61st Mason Dixon - Loch Raven Skeet and Trap Center
61st Mason Dixon - Loch Raven Skeet and Trap Center
LOCH RAVEN SKEET & TRAP CENTER, INC. 12,301 Dulaney Valley Road Phoenix, Maryland is pleased to host the 61st Mason Dixon Open Skeet Championship $1,500 Added Money Friday – Sunday May 13th – 15th, 2016 Doubles and Four Guns The Members of Loch Raven Skeet and Trap Center Welcome All Shooters to the 61st Mason Dixon Open Skeet Championship Dear Shooters: The members of Loch Raven Skeet & Trap Center welcome you to the 61st Mason Dixon Open Skeet Championship. For shoot registration, please contact Tami Daniel-Means: (Tel#) 404-456-8287 (email) gunclubprincess@yahoo.com When registering, please indicate if you plan to stay for dinner on Saturday evening after the shoot-offs. The dinner is complimentary for shooter and guest. There is no charge for children 12 and under. Additional guests and shooters not shooting 4 guns are $15 per person. A $25 deposit is requested for registration for all shooters. The deposit will be refunded with cancellation at least 7 days prior to the shoot. Please mail deposits to: Loch Raven Skeet & Trap Center P.O. Box 6846 Towson, MD 21285 The businesses and individuals whose names appear in this program have donated generously to the Loch Raven Registered Skeet Program. We appreciate their support. Richard Garre-Skeet Chairman (Tel#) 410-517-1681 (cell#) 443-794-6831 (email) Skeet@rmccar.com 1 JARMER’S HARDSCAPES & MASONRY LLC A Step Above the Competition Commercial - Historic - Residential 443-740-0559 Wayne Jarmer WayneJarmer@gmail.com 2 Mason Dixon Open Past Champions 1950 R. P. Proffitt 1985 Bob Uknalis 1951 J.E. Roberson 1986 Jim Bealmear 1952 R.L. Parks USMC 1987 Rod Benjamin 1953 George C. Deyoe 1988 Jim Bealmear 1959 Vincent L. Marcum 1989 Bob Uknalis 1960 Charles E. Boardman 1990 Brad Rivenburgh 1961 John B. Dinning 1991 Bob Uknalis 1962 John C. Dalton 1992 Mike Barnett 1963 John B. Dinning 1993 Jay Umbel 1964 Lt. Col. W.D. Wilkinson 1994 Tom Strode 1965 Lt. Col. F.A. Knapp 1995 Jim Bealmear 1966 George C. Deyoe 1996 William Kurie 1967 Lt. Col. James Leer 1997 Mike Barnett 1968 Robert T. Sedlak 1998 Christopher Gill 1969 Frank Muller 1999 Tom Johnson 1970 David Severe 2000 Tom Johnson 1971 Brad Rivenburgh 2001 Sam Armstrong 1972 John Tieder, Jr. 2002 Sam Armstrong 1973 James Quigley 2004 Greg Hay 1974 Brad Rivenburgh 2005 Jim Bealmear 1975 Randy Segar 2006 Mike Barnett 1976 Joel Epstein 2007 Bob Uknalis 1977 Brad Rivenburgh 2008 Tom Johnson 1978 Ed Hendricks 2009 R. Dennis Lehman 1979 Harry Stilwell 2010 R. Dennis Lehman 1980 Stanka Petrovich 2011 Alessandro Vitale 1981 Harry Stilwell 2012 Sam Armstrong 1982 Mike Barnett 2013 Michael Stasio 1983 Carroll Harrison 2014 Alessandro Vitale 1984 Ivan Morgan 2015 Mark Gay 3 4 5 Thanks We wish to thank Jean Wareheim for her generous support for the Loch Raven Skeet and Trap Center and the Harry Wright Open In memory of Nelson Wareheim 6 GOOD LUCK TO ALL SHOOTERS ! Compliments of Tom Herndon Geiser Guns, Inc. Wholesale Distributors of Guns, Ammunition & Shooting Supplies 170 LENKER AVE. SUNBURY, PA 17801 (570) 286-2611 Website: GEISERGUNS.COM Compliments of Tom Herndon IN MEMORY OF HARRY AND DORIS WRIGHT 7 2016 Mason Dixon Open Schedule of Events Friday Sunday Event 1: 50 Pair of Doubles Event 4: 28 Gauge Championship Entry Fee: $48.00 Classes: AA, A, B, C & D Gun Champion: $75.00 $8.00 Returned to Class Entry Fee: $48.00 Classes: AA, A, B, C & D Gun Champion: $100.00 Runner-Up: Same as Event 2 $8.00 Returned to Class Friday Evening Beer and Cookout after Doubles Saturday Event 5: 410 Bore Championship Event 2: 12 Gauge Championship Entry Fee: $48.00 Classes: AA, A, B, C & D Entry Fee: $48.00 Classes: AA, A, B, C, D & E Gun Champion: $100.00 Runner-Up: Same as Event 2 Gun Champion: $100.00 Runner-Up: $10 more than highest Class Purse $8.00 Returned to Class $8.00 Returned to Class Event 6: High-Overall Championship Event 3: 20 Gauge Championship Entry Fee: $10.00 Classes: AA, A, B, C & D Entry Fee: $48.00 Classes: AA, A, B, C & D Gun Champion: $150.00 Runner-Up: Same as Event 2 Gun Champion: $100.00 Runner-Up: Same as Event 2 $10.00 Returned to Class $8.00 Returned to Class *Entry Fee Includes NSSA and MSSA Fees $20 Added Money for Class 1st (Events 2, 3, 4 & 5) *Event Champion and Runner-Up Not Eligible for Class Purse (Gun Champion Guaranteed $20 More than Highest Class Purse) Sub Junior & Junior Entry Fee: $35.00 (Honors Only - No Class Purse) 8 Rotation Times Rotation Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 Doubles 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 12 Ga. 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM 20 Ga. 1:30 PM 3:00 PM 4:30 PM 28 Ga. 10:30 AM 12:00 PM 9:00 AM 410 3:00 PM 4:30 PM 12:00 PM Saturday Evening Dinner Complimentary dinner and refreshments for Shooter and Guest will be served Saturday evening after the completion of the shoot-offs. $15.00 per person Age 18 & Under (No Charge) FOOD SERVICE Breakfast and lunch will be available on club grounds on Saturday and Sunday Concurrent Events Lady, Age, Military, Retired Military, Mil. Vet. (Honors Only - No Entry Fee) 2-Man Teams ($5.00/Shooter per Event) Options: Optional Class Purse: $5.00 per Event Fifties: $15.00 for 3 Fifties per Event Lewis Class: $5.00 per Event Pay-Outs Class Purse, Optional Class Purse, & Teams 1 – 4 Entries: 5 – 9 Entries: 10+ Entries: 100% to 1st 60/40% to 1st & 2nd 50/30/20% to 1st, 2nd & 3rd 50’s: Winner Take All, Ties Split Lewis: 2 Classes (<15 entries), 3 Classes (15-29), 4 Classes (30+) 9 Good Luck To All Shooters! Compliments of Randy Ringgold, Bruce Bergeron, Mike Gallo, Dave Dimock & Paul D’Amato Upcoming Shoots at Loch Raven Skeet & Trap Center Harry Wright Open: July 1-3, 2016 Zone 2 Skeet Championship August 12-14, 2016 10 Special Thanks to Shyda’s Services, Inc. Home of Lincoln Traps Sponsor of the Mason Dixon Open 12 Gauge Championship Compliments of Harvey Miller 11 JACK BART PROFESSIONAL SHOTGUN SHOOTING INSTRUCTOR TRAP * SKEET * SPORTING CLAYS * WING SHOOTING PRIVATE OR GROUP LESSONS BY APPOINTMENT 410-746-3232 If you are a target shooter or a hunter, there is a good chance that you have never been taught the proper way to shoot. A few hours on the range with a certified instructor will make all the difference in the world. Coaching Sessions also available for experienced shooters..... Whether you are new to shot gunning or have been shooting for years, you will benefit from this time well spent! Call or Email Jack Bart to talk more about private or group lessons. MASTER STOCK FITTER I've been fittings shotguns to competitive shooters and hunters for over 15 years. There is a fine line that can make the difference between hitting the target regularly and a hit and miss approach. Stock fitting is all about making fine adjustments to your gun stock to give the best performance you can get from the gun. Let me show you. You’ll be amazed at the difference in your shooting! Sessions are by appointment, at several shooting facilities in the Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and Northern Virginia areas. My Trapshooting DVD “3 SHOT TRAPSHOOTING” AVAILABLE AT LOCH RAVEN SKEET & TRAP CLUB 12 Compliments of Dick Erlanger NSSA Life Member Compliments of the Barnetts Mike Travis Wil and Nick 13 THE BROOKS AGENCY, INC. 13 ALL LINES OF INSURANCE 410-771-4499 FAX: 410-771-4198 Email: brooksagency@comcast.net Roger N. Lipman ph 410.245.6753 General Agent CHARLES BROOKS P.O. Box 363 Monkton, MD 21111 President 2035 Willowcrest Circle Baltimore, MD 21209 rlipman@cybernateLLC.com www.cybernateLLC.com Quality Business & Technology Solutions 13 Compliments of Jerry Katz 14 GOOD SHOOTING! Compliments of John Waters 15 4 General Information: All shooters are required to wear eye and hearing protection. This event is registered with the NSSA and MSSA. NSSA rules and regulations will apply. Fields will be assigned by management. HOA Class will be determined by the shooter’s 4-gun average. Shooters must present an up-to-date shoot record card at registration. All payouts will be by check. Shoot-offs for event Champion, Runner-up, Class 1st, 2nd and 3rd, and Team 1st, 2nd and 3rd will be decided by doubles on stations 3, 4, and 5: Miss and out by station. Targets supplied by club, shells supplied by shooter. For Concurrent events, ties for 1st, 2nd and 3rd will be decided by shoot-off doubles on stations 3, 4, and 5: Miss and out by station. For Optional Class Purse, event Champion reverts back to Class. Ties will be decided by shoot-off for Class 1st if applicable, otherwise by long run. The phone number at the Loch Raven Skeet and Trap Center is (410) 252-3851. Management reserves the right to alter or suspend the program, and reject the entry or expel any shooter for any reason. Contestants and spectators assume all risks of theft or accident. Parents are responsible for the behavior of their children. Referees will be NSSA licensed. Shooting referees may be used for some squads. Shells and food will be available at the clubhouse. NSSA memberships may be purchased at the registration desk. Directions to Loch Raven Skeet & Trap Center: From Baltimore Beltway (I-695): Take exit 27 and go north on Dulaney Valley Road. Pass over the bridge at Loch Raven Reservoir and continue right on Dulaney Valley Road one mile. The club entrance is on right. From I-83: Take exit 16 and follow Timonium Road east to end at Dulaney Valley Road. Take left at Dulaney Valley Road and follow past reservoir to club on right. 16 4 Loch Raven Skeet & Trap Center, Inc. P.O. Box 6846 Towson, MD 21285-6846 61st Mason Dixon Open Skeet Championship May 13-15, 2016
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