The Rocket September 2013 - School District of Spencer


The Rocket September 2013 - School District of Spencer
FALL 2013
Rookie Rocket Child Care
PAGE 3________________________
SHIP / New Staff
PAGE 4_______________________
Kindergarten, First and Second
Grade News
PAGE 5______________________
Third and Fourth Grade News
Fifth Grade News
PAGE 7____________________
Enrichment Courses Blast Off
PAGE 8___________________
What’s Cooking?
Music Department Upcoming Events
PAGE 10_________________
Amanda Pupp Benefit
Middle School Counselor’s
PAGE 11__________________
2013 Madrigal
PAGE 12________________
Spencer Youth Recreations
Bus Transportation Update
PAGE 13________________
Thank You Burnstad’s &
Brad Bauer Memorial
High School Counselor’s
If you are not moving forward you
are falling behind!”
Welcome back for another exciting year! The district held a meet your teacher night on August
29th and I enjoyed getting reacquainted with current students and meeting new ones. One
recurring theme for the majority of those that I talked to was the parents were ready for school to
start and the kids weren’t. I agree summer does get long and it is difficult to keep kids motivated.
I too am glad that the school year is underway. I have always appreciated the instant change
in energy as kids start milling around the building once again. Seeing the kids also is a great
reminder of the work that lies ahead of us.
The State has mandated several initiatives that go into effect at various times. We need to have
an RTI (Response to Intervention) system set up by December 1st of this year. A Department of
Public Instruction approved evaluation system for our teachers needs to be fully implemented by
the 2014-15 school year. The use of data needs to be utilized in making educational decisions
for our students. This has been the focus of our staff in preparing for the school year. As a
district we have chosen to take a proactive approach to the timelines and are integrating these
mandates immediately.
I have always agreed with the statement, “If you are not moving forward you are falling behind”.
Never in my 20 plus years in education has this been more prevalent. I am thankful to have the
staff that is hardworking and willing to do what is best for our kids. School started September
3rd but the parking lot was full for the better part of August. I think the teachers were as excited
as the parents to get the school year started.
I look forward to hearing from you throughout the year. Please keep an eye out for information
on Spencer Speaks Part 5 and take a look at our webpage at for various
information. We have also started an email messenger alert system the will be utilized in the
event we need to get a quick message to parents for situations like inclement weather etc.
Please verify your email with your student office to make sure we have
the correct address on file. As always, I appreciate the support of the
community for our kids and look forward to continuing our positive
Board of Education Meeting Notice
Effective October 2013, the School District of Spencer School
Board will meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday monthly at
7pm in the High School library (changed from Mondays)
-Mike Endreas,
Superintendent/Elementary Principal
PAGE 15_________________
Stratford Continuing Education
PAGE 16_________________
Fall Sports Schedules
Spencer Public Schools
300 N. School Street
PO Box 418
Spencer, WI 54479
Superintendent/Elementary Principal, Mike Endreas
Middle School/High School Principal, Jerry Zanotelli
District Office Phone (715) 659-5347
High School Office Phone (715) 659-4211
Elementary Office Phone (715) 659-4642
I would like to commend and thank a number of the staff members
for all of the time they spent during the summer months getting us
ready for the 2013-2014 school year. This past summer we had
several staff members volunteer their time for us to get ready for
our RTI (Response to Intervention)/Enrichment time and our PLC
(Professional Learning Communities). RTI is a state and federal
mandate for schools to find a way to incorporate extra time for
students who are struggling in core skill areas. This is a great
opportunity for any student who needs additional practice or help in
any core area to get that help in a small group setting. We wanted to
offer these services to all students without having that student lose
instructional time in other classes. So this year’s schedule has a built
in 30 minute RTI time for all students. The issue with that is, what do
you do with the other 280 kids during that time that do not need or
want help? This summer the staff designed our enrichment classes
which run in conjunction with the RTI time. Each day staff members
will be running a 6 week mini-class dealing with the standards,
critical thinking, or life skills in many different areas. These classes
will run for that 30 minute period on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday,
and Friday. Wednesday is now set aside for our Launch Pad/House
groups in our advisor/advisee program which was started last year.
The RTI time is a great opportunity for students to get extra help in
areas they feel, or the teacher feels, there is a need. This will also
give teachers the ability to present their educational material in a
different way to the students. Some of the enrichment classes that
are being offered the first six weeks are: Forensic Science, Critical
Thinking, Relaxation, Problem Solving, Our America, Book Club,
WWII. We had 58 different offerings for the students over those 4
days/6 weeks of enrichment in grades 7-12.
There was also another group of teachers that volunteered their
time to complete a book study on grading and the different affects
grading can have on learning. This book study looked at how
they can enhance their grading system to better reflect the actual
knowledge the student has in that subject area. They looked at their
assessments (tests), what they grade, the percentages of emphasis
on the different area, and many other factors. There is a group of
staff members that will implementing what they have discussed
to determine if it is a better indicator of a true representation of a
student’s knowledge.
I have always been very proud of how we at Spencer Schools have
looked each year on how we can enhance the educational process
for the students here. In the last 5 years we have implemented new
things each year to give the students here more opportunities to
help them have a better chance of success after their years here.
Thank you again for your continued support of our school system
and we will continue to push ourselves professionally to always
look at ways to move ahead to enhance the
experience for students here.
-Jerry Zanotelli, MS/HS Principal
A big welcome to all of the children and families registered in our program for the 2013-2014 school years. We are happy to have you join us.
We also invite anyone else interested in learning more about us to stop in and check us out. Each day after school we offer a healthy snack,
activities, fun and games. We also offer each day, a quiet learning environment where the children can do their homework with the aid of
experienced adults.
The RRCC is looking for individuals who enjoy working with children to complement our current staff. Our need is for someone to be available as
an on call for subbing. If this interests you please contact Sheri at 715-659-2409 ext. 156 or e-mail
Everyone is welcome to attend the Spencer School Board meetings. They are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at
7 p.m. in the HS Library. If there is a change in the date or time it will be posted on the doors outside the HS Office, at the Heritage
Bank and at the Village Hall. Information regarding the meetings is also printed in the TRG Newspaper and archived meetings are
available for viewing at under the District links tab.
Dawn Reckner, President • Eric Zenner, Vice President
Jerry Wienke, Clerk • Jim Krasselt, Treasurer • Jordan Franklin, Director
Check out the school website ( for school contact information.
The deadline to submit items for the next issue is, January 12, 2014.
You may drop off items in newsletter mailbox in the Elementary
Office, or you may e-mail them to
It will then take 2-3 weeks to get it put together and mailed out. If
you have any questions, you may e-mail that same address or leave
a message by calling school and asking for extension 100.
Thank you!!
Advisors, coaches, faculty, and staff
of the Spencer Public Schools have
submitted the articles printed in this
Publication. Announcements are a
community service.
Mike Endreas, Editor in Chief
The School District of Spencer shall
not discriminate on the basis of age,
race, religion, political affiliation, sex
or sexual orientation, national origin,
ancestry, color, creed, pregnancy,
marital or parental status, physical,
mental, emotional or learning disability.
To report an alleged violation regarding
discrimination, contact Mike Endreas,
District Administrator, Spencer School
District, 715-659-5347
Welcome Back to School!
We have had a great start to the school year! I have been enjoying
getting to know the students of the elementary. The energy and
enthusiasm they bring to school every day is contagious!
Here are some changes you may hear your child talking about this
New math series – we are staying with the same company but have
upgraded from the 2004 edition to the 2012 edition. The content of
the 2012 edition matches with the Common Core State Standards
that have been adopted by the state of Wisconsin and 44 other
states in the nation.
Daily 5 – the elementary teachers worked hard over the summer to
adopt the structure for reading called “The Daily 5”. This structure is
based on best reading strategies and will be used in different ways
throughout the elementary. Don’t be surprised to hear your child
talk about building stamina as they read!
Keyboarding – a stronger emphasis on keyboarding has been
initiated for grades 3-5 to help prepare the students for the Smarter
Balance Assessment that will start in the 2014-2015 school year.
The Smarter Balance will take the place of the WKCE state test and
will be done completely on the computer. During the students’
library time they will get a half hour of keyboarding practice and the
classroom teachers will get them one additional practice time each
New Faces – We have several new faces in our elementary this
year. Andrew Dillenburg – elementary music, Justin Rayburn –
phy.ed/health, Shannon Malone – Early Childhood, Jenn Luepke –
paraprofessional. We are excited for the new faces and the new
ideas that come with them!
Welcome to the
Rocket Family!
Facebook – stayed tuned, the Spencer Elementary Facebook page
will be premiering soon! We know that this is a connection to the
outside world maintained by many of our students’ parents. This
page will include announcements, event updates, video clips, and
photographs (no student names will be included on this page as
their privacy is very important to us).
Upcoming Dates to be Aware of:
MAP Testing for grades 3-5: Sept. 25, Oct. 1, Oct. 3, Oct. 7
Oct. 17 – Parent Teacher Conferences 1:00-5:00 and 6:00-9:00 pm
Oct. 18 – no school
Oct. 29-Nov. 29 - WKCE (state testing) dates - your child will test
2-3 days during this window but the exact dates have yet to be
Nov. 1 – No School – teacher in-service
Nov. 6 – end of the first quarter
-Jill Schulz
Elementary Principal/
Assessment and Curriculum Coordinator
SHIP (Spencer
Homework Program)
SHIP (Spencer Homework Program) will set sail for this school year
on October 7th! We are again serving students in 2nd -5th grades,
Monday - Thursday from 3:15-4:00, meeting in the Elementary Library.
Our goal is to boost their study skills and get them in the habit of
completing homework right after school. This is a FREE program
offered through the Spencer Kids Group. Students may be referred by
a teacher or parent, and forms can be found in the Elementary Office.
Enrollment is open throughout the school year.
This year we need community volunteers
more than ever! If you are interested in
helping out, even just one night a month,
please contact Rene Gerstner for more
information. If you want to help but can’t
be there to volunteer, please consider a
donation of cash for supplies or healthy
snacks for the students.
Front Row: Tiana Manthe-Schultz (FACE), Shannon Malone (Early
Childhood), Jennifer Sanasac (6th Grade)
Back Row: Justin Rayburn (phy.ed/health), Andrew Dillenburg
(elementary music), Noah Werner (student teacher in Tech. Ed)
missing from the photograph Katie Wolff (student teacher HS math)
Rene Gerstner
SHIP Coordinator
4 Year-old Kindergarten NEWS
Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom! We have a new batch of 4k students
in our room! We are off to a great start and are ready to learn.
This year our 4k program is made up of 24 students in the Monday/
Wednesday class and 21 students in our Tuesday/Thursday class.
We are learning the rules and routines of a typical school day and
are making new friends along the way.
fall colors, go on a scavenger hunt, make a few crafts, play games,
and of course have a snack! Some of our 4k friends predict that we
will see a bear, a deer, or even Big Foot! Whatever we encounter, we
are bound to have a great time!
- Submitted by4 Year-old Kindergarten Teacher:
Janet Wolf
We are looking forward to our first fieldtrip at the end of September
to the School Forest. While we are there we will enjoy the beautiful
Welcome all to Kindergarten!!
It has been a busy month for us as we are getting back into the
routine of coming to school. The students are progressing very well
with the new kindergarten routines. We have also been working
hard on printing our names and recognizing them in print all around
us. We are looking forward to learning about apples, pumpkins,
ourselves, patterns, counting and numbers 1-10, and soooo very
much more. We also will be having our first kindergarten field trip
and visit to the Tack Center for a special performance of “Peter
Pan.” We are off to a great start to the new year!!
- Submitted by the Kindergarten Staff
The First Graders are already busy and are getting acquainted with
their 57 classmates. They have been working hard at remembering
number quantity and letter sounds, proper letter formation, and
LOTS of cutting, gluing, and coloring. We hope that you’ve seen
some fine examples of first grade work come home with your
little ones or have seen their work hanging in the halls or in their
classroom. We’ll soon be taking our first trips of the school year.
In early October we’ll be visiting the School Forest to check out the
beautiful fall colors, and in November we’ll each take a turn to visit
St. Joseph’s Hospital for their pediatric orientation.
- Submitted by the First Grade teachers:
Mrs. Pankratz, Mrs. Aerts, Mrs. Kolstad
Welcome back! We are so excited to be back to start another year
with new smiling faces. We have had a great start to our school
year (Just a little hot!). We are getting to know each other and the
routines of the school and our classrooms. We just finished up our
DIBELS testing and CBM math testing. We are so excited because
we will be attending 4 plays at the LuCille Tack Center this year.
In Oct. we will be going on our first fieldtrip to the planetarium in
Stevens Point. More information on our trip to follow. Let’s have a
great year!
- Submitted by the Second Grade teachers:
Mrs. Bissonette, Mrs. Guenther, Mrs. Anderson
The third grade class is getting back into the school routine. This
year we have new Everyday Math books which are correlated to
the state standards. We are reviewing how to use math tools,
place value, and reading and writing larger numbers. Students
have begun to learn the lowercase, undercurve cursive letters. In
science we are studying the different types of plant life, and recently
examined and compared grassroots and radish root systems. In
social studies we will be learning about large and small communities
across the United States and the world. In reading, we are looking
for clues to determine the setting and characters as well as how to
locate information in the text. We are also reading books and taking
tests on the computerized Accelerated Reader program available to
us over the internet. This year we will be working hard to improve
our reading skills. We are also learning keyboarding skills to better
prepare us for taking standardized tests on the computer in the
future. We will soon be tie-dying our t-shirts, so please watch for
our vibrant new class colors!
- Submitted by the Third Grade teachers:
Mrs. Farrell, Mrs. Reckner, Mrs. Payant
We have 50 students in grade 4 this year. They are great students
and we know this will be a wonderful school year.
We will be adding pictures to our website throughout the school
year so please take time to check out all the great things going on in
fourth grade at Spencer.
This fall the students will be learning about Geometry in math and
designing some great abstract art using straight edges, compasses,
and protractors. In science we will be studying life science. We
will be learning about cells and how they work together. We will be
classifying plants and animals and learning how they all co-exist in
the environment. In social studies we will be studying the different
regions that make up our great country. Language class in 4th
grade is a lot of fun as well. We will be doing quite a bit of writing
this year. Helping your child proofread and edit their drafts is always
helpful. Be sure to point out things to improve, but let the student
fix the mistakes. Typing final drafts is always nice and encouraged,
but is never required unless done at school.
In reading we are starting the Daily Five. This program focuses
on students reading all the time! Each night, your child’s reading
assignment is to read for the time the child has chosen.
We will be administering two major tests, the WKCE and the
MAPS tests. The MAPS test helps to define areas of weakness
in our educational process. This way changes can be made to
help improve the instructional process or where more instruction is
We will keep you posted on our progress throughout the year.
- Submitted by the Fourth Grade teachers:
Mrs. Fischer, Mrs. Szymanski, Mrs. Miller
After graduating from Spencer High School in 2007, I am thrilled to
return to the community. Spencer has given me many opportunities
in my youth and it is only fitting that I return here with yet another
opportunity, this time to give back what I’ve learned over the past six
years and to continue learning from the wonderful staff and students
here. It is my goal to keep students engaged in learning, see growth
in student knowledge, and my own, and to have fun! Together, we
will be successful!
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Andrew Dillenburg, Music Teacher, Spencer Elementary
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The school year is off to a great start in fifth grade. The kids are
settling into a routine and are eager to learn. We encourage you to
check your child’s assignment notebook each night to be involved
in the learning process. This year we have a bit of a unique set up.
During the morning grade 5 enjoys small class sections with the
duties of teaching split between Math with Mrs. Buss, Reading with
Mrs. LeGrand, and Comm/Language with Mrs. Miller. We are so
excited about this arrangement as it will benefit all learners. During
the afternoon Mrs. Miller will be joining the fourth grade to teach
their Language Arts classes. The students have adjusted quite well
to this split design. Afternoon classes bring the challenge of Social
Studies with Mrs. LeGrand and Media with Mrs. Buss. Each section
will experience Science with the homeroom teacher. We look forward
to lots of learning this year!!
Our classes are jammed packed with many learning targets. We are
happy to announce that we are implementing our updated Everyday
Math curriculum. Hopefully our Rocket mathematicians will soar
to new heights. Currently we are focusing on factors, divisibility
rules, square numbers, prime vs. composite numbers, and prime
factorization. Please encourage your children to practice math facts
consistently. Media class offers the opportunity to work on laptop
computers. The kids will learn keyboarding skills to apply in their
educational endeavors. We look forward to learning games as well as
upcoming projects on the computers. We will explore Power Point,
Word Processing, Picasa Photo Collage creation, and much more.
Science will focus on discovering how living things are classified
as well as exploring what cells have to do with our lives. We will
investigate the human body systems and also study plants and
ecosystems. In social studies we will be studying United States history
and geography. The fifth graders will become members of Native
American tribes, become sailors on ships exploring the New World,
and part of a colonizing group. They will also ‘fight’ the Revolutionary
War and the Civil War. In reading class we will be focusing on building
our reading stamina, and working on reading skills as we read some
varied literature. In Communications (Language) class we are writing,
writing, writing! Feel free to offer advice and suggestions on your
child’s writing, however, allow them to make the changes. Encourage
proofreading many times to catch mistakes and make it wonderful.
We look forward to working with this great bunch of kids throughout
the school year. Please contact grade 5 staff if you have any concerns
or questions.
- Submitted by the Fifth Grade teachers:
Mr. Toufar, Mrs. LeGrand, Mrs. Buss
As we begin another school year, it is my goal as the Reading Resource
teacher at Spencer to ensure that students receive reasonable and
appropriate intervention options when needed to experience success
in educational opportunities that are available.
Again this year, I will implement the Leveled Literacy Intervention
program to those students having the skills and strategies necessary
to benefit from this intense, well-paced teaching method. The
lessons provide support for teaching, suggestions for practice, and
links to additional resources that are required for children to read
In addition, I will continue to work collaboratively with teachers to
develop quality interventions for students whose needs are currently
not being met in the classroom. After identifying concerns, every
effort will be made to help negotiate strategic plans that include
determining who will be responsible for the (plan) implementation,
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monitoring progress, and collection of data. Evaluation will be ongoing to determine the effectiveness of the goals set forth, as well as
the progress of the student(s).
Because we are a Schoolwide Title I program, if time is available,
every child who is determined to need additional help per classroom
teacher / test results / academic performance at any time during the
course of the school year can receive additional help without prior
parent authorization. Therefore, a parent wishing to refuse additional
services for their child(ren) should contact the appropriate classroom
teacher to express their right to refuse help.
Please go to my webpage for information updates throughout the
year. This can be found on Spencer’s Homepage.
- Submitted by Connie M. Schroedel
Reading Resource Teacher
Since 1995
H3985 Highway 13 - Colby Wisconsin
HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 7:00-5:00
Distance Learning Continuing in Popularity
The first semester has Spencer students enrolled in over 15
Distance Learning courses. Several seniors are earning college
credit in English 102 from UWMWC. Other students are studying
Medical Terminology and Criminal Justice from Chippewa Valley and
Northcentral Technical Colleges. Again this year, the Spanish I-IV
classes are popular. Courses originate from Loyal and Eleva-Strum.
Spanish instructors will be making bimonthly visits to Spencer. On
these day the instructors will be teaching from Spencer to their
home schools. Other Distance Learning classes include Vietnam,
Accounting, and French I and II.
-Submitted by Joy Messerschmidt
Distance Learning Coordinator/Facilitator
Enrichment Courses Blast Off
Enrichment courses have arrived at Spencer High and Junior High
schools. A new class period has been added between 3rd and
4th periods in which students can choose to learn more about the
subjects they enjoy.
Part of the new mandates No Child Left Behind require all public
schools to offer extra time during the day to help students who do
not meet basic standards, or “benchmarks” on standardized tests.
In addition, it is expected that schools will offer more challenging, indepth material for students who meet or exceed those benchmarks.
In an effort to meet these mandates, the enrichment period was
Teachers and administrators wanted to extend the core learning for
all students beyond the requirements of the Common Core State
Standards, creating more in-depth study, specific topic study and
alternative methods of learning.
At the same time, students who
need more help in core areas (English, Math, Science and Social
Studies) will be able to work in small groups with the core teachers.
Spencer High School and middle school staff attended numerous
training sessions during the 2012-2013 school year to prepare for
these changes. Having considered many options, the staff and
administration chose to add the extra enrichment period to the
school day. Students were able to sign up for one of the 50 offered
enrichment courses during the first week of school.
Options for the first six-week period include: Theater Improvisation,
Syria: Are we going to War? Should we be?, Yoga, Advertising
and Media, The Value of Play, Forensic Science, UW-College
Applications, Pop Bottle Rockets, and Numbers in Sports. Each
enrichment course provides an extended real-world learning
opportunity to apply knowledge from core and elective courses.
Students and staff alike are excited about the new addition of
enrichment courses. It’s an energizing and interest-Sbuilding break
in the day. Teachers have the opportunity to show what really
makes their field of study exciting, and students can try new ideas,
explore career options and apply classroom knowledge to real life.
-Submitted by Kristin Lohrentz
English 9-12
B&IT Instructor Connie Schauer
Writes EConomic State Standards
In September, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
released the new state standards for Career and Technical Education
(CTE), which includes Agriculture, Technical Education, Family
and Consumer Education, Marketing, and Business & Information
Technology (B&IT). The goal of the new standards is to provide CTE
students with relevant, rigorous, and authentic learning experiences
that meet their needs and future ambitions. Additionally, these state
standards are intended to prepare students for the 21st Century
and help them become college and career ready while still in high
Mrs. Schauer, along with thirteen other B&IT instructors from around
the state, was selected in the fall of 2011 to serve on the Wisconsin
Standards for Business and Information Technology Leadership
Team. During this almost two-year process, she wrote the state
standards for Economics. The standards that she wrote were
evaluated by an advisory committee of representatives from higher
education and business and industry for implementation by B&IT
teachers around the state.
Congratulations to Mrs. Schauer!
music fundraiser almost underway!
Monday, October 7, Spencer Middle and High School musicians
will begin taking orders for RADA Cutlery. RADA Manufacturing
Company has been making kitchen knives and helping fundraising
groups since 1948! Over 135 million RADA knives have been sold,
all of which are 100% “Made in the USA.” The company began
with just three knives in its catalog and now has a complete line
of kitchen knives, utensils and cutlery sets, as well as stoneware
cookbooks, soy wax candles and quick mixes. This wide variety
of items means everyone will be able to find something they want
and need to support the cause of music education in our school.
The sale runs through Monday, October 21. Contact any musician,
call 715.659.2409 x117 or email to place
your order. And remember, cutlery makes GREAT holiday gifts for
almost everyone on your list! Order NOW!
-Diane Veale
Choral and General Music Grades 6-12
What’s cooking?
As the temperatures outside are cooling off, the students in
our Foods Lab are heating up. Today students participated in
their Safety & Sanitation Lab. Students are evaluated on proper
prevention for common kitchen accidents as well as desirable food
safety procedures that prevent foodborne illness.
Here’s what students had to say about today’s experience…
Purpose in the lab: You have to make sure you are safe in the
kitchen, especially when you are working with others.
Something to work on for the next lab: We are going to measure
ingredients more accurately.
Students enjoyed Beefy Taco Dip. Recipe below.
- Tiana Schultz
Family & Consumer Sciences
Best part of lab: This was a lot of fun, even though we were really
Beefy Taco Dip
• 1/2 package (4 ounces) cream cheese, softened
• 1/2 cup (4 ounces) sour cream
• 1/4 cup + 2 Tablespoons mayonnaise
• 1/2 pound ground beef
• 1/2 envelope taco seasoning
• 1/2 can (4 ounces) tomato sauce
• 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded cheddar or Mexican cheese blend
• 2 cups shredded lettuce
• 1 medium tomato, chopped small
• 1/2 small onion, chopped small
• 1/2 medium green pepper, chopped small
• Tortilla chips
In a small bowl, beat the
cream cheese, sour cream
smooth. Spread onto a
serving dish. Refrigerate.
In a saucepan over medium
heat, brown beef; drain. Add
taco seasoning and tomato
sauce; cook and stir for 5
minutes. Cool completely.
Spread over cream cheese
layer. Just before serving,
sprinkle with cheese, lettuce,
tomatoes, onion and green
pepper. Serve with chips.
Yield: 8-10 servings.
© Taste of Home 2013
The SHS Music Department
will present its Fall Concert
in the LuCille Tack Center for
the Arts, Monday, October 21
at 7:30 p.m. Junior and senior
high bands and choirs, and the
high school handbell ensemble
will perform. Please join us and
share a nationally recognized
method of helping high school
students raise their ACT scores
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Monday, October 21, 2013 • 7:30 p.m. • LTCA
The crunch of leaves, the smell of wood smoke and…the sounds of music
fill the autumn air! Join Spencer Junior and Senior High School Musicians as
they present their first performance of the school year.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013 • 7:00 p.m. • LTCA
Outstanding choral and instrumental musicians from across the Marawood
Conference will spend the day rehearsing with their two illustrious guest
conductors, before presenting a Grand Finale Concert that showcases their
creative accomplishments. Their performance will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the
LuCille Tack Center for the Arts and in open to the public free of charge. The
festival is being hosted by Spencer High School Music Department.
‘Tis The Season
MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2013 • 7:00 p.m. • LTCA
The Spencer Music Department will present ’TIS THE SEASON, a concert
of holiday choral and handbell music from many traditions and centuries,
beginning at 7:30pm Monday, December 16 in the LuCille Tack Center for the
Arts. Take advantage of this opportunity to get in the holiday spirit. After sixty
minutes of seasonal music in the comfort of the Tack Center and you will
definitely be in the mood! There’s no admission charge.
Monday, January 20, 2014 • 7:30 p.m. • LTCA
It may be chilly outside, but the Spencer Junior and Senior High Bands and
Jazz Bands will warm up the night with performances of their first semester
repertoire. This is no admission charge!
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Benefits for Amanda
Family and friends are reaching out to the community to join
together in support of a young Spencer woman who is undergoing
treatment for an aggressive form of skin cancer.
Amanda (Verkilen) Pupp is 28 years old
and lives in Spencer with her husband
Jesse Pupp , 6 year old son Kolton
and 10 month old daughter Lydia.
Amanda’s parents, Cindy and Mark
Fischer also live in the Spencer area.
Cindy is a 4th grade teacher at Spencer
Elementary School. Amanda has two
brothers, Adam and Ben Verkilen.
In July, Amanda was diagnosed with stage III melanoma. Since
being diagnosed, Amanda has had two surgeries to remove the
tumors. Still, the cancer has spread to her lung. On August 30,
Amanda started immunotherapy. She will be going through a very
extensive treatment in the days to come and will not be able to
work. Amanda’s family and friends are organizing two events to
raise money that will help with some of her expenses.
Spencer High School volleyball team will be holding a benefit
cookout on Tuesday, October 1, 2013 starting at 4:30 pm, selling
t-shirts, and will have raffle items at their volleyball game. Please
show your support and come to this event. If you have any
questions, please contact Stacy at 715-207-5278.
A Benefit Auction will be held on Saturday, October 26th, 2013 at
the Unity Memorial Hall in Unity, WI. Items available for viewing at
11:00 am and bidding to start at 1:00 pm. Food will be available for
purchase starting at 11:00 am. With the assistance and donations
of the RJ Stockwell Auction Services and the Unity Hall Board, many
items will be auctioned off, with all of the proceeds to be deposited
to Amanda Pupp’s mortgage lender to provide an account to be
used solely for their monthly mortgage payments.
Mark and Mike of Spencer have volunteered to provide a collection
and storage site for the donated items. If you are willing to donate
an item for the auction, you may contact Mark at 715-613-8804 to
arrange drop off time. Of course, everyone is invited to attend the
auction on Saturday, October 26th, 2013 at the Unity Memorial Hall
in Unity, WI.
Independent money donations can also be made directly to the
Heritage Bank in Spencer and Marshfield to “Amanda Pupp Benefit
Please help Amanda and her family with your love and support
during this difficult time.
Elementary/Middle School Counselors Corner
Community School Supply donations make a big difference.
Many students are off to a great start with school supplies in
hand thanks to our generous community. Once again Spencer
area organizations and individuals came through for us with an
abundance of supplies. It’s wonderful to have items on hand when
students stop in concerned that they’re unable to get what they
need. Their problem is instantly solved and they walk away with
a sigh of relief feeling ready to learn. Thank you Trinity Lutheran
of Spencer, Spencer United Methodist Church, Hope Lutheran
of Edgar, Dollar General of Spencer, Marshfield United Way and
many anonymous donors. Students, families and our staff truly
appreciate your generosity!
ACT to Stop Bullying
After our classroom guidance unit, third grade students are ready to
ACT to stop bullying. Students learned many ways they can help
keep bullying away by being friendly and respectful. Students take
Action by speaking up for themselves or others in a calm assertive
way when they hear or see bullying. When caring bystanders speak
up, bullying almost always stops. Caring comes quite naturally to
our student as they check to see if others are ok, invite kids to
play and give compliments. Students learned Telling is not tattling.
Part of the “Rocket Way” is respectfully listening the first time when
someone says “Stop it.” If they don’t stop, the next step is to report
to the nearest adult. Watch for beautiful ACT illustrations around
the elementary created by third graders. They felt proud to share
their strategies with younger students.
Welcome Wagon Visits New Students
Fifth grade students enthusiastically volunteered to be on the
Welcome Wagon crew.
The Welcome wagon visited new students in the first few weeks
to officially welcome them to the Rocket family. The whole class
joined in for a cheer and our fifth grade leaders gave each new
student a welcome kit.
Small Counseling Groups available for 3rd-5th grade students
Starting in early October, small counseling groups will begin for
students who would like support or skill practice with Ms. Roewe.
Groups provide a place for students to be heard, to share their
thoughts and feelings, to learn new skills and to build a support
network. Students act as a great resource for each other as they
work on similar issues together in a confidential manner.
Groups offered based on student need are: Family change,
Chillin’(calming skills practice),
Tools of the Trade (study skills), & Standin’ Up (assertiveness
Students have a chance to sign up for groups. If they show interest
in a group, a note comes home indicating their interest. Groups for
K-2 students will start second semester.
Feel free to contact me if you are interested in small group or
individual counseling for your child. I’m happy to support students
and work together with you to help them do their best in school.
Joann Roewe
PK-7 School Counselor
(715) 659-4642 ext. 123
Spencer Youth Recreations, Inc. has been quite busy. They
held their 9th annual golf outing on Saturday, July 27th.
Despite the unseasonably chilly weather, 21 teams enjoyed
the Scramble Tournament with Rocket spirit. This fundraiser
was extremely successful and raised $8,000 which will be used
to make improvements to athletic facilities at Spencer School.
A&B Process Systems
AE Business Solutions
American Auto
Arnie’s Barbershop
Associated Sales & Leasing
B & B Specialties
Bear Creek Canvas
Brostowitz Lettering & Sign
Burnett Transit
Burnstad’s Market
Central City Credit Union
Central Manufacturing Corp
Citizens State Bank of Loyal
Cut Loose Hair Studio LLC
Dan’s Outdoor Furniture
Dennis Cole
Derek & Dave Buse
El Mezcal
FBC Industries, Inc.
First Choice Recycling
Gosse Chiropractic
Hansen-Schilling Funeral Homes
Harn’s Furniture
Heritage Bank
Hildebrandt Custom Cabinets
Hitachi Data Systems
Hughes Transport
Jensen Motors
JJ’s WoodChuckers LLC
K&S Landscaping
These funds will enable SYR to complete the new concession stand
and dugouts at SPREC Softball Field behind school. SYR has also
made a $1,000 donation to the Spencer High Volleyball Program to
provide volleyballs and a new net system. We are proud to serve
the community and look forward to future endeavors.
Kristy Kakes
Kwip Trip
Lamont Nienast, Oak Grove Terrace, Inc.
Life Like Creations Taxidermy
Life Tributes Funeral Home & Cremation
Service, Inc
LuCille Tack Center for the Arts
M & S Sales and Service
Mark and Chris Frey
Marshfield Insurance
Maurer’s Mini Storage
McNeely Insurance
Midwest Nutrition and Feed, Inc
Modern Insulation
Northside Computer
Nutz Deep II
Palo Alto
PC Doctors
Premier Printing, Inc.
Prince Corporation
R & R Flooring
Red Top Auto
RiverEdge Golf Course
Shutterbug Photography by
Sports Scene
Team Sporting Goods
The Sud Shop Car Wash
Bus Transportation Update
With the beginning of the new school year now upon us, we are
glad to announce that for the first time in many decades students
up to 8th grade will be allowed to ride a school bus home to their
residence located within the village of Spencer (with the exception
of those students located within walking distance of the school, or
in other words those students that live north of County Hwy C or
east of Hwy 13).
For the last several decades, for students who lived in the village
of Spencer, only those students in 4th grade or younger have been
allowed to ride home on the school buses for the afternoon routes.
Now we are making that service available to students who are
8th grade or younger. The morning routes for the village have not
changed – any students of any age are allowed to ride the buses in
the morning. Should you have a student(s) who wish to ride the bus
in the afternoon but haven’t in the past because they were too old,
they are welcome to begin riding the bus as soon as a transportation
application is on file with our office. Please remember that they must
be in 8th grade or younger. If interested please contact Burnett’s
Service for a transportation application which we must have on file
if your student(s) is going to be riding a school bus. Without an
application on file we cannot allow a student to ride the bus. Bus
stops that are scheduled for the village of Spencer are listed on the
back of the transportation application. You must choose a bus stop
for your student(s) when filling out the application. A student cannot
ride different buses – only one stop can be chosen on one bus route.
If a student that is in high school wishes to ride the bus home in
the afternoon, we may be able to grant this request. However,
there must be a legitimate reason for the request. An example of a
legitimate request would be a high school student who must ride the
afternoon bus home to babysit for a younger sibling.
Please contact Burnett Transit (715-659-4391) for an application or
should you have any questions or concerns.
- The Burnett Transit Staff
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A HUGE Thank you to Burnstad’s Market!!
All of the elementary students received a very generous gift when
during the Welcome Back Assembly on the first day of school.
Burnstad’s Market prepared a bag for each of our elementary
students – 325 in total!! The bags were reusable grocery bags and
inside were a variety of goodies, from folders to vitamin water, and
even a loaf of bread! Derek Burnstad from the Burnstad home
office was on hand to help hand out these bags as well as several
employees from our local store. Mr. Burnstad had this to say about
the event, “The event was an idea that we started to think about a
few months ago with attempts to not only give back to the Spencer
community (which is part of our mission/goal each year) but also
to help promote healthy eating/lifestyles. We wanted to find a
community event where we could accomplish both objectives…….
so we dug deep and created BURNIE’S BACKPACK PROGRAM.
Since this is a new event for us we wanted to start it off in Spencer
only to see what kind of reception it would have…..needless, to say,
we are now considering this to be an annual event for us! Spencer
Elementary exceeded our expectations!”
Event Sponsors:
Burnstad’s Market
Coca Cola
Wenzels Farm
Steve Gilboy, former Spencer grad and
Burnstad’s employee, on hand to help out.
Derek Burnstad, greeting our Spencer
students and handing out the bags.
Old Dutch
Bernatellos Pizza
Pan O Gold Baking Company
A group of 5th graders displaying their new bags!
Brad Bauer Memorial
Fund Contribution
The School District of Spencer would like to formally thank the Brad
Bauer Memorial Fund for its generous donation of $3000 to support
our: Elementary School Book Room, High School RTI/Enrichment
time, books for our High School English area and equipment for
our distance learning room. We are appreciative of the outstanding
support we have gotten as they have been a positive contributor to
our programs in the past and continue to keep the School District
of Spencer in their thoughts. Thank you for all you do for our kids.
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Welcome back to another very exciting school year! You can
follow Spencer High School Counseling on Facebook at https:// or on Twitter @KatrinaEisfeldt.
SENIORS - Seniors should be working on their technical school or
college applications. I am meeting with all of the students who are
filling out the UW Application during enrichment time on Mondays.
If your student is filling out a technical school application I will meet
with them during English. They also have the option of meeting
with me individually to go over the application and to make sure
that they are on track for graduation. If you want to be involved in
the meeting, please let me know that as well. In February, I will hold
a financial aid completion workshop for parents and students to
attend. Parents, the best thing you can do to start the financial aid
process is to file your taxes as early as you can in 2014 so you have
your return before we meet in February. There will be scholarships
coming out soon so seniors should get into a regular practice of
checking their email or checking for them on the scholarship wall
in the commons. Currently, there is one scholarship available from
the Elks.
JUNIORS - Juniors should be thinking about when they are going
to take the ACT test or the Accuplacer. The ACT is the college
entrance exam and the Accuplacer is the technical college entrance
exam. I suggest that they take whichever exam they are going to
do at least two times. For the ACT the best time to take the first test
is around February or April and then the second time in June. The
FREE practice website for the ACT is www.knowhow2gowisconsin.
org. All juniors know about this website and they should be using
it to prepare for testing. I receive a report each Monday on who is
using the site! Watch throughout the year for ACT prep dates as
well. Juniors can pick up the ACT packet in the school counseling
office or register on-line at The cost of the
ACT is $36.50 without the writing portion and $52.50 with the
writing portion. If this is a financial strain, please let me know and I
can send in a fee waiver for you based on your financial status. The
following are the tests dates and deadlines to register:
Test Date
Registration Deadline
(Late Fee Required)
Sept. 21, 2013
August 23, 2013
August 24–September 6, 2013
October 26, 2013
September 27, 2013
September 28–Oct. 11, 2013
December 14, 2013
November 8, 2013
November 9–22, 2013
February 8, 2014*
January 10, 2014
January 11–24, 2014
April 12, 2014
March 7, 2014
March 8–21, 2014
June 14, 2014
May 9, 2014
May 10–23, 2014
I will be meeting with the juniors during enrichment time to go over
basic ACT information. We will have a “practice ACT test” on March
28th from 12:15-6:00p.m. More information will be sent home as
I finalize the details. The Accuplacer will be offered right here at
school once in the fall and again in the spring. I will send a letter
home when test dates are finalized. The cost of the Accuplacer is
$20. In addition, the accuplacer can be taken any time at the NTC
campus in Spencer. You just need to call to set up a time. I will
be offering the PSAT which is an 11th grade prep test for the SAT.
Although most of our students take the ACT, I offer the PSAT, as it
is good practice for students to take multiple tests before the actual
ACT/SAT. The test will be administered at Spencer High School on
Oct. 16, 2013 beginning at 8:15a.m. The cost to take the test is
$14.00. Students should sign up to take the test in the high school
office and bring their money with them at that time.
SOPHOMORES - To help our high school students continue
to improve their ACT scores all sophomores will participate in
the PLAN, which is the Pre-ACT test. The PLAN test will be
administered to all sophomores’ right here at school this spring. I
will be sending a letter home closer to the test day. The district pays
for the PLAN test as part of our assessment program. Individual
Planning Conferences (IPC’s) with all 10th grade students and their
parent(s) also will start in the spring of 2013. At the IPC, which lasts
approximately one-half hour, we will discuss high school courses,
graduation requirements, go over all of the information your son/
daughter has done on WisCareers and look at what future plans
might entail for your son/daughter. In February I contact each of you
to set-up a time to meet.
FRESHMEN - I will be offering the EXPLORE test to all freshmen
at Spencer High School. The EXPLORE test is the pre-test to the
PLAN and the PLAN is the pre-test to the ACT. Since most of our
students, as juniors, take the ACT college entrance exam instead
of the SAT, we have decided that this is a great way to prepare for
and improve our students ACT test scores. The EXPLORE will be
administered at school in the library in the spring of 2014. There is
no cost to take the EXPLORE as the district is covering the cost. I
will be sending a letter home closer to the test day. Also this year
the freshmen will continue to work on their WisCareers individual
learning plan. This was the plan we started during the 8th grade
individual planning conference last year.
8th GRADE - I will be starting developmental guidance in the 8th
grade health classes. Internet safety, mental health issues, suicide,
alcohol and drug prevention and education planning (including
knowledge of career and college opportunities) are among the many
issues covered. The tool that we use to cover career and college
opportunities is WisCareers. The website for WisCareers is http:// Your son/daughter has a user name and
password that he or she can share with you if you would like to see
what they are working on. If they cannot remember their information
you can contact me. We will also be starting girls/boys groups in
October. Brian Abel, our physical education/health teacher, will lead
boys group during health time and the girls come with me! We
will again be doing 8th grade Individual Planning Conferences in
order to adequately prepare your son/daughter for transition into
high school. In November I will contact each of you to set-up a time
to meet.
FOR EVERYONE - At some point during the school year, your
student will again take part in the Wisconsin Online Youth Risk
Behavior Survey sponsored by the Wisconsin Department of Public
Instruction. The survey will ask about the health behaviors of 6th
thru 12th grade students. The survey will ask about behaviors
that result in unintentional and intentional injuries, tobacco use,
and alcohol and other drug use. It will also ask questions about
dietary behavior and physical activity. Students will be asked to fill
out a computer-based questionnaire that takes about 25 minutes to
complete. They will take the survey during the school day. If you do
not want your child to take part in the survey, please contact either
myself or Joann Roewe.
Please check out my webpage on the school website. There is
a calendar there where important events will be able to be found.
As always, please feel free to contact me at school or email me at
- Katrina Eisfeldt
fall 2013 Class Schedule
Location key: SHS = Stratford High School
SES = Stratford Elementary School EMS = Edgar Middle School
5:45 - 6:45pm
9/26 - 12/12
Trinity Fellowship Hall
5:45 - 6:45pm
9/30 - 12/9
Trinity Fellowship Hall
Chris T.
5:30 - 6:40pm
9/16 - 12/2
Good Shepherd Church
9:30 - 10:30am
9/17 - 12/3
Chestnut Center Ballroom
Interval Cardio & Power Randy
5:30 - 6:30pm
9/18 - 12/4
Grant School Gym
Vinyasa Flow Yoga Josiah
6:45 - 7:45pm
9/18 - 12/4
Grant School Gym
5:30 - 6:30pm
9/23 - 12/9
First Presbyterian Gym
6:45 - 7:45pm
9/23 - 12/9
First Presbyterian Gym
5:30 - 6:30pm
9/26 - 12/12
Melody Gardens
5:30 - 6:15pm
9/26 - 12/12
Good Shepherd Church
Mindful Yoga
6:30 - 715pm
9/26 - 12/12
Good Shepherd Church
Vinyasa Flow Yoga Kathy
9:00 - 10:00am
9/27 - 12/13
Good Shepherd Church
5:30 - 6:15pm
10/1 - 12/10
Good Shepherd Church
6:15 - 7:15pm
10/3 - 12/12
St. John’s Fellowship Hall
6:30 - 7:30pm
10/8 - 12/10
Olde Town Hall
7:45 - 8:45pm
10/8 - 12/10
Olde Town Hall
Zion Family Center
Gentle Yoga
Chris R.
Intro to Line Dance Chris R.
6:15 - 7:15pm
9/23 - 12/2
5:45 - 6:30pm
9/25 - 12/4
6:15 - 7:15pm
9/25 - 12/11
SHS Gym; Door #1
6:45 - 7:30pm
9/25 - 12/4
8:30 - 9:30am
10/12 - 12/14
*Supplies required
NOTE: You can join a class up to 2 weeks after the start date. There is no discount in the fee.
Questions: Email Linda at
Visit us on the web: • Facebook:
J TO REGISTER for Marshfield, Spencer : Go to our online sign up sheet at: :
J TO REGISTER for Athens, Edgar, Stratford : Go to our online sign up sheet at:
Deluxe Rocket Stadium Chairs for Sale
Great for all sports! $45.00
Please make checks payable to Spencer Girls Basketball - Contact Kelly Lawrence @ 715-207-8597 if interested
Reserve your spot in
the next edition of
Solutions through Service.
Proud to SSupchoopolrts!
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Premier Printing
Deadline for the next issue:
September 13, 2013 - limited space available
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PO Box 418
Spencer, WI 54479
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Sep 26
vs. Augusta
Oct 1
vs. Gilman
Oct 3
@ Loyal-Granton
Sep 27 7:00PM
vs. Altoona
Oct 4
@ Pittsville
Oct 11
@ Osseo-Fairchild
Oct 5 Tournament 9:00AM
@ Stratford
Oct 18
vs. Fall Creek
Oct 8
vs. Owen-Withee
Oct 10 Dual
@ WI Val. Lutheran
@ Beell Stadium
Sep 26
Oct 3
Oct 8
Oct 19
Oct 25
Nov 2
@ Colby
Home Meet (Frey’s)
Auburndale (@ Frey’s)
Conference (@ O-F )
@ Wausau (9 Mile)
Current middle/high school schedules can be viewed anytime on our website homepage - Athletic Calendar link
Be comfortable in every season!
24 Hour Service • Residential • Commercial