October - American Guild of Organists


October - American Guild of Organists
Principal Pipings
Vol. 68, Issue 3 October, 2012
Greetings from the dean
Hello AGO Friends! It was wonderful to see so many of you at our September programs! Those
who attended our reading session on September 8th went home with lots of new organ and choral music to learn and share. Special thanks go to Bonnie Harstad and Schuyler Robinson for
leading the choral reading session, and to John Linker and Brian Hunt for playing many of the
organ pieces sent for our inspection and purchase. I know I left with a huge armful of music after
hearing all the new pieces! Thanks also to Glenna Metcalfe for helping to arrange the reading
session for us.
And how about Katelyn Emerson’s recital at First Presbyterian on September 23rd? Amazing,
incredible, and inspiring were just some of the adjectives I heard our members use to describe
her seemingly-effortless performance. It made me want to go immediately to a console and start
practicing! We were delighted to be able to co-sponsor this concert with First Presbyterian to
support a worthwhile cause and showcase one of our rising young stars.
This week I had the pleasure of going to Louisville to meet with David Lamb, our Region V Councillor, and Amy Roth, our
District Convener. They schedule a yearly meeting with each state’s chapter deans so that we can share ideas and also
hear of any new initiatives from AGO National. It was great to finally meet David McNease and David Paul Gibson, the Louisville chapter’s dean and sub-dean, respectively, and talk about facilitating more collaborative efforts between our groups.
The meeting ended with a Ralph Vaughan Williams Hymn Festival, presented by Louisville chapter members on the lovely
Casavant organ at Second Presbyterian Church. Kate Covington, our Registrar and Membership Chair, went to Louisville
with Bill and me--we’ll be sharing some ideas from this meeting at some of our upcoming events, so stay tuned!
And speaking of hymn festivals, don’t forget our upcoming one with Eric Wall on Friday, November 2nd and his workshop
on Saturday, November 3rd. Details are elsewhere in this newsletter. I’ll see you there--and don’t forget to bring a friend!
A publication by the American Guild of Organists
Lexington, Kentucky Chapter
Members in the News
Schuyler Robinson
Professional Concerns Chair
Edwin Langford Retirement Celebration from Church of the Ascension, Frankfort
Edwin Langford was surprised by the scope of the Evensong and Reception presented to him by the Episcopal Church of
the Ascension, Frankfort on Sunday, August 19. The Celebration of his Ministry as Organist/Choirmaster from 1991-2012
was included in a Solemn Evensong presided by the Interim Assisting Bishop of Lexington, Rt. Rev. Chilton Knudsen. In
addition, several AGO members, Roland Herzel and John Martin, shared duties as service organists, and a large choir of
present and former singers was directed by Kathleen Pignato, music director. The anthem, Rejoice in the Lord Alway-Henry
Purcell was led by Bob Elkins, former choirmaster at Ascension. Kathleen offered a special touch with harp accompaniment
to Psalm 145.
Edwin continues as Senior Policy Analyst at Ky. Cabinet of Health/Family Services. We should all be so fortunate to enjoy
such a festive celebration of our long ministries as church musicians! Congratulations, Edwin.
Robert Whitaker, CAGO, ChM
Education Chair
Are you certifiable?
The answer to that question is a resounding “YES!” While some of us could be and often have been called “certifiable” in a
certain sense, all of us are certifiable when it comes to the certification program offered by the American Guild of Organists.
One of the primary reasons for the existence of the guild is for the education and certification of its members as is stated in
the new mission statement endorsed by the National Council in April 2012:
The mission of the American Guild of Organists is to enrich lives through organ and choral music. To achieve this, we:
• Encourage excellence in the performance of organ and choral music.
• Inspire, educate, and offer certification for organists and choral conductors.
• Provide networking, fellowship, and mutual support.
• Nurture future generations of organists.
• Promote the organ in its historic and evolving roles.
• Engage wider audiences with organ and choral music.
The experience of preparing for and taking the Colleague and Choirmaster exams was both challenging and rewarding. For
years I had thought about becoming certified but kept putting it off for one reason or another: “I just don’t have the time”
or “I lack the confidence to do well” were the main reasons. However, when I finally decided to go forth and work towards
the Choirmaster and Colleague certificates, I was glad I did. While the Choirmaster certification affirmed or validated what
I studied in graduate school, it also made me take a little more seriously the preparation I do for my choirs and helped me
develop a deeper understanding of the hymnody and liturgical practices of my own church. The Colleague certification
gave me the credential in organ that I didn’t have but felt like I needed for my profession and the skills I learned, developed,
and honed in preparation for the exam helped make me a more confident and proficient player. Not only have I benefitted
personally from my study but my congregation and choir have as well.
In the coming months I will offer thoughts on the certification process as well as professional development and continuing
education as it relates to our profession. I am happy to discuss with anyone my experience of the certification process, so
please contact me if you wish at rfwhitakerchm@gmail.com.
Lexington Chapter
Sponsored Events
FRI / 11.02.12
7.00p SAT / 11.03.12 10:00a 9.30a coffee & bagels
Hymn Festival: The Gifts of Life - a Hymn Festival
for November, singing in celebration through All
Saints, Thanksgiving and the Reign of Christ
Tates Creek Presbyterian Church, Lexington
Workshop: The Organist and Song-leading: a Joyful
Challenge, a Challenging Joy
Tates Creek Presbyterian Church, Lexington
“The Gifts of Life” will be a Hymn Festival offered out of the liturgical and musical riches of November. Led by organist
Eric Wall, it will explore, through hymn-singing, the seasons of All Saints and Thanksgiving. Songs from the traditions of
hymnody and from the global community, as well as organ music by Bach and Locklair, will weave together gratitude and
the journeys of life.
“The Organist and Song-leading: a Joyful Challenge, a Challenging Joy” How can organists respond to the needs of
song-leading in our time? In newer repertories and continuing traditions, congregational singing remains a central activity
of worship. This workshop will explore resources, techniques, and ideas that help us shape this song and live into the
pluralities and challenges of that song today. Topics covered will include making accompaniment decisions for different
styles of song, song-leading at and beyond the organ, and drawing on a wide repertory of song with authenticity, integrity,
and faithfulness.
Eric Wall has been Director of Music First Presbyterian Church, Asheville,
NC, since 1998, where he serves a congregation committed to a hospitality
of music and worship. His work there includes worship planning, congregational song, serving as organist, and directing and overseeing four choirs. He
received his Bachelor of Music in Organ Performance and Master of Music
in Choral Conducting from Florida State University as a student of Michael
Corzine and Andre Thomas. While at Florida State he served as organist at
Faith Presbyterian Church and as accompanist on several occasions for choral workshops led by Robert Shaw. He has worked for many years as conference musician and accompanist at numerous events at Montreat Conference
Center; his current work there is in the new position of Conference Center Musician, which includes a summer residency
and oversight of worship music as well as conference work and advising throughout the year. He lives at Asheville School
with his wife Mary, son Tristan, and golden retriever Wrigley.
SAT / 03.23.13
Bach Marathon
Maxwell St. Presbyterian Church
Faith Lutheran Church
Bonnie Harstad
Come celebrate the birthday of our favorite composer by volunteering to play
some of his works at Lexington’s 8th annual Bach Marathon.
Brian Hunt
All Day Lexington AGO Sponsored Event
Please choose up to three compositions and number them 1, 2 and 3 with 1 being
your first choice. The first deadline for requests will be Oct. 1. Email your selections to clif.cason@gmail.com. Announcements will be provided in each newsletter through February 2013.
*Book V:
Fantasia and Fugue in c, BWV 537
Prelude and Fugue in G, BWV 550
Book VI:
Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C, BWV 564
Fantasia in C, BWV 570
Fugue in c, BWV 574
Fugue in c, BWV 575
Toccata and Fugue in d, BWV 565
Prelude and Fugue in E, BWV 566
Prelude in G, BWV 568
Fugue in g, BWV 578
Prelude in a, BWV 569
Prelude and Fugue in a, BWV 551
Fantasia in b, BWV 563
Fugue in b, BWV 579
Book VII:
Trio in d, BWV 583
Passacaglia in c, BWV 582
Allabreve in D, BWV 589
Canzona in d, BWV 588
Pastorella in F, BWV 590
Piece d’Orgue in G, BWV 572
*Book numbers refer to the Barenreiter edition;
performers may use any edition they prefer.
Jane Johnson
Larry Sharp
Kate Covington
Registrar / Membership
Mary Anna Stepp
Ted Gentry
Glenna Metcalfe
Larry Sivis
Schuyler Robinson
Professional Concerns
Robert Whitaker
Clif Cason
Scott Heydinger
Newsletter Editor
Events Around
the Region
TUE / 10.09.12 John Deaver, Organ Recital
Ransdell Chapel, Campbellsville University
SAT / 10.13.12 Lexington Chamber Chorale Music of the Great Poets
Central Baptist Church
TUE / 10.16.12 Maria LeRose, Organ Recital
SUN / 10.28.12 A Love Supreme: The Spiritual Music of John Coltrane
The Church of the Good Shepherd
MON / 11.05.12 Gail Archer, Organ Recital
Ransdell Chapel, Campbellsville University
MON / 11.13.12 James Sperry, Organ Recital
Ransdell Chapel, Campbellsville University
Campbellsville Noon Series
7.30p 12.20p-12.50p
Hughes Auditorium, Asbury
Asbury Pipe Organ Performance Series Wilmore
7.00p 7.30p
Campbellsville Evening Series
Campbellsville Noon Series
September Event Photos
Katelyn Emerson
Reading Session
Our Redesigned Website
Be sure to visit our redesigned web site, www.agolexington.org. One of the new
features is that it’s designed to work well on both PCs and mobile phones/tablets.
Have you ever opened a web site on your phone only for it to
be too small to read? Try looking at www.agolexington.org
on your cell phone and it should be readable without having
to zoom in. Also for your convenience try scanning the QR
code at the left to go straight to the web site without having
to type in the URL.
Principal Pipings is published ten
times annually by the Lexington, KY
AGO Chapter. The chapter also maintains the web site www.agolexington.
Deadline for submission of articles is
the 1st of each month. Address editorial correspondence and requests for
changes to www.agolexington.org to:
Scott Heydinger
Upcoming Chapter Events
See www.lexingtonago.org for additional events and details.
FRI / 01.11.13
Members’ Social and a French/German Organ Tour
2012: Sights and Sounds by Schuyler Robinson
Wesley Village Community Center, Wilmore
TUE / 01.22.13 Alan Morrison, Organ Recital
Joint Meeting with the Louisville Chapter AGO
St. Agnes Church, Louisville
SAT / 02.23.13 Pedals, Pipes and Pizza
FRI / 04.19.13
AGO Students’ Recital
Centenary United Methodist Church, Lexington
Job Openings
Assistant Organist, Tates Creek Presbyterian Church, Lexington, Dr.Ted Gentry, tgentry@tcpca.org
Choir Director/Organist/Pianist, St. John’s Episcopal Church, Versailles, Katherine Harper, 859-285-9336
Organist - part time, First United Methodist Church, Lexington, Brock Terry, brock@1stumc.org
Choir Director, Providence Christian Church, Lexington
Director of Music, Central Presbyterian Church, Louisville, Music Director Search, office@centralchurchky.org
Organist, Pisgah Presbyterian Church, Versailles, 859-873-4161
Church Organist/Accompanist, First Christian Church (DCC), Georgetown, fccjob@yahoo.com
Choir Director and Director of Children and Youth, First Christian Church (DCC), Georgetown, fccjob@yahoo.com
New Listing
Organist, Hunter Presbyterian Church, Lexington, jason_brown_6@hotmail.com, (859) 277-8486
Organ position open at Hunter Presbyterian Church, Lexington, beginning November. Will consider proficient student organist or graduate level performer who can lead in congregational hymnody, and accompany anthems and service music.
One Wednesday rehearsal (7:00 pm - 8:45 pm) with choir, and one Sunday rehearsal before 11 am service. Salary in the
range of $10,000/year. Contact Jason Brown, Director of Music Ministry, for further information at the church office (859)
277-8486 or jason_brown_6@hotmail.com.
Organs for Sale
Two organs for sale: Hammond Elegante Model No. 340100, 2 standard 61 note keyboards and a 25 note pedalboard, internal speakers, in very good condition. $3000 OBO. Also, Lowery Holiday by Magic Genie Organ. Two 44 note keyboards
and 13 note pedalboard, internal speakers, in very good condition. $800 OBO. Contact Beth Wallace at (859) 254-9804.
See www.agolexington.org for pictures.