March 19, 2010 - Monroe County Sheriff`s Office


March 19, 2010 - Monroe County Sheriff`s Office
March 19, 2010
Editor's Note: The Sheriff's Office Weekly Rap-Up comes out on Friday afternoon, and includes any
announcements, important messages, or not so important messages that employees of the Sheriff's
Office would like to communicate to the rest of the agency. If you have something you would like to
communicate, please send it to me and I will be happy to include it. Send it to beckyherrin@keysso.
net, or in the courier to Deputy Becky Herrin, Community Relations Division, Headquarters building
on Stock Island.
Trauma Star flies 500th Mission
By Bob Inscoe, Chief Pilot
In the early afternoon hours of March 14,
2010 our Trauma Star S76 A++ flew its 500th
mission in support of the citizens of Monroe
County. A call was received at our Marathon
headquarters alerting the morning crew into action to pick up from the field, a gentleman with a
partial leg amputation. The mission was crewed
by pilot, Dennis Nix, Flight nurse Scott Phipps
and Flight Paramedic Casey Kyburz.
The patient originated out of Big Coppitt Key
which puts the scene closest to our designated
landing zone at Shark Key Bridge. Liftoff was effected within minutes of receiving the call and Mr.
Nix had the helicopter and its crew on the bridge
in less than twenty minutes. The severely injured
patient was loaded and placed under the immedi-
ate care of nurse / medics Phipps and Kyburz.
With life savings efforts taking place in the rear of
the aircraft, Mr. Nix went to fast cruise speed and
reached the pad at Ryder in just over 45 minutes.
Another day was marked in the life of the
Trauma Star family. Another life was saved and
as a testament to the fore sight of then Sheriff
Richard Roth, we have in place an emergency
asset which the citizens can point to with pride.
The program had its fits and starts as it transitioned from an ex Army UH-1 which previously
served 534 missions prior to its retirement. The
S76 began service in November 2006. In May
2009 the Monroe County BOCC passed and adopted resolution 152 which provided for tax payer
funding which then made Trauma Star truly the
citizens rapid emergency transport chopper. This
resolution provides for no out of pocket expenses
to the Monroe County citizen, a fact that resonates well with today’s ever challenging efforts to
Clcontrol patient costs.
Employee of the Quarter
nominations sought
Trauma Star
It is time once again for us to gather the
nominations for “Officer/Employee of the First
Quarter” for 2010. Each Division Commander
and/or Sheriff’s Staff Officer can send in a nomination for one of the following categories.
Law Enforcement – Sworn
Corrections – Sworn
Support - Non-Sworn
Reserve Deputies
Continued on the next page
Please review your files and submit your
nominations in writing to me no later than April
16, 2010, also any additional documentation supporting the nominations should be attached for
If you have any questions or comments pertaining to this memorandum, please feel free to
contact me at 292-7044.
Pay Day Note:
Even though Friday, April 2, 2010 is a holiday for our agency; the pay date will remain the
same. This is not a Federal holiday therefore
most banks will be open.
Easter Door Decorating Contest
Where: Administration Building
When: March 24, 2010 - 10 a.m.
Use colorful materials
Be creative
Must have one bunny and one egg in the
Prize: Pizza
Cops for a Cure
The Sheriff’s Office Relay for Life Team
“Cops for a Cure” is having a fund-raiser Sunday,
March 28th from 1 – 6 p.m. at the Marathon Elk’s
Lodge, 8239 Overseas Highway in Marathon.
For a $10.00
donation, those
attending the fundraiser will enjoy
dinner, including the
Gonzalez Brother’s
famous pulled pork
or fried Fish with all
the “fixin’s”. There
will be a cash bar
as well. Tickets are
available at the
door, or call the Sheriff’s Office at 289-2430.
All proceeds will benefit the American Cancer
Society’s Relay for Life.
FUNdraiser note
Support the Domestic Abuse Shelter Friday
March 19, 2010 from 5 – 8 p.m. at the Bottlecap
Lounge, 1128 Simonton Street in Key West. Music by Sam the “DJ”.
All bartenders tips and proceeds from the 50
/ 50 raffle and silent auction will benefit victims of
domestic violence and sexual assault and their
children who are served by the Domestic Abuse
Celebrity Bartenders:
• Sheriff Bob Peryam
• Keynoter Editor Larry Kahn
• Matt Strahan
• Josie Koler
• Todd German
• Greg Sullivan
• Ed Scales
• Mayor Craig Cates
Special Olympics fund-raiser
The State is having their annual Law Enforcement Torch Run cookout and we are trying
to raise money/ sell tickets for the “2010 Special
Olympics Florida”. The cookout will be at the
New Life Church in Marathon, Thursday March
25th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm and the menu will
consist of BBQ Pork (Cooked by Big Jim himself),
Baked Beans, Coleslaw, Cornbread and a drink
for $8.00. Questions? Call Lt. Tom Motley, Big
Pine Road Prison, 872-2231.
Andrew Paskiewicz: Accepted to
Boys State
Andrew Paskiewicz, Jr, son of Sheriff’s Office Communications Supervisor Yvonne Sprinkle
(Det. Deb Ryan) and Andrew (KV Jail) (Nancy)
Paskiewicz, has been accepted to Boys State
this summer. Andrew is a junior at Marathon High
School. He is the top male in the junior class,
currently ranked 5th in the class! He has a 4.2
GPA and is Dual Enrolled through FKCC. Upon
graduation from MHS, Andrew wants to pursue a
degree in Engineering.
Continued on the next page
At Boys State, delegates earn college
credit in a comprehensive one-week leadership
course in state and local government, developed
to offer youth a better perspective of the practical operation of government and to show that the
individual is responsible for the character and
success of government.
Florida American Legion Boys State is
a “leadership action program” where qualified
male high school juniors take part in a practical
government course. It is designed to develop a
working knowledge of the structure of government and to impress upon each delegate that
our government is what we make it. They will
have the opportunity to learn the political process. Each level of government will be run by
those delegates who are elected to serve. Instruction will be presented on the law and court
system, legislative procedure, and Florida political history.
A special “Thanks” to Angie Glover who assisted with the process!
share their personal stories of courage, strength,
and perseverance in the face of one of history’s
worst genocides that resulted in the death of approximately six million Eastern European Jews
during World War II.
Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen will share
her experiences as the Ranking Member of the
House of Representatives’ Foreign Affairs Committee and the work she has done to condemn
global anti-Semitism and help the survivors and
descendents of the Holocaust.
Representatives from the American Red
Cross will be available to provide information
about their Holocaust and War Victims Tracing
For more information, call FKCC Executive
Director of the President’s Office Debbie Leonard at 305-809-3203.
Girl donates Teddy Bears
Claire Young, 13 years of age, donated
bears to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office as
part of her Bat Mitzvah project. The project is
doing good deeds in her community, and Claire’s
idea is to share her love of Teddy Bears with
Children in Crisis. The bears will be given to children who have been involved in traffic accidents,
domestic violence situations and other traumatic
events. Claire is a 7th grader and attends H.O.B.
Middle School. She had her Bat Mitzvah February 6th at Congregation B’nai Zion in Key West.
Andrew Paskiewicz, Jr.
Holocaust Survivors presentation,
Florida Keys Community College is proud
to host U.S. Congresswoman Ileana RosLehtinen’s Holocaust Survivors presentation on
Monday, March 22 from 9:30a.m. to 11:00a.m.
in Tennessee Williams Theatre on FKCC’s Key
West campus.
Don’t miss this rare opportunity to hear firsthand accounts from eight survivors, who will
Claire Young hands Teddy Bears
over to Chief Ken Dugger.
Continued on the next page
Union Contract Information
For Fraternal Order of Police:
The FOP ratified the contract proposal from
the Sheriff. All members will receive a 2% cost of
living increase and all members with a satisfactory evaluation will receive a 2% merit increase.
These raises will be retroactive to 10/1/09. In
addition, all members will receive a 2% bonus
based on their new rate of pay. These payments
will be paid in a special payroll that will occur on
March 26, 2010.
The new hourly rates will be reflected in the
payroll of 4/2/10.
For Teamsters:
Your contract called for a 2% bonus which
was paid based on the pay rates which were in
effect on September 30, 2009. Effective October
1, 2009, you received a salary increase of 4%. In
a special payroll on March 26, 2010 you will be
paid for the bonus difference based on your new
hourly rate (as of 10/1/10).
March 20th. Purpose: To gain
wider awareness
and acceptance of
“alternative” fuels
in diesel engines.
Main points:
• The diesel engine was created to run on a
biofuel, not petroleum.
• BioDiesel has fewer emissions and is better
for your engine.
• Your diesel engine is warranted for biodiesel.
• Reusing fryer oil from local restaurants is
the self-sufficient Conch option.
• Embracing green technologies is a win-win
situation for our youth, businesses and islands.
Method: Pure Fun!
Starting in Florida City and ending at the
BioDiesel facility at Key West High School, the
Biodiesel Rally will make 5 total stops to show
local individuals, businesses and policy makers
how easy, affordable and self-sufficient it is to use
BioDiesel over Dino-Diesel.
Travelling with the Rally is open to anyone
with a diesel who already runs on biodiesel or is
willing to try it. Blaylock Oil, a fuel distributer out
of Homestead, will be traveling with the Rally and
filling up any interested customers.
If you just want to learn more about the fuel,
talk to diesel owners that run biodiesel, or see
how you can get BioDiesel delivered to your door,
come and join us at the stop closest to you. We
will be at each Rally spot for 30-45 minutes for
questions and full ups. Come kick our tires!
If you want to see how biodiesel can be
made out of waste fryer oil from local restaurants,
follow us to Key West High School, where physics students will show you how they make fuel for
our school district! Stay for the conch fritters & ice
tea fund-raiser and participate in the official inauguration of our biodiesel fleet into the service of
the “Green Berets” of the Conch Republic nation.
• Stop #1) Florida City: Last Chance Saloon,
• Stop #2) Upper Keys: Coral Shores High
School, 11am
• Stop #3) Middle Keys: Hurricane Bar & Grill,
• Stop #4) Lower Keys: Big Pine Shopping
Plaza, 2:30pm
• Stop #5) Key West: Key West High School,
4pm, with a tour of facility & new Wind Turbine and a conch fritter & ice tea fund-raiser.
For more info, contact: Alison Higgins,, 305-923-1783
Supply room to be closed
The Supply Room will be closed the week
of March 29, 2010 for Inventory. Please have
all your orders in for that week by Thursday,
3/25/2010, so we may process them and either
deliver them or have them ready for you to pickup Monday 3/29/2010. Orders for the following
week will follow the regular schedule, see attached for delivery / pick-up times. Thank you
for your cooperation, if you have any questions
please do not hesitate to call.
Continued on the next page
Tampering with
your Retirement
By Lt. Jonathan
I am writing to ask
that a mention of Florida House Bill 1543 be
placed in the next Sheriff’s Rap Sheet. This Bill
is being presented by
State Representative
Juan Zapata. Florida House Bill 1543 is an attack
on Florida Law Enforcement Retirement and he
is requesting cuts of all sorts regarding our current retirement benefits. For example a reduction
of our current 3% accrual rate, and maxing out
at 70% instead of 100% to name a couple. There
are many more benefits that he is proposing to
cut that will affect all of us.
I am including a link that gives additional information. There is also a Facebook page to stop
Florida House Bill 1543. I feel it is important that
the employees of the Sheriff’s Office are aware of
Bill 1543.
N. Roosevelt. Publix is a major contributor to the
Special Olympics, raising millions of dollars each
year. Then off to Poinciana School, Key West
High School, HOB School and Glenn Archer
School. An exchange of the torch from the Sheriff’s Office to the Key West Police Department will
take place at the Southernmost Point where I will
be handing off to Chief Donie Lee. There will be
water stops at all the schools and the run pace
will be slow (no faster than 10 minute miles).
Runners can run any leg they choose. Support
vehicles will accompany the runners. The cost
of participation is 12.00 and all runners will receive an event T-shirt.
Members of any agency, sworn and nonsworn may register for the run by contacting either Jim Painter at (305) 292-7027 / email or Special Agent Jeff Hutcheon at
(305) 292-7022 / email JeffHutcheon@fdle.state. or Jo Socha at (305) 292-7042 / email .
The torch will travel across the state, carried
by Law Enforcement personnel. For more information on the representing agencies goto:
Please come join us in this special event.
Special Olympics Torch Run
FSA Scholarships
The Monroe
County Sheriff’s
Office in cooperation with the
Monroe County
Special Olympics
Committee, the
Florida Department of Law
Enforcement, the
Key West Police Department,
the US Navy, US Coast Guard and the Florida
Wildlife Commission invites all members of your
Agency to participate in the annual Law Enforcement Torch Run to be held on Friday April 9th,
2010 at 09:00 a.m. in Key West.
The Key West leg will begin at the FKCC
Public Safety Bldg on Stock Island with a brief
stop at Gerald Adams Elementary School. Participants will then drive their vehicles to Publix on
Applications are now available for Florida
Sheriff’s Office Scholarships. This year, they are
giving seven scholarships of $1,000.00 each for
son/daughters of full-time Sheriff’s Office employees who are pursuing Criminal Justice careers.
Email Becky Herrin or Val Marinello for a copy
of the scholarship application, or look for it in the
Announcement folder in Public Folders. You must
RSVP by March 15th.
A flyer announcing the next Law Enforcement
Luncheon in Key West is posted in Public Folders
for anyone who wants to attend.
Saturated Patrol in District One Zone One.
The Traffic Unit yesterday conducted a Saturated Patrol from the 5 to 9 mm with the primary
enforcement of the “Move Over law”.
Continued on the next page
During this time 69 traffic contacts were conducted which included:
• 28 move over law citations
• 31 other citations
• 7 seat belts citations
• 7 other warnings
This section of District One- Zone One regularly has the highest number of traffic crashes
during the hours of this detail.
With the heavy presence and enforcement,
this area did not have any crashes while the detail was on going.
Letters of
Thanks and
Det. Linda Mixon
wrote to commend Lt.
Jonathan Crane for his
recent help with a Capital
Sexual Battery case. “He
is an outstanding leader
and compassionate when it comes to Crimes
Against Children.”
Kelly Grere-Sevage wrote to praise Deputy
Scott Ward. He recently arrested her daughter’s
boyfriend. “I don’t know if Deputy Ward got into
this business to change lives and make a difference, but he did that day. I thank him...because
of Deputy Ward his eyes may be opened and I
may sleep better.”
Name Lockwood, Vicki
Heitman, Ralph
Joseph, Quincy
Peryam, Robert
Floyd, Marc
Atlas, Kenneth
Brady, Joshua
Brown, William
Lenzini-Marengo, Medean
Rinaldi, Robert
Harrold, Sharon
Fricke, Thomas
Jane S. DelRossi, from the Academy
at Ocean Reef wrote to praise Deputy Will
Schlegelmilch on a presentation he made to
parents and teachers at the academy on Internet
Peg Gant, from the Commission for Florida
Law Enforcement Accreditation, wrote to commend Captain Penny Phelps for helping with an
assessment in December.
Rich McGill from Catholic Charities wrote to
thank Deputy Emil LaVache for giving numerous
presentations to their disabled homeless residents.
Peggy Mira of Sugarloaf key wrote to thank
Deputy Linda Kohout for her help recovering
her dog, who had run away. Ms. Mira is not in
good health and Deputy Kohout stopped when
she saw her in distress and helped her catch the
dog and return it home.
Birthday 3/21
Deputy Sheriff
GIS Analyst Technician
Detention Deputy
Detention Deputy
Court Deputy I
Detention Deputy
Detention Deputy
Senior Intelligence Analyst
Detention Deputy
Director-Central Records
Deputy Sheriff-Airport

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