Skywatch No. 12 - 18 Dec 2015
Skywatch No. 12 - 18 Dec 2015
18 December 2015 NATO Skywatch 1 Volume 31, No. 12 • 18 December 2015 18 December 2015 NATO Skywatch 3 COMMANDER’S CORNER With the Commander’s Corner, our NAEW&CF Commander and E-3A Commander give the opportunity to wing and squadron commanders, and branch and division heads to share their thoughts about current topics taking place at NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen. Every month a different writer will highlight a specific topic concerning their discipline. There is an excitement in the air typical of every Holiday season. Lighted town squares, boxes of ornaments ready to be hung and the Weihnachtsmärkte here in Germany remind us daily that Christmas is coming. This is a great time of year to celebrate the blessings in our lives and for spending more time with family and friends. It is also an opportunity to reflect on the past year. And as 2015 comes to a close, this one-of-a-kind 17-nation team with its unique NATO AWACS mission has much to be proud of! As of this writing, for 2015 you have…. Flown 5723 total E-3A hours; participated in 35 Exercises; deployed 51 times to the FOB’s and FOL; fully met SACEUR total assurance measure mission requirements for the year with an exceptional 98% sortie generation rate; graduated 90 new E-3A Combat Ready aircrew and 61 new Instructors, and secured longawaited DTOC approval to expand our simulated training opportunities; Trucked in 2M liters of aviation fuel to keep operations on track during a European Pipeline system emergency repair; retired aircraft 449 recovering 2300 spare parts, and supported CNS/ATM modernization posturing the fleet for the future; delivered 20 map/ESM updates and 82 ECRs to keep our mission systems accurate; accomplished more than 1640 flight and occupational health exams; delivered (and ate) 22,000 flight meals; drove 735,000km on Component vehicles; hosted a sports day, a pool party, a haunted house, a cross-country run, a Carnival, an International Children’s’ Festival, a Christmas Market, and of course our 33rd Oktoberfest…where 5,000 meters of paper and 2,000 meters of string was used to transform Hanger 2 and thousands of liters of Reiner & Sohn Festbier were consumed as part of this long-standing German tradition. You did all this while maintaining an excellent record of safety, and meeting the SACEUR approved T-Day target of 1 Nov. An impressive list across the board! After six months in Force Command, I continue to be inspired daily by this capable, motivated and multinational team. Every day people within the Force demonstrate their true professionalism—whether mission crew, readying the aircraft, ensuring our future capabilities or providing critical base support services— each person plays a key role in the professionalism of our Force and the success of NATO AWACS. We are as strong in this regard as we have always been. As I look forward to 2016, I am excited for the opportunities that always accompany change. I’ve already witnessed the positive impact of great ideas brought forward by talented people at all levels of the organization. Together, with the type of smart and collaborative problemsolving you demonstrate daily, we will continue to ensure our readiness for the mission and responsiveness to Alliance taskings, whenever and wherever needed. This is important because the type of Surveillance, Battle Management, and Airborne Command & Control capability you provide is incredibly important for operational commanders and will remain a vital NATO first response capability for years to come. So, as we close out this year, let me say THANK YOU to each of you for choosing to serve your nation and this Alliance. Our world is safer, it is stronger, and it is more free because of you and the families that support you. I wish each of you a very happy and healthy Holiday Season and a great start to 2016! Brig. Gen. Dawn Dunlop Ask the Commander In this context, it is important to note that NATO does not have a working hours act in place determining the working hours for HQs across NATO. As a principle, working hours are prescribed by the Head of the NATO Body within the given legal framework. With regard to the MOB Geilenkirchen, the E-3A Component working hours stipulated in the E-3A Component Order 1.2-5 (40 hour working week) applies until further notice for all international staff What are the intended working hours for the reorganised NAEW&C Force members of the NAEW&C Force at MOB Geilenkirchen. at the MOB Geilenkirchen? In this new section our leadership will answer questions from personnel working at NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen. If you have any work-related questions and you can’t find the answer don’t hesitate and call ext. 2476 or email Answering this question doesn’t only help you but can also serve others working on base. For Public Affairs Office Our mission is to educate and inform our people. PAO is here to generate informed public trust and support the men and women of Geilenkirchen Air Base, Germany. Please submit story and photo ideas to the news editor at 02451 632476 or Commander Brig. Gen. Karsten Stoye Volume 31, No. 12 18 December 2015 Chief, Public Affairs Maj. Johannes Glowka NATO Skywatch is an authorized, unofficial commercial enterprise newspaper published Editor under exclusive written agreement with the Staff Sgt. Alexandra M. Longfellow NAEW&CF E-3A Component by HOUX DIGIPRINT, Arendstraat 3, 6135 KT Sittard, +31 (0)46 4582111. Opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the official views of, or endorsement by, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute an endorsement by NATO of the products or services advertised. Submissions are due seven days before publication and may be edited for style and space. Email articles and classified advertisements to For paid advertisements call Hub Durlinger Media at +31 (0)46 4529292, cellphone +31 (0)6 5472 6473, or Houx Digiprint at +31 (0)46 4582111, Articles may be reproduced after permission has been obtained from the editor, provided mention is made of NATO Skywatch. To read the NATO Skywatch online visit Culpeck Insurance Broker GmbH Please We proudlycomplete introduce our online quotation andform welcome ALL NATIONALITIES. for our new special discounted US-Forces and NATO rates!! Haihoverstrasse 11 D-52511 Geilenkirchen Haihoverstrasse 11 Email: D52511 Geilenkirchen Web: Culpeck Insurance Broker GmbH Email: Web: www. We proudly introduce and welcome ALL NATIONALITIES. Haihoverstrasse 11 D- 52511 Geilenkirchen Call 02451 2983 Call 02451 2983 Email: Web: www. This could have been your advertisement Airport Shuttle Service Phone: +49 (0)2452 - 7777 Also reservations by ANIMAL HOTEL ABDISSENBOSCH D A Y C A R E New cat-place where your cat can move freely. Roomy outside place, playgrounds, central heated. Grooming salon, also Do-It-Yourself wash salon for pets. Opening hours: Monday-Saturday 08:00-12:00 and 16:00-19:00 hrs. Sundays and holidays closed for bringing in or picking-up. for 37 years the address where your pet feels at home AH AH Landgraaf • phone +31 (0)45 5317217 Vogelzankweg 230 • NL-6374 (also in English und auch im Deutsch) Karin’s Guesthouse Offering 8 fully equipped, family & pet friendly quality accommodations Complimentary Cars & Airport Shuttle Service Experience quality Temporary Living Facilities with a warm family touch, all located within 15 minutes of NATO Airbase Geilenkirchen, JFC Brunssum & AFNorth. Our family-run Guesthouse has been accommodating and assisting NATO Members and their families for nearly 15 years. Contact us now for reservations or inquiries. Phone: +49(0)2451-72015 Web: Cell: +49(0)178-4140855 Email: We hope to see you soon! 18 December 2015 NATO Skywatch 5 RAF E-3D Visits GK Story and Photos by Staff Sgt. Alexandra M. Longfellow An E-3D AWACS and its crew members landed at NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen, Germany on Dec. 7, as part of a liaison visit between crew members of the E-3D and E-3A airframes. The aircraft is based at Royal Air Force Waddington, where six are operated by No. 8 Squadron as the UK’s contribution to the NATO AWACS force. “We are here primarily to conduct a liaison visit between the E-3D Component and the E-3A Component to share best-working practices and learn about operations of each other— every level between the operators to the ground crew,” said Squadron Leader Kev Simpson, 8th Squadron Flight Commander Operations. Sgt. Al Dryer, mission crew member. “We were in the flight simulator for at least two hours with our NATO compadres as they explained how their system works.” This visit is vital to missions of both Components as both aircrafts are different. “The E-3D has a legacy platform as the E-3A has the NATO Midterm upgrade,” Simpson said. A legacy platform, also called a legacy operating system, is no longer in widespread use or that can be upgraded by an updated version of earlier technology. The NATO Mid-Term Programme began in 1997 to further improve the capabilities of the E-3A fleet and put it into the conditions to manage new challenges—improving the overall combat capabilities. The liaison project started from Brig. Gen. Dawn Dunlop, Force Commander, to create integration between the two components. Not only are the operating systems different, but also the aircraft such as the engine type and air-refuelling capabilities. Crew members of the E-3D toured the flight simulator as part of their visit. The E-3D is the only aircraft in the RAF’s inventory capable of air-toair refuelling by both the American ‘flying-boom’ system and the RAF’s ‘probe-and-drogue’ method. “It is a possibility we are getting a new flight simulator,” said Master These are physical differences you can see, added Simpson. “This is the first visit of hopefully many more to come,” Simpson said. “We hope to perform these visits quarterly, with either the E-3D coming here or the E-3A coming to us.” Only 9 miles from base and only Only miles base and only 1 mile9 the from centre of Heinsberg. Only 9to miles from base and only 1 mile to the centre of Heinsberg. 1 mile to the centre of Heinsberg. Only 9 miles base and and onlyjogging path, Indoor pool,from playgrounds bus indoor pool, 1School mile topool, thestop, centre of Heinsberg. 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Member Professional Association of Innkeepers International Special Promotion: Book now and receive FREE CAR RENTAL with minimum 10-night stay* * Visit for details and restrictions Apartments feature: • WithorWithoutKitchen • TV/DVDplayerandhundreds of titles • Englishlanguageprogramming withSKYSatellite • Freewireless,localandinternationalcalling Freewasher&dryer Sauna/TanningBed/Aerobics Trainer/WeightMachine Heating oil low price top service Complimentary coffee&teabar SHELL MARKEN PARTNER Brauereistraße4 Gangelt-Langbroich +49(0)2454936555 Bischoff, Vliex & Schöngen, Pfennings GmbH & Co. KG Konrad Adenauer Straße 147 52511 Geilenkirchen +49 (0)2451 68001 18 December 2015 NATO Skywatch 7 Squadron 3 cases its Colors Story and Photos by Staff Sgt. Alexandra M. Longfellow members would recognize the flag or Colors of each of their regiments so they could follow it in battle. In this case of Flying Squadron Three, the flag depicts a sharp-eyed eagle maintaining a firm grip on the world. The eagle’s wings cover the world’s northern hemisphere, representing the Component’s main areas of operations. The NATO star denotes the squadron is truly a NATO organization that draws its members from across the Alliance. Underneath the eagle, ‘Coniuncti in opera’ is written, which means ‘We operate together’. It was a bittersweet day at NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen, Germany, as a deactivation ceremony was held for Flying Squadron Three. The squadron officially deactivated Monday, Dec. 7, 2015 after more than 30 years of service. When a unit is deactivated and consigned to history, a “Casing of the Colors” ceremony is performed. At the formal ceremony, the history of the command is read. Although the squadron has a rich and unique history, it not only celebrates its members, but also prides on itself of acknowledging the family members who support those acting members. In 1986, the squadron celebrated its first International Family Day. “It is sad, but as we all know, this is one of the consequences of the Force Review that sees the Operations Wing reorganized in only three flying squadrons and that has seen the flag of Flying Squadron Three retired on Oct. 27, 2015,” said Col. Arturo Di Martino, Operations Wing Commander. “I would like to thank Lt. Col. Daniel Held [Flying Squadron Three Commander] for all he has done during his period of commander and for having led his squadron in a difficult moment as it is the closure of a military unit.” Every command, brigade, squadron or flight has a distinctive flag assigned to that command which normally depicts some unique aspect of the command. Held’s last official act as Flying Squadron Three Commander was returning the key of the Squadron 3 Building. This flag is known as the “Colors.” This tradition originated so that military “After 30 years, the successful story comes to an end,” Held said. “All Flying Squadron Three has participated in operations and deployments around the world that have had a global impact. insignias will be retired and handed over to the new to-be-founded Component museum.” The commander thanked everyone who made it happen that Flying Squadron Three performed constantly outstanding. He also gave a special thanks to the ‘last eagles’ who were responsible for the preparation of the deactivation ceremony. During the deactivation ceremony, members of Squadron Three watched as Held hands over the guidon to Di Martino to officially retire the squadron. The silver lining—many members that were assigned to Squadron Three will remain here, but will be assigned to one of the two other flying squadrons. In the end, the last eagle, Zero One, has left the nest. 8 NATO Skywatch 18 December 2015 • Air National Guard takes media on an air-refuelling flight • Major Phase inspection takes place inside Hangar 1 • COMPTUEX: NATO AWACS integrates with US Navy • Exercise Red Flag, Las Vegas, USA nt members d for Compone • SACEUR Awar • Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Angela Merkel lands at NATO Air Base, GK • First NATO E-3A to retire. Aircraft 449 preparation for final flight • Teamwork at FOB Aktion during Technical Support Visit • Anatolian Eagle Exercise, FOB Konya • Arctic Challenge Exercise, FOL Ørland naria, Spain ning in Gran Ca ai • Air Combat Tr • Turkish community organizes 27th International Children’s Festival • Dual Change of Command Ceremony 18 December 2015 NATO Skywatch 9 • IMT completes the Walk-of-the-World, Nijmegen, The Netherlands • NATO AWACS part of Exercise Trident Juncture, FOB Trapani, Italy g • Dog Handlin e at ip ic rt pa Teams in biathlon • Local area receives E 6.000 from German NCO camaraderie DUK s • DUK organize side in st fe Oktober 2 Hangar • Aircraft 449 retires in Tucson, Arizona, USA • Fire Brigade training • Yeoviliton Air Show, UK • Hose-down of Squadron 3 crew members after last flight • Transition Day Ceremony 10 NATO Skywatch 18 December 2015 Squadron gets a name change Story and Photo by Staff Sgt. Alexandra M. Longfellow The Supply Squadron changed its name on Nov. 1, 2015, to the Logistics Support Squadron and hands over their flag to the new-tobe founded museum. The squadron was the first operational qualified squadron of the NATO E-3A Component. “This is why we [Supply Squadron], were allowed to carry the big, red “1” in our unit emblem,” said Lt. Col. Alfredo Laboy II, former Logistics Support Squadron commander. During the most recent Peacetime Establishment, it was determined the squadron needed to be renamed. “This made sense because in addition to supply, the squadron also supports the petroleum, oil and lubricants (POL) and the PAX/cargo movement functions of the Component,” Laboy said. Mr. Graham Sault, Logistics Support Squadron chief material management branch, was there to hand off the squadron flag. “I have worked in the Supply Squadron for more than 33 years,” Sault said. “This is almost as long as the squadron has been operational at the Component.” “I took command of the Supply Squadron, but when I relinquished command, the name had changed,” Laboy said. “But what didn’t change is how I have been deeply touched, inspired and motivated by each and every one of the members I have had the opportunity to lead.” Laboy relinquished command to Maj. Robert Weller on Dec. 4, 2015. During this time he has seen the Component’s role continuously transform and adapt to meet the everchanging threats and challenges to NATO’s member nations, he adds. “But in my view, the only thing that remained constant was the dedication and professionalism of the Squadron’s multinational personnel who always did their utmost to ensure the success of the mission and I feel very proud indeed to have been part of that organization,” Sault said. For over two years, Laboy had the opportunity to command the men and women of the Squadron. Lt. Col. Alfredo Laboy, II, former Logistics Supply Squadron commander, Mr. Graham Sault and Maj. Robert Weller, Support Squadron commander, hand off the Supply Squadron’s flag to Maj. Johannes Glowka. Logistics Wing supports new commander Story and Photos by Staff Sgt. Alexandra M. Longfellow Maj. Robert Weller assumed command of the Logistics Support Squadron from Lt. Col. Alfredo Laboy, II, during a change of command ceremony at NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen, Germany, Dec. 4, 2015. Col. Frank Samuelson, Logistics Wing commander, presided over the ceremony. “With his extensive logistics background, Maj. Weller is well prepared to lead the team as we transition to the new Logistics Support Squadron,” Samuelson said. Weller has been at the Component for about a year working as a Branch Chief and Deputy Supply Commander. He came from the German Air Force Logistics Command in Siegburg where he gained valuable deployment experience working with ISAF in Afghanistan. The Major is responsible for four branches and 15 sections within the squadron. The squadron provides the spares, equipment, repair parts, aircraft fuel and cargo movement capability to the mission of NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen, Germany. “Within the last few months I have already had a lot of opportunities to work together with the team in this unique multinational environment,” Weller said. “I have had excellent opportunities to get familiar with several aspects of the supply business here.” The new commander expects personnel from his squadron to bring in their individual contribution in support to the squadron efforts, as well as being open-minded and exercise practical effectiveness. With expectations from his people, he explains they should expect good leadership and perception, reachable goals and taking care of their demands from him, while he is a commander here. “With the new Peacetime Establishment, we will be on a rocky road,” Weller said. “There will be a few major hurdles we have to overcome, but nevertheless, I am also sure that there will be interesting times and memorable moments for us.” Laboy will work temporarily in the Force Command Headquarters before heading to Vandenberg, Calif. next summer for his second command as the new commander of the 30th Logistics Readiness Squadron. 18 December 2015 NATO Skywatch 11 Squadron Two welcomes new commander Story and Photos by Staff Sgt. Alexandra M. Longfellow Members of Flying Squadron Two and from the E-3A Component witnessed the change of command ceremony of their squadron, Dec. 2, 2015 at the Mass Briefing Facility Room. Col. Arturo Di Martino, Operations Wing Commander, presided over the ceremony as Lt. Col. Andrea Franzese relinquished command of Squadron Two and Lt. Col. Fernando Raimundo Martinez assumed command. “Today is a very important day for the Lions,” said Di Martino. “Being a squadron commander is difficult, even more difficult with 16 different nations trying to work together as a team. It can be 16 times more difficult. Lt. Col. Franzese has done a fantastic job and I can see Lt. Col. Raimundo doing just as a good of a job as him.” After words from the commanders, members of the audience witnessed the passing of the guidon. This gesture signifies the transition of command from one commander to another. By accepting the guidon, Raimundo takes full responsibility of Squadron Two. After the activation in 1982, the squadron initially consisted of only 23 crewmembers and support personnel and now involves approximately 120 personnel. “I am honoured to be part of such an amazing team,” said Raimundo. “Assuming command of Squadron Two fills me on one hand with honor and pride, and on the other hand I feel great responsibility. Commanding a multinational squadron is certainly one of the highlights in my professional and also my flying career, and I know I have some big shoes to fill. Commanders are responsible for their personnel, equipment and overall mission accomplishment. However, every individual in a military organization is responsible for his and her individual task. The enormous challenges ahead of us can only be achieved together with a strong team effort.” “Today, it takes more than just a command approach for people to follow. Leadership means responsibility and accountability,” he adds. “I know I will earn trust, respect and confidence in my people. Collaboration, cooperation and communication—the big C’s, will assist me on the path to success as a leader. You can expect nothing but excellence in the coming years from my side and the personnel of Squadron Two.” Turkey Night Story and photo by Mary Leard International Spouse’s Club More than 130 chairs were filled in support of Turkey’s event last month, upholding the reputation of being one of the highest attending events for International Spouses’ Club (ISC). By the end of the night, it is easy to see why coming to the Turkish night is popular. From the delicious food, entertainment, raffle baskets filled with traditional treats, trinkets, tablecloths from Turkey and endless dancing, it is always a night to remember. Each country is now presenting menus, along with a list of ingredients, to let everyone know what they will be consuming and/ or made aware of any potential allergies. Turkey’s menu for the evening consisted of Adana Kebap with Lavash (Spicy Shish Kebab with Tortilla), and Sarma (Vine Leaves roll), accompanied by Acılı Ezme (Spicy Tomato Dip), and Haydari (Yogurt with Dried Mint). Each person also got a small individual box of baklava square to take home. Of course, there was extra baklava to go around, along with other desserts made by our Turkish ladies. Members and guests learned about the meaning of the “Nazar” or Blue Evil Eye beliefs. It is said to bring protection from those who give others the evil eye and to ward off jealousy or ill-will. It can also serve as a type of good luck charm, as one member found when she had three Evil Eye souvenirs and ended up winning three baskets during the raffle drawing! Coincidence? Maybe…maybe not! And the evening would not be complete without dancing. A group of four young girls performed, a dance lesson given by the emcee, the “Halay” folk dance drew many participants, and the night was capped off by – you guessed it – more dancing. Save the date for the next event to be hosted by Italy on Jan. 21, 2016. As always, doors open at 1800, to begin promptly at 1900 at the E-3A club. Childcare can be reserved via email at, through Facebook, or Evite event invite. Please do not send multiple requests and it is important to rsvp to at least one to ensure adequate seating. Happy Holidays from ISC and see you in 2016! best the largest choice in carnival costumes price! 39,95 29,95 39,95 29,95 29,95 14,95 NEW! groups of eight people or more receive a special discount follow us on social media SIT TARD-RIJKSWEG NOORD 22 | ROERMOND-NASSAUSTRAAT 80 [ FOLLOW H LAURENTIUS ] AACHEN-KLEINKOLNSTR 20-22 Café Restaurant Partyservice for your total car cleaning Some real German cuisine and real German beer English spoken We are also opened at Christmasday, Old Year’s Day, New Years Day and all other Holidays!! Opened 364 days a year! Every day open from 11.00 a.m. without a break Phone +49 (0)24 54 - 14 14 www. • your car is being hand-washed with wax shampoo for only € 13,50 • car cleaning • Permagard protective coating • dent removal without repainting • spot repair ✁ Enjoy every day DISCOUNT COUPON € 10. ✁ of ✁ 00 ✁ 52538 Gangelt • Am Freibad 10 valid on a total treatment of euro 125,- Heerlen • Breukerweg 195 • Heerlen • +31 (0)45 - 522 59 00 Rumpenerstraat 49 6443 CC Brunssum Phone +31 (0)45 564 01 58 OFFICIAL VOLVO MILITARY/DIPLOMAT SALES AGENT NATO AIRBASE GEILENKIRCHEN, U.S. ARMY GARRISSON SCHINNEN & JFC BRUNSSUM - FOR ALL EUROPEAN, US, CANADIAN & UK NATIONALITIES SERVING NATO - LEADING TAX-FREE MILITARY AND DIPLOMATIC VOLVO SUPPLIER - GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICE - ALL PAYMENTS DIRECT TO THE VOLVO FACTORY IN GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN - HOME SHIPMENT PROGRAM INCLUDED* - US, CANADIAN AND EUROPEAN SPECS SERVICE & MAINTENANCE - BODY AND PAINT SHOP - VOLVO DEALER SINCE 1965 *ONLY U.S. & CANADIAN SPECS unique handmade home & fashion accessories 18 December 2015 NATO Skywatch 13 Second German Christmas Market The German National Support Unit held their second German Christmas Market at NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen, Germany on Dec. 10, 2015. The Christmas Market offered typical German ADVENT drink ‘Glühwein’, other traditional Christmas drinks and food in a peaceful atmosphere. There were booths with handcrafted items for sale. With the friendly support of MWA and Natex, German NSU and DUK were able to open this event to all base personnel. Photo by Maj. Robert Weller Vacancy Announcements Applications are invited for the following post: Division Head (Airworthiness Advisor-Operations), Advertisement Number 15149, NATO Grade A-5, assigned to the Operational Airworthiness, Safety and Quality Division, NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Force Headquarters. This post is due to be filled as soon as possible. CLOSING DATE: 4 January 2016 visit us online: IND. RESTAURANT Original Indian Cuisine · For further details, please visit the E-3A Component (WSS) Portal under Headquarters/A1/A1CP/A1CR/Recruitment, the official E-3A Component Internet Home Page or review the advertisement posted in Building 8. NOTE: Only applications of qualified personnel will be considered. Two restaurants under a roof – shopping center Tüddern From 12 ‚o‘ clock onwards continuous warm kitchen aks Schnitzel, ste ms e and noodle it en! German kitch Our Introductory Offer: 3-course Menu 10% rebate on all dishes Mon to Thurs · Papadam and Salad · one Chicken, one Lamb dish with Basmati rice and original Tandoori Naan (bread) · Dessert (specialty of the house) 20,90 E (34,90 E p.2P.) Also order all dishes for take-away. Hamburger ies and french fr Mon to Sat 9 to 12 hrs Chef‘s Tip! breakfast buffet 7,50 e In der Fummer 18 · Selfkant-Tüddern · Tel.: +49 (0) 24 56 - 508 72 80 ToI_Anzeige_nato_225x162_4c_GB.indd 1 04.12.14 07:50 14 NATO Skywatch 18 December 2015 (Open to all US and NATO identification card holders) JUNE December / January Visit the Services Branch WSS Web Page for the latest program information and upcoming events POC: IYA Events: Mrs Neuhalfen, ext. 4954; Sports Events: Mr Stelten, ext. 4920; Food Services: Mr Peeters, ext. 4990 19 Dec: Schinnen organized trip to EURO Disney’s Enchanted Christmas A Christmas parade with festive floats, giant Christmas tree lights, special fireworks, lights and water show. Roundtrip motor coach transportation; Euro Disney Parks Hopper Ticket. $139 Adults. $135 Children 3-11. $79 Children 0-2. For more information, call Schinnen Trips & Tours. Commerical (0031) (0)46443-7560 or email 22 Dec: LEGO Club at the JFC Brunssum Library 1500 – 1700 hrs for Ages 4-12. Come make friends and become Master Builders! 13 Jan: IYA Swimming for Beginner and Advanced Beginners start at the Hallenbad in Heinsberg on Wednesdays, 1800-1900. Our certified instructors speak English and German, and work with the children in small groups. Cost for 10 lessons is €75, pay only €55 with your valid MWA Card. Registration at the IYA Office, 0049 2451 63 4955. 18 Jan: Badminton Tournament 1100 – 1400 hrs, The Cube (Old Gym). Deadline Registration: 15 Jan Register by contacting the Sports Department: Email or call ext. 4946 Starts on 21 Jan: Volkshochschule German Language Course for Children The program is especially designed to integrate children from other countries into the German Kindergarten and Grundschule. Individual tuition in small groups for children aged 5 and up in accordance with the curriculum of the German school system starts on 21 January. Classes are held at the IYA on Thursdays, 1500 – 1630, under the experienced and certified instruction of Manuela Beck. Cost is € 45 for an eight-week course. Registration and further information at the IYA Office in Bldg 95, x 4955 or 0049 2451 63 4955. Starting the week of 25 Jan: Volkshochschule Language Courses on NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen are starting the week of 25 Jan. Volkshochschule is the official German College for Adults. Classes are held in Bldg. 141. The basic price for intensive courses (twice a week) is € 117 for 30 mornings/evenings. The basic price for standard courses (once a week) is € 59 for 15 mornings. Fees apply to courses with 10 or more participants. If between 6 and 9 students wish to participate in a course, it may be held for a higher fee per person. For further information, call ext. 4955 or 0049 2451 63 4955. The following courses are offered: GERMAN A1.1 - Beginners, Schritte plus 1 Mon & Wed, 0900 - 1030, instructor: Meral Alkan-Oncu, Room 109 A1.2 - Advanced Beginners, Schritte plus 2 Tue & Thu, 0900 - 1030, instructor: Meral Alkan-Oncu, Room 109 Mon & Wed, 1900 - 2030, instructor: Tanja Rzeppa, Room 118 A2.1 – Pre-Intermediate, Schritte plus 3 Tue & Thu, 1030 - 1200, instructor: Meral Alkan-Oncu, Room 109 Mon & Wed, 1730 - 1900, instructor: Tanja Rzeppa, Room 118 ENGLISH: Instructor: Sonja Kolacz-Prather, Room 118 A1.1 - Beginners: Tue, 0915, New English File Beginner 1 A2.1 - Pre-Intermediate: Tue, 1045, New English File Pre-Intermediate 25 Jan: Squash Tournament (4 weeks’ Tournament) Squash Court at the Sportsdome (New Gym). Deadline Registration: 20 Jan Register by contacting the Sports Department: Email or call ext. 4946 27 Jan: Basketball Tournament 1615 – 1800 hrs, Sportsdome (New Gym). Deadline Registration: 25 Jan Register by contacting the Sports Department: Email or call ext. 4946 29 Jan: Robert Burns Night Experience a traditional Scottish “Burns Supper” with entertainment throughout the evening at 1900 hrs: Aperitif; 1930 hrs: Dinner. Ticket Price: €32 for MWA Card Holders (€42 for Non-MWA Card Holders). Tickets include dinner, half a bottle of wine or whiskey during dinner. Tickets on sale at the E-3A Club as of 16 December 2015. “Och aye the Noo” IYA Music Lessons - piano, trumpet and vocals - under the experienced and certified instruction of Mrs. Hilde Ubben, Conservatorium Maastricht: lessons are one-on-one, in English or German. Cost is € 20 for 45 minutes. One trial lesson available. Further information at x 4955 or contact Hilde Ubben at 0031 683773384, Christmas spirit at Nikolausmarkt Geilenkirchen Story by Lynn Kühl Photo by Maj. Johannes Glowka Christmas music, candlelight, stands displaying hand-crafted jewelry, decoration, art and fashion, along with the smell of Glühwein…in Germany, Christmas markets are an integral part of the pre-Christmas time. At this year’s Nikolausmarkt in Geilenkirchen, NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen was represented by the German NCO society, the Deutsche Unteroffizier Kameradschaft (DUK). On Nov 27 – 29, 2015, the DUK had their own stand at the Nikolausmarkt where they sold pea soup, Glühwein, egg nog, hot chocolate and the especially popular Canadian drink “Moose Milk”. On all three days, 17 people, consisting of former and active soldiers, as well as civilian employees of the NATO Airborne Early Warning & Control Force, voluntarily helped at the stand to sell food and drinks, as well as to give paper model E-3As and “Wolly Mollys” to children. The revenues will be donated to the charity aims of the DUK. “On behalf of the DUK, I would like to thank NATEX, the Public Affairs Office, and Metzgerei & Partyservice Plum in Teveren, who sponsored this event. A big thanks also goes out to everyone involved for their great support and helpfulness”, said Master Sgt. Alex Gieswein, DUK chairman. It is the second time that the DUK was present at the Nikolausmarkt GK. Jacobs automobile sales team looks forward to your visit: (l. to r.w): Achim Käfferlein, Martin Deffur, Michael Wittwer, Gerd Caron, Lothar Herfs, Marcel Oellers, Markus Weber, Alfred Deffur, Michael Marx. MILITARY DISCOUNT CENTRE WHY BUY A QUALITY CAR? Our finance offer for you Audi A1, A1 3-trg. Attraction PS),5-gear, 5 Gang, 3-door, Attraction1.2 1.2TFSI TFSI 63 63 kW kW (86 (86HP), basic Grundpreis Werk (inkl. MwSt.), Lackierung: Brillantprice ex worksab (incl. 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