DECK LOG-TITLE PAGE NAV~I:R' 137 ("'V. CONFIDENTIAL '-.4) LOGBOOK OF THE u. s. s. .........................................§M~~r.:ft... _.............. _.................................. _............... -........................ _ _.......... D~7Q6..................._.............. IDENTIFICATION NUMBER COMMANDED BY .................. _......................... M. ...J ... .BUNCQ~ ..Lieutenant ..Commander ................................ , U. S. N. ......................................................... ;..................................................... ........ R. .. D 1·VISIon, ................................................................................................................... Squadron, Attached to .............................................................................................................. ..,... ,. Flotilla, .. Commander., .. DperatioIU.i.l..Training.. Comnand., .. U.. S... .At1an.tic................ Commencing ......... . .~ ....... August ................................................... , 19 1;4 Fleet, , at ............................................... K.ey.J7.e.s:t., ..F~orida.................................................................... , and ending ......................,31 ..August .............................................................., 19 1;4 , a t ........................_......................KffY. ..I!QI'/tJ. ..fl(U:j,@ ...................................................................• TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH '. ',,' LIST OF OFFICERS "'TT"'CHED TO ... ND ON BO ... RD THE U. S. BY CONFIDENTIAL DECK lOG-LIST OF OFFICERS H"vrERS-U&(REV ......) 66' s. --,So.!.UI.C.I...TuE..,'R( ..I.!I.lD~E;t!-:....71.l.a.1.J/'-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • CO .........NDED M. J. 'BIANCQ, Lieut. Comdr., U. S. N. 1 REPORTING FOR DUTY. DETACHMENT. OR DEATH. FROM R•• DURING August.... THE PERIOD COVERED BY THIS LOG BOOK. WITH D ...TE OF ,'9 • TO ..3' t AlI~IS~ .10 DATE OP' fltEMRT· ao.... NAME AND FILE NUMBER ING ON ftO DATE 0 ... DETACHMENT RANK PRIMARY DUTIES (Sbow Je/ochmenl Jo/e I.e/ow repo,', In, Jole) (Sbow III. No. I../ow no ... ) (Show oJJre" 0/ wAleh SvPe,. .oy .os/ reoJlly cOM.vn/cole witll •• a' of 'In in on .... ',.ncy) BLANCQ, Marcel J. - Lt. Comdr. 1 May 19.4.4 Lieut 1 Mnv lQlJ, Li.mt. , 1.-I,.,rt. 1 I.ieut 1 T.-I .."t. , 1;\ Pl1t. Assistant 1 Mav lQ.LL.. First Lieu±. POUlSEN, Harold N. PIPER, Thomas J. V[AGNER, Colton F. JOmiSON, Roy E. BUTLrn, Doyle P. PLUMI,mR, John F. HEALEY, Lawrence p. - T.+ WOLTZ. Clifton - ,1. CLUNIE, Charles R. - , U"". '01./. 1 M.. , li'ncd an 1 J,.I"". '01.1. ¥ Enslrm CommandiM llrs. M. J. Blancq, 4650 De Mont1uzin St. I New Or1e.ans La Knud Poulsen (Father) Davton Washin!Tton Mrs. T. J.Piper (Wli'e) 120 S. 50tb Ave. MAV ,qL1. 'li'i'l"!':t. r.i I>lIt. DmAhn N"h,.,,!':kA Mrs. Ernest C. Wagner (Llother) Red Top Farm, Southampton G, Df"f. ~!.BV lq.ll, l1.onp' IslRnd N.Y Mrs. C. A. Johnson (r.iother) 3905 Decater Street IHi ~ Va Mav lQJ,L Emdneer Mrs. Doyle P. Butler (Mother) 803 Church St., liAV 1 q/.I. r.omm,mi NIt. ion!': IMA'I"i"t.t.A GA T.+. ("a) -y AGNEVI, John P. - (i 11 ) NAME. RELATIONSHIP. AND ADDRESS OF NEXT OF KIN 116 Julv '0/.1. 1QL. ""- ~ive Assistant r."nn",'MT Clf'f' Assistant F.n17in .. ",. A S~W Supply and Stores llr. Charles P1UIilIl1er (Brother ) IGreenville A1B.hAlI1Il Mrs. D. J. Healey (Mother) 561 !.lassachusetts Ave., IT.....,d ncrt.on MA~~ Mrs. C. W. Woltz (Wife) 551 Virginia Ave., IBlI(!vrus Oh:lo Mr. N. I. C1unie (Father) 516 E. Chestnut St. ICn...."drm _Ind:lAnA Mrs. T. Lee AgneTI (Mother) Ogden, Illinois1 \ r:'I~'~ ;'" 11m ",:.. .~~:l. ~ c;:> .~ ~ EXAMINED AHD FOUND TO 8E CORRECT, U. S. N. TO BE FORW"'RDED DIRECT TO THE BURE ... U OF N",V ... L PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH R. N ...VIGATOR. CONFIDENTIAL PAGE 211,-1,4 DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET NAV~ERS-I).4 (REV. 1-"> UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _--"Su,LA:~T_"ER!U_.~(D""EC!.-:::.7c6~6t..1)'__ ____________ ...!T..!!u~e:2s~daaY1----;-::;-=!l=-:-_!!:Au~gu~s~t~_. I~ (Da,) (Dalt) (AI.ntl) 00 - 04 0000 t.loored port side to Orange State Pier, Key \'/est, Florida, six lines to the dock. no remarks. 04 - 08 0400 Moored as before. 0618 Students from Sound 'Schoo1 aboard. 0618 Made all preparations for getting underway. 0628 UnderY/ay from Orange State dock to conduct sound school exercises. Captain at conn; navigator on bridge. Steaming on various courses and speeds to conform to channel. 0642 CanbaT #17 abeam to starboard, 25 yards. 0645 Can buoy #13 abeam to starboard 25 yards. 0650 Can buoy 1111 abeam to starboard, 50 yards. '0703 Bell buoy #5 abeam to starboard 25 yards. 0706 Exercised at general quarters. 0708 #3 buoy abeam to starboard, 50 yards. 0716 Buoy #lA abeam to starboard, 25 yardS'. 0720 Steering casualty. Shifted to after steering. 0726 Sea buoy abeam to port. 0726 All gyro repeaters reported out of operation. 0732 Set course 2200psc 0742 Secured from general quarters. 0742 Continuing at various speeds.U : '. CX:\·\~ ~ F. Plummer . 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before. 08a2 Set course 215 psc'. 0833 Began exercise "3 Easy", ih company with USS R-14, PCS-1392, PflS-1424. orc in POS-1424. Steering on various courses and speeds to conform with exercises. 1010 No patients on sick list. No men for transfer •• 1055 C/c to base course 270'i'; continuing exercise "8 Easy". Magazines Inspected and t e~ratures foun~ norm.5' 1143 All clocks and chronometers wound. : ~. ~ T ':"\ . ~. F. PllDlll1ler 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. Continuing exercise "3 Easy" with various courses and speeds. 1358 Get course at 060 pmo. 1439 Sand Key Light abeam to port. 1450 Sea buoy abeam to part. Steering various courses and speeds conforming to channel. 1545 Moored port side to Orange State Pier, Key fiest, Fla., 'lith 6 lines. 'l~ Tc;t~~ 16 - 20 1600 Moored as before. 1655 Commenced taking on fresh v/ater. 1815 Finished tuking on fresh water, 3340 gals. fresh water aboard. c;l?w~ C. P. Ylagn~. . 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. All eight o'clook reports made. No further remarks. ~~ APPROVED: EXAMINED: ~~dQ1lLt. Conrlr. u. s. N R NAVIGATOR COMMANDING. TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. GOY1:KHW£NT PRINTING OFFICE:)aU O· $7188Z CONFIDENTIAL PAGE 215-4~ DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET NA,V"I:RS-'J.4 (REV. 1-.... ) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _~-_S ... LN ..T'"...... '-ER -1.«D""EOL-::..7~6.c6>l..)L-. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VUJleli2ldn~e:t.is~di.5a!.,lyL...,,~2'---llAu~£!UMSii!..tl!--. 1~ (1M,) (DeU) (1101111) 00 - 04 0000 Moored port side to' Orange State Pier, Key VJest, Fla., with 6 lines. t· .(/~ .-;-~ /?~ T. J. Pf er No remarks • 04 - 08 '~'1~ T:pJ: Pi6er 0400 Moored as before. No remarks. 08 - 12 0800 Moored as before. Mustered crew; no absentees. 0825 CoIIil'askGroup 23.3 hold inspection, materiel and personnel. 0950 Secured from inspection. 0951 All preparations made for getting underway. 1007 Underway with Captain and Navigator on the bridge. 1048 Sea buoy abewu to . stbd • Proceeding to sound oxercise area on various courses and speeds. 1127 Commenced exercise '"3 Dog". 7.i;'~ T. J. P~or 12 - 16 1200 Stewnine on various courses and speeds, as 1:iefore, while carrying out exercise 3 Dog. 1258 Changod base course to 270~, 2700 pgc. 1445 Completed exercise 3 Dog. 1514 Sea buoy abeam to port, 500 yards. 1532 #2 nun buoy abewu to starboard, 500 yards. 1536 T~astorn triangle abeam to starboBJ.-d, 100 yards. 1547/16 light )?uoyabeam to starboard 25 yards. 1~ Motor launch alongside. Sound students discharged.. ~ Q --:r \:\~ F. Pltunmor 16 - 20 1600 Steaming various courses and speeds to conform wtth channel. ~16 Moored port side to Orange State Pier, vlith six lines to dock. '\~ , \ , '1s 20 - F. PllUraner 2L~ 2000 Moored as before. No remarks. APPROVEQ~~)fA .• l- EXAMINED: ~.~~ Lt. Comdr. u. S. N R COMMANDING. cA~e~i5?~ u. S. N. R NAVIGATOR TO 8E FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL.. AT THE END 0 ' EACH MONTH U. I. GOVEJUOr,li:NT PRlHTlNG OFFICE: 18U 0 - 511881 CuNt-1Ul::NTlAL PAGE 216-ll~ DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET HAV"ERI-1J.4 (ft£Y. t-.u) 00 - 04 0000 Moored port side to Orange state Pier, Key fiest, Florida, Ylitt six lines to dock. Ho remarks. ~(~, J~. Plummer 04 - 08 0400 Moored as before. 0610 Instructors and students from Sound School aboard. 0615 Made all preparations for getting underway. 0628 Got underway from Orange State Pier, with Cuptain at conn, Navigator on bridge. Underway for sound exercisoarea. Proceeding on various cournes and speodfl to conform with channel. 0647 #17 can buoy abeam'to starboard. 0651 #13 can buoy abeam to starboard, 50 yurds. 0657 #ll can buoy abeam to starboard, 25 yards. 0708 #7 buoy abeam to starboard. 0713 #5 bell buoy abeam to starboard. 0721 III buoy abeam to starboard, 50 yards. 0722 #1A buoy abeam, 50 yards. 0724 III bell buoy £beam to :tarboard, 50 yards. 0731 Sea buoy a beam to port, 50 yards. 0752 Tested general alarm and chemical attack alarm. F~ satisfactory~ : . ~,~.,<~ ~. F. Plummer . 08 - 12 0 0800 Steaming as before on various courses and spoeds. 0831 Set course 305or, 305 pgc. 0842 c/c to O9O'Ir, 090 0 pgc. 'Commenced exercise "3 Dog" •. 1000 Sicl( report. No patients on sick list; no men for transfer. 1141 All c;hocks and chronomaters reported nount-:). _ . . .: ... ___ ~'T:-'\~~F. Plummer . 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. Steaming various courses and speeds to conform with exercises. 1411 Secured from exercises. Expended 8 hedgehog charges. No casualties. 1415 c/c to 030~, 030 0 pgc. All engines ahead full. 1501 Sea buoy abeam to part, 50 yards. 1508 #2 can buoy abeam to port, 50 yards. Steerihg various courses and speeds to conform with channel. 1516 Eastern triangle abeam to starboard, 50 yards. 1529 #6 light buoy abeam to starboard, 50 yards. 153.3 118 light buoy abeam to starboard, 30 yards. 1542 Motor launch alongside. Students disembarked. XU engines stopped. 154.3 All engines ahead one-third. 1558 Moored to ~e State Pier, Key fiest, Florida, with six lines on dock. ~.'1- ~ ':Jl.~ F. Plummer 16 - 20 1600 Moored as before. 1640 Started to.king on fresh water. 1708 Provisions aboard from NOB, Key Went. 1800 Completed taking on feash water. 4f)OO gals. frenh water aboard. 1850 Mitchell, Lerojr(n), Boatswain, USII, detached on orders dated 2 August, 1944, DE766/p16-3/00/P20-2, serial 86. ~ We. C: p'. wa~ 20 -24 2000 Moored as beforo. All eight o'clock reports made. No further remarks. tr~~ APPROVED, I" ~~~~ EXAMINED: M.10JX;c~ Lt. Comdr. u. s. N R NAVIGATOR COMMANDING. TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PEASO~NEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. OOVIt:RNW£NT PRINTING OFFICE: Ii •• 0 - 51lUZ CONFIDENTIAL DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVPIIR5-1J.4 (REV•• - .... ) )I--____________ . .lu,'rUj . ....d...fi'J-'T_ _,<.j.I_ _...,A....ll.,.;g:I.....l ....d ....,__ • 1.. 1.4- UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _---J:-.l.,I....h:. .....'l':....IER"'.I...-\(,.J..DwE..:-..L7l..L66 " ... (DaV)~ (Dolt) (Monll) 00 - 04 0000 Uoorod as before, portside to Orange State Dock, Key Vlest, Florida. of six lines. No further remarks. Standard moor ~c;.;~ C. P. \'Iaaner 04 - 08 0400 Moored as before. 06)) Underway inaccordance with Fleet Sound School Operation Order for the day. Various courses and speeds pursuant to KoyWest chan'1el. 070) General C(uarters. All hands man battle stations. 0728 Sea buoy abeam to port 600 yards. All engines ahead full. 07)0 Secure from general quarters.. 07)0 Bounds, Vlilliani Dest, Jr., 624 17 19, liS, USN, declared a deserter. ' /A-J... C/? p.~;an~ c. 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before. 080) All engines ahead 'one. Various coursos and speeds -pw'suont to exercises with friendly submarine in areas Easy and How. 1020 Green, G. K., 32c, on sick list. Dean, George, , 52c, V-6, USNR, unauthorized absentee. 1141 All chronometers wound and (}I?~ set. C. P. Wagner 12 - 16 1200 Stoaming as beforo. Various courses and speeds Tor scheduled exercises. 1343 Ceased exercises with friendly submarine. lul eneines ahead flank, course 120or, 120 0 pgc to assist PCS on des2atch from Cordl'askGroup 2) •.3 via Fleet Sound School Operations Oi'fice. l4ll Changed CClHse . to 095'"'1'. 14.3.3 Changed course to 085'1'. 14.37 Changed course to 160'1'. 1439 Cbanged course to 194 141..2 Changed course 1(0 090or. 1448 Changed course to 075C1r & pgc. 1457 Chanr,ed course to 068'1'. 1500 06)~. 1505 06o'"T. 1511 Stonding in to assitt PCS-1405 being-towed by 5C-989. Various courses and speeds confonning to assist.1525 Whaleboat sent to PBS-1405 with 2 handy-billys and rescue and salvage party. 1549 Vlha1eboat alongside. ~~AJ) ~ or . C. P. \'I~;~f1 ~ -'-7 I 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as before. 1645 ATM-349 close aboard to take over tovdng PCS-l405. 1736 Rescue tug ARS-12 in area to assist PCS-l405. 1741 Relieved by ARS-12. All engines ahead full, course 288C1r. 1809 Course 260'1'. 1812 Course 29.3"i'. 1818 Sea buoy abeam to port, 500 yards. Various courses and speeds coni'orming to Key nest chonnel. 1902 Moored port side to OranGe State Pier, Key West, Fla. Standard moor, 6 lines. /~0J~ 'c'. P. WagneP / 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. All eight o'clock reports made. returned aboard with two handy billies and hoses. 2140 Shipfitters from PCS-1405 O1w~. C. P. WagnerV' - EXAMINED: U. S. N R NAVIGATOR COMMANDING. TO 8£ FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH u. a. GOVt;ttIfi,tENT PRINTING OFFICE: Ii.." o· nliiZ CUNF I UENT IAL DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET HAV"ERI-U4 (REV. 1-44) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ --=S-=LA::=.TE=R!.:.-....,(D~E"_'-_'7'_"6:.::6'_L)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S'::.:a::..t~ur~d:.::a:.z.y-~5-:--.:..A:.!:u~gu.::::s~t--. (Dor) 19fzlL (Molll.) (DoU) 00 - 04 0000 Moorod as before to Orange State Pier, Key West, Fla., using standard moor of 6 lines. Dean, George (n), , S2c, V-6, USNn, declared a strage1er, having been AOL since 2400, 3 August 1944. &'t.!~ C. P. Wagn,ei - I 04 - OS -0400 Moored as before. 0655 Lt. Layton aboard from Boca Chica Air Base. 0658 Underway from Orange State Pier. Various courses and speeds conforming to Key West Channel. 0723 General Quarters drill. 0744 Secure from General Quarters. 0745 Sea buoy abeam to port 400 0 yds. All engines ahoad full, course 180~ & pge. 0751 Changod course to 270 pgc, 270'T. 0757 Man overboard drill. Various courses andspeeds pursuant to recovery of II man". General Quarters drill. aCJ~ C. P. Vlagne~ I os - 12 0800 Steaming as before, various courses and spoeds pursuant to recovery of "man II • 0805 "!!an 11 recwered. Secure from man overboard drill. 0809 Secure from general quarters. 0859 Course 2700f - on station for torpedo range course. Various courses and speeds pUrsuant to exercising with torpedo planes. 1000 Green, G. K. on sick list. Dean, George, S2c, USNR, absentee. ll41 All chronometers wound and set. /?/.t.A cY.' --p.• Vla~ 12 - 16 1200 Underway as before. 1350 Fired one green and one black smoke bomb. 16 - 20 1600 Unde£!ay as before. 1654 Ceased ey.srci/ies with torpedo planes. All engines ahead f1iJ.l. Course 095 T. 1721 Course 075'T. 17.35 Course 05S'T. 17.38 Sea buoy abeam to port 600 yards. Varioue courses and speeds pursuant to Key West Channel. lS21 Moorod port side to Orange State Pier, Key West, Florida. 18.30 Lyons, Robert F. J , TM3c, USNR; Woods, James, • Flc(fdoMl.I), USNR; Wood, Harry L., J Flc,(MoMM), lENR; Olson, Walter D., , Slc(TM), USNR; Thompson, Lyle A., ,(GM)S2c, USNR. reported for duty in accordance with ComServLant ltr. serial 26155-SC of 7/9/44, and Brooks, Ralph Henry, , Flc, USNR, reported for duty in accordance with ComSerForLant Pl6-.3/W1i/(l) over 28572-5C of 25 July, 1944. 1850 Started taking on fresh water. ~ v%,,/~· c. P. Wtlgller (l. . 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. 2115 Lewis, C. M., S2c, , USNR, and Booz, T. S., , Slc, USNR, taken to hospital for treatment for lead poismning. 2215 Finished taking on fresh water; 9790 gals. aboard. #:/. C"P.~ APPROVED, ~.. . .) ~ , ,_) .'(' I EXAMINED, -l (lu<-4 . M. J. B 'JCQ L-. Lt. Comdr. U. S. N R n COMMANDING. NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. GOVERNWENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1844 0 ~ nJii2 CONFIDENTIAL PAGE ?J 9-'14 DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET HAV"£RS-l).4 (IitlEY. 1-44) UNITED STATES sHIP _ _ _ _ _ --'SoL.L"'... "llT.....ER ............l{~DaEL:-:.J7'""?<.I.6'-/.)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -!<S~un~d.ga~y-_:_:::6~-~A~u.r.,:f:U~s<..!t'---. 1~ (Do,) (DGle) (MOlII1) 00 - 04 0000 Moored as before to Orange State Pier, Key West, }'l or ida , using standard moor of six lines. No further remarks. e:~~ 01. - 08 0400 Moored asbefere.'0655 Ens. Filbert aboard" Kendall, H. W., Flc, , USNH, , USHR, transferred to U; S. Navul lIospital, Key West, Fla., fer treatment of lead poisdming. 0701 Underway frem Orange State Pier. Various courses and speeds pursuant to Key West channel. 0743 Sea buoy abeam to port 100 yards. All engines ahead full, 585 rpm. cours,e Hl2Gr. 0750 Course 270OT. . and DiGievWlni, F. H., SF3c, t::r.0J~ c. P. Viagnef" 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as befero. 0836 c/c te 304'1'. 0849 c/c to 270CT. 0916 Commenced torpedo exercises with VT48, steaming en 270 0 '-: Q9000r at various speods. 1123· All chronometers nnd deck clecks wound. ~ C. R. Clunie 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. No remarks. ~ C. R. Cl1JUie 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as before. 1640 Ceased exercises and c/c to 096CT. 1708 c/c to 077~. 1710 Sand Key Light abeam to pert 2 miles. 1725 Sea buoy abeam to starboard, steering various courses and spoeds conforming te the channel. 1807 Moored to Oranse State Pier, Key West, Fla., port side to the dock find six lines eut. 1810 Glass, A., Slc; f.lacina, L. ,Slc; Boone, L. M., Rl13c; Aronoff, L., Flc; Kelly, J. L.,S2c; Buckner, H. B., 52c; Davis, R. T., GM3c; Nixen, G. J., S2c; Fagan, M. J., QM3c; Hall, M. L., SIc; Montgomery, R. D., SoM3c; Buey, R. C., Slc; Beck, J. V., 1o'lc; Carter, R. W., Slc; Hatfield, J. D., 32c; Gleba, J., Flc; Melton, R. C., MoMM2c; DaviS, \'i.H.,CTM, returned from ten days leave on time. 1830 Butler, C. M. Slc, returned from 10 da;}rs leave on time. 1914 Pewell, R. E., Electrician, USN, detached from ship. 20 - 24 2000 liloored as before. 2355 Lt. Poulsen, Lt.(jg) Healey, Lt. Plmnmer aboard; ond Potite, J. F., SC2c, returned from 10 days loave on time. ~ C. It. Clunie EXAMINED, APPROVED: U. S, N n II. N. POULSEN . "Li"'uyenant n COMMANDING: (, /t.22\J~Lf,s.N.R NAVIGATOR TO 8E FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. OOV£RHIUNT PRINTING or'lc£: liu 0 - ntill) CONFIDENTIAL PAGE 220-4-4 DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAV"ERa-U4 (ft~. 1-.«) UNITEO STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _..:f'~)L~/(c:..'l':...;Till~~ !...:(I.!D::.=E:!.:.-..:7:.::6~6~) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ .!:M:..::07:n~d-::ay,,--_-:-::-!7'-:-_'-:·71,u~gus~:...:t::...._. (Do,) (Dato) liM (MDlIlA) 00 - 04 0000 Moored port side to Orange State Pier, Key \;est, Fla., with 6 lines. no remarks. ri,Ti:;: 04 - 0/3 0400 Uoored us before. 0650 Made preparations for getting underway. 0656 Underway with Captain at conn; navigator on bridge, maneuvering 011 various courses and speeds conforming to channel. 0736 Sea buoy abeam to port. 0741 Set course at 270'T.- 0757 Exercised at man overboard drill. 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before. 0810 Secured from man overboard drill.0920 Sounded general quarters drill. 0923 TBF Avengers cor.'I.:nenced torpedo exercise runs. 1107 Secured from general quarters. 1153 Exercised at steering casualty drill. 1158 Resumed normal steering. /. .~ T.; Pi~r 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before on various courses ann speeds to conform with exercise. 1536 Secured from torpedo exercises. 1546 All engines stopped. CG26629 alongaide to starboard: Observing officers disembarked from USS SLATER. 1551 CG26629 cast ~ff. J~ Steaming on vuriou3 courses and speeds. : ~. ~ r:r . \V. F. Plummer 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as before. 1623 Exercised at general quarters. Firing at sleeve target tOVled by TBF Avenger. 1731 Secured from general quarters. Expended 470 rd s. HEl, 272 rds HI:.:r, 20 nun ammunition, 365 rds IIEl' 40 nun £ilIIlllUtlition; 30 rds 3"50 cal. ammunition. No casualties. Hl30 Sea buoy abeam to starboard 500 yards. Steaming various courses and speeds 'to conform with channel. 1835 Eastern triangle abeam to starboard 50 yards. Hl39 //6 buoy abe!lll\ to starboard 50 yards. 1901 Moored port side to Orange State dock, Key \'lest, Fla., vlith 6 line s to dock. 1915 Rush, Fred, 843 50 36, StMlc, returned to ship from leave. Absent over lefff since 1800, 6 August, 1944. 1945 Comm~nced taking on fresh llater. ~. ~ .~~ \i F. Plwrunor 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. 2030 Hamilton, Manual M., 2200 Secured from taking· on water. days emergency leave. , Flc, US~ left shi~ .o~ ~ ~,~~- . J~. Plummer APPROVED, EXAMINEO: ~~ Lt. Corrrlr. u. s. N R H NAVIGATOR COMMANOING .• TO .E FORWARDED DIR£CT TO THE BUREAU OF NAYAL PERSONNEL. AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. I. GOVI:HNWENT PRINTING O'FICE: IU .. 0 - l1U1iI2 .- CONFIDENTIAL PAGE 221 -/,4 DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET NAV"ERS-I .... (REV •• - .... ) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _.... St..IoLUJ/lu..TJ..,IER"'-.lJ(D'-!.IEoL:-::...7u.6~6lJ.) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ -"""T~1¥:!OoUi!sd".""aYI---=,8,_:_-,-:Au~IJU'7s~t,,---. '9~ (Dol.) (Da,) (Molll1) 00 - 04 0000 Moored port side to Orange state Dock, Key Viest, r'lorida, No remarks. ~ six lines to dock. Q1'\~ j. F. Plununer a 04 -08 0400 Moored as before. 0650 Made all preparations for getting underway. 0703 Underway from Orange State Dock, bowd for torpedo exercise area. Captain at conn; Navigator on bridge. Steering various COlU"ses and speeds to conform v/ith charinel. 07ll #17 can buoy abeam to starboord, 30 yards. 0712 #13 can buoy abeam to starboard, 50 yards. 0714 #9 light buoy abeam to starboard, 70 yards. 0715 Exercised at general qbarte~s. 0724 #7 light weiy abeam to starboard. 50 yards. 0726 #5 light buoy abeam to starboard, 50 yards. 0731 #lB buoy abeam to starboard, 50 yards. 0734 #lA buoy a beam to starboard, 50 yards. 0735 #1 buoy abeam to starboard, 50 yards. 0741 Sea buoy abeam to port, 500 yards. 0741 Sand Key abeam to starboard, miles. 0745 Secured from general quarters. 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before. Crew IIlUstered on station's. Absent.ees - none unauthorized. 0812 Man overboard drill. Various courses and speedA pursuant'to recovering man. 0820 RecOlfered'man. 0 0$22 Secure dtrom general quarter~. COlU"se 270"lf, 270 pgc. All engines ahead full, indicate 0 585 rpm. 0845 Change COlU"se 304"1', 304°pgc. 0852 Change' course )Ooor, 300 pgc. 0853 Change' 0 course 270or, 270 pgc. On torpedo range course. Various' courses and speeds pursuant to exercising with torpedo planes. All repair stations manned. 0910 Captain's Mast was held this date, an:} the following punishments awarded. Collins, L. W'9 , S2c, USNR. Failure to muster and stand watch; deck court martial. D'Arminio, P., , SIc, and O'Neill, T. P., SIc, , USN, leaving G.Q. station without permission. Warning. 1012 Steering casualty drill. After steering tqok control. 1013 Resumed normal steBDing. 1025 Magazines inspected and found to be normal. 1040 No patients on sick list and none for transfer. 1142 All chronometers wound.' ft:~~ 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before, various courses and speeds conforming to exercises with torpedo planes. on torpedo range course. 1205 All engines stopped - erratic surface run torpedo hit on port side at frame 29-30. The ship's skin not punctured. 1243 Resumed exercises. 1450 General quarters drill. 1501 Secure from general quarters drill. 16 - 20 ,r 0 1600 Steaming as befoEe. 1602 All engines ahead full indicate 585 rpm. l607-Course 090 pgc, 09001'. 1634 COlU"se 070 pgc, 070or. 1642 Course 063 0 pgc, 063C1r. 1652 Sea buoy abeam to starboard 250 yards. Various COlU"ses and speeds pursuant to Key West channel. 1735 Moored to Orange State Pier, standard moor-of six lines. 1744 Pfaff', C. G., CMoMM(AA), ) USNR, reported aboard for duty by authority of ComSerForLant, SubOrdCom hom 15S CHIUSTIANA (YAG-32). 1925 The following ammunition brought aboard. 15 rounds starshell 3/50 SPDN 2865, and 60 rounds 3/50 A.A common SPDN 4962. 1945 Food stores aboard from NOB, Key West. Food stores inspected by Ens. Agnew, SC-V(G}, USNR. ~ M C. P. \'!agn~ 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. All eight o'clock reports made. No flU"the:r remarks. ~/.?-J~ Cp .-VJagnerV . APPROVED: ~/) EXAMINED: -[_ '-i~ Lt. Comdr. TO .E u.s- N R R COMMANDING •. NAV'GATOR FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE ENO OF EACH MONTH tJ. S. OOYt;KNWt:N'T PRIHTIJoIG OrFJC£: a u 0·5111&1; CONF IDt::.NTIAL PAGE 222_44 DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVPERI-I14 (A£V•• - .... ) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _---!oS!.oIIJoIllJLT~E~,RL.l( ....IJE!'o"~-:..J.7..>.66~)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .;.:.\\l..o::e:":d~n7e.:::.sd=a'.z..1--:-::-9~_....:A:..;.u~gu"",,,:,,s:..:t,--_. (Dov) (Dot.) liM (MoAli) 00 - 04 0000 1.loored port side to Orange state Pier, l~ey ':Jest, Fla., with 6 lines. No remarks. 7.)«~ 04 - 08 Oltoo Moored as before. 0656 Made 0.11 preparations 'for getting underway. 070.3 Underway on various courses and speeds conforming to channel. 0747 Sea buoy abeam to port. 075/+ Set course at 270OT, 270 0 pgc. ~t7~ r.; Pip()r 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before. 0804 Held steering easuulty drill. 08~2 Rel31.uned normal steering. 0920 COI:l"onced exercises with TBF Aveneers, . steering various courses and speeds. t.lustered on stutions; absenteos: nono. 1145 Chronometers and clocks 'reported wotmd. ;-e~ T.j. P~r 12 - 16 1200 Stoaming as before on various courses and speeds to conform with exercises. 14.39 Exercised at man overboa.rd drill. 1452 Secured from quarters. Drill completed. 1455 Steaming on vrJrious courses and speeds. Exercised with 'I'DF Avengers contin~.~ ~ ~. F. Plumr~er 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as bofore, various coorses and speeds pursuant to exercises VIi th torpedo planes. 1710 Crash boat alongside to let off observing officers, Lt. Saluethies and It. Vinson. 1717 All engines ahead full. 1719 Course 273 0 pgc, 273or. 1741 Chnnggd course 265°PGc & T. 175/. 28 foot shoal buoy abeam to starboard, 1200 yards. 1759 Course 302 pgc, 302~. 18.35 Rebeccfi Shoal Light abeam to sth:l. 4 miles. 1840 Com'se 048 0 pgc & T. 1906 Rebecca Shoal Light abeam to stlxl., 4 miles. 1933 All engines ahead one-third. Course OOOOpgc & T. Various oourses w:rl speeds pursuant to working with torpedo bombers. Target streanad. 20 - 24 2000 Steaming as before~ Various courses andspeeds pursuant to.exercising vlith torpedo planes. Towed target streamed. 2147 Exercises Qomplete. Target taken in. 2lJ+8 All engines ahead standard. Course 230 0 pgc & T .2150 All engines ~oad full, 585 rpm. 2200 Han Ground liellt abeam to port • 2207 All engines ahead standard. 2210 Hunnine and truck liehts off.' 2216 Secured two main engines, 400 rpm, 14.5 lolots. 2230 All aheag pne-third. 2232 Runninr, lights on. 22.33 All engines ahead standard. 2236 Runnine lights secured •. 2237 Rebecca Light ~ ro+les off. 2243 Rebecca Shoal Lieht abeam to port. 2252 Changed course132 0 pgc & T. 2303 RebEicba Shoal Light abeam to port, distance 4 miles. 2256 All engines ahead one-third {/~ ~ D. P. Butler APPROVED: EXAMINED; H. H. POUlSD~ '~lltenanp U. S. N R' COMMANDING:; ; 11 /J l,iJ. ~.i,.--o. s. N, R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL" pERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. GQVEKHWENT PRlHTINCi OFFICE: liU 0 - nl8a2 CONFIDENTIAL DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAV,." .. , ... ,,.. (REV. 1-") UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _---=S~IJ~l'_"'['..:.:En~I.:.......\.(.!.;:n..".!..!I".=-..L7(::.:l:.:e)L) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T:!:.;h~t;.:1T~07d:!..!B.::.''-r--:-i?170:-_=7A~U.Lf;_'.!U!::.st~-. 19~ (lJo,) IDol.) (M.IIlA) 00 - 04 0000 Set course 090op~c, 090~, steaming singly in area between Coserove Light und Sand Licht on a line six miles south of Sand Key L;l.ght, speed 10 kts •• 0255 Chaneed couroe to 270or. Op02 lJeld steering casualty drill. 0,305 ItestmOd normul steering. 0,320 Held steering cusualty drill. 0,3,30 Resumed normnl oteering. ___ ~' l~ey ~.J.P~ 04 - 08 0400 Steaming as beforo. 0405 Exorcised at emergency stoering drill. After steering took control. 0407 Resumed nermal steering. Drill satisfactory. 0442 Cosgrove Lieht abeam to starboard, 5.5 mileo. c/c to o90or, 090Dp!.:c. 0610 Sund Key Light abellll1 to port, 5/5 mileo. C/c to 270or, 270 0 pgc. 0620 Exercised at emergency steerinG drill. After steering took control. 0626 Hesumed normal steering. Drill satisfactol"J. 0750 Tested general alariP;)Bnd chemical atta~k alarm. SutisfactolJr. ~,~ • ~ (). r'. Plununor . 08 - 12 0800 SteaminG as before. 080 Changed c our se OOOOpgc & T • Cr'3w mus tered 011 sta ti OilS. II 0 absentees. 08,33 ChanGed course 090 pec £: T. On torpedo course ranGo. Various courses mid speeds pursuant to exercising with torpodo plUM s. 0837 All 4 engines on the line. 0850 /12 main engine secm'cd. 0904 C26629 alon'.:side • Observing officers aboard. 0907 112 muin engine back on the line. 1002 #3 main engine orf the line. 1045 Ono man on sick list: Tumlin, J:A., Slc; none for transfer. [053 Steering casualty drill; after steering took controll 1059 #3 main enGine back 011 the lino. 1104 Resumed normal steeri:ng. 114,3 Steering casualty drill. lIfter steering took control. 1149 Resumed normal steering. 1155 All chronometers wound. 6 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. 1254 TnI<' squadron mnde durn:ny torpedo run on ship. 1,320 TBF squadron made practico torpedo run; no torpodoes dropped. 1330 ~xcrci!3ed at. steerinr, cusuulty drill. 1342 HesUIllod normal steering; shi.fted steering forward. 13/+9 TBF squadron made dummy torpedo attack. 1450 Conunanding Officer held mast and awarded followine plmishments: Culley, II., S2c, ; shirkinp. duty; solitary confinement fer five (5) days on brend and wut.or. Ilronski, H. II., S2c, ; shirking duty, using profano language, disrespect to petty officer; solitary confinement for five (5) days on bread and wator. 1529 TEF squadron attacked .ship on dUlllmy torpodo run. 1554 'J'BF S(lUadron made dummy run. 7.r-r __ /~ ~~,~ . 16 - 20 , , 1600 Steaming as before. 1612 TnF sq~naron made durnmy torpedo run. 1625 Exercised at steering casualty drill. 1629 nOSUllled normal steering; shifted steering to pilot house. 1642 Completed exorcises; returl)d:ng to Key \'Jest _on course 100'T & pgc at full speed (585 rpm). 1654 c/c to o90or £: pgc. 1700 Pussed Sandt Koy'Li,-ht abeam to port, distance 2 miles. 1700 Passed sea buoy abeam to starboard, closo aboard ( standing up Key West Main Ship Cb,:nnel fit various courses and spoeds conforming to chwmel. 1749 t.loored port side to Orange State Pier, Key fiest, Fla., using standard moor. 1800 DiGiovanni, F. n., SF,3c; KendElll, H. VI., Flc; Booz, T. 5., Slc; Levlia, C. H., S2c, returned aboard from treatment at naval Dispensary, H.O.B., Key West. 1800 Culley, H., ,s2c, Dlld Wronski, If. H., S2c, were trDllsferred to Murine Barracks, H.O.B., Key West, for confinement -avlB.rded at Captain's mast. ~~' cf! P. Butler 20 - 24 2000 Moored as 1:!efore. No remarks. EXAMINED: H. H. POUIBEN U.S.N R COMMANDING. <, .~£~~rm:.:~~-~ ~,~ u. S. N_ R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. GQVERNWEtrJ' PRINTING OFFICE; JiH 0 - nlin CONFIDENTIAL PAGE UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _..... S~I.&LIAT..u:..f:Iu.l_u(D.I.IE:..:-:...7u.6.!l.61..J.)--- 00 - 22~-M.j DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVP'£Ra-IJ·. (REV. 1-44) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Friday 11 (Dor) (Da/.) O/~ 0000 Illoored port side to south side of Orange State Pior, Key Yiest, Florida, using standard moor. No further remarks. f;:~~ 04 - 08 0400 tloored as before. 0640 Made all preparations for getting underway. 0657 In accord!lMl \71th verbal orders from Fleet Air Wing 5, undernay from alongside Orange State Pier, Key West, enroute to torpedo firing area, steering various courses and speeds confonning to channel. 0745 Passed sea buoy abeam to port close aboard,; .set eOOTse 180"1' & pge, 20 mots, full speed (585 rpm). 0753 C/c to 270 0 & pge. 075$ Tested general alarm' and chemical attack aJ..nnm. Conditions normal. . /¥~ trf./P. Dutler 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before. Mustered crew on stations; no absentees. 0835 Exereis~d at man vverboard drill 0844 Recovered dUIlUl1Y from Vlater; secured from drill. 0850 c/c to 304'"'1' & pgc. 0903 c/e to 2704r & pgc; all ahead 2/3 speed. Arrived at torpedo firing area. 0910 Exercised at steering casualty drill. 0916 Resumed normal steering. '0915 Commenced running on torpedo' , firing ranee on courses 090~ and 2700r at various speeas. During torpedo runs, this vessel maintains a continuous circle with 9 0 rudder at full spoed. 0949 TBF squadron 1.2 made torpedo run; fired two torpedoes. 10.37 TDF squadron 42 made torpedo run. Dropped one torpedo. 1054 Exercised at steering casualty drill. 1058 Resumed normal steering. 1116 TBF squadron 42 made torpedo run; dropped one torpedo. 11lS Llade daily inspection of maeuzine temperatures. Conditions nonnal. 1157 All chronometers and deck clocks reported wound and set. , c(t:.4£f lCd - 16 1200 Steaming as bofore. 11.01 TBF squadron 1142 made torpedo run. Dropped two torpedoes. 1406 Fired a pyrotechnic smoke sienal' 1/.43 TBF squadron /142 made torpedo run. I?ropped three torpedoos. 1522 TBF squadron 1142 made rlID and dropped two torpedoes. l:P. \L.~ L. P. Healey 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as before. 1725 All enein~s ahead full, 585 rpm. Course, OS.3°pgc & T. 1803 SUIld Key abeam to port 2 miles. 131+ All engines ahead standard. 1815 Sea bu()Y-abcalad.d stbd., 100 yards. Various courses and speeds conforming to the channel. 1906 Anchored west of main ship ch::mnel, Key Vlost, Florida, 23 foct., 9f water, 50 fathoms of chain out to port anchor, duo to poor visibility in rain squall. 1921 Unqorvray from anchoraGe. Various courses ann speeds pursuant to Key Vlest channel. 194.3 Moored a:tonGside Oranee State Pier, port sido to, standard moor of six lines. #~ , • C. P. J \'!a&~ 20 - 24 2000 All eieht 0 I clock reports made. Conunenccd tukinG on fresh ;Iater. 2045 AmralIDition boxos of empty brass returned to the magazines. 2115 Stores aboard from H.O.B., Key West; '."iilliruns, SClc, inspected. 21/f 5 Completed tnldllG fresh v1(lter uboard, .3760 cullons aboard. ~W~ C. P. V:aener 0 "'RO'~ II!. J. "ICQ ' EXAMINED, - II. II. POULSEH Lt. Comdr. U. s. N R COMMANDING: . h ,)Li;;utrrtrult () ,/J. ,1A~~ i Lh u,s.N,R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TD THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. I. GOY1:KNWEHT PRltrJ'ING OFFICE; HI .. 0 - $llii2 CONFIDENTIAL DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET HAVP£RI-U4 (REV. I~) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ ---!:S::.!J:!!~A!.!T...!;ER:.:....J(..::D:.::E:.:..-...!.7.::6.::6.L)___________ :.:S-=a7.t~t17rd.:.:aJ...y___:~1=::27_-_71:_:,\;s.lgu~s:..:t:-.._. (Do,) (Dott) ,tiL (MOIltA) 00 - 04 0000 ~.;oorod as before, port side to OrEmce State Pier, Key \'lost, Fla., usinC sttu1dard moor of six 1:U1es. 110 further romarks. ~~~ 04 - 08 0400 Moored as before. 0700 UndorYluy from Oremge State Pier in accordance Y/ith operation order of Fleet Air fling Five. Various courses and speeds purSllimt to Key \Jest Channel. 0744 Sea huoy aheam to port, 100 yards. Course-180Gr. 1.11 angines ahead full, 585 rpm. 0753 ChanGed course to 270 0 pgc & T • 0!3 - 12 0800 Steaming as before. 0805 Sand !{ey Light abeam to atM., 3 miles. 0825 Exercised at man overboard drill. 0830 ItMan" recooered, resumed cgurse 270 pgc Z: T. All ahoad full, 585 rpm. 0347 Changed course to 30/~Opgc &. T. 0857 Courne 270 pgc &. T. On station. Various courses and speeds conforming to torpedo range course. 0915 Magazines inspected and fO\md to be normal. 1000 Crew mustered on stations; no absontees. 1002 Sterner, n. F., DdM3c, on sick list; none fer transfer. lOll Abandon ship drill. General quarters. 1015 3turboar~1 rafts ond nots over the side. 1017 Started to pick up rafts. 1026 \'Iha1bboat cast off. 1055 YHuuo boat aboard. 1102 Secm'o from abandon ship drill. 1123 General quarters c1rilJ. 1130 COTlUllenced firing 40mm e;uns. 1159 Ceased firing at sm'face target. 97 rOtlllds 40 rom HEr, Sl'DH 4039, 81 rdn. 40 nun Hm', SPDn 4086, 106 rotmds 40mm HEr UD763 exrendud. ~~ C. P. \la[!Jl~ 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. 1210 3ecure from general quartors drill. 1311.. Commenced laying srruilke screen. 1317 Secured smoke. 131.0 Commenced smoke screen. 1353 Completed laying smoke screen. Two bottles E1co type A smoke e::ponded. 11..l4 General quarters drill. nepe1 boarder parties mustered and fired 200 round5 of 30 cu1 service at target. 1515 Secure from general quarters. ~ '1-.~ \1. F. P1uruncr 1600 Stoaming as before. 1602 TBI<' squadron mnde practice torpedo run; dropped three torpedoes. 1632 TDF squadron 42 mude practico torpedo run; dropped four tprpedoes. 1647 Exercises completed; proceeded to }.cy'ilest on course O9OOT &. pgc at full speed, 20.5 lets. (585 rpm). 1742 Pussed sea buoy abeam to starboard, distance 300 yards. 1746 Entered Key ,iest IllD.in ship channel steering various cour~es and at various spoeds conforming to channel. Captain and navigator on bridge. 1823 Lloored port side to south side of Orange State Pier, I~ey r;cst, Fla. US:Ulg :.;tandard moor. /';p~ ~ /L Lf5~P.~~ 20 - 21. 2000 Moored as before. No further remarks. APPROVED: EXAMINED, ~Lt. Comelr u. s, N R NAVIGATOR COMMANDING. TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MON'l"H U. I. GOVERNMENT PRIHTI.NG OFFICE; It .. 0 - nlH2 CONFIDENTIAL PAGE 22(,...// DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVPOI[RS-tJ.C (REV. 1-44) S..,.L.; ........ ',T....E ...' 1......i_(....D''''7'.L:'I-=-7u6'' '604.,)'--____________ UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ 00 - 04 0000 Lloored port side to south side of Oranr,e State Pier, Key \'iost, Florida, using stundard moor. i/o further remarks. ~.7.~~ L. 1'. Healey 0/,00 hloored us beforo. 0750 Tested General Alarm and cholnicul attack - VTorkod oatlsfactory. 110 further romurks. \... ..~.~ .. L. P. liealey 08 - 12 0800 Moored as beforo. Mustered crew at quarters: No absentc(js. OB3$ Undorl'/ay from Orance State Pier to Il.O.B., Key ','jest, :na., with the Captain'and the Navigator on the bridee. 0848 Tug YTL-297 Rube Goldberg made fast to our port quarter'to assist ship to N.O.B., Key \'lest, Fla., . Pilot Ilaborn aboard. 0$50 Pilot Raborn took the conn. 0905 Moored to pier 1, H.O.B., Key Viest., Fla., starboard side to dock, using stundard moor. 0912 'Pilot Ilaborn loft ship. Tug YTL-297 Rube Goldberg pulled aVlay. 0927 LSM-139 tied up on port side. 1035 No patients on sick list and none for transfer. 1105 Lt. Jolm Plummer ashore on 48 hours liberty to Miami. 1125 'raking power, ilater und steam from the dock. 1130 Followine mon loft on ten (10) days leave expiring on tourd at 2000, ~2 Aurrust, 1944; Clohessy, J. V., Jr., , llill~3c; Shytle, J. 0., , SIc; Cash, M. E., • SoM3c; Louis, A.,Jr., : Slc; Holladay, J. R., • S2c; B~ackwood, J. C., J Flo; Harerove, D. B., ,520;. McClaren, D. R., Slc; Burke, J. J., • Slc; Duprey, H., • RcUA3c; Albritton, J.P., , Flc; Kozlowski, A., • Flc; Turner, G. 1/., , S2c; Kendall, 11. VI., , 5lc; Flc; DiGiovarmi, F. R., , SF3c; Scott, lA., J S2c; Booz, T. 5., , Slc; Korona, F. A., ,SC3c; Spellacy, B. T., ,Flc; Green, G. K., , SIc; DIArminio, P., ,S2c; Posk~, N., ,Slc; Kalmbach, C. J., , HdH3c; Doll, Slater, E. A., , 52c; Vansant, H. Slc; Doyle, J., \'1. A., , S2c. 1130 All chr,onometers and watches reported wound. E., , \. .Q. ~.~. L. P. lie~;l12 - 16 1200 Moored as before. days authorized leave. 1430 Simpson, Gordon G., , Ck3c, departed on ten (10) rf{~ 16 - 20 1600 l,ioored as before. No remarlcs. 20 - ~-4 2000 Mooredjas before. 2115 Completed receiving 3000 euls. fresh vlater aboard from dock. rf/{~ APPROVED: EXAMINED, U. S. N R NAVIGATOR COMMANDING: TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. c;oVI::HN.,£trJ' PRltrJ'ltICi OFFICE: 1840. 0 ~ nlSiU CONFIDENTIAL PAGE _;>:=2:=-.J..7~-1",,'.!....._ _ DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVP'ERa-IJ4 (REV. 1-44) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ ' .:::S",LJ~N.""T-"~~t"-,(""D,,,E'-"-...I7,,:,,{),",6,-,),--- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ .:.;M",o~n:.::d~n,",y_ _-=1:.:4<--_--,:A=-=u::<.I'U,-,.o.:G~t=--_. Ig/...a. (Do¥) (Dol,) (M•• ll) 00 - 04 0000 Moored starboard side to v/est Gido of Pior Ono, II.O.n., Key nest, Florida, usinc standard moor. Receiving follovling sorvices !'rom dock: electricul pO\'ler and s teDJl1. lliS LS1J-139 moored starboard side to port side this vessol. Various units of U. 3. Fleet present, SOPA in tr~ rff:4u~ D/.nUlllElT. 04 - 0$ 0400 !.Ioored as before. satisfuct.ory. 0750 Tested general alarm' and chemical attack ~larm. Conditions I.~~ 08 - 12 0800 l.1oored as bofore. Held qtlL\rtcrs for muster.' No absentees. Dean, Geor::;e (n), 32c, mim, reported previoualy as stra(mler roported under lIaval ctultody, Norfolk, Va., 1125 I.tado daily inspection of magazine tomperatures. Conditions normal. All clocks and chronometors reported /;J~~/~ wound und sot. 'r1: I P •~1f' 12 - 16 1200 I.loOl'ed us beforo. 1207 Dean, Goorr,e, , 52c, USiiH, records accounts and effects transferred to Heceivinc; Station, Huvw. OperatinG Buso, lIorfolk, Virc;iniu. imLhority: BuP~rs c/L 172-43. 16 - 20 1600 Moored us before. 1633 Cosll'J, Byron, E., unc, , reported for duty. 1630 Steam, ;'luter, eloctricity discontinued !'rom docle. 1715 Moored port side to Ylest side of Pier One, H.O.D., Koy 'ilest, Florida, using standard moor. 1720 Commenced takinG steam and electricity from dock. 20 - 2/. 2000 Uoored as before. No remarks. .., EXAMINED: U. S, N n NAVIGATOR COMMANDING.' TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. GQVt.:RMd.£HT PRINTING OFfiCE: liH 0 - $1lii2 CONF IDENTIAL NAV"'~R.-I'" DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET (REV. 1~) -->oS....I...Ji......J... 'CR .........-'(.....D....E..,-=-71..l(.L.D.L,)1--_____________ ..JT.....,~j("~'~"7;rl...o....·l-r_-:-:J~5"_7_-___::r~\1.L,Jf,,!,':l~):'"-,,t..., _ . UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ r (Do,) (Dol,) (Moat.) I i44- 00 - 04 0000 !;loored port side to \'lest side of Pier Onl), N.O.13., Key T:ost, Florida, tisin:; stunLlnrd No further romarko. moor. 01, - oe 0400 Uoored as OOforo. Ho remarko. 08 - 12 0800 Moored as hefore. Quarters for rmlster; no absentees. 0955 Magazine temperatures taken; normu1. 1130 All chronometers and clocks wound and set. Ho further remarks. 12 - 16 1200 Moored us before. 1358 Secured from taking on fresh Vlater. Roceivcd 8(-,20 Gallons. 1505 FolloY/ine men returned aboard followine five days solitary confinement in nuval brie, N.O.D., Key l'lost, Florida. Culley, Herbert, , 32c, USImi V;ronski, Horbert H., , 82c, tEIIH. ~ ~ .' l::tPlulllmer 16 - 20 1600 r,loored us before. Ho remarks. 20 - 24 2000 1100red as before. No romarks. APPROVED: EXAMINED: II. H. POULSEH I / ·u. s: N' R COMMANDING'. Ll£ut;fl!!§lt , C..£1t . !) .Ld () ,d) ~ S. N. R NAVIGATOR TO BE f"ORWARD£D DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE £NO OF EACH MONTH u. a. GQVi:R.MWEtrJ' PRltrJ'ING OFFICE; liH 0 - nUil CONF IDENTIAL PAGE 229-1.4 DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET NAV"~R"'I'" (R£V. t~) ---"S...I,M..N...T....E.I.I.RI......\(..... D.... EL.:-:...L7.....6""6!J..)______________ Ylodno sd ay 16 UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ (Dov) (Dcltl A)](~llst (M.fIIl) .19J.J"... 00 - 04 0000 Moored port side to ,/(lst side of pier one, H.O.B., Key Viest l Florida, using standard moor. Receiving electricity and steam from dock. IDS DA1ILGr~N (DD-187), moored alongside to starboard. SOPA in IDS DAIILGHElI. No remarks. Q-·1~~ I. F. Plummer 04 - 08 OL~OO FOillld sat- 0750 Tested general allU'lll and chemical {bttack alarm. Moored as before. isfactory. '~·r~ (J. F. 'Pl UJllIlE r 08 - 12 0800 Moored as before. 0800 Mustered crew at quarters. No unauthorized absentees. 0952 Patient on sick list: Perigord, R. H., S2c; one man fdr transfer, Jan0l)hld., VI. S . , . Slc, USlm, to U.S.N. Hospital, Key Vlest, Florida. . ~ q. ,~ @. F. Plummer 12 - 16 1200 "loored us before. 1203 All clocks and chron'ometers reportcd 170illld and set. 1355 Janowski, VI. S., Slc, , U31ffi, transferred to hOflPi tal, Key fiost, Florida. 1407 Began taking on water. 1530 Completed takinG on Vlater; 5300 gallons taken aboard. , ~.W.t.J.~ C. \'I. Woltz 16 - 20 lCOO Moored as before. Ho remarks. c.t..f.W~ C. W. Woltz 20 - 24 ' 2000 Moored as before. 2215 Hamilton, 11. M., Flc, returned from ten days leave. C.~.LJ.~ C. W. Woltz APPROVED'~ M. J. EXAMINED, _ lCQ H. N. POULSEN Lt. Comdr. , ··u. S. N . Ii COMMANDING', «!l~~r~~N' R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF. NAVAL. PERSONNEL. AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. I. GOVli:tUOU;HT PRltITJNO OFFICE: I ..... 0 - I1n~2 CONFIDENTIAL PAGE ::00-/.4 DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVPE:R5-1)4 (REV •• - .... ) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ --""S=U:.:T.:..F.R:..:'.=-=-~{D::.;E=_·__r,-,7(.;..:l~))<--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T,-,h'-!.\""lr;-G~d"-,n::.y,----:-:1:..J7'--_.!o'A:,:u,,-r1U~s-,,t__ • 19.u.:. (Do,) (1).,,) (MOlIl1) 00 - 04 0000 1.ioorod port side to wast side of Pior One, no further romc.rks. moor. II.O.n., Key Viest, Floridu, using stundard ,--,G. L. P, ~~ H~aley<f 04 - 08 0400 Moored as before. 0750 Tested eeneral alarm and chemical attack. lIo further' remarks. Worked satisfactorily. l'@.~ L.P. Healey 08 - 12 0800 Moored as before. Quarters for muster. No absentees. 0917 Lt. Comdr. M. J. Blancq, Lt. J. F. Plununor, Lt. D. P. Butlor, und Ens. Charles Clunie ashore on 72 hours leave. 0935 lilagazines inspected, conditions found normal. Max. temp.· 1000 in C-10l-M; min. temp. in A-406-M. 0940 Perigerd, R. H., S2c, reported on sick list; none to- be tl'Wlsferred. 1155 All chronometers and clocb reported Ylound and set. No furthor remarks. (\) .lo~ () .. A \. .'{. I=d-" L. P. Healoy 12 - 16 1200 Moored as before. 1.322 L.S.M. /1211 tied up to starbourd side, usine otandard moor. 1500 Took aboard 5700 gals. of fresh Vlater. Ho further remarks. \..~. ~~ L. P. lIealey r 16 - 20 1600 Moorod as bofore. No further remarks. \.,~-~ L. P. Healey 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. Twenty hundred reports mo.de; all secured. Jlo further remarIes. I..~.~~ L. P. Bealer APPROVED: EXAMINED: ~Lt. Comdr. U.S.N R NAVIGATOR COMMANDING. TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. I. WV£RNWI"trJ' PRINTING OFFICE; Uti 0 - 111i82 COI-JFIDENTIAL PAGE 2'31-1.4 DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVP€RS-IM (REV. t-....) ""S...,Lf} ...T~J.!E~R.__(.I.<D:.:;o~t.::-:.J.7_'"()~6U)_____________... F..,r:.l.i.l.ldJ;la~Y_-:-::.l.1.1i8L-_llA:l!ul,!;£:U~sc.l.t,--_. UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Do,) (Dol.) ,<i..I..- (MOlIIl) 00 - 04 0000 Moored port side to west side of Pier One, N.O.B., Key Vlest, Florid£l, with tho WI\ 11211, tied up to the starboard side, using stal'ldurd moor. Ho further remarks. \...""V. \J.A.~ L. P. Healey 04 - 08 O'~OO Moorod as before. No further romarks. \.~.~ L. P. Healey 08 - 12 0800 Moored as before. Quurtorn for muster. No absentees reported. 10'~0 No pntionts on sick list or requirine transfer. 1107 All cr.ronomcters and' clocks wOUlld and sot. No further remarks. \..:? 'luQ.J.' L. P. Healoyr 12 - 16 1200 Moored as before. 1530 Testod all magazines und maeuzine sprinklin;: systems; found satisfactory. 7.t?~ T.~. Pipi'r 16 - 20 1600 !.Ioored us before. 1910 Barker, J. D., SIc, transferred to hospital. r;.~.~ Tt!J. P~er' 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. Ho remarks. 1: ~ Tth·. P~r EXAMINED, APPROVED: U, S. N R NAVIGATOR COMMANDING, TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. s. GOVIJn'YEHT PRINTING OF,ICE; Ui4 o· UIU) CONFIDENTIAL PAGE 232-~~ DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET HAVPIER5-IJ.C (RIrY. 1-... ) --'S....L1 ......\T.....E... ' R,>......;(....D...EO':;-O-J7u6~6)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ UNITEO STATES SHIP _ _ A.....ll..,D...l.....S""t'--_. 1<44... S... atJol.l""lrd..,.,;U ....yf--=-l ...Q... , _-L (D.,) (MOOIl1) (Do/.) 00 - 04 0000 Uoored port side to Pier #1, N.O.B., Key fiest, Fla., with 6 lines. (.. ,VJ ~ D~ T. J1 Pi No remarks. r 04 - 08 0400 Moored as before. No remarks. 03 - 12 td 0800 Moored as before. Mustered creVi at quarters; No absentees. 09.35 Maenzines inspected. Conditions normal. 1145 Chronometors and clocks reported Vlound. r I.C). ~ , T • (J • iPei . 12 - 16 1200 Moored as before. 1246 Sturted taking on fresh l/ater. 1412 Completed taking on fresh water, 596:> gal. tWeen aboard. 1415 Following ammunition came aboard: 24 boosters Mk 6-2, 4 D/C markers Mkl-l, 2 c/e markers Lik 2, 4 SEI signal smokes (green), 4 SEI sir,nal (block), 4 SEI ::lienal smokes (yellow), 72 fuses lIJc 1.31-.3, 1500 rounds .30 cal Wllintmition. 1420 Secured from taking steam e.~.U/.~ e. n. Vio1tz from dock. 16 - 20 1600 t.loored as before. Ho remarks. ~~-~~ e. r1~ - "Ioltz 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. Received 2000 reports. (J.~~~ e. \'/. APPROVED: \'Ioltz EXAMINED: H. II. POULSEN J J..;tel,lt'oil)nt, /i N , J) ,1"../_j1')·...JL~.-L->u:-s. N. R .,4 U. S. N R COMMANDING. NAVIGATOR TO B£ FORWARDED DIRECT TO TH£ BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U ••. GOVERNMEJn' PRIHTING orFlCE ~ u .. 0 - 111"2 COI-..lF ILJENTIAL NAV~i:R&-IU DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET (REV. 1-«) --=S,-"U=.,:.<:T..::El,..,t,--,(.::D.",Ec....-..L7""6,,,6.,L)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sunday UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ · (Dor) 20 (Dole) • 19M.. August (Mntl) 00 - 04 0000 Moored as before. Port side to west side Pier 1, N.O.B., Key fiest, Fla., using standard type moor. ~.~~ e. C. VI. Woltz O/~ - 08 0400 Moored as before. No remarks. t.t..R.14~ C. H.Vlolt~ . 08 - 12 0800 Moored as before. 08)0 Mustered crew at quarters; all hands present or accounted for. 0915 Testing main ·engines. 09~5 Magazines :inspected; conditions normal. 1000 No hospital caDes reported for transfer. 1155 All chronometers and clocks reported ,vound and set. ~~~U(~ C. Vf. Vloltz 12 - 16 1200 Moored as before. No further remarks. 16 - 20 1600 Moored as beforo. No further remarks. ~~(;J~ C. P. Vla@1er 20 - 24 2000 Moored o.s before. All eight o'clock reports mOOe. 2051 Fire in forepeak of USS Df.HLGnEU moored across the pier from USS SLATIDt. lIord passed; two hoses laid out on deck; fire party standine by. Lt. H. N. Poulsen in charge. 2100 Secured fire hosos and fire party. Fire out on 1£5 D1IHLGRSN. APPROVED: EXAMINEO: U.S.N R COMMANDING. ( II. II. POULSEN .j...j..eJJ...teriun.V, n ~~ct.I~s. N. R. l:t..:.«! \--) NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAl. PERSONNEl. AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. a. GOV&RHWEHT PRINTING OF',CE; 1144 o· UIUl CONFIDENTIAL DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET HAV..-ERS-IU (REV. 1-... ) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ ---!:S:..!lJ~·~,T;.;;ER~_l(..!::D:!::E:...-..!7..;::(f:::..,:.J..)____________ .:..:It.:.::o::nc:.:d.:::a,,,-y_--:-=2~1=-_...:.h.::-:'.:J.lr-.,.'5:=-=t,--_. (Da,) (Dolt) 19M (M..tl) 00 - 04 0000 Llooreu port side to Pier One, n.o.n., Ke:r 'Neut, Florida, uuinG standard moor of ::.ix SOPA USS DlIlILGREN. No further remarks. lines. 04 - 08 0400 Moored as before. 08 0715 Sound School officers aboard. 12 0800 Musterod creVi on stations; no absentees. 0810 Underway from Pier 1, n.O.B., Key V:est, Fla., Pilot at the conn; Captain and Navi gator on bridge. Steering various courses and ?peeds conforming to the channel. 085.3 Sea buoy abeam to starboard. Set cotU'se at 2200pgc 220'T,. 0925 Commenced exercises vdth submerGed submarine. 1120 Held steerinG ca:multy drill. 1121 P.esumed normal steering. llJ~5 Chronometers und clocks reported Viound. /to , !?: ~:if.~ 12 ... 16 1200 SteaminG us before on various courses and speeds pursuant to exercises. 1215 c/c to ll~ c/c to 060'1'. 1548 Completed exercises Y/ith submariUe. c/c to 090'1' • 1.311 c/c to 2;30'1-. 080'1' • ~"F~p~i~ 16 - 20 1600 3teamine on various courses end speods v/hile proceeding to buses. 1622 Sea buoy abeam to starboard, 175 yards. Steaming various courses und speeds to conform with chennel. 16.30 #2 mUl buoy ab8um to starboard, 50 yards; 164.0 Eastern triangle abeam to starboard, 25 yards. 1647 116 light buoy abeam to starboard, 25 yards. 1658 Anchored in Key Wost channel, port anchor ridinG 0 to 15 fathoms chain in 27 feet 'tater on follo,'ling bearings: stack bearing 08.3.5 t, beacon bearing .315dl'. 1705 Tug YTL297 alongside. Pilot Lt. Raborn aboard. 1721 J.1oored starboard side to north side of pier one ICey Y:est, Flo/ida, vlith six lines to dock. 1800 Commenc~ takinG on fresh YlUter. 1940 Completed taking on fresh water. Received 7080 eallo~ r~ .1- {J: F. Plummer 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. APPROVED: tIo remarks. ~ EXAMINED, Lt. Conrlr. COMMANDING, NAVIGATOR c· TO BE r'ORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU Or' NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. GOVERHVEJn' PRlHTING orrlCE; I... o· ,TlU2 CONFIDENTIAL DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAV~I:R.-IS4 (REV. 1-... ) J\ ...TuER .... ' .Jo-;(I,.lDE ....'.c-::..7...C.c..b4)'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ UNITED STATES SHIP_.....;S""I ... 00 - 04 OGOO I.loored starbourd oide to north side of Pior one, to dock. SOPA in U.S.S. DJIHLGRElI (DD-!l.87). Uo remarks. OL~ - r~ey \'!est, Florida, with six lines ~'1~ Or. F. Plummer 08 0400 Moored as before. 0635 Lt. D. P. Dutler, USlIlt, returned aboard from leave. 0715 Made all preparations for cetting underway. 0720 Posted special sea details. 0753 Tug YTL-290 tied alongside port quarter. 0755 P Hot, Lt. Raborn, USH, aboard. 0758 thlderT{(;,y from Bior One, Key \'Icst, Florida, with pilot, Lt. Raborn at conn. Captain wld Navigator on bridge. (J ~'1-;~ \l-. t·. PluIluoor , 08 - 12 0800 !Jteuming as before. 0808 Pilot, Lt. Raborn, UsIl, left ship. Tug YTL-290 clear from this vessel. 0809 Stunding out of Key ,lest Main Ship Channel on various courses and speeds conforming to channel, enroU'j;e to submarine operating aroa; in compliance ,lith operations arders from Fleet Sound School. 0815 Tested general alarm and chemical attack alarm; conditions satisfactory. 0848 Passed seu buoy abeam to port, close aboard. 0900 Arrived at ::mtmarine operating area. Commenced exercise 3E in company with USS5S99. a.nd USS PCS-1378. Steaming on various courses and speeds conforming to exercise. 0920 Made run on SS-99; fired four (4) plastcd'loaded hedeehog charges. 0927 Made re-attack; fired four (41 hedgehog projectiles. 0940 Made daily in'spection of magazine temperatures. Conditions normal.' ION) t~add run on SS-99; fired four (4) hedee hog projectilos. 1130 All chro,nometers and ship's, clocks wound and set. c:1v /I1i~~~ - 1f. Ip • o/uf1e? 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before, various courses and speeds conforming to exerciiios \'lith friendly submarines. 1205 Fired four plaster loaded hcdgehog. 1215 Fired four pluster loaded hedgehog. 1250 Fired four plaster loaded hedgehog. 1319 Fired four plaster loaded hedgehog. 1326 Fir ed four plaster loaded hedgehog. 1506 Friendly sub surfac'ed. 1516 All engines ahdod tv/o thirds. Course 0250r & pgc. 1523 Sea buoy abeam to starboard 200 yards. Steaming various courses and speeds conforming to Key West channel. ~ t:J. c. p. warr 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as before. 1608 Uoored starboard side to Pier "Daker", N.O.n., I:ey \'Ioot, Fla., using standard moor. 1620 USS ATULE (5S-403) moored qtarboard side to port side this vessel. All students and instructors from Fleet SOlmd School left ship. 1626 Co~~enced receivinG fuel from Pier Buker. Draft of this vessel fwd. 9' 0", aft 10' 6 11 • 1650 Louis, A., SIc, returned from leave. 1810 McClarin, D. R., SIc, Harer-ove, il. E., S2c, V£Ll1sant, H. '1;;., SIc, Albritton, J. P., Flc, returned from leave. 1825 Simpson, E.\'I., 1!lI!2c, Bluch.-wood, J. C., Flc, Kendall, H. VI., Flc, returned from leave. 1835 Slater, E. A., 32c, Kalmbach, C. J., SIc, returned from leave. 1845 Holladuy, J. R., S2c, j)¢lrey, H. J., RdM3c, Clhohessy, J'. F., RdM3c, Shytle, J. 0" SIc, returned from leave. 1905 DiGiovanni, F. R., SF3d, Korona, F. A., SC3c, Turner, G. VI., S2c, Booz, T. S., SIc, Green, G. K., SIc, Doll, Vi. A., 52c, Doyle, J. J., lldM3c, retunled from leave. 1920 Kozlowski, A., Flc, Scott, M. C., Flc, D'Arminio, P., SIc, Spellacy, G. T., Flc, returned frolJlleavo. t(~ 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. Completed receivine fuel received 60,500 gals. diesel oil. Draft after fueling: fwd. 10' 2", aft il' 0". 2400 Poski, N., SIc, Cash, U. E., SoM3c, returned from leavo. /~~~ Cff ( P. Butler EXAMINED: APPROVED:~. . -" ' M. • urCQ, Lt. Comdr. U. S. N R COMMANDING, ll. 11. POULSEN /.,L).ellt eI]rui0 (J ( ,/.Af> !) J.. J =d'\ .....Xv..s,'s:-«...R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH u. a. GOVtRHVEJrf PRlHTlNG orrlCE; U4<1 0 - 51IU2 CONFIDENTIAL DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET HAVPERS-'U (REV •• - ... ) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _......>!S..b!W~.T=_..!1)RI..L..l.,,(p~E:!:·-::..7L.:6~6ot...)'-- ____________ \,·!.:le"",d>:n""e,:"sd!ld.!:a>,lY,-:-==2~3:--."",:,ur:~us~t,,-:-_ _ • 19~ (DGr) (Dolt) (AfOlltA) 00 - 04 0000 IAoored starboard side to Pier D (Fuel Dock), Key \'Jost, Flu., using standard moor. USS ATULE (S5-403) moored starboard side to port side this vessel. SOPA in illS DAHLGREN. 1((11;~' 04 - 08 0400 Uoored as before. 0603 Students and instructors from Fleee Sound School reported aboard for day's exercises. 0720 Made all preparations for getting underway. 0740 USS ATULE underway from alongside. 0750 Underway from alongside Pier Baker, Key Ylest, Fla., in accordan:: e v/lth ComFltSoundSch. Operations Order No. 202-/i4, enroute to Submarine Operating Area Baker. 0754 StandinG out of Key West main ship channel on various courses and speeds conforming to channel. Captain at the conn; Navigator on bridge. 0757'Exercised at general quarters.; manned all battle stations. : ~~~ fP.lp. Butler 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before. 0812 Exercised at fire drill. 0817 Secured from fire drill. buoy abeam to starboard, 50 y"urds. 0821 113 buoy aooam to ±arboord; 50 yards. 0825 . 30cure from general quarters. 0840 Sea buoy aooam to port, 75 yards. 0841 Steering various' cot~ses and speeds. 0844 Submarine submerged. 0920 Commenced exercises 3 Dog. Steering various C01~SOS and speeds to conform with ey..ercise. 1010 Following men brought befofe Captain IS lAilst: Uacina, Larry, , Slc, USNR; awarded 10 hOUl'S extra duty. Murphv, James B., Slc, USHR; arlarded v1arning and three a,lditional mid-watcnes. Wczolek, Joseph J., S2c, umm, awarded "/arning. 1015 Sick report. 1 Idv.n on sick list, Butler, Clyde, .. . ) Slc, USlffi, cat fever. No men for transfer. 1020 Magaz:Uies inspected anr! found satisfactory. 1145 All c;llocks and chronometers Vlound. ~. f~ 0818 115 t . J. F. Plummer 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. Carrying out scheduled exercises with submereed submarine. 1422 Ceased operational exercises. 1I J DoglI. 1429 Passed sea buoy abeam to starboard. 1520 Pilot CDJllO aboard; maneuvering on various crurses and speeds coming alongside dock. 1533 Moored starboard side to Pier Ill, H .O.B., Key V;est, Fla. with 6 lines. ...-:- !?t;r I·<)·V~ T. Cl. Pi r 16 - 20 I -T.~. D:r 1600 Moored as bofore. 1642 Commenced taking on fresh viator. 1750 Finished taking on fresh water, 4,11,0 gallons. . I I. .V. Pi r 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. APPROVED. No remarks. ~~. EXAMINED; ·AM.~. Lt. Comdr. u. ~: N' R ~OMMANDING·. . , NAVIGATOR TO 8£ FORWA·RD~D DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. I. OOV£RNWEHT PRlHTlNG orrlCE: ItU 0 - 511182 CONFIDENTIAL PAGE 2'0-44 DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAvp~Ra-'''' (REV. 1-... ) -=S""L/(=T""ER ............(.. ,Do.::E'--.....7..:. :bc::;6:. t.)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Thursday UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ (Do,) 24 AUfW,st (Dolt) (MOlIIl) 00 - 04 0000 Moored starboard side r'ier /'!l, U .O.D., Koy \'leot, Io'la. No remarlro. fJ.f::t"r 04 - 013 0400 Moored as before. 0715 Made all preparations for getting undernay. 0720 Set the special sea details. 0752 Undervlay from Pier #1, pilot at the conn, Captain and Navigator on the bridge. /"" f~ ~ :~: Pi~r 08 - 12 0800 Underway is. before. Vuriou; courses and ppeeds pursuv.nt toKey Vleat channel. Pilot Lt. Raborn, left the ship. 0807 Tested "eneral alarm and chemical attack alarm. 0838 Sea' buoy abeam to starboard 100 yards; courso 180o.r & pgc. All ahead otandarld. 0845 Comrr.enced scheduled exercisos "4 Buker" with friendly sub in accordanc with Operations Order 203-24. Vnrious courses Lllld speeds. 0900 Cren mustered on ::tations. No a bsente0.s. 0950 Cut off buoy on sub on port sil e. 1000 No patients on sick list and none for~ansfer. 1002 Submar~le surfaced. 1008 Retrieved buoy -- damaged boyond repair. 1015. Magazines inspected; found to be normal. 1016 Submarine submerged. Resumed oxercises. 1130 All chronometers wOU9d. 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before on vurious courses and speeds conforming to exercises 4 Buker and 5 Daker. 1450 Completed exerci:ces. 14200Course 0580r & pgc. All engines ahead full; rpm 585. 1459 Course 040~ & pgc. 1500 Course 035 T &. pgc. 1502 Sea buoy abeam to starboard 200 yards. Various courses and speeds confonning to Key nest chan11e1. 1538 Yr-297 alongside. Pilot Lt. Raborn aboard. 1551 Moored to Pier 2, Key West, N.O.D., Florida. Starboard side to. Standard moor, six lines. 1559 Lt. Haborn asbore. 16 ..., 20 1600 Moored as before. 1730 The following named men left on (10) ten days leave, COlW1COCing at present time, cA~iring 2000, 3 September, 1944; Rogers, Roger R., , Flc; Duvie, John T., , Rr2c; Figueredo, George H., , 81c, Glop:iewicz, Walter, , EM2c; Bair, Churlesll., . ' Flc, lIorton, Clinton 0., ,F2c, llurle;r, AndreVi J., , Flc, Edmunds, \7ill~am, , Stl'tc, Hur:hes. T. S., , MoM'''3c, Spink, Gerald fl., , S2c (RdM), Nelson, Albort H., , Slc. 17.30 COLlmencod tukine on lube oil. 11:130 Commenced takinC on fresh vlater. 1950 Completed tD,lcinr: on fre3h water. 4755 gallons uhourd. :?W~ C. P. riagrter 20 \,/ 24 2000 Moored as or 3400 gallons. 1~for8. All eight 0 I clock reports made. 2300 All lube oil abourdj 70 drums ~?tJ~ C. P. \7agner EXAMINED, Ii. N. POUU'.EN U. S. N R COMMANDING. <.... J;te2/~e~,J 4) t 0v J~s. ti. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU O!E' NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH u .•. GOVERNMENT PRINTING orPle'; l'U 0 - ItliU CONFIDENTIAL PAGE ;>Jr • 44 DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAV"ERa-114 (REV. 1-... ) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ ---'S:;:,.L.=..:.~,T:..:EJ;;::·c:.\_(>..:O::.:E:::..'-_7,-,(",,)(-:,,-<)) ' - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..!:F~r:-"'i""d"";J.:.J.y-_72L5,.__-~Ac:,,~1f'1~.l:J::...:t::...--. 19~ (Do,) (Dol.) (MnLI) 00 - 04 0000 Moored, 0.3 before, starboard nido to PiGr 1, n.O.B., Koy'.lost, Florida, usinc standard moor of six lines. SOPA USS(DAHLGRF.N. Ho further remarks. ;-::-;t?~ Is.I'P. vla~ 01. - 08 0400 Doored as bofore. 0735 Pilot Lt. Ilaborn ahourd. 0745 Yr-297 ulonesidG port qunrter. 0749 Undor\7ay from Pk!!' 1, N.O.B., Koy \'I03t, Florida, in accordance 'liith Sound School Operations Order No. 20","/;4. Various courses and npeeds conforming to Key t'Jest Channel. 0751 Pilot Lt. Ilaborn aboard. Yr .297 Ylhich cust off lines. . 08 12 -,:1,- ffl'~ 0800 Steamine as before. Steering various couroes conformine to ~hannel. 0335 Pas3Gd Sea Buoy abo::un to port, close aboard. 0845 Commenced making runs on t5S-R-~with 1.5S PCS-1378 on Exercine 5-Daker. 1015 Mado duily inspection of mgazines and temperatures. Conditions normal. 1040 Completed Exercise 5-BwceD. Con~encod F.xGrcise 4-Daker. 1~30 Shi:,l~ cl~~and chronometGrs reported wound and IDt. fiU~ [/p. Dutler 12 - 16 o 1200 Steamine as boforG. 1335 Chaneed course to 030 T, 030 0 pgc. 1/.22 Changed bClse course 0 to 330'1', 330 pgc. 1440 Completed day's exercisen. Proceedine indGpendontly on vurious oourses and npeeds to H.O.B., I(oy!lest, Florida. 1448 Sea buoy abeaJn to port, 100 yards. 1455 1/2 mm buoy ubeam to starboard, 75 yards. 1508 Eastern triangle abeam to starbourd, 20 yardn. 1519 li6 light buoy uborun to 3tarboard, 30 yardn. 1528 TUE IT-?/n ulonGnide to port. Pilot, Lt. ltuborn, USi!, aboard. 1540 Moored ztarboard side to north side of Pior One, H.O.B., Iiey \lent, Florida, with six liMS to dock. 1546 Pilot Lt. Ruborn left ship; Yr-2';:7 pulled awah ~.1-.\~ q. F. Plwnmer . 16- 20 1600 Moored 0.3 before. 1610 Conlldenced takinG fresh nater. Received 4000 gallons abom'd. 011 fronh nat'r.,~~ ) : - F. Plummer 20 - 24 , usrm, transferred to 2000 I.loored ao before. 2015 Culley, Herbert (n), S2c, Receivine Station, Key \'iGst, Florida, in accordance i/ith BuPern-6610 I.iPR, ~:'jj of 22 llUgllSt, 1944. ~'~Pl~ APPROVED'~ • . }1 -'it.1~ EXAMINED: Lt. Comdr. '" u. $. N R ·CO ...... ANDING. NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THIL BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END of EACH MONTH U. I. COVERNWEJn' PRINTING eFFie!:: IIH o· $Tli82 CONFIDENTIAL DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET HAV"ERS-I14 (REV. 1-44) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _c.!.~""L!.!t:l" 1""':.... I .... t-'-'(D:<-'E""-;...7'-'IY;:,;/.:...))<--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Saturday (Do,) 26 (Dolt) AU"J,lst ,ltM- (Molll1) 00 - 01.. 0000 Hoored starbom'd side "t.o north side of pier one, H.O.B., Kev West, Florida, 'with nix linos to dock. Various milts present. SOP A in illS D1JILGItElI (DD-18?,). No remarks. <t~~p{~ 0400 l.1oored as before. 0730 Posted special oea detailfl. Made all preparations for r:ettinr, unden/ay. 0743 Tur, Yr-297 alongside /:.0 port. Pilot Lt. Raborn aboard. 0745 Undervlay from Pier One, proceeding to operatillllo.ttQtl~Q' carry out submarine e xercifles. in accordance vii th Fleet Sound School operations order if!iJ4:-44. Lt. Raborn at conn; Cuptain and Navigator on bridee. 0755 Lt. Raborn, pilot, left ship; IT-297 cast off. 0756 Steaming on various courses and speeds to conform vtlth channel. 0757 119 buoy abeam t.o starboard; 35 Y'~ =~: ,c: ~ abeam to starboard , 20 yards. : ""\ . -:\- . L JO F. Pluml!lOr 08 - 12 0800 SteaminG as before; various courses and speeds OlDnfOnning to Key Vlest Channel. Teoted general alarm and chamica.l attack alarm. CreYI mustered on d:.ations; no absentees. 0835 Sea buoy abeam to port, 125 yards; course 18001' & pge; all ongines ahead ane-third. 081..8 Submarines submerged. Conunencod exercises T/ith friendly submarine. Various coursen and speeds pursuunt to exercises. 0959 Magazines and sprinklinr, system inspected and found to be satisfactory. 1010 II 0 patients on sick list; none for transfer. 1114 . Ceased exercises iIi th friFlndly submarine. 1120 Submarine 3m' faces. 1123 All chronometers wound. 1124 General quarters. 1131 Fired 13 depth charGes in a full pattern. 111.,2 Securod from General Quarters. 111..3 All enGines ahoad full; 585 rpm. C:(?V~ C. P. I:agngr 12 ~ 16 1200 SteaminG as before. 1215 Passed sea buoy ~beam to starboard; distance lCO yards. stundine up main ship channel on various courses and speeds conforming to channel. 1246 Pilot Lt. Raborn, USN, aboard, Tug Yr-297, mude fast to port quarter. 1258 l~oorcd ztarboard dde to north side Pier Ill, n.O.B., 1(ey riQst, Fla., using stundurd moor. 1305 Pilot loft ship. Tue; Yr~297 clear. 14.30 Cornmundine Officor hold rersonnel inspection and materiel inspoction. 1455 Comploted receivinr, 4025 Cals. fresh flUter from dock. 1507 Conunenced taking steam from dock. 1553. Captainls inspection compl~ted. A?~ If((;,. J3utler 16 - 20 1600 Moored as before. 1630 Ilarnod, n. F., 52c, left on 10 dLlyS authorized leave. t~~c£~~ 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. 2017 1I olcombe, II. C., Hospital, Key i'iest, Fla. , ),!01.1l'1~C, ~rans;/ed to Haval /1,%£-~ {[tip. ~~ APPROVED, ~ EXAMINED: -' H. H. POlITSFll L _1 e [~ Lt. Conrlr. U. s. NTI . COMMANDING. •. .() ~ NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF· NAVAL. PERSONNEL. AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. GOVERNU.£HT PRINTING orFICE: I'U o· nUln CONFIDENTIAL DECK NAVPI:Ra-114 (REV. 1-44) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ LOG~REMARKS SHEET -"'S!..l.LLLtL.. T..I,;imUJ......l(.J.DI.:.~oI!-:...7l.!.('!!Ol6l.J)L-___________ --IoS,:,;Jm~d....[\...Y'--___=,,2~7'---.1.Al:'u.,eu~sutl---. (D.,) (Dolt) (Montl) It-M. 00 - OL. , Fla., using s tandurd 0000 Moored atarboardside to north side of Pier 1, N.O.D., moor. SOPA in illS DMILGHEH (DD-187). 04 - 03 Condi:tions 0400 Moored as before. 0750 Tented general alarm 'and satiafactory. 08 - 12 0800 Moored as before. 0810 Held quarters for muster; no absentees. 1010 Chronometers and ship's clocks reported \'found and set. 10.30 Lt. J. F. Plummer, USUR, left on five days authorized leave. 1045 Maeazines temperatures inspected. Conditions normal. I.;;~ 12 - 16 1200 Moored as before. 15.30 COMmenced taking on fresh wuter. C:I?~ C. P. \lagnef' / 16 - 20 1600 Uoored as beforo. 1635 Completed takinc on fresh VI ater. lL•.35( collona aboard. ~(~;l~ 20 -24 2000 Moored as before. All eight 0 I clock reports made. No further remarks. t:/;J. ;:acn~ C. P. APPROVED, EXAMINED, U,S,N R NAVIGATOR COMMANDING. TO liE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. OOVERNWEHT PlUHTING orTICE; It.. 0 ~ UIH) CON~lDENTIAL NAV~ERI-IU DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET (REV. 1-44) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _'"".J~.J~-."':...!:.c;:;j~(---\.(D::!.·~~=_-rL7..::.., :":"'''')_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ::::V~1.:..:·'·'Lr_--:-:;:.:.~~:::,~,____-...:·.l:..:,l.';1:.:.1::.:.;1..,:::' .. __ , ,..:f:;.:;":;:" (D.,) OC-OO i,loored moor of s:b:: lino!). (Da/,) 19 1/, (M..tA) before, stnruoard side to Pier 1, !l.O.B., l~ey \,est., Florida, Uf;inC strulclm'd SO:Pi'. aboard USS DflILGi1'Sl!. Ho further romarks. US C/:'/~ C. P:-- ~iaofor . 04 - 08 0/..00 I.Ioored as before. 0(-/27 Itlmnini: lir,hts on. o62H YTl!I-2~7 alonr:side port quarter. U)~(,' P 110t Lt. liuborn aboard. 0(·32 UndorVlay from Pier ]., II.O.B., Koy iiost, in accoroWlce vlith Floet Sound OcllOol Operutiom; Order 206-M,. Vnrioun courses und:;poeds T)urnuunt to cettinG underway Ilnd to !(cy ';:cst Channel. 061..0 Tug Yr-2S'7 cast off \7ith Lt. ltaborn, pilot, abourd. 0711 Socurod rlUU1inc liGhts. 0710 Exnrcise'l at r.eneral quarters drill. 0'/13 Seu buoy abc alii to port 10(' Tdrd:;. Steerinc various cournos u.nd speeds co~formillg to c;:crciHes "lith sublfiarine. 0741, COf.ll.':ncr;::l o;'orciso ") lillCII. SUUI.1arine su1:.fnerC'ld. 0751 Secnred fron General ;..uartors. 08 - 12 0800 Steaminc as OOfore; various courses und speedn conforming to exercises II) i,DC", r:ith nubmeraed purmurinc. CreYI nrustnrcd on stations; no absentees. 1000 lio men on picl: lit; t;. ard none for transfor. 1130 All chronomterp 1illd deck clocks vlound. 1152 SteerinG c anuulty drill; uftA~r steorinc tool: control. 1157 H.cnumed normal steerinG. 12 - 16 1200 SteaminG as beforo, c nrryinG out c;:erdS9n "3 J\',C" \!itll s uumnrino • 123:1 Gomplot0(1 oxcrcine 13I.:jC" steering variou!) courl3es to Sf)U buoy. 13CO S a bHOY a hlL(m to port. 1:W3 StoClInin: on various courses [:n'l crpeeds conforming to clwnnol. 1:~:31' ;~.nchorod in lOuin chip chL:nncl 1'li th 35 fathoms of chain to starboard LUlchor in 2{) f!let of ':Iater. '1345 Y;eichtld onchor. 14Cl hloorl!d ::;tm-ooard side to Pier 1, n.O.B., Key Host, Fla., ','/ith () linos. "/. 9-.(l~ T.(IJ. !'it,r 16 - 20 1(-,00 !!toored us ~forc. 110 remark". ;WOO !'ioorod before. ilo 20 - 2L, <'.S ~ P. /·9·f/~ rH;lu.rl~s. 1';'J.l'f'[Y}r APPROVEDI~ . EXAMINED: t-- ulCQ Lt. Comch'. hi. J. U.S.N n COMMANDING. TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL. PERSONNEL AT THE END Of'=' EACH MONTH U. 8. GOVERNWItn' PRIHTING OfP'lC£: 18 ... 0 - nun CONFIDENTIAL DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVPERS-t,. (REV. 1-.... ) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _-.:;.::;"'1"', ....'-'-'1·_·'""::~'__'(..:.;ll"'';':...,--'?...:.:':../~_'))_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ co - 01.. ooeo SCPh. in I,;oored ::::tr;.rbourd nide to Pior llo romurlw. t ~J.J D~j;rD]Cll (DD-187). "r:-t(1 OI..CO I.ioort;d as before. 0600 l:;urle preparation:::: for' cettinr; lmdor\,IUY. 0(>20 ::;~t tho spociw. Geu dot.ail. 0630 lhldornay from Picr 1, H.O.B., Key i,est, Flu., Cuptain at the conn; l!uviGator on tho bridGe. Steering various courses ~LI1d speods ::::tandinc ollt of ch::mnel. 070n Sea buo'r abe·,r.l to ::::tarbourd. 0709 Iln1d genora1 (luurtor:::: drill. 0737 3ecu:ceu from General quarters. 0731 Cor.lwmC8U oxercises :3 A lIith submarine, operatine \lith rcs-1424 and ;';'-88;::if~ . (:q: Pitkr 08 - 12 080e stomoine as before, c<1rrying out exercise :3 A. fJustered crew on :Lations; no absent')os. OC;10 liI'J1d steerinG casuu1t:r drill. 0<)12 !l.oSUJTlod normal steerbr,. 095( No patients on :::;ick li~t; none for transfl'Jr. J 120 Clu'onomotern onel c10cl~n U01ill'i. 1108 Thne course of :murnarine::ct at 2CjCpr. ~ (f,' I'~'l'jr 12 - 16 1200 !Jtomnine as before. 131.. ~ Comp1etode:ercise:3A fordav. L):pondorl 3g rO"ndu l)l[,ztDr loaded hedGehOG projectilns durinG e~erd::;e. 1354 :}ot courso '281 Clf. lill oneines nhead fu'l, proceed inC to Key \';ost. 11..29 PasD(,rl soa buoy a'bo:,lm to port, di:::tuncD 1(;00 yards. ~~tanr1inr, up main chip chmUlel on variou:; C01U'SOS an'l. speo:1s conforr.unc to channel. 15(.0(.' Tu;,; yr-2~7 made f:J.st to port quarter. Pilot Lt. nahorn, usn, aboard. 1510 i.~oored stnroo:.:rd nide to lIortl! ~',ide of rior 1, ir.O.D., Eey \;flst, Fla., usinG standard moor. 1515 Pilot left r;l;ip} Tu(,: 'tf-?97 c1oc'r of tl;is vessel. 1550 r.OI'lllenc·'U t~\:inG on fresh \':utor. //JI;~ . if.I P. Butler 16 - ?o l(£() r:oored us before. 1(.3 f Cowp10ted roceivine 2[~()5 [;a1s. fresh ''''I.tor from docl~. 1:j20 FoJ10ning non roported for duty i'roli1 U.S. Ilavul neceivil1(( Station, Iiey V:03t, Fla., on eutllority listed: lCrou[~h, P. A., ,F1c; Ilrl1ezky, E. L., ,F2c; ullth. BuPorG 1tr. Perc6;OL.-!.U'·-13 of 12 August 1%4, and ConDerForLantsubOrdCom ltr. PL-3/JlC-3()/!.iLl(J1377-SC) of 15 Au,r;ust 19M., Dillard, J. L., ' Y2c. nuth. CSF 32772-SC of 19 Au[';w:;t 19L.J+; l!::lzc, :~.G., ) Fle; Goobel, C. J., Jr., , F1c, and Laber, E. D., , Flc, autlJ: G':}, LSC ltr. neria1 31081-SC of ') 1'11':11[,1.., 19lJ.: l~~mt, 1!. n., ! SKJ 3c(T) , au 1..1'1: CorrCcrv ,~lc, Lo.nt Itl'. PY,-3/!IC-.36/!1l.1(J10(30-:::C) of S' :.u:;ust, 1')1.;1... 1855 CJN,]C, G. ":., Jr., transfcrrod Img on" '"","nok to ll.3. "c',", liospital, Koy ;'csth~~Z2" """s_ Art, 111,1. D. 1'. Buner ' 20 - 24 2000 noorod ns bofore. 2030 HGceiv'Jd 40 planter loaded he~eho.. g pro~Jti1e3 abourd. flU'ther renurJcs. 'ri»J4;w r. D. APPROVED: Ho Dutler EXAMINED, U, S, N R' COMMANDING, NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL. PERSONNEL AT THE END OJl' EACH MONTH U. I, GOVERNM£HT ,RINTING orFICE: It .. o· nliU CUNFIDENTIAL DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET HAVPEftS-U4 (R£V. 1-«) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _~S..,.U<.!.T"_'ER~....:(uD!!oE!.:-:...t7~60~'L) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Vlednesdav 30 (Dor) (Dot,) ,194!L August (MOll/A) 00 - 04 0000 lloored starboard side to north side of Pier 1, N.O.B., Key West, Fla., using standard Receiving fresh 'Water and steam frOlJl dock. SOPA in U3S DAHLGREN. moor. i:!3dw/dv 't.ll. Butler 04 - 08 0400 Moored as before. 0552 Students and instructors from Fleet SOWld School aboard. 0620 Made all preparations for getting underway. 0631 Underwllj" from Pier 1, N.O.B., Key fiest, Fla., enroute to operating area, in accordanco with ComF1tSndSchool Operations Order tIo. 208-44. Captain at conn; Navigator on bridge; standing out linin Ship Channel on varioua courses and speeds confol'll1ing to channel. 0712 Exercised at Goneral Quv.rters; all battle stations mrumod. 0736 Secured from Genoral Quarters. 0740 Arrived at operating area; commencod exercise 3-D, operating with USS PCS-l424 and USS R-88. Steering various courses and sp . eads in ~c/Jformanca to exercise .orc in tBS PCS-l424. il#.d~ : 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before. Carrying out exercise 3D. lIustered crew on stations; no absentees. 0925 Made daily inspection of magazines; conditions normal. 1007 No patients on sick list; Done for transfer. llOO All chrcoometers and clOCk: report1-:~~(~ . T• '6-. Pi~er 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. 1341 Completed exercise "3 Dog", proceoded to port on buse course 280'T, 27SOpgo. 11.10 Expended 18 rds. plastic loaded hedgehogs. 1421 Sea buoy abeam to port 1 mile; steering various cOUt'ses and speocis conforming to 'channel. 1512 Tug Yr-297 made fast to port 1{Uarter. 1513 Pilot Raborn aboard. 1514 Pilot took conn. 1527 "'oored stDllboord s:ld e to Pier 1, N.O.B., Key fiest, Florida. 1530 Sound school students ashore. (i') hjt)(). . v.k~ 16 - 20 1t:oo l.!oorad as before. 1714 4,000 gals. of water taken aboard. 1845 Classes for 3"50 gun crews. ~ 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. 2019 Lt.{jg) L. P. Healey departed for tempDDary duty under instruction at cre School, Hollywood, Florida. @A"~ C. R. C1unie EXAMINED, APPROVED, H. N. p~::> U. S. N R COMMANDING, cJt~;§! ~.R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. GQVERNWEH'T PRIHTIHO orFICE: u ... 0 - nun CONFIDENTIAL P"'GE ----244-44-- DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET HAVPERS-IU (REV. I-,u) UNITED ST ... TES SHIP _ _ _ _ _~S=LAT~ER=.:.......1(.!:ODE=.;...-7!..:66~)'___ __________ T=-=h~ur=_=Bd=aI"--_"3'_=1'_____=A::..:ugus::n::=_"'t__ . 19~ (Dar) (M..t1) (Dol.) 00 - 04 0000 Moored as before, starboard side to Pier I, N.O.B., KeY' West, Florida, usin& standard moor of six lines. SOPA aboard USS DAHLGREN. No further remarks. /'pI/PI U-AA.,.d., --- ( ,/,/ _/ ~cf u. P. Wagner 04 - 08 0400 1&00nKl as before. 0610 Sound sohool offioers aboard. 0633 Running lights turned on. 06,36 UnderwaY' from Pier 1, N.O.B., KeY' West. Varioua oourses and speeds pursuant to getting underwaY' and to KeY' West channel. 0711 Secured the running lights. 0723 Sea buOY' abeam to starboard, 500 ;yards. Steering various couraes and speeds pursuant to exercises with friendlY' submarine. 0'7J5 Commenced exercise three dog. 0750 Tested General Alarm and chemical attack alarm. 0758 PCS-l424 cut buOY' to suhnarine. -'1 .) /' J /:,/·VV~ c. P. Wagner' '. 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before, various courses and speGds conf'orming to exercises with friendlY' subnarine. Ceased exeroises while subDarine retrieved buOY'. Ilustered orew on stationa; no absentees reported. 0809 Man overboard drill. 0819"l4anlf ovorboard retrieved. 0820 Secure from man ovorboard drill. 0823 Resumed exercise -three dog-. ~ All chronometers wound and set. 1124 Ai'ter steering took control - steering casualty drill. 11213 Resullled normal steering. 1155 Fired 24 rotmds of plaster loaded 7"2 projectora. ....,)/' J /0f,1,W6-1~ c. P. YlagrlOr 12 - 16 1200 steaming as before. 1227 Fired four plaster loaded hedgehogs. 1253Fired four plaster loaded hedgehogs. 1.3013 Submarine changed base course to 260'1'. 1346 Completed exerciJl8s "three do«". 1354 Submarine surfaced. 1355 Proceeded independentlY' at f'ull. speed; course JOoor. 1.4ll Sea 000Y' abeam to port, 1500 yds. Steering various courses and speeds oonforming to channel. 1417 Passed ATR-29 in channel. 1440 Motor launch from N.O.B., KeY' West, alongside; discharged Sound School students. 1442 Anchored in channel, Z7 ft. of wateJ:: with 15 fathoms of chain to water I sedge, using starboardCL,anchor; KeY' West Light bearing 117"'r, middle ground beacon 311 or ; rear rango beacon bearing 076 1'. l.443 Motor launch clear of ship. l.447 Tug Yr-297 alongside; made fast to port quarter; Pilot Raborn came aboard. l.449 Pilot took conn. 1459 Anchor" aweigh. 1513 Moored to Pier No.1, N.O.B., Key West, Fla., six lines to dock. 1517 Main engines secured. 1520 Pilot left ship. 1553 Commencod taking water from dock. ruw 0, _ '. C.R~ 16 - 20 1600 Moored as before. 1731 Finished taking 3500 galloos water aboard. C,~~J;;;C. W. Woltz 20 - 24 2000 Received 2000 reports. 2020 Received thirtY'-six hedgehog projectiles (~) aboard. C#t..P.l-f~ c. W. Woltz EX ... MINED: "'PPROVED: H N. ~9::-~3N U. S. N R COM ...... NDING,· \A~.~~~N.R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END Of' EACH .... ONTH U. 8. GOVERHW[HT PRIHTING orFICE; UH o· UIIU
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2000 Uoored as before. All eight' o'clock reports made. ?005-Lt.(jg) L. P. Healey and
Lieut. T. J. Piper, left on nine days leave expiring Nov. 11, 1941+.