Blau Rain - Blue Ridge Region, Porsche Club of America


Blau Rain - Blue Ridge Region, Porsche Club of America
Officers & Board of Directors
Gary Templeton
Vice President
Marc Wilson
540 563 1133
Mick Michelsen
Eddie Fort
Past President
Jerry Hampton
Dave Hogan
Business Manager
Marc Wilson
Web Master
John Kuykendall
Pete Kauffman
Your Name Here
Database Administrator
Dick Hatch
Pat Clowser
Drivers Education
Gary Bell
Gary Templeton
Address Changes: Dick Hatch 540-989-0949
Zone 2 Rep: Tom Zaffarano
NPCA Membership: Tom Gorsuch
Inside This Blau Rain
Greetings/About Us .......................................................... 1
Charities 2010 .................................................................. 2
30th Anniversary .............................................................. 3
Green bank & Cass, WVA .................................................. 3
Blue Ridge Parkway 75th ................................................. 4
Roanoke Transportation Museum .................................... 4
Officers Election Lunch .................................................... 5
Valentine Social ................................................................ 5
Christmas Dinner & Charity Auction ............................... 6
PCA Parade 2010 .............................................................. 7
Racing Events ................................................................... 7
Classics on the Green ....................................................... 7
DE & Club Race ................................................................. 9
On The Road with Blue Ridge Region .............................. 10
2010 Year in review .......................................................... 11
Finish Line ........................................................................ 13
Photo Credits .................................................................... 15
Advertisers Index
Precision Motion Motorsports ............................. Inside Cover
PD&M Construction .......................................................... 2
Sportscar Clinic ................................................................ 12
West Salem Collision Center ............................................ 13
Porsche of Roanoke .......................................................... 14
Euro Specialty .................................................................. 16
About Us
Welcome to the inaugural annual Special
(printed) Edition of Blau Rain , the official
monthly newsletter of the Blue Ridge Region,
Porsche Club of America. All our monthly
newsletters can also be read on our Region’s
website at This Special
Edition celebrates the many & varied
activities which our club and its members
participated in throughout the 2010 calendar
year, which also happened to be the 30th
anniversary of the founding of the Blue Ridge
Region in 1980! To find out a little bit more
about the BRR & PCA check out the About
Us section (right). We hope you enjoy the
description of the events depicted in this
special printed edition of Blau Rain and will
consider joining us for similar informative
and fun-filled activities in 2011! Visit our
Region website for a schedule of upcoming
attractions – visitors are always welcome!!
For the Blue Ridge Region,
The Blue Ridge Region of the Porsche Club
of America (BRR-PCA) was chartered in 1980
and is now one of 139 PCA Regions across
the country. We have about 165 members;
only about 0.3 percent of the 58,000+ PCA
members nationwide. Our geographical
center is around Roanoke, but our area
extends south to the North Carolina line,
into West Virginia, east to Lynchburg,
and north to the Shenandoah Region of
PCA around Staunton and Waynesboro.
All our members own Porsches, of course,
but we participate in the Club because
we like to drive them, keep them up, learn
about them, talk about them, and promote
them. In other words, about the only other
people who can stand to be around us for
very long are other Porsche owners who feel
the same way. Actually, it's not all about
the cars; we seem to do as much eating and
socializing as we do driving and talking cars.
Popular annual events include our January
planning brunch, cruise and dine, driver
education (DE), the Grand Am races at VIR, and
our Christmas Banquet and Charity Auction.
We schedule at least one event per month.
Jerry Hampton, 2010 President
Gary Templeton, 2011 President
The Way We Were
January 2011
Page 1
Our club is a charitable
organization. Each year
we have a Christmas
auction with proceeds
going to charities we
select from our the region.
For 2010 we donated
around $750 to each of
four charities across our
region. Additionally we
donate to other charities
during the year as voted at
the monthly meetings.
Charities 2010
We are proud to support
the charities and wish
them well during these tough
economic times.
Right a picture of the cash
January 2011
for the Roanoke Rescue Mission
collected at our planning
brunch. The total was $460
thanks to an additional
donation by Keith &
Wanda Martin of Martin’s
donation was in addition
to the donations from our
Christmas Dinner.
Page 2
Social Events 2010
Blue Ridge Region 30th Anniversary Dinner
The highlight of our 2010
celebration of the 30th
anniversary of Blue Ridge
Region. Above photos are
some of the 100 members,
former members, and guests
in attendance. Martin Steger
(second from right in left
picture) Club Racing Director
of TRG was guest speaker.
Hidden Valley Country Club
provided an excellent venue
for the important event. The
hard work and dedication of
past and present members
is greatly appreciated. For
those members no longer
with us the evening allowed
us a nostalgic look back
at their accomplishments.
Green Bank NRAO and Cass Railroad
A joint event with Shenandoah
Region was a popular and
enjoyed event. Saturday we
toured the National Radio
Astronomy Observatory (L) in
Green Bank, West Virginia.
Saturday evening we had
dinner at Elk River Inn.
January 2011
Several stayed the night at the flat land, the event was
Snowshoe Inn then enjoyed made even more enjoyable.
a Sunday trip to Cass and Left, the visitors center
a ride on the Cass Railroad provided a view of the main
(R). It was an enjoyable trip telescope for Rosie. Right,
to the Mountain State and a crew member checks the
temperatures engine prior to the next trip.
10-12 degrees cooler than
Parkway 75th Anniversary
Blue Ridge Members gather for lunch at Chateau
Morrisette during our 75th anniversary of the Blue
Ridge Parkway event. It was a leisurely drive from
Roanoke to the winery. One can appreciate the hard
work of those who built the Parkway.
Roanoke Transportation Museum
The Roanoke Transportation
Museum had two local
recently. Lynchburg is not
often regarded as the home of
automobile manufacturing,
but here are two examples,
one old and one new.
the first 100 m.p.g car.
The future of fuel efficient
cars looks bright. The car’s
property in the Lynchburg
area to produce more of his
car designs. Maybe there will
be a new manufacturer of cars
(Above R) Photos: Lynchburg’s in Lynchburg, and one which
(Above L) One of few surviving newest car, the Edison 2. It will be more successful. We
Piedmont cars. Made in
won the $5 million prize for
hope so.
January 2011
Lynchburg the cars were
expensive, as well as hand
built, and the business was
underfunded, therefore it
could not survive the Henry
Ford era of cheaper mass
produced cars.
Page 4
Officers Election Lunch
Each year we select a location
with scenic Porsche roads and
good food to announce the
official results of our officers
election. The 2010 election
lunch was held at Homeplace
Restaurant in Catawaba, VA.
A short scenic drive west of
Roanoke, this venue is on
the short list of places each
January planning session.
Our return to this venue was
a “no brainer” for most of us.
The drive along roads lined
with trees in fall colors and
an unseasonably warm day
made this year’s event even
better than usual. Below is
the view from the restaurant
grounds looking toward route
311. Makes you want to join
us next time, doesn’t it?
See you there!
Valentine Social
During the Valentine social
Jon showed his Ford Model
T to Blue Ridge members.
The car completed an across
the U.S.A. trip to celebrate
of the Model T. Jon gave
a picture and narrative
complete with breakdowns
and fortuitous repair parts.
Seeing this car makes one
wonder how people were
January 2011
able to travel long distances
in those cars, especially
in cold, i.e. snow and ice,
weather with no defroster
or heater. Better wrap that
hot rock well for the trip.
Blue Ridge members also
enjoyed food and drink taking
ample time to renew old
friendships and start new ones.
Thanks Charlie and Lynn.
Page 5
Christmas Dinner & Charity Auction
What a great way to start the
Holidays! Good friends, good
food, a beautiful setting and
snow to boot! Our annual
Charity Auction was held
at Roanoke Country Club.
Wanda and Keith Martin
did a great job planning and
setting up the night for us.
Thank you Wanda and Keith.
Despite the snow and the
snowfall predictions, we had
a large crowd of 56 people. We
were pleased to welcome lots
of new folks as well as greet
old friends and neighbors.
Just for the record, none of
us are with the postal service,
but we can claim their old
slogan…”Neither rain, nor
sleet, nor snow or stormy
weather can keep us down!”
I’d like to thank everyone
who brought in an item
for our Auction, as well as
those who purchased the
fine merchandise available.
Thanks to Jeff Wendell,
who did a great job as our
auctioneer again this year.
We had quite the range of
items from gift baskets,
books, hand made scarf’s and
Porsche cutting boards; items
for the Porsche enthusiast
ranging from race shoes to
calendars, a Putting Green to
a Chronograph Watch; even
a week at the beach! It was
awesome. We even did a raffle
this year for door prizes and
a share of the drawing that
raised $245, just in ticket
sales. Thanks to our auction’s
corporate sponsors; Porsche
of Roanoke, Precision Motion
January 2011
Motorsports, Hendrick
Porsche, Sportscar Clinic, &
West Salem Collision Center.
I’m now taking over from
Jerry, and want to thank him
and his fine wife Rosie, for all
his time and fine efforts in
Our efforts together raised leading our club for the past
close to $3000, which will three years. Well done Jerry!
be split among four local
charities. We will make This coming year we plan
contributions to the West to have lots of events and
End Center in Roanoke, the activities for everyone to
Lake Christian Ministries participate in. We’ll start the
at Smith Mountain Lake, year with a planning brunch
the Alliance for Families on January 16th, at (Keith)
and Children in Lynchburg, Martins German Service, at
and the New River Valley 3704 Brambleton Avenue,
Cares in Christiansburg and Roanoke, VA. Please plan
Blacksburg areas. Thank to come and bring a dish
you to all for your help in to share and 2 to 3 ideas of
reaching out to support our things we can do as a club in
communities in this way. 2011. We’ll brainstorm and
come up with a list of things
Our past president, Jerry to put onto our calendar. I’m
inducted looking forward to greeting
into the Past Presidents you all. Please accept my best
Club. Other Past Presidents wishes for a Merry Christmas,
welcomed him: Ed Clowser, Happy Holidays and all the
Dick Hatch, Gary Bell, Best to you in the New Year.
Manuel Sowers and Pete
Kauffman (who is actually Sincerely,
from the Potomac region,but
now calls the Lake home). Gary Templeton
Page 6
Porsche Club of America, Parade 2010
Each year PCA holds its signature event, Parade. The location changes each year making the
locations as varied as the cars. Below are three pictures from the 2010 parade.
(Above L): One of the area drive-in restaurants.
(Above C): A wall sign on the Route 66 Museum
(Right): Dick Hatch attends each year. Ask him how many he
has attended.
Racing Events
Each year our members
attend a variety of races,
some close and some distant.
Locally we have Virginia
International Raceway (VIR)
which has the Rolex series and
Continental Tire series. Other
events of member interest
are Daytona and Sebring
Florida. The 24 Hours at
Daytons begins the Grand
Am season.
(Above L): BRR members and others meet at Sebring, FL for the 12 Hours of Sebring.
(Above C): Gary shows a Porsche owner where to park in the Porsche Corral at VIR
(Above R): Jim and Eddie enjoy the Rolex Grand-AM race at VIR
Classics on the Green 2010
The Central Virginia British
Car Club held Classics on the
Green at New Kent Winery in
New Kent County, Virginia.
The event was formally
January 2011
named Classics on the James
but the name was changed
to Classics on the Green for
2010 when it moved to New
Kent Winery. For European
car lovers this is a must see
event. The quality of the cars
is exceptional. I recommend it
and plan to return next year.
Page 7
parade ad half color
5:22 PM
Page 1
Two Blue Ridge region members entered their cars and I attended the Sunday show as a
spectator and photographer. Porsche was the marque for 2010 as the pictures below show a
sample of the Porsche lineup, all painted white in honor of Porsche race cars being delivered
Being sponsored by the British
Car Club made the British very
prevalent. There were a few Rolls
Royce and Bentley models as well
as the many variations of MG,
Triumph, and Jaguar. From daily
drivers to racers, to concours,
they were there in force.
The winery was open for tasting
and purchase, and the food
vendors had a variety of foods to
keep spectators and participants
fed. The only thing you need to
bring is a ticket and a chair.
(Above): Porsches in white arrive
at Classics on the green.
January 2011
Page 8
Driver Education and Club Race
(Top L) Blue Ridge 2010
president Jerry Hampton
works the Potomac Region DE.
Whatever your desire there
are opportunities to be a part
of these events. Volunteer
to help run the event and/
or drive in the event. Just
being a spectator is fun too.
(Top C) Gary take his turn
on the track. When not
driving Gary volunteered
to help run the event and
took pictures. There is a lot
to do at a DE/Club Race.
(Below C): Bill also takes time
to help with tech inspection.
January 2011
(Top R) Ed has a busy time
too. Here he helps with
tech inspection. He also
drives and instructs. Now
that’s a busy schedule!
Whether you drive, instruct
or both a DE offers many fun
ways to enjoy your Porsche.
Volunteers help organize
and run the events, and
spectators watch, helping
when they can.
(Middle R) Fortunately there
were few off-track excersions
like this Maserati. Tire barriers There is always something
are so unforgiving............and to see, do, and enjoy at a
DE. The track food isn’t bad
either. It’s a good place to
Bottom (L) A 911 “mows the pick up tips on fixing your
grass” at VIR. I’ve heard the car or insight into problems.
grass mowing budget at VIR The technical knowledge goes
is reduced by each event. from shade tree mechanic
to professional mechanic.
Bottom (R) Sherry takes Each has something to offer
a hot lap in her 911. questioners.
Page 9
Here They Come!
Here They Come!
Porsches of various ages
and types start their
turn at VIR during the
Club Race. It’s always
interesting walking the
paddock to see the cars
and meet the people. If
your interest is racing or
being a spectator there
is plenty to see and do at
one of these events.
On The Road With Blue Ridge Region
Our events aren’t about just
Porsches. Below are views
you may see at one of our
events. Like the one on page
5, Officers Election Lunch.
Below is from our lunch with
Shenandoah Region at Devils
Backbone Brewery. A scenic
drive from Roanoke and
January 2011
Lynchburg, the brewery and There are too many examples
restaurant offer many types to include here but a visit to
of award winning brewed the Blue Ridge Region website
products and good food. where a year’s worth of Blau
And as seen in the picture Rain reside will allow you to
beautiful views. If you sit on see more of the places we
the restaurant patio as we visited and the roads which
did, the atmosphere allows took us there. See you in 2011.
a feeling of outdoor freedom.
The Best of 2010 - The Year in Review
Continuing from past years I have selected the “Best Of” awards for 2010. Some are
humorous and some are serious, but all are our people having fun. If you see yourself here,
congratulations (I think). If not, just wait. I have my camera ready and so do others.
Best Leader
Region show DWTS talent
Jerry Hampton, 2010 BRR at the Devil’s Backbone
President. For the past 3 Brewery.
years Jerry has led Blue Sherry’s organization skills
Ridge Region. In the photo Shenandoah and Blue Ridge
(L), Jerry accepts our 30th Regions shared several events
from in 2010. Thanks Sherry,
Tom while Manny looks on. lets do it again this year.
Best Nut Twister
Gary checks lug nuts for
proper torque before the
car goes on the track. It
appears in this picture Gary
may have twisted too hard.
Best Race Fan
Usually there is a tie for this
award but Dick is the only entry
for 2010. Past winners Gary
and Jerry were not available
for comment this year.
Best Weather
When you have to park your
Porsche outside to work
on your garage it is wise to
Best Expression
check the weather forecast. Pete
Don’t you agree, Mike?
him. Did he partake of
that fare the night before?
Best Spectator
Zone 2 Porsche Corral at VIR.
Take a Rolex Grand Am race
and a huge Porsche Corral
Best Dancers
Sherry & Jim of Shenandoah
January 2011
Page 11
Vanity Plates
and you have a first class
spectator event. Thanks to
our Zone 2 rep Tom Zaffarano.
Since none of the plates
below is a Virginia plate, they
could be good ideas for yours.
If you are looking for
Best Pace Car
What better car to lead
the pack than a Porsche
Panamera? This one was
Best Race Team supplied by local dealer
On the track there are many Crossroads in Roanoke, VA.
good race teams, but off track
the people at TRG have been
super to us. Thank you Kevin
Buckler (owner) and Martin
Steger for going beyond the
call. Good luck in 2011. We’ll
be watching in January,
especially if you bring Liz
back for the 24 hours.
January 2011
Page 12
Finish Line
It was a fun and exciting year
in Blue Ridge Region. Our club
exists because of its people.
Dedicated volunteers make
it possible. Our sponsors,
advertisors, and supporters
contribute both money and
time to make us successful.
Please remember to support
those who support us.
Lastly, Porsche Club of
America with its organization
and support make Parade,
Escape, DEs, and many other
events possible. Whether
your participation in PCA
Here’s to 2011. May it be as goes from Panorama reader
grand as 2010. Blue Ridge to attending all our events, a
Region hopes to see each of large team and many hours go
you at a meeting and an event. into planning and execution.
Thank you to each person
success in 2010. Without
you we are not a club.
West Salem Collision Center
327 S. College Ave. • Salem, VA • 540-389-9321
January 2011
Page 13
What It’s About,
The People!
January 2011
Page 14
Photo Credits:
Cover, Jim Michael
Page 3, Unknown
Page 4, Charities & below, article & Photos, Dave Hogan
Page 5, 30th Anniversary, article Dave Hogan Photos Sharon Mitchel
Page 5, Green Bank, WVA & Cass Railroad, article Dave Hogan Photos Jerry Hampton
Page 6, Parkway 75th Anniversary, article Dave Hogan Photo Jerry Hampton
Page 6, Roanoke Transportation Museum, article Dave Hogan Photos Gary Templeton
Page 7, Officers Election Lunch, article & Photos, Dave Hogan
Page 7, Valentine Social, article Dave Hogan Photo Jerry Hampton
Page 8, Christmas Dinner & Charity Auction, article Gary Templeton Photo: Rosie Hampton
Page 9, Porsche Club of America Parade 2010, article Dave Hogan Photos Jerry Hampton
Page 9, Racing Events, (L) Unknown, (C) Dave Hogan, (R) Sharon Mitchel
Page 10, Classics on the Green, article Dave Hogan Photo Marc Waller
Page 11, Driver Education and Club Race, article Dave Hogan (L) Jim Condon (C top)
Dave Hogan (C bot) Jim Condon (R) Gary Templeton (B L&R) Dave Hogan
Page 12, Driver Education and Club Race, article Dave Hogan Photo Jerry Hampton
Page 14, On the Road, article & Photo, Dave Hogan
Page 13, The best of 2010 - the Year in Review, articles Dave Hogan Photos: (L Top Dave Hogan (L Bot) Mike Jamison (C Top) Jerry Hampton (C Bot) Gary Templeton (R Top) Gary Templeton (R Bot) Jerry Hampton
Page 14, The best of 2010 - the Year in Review, articles Dave Hogan Photos: (L) Sharon Mathews (C Top) Jerry Hampton (C Bot) Jim Condon
(R) Jerry Hampton
Page 15 It’s all about The People, Photo Jerry Hampton
Page 16 Finish Line, article Dave Hogan Photo Jerry Hampton
Rear Cover, Dave Hogan
January 2011
Page 15
Blau Rain*
Blau Rain is the official monthly newsletter of the Blue Ridge Region, Porsche Club
of America; available only by subscription to BRR members as a portion of the
annual PCA dues. For subscriptions for non-BRR PCA members, contact the Editor.
Material in Blau Rain is copyright. Permission is granted to reproduce published material, provided
full credit is given to Blau Rain. Blau Rain assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of contributed
articles, services, or merchandise advertised herein. Statements appearing in Blau Rain are those
of the author and are not necessarily consistent with the views of the Board, Blau Rain, BRR, or PCA.
Annual Commercial Ad Rates: 1/3 page - $120; 1/2 page - $180; full page or inside back
cover - $350; inside front - $400. Contact Marc Wilson - e-mail to
Communications regarding articles, photos, and other material for Blau Rain should be sent
to the Editor. Deadline: the 20th of the month preceding publication.
Editor: Dave Hogan
169 Ellen Drive
Evington, VA 24550
Clip art from PCA.
Board meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 P.M. at Crossroads
Porsche, 5000 Franklin Road, Roanoke and are open to the general membership. Please join us.
*Blau Rain is a 17th century German translation meaning Blue Ridge.
Articles & Pictures in this issue are by the Editor unless otherwise specified.