DECK lOG-TITLE PAGE CONFIDENTIAL NAVPI[RS 117 (REV. 1-.14) '~. ",' LOGBOOK OF THE u. s. s. SLATER ----------------~-~-?~---------------------------IDENTIFICATION NUMBER COMMANDED BY _____________________ M.___J. __aw.c.QJ. __ t.J,~lJ.t~m~J)~Q~JJ.g_~!'_, _______________________________________________________ , U. S. N. R. ______________________________________~~gQ!!7: __________ --(WmTy::FIVEj""----------------------------- Division, Attached to ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.------------------- Squadron, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Flotilla, __________ JJ.!_$.! ___~_~_~r..~_________________________________________________________________________________________ Fleet, Commencing _______ J __t{9.!~!I!~~r ___________________________________________________________________ , 19 44 at __ A:m'QJ.l._1;._e__ .f1'.Q)lL_~g1~P.9___~__ J!~!LXQr~.t. __y.!_~!_~~____ --------------------------------------------------------------, and ending ___ 30__ N'OYemb_er_________________ . _________________________________________________________ , 19 44 a t __ ~Q~~!__ J!'~_J!l:_B'_~:! __~!?!~_t __ !_!_~~_~~_~_, ___~__ ~~_~_! __ ------------------------------------------------.----------- TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH CONFIDENTIAL DECK lOG-LIST OF OFFICERS N"'V~ERS-l" (REV, I~") SLATER(DE-766) LIST OF OFFICERS ATTACHED TO AND ON BOAR., THE U. S. S. _ _ _ _-'-'.=..:..:..::"-'-!.::..::;.-'-"---'~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ M. J BLANCQ. Lieut.-Commander BY _...!:.!~~~=~_~=~.!..::.:===~ REPORTING FOR DUTY O';:TACH ... e:NT OR DEATH FRO'" NAME AND FILE NUMBER RANK R' . DURING TH';: PERIOD COV';:R';:D BY THIS LOG BOOK. WITH OAT';: OF 1 November DATE 0,. REPORT .. INO ON SOARD DAn OF DET .... CHMENT (S/'ow J.,,,d,,...nt (Show fiI. No. I../ow n ..",.) BLANCQ, Marcel J U. S. N. , CO ...... ANDED ," • TO 30 November ." NAME, RELATIONSHIP. AND ADDRESS OF NEXT OF KIN PRIMARY DUTIES (S/'ow "JJ,... "I w/'I,/' BuP." ""y .,osl ,."Jily ,o., .. unl,,,,. wil" tted 01 kin in "n .",.,v-ney) J",. I../ow,.po,'In, J",.) Urs. M. J Blancq 4650 De Montluzin, St. New Orleans. La. Lt-Comdr. 1 May 1944 Commanding Lieut. 1 May 1944 Executive T.i Alit. 1 Mav 19l.l.. Lieut. 1 May 1944 Lieut. 1 May 1944 Lieut. 1 May 1944 Lieut. Assistant 1 May 1944 First Lieut. Lt(1g) Assistant 1 May 1944 Gwmery Off. Lt. ( .1g) 1 May 1944 A.S.W. Off. T.t.(i~) 20 Nov 19J., TempOrary Ensim 16 Julv Mr. Knud Poulsen (Father) POULSEN, Harold N. PIPER, ThODl!l.S J. VlAGNF.R. Colton P. JOHNSON, Roy E. BUTLER, Doyle P. PLUl.llAER, John F. HEALEY, Lawrence P. CLUNIE, Charles R. SHACKELFORD, Earl 1. AGNEW, . John P. BLINKA, Joseph (n) Ensitm BUT)'ERVIICK, Ward R. Ensign Dayton. Wash. Mrs. T. J. Piper (Wife) 120 s. 50th Ave. First Lieut. Omaha. Neb. Mrs. Ernest C. wagner lMot.ner) Red Top Farm, Southampton Gwmery Off. Long Island, New ~ork. IMrs. C. A. Johnson lMot.ner) .3905 Decater St. Richmond, Va. Engineer Mrs.1)oyle P. Butler \Mother) 80.3 Church Street Communications Mari:etta. Ga. Yr. Charles Plummer (Brother) Greenville, Alabama. Mrs. D. J. Healey \Llother) 561 Massachusetts Ave. Lexington. Mass. Mr. N. I. C1unie (Father) 516 E. Chestnut st. Corydon. Ind. Mrs. Jane Mereer Shaekelford{Wife) .35 E. 6.3rd. Street New York City, N.Y. Mrs. T. Lee Agnew (Mother) O£den. Illinois. Mrs. Anna Blinko. (Mother) .3766 East Martin Ave. Assi:Jtant 10 Seot. I.. COl!DllunieatioDs Cudahy, Wise. Mrs. Daphine Butterllick (ylife) 1.370 Peabody St., NW Washington, D.C. 6 Sept •.G4 Temporary JJ.. Disbursing Supply & ~;;'I' '" "" f\~ \ I ....,'. c. . I:! <:> ~ Vi V) "" .~ :.Z. '? ~ ~ ':::.~ ~ '0, s· \.~: ~~I j ~ EXAMINED AND FOUND TO BE CORRECT. TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH ~: u. S. S. SLATER (DE-766) C/O FLEET POST OFFICE NEW YORK, NEW YORK Lt. Com:1r., Licut ., }I. i~. J. BLANCQ, D-M,1.f.~llR II. POULS~N, DE, mNR Lieut.., '1'. J. Pli'T.lt, D, USI.JIl Lieut., C. P. \JM~lI'~R, D, U::\Jffi 1i,rs. }.!. J. Bl~e(l, 1/)50 Do Liontlu7.il1, St., H'm OrlQun~, Lu. Mr. Knu:l Poulsen (Futher) Dayton, Wash. Ili1'':;. T. J. l'iper (dfe) 120 S. 50th Avenue Omahu, lIc;bruGka i.lrs. j.~rnost j,. i.ar,ner (Mother) P.f"lrJ. 'I' or> Farm, '301lth P f\mpton LonG Island, NgVl York. Lieut., R. r:. ,TGlNSOH, E, I£NR Hrs. C. A. Johnson (I,jot.her) 3905 D9cater St., IU.chmond, Va. Licut., D. P. BITT'L7Jt, DE, USlffi Iks. Doyle P. But,lor (r,other) 803 Church :-:.trect Luriet.t.u, GoorGia. Licut., J. F. PLUldrF:H., D, KIlR Gi\urles PJl1rnrner (Brother) Grl")o::nvillp, Alnbuma. Nr r'. D. J. J-1 paley ("loth'Jr) 561 t,la:.;"aclmssetts Avenue Lc::dnGton, 1,1~0s. Lt.{j/j) c. n. CLUilIE, D, USNIl. J':n5. J. 1'. AGIfI'-:'.'i, SC, lISlm Ens. Ii. Ii. BUi''1'F:J-tliIGK, ('J'eJTlTlornry}USNR J,lr. H. I. Chmie (.I<'c ther ) 516 B. Chestnut St., Cro.:rrlon, Ind. i,irs. 'J'. 1.£'1'I Ar;nBW (!.lot.her) Ogden, IJ 11nois. !Iirs. Daphine Butter\'lick (\.Ue) 1370 PPHboiy 0t., NYI., \1 ~ '.neton, D.C • . CONFIDENTIAL PAGE ~C6_-..::.U...;,.· _ _ DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET HAVPERS-IU (REV. 1-0«1) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ ..:.:S!:LA::!!T.!..!':R~.' ~.l;(n:.:.E:!.-=-7!..:66::::.::..)!.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ \,Iednesday (Do~) 1 NoyembBr (Dal,) (MonIA) ,19JJ.... 00 - 04 0000 Bnroute from ~neland, approaching New York, N. Y., escorting convoy 42-A. Dase course 280'1 & pec, 291 0 psc. Speed of convoy 14 knots, our speed 15 knots, all ahead standard (!.l..0 rpm). Patrolling station 4,000 yds on port bow of convoy, convoy in two columns. Escort commander is CTG 21.5, in USS DOHAN (OD-63/.); convoy commodore in 58 SAMAhlA. This vessel in crmrlHion of readinesH II H and material condition Baker. 0255 Ttaised sca buoy by raner, bearin:~ :noor, distancp. 12 miles. 0305 COIT'msnced detaching Rllips of convoy Villose dcntination in other than NeVI York. o:no Chancp.d base course to 3100f and pgc. 0319 Changedob,1.sfl course to 325 0 r & PGC. 0321 Commenced operating degaussing coils. 0335 Passed NeVI Yorlc sea buo::' abeam t.o stttrboard, distance ~on 7srds. :::ntercd swept chan!1el patI'ollin~ ahea0 of convoy 0;1. variOt,s courses con:li'orming to charmel at stanclard np~fld (450 rpm). 03A7 Passco buoy llble abeam tl'l st.arboard, distance 500 1'ls. 0350 'J'u'IT'ed on runninr, lir,hts. 0352 Passed buoy &ker ahp.em to starhO'lrd, distance 500 yds. Steamin2 up sNept crca!lt'.el on courseE' conforrninr:):.o channel . . tIf.;/i/(/.;::./n-./L/ /.' -(:~:/, . P; But'ier 0/. - 08 0400 SteaminG as before. 0402 Speed '~50 rpm. 0409 Speed 405 rpm. 0415 Buoy "0" abeam to stbd. 1000 yds. Var~ous courses and speeds conforming 'to swept channel entrance to New York Harbor. 04'29 Buoy "E" abeam to stbd. 1000 yds. 0/-,45 Buoy "F" abeam to st.bd. 1200 yds. 0502 Buoy "G" abeam to stbd. 1200 yds. 0515 B'JOY Ifll" abeam to stbd. l?OO yds. 0545 Gedney LiCht. buoy abl'1am to stbd. 500 yds., cleared sViept channel. 0553 r:ntered 0€1rlnev channel. O()15 Elloy "14" ubell.m to sthrl. close aboard. rae~lI'erl Gedney Chsnnp.l. F;ntarnd Laonardo PiGr cht'nn0). (If/,S I!.oored stbd. side to I,Gop.ardo Pier, HfD,Eo.rJ.e, il. J., to discharce ullU11W\HHm. 08 - 12 0800 !.Ioored and clocks wound. a:; before. t.lustercd crew on station, no absentees. t ---/, '1. v!,:J·v 1115 A1J chronometers ,,:.J/ T • d,J. P:l er 1200 l,loorp.d as before. 1313 Underway from Leonardo :Pier, Earle, N. J.; steering various COlrrses and speeds conforming to the pi~r chll.nnel. 1347 #2 nun buoy aQeam to stbd. 50 ~ards. r.:ntering Chapel Ilill Channel. 1401 Viest Bank Licht House abearn to port 100 yar0s. 1402 Entered Ambrose Channel. 11.15 PHsse:! clear of the netfl. 1532 Y'T'B-l72 made fast to port. sioo, Pilot l-iu'isen aLoord. 1550 'T'us shined from port Lo stbd. side. 1557 Noored port ~;ide to lr,S FIiiCli (i)":-)?B) at bflrth 4, Pier lako, Dr-ooklyn HaV'.! Yard. Stannard m00r O.l ;; lines. ),';'59 Yl'B-1n cust off with rilot lIudscn. ~~ C. P. i';a~ 16 - 20 1600 Moored as before. H20 USS E3 T'nT (DF.-768) tied up port side to om' starboard side. Commenced taking electricity aboard ship. 1(,45 The follorling men left on leave for nine (9) days, expiring 0800, 11 November, 1944: Dillard, J. L., Y2c, , USNR; Perkins. H. ':[., C"J:i, , USN; Shipman, L. S., Gf,;o},1!/a, , USN; KendaD, H., F)c, ; Cloninger, C. A., FC 3c, , U::;Nt~; Lowd ~,r, S. L., '~] c, • USHf(: Brid IiG, f)., BV] c , , USNL; Rosso, 1.., :;1;~3c, , lFiIf..; Albrecht, II., , US!Hi; l~ul"'llcz, fl.., T'l,i2c, tlo!,J,\3c, , USHH; Sullivan, ~. F., jiJ,;3c, , KIm; IfUGhC~1, R. '1'., HIli 3d , USlffi; Hobbs, J., CHM, : USNH; Knauss, G. H., TM2c, USNR; PesY-i, H .. Tr.i3c, , \::"~~~~'f'\'I' USNH; Glo'!:iel'ficz, Walter, "'J.!3c, , U~NR: Fischer, P., Flo, , USNR; Burton, D., Fp20,. ' USI~; McLeod. C. ;.;., SIc, , USNR; Bishop, J., Flc, ,USNR. I~ '-:':a; erb.ns, B. 0., Slc, , USNR; Trunt.z, V;. H., Slc, , USllR; Spellacy, G., Mo:'fr.13c , USER; !lerman, J., U12c, , USUR; Goati, C. il., Slc., , USHRj Pierro, ~. , ( J. VI., ':1c, , USHF.; Byrd, '1'. J., Slc, , lC!'mj Fieueredo, J., Slc, , '~1 ~I: tlSNRj Chattin, H., .Flo, , U:Wi.; Hobartson. ')., !3rJ' :k, j tC!lH; Hatterreu, 1.1'. s ~I rC3c, , U']IR: Kell':r, G. B., COY., , U'llR; B~rrol1, J., Flc, , U'"';Jf-'.; .'! k: Boo~~, 't'. S., Slc, , US;IR; }:o';wrd, D., liOl.lt,;3c, , USNJ\; \:l\rI'en. J., Gl,:2c, , ,U,SHH; Colemcln. '1., Sr:]c, , rSHR.; Janowski, Yi •.T., S]c, , l'''!!h:; l;ueUler, \" ,T., GOY., , IJSNH; Sterner, P. F.: F.dlnc, • USNF:: Lo0.: IA. ,T., m.~?r, USHH; Poters. F. t.i., S1c, , UStlR; \';000, S. )1., S2c, , l!L'Hf(; Kucharski, J. B. Flc, ,USllH; TUIl'J:il, J. I,i., Slc, 0'11811), '['.f., SJc, TJS:n{i i<.'<' . APPROVEO~II ••• ..J~ EXAMINED: ~;l~'~ Lt'. Comdr. COMMANDING. Lioutenant U. s, N.H NAVIG .... TOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE eUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACti MONTH U. S. GOVtnNMlNT 11UNTltW on'lct:; ttH4 O-I8%sav CONFIDENTIAL PAGE .3.f:6::.-.... ',t...,__ DECK lOG-ADDITIONAL REMARKS SHEET NAVP£RS US (REV. 1-4-4) _ _ _ _ _ _....Su..I"'Ji.u.T-'-fw:R'-I(...D<-Ec:-:..J7'-'E£A4,)~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~!ednesda'r UNITED STATES SHIP Clio,) • NQvem~, J Wall) 19.J.4 (Al.oIl) ADDITIONAL REMARKS 16 - 20 (continued) Perip.ord. R. fi., Slc, t U'1ffi; t,liller, K. S •• PhMlc, , USNR; P"lrreault, G. T., S2c, , USNR; Mnrtinson. R. r.:., !'Mlc, ' USN; Brewer. G. H., SIc, , nSlffi; D'Arminio. P., Rdl.13c, , lBNR; Hu~y, R. C., RdM3c, , USNR; !olclton, 1\., J.lol.!~.~~n, ,USNR; Carey, J. L, SIc, ) USHR; Drovm, F.. C., SIc, , USNR; Koz1m"ski, fL., Flc, , USNR; Hall, M. L., SIc, , USNR; Ashworth. Iii., BM3c, , USNR; Burke, J. G., SIc, , USNR; Dlbb, R. B., BM2c, , U'Jill; Nixon. G. J., SIc, , USNR; Simpson, E. W., ID2c, , lB~m; f:ain, L. H., Ylc, , USN; Gusa ti, A., F2c, , Ur,NTt; Ralphs, n., SoM3n, , U"NH; Thompson, L. A., SIc, ,USNR. 1730 Cor.tmenced taking fresh vlUter to t.anks and salt water lines. 1745 Commenced taking steam aboard. Completed t.fI.ldng f:rf!sh water.aboard. 1000 gals. aboard~ 1750 Cobble, C.I.!. Ci1,i3c, , U~~NR; Edmtmds, VI. H., sunc, , U:;lffi, left ship on nine days leave expirinG 0800, Nov. 11 191..~. /Al?J. L;r. ~( C. 1-'. 'ilagner 20 - 24 2000 Uoored as before. All eight' o'clock reports made. ?005-Lt.(jg) L. P. Healey and Lieut. T. J. Piper, left on nine days leave expiring Nov. 11, 1941+. ~/(;J~ C. P. V/agner APPROVED: ~ LANCt Lt. ,omdr. U. • EXAMINED, ~ u. s. NR ~.1f.ci?~ Lieutenant . COMMANDING. TO EJE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH u. s. N. R NAVIG .... TOR CONFIDENTIAL PAGE UNITED STATES SHIP ;,Crz-Itlt DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVPER5-1),f (REV. 1-.44) ~·LATT::R (DF.-7.~f.) ----~~--~--~--~-------------------------------- 2 'fhl1rsday (~r) Novem ber W.I,) , 19.!:t!L (Mo~I') 00 - 04 OCOC l.joored as before port sioe to starboard side of U~S FI:lCll (DE- 328), usinG stundard moor of su lines, ,;tth the tr·S ::BF.RT(DE-768) moor<'3d outboard port side to. Taking power, ntaam und fresh Vlater from the dock. No further remarks. 04 - C-8 0400 Moored as bAfore. Ens. J. P. Agnew, lJSHR, left stip 0.1 <) days leave, expiring 0800 Nov. 11, 1944. (:750 Tested general alarm und chemical attack alarm. . (: ~ tJ.:t-- C. P. os - liagne~ 12 0800 Moored as beforo. milo Crew rnusterp..d at quarters; no unauthorized absentees. 0945 Magazines in:;pected und found normal. 1000 No men on sick list und none requiring transfer. 1050 All chronometers Ylolmd. ~/. (/J~~ C. P. \1ar,ner 12 - 16 1200 MoorCld as before. ~ No remarks. I I""'\..,~, ,... I' -... ). ..... ) . / ' - - • F. Plummer 1(. - 20 HiOO Moored as before. No remarks. 2COC Moored as before. No remarks. 20 - 24 APPROVED: EXAMINED: ~~ Lt. Comdr. u. s. NR ~'1-'~ J. 1". Plummer COMMANDING. Lieutenant u. S. N. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. GOYERmtENT PRINTING OfFICE; Ii ... O·"2Mi CONFIDENTIAL DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVPER5-I,U (REV. 1-44) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _--'r:~L~J..,.:.'!'_r.:r!!.:~:........l(.;.,O:..:."'!.:,-:...!7:...(""")()'_J.)~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ OC - 04 0000 Hoored Dort side to If,'·S FI:iCJ: (OK-.328) at berth I., Pier Doe, Brooklyn ll<..v:r Yard, Brooklyn, Now Yorl~,' vlitll U~'S f:L!1?JF. (UF.-7(fj) moored along::;ide to starboqrd. Reccivinf; nater anJ electricity from dock. ~·.1~.'p~ [4 - C8 0750 Tested ceneral alurm an e1 cbemical 0/.00 Lloorccl a::J before. satidactory. att~ alarm. Found ~.1-I-r~ cr. F. PIUT.'.'110r 08 - 12 (;800 t:oorml as before. HU::Jtered at quarters. No lIDuuthorizod absentees. 102< No patients on :;ick list. No mcn roquirine transfer. 11(,0 1.11 clocks and c~ rf\~s "'·Olm1. ~ '\\..'\-.\ (J: F. Pl nmmcr 1200 I:oored as 1)ofo1'e. l'f"ff, C. G., C1.1o},il,:, , Ur',lIE, and SCarbrC"lllf,h, J. F., Jr. , , USNR, departed from ship on 7~-hour leave; leave to expire OBOC' Nov. (" IS44. --~ ;' '" / /-' ( /) '4). f;. / ,? ' . /( /~-z;:;'--"'" Butler l;x:lO t::oored U::J before. 174;' I,eceived foJ1ol'Ting !'len uboard for duty fron U. S. !!avul H0ceiving Sbip, New York, 11. Y., in accordance wit}; SOf'll'lcmrlinr Officer, U. S. tkval E8c·;i-.: in C Station. Pier 92, New York, ,f, Y. basic ordera #2:3-3-11 of .3 Hovember 1941,: Art lip , C. I-i., , Gf:i3c; Holcombe, H. C., , j'.JoI'.;I'~2c; CJark, G. 71., , "'lc; and PiC)rc8, It. .'.., , S2c. Hartin, F. ::., , SC.3c, USiIR, returned fronl U. S. Havnl Recei vine ::'tation, New York, N. '[., wl:ere he \'las statiol18d temporarily in leave stat1)s. ,.- / // / / -( /-: (-~.;0:/~t-- (1)~ P. UutIer 20 - 24 2000 r::oorcd as bofore. .' :10 furtLcr rCITIhrkf;. 'J /' /' If 7/'/, /, / ' / y(.,./ l.-/ f /.' t-t:/ l-D. P. DutJer APPROVED: -\~~--<) c:: --) '-....."- _. . . :," . 12;~ ~ EXAMINED: ~ J-8{i?~ Lieutenant , Lt. Coudr. U. S. N R u. COMMANDING. S. N. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING orFICE; It44 O-U%6VV CONFIDENTIAL PAGE 3C9-1./, DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVPERS-I).4 (REV. 1-") S::.LA='T'.:. .rn~~:..:-~(.::D.::E~--'-7.:..().;,:().L)_______________So.turday UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ 4 November (Dole) (Dor) .19lziL (AI.otl) 00 - 04 000(1 Moored port side to sturbourd side of U:::S FINCH (DE-)28), using standard moor, at Bflrth 4, Navy Yard, No.1 York, N. Y. USS EBSh'T (DS-7fS) moored to starboard side this vessel. Heceivine the follo,;inr, services from dock: electricity, str-JUm, fresh und salt water, telephone. '},/ ,J . " ) /-;' -~ //'';/'{;V' V!)~' p ~ . B~tlcr (4 - e.G (750 Tented r,eneral alarm 04CO Moored as before. satisfactoI"'J. found 08 - 12 0800 Moored as before. C810 Held quarter::; for muster; no absentees. 0940 Made daily inspection of magazines; conditions normv.l. 0953 Colbert, L. '1'., Slc, , departed on 6 day emergency leave; leavo to expire 12.['0, Hov. 10,1944. 1000 Sh:rtle, J. 0., Slc(lvl), , transferred to U. S. Nuval llospitlil, Brooklyn, N. Y., for medical treatment.. 1ll.0 An chronometers and ship' n clocks reported \,iolmd and set. " .• j ( ~/ . 1 ' r;""'(<--- ;l.",_>f..-./ D"JP. Butler 12 - 16 1200 Moored as before. No further remarks. 16C C; Moored as before. No remar]'5. c.r1~( C. P. YlagneP 2C - 24 2000 Abored as before. remarks. APPROVED' All PALl s mu .. tered. J:.w.~~ Lieuten';int Comdr. S, N no further EXAMINED: ~JtCrlLt. U /111 eight o'clock reports made. R U.S COMMANDING. N.R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE) Ii .. O·512&9i CONFIDENTIAL PAGE 310oL-....:!c.J"--__ DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVa-ERS-)J.4 (REV. I-A .. ) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .:::S.::LP;::..:..::.T..:.;F.R~~(.::D_T,::...-...!7....:E/:;:.=.t:)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 5 November CD.I,) • 19M.. (Mo~lh) 00 - 04 ceoa '!.oored as before, port side to ~'SS FIHCH (DF.-378) using standard moor of six lines. Bertl! Dog 4, Brooklyn, Navy Yard, New York, USS F'J3~T (D!!:-7f8~, moored to starboard dde outbourd. Receivine water, pOI'/or und steum fron tre dock. Ho furtre r remarks. Y:1.b~\ (4 - C3 04(:0 I,loored as before. 0745 Power cut off. 0750 Steam and water cutoff. (~;1~ C. P. Viali1ler 08 - 12 0800 Moored as before. 0825 Power from ship supply cut on. 0935 Pilot aboard ship. USS FINCH (DE-328) underway. 0940 Ship put back alongside pier Dog Berth 4, port side t.o the pier, standard moor of six lines. 0955 Commenced t.ukinc; power from the dock. Pilot left ship. 1000 Quarters for muster. Ct.e":ninp,, Vi. ,':., S2c, U<;!ffi, ,absent. No patient.s on S~Ci( list ",nd nc..i1C for transfer. 10] 0 Co"mp.nced takinG water und stea.m fro::! the dock. 1020 Tosi.ed p,(Jl1cral alurm an,l cj emicul attack aL'I'm. 110e tlG.r,azine:.; inspected ano fo nd to 1)0 norrr.~~l. 111.C All chronometers v/ound. ..':?/J ~ , ('-//' ~....c~1 / C. P. V:a&,ner 12 - l(, 1200 Moored as before. 110 remurk:->. .~.q.~ . 1(,0(· 1:I00red as before. ~.}'. Plummer Ilo remarks. 2C - 24 20('0 11100red as before. J..;ucle all preparations for getting undr,nmy. 2110 Pilot, f. J. Knudson, uboard. 2122 AJ.llines clear of USS ?oBERT (DE-7()8). 2128 Tur, 7/NICO ;"longside to port. 2130 Tug lJAffiVISTA marle fast to stern. 2131 Clear of dock, under tori. 2132 Un,jerway tu~ to>': from berth four, proceeding to dry ,:lock t'2, Navy Yard, Brooklyn, N. 1. 2156 !1Jc,orp.d port ~ide to USS OSfiALD (DS7('7). 2212 Passea lines 1, 3, ~ to docl'. 2215 Bow cro~'sC)d ::;ill. 2218 Pilot left ship. Tu;;!) clear. 2220 FWltail cleal'Ad sill. 224( Doc 1: co:cr~8nc"d l)l1mping \·/ater. 233(' Ve2sel resting on chocks. ~ ("":\-~ ~ APPROVED: _.~-:: r. Plu:::mcr EXAMINED: q.~~wt/ 0J.Vf~J~ Lioutenant Lt. Comdr. U. S. N R U. S. N. COMMANDING. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. GOVERmtENT PRINTING OFfiCE: liU O·M2~i CONFIDENTIAL PAGE UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ....;<'....:IJ~l'T'....;;;;p..!!',..:..'_(~n.:...7.;!.-,-=__7.!..h:.:.'(_-L)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 Monnav November ,I~ (}.fo~14) (Da/,) (Do,) (:C - .lll,--.."-/J,i;OL_ _ DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVP£ftS-U" (REV. 1-0") 04 OCCO Vessel rosting on chock:;, dry (lock i/2, Drooklyn Navy Yurd, Brookl:;'TI, tI, Y•• Rcceiving poV/er from docl~. 0035 l::;t Liet,tenunt, ~IT. PlUmmer, and Enginecr~'n, Officor, Ur. John:;on, co:npleted inspeetl.on of hull ann chocks. Found satif,fuctO:r~ 0-- . • F. PlwnmGr 0400 !{,oored and re,tin. n, before. 0750 'e,ted eeneral ~ ~d~"nrm. Sati::;fe.ctory. J. F. l'Jummer 03 - 12 080C Mooroo nnd resting as before. C810 Llustered at quarters. Absentees: HoJlr.day, James R., , S2c, v-6, USNRj Lyons, Robert F., , TM3c, V-6, USNRj Cherming, vioodrovl \'/., , 52c, V-(" usrm. IOCr Sick call. Ho men on sick list. No pati')nts for transfer. 1('(;1 Dillard, Lee J..., Jr., , SIc, USN, transferrGd tJ'is date to tITS, Nellport, R. 1.,1005 Lyons, Robert F., ,TU3c, V-6,USNI{, aboard. AOL three hours, 5 minutes. 1107 AJI clocl,:s and chronometers vlound. ~ • ..~ ~.1. 120(, Moored in dry dock as before. 1200 Ilollac'la:r,J. R., aboard, being abr.ent from r:tut.ion nince 0700, tiov. (', 1944. Plummer k, ' ./, S2C,. returned ,~ ( /. '1D "r 'I-;;.t-~~ ~ P; Butler 1(, - 20 1600 l.:oored in dry nock as before. Ho remarks. ::!c - 24 20('0 I.joored in dry dock u:::; b3fol'.3. 2145 Kell"r, R. D., , :3]c, us~rr:, reported aboard for duty from U. S. Huval Rcceivinr, St.ution, Pil'lr <)2, N. Y., 1:1 uccordunce v'Hh Co;r.mandin G Officer, Receiving Station order:::; 1/4-6-11 of 6 rio'!. 1944, by authority CpmServLLnt !lcrial 45Ul-SC of 10/)1/1,1,. Sorvice record incomplete. ' . ./~ '/~')L.--" /. "{,f",,v£/. ~Dl P. Dutler .If 7& E;;;;lh.~~ Lieutenant U S. N R U. S. N. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING orrlCE: 19 •• O·M26{1i CONFIDENTIAL NAV~ERS-IU PAGE UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _--';..:.I,IUI,A.uT...I.ER~__l(,.I.Du;F...:-:..J7""·~.II...61.J.)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ co - ;12-41. DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET (REV. 1-.... ) Tuof.day 7 Nmrembc·r (lJov) (Dalt) (M.~tA) .19-44- 04 OCOO Dry docked in No.2 Dry dock, Ncwy Yard, New York, N. Y., alongside USS OSWilLD (DF.-7 r;7). Vessel resting on chocks with head line, bow, quart.er and stern lines to dock. Hccoi vinr, fo110wine services from dock: '31ectricity, steam, fre sh Wld suJ.t vlUter, end telephone. / ) I v: / . ;' "I <" '/ ~~ {v\..--'"- ~t . . . > /d: ; t.--' I'D. P. But cr C400 In dry dock as before. 0750 Tested general alarm and chemical . / / / satisfactory. - ! . '. ,../ ~D~'l"~ a~tack alarm; found "z;: 1''''~L-I Butler 08 - 12 0800 In dry dock as before. 0810 Held quarters for muster. No absentees. 091.0 I.iade daily inspection of maRt:l.zin0S; conditions normu1. 100r Commanding Officer held mast for Il olliday, J. R., , S2c, usnn; charge, absent over lib~rty for ;::eriod of 4 hours, 58 min. AVlarded punishr.lent ns follows: lo~;s of 20 liberties. J ., ( // 0 ',. ,/~.~!~(/ Ii~ 1'. Butler 12 - 16 1200 In dry dock as before. 1250 6or.unenced flooding dry dock. 1302 Disconnected all services from dock, except five main. 1340 Fire main from clock cut off. All inspectors posted on seu chests Wld overboard di:icharee,;. 1347 Ship vlaterborne. 1500 Dry clock completely flooded. Opened gate. 1510 Commenced being towed out of dry dock with IDS CSi,AL!) (Dl';-767), port :oide to our stbd. siele. 1518 Stip cleared sill of dry dock #2. 1520 All lines clear from dock. Tu.:;s AC'~:rvr:, '!'AVICO, and •.~,I1IS'!'t; a10neside. Pilot on USS OSV:AID. 15~l USE', O,:",\';;.LD moored starboard sine +,0 Dort ~:ide of DE-42C in berth 14, pi(Jr G, 13rook1~'l1; HUv:'r Yi.\rd, H. Y., 15M) 'russ unrl pilot left dlip. (::~!A)~ C. P. l.agne9 11' - 2[ fresh 1600 rt.oored as before. 16t.5 Commenced taJeinf, steam from dock, also electricity, and \"Inter.;,,~ 20 - 24 2000 J:'oored as before. All eight 0 I clock reports made. c~(~~ APPROVED: EXAMINED: ~~'('o.U"Jn _ '"'M. ~J,.mCQ~U ' ,Aih:~ ~ieutenant Lt. Cornclr. U.S. N R TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT U. S. N. COMMANDING, "To R NAVIGATOR THE BUREAU OF NAVAL. PERSONNEL. .... T THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OfFICE; Ii.... O~"26iQ CONFIDENTIAL PAGE 31.;-44 DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVPEAI-IJA (REV. I-U) S--"LAT....:.:.=_ER-"--....!.(_DE_-7.:....66-'--'-')'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wednesday 8 UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Da~) IDol.) November . 19 44 (Mo~I~) 00 - 04 0000 Moored as before, starboard side to port side of USS CSWALD (DE-767), wbicb in turn moored starboard side to port side of USS THmtAS (DE-420) at berth 14, Pier G, Brooklyn, Navy Yard, New York. Receiving lIater, steam ani electricity from the .9oc15. /1!(A9-~ 6; P. Wagtler 1 04 - 08 0400 Moored as before. No remarks. 0755 All facilities cut off from the dock. '~(J 6-~·P. Wa~ 08 - 12 0800 Moored as before. 0820 Ship's Service power started aboard. 0825 Quarters for muster. No unauthorized absentees. 0850 tBS THOUAS (DE-420) underway. USS CGWALD (DE-767) moored starboard side to berth 14 Pier G, Navy Yard, New York. 0910 All facilities restored to ship. Discontinued. ship service power supply. 0920 Magazines inspected and found to be normal. 1000 Williams, A. A., SOlc, on sick list. Wronski, H. H., S2c, transferred to Brooklyn Hospihl, New York. 1045 YO-16 moored stbd. side to our port side to transfer f\II!l to USS CSWAm (DE-767) and this ship. 1100 YO-16 started transferr1l1g fuel to USS CSWALD (DE-767). 1100 All chronometers wound. 12 - 16 1200 Moored as before. 1250 Korona, Francia A., , 5030, V-6, tlSNR, transferred this date to Receiving ~tation, Norfolk, Virginia. Gibson, James R., , Cox(T), V-6, USNR, transferred this date to Receiving Station, Pier 92,. New York, N, Y., 1505 Seoured from receiving fun ••Reoeived 52, 332 gallons. YO-16 cast off and got underway from alongside. . q.~.~ J. F. Plummer 16 - 20 1600 Moored as before. No remarks. 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. '0.-'T-~ . ~F. Plummer No remarks. APPROVED: EX .... MINED: Lt. Comdr. U. S. N R COMMANDING. Lieutenant NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED OIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL. PERSONNEL. AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. GOVERNldENT PRINTING OFFICE; ItH O·I8Zsgi CONFIDENTIAL DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVPERS-1l4 (REV. I-«) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _..!iS~LA~T.!i:!ER~}J(D!:!!Ei!.:-~7Ll66~)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Thursday (Do,) November. 19-44 9 (M.~ll) (DIll.) 00 - 04 0000 Moored starboard side to port side of USS OSWALD (DE-767), which is moored starboard side to berth 14, Pier G, Brooklyn, Navy Yard, New York. Recei'ffg water, steam and electricity from dock. ~."=\ .~ g. F. Plummer 04 - 08 0400 Moored as before. 0750 Tested general alarm am chemical fo.,taok alarm. Satisfactory. ~.i-~ W. F. Plummer 08 - 12 0800 Moored as before. 0810 Quarters for muster. No absentees. 1000 Sick call. No patients requiring transfer. 1115 i l l clocks and chronomete~ wound. sick. No .~,,...~ 'l:' F. Plummer 12 - 16 1200 Moored as before. 1305 Clohessy, J. V., Jr:, Rd1I.3c, , transferred with bag and baggage to U. S. Naval Receiving Station, N. Yo', for further transfer in accordance witb ComSerForSubCom 1tr. P1~1(7);i!M/(44710-SCJ of 10/26/44. 155C:;0~nc~ dock trial on : 'I ~, main propulsion engines. £;1/", : /I . D~ ' : .~. :'/ ,1/~--- 'P. Butler 16 - 20 1600 Moored as before. 1620 Completed dock trials on main engines. 1750 Ne1esky, E.L., F20, , transferred to U. S. Naval Hospital, Brooklyn Navy. Yar~~. • ". in accordance with U. S. Navy Regulations Article 1141. '/~1/, . /' 11//,./£, ':"D~ ~. L·· P. Butler 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. No remarks. EXAMINED: APPROVED~ ~Lt. Conrlr. U s. NR Lieutenant, COMMANDING. U. S. N. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. GOVERNWEHT PRINTING orrlCE; li14 0 • ...289i CONFIDENTIAL DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAV~ERs-n. tREV. 1-44) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _-!5~LA:~T:..!;ER~~(~D.=!E=-7.L66~)L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Friday 10 (Do,) .1944- November (Mo~I.) (Dolt) 00 - 04 0000 Moored starboard side to port side USS CSWALD (DE-767) whioh is moored starboard side to Pier George, Berth 14, Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York. Reoeiving following servioes from J / / . ~:"" docks eleotricity, steam, fresh and salt water, telephone. ,D.P. B;rti~r- '- 04 - 08 0400 Moored as before. conditions satisfactory. 0759 Made daily test of ge~er~ 1;~.m~ anc ~e,mical. attack al&r1l; . . 1/// '//~ . . ltry'P:- Butler 08 - 12 0800 Moored as before. 0810 Held quarters for muster. No absentees. 0935 Made daily inspeotion of magazines; conditions normal. 1058 Colbert, Luke, Slc, J returned from authibrized leave. 1125 All chronometers and c10cka reported wound and set. 1135 Chewning, W (n) 52c, , returned aboard in uniform, having been absent .i~~t leave since 4 Nov. 1944. 0 , .. D. P. .-ff;. ;.,-- ~. ;;~:t:i: .- . 12 --16 - 1200 Moored as before. Ho further remarks. (}I!tJz~ C. P. Wagn~ 16 - 20 1600 Moored. as before. 1940 t5S TRAW (DE-350), moored starboard side to our port side. ~ Wd-1-v--C-1 C. Po Wagneti 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. All eight o'c1ook reports. 2045 Har-oer. H. Eo, S2c, , USNH, reported aboard from leave, as diG Kurucz, A. C., ElJ2c, , WNR; 2310 O'Neill, T. P., SIc, , U5NR, and Kent, H. Do, SKD3c, , WNRo ~//;'):,l1 vcP ~ Co P. Wagn~ EXAMINED: APPROVED: Lieutenant US.N R COMMANDING. u. R S. N. NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFfiCE: liH 0 • ...209~ CONFIDENTIAL PAGE UNITED STATES SHIP ..1l.6-"-",,44,,,-_ DECK lOG-ADDITIONAL REMARKS SHEET HAV"ERS UI (REV. ,-..4) _-=-SL=:N.:.:.;T:..,:ER=-=--,,(D::..:E=---,7...::(h::::..L.)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Saturday (Dar) 11 November IDol,) (Mo.tA) ,u44- ADDITIONAL REMARKS 16 - 20 It£)O Moored as before. No remarks. -(. J .(j~ T. J. Piper 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. APPROVED, No remarks. ~~J EXAMINED, ~:1t.c;(~ Lieutenant Lt. Comdr. U I. 'J . r?--J.N T. J. Piper 5, N R COMMANDING. TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U.S,N. R NAVIGATOR CONFIDENTIAL PAGE 316-44 DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _..!:S~LAo!!llT~ERu_~(p/,!!E~-=_7L.!66>AlJ)L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Saturday 11 (Do,) November . 19J,,4... (Mull) (Dol.) 00 - 04 0000 Moored as bef'oro, starboard side to port side of' lES OOWALD (DE-767), which is moored starboard side to Pier George, Berth 14, Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York. USS TRAVI (DE-350) moored starboard side to our port side. Receiving the following services f'rom the dock: water (f'resh) to f'lushing and tanks, steam and electric! ty, and telephone. The f'ollowine men returned frOJ:l nine days leave o.t the follooing times: Rosso, L., EM3/c, , USNR; 0100 Miller, K. S., PhM1c, , USNR; Wood, 5. R., 52c. , USNR; Montgomery, R. D., SoM3c, , USNR; 0130 SuJl1van, E. F •• RM3c, , USNR; WaITen, J. \Y., GM2c. , USNR; 0200 UcC1eod, C. E., S2c. , USNR; 0235 Perigord, R. H., SIc, , USNR; 0240 Cain. L. H .. Ylc, , USNR; 0315 Hughes,' R. T., RM3c, , USNR; Huey, R. C., RdM3c, , USNR; Sterner, R. F., BdM3c, I l.BNR; SpelJ acy, G. T., Motl'iM3c , USNR; 0330 Ashworth, M. M., EM3c, , l.BNR; 0345 Lee, H. F., GLl3c, , USNR; Byrd, T. J., SIc, , USNR; Peters, F. W., SIc, ,USNR; Hall, M. L., SIc, , USNR; Ens. J. P. Agnew, SC, USNR. ' .~ /1/(\ I C: 1.(.0"~~ P. Wa~er 04 - 08 0400 Moored as before. The following men returned from 9 days leave at the, following times: 0400 Lowder, S. L., SIc, , USNR; Cloninger, C. A., FC3c, , USNR; Goad, C. W.. SIc, , USNR; Shipman, L. 5., CMcH4, , USN; 0410 Robertson, E.LI. Bkr3c, ,15NR; Albrecht. H. G., MoW~3c, , USNR; Byron. J. D., Flc, , USNR; 0420 Burke, J J., SIc, , USNR; Bibb. R. B., BM2c, , USNR; Brown. E.C., SIc, , USlffl; 0425 Ni:llOl1 , G. J., SIc, , USNR; Keller. G. R., Cox., , USNR; Thompson. L. A., SIc, , USNR; 0430 Carey, J'; L., SIc , USNR; Perkins. H. W., CEM, ,USNR; Hobbs, J. H., CRlI, ,'USNR; Brewer, C. H., SIc, , USNR; 0455 RA1nhs, D.D., SciA3c, , USNR. rv;JO Lt.(jg) L. P. Healey, USNR; HOrD\an, J .C. EM2c, , USNR; Chat tin, H. C •• Flc. , l.BNR; 0515 Cobble, C. H., QM3c, 06, USlm; Ratterree, L. T •• FC3c. ,USNRj Perreault, G. J.. , USNR; OCOO Glogiewic z. W.N.. EM3c, , USUR; Dillard, J. L., Y2c, , USNR; Melton. R. C~ • , USNR; Perkins, B. 0., Slc, , USNR; Kendall, H. W., Flc. , Llotwac, USNR; 0635 Cussati, A., Jr., F2c, , USNR i 064.0 J anolVski. W. S., SIc, , USNR; Huether, W. F., Cox, , l.5NR; Booz, T. S., SIc, , USNR; 0650 Coleman. G., SC3c, , USNR; 0705 Lt. T. J. Piper, USNR; 0710 Kozlowski. A. 5., F1c, , USNR; Bridge. D. G., BIDc, , USN; SiD',pson, E. W., EM2c, , l.BNR; Pierro, J. W. ,SIc, , USNR; Howard. D. W•• 14oL#3c, , USNR; 0755 Trontz, W H., SIc, , USNR; Peski. N., T¥3c, , USNR; Kicharski, J. R., Flc, , USNR; Knauss, G. Vi., TM2c, , 0750 Tested general alarm and chamical attack. 08 - 12 0800 Moored as before. 0810 Quarters for mUster. 0820 Burton, D. M., F2c, USNR returBed from nine (9) days leave; AOL 20 min'utea. 0822 D'Arlninio, P., RdJ.I3c, USNR, returned from nine dars (9) leave AOL 22 minutes. 0828 Fischer, P. F., FIe, USNR, returned from Dine (9) days leave AOL 28 minutes. 0828 Bishop, J. H., Flc, , USNR, returned from nine (9) days leave AOt 28 minutes. 0900 Magazines inspected; conditions normal. 0922 Edmunds, W. H., StMlc, , USNR, returmd frem nino (9) <:ials leave ono hour and 22 minutes AOL. 1000 Absentees~ Figueredo, G., SIc, , USn~ 10L. No one on sick liot. 1007 Ens. Blinka left ship on ten days leave. 1009 Captain's Mast held this date: Doll, Vlilliam A., • S2c. 15Nj offense, constant late hammocks, awarded 5 days bread and water; Wood, H, L., , FIe, 15N; offense, AVlOL period of about 7 hours, awarded sUllllll8l'y court martial; Chewning, VI. W., , 52c, USNR, offense AWOL period of about !'ive days nino hours, awarded outllllllry court martial. 1115 All chronometers wound. tV (0(-f..'Y04 P. Wagner tf . c. 12 - 16 1200 Moored as. before. 1250 Dillard, J. L., Y2c, , USNR was transferredto Receiving Station, Norfolk, VA., authority ComSerForSub Com ltr. Pl6-l!t.II(44710-SC) of 26 Octobwr 1941•• 1345 Nelesky, E. L., F2c, , returned to ship from hospital. 7. ), r;-1!~ T. J. Piper APPROVED: a0)(\~k.~. Ji·/){·""BtAHCQ Lt. Comdr. EXAMINED: ~.;;~ 1 ./ U S. N Lieutenant R u, COMMANDING. S. N. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OfFIC£: I'U 0-1I28ei CONFIDENTIAL NAVP£RS~Il" PAGE R?--:::!:44~ __ DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET (REV. 1-... ) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ ::;SU=T:..:ER=.:........l(::;DE:.:.~-_7!..:66::::...L)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Sundal 12 (D.~) (Dolt) November , 19 44 00 - 04 0000 Moored starboard side to port side l5S OOWALD (DE-767) which is moorod starboard side to Pier G, Berth 14, Brooklyn, Navy Yard, New York. Receiving following services from dock: e1ectricitl, steam, fresh and salt water, telephone. No further remarks. ,-.r) J~' . --:;/Jf .I T. "J. Piper 04 - 08 0400 Moored as before. 0640 Ceased taking services from dock. 0715 Set special sea de-· tail. 0720 Completed preparati~ for getting underwal· : -J.} ~+r I T .. J. Piper 08 - 12 0800 Moored as before. Mustered crew, absenteesl Figueredo, G. F., Slc, USNR. 0806 Underway trOll Navy Yard, Brooklyn, N. Y., with pilot ~t the oonn, Captain and. Navigator en the bridge. 0812 Pilot left ship. Captain at the conn. 0816 Prooeeding according to orders from ComDeaLant 1tr. R4-3, Sere No. 04463 of 3 November 1944, proceeding to Leonardo Pier, Earle, N. J., to load ammunition. 0818 Steering various courses and speods conforming to channel New York Harbor, N.Y. Q909 Passed through nets, New York, N. Y. C917 Entered Chapel Hill Channel, steering various courses and speods conforming to channel. 0958 Moored starboard side to Leonardo Pier, Earle, N. J., with 6 lines. 1008 Commenced taking ammtmition aboard, draft fOI"1fard 10' 5ft , aft 9' 71'. 1030 Made daill inspeotion of magazines, conditions normal. 1150 All chronometers and clocks reported wound. -' ~ .I ,~/~,J r T. 'J. Piper I 12 - 16 1200 Moored as before. Continued taking ammunition aboard. No further remarks. Q.~.~ (j. F. P1U1lDI1er 16 - 20 Moorod as before. 1655 Completed taking aboard ammunitien previously stored atN .A.D., Earle, N. J. 1745 Made all preparations for getting underwal. 1758 UnderWay from Leonardo Pier, Earle, N. J., proceeding to anchorage. Steering various courses conforming to channel at 1/3 speed. 1825 Anchored in Sandy Hook Bay in four fathoms of water with 15 fathoms of chain to starboard anchor on following bearingsl Sandl Hook Light 0200r ~ West Bank Light 349or. Anchor lights burning. 1909 Underway from anchorage at Sandy Hook Bay, N. Y., in accordance with ComDes Lant Speed1etter A4-3, serial 04467 of 3 November 1944. Standing out New York Harbor on various courses conforming to channel at 1/3 ~ed. In company with following ships in formation order as indicated: res KIRKPATRICK (DE-318), ms BBERT (DE-768), USS BURROVIS (DE-lOS), USS SLATER (DE-766), l5S OSWALD (DE-767). SOPA in lliS KIRKPATRICK. Running and speed lights burhing. 1926 Entered Sandy Hook Channel. 1948 Entered Gedney Channel; all ahe~ 2!J~peed, 10 knots. ., /7' l/'-' /;,. > / /.• P. '-' Butler '- . 20 - 24 2000 Steamin(li as before. The following anmuniticn taken aboard at NAD, Earle, N.J., Leonardo Pier: 76 rds 3/50 AA Index 5659, f1ashless, fuze Mk 45 Mod 11; 224 rds 3/50 AA, index 5667 fuze Mk 45 Mod 11; 1t£> rds 4D mm HEITSd indes 7194; 143 depth charges We 8; 143 depth charge pis- ~... to1a Mk 7 )(od 1. The fo11ning depth oharges and. equipment turned baok to NAD, Earle, N.J.; 143 :':::';"~'<I depth charges Mk 9 Mod 3; 183 detonators Mk: 1 Mod 1; 183 booster extenders, boosters and pist01s.Ii;;·.~~;1. Mk 6 Mod 2. 2006 Entering New York outer channel. 20ll Gedney Buoy abeam to port 100 yards. 2013 I ~ -:, <.3: Speed lights turned off • 2016 Ambrose Light ship abeam to port 2 miles. 2017 Buoy I abeam to ~. port 50 yards. 2029 BuOl H abeam to port 75 yards. 2051;) Speed light turned on indicating 1/3 '~".L -: speed. 2051 Buoy G abeam to port 50 yards. 2116 Buoy F abeam to port 100 yards. 2130 Buoy E abeam ?£,V'll to port 100 lards. 2147 BUOl D aboam to port 150 yards. 2158 Buoy C abeam to port 150 yards. 2209 r~: Buoy B abeam to port 150 yards. 2221 Speed lights secured. 2228 Buoy A abeam to port 150 yards. < ",' Changed course 089';' and pgc. Took departure from buoy A for 6asco Bal, Maine. Speed standard 15 knots. 2233 Running lights s e c u r e d . . ,j , .. , . j. ( \ (-( 'f I ... ( ( C. P. Wagnet' . I 10 APPROVED: ~~- EXAMINED: ~.~~ Lieutenant . Lt. Comdr. u. s. N R U. S. N. COMMANDING. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. s. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: IO·U 0 ·18189i ,f CONFIDENTIAL PAGE .3l.8--:.,L4 ____ DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVPERS-U4 (REV. I-oU) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _...!:S~LA:~TER~_(l...!D!._"E:!;:-:..t7..:E6~) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Monday 13 (Do~) (Dol,) November • 19.J./z. (M",:IA) 00 - 04 0000 Steaming on course o89°pge &T en route Portland, Maine, from New York, N. Y., in accordance with ComDesLant ltr. A4-3, sere #04467 of 3 Nov. 1941~, speed 15 lets., in company with USS KIRKPATRICK, USS EBEfn' J USS BURROYIS, 155 OOVlAID, steaming in colUDUl formation. 0021 Secured #1 ship generator. 0127 #1 generator back in operation. Condition of weather, fair • .... ) ., - /. ) .. J ~/--'-.I T. J. Piper 04 - 08 0400 Steaming as before. 0652 Speed of formation changed to 2/3 speed, 10 knots. 0655 Proceeding at various courses full speed (585 rpm) to take Jltaticm in formation en port beam, 2500 yd. interval between ships, of USS KIREPATRICK. 0730' Arrived en new .tatioo, formation' in following order: USS KDtKPATRICK, USS EBF.RT, USS BURROWS; USS SUTER, USS OSWALD. Slowed to 2/3 speed, 10 knots, on base course 089~ & pgc. 0747 Speed of formation changed to standard, 15 knob (415 rpm). 0750 Tested general alarm and chemical attack;J~p.rm; gondition satiSfactory. Weather clear. )~;; i'. (. . : - .-?'U L--. - . D. P. Butler 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before. 0810 Crew mustered on stations. 0939 Steering casualty drill. After steering took control. 0945 All magazines inapected' - cenditions OIIIlIIlal. 1000 No absentees. No patients on sick list and none for transfer. 1013 Resmed normal steering. 1146 All chronometers wound. Ship rolling slightly, sea slight. ') LLL4' t./P..J;LWagner ~. l-~':: , 1 li. 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. 1258 Held steering casualty drill. 1324 Resumed normal steering. 1342 Changed bue course to 3590pgc & T. 1401 Held steering casualty drill. 1425 Resumed nonnal sUering. Sea slight, weather f U r . . . . ) / -. '.), (j ,,;'1; T. J. Piper 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as before. Formation commenced zi~zagging in accordance with Plan #D of Zig /Zag Diagrams (1940). Changed speed to 11 knots, 2/3 speed (290) rpm; base course 3590J' & pgc. 1904 Illuminated by incandescent searchlight unidentified fishing trawler, bearing 0400r distance 2000 yds. 1905 Trawler appeared friendly. Weather clear, slight sea from northwest. . ~, 't// JJ , I ..:. v /d- t--. D. P. Butler 20 - 24 2000 Steaming as before. All eight o'clock reports. 2002 Ceased Zig Zai Plan. Resumed base course 35CjOpgc &oT, speed 13 kts. 2330 Executed tum to course 3280r & pgc. 2335 Form in line of bearing 090 relative on guide.' Base speed 10 kts. Ship not rolling or pitching • ./',!.J( ') 8...j ..J.. ( f· LC. P. Wagner- APPROVED: 1 f / EXAMINED, <lii* Lt. Courlr. u. S. N R- .j COMMANDING. cJI?9~~ Lieutenant U.s N.R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL. PERSONNEL.. AT THE ENO OF EACH MONTH U. S. GOVERNldl::NT PIUNTING OffiCI::; ISjH O·N2M1i1 CONFIDENTIAL PAGE n~_-.::o:44~ __ DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAV~ERI-U" (REV. 1-.... ) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _=S:.=U~T:!..rn=_().::D:.=E=__-_'7_=66.=.L.)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Tuesday (U.V) 14 November W.lt) . ,944 (M••") 00 - 04 0000 Ste8Ildng on course :328 0 pgo & T en route Casco Bay, llaine, in accordance with ComDesLant Itr. A4-:3, Sere 044fJ7 of :3 Nov. 1944. Steaming iil line of bearing fOI'll\8.tion with USS KllUCPATRICK, guide, res BllRRClYS, res EBERT, USS OSWALD. Speed 10 kts. 0039 Speed cbanged to 13 kts. 0055 Sighted steady white lieM bearing .312"'1'. 0100 Sighted steady white lieht bearing .302Clr. 0120 Turned on running lights. 01.33 All engines back full to avoid fishing v~ssel. Ol.3Jt All engines ahead tull. 0140 Running lights turned off. 022.3 Sighted steady white light bearing 32oClr. 0300 Turned em nnming lights. 0~12 Turned off running lights. Weather calm, flat sea. . - . ,/ ~t, I ',)' V "'?- T. lj. Piper 04 - 08 0400 Ste8Ildng as before. 0510 Changed speed to '10 lenots, 2/.3 speed. 0612 Turned on running lights to avoid fishing trawler. 0620 Fisbing trawler passed clear. 0622 Secured running lights. 0710 Fomation oOlllmenced taking station bearing lSOo relative from guide. Interval between ships 2500 yds., speed 10 kts., course.32800r & pgo. Prooeeding to take new station,-on various courees at standard speed. 15 knots. 0725 Arrived on new station, No.4 ship in line. 0745 Speed changed to l~ knots, interval between ships in co11lJllll 1000 yds. Changed speed tIlis vessel to full, 18 knots to close up. 0748 C/c to .332Clr & pgo. 0754 Raised sea buoy, Casco Bay, Maine, bearing 3380r & pgc, distanco 4.5 mi. 0757 Arrived at proper distance from guide; speed changed to 12 knots, ahead standard (345 rpm). / 13ooee~1rl.g to Casco Bay channel on various courses following movements of guide. ~ /-J~' . /' "r'/v' '~: P~ 'B~{;r 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before. 01112 Sea buoy abeam to stbd. €<> ,us. Entering Casco Bay swept channel. 0815 Crew IlU8tered on atatiems. 0822 Mid-channel buoy can 113 abeam to port 200 yds. 08.33 Buoy PB abeam to port 200 yards. 0845 Cbanne1 buoy 12 abeam to port 300 yds. 0846 Casco Bay Examinaticn Vessel abeam to atbd., 250 )"ds. 0855 Proveeding independently to enter Huasey Sound. 0857 Chwme1 Buoy III abeam to port 200 ,us. 0909 Lighted buoy abeam to port 150 yds. 0914 Clenred the nets. Variotls courses and speeds in Hussey Sound proceeding to anchorage. 0957 Anchored in Hussey Sound with 30 fathoms of chain to stbd. anchor. Berte 14. Clapbonrd Island lite .352tT, Basket Island lite 026.5~, Little Chebeag Island light 088 T .lD15 No absenteeo. O. E. Jcncs, SM3c, on sick list; none for transfer. 1055 All magazines inspected and found to be normal. ll05 All chronometers and clocks wound. (~/:,,(C'l(C-q 1- <0) C. P. Wagner! 12 - 16 1200 Moored as before. ~,.t,~ No remarks. 't. F. Pll1Il\m&r 16 - 20 1600 Moored 8S before. 1755 IF-1023 alongside to port. 18.30 undenay. YF-102(.)c~st off and got ~.t-~ ~F. Plummer 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. All PALl s and restricted men mustered on quarterdeok. Received rocket launches aboard. 2335 ~:..~ APPROVED. M.~'WcQ~ cs~~ EXAMINED: 1. Lt. Comdr.~ U S. N R Lieutenant U. COMMANDING. s. N. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. 8. GoVJ::RNWEtrr PIIINTIHG OFFICE; I~H o· $1ltil L.ur~r IUl:.N I IAL PAGE -J:20=<-1.1. ____ DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVPERS-1l4 (RCV. 1 .... ) --"'S""LA ___ TER ....~(D...E"_-_'7'_'6...,,6~)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Wednesday 15 November UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ (INr) (MUlA) (Dol,) 00 - 04 0000 Anchored 18 Massey Sound with 30 fathoms of chain to stbd. anchor, Bertho14, Clapboard Island Light 352~, Basket Island Light 026.5, Little Cheberg Island Light O~T. SOPA in USS ALeOR. C\ .~ .~ O. F. Plummer 04 - 08 0400 Anchored as before. 0630 Posted special sea detail. 0635 l~de all preparations for getting underway. 064,0 Underway from anchorage. Captain at conn; Navigator din bridge. 0708 Moored starboard side to east side of pier George, Section Base, Portland, Maine. ~.t-.~ OJ. F. Plummer 08 - 12 0800 Moored as before. Mustered crew on station, no absentees. 0802 Underway, steering various courses and speeds conforDIing to channel. 0808 Held general quarters drill. Gun sight practice on SBD Dauntless, making practioe dives aij sbip. 0815 Passed net gates, following illS ENDICorr (DD-495). 0925 COIIlDlenced TDD exercises in company with ID-495. 0940 DD-495 commenced firing oh robot plane. 0958 Sounded general quarters,drill, steering various courses and speeds. 1012 Secured from general quarters. 1042 Commenced firing rockets from bow of ship in practice exercises. 1059 Ceased firing rockets. 1100 Made daily inspection of magazines •. Conditions normal. . ,(J . I . : .V j..2...( T. '--!r. Piper 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. 1222 Proceeding to Northwest carner of Area Mike I; departed from USS ENDICC1I'T (DD-495). 1311 Arrived at NT; carner Area Mike I, laying to in area awaiting commenoement of next exercise. 1345 Commanding Officer held mast and awarded following punishments: Holladay, J. R.,· , S2c, sleepine in after reveille, 5 days solitary confinement on bread and water! .1351 Exercised at general quarters; canmenced steaming on various courses and speeds while operating with plane and target sleeve on George, Sugar and Tare anti-aircraft exercises. 1402 C~nrnenced firing exercises, firing at sleeve. 1505 Completed firing exercises; expended folloY1ine ammunition: 3/50 AA 6 rds. SPDN 3598; 32 rds SPDN 3376, 2 rds 3418, 9 rds 5MS; 24 rds 20 mm BL&P; 435 rds 20 mm HEr; 877 rds. 20 mm HEl; 267 rds 40 mm HZI' SPDN 4039; 173 rds 40 mm HEr SPDN 4086; 12 rds 40 mm HRIT SPDN 7194; 206 rds. 40 mm HID SPDN 4703. 1509 Secur'3d from general quarters. 1518 Picked up-target sleeve released by plane; proceeding to Cacso Bay, Maine, on base course 2700 pgc at. full speed. 1535 Steaming on various courses and speeds conforming to channel. 1548 Passed examination vessel "Relief ll to starooard, distance 200 yds. Weather clear. tkl )/f -/f /_/ -w/X.//t..-- D. P. Butler . 16 - 20 1&>0 Underway as before. 1603 III bell buoy to port 150 yds. 1608 Passed submarine nets. 1617 Two SOPA gurmery officers left ship. 1625 Moored starboard side to pier George, Long Islann, Hussey Sounn, east sido, outboard, using standard moor of six lines. 164,5 Commenced taking on fresh water. 1715 Ceased taking on fresh water. 3785 gallon s aboard. 1800 Commenced taking steam from the· dock. b~I'tv~~ .-/p • Wago~r 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. All eight o'clock reports made. Mustered all PAL's. 2115 Ceased taking steam from the dock. 2120 Edmunds, W. H., SfLUc, on sick list. t:/?~)~ C. P. Wagoer {/ APPROVED: EXAMINED: J~ ~; ;(z ~ULSEN 4-v Lieutenant U. COMMANDING. s. N.R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWAROED DIRECT TO THE eUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL .... T THE ENO OF EACH MONTH U. S. GQVERN'MENT PRINTING OFFICE; Iii" 0 • nl~1I'2 L.UI'l!- 1Ut:.N 1 1AL PAGEJ21-44 DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVPER5-U4 (REV. 1-44) ..::S=U=T:...;ER=-->(..::D.::;:E_-7-!..66.::.=)'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T..:.h:..:.ur=-.:::.-sd.=.a,-,y,--_.:...1_6_...:....N8!ember UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ (1JOl,) (1JOl1,) . 1944 (A(onl~) 00 - 04 0000 Moored, as before, to Pier George, Long Is+and, Hussey Sound, llaine, east side, outside, JI'barboard side to the pier, using standard moor of six lines. SOPA in USS ALCOR. No remarks.' 04 - 08 0400 Moored ae before. 0545 Commenced taking en fresh water. 0615 Completed taking on fresh water. 4,200 gals. aboard. 0700 Lieut. Lyen and Lieut. Vin trom SOPA aboard. Two enlisted SOPA representatives aboard. 0726 Underway from Pier George for exercises in accordanco with SOPA schedule 11 November 1944. Various courses and speeds in accordance with Hussey Sound Channel. 0736 Running lights off. 0738 Exercised at General Quarters Drill, tracking on SBD Dauntless. 0744 Passed su1:GJarine nets. 0748 113 spar buoy abeam to stbd. 200 yards. 0750 Tested General Alarm and Chemical Attack. 0750 #1 lighted bell buoy abeam to stbd. 100 yards. /"},;/ / Q (".1" (A..-~..bt C. P. Wagnei/ - 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before I erew at General Quarters. 0801 Passed Ram Island Light abeam to sterboard, distance 1000 ,-ds. 0811 Exercised at fire drill. 0812 First stre811 of water over side. 0820 Secured from fire drill and general quarters. 0825 Mustered crew On station; no absentees. 0856 Passed "PB" buoy abeam to starboard. 01J)7 Passed eea buoy abeam to starboard distance 150 ,-ds.; set base course 1800r & pgc. 0940 Entered Area Mike 2; commenced scheduled exercises operating with l5S SS-20, USS BlffiROYiS (DE-105), and USS EBERT (DE-768). 0945 Made v daily ~spection of tna"azines; conditions normal. 0946 Commenced submarine attack exercise No:3, sub on base course 14D~. 0959 Made run on sub; fired 4 rounds plaster loaded hedge-hogs. 1054 Made run on sub; fired four hedgehogs. 1100 All chronometers and c10cka reported wound and set. 1153 Had steering casualty, after steering took elOOrgenoy c~,,03' /./' 1'1 . (;/" -I 77:~, --- //~.Y~ .......... D. P. But'ur 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. Submarine reversed base course to 320<;:. 1238 Resumed normal steering for test. 1244 Shifted to after steering. 1248 Resumed normal steering. 1348 General quarters drill. 1352 Fire in machine shop - drill. 1256.5 Fire in C-203-L - drill. Fire in machine shop reported under centro1. 1401.5 Fire under control C-203-L. 1406 Secured from general quarters. 1436 Ordered sub to surface. l442 Surfaced friendly sub. Ceased ASW exercises. Started escorting sub to buoy PB. l444 USS EBffiT (DE-768) and USS BURROUGHS (DE-105) dettlched to proceed to port independent,ily. 1501 Casco Swept Channel entered. Sea buoy abeam to etbd. 1000 yds. Various courses and speeds conforming to S"fIept channel. 1li14 Buoy 13 abeam to part 100 yds. 1515 Buoy "PH abeam to stbd., 400 yards. 1530 Buoy PB abeam to port 75 yds. 1543 Buoy #2 abeam to port 75 ,-ds. 1546 Casco Bay Examination abfo.am to stbd. 100 ¥de. 1549 Submarine detached to proceed independently. 1553 111 buoy abeam to port 100 yds. ~/!/(.)~ c. p. t.viagne&, 16 - 20 ItDo Proceeding as before into Casco Bay, Portland, Maine. 1613 Passed through the submarine nets. 1640 Anchored in Hussey Sound, Portland, Maine, berth #Easyll, anchored by starboard anchor in 22 ft. of water, with 45 fathoms of chain on deck, en the following bearings - buoy S-6 bears 1900 , buoy C-5 bears 335, triangle on Brachen's Island bears 305°. \...1>. 14---~ L. P. Healey 20 - 24 2000 'Anchored as before. No further remarks. ~.~.~ L. P. "Hea1ey~ APPROVED'G~~~. u... U. ~LANCQ Lt. Comdr. EXAMINED, 'Ii' U. _____ s. N R Lieutenant U. S. N. COMMANDING, R NAVIGATOR TO BE FOR WAR OED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. GOVERNMENT PR1NTING OrFIC[: liH o· 511Q»2 CONI-IDl:..NTIAL PAGE;322 e 4i, DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVP£R$-IJ<1 (RIEV. I-oW) UNITEO STATES SHIP _ _ --'S:..:LA:=T:..::ER=-=--...>.(.:::.DE=-_7.:...66=..;::»<--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Friday 17 (lJav) (Dull) November ,19~ (Moll1l) 00 - 04 0000 Anchored in BusseY' Sound, Portland, Maine, berth EaS)", anchored by starboard anohor in 22 ft. or water, with 45 fathoms of chain on deck. \...(? ~....L......, L. P. Hea1~y r 04 - 08 0400 Anchored as before. 0745 Quarters for muater. No absentee. reported. h. .G>. \4-0 0 Q'r L. P. HealeY' 08 - 12 0800 Anchored ag before. 0915 Magazines temperature reported normal. Max. temp. 751:! in B-104-tJA. Min. temp. 65 in B-10tM. 1015 General quarters was sounded for drills in damage control. 1035 Motor whaleboat reported adrift. 1123 Boat !'rom USS AlCCR picked up motor whaleboat. 1130 Upon investigation it was found that bow line on motor whaleboat had parted due to excessive strain. 1152 Motor whaleboat tied up alongside. 1155 Turner, G. W., S2c, reported on binnacle list. \- .Q. \4P c> h't-L. P. Healey . 12 - 16 1200 Anchored as before. ll.40 Pfaff, Charles G., U. S. Naval Dispensary, Portland, Maine, by authoritY' of U. . 16 - 20 s. , CJ66\14(AA) was transferred to ~7l~ons, Article 'f.~~~ 1t()Q Anchored as before. No further remarks. 2000 Anchored as before. Made twenty-hundred reports; al:)'~ur.k:';"" 1141. 20 - 24 ,f ,:/ '. /);" . /./,"~ "/"V~ 1>. P. Butler APPROVED: EXAMINEO, G~~,.[l/ M.J BtAt@ U =lielJtelidnl Commander lIs"n u. s. N COMMANDING. I ielltClIllHk;dISNR NAVIGATOR TO st:: FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE eUAEA.U OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U.:5. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE; liH 0 - SoTligZ CONFIDENTIAL PAGE UNITED STATES SHIP 323-44 DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVPERS-1l4 (REV. I-.U) ______ SLATER (DE-766) ---=-=:.="--'~__'_:;..;J.__________ 18 Saturday (Vov) November (Dol,) , 19 44 (Afonl.) 00 - 04 0000 Anchored in Berth EASY, Hussey Sound, Casco Bay, Maine, in 22Aeot of water with 45 fathoms of chain to starboard anchor. SOP! in ms ALCOR.,/>_;j.:;di ___ W. r?frtft'i-rr - 04 - 08 0400 Anchored as before. 0720 Made all preparations for getting underway; cO\Jlllenced heaving to short stay. 0735 Anchor aweigh; underway from Berth Easy, Hussey Sound, Casco Bay, Maine, proceeding to exercise area. Steaming out of harbor en various oourses and speeds, conforming to channel. 0746 Exercised at general quarters. 0755 Passed thro~/sub~iIfe nets. ,/~:Z;;- ,/ Lb.' P. Butler 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before, crew at General Quarters. 111 lighted bell buoy abeam to stbd. 200 yds. 0816 Seoured fran general quarters. 0828 Examination vessel abeam to part 500 yards. 0833 RPM 525. Various courses and speeds pursuant to prooeeding to exercise area, acting as OCE for AA exercises. 0929 General Quarters. 0939 Firing run. 0941 Firing run. 0952 Firing run. 0953 Firing run.1OO1 Firing run. 1004 Firing run. 1018 Firing run. 1023 Firing run. 1025 Firing run. 1027 Firing run. 1030 Firing rtm. 1039 Retrieved target sleeve. 1058 Secure from General Quarters. 1120 All magazines and blowers inspected; condition normal. ll30 One man on sicl: list - Turner, G., Slc, USNR; none for transfer. 1150 All chronomeeers wound. , I~l! (L~5) 'C. P. Wagn& 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. Various courses and speeds pursuant to rendezvous with target and tug. 1228 Tug released to this ship. 1258 Tug reported ready on base course 2800}'. General Quarters. 1321 ICBP for 111 gun. 1354 LCBP for 1/2 gun. 142l LCBP for #3 gun. 1444 DSP run #1. 1513 DSP run #2. 1526 DSP run #3. 1537 Secure from general quarters. Released the tug. Various courses and speeds pursuant to Casco Bay Swept Channel. 1558 Channel buoy #4 abeam to stM. 2100 yds. -, ) /L~4,~ C/· C.' P. iwaeoer! 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as before. ltD3 #3 buoy abeam to port 300 yds. 1612 ''PB'' buoy abeam to port 300 yds. 1615 #2 buoy abeam to stbd. 600 yds. 1622 Buoy #2 abeam to port 200 yds. 1631 Buoy #1 abeam to port 200 yds. 1643 Lighted buoy #1. 1648 Cleared the nets - various courses and speeds pursuant to Hussey Sound Channel. 1702 Whaleboat lowered and cast off. 1708 Moored stbd. side to Pier Fox, East side, Long Island, Hussey Sound. SOPA in USS ALCOR. Standard moor of six lines. 1715 Assigned randy duty less the sound watch, in accordance with SOPA ltr. #5. 1800 The following aIllIllunition expendedl 3/50 AA, 11 rds, SPDN 3376, 52 rds. SPDN 5888, 32 rds SPDN 3418, 1 rd SPDN 3598, 2 rds. SPDN 3613; 40 mm HEr, 350 rds. SPDN 4086, 222 rdl.l. SPOIl 4703, 174 rds SPDN 40,39; 316 rds 20 mm HE'!', 636 rds. 20 mm HEI, 18 rda 20 MM BL&P. 1820 Started truting on fresh water. 1850 Completed taking on fresh water, 3700 gals. aboard; / , t} ,.,L.-. l'. ,. 7 I'~ //( tC- 't'l J!- (/ P. Wagner 0 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. All eight olc1ook reports made. No f\nrther remarks. CC:(~~~1 EXAMINED; cdi#.g~ Lieutenant U,S,N R U. S. N. COMMANDING: R NAVIGATOR TO SE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE ENO OF EACH MONTH U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTIl'lG 0' ric I:: ; 18<14 0 • $71~2 CUNFIUENTIAL PAGE 324-44 DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET HAVPERS-tJ.4 (REV. 1-"") UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _.:::S-=U~T~ER==__>(..:::D=E_-7"'_66==)'___ Sunday _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 19 November . I. 44 (M •• tl) (Dult) ( U.V) 00 - 04 0000 Moored as before, starboard side to Pier "Fox", ease side, Long Island, Hussey Sound, Maine, using standard moor of six lines. SOPA in USS !LeOR. Standing ready duty, less sound watch, in accordance with SCPA letter # Five. No remarks. /" j / ') . vI,P. 0V~v-.L" WagneI1 c. 04 - 08 0400 Moored as before. 0535 Commenced taking on fresh water. 0550 Completed taking on fresh water, 1100 gallons aboard. 0650 Quarters for muster - no unauthorized absentees. 0732 Underway from East side Pier Fox, in accordance with SOPA Schedule 11 November 1944. Various courses and speeds pursuant to Hussey Sound Channel. 0754 Exercised at General Quarters. fJ ,) / l_.:1 C. P. ., (;v Cl4/v~ 'lagne~ 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before. Crew at general quarters. 0801 Cleared the nets, steering V!1rioue courses and speeds pursuant to Casco Bay swept ohannel. 0805 Lighted buoy #5 abeam to stbd. 150 yds. 0818 Examination vessel abeam to port 200 yds. 0824 Buoy 112 abeam to port 250 yds. 0826 Buoy PB abewn to stbd. 600 yds. 0830 Secured from General Quarter s. 0834 #3 Fairway· buoy abewn • 0853 In column formation, fifth ship in column. - Guide USS SOMmS. SOPA CTG 21.5 in USS SOMERS. Various cem-ses and speods folloning movements of the guide. 1002 General qUtlrters for AA firing. 1028 Fired stbd. battery at sleeve. 1032 Fired port battery - lmocked down one sleeve. 1119 Secure from gemral quarters. 1120 No patients on sick list and none for trl:tDsfer. All magazines and blowers examined and found to be normal. Following ammunition expended: 3/50 AA, 12 rds. SRDN 3418, 17 rds. SPDN 5888, 2 rds SPDN 3613, 1 rd SPDN 3376, 1 rd SPDN 3598; 40 rom HEr, 3.3 rds SPDN 4039, 54 rds UB 76.3, 91 rds. SPDN 4086, t/. rds. UG63 HElT; 10 rds. 20 MM BL&P; tl19 rds. 20 mm HET, 235 rds. 20 MM HEI. 1120 Various courses and speeds pursuant to tactical maneuvers. 1140 USS BURROUGHS and USS KIRKPATRICK left formation. 1150 All chronometers wound. .:;' j ( ., 'L' G-<l·v'"U, C. P. agnerf c. ,. 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. 1410 Changed base course to 1610pg~ & T. 1427 Held general quarters. 1432 Commenced firing gun #31, practice rounds. 1540 Secured !'rom general quarters. 24 rds. 3/50 AA SPDN 5665 expended. _- ,) -1'J-0 ,,~ T. J. Piper 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as before. 1603 Passed Buoy No.8 abeam to starboard, distance one mile. 1623 USS SOMERS (DD-381) rejoined formation and took position as guide. Toole st~tion on port quaJ::ter of guide, distance 2000 yds. 1630 c/c to 085<>r and PGC. 1642 c/c to 105~. 1710 c/c to 16O~. 1715 c/e to 16 knots; #4 main engine out of commission for repairs. 1732 Passed buoy #10 to starboard, dlstanoo 1000 yds. 173.3 114 main eigine back in commission. 1737 cis to 18 lmots • l83~c/c to l85~ & pgc. 1839 Raised Nantucket Shoal Lighted Buoy bearing 275~. 1848 c/c to 185 ·.r & pgq. 1850 Passed Nantucket Shoal Light Buoy abeam to~tar'poo.rd, distance 6 miles. 1947 c/c to 265llr & pgc, 282Opsc. " / <I' ~./ I' J2--~ C-[». P. BUtTel' ;1 2.0 - 24 o 1.35 2000 Steaming as before. All eight o'clock report" made. 2100 On new station bearing relative from guide and arc. l5S SOMERS. Sea calm; ship steady. cl'{c ~A c. APPROVED: P. Y/agnm-d fl ~ ~ f EXAMINED, <flJ.,N.~~ u. s. N R Lieutenant, U. COMMANDING. s. N.R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTIHG OFFICE; It .. <1 0 - S11ii2 CONFIDENTIAL 325-44 PAGE DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVPER5-1l4 (REV. 1-... ) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ -"'S.."LA:'"'-T'-'ER~__'(_"'DE!!.,.:...-7.L66"_'·~)'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Monday (IN,) 20 Wo(t) November ,19M (Monll) 00 - 04 265°T & pgc, in company with USS SOMERS (orC), USS EBERT, UC'..,s as guide, our position 135 0 relative from guide, speed 18 lets, Casco Bay, Maine, pursuant to orders from ComDesLant despatch Changed course to 220'i' & pgc. 0100 Cbanged course to 27CPr & pgc. 0000 Steaming on course OSWALD, with USS SOMERS acting en route New York, N. Y., from #161527 of Navember 1944. 0029 -;.-) J~-.~ T. 'J. Piper • 04 - 08 0400 Steaming as before. 0435 c/c to 265°pgc & T, -273Opso. 0611 Raised New York sea buoy bearing 235or, distanoe 10 miles. 0611 Formation changed 'base course to 2400; & pgc. m612 Changed station to astern of guide. 0614 0/s to 15 mots, all ahead standard (420 rpm). 0643 Passed New York sea buoy abeam to port, distance 600 yds. 0648 Upon ·instruotions from CTG 21.5 proceeding independently up New York swept channel, steaming on various courses and speeds confarming to channel. Captain en bridge. 0750 Tested general alarm and cheqd.ca1 attac~ -«larmj conditions satisfactory. ,.-- .. J ..( d;. . f ,I-", I .~~ p~ Butler LD/ 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before. Various courses and speeds conforming to New York Swept Cbannel. All hands mustered on atntions - no unauthorized absentees. 0001 Buoy Fox abeam to port 300 yds. 0817 Buoy G abeam to port 200 yds. 0830 Buoy H abeam to port 200 yds. 0842 Ambrose Lightship abeam to starboard. 0844 Buoy I abeam to port 200 yds. 0852 Gedney Channel Buoy abeam to stbd. 300 yds. Entered Gedney Channel. 0857 Examination veGse1 .abeam to port 300 yds. 0902 #2 Gedney Cbarme1 buoy abeam to stbd. 150 yds. 0914 Daily inspection of magazines and b10wors - reported normal. 0920 Buoy #18 Gednoy Channel abeam to stbd. 150 yds. Proceeding to anchorage. 0940 Anchot.ed in 18 feot of water to stbd. chain, 20 fathoms to the water's edge. 1024 YF 416 alongside to give ammunitien. 1030 Ens. Agnew on sick list, none for transfer. 1050 Y}<' 416 cast off. The following aDlDltmition aboard: 1280 rds 40 mm HEr!' SPDN 6363; 1080 rds. 20 mm HEr SPDU 5906; 1080 rds. 20 mm HEI SPDN 5427; 1080 rds. 20 mm AEF N 52L9. 1113 ~l chronometers wound. 1130 Anchorage bearings. Sandy Hook Ligbt 075~, Roamer Shoal lite 019 T. 1137 Capt. Gallaher, CTG 21.5 aboard. 1143 Underway. Anchor aweigh. ll48 Steering various courses and speods pursuant to Chapel Hill Cbanne1. 1154 #2 lighted buoy abeam to stbd. 50 yds. Entered Chapel Hill Channel. _-:J 1/ / .. (/. c G ~-<htL-" C. P. Ylagnmz.) 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. 1209 West Hill light house abeam to port, distance 300 yds. Entered The Narrows. 1212 Ambrose Cbanne1 Buoy /115 a~am to starboard, distance 300 yds. 1222 Passed thru anti-submarine nets. 1239 Entered Bay Ridge Channel. 1255 Made preparations for mooring. 1309 Moored starboard side to port side of USS OSYiALD (DE-767), using standard moor at north side 36th St. Pier, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1316 Captain Gallaher (CTG 21.5) and Lt. Baker ashore. 1329 Commencod recei-ring fresh water from dock. 1400 Completed receiving 2200 gals. fresh water. 1430 Lt. (jg) Shackelford, E. A., reported aboard for temporary duty in aax::ordance with Cor.Cortniv 35 orders P16-3/00, serial14 of 12 Nov. 1944 •. 15QO Sullivan,~E. F., RM3c, left on three day emergency leave. , / //,2: /7?'i.--- ''iW po•. Butler 16 - 20 1600 1400red as before. 1754 COIIIlDenoed receiving fuel /~')au dOC~ It!P(~~~ 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. Made 20,500 gals. . APPROVED: ~CQ.{\ fueling, EXA'MINEO: . cSM. "'.O-uL B Lt. Conrlr. U s. ~.;a(l~ - NR Lieutenant U. S, N. COMMANDING. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U.s. GOVERNMErIT PRINTING OFFICE; 18 ... 0 - nl;'~2 \"vl'"r IUI:.I'4 I I}o\L DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVPER$-1.)4 (REV. ,-oW) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _--"'S~LAIilTElL!D~'l66,J_.) ___________ 00 - 04 0000 Moored starboard side to port side USS OSWALD (DE-767) alongside north side. of 36th St. Pier, Brooklyn, New York, using standard moor. Units of Task;Group 2l,rpresent with CTG 21.5 in lES SOMERS (DD-381). No remarks. l/.'J?/ ! /) / ,(I(t/L· '/ "if; P. But er 04 - 08 , USNR, returned from emer0400 Moored as before. 0425 Lewis, Charles H., Slc, gency leave. 0750 Tested general alarm and chemical attaok;~c<'7~ _/n/~ •.. f/~ /. P: . But er 08 - 12 0800 Moored as before. Held quarters for muster; absentees: Dean, George, S2c, and Sterner, R. F., RdM3c, ,15NR. 0815 Tested and inspected motor 1Ibaleboat; found to be in operating condition. 0910 Bridge, David G., BLUo, , USN, transferred to Naval Construction Trainin~ Center, Camp Endicott, Davisville, R. I., in accordance with ComSerForSub Com ltr. Pl6-1(7),!MM{44710-SC) of 26 October 1944. 0920 Made daily inspoction of magazines; conditions normal. 0920 Artlipp, C. M., GM3c, , USNR, transferred to Naval Receiving Station, Washington, D. C., for temporary duty under instructibn. 0930 Corbett, J. A., 800 68 41, 1JA3c, USNR, transferred to Naval Training Station, Norfolk, Va., in accordance with ComSerForSub Com ltr. Pl6-l(7)/MLH4471O-SC) of 26 October, 1944. 0930 Sterner, Ralph F., RdM3c, , 15NR, reported aboard having been absent over liberty since 0700, 21 Nov. 1944. 0956 Ens. J. B1inka, USNR, returned from authorized leave. 1000 Ne1eaky. E. L., F2c, injured back, not seriously, while on duty. 1015 Blair, fl. H., CUM(PA), , USNR, transferred to NavlU Training Station, Norfolk, Va., in accordance with ComSerForSubCoCl ltr. P16-1(7)/l.IM(A4710-SC) of 26 October, 1944. 1140 All clocks and chronometers wound and s.et:.J -/f ,~ j d./,//~f(./L-- t'/D:P. But~ 12 - 16 1200 Moored as before. 1320 By order of the Convening Authority, a Sununary Court Martial, Lieut. H. N. Poulsen, USNR, senior member, was held in the case of Chewning, W. W., S2c, • USNR and Wood, H. L., Flo, ,USNR. 1400 Summary Court Martial adjourned to await action of the Convening Authority. ~,). / .J.V --1"", T. J. Piper 16 - 20 1600 Moored as bofore. -(d·6~~ No remarks. T. J. Piper 20-24 2000 )foored as before. No remarks. - f ..) I'd' V ~ T. J. Piper .... PPROVED: 6~ M. J. Lt. Co EXAMINED, ~Lieutenant .. ~~ CQ • U. COMMANDING. s. N. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAV .... L PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. GOVERNWENT PItlNTING OFFICE: UJ4f 0 - So11U2 CUhli=ILJENTIAL PAGE 322.:...41<...._ _ DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVP£RS-IH (REV. t- .... ) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _---'"S\loLAl.II.T.l..ERJ;oU._(u.DtiE;c:-~7~6~6'J_)-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wedneaday (lJ.~) 22 November ,19M (Mo.," (i).t,) 00 - 04 0000 Moored stbd. side to port side ot t5S OSWALD (DE-767), using standard moor at north _ (jJ, side, 36th St. Pier, Brooklyn, N. Y. No further remarks. l ,/J ~ T. J. Piper 04 - 08 0400 Moored as before. 0655 Doan, Nov. 21, 1944. G., S2c, t.5NR, returned, absent over leave since 0700 - (,? . --;.,\,v~ T. Piper 5. 08 - 12 0800 Moored as before. Mustered crew at quarters, 'no absentees. 0919 Made daily inepection of magazines, conditions normal. 1117 All chronometers and clocks reported wound and set • .-- . f)j. (?' pf;. 12 - 16 1200 Moored as before. 1245 Small fire reported in compartment C-309A. Consisted of· pair of smoldering gloves. Fire extinguished with no d~ge. l401 Jones, Owen E., SM3c, , t.5NR, and Kucharski, J. R., FIe, , USNR, transferred to U. S. Naval Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. , by authority U. S. Navy Regs. 1l4l. 1545 Following man reported aboard for duty from U. S. Naval Receiving Station, Pier 92, New York, N. Y., in accordance with C. O. Receiving Sta. orders 32-22-ll-lb of 22 November, 1944' Derrance t Herman L., SIc, Abercrombie, Carl G., SIc, ; Tifft, O. W., SIc, . Wil. ~,~G. L., Slc, , t.5NR. ~/'1~' .> .. /,U;/~L. ,1 i .. P. Bu.£rer 16 - 20 1600 Moored as before. 1840 Hoffman, Ronald L., , SM3c, USNR, reported aboard for duty from USS GENTRY (DE-349) by authority of verbal Ord~8 ~.~~~tF1t, Liaison Officer. 71/:0W~L . 1>. P. Butler 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. ~/~ -7f~ ~ No remarks. -/) /{(.,-WIW"L-. Iri. APPROVED: P. Butler EXAMINED: U. COMMANDING. Ueut8ltaII t, s. N. NAVIGATOR IlSRR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH , u. s. GOVl:HNM£NT PIlINTING orFlct:; IPH 0 - S119Vl I.,..VI"It" IU1:..I"I11AL PAGE 128-44 DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVPER$-U" (RI:."'V. 1-'.) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ --'S""LA:=T~ER=__"(D"'E=_-_'7'_'66=_<_)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Thursday (/"'r) 23 November • 19 44 (MORt.) II"",) 00 - 04 0000 Moored JrliAi:board side to port side USS OSWALD (DE-767), alongside north side of 36th St. Pier, Brooklyn, Hew York, using standard moor. Units of Task Group 21.5 present with CTG , RMJc r; ret~d from 3-day emar21.5 in WS SOMERS (DD-38l). 0010 Sullivan, E. F., I/;'j ,'~' genoy leave. I --li/ /' Z:/£L-{Jl. P. Butler 04 - 08 Cfl50 Tested general al8l'Jll and~'!C:~~~/ k a.l.azIm. 0400 Moored as bofore. V:~ • P. But sr 08 - 12 0800 Moored as before. Crew 1IIU8tered at quarters - no unauthorized absentees, except Hargrove, B. E., SIc, WIm. 0813 Hargrove, B. E., SIc, , WNR, reported aboard after release from Shore Patrol. 0821 Commenced taking on fresh water. 0840 Completed taking on fresh water, 2940 gallons aboard. 1056 Tugboat IIary P. UcKennaalongside port side. 1103 Tugboat Joseph l4eseck, Jr., alongside. Pilot aboard. 1104 Underway from 36th Street Pier, Brooklyn, New York, in accordance with operations order CTG 21.5 7-44. 1114 Tugboat Mary P. McKenna cast off. 1115 Tugboat Joseph Meseck Jr. cast off with pilot. Various courses and speeds pursuant to Bay Ridge Channel. 1128 III lighted bell buoy abeam to stbd. 50 yds. 1129 Cleared Bay Ridge Cbannel. Entered New York Harbor and the Harrows. 11.30 All magazines and blowersinspectadj conditions found to be normal. 1147 Cleared the subnarine nets. 1148 All chronometers and clocks woUDi. 1150 Buoy l7B abeam to atbd. 100 yds. Entered Ambrose Channel. 1150 West Hill light abeam to stbd., 1000 yds. .~ Cf ttJ. C. P. waf:Z 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. 1203 Roamer Shoal light house abeam to stbd. 500 yds. 1224 Examination vessel abeam to atbd. 500 yds. 12.30 Gedney Light buoy abeam to port 50 yds. 1240 Buoy I abeam to port 50 yd.s., entering outer Hew York swept channel, various eourses and speeds. 1241 Ambrose Light abeam to port .5 miles. 1246 Buoy H abeam to port 200 yds. 1338 Buoy G abeam to stbd. 100 yds. 1412 Buoy F abeam to stbd. 150 yds. 1423 USS OSWAlD (DE-767) maneuvered along port quarter to pass mail. 1432 USS OSWALD (DE-767) completed passing mall. l448 Buoy E abeam to stbd. 500 yds. 1522 Buoy D abeam to stbd. 1500 yds. 1549 Buoy C abeam to stbd. 1000 yds. . - ( ; ..J. 1./ "j.t. (' T.' J. Piper 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as before. l64l.5 Buoy Able abeam to starboard, distance 300 ,ds. Took departure from Buoy Able; convoy CU-48 set base course O890f and pgc, speed nine knots, enroute from New York, H. Y., to United Kingdom in accordance with CTB 21.5 operations order No. 7-44. Escort Commander is CTG 21.5 in USS SOMERS (DD-381); Convoy Commodore in MV SEA SERPEm'. Escorts composed of Task Group 21.5. Escorts sweeping ahead while convoy forms up. 1900 Convoy formed up; escorts took stations in accordance with Plan 114 of FTP 223. This vessel in Station No.2. 1920 Convoy increased speed to 14 knots; speed of this vessel 16 knots, all ahead standard (452 rpm). 1952 Exercised at emergency steering casualty exercise. 1957 Resumed normal steering. Sound gear (echo ranging) out of commission entire watch for repairs. /' .~ ;J/ -/ '//0d? If/:; /o L L.- '" • P. Butler 20-24 2000 Underway as before; all eight o'clock reports made. 2100 M/V ROSEMONI' detached from convoy due to engine trouble. No furthsr remarks. ~,p ? L 1 ('-'\./ a. 4vU.--r P. 'WagnerJ c" APPROVED: __ .~ EXAMINED: ~~B~~Lt. CoDrlr. U. s. k/.?1~~ , .. N R ~. -~. '}>'6uLsEN Lieutenant U. S. N. COMMANDING. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE ftUAEAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE ENO OF EACH MONTH U. S. GOVERNWEHT PRINTING OFFICE; liU 0 - 511Vi2 ,,",~..II"r 'LI~'" ...... 1.. PAGE 329-44 DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVPERS-Il' (REV. 1-") ==============================~================== UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Friday -=S=LA:.:T-'..ER=.:.._(...,D:.:E::...J--'7....:66:::..L.)_ _ _ _ _ _ __ 24 November . 19 44 (Mo.tA) (Dult) 00 - 04 0000 Underway from New York, N. Y., en route to Liverpool, Eng. in accordance with CTG 21.5 operations order No. 7-44, escorting COJNOY CU-48. orc in l.5S SOMERS. Convoy Commodore in SS SEA SERPENT. Patrolling station #2 of Fl'P 223. Convoy course 0890f & pgc, speed 14 kts., our speed 16 kts. 0231 Held steering casualty drill. 0233 Resumed normal steering. I" I . ,j</vc.r T. vJ. Piper 04 - 08 0400 Steaming as before. 0429 Set rpm's at 445 rpm. 0722 Exercised at steering casualty drill. 0730 Resumed normal steering. 0750 Tested genertl : a l .. ~., @ ~c, attack. Ecbo Tanging gear not yet in operation. . . • {i . t-~ • P. Butler 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before. All bands mustered on stations - no absentees. 0842 Base course changed to 0850r & pgc. Q955 Steering casualty drill - after steering took control. 1000 Percy, E., S2c, USNR, on sick list; none for transfer. 1013 Resumed normal steering. 1015 Magazines & blowers inspected - found to be normal. 1105 Steering casualty drill - aft steering took oontrol. 1114 Resumed normal steering. 1130 All chronometers and olocks wound. Ship rolling slightly. Some spray blowing over foc'sle. 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. 1~39 Held steering casualty drill. 1445 Resumed normal steering. 1515 Convoy changed course to 055 pgc & T. 1545 Took station #7 astern of convoy. 1547 Convoy speed changed to 12 knots. ,.- ,~ . f·9Y~ T • vJ. Piper 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as bofore. 1603 Arrived on station no. 7 and commencod patrolling station. 1700 Convoy speed increased to 14 knots. 1735 Escorts assumed night stnti0!l7' ,/! V,(~" {I/<Y~~ (1,-0( 1'". B"uUer 20 - 24 2000 Steaming as before. All eight 0' clock reports made. 2111 Convoy speed roduced to 13 knots. 2130 IlPM set at 430. 2204 RPM set at 410. Ship rolling moderately, rain squalls, hoavy spray and occasional seas breaking over foc'sle. f· / /G~;?J{-vtL(1 • P. L-WaenoI(/ ('/p APPROVED, C\ /e~ ___ EXAMINED: ('7 ~ ~.l( MbLSEN M. J. CQ Lt. Comdr. Lieutenant U. s. N R U. COMMANDING. s. N. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U, S. GOVERHMErIT PRINTING OFFICE: Ii'" 0 - ~718i2 CONFIDENTIAL PAGE 330-44 DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVPERS-1l4 (REV. 1-.... ) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _-'S~Lk!,/fLTLlER;OU""...l(..I<D~Ec=-_L7J.!.6J.!.6'__) Saturday _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 25 (Dult) .I~ November (Mo.IA) 00 - 04 0000 Steaming on course 055 0 pgc & T en route Liverpool, Eng., from New York, N.Y., in accordance with orders to CTG 21.5 #7-44. orc in USS SOllERS, Convoy Commodore in IN SEA SERFEm'. Patrolling station No.7 in Plan 114 Fl'P 223. Convoy speod 13 kts. Strong wind and heavy seas. 0344 Held steering casualty drill. 0345 Resumed normal eteClring. , .J 'J 'I.. 'J,- V .'-C J.-< T. J. Piper 04 - 08 0400 Steaming as before. 0400 Convoy changed course to o72or & pgc. 0430 Convoy changed course to 08?~ & pgc. 0500 Convoy changed base course to 102~ &: pgc. 0610 Escorts assumed day stations. 0730 No.6 life raft washed overboard from rack by heavy seas. 0740 Fischer, Paul F., , Flc, USNR, was washed into depth charge K-gun by seas, cutting forehead. Two stitcbes taken in cut by pharmacist's mate. 0752 Tested general alarm and chemical attack alarm; conditions satisfactory. Heavy seas prevailing; maximum roll during w~tch o~e~ed 360 • i , ../ / ,1/ /"~L- D'. p. Butler 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before. Crew mustered on stations; no absentees. 0804 Base course of convoy changed to 097Dr & pgc. 0902 RPM set at 400. 0914 RPM set at 425. 0945 Fischer, P. F., Flc, USNR, with two-inch laceration on head, and Percy, E., S2c, USNR, with cat. fever, on binnacle list; none for transfer. 0945 Magazines and blowers inspected; condition normftl. ('.948 RPM set at 410. 1145 All chronometers and clocks wound. Ship roll ing heavily to as much as 420, taking heavy spray and some seas over foe' sle head. Rain and sleet intermittently. <~CL4lJ(1 b-./1p. Ly;agner/ 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. 1523 Convoy changed speed to 13 lets. 1430 Boston unit joined convoy, formed co1umn,1l4. Strong wind and seas. '/~'l.(l~ T • dJ. Piper 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as before. 1605 Ship in convoy position No. 9-1. suffered engine casualty and fell behind convoy; US~ BURRO\)S (DE-I05) detached by CTG-21.5 to escort No. 9-1. 1715 Echo ranging gear back in operation. 1725 Escorts took night ¢.-.a.y~~s. VI" and sea slightly calmer. ~II/ /' . n (~/' / / Li/ /.( .(p P. But er 20 - 24 2000 Steaming as before. All eight o'clocl reports made. No further remarks. Cr. (,,-) ~v~ C. P. Wagner d / APPROVED: CJ v f\9c.., , ~fl M. EXAMINED: ~19.~~ Lieutenant millCQ'V Lt. Comdr. U.S.N R U.S.N. COMMANDING. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE .liH o· ~11ii2 CUNI-IUt::NTIAL pAGE ~3,-,Jo.;:l'--..:J44=-__ DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVPERS-I;t.t (REV. 1-... ) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ -=::S"'L!.!AT~ER"'_'__'(>!:D:.::E'_-_'_7_=6.o:6.L)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Sunday 26 November (Dult) (MonlO) .I~ 00 - 04 OCOO Steaming on course 0970X' & pgc en route Liverpool, Eng., fran New York, N. Y., in accordance with CTG 21.5 operations order 7-44, escorting convoy CU-48, speed 13 kts., are in ~...s SOMERS, Convoy Commodore in 5S SEA SERFEm', patrolling station #8 of FTP 223. All clocks advanced 1 hour to 1J.3 zone time. 0.324 Held steering casualty dl'ill. 0.326 Resumed normul steering. Wind slackened, seas Uss violent. ~ .). '/ .) .u~Jv.r T. 11. Piper 04 - 08 0400 Steaming as before. 0540 Exercised at steering casualty drill. 0553 Resumed normal steering. 0645 Eacorts took day stations. 0750 Tested general ,l~ I1lj~he:Ya1 attaok alarm; oondi tions satisfaotory. . 1 l~kF /f' . I;/' D{ P.r Butl r 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before. Crew mustered on stations - no absentees. 0840 RPM set at 440. 09.35 Percy, E., S2c, U5NR on sick list ~ none for transfer. 1003 RPM set at 425. 1019 Steering casualty drill - aft steering took control. 1025 Magazines and blowers inspected - conditions norloal. 1035 Resumed normal steering. 1036 RPM set at 440. 1100 Rpm set at 410. 1102 All chronometers and clocks wound. 1131 Steering casualty drill - . aft steering took control. 1140 Resumed normal steering. ll41lWM set at 430. Taking heavy.sprays over foc'sle head and rolling heavily when on courses north of base course. Courses 30uth of base course ship rides easily to swells. Occasional squall,;. ?( / . ') ( C: . ~(V~ vvDt Hagner 0" 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. 1329 Proceeded Ql course. 2400r & pgc to SS E1IPIRE LAW, straggler due to engine casualty. 1405 Escorting S5 EMPIRE LAW. 1530 Relieved as escort of SS EMPIRE LAW. by USS KIRDP.ATRICK. 1538 Set course at 094'1>gc & T, speed 20 kts., rejoining convoy. Heavy seas running from 280or, wind slackened. .' _ ) . ! .)- 1/ __/-,J T. J. Piper 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as before. 1846 c/c to 0750r & pgc. 1850 c/c to 0600r & pgc. 1920 Arrived on station 8, night escort and commenced patrolling station at 15 knots, all ahead standard. Wind shifting from northwest to northeast; rolling seas contiI)~:l/ // /<l()v$~ (Ii. P. Butler 20 - 24 2000 Steaming as before. All eight O'clock reports. 2244 Steering casualty drill - aft steering took control. 2301 Res\lmed normal steering. 2305 RPU Bet at 380. 2307 Rpm set at 400. Ship taking heavy sprays fwd. Rolling moderately. APPROVED: c ') C:-1A~()~ ... j M.~~ ~ EXAMINED: ~ vJI.,;V'F~ Lieutenant Lt. CoDrlr. U. S. N. COMMANDING,' R NAVIGATOR TO aE FOHWAROEO OIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. GOVERNWENT p!tll·rrING OFFICE: liH o· 571iiZ L..UI''ir IU1:..N IIAL PAGE 332.~~ DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVF-EHS-1J4 (REV. 1-"') UNITEO STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~S~U:!llT_"ER!!..L_~(D~E=_-7.L:6~6~)l..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1!!M~on~d~ay.J..__ _!27::..L_...!!N~ov.!_e!:o,m~be=r'____. I~ UhJv) W.I,) (AI •• /A) 00 - 04 0000 Underway from New York, N. Y., en route Liverpool, England, in accordance with CTG 21.5 operations order #7-44. Escorting Convoy CU-48. Base course D97 opgo & T, speed 13 kts. Escort Commander in USS sor~, Convoy COlllllodore in MIl SEA SERPENr. Patrolling station /f8 of Fl'P 223. Wind and seas slightly increasing. _ /). ·U -j-.N T. J. Piper "" J 04 - 08 0400 Steaming as before. 0628 Escorts took day stations. 0705 Reduced speed to 395' rpm's. 0753 Tested general alarm and chemical attack alarm; fOtmd sa;:758ctory. Continued high wind 0 : $~ and sea. Maximum roll observed 46 • //«;j lktp.-B~~ " 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before. Crew mustered on stations; no absentees. 0830 Base course changed to OSOe;. & pgo. 0850 Standing by straggler "Love Jack 32". 0910 Magazines and blowers inspected; condition normal. 0912 Base course 0700r & pgc. 0948 Approaching convoy again. 1020 Percy, E., S2c, USNR, on sick list and none for tr8Ilsfer. 1040 All chronometers and clocks wound. 1100 Ship's service load shifted to #3 generator aft. 1130 Steering casualty drill - aft steering took control. Base course O6Oor & pgo. 1132 Resumed normal steering. 1150 On station #8 in convoy, resumed normal patrol. Ship rolling heavily and taking heavy sprays over foc' 51e., 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. 1443 Held steering casualty drill. 1447 ResUllled normal steering. Ship rolling and pitching heavily, wind and seas strong. 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as before on baSel course 0700r & pgc. 1942 Exercised at steering casualty drill. 1954 Shifted steering forward. Clear sky; sea and Win~. yytinB/ /' II/I /~~?7);~ l..D. P. Butra;- 20 - 24 o 2000 Steaming as before. All eight o'clock reports. 2045 Convoy ordered to base course 070 T & pgc, speed 13 knots. 2145 Base course changed to 0750r & pgc. 2151 Steering casualty drill - aft steering took control. 2210 Resumed normn.l steering. 2307 Steering casualty drill, after steering took control. 2317 Resumed normal steering. j / ') (! . ;. ! \.- ~4 p£,! • P. VWagnerd APPROVED: EXAMINED: (. ~C;-J~~,. ~!\ -----y'.')~~BLANCQ~U Lt. . colildr. U. s. Lieutenant NR U. S. N. COMMANOING. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH u.s. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE; Jg,H 0 - 51lQg2 CuNFIDENTIAL PAGE 333-44 DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVPERS-U. (REV. 1-44) --"S,..,LJ.: ...TER"'-' ' '-'--'(....D'' 'Ec::-..L76'' '6' '-)l--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ Tuesday 28 (l1.V) November . 19M.. (MenIA) 00 - 04 0000 Underway !'rom New York, N. Y. to Liverpool, Eng , in accordanco with erG 21.5 oper6 ations order H7-44, escorting convoy CU-48. Base course 075 pgc &: T, speed 13 lets. Escort Commander in USS SOMERS, Convoy Commodore in SS SEA SERPENT, patrolling station #8 of ITP 223. Seas and wind subsiding somewhat. . -,;Y . I 'J U~.>-( T. J. Piper 04 - 08 0400 Steaming as before. Standing by SS-;'THOMPSON LYKES which is stopped due to engine casualty. Convoy proceeding on base course 075~ at 13 knots. 0452 THOMPSON LYKES underway at 7 knots, proceeding to rejoin convoy. Our station ahead or THOMPSON LYKES patrolling station. 0500 THOMPSON LYKES increased speed to 14 knots, this vessel patrolling at 14 knots, all ahead standard (452 rpm). Base course 077f:l.r & pgc. 0750 Tested general alarm and chemical attack alarm, conditions satisfactory. Seas and wind moderate; brOkenClo;udS/•.J ,. :." /" . . . /, /' , r)~ /.4 7/ .f.-- " 9. P: Butrer....... 08 - 12 0800 Steoming as before. Crew mustered on stations; no absentees. 0816 Shif'ted load to fid. generator. 0830 RPM set at 400. 0845 RPM set at 440. 0835 Y./'l THOl.!PSON LYKES had pOller failure - lost way. C01llDlenoed circular patrol. 0852 M/'l.THOMPSON LYKFS underway. RPM in. creased to 452. 0934 Steering casualty drill - art steering took control. 1000 All magazines and blowers inspected; condition normal. 1004 Resumed normal steering. 1005 Percy, E., S2c, USNR, on sick list - none for transfer. liOO All chronometers and clocks wound. Ship rolling moderately, taking intermittent sprays over foc'sle head but no seas. <..) /7/~) C.'P. ~agn~ 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. 1300 Clocks advanced me hour to zone & 2. 1415 Changed base course to 09S 0 pgc & T. 16 - 20 1(al Steaming as before. 1655 Commenced searching onO"st':.' t;;.cra~. radar. 1740 Exercised at steering casualty drill. 1807 Resumed normal steering. ~/''v/-#/, 1. //,'" ~'(/>L..-- \.D'. P. Butler 20 - 24 2000 Steaming as before. All eight 0' clock reports. 2118 Base course 105~ & pgc. 2220 Course ll7 0 pgc &: T. 2235 Course 140~gc & T. 2257 Course 155~ & pgc. 2310 Course '120'"'1' & pgc. 2323 Course 1050 pgc & T. 2330 Steaming various oourses and speeds pursuant to forming M/V THOMPSOn LYKF.S up with convoy wbich is Ji miles abead. Base course of convoy 085Gr & pgc. /) ~ti! C ;" - {/\- ~"t,"...Rjl C. P. Wagnet1 APPROVED: EXAMINED: ~Q{l~ JiJ..JJ.-~ Lt. CoUrlr. Lieutenant U. S. N R COMMANDING. U. S. N. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT To THE aUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OffiCE: UIH 0 - 51IV~2 L.UNt- IU1:.N I tAL PAGE 334--4-4 DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVPERS-IU (REV. 1-44) ?9 November --hS""'LIi ..... T... ER"'--'(.~Du.E<=-CL7.>.!t6"'_)I___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Wednesday UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ Wav) ,19M.. (Alo.,A) Walt) 00 - 04 0000 Underway from New York, N. Y., to Liverpool, Eng., in accordance with CTG 21.5 operations order #H7-44, esoorting straggler merchant vessel 55 THClIPSON LYKES. Escort Commander is in USS SClfJrnS, Convoy Commodore in SS SEA SEm'ENT. Base course 10SOpgc & T, speed 14.5 kts. rejoining oonvoy CU-48. 0050 Base course 085 0pgc & T. 0310 Took station in convoy position 118 of FTP 223. 0346 Held steering casualty drill. 0.350 Resumed normal steering • .../ ) /. , ..J ~'j~ T.' J. Piper 04 - 08 0400 5teaming as before. 0604 Exercised at steering casualty drill. 0618 Resumed normal steering. 0630 55 THOMPSON LYKES took position 5-4 in convoy. 0750 Tested general alarm and e X;S).. chemical attack alarm,' conditions aat1sfactt'n"V'. Scattered " L/ .•/"7 --01 , ' ( / ,C.L. 7 . I . -) ~ 9/P~'~~~ 08 - 12 oSOO Steaming as before. Crew m;ustered on stations - no absentees. 0802 Steer:mg casu.al.1ry - af'ter steering took control. 0807 Tried steering ·fWd. Still inoperative. Shifted steering aft. 0826 Tried steering forward - still inoperative. Shitted steering att. 0828 Resumed normal steering. 0954 Ordered to take day stations - on station. 1000 Brown, E. C., Slc, Percy, E., S2c, Ley, A. J., Slo, on sick list - none for transfer. 1025 ~gazines inepected; found to be normal. 1055 All cbronometers wound. 1100 Base course 0750f & pgc. ,. " ,} / "' , 1'./ L CU/,....(..i,- d~ P. 'wagner,} 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. 1300 Convoy increased speed to 14 kts. 1314 1/1 main engine back in oCllllllission atter being temporarily seoured. 1305 Commenoed raining moderately, wind moderate, seas slackened. 1~). ,r?.;~ T. J. Piper 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as before. 16.30 Passed close aboard floating object resembling top of partially submerged msst. 1820 Upon reoeipt of orders from CTG 21.5, lett statioo No. 8 and proceeding take 1Jtation Picket No.1, proceeding at flank speed on various--courses to new area. Escorte took night stations. ,''''r' '/)/~. " /,../J r ,,~/ z.......---)D. P. But er 20 - 24 2000 Steaming as before. All eight 0'c1ock reports. 2047 On station Picket #1. 2050 All ahead standard. 21CO IJ.4 Uain engine secured to repair injector. 2125 D'F Transponder t.urned on. 2207 Steering casualty drill - art steering took control. 2228 Resumed norDl81 steering. 2250 #4 Main;' engine back on line. 2255 RPM set at 425. 2321 RPM set at 4.35. /.:?~/ ) ( t C "-r'Cg z-J'....Jr c. P. Wagner APPROVED: -'Q11 ~~ •• Lt. Co ,...... CQ EXAMINED, " • U. S. N Lieutenant R U. COMMANDING: s. N,R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTlNG orrlCE; I~H 0 - ~7IiU2 CONFIDENTIAL PAGE 335-44 DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVPE.RS-U.c (REV.I-.c.c) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ ~SLATER Thursday (DE-76h) (l"q) 30 N""ember . 1,44 (AIo.,4) Walt) 00 - 04 0000 Underway from New York, N. Y., to Liverpool, Eng., in0 accordance with CTG 21.5 operations order 1IH7-44, escorting convoy CU-48. Base course 075 pgc & T, speed 13 kts. orc is in USS SWERS. Convoy Commodore in SS SEA SERPEm'. Patrolling station Hl picket position. Weather calm, sky overcast, sea calm. ~ I ,) . ~ / } V 0}g.( T. vJ. Pi'per 04 - 08 0400 Steaming as before. 0613 Escorts took day stations. 0720 Ec~l=R~g@d at steering casualty drill. 0744 Resumed normal steering. 0750 Tested general alarm and chemical attack alarm. Conditions aatisfactory. 0755 Convoy speed 14 knots. ,nt)A~: /,// /Ir I /". U/'. /// :~/ ' D/P:But er 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before. Crew mustered on stations - no absentees. 0805 RPM set at 460. 0831 Steering casualty drill - art steeripg took control. 0902 Resumed normal steering. 0940 Magazines and blowers inspected; conditions normal. 0945 RPJ.! set at 475. 1005 Percy, E., S2c, USNR on sick list - none for transfer. 1042 Steering casualty drill - aft steering took control. 1050 All chrcnometers and clocks wound. 1058 Resumed normal steering. 1125 RPM set at 4f:i:J. Ship rolling slightly, intermittent spray over foc'sle. ~,>iJ) I " c. .f. ( t ~/L-J?1 1'. 'tIagne# 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. slight swells. 1359 Reduced speed to 452 rpm. Weather fair, wind moderate, I. dJ..V~ Piper T. 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as before. 1630 Convoy made emergency 45° turn to port upon orders from Escort Commander. 1638 Convoy made emergency 45° turn to starboard upon o~ers from escort commander. 1905 Exercised at emergency steering casualty drill,' ,19~,e~/normal steering. Slight wind and sea, overcast skiea. /;v hd:; r,'.'f..-.-.-" '/ .;,.. , . / 'I / " // .... D. P. Butler 20 - 24 2000 Steaming as before. All eight 0' clock reports made. All clocks advanced one hour to 2100.Nan (Zone & 1) time. 2120 RPM set at 465. 2216 F~ercised at steering casualty drill. Aft steering took control. 2241 Resumed normal steering. Ship rolling very slightly. t:r tL'~vJA C. P. V/agnero APPROVED: . EXAMINED: J1.~iiiiCs~ Lieutenant u. s, N.R N .... VIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE ENO OF E .... CH MONTH U. S. OOV£RHWEHT PRINTING OFFiCe::: IDH 0 • S11ii2
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