AGENDA FOR PINGREE GROVE VILLAGE BOARD MONDAY, May 5, 2014 7:00 p.m. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENTS **Please Sign In With The Village Clerk To Speak** CONSENT AGENDA a. Warrant List for April 21, 2014 b. Minutes from the Board Meeting, April 7, 2014 Presentations a. Noble-Carrot Co-op – Clint Carey b. NIMEC – Larry Shover 7. ITEMS FOR SEPARATE ACTION a. Swearing in new Part Time Officer, Robert Wittenauer b. Consider Motion to Accept Proposal from Mad Bomber Fireworks Productions in the Amount of $13,500. c. Consider Resolution Directing a Change in the Authorized Bank Signatories d. Consider Motion to allow Kane County Forest Preserve Marine Biologist Turtle Population Study e. Consider Ordinance to Amend Title 1, Chapter 6 of the Village Code f. Consider Ordinance Authorizing Certain Hiring for the Village of Pingree Grove g. Consider Motion to Authorize Purchase of Computer Replacements h. Consider Motion to Authorize Payment to Municipal Well & Pump for Well #2 Repairs 8. MAYOR’S REPORT a. Proclamation – Click it or Ticket – Seat Belt Safety 9. STAFF REPORT AND DISCUSSION a. Funding Our Future b. Community Outreach i. School Traffic – Next meeting May ii. Fox Valley Church c. Economic Development 10. OLD BUSINESS 11. NEW BUSINESS 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION REGARDING: Land Acquisition or Threatened/Imminent Litigation or Personnel, Review of Executive Session Minutes. 13. ADJOURNMENT VILLAGE BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday-April 21, 2014 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Marston at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 1. ROLL CALL: There being present were: Trustees: Wiedmeyer, Spieker, Paszkiewicz, LaMarca, Thomas and Pearson. Also present were Acting Village Administrator Carol Lussky; Village Attorney Dean Frieders; Gary Zichur, Water/Sewer Supervisor; Deputy Chief Bean; Village Engineer; Pat Doherty, Public Works, Finance Director, Tom Walter and Michelle Figuerola, Village Clerk. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None 3. PUBLIC HEARING: Mayor Marston opened the Public Hearing regarding the 20142015 annual operating budget. With no public comments, the public hearing was closed. 4. CONSENT AGENDA: a. Trustee Paszkiewicz made a motion to approve the consent agenda, which includes the warrant list for April 21, 2014 in the amount of $110,345.61 and the minutes from the April 7, 2014 board meeting, second by Trustee Thomas. Vote: 6 ayes; Trustees: Wiedmeyer, Spieker, Paszkiewicz, Pearson, Thomas and LaMarca. 0 nays, motion passed. 5. DISCUSSION ITEM: a. Deputy Chief Beane spoke regarding the necessary updates needed to the village computer server. After discussion, the board consensus is to move forward and bring back the information to the next meeting. 6. EVENTS COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT: a. Trustee LaMarca made a motion to appoint Rick Fryer to the Events Committee, second by Trustee Thomas. Vote: 6 ayes; Trustees: Wiedmeyer, Spieker, Paszkiewicz, Pearson, Thomas and LaMarca. 0 nays, motion passed. Village Board Minutes April 21, 2014 Page 1 7. EXECUTIVE SESSION: a. Trustee Thomas made a motion for an executive session regarding personnel at 7:15 p.m., second by Trustee Paszkiewicz. Vote: 6 ayes; Trustees: Wiedmeyer, Spieker, Paszkiewicz, Pearson, Thomas and LaMarca. 0 nays, motion passed. 8. RETURN FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION: a. Trustee Thomas made a motion to re-convene the regular board meeting at 8:15 p.m., second by Trustee Paszkiewicz. Vote: 6 ayes; Trustees: Wiedmeyer, Spieker, Paszkiewicz, Pearson, Thomas and LaMarca. 0 nays, motion passed. 9. ITEMS FOR SEPARATE ACTION: a. Trustee Thomas made a motion to re-appoint Trustee Wiedmeyer and Trustee Paszkiewicz to the Liquor Commission, second by Trustee Spieker. Vote: 6 ayes; Trustees: Wiedmeyer, Spieker, Paszkiewicz, Pearson, Thomas and LaMarca. 0 nays, motion passed. Trustee LaMarca made a motion to take a short recess at 8:20 p.m., second by Trustee Pearson. Vote: 6 ayes; Trustees: Wiedmeyer, Spieker, Paszkiewicz, Pearson, Thomas and LaMarca. 0 nays, motion passed. Trustee Thomas made a motion to return to the regular board meeting after taking a short recess at 8:35 p.m., second by Trustee Paszkiewicz . Vote: 6 ayes; Trustees: Wiedmeyer, Spieker, Paszkiewicz, Pearson, Thomas and LaMarca. 0 nays, motion passed. b. Trustee Pearson made a motion to the ordinance adopting the fiscal year 2014-2015 annual operating budget for the Village of Pingree Grove, second by Trustee LaMarca. c. Trustee Thomas made a motion to table the ordinance adopting the fiscal year 2014-2015 annual operating budget for the Village of Pingree Grove, second by Trustee Spieker. d. Trustee LaMarca made a motion to approve Ordinance#2014-O-08 adopting the fiscal year 2014-2015 annual operating budget for the Village of Pingree Grove, second by Trustee Thomas. Vote: 6 ayes; Trustees: Wiedmeyer, Spieker, Paszkiewicz, Pearson, Thomas and LaMarca. 0 nays, motion passed. Village Board Minutes April 21, 2014 Page 2 e. Trustee Paszkiewicz made a motion approve Ordinance#2014-O-09 amending the section of 6-1-4 of the Village Code for the Village of Pingree Grove, second by Trustee Spieker. Vote: 6 ayes; Trustees: Wiedmeyer, Spieker, Paszkiewicz, Pearson, Thomas and LaMarca. 0 nays, motion passed. f. Trustee Paszkiewicz made a motion approve to approve the final payment to Curran Contracting for the Route 72 & Reinking Rd. improvement project in the amount of $15,056.20, second by Trustee LaMarca. Vote: 6 ayes; Trustees: Wiedmeyer, Spieker, Paszkiewicz, Pearson, Thomas and LaMarca. 0 nays, motion passed. g. Trustee Thomas made a motion to approve the final payment to Curran Contracting for the Route 72 & Aurora Drive improvement project in the amount of $68,907.13, second by Trustee Pearson. Vote: 6 ayes; Trustees: Wiedmeyer, Spieker, Paszkiewicz, Pearson, Thomas and LaMarca. 0 nays, motion passed. h. Trustee Spieker made a motion to reject bids and to discontinue this project for calendar year 2014, based upon the need to conduct a full recoating of the water tower to ensure a viable, long-term repair, and the need to coordinate with other needed repairs to the Village’s water system, second by Trustee Paszkiewicz. Vote: 6 ayes; Trustees: Wiedmeyer, Spieker, Paszkiewicz, Pearson, Thomas and LaMarca. 0 nays, motion passed. i. Trustee Spieker made a motion to approve the awarding of the bid for farming the vacant Harrison Property to Wayne Gerhrke for $3,300.00, second by Trustee LaMarca. Vote: 6 ayes; Trustees: Wiedmeyer, Spieker, Paszkiewicz, Pearson, Thomas and LaMarca. 0 nays, motion passed. j. Trustee LaMarca made a motion to approve the change order for repair to Well#2 submersible motor in the amount not to exceed $47,520.00, second by Trustee Paszkiewicz. Vote: 6 ayes; Trustees: Wiedmeyer, Spieker, Paszkiewicz, Pearson, Thomas and LaMarca. 0 nays, motion passed. Village Board Minutes April 21, 2014 Page 3 10. MAYOR’S REPORT: a. Mayor Marston announced the last day of Mr. Zichur at the Water Department. He thanked him for his years of service and wished him well in his new endeavor. b. There will be an Events Committee meeting on Wednesday. 11. STAFF REPORTS: a. Chief Lussky brought the 2014 traffic safety challenge for everyone to see. b. Deputy Chief Beane reported there will be an interview for a part time police officer. c. Mr. Doherty stated that the spring cleanup has begun. d. Mr. Zichur reported that the irrigation system has been pressurized. He has set up a system for an easier transition of the new water plant director. e. Mr. Walter stated that he is working with the department heads to close out invoices for the fiscal year. He also stated that he is setting up meetings with each of the board members. f. Clerk Figuerola stated that she is working with Ms. Melone to get the ordinances and other important documents archived through the state. They will keep the board updated. g. Attorney Frieders stated that with the changes in department head hires, Chief Lussky will be transitioning back to the police department. There will be changes in reporting and spending authority in which ordinances will need to be changed. Those changes will be brought back at the next meeting. 12. OLD: a. Chief Lussky has reached out to contractors to find a temporary operator for the water plant. b. Trustee Paszkiewicz stated that Highland Ave. has been closed again. 13. NEW BUSINESS: None 14. ADJOURNMENT: a. Trustee Thomas made a motion to adjourn the regular board meeting at 9:20 p.m., second by Trustee Spieker. All in favor, none opposed, motion passed. Respectfully Submitted By: Michelle Figuerola, Village Clerk, RMC Village Board Minutes April 21, 2014 Page 4 Agenda Item No: 6 ( a ) Village Board Agenda Supplement _______________________________________________________ Village Board Meeting Date: May 5, 2014 Item Title: Presentation – Noble Carrot Co-Op Staff Contact: Carol Lussky, Acting Village Manager Motion: no motion Purpose: Members of the Co-Op will give a presentation to the Village Board on the Co-Op purpose and plans for the future. Agenda Item No: 6 ( b ) Village Board Agenda Supplement _______________________________________________________ Village Board Meeting Date: May 5, 2014 Item Title: Presentation – NIMEC Staff Contact: Carol Lussky, Acting Village Manager Motion: no motion Purpose: Larry Shover from NIMEC has asked to address the Board regarding information regarding Electrical Aggregation. Agenda Item No: 7 ( a ) Village Board Agenda Supplement _______________________________________________________ Village Board Meeting Date: May 05, 2014 Committee Meeting Date: Item Title: Part-Time Police Officer Hiring and Sworn Oath Motion: No Motion Required Staff Contact & Recommendation: Chief Lussky and DC Beane Background: The police department is recommending that a part-time patrol officer be hired to fill a vacant position. This is needed to fill the open shifts and provide sufficient patrol coverage. This will bring the total part-time officer count to twelve. The budget line item for part-time officer salary is based on hours of part-time officers rather than headcount. Several of our officers have had changes at their full time agency which has affected the number of hours they can commit to Pingree Grove. At this time, the budget is within means for this officer. Staff would like to recommend the hiring of Robert Wittenauer for the position. Officer Wittenauer comes to Pingree Grove with 4 years of part time police experience from Hampshire, Sleepy Hollow and Gilberts Police Departments. Officer Wittenauer is a Juvenile Officer and brings that skill to Pingree Grove. Officer Wittenauer has successfully completed the testing requirements and background check necessary for a patrol officer. Officer Wittenauer will take his sworn oath at the May 05, 2014 Village Board meeting. Agenda Item No: 7 ( b ) Village Board Agenda Supplement _______________________________________________________ Village Board Meeting Date: May 5, 2014 Item Title: Independence Day Fireworks Staff Contact: Carol Lussky, Acting Village Manager Motion: I move to accept the proposal from Mad Bomber for the performance of fireworks for the Village’s Independence Day celebration in an amount not to exceed $13,500. Purpose: The purpose of this memo is to review and discuss the Mad Bomber’s proposal to provide fireworks at the Village’s Independence Day celebration on July , 2014. Background: The Mad Bomber has submitted this fireworks proposal in the amount $13,500. The Village has used Mad Bomber for the past several years and has been very pleased with the shows. Currently the Village is seeking donations for the fireworks show. Last week letters were mailed to previous donors asking for donations for this year’s show. To date, the Village has received $7500 in donations. Additional fundraising effort will continue until the day of the event. There is no direct financial impact to the General Fund if the Village were to collect a sufficient amount of donations for the fireworks. However, if the donations fall short, then the Village would be required to make up the difference. Recommendation: It is my recommendation to accept the proposal from Mad Bomber for the Village’s Independence Day celebration. Votes Required to Pass: Majority Enclosures: • Mad Bomber proposal Agenda Item No: 7 ( c ) Village Board Agenda Supplement _______________________________________________________ Village Board Meeting Date: May 5, 2014 Item Title: Change of Bank Signatories Staff Contact: Dean Frieders, Village Attorney Carol Lussky, Acting Village Manager Motion: I move to Approve the Resolution Directing a Change in the Bank Signatories for the Village of Pingree Grove Purpose: The recent changes in staff require a resolution identifying the approved signatories for the Village bank accounts. This resolution will change the signatory from Carol Lussky to Thomas Walter. Recommendation: It is my recommendation to approve the resolution changing the Village signatories. Votes Required to Pass: Majority Enclosures: • Resolution VILLAGE OF PINGREE GROVE RESOLUTION NO. 2014-__ _______________________________________________________________ A RESOLUTION DIRECTING A CHANGE IN THE AUTHORIZED BANK SIGNATORIES FOR THE VILLAGE OF PINGREE GROVE, KANE COUNTY, ILLINOIS _________________________________________________________________ PASSED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF T HE VILLAGE OF PINGREE GROVE, KANE COUNTY, ILLINOIS THIS _____ DAY OF __________, 2014. PUBLISHED IN PAMPHLET FORM BY AUTHORITY OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF T RUSTEES OF T HE VILLAGE OF PINGREE GROVE, KANE COUNTY, ILLINOIS ILLINOIS, THIS _____ DAY OF ___________, 2014. 1 RESOLUTION NO.2014WHEREAS, the Village of Pingree Grove, Kane County, Illinois currently maintains official bank accounts and investment accounts, and currently maintains a list of authorized signatories on said accounts; and, WHEREAS, the Village of Pingree Grove is desirous of maintaining said accounts, and maintaining access to said accounts by certain authorized persons; and, WHEREAS, the Village is desirous of revising the list of persons with authorized access to the Village’s bank accounts, and also of revising the list of persons shown as authorized signatories on the Village’s bank accounts; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Pingree Grove, Kane County, Illinois, as follows; SECTION ONE: BANK AND SIGNATORIES AUTHORIZED, FURTHER ACTION AUTHORIZED. Greg Marston, Mayor, and Thomas Walter, Finance Director (“Authorized Signatories”) are hereby designated as the sole authorized signatories for the Village of Pingree Grove. Any prior signature authorizations are hereby revoked effective immediately. The Authorized Signatories are hereby authorized to have access to the Village bank accounts through any in-person, paper, or online or internet-based access portals that may be provided by the financial institutions utilized by the Village. The Authorized Signatories are also authorized to serve as representative of the Village for purposes of interacting with any insurer, account-holder, or other financial agency (including IMLRMA, IMRF and other similar agencies). The Village Mayor, along with the Staff of the Village of Pingree Grove, are hereby authorized to execute any and all documents, further resolutions or forms necessary to effectuate this Resolution, and to provide access to the Village’s bank accounts to the above-referenced individuals in their official capacity, as well as to revoke any prior signature authorizations or related documents. SECTION TWO: GENERAL PROVISIONS REPEALER: All resolutions or portions thereof in conflict with this Resolution are hereby repealed. SEVERABILITY: Should any provision of this Resolution be declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect the same as if the invalid provision had not been a part of this Resolution. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect on and after its passage, as provided by law. 2 PASSED AND APPROVED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Pingree Grove, Kane County, Illinois this _____ day of __________, 2014. ____________________________________________ Greg Marston, Mayor of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Pingree Grove ATTEST: ____________________________________________ Michelle Figuerola, Clerk of the Village of Pingree Grove Aye Nay Trustee Steve Wiedmeyer Trustee Bob Spieker Trustee Brian Paszkiewicz Trustee Bernie Thomas Trustee Ray LaMarca Trustee Charles Pearson Village Mayor Greg Marston 3 Absent Abstain Agenda Item No: 7 ( d ) Village Board Agenda Supplement _______________________________________________________ Village Board Meeting Date: May 5, 2014 Item Title: Kane County Forest Preserve Turtle Population Study Staff Contact: Carol Lussky, Acting Village Manager Motion: I move to allow the Kane County Forest Preserve access to Village Property for the purposes of conducting a Turtle Population Study Purpose: The purpose of this memo to forward the Kane County Forest Preserve’s request to conduct a turtle population study in Village owned wetlands. Background: The Kane County Forest Preserve has requested access to the Village wetland area near Reinking & Wester for the purpose of studying the turtle population and their possible migration from the Forest Preserve property. I have been assured that the turtles are safely trapped and not harmed in any manner. The turtles are marked and released at the site of capture. Recommendation: It is my recommendation to allow the Forest Preserve access to Village property to conduct a turtle population study. Votes Required to Pass: Majority Enclosures: • Letter from Kane County Forest Preserve – William Graser, Wildlife Biologist • Map showing area where traps will be set • Photo of trap utilized 1996 South Kirk Road, Suite 320, Geneva, Illinois 60134 John J. Hoscheit, President Monica A. Meyers, Executive Director (630) 232-5980 Fax: (630) 232-5924 February 29, 2014 Carol Lussky Chief of Police One Police Plaza Pingree Grove, Illinois 60140 Dear Chief Lussky, The Forest Preserve District’s Natural Resources staff have been conducting biological surveys to document the diversity of amphibians and reptiles at Pingree Grove Forest Preserve since 2009. This site has been the focus of a project studying the diversity, population structure and habitat use of turtles. The District has been capturing and marking turtles on District land to determine their relative abundance and population demographics. Staff use hoop traps (picture included) baited with sardines to capture turtles. Individuals are given a unique ID and marked. Once the turtles are marked and data have been collected, they are released at the site of capture. I am seeking permission to conduct a few live trapping sessions in the village owned wetland that is Northeast of the District poperty this summer. This would allow us to determine if turtle populations residing in District wetlands are moving over the Railroad tracks and utilizing the village owned wetland complex. Please contact me at 630-232-5923 if you have any question regarding this request. Thank you for your time. William Graser Wildlife Biologist To preserve and restore the nature of Kane County C:\Users\FORWHG\Desktop\Village_of_Pingree_Grove .docx Pingree Grove Wetlands ± 0 800 1,600 3,200 Feet Agenda Item No: 7 ( e ) Village Board Agenda Supplement _______________________________________________________ Village Board Meeting Date: May 5, 2014 Item Title: Department Head Ordinance Staff Contact: Dean Frieders, Village Attorney Carol Lussky, Acting Village Manager Motion: I move to Approve the Ordinance Amending Title 1, Chapter 6 of the Village Code for the Village of Pingree Grove, Kane County, IL Purpose: In accordance with the ongoing discussions of the Village Board regarding the Village’s restructuring, an ordinance has been prepared which contemplates the elimination of the Village Administrator/Manager position, and replacement with a set of Department Heads. The ordinance has been crafted based upon previously established Village Codes, updated to reflect the reorganization. At Monday’s meeting, staff anticipates a complete discussion of the Ordinance, and the Village Attorney will review the ordinance provision by provision, in lieu of providing a lengthy memo summarizing the proposal. Please note that all of the provisions of the ordinance are draft, subject to revision by the Board. In particular, note that the spending authority contemplated therein ($5,000.00 per Department Head, within budgeted amounts and in compliance with all legal requirements), including the emergency spending authority ($20,000.00 upon the agreement of all three Department Heads that a true emergency exists, budgeted funds are available, and waiting for a Village Board meeting is impractical), are placeholders pending Board direction, as no discussion has been had on those items or the appropriate levels of spending authority. Please also note the proposed new provision allowing the Finance Director the authority to temporarily suspend any expenditure of the Village, and to submit the same for review and approval by the Village Board prior to fulfilling. The language of the ordinance also contemplates the supervision of personnel within departments. In accordance with past Board direction, the ordinance indicates that Department Heads may provide verbal or written warnings and may suspend employees (with pay), but that any hiring or firing of employees would require Board approval. In many instances, the Village is required to provide pre-termination due process or hearings, and accordingly the Board may allocate the authority to conduct such hearings to a Department Head on a case by case basis. Again, detailed discussion is anticipated for Monday’s meeting, and the draft ordinance should be viewed as such—a draft, subject to further revision in accordance with any Board direction. Recommendation: It is my recommendation to approve the Ordinance amending Title 1, Chapter 6 of the Village Code. Votes Required to Pass: Majority Enclosures: • Ordinance VILLAGE OF PINGREE GROVE ORDINANCE NO. 2014-__ _______________________________________________________________ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 1, CHAPTER 6 OF THE VILLAGE CODE FOR THE VILLAGE OF PINGREE GROVE, KANE COUNTY, ILLINOIS _________________________________________________________________ PASSED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF T HE VILLAGE OF PINGREE GROVE , KANE COUNTY, I LLINOIS THIS _____ DAY OF ___________, 2014. PUBLISHED IN PAMPHLET FORM BY AUTHORITY OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF T RUSTEES OF T HE VILLAGE OF PINGREE GROVE , KANE COUNTY, I LLINOIS ILLINOIS, THIS _____ DAY OF ____________, 2014. Ordinance NO. 2014-__ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 1, CHAPTER 6 OF THE VILLAGE CODE FOR THE VILLAGE OF PINGREE GROVE, KANE COUNTY, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the Village of Pingree Grove is not a home rule municipality within Article VII, Section 6A of the Illinois Constitution and, pursuant to the powers granted to it under 65 ILCS 5/1-1 et seq.; and, WHEREAS, the Village of Pingree Grove currently employs a Chief of Police, a Finance Director and a Public Works Director and wishes to empower such parties to perform duties on behalf of the Village; and, WHEREAS, the Village of Pingree Grove Board of Trustees have determined that updating these authority of these Department Heads is necessary and advantageous and support the public health, welfare, safety and morals; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the corporate authorities of the Village of Pingree Grove: SECTION ONE: SECTION TITLE 1, CHAPTER 6 AMENDED: The following provisions of Title 1, Chapter 6 of the Village Code of Ordinances shall be amended as follows: Title 1, Chapter 6A and Chapter 6B of the Village Code shall be deleted in their entirety, and replaced as follows: 1-6A: Village Department Heads 1-6A-1: Department Heads Created: The Office of Chief of Police, Finance Director and Public Works Director are hereby created or recognized to serve as the heads of the Village’s Police Department, Finance Department and unified Public Works Department. 1-6A-2: Applicable Terms: The Department Heads shall be governed by the provisions of this Title 1, Chapter 6A. The Chief of Police shall also be governed by the terms of Village Code Section 6-1-4. 1-6A-3: Abandonment of Village Manager/Administrator: The Village hereby abandons the positions of Village Manager or Administrator. Prospectively, the responsibilities which would otherwise be provided to said position shall be allocated among the Department Heads. With regard to any provisions of Village Code or Village Policy (including but not limited to the Village of Pingree Grove Employee Handbook), any responsibilities allocated to the Village Administrator or Manager shall be allocated as follows: A. Any responsibility involving the exercise of financial authority or fiduciary responsibility shall be allocated to the Finance Director. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Finance Director shall not have spending authority in excess of that contemplated by this Title 1, Chapter 6A. B. Any reporting responsibility relating to employee rights or responsibilities shall be allocated to the Finance Director, or, in the event of any conflict with the Finance Director or any conflict which requires reporting to a female, shall be allocated to the Chief of Police. C. Any other responsibility shall be allocated to the Department Heads on a Department by Department basis. 1-6A-4: Appointment, Qualifications and Removal: The Qualifications for the Department Heads shall be as determined by the Corporate Authorities of the Village from time to time. The Appointment of the Department Heads shall be by the Village Mayor with the advice and consent of the Village Board, or in the event of a conflict therebetween, Department Heads may be appointed by a 2/3 supermajority vote of the Village Board. The Removal of Department heads shall be conducted: a) in accordance with any applicable laws or regulations; b) in accordance with Village policies; c) in accordance with any applicable employment agreements; and, d) subject to the same voting standards as Appointment. 1-6A-5: Employment, Compensation, Term of Office: Once selected for hire or upon retention in position, the Department Heads shall be eligible for such compensation as the Corporate Authorities shall provide for by motion, by ordinance, or by approval of an annual budget from time to time. Unless otherwise expressly provided by approval of an employment agreement, no Department Head shall have a specified Term of Office and each shall be subject to removal pursuant to 1-6A-4 at any time. 1-6A-6: Bond: The Department Heads shall furnish such bonding as shall be required by the Village Board from time to time, the cost of which shall be borne by the Village. 1-6A-7: Powers and Duties: The Department Heads shall be tasked with maintaining the day to day operations of the Village within their departments, and shall be charged with cooperating and collaborating interdepartmentally to ensure the continuing efficient operation of all aspects of the Village. The Department Heads shall carry out the policies and procedures directed by the Village Board, and shall solicit the direction and advice of the Village Board. The Department Heads shall also provide their professional recommendations to the Village Board. Further, the Department Heads shall: A. Administration and Coordination: Department Heads shall direct, supervise, and coordinate all activities within their Department, in accordance with the directives of the Corporate Authorities and the Approved Budget. Department Heads shall also direct and supervise the actions of all employees within their Departments, and shall report to the Village Board on the actions of all employees. B. Appointment, Discipline and Removal of Employees: With the approval of the Village Board, Department Heads may appoint or remove Village Employees. Department Heads shall also have the authority to discipline employees up to and including issuance of a verbal or written warning, and including the authority to suspend employees, with pay, pending further action or the allocation of additional authority from the Village Board. If authorized by the Village Board, Department Heads may conduct pre-termination proceedings and/or terminate or remove employees. Department Heads may also recommend personnel policies or regulations for adoption by the Village. C. Attend Board Meetings: Department Heads shall attend Village Board Meetings and may participate in discussions and provide professional recommendations, but shall not vote. Department Heads shall advise the Village Board on pending questions of public policy and shall make recommendations for the adoption of actions which they deem necessary or expedient to support the public health, welfare, safety or morals, or for the improvement of administrative services or for increases in operational efficiency or quality of services. Department Heads shall also provide such other support services to the Village’s Corporate Authorities as the Village may request from time to time. D. Enforcement of Laws, Ordinances and Policies: Department Heads shall provide for the uniform enforcement of all Village laws, ordinances and policies throughout the Village. E. Reports on Operations of Departments: Department Heads shall provide regular reports to the Corporate Authorities on the operations of their Departments, and such other reports or information as the Corporate Authorities may request from time to time. F. Commodities and Services: Department Heads shall be responsible for the purchase of commodities and services within their respective Departments, subject to the following restrictions: a) within any applicable budget restrictions; b) within applicable spending authority; c) pursuant to the provisions of the thencurrent purchasing policies of the Village; and, d) pursuant to any applicable laws or regulations (e.g. competitive bidding requirements). The Village Board expressly recognizes that it may adopt, by ordinance, a purchasing policy that centralizes purchasing or alters the authority of Department Heads, and such policy shall be adhered to once adopted. G. Contracts: Department Heads shall have the authority to enter into contracts and to bind the Village on any agreement or change order, subject to the following restrictions: 1. 2. Any expenditure must be within the then-approved budget for the Village. Any expenditure must comply with all applicable laws, ordinances or regulations. 3. Any Department Head acting individually shall have spending authority up to Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). Expenditures in excess of that sum shall require the approval of the Village Board. However, in the case of any emergency expenditure, where all three Department Heads agree and acknowledge that a true emergency exists which requires the expenditure of additional funds, in a circumstance where the expenditure is unavoidable and delay until a Village Board Meeting is impractical, (e.g. the failure of a lift station pump requiring immediate repair to maintain sanitary sewer service for the Village), the Department Heads acting jointly may authorize the expenditure of up to Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00), subject to restrictions (1) and (2). H. Other Duties: The Department Heads shall perform such other duties as may be assigned from time to time. I. Specific Obligations of Public Works Director: The Public Works Director shall provide for compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, and in particular shall comply with the regulations governing the operation and maintenance of the Village’s public utilities. The Public Works Director shall also make recommendations to the Village Board regarding establishment of policies, funding and reserves for the construction and maintenance of the Village’s buildings, capital infrastructure and equipment. The Public Works Director shall be responsible for the safe, efficient and professional operation and maintenance of all Village public works operations, including but not limited to water, wastewater, street and park operations. J. Specific Obligations for Finance Director: The Finance Director shall be responsible for the financial operations of the Village. Further, the Finance Director shall be responsible for the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Supervising and coordinating the finances of all departments, offices and agencies of the Village. Providing such financial reporting as the Village’s Corporate Authorities may from time to time request. Reviewing all expenditures of the Village and confirming compliance with applicable regulations (including but not limited to confirming that expenditures are within budgeted amounts and spending authority). The Finance Director shall have the right to temporarily suspend any expenditure of the Village (including any expenditure approved by another Department Head), for any reason, pending approval by the Village Board. Any such expenditure suspended shall be presented to the Village Board at the next available Board Meeting. Serve as budget officer of the Village, responsible for all duties ascribed thereto by statute. Prepare and recommend for adoption a budget for the Village, including but not limited to a budget 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. complying with all applicable legal regulations, a budget including a capital plan and policy recommendations regarding revenues and expenditures, and a budget that complies with all fund balance targets established by the Village Board. The Finance Director shall also be responsible for coordinating the budgetary submissions of all other Village Departments, for making recommendations on budget priorities, and for establishing a proposed budget schedule (for approval by the Board). Providing such information to the Village’s Corporate Authorities as shall be required to keep them fully advised as to the present and future financial condition of the Village. Perform such duties as shall be prescribed for the Finance Director by statute or ordinance; keep records and accurate receipts as to all monies paid to or from the Village, and supervise all payout vouchers or orders signed by any representative of the Village. Supervise, manage and conduct the deposit of Village funds in such depositories as may be approved by the Village Board from time to time, and keep Village monies in accordance with all applicable regulations. Make monthly reports to the Village Board showing the state of finances of the Village, including any deviation from established budget numbers, and make quarterly and annual reports to the Village Board regarding the financial status and health of the Village. Each such report shall be verified under oath. Coordinate the approach and utilization of the Village’s auditors, and make recommendations regarding the selection and appropriate utilization of the same, including recommendations to have such auditors serve in non-traditional roles where necessary to improve the efficiency or transparency of Village finances or to improve the quality of service. Serve as Village Treasurer and Collector in accordance with all applicable statutory obligations. Make regular disbursements and payments from the Village in accordance with Village Board approval, including but not limited to staff payroll or payment of approved invoices. Make transfers between Village banking accounts in accordance with the directions and policies of the Village. Make professional recommendations to the Village regarding the adoption of policies or procedures designed to improve the financial condition or efficiency of the Village. 1-6A-8: Acting Department Heads: In the event that a Department Head takes a vacation or temporary leave of absence, such Department Head shall have the authority to appoint a temporary Department Head with full authority under this Code for such period of time, from within the Village’s then-current employees. Any such appointment shall be subject to revision by the Corporate Authorities of the Village, if they so desire. In the event of a longerterm absence, resignation or termination, the Corporate Authorities of the Village may appoint a temporary or acting Department Head in accordance with the appointment procedures contemplated for a Department Head herein. SECTION TWO: GENERAL PROVISIONS REPEALER: All ordinances or portions thereof in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed, amended to be consistent with this requirement, or superseded by this requirement. SEVERABILITY: Should any provision of this Ordinance be declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect the same as if the invalid provision had not been a part of this Ordinance. EFFECTIVE DATE: The Village Board hereby determines that this matter is of urgency and that the requirements of Illinois law are satisfied relative to the need to have this ordinance take effect immediately after passage. The Village Board hereby directs that this ordinance be effective immediately, based upon the urgent public need for the same. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Pingree Grove, Kane County, Illinois, on the __th day of _______, 2014. ____________________________________________ Greg Marston, Mayor of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Pingree Grove ATTEST: ____________________________________________ Michelle Figuerola, Clerk of the Village of Pingree Grove Aye Trustee Steve Wiedmeyer Trustee Bob Spieker Trustee Brian Paszkiewicz Trustee Bernie Thomas Trustee Ray LaMarca Trustee Charles Pearson Village Mayor Greg Marston Nay Absent Abstain Agenda Item No: 7 ( f ) Village Board Agenda Supplement _______________________________________________________ Village Board Meeting Date: May 5, 2014 Item Title: Public Works Supervisor Ordinance Staff Contact: Dean Frieders, Village Attorney Carol Lussky, Acting Village Manager Motion: I move to Approve the Ordinance Authorizing Certain Hiring for the Village of Pingree Grove Purpose: With the Village’s reorganized structure, and in accordance with past direction from the Village Board, unless otherwise approved, changes in employment status are proposed to be brought before the Board for official action of the Board. With the recent hirings of the Finance Director and Public Works Director, the Mayor was authorized to negotiate and extend an offer of employment within certain constraints, and the action was approved by an Ordinance passed by the Board. In the case of the Public Works Supervisor, the Board has determined to promote Patrick Doherty, an long-time Village employee, to a salaried position serving in the Public Works Department. As the terms of employment are specifically contemplated, staff has prepared an ordinance that would approve the terms of employment and the position itself. Again, this ordinance is being utilized as there is currently no staff member with the independent authority to implement this action. The ordinance contemplates that the Village Board will review a job description for the position, in the near future, to ensure that the position is utilized in the fashion contemplated by the Board. Again, detailed discussion is anticipated for Monday’s meeting, and the draft ordinance should be viewed as such—a draft, subject to further revision in accordance with any Board direction. Recommendation: It is my recommendation to approve the Ordinance authorizing certain hiring for the Village of Pingree Grove Votes Required to Pass: Majority Enclosures: • Ordinance VILLAGE OF PINGREE GROVE ORDINANCE NO. 2014-__ _______________________________________________________________ AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN HIRING FOR THE VILLAGE OF PINGREE GROVE, KANE COUNTY, ILLINOIS _________________________________________________________________ PASSED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF T HE VILLAGE OF PINGREE GROVE , KANE COUNTY, I LLINOIS THIS _____ DAY OF ___________, 2014. PUBLISHED IN PAMPHLET FORM BY AUTHORITY OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF T RUSTEES OF T HE VILLAGE OF PINGREE GROVE , KANE COUNTY, I LLINOIS ILLINOIS, THIS _____ DAY OF ____________, 2014. Ordinance NO. 2014-__ AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN HIRING FOR THE VILLAGE OF PINGREE GROVE, KANE COUNTY, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the Village of Pingree Grove is not a home rule municipality within Article VII, Section 6A of the Illinois Constitution and, pursuant to the powers granted to it under 65 ILCS 5/1-1 et seq.; and, WHEREAS, the Village of Pingree Grove Board of Trustees have determined that the promotion of a Public Works Supervisor is necessary and advantageous and support the public health, welfare, safety and morals; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the corporate authorities of the Village of Pingree Grove: SECTION ONE: PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISOR PROMOTED: The Village hereby promotes Patrick Doherty as the Public Works Supervisor for the Village of Pingree Grove. The Public Works Supervisor’s employment shall be subject to the following terms: a. b. c. Starting salary of $65,000 per year. The Village Board shall hereafter approve a job description for the position of Public Works Supervisor, which shall contemplate the position serving as an FLSA Overtime Exempt Position pursuant to Section 13(a)(1) of FLSA, as a bona fide executive position. The Public Works Supervisor shall be responsible for managing a recognized component of the Village’s operations, shall regularly control and direct the activities of two or more Village employees, and the Supervisor’s recommendations as to hiring, firing, promotion or other changes in employment status shall be given particular weight. The Public Works Supervisor shall be eligible for such other benefits and compensation as the Village Board may approve by motion or by budgetary approval from time to time. At this time, the Village Board is affording the Supervisor all benefits customarily afforded to full-time Village employees, and is also affording the Supervisor a reimbursement for the Supervisor’s costs in obtaining health insurance coverage through a spouse, in an amount not to exceed $3,500.00 per year. The Supervisor shall receive vacation and other paid time off based upon the assumption that, as of the time of this action, he has five years of accrued employment time with the Village of Pingree Grove. He shall also receive an immediate, one-time allocation of one additional week of vacation time. d. The Village Board hereby approves of the Supervisor’s continuing outside employment, provided that such employment does not interfere with the Supervisor’s full-time duties on behalf of the Village of Pingree Grove. SECTION TWO: GENERAL PROVISIONS REPEALER: All ordinances or portions thereof in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed, amended to be consistent with this requirement, or superseded by this requirement. SEVERABILITY: Should any provision of this Ordinance be declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect the same as if the invalid provision had not been a part of this Ordinance. EFFECTIVE DATE: The Village Board hereby determines that this matter is of urgency and that the requirements of Illinois law are satisfied relative to the need to have this ordinance take effect immediately after passage. The Village Board hereby directs that this ordinance be effective immediately, based upon the urgent public need for the same. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Pingree Grove, Kane County, Illinois, on the __th day of _______, 2014. ____________________________________________ Greg Marston, Mayor of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Pingree Grove ATTEST: ____________________________________________ Michelle Figuerola, Clerk of the Village of Pingree Grove Aye Trustee Steve Wiedmeyer Trustee Bob Spieker Trustee Brian Paszkiewicz Trustee Bernie Thomas Trustee Ray LaMarca Trustee Charles Pearson Village Mayor Greg Marston Nay Absent Abstain Agenda Item No: 7 ( g ) Village Board Agenda Supplement _______________________________________________________ Village Board Meeting Date: May 05, 2014 Committee Meeting Date: Item Title: Server and XP Computer Replacement Proposal Motion: : I make a motion to authorize the Acting Village Manager to purchase the Computer Replacements not to exceed $24,440 from the General Fund Capital and $1300 from the Water & Sewer Capital Fund. Staff Contact & Recommendation: Deputy Chief Beane & AVM Lussky Background: At the last Village Board Meeting / COW of April 21, 2014 a discussion regarding the Village Hall Server and approx. 2/3 of the Village’s XP Computer should be replaced. This will leave 6 XP computers and two servers for replacement in FY 2016. The remaining XP computers are not used for internet or email, which greatly reduces their exposure to unwanted or malicious software corruption. Staff will investigate the options for merging the Exchange email server for FY 2016 budget proposal as discussed at the last COW Meeting. While finalizing this proposal Staff realized that the Water Department XP Desktop was missing from the proposal and that has been added to this proposal. This proposal does include a small contingency fund for the project, mainly to purchase UPS (Battery Backups) and any miscellaneous items that are needed. Proposed Breakdown Capital Fund (70-45-3-1200) ($23691 & $749 contingency) Water and Sewer Capital Fund ($1135 & $165 contingency) Staff stands ready to answer any questions the Board may have. 24440 1300 FY 2015 Computer Replacement Proposal Capital Account 70-45-3-1200 ($24,440 Budgeted) SERVER Village Clerk Building Department INVESTIGATIONS / DARE INVESTIGATIONS / DARE INVESTIGATIONS / DARE RECORDS ROOM SERGEANT'S OFFICE EVIDENCE ROOM Processing MS Office 2013 ( 9 x 300 ) Subtotal Requested Amount Village Hall 12986 Village Hall 835 Village Hall 835 PD 1080 PD 1080 PD 835 PD 835 PD 835 PD 835 PD 835 All 2700 23691 24440 Water & Sewer Capital Account ($ 0 Budgeted) Water Dept ($835 Computer & $300 Office) Requested Amount 1135 1300 Agenda Item No: 7 ( h ) Village Board Agenda Supplement _______________________________________________________ Village Board Meeting Date: May 5, 2014 Item Title: Payment to Municipal Well & Pump Staff Contact: Carol Lussky, Acting Village Manager Motion: I move to Authorize Payment to Municipal Well & Pump for the amount of $18,774.00 Purpose: The purpose of this memo to request payment to Municipal Well & Pump for work done on Well #2. Background: EEI has forwarded a request for payment from Municipal Well & Pump for work done on the Well #2 rehab project. Recommendation: It is my recommendation to authorize payment to Municipal Well & Pump for $18,774.00. Votes Required to Pass: Majority Enclosures: • Letter from EEI requesting payment to Municipal Well & Pump • Invoice • Partial Waiver of Lien • Copy of certified payroll By the Mayor Village of Pingree Grove, Illinois WHEREAS, the safety and security of the citizens of the Village of Pingree Grove and surrounding areas are vitally important; and WHEREAS, a large percentage of our citizens regularly drive or ride in motor vehicles on our roadways; and WHEREAS, the use of seat belts in passenger vehicles saved an estimated 12,174 lives in 2012; and WHEREAS, regular seat belt use is the single most effective way to reduce fatalities in motor vehicle crashes; WHEREAS, the use of seat belts is supported by the laws of Village of Pingree Grove; WHEREAS, May 19 through June 1, 2014, has been selected as the national Click It or Ticket mobilization enforcement period; WHEREAS, across the country law enforcement officers will actively be participating in the mobilization to ensure all motor vehicle occupants are buckled up day and night to reduce the risk of injury and death caused in traffic crashes; AND WHEREAS, increased enforcement of seat belt laws coupled with publicity has proven to be an effective method to increase seat belt use rates and decrease fatal crashes; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Greg Marston, Mayor, Village of Pingree Grove, Kane County, Illinois, do hereby proclaim and announce May 19 to June 1, 2014, as the Click It or Ticket Mobilization in the Village of Pingree Grove, and urge all citizens to always wear seat belts when driving or riding on our roadways. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand on behalf of the Village of Pingree Grove, Kane County, Illinois. ______________________________________ Greg Marston, Mayor, Pingree Grove, Illinois ______________________________________ [Date] 2014 Click It or Ticket FACT SHEET Click It or Ticket Enforcement Mobilization Cracking Down to Save Lives A Nationwide Mobilization • From May 19 – June 1, state and local law enforcement agencies are stepping up enforcement to catch motorists who aren’t wearing their seat belts. • The 2014 Click It or Ticket national enforcement mobilization is taking place all across the nation. Whether motorists live in a city, the suburbs, or a rural area, local law enforcement will be out in force. Seat Belts and Enforcement Save Lives • In 2012 seat belts saved an estimated 12,174 people from dying. From 2008 – 2012 seat belts saved nearly 63,000 lives. • In 2012, 3,031 additional lives could have been saved if all unrestrained passenger vehicle occupants 5 and older involved in fatal crashes had worn their seat belts. • Cops aren’t just cracking down for the fun of it. Wearing a seat belt is a serious issue. For the first time in five years, fatalities for unrestrained passenger vehicle occupants have gone up. In 2012, there were 10,335 unbuckled passenger vehicle occupants who died. Because of these fatalities, cops are stepping up enforcement and cracking down on those who don’t wear their seat belts. Too Many Motorists Are Dying • Young adults are dying at a disproportionate rate because they are not wearing their seat belts. Sixty-two percent of 18- to 34-year-old passenger vehicle occupants killed in crashes were not wearing their seat belts. • Those who drive and ride in pickup trucks may think that their large vehicle will protect them more than other vehicles in a crash. This false sense of security may cause them to not wear their seat belts, but the stats show that this bravado is misplaced. Sixty-six percent of pickup truck occupants who were killed were not buckled up. That’s compared to 45 percent of car occupants who were killed while not wearing their seat belts. • More men than women die every year in motor vehicle traffic crashes. In 2012, 65 percent of the 21,667 passenger vehicle occupants killed were men. Men also wore their seat belts less than women in fatal crashes – 56 percent of men were unrestrained, compared to 43 percent for women. Enforcement Everywhere • In 2012, 13,268 traffic fatalities occurred in rural locations, compared to 8,341 traffic fatalities that occurred in urban locations. Out of those fatalities, 54 percent of those not wearing their seatbelt were in rural locations, compared to 48 percent in urban locations. • People who live in rural areas might believe that the close-knit nature of their small town will get them out of a ticket. However, motorists should not think that knowing the officer who pulled them over will help them avoid a ticket. Cops are cracking down everywhere on those not wearing their seat belts. Enforcement Anytime • Day or night, local law enforcement officers are on the lookout for those not wearing their seat belts--and for good reason. In 2012, 61 percent of passenger vehicle occupants killed at night (6 p.m. – 5:59 a.m.) were not wearing their seat belts. • Local law enforcement officers are actually trained to spot seat belt violations at night, so just because it’s dark, don’t think they won’t be able to spot unbelted drivers. Learn more about the Click It or Ticket mobilization at . 10204-020714-v1a