program book - Dioxin Madrid 2014
program book - Dioxin Madrid 2014
34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants PROGRAM BOOK August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN SPONSOR AD Monday 1 September 2014 09:00 09:30 Opening ceremony 09:30 10:15 Plenary session —Prof Joan Grimalt 10:15 10:45 10:45 12:45 15:25 16:00 16:00 17:20 17:20 18:30 19:30 21:30 08:30 09:15 Plenary session —Dr. Antonia Calafat 09:15 09:55 Coffee break & exhibition 09:55 12:15 Auditorio Auditorio Comendador Industrial, occupational and accidental exposure Doblón Sustainable production and use Doblón Formation, inhibition and destruction of non dioxin-like compounds Comendador Biomonitoring in humans I Castilla Occurrence in sediments, soils and water I Castilla Food and feed. Evaluation of dietary intake II Hidalgo New screening methods and novel instrumental techniques Auditorio Hidalgo Lunch & exhibition Lunch seminar presented by Agilent Technologies Escudo Multidimensional analytical techniques and other novel techniques Auditorio Unintentional formation of POPs Doblón POPs in developing countries Comendador Advances in passive sampling for air and water Hidalgo Biomonitoring in humans II Castilla 12:15 13:30 13:30 15:10 Coffee break & exhibition Thursday 4 September 2014 08:30 09:15 08:30 09:15 Plenary session —Prof Jacob de Boer 09:15 09:45 Coffee break & exhibition 09:45 12:05 Formation, inhibition and destruction of PCDD/Fs I 09:45 12:05 Lunch & exhibition Lunch seminars presented by Bruker & Thermo Comendador & Escudo Ten years of global monitoring under the Stockholm Convention POPs: Trends, sources and transport modelling II Auditorio Innovative sampling strategies and sample preparation I Castilla Sources and emission inventories Hidalgo Risk assessment, management and communication Doblón Multidimensional analytical techniques and other novel techniques Auditorio Halogenated natural products and chiral pollutants Doblón 15:10 15:40 Coffee break & exhibition Is TBBPA safe? Hidalgo 15:40 17:20 Epidemiology and burden of disease Comendador Food and feed. Evaluation of dietary intake I Castilla Exposure to POPs in Vietnam Comendador Doblón Poster session 1 Poster Area Sources, transport, bioaccumulation and fate of legacy and emerging organic pollutants in the marine environment: From coastal regions to the global oceans Welcome reception Supported by CIL Cecilio Rodríguez Gardens, Retiro Park Food and feed. Evaluation of dietary intake III Hidalgo Contamination of persistent toxic substances (PTS) in Asian countries Auditorio Innovative sampling strategies and sample preparation II Castilla Poster session 2 Sponsored by Pacific Rim Poster Area Non-target and emerging contaminant analysis 17:20 18:30 Wednesday 3 September 2014 09:15 09:45 Ten years of global monitoring under the Stockholm Convention on POPs: Trends, sources and transport modelling i POPs in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems 13:45 15:25 Auditorio Coffee break & exhibition Bioanalytical approaches for POPs detection 12:45 13:45 Tuesday 2 September 2014 Comendador 12:30 18:30 Plenary session— Professors Barra/Giang/Heindrink Auditorio Coffee break & exhibition POPs in marine ecosystems Doblón Toxicology and mechanisms I. Dioxins and dioxin-like chemicals Castilla Occurrence in sediments, soils and water II Auditorio Pseudo-POPs: Non persistent but persistently in the environment Comendador Indoor exposure Hidalgo 12:05 13:15 13:15 15:15 Symposium tours Friday 5 September 2014 Auditorio Auditorio Atmospheric levels, transport and deposition Castilla Regulatory aspects of POPs Hidalgo Integrating toxicology and epidemiology for risk assessment Comendador Modelling of environmental fate, transport and sources Doblón Lunch & exhibition Lunch seminar presented by Agilent Technologies Escudo Formation, inhibition and destruction of PCDD/Fs II Auditorio Biomarkers of exposure and effect. From individual to population level Comendador QA/QC, interlaboratory studies, reference materials Doblón Halogenated flame retardants in the environment from PBDEs to OPFRs and other emerging alternatives I Castilla POPs in remote areas I Hidalgo 15:15 15:45 Coffee break & exhibition 15:45 17:25 Formation, inhibition and destruction of PCDD/Fs III Auditorio Toxicology and mechanisms II. Other POPs Comendador Food web studies. Bioaccumulation and biomagnification Doblón POPs in remote areas II Hidalgo Halogenated flame retardants in the environment from PBDEs to OPFRs and other emerging alternatives II Castilla 17:30 18:30 Poster session 3 Poster Area 20:00 Gala dinner Casino de Madrid 10:00 12:00 Summary and future outcomes. Students and mentors 12:00 Otto Hutzinger student awards 12:15 Welcome to Dioxin 2015 12:30 Closing remarks and farewell cocktail Auditorio 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN PROGRAM BOOK 1 PROGRAM BOOK EDITOR IN CHIEF: Dr. Begoña Jiménez DESIGNED BY: MCI Group DATE OF PUBLICATION: August 2014 2 PROGRAM BOOK TABLE OF CONTENTS Program at a glance front cover fold Welcome address 4 Information Committees Registration Instructions for presenters Student awards Side meetings Social program Tour information Accommodation General information 6 8 9 10 10 11 15 20 22 Monday program Day at a glance Oral sessions Poster session 1 24 25 34 Tuesday program Day at a glance Oral sessions Poster session 2 45 46 56 Wednesday program Day at a glance Oral sessions 67 68 Thursday program Day at a glance Oral sessions Poster session 3 72 73 83 Friday program Day at a glance Index of presenters 100 Sponsors and exhibitors 113 Venue map 3 98 back cover fold PROGRAM BOOK Welcome address from the Symposium Chair Dear colleagues and friends, On behalf of the Organizing Committee, Scientific Committee and the International Advisory Board, it is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Madrid, Spain, for the 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants -Dioxin 2014-. Dioxin 2014 will continue in the tradition of previous symposia as the leading international conference for scientists, regulators and exhibitors presenting recent advances in all areas of Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants. We are very fortunate to have received more than 650 short papers from 41 countries that will be presented at this meeting. Less than half of the papers have been scheduled for oral presentations in five concurrent sessions and the rest have been scheduled in three poster sessions. A high quality scientific program has been prepared combining both traditional topics and emerging issues; covering the seven main topics of the symposium and 10 special sessions. This year marks the 10 th anniversary of the Stockholm Convention on POPs. To commemorate this milestone, we have organized a special session to highlight POP research conducted in support of the Global Monitoring Plan, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the Convention. As in previous symposia, the scientific program will be complemented with exhibitors and vendor seminars, presenting their latest advances in the field of Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants. We are extremely grateful to all sponsors, exhibitors and scientific partners for their generous support of the meeting, which is crucial to its success. The theme for Dioxin 2014 is “Our students, our future”. In this spirit, we were able to give the opportunity to participate to many students; and we are very pleased to organize a special student activity “Science with tapas” on Sunday, August 31st. We have also planned students to participate during the symposium highlights on Friday September 5th. A few selected students from each scientific topic will present their highlights of the symposium. It is very inspiring to hear how they feel and what they will tell us about the future in POP research. We hope these activities will give them additional opportunities to network with scientist from around the world, in keeping with the international spirit of Dioxin Symposia. 4 PROGRAM BOOK 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants This year, we are gathering in Madrid, a cosmopolitan city with a rich cultural and artistic heritage. If there is one thing that characterizes Madrid, is its contagious passion for life, reflected in its friendly and welcoming people. The success of Dioxin 2014 will be enhanced by the special atmosphere of our city’s social life; which is an essential element in generating synergies for scientific collaboration and friendship. We wish all the participants to have an enriching and positive memory of Spain. Last but not least, an exciting social program awaits all delegates. All participants are invited to an informal reception on Sunday at the official venue of the Dioxin 2014, and the official welcome reception on Monday which will be held at the Cecilio Rodriguez Gardens, one of the more popular green spaces in the city of Madrid. We are sure that Dioxin 2014 will provide a great opportunity for all the delegates from all over the world in exchanging new ideas and to establish future collaboration. Welcome to Dioxin 2014 in Madrid! Dr. Begoña Jiménez Symposium Chair, Dioxin 2014 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 5 Information Information Committees Registration Instructions for presenters Student awards Side meetings Social program Tour information Accommodation General information INFORMATION COMMITTEES CONFERENCE CHAIR ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Dr. Begoña Jiménez Spanish National Research Council (IQOG-CSIC) Dr. Begoña Jiménez Spanish National Research Council (IQOG-CSIC) Dr. Mario Fernández Spanish National Research Council (IQOG-CSIC) Dr. Juan Muñoz-Arnanz Spanish National Research Council (IQOG-CSIC) Dr. Lourdes Ramos Spanish National Research Council (IQOG-CSIC) Dr. Jose Luis Roscales Spanish National Research Council (IQOG-CSIC) 6 PROGRAM BOOK 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants INFORMATION COMMITTEES INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Dr. Mehran Alaee National Water Research Institute, Canada Dr. Esteban Abad Spanish National Research Council (IDAEA-CSIC) Dr. João Vicente de Assunção University of Sao Paulo, Brazil Dr. Georg Becher Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Norway Dr. Michael S. Denison University of California, USA Dr. Heidelore Fiedler UNEP Chemicals, Switzerland Dr. Jean-François Focant University of Liege, Belgium Dr. Caroline Gaus The University of Queensland, Australia Dr. Argelia Castaño Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) Dr. Juan Conesa University of Alicante (UA) Dr. Jordi Díaz Ramón Llull University (IQS-URL) Dr. Ethel Eljarrat Spanish National Research Council (IDAEA-CSIC) Dr. María José González Spanish National Research Council (IQOG-CSIC) Dr. Stuart Harrad University of Birmingham, United Kingdom Dr. Joan O. Grimalt Spanish National Research Council (IDAEA-CSIC) Dr. Laurie C. Haws ToxStrategies Inc., USA Dr. Begoña Jiménez Spanish National Research Council (IQOG-CSIC) Mr. Gary Hunt TRC Environmental Corporation, USA Dr. María Ángeles Martínez Energy, Environmental and Technological Research Center (CIEMAT) Dr. Begoña Jiménez Spanish National Research Council (IQOG- CSIC), Spain Dr. Paolo Mocarelli University of Milan + BICOCCA, Italy Dr. Masatoshi Morita National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan Dr. Martí Nadal Rovira i Virgili University (URV) Dr. Nicolás Olea University of Granada (UGR) Dr. Josep Rivera Spanish National Research Council (IDAEA-CSIC), Spain Dr. Lourdes Ramos Spanish National Research Council (IQOG-CSIC) Dr. Stephen H. Safe Texas A&M University, USA Dr. Francisco Javier Santos University of Barcelona (UB) Dr. Jae-Ho Yang Catholic University of Daegu, Korea Dr. Francisco Soler University of Extremadura (UEX) Dr. Minghui Zheng Chinese Academy of Sciences, China August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 7 INFORMATION REGISTRATION Symposium staff will be available at the registration desk for Participants wishing to register onsite may carry out their all registered delegates to collect their registration packs and registrations at the registration desk. The prices below are to attend any symposium-related questions. The registration in euros (€) and are subject to 21% Spanish VAT, except Gala desk along with the technical secretariat will be located at dinner which is subject to 10% Spanish VAT. the main lobby floor in the surroundings of the Auditorium, Castilla and Hidalgo rooms (see map on the back cover fold). The registration desk and symposium help-desk will be open at the following hours: Sunday 31 August 2014 ► 15:00 – 20:00 hours Monday 1 September 2014 ► 8:00 – 18:00 hours Tuesday 2 September 2014 ► 8:00 – 18:00 hours Wednesday 3 September 2014 ► 8:00 – 13:00 hours Thursday 4 September 2014 ► 8:00 – 18:00 hours Friday 5 September 2014 ► 8:30 – 12:30 hours Registration Type Registration Fee (€) Full Delegate 820 Student 360 Accompanying Person 215 One Day Attendance 450 Gala dinner 69 All registration fees are quoted in Euro (€). All registration fees are subject to 21% Spanish VAT. except Gala dinner subjected to 10% Spanish VAT. Registration fee for participants includes: Accompanying persons fee includes: Student fee includes: • Proceedings (USB memory stick) • Symposium bag and information • Admission to the exhibition area Student registration applies to registered students only and must be accompanied by a letter or some other type of document certifying the student status from the university or center in which the student is registered. This documentation must be presented when registering. package • Admission to all sessions throughout the symposium • Admission to the exhibition area throughout the symposium tea, refreshments and lunches during breaks throughout the symposium • Informal reception on Sunday, August 31st, 2014 • Official Reception on Monday, September 1st, 2014 • Coffee, 8 throughout the symposium • Coffee, tea, refreshments and lunches during breaks throughout the symposium • Informal reception on Sunday, August 31st, 2014 • Official Reception on Monday on Monday, September 1st, 2014 PROGRAM BOOK 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants INFORMATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR PRESENTERS Oral presentations Poster presentations Presenters are allotted 20 minutes total presentation time (15 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for discussion and questions). In an effort to synchronize the parallel sessions, session chairs have been instructed to retain a strict control of this time schedule. This is to allow participants to move from one session to another without missing anything of each presentation. Poster presenters are to ensure they mount their poster on the correct board placed within the exhibition area that features their poster number. Mounting day depends on the assigned poster session: The official format of the presentation is via data projector using Microsoft PowerPoint. All presenters must bring their presentation on a USB memory stick and load their presentations via the speaker support room. Rehearsals and significant editing will not be allowed on the Symposium computers. Presenters will not be allowed to connect their own computers to the data projectors at the Symposium. It is the responsibility of the individual presenters (not the organizers) to ensure their presentations are uploaded the day before their session (and at the very latest one hour prior to the beginning of the session in which they will present), and to test their presentation before uploading. Speakers’ support room opening times A technician and volunteers will be available in the speakers’ support room (next to the Castilla room) to assist you with uploading your presentation to the correct session at the following times: Sunday 31 August 2014 ► 15:00 – 20:00 hours Monday 1 September 2014 ► 8:00 – 18:00 hours Tuesday 2 September 2014 ► 8:00 – 18:00 hours Wednesday 3 September 2014 ► 8:00 – 13:00 hours Thursday 4 September 2014 ► 8:00 – 18:00 hours Friday 5 September 2014 ► 8:30 – 9:30 hours ► Posters corresponding to the sessions of Monday and Tuesday will be displayed by 9:00 am on Monday 1 September. Presenters are to remove their poster after the evening poster session on Tuesday 2 September. The organizers do not take any responsibility for posters left hanging after this time. ► Posters corresponding to the session of Thursday will be displayed by 9:00 am on Wednesday 3 September. Presenters are to remove their poster after the evening poster session on Thursday 4 September. The organizers do not take any responsibility for posters left hanging after this time. Specific times are set aside on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday for poster viewing and discussions with presenters. Drinks will be served during these sessions at the following times: Poster session 1: Monday 1 September 2013 17:20–18:30 hours Poster session 2 (Sponsored by Pacific Rim): Tuesday 2 September 2013 17:20–18:30 hours Poster session 3: Thursday 4 September 2013 17:30–18:30 hours Each poster presenter has a designated time to be available at their poster and answer questions. The posters being presented each day are listed in Monday, Tuesday and Thursday tabs in this program book. Organohalogen Compounds Abstracts Authors were asked during abstract submission whether they would like to have their contribution included in the Organohalogen Compounds or would only like to have their contribution included in the Symposium Proceedings USB. Abstracts included in Organohalogen Compounds can be accessed via following the Symposium. Abstract identification numbers are provided throughout this program. These numbers can be used to identify abstracts in the Symposium Proceedings USB. August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 9 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants INFORMATION STUDENT AWARDS The Otto Hutzinger Student Award is presented for outstanding student presentations at the annual Dioxin Symposium to acknowledge their scientific contribution to the field of halogenated persistent organic pollutants. This award honors Professor Otto Hutzinger as the initiator of the Dioxin Symposia and his continuing interest as a teacher and researcher committed to moving science forward and to stimulating young students and the next generation of scientists. Six awards will be granted to two students in each of the following three categories: A. Sources and analysis of legacy and emerging POPs B. Environmental occurrence of halogenated persistent organic pollutants C. Human exposure, toxicology and risk assessment of POPs The Otto Hutzinger Student Award will be presented by the International Advisory Board of the Dioxin Symposia on Friday 5 September 2014. The award consists of a plaque reflecting a local aspect of the current year’s Dioxin Symposium and a cash check. The winners’ names will be published on the Symposium’s website after the event. SIDE MEETINGS All side meetings will be held at the venue, the Meliá Castilla Hotel, unless stated otherwise. Sunday 31 August 2014 Room 9:30 – 18:30 Flame retardant Science and Policy meeting: The science and policy of organohalogens in consumer products Escudo 12:00 – 18:00 Seminar presented by Waters: Waters user meeting Doblón 12:30 – 17:00 Seminar presented by Fluid Management Systems: Same day POPs analysis Comendador Monday 1 September 2014 12:45 – 13:45 Lunch seminar presented by Agilent Technologies Escudo Tuesday 2 September 2014 12:15 – 13:30 Lunch seminar presented by Bruker Comendador Lunch seminar presented by Thermo Scientific Escudo Thursday 4 September 2014 12:05 – 13:15 Lunch seminar presented by Agilent Technologies Escudo August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 11 INFORMATION SOCIAL PROGRAM Student Activity: Science with Tapas Sunday August 31 2014 17:30 to 19:00 h We are pleased to announce that six distinguished scientists have agreed to share their wisdom with us over tapas and sangria. Please join us for the first meeting with distinguished scientists in your field. This unprecedented event will provide an excellent forum for students to interact with leading scientists in a relaxed atmosphere. Meetings will be held in a patio/bar close to the Meliá Castilla Hotel on Sunday 31, between 17:30 and 19:00 for discussions on science, professional development and careers over Spanish tapas and sangria. This event is open to all students registered at Dioxin 2014 without any kind of extra fee due to the generosity of AB Sciex. Don’t be shy, go ahead and register to this unique experience to share a unique time with renowned scientists and some Spanish tapas. 11 PROGRAM BOOK 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants INFORMATION SOCIAL PROGRAM Student Activity: Science with Tapas Tapas with Antonia Calafat, Ph.D., serves as Chief of the Personal Care Products Laboratory at the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, USA. Linda S. Birnbaum, Ph.D., is Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) of the National Institute of Health, and the National Toxicology Program (NTP), USA. Takeshi Nakano Ph.D., is a Specially Appointed Professor at the Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Japan. Eric Reiner Ph.D., is a Senior Mass spectrometry Research Scientist at the Laboratory Services Branch of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and adjunct professor at the Department of Chemistry at the University of Toronto, Canada. Jef Focant Ph.D., is Head of the Chemistry Department University of Liège, Belgium. Martin van den Berg Ph.D., is Professor in Toxicology, deputy director of the Institute of Risk Assessment Sciences (formerly RITOX) of the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands and head of the Toxicology and Pharmacology Division of IRAS. Organizing Committee María Ros Belén González-Gaya Olga Huetos Enrique Cequier Adrián de la Torre Jose Luis Roscales Juan Muñoz-Arnanz August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 12 INFORMATION SOCIAL PROGRAM Informal reception on Sunday Sunday August 31 2014 18:30 to 20:00 h Meliá Castilla Hotel (El Prado & Aranjuez reception rooms) Welcome reception on Monday Attendance to this reception is included in the registration fee Dress code: Casual All registered delegates, accompanying persons, and sponsors are invited to an informal drink in the official venue of the Dioxin 2014, Meliá Castilla Hotel. Drinks and Spanish snacks will be served. - Sponsored by CIL Monday September 1 2014 19:30 to 21:30 h Gardens of Cecilio Rodriguez, Retiro Park Attendance to this reception is included in the registration fee Transport: 19:00 h buses depart Meliá Castilla hotel. Return buses to the venue will depart since 21:30 h Dress code: Casual All registered delegates, accompanying persons, and sponsors are invited to the Dioxin 2014 official reception which will be held at one of the green spaces of the city of Madrid, el Parque del Buen Retiro or simply the Retiro Park. Located in the very heart of Madrid, not only is this park among the largest but it also represents an important part of the city’s historical heritage and botanical patrimony of past centuries. Once a recreational area for the Royal Family, the Retiro Park has today become a “must-do” for Madrileños and tourists who wish to have a great time by practicing sports, relaxing or just wandering along its inviting paths. The reception will be held at the Gardens of Cecilio Rodriguez, a unique and reservation-only area inside the Retiro Park whose beauty will transport visitors to a magical realm of nature and peace within the city. Please join us at this event on Monday, the 1st of September, 2014 from 19:30 to 21:30 h. A complimentary selection of Spanish food and beverages will be served. 13 PROGRAM BOOK 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants INFORMATION SOCIAL PROGRAM Gala dinner on Thursday Thursday September 4 2014 20:00 h Casino de Madrid The Casino enjoys the pleasure of hosting guests from all over the world. Throughout the 170-year history, many traditions have been established to make the visits of all our guests their most memorable experiences. The Dress Code is an important complement to the standards our guests expect and deserve. Cocktail attire is preferred. Very especially, gentlemen are kindly required to wear jacket and long trousers in order to access the Casino de Madrid. Transport: 19:30 h buses depart Meliá Castilla hotel. Limited return buses to the venue will depart after Gala Dinner Casino de Madrid In 1836, a group of young romantics and progressive liberals decided to search out a quiet place to meet up in peace and harmony away from the frenetic world of politics. This was the first step toward what would, in time, became the Casino de Madrid. Located right in the heart of Madrid, in Alcalá st. next to Puerta del Sol. Casino de Madrid is the perfect venue for all kind of national and international events. CALLE ALCALÁ, 15 . MADRID Artistic heritage The importance and quality of the Casino de Madrid’s artistic heritage is undeniable. For this reason, one of the principal objectives of our organization is to conserve and improve this heritage. Painting, sculpture, and numerous details such as Maumejéan stained glass, lamps of carved crystal, or our valuable collection of clocks, all make the Casino de Madrid a luxury setting for precious works of art. August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 14 INFORMATION OPTIONAL TOURS Optional Tours on Wednesday As part of the Dioxin 2014 Symposium several optional tours are offered. Attendance to the tours is not included in the registration fee. Prices and tour descriptions can be viewed in this section. All tours are subject to a minimum number of participants. The symposium organizers reserve the right to cancel these tours if the minimum quote is not reached. A full refund will apply in that case. If you would like to plan a day trip from Madrid, MCI staff at the information desk during the symposium will be happy to assist you in making your arrangements like booking high speed train tickets. Madrid Panoramic Tour plus Austrian quarter Departure time: 13:30 h, from the Meliá Castilla hotel (Main Entrance) Duration of the tour approx. 4 hours Air conditioning coaches The city capital Madrid offers different contrasts: Brand new skyscrapers beside traditional former private Palaces that once belonged to aristocratically families; wide well designed avenues, ornamental fountains, green parks, famous soccer stadiums, interesting Museums, impressive buildings, attractive residential neighborhoods, where the upscale shops rule the most exclusive shopping, even a Moorish style bullring. Let´s discover it all by bus (stopping whenever possible for pictures) and later on, walking down the Royal Palace and the Cathedral, enjoying the old atmosphere of back in the 16th century, when Madrid became Capital of the Spanish Empire admiring the labyrinthine structure of the medieval streets and cosy little squares till reaching finally the Old Main Square at the heart of the city. Official Guides Price per person: 21 € (21% VAT excluded) Panoramic Tour and Prado Museum Departure time: 13:30 h, from the Meliá Castilla hotel (Main Entrance) Duration of the tour approx. 4 hours Air conditioning coaches Entrance Prado Museum Official Guides Price per person: 35 € (21% VAT excluded) 15 The city capital Madrid offers different contrasts: Brand new skyscrapers beside traditional former private Palaces that once belonged to aristocratically families; wide well designed avenues, ornamental fountains, green parks, famous soccer stadiums, interesting Museums, impressive buildings, attractive residential neighbourhoods, where the upscale shops rule the most exclusive shopping, even a Moorish style bullring. Let´s discover it all by bus (stopping whenever possible for pictures) Prado Museum: One of the most important painting Galleries in the world, with a collection of roughly 10.000 master pieces from the classical period, early 14 th to the late 18 th century. In order to get the real feeling of Prado we will admire the real “musts”, those paintings that cannot be missed: The “pearls” of the primitive Flemish painters Van der Weyden and El Bosco, the Italian Fran Angelico and the German master Durero and later without forgetting the Spanish School of Painting with Velazquez and Goya. PROGRAM BOOK 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants INFORMATION OPTIONAL TOURS Madrid Panoramic Tour and Reina Sofia Art Museum The city capital Madrid offers different contrasts: Brand new skyscrapers beside traditional former private Palaces that once belonged to aristocratically families; wide well designed avenues, ornamental fountains, green parks, famous soccer stadiums, interesting Museums, impressive buildings, attractive residential neighbourhoods, where the upscale shops rule the most exclusive shopping, even a Moorish Departure time: 13:30 h, style bullring. Let´s discover it all by bus (stopping whenever from the Meliá Castilla hotel possible for pictures) (Main Entrance) Reina Sofia Museum: Inaugurated to house the impressive Duration of the tour approx. work of Picasso, Guernica but it offers much more: Sculptures 4 hours and paintings from our most famous Spanish international known worldwide artists: Dali, Miró, Angeles Santos, Air conditioning coaches Julio González, Pablo Gargallo and many others in a quite interesting building which mixes the classical lines with the Entrance Reina Sofia modern genius of the Pritzker winner Jean Nouvel. Museum Official Guides Price per person: 29 € (21% VAT excluded) El Escorial Tour Departure time: 13:30 h, from the Meliá Castilla hotel (Main Entrance) Duration of the tour approx. 5 hours (picnic lunch included) Air conditioning coaches Entrance San Lorenzo del Escorial Monastery Price per person: 45 € (21% VAT excluded) Leaving Madrid behind, it is time to enjoy the mountains located in the northwest of the province: Guadarrama Sierra (Guadarrama mountain range) and its snowed peaks in winter as well as land dedicated to breeding wildbulls in the opened air. After approximately 45 minutes, El Escorial can be seen. At the feet of the mountain, a privileged spot which was commissioned to be built by the King Phillip the second after a victory over the French troops back in the 16th century. As he defined it: “ a Palace for God and a house for me” can be discovered the real atmosphere of a huge construction that was used once as Royal Palace as well as a private Museum of the King to enjoy his private art collection. Traditionally talking, it is still use as Royal Pantheon of all Kings and Queens of Spain belonging to the two Royal Dynasties: Austrian and Borbon. August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 16 INFORMATION OPTIONAL TOURS Toledo Departure time: 12:30 h, from the Meliá Castilla hotel (Main Entrance) Duration of the tour approx. 6 hours (picnic lunch included) Air conditioning coaches Official Guides Cahedral and Synagogue of Sta. Mª La Blanca entrances Price per person: 55 € (21% VAT excluded) Leaving Madrid heading south, just 1 hour distance by bus, after crossing a good part of the central region known as La Mancha, don Quixote’s land, we will arrive to the former imperial capital, the eternal Toledo. Due to its location, at the top of a rocky hill, over the Tagus river as natural protector and being a wall city, lets enjoy first of all its fantastical view from an exclusive point, the same one that has captivated the sensible artist souls: The painter Greco, poets from all times, writers and so on. After some minutes spent there taking the best pictures, we will drive inside walls and from the bus-parking place, walking and exploring the old structure of its medieval tiny narrow streets, deambulating and getting the real spirit of Toledo. The visit of the famous spiritual capital of Spain, the Cathedral (a real Museum inside there) and the Church where is kept one of Greco’s masterpieces will give us the satisfaction of having been in contact with the old essence of a former imperial capital. Optional Tours for accompanying persons Alcalá de Henares September 1st Departure time: 09:30 h, from the Meliá Castilla hotel (Main Entrance) In less than 40 minutes driving time, the city of Alcalá (quite relevant spot under the Roman and later Moorish domination) offers to the visitor its real cultural imprint based actually in the old University. After visiting it, a nice stroll down by the typical streets till reaching the main square and from there, heading to Cervantes house, a living example of how a private home still shows the atmosphere of back in times of the famous writer, birth house of the author of the “Man of la Mancha”. Some free time to taste the well-known “Tapas” and take pictures of the city. Duration of the tour aprox. 5 hours Air conditioning coaches Official Guides Price per person: 30 € (21% VAT excluded) 17 PROGRAM BOOK 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants INFORMATION OPTIONAL TOURS Optional Tours for accompanying persons Sorolla Museum and Retiro Park September 5th In a real authentic former private Palace built following Sorolla recommendations to be the family house, we can get into the romantic painter´s world, not only thanks to his paintings decorating the whole 2 floors construction, but also because of his presence at every corner still can be felt... Departure time: 09:30 h, from the Meliá Castilla hotel (Main Entrance) The painter of the Mediterranean light, the portraits of his family, unique, special and skilful way of introducing his geniality direct to our eyes is really shocking. Price per person: 29 € (21% VAT excluded) After so much art lived and before leaving, relaxing at the cosy garden and a visit to the former painter ceramic and pottery collection. Duration of the tour aprox. 4 hours Air conditioning coaches Official Guides Entrance included A Retiro Park experience Once upon a time Madrid had a deep wood outside walls where just wild bears were living in. Nowadays, a piece of it has turned into a delightful green Park in the pure centre of the city. It is really an experience to be in contact with nature being rounded by asphalt, then why not crossing a good part of this nice Park where a bunch of trees, flower decorations and bushes will orientate us till the gorgeous and elegant pond and from there towards the fine and transparent Cristal Palace, today a place for temporary contemporary exhibition which belongs to the Reina Sofía Art Museum. Thyssen Museum and Shopping Tour Occupying a Neo-Classical mansion from 1806, many critics see this museum as the world’s most important private art collection. Assembled by Baron Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza and his son Hans Heinrich, it illustrates the history of Western art from the primitive Flemish and Italian painters, to 20 th century Pop Art. September 2nd The Spanish state bought it in 1993, and today this museum is a strong complement to the Prado and Reina Sofia museums, adding 20 th century international artists to the Spanish ones you may have already seen at Reina Sofia. With this museum, you can truly appreciate the entire evolution of the history of art without leaving Madrid. After our visit to the Thyssen museum, we start with our shopping tour. In Madrid you can find almost anything. People come to this city in search of most specific, sophisticated or eccentric. The variety is a feature of the trade: From luxury shops in the Salamanca district, to the most alternative clothing in Fuencarral Street. The Salamanca distric and its famous Milla de Oro now looks brighter after refurbishment of Serrano street. Wider pavements to look in detail the showcases of national and international luxury brands. Take a walk and fall into the temptation to buy something exclusive. Departure time: 9:30 h, from the Meliá Castilla hotel (Main Entrance) Price per person: 29 € (21% VAT excluded) Duration of the tour aprox. 4 hours Air conditioning coaches Official Guides Entrance included August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 18 Optional Tours for accompanying persons Segovia September 4th Departure time: 09:30 h, from the Meliá Castilla hotel (Main Entrance) Price per person: 60 € (21% VAT excluded) Duration of the tour aprox. 7 hours Air conditioning coaches Official Guides After an hour and a half driving time by bus and crossing the mountains of Guadarrama Sierra (natural border between the Madrid-Segovia provinces) we will reach the old roman site of Segovia, former capital of the ancient kingdom of Castile (Castle land), when over 500 hundred years ago, queen Isabella was crowned. Shepherds land, the cradle of the pure virgin wool, cereals, grain and good sausage plus suckling pig as main economic resources, a part of the imposing monuments complete an amazing cultural offer that cannot be missed We will admire the impressive Aqueduct, a magic engineering work still standing as a relic of the roman past after more than 2,000 years and from there, exploring the city on foot, following the main street till reaching the Main square, where the city Hall, the Theatre and the Cathedral are witness of the glorious past.. Some free time to enjoy a coffee or maybe some typical pastries before walking down hill till the former Moorish castle which later, under the Castilian kings, turned into a castle, housing the crowned heads of the dynasty that queen Isabella was belonging to. After the visit and great pictures, time to walk back to the bus, but now, following the old wall, an alternative route before coming back to Madrid 19 PROGRAM BOOK 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants INFORMATION ACCOMMODATION MELIÁ CASTILLA HOTEL (Venue) Adress: Calle del Capitán Haya, 43, 28020 Madrid Tel.: + 34 915 67 50 00 Web: RAFAEL ORENSE HOTEL Adress: Calle de Pedro Teixeira, 5, 28020 Madrid Tel.: + 34 915 97 15 68 Web: SERCOTEL EUROBUILDING 2 Adress: C/ Orense, 69, 28020 Madrid Tel.: + 34 911 54 90 60 Web: HOTEL HOLIDAY INN MADRID Adress: Plaza de Carlos Trias Bertrán, 4, 28020 Madrid Tel.: + 34 914 56 80 00 Web: PETIT PALACE LONDRES Adress: Calle Galdo, 2, 28013 Madrid Tel.: + 34 915 31 41 05 Web: August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 20 INFORMATION ACCOMMODATION PETIT PALACE PUERTA DEL SOL Adress: Calle Arenal, 4, 28013 Madrid Tel.: + 34 915 21 05 42 Web: PETIT PALACE ARENAL Adress: Calle Arenal, 16, 28013 Madrid Tel.: + 34 915 64 43 55 Web: AMARAL HOTEL Adress: Calle del General Varela, 37, 28020 Madrid Tel.: + 34 915 79 97 38 Web: 21 PROGRAM BOOK 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION Venue The Conference will be held in Meliá Castilla hotel, located in the most touristic and strategic area of downtown Madrid, easily reached by buses, taxi and Metro (15 minutes from the airport). PLAZA DE CASTILLA L10 TETUÁN L1 Call ed eS o Calle de Orense Dioxin 2014 Meliá Castilla Calle Franci sco Gervás Paseo de la Cas Pino tellana Haya Calle Rosario Calle del Capitán The venue is a few meters from the Paseo de la Castellana Av., and is well connected to the Prado. Its strategic location in the centre of Madrid, a few metres from the Paseo de la Castellana, 15 minutes from the airport, near Chamartín train station and the Real Madrid football ground, the Santiago Bernabeu, makes the Meliá Castilla hotel the ideal hotel for the Conference. L1 VALDEACEDERAS L1 r Án The Meliá Castilla hotel has 915 comfortable gela de la C rooms and suites on its fifteen floors, ruz decorated in a classical contemporary style and with all the comforts and services to satisfy every need, making it the favourite hotel for businessmen and women as well as foreign tourists visiting Madrid. Access to the rooms is controlled by a key, individually CUZCO coded for each customer. All the rooms are L10 completely soundproofed and have the latest technology: interactive satellite TV, airconditioning with individual remote control, direct-dial telephone with voicemail, sockets for fax and modem, High speed Wireless internet connection, electronic safe with room for a computer, minibar, 24 hour room service and the unique Pillow menu. The Meliá Castilla hotel is one of Europe’s largest and most modern Conferences and Convention centres. The Conference and Convention Center is a large flexible space, where the Auditorium acts as the plenary room. The Auditorium is surrounded by 4 multifunctional meeting rooms comprising over 17,800 sq. feet of meeting space, enough to host up to 1,200 people. About Madrid Technical Secretariat Madrid is a vibrant city where culture, entertainment and business blend to share a thriving space. The modern and cosmopolitan flare of the Spanish capital offers guests some of the world’s finest tourist attractions. The passionate and friendly character of the Madrileños also enhances the visitor experience. MCI SPAIN C/ Alcalde Sainz de Baranda 45 Bajo B, 28009 Madrid Tel: + 34 91 400 93 84 More Madrid’s info: Madrid Tourist Guides Leisure & Culture Interactive Map August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 22 INFORMATION USEFUL INFORMATION Official language Insurance The official language of the symposium is English. There will not be simultaneous translation. It is strongly recommended that participants take out adequate cover for health, travel and private liability insurance. The organizers cannot accept responsibility for personal injury, loss or damage to private property belonging to the symposium participants and accompanying persons. During the on-line registration procedure, the Dioxin organization offers to all the participants the possibility of contract a private insurance. Insurance conditions can be checked here. Visa & invitation letters Participants from countries requiring a Visa should obtain documentation from the Spanish Embassy or consulate in their own country. Invitation Letters for short-stay visa purposes can be requested and will be issued by the symposium secretariat upon request. The Visa invitation letters will not imply any obligation or financial engagement from the symposium organizers. Currency Useful telephone numbers Fire brigade, Tel: 080 / (+34)913 973 700 Serious Medical Emergencies, Tel.: 061 The currency in Spain is the Euro (EUR - €). Euro notes are issued in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500. Coins come in denominations of 2 & 1 Euro, and 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 cent pieces. Climate Madrid and its metropolitan area have a Mediterranean climate on the borderline of the continental climate with mild cool winters and warm to hot summers. By the end of August beginning of September, the typically temperature is in the 26-31 ºC (79-88 ºF) range during the day and about 15-19 ºC (59-66 °F) at night. Mean sunshine duration is 10.8 h. Local Police, Tel.: 092 National Police, Tel.: 091 Pan-European Emergency number, Tel: 112 (free from any phone) Anti Poison Center, Tel: (+34)915 620 420 Red Cross emergencies, Tel: (+34)915 222 222 All-day Pharmacies, Tel.: 098 Airport, Tel.: (+34)902 35 35 70 / (+34)91 305 83 43/ (+34)91 305 83 45 RENFE (rail transport operator), Tel.: (+34)902 24 02 02 Electricity Public transportation, Tel.: (+34)91 580 42 60 / 012 Radio taxi, Tel.: (+34)91 447 51 80 / (+34)91 405 55 00 The electricity power supply in Spain is 220 Volt with a European standard plug. Independent Radio taxi, Tel.: (+34)91 405 12 13 Safety Madrid is as safe as any other European tourist city. Participants are advised to take the usual prudent precautions. 23 PROGRAM BOOK Monday 1 September 2014 Monday Program Monday 1 September 2014 Monday 1 September 2014 09:00 - 09:30 Opening ceremony Dr. Begoña Jiménez Chair of Dioxin 2014. Institute of Organic Chemistry, National Research Council of Spain (IQOG-CSIC) 09:30 - 10:15 Room Dña. Guillermina Yanguas Don Miguel Ángel Bañares General Director of Quality Deputy Vice President for and Environmental Assessment Scientific and Technical Fields of MAGRAMA (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment) Auditorio Plenary session Impacts and potential effects of DDT reintroduction against malaria in African populations - Prof Joan Grimalt 10:15 - 10:45 Coffee break & exhibition 10:45 - 12:45 New screening methods and novel instrumental techniques Auditorio Bioanalytical approaches for POP detection Comendador Sustainable production and use Doblón Biomonitoring in humans I Castilla POPs in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems Hidalgo 12:45 - 13:45 13:45 - 15:25 Lunch & exhibition Lunch seminar presented by Agilent Technologies Escudo Multidimensional analytical techniques and other novel techniques Auditorio Unintentional formation of POPs Doblón POPs in developing countries Comendador Advances in passive sampling for air and water Hidalgo Biomonitoring in humans II Castilla 15:25 - 16:00 Coffee break & exhibition 16:00 - 17:20 Multidimensional analytical techniques and other novel techniques Auditorio Halogenated natural products and chiral pollutants Doblón Is TBBPA safe? Hidalgo Food and feed. Evaluation of dietary intake I Castilla Exposure to POPs in Vietnam Comendador 17:20 -18:30 Poster session 1 Poster Area 19:30 - 21:30 Welcome reception Cecilio Rodriguez Gardens at Retiro Park Supported by CIL Detailed information on page 13 25 Monday 1 September 2014 10:45 – 12:45 New screening methods and novel instrumental techniques 10:45 – 12:45 Bioanalytical approaches for POP detection Room: Auditorio Chairs: Win Traag and F. Javier Santos Room: Comendador Chairs: Ron Hoogenboom and Bert van Bavel 10:45 Increasing sensitivity of BDE-209 using timed cryogenic zone compression (t-CZC) 10:45 Bioanalytical method performance: practical experience with the new EU criteria, potentials and limitations Heinz Mehlmann Dirk Krumwiede Kyle D’Silva Johannes Haedrich Alexander Kotz Rainer Malisch 842 11:05 The development of extraction and analysis techniques for the quantification of pesticides and pesticide metabolites in human urine and blood 785 11:05 Laura Quinn Désirée Prevoo-Franzsen Caitlin Swiegelaar Martin Brits Maria Fernandes-Whaley Jennifer Brennan Guochun He Tomoaki Tsutsumi Jing Zhao Michael Denison 1116 11:25 PCB congener analysis of high concentration samples for toxic equivalent (teq) assessments Bryan Vining Yves Tondeur Jerry Hart Naomi Goodman David Blye Meg Michell Al Tordini 1152 11:25 647 11:45 967 Analytical capabilities of ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution orbitrap mass spectrometry in analysis of hexabromocyclododecane diastereoisomers 1036 12:05 Dzintars Zacs Jekaterina Rjabova Arturs Viksna Vadims Bartkevics Shoot-and-dilute gas chromatography a powerful technique for analysis of environmental samples when using ultrasensitive detectors Jack Cochran Julie Kowalski Christopher Rattray Michelle Misselwtiz 1186 26 Dioxin-like compounds analysed by DR CALUX in wipe samples of a remediation case in a former aluminium recycling plant in the Netherlands Peter A. Behnisch Frank Eijsackers Bram Brouwer Eric Hol 575 12:25 The "Dirty Dozen" POPs & other pollutants: Toxicological profiling by CALUX panel Peter A. Behnisch Barbara van Vugt-Lussenburg Bart Pieterse Irene Middelhof Peter A. Behnisch Bart van der Burg Bram Brouwer Feasibility for diethylhexyl phthalate analysis in water samples using online and offline SPE-LVI-GC-MS Hong Suk-Young 12:05 Modification of the micro EROD-bioassay and validation for routine analysis demonstrated for beef and milk Ines Thiem Gabriele Boehmler Brigitte Thoms 1266 11:45 Development of an enhanced ah receptorresponsive third generation rat hepatoma CALUX cell line for detection of dioxin-like compounds 1033 12:25 The CALUX bioassay: A quest for optimization parameters towards a reliable and cost-effective semi-quantitative screening method in dioxin potency assessment Kersten van Langenhove Tara Vandermarken Michael S. Denison Marc Elskens 1249 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants 10:45 – 12:45 Sustainable production and use 10:45 – 12:45 Biomonitoring in humans I Room: Doblón Chairs: Roland Weber and Frederic Gallo Room: Castilla Chairs: Argelia Castaño and Antonia Calafat 10:45 Greening industries through sustainable production and use 10:45 The survey of the exposure to dioxins and other chemical compounds in humans Carmela Centeno Erlinda Galvan Igor Volodin Roland Weber Heinz Leuenberger Kokichi Arisawa Yoshie Nagai Tooru Matsumura 886 1131 11:05 11:05 Substitution of hazardous chemicals on an international level and how persistent organic pollutants can be approached using subsport the substitution support portal Amy MacDonald Deib Birkholz David Kinniburgh Sara Pérez Steffen Brenzel 1199 849 11:25 11:25 Preliminary study on the environmental friendliness of PFOS substitutes for key applications in china 11:45 How can we avoid the lock-in problem in the substitution of hazardous chemicals used in consumer products? Population variation in biomonitoring data for persistent analytes: An examination of multiple datasets Lesa Aylward Evan Green Miquel Porta Leisa-Maree Toms Elly Den Hond Martin Scheringer Peter Fantke Roland Weber 976 Christine Schulz Magda Gasull Andre Conrad Greet Schoeters Jochen Mueller 636 Chemistry for any weather: per- and polyfluorinated chemicals in textile products and ambient air 12:05 Manfred Santen Ilze Smit Sara del Rio Six classes: A new approach to reducing the use of harmful chemicals and preventing regrettable substitutions Arlene Blum Simona Yi-Balan J.D. Gretta Goldman Bob Peoples Graham Peaslee Miriam Diamond Anaïs Venisseau Fabrice Monteau Bruno Le Bizec 1086 12:25 966 Assessing the relation between POP internal exposure levels and human health: Who and where are the good markers? Jean-Philippe Anitgnac Stéphane Ploteau Philippe Marchand Ronan Cariou Bruno Veyrand 1228 12:25 Wayman Turner Antonia M. Calafat 939 1139 12:05 Persistent pollutants in serum pools from the national health and nutrition examination survey (nhanes): 2003-2008 Andreas Sjodin Richard S. Jones Samuel P. Caudill Lee-Yang Wong Jun Huang Gang Yu Shenfang Mei Roland Weber 11:45 Testing of medical devices and storage supplies for environmental chemicals of interest in biomonitoring studies Age as a determinant of phosphate flame retardant exposure of the Australian population and identification of novel urinary PFR metabolites Nele van den Eede Amy Heffernan Lesa Aylward Peter Hobson Jochen Mueller Hugo Neels Adrian Covaci 1114 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 27 Monday 1 September 2014 10:45 – 12:45 POPs in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems Room: Hidalgo Chairs: Veerle Jaspers and Paco Soler 10:45 Comparative profiling of flame retardants and other brominated contaminants in body compartments and in ovo transfer in North American Great Lakes herring gulls 13:45 – 15:25 Multidimensional analytical techniques and other novel techniques Room: Auditorio Chairs: Jef Focant and Eric Reiner 13:45 The use of scripting filters for the identification of potential novel persistent organic pollutants following GCxGC-TOF MS analysis Lisa Mattioli Lewis Gauthier Robert Letcher Miren Pena-Abaurrea Karl Jobst Ralph Ruffolo Li Shen Dave Poirier Un-Ho Jin 943 11:05 A retrospective feather analysis for temporal trends of legacy and current-use organohalogenated compounds in Baltic white-tailed eagle Haliaeetus albicilla Igor Eulaers Björn Helander Adrian Covaci Gilles Lepoint 1124 14:05 Marcel Eens Veerle Jaspers 1057 11:25 580 14:45 1268 12:05 1111 Persistent organic pollutants in the Finnish and Russian semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L) Anja Hallikainen Anniina Holma-Suutari 662 28 Analysis of medium chain chlorinated paraffins: Comparison of GCXGC-ECD vs. GC-ECNI-MS Pim Leonards Jacco Koekkoek Bats as environmental indicators? Analysis of some contaminants in Tadarida teniotis species Simonetta Menotta Annunziata Cannavacciuolo Gloria Isani Maria Vitellino Alessandra Tomassini Damiano Accurso Giorgio Fedrizzi 12:25 Meeting the European Commission performance criteria for the use of triple quadrupole GC-MS/MS as a confirmatory method for PCDD/fs in food and feed samples Manuela Ábalos Esteban Abad Holgado Paul Silcock Cristian Cojocariu Sergio Guazzotti Predicting the quality status of German river waters by environmental specimen banking: First experiences concerning PCDD/Fs, DLPCBs and hexachlorobenzene in bream Nina Lohmann Steffi Rolle Jan Koschorreck Olaf Paepke Anna Roos Bert van Bavel 1292 14:25 829 11:45 Comparison of atmospheric pressure gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (APGC-MS/MS) and high resolution mass spectrometry for the analysis of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) Dawei Geng Ingrid Ericson Jogsten Petr Kukucka Jessika Hagberg Temporal trends of PCBs, dde, polybrominated biphenyl ethers (pbdes), HBCDD and perfluorinated alkyl acids (PFAAs) in otters (Lutra lutra) in Sweden with a focus on transfer from mother to cub Anna Roos Ulla Eriksson Urs Berger Frank Rigét Stephen Safe Robert McCrindle Paul Helm Eric Reiner 853 15:05 Analysis of PCDD/fs in stack gas emission samples by APGC-GC-MS/MS Joan Rivera Karell Martinez Esteban Ábad Manuela Ábalos Laura Cherta Jaime Nacher Tania Portoles Joaquim Beltran 1168 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants 13:45 – 15:25 Unintentional formation of POPs Room: Doblón Chairs: Takesi Nakano and Jung Huang 13:45 Dioxin contamination in the feed additive (feed grade cupric sulfate) tied to chlorine industry Qinghua Zhang Pu Wang Chaofei Zhu Yingming Li Guibin Jiang 725 14:05 Synthetic indigo dyes: The likely source of 1,3,6,8-tetrabromocarbazole and other halogenated carbazoles found in the environment Robert Parette Robert McCrindle Katherine McMahon Miren Pena-Abaurrea Eric Reiner Brock Chittim Nicole Riddell Wendy Pearson 923 14:25 Emission of non-dioxin upops from municipal waste incinerator in china Yuancheng Li Yang Yang Wenchao Li Jun Huang Gang Yu 615 14:45 Comprehensive gc×gc-ms analysis of waste motor oil from Malaysia reveals in-situ production of pahs: A new pollution source Narayanan Kannan Haruhiko Miyagawa Riki Kitano Katsuhiro Nakagawa Megumi Hirooka Shunji Hashimoto Vladimir P. Beškoski Fatemeh A Jahromi Zakaria P Mohamad Takeshi Nakano 963 15:05 PCB congener profile of unintentional formation from pigment manufacturing process Takeshi Nakano Katsunori Anezaki 614 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 29 Monday 1 September 2014 13:45 – 15:25 POPs in developing countries 13:45 – 15:25 Advances in passive sampling for air and water Room: Comendador Chairs: Esteban Abad and João Torres Room: Hidalgo Chairs: Karla Pozo and Tom Harner 13:45 Using top predators and DR CALUX to screen coastal environments from three different Brazilian regions for dioxins and related compounds 13:45 Determination of historical variations of pbdes in an industrial region using tree cores Paulo Dorneles José Lailson-Brito Tatiana Bisi Camila Domit Lupercio Barbosa Ana Meirelles Vitor Carvalho Olaf Malm Alexandre Azevedo Krishna Das Marie-LouiseScippo 1188 14:05 Mustafa Odabasi Yetkin Dumanoglu Ezgi Ozgunerge Falay Gizem Tuna Hasan Altiok 1055 14:05 Persistent organic pollutants in free-range chicken eggs from Arusha, Tanzania: Levels and human health implications Anuschka Polder Hanne Larsen Moberg Elisabeth Lie Mette Helen Bjørge Müller Janneche Utne Skaare Robinson Mdegela Jan Ludvig Lych Hezron Nonga Pernilla Bohlin Ondřej Audy Lenka krdlíková Petr Kukučka Petra Přibylová 14:45 721 Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in bovine milk from regions with different altitudes in Brazil Dayse Aline Manhães Rocha A.D. Pereira Neto R.M. Oliveira L.F. Estrella J.P.M. Torres Uptake rates of pcdds/pcdfs and DL-PCB from passive and active air samplers 1241 15:05 Characterisation of PUF disk passive air samplers for new priority chemicals: A review Tom Harner Maja Mitrovic Lutz Ahrens Jasmin Schuster 786 949 30 Roman Prokes Simon Vojta Jana Klánová Johana De La Paz Cortés Carlos Mario González Esteban Abad Laura Morales Beatriz Helena Aristizábal Manuela Ábalos Influence of local geology on transport of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in groundwater and landfill leachates Okechukwu Jonathan Okonkwo 15:05 Evaluation of polyurethane foam (puf) passive air samplers (pas) as a tool to assess semi volatile organic compounds (svocs) in outdoor and indoor environments 989 928 14:45 Ingrid Ericson Jacob de Boer 1265 14:25 Environmental exposure of emerging brominated flame retardants (BFRs) in developing countries: Their significance for human exposure Syed Amas Eqani Nadeem Ali Iqbal Ismail Mohammad Kadi Adrian Covaci New POPs in ambient air samples using passive air samplers Heidelore Fiedler Esteban Abad Gene Martrat Bert van Bavel 835 14:25 Melik Kara Abdurrahman Bayram Doganay Tolunay Tolga Elbir 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants 13:45 – 15:25 Biomonitoring in humans II Room: Castilla Chairs: Andreas Sjodin and Gunilla Lindstrom 13:45 Persistent organic pollutant concentrations in human milk from Canada, comparison of current with previous results Thea Rawn Amy Sadler Valerie Casey François Breton Wing-Fung Sun Tye Arbuckle William Fraser 760 14:05 Predicted levels of PCB-153 in maternal blood in the Norwegian mother and child cohort study (moba) Ida Henriette Caspersen Helle K Knutsen Cathrine Thomsen Anne Lise Brantsæter Margaretha Haugen Jan Alexander Helle Margrete Meltzer Xavier Basagaña Manolis Kogevinas Helen Engelstad Kvalem 1246 14:25 Relationship between concentrations of perfluoroalkyl substances in maternal blood of 100 women in two consecutive pregnancies Eleni Papadopoulou Line S Haug Matthew Longnecker 594 14:45 Assessment of pbde exposure through mouthing on toys - in vitro migration into saliva simulant Alin Constantin Ionas Ana Maria Ballesteros Gómez Sicco H. Brandsma Pim E.G. Leonards Adrian Covaci 1220 15:05 Levels and profiles of hexabromocyclododecanes in human breast milk from the general population in Shenzhen, China Jianqing Zhang Zhen Tan Shaoyou Lu Yousheng Jiang Shengnong Li 798 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 31 Monday 1 September 2014 16:00 – 17:20 Multidimensional analytical techniques and other novel techniques Room: Auditorio Chairs: Jef Focant and Eric Reiner 16:00 Characterization of mixed-halogen dioxins and furans in fire debris using GCxGC-TOF MS and apgc-tqs Frank Dorman Kari Organtini Anne Myers Karl Jobst Eric Reiner 16:00 – 17:20 Halogenated natural products and chiral pollutants Room: Doblón Chairs: Walter Vetter and María José González 16:00 Halogenated natural products identified in two ecotypes of southern California bottlenose dolphins: A nontargeted analytical approach and profile comparison Eunha Hoh Nellie Shaul Nathan Dodder Susan Mackintosh Lihini Aluwihare Jack Cochran Adam Ladak Doug Stevens Keith Maruya Dave Weller Susan Chivers 862 606 16:20 16:20 Comparison of HRMS and MS/MS in quantitative dioxin and PCB analysis Annette Meyer Felix Focke Jochen Mueller Sarit Kaserzon 844 16:40 Evaluation of the ionization and fragmentation behaviour of brominated flame retardants under gas chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-tandem mass spectrometry Juan V. Sancho Tania Portolés Carlos Sales Joaquim Beltran Laura Herrero Enantioselective analysis of PCB congeners in breast milk Takeshi Nakano Yosshimasa Konishi Kensaku Kakimoto Haruna Nagayoshi Belén Gómara Maria José González Félix Hernández Validated-ready-to-use GC-MS/MS method for dioxin analysis in food and feed following the new EU regulation Benjamin L'Homme Chris Sandy Georges Scholl Gauthier Eppe Jean-Francois Focant 1014 17:00 Natural and anthropogenic halogenated compounds in dolphin blubber and brain from southwest Mediterranean Sea Enrique Barón Carolin Hauler Christoph Gallistl Joan Giménez Renaud de Stephanis Walter Vetter Ethel Eljarrat Damià Barceló 1216 1076 32 977 16:40 1119 17:00 Levels of halogenated natural products on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia from 2007-2013 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants 16:00 – 17:20 Is TBBPA safe? 16:00 – 17:20 Food and feed. Evaluation of dietary intake I Room: Hidalgo Chairs: Linda S. Birnbaum and Guibin Jiang Room: Castilla Chairs: Manuela Ábalos and Martin Rose 16:00 Biological effects of Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) in female wistar-han rats 16:00 Persistent organic pollutants in fish from uk marine waters: An investigation in the context of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive Linda S. Birnbaum Gabriel Knudsen Sherry Coulter J. Michael Sanders David Mortimer Alwyn Fernandes Martin Rose 1178 16:20 Demonstration of large margin of exposure for tbbpa - assessment of tbbpa cancer and non-cancer effects and implications for exposure Daniele Wikoff Chad Thompson Camarie Perry Matthew White 16:20 Laura Scott David Mortimer William Luksemburg Martha Maier Susan Borghoff Lauren Fitzgerald Laurie Haws 1279 16:40 926 Uterine tumors are induced in rats after exposure to Tetrabromobisphenol A, a commonly used flame retardant Concentrations of pbdes in walleye and estimated dietary intake 921 16:40 Assessment of perfluoroalkyl substances in food items at global scale Marinella Farre Francisca Pérez Biljana Škrbić Marta Llorca Luis Silva Marianne Köck-Schulmeyer Damià Barceló J. K. Dunnick J. M. Sanders S.A. Elmore 915 568 17:00 An oral two generation reproductive, fertility, developmental neurological, and behavioral study of Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) in CD sprague-Dawley rats Sam Kacew 552 17:00 Measurement of trace level dechlorane flame retardants in food and feed by GC-MS/MS Chiara Calaprice Benjamin L’homme Riccardo Leardi Cosima Damiana Calvano Jean François Focant Carlo Zambonin 1215 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 33 Monday 1 September 2014 16:00 – 17:20 Exposure to POPs in Vietnam Room: Comendador Chairs: Teruhiko Kido and Le Ke Son 16:00 Human exposure to dioxins and infant health risk in communities near Da Nang Agent Orange hot spot Nguyen Hung Minh Nguyen Thi M Hue Le Ke Son Nguyen Thi M Hue Vu Duc Nam Nguyen Van Thuong Nguyen Thi Mo Nguyen Van Thuy Tran The Loan Pham Manh Hoai Nguyen Anh Tuan 796 16:20 PCBs, PBDEs and dioxin-related compounds in floor and house dust from end of life vehicle recycling sites in Northern Vietnam: Comparison with electronic waste recycling sites Shin Takahashi Chika Takayanagi Nguyen Minh Tue Le Huu Tuyen Go Suzuki Pham Hung Viet Shinsuke Tanabe Shin-ichi Sakai 1080 16:40 Dioxins in breast milk and steroid hormones in saliva of one year old children in vietnam Teruhiko Kido Anh Le Thai Manh Ho Dung Seijiro Honma Rie Okamoto Muneko Nishijo Hideaki Nakagawa Nhu Dan Duc Hung Nguyen Ngoc Son Le Ke 897 17:00 Effects of dioxin exposure on neurodevelopment and urinary amino acid excretion of children in exposed areas of vietnam Muneko Nishijo Tai Pham-The Nghi Tran-Ngoc Anh Nguyen-Thi-Nguyet Hideaki Nakagawa Shoko Maruzeni Hai-Anh Tran Trung Nguyen-Viet Teruhiko Kido Hisao Nishijo 925 34 Monday 1 September 2014 POSTER SESSION 1 17:20 - 18:30 Advances in passive sampling for air and water Bioanalytical approaches for POP detection Polychlorinated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in tree bark from Southern Jiangsu, China: Levels, distribution, and possible sources Determination of PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs in the ambient air of the cement industry in Sour El Ghozlane suburban atmosphere, Algiers, using the CALUX bioassay and the sensitive H1L7.5c1 mouse hepatoma cell line Li Zhou 608 Khedidji Sidali 453 Seasonal monitoring of DL-PCBs by using the passive air sampler with PUF filter Sau Trinh Khac Truong NX Anh TT 611 Formation, inhibition and destruction of non dioxin-like compounds Passive air sampling of PAHs at a local scale: Preliminary results in Tarragona county, Spain Detailed investigation on element characterization of fly ash from municipal solid waste incinerators Noelia Domínguez-Morueco Lolita Vilavert Marta Schuhmacher Liu Jie Xiaodon Li Xiali Hou Shengyong Lu José L. Domingo Martí Nadal 754 Tong Chen Shasha Ji Yong Ren Biomonitoring the spatial variations of PCBs and pbdes in an industrial region Yetkin Dumanoglu Ezgi Ozgunerge Falay Gizem Tuna Hasan Altiok Melik Kara 657 Iron-induced efficient decomposition of perchlorate using pressurized hot water Abdurrahman Bayram Doganay Tolunay Tolga Elbir Mustafa Odabasi Hisao Hori 792 1011 Degradation and dechlorination of pentachlorophenol by microwave-activated persulfate Optimization of an innovative air sampling method for determining organochlorine pesticides and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Xitao Liu Ye Zhao Ana Cabrerizo Pilar Gómez Paulo Casal Gemma Caballero Voluntary emissions control action program (VECAP): Sound results from a proactive industry Jordi Dachs Pascual Perez Ballesta 1082 Presence of legacy persistent organic pollutants in the remoteness place of the earth: The Antarctic Plateau Ana Cabrerizo Gemma Caballero Ramon Larramendi Juan Pablo Albar Jordi Dachs 1182 Development and validation of a new method to upload polymers with super-hydrophobic contaminants for passive dosing approaches Caroline Gauss Sharon Grant Beate Escher Darryl W Hawker Veronika J Schacht 1217 36 874 Willem Hofland Danielle Goossens Kasturirangan Kannah Eric Sitters 1088 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Industrial, occupational and accidental exposure Levels, temporal trends and elimination of PFOS, PFOA and PFHXs isomers in occupational workers from a pfass manufactory in china Yawei Wang Yan Gao Jianjie Fu Thanh Wang Guibin Jiang Innovative sampling strategies and sample preparation I Development of cleanup method of polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) in beef by freezing-lipid filtration Jungju Seo 706 764 Field data of 13C-PAH as performance reference compounds for semipermeable membrane device like virtual organisms Legacy and emerging organohalogenated contaminants in matched serum and floor dust samples of various work places Karl-Werner Schramm Bernhard Henkelmann Xiuhua Zhu Nadeem Ali Toufeer Mehdi Riffat Naseem Malik Syed Amas Eqani Simultaneous determination of PCDD/Fs, dioxin-like PCBs and PBDEs in food 738 Iqbal Mi Ismail Hugo Neels Adrian Covaci 867 Youngwoon Kang Sehee Yang Youngjin Jeong Junghyuck Suh Haejung Yoon 917 Study to use alkali-treated coal fly ash as an absorbent to clean-up dioxin/furan sample in fish, meat samples Evaluation of inhalation as an occupational exposure pathway for PCBs in a waste treatment facility: A serial biomonitoring study with passive air sampling Lesa Aylward Jochen Mueller 975 Tentative identification of novel fluorosurfactants by lc-qtof-ms/ms analysis and a case-control study using a group of firefighters with past exposure to aqueous film forming foam (afff) Anna Rotander Anna Kärrman Leisa-Maree Toms Margaret Kay Lesa Aylward Jochen Mueller María José Gómez Ramos 1040 Results of biomonitoring in a dioxin pollution risk zone in uFa (1996-2014) Amirova Zarema 1045 Temporal trends and estimated half-lives of perfluoroalkyl acids in fluorochemical workers in china T Nghiem Xuan 1056 A simplified method based on acid digestion for determination of dioxin-like compounds in milk-based products Haitao Shen Jianlong Han Qingyuan Xu Hongmei Liu 1156 A simple, rapid method for the analysis of ethephon from ketchup using solid phase extraction and LC/MS/MS Matthew Trass 1192 Adaptation of EPA 1613 method to determine concentration of PCDDs and PCDFs in fish from michigan waters Jianjie Fu Yan Gao Yawei Wang Aiqian Zhang Guibin Jiang 1255 Piotr L. Pawlak Matthew Geiger Bonita Taffe 1486 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 37 Monday 1 September 2014 POSTER SESSION 1 17:20 - 18:30 Multidimensional analytical techniques and other novel techniques Residual determination of clothianidine and its metabolites utilized on QuEChERS extraction and tandem mass spectrometry Improving the quantitative reproducibility of an atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation source for gc/ ms and gc ms/ms analysis Su-myeong Hong Hye-young Kwon Taek-kyum Kim Nam-Jun Cho Gareth Jones David Douce 1002 591 The use of mass defect for persistent organic pollutant discovery in crocodiles and barbel by gas chromatography / high resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry Peter Gorst-Allman Laura Quinn Roger Dixon Henk Bouwman Danny Govender Danie Pienaar 633 Detection of persistent organic pollutants using atmospheric pressure gas chromatography and a novel acquisition mode for quadrupole time-of-flight MS Eimear McCall Lauren Mullin Adam Ladak Ingrid Jogsten Doug Stevens Alin Constantin Ionas Ana Maria Ballesteros Gómez Pim Leonards Adrian Covaci Analysis of organophosphorus flame retardants using gas chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry Gaud Dervilly-Pinel Farouk Jaber Bruno Le Bizec Quantitative analysis of pesticides in QuEChERS extracts using apgc/ms/ms Dominic Roberts Sara Stead Jennifer Burgess 1155 839 GC-MS/MS large volume injection analysis of fifteen polybrominated diphenyl ethers in mussels Sara Romanelli Giorgio Saluti Roberta Galarini Analysis of POPs from 50 mL dried blood spots Bryan Vining Jerry Hart Laura Boivin Derrick Saul Robin Appelle Jason Nichols 1267 Leveraging CL-H mass defect plots for the identification of halogenated organic contaminants 878 Evaluation of TSQ8000 (GC-MS/MS) for PCDD/F analysis Patrick Pond David Hope Jonathan Byer Karl Jobst Mehran Alaee Joe Binkley 1487 947 Chromatographic separations of analytically challenging flame retardants using supercritical fluid chromatography Nicole Riddell R. McCrindle A. McAlees J. Klein 38 Kendon Graham Jennifer Burgess Eimear McCall Bert van Bavel 1127 788 Arianna Piersanti Tamara Tavoloni Eleonora Batari Carmela Lestingi Martin Brits Laura Quinn Caitlin Swiegelaar Jack Cochran 1019 Determination of flame retardants in textiles by gas chromatography and direct probe coupled to time-offlight high resolution mass spectrometry Anaïs Vénisseau Wafaa Halloum Ronan Cariou Philippe Marchand Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography of all 136 tetra- through octa-chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans B. Chittim B. van Bavel 1587 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants New screening methods and novel instrumental techniques An approach for screening chemicals in dust for potential human exposure assessment Evaluation of microwave-assisted extraction for the analysis of organic flame retardants in acrylonitrilebutadiene-styrene Takamitsu Otake Nobuyasu Itoh Masaki Ohata Luisa Lucattini Marja Lamoree Nobuyasu Hanari 836 528 Comparison and optimization of phosphonium ionic liquid phases for the GC analysis of PAHs Leonard Sidisky Daniel Shollenberger Greg Baney Pim Leonards James Desorcie Gustavo Serrano 557 Gas purge microsyringe extraction for quantitative direct gas chromatographic analysis of phthalates in soils from typical containment fields Wei Wu 565 Analysis of Bisphenol A and alkylphenols in marine sediments by selective pressurized liquid extraction and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry: A novel methodology Noelia Salgueiro González Isabel Turnes Carou Soledad Muniategui Lorenzo Purificación López Mahía Darío Prada Rodríguez 837 A fully automated extraction system for simultaneous on line LCMS-MS analysis of six perfluoroalkyl substances in human serum Mónica Bartolomé Alejandrina Gallego Olga Huetos Miguel AngelLucena Argelia Castaño 855 Fast atmospheric dioxin detection Target screening and identification of persistent organic pollutants using a GC-QTOF Marta Gómez Arturo Carballido 592 Analysis of carbon isotopes of HCB and PeCB standards using GC-IRMS Ki-Joon Kim Bo-Kyong Kim Jin-Seon Lee Suk-Young Hong Kwang-Su Park Jordi Díaz-Ferrero Francesc Broto-Puig 992 Determination of PBDEs, organochlorine pesticides and pyrethroids including their metabolites in limited amounts of biological samples Anton Kocan Jana Klanova 739 Multi-residue method for pharmaceuticals and hormones without pre-concentration steps by ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled to Q-TOF Devanathan Gnanasekaran Peter van Wiele Geert De Smet 933 Determination of PAHs in edible oil samples using HPLCFluorescence or GC: Comparison of methods. Jordi Diaz-Ferrero Maite Guillem Gemma Gotor Jeong-Soo Kim Kwang-Seol Seok Kyung-Hee Choi 726 Petr Kukucka Eliska Cechova Marta Seifertova Joerg Riener Marc van Ryckeghem 818 On-line SPE LC/ESI-MS/MS analysis of PFAAs. Behavior in a drinking water treatment plant that combines conventional and advanced treatments in parallel lines Josep Caixach Cintia Flores Oscar Palacios Francesc Ventura Jordi Martin-Alonso 1009 Gas chromatography-negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry for analyzing polychlorinated biphenyls in submilliliter samples of human serum Miho Okimoto Takeshi Enomoto Takara Hiroi Akifumi Eguchi Masamichi Hanazato Chisato Mori 1071 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 39 Monday 1 September 2014 New screening methods and novel instrumental techniques The implementation of a screening workflow for ion mobility quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometric analysis of PFOs isomers Ingrid Ericson Jogsten Lauren Mullin Len Dillon Jennifer Burgess Mike McCullagh 1150 Development of rapid screening method of organic pollutants in soils using GC-MS and LC-TOF-MS with mass databases Takashi Miyawaki 1218 Analysis of chiral pesticides with polysaccharide-based chiral stationary phases in reversed-phase liquid chromatography and triple-quad API MS/MS detection Matthew Trass Liming Peng Non-target and emerging contaminant analysis High throughput effect directed analysis for untargeted screening of bioactives Willem Jonker Marja Lamoree Corine Houtman Timo Hamers Govert Somsen Jeroen Kool 937 Targeted and non-targeted analysis of halogenated organic contaminants in the Laurentian Great Lakes using passive sampling and high resolution mass spectrometry Matthew Robson Miren Pena-Abaurre Karl Jobst Li Shen Alina Muscalu Gordia MacInnis Chris Marvin Karen MacPherson Ian Brindle Eric Reiner Paul Helm 1281 1256 Role of intramolecular noncovalent interaction in conformation preference of selected short chain chlorinated paraffins Aiqian Zhang Yuzhen Sun Wenxiao Pan Jianjie Fu Huijuan Li Aiqian Zhang 1286 40 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants POSTER SESSION 1 17:20 - 18:30 Occurrence in sediments, soils and water I Changes of PBDE and PCB pollutants in surface soils from the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration, China between 2003 and 2012 Shuangxin Shi 609 Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxines and dibenzofurans in floodplain soils of the Czech Republic Jan Skala 621 Jungyeon Kim Jin Chul Joo 948 Investigation of soil PCDD/F contamination and possible source identification in Taiwan using positive matrix factorization Liang Bo Wei Power Chao How Ran Chi Kai Hsien 1012 682 Climate change effects on PAH photodegradation in Mediterranean soils: A pilot study Martí Nadal Montse Marqués Montse Mari Jordi Sierra Walter Shields Carlo Monti Melanie Edwards Cristiano Pozzi Hung Wei Chen Tsou Han Hsing Tsai Hung Teh Ho Jain Ren Evaluation of TCE degradation using newly-developed nano-zno/organic support photocatalyst Dae gyu Jang Hosang Ahn Saeromi Lee Fingerprint analysis of PCDD/Fs in soil samples in the Taranto (Puglia, Italy) area Dioxins, furans and dioxin-like PCB levels in agricultural and forest soil from São Paulo State, Brazil Maria Tominaga 1295 Marta Schuhmacher José L. Domingo 753 Ocurrence and fate of BDE 209, DP and PFOS in leachate and runoff waters coming from biosolid amended soils María Ángeles Martínez Irene Navarro Adrián De La Torre Paloma Sanz Miguel ÁngelPorcel Gregoria Carbonell 831 Transfer of emerging pollutants from biosolid amended soils to terrestial ecosystems Adrián de la Torre Irene Navarro Paloma Sanz Miguel ÁngelPorcel Gregoria Carbonell María Ángeles Martínez 832 Cecarea project: Mobility and fate of pollutants from organic waste used as agricultural soil amendments Adrián de la Torre Irene Navarro Paloma Sanz Miguel ÁngelPorcel Gregoria Carbonell María Ángeles Martínez 834 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 41 Monday 1 September 2014 POPs in developing countries Perception of rural workers on the hazards arising from the pesticide use in Alto Paraopeba region, Minas Gerais State, Brazil Total solutions POP laboratories of the future Ruud Addink Tom Hall 637 Halogenated organic pollutants in Ogun River at Kara Abattoir, near Berger, Lagos, Nigeria 1189 Rose Alani 679 PCDD/F and per- & polyfluoroalkyl substances contamination in selected sewage sludges in Nigeria Omotayo Sindiku Frank Orata Peter Haglund Mats Tysklind Roland Weber Oladele Osibanjo 750 New pharmaceuticals and their transformation products in drinking and surface waters of Karachi (Pakistan) Heinrich Hühnerfuss Markus Schewell Stephanie Selke Raza Shah 806 Determination of PCDD/Fs in cow milk using two conventional methods of extraction Dayse Aline Manhães Rocha A.D. Pereira Neto K. Reichel L.F. Estrella R.M. Oliveira J.P.M. Torres 856 Current levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in selected municipal solid waste landfill leachates and sediments from Gauteng Jonathan Okonkwo Olubiyi Oluqunie Innocentia Sibiya David Odusanya 1144 PFOS, PAHs and PCBs are issues of concern in the transboundary Orange-Senqu River Basin, Southern Africa Hindrik Bouwman Rialet Pieters Christoph Mor 1172 42 Paulo Dorneles Sergio Coelho-Souza Olaf Malm 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants POSTER SESSION 1 17:20 - 18:30 POPs in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems Risk assessment, management and communication Isomer-specific uptake, distribution and fate of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) flame retardant in diet exposed american kestrels (Falco sparverius) Study on environmental impact assessment methods for chemical accidents Robert Letcher Lisa Mattioli Kim Fernie Sarah Marteinson Youngsam Yoon Kijoon Kim Donggun Hwang Kiheon Kim David Bird Ian Ritchie 597 Metabolism of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and exposure induced gene expression in maize Shuzhen Zhang 643 Alkylphenol ethoxylates and brominated flame retardants in fish tissue samples from Vaal Barrage, South Africa Tlou Chokwe Jonathan Okonqwo Linda Sibali Elmari Kruger Hein du Preez 676 765 Sabrina Alunni Carmela Lestingi Rita Bibi Maurizio Manera Luis E. Fidalgo Ana López Beceiro Luis Llaneza Laura Escudero-Rubio Jon Sanz-Landaluze Concepción Perez-Conde Carmen Cámara Comparison of external and internal exposure assessment for PBDEs based on exposure scenario approach and dose-reconstruction approach in Korea Jong-Hyeon Lee Chankook Kim Jinho Park 1097 883 Ingestion risk assessment of heavy metals in the marine and agricultural products Ji-Yeon, Yang Soo-HwaunKim Han-Seul Lee Kyung-su Park 1207 Risk assessment of PCDD/PCDFs and DL-PCBs in ambient air 930 Temporal trends of classical and emerging halogenated flame retardant levels in bird eggs Ethel Eljarrat Cristina Bosch Enrique Barón Manuel Máñez Ana Andreu Gi-gon Kim Dong-cheol Seo Jong-hwan Park Jong-soo Heo 1031 Melanie Edwards Persistent organic contaminants (organochlorine pesticides and PCBs) in Iberian wolves (Canis lupus signatus) Francisco Soler-Rodríguez Miriam Díaz-Galván Marcos Pérez-López David Hernández-Moreno Tae-uk Jeong Bok-ju Song Dong-min Kwon Kyeong-sim Lee Pyung-jong Yoo Bioconcentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) mixtures in zebrafish eleutheroembryos and HEPG2 cells Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in muscle of the wild common carp (Cyprinus carpio) from the lake Piediluco Monia Perugini Arianna Piersanti Ivan Pecorelli Tamara Tavoloni 550 Seasonal human health risk assessment by PCDD/PCDF exposure in ambient air 777 Reveck Hariram Esper Ncube Dioxins in sheep and goat liver tissues from Taranto, Italy: Congener pattern Carlo Monti Walt Shields Lesa Aylward Joonheon Yoon Kyunghee Choi Giljong Oh Johana Cortés Araújo Sebastian Diez Beatriz Helena Aristizábal 1298 Fabrizio Sergio Fernando Hiraldo Damià Barceló 1078 Do legacy organochlorinated pollutants still represent a problem in key avian species breeding in Doñana National Park (SW Spain)? Alba Vicente Jose Luis Roscales Begoña Jiménez 1247 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 43 Monday 1 September 2014 Sustainable production and use Paxymer: POPs free substitution of halogenated flame retardants as a base for more sustainable production and use Amit Paul Swaraj Paul Jie Duanmu 634 Sustainable production and use Switch-med green entrepreneurship program Semia Gharbi Sara Prosche Jack Weinberg Valerie Denney Scott Clark 1257 Francesca Culcasi Federico Gallo Hidden consequences - the cost of industrial water pollution on people, planet and profit 673 Sustainable production & use subsport, the substitution support portal: Guidance on how to substitute hazardous chemicals Sara Pérez Purificación Morán 729 POPs in articles and phase-out opportunities - a publication in the frame of the Stockholm Convention Roland Weber Nana Zhao Yuan Chen Jinhui Li 852 Flame retardants in electronic enclosures: Do the benefits justify the health and ecological risks? Simona Yi-Balan Arlene Blum 965 Responsible disposal of flame retardant-treated furniture foam Simona Yi-Balan Stephen Naylor Donald Lucas Arlene Blum 1096 Bionic-finish® eco an ecological and sustainable alternative to perfluorinated polymers for hydrophobizing textiles Frederic Gallo Wolfan Schumann Roland Weber 1235 44 A case example of market-based strategies to eliminate persistent toxic pollutants - IPENS global lead paint elimination campaign Ilze Smit Manfred Santen Du Sha Mirjam Koop 1275 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Ten years of global monitoring under the Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants (POPs): Trends, sources and transport modelling Local pesticide soil measurements put in a global perspective - 20 years of soil measurements Ten years of monitoring substanses in sludge and outgoing water from Swedish waste water treatment plants Louise Camenzuli Martin Scheringer Konrad Hungerbuhler Linda Linderholm Jan Christiansson Peter Haglund 648 Trends in levels of dioxins in ambient air across Australia over the last decade Jennifer Powell Melita Keywood Gras John Mueller Jochen 663 Brominated dioxins and PBDEs: Occurrence trend in UK food Alwyn Fernandes David Mortimer Martin Rose Frankie Smith Sean Panton 1222 Serum PCB levels in a representative sample of the Spanish adult population: The project Mónica Bartolomé Olga Huetos Nuria Aragonés Marta Cervantes-Amat Marta Esteban Montserrat Ruiz-Moraga Beatriz Pérez-Gómez Eva Calvo Miguel Vila Argelia Castaño 1226 Long range transport of persistent organic pollutants at Hateruma island in the period from 2008 to 2010 Yoshikatsu Takazawa Yasuyuki Shibata 914 Long term temporal and spatial trends of persistent organic pollutants in Scottish soils Zulin Zhang 919 Dioxins, furans and dioxin-like PCBs in ambient air from Catalonia (Spain): 2005-2013 1273 Trends in the background levels of persistent organic pollutants: Active and passive networks Jana Klanova Petra Pribylova Petr Kukucka Ondrej Audy Lenka Vankova Roman Prokes Jana Boruvkova Ivan Holoubek 1285 Jordi Díaz-Ferrero Isabel Hernández Lucinio González-Sabaté 924 Levels, spatial distribution and sources of atmospheric OCPs, PCBs and PBDEs in a Svalbard-Sao Tomé transect Nuno Ratola Carola Graf Sara Montesinos Adrián Garrido Pedro Jiménez-Guerrero Knut Breivik Silvia Lacorte Arminda Alves Andrew Sweetman Kevin Jones 1181 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 45 Monday 1 September 2014 Unintentional formation of POPs Comparison analysis of dioxins patterns of wastewater between manufacturing facility of VCM and incineration facilities Kim Seon Taek Hong Chur Ui Cha Yong Ho Kim Pil Huen Kim Sung Eon Seo Won Joo Byung Hyun Cho 654 Behaviors of 8:2 fluorotelomer alcohol and the biotransformation compounds in sewage treatment processes Frank Neugebauer Judith Soehler Cathrin Ast Olaf Paepke 1100 Identification of PCB congeners by unintentional formation Takumi Takasuga Takeshi Nakano Yasuyuki Shibata Mamoru Motegi Kiyoshi Nojiri Yuichi Horii 1205 719 Chlorophenols, chlorobenzenes and PAHs during thermal degradation of flexible polyurethane foam. María Ángeles Garrido López Rafael Font Montesinos 775 Chlorinated compounds formed in the emissions from pyrolysis and combustion of waste vegetable oil María Ángeles Garrido López María Dolores Rey Martínez Rafael Font Montesinos 776 Formation mechanism of chlorinated pyrene in combustion of polyvinyl chloride Yuichi Miyake Qi Wang Takashi Amagai Yuichi Horii 857 46 PCBs in colouring agent contamination and patterns in selected samples Tuesday 2 September 2014 Tuesday Program 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Tuesday 2 September 2014 08:30 - 09:15 Plenary session Human exposure to POPs: Past, present and future Room Auditorio - Dr. Antonia Calafat 09:15 - 09:55 Coffee break & exhibition 09:55 - 12:15 Ten years of global monitoring under the Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants (POPs): Trends, sources and transport modelling Auditorio Industrial, occupational and accidental exposure Doblón Formation, inhibition and destruction of non dioxin-like compounds Comendador Occurrence in sediments, soils and water I Castilla Food and feed. Evaluation of dietary intake II Hidalgo 12:15 - 13:30 13:30 - 15:10 Lunch & exhibition Lunch seminars presented by Bruker & Thermo Comendador & Escudo Ten years of global monitoring under the Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants (POPs): Trends, sources and transport modelling Auditorio Innovative sampling strategies and sample preparation I Castilla Sources and emission inventories Hidalgo Risk assessment, management and communication Doblón Non-target and emerging contaminant analysis Comendador 15:10 - 15:40 Coffee break & exhibition 15:40 - 17:20 Epidemiology and burden of disease Comendador Sources, transport, bioaccumulation and fate of legacy and emerging organic pollutants in the marine environment: From coastal regions to the global oceans Doblón Food and feed. Evaluation of dietary intake III Hidalgo Contamination of persistent toxic substances (PTS) in Asian Countries Auditorio Innovative sampling strategies and sample preparation II Castilla 17:20 - 18:30 Poster session 2 Sponsored by Pacific Rim Poster Area August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 47 Tuesday 2 September 2014 09:55 – 12:15 Room: Auditorio 9:55 11:15 Ten years of global monitoring under the Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants (POPs): Trends, sources and transport modelling Pernilla Bohlin Nizzetto Athanasios Katsoyiannis Aas Wenche Breivik Knut Hung Hayley Chairs: Athanasios Katsoyiannis and Ramón Guardans 824 11:35 Towards the implementation of the Stockholm Convention in Spain: Air monitoring results of organochlorine pesticides, pcbs, pcdd/fs and pbdes within the period 2008-2013 743 1289 Surveillance of new priority chemicals in air under the global atmospheric passive sampling (gaps) network Tom Harner Jasmin Schuster Ed Sverko Liisa Jantunen Sum Chi Lee Karla Pozo A Great Lakes perspective on brominated flame retardants: lessons from the integrated atmospheric deposition network Marta Venier Amina Salamova Todd Nettesheim Ronald Hites 600 10:55 The TOMPs ambient air monitoring network continuous data on the UK air quality for 20 years Andy Sweetman Athanasios Katsoyiannis 887 48 11.55 Experiences from 20 years of pops monitoring in Greenland marine biota Frank Riget Katrin Vorkamp Rosanna Bossi Christian Sonne Robert J. Letcher Dietz Rune 599 1147 10:35 Canada’s northern contaminants program: Monitoring and research in support of the Stockholm Convention Birgit Braune Hung Hayley Derek Muir Tom Harner Jason Stow Russel Shearer Juan Muñoz-Arnanz Jose Luis Roscales María Ros Laura Morales Esteban Abad Begoña Jiménez 10:15 Long-term trends of POPs under the European monitoring and evaluation programme (emep) contribution to the global monitoring plan 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants 09:55 – 12:15 Industrial, occupational and accidental exposure Room: Doblón Chairs: Niklas Johansson and Olaf Paepke 9:55 When flame retardants burn: Exposure to combustion by-products and cancer risk among fire fighters 09:55 – 11:35 Formation, inhibition and destruction of non dioxin-like compounds Room: Comendador Chairs: Werner Tirler and Lu Shengyong 9:55 The decomposition of gaseous 1,2-dichlorobenzene and ozone over the V 2O5 -WO3/TiO2 catalytic films Susan Shaw ML Berger SH Zahm K Kannan Rixiao Zhao Qiuling Wang 1302 10:15 Elevated serum levels of PFOS and PFHXs in firefighters with past exposure to aqueous film forming foam (afff) Anna Rotander Leisa-Maree Toms Lesa Aylward 860 10:15 Jie Liu Zhonghua Zhao Tong Chen Alfons Buekens Jianhua Yan Margaret Kay Jochen Mueller 1032 10:55 Source identification and age dating of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) exposure in workers at a transformer dismantling plant Jean-François Focant David Megson Donald Patterson Maeve Lohan 644 10:35 Paul Worsfold Sean Comber Gwen O’Sullivan Dioxin in human milk and serum from Taranto, Italy 770 Donald G. Patterson Jr. Donald Patterson Carlo Monti Walt Shields 10:55 959 11:35 Mechanism of the formation of chlorinated organic compounds in the iron ore sintering process Sun Y Lina Liu Yifei Sun Xin Fu Tianle Zhu Dioxins, dibenzofurans, and non-ortho polychlorinated biphenyls in a subset of the Anniston Community Health Survey Marian Pavuk Nina Dutton Wayman Turner Andreas Sjödin Scott Bartell 858 11:15 1090 11:55 Adsorption properties of perfluorohexanoic acid onto anion exchange polymers in industrial wastewater Karnwadee Wilaingam Shuhei Tanaka Pattarawan Chularueangaksorn Yuji Suzuki Ryosuke Ono Shigeo Fujii 1278 11:15 Effect of oxygen content on the thermal desorption of polychlorinated biphenyls contaminated soil Size controlled separation of dioxins by adsorption onto zeolites Maher Ben Abda Biomonitoring of selected halogenated organics and metals in Vietnamese women electronic waste incinerator workers Arnold Schecter Hoang Trong Quynh William Shropshire Helen Oduor 805 Linda Hynan Jasmeet Gill Linda Birnbaum 1101 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 49 Tuesday 2 September 2014 09:55 – 11:55 Occurrence in sediments, soils and water I 09:55 – 12:15 Food and feed. Evaluation of dietary intake II Room: Castilla Chairs: Mehran Alaee and Joan Grimalt Room: Hidalgo Chairs: David Mortimer and Jochen Mueller 9:55 Transfer of perfluorinated compounds from water to soil and uptake by crop plants 9:55 Safe food production from free range beef minimizing TEQ-levels in meat by tracking PCB-sources Yuji Suzuki Shuhei Tanaka Shigeo Fujii Ryo Suzuki Haruka Ando Norimitsu Saito Roland Weber Michael Albrecht Karlheinz Ballschmiter Elke Bruns-Weller Josef Kamphues Wolfgang Körner 1297 10:15 Sorption and leaching of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in soil Lutz Ahrens Sarah Josefsson Erika Schedin Swetlana Degner 942 Sofia Bergström Karin Wiberg 10:15 620 PCDD/F and pcb levels in German forest soils Bernd M Bussian Michaela Pandelova Bernhard Henkelmann Steffen Uhlig Bernd M Bussian Karl-Werner Schramm 10:35 National snap-shot of POPs in Australiansourced landfill leachate and biosolids Christie Gallen Dan Drage Sara Broomhall Sarit Kaserzon Christine Baduel Levels and distribution of pcdd/fs and pcbs in soils from Chongqing city in china 1063 11:15 Lirong Gao 744 11:35 Halogenated polyaromatics in soil from an e-waste burning site in Ghana Shin Takahashi Nguyen Minh Tue Akitoshi Goto Shin Takahashi Takaaki Itai Building related sources of PCBs in eggs from free range hens Ron Hoogenboom Guillaume ten Dam Jaap Immerzeel Wim Traag 974 11:15 Corrado De Notarpietro Manuela Leva Giacomo Migliorati 1272 10:55 Michael Gallen Andrew Banks Jochen Mueller Dioxin and PCB concentration and distribution in sheep grazing near a solid waste incinerator Giampiero Scortichini Roberta Ceci Gianfranco Diletti Alfonso De Benedictis 846 10:55 High PCB contamination detected in cattle from extensive farming in Switzerland Markus Zennegg Peter Schmid 680 10:35 Rainer Malisch Thomas Nöltner Hans Schenkel Corinna Vossler Is it safe to eat eggs from your own chickens? Study performed in an area with historical and recent PCDD/F and PCB contamination in Flanders, Belgium Maja Mampaey 797 Kwadwo Asante Kei Nomiyama Shinsuke Tanabe 11:35 Findings of PCDDs/PCDFs in selected oleoresins Olaf Paepke Stephan Bornemann Taike Duan Kai Schmengler 994 Nina Lohmann Matthias Opel Marion Mandix 803 11:55 Dioxins and PCBs in hen eggs from conventional and free range farms from the Danish control program in 2012-13 Soren Sorensen Lulu Krüger Rossana Bossi Tommy Licht Cederberg Kirsten Haljaer Lund 1160 50 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants 13:3015:10 Room: Auditorio 13:30 Ten years of global monitoring under the Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants (POPs): Trends, sources and transport modelling 13:3015:10 Innovative sampling strategies and sample preparation I Room: Castilla Chairs: Donald Patterson and Yolanda Picó Chairs: Athanasios Katsoyiannis and Ramón Guardans 13:30 Multi-residue analysis of phosphate and brominated flame retardants in solid food matrices using ultrasonication and vacuum assisted extraction (UVAE) and GC-MS Evaluation of human exposure to Stockholm Convention POPs in Western Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand Fuchao Xu Ángel García-Bermejo Govindan Malarvannan Belén Gómara Hugo Neels Adrian Covaci Britta Hedlund Marika Berglund Kristin Larsson 587 13:50 The Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) contribution to the Global Monitoring under the Stockholm Convention 1087 13:50 Julio Llorca Rafael Tortajada Noemí Santiago Bruno Barillon Simon Wilson Lars-Otto Reiersen 645 14:10 Pilot modelling of PCDD/F transport and fate on global scale and within the European region 861 14:10 Alexey Gusev 997 14:30 Long-range transport of industrial-use organic contaminants with e-waste: Possible implications for emissions, transport and environmental exposure Inexpensive rapid method for POP analysis of food using ASE and tandem acid silica/carbon columns David Hope Patrick Pond 931 14:30 Knut Breivik James M. Armitage Frank Wania Modelling historical α - and β hexachlorocyclohexane budget in the Arctic Ocean 1079 14:50 Yi-Fan Li Robie MacDonald Hayley Hung 1113 Continuous dioxin emission monitoring measurement results of extended application ranges Jürgen Reinmann 751 14:50 Determinations of time weighted average concentration of pcbs and dioxin-like PCBs in river water by means of continuous flow integrative sampler (CFIS). Optimization of the analytical method for dioxin-like pcbs in low volume samples of human serum of patients facing fertility problems Julia Moltó Raiza Paul Nuria Ortuño Maria De Los Llanos Medrano Jon Aizpurua Carlos Bezos María José Gómez-Torres 1001 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 51 Tuesday 2 September 2014 13:3015:10 Sources and emission inventories 13:3015:10 Risk assessment, management and communication Room: Hidalgo Chairs: Heidelore Fiedler and João Assunsao Room: Doblón Chairs: Martí Nadal and Minghui Zeng 13:30 Tracing POP-BDE routes through plastic waste streams in the Netherlands 13:30 The importance of accurate, reliable gas chromatography mass spectrometry data in ecological and human health risk assessments: How your data can influence management decisions Sicco Brandsma 899 13:50 Laura Quinn Jayne De Vos Martin Brits Wihan Pheiffer Henk Bouwman Rialet Pieters Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in effluents from hazardous waste treatment facilities Anna Kärrman Ingrid Ericson Jogsten Jenna Davies Bert van Bavel Aase Hersleth Holsen Jens Laugesen 940 13:50 1251 14:10 Hyoung Seop Kim Jeong Ki Yoon Ji-In Kim Min-Jin Lee Sun-Kyoung Shin Tae Seung Kim A pcb inventory and material flow considering production, historic uses, waste management, sinks and sources Gerlinde Knetsch Konstantin Terytze Roland Weber 1058 845 14:30 14:10 Characteristics of dioxin and furan emissions from industrial waste incinerators in vietnam A trilateral story in toxics management the North American commission for environmental cooperation dioxins, furans and hexachlorobenzene task force Lorraine Seed Beatriz Cárdenas Thuong Nguyen Van Nam Vu Duc Hung Nguyen Xuan Hue Nguyen Thi Minh Son Le Ke Thuy Nguyen Van 850 14:30 1248 14:50 Case study of application of risk assessment for PCBs in soil in the vicinity of transformer recycling plant Martin van den Berg Marjolijn Kock Milou Dingemans Material flow and substance flow analysis of pop-pbdes in Nigeria and the risk of dioxin formation and release Omotayo Sindiku Joshua Babayemi Oladele Osibanjo Staffan Lundstedt Roland Weber 871 14:50 1212 Is there a mechanistic basis to combine non dioxin-like PCBs with PBDEs for human risk assessment? Environmental policy of dioxins/furans and pcbs in Malaysia: Issues, monitoring and strategies Yin-Hui Leong Normawati Mohamad Nor Pui-Nyuk Chiang Hajjaj Juharullah Jaafar Chee-Yuen Gan Mohamed Isa Abdul Majid 956 52 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants 13:3014:50 Non-target and emerging contaminant analysis Room: Comendador Chairs: Frank Dorman and Juan Vicente Sancho 13:30 Strategies and techniques for identifying unknown compounds in environmental samples Eric J. Reiner Miren Pena-Abaurrea Karl Jobst Matt Robson Anne Myers Li Shen Alina Muscalu Ralph Ruffolo Vince Taguchi Paul Helm 1185 13:50 Analytical method development for 2, 4, 6, 8 - Tetrachlorodibenzothiophene (tcdt) in river sediments utilizing gcxgc-TOF MS and apgc-tqs Frank Dorman Kari Organtini Robert Parette Wendy Pearson Adam Ladak Doug Stevens 650 14:10 Sensitive and rapid untargeted screening for emerging toxicants by combining LC-MS with a gene reporter assay via nanofractionation Willem Jonker Marja Lamoree Corine Houtman Timo Hamers Govert Somsen Jeroen Kool 936 14:30 Potential of gas chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-tandem mass spectrometry for screening of hexabromocyclododecane Juan Vicente Sancho T. Portolés C. Sales J. Beltran E. Abad M. Ábalos J. Sauló H. Fiedler F. Hernández 1609 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 53 Tuesday 2 September 2014 15:40 – 17:20 Epidemiology and burden of disease Room: Comendador Chairs: Georg Becher and Arnold Schecter 15:40 Pbde exposure and reproductive function tests in men Colleen Makey Michael McClean Lewis Braverman Elizabeth Pearce Andreas Sjodin Janice Weinberg Thomas Webster 15:40 – 17:20 Sources, transport, bioaccumulation and fate of legacy and emerging organic pollutants in the marine environment: From coastal regions to the global oceans Room: Doblón Chairs: Jordi Dachs and Rosalinda Gioia 15:40 Nationwide monitoring of perfluorinated compounds (pfcs) in seawater, sediment and bivalves from Korean coastal waters Sunggyu Lee Aihua Shen Xiangzi Jin Woochang Jeong Yunsun Jeong 1202 16:00 Polychlorinated biphenyls, inflammatory biomarkers, and diabetes status in the Anniston Community Health Survey Marian Pavuk Nina Dutton Heather Clair Banrida Wahlang Matthew Cave 895 16:00 Adjusting for disease misclassification due to loss to follow-up in a historical cohort of trichlorophenol workers Laura Scott George Maldonado 1083 16:20 723 16:40 Use of non-targeted metabolomic profiling to study possible metabolic effects of p,p’DDE in a population-based study Samira Salihovic Andrea Ganna Tove Fall Corey D Broeckling Jessica E Prenni 1158 Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, furans and biphenyls in plankton from the global oceans Esteban Abad Holgado Laura Morales Jordi Dachs MªCarmen Fernandez-Pinos Belén González-Gaya 1133 17:00 Transfer and bioaccumulation of the persistent organic contaminants at the first trophic levels: Short pelagic food webs in the Gulf of Lion, western Mediterranean Sea Jacek Tronczynski 16:40 Bert van Bavel Monica P Lind Erik Ingelsson Lars Lind Spatial gradients of pcbs and ocps in surface seawater associated with coastal cities hot-spots Daniel González-Fernández Georg Hanke Bruno Andral Giulio Mariani Grozdan Kuspilic Simona Tavazzi Jelena Mandic Gert Suurkuusk Andra Oros Jacek Tronczynski 1145 16:20 Sangyoon Lee Hyun-Kyung Lee Seong-Soo Kim Hyo-Bang Moon Health and environment-wide associations based on large population surveys Beatriz Aristizabal MªGenerosa Martrat Jordi Parera Manuela Ábalos 993 Joan Grimalt Marta Schuhmacher Demosthenis Sarigiannis Isabella Annesi-Maesano 17:00 1112 Global distribution and fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the tropical and subtropical open ocean Belén González-Gaya Laura Morales Mario Fernández Esteban Abad Begoña Jiménez Jordi Dachs 999 54 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants 15:40 – 17:20 Food and feed. Evaluation of dietary intake lll 15:40 – 17:20 Contamination of persistent toxic substances (PTS) in Asian Countries Room: Hidalgo Chairs: Peter Fuerst and Luisa Ramos Bordajandi Room: Auditorio Chairs: Yi-Fan Li and Hyo-Bang Moon 15:40 PCDD/F and dl-pcb transfer to milk in buffaloes exposed to contaminated feed 15:40 Atmospheric new flame retardants in Lhasa city in the Tibetan Plateau, China Giampiero Scortichini Gianfranco Diletti Roberta Ceci Carla Ippoliti Wan-Li Ma Nicola Ferri Enrico Marchi Luigi Pirito 782 1271 16:00 16:00 Hong Qi Wenlong Li Wanli Ma Liyan Liu Perfluoroalkyl acids and their precursors in Swedish food: The relative importance of direct and indirect dietary exposure 16:20 762 973 16:40 920 Le H Tuyen Pham H Viet Shin Takahashi Hidetaka Takigami 1048 672 Dietary intake of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (pbdes) and hexabrominated biphenyls (hexa-bbs) from fresh foods around taiwan Chung-Yu Chen Ching-ChangLee Jung-Wei Chang Chung-Feng Hung Application of 384 well high-throughput DR-CALUX assay for detection of dioxinlike compounds from e-waste recycling activities in the northern part of Vietnam Go Suzuki Masayuki Someya Hidenori Matsukami Natsuyo Uchida-Noda Nguyen M Tue Takashi Fujimori Food as a major source of human exposure to PBDEs around e-waste recycling sites in Eastern China Iryna Labunska Stuart Harrad Mengjiao Wang David Santillo Paul Johnston 17:00 Occurrence of phthalates and assessment human exposure to phthalates in indoor dust collected from northern cities, China Liyan Liu Hailing Li Jia Li Wanli Ma Yifan Li Dietary exposure of the Belgian adult population to non-dioxin-like pcbs Joris van Loco Oay Cimenci Stefanie Vandevijvere Séverine Goscinny Marie-Anne van Den Bergh Vincent Hanot Christine Vinkx 16:40 Zifeng Zhang Zhi Zhang Yi-Fan Li 968 Wouter Gebbink Anders Glynn Per Ola Darnerud Urs Berger 16:20 Brominated flame retardants in air of China 17:00 Phthalate metabolites in urine from Chinese young adults: Concentrations and exposure Chongjing Gao 1081 Ya-Chen Hsu Yi-Ting Kao 1022 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 55 Tuesday 2 September 2014 15:40 – 17:20 Innovative sampling strategies and sample preparation II Room: Castilla Chairs: Jef Focant and Silvia Lacorte 15:40 Novel approches for fast sample preparation of POPs in complex fatty (semi-) solid matrices Lourdes Ramos Miren Pena-Abaurrea 1118 16:00 A new and highly innovative automatic purification system evaluated for dioxins and PCBs Philippe Marchand Elodie Lesquin Aline Brosseaud Vincent Vaccher Anaïs Venisseau Bruno Le Bizec 828 16:20 Fast sample preparation for routine determination of PCDD/Fs, PCBs and PBDEs in food and feed Thorsten Bernsmann Michael Albrecht Peter Fürst 1138 16:40 Hydroxy-PAHs in human urine samples Frank Neugebauer Cathrin Ast Nina Lohmann Olaf Paepke 1258 17:00 Evaluation of automatic sample purification system for dioxin and PCB analysis by the use of GC-HRMS and GC-MS/MS Hiroyuki Fujita 1102 56 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 57 Tuesday 2 September 2014 POSTER SESSION 2 17:20 - 18:30 Biomonitoring in humans I Perfluoroalkyl acids with isomer analysis in the sera of 50 new couples in Tianjin, China Urinary Bisphenol A levels and exposure assessment in the Korean population Wei Chen Lingyan Zhu Yifeng Zhang Jaehong Park Ahra Ko Da-Hyun Jeong Myung-Sil Hwang Weiwei Jiang 549 Modification and application of an in vitro human gastrointestinal tract for the determination of oral bioaccessibility of polybrominated diphenyl ethers Ovokeroye Abafe Bice Martincigh 700 Jeong-Mi Lee Jin-Hwan Hong 872 Feces as an indicator of body burden of brominated flame retardants in toddlers Leena Sahlström Ulla Sellström Cynthia A. de Wit Sanna Lignell Per Ola Darnerud 877 Hair as a non-invasive alternative matrix for human biomonitoring of PFAS Serum levels of dioxins and furans and proximity of industrial facilities in the biomadrid study Andreia Alves Adrian Covaci Stefan Voorspoels Evaluation of dried blood spots for determination of perfluoroalkyl substances in blood Mario Fernández Pablo Fernández-Navarro Nuria Aragonés Jordi Parera Esteban Abad Somrutai Poothong Elsa Lundanes Cathrine Thomsen Line S Haug Exposure to Bisphenol A and phthalate metabolites in intensive care unit patients: Association with the type of the medical devices 713 María José González Jenaro Astray Mercedes Martínez José Frutos García 888 731 Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (pbdes) in the blood of a German population group Hermann Fromme Govindan Malarvannan Johan Huygh Katrien Clotman Tom Schepens Walter Verbrugghe Eveline Dirinck Luc van Gaal Philippe Jorens Adrian Covaci 891 755 Occurrence of dechloranes in blood from a Norwegian and a German cohort Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) concentrations from an Australian population in 2010/11 Hermann Fromme Fiona Harden Leisa-Maree Toms Daniel Drage 756 The use of a simple pharmacokinetic model to evaluate the effect of ongoing blood loss on human serum concentrations of perfluorinated acids Jochen Mueller Matthew Lorber Jack Thompson Peter Hobson Geoff Eaglesham Leisa-Maree Toms 789 Associations between phthalate exposures and interference of testicular steroidogenesis pathway in adult men Wei-Hsiang Chang Sih-Syuan Li Meng-Hsing Wu 941 Urinary polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon metabolites levels in a representative sample of the Spanish adult population: The project Juan José Ramos Mónica Bartolomé Francisco Cutanda Olga Huetos Marta Esteban Montserrat Ruiz-Moraga Eva Calvo Beatriz Pérez-Gómez Oscar González Argelia Castaño 1043 Hsien-An Pan Ching-Chang Lee 793 58 Peter Hobson Jochen Mueller 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Sponsored by Biomonitoring in humans I PCBs and PCDD/Fs in blood samples from Germany Michael Albrecht Markus Appel Wolfgang Voelkel Bernhard Liebl Levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in mothers milk from first-time mothers in Uppsala, Sweden: Results from year 2012 and temporal trends for the time period 1996-2012 Eike Roscher Hermann Fromme 1070 New insights on perfluorochemical trends in two generations of California women Myrto Petreas Miaomiao Wang June Soo Park Nickilou Krigbaum Ulrika Fridén Sanna Lignell Marie Aune Anders Glynn Arpi Bergh Maria Haglund 826 Infant exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) via consumption of homemade baby food in Korea Sara Encisco Piera Cirillo Barbara Cohn 1104 Polychlorinated biphenyl concentrations in blood of Yusho patients during medical check-ups performed in 2012 Takashi Miyawaki Yunsun Jeong Sunggyu Lee Sunmi Kim Sung-Deuk Choi Jeongim Park Kyungho Choi Sungkyoon Kim Hyo-Bang Moon 904 1214 Flow cytometry analysis of the changes of sperm functions in Yu-Cheng young men prenatally exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls and dibenzofurans Survey of PFC precursors in paired maternal and cord serum form Jiangsu province, China Lin Yang Yu Shi Jingguang Li Yuxin Wang Ping-Chi Hsu Yunfeng Zhao Yongning Wu 957 702 Hair as a biomarker of human exposure to pfrs. Case study on a mother-child cohort Do PCBs, OCPs, and dioxin-like compounds with high molecular weight decrease human maternal-fetal placental transfer rates? Agnieszka Kucharska Enrique Cequier Cathrine Thomsen Georg Becher Masamichi Hanazato Akifumi Eguchi Emiko Todaka Yoshiharu Matsuno Adrian Covaci Stefan Voorspoels 780 Postnatal exposure to pesticides, pcbs and BFRs in Tanzanian infants: Occurrence and nursing daily intake estimation Anuschka Polder Mette Müller Elisabeth Lie Wilbert Bunini Manyilizu Robinson Mdegela Frida Mokiti 971 Correlations between maternal-fetal transfer rates and physico-chemical properties of PCBs, OCPs, PBDEs, and dioxin-like compounds Akifumi Eguxhi Masamichi Hanazato Norimichi Suzuki Mariam Murtadha Hezron Nonga Janneche Utne Skaare Jan Ludvig Lyche Hiroko Nakaoka Chie Koga Chisato Mori Yoshiharu Matsuno Chisato Mori 983 822 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 59 Tuesday 2 September 2014 POSTER SESSION 2 17:20 - 18:30 Biomonitoring in humans I Prenatal exposure to dioxin and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and language development in 3 year old children Polybrominated diphenyl ethers and chlorinated organic pollutants in human breast milk from Thessaloniki, Greece Helen Engelstad Kvalem Synnve Schjølberg Kristine Vejrup Helle KatrineKnutsen Helle Margrete Meltzer Anne Lise Brantsæter Olga-Ioanna Kalantzi Lida Dimitriadou Govindan Malarvannan Adrian Covaci Eleni Iossifidou Ida Henriette Caspersen Jan Alexander Per Magnus Margaretha Haugen 1193 1026 Novel halogenated flamed retardants in breast milk from China Jun Jin Yiming Sun Meng Xu Peng Li Ioannis Tzafetas Vassiliki Zournatzi-Koiou Qiuxu Li Ying Wang 1074 Dioxin and PCB concentrations in umbilical cord blood collected in Hokkaidou, Japan Jumboku Kajiwiara Takashi Todaka Hironori Hirakawa Takashi Miyawaki Tamiko Ikeno Cihiro Miyasita Sachiko Itoh Seiko Sasaki Reiko KIshi Masutaka Furue 1229 Miniaturized sample preparation for the measurement of selected OCPs and PCBs in low volume of blood by GC-MS/MS Jean-François Focant Benjamin L’Homme 1162 Contamination of persistent toxic substances (PTS) in Asian Countries Concentrations and removal rate of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) in Tongyeong and Jinhae, Korea Hyo Jin Lee Gibeum Kim 660 Pollution characteristics of volatile organic compounds in urban areas of Haryana State, India Amit Kumar Monika Punia Bhupendra Singh Krishan Kumar Vinod Jain 667 Health risk assessment of butyltin intake from seafood in Taiwan 790 Concentrations and exposure assessment of total and methyl mercury via shark consumption collected from offshore and coastal waters of Korea Liyan Liu Mingxi Qin Yi-Fan Li 970 Polybrominated diphenyl ethers on window surface films in Chinese trains Liyan Liu Yongsheng Ding Dan Sun Hongliang Jia Wenlong Li Yifan Li The evaluation of organochlorine pesticides in tissue and sediment in estuary of Taiwan Kai Hsien Chi Yuan-Cheng Hsu Cheng-Ping Wu Yung-Yi Sung Ching-Lien Tsai Yuan-Wu Chen Ying-Ming Weng Hyo-Bang Moon 1134 918 Comparative analysis of PCDD/Fs in soil around waste incineration plants in Northeastern China using ELISA and GC/HRMS Wan-Li Ma 961 60 Hong Qi Ji Qi Zifeng Zhang Jia Li Wanli Ma 1132 Hsiu-Ling Chen Sang-Jo Kim Hyun-Kyung Lee Fate and seasonal variations of PAEs in WWTPs of Harbin, China Inter laboratory comparison: A case study of pcb analysis in transformer oil by using gc in Vietnam Pham Manh Hoai Nguyen Anh Tuan Tran The Loan Nguyen Ngoc Quynh 1210 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Sponsored by Epidemiology and burden of disease Exposure to POPs in Vietnam Agent Orange/dioxin contamination assessment and management in Vietnam Perfluorinated compounds and food allergies in adolescents (12-19 years of age): Analysis of NHANES 2005-2006 and 2007-2010 Nguyen van Thuong Son Le Ke Truong Nghiem Xuan Franco Scinicariello Melanie Buser 714 Exposure to persistent organic pollutants: Relation with visceral adiposity and glucose metabolism Govindan Malarvannan Eveline Dirinck Alin Dirtu Hugo Neels 556 Initial result of health promotion and rehabilitation for people having history of Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam by sauna methods of eliminating toxic in Thai Binh province Tran Ngoc Tam Philippe Jorens Luc van Gaal Adrian Covaci 566 892 The application of health risk assessment to setting national environmental regulatory standards of dioxin Le Thi Hai Le Nguyen Xuan Net Le Ke Son Kirsten Forsyth 960 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 61 Tuesday 2 September 2014 POSTER SESSION 2 17:20 - 18:30 Food and feed. Evaluation of dietary intake I Halogenated flame retardants in home-produced eggs from an electronic waste recycling region in South China Levels of Dechlorane Plus and related compounds (Dechlorane 602, 603 and 604) in vegetable and marine oils Xiaobo Zheng Adrian Covaci Jiangping Wu Annie von Eyken Lluis Pijuan María Jesús Montaña Xiaojun Luo Bixian Mai 703 Analysis of long chain perfluorosulfonic acids and perfluorocarboxylic acids in feed using uplc-ms/ms Petra Kosubová Noora Perkola Klára Kantoová 787 Ramon Martí Jordi Díaz-Ferrero 906 Concentration of Dechlorane Plus in fish samples collected in Kyushu district, western Japan Tsuguhide Hori Takashi Miyawaki Koji Takahashi Daisuke Yasutake Takamitsu Yamamoto Jumboku Kajiwara Takahiro Watanabe 972 Tissue distribution of Bisphenol A in tipped reef shark and risk assessment of shark fin consumption Determination of hexabromocyclododecane in fish samples collected from Japanese markets Yeru Huang Jinlin Liu Minghung Wong Shan Niu Yeru Huang Liang Dong Koji Takahashi Tsuguhide Hori Jumboku Kajiwara Takahiro Watanabe Bing Du Li Zhou Xiulan Zhang Lifei Zhang Shuangxin Shi 982 799 Safety of organic meat Philippe Marchand Gaud Dervilly-Pinel Ronan Cariou Philippe Marchand Brice Minvielle Yohei Kataoka Takahiro Watanabe Tomoko Hayashi Rieko Matsuda Angélique Travel Jérôme Normand Bruno Le Bizec Erwan Engel Akiko Hachisuka Reiko Teshima 1046 804 Lindane γ - hexachlorocyclohexane in vegetables and human health risk Kenneth Sajwan Bhupander Kumar 816 Levels of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) in functional foods enriched with fatty acids omega-3 Ángel García-Bermejo Pérez Susana Mohr María José González Carlos Laura Herrero Collantes Belén Gómara Moreno 820 Phenolic substances in food analytical survey of 11 phenols, including BPA, and estimated intake based on Swedish market basket samples Per Ola Darnerud Sanna Lignell Elvy Netzel Determination of 16 perfluorinated compounds in milk and breast milk by UPLC - MS/MS Laure Joly Jessica Marchi Samia Barro Vincent Hanot 1085 Exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA) from fresh , frozen and canned food from Dallas, Texas, U.S.A. Arnold Schecter Matthew Lorber Olaf Paepke William Shropshire Krista Christensen Jasmeet Gill Linda Birnbaum 1107 Influence of cooking methods on levels of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in Lake Char (Salvelinus umbla) from Lake Vättern, Sweden Ingrid Ericson Jogsten Alice Rasmussen 851 62 Surveillance of concentrations of harmful elements in foods purchased in areas affected by the great east Japan earthquake Ulrika Eriksson 1149 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Sponsored by Food and feed. Evaluation of dietary intake II Dioxins and dioxin-like compounds in vegetable oils/fats and nut/seed butters PCDD, PCDF, and pcb levels in goat and sheep milk from extensively reared herds in the Sardinia region, italy Andreya Cooke Giannina Chessa Gianfranco Brambilla Salvatore Cambula Maurizio Cossu 572 Monitoring of 7 indicator PCBs in shellfish, Korea Jeounghwa Shin 573 Dioxin concentrations in Italian cheeses imported to Turkey between 2008-2010 649 Determination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (pcdds), dibenzofurans (pcdfs) and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-pcbs) in commercial honeys from Brazil and Spain Ángel García-Bermejo Pérez Susana Mohr Laura Herrero Collantes Belén Gómara Moreno 922 gmp.GALIS: A self-monitoring system for feed producers. PCDD/F and DL-PCB results from 2011 to 2014 Gerardo Fernández Martínez Verónica Fernández-Villarrenaga Martín Concentration of polychlorinated biphenyls in commercially available fish obtained from tsunami-stricken areas of Japan 821 Elaine Fitches Maureen Wakefield Adrian Charlton Yoshinori Uekusa Satoshi Takatsuki Takahiro Watanabe Yohei Kataoka Tomoaki Tsutsumi Rieko Matsuda Akiko Hachisuka Reiko Teshima 1037 Contamination of seafood by PCDD/Fs and DL-PCBs in South Korea 840 NDL-polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in food: Three years data from Marche and Umbria regions (italy) Arianna Piersanti Tamara Tavoloni Carmela Lestingi Valentina Bardeggia Ramon Martí Turon Xavier 1025 Ijoni Hilda Costabeber María José González Carlos Insects as a source of protein for animal feed and human nutrition: Potential for exposure to dioxins? Martin Rose Alwyn Fernandes Joe Holland R. Steve Petch Michael Dickinson 903 Dioxins, furans and DL-PCBs in biotechnologically produced omega-3 fatty acids Jordi Díaz-Ferrero Alba Farnós Sergi Abad Yunus Ucar Gul Celik Cakirogullari Devrim Kilic Antonio Onnis Patrizia Piras Eleonora Bastari Monia Perugini 879 Low levels of PCDDs, PCDFs and PCBs in Greek farmed fish Danae Costopoulou Irene Vassiliadou Leondios Leondiadis Hye-Ok Kwon Yun-Se Lee Chul-Su Kim Yun-Seok Chang Sung-Deuk Choi 1061 Temporal and spatial variability of polychlorinated dibenzo-pdioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (DL-PCBs) in cow's milk from different regions of Chile during the 2011 to 2013 survey Nicolás Pizarro-Aránguiz Cristóbal Galbán-Malagón Carolina Araya Jordán Aldo Maddaleno Betty San Martín 1098 902 Evaluation of human exposure to polychlorinated dibenzo-pdioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (DL-PCBs) through milk consumption in 7 different regions of chile from 2011 to 2013. Nicolás Pizarro-Aránguiz Cristóbal Galbán-Malagón Carolina Araya Jordán Aldo Maddaleno Betty San Martín 1099 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 63 Tuesday 2 September 2014 POSTER SESSION 2 17:20 - 18:30 Food and feed. Evaluation of dietary intake II Halogenated natural products and chiral pollutants Accumulation of dioxins and PCB in house fly larvae (Musca domestica) reared in poultry manure and used in feed for organic laying hens Tommy L. Cederberg Steen Nordentoft Lotte Bjerrum Christian Fischer Ecotoxicological effects for heavy metal and chiral pesticide co-exposure: Chiral perturbation Yuezhong Wen Hui Chen Xiaolin Sheng Yuqin Zou Weiping Liu 578 1259 Levels of PCDD/PCDFs and DL-PCBs in food commercial samples quantified by HRGC-HRMs Diana Pemberthy Mendoza Jairo Alexander Quintero Aída Luz Villa María Generosa Martrat Manuela Ábalos Esteban Abad 1263 Food and feed. Evaluation of dietary intake III Dietary exposure to pfos and pfoa in the Austrian population Daniela Mihats Sandra Kulcsar Stefan Weiss Levels of brominated flame retardants, polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides in diet samples from Aveiro University community, Portugal Sónia D. Coelho Ana C.A.Sousa António J.A. Nogueira Michael Prean Elke Rauscher-Gabernig Tomohiko Isobe Shinsuke Tanabe 671 Carry over of PCDD/Fs and DL-PCBs from contaminated grass pellets into liver and fatty tissues of growing sheep Anja Lüth Marie Luise Stark Ron Hoogenboom Markus Spolders Helmut Schafft Matthias Gehling Matthias Monika Lahrssen-Wiederholt Jürgen Zentek 905 UK dietary exposure to PBDEs, PBBs, PCBs, PBDD/Fs and PCDD/Fs: Comparison of results from 24 hour duplicate diet with total diet study estimation and health risk assessment Lindsay Bramwell David Mortimer Alwyn Fernandes Martin Rose Stuart Harrad Tanja Pless-Mulloli 695 PBDE contamination episode in vegetation and silage near pbde operation factories in taiwan Ching Chang Lee Chung Yu Chen Shu Yao Yang Ching Chen 808 Levels of organotin compounds in diet samples from Portugal - preliminary results from a duplicate diet study Sónia D. Coelho Ana C.A. Sousa M. Ramiro Pastorinho Ana R. Barros António J.A. Nogueira Tomoaki Tsutsumi Takahiro Watanabe Rieko Matsuda Reiko Teshima 1154 Biomonitoring of Dioxins/DL-PCBs in the north of the Netherlands; eggs of backyard chickens, cow and goat milk and soil as indicators of pollution Abel Arkenbout Luís Taborda-Barata Tomohiko Isobe Shin Takahashi Shinsuke Tanabe 1197 859 64 1084 Dietary intake of dioxins in Japan, fiscal year 1998-2013 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Sponsored by Innovative sampling strategies and sample preparation II Evaluation of a molecularly imprinted polymer as solid phase extraction sorbent for the selective determination of 1-hydroxypyrene from human urine samples Analysis of hcb, ddts, pcbs, pbdes and dp in green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) from the southeastern Brazilian Coast using a miniaturised multiresidual method Rosa Mª Garcinuño Martínez Pilar Fernández-Hernando Montse Serrano Jesús Senén Durand-Alegría Mónica Bartolomé Alejandrina Gallego Lourdes Ramos Yago Guida Flavia V. Mello A. Azevedo J. Lailson-Brito 596 Use of automated sample preparation in ISO 17025 accreditation Ruud Addink Philip Bassignani 638 Increasing the dioxin laboratory throughput with using different draying agents as alternative or freeze drying João PM. Torres Jose Luis Roscales Begoña Jiménez 1260 Application of different extraction techniques for determination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxines and polychlorinated dibenzofurans in plants crops samples Damian Gorczyka Urszula Dawid Ewa Zyfka-Zagrodzinska 1276 Wojciech Pietron Sebastian Maszewski Michal Kosmala Modified QuEChERS extraction and shoot-and-dilute GC: Fast sample preparation and analysis of newer brominated flame retardants in fatty matrices 652 Multiclass analysis of perfluoroalkyl substances in soil by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Comparison of different extraction procedures Michelle Misselwitz Jack Cochran Julie Kowalski 1282 Matrix solid phase dispersion extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from moss biomonitors Julián Campo Yolanda Pico 819 Method optimization for analysis of precursors of perfluoroalkyl substances in indoor air using SPE extraction followed by gc-ms detection Juan Antonio Padilla Sánchez Line Småstuen Haug Soledad Muniategui-Lorenzo Estefanía Concha-Graña Soledad Muniategui-Lorenzo Purificación López-Mahía Darío Prada-Rodríguez 1283 875 Miniaturised multiresidual method for simultaneous determination of selected pop families in eggs of wildlife avian species Alba Vicente Jose Luís Roscales Begoña Jiménez Lourdes Ramos 1244 Multi-residue analysis of phosphate and brominated flame retardants in fish oil using improved QuEChERS and GC-MS Fuchao Xu Ángel García-Bermejo Govindan Malarvannan Belén Gómara Hugo Neels Adrian Covaci 1253 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 65 Tuesday 2 September 2014 POSTER SESSION 2 17:20 - 18:30 Sources and emission inventories Occurrence and characteristics of pcdd/fs from a recycle plant of chlorobenzene residues in China Identification and quantification by passive and active sampling of emissions (BTEX and PCDD / Fs ) from the incineration of industrial waste in Algeria Ait Ahsene-Aissat Fetta Messaoud Hachemi Yacine Kerchiche Changmin Wu Yong Lu Zhiyuan Ren Yacine Moussaoui Feriel Guenane 952 356 Rixiao Zhao Alfons Buekens Mengmei Zhang Xuguang Jiang Woo-Il Kim Sun-Kyoung Shin 978 651 Analysis of the brominated dioxin and furan emission congener pattern from different sources Analysis of pollutants formed in the combustion of wood furniture wastes Ana Isabel Moreno Caballero Rafael Font Montesinos Juan A. Conesa Nuria Ortuño 1016 669 Reduction/elimination of emissions of dioxins and furans in the Russian federation with focus on the Arctic and northern regions impacting the Artic: An ACAP activity Inventory and characterization of industrial sources of pcdd/fs in france between 1990 and 2008 using the UNEP toolkit in the geo3n study Guillaume Harel 1030 PAH distribution and characteristics in waste from industrial processes in Korea Linda Linderholm Åke Mikaelsson 720 A study on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in exhaust particulates emitted from vehicles Ki-Joon Kim Ji-Hwan Son Jong-Tae Lee Jong-Min Koh Chang-Wan Yoon Yun-Sung Lim PBDE emissions in recycling center of e-waste Jong-Eun Park Tae-Wan Jeon Ji-Young Lee Young-Yeul Kang Open burning as a source of dioxins Niklas Johansson Henrik Forsström Inger Karin Hansen Dmitry Kutznetsov Norimasa Yamazaki Jun Huang Jong-Eun Park Tae-Wan Jeon Mi-Jeong Jeong Ji-Young Lee Seong-Kyeong Jeong Jin-Mo Yeon Sun-Kyoung Shin Gil-Jong Oh 1059 Kyu-Tae Park Hyun-Jin Yoon Sun-Hee Moon Jeong-Soo Kim Emission of perfluoroalkyl substances (pfass) from textiles 746 AnneKatrin Dreyer Frank Neugebauer Stephanie Selke Thomas Neuhaus 1095 PCDD/PCDF emission from energy utilization facilities Geum-Ju Song Young-Hoon Moon Jong-Ho Joo A-Yeoung Lee Impact of wood sources on POP emissions of biomass cogeneration units Young-Ran Kim Ki-Heon Kim François Idczak Benjamin Bergmans 766 Serge Petitjean 1123 Correlation between chlorobenzene and dioxin TEQs in flue gas from municipal solid waste incinerator Long range transport of PBDEs: From consumer products in North America to landfills in developing countries Rixiao Zhao Lu Shengyong Fanjie Shang Miriam Diamond Golnoush Abbasi Andreas Buser 814 66 1151 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Sponsored by Sources and emission inventories A review of dioxin emissions from diesel power generators using used oil as a diesel extender and emissions control Jochen Mueller Andrew Banks David Haynes Roland Weber The global oceanic sink of perfluoroalkylated subtances 1240 Identification of hexabromocyclododecane in building material Anaïs Vénisseau Ronan Cariou Gérard Amand Philippe Marchand Michel Marcon Adeline Huneau Jordi Dachs Belén González Elena Jurado Jose Luís Roscales Begoña Jiménez 870 Sophie Le Bouquin Gaud Dervilly-Pinel Angélique Travel Bruno Le Bizec Halogenated organic pollutants in the Black Sea 1261 Pcb and PAH content in charcoal and in ashes from charcoal production in rudimentary kilns João Vicente de Assuncao Ligia Cristina Siqueira Adam Grochowalski Sources, transport, bioaccumulation and fate of legacy and emerging organic pollutants in the marine environment: From coastal regions to the global oceans Anna Orlikowska Kathrin Fisch Detlef Schulz-Bullw 934 Background concentrations of PCDD/Fs and DL-PCBs in the oceanic atmosphere during the Malaspina circumnavigation Lady Virginia Meneses Sérgio Alex Almeida 1270 Esteban Abad Holgado Laura Morales Jordi Dachs Beatriz Arisitizabal MªGenerosaMartrat Jordi Parera Manuela Ábalos 995 Modelling of PCB trophic transfer in the gulf of Lions; MARS3D/ECO3M coupled model application Jacek Tronczynski 1223 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 67 Tuesday 2 September 2014 Urban, industrial and contaminated sites Effect of temperature, atmosphere and metals on the thermal degradation of printed circuit boards Addressing spatial variability of aged pollutants in a large site contaminated by pcbs and other POPs Juan A. Conesa Núria Ortuño Julia Moltó Rafael Font Antonio Di Guardo Giuseppe Raspa Sara Borin Elisabetta Zanardini Cristiana Morosini 668 Photocatalytic degradation of trichloroethylene in aqueous phase using nano-ZNO/laponite composites Jin Chul Joo Dae Gyu Jang Hosang Ahn Stefano Armiraglio Vanna Maria Sale Simone Anelli Paolo Nastasio 1069 Indentification of PCBs in transformer oil from selected potential PCB contaminated facilities Jong Kyu Kim Jeong Yeon Kim 811 Nguyen Anh Tuan Pham Manh Hoai Tran The Loan Ta Dinh Thi Tran Thanh Liem Le Thi Tan Sunflower plant as bioremediator: Preliminary study Valentina Lorenzi Barbara Angelone Luigi Bertocchi Enrica Ferretti 1211 Performance evaluation of carbon adsorbents for the removal of endosulfan from contaminated soils Simone Anelli Vanna MariaSale 1013 Percentage contributions of chlorinated aromatic compounds in electronic waste open burning soils Eiki Watanabe Koji Baba Dal-Soon Choi 1239 Design and construction of in-pile thermal desorption for cleanup of dioxin contamination at the Danang airport hot spot, Vietnam Chiya Nishimra Takashi Fujimori Go Suzuki Tetsuro Agusa Masaki Takaoka Shin Takahashi Nguyen Tue Pham Viet Shinsuke Tanabe Hidetaka Takigami Ralph Baker Kelly Clemons James Galligan Gorm Heron Stephen McInerney Stanley Walker Kent Sorenson Peter Chenevey 1277 1020 Atmospheric monitoring and risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a multi-industrial city Hye-Ok Kwon Gerhard Lammel Kuen-Sik Jung Sung-Deuk Choi 1060 Levels and patterns of atmospheric volatile organic compounds in the multi-industrial city of Ulsan, South Korea Hye-Ok Kwon Sung-Jun Kim Sung-Deuk Choi Inventory of contaminated sites with organochlorine pesticides in the agricultural zones in the Sonora State, México, and the implementation of one communication strategy for the risk prevention María Mercedes Meza Montenegro Ana Isabel Valenzuela Quintanar Beatriz OliviaCamarena Gómez María Isabel Silveira Gramont María de Lourdes Gutiérrez Coronado Jaqueline García Hernández Patricia Grajeda Cota Sergio David Leal Soto Berenice Candelaria Ochoa Nogales María Daniela Mariscal Domínguez 1288 1064 68 Heesoo Eun Geun-Hyoung Choi Jin-Hyo Kim Su-Myeong Hong Program Wednesday 3 Wednesday September 2014 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Wednesday 3 September 2014 08:30 - 09:15 Plenary session POPs in developing regions: Are the priorities changing? Room Auditorio Profs. Ricardo Barra, Hindrik Bouwman and Guibing Jiang 09:15 - 09:45 Coffee break & exhibition 09:45 - 12:05 POPs in marine ecosystems Doblón Toxicology and mechanisms I Dioxins and dioxin-like chemicals Castilla Occurrence in sediments, soils and water II Auditorio Pseudo-POPs: Non persistent but persistently in the environment Comendador Indoor exposure Hidalgo 12:30 - 18:30 Symposium tours - Detailed information on page 15 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 67 Wednesday 3 September 2014 09:45 – 12:05 POPs in marine ecosystems 09:45 – 12:05 Toxicology and mechanisms I. Dioxins and dioxin-like chemicals Room: Doblón Chair: Susan Shaw and Cristina Fossi Room: Castilla Chair: Mike Denison and Martin Van den Berg 9:45 Do POPs transfer from plastic marine debris to coral on tropical Indian Ocean Islands? 9:45 Insights into the mechanisms of activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor by computational modelling approaches Hindrik Bouwman Martina Krátká Robert Choong Kwet Yive 10:05 Silvia Lacorte M. Teresa Galceran 1264 907 Ethel Eljarrat Damià Barceló 1180 Christian Sonne Rune Dietz 1093 Amino acid sequence-based approaches to detect ligand-selective activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor Miroslav Machala Simona Krckova Jirina Prochazkova Helena Libalova 10:45 1125 Modulation of AhR-dependent gene expression in lung epithelial A549 cells exposed to 2,3,7,8-TCDD, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or extracts of airborne particles Jan Topinka Jan Vondracek 1051 Acetylcholinesterase is a target gene of dioxin and dioxin like compounds in neurons Bin Zhao Heidi Xie Aihua Shen Yong-Rock An Hyo-Bang Moon 11:05 945 PCB 126-induced endothelial toxicity is modulated by cross-talk between caveolae and NRF2 signaling Michael Petriello Sung Gu Han Bradley Newsome Bernhard Hennig 11:25 589 In utero and lactational exposure to TCDD induces persistent hypermethylation of the homeobox gene PITX1 in mouse prostate Richard E. Peterson H Kurita T-M Lin C Tohyama 11:45 590 Distribution of organohalogenated contaminants in sediments and bivalves from the coast of Kuwait Lulwa Ali Iqpal Ismail Nadeem Ali 68 10:25 Alkylated perfluorinated sulfonamides, metabolism and the relationship to precursor and perfluoroalkyl sulfonate residues in Arctic mammalian marine wildlife Robert Letcher Melissa McKinney Gregg Tomy 11:45 1200 Alessandro Pandini Michael S Denison Anatoly Soshilov Michael Denison First determination of organophosphorous flame retardants and plasticizers in marine mammals Giselle Santín Òscar Aznar-Alemany Joan Giménez Renaud Stephanis 11:25 MªGenerosa Martrat Manuela Ábalos Abad Esteban Francisco Javier Santos Temporal trends of PCDD/Fs and dioxinlike pcbs in finless porpoises (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis) collected from Korean coastal waters between 2003 and 2010 Yunsun Jeong Sang-Jo Kim Eun-Kyo Kim Woochang Jeong 11:05 10:05 Dechlorane Plus and related compounds in gull eggs (Larus michahellis) from Spanish natural parks F. Javier Santos Jorge Olmos 10:45 Laura Bonati Domenico Fraccalvieri Dario Corrada Ilaria Motto 1174 Gull eggs as bioindicators of POPs: Case study in Atlantic islands of Galicia national park and Chafarinas islands refuge Silvia Lacorte Albert Bertolero Jorge Olmos Joyce Cristale Alba Hurtado Alejandro Delgado Sánchez 10:25 Henrik Kylin Jana Klanova Malarvannan Govindan Adrian Covaci 893 841 A proposed mechanism of transactivation by body burden dioxin of herpes simplex virus genes might be responsible for weakening the host antiviral defense Ilya B. Tsyrlov IN Shur JS Wu DN Furman DY Oshchepkov 708 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants 09:45 – 12:05 Occurrence in sediments, soils and water II 09:45 – 12:05 Pseudo-POPs: Non persistent but persistently in the environment Room: Auditorio Chair: Pim Leonards and María Ángeles Martínez Room: Comendador Chair: Ethel Eljarrat and Kevin Chambliss 9:45 Occurrence of PBDEs in marine sediments at Todos Santos Bay and Punta Banda Estuary 9:45 Pyrethroids in the environment: Another family of pseudo-POPs? J. Vinicio Macías-Zamora Nancy Ramírez-Álvarez Félix Hernández-Guzmán 958 10:05 11:05 Bondi Gevao Majed Bahloul Abdul Nabi Ghadban 11:25 Organochlorine residues in the riverine ecosystem of Pakistan: Distribution and risk assessment Eqani Samas Nadeem Ali R.N. Malik A. Katsoyiannis G. Zhang Habib Bokhari 11:45 Nida Hanif Mohammad Sohail Ambreen Alamdar Maria Ali 1041 588 Linear and cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes in wildlife serum Tommy Bisbicos Glenn Barrett 1250 Spatial and temporal distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Northern Arabian Gulf sediments Bondi Gevao Edward Boyle Gonzalo Carrasco Lulwa Ali Edward Boyle Gonzalo Carrasco 727 11:45 665 Allometric relationships to liver tissue concentrations of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in Atlantic cod Mehran Alaee De-Gao Wang Shane deSolla Michel Lebeuf 823 Sedimentary record of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) in a dated sediment core from the Northern Arabian Gulf Knut Breivik Anita Evenset Ingar H Wasbotten Nicholas A Warner Therese H Nøst Hector Andrade Guttorm Christensen 1227 Perflourinated alkyl substances in water, sediment and biota from the Jucar river (Valencia, Spain) Yolanda Picó Julián Campo Damià Barceló 11:25 10:45 617 Understanding the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in Arctic lakes Ingjerd S Krogseth Nicholas A Warner Guttorm N Christensen Mick J Whelan 1047 Distribution of PAHs in soils and groundwaters surronding a municipal waste landfill Paulina Chaber Urszula Dawid 11:05 10:25 Determination of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in drinking water from the Netherlands and Greece 677 Enantioselectivity in environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology of synthetic pyrethroids Weiping Liu Chao Xu Jin Liu 896 Wim Traag Effrosyni Zafeiraki 10:45 10:05 OCPs in surficial water and sediment in a northeastern Chinese river Qingyue Tong 10:25 Cayo Corcellas Ethel Eljarrat Damià Barceló Majed Bahloul Jamal Zafar 728 Persistence and dioxin-like toxicity assessment of bromo- and chlorocarbazoles in soil: Are they a potential class of persistent organic pollutants? John Mumbo Bernhard Henkelmann Ahmed Mohamed Abdelaziz Gerd Pfister Karl-Werner Schramm August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 1018 69 Wednesday 3 September 2014 09:45 – 12:05 Indoor exposure Room: Hidalgo Chair: Cynthia de Wit and Josep Rivera 9:45 Sources and human exposure implications of concentrations of organophosphate flame retardants in dust from uk cars, classrooms, living rooms, and offices Stuart Harrad Sandra Brommer 10:05 986 Urinary metabolites of organophosphate flame retardants in men, women and children Colleen Makey Emma Preston Michael McClean Heather Stapleton Thomas Webster 10:25 Natsuko Kajiwara Hidetaka Takigami Tomohiro Kose 10:45 1109 Brominated flame retardants and related substances in the interior materials and cabin dusts of end-of-life vehicles collected in japan Go Suzuki Shinichi Sakai Ulrika Eriksson Anna Kärrman 11:05 1209 Occurrence of selected non-BDE halogenated flame retardants in the Canadian house dust study Cariton Kubwabo Xinghua Fan Pat Rasmussen Xinlong Xia 11:25 699 Application of 3D-human skin equivalent model for in-vitro assessment of dermal absorption of brominated flame retardants Mohamed Abou-Elwafa Abdallah Stuart Harrad Gopal Pawar 11:45 838 Influence of sampling technique on the observed distribution of semi-volatile organic contaminants in indoor environments Lisa Melymuk Pernilla Bohlin Imon Vojta Martina Krátká 70 1015 Polyfluoroalkyl phosphate esters (PAPs) and other per- and polyfluorinated substances (PFASs) in household dust from several countries Roman Proke Petr Kukucka Jana Klánová 1039 Program Thursday 4 Thursday September 2014 Thursday 4 September 2014 Thursday 4 September 2014 Room 08:30 - 09:15 Plenary session 09:15 - 09:45 Coffee break & exhibition 09:45 - 12:05 Formation, inhibition and destruction of PCDD/Fs Auditorio Atmospheric levels, transport and deposition Castilla Regulatory aspects of POPs Hidalgo Integrating toxicology and epidemiology for risk assessment Comendador Modelling of environmental fate, transport and sources Doblón 12:05 - 13:15 13:15 - 15:15 No risk for public health - Prof Jacob de Boer Auditorio Lunch & exhibition Lunch seminar presented by Agilent Technologies Escudo Formation, inhibition and destruction of PCDD/Fs Auditorio Biomarkers of exposure and effect. From individual to population level Comendador QA/QC, interlaboratory studies, reference materials Doblón Halogenated flame retardants in the environment: From PBDEs to OPFRs and other emerging alternatives Castilla POPs in remote areas Hidalgo 15:15 - 15:45 Coffee break & exhibition 15:45 - 17:25 Toxicology and mechanisms II. Other POPs Comendador Formation, inhibition and destruction of PCDD/Fs Auditorio Food web studies. Bioaccumulation and biomagnification Doblón POPs in remote areas Hidalgo Halogenated flame retardants in the environment: From PBDEs to OPFRs and other emerging alternatives Castilla 17:30 - 18:30 Poster session 3 Poster Area 20:00 Gala dinner - Detailed information on page 14 73 Thursday 4 September 2014 09:45 – 12:05 Formation, inhibition and destruction of PCDD/Fs 09:45 – 12:05 Atmospheric levels, transport and deposition Room: Auditorio Chairs: Kees Olie and Li Xiaodong Room: Castilla Chairs: Caroline Gauss and Juan Conesa 9:45 Thermal formation of dioxins and dioxinlike compounds on fly ash matrix from secondary copper smelting processes 9:45 Levels, spatial diffusion and temporal evolution of persistent organic pollutants in the ambient air of Taranto, Italy Guorui Liu Jingjing Wu Mei Wang Xiaoxu Jiang Vittorio Esposito Annamaria Maffei Donato Bruno Luca Gigante Salvatore Ficocelli Shujun Dong Minghui Zheng 579 10:05 Factors affecting dioxin formation and control in cement kilns: Lessons learned 10:05 Robert Schreiber Jodie Beare 10:25 Comparison of sewage sludge gasification and combustion in a fluidized bed investigation into PCDD/FS emission in gas and fly ash Dai Qianjin Jiang Xuguang Jin Yuqi Wang Fei 10:45 10:25 Formation and destruction of pcdd/fs by hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) 10:45 Werner Tirler Albino Basso Giulio Voto 11:05 Thermodynamics in dioxins formation Alfons Buekens Dirk Verhulst Jie Yang 11:05 Alfons Buekens Xiaodong Li 11:25 Formation of dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans from catechol in relevance to combustion of biomass 11:25 Mohammednoor Altarawneh Bogdan Dlugogorski 11:45 Catalysis of the de novo formation of dioxins on model fly ash by NiO and NiCl2 Alfons Buekens Li XiaoDong Jie Yang Xiaodong Li 11:45 Shengyong Lu Tong Chen Jianhua Yan Kees Olie Hsu Shih Chieh Sheu Guey Rong Lin Neng Huei 1003 Dmitri Samsonov 794 827 Levels of PCDD/Fs in dust precipitation samples within the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro Klaus Reichel 605 74 1008 Pcdd/fs, pcbs, pbdes, hchs and ddts in air: Results of the Spanish monitoring programme on pops in the period 2008-2012 Paloma Sanz Adrián de la Torre Irene Navarro María Ángeles Martínez 666 Ying Ming Weng Yuan Cheng Hsu Kai Hsien Chi Spatial and temporal distribution of persistent organic pollutants in the ambient air of the Russian Arctic Evgenia Volkova Elena Pasynkova 640 664 PCDD/F measurement at three highaltitude stations in Eastern Asia: Evaluation of long-range transport and source apportionment of pcdd/Fs during the Southeast Asia biomass burning event Chen Hung Wei Li Chueh Ting Chi Kai Hsien Lin Chuan Yao 752 Regula Haag Urs von Arx Evaluation of atmospheric PCDD/F compounds in tsp and pm 2.5 : Measurement and the relative health risk in Taiwan Wei Ting Hsu Yu Ting Chang Charles C.-K. Chou Yuan Wu Chen Chi Yong Yan Jianhua Chen Chong 469 Releases of hexachlorobenzene and other POPs from fireworks Peter Schmid Christian Bogdal Valeria Azara 1148 Maria Mantovan Valerio Rosito Roberto Giua Giorgio Assennato 1065 1195 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants 09:45 – 12:05 Regulatory aspects of POPs Room: Hidalgo Chairs: Frans Verstraete and Rainer Malisch 9:45 Application of amended criteria for confirmatory methods for determination of PCDD/Fs and DL-PCBs in feed and food Alexander Kotz Johannes Haedrich Kerstin Wahl Katharina Djuchin Rainer Malisch 10:05 711 Is standardization of extraction methods for determination of PCDD/Fs and PCBs in food required? Alexander Kotz Johannes Haedrich Kerstin Wahl Katharina Djuchin Rainer Malisch 10:25 712 Impact of the new EU maximum levels for dioxins and PCBs on the assessment of sheep liver Peter Fuerst Thorsten Bernsmann 10:45 1072 Policy changes could reduce the use of flame retardants while maintaining fire safety Arlene Blum Avery Lindeman Vytenis Babrauskas Donald Lucas 11:05 1110 Recent and future developments of EU policy on dioxins and PCBs in feed and food Frans Verstraete 11:25 1115 PCDD/Fs and PCBs in the food web: Focus on feed Valentina Lorenzi Barbara Angelone Enrica Ferretti Simone Anelli Vanna MariaSale Luigi Bertocchi 11:45 675 A simple approach to evaluate the effectiveness of Stockholm Convention Emine Can-Güven Dilek Bolat Halil Çelik Ayça Erdem Perihan Binnur Kurt-Karakus Kadir Gedik 1050 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 75 Thursday 4 September 2014 09:45 – 12:25 Integrating toxicology and epidemiology for risk assessment Room: Comendador Chairs: Tom Muir and Janna Koppe 9:45 Environmental exposures, endocrine disrupting chemicals, and new approaches to the science of risk assessment Linda Birnbaum Mark Miller 1077 10:05 Skin manifestations in German workers with high occupational PCB exposure Marike Leijs Philipp Amann Alexander Werthan Andre Esser Ruth Heise Katharina Czaja Thomas Schettgen Patrick De Boever Monika Gube Hans Merk Thomas Kraus Jens Baron Nutritional modulation of POP toxicity and implications in public health Bernhard Hennig Michael Petriello Bradley Newsome 697 10:45 Metabolomics and systems biology in the context of in vitro and in vivo toxicity studies: Towards a better understanding of the processes underlying the disruption of biological systems by chemical pollutants Daniel Zalko Marie Tremblay-Franco Nathalie Poupin Roselyne Gautier Nicolas Cabaton Marc Audebert Emilien Jamin Laurent Debrauwer Cécile Canlet Fabien Jourdan 876 11:05 Detecting similarities of semivolatile organic chemicals (svocs) in different environmental and human matrices Karl-Werner Schramm Kristina Voigt Rainer Bruggemann Hagen Scherb Ismet Cok 598 11:25 Derivation of health based human biomonitoring values for pcbs in human blood samples Knut Rauchfuss Martin Kraft 732 76 Contrasts of effect levels for pop chemicals from integrated toxicology and epidemiology studies are highly associated with life stage and dosing amounts Tom Muir Joel Michalek 1204 12:05 Dioxins and innate immunity in the neonatal period and in adolescense in The Netherlands Janna Koppe Gavin Ten Tusscher Marike Leijs Jennifer Steevensz Abel Arkenbout Linsey de Boer Kees Olie Constance Eikelenboom Peter Behnisch Adri Ilsen 900 1280 10:25 11:45 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants 09:45 – 12:25 Modelling of environmental fate, transport and sources Room: Doblón Chairs: Antonio di Guardo and Javier Castro 9:45 Assessing the global and Arctic transport and fate of polychlorinated biphenyls using the atmospheric chemical transport model geos-chem 11:25 Carey Friedman Colin Thackray Noelle Selin Ioannis Liagkouridis Anna Cousins Ian Cousins 950 11:45 Fugacity- versus non fugacity-driven processes as controls of local, regional and global dynamics of organic pollutants 12:05 868 Recent observations of re-volatilisation of semivolatile organic compounds including POPs from Mediterranean seawater Marie Daniëlle Mulder Gerhard Lammel Athanasios Besis Angelika Heil Petr Kukucka Roman Proke Nicola Iacovella Marco Tassinari Giannina Chessa Alessandro di Domenico 807 Jordi Dachs Ana Cabrerizo Cristóbal Galbán-Malagón Naiara Berrojalbiz 10:25 Deposition of selected NDL-PCB and PBDE congeners on Zea mais leaves intended for silage production: Modelled contribution to contamination levels in dairy products Gianfranco Brambilla Vittorio Abate Mauro Esposito Francesco Serpe Anna Rita Fulgenzi 1103 10:05 Physical-chemical properties and evaluative fate modelling of emerging and novel brominated and organophosphorus frs in indoor and outdoor environment Petra Kosubová Tatsiana Rusina Constantini Samara Branislav Vrana Emission source strength of polychlorinated biphenyls in Zurich: A combination of longterm measurements and modelling Pascal Diefenbacher Christian Bogdal Andreas Gerecke Peter Schmid Martin Scheringer Konrad Hungerbühler 688 741 10:45 Modelling the behaviour of legacy and emerging pollutants in the atmosphere of the Iberian Levantine Coast Pedro Jiménez-Guerrero Sara Ramos Jose Avelino Silva Arminda Alves Juan Pedro Montavez Nuno Ratola 1120 11:05 Fate and transport of DDT in a tropical floodplain lake Annelle Mendez Carla Ng João Torres Konrad Hungerbühler 1191 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 77 Thursday 4 September 2014 13:15 – 15:15 Formation, inhibition and destruction of PCDD/Fs 13:15 – 15:15 Biomarkers of exposure and effect. From individual to population level Room: Auditorio Chairs: Kees Olie and Li Xiaodong Room: Comendador Chairs: Rafael Mateo and Kim Fernie 13:15 De novo tests on iron ore sintering dust: Statistical analysis of some MINIDIP data 13:15 Ecological factors as pressure of natural selection of ahr genotypes in avian species Jihee Hwang Hae-Jeong Park Su-Min Bak Masashi Hirano Hisato Iwata Alfons Buekens Junhong Liao Shengyong Lu Tong Chen 656 13:35 Dioxin contamination from former lindane (γ-HCH) production in Sardas landfill and surroundings (Sabiñánigo, Spain) 13:35 885 13:55 Study of the enzymatic formation of PCDD/ Fs during composting of sewage sludge 13:55 María Muñoz Fernández María Francisca Gómez-Rico Rafael Font Montesinos María Angeles Garrido López 14:15 Influence of electrolyte type on the formation of pcdd/fs during the electrochemical oxidation of 2-chlorophenol 14:15 Marta Vallejo Fresnedo San Román Inmaculada Ortiz Pablo Fernández Castro Reactions of 2-chlorophenol and 2-bromophenol: Mechanisms of formation of mixed halogenated dioxins and furans (PXDD/Fs) Mohammednoor Altarawneh Anam Saeed Bogdan Dlugogorski 14:35 Decomposition of 2-chlorophenol on surfaces of neat alumina and alumina supported iron (III) oxide catalysts Bogdan Dlugogorski Sara Mosallanejad Bogdan Z.Dlugogorski Mohammednoor Altarawneh 14:55 Eric M.Kennedy Masanobu Yokota Takeshi Nakano Michael Stockenhuber 761 991 Pollutant accumulation in nestlings of Bonelli’s Eagle. Effects on health and influence of diet composition estimated through fatty acid signatures Organochlorines and antioxidant defenses in plasma of white stork (Ciconia ciconia) nestlings from Extremadura, Spain Irene de la Casa Resino Antonio Castellano Marcos Pérez López Francisco Soler Rodríguez 737 14:55 Petra Quillfeldt Glenn Crossin Olivier Chastel Maud Poisbleau Manuel E Ortiz-Santaliestra Jaime Resano-Mayor Marcos Moleón Antonio HernándezPablo R Camarero Matías Rafael Mateo Joan Real 1201 873 14:35 Natalie Karouna-Renier Sandy Schultz Rebecca Lazarus Barnett Rattner 733 How do vitellogenin and androgen hormone levels vary during egg laying in relation to OHCs in rockhopper penguins? Veerle Jaspers Marcel Eens Laurent Demongin Alin Dirtu Adrian Covaci Rianne Pinxten 929 898 Exposure to organophosphate flame retardants alters thyroid function and hepatic status in American kestrels Kim Fernie Vince Palace Lisa Peters Niladri Basu Robert Letcher Joaquín Guadaño Jesús Fernández Roland Weber Joaquín Guadaño Jin-Young Park Young-Suk Park Eun-Young Kim 884 Assessment of eggshell pigments as potential biomarkers of organohalogen pollutants in gull billed tern Rafael Mateo Ana Pérez de Vargas Pablo Camarero Mariano Cuadrado 984 78 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants 13:15 – 15:15 QA/QC, interlaboratory studies, reference materials Room: Doblón Chairs: Jacob de Boer and Alexander Kotz 13:15 Measurement uncertainty for persitent organic pollutants by isotope-dilution mass spectrometry Gauthier Eppe Gianfranco Diletti Alwyn Fernandes Johannes Haedrich Jerry Hart Helge Hove Anna Laura Iamiceli Alexander Kotz Rainer Malisch 13:35 Philippe Marchand Wolfgang Moche Georges Scholl Giampiero Scortichini Thorsten Bernsmann Yves Tondeur Wim Traag Jacob de Boer 1230 Analysis of the measurement uncertainty in the determination of PCDD/Fs and PCBs in soil: Practical vs. theoretical approach Patricia Plaza-Bolanos Wim Traag 13:55 14:15 Chairs: Marta Venier and Stuart Harrad 13:15 Organophosphate and halogenated flame retardants in atmospheric particles from Svalbard Amina Salamovaw Mark Hermanson Ronald Hites 13:35 13:55 14:15 David Blye Naomi Goodman Jeremy Hart Meg Michell Al Tordini Bryan Vining Yves Tondeur 748 Human exposure to flame retardants an experimental approach to examine correlations between external exposure and human body burdens 687 A novel brominated triazine-based flame retardant (ttbp-taz) in plastic consumer products and indoor dust Ana Ballesteros-Gómez Jacob de Boer Alin Ionas Claudio Erratico Adrian Covaci Nele Van de Eede Pim E.G. Leonards 767 14:35 Emissons of PBDEs and alternative aryl phosphates around e-waste recycling area in the northern part of Vietnam Hidenori Matsukami Nguyen Minh Tue Go Suzuki Masayuki Someya Le Huu Tuyen Tetsuro Agusa 1242 PCB congeners in used transformer fluids: A comparison of Aroclor TEQs from three studies Mariana Pizarro Jordi Dachs Enrique Cequier Rosa María Marcé Georg Becher Cathrine Thomsen Proficiency test for dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs in fats intended for the production of animal feed 1038 567 Organophosphate ester (ope) flame retardants and plasticizers in the atmosphere over the global oceans Javier Castro Jiménez Paulo Casal Belén González Gaya 848 Second round of bi-ennial global interlaboratory assessment on persistent organic pollutants basic and new POPs Wim Traag 14:55 Room: Castilla Yoann Deceuninck Jean-Philippe Antignac Bruno Le Bizec Heidelore Fiedler Bert van Bavel NIlsson Helena Ike van der Veen Jacob de Boer 14:35 Halogenated flame retardants in the environment: From PBDEs to OPFRs and other emerging alternatives 1017 Management of ubiquitous chemicals background and external contamination levels in laboratories: Drawbacks and options for optimal data generation in biomonitoring and food safety studies Emmanuelle Bichon Philippe Marchand Anaïs Vénisseau Ingrid Guiffard Ronan Cariou 13:15 – 15:15 14:55 Pham Hung Viet Shin Takahashi Shinsuke Tanabe Hidetaka Takigami 1053 Maternal transfer of emerging brominated and chlorinated flame retardants in European eels Roxana Sühring Marko Freese Jan-Dag Pohlmann Mehran Alaee Hendrik Wolschke Reinhold Hanel Ralf Ebinghaus Lasse Marohn 1269 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 689 79 Thursday 4 September 2014 13:15 – 15:15 POPs in remote areas Room: Hidalgo Chairs: Simonetta Corsolini and Geir Gabrielsen 13:15 Persistent organic pollutants (pops) in human milk from Saharawi women living in refugee camps in Sahara, South-West Algeria Anuschka Polder Inger Aakre Ingrid Barikmo Ingvild Venaas Roe Sigrun Henjum 13:35 833 Effect of melting on redistribution and release of pcbs from Alpine glaciers Pavlina Pavlova Peter Schmid Christian Bogdal Christine Steinlin Margit Schwikowski 13:55 Christine Steinlin Christian Bogdal Martin P. Lüthi Martin Scheringer Pavlina A. Pavlova 14:15 691 The fate of polychlorinated biphenyls in Alpine glaciers Margit Schwikowski Peter Schmid Konrad Hungerbühle 681 Adaptation of a multimedia model to assess the environmental behaviour of alphahexachlorocyclohexane in Italian Alps Tair Teran-Guerrero Lara Lamon John N. Westgate Edoardo Bucchignani Myriam Montesarchio Frank Wania Antonio Marcomini 1062 14:35 Uptake mechanisms of airborne persistent organic pollutants in plants: Understanding the biological infuence on the depostition of pops to remote terrestrial ecosystems Henrik Kylin Henk Bouwman 14:55 Pilar Fernández Lourdes Arellano Neil Rose Jordi López Ulrike Nickus Hansjörg Thies 80 1094 Atmospheric deposition of polybromodiphenyl ethers to remote areas of Europe: Sources, trends and processes Evzen Stuchlik Lluis Camarero Jordi Catalan Joan O. Grimalt 913 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants 15:45 – 17:25 Toxicology and mechanisms II. Other POPs 15:45 – 16:45 Formation, inhibition and destruction of PCDD/Fs Room: Comendador Chairs: Jae-Ho Yang and Paolo Moccarelli Room: Auditorio Chairs: Kees Olie and Li Xiaodong 15:45 The roles of ampk in perfluorohexanesulfonate (PFHxS) induced neurotoxic pathway 15:45 Application of multilayer ACadsorption system for PCDD/F removal. Effect of BAC modification Youn Ju Lee So-Young Choi Jae-Ho Yang Pao-Chen Hung Shu-Hao Chang Moo-Been Chang 813 16:05 Effects of short chain chlorinated paraffins exposure on the viability and metabolism of human hepatoma cell line HEPG2 1142 16:05 Zhang Haijun Geng Ningbo Chen Jiping Pao-Chen Hung Shu-Hao Chang Chia-Chien Ou-Yang Moo-Been Chang 684 16:25 Human hydroxylated metabolites of BDE47 and BDE-99 are glucuronidated and sulfated in vitro Claudio Erratico Xiaobo Zheng Andreas Ryden Goran Marsh Adrian Covaci 781 16:45 Application of multilayer activated carbon system for PCDD/F removal regeneration of adsorbent 1143 16:25 PCDD/F inhibition on model fly ash by sludge drying gases Sheng-yong Lu Tong Chen Ming-xiu Zhan Jian-ying Fu Xiao-qing Lin Jian-hua Yan 613 Epidemiological associations of toxin exposure and neurodegenerative disease need experimental support: Toxicity data strengthen BMAA hypothesis Ingvar Brandt Karlsson Oskar Eva B. Brittevo 1290 17:05 Developmental effects of the flame retardant metabolite, 6-OH-BDE-47, in zebrafish is mediated by downregulation of the thyroid nuclear receptor Laura Macaulay Albert Chen Kylie Rock Laura Dishaw Wu Dong David Hinton Heather Stapleton 735 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 81 Thursday 4 September 2014 15:45 – 17:25 Food web studies. Bioaccumulation and biomagnification 15:45 – 17:25 POPs in remote areas Room: Doblón Chairs: Robert J. Letcher and Jordi Díaz Ferrero Room: Hidalgo Chairs: Simonetta Corsolini and Geir Gabrielsen 15:45 Trophic magnification and isomer fractionation of perfluoroalkyl substances in the food web of taihu Lake, china 15:45 Persistent organic pollutants in the atmosphere of two Antarctic zones (Antarctic Peninsula and Ross Sea) using passive air samplers (PUF disks) Lingyan Zhu Chengdong Zhang Shuhong Fang Karla Pozo Simonetta Corsolini Alessandra Cincinelli Tania Martelli Tom Harner Petr Kukucka 548 16:05 Sources, gastrointestinal absorption and stereo-selective and tissue-specific accumulation of Dechlorane Plus (dp) in chicken Xiaobo Zheng Xiaojun Luo Yanhong Zeng Bixian Mai 1024 16:05 Strategies for evaluating the bioaccumulation potential of per- and poly-fluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs) 16:25 1291 Bioaccumulation and trophic dilution of human pharmaceuticals in an aquatic food web C. Kevin Chambliss Polyhalogenated compounds (PCBs, chlordanes, HCB and BFRs) in polar bears (Ursus maritimus) that swam and ended up in Iceland Walter Vetter Karl Skírnisson 996 16:45 1287 17:05 Andrea Gambaro Rossano Piazza 670 Carla Ng Konrad Hungerbühler 16:45 Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in Antarctic lakes Marco Vecchiato Stefano Zambon Marta Radaelli Carlo Barbante 704 16:25 Jana Klanova Marie D Mulder Gerhard Lammel Ricardo Barra Bioaccumulation and debromination of BDE-209 in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) under continuously exposure Interspecific patterns in levels and profiles of legacy and emerging persistent organic pollutants in seabirds from Antarctica (Admiralty Bay, King George Island) João Torres Flavia V. Mello Yago S. Guida Petrus M. Galvão Larissa S.T. Cunha Erli S. Costa Qian Luo Jinmiao Zha Zongwei Cai J. Menezes Alba Vicente Jose L. Roscales Begoña Jiménez 642 1243 17:05 Levels and patterns of PCBs, DDTs, PBDEs and DPs in the Antarctic seabird community: A ten year perspective Jose L. Roscales Rocio Moreno Richard A. Phillips Larissa McGill Begoña Jiménez 1224 82 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants 15:45 – 17:05 Halogenated flame retardants in the environment: From PBDEs to OPFRs and other emerging alternatives Room: Castilla Chairs: Marta Venier and Stuart Harrad 15:45 Halogenated flame retardants in UK sediments Jon Barber Sara Losada Philippe Bersuder Thomas Maes Bolam Stefan Lyons Brett Law Robin 1173 16:05 Distribution and prevalence of pbdes, organophosphorus and new brominated flame retardants in environmental samples Silvia Lacorte Joyce Cristale Alba Hurtado Albert Bertolero David Ramos Barend van Drooge 1198 16:25 Estimation of physicochemical properties of 22 organophosphate esters and evaluation of their overall persistence and long-range transport potential Hidetoshi Kuramochi Hidetaka Takigami Martin Scheringer Shin-ichi Sakai 1294 16:45 Selected organophosphate flame retardants in Turkish indoor dust Perihan Binnur Kurt-Karakus Liisa Jantunen Aslinur Topcu Sedef Tepe 865 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 83 Thursday 4 September 2014 POSTER SESSION 3 17:30 - 18:30 Atmospheric levels, transport and deposition Ambient air monitoring of 4,4'- and 2,4'-DDT/DDE/DDD in rural districts of Germany 2012-2013 PCDDs/Fs in ambient air and health risk for human population at northeast coast of India Wilhelm Knoth Winfried Mann Judith Nebhuth Kenneth Sajwan Elke Bieber Eggert Axel 815 576 Monitoring of PCDDs/PCDFs by using the passive air sampler Sau Trinh Khac Truong NX 610 Atmospheric concentrations of organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizer in the German coast: Case study at Büsum Hendrik Wolschke Axel Moeller Roxana Sühring Zhiyong Xie Levels and gas-particle partitioning of POPs in urban ambient air María Ángeles Martínez Beatriz Barbas Adrián De La Torre Paloma Sanz 830 POPs in atmospheric depositions and sediments in the area around a steel plant: Sources and distribution Marco Vecchiato Elena Argiriadis Stefano Zambon Zhen Wang Ralf Ebinghaus Wenying Mi Irene Navarro Begoña Artíñano Marco Ragazzi Andrea Gambaro 881 709 Trends in atmospheric PBDE concentrations and their homologue profiles in Kyoto city and across Japan during 2000-2013 Nguyen Thanh Dien Yasuhiro Hirai Toru Miyazaki Shin-ichi Sakai Jacob de Boer Heather Leslie 932 717 Levels and characteristics of PCDD/Fs in camphor (Cinnamomum camphora) tree bark from south Jiangsu, China Yeru Huang Li Qi Li Zhou Nan Li Sen Zheng New POPs in African air samples: Chlorinated pesticides are dominant Combustion-originated dioxins transferring from atmospheric to water environment by rainwater runoff in Saitama, Japan Kotaro Minomo Nobutoshi Ohtsuka Kiyoshi Nojiri Rie Matsumoto Kunio Kohata 951 Novel flame retardents, PBDEs, and HBCDDs in indoor and outdoor environments in Stockholm, Sweden Hu Zhao Shuang Fan Yue Ren Hui Zhang 736 Chatacteristics of contamination and seasonal for PCDD/ Fs and DL-PCBs in ambient air in Korea Bong-Gil Jung 812 Seth Newton Sellström Ulla Cynthia de Wit 1006 National and continuous dioxin air monitoring network in Taiwan (2006-2013): Spatial, temporal variation and emission sources apportionment via positive matrix factorization Wei Ting Hsu Yu Ting Chang Chuan Yao Lin Mei Lien Chen Kai Hsien Chi 1010 84 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Atmospheric levels, transport and deposition Biomarkers of exposure and effect. From individual to population level Background air monitoring activities for persistent organic pollutants in East Asia sub-region 2004 - 2013 Effects of Bisphenol A on sex hormone levels and vitellogenin expression in zebrafish Takuya Shiozaki Pichhara Phet Novy Farhani Darrouny Vilaythong Ezahtulsyareen Ab Rahman Yong Liang Xiaoxi Yang Yuchen Liu Jia Li Minjie Chen L. Jargalsaikhan Pattanan Tarin Anh Tuan Nguyen Yasuyuki Shibata 1021 POP monitoring techniques in ambient air and results from frequent monitoring at super site, Japan Takumi Takasuga Takeshi Nakano Yasuyuki Shibata 1054 Predicting gas/particle partition behavior of PBDEs in north temperate climate zone air Di Peng Maoyong Song Jie Zhang Guibin Jiang 655 In vitro and in silico assessment of transactivation potencies of Baikal seal estrogen receptors α and β by persistent organic pollutants and bisphenols Yuka Yoshinouchi Shachiko Shimizu Jin-Seon Lee Masashi Hirano Tetsuro Agusa Kenichi Suzuki Haruhiko Nakata Eun-Young Kim Hisato Iwata 894 In vitro study towards the endocrine activity and the genotoxic potential of migration products from plastic baby bottles Yi-Fan Li Hong-Liang Jia Concentrations of legacy and novel BFRs in air and soil on a rural-urban transect in the UK West Midlands Tara Vandermarken Coraline Simon Matthias Onghena Els Van Hoeck Joris van Loco Marc Elskens Seth Newton Daniel Drage Stuart Harrad Cynthia de Wit Use of genotoxic biomarkers in program of environmental monitoring: Evaluation of the potential effect of organic persistent compounds in coastal areas of central Chile 1129 1213 Juan Fco. Gavilán B. Inzunza M. Salamanca R. Díaz Kersten K. van Langenhove Heidi Demaegdt Birgit Mertens Marie-Louise Scippo 946 C. Chandía M. Quiroz 962 Age-dependent variation in levels of organochlorine compounds and oxidative stress biomarkers in blood of red kite (Milvus milvus) from Spain Rafael Mateo Iris Cardiel Javier Viñuela 981 Effects of polychlorinated biphenyls on the expression of cytochrome P450s in beagle dogs Saya Tamura Jean Yoo Hazuki Mizukawa Tetsuro Agusa Masashi Hirano Kei Nomiyama Shinsuke Tanabe Eun-Young Kim Hisato Iwata August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 985 85 Thursday 4 September 2014 POSTER SESSION 3 17:30 - 18:30 Food web studies. Bioaccumulation and biomagnification Formation, inhibition and destruction of PCDD/Fs Perfluorinated alkyl acids in bivalves, water, and sediments of the po river delta (Adriatic sea) Simonetta Corsolini Michela Mazzoni Carla Ng Stafano Polesello Marianna Rusconi Sara Valsecchi Inhibition of PCDD/Fs formation by thiourea Qianjin Dai Lu Sy Jian-ying Fu Tong Chen Ming-xiu Zhan Xiao-qing Lin Sheng-yong Lu Alfons Buekens Jian-hua Yan 882 604 Alternative zebrafish (Danio rerio) eleutheroembryo-based procedure for bioaccumulation evaluation The use of thiourea to inhibit the formation of chlorinated aromatics in fly ash from municipal solid waste incineration Jon Sanz-Landaluze Miren Pena-Abaurrea Lourdes Ramos Riansares Muñoz-Olivas Carmen Cámara 1029 Biomagnification of classical and emerging halogenated flame retardants in bird eggs from Doñana natural space and surrounding areas Enrique Barón Manuel Mañez Ana Andreu Fabrizio Sergio Takashi Fujimori Madoka Nakamura Kenji Shiota Kazuyuki Oshita Masaki Takaoka 619 Study of the emissions from pyrolytic and oxidative thermal decomposition of PVC Rafael Font M. Edo I. Aracil Fernando Hiraldo Ethel Eljarrat Damià Barceló 1091 Transfer of indicator PCBs in dairy camels in Kazakhstan 1027 PCDD and PCDF formation in a waste-to-energy (WTE) plant and chemical characterization of solid residues Stina Jansson Elisa Allegrini Alessio Boldrin Kasper Lundtorp Thomas Fruergaard Astrup Moldir Nurseitova G. Konuspayeva G. Rychen B. Faye C. Feidt S. Jurjanz 1482 1300 The influence of food waste on dioxin formation during incineration of refuse-derived fuels Stina Jansson Eva Svensson Myrin Per-Erik Persson 1483 86 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Halogenated flame retardants in the environment: From PBDEs to OPFRs and other emerging alternatives Decabromodiphenyl ether and novel halogenated flame retardants in bark from the upper Yellow River, China Jun Jin Meng Xu Chang He Guangyao Li YingWang PBDEs and NBFRs in ambient air in Istanbul and Izmir-Turkey Perihan Binnur Kurt-Karakus Elif Gungormus Eser Okten Halil Celik Tugba Ugranli Aysun Sofuoglu Kadir Gedik Sait Sofuoglu Henry Alegria 866 603 Distribution and input of brominated flame retardants and dechloranes in the German Bight Alternative halogenated and organophosphate flame retardants: Estimated physical-chemical properties and environmental persistence of 86 novel flame retardants Miriam Diamond Daniela Serodio Mark Bonnell Nils Sundin Roxana Sühring Hendrik Wolschke Danijela Kötke Ralf Ebinghaus 1105 674 Organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizers in dust from automobiles, homes, offices and university classrooms: Implications for personal exposure via inadvertent dust ingestion Ovokeroye Abafe 701 Halogenated flame retardants in chickens’ eggs from e-waste processing areas in Vietnam Fang Tao Stuart Harrad Hidenori Matsukami Go Suzuki Hidetaka Takigami 1130 Organic flame retardants in waste UK soft furnishings William A. Stubbings Daniel Drage Stuart Harrad Mark Broomfield Steve Morgan 742 Leaching behaviour of hexabromocyclododecane from treated curtains William A. Stubbings Natsuko Kajiwara Hidetaka Takigami Stuart Harrad 810 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 87 Thursday 4 September 2014 POSTER SESSION 3 17:30 - 18:30 Indoor exposure Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in dust from primary schools in Southeast Queensland, Australia Chloroparaffins in the kitchen: Is breathing of cooks an overlooked source of human exposure? Fiona Harden Leisa-MareeToms Mandana Mazaheri Sandra Brommer Samuel Clifford Daniel Drage Walter Vetter Paul Bendig Jochen Mueller Phong Thai Stuart Harrad Lidia Morawska 998 Flame retardants and other additives in house dust from Japan 539 Electrostatic removal system of suspended particles from indoor air Jin Chul Joo Young Han Yoon Hosang Ahn Shin Young Choi Plastic additives in indoor dust collected from Japanese households Measuring and monitoring levels of emerging brominated flame Katerina Kademoglou Chris Collins 758 Detailed monitoring of human exposure to four groups of contaminants used in consumer products: The A-team sampling campaign Line S. Haug Stuart Harrad 759 Levels of organohalogenated flame retardants in floor and air conditioner filter dust from Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Nadeem Ali Iqbal MI Ismail Mohammad W. Kadi Syed AMAS Eqani Mai Takagi Shoji F. Nakayama 1049 Saeromi Lee Su Ji Lee Chang Hyuk Ahn 740 Eleni Papadopoulou Juan AntonioPadilla-Sánchez Cathrine Thomsen Go Suzuki Yayoi Suzuki Hidetaka Takigami Jun Yoshinaga Yayoi Suzuki Go Suzuki Hidetaka Takigami Jun Yoshinaga Mai Takagi Shoji Nakayama 1128 Human exposure to novel flame retardants -from materials to humans Marie Frederiksen Katrin Vorkamp Jesper Bo Nielsen Lars Schiøtt Sørensen Thomas Fredrik Webster Marios Vazakas Jens Ahm Sørensen Lisbeth EhlertKnudsen 1170 FIREMASTER 550® - Deep Under the Skin?! Gopal Pawar Mohamed Abou-Elwafa Abdallah Stuart Harrad Govindan Malarvannan Adrian Covaci 1262 869 Separation and identification of metabolites formed upon exposure of human liver cell lines to multiple stressors in indoor dust by UPLC-ESI/HR-MS Mohamed Abou-Elwafa Abdallah Jinkang Zhang Kevin Chipman Mark Viant Stuart Harrad Kyle D’Silva Maciej Bromirski Natsuko Kajiwara Isao Kuribara Toshiyuki Kataoka Takeharu Wada Go Suzuki HIdetaka Takigami 1274 890 88 Direct migration of hexabromocyclododecane from treated fabric into dust 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Modelling of environmental fate, transport and sources Screening chemicals in commerce in the Nordic countries using multimedia fate and bioaccumulation models Ingjerd Sunde Krogseth Knut Breivik Jon Arnot Frank Wania 612 Accumulation of perfluorinated compounds in radish: A hierarcial model approach Kimmo Suominen Jukka Ranta Noora Perkola Sanna Marttinen 722 Influence of gas/particle partitioning equations on the prediction of multimedia fates of polychlorinated biphenyls Sung-Deuk Ah-Reum Seo Sung-Deuk Choi Jung-Eun Oh 1066 Pesticides transport in the soil-water system: Implication from laboratory and field experiment Zulin Zhang 1075 Improving the multimedia indoor model for SVOCs with a multi-layered foam furniture submodel Miriam Diamond Anna Krol Daniela Serodio 1146 Vapor pressures and octanol-air partition coefficients of novel brominated flame retardants, organophosphate flame retardants, and selected polybrominated biphenyl ethers Miriam Diamond Joseph Okeme Justen Poole Daniela Serodio Liisa Jantunen 1153 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 89 Thursday 4 September 2014 POSTER SESSION 3 17:30 - 18:30 Occurrence in sediments, soils and water II Analysis of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene isomers by HS-GC-MS in potable water for human consumption and the capital of Rio de Janeiro Mass fluxes of dissolved PAHs in the Three Gorges Reservoir during impoundment of the Three Gorges Dam Camila Rodrigues Bernardo Robson Leonards Martínez 616 Simultaneous high sensitive determination of PCBs and PBDEs in environmental water and sediments by gas chromatography coupled to high resolution magnetic sector mass spectrometry Nieves Barco Bonilla Antonio J. Nieto Roberto Romero Antonia Garrido José Luis Martínez 628 Occurrence of organophosphorous flame retardants and plasticizer in the River Elbe during the summer flood event 2013: A case study at the barrage Geesthacht Hendrik Wolschke Roxana Sühring Zhiyong Xie Ralf Ebinghaus 710 Two new organophosphorus flame retardants resorcinol bis (diphylphosphate) (PBDPP) and Bisphenol A bis(diphenylphosphate) (BPA-BDPP) detected in sediment and sewage slugde samples Chengrong Peng Yonghong Bi Karl-Werner Schramm Gerd Pfister 1028 Monitoring dioxin-like and estrogenic activity using the ere- and dre-CALUX bioassay: Case-study in the Zenne river crossing the Brussels region (Belgium) Tara Vandermarken Kersten van Langenhove Kim Croes Michael S.Denison Natacha Brion Marc Elskens 1034 Levels, distributions and profiles of current used pesticides (CUPs) in the surface water and sediment near a drinking water reservoir in Northeastern China Rui Zhang Jimin Shen Ge Zhao Yanli Kong Zhonglin Chen Weiwei Zhang 1245 Analysis of PBDEs in high mountain lake water samples Sicco Brandsma 901 Occurrence and distribution of volatile methylsiloxanes in river waters from Saitama, Japan Josep Caixach Arantxa Bartolomé Zoe Santolaria José Matesanz 1252 Kotaro Minomo Yuichi Horii Mamoru Motegi Nobutoshi Ohtsuka Kiyoshi Nojiri Organoclorine pesticides in a Pyrynean high mountain lake: Sabocos Tarn 911 Occurrence, spatial distribution and composition of PCBs and OCPs in the surface sediments of Haraz River, Iran Narayanan Kannan Samaneh Sadat Karbalaei Elham Karimi Zoe Santolaria José Santiago Urieta Francisco Javier Lanaja José María Matesanz Tomás Arruebo Alfonso Pardo Carlos Rodriguez-Casals Arantxa Bartolome Josep Caixach 1254 Carbamazepine concentrations in natural waters and wastewater treatment plant samples 964 90 Bernhard Henkelmann Dominik Deyerling Jingxian Wang Wei Hu Bernhard Westrich Kenneth Sajwan Ryan Johnson Peng Shangwu Bommanna Loganathan 1284 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants POPs in marine ecosystems Perfluorinated alkyl acids in pinnipeds from the Alaskan Arctic Jessica Reiner Tamika Ragland 582 Temporal trends of perfluorinated alkyl acids in mussel tissue collected from Dorchester bay, MA from 1987 to 2004 Jessica Reiner Benjamin Place 734 Species-specific bioaccumulation of POPs in various sharks from offshore and coastal water of Korea Hyun-Kyung Lee Sunggyu Lee Yunsun Jeong Eun-Kyo Kim Aihua Shen Woochang Jeong Karla Pozo Petr Kukucka Lenka Vankova Jana Klanova Petra Pribylova Anny Rudolph Yulieth Banguera Javier Monsalves Ricardo Barra Ramon Ahumada 1005 Elevated levels of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs, nondioxin-like PCBs and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in Greenland halibut (Rheinhardtius hippoglossoides) from Norwegian waters Bente Merete Nilsen Sylvia Frantzen Kjell Nedreaas Eun-Jung Choy Chang-Keun Kang Sang-Jo Kim Hyo-Bang Moon Kåre Julshamn Amund Maage 1159 912 PBDEs and methoxylated-BDEs in coastal seafood : With comparison to the Antarctic toothfish living in remote region In-Seok Lee Inja Yeon Minkyu Choi Polybrominathed diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in Concepcion Bay, Chile after the 2010 tsunami Dong-Woon Hwang Hee-Gu Choi Chlorinated and brominated persistent organic pollutants in mass stranded striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) from Minamisatsuma, Japan Tomohiko Isobe Naoko Kume Masao Amano Yuko Tajima Tadasu Yamada Shinsuke Tanabe 1206 979 Levels and congener profiles of PBDEs in edible Baltic, freshwater, and farmed fish in Finland in 2009 Anja Hallikainen Anniina Holma-Suutari 1000 PCBs, DDTs, HCB, PBDEs and DPs in pelagic seabirds from Antarctic, subantarctic and south Atlantic regions: interspecies vs. geographic patterns Jose L. Roscales Peter G. Ryan Jacob González-Solís Laura Zango Begoña Jiménez 1225 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 91 Thursday 4 September 2014 POSTER SESSION 3 17:30 - 18:30 POPs in remote areas Legacy and emergent POPs in the Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) and in its prey from the Greenland fjords Simonetta Corsolini Karla Pozo Cristiana Guerranti Jorgen S. Christiansen 602 Temporal trends of perfluorinated sulfonate and carboxylate compounds in seabird eggs from the Canadian Arctic Birgit Braune Robert Letcher 639 Passive samplers: Pollutant monitoring on the European continental shelf edge Seasonal trends of persistent organic pollutants in a glacial lake in New Zealand Christine Steinlin Xiaolin Wu Cleo Davie-Martin Nicolas J. Cullen Christian Bogdal Kim J. Hageman 763 Chlorinated, fluorinated, and brominated pollutants in tern eggs from a remote Indian Ocean atoll Henrik Kylin Henk Bouwman Ne Sun Choong Kwet Yive Vikash Tatayah Anuschka Polder 1196 Philip White Brendan Mc Hugh Patrice Behan Barry Foley Kees Booij Catriona Mc Grath Evin Mc Govern Occurrence of legacy and emerging persistent organic pollutants at Ross Sea and circumpolar deep water convergence (Antarctica) 692 Alessandra Cincinelli Tania Martellini Stefania Giannarelli Sandro Francesconi Beatrice Muscatello Roger Fuoco 1203 92 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Pseudo-POPs: Non persistent but persistently in the environment Link between PAH content in pine needles and socio-geographic parameters using canonical correlation analysis Investigation of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the influent and effluents of wastewater treament plant in Nagpur region, Maharashtra, India Neeta Thacker 570 Assessing neurological risks from oral exposure to mixtures of organophosphorus, carbamate, and pyrethroid insecticides Nuno Ratola José Manuel Amigo Raquel Fernández-Varela 1126 Distribution of pyrethroid insecticides in Mediterranean common dolphin tissues Hana Pohl Peter McClure 601 Theoretical and experimental evidences of medium range atmospheric transport processes of polycyclic musk fragrances Antonio Finizio Sara Villa Marco Vighi Cayo Corcellas Joan Giménez Renaud Stephanis Ethel Eljarrat Damià Barceló 1141 622 Mass loading and fate of volatile methyl siloxanes in two different types of sewage treatment plants from Japan Yuichi Horii Kotaro Minomo Mamoru Motegi Kiyoshi Nojiri Characterization of (semi-)volatile compounds migrating from food containers by GCxGC-TOF MS Cipriano Carrero-Carralero Sandra Jiménez-Falcao M. Luz Sanz Lourdes Ramos 1163 910 PSII herbicides: Persistently present on the Great Barrier Reef Christie Gallen Kristie Thompson Chris Paxman Jake O’Brien Karen Kennedy Jochen Mueller Insecticide pyrethroids in liver of striped dolphin from the Mediterranean Sea Òscar Aznar-Alemany Joan Giménez Renaud Stephanis Ethel Eljarrat Damià Barceló 1176 980 Phthalates, parabens, and Bisphenol A: Non-persistent but persistently present compounds Belén Gómara Clara Esteve Laura Herrero María José González 1007 A pilot study on the PAH profile in air particulate matter from different sampling points in Feira de Santana (Bahia, Brazil) João Torres Antonio Azeredo Meire Rodrigo Jailson Andrade Paulo Dorneles Olaf Malm 1184 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 93 Thursday 4 September 2014 POSTER SESSION 3 17:30 - 18:30 QA/QC, interlaboratory studies, reference materials Feasibility study for the preparation of reference materials for priority organic pollutants in natural waters containing suspended particulate mater and humic acids The use of intercalibrations as a tool to be able to control and confirm that the quality is under control after renewing personnel and location Saioa Elordui-Zapatarietxe Håkan Emteborg Ina Fettig Rosemarie Philipp Janine Richter Erik Sandell Mikko Suomela Fanny Gantois Beatrice Lalere Claudia Swart 577 Preparation of quality control plastic samples including organochlorine, organobromine, organophosphorus, and antimony as flame retardants Nobuyasu Hanari Masaki Ohata Nobuyasu Itoh Takamitsu Otake 854 Evaluation of interlaboratory study on PCDDs, PCDFs and dioxin like PCBs in the sediment reference material (11th round FY 2013 research group on ultra trace analyses, JEMCA) Toru Matsumura Toru Miyazaki Takeshi Kuroiwa Masakichi Hirano Yasutsugu Funakoshi Noriaki Hamada 955 585 Development of a quality control tool for the biota monitoring of two halogenated priority pollutants under the Water Framework Directive Ioannis Dosis Roberto Lava Marina Ricci Andrea Held Hendrik Emons In-house method validation for simultaneous quantification of PCDDs/PCDFs and dioxin-like PCBs in fish using pressurized liquid extraction and GC-HRMS analysis Rafael Pissinatti Daniella Vasconcellos Augusti Carolina Mariana Nunes Eleonora Vieira Dos Santos Ravi Govinda Dardot Prates Igor Cabreira Pussente Dayane SilvaCastro 593 Results of validation trials for new European standards determination of dioxins/furans, PCBs and PAHs in sludge, treated biowaste and soil Petra Lehnik-Habrink 631 Production and evaluation of a reference material for proficiency test of dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs) in fish 1044 Results from UNEP’s 2nd global interlaboratory assesment: Dioxin-like POPs Bert van Bavel I. van der Veen H. Nilsson J. de Boer H. Fiedler 1595 Rafael Pissinatti Carolina Mariana Nunes Eleonora Vieira Dos Santos Daniella Vasconcellos Augusti Proficiency testing using natural matrixes and nonparametric statistics: Experiences of two years of the intercind study 802 Bert van Bavel S. Libralato D. Raccanelli 1596 94 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Regulatory aspects of POPs Obstacles to rehabilitation of dioxin pollution hot points in Russia Zarema Amirova 646 Food safety/ food security issues from 6PCBs, 7PBDEs, HBCD isomers, and bioaccumulative PFAs in bio-solids and composts intended for pasture soil dressing Gianfranco Brambilla Mauro Esposito Stefania Paola De Filippis Vittorio Abate Vittorio Esposito 809 Proposal to change the match and cigarette tests in the UK’s furniture and furnishings (fire) (safety) regulations (FFRS) Terry Edge Steve Owen 1067 Exposure of Indian environment and human population to POPs: Scope for new chemical management policy Luca Nizzetto Brij Mohan Sharma Girija K. Bharat Shresth Tayal Pavel Čupr Thorjørn Larssen 1092 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 95 Thursday 4 September 2014 POSTER SESSION 3 17:30 - 18:30 Toxicology and mechanisms I. Dioxins and dioxin-like chemicals Differences in biological potency of lower and higher molecular mass polychlorinated naphthalenes with respect to effects on viability and apoptosis in the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line Jerzy Falandysz A. Wróbel J. Barć Effect of 2-napthol on 3t3-l1 adipocyte differentiation Franco Scinicariello Jing Wang Melanie Buser Roberta Attanasio 715 571 Elucidating toxicological mechanisms of current flame retardants by monitoring molecular processes using a multiple endpoint bacterial reporter assay Effects of luteolin on TCDD- and TERT-butylhydroquinoneinduced drug-metabolizing enzymes and nuclear factorerythroid-2-related factor 2 Hitoshi Ashida Zhang Tianshun Kimura Yuki Jiang Songyan Boris Krivoshiev Steven Husson Freddy Dardenne Ronny Blust 630 Tissue distribution of dioxin-like compounds: Potential impacts on systemic relative potency estimates in the EU "SYSTEQ" project Karin van Ede Lesa Aylward Patrik Andersson Martin van den Berg Majorie van Duursen Harada Kiyonari Yoko Yamashita 724 Chain length-dependent difference in the toxic potency of long-chain perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids (PFCA) in rats: Determination of the serum PFCA concentrations Akihiko Hirose Yuki Kosugi Toshinari Suzuki Sakiko Fujii Hina Kato Mika Takahashi Tomoko Kawamura Mariko Matsumoto Atsushi Ono Mutsuko Hirata-Koizumi 757 635 Prenatal exposure to 4-para-nonylphenol enhances vulnerability of neuronal cells to apoptosis In vitro metabolism of 2- ethylhexyldiphenyl phosphate (EHDPHP) by human liver microsomes Ewa Litwa Joanna Rzemieniec Agnieszka Wnuk Lason Władysław Kajta Malgorzata Ana Ballesteros-Gómez Claudio Erratico Nele van de Eede Alin Ionas 769 694 Biotoxicity of nanosilver based on contact system activation Yanmin Long Qunfang Zhou Allen Clermont Xingchen Zhao Guibin Jiang Relative effect potencies of 2,3,7-tribromodibenzo-pdioxin and 1,2,3,4,7-pentabromodibenzo-p-dioxin in female rat after a single oral dose Karin van Ede Goran Marsh Mats Linderberg Tom Werner 705 96 Pim E.G. Leonards Adrian Covaci Ake Bergman Martin van den Berg Majorie van Duursen 779 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Toxicology and mechanisms I. Dioxins and dioxin-like chemicals Effects of metabolism of UV-absorbers by rat liver microsomes on their nuclear receptor activation Yoko Watanabe Hiroyuki Kojima Shinji Takeuchi Naoto Uramaru Kazumi Sugihara Seigo Sanoh Shigeru Ohta Shigeyuki Kitamura 791 The participation of rat CYP3A enzymes in the metabolism of 2,2',4,5,5'-pentachlorobiphenyl (CB101) Chiho Ohta Koichi Haraguchi Yoshihisa Kato Tetsuya Endo Nobuyuki Koga 795 A maternal methyl donor-enriched diet, capable of altering fetal DNA methylation, does not prevent fetal prostate development from inhibition by TCDD Isomer-specific effects of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) on classical and membrane estrogen receptor signaling in mice exhibiting depressive-like behavior Joanna Rzemieniec Ewa Litwa Agnieszka Wnuk Wladyslaw Lason Agnieszka Zelek-Molik Irena Nalepa Adam Grochowalski Anna Wojtowicz Malgorzata Kajta 1052 Validation of a PBPK model to estimate PFASs in the human body Marti Nadal Francesc Fàbrega Vikas Kumar Emilio Benfenati Marta Schuhmacher José L. Domingo 1161 Dynamic toxicokinetic modelling of direct and indirect (precursor) exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid in professional ski wax technicians Richard E. Peterson K.P. Keil C.M. Vezina 843 Metabolic activation of cis- and trans- permethrine for estrogenic and anti-androgenic activities Melissa Ines Gomis Robin Vestergren Helena Nilsson Ian T. Cousins 1175 Kazumi Sugihara Satoko Tange Nariaki Fujimoto Naoto Uramaru Shigeru Ohta Shigeyuki Kitamura Biological fate of the emerging brominated flame retardants, 2-ethylhexyl tetrabromobenzoate (TBB) and bis(2-ethylhexyl) tetrabromophthalate (TBPH), in female sprague dawley rats 863 Isoform specific induction of aryl hydrocarbon receptor by TCDD in the red seabream (Pagrus major) Linda Birnbaum Gabriel Knudsen J. Michael Sanders 1179 New insight into the biological effect of TCDD on CD4+ help t cell: Not only immunotoxicity but also immune regulation Su-Min Bak Midori Iida Hisato Iwata Eun-Young Kim 954 RNA-seq analysis of the mysid crustacean transcriptome following exposure to naturally occurring 1,3,7-tribromodibenzo-p-dioxin Bin Zhao Cuihui Zhu Tuan Xu Heidi Xie 1296 Masashi Hirano 1004 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 97 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 98 Program Friday 5 Friday September 2014 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Friday 5 September 2014 10:00 - 12:00 Summary and future outcomes. Students and mentors 12:00 Otto Hutzinger student awards 12:15 Welcome to Dioxin 2015 12:30 Closing remarks and farewell cocktail Room Auditorio August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 98 Index of presenters Index of presenters 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Index of presenters Name Abstract Day Time Room Name Abstract Day Time P1277 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Room Abad E. P995 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Baker R Abad E. 993 Tuesday 16:40 Doblón BallesterosGómez A 767 Thursday 14:15 Castilla Abafe O P700 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area BallesterosGómez A P769 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Abafe O P701 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Barber J 1173 Thursday 15:45 Castilla 14:25 Auditorio Barco Bonilla N P628 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Ábalos M 580 Monday Abou-Elwafa Abdallah M 838 Wednesday 11:25 Hidalgo Barón E P1091 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Abou-Elwafa Abdallah M P890 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Barón E 1216 Monday 17:00 Doblón Addink R P637 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Bartolomé M P1226 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Addink R P638 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Bartolomé M P855 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Ahrens L 680 Tuesday 10:15 Castilla Behnisch P.A 1036 Monday 11:45 Comendador Ahsene-Aissat Fetta A P356 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Behnisch P.A 1033 Monday 12:05 Comendador Ben Abda M 805 Tuesday 11:15 Comendador Alaee M 1250 Wednesday 11:05 Comendador Alani R P679 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Bernsmann T 1138 Tuesday 16:20 Castilla Bichon E 848 Thursday 13:55 Doblón Albrecht M P1070 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Birnbaum L.S P1179 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Ali L 893 Wednesday 11:45 Doblón Birnbaum L.S 1077 Thursday 9:45 Comendador Ali N P869 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Birnbaum L.S 1178 Monday 16:00 Hidalgo 17:2018:30 Poster Area Blum A 1110 Thursday 10:45 Hidalgo Blum A 966 Monday 12:25 Doblón Blye D 1269 Thursday 14:55 Doblón Bohlin P 989 Monday 14:25 Hidalgo Bohlin Nizetto P 824 Tuesday 11:15 Auditorio Bonati L 1093 Wednesday 9:45 Bouwman H P1172 Monday Bouwman H 1174 Wednesday 9:45 Doblón Brambilla G 807 Thursday 11:45 Doblón P809 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Ali N P867 Monday Altarawneh M 666 Thursday 11:25 Auditorio Altarawneh M 737 Thursday 14:35 Auditorio Alves A P713 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Amirova Z P646 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Anh Tuan N P1211 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Anitgnac J.P 1086 Monday 12:05 Castilla Arisawa K 886 Monday 10:45 Castilla 17:2018:30 Castilla Poster Area Arkenbout A P1197 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Brambilla G Ashida H P724 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Bramwell L P1084 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Aylward L 636 Monday 11:45 Castilla Brandsma S P901 Thursday P917 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area 17:3018:30 Poster Area Aylward L Brandsma S 899 Tuesday 13:30 Hidalgo Aznar-Alemany O P1176 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Brandt I 1290 Thursday 16:45 Comendador 17:3018:30 Poster Area Braune B P639 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Braune B 743 Tuesday 11:35 Auditorio Bak S.M P954 Thursday August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 99 Index of presenters Name Abstract Day Time Room Day Time Chi K.H P1134 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Choi S.D P1066 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Chokwe T P676 17:2018:30 Poster Area Cincinelli A P1203 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Cochran J 1186 Monday 12:25 Auditorio Coelho S.D P905 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Coelho S.D P859 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Conesa J.A P669 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Conesa J.A P668 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Cooke A P572 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Corcellas C 677 Wednesday 9:45 Corcellas C P1141 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Corsolini S P882 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Corsolini S P602 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Cortés Araujo J 1241 Monday 14:45 Hidalgo Cortés Araújo J P1298 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Castilla Costopoulou D P902 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area 17:2018:30 Poster Area Culcasi F P673 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Monday 10:45 Doblón Dai Q P604 Thursday 13:55 Castilla 17:3018:30 Poster Area Thursday Dachs J 868 Thursday 10:05 Doblón Dachs J P870 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Poster Area Darnerud P.O P851 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area 17:2018:30 Poster Area De Assuncao J.V P1270 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Tuesday 17:00 Hidalgo De Boer J P932 Thursday Poster Area P790 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area 17:3018:30 De La Casa Resino I 884 Thursday 14:35 Comendador Chen W P549 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area De La Torre A P834 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Chessa G P903 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area De La Torre A P832 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Breivik K 751 Tuesday 14:30 Auditorio Brennan J 1152 Monday 11:05 Comendador Brits M P1019 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Buekens A. 605 Thursday 11:45 Auditorio Buekens A 656 Thursday 13:15 Auditorio Buekens A 640 Thursday 11:05 Auditorio Bussian B.M 846 Tuesday 10:35 Castilla Byer J P1487 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Cabrerizo A P1082 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Cabrerizo A P1182 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Caixach J P1252 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Caixach J P1009 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Calaprice C 1215 Monday 17:00 Castilla Camenzuli L P1222 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Campo J P819 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Can-Güven E 1050 Thursday 11:45 Hidalgo CarreroCarralero C P1163 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Caspersen I.H 1246 Monday 14:05 Castilla Castro Jiménez J 748 Thursday 13:35 Cederberg T.L P1259 Tuesday Centeno C 1131 Cequier E 687 Chaber P 1227 Wednesday 10:45 Auditorio Chamblis C.K 1287 Thursday 16:45 Doblón Chang W.H P793 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Chang Lee C P808 Tuesday Chen C.Y 1022 Chen H.L 100 Name Abstract Monday Room Comendador 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Day Time Di Guardo A Name Abstract P1069 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Erratico C 781 Diamond M P1105 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area EscuderoRubio L Diamond M P1151 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Diamond M P1146 Thursday 17:3018:30 Diamond M P1153 Thursday Díaz-Ferrero J P992 Monday Room Name Abstract Day Time Room 16:25 Comendador P1031 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Esposito V 1065 Thursday 9:45 Castilla Eulaers I 1057 Monday 11:05 Hidalgo Poster Area Eun H P1239 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area 17:3018:30 Poster Area Falandysz J P571 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area 17:2018:30 Poster Area Farré M 915 Monday 16:40 Castilla Fernandes A P914 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Fernández M P888 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Fernández P 913 Thursday 14:55 Hidalgo P1025 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Thursday Díaz-Ferrero J P922 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Díaz-Ferrero J P924 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Diefenbacher P 688 Thursday 12:05 Doblón Dlugogorski B 761 Thursday 14:55 Auditorio Fernández Martínez G DomínguezMorueco N P754 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Fernie K 733 Thursday 13:35 Comendador Dorman F 650 Tuesday 13:50 Comendador Fiedler H 1265 Monday 14:05 Hidalgo Dorman F 606 Monday 16:00 Auditorio Fiedler H 1242 Thursday 14:15 Doblón Dorneles P 1188 Monday 13:45 Comendador Finizio A P622 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Dorneles P P1189 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Focant J.F P1162 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Dosis I P593 17:3018:30 Poster Area Focant J.F 1278 10:55 Doblón Font R P1027 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Frederiksen M P1170 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Fridén U P826 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Friedman C 1103 Thursday 9:45 Doblón Fromme H P755 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Fromme H P756 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Fu J P1255 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Fujimori T P619 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Thursday Dreyer A. P1095 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Dumanoglu D P1011 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Dunnick J.K 568 16:40 Hidalgo Edge T P1067 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Monday Tuesday Eguxhi A P983 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Eljarrat E P1078 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area ElorduiZapatarietxe S P577 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Eppe G 1230 Thursday 13:15 Doblón Eqani Amas S 928 Monday 14:25 Comendador Fujita H 1102 Tuesday 17:00 Castilla Eqani Amas S 1041 Wednesday 11:45 Auditorio Fuerst P 1072 Thursday 10:25 Hidalgo Ericson Jogsten I P1149 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Gallen C 974 Tuesday 10:55 Castilla Ericson Jogsten I P1150 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Gallen C P980 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Eriksson U 1209 Gallo F P1235 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Wednesday 10:45 Hidalgo August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 101 Index of presenters Abstract Day Time Gao C Name 1081 Tuesday 17:00 Auditorio Room Gao L 744 Tuesday 11:15 Castilla GarcíaBermejo Pérez A P820 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area GarcíaBermejo Pérez A P821 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area GarcinuñoMartínez R.M P596 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Garrido López M.A P775 Monday Garrido López M.A P776 Gauss C Abstract Day Time Room Hanari N P585 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Hanazato M P971 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Harden F P539 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Harden F P941 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Poster Area Harel G P1030 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area 17:2018:30 Poster Area Harner T 786 Monday 15:05 Hidalgo Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Harner T 1147 Tuesday 10:15 Auditorio Harrad S 986 Wednesday 9:45 Hidalgo P1217 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Hedlund B 587 Tuesday 13:30 Auditorio Henkelmann B P1028 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Hennig B 697 Thursday 10:25 Comendador Hirano M P1004 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Hirose A P757 17:3018:30 Poster Area Hofland W P1088 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Hoh E 862 Monday 16:00 Doblón Hong S.M P591 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Hoogenboom R 1063 Gavilán J.F P962 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Gebbink W 762 Tuesday 16:00 Hidalgo Geng D 1292 Monday 14:05 Auditorio Gevao B 727 Wednesday 11:25 Auditorio Gevao B 728 Wednesday 11:25 Comendador Gharbi S P1257 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Gnanasekaran D P818 17:2018:30 Poster Area Gómara B P1007 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Gómez M P592 17:2018:30 Poster Area Monday Monday Gomis M.I P1175 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area GonzálezFernández D 1083 Tuesday 16:00 Doblón GonzálezGaya B 999 Tuesday 17:00 Doblón Gorst-Allman P P633 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Gorczyca D P1276 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Grimalt J 1112 Tuesday 17:00 Comendador Guadaño J 885 Thursday 13:35 Auditorio Gusev A 997 Tuesday 14:10 Auditorio Haedrich J 785 Monday 10:45 Comendador Haijun Z 684 Thursday 16:05 Comendador Hallikainen A P1000 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Hallikainen A 662 12:25 Hidalgo 102 Name Monday Thursday Tuesday 10:55 Hidalgo Hope D 931 Tuesday 14:10 Castilla Hori H P792 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Hori T P972 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Horii Y P910 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Hsu P.C P702 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Hsu W.T 1008 Thursday 10:25 Castilla Hsu W.T P1010 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Huang J 1139 Monday 11:25 Doblón Huang Y P799 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Huang Y P736 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Hühnerfuss H P806 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Hung P.C 1142 Thursday 15:45 Auditorio 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Name Abstract Day Time Room Hung P.C 1143 Thursday 16:05 Auditorio Hung Wei C 1003 Thursday 10:45 Castilla Hung Wei C P1012 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Hwang J 898 13:15 Comendador Idczak F P1123 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Ionas A.C P788 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Ionas A.C 1220 Monday 14:45 Castilla Isobe T P1206 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Jang G.D P682 17:2018:30 Poster Area Jansson S P1482 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Jansson S P1483 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Jaspers V 991 Thursday 13:55 Comendador Jeong T.U P777 Monday 17:2018:30 Jeong Y 907 Jeong Y Name Abstract Day Time Room Kademoglou K P758 Thursday Kajiwara N 1015 Wednesday 10:25 Kajiwara N P1274 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Kajiwiara J P1229 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Kalantzi O.I P1193 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Kang Y P975 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Kannan N 963 Monday 14:45 Doblón Kannan N P964 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Kärrman A 1251 Tuesday 13:50 Hidalgo Kataoka Y P1046 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Kido T 897 Monday 16:40 Comendador Kim H.S 1058 Tuesday 13:50 Doblón Poster Area Kim K.J P726 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Wednesday 10:45 Doblón Kim K.J P746 Tuesday Poster Area P904 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area 17:2018:30 Kim S.J P918 Tuesday P657 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area 17:2018:30 Poster Area Jie L Klanova J P1285 Monday 1120 Thursday 10:45 Doblón 17:2018:30 Poster Area JiménezGuerrero P Knetsch G 845 Tuesday 14:10 Hidalgo Jin J P1074 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Knoth W P576 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Jin J P603 17:3018:30 Poster Area Koppe J 900 Thursday 12:05 Comendador Kosubová P P787 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Kotz A 711 Thursday 9:45 Hidalgo Kotz A 712 Thursday 10:05 Hidalgo 17:3018:30 Poster Area Thursday Monday Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Hidalgo Johansson N P720 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Joly L P1085 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Jones G P1002 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Krivoshiev B P630 Thursday Jonker W 936 Tuesday 14:10 Comendador Krogseth I.S 665 Wednesday 10:25 Comendador Jonker W P937 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Krogseth I.S P612 Thursday Poster Area Joo J.C P740 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Kubwabo C 699 Wednesday 11:05 Hidalgo Kucharska A P780 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Kukucka P P739 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Kumar A P667 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Joo J.C P811 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Jung B.G P812 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Kacew S 552 Monday 17:00 Hidalgo 17:3018:30 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 103 Index of presenters Name Abstract Day Time Room Kuramochi H 1294 Thursday 16:25 Castilla Kurt-Karakus P.B P866 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Kurt-Karakus P.B 865 Thursday 16:45 Castilla Kvalem H.E P1026 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Abstract Day Time Linderholm L Name P648 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Room Litwa E P694 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Liu G 579 Thursday 9:45 Auditorio Liu J 644 Tuesday 10:15 Comendador Liu L P1132 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Liu L 973 Tuesday 16:20 Auditorio Liu W 617 Wednesday 10:05 Comendador Kwon H.O P1064 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Kwon H.O P1061 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Kwon H.O P1060 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Liu X P874 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Kylin H P1196 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Llorca J 861 Tuesday 13:50 Castilla Lohmann N 1268 Monday 11:45 Hidalgo Long Y P705 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Lorenzi V P1013 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Lorenzi V 675 Thursday 11:25 Hidalgo Lucattini L P836 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Lu S Y 613 Thursday 16:25 Auditorio Luo Q 642 Thursday 17:05 Doblón Lüth A P695 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Ma W.L 782 Tuesday 15:40 Auditorio Ma W.L P961 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Macaulay L 735 Thursday 17:05 Comendador MacDonald A 1199 Monday 11:05 Castilla Machala M 1051 Wednesday 10:25 Castilla 958 Wednesday 9:45 Auditorio Comendador Kylin H 1094 Thursday 14:35 Hidalgo Labunska I 672 Tuesday 16:40 Hidalgo Lacorte S 1198 Thursday 16:05 Castilla Lacorte S 1200 Wednesday 10:05 Doblón Lee H.J P660 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Lee H.K P912 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Lee I.S P979 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Lee J.H P1097 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Lee S 895 Tuesday 15:40 Doblón Lee Y.J 813 Thursday 15:45 Comendador LehnikHabrink P P631 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Leijs M 1280 Thursday 10:05 Comendador Leonards P 853 Monday 14:45 Auditorio Leong Y.H 956 Tuesday 14:50 Doblón MacíasZamora J.V Letcher R 590 Wednesday 11:25 Doblón Makey C 1202 Tuesday Letcher R P597 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Makey C 1109 Wednesday 10:05 Hidalgo 17:00 Auditorio Malarvannan G P891 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area 15:40 L'Homme B 1076 Li Y.F P1129 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Malarvannan G P892 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Li Y.F 1113 Tuesday 14:50 Auditorio Mampaey M 797 Tuesday 11:15 Hidalgo Li Y 615 Monday 14:25 Doblón Manh Hoai P P1210 Tuesday Poster Area Liagkouridis I 950 Thursday 11:25 Doblón 17:2018:30 Liang Y P655 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Manhães Rocha D.A 949 Monday 15:05 Comendador Manhães Rocha D.A P856 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area 104 Monday 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Abstract Day Time Marchand P Name P804 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Room Marchand P 828 Tuesday 16:00 Martínez M.A P830 Thursday 17:3018:30 Martínez M.A P831 Monday Name Abstract Day Time Room Mueller J P1240 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Castilla Mueller J 977 Monday 16:20 Doblón Poster Area Mueller J P789 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area 17:2018:30 Poster Area Muir T 1204 Thursday 11:45 Comendador Mulder M.D 741 Thursday 10:25 Doblón Mumbo J 1018 Wednesday 11:45 MuniateguiLorenzo S P1283 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Mateo R P981 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Mateo R 984 Thursday 14:55 Comendador Matsukami H 1053 Thursday 14:35 Castilla Matsumura T P955 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Muñoz Fernández M 929 Thursday 13:55 Auditorio Mattioli L 943 Monday 10:45 Hidalgo MuñozArnanz J 1289 Tuesday 9:55 Auditorio McCall E P1127 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Nadal M P1161 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Mehlmann H 842 Monday 10:45 Auditorio Nadal M P753 Monday 1039 Wednesday 11:45 Hidalgo 17:2018:30 Poster Area Melymuk L Méndez A 1191 Thursday 11:05 Doblón Nakano T 1014 Monday 16:40 Doblón Menotta S 1111 Monday 12:05 Hidalgo Nakano T 614 Monday 15:05 Doblón Meyer A 844 Monday 16:20 Auditorio Neugebauer F 1258 Tuesday 16:40 Castilla 17:2018:30 Poster Area Neugebauer F P1100 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Newton S P1213 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Newton S P1006 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Ng C 1291 16:25 Doblón Nghiem Xuan T P1056 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Ngoc Tam T P566 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Nguyen Van T 1248 Tuesday 14:30 Hidalgo Nilsen B.M P1159 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Meza Montenegro P1288 Tuesday M.M Mihats D P671 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Minh N.H 796 Monday 16:00 Comendador Minomo K P911 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area 17:3018:30 Poster Area Thursday Comendador Minomo K P951 Misselwitz M P1282 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Miyake Y P857 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Miyawaki T P1214 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Nishijo M 925 17:00 Comendador Miyawaki T P1218 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Nishimra C P1020 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Moltó J 1001 Tuesday 14:50 Castilla Nizzetto L P1092 Thursday P765 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area 17:3018:30 Poster Area Monti C Nurseitova M P1300 Thursday Poster Area Moreno Caballero A.I P1016 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area 17:3018:30 Odabasi M 1055 Monday 13:45 Hidalgo Mortimer D 926 Monday 16:00 Castilla Ohta C P795 Thursday Poster Area Motegi M P719 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area 17:3018:30 Okimoto M P1071 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Thursday Monday August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 105 Index of presenters Day Time Okonkwo J Name Abstract P1144 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Room Okonkwo O.J 721 Monday 14:45 Orlikowska A P934 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Name Abstract Day Time Room Petreas M P1104 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Comendador Petriello M 589 Wednesday 11:05 Castilla Poster Area Picó Y 823 Wednesday 11:05 Auditorio Piersanti A P879 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Piersanti A P878 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Pietron W P652 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Pissinatti R P1044 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Pissinatti R P802 17:3018:30 Poster Area Poster Area OrtizSantaliestra M.E 1201 Thursday 14:15 Comendador Otake T P528 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Padilla Sánchez J.A P875 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area 69 O 803 Tuesday 11:35 Hidalgo Papadopoulou E P759 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Papadopoulou E 594 Monday 14:25 Castilla PizarroAránguiz N P1098 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Parette R 923 Monday 14:05 Doblón PizarroAránguiz N P1099 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Park J.E P872 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Plaza-Bolanos P 1017 Thursday 13:35 Doblón Park J.E P1059 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Pohl H P601 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Park J.E P978 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Polder A 835 Monday 14:05 Comendador Polder A 833 Thursday 13:15 Hidalgo Patterson Jr. D.G 959 Tuesday 11:15 Doblón Polder A P822 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Paul A P634 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Pond P P947 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Pavlova P 691 Thursday 13:35 Hidalgo Poothong S P731 Tuesday 1090 Tuesday 11:35 Doblón 17:2018:30 Poster Area Pavuk M Pavuk M 1145 Tuesday 16:00 Comendador Powell J P663 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Pawar G P1262 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Pozo K P1005 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Pawlak P.L P1486 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Pozo K 1024 Thursday 15:45 Hidalgo Qi H 968 Tuesday 16:00 Auditorio 17:2018:30 Poster Area Qi H P970 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Pemberthy Mendoza D P1263 Tuesday Thursday Pena-Abaurrea 1124 M Monday 13:45 Auditorio Qianjin D 469 Thursday 10:25 Auditorio P729 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Quinn L 1116 Monday 11:05 Auditorio Quinn L 940 Tuesday 13:30 Doblón Ramos J.J P1043 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Ramos L P1260 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Ramos L 1118 15:40 Castilla Ratola N P1126 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Pérez S Pérez S 849 Monday 11:05 Doblón Perugini M P883 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Peterson R.E P843 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Peterson R.E 841 Wednesday 11:25 106 Castilla Tuesday 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Name Ratola N Abstract Day Time P1181 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Room Name Abstract Day Time Room Sancho J.V 1119 Monday 16:40 Auditorio Sancho J.V 1609 Tuesday 14:30 Comendador Sandell E P854 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Rauchfuss K 732 Thursday 11:25 Comendador Rawn T 760 Monday 13:45 Castilla Reichel K 1195 Thursday 11:45 Castilla Santen M 1228 Monday 12:05 Doblón Reiner E.J 1185 Tuesday 13:30 Comendador Santín G 1180 Wednesday 11:05 Doblón Reiner J P582 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Santolaria Z P1254 Thursday Reiner J P734 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Santos F.J 1264 Wednesday 10:25 Doblón 14:30 Castilla Sanz P 827 Thursday 11:25 Castilla SanzLandaluze J P1029 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Schecter A P1107 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Schecter A 1101 Tuesday 11:55 Doblón Scheringer M 976 Monday 11:45 Doblón Schmid P 664 Thursday 10:05 Castilla 17:3018:30 Poster Area Reinmann J 1079 Riddell N P1587 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Riener J P933 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Riget F 599 Tuesday 11:55 Auditorio RiveraAustrui J 1168 Monday 15:05 Auditorio Roberts D P1155 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Schramm K.W P738 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Robson M P1281 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Schramm K.W 598 Thursday 11:05 Comendador Schreiber R 1148 Thursday 10:05 Auditorio Scinicariello F P714 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Scinicariello F P715 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Scortichini G 1272 Tuesday 10:35 Hidalgo Scortichini G 1271 Tuesday 15:40 Hidalgo Scott L 723 Tuesday 16:20 Comendador Tuesday Rodrigues C P616 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Roos A 829 Monday 11:25 Hidalgo Roscales J.L P1225 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Roscales J.L 1224 Thursday 17:05 Hidalgo Rose M P840 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Rotander A 1032 Tuesday 10:15 Doblón Scott L 921 Monday 16:20 Castilla Rotander A P1040 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Seed L 850 Tuesday 14:10 Doblón Seo J P706 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Shaw S 1302 Tuesday 9:55 Doblón Shen H P1156 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Shi S P609 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Shields W P948 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Shin J P573 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Shiozaki T P1021 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Sidali K P453 17:2018:30 Poster Area Rzemieniec J P1052 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Sahlström L P877 17:2018:30 Poster Area Tuesday Sajwan K P815 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Sajwan K P816 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Sajwan K P1284 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Salamova A 567 Thursday 13:15 Castilla Salgueiro González N P837 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Salihovic S 1133 Tuesday 16:40 Comendador Monday August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 107 Index of presenters Abstract Day Time Day Time Sidisky L Name P557 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Room Takasuga T Name Abstract P1205 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Room Sindiku O 1212 Tuesday 14:50 Hidalgo Takazawa Y P1273 Monday P750 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area 17:2018:30 Poster Area Sindiku O Tamura S P985 Thursday 939 Monday 11:25 Castilla 17:3018:30 Poster Area Sjodin A Skala J P621 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Tao F P1130 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Smit I P1275 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area TeranGuerrero T 1062 Thursday 14:15 Hidalgo SolerRodríguez F P930 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Thacker N P570 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Song G.J P766 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Thanh Dien N P717 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Sørensen S 1160 Tuesday 11:55 Hidalgo Thi Hai Le L P960 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Soshilov A 1125 Wednesday 10:05 Castilla Thiem I 647 Monday 11:25 Comendador Steinlin C 681 Thursday 13:55 Hidalgo Tirler W 752 Thursday 10:45 Auditorio Steinlin C P763 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Tominaga M P1295 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Stubbings W.A P742 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Tong Q 896 Wednesday 10:05 Auditorio Stubbings W.A P810 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Torres J 1243 Thursday 16:45 Hidalgo Torres J P1184 Thursday Poster Area Sugihara K P863 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area 17:3018:30 Traag W 1038 Thursday 14:35 Doblón Sühring R 689 Thursday 14:55 Castilla Traag W 1047 Wednesday 10:25 P1192 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Auditorio Sühring R P674 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Trass M Suk-Young H 967 Monday 11:45 Auditorio Trass M P1256 Monday P722 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area 17:2018:30 Poster Area Suominen K Trinh Khac S P611 Monday Poster Area Suzuki G 1048 Tuesday 16:40 Auditorio 17:2018:30 Suzuki G P1049 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Trinh Khac S P610 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Suzuki Y P1128 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Tronczynski J 1158 Tuesday 16:20 Doblón Tronczynski J P1223 Tuesday Poster Area Suzuki Y 1297 Tuesday 9:55 Castilla 17:2018:30 Sweetman A 887 Tuesday 10:55 Auditorio Tsutsumi T P1154 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Taek K.S P654 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Tsyrlov I.B 708 Wednesday 11:45 Castilla Ucar Y P649 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Uekusa Y P1037 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Takahashi K P982 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Takahashi S 1080 Monday 16:20 Comendador Takahashi S 994 Tuesday 11:35 Castilla Vallejo M 873 Thursday 14:15 Auditorio Takasuga T P1054 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Van Bavel B P1596 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Van Bavel B P1595 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area 108 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Name Abstract Day Time Room Name Abstract P692 Thursday Day 17:3018:30 Time Poster Area Room Van Den Berg M 871 Tuesday 14:30 Doblón White P Van Den Eede N 1114 Monday 12:25 Castilla Wikoff D 1279 Monday 16:20 Hidalgo Van Ede K P635 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Wilaingam K 770 Tuesday 10:35 Comendador Wilson S 645 Tuesday 13:50 Auditorio Van Ede K P779 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Wolschke H P709 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Van Langenhove K 1249 Monday 12:25 Comendador Wolschke H P710 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Van Loco J 920 Tuesday 16:20 Hidalgo Wu C P952 Tuesday P556 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area 17:2018:30 Poster Area Van Thuong N Wu W P565 Monday P946 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area 17:2018:30 Poster Area Vandermarken T Xu F 1087 Tuesday 13:30 Castilla Vandermarken T P1034 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Xu F P1253 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Vecchiato M P881 17:3018:30 Poster Area Sun Y 858 Tuesday 10:55 Comendador Yang J.Y P1207 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Yang L P957 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Yi-Balan S P1096 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Yi-Balan S P965 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Yoon Y P550 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Yoshinouchi Y P894 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Zacs D 575 Monday 12:05 Auditorio Zalko D 876 Thursday 10:45 Comendador Zarema A P1045 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Zennegg M 620 Tuesday 10:15 Hidalgo Zhang A P1286 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Zhang J 798 Monday 15:05 Castilla Zhang Q 725 Monday 13:45 Doblón Thursday Vecchiato M 670 Thursday 16:05 Hidalgo Venier M 600 Tuesday 10:35 Auditorio Vénisseau A P1261 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Vénisseau A P839 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Verstraete F 1115 Thursday 11:05 Hidalgo Vetter W P998 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Vetter W 996 Thursday 16:25 Hidalgo Vicente A P1244 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area P1247 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Vining B P1267 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Vining B 1266 Monday 11:25 Auditorio Volkova E 794 Thursday 11:05 Castilla Von Eyken A P906 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Wang Y P764 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Zhang R P1245 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Warner N.A 588 Wednesday 10:45 Comendador Zhang S P643 P791 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area 17:2018:30 Poster Area Watanabe Y Zhang Z P1075 Thursday 942 Tuesday 9:55 Hidalgo 17:3018:30 Poster Area Weber R Weber R P852 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Zhang Z P919 17:2018:30 Poster Area Wen Y P578 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Zhao B P1296 Thursday 17:3018:30 Poster Area Vicente A Monday Monday August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 109 Index of presenters Name Abstract Day Time Room Zhao B 945 Wednesday 10:45 Castilla Zhao R P814 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Zhao R P651 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Zhao R 860 Tuesday 9:55 Comendador Zheng X P703 Tuesday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Zheng X 704 Thursday 16:05 Doblón Zhou L P608 Monday 17:2018:30 Poster Area Zhu L 548 Thursday 15:45 Doblón 110 Sponsors & Exhibitors Sponsors & Exhibitors SPONSORS & EXHIBITORS Platinum Sponsors Techno Spec Gold Sponsors Silver Sponsors Bronze Sponsors Other Sponsors MasCom Technologies GmbH 113 PROGRAM BOOK 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Platinum Sponsors Wellington Laboratories Techno Spec Contact name: Brock Chittim 345 Southgate Drive – Guelph, Ontario – N1G 3M5 Canada Phone: +1 519 822 2436 For over 30 years, Wellington Laboratories Inc. has been internationally recognized as a trusted source of high quality reference standard solutions for use in environmental/analytical testing and toxicological research. Wellington offers an extensive inventory of native and mass-labelled halogenated organic compounds including PCDDs, PCDFs, PCBs, Brominated Flame Retardants, and Perfluorinated Compounds. Waters Corporation Contact name: Diana Perrier, Marketing Communication Specialist Europe Food & Environment, Chemical Materials, Clinical European Headquarters 5, Rue Jacques Monod 78280 Guyancourt, France Phone: +33 1 30 48 75 13 Industrial growth. Agricultural processes. Municipal waste. Each poses a very real threat to the environment and human health. It is critical that governments and businesses seek out the most effective analytical innovations to detect and identify chemical contaminants. Waters thoroughly understands the specialized needs of environmental testing laboratories. For over 50 years, Waters Corporation has developed innovative science solutions to support customer discoveries, operations, performance, and regulatory compliance. Our system solutions include LC columns & sample preparation, environmental standards, chromatography, mass spectrometry and software. Whatever the challenge – sample throughput, trace detection, complex matrices, data management or regulatory compliance – Waters has a solution. August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 114 Gold Sponsors Agilent Technologies Contact Name: Laura Rangel Ctra. N-VI, Km 18,200 – 28230 Las Rozas, Madrid – Spain Phone: + 34 916 313 263 As the world’s premier measurement company, Agilent offers the broadest range of innovative measurement solutions in the industry. The company’s four businesses - Chemical Analysis, Life Sciences, Diagnostics and Genomics, and Electronic Measurement — provide customers with products and services that make a real difference in the lives of people everywhere. And at Agilent Research Laboratories, we conduct research that anticipates customer needs and produces breakthroughs that power growth. Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc. 3 Highwood Drive Tewksbury, MA 01876 Phone: +1 978 749 8000 Fax: +1 978 749 276 LGC Queens Road Teddington Middlesex TW11 0LY UK Tel: +44 (0)20 8943 8480 Fax: +44 (0)20 8943 7554 Cambridge Isotope Laboratories (CIL) is the world leader in the manufacture and separation of stable isotopes and stable isotope labeled compounds. CIL produces the world’s Gold Standards for trace and ultra-trace analysis by Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry, offering high quality analytical standards for Dioxins and Furans, PCBs, Pesticides, PAHs, Perfluorinated compounds, Flame Retardants, Pharmaceutical & Personal Care Products, and many other legacy and emerging organic pollutants. LGC Standards is a leading global producer and distributor of reference materials and proficiency testing schemes. LGC Standards has a portfolio of over 100,000 products, and over 40 proficiency testing schemes which support the environmental, food, clinical, industrial, pharmaceutical, life science, forensic and petrochemical sectors. Using isotopically labeled internal standards and high quality reference materials is the best way to ensure quantitative accuracy in environmental, food, and other important analyses. Please come to booths 37, 39, and 40 to discuss your current research, and to see how our products can help fortify your analytical testing program. Eurofins Contact name: Luisa Mehl Eurofins NDSC Food Testing Germany GmbH Neulander Kamp 1a – 21079 Hamburg - Germany Phone: :0049 40 49294 3223 Fax: +49 2534 807 310 The success story of Eurofins GfA Lab Service GmbH started as environmental lab that specialised in the analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and dioxins in Münster in 1985. Today the staff of the worldwide leading dioxin laboratory analyse with the assistance of cutting-edge lab technology combined with outstanding expertise all types of samples in the 5,000 m² large, stateof-the-art laboratory centre in Hamburg. The main focus of our analytical portfolio is the examination of organic contaminants in the ultra-trace range. Representative for a number of parameters, we examine in almost every matrix chlorinated, brominated and mixed halogenated dioxins and furans, PCBs, brominated flame retardants, poly/perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) as well as organotin compounds according to both DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accredited methods and GMP guidelines. Eurofins GfA Lab Service GmbH, the POPs competence centre of the Eurofins Group, is one of the very few laboratories in the world that is able to analyse all 27 POP substances banned or regulated in the Stockholm Convention in its own laboratory. Moreover, our laboratory is in a position to analyse all 209 PCB incl. the dioxin-like PCBs / WHO-PCBs and the DIN/Indicator- and non dioxin-like PCBs as stipulated in the California Proposition 65. 115 PROGRAM BOOK 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Silver Sponsors Bruker Contact name: Miguel Ángel Pérez Parque Empresarial Rivas Futura - C/ Marie Curie, 5. Edificio Alfa 28521 Rivas Vaciamadrid – Madrid, Spain Phone: : +34 91 4994634 / +34 91 4994080 Bruker Daltonics provides a broad range of high performance, easy to use Mass Spectrometry (MS) and analytical separation systems. Bruker delivers a series of innovative, fully integrated systems for use in the Applied Analytical, Pharmaceutical, Life Science and Clinical Research areas, including: Environmental, Food analysis, Petrochemical and Energy, Chemical Analysis, Protein Characterization and Quantification, Drug Research and Devolpment, Forensics and Doping Analysis, Biomarker Discovery & Tissue Imaging, Metabolomics. Utilizing a product and technology portfolio which includes GC systems, GCMS and LCMS Triple Quads systems, ICP-MS, MALDI-TOF MS, ESI-TOF and qTOF MS, Ion Trap MS, FTMS, Bruker provides the best solutions for the very latest analytical questions. Bruker Daltonics - Bremen (Germany) - Fremont, CA (USA) - Billerica, MA (USA) Bronze Sponsors Thermo Fisher Scientific Contact name: Madeleine Peytavin 16 avenue du Québec - Silic 765 - Villebon-sur-Yvette, FR 91963 Courtaboeuf Cedex Phone: +33 630 688 218 About Thermo Fisher Scientific Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of $17 billion and 50,000 employees in 50 countries. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. We help our customers accelerate life sciences research, solve complex analytical challenges, improve patient diagnostics and increase laboratory productivity. Our four premier brands – Thermo Scientific, Life Technologies, Fisher Scientific and Unity Lab Services – offer an unmatched combination of innovative technologies, purchasing convenience and comprehensive support. For more information, please visit BÜCHI Labortechnik AG Contact name: Susanne Feifel Road Number Meierseggstrasse 40 - City CH 9230 Flawil - Switzerland Phone: +41 713 946 363 Fax: +41 713 946 364 BUCHI is a world-wide supplier in key technologies such as evaporation and separation for R&D laboratories as well as NIR, Kjeldahl, Dumas and extraction for control purposes. BUCHI creates solutions that not only fulfill the specific requirements of one single step, but which take the whole process into account – solutions that enhance quality and increase the productivity of the laboratory process. August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 116 Other Sponsors AccuStandard Contact name: Eric Dzialo 125 Market Street, New Haven, CT 06513 USA Phone: +1 203 786 5290 Fax: 203.786.5287 AccuStandard, Inc., offers a comprehensive selection of organic and inorganic reference standards for chemical analysis. Standards include large custom pesticide screening mixes, all 209 PBDE congeners, fluorinated-BDEs (for a cost effective internal/surrogate alternative to labeled compounds), plastic additives, explosives and updated EN/ISO and ASTM methods. Industry exclusives include all 209 PBDEs, and, many of their hydroxy and methoxy metabolites and over 1,000 pesticides (neat and solution). Visit our website at AccuStandard has ISO9001 certification and ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO Guide 34 accreditation. ALS Contact name: Pablo Cortés Gutiérez / Olivier Lécot José de Echegaráy n 16 28100 Alcobendas (Madrid) Phone: +34 618 4768 / +420 724 357 808 / ALS Limited is now one of the largest testing services providers in the world. ALS Limited’s major business today is its international testing services business. In this sphere of business, we are focused on delivering superior services through four main divisions: Minerals (Geochemistry, Metallurgy, Mining and Inspection); Life Sciences (Environmental, Food & Pharmaceutical, Animal Health and Electronics); Energy (Coal and Oil & Gas); and Industrial (Asset Care and Tribology); and offering a broad range of technical services to our clients that is unrivalled. All ALS laboratories operate under formalized quality systems, and include dedicated quality control chemists in each major laboratory, a dedicated quality control group in each region of the world, and technical managers for each service area in which the company operates. As a professional services organization, ALS is committed to the ongoing professional development of all staff members through peer interaction, as well as in-house and external training programs. ALS operates a global proactive occupational health, safety, and environmental compliance program that ensure consistent conformity with local regulatory requirements throughout the world. Elsevier Contact name: Deirdre Dunne Journals Publisher - Elsevier B.V. - Radarweg 29, Amsterdam 1043 NX, Netherlands Phone: +31 20 485 3911 Elsevier is a world-leading provider of information solutions that enhance the performance of science, health, and technology professionals, empowering them to make better decisions, deliver better care, and sometimes make groundbreaking discoveries, that advance the boundaries of knowledge and human progress. Elsevier provides web-based, digital solutions — among them ScienceDirect, Scopus, Elsevier Research Intelligence, and ClinicalKey — and publishes nearly 2,200 journals, including The Lancet and Cell, and over 25,000 book titles, including a number of iconic reference works. 117 PROGRAM BOOK 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Company editorial of Environnement S.A Deutschland (ESA-D) Contact name: Jürgen Reinmann Benzstrasse 1 - 61352 Bad Homburg - Germany Phone: +49 6172 921 380 Fax: +49 6172 921 3810 ESA-D is the German branch of the French company Environnement S.A (ESA). ESA is a worldwide operating company for the supply of Continuous Emission Monitoring systems (CEMs) and AMbient Air Samplers. ESA-D is the manufacturer of the QAL1 certified and MCerts approved AMESA D system for long-term sampling of dioxins/furans, POP’s. By the usage of in the meantime around 300 installed AMESA D systems authorities and operators get more accurate information of the POPs emissions of e.g. waste incinerators, cement and power plants etc. With options the system is also suitable for sampling of e.g. heavy metals, mercury and fine dust. ESA-D provides also the AMESA M for the long-term sampling of mercury, ambient air samplers and automatic isokinetic controllers for short term sampling applications. FMS Contact name: Tom Hall 580 Pleasant Street – Watertown – MA 02472 USA Phone: +1 617 393 2396 Fax: +1 617 393 0194 Fluid Management Systems, Inc. designs, manufactures, markets and supports analytical instruments used for sample preparation, detection and measurement of chemical compounds. The Company provides the highest quality instruments available at the best value to our customers. Our products are supported by an ever increasing network of field sales and service, and applications personnel. LC Tech GmbH Bahnweg 41 - 84405 Dorfen, Germany Phone: +49 8081 9368-0 Fax: + 49 8081 9368-10 LCTech GmbH is based in Dorfen, Germany. Since 1998, it has been developing and supplying products and methods for the preparation and analysis of food, animal feed and environmental samples. The product range includes both semi and fully automated sample preparation systems as well as consumables utilised in the analysis of contaminants and residues. LCTech is represented worldwide through a well-developed distributor network and also acts as the exclusive distributor for PICKERING Laboratories in Europe, Africa and the Arab countries. Worldwide, many customers – including governmental and contract laboratories focusing on food and feed analysis, and also those based in the pharmaceutical industry or research – equally appreciate both, the modern and efficient products of LCTech as well as its responsive and competent customer support. More information is available online via MasCom Technologies GmbH MasCom Technologies GmbH Contact name: Dr. Helmut Münster Sophie-Germain-Str. 4 – 28201 - HRB 13372Bremen, Germany Phone: +49-421-57297-10 Fax: +49-421-571032 MasCom Technologies, located in Bremen, Germany, was founded in 1991 and has started with offering service and repair for high resolution mass spectrometer from Thermo Fisher (former Finnigan MAT). Today MasCom Technologies refurbishes and sells mass spectrometer and provides worldwide service and repair for ion trap MS, quadrupole MS, and high resolution GC-MS systems from Thermo Fisher. Almost exclusively MasCom offers service for the MAT95XL/XP instruments for more than 20 years. In addition repair of roughing and turbo molecular pumps is available. MasCom also stocks spare parts and consumables for these instruments which are available through MasCom’s on-line shop at In 2000 the on-line shop for MS spare parts and consumables was opened and expanded until today with over 7000 different parts sold to more than 3000 customers worldwide. For more than 15 years MasCom also manufactures secondary electron multipliers (SEM) and has become one of the world leading manufacturer for multipliers. Most recently, in cooperation with Thermo Fisher, the DFS high resolution MS was added to the list of instruments serviced by MasCom. August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 118 Mass Spec Service Solutions Ltd. Contact name: John Letcher 16, Bentick Street - Ashton Under Lyne - Lancashire, OL7 0PT. United Kingdom Phone: + 44 0161 998 9219 Fax: 0161 902 9624 Mass Spec Service Solutions provides comprehensive and affordable maintenance support for the Autospec GC-MS-DS system . A team of highly experienced specialist engineers, drawn originally from the manufacturer’s service team, with over 40 man years of service experience with the Autospec, provide complete cover through a variety of service plans designed to meet all requirements and budget. We service most of the Autospec instruments installed in the UK and in Belgium and are actively seeking to expand our customer base of well satisfied users elsewhere in Europe. From our Manchester factory we manufacture and supply world-wide a complete range of spare parts for the Autospec such as filaments, heaters, thermocouples, refurbished resolution slits etc, at a fraction of manufacturers cost. We also make a replacement, cold-spot free, GC-MS interface and reference reservoir unit for the Autospec. MSSS supply, install and warrant fully refurbished Autospec instruments for customers wanting to replace or supplement their equipment with a top level performance instrument at reasonable expense. MIURA Co., Ltd. Miura Institute of Environmental Science 864-1 Hojo, Matsuyama, Ehime 799-2430, Japan Phone: +81-89-960-2350 Fax: +81-89-960-2351 Miura Institute of Environmental Science focuses on survey and measurement of environmental contaminant levels and works on development and commercialization of treatment technology for environmental contaminants such as dioxins and PCBs. As a core of research centers, we respond to the customers’ needs adequately, promptly providing reliable data from our high accuracy control system, applying our cutting-edge facilities and instruments to provide our proven high-level measurement technology for ultratrace environmental contaminants. We will develop products which can contribute to our society, by studying (with industrial - academic - government cooperation) environmental technology, which is the most important issue in a modern recycle-based society. This product development will include measurement and countermeasure technologies for ultratrace environmental contaminants and endocrine disrupters, as well as waste recycling. Pacific Rim Laboratories Inc. 19575 - 55A Avenue, Surrey - BC V3S 8P8, Canada Phone: + 1 604-532-8711 Fax: + 1 604-532-8712 Pacific Rim Laboratories Inc. (PRL) specializes in the analysis of ultra-trace organic pollutants by high resolution mass spectrometry. PRL is ISO 17025 accredited by the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation (CALA) for specific tests in food and environmental samples. PRL is servicing our clients from a specially designed 850 m2 lab and office complex in Greater Vancouver. Easy access to the US border plus an international cargo terminal at Vancouver International Airport, makes PRL an easy delivery point for samples from around the world. Phenomenex 411 Madrid Ave. Torrance, CA 90501 USA Phone: 310-212-0555 Phenomenex is a global technology leader committed to developing novel analytical chemistry solutions that solve the separation and purification challenges of researchers in industrial, government and academic laboratories. Phenomenex’s core technologies include products for liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, sample preparation, bulk purification chromatographic media, and chromatography accessories and equipment. 119 PROGRAM BOOK 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Restek Contact name: Sean Kelley Restek Corporation 110 Benner Circle, Bellefonte, PA 16823 Phone: 800-356-1688 ext. 2340 Fax: : 814-353-1796 A leading innovator of chromatography solutions, Restek has been developing products and services to monitor the quality of air, water, soil, food, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and petroleum products since 1985. Our experts have diverse areas of specialization and close relationships with government agencies, international regulators, academia, and instrument manufacturers. Sigma-Aldrich Contact name: Dr Lisa Fitzpatrick, European Analytical Specialist Sigma-Aldrich® offers significant workflow solutions to environmental and food testing laboratories. In addition to Standards, CRMs, and Proficiency Testing capabilities, key areas of interest are: pesticides and metabolites residues, mycotoxins, microbiology and pathogen testing, nutritional analysis, environmental trace analysis, indoor and outdoor air sampling, plus the analysis of soil and water pollutants. For more information, please visit or Dr Lisa Fitzpatrick, European Analytical Specialist at or your local sales office South Lab - MACM Scientific Contact name: Miguel Angel Concejero Doctores del Molar 24. - E-28710 El Molar - Madrid, Spain Phone: : +34 656382750 We are a service company specialized in the sale of brand new and refurbished analytical chemistry and environmental laboratory equipment. We are also specialized in the development of custom made hardware and software of data acquisition and processing. Founded in Madrid on 2004, SouthLab-MACM Scientific has been collaborating with different National Public Research Centers in the development of analytical strategies for the analysis of environmental pollutants. Trajan Scientific Americas Inc 2007 Kramer Lane, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78758, USA Toll Free:800 945 6154 Phone: 512 837 7190 Fax: 512 836 9159 SGE Analytical Science is a Trajan brand for chromatography consumables. Since its beginnings in 1960, SGE has become the global market leader in niche areas such as autosampler syringes and GC inlet liners Completing the transition of SGE into Trajan Scientific and Medical after its acquisition in 2013, SGE products make up a solid foundation of Trajan’s portfolio and will continue to be created and supported by Trajan customer service and distribution networks worldwide. Trajan has modern ISO accredited manufacturing facilities located in Melbourne, Australia, and customer service and logistics hubs in Australia, Europe, the US and Asia. Trajan staff support our collaborative partners, distribution network and end-user customers. As a truly global organization we have local experts, advisors and representatives who are committed to helping you find the right solutions for your analytical work. For SGE Analytical Science product information visit To learn more about Trajan Scientific and Medical visit August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 120 121 PROGRAM BOOK 122 PROGRAM BOOK EXHIBITION AREA Doblón Room Escudo Room Poster Area 19 18 37 40 42 43 31 34 36 39 16 14 29 32 35 28 17 15 13 12 6 Comendador 41 Room 23 5 28 27 26 25 24 11 10 9 8 7 4 3 2 Entrance 123 PROGRAM BOOK 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants COMPANY BOOTH Agilent 18 & 19 Bruker 4 Buchi 17 LGC and Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc. 37, 39 & 40 ELSEVIER 2&3 Environment 24 Eurofins 10 & 11 FMS Fluid 14 & 15 LCTech GmbH 35 MasCom Technologies 38 Mass Spec 23 Miura 42 & 43 Monitoring Systems 5 Phenomenex 34 Restek 6 Sigma-Aldrich 32 Southlab-MACM Scientific 29 Thermo Scientific 12 & 13 Trajan Scientific and Medical 41 Waters 7,8 & 9 Wellington 25, 26, 27 & 28 August 31st - September 5th 2014 MADRID · SPAIN 124 SCIENTIFIC PARTNERS Journals Universities and Research Institutes Societies International Initiatives 125 PROGRAM BOOK Environmental Contaminant Standards Soluciones para un mundo más verde Solutions for a greener world Visit us at Booth 39 Providing the widest range of high-quality isotope-labeled standards for environmental analysis • Legacy compounds – dioxins, furans, PCBs, PAHs and pesticides. • Emerging contaminants – flame retardants, fluorinated compounds and PPCPs. • Innovative compounds such as phthalates, BPA, EDCs, chlorinated paraffins, nitrosamines, PCNs, nonylphenols and chemical weapons metabolites... and more! • Standards for ALL compounds listed in the Stockholm Convention on POPs – Annex A, Annex B and Annex C chemicals – as well as the compounds currently under review by the COP for future inclusion. To place an order, please contact CIL: 1.978.749.8000 or 1.800.322.1174 (North America) 126 PROGRAM BOOK DIOXIN14 Eurofins GfA Lab Service – More than 30 years of experience in the field of POP testing Turn to us for high-quality, reliable and fast analyses of: • Chlorinated and brominated dioxins / furans • 209 PCBs / Total PCBs • Flame retardants (BFR and PFR) • Polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCN) • Per- and polyfluorinated compounds (PFCs) • Chlorinated paraffins (C10-C17, SCCP and MCCP) • All other Stockholm POPs • Organotin compounds (e.g. TBT) • PAHs and -hydroxy metabolites • Alkylphenoles • Chlorobenzenes and -phenoles and many more according to ISO 17025:2005 or GMP 127 PROGRAM BOOK Confidence in your results comes from confidence in your technology Whether you’re testing for dioxins, dioxin-like PCBs or other POPs, no one technology best meets every need. Bruker offers the broadest selection of high performance, easy-to-use, and expertly supported systems to overcome any analytical challenge. Our proven, extremely robust GC-Triple Quads, LC-Triple Quads and GC/LC-QqTOFs are designed for the routine testing market to ensure absolute confidence in your results. • GC-Triple Quadrupole • LC-Triple Quadrupole • GC/LC-QqTOF Visit us at Booth 4 and on the Web at Innovation with Integrity 128 GC/LC/MS Systems PROGRAM BOOK Get together Happy hour at our booth Join us for a relaxed afternoon with drink and company at the Thermo Scientific Booth #12/13 Tuesday, September 2, 4 – 6 p.m. Thursday, September 4, 4 – 6 p.m. Lunch seminar: Sep 2, 12.30-13.30 p.m. Meeting the challenges of EU regulations with up-to-date confirmatory solutions Stop by at our booth to reserve your lunchbox. 129 PROGRAM BOOK You Set the Standards We make them! ™ Persistent Organic Pollutants Standards • PCB & PBDE - all 209 congeners • Selected PCB & PBDE Metabolites • Halo-dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans • Fluorinated PBDEs • - HBCDs • Other Brominated Flame Retardants • PBBs • PAHs, nitro-PAHs, methyl-PAHs • Pesticides and metabolites • Explosives and metabolites • Nonyl- and octylphenol ethoxylates • Mono- and di-phthalate esters • Organophosphates AccuStandard ® ISO Guide 34 • 17025 • 9001 130 203-786-5290 PROGRAM BOOK 800-442-5290 131 PROGRAM BOOK Fast and reliable for the industry, flexible and innovative for the scientific community. ALS Life Sciences is the reliable partner for clients looking for a laboratory to perform tests in accordance with legislation and established norms. In addition, ALS Life Sciences has the expertise and innovation capability to develop and modify methods to suit your needs in the field of Persistent Organic Pollutants. • • • • • • • • • • Dioxins,pesticidesfromtechnologicalmatrices–pilotscaleplants Emergencyservicesduringcrisissituation–Dioxins/PCBs Monitoringoffeedstuffandfoodsftuff–Dioxins,PCBs Pulpandpaperandchemicalindustrysupport–Dioxins,PCP Blood,serumandbiologicalmaterial–Dioxins,PBDE,PCB Combustionsourcetesting–PAH,dioxins,PCB Bioconcentrationfactors-bioaccumulationofPOPs Industrialsiteremediation–Dioxins,pesticides,PCBs Developmentofmethodsforspecificmatrices Healthmonitoringofthepopulation–PBDE,dioxins To find out more how ALS Life Sciences can assist you with your testing needs please contact one of our experts below: Miloslav Sebránek, Laboratory Manager, +420 468 003 812, Olivier Lécot, Market Development Manager, +420 284 081 580, 132 PROGRAM BOOK Food & Beverage Supelclean™ EZ-POP NP Dual layer innovative adsorbent to retain lipid and oil based matrices both LC-Florisil® (upper layer) • Contains and Z-Sep/C18 (lower layer) SPE sorbents, separated by a PE frit to offer superior clean-up • Developed when analysing non-polar persistent Florisil® layer: Retains background constituents with polar functionality such as fatty acids. organic pollutants (POPs) from oil based matrices matrix is preferentially retained by • Fatty the cartridge, while non-polar POPs are Z-Sep/C18 layer: Retains fatty matrix through both Lewis acid/base and hydrophobic interactions washed through with acetonitrile For more information, visit Order your FREE sample at Hydrophobic Interactions o c R1 C18 o CH2 o CH o Visit us at Dioxin 2014, Booth number 32 to complete a form and enter our draw to win one of 3 Google Chromecasts R2 C18 c o C18 R3 c C18 SPE o CH2 Triacylglycerol o o H2C Zr o c R1 o o ©2014 Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC. All rights reserved. SIGMA-ALDRICH and SUPELCO are trademarks of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC, registered in the US and other countries. Solutions within and Supelclean are trademarks of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC. Florisil is a registered trademark of U.S. Silica Company. Supelco brand products are sold by affiliated Sigma-Aldrich distributors. Purchaser must determine the suitability of the product(s) for their particular use. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Please see product information on the Sigma-Aldrich website at and/or on the reverse side of the invoice or packing slip. sh7759 1084 o Z-Sep SPE Zr HO CH HO CH2 Monoacylglycerol Lewis acid-base Interaction CERVANTES Lunch area Room AUDITORIUM Plenary Sessions WC LOBBY FLOOR Elevators COMENDADOR Room WC Speakers’ Support Room Exhibition Area Poster Area EL PRADO Room Technical Secretariat WC TOLEDO ESCUDO Room DOBLÓN Room CASTILLA Room Reception area HIDALGO Room ARANJUEZ POOL Room ENTRANCE EL ESCORIAL Lunch area VENUE MAP Meliá Castilla Hotel WC WC LOS TAPICES LOWER FLOOR Lunch area JARDÍN Lunch area Elevators Do you want to start a POPs lab? “Partnering with Toxic Reports you are not alone, you get the following benefits:” • A Complete Turn-key Lab Solution • Ready to go “Validated SOPs” 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants August 31 - September 5 2014 Madrid · Spain • Automated Sample Prep Systems with Consumable kits • Cook Book Methods for GC/MS protocols • Training to perform Sample Prep and GC/MS • Support your lab until you are fully operational • Provide ongoing support as needed • Set up a world class lab with minimal investments Visit Toxic Reports at Booth #15 Toxic Reports • 580 Pleasant St, 2nd Floor Watertown, MA 02472 • • Tel: 617- 393-1713