Fall 2007 - Bishop`s University


Fall 2007 - Bishop`s University
A publication for graduates and friends of Bishop’s University
No. 23 Fall 2007
Bishop’s University
Two Convocation ceremonies in one day
Robert Ghiz ’96 elected
Premier of P.E.I.
Page 7
Patrick Keeley ’93 wins
Top 40 under 40
Page 9
Amy Lee Lavoie ’06
enters National
Theatre School
Page 7
Alumni Association Steering Board
Rob Allatt ’93, President (robert.allatt@telus.com)
Peter Davidson ’77, Past President
Graham Moodie ’69, Past President
Jill Robinson ’87, Québec City Branch (robinj@cqsb.qc.ca)
Dan Bohinc ’94, Montreal Branch (danbohinc@yahoo.com)
Sterling Mawhinney ’88, Member-at-large
Eric Mills ’72, Member-at-large (ericmills@videotron.ca)
Matt McBrine ’96, Alumni Relations Coordinator
Dave McBride ’93, Director of University Advancement
Alumni Association Branch Presidents
Jeremy Tessier ’98, BC Branch (jtess9@hotmail.com)
Paul Alleyne ’01 & Shane Johnson ’95, Barbados Branch
(paul@jalbarbados.com) (rumcakes@caribsurf.com)
Grant Siméon ’85, Eastern Townships Branch
James Walde ’88, Fredericton Branch
Shirley Kitching Duncan ’56 & Cheryl Kouri ’77,
Gaspé Branch (duncan.t.s@globetrotte.net)
Andrew Lacas ’00, Halifax Branch (lacas01@yahoo.ca)
Peter Nixon ’83, Hong Kong Branch
Kristi Lambert McBride ’93 & Michael McBride ’93
Newfoundland & Labrador Branch (mcbride@nl.rogers.com)
Tom VanAlstine ’92, Ottawa Branch (tvanalstine@dfs.ca)
Forbes Campbell ’00, Toronto Branch
Sonia Fisher ’01, United Kingdom Branch
David Morad ’91 & Kedrin Simms ’00, Washington, DC
(dmorad@enable-inc.com) (kedrin.simms@verizon.net)
In this Issue
Principal Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Distinguished honorands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5
Across the generations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-6
Robert Ghiz elected Premier of P.E.I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Amy Lee Lavoie makes the cut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Squee Gordon heads Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Patrick Keeley wins Top 40 Under 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Venerable Bede Reunite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
NIBS brings home the gold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Branch Briefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Faculty enjoy success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Happenings on campus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Artists invest in Bishop’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Annual Giving Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(1-12)
Harvey White receives honour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Retirement reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15-17
Births, Marriages, Deaths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-21
Through the Years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22-24
Fall Homecoming & Reunions 2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Alumni Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
2 • Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News
Cover photos: Perry Beaton
any of you will have seen fairly extensive
coverage of Bishop’s University in the
media over the course of the summer.
Unfortunately labor conflict is not the reason we’d
like to have journalists descending on our Quad. I
am happy to report that all units of the union
(faculty, contract faculty, librarians, non-academic
staff) ratified new collective agreements in August,
2007. Although the negotiation process was
lengthy and tense, hard work and commitment
from both sides led to a satisfactory conclusion in
time to limit the impact on our students. Everyone
on campus has returned to our primary mission:
providing students with a special Bishop’s
experience and an exceptional education.
This process showed that Bishop’s employees
form a cohesive community. Colleagues are more
than just colleagues; they are close friends and
family members. One observation is clear: all
Bishop’s employees, regardless of their position,
care deeply about Bishop’s and take pride in the
education we provide.
Bishop’s is facing a challenging period in its
history. Inadequate funding by the provincial
government and a serious decline in enrolment
certainly offer challenges given that a huge
majority of Bishop’s revenues come from
government grants and tuition fees. But Bishop’s
has faced difficult times before. Numerous fires.
The Depression. Two World Wars. The creation of
the CEGEP system taking with it half our student
population. Government imposed cuts of 25% to
our operating budget in the mid 1990’s. The
Bishop’s community has always risen to the
challenge, and 2007 will be no different.
Robert Poupart
In the coming months, we will continue
discussions on campus about the operations and
strategic direction of our University. Senate will
begin a complete evaluation of the academic
programs. A strategic plan, including six strategic
goals (see box below), will be explored further and
operationalized. A redeployment plan for nonacademic staff will be carried out providing
support for strategic areas of the University, while
allowing us to rationalize expenses where possible.
And we will continue, with our colleagues from
other Quebec universities, to lobby the Quebec
government to wisely invest in the future of our
province – indeed the world – by directing more
support to universities.
The entire campus community will be
involved in this process. Collectively we will
strengthen Bishop’s. We will retain the best of
Bishop’s, while looking for new initiatives to
expand our appeal and reputation, solidifying our
place among Canada’s finest.
You, our graduates and friends, continue to
play a role in the future of your University. Many
of you write to me or to others on campus with
observations, ideas, suggestions. We read your
letters and hope you will continue your
conversation with Bishop’s. We’d also love for you
to converse with others about your Bishop’s
experience. Our 11,000 alumni and 1,850 families
of current students are in fact our best recruitment
staff. Tell people your Bishop’s story. Many of you
will soon receive an invitation to support this
year’s Annual Campaign. I hope you will say yes,
sending a strong message to our students and others
that you believe in the Bishop’s experience.
The direction of the following strategic goals was approved by the Corporation and Senate this past spring.
Please send your comments to Prof. Sylvie Béquet: sbequet@ubishops.ca.
Strategic Goal 1
Strategic Goal 4
To attract and retain outstanding students with the potential and desire
to excel academically, assume leadership roles, engage productively
with the local and global communities and perform creatively and
To enhance Bishop’s research capacity to fully support research
performance and its dissemination to the wider world.
Strategic Goal 2
Through excellence in teaching, to offer students challenging programs
that integrate academic rigor with co-curricular activities, service
learning, community and civic engagement, and opportunities for
interdisciplinary study. Graduates of these programs will have strong
critical thinking and communication skills (including increased
competencies in languages), will be empowered to assume leadership
roles, and will contribute to the international community.
Strategic Goal 3
Strategic Goal 5
To actively foster intellectual, social, cultural and economic
development and innovation in the region, the province, the country
and the world, with particular attention to the Americas. While
reaffirming its English-speaking character, Bishop’s University will
develop a greater openness to, and ability to operate in, other languages
of the Americas.
Strategic Goal 6
To achieve these strategic goals, Bishop’s University will operate in an
environmentally responsible manner so as to promote the wellness of
individuals, the community and the natural world.
To attract and retain outstanding faculty and staff committed to the core
values and activities of Bishop’s University as embodied in our Vision
and Mission.
Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News • 3
Photo: Perry Beaton
Class of 2007 requires two Convocations
o accommodate its largest graduating
class in history, Bishop’s mounted
two ceremonies on June 9, 2007,
both held in the gymnasium of the John H.
Price Sports Centre.
Undergraduates in the class:
181 (59 female, 122 male)
114 (84 female, 30 male)
154 (95 female, 59 male)
Natural Sciences & Mathematics
64 (31 female, 33 male)
Social Sciences 141 (75 female, 66 male)
Standing l to r: Bruce Stavert, Ronald Wright, Richard Gwyn, Yves Jodoin (Registrar)
Seated l to r: Robert Poupart (Principal), Janyne Hodder, Scott Griffin (Chancellor)
Distinguished Honorands
Excerpts from the citations
Richard Gwyn
Janyne Hodder
English by birth, Mr. Gwyn emigrated to Canada in 1954 and
in short order embarked on a career as a journalist in Halifax. He
rapidly established himself in his chosen path through stints as
parliamentary correspondent for United Press International, as
writer/reporter with Thomson Newspapers, then as Ottawa editor
for McLean-Hunter, and as Parliamentary correspondent and
contributing editor for Time Canada.... He joined the Toronto Star
in 1973 and established a reputation as a guiding light in the
Parliamentary Press Gallery… and later covered such monumental
events as the demise of the Soviet Union, the fall of the Berlin Wall,
and, further afield, the Gulf War and the end of apartheid in South
As an outsider who, like so many Canadians, has adopted this
country as his own, he has plumbed the breadth and depth of our
nation... has developed a very broadly informed and unique
perspective on national and international issues, and has brought
his interests to bear on an astonishingly varied array of subjects....
His talents have not gone unnoticed. He received national
newspaper awards in 1980 and 1985, and, also in 1985, the national
magazine award. In 1982, he was named author of the year by the
Foundation for the Advancement of Canadian Letters. His book,
Nationalism Without Walls: The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Canadian, was recently listed by the Literary Review of Canada as
one of the 100 most important books in Canada…(Literary Review
of Canada March 2006). In 2002 he was appointed Officer to the
Order of Canada....
Stephen Sheeran
Dean of Humanities
It is my honor to present to you an outstanding and inspiring
teacher, effective and innovative civil servant, respected and
admired Principal and administrator.… Educated at McGill, trained
as a teacher in the Bahamas, where she is now the President of the
College, Quebec gained an exceptional civil servant when Janyne
returned to join the Department of Education and rose to the
position of Assistant Deputy Minister. She turned an ordinary
bureaucratic job into a leadership role, and put English education
on the map both in her daily work and as a pivotal member of the
Chambers Task Force and Chairman of her own commission on
community schools.
Arriving at Bishop’s in 1995, she sensed, due to serious
government budget cuts, the need for restructuring and she chaired
a committee that recommended the necessary cuts in as painless a
way as possible, allowing the University to go forward in a positive
manner.… Realizing that more students were needed and that more
scholarships, awards and bursaries would attract them, she
persuaded the Corporation and Foundation to proceed with a
financial capital campaign for $15 million, the highest goal in
Bishop’s history....
[She] has given us an image from coast to coast of openness,
tolerance, biculturalism and friendliness .… For her contribution to
English education in Quebec, teaching and learning in the
Bahamas, and to this community and our University where we took
great pride in her leadership, I ask you to bestow the degree of
Doctor of Civil Law.…
Alex K. Paterson ’52, DCL ’74
Chancellor 1995-2005
4 • Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News
Bruce Stavert
Ronald Wright
Ordained in 1965, the young Reverend Bruce Stavert
demonstrated the soundness of both his character and his training
by ministering effectively to an exceptional variety of charges .…
In spite of his forays into Upper Canada and the Prairies, Bruce
remained a Quebecer at heart. Thus it was with great pleasure that
we saw him return home as the eighth successor of Bishop George
Jehoshaphat Mountain, founder of our University. In 1991
Alexander Bruce Stavert became the eleventh Bishop of Quebec
and thus Visitor of Bishop’s University....
As Bishop of Quebec, and since 2004 as Metropolitan of the
Ecclesiastical Province of Canada, Archbishop Stavert has
enormous administrative responsibilities. But he has managed not
to let these overwhelm his dedication to spiritual and social issues.
His commitment to humane and liberal values is represented by his
staunch work for the Council of the North, which focuses on the
needs of native communities in northern Canada; by his opposition
to discrimination, symbolized by his official presence at the
consecration of Gene Robinson as Bishop of New Hampshire; and
by his key role in promoting dialogue and co-operation between the
Roman Catholic and Anglican communions in Canada.
It is my pleasure and privilege to present to you … an
illustrious alumnus, a great humanitarian and a very distinguished
Canadian churchman.…
Garry Retzleff
Professor Emeritus of English
Ronald Wright is one of Canada’s most distinguished and
accomplished writers. He is also surely the most versatile, having
been published, praised, and prized in a wide variety of genres,
from travel writing through fiction to science writing to history.
Born in London, England in 1948, he studied archaeology at
Cambridge University before taking a trip to the Americas which
has lengthened into what, so far, has been the rest of his life. He
participated in Mayan digs, he farmed, drove trucks, became a
graduate student at Calgary, added the Inca language Quechua and
some Mayan to his existing Spanish, he moved to Ontario; and
finally, in the 1980s, he began to write. And how well he did so!…
Despite the impressive variety in his work, and his obvious
polyvalence, some major common threads structure all his work,
and also do him honour as a man. One of these is a clear and
beautiful prose style, capable of expressing simultaneously the
world’s richness, sadness and humour. Another is the concern,
which runs through his work from its beginning, for a more
sustainable, moderate and intelligent relationship with nature. And
last but not least is his determined effort to understand non-western
cultures in their own terms, to grasp their history as they themselves
understood it, and to interpret this reality for a wider audience. As
environmental and climate change, the massive death of species,
and resource exhaustion loom over our early twenty-first century,
we need to listen to his voice.… His writing is beautiful, but it is
not comfortable. It merits the recognition of an institution of
learning, as it both seeks the truth and then resolutely speaks it....
Michael Childs
Professor of History
Dr. Courtice Rose was named Professor Emeritus of Geography
and Environmental Studies and Dr. Stephen Black Professor
Emeritus of Psychology.
Degrees across the generations
Alumni were proud to welcome their children and grandchildren as fellow graduates.
Al Bell ’71 & son Chris
Doug Buchanan ’95 & daughter Grace
William Cady ’70 & daughter Jessica
Keith Cassidy ’68 & son Geoff
Sandra Gallichon ’80 & daughter Katie
Hal Gould ’73 & daughter Hallie
Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News • 5
Photos: Perry Beaton
Patrick ’71 & Jane ’72 Guest & son Patrick
Kenneth Harwood ’47 & granddaughter
Laura Young
Karl ’01 & Barbara ’03 Hunting &
daughter Rachel
Gail Kelso ’92 & daughter Marissa
Wayne McCartney ’77 & daughter Laura
Tom McShane ’74 & daughter Heather
Stephen Moore ’80 & daughters Katelin,
Shanyn ’05, & Meghan ’03
Andrew Nation ’80 & daughter Gillian
Diane Prah ’93 & son Michael
Nancy ’76 & Alan ’78 Rowell & son Thomas
Walter Smith ’42 & son Lanny Smith ’80 &
granddaughters Sara ’04 & Katie
6 • Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News
Landslide victory for Robert Ghiz ’96 in P.E.I.
The new Liberal Premier won 23 of 27 districts in the provincial election.
was going to go through Bishop’s – move
to Toronto – and make a fortune,” Robert
Ghiz laughs, when asked if he planned a
career in politics.
The Political Studies graduate is the newest
Premier of Prince Edward Island. Running on the
platform, “Islanders First for A Change,” Robert
took 23 of 27 seats reversing the standings in the
Pundits were predicting a close race.
“It was May 28th. I was watching the
election with my family at my mother’s house.
The first results came in strong but we didn’t
want to get too excited. Then at the end, we got
a much larger vote than expected. It was a thrill
to have won with such a lead,” said Robert.
The five major issues highlighted in his
campaign were health care, doctor recruitment, a
property assessment freeze in the province,
promotion of the bioscience industry and cuts to
the gas tax.
Robert was the Leader of the Official
Opposition in PEI’s provincial legislature from
2003-2007. Previously, the Charlottetown native
worked as an aide for Deputy Prime Minister
Sheila Copps and as a lobbyist for the Bank of
Nova Scotia. In 2001, he joined the office of
Prime Minister Jean Chretien where he served as
Atlantic Canada advisor before running for the
leadership of the Liberal Party of Prince Edward
Island in 2003.
Rob’s father, Joe Ghiz, was premier of PEI
from 1986-1993. He received an Honorary
Degree from Bishop’s and graduated with his
son, before passing away from cancer in 1996.
Their graduation was the last family trip they had
together, Robert said. Robert’s younger sister
Joanne, graduated from Bishop’s in 2005.
“We are all fortunate we went to Bishop’s
University and could benefit from the small
community,” said Robert, who is Canada’s
youngest serving Premier. “I personally give
credit to Bishop’s University.”
Sandra Sullivan-Keeley ’93
Question Period with Rob Ghiz
On the Ten-Year-Plan : “People shouldn’t stick around for too long. I would like to continue a ten year career in politics and
be removed by choice.”
On his favorite BU Professor : “Dr. Andrew Johnson was particularly memorable. He was a great teacher, mentor and put
students on the right track. He put me on the right track. He was definitely an inspiration.”
On being called the Best-Dressed-Man in Charlottetown? “No comment.”
Amy Lee Lavoie ’06 makes the cut
Amy Lee earns coveted place at the National Theatre School
his fall, Amy Lee Lavoie becomes the first
Bishop’s graduate to join the playwriting
program at Canada’s most prestigious
theatre conservatory, The National Theatre
School in Montreal. Each year NTS brings
together a highly select group of young artists to
be trained in the various disciplines of dramatic
production. Amy Lee is one of only two student
playwrights chosen from across Canada.
Before beginning her university career, Amy
Lee had already developed a love of writing, but
she was unsure of which medium to pursue. She
considered studying journalism at Carleton, but
ultimately her love of the stage brought her to
Bishop’s where she majored in Drama. During
her three years at Bishop’s, Amy Lee
distinguished herself both as a writer and as an
actor. One of her scripts was the hit of the 2005
New Plays Festival and her comic sketches,
lampooning everything from Canadian Idol to
the ordeal of our University health clinic, were
performed by her comedy troupe, Gently Used
Coats, in the London and Hamilton Fringe
Festivals, and on Bishop’s Centennial stage
during Frosh Week. She also performed in
departmental productions of The Hunchback of
Notre Dame, The Visit, and as the Red Queen in
Alice Through the Looking Glass.
Amy Lee looks forward to NTS as a place to
surround herself with creative people and new
challenges. “I look forward to developing my
own process. As a writer I tend to rely on
inspiration to hit, but deadlines are the
professional writer’s reality. I want to be able to
produce work on demand and be happy with the
Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News • 7
Squee Gordon ’60, DCL ’04 says au revoir to Humber, salut to Bishop’s
Photo: Marina Scott-Wickens
Dr. Gordon retired after 25 years as President of Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning and
became President of Bishop’s University Corporation for the next four.
n 1982 when Squee Gordon took the helm,
Humber College had 8,000 students and 90
programs of study; today it offers 150
programs to 18,000 full-time students, 55,000
part-time registrants and 15,000 corporate
learners. As only the second President in
Humber’s 40 year history, Squee played a pivotal
role in transforming the college into a thriving
polytechnic institution with two sprawling
campuses in Toronto’s southwest and northwest
corners, a third regional campus underway in
Orangeville, partnerships with the University of
Guelph and the University of New Brunswick,
and many other specialized learning operations
in the GTA.
Humber had experienced its share of trials
over the years: stringent government cutbacks in
funding, periods of labor strife, years of uneven
enrolment, demand for program rationalization,
and so on. Nevertheless, Squee managed to
advance Humber’s aspirations and ambitions.
“Moving with momentum can work
wonders for morale, motivation, and
accomplishment,” Squee said. “Belief in
ourselves and what we are doing is crucial to
success and, more important, it’s infectious.”
Accolades flowed at the events held last
spring in honour of Squee’s retirement who, at
the time, was the longest serving college
president in Canada. The longevity of his
leadership resulted in a coherence at Humber that
other institutions don’t always enjoy. Squee
received praise as a pioneer, a visionary, a
humanitarian, a team captain, a team player, an
inspirational leader, a friend, an imaginative
commendable, all agreed, is his ability to view
change, be it welcome or not, as something to be
embraced and explored.
“No one I know has meant so much to so many
people in different walks of life. Our journeys
have been inspired and improved by the way you
have coped with every challenge, and challenged
each of us, and made us do far more than we ever
thought we could.”
“This is a man who has
mattered,” observes
Wayson Choy, celebrated
writer and Professor
Emeritus of Humber.
Alastair Summerlee, President & Vice-Chancellor,
University of Guelph
Squee’s professional life is characterized by
an unwavering commitment to post-secondary
education, beginning with his own enriched
education: he holds Bachelor’s and Master’s
degrees in History from Bishop’s University, a
Master’s Degree in Educational Administration
from the University of Massachusetts, a Master’s
Degree in Public Administration from Harvard
University, and a Doctorate in Educational
Administration from the University of
Massachusetts. He has held administrative
positions at Bishop’s, Dawson College and
Humber, as well as taught graduate courses and
lectured at many universities, including U. of T.,
McGill, U.B.C., Harvard, and the University of
Texas. He has been a consultant for C.I.D.A. in
Africa and South East Asia, and a Policy Advisor
to the Secretary of State and the Minister for
Employment and Immigration on matters related
to post-secondary education. In 1994, he
evaluated the inspection system for the Further
Education Funding Council in the United
Squee has earned many honours for his
accomplishments, including honorary degrees
from Bishop’s University, University of Guelph
and University of New Brunswick. In 2006, he
was honoured for his contributions to Canadian
public education at the Annual Tribute Dinner of
the Learning Partnership.
Presently, Squee serves on the Boards of
Canada Basketball, the Learning Partnership, the
Toronto City Summit Alliance, and the Advisory
Committee of the Toronto Waterfront
Revitalization Corporation, as well as the
Corporation of Bishop’s University, of which he
was elected President in May 2007. Squee states
as his priorities:
• to oversee the renewal of academic programs
with a view to addressing 21st century
requirements and stabilizing enrolment;
• to solve financial deficiencies and regain
• to dispel a climate of mistrust in labour
relations and improve the general mood on
The Bishop’s community welcomes Squee’s
engagement in this latest capacity.
Sources: Humber A History and
Retirement Celebration of May 23, 2007
Peter Davidson ’77, Broker, Transatlantic Securities
Peter Dunn ’66, Founding Partner, Palodun Capital Limited
Stephen Lloyd ’89, Lawyer, Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP
Kelly Murumets ’85, President and CEO, ParticipACTION
8 • Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News
Mary Rhodes, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Bishop’s University
Stephen Stafford ’64, Owner, Manoir Hovey
Patrick Keeley ’93 receives Canada’s Top 40 Under 40 Award
Photo: Marina Scott-Wickens
Congratulations to Patrick as Bishop’s first graduate to be chosen for the prestigious Top 40 Under 40 Award,
organized by the Caldwell Partners Inc. and sponsored by the Globe and Mail.
atrick was one of forty recipients
selected from over 1,400 nominations
from across Canada. The business
achievement award is given to outstanding
leaders in their field under 40 years of age,
based on five criteria: vision and leadership,
innovation and achievement, impact, growth
and development strategy, and community
“It has been a tremendous honor and
very humbling to be in the company of so
many accomplished and hard-working
Canadians,” says Patrick, who received the
award last May.
The Social Studies graduate is the
President and Managing Director of RBC
Private Counsel Inc., the investment
counseling arm of the Royal Bank of
Canada which serves individuals, families,
discretionary management of $1-million
Business success has not come without
challenges. In 2003, shortly after losing his
Chicago-based job in a corporate
restructuring, Patrick was diagnosed with
Stage IV non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. The
father-of-two immediately began an
aggressive chemotherapy treatment in
Chicago and then flew back to Toronto to
complete his regimen.
“Three years ago, I never could have
imagined receiving such an accolade,” says
Patrick. “I was fighting cancer, and my main
job was to get healthy. Everything else was
secondary.” Royal Bank generously
accommodated Patrick’s treatment schedule
which required five days of hospitalization
every three weeks. He went into his office
every day between hospital visits and met
many colleagues in Toronto for the first time
hairless and 60 pounds lighter than his
current weight.
He spent his days in the hospital trying
to stay strong by working-out with elastic
exercise bands he strapped to his bed and
doing so many laps of the ward with his IV
in tow, the nurses on the floor nick-named
him “Speedy.” Patrick says that just
thinking of his two young children gave him
Patrick says not a day went by that he
wasn’t called by a Bishop’s friend while in
the hospital. That contact made all the
The year after his treatment, RBC
named Patrick as President of Canada’s
largest investment counseling firm. Since
his appointment, RBC’s Private Counsel’s
Assets Under Management nearly doubled
and the firm is on pace to complete its
second consecutive record-year of
Thankfully, Patrick is in remission from
the cancer. The chances of reoccurrence are
slim after two years and almost nil after five,
say his doctors.
Giving back is imperative to Patrick. He
is on the Development Committee at
Princess Margaret Hospital where he
received his treatment. He also gives
leadership presentations. Often, Patrick
takes the opportunity to discuss his personal
and business challenges. “It is important to
me to share my experiences – especially the
ones that are not all sunshine and roses,”
says Patrick, who spoke at a leadership
seminar at Bishop’s last year held for his
fraternity Sigma Chi.
Last year, he raised $70,000 in Princess
Margaret’s Walk to End Breast Cancer. His
was the second highest total in all of
Canada. “The walk represented a physical
challenge because I was determined to be
healthy enough to walk 60 km. I think many
of my donations came that first year because
people were shocked that I was even
attempting to do it.”
Patrick is married to Sandra SullivanKeeley ’93 and they live in Toronto with
their two children, Annie and Parker. Pat and
Sandra will celebrate their 12th wedding
anniversary in the Eastern Townships this
Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News • 9
Welcome to the Guild of the
Venerable Bede
his year St. Mark’s Chapel turned 150. For those who have
enjoyed the privilege of attending the Chapel, it comes as no
surprise that it is a worship centre not only for the students,
faculty and staff of the University and Champlain College, but for the
community as well. St. Mark’s is more than just a chapel; it has a rich
and vibrant history and has been designated as an historical site that
is a popular stop for tourist buses operating in the area.
The first in a series of special events organized to mark the 150th
Anniversary was a special Eucharist service and reunion of the Guild
of the Venerable Bede held June 16-17, 2007. The weekend-long
celebration kicked off with an organ concert, featuring Leslie Martin
Young, performed on St. Mark’s sublime organ.
On Saturday evening, a reception and dinner were held for the
Guild members, their friends, and guests from the University. Sam
Purdy, the dinner speaker, spoke about the Venerable Bede and the
history of the Guild. His presentation was enlivened with wonderful
stories about the antics of Guild members while at Bishop’s.
The Holy Eucharist, celebrated on Sunday morning, was an
occasion long to be remembered. The Most Reverend Bruce Stavert,
Archbishop of Quebec, was the celebrant and Reverend Canon Dr.
John Simons, Principal of the Montreal Diocesan College, served as
the preacher. The Chapel choir performed under the direction of
Melinda Enns and the organists, Pamela Gill Eby and Simon Abbott,
Back row l-r: Ray Jensen ’50, Sam Purdy ’53, John McIllmurray ’65, Peter
Hannen’56, John Simons ’66, Lyman Harding ’63, Lloyd Rheaume ’61,
Dave Prowse ’64, Bruce Stavert ’61, DCL ’07
Front row l-r: Ebert Hobbs ’51, Ron Hunt ’62, David Conliffe ’53, Al Salt ’49
did an outstanding job. The worshippers who filled the
Chapel experienced a sample of the high standard of
worship that has been at the heart of St. Mark’s throughout
its 150 years. That spirit is why the Chapel continues to
play an important role in the University, the College and
the local community. It is also a tribute to the ministry of
Archdeacon Heather Thomson.
Ebert “Bim” Hobbs ’51
Business students win international competition — again!
he final round of the 12th annual NIBS (Network of
International Business Schools) case competition was
hosted by the Dublin Institute of Technology in March.
Eight teams, including the host team, made it to the final round
of this international case competition. Other teams were from
the US, Guatemala, The Netherlands, Finland and Canada
(Concordia and Memorial).
Bishop’s team , who won the event in 2006 (hosted in
Norway), was unsure of their standing as they got off to a
rocky start, losing to Memorial University. However, the team
beat both Guatemala and Finland in the remaining round robin
event, advancing to the semifinals against their arch rival,
The team was presented with the case of Lenova, China’s
largest PC maker, and its attempt to establish a brand name for
itself following its acquisition of IBM’s personal computer
division. In a 4 hour period, the team was required to analyze
the company, understand its problems, recommend a strategic
solution, outline the implementation for this recommended
strategy, and prepare a 20 minute power point presentation.
Following the presentation, the team fielded questions for ten
The team was ecstatic when the judges concluded that the
Bishop’s analysis and recommendations were superior to those
of their rival Concordia. BU then met the team from the
Netherlands in the final and went on to enjoy their second
10 • Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News
Bishop’s winning NIBS team
(l-r): Rob Palmer (coach), David Wishart, BBA management, Caitlin
McLaughlin, BBA marketing, Dean of the Dublin Institute of Technology,
Lissa McRae (coach) Bill Robson (coach), Chris Bell, BBA finance, and Kyle
Ferguson, BBA international business.
consecutive NIBS win!
The Williams School of Business has won this event four
times and has placed second four times in the 12 year history
of the competition.
The experience is extremely beneficial for the students as
they interact with business students from different countries,
experience different cultures, and get to use their business
knowledge and skills in competitive situations.
Next year’s NIBS final will be hosted by Coventry
University in England. We hope to be there!
Lissa McRae
Associate Professor, Williams School of Business
Check out our website for upcoming events in your
area: www.ubishops.ca/alumni
1-r : Winners Bill MacDonald ’73, Maureen
MacDonald, Scott Ride ’93 (gift sponsor),
Lyn Baptist, Sandy Baptist ’73
1-r : Brent Gallant ’77, Mr. Tam, Principal
Robert Poupart, Malcolm Boyle ’78, Sylvia
Tam ’79, Frank Mc Ginn ’78
Thanks to 130 golfers who
participated in the Richmond Hill
Golf Tournament and raised $7,500
for the Jeff Cannon Memorial Fund
and, new this year, funded Toronto
Alumni & Friends Awards.
Alumni, friends, prospective students
and their parents attended a reception
hosted by Malcolm Boyle at a scenic
location overlooking the harbour.
Congratulations to Malcolm who
received the University’s prestigious
Alumni Service Award for his
dedicated service to Bishop’s and the
Alumni Association.
1-r : Winners : Ward Goddard ’86 (Major
Sponsor - Total Logistics Control), Pamela
Deans ’71, Nicole Raymond, Danielle Mills,
Tom Godber ’85 (Major Sponsor - Avison
Young Quebec Inc.), Caroline Mills ’06
In its second year, this tournament
which now welcomes alumni from
both Montreal and Ottawa saw 80
golfers gather at the Falcon Golf Club
in Hudson to raise money to fund
scholarships for two entering students
from the respective regions.
Over 30 grads gathered to kick off
summer at a downtown bar in
Calgary on June 22nd. Two from
the 1960s shared memories from
their gown-wearing days which,
oddly enough, resembled memories
of more recent grads. We proved
that we’re all still a little purple,
even though we’re swamped in oil.
For Calgary events, contact
Sabrina Fabian:
1-r : James Walde ’88, Matt McBrine ’96,
Pat Sinstadt, Bryan Walker ’57
Gaiter Classic
This year’s tournament
anniversary of the
Athletic Department’s
major fundraising event
of the year. 115 golfers
participated and raised
over $15,000.
1-r : Winners : Tony Addona (Director of Athletics), Silvio Martel ’92, Bill
Shearson, Garth Smith (Honorary Chair), Jamie Ford ’90, Rick Southam ’72
Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News • 11
Faculty Enjoy Professional Success
Dr. Benoit A. Bacon (Psychology Department) has been
invited to join the Centre de Recherche en Neuropsychologie et
Cognition (CERNEC), a FRSQ research centre that focuses on
understanding the links between brain function and behavior.
With headquarters at the Université de Montréal, the CERNEC
groups 39 researchers and over 200 graduate students and total
funding is in excess of $25 million. Dr. Bacon joins the
“Sensory Systems and Perception” axis where he will contribute
to research on the visual system.
Dr. Cathy Beauchamp ’70 (School of Education) received
the 2007 Robert J. Menges New Researcher Award of the
American Educational Research Association for her dissertation
(2005). The award recognizes outstanding scholarship by a new
researcher in the areas of postsecondary teaching, evaluation,
and development. Dr. Beauchamp’s dissertation represents a
comprehensive analysis of the literature on reflection in
teaching, which is vast and often criticized for lack of
Dr. Gilbert Gagné (Department of Political Studies)
received a Fulbright Award. During his sabbatical leave in 200708, Dr. Gagné will be the Visiting Chair in Canadian Studies at
Duke University in Durham NC. He will be attached to the
Centre for Canadian Studies and the Department of Political
Science. He will teach one undergraduate course and pursue his
research on the Canada-U.S. softwood lumber dispute. The
Canada-U.S. Fulbright Program supports outstanding
researchers doing research on issues relevant to Canada, the
United States and the relationship between the two countries.
Dr. Steve Harvey ’89 (Williams School of Business ) is
part of a team of principal researchers from the Université de
Montréal, Université Laval and McGill University (Douglas
Hospital) who have received funding from the Canadian
Institutes of Health Research. The multi-disciplinary team was
awarded $1.46 million over 5 years for a series of projects in
their proposed program “Developing better diagnosis,
interventions and policies in occupational mental health: A
multi-disciplinary approach.”
Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la nature et les
Dr. Layachi Bentabet (Computer Science Department)
was awarded a two-year grant of $60,000 to support his research
project focusing on visual target tracking using multiple
NSERC Grants
Dr. Madjid Allili (Computer Science and Mathematics
Departments) received $75,000 over five-years to support his
research project, “Computational Topology Methods for Data
Analysis and Shape Modeling.”
Dr. Elizabeth Levac (Environmental Studies and
Geography Department) was awarded two NSERC grants: a
$109,000 five-year research grant to pursue her research
activities on the sources and oceanic paths of large meltwater
discharge events, and a one-year equipment grant of $19,250 to
purchase a sophisticated microscope and a microwave digester
for palynological analysis.
Dr. Jean Manore from the Department
of History, in collaboration with Dale G.
Miner, recently edited “The Culture of
Hunting in Canada.” Hunting is a pivotal
but little studied aspect of Canadian history,
culture and society. The work covers
elements of the history of hunting from the
pre-colonial period to the present in all
parts of Canada, featuring essays by
practitioners and scholars of hunting and by
pro- and anti-hunting lobbyists. The result
crosses the boundaries between scholarship and personal
reflection, and between academia and advocacy.
Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture
Dr. Darren Bardati ’94 (Department of Environmental
Studies and Geography) received a three-year grant of $45,000
for his project on civic participation in watershed management.
Dr. Steve Harvey ’89 (Williams School of Business) and
his research team have been awarded a two-year grant of
$65,000 for a project on the impact of human resources
management practices, spiritual leadership, workplace violence
and work-family conflict on the psychological well-being of
Dr. Jean Manore (Department of History) has been
awarded $43,875 for her three-year project on the importance of
northern rivers to federal engineers and surveyors in forming the
liberal state from 1870 to 1930.
Dr. Susan Reid (Williams School of Business) and her
colleagues were awarded a team grant of $319,000 to support a
four-year project on the international dissemination of
SSHRC Grants
Dr. Eva Mary Bures (School of Education) and her
colleagues received a team grant of $143,178 for a project on
the impact of online dialogue on students’ learning.
Prof. Denise Fortier ’87 (Williams School of Business)
was awarded a doctoral fellowship for her project, “The
Identification of Managerial Competencies for Success in
International Business,” under the supervision of Mario Roy,
Université de Sherbrooke, and Normand Pettersen, UQTR.
Dr. Louis-Georges Harvey (Department of History)
received a three-year grant of $44,000 for his project on the
Anglophone political discourse in Lower Canada from 1805 to
12 • Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News
Happenings on campus
Bishop’s summer of labour unrest
t was a hot summer on campus, but not due to scorching heat. On
June 28 over 150 non-academic staff walked off the job. The staff
unit was accredited in April 2004, and in September 2005 began
negotiations for their first collective agreement as part of the APBU
(Association of Professors of Bishop’s University). Bishop’s is the only
Canadian university where regular faculty, librarians, contract faculty
and non-academic staff are part of the same union.
Faculty and librarians remained at work until July 26, when the
University locked out all unionized employees. Intense negotiations
resumed between the University and the union on July 31, and continued
until an agreement in principle was signed on August 6. All employees
were back at work on August 8, and on August 14 three units of the
union (faculty, librarians, and non-academic staff) ratified new three
year collective agreements. Contact faculty ratified theirs on August 28.
The major issues for the University through this process included
working within the University’s financial context and demonstrating
fiscal restraint to the Quebec government, proceeding with a
redeployment restructuring in both academic and non-academic areas,
signing a first collective agreement with non-academic staff, and
ensuring long-term viability for the defined benefit pension plan. The
union was, itself, concerned with concluding a first collective agreement
for non-academic staff, and protecting both jobs and the pension plan.
The picket lines may have been loud at times, but they were always
peaceful and respectful. The majority of services on campus continued,
albeit with reduced hours and services, throughout the labour conflict
due to the efforts of managers and non-unionized employees. The timing
of both the strike and the lockout were both made in an effort to
minimize the impact on students, which, for the most part, was
Research Chair shared with
Université de Sherbrooke
Bishop’s University and the Université de
Sherbrooke created their second joint research
chair. The field of research is the contemporary
history of relations between Europe and Africa.
An investment of $400,000 over five years is
making this chair possible.
The Lucienne Cnockaert Chair will allow
for a better understanding of African
colonization and the phenomena that flow from
it, including the Rwandan genocide and the
difficult process of democratization in African
states. Dr. Patrick Dramé, the first holder of
the chair, will oversee the research projects
associated with it and teach in the History
Departments at both universities.
The first joint chair, held by Dr. Thomas
Brustle, is in Representation Theory of
Direct to plate
Bishop’s to host
Townshippers’ Day
Townshippers’ Day 2007, the annual showcase for the Eastern
Townships English-speaking community, will be held at Bishop’s
University in collaboration with Champlain Regional College and the
Borough of Lennoxville.
Each year 5,000 - 10,000 people attend the bilingual day that
provides music, fun and information and brings together English and
French speakers in the greater Eastern Townships community. Mark
McLaughlin, Vice Principal, Finance and Administration at Bishop’s
and Jocelyn Molyneux, President of the Students’ Representative
Council will co-chair the organizing committee.
Andrew Blanchard
3 Conley, Sherbrooke QC J1M 1L8
Tel.: 819-562-0266 • Toll free: 1-800-361-0266
Fax: 819-562-1233 • blitho@abacom.com
Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News • 13
Accomplished artists make Bishop’s their charity of choice
“There is no life without art.”
Wanda Rozynska, Jim Benson, Claudine Beaulieu, Stanley Rozynski
Bishop’s University offers charitable gift annuities
– which represent a tax advantageous way to make
a major gift while also gaining favourable income
for an annuitant’s life. For example:
A female graduate, 76 years of age, contributes
$50,000 to establish an annuity at Bishop’s
University in August 2007.
Agreed upon rate of income:
Annual income for
$ 3,500 for life
Estimated amount of annual
income that will be tax free:
Immediate charitable
donation receipt:
For more information on charitable gift annuities
or other ways to support Bishop’s University,
please contact Dave McBride, Director of
University Advancement,
866-822-5210 or dmcbride@ubishops.ca.
14 • Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News
n 1966 Wanda and Stanley
Rozynski made a life-altering
decision: leave the cultural hotbed that was Montreal to open a
pottery school in Way’s Mills, a
tiny community in the Eastern
Townships. “We enjoyed Montreal,
and did a lot of work with local
artists; however we were looking
for something more. We had a
studio/school/gallery in Montreal,
but the landlord wanted Wanda and
me to leave so he could convert the
space into apartments to make
more money during Expo 67.”
The couple moved to Way’s
Mills and proceeded to transform
the town’s empty elementary
school into a pottery studio and
residential school. Wanda was
already an accomplished potter
who had studied and taught in New
York and Montreal and whose
works were exhibited across
Canada, the United States, and
Europe. Stanley, who was
responsible for much of the
renovations to the schoolhouse,
was also a talented artist in his own
right – a sculptor whose large and
impressive pieces are on display
throughout their two-acre property.
For over 20 years the school
attracted students from Canada and
the northeastern U.S.A.. The
residential school concept was
perfect for the couple. “For three
months in the summer I was able to
teach pottery in an intensive way to
small groups, providing individual
attention to each student,” says
Wanda. “And there was more – we
both worked to instil a love of art.
To this day we receive letters and
cards from former students who
talk about how their time here
changed them. In fact some of our
earliest students still come by to
use the studio.”
The remaining nine months of
the year gave Wanda and Stanley
time to refine their craft and
produce their own exceptional
works in the sun-filled studio they
had built.
Wanda and Stanley have spent a
lifetime promoting the importance
of art in the world. “There is no life
without art,” says Wanda. “The
feeling that comes from connecting
with or creating something
beautiful is so powerful. Everyone
should enjoy this feeling that artists
strive for every day.”
The couple will continue
influencing artists at Bishop’s –
forever. Although neither are
graduates, they have come to value
the role the University plays in the
Townships. “We have always kept
an eye on what is happening at
Bishop’s, and for a number of years
have planned to do something to
support the Fine Arts Department,”
says Stanley. “We decided now was
the time.”
The Wanda and Stanley Rozynski
Trust Fund was established in July
2007. The first gift to the Fund has
been used to establish the Wanda
Rozynska Scholarship in Fine Arts.
Valued at $3,000 per year, the
scholarship will be awarded to a
returning student in Fine Arts who
has shown the aptitude and desire
necessary to pursue a Studio
Honours Degree. Stanley also
established a charitable gift annuity
with the University, the principle of
which will be added to the fund in
the future.” “Wanda and I plan to
do more for Bishop’s in the future,
including bequests in our will,”
states Stanley happily.
Dr. Jim Benson, Chair of the
Fine Arts Department, is thrilled
with the new scholarship. “This is
the largest named scholarship in
our program,” he says. “It is
exciting to be able to provide
encouragement to aspiring artists.”
Claudine Beaulieu from Racine,
Quebec is the first recipient. Upon
graduation next spring Claudine
plans to pursue a career as a
professional artist. “My love of art
drew me back to university full
time,” says Claudine. “I hope I can
use my talent to have the same
influence on others that Wanda and
Stanley have had on so many
A Message from the Principal
he Annual Giving Report is more
than a list of donors. It is a
testament to the power of the
University community to make a
difference. As a donor you are a partner in
the education of our students and your
support has an impact on their daily lives.
In 2006-07, 2,326 donors contributed
a total of $1,522,535.00 to the Bishop’s
University Foundation. It is a pleasure to
recognize in this report graduates, parents,
and friends of Bishop’s who chose to
invest in our students and our mission.
Your gifts to Bishop's:
- finance scholarships, awards and
- ensure an up-to-date Library for our
- upgrade scientific and computer
- sponsor student projects
- support student-athletes
- fund other opportunities that
enhance the experience for students.
Choosing to support Bishop's is a
valuable investment in the future – of our
students, of Bishop's, of our country and
of the world. These are not idle claims: the
2006 — 2007
Bishop’s University News records the
many ways our graduates and students
contribute to their communities and help
to build a better world.
On behalf of the entire community, I
thank you for believing in Bishop's.
Robert Poupart D.Ps.
Principal & Vice-Chancellor
Bishop’s University Foundation Annual Giving Report 2006 - 07
Donations 2006-07: $1,522,535
Annual Campaign — $1,360,593
Partners in Learning Campaign — $5,000
Golf Tournaments — $17,024
Gifts-in-kind — $44,918
Realized Bequests — $95,000
Donors’ Designations
Student Support — $484,878
Library — $102,995
Athletics — $199,887
Dobson-Lagassé Centre — $149,638
Academic Enrichment — $33,216
Williams School — $196,358
Highest Priority — $355,563
Source of Donations 2006-07
Alumni — $941,540
Students — $64,270
Corporations — $109,358
Associates — $315,662
Parents — $33,054
Foundations — $58,651
Bishop’s University Foundation Annual Giving Report 2006 - 07
Royal Charter ($100,000.00 + )
John Dobson
Scott Griffin
David Williams
Platinum Circle ($50,000.00 + )
Bishop's University Students
Sidney Medine Trust Fund
Golden Circle ($25,000.00 + )
John Donald
Killam Trust
G.H. Stanley Mills Memorial Trust
Silver Circle ($10,000.00 + )
Nils Bodtker
Burgundy Asset Management Ltd.
Canadian National
The Hay Foundation
Ray Jensen
Louis Lagassé
Bud McMorran
John Oldland
Stephen & Kathleen Prest
RBC Banque Royale
William & Nancy Turner
Chancellor's Club ($5,000.00 + )
Hugh Bieber
Eric Blanchard
Borough No. 3 (Lennoxville)
The Carter Foundation
Costco Wholesale Canada Ltd.
Wallace Denver
Tracy Dort-Kyne
Louise Fast
La Societé de Construction Gératek
Robert Goldberger
Greystone Managed Investments Inc.
Tim Griffin
Andrew Hamblin
Jean Harris
Peter Hebert
Anne Holloway
Ross Hunt
James Keith
John McCallum
McLean Budden
Mollie Munzar
Kelly Murumets
Rio Tinto Fer & Titane Inc.
St. Clair Foundation
The Scowen Foundation
Lynton Wilson
Founders' Club ($1,500.00 + )
Arlie C. Fearon Transport Inc.
Robert & Mona Bandeen
George Baptist
Curtis Birchall
Philippe Brissette
BMO Financial Group
Douglas Calhoun
John & Susan Chippindale
John & Pattie Cleghorn
Conceptromec Inc.
Peter Dunn
Enterprise Rent-A-Car Canada Ltd.
Ernst & Young
Chris Forsythe & Allison Ethier
Jim & Di Ferrabee
John & Nancy Gallop
Squee Gordon
George Hendy
Jim & Diana Hindess
Philip Johnston
Bradley Jones
David Jones
Keith Judson
Ron & Shelly Kaulbach
Helen Kearns
Nancy Knowlton
John Latter
John Leckie
William McLaughlin
Lennox Mills
Don Montgomery
Lorne Nelson
Yanick Pagé
Laura Pantaleo
James Porter
Michael Quinn
Mary Rhodes
Jo-Anne Ryan
Hugh & Paule Scott
Joe & Yvonne Scott
Raymond Setlakwe
Blair & Julia Shier
Harry Smith
Rodney Smith
Rick Southam
Students' Representative Council
Martin Taylor
TD Meloche Monnex Group Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Tilson
Richard Tomlinson
David & Laurie Triggs
John* & Aline Visser
Trustees' Club ($1,000.00 + )
William Abbott
David Addison
Nicolas Arakgi
Aziz Tabah Foundation
Kenneth Balys
Alexander Baptist
Donald & Heather Barclay
Marion Bassett
Lois Baylis
Bell Canada
Etta Kafer Boothroyd
Sven & Laura Byl
Michael Cahill
Gary Chown
Donald Cooper
Jamie Crooks & Willa Montague
Roy Cullen
Gilberto D'Escoubet
Louise Dryver
Céline Dudemaine
Heather Duffy Coté
Glyn & Allison Edwards
Bob & Hazel Farnham
Molly Fripp
Lorrenne Gordonsmith
Alan Gratias
Paul Gratias
Kay Gray
Jean-Luc Grégoire
Wayne Hall
Bernard Hamel
Victor Hatcher
Glenn Higginbotham
Judy Hopps
Investors Group
Patrick Keeley &
Sandra Sullivan-Keeley
Geraldine Lane *
Ron Lawless
Mary-Anne Lawrence
Nancy Lloyd
Stephen Lloyd
LSL Football Inc.
Tim & Shirley Manning
Wayne McCartney
David & Carol McCormack
Pam McPhail & Glen Wickens
Gordon Meyer
Gary Miller
Eric & Jane Molson
Graham Moodie
Evan Mooney & Jennifer Pryce
David & Sandra Mowat
Alex & Joan Paterson
Jaime Pitfield
Eddie Pomykala
Robert Poupart
Gerald Rayner
Elaine Roper
Hans Rouleau
Damien Roy
Alfred & Elizabeth Salt
Henry Scott
Junior Sirivar
Larry Smith
St. Andrew's Society of Montreal
St. Mark's Chapel
Joe Stacey
Alexander Steele
David Stuart
Judith Thomson
Stephen Tribble
Peter & Gussy Turner
Stephen Turvey
Brian Wardrop
Robert Wilton
Jeannine Guillevin Wood
Abbott Wright
Sandra Young
Christine Schleifer
(Class of ’07) has called
alumni for the past three
years to invite them to
donate to Bishop’s.
“We really appreciate
your generosity! Your
support proves once
again that Bishop’s
people care about
each other.”
Names in purple represent donors who increased their level of giving from the previous fiscal year
Bishop’s University Foundation Annual Giving Report 2006 - 07
Principal's Club ($500.00 + )
Tony Addona
AGF Fund Inc.
Robert Allen
Tom & Linda Allen
James Anton
Susan Asper
Eunice Baldwin
Margaret Banks
Robert Barnett
Germain Bélisle
Donna Berta
John & Aline Bethune
Lynn Blenkhorn
Alex Boultbee
Richard Bradley
Brandes Investment Partners & Co.
Leslie Brockhurst
Clem Brodeur
Edwin Brown
Gordon Brown
Richard & Celeste Brown
Canada Steamship Lines Inc.
Richard Cannings
Hazel Carson
Philip Carter
Gordon Catterson
Louise Chevalier
Neal Clarance
Dianne Coates
William Converse
William & Sally Cowan
Jacques Darche
Michael Davids
Peter Davidson
Sidney Davies
Dorothy Delisle
Jacques Descoteaux
Eric Detchon
Robert Doak
Chris Doucet
Dana Dubreuil
Henry Dutton
Eric Edwards & Dany Lacroix
Bob & Ronna Egan
David Fisher
Frances Fisher
James Fitzpatrick
Richard Fitzsimmons
Winston Fraser
Wendy Fursey
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gallant
Michelle Gariépy
Rod Gilpin
Robert & Lynda Godin
Francis Gooch
Tom Gordon & Mary O'Keeffe
Hal Gould
Virginia Medland Green
Ian Griffin
Robert Hall
Michael Hallam
Kumar Hathiramani
Sam Hayes
Adèle Hébert
C. K. Ho
Ebert Hobbs
Edward Humphrys
Terry & Barbara Huntington
Eric & Candice Innes
Ross & Judith Jenne
Gerald Johnston
Michael Kelen
Ketchum Canada Inc.
Nick & Judy Kirton
Stuart Ladd
Denis Lajoie
Fondation Banque Laurentienne
Michael Levinson
Drew Leyburne
Stephen & Michèle Losty
Trevor Lovig
Troy Lunn
Shaun Lynch
Allen & Evelyn MacCallum
Bill MacDonald Jr.
Donald & Anna Macdonald
Charles MacLean
David Manbert
Michel Marleau
Tara Marsh
John & Nancy Matthews
Philip & Beverley Matthews
Brian McA'Nulty
David McBride
Matt McBrine & Nancy Richard
William & Caroline McDonald
Malcolm McFarland
Simon McInnes
Donald & Janet McKelvie
Ian McLean
R.H. McRae Family Charitable
Douglas Menzies
Eric Mills
Anthony & Lisa Milonas
Chris Minkoff & Julie Mayne
Peter Montgomery
Andrea Neill
Christopher Nicholl
Linda Nielsen-Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Ogaki
Marie Olney
Charlie Orchieson & Laurie Scott
Winn Oughtred
Tony & Susan Pacaud
Benoît Paré
David Pascal
Catherine Pearl
Daniel Pfliger
Bruce & Sandy Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Poulin
John Pratt
Henry Price
Bill & Nancy Ramsey
Garry & Marjorie Retzleff
John & Sandra Rider
Joseph & Mabel Riordon
Quentin Robinson
Gavin Ross
Paul Rousseau
Gilles Roy
Kenneth Russell
Elisabeth Sachs
Mark Saykaly
Sandra Sharp
Lois Shepherd
James Simms
Meghan Simpson
Roger Snape
Raffi Sossoyan
Michael Speer
Bruce Stevenson &
Lillian Rogerson
Robert Stewart &
Christine Matchim-Stewart
Elsie Sullivan
Stan & Melita Szary
Alan Tamaki
Gregory Thompson
George Tomlinson II
Rosario Tremblay
James Trenholme
Reginald Turpin
Vanda Vicars
William & Patricia Webb
Greydon Woollerton
Joanne Wordham
David & Mary-Ellen Young
Christopher Zownir
Patron's Club ($300.00 + )
Susan Agranove
Reg Allatt
Tony Bairstow
Grahame Baskerville
Susan Baumann
Peter Bedford-Jones*
John Bertram
John Black
Blanchard Litho
Bombardier Produits Recréatifs
James Bowey
Kimberley Bozak
Kristopher Bulmer
Robert Burt
Michael Butler
Robert & Lorna Calderwood
Christopher Cape
Louise Caron & Royal Orr
David Carr
Bill Carsley
Jane Catterson
Colin Channell
Frederick Clark
Peter Clarke
Paul Connery
Ralph Cooke
Ruth Copeland
Elaine Copland
Bruce & Joyce Coulter
Jami Crook
James Davidson
Scott Davidson
Leslie Dixon-Jones
Clifford Dobb
Patrick & Janet Draper
Michael Dudgeon
Robert Dunn
Richard Dupuis
David Eilers
Glen Faucher & Monica Schafer
Robert Fellows
James Ford
Joan Sargent Forman
Lori Fyke
Royce Gale
Keith Gallop
Claire Grogan
Gordon Hamilton
Peter Hannen
Victoria Harding
Scott & Kimberley Hardy
Meryl Heatherington
Heenan Blaikie
Richard Heystee &
Audrey Danaher
Mark Higgins
Elizabeth Holcomb
Janet Ilavsky
Stephen & Laura Jarvis
Robert & Naomi Jervis-Read
James Jewett
James Johnson
Andrew Judson*
Carolyn Kilbourne
Janet Klein
Dubravko & Ivanka Kovacic
Andrew Lacas
Patrick & Vera Lafferty
Robert Lajoie
Susanne Lammot
Cora Lane
Marc Laplante
Patrice Lemieux
Stephen & Jane Locke
Donald Long
James Mabbutt
Craig MacAdam
William MacDonald Sr.
George MacDougall
Charles MacInnes
Stephanie Marler
Donald Marshall
Jeffrey Maurice
Sterling Mawhinney
Michael McBride & Kristi Lambert
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this report. Please excuse any errors or omissions.
Bishop’s University Foundation Annual Giving Report 2006 - 07
Mark McCrea & Ann Maurice
Warren McDougald
Ken & Marie McLean
Daphne Atchison McMullan
James Meldrum & Mia Kakebeeke
James Millar
John & Sherrill Milligan
Carol Millington
Ross Milmine
James & Joan Mitchell
Bradley Mitchell
Peter & Dawn Morand
Gary & Karen Mottershead
Betsey Mowbray
Jim Moysey
William Murray
Murray Newell
Henry Nickerson
David Oulton
Jack Peake
Rick & Debbie Pellerin
Robert Perkins
David Perlman
John & Susan Petch
Luc Picard
Port de Montréal
Andrew Preston
Donna Prudhomme
Duncan Rayner
John Rayner
Lyman Roberts
Donald Rolfe
Andrew & Pam Sancton
Graham Saunders
David Schaffelburg
Ardelle Scott
John Scott
Jon Silver
Donald Simpson
Jane Simpson
Ward & Madge Skinner
Sylvia & Garth Smith
Michael Sommerville
Sylvia Soyka
Raquel & Paul Spinato
Malcolm Stanley
Bruce Stavert
Douglas Stevenson
William Stevenson
Cameron Swimm
Hugh & Jean Thomson
Paul Turner
Edward Van Luven & Cathy Jones
Peter Vaughan
Michael Veilleux
Beresford Watt
Harvey White
Tova White
Lori Whittaker
Christopher Wright & Tara Cope
Frances Wright
Ming Hong Zhu & Jinhiu Feng
Sesquicentennial ($150.00 + )
John Adams
Kathleen Adams
Robert Allatt
Jeff Allen
Bruce Amey
Fred Argue
Colin & Audrey Arnot
Francesco Asti
Tom Avison & Sharon Birzvilkis
Allan Bagnall
John Bagnall
Murray Bailey &
Lisa Dignard-Bailey
Warren Baldwin
Frances Ballantyne
John Ballantyne & Liz Davidson
Frank Barakett
Wayne & Kathy Barnes
Mauro Barone
Janice Barrie
Margaret Barton
Mario Bastonnais
Joanna Becket
Ginette Benoit
Bruce Benton
Rachael Bergen
Gregory Bianconi &
Deborah Sisson-Bianconi
Marc Bibeau
Scott Birchall
Eiko Black
Kenneth Blakeley &
Sarah Macrae-Blakeley
Carlos Blizzard
Ehor & Mary Ellen Bobby
Stephen & Tracy Bogyay
William Bonnell
Rosemary Bonyun
Stephen Bookalam & Jane Clair
Mr. & Mrs. James Boudreault
Bertrand Boutin
Paul & Mary Jane Bowie
Krista Bradley &
Christopher Roop
Tim Bradley
Mac & Lucille Bradshaw
Jane Brammer
Alison Brandon
Michael Bresee
Mark Broadworth
Patricia Broden
Nancy Brodie
Jane Brydges
Milan Budalic
Robert Burns
David Burridge
Nicholas Busing & Catherine Aitken
Sean & Patricia Callahan
Daniel Campbell
Gregor Campbell
Peter Campbell
Charlie & Janet Carman
Brian Catchpaugh
William & Sharon Cattie
Frank & Diane Cestnik
Frank Chamandy
Paul Chamandy
John Chappell
Catherine Charbonneau
Raquel Chisholm
Johanne Choinière
Sydney Clark
Nicole Clement
Alex Coleman
Gordon Cooper
Nicole Corbin
Mr. & Mrs. John Corney
Valérie Courchesne
William Crook
Ronald Crowley
Bruce Cruickshank
David & Barbara Cullen
David & Anne De Grasse
Brian Denney
Kim Denver
Edward Dillane
Paul Doehler
William Doherty
Erin Down
Shirley Duncan
David Dussault
John Dykeman
Andrea Eastman
Ab Echenberg
Brian Element
Sam & Marlene Elkas
Heather Elliott
Anne Elop
Christopher Emard
Tanja Epners
Elaine Evans
Ruth Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Farquharson
Norma Farwell
William Fellows
Cindy Finn
Linda Fiore
Michael Fisher
Nancy Fisher
Michel Francoeur
Mary Frey
Adam Frost & Annelise Ogle
Edward Fullerton
Peter Funk
Shannon Gadbois
James Gamble
Michael Garneau
Eric Gauthier
Robert Gauvreau
Marjorie Gear
Charles Godbout
Mr. & Mrs. Gilling Goddard
Robin Goodfellow
Michael Goodhue
Jane Gordon
Peter Gordon
Ian & Cheryl Graham
Guy & Kathy Grandbois
James & Sally Grant
Pat Gregory & Christine Gervais
William Griffiths
Mr. & Mrs. Berny Gross
Patrick & Jane Guest
Michael & Shauna Gundy
Erin McLaughlin-Guthrie
Henry & Sheila Haddad
Jennifer Hall
Keith Hall
Geoff & Eryn Hamblin
George Hanna
Michael Hartmere
Kerrie Lynn Hartt
Elizabeth Harvey*
Joelle Hassoun
Jack Hayden
Larry & Linda Hill
Marc Hillier
Bernard & Helen Hodge
David Hogarth
Martha Hogarth
Douglas Holt
Jessica Horner
Stanley Horrall
John & Dawn Houbraken
Mary Huggett
Brenda Hurst
Marianne Jacob
Connie Jacques
David James & Lili de Grandpré
Dan Janidlo
Eileen Jennings
Rita Jessome
Douglas & Tara Johnson
Frank & Evelyn Johnston-Main
Gordon Jones
Alan Jowitt
Cristina Kakebeeke
David & Joy Kardish
Fred Kaufman
Brian Scott Kelley
Howard Kelly
Jeremy Keyes
Nelly Khouzam
David Kilburn
Kevin & Lindsey King
Victor & Evelyn Komery
Bronek & Francine Korczynski
Krystyna Kott
Spiro Krallis &
Petra Hillebrand-Krallis
Alexandra Kroeger
Lucie Laliberté
Melanie Lambert
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Landrigan
Grace Lao
Daniel Leblanc
Janet Lee
Orville & Ruth Lee
Jack Lees
Paul Lehmann & Josiane Bolduc
Maureen Hallam-Lemay
Ross Lemke
Marie-Claude Létourneau
Ambrose Leung
Betsy Linnell
David & Sharon Little
Helen Porritt Livingston
Herb Lloyd
Jeffrey Lozon
Andrew Lumsden
Douglas MacAuley &
Christine Ljungkull
Ian MacNair
Arash Madani
Silvio & Meghan Martel
Robert Martin
Mary Pearson
John & Amanda Mathers
Mark McAuley
Lisa McBride
Margot McFarlane
Allan & Gail McGregor
Lynn McKelvey
Kathleen McKinney
Brenda McLeod
Elizabeth McNally
Lloyd Millar
Don & Elizabeth Mills
Kenneth Mills
Michael Mills & Jennifer Laplante
Names in purple represent donors who increased their level of giving from the previous fiscal year
Bishop’s University Foundation Annual Giving Report 2006 - 07
Jayne Minke
Will & Joann Mitchell
Katherine Moffat
Constance-Marie Moisan
George Molyneux
Sandy & Susan Montgomery
Jeffrey Mooney
David Moore
Rosamond Moore
Mireille Moors
Lise Morel
Vince Morena
Aundrea Morrison
Harry & Helen Morrison
Kathryn Murison
Peggy Olive
Robert & Jane Oswald
Nathalie Patenaude
Janice Patterson
Ross Paul
Sylvia Paulig
Gordon Peabody
Daniela Pellis & Wilder Lewis
Ian Penhale
John Penhale
Ian Pennell
Stacey Anne Petersen
Gerald Peterson
Dorothy Phillips
John Pinder
Sandra Pinto
Mark Planche
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Plummer
Lawrence Poitras
Lee & Elizabeth Pomeroy
David & Elizabeth Poulton
Mark Powell
Jacqueline Premdas
David Price
Merne Price
Vivian Prowse
Raymond, Chabot, Grant & Thornton
Lu Rider
Sean Riley
Jonathan Rittenhouse &
Loretta Czernis
Kelly Robertson
Phyllis Robinson
Toby Rochester
Gary & Nancy Rooney
Michael Rosenthal
Donald Ross
David Rothschild
Mary Rothschild
Michael Roy
Richard & Paula Sainthill
Mr. & Mrs. Dwayne Samycia
Marguerite Savage
Murray Savage
Wyatt, Louise, Susan & Amy Savage
Derek Schumann
Jacqueline Scott
Philip Scowen
Patrick Sheils
Kerry Shuttleworth
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Shyba
Mr. & Mrs. Ian Smith
Kimball & Lisa Smith
Miranda & Connor Smith
Sean Smith
Vernon Smith
Vicki Smith & Andrew Ochman
Suzanne Soucy
Wendell & Diane Sparkes
Geraldine Sperling
John Starnes
William Starr
William Stavert
Ann Stephenson
Graham Stevenson
Nancy-Lynn Stevenson
Robert Stocks
Raymond Stokes
Kathleen Sullivan
Rose Sxasz
John Taylor & Kimberley Ionson
Roland Théroux
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Therrian
Christie Thomson
Irene Thorburn
Peter Tilden
Kelly Tilson
David Tomlinson
Tom Van Alstine
Nicholas & Heather Van Herk
Jake Vaughan
Patrick Vaughan
Barry Voronoff
Bryan Walker
Deborah Walsh
Barry Wansbrough
Robert Watson
Ruth Werezak
Shannon Widenmaier-Galvan
Scott Williamson
Peter & Beverly Wilson
“Receiving a scholarship motivates
me to maintain my high marks...I
plan to pursue a career in education
and/or government and look forward
to giving back to the community
once I am finished my education.”
Lesley Tarasoff, (History & Sociology)
Deborah Thompson Wise
Trevor Wood & Stephanie Goodkey
Arnold & Mary Wright
Lynn Young
Rod Young
Gordon Zakaib
Nathalie Zegarra
Gene & Beverley Zinniger
Bradlee Zrudlo
Herakliusz Zwirello
Century Club ($100.00 + )
Elizabeth Abbott
Samia Ackad-Hass
William Aird
Cynthia Aitken
Richard Albert
Paulette Alberts
Ann Alder
William Alexander
Val Amigo
Suzanne Andrews
Paul & Lynne Arnill
Phillip Aspinall
Francine Ayott
Robin Badger & Robert Chartier
Heather Bagg
Jack (Hajak) & Maida Baghboudrian
Diana Banks
Richard Barker
Hannah Barkley
Roberta Barlow
Esther Stovold-Barnett
Patricia Barrowman
Kennett Bartlett
Richard & Andrea Battista
Peter Beliveau
Paul Bennett
Eric Bergeron
Michael Berry
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bertrand
Ellen Bertrand
Stephen Biggs
Michael Birchwood
Norman Bishop
Helen Black
Cecil Blenkhorn
Jean Blier
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Bogler
Christopher Boreyko
Jean & Françoise Bourassa
Avrille Bow
William Bowman
Jennifer Boyd
Joan Brett
David Bridger
Kerry Brock
Robert Brown*
Dalzell Browne
Harry & Beth Bruce
Frank & Marie Buckshot
Tracy Budrow
Shirley Burkhart
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Burnett
Douglas Burns
Anne Burpee
Audrey Burton
Sydney Butler
Keith Calder
Joyce Caldwell
Roberta Cameron
Milton Campos & Marilda Carualho
Stephanie Cantalini
Blair Capes & Robin Cooper
Christopher Carbonneau &
Valerie Haddad
Susan Carlisle
Alanna Carr
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Carss
Lloyd Chabot
Elaine Chamberlin
Mr. & Mrs. Pao Chang Chan
Susan Chapman
Andrew Clark
Richard & Sheri Clark
Betsy Clarke
Nicole Clements
William Clinton*
Diana Colby
Christopher Collinson
David Conliffe
Ross Conners
Robert Conrad
Wanda Cook
Ann Cooper
Sylvie Coté
Marnie McCullough Cotran
Charles & Shelley Cotton
Hugh Cowans
Elisabeth Craig
Joanne Craig
Elizabeth Crépeau
James Crook
Ina Cummings
John Cunnington
Mr.& Mrs. Tony Curiale
James Czegledi
Mr. & Mrs. Hania Daca
Gail Ross-Daniel
Jennifer DaSilva
Robert David
Louise Davies
Louise Dawdy
Anton de Man
Lynn Deacon
Germaine Deichmann
Thomas Denis
Andrée Désilets
Ian Dinning
Clermont Dionne & Isabelle Coté
Franco D'Onofrio
Glenn Doré
Draper Assurance Inc.
Barbara Drexel
Ann Druce
Mr. & Mrs. Guy du Pouget de
Marija Dumancic
John & Françoise Dunn
Brian Eddington
Chris Edwards
Larry Eldridge
Pierre Ellyson
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Enos
Jacqueline Entwistle
Steve & Susan Etcheverry
Lewis & Catherine Evans
Keith Farquharson
David Fearon
Lavergne Fequet
Judy Fiala
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this report. Please excuse any errors or omissions.
Bishop’s University Foundation Annual Giving Report 2006 - 07
Ross Findleton
Stephen Finlay
Susan Fitzpatrick
Robert & Muriel Fitzsimmons
Christa Fleury
David Forbes
Robert Forrest
Lynn Fournier
John Fowles & Kathy Lepoer
Barbara Garbens
Jack & Lois Garneau
Christine Gauthier
Isabel Gauthier
Simone Geadah
Kathie Gerrits
Brent Gilday
Glenn Giles
Pamela Giles
John & Heather Gillis
Ward Goddard
Jonas Goliasch
Lauren Goulet
Doris Grant
Mr. & Mrs. Noel Greaves
Pearl Greenhous
Alain Grégoire
Elizabeth Griffiths
Larry Groom
Geoffrey Guy
Jean-Eudes Hâché &
Heather Jamieson
Ronald Haddon
Frances Halsall
Margaret Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. David Harding
Douglas & Elizabeth Harpur
Craig & Kathleen Harris
Tony Harris
Alan & Susan Harrison
Brian Harvey
Kenneth Harwood
Neil Hastie
Alain Hébert
Joceline Heersink
Michael Hefferon
Marshall Henkle & Ellie Benn
Andrea Hildebrand
Debbie Hodgins
Margaret Home
Réjean Hudon
Ronald Hunt
Graeme Hunter
Cathryn Hussey
William Hussey
Paul Iggulden
Sidney Irwin
Craig Jacksland
Graham & Sue Jackson
Alexandra Jenkins
Helen Matte
Victoria Jenssen
David Johnston
Mr. & Mrs. John Judge
Peter Kandalaft
Heather Kane
Jackie Keeley-Loughheed
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Keeling
Clarence Kendall
Susan Kennedy
Heather Kinkaid
Mr. & Mrs. Joachim Klinker
Gregory Krabes & Sylvie Couture
Brian & Marie France Kyle
Shane Lacharité
Tiziano Lando & Rosa Valentini
Terry & Midge Lane
André Langis
Michael Largy
Grayden Larrabee
Margaret Larrass
Claude Laurence
Earl Laurie & Manon Coté
Cary Lawrence
John Lawrence
Winnie Leathers
John & Lulu Leathley
Mr. & Mrs. Jean-Pierre Lefebvre
Marie-France Lemay
Ian Leslie
Shirley Lindsay
Joseph Liva
Duane Liverpool
Carolynne Locke
David Lockerby
Ardina Loughheed
Crossley Loughheed
Arthur Lovelace
Howard Lucia
Cairine Lynch
Brian Lynn
Trevor Lynn
Daniel MacDougall
Bryan MacEachern
Stephen MacGillivray
Doug & Heather Mackay
Kathy MacKenzie
Megan MacLean
Diane Mahony
Gregory Mallough
Adrian Man
Murray Marchant
Sylvie Marcoux & Darren Legault
Alan Marit
David Martin
Wendy Martin
Joan Massiah
Vals Maud
James Maxwell
Julie Mayrand
David & Cheryl Mazurek
Michael McAuliffe
James & Jane McCammon
Virginia McClure
Robert & Sarah McConnachie
Bruce McConnell
John McDonaugh
Roderick McFadyen
Nigel McGilvery
Vincent McGovern
Colm McGrath
Reid McGregor
Daphne McKellar
Marius McKinnon & Nancy Cox
Peter & Joan McKinnon
Dixie McMorran
Lissa McRae
Robert Midgley
Charles Millar
James Mitchell
Patricia Monfette
Queenie Monk
Garth & Janis Morrill
Frances Morrison
Lewis & Christine Mullin
Diane Murphy
Bryden & Janice Murray
David & Ann Murray
Teri Lin Murray
Marc Natal
Patrick Naud
Kevin Nealis
William & Rosemary Neeley
Patrick Neilson
Heather Neiser
Judith Nelson
William Netherton
Beverley Nicol
Greig Nishio
Peter Nixon
Sarah Noad
Jacquelyn Novak
Elliott Nueman
Marleen O'Connell
Kevin O'Gallagher
Edna Ouellette
Jennifer Oyler
Diane Pampararo
Camelia Panitcherska
Donald Parsons
Janice Parsons
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pelchat
Lloyd & Joyce Perkins
Christa Peters
Ian Petrie
Cameron Phillips
Jeanet Pierce
John Pimenoff
Mr. & Mrs. Benoît Pinsonnault
Mr. & Mrs. James Plamondon
Christopher Planche
Gregory Planche
Nancy Power
Rhonda Price
Louise Proulx
Peter Provencher
James Purdy
Frederick Pye
James Quarles
Karen Rabideau
Kevin Ramroop & Gina Hartley
Anne Raslask
James Richards
Janet Cameron-Richter
Scott Ride
Thomas Riglar
Kenneth Roberts
Margaret Robertson
Ron Robertson
Renée & Darcy Robidoux
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Robinson
Harold & Laura Roobol
Keith Rorison
Susan Pepall-Ross
Stanley Rudkin
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Ryan
Jan & Anne Rzyzora
Mimi Sakamoto
Rick & Lynn Sala
Jamie & Gayle Saunders
Matt Saunders
Renaud & Eva Scheib
Sarah Scheigetz
Justin Schmidt-Clever
Cathy Scott
Marjorie Seale
Lucille Shaver
Ruth Sherman
Paula Simpson
Donna Sinclair
Mr. & Mrs. Yaro Sirota
Mike Skutezky
Barbara Stevenson
Michael Smith
Robert & Shirley Smith
Ronald Smith
David Snell
David Sorensen
Leigh Sowerby
Bob Sparrow
Christopher Spencer
Katharina Spuehler
David & Lucy Stanway
Peter Stefano
Robert Stenason
Donna & Neil Stephenson
Alison Stevens
Sean & Lora-Anne Stewart
Andrew & Ingrid Strange
Terry & Linda Strevens
David Sturtevant
Cheryl Swanson
Joan Tanton
Caroline Taylor
Susie Tector
Richard & Debra Thébèrge
Mr. & Mrs. Jean-Guy Thériault
Claude & Geneva Thibault
Jean-François Thibault
Peggie Thomas
Catherine Thompson
David & Marianne Thompson
Susie Mitton Thompson
Donate to Bishop’s online
With our secure site, you can safely and
conveniently donate online.
or use online banking
Make your gift by online/telephone banking with most
Canadian financial institutions. You can contact Pam Graham
(1-866-822-5210 or pgraham@ubishops.ca) to obtain your
ID number. Then choose Bishop’s Univ. Fdn - donations as a
payee on your banking site.
Names in purple represent donors who increased their level of giving from the previous fiscal year.
Bishop’s University Foundation Annual Giving Report 2006 - 07
Heather Thomson & James Sweeny
Rod Tilley
Elizabeth Towers
Derek Trott
Marie Trousdell
Camilla Turner
Francis Twyman
Aleda Van Horn
Donald Van Horn
Richard Vanderford
Shelley Vanderford
Anke Vanginhoven
Ella May VanLaningham
Kaye & Lucille Vaughan
Christopher Vaughan &
Lynn Beauregard
Jennifer Venick
Daniel Vincent
Suzanna Vodopivec
Alfred & Janet Walker
Donalda Walker
Joseph Walsh
Stephen Ward
Mr. & Mrs. L. Waters
George Watson
Glynn Watson
Clifton Way
Jeff Webb
Philip Webster
Robert Webster
Michael Welch
Martha Welsh
Louise White
Gary Whittaker
Blair & Mary Whittemore
John Wiggett
Dean & Gayle Wilson
Jonathan Wisenthal
Jamie Woods
Barbara Wright
Judy Wright
Benson Yee
Dean Young
Diana Zakaib
Barbara Zap
Maha Zayed
Donors' Club (under $100)
Katharine Aimers
Alice Alanko
Daniel Allen & Shannon Ballantine
David Allen
Faye Allen
Todd Allen
Pierrette Allison
A. J. Anderson
Colleen Andrews
Janet Angrave
Dennis & Charlotte Apedaile
Tanya Apostolidis
Meg Archibald
Pierre-André Arel
Mark Armitage & Pamela Deans
Shannon Arnold
Stephen Asch
Andrew Ashbee & Heather Trickey
Sylvie Ashby
Hilda Ashikian
Mireille Assad
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Atkinson
Jim & Ruth Atto
Luc Aubin
Bonnie Auger
Cindy Auger
Hartley & Heather Aulis
Eleanor Austin & Doug Evans
Mathew Baccari
Roxanne Backes
Bruce & Gladys Baldwin
Elvyn Baldwin
Helen McAuley-Banning
Paul & Kathryn Baran
François Barbeau
Catherine Barber
Chad Barclay & Sarah Carver
Thomas & Barbara Barlow
Nicole Barnett
Pauline Barrett
Ruthann Bartello
Shaun Bassermann & Mandy Lloyd
George Baylor
Jennifer Bazar
Catherine Beauchamp
Kristy Beauchamp
Alain Beaudoin & Coreene Smith
Simone Beaudoin
David Beaudry
Marie-Eve Bédard
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bednarczyk
Pamela Beharry
Amanda Bell
William & Paula Bell
Noëlla Bellefeuille
Hilary Bennett
Raymond Bernard & Jennifer Jones
A. & K. Betker
Steve Bianchi
Dawn Bilodeau
Guy & Sylvie Bilodeau
Andrea Black
Alan Blair
Donald Blair
Colette Blais
Andrew Blanchard & Mia Pascale
William & Leslie Bliss
Charles Blott
Daniel Bohinc
Gabrielle Boileau
Jo-Ann Bonnallie
Elizabeth Ife
Joyce Booth
André Borys & Jody Levoy
Josette Boudreau
Donald Bougie
Richard Bougie
Robert Bougie
Steve Bougie
Lyne Boulanger-Beaudoin
Dan Bourdon
Geneviève Boutin
Gordon Bown
Vincent Bowry
Adrienne Bradshaw
Roberta Brampton
Michelle Brault
Daniel Braun
Michael Bremner
John Bristowe
Frank & Maria Britto
Arthur Broadbent
Janet Broadhurst
Gill Broome & Alison Jarvis
Patrick Brousseau
Christopher Brown
Bill Brown
Lise Doyon Bruce
Hélène Brunet
Marguerite Bryant
Joy Buckland
Richard Burelle
Sherry Burton
Aurelie Caldwell
Debby Caldwell
Judith Campbell
Douglas Cameron
Wendy Cameron
Paul Camirand
Audrey Camire
Blair Campbell
Cathy Campbell
Christopher & Gay Campbell
Forbes Campbell
Susan Campbell
Joanne Cant
Dona Cardarelli
Merle Carr
Deborah Hollenbeck Carrière
Christie Carson
Janet Carson
Laura Carter
Mark Carter & Margaret McConnell
Kevin & Nicola Cartwright
Fiona Carver
Rosemary Cavanagh
Penny Cavell
Estelle Chamoux
Marie-Pierre Champagne
Thomas Chang
Alexandra Chapple
Donald & Sharon Charlebois
Martine Chartrand
Sherry Chase
Gloria Cheal
David & Heather Chesney
Leslie Chisholm
Jessie Christo
Sandra Churchill
Patrick Clarke
Michel Cleary
Catherine Clements
Erin Coates
Glenn Coates
Lorraine Codère
Jason Coley
Jim Coley
Michael Coley
Robert Coley
Daisy Colle-Geoffrion
Duff Conacher
Charles Connery
Jennifer Conrathe
Jennifer Conroy
Sharon Conway Bailey
Frances Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cooke
Kylie Coté
Nicole Coté
Pierre & Elisabeth Coté
Roger & Irma Coté
Réjean Cotnoir
Richard Cournoyer
Sylvie Courtemanche
Philippe Couture
Roger Couture
Michela Cox
Brian Craig
Salvatore Crisanti
Sheila Crocker
Alice Crook
Timothy Crook & Martha Plata
Meredith Cudney
Kerry Culp
Michelle Da Camara
José Da Costa
Paul Dancey
Philip David
Steven Davies
Arlene Davies-Fuhr
Drew & Mary Davis
Harry Dawson
John Dawson
Rui De Sousa
Carolyn Deep
Francis Delisle
Elizabeth Demers
Jennifer Dempster
Diana Derksen
Richard Desbiens
James Deslauriers
Mr. & Mrs. J-P Desmarais
Brookes & Fiona Diamond
Shayla Dickson
Shirley Dillingham
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this report. Please excuse any errors or omissions.
Bishop’s University Foundation Annual Giving Report 2006 - 07
Gillian Dinning
Elizabeth Dinsmore &
Frederick Gasoi
Martin Dion
Lise Dionne
Marie-Luce Dionne
Laura Discepola
Tim Doherty
Tim Dooley
Steven Dopheide
Joan Dormer
Richard Doucette
Bernadette Doyon
James Dougan
Michael Drew
Claude Dubé
Marie-Hélène Dubé
Nicholas Dubick
Isabelle Dubois
Sylvie Dubois
John Dubsky
Alexander Duggan
Marthe Dumont
Megan Dunford
Spencer Dunn
Richard Durepos
Debra Durovick
David & Paddy Dyer
Pam Eby
Margaret Eckenfelder
Steven Edelson
Debra Edwards
Jane Edwards
Danielle Efraim
Tara Egan Wu
Rose Eidinger
Steve Element
Judy Ellis
Peggy Emms
Lynette Enevoldsen
Jonathan Erskine
Richard & Velma Eryou
Jeanette Ettel
Heather Evans
Gary Fabian
Mr. & Mrs. Réjean Falardeau
Sandra Fares
Sandra Fauteux
Nadine Fava & Aaron Daley
Gavin Fearon
Paul & Lidia Ferguson
Ashley Filzer
Karen Findlay
Sandro Fiorino
Allan & Claudia Firhoj
Smith-Antoine Fiset
Charles Fisher
Melissa Fitzgerald
Patrick & Deborah Fitzgerald
Tom Fitzpatrick
Thomas Fletcher
Curtis Folkerson
Nick Fonda
Michel Fontaine
Bernard Forget
Justin Forster
Michael Forsythe
Denise Fortier
Duncan & Shirley Fortier
Céline Fortin
Jean Fortin
Valérie Fortin
Yves Fortin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foulquier
Daniel Fournier
Michel Franco
Deborah Frappied
Jonathan Fraser & Meghann O'Hara
Jeremy Freed
Debra French
Janice McFeeters
Cathy Lee Fuller
George Fuller
David Furey
Jennifer Furlong
Camil Gagné
Jimmy Gagné
Laurie Gagnier
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gallant
Gerri Gallo
Jean Gaudet & Louise Gratton
Armand & Carol Gendreau
Marie Gendron
Robert Gendron
Denis Genest
Robert Genest
Stephen George
Penny Gibb
James Gilbert
Shannon Giudici
Matthew & Katherine Glandfield
Peter Glenn
Peter Godber
Tom Godber
Alexandre Godbout
Stephanie Goddard
“Throughout my time at Bishop’s, I have been pleased
with the unparalleled efficiency of my professors, the
quality and relevance of my courses and the social
circle I’ve developed among peers. The scholarship
provided a strong sense of pride for me and has
proven that my long hours and sacrifices have all been
worthwhile. I have found a new source of strength in
knowing that my academic efforts were recognized
and that my final semester at University would not
impose any financial restraints”
Lori Sparkes, Biology
Stephen & Chrystal Godfrey
Chris Gokiert & Brenda King
Xiaoming Gong
Jon Goobie
Charles Goode & Jeanne Clavel
Pamela Goodenough
Pauline Goodenough
Mary Goodfellow
Clifford Goodwin
Jean Gordon
Elaine Gordon Vachon
Bertrand Gosselin
Dana Goveia
Rebecca Graham
Carole Grant
Jean Pryde Grant
Carolyn Grapes
Mark Gravely
Bruce Gray
Erin Green
Nicole Grégoire
Chris Gregory
Julie St-Pierre Gregory
Mary Gregory-Cyr
Guy Grenier
Elizabeth Griffin
Colin Grimson & Joy Chandler
Karine Griss
Louis Grondin
Stephen Groves
Stan Groves
Riley Haas
Sarah Haddon
Mark Hadrill
Rebecca Hagen
Joan Hagerman
Lawrence Haire
Albert Haller
Rita Hammamji
Mr. & Mrs. Preston Hammond
Erin Handley
Mr. & Mrs. John Hanlin
Naomi Hanson
Lois Hardacker
Robert Harlow
Nicole Harrack
David & Jennifer Harrington
Allyn Harris
Andrew Harris
Janet Harris
Margo Harris
Michael Hastings
Jeff Haver
Esther Healy
Brian Heath
Randi Heatherington
Raymond Heffernan
Prudence Heilner
Stefanie Hein
Alicia Helde
Joan Henchey
Chris Hepple
Buddy Herold
Ted Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Ho
Amy Hobouti-Fard
Maxine Hoffer
Stephan Hollander
Thane Holmes
Mark Holton
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander
Hon Wah Ha
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hooey
Rosemary Hooker
Marianne Horak
C. Horrall
James Hosking
Frank Hovey
Ross Howard
Betty Howey
Laura Hoy
Dean Hoyos & Erin MacDowell
Mr. & Mrs. Serge Huard
Kathryn Hudson
Kate Hughes
Malcolm Hughes
Karl & Barbara Hunting
Ross & Iris Hunting
Jennine Hurl-Eamon
John Hussey & Diane Lauzon
Wayne Hussey
Hazel Hutchins
John Paul Ierullo
Michael Innanen
Michael & Margot Irvin
Dawn Irving
Kirk Irving
Trena Irving
Jennifer Ives
Stephanie Jackman
Susan Jackson
Linda Jacob
Steven Jacobs
Céline Jacques
Louise Jamet
Janet Jané
Jennifer Jarvis
Jenny Jasper
Christine Jeffrey
Tyler Johnson
Dorothy Johnston
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Johnston
Jessica Johnston
Jennifer Jones
Morgan Jones
Regina Jones
Derrick Joseph & Jennie Lebrun
Helen Joseph
Joseph Joy
Josée Julien
Marc Jussaume
Zal Darius Kanga
William & Holly Kany
Steven & Annis Karpenko
Nicolas Kassab
John Kaye
Fred Kelley
John & Leona Kelso
James Kemp
Frère Kennedy
Michael Kerwin
Robert Ketchum
Bert & Elaine Kingsley
Stewart Kingsley
Blake Kingston
Paul Kingston
Carolyn Kinzie
A. G. Klei
Dimitri Klyachko
James Knutson
Leslie Kocsis
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Kouri
Mario & Magdalena Kraska
Joe & Joy Krol
Names in purple represent donors who increased their level of giving from the previous fiscal year.
Bishop’s University Foundation Annual Giving Report 2006 - 07
Margaret Krug
Sandra Kuchta
Michael Kuhnert
Wolf & Audrey Kutschke
Julia Kydd
Mr. & Mrs. Murray Kydd
Marie-Paul Labrèque
Chiara Lacey
Yves Lachambre
Cindy Lachance
Mylène Lacroix
Gordon Ladd
Louise Lafond
Lisa Lafrance
Kristyn Laird
Buuan Lam
Rick Lamanna
Frances Lambshead
Josée Lamoureux
Maurice Langlois
François Lapalme
Roger & Michelle Latulippe
Estelle Lauzon
Donald Lawrence
Kirk Lawrence
Maureen Lawrence
Robert Lawrence
Thérèse Le Brasseur
Heather LeBaron
Judy LeBaron
Manon Leblanc
Michael LeBlanc
Isabelle Leduc
Susan Leech
Sarah Lemaire
Mark & Shauna Lemenchick
Diane Lemieux
Mr. & Mrs. Jacques Lepine
Claire Leroux
Elisabeth Levac
Christopher Leveille
Joanne Levison
Mike Lewis
Norman & Heather Lewis
Shou Chun Li & Yan Wen Dong
Kristan Light
Hui Ling Lin
Marg Lipscombe
Malia Lougheed
Patricia Lowe
Curtis Lowry
Paul Lue Pann
Shawn Luft
Andrew Lynn & Josslyn Dennett
Joanna Lyon
Mr. & Mrs. William Lytwyn
Mrs. Beverley Mabee
Ruth Maben
Robert Macaulay
Scott & Suzanne MacCrimmon
Jeffrey MacDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Jim MacDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Macdougall
Abby MacInnes
Elizabeth MacKinnon
Norma MacKinnon
Alan MacLean
Iain MacLean
Kathleen MacNeill
Steven MacPhail
Wendy Main
Mr. & Mrs. Yves Mainville
Gustav & Bronislawa Malek
Erin Mallory
Michael Maloney
Ernest Manicom
Michael & Émilie Manouk
Nikoletta Maretta
Anne Wellnhofer & Euan Mars
Kevin Marsden
Allan Marshall
Donald Marshall
Ian & Mary Anne Marshall
Andrew Martin
Kerri Martin
Lucy Martin
Patricia Martin
Sabrina Marzari
Bruce Mason
Geneviève Masson
Geoffrey Mathers
Laurie Matheson
Mike & Dona Matheson
Gaetane Matte
Janet Smith Matthews
Joan Matthews
Nancy Matthews
Kelly Maurice
Steven & Cathryn Mayhew
Pierre & Candace Mayrand
Charlotte McCallum
Eileen McCammon
Ronald McCann
Ian McClelland
Laurie McCoubrey
Tara McCully
Gail McDonald
Maureen McDonald
Heather McElrea
Alison McElwain
Paul McFarlane
Tobi McGrory
Kelly McGuire
James McIntosh
Howard McIntyre
Lucas McKay
Thomas McKean
Kim McKell
Burns McKenzie
Maura McKeon
Scott McKinney
Wendy McLaughlin
Bryan & Catherine McLean
James McLean
Shawna McLeish
Rita McMurray
Trevor McNaughton
Gordon & Susan McNeice
Stirling McNeil
Sean McNeill
Mr. & Mrs. Terry McRae
Douglas McVie
Paul Megan
Jessy Melançon
Pierre Ménard
Audrey Killoran Menzies
Clinton Mercier
Clive Meredith
Jillian Merilees
Henriette Merminod
Scosha Merovitz
Peter Metzger
Brigitte Meunier
Luanne Meyer
Zhuo Miao
Carla Middelburg
Paul Midghall
Roy Millen
Mr. & Mrs. R. Millette
Marc & Amanda Mills
Sara Mills & Michel Viala
Scott Mitchell
Jacqueline Mitton
Deane Moffat
Mr. & Mrs. Rani Mohankumar
Sami & Laura Mohanna
Jackie Moir
Ryan Moleiro
Michael & Carol Mooney
Ian & Eileen Moore
Jason Moore
Jeff Moore
Jeremy Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Moore
Peggy-Anne Morency
Jonathan Morgan
Elsie Morrill
Garnet Morrison
James Morrison
Stephen Mossor
Marielle Mousseau
Doreen Mulcahy
Michael & Judy Munkittrick
Vanessa Murdock
James Murphy
John Murphy
Raymond Murphy
David Murray
Paul & Mary Ann Murray
Randy & Sonya Murray
Barbara Musoka
Melina Myers
Joel Myhre & Jessica Zinger
Henri Nadeau
Joey Nalezinski & Stephanie Jones
Andrew Nation
Christina Navarro
Anselme Ndabigengesere
Gary Neeley
Joel Neveu
Laura Newton
Christopher Nicoll-Griffith
Dawn Nita
John Norrie
Leslie Nutbrown
Jennifer Oakes
Ann Oakley
Jennifer O'Brien
Chris & Erin O'Donnell
Mark O'Donnell
Watson & Pamela Ogilvie
Christine Oliver
Helen Olivier
Leslie Olson
Michael O'Neill
Norman O'Neill
Lucas O'Regan
John Orr
Shauna Otway
Yves Ouellet
James Owens
Rob Palmer
John & Phyllis Palov
Wei Pan
France Paquin & Alain Brunelle
Thérèse Paradis
Rupinder Parhar
Elizabeth Parker
Kelly Parker
Norman Paterson
Mark Paton & Lainey Bates
Wendy Patrick
Dan & Janet Patridge
Kathleen Patton
Patricia Peacock
Kara Pearson
Paul Pede
Karen Peirce
Hélène Pelletier
Louise Penny & Michael Whitehead
Martin Pepin
Albert Peraino
Louise Perkins
Sarah Perry
Krista Pershall
Jean Peterson
Patrick & Laurie Pettman
Doreen Phaneuf
Kevin Philip
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Phillips
Michael Pilson
Rebecca Pimm
Geoffrey Piper
Thelma Pitman
Sheila Pleet
Richard Poaps
Costa Politakis
Guy Pomerleau
Lucie Pomerleau-Coté
Ronald Pope
Kristen Porritt
Doreen Potter
Claude Prévost
Dara Price
William Prouty
Anne Purdy
Samuel Purdy
Julia Quick
Derek Radford & Alison Cail
Valerie Rawlings
Jonas & Karen Raymond
Valentine Reeve
Bryan Reid
Mr. & Mrs. Anselmo Remedios
Monika Renner
Simon Restall & Carol Bordo
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Revege
Kathryn Richan
Elizabeth Richardson
Robert Richardson
Leonie Rimmer
Brian Roach
Charlie Robbins
Louise-Andrée Roberge
Alex Robert
Ghyslain Robert
David Roberts
Mathew Roberts
Neil Roberts
Tom Robertson
James & Heather Robinson
Kirk Robinson
Andrée Roch
Karen Rodney
Jordan Rogers
Marie Rogers
Frank & Janine Rogerson
John Rollit
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this report. Please excuse any errors or omissions.
Bishop’s University Foundation Annual Giving Report 2006 - 07
Ralph & Pam Roloff
Joni Roper
Dean & Gene Ross
Deryck Ross
Elaine Ross
Ann Rothfels
George Rothney
Kirk Round
Josée Rourke
Marty Rourke
Mr. & Mrs. Gilles Rousseau
Michelle Rousseau
John Rowe
William Rowe
Philip Rowswell
Richard Roy
Erik Rubadeau
Guy Ruel
Kris & Victoria Ruiter
Lori Ann Rymarchuk-Parent
Jason Safford
Janell Sale
Matthew Salo
Pat Salvaggio
Dany Salvail
Tricia Sam
Delwen Samuel
Alyson Saunders
Robert & Karen Savery
Debbie Savoy-Morel
Catherine Sawyer
Mr. & Mrs. Mario Dello Sbarba
Fred Scalabrini & Catherine Scott
Alexander Schaal
Frederick Scott
Walter & Elaine Seline
Jennifer Serwylo
Marc-André Sevigny
Steve Shanahan
Laurie Sharman
Neva Shelton & Hugh Maynard
Mei Sim Shum
Hulbert & Susan Silver
Louise Simard
Gwen Simpson
Diane Simpson
Andy Sinclair
Bryan Singfield
Carl Sinnett
Pierre Sirois
Bryn Skilbeck
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Skuse
Joan Smale
Amberlee Small
Lon Smith
Frances Smith
Kristin Smith Robson
Nancy Smythe
George & Barbara Snelgrove
Shelley Snooks
Dan Somers
Gregory Southward
Clifford Sparkes
Katherine Spinelli
Aaron Spreng & Krista Guezen
Bozena Srepel
Richard St. Dizier
Sarah Stacy
Mr. & Mrs. Colin Stafford
Doreen Stahl
Krystel Staniforth
Bernard St-Cyr
Brad Steinberg
Tobie Steinhouse
Scott Stenzel
John Stephenson &
Brenna Donoghue
Signy Stephenson
Janet Stevenson
Frederika Stewart
Hugh Stewart
Rhonda Stewart
Elizabeth Stierli
David & Susan Stockwell
Ian Stoddart
Branka Stojanovic
Philip & Jean Stote
Martine St-Pierre
Marcelle Stratford
Leslie Strike
Neil Stubbert
Dick & Patti Stubbs
Walter Sudar
Heather Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Sully
Lesley Summers
Vivian Sundset
Beverly Taber Smith
David & Amanda Tanner
Greg Taylor & Katherine Tremble
Emily Tector
Céline Tétu
Gabriel Thibault
Brenda Thomas
Dack Thomas
Becky & Glenn Thompson
Gordon Thompson
Joan Thompson-Stunell
Diana Thomson-Kemp
Peter Thorburn
Jason Thorne
Jane Tian
Andrea Timlin
Michael Tinker
Mike & Linda Todd
Sidney Toll
Judith Toogood
Daintry Topshee
Brian Torrie
Vincent Tourigny
Joanne Tracy-Carruthers
John & Marlene Traficante
Stephen Trelford
Stephen & Janie Trew
Kristin Trotter
Trysa Tsolis
Scott Tucker
Ronald Tuppert
Sylvain Turcotte
Lincoln Turner
Erin van Schaayk
Kim Van Vliet
Virginia Van Vliet
Jann Vandermeulen
Edward Vaughan
Elio Vettese
Marianne Vigneault
Marie Rose Vilaire
Johanne Villeneuve
Steve & Shauna Vokes
Alex & Elaine Voykin
David Wade
Sallie Wager
Lorne Wald & Deborah Elliott
Bruce Walker
John & Jane Walker
Krista Wallace
Peter Wallace
Oliver Ward
Valerie Wasylishen
Walter Watt
Wendon & Linda Wattam
George Waugh
Shawn & Debbie Webster
Elizabeth Weeden
William & Janet Wells
Mavis Westgate
Thelma Westman
Murray Whitby
Keith & Victoria Whittall
Frances Whittle
Benjamin Williams
John Williams
Derek & Hjordis Wills
Barbara Wilson
Matthew Wilson
Philip Wilson
Melissa Wingeat
Susan Winn
Shirley Wolfe
Philip Wong
Dale Wood
Margaret Woollerton
Elizabeth MacRae-Wright
Han Yan
Sheila Young
William Young
Tony Yue
Patricia Yuill
Tammy Yurichuk
Mr. & Mrs. Danny Zanetti
Sarah Zinck
Karen Zitzke
Jennifer Zwicker
Val Rothlin is a 3rd year
B.B.A student
International Business,
minor Economics).
“The Parents Annual
Campaign for the
library is a great
program designed to
benefit your child
and all Bishop’s
Bishop’s University Foundation 2006-07
Honorary Patrons
Peter Dunn ’66
Louis Lagassé, O.C., DCL ’94
James Ferrabee ’57
Raymond Setlakwe, O.C., ’49, DCL ’03
Robert Goldberger ’79
William I.M. Turner, O.C., DCL ’87
Timothy Griffin ’71
David Williams, DCL ’96
George Hendy ’68
Tracy Dort-Kyne ’93
Ex-Officio Directors
Ron Lawless DCL ’00
Robert Allatt ’93
Bud McMorran ’60, DCL ’04 Robert Gordon ’60, DCL ’04
Alex K.Paterson ’52, DCL ’74 Scott Griffin ’60, DCL ’02
Mark Saykaly ’72
Dave McBride ’93
Hugh Scott DCL ’99
Mark McLaughlin ’84
Nicole Small ’92
Robert Poupart
Names in purple represent donors who increased their level of giving from the previous fiscal year.
2006-07 Annual Giving Report
is a publication of the
University Advancement office
Bishop’s University
2600 College St., Sherbrooke, QC J1M 0C8
Tel.: 819-822-9600 ext. 2264, toll free: 866-822-5210
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Charitable Business No. 11881 0787 RR0001
Harvey White wins Willam & Nancy Turner Teaching Award
eaching is something we do well at Bishop’s. It
takes fellowship to make a classroom, and
we are lucky to have students who make
us better teachers: learning happens on both
sides of the lectern. We are also lucky at
Bishop’s because our students pay us a
high compliment each year at
Convocation in selecting one
Professor for special recognition in
the form of the William & Nancy
Turner Teaching Award. Established
in 1989 by former Chancellor
William I.M. Turner, this award
today goes to Dr. Harvey White.
Dr. White, who earned his
degrees at Minnesota, Princeton and
McGill, came to Bishop’s many years
ago to teach in the Department of
Religious Studies. The students who
nominated Dr. White for this award write that
he provides a “consistently positive learning
environment” that engages students in “productive
and thoughtful discussions.” His lectures and seminar
classes are not delivered in a “dispassionate”
manner but rather “it is clear that the
philosophical and theological concepts
deeply concern him.” He “welcomes
questions from the most basic to the
truly boggling.”
Dr. White is always
generous with his time and does
extra things students don’t expect
from a professor, like “scrounging
up money” for projects or
conferences. Everyone who knows
Harvey recognizes the truth of what
these students have said because he
is not only our steadfast friend but has
long been, and continues to be, our
teacher as well. Join me in
congratulating Dr. White as this year’s
recipient of a well-earned honour.
Dale Stout
Professor of Psychology
Three long-serving faculty retire
Giovanni Di Lullo
tudents and colleagues of Giovanni
(Gianni) Di Lullo were disappointed
to hear of his decision to retire on
July 1, 2007. For 25 years Gianni has
brought the Italian language and culture
alive for hundreds of students at Bishop’s.
Gianni was born and raised in
Agnone, a small city in central Italy, and
since his arrival in Canada he has called
Montreal home. He pursued his undergraduate studies at
Concordia and his graduate studies at McGill. He began his
teaching career with brief stints at CEGEP Bois-de-Boulogne
and the Istituto Italiano di Cultura before moving on to
Concordia and then Bishop’s. (He continues as a part-time
instructor at Concordia.)
Students fondly remember Gianni’s interesting and
demanding classes, and his infectious enthusiasm for the many
subjects that he integrated into his language instruction. He
brought a great breadth of knowledge and expertise to each
lecture. It is not surprising, then, that he was cited in the
Maclean’s Magazine Guide to Canadian Universities for two
consecutive years for the quality of his teaching.
Gianni’s time at Bishop’s saw the expansion of the Italian
program from a minor to a full component of the Modern
Languages Major, and in recent years Gianni has worked on
diversifying the offerings in Italian, with new courses in the
areas of Italian poetry, prose, and cinema. Moreover, under
Gianni’s guidance students in recent years have taken advantage
of summer study opportunities at La Societá Dante Alighieri and
exchange in Turin. He has also worked steadily over the years
on developing in the Library a wide-ranging Italian collection—
especially in the area of Italian cinema. In fact, colleagues will
remember that any mention of Italian films (classic or recent)
has always precipitated lively and stimulating conversations.
Gianni has a particular passion for the works of Italian
cinema of the 60s, his favourite directors being Valerio Zurlini,
Antonio Pietrangeli and Ermanno Olmi, and he is also interested
in Italian prose and poetry of the 20th century. Gianni has also
been very giving of his time—for years he presided over an
after-hours Italian conversation group in local cafés. Gianni is
well-known in the Sherbrooke area (particularly in Italian
restaurants, where, over the years, he has frequently brought
students and colleagues for the sake of the fine cuisine and
Gianni looks back fondly on his years at Bishop’s and
derives satisfaction from the great strides his students have
made in their mastery of the language and their awareness of
Italian society and culture. We wish Gianni all the best in his
Stephen Sheeran
Dean of Humanities
Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News • 15
Joanne Craig
r. Joanne Craig arrived at Bishop’s
in 1977 trailing clouds of
academic glory: a B.A. from Bryn
Mawr College, an M.A. from Oxford (St.
Hilda’s College) and a Ph.D. from
Harvard. But unlike Wordsworth’s child,
Joanne’s glory had not passed away. She
brought with her the promise of future
accomplishment both in her intelligence
and her finely trained mind.
Dr. Craig is a Renaissance specialist, whose research has
focused on Spenser’s great romantic epic, The Fairie Queene,
about which she has published numerous articles. But she is also
a Renaissance Woman, whose literary interests include not only
twentieth-century American poetry, but also women’s writing
from the fourteenth to the twentieth century. The scope of her
interests is hinted at in the fact that although she is very involved
in feminist literary theory, her recent research has focused on the
ideals of male friendship in the sixteenth century. She is truly an
academic for all seasons.
Dr. Craig’s 30 years at Bishop’s have been characterized by
an intense dedication to the University, the English department,
and especially to our students. Having taught a great range of
courses, from introductory fiction courses, through surveys of
English literature, to courses in Shakespeare and specialized
courses in her areas of academic specialization, she has trained,
enlightened, guided and inspired generations of students.
Amongst those who remember her most fondly are those whom
she has encouraged to pursue the level of academic rigour that
she has always herself maintained — those who have themselves
gone on to distinguished academic careers.
Although Dr. Craig is best known for her scholarly
accomplishments, all of us who know her well are also very
aware of her engaging personal qualities: her wit, her
cheerfulness, and her courage, all of which were notably
displayed during the two years when she was recuperating from
being hit by a truck while walking to the University on a winter
morning. Her absence from the campus during that time was a
sad foretaste of how much we will miss her after she retires.
For the time being the Craig family presence is being
maintained at the University by her son, Gordon, the recent
recipient of a Ph.D. in Mathematics. Three years ago Joanne and
Gordon became the first mother and son in the history of
Bishop’s to hold concurrent academic appointments.
Garry Retzleff
Professor Emeritus of English
Ken McLean
uring his 30 years at Bishop’s
Ken McLean has been an amiable
and supportive professor and
colleague, invariably offering visitors
and neighbors of his office in Morris
House help, advice, and a welcoming
smile. He loves his family, the outdoors,
sports, Canada, and everything Irish,
including whiskey.
Ken was born in Wales, and his family emigrated to
southwestern Ontario when he was a child. He studied at Wilfrid
Laurier, McMaster, and York, and taught English in Germany
for a year before he came to Bishop’s to teach Canadian
literature. He quickly discovered that his job included American
literature as well, and later he became keenly interested in Irish
literature. One of his students commented that all Ken needed
was a pipe to be the perfect professor of Irish literature.
The growing collection of books in his office reflected
Ken’s industrious efforts to keep up with writing in three
burgeoning fields, and through his teaching Ken shared his
enthusiasms with his students. His classes were enormously
popular, and therefore very large, and the Divisional Teaching
Award reflects his students’ appreciation.
16 • Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News
Even when he wasn’t department chair, Ken took an
extraordinary interest in the details of departmental
administration to the point at which he became a reliable
resource for the chair, whoever he or she was. Ken served on
important committees like the Senate Planning Committee, the
Library Committee, and the Speakers Committee, and for many
years he organized a series of readings by Canadian writers. He
faithfully attended events sponsored and organized by students,
usually the Inglit Club, as well as departmental events like
poetry readings, not to mention meetings of the department and
of the various committees on which he sat. His commitment to
the English department and the University were exceptionally
strong, and his attention to detail and due process were
particularly valuable.
Not that Ken’s interests are restricted to literature and to
departmental and University politics: at noon every day he
abandoned his office for the Complex and a game of squash,
badminton or tennis, depending on the season and the weather.
Weekends found him hiking, biking, or skiing. We hope that
retirement will give him ample opportunities for all his favorite
pursuits, active and sedentary.
Joanne Craig and Claire Grogan
Department of English
Joy Chandler retires
fter twelve years of
dedicated service, Joy
Chandler retired from her
role as the SRC’s Executive
Assistant, a departure that will
resonate with the many students
whom she has tirelessly served over
the years.
Joy will be remembered as the
kindly, all-knowing wielder of the highly sought-after SRC
poster stamp and various other SRC-related paraphernalia and
publications. Serving as the front line — and often only line —
of communication between students and the SRC, Joy was
constantly subjected to incessant questions and requests, yet she
always seemed to know the answers. Long before there was
Google, there was Joy Chandler.
For students who worked as SRC Executive members, Joy
was oft regarded as a “mom away from home,” offering a
helping hand to edit an essay, a listening ear to frustrations or, in
the case of a skipped class, a gentle scolding reminding us of our
academic responsibilities and priorities. Joy instilled this sense
of caring and attention to detail in all her campus involvements,
including serving as an occasional organist at St. Mark’s
Joy mentions fondly that every day in the SRC office threw
out the hectic mix of the absolutely ridiculous and the
imperatively serious that characterizes the organized chaos of
student life. A “typical” day would include working on the
academic calendar with the Registrar, blowing up a huge
decorative Smirnoff bottle for the bar, and then back to the
calendar again, all before noon!
When asked what she enjoyed most about her work with the
SRC, Joy suggests that it may have been the challenge of
remaining flexible when, year after year, she would inherit a
different “boss” in the form of a newly elected SRC Executive.
After twelve years of wearing the mantle as the SRC’s
“continuity piece,” Joy leaves a legacy of service and dedication
to the Bishop’s community. In light of her outstanding
contribution, and as a testament to this legacy, the SRC has
created a new award in her honour, The Joy Chandler
Community Involvement Award. We wish her well-deserved rest
and relaxation, including longer naps than her SRC lunch break
previously allowed, and thank her for her dedicated service to
the Bishop’s community and the SRC.
Jocelyn Molyneux
President, Students’ Representative Council
Honorary Tributes
In Memoriam
Peter Bedford-Jones ’58
John ’57 & Nancy ’58 Gallop
Julie Bradshaw ’80
George Baptist ’80
Sean Smith ’80
David Cooper ’66
Dan & Janet Partridge
Virginia Cowan ’95
Malcolm McFarland
Laurie Scott ’95
Nathalie Zegarra ’94
Errol Duval ’42, DCL ’83
Colin Arnot
Murray Greenwood ’56
Ted Fullerton ’54
David Savage ’42
Susan Baumann ’69
Kate Huntington ’94
Robert & Shirley Smith
Ed Smith ’55
Ted Fullerton ’54
Arthur N. Langford DCL ’75
Gilling ’44 and Elizabeth ’45
Gisele Stevenson (mother of
Bruce Stevenson ’76)
Robert Poupart
Doug Lloyd ’62
Nancy Lloyd ’63
Monica Stringer ’56
Pauline Barrett ’56
Laurice Mallouk (mother of
Michael Cahill ’72)
David Rothschild ’71
John Visser ’42
James Johnson ’53
Ruth Mabben ’56
Stephen Mossor ’81
Joanne Norman
Pamela Giles ’94
Tuuli Hannula ’02
In Honour
Retirement of Marie McLean
Alex Paterson ’52, DCL ’74
Retirement of Pam McPhail
John Donald ’60
Squee Gordon ’60, DCL ’04
Scott Griffin ’60, DCL ’02
Tim Griffin ’71
Dave McBride ’93
Bud McMorran ’60, DCL ’04
Alex Paterson ’52, DCL ’74
Mark Saykaly ’72
Raymond Setlakwe ’49, DCL ’03
Dr. Stuart McKelvie
Sarah Benmergui ’07
If you wish to send a donation to Bishop’s University in memory or honour of a graduate, friend or relative, your gift
will help fund the Alumni/Alumnae Scholarships. Please send your gift (payable to Bishop’s University Foundation) to:
Dave McBride, Director of University Advancement,
Bishop’s University, 2600 College St., Sherbrooke QC J1M 0C8
e-mail: dmcbride@ubishops.ca
toll free: (866) 822-5210
fax: (819) 822-9653
OR donate online at: https://secure.ubishops.ca/alumnidonation/donation.aspx
Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News • 17
Audet-Grant: To Ted ’93
and Marie-Joseé a
daughter, Anne Isabelle,
on April 6, 2007 in
Anne Grant
Ava Lovell
Beckett-Lovell: To
Victoria ’99 and Bryce
’99 a daughter, Ava
Constance Wallace in
January 3, 2007. They are
still living in Switzerland
and working at the John F.
Kennedy School in
Blaney-Boucher: To
Carol-Ann ’01 and
Mathieu a daughter,
Alyssa, on August 24,
2006. A sister for
Francis, 4 and CharlesOlivier, 2.
Carrick-Lovig: To
Jessica and Trevor ’96 a
son, Jackson Kenneth,
on April 20, 2007.
Jackson Lovig
To Fiona ’95 and
David a son,
Finnley Wray, on
November 16,
Douglas: To Gineen and
Gavin ’98 a daughter,
Stephanie Hawley, on
September 28, 2006. A
sister to Jayme, 3. The
seventh grandchild for
Stephanie Douglas Nancy Shepard
Douglas ’57 and a niece
for Carolyn Douglas Kilbourne ’86.
Gomes-Graydon: To
Cheryl ’95 and Ken a
son, Justin, on March
20, 2007 in Toronto. a
brother for Luke, 3.
Lussier: To Marian
and Ron ’91 a son,
Sandro William, on
April 2, 2007 in Hong
Sandro Lussier
Thomas & Emma McHugh
Luke & Justin Graydon
Gow: To
Melissa (née
Goyette) ’01
and Scott ’98
a son, Jack, on
August 17,
2006. A
brother for
Emma, 3.
Jack & Emma Gow
To Joanne ’93 and
Eric a daughter,
Jacqueline, on June
26, 2006 in
Montreal. A sister
for Stuart, 2.
Jacqueline & Stuart McIntyre
To Lisa ’97 and Brad
a daughter, Kesley,
on October 16, 2006.
Oliver Lamport
To Marie Josée
and Craig ’95,
a daughter,
Élise Marie, on
December 23,
2006 in Ottawa.
Taylor Wice
To Isabelle
’00 and
Martin ’98
a son,
Alexandre, François & Elizabeth
on June 29
2006. A
brother for Alexandre, 5 and Elizabeth, 2.
Wagner-Carter: To
Andrea Wagner ’00
and Andrew ’01 a
son, Logan Jakob on
May 15, 2007 in
Calgary, Alberta.
Logan Jakob
LaPlante-Mills: To
Jennifer ’00 and
Michael ’00 a son,
Liam Charles, on
May 3, 2007 in
Halifax, NS.
Craig MacDonald ’95, Marie
Josée Tremblay with
daughter, Élise.
18 • Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News
MansellLamport: To
Kimberly ’95
and Jerry a
son, Oliver, on
September 15,
2006. A
brother for
Mya, 4.
Noad: To Sarah (née Rowe) and Paul a
daughter, Morgan Mary Katherine, on
April 13, 2006. A sister for Samuel.
Fiona Carver ’96
& Finnley Cook
Taylor-Wice: To Vanessa
’00 and Jason a daughter,
Taylor Amber Kristine,
on March 30, 2007 in
ManioudakisMcHugh: To
Christina ’96
and Corey ’94
a son, Thomas,
on March 24,
2007. A
brother for
Emma, 3.
Bradley-Roop: Krista ’00 and Chris ’01 on November 18, 2006
at the Ritz Carlton in Naples, Florida.
Church-Ghandour: Lisa and Andrew on August 12, 2006 in
Ayer’s Cliff QC.
(l-r): Back: Jeff Webb ’00, Jamie Bennett ’00, David Burridge ’01,
Simon Ginger ’01, Rich Welner ’00, Mark Munzar ’00, Renée Robidoux
’00, Sarah Mitton ’01 Middle: Beth Bennett, Maggie Webb, Sven Byl ’01,
Laura Byl ’00, Krista Bradley ’00, Chris Roop ’01, Erin Welner Larmer.
Front: Sam Menard ’00, Megan Brayford ’00, Leslie Velocci, Jamie
Kokiw ’00, Erica Kokiw, Emily Bennett Munzar ’01, Jeremy Velocci ’00.
Donoghue-Stephenson: Brenna ’03 and John ’01 on
July 29, 2006 in Toronto.
(l-r): Sandeep Joshi ’03, Sonny Joshi ’03, Lisa Church, Andrew
Ghandour ’02, Curtis Barr ’01.
Missing from photo: Heather Wynne & Eddie Pomykala (right
Kindell-Edelson: Jenny and Steven ’99 on July 8, 2006 in a small
ceremony in Västerås, Sweden.
(l-r) Back:Gabriel Rousseau ’01, Jarrod Hollinger ’06, Michael
Palchich ’05, Lois Dion ’06. Middle: Dr. Andrew Johnson, Norm
Brunner ’01, Cathy Rutherford ’07, Emma Staples ’04, Julie Brunner,
Rachel Henshaw ’01. Front: Joyce Achampong ’03, Brenna
Donoghue ’03, John Stephenson ’01, AG Klei ’01
Lena Blomkvist, Steven Edelson ’99, Jenny
Kindell, Alex McKelvie ’99
Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News • 19
Gobert-DaSilva: Jennifer ’99 and Dennis on April 21, 2007 in
Calgary, AB.
(l-r): Kirsten Ziegler ’99, Kathryn Holmes ’99, Ali Hand
’99, Jennifer ’99, Dennis Dasirra, Martin O’Brien-Kelly
’00, Chris Cook ’99, Sean Tutching ’99.
Landry-Vettese: Melissa and Marc ’03 on December 28, 2006 at
Sandals Royal Bahamian Hotel in Nassau.
(l-r): Laura Smith ’03, Jenny Bird ’02, Mike Kerwin ’02, Marc
Landry-Vettese ’03, Melissa Landry,Tacuma Stevens ’03, Kathy
Bird ’03, James McIntosh ’04
St. Germain-Esposito: Carly ’02 and Dominic on October 7,
2006 in Ottawa.
(l-r):Tan Light ’03, Caitlin Carter ’03, Carly St. Germain ’02,
Richard Holmes ’03, Elena Schoonmaker-Gates ’03, and Jill
Swan ’03
Lloyd-Deep: Carolyn ’96 and Ross on April 14, 2007 in
Front row (l-r) : Stephanie Hyde Butler ’97, Carolyn Lloyd
’96, Ross Deep, Stephen Lloyd ’89, Joanne Fraser (attended
’61), Jennifer Lloyd Moussette ’92, Pierre Moussette ’92
Back row (l-r) : Nancy Tees Lloyd ’63, Timothy Crooks ’61
Other alumni in attendance: Ainsley Spry ’96, Nicole
Clements ’94, Hamilton Shippee ’91
Harrington-Bishop: Erinn ’02 and Chris on March 16, 2007 in
Venus Bay, South Australia. The couple live in Port Lincoln,
South Australia. Wedding in Thailand in July 2008.
Kirton-Carsolio: Lisa ’00 and Raul. Wedding planned for
November 2007 in Calgary (lkirton@shaw.ca).
Any News?
Mayne-Minkoff: Julie ’99 and Chris ’96 on April 13, 2007.
Wedding in Montreal in May 2008.
Robidoux-Ferron: Renée Robidoux ’00 and Darcy on June 24,
2006 in Montreal. Wedding in Ottawa in September 2007.
Do you have any news you want printed in “Through the Years”? Has your address changed? If so, please let us know. Feel free to
send a photograph (send digital photos as high quality jpeg files – minimum 800 x 600 pixels, LARGER for group photos). Our
address is Bishop’s University Alumni Association, 2600 College St., Sherbrooke QC J1M 0C8 or tel: 819-822-9600 ext. 2319; fax:
819-822-9653; ebarnett@ubishops.ca or log on to www.ubishops.ca/alumni.
20 • Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News
Stanley Banfill ’28 on April 30, 2007
approaching his 100th birthday.
Peter Edward Bedford-Jones ’58 on April
21, 2007 in St. Catharines. Father of Wendy
’92. Peter will be remembered as the rock that
anchored his family, his faith and his varied
business interests with Stelco, Q-Pac and
SRI. He will be dearly missed by all whose
lives he touched.
David Cooper ’66 passed away on June 5,
2007 in Thunder Bay. Son of Everett ’35,
DCL ’88, brother of Don ’68, and step-son of
Margaret Ann ’48.
Errol Duval
R. Errol Duval ’42, DCL ’83 on May 17,
2007 in Jersey, Channel Islands. Father of
Greg ’74 and Catherine ’75. See below.
Elizabeth Harvey ’96 died tragically after a
major car accident in Rideau Lakes Township
on August 17, 2007. A tribute to Elizabeth
will appear in the next issue.
Ronald E. Johnston ’57 on January 18, 2007.
T. Andrew Judson on July 24, 2007 at his
residence in Brockville. Dr. Judson enjoyed a
long career at Bishop’s University from 1953
to 1989. A celebration of his life will appear
in the next issue.
Geraldine Beatrice Lane ’36 passed away
with family at her side at the Wales Home on
June 20, 2007 in her 92nd year.
George McClintock ’49 on July 9, 2007.
George coined the name Gaiters for our
sports teams.
Claire Marie Vinet ’76 on May 10, 2007.
’42, DCL ’83
Founder of Business School dies in Jersey, Channel Islands
rrol Duval, Professor Emeritus of
Business, died on May 17, 2007, and his
family and friends, among whom are
many alumni and former colleagues, were
deeply saddened by his death. He had been
closely associated with Bishop’s for most of his
life, as a student, an alumnus, and a professor.
Errol was born in Grand’Mere, Quebec on
December 20, 1920. He first came to Bishop’s
as a student in 1939 and took part in all the
available sporting activities, playing in each
with “the same fiery enthusiasm, that
determined desire to win.” He also acted in
plays, was editor of The Mitre, and graduated
with History Honors in 1942.
Immediately after graduation, Errol
obtained a commission in the Canadian Army,
but his military career was cut short. He was
invalided back to Canada from England in
1943. During his convalescence in London,
Ontario, he met and married his wife Evelyn in
1949; their twins Greg and Catherine were born
in 1951.
After regaining his health, Errol entered
graduate studies at the University of Western
Ontario where he obtained a Diploma in
Business Administration in 1951 and an M.B.A.
in 1954. He taught Business Administration at
Western and at the University of Windsor
before he was invited to Bishop’s in 1958 to
introduce a Business program. In the early
1960s, a two-member department, just Errol
and an accounting professor, managed to offer a
Business major for a B.A. degree. Despite these
limited resources the program was a great
success. Business alumni from that period,
including David Williams after whom the
Business School is now named, value the
education they received. By the time Errol
retired, the Department had grown into a
Division with twenty faculty and about one
hundred graduates per year.
On arrival at Bishop’s, Errol also started an
evening course in Executive Development that
was extremely successful. Some 450 executives
completed the course up to 1968 when it
merged with a program given by the Canadian
Institute of Management. Errol was also keen
that the department should always have the best
advice available, and ensured this by
establishing an Advisory Committee of
distinguished business people.
Errol made many contributions to the
administrative operations of the University and
to the local community as a lay reader at local
churches and as an enthusiastic member of
Lennoxville Curling Club and Milby Golf Club,
of which he was a founding member in 1964.
Some of his friends will remember fondly his
rapid and often erratic play of the cards at
bridge. His golf had similar characteristics.
The University recognized Errol’s
outstanding contributions by the award of a
D.C.L. at his retirement in 1983. He went to live
in Jersey with his second wife Clare, who came
from that island, and many of his friends have
enjoyed the hospitality at their charming home.
Early in the spring, following a fall at
home, Errol was admitted to hospital, and while
there he contracted an infection from which he
did not recover. His friends will remember with
affection his generally light approach to the
problems of the world, and his sense of humour
in dealing with the more immediate difficulties
of life. Errol was an original, and we will not
forget him.
Colin Arnot
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
A memorial service will be held in St. Mark’s
Chapel on Saturday, September 29th at 10 a.m.
Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News • 21
Through the Years
Ron E. Lawless DCL ’00 was appointed a
member of the Order of Canada.
Eric H. Molson was appointed a member
of the Order of Canada.
Nick Kirton recently joined the Board of
Governors of the University of Calgary.
Since his retirement from KPMG in 2004,
Nick has also joined a number of
corporate boards. Judy Pennefather Kirton
’68 retired from the Calgary Health
Region in March. Daughter Lisa Kirton
’00 is engaged to be married in November.
completed his MA
(Hons) in Conflict
Resolution in 2002
from Antioch
University in
McGregor, Ohio. In
addition to
managing his several companies, he is one
of the founders and first President of the
ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution)
Association of Barbados Inc., a non-profit
NGO seeking to promote ADR and
mediation as the primary method of
Conflict Resolution within the judicial
process and communities as an alternative
to the gladatorial style litigation practices.
He was appointed a Justice of the Peace in
April 2005. (klh_bgi@yahoo.com or
kvmar. hathiramani@klhholdingsltd.com)
Tony Ketchum is still hoping his wife
Mary will accompany him cycling through
the Atlantic provinces (and cook him
better meals than he endured on his solo
trip to Saint John NB from Victoria in
1990). Bishop’s grads Laurie Devitt and
Diane (Montgomery) made him most
welcome in Saint John - which may be
why he hasn’t gotten any further. He and
his wife have just finished building a geothermal heated and cooled house in central
Toronto. They had some practice when
they built an off-grid “sustainable” house
an hour northwest of Toronto in 1998.
That house is opened for visitors every
Earth Week. Tony is Vice-Chair of the
Conservation Foundation of Greater
Toronto and President of Household
Project Management Inc. which he
founded in 1992. Their off-grid house can
be seen at
Ray Stokes is retired and looks forward to
hearing from alumni from way back
when! (sekots@rogers.com)
Barrie Wilson is Professor, Religious
Studies at York University and has a book
coming out soon titled How Jesus Became
Christian (Random House).
Norman Webster and his wife Pat
received the Friend of Education Award,
bestowed by the Canadian Council for the
Advancement of Education at its annual
conference in Charlottetown, for their
outstanding service and commitment to
post-secondary and independent school
Eric Detchon says after 42 years of
teaching, I am retiring. Judy and I plan to
spend lots of time fishing and visiting our
grandchildren in Tucson and Ottawa. We
would love to hear from alumni of my era
who are visiting Vancouver Island.
22 • Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News
Fr. David and
(Pilkington) Belden,
after the
establishment of St.
Joseph of Arimathea,
Toronto’s first
orothodox parish in
1985, have emerged from retirement to
initiate St. Dunstan of Canterbury
Orthodox Mission, meeting at St. Olave’s
Anglican Church, Bloor and Windermere,
Steven Chow has been appointed to the
boards of two Hong Kong listed
companies (CNT Group Ltd. and
Foundation Group Ltd.) as independent
Non-Executive Director. He has two
grandchildren (both arrived in 2006) from
his two daughters.
Jim Millar was appointed to the Board of
Directors of Canada Mortgage and
Housing Corporation. A former employee
of CMHC, he will sit on the board as the
representative of the National Capital
John Scott was appointed to the Canadian
Transportation Agency. He is also
Fleishman-Hillard Canada’s Vice
President and General Counsel.
Reid Barter retired from Upper Canada
College in June 2005 after 34 years. Prior
to that, he had taught in Magog for 4
years. Susan Barter spent 25 years at The
Bishop Strachan School, the last 5 years
as Principal of the Junior School. After a
short hiatis, she became Principal of
Central Montessori School. Their son,
Scott, begins Ryerson Business in
September 2007 (s.barter@sympatico.ca).
Jane Everett, a professor in the
Department of French Language and
Literature, has been appointed Dean of
Students at McGill.
Andrea Neill was appointed Assistant
Information Commissioner in June 2007.
This position is provided for in the Access
to Information Act, Canada’s freedom of
information legislation, to assist the
Information Commissioner in carrying out
his duties and responsibilities under the
Adrienne Chinn has completed her first
book, The Home Decorator’s Color and
Texture Bible, published internationally in
July 2007. She is working on a proposal
for her second book, The Home
Decorator’s Course. Adrienne runs her
own successful interior design business in
London, England where she has been
living since 1991. Along with designing
projects for residential and commercial
clients, Adrienne also lectures at design
colleges in Britain and broadcasts on radio
and TV (most recently on Sky TV’s
“Women in the Property Market”).
Through the Years
Steve McCauley is Marketing VPBreakthrough Innovation at Kraft Foods
Global in Illinois.
Correction: France de Gaspé Beaubien,
Vice-President, Operations Support, BDC
Financing, graduated in 1989 (not 1998 as
mentioned in the spring 2007 issue).
Kathleen Beauchamp-Bloom is National
Account Manager for Frito Lay Canada in
Calgary (kathleen@platinum.ca).
Scott Edmonds was appointed Chief
Financial Officer for WebTech Wireless
Inc., a global provider of location based
and fleet telematics services. He will work
with the board and CED to align the
strategic, operational and financial
management of the business.
Diana Hopps is Senior Recruiter at
Manpower Professional in Phoenix AZ.
Tami Freeman Wilkinson is a Real
Estate Sales Representative with Re/Max
Realty Enterprises Inc. in Mississauga.
She lives in Lorne Park with her husband
Rob ’84 and two sons Mark , 19
(University of Waterloo - Systems Design
Engineering) and Gregg, 17 (Lorne Park
High School). Tami welcomes hearing
from friends at
Rob Wilkinson President of NuPark
Solutions Inc., an Automated Parking
Solutions Provider in Toronto representing
products manufactured in Sweden and
Holland. Rob can be reached at
Danny Lynn has spent 15 years as a
Crown Prosecutor with Alberta Justice. He
had hopes of being able to retire in
another ten years but with daughter Ariel,
8, and son Kieran, 7, he will be around
longer to see them through university
Troy Hopps is Business Director at
Becton Dickinson in Tokyo.
Carlo Beaudoin can be reached at
Anna McComber Stevens is Production
Leader at Renkim Corporation in
Southgate, MI
Allan Ross is a Mate on Tug Boats for
North Arm Transportation Ltd. in
Dean Chiarelli is Director of Wellness
Promotion at University Nevada, Las
Vagas. Floods from Hurricane Katrina
destroyed his home and office at Tulane
University in New Orleans. In July 2006,
Dean moved to Las Vagas, without
knowing a single person, to start over
Yvonne Healy Robertson writes, “Time
has been good to all of us. Jason and I
have 3 beauties, Victoria 5, Ryan 4, and
Sean, 2” (matrix.power@rogers.com).
Keith Davidson is Area Sales Manager
for Wells Fargo Auto Finance in Calgary
Carolin Hart Roussel opened up her own
business, Eye Etiquette Optical Boutique
in Victoria on April 12, 2007. “It is owned
and operated by myself and my husband,
Frederick Roussel. It was a lot of hard
work, but extremely rewarding in the end.
Check me out the next time you are in
Victoria.” (cfroussel@shaw.ca)
Lynne Roberts works in educational
development and higher education policy
at the London School of Economics and
Political Science. She is completing a
part-time postgraduate degree in education
and international development at the
Institute of Education. She has lived in the
UK since 1996 and hopes some Bishop’s
friends will visit (a.l.roberts@lse.ac.uk).
Michelle Brolly is a Teacher for Global
Village (mbrolly@hotmail.com).
Kathleen Howard is Director of Music at
First Presbyterian Church in Brockville.
Catherine Clements is Senior Manager,
Laval-Rive Nord Region for National
Bank of Canada
Nancy Smythe is working full time in the
Montreal area training horses and riders
up to provincial level competition
Karen Osler is living in Roncesvalles
Village in Toronto with her husband Erick
Fenkell ’95 and their son Willem, 2.
Jeannot Plamondon can be reached at
Kathleen Tremblay has two boys, Owen
(June 12, 2005) and Zachary (January 21,
Angus Baldocchi is Business
Development Manager for Redux Media
in Montreal (angus@reduxmedia.com).
Christian Charette and Nadia
Zwierzchowska ’97 and family are
moving to Orleans ON. Christian is
Software Development Manager at
Unlimi-Tech (company owned by John
Tkaczewski ’99) in Ottawa. Nadia is on
maternity leave until fall 2007.
Jeffrey Parker is living in Halifax where
he is playing rock music. He will start a
medical degree at Dalhousie in the fall of
2007 (theblueprints@gmail.com).
Publications Mail Agreement No. 40027187
Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to:
University Advancement Office
Bishop’s University
2600 College St., Sherbrooke QC J1M 0C8
Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News • 23
Through the Years
Chris Fearn is Strategy Consultant for
Deloitte & Touche LLP in London,
England (chris.fearn@oba.co.uk).
Annie Martineau works as an Accounting
Analyst with Dévéloppement international
Alexander Noppen is a Financial Analyst
with Industry Canada in Ottawa.
David Pearlman left Desjardins Securities
after 6 years and joined TD Newcrest (a
division of TD Securities) as VP and
Director - Institutional Equities. He will be
back in Montreal, responsible for covering
institutional accounts in Boston.
Inspection Agency. She is married to Terry
Veneau (who attended Bishop’s from 199902) and they have two wonderful boys,
Tristan, 3 and Kaleb, 8 months
Jennifer L. Smith has returned to Canada
after spending 2 years teaching in South
Korea (jedi_jen33@yahoo.ca).
Ian Stephens moved to Calgary to take an
Inside Wholesales position with Fidelity
Investments (ianwstephens@gmail.com).
Joel Myhre is a medical school student at
University of Manitoba.
Katherine Russell-Sullivan can be
reached at k_glenna01@hotmail.com.
Chris Roop is Marketing Manager for
Expedia.ca (croop@expedia.com).
Krista Wallace is Human Resources
Consultant for the Canadian Food
Zhuo Miao is a Software Developer at
Research in Motion.
Todd Larsen ’04, Sophie Cross ’04, and Anthony
Garretto ’06 all graduated in the B.Sc. program.
“We now are ski bums at Red Mountain in BC.
Todd is assistant manager of the ski school,
Sophie is a ski coach, and Anthony is a liftie.
“Sophie and I [Todd] have officially moved to
Rossland BC, and Anthony is heading to med
school in England in September.”
Anthony and Todd were on the BU Ski Team, and
are enjoying the spoils of competitive skiing. In a
skier cross competition at Red Mountain, Todd
came first, Anthony was third, and second place
was Canada’s top freeskier Mike Hopkins. “If
anyone is in the area, look us up!”
Business Cards
520 Bowen S, Sherbrooke, QC J1G 2E1
If you wish to advertise to Bishop’s graduates and friends, please send your camera-ready business card or a high quality jpeg image (3.5’’ wide
x 2’’ high) and a cheque for $100 for one issue or $250 for the ad to appear in three issues (payable to Bishop’s University Alumni Association)
to: University Advancement Office, Bishop’s University, 2600 College St, Sherbrooke QC J1M 0C8. Tel: 819-822-9600, ext. 2266;
fax: 819-822-9653, e-mail: mmcbrine@ubishops.ca. Reproductions of cards will appear in the winter issue of Bishop’s University News.
Deadline: 14 November 2007. Note: Bishop’s University is not responsible for the services advertised on this page.
24 • Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News
The 17th Annual
Jeff Cannon Memorial
Homecoming Golf
Don’t miss
Fall Homecoming
28-29 September 2007
Place: Old Lennoxville Golf Club
12:30 p.m.: Shotgun start (brunch and
registration from 10:30 a.m.-noon)
Format: Foursomes/vegas
Friday, 28 September
12:30 p.m.
Jeff Cannon Memorial Homecoming Golf Tournament.
Saturday, 29 September
8-11 a.m.:
Alumni Breakfast at Dewhurst Dining Hall.
9 a.m.-5 p.m. J. H. Price Sports Centre is open
10 a.m.
A memorial service will be held for Professor Errol Duval ’42,
DCL ’83 in St. Mark’s Chapel
10 a.m.-5 p.m. Bishop’s bookstore in the University Centre open.
Crested Bishop’s items available.
10:30 a.m.
Tailgating section in Coulter field parking lot is open.
11 a.m-1 p.m. Visit the Student Alumni Association table under the alumni tent
(alumni t-shirts, hats, free balloons, face painting & candy for kids)
11 a.m.
Lunch for Classes of ’95, ’96, ’97, ’98 in tent at Coulter Field.
1 p.m.
Football game. Bishop’s vs Mount Allison.
4 p.m.
Post-game reception with live band in the Alumni Tent in
Coulter Field parking lot.
6:30 p.m.
Reunion banquet for Classes of ’95, ’96, ’97, ’98 in Dewhurst
Dining Hall. Class photos will be taken.
10:30 p.m.
Party at “The Gait” pub - free admission for alumni.
Sunday, 30 September
10 a.m.
A special homecoming chapel service to celebrate the 150th
anniversary of St. Mark’s Chapel. Couples who were married in
the chapel are invited to renew their marriage vows at the
service. For more information please contact Heather Thomson
at: 819-822-9600 ext 2718 or hthomson@ubishops.ca
@ Acadia
@ Laval
7 p.m.
1 p.m.
1 p.m.
1 p.m.
1 p.m.
1 p.m.
1 p.m.
1 p.m.
3 Conference Semi Finals
10 Conference Final
(Dunsmore Cup)
17 National Semi-Final
(Mitchell Bowl)
23 National Championship
(Vanier Cup)
* Live on RDS
Note: You can register as a
single/twosome/threesome and you will be paired
up. All those who register will be contacted prior
to the tournament.
Cost: $80 includes: 18 holes of golf, cart,
brunch, BBQ dinner, participation gift and a $25
donation to the Jeff Cannon Memorial Fund. A
$25 tax receipt will be issued per registration fee.
Maximum 72 golfers.
Please register with Matt McBrine at:
819-822-9600 ext. 2266, toll-free:
866-822-5210, mmcbrine@ubishops.ca
d fr
Classes of
2007 Football Schedule
@ Concordia*
@ Montréal*
Mount Allison**
September 28, 2007
1 p.m.
1 p.m.
1 p.m.
7 p.m.
Don’t miss your 10th Reunion
Fall Homecoming
September 29-30, 2007
For more information contact:
Esther (Stovold) Barnett ’70
toll free: 866-822-5210
Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News • 25
Alumni Perspectives
Guest columnist Norman Webster ’62, DCL ’85 remembers China
My favourite Chinese joke has three prisoners together
in a cell in Beijing. The first says, “I am here because I
opposed the policies of Deng Xiaoping.”
“Hah!” snorts the second, “I am here because I supported
the policies of Deng Xiaoping.”
The two turn to the third man, who says: “I am Deng
t really was that wacky in China in the latter half of the 20th
century. Communist regimes tend to work that way. People
pop in and out of prominence – or jail, or worse – according
to whether their policies and principles find favour with “the
people,” which is to say the dictator of the moment, who
helpfully interprets the people’s will. Witness, as we speak, the
mad kingdom of North Korea.
Deng Xiaoping, the bullet-headed pepperpot from Sichuan
province, could have given survival lessons to Richard Nixon.
From Mao Zedong’s close associate and political hitman, one of
the most powerful in the land, Deng descended into near oblivion
during Mao’s Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. When I
arrived in Beijing in 1969, to spend two years as The Globe and
Mail’s resident correspondent, literally hundreds of millions of
Chinese daily chanted their hatred of this man and his
treacherous allies. “Revisionist,” “capitalist roader,” “renegade,
hidden traitor and scab” were among the labels affixed to them
by the masses waving their red books of Mao quotations.
Red was the colour of the day. The anarchic Red Guards,
sent on the rampage by Mao, proposed changing the capital’s
traffic lights to Stop on green and Go on red. Deng Xiaoping was
reviled for daring to say, “It doesn’t matter whether a cat is black
or white, as long as it catches mice” (i.e. Communist theology is
less important than results). This was heresy.
For his sins, Deng spent a decade in eclipse. You will see no
evidence of him in the photographs of Nixon’s visit in 1972. He
was still the unmentionable man. It was only with Mao’s decline
and death in 1976 that Deng made his comeback, and even then
it was a close-run struggle with the leader’s harridan wife, Jiang
Ching. Deng was in, out, then finally in again and in control – the
tough, pragmatic leader China so desperately needed after
decades of turmoil under the Lord of Misrule, Mao.
He proceeded to make history with a new quotation: “To get
rich is glorious.” Simple words, but what an impact. At a stroke,
the stultifying Communist economy was repudiated, the
formidable talents and energies of the Chinese people set loose,
and this desperately poor country of a billion or so people
launched into the modern world. (Modern economic world, that
is. Politically, the Party continues to govern with an iron fist.
Deng himself was no sweetheart; he it was who gave the ultimate
26 • Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News
order for the army to open fire in Tienanmen Square in l989.)
The cliché has it that people pull themselves up by their own
bootstraps, but in fact at first the Chinese didn’t even have boots.
They had slippers with hemp soles, or canvas shoes with rubber
soles cut from old tires (you could still see the tread). On return
trips to China through the years, I have had my private index of
progress: how many people are wearing good leather shoes? The
results have been fantastic, of a piece with the booming industry
of Chengdu, the gleaming buildings of Shanghai, the trafficchoked ring roads of Beijing.
When my family and I lived in Beijing, the main commuter
traffic was cyclists jingling their handlebar bells. The other kings
of the road were the drivers of the donkey- and horse-carts who
brought agricultural produce into the city for sale on gritty street
corners. The drivers would sit atop huge loads of cabbages as
their beasts plodded across Tienanmen Square. When lunchtime
came, they tied feedbags on the animals, then would lie down on
the edge of the road – the Boulevard of Eternal Peace, main drag
of the capital city – and go to sleep. True story.
Beijing itself was a large, gray-walled Asian village with
few sidewalks to roll up at night and hardly any flights into its
“international” airport. Exactly three Western correspondents
were stationed in the capital – one Frenchman, one West German
and me. Chinese families at the time had strict rations for rice
and cotton; they saved up for a bicycle, a watch, a radio. Now,
it’s cell phones, washing machines and computers. Next year’s
Olympics in Beijing will be a triumph of construction and
organization by a nation developing at warp speed.
There are problems, of course, and there will be more.
Inequalities are huge between the booming coastal cities and
inland peasants scratching a living from iron-hard soil. Migrant
workers are surging to the promised lands, and being exploited
when they get there.
Corruption is rampant, the environment a sometime thing.
Tens of millions more male babies are being born and raised than
female ones, a significant future threat to social peace. China’s
boot is still firmly on the throat of Tibet. Some rash generals are
ready for war over Taiwan.
Just an amazing, evolving story. Is The Campus covering?
Fall 2007 Bishop’s University News • 27
Bishop’s University News is published three times a year by the University Advancement Office, Bishop’s University, 2600 College St., Sherbrooke, QC J1M 0C8