Spring - Wildlands School


Spring - Wildlands School
Volume 7, Issue 3
May, 2012
2011-2012 Wildlands
A U G U S T A ,
5 4 7 2 2
E 1 9 3 2 0
High School
Wildlands Summer Adventures!
This summer Wildlands students will embark
on a brand new adventure! Spots are quickly
filling up for the launch of our Summer Adventure Program. The program consists of
three sessions, each 2 weeks in length, which
will include a
canoeing or
backpacking trek
through some of
most pristine and
wild territory.
The trips, which
run Monday
through Friday
throughout the
summer, are open for students from any
school or district. We encourage students to
spread the word to friends, relatives, and
others who may be interested! The cost to
enroll is only $20.00, and no previous backcountry experience is necessary to participate! Students pack their own personal
clothing, but are provided with all the gear
they will need for the trip. In addition, students currently attending Wildlands School
can earn valuable school credit for their next
year’s learning plan. Registrations is capped
at 12 students for each trip, and is offered on
a first-come-first-served basis. Trip dates
and registration information can be found
below, or at www.wildlandschool.net.
For students completing grades 7-9, we will
embark on a 3-day, 2-night canoe trip down
the wild and serene Kickapoo River in Southwest Wisconsin. Trips are split according to
gender, with a boys trip in Mid-June and a
girls trip in Mid-July. Students spend the
first week (Monday-Friday) at Wildlands
preparing for the trip. They’ll learn valuable
skills and experiences needed to successfully
make their home on the river. The second
week of the program, the students will depart
for the Wildcat State Park and the Kickapoo
River for 3 days of adventure on the water.
For students completing grades 10-11 we will
offer a 4-day, 3-night backpacking adventure
along the North Country National Scenic
Trail northeast of Cable, WI. This co-ed trip
will meet at Wildlands School MondayFriday the first week in order to build skills
and abilities necessary for the next week’s
trip. We will focus on building hard skills
such as fire-making and first-aid as well as
emphasize leadership, confidence, and cooperative problem solving. The second week of
the course will take us to the Porcupine Lake
Wilderness Area where we’ll follow the North
Country Trail as it carves its way through one
of only three remaining virgin forest stands in
the state of
If you or
someone you
know is interested in registering for a
Summer Adventure, more
information is
available online at www.wildlandschool.net.
Online registration is also available by following the “Apply Now” link under the
“Enrollment and Summer School headline.
Additionally, students can register over the
phone during normal school day hours at 715877-2292. Remember, enrollment is limited to
the first 12 students confirming registration, for
each trip and spots are beginning to fill!
-Mr. Fields
Wildlands School Graduation
Thursday, May 24, 2012
7:00 p.m.
Outdoor ceremony with reception to follow in
Wildlands School
Check out our graduating class on page 10
Catch up on the Latest at Wildlands
Blood Testing
Trail Rating Booklet
Water Testing
MN Fieldtrip
Mouse Project
States of Matter Buddy Day
Spencer Chipmunk Story...Continued
About the Graduating Seniors
The Brains Behind the Issue
Blood Testing
We were all excited when Mr. Hadorn gave us a
someone, the person will die. We also learned about the Rh
blood testing lab to do, but before we could test our blood we
factor, which only matters if your blood is positive or nega-
had to figure out how blood types varied. We got to learn
tive. We learned how the blood tests work, simply by blood
about the different types of antigens that give the variation to
clotting because of the antibodies.
the blood. Mr. Hadorn then told us that there are four different
types of blood A, B, AB, and O. Then we learned that if
were all done we found out that 8 people had A+ blood, 1 per-
someone has type A blood then they have A antigens. If someone has type B blood then they have B antigens. If someone
how there are antibodies that fight blood if it’s not the same
kind as the blood where the antibody was made.
Next, we learned that when the antibodies attack
son had B- blood, 1 person had AB- blood, 6 people had O+
blood and 2 People had O- blood. Finally, we put all of our
has type AB blood then they have A and B antigens. If someone has O blood, they don’t have A or B antigen. We learned
Now we were ready to test our blood. When we
info in an excel spread sheet and made a pie chart with all of
our data. This was a fun project to do to. We got to learn
different blood types and how blood clots. Plus, we got to
figure out what type of blood we had.
-Bret H., 7th Grade
each other the blood clots, so if too much blood is put into
Jim, Matthew, and I decided that making tip-
safety procedures, all three of us took up a station and created an
ups was the perfect thing to do on a cold winter day at
assembly line, cutting all the pieces. The cutting went by quickly
Wildlands. A tip-up is one of the basic tools used when
and successfully. Using the same assembly line we put all the
you go ice fishing. Tip-ups make it easier to suspend live
pieces together to make
bait beneath the ice and detect fish strikes without having
our tip-ups. Once our tip
constant hold on your fishing gear. Tip-ups are a great way -ups were completed we
to spread out and fish over a large area of water.
We decided to make tip-ups because we had an
upcoming overnight camping trip at Camp Philips. One of
the options in our free time was to go ice fishing. We researched tip-up designs and found many of them. So what
we did was we made our own tip-up based on the designs
we found on the internet. Once we had our design we
talked to Mr. Tweed to see if it would work. He said it
would, so we got started right away by getting supplies.
We ended up going to
the BCR storage shed
to pick out some
nicely sized wood
that would fit our
prepared them for our
field trip the following
day. On our way up to
Camp Philips we ran
into a problem. The bait
store was closed for the season. Instead, we went to a different
store to buy some waxies. It was not what we planned, but it still
worked. When we arrived at camp, we ran into another problem.
The electronic ice auger’s batteries only lasted for about three
holes. So we didn’t get the amount of holes drilled that we needed.
We tried using our tip-ups and ended up catching nothing. And
even though we didn’t catch anything, I had a great time making
and fishing with our very own tip-ups.
-Samuel G, 9th Grade
design. Using the
Page 2
BCR Trail Rating Booklet
This is my first year at Wildlands, and since I
am a freshman there is more time for me to do individual
projects. I wanted to do a big project, but I also wanted it
to help me gain knowledge and be able to give that
knowledge to others. I decided that since I didn’t know
very much about the trails I would create a trail rating
and overview.
time I decided that I would make a booklet instead. Then I
had to walk the trails again to get a description of the trails
because before I had just collected facts. Finally I was able to
compile all my information into Beaver Creek Reserve Trail
This 28 paged book contains information on all the
trails with two exclusions. First is the Elliott Trail which I
The first thing I had to do was to get a map of
decided to leave out because it is not connected to the other
all the trails on the reserve. The second task on my list
trails. Secondly I left out the trail I call Big Loop because it is
was to get the names of each trail. I talked to my teachers so overrun, if you walk it you will almost certainly get lost.
but they didn’t know so they sent me to the employees
However, there is a group of students that are restoring Big
on Beaver Creek. From them I found out that most of the Loop, so when it is restored I will add both the excluded trails
trails in fact did not have names so I decided to name
to the booklet.
them myself. After that, I walked the trails three times
I have a variety of information on the trails that are
each. The first time was to take notes on the difficulty of
in the book. I have the length in miles, obstacle likelihood, the
all the trails. The second to how long time it took to walk
number of hills and stairs, and the wide difficulty which is
each trail so I could calculate the distance of each trail,
how easy it is to see the trail at any given time. I also have
and the third to take pictures for each trail to put into my
two paragraphs for each trail, one that talks about the terrain
book. Then I color coded the existing maps. After that I
of the trail and another that lists the highlights of each trail.
made 2 brochures one for the north side of the highway
There is also an overall difficulty rating and a map for each
and one for the south side. After they were complete, I
trail. If you would like one, you can contact Wildlands and we
showed them to Mr. Tweed and he thought that I could
will get one to you as soon as possible.
add a lot of information to what I already had. At that
-Brad R. 9th Grade
2011-2012 Wildlands Middle School
Middle School from top left: Caleb B., Zoe P., Leo P.,
Briahna V., Andy L., Trey F., Roman B., Abe T., Nick
W., Nate L., Nick W., Bret H., Forest C., Ezme Z.,
Maddy M., Libby W., Karina L., Felecia D., Helen B.
2011-2012 Wildlands High School
High School from top left: Riley M., Isaac N., Dan W.,
Alex G., Tyler D., Kevin K., Bret L., Sam G., Mike B.,
Noah P., John L., Sophie B., Austin D., Brad R., Don V.,
Esau C., Austin L., Molly M., Kaitlyn D., Izzy B., Aly F.,
Lydia D., Clare N., Abby W., Moriah V., Molly D., Dylan H., Jim G., Emerson Z., Ben B., Jordan D., Maddie B.,
Rebekah W., Matt S., Nate W., “Sarah R.”
Page 3
Water Testing
In the water testing project we are taking water
samples from multiple sources, such as the Eau Claire River
and bottled water companies, and testing to see what kind of
impurities are in the water. By knowing this we will be able
to tell you if you get what you pay for.
from Norway.
Once we have our results
we would like to compare them to
the standards the bottled water companies claim they are living up to.
Another thought we had is testing
the same bottled water company
multiple times, but take each sample
from a different water bottle to see
how much the purity changes from
each bottle. This could let us know how much the water purity is fluxuating within the company.
When we test the water, we are testing for phosphorus, nitrite, copper, iron, chlorine, nitrate, pH, hardness and
calcium. So far we have tested well water, city water, the
water on tap here at the Beaver Creek Reserve and the Eau
Claire River. What we would like
to test next is different types of
bottled water. We would probably start with common brands like
Dasani, smart water or a local
brand such as Mega’s bottled
water. After that we would move
on to a bottle of Voss which is
more expensive water, but claims
to be the cleanest or purest water
in the world, imported to the U.S.
When we finish this project, our final product will
be a paper or PowerPoint on the project. It will include graphs
that show different impurities and which water source had the
most or least of each impurity. The possibilities with this
project are endless there will always be another water source
we could test and compare results with.
-Nate W. 10th Grade, Mike B. 11th Grade
Discover America
Almost everyone wants to travel across America,
Internet better. We also learn to have proper phone conversation
and some do get that chance. But for the Wildlands Mid-
when we need to call someone to get information. Another thing
dle School, that is an impossible field trip. So instead, we
that is useful for Discover America is students can easily help to
fake it. This is called Discover America.
plan a vacation for their family, for example, Zoe’s family might
Discover America is an assignment given to us every
couple of weeks. Basically we find a vacation spot in a
be going to Madeline Island, or my family going to South Carolina.
Discover America also strengthens many of the stu-
region of the United States, research it, study it, and get to
know it, then present it to our class and teacher. We find
dent’s subjects, from math to social studies. They gain math
elevation, population, climate, hotels, places to eat, attrac-
strength from calculating costs, finding elevation, and population.
tions, how to get there, and overall price. Then after the
Researching the areas climate helps with geography and social
presentation we give a five-point quiz with a bonus ques-
studies. Building sentences is useful for English skills, and we
use language and creative writing to re-phrase what we find
The first region we were assigned was the good-old MidWest. I personally presented the Quad Cities in Iowa and
We are looking forward to doing the Pacific Coast
Illinois, but other spots were Arlington Park, Wisconsin
soon, because it is our last region. Everyone really likes Discov-
Dells, St. Louis, and Madeline Island. The second spot for
er America. I think it is a great way for all students to learn
Discover America is the ‘cowboy west’. Some destina-
about our country when they can’t travel there themselves.
tions are Dallas, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Phoenix, and several others.
-Felicia D., 8th Grade
The purpose of Discover America is to get to know new
places around our country, and to research them. It helps
us to learn to use Microsoft Office PowerPoint and the
Page 4
Excursion to Minnesota
The weather was perfect. The sun peeked out of
the few clouds in the sky. It was 8:30 am and most of the
Wildlands students were in a bus headed towards Minnesota. Everyone was excited for the day. Smiles lit up our faces
and happy chattering claimed every
ear on the bus. We were headed
towards the Minnesota Science Museum for a day of fun and learning.
The main attraction of our day was
the newly opened Pirates Exhibit.
We arrived with plenty of
time to get to our first attraction, a
viewing of “Under the Sea” in the
IMAX Theater. It was the first time
watching an IMAX movie for many
of us and everyone enjoyed themselves. My favorite part of
the movie was seeing all of the different sea animals that I
didn’t know
existed, such
as nautilus,
and sea dragons. I very
much enjoyed the
Following the movie we ate lunch downstairs at tables reserved for us. Then we went upstairs to the Pirate Exhibit.
As we waited in a dim
room outside of the
exhibit, all of us were
excited. We entered a
small theater, where
we viewed a short film
that explained what we
would see that day.
The exhibit
centers around the
history of the pirate ship, the Whydah. A former slave ship,
the Whydah sank off the shore of Cape Cod in April of
1717. It was named for the West African port of Ouidah
(pronounced WIH-dah). The captain, Sam Bellamy, was
rumored to have become a pirate to obtain a fortune large
enough to marry his true love. It has been said that he was
on his way to visit her when his ship, full of treasure, sank
on April 26, 1717.
Of the Whydah's
crew of 146, only
two men survived:
John Julian and
Thomas Davis.
been the topic of many folk tales and in 1984, Barry
Clifford and his team of underwater recovery experts set
out to search for the Whydah. Since beginning Expedition
Whydah in 1984, Barry Clifford and his team have recovered hundreds of artifacts. Most are featured in the Real
Pirates Exhibit. They give valuable insight into the lives of
pirates, which up to this point has been mostly speculation.
All of this information and more was included in the exhibit and it was by
far, my favorite
part of the day.
exiting the exhibit, we were given
a couple hours to
explore the museum. As it was my
first time to visit
there, I wanted to
see as much as I
could. My group and I watched an illusion show, which
was very interesting, and we also saw a show about fire and
the way it reacts with other things. I really enjoyed exploring the museum.
Following the museum we ate at Boca de Beppo,
an authentic Italian restaurant. The food was delicious and
enjoyed by everyone. We REALLY APPRECIATE the
donation that was
used to pay for
our meal. All of
the students were
able to eat for
free; what a treat!
Following our
delightful meal
we headed to the
Twins vs. Angels
game at Target
Field. We
screamed, sang, and tried desperately to be on the jumbotron. We eventually were. Plus the Twins won their first
game of the season.
All in all, it was a wonderful day. I enjoyed the
chance to learn so much, while also having a lot of fun. A
big thanks to Wildlands Teachers for making this day happen, to our parents, and the people who donated money for
us to eat! We had an awesome time!
-By Lydia D., 11th Grade
wreck of the
Whydah and her
lost treasure have
Page 5
Mouse Training
Did you know that mice and rats
are the 9th smartest animals in the world?
Did you know they can be fun loving pets?
We do! And that’s why we are doing a
project with them.
By doing this project we are
learning not only how to tame mice but
also to know how to present ourselves as a
friend and trainer, not as a threat. It will
benefit us with the chance to tame a mouse
and become its friend. And by doing this
we can show people that are afraid of mice
that mice can be trained to be nice, sweet,
and very well trained animals.
good behavior and get your mouse 1. Sit by your pet mouse and say its
to learn new tricks.
Be consistent! Train your pet
mouse for 30 minutes at a time.
Any longer and your mouse will
lose interest.
Use the same word as a command
and the same tone of voice every 4. Hold the treat and show it to your
pet mouse.
time you train them.
Teach the trick in small steps 5. Say the pets name well holding the
that are easier to learn. Be patient,
mice are smart and your pet mouse
should learn quickly.
Here are some examples of
what to teach your mouse:
The subject area we are focusing on is
Science, and the skills we are focusing on
are friendliness, patience, gentleness, and
1. Hold a treat in your hand and
show it to your pet mouse.
How we have been training them:
Help your pet mouse get comfortable
to you by feeding it a small piece of
food by hand each day.
3. Sit or stand a little farther away from
your mouse at each training session.
During project time we hold
them to get them used to our scents and
train them to do tricks.
We have three baby mice that we
are working with and so far we are doing
well. The only problem is that they usually don’t like the treats we have so we are
still looking for a treat they will enjoy.
2. Repeat its name several times while
giving it a treat.
Teach a mouse to stand up and beg
Raise the treat slowly in the air.
3. Use command words like ‘up’ as
you’re pet sits up to reach the treat.
4. Wait until the mouse is fully up
before you say the command word,
then give your mouse the treat.
6. Give the mouse the treat and say it’s
name again when it comes to you and
soon you can say your pets name from
across the room and it should come to
Teaching your mouse to sit
1. To teach your mouse to sit, raise a
treat slightly above and then behind the
hand. This will cause the mouse to sit to
keep its eye on the prize.
2. Say ‘sit’ while doing this and reward
your pet with the treat when he responds
5. Make your pet mouse wait a little
longer each time you say give it the
treat, this will teach your mouse to
stand when you say ‘up’.
I'm doing this project with Maddy
M. and Esme Z. Thank you to Benjamin B. who donated the mice.
-Libby W. 8th Grade
Teach a mouse to come when called
Give your mouse treats to reward
Tie-Blanket Service Project
`Tie-Blankets for Kids is a community service
project that a few of the middle school girls are working
on. The members include: Karina L., Zoe P., and Briahna
V. The reason that we started this project is because of our
heartfelt need to give to the community. We all know that
every kid in a hospital loves to get a blanket. These blankets are specially made for kids getting medical treatment,
like Leukemia. Leukemia is a type of blood cancer. Leukemia cancer treatment makes the kids legs cold and their
hair fall out. We wanted to cheer these kids up, so we
thought this would be a fun, inexpensive way to help out
our community, and make some kids smile.
We start by making the blankets. Here’s how:
Take two fleece pieces of fabric of the same size
and lay them down on top of each other.
Cut out 3x3 inch squares off of every corner.
Cut 1 inch
wide, 3 inches
long strips into
the blanket on
all four sides.
Now tie the
strips. Tie them
twice for extra
Now we have a blanket! After all the blankets are made, we
Bring them to Mayo Hospital in the children’s ward and give
them to the kids. We enjoy making these blankets to help our
-Zoe P. 7th Grade and Karina L. 8th Grade
States of Matter Buddy Day
For the second time this year the entire 2nd grade from Augusta came to Wildlands for a day. When they came, the
Wildlands high school students taught them all about the three states of matter. The second grade students rotated
around though a series of stations, each station demonstrating different states of mater. An example of this would be the
“Bubble Blaster” station where the gas formed from putting dry ice in water was trapped in a bubble. When the bubble
was popped the second graders were able to feel the gas escape as well. Other stations included making Jell-O (solid to
liquid to solid), watching molecules move through different temperatures of liquids, and determining if our cornstarch
and water solution was a solid or a liquid, or maybe both. Once again having the Second grade class come went very well
and everyone enjoyed themselves immensely.
On April 25th Wildlands High School students when to August to visit their second grade buddies. During the visit with
the second grade buddies each Wildlands student created an how-to instructional book using PowerPoint with their buddy. The second grader got to choose the topic they wanted to make there book on, and the Wildlands students guided
them thought the process and taught them a little bit about how to use PowerPoint.
Spencer Chipmunk: Mystery of the Missing Mayor (...continued)
“I don’t know anything, I already
told you I don’t!”
Spencer sighed, the raccoon was
not making this easy. “Why did you run
away then?”
“I ran because I was late.”
“Late for what?”
The raccoon sputtered a bit before
deciding on an alibi. “I was late for a
meeting with my employer, and I had
forgotten about it until just then.”
Spencer paused for a moment before asking his next question. “My colleague says that he saw you staring at us.
The raccoon’s face clearly showed
his anxiety. He needed a good answer,
but he didn’t have one.
“Spencer,” Freddy stood at the
door, fear shaking his voice. “The
phone… w-wishes to speak with you… I
mean he does, not the phone… He wishes to speak with you on the phone.”
Spencer was about to ask who, but
he felt Jacob’s hand on his arm.
“Go talk to him, I’ll hold down the
fort here.”
Spencer nodded and followed
Freddy out the door. He led Spencer
down a short hallway to the main office.
It was nothing much, a main desk on the
back wall held a cup of pens and a telephone. Spencer picked up the phone and
held it to his ear. “Spencer Chipmunk
“Ahh, it’s been to long old friend.”
A deep, sly voice came through the ear
piece, a voice that was very familiar.
“You’re not a friend. What do you
“So, that’s the way it’s going to
play out. Tell me Spence, have you lost
something recently?”
“Martin, what have you-“
“Just listen Spencer. Your lost
item is waiting for you at Stella’s Diner.
When you arrive, she’ll lead you to it.”
“What do you want Martin?”
“Come pick up your precious item
and I’ll tell you. But I would hurry. The
mayor is safe, but your nosy reporter
friend might not be if she doesn’t stop
screaming. Goodbye Spencer.” A long
tone sounded from the earpiece, signaling that the line was disconnected.
Spencer set down the phone and
ran back to the cell, where Jacob still sat
watching Mr. Raccoon mutter to him-
self. Jacob stood immediately when he
saw Spencer, and walked to the cell
door. “What does he want Spencer?”
Spencer wasn’t quite sure how to
respond, he was still trying to decide
what to do next.
“He wants you, doesn’t he?”
Jacob’s guess was more than likely
spot on, and it chilled Spencer to the
“Jacob, what if this is my last
case? I’m running out of trail.”
“Spencer, you need to face him.
This chase has gone on long enough.”
Spencer took a deep breath and
straightened, steeling his jaw so his
teeth would stop chattering. “You right
Jacob, It’s time I ended this. Goodbye
dear friend.”
“I’ll see you soon enough Spencer.”
With that, Spencer ran out the
door and all the way back to Stella’s
Diner. He didn’t stop once for fear that
second thoughts might take over.
The diner looked very different
from when they had seen it earlier that
day. Instead of bustling with customers
the diner was completely empty. A
subtle breeze swept through the open
windows causing the curtains to sway
eerily. A floorboard creaked under
Spencer’s foot, and before he even had
the chance to react Stella slithered
quickly out of the back room and stood
nose to nose with him.
“Sssspencer, he’s been expecting
you. Come thisssss way.”
Without another word she started
toward the back door. Spencer followed her in silence, knowing it was
best to keep his mouth shut and his
eyes open. They walked over to a storage closet in the back of the kitchen,
and stepped inside. There was no light,
but Spencer could tell that Stella didn’t
need it. Various clicks and scrapes
sounded, and Spencer had no idea what
to expect.
“I mussst blind fold you sssso
you don’t reveal our location to the
Spencer closed his eyes, hands
folded behind his back. “Do what you
A cloth immediately slid over his
eyes, rough and itchy, but he didn’t
complain. Stella’s tail wrapped around
his wrist, and she pulled him forward. He stumbled, but regained his
balance as quickly as he had lost it.
“Keep up chipmunk, the
bosssss is rather impatient.”
Spencer grinned. “Don’t I
know it too.”
“Ssssilence! Talk like that
around the bossss and he’ll slit your
“Isn’t he just going to do that
She didn’t respond, but a forward jerk told Spencer that she wasn’t happy. A short time later Stella
released his wrist and told him to
stay still.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
Spencer promised. Then Spencer
felt the blind fold fall away, and he
was shoved forward. He stumbled
and fell to the ground, coughing from
the dust and dirt that flew every
which way.
“Well, if it isn’t my old colleague, Spencer Chipmunk. I’ve
dreamed of this moment for so long.”
Spencer looked over at the
beady-eyed weasel crouching next to
him. “Martin, tell me what you
“I want acceptance. You shut
me out when I needed you.”
“You were turning against me
Martin, what was I supposed to do?
You want an apology? I’m sorry!
I’m sorry I sent you away, but you
were changing.”
“I was your best friend, and
you told me to leave the forest. But
it doesn’t matter now. Your precious
mayor will die.”
Martin began to walk away, but
Spencer stood and caught his arm.
“Take me instead!”
“What?” Martin turned a clearly confused expression on his face.
“You heard me. Let Larry and
Katie go, and take me.”
Martin’s face lifted with a
toothy grin. “Deal.”
“But”, Spencer added, “I want
to see you let them go, no tricks.”
Martin’s smile faded, and a
glare sharp as daggers took its place.
“Very well. This way.”
Spencer stood and followed
Martin through a maze of hallways.
They came to a flight of stairs, and found the dungeon at the top. Prison cells lined the walls on either side, all of them
empty. Martin ran to a cell immediately to their right, unlocking the door and stepping inside.
“Where are they?! I checked on them just moments ago!”
Spencer jumped into action, grabbing the keys in the midst of Martin’s shock, and locking the cell door, trapping
Martin inside his own dungeon.
“Spencer! What are you doing?!”
“I’m stopping you Martin. Don’t worry, by now Jacob has safely retrieved Katie and the mayor. They should be
up arresting Stella right now.” Spencer turned around and started walking back the way they had come. “Goodbye Martin.”
Spencer ran until he reached the Diner, relieved that their plan had worked. Jacob, Katie, Mayor Larry, Franky,
and Freddy were all waiting for him in the main dining room. Spencer handed the keys over to Franky and Freddy.
“He’s all yours gentlemen.”
Franky and Freddy ran to the back room to retrieve their criminal.
Katie dashed forward to thank Spencer, but he stopped her. “Katie, I’m afraid I can’t take credit for your rescue.”
“Why not?” Katie stepped back, obviously confused.
“Well, it was Jacob’s plan that worked. Without him you’d still be in that cell.”
Katie looked over at Jacob with doe eyes and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Thank you Jacob.”
Jacob sighed, having just enough time to say “you’re welcome” before falling straight backwards.
Jacob stood back up and the room burst into laughter, all smiles as they headed back into town to return the mayor
to his office.
-Aly F., 10th grade
Wildlands Comic
Comic drawn and written by Molly M. 11th Grade.
To make this comic, I used a program called Corel Painter. It’s a bit like Photoshop, because I used multiple layers and
different brushes, but everything is hand drawn.
Wildlands Graduating Seniors
Maddie B.– Wildlands Student, 3 years
Isaac N.– Wildlands Stu-
Plans after graduation– NET (National
dent, 5 years.
Evangelism Team)
Plans after graduation-
Favorite Part about Wildlands-
CVCT for welding, 3
Flexibility in choosing your own pro-
Favorite part about
Wildlands- The outdoor
Brett L.– Wildlands Student, 6
Kevin K.– Wildlands Student, 2 years
Plans after graduation- AmeriCorps,
Plans after graduation- Ste-
serving in California. Then UW-Stout
ven’s Point for 4 years.
Favorite part about Wildlands-
Favorite part about Wildlands-
Do what you want for projects,
Being able to do what you want.
a lot of options for projects.
Alex G.– Wildlands Student, 4 years
Dan W.– Wildlands Student, 6
Plans after graduation- Vermillion
2 years
Favorite part about Wildlands-
Plans after graduation– CVTC
Favorite part about
Wildlands- More
Areas to Research.
The freedom to learn on your own.
Tyler D.—Wildlands Student, 4years
Riley M.– Wildlands Student, 5
Plans after graduation
- working for family
Plans after graduation- Boot camp
business, then plans
in October
to go out west.
Favorite part about Wildlands-
Favorite part about
Do your own thing, more into
Wildlands- Austin
what you’re interested in.
falling out of a tree.
Isaac R.- Wildlands Student,
Rebekah W.- Wildlands Student, 3 years.
Plans after graduation- UW
Marshfield, UW Eau Claire
Nursing. 2 years.
1 year.
Plans after graduation- Going
to CVTC 4 years.
Favorite part about WildlandsLikes the flexibility.
Favorite part about Wildlands–
Canoeing and being outside.
- Written by: Kaitlyn D. 9th Grade
Page 10
The Brains Behind This Issue
Mrs. Seubert
Crisis Management
“Problem solving
with a smile.”
Molly M.– 11th
Editor (Team 1)
always take things
Lydia D. –11th
Head Editor
Sophie B.– 10th
Layout Team
“I have nothing clever to say”
Jim G.– 9th Grade
Editor (Team 2)
“Remember to
learn to forget…”
“I’ve told myself
that, but myself
doesn’t listen to
Izzy B.– 9th
Editor (Team 2)
“I don't’ take
things too literally.”
Check us out on YouTube to see the awesome videos students have made!
Go to GoodSearch.com and add
Wildlands Charter School as the
charity you want to support. Each
search you make through
GoodSearch donates money to
Wildlands School.
Black, Cream & Brown
Alpaca Yarn for Sale
Contact Clare for information about this unique yarn
Wildlands Supporters
Special thanks to the following individuals and families whose generous contributions help make Wildlands School successful year after year.
Lucille Granaos
Ted and Jan Tweed
Beverly Halmar
Cam and Amy Kalmon
Mark and Sue Barton
The Plewa-Cummins Family
Paul and Joni Homes
The Don Mousel Family
Peter Forseth
The Conserve School
Sandy and Keith Hug
Chuck and Nancy Forseth
The William Spraetz Family
H & H Casetta
A big thank you to Green Oasis Gardens for donating
flowers for the graduation ceremony!
1403 122nd St, Chippewa
Falls, WI. (E of Hwy 53
bypass N of the Melby
exit in Lake Hallie).
Page 11
Augusta School District
E19320 Bartig Rd
Augusta, WI 54722
Phone: 715-877-2292
Fax: 715-877-2234
Email: Wildlands@august.k12.wi.us
Help Support
Donation Amount
____ $10
____ $25
____ $35
Wildlands needs your support.
Wildlands has established a 501c(3) non-profit organization to support student research and activities.
If you would like to help us provide students with unique learning opportunities please use the form
below. All donations are tax deductible.
____ $50
Benefits of supporting Wildlands:
____ $100
1. With a donation of $50.00 or more, you will be recognized as a contributor in our Wildlands’ Newsletter.
____ Other
Indicate how you’d like your donation to help Wildlands!
__ equipment/supplies
__ student scholarships
__ fieldwork/fieldtrips
__ Wildlands can decide
Your donation to Wildlands School will provide students
with up-to-date research equipment, support field work
opportunities, fund local fieldtrips, or support our senior
scholarships. Anyway you look at it, the money directly
helps our students.
2. With a donation of $500.00 or more, you will be recognized on our Wildlands’ Equipment Trailer as a Major
Name of Contributor(s):
(Internal use only. We will not give away or sell your information)
Thank you for your support!
Mail this section with your donation to:
Wildlands School * E19320 Bartig Road * Augusta, WI 54722