October 5, 2015 - Saint Andrew CEC
October 5, 2015 - Saint Andrew CEC
Saint Andrew School Newsletter October 5, 2015 From the Principal’s Desk The mission of Saint Andrew School is to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ in order to empower students to live the message of the Gospel, to foster a community of practiced faith and to promote a generous spirit that brings forth service to others. The faculty and staff work together to create a loving atmosphere that fosters and maintains the spiritual, social and academic needs of students, and to instill a lifetime appreciation for learning in all members of our school community. Saint Andrew Catholic Education Center 51 Wrights Rd. Newtown, PA 18940 Phone: 215-968-2685 Fax: 215-968-4795 Email: www.standrewcec.com The Good News of Saint Andrew Catholic School Our Faith in Any Language By Gaby Begley Spanish This is my third year working at Saint Andrew Catholic School. In Peru, my native country, I studied sociology and I have a law degree from Saint Marcus University. Since education is my second career, I completed the teaching certification program for World Language at Rider University. At Saint Andrew, I teach Spanish. I am very proud of my Spanish and German heritage from both of my parents. I teach Spanish 1 according to the Archdiocesan Standards for World Language. I am glad the students are very receptive and eager to learn. I incorporate technology in my classes. For example, the students use their Ipads and are able to interact with educational apps that reinforce what was taught in class. Furthermore, the Spanish textbook used by the older students at the school comes with interactive DVDs where the students are able to listen to Spanish conversations and do the activity parts of the lesson. Every day, during the morning announcements, one student teaches the Spanish “Word of the Day,” that generally is related to the lesson plans. It makes me happy when I hear the students changing classes and using expressions that they have learned in class. It is also wonderful to hear the sixth grade Confirmation candidates pray the Ave Maria (Hail Mary) in Spanish during the May Procession. In addition to the classes, we have a Spanish Club after school where we sing songs, play games and prepare simple recipes following the directions in both languages. At the end of the school year, we have a Fiesta with Piñata. I explain to my students how beautiful it is to get to know new people through language, especially in a globalized world. I have been raised as a Catholic all of my life. I am very proud to have a very devoted family with one of my sisters in a Spanish religious order. I am so blessed that my husband, who is from the United States, and I met visiting my older sisters, and that we share the same values and Catholic faith. His aunt was a nun. We are passing that faith on to our daughters. My two daughters have been attending Saint Andrew Catholic School since Mommy and Me. Now, my older daughter is in 6th grade and my younger daughter is in 4th grade. I cannot be happier that my two daughters are part of Saint Andrew, even though it is a big sacrifice. I am also grateful to Mrs. Matteo, whose background is in Spanish, and Monsignor Picard for giving me the opportunity to teach at Saint Andrew Catholic School . OCTOBER 5, 2015 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER Picture Day Picture day will take place on Monday, October 12, 2015. PreK through eighth graders will have their pictures taken on Monday, October 12. PreK Tuesday, Thursday class will have their picture taken on Tuesday, October 13, 2015. Children will wear WINTER school uniforms. Regulations concerning hairstyle, make-up and jewelry are to be honored. Each child needs to present his/ her envelope to the photographer on picture day. Envelopes will be distributed to classrooms. Please note that each child must have his/her own envelope on picture day. DO NOT COMBINE orders. If you have more than one child who is having a picture taken, a separate envelope and check have to be made out for each of them. If your child does not have an envelope, he/she will have the opportunity to have a picture taken on re-take day. Eighth graders must come to school in full winter uniform; eighth graders will be photographed in graduation robes with a library background. Changes in Conferences Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, October 29, from 1:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. and Friday, October 30, from 8:00 a..m. until 12:00 p.m. Conferences this year will be taken on-line. Please stay tuned to the newsletter for more information. If you feel the need for a conference sooner, or would like to avoid the rush on October 29 and 30, please contact your children’s teachers. Box Tops Are Now Due! Thank you for collecting your box tops all summer. Please send them in by Monday, October 7, to receive a dress down day pass that can be used on any Friday during this school year. Thank you and good luck! Please continue to save and to send in your Box Tops for Education. You have to collect 20 Box Tops to earn 1 dress down day pass, and they are only given out once a month on the last school day of each month. Please make sure your child's FULL name and grade number (1A, 5B, etc.) are clearly marked on the bag you send in. Many thanks are extended to Mrs. Horgan who undertakes this tremendous effort. Chick-fil-A Night A Spirit Night fundraiser will be held on Wednesday, October 8, 2015, from 4-8 PM. 15% of our ticketed sales will be donated back to Saint Andrew School! All proceeds will be for our school play. Hope to see everyone on this fun night! Interested in C.A.R.E.S. In order to attend C.A.R.E.S., you must be registered. Please visit our website to obtain the necessary form. There is a $15.00 registration fee per family due at the time or registration. Lateness The school day begins at 8:15 AM and ends at 3:00 PM Should your child arrive after 8:15 AM, you and your child must report to the receptionist to sign in and receive a late slip. A record is kept of all late arrivals. When a child is late due to a doctor or dentist appointment, a doctor’s note is required. Any child who has five unexcused latenesses will receive an after school detention. Lateness impacts perfect attendance and constitutes a serious infraction. Busing When experiencing a busing issue such as lateness or buses not showing up, parents must call their local school district transportation departments. If experiencing behavioral issues on the bus, parents should contact Mr. Rosenblatt. Listed below is the transportation contact information for the school districts which serve Saint Andrew School. Central Bucks School District Operations Center 320 West Swamp Road Doylestown, PA 18901-2401 Closing Number: 755 267-893-4001 Fax 267-893-5830 transportation@cbsd.org Website www.cbsd.org/bus James Czyz Transportation Manager Ron Murray Director of Transportation Council Rock School District Transportation Department 30 North Chancellor Street Newtown, PA 18940 215-944-1010 Fax 215-944-944-1011 Jack Pinheiro PAGE 2 Neshaminy School District Transportation Department 2601 Old Lincoln Highway Langhorne, PA 19047 215-809-6260 Fax 215-809-6269 Franklin W. Lambert Director of Transportation New Hope-Solebury School District Business Office 180 West Bridge Street New Hope, PA 18938 215-862-5372 Fax 215-862-2906 Gregory K. Hogg Business Manager Pennsbury School District Transportation Department 134 Yardley Avenue Post Office Box 338 Fallsington, PA 19058-0338 Closing Number 747 215-428-4165 Fax 215-295-8047 Charles G. Williams Supervisor of Transportation After School Tutoring This year the teachers of Saint Andrew School have the ability to offer tutoring services after school for parents who are interested in this for their children. Tutoring sessions are one-on-one and are for one hour. The first tutoring session is from 3:15 – 4:15 p.m. The second session is from 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. As with everything we do at Saint Andrew School, we have to set boundaries. Teachers may not tutor anyone in the grades that they teach or any student that they teach. That’s the difference between tutoring and coaching. Tutoring is $40.00 per hour. Checks must be made payable directly to the teacher. Cash is also acceptable. Tutoring is limited to Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. If you are interested in availing your child of this service, do not hesitate to contact one of our teachers directly. You can also ask Mrs. Matteo at nmatteo@standrewcec.com. She will put you in touch with a teacher. OCTOBER 5, 2015 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER IMPORTANT CHANGES TO THE INK RECYCLING PROGRAM The ink cartridge recycling program has changed. As previously communicated, only the following brands will be collected and eligible for Dress Down Day passes: HP, Brother Dell, Canon, Lexmark, Samsung, Xerox or IBM. Off-brand, refilled, or "compatible" cartridges and toners are NOT eligible for DDD passes. Remember, two (2) approved cartridges / toners are required to receive one DDD pass. Please include the student's full name and grade with their ink donation. STEP IT UP Before you hit the pavement with your pooch-whether it’s for a quick stroll of a long trek-download the Walk for a Dog app. You’ll rack up donations for an animal shelter or rescue organization of your choosing (more than 4,000 participate). The company’s already raised $60,000 and counting. Android and IOS, free SUBSTITUTES NEEDED Interested in substitute teaching at Saint Andrew School? If you have answered yes, please contact Judy Weaver, at 215-968-2685 ext. 266. We are looking for subs at this time. Did You Know? Every morning, when we say morning prayers on closed circuit television, we pray for anyone who needs special prayers. If you know someone who needs special blessings at this time, please call the front desk. We will be sure to include their names in our prayers. If you prefer that the person remain anonymous, they can be mentioned as a special intention. Expired Dress Down Day Passes Please discard expired dress down day passes. They are no longer valid. Students who use expired dress down day passes will lose their dress down day privileges. Executive Board: Shea Doran Alexandra Chalmers Kathryn McGinn Christopher Sax St. Andrew School Student Council 2015-2016 PS Red Room‐ Mrs. DeGraw: Alexandra Chalmers PS Orange Room‐ Mrs. Adden: Kathryn McGinn PS Yellow and Green Rooms‐ Mrs. Duffner and Mrs. Fife‐ Christopher Sax KF1‐ Mrs. Sullivan: John (Jack) Nycz KF2‐ Mrs. Malboeuf: Sarah Cahill KF3‐ Mrs. Price: Alexandra Lerro 1A‐ Mrs. Hoffman: Hannah Phelan 1B‐ Mrs. Hill: Ava Danastorg 1C‐ Mrs. Brown: Jaclyn Skalski 1D‐ Miss Pontious: Shea Doran 2A‐ Mrs. Wold: Lucy Driscoll 2B‐ Mrs. Stickley: Olivia Nace 2C‐ Mrs. Juhas: Gabrielle Fife 3A‐ Mrs. DeMonte: Kiersten McKenna 3B‐ Mrs. Kebler: Emily Noone 3C‐ Ms. Whelan: Cassidy Mahle 4A‐ Mrs. Eliason: Daniel Nipper 4B‐ Mrs. Pentz: Lana Leiter 4C‐ Mrs. Kelley: Catharine McGraw 5A‐ Mrs. Moffett: Lukas Mullen 5B‐ Mrs. Hoffman: Olivia Burke 5C‐ Mr. Caucci: Thomas Carelli 6A‐ Mrs. Plomchok: Michael Nipper 6B‐ Miss Bilello: Andrew Mattia 6C‐ Mrs. DeLaurentis: Jillian Evans 7A‐ Mrs. Lukens: Andrew Mack 7B‐ Mrs. Spurri: Christopher Gasiewski 7C‐ Mrs. Schuman: Olivia Millevoi 7D‐ Mrs. Koch: Lucas Platero 8A‐ Mrs. Wagner: Grace Brennan 8B‐ Mrs. Basile: Maria D’Aulerio 8C‐ Mr. Matteo: Alysia Funicella PAGE 3 OCTOBER 5, 2015 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER Uniform Swap Friday, October 9, 2015 3:15-5:00 pm Marian Room Please remember you do not need to donate to receive! Be prepared for the switch to winter uniforms. Check out our large selection of boys pants! Interested in helping? Contact Lisa Smith at malloylisa@hotmail.com PAGE 4 OCTOBER 5, 2015 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER PAGE 5 STUDENT COUNCIL NEWS: Congratulations to all of the students elected to the Student Council for 2015‐2016 school year. Thank you to everyone who ran for Student Council Executive Board and homeroom representatives this year. It takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there; I am very proud of you! Your overwhelming enthusiasm to get involved was so wonderful to see. I admire your willingness to support your school and to give your time and talents to Student Council. The Student Council meetings will be on the first Tuesday of every month. Our first meeting will be on Tuesday, October 6th from 3:15‐4:00 in Room 211. Our Student Council Installation will be Friday, October 9th at 9:00a.m. in the gymnasium. OCTOBER 5, 2015 PAGE 6 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER September 28, 2015 Top Team Mrs. Eliason’s Math Class – average of 817 stickers per top 15 students Team of the week: Mrs. Wold’s Math Class, Grade 2 Top players of the week: Frederick Geisheimer – Grade 2 Owen Mullen – Grade 3 Christopher Sosky – Grade 4 Congratulations! Keep up the good work! OCTOBER 5, 2015 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER PAGE 7 Magazine Drive 2015 Thank You The Magazine Drive Committee wishes to extend a sincere thank you to all students, parents, faculty members, and staff for their support during the 2015 Magazine Drive. With your generosity, this year’s sale was a tremendous success! Over two thousand magazines were purchased! Thank you! Also, thank you to the mothers who generously gave their time to this huge endeavor. Without their help, the orders would not have been tallied so quickly, and the prizes would not have been distributed to the children within a few hours on each collection day. Many thanks to: Mrs. Tracy Boedewig Mrs. Alice Braun Mrs. Gretchen Bundick Mrs. Eileen Capecci Mrs. Karrie Cramer Mrs. Heather Davis Mrs. Kim Dever Mrs. Kelli Gauker Mrs. Erica Heine Mrs. Maria Kinney Mrs. Carrie Koors Mrs. Jane Landes Mrs. Ellen Lawall Mrs. Colleen Leichner Mrs. Terese Martin Mrs. Bernadette McDermott Mrs. Peggy Millevoi Mrs. Nicole Muller Mrs. Maureen Ryan Mrs. Alexis Russo Mrs. Lori Schlosser Mrs. Stacey Schroeder Mrs. Chrissy Schwartzott Mrs. Mia Sharlin Mrs. Lottie Spinelli Mrs. Anna Steffe Mrs. Lisa Zaglin Mrs. Alyse Johnson OCTOBER 5, 2015 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER PAGE 8 Magazine Drive 2015 Totals Thank you to all who participated in the Annual Magazine Drive. With your kind support, we generated gross sales in excess of $61,000.00! YOU sold over 2,740 magazine subscriptions. This is a record setting number of magazines sold and only happened because of the generosity of the Saint Andrew School community. This year, we awarded many prizes! The prize tally is as follows: 2,715 bears 353 Homework Passes and Dress Down Day Passes 127 Webkinz Chickens (Grades K‐4) 56 electronics extension cords (Grades 5‐8) 97 Chick‐Fil‐A Gift Cards 92 Limousine Luncheons 20 Cash Box Chances In addition, seventeen homerooms reached a participation rate of 70% or more and each received a Mr. Bacon Pig to dress and race on November 6! Room 4C had the greatest sales and achieved 100% participation! Special congratulations to the Fourth Grade who were the school’s top sellers! All prizes have been awarded. If you did not receive your prizes, please contact Alyse Johnson at alysevj@aol.com. OCTOBER 5, 2015 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER PAGE 9 JOIN ST. ANDREW LEGO CLUB Show us how creative you are! The club provides hands on and team building exploration for children in grades 2, 3 and 4. The club will meet on Tuesday from 3:15-4:00 in Room 119. Space is limited. The fee is $10.00 for the session. Please send cash or checks made out to St. Andrew. This fee is used to purchase more Lego materials. Each session will have 6 classes. If your child is interested please fill out and return by October 23. Thank you, Mrs. Adden Mrs. Finegan *Session 2 will start in January. Lego Club Session 1 October 27 November 3 November 10 November 24 December 1 December 8 Permission Slip for Lego Club I give permission for ____________________________Room_____ to be a member of the Lego Club. I am aware that pick up is at 4:00. As per school policy children not picked up by 4:10 will be taken to CARES. Parent Signature ___________________________________ Emergency information in case the club is cancelled: Phone Number___________________ E-mail Address ___________________ Thank you! OCTOBER 5, 2015 PAGE 10 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER High School Information School Archbishop Wood High School 215-672-5050 ext. 268 Open House Date November 8, 2015 Day/Time Sun.,7-9pm Conwell-Egan Catholic High School 215-945-6200 October 4, 2015 Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School 215-646-8815 October 11, 2015 Sun., 1-3 pm Holy Ghost Preparatory 215-639-0811 October 25, 2015 Sun., 11-2pm Sat., 11/7 8:30am-11:30am Sun 12/13 8:30am-11:30am LaSalle College High School 215-233-2911 October 4, 2015 Sun.,11-2pm Sat.,10/31 8:30am Mount Saint Joseph 215-233-9133 October 18, 2015 Sun., Noon-3:00pm Nazareth Academy 215-637-7676 October 3, 2015 Sat., 11-2pm Sat., 10/24 7:45am-12pm Notre Dame High School 609-882-7900 October 22, 2015 Thurs., 7-9pm Sat., 12/12 8am -12pm Saint Basil Academy 215-885-6952 October 11, 2015 Sun., 1-3pm Sat., 10/31 8:30am Alternative date 11/8 8:15am Saint Joseph’s Preparatory School 215-978-1012 October 18, 2015 Sun., 10-2pm Sat., 11/14 or Sun., 11/15 8:30am Villa Joseph Marie High School 215-357-8810 ext.193 October 4, 2015 Sun.,1-3pm Sat., 11/7 9:00 am Alternative date Mon., 11/9 8:00am Villa Victoria Academy 609-882-1700 ext. 19 October 18, 2015 Sun., 1-3pm Sat., 11/7 8:30am Sat., 11/14 8:30am Lansdale Catholic High School 215-362-6160 November 12, 2015 Thurs., 7-9pm Sat., 10/10 or 10/24 8:00 am Sun., 12-2:00pm Entrance Exam Sat., 11/22 8:00am Alternate date Sun., 12/6 8:00am Sat., 10/10 9:00 am Scholarship test Make-up 11/7, 9:00 am Sat., 10/24 9am-12:30 pm Alternate date Sun.,10/25, 9am-12:30pm Sat., 10/31 8:00am-Noon OCTOBER 5, 2015 PAGE 11 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER Welcome to Scrabble Club!!!! When: Alternating Mondays starting with 7th/8th grade on 10/5/15 Join us in room 216 after school for some word fun! Pick up will be at 4:15. Please bring a water bottle and Scrabble Cheez‐Its are our official snack. See Mrs. Schuman or Mrs. Lukens to register. ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER OCTOBER 5, 2015 PAGE 12 Are you a boy? Are you in 4th grade? If you answered YES to these questions, then the BOYZ BOOK CLUB is just for you! The Boyz Book Club is back for a sensational seventh year! The BBC is a reading club just for boys in 4th grade! We will meet one Monday a month for discussion, games, and snacks based on exciting books for boys. A book will be assigned after each meeting to be read by the next meeting. Meetings will be conducted by Mrs. Eliason and Mrs. Kelley. Meetings are after school until approximately 4:15. You may pick children up in the front foyer. Any students not picked up by 4:25 will be sent to CARES. Club fees are $10.00‐ checks can be made payable to Becky Eliason Please fill out the form below and return to Mrs. Kelley or Mrs. Eliason by Monday Sept. 21 at which time the first book will be assigned. Space is limited. Any questions, please email Mrs. Eliason at: beliason@standrewcec.com or Mrs. Kelley at: jkelley@standrewcec.com Meeting dates: October 26 November 23 January 25 February 29 March 14 *April 25 Boyz Book Club Permission Slip Name ____________________________________ Class _____________________ Parents’ Signature __________________________________________________ Parents’ Email _____________________________________________________ Food Allergies? _________________________________________________________ *(April 25th meeting will be our movie/pizza party and will end at 5:00) OCTOBER 5, 2015 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER PAGE 13 CALLING ALL SCIENTISTS All 6th, 7th & 8th grade budding scientists are invited to participate in the Bucks County Science Research Competition at Delaware Valley University in March 2016. Mandatory informational meeting on Thursday, October 15, 2015 from 3:15 to 4:00 in Rm.311. Details, dates, and requirements will be given out at that time. SCIENCE FAIR Student name: ______________________________ Parent Signature: ____________________________ Email: ____________________________________ OCTOBER 5, 2015 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER PAGE 14 Hey there 5th and 6th graders! Join your fellow St Andrew Classmates for a night of fun at Sleepy Hollow/Active Acres, 881 Highland Road, Newtown, on Saturday October 17th 7:00pm-9:30pm The night will include snacks, a haunted hayride, bonfire, and the field of fright. Deadline for registration is Tuesday October 13th. Cost is $20 per person. Tickets will be sent home with your child on Thursday or Friday October 15th or 16th and must be brought with you to the farm to attend. We will not be selling our tickets at the door. Your child MUST have a chaperone! Any questions email: tboedewig@comcast.net or tinaalt@verizon.net Returnthisportion Child’sName:_________________________________Chaperone’sName:___________________________________ Child’sGrade:____________ Class:ABC Numberortickets:__________________Amountenclosedcashorcheck:___________________________ ($20/personchaperonesneedtickets)(CheckstoStAndrewHomeandSchool) EmailContact:________________________________________________________ OCTOBER 5, 2015 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER PAGE 15 OCTOBER 5, 2015 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER PAGE 16 OCTOBER 5, 2015 th 7 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER & th 8 Grade Halloween Dance Friday, October 9, 2015 7- 10 p.m. St. Andrew Cafeteria $10 fee at the door Includes beverages and snacks Bring a friend…make a friend! Costumesnotrequired ContactChrissySchwartzott@czott228@gmail.comorStacySchroeder@ stacyschroeder@gmail.comifyouhaveanyquestions. PAGE 17 OCTOBER 5, 2015 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER PAGE 18 STUDENT COUNCIL “A TASTE OF PHILLY” PRETZEL DAY EVERY FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH Pretzels will need to be preordered one week in advance. Please print out the attached form below, fill in the information needed and return to school one week prior to the pretzel dates listed below (see all dates in parentheses). Pretzels will be delivered in the morning. PRETZEL DAYS: October 2nd (*Pre‐order by September 28th) November 6th (*Pre‐order by October 28th) December 4th (*Pre‐order by November 25th) January 8th (*Pre‐order by December 22nd) February 5th (January 29th) March 4th (February 26th) April 1st (*Pre‐order by March 23rd) May 5th (April 29th) June 3rd (May 26th) ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Order Form $1 per soft pretzel Date:_______________ Name: ___________________________ Class: ______ Number of Pretzels: _______ Amount Enclosed: _________ OCTOBER 5, 2015 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER PAGE 19 Dear Parents and Students, This year I am proud to be offering students guitar lessons. Music has been a huge part of my life ever since I heard Mrs. Pasternak play the organ in the old Church. It has taken me to places I would have never imagined possible as well as enriched my life beyond measure. If you are interested, please send me an email to rmatteo@standrewcec.com Lessons will be 30 minutes each and will be either on a weekly or bi‐weekly basis. Students will need to have their own acoustic guitar, strap and capo. I will provide the music stands and sheet music. Cost will be $20 per half hour session, to be paid on a monthly basis. Students will learn chords, scales and theory while learning how to play their favorite songs as well as music history. All the best, Mr. Rich Matteo OCTOBER 5, 2015 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER FORENSICS The Forensics Club for students in grades 6‐8 will be starting up on Tuesday, October 6th. The club will be meeting every other Tuesday of the month from 3:15 till 4PM in Mr. Caucci’s room. (305) The club will be focusing on the areas of Prose, Poetry, Individual and Duo Dramatic Interpretation. Students will be participating in competitions at local high schools such as Holy Ghost Prep and Archbishop Ryan. Come release your inner actor and learn to express yourself and have fun at the same time. For additional information, please see Mr. Caucci. Please come out and join the Forensics Club. PAGE 20 OCTOBER 5, 2015 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER PAGE 21 OCTOBER 5, 2015 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER PAGE 22 St. Andrew School Garden Club As Kermit the Frog tells us, “It’s Not Easy Being Green.” The world is in dire need of young people who have a desire to be stewards of God’s creation, to protect all wildlife and habitats and well as promote knowledge of how to be more eco-friendly or ‘green.’ In the St. Andrew’s Garden Club, you will learn about the natural world and the basics of botany and horticulture by participating in hands on activities that will help to beautify your home and school for years to come. Sessions will be part informational and part activity. Activities will include: taking care of the plants around the school, helping out in the school garden, creating art projects with natural materials and informing those around us about the wonders of nature and why we should protect it. The club will meet on Thursdays after school from 3:15 to 4:15 and will now be open to students of all ages and grade levels. There will be a limit of 10 people in the club so please return the below section promptly if you want to join. ________________________________________________________________ If you are interested in signing up, please return this form with requested information. Please include a cash or a check for $20 made out to St. Andrew’s School for supplies. Name:____________________________________ Homeroom:_________ Parent’s Name and best phone # to contact_______________________ Parent’s Email:___________________________________________________ OCTOBER 5, 2015 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER PAGE 23 OCTOBER 5, 2015 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER PAGE 24 OCTOBER 5, 2015 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER PAGE 25 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER OCTOBER 5, 2015 PAGE 26 NEWTOWN SHOPPING CENTER 4 WEST ROAD NEWTOWN, PA. 18940 Phone: 215-497-9011 SPIRIT NIGHT FUNDRAISER!! St. Andrew School Thursday, October 8th, 2015 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM 15% of our ticketed sales will be donated Please hand this to the team member who takes your order so that we can receive 15% of the total sales generated by our group. Student Name:____________________________________ Teacher Name:____________________________________ OCTOBER 5, 2015 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER PAGE 27 OCTOBER 5, 2015 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER PAGE 28 OCTOBER 5, 2015 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER PAGE 29 OCTOBER 5, 2015 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER PAGE 30 OCTOBER 5, 2015 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER PAGE 31 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER OCTOBER 5, 2015 PAGE 32 CLUB DE ESPAÑOL Spanish Club!! Culture, Traditions, Dance, Music, Food, Recipes, games and more. At the end of the sch school year we will have a Fiesta with Piñata. Join us Every second and fourth Monday Beginning October 12th Spanish Classroom # 213 3:15- 4:00 p.m. with Mrs. Begley and Mrs. DiLossi to register email to gbegley@standrewcec.com BIENVENIDOS OCTOBER 5, 2015 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER PAGE 33 OCTOBER 5, 2015 PAGE 34 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL N E WSLETTER Scouting starts with Tiger Cubs for 1st graders. Pack 380 is sponsored by St. Andrew in Newtown, PA and includes all ages from grades 1-5. For more information, contact: Chad Moore 610-389-4049 chadwaltermoore@gmail.com Time commitment – typically 1 pack meeting per month and 1 den meeting per month. Plus, about 4-6 special events per year such as a sleepover at Silver Lake Campground, Pinewood Derby Race, Hersey Park Sleepover, and camping on the Trenton Thunder baseball field. Typical Tiger Cub den meeting – “Go see it” meeting at Newtown Library Company, Great Harvest Bread Company, and Tyler State Park. “Den activity” meeting at a scout’s house - learn about the flag and its history, how to sew a button, basic fire safety, and food nutrition. In Tiger Cubs, we focus on having fun with your family, friends, and pack in conjunction with the character development with Scouting’s 12 Core Values: Citizenship, Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Faith, Health & Fitness, Honesty, Perseverance, Positive Attitude, Resourcefulness, Respect, and Responsibility. Further information about the pack can be found at www.cubpack380.org !!