April 2016 - Florida Keys Community College
April 2016 - Florida Keys Community College
FLORIDA KEYS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING May 23, 2016 2:00 PM Middle Keys Center AGENDA I. II. III. IV. V. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE TO THE FLAG ADOPTION AND ADDITION TO THE AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES of meeting held February 22, 2016 CONSENT AGENDA A. Continuing Workforce Ed. Fees Attachment #1 B. Disbursement Report - April 2016 Attachment #2 C. Electronic Activity - April 2016 Attachment #3 D. Disposition of Property Attachment #4 E. Lab Fees Changes Attachment #5 VI. DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES PRESIDENT A. Focus on Students - Amanda Ban Attachment #6 B. Faculty Council Report - Dr. Bill Irwin Attachment #7 C. President’s Report - President Gueverra D. President’s Evaluation Summary Discussion ATTORNEY A. Attorney Report - No Report VII. BUSINESS & ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES A. Report by VP Jean Mauk on Attachment #8 Finance and Construction Projects B. Financials April 2016 Attachment #9 C. Contract Recommendations Attachment #10 D. Personnel Actions Attachment #11 E. MSCD Adult Ed; Lease of Facilities 2016-17 - Discussion Only F. EIQ Contract Attachment #12 VIII. INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES A. Report by Vice-President Academic Affairs – Dr. Brittany Snyder Attachment #13 B. College Catalog 2016-17 Revision Attachment #14 C. Student Handbook 2016-17 Attachment #15 IX. FLORIDA KEYS COLLEGE CAMPUS FOUNDATION A. FKCCF Report- Heather Garcia Attachment #16 B. Approval of the Directors of the Housing Foundation Board Attachment #17 X. ADVANCEMENT A. Vice President Advancement Report – Frank Wood Attachment #18 B. Board Of Trustees Scholarship Recipients Attachment #19 XI. GOOD OF THE ORDER Public Input The next meeting will be held in Key West, on June 27, 2016, at 2:00 p.m. PROPOSED BOARD ACTION To approve the course fees for upcoming Community Education course offerings. AUTHORITY FOR ACTION Recommend approval from the Florida Keys Community College Board for the attached course fees for upcoming courses. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The office of Community Education, Workforce and Testing promotes life-long learning by extending the resources of Florida Keys Community College. Selfsupporting programs which build on the strengths and expertise of Florida Keys Community College faculty, adjunct staff and community subject matter specialists. The office of Community Education, Workforce and Testing develops and offer non-credit continuing education offerings that are responsive to the professional/career development and personal enrichment needs of individuals as well as business and industry. Community Education Price Summary Course Name A+ Bootcamp Advanced Read, Writ & Gram Rev, P2 Advanced Summer Conversation P2 Aqua Fit Clinical Med Assist Program Code Breakers: Scratch a Piece Cooking and More...OH MY! Dental Assistant Program ESL: Sumer Basics L2P2 ESL: Summer Abs Beg P2 ESL: Summer Advanced P2 ESL: Summer Basics L1P2 ESL: Summer Intermediate L1 P2 ESL: Summer Intermediate L2P2 Fund of Bartending 101 Healthcare Exploration Junior Lifeguard Marine Science Camp Martini Workshop 101 Medical Coding and Billing Mojito Workshop 101 Pharmacy Tech Cert Program Phlebotomy Technician RE Sales Associate Training The "Keys" to Customer Service Vertical 2‐ Acq of Empl & Voc Course CWE 0919 CWE 0528 CWE 0530 REC 0116 CWE 0303 REC 0118 REC 0117 CWE 0306 CWE 0538 CWE 0546 CWE 0544 CWE 0536 CWE 0550 CWE 0542 CWE 0203 REC 0119 REC 0121 REC 0120 REC 0106 CWE 0302 REC 0105 CWE 0300 CWE 0301 CWE 0200 CWE 0559 CWE 0556 Tuition $ 1,799 $ 146 $ 146 $ 175 $ 2,399 $ 250 $ 225 $ 1,199 $ 146 $ 146 $ 146 $ 146 $ 146 $ 146 $ 650 $ 225 $ 140 $ 250 $ 49 $ 1,799 $ 49 $ 999 $ 1,599 $ 450 $ 400 $ 163 Catherine Torres Submitted by Catherine Torres Director of Community Education, Workforce and Testing April2016DisbursementSummary BoardofTrustees CheckActivity Account Total$ Operating 419,922.48 Payroll Total VoidedCheckActivity Item1 Cone, Erin A. Loebelenz, Alexander P. Subtotal Item2 Mena, Jesus R. Betty, Dexton W. Molina, Ignacio Nicholson, Travon L. Rogers, Wayne L. Florida Prepaid College Program Fiberglass Coatings Molina, Ignacio Subtotal Item3 Vazquez, Roxanne M. Echevarria, Patrick S. Subtotal Item4 Barili, Marie Subtotal Item5 Hannah, Rosemary Subtotal Total OperationalVoid% APKeyingErrorVoid% TotalQty 36,629.65 $ 456,552.13 CheckNumberRange 237 113425 - 113661 61 218858 - 218918 298 65.53 797.75 863.28 1 1 2 Financial Aid Reversed / No Refund Due 312.19 2,226.00 6,189.71 1,272.37 2,784.19 27.40 735.42 156.94 13,704.22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 AP Keying Error 542.38 262.00 804.38 1 1 2 Lost in Mail / Incorrect Address 116.36 116.36 1 1 Stale Check 4,655.83 4,655.83 $20,144.07 5% 3% 1 1 14 Replace check 6% 3% April 2016 ‐ Electronic Activity ACH Date 4/1/2016 4/5/2016 4/6/2016 4/7/2016 4/8/2016 4/12/2016 4/13/2016 4/15/2016 4/19/2016 4/20/2016 4/22/2016 4/27/2016 Vendor Name TIAA‐Cref IRS Tax payment Federal Express FL Dept. of Rev‐FRS AFLAC Insurance Pure Health Solutions Pure Health Solutions Humana Dental Humana Dental FL Dept. of Revenue IRS Tax payment Pitney Bowes Federal Express FL System College Risk Mgmt. Shell Commercial Wells Fargo‐Var Resource Keys Energy TIAA‐ Cref Keys Energy Bank of America Federal Express IRS Tax payment FKAA IRS Tax payment Key West Resort Utilities Description March Contributions SM 7 Payroll Taxes Shipping Expense March 2016 FRS March Contributions Water Cooler Service Water Cooler Service March 2016 Premiums April 2016 Premiums Campus Store Sales Tx‐March2016 Payroll Taxes (Manual Check) Postage Meter Refill Shipping Expense April 2016 Consortium Payment Fuel Purchasing Card HP Lease April Electricity Service April 2016 Contributions Electricity Service Purchasing Credit Card Shipping Expense SM 8 Payroll Taxes Water Expense Payroll Taxes (Manual Check) Sewer Expense Doc Number W0002881 W0002884 W0002885 W0002894 W0002895 W0002896 W0002897 W0002882 W0002883 W0002886 W0002887 W0002888 W0002889 W0002898 W0002899 W0002900 W0002890 W0002891 W0002892 FP000018 W0002893 W0002901 W0002902 W0002903 W0002904 Invoice Amount 400.00 68,367.38 48.77 54,028.18 223.42 49.95 49.95 2,968.71 2,934.63 101.50 1.63 2,000.00 6.00 78,055.65 159.40 1,308.34 26,335.64 400.00 101.20 18,510.61 10.66 71,628.42 5,446.45 62.37 3,337.12 $ 336,535.98 FLORIDA KEYS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 5901 College Road, Key West, FL 33040 MEMORANDUM Date: May 4, 2016 To: Jean Mauk From: Doug Pryor Subject: Disposition of Property College property is regularly monitored as to its condition and usefulness. As property is determined to be no longer useful for college purposes, because it is obsolete, broken, lost or stolen, a request is made for a formal disposition approval. I request you recommend that the property listed below be reviewed by the District Board of Trustees in accordance with State requirements, for the reasons stated. The total value of the listed property for FKCC Board of Trustees disposition approval is $6,679.45. 1 Tag Acquisition No. Date 5065 4/16/2004 2 Description Cost Desktop Computer Model: OptiPlex SN# 12H8Q41 PO# P0032574 $1,065.37 5067 4/16/2004 Desktop Computer Model: OptiPlex SN# FOM9Q41 PO# P0032595 $1,065.37 3 5128 10/14/2004 Desktop Computer Model: OptiPlex SN# HRVYT51 PO# P0032901 $1,169.95 4 5138 10/28/2004 Desktop Computer Model: OptiPlex SN# 50XHY51 PO# P0032928 $1,169.95 5 5151 12/2/2004 Desktop Computer Model: OptiPlex SN# J318761 PO# P0032964 $1,169.95 Replacement Cost Out of Production $625.53 for standard desktop Out of Production $625.53 for standard desktop Out of Production $625.53 for standard desktop Out of Production $625.53 for standard desktop Out of Production $625.53 for standard desktop Condition Obsolete – No Longer Working Obsolete – No Longer Working Obsolete – No Longer Working Obsolete – No Longer Working Obsolete – No Longer Working 6 5159 12/15/2004 Desktop Computer Model: OptiPlex SN# JPD7D61 PO# P0032983 $1,038.86 Out of Production $625.53 for standard desktop Obsolete – No Longer Working TOTAL $6,679.45 ______________________________ Board Approved Date ______________________________ Disposal Signature and Date ______________________________ Disposal Witness and Date ______________________________ Disposal Method and/or Location/ Lab Fee Change Approvals Board of Trustees April 2016 Course Name / Fee Title Course Suffix Current Fee $ Proposed Fee $ Incr/ (Decr) $ Incr/ (Decr) % Change Explanation Coastal Navigation MTE1802 359.23 19.23 -340.00 -95% Remove expense for charter boat rental Aquatic First Aid/CPR/O2 EMS1344 113.71 135.90 22.19 20% Updates supplies and equipment expense based on new vendor pricing Scuba Rescue and Emergency Medicine EMS2081C 321.89 341.29 19.40 6% Updates supplies and equipment expense based on new vendor pricing Dive Medicine Instructor EMS2082 24.90 36.28 11.38 46% Updates supplies and equipment expense based on new vendor pricing Public Safety Diving EOC2710 430.54 421.31 -9.23 -2% Updates supplies and equipment expense based on new vendor pricing Diving Technology EOC2711 352.60 396.52 43.92 12% Updates supplies and equipment expense based on new vendor pricing Introduction to SAS EOC2712 492.61 592.64 100.03 20% Updates supplies and equipment expense based on new vendor pricing Breathing Gases and Decompression Theory EOC2713C 359.43 424.78 65.35 18% Updates supplies and equipment expense based on new vendor pricing Recompression Chamber Operations EOC2714C 251.76 176.11 -75.65 -30% Updates supplies and equipment expense based on new vendor pricing Diving Safety EOC2715 128.31 113.79 -14.52 -11% Updates supplies and equipment expense based on new vendor pricing SAS Work Diving Techniques EOC2719 445.12 598.54 153.42 34% Updates supplies and equipment expense based on new vendor pricing Basic Research Diving ISC2132 534.21 650.91 116.70 22% Updates supplies and equipment expense based on new vendor pricing Scuba Diving PEN1136C 282.96 306.51 23.55 8% Updates supplies and equipment expense based on new vendor pricing Specialty Instructor Training PEN2134 110.94 118.89 7.95 7% Updates supplies and equipment expense based on new vendor pricing Advanced Diving Theory and Practice PEN2137C 290.71 331.19 40.48 14% Updates supplies and equipment expense based on new vendor pricing Scuba Instructor Training PEQ1136C 285.72 365.05 79.33 28% Updates supplies and equipment expense based on new vendor pricing Lab Fee Changes‐Apr 2016 1 of 2 Divemaster PEQ1137C 357.91 415.84 57.93 16% Updates supplies and equipment expense based on new vendor pricing IDC Staff Instructor PEQ2133 177.02 213.15 36.13 20% Updates supplies and equipment expense based on new vendor pricing Underwater Photography PGY1245C 414.36 587.27 172.91 42% Updates supplies and equipment expense based on new vendor pricing and inventory Adv. Underwater Photography PGY2274C 451.68 584.79 133.11 29% Updates supplies and equipment expense based on new vendor pricing and inventory Lab Fee Changes‐Apr 2016 2 of 2 MEMORANDUM Division of Student Affairs TO: FR: DT: RE: FKCC Board of Trustees Joy Wolfe on behalf of Dr. Frank Wood April 23, 2016 Student Speaker Information Amanda Ban Amanda Ban is a dual enrollment FKCC student who also attends the Collegiate Academy at Marathon High School. She plans to graduate from FKCC with her Associate of Arts degree before she graduates from high school. Amanda is an extremely driven student and she plans to attend a large university in Florida upon graduation next year. Law and Social Sciences are her primary areas of interest. Born in Key West, Amanda has lived in Marathon, FL her entire life. She has a full schedule juggling high school and FKCC courses. However, she also finds time to participate in several clubs and to play varsity softball and soccer. She has been Class President for 2 years and is running for SGA president. Amanda is vibrant and intelligent. She recently attended the FKCC luncheon and received an award for earning President’s List distinction. FLORIDA KEYS COMMUNITUY COLLEGE Memorandum _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date: May 16, 2016 To: Board of Trustees From: Bill Irwin Subject: Faculty Council Report _________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Faculty Council did not meet in May. The Council will meet in June now that the college has implemented a single in-‐seat summer term and many faculty members will be teaching on campus concurrently. Faculty members met prior to commencement ceremonies on May 6 (thanks to a grant from the Exceptional Teaching Committee) to discuss implementation of pre-‐ and post-‐ class testing to assess student learning as part of faculty evaluation tools under Florida Administrative Code §6A-‐14.0411; FKCC Board Rule 5.115; FKCC Procedure No. 56.30 and development of template materials for core courses. Faculty Council subcommittees continue to work on these issues as well as developing a mentoring program for new and part-‐time faculty members. FLORIDA KEYS COMMUNITY COLLEGE MEMORANDUM _____________________________________________________________________________________ Date: May 12, 2016 To: District Board of Trustees-Florida Keys Community College From: Jean Mauk Subject: Vice President Business and Administrative Services Report ____________________________________________________________________________________ Financial Report 2 April 2016 Revenues Total revenues of $9,081,258 are $148,228 higher than the prior year primarily due to increases in state funding. Student Fee Revenues of $2,901,373 are $90,865 (3%) lower than the prior year primarily due to the elimination of the distance learning fee ($46,942) and lower matriculation and non-resident fees. CCPF revenue of $4,503,185 is $259,390 (6%) higher than the prior year. Performance Based Incentive Funding of $163,094 is an increase in funding over the prior year. Lottery Funding of $1,105,258 is $45,704 lower than the prior year as funding was shifted to CCPF. Other revenues of $344,294 are $125,930 lower than the prior year primarily due to the proceeds for sale of capital assets received in fiscal year 2015. Expenses Personnel Expenses of $5,576,744 are $259,033 higher than the prior year as a result of filled positions and salary increases for eligible employees offset by lower management costs from elimination of position for the Executive Director of Human Resources. Current Expenses of $1,950,496 are $16,578 (1%) higher than the prior year as higher travel activity and professional services are partially offset by lower repairs and maintenance, utilities and other service expenses. Professional Services includes $24,719 of legal fee expense as of April compared to an annual budget of $44,000. Overall, net revenues over expenses are $1,554,018 and are an increase over the prior year of $94,227 or 6%. Business Office Heather Garcia, Assistant Controller Finalizing FY2015 Florida Keys College Campus Foundation audit. The Student Account Representative position is still open (since November 2015). Business Office staff primary focus is working with students on summer financial obligations. Currently preparing written procedure for month end and year end processes as part of review process for all Business Office procedures. Creating new reconciliation reports of payroll accounts to improve efficiency of process Business Office Jeanette Williams, Assistant Controller Continues to work with deans, coordinators and instructional staff on final review of budget submissions and student lab fee changes for 2016-17 fiscal year. Working with director of facilities in preparation for training and implementation of PanAm travel agency services for student and employee travel; July 1, 2016 target date for implementation. Human Resources Kathleen Daniel Director of Human Resources Currently recruiting for 7 Full-Time positions and 4 Part-Time positions. Continuing to work on an implementation timeline for Web Time Entry with FSW Team. Preparing FY 17 Staff & Faculty Contracts Preparing 2016 – 2017 Salary Schedule & Org Charts. Preparing for FY 16 Year-End activities Completed Wellness Event for May on Bike Safety. Good turnout and presentation. Financial Aid Joyce Lubeck-Sonenberg Director of Financial Aid Summer Semester 201630 Five students are signed up to work in the Federal Work Study Program. Three students are signed up to work in the Florida Work Experience Program (FWEP). Veterans Administrative Services currently has 65 students enrolled. 2016-2017 Academic Year 610 FAFSA’s have been submitted to date. Information Technology Department Michelle Adam , the Director of Information Technology The IT report for April 2016 is included at the end of this report. Purchasing and Plant Operations Doug Pryor, the Director of Purchasing and Plant Operations Purchasing and Plant Operations Purchasing 71 Purchase Orders 118 Requisitions 151 Visa Transactions Airline Expenses Detail $8,472.07 Hotel Expenses Detail $5,491.22 Campus Security Reports Campus Safety / Conduct – 3 Projects Card Access System – Trim out scheduled for May 5th and 6th Video Surveillance – P.O. issued for fiber trace (IT Dept.) Capital Improvement Plan 2016/17 to 2020/21 (Documents received from DOE) Culinary Arts Lab – On hold, pending further direction from FKCC Administration Architectural Services RFQ – Awarded to K2M Design and Zyscovich Architects Presidential Dining Hall – Awaiting Foundation Budget Approval Painting of Faculty Offices – 6 color choices provided May 3rd. Scheduled to start June 28th Board Room Chairs – Options provided, awaiting decision. Computer Lab B202 – Completion date of May 9th Kiln removal is complete as of May 4th Maintenance/Operations – The maintenance staff continues to perform preventative maintenance throughout the campus. Campus facilities and grounds require evaluation on a day to day basis and staff is allocated for repairs as needed. The maintenance staff provides assistance to multiple departments for event preparations, office relocations, office needs, etc. The staff processed 1,157 pieces of outgoing mail ($939.96 in postage), 355 phone calls, 45 work orders and 7 key requests. The maintenance staff schedule has been adjusted to accommodate commencement on May 6th Maintenance and custodial services have been adjusted based on the summer schedule starting May 9th Security has been notified of the summer schedule. Electric Consumption Report July August September October November December January February March April May June FY 14/15 kWh 303800 312900 345100 314300 299600 253400 235550 266000 279650 258650 316750 308000 FY 15/16 kWh 313950 310800 329700 369250 325150 287700 280000 260400 263900 262500 0 0 kWh Saved -10150 2100 15400 -54950 -25550 -34300 -44450 5600 15750 -3850 Savings % -0.0334 0.00671 0.04462 -0.1748 -0.0853 -0.1354 -0.1887 0.02105 0.05632 -0.0149 Information Technology - Monthly Summary Report - April 2016 New Helpdesk Ticketing Dashboard Information Technology - Monthly Summary Report - April 2016 Ongoing Projects Upgrade of Banner Database and Infrastructure Upgrade of Intellicheck and FormFusion Software ERP Security Policies and Procedure review and updates Infrastructure Updates Oracle 12C Upgrade Uninterrupted Power Supply replacement for the Datacenter FLVC Connection Florida Benefits Management Co File interface creation Network Usage Implemented Enhancements Florida Keys Community College Operating Revenues and Expenditures For the Month Ended April 30, 2016 Account Code Account Title FY 2015-16 Budget $1,591,439 170,000 459,596 650,000 0 29,630 5,250 20,000 99,371 17,500 75,000 5,366,463 35,000 714 1,421,045 10,000 10,000.00 158,380 16,700 4,100 152,900 $10,293,088 $ Actual Amount Difference $1,547,029 $ (44,410) 174,642 4,642 411,043 (48,553) 614,475 (35,525) (84) (84) 23,440 (6,190) 4,425 (825) 11,704 (8,296) 97,784 (1,587) 17,915 415 63,054 (11,946) 4,503,185 (863,278) 163,094 128,094 0 (714) 1,105,258 (315,787) 0 (10,000) 15,230 5,230 7,236 7,236 20,250 20,250 660 660 172,113 13,733 22,154 5,454 2,598 (1,502) 104,053 (48,847) 9,081,258 ($1,211,830) Percentage Collected/Spent to Date 401XX 402XX 403XX 404XX 40450 40500 40600 40700 408XX 409XX 41610 42110 42150 42210 42610 42900 43500 43900 44100 44200 44400 46200 46400 48100 487XX 49XXX Matriculation/Tuition Fees Continuing Education/Self-Supporting Non-Resident Fees Laboratory Fees Distance Learning Fees Application Fees Graduation Fees Transcript Fees Technology Fees Other Student Fees Dual Enrollment Community College Program Fund Performance Based Incentive Funding License Tag Fee Appropriations Lottery Funds -CCPF Indirect Cost Recovered-State Grants & Contracts from Federal Govt. Indirect Cost Recovered-Federal Cash Contributions Grants & Contracts from State Govt. Gifts, Grants & Contract-Private Purchasing Rebates/Commissions Use of College Facilities Interest and dividends Fines and Penalties Transfers and Other Revenue Total Revenues 97.2% 102.7% 89.4% 94.5% 0.0% 79.1% 84.3% 58.5% 98.4% 102.4% 84.1% 83.9% 466.0% 0.0% 77.8% 0.0% 0.0% 152.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 108.7% 132.7% 63.4% 68.1% 88.2% 51XXX 52XXX 53XXX 54XXX 56XXX 59XXX Management Instruction Other Professional Career Staff Other Personnel Services Instructional Benefits Total Personnel $879,599 1,892,005 1,699,567 674,718 539,152 1,639,661 $7,324,702 $655,871 $ 1,553,084 1,359,502 395,878 409,416 1,202,993 $5,576,744 $ (223,728) (338,921) (340,065) (278,840) (129,736) (436,668) (1,747,958) 74.6% 82.1% 80.0% 58.7% 75.9% 73.4% 76.1% 605XX 61000 615XX 62000 625XX 630XX 63500 640XX 645XX 650XX 655XX 657XX 66000 665XX 670XX 69XXX Travel Freight and Postage Telecommunications Printing Repairs and Maintenance Rentals Insurance Utilities Other Services Professional Fees Educational/Office Materials Data Software Non-Capitalized Maintenance/Construction Material Other Materials and Supplies Subscriptions/Library Books Transfers and Other Expenses Total Current Expenses $286,504 24,070 80,357 21,470 276,601 129,434 141,714 583,278 781,630 120,655 225,653 58,800 36,060 0 19,647 167,058 $2,952,931 $113,166 $ (173,338) 13,392 (10,678) 53,413 (26,944) 8,757 (12,713) 235,942 (40,659) 25,662 (103,772) 142,196 482 419,065 (164,213) 546,200 (235,430) 120,074 (581) 108,534 (117,119) 51,532 (7,268) 12,348 (23,712) 481 481 18,174 (1,473) 81,560 (85,498) $1,950,496 ($1,002,435) 39.5% 55.6% 66.5% 40.8% 85.3% 19.8% 100.3% 71.8% 69.9% 99.5% 48.1% 87.6% 34.2% 0.0% 92.5% 48.8% 66.1% 705XX 706XX 710XX Minor Equipment Minor EquipmentFurniture and Equipment Total Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Total Expenses $10,277,633 $7,527,240 ($2,750,393) 73.2% Grand Total Revenues Less Expenses $15,455 $1,554,018 $1,538,563 0.0% FKCC FY 2015-16 Operating Total Revenues & Expenditures $1,600,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 Dollars $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0 JUL AUG SEP OCT Revenues NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN APR $800,914 $838,121 MAY JUN Expenditures Fiscal Year 2015-16 Revenues Expenditures JUL $1,436,681 $622,262 AUG $869,667 $723,503 SEP $521,449 $785,314 OCT $942,618 $776,104 NOV $987,450 $767,571 DEC $1,014,827 $725,805 JAN $864,001 $683,126 FEB $689,469 $823,471 MAR $954,182 $781,963 TOTAL $9,081,258 $7,527,240 FKCC FY 2015-16 Operating Total Revenue FY15 vs FY16 $1,800,000 $1,600,000 Dollars $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0 Revenue FY16 JUL Revenue FY16 Revenue FY15 JUL $1,436,681 $1,402,828 AUG $869,667 $744,903 SEP $521,449 $524,327 AUG SEP OCT Revenue FY15 NOV OCT NOV DEC $942,618 $987,450 $1,014,827 $683,812 $1,303,156 $917,948 DEC JAN $864,001 $839,934 JAN FEB FEB $689,469 $823,895 MAR APR MAR APR $954,182 $800,914 $645,799 $1,046,428 MAY MAY JUN JUN TOTAL $9,081,258 $8,933,030 FKCC FY 2015-16 Fund 1 Student Fee Revenue FY15 vs FY 16 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 Dollars $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN -$200,000 Student Fee Revenue FY 16 Student Fee Revenue FY 16 Student Fee Revenue FY 15 \ JUL $930,460 $954,788 AUG $329,949 $282,263 SEP $27,735 $70,309 Student Fee Revenue FY 15 OCT NOV DEC $254,207 $333,008 $363,550 $43,005 $639,339 $283,291 JAN $217,224 $225,713 FEB $30,011 $91,361 MAR APR $267,144 $149,085 -$20,342 $423,511 MAY JUN TOTAL $2,902,373 $2,993,238 FLORID DA KEYS COM MMUNITY COLLLEGE O OFFICE OF HU UMAN RESOU URCES Memorandum DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: May 12, 2016 Jean M Mauk, Vice Pre esident Kathle een Daniel – D Director, Hum man Resource s Executtive, Administtrative, Profe essional, and FFaculty Recom mmendationss of Employm ment for fisccal year 2016/2017 Board Agenda June e 27, 2016 nity College’s current annuual evaluation ns and recomm mendations o of Based on the Florida Keys Commun Managerss, Deans, Provvost, Vice Pre esident and Prresident, pleaase accept the following co ontract recommendations for next fiscal year 2016/2017 7. The Office of Human Reesources requ uests that thee attached list be recommended to th he Board of TTrustees for e mployment aapproval. Oncce approved, contracts will be prese ented for signature to the B Board Chair. In addition, The Office of Human Re esources requ uests that thee Board of Tru ustees approvve the salariees for these con ntractual posittions at their current levells, funds perm mitting. Mauk, Jeaan McPherso on, Michael Rice, Patrrick Snyder, B Brittany Wood, Frank Annu ual Contract Annu ual Contract Annu ual Contract Annu ual Contract Annu ual Contract Professsional Leve el Adam, Michelle Albert, Paatricia Bosco, Lo ori Busot, Ale exandra DeLisle, C Christopher Dozier, Ke eri Ernst‐Leo onard, Amber G Canton, Carolina eather Garcia, He Gerrard, N Nicole Gray, Chrristian Groomes,, Carrie Hill, Tamrrah Annu ual Contract Annu ual Contract Annu ual Contract Annu ual Contract Annu ual Contract Annu ual Contract Annu ual Contract Annu ual Contract Annu ual Contract Annu ual Contract Annu ual Contract Annu ual Contract Annu ual Contract Kelly, Lori Leahy, Christina Leonard, Debra Lubeck‐Sonenberg, Joyce MacMinn, Linda Malsheimer, Karla Morgan, Beryl Neihouse, Kristina Norland, Katie O’Flynn, Gregory Park, Suzy Pelletier, Christina Peterson, Samuel Pryor, Doug Roby, Mark Rouge, John Ruppert, Merideth Seubert, John Torres, Catherine Williams, Jeanette Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Pending Successful Probationary Period Daniel, Kathleen Cherry, Michelle Oupanese, Pon Wolfe, Joy Lucey Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Modified Contract Schulten, Emily Contract Period 7/1/16 to 8/15/16 Faculty, 11‐Month: Sagan, Julie Annual Contract Faculty, 10‐Month: Annual Contract Ferrara, Nathaniel Frahn, Mark Gonzalez, Yeeny Holsapple, Raymond Labriola, Ann Lenich, Robert Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Pridemore, Katie Sperry, Shannon Townsend, Deborah Walsh, Michelle Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Annual Contract Faculty, 10‐Month: (Continuing Contract) Abagnale, Susan Brylske, Alex Bullis, Robert Eads, Katheryn Farrell, Sharon Irwin, William Markham, Lois Nicolas, Melissa Parmentier, Hilary Sielski, Lana Continuing Contract Continuing Contract Continuing Contract Continuing Contract Continuing Contract Continuing Contract Continuing Contract Continuing Contract Continuing Contract Continuing Contract FLORIDA KEYS COMMUNITY COLLEGE OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Memorandum DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: May 23, 2016 Jean Mauk - Vice President, Business and Administration Services Kathleen Daniel – Director, Human Resources BOARD AGENDA 5-23-16 – Personnel Actions Personnel Actions – Recommendations to the Board of Trustees NEW EMPLOYEES FULL-TIME Name Effective Date Description PART-TIME Name Effective Date Description ADDITIONAL EMPLOYMENT: Current or returning employees filling temporary, part-time jobs Name Effective Date Description Yoshi Bujek 04/15/16 Life Drawing Model, $15.00 per hour PROMOTIONS / RECLASSIFICATIONS / ADJUSTMENTS: Name Effective Date Description Emily Schulten 8/16/16 Faculty, English , $62,616.00 annually Anthony Margiotta 8/16/16 Faculty, Marine Engineering, $55,922.00 annually SEPARATIONS: Name Dawn Ellis John DeMeo Michelle Choate Title Faculty, Computer Science Faculty, Marine Engineering Faculty, Business Administration Effective Date June 30, 2016 June 30, 2016 June 30, 2016 Reason Resigned End of Contract End of Contract Board Materials Adjunct Instructors May-16 Name Lvl Pay Rate AS & AA Programs Block, Priscilla Block, Priscilla Bosworth, Catherine Davila, Antonio DeSanti, Brian Feller, David Feller, David Garcia, Michael Goulding, Charles Humphrey, Sandra Kent, Shana King, James Kolbe, Daniel Kuhn, Randy Muffler, Stephen Nottage, Christine Ray, Amy Smith, Robert Smith, Robert White, Larry Wright, Cynthia Yancich, Amy $515 $515 $515 $515 $515 $515 $515 $515 $515 $515 $515 $515 $515 $566 $566 $515 $566 $515 $515 $515 $515 $515 Public Safety Askins, Edward Askins, Edward Calvert, Janeth Calvert, Janeth DiGiovanni, Michael Garcia, Patricia Gonzalez, Jean Gray-Massoud, Danyle Hernandez, Genine Hernandez, Genine Hill, Thomas Hill, Thomas Keohane, Kuniko Lopez, Anthony Lopez, Anthony Meier, Charles Phelps, Penny Phelps, Penny Phelps, Penny Ream-Fisher, Kathleen Riggs, Jon Schlegelmilch, Will Schlegelmilch, Will Schlegelmilch, Will Schlegelmilch, Will $25 $28 $25 $28 $25 $25 $25 $25 $28 $25 $28 $25 $25 $28 $50 $28 $25 $28 $28 $25 $25 $25 $28 $25 $28 Hrs/ Credits Total Pay 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 11 2 12 5 3 8 2 4 2 4 17 4 4 36 10 19 6 17 1 4 4 36 2 8 37 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,545.00 1,545.00 1,545.00 1,545.00 1,545.00 1,545.00 1,545.00 1,545.00 1,545.00 1,545.00 1,545.00 1,545.00 1,545.00 1,698.00 1,698.00 1,545.00 1,698.00 1,545.00 1,545.00 1,545.00 1,545.00 1,545.00 Course Description Cntr Macroeconomics 2013 Macroeconomics 2023 Intro to Speech Communication Intro to Computer Applications Intro to Marine Biology Intro to Meterology Intro to Oceanography Financial Accounting National Government Peparing for Student Success Scuba Rescue& Emergency Medicine Music Appreciation Underwater Photography Managerial Accounting Business Law I Entreprenuership Narcotics & Danger Substances Intro to Humanities Elements of Music New Testament Survey Human Growth & Development Scuba Diving $ 275.00 Criminal Investigations $ 56.00 Physical Fitness $ 300.00 Fund of Patrol $ 140.00 Physical Training $ 75.00 Fund of Patrol $ 200.00 Interaction to Diverse Comm $ 50.00 Calls for Service $ 100.00 Crime Scene to Courtroom $ 56.00 Physical Training $ 100.00 Crime Scene to Courtroom $ 476.00 First Aid $ 100.00 Fund of Patrol $ 100.00 Fund of Patrol $ 1,008.00 Firearms (DaSilva) $ 500.00 Defensive Tactics (make up) $ 532.00 First Aid $ 150.00 Interaction to Diverse Comm $ 476.00 First Aid $ 28.00 Physical Training $ 100.00 Fund of Patrol $ 100.00 Fund of Patrol $ 900.00 Criminal Investigations $ 56.00 Physical Fitness $ 200.00 Vehicle Opns $ 1,036.00 Vehicle Opns MKC MKC MKC MKC MKC MKC MKC MKC MKC MKC MKC MKC MKC MKC MKC MKC MKC MKC MKC MKC MKC MKC MKC MKC MKC Start Date End Date 16-May-16 16-May-16 16-May-16 16-May-16 16-May-16 16-May-16 16-May-16 16-May-16 16-May-16 16-May-16 16-May-16 16-May-16 16-May-16 16-May-16 16-May-16 16-May-16 16-May-16 16-May-16 16-May-16 16-May-16 16-May-16 16-May-16 27-Jun-16 27-Jun-16 27-Jun-16 27-Jun-16 8-Aug-16 8-Aug-16 8-Aug-16 27-Jun-16 8-Aug-16 8-Aug-16 27-Jun-16 27-Jun-16 27-Jun-16 27-Jun-16 27-Jun-16 8-Aug-16 8-Aug-16 8-Aug-16 27-Jun-16 27-Jun-16 27-Jun-16 27-Jun-16 5-Apr-16 11-Apr-16 18-Mar-16 1-Apr-16 5-Apr-16 12-Mar-16 11-Mar-16 6-Apr-16 30-Mar-16 6-Apr-16 18-Mar-16 31-Mar-16 29-Mar-16 6-Mar-16 13-Mar-16 16-Mar-16 14-Mar-16 17-Mar-16 19-Mar-16 17-Mar-16 30-Mar-16 28-Mar-16 29-Mar-16 14-Apr-16 19-Apr-16 12-Apr-16 12-Apr-16 6-Apr-16 7-Apr-16 5-Apr-16 12-Mar-16 11-Mar-16 6-Apr-16 5-Apr-16 6-Apr-16 2-Apr-16 31-Mar-16 29-Mar-16 22-Mar-16 20-Mar-16 1-Apr-16 14-Mar-16 2-Apr-16 19-Mar-16 17-Mar-16 30-Mar-16 13-Apr-16 31-Mar-16 15-Apr-16 24-Apr-16 Sims, F. Carter Thompson, Patricia $28 $28 2 4 $ $ 56.00 First Aid 112.00 Firearms (DaSilva) MKC MKC 15-Mar-16 28-Feb-16 15-Mar-16 28-Feb-16 Community Education Payroll Summary Last Haegelin Haegelin Haegelin Haegelin Haegelin Haegelin Haegelin Haegelin Haegelin Haegelin Haegelin Haegelin Haegelin Haegelin Haegelin Haegelin Haegelin Haegelin Haegelin Labriola Macaluso Meier Mira Seubert Stevens Stevens Stevens First Hours Diana 18 Diana 18 Diana 18 Diana 18 Diana 18 Diana 18 Diana 18 Diana 18 Diana 18 Diana 18 Diana 18 Diana 18 Diana 18 Diana 18 Diana 18 Diana 18 Diana 18 Diana 18 Diana 18 Ann 56 Anthony 63 Charles 40 Sibba 40 John 40 Janis 40 Janis 40 Janis 40 Pay $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $28 $399 pp $35 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 Course Name Adv Read, Writ & Gram Rev, SP1 Adv Read, Writ & Gram Rev, SP2 Adv Summer Conv P1 Adv Summer Conv P2 ESL: Sumer Basics L2P2 ESL: Summer Abs Beg P2 ESL: Summer Absolute Beg P1 ESL: Summer Advanced P1 ESL: Summer Advanced P2 ESL: Summer Basics L1P1 ESL: Summer Basics L1P1 ESL: Summer Basics L1P2 ESL: Summer Basics L1P2 ESL: Summer Basics L2P1 ESL: Summer Basics L2P1 ESL: Summer Interm L1 P1 ESL: Summer Interm L1 P2 ESL: Summer Interm L2P1 ESL: Summer Interm L2P2 Clay & Play in the Summer RE Sales Associate Training FL Security Guard Off Class D Code Breakers: Scratch a Piece Marine Science Camp Cooking and More...OH MY! Cooking and More...OH MY! Cooking and More...OH MY! Catherine Torres Submitted by Catherine Torres Director of Community Education, Workforce and Testing Start 05‐May‐16 16‐Jun‐16 04‐May‐16 15‐Jun‐16 14‐Jun‐16 15‐Jun‐16 02‐May‐16 03‐May‐16 14‐Jun‐16 03‐May‐16 03‐May‐16 14‐Jun‐16 14‐Jun‐16 02‐May‐16 03‐May‐16 02‐May‐16 15‐Jun‐16 02‐May‐16 15‐Jun‐16 11‐May‐16 08‐Jun‐16 23‐May‐16 20‐Jun‐16 27‐Jun‐16 13‐Jun‐16 11‐Jul‐16 25‐Jul‐16 End 09‐Jun‐16 21‐Jul‐16 08‐Jun‐16 20‐Jul‐16 21‐Jul‐16 27‐Jul‐16 13‐Jun‐16 09‐Jun‐16 21‐Jul‐16 07‐Jun‐16 09‐Jun‐16 19‐Jul‐16 21‐Jul‐16 13‐Jun‐16 09‐Jun‐16 13‐Jun‐16 27‐Jul‐16 13‐Jun‐16 27‐Jul‐16 27‐Jul‐16 16‐Jun‐16 06‐Jun‐16 24‐Jun‐16 01‐Jul‐16 17‐Jun‐16 15‐Jul‐16 29‐Jul‐16 CRN 30390 30391 30388 30389 30392 30396 30397 30399 30398 30386 30395 30387 30394 30384 30393 30403 30402 30401 30400 30423 30407 30473 30446 30457 30448 30450 30451 EIQ NETWORKS, INC. SOCVUE MASTER SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT PLEASE READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS SOCVUE MASTER SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT (THE “AGREEMENT”) CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING TO USE THE EIQ NETWORKS, INC. (“EIQ”) SERVICES. THIS AGREEMENT REPRESENTS THE ENTIRE AGREEMENT WITH RESPECT TO THE MANAGED SERVICES, INCLUDING ANY EVALUATION OR FREE TRIAL WITH RESPECT TO SUCH MANAGED SERVICES, BETWEEN LICENSEE AND EIQ. EIQ HAS DEVELOPED AND OWNS OR HAS THE RIGHT TO LICENSE THE EIQ SERVICES (THE “MANAGED SERVICES”) ON A CLOUD BASIS OR PURSUANT TO A SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE METHODOLOGY OR COMANAGED OR MANAGED METHODOLOGY. THE MANAGED SERVICES ARE COPYRIGHTED, PATENTED OR PROTECTED BY TRADE SECRET LAW AND THEIR USE IS LICENSED (NOT SOLD) TO YOU (EITHER AS AN INDIVIDUAL, CORPORATION, OR OTHER ENTITY) AS A “LICENSEE.” BY USING THE MANAGED SERVICES OR BY EXECUTING AN ORDER FORM THAT REFERENCES THIS AGREEMENT, OR ACKNOWLEDGING “I ACCEPT”, LICENSEE ACCEPTS AND AGREES TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU ARE ENTERING INTO THIS AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF A COMPANY OR OTHER LEGAL ENTITY, YOU REPRESENT THAT YOU HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO BIND SUCH ENTITY AND ITS AFFILIATES TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE SUCH AUTHORITY, OR IF LICENSEE DOES NOT AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT, LICENSEE SHOULD NOT USE THE MANAGED SERVICES. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. DEFINITIONS. As used in this Agreement: 1.1. Affiliates means any entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or under common control with the subject entity. “Control,” for purposes of this definition, means direct or indirect ownership or control of more than 50% of the voting interest of the subject entity. 1.2. Authorized Use means use of the Managed Services in the manner specified in the Documentation. 1.3. Content means information obtained by EIQ from EIQ content licensors or publicly available sources and provided to Licensee pursuant to an Order Form, as more fully described in the Documentation. 1.4. Documentation means any specification and use documentation made available by EIQ to its licensees generally with regard to the Managed Services. 1.5. Evaluation Managed Services means Managed Services licensed to Licensee by EIQ and delivered solely for evaluation by Licensee under this Agreement. Special terms applicable to Evaluation Managed Services are set forth in this Agreement. 1.6. Licensee Data means electronic data and information submitted by Licensee to EIQ or collected and processed by or for Licensee using the Managed Services. 1.7. Managed Node means any EIQ-supported device, application, server workstation, IP Address or networked device from which EIQ collects and/or receives any form of data. 1.8. Managed Services means the products and services that are provided to Licensee by EIQ pursuant to a “cloud” based model or at Licensee’s facility, as elected by Licensee, under a free evaluation or an Order Form. The Managed Services may include one or more of the following: consultation by EIQ technical staff; security monitoring and incident notification as a service (“SMaaS”); security process guidance; management and configuration of EIQ and/or Third Party Software or technology, Log 1 EIQ SOCVue Master Subscription Agreement (Rev. 03/17/16) Management as a service (“LMaaS”), SIEM as a service, and/or any new service that maybe introduced or offered by EIQ in the future as described in the Documentation and/or on the then-current EIQ website. 1.9. Order Form means a purchase order or other ordering document received by EIQ from Licensee or an authorized EIQ Reseller on behalf of Licensee specifying the type of Managed Services to be provided hereunder that is entered into between Licensee and EIQ, including any addenda and supplements thereto. 1.10. Resellers mean entities that are authorized by EIQ to resell EIQ Managed Services. 1.11. Third Party Software means computer software owned by third parties, licensed to EIQ, and redistributed by EIQ to its customers as part of the Managed Services. 1.12. User means an end user who is authorized by Licensee to use a Managed Service and to whom Licensee (or EIQ at Licensee’s request) has supplied a User identification and password. Users may include, for example, Licensee’s employees, consultants, contractors and agents and third parties with which Licensee transacts business, who are bound by the terms of this Agreement. 2. EVALUATION OF MANAGED SERVICES. EIQ may agree to allow Licensee to evaluate the Managed Services with respect to a limited number of nodes or IP addresses for a no charge evaluation of the Managed Services for a designated evaluation period. Upon the expiration of such designated evaluation period, the Evaluation Managed Services license shall automatically terminate. EIQ shall have no obligation or responsibility to store or preserve any Licensee data upon the expiration of such designated evaluation period. Title to the Evaluation Managed Services shall at all times remain with EIQ. Licensee shall be responsible for the proper use and deployment of the Evaluation Managed Services; use the Evaluation Managed Services solely for the limited purpose of evaluating the Managed Services; and, take appropriate action, by means of agreement, instruction or otherwise, with respect to its employees or other third parties permitted access to the Evaluation Managed Services in furtherance of its permitted use to ensure that all of its obligations are satisfied. EIQ DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE EVALUATION MANAGED SERVICES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WRITTEN OR ORAL, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, AND ANY WARRANTY ARISING BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE IN LAW, OR FROM A COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. 3. EIQ RESPONSIBILITIES. 3.1. Provision of Managed Services. EIQ will (a) make the Managed Services available to Licensee pursuant to this Agreement and the applicable Order Forms, and (b) use commercially reasonable efforts to provide Managed Services as defined in the Documentation, except for: (i) planned downtime; and (ii) any unavailability caused by circumstances beyond EIQ’s reasonable control, including but not limited to, for example, Licensee’s network is down, EIQ is not able to remotely connect to Licensee networks, Licensee’s nodes or IP addresses under management fail to send data, an act of God, act of government, flood, fire, earthquake, civil unrest, act of terror, strike or other labor problem (other than one involving EIQ employees), Internet service provider failure or delay, cloud service provider failure or delay, non-EIQ application, or denial of service attack. 3.2. Protection of Licensee Data. EIQ will maintain administrative, physical, and technical safeguards for protection of the security, confidentiality and integrity of Licensee Data. Those safeguards will include, but will not be limited to, measures for preventing access, use, modification or disclosure of Licensee Data by EIQ personnel except (a) to provide the Managed Services and prevent or address service or technical problems, (b) as compelled by law, or (c) as Licensee expressly permits in writing. 3.3. EIQ Personnel. EIQ will be responsible for the performance of EIQ personnel (including EIQ employees and contractors) and their compliance with EIQ obligations under this Agreement, except as otherwise specified herein. 2 EIQ SOCVue Master Subscription Agreement (Rev. 03/17/16) 4. USE OF MANAGED SERVICES. 4.1. Subscriptions and Subscription Term. Unless otherwise provided in the applicable Order Form, (a) Managed Services are purchased as subscriptions for the designated subscription term as set forth in the applicable Order Form, (b) subscription for new or additional Managed Services may be added at any time. 4.2. Usage Limits. Managed Services pursuant to a “cloud” based model or at Licensee’s designated facility, as elected by Licensee, are subject to usage limits, including, for example, the quantities specified in Order Forms. Unless otherwise specified, (a) a quantity in an Order Form refers to Managed Nodes and the Managed Services may not be used to manage more than that number of Managed Nodes, (b) the Order Form shall specify the type of service(s) purchased and the terms for each service offering, and (c) the Order Form shall specify the quantity ordered for each type of Managed Service purchased. If Licensee exceeds a contractual usage limit or exceeds EIQ’s then-current usage limits, EIQ will work with Licensee to seek to reduce Licensee’s usage so that it conforms to that limit. If, notwithstanding EIQ’s best efforts, Licensee is unable or unwilling to abide by a contractual usage limit, Licensee will execute an Order Form for additional quantities of the applicable Managed Services promptly upon EIQ’s request, and/or pay any invoice for excess usage in accordance with this Agreement. EIQ may, at its sole option, modify usage limits. For a “cloud” based model, Licensee shall purchase from EIQ a “Cloud Server”, conditioned on the number of applicable nodes and EIQ designated “cloud data storage”, conditioned upon the applicable file size, in addition to the Managed Services. If the total data storage exceeds the amount purchased, EIQ will invoice the Licensee for the overage and work with the Licensee to help them move to the next tier of storage for an additional fee. 4.3. Licensee Responsibilities. Licensee will (a) be responsible for its' compliance with this Agreement, (b) use commercially reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorized access to or use of Managed Services, and notify EIQ promptly upon discovery of any such unauthorized access or use, (c) use Managed Services only in accordance with the Documentation and applicable laws and government regulations. Licensee shall not disclose any Confidential Information of EIQ to any competitor of EIQ. Licensee will comply with any Licensee responsibilities or assistance obligations with respect to implementing the Managed Services as set forth in the applicable EIQ Documentation. Licensee shall configure the nodes or IP addresses and network in order to send data to EIQ application that resides on Licensee designated location or in the Cloud. Licensee, not more than once per calendar quarter, may download applicable data from the cloud to Licensee’s network at EIQ’s then-current applicable fee. 4.4. Usage Restrictions. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, EIQ hereby grants to Licensee a limited, nonexclusive, non-sublicenseable and non-transferable license, on a subscription basis as set forth in the applicable Order Form, under EIQ’s intellectual property rights to install, and if applicable evaluate, the Managed Services solely for Authorized Uses. The Managed Services include proprietary information owned by EIQ or its third party licensors and the Managed Services and the Documentation are provided to Licensee solely under license and not for sale. EIQ and its third party licensors will continue to own their respective interests and intellectual property rights in the Managed Services and will be entitled to terminate this Agreement upon any breach by Licensee of this Agreement. EIQ reserves the right to make changes to any Managed Services whenever such changes, (a) are required for safety, (b) facilitate performance in accordance with specifications, or (c) represent substitutions and modifications in accordance with applicable Managed Services performance specifications, provided however that such changes shall not impede Licensee's Authorized Use of any Managed Services. Licensee shall not itself, or through any affiliate, agent, or third party: (a) decompile, disassemble, or otherwise reverse engineer any Managed Services, or attempt to reconstruct or discover any source code, underlying ideas, algorithms, file formats or programming interfaces of any Managed Services by any 3 EIQ SOCVue Master Subscription Agreement (Rev. 03/17/16) means whatsoever, except to the extent applicable laws specifically prohibit such restrictions, (b) modify, adapt, translate, or create derivative works based upon any Managed Services (c) transfer, lease, loan, sublicense, sell, resell for profit, distribute, or otherwise grant any rights in any Managed Services in any form to any other party, unless as an authorized reseller or Managed Service provider of EIQ pursuant to a written agreement with EIQ, (d) use any Managed Services on a commercial time-sharing, rental, or service bureau basis, or in any manner or for any purpose other than an Authorized Use; or (e) disclose to any third party any underlying ideas or algorithms, performance information, test results or analyses learned by Licensee or created by or for Licensee (including, without limitation, benchmarks) relating to any Managed Services. Licensee shall only have the rights with respect to the Managed Services expressly set forth in this Agreement; all other rights are expressly reserved to EIQ and its licensors. Licensee acknowledges that the Managed Services, and all trade secret, copyright, patent, trademark, trade name, and other intellectual and proprietary rights in the Managed Services, are and at all times shall remain the valuable property of EIQ and its licensors, or their respective successors or assigns. Licensee agrees that nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as granting or conferring by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right under any patent, trademark, copyright, or other proprietary right, whether now existing or hereafter obtained, and no such license or other right shall arise from this Agreement or from any acts or omissions in connection with the execution of this Agreement or the performance of the obligations of the parties. Licensee agrees (a) not to alter, remove, or conceal any copyright, trademark, trade name, or other proprietary marking that may appear on or in the Managed Services, and (b) that Licensee is responsible for itself obtaining any additional software, hardware, or technologies not provided by EIQ under this Agreement and required to access the Managed Services, including but not limited to communications devices and Internet access services. Licensee consents to the operation of the Managed Services’ communications features. Licensee agrees to promptly notify EIQ of any violation of any of the terms of this Agreement by Licensee or others of which it becomes aware. 4.5. Removal of Content and Non-EIQ Applications. If EIQ is required by a licensor to remove Content, or receive information that Content provided to Licensee may violate applicable law or third-party rights, EIQ may so notify Licensee and in such event Licensee will promptly remove such Content from Licensee’s systems. If EIQ receives information that a non-EIQ application hosted on a Managed Service by Licensee may violate applicable law or third-party rights, EIQ may so notify Licensee and in such event Licensee will promptly disable such non-EIQ application or modify the non-EIQ application to resolve the potential violation. If Licensee does not take required action in accordance with the above, EIQ may disable the applicable Content, Managed Service and/or non-EIQ application until the potential violation is resolved. 5. PROPRIETARY RIGHTS AND LICENSES. 5.1. Reservation of Rights. Subject to the limited rights expressly granted hereunder, EIQ and EIQ’s licensors reserve all of EIQ’s right, title and interest in and to the Managed Services, including all of EIQ’s related intellectual property rights. No rights are granted to Licensee hereunder other than as expressly set forth herein. 5.2. License by Licensee to Host Licensee Data and Applications. Licensee grants EIQ and EIQ’s Affiliates a worldwide, limited- term license to host, copy, transmit, analyze and display Licensee Data as necessary for EIQ to provide the Managed Services in accordance with this Agreement. 5.3. License by Licensee to Use Feedback. Licensee grants to EIQ and EIQ’s Affiliates a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free license to use and incorporate into the Managed Services any suggestion, enhancement request, recommendation, correction or other feedback provided by Licensee or Users relating to the operation of the Managed Services. 4 EIQ SOCVue Master Subscription Agreement (Rev. 03/17/16) 5.4. Federal Government End Use Provisions. If applicable, EIQ provides the Managed Services, including related software and technology, for ultimate federal government end use solely in accordance with the following: Government technical data and software rights related to the Managed Services include only those rights customarily provided to the public as defined in this Agreement. This customary commercial license is provided in accordance with FAR 12.211 (Technical Data) and FAR 12.212 (Software) and, for Department of Defense transactions, DFAR 252.227-7015 (Technical Data - Commercial Items) and DFAR 227.7202-3 (Rights in Commercial Computer Software or Computer Software Documentation).If a government agency has a need for rights not granted under these terms, it must negotiate with EIQ to determine if there are acceptable terms for granting those rights, and a mutually acceptable written addendum specifically granting those rights must be included in any applicable agreement. 6. ORDERS. Licensee will pay all fees with respect to the Managed Services as defined herein as well as any other items specified in the Order Form. Except as otherwise specified herein or in an Order Form, (a) fees are based on Managed Services purchased and not actual usage, (b) payment obligation are noncancelable and fees paid are non-refundable, and (c) quantities purchased cannot be decreased during the relevant subscription term. Each Licensee purchase order or alternative document reasonably acceptable to EIQ shall reference this Agreement and specify the items, Managed Services and configurations of Managed Services being ordered, contract length, their prices and payment terms. The purchase and license of the Managed Services and the provision of Managed Services shall be governed by the terms of this Agreement. Any preprinted provisions of Licensee’s purchase orders or other terms that conflict with the terms of this Agreement shall not apply and the terms set forth in this Agreement shall control. EIQ reserves the right to change its prices and related terms and conditions at any time without notice, provided that any such changes shall not affect orders already accepted. 7. PAYMENT. All payments with respect to the Managed Services as defined herein as well as any other items shall be in U.S. Dollars to EIQ net thirty (30) days from the date of the EIQ invoice. Amounts not paid within such thirty (30) day period shall bear interest at the rate of one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month or at the highest lawful rate, whichever is less, from the date such amount is due. Licensee will reimburse EIQ for all costs and expenses incurred, including but not limited to attorneys’ fees, in collecting any overdue amounts. Payment terms may be revised by EIQ at any time with prior written notice upon any adverse change in Licensee's payment history or financial status. EIQ shall have the right to cancel any Order Form placed or to refuse or delay delivery or performance or suspend any Managed Services for failure of Licensee to make any payments due EIQ in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Licensee will pay all sums equal to taxes (including, without limitation, sales, withholding, value-added, and similar taxes) and any duties paid or payable, however designated, levied or based on amounts payable to EIQ under this Agreement, but exclusive of taxes based on EIQ's net income, and will reimburse EIQ for any such sum that EIQ is required to collect or pay with respect to transactions under this Agreement. For any orders issued by Licensee to Reseller, payment terms shall be as agreed between Licensee and Reseller. 8. THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE. EIQ will redistribute certain Third Party Software to Licensee for Licensee’s use with the Managed Services. As a condition of its use of the Third Party Software, Licensee agrees to familiarize itself with, and to comply with and be responsible for observing, the conditions and restrictions required of software users by the owners of such Third Party Software as referenced in *THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME.txt* under the application install path. 9. DISCLAIMER. EIQ DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WRITTEN OR ORAL, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT, AND ANY WARRANTY ARISING BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE IN LAW, OR FROM A COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. EIQ SPECIFICALLY DOES NOT WARRANT THAT: (I) THE MANAGED SERVICES SHALL MEET ALL OF LICENSEE’S REQUIREMENTS OR SHALL OPERATE IN ALL THE 5 EIQ SOCVue Master Subscription Agreement (Rev. 03/17/16) COMBINATIONS WHICH MAY BE SELECTED FOR USE BY LICENSEE, (II) THE OPERATION OF THE MANAGED SERVICES SHALL BE ERROR-FREE OR UNINTERRUPTED, (III) ALL ERRORS OR DEFECTS IN THE MANAGED SERVICES SHALL BE CORRECTED, OR (IV) ANY SECURITY MECHANISMS IMPLEMENTED BY THE MANAGED SERVICES WILL NOT HAVE INHERENT LIMITATIONS. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES SO THAT THE ABOVE EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO LICENSEE. THIS WARRANTY GIVES LICENSEE SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. LICENSEE MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH VARY FROM JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION. THE THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE AND ANY EVALUATION MANAGED SERVICES ARE PROVIDED TO LICENSEE “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND BY EIQ, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT. NO REPRESENTATION OR OTHER AFFIRMATION OF FACT, WHETHER MADE BY EIQ EMPLOYEES, A RESELLER OR OTHERWISE, SHALL BE DEEMED A WARRANTY BY EIQ FOR ANY PURPOSE OR GIVE RISE TO ANY LIABILITY OF EIQ WHATEVER UNLESS CONTAINED IN THIS AGREEMENT. 10. INFRINGEMENT 10.1. Indemnity by EIQ. If a third party acting against Licensee claims, threatens to claim, or obtains a judicial or administrative determination that a Managed Service, as defined herein, infringes its patent, copyright, or trade secret rights, EIQ shall have the option, at its own expense and at its sole option, to (a) defend Licensee at EIQ’s expense and pay all damages awarded by a court of competent jurisdiction, (b) obtain for Licensee the right to continue using the infringing item, (c) replace the infringing item or modify it so that it shall become non-infringing with no substantial degradation, or (d) remove the infringing portion of the Managed Service and refund the proportional fee that Licensee paid for such portion, pro rata, or on a five-year straight-line depreciation basis, as applicable, provided that Licensee shall promptly notify EIQ in writing of the claim, and allow EIQ to control, and cooperate with EIQ in, the defense and any related settlement negotiations. In no event shall EIQ’s liability under this Section exceed the amount paid by Licensee to EIQ for any allegedly infringing Managed Services. 10.2. Exception. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 10.1 above, EIQ shall have no obligation to Licensee for any claim arising from the license or use of any Managed Service (a) that has been modified by a party other than EIQ, (b) used to practice any process, or used in combination with other Managed Services not provided by EIQ where such infringement would not have occurred but for such use in combination with such other Managed Services, (c) from failure of Licensee to use updated Managed Services provided by EIQ for avoiding such infringement, (d) that is part of any Evaluation Managed Services, or (e) that is Third Party Software. EIQ shall not be bound by any settlement of any charge of infringement made without the prior written consent of EIQ. 10.3. Indemnification by Licensee. Licensee shall indemnify and hold EIQ harmless from any loss, cost, or expense in connection with any claim, suit, or proceeding brought against EIQ or Licensee insofar as it is based on a claim that the use of any Managed Service infringed because of the way it was modified or altered by parties other than by EIQ, or because it was used in a manner for which it was not designed. 10.4. Limitation. THIS SECTION STATES THE ENTIRE LIABILITY OF EIQ AND ITS LICENSORS TO LICENSEE AND ANY AND ALL THIRD PARTIES, WHETHER FOR DAMAGES OR OTHERWISE, FOR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY COPYRIGHT, PATENT, TRADE SECRET, OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT WITH RESPECT TO ANY MANAGED SERVICES FURNISHED BY EIQ UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. 11. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 11.1. Limitation. IT IS EXPRESSLY AGREED THAT EACH PARTY’S MAXIMUM LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES TO THE OTHER PARTY UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT, REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF LEGAL ACTION, WHETHER IN CONTRACT OR IN TORT, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, SHALL IN NO EVENT EXCEED THE ACTUAL PAYMENTS RECEIVED BY EIQ OR THE RESELLER FOR THE MANAGED SERVICES THAT CAUSED SUCH DAMAGE OR THAT ARE DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE CAUSE OF ACTION, EXCEPT THAT NO 6 EIQ SOCVue Master Subscription Agreement (Rev. 03/17/16) SUCH LIMITATION ON DAMAGES SHALL APPLY TO LOSSES DUE TO EITHER PARTY’S BREACH OF EACH PARTY’S CONFIDENTIALITY OBLIGATIONS, OR LICENSEE’S VIOLATION OF EIQ’S INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, OR LICENSEE’S BREACH ANY OF THE LICENSES OR LICENSE RESTRICTIONS SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT. 11.2. No Consequential Damages. IN NO EVENT SHALL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF REVENUE, LOSS OF USE, OR LOSS OF DATA, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSS, OR, IF REASONABLY FORESEEABLE, INCURRED BY THE OTHER PARTY OR CLAIMED AGAINST THE OTHER PARTY BY ANY OTHER PARTY, EXCEPT THAT NO SUCH LIMITATIONS ON CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES SHALL APPLY IN THE EVENT OF VIOLATION BY LICENSEE OF EIQ’S INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, OR BREACH BY EITHER PARTY OF ITS CONFIDENTIALITY OBLIGATIONS OR BREACH BY LICENSEE OF ANY OF THE LICENSES OR LICENSE RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN THIS AGREEMENT. NEITHER PARTY’S LIABILITY FOR DEATH OR PERSONAL INJURY RESULTING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF A PARTY OR THAT OF ITS EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS OR IN RELATION TO ANY OTHER LIABILITY THAT MAY NOT BY APPLICABLE LAW BE EXCLUDED OR LIMITED IS EXCLUDED OR LIMITED, AND NOTHING IN THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS AN ATTEMPT TO EXCLUDE OR LIMIT SUCH LIABILITY. 12. TERM; TERMINATION 12.1. Term. This Agreement shall be effective from the effective date set forth in the Order Form and shall continue in full force and effect for the subscription term set forth in the Order Form or until terminated as set forth elsewhere in this Agreement. Upon the expiration of the subscription term, such subscription term shall automatically renew for a subscription term equal to thirty-six (36) months at the then-current fees unless one party provides the other party with written notice of non-renewal not less than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the then-current term. 12.2. General. Upon any material breach or default of this Agreement by either party, the other party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and any licenses granted under it effective on thirty (30) days’ prior written notice and a failure to cure such breach. This Agreement may also be terminated upon (a) bankruptcy, insolvency, or placing of the assets or the business of the other party in the hands of a receiver or trustee, (b) filing of a petition for bankruptcy or reorganization by or against the other party, (c) dissolution or liquidation of the other party, or (d) failure of Licensee to pay any sum when due under or in connection with this Agreement. 12.3. Licensee’s Data Portability and Deletion. Upon request by Licensee made within ninety (90) days prior to the effective date of termination or expiration of this Agreement, EIQ will make Licensee’s Data available for Licensee to export or download as provided in the Documentation for up to thirty (30) days after termination at EIQ’s then current fees. After that thirty (30) day period, EIQ will have no obligation to maintain or provide Licensee’s Data, and will thereafter delete or destroy all copies of Licensee’s Data in EIQ’s system or otherwise in EIQ’s possession or control as provided in the Documentation, unless legally prohibited. 12.4. Consequences. In the event of termination of this Agreement for any reason, Licensee shall promptly discontinue all use of the Managed Services and Documentation and delete/uninstall all EIQ Software. 12.5. Survival. Any expiration or termination of this Agreement shall not modify any right or obligation of a party hereto, which arose prior to such expiration or termination. Sections of this Agreement, which by their nature shall continue in full force and effect, including but not limited to Section 5 (Proprietary Rights and Licenses); Section 7 (Payment); Section 9 (Disclaimer); Section 10 (Infringement); Section 11 (Limitation of Liability); and Section 13 (General) shall survive any expiration or termination of this Agreement. 13. GENERAL 7 EIQ SOCVue Master Subscription Agreement (Rev. 03/17/16) 13.1. Notices. All notices required or permitted under this Agreement will be in writing and will be deemed given: (a) when delivered personally; (b) when sent by confirmed facsimile; (c) five (5) days after having been sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid; or (d) one (1) day after deposit with a commercial overnight carrier specifying next day delivery, with written verification of receipt, or (e) by electronic mail to the address of the party specified on the Order Form or such other address as either party may specify in writing. All communications will be sent to the principal office of each party or to such other address as may be designated by a party by giving written notice to the other party pursuant to this Section. If the communication is from Licensee to EIQ, it shall be addressed to “Attn: President.” If the communication is from EIQ to Licensee, it shall be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer of Licensee. 13.2. Assignment. Licensee may not assign, delegate or otherwise transfer this Agreement or any of its licenses, rights or duties under this Agreement, whether by operation of law or otherwise, without the prior written consent of EIQ which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Any attempt to transfer or assign this Agreement without such written consent will be null and void. EIQ may assign monies due or becoming due to a bank or other financial institution or this Agreement without Licensee’s consent to any Affiliate or to a person or entity into which it has merged or which has otherwise succeeded to all or substantially all of its business and assets to which this Agreement pertains, by merger, reorganization or otherwise, and which has assumed in writing or by operation of law its obligations under this Agreement. Subject to the previous sentence, the rights and liabilities of the parties hereto will bind and inure to the benefit of their respective successors, executors, and administrators, as the case may be. 13.3. Waiver. The failure of either party to enforce in any one or more instances any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of future performance of any such term or condition. Waiver of any term or condition shall only be deemed to have been made if expressed in writing by the party granting such waiver. 13.4. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held by a court of law of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, that provision shall be reformed, construed, and enforced to the maximum extent permissible and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 13.5. Governing Law and Jurisdiction. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts without regard to conflict of laws provisions. The federal and state courts sitting in Boston, Massachusetts shall have exclusive jurisdiction and venue to adjudicate any dispute arising out of this Agreement. Each party hereto expressly consents to the personal jurisdiction of the courts of Massachusetts and service of process being effected upon it by registered mail sent to the respective addresses referred to above. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods does not apply. 13.6. Entire Agreement. This Agreement and any Exhibits, constitute the entire understanding between the parties, and supersede all prior discussions, representations, understandings or agreements (including any pre-existing nondisclosure agreement, except as to its surviving terms), whether oral or in writing, between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. In the event of any conflict between the terms of this Agreement and terms other than quantity, price, and the like set forth in an accepted purchase order or Order Form, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. Any modification or amendment to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by authorized representatives of both parties. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, any item or service furnished by EIQ in furtherance of this Agreement, although not specifically identified in it or in a purchase order referencing this Agreement, shall nevertheless be covered by this Agreement unless specifically covered by some other written agreement executed by Licensee and an authorized representative of EIQ. The headings and 8 EIQ SOCVue Master Subscription Agreement (Rev. 03/17/16) captions used in this Agreement are for convenience only, and shall not affect the interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement. 13.7. Export Control. Licensee agrees to comply with all applicable export and re-export control laws and regulations, including the Export Administration Regulations ("EAR") maintained by the United States Department of Commerce. Licensee agrees to indemnify EIQ, to the fullest extent permitted by law, from and against any fines or penalties that may arise as a result of Licensee’s breach of this provision. This export control clause shall survive termination of this Agreement. 13.8. Use of Licensee Name. EIQ may use Licensee’s name or logo without Licensee’s prior written consent: (i) in any EIQ customer lists; (ii) on EIQ’s web site; and (iii) in other EIQ promotional materials. 13.9. Independent Contractors. The relationship of EIQ and Licensee established by this Agreement is that of independent contractors, and nothing contained in the Agreement will be construed to constitute the parties as partners, joint venturers, co-owners, or otherwise as participants in a joint or common undertaking. For a period of two (2) years following the completion of any Managed Services performed for Licensee under this Agreement, Licensee shall not directly or indirectly employ, solicit for employment or contract with any EIQ personnel performing such Managed Services for Licensee under this Agreement. 13.10. Confidential Information. Each party acknowledges that by reason of its relationship to the other party under the provisions of this Agreement it may have access to certain information and material concerning the other party's business, plans, customers, technology, and Managed Services that are confidential and of substantial value to the disclosing party (“Confidential Information”), which value would be impaired if such Confidential Information were disclosed to third parties. Each party agrees to maintain all Confidential Information received from the other, both orally and in writing, in confidence and agrees not to disclose or otherwise make available such Information to any third party without the prior written consent of the disclosing party. Each party further agrees to use the Confidential Information only for the purpose of performing this Agreement. No information shall be deemed confidential unless so marked if given in writing or, if given orally, identified as confidential orally prior to disclosure, except that Licensee agrees that any information in whatever form relating to (a) the Documentation and the underlying ideas, algorithms, techniques, knowhow, design, functionality, operational methods or coding of the Managed Services, including but not limited to any complete or partial source or object code versions, and (b) performance information, test results, algorithms, techniques, Managed Services roadmap and knowhow or analyses created by or for Licensee (including, without limitation, benchmarks) relating to the Managed Services, shall be deemed Confidential Information of EIQ regardless of the presence or absence of any confidential markings or identification. Licensee agrees not to disclose any Confidential Information to any competitor of EIQ. 13.10.1. The parties’ obligations of non-disclosure under this Agreement shall not apply to information that: (a) is or becomes a matter of public knowledge through no fault of or action by the receiving party, (b) was rightfully in the receiving party’s possession prior to disclosure by the disclosing party, (c) subsequent to disclosure, is rightfully obtained by the receiving party from a third party who is lawfully in possession of such Information without restriction, or (e) except as otherwise provided above, is independently developed by the receiving party without resort to Confidential Information. 13.10.2. Whenever requested by a disclosing party, a receiving party shall immediately return to the disclosing party all manifestations of the Confidential Information or, at the disclosing party’s option, shall destroy all such Confidential Information as the disclosing party may designate. Recipient's obligation of confidentiality shall survive this Agreement for a period of three (3) years from the date of its termination, and thereafter shall terminate and be of no further force or effect. 13.10.3. Each party acknowledges that any breach of any of its obligations with respect to the other party's Confidential Information hereunder may cause or threaten irreparable harm to such party. Accordingly, each party agrees that in such event each party shall be entitled to seek equitable relief to 9 EIQ SOCVue Master Subscription Agreement (Rev. 03/17/16) protect its interests, including but not limited to temporary restraining orders, preliminary and permanent injunctive relief, as well as money damages. 13.11. Professional Services. From time to time, Licensee may retain EIQ for the purpose of performing certain implementation, training, technical, consulting and/or other professional services (the “Professional Services”) to Licensee. In the event that Licensee prepays for such Professional Services, EIQ must perform such Professional Services within six (6) calendar months of the date of such prepayment or such prepayment shall be null and void and no credits shall be issued by EIQ with respect to such prepayment. 10 EIQ SOCVue Master Subscription Agreement (Rev. 03/17/16) ORDER FORM EiQ Networks, Inc. 60 State Street, Suite 620 Boston, MA 02109 p. (617) 337-4880, f. (978) 266-0004 Bill To: Florida Keys Commnity College 591 Springs Rd Bedford, MA 01730 Billing Contact: Billing Phone: Billing Email Address: Jean Mauk (305) 809-3266 wjean.mauk@fkcc.edu Ship To: Florida Keys Commnity College 591 Springs Rd Bedford, MA 01730 QUOTATION NUMBER: DATE: EXPIRATION DATE: PROPOSED BY: MCC-04282016-3Y25 May 3, 2016 May 27, 2016 John Mehr Prepared By: Justin Pennock jpennock@eiqnetworks.com (617) 337-4831 SERVICE DESCRIPTION SOCVue Security Monitoring Services Bundle - Device/Server/Application SOCVue Vulnerability Management Service Bundle - Base Package (includes 100 IPs + 1 Virtual Scanner) Order Start Date Order End Date 6/1/16 6/1/16 6/30/19 6/30/19 # of Months Monthly/Unit Price 36.95 $ 36.95 $ Quantity 47.39 405.00 Total Price $ $ 17,510.38 14,966.14 - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - $ - $ Total Contract Value: (USD) Special Terms: 10 1 $ $ $ $ $ 32,476.52 This Quotation is strictly conditioned upon receipt of a signed Order Form from Customer not later than May 27, 2016 Purchase Order Options: My organization requests you reference a Purchase Order(PO#): _________________________ Customer acknowledges and agrees that any reference to a purchase order in this Order Form or any associated invoice is solely for Customer's convenience in record keeping and no such reference or any delivery of Services to Customer following receipt of any purchase order shall be deemed an acknowledgement of or agreement to any terms or conditions associated with any such purchase order or in any way be deemed to modify, alter, supersede or supplement the Agreement. The terms and conditions of the Agreement are the exclusive agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and no other terms or conditions shall be binding upon EiQ Networks Inc. or otherwise have any force or effect. Terms & Conditions: Related Contract: Payment Terms: NONE Net 30 (USD Only) Billing Method: Billing Frequency: Email Annual * If this Order Form is executed and returned to EiQ Networks, Inc. ("EIQ") by Customer after the Order Start Date above, EIQ may, at its sole option, modify these terms and conditions, without increasing the applicable Total Price. Following activation, any modifications to these terms and conditions may be confirmed by the Customer solely by referencing the Order Confirmation email sent by EIQ to the Billing Email Address above or solely by contacting EIQ Customer Service. Pricing and payment terms are subject to credit approval and receipt of EIQ required documentation. Prices shown above do not include any taxes that may apply and any such taxes are the responsibility of Customer. This is not an invoice. Standard Delivery: Electronic data transfer. All physical shipments by EIQ's are sent FOB Origin, from EIQ's designated facility. Upon signature by Customer and receipt by EIQ, this Order Form shall become legally binding and governed solely by the SOCVue Master Subscription Agreement (the "Agreement") by and between EiQ Networks, Inc. and Customer located at http://www.eiqnetworks.com/abouteiqnetworks/pdfs/EIQ%20SOCVue%20Master%20Subscription%20Agreement.pdf unless otherwise agreed in writing by EIQ and Customer. EIQ may, at its sole option, reject this Order Form if: (1) modifications have been made to this Order Form (other than completion of the purchase order information) or (2) the requested purchase order information or signature is incomplete, does not conform to our records or to this Order Form. By signing this Order Form, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind such entity and its affiliates to the terms and conditions set forth in this Order Form. Subscriptions are non-cancelable before their Order End Date. Customer: Florida Keys Commnity College Authorized Signature: Name: Business Title: Date: Confidential and proprietary. EiQ Networks, Inc. Security Monitoring Service Description Document Date: September 30, 2015 Revision: 2.0 © 2015 EiQ Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. EiQ, the EiQ logo, SecureVue, ThreatVue, SOCVue, ComplianceVue, ForensicVue, Continuous Security Intelligence, and Unified Situational Awareness are trademarks or registered trademarks of EiQ Networks, Inc. in the US and/or other countries. All other product names and/or slogans mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. All information presented here is subject to change and intended for general information. Contents 12 Post Office Square Boston, MA 02109 Tel: +1.617.337.4880 Section 1: SOCVue Security Monitoring Service Overview 3 Section 2: Key Components of the Service 4 Section 3: Service Transition Process 5 Section 4: Service Features 6 Section 5: Engaging the SOC Team 7 Section 6: Severity Level Definitions 8 Section 7: Target Service Levels 9 Section 8: Customer Responsibilities 9 Section 9: EiQ Responsibilities 10 Section 10: Other Terms & Conditions 10 Appendix 11 © 2015 EiQ Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. EiQ, the EiQ logo, SecureVue, ThreatVue, SOCVue, ComplianceVue, ForensicVue, Continuous Security Intelligence, and Unified Situational Awareness are trademarks or registered trademarks of EiQ Networks, Inc. in the US and/or other countries. All other product names and/or slogans mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. All information presented here is subject to change and intended for general information. Page 2 eiqnetworks.com Section 1: SOCVue Security Monitoring Service Overview EiQ Networks (“EiQ”) has developed a security monitoring service that addresses the significant challenges of security monitoring products: • Managing the complexity of SIEM and Log Management products • Lack of trained personnel to manage SIEM and Log Management products • Difficulty of gaining useful or meaningful information from SIEM and Log Management products EiQ’s SOCVue® Security Monitoring Service is a subscription-based service that delivers the proper people, process, and technology for an effective security program. EiQ Security Analysts will co-manage the EiQ SecureVue® platform on the customer’s premises or in the cloud, and will continuously monitor and make customers aware of potential issues. Through the assessment of Critical Security Controls, EiQ helps organizations move towards a more proactive security posture. The key benefits SOCVue® Security Monitoring Service delivers to customers are: • Auditing IT infrastructure against Critical Security Controls for Effective Cyber Defense as recommended by SANS and the Center for Internet Security (CIS) • Continuous monitoring of log and event data of which customers need to be aware • Daily and monthly reporting of security controls and incidents impacting the customer • Assisting with compliance needs regarding PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and other industry regulations • Ongoing monitoring of the customer’s SecureVue® implementation • Monthly review with certified EiQ Security Analysts covering the customer’s overall security posture and overall system health © 2015 EiQ Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. EiQ, the EiQ logo, SecureVue, ThreatVue, SOCVue, ComplianceVue, ForensicVue, Continuous Security Intelligence, and Unified Situational Awareness are trademarks or registered trademarks of EiQ Networks, Inc. in the US and/or other countries. All other product names and/or slogans mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. All information presented here is subject to change and intended for general information. Page 3 Section 2: Key Components of the Service People An effective security program is made up of People, Process, and Technology. Traditional security monitoring products have focused on the technology aspect without considering how to derive value from the solution. SOCVue Security Monitoring Service takes a more holistic approach, leading to more actionable intelligence and a proactive security posture. People EiQ Security Operations Center (“SOC”) – The EiQ SOC is operational 24x7 and serves as an extension of the customer’s own security and IT staff. Technology Security and Product Expertise – The EiQ SOC is staffed by information security experts and technicians who are experienced at deploying, managing, and optimizing security monitoring technologies. Continuous Monitoring – The EiQ SOC team provides around-the-clock coverage of the customer’s security environment and will provide timely notification of any security incidents. Process Essential Correlations – After analyzing the customer’s log and event data, the SOC team will develop a set of essential correlations – policy rules that will trigger an alert for suspicious activity or security violations. SANS Critical Controls – In addition to incident detection, SOCVue Security Monitoring Service delivers continuous assessment of critical security controls, which are vital to strengthening the security of the network and lowering data breach risk. Daily Security Reporting – The EiQ SOC team delivers a daily report providing a snapshot of the customer’s security posture, along with guidance for proactively addressing any security control weaknesses. Technology SecureVue® Security Intelligence Platform – EiQ SecureVue is an award-winning Log Management & SIEM solution that collects, stores, and analyzes security event data from across the IT infrastructure. Managed Solution – Unlike traditional, complicated SIEM solutions, SecureVue is installed and configured by the EiQ SOC team as part of the service. SOCVue Portal – View your security dashboard, manage security incidents and tasks, and download reports from anywhere with the web-based SOCVue Portal. © 2015 EiQ Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. EiQ, the EiQ logo, SecureVue, ThreatVue, SOCVue, ComplianceVue, ForensicVue, Continuous Security Intelligence, and Unified Situational Awareness are trademarks or registered trademarks of EiQ Networks, Inc. in the US and/or other countries. All other product names and/or slogans mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. All information presented here is subject to change and intended for general information. Page 4 Process Section 3: Service Transition Process The service transition process will be performed in three stages: 1. Service Orientation Call Your EiQ Account Manager will contact you to schedule a service orientation call. The goals of the call will be: • Introduction to the SOCVue People, Processes, and Technology • Identify points of contact • Define requirements for toolset deployment • Identify devices on which to report • Provide connectivity requirements for toolset communication 2. SecureVue Installation Call After your Service Orientation Call has been performed, you will be contacted to schedule the installation of SecureVue. The goals of the installation call will be: • Install the SecureVue server • Create customer access to the SecureVue server • Test and validate toolset connectivity • Integrate nodes to be monitored • Transition to service deployment 3. Service Deployment and Security Monitoring Deployment will be performed by your Service Delivery Manager. The deployment call will: • Review the status of the service transition project plan • Validate contacts to receive alerts & reports • Set up access to the SOCVue Portal • Build out daily and monthly security reports • Conduct internal operation readiness review • Commence with security monitoring deliverables as outlined in Section 4: Service Features © 2015 EiQ Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. EiQ, the EiQ logo, SecureVue, ThreatVue, SOCVue, ComplianceVue, ForensicVue, Continuous Security Intelligence, and Unified Situational Awareness are trademarks or registered trademarks of EiQ Networks, Inc. in the US and/or other countries. All other product names and/or slogans mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. All information presented here is subject to change and intended for general information. Page 5 Section 4: Service Features The EiQ SOCVue Security Monitoring Service provides customers with the following deliverables: Core Service Feature Details Continuous Security Monitoring & Incident Management Monitoring of Essential Correlation Policies and Incident Notification • Any triggered Essential Correlation Policies will be reviewed by EiQ Security Analysts • Customer will be made aware of security threats per the SLA in Section 7 • Customer will be provided with possible causes and suggested actions for remediation Daily Security Reporting Daily Security & Threat Report • High-level snapshot of issues currently affecting the customer’s network, classified by severity level • Status report for the Critical Security Controls (CSCs) • Analysis and action plan for each failed CSC Monthly Summary Reporting of Security Concerns Monthly Summary of Security Posture • Status report for the Critical Security Controls (CSCs) • Analysis and action plan for each CSC that has failed for more than three consecutive days • Trending for previous month of Incidents Core Service Feature Details Monthly Solution Health Review Summary of Node Collection • % of collection over the month across all managed nodes & per node • Successes & Failures Storage Trending Analysis • Month-to-month trending • Rolling 12 months • Includes available storage Up to 2 Investigation Requests per Month Requests for further investigation of an incident can be submitted • Up to 2 requests per month will be available; not to exceed 2 requests per month • Deliverable: Results/Findings to be provided within 2 business days Monthly One-on-One Review Monthly 1 Hour call to review the previous month’s Session • Monthly Summary Reporting of Security Concerns • Monthly Solution Health Review © 2015 EiQ Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. EiQ, the EiQ logo, SecureVue, ThreatVue, SOCVue, ComplianceVue, ForensicVue, Continuous Security Intelligence, and Unified Situational Awareness are trademarks or registered trademarks of EiQ Networks, Inc. in the US and/or other countries. All other product names and/or slogans mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. All information presented here is subject to change and intended for general information. Page 6 Section 5: Engaging the SOC Team SOCVue Support Please visit the SOCVue Portal to ask any questions or concerns that arise as you use the SOCVue Monitoring service: https://socvueportal.eiqnetworks.com. The SOCVue Portal will allow you to: • Initiate and manage incidents • Track remediation outcomes • Access security and compliance reporting If you are unable to access the SOCVue portal, please email the SOCVue team at: soc@eiqnetworks.com. For Critical Severity incidents, please call the SOCVue team at: 1 (617) 337-4871 or 1 (617) 337-4872. The SOCVue team works 24/7 and will address incidents raised via the portal or phone within the SLAs outlined in section 7 below. Your Service Delivery Manager (SDM) is also available Monday to Friday during business hours to assist you with proactive security and compliance advice. The contact information for your SDM will be sent to you in a Welcome Letter. Please note is it highly advised that you schedule a call with your SDM at least 1 business day in advance prior to making any changes to the application deployment. This will minimize any potential disruption to your SOCVue service. © 2015 EiQ Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. EiQ, the EiQ logo, SecureVue, ThreatVue, SOCVue, ComplianceVue, ForensicVue, Continuous Security Intelligence, and Unified Situational Awareness are trademarks or registered trademarks of EiQ Networks, Inc. in the US and/or other countries. All other product names and/or slogans mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. All information presented here is subject to change and intended for general information. Page 7 Section 6: Severity Level Definitions Level ● P1 / Critical Description • A Critical Severity event has been identified targeting a Critical system on the customer network • A Critical Severity event being allowed that targets a Critical system on the customer network • A Critical severity vulnerability has been identified on the customer network Critical Severity Alert - Any alert that has been reported by the customer devices with a Critical Severity or a Critical Severity alert as defined by EiQ SOC Team. ● P2 / High • A High Severity event has been identified targeting a Critical system on the customer network • A High Severity event being allowed that targets a Critical system on the customer network • A High Severity vulnerability has been identified on the customer network High Severity Alert - Any alert that has been reported by the customer devices with a High Severity or a High Severity alert as defined by EiQ SOC Team. ● P3 / Medium • A Medium Severity event has been identified targeting a Critical system on the customer network • A Medium Severity event being allowed that targets a Critical system on the customer network • A Medium Severity vulnerability has been identified on the customer network Medium Severity Alert - Any alert that has been reported by the customer devices with a Medium Severity or a Medium Severity alert as defined by EiQ SOC Team. ● P4 / Low • A Low Severity event has been identified targeting a Critical system on the customer network • A Low Severity event being allowed that targets a Critical system on the customer network • A Low Severity vulnerability has been identified on the customer network • A customer has a request for information that is non-critical Low Severity Alert - Any alert that has been reported by the customer devices with a Low Severity or a Low Severity alert as defined by EiQ SOC Team. © 2015 EiQ Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. EiQ, the EiQ logo, SecureVue, ThreatVue, SOCVue, ComplianceVue, ForensicVue, Continuous Security Intelligence, and Unified Situational Awareness are trademarks or registered trademarks of EiQ Networks, Inc. in the US and/or other countries. All other product names and/or slogans mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. All information presented here is subject to change and intended for general information. Page 8 Section 7: Target Service Levels Severity Action ● P1 Service Desk Request Targets Security Monitoring Targets Acknowledgment* Within 15 minutes Within 15 minutes Response time** Within 30 minutes Within 15 minutes Escalation to Manager Within 2 hours Within 2 hours Escalation to Executive Manager Within 12 hours Within 12 hours Acknowledgment Within 30 minutes Within 15 minutes Response time Within 1 hour Within 15 minutes Escalation to Manager Within 4 hours Within 4 hours Escalation to Executive Manager As Required As Required Acknowledgment Within 3 hours Within 30 minutes Response time Within 6 hours Within 1 hour Escalation to Manager Within 24 hours Within 24 hours Escalation to Executive Manager As Required As Required Acknowledgment Within 8 hours Within 1 hour Response time Within 24 hours Within 2 hours Escalation to Manager As Required As Required Escalation to Executive Manager As Required As Required ● P2 ● P3 ● P4 *Acknowledgement is the time taken to deliver confirmation to the customer of ticket creation. **Response time is the elapsed time from Acknowledgement to first update from a SOCVue Analyst. Section 8: Customer Responsibilities • Customer is responsible for maintaining port/protocols required for communication between SecureVue platform and nodes to be managed and licensed. • Customer is responsible for maintaining email relay from SecureVue platform to SOCVue Services tools. • Customer shall cooperate with and assist the SOCVue Services Team in the performance of the services, and will provide the following resources necessary for the SOCVue Services Team’s performance hereunder as specified. • Customer shall grant and provide the SOCVue Services Team with secure remote VPN access to the system running SecureVue at all times during the term including all required access credentials (e.g. IP Address, URL, login account, password, etc.). • Customer shall provide a list of authorized contact information (including name, phone, email, etc.) for both business hours and after hours. • Customer shall appoint a contact designated to work with the SOCVue Services Team for all aspects, including escalations, related to the service(s) that will have authority to act on behalf of Customer. © 2015 EiQ Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. EiQ, the EiQ logo, SecureVue, ThreatVue, SOCVue, ComplianceVue, ForensicVue, Continuous Security Intelligence, and Unified Situational Awareness are trademarks or registered trademarks of EiQ Networks, Inc. in the US and/or other countries. All other product names and/or slogans mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. All information presented here is subject to change and intended for general information. Page 9 • Customer will promptly communicate to the SOCVue Services Team any questions or concerns relating to the proper delivery of the services provided. • Customer is responsible for remediation of any incidents about which they are notified. • Customer will be responsible for providing the SOCVue Services Team with a complete listing of nodes to be managed and licensed. • Customer is responsible for procuring necessary node licenses to be managed by SecureVue. • Customer will be responsible for configuring the nodes, per the SOCVue Services Team instructions, that will be under management. • Customer must provide and maintain a suitable system, meeting minimum system specifications, in a networked environment, with properly installed and patched Operating System (OS) software for operating SecureVue. • Customer must provide the appropriate prerequisite hardware and software necessary for the the SOCVue Services Team product(s) to be installed and operate properly. • Customer is responsible for backups and restore of the solution and all data needed. Section 9: EiQ Responsibilities • EiQ will ensure that EiQ analysts and engineers assigned to the service are knowledgeable about the EiQ products. • EiQ will deliver the service as detailed in Section 4: Service Features. • EiQ analysts are responsible for meeting the SLAs in Section 7: Target Service Levels • For cloud-based deployments, EiQ shall retain event log data for the nodes under management for up to 12 months. (Data storage charges apply.) • Upon termination of cloud-based deployments, EiQ will retain customer event log data for up to 30 days. (Data storage charges apply.) • EiQ shall transfer data from cloud storage to the customer upon written request. (Data transfer charges apply.) Section 10: Other Terms & Conditions EIQ reserves the right to modify the terms of this Service Description, including the SLAs, with 30 days prior written notice. © 2015 EiQ Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. EiQ, the EiQ logo, SecureVue, ThreatVue, SOCVue, ComplianceVue, ForensicVue, Continuous Security Intelligence, and Unified Situational Awareness are trademarks or registered trademarks of EiQ Networks, Inc. in the US and/or other countries. All other product names and/or slogans mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. All information presented here is subject to change and intended for general information. Page 10 Appendix EiQ Network’s SOCVue Team is committed to delivering high-quality support and services to our customers and partners. In the event that you need to escalate a case, our technical staff is ready and available to help you effectively address your issue. When should an escalation be initiated? An escalation may be warranted if you are not satisfied with the level of service you have received, or want to emphasize the urgency of the problem. What is the process for escalating my case? To escalate a case, please call the SOCVue Team and ask to speak to the Shift Supervisor. Have your incident number available to help us quickly identify the case owner and any actions that have been taken to date. Please advise the Shift Supervisor of the reason for the escalation request including what actions you would like the SOCVue Team to take, the business impact of the open issue, and any production dates or deadlines that may be adversely affected if the case is not promptly addressed. The Shift Supervisor will assess the situation and determine if the needed actions are in the scope for him/her to perform, for example, the arrangement for a SOCVue Analyst callback or engaging with the Development Team. If the required actions are out of scope for the Shift Supervisor to perform, the Shift Supervisor will engage with a Senior Manager to progress the escalation. The Shift Supervisor will also alert your Service Delivery Manager of the escalation. Your Service Delivery Manager will act as the primary contact point once the escalation is raised to ensure that you receive the assistance you require. Escalation Team key roles and responsibilities The Escalation Team includes the following technical and management staff: Shift Supervisor • Entry point to the escalation process. • Responsible for ascertaining the business impact of the case escalation request, based on the information you provide. • Acts on the case escalation request. • If sustained management involvement is needed, assigns the escalated case to a Senior Manager . © 2015 EiQ Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. EiQ, the EiQ logo, SecureVue, ThreatVue, SOCVue, ComplianceVue, ForensicVue, Continuous Security Intelligence, and Unified Situational Awareness are trademarks or registered trademarks of EiQ Networks, Inc. in the US and/or other countries. All other product names and/or slogans mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. All information presented here is subject to change and intended for general information. Page 11 Service Delivery Manager • Develops and documents the technical action plan. • Identifies need for additional technical assistance. • Monitors technical progress for the escalation and provides regular updates to the Escalation Team. • Delivers patches, workarounds, or communicates other resolutions. • Provides specialized technical expertise. • Coordinates to obtain product engineering modifications, if applicable. Senior Manager • Your primary advocate during the escalation process. • Communicates the overall action plan to you. • Focuses on customer satisfaction. • Leads the Escalation Team, which may be comprised of Sales, Engineering, Professional Services, Support, Development, and/or Product Management Team members, for example. • Recruits additional resources, as needed. • Obtains your approval for the action plan. • Works to ensure that all parties are informed throughout the escalation. What can I expect during an escalation? You and your assigned escalation point of contact will collaborate and develop a communication plan. Where applicable, we will work to develop a technical plan of action with you to address the key technical issues. The escalation point of contact will update internal stakeholders, including your Account Team and EiQ Executives, on the status and progress of your case. Your escalation point of contact serves as your primary advocate within EiQ and will become an essential key member of your problem resolution team. What criteria is used for closing my escalation? An escalation will be considered closed if it meets one or more of the following requirements: 1.The plan of action has been completed. 2.The initially agreed upon objectives have been achieved. 3.A reasonable period has elapsed without problem recurrence. 4.The escalation has been reviewed and an agreement has been reached to downgrade the case severity level. 5.You have agreed that the issue is addressed. 6.EiQ has determined that the issue cannot or will not be resolved and this has been communicated to all parties. © 2015 EiQ Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. EiQ, the EiQ logo, SecureVue, ThreatVue, SOCVue, ComplianceVue, ForensicVue, Continuous Security Intelligence, and Unified Situational Awareness are trademarks or registered trademarks of EiQ Networks, Inc. in the US and/or other countries. All other product names and/or slogans mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. All information presented here is subject to change and intended for general information. Page 12 Ticket Handling Process Acknowledgement of an issue An issue is brought to the SOCVue team’s attention by a phone call, task created on the portal, or an automated alert from the toolset. A case is opened to track the issue. An acknowledgement email is sent to the customer. Response to an issue Case is assigned to an analyst for investigation and analysis. An update email is sent to the customer identifying that an analyst has begun work on the case. Case Management Activities Analyst requires additional information or confirmation that remediation activities have been implemented by the customer. A task is created and email notification is sent to the customer. Customer provides additional information or validates that remediation resolved the issue. SOC Analysts sets ticket to resolved. Customer receives confirmation email for case closure. Case Closure Customer provides acknowledgement that the remediation suggestions resolved the issue © 2015 EiQ Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. EiQ, the EiQ logo, SecureVue, ThreatVue, SOCVue, ComplianceVue, ForensicVue, Continuous Security Intelligence, and Unified Situational Awareness are trademarks or registered trademarks of EiQ Networks, Inc. in the US and/or other countries. All other product names and/or slogans mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. All information presented here is subject to change and intended for general information. Page 13 FLORIDA KEYS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Memorandum DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: May 11, 2016 Board of Trustees Brittany Snyder Academic Affairs Report The summer semester started on May 16, 2016. The College has transitioned from a threesession summer semester (6/6/12 week schedule) to a two-session summer semester (6/12 week schedule). As a result, all full-time faculty will be teaching during the single six-week session, which has resulted in the development of a robust six-week summer course schedule. Arts & Sciences Lead faculty members from all disciplines met to improve curriculum as part of the Exceptional Teaching grant this month. It was the first of three meetings that will take place to discuss and share new ideas for showing individual student growth and improving general student retention. As part of a culminating final project, Professor Ann Labriola took her Art Appreciation class on an art-themed field trip to Miami. Students received tours at the Perez Art Museum Miami and the Rubell Family Collection Art Museum. They were also treated to a private viewing of a professional artist’s studio by a former local artist, Ana Maria. Professor Labriola’s students were assigned to attend the FKCC Student Art Show. As part of the assignment, students took pictures of artwork and posted them on social media to show their personal artistic journeys. This activity served to encourage students to view the art with a critical eye and also to share their new-found passion for art with others in the community. The Beginning Poetry Writing class, under the leadership of Professor Hilary Parmentier, hosted the 9th Annual Poetry Reading in the Learning Resource Center. More than 20 students, faculty and staff read original and classic poetry to a “packed house”. The students also rounded out their poetry course by creating their own edition of an annual poetry class book to showcase some of the wonderful writing they produced this year. Professor Bill Irwin conducted a seminar on bees for the Key West Garden Club. A one-hour lecture was followed by a one-hour question/answer session. The event was well attended, with standing room only. At the conclusion of the event, one attendee remarked, “If this is what college is like, then I am going back to college.” An article covering the seminar also appeared in the Key West Citizen. Sponsored Programs 2015-16 Awarded Funds In the last year, the Florida Department of Education awarded FKCC and the Monroe County School District with a $25,000 award to implement the Florida Integrated Career and Academic Preparation System. These funds will support projects such as career technical education enhancements, general education initiatives, marine science research, a partnership between the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department to train low-risk inmates, and the development of computer networking courses. In addition, multi-year grants such as the U.S. Department of Education Title III continue to make a significant impact at FKCC. $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 PERKINS Monroe County TDC $250,000 CareerSource $200,000 Florida DOE/MCSD Rising Tide $150,000 NSF Innovate X $100,000 Total $50,000 $2015-2016 In the last year, the Office of Sponsored Programs has submitted 21 proposals, one letter of eligibility, two renewals, and an Indirect Cost Proposal. NOAA Sea Grant Aquaculture Research Program Dr. Michelle Walsh is finishing the full proposal for the following topic: “Comparative Analysis of U.S. Aquaculture Management to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Ecolabelling Guidelines: An Assessment.” An important aspect of this research will be the opportunity for students to assist in the research and develop additional skills. The proposed project will be for $147,807. NSF STEM Mathematics Dr. Kathryn Pridemore is preparing her first grant submission, which encompasses innovative teaching techniques that are designed to deliver mathematics content in a way that encourages learning and builds confidence. This grant program will also fund scholarships for low income and academically talented students. The proposed project will be for $432,820. Aquaculture Review Council Dr. Patrick Rice and Dr. Michelle Walsh are working on a proposal that seeks to develop an innovative mesocosm zooplankton production system for use in the aquaculture industry. During the proposal period, students will have the opportunity to be a part of this exciting project. The proposed project will be for $32,737. Monroe County TDC Swim Around Key West The Florida Keys Community College “Swim Around Key West” is the only sanctioned, insured, and U.S. Coast Guard permitted race around the island. FKCC Aquatics Director, Lori Bosco, will be preparing a proposal to seek funding from the Monroe County Tourist Development Council, who has sponsored this event for many years. This event brings important exposure to FKCC as a community partner. The proposed project will be for $10,000. Academic Support Services Advising Services The 4th Annual Spring Awards Banquet was held on Friday, April 29th at the Tennessee Williams Theatre. Students from the College were honored in categories such as academic achievement, school spirit, leadership, and community involvement. In addition, the College recognized departing faculty and administrators for their contributions to the College. Distance Learning On May 5th, D2L was upgraded to improve workflow, organization, and communication. Areas with new or enhanced features include Quiz Report Statistics, discussion forum grading rubrics, the My Courses widget, HTML editing, and the addition of an Awards Tool, which allows instructors to assign badges to recognize student accomplishments. Library and Student Success Over the course of three late-night study sessions held at the Learning Resource Center, more than 50 students took advantage of writing help, math tutoring, and other resources for extended hours the week before final week. Snacks and beverages were served while students were given space and assistance with end-of-semester projects and exam preparation. The Writing Center The Writing Center has hosted seven study sessions each week and five workshops over the spring semester, including workshops for resume writing, songwriting, and navigating the online classroom. With increased hours of availability, student usage has steadily risen from 15 hours and 24 visits in fall 2015, to 186 hours and 129 visits in spring 2016. Career, Technical, and Workforce Education (CTWE) Diving Business and Technology Program On May 11, 2016 three Florida Keys Community College Diving students successfully passed the Professional Association of Dive Instructors (PADI) Instructor Exam last week, certifying them as scuba instructors. The PADI exam is a two-day evaluative program conducted by a PADI employee that tests an instructor candidate’s teaching ability, dive theory knowledge, skill level, understanding of the PADI System, and attitude and professionalism. In addition to earning the respected industry certification, the students are also in the process of earning an associate degree and/or certificates in diving. All are currently employed as dive instructors in the community. Internationalization Task Force Jack Seubert, Director of Marine Science and Technology, participated in the U.S. Education Mission to Central America. The mission was organized by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration and the U.S. Dept. of State’s EducationUSA Advising Centers. The Mission took him to Panama City, Panama; San Pedro Sula, Honduras; and Guatemala City, Guatemala. Twenty colleges and universities participated in the first two legs of the Mission while ten went on the third leg to Guatemala City. Within each city Mr. Seubert met with representatives from the U.S. Commercial Service, U.S. Embassy officials, and EducationUSA to discuss strategies to enable U.S. institutions of higher education in an effort to recruit international students. Each afternoon EducationUSA Advising Centers hosted education expos. The first hour of each expo was designated for attendees to meet with high school guidance counselors and institutions of higher education to discuss educational opportunities, the academic programs offered at FKCC, and potential collaborations. This was followed by a four to five-hour college fair for potential students. Below is the number of approximate attendees at each fair: Panama City – 500 San Pedro Sula – 5,000 Guatemala City – 300 San Pedro Sula College Fair Panamerican School College Fair (Panama City) Marine Engineering, Management, and Seamanship The Marine Engineering, Management, and Seamanship Department received a generous donation from Yamaha Motor Corporation, USA. Yamaha donated four 350 hp outboard engines and their associated rigging equipment and supplies. Nursing and Allied Health The Nursing Department graduated 21 nursing students with their AS in Nursing. The week before graduation the students participated in a three-day live review session to assist them in preparing for their licensure exam. The graduates will be taking the state certification exam in the coming weeks. The department will also be awarding a certificate of completion for the Emergency Medical Technician-Basic (EMT) program to nine students. These nine students are now eligible to take the national certification exam for EMT. Office of Science & Research Florida All-Around Field Trip The Office of Science & Research participated with ten students from the FKCC Marine Science and Tropical Ornamental Mariculture Technician (TOMT) program. The group visited six aquaculture facilities throughout the state of Florida including: (1) Mote Aquaculture Park in Sarasota, FL., (2) the University of Florida (UF) Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory – Ruskin, FL., (3) UF Indian River Aquaculture Research & Demonstration Facility, Fort Pierce, FL., (4) various bivalve aquaculture facilities on Cedar Key, FL., (5) Sea World Orlando Marine Aquaculture Facility, and (6) Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute Aquaculture & Stock Enhancement Program. In addition, the group visited the small-scale start-up operation for yellow-headed jawfish by FKCC’s Marine Aquaculture Technician, Mr. Travis Knorr (below). The trip was highlighted on social media (i.e. FKCC Facebook Page) with over 38,000 views. JAWS 2016 at Sigsbee Charter School On April 22, 2016, the Chief Science & Research Officer, Dr. Patrick Rice, gave a presentation entitled “JAWS 2016: How we see sharks 40 years later” at the Sigsbee Charter School in Key West, FL. The presentation had close to three-hundred 6th-8th grade students attend Institutional Effectiveness To gain valuable insight on areas the College can improve, FKCC participated in the 2016 Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE). CCSSE is a national survey focusing on teaching, learning, and retention among community colleges. The survey is conducted by the Center for Community College in Austin, Texas. There were 354 surveys completed by FKCC students. The survey results will be forwarded to the College in late July. The Office of Institutional Effectiveness would like to thank the administrators, deans, faculty, staff, and students for their support and/or participation with the project. FLORIDA KEYS COMM MUNITY COLLLEGE Memoran ndum DATE: May 1 11, 2016 TO: Board d of Trusteess Brittany Snyder FROM: SUBJECT: Reque est for Appro oval: 2016‐1 17 College Caatalog Revision PROPOSEED BOARD A ACTION Florida Keys Community College respectfullyy requests thhat the Florid da Keys Com mmunity College District B Board of Trusstees approvve the attach hed catalog revision. COMPUTER PROGRAMMING & ANALYSIS This program offers the student the opportunity to learn how to analyze a problem and then design and implement a computer software solution. The student will learn two programming languages. The student will also gain a foundational understanding of the general principles of business. Upon completion of the degree requirement, students will be prepared to sit for the Oracle Java Certified Associate industry certification. An Associate in Science degree in Computer Programming and Analysis will lead to entry level positions as computer programmer, systems analyst, and web developer. General Education Requirements (1615 credit hours) ENC 1101 English Composition I (3) MAC1105 College Algebra (3) SPC 1608 Introduction to Speech Communication (3) MAC 1147 PreCalculus (4) Any course from Humanities (Area II) (3) Any course from Social/Behavioral Sciences (Area V) (3) Related Courses/Required (12 credit hours) ACG 2021 Financial Accounting (3) ECO 2013 Macroeconomics (3) ECO 2023 Microeconomics (3) GEB 1011 Introduction to Business (3) Core Requirements (2832 credit hours) CGS 1000C Introduction to Computer Science (3) CGS 1560 Computer Operating Systems (3) CGS 2091 Professional Ethics and Social Issues in Computing (3) CGS 2540 Introduction to Microcomputer Database Management (3) CIS 2321 Systems Analysis and Design (3) COP 1000 Fundamentals of Programming (3) COP 2360 C# Programming (3) COP 2800 Java Programming (3) MAC 1147 Pre‐calculus and Analytic Geometry I (4) MAC 2311 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I (4) Electives/Required (Choose 41 credit hours) ACG 2071 Managerial Accounting (3) CGS 2820 Web Authoring (3) COP 2842 Developing Web Sites Using PHP and MySQL (3) CNT 1000 Local Area Networking (3) CNT 1401 Principles of Information Security Assurance (3) COP 1220C Computer Programming in C (3) COP 2221 Intermediate Programming in C (3) COP 2805 Advanced Java Programming (3) COT 2003 Foundations of Computer Science (4) LIS 2004 Internet Research (1) Total Credits Required: 60 FLORIDA KEYS COMM MUNITY COLLLEGE Memoran ndum DATE: May 1 11, 2016 TO: Board d of Trusteess Brittany Snyder FROM: SUBJECT: Reque est for Appro oval: 2016‐1 17 Student H Handbook PROPOSEED BOARD A ACTION Florida Keys Community College respectfullyy requests thhat the Florid da Keys Com mmunity College District B Board of Trusstees approvve the 2016‐‐17 Student Handbook. ACADEMIC AMNE ESTY Academiic Amnesty allows a you to request thaat all your coollege coursework (FKC CC and transsfer) that is at least ten (10 0) calendar years y old be excluded froom your FKC CC GPA callculations. Procedure Before yo ou apply forr Academic Amnesty, A yo ou should firrst discuss thhe program w with an acaddemic advisor/p program advisor, as Acad demic Amneesty is a one -time, non-rreversible process. , . The petition for f Academic Amnesty is i available only o from thhe Advising D Department.. Academiic Amnesty at a FKCC willl only apply y to FKCC. IIf you plan tto transfer too another colllege or univerrsity you are strongly cau utioned that the receivinng institutionn may use grrades for all courses you’ve y attem mpted when computing c your y GPA forr admissionss eligibility oor for other purposes. Academic Amnesty haas no effect on o your studdent financiall aid. It also has no effecct on the calcu ulation of cou urse attempts related to the t multiple course attem mpt surchargge. It is impoortant to note th hat individuaal courses may m not be rettained whenn you apply ffor Academiic Amnesty. ALL your coursework is excluded. e In order to t be considered for Acaademic Amn nesty you muust submit yoour request tto the Studennt Services Appeals Committee. Th his committeee is respons ible for revieewing and ddetermining tthe outcome of all studen nt requests for fo change to o student recoords. Refer to the t Student Services Ap ppeals Comm mittee sectionn of this hanndbook for m more informaation regarding g the processs for requestting an appeaal. To be eliggible for Academic Amnnesty, you m must completee a minimum m of 12 earneed credits at FKCC whilee maintaininng a GPA off 2.0 or higheer. College preparatory p courses c are not n included d in these 12 earned creddits. When A Academic Amnesty y is granted, all college coursework c (FKCC ( and ttransfer) that at is at least 110 years old is excluded d from calcullation of you ur FKCC GP PA and use inn meeting FK KCC graduaation requirem ments. All cou ursework tak ken, whetherr old or new will remainn on your perrmanent recoord (transcrip pt) and the fo ollowing staatement is ad dded to your transcript: ““Academic A Amnesty Applied Terms XXXXXX – XXXXXX.” X ” ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Florida Keys K Commu unity Colleg ge is committted to academ mic integrityy. As an insttitution of hiigher education n we affirm the core valu ues of diligeence, civilityy, and honestty in the purssuit of truth.. To this end, academic in ntegrity is reiinforced by standards off conduct thaat uphold hoonesty and ubmitted byy students is assumed to bbe the resultt of personal responsibility. All acadeemic work su oughts, reseaarch and selff-expression . Any suspiccion of dishoonesty in the studeent’s own tho academicc activities iss taken very seriously beecause it unddermines thee atmospheree of respect which is essential to learning. Faaculty will no ot tolerate accademic dishhonesty in anny form, including g, but not lim mited to, plag giarism, cheaating, violatiion of copyrright laws annd misuse off college and a personal computers. Some exaamples of ch heating and/o or plagiarism m include, buut are not lim mited to, the following: assking or giviing another student s inforrmation duriing a test co opying answ wers from another studen nt’s paper or intentionallly allowing ssomeone to ccopy frrom one’s ow wn paper durring a test using materiaals prohibited d by the insttructor durinng a test im mpersonating g another stu udent or hav ving another person assum me one’s ideentity co opying mateerial exactly,, paraphrasin ng or using aan idea withoout proper ciitations sttealing an ex xam or posseessing a stoleen copy of aan exam su ubmitting the same assig gnment to an nother coursee without peermission of the instructoor in nappropriately or unethiccally acquiriing material via the interrnet to be turrned in for aan asssignment A range of o actions may m be taken by a faculty y member if a student is ccaught cheatting. The specific action a occurs at the facu ulty member’’s discretion and each faaculty membber should staate their poliicy on cheatiing in the sy yllabus for th he course. ACADEMIC PROB BATION AN ND SUSPEN NSION To mainttain satisfacttory academiic progress at a Florida Keeys Communnity Collegee, students, including g dual enrolllment studen nts, must ach hieve a minim mum grade ppoint averagge (GPA) of 22.0. Students who have atttempted sev ven (7) or mo ore college ccredits with less than a 22.0 cumulativve GPA (no ot including college c preparatory courrses) will be placed on accademic proobation. Studdents who remain on acadeemic probatiion for more than two coonsecutive teerms will be placed on suspensio on. The purp pose of probaation and susspension is to t identify sttudents who have had accademic difficulties in order to o provide th hem with add ditional assisstance towarrd achieving success in thheir w Studen nts on probattion or suspeension will bbe required too obtain an aacademic college work. advisor’ss or program m director/ ad dvisor’s apprroval before registering ffor courses ffor the follow wing semester due to an accademic hold d placed on probation/su p uspension stuudents. Indivvidual problems dentified and d solutions will w be sough ht in an attem mpt to help sstudents improve their will be id academicc status. Stud dents, includ ding dual enrrollment studdents, will bbe removed ffrom academ mic probation n or suspension when theeir cumulativ ve grade poiint average bbecomes 2.00 or greater. ACCREDITATION N Florida Keys K Commu unity Colleg ge is accreditted by the Soouthern Assoociation of C Colleges andd Schools Commission C n on Colleges to award th he associate degree. Conntact the Com mmission onn Colleges at 1866 Sou uthern Lane, Decatur, Geeorgia 300333-4097 or caall 404-679-44500 for questionss about the accreditation a n of Florida Keys K Comm munity Collegge. ADVISIN NG ONLIN NE AND FL LVC.ORG Florida Shines S (https://www.floriidashines.org/) is Floridaa’s official ccollege advissing and Weeb resource for planning g your higheer education 2+2 articulaation experieence. You wiill find informatiion on Florid da’s universiities and colleges and thheir programs. You can eexplore majoors, the colleg ge transfer process, p acceess career cen nter resourcees, and mainntain your peersonal higher education n portfolio. APPLIE ED TECHNO OLOGY DIIPLOMA (A A.T.D.) The Applied Technology Diplom ma (ATD) co onsists of a ccourse of study that is paart of an assoociate in science (A.S.) or an a associate in applied sccience degreee (A.A.S.), iis less than ssixty (60) credit hours, is approximateely fifty (50)) percent of the t technicaal componentt (non-generral educationn), and leadss to employm ment in a speecific occupaation. An appplied technoology diplom ma program m may consist of either technical credit or o college crredit. ARTICU ULATION AGREEME A ENTS As a Florrida Keys Co ommunity College C studeent, you havee options as to where yoou would likee to continue your academ mic career. The T State of Florida has an articulatiion agreemennt between tthe Florida College C Systeem institutio ons and the twelve state uuniversities (6A-10.024)). This agreemen nt states thatt any studentt who graduaates with an A.A. degreee will be acccepted into oone of the twelv ve state univeersities. How wever, the arrticulation aggreement dooes not guaraantee that a student will w be immeediately acceepted into thee major of hiis/her choicee within thatt university. In addition, the agreemeent guaranteees acceptancce into one oof the state uuniversities, bbut not nt's first cho oice. necessariily the studen In additio on to the agrreement with hin the State University S System, Florrida Keys Community College is i partnering g with many other institu utions to exp and student options for seamless transition n. Articulatio on agreemen nts are design ned for studeents to transfer into a paarticular publlic or private university as a junior to complete c a fo our-year bacchelor degreee in a specifi fic major. For a fulll list of curreent articulatiion agreemen nts please reefer to the FK KCC website. ASSOCIIATE IN AP PPLIED SC CIENCE DE EGREES (A A.A.S.) The Asso ociate in App plied Sciencce degree is a college-levvel career annd technical eeducation degree. Graduates G aree prepared for fo immediatte entry into the workforrce and have the communications, pro oblem solvin ng, and acadeemic skills nnecessary to successfullyy compete inn the job mark ket and advan nce in the wo orkforce. Th he Associate in Applied Science deggree providess the same career preparation as the Associate in Science S degrree, but is noot designed aas a college transfer program. p The degree maay transfer to o some univeersities undeer special artiiculation agreemen nts between FKCC and the t universitty. ASSOCIIATE IN AR RTS DEGR REE (A.A.) The Asso ociate in Arts degree is a transfer deg gree that proovides a courrse of study equivalent tto those offfered to fresh hman and sophomore stu udents in thee lower divission of Floridda’s state universities. The deg gree includess thirty-six hours of geneeral educatioon which parrallels the university y requirements and twen nty-four hou urs of electivves in preparaation for a m major area off study. Stu udents are en ncouraged to o adopt a traansfer plan too better preppare for transsfer into a selected major m or institution. Associatee in Arts graaduates are guaranteed g ceertain rights under the sttatewide artiiculation agreemen nt (Rule 6A--10.024). Th he articulatio on agreementt governs thee transfer off students froom Florida public p colleg ges into the State S Universsity System. The agreem ment addresses GENERA AL ADMISS SION to the State Univerrsity System m and PROGR RAM ADM MISSION to sselected programss at a university. ASSOCIIATE IN SC CIENCE DE EGREE (A.S.) The Asso ociate in Scieence degree is a transferr degree. It iss a sixty pluss college creedit degree intended to prepare students s for immediate i em mployment in a specificc occupationnal area and prepares students to transfer t into the Florida State University System m. The degree requires thhe e cred dit hours of ttransferable general eduucation coursses, completion of at leasst fifteen to eighteen as well as transferablle technical courses. c Thee general eduucation courrses will trannsfer and appply toward th he thirty-six hours requirred for the baccalaureatee degree in thhe Florida S State Universsity System. R AND TEC CHNICAL CERTIFIC CATE (form merly P.S.A..V) CAREER A Careerr and Techniical Certificaate is a progrram of studyy consisting oof career andd technical instructio on consisting g of clock ho our courses . The program m focuses onn providing students witth the specific skills s for imm mediate job entry. CAREER R PLANNING SERVIICES The choice of a careeer field is an important and a difficult decision an individual m must make. Career deecisions shou uld be based d on a thorou ugh knowleddge of one’s interests, skkills, labor m market informatiion, and train ning program ms. Studentss can assess and identifyy their interessts, and matcch those inteerests with occupations o in i Florida, th hrough Careeer Coach, https://fk kcc.emsicareercoach.com m/ and the Fllorida Virtuaal Campus, w www.flv.orgg. We are availablee to help stud dents achievee self-directiion in careerr decision-m making and planning. Forr assistance in identify ying and achiieving career and educattional goals, contact Advvising Servicces at (305) 809-3196 8 orr email advissing@fkcc.ed du. CLASS ATTENDA A ANCE Students are expected d to attend all a of their sccheduled couurses. The coollege reservves the right at any time to address in ndividual caases of non-aattendance. E Each instructtor determinnes the effectt of absences upon grades. Instructors will includ de the attenddance policy in their courrse syllabus.. Arrangin ng to make-u up work misssed because of legitimatee class absennce is the ressponsibility of the studeent. In generaal, reasons th hat may be accepted a for absence from m class incluude: illness, serious faamily emerg gency, speciaal curricular requirementts (e.g., fieldd trips, profeessional conferences), military y obligations, severe weeather condittions, religioous holidays,, and participattion in officiial college-sponsored acctivities. Absencess from class for court-im mposed legal obligations (e.g., jury dduty or subpooena) must bbe excused. The studentt may offer other o sound reasons r for cconsiderationn. At the insstructor’s discretion n, written do ocumentation n sustaining the reason ffor an absencce may be reequested. In the event a particu ular course has h a waiting g list, a studeent may be w withdrawn foor nonattendancce. CLASSR ROOM ACT TIVITY AN ND GRADE ES The colleege recognizzes that a tho oughtful and reasoned seearch for trutth can be connducted onlyy in an atmossphere free frrom intimidaation and coercion. Studdents are exppected to resppect the righhts and welfa fare of all meembers of the college and to exercisee common seense, good taste, and appplied reason when w testing their t knowleedge. Students are free to take reasonab ble exception n to data andd views offeered in the cllassroom andd to reserve ju udgment abo out matters of o opinion, but b they are rresponsible ffor satisfyingg the requirem ments of any course c in wh hich they aree enrolled. The studeent is entitleed to protectiion against im mproper dis closure of innformation cconcerning grades, beliefs, b or character that an a instructorr acquires inn professionaal associationn with the student. Judgments J of o ability and d character may m be proviided under aappropriate ccircumstancees, normally y with the consent of the student. Thee instructor hhas final autthority in all matters relaating to attendaance, coursee content, graading practicces, and classsroom proceedures, conssistent with tthe mission and a establish hed policies of the colleg ge. A coursee grade is thee final responnsibility of tthe instructorr. In the mattter of gradin ng, it is thereefore essentiial that the sttudent stays informed off his/her prrogress in th he course. CLASSR ROOM ETIIQUETTE Florida Keys K Commu unity Colleg ge is committted to promooting a levell of classroom m etiquette conduciv ve to teaching and learnin ng. Studentss are expecteed to act in a mature, resppectful mannner and refraain from behaaviors that in nterfere with h the teachinng and learniing process. Each instrucctor has the au uthority to establish e guid delines for his/her h classrroom. Behavviors that, in the judgmennt of the instru uctor, interfeere with the learning l proccess will be considered ddisruptive. S Students whoo do not coopeerate with th he college’s efforts e to maaintain an apppropriate leearning and tteaching environm ment will be subject to diisciplinary action. COLLEGE CREDIIT CERTIFICATE A collegee credit certiificate is a prrogram of sttudy of less tthan sixty crredits of colllege-level caareer and techn nical educatiion courses that t preparess students wiith the opportunity for im mmediate employm ment in a specific occupaational field. It generallyy does not reqquire the com mpletion of general education e cou urses. The certificate maay be part off an Associatte in Sciencee or Associaate in Applied Science degrree. L COMPET TENCIES COLLEGE-LEVEL Florida Keys K Commu unity Colleg ge strives to ensure e that iits graduates who complete the core curriculu um possess th he knowledg ge, skills and d values assoociated with college-eduucated individuaals. A metho od for accom mplishing thiss is to assesss general eduucation, the ccore curricuulum, during th he fall and sp pring semestters to ensuree that graduaates demonsttrate proficieency in competen ncies that aree integrated within the academic a dissciplines. Thhese competeencies includde the ability to o effectively communicatte, seek creaative solutionns to problem ms, and exhiibit cultural awarenesss.. Students who acquiree proficiency y in these arreas have an enhanced oppportunity too experiencce the positiv ve impact off education, which can, iin turn, ignitte a passion for continuaal, life-long learning. FKCC’s General Edu ucation Com mpetencies: Comm munication Criticaal Thinking Globall, Cultural, Environment E tal Awarenesss: E N COOPERATIVE EDUCATIO Cooperattive Educatio on is a colleg ge program designed to extend occuupational leaarning experiencces for the sttudent throu ugh superviseed employm ment in an occcupation of interest to thhem. Availablee in all acadeemic and vo ocational pro ograms, coopperative Eduucation proviides the studdent with invaaluable hand ds-on work experience e th hat supports personal groowth and enhhances professio onal preparattion. Benefits of the progrram: accquire valuaable experien nce in field of o study im mprove self--confidence and a responsiibility ab bility to netw work with prrofessionals in career fieeld develop interp personal skills and know wledge eaarn money for f education nal expenses Eligibilitty: to be eligible to particcipate in the Cooperativee Education Program, a student musst: have a 2.0 ov verall grade point p averagee and maintaain the averaage throughoout the progrram be officially degree d seeking in the Asssociate in A Arts, Associaate in Sciencee, Associatee in Applied A Scien nce, or a cerrtificate prog gram have completted a minimu um of 12 sem mester hourss of college ccredit with a minimum oof 6 seemester hourrs earned at FKCC (doess not includee college preeparatory couurses) be enrolled in n no fewer th han 6 semestter hours inccluding Coopperative Eduucation have a job rellated to yourr degree prog gram of studdy Students interested in n cooperative education should meett and discusss this opporttunity with thheir advisor/p program advisor. COURSE E SUBSTIT TUTIONS In some instances, i stu udents may have successfully comp leted compaarable coursee work at anoother regionallly accredited d institution. As a result, a course subbstitution maay be viable. In other instancess, a catalog curriculum c modification m may be requuired to addrress issues innvolving discontin nued coursess or courses that t are not offered o durinng the semesster the studeent will be graduatin ng. Applicatiion for a cou urse substituttion must bee submitted nno later thann two days prrior to the firsst day of classes in the appropriate a teerm. The stuudent may reequest a courrse substitutiion through an a academic advisor or program p advisor for f one of thee following reasons: r 1. A diffeerent course better meetss the studentt’s educationnal objectivees; 2. A requ uired course is not sched duled during the student’ s last term bbefore graduuation. Course su ubstitutions require the written w requeest of the stuudent’s acaddemic advisoor or program m advisor. The T advisor will forward d the requestt to the approopriate Colleege personnnel. Students will receive a copy of the course subsstitution for their t personaal records. n request by the student is submittedd to the Officce for Studennts In the casse of disability, a written with Disaabilities. DISABL LED STUDE ENT SERVIICES here possiblee, to remove the barriers preventing qqualified It is the intent of the College, wh students with disabiliities from en njoying the same s opportuunities available to studeents withoutt disabilities. The colleege shall com mply with feederal and st ate regulatioons and guiddelines concernin ng its respon nsibility for equal e accesss and opportuunity. Procedures for reaasonable accommo odations relaated to a stud dent’s disabiility are locaated in the O Office of Studdent Successs. Eligibilitty: Students who have a documented d disability aare eligible ffor services. A disabilityy is classified d as a physiccal or mentall impairmentt that substanntially limitss one or morre of an individuaal’s major liffe activities. These may include visuual, hearing, or speech im mpairment, oother physical conditions, including i ceerebral palsy y, epilepsy, ccancer, heart disease, diaabetes, HIV- related illness and vaarious chroniic diseases. Other O disabi lities may innclude learniing disabilitiies, mental orr psychologiical disorderrs, and substaance abuse ddisorders. How to Obtain O Serv vices: Disablled Student Services faccilitates accoommodationss with facultty and stafff and serves as a an inform mation resourrce to promoote awarenesss and knowlledge of disabilities. The stud dent is respon nsible for sellf-identifyinng with the D Disabled Studdent Servicees. This volu untary declarration is indeependent fro om the admisssions proceess itself. Onnce contact hhas been mad de with the Disabled D Stu udent Servicees, the studeent is requireed to providee current (preferab bly, within th he last three years) docum mentation frrom professiionals who m make such diagnoses. Students are a required to secure ap ppropriate di sability testiing and docuumentation oon their own n. All disabillity records are a treated as a confidenti al and securred. Once verrification of the disability y and complletion of the Accommoddations Requuest Form aree received,, appropriatee requested services s can begin. For eexample, a sttudent may aask for and receive extra e time on n tests or note-takers/tuto oring servicees. Students rrequiring sppecial assistaance and/or su upport servicces should co ontact Disab bled Student Services 30 days beforee the term beegins or as soon as possiblee thereafter. For addition nal informatiion, contact Disabled Sttudent Servicces located on o the Key West W Campuss. Students can c make apppointments w with the apppropriate Disabled d Student Serrvices Coord dinator by caalling 305-8009-3181. Auxiliarry Learning Aids: The Auxiliary A Leearning Aidss Program is designed to provide eliggible disabled students enrrolled in cred dit courses with w the neceessary equipm ment and/orr staff so he/sshe can have full access to t all prograams, servicess and activitiies. Auxiliarry learning aaids may connsist of adaptive devices and a equipment such as: • en nlargers • taape recorders • co omputers • asssistive listening system ms • modified m or extended e testt taking • asssistance by persons succh as tutors, interpreters, i readers andd note takers Y STATEM MENT EQUITY Florida Keys K Commu unity Colleg ge is an equal access/equual opportuniity institutionn. Discrimin nation/harasssment on the basis of co olor, race, ethhnicity, geneetic informaation, sexual orientatio on, religion, gender, age, national orrigin, maritall status or diisability in addmission to,, or employm ment in, its ed ducation pro ograms or activities is prrohibited. Pleease report aany form of discrimin nation/harasssment immediately to th he College’s Equity Officcer, Kathleenn Daniel, Essq. Office A-130, Human Resourcess, 5901College Road, Keey West Florrida 33040, ((305) 809-32248 or to the Office for Civil C Rights of o the U.S. Department D oof Educationn. UTIONAL GOALS INSTITU 1. Expan nd and Mainttain Access 2. Optim mize the use of o learning teechnologies 3. Increase Student Success S 4. Educatte for Job Crreation and Promote P Eco onomic Deveelopment 5. Demon nstrate envirronmental reesponsibility and leaders hip 6. Serve underrepreseented populaations 7. Develo op an institu utional culturre that rewarrds planning,, accountabiility and innoovation INTERN NSHIPS The inten nt of the FKC CC Internshiip Program is i to encouraage experienntial learningg as a complim mentary appro oach to a stu udent’s educaation. The foocus of the pprogram is too provide quality industry internship op pportunities that allow students s to sppend time leearning withiin a real worrld job experrience prior to graduation. An intern nship is an academic pro ogram-related d work expeerience that uusually lasts one semesteer, may be paid p or unpaiid, full-time or part-timee, and may o r may not bee for credit. The key in aany internship p is gaining experience that t is relateed to a studennt’s program m of study. Students interested in n pursuing an n internship should firstt speak with their program’s departm ment chair to determine d if they meet th he necessary y requiremennts to be eliggible to particcipate as an intern. Benefits of the progrram: nce in field of o study accquire valuaable experien im mprove self--confidence and a responsiibility ab bility to netw work with prrofessionals in career fieeld develop interp personal skills and know wledge eaarn money for f education nal expenses *Minimum * Student S Requuirements Currently C enrrolled as a deegree seekin ng student wiith 12 hours completed Has H a minimu um of 2.0 grade point av verage and bee in good accademic stannding Has H obtained approval fro om the deparrtment chairr Has H completeed appropriatte paperwork k and/or enrrolled in appropriate couurse grams have additional requirements r s *Certain prog ON STATEM MENT MISSIO Florida Keys K Commu unity Colleg ge is an open n-access, eduucational insttitution dediicated to servving the intellectual, diverrse, cultural, and occupaational needss of the Floriida Keys as w well as the global co ommunity. The T college is committed d to student-ccentric acadeemic program ms and services, workforcce development, continuiing educatio on, diverse partnerships, electronicallly deliveredd instructio on, and sustaainable practtices that preepare studentts for personnal success aand responsibble citizensh hip. NATION NAL VOTE ERS REGISTRATION ACT-SECT TION 7 The Disaabled Studen nt Services Office O is heree to help youu become a rregistered vooter or updatte an applicatio on. Every ap pplicant has the right to: Apply A to regiister or updatte registratio on record Have H servicess/benefits/asssistance unaaffected by rregistering orr not registerring Receive R the same degree of assistancee as provideed for primarry agency seervice/beneffit/assistancee Be B able to com mplete appliication privaately Have H informaation kept co onfidential Submit a com mplaint regarrding violatio on of the aboove to: http:///election.doos.state.fl.us bled Studentt Services O Office for furrther informaation. Students should conttact the Disab NOTICE E OF NON--DISCRIMIINATION Florida Keys K Commu unity Colleg ge does not discriminate d on the basis of race, color, national origin, etthnicity, age, sex, maritaal status, miliitary status, genetic infoormation, sexxual orientattion, religion, pregnancy, or disability in its prograams, activiti es, or emplooyment practtices. The following g persons haave been designated to haandle inquiri ries and griev vances regarding the non n-discriminattion policiess: Equity Officer: O Kathleen Daniel, Director, Human H Resouurces (305) 809 9-3248 or kaathleen.danieel@fkcc.edu u Title IX Coordinator C : Christopheer DeLisle, Coordinator, C Residence L Life (305) 809 9-3261 or ch hristopher.deelisle@fkcc.edu Disability y Services: John J Rouge, Assistant Director D Studdent Success Services (305) 809 9-3181 or jo ohn.rouge@ffkcc.edu Mailing Address: A Flo orida Keys Community C College, C 59001 College R Road, Key W West, FL 330040 ONLINE E LEARNIN NG AT FKC CC Distance Learning is defined as courses c wherre students aand instructoors are separated by locaation me for 80% or more of the traditionaal course conntact time. and/or tim Hybrid courses use th he same reso ources as Distance Learnning coursess. The differeence is the number of o course con ntact hours between b the students andd the instructtor. Hybrid ccourses cannnot use thesee resources to o replace claass contact tiime more thaan 79% and not less thann 50%. Technolo ogy enhanced courses usse the same resources r buut must have traditional ccourse contaact time of at a least 51%. At FKCC, Distance D Leaarning coursses, hybrid coourses and technology enhanced d courses can n be delivereed using any y of the folloowing resourrces: Desire2Learn D n (D2L): D2L L is an onlin ne learning m management system that enables studdents an nd instructorrs to work att their own pace. p ORIENT TATION All new first-time-in f -college stud dents that are degree seeeking must pparticipate inn a New Studdent Orientatiion within th heir first sem mester of enro ollment. Neew students aare strongly encouraged to avail them mselves of th he informatiion and resou urces given at orientatioon. Students unable to atttend on-campu us orientatio on may accesss the onlinee orientation at https://w www.fkcc.eddu/currentstudents//onlineorienttation/ Some of the benefits of the New Student Orientation are:: You Y will be in nformed of the t FKCC reesources You Y will beco ome familiarr with the deegree program C ms at FKCC You Y will be alerted a to imp portant colleege policies and proceduures You Y will be provided p with h informatio on regardingg course regisstration You Y will be familiarized f with w the FKCC website OVERV VIEW STUD DENT ADVIISEMENT & ENGAG GEMENT FKCC prrovides a staaff of professsional adviso ors committeed to helpingg all studentss achieve theeir academicc and occupaational goalss. Services prrovided by tthe staff incllude orientattion to collegge, advice on n program reequirements,, and educatiional planninng. All new students muust meet withh an academicc advisor, orr program dirrector prior to t his or her first term att FKCC to ddevelop and review th he program’ss requiremen nts and prepaare for registtration. Services provided an nd policies arre listed belo ow: Career C Planniing Services Cooperative C Education E Student Advo ocate Advising A Onlline and http ps://www.flo oridashines.oorg/ Orientation O Student Activ vities: studen nt clubs POST -S SECONDAR RY ADULT T VOCATIO ONAL CER RTIFICATE E (P.S.A.V.)) A Vocatiional Certificcate is a prog gram of stud dy usually onne year or leess consistingg of a prescrribed number of o vocational credits (non n-college lev vel credit). T The program m focuses on providing students with the speecific skills for f immediatte job entry. The Vocatioonal Certificcate is awardded upon com mpletion of all a vocationaal program courses and ddemonstratioon of attainm ment of predeterm mined and sp pecified perfformance req quirements. PREREQ QUISITE AND A COUR RSE SEQUE ENCE Students should obseerve the plan nned prerequ uisites stated in the Catallog when schheduling couurses. o assist the student s in coourse planninng to ensure they meet Program advisors aree available to p req quirements. Students S are urged to plaan their scheedule with ann degree orr certificate program advisor each e term to avoid unneccessary coursses or schedu duling errors.. STANDA ARD FKCC C GRADING G SCALE 90% or above a A 80%-89% %B 70%-79% %C 60%-69% %D Below 60 0% F Limited access a progrrams (e.g. A..S. in Nursin ng) may estaablish a gradding scale whhich differs ffrom the stand dard FKCC grading g scalee. STUDEN NT ADVOC CATE The Stud dent Ombudssman Office provides a safe s and com mfortable envvironment foor students to confidenttially discuss complaintss, concerns, or problemss related to aaccess to couurses and creedit granted toward a deg gree. The Omb budsman is an a independeent, impartiaal resource w who helps stuudents makee informed decisionss by offering g strategies and a options for f resolvingg issues and pproviding innformation oon College policies p and procedures. The Stud dent Ombudssman Office is located within w the Stuudent Adviseement and E Engagement departmeent of the Ad dministrativee Building. Students may make an a appointment with the Ombudsmaan by callingg the Studentt Success Specialisst at (305)809-3128. SUBSTIITUTE ADM MISSION AND A GRAD DUATION R REQUIREM MENTS FOR R DISABLE ED STUDEN NTS POLIC CY Eligibilitty for Substittutions: Any y person who o has a disabbility as definned in FAC 6A-10.041 sshall be eligiblle for reason nable substitu ution for any y requiremennt for admisssion to the ccollege, admission into a prog gram of stud dy, or for graaduation. Doocumentationn must be prrovided to shhow that the person’s p failu ure to meet the t requirem ment is directtly related too the disabiliity, and that this failure to o meet the requirement does d not consstitute a funddamental alteration to thhe college or the nature off the specificc program. For purposes of this policcy, the categgories of disaability shall bbe defined in the manneer set forth in n State Board d of Educatiion Rules. Restrictiions: The Co ollege will attempt a to pro ovide reasonnable substittutions withiin the terms and intent of this policy. Factors such h as accreditation standaards, licensurre or certificcation requirem ments, the sig gnificance off particular reequirementss to the progrram, availabbility of alternativ ve means of achieving th he purpose of o the requireement are im mportant considerations iin the determin nation whetheer reasonablle substitutio ons are availaable or whetther a substittution wouldd constitutee a fundamental alteratio on in the natu ure of a proggram. For exxample, som me programs establish external afffiliations witth organizations, such ass hospitals orr marinas, too provide nt specialized d training; in n some instan nces, reasonnable substituutions for suuch requirem ments importan may not be b available. The grantin ng of a substtitution mayy not be consstrued as a reepresentationn that the substtitution will meet m requireements of an ny testing, liccensure, or ccertificating organizationn. Articulattion with Oth her State Institutions: Flo orida Keys C Community College shall accept all substitutiions previou usly granted by b other statte postseconndary instituttions as theyy may relate tto admission to the college, admissiion to a prog gram of studdy, or graduaation. Complia ance with Acccreditation n Standardss: No substittution, whichh would constitute a violation n of any requ uirement by an a accreditin ng organizatiion, shall bee granted or aaccepted pursuant to this policcy. Grievance: Any stud dent who is aggrieved a by y an adminisstrative decission related to this policy may purssue a complaaint through the Associate Dean of E Enrollment M Managementt. Procedures: The Preesident or the President’s designee shhall establishh procedures to implemeent this policcy. SUBSTIITUTE ADM MISSION AND A GRAD DUATION R REQUIREM MENTS FOR R STUDEN NTS WITH DISABILITI D IES PROCE EDURE The purp pose of this procedure p is to establish a mechanism m whereby eeligible studeents with disabilities may be prrovided speccial considerrations for reeasonable suubstitution foor any ment for admiission to the institution, admission too a program of study or graduation. requirem Florida State S Board of o Education n Rule 6A-10 0.041 authorrizes reasonaable substituution for thesse requirem ments to any person p who has a docum mented hearinng impairmeent, visual im mpairment orr a specific learning l disaability, ortho opedic/physical impairm ment, speech//language im mpairment, emotionaal or behavio oral disability y, autism spectrum disorrder, or otheer disability eexcept thosee students who have beeen documen nted as havin ng an intelleectual disabillity. Substituutions will only be utilizeed in cases where w the perrson's failuree to meet thee requiremennt is related tto the disabiility and wherre the failuree to meet thee requiremen nt does not coonstitute a fu fundamental alteration inn the nature off the program m. Definitio ons and Expllanations: Eligible students with disabilities will be defined in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. For the purpose of this procedure, the following definitions shall apply, based on SBE Rule 6A-10.041: Hearing Impairment — A hearing loss of thirty (30) decibels or greater, pure tone average of 500, 1000, 2000 Hz, ANSI, unaided, in the better ear. Examples include, but are not limited to, conductive hearing impairment or deafness, sensor neural hearing impairment or deafness, high or low tone hearing loss or deafness, acoustic trauma hearing loss or deafness. Visual Impairment — Disorders in the structure and function of the eye as manifested by at least one of the following: visual acuity of 20/70 or less in the better eye after the best possible correction, a peripheral field so constricted that it affects one’s ability to function in an educational setting, or a progressive loss of vision which may affect one’s ability to function in an educational setting. Examples include, but are not limited to, cataracts, glaucoma, nystagmus, retinal detachment, retinitis pigmentosa, and strabismus. Specific Learning Disability— A disorder in one or more of the basic psychological or neurological processes involved in understanding or in using spoken or written language. Disorders may be manifested in listening, thinking, reading, writing, spelling, or performing arithmetic calculations. Examples include dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysphasia, dyscalculia, and other specific learning disabilities in the basic psychological or neurological process. Such disorders do not include learning problems, which are due primarily to visual, hearing, or motor handicaps, to mental retardation, to emotional disturbances, or to an environmental deprivation. Orthopedic/Physical Impairment — A disorder of the musculoskeletal, connective tissue disorders, and neuromuscular system. Examples include, but are not limited to, cerebral palsy, absence of some body member, clubfoot, nerve damage to the hand and arm, cardiovascular aneurysm (CVA), head injury and spinal cord injury, arthritis and rheumatism, epilepsy, intracranial hemorrhage, embolism, thrombosis (stroke), poliomyelitis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, congenital malformation of brain cellular tissue, and physical disorders pertaining to muscles and nerves, usually as a result of disease or birth defect, including, but not limited to, muscular dystrophy and congenital muscle disorders. Speech/Language Impairment — Disorders of language, articulation, fluency, or voice which interfere with communication, pre-academic or academic learning, vocational training, or social adjustment. Examples include, but are not limited to, cleft lip and/or palate with speech impairment, stammering, stuttering, laryngectomy, and aphasia. Emotional or Behavioral Disability — Any mental or psychological disorder including, but not limited to, organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness, or attention deficit disorders. Autism Spectrum Disorder — Disorders characterized by an uneven developmental profile and a pattern of qualitative impairments in social interaction, communication, and the presence of restricted repetitive, and/or stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, or activities. These characteristics may manifest in a variety of combinations and range from mild to severe. Traumatic Brain Injury — An injury to the brain, not of a degenerative or congenital nature but caused by an external force, that may produce a diminished or altered state of consciousness, which results in impairment of cognitive ability and/or physical functioning. Other — Any disability not identified in paragraphs (1)(a) through (h)- of Rule 6A-10.041, except those students who have been documented as having an intellectual disability, deemed by a disability professional to make completion of the requirement impossible. Procedure: The Provost is designated as the person to make the determination of substitute admission and graduation requirements. In determining whether to grant a substitution, documentation to substantiate that the disability can be reasonably expected to prevent the individual from meeting requirements for admission to the institution, admission to program of study, or graduation shall be provided by the student as requested by the College. As required by rule 6A-10.041, the College shall provide the following mechanisms for the implementation of Chapter 86-194, Laws of Florida: I. A mechanism to identify persons eligible for reasonable substitutions due to vision impairment, hearing impairment, or specific learning disability. A. Persons eligible for substitutions will be made known to the college through a process of selfidentification. The college catalog informs persons with disabilities of the availability of substitutions and directs contact to the Coordinator of Disabled Student Services who will review documentation to determine eligibility. II. A mechanism for identifying reasonable substitutions for criteria for admission to the institution, admission to a program of study, or graduation related to each disability. A. Reasonable substitution for criteria for admission to the institution. No substitution policy is necessary regarding admission to FKCC due to an open door and equal opportunity admission policy. Each identified student with a disability is referred to the Coordinator of Disabled Student Services for accommodations consultation and to an academic advisor for appropriate academic advising. All incoming students must take a placement test. Scores for any of these tests are valid for only two years from the date the test was last taken. Students may request accommodations for the SAT or ACT through the agencies that govern those tests. The results of the placement test will help determine the courses for which a student may register. For tests administered by the College, students who require other accommodations or test administration modification must request and make those arrangements with the Coordinator of Disabled Student Services prior to taking the tests. B. Reasonable substitution for criteria for admission to a program of study. 1. The student shall present appropriate documentation of disability to the Coordinator of Disabled Student Services. 2. The Coordinator of Disabled Student Services, or designee, shall convene a Substitution Review Committee to meet within fifteen (15) working days of receipt of the student’s request. 3. Substitution Review Committee recommends reasonable substitution(s) for criteria for admission to a program of study to the Provost within five (5) days of meeting. 4. The Provost shall approve or deny the recommendation for substitution of admission requirements within five (5) days of receiving recommendation. 5. The Coordinator of Disabled Student Services notifies the student within five (5) days of receiving the Provost’s determination 6. If the request is denied, the student may file an appeal within ten (10) days of receiving the determination to the Dean of Student Affairs. C. Reasonable substitutions for criteria for graduation. 1. The student shall present appropriate documentation of disability to the Coordinator of Disabled Student Services. 2. The Coordinator of Disabled Student Services, or designee, shall convene a Graduation Review Committee to meet within fifteen (15) working days of receipt of the student’s request. 3. Graduation Review Committee recommends reasonable substitution(s) for criteria for graduation from the institution to the Provost within five (5) days of meeting. 4. The Provost shall approve or deny the recommendation for substitution of graduation requirements within five (5) days of receiving recommendation. 5. The Coordinator of Disabled Student Services notifies the student within five (5) days of receiving the Provost’s determination 6. If the request is denied, the student may file an appeal within ten (10) days of receiving the determination to the Dean of Student Affairs. III. A mechanism for making the designated substitutions known to affected persons. A. A statement regarding these procedures and other services for students with disabilities shall be placed in the college catalog and other college publications. IV. A mechanism for making substitution decisions on an individual basis. A. Procedures outlined in section (II), A, B, and C, allow for student requests for substitution of admissions, program, and graduation requirements to be considered on an individual basis that guarantees the student’s rights are not denied. If a request for a course substitution is granted in a subject area that has college preparatory requirements, the student would be eligible for an exemption from those college preparatory courses in accordance with SBE 6A-10.041, provided that successful completion of that coursework is not considered an essential part of the curriculum in the student’s academic program. Decisions for special considerations [i.e. waivers(s), for exit test requirements] will also be made on an individual basis as provided by Florida Statutes, 1008.29 and 1004.91. Waiver(s) for tests or subtests, granted by other state institutions, would be accepted by FKCC as provided by Florida Statute 1008.29. Should a student with a disability be denied a substitute requirement and/or special consideration, he/she may appeal the decision in accordance with the College’s student appeals procedures. V. A mechanism for a student to appeal a denial of a substitution or to appeal a determination of ineligibility. A. The student shall file a written appeal to the Dean of Student Affairs. B. The Dean of Student Affairs shall initiate the Student Complaint Procedure. VI. Substitutions provided by other institutions. A. In accordance with State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.041(3), F.A.C., the College will accept all substitutions previously granted by a state post-secondary institution. The student must notify the Coordinator of Disabled Student Services and the Office of Enrollment Services of the previously granted substitution. The student will supply dated, official documentation of the substitution from the granting institution. B. The Coordinator of Disabled Student Services will initiate a substitution form and forward it to the Provost for approval. The Provost will forward the approved form to the Office of Enrollment Services for input into the database. Once the substitution is included in the database, the Office of Enrollment Services will notify the Coordinator of Disabled Student Services, who will notify the student. A record of the granting of substitute requirements will be kept at Office of Disabled Student Services and at the Office of Enrollment Services. C. In com mpliance witth state statu ute, the Officce of Enrollm ment Servicees and the Offfice of Disaabled Student Services S willl maintain reecords of thee number of students witth disabilitiees granted sppecial consideraation and/or substitution ns by type off disability, nnumber of reequests for suubstitutions,, requirem ment for whicch substitutio ons were graanted, numbeer of studentts granted suubstitutions aand the numb ber of requessts for substiitutions or sp pecial considderations whhich were dennied. VII. Reco ognition by other institu utions of subsstitutions proovided by thhe College. When graanting substitutions, the College shaall consider w whether the substitutionss that it provvides will be acccepted by th he receiving g institutionss, and advisee its students accordinglyy. If it has beeen determin ned that the student s will transfer t to a particular sttate universitty or senior college, the student may m request that t the Coo ordinator of Disabled D Stuudent Servicees contact thhat college too inquire as to whetherr the substitu ution(s) will be acceptedd. The studennt is apprisedd of the results of this inquiiry prior to granting g the course substtitution(s). THE “G GORDON RULE” R The “Gorrdon Rule” is i the populaar term given n to the Statee Board Rulee in the Florrida Administtrative Codee (FAC).6A-10.030: Other Assessmeent Procedurres for College-Level Commun nication and Computatio on Skills. (1) In add dition to assessments thaat may be ad dopted by thee State Boarrd of Educatiion or Boardd of Governorrs to measurre student acchievement in n college levvel communnication and ccomputationn skills, oth her assessmeent requirem ments shall bee met by succcessful com mpletion of cooursework inn English and a mathemaatics. For thee purposes of o this rule, a grade of C or higher shhall be considereed successfu ul completion n. (2) Prior to receipt off an Associaate of Arts deegree from a public com mmunity colleege or univeersity or prior to t entry into the upper diivision of a public p univeersity or colleege, a studennt shall compplete successfu ully the follo owing: (a) Six (6 6) semester hours h of Eng glish coursew work and sixx (6) semesteer hours of aadditional coursewo ork in which h the student is required to t demonstraate college-llevel writingg skills throuugh multiple assignmentss. Each instittution shall designate d thee courses thaat fulfill the writing requirem ments of this section. Theese course deesignations sshall be subm mitted to the Statewide Course Numbering N System. S An institution to o which a stuudent transfeers shall acceept courses sso designateed by the sen nding institu ution as meetting the writiing requirem ments outlineed in this secction. (b) Six (6 6) semester hours h of matthematics co oursework att the level off college algeebra or higher. For the purposes p of th his rule, app plied logic, statistics andd other such ccomputationn courseworkk which maay not be plaaced within a mathematiics departmeent may be uused to fulfill three (3) hoours of the six x (6) hours reequired by th his section. (c) Studeents awarded d college credit in Englissh based on ttheir demonsstration of w writing skills through dual d enrollm ment, advanceed placemen nt, or internaational baccaalaureate insttruction purssuant to Rule 6A-10.024, 6 F.A.C., F and students s awaarded collegee credit baseed on their deemonstrationn of mathemaatics skills att the level off college algeebra or high er through oone (1) or moore of the accelerattion mechaniisms in Rulee 6A-10.024,, F.A.C., shaall be considdered to havee satisfied thhe requirem ments in subsection 6A-10 0.030(2), F.A A.C., to the extent of thee college creedit awardedd. (3) Exem mptions and Waivers. An ny public co ommunity coollege or univversity desirring to exem mpt its students from the req quirements of o subsection n 6A-10.030((2), F.A.C., shall submitt an alternatiive plan to th he Departmeent of Educattion. Upon approval a of tthe plan by tthe Departmeent, the plann shall be submitted s to the State Bo oard of Educcation or thee Board of G Governors as appropriate. Upon app proval by thee State Boarrd of Educatiion or the Booard of Governors, said plan shall bee deemed effective e in lieu l of the reequirements of subsectioon 6A-10.0300(2), F.A.C. TUTOR RING The Math h Center and d Writing Ceenter providee studying suupport resouurces and serrvices. Thesee learning centers are staffed s by FK KCC faculty y and staff, tuutors, and/orr a work studdy student. Students who make use u of the leaarning centers can expecct personal aattention, acccess to workshop ps, and tutorring. The spaaces consist of computerrs, an LCD pprojector, tabbles for grouup study, wh hite boards, and other am menities. Also available, is sup pport for stud dents accesssing the onlinne tutoring ssystem Smarrt Thinking. “Smart Thinking” T is offered free of charge, and a allows sttudents to coonnect with aan online tuttor 24/7. n about FKC CC’s tutoring g services stuudents may contact the O Office of Stuudent For moree information Success at a (305) 809-3181. VISION N FKCC will w be a lead der in quality y education, innovative llearning andd communityy developmennt. WITHDRAWAL GRADE G PRO OCEDURE A studen nt must meet with their professor p to obtain o authorrization to w withdraw from a course bby the 70% point in the semester to avoid acadeemic penalty. If you ch hoose to with hdraw, please keep the fo ollowing in m mind: A course with hdrawal is no ot an automaatic process,, you must coomplete a reequest to withdraw w form m and have the t form sig gned by yourr professor. T The completted and au uthorized form must be submitted to o the Enrollm ment Servicees Office. Iff you withdraw from a co ourse after th he 100% reffund date, it counts as ann attempt andd a “W W” will rem main on your transcript. You Y may with hdraw with a grade of “W W” up to thee withdrawall date. Withddrawals after that date would bee considered d only throug gh the petitioon process. C Check with yyour Academ mic Advisor A for more m informaation. Withdrawals W are not officcial until pro ocessed at thee Enrollmennt Services O Office. Get a copy of your sched dule to confirrm this transsaction. Withdrawal W deadlines d aree published in i the officiaal College caalendar. Dropping D a co ourse may jeeopardize yo our financiall aid, veterann benefits, Laagoon Landiing reesidency or participation p n in student activities a – ccheck with yyour instructoor before withdrawing. w An instru uctor may wiithdraw a stu udent from courses c for eexcessive abssences and/oor nonattendancce up to the 70% point in n the semestter. (Withdraawals after thhat date willl be granted only through approved a college proced dures). The studeent will be permitted p a maximum m off two (2) withhdrawals peer course. Uppon the thirdd attempt, the t student will w not be permitted p to withdraw w annd will receivve a grade foor that coursse. Students who drop a course with h professor au uthorization on or beforee the last dayy to receive a refund will w receive a 100% refun nd. (Refer to the college calendar forr appropriatee date). Students who do not officially withdraw with h professor aauthorizationn will be asssigned a letteer grade by the instructo or. The last day d to officially withdraaw is listed oon the collegge calendar aas well as th he printed term schedulee. Students are remindedd that instrucctors are not permitted too change th he academic status of a student, s i.e., award a graade of W (wiithdraw)” orr “X (audit)” on the final roster. It is the t student’ss responsibility to meet w with their proofessor to obbtain authorizaation to with hdraw or chan nge his/her registration r sstatus by thee published ddeadlines. Requestss for refund of o matriculattion, tuition,, and laborattory fees nott allowed undder college policy wiill be referreed to the Stud dent Servicees Appeals C Committee. S See Exceptioon to Establiished Refund Policy P for mo ore informattion. ANIMAL L CONTRO OL ON CAM MPUS The Floriida Keys Co ommunity Co ollege ackno owledges thee right of stuudents, staff, and visitorss to a safe and healthy enviironment wh hile on colleg ge property oor participatting in collegge-sponsoredd functionss. In the interrest of mainttaining such h an environm ment, animaals are not peermitted on college property p or at college-spo onsored funcctions. In accord dance with Monroe M Coun nty Code, Seec. 3-7, it is uunlawful forr animal ownners to perm mit, either willfully or neg gligently, th he following:: any animal a to be a nuisance to t other persons to hav ve dogs on school s groun nds to allow any anim mal to defecaate on publicc property orr school grouunds nimal in a veehicle withou ut provision for adequatee ventilationn for the anim mal to encclose any an to abaandon any domestic d anim mal It is the intent of Florrida Keys Co ommunity College C to addhere to the C County Codee and report any and all viiolations to Monroe M Cou unty Animal Control at ((305) 294-48857. The college acknowleedges the rig ght of person ns with disab bilities to utiilize service animals as aappropriate. Dogs certified to assist perrsons with diisabilities aree exempt froom the collegge’s animal prohibition. Service dog d owners are a responsib ble for the grrooming, sannitation, andd control of ttheir animal.. When thee use of a ceertified servicce animal po oses a docum mented dangger or health hazard to otthers, the servicce animal wiill not be useed and the co ollege’s equuity coordinaator and/or cooordinator oof disabled student serv vices will meediate. Provisions will bee made, as nnecessary, to ensure the nneeds previouslly met by thee use of a ceertified service animal arre accommoddated. In the event that an animal a is deeemed necessaary for instruuctional purpposes, the reesponsible instructorr must have prior written n approval from fr his/her appropriate dean, takingg into consideraation that som me animals can cause orr exacerbate allergic reacctions, spreaad bacterial infection ns, or cause damage d and create a hazaard if they e scape from cconfinementt. Animals w which are needeed for docum mented instru uctional purp poses shall bbe kept in a hhealthy conddition in appropriaate cages and d tanks, which are kept clean. c [SREF F Sec. 5.5(1) (g) 6.(h)] JJune 1999. ANNUA AL SECURITY REPOR RT The Crim me Awarenesss and Camp pus Security Act of 19900, known as tthe Clery Acct, require thhat all institu utions of higher educatio on collect and make certaain informattion available to students//prospective students and d employeess/prospectivee employees upon request. The Annuual Security Report inclu udes statisticcs for the preevious three years conceerning reportted crimes thhat occurred on-campus;; in certain off-campus o buildings b or pproperty ow wned or contrrolled by Floorida Keys Com mmunity Co ollege; and on o public pro operty withinn, or immediiately adjaceent to and accessiblle from, the campus. c You u can obtain n a copy of thhe Florida K Keys Commuunity Collegee’s Campus Crime and Security S Rep port by accesssing the folllowing website: http://ope.eed.gov/securiity or by con ntacting the O Office of Huuman Resouurces at (305)) 809-3248 8, Student Center, Officee A-130, 590 01 College R Road, Key W West, FL 330040. APPEAL L OF FULL L COST OF F INSTRUC CTION Students who fail or withdraw fro om a course two times ddue to extenuuating circum mstances andd wish to re-enroll in th he course maay appeal the full cost off instructionn (Non-Floridda Resident Fees) thrrough the Stu udent Servicces Appeal Committee. C A An exceptionn may be graanted only onnce for each course. APPLIC CATION FE EE New app plicants are charged c a $30 0 application n processingg fee ($50 foor internationnal students). This is a one-time feee and coverss all subsequ uent enrollmeents. This feee applies to credit and aaudit students, whether fulll-time or parrt-time, day or evening. The applicaation fee is not refundablle or transferab ble. BUS SER RVICES The city buses are routed to the hospital/colle h ege. Bus schhedules are located in thee lobby of thhe Administtration Build ding or “A” Building. B CAMPU US CAFÉ (F Food Servicees) Food serv vice is availaable weekdaays in the Caampus Café, located in thhe Ron Saunnders Studennt Center. Hot H and cold d sandwichess, specials, saalads, soups , desserts, annd breakfastt foods are availablee to the college communiity from an outside o venddor leasing thhe food operrations area. Regular Hours H are Monday M to Frriday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 pp.m. DEFERM MENT OF FEES FOR R QUALIFIE ED VETER RANS Under the provisionss of Florida law, l any elig gible veterann or other perrson who wiishes to purssue an approv ved program m of educatio on or training g within the meaning off Chapter 34 Title 38 Uniited States Co ode at any in nstitution witthin the State Universityy System or C Community College Sysstem shall be allowed a one (1) defermeent for the paayment of re gistration feees within anny 12-monthh period an nd an additio onal defermeent each timee there is a ddelay in the rreceipt of benefits. This is considereed to be the 12-month peeriod commeencing on thhe first day oof regular reggistration of the term for which w the elligible veteraan is requestting defermeent. No deferrment can bee longer thann sixty (60) days or up to ten (10) days d prior to o the end of tthe term (lasst day of finaal examination); whicheveer is shorter. The deferm ment shall be given on thee first day off registrationn for the firsst term of enrollment. e If a veteran fails f to pay deferred d feess by the due date, he/she will be withdraw wn from courrses and willl still owe th he full amounnt of fees. Fuull repaymennt is due whether or not thee veteran recceives VA beenefits. No deferment d shhall be grantted to an eliggible person who has received advanceed or prepaid d educationaal benefits froom the Veteerans Adminnistration. Thhe certificattion of enrolllment is tran nsmitted to th he VA after the last day to drop/add courses. FINANC CIAL AID OVERVIEW O W Florida Keys K Commu unity Colleg ge prides itseelf on its perssonal approaach to helpinng students aand their fam milies plan to meet the co osts of attend ding college.. With assisttance from thhis office, students can explore a variety of financial aid d resources iincluding insstitutional, sstate, federall, and other pub blic and priv vate agenciess. All studeents interesteed in financiaal aid are en ncouraged to complete a FASFA at www.faffsa.ed.gov as early as po ossible and to o contact thee Financial A Aid Office foor assistancee. FINANC CIAL AID SATISFACT S TORY ACA ADEMIC PR ROGRESS All studeents, includin ng students transferring t to t FKCC froom another iinstitution, m must meet FKCC's standards s off satisfactory y progress for financial aaid. The requuirements forr these standdards are set by y federal reg gulations. Students must meet ALL A of the following f miinimum stanndards: M a minimum, m cum mulative 2.0 00 Grade Poiint Average (GPA) each semester, annd Maintain Successfully complete at least 67% of credit hourrs attemptedd with gradess of A, B, C or D, in ncluding tran nsfer coursess accepted, and a Complete C thee degree with hin the 150% % timeframe of the publiished program m length (i.ee. an asssociate degree of 60 creedit hours must m be comppleted withinn 90 credit hoours) PROCESS FOR ST TUDENTS NOT N MEET TING SATI SFACTOR RY ACADEM MIC PROGR RESS What Happens… If your cumulative GPA drops below 2.0 If your cumulative GPA drops below a 2.0 while on warning status Your Financial Aid Status Will be… Warning - You are still eligible for financial aid Suspended - You are not eligible for financial aid If you do not have an overall completion rate of 67% or more If you do not have an overall completion rate of 67% or more while on warning status Warning - You are still eligible for financial aid Suspended - You are not eligible for financial aid If it is mathematically impossible for you to complete the program within 150% of the program’s length (remedial coursework not included). Multiply the program’s total required credit hours by 150% to identify maximum hours Suspended - You are not eligible for financial aid What you need to do Raise your cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher by the end of the semester to avoid financial aid suspension. Raise your cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher (at your own expense) to become eligible for financial aid. Or you may appeal if you have extenuating circumstances. Documents to support extenuating circumstances are required (http://www.fkcc.edu/businessservices/financialaidforms/) Raise your completion rate to 67% or higher by the end of the semester to avoid financial aid suspension. Raise your completion rate to 67% or higher (at your own expense) to become eligible for financial aid. Or you can appeal if you have extenuating circumstances. Documents to support extenuating circumstances are required (http://www.fkcc.edu/businessservices/financialaidforms/) You can appeal if you have extenuating circumstances. Documents to support extenuating circumstances are required (http://www.fkcc.edu/businessservices/financialaidforms/). If your appeal is approved you are required to successfully complete 100% of all classes and maintain an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher. NOTIFACTION OF SAP STATUS Students are sent notification their SAP status to their FKCC email address. It is the responsibility of the students to monitor their satisfactory progress. The absence of an email notification of SAP status is not grounds to dispute financial aid eligibility. REINSTATING FINANCIAL AID: THE APPEAL PROCESS Florida Keys K Commu unity Colleg ge will accep pt an appeal ffor financiall aid suspenssion if extenuatiing circumsttances affectted the studeent's ability too meet the ssatisfactory pprogress requirem ments. Appeaal forms are available a fro om the Finanncial Aid Weebpage (http://ww ww.fkcc.edu u/business-seervices/finan ncialaidform ms/). Studentss have 30 daays from theeir email nottice of suspeension statuss to file a SA AP appeal reqquest and suubmit the reqquired suppoorting documen ntation of exttenuating cirrcumstances. Appeals suubmitted afteer the 30-dayy deadline w will be denied d. FINANC CIAL AID STANDARD S DS OF ACA ADEMC PR ROGRESS As part of o determinin ng initial and d continued eligibility foor financial aaid, students must demonstrrate/maintain n satisfactory y academic progress p stanndards towaard achievingg a specifiedd degree orr certificate as a establisheed by Federaal, State, andd Institutionaal policies annd regulationns. Satisfacto ory Academ mic Progress (SAP) ( is meeasured at addmission andd re-admissioon and at thee end of each teerm based on n term and cumulative c student s perfoormance. Traansfer studennts must list all post-seco ondary (afterr high school) institution ns attended oon their admissions appliication and m must have offiicial transcrip pts from all of those intu uitions sent tto the FKCC C Enrollmentt Office. A student's transferred coursework will be held d to the samee Satisfactoryy Academic Progress standardss as coursew work at FKCC C. Below arre the three ccriteria usedd each term too determine financial aid status. Complettion Percenttage (at leasst 67%) A studen nt’s completiion percentag ge is calculaated by dividding the totall number of credit hours a student completes c wiith grades off A, B, C or D by the totaal number of credit hourrs attemptedd. Students receiving fin nancial aid are a required to maintain at least a 677% completioon percentagge on nd cumulativ ve basis in orrder to remain eligible too receive finnancial aid. a term an GPA (at least 2.0) Financiall aid recipien nts must earn n/maintain a minimum ccumulative aand term graade point aveerage (GPA) off at least 2.0. A student’ss term GPA is based on remedial annd college-levvel course-w work completeed during thaat term. The cumulative GPA considders grades eearned for alll periods of enrollment even if th he student did d not receivee financial aiid. Noncrediit continuingg education aand workforcce course-wo ork (includin ng English ass a Second L Language) w will not be coounted towarrd the term grad de point averrage for fedeeral student aid. Maximu um Timefram me Federal regulations r require that an a undergrad duate studentt must compplete his or hher program in a period no o longer than n 150% of th he school’s published p proogram length th. This is referred to as maximum m time framee. The published program m length forr the most coommon degrree, the A.A. General Studies S is 60 0 college creedit hours. Fo or example, students aree allowed a m maximum off 90 credit hours to earn a degree thatt requires 60 hours to com mplete; this represents 1150% of norm mal completion. Once 150% of the reequired crediit hours havee been attem mpted, the stuudent will noo longer bee eligible forr federal, statte, or institu utional financcial aid. Thee maximum ttimeframe dooes not include non-colleege level/rem medial creditt hours. Finaancial Aid stuudents are allowed up too 30 credit hours of remed dial study. Please be awaare that the m maximum tim meframe callculation inccludes all prior coursework c regardless of o the studentt’s receipt off financial aaid. Students who compleete a program of study at FKCC F and wish w to pursu ue a second pprogram willl be requiredd to complette a maximum m time framee appeal and d an academiic plan with an advisor aand will be liimited to receiving g aid for only y those courses listed on n the plan, if the appeal is approved. Maximum ttime frame appeals can bee found on ou ur website att https://fkccc.edu/busineessservices/financialaidfforms/ Finaancial Aid stu udents will bbe limited too receiving a maximum oof one A.A.. degree and two A.S. deegrees or cerrtificates. FINANC CIAL AID SUSPENSIO S ON Should th he student faail to meet th he requiremeents for reinsstatement unnder Financiaal Aid Warnning or make a 0.0 GPA for f the term, they will im mmediately eenter into Finnancial Aid S Suspension. At this pointt, all federal, state and in nstitutional funding, f inclluding all stuudent loan prrograms, will cease forr all the subsequent term ms of enrollm ment. To be reemoved from m Financial Aid Suspenssion, the studeent must subm mit an appeaal and it musst be approveed. Appeal Process P Should th he student feeel that theree are unusuall circumstannces related tto his/her faiilure to meett the above sattisfactory prrogress stand dards, he or she s may apppeal to the Sttudent Servicces Appeal Committtee. The Finaancial Aid Su uspension Appeal A and M Maximum Tiime frame A Appeal formss are availablee at https://fk kcc.edu/busin ness-services/financialaiidforms/ . A studen nt may be graanted a total of three app peals during his/her educcational careeer at FKCC. Any stud dent wishing to appeal th he decision of o the Financcial Aid Offiice may do sso in writing to the Studeent Services Appeals Committee. Alll audited couurse work (aa grade of “X X”) will not be used in th he determinaation of finan ncial aid aw wards. In addiition, enrolleed students m may not channge their regiistration statu us to an aud dit once the financial f aid has been deetermined. FINANC CIAL AID Warning: W Realizing g that a studeent’s academ mic career may m experiencce occasionaal hardships,, a one-term warning is provided to t those finaancial aid stu udents who ddo not meet tthe satisfactory academiic progress criteria. Student will con ntinue to be eligible for financial aidd one term oonly unless significan nt academic progress haas been madee. There is noot a limit onn how many ttimes studennt can be pllaced on thiss status. FOLLET TT BOOKS STORE The Folleett Bookstorre is located in the Ron Saunders S Stuudent Centerr and sells textbooks, supplies and other iteems for studeents, faculty y and staff. S Students cann also purchaase textbookks online at www.fkcc.eedu. Additio onal informaation can be obtained by phoning thee bookstore aat 305-809--3241. GRANT TS Federal Pell Grant The Fedeeral Pell Graant is a need--based federaal grant for sstudents seekking their firrst undergraduate degree. Financial F neeed is determiined by the estimated e fam mily contribbution (EFC)) from the student’ss processed FAFSA F (Free Applicatio on for Federaal Student A Aid). The annnual award amount is determined d by the EFC C and enrollm ment status aand award aamounts rangge based on enrollment hours. Stu udents may receive r fund ding only forr courses thaat are requireed for the program((s) of study and a a maxim mum of 30 crredit hours oof required college-prepaaratory coursewo ork. Studentss must be en nrolled in a degree d or cerrtificate proggram. Federal Supplemental Educatio onal Opporrtunity Gran nt (FSEOG)) i a need-bassed federal grant g awardeed to undergrraduates seeeking a first uundergraduaate FSEOG is degree in n an eligible program wh ho have dem monstrated exxceptional finnancial needd as determinned by the results of the FAFSA. F Thee award amo ount at Floridda Keys Com mmunity College is up too $400 perr term. Prioriity is given to t students with w an Estim mated Familyy Contributioon (EFC) off zero who applly for financcial aid early. Students must m enroll foor a minimum m of six creddit hours in order to qualify y. FSEOG iss awarded latter in the terrm. Limited funding is av available eachh year for thhis program,, and funds are a availablee on a first co ome, first serrved basis. T The award iss in addition to the studeent’s Pell Graant award. Florida Student S Asssistance Gra ant (FSAG)) FSAG is a need-baseed State of Florida program for studeents who meeet Florida reesidency requirem ment. To quallify, a studen nt must be seeeking a firstt undergraduuate degree, be enrolled in an A.A. or A.S. A degree program, p qu ualify for a Pell grant, annd be enrolled for a minim mum of six credits peer term. The amount awaarded for parrt-time, three quarter tim me, and full-ttime enrollm ment is determ mined by the State of Florrida on an an nnual basis. FSAG is aw warded by Fllorida Keys Commun nity College on a first-co ome, first-serrved basis, nno later than two weeks aafter the closse of the regular drop/add period each term. Initiall eligibility iis determinedd by the resuults of the Frree A (FAFSA A). The FSA AG is in addittion to the sttudent’s Pelll Applicatiion for Federal Student Aid Grant aw ward. HOW EL LIGIBILIT TY IS DETE ERMINED After you ur FAFSA ap pplication iss processed and a the inforrmation is reeceived by Florida Keys Commun nity College,, the college determines your aid eliggibility baseed on your exxpected famiily contributtion (EFC). Students S hollding an earn ned bachelorr’s degree froom a U.S. coollege or university y are not elig gible for fed deral Pell graant money, bbut may be eeligible for oother federal and private aiid. Students who transfeer to FKCC from f anotherr institution must submitt their officiaal transfer w work from all post-seconda p ary institutio ons attended to Enrollmeent Services for processiing. Transferr work mu ust be evaluaated to determ mine if the sttudent is meeeting basic ffederal requiirements of Satisfacto ory Academ mic Progress and a maximu um time fram me. HOW TO O APPLY Students applying forr any type off financial assistance aree required too file the Free Applicatioon for Federal Student S Aid (FAFSA). This T applicatiion is availab able on Januaary 1 for the next academ mic year and can be comp pleted at ww ww.fafsa.ed.g gov. When ccompleting tthe FAFSA bbe sure to include Florida Keys K Commu unity Colleg ge in the School Selectionn section off the form. O Our Federal school co ode is 00148 85. Completeed FAFSAs are submitteed directly to o the Federaal processingg agency, whhich processees the applicatio on and then forwards thee information to Florida Keys Comm munity Colleege, Florida Department of Educaation and to you in the fo orm of a Stuudent Aid Reeport. Determin nation of elig gibility for all a forms of financial f aid offered at F Florida Keys Communityy College is i made from m this applicaation. All stu udents with Florida residdency who aare filing forr FAFSA are a also enco ouraged to co omplete the Florida Finaancial Aid A Application aat: www.floridastudentffinancialaid.o org. Florida Keys Comm munity Colleege will conssider applicaations for financcial aid at an ny time priorr to June 30 of the appliccable academ mic year, butt priority is ggiven to all app plicants subm mitted by thee financial aiid priority deeadline for eeach term. LOST AND A FOUND D All studeents are enco ouraged to tu urn in found articles and books to thee student advvising area. L Lost items maay be claimed d by presentting proper identificationn. If unclaim med, lost item ms will be disposed of after 60 days. d The co ollege does not n assume aany liability ffor the theft of personal property from studen nts or faculty y. MATRIC CULATION N AND TUIITION FEE ES Required d tuition feess are established by the Florida F Keyss Communityy College District Boardd of Trustees under State Board of Ed ducation regu ulations. MILITA ARY ASSIST TANCE Veteranss Education n Florida Keys K Commu unity Colleg ge is approveed for the traaining of veteerans who caan qualify foor such train ning under current c federral laws. Perssons with miilitary servicce are urged to investigaate their educational righ hts. Contact the Office of Financial A Aid and Veteeran’s Affairs at (305) 88093163 or email e financialaid@fkccc.edu. Military y Tuition Assistance Active du uty military personnel may m be eligib ble to receivee tuition assiistance subsiidized by thee military. For full detaails students should conttact their Edu ducation Offiice. For instiitutional assistance for submittting documeentation, please contact B Business Serrvices at (3005) 809-31866 or email bussiness.servicces@fkcc.ed du. NON-CR REDIT FEE ES For fees concerning post-seconda p ary adult voccational, conntinuing worrkforce educcation, lifelonng learning, and recreatiion and leisu ure, please co ontact the O Office of Com mmunity Edducation andd Workforcce at (305) 809-3185. 8 NOTIFIICATION OF O SOCIAL L SECURIT TY NUMBE ER COLLEC CTION AND USAGE In complliance with FL F Statute 11 19.071(5), th his documennt serves to nnotify you off the purposee for the collecction and usaage of your Social Securrity Numberr (SSN). Florrida Keys Coommunity College (FKCC) ( colllects and usees your SSN only for thee following ppurposes in pperformancee of the Colleege’s duties and a responsiibilities. To protect p yourr identity FK KCC will seccure your SSN from unaauthorized acccess, never release yourr SSN to unaauthorized pparties, and aassign you a unique sttudent/ emplloyee identiffication num mber. This unnique ID num mber is used for all associateed employmeent and educcational purp poses at FKC CC. STUDEN NTS: Enrollmeent Services Office & Co ontinuing Ed ducation Deppartment Federal legislation reelating to thee Hope Tax Credit C requirres that all ppostsecondarry institutionns report stu udent SSN’s to the Intern nal Revenuee Service (IR RS). This IRS S requiremennt makes it necessary y for commu unity collegees to collect the SSN of eevery studennt. A studentt may refuse to disclose his h or her SS SN to the Co ollege, but th he IRS is theen authorizedd to fine the student in thhe amount of o $50.00. In additio on to the fed deral reportin ng requiremeents, the pubblic school syystem in Floorida uses SS SN’s as a studeent identifierr (section 22 29.559, Floriida Statutes--new school code sectionn 1008.386).. In a seamless K-20 system m, it is benefficial for posstsecondary institutions to have acceess to the sam me informatiion for purpo oses of track king and assiisting studennts in the sm mooth transitiion from onee education n level to thee next. All SSN’s S are pro otected by feederal regulaations Familly Educationnal Rights an nd Privacy (F FERPA) and d are NEVER R released too unauthorizzed parties. Financia al Aid Deparrtment A studen nt’s SS numb ber is requireed for the folllowing finan ancial aid purrposes: The T US Depaartment of Ed ducation’s Free F Applicaation for Fedderal Studentt Aid (FAFSA) reequires all ap pplicants to report r their SSN S to be u sed for all feederal financcial aid proggrams ass a student id dentifier for processing and a reportinng. In n addition to o its use by USDOE U as a student idenntifier, the SSN is requirred in order ffor th he Departmeent of Homelland Security y to investiggate citizenshhip status, foor the Federaal Work W Study Program P (Seee Human Reesource’s puurposes below w), and is reequired on alll lo oan applicatiions for use by b the lendeer/servicer/guuarantor. Florida Keys K Commu unity Colleg ge requests a student’s SS SN on certaiin institutionnal scholarshhip applicatio ons for studeent files and federal and state audit/rreporting purrposes. If yoou are a recippient of a Statee of Florida grant g or scho olarship such h as the Florrida Student Assistance Grant, Floridda Work Ex xperience, orr Bright Futu ures the Statee of Florida Department of Educatioon will requirre the use of the SSN on n their grantt/ scholarship p disbursemeent website aand for repoorting purposses. The FKC CC Office off Financial Aid A will neveer release SS SN to an unauuthorized paarty. OTHER R STUDENT T FEES The follo owing speciaal non-refund dable fees will w be added to the regullar matriculaation and tuittion fee when n applicable. These fees are a subject to change uppon Board off Trustees appproval. Application A processing p feee $30.00 In nternational application fee $50.00 (in addition tto standard aapplication ffee) Nursing N appliication fee $30.00 $ (in ad ddition to staandard appliccation fee) Credit C or exem mption by ex xamination, per semesteer hour $20.000 Credit C by insttitutional exaam (Nursing g) per semestter hour $ 7..00 Graduation G feee1 $25.00 Diploma D replacement $25 5.00 Transcript T feee $3.00 Expediting E Trranscripts feee $35.00 Reinstatemen R nt fee2 $25.00 0 Return R Check k fee $25.00 Reissuance R off Refund Ch heck fee $10.00 1 Graduattion fee must be paid wh hen submittin ng an appliccation for graaduation, annd does not include th he cost of ca ap and gown n. 2 Student’s dropped from fr course(s (s) for failuree to pay tuitiion are assesssed a reinsttatement fee prior to adding a the course(s) bacck to the stud dent accountt. The reinstaatement fee applies to thhe specific course c voideed for nonpayyment. Paym ment of reinsstatement feee does not guuarantee registratiion in same courses. PARKIN NG The College offers seeveral paved d parking areeas that provvide adequatee space for sstudents and visitors. Parking P in arreas not desiignated as paarking spacee will result in a parkingg ticket. Pleasse take notee that ten (10 0) m.p.h. is th he maximum m speed perm mitted on cam mpus. The College also offeers a special bicycle, sco ooter and mootorcycle parrking area addjacent to thhe p lot. For F student safety, s the co ollege will reemove bicyccles parked in any area thhat is student parking not speciifically desig gnated for biicycles. Parking spaces s locateed close to th he main buillding are resserved for disabled studeents. Althouggh disabled students maay obtain speecial parking g permits for the use of thhese designaated spaces bby contactin ng their physsician. Unautthorized veh hicles parkedd in disabledd or handicappped spaces will be towed d at the owneer’s risk and expense. DISBUR RSEMENT OF O CREDIIT BALANC CES Students who have paid for their classes usin ng self-paid m methods onlly are reimbuursed credit balances after the lasst day to add//drop for sesssion A of eaach term. Sttudents that are deemed eligible after a the sesssion A registtration period d and have ppartially paidd for their cllasses using grants, sccholarships or o loans willl receive a diisbursement of the their credit balannce for their education nal expensess up to the am mount of thee award withhin two weekks after the aaid is disburssed onto the student’s acccount for thee term. RENEW WING AND ADVANCIN NG THROU UGH VOCA ATIONAL EDUCATIO ONAL (RA AVE) The RAV VE Program offers speciial support seervices to eliigible indiviiduals enrolled in A.S. degree, A.A.S. A degreee and Certifficate prograams. Financiaal support inncludes tuitioon assistancee. Nonfinan ncial supportt includes peersonal and career c counsseling, inform mation and rreferral serviices, and use of o equipment including computers, c calculators c annd textbooks. Eligible students s incllude: siingle parentss displaced hom memakers ecconomically y disadvantag ged accademically disadvantag ged sttudents with a disability liimited English speaking students non-traditionaal students Stop by the t Financiall Aid Office for more information orr call (305) 8809-3523 orr email financialaid@fkcc.ed du. SAFETY Y PROTOC COL The main n campus has uniformed d campus seccurity personnnel on duty 24 hours peer day, sevenn days per week. To reeport a crimee or an emerg gency, contaact your Cam mpus Securitty. For all major life-threaatening emerrgencies, pleease call 911 (from camppus phones pplease dial 9--911) and Campus Security. uraged to filee an incidentt report onlinne at www.ffkcc.edu. Individuaals are encou Please seee the Director of Purchaasing and Plaant Operatioons for additiional inform mation, policiies, and proceedures conceerning securrity at FKCC C. SATELL LITE LOCA ATIONS In additio on to the Key y West Cam mpus, FKCC also has twoo centers: the Middle Keeys Center inn Marathon n and the Up pper Keys Ceenter in Tavernier. The ccenters offerr students the opportunitty to completee coursework k toward an Associate A in n Arts or Asssociate in Sccience degreee without traveling g to the main campus. Stu udent services such as addmission, ennrollment, annd academicc advising are also avaailable. Studeents can also o take non-crredit continuuing educatioon classes foor workforcce training orr personal en nrichment. SCHOLA ARSHIP PR ROGRAMS S Board off Trustees Scholarships S s This scho olarship is offfered to thee senior classs of Monroe County highh schools eaach year. Thee scholarsh hip is awardeed for one caalendar year commencinng August off the recipiennt’s high schhool graduatio on year and ending e Augu ust of the nex xt year. The scholarshipp will be reneewed the nexxt calendar year if all gu uidelines hav ve been mett and fundingg allows. Booard of Trusttee scholarshhips are appliccation based d. Monroe Co ounty seniorrs complete tthe FKCC admissions prrocess and aapply online https://fkcc.ed du/future-stu udents/scholaarships1/. Appplicants muust be Floridda residents. Florida Keys K Comm munity Colleege Foundation Schola rships The FKC CC Foundatio on was estab blished to su upport Floridda Keys Com mmunity Colllege’s studeents, programss and servicees. The Foun ndation is deedicated to prroviding schholarships too FKCC studdents from funds raised thrrough the sup pport of priv vate donors aand public aagencies. A vvariety of scholarsh hip opportun nities is offerred to studen nts each schoool year. Aw wards are bassed on financcial need, graade point aveerage, leaderrship, characcter and servvice. For morre informatioon regardingg the applicatio on process and a deadlines please visit https://fkccc.academicw works.com/. Florida Bright B Futu ures Scholarrship Program The Floriida Bright Futures Schollarship progrram is awardded to Floridda high schoool graduatess who com mplete a rigorrous program m of study. Awards A are iissued by thee state of Floorida directlyy to the eligib ble student. Applications A s and eligibillity criteria ffor each proggram are avaailable from the high scho ool guidancee office or frrom the Floriida Departm ment of Education websitte: www. floridastu udentfinanciialaid.org. Other Sccholarships There aree various priivate scholarrships that may m be used tto attend Floorida Keys C Community College. If you are a recipient off a private sch holarship(s) , please conttact the busiiness office aat (305) 809 9-3186. SPECIA AL NOTICE E FOR FINA ANCIAL AIID APPLIC CANTS Return of o the Title IV I Funds The follo owing rule ap pplies only to t those stud dents who wiithdraw from m courses. Iff you are a recipient of Title IV Federal F Finaancial Aid fu unds (excludding Federal College Woork Study) annd are consiidering withd drawing from m courses prrior to complleting more than 60% off the term, your eligibility y for aid will be recalcullated based on o the percennt of the term m completedd. This may result in your y having to return a portion p or all of the aid tthat you havve received. IIn addition, iif you STO OP attending all of your course c prior to completinng more thann 60% of thee term, and/oor if your tran nscript refleccts unsuccesssful complettion of all coourses, this w will be considdered an unofficiaal withdrawaal. Your finan ncial aid elig gibility will bbe calculated based on 550% of the teerm completeed, unless do ocumentation n of an acadeemic relatedd activity (deefined by thee instructor) is provided d to the Finan ncial Aid Offfice, in whicch case yourr financial aid eligibility will be calculated using this later date. Contact the t Financial Aid Office immediately to learn hoow your withhdrawal or laack of attendancce could imp pact your fin nancial aid. Students S willl not be eligiible to registter for futuree terms unttil all financial obligatio ons are paid in i full. Title IV aid a includes the followin ng programs at FKCC: Federal Unsu ubsidized Dirrect Loans Federal Subsiidized Direcct Loans Federal PLUS S Loans Federal Pell Grants G Federal SEOG G Grants Federal Work k Study Reasons for Scholarrship or Gra ant Repaym ment The follo owing action ns will requirre repayment of any grannts or scholaarships you hhave receiveed including g money thatt has been ussed for tuitio on/fees, bookks and suppllies and livinng expenses.. You Y register for f courses and a you do not n attend onne or all of yyour course(ss), and/or yoou do not drop yourr course(s) during d add/drrop. You willl be required to repay anny grants annd/or y received d due to redu uced eligibiliity. sccholarships you You Y register for f a course and change from credit to audit. Yoou will be reqquired to reppay an ny grants an nd/or scholarrships you reeceived due tto reduced eligibility. You Y register for f courses and a drop all of your courrses during aadd/drop, buut you purchaased books and/or supplies usiing a scholarrship or grannt and you diid not returnn them to thee bookstore. Yo ou will be reequired to rep pay any grannts and/or sccholarships yyou receivedd due to o reduced eliigibility. You Y receive a grant or sch holarship thaat required ffull-time atteendance and you have a co ourse cancellled, you nev ver attend a course, c or yoou change frrom credit too audit and yyour crredit hours are a less than 12. You willl be requiredd to repay anny grants and/or scholarships you received due to reducced eligibilitty. You Y completeely withdraw w prior to completing 600 percent of a term and yyou received feederal aid. Students apprroved for fin nancial aid m must register for all coursses that theyy in ntend to takee for the term m prior to thee date that aiid is disburseed to studennts. Students that faail to registerr by the disb bursement daate will not rreceive finanncial aid for the course(ss) th hat are registtered late. STUDEN NT ACTIVIITY FEE 10% of th he matriculaation fee is allocated tow ward student activity expenses. STUDEN NT HOUSIN NG Lagoon Landing, L Flo orida Keys Community C College’s C ressidence hall,, is a 100-bed, waterfronnt facility th hat offers fullly-furnished d four and fiive bedroom m, two bathrooom suites. T The commonn living areeas of each suite s includee a sectional sofa, end tabble, kitchen table and chhairs, and a kitchenettte with a reffrigerator, sttove-top, and d microwavee. Free Wi-F Fi is provideed and cable connectio ons are availlable in each h suite. Building entrancces are moniitored by seccurity cameras and contrrolled accesss devices and d are accessiible only to rresidents and authorizedd college officials. An emergen ncy telephon ne is located in each suitte. Residents enjoy sociaal areas such h as a patio lounge, l fitneess center, annd reception lobby. They also havee access to th he college po ool and tenn nis courts durring designaated times. For moree information n on securing campus reesidency, conntact housingg@fkcc.edu. STUDEN NT LOANS S All Florid da Keys Com mmunity Co ollege Studen nts who meeet all eligibiliity requirem ments may participatte in the Dirrect Lending Program. There are threee categoriess of loans: Subsidized D Direct loans, Un nsubsidized Direct loanss and the Parrent PLUS L Loan for Unddergraduate D Dependent Students. All applicaants must com mplete the Free F Applicattion for Fedeeral Student Aid (FAFSA A). VA BEN NEFIT REC CIPIENTS AND A STAND DARDS OF F ACADEM MIC PROGR RESS FKCC’s Standards of Academic Progress app ply to studennts using vetterans’ educational beneefits. Academiic probation status must be reported to the VA byy the Schooll Certifying Official. Academiic suspension n must also be b reported and a will resuult in the stuudent becomiing ineligiblle to receive further fu VA ed ducational benefits b while in suspenssion status. VA OVE ERVIEW Our Finaancial Aid Offfice are is available a to assist a all eliggible U.S. veeteran studennts and dependen nts who are using u their V.A. V educatio onal benefitss to further ttheir educatiion. You cann get informatiion about accessing yourr benefits by y contacting our office att 305.809.35523 or financialaid@fkcc.ed du . WORK PROGRAM M y Program (FWS) Federal Work Study m is for stud dents with esttablished finnancial need. As a work The Fedeeral Work Sttudy Program study em mployee, you may work a maximum of 20 hours per week, annd earn at leeast minimum m wage. Acctual job placement is deependent upo on your educcational objeectives, priorr work skillss, and the availaability of wo ork-study positions. Elig gibility is dettermined by the results oof the Free Applicatiion for Federal Student Aid A (FAFSA A), and you m must be enroolled for a m minimum of ssix credits peer term. Stud dents must reequest particcipation in thhe Federal W Work Study P Program throough the Finan ncial Aid Off ffice, or the application a can c be foundd via this linkk: https://fkccc.edu/busineessservices/financialaidfforms/ . DRUG FREE F WOR RKPLACE FLORIDA F A KEYS CO OMMUNIITY COL LLEGE BO OARD RU ULE Subject Drug--Free Workp place/College e Number: Authority y F.S. 440.101, 4 440..102, 1001.64 4(18) Approved D Date: 2/26/02 2 Amended d 3/28/1 1977, 5/20/93 3, 2/26/02 It is thee policy of Florida Keeys Commu unity Collegge to maintain a drug--free educattional institution for its stu udents, and a drug-free workplace w foor its employees. The pprovisions oof this Rule are intended to insure that th his policy sh hall be fully implementeed and mainttained. I. The T policy off FKCC is to o prohibit th he manufactu ture, distribuution, dispennsing, possesssion, orr use of co ontrolled sub bstances, as defined byy U.S. or Fllorida Statuutes, by studdents, em mployees, orr visitors of FKCC. II. Violations V off this Rule may m result in n the violatoor being refeerred to publlic authoritiees for possible prosecution. Fu urther, violations of this policy, or coonviction foor the violatiion of an ny criminal drug statute occurring on FKCC ow wned or leaseed premises, shall, in adddition to o any crimin nal penalties, result in thee following ppenalties to bbe imposed by FKCC: A. A Emplo oyees - For repeated vio olations of tthe College policy, or cconviction of any crimin nal drug stattute constitu uting a felonny, an emplooyee may bee terminatedd with loss of o Terminal Leave L pay, or o any lesserr penalty as determined by the Presiident. For a single viollation of thee College poolicy, or coonviction off a criminal drug statutee, constitutin ng a misdem meanor, an eemployee shhall be subject to discipllinary action n, including possible teermination of employm ment, as determined byy the Presid dent. B. B Studen nts - For a violation off the Collegge policy, orr convictionn of any crim minal drug statute as above, a the student shalll be subjectt to dismissal, or any llesser penaltty, as determ mined by the President. C. C Visito ors - For a viiolation of th he College ppolicy, or connviction of aany criminall drug statutee as above,, a visitor, whether invvited or unninvited, shaall be subjeect to discip plinary action n, up to and d including bbeing permaanently bannned from coollege premises and actiivities and may m be repoorted to law w enforcement authoritiees, as determ mined by thee President. 5.643 3 D. D E. E As an n alternative action for viiolations, em mployees andd students m may be requirred to satisfaactorily partticipate in a drug abusse assistancce or rehabiilitative proogram approv ved by an ap ppropriate ag gency. The President P maay appoint a committeee composedd of collegee employeess and otherss, to advise him h as to app propriate dissciplinary actions. III. The T College shall publish h statementss of the abovve policy in a manner deesigned to aadvise em mployees, sttudents and visitors v of th he policy andd the possiblle action whhich may be ttaken in n case of vio olation of thee policy. Em mployees annd students sshall be provvided with a copy of the policy. IV. As A a conditio on of employ yment, emplloyees fundeed all or in part by a feederal grant, shall ag gree in writiing to abide by the abovee policy, andd to notify thhe College, iin writing, iff they arre convicted d of a crimin nal drug statu ute violationn occurring oon College ppremises, noo later th han five (5) days d after th he conviction n. IV. Within W ten (10) ( days of o receiving notice of a convictionn from an employee uunder paragraph IV V above, or otherwise receiving acttual notice, the Collegee shall notiffy the feederal fundiing agency which fund ds any porrtion of thee employee’’s salary, of the co onviction. V. The T actions sp pecified in Paragraphs P III A & D aboove, shall be taken withinn thirty (30)) days of receiving notice n under Paragraph IV I above, orr otherwise rreceiving acttual notice. VI. Health H risks associated with w the usee of illicit ddrugs and thhe abuse off alcohol include development of a wide range r or ph hysiological, psychologiccal, behaviooral, and psyychoso ocial impairm ments, frequ uently resultiing in disabiility or deathh. VII. Drug D and alccohol counseeling, treatm ment, or rehaabilitation ree-entry progrrams availabble to em mployees an nd students in the com mmunity incllude: Alcohoolics Anonyymous, Narccotics Anonymous, A n; individuaal and groupp programs offered thrrough the m mental and Alanon health care ceenters; Delphos, providiing inpatientt and outpattient program ms; mental hhealth ounselors, psychologist p ts, and psycchiatrists in private praactice; and Helpline, w which co prrovides referrral services to these and d other progrrams. IX. The T selling, purchasing g, manufaccturing, dellivering, orr possessionn of contrrolled su ubstances is a misdemeaanor of the first degree or felony inn the secondd or third deegree. The T possessio on of contro olled substances in excess to 10 grrams is a feelony of thee first degree. Deliivery by perrson(s) 18 or o older or person(s) un under 18, or hiring persson(s) un nder 18 to deliver d contrrolled substaance is a feloony of the fi first degree oor second deegree. The T selling, purchasing g, manufactu uring or deelivering, oor possessioon of contrrolled su ubstances wiithin 1000 feeet of a scho ool is a felonny in the firstt or second ddegree. FKCC AUP/LOCAL AUTHORITY The information contained in this section has its basis in Public Law 93.380. It is further enhanced however, by Florida State Board of Education Administrative Rule 6A-14.51 and Florida Keys Community College Board of Trustees Rule 7.600. Copies of these rules are maintained on the college’s website. FKCC Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Introduction FKCC is at all times committed to complying with the laws and regulations governing use of the Internet, e-mail transmission and text messaging and preserving for all of its Constituents the ability to use FKCC’s network and the Internet without interference or harassment from other users. The FKCC Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”) is designed to help achieve these goals. By using IP Service(s), as defined below, Constituent(s) agrees to comply with this AUP and to remain responsible for its uses. FKCC reserves the right to change or modify the terms of the AUP at any time, effective when posted on FKCC’s web site. Constituent’s use of the IP Service(s) after changes to the AUP are posted shall constitute acceptance of any changed or additional terms. Scope of the AUP The AUP applies to the FKCC services that provide (or include) access to the Internet, including hosting services (software applications and hardware), or are provided over the Internet or wireless data networks (collectively “IP Services”). Prohibited Activities General Prohibitions: FKCC prohibits use of the IP Services in any way that is unlawful, harmful to or interferes with use of FKCC’s network or systems, or the network of any other provider, interferes with the use or enjoyment of services received by others, infringes intellectual property rights, results in the publication of threatening or offensive material, or constitutes Spam/Email/Usenet abuse, a security risk or a violation of privacy. Failure to adhere to the rules, guidelines or agreements applicable to search engines, subscription Web services, chat areas, bulletin boards, Web pages, USENET, applications, or other services that are accessed via a link from the FKCC-branded website or from a website that contains FKCC-branded content is a violation of this AUP. Unlawful Activities: IP Services shall not be used in connection with any criminal, civil or administrative violation of any applicable local, state, provincial, federal, national or international law, treaty, court order, ordinance, regulation, or administrative rule. Violation of Intellectual Property Rights: IP Service(s) shall not be used to publish, submit/receive upload/download, post, use, copy or otherwise reproduce, transmit, re- transmit, distribute or store any content/material or to engage in any activity that infringes, misappropriates or otherwise violates the intellectual property rights or privacy or publicity rights of FKCC or any individual, group or entity, including but not limited to any rights protected by any copyright, patent, trademark laws, trade secret, trade dress, right of privacy, right of publicity, moral rights or other intellectual property right now known or later recognized by statute, judicial decision or regulation. Threatening Material or Content: IP Services shall not be used to host, post, transmit, or re-transmit any content or material (or to create a domain name or operate from a domain name), that harasses, or threatens the health or safety of others. In addition, for those IP Services that utilize FKCC provided web hosting, FKCC reserves the right to decline to provide such services if the content is determined by FKCC to be obscene, indecent, hateful, malicious, racist, defamatory, fraudulent, libelous, treasonous, excessively violent or promoting the use of violence or otherwise harmful to others. Inappropriate Interaction with Minors: FKCC complies with all applicable laws pertaining to the protection of minors, including when appropriate, reporting cases of child exploitation to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. For more information about online safety, visit www.ncmec.org. Child Pornography: IP Services shall not be used to publish, submit/receive, upload/download, post, use, copy or otherwise produce, transmit, distribute or store child pornography. Suspected violations of this prohibition may be reported to the FKCC IT Help Desk at the following e-mail address helpdesk@fkcc.edu . FKCC will report any discovered violation of this prohibition to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and take steps to remove child pornography (or otherwise block access to the content determined to contain child pornography) from its servers. Spam/E-mail/Usenet Abuse: Violation of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003, or any other applicable law regulating e-mail services, constitutes a violation of this AUP. Spam/E-mail or Usenet abuse is prohibited using IP Services. Examples of Spam/E-mail or Usenet abuse include but are not limited to the following activities: sending multiple unsolicited electronic mail messages or “mail-bombing” - to one or more recipient; sending unsolicited commercial e-mail, or unsolicited electronic messages directed primarily at the advertising or promotion of products or services; sending unsolicited electronic messages with petitions for signatures or requests for charitable donations, or sending any chain mail related materials; sending bulk electronic messages without identifying, within the message, a reasonable means of opting out from receiving additional messages from the sender; sending electronic messages, files or other transmissions that exceed contracted for capacity or that create the potential for disruption of the FKCC network or of the networks with which FKCC interconnects, by virtue of quantity, size or otherwise; using another site’s mail server to relay mail without the express permission of that site; using another computer, without authorization, to send multiple e-mail messages or to retransmit e-mail messages for the purpose of misleading recipients as to the origin or to conduct any of the activities prohibited by this AUP; using IP addresses that the Constituent does not have a right to use; collecting the responses from unsolicited electronic messages; maintaining a site that is advertised via unsolicited electronic messages, regardless of the origin of the unsolicited electronic messages; sending messages that are harassing or malicious, or otherwise could reasonably be predicted to interfere with another party’s quiet enjoyment of the IP Services or the Internet (e.g., through language, frequency, size or otherwise); using distribution lists containing addresses that include those who have opted out; sending electronic messages that do not accurately identify the sender, the sender’s return address, the e-mail address of origin, or other information contained in the subject line or header; falsifying packet header, sender, or user information whether in whole or in part to mask the identity of the sender, originator or point of origin; using redirect links in unsolicited commercial e-mail to advertise a website or service; posting a message to more than ten (10) online forums or newsgroups, that could reasonably be expected to generate complaints; intercepting, redirecting or otherwise interfering or attempting to interfere with e-mail intended for third parties; knowingly deleting any author attributions, legal notices or proprietary designations or labels in a file that the user mails or sends; using, distributing, advertising, transmitting, or otherwise making available any software program, product, or service that is designed to violate this AUP or the AUP of any other Internet Service Provider, including, but not limited to, the facilitation of the means to spam. SECURITY VIOLATIONS Constituents are responsible for ensuring and maintaining security of their systems and the machines that connect to and use IP Service(s), including implementation of necessary patches and operating system updates. IP Services may not be used to interfere with, gain unauthorized access to, or otherwise violate the security of FKCC’s (or another party’s) server, network, network access, personal computer or control devices, software or data, or other system, or to attempt to do any of the foregoing. Examples of system or network security violations include but are not limited to: unauthorized monitoring, scanning or probing of network or system or any other action aimed at the unauthorized interception of data or harvesting of e-mail addresses; hacking, attacking, gaining access to, breaching, circumventing or testing the vulnerability of the user authentication or security of any host, network, server, personal computer, network access and control devices, software or data without express authorization of the owner of the system or network; impersonating others or secretly or deceptively obtaining personal information of third parties (phishing, etc.); using any program, file, script, command or transmission of any message or content of any kind, designed to interfere with a terminal session, the access to or use of the Internet or any other means of communication; distributing or using tools designed to compromise security (including but not limited to SNMP tools), including cracking tools, password guessing programs, packet sniffers or network probing tools (except in the case of authorized legitimate network security operations); knowingly uploading or distributing files that contain viruses, spyware, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancel bots, corrupted files, root kits or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of another’s computer, network system or other property, or be used to engage in modem or system hi-jacking; engaging in the transmission of pirated software; with respect to dial-up accounts, using any software or device designed to defeat system time-out limits or to allow Constituent’s account to stay logged on while Constituent is not actively using the IP Services or using such account for the purpose of operating a server of any type; using manual or automated means to avoid any use limitations placed on the IP Services; providing guidance, information or assistance with respect to causing damage or security breach to FKCC’s network or systems, or to the network of any other IP Service provider; failure to take reasonable security precautions to help prevent violation(s) of this AUP. Constituent Responsibilities Constituents remain solely and fully responsible for the content of any material posted, hosted, downloaded/uploaded, created, accessed or transmitted using the IP Services. FKCC has no responsibility for any material created on FKCC’s network or accessible using IP Services, including content provided on third-party websites linked to the FKCC network. Such third-party website links are provided as Internet navigation tools for informational purposes only, and do not constitute in any way an endorsement by FKCC of the content(s) of such sites. Constituents are responsible for taking prompt corrective action(s) to remedy a violation of AUP and to help prevent similar future violations. AUP Enforcement and Notice Constituent’s failure to observe the guidelines set forth in this AUP may result in FKCC taking actions spanning a warning to a suspension or termination of Constituent’s IP Services. When feasible, FKCC may provide Constituent with a notice of an AUP violation via e-mail or otherwise allowing the Constituent to promptly correct such violation. FKCC reserves the right, however, to act immediately and without notice to suspend or terminate affected IP Services in response to a court order or government notice that certain conduct must be stopped or when FKCC reasonably determines, that the conduct may: (1) expose FKCC to sanctions, prosecution, civil action or any other liability, (2) cause harm to or interfere with the integrity or normal operations of FKCC’s network or networks with which FKCC is interconnected, (3) interfere with another FKCC Constituent’s use of IP Services or the Internet (4) violate any applicable law, rule or regulation, or (5) otherwise present an imminent risk of harm to FKCC or FKCC Constituents. FKCC haas no obligattion to monitor content of o any materrials distribuuted or accessed using thhe IP Services.. However, FKCC F may monitor m conttent of any ssuch materiaals as necessaary to complly with appllicable laws,, regulationss or other gov vernmental oor judicial reequests; or too protect thee FKCC neetwork and its i constituen nts. HARASSMENT PO OLICY FLORIIDA KEYS S COMMUNITY COLLEGE C E BOARD D RULE Subject Haras ssment Number: Authority y F.S. 1001.64(18), 1 1000.05, Cha apter 760 Approved D Date: 02/26/0 02 Amended d 10/24 4/1994, 04/25//2000, 02/26//02, 9/30/09 DUCTION INTROD Florida Keys K Commu unity Colleg ge is committted to providding an educcational and work environm ment in which h employeess and studen nts are treatedd fairly and w with dignityy, free from harassmeent in any form. Consisttent with app plicable fedeeral and statee laws, the C College will nnot tolerate opposite o or same s sex harrassment of its i employeees or studentts by co-worrkers, fellow students or third partties who are involved with the Collegge. Harassm ment is prohibbited while oon campus and a during business b travel, off-camp pus meetingss or events hheld under thhe auspices oof the College. Consistent with w the law, some forms of harassm ment are prohhibited even when the paarties are off du uty. DEFINITION The two types of harassment are defined belo ow with the two conditioons essentiall to the definition n of each typ pe. A. Protected Claass Harassmeent is defined as any unw welcome rem marks, behavviors or co ommunicatio ons based on n race, colorr, religion, geender, age, ssexual orienttation, marital sttatus, veteran n status, citizzenship statu us, national oorigin or dissability whicch causes offfense an nd humiliation to any peerson. B. welcome sexuual advancess, requests foor sexual favvors Sexual Harassment is deffined as unw nd other verb bal or physiccal conduct or communiication of a ssexual naturee. an MAL AND FORMAL F COMPLAIN C NT PROCE EDURES INFORM A. Anyone A who is subjected d to harassmeent is encourraged to repoort the offennsive behavioor im mmediately and a before itt becomes seevere or pervvasive. The College willl investigatee all co omplaints. If I appropriatte, an individ dual may advvise the haraasser directlyy that their behavior is ob bjectionable and requestt that the behhavior immeediately cease. Florida K Keys Community C College C emphasizes that employees aand studentss are not requuired to co omplain to a supervisor, faculty mem mber or adm ministrator if that person is the individual alllegedly haraassing the em mployee or student. s 5.540 B. College employees or students who receive complaints or observe harassing behavior should immediately contact the Director of Human Resources/Equity Coordinator. As an alternate point of contact, the Provost may be contacted. C. Informal complaint procedures allow for complaints to be resolved by mutual agreement between the complaint and the person accused of the harassment. Informal complaints, whether oral or in writing, should be directed to the Director of Human Resources/Equity Coordinator or the Provost, as an alternate point of contact. The accused will be informed about the nature of the informal complaint and will have an opportunity to respond. D. If informal resolution fails to resolve the matter to the complainant’s satisfaction, the complainant may file a formal complaint, with the Director of Human Resources/Equity Coordinator with the Provost as an alternate point of contact. Formal complaint must be documented in writing within twenty (20) calendar days of the incident or event giving rise to the complaint. E. The Director of Human Resources/Equity Coordinator will conduct a prompt, thorough and impartial investigation within twenty (20) business days of receiving the complaint. Accounts from witnesses and other parties, as well as other relevant information, may be investigated. The Director of Human Resources/Equity Coordinator has the discretion to determine whether the situation warrants a meeting, either with the complainant and the alleged offender both present or with the parties separately. F. An investigation results in three possible scenarios: 1) the allegations are substantiated, 2) the allegations are not substantiated or 3) the investigation was inconclusive. Every claim of harassment will be considered on an individual basis. If the allegations are substantiated, the College will take immediate and corrective action and appropriate to the severity of the offense. Disciplinary measures applied include the full range of the College’s disciplinary measures, up to and including termination. The Investigator will make a final report of findings to both the accuser and the accused within 15 business days of the formal complaint. If the process requires further investigation, a written notice will be sent to the accuser and accused within fifteen (15) business days of the complaint notifying both parties of an extension of up to five (5) additional business days. CONFIDENTIALITY The College will protect the confidentiality of information as it pertains to the complainant, respondent and potential witnesses to the fullest extent possible and appropriate under the law. Only those individuals necessary for the investigation and resolution of the complaint will be privy to information. RETALIATION/FRIVOLOUS CLAIMS Retaliatio on against an n individuall for reportin ng harassmennt or for parrticipating inn an investiggation is prohib bited. Retaliation is a serious s violaation, whichh can subjecct the offennder to disciipline independ dent of the merits m of the harassment h allegation. a his Policy for fo anyone to o knowinglyy make falsee accusationns of harassm ment. It is a viiolation of th Failure to o prove a claaim of harasssment is no ot equivalentt to a false aallegation. D Discipline w will be imposed for making false accusaations of haraassment. HAZING G The follo owing policy y is in accord dance with sttate law. Noo hazing activvities will bee permitted iin conjunctiion with any y FKCC orgaanization. Th he college w will not toleraate hazing, aas described below, att or on any college c propeerty or at any y college-sp onsored or ccollege-affiliiated event, on or off any campus or ceenter. Hazing means m any acction or situaation which recklessly r orr intentionallly endangerrs the mentall or physical health or saffety of a stud dent for the purpose p of innitiation or aadmission innto or affiliattion with any organization n operating under u the sanction of thee college, heereinafter refferred to as a “College Organizatio on.” Such terrm shall incllude, but nott be limited tto, any brutaality of a phyysical nature, su uch as whipp ping, beating g, branding, forced calistthenics, exposure to the elements, foorced consump ption of any food, f liquor,, drug, or oth her substanc e, or any othher forced phhysical activvity which co ould adverselly affect the physical heaalth or safetyy of the indiividual, and shall includee any activity which w would d subject the individual to extreme m mental stress,, such as sleeep deprivatioon, forced ex xclusion from m social con ntact, forced conduct whiich could ressult in extrem me embarrasssment, or an ny other forcced activity as a describedd above uponn which the iinitiation or admission into or afffiliation with h a college orrganization iis directly orr indirectly cconditioned shall be presum med to be a “forced” “ acttivity with th he willingnesss of an indivvidual to parrticipate in ssuch activity notwithstand n ding. This rulee will apply to t students and a to college organizatioons, includinng action thrrough other persons associated a with w a collegee organizatio on who are nnot students. Violation ns of this rule by individ dual students shall be enfforced in acccordance witth the Studennt Complain nt Policy 7.5 520. Violation ns of this rule may subject an individ dual student to the follow wing penaltiees: (aa) minorr violations – disciplinary y probation;; and (b b) majorr or repeated minor violaations—dism missal. Any colleege organizaation, as an organization o n or through any person aassociated w with a collegee organizattion, which authorizes a orr participates in hazing iin blatant dissregard of thhis rule shalll be penalized d as follows:: (aa) minorr violations – probation from f operatiing as a colleege organizaation; and (b b) Majorr or repeated d violations – decisions oof the authorrity for such organizationn to op perate on co ollege properrty or operatee under the ssanction of tthe College. All violations shall be b handled by y the Provosst. In additio n, hazing maay subject ann individual or organizattion to crimiinal penalties under Florrida law. In ddetermining whether a hhazing violatiion is “minor” or “major” in i scope, thee primary con nsideration w will be the ppresence of oor potential ffor serious physical p or em motional harrm to the vicctim of the hhazing. All coollege organnizations are required to include th he above antti-hazing rulee and penaltties by publiccation in thee Student Handboo ok (BoardRu ule 7.240). HEPATIITIS B/MEN NINGITIS AWARENE ESS Florida laaw (1006-69 9 FS) requirees that a posttsecondary eeducational iinstitutional shall providde informatiion concerniing the risks associated with w meninggococcal menningitis and hepatitis B aand the availaability, effecctiveness, an nd known con ntradictions of any requuired or recom mmended vaccine to t every stud dent, or to th he student’s parent p if the student is a minor, who has been accepted for admissio on. Meningittis is a seriou us disease th hat affects th he brain and sspinal cord. Because baccterial meninngitis is a gravee illness and d can rapidly progress to death, it reqquires early ddiagnosis annd treatment. This is often difficult d becaause the sym mptoms closeely resemblee those of thee flu and the highest incidencee of meningiitis occurs du uring late wiinter and earrly spring (fllu season). W When not fattal, bacterial meningitis can c lead to permanent p diisabilities suuch as hearinng loss, brainn damage, orr loss of limbs. For more in nformation call c the Centeers for Diseaase Control aand Preventiion 1-800-23322522, or visit the web bsite at: http p://www.cdc.gov/meninggitis. Hepatittis B is a serrious infectioous disease causes c by a virus v that attaacks the liveer. The hepattitis B virus (HBV) can ccause life-loong infection n that leads to o cirrhosis (sscarring) of the t liver, livver cancer, orr liver failurre. There is nno cure for hepatitis h B, but b the infecction can be prevented p byy vaccinatioon. Each yearr about 200,000 people arre infected with w the viruss and 5,000 die. d For morre informatioon call 1-8888-4HEP-CD DC, or visit the website w at: www.cdc.gov w v/hepatitis. HIV/AID DS POLICY Y It is the position of Florida Keys Community College that a balance be maintained between the rights of persons infected with the Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV) to obtain education and employment and the rights of students and community college employees to an environment which provides reasonable protection from infection with HIV. Florida Keys Community College establishes this policy to respond appropriately to the needs and right of students and employees who are HIV-positive. This policy defines an HIV-positive student or employee as an individual who: (a) is diagnosed as having Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) (b) is determined to be HIV Antibody-Positive but has not yet developed the symptoms of AIDS or (c) is determined to have HIV-positive (HIV positive) Spectrum diseases. The college provides HIV-positive students and employees with reasonable accommodations and support services, while protecting rights to privacy and confidentiality. This policy prohibits mandatory HIV testing of employees and students. All decisions regarding treatment of students or employees are made on an individual basis. The college will continue to monitor and amend this policy as needed (Board Rule 4.410). LEGAL BACKGROUND This policy complies with all state and federal laws protecting persons with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act and the Federal Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibit discrimination against qualified disabled individuals by institutions contracted with the federal government. The college receives federal funds; therefore, the college must comply with the provisions of the Rehabilitation Act. Under the Rehabilitation Act a college may not discriminate against any employee or student who has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities, who has a record of such impairment, or who is regarded as having such impairment. These disability discrimination laws are intended to eliminate situations in which an individual who is qualified to perform the essential functions of a job would be denied an opportunity to fill the job or is treated adversely simply because the individual has a disability. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) assures that the rights of children and youth with disabilities and their parents/guardians are protected in terms of fairness, appropriateness, and due process in decision making about the provision of special education and related services. The Florida Educational Equity Act also prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability against any student or employee in the state system of public education. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act protects the civil rights of individuals with disabilities. In a Florida case, Arline v. School Board of Nassau County, the Eleventh Circuit of the United States affirmed, that the language of the Rehabilitation Act in every respect supports a conclusion that persons with contagious diseases are within the coverage of the Rehabilitation Act. Although the plaintiff in Arline had tuberculosis, the decision may apply to any contagious disease which “substantially limits major life activity.” The court in Arline also stated that an employer may not arbitrarily determine that an individual’s disability prevents the individual from performing required duties. The employer must make a well informed judgment grounded in careful and open minded weighing of the risks and alternatives. (Arline, 772 F.23 765 and 107 s. Ct. 1123) The limitations on “reasonable accommodation” for an “otherwise qualified” disabled person in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act is a central issue in these cases. Citing its earlier opinion in Southeastern Community College v. Davis, 442 U.S. 397 (1979), the Court said: An otherwise qualified person is one who is able to meet all of a program’s requirements in spite of his handicap. In the employment context, an otherwise qualified person is one who can perform “the essential functions” of the job in question. When a handicapped person is not able to perform the essential functions of the job, the court must also consider whether any “reasonable accommodation” by the employer would enable the handicapped person to perform those functions. Accommodation is not reasonable if it either imposes “undue financial and administrative burdens” on a grantee, or requires a “fundamental alteration in the nature of (the) program. Arline, 107 S. Ct. at 1131 n.17 (Citations omitted). HIV constitutes a disability. Under State Law; Chapter 760 of the Florida Statutes, it prohibits employment discrimination against disabled individuals by employers with more than fifteen employees. Colleges should not “discharge or fail to hire or otherwise discriminate with respect to compensation, conditions, or privileges of employment” because the individual is disabled, (760.10(1) (a), Florida Statutes). In addition, colleges should not segregate or classify a disabled individual in any way which would deprive or tend to deprive any individual of employment opportunities. Furthermore, it is unlawful to adversely affect any individual’s status as an employee because of a handicap, (760.10(1)(b), Florida Statutes). A disable person should not be isolated by the college unless the individual poses a scientifically proven risk to co-workers or students. The language of Chapter 760 protects disabled employees and, therefore, HIV positive individuals from arbitrary dismissal, discrimination in hiring, promotion, and compensation decisions, and any other actions as employer may take that adversely affects the employee’s status. PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY Florida Keys Community College recognizes and respects that any HIV-positive student or employee has a right to privacy and confidentiality. When college employees or students have knowledge (or are informed) that an employee or student may or may not be HIV-positive, that employee or student is not to share the information with a third party. No information regarding the medical status of any student will be released without the expressed written consent of the student unless such disclosure of information in health and safety emergencies is mandated by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, 20 U.S.C. 1232g and Florida Statute Section 1006.68. No information regarding the medical status of any employee will be released without the expressed written consent of the employee unless such disclosure of information in health and safety emergencies is mandated by a court of competent jurisdiction. GUIDELINES FOR STUDENTS This policy allows for an HIV-positive student who poses no threat to others or self, to remain in the regular classroom. HIV-positive students with mental, emotional, or physical disabling conditions will be provided with reasonable accommodations. DISABLED AND MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT SERVICES AND REFERRAL The Coordinator of Students with Disabilities and the Equity Coordinator shall provide support services to HIV-positive students and employees. Referral to the local health care network is available. The local health care network includes: AIDS Help, Inc. 296-6196 AIDS Middle Keys 289-0055 Helpline Crisis Line Inc. 296-4357 Care Center for Mental Health 292-6843 Guidance Clinic of the Middle Keys (24 hours) Guidance Clinic of the Upper Keys Health Care Center 434-9000 853-3284 292-6885 EDUCATION AND INFORMATION Florida Keys Community College recognizes the need for a strong and aggressive HIV/AIDS Education Program. Current information on HIV spectrum diseases and AIDS, and the Florida Keys Community College HIV/AIDS Policy, will be made available to all students through publication in the Student Handbook. The Student Handbook is available in the administrative offices of the Key West Campus and Upper and Middle Keys Centers. Student and employee education/information events will include, but not be limited to: employee in-serv vice training conferencess studeent orientatio on meetings HIV//AIDS presen ntations inclusion of the Florida F Keyss Community y College HIIV/AIDS Poolicy in the eemployee handb book INTELL LECTUAL PROPERTY P Y DEVELO OPMENT B BY COLLEG GE PERSO ONNEL General Statement The College supportss and encourrages its facu ulty, staff, annd students, (when studeents are supportin ng College faculty fa and sttaff), to deveelop and pubblish (i) schoolarly and crreative works, (ii) education nal materialss, and (iii) prroducts/intelllectual propperty, all of w which may bbe subject to copyrigh ht or patent protection p an nd which may y generate rooyalty incom me. Such acttivities increaase professio onal knowled dge, provide creative mo odels for studdents, help ppromote pubblic/private partnersh hips, and brin ng recognitio on to the Co ollege. These deevelopments may involvee the use of College C timee and resourrces. The pollicy listed beelow, thereforee, defines thee rights and obligations o of o all partiess concerned. This policy should be considereed a binding g agreement between b the College andd its employeees and the C College and its students; each emplo oyee’s contin nued employ yment, and e ach student’’s matriculattion at the College, shall be con nsidered adeq quate consid deration for tthis binding agreement. T This policy shall be includ ded in the Stu udent Handb book. DETERM MINATION N OF RIGH HTS To determ mine the disp position of rights r to copy yrightable m materials, pattents and othher intellectuual property (collectively y, “intellectu ual property””) developedd by Collegee personnel aand students,, nership rightts will be intterpreted witthin the fram mework of thhe categoriess listed below w. such own Individu ual Effort Ownersh hip, and rightts associated d therewith, of o intellectuaal property ggenerated ass a result of individuaal initiative, and not as a specific Co ollege assignm ment and wiith only incidental use of College facilities, f and d/or resources, shall resiide solely wiith the authoor or inventoor; provided, however,, the Collegee shall be graanted a royalty-free licennse to make full use of aall products aand processess so develop ped. College Assisted A Ind dividual Efffort When the College provides support of an individual effort resulting in intellectual property by contributing College personnel and/or student time, facilities and/or other College resources to the effort, the College is entitled to certain rights and privileges as listed below: The College shall be granted a royalty-free license to make full use of all products and processes so developed. The College will recover all costs, supported by detailed records on time and materials, plus 10 percent of such costs. Generally, such intellectual property will be held in the name of the College. However, a written agreement between the individual and the College may create other rights and responsibilities, including joint ownership. College Initiated and Supported Efforts Ownership of intellectual property developed as a result of specific assignment by the College, or arising out of duties for which the individual was specifically employed by the College, shall reside exclusively with the College. Under special circumstances, the College may share royalty income with the author or inventor upon recommendation by the College and approval by the Board of Trustees. Sponsor Supported Efforts College personnel and students who produce intellectual property under sponsor-supported projects shall be governed by the specific terms and conditions of the sponsorship contract. College personnel are responsible for determining, in advance, the terms of sponsorship and shall be required to execute any Copyright/Patent Royalty Agreement with the sponsor. ROYALTY INCOME Royalty income from intellectual property shall be distributed as listed below. Individual Effort Royalty income derived from intellectual property produced from the individual effort of College personnel and students as defined above shall accrue solely to the author or inventor. College Assisted Individual Effort Royalty income derived from individual efforts, which are complemented by College time, facilities and/or resources, as defined above, shall accrue solely to the author or inventor. However, repayment to the College must be made by the individual(s) concerned as outlined above, which also outlines the other rights of the College in these cases. The abov ve holds in all a cases savee those in wh hich the indiividual(s) reqquest, and thhe College agrees a to perrmit, its nam me to be used d in connectiion with the product or pprocess, and in which thee College also agrees to market or asssist in acquuiring a markketing sourcee for the product or processs. In these cases, c royaltiies will be sh hared, with tthe College rreceiving 255 percent of royalty in ncome and th he individuaal(s) receivin ng 75 percennt of royalty income, unless a writtenn agreemen nt is executeed and approved by all paarties prior tto the grantinng of the coppyright or paatent. College Initiated I an nd Supporteed Efforts When inttellectual pro operty is gen nerated by a specific Colllege assignm ment or as a result of labbors for which h the individ dual was emp ployed, or fo or any matterrs covered uunder the aboove definitioon, the Colleege shall be the t sole recip pient of all income derivved therefrom m. In specifiic instances, where an n exceptionall individual--initiative pro oduct resultss in a markettable producct, and only aafter College recommenda r ation and Bo oard of Trusttees’ approvaal, portions oof royalty inncome deriveed therefrom m may be shaared between n the Colleg ge and the auuthor or inveentor. Such eefforts shall bbe determin ned on a casee-by-case bassis. Sponsor Supported Efforts i deriv ved from spo onsor-suppo orted efforts sshall be disbbursed in acccordance witth the Royalty income specific terms t of gov verning contrractual or grant documennts. Royalty income i deriv ved from inttellectual pro operty shall bbe disbursedd to the Colleege when thhe contract or o grant document is sileent as to disb bursement of royalties. Student Involvemen nt/Ownership Except fo or intellectuaal property resulting r excclusively from m a student’’s individuall effort (as defined above), a or un nless otherwise expressly y agreed, in writing by thhe College, student’s contributtions to efforrts of faculty y and staff which w result iin the develoopment of inntellectual property,, shall be con nsidered parrt of the student’s educattional experiience at the C College; thereforee students shall not sharee in any own nership of inttellectual prooperty or royyalties deriveed therefrom m. RELIGIIOUS OBSE ERVANCES S It is the policy p of Flo orida Keys Community C College C Distr trict Board of Trustees too reasonablyy accommo odate the relligious obserrvances, pracctices, and bbeliefs of inddividual studdents in regarrd to admissions, class atteendance, and d scheduling g of examinaations and woork assignm ments. Studennts will give reasonable notice to theeir instructorrs prior to a rreligious obsservance, if they wish too be odated. If a student s feelss that he/she has been unnreasonably ddenied an edducational accommo benefit due d to his/herr religious beelief, or pracctice, that stuudent shouldd follow the complaint procedurre set forth in n Rule No. 7.520. 7 SMOKE E FREE POL LICY This poliicy enables Florida F Keyss Community y College too fulfill its reesponsibility in providingg a comfortaable and heallthy work en nvironment for f faculty, sstaff, studentts, and visitoors by reduciing exposuree to toxins in n tobacco sm moke. This po olicy is intennded to compply with the Florida Cleaan Indoor Air A Act, Chap pter 92-185, Laws of Flo orida. Smoking g is prohibiteed inside all facilities ow wned, leased or operated by Florida K Keys Commuunity College including i (bu ut not limiteed to) classro ooms, laboraatories, shopss, studios, offfices, waterr fountain areas, stairw wells, confereence rooms, theater, boookstore, libraary, dining aareas, elevatoors, entry way ys, rest room ms, hallwayss, corridors and a commonn areas. Smokking is also prohibited inn all vehicles owned, leaseed, or operatted by the co ollege. Theree is no smokking allowedd at the Midddle Keys or Upper U Keys Centers (Bo oard Rule 4.4 420). SOLICITATION This poliicy shall app ply to any sollicitation of, or any activvity designedd to obtain oor secure: siignatures on a petition co ontributions of money, goods, g or serrvices memberships m or applicatiions for mem mbership in aany group, cclub, or organnization saales of, or orrders for, goo ods or servicces em mployment or o personal services; s and d similar acttivities No such activity shalll be conductted on colleg ge property uunless it is ppart of or sannctioned by aan officially y recognized d college stud dent club, orr is part of a college proggram. No succh activity shall be condu ucted either on o or off college propertty by any inddividual, grooup or organiization in suuch a fashion as a to imply or o state that the t activity is sanctionedd by or represents the Coollege, withoout specific written w perm mission of thee Provost or the Presidennt (Board Ruule 7.210). STUDEN NT HEALT TH INSURA ANCE Although h student heaalth insurancce is not avaiilable througgh FKCC, onne or more pprivate insurance companiees do provid de health insu urance coverrage for studdents at speccial rates. For more informatiion about theese companiies contact th he main cam mpus. SUBSTA ANCE ABU USE POLICY Y Florida Keys K Commu unity Colleg ge has, since its inceptionn, specificallly prohibitedd, on campuss or at collegee functions, the possession, sale, excchange, conssumption, orr giving awayy of any stimulantt, depressantt, narcotic, or o hallucinog genic drug haaving a poteential for phyysical or menntal abuse, ex xcept on presscription by a physician or dentist. T This policy iss in accordannce with thee Federal Drug D Abuse Act. Studen nts who are found fo to be inn violation oof this policyy will be subbject to immed diate and posssibly severee disciplinary y action, inccluding probation or susppension. Florida Keys K Commu unity Colleg ge shares the increasing nnational concern regardiing new eviddence of the dan nger of subsstance abuse. This policy y has been uppdated and aadopted as a result of truue concern for f our studeents, employ yees and the community as a whole. In order to ddiscourage substancee abuse by college c studeents or emplo oyees and prrovide comm munity educaation, the following g activities will w be carrieed out on a routine basis: Periodicaally articles will w be placeed in the stud dent newslettter VOICES S concerningg information on substancee abuse. This informatio on will be tim mely accordiing to currennt concerns aand will incluude scientificc reports of effects e to thee user and waays to identiify abusers. In-service training fo or college em mployees willl be held pe riodically annd will incluude informatiion on substaance abuse, its i identificaation, and refferral recomm mendations.. Seminars aand presentattions will be held periodicaally for both h the student body and thhe communitty addressingg substance d sources of assistance. abuse, itss effects, and A collegee credit courrse on substaance abuse will w be offereed to the com mmunity perriodically. Thhe course will w be updateed annually to t include tim mely inform mation of curr rrent abuse pproblems. College employees e will w make every attempt to t participatte in commuunity activitiees or committees dealing with w substancce abuse. COMPU UTER LAB USAGE 1. Accep ptance of Teerms of Use Florida Keys K Commu unity Colleg ge (FKCC) provides com mputer usagee free of charrge to FKCC C faculty an nd staff, and d currently en nrolled FKC CC students ((referred to aas “User”) uunder these Terms of Use. By utilizing FKCC computing facilities and services, user is indicating agreement to be bound by these Terms of Use. 2. Modification of these Terms of Use FKCC may modify these Terms of Use at any time at its sole discretion. FKCC will provide users with reasonable notice of any such changes and continued use of the FKCC computer facilities will be conditioned upon each user’s affirmative acceptance of any such changes. 3. Modification of FKCC Computing Services FKCC may modify or discontinue computing services with or without notice to any user, with liability to any User or any third party. 4. General Guidelines (a) Students must provide a jump or thumb drive for storage or email documents to themselves while using our computer services. (b) No student work is to be saved or stored on the computer hard disk even temporarily. Any work left on the hard disk can and will be deleted. (c) No food, candy, or drinks will be permitted in any computer facility or classroom. Absolutely NO exceptions will be permitted. (d ) The computer should not be turned on or off. Ask for assistance if needed. 5. Privacy Although it is FKCC’s policy to respect the privacy of users, use of FKCC computing facilities is not private, and may be reviewed by system administrators as part of normal operations. FKCC implies no privacy or secrecy for those using FKCC computing services. 6. Illegal Use The FKCC computer facility and network may be used only for lawful purposes. Transmission, distribution, or storage of any material in violation of any applicable law or regulation is prohibited. This includes, without limitations, material protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property right used without proper authorization, and material that is obscene, defamatory, constitutes an illegal threat or violates export control law. 7. Time Limits Time limits can and will be set to assure the greatest access for the greatest number of customers. Time limits will be posted and will be enforced when the demand exceeds the supply of work stations available. a We W have the riight to chang ge these timee limits to alllow the greaatest access to the greateest number of o customerss. Computeer users are encouraged e to t use a jump p or thumb ddrive to savee their work. Wireless acccess is availab ble in the library to thosee with lap tops. 8. Hardw ware and So oftware (a) Unauthorized disttribution (do ownloading or o uploadingg) of copyrigghted materiaal over the Internet, including peeer-to-peer file f sharing, is i consideredd copyright infringemennt. Copyrightted w auth horization inccludes print,, recorded m music (often iin the material that may nott be shared without form of MP3 M or MP4 4 files), video o games, vid deo, televisioon shows, sooftware, elecctronic data ((such as electro onic books and a magazinees), perform mances, and ccomputer sofftware. Copyyright infringem ment may sub bject a studeent to civil an nd criminal liabilities. (b) Instaalling any software onto these system ms is not perm mitted. (c) Pleasee do not ban ng, hit, movee, connect, orr disconnectt any hardwaare items. Foor assistance, ask the perso on on duty. (d) Comp puters are to be used for school work k only. (e) Pleasee use only th he software needed n for your y course aand on whichh you have hhad training.. Do not explo ore other sofftware on theese systems or o on the Loocal Area Neetwork. 10. DO NOT: N (a) deletee any softwaare programss, files, or dirrectories/fol ders on these systems (b) recon nfigure any software s prog grams installed on thesee systems (c) createe your own directories d orr folders (d) chang ge any Wind dows desktop p settings (e) attem mpt to fix problems on yo our own. Ask for help att the front deesk. 11. Virus Detection and Remov val All FKCC C computing g facility com mputers hav ve virus checcking softwarre. COMPU UTER POLIICY 1. Indem mnification User agreees to indem mnify and holld each of FK KCC, their pparents, subssidiaries, afffiliates, officcers, and emplloyees, harm mless from an ny claim or demand, d inc luding reasoonable attornney’s fees, m made by any th hird party du ue to or arisin ng out of User’s use of F FKCC compputing facilityy, the violatiion of these Terms T of Usse by User, or o the infring gement by U User or any other user of User’s account, of any in ntellectual prroperty or oth her right of any a persons or entity. 2. Violattion of Policcies Violation n of these Teerms of Use may result in temporaryy or permaneent loss of acccess to any or all FKCC co omputing faccilities and other o discipliinary actionss as approprriate. 3. Discla aimer of Wa arranties (a) User expressly ag grees that usee of FKCC computing c faacilities are pprovided onn an “as is” aand “as availaable” basis. FKCC makees no warran nty that FKC CC computinng facilities w will meet Usser’s requirem ments or that FKCC comp puting facilitties services will be uninnterrupted, tiimely, securre, or error freee. (b) Userr understandss and agrees that any maaterial and/orr data downlloaded or othherwise obtaained through the t use of FK KCC computing facilitiees is at User’’s own discreetion and rissk and that U User will be so olely responsible for any y damage to User’s compputer system m or loss of ddata that resuults from the download of o such materrials and/or data. d (c) FKCC C makes no warranty w reg garding any goods or serrvices purchhased or obtaained throughh FKCC co omputing faccilities or an ny transaction n entered intto through thhe Internet. (d) No ad dvice or info ormation, wh hether oral orr written, obbtained by U User from FK KCC or throuugh FKCC co omputing faccility shall crreate any waarranty not eexpressly maade herein. 4. Limita ations of Lia abilities FKCC sh hall not be liable for any direct, indirrect, incidenttal, special oor consequenntial damagees, resulting from the use or the inab bility to use FKCC F compputing facilitties. 5. Appliccable Law These Teerms of Use shall be gov verned by and construed in accordannce with the llaws of the sstate of Florid da, without giving effect to its conflicct of the law w’s provisionnal authority.. The inforrmation conttained in thiss section hass its basis in Public Law w 93.380. Thiis is further enhanced d however, by b Florida Sttate Board off Education Administrattive Rule 6A A-14.51 and Florida Keys K Commu unity Colleg ge Board of Trustees T Rulle 7.600. Coppies of thesee rules are maintained on the co ollege’s webssite. COMPU UTERS AVA AILABLE TO T STUDENTS The libraary has two computer c lab bs. The comp puters are avvailable for sstudent, facuulty and stafff. Printing is i available via v our WEP PA Kiosk at $.015 per shheet for blacck and white and $.065 pper sheet for color copiess. Copy card ds can be pu urchased for $5 each or ccredit cards ccan be used to deposit funds fu through h the online account at www.wepano w ow.com. A surcharge of $.20 per transactio on may be ch harged if usiing a credit card c at the K Kiosks insteaad of adding the funds too accounts. Computer users are en ncouraged to o use a jump or thumb drrive to save ttheir work. Wireless access is av vailable in th he library to those t with laap tops. COPYR RIGHT All studeents at FKCC C are expecteed to have a basic underrstanding of copyright laaw and adherre to all laws regarding r Co opyright, Faiir Use, the Digital D Millennnium Copyyright Act, annd to act in ggood faith wheen using cop pyrighted maaterials to sup pport their eeducational aand researchh activities. Copyrigh hted materiall cannot be copied c or disstributed witthout the exppress writtenn approval frrom the autho orized distrib butor or publlisher. Unautthorized disttribution (doownloading oor uploadingg) of copyrigh hted material over the intternet, includ ding peer-to--peer file shaaring, is connsidered copyrigh ht infringemeent. Copyrigh hted materiaal that may nnot be sharedd without autthorization includes print, record ded music (o often in the form f of MP33 or MP4 filees), video gaames, video, television n shows, sofftware, electrronic data (ssuch as electrronic books and magazines), performaances, and co omputer softtware. Copyrright infringgement may ssubject a stuudent to civill and criminal liabilities. ht infringemeent is the actt of exercisin ng, without ppermission oor legal authhority, one orr Copyrigh more of the t exclusivee rights gran nted to the co opyright ownner under section 106 off the Copyrigght Act (Titlee 17 of the United U Statess Code). Theese rights incclude the rigght to reprodduce or distriibute a copyrig ghted work. In the file-sh haring context, downloa ding or uplooading substaantial parts oof a copyrigh hted work without authorrity constituttes an infringgement. VIOLAT TION OF POLICY Students in violation of establish hed procedurres and requiirements mayy be subjectt to disciplinary P forr copyright iinfringementt include civvil action as outlined in the Student Handbook. Penalties und liable foor civil copyyright infringgement may be and criminal penaltiees. In generaal, anyone fou ordered to t pay eitherr actual damaages or “stattutory” damaages affixed at not less thhan $750 annd not more than $30,000 per work infringed. For “willful” infrringement, a court may aaward up to $150,000 0 per work in nfringed. A court c can, in n its discretioon, also asseess costs and attorneys’ ffees. For detaiils, see Title 17, United States S Code, Sections 5004, 505. Willlful copyrighht infringem ment can also result r in crim minal penaltiies, includin ng imprisonm ment of up too five years aand fines of up to $250,000 0 per offensee. Please go o to the copy yright section n on our web bsite http://libg guides.fkcc.edu/c.php?g g=345565&p p=2328432 ffor further innformation reegarding copyrigh ht law, or con ntact the Director of LRC C, 305-809-33501. Also ssee the Web site of the U U.S. Copyrigh ht Office at www.copyri w ght.gov, esp pecially theirr FAQ’s at w www.copyrigght.gov/help//faq. A fairly exhaustive e liist of web sittes from which you mayy legally obtaain copyrighhted materiall is published d by EDUCA ASE. FKCC LIBRARY L ACCEPTAB A BLE INTER RNET USE POLICY Internet Use Library internet access is intendeed primarily as an inform mational resoource to suppport the education nal and reseaarch needs of o our commu unity college students, ffaculty and sstaff. Access is granted to support cu ultural, sociaal and comm munity servicees programss of the colleege. FKCC students, faculty and staff retain first priority y for comput er use. Com mmunity use oof the compuuters for short term academ mic purposess is availablee based on avvailability aas determinedd by library staff. FKCC Liibrary intern net use is NO OT allowed for f commerccial or illegaal purposes. W Wireless acccess is availab ble in the library to thosee with laptop ps. Internet Content Reesponsibilitiies The Interrnet is a glob bal network of multimed dia informatiion with no ccentral authoority or governin ng body. Thee library can and does reccommend innteresting and useful inteernet sites annd resourcess for our cusstomers to ex xplore. The primary p gateeway to recoommended siites is througgh the FKCC C library weebsite. Howeever, providing a link in no way meaans we are reesponsible foor the content of o those sitess. Because th he internet haas no governning body, thhere may be material thaat is offensivee to some customers. It is the custom mer’s responssibility to moonitor use. S Sites containning nudity, obscenity, or graphic viollence are nott consideredd appropriatee due to publlic terminal display. Accessing A su uch sites maay result in th he revocationn of computter privilegess. Customers are requirred to return to the FKCC C Library w ebsite (clickk on home), oor exit the browser after a use. If a customer fails f to do so o the library has the righht to deny futture access. T This is to prottect privacy and a the rightt of others to o access Inteernet materiaals only of thheir interest. Customers must com mply with U.S S. Copyrightt Laws. mits Time Lim Time lim mits can and will w be set to o assure the greatest acceess for the ggreatest numbber of custom mers. Time lim mits will be posted p and will w be enforcced when dem mand exceedds the supplyy of the worrk stations available. a We W have the riight to chang ge these timee limits to alllow the greaatest access to the greateest number of o customerss. Downloa ading / Chan nging Confiiguration Customers are not peermitted to download d to the hard drivve on any libbrary compuuter. Custom mers m perman nent changes to browserr configuratiion, such as ddefault e-maail are not permitted to make o the above without perm rmission from m a library sstaff memberr, we address. If a customeer does any of have the right to deny y further acccess. Docum ments should be saved to a jump or thhumb drive oor emailed. Documents saved to thee desktop of the library ccomputers w will not be avvailable afterr the computerrs are restartted. INTERN NET USE 1. E-Maiil FKCC issues studentt e-mail addrresses to all active studennts. Student E-mail Poliicy: • E-mail is considered an officiall method for communicaating with FK KCC studentts. This policcy establishes the colleg ge’s expectattions that facculty and othher staff mayy routinely ccommunicatee importan nt informatio on to students using the established e F FKCC e-maiil system. • All stud dents enrolleed at FKCC are a provided d an official FKCC studeent e-mail acccount. Studdents are expeccted to check k their FKCC C e-mail acccount on a frrequent basiss in order to remain inforrmed of coursee related com mmunication ns. It is recom mmended thaat students ccheck e-maill accounts daaily. Students are responsiible for the consequence c es of not readding course--related e-maail communications in a timely fashion. • All use of e-mail will w be consistent with oth her FKCC poolicies, as prreviously staated, and as S Hand dbook. stated in the FKCC Student ptable Conteent of E-Ma ail Messagess 2. Accep FKCC do oes not edit or o censor thee contents off user’s e-maail messagess. Users alonne are responnsible for the co ontents of th heir messagess and the con nsequences of any such messages. U Users agrees that it will no ot use FKCC computing facilities forr chain letterrs, junk maill, “spammingg”, solicitatiions (commerrcial or noncommercial),, or any use of o distributioon lists to anny person whho has not given specific permission p to be includeed in such a process. p Useer further agrrees not to uuse FKCC computin ng facilities to t send any messages m orr materials thhat are unlaw wful, harassing, libelous,, abusive, threatening, harmful, vu ulgar, obscen ne or otherw wise objectionnable materiial of any kinnd or nature orr that encourrages conducct that could constitute a criminal offfense, give rrise to civil liabilitiess or otherwisse violate an ny applicablee local, state,, national or internationaal law or regulation. 3. Downlloading Users aree not permittted to downlload, for any y reason, to tthe hard diskk of any FKC CC computerr. Documen nts should bee saved to a jump or thumb drive or emailed. Doocuments savved to the desktop of o the library y computers will not be available a aftter the compputers are resstarted. 4. Intern net Browserr Configurattions Users aree not permittted to changee or alter any y internet brrowser confiiguration setttings. BEHAV VIOR The FKC CC library is a congenial setting for studying. s In order to maiintain that seetting, librarry users sho ould be awarre of their su urroundings and a keep disstractions to a minimum.. Study room ms are availaable to studeents for grou up work, and d study carrells are availabble for quiett work. In thhe event of a complaint,, library stafff will allow users one chhance to ameend any behaavior that distracts from studyin ng. Users wh ho are unwillling or unabble to complyy after that ffirst warningg will forfeit their library prrivileges. OVERV VIEW: LIBR RARY / LEA ARNING RESOURCE R ES CENTER R The misssion of the Library L /Learrning Resourrces Center iis to providee library mateerials, servicces, and instru uction to all customers (students, ( facculty, staff aand the comm munity) in ann academicaally engaging g environmen nt that suppo orts the curriiculum and m mission of thhe college. The libraary is located d at the Key West Campu us on the seccond floor oof building A A. Library collection ns and resou urces are also o available at a our Middlee Keys and U Upper Keys Centers andd accessiblle 24 hours a day, 7 dayss a week for all distance learners viaa our websitee http://ww ww.fkcc.edu//library/. The library is committed c too providing aan atmospheere that prom motes learning, research, an nd intellectuaal freedom, encourages access to knnowledge, chhallenges ws sharing off information n. Our profeessionally traained staff iss committed to censorship, and allow g the needs of our custom mers in a relaaxed, comforrtable and frriendly atmoosphere. Librrary fulfilling cards aree available to o all studentss, faculty, staaff and Monnroe County residents freee of charge.. We support the t education nal and cultu ural needs off the college communityy via a rich coollection of resourcess, workshopss, and prograams. The lib brary containns over 35,0000 books, eR Resources, periodicaals, and audiovisual mateerials. Our reeadily accessible resourcces and innoovative serviices and instru uction help meet m the sch holarly, work k force prepaaration and ppersonal growth needs of all customerrs. The onlin ne catalog, databases d and d other serviices are avaiilable via LIN NCCWeb loocated on ourr library’s webpage at http://libgu uides.fkcc.ed du/lrc accessiible 24 hourrs a day, 7 daays a week. Students are provided d with subsccription baseed full text sccholarly jourrnals and new wspapers, eBooks, and multimeedia materialls accessiblee with a libraary card. Services provided incclude: nterlibrary Loan L In FKCC Librarry Art Gallerry Library L Instru uction Research R hellp Computers C av vailable to sttudents Interlibrrary Loan iff you cannott find someth hing you waant, we can trrack it downn for you. W We can borro ow things fro om the Florida Library Information N Network (FL LN) and the Florida Disttance Learning g Library Inittiative (DLL LI), as well as a Florida’s 228 state colleeges. Materiials are delivvered via daily courier, fax x, or email to o FKCC for loan l to our bborrowers. Ittems requestted by our Middle Keys K and Up pper Keys Ceenters studen nts are deliveered to the aappropriate ccenter. The FKC CC Library y Art Gallerry displays arrt that enrichhes student’ss classroom learning. Thhe ever chan nging display ys add charaacter to our library l and ggive our custtomers just oone more reaason to stop in n the library. Library Instruction n is availablee in a variety y of formats. A credit couurse, LIS20004, Introducttion to Interneet Research is taught by Librarians. Orientation sessions aree available faace-to-face, which aree scheduled at the beginning of each h semester, oor the sessionns can be vieewed anytim me from our website or on o our distan nce learning platform, D D2L. Informaation literacyy instructionn is also inclu uded as part of all ENC1 1101 course and other suubject coursee. Individuall sessions aree availablee upon request. Worksho ops are also available. a Research h Help Stop by the libraary or contacct our librariaans through the website to get help w with your reseearch papers. We can traack down articles to makke your paperr stronger, taalk through yyour ideas and d help you fo ormat your citations c by phone, p emaill or through AskaLibrariian online chhat. STUDEN NT ID/LIBR RARY CAR RD To requeest a Card, a student musst present a governmentg issued pictuure ID or passport and his or her curreent FKCC stu udent coursee schedule. The T staff willl verify the sstudent’s schhedule. A heead shot photto image of the t student is i taken and then printedd and presentted to the stuudent. The innitial Card is isssued withou ut charge. USAGE This Card d serves as proof p of statu us with the College C and also providees access to C College resourcess such as Lib brary facilities and servicces, computeer labs, and the tutoring centers. Students may also usse the Card to receive disscounts from m local businnesses and esstablishmentts that partiicipate in thee College’s student s disco ount program m. THEFT,, TAMPERIING AND MUTILATI M ION OF LIB BRARY MA ATERIALS S Accordin ng to Floridaa Statues, mu utilation of college c propeerty is a crim me (FS 806.113). Both mutilatio on and theft (FS ( 812.04 1a 1 & 1b – vaalue less thann $200) are a misdemeannors punishaable by up to sixty days im mprisonment (FS 775.08 82 (4b) and/oor up to $5000 fine (FS 775.083(le)). Tamperin ng with libraary computerr equipment and/or proggrams is a criime under thhe Florida Computeer Crimes Acct (FS 815.1)). Theft or damage d of coollege properrty is also a vviolation of the code of conduct. c Vio olators will be b referred to o the Provostt and subjectt to student jjudicial procedurres. Students will lose lib brary privileg ges when caaught destroyying or tamppering with library materials. m The libraary uses a seccurity system m which deteects the rem moval of mateerials which have not been or cannot bee checked ou ut. Unauthorrized removaal of library materials is viewed as aattempted theeft and can result r in discciplinary actiion. The librrary reservess the right too search item ms that activaate the securrity alarm. Community borrowers b wiill lose librarry privilegess when caughht destroying or tamperin ng with librarry materials.. They will not n be permittted to registter for coursses on campuus until prop per restitutio on has been made. m CREDIT T-BY INSTIITUTIONA AL EXAMIN NATION A studen nt may challeenge the con ntent of certaain college annd vocationaal credit couurses and earnn credit upon successfu ul completio on of an instiitutional exam am. A studennt may not appply for courrse credit thrrough an FK KCC institutio onal exam iff a CLEP or DANTES examination is available. Students should be aw ware that FK KCC institutional examss may not be offered for certain courrses due to the nature of the t course co ontent. To be eliigible to takee an institutio onal exam, the t student m must: be currenttly enrolled in a credit co ourse other tthan that beiing challenged or have co ompleted prior credit couurse work at FKCC not have taken t an insttitutional exaam for the coourse at anyy previous tim me not previo ously have taaken the cou urse at FKCC C or throughh transfer creedit obtain perrmission from m the approp priate instruuctor and payy a predeterm mined institution nal exam feee at the Busin ness Office nt who successfully comp pletes an insstitutional exxam with a sccore of 80% % or higher (775% A studen or higherr for the NLN Nexam) willl be awarded d credit for thhe course. Sttudents mayy not attemptt Credit by y Institutionaal Exam morre than once in the samee course. Credit eaarned through h an institutiional exam cannot c be ussed to satisfyy FKCC’s residency requirem ment. For add ditional inforrmation conttact the Officce of Comm munity Educaation, Workfforce and Testiing at Key West W Campuss or the Centter Directorss at the Midddle or Upperr Keys Centeers. ENTRY ASSESSMENT FOR NON-NATI N IVE SPEAK KERS OF E ENGLISH Instructio on at FKCC is in the Eng glish languag ge. Non-natiive speakerss of English w wishing to pursue a course of stu udy for cred dit must demonstrate thatt they possesss an adequaate level of English proficiency. p Non-native English speaaking studennts must com mplete a begiinning level before th he Levels of English Profficiency (LO OEP) test cann be adminisstered unlesss the studentt demonstrrates an adeq quate undersstanding of th he English language theen he/she cann take the LO OEP. Results of o this test arre used to deetermine the English profficiency leveel of the studdent. Inform mation regarding g the LOEP and the TOE EFL can be obtained o in tthe Office off Communityy Education, Workforcce and Testin ng at 305-80 09-3185. EXEMP PTIONS TO O PLACEME ENT TESTING Students entering deg gree program ms, taking deegree-credit courses, or aany level off English, maath, ng courses arre required to o take a placcement test bbefore registeering. ACT, SAT, CPT, and or readin PERT aree accepted. Exemptions E to the placem ment test reqquirement caan be found in Florida Statute 1008.30(4)(a)), which stattes a student who enteredd 9th grade iin a Florida ppublic schoool in the 2003--2004 schoo ol year, or an ny year thereeafter, and eaarned a Floriida standard high schooll diploma or a student who is serviing as an acttive duty meember of anyy branch of tthe United Sttates uired to take the commonn placementt test and shaall not be Armed Services shall not be requ required to enroll in developmen d ntal education n instructionn in a Floridaa College Syystem instituution. Howeverr, a student who w is not reequired to tak ke the comm mon placemeent test and iis not requireed to enroll in developmen ntal educatio on under this paragraph m may opt to bbe assessed aand to enroll in developm mental educaation instructtion, and thee college shaall provide suuch assessm ment and instructio on upon the student’s req quest. Students who do not qualify for exemption e under u F.S. 10008.30 and w who provide ACT, SAT,, PERT or CPT scoress (two years current) belo ow the scorees required too enter colleege level couurses must enro oll in develo opmental cou urses, with th he exemptioon of those sttudents who meet the criiteria of Florid da Statute 100 08.30. Thesse courses in nclude readinng compreheension, comm munication skills, baasic math and d introductio on to algebraa. Enrollmennt in the deveelopmental pprogram is bbased on placem ment scores. Grades earn ned in develo opmental coourses will not count tow ward graduattion nor will they t be calcu ulated into th he grade poiint average; hhowever, theey are calcullated in the satisfacto ory progress average for financial aid d purposes. Students aree permitted to enroll in developm mental instru uction concurrrently with credit instruuction in couurses for whiich they are qualified d. NATION NAL TESTIING PROG GRAM FKCC seerves as a cen nter for the administratio a on of speciallized tests suuch as the College-Level Examinaation Program m (CLEP), th he American n College Teesting Prograam (ACT), thhe Law Schoool Admissio on Test (LSA AT) and DA ANTES Subjeect Standarddized Tests (D DSST’s). Innformation annd registratiion bulletins are availablle through th he Office of C Community Education, Workforce aand Testing. PLACEM MENT TES STING All new degree-seeki d ing students, and returniing students who changee to degree-sseeking statuus, must takee an approveed placemen nt exam beforre registerinng for coursees. The test inncludes mathemaatics, reading g and English h language skills. s Non-ddegree seekinng students are subject tto placemen nt test requirrements if th hey wish to enroll e in com mmunication//humanities or mathemaatics course, or o any other course c that requires r the placement p teest as a prereequisite. Students meeting thee minimum scores s requirred for each section of thhe test, may enroll in colllegeurses in thosee areas. Stud dents must en nroll in deveelopmental ccourses in the areas in whhich level cou the minim mum scores are not met. However, students s shalll be permitteed to take coourses concurren ntly in otherr curriculum areas for wh hich they aree qualified w while enrolleed in developm mental instru uction. Results of o the assessm ment are useed as a guideeline to assisst advisors inn placing stuudents in appropriaate courses ensuring e theiir academic success. Devvelopmentall courses do not carry coollege credit and d, although included i in satisfactory s academic prrogress (SAP P) calculations, they are not included in GPA calcculations. Students who can pro ovide officiaal ACT, SAT T or Florida Placement T Test scores, ttwo years a not requiired to take the t placemen nt test. Studeents who preesent a collegge ready dipploma current, are or have already a comp pleted Englissh (college prep p or compposition) andd math (colleege prep or higher) courses c at another college or universiity and havee had their traanscript(s) ssent to FKCC C are not requiired to take the t placemen nt test. Test adm ministrations are offered once o a montth with moree frequent addministrationns scheduledd prior to th he beginning g of each sem mester. Testing is availaable at the Keey West Cam mpus, Middlle Keys Cen nter and Upp per Keys Center. Florida Statutes S requ uire that a stu udent provide proficiencyy determined by the insttitution at thhe close of each e collegee prep coursee. In order to o proceed intto college crredit course w work in the subject area, a studen nt must successfully com mplete collegge developm mental courseework. POSTSE ECONDARY Y EDUCAT TION READ DINESS TE EST (PERT)) RETEST POLICY Placemen nt test scoress are valid fo or two years. If you havee not used thhose scores ffor course placemen nt during thaat time, you will w be requiired to take tthe test againn. It is recom mmended thaat a student wait w for at leeast 45 days to elapse beefore retakinng the PERT. Students who w have alrready begun n any level o f developmeental instructtion in a subbject area may only be refeerred for reteesting on an iindividual bbasis by the tteaching facuulty member. After a tw wo-year perio od, because scores are noo longer valid for placem ment, studennts may retak ke the test. An adviso or may grantt permission for a retest due to extennuating circuumstances. Further in nformation concerning c th he placemennt test is avaiilable from thhe Office off Communiity Education, Workforcce and Testinng. A $10.00 charge will be assessed to retake onne or more parts of the P PERT. NG OVERVIEW TESTIN The Officce of Comm munity Educaation, Workfforce and Te sting scheduules and adm ministers placemen nt tests and other o assessm ment batteriees to studentts at all levells. Advisors,, instructors and community agencies may refer sttudents and provide p disccussion of test results. THE CO OLLEGE-LEVEL EXA AMINATIO ON PROGRA RAM (CLEP P) CLEP (C College-Leveel Examinatiion Program)) is a nationaal program oof credit by eexaminationn. CLEP en nables studen nts who havee reached a college c levell of educatioon outside thhe classroom to demonstrrate their ach hievement th hrough testin ng and have the results uused for colleege credit. A maxim mum of forty-five (45) seemester hourrs may be eaarned throughh the generaal and subjecct exams off CLEP. Credits earned through t CLE EP do not sattisfy FKCC’’s residency requirementt. To earn cred dit, a score att or above th he fiftieth peercentile leveel is requiredd. Credit is eearned after tthe Registrarr has evaluatted the officiial score report and speccifies the couurse for whicch credit is bbeing offered. dit for coursees, not letterr grades, andd the earned ccredits are nnot computedd in Students receive cred grade-point averagess. CLEP regiistration and informationn should be ccompleted thhrough https://clep.collegebo oard.org. Fo or further questions, conttact the Office of Comm munity Educaation, Workforcce and Testin ng at 305-80 09-3185 - Keey West Cam mpus. WORKF FORCE DE EVELOPME ENT TESTIING FKCC’s Key West Campus C is an n approved teest site for addministeringg PearsonVuue workforcee certificattions. For reg gistration an nd informatio on, please coontact the Offfice of Com mmunity Education, Workforcce and Testin ng at 305-80 09-3185. Thee Test for Esssential Acaddemic Skills (TEAS) and a Criminaal Justice Bassic Abilities Test (CJBA AT) can be addministered at Key Wesst and Middle Keys K Centerss. For registrration or info ormation conncerning theese exams, coontact the Office of Comm munity Educaation, Workfforce and Teesting at 3055-809-3185. ACADEMIC RECO OGNITION N ose students who have achieved acaddemic excellence duringg their coursee of FKCC reecognizes tho study. Deegree seekin ng students are a eligible fo or the fall annd spring term rms for the foollowing distinctio ons: PRESID DENT’S LIS ST: A certificcate from FK KCC’s presiident will be sent to studdents who eaarn 12 or more credit c hours with a GPA A of 3.80 to 4.00. 4 DEAN’S S LIST: A ceertificate fro om FKCC’s Dean D of Studdent Affairss will be sentt to students who earn 12 or o more cred dit hours with h a GPA of 3.50 3 to 4.00.. BULLET TIN BOAR RDS Several large bulletin n boards are available fo or posting annnouncementts such as: w want ads, salee notices, club c meeting gs, student acctivities, etc. All noticess must be appproved by thhe Student Affairs Generalist G beefore being posted. p Any notices n not aapproved, w will be removved. Studentss should ch heck the bullletin boards frequently for f official coollege noticees and other important informatiion. Materiaals posted on n unauthorizeed surfaces/llocations willl be removeed. CLASSIIFICATION N OF STUD DENTS A degreee student is one o admitted d to a planned d program leeading to a ddegree or cerrtificate. An unclassiffied student is i one admittted to credit courses, butt not to a plaanned prograam leading tto a degree orr certificate. An audit stu udent enrollss for informaational instruuction only aand receivess no credit. A full-time stu udent is regiistered for att least 12 sem mester hourss for credit inn either of T Terms I or II or III. A part-ttime student is registered d for fewer thhan 12 semeester hours fo for credit in eeither of Termss I or II or IIII. A freshmaan student is a degree stuudent who haas earned few wer than 24 semester hours of creedit. A sopho omore student is a degreee student whho has earneed 24 or morre semester hours of creedit. LETING MO ORE THAN N ONE DEG GREE OR C CERTIFICA ATE PROG GRAM WHILE COMPL ATTEND DING FKC CC It is possible to comp plete program m requiremeents for two ddifferent proograms withiin a degree category or to complete two sepaarate degree requirementts. In order tto receive duual degrees oor certificattes, you must complete th he course requirements ffor both programs and eearn 15 semeester hours of credit beyon nd the requirrements of th he first degreee. FAMILY Y EDUCAT TIONAL RIIGHTS AND D PRIVACY Y ACT (FE ERPA) - PL 92 – 380 In accord dance with Public P Law 93-380, 9 Famiily Educatioonal Rights, aand Privacy Act, studentt records at a Florida Keeys Commun nity College,, with the exxception of ddirectory infoormation, are confidenttial and cann not be releassed except with w the writtten permissioon of the stuudent. All stuudent records are a open for inspection and a review by y the studennt unless he/sshe waives thhis right. Directory y information, which maay be made public, p incluudes the studeent’s name, address, telephonee listing, datte and place of birth, majjor field of sstudy, particiipation in offficially recognizeed activities and sports, weight and height h of meembers of athhletic teams, dates of attendancce, degrees and a awards received, r and d the most reecent previous educationnal agency oor institution attended by b the studen nt. Students not n wishing the disseminnation of “diirectory informatiion” withoutt prior conseent must sign n a statementt in the Enroollment Mannagement Offfice within on ne week afteer the close of o registration each term.. 1. RECO ORDS MAIN NTAINED The T college maintains m reccords on stud dents as listeed. Howeverr, not all of tthese recordss may be kept k on each student: adm missions reco ords, coursee registrationns, grades annd transcriptss, directory y information n, text data, corresponde c ence, academ mic records, ffinancial aidd records, and Veterans Administration records. The Associate Dean of Enrollment Management is the official record keeper for the institution with the following exception: Financial Aid records are maintained by the Financial Aid Officer; placement, follow-up and disciplinary records are maintained by the Director of Learning Resources and Student Success Services. Individuals employed by the college, who can demonstrate a “need to know,” may be granted access to student records by the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management and the Provost or the President. 2. STUDENT RIGHTS OF ACCESS A student or former student has these rights of access to the individual records: • the right to be provided a list of the types of education records which are maintained by the institution • the right to inspect and review the content of these records • the right to obtain copies of these records at own expense • the right to receive explanation on and challenge the content of these records and to have errors corrected • the right to obtain copies of educational records and to make them available to third parties 3. LIMITATIONS ON ACCESS The federal law and regulations permit the college to deny access to these records: • any financial records of parents which have been furnished to the college confidential letters and statements of recommendation placed in student files prior to January 1, 1975, if not used for purposes other than those for which they were specifically intended • records made by supervisory, administrative and educational and personnel employed by the College, which are in the sole possession of the maker thereof, and which are not accessible or revealed to any other person except a substitute • data or information relating to another student • student employment records within and without the college, to include follow-up evaluations by employers. 4. PROCEDURES FOR OBTAINING ACCESS Requests to examine the student’s educational file maintained at the college will be submitted by the student, in writing, to the individual responsible for maintaining the record. On receipt of the request, the responsible official of the college will arrange to comply at as early a date as possible, but not to exceed 30 days of the request. The record will be examined by the student in the presence of the person responsible for maintaining the records, or a designated representative. This college official will not permit removal of material from the file. Student requests for copies of the material will, however, be honored subject to the provisions of Section 7 below. 5. STUDENT RIGHTS OF CHALLENGE A student has the right to challenge the content of education records to insure that the record is not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of privacy or other rights and to be given an opportunity for the correction or deletion of any such data or to insert into the records a written explanation concerning the content of the records. MAKE INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION OF SELECTED RECORDS The college reserves the right for college officials and instructors to use information from student records internally for legitimate educational purposes. PERMIT ACCESS BY THIRD PARTIES The college may provide information to other educational institutions upon the written request/consent of the student, and subject to the opportunity for a hearing by the student to challenge the content of records being transferred. A copy of this material will be furnished the student upon written request and at student expense for the reproduction. By law, educational records are open for legitimate use to specified officials of the federal government and of the State Government where the desired information is specifically required to be reported or disclosed pursuant to State Statute. Student information may also be available on proper identification and authorization to organizations conducting studies for educational institutions for the purpose of developing, validating, or administering predictive tests, administering student aid programs, and improving instruction, providing the information will be destroyed when no longer needed. Student data will be made available to accrediting organizations in carrying out their accrediting functions. The college is also required to make information available in compliance with judicial order or pursuant to any lawfully issued subpoenas in advance of compliance by the college. RETIRE UNNEEDED RECORDS The college reserves the right for its officials to consolidate student records and to destroy records in conformance with the Florida Public Records Act when no longer needed for educational purposes or when retention is not required by law or regulation of state or federal agencies. In this connection, the college is obliged to maintain a permanent record of transcript information. No record will be destroyed during any pending request for explanation or for challenging or hearing, or for 60 days after completion of such action. RIGHT OF HEARING Every effort will be made to resolve disagreements on content though informal meetings and discussions. In the event informal methods do not resolve a problem, a student is entitled to an opportunity for a formal hearing. This hearing will be scheduled within ten days of written request by either the college or the student and shall be conducted by an impartial committee appointed by the President in each instance. The student shall be afforded a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to the issues raised. A written summary of the issue and appropriate recommendation shall be forwarded to the President within five days following the termination of the hearing. The President shall render a written decision within ten days after receiving the recommendation of the committee. Records will then be corrected or expunged as the President directs and the student informed accordingly. A copy of the committee report and of action by the President will be placed in the student’s file. LIMITATION ON CHALLENGE All materials contained in the student educational record, with the limitation of #3 above, are subject to challenge except the basis in which instructor grades were awarded. However, improper recording of grades is subject to challenge. 6. STUDENT RIGHTS TO RELEASE INFORMATION A student may request release of all or any part of his education records to specific persons, agencies, or institutions. Request will be in writing, be signed and dated by the student, and shall include specific identification of the records to be released, and the names of the parties to whom such records will be released. A copy of the records released, in accordance with such a request, shall be provided the student if desired. All reproduction and mailing expenses involved in this provision will be met by the student. 7. RIGHTS RESERVED TO THE COLLEGE The Act provides that the college may retain certain rights. The college thus retains the right to: RELEASE DIRECTORY INFORMATION Directory information is defined as the name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and the most recent educational institution attended by the student. In the absence of written notice, each term, by a student to withhold any or all information included in the definition of “directory information,” the college reserves the right to release any of this information as it may consider desirable. (See Section 8) RELEASE OF STUDENT INFORMATION IN EMERGENCY The college reserves the right to release information from educational records if knowledge of such information by other parties is necessary to protect the health or safety of a student or other persons. This information will be released only in emergency and after consideration by college officials of the seriousness of the emergency, the need of the information by third parties to deal with the emergency and the extent to which time is of the essence. CHARGE FOR THE COST OF REPRODUCTION Copies of records requested by a student in compliance with his/her right to such records will be charged at the rate prevailing at the time of the student requests. 8. RELEASE OF STATISTICAL INFORMATION The college will continue to use and release statistical data where individual students are not personally identifiable. The college shall not permit access to or release of personally identifiable information on students except in response to the specific written request by the student, or as reserved to college discretion as indicated in the sections above. In accordance with law, any information released to the student or to a party other than the student – with the exception of Section 7 -- will be accompanied by a written statement that the party receiving the material is prohibited from further release to any other party without the written consent of the student. In accordance with Section 7, a student may request, in writing, that any or all directory information be withheld from release. This request will be submitted on the registration form available in the Enrollment Services Office student admission/registration area. Notice is also regularly published in college publications including, but not limited to, the college newsletter, the college catalog, course schedule, and this student handbook. The Equity Coordinator is designated to coordinate compliance with all applicable state and federal regulations. Students, applicants and the general public are regularly notified of the name, title, address and telephone number of the Equity Coordinator. Notice of the Equity Coordinator is posted in conspicuous locations on all campuses and is published in college publications, including, but not limited to the following: college newsletter, college catalog, course schedule, and student handbook. FKCC Equity Coordinator, Office 1512, Human Resources, 5901 College Road, Key West Florida 33040, (305) 809-3248 or to the Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education. Florida Keys Community College incorporates the provisions of this rule in all educational services and activities, and is in voluntary compliance with any and all state and federal statues, regulations and executive orders pertaining to equal access/equal opportunity and nondiscrimination. Rule 7.440. 9. RIGHTS RESERVED TO STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES The law specifically states that certain federal officials and state educational authorities may have access to student and other college records which are necessary in connection with audit and d evaluation of federally--supported education e proograms in coonnection with the enforcem ment of federral legal requ uirements rellating to succh programs.. 10. RIGH HT TO FIL LE A COMP PLAINT Complaints C reegarding alleeged instituttion violationn of rights acccorded pareents and eliggible students by Section 438 4 of the Act may be su ubmitted in w writing to thhe Departmennt of Health,, Education and Welfaare. FLORID DA RESIDE ENCY APPE EALS The Floriida Residenccy Appeal Committee C (h hereafter knoown as the C Committee) iis responsiblle for reviewing a student’ss petition and associated d documentattion to deterrmine if a recclassificationn to Florida reesidency is warranted. w This T Committtee meets onn an as-needded basis whhen the Enrollmeent Services residency deetermination n conflicts w with the studeent’s determ mination. Thee Committtee must decide if there is i a college error e that waarrants a resiidency changge. The Resiidency Comm mittee Petitio on must be: subm mitted by the end of the drop/add d periiod of the terrm of the ressidency in dispute, and contaain documen nted evidencee that there is i a college eerror in folloowing State oof Florida ruules pertaining to Residency for Tuition T Purpo oses. HOW TO O APPLY FOR F GRAD DUATION If you plaan to graduaate from FKC CC, you musst formally aapply for graaduation withh Enrollmennt Managem ment prior to o the deadlin ne date as listted on the accademic caleendar. Prior to the deadliine to apply to t graduate, students mu ust make an appointmentt with their aacademic addvisor for a review off their degreee audit and to t complete a graduate eexit survey. Y You must m meet all of yoour financial obligations to the colleg ge, including g a nonrefunndable $25.00 graduationn fee. Addition nally, all adm mission requiirements mu ust be met. Two form mal graduation ceremoniies are held each e year: one in May aand one in Deecember. Students who graduaate at any tim me during thee year are eliigible to parrticipate in thhis impressivve and mem morable occasion. If you plan to grad duate at the eend of Term III and wishh to participaate in the May ceremony, you y must app ply for gradu uation beforee the Term III deadline. HOW TO O CHANGE E YOUR AD DDRESS Students report a chaange of addreess through their t online student accoount. O FIGURE E YOUR GR RADE POIN NT AVERA AGE HOW TO Your Graade Point Av verage (GPA A) is determiined by compputing the raatio of gradee points to semester credit hourss attempted. Audit coursses, college ppreparatory ccourses, andd courses in “ (withdrraw) and “I” (Incompletee) were awarrded are not included in your GPA. which a “W” Howeverr, courses in which an “F F” or “FN” was w awardedd are includeed in your GP PA. Your GP PA is found by y adding the total t grade point p values for all coursses and dividding the totall by the num mber of credit hours attempted during that term. Each letter grrade has a grrade point vaalue as follow ws: Grade A B C D F FN I W X N NR Interprettation Excellentt Good Average Poor Failure Failure fo or Nonattend dance Incompleete Withdrew w from Courrse Audit No Gradee Not Repo orted Qu uality Pointss 4 ggrade points per semesterr hour 3 ggrade points per semesterr hour 2 ggrade points per semesterr hour 1 ggrade point pper semester hour 0 ggrade points per semesterr hour 0 ggrade points per semesterr hour Noo grade pointts per semestter hour Noo grade pointts per semestter hour Noo grade pointts per semestter hour Appplicable to ccollege prepaaratory courrses Graade not repoorted by instrructor To receiv ve a grade off “W,” studeents must witthdraw officcially througgh the Enrollm ment Managem ment Office by b executing g the approp priate form pprior to the annnounced deeadline (see academicc calendar). Student musst complete the t Withdraw w Form and forward it too their instruuctor for comp pletion. The instructor i an nd the studen nt must both sign the Wiithdraw Form m. The completeed form is em mailed to thee Enrollmentt Managemeent Office (addmissions@ @fkcc.edu) byy the instructorr, for data en ntry by the Enrollment E Management M t Office. Studdents who ddo not officiaally withdraw w will be assiigned a grad de by the insttructor. HOW TO O OBTAIN N A COPY OF O YOUR ACADEMIC A C RECORD D (TRANSC CRIPT) An officiial copy of your y academiic record willl be given too you or sennt to another institution oonly upon you ur written req quest. Your request musst be submittted to the Ennrollment Maanagement Office, which w is responsible for student s recorrds. There iss a charge off $3.00 for ann official coppy. If you neeed a copy off your transccript from an nother instituution, you m must contact tthat institutioon directly. FKCC cannot send out transcripts t accquired from m other instittutions. An uunofficial coopy of your FKCC F transccript may be obtained thrrough MyFK KCC studentt account at w www.fkcc.edu. HOW YOU RECEIIVE YOUR FINAL GR RADES w ww ww.fkcc.edu.. Once onlinne, click on ““myFKCC” aand Final graades are available at our website: enter you ur user ID & password. Grades G cannot be issued over the teleephone. Youu will not bee able to review w your grades if you havee an obligatiion to the Buusiness Officce. NONDIS SCRIMINA ATION TOW WARD STU UDENTS AN ND APPLIC CANTS FO OR ADMISS SION Florida Keys K Commu unity Colleg ge is dedicateed to facilitaating equal acccess/equal opportunity in its education nal policies and a practices. The colleg ge is committted to proviiding a learnning environm ment where thee individual differences of all studen nts are valueed and respeccted. All students and applicantts for admisssion are entittled to be treeated fairly, and with diggnity, free frrom discrimin nation. The college c will not n tolerate any a form off discriminatiion toward sstudents and applicantts in its educcational services and actiivities on thee basis of racce, religion, gender, age, sexual orrientation, marital m status,, national oriigin, or disabbility. All edducational seervices and activitiess will promotte equal acceess/equal op pportunity. A Any student oor applicant for admissioon that has concerns c abo out equitablee treatment has h access too the Collegee Equity Cooordinator andd the Student Disciplinary/ D /Grievance Procedures. P The college continually notifies studdents and applicantts for admisssion of this rule r and the rule r on Studdent Disciplinnary/Grievannce Proceduures. Notice off this rule an nd the rule on n Student Diisciplinary/G Grievance Prrocedures is posted in conspicu uous location ns on all cam mpuses, inclu uding studentt common arreas and the student admission/registratio on area. Notice is also reg gularly publlished in colllege publicaations includiing, but not liimited to, thee college new wsletter, the college cataalog, course schedule, annd this studeent handbook k. The Equiity Coordinaator is design nated to coorrdinate comppliance withh all applicabble state and federal reegulations. Students, S app plicants and the general ppublic are reegularly notiified of the nname, title, addrress and teleephone numb ber of the Eq quity Coordiinator. Noticce of the Equuity Coordinnator is posted d in conspicu uous location ns on all cam mpuses and iss published iin college puublications, including g, but not lim mited to the following: f co ollege cataloog, course scchedule, andd student handbook k. Florida Keys K Commu unity Colleg ge is an equal access/equual opportuniity institutionn. Discrimin nation/harasssment on the basis of co olor, race, ethhnicity, geneetic informaation, sexual orientatio on, religion, gender, age, national orrigin, maritall status or diisability in addmission to,, or employm ment in, its ed ducation pro ograms or activities is prrohibited. Pleease report aany form of discrimin nation/harasssment immediately to th he College’s Equity Coorrdinator: Kathleen n Daniel Director,, Human Ressources 5901 Colllege Road Office A 130 Key Wesst, Florida 33 3040 (305) 809 9-3248 Or to the Office for Civil C Rights of the U.S. Department D of Educationn. OVERV VIEW OF EN NROLLME ENT SERVIICES & RE EGISTRATIION New stud dents must apply for adm mission in ad dvance of reggistration. R Returning stuudents with aan absence of o one year or o longer mu ust completee a hard copyy applicationn with updateed residencyy documen ntation. The registration r process p worrks on a first--come, first--serve basis. For the bestt selection n of class secctions and tim mes, plan to register as eearly as possible. Transfeer students m must list all po ost-secondary y (after high h school) insttitutions atteended on theeir admissionns applicatioon and mustt have officiaal transcriptss from all off those instituutions sent ddirectly to thhe FKCC Enrollmeent Managem ment Office. Transcripts not receivedd will prevennt registratioon. All degreee and certifi ficate-seeking g students sh hould consullt with their counselor or program advisor prior p to regisstering to seccure an appro oval signatur ure on their ccourse requesst forms. Miiddle and Uppeer Keys resid dents may co ontact their local l center for informattion and assiistance. Registrattion is availaable online for fo returning students or for students that have ann applicationn for admission on file. Enrollmeent Managem ment maintaiins student records. Studdents may acccess forms that includee instructio ons to updatee student reccords through h the www.ffkcc.edu hom me page by cclicking on tthe Current Students S tab then Studen nt Forms. Th he completedd forms enabble Enrollmeent Managem ment to updatee student records with th he following informationn: Change C of Naame Change C of Program of Stu udy FERPA (Fedeeral Educatio onal Rights and Privacy Act) authorrization Florida resideency Graduation G ap pplication Official O transcript requestts PARTIC CIPATION BY STUDE ENT IN DIS SRUPTIVE E ACTIVITIIES AT PUBLIC POSTSE ECONDARY Y EDUCAT TIONAL IN NSTITUTIO ON; PENALT TIES (FS 10 006.61) Any persson who acceepts the priv vilege extend ded by the laaws of this sttate of attenddance at anyy public po ostsecondary y educational institution shall, by atteending such institution, be deemed tto have giveen his or herr consent to the t policies of o that instittution, the Sttate Board of Education,, and the Board d of Governo ors regarding the State University U Syystem, and tthe laws of thhis state. Suuch policies shall s includee prohibition n against disrruptive activvities at public postseconndary educattional institutions. After it has h been determined thatt a student oof a state insttitution of hiigher learninng has particcipated in diisruptive actiivities, such student mayy be immediiately expelleed from the institution for a minim mum of 2 yeears. Any stud dent of Florid da Keys Com mmunity College who beelieves that a policy or pprocedure off the college has h been viollated or appllied to them incorrectly oor unfairly hhas the right to grieve thee matter an nd seek resollution throug gh the follow wing four cattegories of pprocedures: 1. Student Serv vices Appea als- All studeent-initiated requests forr changes to student recoords: academ mic amnesty y admin nistrative reffund/adminisstrative withhdrawal third attempt a tuitio on appeal requesst for coursee retake with h a grade of C or better requesst for reinstaatement and waiver for rreinstatemennt fee reinstaatement due to College administrativ a ve error grade appeal financcial aid suspeension resideence life adm ministrative appeals a mplaint – A complaint iss defined as dissatisfaction that occuurs when a 2. Student Com student believes b that any decision n, act or con ndition affectting the studdent is illegall, unjust or creates unnecessary hardship. h Co omplaints maay include, bbut are not liimited to, accademic problemss, mistreatmeent by a colllege employeee, wrongfull assessmentt of fees, reccords and registratiion errors, sttudent emplo oyment, or an ny actual or perceived pphysical or verbal abuse or coercion,, and disciplinary matterrs which are covered undder the Studeent Code of Conduct, annd awarding of grades. Complaints under this policy may also include allegations of discrimination, harassment and/or sexual harassment based on race, color, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, genetic information or disability. Student Complaint forms can be obtained by contacting the Student Affairs Department. 3. Student DiscriminationFlorida Keys Community College is dedicated to facilitating equal access/equal opportunity in its educational policies and practices. The College is committed to providing a learning environment where the individual differences of all students are valued and respected. All students and applicants for admission are entitled to be treated fairly, and with dignity, free from discrimination. The College will not tolerate any form of discrimination toward students and applicants in its educational services and activities on the basis of race, religion, gender, age, genetic information, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin or disability. All educational services and activities will promote equal access/equal opportunity. Any student or applicant for admission that has concerns about equitable treatment has access to the College Equity Coordinator and the Student Complaint Procedures. Any and all inquiries regarding the application of this statement and related policies may be referred to: Equity Officer: Kathleen Peterson (305) 809-3248 or Kathleen.daniel@fkcc.edu Human Resources, 5901 College Road, Key West, FL 33040 Title IX Coordinator: Dr. Carla Hill (305) 809-3277 or Carla.hill@fkcc.edu Enrollment Management, 5901 College Road, Key West, FL 33040 Disability Services: John Rouge Assistant Director, Student Success Services and Disability Services Coordinator (305) 809-3181 or John.rouge@fkcc.edu Student Success Services, 5901 College Road, Key West, FL 33040 4. Sexual Harassment Grievance- This procedure is used for student claims of discrimination or sexual harassment. Any and all inquiriess regarding th he applicatio on of this staatement and related policcies may be t referred to: Title IX Coordinato or: Dr. Carla Hill (305) 809 9-3277 or Caarla.hill@fk kcc.edu Enrollment Managem ment, 5901 College C Roaad, Key Wesst, FL 33040 REFUND D POLICY Refunds of 100% forr credit coursses and lab fees f will be m made until thhe close of bbusiness on tthe last day of o late registtration as listted in the cattalog (the daate coincidess with the lasst day to droop courses). Thereafter, no refund of fees is auth horized unleess specificallly approvedd by the Associatee Dean of En nrollment Management M (Board ( Rulee 7.320). Students whose regisstration is caanceled by offficial collegge action willl be entitledd to a full reffund of tuition n and laborattory fees. Refun nds for colleege credit courses that do o not follow the academic calendar:: Students must withdrraw prior to the second course c meetiing in order to be eligiblle for a full refund. Refun nds for colleege credit courses that ha ave four (4) or fewer meeetings: Student must m withdraaw prior to th he first courrse meeting iin order to be eligible for a full refunnd. Refun nds for non-ccredit coursees consisting g of three (3)) or fewer coourse meetinngs: Students must withdrraw before th he first course meeting tto be eligiblee to receive a 100% refuund Refun nds for non-ccredit coursees consisting g of more thaan three (s) course meettings: Students must withdrraw before th he second co ourse meetinng to be eligiible to receivve a full refuund. Refund Request R Proccess An officiial Registratiion form mu ust be completed by the sstudent requuesting a refuund, and submitted d to the Offiice of Enrollment Manag gement. Reqquest for refuund of matricculation, tuittion, and laborratory fees not n permitted d under colleege policy w will be referreed to the Stuudent Servicees Appeals Committee. TIONS TO ESTABLISH E HED REFUN ND POLICY Y EXCEPT Fees may y be refunded when a stu udent drops a course duee to any of thhe followingg circumstances deemed to t be beyond d the control of the studeent no more tthan 120 dayys from the eend of the teerm in which the course was w offered: illnesss or acciden nt of the stud dent of such severity or dduration, as ddocumentedd by a licenseed physiician, that it would precllude a studen nt from beingg able to com mplete curreent semester coursses; death h of the studeent, or death h of an immeediate familyy member off a student (pparent, spousse, child, or sibling) that prohibitts the studen nt’s ability too complete ccurrent semeester courseees; involluntary call to t active military duty th hat would preeclude the sttudent from being able to comp plete the currrent semesteer courses; docum mented adm ministrative errror by Colleege; otherr emergency circumstancces or extrao ordinary situaations that m may be approoved by the Studeent Services Appeals Co ommittee. REPEAT TING A CO OURSE The Grad de Forgiveneess Policy peermits two attempts at im mproving a ffailing gradee (D or F). O Only the last grade g earned in a repeated course willl be computted into the ggrade point aaverage, provided d the last assiigned grade is not a “W”” (withdrawaal) or an “X”” (audit). Hoowever, all courses attempted a wiill appear on n the transcriipt. Upon thee third attem mpt, the studeent will be assessed full cost of instruction i (N Non-Floridaa Resident F ees) for the course. Studdents should be vate or out-off-state colleg ges and univversities mayy not accept a repeated aware thaat some priv course an nd may comp pute the initiial grade in the t grade pooint average. Students m may not repeaat a course to o improve grrade point av verage after the t awardingg of a degreee. Students rreceiving fedderal financial aid cannot repeat r a courrse where a grade g of “C”” or better haas been earnned unless thhe p repeaating a speciific course fo or credit. A ccourse in whhich a grade of “D” or “F F” is catalog permits received may be repeeated one tim me. Students receiving VA V benefits should s be aw ware that the Veterans Addministration will not paay for a repeeated coursee in which a grade g of “D”” or better haas been earnned, except w where state rrules require a minimum of o “C.” If you fin nd that you need n to repeaat a course, here h are the rules: You will w be requiired to pay th he full cost of o instruction for a coursse you are reepeating for a third or fourth tim me. The repeeat surchargee may be pettitioned. You cannot c withd draw from a credit coursse if you’re aattempting itt for the thirdd or fourth time. A fou urth and finaal attempt maay be granted due to majjor extenuatiing circumsttances. You must petitiion for appro oval to take a course for the fourth ti me. Get the petition form m from the acadeemic advisorr on your cam mpus. You may m not repeeat a course for which you have earnned a grade oof C or highher. Howeverr, somee courses in the t arts and in i music aree designated as repeatablle. Ask your academic advissor for more information n. SEXUAL L ASSAULT T POLICY It is the policy p of Flo orida Keys Community C College C to crreate and maaintain a clim mate where students may pursue personal, so ocial, culturaal, and interppersonal grow wth without fear of sexuual exploitation, assault, or discrimin nation. Cases involving vviolation of this policy w will be handlled in a conffidential man nner by the Associate A Deean of Enrolllment Management (Boaard Rule 4.310). DEFINITION hibited by Flo orida Keys Community C mited Behaviorr that is proh College shaall include, but is not lim to, sexuaal battery, sex xual harassm ment, public indecency, aand voyeurissm. A. SEXU UAL BATTE ERY (Sexua al Assault): Under U Floridaa Law, sexuaal battery is defined as fo follows: “Oraal, and or vaaginal penetrration by union with a sexu ual organ of another a or th he anal or vaaginal penetrration by anoother by anyy other object; howeveer, sexual batttery does no ot include ann act done foor a bona fide medical 94.011 Florid da Statutes. purpose.”” Section 79 B. SEXU UAL HARA ASSMENT: Sexual harasssment is defiined as unweelcome sexuual advances, requests foor sexual favors, or verball or physical conduct of a sexual natu ure which prrevents or im mpairs that pperson’s full enjoymen nt of educatiional benefitts, climate, or o opportunitties. Florida Keys Comm munity Colleege maintains a separate administratiive procedurre on sexual harassment. C. PUBL LIC INDEC CENCY: Public in ndecency is defined d as ex xposing one’’s body in suuch a manner that anotheer party reasonably could be offended o or sexual cond duct where annother partyy reasonably could be offended d. D. VOYE EURISM Voyeurism V iss defined as trespassing, t spying or eaavesdroppingg for sexual arousal. II. PENALTIES - SEXUAL ASSAULT A. STATE OF FLORIDA The commission of sexual battery is considered a felony under most circumstances in the state of Florida. Felonies are classified, for the purpose of sentence and for any other purpose specifically provided by statute, into the following categories with the prescribed penalties: Capital Felony - Penalty Life imprisonment and must serve no less than 25 years before becoming eligible for parole unless the proceeding held to determine sentence results in finding that such person shall be punished by death. Life Felony - Penalty For a life felony committed on or after October 1, 1983, by a term of imprisonment for life or by a term of imprisonment not exceeding 40 years; Felony of the First Degree - Penalty A term of imprisonment not exceeding 30 years or, when specifically provided by statue, by imprisonment for a term of years not exceeding life imprisonment. Felony of the Second Degree - Penalty A term of imprisonment not exceeding 15 years. Felony of the Third Degree - Penalty A term of imprisonment not exceeding 5 (five) years. Whether a person is charged and/or convicted of a particular felony in the state of Florida will depend on certain acts or circumstances existing during the commission of the sexual assault, e.g. the age of the victim; the use of threat of a deadly weapon or the use of actual physical force likely to cause serious personal injury; use of drugs or intoxicating substances to incapacitate the victim, mentally or physically; the number of perpetrators involved in the crime; if the offender is an habitual felony offender, etc. B. FLORIDA KEYS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Violation of this policy, or conviction for the violation of any statute occurring on FKCC owned or leased premises, shall, in addition to any criminal penalties; result in the following penalties imposed by FKCC. 1. STUDENTS The right of due process is assured all students by College Rules and Procedures. At Florida Keys Community College, a Student Conduct Administrator is responsible for addressing student cases involving disciplinary actions or student complaints. Cases of misconduct of a serious nature, such as violation of board rules or state laws, may result in suspension or expulsion and are therefore typically referred directly to the Associate Dean of Enrollment Mangagement. The Student Conduct Administrator and/or Associate Dean of Enrollment Management adhere to the Code of Conduct Violations Procedures. Any convictions for a felony involving sexual battery will result in expulsion from FKCC. 2. EMPLOYEES The college seeks to resolve conduct and performance problems in the most positive manner possible. Under those circumstances when disciplinary action, including termination, becomes a necessary means of modifying undesirable situations, the college has established disciplinary policies and procedures. 3. VISITORS For a violation of the college policy, or conviction of any criminal statute as above, a visitor, whether invited or uninvited, shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including being permanently banned from college premises and activities and may be reported to law enforcement authorities, as determined by the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management. Florida Keys Community College reserves the right to discipline students for acts of sexual misconduct committed off campus. III. VICTIM RIGHTS The following victim rights have been established: The right of a victim to have a person of their choice accompany her/him throughout the disciplinary hearing. This person will act as a support person or counsel but will not represent the victim while he/ she appears as a witness. The right of the victim to submit a list of questions related to the alleged incident, prior to the hearing, that she/he feels the accused should be asked during the hearing process. The right not to have her/his irrelevant past conduct, including sexual history, discussed during the hearing process. Additionally, no person will print, publish or broadcast or cause or allow to be printed published or broadcast, in any instrument of mass communication, the name, address or other identifying fact or information of the victim of any sexual offense. The Associate Dean of Enrollment Management will coordinate victim assistance for victims and their families. Such assistance may include services provided by external sources that may be more qualified to assist victims. IV. AWARENESS EDUCATION The Associate Dean of Enrollment Management will be responsible for developing and implementing an educational program to assure campus awareness of the problems and the needs and rights of victims. This sexual assault policy and procedure will be included in the Student Handbook (Code of Student Conduct) which will be discussed at orientation and disseminated during registration. Additionally, the student newsletter “VOICES” will periodically publish this rule. V. RESPONSES TO REPORTS OF SEXUAL BATTERY Generally, the Office of the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management will be the first department contacted after an incident occurs at a campus. A local law enforcement agency will be notified and the incident will be referred to the agency. The following reporting guidelines are developed for members of the campus community: If an incident is reported, recognize that the individual might be struggling with painful feelings -- denial, fear, embarrassment, or rage-- when seeking assistance. To build trust and to assist the individual in getting further help, validate the courage she/he has shown in talking to you and assure her/him that she/he need not be alone in her/his struggle with this issue. Keep in mind that while no one invites sexual assault, many people may feel that it was the victim’s fault. Be careful not to suggest that the individual is at fault (by asking, for example, “What were you doing out so late?”). This may contribute to feelings of guilt and impede the healing process. Urge the individual to seek assistance from campus support services. Offer to accompany the individual to the Office of the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management. If the individual is considering reporting the assault to the police, let her/him know that it is crucial that medical evidence be collected as soon as possible. Report the incident to the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management. Inform the individual that you must do this. If the individual wishes to remain anonymous, you can report the incident to the Dean of Student Affairs without identifying her/him. To protect the individual’s privacy, discuss the incident only with the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management. VI. SECURITY Campus security and d safety will be reviewed d by the Safeety and Secuurity Committtee on an annnual basis witth the follow wing points in n mind: adequate security ligh hting in prob blem areas w with regular m monitoring aand maintenaance landscapee patterns, av voiding hidin ng places ne ar parking loots, and rem mote locations course sch heduling avo oiding scatteered eveningg course in reemote buildiings escort serrvices provid ded by campu us security SEXUAL L PREDAT TOR OR SE EXUAL OFF FENDER O ON CAMPU US Federal and a state law w requires a person p desig gnated as a “ssexual predaator or offennder” to regisster with the Florida Department of Law L Enforceement (FDLE E). The FDL LE then is reqquired to notify the local law enforceement agency y where the registrant reesides, attendds, or is empployed by ann institution of higher learning l (Bo oardRule 4.320). Informattion regardin ng sexual preedators or offfenders atteending or em mployed by aan institutionn of higher learning may be obtained from the loccal law enforrcement ageency with jurrisdiction forr the particularr campus or by calling FDLE F hotlinee (1-888-FL L-PREDATO OR), or (1-8888-357-73322), or by visitin ng the FDLE E website at: www. fdle.sstate.fl.us/seexual predatoors. STUDEN NT ACTIVIITIES: STU UDENT CLU UBS Participaation in Studeent Activitiees at Florida Keys Comm munity Colleege is an excciting opportuunity to becom me engaged in n college life fe. That’s wh hy we encourrage studentt and facultyy participatioon in extracurrricular activiities and orgaanizations. The follo owing clubs are currently y registered at FKCC annd are open ffor membership by any FKCC student who has h enrolled in at least tw wo courses dduring the accademic yearr: Bone B Island Athletic A Club b Book B Club Chi C Alpha Environmenta E al Club FKCC’s Speccial Olympiccs College Club C FNSA (Florid da Nursing Students S Asssociation) Keys K Choralee Choir Club b Mud M Pi’s Cerramics Club National N Tech hnical Honor Society Phi Theta Kap ppa Honor Society S Psi Beta National Honor Society Residence R Haall Association Scuba Club Sigma Alpha Pi Special Olym mpics Unified d Flag Footb ball Team Student Goveernment Association STUDEN NT CODE OF O CONDU UCT VIOLA ATIONS & PROCEDU URES Florida Keys K Commu unity Colleg ge has establiished regulaations governning student conduct whhich are consiidered necessary to: prreserve and maintain an environmen nt conducivee to learning,, to o ensure the safety and welfare w of meembers of thhe College coommunity, to o encourage students in the t developm ment and praactice of goood citizenship and selfdiscipline, an nd to protectt property an nd equipmen nt of the Colllege. Each stud dent, by regiistration, asssumes the ressponsibility to become ffamiliar withh and to abidde by College regulations r and a acceptab ble standardss of conduct.. Students w who fail to obbserve Collegge regulations or to maintain accepttable standarrds of personnal conduct oon the campuus or at Colllegesponsored functions or facilities are subject to t disciplinarry action. (F FKCC Boardd Policy 7.5110) I. DEFIN NITIONS All defin nitions of term ms used hereein can be fo ound in the D Definitions ssection at thee end of the Student Code C of Con nduct. II: STUD DENT COD DE AUTHO ORITY a) The Associate A Deean of Enrolllment Manaagement shalll develop prrocedures for the admin nistration off the student conduct sysstem and proocedural rulees for the connduct of Studdent Cond duct Hearing gs. b) The Associate A Deean of Enrolllment Manaagement, or ddesignee, shall have origginal jurisdicction over all cases inv volving an allleged violation of the Sttudent Code of Conduct or other nonaccademic policy establish hed by the District D Boardd of Trusteess. The Equity Coordinator, or designee, shall have original jurisdiction over all cases involving alleged violations of discrimination or harassment. c) The Associate Dean of Enrollment Management and/or Equity Coordinator, or designee, shall be authorized to investigate and to hear each matter and to determine sanctions as appropriate. d) Decisions made by the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management and/or Equity Coordinator, shall be final, pending the appeal process set forth in Section IV. E. III: PROSCRIBED CONDUCT a) Jurisdiction of the College Student Code of Conduct The College Student Code of Conduct is in effect on College premises, on property owned by Florida Keys Community College and at functions sponsored by or participated in by the College regardless of the locations. If a student is formally charged with a felony, or with a delinquent act which would be a felony if committed by an adult, for an incident which allegedly occurred on property other than College premises, or a function sponsored by or participated in by the College regardless of location, and if that incident is determined to have an adverse impact on the educational program, discipline, or safety and welfare of the College, then the College has the right to suspend the student pending final adjudication of the criminal charge. If the student is adjudicated guilty, then the student may be recommended for expulsion through the normal expulsion procedure. With this exception, the College will not ordinarily impose sanctions on a student who is subject to criminal prosecution for off-campus activity. Each student shall be responsible for his/her conduct from the time of application for admission through the actual awarding of a degree, even though conduct may occur before classes begin or after classes end for the term, as well as during the academic year and during periods between terms of actual enrollment. The Student Code of Conduct shall apply to a student’s conduct even if the student withdraws from school while a disciplinary matter is pending. b) Infractions / Misconduct Any student found to have committed or to have attempted to commit the following misconduct is subject to the disciplinary sanctions outlined in Section IV: Alcohol/Drugs: The student shall not knowingly possess, use, transmit, or be under the influence of any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, any other controlled or counterfeit substance defined in FS 893.03, or substitute for such, alcoholic beverage, inhalant or intoxicant, on the campus either before, during or after school hours or off the College grounds at a College activity, function or event. Also, a student shall not possess, have under his/her control, sell or deliver any device, or contrivance, instrument or paraphernalia containing the substance or substances described in this paragraph or any residue of such substance or devices intended for use or used in injecting, inhaling/inhalant/huffing, smoking, administering, or using any of the foregoing prescribed drugs, narcotics, or stimulants. Use of a drug authorized by a medical prescription from a registered physician for a specific student shall not be considered a violation of this rule. Academic Integrity Violation: Violations of the Academic Integrity Policy are handled at the faculty member’s discretion. All faculty members state their academic integrity policy on their class syllabus. Should there be multiple violations and / or the violation was particularly egregious, the faculty member may also file charges under the Cheating and Plagiarism sections of the Student Code of Conduct. Arson: Intentionally setting or attempting to set a fire. Bomb Threat: Any communication which has the effect of threatening an explosion to do malicious, destructive or bodily harm to College property, at a College function or extracurricular/co-curricular activity or to the person(s) in or on that property or attending that event. Bullying: An aggressive behavior that is intended to cause distress or harm, exists in a relationship in which there is an imbalance of power or strength, and is repeated over time. Examples include but are not limited to: hitting, teasing, obscene gestures, rumors, getting someone else to bully, cyber-bullying. Burglary: Entering or remaining in a structure or on a conveyance with the intent to commit an offense therein unless the premises are at the time open to the public or the person is licensed or invited to enter. See F.S. 810.02. Cheating is the improper taking or tendering of any information or material used or intended to use for academic credit. Taking of information includes, but is not limited to, copying homework assignments from another student; working with others on a take-home test or homework when not specifically permitted by the teacher; looking or attempting to look at another student’s paper during an examination; looking or attempting to look at text or notes during an examination when not permitted. The tendering of information includes, but is not limited to, giving work to another student to be used or copied; giving answers to exam questions as the exam is being given; giving answers or other such information after taking an exam to another student who has not yet taken the exam; giving or selling a term paper or other written materials to another student. Computer Fraud: Accessing or breaking into documents that are unauthorized. Cyber Attack: Introducing unwarranted programs or tools into network server. Disorderly or Disruptive Conduct: Creation of disorder or obstruction of the normal processes and activities at any College property, College-sponsored or related event, or on any Collegesponsored transportation. Extortion: The willful or malicious threat of harm, injury or violence to a person, property or reputation of another with the intent to obtain money, information, services or items of material worth. False Fire Alarm: The willful and/or malicious activation of a fire alarm system or the willful and/or malicious reporting of a false fire. False and Misleading Information: Providing false, misleading or invalid statements, making false accusations, and/or withholding valid information. Felony Transfer: Suspension proceedings against any enrolled student who is formally charged with a felony or with a delinquent act which would be a felony if committed by an adult, for an incident which allegedly occurred on property other than College property if that incident is shown to have an adverse impact on the education program, discipline or welfare of the College or College Community. Fighting: Physical contact between two or more individuals where the participation is not mutual or equal, or a weapon is used, or in which injury that requires immediate first aid or subsequent medical attention occurs. Force or Violence: Use of force or violence upon or against another person. Gross Insubordination or Open Defiance: Willful refusal to submit to or comply with authority; exhibiting contempt or open resistance to a direct order. Harassment: Any threatening, insulting, or dehumanizing gesture, use of data or computer software, or written, verbal, or physical conduct directed against a student or College employee. Hazing: Any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for purposes including, but not limited to, initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in a group or organization. Inciting, Leading or Participating in a Major Student Disorder: The willful act of inciting, leading or participating in a disruption or disturbance which interferes with the educational process or which can result in damage or destruction to public or private property, or cause personal injury to participants and others. Intentional Damage of College Property/Personal Property: Destruction or defacing of College/personal property. Other More Serious Miscellaneous Conduct: Conduct which is not listed as a specific infraction but which results in more serious injury, damage to property, or other serious harm. Physical abuse: Including but not limited to, sexual battery or rape, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion, and/or other conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person Plagiarism: From the Latin for "kidnapper," taking ideas from another and passing them off as one’s own, whether the ideas are published, unpublished or the work of another student. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, submitting papers, examinations or assignments written by others; word-for-word copying of portions of another’s writing without indicating that the copied passage is a quotation (by the use of quotation marks or some other indicating device) and acknowledging the source in the appropriate format; the use of a particularly unique term or concept that one has come across in reading without acknowledging the author or source; the paraphrasing or abbreviated restatement of someone else’s idea(s) without acknowledging the author or source; the use of false citations or citing a source from which an idea has not been obtained; or submitting false or altered data in a laboratory. Plagiarism also occurs in a group project if a member of the group does not do his or her fair share of the group’s work but attempts to take credit for the work of the group. Because electronic information is so easily reproduced, respect for the work and personal expression of others is critical in computer environments. Violations, including plagiarism, invasion of privacy, unauthorized access, and copyright violations are grounds for disciplinary proceedings. Sexual Battery: Any sexual act directed against a person, forcibly or against the person’s will, or not forcibly against the person’s will where the victim is not capable of giving consent because of his or her youth or because of temporary or permanent incapacity. Sexual Harassment: Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other inappropriate oral, written or physical contact of sexual nature when such conduct substantially interferes with a student’s academic performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive College environment. Sexual harassment may include, but are not limited to the following: verbal harassment or abuse, pressure for sexual activity, repeated remarks to a person with sexual or demeaning implications, unwelcome or inappropriate touching, suggestive or demanding sexual involvement accompanied by implied or explicit threats. Sexual Offenses: Exposing or exhibiting one’s private areas in public in a vulgar or indecent manner. Intentional touching in a lewd or lascivious manner in clothed, private areas of another. Standards of Dress: Students are expected to dress appropriately for campus activities. Tops, bottoms and shoes are required. Theft: The taking of property of another without permission of the owner. Trespassing: Entering upon or remaining on any property, a structure or conveyance without being authorized, licensed or invited to do so and being warned by the owner or owner’s agent or by notice pursuant to Florida Statute 810.09, or, in the case of entry upon or remaining on College grounds or buildings, not having legitimate business on the campus or authorization, license or invitation to be there or being under suspension, alternative placement or expulsion. Unauthorized access to College Property: this includes unauthorized entry and use of college facilities Unauthorized Use of College Name: Using the College name or identifying symbols or logos without permission from an appropriate College employee. Unauthorized Use of Other Person’s Name or Signature: Using the name, identifying number or symbol or signature of another person of any purpose without that person’s authorization or permission with the intention of deceiving a College employee or under circumstances which could be reasonably calculated to deceive the employee. Vandalism: Intentional damage to or destruction of College property causing substantial damage. Victimization/Extortion or Threats/Intimidation of a More Serious Nature: A person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows and/or harasses with intent to place that person in reasonable fear of death or bodily injury. Weapons: Illegal or unauthorized possession of firearms, explosives, other weapons, or dangerous chemicals on College premises On occasion, situations may arise not specifically covered by College regulations or the Code, but which are harmful to the welfare of the College community or are obstructive to the orderly processes of the college. In these incidents, interpretation will be made by a representative of the College and appropriate action with be taken. IV: STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT VIOLATIONS PROCEDURES a) Charges and Student Conduct Hearing Procedures Any member of the College community may file charges against a student for alleged violations of the Code of Student Conduct. The Associate Dean of Enrollment Management and/or Equity Coordinator shall decide whether to conduct a preliminary investigation to determine if the alleged complaint has merit and charges should be brought against the student. The Associate Dean of Enrollment Management and/or Equity Coordinator may choose to act as or designate a Student Conduct Administrator (SCA), to conduct the preliminary investigation. The Associate Dean of Enrollment Management and/or Equity Coordinator may also commence disciplinary proceedings absent a complaint when a College policy violation has been reported. 1. Notice. If the SCA determines that the alleged complaint has merit, then all charges, including the specific infractions and/or misconduct alleged, shall be presented to the Accused Student in written form as soon as possible after the College’s preliminary review of the event takes place, normally within five (5) work days. The College shall either hand-deliver, email, or mail the notice to the student’s official address on file with the College. 2. Administrative Conference. If deemed appropriate by the SCA, he or she may first attempt to resolve the Student Code of Conduct infractions and/or misconduct by holding an Administrative Conference wherein mediation and/or conflict resolution may be used to arrive at mutual consent of the parties involved. Both the Accused and Complainant must participate in the conference. If the outcome of the Administrative Conference is acceptable to the SCA and both parties, then such disposition shall be communicated in writing to all parties within a reasonable period of time (typically 5 working days) and shall be final, and there shall be no subsequent proceedings. A copy of the documentation detailing the outcome of this stage shall be provided to the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management and/or Equity Coordinator. If the charges are not admitted to and/or cannot be disposed of by an Administrative Conference, then the SCA will hold a hearing as described below. If the student accepts responsibility for violating the Code of Student Conduct during the Administrative Conference, but sanctions are not agreed to, the subsequent process, including a hearing if necessary, shall be limited to determining the appropriate sanction(s). A copy of the documentation detailing the outcome of this stage shall be provided to the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management and/or Equity Coordinator. 3. Hearings. Hearings shall be conducted by the SCA according to the following guidelines: a. Hearings normally shall be conducted in private unless the Accused Student requests that it be public and the Complainant and the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management and/or Equity Coordinator agree. b. If, in the opinion of the SCA, the infraction could reasonably result in either suspension, expulsion or other serious sanction, the SCA may select, form, and chair an Ad Hoc Student Conduct Committee – typically within 10 working days of the complaint or infraction. The committee shall include up to a total of three (3) representative College community members (employees and students). The role of the committee members is to act in an advisory capacity to the SCA who has sole responsibility and authority to determine whether or not the student is responsible for violation of the Student Code of Conduct and to assign the appropriate sanctions for those found responsible for violating the Student Code of Conduct. Committee members do not vote. c. The Complainant, Accused Student and their advisors, if any, shall be allowed to attend the entire portion of the hearing at which information is received. Admission of any other person to the hearing shall be at the discretion of the SCA. d. In hearings involving more than one Accused Student, the SCA, at his or her discretion, may permit the hearings concerning each student to be conducted either separately or jointly. e. The Complainant and the Accused Student have the right to be assisted by an advisor they choose, at their own expense. In order to maintain the educational nature of the hearing, the advisor must be a member of the College community and may not be an attorney. The Complainant and/or the Accused Student is responsible for presenting his or her own information, and therefore, advisors are not permitted to speak or to participate directly in any hearing before a SCA. A student should select as an advisor a person whose schedule allows attendance at the scheduled date and time for the hearing because delays will not normally be allowed due to the scheduling conflicts of an advisor. f. The Complainant, the Accused Student and the SCA may arrange for witnesses to present pertinent information to the hearing. The College will try to arrange the attendance of possible witnesses who are members of the College community, if reasonably possible, and who are identified by the Complainant and/or Accused Student at least three (3) work days prior to the hearing. Witnesses will provide information to and answer questions from the SCA. Questions may be suggested by the Accused Student and/or Complainant to be answered by each other or by other witnesses. This will be conducted by the SCA with such questions directed to the SCA, rather than to the witness directly. This method is used to preserve the educational tone of the hearing and to avoid creation of an adversarial environment. Questions of whether potential information will be received shall be resolved at the discretion of the SCA. g. The Complainant and Accused Student each have 20 minutes to present their information; this time frame also includes witness presentations on their behalf. h. Pertinent records, exhibits, and written statements may be accepted as information for consideration by the SCA at his/her discretion. i. All procedural questions are subject to the final decision of the SCA. j. After the portion of the hearing concludes in which all pertinent information has been received, the SCA shall determine whether the Accused Student is responsible for or is not responsible for violating each section of the Student Code which the student is charged with violating. k. The SCA’s determination shall be made on the basis of whether it is more likely than not that the Accused Student violated the Student Code of Conduct. l. The SCA will notify the Accused Student in writing via College email and mailing address on the student’s record within 5 working days of the determination. m. Formal rules of process, procedure, and/or technical rules of evidence, such as are applied in criminal or civil court, are not used in Student Code of Conduct proceedings. The College will make a single verbatim record, such as a digital recording, of all hearings before a SCA (not including deliberations). Deliberations shall not be recorded. The original record shall be the property of the College. The Accused and Complainant may request and receive a single copy. No participant in any hearing shall be permitted to make their own separate recording. If an Accused Student, with notice, does not appear before the SCA, the information in support of the charges shall be presented and considered even if the Accused Student is not present. The SCA may accommodate concerns for the personal safety, well-being, and/or fears of confrontation of the Complainant, Accused Student, and/or other witness during the hearing by providing separate facilities, by using a visual screen, and/or by permitting participation by telephone, video conferencing, videotape, audio tape, written statement, or other means, where and as determined in the sole judgment of Associate Dean of Enrollment Management or Equity Officer to be appropriate. b) Sanctions The following sanctions may be imposed upon any student found to have violated the Student Code of Conduct: Reprimand Restitution Fines Withholding of diplomas or transcripts pending compliance with rules Restrictions on the use of or removal from campus facilities Community Service Educational requirements Probation Suspension Expulsion Revocation of Admission and/or Degree. More than one of the sanctions listed above may be imposed for any single violation. Other than College expulsion or revocation or withholding of a degree, disciplinary sanctions shall not be made part of the student’s permanent academic record, but shall become part of the student’s confidential record. After graduation, the student’s confidential record may be expunged of disciplinary actions other than College suspension, College expulsion, or revocation or withholding of a degree, upon application to the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management. Cases involving the imposition of sanctions other than suspension or expulsion may be expunged from the student’s confidential record three years after final disposition of the case or according to state laws. In situations involving both an Accused Student(s) (or group or organization) and a student(s) claiming to be the victim of another student’s conduct, the records of the process and of the sanctions imposed, if any, shall be considered to be the education records of both the Accused Student(s) and the student(s) claiming to be the victim because the educational career and chances of success in the academic community of each may be impacted. The following sanctions may be imposed upon groups or organizations: Reprimand Restitution Suspension, Cancellation, or Revocation of the registration or official recognition of a student organization Restrictions on the use of, or removal from, campus facilities. In each case in which it is determined that a student and/or group or organization has violated the Student Code, the sanction(s) shall be determined and imposed by the SCA. In cases in which persons other than, or in addition to, the SCA have been authorized to hear the case, any recommendations shall be considered by the SCA in determining and imposing sanctions. The SCA is not limited to sanctions recommended by others authorized to hear the case. Following the hearing, the SCA shall advise the Accused Student, group and/or organization (and a complaining student who believes s/he was the victim of another student’s conduct) in writing within 5 days of the determination and of the sanction(s) imposed, if any. c) Temporary, Emergency Course Suspension After preliminary investigation, if, in the opinion of both the SCA and the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management, there is reasonable cause to believe that a student has committed an infraction of the Student Code of Conduct, such that his or her attendance at one or more classes would substantially impact the educational process, then, the SCA may place the student on temporary suspension from one or more classes or transfer the student temporarily to a different section of the course. The SCA shall notify the student in writing of the charge and investigation. The student may not return to the course until approved to do so by the SCA. Every effort will be made to investigate and resolve the complaint quickly. The Student may be offered the option of voluntarily withdrawing from the class. If as a result of the investigation, the SCA and the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management do not approve the student to return to class, then the SCA shall file the appropriate charges for violation of the Student Code of Conduct and all procedures for handling the violation of the Student Code of Conduct will be followed as described herein. The student will not be permitted to return to class until such time as the Student Conduct Hearing process is complete and as a result of the outcome of the hearing the SCA grants permission for the student to return. If as a result of the SCA’s sanction, the student is not permitted to return, then the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management will withdraw the student from the specific class. d) Emergency College Suspension After preliminary investigation, if, in the opinion of the President, or his/her designee, there is reasonable cause to believe that a student’s presence on campus may: 1. endanger the safety and well-being of members of the College community or preservation of College property; 2. endanger the student’s own physical or emotional safety and well-being; or 3. cause an ongoing threat of disruption of, or interference with, the normal operations of the College, then the President, or his/her designee, may impose an Emergency College Suspension prior to a hearing and during the investigation. (FKCC Board Policy 7.750) During the emergency suspension, a student shall be denied access to the campus (including classes) and/or all other College activities or privileges for which the student might otherwise be eligible, as the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management may determine to be appropriate. The emergency suspension does not replace the regular process, which shall proceed on the normal schedule, up to and through a hearing, if required. e) Appeals A decision reached by or a sanction imposed by the SCA may be appealed by the Accused Student(s) or Complainant(s) to the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management or Equity Officer within five (5) work days of the decision. Such appeals shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the Dean of Student Affairs. A decision reached by or a sanction imposed by Associate Dean of Enrollment Management or Equity Officer may be appealed by the Accused Student(s) or Complainant(s) to the Provost within five (5) work days of the decision. Such appeals shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the Provost. Except as required to explain the basis of new information, an appeal shall be limited to a review of the verbatim record of the hearing and supporting documents for one or more of the following purposes: 1. To determine whether the hearing was conducted fairly in light of the charges and information presented, and in conformity with prescribed procedures giving the complaining party a reasonable opportunity to prepare and to present information that the Student Code of Conduct was violated, and giving the Accused Student a reasonable opportunity to prepare and to present a response to those allegations. Deviations from designated procedures will not be a basis for sustaining an appeal unless significant prejudice results. 2. To determine whether the decision reached regarding the Accused Student was based on substantial information, that is, whether there were facts in the case that, if believed by the fact finder, were sufficient to establish. 3. To determine whether the sanction(s) imposed were appropriate for the violation of the Student Code of Conduct which the student was found to have committed. 4. To consider new information, sufficient to alter a decision, or other relevant facts not brought out in the original hearing, because such information and/or facts were not known to the person appealing at the time of the original hearing. If an appeal is upheld by the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management, the matter shall be returned to the original SCA for re-opening of the hearing to allow reconsideration of the original determination and/or sanction(s). If an appeal is upheld by the Provost, the matter shall be returned to the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management or Equity Officer for re-opening of the hearing to allow reconsideration of the original determination and/or sanction(s). If an appeal is not upheld by the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management /Equity Officer/Provost, the matter shall be considered final and binding upon all involved with the exception of the following: A student who receives the sanction of College Suspension or Expulsion may appeal to the President or President’s designee within five (5) work days of the date of the decision. The written petition shall state the facts of the case, a summary of the evidence presented at the hearing, the findings of the SCA or the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management, Equity Officer and/or Provost, and the student’s reason for petitioning the President for review. The President’s action will be limited to review of the basis for the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management, Equity Officer’s, or SCA’s disposition and will not necessarily involve a de novo factual investigation. Notwithstanding the above, the President may, but is not required to, direct that further facts be gathered or that additional remedial action be taken. The President shall notify the student of his or her decision typically within fifteen (15) work days of the receipt of the petition of appeal. The decision of the President shall be final. V: INTERPRETATION AND REVISION a. Any question of interpretation or application of the Student Code shall be referred to the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management for a final determination. b. The Student Code of Conduct shall be reviewed every three (3) years under the direction of the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management beginning in 2016. VI: DEFINITIONS a. The term "Accused Student" means any student accused of violating this Student Code of Conduct. b. The term "Ad Hoc Student Conduct Committee" refers to a group of representative College employees selected by the SCA to participate in hearings and to act in an advisory capacity only to the SCA for those matters which could ultimately lead to suspension, expulsion, or other serious sanction. c. The term "Administrative Conference" refers to a meeting held by the SCA with the Accused and Complainant. The SCA may employ mediation and/or conflict resolution to arrive at an outcome that is acceptable to both parties including the SCA. d. The term "College" means Florida Keys Community College. e. The term "College Official" includes any person employed by the College performing assigned administrative or professional responsibilities. f. The term "College Premises" includes all land, buildings, facilities, and other property in the possession of or owned, used, or controlled by the College and by the Florida Keys College Foundation and Florida Keys College Campus Foundation. g. The term "Complainant" means any person who submits a complaint or charge alleging that a student violated this Student Code. When a student believes that s/he has been a victim of another student’s misconduct, the student who believes s/he has been a victim will have the same rights under this Student Code of Conduct as are provided to the Complainant, even if another member of the College community submitted the charge itself. h. The term "Faculty Member" means any person hired by the College to conduct classroom or teaching activities or who is otherwise considered by the College to be a member of its faculty. i. The term "May" is used in the permissive sense. j. The term "Member of the College community" includes any person who is a student, faculty member, College official or any other person employed by the College. A person’s status in a particular situation shall be determined by the Dean of Student Affairs. k. The term "Organization" means any number of persons who have complied with the formal requirements for College registration or recognition. l. The term "Policy" means the written regulations of the College as found in, but not limited to, the Student Code of Conduct, College policies, College web pages, the Student Handbook, and Catalog. m. The term "Shall" is used in the imperative sense. n. The term "Student" includes all persons taking courses at the College, either fulltime or parttime, credit or noncredit studies. Persons who withdraw after allegedly violating the Student Code of Conduct, who are not officially enrolled for a particular term but who have a continuing relationship with the College or who have been notified of their acceptance for admission are considered "students." This Student Code of Conduct does apply at all locations of the College. o. The term "Student Conduct Administrator" refers to any person authorized by the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management or Equity Officer to determine whether a student haas violated th he Code of Student S Con duct and to iimpose sancctions upon aany student(s)) or organizaation found to t have violaated the Codde of Studentt Conduct. p. The "Asso ociate Dean of Enrollmeent Managem ment " is thatt person designated by thhe College President P to be b responsib ble for the addministrationn of the Studdent Code off Conduct. STUDEN NT LOAD The norm mal semesterr credit load for full-timee students is 12 to 16 houurs. STUDEN NT RIGHT-TO-KNOW W ACT OF 1990 The Stud dent Right-to o-Know Act of 1990 requ uires collegees to disclosee graduationn or completion rates for the student body. b The Sttate Board of o Communitty Colleges ((SBCC) has assumed responsib bility for the compilation n and dissem mination of thhis data. Inddividuals inteerested in thiis data shou uld contact th he SBCC, 13 314 Florida Education C Center, 325 W W. Gaines Street, Tallahasssee, Florida, 32399-0440 0, (904)488--9763. STUDEN NT-RELAT TED PUBLIICATIONS Publicatiions availablle from Direcctor of Camp pus Life incllude: The T Student Handbook H which w contain ns informatioon on all asppects of studdent life, accademic regulations, varrious collegee proceduress, and policiees. FKCC publiccations, web--based publications, whiich contain im mportant daates, upcominng co ollege events, club newss, and other helpful h inforrmation. The T Student Activities A Haandbook wh hich containss informationn about club participatioon an nd procedurees for condu ucting studen nt activities. The T FKCC Catalog which h contains accademic deggree requirem ments and coourse descriptions. These pu ublications arre located on nline at on our website aat www.fkcc.edu. Florida Keyys College Cam mpus Foundatio on, Inc. 5901 College Road Key West, FL 33040 (305) 296‐9 9081 MEMORANDU UM M Date: May 12, 2016 To: Bo oard of Trustee es, FKCC From: Heather Garcia, Accountant KCCF Update Subject: FK e Period 2 Financials – Forbearance 016 cash receivved. Updatte as of April 20 nce of Account held a balan minimum balan nce required Less m Funds available for o obligations Funds from other acccounts held with Trustee e for payouts p per Trustee Total ffunds available Interest Paid May 2, 2016 Paid May 11, 2 2016 FKCC P Total P Payouts erating Expense es Remaiining funds avaailable for Ope ns Summary off Activity Obligation operating expe enses Total rreimbursable o Excesss administrativve expense rese erve released tto FKCC Payme ents received p prior to implem mentation of pe eriod 1 Period d 1 payouts recceived Period d 2 payouts recceived Remaiining reimbursable operatingg expenses due e $541,8894 ‐50,0000 $491,8894 482,1129 $974,0023 $830,5500 103,1130 $933,6630 $40,3393 $262,8845 ‐2,0067 ‐24,8851 ‐132,7797 ‐103,1130 $0 Florida Keys College Campus Foundation, Inc. 5901 College Road Key West, FL 33040 (305) 296-9081 MEMORANDUM Date: 5/12/16 To: Dr. Jonathan Gueverra From: Tamrah Hill Subject: Request for Approval - Florida Keys College Campus Foundation Board of Directors The Board of Directors for the Florida Keys College Campus Foundation were nominated by the members at their annual Board of Directors meeting on May 11, 2016. The final election and appointment of the directors require approval by the Florida Keys Community College Board of Trustees. Danny Crespo Kevin Madok Kerry Shelby Brittany Snyder Dean Thompson MEMORAN NDUM DIVISION O OF ADVANCEM MENT ________ ____________ ___________ ____________ __________________________________________________ Date: May 16, 2016 munity Collegee To: Districct Board of Trustees‐Florida Keys Comm From: Dr. Fraank Wood Subject: Vice President of Advancement Report ________ ____________ ___________ ____________ _________________________________________________ w Overview FKCC’s Ad dvancement D Division includ des the office es of Marketinng/Public Relations, The FKCC Foundation, Developm ment & Fundraising, Recruiiting, Enrollm ment Managem ment, Residence Life, Alum mni Services, and Institution nal Research. The primary goals of the division are t o increase su upport for thee College, create compellin ng and effectivve marketingg and public re elations camppaigns, recruiit students, sttrengthen alu umni relations, and build susstaining long‐‐term relation nships that addvance the reeputation and d visibility of tthe College. Marketing/ Public Relations The Marketing/Public Relations offiice continues to support a wide range o of College acttivities and initiativess through both paid adverttising and earrned (free) meedia via newss print, radio,, and social m media. Recent acctivities includ de the supporrt and promo otion of the Sccuba Club’s EEarth Day envvironmental efforts (Apr.20 & 24), SStudent Awards Banquet (Apr. 29), Commencem ment (May 6),, the openingg of the SBD DC at Florida Keys Commu unity College on the Key West Camp pus, promotio on of FKCC’s new Summer Adventu ure Camps, an nd Summer Semesterr registration. The Stude ent Takeoverr of the FKCC Facebook page conttinued througgh Graduation n. Thomas Herrick po osted photos and streame ed live video (a new Facebook functtion) before aand during mencement Exercises. Collectively, the the Comm multiple p posts garnere ed nearly 6,00 00 views as off May 12. Looking fo orward, the m marketing dep partment hass begun develloping a new brand for thee College to ggo along with h the pendingg name changge—starting w with the mostt central piecce: a new logo o for the Colllege of the Flo orida Keys. Th hrough a crow wdsourcing platform, the m marketing deepartment wo orked with multiple ggraphic design ners from varrious location ns across the gglobe. Thougghts, opinionss, and feelinggs were soliccited from a d diverse pool o of students, faaculty, staff, aand alumni. Their feedback was shared d with the d designers who o honed theirr designs over the two weeek contest. U Ultimately, on ne design prevailed. Three versio ons of that de esign are bein ng presented to students, faculty, stafff, and other sttake holders to poll preference. Additional branding elements are in development, allowing the College to begin rebranding work over the summer for public presentation in the fall. To support the marketing of the new Bachelors of Applied Science in Supervision and Management (BAS‐SM), the College will hold a Leadership Breakfast on May 18 in Tennessee Williams Theatre Lobby. Leadership Breakfasts bring together an array of business and organization leaders to discuss issues that impact the community and ways to collaboratively improve the Keys and the individual organizations. Because the new BAS‐SM was developed in response to a growing local workforce need for bachelor’s degree‐prepared workers, it is key that the College introduce the new bachelor’s degree to the leaders/employers of the community as a tool to strengthen their organizations. Recruitment Report Recruiting continues to work with internet inquiries and with local high school students (and their guidance counselors) to provide assistance with the FKCC application process. The Summer Term is starting with 179 applicants (a 24% increase over summer 2015). This semester also experienced a 19% increase in “inquiries” over last summer. Recruitment’s main focus now turns to fall 2016. Currently, over 700 potential students have inquired with the College, generating 308 applications submitted for Fall Term. To improve FKCC’s reach and impact on local military, the recruiting team hosted the Naval Branch Health Clinic staff for a student information session and attended the Navy Spouse Appreciation Brunch. Enrollment As of today, FTE for summer term is 107.9. This number exceeds a budgeted goal of 101.8 and should conclude with approximately 110 FTE for summer. Currently activities include assistance with last minute registration for summer and application processing for fall. This office is also active certifying recent graduates, printing and mailing diplomas, and forwarding official transcripts for those students planning to transfer. During this and coming semesters, Enrollment Management staff are working to evaluate all processes and procedures currently used for converting a student from “application” to “matriculant.” Several critical student enrollment processes are either unnecessarily labor intensive or, in some cases, obsolete. New efficiencies created in this area will generate a higher return on recruitment efforts and a more productive use of valuable human resources. FKCC Foundation Since the last FKCC Board of Trustees’ meeting, Foundation activity highlights include: The Foundation received a $100,000 endowed scholarship contribution for an individual donor in the Upper Keys. We will continue to work with this donor to generate interest from others in his peer group. A photo and press release will be distributed shortly. Scholarships for summer have been awarded and fall scholarships are now posted for applications. The Foundation has engaged Clifton, Larson, and Allen in Lakeland, FL to conduct the annual financial audit for 2015‐16. This firm currently audits Wesley House, Aids Help, and The Housing Authority, as well as college foundations for Hillsborough and Polk in Florida. This firm is a good fit; they can work with the Foundation's timeline and within the budget. The anticipated start date is May 23. The Fo oundation recceived $13,32 26 from Ocea n Reef Found dation this spring to purchase new equipment needed for the Upper Keys CCenter’s Nursing and EMT programs. Student A Activities and Residence Liife Student A Award Banqu uet‐ On April 2 29th over 150 students w were recognized at the annual Studentt Award Banquet where e 11 clubs participated, 76 students rreceived reco ognition for m making the President’s list, Dean’ss list or Who’ss Who Amongg Students and 11 students received their certificaation Naturalist Pro ogram for completing the Florida Master N University of FFlorida. The e event was hossted through U by FKCC’s Student Activities and cattered by Greaat Events. Spring 2016 Commenccement‐ On M May 6th FKCC celebrated it’s 53rd Co ommencemen nt Ceremony where 80 associate degrees and cerrtificates to graduating students were presented. Special gu uest speakers and honorees included the e Honorable Marlene O O’Toole of the e Florida Hou use of Representtatives; Shannon Estenoz, FKCC’s 2016 Distinguisshed Alumnuss and Director of the Departme ent of the Inte erior’s Everglades Restoration Initiativess; and Barbariiza Kariuki, FK KCC graduate and student sp peaker. Residence e Life Residence e Life successfully completted the move‐out process for Lagoon Laanding on Maay 10th from sspring semester.. 27 residents have chosen to continue e living in Lagooon Landing tthis summer either on a 12‐ month contract or thro ough re‐applyying for the su ummer term.. Residence LLife has also cconfirmed payment for 3 addition nal students ffor summer w with the potenntial for several more to complete the process. TThe end result is 30 or mo ore residents ffor the summ mer semester. This is twicee as many sum mmer students aas Lagoon Lan nding has see en historicallyy. This trend sspeaks to thee strength of tthe program and the impro ovements in liiving conditio ons and the accademic suppport provided d to our on‐caampus residents. A substan ntial reduction n in conduct iissues and maaintenance neeeds from ou ur residents has occurred o over the past yyear as well. TThe Resident Assistant (RA A) program annd new proceesses are makking it easier to respond m more quickly and with morre of an educational focuss to redirect b behavior. Thee severity of tthe conduct isssues experie enced has also o decreased ssignificantly, sshowing thatt current efforts are havingg an impact on n the choices students are making both on and off caampus. This summer will be the first time to utilize a summer RA (Resident Assistant) to offer support for residents in Lagoon Landing. During this time, RA Skylar Fucile will not only offer assistance to summer residents, but she will also work with Residence Life on preparations for the incoming fall residents. This will involve programming ideas, bulletin boards, newsletters, and many other social and educational concepts that will be reviewed and discussed to begin building a better program early in the year. By creating a strong first impression with residents, their respect for the building and the academic experience will increase and create a sense of community and tradition. A point has been reached in our program where strategies can focus on creating traditions and expectations of what it means to be a student at FKCC on campus rather than just focusing on occupancy. This is the ultimate goal of campus housing programs and a new level of student service for FKCC. Institutional Research Linda MacMinn is responsible for state reporting, IPEDS survey information, and a wide number of other reports required through the year. She also provides information used by staff for various projects and initiatives. Since the April Trustees’ meeting, the following items were addressed: Institutional Research Activity: ‐Working on end of spring term student, personnel, and facilities data submissions to state. ‐Completed numerous data requests from internal customers. ‐Assisted Enrollment Services Department in end of term processing of student records. ‐Working on converting most‐used MS Access reports to Argos. ‐Working on setting up Argos accounts and training end users. ‐Distributed Graduation Ceremony Survey. ‐Attended Banner Super User Group meeting and spring term graduation ceremony. MEMORANDUM Division of Advancement ............................................................................................................................................................................................... TO: FKCC Board of Trustees FR: Dr. Frank Wood DT: May 23, 2016 RE: Board of Trustees Scholarship Awards ...................................................................................................................................................... PROPOSED BOARD ACTION To approve Board of Trustees scholarship to Monroe County High School seniors graduating in June 2016. AUTHORITY FOR ACTION Board Rule 7.150, Scholarship Aid; authority of Florida Statute 1001.64 (8), Chapter 1009 Part III Class Night Information: Key West High School Coral Shores High School June 8, 2016 at 7:00pm in the auditorium June 7, 2016 at 7:00pm in the Performing Arts Center Awardees: Bertrand Noel, KWHS Brandon Shellito, KWHS Chrysla, Dor, KWHS Francisco Herrada, KWHS Jeremie Tilus, KWHS Joshua Correa Cabrera, KWHS Robert Kiever, KWHS Vincent Dufour, KWHS Zachary Lightfoot, KWHS Awardees: Stephen Normington, CSHS Thank you.