elk plain school of choice


elk plain school of choice
Together We Can Find Better Ways
To Help All Children Learn
22015 22nd Avenue East • Spanaway, WA 98387-7511 • (253) 683-7900
Michael Merrin, Principal
September 2010
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to a new school year at Elk Plain School of Choice! Just like you, we want your
child to be happy and successful at school. We believe that family plays a major role in your
child’s education. Your continual interest and participation in your child’s progress is vital
to his/her success. Please take time to review this handbook and become familiar with our
expectations, procedures and activities.
Elk Plain School of Choice is an exciting and special place for students, parents, and staff.
Our staff is committed to providing all students with the very best opportunities possible,
emphasizing Learning Through the Multiple Intelligences. We ask your help in maintaining
a pleasant and safe atmosphere conducive to positive attitudes and actions.
We have four rules for life-long success:
Be prepared
Be on time
Be respectful
Do your best
Our rules and expectations are explained in this handbook. As you read and discuss them
with your child, please convey the expectation that they are to maintain Sky Warrior
behavior at all times. This means they will always be courteous, respectful, and behave in a
manner that shows good citizenship. After reading/reviewing, please sign and return the
acknowledgement form to your child’s classroom teacher.
I sincerely hope you enjoy attending Elk Plain School of Choice. I am sure you will have
many positive experiences here. I encourage you to be involved in all aspects of the
programs offered at our school. We look forward to making this a great year!
Michael Merrin
Elk Plain School of Choice is a community of learners, collaborating and communicating to improve student
achievement through the arts and sciences.
Table of Contents
Principal’s Welcome Letter
Table of Contents
Elk Plain School of Choice PTA
Bethel School Board
Elk Plain School of Choice Bell Schedule
Meet the Elk Plain School of Choice Staff
Sky Warrior Code
Policies and Procedures
Discipline Plan
Kelso’s Choices
Expected Behaviors
Elk Plain School of Choice Building Map
Bethel School District Calendar
Snow/Ice/Emergency Bulletin
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and validity of the
information contained in this handbook. Please understand that changes are
inevitable and clarification is available in the Elk Plain School of Choice
Elk Plain PTA
Our PTA works for the betterment of the Elk Plain School of Choice community.
Membership is open to parents, guardians, grandparents, staff members, friends and
community members. Dues paying members have a voice and a vote in the direction and
activities of Elk Plain PTA.
PTA membership also supports the State and National PTA in lobbying for legislation that
positively affects our children and our school.
We hope you decide to become involved in your child’s PTA. Membership dues are $10.00
for individual, $18.00 for a family, and $20.00 to $100.00 for a non-voting business
membership. See the PTA board members or Elk Plain office staff for membership
Our 2010 - 2011 PTA Board
Tami Booth, Co-President
Kendra Williamson, Co-President
Ann Clark, Co - Vice President
Brenda Romero – Co Vice President
Melissa Pate, Secretary
Becky Ortega, Treasurer
Watch for the PTA’s monthly newsletter.
Bethel School Board
John Manning, President
Brenda Rogers, Vice-President
Joy Cook, Director
Susan Smith, Director
Ronald Morehouse, Director
Five local citizens serve a four-year term as elected officials on the Bethel School Board. Each member
represents a district in the 202-square mile district.
School board members, also called school directors, are the “governors” of the school district who work in
partnership with their administrative team to set the district’s direction. School board members have four major
areas of responsibility:
The board focuses the work of the district and community on student achievement through a comprehensive
strategic planning process.
The board governs the district through prudent financial planning and oversight, and diligent and innovative
The board infuses all programs and crucial policies with specific goals and a process for evaluation, reporting
and recommending improvements.
The board champions public education in the local community and before state and federal policymakers.
The school board regularly meets twice a month on Tuesday nights. Meetings alternate between the district
office (516 E. 176th St., Spanaway) and local schools. The public is always welcome to attend. Call 683-6000
for specific information.
Elk Plain Bell Schedule
2010 - 2011
7:00 AM
7:15 AM
7:30 AM
7:40 AM
7:40 AM
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
11:30 AM
12:00 PM
12:30 PM
1:43 PM
1:45 PM
2:30 PM
Teacher Day Begins
1st Bell - Breakfast/Playground
Classroom routines begin
Tardy Bell – Students need a tardy slip
Morning Announcements/Instruction begins
K/1 Lunch
K/1 Recess, 2/3 Lunch
2/3 Recess, 4,5,6 Lunch
4,5,6 Recess
End of Recess for 4,5,6
K/1 Dismissal
2 – 6 Dismissal
Teacher Day Ends
• Late Arrival Days 2 hours later - Classroom routines begin at 9:30 AM
• Early Dismissal Days End at 9:55 AM
When students arrive late to school or leave early they are missing an
important part of the learning process. Please help your student by ensuring
they arrive on time and limit early pick-ups at the end of the school day.
Students may arrive no earlier than 7:15 AM. At this time they can go to
breakfast, to the library for silent reading or to the supervised playground until
the 7:30 AM bell rings.
As per the agreement signed during the application process, families shall
attend school regularly and arrive to school on time. Repeated tardy arrivals
adversely affect academic progress and will accumulate towards the students’
attendance record. Every 4 unexcused tardies (late arrival or early pick-up)
accumulate to the equivalent of 1 unexcused absence. Every effort will be made
to work with families to rectify chronic attendance issues up to transferring
your child to their neighborhood school.
Meet the Elk Plain School of Choice Staff
Office and Administrative
Michael Merrin
Jennifer Harrison
Karla Moriarty
Bonnie Stickle
Carolyn Heacock
Office Clerk
Attendance and Health Clerk
Volunteer Coordinator
Custodial and Kitchen
Kathy Beaudoin
Philip Romaro
MaryLou Yeomans
Missy Freeman
Head Custodian
Night Custodian
Point of service
Classroom Teachers
Mona Coleman
Tanya Scott
Marilyn Fangman
Gina Epperson
Erin Shook
Jaime Christianson
Frances Cierley
Marjorie Colyer
Brenda Pattee
Kimberley Milnor-Taylor
Georgina Park
James Warnke
Bryan Case
Lori Littlefield
Jesse Jones
Staci Sherrod
First Grade
First Grade
First Grade
2/3 Multi-age
2/3 Multi-age
2/3 Multi-age
2/3 Multi-age
2/3 Multi-age
Fourth Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
Sixth Grade
Room 14
Room 12
Room 3
Room 2
Room 1
Room 23
Room 9 & 11
Room 9 & 11
Room 21
Room 24
Room 15
Room 13
Room 18
Room 19
Room 22
Room 20
Meet the Elk Plain School of Choice Staff
Carla Barragan
Ron Elliff
Krissa Englebright
Jerilynn Harris
Monica Hemenway
Corie Jones
Ame Lee
Room 5
Room 7
Room 17
Rooms 10 & 17
Learning Support Teachers
Bev Hance
Binnie Peterson-Bruso
Patty Lee
Dawn Johnson
Monica Forman-Mason
Maria Merino
Robyn Rix
LAP Program
Instructional Coach
Special Education
Social Worker
District School Nurse
Room 16
Room 4
Historic Bldg.
Room 4
Library Clerk/Kdg. Budget
Room 4
Room 4
Room 16
Room 12
Room 14
Lauren Austin
Tammy Green
Linda Vann
Carolyn Heacock
Rochelle Nordgren
Deanna Ferris
Sky Warrior Code:
Behave in a safe manner
Contribute to the learning and teaching environment
Respect yourself, others, and the school property
Behave in a safe manner
This means:
• Walk – inside the building and on all outside hardtops.
• Be aware of your personal space and respect the space of others.
• Keep hands and feet to self.
• Keep your voice, hands, feet, body and movements to yourself.
Contribute to the learning and teaching environment
This means:
Raise your hand before speaking.
Listen to the speaker.
Respect adult direction.
Speak courteously.
Ask questions.
Help your classmates.
Participate in all subjects and specialty areas and do your best.
Attend school regularly and be on time.
No toys, electronic games, gum or candy.
Cell phones turned off (powered down) in backpacks only.
Respect yourself, others, and the school facility
This means:
• Take pride in yourself and your schoolwork.
• Be courteous (no put-downs).
• Share.
• Take turns.
• Follow adult direction.
• Use care with school property.
• Clean up after yourself.
• Take care of school property and nature outside the building.
o Keep hands and feet off the walls
o Stay off and out of the trees, do not pick flowers.
Elk Plain School of Choice
Parent and Student Policies and Procedures
And Code of Conduct
I will…
Persevere in all I do
Follow all school expectations
Accept responsibility
Show respect in words and actions
If a child is injured at school, he or she will be given emergency first aid by an adult and
parents will be notified. If the parent or member of the family is not available, the emergency
number listed on the student registration card will be called. Please notify the school if there
are changes to your emergency contact information.
Arrival and Dismissal
Students may arrive no earlier than 7:15 AM. If they have breakfast at school, they must go
directly to the kitchen. Students who don’t eat breakfast at school may go to the supervised
playground or the library for silent reading until the 7:30 AM bell rings. Dismissal for K/1
students is 1:43 PM and for 2nd through 6th grade students is 1:45 PM. On early dismissal
days, students are dismissed at 9:55 AM.
On the way to assemblies, students will follow hallway behavior expectations and enter the
gym quietly through the designated doors. Keeping feet and hands to themselves, students
will sit where directed by their teacher. During the assembly, students will listen quietly and
respond appropriately to the speaker or performers. If someone nearby is talking, students
may politely signal with a finger to the lips to stop talking. When the assembly is over,
students should remain seated until directed by their teacher, and should exit the gym quietly.
They will follow hallway behavior expectations back to their classrooms.
Regular and punctual attendance is necessary to limit classroom interruptions and do the best
job possible educating our students. We recognize that students do get ill and family
emergencies do arise. In the event that your child is unable to attend school please call the
attendance office at 683-7993 by 8:30 AM. For your convenience you may call any time even in the middle of the night. Washington State Law (Compulsory School Attendance ActRCW 28A 225) requires that all children between the ages of 8 and 18 attend school every
day. Excused reasons for a child to be absent or tardy are: illness, injury, quarantine, death in
the family, professional appointments, family emergencies and prearranged opportunities of
educational value. Unexcused reasons for absences or tardies are: missed bus, overslept, up
late the night before, etc. Law requires that parents send a note with their child when they
return to school following an absence or tardy. Please include an explanation, the date of the
absence or tardy and the parent/guardian signature. Doctor’s notes must specify when the
child was unable to attend and why.
Students arriving in the classroom after 7:40 AM must check in at the attendance window.
Unexcused tardies count as one fourth of an unexcused absence. This means that four
unexcused tardies equal one unexcused absence. (Tardies on Late Arrival and Early
Dismissal days will be adjusted to their start/end times.)
For the purpose of state reporting, Elk Plain School of Choice uses the following times:
7:40—8:20 a.m. – AM tardy
8:20—10:50 a.m. –AM absence
10:50—11:45 PM absence (leaving two hours prior to the end of school.)
11:45 – 1:45 PM – PM tardy
In accordance with State Law, children with 2 or more unexcused absences will
conference with the principal or social worker. If a child has 5 or more unexcused
absences in a month or ten in a year, a petition will be filed with the Pierce County
Juvenile court system.
Band, Choir, Orchestra, and Dance Ensemble
Orchestra is available to students beginning in grade 4, band is available to students
beginning in grade 6, and choir is available to students in grades 5 and 6 who successfully
audition. Students will proceed to rehearsals using hallway behavior expectations. Band,
choir and orchestra students should come to rehearsals at the scheduled time, not early or
Dance Ensemble is an after-school program for students in grades 4, 5, and 6. Students must
successfully audition and be selected to participate.
Students may request a pass from the teacher to use the bathroom. Hallway behavior is
expected when going to and from the nearest bathroom. If a student notices a problem in the
bathroom, he or she should report it to the teacher. When out on recess, the student must get
a bathroom pass from the playground supervisor to enter the building. Students are not
allowed to use the adult bathrooms.
Buddy Room
Sometimes a student might be sent to a buddy room to do work quietly when he or she
cannot behave in the classroom. Students must have a pass, signed by the teacher, and will
walk quietly in the hallway to reach the buddy room. If the door is locked, the student will
stand quietly at the door to wait for the buddy teacher to arrive. Each teacher will arrange for
one or two buddy rooms and will notify the office of those choices.
Bus Passes/Parent Pickup changes
All students are required to get on their assigned bus unless they have a note from a parent or
guardian. This note must be given to the classroom teacher upon arrival at school.
Parent/guardian notes that indicate changes in afternoon transportation will generate a bus
pass for the student who will be riding on a bus that is not their normal bus. Parents may call
to make a change-of-ride request, however, students may not initiate a phone call home for a
change of plans. If a student is to be picked up by a different adult than usual the student
must have a note signed by the parent. This adult must be prepared to present valid
identification. Also, because of the tight transportation schedule, once students are on the
buses, we will not hold the buses from leaving or stop the buses so a parent can pick up a
student at the last minute. See Parent Pickup
Bus Rules for Elk Plain Students
Students must obey the bus driver and their assistant. Students should speak quietly, using
appropriate language. For safety reasons, students must remain seated and facing forward at
all times, keeping their hands and feet to themselves. Open containers of food and drink,
sharp objects, weapons, skateboards, breakable and aerosol containers, and live animals
(except guide dogs) are not allowed on the bus. Athletic equipment must be stored in a closed
bag. One balloon is permitted in a closed bag. The driver has the right to assign seats if
Loading and Unloading Procedures:
o Always cross the road in front of the bus, never behind the bus.
o Pushing, shoving or crowding while loading is not safe and is not allowed.
o Be on time—the bus will not wait for tardy students.
o Leave the bus only at school or your regular stop. Follow authorized procedures for
Parents and guardians are responsible for behavior at the bus stop. Students need to stand and
wait at the bus stop in a safe manner, without engaging in dangerous behavior such as rockthrowing, pushing, shoving or chasing. Please board the bus safely.
If your bus does not come, appears to be very late, or you have other bus related problems,
please call transportation at 683-5900. Students and parents are encouraged to share concerns
regarding bus behavior or bus related issues with their drivers.
Please, with the exception of emergencies, do not call the office after 1:15 PM requesting
last minute changes to your child’s transportation. We will not hold the buses to search for
students at the last minute. This makes all students arrive home late and disrupts the
rest of the transportation schedule for the district.
Bus Rules and Regulations (WAC 392-145-035)
1. The driver is in full charge of the bus and pupils. Pupils must obey the driver
promptly and willingly.
2. Each pupil may be assigned a seat in which they will be seated at all times unless the
permission to change is given by the school principal and/or the Transportation
3. Outside of ordinary conversation, classroom conduct must be observed. Students
should face the front and observe the driving situation and be prepared to react
accordingly if necessary.
4. Pupils are to assist in trying to keep the bus clean and also refrain from throwing
refuse out the windows. Eating and/or drinking on the bus is not allowed.
5. Pupils shall not open windows on the school bus without first getting permission from
the school bus driver. Windows are not to be lowered below the third latching
6. No pupil at anytime shall extend his or her head or arms out the school bus windows.
Students will not tamper with any emergency doors or windows unless emergency
conditions exist or while emergency drills are being conducted.
7. Pupils are to remain seated while bus is in motion and are not to get on or off bus
until the bus comes to a full stop. No animal, reptile, fish or fowl is permitted on the
bus, except for seeing-eye dogs.
8. Students should refrain from rushing to the bus to load, and must be cautious and
watchful for the motorist who attempts to pass during loading or unloading
9. Pupils must cross the highway only in front of the school bus and never behind it, and
at the driver’s direction.
10. Pupils who have to walk for some distance along the roadway to the bus loading must
walk on the left-hand side of the road facing the oncoming traffic. This will also
apply to pupils leaving the bus loading area.
11. Pupils are not permitted to sit in the driver’s seat at anytime. Tampering with any
emergency equipment such as first aid kit, fire extinguishers, or highway warning kits
is not allowed. Tampering with bus controls and equipment is prohibited.
12. Students should never play or scuffle while waiting for the bus. Pupils should not
harass the motoring or walking public or private property owners.
13. Pupils should never throw articles of any kind that can litter or damage public or
private property.
14. Student misconduct on the bus will be sufficient reason to suspend riding privileges
to those students involved.
15. Any damage to the bus or equipment must be paid for by those responsible. Willful
damage is also cause to deny any student the right to ride the school bus. SMOKING,
16. In the event of an actual emergency, emergency exit procedures, as established by the
emergency exit drills, Chapter 391-145-045 WAC, will be followed.
17. The foregoing procedures apply to all students transported to and from school, and
those students transported to other facilities including extra-curricular activities.
18. NOTICE: The school board wishes to provide safety and efficient transportation.
We ask your cooperation with the bus drivers in carrying out the procedures outlined
STUDENT RECORDS. Chapter 392-145-045 WAC All procedures as outlined by WACS 180-40230/392-145-015 have been adopted by the Board of Directors, Bethel School District No. 403.
Cell Phones
Cell phones may not be used by students at school. Parents: Please turn your cell phone
off when volunteering at school. Student cell phones must be turned off (powered down) and
be kept in backpacks only. Student cell phones being used at Elk Plain School of Choice will
be confiscated and a phone call will be made to the parents to pick it up.
Change of Personal Information
We work hard to maintain current information in our school records for each student. Should
your child become ill at school or if there is an emergency, accurate information is essential.
Please help us by informing the office of any changes in your address, home, work and cell
phone numbers, as well as your emergency contact information.
Clothing/Dress Code
We recommend that all students dress in clean, neat and comfortable school clothes
according to the prevailing weather conditions. Consideration should be given to safety on
the playground and the impact the attire could have on others. Attire that distracts students
from their class work should be avoided. For safety, students are not permitted to wear flipflops, or shoes with heels high enough to prevent them from being active on the playground.
Clothing that advertises drugs, alcohol or tobacco, or bear messages that are inappropriate for
school are not acceptable. Hats, head-scarves, and bandanas are not allowed during the
school day. During cold weather, stocking hats (not baseball) are allowed during recess.
Tank tops, halter tops, half shirts or torn or ripped clothing of any kind are not acceptable.
Shorts or skirts may be no shorter than one inch below the fingertips when the arms are
hanging down at the sides. Sleeveless tops must have shoulder straps at least three fingers
wide. No lycra shorts, sagging pants or hipsters (below the navel) are allowed. Underwear
and bare midriffs must be covered.
Dress and appearance are the shared responsibility of parents and students. Elk Plain School
of Choice administration reserves the right to define what is acceptable, as allowed by the
Supreme Court of the United States. Should it be determined that your child is not dressed
in proper attire, the student will be sent to the Health Room and be given an appropriate item
of clothing and be sent back to class. If there is no available substitute clothing (including
shoe wear), the parent/guardian will be called and asked to bring that item to school.
Communicable Health Conditions
Please notify us if your child contracts a communicable disease or condition (i.e. head lice).
This will allow us to take the proper precautions and notify other families when appropriate.
If notice is given, the name of your child will remain CONFIDENTIAL.
Custody Documents
Washington State Law and district policy require that current custody papers for children of
divorced parents be on confidential file in the office. Documents must be issued in
Washington State as those from other states are not honored. Questions regarding custody
issues and disputes should be referred to your attorney. The legal name as indicated on the
student’s birth certificate will be used on all school records.
Drinking Fountain
Student should have the appropriate hall pass. If there is a line of students each will wait for
their turn. No touching the water spout, spitting into the fountain, or bumping the person
drinking. Students in line may count to “three” to indicate that the student should stop
drinking and let the next person in line have his or her turn.
Early Release Days
Early dismissal occurs during conference weeks and report card preparation days. The
morning schedule is the same except the students are dismissed at 9:55 AM. Our
transportation department changes the routing of some buses for early dismissal, which
impacts our regular busing schedule at Elk Plain School of Choice. Student transportation
information for early dismissal days will be requested about two weeks before to ensure
students are being delivered to the correct destination.
Breakfast will be available on early release days.
Early Student Pick-Up Request
Parents picking up their child prior to dismissal at 1:45 PM are required to sign their child
out from the attendance office and present a picture I.D. The child will meet the parent or
designated adult in the office area only. If someone other than the parent is to pick up the
child you must send a signed note to school with your child. In addition, make sure that
person is prepared to present valid picture I.D. FOR SAFETY REASONS, THE
INDIVIDUAL. Afternoon tardies will accumulate at a rate of 4 unexcused tardies
equal 1 full-day unexcused absence (see Attendance).
Families are encouraged to have an emergency plan for their children in case regular routines
are interrupted. Please discuss the following points with your children:
o What should your child do if the bus does not arrive in the morning at the stop?
o What transportation will be provided to a different bus stop or to school when routes
are curtailed due to road conditions (weather or traffic accidents)?
o What should your child do if someone offers him/her a ride?
o What should your child do if he/she arrives home and no one is there?
o Where should your child go or whom should he/she call if help is needed?
Email Communication
We welcome and encourage communication from parents. Staff will make every effort to
respond to you within (1) school day. All staff can be reached via email by using the first
letter of the first name followed by the last name then add @bethelsd.org.
Suggestions when emailing your student’s teacher, principal or any school staff:
• Please remember that email is not confidential.
• Be concise.
• Make a simple request for information.
• If the concern is lengthy or involved, please request a conference instead of using
• The need to repeat emails over an extended period of time is a signal that a
conference should be scheduled.
Emergency Drills
Fire and other emergency drills are scheduled on a regular basis. Students are instructed in
what to do in a variety of emergency situations.
Entering School
Students should enter the building through the doors closest to their classroom. At 7:15 AM
students may go to the playground or to read silently in the library until the 7:30 AM start
bell rings. If a student eats breakfast at school, he or she should report directly to the kitchen
to pick up his or her breakfast. They may NOT go play on the playground first and then pick
up their breakfast when the start bell rings. All students should take the shortest route to their
classroom. Students who arrive in the classroom after the 7:40 AM tardy bell must present a
tardy slip to their teacher. These are available at the attendance window.
Field Trips
Educational field trips are encouraged at Elk Plain School of Choice. Teachers plan the trips
well in advance and provide for the safety of the students. Parental permission (by way of a
field trip permission form) is required. It is the responsibility of both the parent and the
student to make sure the field trip permission form is turned in. If you or your child loses the
slip, please contact your teacher so a replacement can be sent.
Students are responsible for textbooks assigned to them and for library books they check out.
Fines to cover replacement costs will be levied if the textbooks or library books are lost or
damaged. Grades will be held at the end of the school year for students who have outstanding
fines. These fines will follow the student through high school until they are paid. Students
who move outside Bethel School District will not have their cumulative files forwarded until
all outstanding fines are paid.
Guest Substitute Teachers
Occasionally our staff members have to be away from school and guest substitute teachers
will conduct the class. Students are expected to behave and study as if their regular teacher is
present. Students are expected to be respectful, kind and tolerant.
Hallway Behavior and Transitions
Students need to keep in mind that other classes are in session when they are moving through
the hallways. They should keep to the right and keep quiet talking to a minimum. If alone,
the student should have a hall pass from the teacher. In line, students need to keep their hands
to themselves and walk slowly, facing forward. Students must not loiter in the bathrooms to
visit with friends. (See Hallway under Expected Behaviors)
Health Room
Students may not self medicate at school. Medications may be administered to a student
only if the child is under the care of a physician who completes an “Authorization for
Medication” form that deems it necessary for the child to receive medication during school
hours. Parents who wish to arrange for the administration of medications at school
should contact the school for a form and procedural directions. This includes all
medications, even over-the-counter cold remedies, cough drops, pain relievers and
The phone number to the Health Room is 683-7993 or you can email our health clerk, Mrs. Stickle at
bstickle@bethelsd.org. Our school nurse visits the school once a week to maintain medical and
emergency procedures and student health screenings. Serious medical conditions are referred
back to the parents by a phone call or to 911 in the case of a severe emergency.
Students with a runny nose, fever, cough, who have vomited in the past 24 hours, or have an
unexplained rash should be kept home. A student should remain at home for 24 hours after a
fever has broken. This protects other students and staff from being exposed to the illness.
Late Arrival Days
There are 8 scheduled Late Arrival Days for the 2010/2011 school year. Please refer to the
Bethel School District calendar for the dates. Elk Plain School of Choice will begin two
hours late on these days with our first bell at 9:15 AM.
LID and In-Service Days
State LID (Learning Improvement Day) and In-Service Days are opportunities for teachers to
receive training in specific curriculum areas and instructional practices. Students do not
attend school on these days. Please refer to the Bethel School District calendar for the
appropriate dates for the 2010/2011 school year.
Lost and Found
Labeling your child’s clothing, backpack and other belongings will help prevent lost items.
If items are misplaced or left on the playground, they are put in the “Lost and Found”
container in the hallway just outside the office. Small items and glasses are kept in the
office. Periodically throughout the year, the lost and found is emptied and unclaimed items
are donated to charity. If your child has lost an article of clothing, you are welcome to check
the lost and found anytime during school hours.
Students need to follow the same procedures as all other times for moving in the hallway.
They should stand quietly in line until it is their turn to get milk and their tray. After getting
these, they should punch their account number in the machine, then walk carefully back to
their classroom to eat. Student helpers from each classroom return the trays to the kitchen.
Tables and desks should be cleared off before the student leaves for recess.
2010 - 2011
Regular Lunch
Reduced Lunch (Grades K-3)
Reduced Lunch (Grades 4-6)
Regular Breakfast
Reduced Breakfast
Adult Lunch w/milk
Adult Breakfast w/milk
Milk/Small Juice
No Cost
No Cost
Free and reduced lunch applications are available in the school office. Students who qualified
for free or reduced lunch last year must reapply each year. If a student forgets a lunch,
he/she is allowed to charge up to two lunches. These must be paid back at the earliest
Office Hours
The Elk Plain School of Choice office is open from 7:00 AM to 2:30 PM. Messages may be
left on our voice mail system before or after hours. You may also contact us by email at
jharrison@bethelsd.org or by fax at (253)683-7998.
Parent Pick up
Several teachers can be found in front of the school with a clipboard at dismissal time. If you
are picking up your child after school, please make sure you notify one of these teachers for
check-off. Please remember to send a note with your child if someone else is picking up
them up. Or, in case of an emergency, please call the office at 683-7900. Valid picture ID
will be required.
Parking Lot
We ask that all students and parents enter the parking lot from the sidewalk by using the
marked crosswalk which are guided by the school patrol. We are trying to teach the children
to be safe in traffic and we appreciate you helping us to set a good example.
There is a lot of traffic in the parking lot before and after school. With so many cars and
trucks waiting in line, we ask that you drop of your child quickly and move carefully out of
the lot so the following families can drop of their children. Courtesy and patience are
necessary! If you need to come into the school or have a discussion with your child in the
car, we ask that you first park in a designated parking spot. Please do not park in a
handicapped space unless you have the required permits. Please do not park along the curb
as this blocks moving traffic. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping the flow of traffic
The Elk Plain School of Choice performing arts program has a clear scope and
sequence in relation to student performance experiences. We utilize the Washington
State Essential Academic Learning Requirements and Grade Level Expectations for
the arts, which place equal emphasis on Creating, Performing, and Responding.
*Kindergarten has an informal and informative Evening in the Arts to share
with parents what arts instruction and experience includes. This is not a full
production. There is no afternoon showing for kindergarten students.
*First grade has an informal school-day performance for fellow students, and
parents are welcome to come. There is no evening showing.
*Second, Third and Fourth grade students create and perform full
*Fifth grade does not produce an evening show but presents their work in
various venues throughout the school year. These venues may include sitespecific dances; Chocolate, Chimes, and Cheer; our Volunteer Tea; the fifth
grade Arts Celebration Week; or Lunch Jam; and include participating in each
of the Dance, Music, Theatre, Visual Art Classroom Based Performance
*Sixth grade presents a final, culminating stage production for the student
body and parents in both school-day and evening performances.
Personal Property From Home
Personal items such as toys, electronic games and devices, cell phones, cameras, radios, Ipods, collector cards, etc. should not be brought to school. These items being used at Elk
Plain School of Choice may be confiscated and a phone call will be made to the parents to
pick it up. Elk Plain does not accept responsibility for items from home that are lost, stolen
or damaged. Playground equipment from home should not be brought to school.
Phone Calls
If you have an emergency, and you need to get a message to your child, please call the office
at 683-7900 as early in the day as possible. We will need time to make sure your child
receives the message. Please avoid having your child leave class to take a phone call in the
office. Students may use the phone only with the permission of an adult, and then it is for
confirming family arrangements or to request a forgotten item.
Playground Rules and Expectations
School and playground safety rules meet requirements set forth by State and Federal Codes.
Students are required to be in control of their behavior at all times, to walk on the sidewalk
and blacktop areas and to refrain from dangerous play or activities, especially on the
playground structures. Good sportsmanship is a must when playing games with others. If a
student needs to go in to use the bathroom, they need a pass from the playground supervisors.
If a student cannot follow the rules, the supervisors will ask the student to stand by the wall
for a short period of time. If the behavior continues, further consequences will result. Loss of
recess time could occur. (See Detailed EPSOC Discipline Plan)
Prearranged Absences
Prearranged opportunities of educational value (vacations) MUST be approved before you
leave. Prearranged absence forms are available in the office and must be turned in at least
two weeks in advance. If your prearranged absence is not approved or you fail to turn in a
form, all absences will be unexcused and a petition may be filed with Pierce County Juvenile
Court System.
Rainy Day Recess
Due to wet weather conditions and for student’s safety, it is occasionally necessary that we
have “Rainy Day Recess”. Announcements will be made prior to recess, regarding where
students will spend recess in case of very inclement weather. This may be under the covered
play shed or in the classrooms for quiet activities. Students are expected to use appropriate
behavior based on where they are spending their recess. If the class is going outside it is the
students’ responsibility to have a coat with hood or a hat that is water repellant if they wish to
be outside of the shed area when it is raining. The activities will be limited to blacktop only.
If students are not dressed appropriately, they must stay under the play shed area. Inclassroom recess is very different than that taking place under the covered areas! Students
must still get a pass to use the bathroom in either situation. It is nice to see all students
working together and being considerate of each other in making the best of the weather
conditions so that they can still enjoy recess.
Report Cards and Conferences
Report cards are issued three times each year at the end of every trimester. Parent teacher
conferences are arranged in the fall and in the spring. During those two weeks, there is early
dismissal all week. Specific dates for 2010/2011 will be October 18th to 22th and March 28th
to April 1st. However, parents may contact the teacher to make arrangements to meet at any
time during the school year.
Elk Plain is a School of Choice within the Bethel School District. Attendance at Elk Plain
School of Choice requires residency within the BSD boundaries. The EPSOC office may
request verification of residency as per the BSD guidelines.
Sign In/Sign Out Procedures
If you are volunteering in your child’s classroom, we ask that you sign in at the office
volunteer counter and wear a sticker that identifies you as a visiting volunteer. When you are
ready to leave the school, you must remember to sign out. This list helps us identify who is in
the building at any given time should we have an emergency. Please remember to turn off
your cell phone while volunteering in the classroom and that all adults are role models to our
students. Please follow the EPSOC dress code and behavior guidelines.
If you are taking your child in or out of school during the school day you will need to sign
them out at the attendance window. See Attendance
Student Insurance
It is extremely important that parents understand that the district does not insure students.
Parent medical insurance is the primary coverage for injuries to students. This includes fees
charged for 911 transport initiated by school personnel. Student insurance enrollment forms
are sent home with students at the beginning of each year. Additional forms are available in
the office.
Weapons Restrictions
Possession of firearms and other dangerous weapons is prohibited on school property. No
one but law enforcement officers are allowed to bring any type of weapon onto school
grounds. This includes firearms, knives, metal knuckles, nun-chu-ka sticks, etc. We also
require that “toy weapons” be left at home. Under Washington State regulations, bringing a
weapon (as defined by BSD policy 3249) to school is considered unlawful and will result in
disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Students who bring “replica” weapons will
also be subject to disciplinary action up to and including the possibility of suspension or
Elk Plain School of Choice
Elk Plain School of Choice Vision
Elk Plain School of Choice is a community of learners working together to improve student
achievement through the arts and sciences.
Elk Plain School of Choice Mission
We, the staff of Elk Plain School of Choice, are committed to providing students with the
behavioral and academic skills required to reason, communicate and live with dignity in a
literate society. Our staff seeks to provide instruction that allows all students to reach their
fullest potential. We will assist students in gaining the academic competence and the
responsibility required to find success through their school years and into the world of work.
Guidelines for Success
All staff and students at Elk Plain School of Choice will work together to help each other
reach their fullest potential. Everyone will be treated with respect and dignity. Any
behavior or action that helps someone grow and mature will be encouraged. Staff will keep
students focused on our school guidelines.
1. Be prepared.
2. Be on time.
3. Be respectful.
4. Do your best.
These efforts will make Elk Plain School of Choice a warm and exciting place where new
learning occurs every day.
Teaching Students Responsibility and Discipline
All staff contributes to the Elk Plain School of Choice friendly and inviting environment.
We recognize that we set the tone through our actions and attitudes. Teacher support and
encouragement will be demonstrated through four important procedures:
1. We will teach students expectations for responsible behavior in every school
environment by relating student actions to the importance of being responsible, trying
one’s best, cooperating and treating everyone with respect.
2. We will provide positive feedback to students when they are meeting expectations
and following the guidelines for success.
3. When minor misbehaviors do occur, staff will view the misbehavior as a teaching
opportunity, responding with calm, consistent corrections or consequences.
4. We will work collaboratively to solve problems that are chronic or severe in nature.
Correcting Irresponsible Behavior
1. Helping Students with Chronic Misbehavior
As we implement our basic classroom management procedures, we know that the great
majority of our students will strive to meet our expectations for responsibility and selfdiscipline. However, we also know that no single set of procedures will work to help every
student develop the behavioral skills and attitudes needed to be successful in school.
Therefore, we will design a series of interventions for any students who have not been
motivated by our school-wide procedures. As we adapt our procedures, the focus will
remain positive, while recognizing a continuing need for calm and consistent consequences.
We also recognize that some students will present an extreme challenge. Our teachers
always keep the following concepts in mind:
No one is expected to have all the answers.
We live in a culture where an adequate education is critical to success. Therefore, we
will make every effort to teach students to be successful in the school environment.
The Elk Plain staff works collaboratively. Teachers seek assistance from other
teachers, specialists, their principal, and/or the Elk Plain School of Choice School
Wide Assistance Team.
2. Buddy Room
Teachers will set up “Buddy Rooms” to provide a place where a student may be sent to cool
off and get back in control (for mild disruptive behavior only, to finish work during recess, or
to stay in from recess). Students may return earlier at the discretion of the teacher. The
Buddy Room concept is designed to help a student make responsible choices to get back to
learning in his/her own room.
3. Behavior Communication Slips
In order to encourage students to make responsible choices, “Behavior Communication
Slips” will be issued to students violating rules. Infractions and details will be listed and
students will conference with the Principal, social worker, or staff designee. Progressive
discipline will be used including verbal or written warning, community service, loss of
privileges including recess, one-hour detention (two days lunch recess detention) or other
consequence deemed appropriate. During this time the student will not be permitted to talk or
study. Students in detention more than one time per month will be subject to the following:
• First detention: one hour, no talking or studying and a letter will be sent home.
Second detention: five days, one half hour each, plus a conference with the teacher,
parent, principal or social worker.
Third detention: student is suspended from school as determined by principal.
Behavior Communication Slips will be sent home with the student and must be returned
signed by the parent the next morning. Please view these slips as a communication tool.
Students will continue to lose recess until the signed slip is returned.
Behavior Communication Slips are kept in the Elk Plain School of Choice discipline files and
will be cleared at the end of each year. Our goal is for students to choose appropriate
behaviors. Although we will give students a fresh start, students who consistently
accumulate similar offenses will be addressed in student, parent, teacher, social worker or
principal conference.
Guidelines for Discipline:
When students do not choose to follow the Sky Warrior Code, the supervising adult, most
often the classroom teacher, will handle the situation and the student will be encouraged to
problem solve. When serious infractions of the school rules occur, students may be referred
to the office. The principal or designated staff will work with the student to problem solve
and may impose consequences for such behavior. Age, developmental ability, handicapping
condition, previous history, as well as district guidelines will be considered when imposing
consequences for students.
Behaviors such as (but not limited to) theft, vandalism, insubordination, disruptive conduct,
bullying, fighting or threats, may result in a parent-child-teacher-principal conference and
consequence decided at that time.
Behaviors which are illegal, or pose a serious threat to self or others which include but are
not limited to: assault, arson, robbery, firearm or weapons possession, possession of illegal
drugs including tobacco or alcohol, bomb threats, bullying, gang activity, possession of
explosives and any kind of sexual harassment are cause for disciplinary action which may
include suspension or expulsion. Remember, actual firearms, weapons, or anything that may
be construed as a weapon including toys are all considered weapons. See Weapons
Our goal is for students to follow the Sky Warrior Code and behave accordingly. Repeated
minor unexpected behaviors will lead to consequences determined by the staff.
Responsibility in Common Areas
Common school areas include such places as the playground, halls, restrooms, and lunch
serving area. With different staff members supervising these areas, it is important to share
consistent expectations for responsible behavior.
Because each common area is unique, EPSOC Expected Behaviors have been developed so
that students have a clear understanding of appropriate behavior in each area.
Each classroom teacher will teach students what constitutes responsible behavior during
assemblies, in the hallways, in the lunch serving area, on the playground, and in the
restrooms. Expectations will be taught and re-taught. The younger the student, the more
time teachers will spend discussing, modeling, practicing and role-playing. All students will
receive the positive instruction and information on how to behave responsibly in different
Elk Plain School of Choice follows
Kelso’s Choices
to Solve Conflicts
When minor conflicts arise students are asked to try at least two different conflict resolution
choices before consulting a teacher or playground supervisor. Below are possible choices
students may try as suggested by Kelso’s Choices.
Walk away
Wait and cool off
Share/take turns
Go to another game
Tell them to stop
Make a deal
Talk it out
Ignore it
If a serious conflict occurs, where a child is hurt or may be hurt, students should find a staff
member immediately.
Students are expected to follow the behavior expectations at all times. This promotes a safe
and positive learning environment for all students.
Children and adults sometimes find it difficult to recognize exactly what bullying is.
Conflicts and disagreements between friends are not always bullying. We will use the Steps
To Respect program at Elk Plain School of Choice. Steps to Respect defines bullying as:
Bullying is unfair and one-sided. It happens when someone keeps
hurting, frightening, or leaving someone out on purpose.
Many children believe that the best way to deal with a bully is to act tough or to hit back.
Research shows that when children do this, the bullying lasts longer or gets worse. When
children assertively stand up for themselves and involve an adult when necessary, bullying
ends sooner.
Steps to Respect teaches children to judge their own safety first, then to assertively refuse
bullying when possible. You can help your child practice these skills by:
People of all ages may experience bullying. When children learn to recognize and respond
effectively to bullying, they gain positive skills that will last a lifetime.
Expected Behavior – Building-Wide
Expected Behavior – Assemblies
On the way to Assemblies
! Students will use a level “0” voice.
! Classes will enter gym through designated doors.
! After the entire class has entered the gym and is sitting with legs folded, students may
use a level “1” voice until the assembly begins.
Starting the Assembly
An adult will give the building-wide attention signal, “May I have your attention please.” All
students will:
! Instantly shift to a level 0 voice.
! Place eyes on the speaker.
! Maintain attention for the duration of the assembly.
Pledge of Allegiance Expectation Sequence
! When directed to do so, all students silently stand and wait.
! Students will keep their pacing in alignment with the speaker at the microphone.
! Upon completing the pledge, students will stand silently and wait for the speaker at
the microphone to say, “You may be seated.”
! Students will immediately and silently sit down and give full attention to the adult at
the microphone (The speaker at the microphone will not need to give the buildingwide attention signal).
When the assembly is over
! Classes nearest the exits will stand to exit first.
! Until directed by the teacher to stand and exit, students will stay seated and maintain
a level 0 voice.
! Upon being directed to stand, students will rise, maintain a level 0 voice, keep hands
and feet to self, and exit the gym in an appropriate line.
Expected Behavior – Hallway Behavior
Whole Class
! Face forward, keeping hands and feet to self while maintaining a level 0 voice.
! Walk in a straight line, avoid gaps, and stay to the right of hallways.
! Stop at all intersections and wait for teacher before proceeding.
! Silently wave if you wish to acknowledge someone in the hall.
Individual Students
! Have appropriate hall pass in hand and sign out if necessary.
! Take most direct route to your destination.
! Maintain a level 0 voice.
Lunchline Behavior:
Entering the Kitchen Area
! Students will use Expected Hallway Behavior.
! Students will use a Level 0 Voice.
! Students will keep hands and feet to self.
Getting Food:
! Students will ask adults for food items using polite language: Please, Thank You
No Thank You.
Leaving the Lunch Area:
! Students will maintain a Level 0 Voice
! Students will return to class in an orderly line.
Expected Behavior – Playground
Student Expectations
! Keep hands and feet to self.
! Stay within designated boundaries.
! Get a pass to use the restroom.
! Students may only use the restroom by the Dance Studio.
! Follow all adult directions the first time given.
! Use only polite or neutral comments.
! Finish all food in the classroom.
! Stop playing and line up immediately when the bell rings.
! Wait quietly in line for your teacher on the blacktop.
! Leave personal playground toys at home.
! Follow all playground rules.
! Students who wish to assist staff members during recess must make prior written
! Teachers will be at their designated pick-up point at the sounding of the bell.
Expected Behavior – Using the Restroom
! Have appropriate hall pass.
! Go to the nearest restroom and follow “Hallway Behavior.”
! Leave any school materials or food outside of the bathroom.
! Wait quietly and patiently for your turn.
! Maintain a level 0 voice.
! Promptly return to class.
! Report any bathroom related problems to your teacher.
Questions and Concerns
If you have any questions or concerns about your child, or about Elk Plain, please call. Your
child’s success and safety are our priorities. Most concerns are best addressed with the
teacher. Appointments with teachers may be made by calling 683-7900 from 7:00 AM until
2:30 PM.
Important Phone Numbers: