams or general academic students • Elwood Barnhart Scholarship: Washington County, Maryland, students • Richard and Susan Batten Scholarship: Jefferson and Berkeley county students • Howard N. and Goldie G. Carper Memorial: General academic students • Charles Town Lions Club: Nursing students • Earl Coffman Scholarship: General academic students • Marguerite Colavecchio Memorial: West Virginia business students • Richard “Larry” Collette Memorial: General academic students • Kay and Daniel De Palma Scholarship: Senior business administration students • John E. Diehl Memorial Scholarship: Chemistry students • Elementary Education Scholarship: Elementary education students • Annita L. Capouellez-Flett Memorial Scholarship: Nursing students • Leona Henshaw Thatcher Eubank Memorial: Junior or seniors in speech communications or forensics; preference to West Virginia or Maryland students • Charles H. and Clara L. Freeland Scholarship: Hampshire or Jefferson county elementary education students • Margaret R. Good Memorial Music Scholarship: Music students • Mark S. Grove Memorial: Sophomore accounting students • John Headlee Memorial: General academic students • Earl E. Henderson Scholarship: General academic students • Kris Hughes/Angelo Smith Memorial: Business student athletes who play football • Hungarian Student Scholarship: Hungarian students • Mary C. Hunter Scholarship: West Virginia students • Martha Josephs Memorial: General academic students • Leo G. Kesecker Scholarship: Berkeley County education students • John Knipe Memorial: Education students • Mary Elizabeth Lewis Memorial: Music and computer science students • John Y. McDonald Memorial: General academic scholarship students • Benjamin and Mary Lou Mehrling Annuity: General academic students (deferred funding) Shepherd University • Evelyn Miller Scholarship: Multicultural Leadership students • Homer N. and Jane Beverly Staples Pankey Research Memorial: Research support • Jennings Randolph Endowed Scholarship in Environmental Sciences: Environmental sciences students • Kenneth Riley Memorial: Psychology major students • Zoë Haynes Seale Scholarship: General academic students • Servicemaster, Inc. Scholarship: General academic students • Nevin M. Shank Memorial: Junior general education or business students from Washington County, Maryland • Shenandoah Federal Savings Bank Scholarship: Business students • Shepherd University Class of 1996 Scholarship: General academic students • Shepherd New and Emerging Sports Scholarship: Future sports programs support • Peter/Solomon Shriver Memorial: Students who are descendants of Peter or Solomon Shriver • Gordon Slonaker Memorial: General academic students • Paxton Gregg and Vivian Park Snyder Scholarship: Student support for purchase of textbooks • Virginia DeHaven Stuckey Memorial: Education students • Sundry Scholarship: Football, business, basketball, or nursing students • Mary Livers Thorn Memorial Scholarship: Nursing students • Ollie Lightfoot Tolbert Memorial: Multicultural Leadership students • Dr. C. Vincent Townsend EMS Scholarship: EMS Eastern Panhandle, safety students • George Washington Chair of Ethics: Faculty excellence support • James R. Wilkins Educational Scholarship: Education or environmental education students from Frederick County, Virginia ferson counties • Charlie Kave Memorial Scholarship: Football student athletes • Carroll and Mary Ellen Wareham Kline Scholarship: Eastern Panhandle students • Andrew D. Michael Endowed Chair for Theater: Faculty excellence support (deferred funding) • Janet Yvonne Riley Memorial: General academic students • Shepherd University Classes of 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Honor Funds: General academic students • Shepherd University South Branch Scholarship: South Branch area students • Charles H. Smith Memorial Award in Social Work: Social work students • William M. Stanley Memorial: Student athletes • Bruce M. Van Wyk Scholarship: General academic students • Evelyne and Maurice Viener Scholarship: General academic students • James and Pamela Watson Scholarship: West Virginia nontraditional female students • Dr. W.H.S. White Memorial: General academic students $1,000-$1,999 $2,000-$4,999 • James Bryant Memorial Scholarship: Science education students • Agnes Burns Memorial: General academic students • Charles Town Gaming Scholarship: Students who are employed by Charles Town Races and Slots • Chemistry Fund: Chemistry program support • Community Oil Company Scholarship: General academic students • Scott Davis Memorial Scholarship: Art education students • JoAnne Swan Greenlee Award: Women’s studies students • Greentree Realty: Business students from Berkeley or Jef- • Canadian Parliament Internship Program: Support for student to study parliament in Ottawa • Ida May Fleming Award: Historic preservation students • Ward and Amelia Hedges Memorial: Communications, speech and drama, broadcasting, and English students from Berkeley County; preference to Hedgesville High School graduates • Henry W. Miller, Jr. Scholarship Fund: Environmental science students • Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship: Members of Phi Theta Kappa Annually Funded Awards $100,000+ • Frada Fine: Funded by the Fine Trust for Martinsburg High School graduating seniors $5,000-$9,999 • Ella May Turner Scholarship: General academic students • Loats Foundation Scholarship: Public service students from broken homes in Frederick County, Maryland President’s Report and Honor Roll of Donors 2009-10 • M. Saufley and Virginia Rudasill Saufley Memorial Scholarship: Nursing students • Michael and Teresa Stout Scholarship: Junior or senior second semester students from Berkeley County; preference to Martinsburg High School graduates, $500-$1,999 • Berkeley Community Pride Scholarship: Environmental studies students from the Eastern Panhandle • Distinguished Graduate Studies Award: Distinguished graduate student in scholarship; distinguished graduate student in professionalism • Eta Chapter Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Scholarship: Female junior or senior education students • Frontier Scholarship: Business and technology students • Hendrix Tennis Scholarship: Tennis student athletes • Anna Henshaw Gardiner Memorial Scholarship: Awards funded by the NSDAR for nursing students • La Societe des 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux Scholarship: Nursing students • James Leverett Job Corps Scholarship: General academic students who are graduates of Job Corps • Robert W. McCormick Trust Scholarship: Graduates of Jefferson High School • Andrew D. Michael Theater Scholarship: Theater students • Tom E. Moses Memorial Fund: Supports annual lecture series focusing on constitutional issues and civil liberties • Njouve Scholarship: Sociology students • Jeffrey and Carol Plautz Scholarship Award: Student research in genetics • Betty Pugh Memorial Scholarship: CTC science students • Carl Ray “Bubby” Riggleman From the Heart Memorial Scholarship: Qualified graduates of Moorefield High School • Shepherd University Bookstore Scholarship: General academic students • Mark and Barbara Stern Scholarship: Honors Program students • Neill M. Whittington II Memorial Scholarship: Tennis student athletes • How do I establish an endowed fund? It is a simple process to create a legacy that will honor someone special in your life. A named endowed fund may be established for a minimum deposit of $25,000. For assistance, please contact Monica Lingenfelter at 800-344-5231 or 304-876-5397 or e-mail 37. create A Comprehensive Campaign for Shepherd University Shepherd University has embarked on its first comprehensive campaign, an exciting new effort that will build on established strengths to benefit our community and the lives of countless promising students for years to come. Through the forward-thinking generosity of donors, we will: • Build a stronger university • Inspire student learning • Optimize faculty potential • Stimulate cultural and economic development We invite you to join us. 38. How is Shepherd University funded? Shepherd University is a state-assisted institution. During the 2009-10 academic year, only 19 percent of Shepherd’s budget was funded by the state of West Virginia. State support for institutions of higher learning has been steadily declining in recent years. Shepherd University students are motivated and resourceful in financing their educations. Despite innovative use of resources, students depend more and more on private scholarships to bridge the gap between family finances and the cost of their education. Private annual and endowed gifts through the Shepherd University Foundation directly assist students through scholarship awards. Likewise, faculty members rely on limited private funds for academic research and technology to inspire and sustain innovative curriculum. Endowed faculty excellence awards assist Shepherd to recruit and retain distinguished faculty members who inspire our students to excel. Over the years, your private gifts have funded support for student scholarships, academic programs, and faculty excellence, steadily increasing to reach over $1.3 million for the 2009-10 academic year. Your private gift will make a difference. randy peterson f or more than 135 years, Shepherd University has educated generations of students. The University is proud to serve as an economic engine for the state of West Virginia and the surrounding region, and as a center for higher learning and culture. Shepherd graduates strengthen society as teachers, scientists, artists, musicians, business and community leaders, and entrepreneurs. Patrick Noland ’10 Your gifts help Create the Future for Shepherd students “ As a recent graduate of Shepherd University, I can’t help but reflect on how my time there will forever enrich my life. I plan to use my Shepherd degree to pursue a career in dentistry. Presently, I am hoping to be accepted into dental school and ultimately open a dental practice in West Virginia. This would not be possible without the aid of privately funded scholarships I received through the Shepherd University Foundation, which helped alleviate the financial burdens of attending college. These awards allowed me to pay for books and other educational necessities. The kindness and generosity from which I benefitted through the generosity of private gifts inspires me to want to give back to future Shepherd University students. ” Shepherd University • • Shepherd University Foundation Shepherd University Alumni Association Statement of Financial Position June 30, 2010 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $ 2,150,994 Pledges receivable 1,049,743 Contributions receivable 19,350 Accrued interest receivable 65,916 Prepaid expenses 2,782 Investments 21,490,881 Equipment, net 4,398 TOTAL ASSETS $ $24,784,064 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ 1,115 Accrued payroll 3,005 Custodial liabilities 3,338,541 Gift annuities payable 195,026 TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 3,537,687 NET ASSETS Unrestricted $ (3,226,912) Temporarily restricted 4,399,595 Permanently restricted 20,073,694 TOTAL NET ASSETS $ 21,246,377 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 24,784,064 Statement of Financial Position June 30, 2010 ASSETS Cash Certificate of Deposit Investments Loans receivable Due from Foundation Prepaid expenses TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS LIABILITIES Custodial accounts Accrued expense TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 49,298 93,083 97,003 — 400 501 $ 240,285 $ 7,815 — $ 7,815 NET ASSETS Unrestricted: Undesignated $ 213,911 Board designated 18,430 Temporarily restricted — Permanently restricted 129 TOTAL NET ASSETS $ 232,470 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 240,285 Copies of financial statements are available upon request. Copies of financial statements audited by Smith Elliott Kearns & Company, LLC, Hagerstown, Maryland, are available upon request. President’s Report and Honor Roll of Donors 2009-10 39. nonprofit orGanization u.s. postaGe paid permit #66 charleston, west virGinia P.O. Box 5000 Shepherdstown West Virginia 25443-5000 Change Service Requested 304-876-5000 jillian Kesner
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