Heartlines Fall 2013


Heartlines Fall 2013
Founders Day Celebration Kicks-Off New $21 Million Capital Campaign
n Sunday, October 20th, Casa Pacifica’s
founders, Ventura County dignitaries,
Board of Directors, Angels Presidents, donors,
patrons, and friends of Casa Pacifica gathered
on the campus’ Carl Lowthorp Field of Dreams
(the baseball field named for one of Casa
Pacifica’s original founders) to
celebrate the history and
progress of Casa Pacifica over
the past 20 years and to look
ahead to where the agency
is going.
Nearly 300 guests, including
the late Carl Lowthorp’s family,
enjoyed ballpark fare of
hotdogs, sliders, nachos,
popcorn, peanuts, and
lemonade and the upbeat
soulful sounds of the band
Sound Effect while they
caught up with friends – old and
new – and reminisced about the
early days of Casa Pacifica. Tours were
available, led by Casa Pacifica’s Resident
Leadership group and
the CITY Program’s
Youth Advocates,
highlighting several
President’s Message
campus locations
CEO’s Message
where agency staff
Page 2
members explained
how each program
Annual Fundraising
operates and
Page 6
answered questions.
Wine & Food Festival
Page 8 & 9
Angels & Amigos
Page 10 & 11
Upcoming Events
Page 20
Fall 2013
A beautiful, white,
triple-peaked tent
held tables sporting
flowering from
oversized popcorn
boxes and giant
officially announced
the $21 million dollar
campaign that will improve and expand the
campus’ facilities and programs by strengthening
its infrastructure. The improvements will allow
Casa Pacifica to increase the number of youth it
serves (currently many have to be turned away
because of lack of space) and include:
• Expand the teen substance abuse program
by adding two new residential cottages
specifically addressing the issue
• Increase by sixteen the number of desperately
needed beds available for transitional foster
youth in the County by adding two houses
to the Stepping Stone property.
• Expand the Recreational Therapy Program
that offers youth the opportunity to try new
things, challenge themselves, learn living
skills, and discover their own interests in a new,
larger, better-equipped Activities Building
• Expand the campus health
clinic to accommodate the
growing number of children
with unmet medical needs in
the foster care population
• Develop a robust vocational
education and training
program to help youth
prepare for the workforce
with sought-after skills by
adding a training center
• Serve more youth with
severe behavioral and
emotional issues who need a
therapeutic environment
where they can regain their
age appropriate/grade
Dr. Priscilla Partridge de Garcia,
educational skills by building
Ventura County CEO - Michael
additional classrooms in the
Powers, and Ventura County
nonpublic school
video screens flanked a stage and podium.
Once guests were seated in the tent, several
speakers took the stage including special emcee
for the day, Ventura County Sheriff Geoff
Dean; Michael Powers, Ventura County’s Chief
Executive Officer; Susan Lacey, retired Ventura
Casa Pacifica Supporters
County Supervisor (who was
a Supervisor when Casa
Pacifica project was
approved by the County);
Casa Pacifica alumnae and
current Youth Advocate,
Cristina Miranda; and Steve
Elson, Casa Pacifica’s CEO.
Each speaker offered their
perspective of where Casa
Pacifica has been and what
the agency has accomplished.
Steve Elson also introduced a
new Casa Pacifica video that
was moving, inspiring, and
left few dry eyes in the tent.
Supervisor - Linda Parks
Sean Baker, one of the co-chairs
of the Building New Foundations of Hope
Capital Campaign then took the stage and
Vo l u m e 1 3 • N u m b e r 1
Continued on Page 3
From the President of the Board of Directors
ecently Casa Pacifica’s Executive Leadership team nominated our CEO, Steve Elson,
for the nationally recognized Peter B. Goldberg ARAMARK Building Community
Executive Leadership Award. The award was founded on the idea that
executive leadership is critical to a high-performing nonprofit organization and the award
“honors one outstanding community center executive director for active leadership and
achievements on behalf of the community center movement . . .” While he did not
receive the award, the Board of Directors and staff members of Casa Pacifica were
pleased to see Dr. Elson receive the recognition as one of the leading CEOs in the
country in his field.
From the Chief Executive Officer
t our Founder’s Reception (see Heartlines lead story) held on campus on October
20th, we officially announced a $21 million capital campaign to improve/enhance
services on campus and to strengthen our infrastructure. This is the largest project we
have undertaken since we opened nearly 20 years ago. The campaign and resulting
campus enhancements will ensure that Casa Pacifica better meets the needs of
traumatized children, effectively supports growing outpatient demand both on- and
off-campus, and continues to provide services with excellence and innovation directed
at improving the lives of the most vulnerable children in our community.
Our campus was designed based on the needs of the local community over two
decades ago. These needs have grown and have pushed over one-fifth of our services
into temporary buildings. Some operations have been moved off site, which further
limits efficiencies and effectiveness.
While you are aware of the excellent leadership Steve Elson
provides to Casa Pacifica and its plethora of programs and
services, did you know he spends a good deal of time serving on
regional and national boards committed to providing quality
services for children and families? Dr. Elson’s most recent
affiliations include:
Keets Cassar
Yet, the demand for our services has never been more pressing. Admissions into our
45-bed emergency shelter have risen 20% in the past three years. For each youth we
admit into our residential treatment program, we turn away four. Every day our
under-resourced health clinic deals with foster children with life threatening illnesses –
malnourishment, morbid obesity, untreated endocrinological conditions, uncontrolled
insulin dependent diabetes, intractable seizure disorders, and end stage cystic fibrosis.
Demand for our Parent-Child Interaction Therapy labs (located in temporary structures)
continues to climb. And, drug and alcohol services in our community are woefully
inadequate in spite of the fact that substance abuse is a factor in at least three
quarters of all foster care placements.
• Current President of the California Council of Community
Mental Health Agencies
• Current Treasurer of the California Mental Health Advocates
for Children and Youth
• Past President of the American Association of Children’s
Residential Centers
As he was described in the Leadership Award application: Steve is a natural leader with
a vision for quality children’s services. He is skillful in building collaborative relationships
across the community that benefit young people and families at some of the most
difficult times of their lives. He sees the big picture, thinks before acting, and is decisive
when action is necessary. One of his peers explains, “I think other agencies study what
Steve and Casa Pacifica are doing as it often reflects things they should be thinking of
doing”. Steve is a visionary, with a businessman’s eye, a clinician’s brain, and the heart of
a community organizer and leader.
Steve Elson has served as the CEO of Casa Pacifica since the agency opened its doors
nearly 20 years ago. He has set the standard, culture, values, and milieu of the agency
from day one. His approach is collaborative and transparent. He encourages input from
kids, youth, families, and staff at all levels. Seventeen different programs have been
established under his leadership, of which many reach out into the community to those
at the deepest end of the child welfare and mental health services systems. He actively
works to shape the organizational culture, fiscal stability, and implementation of
innovative programs. He fosters collaborative relationships. And, he has his hand on the
pulse of child welfare and mental health trends.
We are very proud to have Steve Elson at the helm, guiding the everyday activities of
Casa Pacifica and looking forward with a larger vision to what the next twenty years for
the agency can bring.
Notwithstanding these challenges we have served more than
21,000 of our region’s most challenging children and youth and
their families since we opened. We continue to accept a child
into one of our programs every two hours. Indeed, in this past
year we served one out of every 100 children in Santa Barbara
and Ventura Counties.
Thousands of our region’s citizens have attended Casa Pacifica
events; volunteered as Angels or Amigos; worked with kids on
Steven E. Elson, Ph.D.
campus; donated goods, services, and money; and supported
Chief Executive Officer children in our care in myriad other ways. Their concerned and
compassionate involvement has been critical in our success. Now
we need the community’s support more than ever. The Capital Campaign will enable
us to increase by at least 50% the number of children and youth we serve annually –
both on and off campus. It will allow us to replace 12,000 square feet of temporary
structures and add 46,000 sq. ft. of state-of-art buildings to house new programs;
expand our outpatient services, health clinic, and other campus programs; and provide
better access to community services and training. These enhancements will significantly
enhance our ability to provide our excellent, high quality, therapeutic programs and
services with caring and compassion to the vulnerable children of our region.
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Continued From Page 1 - Founders Day Celebration Kicks-Off New $21 Million Capital Campaign
House all the campus clinical services in one new building
Replace temporary structures currently dotting the campus with
state-of-the-art treatment facilities
Consolidate all the agency’s administrative departments into one
building facilitating greater efficiency
For more information about the Building New Foundations of Hope Capital Campaign
call Carrie Hughes at (805) 366-4011 or email chughes@casapacifica.org.
The event finished with a special presentation by Reza Razzaghipour, the Regional
President-Pacific Coast Region of Wells Fargo who presented a $500,000 check to
Sean Baker and the Building New Foundations of Hope Capital Campaign. With this
generous donation, the total raised for the Capital Campaign to date is $9 million dollars!
Casa Pacifica is very pleased with the success of the Founders Day Celebration. It
was wonderful to see so many dear friends – especially the founders and individuals
responsible for bringing Casa Pacifica to life – and to acknowledge the wonderful work
of our agency for the past 20 years. We look forward with great anticipation and hope
for what the future holds upon the completion of this capital campaign, when the
new campus enhancements will ensure Casa Pacifica is best meeting the needs of
our region’s most vulnerable children – abused, neglected, and at-risk youth – with
continuing excellence and innovation.
Jack Dickenson
and Patty
Casa Pacifica Approved for Two New Licenses
asa Pacifica received approval this past July to become a Foster Family Agency/Intensive
Treatment Foster Care (FFA/ITFC) placement agency. The FFA/ITFC program was
established to help County placement agencies 1) increase out-of-home placements of
children with emotional and behavioral challenges into foster home settings rather than into
group homes and residential/shelter programs, and 2) to help children ‘step down’ from outof-home care. Casa Pacifica is now licensed to place children with emotional and behavioral
challenges into foster homes with foster parents who want to take in and focus on ‘one child
only’ (except for sibling sets), and who are interested in working closely as members of the
Casa Pacifica team of parent partners, parent
coaches, and clinical staff. Casa Pacifica staff
will be engaged in recruiting foster parents;
certifying foster homes; training ITFC foster
parents; providing professional support,
guidance, care, supervision, and nurturing
foster parents; and finding homes or other
temporary or permanent placements for
children who require more intensive care.
Give them the world....
Foster Children.
In August, Casa Pacifica’s CITY Stepping Stone Housing Program
passed its licensing inspection and was approved as licensed
Transitional Housing Placement Plus Foster Care (THP+FC)
provider. The THP+FC statewide program, administered through
Ventura County, is intended to provide funding for non-minor
dependents (youth 18-21 years) in approved transitional housing
programs as part of the state’s focus on extending services to
former foster youth. Youth who participate in the THP+FC housing
program with Casa Pacifica will have access to all the supportive
services offered by the CITY Program including case management
and clinical services.
Casa Pacifica is proud to have met
the strict standards required for
each of these licenses and looks
forward to the benefits the
expansion in its services will
bring to deserving youth.
If you know someone who is interested in becoming a
Foster Parent please call (805) 366-4355 for more information.
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Casa Pacifica’s CITY Program celebrated the one-year
anniversary of the opening of its Stepping Stone Houses with a
special reception that included burying a time capsule to be
opened in 15 years. One of the first Stepping Stone residents,
Janet Gibson, takes her turn burying the time capsule on the
Stepping Stone property. Janet finished the program early and is
now living independently in the community.
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Community News
embers of the community have been very busy helping Casa Pacifica and the
children over the past few months through a wide variety of activities.
After consulting with Casa Pacifica, Trenton Ustach proposed an ambitious plan for
his Eagle Scout project that included bender board, rebar, cement, masking tape, and
paint. For a long time Casa Pacifica has wanted a labyrinth on campus because the
known benefits of walking a
labyrinth fit perfectly with Casa
Pacifica’s therapeutic program.
Trenton put a lot of time into
planning and designing the
labyrinth, as well as three laborintensive days spread out over
three weeks. The most intensive
work day involved 21 volunteers
creating the circular foundation,
setting rebar, a cement truck pour,
and smoothing the surface as the
cement set. On the final work day
four volunteers joined Trenton,
including an expert in painting
Trent Ustach and the finished labyrinth
street lines, and created the
labyrinth path on the cement
platform. The finished product is incredible and has a completely professional look. Casa
Pacifica’s children love to walk the labyrinth’s serpentine pattern to help them become
calm during an emotional crisis or difficult time. Thank you to Trenton and the many
volunteers who provided their strength and sweat to give Casa Pacifica such a beautiful
and wonderful addition to its therapeutic program!
Casa Pacifica was chosen by three different Sephora
stores as each store’s charity of choice for the
Sephora Values Inside Out Program designed to
benefit local nonprofits by raising awareness about
them and encouraging volunteerism, as well as
providing a monetary donation. Casa Pacifica staff
members were present at each store – Malibu,
Thousand Oaks, and Santa Barbara – for the KickOff Day of the program that will continue for the
next year through the sale of special Values Inside
Out tote bags available in the stores, the proceeds of
which will go to Casa Pacifica. Visit www.sephora.com
and click the “Sephora Gives Back” link at the
bottom left to see the Values Inside Out Program
page. It was a great day and Casa Pacifica is grateful
to Sephora for the wonderful support!
A group of more than 80
agents from Keller
Williams Realty spent a
day at Casa Pacifica for the
realty firm’s Red Day
(Renew, Energize and
Donate) event. Each year
Keller Williams Realty
agents around the country
participate in a wide range
of projects, devoting their
time to renewing and
energizing the
neighborhoods where they
work. The volunteers at
Casa Pacifica painted the
campus’ play structure in
bright rainbow colors rendering it very eye-catching
now from around the campus. The group also painted
pavers that mark the walk out to our Sacred Space
labyrinth, refurbishing the bender board borders of the
pathway and
installing the
stones decorated
with classic
children’s book
characters as
well as other fun
designs. Both projects spark happy feelings when
observed. Thank you to all the wonderful Keller
Williams associates who spent their day brightening
Casa Pacifica’s campus!
Casa Pacifica’s youth, ages 7-18 years, were invited to be part of Montecito Bank & Trust
and the Music Academy of the West’s youth outreach day titled “Up Close and Musical.”
Held in the music academy’s Hanh Theater, the children were introduced to the world of
music and the possibility of becoming a professional musician one day. Attending with
children from other youth organizations, the children played instruments, learned about
music structure, created music-related arts and crafts projects, and were treated to a
performance by the Academy Festival Orchestra of a Beethoven symphony. It was a great
experience and we appreciate the generosity of Montecito Bank & Trust and the Music
Academy of the West in including Casa Pacifica’s children. Thank you for providing them
an unforgettable experience!
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Community News
The Oxnard Salsa Festival is a great event each year and Casa Pacifica was honored to
be included as a charity represented in the annual dance contest. Led by a professional
dance partner, Margie Cochran – Publisher of the Ventura County Star and Casa Pacifica
Board member – competed in the salsa dance contest for Casa Pacifica and each vote she
each child. It was a great sight to see the kids loaded up with a blanket under one arm,
a bag of new clothes under the other arm, a new hat on their heads, and a big smile on
their faces as they headed back to their cottages. And finally, Jennifer Principe, a fashion
consultant and creator of the iStyle Book, gathered a huge collection of wonderful clothes
for all of the girls living on campus. Once the girls had picked out items they wanted
from the new and gently used articles of clothing, Jennifer organized their choices and
created an iStyle Book visually outlining all the possible outfit combinations of their clothes.
She also donated jewelry and new undergarments for each of the teen girls. The girls
were very grateful to not only receive the beautiful clothing, but to have the expert
advice of how to properly put the outfits together.
We are very grateful to each of these generous donors for their special efforts and gifts
of time on behalf of our children. The children look great and feel happy about being put
together in style! Thank you!
Members of Pepperdine University’s Churchill Society, made up of students from the
Graduate School of Public Policy, spent a Saturday in September at Casa Pacifica hosting
a very informative, clear, and concise workshop on normally difficult-to-understand public
policies that affect the youth’s lives, as well as a second workshop on careers, including
a guide outlining how to find one that interests them and the steps to take to get there.
In addition to the workshops, the two groups also had a great time getting to know each
other over a delicious barbeque luncheon and a rousing game of kickball. There were lots
of smiles and positive connections being made throughout the day. Thank you to all the
wonderful Pepperdine students for spending a day with our youth and giving them an
opportunity to make new friends and look ahead with hope toward their futures!
Margie Cochran and her partner (second from left) strike a pose during the salsa competition
received represented a $1 donation to the agency. Casa Pacifica also had a booth at the
Festival manned by Casa Pacifica staff who were able to share the story of Casa Pacifica
and its children. We were excited to be a part of the Salsa Festival weekend and proud to
have Margie representing us. She did a great job – thank you Margie!
Several groups this year made sure that Casa Pacifica’s children were well-clothed for the
start of the school year. Michelle Sievers and Kirsten Selleck of the Girls on a Mission
group spent a couple of days on campus sizing every child and asking what kind of outfit
they would like. Once gathered, GOM members took the information and bought each
child’s outfit - all the items from head to toe! Michelle and Kirsten then returned to
campus and presented each complete ensemble to its very excited and grateful recipient.
The Los Angeles Children’s Charity Group organized a ‘Fun Day’ on Casa Pacifica’s
campus that included face painting, balloon art, games, a D.J. with dancing, and an
all-you-can-eat lunch from The Habit. The main focus of the day though was for the
children to pick out new clothes from a dozen pop-up tents where items such as
blankets, jeans, t-shirts, baseball caps, and jackets were piled high. The last stop was to
pick up a new pair of Vans shoes in their chosen style that the LACCG purchased for
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Members of Pepperdine University's Churchill Society
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Don't Miss Your Chance: Make Tax-Free Gifts From Your IRA Today!
he IRA charitable rollover legislation allows you to transfer up to $100,000 per year
using funds from your individual retirement account (IRA) without undesirable tax effects.
You may contribute funds this way if:
• You are age 70½ or older at the time of the gift.
• You transfer up to $100,000 directly from your IRA. This opportunity applies
only to IRAs and not other types of retirement plans.
• You transfer the funds outright to one or more qualified charities. The legislation
does not permit direct transfers to charitable trusts, donor advised funds,
charitable gift annuities or supporting organizations.
Planned Giving
Q. I've already named your organization as the beneficiary of my IRA. What are the
benefits if I make a gift now instead of after my lifetime?
A. By making a gift this year of up to $100,000 from your IRA, you can see your
philanthropic dollars at work. You are jump-starting the legacy you would like to leave and
giving yourself the joy of watching your philanthropy take shape. Moreover, you can fulfill
any outstanding pledge you may have already made by transferring that amount from your
IRA under this legislation as long as it is $100,000 or less for the year.
It is wise to consult with your tax professionals if you are contemplating a charitable gift
under the extended law. Please feel free to contact Carrie Hughes at (805) 366-4011 or
chughes@casapacifica.org with any questions you may have.
• You make your gift by Dec. 31, 2013.
This information is not intended as legal or tax advice. For legal or tax advice, please consult an attorney.
Figures cited in examples are for hypothetical purposes only and are subject to change. References to estate and income taxes apply to federal taxes only.
State income/estate taxes or state law may impact your results. Copyright © The Stelter Company, All rights reserved.
Annual Fundraising Goal: $3,000,000
Casa Pacifica gratefully recognizes the following
foundations, businesses, and organizations for grants.
$700,000 (25%)
Grants Received • July 2013 - October 2013
Amgen Foundation
Blue Shield of California Foundation
Pentair Foundation
Venoco Community Partnership
Procter & Gamble
Women’s Legacy Fund
Jewish Federation Valley Alliance
VCCF – Community Resource Fund
Christopher P. Foukes Memorial Fund
Pentair Foundation
Limoneira Foundation
Wells Fargo Community Partnership
Casa Pacifica needs
$33 per day per child
in private funds.
*Fiscal year runs from July 1st to June 30th.
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Welcome Newest Corporate Leaders
Heritage Oaks Bank
eritage Oaks Bank is open
for business in Ventura
County with a Loan Production
Office located in the Topa Financial
Plaza in Oxnard. The new Oxnard
office offers commercial and
agricultural lending services, business cash management services, and residential mortgages. Since its founding
thirty years ago, Heritage Oaks has grown into one of the most prominent community banks in California, with
assets of over one billion dollars and 14 locations from Paso Robles to Oxnard. Heritage Oaks Bank has a proud
tradition of staff volunteerism and local community commitment and support.
Platinum Level
&G serves approximately 4.8 billion people around the world
with its brands. The Company has one of the strongest portfolios of trusted,
quality, leadership brands, including Ace®, Always®, Ambi Pur®, Ariel®,
Bounty®, Charmin®, Crest®, Dawn®, Downy®, Duracell®, Fairy®, Febreze®,
Fusion®, Gain®, Gillette®, Head & Shoulders®, Iams®, Lenor®, Mach3®,
Olay®, Oral-B®, Pampers®, Pantene®, Prestobarba®, SK-II®, Tide®, Vicks®,
Wella® and Whisper®. The P&G community includes operations in
approximately 70 countries worldwide. Please visit http://www.pg.com for the latest news and in-depth
information about P&G and its brands. P&G has been located in Oxnard for over 40 years and has contributed
to a variety of local community groups including Ventura County United Way, Boys & Girls Clubs and Big
Brothers Big Sisters.
Silver Level
Why Become A Corporate Leader?
ecoming a Corporate Leader means making a difference in families’ lives and in the future of our society.
Casa Pacifica’s programs protect, engage, and teach children and their families how to develop the
competence and confidence they need to manage their own lives and achieve their highest potential.
Corporate Leader funds sponsor Casa Pacifica’s various fundraising events – the Wine & Food Festival,
Spotlight on Style Fashion Show and Care for Kids Golf Tournament Classic - events which raise substantial
funds each year to support Casa Pacifica’s campus-based and community-based programs and services to
abused, neglected, and at-risk children. Corporate Leaders are listed in all advertising materials for each event
which they sponsor, including ads in newspapers such as the Ventura County Star or Ventura County Reporter,
as well as acknowledgement in each issue of Heartlines, providing exposure for Corporate Leaders to thousands
of Ventura County and Santa Barbara County residents.
Bronze Level
For more information about Casa Pacifica's Corporate Leader Program,
please contact Carrie Hughes at (805) 366-4011 or email chughes@casapacifica.org
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20th Anniversary Wine & Food Festival Breaks Record with Over $420,000 (net) in Proceeds!
he 20th edition of the Casa Pacifica Angels Wine & Food Festival, held on June 2nd,
proved to be more than just a special anniversary celebration since over $420,000 (net)
was raised to support Casa Pacifica’s therapeutic, healing programs and services –
topping last year’s record success by more than $60,000! The Festival sold out several
days before taking place at the serene and
beautiful campus of California State
University Channel Islands. Hosted by the
Zarley and Van Huisen Families once again
this year, guests enjoyed sampling delicious
food creations from more than 85
restaurants, caterers, bakeries, specialty food
shops, and superb wines, brews, and
beverages from over 150 wineries,
breweries, and beverage vendors.
Boogie Nights, a 70s tribute band,
headlined the main stage entertainment,
which was sponsored by The Patio
Restaurant at the Player’s Casino, and
annual favorite Magic and Mayhem
magician Shawn McMaster mesmerized
guests with his close up slight-of-hand.
Ventura County’s favorite emcee, Bruce
Barrios, lead the day’s festivities. In addition
Photo Courtesy of Alex Neumann Photography.
to the live entertainment, guests surveyed
and bid on an expansive selection of specialty themed baskets at the silent auction, and a
Sports Memorabilia booth offered another shopping opportunity for sports-minded
Wells Fargo once again hosted the elegant VIP Lounge
where VIP ticket holders and event sponsors enjoyed
delicious culinary creations prepared by caterer Plated
Events by Chef Jason and the ever-popular Anheuser
Busch Belgium Beer Garden with Stella Artois, Leffe, and
Hoegaarden brews on tap. Selections from Malibu Family
Wines and a cigar station by Ventura Cigar Company
completed the special offerings found only in the VIP
Lounge. And, the VIP guests were once again treated to
their own lively entertainment provided by the band
Sound Effect.
The YUMMIES Culinary Competition was expertly lead
by actor Oded Fehr once again this year as he was the
special guest emcee for the event, interviewing the
celebrity judges as they sampled the tantalizing savory and
sweet entries and presenting the winning chefs/restaurants
on the main stage. All the Festival food vendors are eligible
to compete, and many of them did, in either the Savory or
Sweet category. It was a daunting yet delicious task for the
judges to choose the winners from all the fabulous entries
they tasted. The honored 2013 YUMMIES champions were:
Culinary Competition
Congratulations to our 2013 Winners of the YUMMIES
1st Place: Tierra Sur • Chef Gabe Garcia
House-made Pastrami and Corn Beef Sandwich on Onion Challah Roll
2nd Place: The Willows • Chef Sergio Renteria
Braised Beef Short Ribs with Roasted Beet Gnocchi and Citrus Gremolata
3rd Place: The Yacht Club at Channel Islands Harbor • Executive Chef Ernie Borjas
Blood Orange and Roasted Beet Salad with Candied Walnuts, Basil,
Micro Radish, Blue Cheese Crumbles, and Bacon Blue Cheese Vinaigrette
1st Place: Wolf Creek Restaurant & Brewery Company • Head Pastry Chef Anastasia Chavez
Spice Cake infused with Wolf Creek Dunkelweizen Brew, layered with a
Burnt-Butter Spiced Frosting, garnished with a Beer Toffee infused with
Abbey Dubbel Beer
2nd Place: Vivoli Café & Trattoria • Chef Lorenzo Fiumalbi
Franciacorta Bavarese Cream with Strawberries Gelee and Crunchy Mixed
Caramelized Dry Fruits
3rd Place: Cold Stone Creamery – Camarillo • Barry Davis
Blackberry Merlot Sorbet
Photo Courtesy of
Michelle Nunes
Photo Courtesy of
Kevin Charbonneau Photography.
Save The Date!
Casa Pacifica Angels
21st Annual Wine & Food Festival
Photo Courtesy of
Gary Coon Photography.
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June 1st, 2014
Hosted by The Zarley & Van Huisen Families
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Thank You...
asa Pacifica would like to recognize and thank the Casa Pacifica Angels,
the Zarley and Van Huisen Families, Wells Fargo, the Wine & Food Festival
Committee, California State University Channel Islands, and all the sponsors,
businesses, individuals, Board of Directors, Amigos, and volunteers of the 20th Annual Casa Pacifica
Angels Wine & Food Festival. The 2013 Casa Pacifica Angels Wine & Food Festival netted over
$420,000 towards the $3 million Casa Pacifica needs to raise this year in private donations.
Our Sponsors
The Zarley & Van Huisen Families
VIP Lounge
Wells Fargo
Champagne • $15,000
Ventura Rental Party Center
Entertainment • $10,000
The Patio Restaurant at Players Casino
Burgundy • $10,000
Cabernet Sauvignon • $7,500
Essex Property Trust, Inc./
Tierra Vista Apartment Homes
Event Essentials
Leigh & Stan Jensen
Meathead Movers
Merlot • $5,000
AAA Propane Service, Inc.
BB&H Benefit Designs
The Cassar Family
Compulink Business Systems
D&S/D.W. Berry Farms, Inc.
DCH - Audi of Oxnard
Five Star Bookkeeping
Gills Onions
Harrison Industries
Heritage Oaks Bank
Holthouse, Carlin & Van Trigt, LLP
Lisa West & David Jaffe
Jaks Marketing Group
LPL Financial, Patti Morgan, CFP
Mirada Petroleum, Inc.
Oxnard Harvest Co.
Bill Powell & Jewell Gerald Marangoni
Roz Warner, M.D./
Michael Hogan, M.D.
Premier Event Productions
Summit Pool & Spas
Venco Western, Inc.
Pinot Noir • $2,500
Alliance Residential
Applied Merchant Systems
Susan & Ken Bauer
Bruce Barrios Productions
Chivaroli & Associates, Inc.
Michael W. McCarthy, DDS
Montecito Bank & Trust
Santa Rosa Transplant
Skating Plus
South Coast Investment Advisors
U.S. Trust - Bank of America
Private Wealth Management
United Agencies Inc. Insurance
Ventura Signs & Screen Printing
Vintage Production California, LLC
Westerlay Orchids
Chardonnay • $1,500
360 Group International, Inc.
Baxter Health Care
California Giant Berry Farms
Celestine Stone Tile
City National Bank
Community Memorial Health System
Brenda & Nick Dominguez
Fashion Forms
Fence Factory Rentals
Donna & Peter Hochschild
Mission Produce
Stephanie & Wesley Morgan
Morgan Stanley/The Hopps Group/
Lydia Hopps & Ben Hopps, CFP®
Omega Technologies/John &
Kathryn Schoolland
Pacifica Institute of Cosmetic Surgery
Robert S. Improta, M.D. &
Daniel G. Kolder, M.D.
June & Clay Paschen
Michelle & Greg Paschen
PrimeSkill Staffing Services
Procter & Gamble Paper Company
Produce Available
The Growing Company
West Coast Air Conditioning
Courtyard by Marriott, Camarillo
Roadrunner Shuttle &
Limousine Service
VIP Entrance
Mastro’s Steakhouse
805 With Tom and Sandy
Acorn Camarillo
Axxess Ventura
Coupons AND MORE
CSQ Magazine
Cumulus Media
KHAY • 100.7
Elegant Living Magazine
Gold Coast Broadcasting, LLC
KVTA • 1590 AM
Live • 105.5 FM
Q104.7 FM
Radio Formula • 1400 AM
Rewind • 95.9 FM
The Kim Pagano Show
Marketing Maven
Pacific Coast Business Times
Santa Clarita Living Magazine
Society Magazine
VC Buzz Magazine/VC Buzz Radio
Ventura County Reporter/
Ventana Monthly
Ventura County Star
Ventura County West
Wandering Wino
Westlake Magazine
Wide Eyed Productions
Our Vendors
805 Bar & Grilled Cheese
Billy D'z Backyard BBQ
Bobalu Berries
BJ's Restaurant & Brewery
Brats Brothers
Bread Basket Cake Co.
Brendan's Irish Pub & Restaurant
Brophy Bros. Restaurant & Clam Bar
Cabo Seafood Grill and Cantina
Café Fiore
Café Firenze
Capriccio Italian Restaurant
Chef Stroh's Pestos
Coastal Grill
Cold Stone Creamery
Command Performance
Cookies By Design
Crowne Plaza Ventura Beach Hotel
Dayne's Chicago Beef & Dawgs
DJ’s California Catering
Don's Smokin' Salmon
El Rey Cantina
Epicurean Olive Oils
Freezer Monkeys
Fresh & Easy Neighborhood
Frooty Acai
Frost it Cupcakery
Hook, Line & Sinker Seafood
I Would Rather Be Baking Co.
Jinky's Café
KIND Healthy Snacks
KN Publications
Ladyface Ale Companie
Lassens Natural Foods & Vitamins
Le Creuset
Los Arroyos Mexican Restaurant
Luna Olivo
Market Broiler
Mastro's Steakhouse
Missy's Cupcake Creations
N' Awlinz Bistro
Nothing Bundt Cakes
Old Town Café
Panera Bread
Pierre's Catering Co.
Plated Events by Chef Jason
Ranch Hand BBQ
Red Blossom Sales
Red Lobster
Sam Choy's Pineapple Express
Shave It
Visit www.cpwineandfoodfestival.com
to view the online Dining Guide, YUMMIES Competition
winners and see photos of this year's exciting event.
So Good & Delicious
Sogno Toscano Tuscan Dreams
Italian Olive Oil Boutique
Spanish Hills Country Club
Stacked: Food Well Built
Stonefire Grill
Stonehaus at Westlake Village Inn
Sushi Fresh Ventura
Sweet Arleen's
T is for Toffee
The Hitching Post II Restaurant
The Kitchen
The Olive Vineyard
The Patio Restaurant at
Players Casino
The Rhumb Line
The Secret Garden Restaurant
The Sugar Lab
The Tavern
The Tower Club
The Watermark
The Willows at Chumash
Casino Resort
The Yacht Club at
Channel Islands Harbor
Tierra Sur Restaurant*
Trader Joe's
Triunfo Creek Vineyards
Twenty 88 Food & Drink
Urbane Café
Ventura Harbor Comedy Club
Verona Trattoria
Vivoli Café & Trattoria
VOM FASS- Westlake Village
We Olive Ventura
Wolf Creek Restaurant
& Brewing Co.*
Yolanda's Mexican Café
14 Hands Vineyards
Artiste Winery and Tasting Studio
Aveniu Brands
Bianchi Vineyards
Cantara Cellars
Cass Winery
Chateau St. Michelle
Cupcake Vineyards
Domaine Ste Michelle
Don & Son Sebastiani
Double Decker Wines (Wente)
Eden Canyon Vineyards
Ferrari-Carano Winery
Firestone Winery
First Crush Cellars
Flipflop Wines
Foley Family Wines
Four Brix Winery
Fresh & Easy Neighborhood
h.d. BROC Wines The Cassar Family
Hahn Family Vines
Harmony Cellars
Herzog Wine Cellars
Hug Cellars
J. Hamilton Wines
Jettlynn Winery
Kiamie Wine Cellars
w w w . c a s a p a c i f i c a . o r g
La Paz
Le Vigne Winery
Magnavino Cellars
Malibu Sundowner
O is for Opportunity Wines
One Hope Wines
Plan B Cellars
Pomar Junction Winery
Ranchita Canyon Vineyard
Ritual Wine Company
Riverbench Vineyard & Winery
Robert Hall Winery
Roth Estates
San Vicente Cellars
Scott Cellars
Squashed Grapes
STANGER Vineyards
Stone Pine Estate/
Sagebrush Annies
Stonehaus at Westlake Village Inn
Summerland Winery
The Hitching Post II Winery
Tolosa Winery
Total Wine & More
Toucan Wines
Vihuela Winery
VinAlegre Vineyards
Vinemark Cellars, LLC
Wades Wines
Wild Horse Winery and Vineyards
Wineries and Vineyards presented
by Southern Wine & Spirits
Wineries and Vineyards presented
by Ventura County Winery
Wineries and Vineyards presented
by Ventura County Wine Trail
Wineries and Vineyards presented
by Wades Wines
Wineries and Vineyards presented
by Young’s Market Co.
AB Café Services
Allied Beverages, Inc.
Anchor California Lager
Anchor Liberty
Batch 19
BJ's Restaurant & Brewery
Blonde Bombshell
Blue Moon Brewing Co.
Boston Beer Company
Brats Brothers
Brendan's Irish Pub & Restaurant
Cayman Jack
Dos Ambar
Enegren Brewing Company
Estrella Damm
Fox Barrel Blackberry Pear Cider
Fireman’s Brew
Firestone Walker Brewing Co.
Golden Road Heffe
Golden Road IPA
Goose Island 312
Goose Island Honkers
Goose Island Pere Jac
8 0 5 - 4 4 5 - 7 8 0 0
Goose Island Sophie Par
Hangar 24 Craft Brewery,
LLC - California Spring
Hangar 24 Craft Brewery,
LLC - Hullabaloo
Island's Brewing Co.
Karl Strauss Brewing Co.Red Trolley
Karl Strauss Brewing Co.Pintail Pale Ale
Kona Big Wave
Ladyface Ale Companie
Lagunitas Brewing Co.-IPA
Lagunitas Brewing Co.Undercover
Mike's Hard Apple Cider
Mike's Hard Lemonade - Shandy
New Belgium Brewing Co.
Ninkasi Believer
Ninkasi Oatmeal Stout
Pacific Beverage Company
Red Bull
Sam Adams
Shock Top Apple Crisp
Shock Top Belgium White
Shock Top Raspberry
Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.Nevada Pale Ale
Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.Ruthless Rye
Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.Torpedo Extra IPA
Soda - Loretta & Jerry Scott
Surf Brewery
Tap It Ale Camino
Tap It IPA
The Lab Brewing Co.
Waiwera Water
Water - Mastro's Steakhouse
Widmer Rotator
Wolf Creek Brewery
Anheuser-Busch Belgium
Beer Garden
Stella Artois
Stella Artois Cidre
Malibu Family Wines
Plated Events by Chef Jason
Ventura Cigar Company
Le Creuset
ProSignature Memorabilia, LLC
Signature Hand Engraving
So Cal Photo Lounge &
The Wedding DJ's
2013 Care for Kids Golf Classic Sponsors
Cocktail Hour Sponsors
Conejo Awards
Fresh Success
Harrison Industries
The Tesoro Family
Ventura County Star
Wells Fargo
The Zarley Family
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
Courtyard Marriott – Camarillo
Gold Coast Broadcasting
Al Lowe Construction, Inc.
Pacific Western Bank
Silver Star Automotive Group
Avery Insurance & Financial Services
California Door and Hardware
Canteen Vending
Churchill Valencia
Dial Security
Finishline Carpentry, Inc.
Jersey Mike’s Subs
Elise & Bill Kearney
Old Oaks Cigar Company
Opolo Vineyards
Potts Dental
Spencer Makenzie’s Fish Company
Store Safe Self Storage
Trophies, Etc.
Universal Stoneworks
Hole-in-One Sponsors
DCH Toyota of Oxnard/Tim Laubacher
Mini of Camarillo/Steve Thomas
Mitchell & Schwartz, a CPA Firm
Silver Star Automotive Group/
Susan Murata
Wilshire Home Entertainment/
Lynn Perry
Care For Kids Golf Classic
he beautiful Spanish Hills Country Club
perched atop a ridge overlooking the verdant
farmlands of Camarillo was once again the
setting of the Care For Kids Golf Classic held on
July 15th. The tournament, which is played in
shotgun format, is organized by the Rotary Clubs
of Camarillo to benefit Casa Pacifica and other
Rotary charities. The 21st version of the
tournament proved to be another exciting,
competitive, and fun-filled day for a field of over
144 players. Each golfer enjoyed receiving a
wonderful tee-package that included Opolo
Wine, a gift card to the Spanish Hills pro
shop, and a leather-bound day planner,
among other items, as well as competing
in a long-drive contest and on-course
“Closest to the Hole” challenges.
Angels News
Following a great day of golfing competition, the
players socialized at a cocktail reception and
dinner in the clubhouse, and raised more money
for Casa Pacifica and the other charities through
silent and live auctions. Casa Pacifica is grateful
to the Rotary Clubs of Camarillo and to the
tournament co-chairs, Melissa Dundas and Al
and Petra Lowe, as well as the tournament
committee members, all the volunteers who
organized and worked at the event, and the
wonderful sponsors who help make the whole
day not only possible, but a huge success!
Vintage Couture Sparkles at the Spotlight on Style Fashion Show
he Spotlight on Style Fashion Show put a sophisticated eye on the design and elegance of the past with a
runway show featuring vintage couture from Elizabeth Mason Couture, the Paper Bag Princess, and Edward-Lowell
Furs all of Beverly Hills. Held at the Four Seasons Hotel Westlake Village in October, the sold-out premier fashion event
featured a champagne reception, delicious gourmet luncheon, and great boutique shopping in addition to the stunning
fashion show.
Several young men from Meathead Movers greeted guests as they arrived and then were on hand to ‘wait’ on tables,
meeting whatever guests’ needs arose. They also helped organize and carry the ladies’ boutique purchases from vendors
that offered stylish clothing, exquisite jewelry, delicious raw honey, and other unique gift items. Guests also enjoyed
bidding for great Silent Auction opportunities such as a Heavenly Hawaii Getaway to a private home on the north shore of Oahu, with round trip
airfare and resort clothing included; a Gold Coast Vacation Getaway at a private home on Hollywood Beach, with a round of golf, theater tickets,
and a tasting for eight people at We Olive; a Father and Son Package which included sailing lessons at Westlake Village Yacht Club, a whale watching
excursion, tickets to a Lakers game, Lazertag, and a portrait sitting; and a Fido Fantasy Basket that featured a two-night stay at the Barkley Hotel
& Pet Spa, Archie clothing and coffee mug, and gourmet dog treats, among other fabulous themed baskets.
Following lunch and yummy desserts donated by Laurie Steinfeld Cupcakes and Wolf Creek Brewing Co., the fashion show (produced by Carin
Holmenas Productions) highlighted the afternoon with unique vintage pieces from design houses such as Yves St. Laurent, Christian Dior, Chanel,
Valentino, Pucci, and several others. The finale of the show was an exquisite wedding gown that one could picture Audrey Hepburn gliding down
a church aisle in.
It was a beautiful afternoon at the Four Seasons Hotel and Casa Pacifica’s gratitude goes to Susan and Ken Bauer, our Hosts for the day, Sponsors,
all the amazing Angels, especially the Spotlight on Style Co-chairs, Jane Semones and Marilyn Stoddard, and to their fashion show committee for
all their creativity and hard work resulting, once again, in an unforgettable and enjoyable afternoon. We are grateful as well to Elizabeth Mason
Couture for sharing her one-of-a-kind designs and to the Four Seasons Hotel and its amazing staff. The 2013 Spotlight on Style raised over
$89,000 (net) toward the $3 million that needs to be raised this year in private funding for Casa Pacifica and the children it serves!
w w w . c a s a p a c i f i c a . o r g • 8 0 5 - 4 4 5 - 7 8 0 0
2013 Spotlight on Style
Fashion Show Sponsors
Susan & Ken Bauer
Keets & Hugh Cassar
Hiji Bros.
Haute Couture
Four Seasons Hotel Westlake Village
Meathead Movers
Proctor & Gamble
Alison & Peter Ratcliffe
The Van Huisen Family
Wells Fargo
Fivestar Bookkeeping
Heritage Oaks Bank
Pat & Herb Bostrom
Boskovich Farms Inc.
Melanie & Steve Higashi
Home Helpers/
Patricia & George Jones
Lydia Hopps & Ben Hopps CFP The Hopps Group at Morgan Stanley
Carolyn Huntsinger
Montecito Bank & Trust
Edward Laird O'Brien &
Parry Weet O'Brien
Bill Powell and Jewell Marangoni
Traci & Roy Salter
Union Bank
Thank You To
Our Generous Donors!
Building New Foundations of
Hope Capital Campaign
Casa Pacifica is launching a
$21 million capital campaign to
improve/enhance services on
campus and to strengthen our
infrastructure. We will add new
cottages, housing for transition-age
foster youth, a therapeutic activities
building, vocational education and
training space, classrooms, and a
suitable site for clinical services.
We will replace temporary structures
with state-of-the art treatment
facilities and, to strengthen our
infrastructure, administrative
functions will be consolidated in
one new building. We will add
additional space for our health clinic
to address the growing number of
children with unmet medical needs
in the foster care population.
For more information on the
campaign or to make a donation,
please contact Carrie Hughes,
Director of Development and
Public Relations at (805) 366-4011
or via email:
$1,000,000 - $4,999,999
Bettina Chandler
$250,000 - $499,999
William Powell & Jewell Gerald Marangoni
$100,000 - $249,999
Margaret Tiplady Burgess
The Estate of
California United Bank
John & Judy Quinn
Barbara Meister - in Memory of
Kirsten & Dan Selleck
Larry Meister
$50,000 - $99,999
Sage Publications, Inc.
David E. Wood &
Alison & Peter Ratcliffe
Elizabeth M. Rice
$25,000 - $49,999
Steven & Jennifer Elson
Doug & Lorraine Mazza
Ferguson Case Orr Paterson LLP
Sherwood Country Club
Robert & Shealen Wynner
Alan & Jana Fletcher
Patricia Howard
$10,000 - $24,999
Vicki & Dennis Murphy
Dick and Terry Goodrich
Reza & Marla Razzaghipour
Richard & Amy Hernandez
Stacy & Kerry Roscoe
Richard & Jane Rush
$2,500 - $9,999
Susan & Edward Lacey
Rosalind C. Warner, M.D. &
Mike & Stacy Lederer
Michael Hogan, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rakestraw
Oksana and Ken Zussman
$2,499 and under
Donna Barranco Fisher
Jody Kussin & Steve Shoptaw
Joe & Etta Hadden
Catherine M. Sever, M.D
Joan & Joseph Halcomb
$5,000,000 and up
Wood-Claeyssens Foundation
$500,000 - $999,999
Wells Fargo
Sean and Dianna Baker
Ken and Susan Bauer
John and Cheryl Broome
Hugh and Keets Cassar
Bill and Elise Kearney
Helen Caldwell - in Memory of
C.M. “Morrie” Caldwell
Rebeca R. Elliott
Marni Brook
Charles & Eloise Cohen
Wayne & Barbara Davey
Geoff & Marlene Dean
Ingrid J. Cleffi
Michelle & Rich Glaus
Carrie L. Hughes
Silvana & Frank Eichhorn
Donors as of November 1st, 2013.
May 1st, 2013-September 30th, 2013
Mr. and Mrs. Kent M. Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Carrle
Mr. and Mrs. Dimitrios Diakoumopoulos
Mr. Wesley Brumback
Mr. Mark Davis
Ms. Patty Pineda
Ms. Sheryl Tuchman
Mr. and Mrs. Dowel E. Hill
Mrs. Judy Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Partida
Mrs. Stephanie Davis
Mrs. Jill Lomeli
Mrs. Barbara S. Meister
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Sanicola
Mr. Roy Raynor
Toni Roccasecca
Mr. Thomas Shimskey
Mrs. Stella G. Harter
Ms. Deborah Duclon
Ms. Mary A. Solis
Ms. Jennifer Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. John Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Goodkin
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dwyer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Goodkin
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Cole
Ms. Robin Horne
Dr. Myra Harada
Greater Conejo Valley Chamber of Commerce
Greater Conejo Valley Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Adam Weldy
Dr. and Mrs. Kim D. Zussman
First Rate Financial Group
GM Communications
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brommenschenkel
Mr. Ed Cochrane
Mr. Michael Comeaux
Ms. Susan Duchin
Ms. Angelia Epps
Mr. Michael Harris
Mrs. Madeline Hess
Ms. Robin Horne
Ms. Jennifer Kraushaar
Dr. Henry Lacayo
Dr. Mark S. Lisagor, D.D.S.
Ms. Arlene Martinez
Mrs. Alisa Moore
Ms. Jean Moore
Ms. Maria C. Ramirez
Ms. Linda Tommela
Ms. Gretchen Wenner
Mrs. Kyle THE
May 1st, 2013-September 30th, 2013
LEADER ($20,000+)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Bauer
Gene Haas Foundation
Quinn Family Trust
Wells Fargo Bank
Zarley Foundation
CHAMPION ($5,000+)
Aces High Gaming LLC
Blue Shield of California Foundation
Cassar Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cassar
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Davey
DCH Audi Oxnard
Linda Burr and David Delnagro
Fairis Hansen Trust
Five Star Bookkeeping
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Hernandez
Hiji Brothers
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Hiji
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl M. Ito
Janet W. Van Huisen 1985 Family Trust
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Jensen
The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles
Lee & Associates-LA North/Ventura, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Malchicoff
Mead Johnson Nutrition
The Pentair Foundation
Pentair Pool Products
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ratcliffe
Semtech Corporation
The Patio Restaurant at Players Club Casino
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Van Huisen
Venco Western
WATT Companies
Zarley Foundation
PROTECTOR ($1,000+)
Anthem Church Dark To Dawn Ministry
Mr. and Mrs. Sean A. Baker
Mr. Keith Barton
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Block
Boskovich Farms
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Bostrom
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Braunschweiger
Ms. Marni Brook
Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Carmi
Mr. Antonio Chavez
Christopher P. Fowkes Memorial Fund
Community Memorial Health System
Cops Running for Charity
Mr. Robert Dawson
Ann A. Deal and Rebecca K. Harmon
E. J. Harrison & Sons, Inc.
East Farms
Eileen Gould Design & Construction, Inc.
Mrs. Rebeca R. Elliott
Fashion Forms
Mr. Jorge Fernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fletcher
Frank Cross Foundation West
Mr. John Franklin
Mr. Alex Gaerlan
Gills Onions
Girls on a Mission
Gold Coast Broadcasting LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Goodrich
Gordon Ross Medical Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gould
Mr. and Mrs. Myron G. Harrison
Mr. William T. Harter
Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Hartzfeld, Jr.
Helping Hands Ministries, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillips Henderson
Heritage Oaks Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Higashi
Ms. Heather J. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Hogan
Hogan Family Foundation
Dr. Michael Hogan and Dr. Rosalind C. Warner
Mrs. Cynthia S. Holloway
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Holloway
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin E. Hopps
Mr. and Mrs. Tom E. Hopps
Mrs. Carolyn R. Huntsinger
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Jacobs
Ms. Kathy K. Jeffers-Volk
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Kelly
Limoneira Foundation
LPL Financial
Ms. Christina E. Morgan
Ms. Patti J. Morgan
Morgan Stanley
Morgan Stanley / The Hopps Group
Nevers, Palazzo, Packard, Wildermuth & Wynner, PC
Mr. Edward L. O'Brien and
Mrs. Parry A. Weet O'Brien
Ongoing Operations
Pacific RoRo Stevedoring/
Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics
Platinum Towing & Transport Inc.
Mr. William H. Powell and
Ms. Geraldine V. Marangoni
PR III / Broadstone Hancock Park, LLC
Mr. Nick Pyzow
Mr. and Mrs. Reza Razzaghipour
Rexnord Industries, PSI
Ms. Margaret T. Rifenbark
Rio Farms
Mr. Keith Roos
Rotary Club of Thousand Oaks
Mr. Robert Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Salter
San Buenaventura Women's Club
Scott Family Foundation, Inc
Scripps Howard Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Singleton
South Coast Investment Advisors
St. John's Caregivers
Mr. Ronald D. Starratt
Summit Pools & Spas
Mr. Brandon Theising
Mr. Kayvan Torabian
Towbes Foundation
Mr. Rogelio Tuazon
Union Bank Foundation
United Women’s Leadership Council
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Van Wyngaarden, Jr.
Ventura County Community Foundation
Mrs. Laverne L. Venus
Vintage Production California LLC
Wells Fargo Community Support
United Way Campaign
Wells Fargo Foundation
Witherspoon Industries, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Wynner
Mr. and Mrs. Pak H. Yeung
Yusen Terminals Inc.
MENTOR ($500 UP TO $1,000)
Absolute Analysis
Ms. Janis Allen
Amgen Foundation Matching Gifts and
Staff Volunteer Programs
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Amorosi
Ms. Yvette M. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell D. Ardantz
Bank of America United Way Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. Kraig M. Baron
Ms. Patty Brenneman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bucholtz
Dr. and Mrs. William Burgos
Dr. and Mrs. Sean D. Cassar
Central Coast Properties
Cipolla Calaba Marrone Wollman
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Coe
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cohen
Community Health Centers
Ms. Ambar Corugedo
Ms. Eileen T. Crossan
Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Cuevas
Mr. and Mrs. Chris J. Darrow
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Dombrowski
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Eggert
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Elliott, Jr.
Dr. Mark Exler
Mr. Timothy Fabrey
Ms. Kristin D. Franke
Ms. Dawn A. Golden
Mr. and Mrs. Dylan Graham
Ms. Carol M. Greeby
Mrs. Stella G. Harter
Mr. and Mrs. Corben Hatch
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hirst
Home Motors
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hopkins
I.L.W.U. 46 General Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Karasuik
Mrs. Harriet Karol
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Ketelhut
Mr. William H. Kracht
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Krajewski
Mr. and Hon. Edward J. Lacey
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Litman
DeAnn Hiroshima and Christopher Lynch
Mrs. Barbara S. Meister
Mr. Kevin L. Meyers
Mr. Richard L. Miron
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Monosco
Mr. Miguel Morell
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Andre Nintcheff
Omega Technologies
Mr. and Mrs. Pete O'Sullivan, Jr.
Pacific Maritime Association/I.L.W.U.
Mrs. Phyllis E. Pattison
Ms. Laura C. Pinsak
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Pompilio
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey D. Prince
Ms. Kathryn Sarris
Mr. John B. Schoolland and
Mrs. Kathryn S. Maranto
Carly J. Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trimborn
Mr. and Mrs. Darin Upton
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Mr. Rod O. Vasquez
Ventura County Star
Wells Fargo
Mr. Alan D. Wessel
Mr. David Zavala
Mr. Peter Zierhut
Zinex Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Kim D. Zussman
FRIEND ($250 UP TO $500)
Ms. Laqueta Alexander
Anderson Kill Wood & Bender, LLP
Ms. Olga P. Arellano
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Ash
Mr. Joseph J. Banz
Mr. Raymond Bayer
Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Behr
Ms. Holly J. Benke
Mr. Alan M. Bennett
Tracy Billheimer
Ms. Nancy J. Blachowiak
Ms. Gina Blair
Bonita Packing Company
Dana Boutain
Ms. Hayley Bracken
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Braid
Mr. and Mrs. Ty Brann
Ms. Shari Brein
Ms. Tera Bridgeford
Mr. Wesley Brumback
Mrs. Dolores Buffington
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burg
Mr. and Mrs. P. John Burke
Camarillo Center For Spiritual Living
Mr. Alejandro Castillo
Center for Spiritual Living Westlake Village
Ms. Catherine Chan
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Chandler
Mrs. Miriam Chuntz
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Clarke
Ms. Claire Closson
Coach Patty's School of Gymnastics
Ms. Tiffany J. Coleman
Ms. Consetta L. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton C. Colter
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Comden
Mr. and Mrs. John Conroy
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Cordover
Country Squire Mobile Home Park
County Property Management
Ms. Rachel Cox McMurtry
Ms. Mary A. Cralley
Mr. Keith V. Crenshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crown, Jr.
Ms. Jillian L. Crudup
Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Cuevas
Mr. Burt Dalton and Ms. Sulinda Watson
David and Rae Wiener Foundation
Mr. Ivor Davis
Mr. Roberto De Los Santos
Ms. Carol B. Deamer
Mr. Dan J. DeBruno
Mrs. Darlene Decrescenzo
Ms. Kjersti Dolvik
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas V. Dominguez
Ms. Kimberly Dunch
Ms. Marcy Early
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Elson
Mr. Bo Espinoza
Ms. Julie Euan
Robyn Eykjlan
Mr. Peter T. Favero
Ms. Jennifer L. Fildes
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Fisher
Four C's Stones
Ms. Sue C. Francisco
Ms. Monica R. Fuchs
G Kelly Sievers Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Maureen Galera
Mr. and Mrs. Greg G. Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Gari
Georgiana and Richard Daskais Fund
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Given
Ms. Liza L. Gonzalez
Ms. Renelle Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Goodkin
Mr. Michael Graham
Ms. Olivia A. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Greenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Grenier
Ms. Diane M. Grippo
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Grossman
Ms. Elsa Guerrero
Ms. Robyn Guglielmo
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Guntner
Ms. Alexis A. Gutierrez
Ms. Angelica Gutierrez
Mr. Gerardo Gutierrez
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Haase
Ms. Shelley Hanna
Mr. and Mrs. Darin Hansen
Ms. Dawn M. Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Harrison
Ms. Joe F. Harwell
Mr. and Mrs. Kent M. Hawkins
Mr. Sean D. Henggeler
Mr. Dennis C. Hernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hibbitts
Mr. and Mrs. James Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hintz
Ms. Karen Hoffmann
Ms. Claudia Holden
Mr. Rich Hollowell
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Holt
Ms. Virginia L. Hoover
Siobain Horan
Ornellam Huaman
Mr. Jay D. Huggins
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Jacobs
Dr. and Mrs. Ed Jefferson
Ms. Shelley R. Jensen
Mr. Richard J. Jimenez, Jr.
Mr. Dustin G. Johnson
Jones and Maulding Insurance
Mr. Michael Kari
Dr. Al Katouzian
Ms. Kelly Kavanaugh
Mr. Douglas Kays
Mr. John Kearney
Ms. Elizabeth Knight
Mr. Greg Knupp
Ms. Meghan O. Lambert
Mrs. Donna Landry
Ms. Cindy Langston
Mr. Charles S. Lear
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Locklear
Ms. Tonetta Lone Elk
Ms. Oznaya Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. Kim Lovingfoss
Ms. Delia Lubid
Luxe Interiors & Drapery LLC
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Mack
Mr. Robert Magana
Ms. Jeannette Maginnis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Marks
Mr. Guy Martin and Ms. Michelle Sievers
Mr. Christopher D. Mattern
Ms. Michelle Maynard
Ms. Kathy McAlpine
Ms. Lori McClurg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCurdy
Mr. John McNamara
Mr. William P. McTomney
Mercedes-Benz of Oxnard
Ms. Maria Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Miller
Mom's Club of Camarillo Mission Oaks
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Morales
Morgan Stanley c/o Cybergrants
Mr. Michael E. Morman
Dr. Blake M. Mueller
Mr. Shawn Mulchay
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Murchland
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Myers
Mr. Philippe Naveau
Ms. Rebecca Needham
New Belgium Brewing Company
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Nielsen
Mr. Jana L. Nunn
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Olsen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Padilla
Esmaili Paloma
Mr. Barry Parker
Mr. Rafael Perez
Ms. Cynthia Pettyjohn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Pfeiffer
Mrs. Betty J. Phillips
Ms. Sandy Phillips
Ms. Maria Pierce
Mr. Ron Polanski and Ms. Betsy Bourne
Ms. Kayla M. Pope
Ms. Melanie Pozez
Hon. and Mrs. Roland N. Purnell
R & D Transportation Services
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Rakestraw
Mr. John M. Reid
Ms. Karen Reynolds
Mr. Mike Rice
Ms. Jacqueline Rio
Mr. Louis J. Rio
Mr. Jacob Rogers
Ms. Kimberly A. Ronneberg
Mr. James Russo
Ms. Julie Rutherford
Dr. Sharon R. Saivar
Ms. Monica Salazar
Ms. Veronica Salazar
Mr. Jose Samano
Ms. Patricia Sampson
Ms. Josefina Sanchez
Ms. Jan Schuster
Ms. Dorothy Schwarze
Ms. Lisa Shearer
Mr. Matt R. Silver
Ms. Liz Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Skeels
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sloan
Mr. William H. Sloan
Mr. Jimmy Smit
Ms. Ellen F. Smith
Mr. David Spasiano
Ms. Kim Staback
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Stevens, Jr.
Stacy L. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Stoll
Mrs. and Mr. Shari Stotts
Mr. Michael J. Strang
Ms. Sally Stride
Robin Studebaker
Mr. Craig S. Sturges
Ms. Christina Sunderraj
Ms. Emily Sutton
Target - "Take Charge of Education"
Ms. Sharon K. Taylor
Ms. Holly J. Thomas
Mrs. Camille J. Torgeson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Torgeson
United Capital Private Wealth Management
United Way California Capital Region
Valkyrie Yacht Sales
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Vautin
Ms. Kara Verneris
Vivoli Cafe & Trattoria
Water Tech Ag Supply
Mr. David Wood and Ms. Elizabeth Rice
Ms. LeeAnn Wrinn
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Yamamoto
Accessories for Divas
Ms. Heather J. Ackroyd
Ms. Amy Aguilar
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ahern
Ms. Jennifer N. Alargunsoro
Diana Baniasadi and Mansour Alizadeh Jaberi
Ms. Beverly Allen
Ms. Sandra J. Alvarado
Ms. Brigynda Ananias
Catherine S. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Arbini
Artner West Construction, Inc.
Ms. Tara M. Ashton
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Astorga
Athlon Sports
Mr. and Mrs. Danny J. Augusta
Ms. Debra S. Austin
Mr. Richard Avery
Ms. Sheannka Avery
Ms. Karen Bailey
Ms. Leticia Bailon
Ms. Erin L. Baldwin
Mr. George Ball and Ms. Amanda McBroom
Ms. Julie A. Bally
Mrs. Nicholle Barbi
Mr. John Barrett
Mr. Bruce J. Barrios
Mrs. Kay Baumbach
Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Beal
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Began
Mr. and Mrs. John Bell
Supv. Steve Bennett, Ventura County, District 1
Ms. Carole D. Benshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bernick
Mr. Nathan Betran
Ms. Neelima Bhatnagar
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Billig
Mr. Rob Birkla
Mr. Samuel Bishop
Bitton Design Group Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Blaser
Lori D. Blaser
Bloom Honey, LP
Ms. Katherine Bloxomcarter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bocchi
Ms. Annette Borysiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Bravo
Mr. Jeffrey T. Brehove
Brendan's Irish Pub & Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. James Brewer
Mr. Arnold Brier
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brommenschenkel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Broslow
Ms. Deanne Brown
Mr. G. Scott Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Phil C. Bunn
Ms. Cheryl Burdon
Mr. and Mrs. Westley P. Busch
Mr. Jim Carlisle
Chef Stacey Carr
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Carrle
Mr. Jeff Caruse
Ms. Wendy Cassar
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Catlin
Ms. Nicole A. Chan
Ms. Tracy L. Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Charbonneau
Mr. Dustin W. Cheek
Mr. and Mrs. Noland Chhun
Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Choate
Ms. Brenda Christian
Ms. Sherry M. Clark
The Classy Bag Lady
Ms. Frances Clohessy
Mr. Steve Coffeen
Ms. Harriet L. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Cole
Mr. Patrick Collet
Mrs. Marika Collins-Chhun
Mr. Michael Comeaux
Commercial Process Serving, Inc.
Mr. David Coppel
County Commerce Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Cowgill
Ms. Maranda Cowgill
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Craft
Mr. and Mrs. Criste
Ms. Guadalupe Croft
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Cross
Ms. Cindy L. Currie Madden
Mr. David Czerwinski
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Daily, Jr.
Vesna Dalmatin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. DaMart
Jana L. D'Amico
Ms. Kimberly L. Danebrock
Ms. Kristin Dark
Ms. Kathleen A. Darnell-Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Davidson
Mr. Mark Davis
Mrs. Stephanie Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. De La Rocha
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. De La Torre
Dean Amundsen, O.D.
Ms. Darlene M. Dechance
Ms. Anabolena DeGenna
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Delfino
Ms. Maribel Deras
Ms. Diane Dhillon
Mr. and Mrs. Dimitrios Diakoumopoulos
Ms. Olga L. Diaz
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Divita
Mr. Dustin R. Dockter
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dodds, Jr.
Ms. Peggy Dolan
Ms. Janet Y. Dorsey
Ms. Eunice Drell
Ms. Diane Dreyer
Ms. Sherri Drifka
Ms. Susan Duchin
Ms. Deborah Duclon
Mr. Jimmy Duran
Ms. Maryellen Dyer
Mr. Fred Eastman
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Eaton
Mr. and Mrs. David Echt
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ehrlich
Mrs. Shannon Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sperber
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Engh
Ms. Angelia Epps
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Eriksson
Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Eskridge
Mrs. Diana Espinoza-Prouse
European Fashion
Ms. Danielle R. Everson
Mr. and Mrs. Farshad Fardad
Mr. Daniel Felix
Mr. and Mrs. Gonzalo Fernandez
Ms. Geraldine Moreno
Ms. Elizabeth Figueroa
Mrs. Laurie Figueroa
Ms. Kathleen Finnegan
First Rate Financial Group
Mrs. Christy Fleck
Dr. Linda N. Florey
Cathleen H. Follmer
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H. Follmer
Ms. Kimberly A. Fouche
Arlene Jakes and Mitchell Freedman
Ms. Donna Funke
Ms. Elissa M. Gabertan
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Gaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Garcia
Mrs. Judith L. Garcia
Ms. Marissa Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice M. Garcia
Mr. James Gardner
Ms. Kimberly R. Gari
Dr. and Mrs. William N. Garlington
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. David Gasperson
Mr. and Mrs. David Gatchel
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gaughan
Ms. Neesa C. Gentilcore
Gerie's Fashion Closet
Mrs. Michelle A. Gibson
Ms. Julie M. Gift
Ms. Cindi Gilbert
GM Communications
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Golden
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Goldrod
Ms. Adelina Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Gray
Greater Conejo Valley Chamber of Commerce
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grinbaum
Mr. Juan G. Guillen
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick K. Guillies
Mrs. Mary Guy
Ms. Kristine M. Guzzard
Mr. and Mrs. Mehdi Haghighi
Dr. Myra Harada
Mr. Mark Harlacher
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Harris
Mr. Michael Harris
Dr. and Mrs. Tom Harris
Hasegawa Farms, Inc
Ms. Angie Hecht
Ms. Margaret L. Hernandez
Ms. Frisa Herrera
Mrs. Madeline Hess
Mr. and Mrs. James Hickman
Mr. and Mrs. Art Hidalgo
Mr. and Mrs. Dowel E. Hill
Mrs. and Mr. Jean M. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hinkle
Ms. Joi Hiraishi
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hoevel
Mr. Steve N. Holt and Ms. Karen Kwan
Ms. Robin Horne
Ms. Doris J. Horton
Mr. Bruce Howarth
Mr. Steven Huber
Mr. and Mrs. Chet S. Huffman
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight B. Hunt
Ms. Christina L. Hutton
ILWU Foremen's Union Local 94
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Improta
Independent Concrete Cutting
Mr. Nick Jabbour
Jacqueline B
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jaffe
Mr. and Mrs. David Jaks
Jaks Marketing Group
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Jensen
Mr. Sean Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Johnson
Mr. Alwick A. Jonas
Ms. Amber Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Jones
Mr. Jimmy C. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Craig L. Justice
Ms. Denise Kale
Ms. Season Karandang
Keiki Co
Ms. Janice N. Keller
Keller Williams Camarillo
Ms. Simone Kelman
Mrs. Kristen A. Kemp
Kendor, Inc.
Ms. Sara L. Kesten
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Khorramian
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry M. Kinney
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Kirschbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Klessig
Dr. Lynn R. Kong and Dr. Thomas Q. Kong
Mr. Benjamin A. Koplan
Ms. Catherine L. Kort
Mr. David J. Koski
Mr. Keith B. Kowasz
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Krause
Ms. Jennifer Kraushaar
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kurta
Mr. Christian La Secla
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan M. Laby
Dr. Henry Lacayo
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald LaForgia
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan W. Lambert
Mr. Brad Lanfranco
Ms. Summer R. Laquerre
Mr. James A. Lari
Mr. and Mrs. Donald O. Law
Linda Law
Law Office of Bess Blank
Law Offices of Carolyn Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Cary J. Lefton
Ms. Cathy S. Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Light
Limelight Innovations L.L.C.
Dr. Mark S. Lisagor, D.D.S.
Ms. Jennifer Lloyd
Ms. Carrie Locke
Ms. Leanne Lomax
Mrs. Jill Lomeli
Ms. Toni Lorien
Ms. Carla Lubig
Lucky Lulu Entertainment, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Alec B. MacDonald
Ms. Cynthia L. Madden
Madelyn's Apparel
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Madsen
Ms. Lynda Magill
Ms. Diana F. Malmquist
Ms. Mary Maranville
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome L. Marie
Ms. Arlene Martinez
Mrs. Kathryn Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Mastroianni
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Maulding
Mr. and Mrs. James Maurer
Mr. and Mrs. Kris C. Mavity
Mrs. Michelle Maye
Mrs. Zelda McCarthy
Mr. David P. McCleary
Ms. Deborah D. McCollum
Ms. Sarah A. McElhinney
Ms. Barbara F. McGarr
Mr. and Mrs. Ron McKinney
Ms. Sharon Mcleish
Ms. Janel McQuone
Mr. RL McWaters
Mr. Raymond Meese
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Mendenhall
Mr. David M. Mendro
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Mercurio
Ms. Deborah A. Meyer-Morris
Ms. Melanie Mihm
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Milbourn
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Milla
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Millhouse
Ms. Elise Modrovich
Moms Club of Newbury Park
Ms. Susan Montanari
Ms. Raquel Montes
Mrs. Alisa Moore
Ms. Edna Moore
Ms. Jean Moore
Moorpark Girls Scout Summer Day Camp
Mr. Jorge Moran and Dr. Myra D. Saltoun-Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey I. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Morrison
Moscardi Physical Therapy, Inc.
Ms. Gail F. Munro
Ms. Heather L. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Nash
National Charity League Inc Santa Ynez
Neftin Westlake Car Company
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Nelson
Mrs. Judy Nelson
Ms. Lois Nelson
Ms. Tiffany Nelson
Mrs. Larane B. Nesbitt
Mr. and Mrs. Tim New
Mr. and Mrs. George Nicholson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nishimura
Mr. and Mrs. Vince E. Novak
Ms. Shannon Nowell
The Oaks at Ojai Spa
Ms. Sharon O'Brien
Mr. Sean O'Conlon
Ms. Ruby L. Oertle
Ms. Cynthia K. O'Leary
Ms. Elizabeth Oliva
Mr. Damon Ormsby
Ms. Cecchina M. Ortiz
Mr. Henry Ortiz
Ms. Vanessa Otto
Over The Top Gifts
Mr. James E. Owens
Ms. Dayanira Oy
Ms. Kristin Palos
Ms. Terri Parks
Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Partida
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton F. Paschen, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Greg A. Paschen
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Patterson
Ms. Gayle Paul
Ms. Kathleen Pavard
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Pavell
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Pearson
Mrs. Ruth Penson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Peterson
Ms. Monique Petralba
Pierre's Catering Co.
Ms. Patricia Pill
Ms. Patty Pineda
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Pompe
Mr. Scott A. Price
Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Ms. Celia Prudhomme
Ms. Maria C. Ramirez
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Ramirez
Mr. Roy Raynor
Mr. Geoff Reader
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Redard
Robin Reed
Mr. David Reid and Mrs. Terry Schuller
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Reis
Ms. Valerie Reveles
Ms. Marilee S. Reynolds
Ms. Charlene M. Rice
Ms. Adrianna C. Rivera
Toni Roccasecca
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Rodwell
Mary F. Rose
Ms. Lisa Ross
Ms. Judith S. Rothman
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Ruden
Mr. and Ms. Daryl Rummens
Dr. Myra Saltoun
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Salvati
Ms. Brenda Sampson
Ms. Margaret L. San Filipo
Mr. Miguel Sandoval
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Sanicola
Ms. Ovedia M. Santos
Mr. Mark Sarreal
Ms. Denise L. Saunders
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan D. Schaap
Ms. Sally Schneider
Mrs. Debbie Schooler
Mr. David T. Reid and Mrs. Terry Schuller
Ms. Laura Scoggin
Ms. Amanda Scott
Mr. Jerry D. Scott
Mr. Richard A. Seibert
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Semones
Ms. Dulce Setterfield
Mrs. Christina Shaw
Ms. Janet Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Shaw
Shelley's Fashion Inc.
Mr. Thomas Shimskey
Signature Hand Engraving
Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Sikoff
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Silvey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Singer
Ms. Andrea Skinner
Mr. and Mrs. Dan H. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Smith
Mr. Eric Snyder
Ms. Mary A. Solis
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny H. Speed
Ms. Kim L. Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sperber
Ms. Ellen Spigel
St. Paul's United Methodist Church
Ms. Andrea L. Stegman
Ms. Lisa Steinbach
Ms. Robin W. Steinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Stephens
Marylin Stephens
Sterling Travel & Radio Cruises
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stile
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stoddard
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stone
Mr. G. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Stotts
Mr. Jon Stover and Mrs. Amber Landis-Stover
Mr. Jason Stratford
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Sturgeon
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sudd
Mr. Edward Summers
Ms. Denise A. Szabo
Ms. Audra Tafarella
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Thompson
Ms. Linda Tommela
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Toussaint
Mayor and Mrs. Michael J. Tracy
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Tramonto
Treasured Accessory
Ms. Amy H. Trejo
Ms. Sheryl Tuchman
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Turnage
Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Turner
Ms. Lisa A. Tutino
Tyan Enterprises
Ms. Theresa M. Tyndall
United Way of Los Angeles County
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Van Acker
Vasant Designs
Ms. Jeanette Vasquez
Ventura County NAHREP
Ms. Sue Walin
Mrs. Anne K. Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Duane V. Waln
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Warburton
Ms. Jill Warnick
Wayne's Tire Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Weidenweber
Dr. Betsy G. Weiss
Ms. Erica R. Wexler
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery B. Whitaker
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Whitbord
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Whitcomb
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan White
Ms. Yvonne Whitefield
Kerry Whitmire
Ms. Tedra Williams
Mr. Elijah Willis
Ms. Denise Willmarth
Ms. Karen Woisard
Ms. Kathleen Wood
The Write Stuff
Ms. Mocha J. Yates
Mrs. Marilyn E. Yerkey
Mr. Glen M. Young
Ms. Hana Zafrani
Ms. Cristina Zepeda
May 1st, 2013-September 30th, 2013
805 Bar & Grilled Cheese
805 with Tom & Sandy
AB Caffe Services
Academy Optical
Acupuncture & Wellness Clinic of Jonathan Breslow
Ms. Linda Adams
Adams Studio
Agoura Feed, Inc.
Agoura Flowers
Agoura Hills Nails
Alaska Airlines
Alex Neumann Photography
Allied Distributing
America's Tire Company
Applied Merchant Systems
Art of Jewelry Design by Hana
Artiste Winery and Tasting Studio
B&E Vineyard
The Barkley Pet Hotel & Day Spa
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Barlowe
Baron Brothers Nursery
Mr. Bruce J. Barrios
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Bauer
Mr. Frank Bellinghiere, Esq.
Billy D'z Backyard BBQ
BJ's Restaurant & Brewery
Bobalu Berries.com
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brandes
Brats Brothers
Bread Basket Cake Company
Brendan's Irish Pub & Restaurant
Brent's Deli
Broc Ellinger Photography
Brophy Bros. Restaurant and Clam Bar
Buca di Beppo
Build-A-Bear Workshop Bear Hugs Foundations
Cabo Seafood Grill & Cantina
Cafe Fiore
Café Firenze
California Dance Company Theatre & Pacific Festiva
California Lutheran University
Cambria Winery and Vineyards
Cantara Cellars
Canteen Vending of Coastal California, Inc.
Capital Source
Capriccio Italian Restaurant
Cara's Gems
Cass Winery
Cassar Family Foundation
Colleen Cass and Kevin Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Charbonneau
Charn Thai Restaurant
Chateau Ste Michelle
Chef Stroh's Pestos
Chella Skin Care
Chocolats Du Calibressan, Inc
The Churchill Society
City Cellars
City of Ventura
Coastal Grill
Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Headquarters
Cold Stone Creamery
Command Performance Catering
Conejo Players Theater
Conjured Up Creations - Shawn McMaster
Magic & Mayhem
Cookies By Design
Cotton Baby
Crowne Plaza Ventura Beach Hotel
Crystal Nails
Cumulus Media Inc.
Damian Vines Photography
D'Amore's Pizza - Thousand Oaks
The Dance Company
Dayne's Chicago Beef & Dawgs
Defined Entertainment Design Inc.
Mr. Sidney M. Delve
Mr. Sean Demmon
DesiredFace European Facial Workout
Dish Restaurant
DJ's California Catering
Don Cuco Mexican Restaurant
Don's Smokin' Salmon
Downsize and Get Organized
Dress For Less Club of Agoura High School
Eden Canyon Vineyards
El Rey Cantina - Camarillo
Elite Theater Company
Mrs. Rebeca R. Elliott
Embassy Suites Hotel at Mandalay Beach Resort
Embody Wellness
Emeritus of Camarillo
Enegren Brewing Company
Epicurean Olive Oils
Ethan Allen Retail, Inc.
European Fashion
Farfalla Trattoria Westlake Village
Mrs. Cindy Fike
Fireman's Brew, Inc.
Firestone Walker Brewing Co.
First Crush Winery
Fisherman's Catch
Foley Family Wines
Foothill Interiors
Mrs. Kelley Foster
Four Brix Winery
Four Seasons Biltmore
Fox Fine Jewelry
Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Market
Fresh Innovations California, LLC.
Frooty Acai
Frost It Cupcakery
Fur-Ever Pet Grooming
Galletto's Bar and Grill
Mr. and Mrs. David Gatchel
George Thompson Diamond Co.
Girl Scout Troop 60019
Girl Scout Troop 60331
Gold Coast Broadcasting LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gould
Mrs. Joyce Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Grenier
The Growing Company
Guess Accessories
Guy Matthew Salon
Hair and Body Essentials
Hair Free Forever
Hair Impressions
Halper Fine Art
Hangar 24 Brewery
Mr. Joe Hanlon
Harmony Cellars
Harper Belle
Hasri Collection
Ms. Dianne Hebert
Herzog Wine Cellars
Hitching Post II Winery
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Honeycutt
Hook, Line & Sinker Seafood
Hug Cellars
I Would Rather Be Baking Co.
In-N-Out Burger
International Paper
Island Brewing Company
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl M. Ito
Ms. Stephanie Ito
J Hamilton Wines
Jamba Juice - Thousand Oaks
Jason Flame's Tang Soo Do University
JD Morgan Center (UCLA Athletics)
Jee Vice
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Jensen
Jersey Mike's Sub - Camarillo
Jettlynn Winery
Jinky's Kanan Café
Joey Bishop Golf Carts
Ms. Hester Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Craig L. Justice
Karl Strauss Brewing Company
Mrs. Harriet Karol
Keller Williams Camarillo
Mrs. Kristen A. Kemp
Mrs. Sherry S. Kempster
Kiamie Wine Cellars
Mr. Paul Kincaid
Kirk Jewelers
Komali Nunna,LLC (KN Publications)
Mr. and Mrs. Roger T. Krenkler
The Lab Brewery
Ladyface Alehouse & Brasserie
Las Posas Country Club
Lassens Natural Foods & Vitamins
Lazertag Extreme
Le Creuset at Camarillo Premium Outlets
Le Vigne Winery
Let's Get Cookin'
Lindt Chocolate RSVP - Santa Barbara
Mr. Robert F. Lisee
Little Oaks School Camp
Ms. Carrie Locke
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Locklear
Mr. Carlos Lomeli
Los Arroyos Mexican Restaurant & Take Out
Mr. D. Lovato
Love Heals
Mrs. Parthenia C. Lowthorp
Lure Fish House - Camarillo
Ms. Phyllis Luttrell
DeAnn Hiroshima and Christopher Lynch
M. Fredric & Co.
Magnavino Cellars
Malibu Family Wines
Mr. Edward S. Mansell and Mrs. Parthenia C.
Marborg Industries
Mrs. Jo Marinelli
Market Broiler Restaurants
Marque Communications
Mr. Guy Martin and Ms. Michelle Sievers
Ms. Carol Mayeda
Ms. Stephanie McNutt
Meathead Movers
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Mercurio
Mighty Bites Cupcakes
Mission Tuxedo Service
Missy's Cupcake Creations
Monarchs National Gymnastics Training Center
Mullin Automotive Museum
Munch Photography
Murad, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Murphy
My Brigadeiro Brazilian Sweets
NACE Ventura Chapter
National Charity League Conejo Valley Chapter
National Charity League Vista Robles
N'Awlinz Bistro
New West Symphony
Newborns in Need, Inc. - SoCal SFV Chapter
Nothing Bundt Cakes
Ms. Michelle Nunes
The Oaks at Ojai Spa
Mr. Edward L. O'Brien and
Mrs. Parry A. Weet O'Brien
Ms. Ruby L. Oertle
Oilfield Electric Company, Inc
Old New York Deli & Bakery Company
Old Town Cafe / Bella Capri Inn & Suites
The Olive Vineyard
Outback Footwear
Oxnard Community Concert Association
Pacific Beverage Company
Ms. Kristin Palos
Ms. Sue Palos
Panera Bread Bakery Café - Thousand Oaks
Panera Bread Ventura
Ms. Terri Parks
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton F. Paschen, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Greg A. Paschen
Mr. Christopher S. Paul
Paul Martin's American Grill
Photography by Joel
The Piano Place
Pierre's Catering Co.
Plan B Wine Cellars
Pomar Junction
Power Machinery Center
Procter & Gamble Paper Products Co.
Ranch Hand BBQ
Ranch House Restaurant
Ranchita Canyon Vineyard
Mrs. Valarie Rangel
Red Blossom Sales Inc
Red Lobster
Remedy Skin & Body
Rexnord Industries, PSI
The Rhumb Line
Urbane Cafe
Risk Control Strategies
Valley Crest Trees
Valley Scene Magazine
River Ridge Golf Club
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Van Wyngaarden, Jr.
Riverbench Vineyard & Winery
Vasant Designs
Roadrunner Shuttle and Limousine Service
VC Buzz
Robert Hall Winery
Ventura County 4-H
Rene Roberts
Ventura County Fair
Roclord Studio
Ventura County Wine Trail
Ms. Reisa B. Ross
Ventura Harbor Comedy Club
Dr. Luis Ruano
Verona Trattoria
Ryan Caliendo Photography
Vihuela Winery
Sam Choy's Pineapple Express
San Vicente Cellars
Vinemark Cellars, LLC
Santa Barbara Design Studio
Vivoli Cafe & Trattoria
Santa Barbara Wine Corks
VOM FASS Westlake Village
Scott Cellars
Wades Wines
Sea Things
The Watermark On Main
The Secret Garden Restaurant
We Olive Ventura
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Selleck
Wells Fargo Bank
Sephora - The Oaks
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy H. Wennes
Ms. Allison Shapiro
Westlake Village Animal Hospital
Westlake Village Inn
Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
Ms. Carol Whitney
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Silvey
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Wilmeth
Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson
Wolf Creek Restaurant & Brewing Company
Skating Plus
Xylitol USA, Inc.
Skincare By Adriana
The Yacht Club at Channel Islands Harbor
So Cal Photo Lounge / The Wedding Music DJs
Mr. and Ms. Steven Yamamoto
So Good & Delicious
Yolanda's Mexican Cafe
Sogno Toscano Tuscan Dreams
Young's Market
Italian Olive Oil Boutique
Somis Nut House
South Coast Fellowship
Southern Wine & Spirits
Spanish Hills Country Club
Squashed Grapes
STANGER Vineyards
Star Nails
Mrs. Pegi Stenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stoddard
Stone Pine Estate / Sagebrush Annies
StoneFire Grill - Westlake Village
The Stonehaus
The Sugar Lab
Sugar Stores
Summerland Winery
Sunwest Studio
Surf Brewery
Sushi Fresh Ventura
Sweet Arleen's Cupcakes & Bread Pudding
T is for Toffee
Target - Moorpark
The Tavern
Ms. Darlene R. Tegt
The Tennis Shop
The Blues Jean Bar
The Hitching Post II Restaurant
The Kitchen
The Patio Restaurant at Players Club Casino
The Willows at Chumash Casino Resort
Thirty One Gifts
Ms. Holly N. Thompson
Mrs. Marni Thornsley
Heartlines is a project of the Casa Pacifica Development
Thousand Oaks Smile Design
Department. We strive for accuracy. If you feel an omission has
Tierra Sur
been made in a donor or sponsor listing please contact our
Tina O'Brien Gallery
department at (805) 445-7800 so we may correct our records.
Tolosa Winery
Total Wine & More
Toucan Wines
The Tower Club
Trader Joe's - Camarillo
Treasured Accessory
Triunfo Creek Vineyards
Trophies, Etc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Turnage
Tuscany Il Ristorante
Twenty 88 Food & Drink
Ultimate Superfoods
1722 S. Lewis Road, Camarillo, CA 93012
United States Navy
Phone (805) 445-7800 • FAX (805) 987-7237
Angels & Amigos News
Amigos News
ach month the Amigos plan and host at least one, usually two,
fun activities with Casa Pacifica’s residents. These activities are
not just enjoyable, but they also help the children learn some life
skills, practice teamwork, and develop mentoring relationships with
the Amigo volunteers. Pictured below are some of the great events
that have taken place in the past few months.
Barbara Ito • President
Susan Burgos
Patricia Cordover
Kristin Eaton
Eileen Gould
Melanie Higashi
Cindy Jaks
Kathy Jeffers-Volk
Parry Weet O'Brien
Jane Semones
Debbie Simpson
Marilyn Stoddard
Patty Turnage
Jennifer White
Shealen Wynner
Oksana Zussman
Dennis Murphy • President
Beach Day at Leo Carrillo State Park with a
super low tide - perfect for exploring all
kinds of sea life.
Short hike and lunch in the great outdoors, led by Amigo Deanne Rollins
and others, concludes the Beach Day.
Amigo basketball clinic &
scrimmage with the kids
Pinewood Derby – cutting out the cars
Vicki Murphy
Chief Advancement Officer
& Director of Alumni Services
Carrie L. Hughes
Director of Development
& Public Relations
Amber Landis-Stover
Development Manager
Sarah Hidalgo
Volunteer Coordinator
Robin Horne
New Media Content Manager
Kris Mavity
Data Base Coordinator
Michelle Maye
Development Associate
Kristin Palos
Events Specialist
Robin Steinberg
Grant Writer
Flag football clinic and game
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New and Retired Board Members
everal talented and greatly valued individuals retired from Casa Pacifica’s Board of
Directors in the past several months; three of them each serving for more than a
decade. Chuck Cohen and Stacy Roscoe were each members of the Board, on and off,
for over 15 years, and Joe Hadden for more than 12 years. Both Chuck and Stacy lead the
Board as the President for at least one term, and served in other officer capacities as well,
while all three participated on a variety of Board committees including Capital Campaign,
Executive Committee, Governance, and the PATAY committee that focuses on transitional
youth issues. The fourth member to term-out from the Board of Directors is Patricia
Howard who served a three-year term. We are very grateful to each of these generous
people for the tireless gift of time and expertise that each has given to Casa Pacifica and
we thank them for the responsibility they accepted to guide the agency, to look out for
its financial well-being, to foster the agency’s growth, and to ensure that its mission to
provide hope and help to vulnerable children and families continues to be fulfilled.
The Board is pleased to announce the addition of six new members to its ranks.
JENNA BURKEY (Photo unavailable)
Ms. Burkey comes to the Board from Santa Barbara County where she is Second VicePresident of the Wood-Claeyssens Foundation. In that position Ms. Burkey aids the
President in managing the foundation and its interests, including financial investments,
property ownership, and general operations. She also reviews grant applications, evaluates
client status, and maintains awareness of the community’s needs. Ms. Burkey graduated
from Pepperdine University with a degree in Business Administration-Nonprofit
Management. She also holds two masters degrees from Pepperdine University, one from
the Graduate School of Education and Psychology in Social Entrepreneurship and Change,
and the other in Business Administration – Leadership & Managing Organization Change.
Ms. Burkey is also a member of Pepperdine’s Seaver College Board of Visitors.
A chemical engineer for most of his working life, Mr.
Powell worked at National Starch and Chemicals for 30
years, where he served as the CEO and Chairman for the
last seven of them. Currently he works for Crinum
Enterprises, LLC, a personal representation company. Mr.
Powell has served on many corporate and non-profit
boards over the years, including his current position for
the past five years as the Non-Executive Chairman of
Granite Construction Company. In addition to his
placement on Casa Pacifica’s Board of Directors, Mr.
Powell is also a member of the Advisory Board for the
College of Arts and Sciences at Case Western Reserve
University. A resident of Westlake Village, Mr. Powell
enjoys golf, tennis and other sports. He loves to study on
the subjects of music, history, and neuroscience, and he describes himself as an advanced
amateur in cooking and wine collecting.
Peter Ratcliffe began a long and successful career in the
cruise industry with the British-based Peninsular and
Oriental Steam Navigation Company (P&O) - one of the
most recognized maritime companies in the world. Over
his distinguished career, Mr. Ratcliffe served as Chief
Executive with P&O, Princess Cruises, and Carnival
Corporation, as well as serving on the board of P&O. Mr.
Ratcliffe retired from his executive position at Carnival in
March 2008 and continued as a non-executive director of
Carnival Corporation & Plc. until April 2013. In early 2009
he was appointed a non-executive director of BBA Aviation
Plc. of London, where he is currently a member of the
Audit, Nominating, and Compensation committees, as
well as of Mead Johnson Nutrition Company of Chicago where he is Chairman of the
Nominating and Governance Committee and a member of the Audit Committee. Mr.
Ratcliffe resides in Ventura, California with his wife Alison. He is a dual UK/US citizen and
is a member of Saticoy and Spanish Hills golf clubs.
MARGIE COCHRANE (Photo unavailable)
Ms. Cochrane has been employed in the newspaper media industry for more than 20
years as a senior sales management executive. Currently the Regional Publisher and CRO
of the Ventura County Star, her career has included leadership positions with Los Angeles
News Group, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, The Arizona Republic, and The Rocky
Mountain News. She brings a background of strong strategic planning and the ability to
successfully analyze critical business requirements to the Board of Directors. In addition to
her appointment to Casa Pacifica’s Board of Directors, Ms. Cochrane also currently sits on
the Boards of the United Way of Ventura County, the Greater Conejo Chamber of
Commerce, KCLU, and the California Newspaper Publishers Association (CNPA).
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Brian Gilpatrick joined Union Bank through the
acquisition of First Western Bank in 2002 where he was
the Director of Operations. Since joining Union Bank,
his roles have included Division Operations Officer,
Branch Manager, Branch Banking Integration Lead, and is
currently a Senior Vice President and Regional Manager
for the Ventura Region. He has direct oversight to 17
offices located in Ventura and Los Angeles County.
Brian received his bachelor’s degree in Business
Administration from the University of Phoenix and
graduated from Pacific Coast Banking School from the
University of Washington in 2005. Mr. Gilpatrick has
over 27 years of banking experience. He lives in
Moorpark and is married with 11 year old twins.
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New and Retired Board Members - Continued
Board News
Keets Cassar • President
Rosalind C. Warner, M.D. • Vice President
Wayne A. Davey • Treasurer
John S. Broome, Jr. • Assistant Treasurer
Robert E. Wynner • Secretary
David E. Wood, Esq. •
Immediate Past President
Ms. Smith retired in 2011 from a long career in education in the Moorpark Unified School District. Starting off
as a resource teacher, by the time of her retirement she was the District Superintendent of the school district.
With a broad range of organizational and instructional leadership experience, Ms. Smith developed skills in
strategic planning, contract negotiations, recession-era budget development, and crisis management, as well
as long-range organizational change. Currently Ms. Smith is a Professional Development instructor with the
Ventura County Office of Education, a member of the Rotary Club of Camarillo, a board member of the
Camarillo Ranch Foundation, and the facilitator of the Camarillo Hospice Volunteer Strategic Plan. Her stated
objective for her community service endeavors is “To contribute my time and talents in support of organizations
dedicated to improving the lives of children and families in the community and that embody the values of
respect, compassion, and resiliency.”
Special Awards Presented
Casa Pacifica is pleased to announce that the Guardian Angel was
awarded to the Wood-Claeyssens Foundation which over the past
21 years has respected, valued, and supported the mission and work
of Casa Pacifica through donations which have totaled more than
$4.6 million dollars. The Foundation supported the original capital
campaign to build the campus. It has supported the annual fund
nearly every year Casa Pacifica has been open through generous
grant awards that have included an assortment of campus renovations
such as redecorating the cottages with new, colorful, stylish
furnishings that make them feel more home-like, and updating and
upgrading each of the cottage kitchens. The Foundation has funded
the purchase of new vehicles for the campus and community-based
programs as well as covering the costs to run and maintain them. And
the Wood-Claeyssens Foundation has been crucial in the success of
the CITY Program by providing essential and substantial funds to get
the program, which helps Casa Pacifica’s transitional and emancipated
youth prepare for living independently in the community, up and
running. We were honored to award the Guardian Angel Award to
The Wood-Claeyssens Foundation for its long-standing recognition of
what Casa Pacifica means to our community through its unsurpassed
and extraordinary support of Casa Pacifica’s programs and services.
In addition to $1 million they already gave to Casa Pacifica’s Building
New Foundations of Hope Capital Campaign in 2012, included in the
total above, the Wood-Claeyssens Foundation is continuing its
considerable and extraordinary support of Casa Pacifica through its
donation of an additional $4 million to the capital campaign this year.
Casa Pacifica Centers for Children and
Families is proud to announce the
Barbara & Larry Meister Employee
of the Year awards were given to:
Frisa Herrera and
Theresa Plante
Frisa Herrera
Health Clinic Manager
Theresa Plante
TBS Assistant Program Manager
Sean A. Baker
Kenneth W. Bauer
Marni Brook
Jenna M. Burkey
Margie Cochrane
Brick Conners
Geoff Dean
Rebeca Elliott
Donna Barranco Fisher
Alan Fletcher
Brian Gilpatrick
Richard H. Goodrich
Richard J. Hernandez
Doug Mazza
William H. Powell
Sheila Rakestraw
Peter Ratcliffe
Reza Razzaghipour
Richard R. Rush, Ph.D.
Daniel F. Selleck
Ellen F. Smith
Steven E. Elson, Ph.D.
Honorable Mention
Stephanie Anderson
SAFTY Administrative Assistant II
(Santa Barbara County)
Steve E. Elson and
Stephanie Anderson
The award is given in memory of Larry Meister who with his wife,
Barbara, were instrumental in making Casa Pacifica a reality, and to
recognize the high quality of character that Larry displayed daily in his
interactions with his family, business associates, and the community.
Each Employee of the Year recipient received a monetary award and
tickets the Wine & Food Festival. Congratulations to Frisa, Theresa,
and Stephanie on receiving this special award that recognizes
employees who exemplify Casa Pacifica’s values of respect, integrity,
compassion, and courage.
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Helen M. Caldwell
Bettina Chandler
Gary F. Farr
Richard H. Goodrich
Honorable Joe Hadden
Carolyn Huntsinger
William J. Kearney
Susan K. Lacey
Dorothy Jue Lee
Sheldon Malchicoff
Barbara S. Meister
Richard M. Norman, Esq.
Priscilla Partridge de Garcia, Ed.D.
G.S. “Gib” Poiry
Joseph L. Priske
Timothy P. Wolfe
Nonprofit Org.
US Postage
Oxnard, CA
Permit #1734
1722 S. Lewis Road, Camarillo, CA 93012
Phone (805) 445-7800 • FAX (805) 987-7237
Address Service Requested
New Archie Website Launched • www.archiethetherapydog.com
asa Pacifica is excited to announce the launch of the newly redesigned Archie the Casa Pacifica Therapy Dog website. Archie’s
new website features photos and information about Archie and Casa Pacifica’s youth and includes an online store featuring many
wonderful Archie related products – button-down and polo shirts, caps, mugs, t-shirts, etc. - that visitors to the site can purchase. Tess
and Baker, Archie’s nephew and niece and Casa Pacifica’s newest therapy dogs, are introduced on the site, and there is also a link on the
page that provides the opportunity to donate to the Archie Fund – a fund which supports extraordinary expenses that arise for youth in
Casa Pacifica’s care which are beyond the scope of the basic budget. These needs include situations such as travel funds for a parent
without means to visit a residential youth as part of his/her treatment plan, or a gym membership for an overweight diabetic youth who
needs to get more regular exercise, or the costs of high school senior extras such as drivers training classes, senior portraits, prom costs,
and class rings. The needs and situations are varied, significant, and to be able to fulfill the special needs makes a meaningful difference
in the children/youth’s lives. To visit Archie’s new website go to www.archiethetherapydog.com, and while you’re at it, check out and
‘Like’ Archie’s Facebook page as well which can be viewed at www.facebook.com/ArchieTheCasaPacificaTherapyDog.
Keep in Touch:
Casa Pacifica Angels 21st Annual Wine & Food Festival
Sunday, June 1st • 2014
California State University Channel Islands
Hosted by The Zarley & Van Huisen Families
Casa Pacifica Angels Spotlight on Style Fashion Show
Saturday, September 27th, 2014
10:00 am
Four Seasons Hotel Westlake Village