2015 Institute Prepacket - Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association
2015 Institute Prepacket - Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association
2015 UUMA CENTER Ins1tute for Excellence in Ministry Pre-‐Packet Dear colleagues and friends, ! YOU are the ones we’ve been waiting for! This UUMA CENTER Institute for Excellence in Ministry will be the vibrant, connective, rejuvenating and inspiring experience that we know it can be because of your presence! ! We, and others on the CENTER team, past and present, have been preparing for months and months for our time together at Asilomar, in Pacific Grove, California. We’ve heard what you are hungry for…. and so we’ve invited some world-class religious leaders to prepare a selection of nourishing, exciting, and thought-provoking workshop and worship services. We have planned activities for our spouses and partners, because they need rejuvenation and connection, too. We are providing for quality child care, and allcommunity times so that the children who attend will get to connect with one another as well as with their parents and the larger circle of the UU faith that holds them. ! But, wait… there’s more! We are guessing that you will arrive with some ideas, some conversations you hope to have, as well as some need for personal renewal. This year we will have the technological capability to set up on-site meet-ups so that you will have a way to identify and connect with others who are interested in particular topics or activities. It may be a small group conversation, or a jam session on the beach, or an outing to a Monterey restaurant… we can make it happen! We have built in to the schedule some precious free time, where you can talk with a dear friend, or take a nap, join a tour to explore the area, or take a walk by yourself along the Pacific Ocean. You might want to schedule a massage as part of your self-care plan for February. ! Whatever you choose…. We hope you dive in! Dive in to experience of the UUMA Institute for Excellence in Ministry, and be transformed as you participate in the transformation of others. We are interconnected…. We cannot do this alone… We’ve been waiting for you! ! In faith, Meghan Cefalu and Lynn Gardner CENTER Institute Co-chairs ! ! ! 1 2015 UUMA CENTER Ins1tute for Excellence in Ministry UUMA COVENANT From the UUMA Guidelines ! United in our call to serve the spirit of love and justice through the vocation of ministry in the liberal religious tradition, We, the members of the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association, covenant with one another: • To conduct ourselves with integrity, honoring the trust placed in us; • To embody in our lives the values that we proclaim on behalf of our faith; • To support one another in collegial respect and care, understanding and honoring the diversity within our association; • To hold ourselves accountable to each other for the competent exercise of our vocation; • To use our power constructively and with intention, mindful of our potential unconsciously to perpetuate systems of oppression; • To seek justice and right relations according to our evolving collective wisdom, and to refrain from all abuse or exploitation; • To cultivate practices of deepening awareness, understanding, humility, and commitment to our ideals; • To labor earnestly together for the well being of our communities and the progress of Unitarian Universalism. Through fidelity to this covenant and our Code of Professional Conduct, we aspire to grow in wholeness, and bring hope and healing to the world. INSTITUTE COVENANT ! Our UUMA CENTER Institute for Excellence in Ministry is a learning environment that is sacred to all who attend. In order to provide the best possible experience for all, the CENTER Committee and Right Relations Team ask that you read and respect it as you enjoy your time at the Institute. We adhere to the covenant of the UUMA (above) and the guidelines of professional practice. We strive to be in right relationship with one another in our daily interactions. Therefore we acknowledge: 1. We all have something to learn. We want to set and uphold the expectation that we are a learning community, in which well-intentioned mistakes are an inevitable part of the road toward growth 2. As a community, we all have the responsibility to help each other in relationship. We need each other for help in seeing what we can't see on our own. 3. We want to see, trust, and affirm one another's good intentions. We also want to have a process for working through the harm caused when there is a "miss" - when the intentions and the impact are not aligned. This accountability has three parts: • to one’s self and idea/image of self/spirit (how do you set your mark? how do you know you have missed it?) • to the person/persons who have been wronged • to the community as a whole We take collective responsibility to embody the best of ministry. We share responsibility for group dynamics and work in service of our purpose. We are mindful and respect each other by showing up on time and being fully present. We respect one another’s privacy. We are here in service of our faith. ! And we have fun. ! 2 ! 2015 UUMA CENTER Ins1tute for Excellence in Ministry Deepening Into Difference at the Ins;tute ! Building skills for intercultural communication and community is the key to living into the power and potential of our faith. We cannot benefit from the fullness of each person’s humanity, from the light of spirit that sparks in each of us uniquely, unless we can see and appreciate the differences among us. Those differences allow us to deepen in our knowledge of the holy as we bow to the mystery in each other. Many of those differences derive from what we have come to understand as culture. Our skill at honoring, celebrating, and working with the complexities of difference is key to our ability to connect and see and know each other. It is the key to any efforts at knowing what shape justice should take, and what peace really looks like. ! As you are probably aware, the UUMA has a longstanding commitment to full inclusion, equity and anti-oppression, expressed most succinctly in our UUMA Code of Conduct as follows: ! Ethical Standards: I will work to confront attitudes and practices of unjust discrimination on the basis of race, color, class, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, physical or mental ability, or ethnicity, and to challenge them within myself and in individuals, congregations, and groups I serve. ! Expectations of Conduct: I will acknowledge the reality of privilege arising from differences of social location and historical marginalization. I will exercise the power of my authority and the privileges of my social location in such a way that I do not disadvantage my colleagues on the basis of my or their race, color, class, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, physical or mental ability or ethnicity. ! Our intentions to fulfill these standards and expectations have been good, and we have sometimes fallen short of meeting them. At the Institute this year, we are working on some new practices of personal and communal accountability. ! As we pursue our fulfillment of our obligations to each other and our aspirations for our selves, we are guided by these assumptions: ! !! ! 1. Ours is a learning community in which well-intentioned mistakes are an inevitable part of the road toward growth. 2. As members of a learning community, we each have the responsibility to help each other learn. We need help in learning what we can’t learn on our own. We need to help others learn what they cannot learn on their own. For those of us in the dominating cultures (white, straight or male) we pledge to step up and be allies, even when it’s uncomfortable for us. 3. We trust and affirm one another's good intentions. 4. Identity-based power dynamics are a fact of our institutional life together and will impact how we experience the Institute. 5. In the event of a harmful statements or actions, we will work to respond with three priorities in mind: a) the person or persons who have been harmed; b) the person or persons who are accused of causing the harm; c) the community as a whole. ! 3 2015 UUMA CENTER Ins1tute for Excellence in Ministry ! ! The first thing we ask of individuals is to join in a regular reflection practice on your own participation and experience of the Institute, centered on the following questions: ! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What went well? What went wrong? What was challenging? What did you learn? What do you want to do differently in the future? How will you develop the skill/information needed to make that change? ! There are three ways you might choose to engage in this reflection: ! ! 1. As part of your own spiritual practice on a daily basis 2. In a facilitated small group that will gather on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 8:00-8:30pm 3. In an informal, self-selected small group that meets one or more times during the week If there are things that arise in you during the reflection process that you would like to share, there will be designated colleagues available to hear your insights. If you have substantive matters of concern about matters of power and privilege at the Institute, please be in touch with Nori Rost (revrost@aol.com 719-963-0242) or Karen Hutt (khutt1@fairview.org) ! We look forward to learning and deepening our community together along the California coast! Service Opportuni;es ! The following opportunities are available during the Institute. The positions below include a modest honorarium to offset the cost of registration. If you are interested in applying for one or more of these positions, please fill out the application at http://www.uuma.org/default.asp? page=opportunities or email your responses to programs@uuma.org by January 12, 2015. Applicants will be notified by January 20. ! Chaplain Chaplains will be available to community members who are in need of immediate ministerial support or guidance. Chaplains should be prepared to be called out of seminar programs in a crisis situation. Chaplains may be requested by the Right Relationship Team to respond to a situation needing pastoral attention. Honorarium: $250 ! Morning Spiritual Practice Leader Each morning from 6:45AM – 7:30AM there will be an opportunity for spiritual practice groups. Group leaders are needed to lead particular programs. Program ideas include yoga, meditation, running, exercise on the beach, dream group, journaling, etc. Leaders will be expected to lead their program Tuesday– Friday mornings. Honorarium: $150 ! ! Opportuni;es to volunteer will be posted in January ! 4 2015 UUMA CENTER Ins1tute for Excellence in Ministry Meet-‐ups @ the Ins;tute This year we are making it easier than ever to gather groups of people together for conversation, meet and greets, games, yoga, or whatever else you’d like to do! We have created a Meet-up group for the UUMA and anyone can create a Meet-up or look over what’s been created and join in. Here’s what to do: 1. Join Meet-up or sign in here: http://www.meetup.com/ 2. Join the UUMA Meet-up here: http://www.meetup.com/Unitarian-Universalist-MinistersAssociation/ You need to be approved to be a member, which we do manually, so make sure to sign up before the Institute! 3. Everyone who is approved as a member is also made an Event Organizer. To schedule a new Meet-up, click on the “Schedule a New Meet-up” at the top of the group page. If you need more detailed instructions, you can find them here. Make sure you are not scheduling your Meet-up during a seminar or worship. You can find the full Institute Schedule here. 4. Click here for a list of possible venues. Make sure no one is using your venue before your list it. Click here for a map that shows the locations of the venues. Please note that we may change venues based on the number of attendees for any given event. 5. Announce your Meetup! Make sure to say yes when asked if you want to announce your Meetup so that other members will be notified. Feel free to email Allison at programs@uuma.org if you have any questions or difficulties. CHILD CARE ! Sign up for UUMA Text Alerts! ! We are pleased to be able to provide child care at the 2015 UUMA CENTER Institute for Excellence in Ministry. Want to keep up with the latest news during the Institute? Sign up for text updates! ! Child care is free to members who registered prior to the event. Questions or concerns can be directed to Janette. ! All you have to do is text @Institute2015 to 23559 ! Hours Provided: Monday: 3:30-6pm; 7:30-9pm Tuesday-Thursday: 8:15am-12:15pm, 2:00-5:30pm, 7:00-10:00pm Friday: 8:15-12:15pm ! To be supplied on site by parents: • Diapering supplies/changes of clothes/ sippy cups • Food/formula/feeding supplies for children not yet on table food Parents will need to pick your child(ren) up during the lunch hour. ! Click here to register your child(ren)! ! ! 5 2015 UUMA CENTER Ins1tute for Excellence in Ministry Seminar Assignment Lists As of 12/16/2015 If you would like to switch seminars, please email Allison at programs@uuma.org by January 15. Please note that Seminars #2, #3 and #8 are full. 1. Preaching & Worship for the Future Church and the Future of Church - Piazza Matthew Alspaugh Stephen Atkinson Robin Bartlett Jeffrey Barz-Snell Bruce Beisner Roger Bertschausen Sofia Betancourt Bruce Bode Beverly Boke Jennifer Brower John Buehrens Lucy Bunch Lyn Cameron Lara Campbell Thomas Capo Greg Dubow Nica Eaton-Guinn Peter Farriday Barnaby Feder Marta Flanagan Karen Fraser Gitlitz Donald Garrett Elaine Gehrmann Kendyl Gibbons John Gibbons Gretchen Haley Patty Hanneman Fiona Heath Angela Henderson Kathleen Hepler Angela Herrera Ronald Hersom Christiane Heyde Ashley Horan Norman Horofker Leisa Huyck Paul Johnson Roger Jones Daniel King Sandor Kovacs Sarah Lammert Katharine Landis Katie Larsell Marlin Lavanhar Sara LaWall Walter LeFlore Christina Leone Tracy Tera Little Rob MacPherson John Marsh Aaron McEmrys David McFarland Nuttle Patrick McLaughlin Andrew Millard Alison Miller Matthew Moon Peter Morales Amy Morgenstern Mary Katherine Morn Jake Morrill Daniel O'Connell Claudene Oliva Andrew Pakula James Parrish Barbara Prose Robert Renjilian Meg Riley Tandi Rogers Kristen Rohm Nori Rost Amy Russell Nathan Ryan Jennifer Ryu Kent Saleska Lenora Sanchez Kathryn Schmitz Laura Shennum Christina Sillari Terrance Sims Theresa Soto Paul Sprecher Teresa Sprowls Marian Stewart Lynn Strauss AliceSyltie Julie Taylor Samuel Trumbore Lois Van Leer Douglas Wadkins Wayne Walder Kate Walker Sian Wiltshire Jay Wolin Chip Wright Sharon Wylie Michael Young 2. Even if We Are Not on Par with Mozart - Belletini, Rolenz, Horst Erica Baron Janet Bush Tamara Casanova Suzuki Kelli Clement Jill Cowie Claudia Frost Emily Gage Lynn Gardner Erin Gingrich Mark Glovin Carl Gregg Leah Hart-Landsberg Erika Hewitt Jill Jarvis Dana Lightsey Kent McKusick Jeremy Nickel Myriam Renaud Ian Riddell Cathy Rion Starr Jessica Rodela Scott Rudolph Craig Schwalenberg Tracy Springberry Jaco ten Hove ! 3. Just Transition in a Time of Unraveling - Macy, Kuwahld Neal Anderson Emilie Boggis Patricia Brennan Rebecca Bryan Peggy Clarke Heather Concannon Leon Dunkley Alison Eskildsen Debra Faulk Julie Forest Dawn Fortune Rebecca Froom John Hickey Sara Huisjen Beth Johnson Mykel Johnson Nancy Palmer Jones Nina Kalmoutis Susan Karlson Robert Klein Hilary Krivchenia Darcey Laine Paul Langston-Daley Arthur Lavoie Brock Leach Ian Maher Suzanne Marsh Matthew McHale Barbara Liscord Kathleen McTigue John Millspaugh Sarah Millspaugh Karen Mooney Jennifer Nordstrom Elaine Peresluha Bryan Plude Karen Quinlan Lindi Ramsden Heather Rion Starr Diane Rollert Kathy Sage Catherine Senghas Frederick Small Meg Soens Jan Taddeo David Takahashi Morris Deanna Vandiver Vail Weller Ann Willever Alison Wohler Gretchen Woods ! ! ! 6 2015 UUMA CENTER Ins1tute for Excellence in Ministry 5. Interplay - Porter, Winton-Henry Alice Anacheka-Nasemann Kathryn Bert Jennifer Brooks Melissa Carvill-Ziemer Katie Lee Crane Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry Fritz Hudson Darrick Jackson Jonalu Johnstone Suzelle Lynch Sarah McNeill Linda Peebles Barbara ten Hove Melissa Thomson Lisa Ward Shawn Newton Elizabeth Nguyen Theresa Novak David Carl Olson Kathleen Owens Carolyn Patierno David Pettee Cynthia Pincus Jeanne Pupke Ellen Quaadgras Mitra Rahnema Karen Rasmussen Kimi Riegel Jonathan Rogers David Schwartz Catherine Scudera Gail Seavey Misty-Dawn Shelly Lise Sherry Madeleine Sifantus Aija Simpson Carlton Smith Joshua Snyder Betty Stapleford Sarah Stewart Yvonne Strejcek MarkStringer Laurie Stuart Leslie Takahashi Bruce Taylor Abbey Tennis Lindasusan Ulrich David Usher Marta Valentin Gregory Ward Pamela Wat Amy Carol Webb Margaret Weis Edward Wight Wendy Williams 6. Love, Period. - Lewis Wayne Arnason Jay Atkinson Anne Bancroft Wendy Bartel Pamela Barz Darcy Baxter Margaret Beard Lyn Betz Sarah Caine Madelyn Campbell Seth Carrier-Ladd Jessica Clay Terasa Cooley Jennifer Crow Charles Dieterich Mara Dowdall Rob Eller-Isaacs Julia Fankuchen Jim Foti Peter Friedrichs Stephen Furrer Carly Gaylor Pamela Gehrke Axel Gehrmann Paige Getty Louise Green Patricia Hart David Helfer Molly Housh Gordon Heather Janules Matthew Johnson-Doyle Kathryn Kandarian Robert Keithan Cecilia Kingman Jonipher Kwong Laurel Liefert Marcus Liefert Elizabeth Maclay Dena McPhetres Russell Menk Benjamin Meyers Fredric Muir !! 7. Taking Your Staff Team to the Next Level - Beaumont Kaaren Anderson Myron Andes Christopher Bell Thomas Belote Jade Benson Leland Bond-Upson Rosemary Bray McNatt Andy Burnette Jennifer Channin Frank Clarkson Claire Feingold Thoryn Natalie Fenimore Kendra Ford Alicia Forde Susan Frederick-Gray Jude Geiger Lissa Gundlach Julia Hamilton Robert Hardies Cathy Harrington Rebecca Hinds Kenneth Hurto Eric Kaminetzky Michael Leuchtenberger Harlan Limpert Stephanie May Jill McAllister Morgan McLean Mary Moore Richard Nugent Gregory Pelley Sue Phillips Amanda Poppei Donna Renfro Rod Richards Pamela Rumancik Justin Schroeder Lisa Schwartz Teresa Schwartz Vanessa Southern Emily Webb Andrew Weber Kimberly Wildszewski Kate Wilkinson Anastassia Zinke !! ! 8. Leading from Within - Fenner, Edmundson Tess Baumberger Rebecca Bijur Peter Boullata Dawn Cooley Sharon Dittmar Bonnie Dlott Mark Evens Roberta Finkelstein Megan Foley Mary Ganz Linda Hart Michael Hennon Cynthia Kane Bret Lortie Melora Lynngood Sue Magidson Kent Matthies Carmen McDowell Jim McKinley Sarah Moldenhauer-Salazar Joan Montagnes Amy Moses-Lagos Parisa Parsa Elizabeth Presley Suzanne RedfernCampbell Ellen Spero Julie Stoneberg Karen Stoyanoff Sonya Sukalski Elaine Tenbrink Judith Tomlinson ! ! ! 7 2015 UUMA CENTER Ins1tute for Excellence in Ministry 9. Covenant-Based Conflict Resolution - Cox (Half Seminar) Sara Ascher Jill Bowden Susan Browning Patrice Curtis Terry Davis Cathey Edwards Anita Farber-Robertson Lynne Garner Nina Grey Bruce Johnson Hilary Krivchenia Megan Lynes Shana Lynngood Scott McNeill Emily Melcher Shelley Page Wendy Pantoja Carolyn Price Dennis Reynolds Tom Schade Marlene Walker Gretchen Weis Mary Wellemeyer Judith Welles Nan White Sunshine Wolfe !! 10. Writing that Opens the Door - Hering (Half Seminar) Pam Allen-Thompson Rachel Anderson Sara Ascher Jill Bowden Susan Browning Jan Christian Carol Cissel Joseph Cleveland Terry Davis Cathey Edwards Anita Farber-Robertson Lynne Garner Joanne Giannino Nina Grey Christine Hillman Timothy House Alyson Jacks Bruce Johnson Jennifer Kelleher David Keyes Kathryn Lore Megan Lynes Susan Manker-Seale Emily Melcher Shelley Page Wendy Pantoja Lawrence Peers Susan Rak Jane Ramsey Dennis Reynolds Paul Sawyer Thomas Schade Chris Schriner Gretchen Weis Mary Wellemeyer Judith Welles Nan White Sunshine Wolfe !! ! PLANNING FOR YOUR TRIP TO ASILOMAR ! We have included a map and some “need to know” information about Asilomar in this packet (this will be available in larger type at Asilomar as well). Here are some other questions and answers that will be helpful. ! What will the weather be like? The weather can be clear and sunny to foggy to rainy, temperatures are generally in the 50s, day and night. ! What shall I bring with me? Journal, notepad, writing tools Casual layered clothing Windbreaker Swimsuit (an outdoor heated pool is on site) Tennis shoes or sturdy walking shoes Sweater and/or jacket Umbrella Sunscreen ! How do I get from the airport to Asilomar? We are offering discounted shuttles to and from the Monterey, San Jose and San Francisco Airports. For full details, please visit our Shuttle Registration page. The deadline to register for discounted shuttles is December 22. If our shuttle times don't work for you, local taxi companies service the Monterey Peninsula Airport as does the Monterey-Salinas Transit bus system. The airports in San Jose and San Francisco are also served by the Monterey Airbus, an airport shuttle service that can bring travelers right to Asilomar. Airport shuttle service to and from San Jose and San Francisco airports can be arranged in advance through Monterey Salinas Airbus by calling 831-373-7777 or visiting the Monterey Airbus website. There is a $5 discount if you make your reservation online. You can find information about rental cars on our Institute travel page. ! ! 8 2015 UUMA CENTER Ins1tute for Excellence in Ministry ! When does the conference start? We will gather at 6:00PM for dinner on Monday evening. Conference registration will begin at 1:30PM and room check-in starts “officially” at 4:00PM. If your room is not available a walk on the beach or a good read and conversation by the fire of the social hall will be a nice entry point to the Institute. ! What is there to do at and around Asilomar? Boardwalks and paved trails through the dunes are immediately available throughout the grounds. Deer, fox, birds and squirrels are abundant. Cross the two lane road and you will be walking on the beach. Venture off the grounds and discover endless venues for exploration, education and enjoyment. Monterey County is flush with attractions and activities throughout the year. Wineries, shops, golf, art galleries, museums, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Old Fisherman’s Wharf, historic Cannery Row, 17-Mile Drive in Pebble Beach, the scenic drive south to Big Sur, music festivals, auto and motorcycle racing, antique car auctions and gourmet food and wine events are just a few of the delightful distractions that create memorable visits time after time. For more information to help plan your trip and learn more about what is available at Asilomar and on the Monterey Peninsula visit www.asilomar.com or http://www.seemonterey.com/. ! Do I have any pre-work for my seminar? Pre-work will be sent via email in early January. Not all seminars require pre-work. ! Note about Food: As a movement dedicated to food justice and environmentally sustainable practices, we have selected a more plant-based menu for the conference. The "regular" food option will be vegetarian, including dairy and eggs. If you indicated a preference for a meat-based diet on your registration, there will be meat options available for you. To change your food preference, please contact Allison. ! Who do I contact if I have any questions? Allison can help with any questions about registration, housing, seminar assignments, and opportunities to serve. Janette can will help with any questions about your child care, accessibility, shuttles and tours. Don can handle any other questions. ! Local Area Tours Tours range in cost from $48 - $128 and will be drawn from the below list. You must register for all tours by January 15. Tours that do not reach the minimum attendance will be canceled and registrants refunded. A reminder that this year the institute schedule allows for free time for all those attending on Wednesday afternoon. Extra half day tours have been scheduled to let colleagues spend time with each other (or their families) off site. Please direct questions to Janette (administrator@uuma.org). Register here: http://www.uuma.org/event/2015tours by January 15. ! Carmel Valley Wine Tasting Tour – Full Day (Tuesday) Ag Venture Tours is pleased to be offering this full day wine tasting tour featuring three excellent wineries in beautiful Carmel Valley. Included in this tour will be visits to Chateau Julien Wine Estate and the tasting rooms of Robert Talbott Vineyards and Joullian Vineyards to taste their premium wines. The tour will also include an educational vineyard walk, winery tour and wine tasting at Chateau Julien. We will also visit the Quail & Olive for an olive oil and balsamic vinegar tasting. Lunch will be at the Corkscrew Café (cost extra). As we drive through the area, we will discuss the Monterey County wine industry, observe beautiful scenery and discuss local points of interest. $95/person. 4 person minimum. ! ! 9 2015 UUMA CENTER Ins1tute for Excellence in Ministry ! Monterey Movie Tour – Half day (Wednesday) See the scenic beauty and the rich history of the Monterey Peninsula through the eyes of Hollywood!! This fascinating two-tours-in-one outing features both magnificent landscapes and blockbuster scenes from some 200 movies filmed across the Monterey Peninsula. Winding through Monterey, Pacific Grove and Carmel, this scenic tour also stops along the stunning 17-MILE DRIVE® in Pebble Beach. The three-hour adventure takes place aboard our multimedia Theater-On-Wheels® – a customized luxury motor coach with high-back seats, overhead video screens and personal headsets. As you glide past sites made famous on the big screen, you'll hear behind-the-scenes stories of Hollywood glamour. This is a movie tour, and yet so much more – in fact, it's the ONLY daily guided tour of the Monterey Peninsula! And, Monterey Movie Tours® enhances the standard sightseeing experience with film clips showcasing this celebrated region in times past. Peek into The Lodge at Pebble Beach circa 1956, when Doris Day runs through the entry in the suspense drama, "Julie." Marvel at the fullness of the Lone Cypress Tree as Lana Turner passes by the landmark in "Mr. Imperium." Experience the sights and sounds that inspired John Steinbeck himself while watching Marilyn Monroe journey along Cannery Row in "Clash by Night." $48/person 18 person minimum, 33 person max. ! Point Lobos Nature Hike & Photograph Safari – Half Day (Wednesday) Deriving its name from the offshore rocks at Punta de los Lobos Marinos, Point of the Sea Wolves, where the sound of the sea lions carries inland, the reserve has often been called "the crown jewel of the State Park System." Point Lobos has offered many things to millions of people who have visited it over the years. Point Lobos State Reserve has outstanding passive recreation values, such as sightseeing, photography, painting, nature study, picnicking, Scuba diving, and jogging. In addition to the spectacular beauty, nearly every aspect of its resources is of scientific interest. There are rare plant communities, endangered archeological sites, unique geological formations, and incredibly rich flora and fauna of both land and sea. Over two hundred fifty different animal and bird species, and over three hundred fifty plant species have been identified at the Reserve. Next to the spectacular scenic beauty of the Point, this presence of wildlife is among the area's most arresting features. Here it is possible to observe in a primitive environment many plant and animal species living in interesting relationships to one another. While Point Lobos is justifiably famous for its scenic beauty and remarkable diversity of plants and wildlife, it is also a place rich in human history. Over the past 150 years, this area has played host to a virtual parade of human activity. At one time or another, Point Lobos had been home to Native Americans, Chinese fishermen, Japanese abalone harvesters, and Portuguese whalers. It has been the site of an abalone cannery, coal mining business, granite quarry, military base, and numerous film productions. To add to the visual and nature journey, you will be accompanied by a nature guide who will provide insight in to locations for the best shots and to assist with finding the perfect locations for the perfect photographs as a permanent remembrance of this unmatched scenery. $128/per adult, 10 person minimum ! Monterey Peninsula Sightseeing / Family Fun Tour - Half Day (Wednesday) Come join Ag Venture Tours on an expert guided sightseeing and family fun adventure tour of the scenic Monterey Peninsula. This sightseeing/family fun tour will first start along the rugged coast of Pacific Grove where we will search for sea otters and observe marine wildlife in the tidal pool zone. The tour will finish with a visit to Monterey’s Dennis the Menace Park where we will have time to feed the ducks and geese. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Please wear comfortable shoes, dress casually in layers for cool and wet weather. This tour may need to be changed to a Monterey Bay Aquarium tour (add an additional $20/person) if it rains. $75/per adult, $55/per child 4 person minimum ! Monterey Bay Aquarium / Cannery Row Shopping – Half Day (Thursday) Today you may like to ride the Cannery Row Shopping Shuttle and take a tour of the World Renowned Monterey Bay Aquarium and Historic Cannery Row. Signing up for this shuttle allows you access to/from Cannery Row from 1-5PM. You may also purchase a ticket for the Aquarium to save lines. The 250,000 square-foot Aquarium is housed in the lovingly restored Hovden Cannery building. In this $110 million world acclaimed facility, over 100 specialty exhibits and habitats feature studies of various forms of local Monterey Bay marine life: two-story kelp forest, Monterey Bay Habitats with authentic wharf pilings, king salmon, sharks, and a host of other fabulous fish. An then there is the sea otter exhibit . . . where a "team" of some of the cutest of sea "critters" imaginable constantly frolic for the viewer's pleasure! Afternoon Shuttle Ticket: $20 (20 person minimum) Aquarium Tickets: $40/per adult, $25/ senior & youth, $25/per child. ! ! 10 2015 UUMA CENTER Ins1tute for Excellence in Ministry MONTEREY PENINSULA ATTRACTIONS A Taste of Monterey 831 646-5446 700 Cannery Row Monterey, CA 93940 www.tastemonterey.com/ !Carmel Mission 831-624-3600 Rio Road, Carmel-by-the-Sea !Monterey County Youth Museum 831 649-6444 601 Wave Street Monterey CA 93940 http://www.mymuseum.org/ Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History 831 648-3116 165 Forest Avenue Pacific Grove CA http://www.pgmuseum.org/ !Point Sur Lightstation 831 625-4419 Big Sur, CA http://www.parks.ca.gov/ default.asp?page_id=565 !Dennis the Menace !Monterey Museum of Art !Earthbound Farm !Monterey Bay Aquarium 831 648-3116 End of Lighthouse Avenue Pacific Grove CA !Monterey Whale Watching Boardwalk 831 648-4888 400 Beach Street Santa Cruz 95060 http:// www.beachboardwalk.com/ Playground Near Lake El Estero Monterey CA 831 372-5477 559 Pacific Street Monterey CA 93940 http://www.montereyart.org/ 831 625-6154 Carmel Valley Road, Carmel Valley, CA http://www.ebfarm.com/ 831 648-4888 886 Cannery Row Monterey CA 93940 montereybayaquarium.org/ !Elkhorn Slough 831 728-2822 Elkhorn Road Near Moss Landing www.elkhornslough.com/ !The Maritime Museum of Monterey 831 372-2608 Custom House Plaza Monterey, CA 93940 Golf Course ! Fisherman’s Wharf www.montereywharf.com/ 831 375-4658 84 Fisherman's Wharf Monterey CA 93940 montereywhalewatching.com/ !National Steinbeck Center 831 775-4721 1 Main Street, Salinas CA http://www.steinbeck.org/ ! Location Course Information !Point Pinos Lighthouse !Santa Cruz Beach !Robinson Jeffers Tor House Foundation 831 624-1813 26304 Ocean View Avenue PO Box 2713, Carmel, CA http://www.torhouse.org/ Fees Phone Bayonet Black Horse Seaside 36 - Public $70 - 90 831 899-7271 Carmel Valley Ranch Resort Carmel 18 - Resort - Private $160 - 180 831 626-2510 Del Monte Golf Course Monterey 18 - Public $95* 831 373-2700 Golf Club at Quail Lodge Carmel 18 - Semi Private $125 - 165 831 624-2770 Laguna Seca Golf Club Monterey 18 - Public $65* 831 373-3701 Pacific Grove Golf Course Pacific Grove 18 - Public $25 - 30* 831 648-3175 Pebble Beach Golf Links Pebble Beach 18 - Private $395* 831 624-3811 Poppy Hills Golf Club Pebble Beach 18 - Public $55 - 200 831 622-8239 Rancho Canada Golf Course Carmel 36 - Public $32 - 70 831 624-0111 The Links at Spanish Bay Pebble Beach 18 - Private $110 - 495 831 647-7495 Spyglass Hill Golf Course Pebble Beach 18 - Semi Private $275* 831 625-8563 ! 11 2015 UUMA CENTER Ins1tute for Excellence in Ministry LIVE MUSIC Blue Fin Cafe & Billiards 831 375-7000 685 Cannery Row Monterey, CA Cibo Ristorante Italiano (Live music) 831 649-8151 301 Alvarado Street, Monterey, CA Jazz & Blues Co. 831 624-6432 The Crossroads, Hwy 1 and Rio Road,Carmel CA 93921 Los Laureles Lodge (Jazz) 831 659-2233 313 W. Carmel Valley Road Carmel Valley, CA Planet Gemini 831 373-1449 625 Cannery Row, Monterey, CA ! ! ! ! Taste Cafe & Bistro (Live music) 831 655-0324 1199 Forest Avenue, Pacific Grove, CA ! ! Juice & Java 831 373-8652 599 Lighthouse Avenue, Pacific Grove CA ! ! Terrace Lounge (Jazz) 831 624-3811 The Lodge at Pebble Beach, Pebble Beach, CA ! ! Knuckles Historical Sports Bar 831 372-1234 Hyatt Regency 1 Old Golf Course Rd, Monterey, CA 93940 The Bookworks 831 372-2242 667 Lighthouse Avenue Pacific Grove Mission Ranch (Piano Bar) 831 625-9040 26270 Dolores Street Carmel, CA Bullwacker's (Live music) 831 373-1353 653 Cannery Row Monterey, CA 93940 Cafè Monterey Hyatt Regency Monterey 831 372-1234 1 Old Golf Course Road Monterey, CA 93940 ! Mucky Duck (Dance Music) 831 655-3031 479 Alvarado Street Monterey, CA 93940 ! Casa Cafe & Bar (Live music) 831 375-2411 700 Munras Avenue, Monterey, CA 93940 ! Muriel's at Los Laureles (Live Music) 831 659-2233 Carmel Valley Road Carmel Valley Plaza Linda Mexican Restaurant (Live music) 831 659-4229 9 Delfino Place, Carmel Valley CA Crown & Anchor 831 649-6496 150 West Franklin Street, Monterey, CA 93940 Sandals Lobby Lounge (Jazz) 831 394-3321 Monterey Beach Hotel, 2600 Sand Dunes Dr., Monterey, CA 93940 Cypress Lounge at Embassy Suites (Live music) 831 393-1115 1441 Canyon Del Ray Blvd., Monterey, CA 93940 ! Sandbar & Grill (Live music) 831 373-2818 Municipal Wharf No. 2, Monterey, CA 93940 ! ! ! Lallapalooza Restaurant (Live music) 831 645-9036 474 Alvarado, Monterey, CA 93940 ! ! ! Lobby Lounge (Jazz) 831 647-7423 The Inn at Spanish Bay, Pebble Beach, CA Easy Street Billiards 831 333-0825 511 Tyler Street, Monterey, CA 93940 Sly McFly's Refueling Station Restaurant (Live music) 831 649-8050 700 Cannery Row, Monterey, CA 93940 ! ! !! !! !! !! Peter B's Brewpub 831 649-4511 ext.138, On the Alley Behind the Portola Plaza Hotel Monterey, CA 93940 ! Viva Monterey (Live music) 831 646-1415 414 Alvarado Street, Monterey, CA 93940 ! Characters Sports Bar & Grill 831 647-4023 350 Calle Principal Monterey, CA 93940 ! ! El Palomar of Monterey (Live music) 831 372-1032 724 Abrego, Monterey, CA 93940 Tap Room 831 625-8535 17-Mile Drive, Pebble Beach, CA ! ! ! Wickets (Live music) 831 658-3400 415 Carmel Valley Road, Carmel Valley CA ! The Beach House (831) 375-2345) 620 Ocean View Boulevard Pacific Grove, CA ! 12 2015 UUMA CENTER Ins1tute for Excellence in Ministry Classical Mozart Society of California (Classical Music) 831 625-3637 Carmel, CA 93922 Carmel Shakespeare Festival 831 622-0100 ! Unicorn Theater 831 649-0259 320 Hoffman Avenue, Monterey, CA 93950 Theatre California's First Theatre Reservations 831 375-4916 Pacific & Scott Monterey, CA 93940 ! Movies Crossroads Cinema 831 624-8682 2 Crossroads Mall Carmel, CA 93923 ! Pacific Repertory Theatre 831 622-0100 Monte Verde & 8th Carmel, CA 93921 Children's Experimental Theatre 831 624-1531 Carmel, CA 93921 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Golden Bough Playhouse 831 622-0100 Monte Verde & 8th Carmel, CA 93921 Carl Cherry Center For The Arts 831 624-7491 Guadalupe & 4th Avenue Carmel, CA 93921 Hidden Valley Music Seminars An Institute of the Arts 831 659-3115 Carmel Valley Road & Ford Road Carmel Valley, CA 93924 ! Staff Players Repertory Co. 831 624-1531 Mountain View Ave. & Santa Rita Carmel, CA 93921 Forest Theater Guild Backstage 831 626-1681 Carmel, CA 93921 The New Wharf Theatre 831 649-2332 Forest Theatre Indoor Stage 831 624-1531 Mountain View Ave. & Santa Rita Carmel, CA 93921 Lighthouse Cinema 831 372-7300 525 Lighthouse Avenue Pacific Grove, CA 93950 Del Monte Cinema 831 655-4617 280 Del Monte Shopping Center Monterey, CA 93940 IMAX Theater Cinemark Monterey Cannery Row 640 Wave Street, Monterey, CA ! !! !! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 13 2015 UUMA CENTER Ins1tute for Excellence in Ministry ! ! 14 2015 UUMA CENTER Ins1tute for Excellence in Ministry ! ! 15 2015 UUMA CENTER Ins1tute for Excellence in Ministry ! ! 16 2015 UUMA CENTER Ins1tute for Excellence in Ministry ! ! ! ! ! 17