January 22, 2016 - Monroe County Sheriff`s Office
January 22, 2016 Editor’s Note: The Sheriff’s Office Weekly Rap-Up comes out on Friday afternoon If you have a submission, please send it to me and I will be happy to include it. Send it to beckyherrin@keysso.net, or in the courier to Deputy Becky Herrin, Media Relations Division, Headquarters building on Stock Island. This publication can be viewed on line at www.keysso.net/employees/weekly_rap_up/weekly_rap_up.htm Employee Awards Ceremony On the left, Sheriff’s Office employees of the fourth quarter: Explorer Mako Geide, School Resource Deputy Derick Velez, Detention Deputy William Brown, Reserve Deputy Harrold Knowles, Farmer Jeanne Selander with Sheriff Rick Ramsay. Sheriff Ramsay awarded Deputies Josh Gordon and David Lariz with the Sheriff’s Medal for their involvement in an armed confrontation on Stock Island. Deputy Gordon was shot in the chest. The bullet was stopped by his bullet proof vest. Deputy Lariz backed up Deputy Gordon and returned fire after he was hit. Long time Reserve Lieutenant Bob Smith was recognized for his thousands of hours of volunteer service as he retires from the ranks of Sheriff’s Office reserve force. Explorer Post 906 performed duties of color guard at the ceremony and did a beautiful job. Left to right, Angel Muino, Daniela Layva, SRO Deputy Derick Velez, Sheriff Ramsay, Yanelys Vergara and Darian Companioni. You can feel the chill just looking at the photo on the left as the Sheriff’s Office holds another boating class. Thirteen dedicated students (pictured below) took part, mostly in the wind and rain, learning to pilot the vessels, how to do vessel stops and pursuit training. A big thanks to the instructors, Mike Digiovanni, Martin Digrius, Wilfredo Guerra, Christopher Mattson from FWC, and Deputy Nelson Sanchez. Bureau of Corrections took part in annual retraining in CPR last week. On the right, even the oldtimers participated in the training. Left to right, 20 year veteran Derek Shine; 25 year veteran Lenny Alonzo, 22 year veteran John Keen and 15 year veteran Jason Vidal. District One deputies were busy this week. Top left, Sgt. Linda Mixon’s squad in roll call training with stinger spikes; Top right, Sgt. Trevor Wirth’s squad going over handgun familiarization and cleaning and, on the bottom left, Sgt. Mixon’s squad performing traffic stops on Cudjoe Key in response to complaints about speeding. Weekly Rap Up - Page 2 One more holiday pic! Sgt. Spenser Bryan’s squad donating gifts to children at the Domestic Abuse Shelter in Marathon for Christmas! Deputy Mark Martin and FWC Officer Olly Adams were in Britain and went mountain climbing in Wales with a group of friends over Christmas break. They were on Mount Tryfan at over 3,000 feet when they were hit by a storm with 90+ mph winds. Sounds like quite an adventure! Inspection season is here - everyone is getting ready! Here is District One CIU all dressed up for their inspection. They do it separately because they cook for the rest of the district when they get together for the larger inspection event. Birthday 1/24 1/24 1/25 1/25 1/26 1/26 1/27 1/27 1/28 1/28 1/29 1/29 Name Underwood Wyatt Delgado Fanelli Mullin-Meagher Reams Carey Prinston Deihl Wallace Harrell Woodward Captain Corey Bryan, introducing newly promoted Sgt. Yunier Galvez at a Village of Job Title Johnny Deputy Sheriff Islamorada Council meeting. Christopher Deputy Sheriff Frank Deputy Sheriff Donald Captain Deputy Sheriff Margaret Senior Intelligence Analyst Zachary Detention Deputy Peggy Detention Records Assistant Gladimir Detention Deputy Donniece Detention Records Supervisor Kara Senior Analyst Angelique Investigative Assistant Ardie Airport Security Technician Weekly Rap Up - Page 3 Farmer Jeanne Selander is, as usual, busy and in great demand, particularly at schools and community events. On the left, she hosted a film crew for an entire day on the farm from “Crime Watch Daily”. On the right, she and Mo the Sloth made an appearance at the Inez Martin Child Care Center. The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office presented a check to Marc for the purchase of a live scan fingerprinting device which will be used to fingerprint volunteers and employees of MARC as well as of other local non-profit organizations. In the photo, left to right MARC Board Member Sue Harrison, MARC Executive Director Diana Flenard, and MARC Board Members Captain Lee Ann Holroyd and Diane Schmidt. Deputy George Rosemeyer with Special Olympics athlete Heyden Finney as they support a Special Olympics fund raising and awareness campaign. Special Olympics is supported throughout Monroe County by Publix, Monroe County Sheriff’s Office and many other local sponsors. Before and after photos of large piles of tires dumped on a dirt road off of State Road 905 in Key Largo. The clean up effort was handled jointly by Sheriff’s Sgt. Tom Kiffney, Deputy David Minor, Monroe County Public Works and Florida Keys Electric Coop. Weekly Rap Up - Page 4 Funeral arrangements for Key West Police Sgt. Eric Biskup are as follows: Date: Monday, January 25, 2016, 4:00 p.m. Location: St. Mary’s Catholic Church at 1010 Windsor Ln. Reception will follow the service: Location: Audubon House at 205 Whitehead St. from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Cadets and Explorers throughout the county learned the ins and outs of traffic stops. In the top two photos, Post 905 and post advisors work together training in the Upper Keys. Below, posts 904 and 906 working together with Sgt. Glenn Test as instructor. Weekly Rap Up - Page 5 Weekly Rap Up - Page 6 Register On Or Before 5/20/16 Angler $125 12 & Under $50 Groups over 4 $500 Day Of Angler $150 12 & Under $60 Groups over 4 $600 Jr’s Dock Fishing $10 (Trophies Awarded) Contact thelongwalkhomeinc@gmail.com 305-504-3795 Grand Prize $3,200 Mahi Brass Trophy + $300 HOSTED AT Mutton Snapper/Grouper $250 largest of each Captains Meeting/Final Registration Fri May 20th 5:00 – 7:00pm 1313 Ocean Bay Drive Key Largo, Florida WE ARE SEEKING SPONSORS! TICKETS FOR THE DINNER/PARTY ON SUNDAY 5PM AT THE KEY LARGO FISHERIES ARE $25 FOR THOSE Harmony Healing Center WISHING TO PARTICIPATE THAT ARE Key Largo NOT FISHING Music-Door Prizes- Dinner– Awards – 50/50 – Silent Auction 2nd Place $200 Saturday Weigh-in 3pm-5pm Sunday Weigh-in 3pm-5pm Weigh-in’s are Dockside Awards Dinner to be held immediately after final weigh-in ALL WILL BE HELD AT KEY LARGO FISHERIES www.keylargofisheries.com/ The Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Florida is the movement’s largest grass-roots fundraiser and awareness vehicle. More than 6000 law enforcement officers carry the Flame of Hope across Florida each year raising money and awareness for Special Olympics Florida. LETR Coming to Monroe County County on April 8, 2016 Torch Run Merchandise Available Now! Tech Shirts: $20, Black & Camo Hats $10.00 To purchase merchandise or make a donation contact: {jsocha@keysso.net} Weekly Rap Up - Page 7 Weekly Rap Up - Page 8 Al Mueller Memorial Classic 25th Annual Golf Tournament Benefiting Take Stock in Children Scholarship Fund Sunday January 31, 2016 7:30 am Start Time Key West Golf Club 6450 College Road, Stock Island, FL 305-294-5232 Major Sponsors The Lookout Foundation Summerland Key, Florida Weekly Rap Up - Page 9 KEY WEST HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Weekly Rap Up - Page 10 TICKETS JANUARY 29 & 30, 2016 7:00 – 9:00 PM CHILD (2-5) - $5.00 ADULT - $10.00 ALL PROCEEDS GO DIRECTLY TO THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY A COPY OF THE OFFICAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL FREE 1-800-435-7352 WITHIN THE STATE. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. Weekly Rap Up - Page 11 Weekly Rap Up - Page 12 BE THE VOICE OF 2016 Youth Success Luncheon SPONSORED BY: DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE Thursday, JANUARY 28 Noon – 1:30 pm DJJ Building College Road, 1st floor Key West Weekly Rap Up - Page 13 TH The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office will be partnering with the Duck Key Property Owners Association for a neighborhood clean up Saturday Jan 30th 9:00AM Meeting location Club Duck Key 103 N. Bahama Dr Water and bags will be provided Weekly Rap Up - Page 14 Layton Community Clean Up The Layton Garden Club, City of Layton, and the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office are planning a community clean up January 23, 2016 8:00 A.M. The Streets targeted for the clean up are South Layton Drive, Long Key Lake Drive, and one mile on both sides of the City’s US One Corridor, especially along the bike path. We Need Your Help to make this event successful!!! Everyone is Welcome to participate. Please consider donating your time, golf cart, mechanical tongs or anything else you may think would be helpful. We will be providing disposable gloves, trash bags, drinking water and hand sanitizer. Join us at the front of the fire house at MM 68 oceanside at 8:00 a.m. We will be serving coffee in the morning and Grilled burgers and hotdogs will be served after the work is done. For more information on how you can volunteer or donate needed items, Please contact Suzanne Murchie at 305-664-2064 or s.murchie@yahoo.com Weekly Rap Up - Page 15 Weekly Rap Up - Page 16
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