Agenda Item - Santa Maria Public Airport
Agenda Item - Santa Maria Public Airport
T ELEPHONE 805/9 22- 1726 FAX 805/922-0677 We bsite; www.fly2s m x. co m SANTA MARIA PUBLIC A IRPORT DISTRICT SANTA MARIA PUBLIC AIRPORT DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS Thursday December 8,2011 Administration Bldg. Airport Boardroom 7:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING AGENDA This agenda is prepared and posted pursuant to the requirements of the California Government Code Section 54954.2. By listing a topic on this agenda, the Santa Maria Public Airport District has expressed its intent to discuss and act on each item. The Santa Maria Public Airport District welcomes orderly participation at its meetings from all members of the public. This includes assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act to provide an equally effective opportunity for individuals with a disability to participate in and benefit from District activities. To request assistance with disability accommodation, please call (805) 922-1726. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting would enable the Santa Maria Public Airport District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: Damiano, Engel, Rafferty, Lahr, and Adams. 1. ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS - ELECTION OF OFFICERS PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 1, SECTION 5 OF THE OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATIVE CODE OF THE DISTRICT. 2. APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO COMMITTEES AND ASSIGNMENT TO LIAISON POSITIONS. 3. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 10, 2011. 4. GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT. 5. MANAGER OF FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION REPORT. a) b) 6. Demand Register Delinquent Tenant List DISTRICT COUNSEL'S REPORT. (Ray Biering and Joshua George) 3217 TERMINAL DRIVE· SANTA MARIA, CALIFORNIA 93455 Santa Maria Public Airport Dist. Page 2 Dec. 8,2011 7. PUBLIC SESSION: Statements from the floor will be heard during public session. Request to Speak forms are provided for those wishing to address the board. After completing the form, please give it to the Clerk. Requests requiring board action will be referred to staff and brought on the next appropriate agenda. Members of the public are cordially invited to speak on agenda items as they occur. Staff reports covering agenda items are available for review in the offices of the General Manager on the Tuesday prior to each meeting. The Board will establish time limit for receipt of testimony. The board reserves the right to establish time limits for receipt of testimony. 8. UPDATE PRESENTATION BY BRETT DOLAN, CONSTRUCTION MANAGER FOR TARTAGLIA ENGINEERING FOR AIP-31 THE RUNWAY EXTENSION PROJECT PHASE II. 9. UPDATE ON U.S. FOREST SERVICE TANKER BASE BY JIM KUNKLE , CENTRAL COAST JET CENTER, LLC. 10. AUTHORIZATION FOR THE GENERAL MANAGER, MANAGER OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION, DISTRICT COUNSEL, AND UP TO ONE STAFF MEMBERS TO ATTEND THE 2012 S.W.A.A.A.E WINTER CONFERENCE IN MONTEREY, CA FROM JANUARY 27 - FEBRUARY 1, 2012. 11. DISCUSSION AND DIRECTION TO STAFF REGARDING PROPOSED SITE FOR THE SANTA MARIA JOINT UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT'S FARM PROGRAM CAMPUS. 12. AUTHORIZATION FOR THE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE A NEW EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT BETWEEN THE SANTA MARIA AIRPORT BOARD AND THE GENERAL MANAGER. 13. CLOSED SESSION. The Board will hold a Closed Session to discuss the following item: a.) Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956. conference with legal counsel- deciding to initiate litigation: two case(s). Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956.9 b.) conference with legal counsel -pending litigation: four cases- Santa Maria Public Airport District v. Nickson's Machine Shop, Roger Herrmann, ArtCraft, and Vecinos Unidos et al. v. SMPAD. 14. DIRECTORS' COMMENTS. 15. ADJOURNMENT. Agenda Item z.. I Z-2- // 2012 SMPAD BOARD OF DIRECTORS COMMITTEE AND LIAISON APPOINTMENTS AVIATION SUPPORT & PLANNING (Standing or Ad Hoc) ADMINISTRATION & FINANCIAL (Standing or Ad Hoc) MARKETING & PROMOTIONS (Standing or Ad Hoc) CITY & COUNTY LIAISON STATE & FEDERAL LIAISON VANDENBERG LIAISON GOLF COURSE COMMITTEE (Ad Hoc) SANTA MARIA PUBLIC AIRPORT DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2010 COMMITTEE AND LIAISON APPOINTMENTS AVIATION SUPPORT & PLANNING Chuck Damiano & Chuck Adams ADMINISTRATION & FINANCIAL Hugh Rafferty & Carl Engel MARKETING & PROMOTIONS Chuck Adams & Carl Engel CITY & COUNTY LIAISON Carl Engel & Hugh Rafferty STATE & FEDERAL LIAISON Ted Eckert & Hugh Rafferty VANDENBERG LIAISON Ted Eckert & Chuck Damiano MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA MARIA PUBLIC AIRPORT DISTRICT HELD NOVEMBER 10, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 The Board of Directors of the Santa Maria Public Airport District held a Regular Meeting at the regular place at 7:00 p.m. Present were Directors Rafferty, Lahr, Damiano, Adams, General Manager Hastert, Manager of Finance and Administration Reade, District Counsel Biering, Maintenance Supervisor Petty, and Secretary Fields. Director Engel, Associate District Counsel George, Secretary Freitas were absent. 1. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD OCTOBER 27, 2011. President Rafferty introduced Agenda Item 1: the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held October 27, 2011 and called for any corrections or a Motion to approve. District Counsel Biering requested for the Minutes for the Regular Meeting held October 27 'h on Page 2 under District Counsel's report to reflect that he, "District Counsel Biering updated the Board on a recent case handled by Associate District Counsel Josh George", instead of the current wording, "District Counsel Biering updated the Board on why Associate District Counsel George is and has been absent." President Rafferty asked the Clerk to make the change as requested by Distric! Counsel Biering to the Minutes. Director Lahr made a Motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes held October 27, 2011 with the correction to the Minutes. Director Adams Seconded and it was carried 4-0-1. Director Engel was absent. 2. GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT. General Manager Hastert updated the Board on several items including the Porsche Event, and the Runway Extension Phase "Project. He reported a monthly lease with Santa Maria Karting and diagram for the 38 area has been sent to the FAA. for approval. If FAA. grants approval, a lease will be 39 brought to the Board for approval. He announced upcoming scheduled meetings. 40 41 3. MANAGER OF FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION REPORT. 42 43 44 The Manager of Finance and Administration presented the Demand Register to the Board to review and approve. 45 46 47 a) Demand Register. The Demand Register, covering warrants 056639 through 056696 in the amount of $84,151.91 was recommended for approval as 48 49 50 presented. -1- President Rafferty questioned a series of sequential missing check numbers not 1 2 3 4 5 6 listed. The General Manager clarified the missing check numbers to President Rafferty's satisfaction. 7 Director Damiano had a question on a demand register payment for plumbing. 8 General Manager Hastert explained the purpose for the expenditure. 9 10 President Rafferty closed discussion and called for the question. 11 Director Damiano made a Motion to accept the Demand Register as presented 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 authorizing the Secretary to execute same. Director Lahr Seconded and the Motion was carried by a 4-0-1 vote. Director Engel was absent. 4. DISTRICT COUNSEL'S REPORT. District Counsel Biering had nothing to report. 5. PUBLIC SESSION: Statements from the floor will be heard during public session. Request to Speak forms are provided for those wishing to address the board. After completing the form, please give it to the Clerk. Requests requiring board action will be referred to staff and brought on the next appropriate agenda. Members of the public are cordially invited to speak on agenda items as they occur. Staff reports covering agenda items are available for review in the offices of the General Manager on the Tuesday prior to each meeting. The Board has established a five-minute time limit for receipt of testimony. The Board reserves the right to establish further time limits for receipt of testimony. 28 29 30 President Rafferty announced he had two (2) Requests to Speak forms. One of 31 the speakers will speak on an Agenda Item at that time. 32 Herrmann. 33 He called on Mr. Roger 34 Mr. Herrmann stated the Board has had him removed from several hangars, and 35 36 he was not going to discuss that issue. However, prior to that issue he had been on the 37 38 "Hangar Waiting List" for six to eight months. He found that he was no longer on the 39 40 41 42 43 44 wait list about three months ago and he was not given any reason for his removal. He understands from the General Manager that he is back on the "Hangar Wait List" and asked that he not be removed from the list. He did not feel his removal was warranted. He has talked to several people about how issues similar to his have been resolved and found that many, if not most, found a way to resolve differences and continue to work 45 46 47 48 49 50 together. He added he is willing to stipulate to hangar inspections every month or leaving the hangar doors open, whatever it takes. situation. He thanked the Board. -2 - He believes he has rectified the 1 2 3 6. The Consent Calendar is approved by ROLL CALL VOTE on one Motion. These items are read only on request of Board members. The following items are presented for Board approval without discussion as a single agenda item in order to expedite the meeting. SHOULD ANYONE WISH TO DISCUSS OR DISAPPROVE ANY ITEM, it must be dropped from the blanket Motion of approval and be considered as a separate item. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 It is the recommendation of staff that the Board receives, and file and/or approve the following leases and agreements or other routine items and authorize the President and Secretary to execute them: 13 (a) SIXTH AMENDMENT OF LEASE BETWEEN THE DISTRICT AND PEPPER GARCIA'S. (b) SECOND AMENDMENT OF SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DISTRICT AND NEWPORT PACIFIC CAPITAL FOR MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR THE AIRPORT MOBILE HOME PARK. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Director Damiano made a Motion to approve Consent Calendar Items 6(a) and 6(b) as presented. Director Adams Seconded and the Motion was approved by a roll call vote of 4-0-1 . Director Engel was absent. 7. 27 28 29 Mr. Kaymark had earlier sent the Board a draft copy of the financial reports he was going to present. He highlighted the financial fiscal audit ending June 30, 2011 . 30 Mr. Kaymark and Directors briefly discussed the overall audit. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 PRESENTATION OF 2010/2011 FINANCIALS BY PAUL KAYMARK, AUDITOR FROM FEDAK COMPANY. Mr. Kaymark thanked the Board and wished everyone happy holidays. President Rafferty thanked Mr. Kaymark. 8. AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD THE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICE AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZE THE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACT. President Rafferty introduced Agenda Item 8 and announced that prior to discussing the item he had a "Request to Speak" from Mr. Miranda. Mr. Pete Miranda introduced his partner and brother, Jack Miranda. He stated they are the current landscape contractors for the airport. He wanted to share some of the positive things his landscaping company has brought to the airport. He reviewed 47 those items. 48 landscape service at the same price. He thanked the Board for the opportunity to work 49 50 He understands competition and feels they can continue to provide the at the airport. -3- General Manager Hastert stated a RFP had been advertised for a three (3) year 1 2 3 4 5 6 contract for the landscaping contract and the District received eight (8) responses. He reviewed the three (3) lowest bidders and did an evaluation of those three companies. He said Allweather came in the lowest, followed by J. D. Human and Miranda 7 Landscaping. Staff focused on the airport's experience working with two of the three 8 9 companies. In discussing the choice with Tom Petty, the obvious choice was to maintain 10 the landscaping service by Miranda. Staff did not have the same responsive experience 11 with Allweather, however, the cost is difficult to overlook for the District. He explained 12 13 the landscape services requested was increased overall. 14 Allweather be awarded the landscaping contract based on cost, however, did not feel 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 that company would do a good job based on past experience. Staff recommended He would like the Board to consider awarding the contract to Miranda Landscaping. Discussion was held between Directors and staff. Director Lahr made a Motion to award the Landscape Maintenance Service 22 23 24 Agreement to Miranda's Landscape and authorize the President and Secretary to 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 4-0-1. Director Engel was absent. execute the contract. Director Adams Seconded and the Motion was carried by a vote of RECESS: At 7:37 p.m. Return to OPEN SESSION: At 7:53 p.m. the Board, with the exception of Director Engel and Associate District Counsel George, and staff reconvened to Open Session. CLOSED SESSION: At 7:53 p.m. the Board went into Closed Session. 32 33 34 9. 35 item(s): CLOSED SESSION. The Board held Closed Session to discuss the following 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 a.) Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956. conference with legal counsel - deciding to initiate litigation: two case(s). b.) Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956.9 conference with legal counsel -pending litigation: five cases- Santa Maria Public Airport District v. California Production Systems, LLC, Nickson's Machine Shop, Roger Herrmann, Art-Craft, and Vecinos Unidos et al. v. SMPAD. 44 45 46 47 48 c.) Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956.8 with Real Property Negotiators (Chris Hastert and District Counsels) between the District and Kevin Renfro regarding the Self-Fuel Operation on the Santa Maria Airport, Santa Maria, CA. 49 50 d.) Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54957 Public Employee Performance Evaluation: General Manager -4 - 1 2 3 At 8:34 p.m., the Board and staff reconvened to Open Public Session with was no reportable action taken. 4 5 10. DIRECTORS' COMMENTS. 6 Director Adams felt it was a good audit. 7 8 Director Damiano agreed it was a good audit and he was glad to be back. 9 10 Director Lahr had no comments 11 President Rafferty said he was glad to be back and felt it was a good meeting. 12 13 He said it was a pleasure working with Director Lahr. He was happy with the audit and 14 15 hoped the General Manager was pleased with his evaluation. He wanted to discuss the 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 next meeting date. General Manager Hastert stated that at this time there are not items on the draft Agenda time sensitive to warrant a second meeting. He recommended cancelling the second scheduled meeting for November 2011. President Rafferty entertained a Motion to adjourn to the next scheduled meeting on December 8, 2011. 11. ADJOURNMENT. Director Lahr made a Motion to adjourn to a Regular Meeting to be held on December 8, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the regular meeting place. Director 28 Adams Seconded and the Motion was carried by a vote of 4-0-1. Director Engel was 29 30 31 32 absent. 33 34 35 ORDER OF ADJOURNMENT This Adjournment Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Santa Maria Public Airport District is hereby adjourned at 8:37 p.m. on November 10, 2011. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 HUGH RAFFERTY, President CHUCK DAMIANO , Secretary -5- 2011-2012 Agenda Item, ~ 12-8-// DEMAND REGISTER SANTA MARIA PUBLIC AIRPORT DISTRICT Full consideration has been received by the Santa Maria Public Airport District for each demand, numbers 056697 to 056764 on Mission Community Bank ill the total an10unt of $468,640.34. CHRlS HASTERT GENERAL MANAGER The undersigned certifies that the attached register of audited demands of the Santa Maria Public Airport District for each demand, numbers 056697 to 056764 on Mission Community Bank in the total amount of $468,640.34 has been approved as being in conformity with the budget approved by the Santa Maria Pllblic Airport District and funds are available for their payment. v ~:~~J?~ VERONEKA READE f/ MANAGER OF FINANACE AND ADMINlSTRATION k/5lol/rn TIlE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA MARlA PUBLIC AIRPORT DISTRICT APPROVED PAYMENT OF TIlE ATTACHED WARRANTS AT THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 8, 2011. CHUCK DAMIANO SECRETARY Santa Maria Public Airport District Demand Register Check Number Check Date 056697++ 056698++ 056699+' 056700+' 056701'* 056702++ 056703++ 056704'+ 056705++ 056706++ 056707+' 056708" 056709+' 056710" 056711" 056712++ 056713'* 056714++ 056715" 056716" 056717·· 056718++ 056719" 056720" 056721" 056722" 056723" 056724" 056725" 056726" 056727++ 056728" 056729" 056730" 056731" 056732'+ 056733" 056734" 056735" 056736" 056737++ 056738" 056739+' 11/10/2011 11/10/2011 11/10/2011 11/10/2011 11/10/2011 11/10/2011 11/10/2011 11/10/2011 11/10/2011 11/10/2011 11/10/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 11/17/2011 Vendor Name Amount Aflac Duplicated Business Systems Employment Development Dept Fence factory Granite Construction Hartford Pacific Telemanagement Services PERS - Retirement Pacific Gas & Electric Company Santa Maria Times State Water Resources Control Board Adamski Moraski Madden & Green, LLP Affordable Lock & Safe Aflac Armstrong's lock and Key Blueglobes, Inc. Central City Tool Supply, Inc. ConsolIdated Electrical Distributor Brian Chersky City of Santa Maria Coast Clutch Greg Collins Fence Factory Home Depot InWest Insurance Services laguna County Sanitation District letters, Inc. limotta Internet Technologies Mission Uniform Service Orchard Supply Hardware Pat's Automotive Platinum Plus for Business Safety-Kleen Service Master CBM Stanley Convergent Sec. Sol., Inc. Verizon Visa VTC Enterprises Zee Medical Service Company Chuck Adams Charles Damiano Don lahr Hugh Rafferty Page 1 of 2 $50.00 $125.00 $3,150.00 $240.52 $322,946.33 $621.69 $227 .9 2 $5,310.31 $1,028.43 $149.75 $184.50 $6,911.03 $845.31 $558.46 $20,423.32 $249.70 $25.94 $21.71 $180.00 $278.25 $20.67 $700.00 $724.08 $30.08 $25,000.00 $1,136.21 $20.00 $1,798.70 $315.69 $196.63 $1,294.74 $37.95 $205.93 $9,950.80 $329.85 $795.38 $1,445.46 $44 .00 $58.56 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 Description Flexible Spending Acct. Office Supplies Unemployment Claims FencIng & Gates AlP 31 Deferred Income Pay Phone Service Retirement Electricity AdvertiSing - Legal Water Rights Permit legal Service Bulldg. Malnt. - Hangar Area Voluntary Ins. - Employee Upgrade Locks - Admin./Hangar Area Lighting & Nav Aid Malnt. Small Tools lightIng Maintenance Hangar Deposit Refund Construction Meter Heavy Equip. Malnt. - Mechanical Dependent Care Reimbursement Fencing & Gates Building Maintenance 5MPAD liability Insurance Recycled Water Car Maintenance Monthly Computer Support Uniform Service Hardware & Supplies Auto Malnt. - Mechanical Internet Service Solvent Janitorial Services Fire Alarm Service Telephone Expense Business Travel/Security Maint. Trash - Paper Recycling First Aid Directors Fees Directors Fees Directors Fees Directors Fees Santa Maria Public Airport District Demand Register Check Number Check Date Vendor Name Amount 056740" 11/17/2011 Brayton's Power Wash & Sweep 056741'" 11/17/2011 De Lage Landen 056742 11/30/2011 Advantage Answering Plus 056743** 11/30/2011 Aflac 056744** 11/30/2011 AT&T 056745 11/30/2011 Sandra Patricia Bartsch 056746** 11/30/2011 Beneficial Administration 056747 11/30/2011 Bomar Security & Investigation 056748" 11/30/2011 Calif Special DIstricts Association 056749" 11/30/2011 City of Santa Marla 056750" 11/30/2011 City of Santa Maria-Uti!. Division 056751 11/30/2011 Federal Express 056752** 11/30/2011 Hartford 056753 11/30/2011 J B Dewar, Inc 056754 11/30/2011 Local Caples, Etc. 056755 11/30/2011 Miranda's Landscaping, Inc. 056756 11/30/2011 Next Day Signs 056757** 11/30/2011 Nextel Communications 056758 11/30/2011 Office Depot 056759" 11/30/2011 PERS - Medical 056760** 11/30/2011 PERS - Retirement 056761" 11/30/2011 Principal Financial Group 056762 11/30/2011 Stimulus Marketing, Inc. 056763 11/30/2011 Midi, Inc. DBA Valley Glass & Mirror Co. 056764" 11/30/2011 Verizon "Approved by One Board Member Total Checks Written Page 2 of 2 Description $250.00 Street Sweeping $312.23 lease/Maint. - Copier $214.95 Answering Service $50.00 Flexible Spending Acct. $224.93 long Distance Phone Service $100.00 Access Badge Refund - Porsche $187.13 Vision ServIce Plan $2,111.72 Security Service $4,257.00 Annual Membership Dues $17,049.36 Security Service $4,651.40 Water Bills $12.42 Freight & Common Carrier $621.69 Deferred Income $549.59 Fuel Expense - GaS/Diesel $57.58 Printing & Stationary $6,429.45 landscaping Service $16.16 Signs $547.15 Cellular Service $1,241.15 Office Supplies $9,219.43 Medical Benefits $5,340.19 Retirement $2,361.15 Dental, Ufe & Disability $3,941.00 Airport Advertising $491.33 Buildg Malnt. - Terminal $370.43 Telephone Expense $468,640.34 SANTA MARIA PUBLIC AIRPORT DISTRICT STATEMENT OF BANK ACCOUNT ACTIVITIES October 2011 BEGINNING CASH (9130/11) $45,563.83 $5,343,933.83 DEPOSITS AlP PAYMENTS/SECURITY REIMBURSEMENT NSF CHECKS CANCELLED CHECKS TAX PAYMENTS TRANSFERS ADJUSTMENTS CHECKS PRIOR PERIOD DEMAND REGISTERS BANK CHARGES WIRE TRANSFER - PURCHASE MOBILE HOME PAYROLL 202,155.31 9,545.25 5,089.75 ENDING BALANCE Note: LAIF was earning 0,38% as of 9/30/11 95,764.49 0.00 (279,960.85) (52,838.71 ) $20,229.32 $5,349,023.58 $5,389,497.66 $207,245.06 $9,545.25 $0.00 $0.00 $95,764.49 $0.00 $0.00 ($279,960.85) $0.00 $0.00 ($52,838.71 ) $5,369 ,252.90 PAYROLL REPORT Payroll Date Total Wages & Taxes 8-Jul 22-Jul 23,657.40 25,922.31 5-Aug 19-Aug 23 ,976.78 25,974 .79 49,951 .57 2-Sep 19-5ep 30-Sep 23,984.24 23,984.24 26,156.48 74,124.96 14-0ct 28-0ct 25,511.93 27,326.78 52 ,838.71 Page 1 of 1 49,579.71 AGENDA ITEM DELINQUENT TENANT LIST 5b as of November 2011 12/8/2011 # OF DAYS TOTALNR PAST DUE 32,898.50 118 5,855.42 95 207.90 38 301.40 69 My Conciarrge Nickson's Machine $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Wyatt, James-Wyatt Aircraft·· $ 10,230.31 $ 58,684.63 Art Craft Art Craft - Utilities Batterson, S California Production Jones,J GRAND TOTAL •• A Payment Plan has been initiated . CU5TPA5T 2011 2012 .XL5 433.40 2,362.50 6,395.20 ~ SANTA MARIA AIRPORT DISTRI MEMORANDUM DATE: December 8, 2011 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Veroneka Reade, Manager of Finance and Administration SUBJECT: Agenda Item 10. AUTHORIZATION FOR THE GENERAL MANAGER, MANAGER OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION, DISTRICT COUNSEL, AND UP TO ONE STAFF MEMBERS TO ATTEND THE 2012 S.W.A.A.A.E WINTER CONFERENCE IN MONTEREY, CA FROM JANUARY 27 - FEBRUARY 1, 2012. Registration fee : $1,575.00 Hotel $2,636.00 Meals projected costs: $ 910.00 Travel Reimbursement of Mileage $ 355.00 Total conference projected costs approximately: $5,476.00 The current balance of the "Business Travel" account is $9,849.00. The budgeted amount is $35,600.00. The balance remaining in the budget after this conference will be $20,275.00. Page 1 of2 Southwest Chapter of American Association of Airport Executives 2012 Annual Airport Management Short Course January 28,2012 through February 1,2012 Welcome to the Registration Site for The 52nd Annual Airport Management Short Course Monterey Plaza Hotel 400 CannofY Row "Preparing for the Next Generation" Monteroy. CA 93940 ~r:!'nt MONTEREY - CAUrORNIA January 28, 2012 - February1, 2012 Welcome to the S2,d Annual SWAAAE Winter Conference, the Airport Management Short Course In beautiful Monterey, California. We are pleased to continue the tradition of offering an Informative and educational program at this year's conference. The theme is 'Preparlng for the Next Generation. "The program will be very beneficial to the attending aviation professionals. It Is our sincere hope that this year's conference will be Interesting, informative and rewarding for you. We believe you will leave this conference with new friends and associates and armed with new tools and information to deal with the next generation - as It applies to your role in our ever-changing aviation industry. To start your registration please click her. For a listing of conference fees or you wish to purchased additional banquet tickets or register for the golf event, please refer to the links below. Exhibitors and Sponsors, please click here NOTE: Cancellation Policy: Participants ore eligible for a full refund if the registration Is canceled more than 21 days In advance of the start date of the event. Cancellations made 21 days or tess than the start date of the event ore eligible for a refund less 30% of all fees paid, not to exceed $150 administrative processing fee. Cancellation notification should be sent to Refunds will be processed no more than 30 days follOWing 0 request. Register for Conference Please click on the link to start registration . Event PriCing and Hotel Information Please click on the link to review pricing for the conference Additional Banquet and Golf Event tickets form For those who wish the purchase additional banquet and or golf event tickets, please click on the link. http://www .swaaae. org!disp layconventi on. cfm ?co nventi onnbF 10041 11129/201 I Southwest Chapter of American Association of Airport Executives Page 1 of2 The 52nd Annual Airport Management Short Course "Preparing for the Next Generatiod' MONTEREY p CAUFOPJIIIA January 28, 2012· February1, 2012 Conference Fees: I Defore December 16,2011 Full Itl'~istr.ltl!ln Mcmb~r (Indudln!: ban lI~tJ Full nl'l~15trn\lon Non-Member Clncll1dln b~n (let) Ont'Dn . Regi5trnllon MemiJer ("an !leI not included') Onr Day Registration Non-M embe r (ban urlnol included') ualllied Student RI' istr.'ltlon (bnn uti 11D1lncludroO) udent Grou ~Iu!cutiw ISIr.lllon funo not indudt'd") tltt $495.00 $495.00\ 5595.00 S IIlS·OO S195·00 5295.00 S::!95.00 S Bo.olI S 8u.oo S:t~.oo S. 0.00 SI98.oo i!mcriHLS After December 16. 2011 5:195·00' 5 198.00 Role orthc Ai rt Allornc Wo rklho AlUlllnle'W Worksho • Ml'mWf $195.00 5100.00 SIOO.OO AnnllnlcnitwWorksho - NOli Ml'mbl'r $115.00 $ 11 .00 " 00 • Additional banquet tickets can be purchased for $90,00 each Hotel Information: Hotel Reservations The alnferc.nce will be held ot thc clt.gant Mcnkrcy Plaza Hotel &; Spa. All ottendeu will rc~~ a 5~dol rooln rote of $171.00 sirgie. or double O[l:Upan~ (inland vie",' ask about L.1I9rodc$ if dulral), plus appllroble tDXe.1. Triple (I'I d <;'Wd n:senoation( arc: IlWIliable for on odditional $ZO,OO per person (under ID )'M pld free). Be: sure to IlIaltion y"" ore ottendi119 the 5WAAAE Airport MolIogemenl Confer~me, Hold !'Cscr'tQlicns of1cr tht wlcff dQIC of Jaruary 5, lOll !'All be subject to allOilobility OIId mo:y 111.11 be at the tonfcrcnace rote . GueS I lNIy choose to have a .$Z500 !'Curt fee added to 'heir 1"00.'1\ occounl dally 10 pnlvlde l" hour wle' porki"'9 .... i'h In and cu, p'·ivilt.ges. high sr.ced ..irc:less 'ntUTItl OC C(SS in g'.JeSlrooIM , full Ide of the spo', f ltNlu eviler and whirlpool t ubs, unllmit(d 10m! allts, u.d 0 l\C~pcpe,. ddl"-':I'ed 10 Ihdr room deily, NOTE: Attc!ldcc.s win be: c.lkc.d at ched!·ln If Iht.y prefer the a 10 carie 'CI"'IleeJ" pl·ldlIq or lilt. discOlJMled retert f ee package pMce. Valet p..rki"'9 is availc.ble. at the hOlel fur $ZO.OO FCr day. pgrk~ at 1\e4I'~ public lots Is $b.OO - $IZ.OO per day. A lnap wilh diree1,el\S is CMliloble on the hotel's lVeblile. Fer\'Ctlons, (0.111·(100.33+3999 or click an .carn The corts of opera tin$! thl: canfutnce are portly ofhe1 by recm rell1015 at the host hotel. For thgt r=cqson gnly thou .... ho ON stgy!!l!l at the Montsm Plaza Hotsl are eligible fpc th, Early~Bird rote.~. To ensure you are eh~li"d (;lllTeelly, Ineh.tdc yC\il' hoTel re.u~Notion confirmaTion numbo- In the bolt belew. Conferenu. !'e9fnratlaDf ... !t~ou1 herel confirmation numbllN will br. chorped the nI!l'l lar o;onferc:~ rafr.!l, Golf Event Information: 9th Annual Past President's Golf Tournament Wednesday, Feburary I, 2012 12:00 noon Join us for the onnuol Past Presidents Golf Tournament. This yeor we will be playing On the Pacific Grove Golf Links Course, The $110.00 fee includes green fees, car •• and box lunch. http://www.swaaae.orgidisplaycommon,cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=3 7&convnbr= 10041 11i29i2011 l>.- '0 ~' E:/ DA Y S PEe I A L T yeo N FER ENe E r~' 15 J~OLE OF THE ATTORNEY AS PART OF THE A I. ,Q. P- 'O-R T - MA NAG E MEN T TEA M forAirports and their Legal Counsel Held in Conjunction with the 52th-Annual, Monterey Airport Management Short Course ~ ml~WESr CKiPlER oIlhl AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Of AIRPORT mCUIIYfS SAVE the DATE (and tell your legal counsel) Saturday, January 28, 201 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monterey Plaza Hotel on Cannery Row This year's focus is on: • Redding Airport's Solar Project » Legal Issues Associated with an RSA project »How do We Know What We Are Oolng Wrong? Compliance Complexities »The Interview Process and Getting the Outside Counsel You Need » Environmental Issues - Mandates for CA Clean Water Program » Update From the FAA For more Information: CommuniR...uesL One-day Conference Fee, including Lunch starts at $195 for SWAAAE members MCLE Credit Available-paid on site only Register at GMfo~~~· l;Jlerhard 805;5-71;,091:3 0£ Monterey Plaza Hotel & Spa 400 Cannery Row Monterey, CA 93940 2 STATE Of CALIFORNJA:BUSINFSS lRANSPORTATION AND HOUSlliG AGENCY EDMUND G. BROWN 1R Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF AERONAUTICS - M.S. #40 1120 N STREET P. O. BOX 942873 SACRAMENTO, CA 94273-0001 PHONE (916) 654-4959 FAX (916) 653-9531 TTY 711 Agendr~ F1ex youI' power! Be energy efficient! Item WWW.dOLca. gov II November 18, 2011 Mr. Chris Hastert Airport Manager Santa Maria Public Airport 3217 Terminal Drive Santa Maria, CA 93455-1836 Dear Mr. Hastert: A proposed school site has been designated within two miles of the Santa Maria Public Airport. Under Section 17215 of the Education Code, the California Department of Transportation, Division of Aeronautics (Division), must give notice to the owner and operator of any airportlheliport within two miles, the opportunity to comment on the proposed school site. Enclosed are maps depicting the location of the proposed site for the Santa Maria Joint Union High School District's Farm Program campus at 2560 Skyway Drive, in Santa Mari8.- Please ensure that your comments are received by the Division by December 9, 2011, to meet our mandated response date. If no reply is received by this date, it will be assumed that no comment or objection is forthcoming. DANIEL GAR Aviation Safety Officer Enclosures "Callram Improves mobility across California ,. STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IVIEMORANDUM TO: Dan Gargas, Aviation Consultant Date: November 14,2011 Division of Aeronautics - MS No. 40 Department of Transportation P.O. Box 942874 Sacramento, CA 94274-0001 FROM: George M. Sl1aw, Field Represe School Facilities Services Divi Tr7 I• . , 1J.. 5380 Overpass Road, #9 Santa Barbara, CA 93111 Santa Maria J . t Union Hi h School District Santa The Santa Maria Joint Union High School District is planning a new high school farm program campus on about 1.5 acres, 4000' northeast of one runway at Santa Maria Airport. Please review this proposed school site pursuant to Education Code 17215. Enclosed are the requisite maps for your review. If you have any questions, please call me at 805-692-9913. As always, thanks for your help. . . . '. I 1": 2000 ft. I Santa Maria Joint Union High School District Support Services Center (SSe) / District Farm 2560 Skyway Drive Santa Maria, CA 93455 Aerial View of District Farm Scale: 1" : 2000 ft. C:\Documents and Settlngs\GShaw\Local Settlngs\Temporary Internet F1les\Content.l E5\F6FOX768\Aerla I_View_2000ft_A[lJ. DOC I 1" : sao ft. Santa Maria Joint Union High School District Support Services Center (SSe) / District Fann 2560 Skyway Drive Santa Maria, CA 93455 Aerial View of District Farm Scale: 1" : 500 ft. C:\Oocuments and Settings\GShaw\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.lE5\W6A02G4V\Aerlal_View_SOOft_A[1].OOC EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT Agendal Item /1- This Employment Agreement (the "Ag reement"), is entered into as of October 13, 2011 (the "Commencement Date"), by the Santa Maria Public Airport District (the "District") and Chris Hastert (the "General Manager"). 1. Term of Employment. District hereby employs General Manager to serve at the pleasure of District's Board of Directors to perform the duties and functions of full time general manager of the Santa Maria Public Airport District, upon the terms and conditions set forth below. The term of employment of General Manager by the District shall commence on the Commencement Date and shall continue thereafter on the same terms and conditions for a period of five years unless earlier terminated pursuant to Section 7 (such term being hereinafter referred to as the "Employment Period"). The "Employment Year" shall be a one year period starting October 13, 2011 through October 12, 2012, and continuing annually thereafter. The Board of Directors of the District (the "Board"), in its sole discretion , will determine whether to extend the term of employment. In the event the Board decides to not ex1end the term for at least one year, the Board will notify General Manager at least one year prior to the expiration of the Employment Period, as it may be extended, or pay General Manager twelve months of severance pay, except for termination for Cause under Section 7.4. 2. Acceptance of Employment/Duties. General Manager accepts said employment and agrees to carry out the duties of general manager faithfully and in accordance with the laws of the State of California, the Official Administrative Code of the District, the policies and directions of District's Board , and the regulations, grant assurances and orders of the Federal Aviation Administration, and other applicable laws, as may now exist and as they may be amended from time to time. The General Manager shall report to the Board of Directors of the District (the "Board"), with duties and responsibilities reflected on the job description attached as Exhibit A to this Agreement. In addition, General Manager shall be responsible for the selection , hiring, training, assignment, evaluation, discipline, direction, organization , reorganization, and arrangement of administrative, maintenance, operations, supervisorial and management staff; provided, the decision to fill any vacant position, or create any new position, is subject to prior approval of the Board. General Manager shall perform such other duties which may from time to time be aSSigned to him by the Board. General Manager shall devote all time necessary to perform the duties described herein. In addition, at the beginning of each employment year, the District and General Manager shall mutually agree upon management goals for the following employment year. General Manager shall perform these duties and responsibilities, and any additional duties and responsibilities as the Board shall assign. General Manager shall serve the District faithfully and to the best of his ability in such capacities, devoting his full business time, attention, knowledge, 12 - <;1 - 11 energy and skills to such employment. General Manager shall travel as reasonably required in connection with the performance of his duties hereunder. 3. Compensation. The District shall pay, and General Manager shall accept, as full consideration for his services hereunder compensation consisting of the following: 3.1 Base Salary. $122,122 per year base salary. At the end of each employment year, the Board and General Manager shall conduct a performance review. Based on the performance review, provided perfonmance is determined solely by the Board to be satisfactory, the Board shall determine the amount of an annual merit increase if any that shall be added to the Base Salary. 3.2 Cost of Living adjustment. The General Manager shall be listed on the annual Resolution approving salaries and salary increases only as it pertains to cost of living adjustments based upon the consumer price index (CPI) . Any such adjustment will be effective July 1sl of that year. 4. Benefits. Subject to all applicable eligibility requirements, legal limitations, and subject to applicable taxes, General Manager will be provided with the following benefits: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Three weeks of paid vacation shall be earned annually, accrued on a prorated basis per pay period; Upon using a minimum of eighty (80) hours of vacation or admin leave during the past twelve (12) months, the General Manager may request to receive pay in lieu of up to two hundred (200) hours per calendar year of vacation accrual. A request for redemption shall not be made more than twice per calendar year and the total amount redeemed in a calendar year shall not in total exceed the aforementioned maximum respectively. Twelve days of sick leave shall be earned annually, accrued on a prorated basis per pay period; Holidays shall be provided in accordance with the District's existing holiday policy; 100% of the CalPERS contribution shall be made by the District; 75% of the employee cost of Long Term and Short Term Disability policies shall be paid by the District, with such policies subject to the District's approval; The District shall pay the premium for a $100,000 term life insurance policy, subject to the General Managers' underwriting approval by the carrier; The District shall provide a monthly contribution equal to that paid for District's management staff to the District's Employee and Dependent medical and dental plans (currently $961.00 per month); The District shall reimburse the General Manager for use of his personal vehicle outside of the Santa Barbara County limits for District business at x. xi. a rate equivalent to the standard mileage rate established by proclamation of the Internal Revenue Service. The District shall provide an automobile allowance of three hundred seventy-five dollars ($375) per month. Mileage reimbursement for travel within Santa Barbara County will not be reimbursed . Mileage reimbursement shall be approved for out of area travel pursuant to Section ix. above. The District shall provide a cell phone for the General Managers' use. 5. Reimbursement of Expenses. The District will reimburse General Manager for all reasonable travel, entertainment and other expenses incurred or paid by the General Manager in connection with, or related to, the performance of his duties, responsibilities or services under this Agreement , subject to review by the Board or its compensation committee, if applicable. 6. Civic Club Membership. District recognizes the desirability of representation in and before local, civic and other organizations, and the General Manager is authorized to become a member of one nationally recognized service club, for which the District shall pay necessary expenses for dues and meals. 7. Obligations Upon Termination of Employment Period. 7.1 Disability. In the event of the permanent disability (as hereinafter defined) of General Manager during the Employment Period, the District shall have the right, upon written notice to General Manager, to terminate General Manager's employment hereunder, effective upon the 30 lh calendar day following the giving of such notice (or such later day as shall be specified in such notice) . Upon the effectiveness of such termination, (i) the District shall have no further obligations hereunder, except to pay and provide, subject to applicable withholding, (A) all amounts of Base Salary, sick leave, and vacation leave, accrued, but unpaid, at the effective date of tenmination; (B) all reasonable unreimbursed businessrelated expenses. General Manager shall have no further obligations hereunder other than those provided for in Sections 9 and 10 hereof. For purposes of this Agreement, "permanent disability" shall be defined as any physical or mental disability or incapacity which renders General Manager incapable in any material respect of performing the essential function and services required of him in accordance with his obligations under Section 2 for a period of 90 consecutive calendar days, or for 90 days in any 360 day period, or as otherwise determined by District's long term disability insurance carrier or worker's compensation insurance carrier, or PERS retirement system. 7.2 Death. In the event of the death of General Manager during the Employment Period, this Agreement shall automatically terminate and the District shall have no further obligations hereunder, except to pay and provide to General Manager's beneficiary or other legal representative, subject to applicable withholding, (i) all amounts of Base Salary, sick leave, and vacation leave, accrued but unpaid at date of death, and (ii) all reasonable unreimbursed business-related expenses. 7.3 Termination. The District reserves the right to terminate General Manager at any time, in its sole discretion. In the event of the termination of General Manager's employment by the District, (i) all amounts of Base Salary, sick leave, and vacation leave, accrued but unpaid on the date of termination shall be paid by the District. In the event of termination of General Manager by the Board for any reason other than For Cause as defined in Section 7.4, or other than after timely notice not extending the term as described in Section 1, the Board shall offer the General Manager the opportunity to execute a Separation and Release Agreement with the District, the consideration for which shall equal twelve months Base Salary. 7.4 Circumstances Under Which Separation Consideration Would Not Be Offered. The District shall not be obligated to offer the General Manager the Separation and Release Agreement and corresponding consideration provided in Section 7.3, if the Employment Period is terminated for Cause, or other than after timely notice not extending the term as described in Section 1, or if General Manager voluntarily terminates his employment. For purposes of this Agreement, "Cause" shall be limited to: (A) Failure by General Manager to substantially perform his duties hereunder, other than a failure resulting from his complete or partial incapacity due to physical or mental illness or impairment; (B) General Manager's violation of a federal or state law or regulation applicable to the business of the District or that adversely affects the image of the District; (C) General Manager's commission of an act which constitutes gross misconduct and is injurious to the District; (D) General Manager's breach of a provision of this Agreement; (E) General Manager's conviction of a misdemeanor that adversely affects the image of District, or any felony; or a.Voluntary Termination by General Manager. In the event General Manager voluntarily elects to terminate employment prior to the expiration of the Employment Period , or any extension thereof, General Manager shall provide District's Board with a minimum of 90 days' written notice. 9. Cooperation with the District After Termination of the Employment Period. Following termination of the Employment Period or any extension, General Manager shall fully cooperate with the District in all matters relating to the winding up of his pending work on behalf of the District and the orderly accrued but unpaid at date of death , and (ii) all reasonable unreimbursed business-related expenses. 7.3 Termination. The District reserves the right to terminate General Manager at any time, in its sole discretion. In the event of the termination of General Manager's employment by the District, (i) all amounts of Base Salary, sick leave, and vacation leave, accrued but unpaid on the date of termination shall be paid by the District. In the event of termination of General Manager by the Board for any reason other than For Cause as defined in Section 7.4, or other than after timely notice not extending the term as described in Section 1, the Board shall offer the General Manager the opportunity to execute a Separation and Release Agreement with the District, the consideration for which shall equal twelve months Base Salary. 7.4 Circumstances Under Which Separation Consideration Would Not Be Offered. The District shall not be obligated to offer the General Manager the Separation and Release Agreement and corresponding consideration provided in Section 7.3, if the Employment Period is terminated for Cause, or other than after timely notice not extending the term as described in Section 1, or if General Manager voluntarily terminates his employment. For purposes of this Agreement, "Cause" shall be limited to: (A) Failure by General Manager to substantially perform his duties hereunder, other than a failure resulting from his complete or partial incapacity due to physical or mental illness or impairment; (B) General Manager's violation of a federal or state law or regulation applicable to the business of the District or that adversely affects the image of the District; (C) General Manager's commission of an act which constitutes gross misconduct and is injurious to the District; (D) General Manager's breach of a provision of this Agreement; (E) General Manager's conviction of a misdemeanor that adversely affects the image of District, or any felony; or S.voluntary Termination by General Manager. In the event General Manager voluntarily elects to terminate employment prior to the expiration of the Employment Period, or any extension thereof, General Manager shall provide District's Board with a minimum of 90 days' written notice. 9. Cooperation with the District After Termination of the Employment Period. Following termination of the Employment Period or any extension, General Manager shall fully cooperate with the District in all matters relating to the winding up of his pending work on behalf of the District and the orderly transfer of any such pending work to other employees of the District as may be designated by the District. 10. Confidentiality; Return of Property; Non-Solicitation. (a) The General Manager acknowledges that during the Employment Period he will receive confidential information from the District. its attorneys. consultants, employees, tenants and others, (each a "Relevant Entitv"). Accordingly. the General Manager agrees that during the Employment Period (as it may be extended from time to time) and thereafter, the General Manager and his affiliates shall not, except in the performance of his obligations to the District hereunder or as may otherwise be approved in advance by the District, directly or indirectly. disclose or use (except for the direct benefit of the District) any confidential information that he may learn or has learned by reason of his association with any Relevant Entity. Upon termination of this Agreement. the General Manager shall promptly return to the District any and all properties, records or papers of any Relevant Entity that may have been in his possession at the time of termination, whether prepared by the General Manager or others, including, but not limited to, confidential information and keys. For purposes of this Agreement, "confidential information" includes all data, analyses, reports, interpretations, forecasts, documents and information concerning a Relevant Entity and its affairs, including, without limitation, litigation claims, policies, procedures, personnel files and information, confidential reports, technical information, financial information, prospects or opportunities, (i) that the District reasonably believes are confidential or affect public security, or (ii) the disclosure of which could be injurious to a Relevant Entity or beneficial to competitors of a Relevant Entity, but shall exclude any information that the General Manager is required to disclose under any applicable laws, regulations or directives of any government agency, tribunal or authority having jurisdiction in the matter or under subpoena or other process of law, is or becomes publicly available prior to the General Manager's disclosure or use of the information in a manner violative of the second sentence of this Section 10(a), or is rightfully received by General Manager without restriction or disclosure from a third party legally entitled to possess and to disclose such information without restriction (other than information that he may learn or has learned by reason of his association with any Relevant Entity). (b) For a period of one year following the termination of General Manager's employment with the District for any reason, he will not, without the District' express written consent, either on his own behalf or on behalf of another, solicit employees of the District or any subsidiary of the District for the purpose of hiring them . General employment advertising shall not be deemed to be a solicitation. 11. Evaluation. The Board shall evaluate General Manager's performance at such times as it determines, in the exercise of its sole discretion, but at least once per employment year. Any evaluation shall be in writing and be signed by not less than a majority of the Board . 12. General. 12.1 Waiver. Neither party shall, by mere lapse of time, without giving notice or taking other action hereunder, be deemed to have waived any breach by the other party of any of the provisions of this Agreement. Further, the waiver by either party of a particular breach of this Agreement by the other shall neither be construed as nor constitute a continuing waiver of such breach or of other breaches by the same or any other provision of this Agreement. 12.2 Severability. If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction or arbitrator finds any provision of this Agreement to be unenforceable, the provision shall be deemed amended as necessary to conform to applicable laws or regulations, or if it cannot be so amended without materially altering the intention of the parties, the remainder of the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect as if the offending provision were not contained herein. 12.3 Notices. All notices and other communications required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be considered effective upon personal service or upon transmission of a facsimile or the deposit with Federal Express or in Express Mail and addressed to the Board of Directors of the District at its administrative office, and to General Manager at his most recent address shown on the District's records, or at any other address which either may specify in any appropriate notice to the other. 12.4 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts , each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which taken together constitutes one and the same instrument and in making proof hereof it shall not be necessary to produce or account for more than one such counterpart. 12.5 Entire Agreement. The parties hereto acknowledge that each has read this Agreement, understands it, and agrees to be bound by its terms. The parties further agree that this Agreement shall constitute the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between the parties and supersedes all proposals (oral or written), understandings, representations, conditions, covenants, and all other communications between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. Any modification of this Agreement will be effective only if it is in writing signed by both parties. 12.6 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the law of the State of California. 12.7 Assignment. This Agreement is for personal services and may not be assigned by General Manager. 13. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended at any time by mutual written agreement signed by the parties. Any adjustment in salary or benefits shall be in the form of a written agreement. 14. Mutual Termination. This Agreement may be terminated at any time by mutual written agreement signed by the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have entered into this Agreement as of the date first above written . Santa Maria Public Airport District By: .~~~~~-----------------Hugh Rafferty President By: ~C~h-a~rle-s~D-a-m~ia-n-o---------------- Secretary GENERAL MANAGER Chris Hastert Employment Agreement Exhibit A Position: Airport General Manager Agency: Santa Maria Public Airport District Location: Santa Maria, California CHARACTERISTICS: The General Manager has broad responsibility for the overall organization, staffing, budgeting and operations of the airport. The General Manager reports directly to the five member board of directors, and oversees the work of division managers, professional and administrative staff, and interfaces with Federal Aviation Administration, Transport Security Administration, the Airport Commission, vendors, and transportation and environmental management bodies. Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Plans, organizes and directs the operation, maintenance and property management activities of the District through subordinate managers and supervisors; reviews recommendations and actions of subordinates; and solves department problems. 2. Reviews and approves long range plans for the District including master plan, airport improvement plans. 3. Manages District properties; reviews and makes recommendations regarding proposed development and property utilization; negotiates lease agreements; resolves problems with leaseholders. 4. Directs the preparation of applications for Federal and State grants; and administers and evaluates grant programs. 5. Directs, evaluates and presents monthly and annual District reports, studies, evaluation reviews and statistical summaries. 6. Researches and monitors developments related to District operations , evaluates their impact and recommends improvements . 7. Takes a direct role in community relations activities to maintain effective public relations, such as speaking to community groups and organizations. 8. Manages the District environmental programs, including wetlands mitigation, monitoring and restoration, stormwater pollution prevention, hazardous materials program, and associated reporting requirements. QUALIFICATIONS: Knowledge of: • Municipal Airport operations, including security administration, commercial operations, parking maintenance, noise abatement, and related practices, and methods, materials and equipment utilization. • Federal and State laws and regulations and City codes and ordinances governing the operations of a Public Airport. • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements related to public accessibility and accommodations. • Contract administration and lease administration practices and requirements ; lease negotiations practices; commercial development and concession operation practices. • Land use principals and practices; property management practices and regulations. Employment Agreement Exhibit A • • • • • Marketing and community relations practices, media relations, customer service principles. Strategic planning principles; theories of management and organization; leadership principles. Project management, benchmarking, and program evaluation principles. Principles of staffing, selection, training, supervision, evaluation and discipline. Negotiating techniques Skills: • Operate personal computer hardware to utilize public records information systems, word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software, operate a calculator. Good understand of Internet. • Operate a motor vehicle. Ability to: • Plan , organize, and direct a wide variety of Airport programs and services to meet community needs and to effectively comply with safety, operating and environmental regulations. • Approve and adopt major long-term capital improvement programs and construction plans. • Articulate Airport regulations polices, and procedures and address issues with clarity and diplomacy involving the City Council, County Board of Supervisors, Airport Commission, and concemed citizens and community groups • Exercise independent judgment and initiative within established guidelines. • Prepare clear, concise and complete correspondence, reports and other written materials. • Establish and maintain effective working relationships with City, and County Officials, Commissioners, staff, regulators, commercial representatives, and other in the course of work. • Prepare and deliver effective public presentations. • Work independently. Education I Training I Experience: Candidate should have a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Public Administration, or related field; and six years or more years of progressively responsible professional, lease administration, contract administration, and airport operations and management experience, including three years or more of managerial and supervisory experience. Coursework or certifications through MAE in airport management and budgeting programs is desirable. Training through Special Districts Associations would be desirable. License, Certificates; Special Requirements: Candidate must have a valid Class C California driver's license and the ability to maintain insurability under District's Vehicle Insurance Policy. Must have the ability to work extended hours or be on-call to respond to Airport emergencies or special events.