March 2014 - Civitan International
March 2014 - Civitan International
Cast off for the 2014 International Convention! Civitan in Africa Clergy Appreciation Week VOL. 93, No. 3 ISSN 0914-5785 Graphic Artist Tonya Duckett Civitan Hometown Heroes PR and Communications Director Luke Anthony Hello Civitans! Bob Robinson 2013-14 International President I really can’t believe how swiftly the first five months of this year have passed. We will soon be halfway through our Civitan year and it’s a good time to evaluate where we stand in regards to the goals we set for ourselves at the beginning of the year. Are we where we thought we would be at this time? Do we have more work to do to achieve our goals? What can we do to help others achieve their goals? The answers to these questions will determine the course we plot for ourselves for the rest of the year. Contributing Writers W. John Rynearson, CAE Mary Luck Louis Stephens Ruth Kennedy International Officers President: Robert A. “Bob” Robinson, Perth, Ontario; President-Elect: Jay Albertia, Clarksville, TN Immediate Past President: Joe G. Parker, Durham, North Carolina International Directors: Kearney “Dee” Hutsler, Birmingham, AL; Faye E. Evans, Fayetteville, GA; Robert Jones, Concord, NC; Jo Ann O’Toole, Waynesboro, PA; Peter Guthrie, Almonte, Ontario; Kendyl Massey, Maryville, TN; Frank Kelley, Fort Worth, TX; Teresa Wakeman, Pocatello, ID; John Kjørkleiv, Vanse, Norway; Junior Civitan International President: Ankur Kumar, Charleston, WV; Executive Vice President: W. John Rynearson, CAE, Birmingham, AL Although it may not seem like it, spring is just around the corner. Spring is a time of revitalization and renewal, when the flowers start to bloom, the trees begin to bud and people emerge from the doldrums of winter. So it must be with Civitans. We must surge forward with a renewed fervor to meet the needs of our communities and recapture the momentum to realize our goals. In late January, Wendy and I had the privilege of attending the Junior Civitan International Sno-Do, held in Barrie, Ontario. We were thrilled with the enthusiasm and commitment shown by the Junior Civitan International Board members and Governors as they once again surpassed their fundraising target. Their excitement and passion for Civitan is extremely infectious and if it could be bottled and distributed to all Civitans, it would be an elixir which would breathe new life into Civitans of all ages. I can’t begin to describe to you how incredibly impressed Wendy and I were with these extraordinary young people. Take a moment to speak with one of these Junior Civitans, and you too will be overcome by their zeal for Civitan. There is an old saying that “April showers bring May flowers." Well, April also brings Civitan Awareness Month. This is a time for you to highlight the accomplishments of your club to those in your community. Do a community project which increases your visibility. Hold a membership recruitment meeting. Invite a friend to one of your meetings. Show your community what Civitan Hometown Heroes can do! Civitan Magazine, like the organization it represents, is dedicated to service. The magazine will, at all times, emphasize the high ideals and purposes of the organization, disseminate ideas for greater service, and carry authorized announcements and notices regarding the activities of the organization. The magazine is an official Civitan International publication. Civitan International does not endorse or imply endorsement of any product and/or company by selling advertising space in this publication. Editorial opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Civitan International, its officers, or staff. Speaking of heroes, Wendy & I are looking forward to spending time with all of the Civitan Hometown Heroes on the Caribbean cruise convention in August. What better way to celebrate all of your hard work and dedication to our Civitan goals than to set sail for five days of relaxation and fun? It will be an awesome adventure and you don’t want to miss out! If you haven’t already, please consider sending in your registration now and start the countdown to a great convention! We really hope to see you aboard! More information is available at www. Bob Robinson 2013-14 International President Telephone: (205) 591-8910 FAX: (205) 592-6307 Mission Statement The mission of Civitan worldwide is to build good citizenship by providing a volunteer organization of clubs dedicated to serving individual and community needs with an emphasis on helping people with developmental disabilities. On the Cover Civitan sets sail in August for the 2014 International Convention. Go to page 8 for more information. Civitan Countries United States 1917 Canada 1925 Norway 1969 Germany Sweden South Korea Japan Bangladesh Denmark Hungary 1970 1970 1974 1975 1990 1991 1991 Jordan 1992 India 1992 Russia 1992 Ukraine Romania Nepal 1992 1992 1993 Estonia 1993 Slovakia 1994 Sierra Leone 1994 March 2014 INSIDE 5 7 11 IN EVERY ISSUE FEATURES 6 Borderless Civitan 6 Club Showcase 11 Into Africa Civitan's presence continues to grow 7 8 Junior Civitan Sno-Do Cast off for the 2014 Convention! 4 Civitan Awareness Month is almost here! Nigeria 1997 Ghana 1997 Pakistan Philippines Netherlands Thailand 1999 2001 2002 2007 Liberia Cote d’Ivoire Taiwan 2008 2008 2008 United Kingdom 2008 Senegal Cameroon Mexico 2009 2010 2010 China 2011 Kenya 2011 Tanzania 2011 Egypt 2012 Italy 2012 Haiti 2012 Civitan Awareness Month is Almost Here! April is Civitan Awareness Month! Civitans around the world are organizing special projects to get noticed in their communities. This is a great way to support your recruitment efforts, and let people know what great things your club is doing in your hometown! Here are some resources you can use to raise awareness of Civitan in your community. For detailed instructions on any of these resources, you can order the PR Training Manual (available for just $3 from the Civitan Supply House). You can also visit for free downloads and other materials. Successful Civitan Fundraisers ASE E RELE EDIAT t 2010 FOR IMM ber 27, n reques Septem available upo w Intervie hony Luke Ant s Manager Contact: munication PR & Com ITAN, ext. 134 CIV luke@civi • Create an event on Facebook for your next club meeting or community service project. Be sure to invite both club members and non-members! 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Here are ten easy ways to use social media to promote Civitan to your friends and family on Facebook. • Send a message to someone inviting them to your next club meeting! • Create a Facebook group for your club. Be sure to make it an “open” group, in order to promote your club and let non-members see everything you do! PR Train al ing Manu Civitan Pro jects Menu • Use Facebook to connect with your local Junior Civitans or Campus Civitans! • Share photos from your latest project or event (be sure to tag your fellow Civitans, too) • Share a link from any news story or press coverage your club gets from the local media. Help your message go viral! Free club websites • Make a wish using Facebook causes – encourage your friends to donate to Civitan in your name! Just search for Civitan at to find out more. PSAs from International Did you know? The Online Civitan Supply House is located at • Share a video from Civitan’s YouTube channel, at • Thank someone for visiting your club! Visit for the latest Civitan training materials, merchandise, and club supplies. You can also reach the Supply House at 1-800-CIVITAN, extension 102. 4 Civitan Magazine 1.800.CIVITAN Olympic Gold Medalist Credits Brother With Cerebral Palsy By Shaun Heasley Skier Alex Bilodeau says it’s his brother with cerebral palsy who inspired him in his quest for Olympic glory. Bilodeau took the gold medal on February 10 for freestyle skiing moguls at the Sochi Games, repeating his victory four years ago at the Vancouver Olympics. The Canadian athlete promptly celebrated by embracing his brother Frederic, who has cerebral palsy and was enthusiastically cheering on the sidelines. “When I see him, he’s my everyday inspiration,” Bilodeau said of his brother who’s become a recognizable face in Canada in his own right after a similar embrace at the Vancouver games. “I wake up in the morning and it’s rainy outside and I don’t want to go train, I don’t want to go out and ski. I look at my brother and if he had that chance he would go, he would grab it,” Bilodeau said. “With the motivation that he has, if he would be a normal person like I have the chance to be, he would be three times Olympic champion. There’s no doubt.” The gold will cap Bilodeau’s skiing career. He told Canada’s Global News that he plans to retire after the Sochi Olympics. Story courtesy Geographical Training coming up soon! Registration will open in April for the 2014 Geographical training sessions! Incoming club presidents and presidents-elect in North America are required to attend this day of training. Even if you've served as a club officer before, you can gain valuable knowledge, updates on new resources from these sessions, and face time with fellow club leaders. You can find the sign-up form at, under DATECITY DATECITY June 7............................ Dundas, CANADA July 26.....................................Lansing, MI June 14........................... Lanark, CANADA August 2.................................. Raleigh, NC June 21........................Fredericksburg, VA August 2............................Jacksonville, FL June 21 .................................... Tulsa, OK August 2................................ Burbank, CA July 12..................................Kingsport, TN August 2................................... Mobile, AL July 12.......................................Albany, GA August 9 ............................ Memphis, TN July 12 ............................. Little Rock, AR August 9 .................................Orlando, FL July 12............................Albuquerque, NM August 11...................... Ft. Lauderdale, FL July 19...................................... Atlanta, GA (International Convention) July 19 .............................. Columbus, OH August 23.........................Birmingham, AL July 19..................................... Decatur, AL August 23 ........................Chattanooga, TN July 19.............................. Greensboro, NC August 23............................. Evansville, IN July 26.................................. Las Vegas, NV August 23...............................Jackson, MS To the right is the training schedule. July 26 ................................. Columbia, SC August 23 .............................Nashville, TN We'll see you there! July 26..................................Huntsville, AL the Leadership Training tab in April. WWW.CIVITAN.ORG August 23..............................Charlotte, NC March 2014 5 INTO AFRICA... On no other continent can one find the diversity and vibrancy that is post colonial Africa. The visitor is immediately struck with its youth… young people everywhere and a vibrancy that is such a contrast to North America and Europe. The modern era has arrived with its cell towers and the internet connecting villages and cities and countries. West Africa is on the cusp of a boom as its communities are connected wirelessly while roads linking them may still be years away. Since the first charter in 1994 in Sierra Leone, Civitan has grown to a presence in 12 countries of Africa, and can also be found in Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Egypt, Ghana, Haiti, Jordan, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, and Tanzania. The people of Sierra Leone, have fully embraced Mandela’s model of “reconciliation” and forgiveness as a means of moving past the effects of the civil war that divided the country in the late 1990’s. Many of our members now credit their involvement in Junior Civitan prior to the conflict as a way forward to help foster democracy in action with the youth in schools for the next generation. Under the leadership of Country Director, Bockarie Ennsah and General Secretary, Alex Alim Bangura, six schools now have Junior Civitan clubs, each with more than 100 members. The adult clubs have a comparable number of members throught this rapidly emerging West African nation. University of Ghana Civitan Club. On a recent visit, representatives from Civitan International presented a plaque of appreciation to the president of Sierra Leone, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma. When still an executive in the insurance business, President Koroma in 2001 was instrumental in developing Civitan in that nation as a sponsor of the Rokel Junior Civitan Club and became a Civitan member himself. The success of the program in Sierra Leone is due in part to many dedicated individuals that believe in the mission of Civitan. Pictured to the right (2nd picture down) is the patriarch of Civitan in West Africa, A.J. Momoh. At 93, he continues to be very active in promoting Civitan and Junior Civitan in that country. A.J. Momoh, longtime supporter of Civitan in Sierra Leone. The Monrovia Civitan Club in Liberia is rapidly growing. Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma, President of Sierra Leone and Civitan. In Sierra Leone, local organizers are working toward the upcoming charter of the John F. Kennedy Junior Civitan Club. In Liberia, the Monrovia Civitan Club has over 100 members helping others in the community. Our program is headed up in Liberia under the leadership of Barry Muntaga, as well as Isaac Brown and his wife Princess, who works as an administrator at the United States Embassy. The largest and most prestigious public university in Ghana now has a club. The University of Ghana Civitan club chartered in January under the direction of Country General Secretary, Sammy Avah. This marks the fifth Civitan Club in Ghana. -W. John Rynearson Executive Vice President 6 Civitan Magazine 1.800.CIVITAN Junior Civitan International SNO-DO 2014 What do freezing temperatures, mountains of snow and thousands of dollars have in common? They all come together once a year for the annual Junior Civitan International Sno-Do adventure in Barrie, Ontario, Canada! January 24-28, 2014 marked the 39th annual Sno-Do — and snow it did! Temperatures dipped well below freezing throughout the event, and Barrie provided a gorgeous backdrop of fresh snow piled high almost every morning! Perfect conditions for an epic snowmobile ride through the beautiful trails of Ontario. The 2014 event was again an overwhelming success thanks to the dedication of the Barrie Civitan Club and our incredible Junior Civitans! Nineteen Junior Civitan Governors and Board members made the important trip to attend their Governors Update meeting, network and share ideas with fellow Junior Civitan leaders, and of course have a ton of fun! As of February 26, a grand total of $57,511.75 has been raised benefiting the Civitan International Research Center! Another outstanding achievement by our amazing Junior Civitans! A big congratulations go out to our top fundraiser in both overall fundraising and contributions outside Civitan: Preston Albertia, Governor of the Valley District! He was able to raise a total of $10,755 with $8,025 coming from outside Civitan. These young leaders are truly living out their creed by “making the world a better place!” Thank you for supporting them in their efforts. If you or your club hasn’t already, please consider giving to the 2014 Sno-Do. You’ll be making the world a better place too! IRS REINSTATEMENT GUIDELINES Notice to club treasurers in the United States: Individual Civitan clubs in the United States are classified as 501(c)4 nonprofit community organizations with the Internal Revenue Service. Failure to file an annual return for three years can result in a revocation of your nonprofit status with the IRS. However, reinstatement of your nonprofit status is possible, if proper procedures are followed. On January 2, 2014, the IRS published NEW reinstatement guidelines. This only affects you if your club has had your tax-exempt status revoked. If that is the case, please read this new information carefully. In the new Revenue Procedure 2014-11, the IRS explains the four procedures an organization may use to apply for reinstatement. This modifies and supersedes previous guidance, and is effective for all reinstatement applications submitted AFTER January 2, 2014. WWW.CIVITAN.ORG Please visit for information on these new changes, and links to the necessary documents on the IRS website. Again, this ONLY affects Civitan clubs in the United States who have had their tax-exempt status revoked by the IRS AND have not filed their reinstatement forms before January 2, 2014. This is a small number of clubs. If your club has NOT received notice of revocation, or if you filed your reinstatement forms BEFORE January 2, 2014, this change does not concern you. Civitan clubs that have received a letter or notice from the Internal Revenue Service regarding failure to file an annual return, OR that are listed on the Auto-Revocation List of the IRS, must follow these new guidelines. Contact Civitan International's Director of Development and Corporate Counsel Keith Sheffield at Civitan International Headquarters (1-800-CIVITAN, extension 105) or via email at for more information. March 2014 7 Cruise to Paradise 2014 Civitan International Cruise Convention Tours and Excursions August 11-16 from Ft. Lauderdale to Grand Cayman and Jamaica Winter blues got you down? Had your fill of gray skies and snow shoveling? Wouldn’t you really like to be sailing the Caribbean, eating great food, enjoying wonderful entertainment and lounging under a tropical sky? Then what are you waiting for? The 2014 Civitan International Cruise Convention is ready to take you away on the Carnival Freedom with ports of call in Jamaica and Grand Cayman! The Carnival Freedom is one of the world’s largest and most popular cruise ships. Her five-day western Caribbean itinerary gives Civitans the opportunity to experience the beauty of the Cayman Islands with all that Grand Cayman has to offer. Civitans will also enjoy the emerald landscape of Jamaica and the waterfalls of Dunn’s River in Ocho Rios. And, of course, the convention schedule will allow us to handle the business of Civitan while having a great time at sea. Cabin prices start as low as $449 per person and the full payment won’t be due until May 1. Secure your cabin with a 50% deposit. There’s no better time to sign up than right now. Wayne Mullis Travel has arranged for several tours and excursions in each port of call. Descriptions and pricing are available at Ocho Rios, Jamaica Wednesday, August 13 Home to the famed Dunn’s River Falls, this once-upon-a-time fishing village is now the pulse of Jamaica’s lush Garden Parish. Embark on Ocho Rios excursions for an exploration of Jamaica’s natural wonders. •Rafting on the Martha Brae •Ocho Rios Highlights with Dunn's River Falls •Rafting on the Martha Brae with Dunn's River Falls •Shaw Park Botanical Gardens and Firefly: The Jamaican Home of Noel Coward •Bob Marley Nine Mile Tour Grand Cayman Thursday, August 14 Grand Cayman is the largest of the three islands. Whether you are looking for complete relaxation or the awesome underwater sights of its reefs, the capital city of George Town has something for everyone. •Short and Sweet Sightseeing •Snorkeling at Stingray City and the Barrier Reef •Dolphin Swim Adventure For more information, please visit Come join your fellow Civitans aboard the Carnival Freedom this summer, August 11-16, for our Cruise to Paradise. Don’t forget the sunscreen! 8 Civitan Magazine 1.800.CIVITAN Civitan Cabin Reservation Form Rate includes five day cruise, all meals, and entertainment. Transportation to/from the port of Ft. Lauderdale is NOT included. Special Civitan Occupancy Conditions: Convention attendees agree to special Civitan per person cabin pricing schedule as shown based on double occupancy for adults and children, per person. Cabin may be booked for single occupancy by doubling the posted rate. Additional individuals may be added to a cabin up to a maximum of four. All funds reflected in United States currency. As of February 1, a 50% deposit (per person) is required to reserve any cabin. Full payment is due on or before May 1, 2014. The Civitan Convention Registration Fee is required of any cabin guest as follows: Civitan Youth By May 1, 2014........................... $145................ $72.50 By June 1, 2012.......................... $155................ $77.50 By July 1, 2014........................... $170................ $85.00 Passenger’s legal name (this must match passport), citizenship, age, and gender are required for booking per Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS). Each passenger is required to provide a copy of his or her valid passport by June 1, 2014. Cancellation and Refunds A cancellation occurs when a cabin reservation is released. If a cancellation occurs, the following charges will be assessed: If cancelled by: Cancellation Charge: December 13, 2013................................$100 per guest February 12, 2014 .................................$150 per guest April 13, 2014.........................................$200 per guest June 12, 2014...........................................50% of berth July 13, 2014...................................................Full berth Taxes and gratuities are 100 percent refundable. A request for refund must be sent in writing to: Wayne Mullis Travel, Inc. Travel Information: Wayne Mullis Travel is happy to assist with arrangements for anyone interested in air travel to Ft. Lauderdale. Air travel charges are in addition to cabin rates. Health, accident and trip cancellation insurance is encouraged. Contact Wayne Mullis Travel, Inc. at 1.800.225.4815. WAYNE MULLIS TRAVEL, INC. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Reservations and Payments: Reservations will not be confirmed until deposit of 50% of the total price per person has been received. The 50% deposit is due February 1. On June 1, 2014, all unsold cabins in the Civitan block will be released. Prices of remaining cabins (if available) may revert to Carnival’s retail list. Final payment is due May 1, 2014. Responsibility and Liability: The Travel Agency has made arrangements for accommodations and services furnished in connection with the tour. The Travel Agency shall be responsible to the tour members as set forth in the brochure, except to the extent such services and accommodations cannot be supplied due to delays, or other causes beyond the control of the Travel Agency. In the event the services and accommodations cannot be provided due to the above reasons or the tour operator amends the itinerary and/or accommodations after the tour has commenced, if it is determined to be in the best interest of participants, or in the event services are not used due to voluntary omission by the tour participants, refunds will not be granted. THE TOUR MEMBER WAIVES ANY CLAIM AGAINST THE TRAVEL AGENCY IN THE ABSENCE OF NEGLIGENCE ON ITS PART FOR ANY DAMAGE TO OR LOSS OF PROPERTY OR INJURY TO OR DEATH OF PERSON DUE TO ANY ACT OF NEGLIGENCE OF ANY HOTEL OR ANY OTHER PERSON RENDERING ANY OF THE SERVICES AND ACCOMMODATIONS IN THE GROUND PORTION OF THE ITINERARY. The Travel Agency shall not be responsible for any delays, substitution of equipment or any act or omission whatsoever by the carrier, its agents, servants and employees and tour members waive any claim against the Travel Agency arising there from. All tour services, transportation, and accommodations (the “services”) provided are furnished by independent contractors over which we exercise no control. The Travel Agency makes no guarantees or warranties, expressed or implied, regarding any such services. The Travel Agency shall not be responsible in any way for the loss or damage to tour member’s baggage. The liability of the carrier for loss or damage to personal baggage shall be limited to the actual value of such baggage but not more than $3,000.00 per passenger unless a higher value has been declared with respect thereto and additional payment made in accordance with the carrier’s applicable tariff. The Travel Agency reserves the right to decline, accept or retain any tour member as a participant of these tours at any time. If any tour member is removed from the tour no proportionate refund of unused-used services shall be made. Tour Prices: The tour price quoted herein is based upon current rates of exchange and the carriers’ current tariffs. Further extraordinary fluctuations in the carrier’s tariff could cause the tour price to increase prior to departure. In the event that an increase in tour price is required, participant may give written notice to the Travel Agency within 5 days following notification of such increase, cancel his participation and receive a full refund. Passport Requirements: ALL persons, including United States citizens, traveling between the U.S. and Caribbean, will be required to present a valid passport. Please FAX or MAIL copy of passport to Wayne Mullis Travel NO LATER THAN June 1, 2014. Visit your local post office or for complete information. Send completed form to: Wayne Mullis Travel, Inc. 309 North Main St., Salisbury, NC 28144 Email: Fax: 704.633.7011 WWW.CIVITAN.ORG Special Civitan Pricing Per Person for Double Occupancy Book by Feb. 1 Book by April 15 4B Riviera $434 $449 4C Main $439 $454 4D Upper $444 $459 4E Empress $449 $464 4F Verandah $454 $469 6B Riviera $544 $559 6C Main $555 $575 8B Upper $719 $739 8C Empress $744 $764 8D Verandah $765 $785 Ocean Suite OS Empress $1,230 $1,230 Grand Suite GS Empress $1,730 $1,730 Category Deck Interior Ocean View Balcony Limited number of cabins available in each category. How many total people will occupy this cabin? o 1 o 2 o 3 o4 (Contact Wayne Mullis Travel, Inc. regarding rates for 3rd or 4th cabin guests. Limited number of cabins are available for up to four occupants. Use separate form for additional guests.) Cabin Guest #1: Name (as shown on passport):__________________________________________ o Male o Female Birth date:____ /____ /____ Country of Citizenship:_____________________ Email:__________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone (daytime): ________________________ Cell phone: _______________________________ Mailing Address:_______________________________________________________________________ City________________________ State/Province: ___________ Postal Code:______________________ Emergency contact name: _______________________ Telephone:____________________________ Dietary restrictions or special needs:_____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Cabin Guest #2: Name (as shown on passport):__________________________________________ o Male o Female Birth date:____ /____ /____ Country of Citizenship:_____________________ Email:__________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone (daytime): ________________________ Cell phone: _______________________________ Mailing Address:_______________________________________________________________________ City________________________ State/Province: ___________ Postal Code:______________________ Emergency contact name: _______________________ Telephone:____________________________ Dietary restrictions or special needs:_____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Cabin category preference (e.g., 4B):________ at $_________(double occupancy) = $___________ Government fees.................................................. $119.00 x (# of people)________= $___________ Taxes...................................................................... $ 88.11 x (# of people)________= $___________ Gratuities............................................................... $ 57.50 x (# of people)________= $___________ Total = $___________ 50% Deposit of Total Charges (due now) = $___________ Balance (due 5/1/14) = $___________ Check enclosed: $____________ OR please bill my o Visa o Mastercard o Discover o American Express Cardholder’s name:_____________________________________________________________________ Credit card number:_____________________________________________________________________ Security # (on card):_______________________ Exp. Date: _________ /___________ Cardholder’s signature:__________________________________________________________________ March 2013 9 2012 – 2013 Financial Statement for Civitan International This financial statement is a portion of our annual report prepared by the audit firm of Pearce, Bevill, Leesburg, Moore, P.C. which conforms to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Civitan International • Audited Condensed Statement of Activities for the Year Ended September 30, 2013 Assets Cash and cash equivalents.............................................. $346,353 Investments................................................................... 1,650,528 Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $20,000 for 2013............................... 53,130 Inventories........................................................................ 120,992 Grant receivable................................................................ 250,000 Prepaid expenses and other assets....................................... 79,002 Property and equipment, net............................................... 90,748 Property held-for-sale.......................................................... 91,700 Investment in cash surrender value of life insurance............ 39,612 $2,722,065 Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities Accounts payable............................................................ $233,450 Scholarships and grants payable........................................ 380,006 Accrued and withheld taxes.................................................. 1,905 Other accrued expenses.................................................... 184,203 Line of credit..................................................................... 250,000 $1,049,564 Net Assets Unrestricted: Board designated...................................................... $1,735,812 Undesignated..............................................................(991,368) $744,444 Temporarily restricted........................................................ 397,266 Permanently restricted...................................................... 530,791 Revenue and Other Support Membership Dues.......................................................... $ 985,933 Liability and insurance premiums........................................ 44,336 Supply sales...................................................................... 189,134 Recording and initiation fees............................................. 140,559 Enrollment and charter fees - Junior Civitan clubs............. 126,520 Royalties........................................................................... 163,455 Investment income.............................................................. 47,067 Realized and unrealized gains on investments................... 166,115 Candy box receipts............................................................ 300,745 Convention registration..................................................... 148,118 Contributions................................................................. 1,301,789 Other income........................................................................ 5,107 $3,618,878 Functional Expenses Program services Member services............................................................. $413,145 Convention....................................................................... 166,505 Grants............................................................................... 400,000 Scholarships........................................................................ 17,835 $ 997,485 Supporting services Management and general................................................ 1,115,047 Fundraising........................................................................ 774,019 Membership and general................................................... 530,908 Cost of supply sales.......................................................... 110,291 2,530,265 $1,672,501 $2,722,065 $ 3,527,750 Civitan Contributions to the UAB Civitan International Research Center, 1989 to 2013 $17,039,000* Goal: $20,000,000 *Includes grants of $3,925,000 from the Foundation for Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Chesapeake District, Civitan International, Inc. 10 Civitan Magazine 1.800.CIVITAN CLUB SHOWCASE Naples Feels the Love Naples, FL – In February, the Naples Civitan Club held their annual Valentine's Day party for people with developmental disabilities. Civitans teamed up with Junior Civitans from Naples High School and Golden Gate High School to raise funds for the event, which was sponsored by local businesses such as Wynn's Market and Publix. Civitans and Junior Civitans alike joined the guests on the dance floor for this highenergy event, which many people in the community look forward to all year. Naples High School Junior Civitans also presented corsages to the participants, and even donated prizes for a dance contest! This year, retired Captain Bill Shanahan and his wife Rosella, both Civitans, crowned the King and Queen of the Dance: Joey Story and Valeria Guerra. Congratulations to these wonderful Civitans and Junior Civitans for 25 years of a wonderful event, and making Valentine's Day even more special for these special people in their community. The Queen and King of the dance (Valeria Guerra and Joey Story) were crowned at the evening's end. Words of Comfort Carrollton, GA – The Carrollton Civitan Club recently donated children's books to Tanner Medical Center's emergency department for children in need of a book while visiting the emergency room, or waiting for medical attention. These books are available for the children to take home. The club said its donation of children's books to Tanner is "Civitan's way of saying thank you for taking special care of children in the emergency room. Civitans are dedicated to serving individual and community needs, with emphasis on helping people with developmental disabilities." From left are Gene Duke, Dennis Young, Shekeela Cornwell, Skip Veljkor and Anita Smith (project chair). Story courtesy the Times-Georgian WWW.CIVITAN.ORG March 2014 11 CLUB SHOWCASE Clergy Appreciation Week Grand Prairie, TX Members of the Ranger Civitan Club hosted the local clergy at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church on a cold and blustery winter morning for a wonderful breakfast prepared by Civitan Paul Moreno. Civitans and guests warmed up with a hearty meal and shared information about their charitable activities. Guest speaker Chaplain Tews shared the story of becoming a US Navy Chaplain, and his experiences while serving at bases around the world, including Afghanistan. Each member of the clergy was presented with a certificate of appreciation, thanking them for their service to the community. Pelham, GA Each year, Civitans invite the local clergy to a special dinner program at their clubhouse. This year, 11 clergy attended with their spouses, representing several different church communities in the area. The event was held on February 3, the 71st anniversary of the sinking of the Dorchester. Pelham Civitan Jimmy Thomas told the tale of the four chaplains. Club President Philip Strickland thanked the honorees for their community service seven days a week - visiting the sick, volunteering in their communities, and seeing to the myriad needs of their congregation. Story by R. Sloan, Hartsville Messenger Greenville, SC Local Civitans held a luncheon at the Poinsett Club in Greenville, honoring clergy of all denominations in the local community. The guest speaker was Father Patrick Tuttle, of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church. 12 Civitan Magazine 1.800.CIVITAN CLUB SHOWCASE Each February, Civitans across the United States come together to honor the four chaplains who made the ultimate sacrifice aboard the USS Dorchester on February 3, 1943. Clubs do so through Clergy Appreciation Week, a celebration of the community service that clergy of all faiths provide throughout the year. Here are just a few of the events that took place in February! Vincennes, IN Rock Hill, SC Peter Haskins, director of Life After Meth in Knox County, talks with Sandy Barker, president of the Vincennes Civitan Club following Haskin’s speech at the Vincennes Civitan Club’s Clergy Appreciation Lunch at Vincennes University. Haskins spoke about progress that is being made locally in helping people overcome addiction and become productive citizens. Pastors from throughout the county were invited to attend. SAFE to say... Clarksville, TN - Last fall, the New Providence Civitan Club held their fourth annual Safety Awareness Festival Event (SAFE). SAFE is a program organized by the club to bring together several safety-oriented community organizations for a huge, informative, and fun community event. It also allows leaders of these organizations to network and interact, thus building a stronger community, while also honoring local community heroes. More than a dozen organizations and programs were at the most recent SAFE - here are just a sampling. Students of the Workforce Drivers Education School shared safe driving tips in a fun and memorable way. The Tennessee Trucking Association brought their beautiful NO ZONE Truck, to help educate drivers on trucks' blind spots. The New Providence Policing Center brought a car seat tech to give away free car and booster seats for those in need, or those with expired car seats. The DARE Car was also on hand to remind children (and adults) to make wise choices when it comes to drugs. The American Red Cross held a blood drive, while Serenity House, a local place of hope for women and children, distributed information about recognizing and preventing abuse. Two Rivers K9 Search and Rescue conducted a demonstration with their search and rescue dogs. Several other organizations were present, but we don't even have space for all the partners involved in this amazing event. Congratulations to the New Providence Civitan Club, and best wishes for continued success with this project! WWW.CIVITAN.ORG March 2014 13 CLUB SHOWCASE Kid's Kringle Albuquerque, NM - Thanks to The River of Hope, South Valley, Mesa Grande and Route 66 Civitan clubs of the Great Southwest District, 400 students from Mountain View Elementary, located in Albuquerque, had an even Merrier Christmas by participating in the 9th annual Kid's Kringle project. The program provides Christmas gifts for students and parents of povertystricken Mountain View Elementary School, which has a roughly 15% homeless population. A large percentage of the other students also qualify for assistance within the school, including the free lunch program. Donations are collected from sponsors, the including Mountain View Neighborhood Association, area businesses, volunteers and Bernalillo County offices, as well as the Civitan clubs, to purchase gifts for the students and their moms and dads. A Lifetime of Service Montgomery, AL - Last November, Montgomery Civitans honored member Larry Marzella at their annual Veteran's Day event. Larry was a veteran of the United States Army during World War II, and served in the 2nd Armored Division, nicknamed, "Hell on Wheels," under General George Patton. Larry served in seven campaigns during that time: Algeria-French Morocco, Sicily, Normandy, Northern France, Rhineland, Ardennes-Alsace, and Central Europe. He served in the Normandy Invasion of France, as well as the Battle of the Bulge. He was the recipient of the Distinguished Service Cross, Silver Star, Bronze Star, Combat Infantryman's Badge, two Purple Hearts, seven Campaign Stars, and the British Gallantry Medal. Larry was unable to attend the Veteran's Day meeting, but was presented with a plaque of appreciation by the club shortly after. Sadly, Larry Marzella passed away on January 15, 2014. He is survived by his wife, Sable. Members of the Montgomery club learned from his example, and are committed to continuing his legacy of service and achievement. Local Civitans split up into teams to purchase gifts for moms, dads and kids. Then on December 12, they set up a "store" in the school cafeteria for students. During the fun filled day, the children had the opportunity to select presents for their parents in the Women's and Men's departments. Students helped wrap the gifts, as well. Next, they enjoyed milk and cookies and even got to pick out a gift for themselves. Finally, a raffle is held, where six students per grade win a more expensive gift. Each child receives a candy cane at the end of the event. No class ever leaves without a huge "thank you." Days later, the clubs received wonderful, hand-made thank you cards. "This is really a very touching day for all who participate," explains Civitan volunteer Carol Kline. With additional money raised this year, 49 homeless students also received a warm hat and gloves or scarf. Another 15 families in need received $50 grocery store gift cards for the Holidays. A Breath of Fresh Air Bunn, NC – In partnership with North Carolina Baptist Aging Ministry (NCBAM), the Cypress Creek Civitan Club of Franklin County, North Carolina in NC District East, installed over 300 smoke detectors in Franklin County, North Carolina. Last year, after the Eastern Director of NCBAM spoke at a local church, he was invited to speak to the club concerning a program to provide free smoke detectors for residents of the community. The smoke detectors are offered free through the joint efforts of NCBAM, partnering with the State Fire Marshalls and Department of Insurance. The detectors have a 10 year warranty and a lithium battery that cannot be removed. The installations, however, required many volunteers. To be eligible to install the detectors, a 2-hour training session conducted by the Fire Marshals was required, with a minimum of 25 attendees for the training session. The club rallied friends and neighbors in order to meet the requirement for training. On November 18, 2013, 50 trainees were certified at the Lake Royale Clubhouse. Four-hundred and fifty total smoke detectors were assigned to the Cypress Creek Civitans to be distributed and installed. The detectors are available to anyone in need, with a maximum of six per household. Initially concentrating on the elderly of the community, over 300 detectors have already been installed. There is a waiting list for additional residents in need. Many thanks to the Lake Royale CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) and other friends from the lake community for supporting the project. These combined efforts help protect lives in the community. 14 Civitan Magazine 1.800.CIVITAN CLUB SHOWCASE Riding for a Cause Temecula, CA – The Temecula Valley Action Civitan Club is giving people with special needs in their community the opportunity to learn to ride horses. They began their “Civitan - Ride for a Cause” program last October. The first Saturday of each month, attendees enjoy a tour of Civitan Pattie Robert’s “Save the Animals Today” Ranch, which includes a menagerie of donkeys, goats, birds, dogs, cats and horses. First, participants tour the ranch. Then, they each go into the horse ring separately where they are taught riding techniques. Approximately 10-12 participants take part in the riding program each month. Denise Holsapple organizes the event, which is sponsored by local companies, such as Mo’s Egg House and American General Life Insurance Company. By the end of the morning, after feeding, petting the animals and riding the horses, participants are left beaming. New Clubs Chartered Please join us in welcoming these Civitans to the Civitan International family! Coastal Bend Civitan Club – Kingsville, TX Chartered February 1, 2014 University of Ghana – Accra, Ghana Chartered February 12, 2014 Civitan Magazine and You Magazine Submissions Civitan Magazine is published six times a year to club members around the world. So we need your news stories, events, and pictures! Is your club finishing an exciting project, organizing an event in your community, or approaching a special milestone? Just email, call us, or mail your story to the address to the right, and your club could be in the next issue of Civitan Magazine. Please include as much information as you can – funds raised, how the event impacts your community and/or club, and any other important details. Pictures are always welcome, too - please send in jpeg format, sized 200k or larger. We hope to hear from you soon! Address Updates / Removing Duplicate Deliveries If you have moved recently or changed email addresses, you can update your information by contacting Beth Towns in the Membership-Leadership Department via email, telephone, or mail at the address to the right. Many Civitans have a spouse or partner who is also a member, but only wish to receive one issue of Civitan Magazine at a time. Beth Towns can also help you remove any unwanted duplicate deliveries. WWW.CIVITAN.ORG Civitan Magazine P.O. Box 130744 Birmingham, AL 35213-0744 1-800-CIVITAN, ext. 134 Membership-Leadership Dept. Attn: Beth Towns P.O. Box 130744 Birmingham, AL 35213-0744 1-800-CIVITAN, ext. 111 March 2014 15 Attention Civitan Golfers! Registration for the 2014 Civitan International Golf Benefit is now open! On August 10, Civitan golfers from around the world will come together for a round of world-class golf at Trump National Doral Golf Club in Miami, Florida. This annual event is one of our most important fundraisers for the UAB Civitan International Research Center’s research into developmental disabilities. Golfers, now is the time to get into the swing of fundraising and make a real impact for Civitan's core mission - to help people with developmental disabilities. To participate, golfers must raise at least $1,500, but many raise much more. This can come from individual donations, club contributions, or even business sponsorships. There are prizes for the top fundraisers, top sponsoring clubs, and even a coveted spot on the Civitan International Golf Benefit Trophy for the winning team! Register as soon as possible, and you will receive periodic updates from the Development Department on this year's course, fundraising materials, and other information! To play • Contact the Civitan Development Department, 1-800-CIVITAN, ext. 103 or 104 • Email • Visit To contribute • Contact any player fundraising for the benefit • Contact the Revenue Department at Civitan International Headquarters • Visit
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