The Farsider - the San Jose Police Benevolent Association


The Farsider - the San Jose Police Benevolent Association
The Farsider
Nov. 5, 2015
Bill Mattos, Editor and Publisher <>
Leroy Pyle, Webmaster <>
The Farsider is an independent publication that is not affiliated with the San Jose Police Benevolent
Assn. The SJPBA has allowed the Farsider to be included on its website solely for the convenience of
the retired San Jose Police community. The content of this newsletter does not represent or reflect
the views of the San Jose Police Benevolent Association's Board of Directors or its membership.
Steve “Pappy” Papenfuhs posted the following message on Facebook’s 10-7ODSJ (SJPD) page
Tuesday evening…
My SJPD family, it is with a very heavy heart that I bring you the sad news that our brother
Walt Robinson lost his daughter, Carrie Briana, this past Sunday morning due to
complications from chronic pain disease. His other daughter, Courtney, has been posting
some photos of Carrie on her page. Walt is understandingly devastated by this loss, and I
wish there were words that could lessen the pain he and his family are feeling. But there are
none. My prayers and tears for this great man that I am proud to call my friend.
Pappy provided an update yesterday morning that read:
“The memorial service for Carrie Briana will be on Saturday, Nov. 14 at 11 a.m. at the Darling
Fischer Family Mortuary, 231 E. Campbell Ave. Campbell.”
Friends of Walt’s who would like to offer their personal sympathies can send an email to
Oct. 29th
As many of you are aware, one of our very own officers, Michael Lewandowski, has been
diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer and is now dealing with a fractured neck.
For those that don't know Michael, he is one of the finest officers in our department. He is a
good man who treats his coworkers and community alike with great care and professionalism.
He's a no ego, team first kinda cop that we can all admire and appreciate.
A fund has been put together for Michael's family as they are dealing with this terrible news.
Michael's wife is not working and the medical bills are now piling up. The fund will offer much
needed financial support to survive during this medical emergency. Please click here to
donate now!
Nov. 3rd
SJPOA Condemns Quentin Tarantino's Repugnant Comments
Joins Call To Boycott "The Hateful Eight"
San Jose (CA) — The San Jose Police Officers' Association joins the growing law enforcement
movement to hold violent film director Quentin Tarantino accountable for his hate-filled
tirade against police officers by joining the boycott of Mr. Tarantino's newest film "The
Hateful Eight.”
"Mr. Tarantino's hateful and repugnant comments referring to police officers as murderers is
shameful. Tarantino spewed his venom for police officers just four days after a New York
police officer was shot dead in the line of duty and in a year where far too many law
enforcement officers have been killed protecting and serving, including San Jose Police
Officer Michael Johnson," said SJPOA President Paul Kelly.
The SJPOA joins New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and Chicago police
officers’ associations along with the National Association of Police Organizations, and
countless other local police organizations in urging its members to boycott Tarantino's latest
violent laced film, "The Hateful Eight.”
"What is so ironic is even though police officers are disgusted with Mr. Tarantino's speech at
an anti-cop rally in New York, in the future it will be these very same police officers who
protect Mr. Tarantino's right to say untrue and spiteful comments," added SJPOA VicePresident James Gonzales.
Nov. 4th
Click the links below to watch and read:
Tarantino Boycott
KTVU Fox 2: San Jose police officers join Tarantino boycott. Click HERE
NBC Bay Area: San Jose Police Union Says It Will Join Growing
Boycott of Quentin Tarantino's 'The Hateful Eight' Click HERE
Mercury News: Quentin Tarantino says he won't be
intimidated by police boycotts. News article: Click HERE
NBC Bay Area: San Jose Has New Independent Police Auditor. News article: Click HERE
ABC 7: San Jose officials appointment Walter Katz as
city’s new independent police auditor. Click HERE
Mercury News: San Jose’s independent police auditor is L.A. County watchdog. Click HERE
Mercury News Editorial: San Jose’s successor to LaDoris Cordell looks promising. Click HERE
Nothing to report.
Our guess: The Honeymoon with Cordell’s replacement will last three, possibly four minutes,
or as long as it takes for him to get settled in his new office, whichever comes first…
Experience is Key in S.J.’s Choice for New Police Auditor
By Robert Salonga <>
Mercury News — Nov. 4, 2015
SAN JOSE — Walter Katz, a Los Angeles attorney whose work as a police watchdog has gained
him a foothold in the national police accountability movement, is San Jose’s new independent
police auditor.
Katz, currently the Los Angeles County deputy inspector general overseeing reforms in that
county’s beleaguered Sheriff’s Department, aims to modernize and widen the reach of the
police complaint process while engendering the trust of the very officers who will be subject
to those grievances.
If it sounds like an arduous tightrope walk, Katz knows it.
“When people trust that the process is fair, the legitimacy of law enforcement is enhanced,”
said Katz, who begins work in San Jose on Jan. 5. “I am deeply honored and privileged to lead
the office of the Independent Police Auditor. I’m ready to get to work.”
San Jose’s new independent police auditor, Walter Katz, left,
speaks Tuesday with Assistant Police Chief Eddie Garcia.
Katz, 49, was chosen from a pool of a half-dozen serious candidates to become San Jose’s
fourth IPA. He takes over for LaDoris Cordell, who stepped down in July after five years.
Before his current post, Katz served four years in the Los Angeles County Office of
Independent Review, after a 15-year career with the alternate public defender’s office.
Speaking at a Tuesday news conference at City Hall, Mayor Sam Liccardo said the city found a
sound policy buff with an innovative streak and the mettle to reach a diverse big-city
populace and police force.
“He clearly has extraordinary experience, and I believe he is going to bring those gifts to San
Jose,” Liccardo said. “The council, community interview panelists and I were extremely
impressed by his experience with complex use-of-force issues and his desire to innovate.
Walter is going to be a tremendous asset to the city and San Jose residents.”
Katz takes over the $178,000-a-year job during a time of significant change in the San Jose
Police Department, whose manpower has been ravaged by early retirements and resignations
amid a years-long pay and pension battle that reached a tentative resolution over the
summer. The department is also implementing new data-collection policies aimed at
evaluating racial bias in street and traffic stops and is on track to implement body-worn
cameras on its officers by next summer, two initiatives that Cordell heavily promoted. Katz
has been working to expand the use-of- force and discipline data disclosed by the Los Angeles
County Sheriff’s Department, which was rocked by jail scandals that led to the indictment of a
former undersheriff and, just this past week, the conviction of a deputy in the beating of a jail
The Rev. Jethroe “Jeff” Moore, president of the Silicon Valley chapter of the NAACP and
member of the selection panel, said Katz swiftly set himself apart from the other candidates.
“It was impressive how he did his homework and his willingness to facilitate change,” Moore
said. “He was already telling us, ‘This is where you could use some work, and here’s how you
would outreach to the youth.’ ” Katz acknowledges that he has large shoes to fill in replacing
Cordell, calling San Jose a trailblazer when it created the IPA office in 1996. As Northern
California’s first African-American female judge and former vice provost at Stanford
University, Cordell brought unprecedented stature to the role when she was appointed in
Cordell was outspoken in advocating for police reforms and reaching out to minority and
immigrant groups who have long distrusted law enforcement. And she used her political
acumen and force of personality to push the police department toward more progressive
policies in race and community relations. Katz said Cordell “set a lofty standard for me to live
up to” and that he plans “to carry on that legacy.”
The San Jose Police Officers’ Association, known to clash with Cordell’s approach, offered
broad support to her successor.
“We are always willing to work on improving transparency and building upon the great
relationship we have with the residents of San Jose and look forward to a fair and honest
collaboration with newly appointed IPA Walter Katz on programs and initiatives that keep
police officers and the public safe,” union president Sgt. Paul Kelly said in a statement.
Assistant Police Chief Eddie Garcia, who will take over as interim chief shortly after Katz
starts on the job, said Katz gave him the impression that he will work well with police.
Katz, a member of the National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement and the
International Law Enforcement Auditors Association, has written on the need for more
accountability and transparency in the wake of recent high-profile police killings of unarmed
black men. Writing in The New York Times in April and in the Harvard Law Review Forum, he
questioned whether current police standards give officers too much latitude to use deadly
force, and he advocated for independent review of fatal police shootings.
“I’ve been doing this long before the rest of the country came to realize the importance of
constitutional policing in our everyday lives,” Katz said.
Like his three predecessors, Katz will analyze police complaints and make recommendations
to a department that is not obligated to adopt any of them. He emphasized understanding
police work and building cooperation with officers is crucial.
“They do want to learn,” Katz said of police. “But they have to believe the overseer is willing
to understand their perspective and respect their input. Then they are more willing to listen.”
Sparky Harlan, executive director of the Bill Wilson Center, which provides social services to
area youth, said Katz’s big-picture view will be an asset.
“They’re bringing someone with national stature, with experience to take to the next level
and shake it up,” Harlan said. “In a good way.”
Katz, who is married with two adult children, has some Northern California ties, having
earned his law degree from the University of the Pacific’s McGeorge School of Law in
Sacramento. He earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Nevada-Reno, near where
he grew up.
The Mercury News article above references a New York Times piece where Katz “questioned
whether current police standards give officers too much latitude to use deadly force, and he
advocated for independent review of fatal police shootings.” This is that article…
Law Enforcement Tragedies Where Nobody Pays the Price
By Walter Katz — Opinion
New York Times — April 8, 2014
Walter Katz, a former public defender, was part of a task force that challenged convictions in
cases brought by corrupt Los Angeles police officers in the Ramparts case. He is a member of
the National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement and has been part of the
office of independent review, monitoring the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department. He is on
What happened in Ferguson is just one of several incidents this year that should cause people
to ask whether it is simply too easy for officers to use deadly force.
John Crawford III was shot and killed by officers in Beavercreek, Ohio, while holding a toy
gun in a Walmart. After a grand jury declined to indict the officers, the special prosecutor
remarked, “This case is a tragedy for the family and for the police officers who were justified
to take a life.”
If an officer says he feared for his life when a suspect dropped his hands to pull up his pants,
shooting the suspect to death would be justified.
It is galling attitudes like this that convince people that it is all but impossible to hold an
officer accountable for taking someone’s life. They ask, how can a homicide be a tragedy, yet
no one pays a price.
For answers, one has to look to the U.S. Supreme Court, which in 1989 ruled “that all claims
that law enforcement officers have used excessive force -- deadly or not -- in the course of an
arrest" should be "analyzed under the Fourth Amendment and its ‘objective reasonableness’
standard.” The late Chief Justice William Rehnquist wrote, “The question is whether the
officers’ actions are ‘objectively reasonable’ in light of the facts and circumstances
confronting them, without regard to their underlying intent or motivation.”
In doing so, the court rejected the prior due process standard which was understood as force
that “shocks the conscience” and had allowed for consideration whether the officer “acted in
‘good faith’ or ‘maliciously and sadistically’ for the very purpose of causing harm.”
The objectively reasonable standard leads to what look like callous outcomes -- like that of
Crawford -- built on “because we can” not “because we had no choice” rules of engagement.
Today, if an officer says he feared for his life when a suspect dropped his hands to his
waistband, even though he was just pulling up his pants, or was holding a toy gun in a
discount store, not launching a massacre with an assault rifle, the officer would be justified in
shooting someone to death.
Since officers have to make split-second decisions in circumstances where they can be killed - as were 76 officers in 2013 -- they are given broad deference. But the cost is many
unnecessary deaths.
To reduce those deaths, in the face of a difficult legal standard, police have to do a better job
hiring top flight recruits who are great decision-makers, train them to de-escalate hostile
situations and use force when necessary. All investigations of police homicides should be
surrendered to an outside independent agency.
By doing this as a matter of necessity, our country will see far fewer “justified” tragedies.
Nov. 2nd
Can you check and see if this is true, and if it is, please consider putting it in the Farsider for
the benefit of my conservative friends. If you report that it is factual, I will dump my auto
insurance through Progressive and go back to State Farm.
Talking Points <>
Flo and Her Boss
Stephanie Courtney, the actress who plays "Flo" in the Progressive Insurance TV commercials
gets paid $500,000 per year.
In case you didn't know...
The "Harley Owners Group," the biggest motorcycle club in America, perhaps even in the
world, hasn't found any members that have Progressive Insurance since word got out about
Progressive's communist affiliations. Progressive's association with George Soros, alone
should bring chills up your spine. Oh, you don't know who George Soros is? He finances many
of Obama’s progressive affiliations.
Progressive Insurance. Who are they? You've seen and probably smiled at the clever
Progressive Insurance TV commercials. Well, you're about to learn the rest of the story.
PROGRESSIVE AUTO INSURANCE ~ You know their TV commercials, the ones featuring the
ditsy actress all dressed in white. What you might not know is that the Chairman of
Progressive is Peter Lewis, one of the major funders of leftist causes in America .
Between 2001 and 2003, Lewis funneled $15 million to the ACLU, the group most responsible
for destroying what's left of America 's Judo-Christian heritage.
Lewis also gave $12.5 million to and America Coming Together, two key
propaganda arms of the socialist left.
His funding for these groups was conditional on matching contributions from George Soros,
the America-hating socialist who is the chief financier of the Obama political machine.
Lewis made a fortune as a result of capitalism, but now finances a progressive movement that
threatens to destroy the American free enterprise system. His group is targeting television
shows on Fox News.
Peter Lewis is making a fortune off of conservative Americans (who buy his auto insurance),
then he uses that money to dismantle the very system that made him wealthy. He's banking
on no one finding out who he is, so STOP buying Progressive Insurance and pass this
information on to all your friends. Chairman Lewis' gift helps the ACLU promote their antiChristmas agenda such as:
• Removing nativity scenes from public property
• Banning songs such as Silent Night from schools
• Refusing to allow students to write about the Christian aspect of Christmas in school
• Renaming 'Christmas break' to 'Winter break'
• Refusing to allow a city sponsored Christmas parade to be called a Christmas parade
• Not allowing a Christmas tree in a public school
• Renaming a Christmas tree displayed on public property a Holiday tree
In addition to their war on Christmas, the ACLU uses gifts like those from Chairman Lewis to:
• Sue states to force them to legalize homosexual marriage
• Force libraries to remove porn filters from their computers
• Sue the Boy Scouts to force them to accept homosexuals as scout leaders
• Help legalize child pornography
• Legalize live sex acts in bars in Oregon
• Protect the 'North American Man-Boy-Love Association' whose motto is "sex by eight or it is
too late"
• Censor student-led prayer at graduation
• Remove "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance
• Remove "In God We Trust" on our currency
Peter Lewis died in 2013
I think it is fair to say that some of the particular points on the list above are hyperbolic, T.P.,
but many of the other charges made in the first half of the email are correct regarding Peter
Lewis and George Soros. Snopes, however, considers the message outdated based on the fact
that Lewis died in November 2013. That is not to say that whoever is running the Progressive
Insurance Company now isn’t following Lewis’ uber liberal agenda. Following is an excerpt
from the Snopes article…
Lewis also made donations of $3 million and $2.5 million (both of which were reportedly
matched by billionaire activist George Soros) to America Coming Together (a liberal political
action group which has since disbanded), and (a progressive/liberal political
action committee and public policy group) in 2004.
For further details about Progressive Insurance, Peter Lewis and his ties to socialist billionaire
George Soros, click on THIS Snopes link.
Nov. 4th
If you have ever seen Watters World on the Bill O’Reilly show on Fox News, this guy does the
same type of thing. In fact, he may have gotten the idea from the O’Reilly show. This guy,
however, asks questions that Watters wouldn’t dare to ask on TV. Watch him ask Hillary’s
supporters if they would endorse Sharia Law in America.
Red State <>
The guy’s name is Mark Dice, Red, and this will be his fifth or sixth appearance in the Farsider.
I suspect he may have gotten the idea for the "man in the street interviewer" from O’Reilly’s
No Spin Zone. If he did, he owes Watters and O’Reilly a big thank you. Dice has over 400,000
subscribers to his YouTube channel which nets him a decent income. HERE is his latest video:
Personal note from the Editor to Talking Points and Red State. You know what I think?
Because of the similarities in your writing styles — which often need an editor’s touch — I
think you two may be the same person. Am I correct? It’s not a big deal. I just wanted to let
you know that I am still on a quest to I.D. you (or you guys) simply out of curiosity. And to
thank you for contributing. Without you (or you guys), the Mailman would be as rare as the
Maytag Repairman.
Nov. 3rd
The November 2015 eVanguard is now online. Hard copies are in the mail and will be arriving
soon. Click HERE to download the Vanguard to your desktop, then double click the icon if it
doesn’t open automatically.
There are 68 tickets left. To reserve yours, or for more information, get in touch with Margie
Thompson at 408-421-3785, or send an email to <>.
This press conference about the Illinois lieutenant who was thought to have been murdered
turns out to be a staged suicide with a long list of prior criminal activity. Pity. Click HERE will
take you to the full press conference.
We have had some queries about Bill Leavy’s status with the NFL now that he is no longer
running up and down the field blowing a whistle and throwing a yellow washcloth on the
field. So we asked him.
After several years in uniform that culminated with the wearing of a white hat designating
him as the referee — or lead official on the field — the retired San Jose cop-turned-firefighter
received a bump up in the NFL officiating hierarchy. He is now an “NFL Area Supervisor”
whose job, primarily, is to evaluate and train 17 NFL Referees. He travels to a city every
Saturday during the season to meet with the crew who is scheduled to work that weekend’s
game. He also sits in on their pregame meeting and answers any questions the crew may
have and relays any information that the New York Office generated the previous week. On
game day he evaluates the officials’ performance from the press box.
As in years past as a referee, Bill usually returns home after the game and prepares to spend
Monday and Tuesday grading the game he attended as well as one or two other games from
the previous weekend. He is aided by videos showing the coaches tape from the sideline, end
zone, and all shots that were transmitted by TV during the game. It takes him about 5-6
hours to grade each game.
On Wednesday, the NY Office and all of the Supervisors and Assistant Supervisors collaborate
via video conference on all of the games and the plays that were graded by each Supervisor.
The start time is 5:30 a.m. for the West Coast resident. The supervisors’ goal is to be
consistent and fair to each official and to assure that the individual officials are calling the
game consistently. Every play is graded for the correct calls made, calls that should have been
made but were not, and any incorrect calls. Mechanics and judgment are also graded as
Bill travels to New York five times during the year to grade and collaborate in person with all
of the Supervisors at the command center in New York.
Bill also produces a training tape every other week that focuses solely on the Referee
position. He tries to show plays that illustrate how certain calls should or should not be called.
Bill also assists Dean Blandino (Vice President of Officiating) every week in the creation of a
weekly test that includes written questions as well as video questions.
During the off season he works on the Rule Book and the Casebook as well as updating the
NFL Referee Manual. He then travels and visits eight different teams where he presents the
new rules and points of emphasis.
If that’s not enough to keep him busy, he prepares for the NFL Officiating Clinic in Dallas and
attends a training camp for one of the 32 NFL teams with a group of three to four other
officials as they prepare to work the next season.
As you can see, Bill may not be seen on the field like he was as a White Hat, but he is far
busier with the NFL than he ever was.
For those unaware of Bill’s background, he began his career with the City in Sept. 1969 when
he joined the SJPD. With the same retirement system, he transferred to the Fire Dept. in June
of ’81, and retired from City employment in April of 1997.
Bill began officiating high school and PAL football with Noel Lanctot in 1972. In 1984 he made
a move up to the Big West Conference and officiated state college games (SJSU, Fresno State,
etc.) which drew the NFL’s attention. In 1995 he was hired by the League as a Back Judge. Six
years later, in 2001, Bill was promoted to Referee, a position he held until the end of last
year’s season which, as noted, culminated in a bump up to the new job of "NFL Area
Supervisor” that will result in as much if not more stress and responsibility, but far less abuse
to his body.
Betrayed by the Badge: Hundreds of Police Officers Across the U.S. Lose Licenses Over Sex
By Matt Sedensky and Norman Merchant — Associated Press
Mercury News — Crime and Courts — Nov. 3, 2015
A police car drives into the Springlake Police Station in Oklahoma City, on Oct. 7, 2015.
Former Oklahoma City police officer Daniel Holtzclaw, who worked in the department's
Springlake Division, is accused of sexual offenses against 13 women he encountered while on
patrol. In an investigation of sexual misconduct by U.S. law enforcement, The Associated
Press uncovered about 1,000 officers who lost their badges in a six-year period for rape,
sodomy and other sexual assault; sex crimes that included possession of child pornography;
or sexual misconduct such as propositioning citizens or having consensual but prohibited onduty intercourse. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki) (Sue Ogrocki/AP)
OKLAHOMA CITY -- Flashing lights pierced the black of night, and the big white letters made
clear it was the police. The woman pulled over was a daycare worker in her 50s headed home
after playing dominoes with friends. She felt she had nothing to hide, so when the Oklahoma
City officer accused her of erratic driving, she did as directed.
She would later tell a judge she was splayed outside the patrol car for a pat-down and then
made to lift her shirt and pull down her pants to prove she wasn't hiding anything. She
described being ordered to sit in the squad car as the officer towered over her. His gun in
sight, she said she pleaded "No, sir" as he unzipped his fly and exposed himself to her with a
hurried directive.
"Come on," the woman, identified in police reports as J.L., said she was told before she began
giving the officer oral sex. "I don't have all night."
The accusations are undoubtedly jolting, and yet they reflect a betrayal of the badge that has
been repeated across the country.
A year-long investigation by The Associated Press has found about 1,000 officers who lost
their licenses in a six-year period for rape, sodomy and other sexual assaults; sex crimes that
included possession of child pornography; or sexual misconduct such as propositioning
citizens or having on-duty intercourse.
The probe at once represents both the most complete examination of such wrongdoing and a
sure undercount of the problem, limited by a patchwork of state laws. California and New
York, for example, had no records because they have no statewide system for revoking the
licenses of officers who commit misconduct. And even among states that provided
information, some reported no officers removed for sexual misdeeds even though cases were
discovered in news stories or court records.
"It's happening probably in every law enforcement agency across the country," said Chief
Bernadette DiPino of the Sarasota Police Department in Florida, who helped study the
problem for the International Association of Chiefs of Police. "It's so under reported and
people are scared that if they call and complain about a police officer, they think every other
police officer is going to be then out to get them."
The AP's review is based on a state-by-state pursuit of records on decertification, the process
by which a law enforcement license is revoked. Though nine states and the District of
Columbia declined to provide information or said they did not track officer misconduct,
decertification records from 41 states were obtained and then dissected to determine
whether the cause of revocation involved sexual misconduct.
All told, the AP determined that some 550 officers lost their licenses from 2009 through 2014
for sexual assault, including rape, pat-downs that amounted to groping, and shakedowns in
which citizens were extorted into performing favors to avoid arrest. Some 440 other officers
were decertified for other sex offenses or misconduct, including child pornography, voyeurism
in the guise of police work and consensual but prohibited on-duty intercourse.
About one-third of the decertified officers were accused in incidents involving juveniles.
Overall, the victims were overwhelmingly women and included some of society's most
vulnerable -- the poor, the addicted, the young. Others had criminal records, sometimes used
by the officers as a means for exploitation. Some were victims of crime who, seeking help,
found themselves again targeted by men in uniform.
The law enforcement officials in these records included state and local police, sheriff's
deputies, prison guards and school resource officers. They represent a fraction of the
hundreds of thousands whose jobs are to serve and protect. Nevertheless, the AP's findings
suggest that sexual misconduct is among the most prevalent complaints against law officers.
Cases from just the past year demonstrate the devastation of such depravity.
In Connecticut, William Ruscoe of the Trumbull Police began a 30-month prison term in
January after pleading guilty to the sexual assault of a 17-year-old girl he met through a
program for teens interested in law enforcement. Case records detailed advances that began
with texts and attempts to kiss and grope the girl. Then one night Ruscoe brought her back to
his home. The victim told investigators that despite telling him no "what felt like 1,000
times," he removed her clothes, fondled her and forced her to touch him -- at one point
cuffing her hands.
In Florida, Jonathan Bleiweiss of the Broward Sheriff's Office was sentenced to a five-year
prison term in February for bullying about 20 immigrant men into sex acts. Prosecutors said
he used implied threats of deportation to intimidate the men.
And in New Mexico, Michael Garcia of the Las Cruces Police was sentenced last November to
nine years in federal prison for sexually assaulting a high school police intern. The victim,
Diana Guerrero, said in court the assault left her feeling "like a piece of trash," dashed her
dreams of becoming an officer, and triggered depression and flashbacks.
"I lost my faith in everything, everyone, even in myself," said Guerrero, who is now 21 and
agreed to her name being published.
Experts on sex assault believe most victims never come forward, and said fears can be
compounded if the offender is an officer. Diane Wetendorf, who started a support group in
Chicago for victims of officers, recalls the stories of those who did go to authorities: Some
women's homes came under surveillance or their children were intimidated by police. Fellow
officers, she said, refused to turn on accused colleagues.
"It starts with the officer denying the allegations -- 'she's crazy,' 'she's lying,'" she said. "And
the other officers say they didn't see anything, they didn't hear anything."
The issue will be in the spotlight beginning Monday in Oklahoma City, where former Officer
Daniel Holtzclaw is scheduled for trial, accused in the rapes, sexual battery or exploitation of
13 women, including J.L. The AP doesn't name alleged victims of sexual assault without
consent, and J.L. declined to be interviewed. She immediately reported her accusations in
June 2014, and detectives launched a wider investigation.
Police eventually assembled a six-month narrative of alleged sex crimes they said started
Dec. 20, 2013, with a woman taken into custody and hospitalized while high on angel dust.
Dressed in a hospital gown, her right wrist handcuffed to the bed rail, the woman said
Holtzclaw coerced her into performing oral sex, suggesting her cooperation would lead to
dropped charges.
"I didn't think that no one would believe me," that woman testified at a pretrial hearing. "I
feel like all police will work together, and I was scared."
Holtzclaw, 28, a former football star who is now fired from the Oklahoma City Police
Department, has pleaded not guilty. His family has said "the truth of his innocence will be
shown in court." His attorney, Scott Adams, would not respond to requests for comment but
indicated in pretrial hearings that he will attack the credibility of the accusers, some of whom
had struggled with drugs or previously worked as prostitutes.
The youngest of the accusers, who was 17 when she says Holtzclaw raped her on her
mother's front porch, said the attack left her unsure about what to do.
"Like, what am I going to do?" she said at the pretrial hearing. "Call the cops? He was a cop."
Related story...
162 Florida Officers Decertified for Sex-Related Misconduct Over 6-Year Period
Click HERE for this article that breaks the problem down state-by-state.
Crash Victim Lands on Freeway Sign After He’s Ejected from Car
—Man, who was not wearing seat belt, overturns vehicle—
By Brittney Mejia — Los Angeles Times
Mercury News — Oct. 31, 2015
Authorities removed the body of a 20-year-old Burbank man from an Interstate 5 freeway
sign Friday morning in Glendale after the driver lost control of his car and was ejected.
California Highway Patrol received a call at 7 a.m. about the driver of a Ford Fiesta traveling
recklessly down southbound I-5 just north of California 134.
The body of a driver ejected when his car rolled
over several times on southbound Interstate 5 is
seen where it landed on an overhead freeway sign
north of downtown Los Angeles on Friday.
Shortly after, the car collided with another car, overturned and the driver was ejected,
landing on the Colorado Street freeway sign, said Edgar Figueroa, a CHP public information
The driver, Richard Pananian, was not wearing a seat belt and died, Figueroa said. The Los
Angeles Fire Department assisted in removing the body from the sign.
“I’ve never seen anything like this or heard anything like this,” Figueroa said. “It’s the first
Officials had closed both northbound and southbound lanes on I-5, but most have since
reopened. The three and four lanes on the southbound side remain closed for the
Oct. 28 — Nov. 3
Oct. 28: It’s the World Series between the Mets and the Royals. Man, last night was a crazy
game. And if you missed it, don’t worry because they're re-releasing it in a 12-DVD boxed set.
It was a long one!
Last night, the Mets' Bartolo Colon became the oldest pitcher to lose a World Series game.
You can tell he’s old, because when the manager came out to talk to him, he was just happy
to have a visitor. “Are you one of my grandkids?”
A Canadian burger chain is now offering hamburgers stuffed with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
So to answer your question: Yes, there IS a wrong way to eat a Reese's.
Oct. 29: Halloween is just a couple days away. Everybody's getting in the spirit. In fact last
night, I watched TWO scary movies: the Republican debate and the Mets game. (I'll be having
nightmares for WEEKS!)
Carly Fiorina said that after the previous debate, people told her that she needed to smile
more. They were like, "Just pretend you're laying off a bunch of people."
In his closing comments, Rand Paul said that he is running to create a government so small
that you can barely see it. Paul said it would be modeled after his presidential campaign.
It was announced that China officially ended its one-child policy this week, and will allow
parents to have two children. Over the next few nights, the only thing that will be “made in
China” is love. In bed.
There are reports that a movie is in the works based on the game Monopoly. They say the
movie will be just like the game because it's four hours long and it ends with your family
Oct. 30: The Department of Energy says it’s developing a facility that can turn pumpkins into
useful energy. It's called “Starbucks.”
I saw that the New York Times published an op-ed about Chris Christie’s campaign titled,
“Chris Christie, Time to Go Home.” Incidentally, that's the same thing that the people at
Golden Corral say when they're closing.
This Sunday is the end of Daylight Savings Time, when we all get an extra hour of sleep!
Which means Ben Carson will be getting 25 hours of sleep.
I read about a 73-year-old man who turned in his collection of half a million pennies he's
found on the street throughout his life, amounting to over five-thousand dollars. When asked
what he'll do with the money, Bernie Sanders said, “Finance my campaign!”
The new Apple TV has a feature where if you ask Siri “What did that character say,” the TV
will rewind to 15 seconds earlier. They're calling the feature, “Watching TV with my Mom.
'What did he say? Who is that? Why are they kissing? What else is she in? Nah that wasn’t it.
Who is that woman?'"
Nov. 2: I hope everyone had a good Halloween. It seemed like there were lots of good
costumes this year. I saw that The Rock went as Popeye; Heidi Klum went as Jessica Rabbit;
and this year's Mets went as LAST year's Mets.
Congrats to the Kansas City Royals, who beat the Mets to win their first World Series in 30
years. Since the Royals won, they'll get to meet President Obama. And since the Mets blew an
early lead and lost, they'll get to meet Jeb Bush.
I saw that Jay-Z and Beyoncé dressed as the characters from the Eddie Murphy movie
“Coming to America.” In fact their "Coming to America" costumes were so good, Donald
Trump had them both deported.
It's being reported that the Jets had their locker room swept for listening devices before their
recent game against the New England Patriots. The Jets became suspicious when they noticed
an unmarked van parked in the shower.
On last week's episode of “Inside the NBA,” Shaquille O’Neal claimed that someone recently
offered him $50 million to go to the moon. Then Shaq reached up and went, “You mean this
little ball of cheese?”
Nov. 3: We're in the middle of a November heat wave, with temperatures in the 70s! Even
people worried about climate change were like, "This is pretty nice actually.”
We have Bill O'Reilly here tonight. He's the author of the new book "Killing Reagan," as well
as "Killing Lincoln," "Killing Kennedy," and "Killing Jesus." So Bill’s gonna sit in that chair, and
I'm gonna sit waaayyy over there.
A new national poll found that Ben Carson is now ahead of Donald Trump by six points in the
Republican race. Finally proving that you can LITERALLY sleep your way to the top.
After being courted by several candidates, conservative billionaire Paul Singer has decided to
endorse Marco Rubio. Now instead of having a button that says, “Donate,” Rubio's website
just says, “We Good.”
A new survey found that three out of four children under the age of four have their own
smartphone. You can tell it's bad; last night I told my daughter it was time for bed and she
tried to swipe left on me.
Oct. 28: On Monday, former heavyweight champ Mike Tyson endorsed Donald Trump. Tyson
joins Trump’s biggest group of supporters: "People Who Have Been Hit in the Head a Lot."
Tonight’s Republican debate took place in Colorado, where marijuana is legal. Which explains
why every single question from the audience was, "Where am I?"
A new study just came out that shows decreasing the amount of sugar in obese children's diet
improves their health within 10 days. The study was conducted by a bunch of jerks trying to
ruin Halloween.
Tonight is game two of the World Series. They might have to cancel it, though — apparently
they’re still playing game one.
The math skills of American students have dropped for the first time since 1990. Or as
American math students put it, "Since eight years ago."
Tonight was the World Series and the Republican debate. In other words, two events with
completely different attitudes toward Latino immigrants.
Oct. 29: This Saturday is Halloween and a lot of people this year are going as presidential
candidates. However, I’m not sure I want to see a slutty Mike Huckabee.
China announced it is going to start allowing couples to have more than one child. Which
means nine months from now, Apple’s work force in China will double.
During last night’s debate, Donald Trump said he would feel more comfortable if his own
employees brought firearms to work. When they heard that, many of Trump’s Hispanic
employees said, "No problemo."
For Halloween, Google Maps has created a Street View tour of the world’s scariest locations.
The scariest locations include a haunted castle in Scotland, a graveyard in Transylvania, and
the bathroom of a Del Taco.
Analysts are saying that after last night’s dismal performance at the debate, Jeb Bush’s
donors are in "full panic mode." Apparently, last night Jeb Bush called his two biggest donors
and said, "Calm down, Mom and Dad."
Amazon is considering starting its own clothing line. Which is strange, because what’s great
about shopping on Amazon is not having to wear clothes.
Nov. 3: Ashley Madison claimed that there were over 5.5 million women looking to have an
affair on their site, but recently it was revealed that only 12,000 women were real and the
rest were computer-controlled robots. A former user named David Poyet is suing them for
misleading him. That's right, a guy on Ashley Madison feels cheated.
If you sign up for a website to cheat on your spouse and it's not as good as you would have
thought, maybe just leave it at that, just walk away. It's like buying a bag of weed and then
running to tell the cops when you find out it's just oregano.
This is no longer one guy suing, though, it's a class action lawsuit now, which is ironically
exactly what Ashley Madison promised: some real class action.
Amazon has filed a lawsuit against a company that would create fake five-star product
reviews in exchange for money. You can't just create fake approval for a mediocre product.
Amazon says that they have a strong case. But honestly, I don't know if they'll win because
their lawyer only has 2.5 stars.
Oct. 28: Earlier this week Donald received the endorsement of one of America's great political
minds. Remember, Mike Tyson once bit a man's ear off on national television — and endorsing
Donald Trump is the craziest thing he has ever done.
The only acceptable time to take advice from a man with a face tattoo is if you're wondering
how to hide a body.
But Tyson isn't the only celebrity endorsing Trump. He's also been endorsed by Kirstie Alley,
Gary Busey, Dennis Rodman, and Hulk Hogan, which sounds like a season of "Celebrity
Republican candidate Mike Huckabee has earned endorsements from several members of the
Duggar family. And that is a smart political move, since nearly 40 percent of Republican
voters are actually members of the Duggar family.
Some candidates, like Democratic candidate Martin O'Malley, are having trouble getting
celebrities on their bandwagon. We here at "The Late Late Show" are open to supporting you,
Martin O'Malley, but first we have a couple questions. Question 1: Who are you? Question 2 . .
. That is really the only question we have.
Bernie Sanders has received an endorsement from Justin Long, the actor who famously
played a "Mac" in those old Apple commercials. The endorsement meant so much to Bernie,
he's thinking of switching over to a Mac from his current computer, a yellow legal pad.
Nov. 2: Saturday was National Try-Too-Hard-on-Instagram Day, or as you guys call it,
In England, Halloween is very much a holiday for children. Here, it's been completely hijacked
by adults who've gotten totally carried away.
Here's a general rule of thumb: If you spent more time on your costume than your kid's
costume, you're the most frightening part of Halloween.
I went to one house where a guy had his throat slashed with blood shooting out of his neck. I
looked at my 4-year-old who was now in tears and I said, “Let's just go to 7-Eleven. They
have full-sized candy bars there.” A 7-Eleven is less scary than a house in Santa Monica.
Oct. 28: Did you see that baseball game last night? 14 innings. It was the second-longest
game in World Series history, it was brutal. I'm exhausted. My wife said to me this morning,
“You realize you're exhausted from watching other men play sports?”
That game last night was longer than a voice mail from your mother.
There are a million people in New York and Kansas City sleeping on their desks today. A
baseball game should never be longer than the Ken Burns documentary about baseball.
Meanwhile, the other big competition from Boulder, Colorado, another Republican
presidential debate on CNBC. Do we learn anything from these debates? The only thing voters
might learn is CNBC is a channel.
The two front-runners: Ben Carson, who doesn't believe in evolution; and Donald Trump, who
kind of proves his point.
Yesterday, Donald Trump told the crowd in Iowa, "I am a great Christian." If you have to tell
people you're a great Christian, you might not be a great Christian. Jesus said it is easier for a
camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.
Which is why Donald Trump is now currently working on plans to build an enormous needle.
Oct. 29: Last night in Colorado the Republican candidates for president gathered to debate. It
was the most-watched program in CNBC history. Mostly people watched to get ideas for
Halloween costumes.
Jeb Bush had a very rough night last night. He finally got time to say what he wanted, and
how did he use it? He attacks not Donald Trump, not Hillary Clinton or Ben Carson. Of all
people, he attacks Marco Rubio for missing votes in the Senate. Which is something that
literally no one outside of Florida cares about. It was embarrassing. And it's just like a Bush to
attack the wrong guy, it really is.
The worst of memorable moments: We learned Donald Trump carries a gun. He told the group
he carries a concealed weapon, conceals it in his hair.
The front-runner Dr. Ben Carson, in his closing statement, said one thing he's noticed on the
campaign trail that is people are waking up. And we're hoping that eventually he will also
wake up.
Nov. 30: Daylight saving is one of those things we do for no reason. Like signing up for a gym
membership, it makes no sense.
At the New York City marathon, the winner of the men's race was a truck driver from Fort
Worth named Jeff Stubble. Just kidding. It was a Kenyan.
For the third straight year, a pair of Kenyans swept the gold medals at the marathon. They
traveled more than 7,000 miles to win what is essentially a decorative plate. Probably could
have got one on Etsy for half the cost.
Kenyans might be the best at marathons but Americans are the best at "Real Housewives"
Oct. 28: After falling behind Dr. Ben Carson in polls, Donald Trump said yesterday, “I don’t
like being second. Second is terrible to me.” “Hey, believe me, third is even worse,” said
Donald Trump said yesterday to supporters, “If I lose Iowa, I will never speak to you people
again.” He added, “But if I win, I will never speak to you people again.”
Walgreens announced a deal yesterday to buy rival drugstore chain Rite-Aid in a deal worth
over $17 billion. Which is horrible news for people currently holding two separate Xanax
A Georgia man this week was arrested after shattering the glass door of a Waffle House when
he was charged 50 cents more than he expected for a sausage biscuit. Of course drugs are
suspected, since he had the strength to break a window after eating at a Waffle House.
Oct. 29: The third Republican debate was held last night, and RNC Chairman Reince Priebus
said he was extremely disappointed with the coverage. And he understands disappointment,
because his parents named him Reince Priebus.
A new survey from Bank of America and USA Today found that 39 percent of millennials are
chronically stressed because of money. And the other 61 percent are monetarily stressed
because of chronic.
China has revised its one child per family rule. It will now allow parents to have two children.
Chinese parents were so excited, they let their kids have the day off of work.
Apple is reportedly working on a new protection system that will reduce the number of
iPhones with cracked screens. The system is called "Alcoholics Anonymous."
"Star Wars" creator George Lucas has gotten approval to build a 300,000-square-foot
museum in Chicago. And if you think that sounds exciting, just wait until you've tried sex.
Nov. 30: Bernie Sanders this weekend took his three grandchildren trick-or-treating in New
Hampshire. Or as Fox News reported it, “Bernie Sanders Supports Handouts for the
A Canadian pharmacy had to apologize this weekend after accidentally handing out bipolar
medication on Halloween instead of candy. The victims say they’re sad that it happened, but
happy that it happened.
An Ashley Madison user is suing the adultery website for falsely advertising a higher number
of female users than it truly had. And if you can’t trust a website that helps you secretly cheat
on your spouse, who can you trust?
A drunk woman in Nebraska had to be hospitalized this weekend after she broke into a zoo
because she wanted to pet a tiger and wound up being bitten by the animal. When asked how
she’s doing, the woman said, “Not GR-R-REAT!”
Nov. 3: As of today, we are officially one year away from the 2016 presidential election. If
that seems like a long time to wait, just remember some people (Hillary) have been waiting
their whole lives.
“Crippled America” outlines Donald Trump’s plan to make America great again. Though the
book doesn’t say specifically WHEN he’s leaving.
Police say a Texas man stabbed his roommate this weekend during a fight over a piece of
fried chicken. So even if you don't eat the fried chicken, it will still find a way to kill you.
A new study has found that listing calorie content on menus has almost no effect on
encouraging customers to choose healthier foods. The study was conducted by looking
A new report by the CDC shows almost 60 percent of sexually active teens use condoms. The
other 40 percent are still trying to get the wrapper open.
Oct. 28: Like a lot of New Yorkers, I am a little tired and pissed off this morning. I'm guessing
a lot of you flipped over from the third Republican debate. I don't know what happened yet
because we taped this at 5:30, but I am super excited about the brand new Republican frontrunner, retired neurosurgeon and current tired person Ben Carson.
It's been a great time for him. This surgeon is surging in the polls, 26 percent, ahead of
Donald Trump's 22 percent. The other 52 percent, of course, is going to the other 52
Carson's strongest support comes from evangelical Christians, a group that Donald Trump has
had real trouble with, evidently. People who read the Bible just don't want to follow someone
who looks that much like a golden calf.
I haven't been able to watch tonight's Republican debate yet, but I'm excited to see the faceoff between the party's biggest opponents: Carson and staying awake.
If you have not chosen a costume by now, that means you are that much closer to being that
guy at the party trying to pass off your shower cap and bath robe as a costume. That is not a
costume. That is unemployed.
Here is a quick costume idea you can make with things just lying around. You can find these
in your bathroom. Just stick a toilet plunger on your forehead, and then put a toilet seat
around your neck, and say you are a narwhal breaking through the ice.
Did you guys watch the debate on CNBC last night? In some ways it was impressive. It
managed to thread the needle between confusing and boring.
But if I'm going to talk about the debate, it's now or never. Though never is a tempting
In fact, when I interviewed for this job, I said my biggest weakness was sometimes I work so
hard I forget to cash my paychecks.
Nov. 3: Whenever I get on the Internet, it just turns into a time-sucking sinkhole . . .
This morning, I went online just to see if it's going to rain tomorrow. So I Google weather,
and one of the results is regional precipitation patterns. So I clicked on the link, and I'm
reading about how the rainiest place in the U.S. is the Na Pali coast of Hawaii, where I learned
on the Na Pali Wikipedia page the strawberry guava is an invasive species.
Then, according to an external link, it is not a citrus plant but does have high levels of vitamin
C — less than an orange but more than a grapefruit, which, WebMD informs me, can be bad
for people with kidney transplants because they counteract their immunosuppressive
medication . . .
The point is, does anybody know if it's going to rain tomorrow?
Click HERE for the most current update.
Coming on the heels of the Bad Lip Reading video of the first Republican debate from two
weeks ago, HERE are highlights of the the recent Bad Lip Reading Democratic debate. (4:58)
If you missed the Bad Lip Reading video of the first Republican debate from the Oct. 22nd
Farsider, HERE it is again. (4:59)
There’s a new comedy team in town known as Bob and David. See what you think by checking
out THIS skit about a motorist who knows his rights. (5:20)
With all the nastiness that is going on around the state, country and world, here is something
that will allow everyone to chill for one solitary minute, courtesy of Margo Hober via Tom
Macris. It’s a shame we humans can’t get along like THESE furry critters. (1:02)
It truly is a shame that Hollywood doesn’t turn out comedians from the past like Tim Conway
and Harvey Korman, both of whom were regulars on the Carol Burnett Show. This skit with
Conway and Korman titled “The Dentist” is arguably among their funniest and most popular.
Watch closely and see if you can tell the moment that suppressed laughter causes KORMAN to
wet his pants, as pointed out in the following video when Conway appeared as a guest on the
Conan O’Brien Show. (2:59)
In THIS appearance on Conan O’Brien’s show in Dec. 2013, Conway says that Korman wet his
pants from laughing too hard during the dentist skit. (4:59)
(Tim Conway is 81 and alive; Harvey Korman died from heart failure in 2008 at the age of 81.)
Was this Bill Lansdowne’s idea of Community Policing before he pulled the plug as San
Diego’s Chief? Prior to becoming the SJPD’s Police Artist, Tom Macris says he tried to DANCE
with the kids on his beat, but they had never heard of the Fox Trot. (0.38)
Russ Russell says you should take a moment and listen to THIS fifth grader. What he says is
pretty profound, so much so that he may be setting the groundwork for a future
Congressional run. (2:11)
As much as Joan Lockwood hates to be the bearer of bad news, she felt compelled to send
THIS to us so all of you could get an early start on packing and avoid the crowd. (1:39)
This 5-minute time-lapse video received from Tom Macris of the Oregon Coast titled “A Winter
Odyssey” has to be seen to be appreciated, especially if you ENJOY beautiful scenery. (5:09)
Want to see a spectacular show? Click HERE, then sit back and enjoy the dancing, the visuals
and the music, courtesy of Don Hale. But don’t expect to be able to decipher the text that
accompanies the video. (4:55)
We’ve seen videos of these guys before and found them entertaining, in a weird sort of way.
The Japanese dance group “World Order” has released its new video featuring founder Genki
Sudo. Filming at landmarks across Europe, the group executes their synchronized moves at
the Louvre in Paris, the Arc de Triomphe, and the Eiffel Tower among a host of other venues.
Blending robotic precision with a sharp sense of style “World Order” has been met with
critical acclaim across the globe. Click HERE to view the video. (4:52)
To visit World Order’s YouTube page, click HERE
This is the short story about a Gorilla named “Kwibi” who was raised by a man, then set free
in Africa to live on his own. Five years later they reunited. WATCH what happens. (4:01)
Have any of you who have gone SCUBA diving in the ocean run across a creature known as a
Sunfish? This one that was spotted and photographed off the coast of Portugal was reported
to weigh about 3,000 pounds. If you are wondering what it would taste like with a little
lemon butter on the side, you’re not alone. But then I think about that every time I see a fish.
Watch the expression on THIS anchor man as the meteorologist presents a special feature on
how some farmers affected by the drought are fighting back by planting and harvesting
marshmallows. (4:05)
This older clip is also about marshmallow HARVESTING, but it isn’t the video referenced by
the meteorologist in the clip above because this took place in North Carolina, not Fresno. It
does, however, appear to be 20+ years old because it was obviously shot on VHS or Beta.
Why would you want to watch THIS illusion we received from our old partner in crime and
SJPD's first retired police artist? Because it is…
This clip received from Sharon Lansdowne makes a good case that crows are among the
smartest birds when it comes to problem solving. Then again, people familiar with CROWS
already know that. (3:17)
If you need more convincing, have a look at THIS clip from the BBC that we ran in the Feb. 13,
2014 Farsider. It’s about a fine feathered critter named “007” who has no problem solving an
8-step puzzle. (3:19)
Don’t tell me Hamsters are hard to train. It only took six months of intense training to teach
one from my little critter litter to perform backflips. Click HERE and see for yourself. (0:47)
Although many of us are classified as elderly, we all have other elderly people in our lives.
Maybe they are family members you visit or visit you for a few hours each week, or neighbors
you see sitting on their porches, or see you doing the same thing. Either way, the elderly
aren’t that different from 98-year-old Mary Tony. Like many single senior citizens, she suffers
from intense loneliness. While her days are filled with engaging activities and good friends at
a local senior center, her evenings are quite different.
Voyager, a production house in Brooklyn, New York, recently created THIS short film called
“Junk Mail” that is an intimate look at Mary’s life. Some parts might make you laugh, others
may make you cry, but the film is something that everyone should take the time to watch.
While the elderly might be old, they should not be forgotten. Nor you if you are among the
Bert Kelsey felt this was IMPORTANT enough for us to pass along. To say it is a profound
message is a vast understatement, which is why we saved it for last. (4:00)
Pic of the Week
Mum is the word if you recognize the building in
this photo. Don't tell the Media or the Water Police...
Additions and changes since the last published update (alphabetical by last name):
No Changes
To receive the email address of anyone on the list -- or to receive the roster with all of the
email addresses -- send your request to <>.
Abram, Fred & Connie
Adams, Gene
Ady, Bruce
Agerbeek, Bob
Agerbeek, Rudy
Aguilar, David
Aguirre, Jim
Albericci, Jerry
Alberts, Dick
Alcantar, Ernie
Alfano, Phil
Alford, Mike
Aligo, Cynthia
Allbright, Bill
Allen, Bob
Alvarado, Marie
Alvarez, Pat (Campbell)
Amaral, Mike
Anders, Alberta
Anderson, Jim
Anderson, Mark
Anderson, Sharon
Anthony, Tom
Antoine, Steve
Antonowicz, Germaine
Appleby, Judy
Arata, Jennifer
Arca, Rich
Archie, Dan
Avery, Rod
Babineau, Dave & Cheryl
Bacigalupi, Dave
Baggott, Jim
Bailey, Rich
Baker, Beth
Balesano, Bob
Balesteri, Lou
Ballard, Gordon
Banner, Ken
Barikmo, Jon
Bariteau, John
Barnes, Steve
Barnett, Brad
Baroff, Stan
Barrera, Ray
Barranco, Rich
Barshay, Marc
Bartels, Don
Bartholomew, Dave
Bartoldo, Tom
Basilio, Les
Bastida, Maggie
Bates, Tom
Battaglia, Nick
Battaglia, Will
Baxter, Jack
Bayer, Lance
Bayers, Dennis
Beams, Bob
Beattie, George
Becerra, Manny
Beck, Brian
Beck, Tom
Becknall, Jim
Beckwith, Tony
Beiderman, Margie
Belcher, Steve
Bell, Bob
Bell, Mark
Bell, Mike
Belleci, Ron
Belveal, Chuck
Bence, Martin
Bennett, Joy
Bennett, Mark
Berggren, Heidi
Bergtholdt, Doug
Bernardo, Guy
Bettencourt, Ed
Bevis, Sherry
Biebel, Phil
Bielecki, Mike
Binder, Andrew
Biskup, Shelley
Blackmore, Chuck
Blackstock, Carroll
Boales, Tina
Boes, Judith
Boggess, Eileen
Boggess, Mike
Bonetti, Jon
Bosco, Al
Botar, Rick
Bowen, Gordy
Bowman, Mike
Boyd, Pat
Boyles, John
Bradshaw, Bob
Brahm, Bob
Bray, Mary Ellen
Brewer, Tom
Brickell, Dave
Bridgen, Dave
Brightwell, Larry
Brocato, Dom
Brookins, Dennis
Brooks, Bob
Brown Jr., Bill
Brown, Charlie
Brown, Dennis
Brown, Ernie
Brown, Terry
Browning, Bob
Brua, Dale
Bullock, April
Bullock, Dan
Bulygo, Corinne
Bulygo, Mary
Burke, Karol
Burns, Barbara
Burroughs, (Bronson) Utta
Busch, Dennis
Bye, Bud
Byers, Dave
Bytheway, Glenn
Caddell, Jim
Cadenasso, Richard
Caldarulo, Wendy
Calderon, Richard
Caldwell, Phyllis
Camara, Bob
Camarena, Raul
Campbell, Jason
Campbell, John
Campbell, Larry
Campos, John
Cannell, Tom
Caragher, Ed
Caraway, Steve
Card, Christine
Cardoza, Vic
Carlin, David
Carlsen, Laura
Carlton, Jim
Caro, Bert
Caro, Lynne
Carr Jr., John
Carr, John
Carraher, Don
Carraher, Jim
Carter, Ernie
Carrillo, Jaci Cordes
Carrillo, John
Cates, Dean
Cavallaro, Dave
Cedeno, Rey
Chalmers, JC
Chamness, Hank
Chapel, Ivan
Chevalier, Brian
Chavez, Ruben
Chewey, Bob
Christian, Brian
Christiansen, Bob
Christiansen, Rich
Christie, Kenn
Clark, Bill (the one who
Clark, Bill
Clayton, Dave
Clear, Jennifer
Clifton, Craig
Coates, Marisa
Cobarruviaz, Lou
Coen, Roger
Colombo, Tony
Comelli, Ivan
Como, John
Confer, Rick
Connor, Stephanie
Connors, Kim
Conrad, Mark
Contreras, Dolores
Conway, Ed
Cook, John
Cooke, Bertie
Coppom, Dave
Cordes, Marilyn
Cornfield, Scott
Cortez, Darrell
Costa, Mike
Cossey, Neil
Cotterall, Doug
Couser, Rich
Cripe, Rodger
Crowell, Chuck
Culwell, Ken
Cunningham, Stan
D'Arcy, Steve
Dailey, Karen
Daley, Brian
Daly, Ron
Damon, Alan
Damon, Veronica
Daniels, Jim
Daulton, Rich
Daulton, Zita
Davis, Bud
Davis, Joan
Davis, Mike
Davis, Rob
Day, Jack
Deaton, Caroll
DeBoard, Joe
DeGeorge, Bob
DeLaere, Sylvia
Delgado, Dave
DeMers, Buc
Dennis, Sandra
Destro, Mike
Destro, Tony
Devane, Dan
Devane, Joe
Dewey, Rod
Diaz, Mike
DiBari, Dave
DiVittorio, Gerrie
Dishman, Billy
Doherty, Janiece
Dolezal, Dennis
Dominguez, Bob
Dooley, Jeff
Dorsey, Ed
Dotzler, Jennifer
Dowdle, Mike
Doxie, Tara
DuClair, Jim
Dudding, Bill
Dudley, Bruce
Duey, Dennis
Dye, Allen
Dwyer, Pat
Earnshaw, Kathy
Earnshaw, Patrick
Edillo-Brown, Margie
Edwards, Derrek
Edwards, Don
Egan, Mike
Eisenberg, Terry
Ellner, Howard
Ellsworth, Larry
Embry (Howsmon), Eva
Erfurth, Bill
Erickson, Rich
Esparza, Dave
Esparza, Fred
Estrabao, Dario
Eubanks, Earl
Evans, Linda
Evans, Ron
Ewing, Chris
Ewing, Don
Ewing, Paul
Fagalde, Kevin
Fair, Bruce
Fairhurst, Dick
Fanucchi, Ross
Farlow, Paul
Farmer, Jack
Faron, Walt
Farrow, Chuck
Faulstich, Marge
Faulwetter, Stan
Faz, Dennis
Fehr, Mike
Ferdinandsen, Ed
Ferguson, Betty
Ferguson, Ken
Ferla, Al
Fernsworth, Larry
Flauding, Ken
Fleming, Joe
Flores, Phil
Flosi, Ed
Fong, Richard
Fontanilla, Rick
Forbes, Jay
Foster, Rick
Foulkes [Duchon], Louise
Francois, Paul
Frazier, Rich
Freitas, Jordon
Fryslie, Kevin
Furnare, Claud
Gaines, Erin
Galea, Andy
Galios, Chris
Galios, Kathy
Gallagher, Steve
Garcia, Jose
Garcia, Lisa
Gardner, Paul
Garner, Ralph
Gaumont, Ron
Geary, Heide
Geer, Brian
Geiger, Rich
Gergurich, Judy
Giambrone, Jim
Giorgianni, Joe
Giuliodibari, Camille
Goates, Ron
Goings, Mark
Gomes, Rod
Gonzales, Gil
Gonzales, Jesse
Gonzalez, D. (formerly D.
Gonzalez, Frank
Gonzalez, Jorge
Gott, Pat
Graham, George
Grande, Carm
Grant, Bob
Grant, Doug
Grant, Rich
Granum, Jeff
Graves, Pete
Green, Chris
Grigg, Bruce
Griggs, Fran
Grimes, Eric
Guarascio, Dan
Guerin, Pete
Guido, Jr., Jim
Guido, Sr. Jim
Guizar, Ruben
Gummow, Bob
Gummow, Rich
Gutierrez, Hector
Guzman, Dennis
Guzman, Kim
Gwillim, Reese
Habina, Ron
Hafley, Gary
Hahn, Chuck
Hale, Don
Handa, Mitch
Handforth, Terry
Hann, George
Hare, Caren (Carlisle)
Harnish, Mary (Craven)
Harpainter, Bob
Harris, Bucky
Harris, Diane
Harris, Don
Haskell, Marty
Hawkes, Ken
Haynes, Sandy
Hazen, Skip
Heck, Steve
Heckel, Rick
Hedgpeth, Bob
Helder, Ron
Hellman, Marilyn
Hendrickson, Dave
Hendrix, Dave
Hernandez, Ernie
Hernandez, Irma
Hernandez, Joe
Hernandez, Linda
Hernandez, Rudy
Hernandez, Vic
Herrick, Mike
Herrmann, Erma
Hewison, Jamie
Hewitt, Dave
Hilborn, Art
Hildebrandt, Karen
Hill, Sandra
Hippeli, Micki
Hirata, Gary
Dave Hober
Hober, Margo
Hodgin, Bruce
Hoehn, Charlie
Hogate, Joanne
Hogate, Steve
Hollars, Bob
Holliday, Sandy
Hollingsworth, Larry
Holloway, Sandi
Holser, George
Hong, Bich-nga
Horton, Debbie (McIntyre)
Hosmer, Dewey
Howard, Terri
Howell, Jim
Howsmon, Frank
Howsmon (Sr.), Frank
Hudson, Kim
Hughes, Gary
Hunter, Jeff
Husa, Sonia
Hyland, Brian
Ibarra, Miguel
Imobersteg, Rob
Inami, Steve & Francine
Ingraham, George
Ireland, Joe
Jackson, Curt
Jacksteit, Ken
Jacobson, Barbara
Janavice, Dean
Jeffers, Jim
Jenkins, Dave
Jensen, Dan
Jensen, Janie
Jewett, Donna
Jezo, Pat
Johnson, Bob
Johnson, Craig
Johnson, Cynthia
Johnson, Dave
Johnson, Gary
Johnson, Jon
Johnson, Karen
Johnson, Kyle
Johnson, Mardy
Johnson, Tom & Fran
Jones, Russ
Kaminsky, Glenn
Katashima, Annie
Katz, Dan
Keeney, Bill
Kelsey, Bert
Keneller, Dave
Kennedy, Scott
Kensit, John
Killen, Pat
Kimbrel, Tammy
Kinaga, Rose
King, Charlie
Kingsley, Fred
Kirkendall, Dave
Kischmischian, Gene
Klein, Lou Anna
Kleman, Karl
Knea, Tim
Kneis, Brian
Knopf, Art
Knopf, Dave
Kocina, Ken
Koenig, Heinz
Kong, Ernie
Kosovilka, Bob
Kozlowski, Astrid
Kracht, John
Kregel, John
Lanctot, Noel
Laney, Tammy
Lansdowne, Sharon
Lara, Bill
LaRault, Gary
Larsen, Bill
Laverty, Ann
Lax, John
Leavy, Bill
Leavey, Jack
LeGault, Anna
LeGault, Russ
Lem, Noland
Leonard, Gary
Leonard (Lintern), Lynda
Leong, Ken
Lewis, Lefty
Lewis, Marv
Lewis, Steve
Lind, Eric
Linden, Larry
Lisius, Jim
Little, Keith
Livingstone, John
Lobach, Bob
Lockwood, Bob
Lockwood, Joan
Logan, Maureen
Longaker, Mary
Longoria, Noe
Lopez, Candy
Lopez. Dan
Lopez, Ruvi
Lovecchio, Pete
Low, John
Lu, Elba
Luca, Dennis
Lucarotti, Jim
Luna, Gloria
Lundberg, Larry
Lyons, TB
MacDougall, Joanne
Macris, Carly
Macris, Tom
Madison, Gary
Maehler, Mike
Mahan, Rick
Malatesta, Jim
Malcolm, Roger
Mallett, Bill
Malvini, Phil
Mamone, Joe
Marcotte, Steve
Marfia, John
Marfia, Ted
Marin, Julie
Marini, Ed
Marlo, Jack
Marsh, Scott
Martin, Brad
Martin, Lou
Martin, Todd
Martinelli, Ron
Martinez, Rick
Martinez, Victor
Matteoni, Charlotte
Mattern, John
Mattos, Bill
Mattos, Paula
Mattocks, Mike
Mayo, Lorraine
Mayo, Toni
Mazzone, Tom
McCaffrey, Mike
McCain, Norm
McCall, George
McCall, Lani
McCarville, John
McCollum, Bob
McCollum, Daniele
McCready, Tom
McCulloch, Al
McCulloch, Scott
McElvy, Mike
McFall, Ron
McFall, Tom
McGuffin, Rich
McGuire, Pat
McIninch, Mark
McKean, Bob
McKenzie, Dennis
McLucas, Mike
McMahon, Jim
McMahon, Ray
McNamara, Laurie
McTeague, Dan
Meheula, Cheryl
Mendez, Deborah
Mendez, Mike
Messier, Tom
Metcalfe, Dave
Metcalfe, Mickey
Miceli, Sharon
Miller, Keith
Miller, Laura
Miller, Rollie
Miller, Shirley
Miller, Stan
Mills, Don
Mindermann, John
Miranda, Carlos
Mitchell, Carol
Modlin, Dick
Mogilefsky, Art
Moir, Bob
Montano, Wil
Montes, José
Morales, Octavio
Moore, Dewey
Don Moore
Moore, Jeff
Moore, JoAnn
Moorman, Jim
Morella, Ted
Moreno, Norma
Morgan, Dale
Morin, Jim
Morris, Jack
Morton, Bruce
Mosley, Joe
Mosunic, Taffy
Moudakas, Terry
Moura, Don
Mozley, Ron
Muldrow, Mark "Mo"
Mulholland, Kathy
Mullins, Harry
Mulloy, Dennis
Munks, Jeff
Munoz, Art
Murphy, Bob
Musser, Marilynn
Nagel, Michael
Nagengast, Carol
Nakai, Linda
Nalett, Bob
Namba, Bob
Ngo, Phan
Nichols, John
Nichols, Mike
Nimitz, Stephanie
Nissila, Judy
Norling, Debbie
North, Dave
North, Jim
Norton, Phil
Nunes, John
Nunes, Les
O'Carroll, Diane (Azzarello)
O'Connor, Mike
O'Donnell, Tom
O'Keefe, Jim
Oliver, Pete
Ortega, Dan
Ortiz, Leanard
Otter, Larry
Ouimet, Jeff
Ozuna, George
Pacheco, Russ
Padilla, George
Pagan, Irma
Painchaud, Dave
Palsgrove, Ted
Panighetti, Paul
Papenfuhs, Steve
Paredes, Carlos
Parker, Rand
Parlee, May
Parrott, Aubrey
Parsons, Dirk
Parsons, Mike
Pascoe, Brent
Passeau, Chris
Pate, Neal
Patrino, Lyn
Payton, George
Pearce, Jim
Pearson, Sam
Pedroza, Frank
Peeler, Eleanor
Pegram, Larry
Percelle, Ralph
Percival, John
Perry (Cervantez), Martha
Petersen, Bruce
Peterson, Bob
Phelan, Bill
Phelps, Scott
Phillips, Gene
Pitts, Phil
Plinski, Leo
Pointer, John
Polanco, Mary
Polmanteer, Jim
Porter, John
Postier, Ken
Postier, Steve
Powers, Bill
Priddy, Loren
Princevalle, Roger
Pringle, Karl
Propst, Anamarie
Puckett, Bill
Punneo, Norm
Purser, Owen
Pyle, Leroy
Quayle, John
Quezada, Louis
Quinn, John
Quint, Karen
Ramirez, Manny
Ramirez, Victoria
Ramon, Chacha
Raposa, Rick
Rappe (Ryman), Bonnie
Rasmussen, Charlene
Raul, Gary
Raye, Bruce
Realyvasquez, Armando
Reed, Nancy
Reek, Rob
Reeves, Curt
Reid, Fred
Reinhardt, Stephanie
Reizner, Dick
Rendler, Will
Rettus, Bev
Reuter, Larry
Reutlinger, Leslie
Reyes (Buell), Cindy
Reyes, Joe
Reyes, Juan
Reyes, Mo
Rheinhardt, Bob
Rice, Jayme
Rice, Lyle
Richter, Darrell & Annette
Riedel, Gunther
Rimple, Randy
Roach, Jim
Roberts, Mike
Robertson, Harry
Robinson, Walt
Robison, Rob
Rodgers, Phil
Rogers, Lorrie
Romano, Marie
Rose, John
Rose, Wendell
Ross, Joe
Ross, Mike
Rosso, Ron
Roy, Charlie
Royal, Russ
Ruiloba, Louie
Russell, Russ
Russell, Stan
Russo, Grace
Ryan, Joe
Saito, RIch
Salamida Joe
Salewsky, Bill
Salguero, Desiree
Salvi, Pete
Samsel, Dave
Santos, Bill
Sanfilippo, Roy
Sauao, Dennis
Savage, Scott
Savala, john
Sawyer, Craig
Scanlan, Pete
Scannell, Dave
Schembri, Mike
Schenck, Joe
Schenini (Alvarez), Joanne
Schiller, Robert
Schmidt, Chuck
Schmidt, Paul
Schriefer, Hank
Seaman, Scott
Seck, Tom
Sekany, Greg
Seymour, Chuck
Seymour, Jim
Sharps, Betty
Shaver, John
Sheppard, Jeff
Sherman, Gordon
Sherr, Laurie
Shigemasa, Tom
Shuey, Craig
Shuman, John
Sides, Roger
Sills, Eric
Silva, Bill
Silveria, Linda
Silvers, Jim
Simpson, Terry
Sinclair, Bob
Sly, Sandi
Smith, Bill
Smith, BT
Smith, Craig
Smith, Ed
Smith, Jerry
Smith, Karen
Smith, Kerry
Smith, Mike
Smoke, Wil
Sorahan, Dennis
Spangenberg, Hal
Spence, Jim
Spitze, Randy
Spoulos, Dave
Springer, George
Stauffer, Suzan
Stelzer, Rex
Sterner, Mike
Strickland, John
Sturdivant, Billy
Sugimoto, Rich
Suits, Jim
Summers, Bob
Ted Sumner
Sun, Jeff
Suske, Joe
Swanson, Ray
Tarricone, Linda
Tate, Bill
Taves, Phil & Paula
Taylor, Joyce
Tenbrink, Bob
Tennant, Ed
Teren-Foster, Aileen
Terry, Glenn & Maggie
Thawley, Dave
Thomassin, Ron
Thomas, Art
Thomas, Dick
Thompson, Gary
Thompson, Margie
Thompson, Mike
Tibaldi, Ernie
Tibbet, Walt
Tice, Stan
Tietgens, Dick
Tietgens, Don
Tomaino, Jim
Torres, Gil
Torres, John
Torres, Nestor
Torres, Ralph
Townsend, John
Townsend, Vicki
Tozer, Dave
Trevino, Andy
Trujillo, Ted
Trussler, Christine
Trussler, John
Tush, Dick
Tyler, Diana
Unland, Joe
Urban, Diane
Usoz, Steve
Valcazar, Dan
Vallecilla, Ernie & Peggy
Van Dyck, Lois
Vanek, John
Vasquez, Danny
Rich Vasquez
Vasquez, Ted
Vasta, Joe
Videan, Ed
Videan, Theresa
Vidmar, Mike
Vincent, Bill
Vinson, Jim
Vizzusi, Gilbert
Vizzusi, Mike
Vizzusi, Rich
Vizzusi, Tony
Waggoner, Bill
Wagner, Jim
Wagstaff, Greg
Wahl, John
Walker, Dave
Wall, Chuck
Ward, Jean
Ward, Ray
Watts, Bob
Way, Vicky
Webster, Ron
Wedlow, Dean
Weesner, Greg
Weesner, Steve
Weir, Tony
Welker, Jessica
Wells, Bill
Wells, Brenda
Wells, Mike
Wendling, Boni
Wendling, Jay
Weston, Tom
Wheatley, Tom
White, Rich
Wicker, Joe
Wiley, Bruce
Williams, Jodi
Williams [Durham],
Williams, Rick
Williamson, Kathleen
Williamson, Ken
Wilson, Caven
Wilson, Jeff
Wilson, Lee
Wilson, Neal
Wilson, Stan
Wilson, Tom
Windisch Jr., Steve
Wininger, Steve
Winter, Bill
Wirht, Kim
Witmer, Dave
Wittenberg, Jim
Wolfe, Jeff
Woo, Paul
Wood, Dave
Wood, Jim
Woodington, Brad
Wysuph, Dave
Yarbrough, Bill
Young, Mike
Younis, Tuck
Yuhas, Dick
Yules, Ken
Zalman, Ginny
Zanoni, Mike
Zaragoza, Phil
Zenahlik, Tom
Zimmerman, Eliza
Zwemke, Doug