thinking outside the box
thinking outside the box
Millwide INSIDER THE MAGAZINE FROM USNR | MARCH 2009 THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX A novel approach pays off for an Australian mill NO MORE BOTTLENECKS UK Mill’s upgrade leads to higher production and recovery SURVIVING THE TIMES You can take action to get through difficult times Millwide INSIDER MARCH 2009 Subscriptions Tel.: 250.833.3028 Editor Colleen Schonheiter CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Sonia Perrine It’s a small world. The world is getting smaller. We only have to look at the current USNR Parts & Service 7/24 Service: 800.289.8767 Tel.: 360.225.8267 global economic woes to see exactly how inter twined our economies are, and how factors in one area soon expand to affect Fax: 360.225.7146 Mon. - Fri. 5:00 am - 4:30 pm PT other areas. While servicing our customers in Nor th America, for many years both USNR and Newnes-McGehee have also set our sights Newnes-McGehee Parts & Service 7/24 Service: 250.832.8820 on markets beyond those borders. We’ve had a lot of success, Tel. :250.832.7116 Fax: 250.833.3032 we’ve cultivated many impor tant business relationships, and we’ve gained a lot of friends along the way. We’ve learned many things about how wood is processed in other regions and the challenges Mon. - Fri. 5:00 am - 4:30 pm PT those sawmillers face in their markets. We’ve also learned about USNR Locations Woodland, WA the unique proper ties of different species of wood, and how those Headquar ters unique proper ties affect the way the wood is processed and the 360.225.8267 markets it is suited for. We’ve learned to adapt our systems and our business to serve the needs of customers in global regions. In this issue we bring you examples of how sawmillers outside of Nor th America are adapting their processes to solve problems. We also offer you some ideas for how you can resolve some of Salmon Arm, BC Hot Springs, AR 250.832.7116 501.262.1010 Plessisville, QC Jacksonville, FL 819.362.7362 904.354.2301 your own operational issues. Lastly, we want you to be assured that no matter where you are located, we are ready with a team Parksville, BC Eugene, OR of exper ts to suppor t your systems. In this small world, your 250.954.1566 541.485.7127 success means our success! Sincerely, Colleen Schonheiter Editor © 2009, U.S. Natural Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to 558 Robinson Road, Woodland, WA 98674. Canada Post: Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: USNR c/o Colleen Schonheiter, 3550 - 45th Street Southeast, Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4N2 Australia’s WESPINE WESPINE Industries is not afraid to take an unusual approach to solve a problem. Recent capital improvements are proof of just how far outside the box it can get. WESPINE Industries is located near the southwest tip of Australia, in the state of Western Australia (WA). The company is privately held and jointly owned by Wesfarmers Limited and Fletcher Building Limited. The WESPINE sawmill has been in operation since 1985 and specializes in processing Radiata pine, a premium quality plantation timber. Radiata pine comprises 90% of WESPINE’s log intake, with the balance in Pinaster pine (which is also grown extensively in western France). Pinaster is denser than Radiata and more difficult to saw and dry. WESPINE draws its saw logs from both WA government owned and private pine plantations. In 1991 it signed an agreement giving it a 40-year supply contract for the supply of logs, ensuring a secure source of raw material. The mill typically processes in the range of 400,000 tonnes of logs per year. Minimum diameter is 180 mm (around 7”) and maximum is close to 750mm (30”). Around 15% of volume is in diameters 450mm (18”) and greater. The main thicknesses produced in Australia for house framing are 35mm (planed size) and 45mm. In WA, 45mm is mostly preservative treated for outdoor use. The main widths are 90mm (nominal 4”) through to 190mm (nominal 8”). The sawmill’s capacity is approaching 200,000m3 output annually, however the global economic slowdown is having a marked effect on home building in WA where the market is down by approximately 25% on levels of a year ago. There is significant pressure on prices, and wood processors in the region predict the worst is yet to come because Australia’s economy tends to lag the rest of the world. In the mid-90’s WESPINE seized the opportunities presented by a steady supply of raw logs and, at the time, a strong market. The company set out on a journey to increase its production capacity, productivity and recovery. Consecutive capital investments were made as follows: 1993, NewnesMcGehee sawmill lumber handling (optimized trimmer, sorter and stacker); 1997, USNR optimized board edger; 2003, Newnes-McGehee curve saw gang A novel approach pays off and planermill lumber handling equipment; 2005, Newnes-McGehee Linear High Grader (LHG) automated grading system; and 2007, USNR extended length infeed line. Richard Schaffner, Business Development Manager for WESPINE, explained the capital upgrade process, “The continuous improvement drive led us to do things in what may seem, to others, to be a strange sequence. We made the upgrades in the sequence shown very deliberately because each project showed to be the next logical step and produced the best incremental returns. We aimed always to get each project settled in and working well, our people trained and familiar with the new equipment, before we took the next step. Our people now believe that constant change is normal, and are eager to grapple with the next challenge, whatever it is!” The mill’s evolution to adapt new technology to its process has been a carefully thought out and carefully planned progression. Schaffner explains, “We have followed a path of incremental, evolutionary development and expansion over the last 15 years, and will continue in this vein, I suspect. We endeavor to understand new technologies in the context for which they have been developed before we look at what we could do with that technology. We do not invest speculatively, and never on a whim. Projects are carefully investigated by a team, options assessed, and we only proceed to board presentation when all team members are satisfied that the project is worthy.” One-of-a-kind primary breakdown line WESPINE may be cautious about incorporating new technology, but certainly not faint of heart when it comes to innovative thinking. One case in point is the distinctive design of its USNR primary breakdown line, that includes reciprocating a center cant back through the quad bandmills for a second pass, thus eliminating the need for a resaw. When asked about the inspiration for this novel design, Schaffner explained, “This came from the team approach. Someone said, ‘Why should we have another whole machine center when, given our relatively small total volume, a new quad bandmill is going to spend around one third of its life cutting air?! Wouldn’t it be great if we could bring a center-cant from large logs back to the infeed side of the saws for a second pass without moving it off the sharp chain?’” It sounded like the idea had merit, so it was presented to the USNR team. After some careful consideration – and head scratching – the design got off the drawing board, and has since proven to be the correct approach for this application. The primary breakdown line also incorporates USNR’s Precision Log Rotation (PLR) system, that closes the loop in the data flow, allowing the system to increase recovery by providing feedback that is used to calculate the exact degree of turn, and then correct the turn before the initial cut is made. USNR system designers report that some mills have realized recovery uplift in the range of 6-8 points with this MARCH 2009 | Millwide INSIDER system. Launched in 2005, the PLR system is proving its worth in 12 installations. Here’s how the system works. A log is presented to the log belt conveyor, where it travels through the scanning and positioning tools. At the log turning optimizer, the trailing end of the log is marked and a sensor takes the reference angle of the log. The log is scanned and the optimizer determines the optimal breakdown solution, which is passed to the log turner via the PLC. The log turner performs the initial turn, a sensor at the log turner measures the exact degree of log rotation comparing the reference angle with the new (uncorrected) angle, then sends the data to the PLC to instruct the log turner to perform a corrected rotation. The log turner completes the corrected turn, and the log travels on along the V-style conveyor through the Extended Length Infeed (ELI) section that slews and skews to further refine the log’s position for optimal recovery. At the far end of the ELI is the Vee-Chipper. The chipper’s design ensures the log is firmly held in place, knives continually making contact with the log at the bottom of the chip head, no matter what size of log is presented, which allows the chipping action to work with the log motion to create a superior surface finish. The quad bandmill is located 7.2 metres (24 feet) behind the Vee-Chipper with the sharp-chain running from the chipper, through the bandmill to the sideboard separation unit. The bandmill removes side boards from the exposed sides of the cant. When a small log (180mm to 450mm) is processed the cant continues on to the single-arbor gang. When a larger log (450mm and greater) is processed, the thicker sideboards that normally result would be routed to a resaw. This system, however, is different. Once the cant has cleared the bands, the bandmills and chip heads open up and the cant is fed backwards on the sharp chain until it is again on the infeed side of the bandmills. The quad bandmills are reset and the cant is fed through for a second pass, cutting additional Millwide INSIDER | MARCH 2009 side boards before travelling on to the curve sawing gang system. This solution is ideal for this site because of the relatively small percentage of logs that are large enough to require reciprocating the line. Making grades The Newnes-McGehee LHG automated grading system was installed in 2005 equipped with profile measurement and x-ray technology, and so far has been used to assist and reduce the manual grading component. Schaffner explained, “Our aim with the LHG was to supplement the data from a machine stress grader with information about the size and location of knots. Knots had always been graded visually before-hand. I believe that we had 4 people grading per shift. We are now down to 1 visual grader per shift who looks primarily for resin (pitch) pockets and canals. The LHG has made a dramatic difference to our operation and to the reliability of our end product.” WESPINE has really taken its LHG “to the limit”, making the absolute most of the technologies with which it is currently equipped. Extensive analysis by the mill’s LHG team along with thorough training has enabled it to perform to a very high level; the next logical step would be the addition of vision technology to further reduce manual intervention. Vision technology would incorporate the capability to detect fully assembled characteristics such as knots, holes, stain, pitch, splits, shake, etc. as well as non-contact stress grading for MSR/MEL lumber. The Team approach The WESPINE projects team comprises Leith Shepherdson, who has recently taken on the role of Operations Improvement Manager, Mill Manager Greg Duff, Graeme Dickson who is Sawmill Supervisor, and Wayne Luvis, Planermill Supervisor. David Fry is Project Engineer, working closely with Paul Ferrari, Maintenance Engineer. James Szabadics heads the company’s Electronic Systems Group, and Richard Schaffner, Business Development Manager, rounds out the team. Marketing Manager Gary Kiddle provides market input to all production development projects. These people have been instrumental in bringing the mill to its current state. Schaffner had only good things to say about working with the teams at USNR and NewnesMcGehee. “We have developed a very strong working relationship with the USNR and NewnesMcGehee teams over the years. Importantly, our people have grown to understand how USNR’s engineers and technical folk approach problem solving, project design, implementation, etc. and can therefore interpret and rely upon all information that we exchange. Communication is absolutely fundamental, as is the will to work with others. We believe that establishing on-going partnerships with our key suppliers is fundamental to our business, and we are very pleased to have established just this sort of relationship with USNR and NewnesMcGehee. As we have learned to be better users of technology, our relationships have strengthened.” WESPINE’s investments in capital projects over the past 15 years, its practice of taking each step along the way with forethought, and putting in the time and effort to adapt its processes and its people to the technology, positions it well to take advantage of good markets and ride out poor ones. Schaffner reports that over this same period of time, the company has seen a sharp increase in productivity per employee, and an increase in fiber recovery of about 35%. Whatever is next on the horizon for this company, it has all the elements in place to expect a successful journey. LHG On Target. Whether your target is to reduce labor costs, control below grade or reduce above grade in your packages, LHG offers the performance to help you hit your mark. On Grade. On Target. Contact us at Lineal High Grader Hit your target with LHG: Reduced trim loss ► Above grade reduction ► Below grade control ► Positive grade distribution shift ► No lug speed limits ► No elevation changes ► Millwide. Worldwide. ► ALSC recognized ► 3000 fpm autograding ► Integrated MSR/MEL ► Cut ‘N 2, 3 or 4 ► 40+ sold ► Global installations ► Graderless A Division of USNR UK mill upgrade improves production and recovery Over the past 18 months, BSW Timber’s Carlisle Sawmill has seen capital improvements that have removed bottlenecks in the production process, leading to increased piece counts and better recovery. BSW Timber is the largest sawmilling group in Great Britain, with five mills based in the UK and a mill in Latvia. Carlisle is the newest mill in the UK group, with annual output in the range of 200,000m3. The mill processes Sitka spruce harvested from within a 100 mile radius of the mill, with logs ranging in size from 14-40 cm in diameter. The mill typically runs two shifts per day, 5 days per week, but has curtailed that slightly through the winter period due to slowing markets. Products coming from the Carlisle mill include lumber for the construction industry, fencing and heat treated timber for pallets, and are sold entirely within the UK. With bottlenecks created as a result of outdated lug loading and PLC system, the Carlisle mill first set out to update its controls and optimization technology on its board trim line in 2007, and then its deal trim line in 2008. USNR was selected as vendor of choice. The board line produces products 16-47mm thick, 75-225mm wide, and up to 4.8m long; the deal line Millwide INSIDER | MARCH 2009 produces 19-150mm thick, 50-250mm wide and up to 4.8m long material. The trim lines were designed to be nearly identical except for a few variables related to size of products processed. Each line consists of spiral rollcases fed by existing unscramblers. The board line was given a high-speed Quad Cam boardfeeder, trimmer optimizer and 6-stage trimmer fence. The deal line received an accelerating lug feeder, trimmer optimizer and 4-stage fence. Both lines were updated with the latest Allen-Bradley ControlLogix controls technology for the existing trimmer and sorter equipment. The trimmer optimizers are both transverse MillExpert™ optimizers with Smart TriCam™ laser scanning. The high-performance 3D Smart TriCam sensors provide unparalleled data density and accuracy. Controlling trimmer flow, actuating trim decisions, full coverage scanning and high-speed processing are keys to achieving the optimum trimmer performance and highest valued trim decisions. MillExpert optimization coupled with ControlLogix controls delivers it all. The board line features the high-speed Quad Cam boardfeeder. The Quad Cam’s simple design offers smooth, low maintenance performance. Low impact handling means less damage to the lumber and less wear and tear on machinery. The board line operates at a rate of 120 lugs per minute (LPM), and 100 LPM on the deal line. The Carlisle optimization personnel travelled to USNR’s facility in Parksville, BC for training on the MillExpert system. Further training was conducted at the mill site. The board line was started up in December 2007 with the deal line following in December 2008. Key personnel involved with the projects were Alistair Sommerville, the Carlisle mill manager, and Nigel Patrickson, who served as the mill’s project manager and electrical specialist. They worked closely with the USNR team throughout the projects to ensure each step progressed smoothly. A direct result of this cohesive team approach to the projects, the first day of scheduled start up the mill operated at 70% production, and 100% on the second day. Extensive performance testing set by the mill and USNR was done and approved by the mill within a week of start up for each line. Along with the new technology, BSW Carlisle received USNR’s software maintenance agreement (SMA) that allows for regular updates of USNR optimization software. This ensures that USNR customer mills will operate with the latest software that is available. With its new optimization systems and controls technologies, the Carlisle mill is seeing improved productivity and increased recovery. It is well positioned to continue to meet and exceed the needs of its customers with high-quality products. Helping you survive the crisis. When your business changes, our business changes. The key to survival in this environment is working together. When times are good, USNR is there to help you make more money. Now, when times are bad, we’re here to help you stem the losses. Our job is to help you survive this crisis. By doing so, we will all thrive over time. We understand that you aren’t buying new equipment in these conditions. You have to find ways to do more with what you have. There is a way. USNR is a resource you can call on to help you find your way through these dark days. There are many things we can do to help. We have some of the brightest engineers and technicians in the industry, and we can figure out how to maximize the performance of the systems you already have. How can we help? ► We can reduce your lumber drying energy costs. ► We can ferret out the operating issues that are ► We can save you money on wear and costing you money. ► We can tune machines to squeeze just a little bit more lumber out of each log or piece. ► We can identify opportunities to extend the life of your parts and equipment through preventative maintenance. replacement parts. USNR is a resource for you in both tough times and good times. We can help you. Contact us today to find out how. Optimizer Tune-up It’s safe to say that most mills are not using the full power of their optimizers. In many cases, the optimization strategy still reflects the mill’s goals at the time the system was installed. USNR’s technicians can expertly tune these sophisticated systems to work within today’s market conditions and enable you to produce more of what you can actually sell, instead of leaving you to sell whatever you can make. customer satisfaction is our goal USNR and Newnes-McGehee have assembled a team of service professionals, backed by a support network of many more individuals involved in parts, warehousing, logistics, etc. The service group comprises over 60 trained technicians, located throughout North America. This team is responsible for installation, commissioning and ongoing support of your USNR and NewnesMcGehee equipment and systems. Every day, members of the service group fulfill their mandate to help you succeed. But don’t take our word for it. Following are some of your comments about this hardworking team. “I would like to express my appreciation to Mark A. for his hard work and perseverance. I’m very grateful for the time he spent at the mill over every weekend he was here, and helping us get through the mountain of board testing required to get us to our goal of automated MSR lumber evaluation.” Stephen Holtorf, Technical Services Manager Hyne & Son Pty Limited, Tumbarumba, NSW Australia “I called Derek D. to thank him for his collaboration, patience and the excellent work he has done to help us improve the performance, and our understanding of these optimizers. Steve (QC) and Larry (Mill Supervisor) have benefitted immensely from their time working with Derek, and his knowledge of your product and what we want to do with it. I look forward to sending Steve and Larry back (to USNR) to spend some more time training with him. Please pat him on the back for us, he’s been a tremendous help!” Chris Verderber, Manager Collins Companies, Chester, CA “Glen S. did a superb job on our Trimmer, the vibration is gone. Thank you for your help.” Herman Liverpool Jr., Maintenance Supervisor Potomac Supply Corporation, Kinsale, VA No matter when or where you need us, we’re just a phone call away! USNR CONTACT: 800.BUY.USNR (800.289.8767) Overseas Tel: 360.225.8267 NEWNES-MCGEHEE CONTACT: 250.832.8820 Parts Tel: 250.832.7116 Parts Fax: 250.833.3032 “I just wanted to tell you how impressed I am with USNR’s phone support. I have had many occasions to call with a question or with an issue in need of advice. I have been uniformly impressed with the folks on the other end of the line. You guys give really competent phone support! Everyone from USNR I’ve worked with has done a great job. You guys can be rightfully proud of your service organization.” A professional, third party in the industry MARCH 2009 | Millwide INSIDER Chip-N-Saw (C-N-S) conversions are one of a number of enhancements USNR has developed to keep your equipment up to date and hard at work for you. C-N-S Conversions In the 1960’s the Chip-N-Saw revolutionized the forest products industry. Today USNR is keeping history alive with upgrades and conversions that keep your C-N-S running faster and more efficiently than ever. The C-N-S conversions described here will improve the speed and accuracy of your systems, at a much lower cost than capital replacement. USNR has performed many of these conversions, with excellent results. Small improvements can help elevate performance today, while setting the stage for heavier production demand down the road. USNR’s Al Richardson is a technical sales representative who has been involved in the sale and installation of many of these conversions. He is an expert on the benefits customers have achieved through these improvements to their C-N-S systems. The diagram above shows the applicable area of the C-N-S system for each enhancement. Precision Vee-Flat Flighted Chain Upgrade The Vee-Flat design provides the ultimate in straight line tracking, even as system components wear. USNR’s flighted chain is based on high-strength steel alloy Mac MRB-124 welded steel roller chain. Guides are made from light-weight, high-strength, corrosion and impact-resistent self-lubricating polymer compound for easy installation and long service life. ► Very low friction coefficient means less drag on motors, less wear on chains, and less lubrication required. ► Fully machined sprockets with flame-hardened teeth extend the life of the chain. ► Narrow profile chain allows a wider field of view for scanning. ► Optional replaceable wear pads bolt onto flighted chain and reduce maintenance costs. Quad Spike Roll Upgrade Hydraulic linear positioners complete with air Millwide INSIDER | MARCH 2009 cushion provide extremely accurate positioning of the rolls for optimal control, and reduce surging caused by overfeeding. Drives are mounted up and out of the way to reduce the amount of moveable mass. This results in faster, smoother operation. Rolls are available in spiked or non-penetrating knurl. ► Extended-life, composite slide bushings provide high performance and exceptional wear. ► Maintains greater performance accuracy, even as system components wear. ► Applicable to most brands of existing slide frames and bases. ► Auto lubrication is included. True Flow Knife Upgrade USNR’s True Flow high-performance knife system is an outstanding alternative on both drum-style and conical chipper heads. The chipping system is designed to produce high quality chips, with low operating costs. With lessons learned from the manufacture and service of CM&E, Kockums Cancar and Forano chippers of yesteryear, USNR engineers created the True Flow system to incorporate the best design features relevant to today’s technology. ► Allows smoother feeds and longer knife clamp life. ► Chrome-plated wear area extends the life of the knife holder; saves wear to the knife clamp and knife holder. ► Heat-treated knives are ground to precision tolerances. ► Interchangeable knife seats allow quick, easy adjustment of chip thickness. ► Accepts either babbitted or dual-edge babbittless replacement chipper knives. ► Retrofitable to chippers from nearly any manufacturer. ► Available for conical or drum-style chip heads. Al Richardson reported on one customer’s experience with this upgrade (drum style). “The return on investment was so great that within a year the mill was able to upgrade the second chipping section.” As Al Richardson reports, “After the upgrade was performed on two side-by-side canter lines at one site, the slideway system did not require maintenance for four years!” Quad Spike Roll Upgrade Top & Side Head Round Slideway Upgrade The slide shaft assembly mounts directly to the existing slide base. Round-ways are made with high quality chromed and hardened shafting and require no slideway adjustments. ► Reduces maintenance, and lowers costs for replacement parts. Top & Side Head Round Slideways Introducing TeamViewer A NEW TOOL FOR REMOTE SOFTWARE SUPPORT Advancements in communication technology are offering us new ways to work together, and new ways for us to support our customers near and far in efficient, cost-effective ways. For a number of years USNR and Newnes-McGehee have offered remote support for our optimization systems using the WebEx Support Center platform. We are now migrating to TeamViewer, a widely used but lesser known internet-based collaboration tool that we believe offers significant advantages versus WebEx. As with WebEx, you can easily download the TeamViewer software client to your USNR or Newnes-McGehee optimization PC, or to any PC that requires remote support. All that is required is a high-speed internet connection. For instructions on how to download and install the TeamViewer remote support application please visit Once installed on your optimization computer, remote support is only a phone call and a mouse click away. We hope you’ll appreciate the advantages TeamViewer has to offer the next time you need remote support for your optimization system. If you have any questions please give us a call. You can also learn more about TeamViewer by visiting their website at UPGRADES Key advantages of TeamViewer include: ► Fast download and setup: The TeamViewer client downloads and installs in less than a minute on most high-speed internet connections. Once installed, you can launch a new support session in seconds. ► Broad platform compatibility: TeamViewer is fully compatible with all PC operating systems used with USNR and Newnes-McGehee optimization software. WebEx has compatibility issues with certain older operating systems. ► Secure yet simple: TeamViewer provides a secure link between your PC and our support technician. You control when a support session can be initiated, connection status is clearly displayed on the screen, and you can terminate a session with a single mouse click. ► Small footprint: The TeamViewer client uses minimal system resources on your optimizer PC, which means it has virtually no impact on PC performance. ► Corporate network compatible: TeamViewer works seamlessly in most corporate network environments, and we will work with your IT staff to resolve any issues that arise. We continue to be able to use WebEx Support Center for any sites that have trouble with TeamViewer. The difference is profit... Yours. Lookup table systems ask, “Which pattern can I use on this size log?” MillExpert asks, “How can I squeeze the most money out of this high grade White Oak log, considering its unique shape?” The difference is your profit. • Value based log breakdown by fiber class • Downstream mill modeling • Automated routing • Multiple breakdown scenarios calculate the highest value yield for each log Upgrading is easier than you think. Call today. Millwide. Worldwide. MARCH 2009 | Millwide INSIDER Remote Matchline Adjustment FOR DOUBLE ARBOR GANGS 10 minute adjustment, now takes just 10 seconds USNR has developed a simple and effective method to remotely adjust offset and calibrate the saws in double arbor gangs and quad arbor saw boxes. The ability to perform this critical grade-saving function remotely makes the process easier, safer, and faster. Often after a saw change, the saws produce matchline due to blade tensioning and offset. To reduce matchline errors and maintain optimal performance, the top arbor sawguides need to be adjusted. With USNR’s Remote Matchline Adjustment a 10 minute procedure now takes just 10 seconds. The system uses servo cylinders to move the top saws, so mill personnel do not have to shut down the machine and lock it out to make manual adjustments. The operator simply pauses the flow of wood to the machine, enters the adjustment parameters directly into the HMI screen and it’s done. This simple and effective adjustment method works on almost any double arbor gang or sawbox. Call us at 800.BUY.USNR today for more information. New Projects Aserraderos Arauco, Vinales Sawmill in Chile has ordered a new trim/sort/stack line. The line will be a mix of USNR and Newnes-McGehee designs. The project includes mechanical, optimization and controls for the line, comprising Newnes-McGehee multi-saw trimmer, pusher lug sorter with 48 bins, bellcrank stacker, WinTally™ sorter management and reporting system, and True-Read™ GL grade mark reader. Optimization will be USNR’s MillExpert Trimmer optimization system; controls will be based on the A-B ControlLogix 5000 platform. Hampton Affiliates of Tillamook, OR placed an order to upgrade its Newnes-McGehee lineal curve sawing gang optimizer. The order includes outfitting the scanner frame with the high-speed LPL sensors, offering much higher data point density (.035”) and a tighter cross section scan down the length of the piece, than the obsolete Hydra sensors. Cargill of North Vancouver, BC has upgraded its DynaStar computerized maintenance management system to better optimize asset value and improve manufacturing productivity. The system provides advanced functionality that empowers maintenance personnel and operators to effectively manage all maintenance activities, improving manpower utilization and extending asset life. Cargill is an international producer and marketer of food, agricultural, financial and industrial products. Chugoku Lumber has ordered two system upgrades to fine-tune its state-of-the-art sawmill located in Kamisu-City, Japan. The company is adding a USNR scanning and optimization system to automate the resaw twin, and is also installing a saw ladder and measurement system to enhance the operation of the 10 Millwide INSIDER | MARCH 2009 sling sorter. The sawmill features USNR optimized primary and secondary breakdown lines and trim/sort/ stack systems to make beams and other structural lumber products for traditional Japanese post and beam houses. Morgan Lumber has ordered a primary breakdown project for its plant in Red Oak, VA. The order includes a double length infeed (DLI) with a log turner using Smart TriCam scanning and MillExpert log optimization with PLC controls. In 2006, Morgan Lumber installed a complete new USNR Trim/Sort line with controls after a fire destroyed most of the planermill. New South, Conway, SC recently started up a Newnes-McGehee 12” double arbor GenII curve sawing gang system. The optimization system includes Newnes-McGehee linear scanning; the Newnes-McGehee controls is based on the AllenBradley ControlLogix platform. Pierce Lumber has successfully started up a YieldMaster G3 carriage optimizer for its plant in Belle Plaine, IA. The company produces a variety of Northern hardwoods and kiln-dried lumber. 25 26 7 22 12 19 15 14 11 2 13 4 17 24 27 18 16 9 6 21 10 5 3 23 1 8 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 USNR GLOBAL EQUIPMENT INSTALLATIONS ARGENTINA AUSTRIA AUSTRALIA BELGIUM BRAZIL BULGARIA CANADA 8 CHILE 9 CHINA 10 CONGO 11 CZECH REPUBLIC 12 FINLAND 13 FRANCE 14 GERMANY 15 IRELAND 16 JAPAN 17 LITHUANIA 18 MEXICO 19 NETHERLANDS 20 NEW ZEALAND 21 PUERTO RICO 20 22 RUSSIA 23 SOUTH AFRICA 24 SPAIN 25 SWEDEN 26 UNITED KINGDOM 27 UNITED STATES 28 URUGUAY USNR’s International Representation Supplementing its well-trained, professional sales team, USNR has developed sales associations with agents located in several areas of the globe. They are well versed in the specific needs and challenges that face wood processors in their respective regions. With a wide global installation base, international business associations help us serve our customers near and far. JAPAN Hirota Corporation Contact: Ryosuke Hirota 532 Ohyanagi-Minami Shimada City, Shizouka-Pref 427-01 Japan Telephone: +0547.38.3211 Fax: +0547.38.2122 E-mail: CHILE Patricio Faundez y Cia. Ltda. (USNR equipment) Contact: Patricio Faundez Leo 9011 Vitacura Casilla 19004 Stgo. 19 Santiago 6681609 Chile Telephone: + Fax: + E-mail: Solecia Ltda. (Newnes-McGehee equipment) Contact: Enrique Villalon Parcela 11-A Lote-C P.O. Box 3197, Villa Italia Conception Chile Telephone: +56.41.391.444 Fax: + E-mail: NEW ZEALAND Skookum Forest Technology Contact: John McLachlan 184 James Fletcher Drive Otahuhu, New Zealand Telephone: + Fax: + E-mail: RUSSIA ZAO Expo-Trade Contact: Sergei Matveev 6, Lesozavodskaya Street Komsomolsk-na-Amurye, Khabarovsk 681000 Russia Tel/Fax: +4217.20.08.11/12/13/14 E-mail: Southern Cross Engineering Contact: Paul Scott P O Box 24-114 Christchurch 8642 New Zealand Telephone: +64.3.384.2019 Fax: +64.3.384.1563 E-mail: Recognizing the importance of the Russian forest products industry, USNR has also established a permanent presence in Russia, as well as a Russian language website Contact in Moscow: Lydia Volkova Telephone: +7.917.511.8679 E-mail: Contact in St Petersburg: Oksana Filina Telephone: +7.981.746.0156 E-mail: MARCH 2009 | Millwide INSIDER 11 With over 100 years of combined experience in the forest products industry, USNR’s International Sales Team provides solutions to customers around the world. PROFILE UPCOMING EVENTS Pictured, left to right: Oksana Filina, Toby Slagle, Allan Czinger, Vern Pittman, John With the acquisition of NewnesMcGehee, USNR now offers the most complete line of sawmill and planer mill equipment on the market. Combined with sister company Coe Manufacturing, a leader in engineered wood production equipment, USNR has become the largest supplier of integrated sawmill technology in the world, with an unmatched ability to deliver comprehensive solutions to international customers. Reed and Lydia Volkova. Preparations are well underway for LIGNA HANNOVER 2009, taking place at Hannover, Germany May 18-22, 2009. This global bi-annual event promises to be busier than ever. As of November 2008 show organizers reported that the display space was already 90% booked. Organizers expect exhibitors to total around 1,800 spread over 148,000 sq. meters of exhibition space, to welcome 100,000 visitors from around the globe. MARCH 17-19 Hardwood Manufacturer’s Association Like the quiet giant of the industry, USNR has built sawmills all over the world in just about every country. Toby Slagle, International Sales Manager said, “USNR will continue to expand its global reach, helping international companies meet the unique challenges facing them today.” The International Sales Team will be on hand at LIGNA to discuss ways USNR can help customers survive and perhaps even prosper, in the current economic crisis. Come see us at the show! USNR is excited to be a part of this event. The USNR booth is numbered C63 in Hall 27, and will feature products and solutions from USNR and its affiliates, Newnes-McGehee and Coe Manufacturing. APRIL 2-4 NeLMA MAY 18-22 Ligna Boston, MA Hannover, Germany APRIL 30 - MAY 2 BC Sawfilers JUNE 11-13 Southern Forest Products Association Charlotte, NC MARCH 25-27 Small Log Conference Coeur d’Alene, ID Kelowna, BC New Orleans, LA PRSRT STD PO Box 310 Woodland, WA 98674 U.S. POSTAGE PAID RIDGEFIELD, WA PERMIT NO. 94 Millwide INSIDER is printed on recycled paper.
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