Spring 2013
Spring 2013
Spring 2013 Vol. VII, No. 21 The Halyards Newletter of Colorado Springs Council of the Navy League of the United States Meet Your New Council President by Richard Cooper I've been relieved! After three years as your council president, I have been “termed out” by National and Council By-Laws. I have to admit that I’m going to miss the job; there have been a lot of smiles along with the blood, sweat, and tears. My intention is to remain on the Colorado Springs Board, along with other past presidents, to give advice and counsel to the incoming president. I will also serve on the NLUS Board and assist on several of their committees, at the pleasure of the national president. Please welcome Rod Gardner as your next president. Rod, born in St. Louis, is a hopelesslyaddicted Saint Louis Cardinals fan – but that seems to be his only shortcoming. He is a graduate of the University of Illinois, and has a total of 36 years in the active duty Navy and Navy Reserve. Rod has held every rank from seaman through commander. As a CPO, he was selected for a LDO program, having been qualified in nuclear-powered submarines, where he served on the USS Swordfish (SSN-579) and the USS Baton Rouge (SSN-689). He was recalled to active duty after 9/11, serving with anti-terrorism and force protection activities at the U.S. Pacific Command, retiring from the Navy Reserve in 2008 as a Commander. a Clinton Nuclear Power Station, has been an evaluator of emergency response programs for 22 nuclear power plants for the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations. He is currently employed by Booz Allen Hamilton as a contractor at the U.S. Northern Command. Rod is married to his lovely wife of 40 years, Linda; they have two sons and three grandsons. Welcome aboard, Rod! As a civilian, Rod was responsible for health physics activities at the Illinois Power Company’s 1 of 3 Spring 2013 Page 2 The Halyards 2013 Colorado Springs Council Swear In New Officers (left to right) Lesley Priest - VP Programs Rod Gardner - President Bill Lockwood - VP Legislative Affairs/Membership Art Cyphers - VP Treasurer & Youth Programs Wayne Wolfe - Webmaster Richard Cooper - Secretary & Past President (Other Officers Not in Photo) Jerry Davis - Member at Large Bill Marshall - Member at Large Brian Tally - Member at Large Roy Bebee - Chaplain & Newsletter Editor Looking Ahead--Navy League Colorado Springs Council 2013 Schedule 11-16 May Warrior Games, Col. Spgs. 13 May Board Of Dir. Meeting 0830 Mimi's Restaurant 27 May Memorial Day Wreath Ceremony, Memorial Park 7 Jun Social, Hilton Garden Hotel 8 Jun Regional Meeting; Hilton Garden Hotel 19-23 Jun National Convention, Long Beach, CA 12 July Board of Dir. Meeting 0830 at Mimi's Restaurant 23 Aug Board of Dir. Mtg. 0830 at Mimi's Restaurant 30 Aug Social (Location TBD) 20 Sep Board of Directors Mtg. Mimi's Restaurant 5 Oct Navy Vs. Air Force, Sports Bar Party 11 Nov Veterans Day 7 Dec Pearl Harbor RecognitionMemorial Park 14 Dec Navy vs Army; Sports Bar (TBD) National Navy League Convention Slated for June 19-23, 2013 Ready for a West Coast trip? The Navy League of the United States will hold its 2013 convention June 19-23 at the Hilton Long Beach hotel, where special rates have been authorized for convention attendees. Features of this year’s conference include: 1) the appearance of best-selling author Clive Cussler at the Welcome Aboard Reception, 2) available tours of Catalina Island, the Queen Mary, and Gondola Rides from Belmont Shores. A new feature this year is that members may select from several learning “tracks” – such as Track 1: The future of the Navy league; Track 2: Council Activities – New Ideas for Long-Term Success; and Track 3: Legislative and Public Affairs. These are facilitated in sessions on Wednesday through Saturday. The convention culminates with a reception and dinner Saturday evening. More information and registration is available at the national website: http:// www.navyleagueconvention.org. Hope to see you in Long Beach! Spring 2013 Page 3 The Halyards Newsletter of the Colorado Springs Council of the Navy League of the United States Navy League Dinner honoring Colorado’s Maritime Service Academy and NROTC Appointees Please accept my personal invitation to join the Denver Council Navy League for our Gala dinner honoring Colorado’s Maritime Service Academy and NROTC appointees. Did You Know? * The Mission of the Navy League is to educate the public and elected officials on the importance of a strong maritime component for our National Security. * That NLUS -- has 50,000 members nationwide Date: Friday, May 17th Locale: Hilton Garden Inn Denver Airport 16475 E. 40th Circle, Aurora, CO 80011. Time: Social hour 6:00 pm, dinner 7:00 pm. We are fortunate to have as our guest speaker, Captain Stewart Elliott. His insights as one of the most senior Navy SEALs will be a truly not-to-be missed presentation. Dan Puleio, Council President * There are 240 Local Councils * That your local Council was organized in 1957 YOUTH ACTIVITIES OF THE COLORADO SPRINGS COUNCIL The Springs Council Supports NJROTC units at the following schools: o Widefield High School o Mesa Ridge High School o Wasson High School o Montrose High School During the Springtime each NJROTC will be recognized through presentations of the Theodore Roosevelt Awards from the Navy League for individual performance and outstanding leadership representatives. Photo shows a shot of the NJROTC presentation of the King and Queen of the Ball celebrated in April at Wasson High School. For additional information or you desire to help with Youth activities, please contact Art Cyphers-cypherspace65@msn.com