to - Northern Neck Sail and Power Squadron


to - Northern Neck Sail and Power Squadron
Official Newsletter of the Northern Neck Sail and Power Squadron
Vol. 10, No. 1
January-February 2013
In This Issue
1- Holiday Party
2- Welcome to Lucky #13!
3– Holiday Celebration Photos
3– Just A Wish
4- Upcoming Meetings
4- Update from SEO
5- ExCom Meeting News
6- NNSPS Year In Review
6- Ship’s Store
7- 2013-2014 BOD Nominees
Squadron Calendar
11 Monthly meeting
BOD Nominations
ExCom meeting
08 Annual meeting
BOD Elections
2013-2014 Budget Approval
ExCom meeting
Change of Watch
Mar - Apr Deadline
Please submit all articles for
the March - April 2013 Lighthouse to Helen Kelley,, by 25
Feb. All members may
contribute relevant material.
Photos of squadron activities
are especially welcomed.
As holidays draw near, Frost covers the ground,
Family and friends, Gather cheerfully around,
The warmth of a hearth, In a home decorated,
To celebrate the season, Keeping toasty, saturated
With the heat emanating. (from Ainsley Kellar
This was the comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere at the
NNSPS holiday dinner on December 13, 2012 at Windows On The
Water, Yankee Point Sailboat Marina. D/5AO Jim Colston and his
wife Maryellen brought greetings from D/5 and presented the
Civic Service Award to P/C Judy Cook and assisted Cdr Dickson
in presenting education awards.
Continued on page 3
2011-2012 Bridge
Dick Dickson, JN
Executive Officer
Judy Cook, AP
Educational Officer
Dave Cook, SN
Helen Kelley, JN
Tom Linville, S
Dave Herndon, AP
John Kelley, SN
Norm Tadlock, JN
From the Helm
Welcome to LUCKY Number 13!
Welcome to LUCKY number 13! 2013, that is. If you are reading this
you’ll already have figured out that the so-called experts who were trying to find doom and gloom in the ancient Mayan calendar were wrong.
We’re still here, and there are a lot of good years ahead!
There are a lot of great things going on behind the scenes in NNSPS,
many of which you’ll read about in this issue of The Lighthouse. Elsewhere in this issue you’ll find the proposed slate of officers for the 20132014 Squadron year. You will notice there are still some vacancies in
key positions, which means the rest of us have to double up and wear
more than one hat. I repeat the request I made in the last Lighthouse:
Give some thought as to how you can be of help to the Squadron, and
offer eagerly. This year we are fortunate to have a nominee for an Administrative Officer - the person who is responsible for events that take
place within the Squadron. We will continue, however, to use the meeting managers program that has worked so well for us this past years so
that the responsibility for our monthly meetings doesn’t fall on the same
set of shoulders each month.
As things stand right now, we have commitments for our meetings
through May, and we trust the summer rendezvous program will come
together as successfully as it always has in the past. Which means we’re
all set until September. But now is the time to start making plans for
programs and meeting venues beyond that time. Ray Reuter will be asking you for ideas for things we can do differently this year - so give his
request your attention and thought. Also there are many tasks that don’t
require a lot of time, but that mean a great deal to the overall life of the
Squadron. So I ask you to consider as a New Year’s Resolution that you
make yourself available for some small part in helping your friends and
fellow boaters enjoy being part of NNSPS!
Cdr Richard J. Dickson, JN
Continued on page 4
Official publication of the
Northern Neck Sail and Power Squadron
Dick Dickson, JN, Commander
Helen Kelley, JN, Editor
P.O. Box 245 Kilmarnock, VA 22482
The Lighthouse January - February 2013 Page 2
Holiday Celebration
(Continued from page 1)
A heartfelt Thank You to Kathy Moeller and
Daphne Montgomery for arranging a splendid
affair and providing such nice decorations!
Photos courtesy of Arthur Olsen
Since there is not much activity in the Executive
Officer’s Department this time of the year, I want
to wish every member a very Happy, healthy and
prosperous New Year. It has been, once again, my
pleasure to serve you during the year.
Soon the new VSC decals will be available and
you will be notified in some manner that the time
has come to have your boat inspected for another
Be safe and take care.
Lt/C Judy Cook, AP, Executive Officer
The Lighthouse January - February 2013 Page 3
From the Helm
Update from SEO
(continued from page 2)
I trust that most of us have prepared our boats for
winter storage, either ashore or at dockside. As I
write this in mid-December on a sunny day with
temps in the low 60s, I confess to being a holdout.
Everything on the boat is winterized except the
engine in the hope that we might still have a warm
mid-winter day when I can get out for a sail or a
sunset cruise. Already on board, however, is the
antifreeze I’ll need so when the time comes it will
be a quick task to brace for the cold.
Our January meeting will be back at Wicomico
Church Parish Hall with the ExCom meeting prior
to the dinner. We had enough food left over from a
previous meal (that has been frozen) so that we can
do this meeting AT NO COST to our members.
We will still need reservations, however, so we
know how many to prepare for. Dave and Judy
Cook are our meeting managers for that night, so
be sure to let them know if you are coming. The
program will be a speaker from the Milford Haven
Coast Guard Station.
I encourage you to read this issue for all the
many good things that are happening in NNSPS. I
look forward to a great year ahead, and I’m sure
you’ll want to take part in making that happen.
First of all, I would like to report that John Kelley, SN has finally received the awards that he
worked so hard for. The SN grade indicates that
he has taken and passed all the advanced grades
and elective courses that USPS offers. This milestone is available to every USPS member and a
relatively small number ever attain this achievement. Congratulations again…
The YMCA program is about to take off for
2013. NNSPS has partnered with the Kilmarnock Y to hold the Boat/VA course that we have
been teaching for the past several years and
which leads to the qualifying for the Virginia
Safe Boating Education program. The initial
plan is to teach the class at the Y once a quarter
and modify this plan as the demand dictates. The
following dates have not yet been locked in but
are the current best guess. The first class session
will be held on Tuesday, February 12 at 0900 and
run through 1300. The second session will be a
week later on the 19th at the same time to complete the teaching and take the exam. Although
spread over two sessions, presenting the class
this way has many advantages over doing it in
one day. Again, we will adjust as necessary.
I want to set up the teaching of the Y classes so
an instructor only has to be there one of the
Cdr Richard J. Dickson, JN
two sessions. This will reduce the impact on our
instructors time. Also, the more instructors we
can enlist in this effort, the easier it will be for
Upcoming Meetings
all. To that end, please contact me to volunteer
Jan. 11 - Wicomico Parish Hall. Speaker from for assisting in the teaching effort. If we have
USCG Station, Milford Haven. 2013-2014 BOD enough, we may be able to spread the teaching
nominations announced.
Hosts: Judy & Dave
Continued on page 5
Feb. 8 - Wicomico Parish Hall. Annual Squadron meeting, BOD elections, Budget Approval.
Valentine Theme. Hosts: John & Helen Kelley.
March - COW at Kilmarnock Inn. Date TBA
April - Wicomico Parish Hall. Bareboating the
French Canal. Hosts: Joe & Kathy Moeller, &
Barbara Hensler.
May - Commander’s Picnic on Taylor’s Creek.
The Lighthouse January - February 2013 Page 4
Update from SEO
Secretary, ExCom News
(continued from page 4)
teaching load so that not all teachers will be
required for a specific class.
This is a win, win situation for us as the Y will
be doing the publicity for the class and take the
registrations. We need only do the instruction.
By the way, there is no requirement that a student
be a Y member, so anyone can attend. The Y is
located on Harris Drive near the Hospital. I will be
sending out additional information prior to the
The program that reimburses members tuition
when successfully completing a course has been
approved by the ExCom for the calendar year
2013. The eligibility date is the start date of the
course being taken. This is a membership benefit
and is only available to NNSPS members in good
standing. The next course to be offered will be
MES (Marine Electrical Systems) which will
likely start in about a month. I will send out additional information on this shortly.
If there are any other courses that members
would like to see offered, please let me know.
Your requests are now what drive the courses to
be offered.
Lt/C Dave Cook, SN, SEO
The 7 November 2012 meeting was attended by
Cdr Dick Dickson, SEO Dave Cook,
XO Judy Cook, Treasurer Tom Linville, Norm
Tadlock, Dave Herndon, Secretary Helen Kelley.
Agenda items not covered in detail elsewhere in
this issue include:
 To date 59 VSCs have been conducted.
 Ray Reuter announced new VSC procedure
 Wounded Warrior Tournament was a success.
 Tom Linville received grade of Seamanship.
 Nov. 3rd ABC 3 class graduated 4 students.
 Educational equipment was accidently dropped
and is in for repair.
 BOD unanimously received the 12 October 2012
Treasurer’s report.
 The BOD approved the 12 October 2012
Meeting Minutes as submitted.
 A suggestion was submitted to have squadron
meetings in the afternoon instead of the evening.
Lt/C Helen Kelley, JN, Secretary
The 13 December 2012 meeting was attended by
Cdr Dick Dickson, SEO Dave Cook, XO Judy
Cook, Treasurer, Tom Linville, Norm Tadlock,
Dave Herndon.
Agenda items not covered in detail elsewhere in
this issue include:
 BOD unanimously received the 7 November
2012 Treasurer’s report.
The BOD approved the 7 November 2012
Meeting Minutes as submitted.
NNSPS received $3,000.00 from the Mason Cole
BOD approved a motion to pay for members’
COW dinner.
There will be no cost to members for January
dinner meeting.
BOD approved a motion to continue reimbursement during the 2013-2014 year to squadron
members for USPS education courses taken and
exams passed.
Dave Cook reported that repairs to the education
equipment have been done and cost is minimal.
BOD approved a motion to continue renting the
storage unit for another year; Treasurer paid bill.
Lt/C Judy Cook, AP, XO
The Lighthouse January - February 2013 Page 6
NNS&PS Year In Review
Cdr Brian McArdle,
USCG Auxillary
Flotilla 33
County Sheriff
Chuck Wilkins
Nail & Sail
Wounded Warrior Tournament
Boating Safety for 125 Kids in
Tappahannock, Virginia
Public Boating Safety Classes
Dymer Creek Rendezvous
Reedville Rendezvous
Drum Cove Rendezvous
New Members & Buddy Sylvia of Smith Point Rescue
Visit our squadron’s web site & Ship’s Store
The Lighthouse January - February 2013 Page 6
Northern Neck Sail and Power Squadron
Elective Position Nominees 2013-2014
The nominating committee has selected the following nominees for the squadron's elective positions
for 2013-2014. Additional nominations may be made by petition in writing signed by at least five active members in good standing and filed with the secretary at least 15 days before the date of election
which is at the 11 February monthly meeting.
Executive Officer
Educational Officer
Administrative Officer
Richard Dickson, JN
Richard Whittaker, AP
Dave Herndon, AP
Helen Kelley, JN
Tom Linville, S
John Kelley, SN
Mike Steele, AP
Norm Tadlock, JN
Elected Assistants
Asst. Educational Officer
Asst. Administrative Officer
Asst. Secretary
Asst. Treasurer
David Cook, SN
Auditing Committee
Chair (1yr)
Member (2yr)
Member (3yr)
Twy Williams, SN
Norm Tadlock, JN
Nominating Committee
Chair (1yr)
Member (2yr)
Member (3yr)
Helen Kelley, JN
Mike Steele, AP
Rules Committee
Chair (1yr)
Member (2yr)
Member (3yr)
Bonnie BrownMurphy, AP
John Kelley, SN
Respectfully submitted,
NNSPS Nominating Committee
Chair - Helen Kelley, JN,
Dick Whittaker, AP
Fair Isle at Sea
By Robert Louis Stevenson
FAIR Isle at Sea - thy lovely name
Soft in my ear like music came.
That sea I loved, and once or twice
I touched at isles of Paradise.
Home of the Hospice Turkey Shoot Regatta
Ship’s Store
Winter Storage
101 Boat Slips
Hydraulic Trailer
40 Ton Travel Lift
Yacht Restoration
Snack Bar
Swimming Pool
Bottom Painting
Awigrip Painting
Event Center
Blister Repair
Yanmar Stocking Dealer
Yankee Point Sailboat Marina
fax - 804-462-6225
The Lighthouse January -February 2013 Page 7
A D/5 Squadron and Unit of USPS®
Helen Kelley, Editor
P.O. Box 245
Kilmarnock, VA 22482
Northern Neck Sail and Power Squadron
Official Publication of
Northern Neck Sail and Power Squadron
Richard Dickson, JN, Commander
Helen Kelley, JN, Editor