June - AFA Journal
June - AFA Journal
june 1999 american family association Inside this issue Stern blasted for comments about Colorado ■ Major sponsors drop program as fallout spreads Radio shock jock Howard Stern outraged people in Colorado and across the nation when he joked about the massacre at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, a Denver suburb. In that tragedy, 12 students and one teacher were shot to death when two classmates went on a violent rampage with guns and explosives. The two killers then committed suicide. On the air the day after the killings, Stern jested about why the killers didn’t sexually assault a few girls before committing suicide, and said that if it had been him, he would have done so. Stern’s daily radio show is carried in Denver on KXPK-FM. (To listen to a recording of Stern’s actual comments, go to www.afa.net.) Stern was immediately condemned in Denver. In the Denver Rocky Mountain News, editors said, “Either we are serious about showing respect for the dead and their families or we aren’t. Either we care about the quality of our culture or we don’t. Let Howard Stern make his millions in other broadcast markets. He does not belong in Denver.” The editorial called for KXPK to cancel Stern’s show. The Denver Post, in a similar editorial, also called on KXPK to drop Stern, as did the Colorado legislature. Both houses in that state passed a measure which formally censured Stern and demanded that he publicly apologize to ColumSee Stern on page 3 Disney income plummets ■ Boycott squeezes In what many see as further evidence of the growing effectiveness of the boycott of The Walt Disney Co., that company’s income dropped sharply for the second fiscal quarter. It was the fourth consecutive quarter in which Disney’s net income dropped. For the quarter ending March 31, net income at the Mouse House fell 41%, driven by lagging sales of Disney merchandise and videos. Although part of the decline was due to the company’s purchase of the Internet search engine Infoseek, even without that investment Disney’s income dropped 30%. “As this boycott of Walt Disney continues to grow, the company’s going to find more and more people abandoning the good ship Disney, because families are discovering some of the rotten cargo on board,” said AFA president Donald E. Wildmon. “People are shopping around for other family entertainment choices.” Disney ditches Dogma Beyond the financial impact, part of the boycott’s impact may be on the psyche of Mouse shot-callers. In a recent move, Disney subsidiary Miramax divested itself of Dogma, an upcoming movie that was sure to offend Christians and stoke the boycott fires. The film is a blasphemous look at orthodox Christian beliefs (hence the title). Some of the offensive elements in Dogma: God is portrayed as a woman who comes to earth as an old man to play the carnival game skeeball; the heroine is a descendant of Mary and Joseph and works in an abortion clinic; a foul-mouthed 13th apostle comes to earth complaining that he was martyred for telling the truth about the sex lives of the other apostles; beer-swilling angels; an updated Christ who, according to the New York Post, “no longer hangs from the cross but instead offers a thumbs-up salute.” The content of Dogma, combined with the boycott, apparently made Disney execs nervous. See disney on page 3 AFA Departments ❚ AFA Boycotts ❚ Christians & Society Today ❚ Columns Don Wildmon Tim Wildmon ❚ AFA Foundation ❚ American Family Radio Courts ❚ Brick walls in black robes Culture ❚ Reflections on Columbine 22 12 2 23 19 11 20 18 Homosexual Rights Agenda ❚ McDonald’s caves in ❚ Homosexuality and child molestation News of Interest ❚ Shock rocker cancels U. S. concerts ❚ Teen drinking swells 3 4 7 9 Television ❚ TV reviews 14 ❚ Cable channel profile 16 ❚ Violence in your town 24 individual subscription: Suggested contribution: $15 per year ALL-MEMBERSHIP PLAN Subscriptions mailed directly to your church members: • $5 a year/each subscription (minimum 10) • Send check or money order with your church name and legible mailing list to: AFA Journal, P. O. Drawer 2440, Tupelo, MS 38803 • U.S. addresses only Copies of this issue: $15/50 copies for all generations By donald e. wildmon • AFA President God and money Littleton…it’s been coming for 40 years The Word on wealth years. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what has happened. The media and the “experts” have spent 40 years trying to build this new society. Hollywood, where pagans are in control, has served up a steady appetite of sexual immorality, violence, profanity. Crying “censorship” against anyone who tried to raise a reasonable voice, they have pushed their hedonistic values upon America’s youth. They didn’t have any religion, and they didn’t want religion to have any influence. So they simply refused to show religion as a part of life, or when it was shown it was an extreme negative. The liberal news media have been bed-fellows with their Hollywood cohorts. Religion, at best, gets an article or two on Saturday. It was the unforgivable sin for a conservative Christian to apply his faith to his politics. But when liberal Christians did it, it was OK. Editorials and news articles were filled with “examples” of how conservative Christians were a negative. Liberal politicians, knowing what is best for us, have punished marriage and stay at home moms. Government for them has become God, and they are His spokesmen. Government knows better how to raise a family, what values and ethics to teach the children. Get those children when they are as young as possible, and program their minds was the goal of those who were tired of Christian values being the norm. The anti-Christian types like the ACLU have worked hard to get God out of society. They have no god other than themselves and are offended if anyone has a god other than their own. It is OK to be Christian only as long as you don’t let anyone know about it. The National Education Association has spent hundreds of millions, not in trying to teach Johnny to read, write and do math, but in seizing control of the schools and turning them into centers to promote their secular experiment. Even many of our Christian leaders have given up on the personal God and joined hands with the godless. They take the gifts of hardworking, Bible-believing local church members and use them to promote everything from homosexuality to the government’s liberal social agenda. Now all these people are crying that we must do something. The truth is that we have already done something, and because of what we have done for the past 40 years we have Littleton. “We want to change this, stop this madness,” they cry. But when confronted about changing any of their ways, they balk. They remind me of the drunk who wanted to change, to become sober. But he didn’t want it to interfere with his drinking. There was a time in this country when the leaders had the same traditional Biblical values of the people. But that has changed. Unless we join hands and restore those values, there will be more and more Littletons. AFA Journal • Volume 23, No. 6 AFA Journal is a publication of the American Family Association. Published monthly except November/December. AFA is a Christian organization promoting the Biblical ethic of decency in American society with primary emphasis on TV and other media. P.O. Drawer 2440, Tupelo, MS 38803 Main phone: 662-844-5036 FAX: 662-842-7798 AFA Law Center: 662-680-3886 WAFR Radio: 662-844-8888 Internet homepage: http://www.afa.net American Family Online: 662-840-6464 Founding Editor: Don Wildmon Editor: Randall Murphree Associate Editor: Rusty Benson Copy Editor: Jessica Huckaby News Editor: Ed Vitagliano Please, no unsolicited manuscripts. by Neal Clement EFP Financial Consultant To God, money is important. Not because He needs it, but because our use of it is one of the clearest indications of our real priorities. Over 1000 Scripture passages speak to some aspect of the use of money – buying, selling, borrowing, giving, paying taxes, investing and more. At EFP we believe the Bible teaches that God is the real owner of everything. We are simply His managers or stewards. (“You actually possess everything you can see when you close your eyes,” a wise man once said.) Therefore, our highest priorities for the use of our God-given wealth must be the advancement of God’s kingdom. “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you,” Matthew 6:33-34 says. At EFP we can help you honor your commitment to advance God’s kingdom by directing your retirement savings into investments that are morally sound. With our unique Values Investment Portfolios your investments are minimized in companies that support or promote abortion, pornography, gambling, alcohol and tobacco; or that have policies like offering company health care benefits to homosexual partners of employees. If you want to invest in EFP’s Values Investment Portfolios, pick up the phone and call me now. My toll-free number is 1-888-MORALS1 (1-888-667-2571). My E-mail Securities offered through FSC Securities Corporation, a registered broker/dealer. Member NASD and SIPC. $25,000 minimum investment required. AFA Journal • june, 1999 ADVERTISEMENT Littleton, Colorado. It wasn’t the first. It will not be the last. I could say I told you so. In fact, I could say I told you so many times over many Fast food giant caves in to homosexual ac■ Did somebody say McDonald’s? Perhaps the nation’s best-known family fast-food restaurant has avoided a showdown with pro-homosexual shareholders and amended its employment policies to include sexual orientation. According to The Washington Blade, a weekly paper targeting the homosexual community, McDonald’s Corp. was faced with a shareholder resolution which demanded that the home of the Big Mac ban employment discrimination based on sexual orientation. The company’s policy now reads: “McDonald’s strongly believes that employees and applicants for employment should be treated fairly and without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation or any other prohibited basis.” AFA Director of Public Relations Allen Wildmon said the usual minority categories are different from sexual orientation. “People can easily identify someone on the basis of race or color or sex. Age is easily validated. But how do you define or prove sexual orientation?” he asked. In fact, when Wildmon contacted company spokesman Bill Whitman and asked for a definition, he was told, “It is not McDonald’s position to determine what sexual orientation is.” When Wildmon asked how McDonald’s could protect sexual orientation if the company could not define it, Whitman was evasive and refused to answer. Wildmon then asked if, for example, McDonald’s would now allow a transvestite to work the cash register behind a counter at one of its restaurants. Whitman merely called the question “hypothetical” and would not answer. Homosexual activists see the decision by McDonald’s to add sexual orientation to its employment policy as having the potential to cause a “domino effect” that will cause others in the food industry to follow suit. Kim Mills, education director for the Human Rights Campaign, said, “Whenever you see a large company that’s a real leader in its industry taking a step like this, the competitors watch. [McDonald’s action] could have a domino effect. We’ve certainly seen that in other industries.” Wildmon asked that people call their local McDonald’s and express their opinion of the company’s policy change, and then ask for their regional McDonald’s headquarter’s “800” number to call. To speak with national headquarters: McDonald’s Corp., Chrm. Michael R. Quinlan, 1 Kroc Dr., Oak Brook, IL 60521 Phone: 630623-3000. Stern…from page 1 beverage company Snapple. All pulled off the show because of Stern’s comments. Other national sponsors, however, appeared to be content to ride out the storm. Mitsubishi, Priceline.com, Dial-A-Mattress, and Bumble Bee Tuna made no public move to disassociate their products from Howard Stern. Meanwhile, the attention of some critics was focused on the company that bears the most responsibility for Howard Stern – the CBS Corporation. In a column for the Boston Globe, for example, John Ellis laid the blame at the company’s feet, calling Stern “a de facto employee of CBS.” That assessment is true for both television and radio versions of Stern’s show. Eyemark Entertainment, the syndication arm of CBS, brought Stern to Saturday late-night television. And the shock jock’s daily five-hour radio broadcast is produced by Infinity Broadcasting, of which CBS owns 82%; and Stern is syndicated by CBS Radio. Ellis complained that no one from CBS seemed to have a public statement about Stern’s comments – not CBS President and CEO Mel Karmazin, not CBS Entertainment Group President Leslie Moonves, not a single member of the CBS board of directors. The answer for that silence, in Ellis’ mind, was that Stern is “a money machine for the network.” bine High School. Elsewhere KTWB-TV in Seattle, an affiliate of the WB network, pulled Stern’s TV show off the air because of his comments. Wade Brewer, vice president and general manager of KTWB, said, “Personally, I was shocked and offended by his remarks. Our sensitivities lie with our viewers and the families and friends of the victims.” CBS mum about errant stepson As the outrage against Stern spread, some advertisers began to flee Stern’s sinking ship. Even some of the most stubborn sponsors of Stern’s radio program seemed to have reached their limit. Geico Direct Insurance was the first major advertiser to abandon Stern, followed by online bookseller Amazon.com and then AFA Journal • june, 1999 Disney…from page 1 One industry source told Mr. Showbiz that Disney CEO Michael Eisner was “not comfortable with this film. He’s responsible to the stockholders, and this will be a thorn in Disney’s side. He’d rather not see it go out” to theaters. To head off trouble, Miramax co-presidents Harvey and Bob Weinstein announced in April that they had personally paid Miramax nearly $12 million for the rights to Dogma. They plan to form their own company and release the film through another distributor. The movie not only attracted the attention of AFA, but the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, which originally called for a Disney boycott over the 1995 Miramax movie Priest. Catholic League president William Donahue said his organization would “not hold back” in dealing with whoever distributes Dogma. Action numbers • Mitsubishi 714-372-6000 • Priceline.com 203-595-0101 • Dial-A-Mattress 800-628-8737 • Bumble Bee Tuna 619-715-4000 Homosexual rights agenda Homosexuality and child molestation: the link, the likelihood, the lasting ef■ Some homosexuals want the next generation…in mind and body BY Ed Vitagliano Fifth in a series of articles examining issues related to the homosexual rights movement. If there is one area of the debate over homosexuality that seems to make profamily groups squeamish and homosexuals indignant, it is the issue of molestation. Do homosexuals pose a direct danger to children? It is probably safe to say that, for most of this century most Americans intuitively saw homosexuals as a threat to their children. After all, homosexuality was by definition a sexual perversion, and where there was one perversion (homosexuality) there would likely be another (molestation). But by the mid-1990s homosexual activists had succeeded in hijacking the public debate on sexual orientation issues, and a new creed had replaced the old: homosexuals posed no danger to children. Is this true? Are children safe in the presence of homosexuals, or are they in danger of sexual abuse that may, in fact, lead them into the homosexual lifestyle? Homosexuality and pedophila It should be said from the outset that a homosexual orientation does not automatically lead to pedophilia, and most homosexuals do not abuse children. Moreover, most homosexual activist groups publicly denounce pedophilia. But that is not the end of the story. Psychiatrist Jeffrey Satinover says in his book Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth that there is a “substantial, influential, and growing segment of the homosexual community that neither hides nor condemns pedophilia.” One reason for this may be that the hoEd Vitagliano is the news editor of AFA Journal. mosexual movement is based on the rather simple ethic of individual sexual freedom. In the activist magazine Gayme, writer Bill Andriette said, “The only standard for moral sex…is that it be freely and equally consented to by the persons involved.” From that sexual ethic to one which includes intergenerational sex is but a short leap. Andriette said, “There is no question that blacks, whites, women, men, children, and adolescents can consent to sex …. If we want really to respect the authenticity of individuals we have to let people take risks, explore different values, and recognize that we will be challenged and threatened by what they discover.” (Emphasis added.) This homosexual perspective was in full view nearly three decades ago, with the release of the 1972 Gay Rights Platform. Activists in Chicago, representing the fledgling homosexual movement, demanded the “[r]epeal of all state laws prohibiting private sexual acts involving consenting persons,” and the “[r]epeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.” Such homosexuals see society’s disapproval of adult-child sex as the transgression, rather than the adult-child sex itself. In The Age Taboo: Gay Male Sexuality, Power and Consent, lesbian author Pat Califia said, “Boy lovers and the lesbians who have young lovers…are not child molesters. The child abusers are priests, teachers, therapists, cops and parents who force their staid morality onto the young people in their custody.” Moreover, for many homosexuals, this same-sex attraction to minors may stem from their own sexual experiences. Research shows that very often homosexuals had their own initial same-sex encounter with an adult while children. (See AFA Journal, May 1999.) Writing in The Advocate, a magazine for homosexuals, Carl Maves agreed. “How many gay men, I wonder, would have missed out on a valuable, liberating experience – one that initiated them into their sexuality – if it weren’t for so-called molestation?” he said. Perhaps the most notorious group advocating adult-child sex is the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). An unashamedly pedophile organization, NAMBLA wants society to appreciate, rather than deplore, intergenerational sex, and to abolish laws banning sex between adults and minors. While most homosexual activist groups publicly denounce NAMBLA and its agenda, the pedophile group is still allowed to march in “gay” pride parades in New York, San Francisco and Boston under its own NAMBLA banner. Furthermore, some suggest that public disavowal of NAMBLA by homosexual groups is a smokescreen. David Thorstad, a founding member of NAMBLA and former president of New York’s Gay Activists Alliance, says homosexual activists have supressed pedophilia in order “to sanitize the image of homosexuality to facilitate its entrance into the social mainstream.” Do homosexuals molest children? Such talk of molestation enrages homosexual activists, eliciting charges that profamily groups paint the entire homosexual community with too broad a brush. They argue that such pro-pedophile views are simply the perspective of fringe groups. Homosexuals additionally charge that most molestation cases involve heterosexuals. One frequently-cited study, Jenny, Roesler and Poyer, 1994, published in Pediatrics, supposedly demonstrated that 98% of men who abused children self-identified as heterosexual. But in a review of the Jenny study, Dr. AFA Journal • june, 1999 Paul Cameron of Family Research Institute said the researchers merely examined hospital charts: “[N]either the victims, perpetrators, nor even those who prepared the charts were interviewed” to discover their sexual orientation. In fact, said Cameron, in the only study (Erickson, Walbek, and Seely, 1988) in which perpetrators were asked to declare their sexual orientation, almost the opposite was found to be true: 86% of child molesters identified themselves as homosexual or bisexual. If heterosexuals make up the preponderance of child molesters in raw numbers, it is not surprising. Heterosexuals, after all, make up more than 97% of the population. A more accurate assessment, however, would compare ratios of population size to incidences of involvement in pedophilia. In this regard, according to the National Association on Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), in proportion to their numbers, homosexual men are more likely to engage in sex with a minor. Citing a study (Freund and Watson, 1992) which was reported in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, NARTH found that homosexual males were “three times more likely than straight men to engage in adult-child sexual relations.” Cameron’s own research shows even higher rates of homosexual molestation. In the Nebraska Medical Journal Cameron said that when data from both genders are combined, homosexuals are at least 8-12 times more likely to molest children than are heterosexuals. In the face of such overwhelming evidence, homosexual activists resort to a circular argument: since true homosexuals only desire sex with another adult, then pedophiles cannot be homosexual. In effect, activists have simply defined homosexual molestation of children out of existence. But the words of homosexuals themselves betray them. Writing in the homosexual magazine Out, columnist Dan Savage mentioned that he lives near a park AFA Journal • june, 1999 where some local high school soccer teams practice. “Some of the boys are really something else, and during practice they play shirts and skins. Any gay man who tells you he can walk by a boy’s soccer team without looking is a liar…,” Savage said. Homosexual access to children Such evidence has chilling public policy implications. The momentous changes in Americans’ attitudes towards sexual orientation are giving homosexuals unprecedented access to the nation’s children. Parents, for example, were mortified when New York City’s WNBC-TV uncovered the existence of pedophiles within the public school system. According to an article by John Leo in U.S. News & World Report, the City Board of Education had known about at least one pedophile – teacher Peter Melzer – since 1984, but did nothing about it. Melzer, as it turned out, is on the NAMBLA steering committee and the editorial board of the organization’s periodical, the NAMBLA Bulletin. In the past, the Bulletin has recommended the best tactics to its pedophile readers for seducing children into sexual encounters. Leo said, “Child molesters don’t just hang around playgrounds. They apply for jobs at schools, camps, the Boy Scouts, Big Brothers, YMCAs. ‘Boy lovers’ love to work where the boys are.” When pedophiles strike, the results are often disastrous. A recent review (Holmes and Slap, 1998) of the research on the molestation of boys, published in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association showed that adolescent boys who were abused by men were up to seven times more likely to identify themselves as homosexual or bisexual. Furthermore, research also shows a strong link between the sexual abuse of a child and that child’s later pedophilia as an adult. At the Connecticut Correctional Institution, for example, clinical psychologist A. Nicholas Groth, director of the sex offender program, said 85% of the pedophiles were themselves sexually assaulted as youths. This casts certain parts of the homosexual agenda in a more sinister light – such as the drive to lower the legal age of sexual consent and to expunge sodomy laws from the books. It might also cause parents to wonder why homosexual activists are tireless in their efforts to use the courts as a crowbar to pry open the doors of the Boy Scouts to homosexual troop leaders. Again, it would be unfair to imply that all – or even most – homosexuals are a threat to children. Nevertheless, there are some elements of the homosexual movement which openly endorse pedophilia. And opening the social “doors” to all homosexual groups will allow pedophile groups in as well. Future shame What will research show in ten years? Twenty years? Will we discover that we have handed over an entire generation, only to discover that homosexuality in this nation has doubled or tripled? If it is true, as evidence suggests, that children can be recruited into the homosexual lifestyle, what will history say about a generation of adults that swallowed – hook, Sources cited for News of Interest indicate souce of basic information only. AFA/ACTIVISM Viewer inaction left objectionable show on the air A concerned citizen who wrote a letter to his local ABC affiliate to complain about a television show got a surprising response: the apathy of his fellow viewers was the reason the show was on the air. The letter criticized KUPK-TV of Garden City, Kansas, for running the ABC show NYPD Blue. That program has been controversial over its five seasons, often containing graphic sexuality, language, nudity and violence. In defense of KUPK-TV, station manager Bryce Baker responded that his ABC affiliate was one of seven ABC stations (out of 235) that refused to air NYPD Blue when it premiered, precisely because of its adult content. “We had hoped that our area would support our stand in this decision,” he said. “That was not the case. We didn’t receive a single letter in support of our action.” Instead, Baker added, KUPK-TV received only letters critical of his station’s decision. As a result, Baker said “we were forced to put [the show] on the air.” CULTURE Florida looking for strippers It’s just so hard to find good help nowadays – at least that’s what the state of Florida seems to be saying. After having trouble attracting strippers to its nightclubs, a Florida town has requested state help in finding women who want to work as “exotic dancers.” A nightclub in the small town of Stuart, near Miami, had so much difficulty finding women to dance that they asked state officials for help in “importing” foreign women to fill the bill. According to Reuters, however, the law requires that the state first ensure that there are no Americans available who want the job. So the state of Florida has taken out a help-wanted ad in the Palm Beach Post that reads: “Exotic dancer 40 hrs per week, 7 p.m.-3 a.m. Four years experience in the job….Perform modern and acrobatic dances, coordinating body movements to musical accompaniment. Choreographs own dance movements. Send resume to Dept. of Labor/Bureau of Workforce Program Support.” Reuters, 4/15/99 Madonna seen as sex educator Perhaps it’s just a sign of the times, or a reflection of the type of people who have fully absorbed the sexual revolution. But in a recent survey by a sex education organization, people chose controversial pop star Madonna as one of the 10 most positive and influential sexual voices of the last part of this century. The survey was hosted at the Website of the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), a group known for its belief that everyone – including children in public schools – should be allowed to know everything there is to know about human sexuality. In honor of its 35th anniversary, SIECUS asked visitors to its Website to vote for the top 10 people who made “a positive change in the way America understands and affirms sexuality as a natural and healthy part of life.” In survey results, Madonna was joined by Ellen DeGeneres, Jocelyn Elders, Hugh Hefner, Anita Hill, Magic Johnson, Gloria Steinem, Judy Blume, Dr. Ruth Westheimer, and SIECUS co-founder Mary S. Calderone. SIECUS executive director Debra Haffner said, “Many of the real changes in the culture have had very little to do with professional organizations like ours. These are people who maybe didn’t set out to change the way Americans think about sexuality but have made a profound difference.” USA Today, 4/5/99 ENTERTAINMENT WWF Raw content studied Researchers at Indiana University examined World Wrestling Federation (WWF) Raw on the USA Network and found more crudity than actual wrestling. According to USA Today, the study of 50 WWF Raw episodes discovered that the average two-hour show contained only 36 minutes of actual wrestling. Instead, researchers were forced to watch 1,658 instances in which a WWF competitor grabbed or pointed to his own crotch (slow-motion replays not included). Equally as bad: the study also found 128 instances of simulated sex and 47 references to satanic activity. WWF also drew criticism for an ad aired during this year’s Super Bowl. Presenting what was supposedly a typical “day at the office” at WWF headquarters, the ad was not only gratuitously violent but also included a couple in a graphic sexual embrace on an office desk. The Federal Communications Commission received numerous complaints about the ad, charging that it was indecent and should not have run when so many children would be exposed to its sexually charged imagery. USA Today, 2/23/99; Los Angeles Times, 2/3/99 Study: G-rated films earn more A comprehensive ten-year study of the ratings and profitability of Hollywood films revealed that movies rated G, PG and PG-13 consistently earned more money than those rated R, even though the movie industry continues to produce more Rrated films. The study was funded by The Dove Foundation, and examined 2,380 widelyreleased films (appearing on 800 or more screens) between January 1, 1988 and December 31, 1997. A non-profit organization, The Dove Foundation says its mission is “to encourage and promote the creation, production and distribution of wholesome family entertainment.” Over that ten-year period, the study said that while Hollywood produced 17 times as many R-rated films as those rated G, the average G-rated movie earned eight times more gross profit than its more adult counterpart. Moreover, the average G- rated film produced a 78% greater rate of return on investment than the average film rated R. R-rated movies, which earned a 37% AFA Journal • june, 1999 news of interest rate of return, were also out-performed by films rated PG and PG-13, which earned a rate of return of 52% and 50%, respectively. Dick Rolfe, CEO of The Dove Foundation, said in a press release, “Moviegoers are not crying out for endless sequels of Rugrats and Babe. What they want to see are more action/adventure films, comedies, dramas and mysteries – but without naked bodies, exploding heads and filthy language.” But the initial response to the study from some Hollywood executives was lukewarm. Tom Sherak, chairman of the 20th Century Fox Domestic Film Group, said there were other considerations besides how much money a movie makes. “We are in a creative business, based on content. The creative element has to be allowed to make the movie they want to make,” he said. “The one thing you don’t want to do is hurt the integrity of the movie.” Sherak admitted that movies that receive a G, PG, or PG-13 rating (from the Motion Picture Association of America) do make more money, but said a well-made R-rated film could also be profitable. “The rating turns out to be what it is, and that’s what you live with,” he said. “If people don’t want to see a movie, they don’t go.” Cartoons promote bad habits A new study on G-rated animated films reveals that cartoons may not be harmless fun for the millions of kids who watch them, since the majority of such entertainment shows drinking and smoking in a positive light. The research by Dr. Adam Goldstein, assistant professor of family medicine at the University of North Carolina, analyzed the content of 50 animated films from 19371997. Included in the list was such popular fare as All Dogs Go to Heaven, James and the Giant Peach, and even Disney favorites like Beauty and the Beast. Goldstein found that smoking and/or drinking was found in 68% of the cartoon features. The use of alcohol and tobacco was not limited to the “bad guys,” but was behavior engaged in just as commonly by the “good guys.” Moreover, Goldstein said none of the movies presented an antiAFA Journal • june, 1999 Shock rocker Marilyn Manson cancels U.S. conTwo teenagers, clad in long black coats as part of a gang known as “The Trench Coat Mafia,” unleash a short yet terrifying assault upon their classmates with guns and homemade bombs. When it is all over, 12 kids, one teacher, and the two killers all lay dead – the latter at their own hand. What does all this have to do with shock rocker Marilyn Manson? That’s what a lot of people are asking. Classmates at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, a Denver suburb, told investigators afterwards that the murderous pair, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, often spoke of violence, were fascinated with Hitler, and enjoyed heavy metal music – especially the nihilistic variety of Marilyn Manson. But Manson remained defiant about the implication that he – or other musicians – could be held responsible for tragedies like Littleton, Colorado. “The media has unfairly scapegoated the music industry and so-called ‘Goth kids’ and has speculated – with no basis in truth – that artists like myself are in some way to blame” for the shootings, Manson said. The pressure seemed to mount, however. Two days after the carnage at Columbine, the radio station sponsoring Manson’s concert in Denver, scheduled for April 30, canceled the event. At one concert stop after the Colorado tragedy, the shock rocker was playing before his fans in Minneapolis, Minnesota, even while hundreds of people protested his presence outside the concert. In the city of Fresno, California, just a week before Manson’s tour was scheduled for a concert stop there, the city council unanimously passed a resolution which condemned “Marilyn Manson, and its lead singer as an offensive threat to the children of this community.” Then, in a sudden move, Manson canceled the last five dates of his North American “Rock Is Dead” concert tour (Reno, Nevada; Fresno, California; Las Vegas; Phoenix and Universal City), which now moves to Europe for the summer. A press release from Manson’s publicist said the cancellation was out of respect for those killed at Columbine High School. When the cancellation was announced, Fresno City Council President Ken Steitz said simply, “It’s an answer to prayer.” Manson himself appears to be the one to need prayer. His anti-Christian outbursts seem to have roots that run deep, as evidenced by comments he made to Rolling Stone about his high school years: “I started out in a private school and had to have my hair cut a certain way and was forced to fit into this mold that I didn’t want to fit into. Initially I rebelled and wanted to do everything that I wasn’t supposed to do. I went to heavy metal, Satanism and the occult. But then I grew from that to incorporate the universal ideas from all religions and all philosophies into something personal. I identified with the villain – the fallen angel. I never wanted to be like Jesus; I wanted to be like Lucifer. He was cooler, and nobody liked him….” smoking or anti-drinking message for children to absorb. The pattern held true for the entire 60-year period studied, including recent films, and was evident in animated features produced by all five studios that specialize in such family fare – The Walt Disney Co., MGM/United Artists, 20th Century Fox, Universal Studios, and Warner Brothers. The report was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in March. news of interest Fox Files: news mag or porn rag? Fox Files bills itself as a television news magazine. Each installment includes several features on a variety of subjects. After a distraught mother called the AFA Journal with some serious allegations about the series, a staff reviewer watched four weeks of Fox Files. Her complaint was not only about the prurient content, but the fact that Fox used the most sex-laden clips to promote Fox Files during the lead-in program. Our caller was right; for four straight weeks, Fox Files proved to be obsessed with sexual topics more than with legitimate news. On March 18, one of the five feature stories was “Hookin’ Up,” a celebration of casual sex in its rawest form – the one-night stand. Fox Correspondent Kit Hoover interviewed countless young men and women who talked freely about how they go out for an evening looking for nothing other than casual sex with a new pick-up. They also talk of how getting high (on alcohol) helps them have confidence. The next week, “Burned Out Porn Stars” and “Spring Break South of the Border” were among the four features. Of course, to tell the sad tale of aging porn stars, it was necessary to include plenty of footage of their porn films. The latter story featured college kids partying in Mexico, including lots of booze and skin shots. In “Surfer Babe,” a scantily clad model was the subject of a feature on April 1. A second story took Files cameras to a Bradenton, Florida, beach to measure bikinis and thongs. The city council has recently enacted an ordinance that defines how much breast and buttocks must be covered on public beaches there. The April 8 headline story was “Rampage,” featuring video of Michigan State University students rioting in the streets complete with numerous co-eds baring their breasts (covered by black strips). The second story, “Escape from the Torture Chamber,” was about a couple who held women as sex slaves. Another was titled “Con Artist Rapist.” Still another, “Speed Demons” was ostensibly about illegal street racing, but included the fact that sex is a big part of the scene. The weekly sleazefest ended with a promo for an upcoming story on “Groupies and Sex.” MCI was the only advertiser which sponsored all four weeks. MCI WorldCom, Inc., Pres. Bernard J. Ebbers, 515 East Amite Street, Jackson, MS 39201, Phone: 601360-8600, Fax: 601-974-8350, www.mciworldcom.com. USA Today, 3/19/99; AP, 3/19/99 FAMILY Former pageant winner promotes abstinence All across the nation, former Miss Black California and a runner-up to Miss Black America, Lakita Garth is using her talents in a drive to encourage teenagers to remain abstinent until they get married. An inspirational recording artist, entertainer and author, Garth has been featured in many major publications including Vogue, Seventeen and Cosmopolitan magazines. She has also appeared on such television shows as Politically Incorrect; Reebok, The Image Awards; The American Television Awards; and Nightline, according to her Website (www.popu large. com). But beyond the impressive resume, Garth is founder of Sex Education Character Support (SECS), an ongoing program using the public school system to encourage young people to wait until marriage before having sex. “I teach abstinence. It’s not just say no to sex, it’s a lifestyle,” she told the Chicago Tribune. Garth, in her early 30s, single, childless and celibate, said she uses many of the lessons she learned growing up under her mother’s strict tutelage. She and her siblings were taught “the art of self-control, self-discipline and the delay of self-gratification. “We had curfews and boundaries. We were the laughingstock of the community – but, to date, we are the only family of kids on the block to escape drugs, gangs and the repercussions of early sex,” she said. The SECS program keeps Garth busy, speaking 15 times a week to more than 500,000 teens in junior high and high school assemblies across the nation. Chicago Tribune, 4/4/99 Divorce darkens kids’ view of life Yet another study has been added to the growing body of research documenting the devastating effects of divorce on children. A team of psychologists from the Catholic University of Milan, Italy, contrasted the outlook on life of 160 teens from intact families with 140 adolescents from broken homes. The differences between the two groups of young people were marked. Compared to the adolescents from intact families, teens from broken homes “are more likely to show a higher level of distrust of other people,” be more fearful about getting married themselves someday, and leave their homes with less confidence and more fear and suspicion. The Family in America, New Research, April 1999 New government program would “advise” on child care A growing number of states are advocating government intrusion into the home under the guise of preventing child abuse – even in homes where no abuse has actually occurred. According to Phyllis Schlafly of the pro-family organization Eagle Forum, the model for these programs is Healthy Family America (HFA), developed by the National Committee for the Prevention of Child Abuse (NCPCA). HFA programs are operating in some 40 states – although sometimes under various names, and Schlafly said the programs are growing. In Indiana, for example, funding for the HFA program has increased from $250,000 in 1994 to $40 million today, with 58 sites in 91 counties. Schlafly said, “HFA claims to be voluntary, but the NCPCA’s stated goal is ‘to provide home visiting services to all new parents.’ Special attention is given to those deemed to be ‘at risk.’” What determines whether a family is “at risk?” Schlafly said 15 risk factors are considered, with “some of the terms so nebulous that almost any parent could be labeled ‘at risk.’” Under HFA guidelines, once a family has been determined to be “at risk,” that family AFA Journal • june, 1999 news of interest is to receive 50 or more visits to their home by social workers, who monitor how children are being raised and educate parents on “proper parenting practices.” Concern about the HFA program was raised by Rep. Henry Hyde (R-IL) last fall in a letter to House colleagues. Hyde warned that the HFA program was “Big Brother intervention as we have never seen it before,” adding that “Americans have never experienced such intrusion in their family lives.” Conservative Chronicle, 3/24/99 Study says attitudes about divorce can be self-fulfilling The commonly held belief is that divorces are the result of a bad marriage, and liberalized divorce laws are necessary to allow adults to escape their marital misery. But a new study indicates that it may very well be liberalized attitudes toward divorce that cause marriages to falter. Researchers Paul R. Amato and Stacy J. Rogers of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln conducted the eight-year study, examining the marriages of more than 2,000 men and women. They found that “people who adopted more favorable attitudes toward divorce tended to experience declines in relationship quality.” The researchers said a more lax view of the marital bond “may lead some people to invest less time in their marriages,” resulting in an erosion of “marital quality.” The opposite was also true, according to the study: those who looked less favorably on divorce at the outset “tended to experience improvements in relationship quality or at least a slowdown in the gradual decline in [their] marital happiness.” Amato and Rogers said, “Ironically, by adopting attitudes that provide greater freedom to leave unsatisfying marriages, people may be increasing the likelihood that their marriages will be unsatisfying.” The Family in America, New Research, April 1999 GOVERNMENT Crackdown on DUI controversial Lawmakers in New York City and Georgia have brewed up a fracas over their unique attempts to decrease the incidence of driving under the influence (DUI). Drunk drivers under age 21 in the Peach AFA Journal • june, 1999 Teen drinking problem swells The statistics of teen drinking are frightening, but so is the impact of alcohol abuse on their young lives: kids stumbling drunk, attempting to drive, well on their way to alcohol dependency. About 16% of teenagers have actually had “blackout” induced by heavy drinking, preventing them from remembering what they did the night before. And while traffic accidents are the leading cause of death among teens, the largest factor behind those accidents is the use of alcohol. If teens survive their earlier drinking years unscathed, their alcohol habits will prove troublesome in the future. Teens who begin their drinking habits before they turn 15 (as opposed to waiting until age 21, when drinking is legal) will quadruple their chances of becoming an alcoholic. Tree State now face zero tolerance from law enforcement officials, a stand that has received a go-ahead from Georgia’s high court. Those under age 21 with a blood-alcohol level of .02 are considered driving impaired in Georgia; at age 21 and older the blood-alcohol level for DUI is .08. Besides any potential jail time and fines, anyone who is underage and convicted of DUI receives an automatic suspension of their driver’s license for six months. But the dual standards for determining a DUI led some to challenge the law as an unconstitutional violation of equal protection rights. The Georgia Supreme Court, however, disagreed: “Driving a vehicle under the influence of any amount of alcohol is not a fundamental right,” the justices said. In New York City even those who are merely arrested for drunk driving will have their automobiles confiscated by law enforcement officials. Opponents of the new law say property should not be confiscated until a person is found guilty, since a family could be deprived of their only car for a month – the time it normally takes New York City to get the DUI ball rolling in court. Even more controversial in the Big Apple, however, is that a vehicle could be kept by the city even if it did not belong to the person arrested. And even if the driver were found not guilty in criminal court, New York could keep the car. That’s because the city could press ahead in a civil trial, which would not require that a person be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 1/12/99; USA Today, 2/23/99, 2/26/99 news of interest Statutory rape laws enforced With teen pregnancies hitting their high-water mark this decade, states have found themselves paying for many of the costs associated with illegitimacy. Now, against the older men who seduce minors, many states are fighting back with two words that once carried some weight – statutory rape. Statutory rape laws are on the books in most states, and define an adult having sex with a minor as a crime. While individual states have their own age of consent, all view a minor below that particular age as being unable – by virtue of their immaturity – to consent to sex with an adult. Hence, the criminal charge is one of rape. Such laws often have been ignored as the sexual revolution loosened attitudes about sex. But according to World magazine, that may be changing, as states like California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, and Massachusetts are treating statutory rape as a serious crime. The change in attitude is the result of a sobering truth: two-thirds of the babies born to teenage mothers had fathers who were men age 20 or older. “That’s a crime, and we must treat it as such,” said Matt Daniels, head of the Massachusetts Family Institute. “Statutory rape is just another name for child abuse.” World, 1/30/99 HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA Study says no “gay gene” New research from scientists in Canada is casting further doubt on the theory that homosexuality is rooted in a person’s genetic makeup. Dr. Dean Hamer created enormous controversy in 1993 when he and colleagues at the U.S. National Cancer Institute claimed they had discovered evidence of a so-called “gay gene” in homosexual men. Hamer studied 40 pairs of homosexual brothers and said the research found that 33 of those pairs shared a common genetic code on their X chromosomes. But researchers at the University of Western Ontario in London, Canada, headed by Dr. George Rice, said they examined an even larger sampling of data than Hamer and found no evidence of a genetic component for homosexuality. Attempting 10 to replicate another study is an important way for scientists to validate a theory. “It is unclear why our results are so discrepant from Hamer’s original study,” researchers said. Many of those in pro-family groups, however, have long been suspicious of Hamer’s work. Because Hamer is himself a homosexual, conservative columnist Cal Thomas wrote that that “might indicate to some readers that Hamer has a bias in favor of discovering a biological cause for homosexual behavior.” Reuters, 4/22/99 New Hampshire approves adoption by homosexuals One of the only two states in the nation prohibiting homosexuals from adopting children has now changed its mind, as the New Hampshire legislature passed a bill repealing the ban. Gov. Jeanne Shaheen has since signed the measure. The ban on homosexual adoptions was passed in 1987, based on the fear of AIDS and the belief that homosexuals are more predisposed to molesting children. Sen. Katie Wheeler called such reasoning “ignorance, discrimination and prejudice.” The decision by the New Hampshire legislature leaves only Florida with a law on the books prohibiting homosexual adoption. AP, 4/22/99 PORNOGRAPHY Touchy-feely cybersex coming? Up to now sexual activity on the Internet has been limited to the eyes and ears (for looking at and listening to pornography) and the mouth (for talking in chat rooms). But brace yourself for the 21st Century version of full-contact cybersex. Vivid Interactive, a company which produces Internet porn, is working the kinky kinks out of a full-body suit complete with sensors which would allow cyberspace “couples” to “touch” one another in 36 places on the body. According to USA Today, for about $100 someone can purchase the body suit, hook it up to a PC or laptop computer, and exchange heat and massage sensations with another Internet user. USA Today, 3/1/99 Cybersex attracts big part of Internet users Most people are probably aware by now that being on the Internet is a sometimes risky proposition, with numerous sites being devoted to online pornography in all its deviant forms. But what many may not know is that the crowd of those fascinated with sex online is growing. A new study says that of the 57 million people who use the Internet on a daily basis, 15-30% of them go to sexually oriented Websites – and 4.7 million people are in danger of becoming hooked on cybersex. The study’s lead author, Dr. Alvin Cooper, is director of the San Jose Marital and Sexuality Centre. He said, “The Internet has evolved as a really powerful force in sexuality because it offers … affordability, accessibility and anonymity.” The study, which appeared in April’s issue of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, found that 8.5% of those participating in the study had spent 11 hours a week searching the Internet for sexually-oriented material. Cooper said their Internet habits demonstrated signs of “sexual compulsivity.” Although Cooper was more ambivalent about the dangers of a fascination with cybersex, psychologist Pauline Holmes of Christian Psychotherapy and Family Counseling was blunt: “I would look at it as a form of adultery even though it doesn’t necessarily involve physical contact,” she said. San Francisco Examiner, 4/4/99; USA Today, 3/31/99 PRO-LIFE Public uneasy with euthanasia A recent survey of Americans’ opinion regarding physician-assisted suicide still shows a great deal of resistance to the concept on the part of the general public. By more than a 2-1 ratio, poll respondents said public policy should focus on easing pain for those who are dying rather than on helping doctors euthanize their patients, according to USA Today. The survey of 1,000 Americans was commissioned by Last Acts, a coalition of some 315 religious, health and consumer groups working to improve the care given to dying patients. A spokesperson the coalition said AFAfor Journal • june, 1999 that, with proper pain medication and ALABAMA Enterprise Carrollton (WALN) Ozark (WAQG) Selma (WAQU) Sheffield (WAKD) Troy 90.5 89.3 91.7 91.1 89.9 91.1 ARIZONA Fredonia Holbrook Mesa Winslow 89.1 90.3 89.1 91.3 ARKANSAS Arkadelphia Bentonville Blytheville Clarksville Crossett El Dorado Fayetteville Forrest City Fort Smith (KAOW) Jonesboro (KAOG) Piggott Pocahontas Prescott Sheridan (KANX) Warren 91.9 88.1 91.5 89.9 91.7 91.9 90.1 91.5 88.9 90.5 88.1 91.1 88.9 91.1 91.3 CALIFORNIA *Quincy (KNLF) COLORADO Trinidad 95.9 91.7 FLORIDA *Florida City (WMFL) 88.5 *Key Largo (WMKL) 91.7 GEORGIA Americus Cordele Cuthbert Dublin *Griffin (WMVV) Waycross (WASW) ILLINOIS DeKalb (WWGN) Effingham Flora Kankakee Mt.Vernon (WAPO) Ottawa (WWGN) Pana Salem INDIANA *Greensburg (WAUZ) Michigan City Plymouth Vincennes Terre Haute (WAPC) 90.3 90.3 89.3 91.9 90.7 91.9 93.3 91.3 88.5 88.1 90.5 88.9 88.5 91.3 89.1 88.5 91.3 89.9 91.9 AmeriFamRadio KANSAS Arkansas City Beloit Enterprise 89.7 91.3 88.7 Great Bend 89.7 Hays 89.7 Independence (KARF)91.9 Marysville 91.7 Norton 91.5 Ottawa (KRBW) 90.5 Salina (KAKA) 88.5 Topeka (KBUZ) 90.3 Wichita (KCFN) 91.1 KENTUCKY Ashland 91.1 Campbellsville (WAPD) 91.7 *Central City (WMTA) 1380AM Mt. Sterling (WAXG) 88.1 LOUISIANA Alexandria (KAPM) 91.7 Jonesboro 89.7 Jonesville 91.9 Lafayette (KSJY) 90.9 Many (KAVK) 89.7 Monroe 94.9 *Russell Springs (WIDS) 570AM Ruston (KAPI) 88.3 St. Joseph 89.9 MINNESOTA Montevideo Windom Worthington 89.7 90.9 88.1 MISSISSIPPI Ackerman Brookhaven Cleveland (WDFX) Columbia Duck Hill (WAUM) Forest (WQST) Gulfport (WAOY) Hattiesburg (WAII) Laurel (WATP) McComb (WAQL) 96.9 90.5 98.3 90.9 91.9 92.5 91.7 89.3 90.7 90.5 IOWA Creston 90.9 Fairfield 88.7 Ottumwa 88.1 Sioux City (KAYA) 91.3 *Affiliate Station – may not carry all AFR programming. All stations listed are FM unless otherwise indicated. Natchez Oxford Starkville Tupelo (WAFR) Vicksburg West Point 91.1 101.3 88.9 88.3 93.3 96.9 MISSOURI *Birch Tree (KBMV) 1310AM Brookfield 91.5 Cabool 89.9 Kennett (KAUF) 89.9 Memphis 91.5 *Mountain Grove (KELE) 1360AM Park Hills 91.1 *Piedmont (KPWB) 1140AM Springfield (KAKU) 90.1 NEBRASKA Chadron Hastings Hubbard (KAYA) Valentine 89.3 91.7 91.3 89.3 NEW HAMPSHIRE *Manchester (WLMW) 90.7 Ahoskie Beaufort Mt. Airy New Bern (WAAE) Sanford 91.9 91.5 90.3 91.9 88.7 NORTH DAKOTA Devils Lake Harvey Jamestown Watford City 89.9 91.1 90.7 89.1 Williston 91.7 OHIO Martin’s Ferry Steubenville Shelby (WAUI) 91.1 88.9 88.3 OKLAHOMA Ada Ardmore Atoka Durant Elk City 88.7 91.9 91.7 89.3 91.9 Aberdeen Spearfish 90.1 90.1 TENNESSEE *Alcoa (WBCR) 1470AM Bristol 90.5 *Columbia (WMRB) 910AM Dyersburg 89.7 Hohenwald (WAUO) 90.7 Jackson (WAMP) 88.1 Lawrenceberg Milan Savannah Shelbyville Spencer Tullahoma (WAUT) Waynesboro 89.9 99.1 88.1 91.3 90.1 88.5 89.9 TEXAS Abilene (KAQD) Alpine Amarillo (KAVW) Big Spring Bonham Borger (KAVO) 91.3 90.9 90.7 91.5 91.1 91.5 Breckenridge Brownfield Crockett Dalhart Del Rio Dumas Hereford Huntsville (KAXF) Kermit Lamesa Levelland Lockhart Midland Morton Pampa (KAXH) Pecos Plainview Stephenville Van Horn Victoria 90.7 90.7 91.9 91.7 89.9 91.7 90.7 88.3 91.5 91.3 91.9 88.5 89.5 91.1 90.9 91.3 90.7 90.5 89.9 88.5 UTAH St. George 88.7 VIRGINIA Bristol Culpeper (WARN) Elkins (WBHZ) 90.5 91.5 91.9 WASHINGTON Sunnyside (KAYB) 88.1 WEST VIRGINIA Elkins (WBHZ) 91.9 WYOMING Gillette (KAXG) 89.7 Alberta, CANADA Three Hills (PBC) 89.9 from sea to shining NEW MEXICO *Carlsbad (KAMQ) 1240AM Clayton 91.3 Clovis (KAQF) 91.1 *Farmington (KPCL) 95.7 Hobbs 91.5 Las Vegas 90.3 Raton 90.1 NEW YORK Batavia NORTH CAROLINA 89.5 Idabel 91.9 Norman 89.3 *Okmulgee (KOKL) 1240AM Poteau (KARG) 91.7 Stillwater 89.7 Weatherford 90.5 OREGON Baker City Grants Pass (KAPK) 90.7 91.1 PENNSYLVANIA Franklin (WAWN) 89.5 *Youngsville (WTMV) 88.5 SOUTH DAKOTA A supplement for local bulletins & newsletters from the American Family Association Concerns grow about campus alcohol abuse A number of organizations have joined efforts to combat the growing problem of alcohol abuse on college campuses. In April more than 500 colleges participated in the first National Alcohol Screening Day, which focused on alerting college kids about the risks of abusing alcohol. Anonymous and free of charge, the screenings allowed concerned young people to speak with a health professional. The screening was co-sponsored by the National Collegiate Athletic Association, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, the American Medical Association and others. “Alcohol abuse kills and injures more of our young people and costs our society more than all the illegal drugs put together,” said U.S. Surgeon General David Satcher. “More than half of all college students drink primarily to get drunk. Two out of five college students are binge drinkers – that means they have at least four to five drinks in each sitting.” According to recent statistics, alcohol is involved in 95% of the violent and property crimes on college and university campuses. But the problem is not just crime: 40% of the academic problems students have is also related to alcohol abuse. USA Today, 4/5/99; AFA on the Internet American Family Association www.afa.net American Family Radio www.afr.net American Family Online www.afo.net JUNE, 1999 ABC fires staffer for anti-Christian comments One person can make a difference, as an Arkansas resident discovered when he complained to ABC Television about the increasing number of homosexual characters and pro-homosexual storylines that have been appearing on ABC’s prime-time lineup. Jim Neugent sent an E-mail to the ABC Website to complain, mentioning what the Bible says about homosexuality. He was provoked to complain by the April 4 episode of the legal drama The Practice, which dealt with a lesbian couple that wanted to marry. Neugent received a reply from the ABC online Webmaster which said, “How about getting your nose out of the Bible,” and “try thinking for yourself and stop using an archaic book of stories as your crutch for your existence.” Susan Sewell, Director of Media Relations for ABC, told American Family Radio News that when ABC network executives heard about the E-mail, they tracked down the individual responsible for the comments and fired him. In addition, an E-mail response to Neugent said that “the response that you received does not in any way reflect the views of ABC Television.” JC Penney drops South Park merchanThe merchandise from the vulgar animated show South Park, which airs on cable’s Comedy Central, has been jettisoned by JC Penney and will no longer be carried in its stores, following a protracted campaign by a pro-family group. Melinda Pampolina, a spokeswoman for the company, said in an April 15 letter to an AFA supporter, “We wanted you to know that, effective immediately, we are ceasing to order any additional South Park goods for our JC Penney department stores.” For months the Christian Family Network (CFN) has been urging JC Penney to reconsider its policy of selling the South Park merchandise. The April issue of the AFA Journal, which reaches its readers in mid-March, also ran an article about JC Penney’s policy, and asked its readers to contact the company. “We want to applaud the efforts of CFN, which has done a yeoman’s job in communicating their concerns with JC Penney,” said AFA president Donald E. Wildmon. CONTACT: Mr. James E. Oesterreicher, JC Penney Company, Inc., P. O. Box 10001, Dallas, TX 75301; 972-431-8792 American Family Association • P.O. Drawer 2440 • Tupelo, MS 38803 • 601-844-5036 Advertisers launch family TV awards R eports from A F A affiliates Soon after American Family Association was formed, founder Don Wildmon saw the need for grassroots activists to stand for Biblical values in their own communities. While AFA can shine the light of Scripture on social, moral and public policy issues on a national level, the moral climate in local communities will change only as local Christians get involved. To find out if there is an AFA affiliate in your community or to find out how to start one, call 601-844-5036, ext. 214. AFA of Colorado (Colorado Springs) – In the wake of the school shooting in Littleton, AFA State Director Tom Pedigo has done several radio interviews discussing AFA’s position on what could have caused this tragedy and what cultural influences should be curbed to keep it from happening again. (719-532-9719) AFA of Missouri (Joplin) – State Director R. L. Beasley is on the war path and pornographers better watch out! After months of calls by concerned citizens to the Jasper County prosecutor’s office about a sexually oriented business, and after a nine month investigation of the store by county officials, on March 25 the sheriff ’s department backed a truck up to the store and hauled off some 6,200 porn videos and magazines. R. L. is now asking concerned individuals in each county to follow suit by reporting suspected stores to their local prosecutors. He’s also asking complaints be reported to him so he can assist in follow up. (417-781-5762) Spokane AFA (Spokane, Washington) – Director Wayne Lawson has published their Spring 1999 Family Friendly Shopping Guide identifying those stores who have made the commitment not to sell pornographic magazines. The shopping guide gives pertinent facts about the devastating effects of pornography on our country. Spokane AFA is also helping distribute initiative petitions to repeal laws granting special rights to homosexuals. (509-483-1232) AFA of Michigan (Fremont) – State Director Bill Johnson continues to lead AFA’s national campaign against radio shock jock Howard Stern. His office monitors Stern radio in 24 markets and 14 TV markets. They mail over 1,000 letters a month to advertisers of Stern’s programs and have seen about 87% stop their ads after receiving a letter from AFA. Driven by a sense of concern for America, Bill’s looking for more monitors to help get rid of Stern. (616-924-4050) AFA of Arkansas (Jonesboro) – Through a very effective and systematic approach, State Director Bob Hester has cleared porn videos from nearly every county in Arkansas. Fayetteville in Washington County is next on his list. He recently organized a meeting of 25 pastors with the prosecuting attorney to express concern about the availability of possibly illegal videos. An investigation is now under way. If you know of a store in your community carrying porn videos, call AFA of Arkansas to help run them out of town. (870-932-5065) Monroe County AFA (Amory, Mississippi) – Director Ken Thorn is determined to be the salt and light his community needs. Monroe County AFA is sponsoring crisis pregnancy outreach, advertising help lines for pornography addicts, and distributing information to churches about how homosexuals can be free from this sexual sin to live for Christ. (662-256-5997) Tired of hearing from viewers who complain that prime-time television is insipid, violent, profane and downright dirty, some of the companies which sponsor network television have decided to reward quality family-friendly shows. In September advertisers like Proctor & Gamble (P&G), Johnson & Johnson, Coca Cola, Wendy’s and Sears – among others – will hand out the first annual Family Programming Awards. The tribute is intended to “celebrate, recognize and call attention to great family programs.” The announcement was made at the Association of National Advertisers in April by P&G Senior Vice President Robert L. Wehling and Johnson & Johnson Vice President of Advertising Andrea Alstrup. Wehling said advertisers like P&G were not trying to decrease the number of choices available for viewers. “Some networks are going after teens and urban audiences that want edgier programming. All we want is an expansion of the number of choices available to us. Just give us more of what we’re looking for.” Ultimate TV News, 4/7/99; USA Today, 4/7/99 High court allows teen curfew A curfew for teenagers in Charlottesville, Virginia, was allowed to stand by the U.S. Supreme Court, following an appeal by parents. A lower court had already ruled that the law was “constitutionally justified.” The ordinance in Charlottesville prohibited minors under age 17 from being out in public during the week between midnight and 5 a.m. On Saturday and Sunday nights, teens were allowed out until 1 a.m. There are few exceptions permitted. According to the U.S. Conference of Mayors, at least 276 cities with a population in excess of 30,000 had approved similar laws. Such ordinances are usually meant to keep teens safe and out of trouble with the law. Some parents in Charlottesville, however, said the curfew infringed on their authority as parents, and also unconstitutionally curtailed their teens’ freedoms. USA Today, 3/23/99 television – prime-time network reviews action inUse this information to write or call advertisers cited in this issue’s television reviews. General Motors Corp. Chrm. John F. Smith 3044 W. Grand Blvd. Detroit, MI 48202 Phone: 313-556-5000 Fax: 313-556-5108 www.gm.com Products: Buick, Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, Pontiac and Saturn automobiles, DirecTV direct satellite broadcasting Hallmark Cards, Inc. Chrm. Donald J. Hall P. O. Box 419580 Kansas City, MO 64141 Phone: 816-274-5111 Fax: 816-274-7276 www.hallmark.com Products: Crayola crayons, Hallmark cards, Shoebox cards PepsiCo, Inc. Chrm. Roger Enrico 700 Anderson Hill Road Purchase, NY 10577 Phone: 914-253-2000 Fax: 914-253-2070 www.pepsico.com Products: Doritos, Lay’s and Ruffles chips, Mountain Dew, Rold Gold pretzels, Tropicana PM/Kraft Chrm. Geoffrey C. Bible 120 Park Avenue New York, NY 10017 Phone: 917-663-5000 Fax: 917-663-2167 Toll Free: 1-800-343-0975 pmfct@em.fcnbd.com Products: Cool Whip, Kool-Aid soft drink, Kraft food products, Minute Rice, Post cereals, Shake ‘n Bake meat coating mix The Procter & Gamble Co. Chrm. John E. Pepper P. O. Box 599 Cincinnati, OH 45201 Phone: 513-983-1100 Fax: 513-983-4381 Toll Free: 1-800-435-9254 www.pg.com Products: Cheer, Head & Shoulders, NyQuil, Pringle’s , Scope mouth wash,Sunny Delight, Sure antiperspirant Tricon Global Restaurants 14 P&G, General Motors keep sitcom sleaze rolling ■ Becker P4 S TVPG-DL CBS, 4/26 – Sexual fantasy, sex dreams and self-stimulation are included in this episode’s 30+ sex jokes. Many are blatant and explicit. Every story line dealt with sex. Even TV Guide wrote, “Becker is plagued by sex talk everywhere....” ■ The Norm Show H P11 V TVPG-DL ABC, 4/7 – Danny’s father, a homosexual, puts the moves on Norm in very crude terms. There is also a grotesque scene where a man cuts off a fake hand with a cleaver – allowing blood to spurt everywhere. Advertiser: Procter & Gamble Advertisers: Pepsi, Procter & Gamble ■ Drew Carey H P3 S TVPG-D ABC, 4/7 – A TVPG rating was completely insufficient to warn parents about the sexual dialogue in this episode. There was no storyline other than the sex lives of the characters. Sharon, for example, doesn’t want a relationship with Drew, just meaningless sex. ■ The Simpsons AC H P4 PC S TVPG-L Fox, 4/20 – Ned Flanders, the Simpsons’ nerdy do-gooder Christian neighbor, asks Homer Simpson for help in overcoming his resistance to temptation. Homer takes him to Las Vegas, where they gamble, get drunk and marry two women they pick up at the casino. The Christian faith is ridiculed beginning to end. Advertisers: Tricon Global (Taco Bell), Pepsi ■ Family Guy P18 TVPG-DL Fox, 4/6 – This repeat episode boasted a theme mocking “good old-fashioned values,” and an infant (less than a year old) who curses and tries to shoot his mother to death. A stag party porn film, a pedophile joke, the hero’s attempt at welfare fraud, and more fill out the story. Advertisers: General Motors, Tricon Global (Taco Bell) ■ It’s Like, You Know S P4 TVPG-D ABC, 4/14 – Arthur, who’s been given a gift certificate for a massage by Lauren is afraid that if his relationship with her becomes “professional,” he won’t be able to pursue her for sex. In one conversation, Lauren expresses the opinion that marriages should be contracted for only seven years. Jennifer, a series star, has sex with a man on the first date, then discusses it openly with her four co-stars. Advertiser: PM/Kraft ■ Spin City H P4 S TV14-D ABC, 3/30 – This sitcom is basically all sex, all the time. Stuart is by far the show’s biggest pervert, but in this episode his girlfriend Diedre gives him a run for his money: she exposes herself to Carter, the series’ homosexual, pursues sex unceasingly, and enjoys sexual bondage. Advertisers: General Motors, Procter & Gamble ■ Will & Grace H P4 S TVPG NBC, 4/22 – This episode has lots of jokes about the homosexual lifestyle: Will and Jack trying to pick up guys at the gym; transvestites; Jack’s habit of watching homosexual porn. Later, heterosexuals Grace and Karen reminisce about their first sexual experiences in graphic terms. Advertiser: PM/Kraft Advertiser: Procter & Gamble Lenscrafters, KFC ads on dramas ■ Chicago Hope AC P10 TVPG-L CBS, 3/31 – In one story line, Dr. Grad wants to help a couple clone their young son, but other doctors overrule her. One doctor opined, “It’s playing God.” Dr. Grad responded, “Is anybody in this room struck by what a wonderful job God is doing here – that He should sit back and let a little child die? We fight death. It is our job. ...What’s obscene is that any parent has to look in the face of their dead child and know that they will never see him again. If that is the best God has to offer, I’m sorry, it’s not good enough!” Advertisers: U. S. Shoe (Lenscrafters), PM/Kraft ■ Homicide: Life on the Street H P7 TV14 NBC, 3/26 – A major plot line focuses on a cop who has recently publicly admitted his homosexuality. He dates Roger, another cop, a couple of times, but Roger is afraid to come out. Advertisers: Tricon Global (KFC), U. S. Shoe (Lenscraft- AFA Journal • june, 1999 television – prime-time network reviews ers) ■ NYPD Blue H P8 S TV14-LS ABC, 3/30 – Det. Sorenson suffers from acute foul-mouth disease. In addition, he is featured in one of prime-time’s longest nude scenes. After sex, he and his date lie on the bed agreeing that sex is simply a thing to enjoy, no commitment or meaning. John, the homosexual character, also appears in this episode. Advertiser: General Motors ■ The Practice H P2 TV14 ABC, 4/4 – Jimmy’s mother tells him that she’s a lesbian and asks him to help arrange for her to marry her lesbian lover. Initially, Jimmy (one of the series regulars) doesn’t accept his mother’s coming out, but in the end he comes to have great pride in her lesbianism. Advertiser: Tricon Global (KFC) April 18 P7 PC S TV14-S A woman appears nude in video clips recorded without her knowledge. (A hidden camera was installed in her bathroom by the voyeuristic building superintendent.) When he is tried for his crime, the man is ordered by a female judge to drop his pants and turn for those in the courtroom to see his genitals; the camera focuses on his naked derriere as he waddles out of the courtroom. Advertisers: General Motors, Tricon Global (Taco Bell) ■ Turks H P14 PC S SA TVPG-DLV CBS, 4/23 – Cliff is a cop who is in the process of coming out of the closet as a homosexual, and two men are shown kissing in a homosexual bar. All the common politically correct pro-homosexual arguments are used throughout the episode. Abortion is also a storyline, and women who have abortions are portrayed as noble. Of course, the show ends on a predictable note: a presumably pro-life individual tosses a bomb into the local abortion clinic. Advertiser: U. S. Shoe (Lenscrafters) ■ Species P16 S TV14-DLSV CBS, 3/30 – A woman who is a cross between human and alien has an innate alien-inspired drive to breed. She escapes from a lab where she was to be executed, and blazes a trail of terror across the city. She has sex with numerous men along the way, and whenever she feels threatened, she goes on a killing spree. Advertiser: General Motors ■ Banned in America: World’s Sexiest Commercials H S TV14-DS Fox, 4/7 – Viewer discretion was advised for “sexually graphic images and situations,” which was the least Fox could do. The best thing would have been never to show this sordid collection of filthy ads from outside the U.S. Among the uplifting subject matter: inflatable sex dolls, sadomasochism, homosexuality, transvestites, size of male genitals, bestiality, dogs copulating, and some things so vile as to defy even Durango + TVG CBS, 4/25 – This delightful Hallmark Hall of Fame story is about a young man courting the woman he loves while fighting for fair prices for his cattle. A minister is portrayed favorably as a man who speaks boldly against injustice and dispenses wise counsel. Chrm. Andrall E. Pearson 600 Steamboat Place Greenwich, CT 06830 Phone: 502-874-8300 Fax: 502-874-2690 Toll Free: 1-888-874-4986 www.triconglobal.com Products: Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell U. S. Shoe Corporation Chrm. Charles J. Mechem, Jr. One Eastwood Drive Cincinnati, OH 45227 Phone: 513-527-7000 Fax: 513-527-7585 Products: Lenscrafters, Easy Spirit and Pappagallo shoes AFA TV Codes AC Anti-Christian H Promotes homosexual agenda Profanity; the number followP ing the “P” is the number of times profanity is used in the program. Politically correct in dealing PC with an issue identified in the review Objectionable sexual content S (may include partial nudity) Substance abuse (drugs or SA alcohol) Violence (graphic or gratuV itous) Positive theme with no + objectionable elements (A good story told with profane language earns no commendation.) TV network ratings are indiTV cated in black. Sole Sponsor: Hallmark Having Our Say + TVPG CBS, 4/18 – This movie is subtitled “The Delaney Sisters’ First 100 Years,” and tells the remarkable story of the sisters at ages 101 and 103. It is based on their book of the same title. Sole Sponsor: PM/Kraft Promised Land + TVPG CBS, 4/8 – Claire Greene grows increasingly exasperated at 17- year-old Josh’s relationship with Bobbie, an unwed mother. Mom Claire thinks Josh is missing a “normal” teenage life. When Claire addresses her concerns with Bobbie, the girl breaks up with Josh, which results in more family conflicts. Advertiser: PM/Kraft AFA Journal • june, 1999 15 television – cable channel profile Bud ’n’ Jeff: unlikely combo creates clean TV BY randall murphree • AFA Journal Editor Lowell “bud” Paxson may have been as surprised as everyone else was when his Home Shopping Network became one of the television sensations of the 1980s. Now he has every intention of creating another sensation with his PAX network, which went on the air last August with nightly reruns of Touched by an Angel as its flagship series. In an April interview with The American Enterprise (TAE) magazine, PAX president Jeff Sagansky, explained the wisdom of paying $1 million per episode for shows already aired on CBS: “It has all the values that we’re looking for…Inspiration. Hope. Faith.” Selling kitchen knives, painted glass, jewelry and gadgets made Paxson a wealthy man. However, he recently told TAE that he became so consumed with business that he lost sight of the most important things in life. After his marriage failed, he hit rock bottom; then in 1986, he became a Christian. He sold the shopping network in 1990 and resolved to add a family-friendly network – not just a series or two, but a complete network, an alternative to the moral wasteland of the major networks. 16 He began accumulating television stations, and now has full or partial ownership in 71, in addition to 45 affiliates. The PAX net is available to about 80% of the nation’s TV audience. It was a good day’s work when Paxson hired TV and film veteran Jeff Sagansky as president of the network. Sagansky’s credentials include stints at NBC, Sony Pictures and TriStar Pictures. He is also former president of CBS Entertainment where he developed Christy, Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman, and Touched by an Angel. PAX net is already producing several original programs, including Animals are People Too, Little Men, and It’s a Miracle. On the April 24 installment of Animals are People Too (one-hour), host Alan Thicke introduced ten segments, each recounting an intriguing tale of some remarkable animal(s). Stories covered a broad spectrum, e.g.: Henry the lizard-lover, who owns 30 of the reptiles as pets; Powder and Lily, avalanche search and rescue dogs in Squaw Valley; University of California at Davis Veterinary Teaching Hospital, where surgeons adapt hi-tech methods of human surgery to save animals’ lives; and Teresa and Carl Conrad, prosthetic technologists who fit animal amputees with artificial limbs. The same night’s episode of Little Men was a captivating drama of human relationships. The series, inspired by the writings of Louisa May Alcott, follows the life of Jo Baher, young widow and mother, as she rears her sons. On Sunday, April 25, host Richard Thomas (of The Waltons fame) introduced human interest stories and experiences on It’s a Miracle. The show recreates events in people’s lives that suggest divine intervention. Six stories told of persons who have had such incredible experiences – things that defy human explanation, or physical recoveries that doctors said were impossible. On week nights, PAX adds Dr. Quinn, Diagnosis Murder and Highway to Heaven to the mix. Seventh Heaven and other family-friendly, morally-based series are to be added in the future. When TAE asked Sagansky about a Hollywood agenda, the veteran replied, “Making money and getting ratings. Unfortunately, they feel that it’s easier to do that with many tasteless programs….good programs may not start off strong, but when given time, they all find an audience.” Sagansky said that in Hollywood creative people are validated by their peers “for doing programs that have an edge and an attitude.” Subsequently, they steer clear of things considered “soft” or “sentimental.” PAX is also breaking with tradition in areas other than programming. The network’s advertising policy says no to AFA Journal • JUNE, 1999 AFO filter available for $3 month AFO’s powerful filter is now available to Internet users everywhere. Even if you don’t have a local dial-up number, you can download AFO’s filter at www.afo.net. The cost is only $3 per month – less than a dime a day. 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WASHINGTON Seattle Tacoma Vancouver WEST VIRGINIA Charleston Morgantown Wheeling WISCONSIN Janesville Green Bay Milwaukee click. The Smithsonian. click. Wall Street. click. England. click. gambling. click. news. click. Yankee Stadium. click. movies. click. health care. click. bombmaking. click. shopping. click. NASA. click. weather. click. pornography. click. On the Internet you’ll find the best – and worst – of the human experience, all just a click away. And that’s the problem. How can your family connect to the world without being exposed to all that destructive material? Simple. American Family Online offers protection from Internet pornography that even your 13-year-old computer genius can’t override. The blocking filter is on our server, not your computer. And no one can bypass our blocking filter. Unlimited Internet access is $23.95 a month. (That’s about $2 more than the most popular national service, but isn’t your family worth it?) And it includes five E-mail addresses per account and free space for your own home page. Plus, some unique AFO-only resources are in the works including moderated chat rooms and an alternative news service that offers information and insight beyond the mainstream media. Set-up is simple, connections are fast and busy signals are almost nonexistent. For more information or to sign up, call 601-840-6464 or find us on the Internet at www.afo.net. By the way, AFO is a subsidiary of American Family Association, a Christian organization that has been protecting the family and American Family culture Columbine reveals a layer of religious BY cal thomas what has happened to us and how did we get here?” asked Pastor Bruce Porter of the Trinity Christian Center in Littleton, Colorado. He was eulogizing Rachel Scott, 17, who was the first of the murdered from Columbine High School to be buried. “We’ve removed prayer from our schools and we’ve replaced it with violence, hatred and murder.” Bill Bennett made a similarly painful observation on “Meet the Press” last Sunday. He said that if the Colorado killers had been walking the school halls quoting the Bible, instead of quoting Nazi dogma, they would likely have been hauled in for counseling. But discrimination against serious Christians isn’t new, and while that discrimination rarely rises to the level of murder, the cultural hostility that began with the banning of organized prayer and Bible reading in public schools expresses itself in many other ways. Students are regularly discriminated against in school when they are given assignments to write about their “favorite” or “most influential” person and they choose Jesus, only to be told He is the one person about whom they may not write. Valedictorians are often told they can’t give God the credit for their academic success. Tax dollars have gone to subsidize “art” that is blasphemous to Christians, but Christians are told that not a dime can go to anything “religious.” Examples of discrimination against Christians are legion. A Winter Haven, Florida, middle school student was told he violated a school policy against wearing messages on T-shirts when he wore one with a religious message. But the school allows T-shirts supporting sports teams or bearing brand names. Still, the student’s father was told to bring in a new T-shirt or take him home. His father came and got him and contacted a lawyer. In Michigan, the case of Christian landlords who refused to rent an apartment to an unmarried couple because of the landlord’s religious beliefs is being recon18 sidered by the state supreme court. The court had earlier upheld a ruling by a lower court that the landlords had discriminated against the unmarried couple. In Winston-Salem, North Carolina, a third-grader, told she could perform a favorite song for the school’s talent show, wanted to sing a gospel tune. She was denied the opportunity by the principal because her song was religious. The parents contacted The Rutherford Institute, which defends religious rights cases, and the school relented. In New Orleans, the ACLU threatened Glimpses of Littleton What happened in Littleton was proof, if we needed any, that there is such a thing as raw, unadulterated evil. And our kids are especially vulnerable to it. In fact, the darker parts of youth subcultures, the music and the sick films actively encourage kids to embrace evil. Columnist and Author Charles Colson What is the source of the sort of hate that so occupies those who possess it that they cannot think of anything or anybody else? Will those sifting through the rubble in Littleton be able to figure that out? Or maybe it isn’t hate at all, but emptiness of a sort most of us have never experienced and cannot understand. Maybe the apparently pointless uglification and the ostensibly senseless human slaughter are attempts at mattering by people who have concluded they don’t. Columnist William Raspberry Who’s next? Who’s ready to die? One of the taunts used by the two killers as they stalked their classmates. There is a God, and you need to follow along God’s path. An unidentified girl, answering one of the gunmen when he asked her if she believed in God. Following her answer, he said to her, “There is no God,” and shot her in the head. I will rig up explosives all over town. I don’t care if I live or die. Words of Eric Harris on his personal website. If I ever get out, I’m going to be nice to my little brother. The vow made by an unidentified boy as he hid inside the school from the shooters. I was terrified on the outside. But on the inside, God gave me peace. I felt like many others outside the school were praying for us. Columbine junior Craig Nason, describing his emotions while the shooting was going on. Is it possible for parents to miss homicidal rage? I can’t help asking: Where were the Harrises and Klebolds when their sons were watching Natural Born Killers over and over? Columnist Amy Dickinson AFA Journal • june, 1999 legal action against the Tangipahoa Parish School System for inviting a religious speaker to its lunch club. The school allows many diverse, non-curricular student clubs, and attorneys for the school district have so far managed to hold off legal action. In Bothell, Washington, a pregnant woman was allegedly forced off a bus during a storm for talking about her faith with another passenger, who expressed similar sentiments. The bus driver was said to have been offended by the religious nature of their conversation. President Clinton alluded to a “hunting culture” that contributes to such shootings in schools. But there’s not necessarily a direct connection between hunting and gunning down fellow students. However, there is a very real threat to Christians. Seventeen-year-old Cassie Bernall could tell you that if she was still with us. She was the Columbine student who was asked by one of the killers if she believed in God. When she said she did, she was dispatched into His care, a martyr to her faith. Cal Thomas is a columnist for the Los Angeles Times Syndicate. The address is 218 Spring St., Los Angeles, CA 90012. A FIRM FOUNDATION Stewardship… not just for the wealthy By glen fradenburg • AFA Foundation Director The will of a famous French philosopher read: “I have little, I owe lots. The rest I give to the poor.” Many of us feel that way. I often hear people say, “I really don’t have enough assets to be concerned with estate planning.” Others fear that in old age, expenses like hospital bills, nursing homes and inflation will eat up what little they have saved. While we Christians are encouraged by Scripture to make responsible provisions, anxiety about the future can rob us of the blessing of knowing that when we go to be with God, we will be found faithful, even in the final testimony of stewardship, our will. In Luke 12 Jesus offers two powerful portraits of stewardship – one bad and one good. The parable of the rich fool warns those who only trust in their wealth. In contrast, Jesus praises the sacrificial gift of the poor widow. Godly stewardship is more a matter of equal sacrifice than equal gifts. Measure your worth An inventory of your finances will likely reveal more assets than you realize. A home, life insurance, household goods, savings accounts, stocks or bonds…it all adds up. But regardless of the size of your estate, it is important to make a plan. For many, a will plus a durable power of attorney to manage property in case of disability prior to death, is sufficient. Others need to create a trust. If your estate is large enough to involve estate tax implications, or if you have minor children, a trust is likely needed. A gentle nudge You already know it, but let us encourage you to finalize your estate planning now. As the old saying goes, “Duties delayed are the devil’s delight.” May I help you? Proper planning may not be as costly or as complicated as you think. We at AFA Foundation would be honored to be your guide. We are also qualified to review your existing plans in light of current probate and tax laws. In fact, we’d be glad to send you without charge or obligation, our Will and Trust ❑ Please send me a free copy of Will and Trust Planning Guide. ❑ Please send me information about estate tax and business planning. ❍ My estate is over $650,000. ❍ I own my own business. Name _____________________________ Address________________________________ City/State/Zip ______________________________________________________________ Phone h ______ _______ _______ Date of Birth ___/___/___ w ______ _______ _______ Spouse’s date of birth ___/___/___ Mail to: AFA Foundation • P. O. Box 3933 • Tupelo, MS 38803 AFA Journal • june, 1999 courts Brick walls in black robes …And How To Overcome Them BY virginia c. armstrong • President, Blackstone Institute while sexual immorality chokes the moral atmosphere, our children murder one another in the nation’s schoolrooms, and malignant dishonesty parades through the highest office of American government, Christian beliefs and values in America today are imprisoned behind brick walls. These brick walls wear the black robes of federal judges and occupy the highest judicial posts in the land. What issues concern you most? Whatever issue is of greatest concern to you, your efforts to advance your cause will eventually crash into one of these brick walls in black robes. For example: ➤ Is your concern the conquest of so much of America’s public life by humanism and the simultaneous expulsion of Christian values from the public square? Then you must combat judges such as U. S. District Judge Dan Polster. Judge Polster ruled recently that the city seal of Stow, Ohio, which includes a cross, violates the constitutional “separation of church and state.” Judge Polster was nominated to his post last year by Bill Clinton and unanimously approved by the Republican-controlled Senate. ➤ Are you most concerned about the life issues? If so, you must contend with judges such as U. S. District Judge William Traxler, who recently invalidated abortion clinic regulations in South Carolina. Judge Traxler was also nominated to his post last year by Bill Clinton and approved unanimously by the Republican-controlled Senate. ➤ Is your focus the viciously anti-Christian gay rights movement? Then you will collide with the U. S. Supreme Court. This Court voted 6-3 in 1996 to deny the people of Colorado the self-governing power to simply place homosexual 20 conduct on the same legal ground as other conduct. Four members of the six-person majority were appointed by Republican presidents. The list of judicial barriers to the preservation and perpetuation of America’s original Christian value system is almost endless. And the walls are growing. By the beginning of 1999, the Clinton Admin- istration, with the cooperation of Senate Republicans, had named 301 liberal/activist judges to the federal bench (almost 40% of the judiciary). Not a single Clinton nominee has been rejected by the Senate. Moreover, by early March of this year, 19 more Clinton nominees had been sent to Capitol Hill. Twelve of these disturbing candidates were nominated by the Administration but were not acted upon by the Senate last year. The foundation upon which these judicial brick walls are built is a vicious and virulent form of the humanistic worldview applied to the field of law. And the mortar which cements together the bricks representing individual decisions and judges is a set of theories known as “judicial activism/noninterpretivism.” (This position is also commonly referred to as “judicial imperialism.” The opposite position, which we advocate, is known as “judicial restraint/interpretivism.”) The mortar in the walls “Judicial activism” is a theory of judicial power which places the courts in the vanguard of policy-making, elevating the courts above all other agents in America –including the people and the Constitution. “Noninterpretivism” is a theory of constitutional interpretation which asserts that the text of the Constitution and the intent of its Framers are of little or no relevance to today’s world. Perhaps the most cogent summary of these theories has been articulated by Arthur S. Miller, a very prominent, influential law professor and member of the legal elite. Writing in his book, Toward Increased Judicial Activism, Miller asserts that the U. S. Supreme Court Justices are “a de facto Council of Elders [who] may be likened to the oracles of ancient Greece.” “The Constitution is a theological document…; and the Justices are the High Priests who keep it current with each generation of Americans.” Has ever there been in history such an arrogant assumption of power with such deadly consequences for God’s people? The answer, of course, is “Yes.” In one such cataclysmic period 2500 years ago we find both inspiration and instruction for us today. The Esther model: our day in court The time was the Fifth Century B.C., and the place was the glorious Persian Empire. A problem had been created in the kingdom. Thanks to the malevolent anti-Semitic government minister Haman, King Ahaseurus had been incited to sign the death warrant of all the Jews in Persia. However, Ahaseurus did not know that his beautiful and beloved new wife, Esther, was a Jewess, and a most godly one. The parallels between the dilemma of Esther and of American Christians today are striking and frightening. Esther, too, AFA Journal • june, 1999 faced a brick wall clothed in the robes of despotic and capricious power. But her response was a godly and effective one and provides a model for us to follow today. In Chapter 4 of the Book of Esther we find this three-stage blueprint outlined. Surely it is past time for us to have our day in court, and Queen Esther shows us how. Education When Esther received the news of the King’s edict, her first act was to seek all the information possible to become educated (4:5-9). In America today our level of knowledge about constitutional and judicial issues is abysmally low. A variety of factors accounts for this dismal condition; but intellectual incapacity among Christians is not a factor – intimidation, frustration, etc., perhaps, but not the intellectual inability to understand. What have been at work are forces such as the willful wall-building of the legal elites in America. These self-proclaimed legal aristocrats believe that the public cannot and/or should not understand the workings of the constitutional/judicial system, and they have diligently promoted for many decades the “cult of the robe.” This myth, exemplified in the above-cited quote from Arthur Miller, strongly discourages Americans from participating in constitutional and judicial affairs. But we can understand. Accurate and understandable educational materials are available, and we urge you to contact the resources listed at the end of this article. Supplication Esther’s second step was to fast (4:1516). After reaching an intelligent understanding of the problems she faced, Esther summoned her people to join her in fasting. At that point in Biblical history, fasting was an expression of mourning for sin and was a form of entreaty to God to ward off present or impending calamity. The Jews led by Esther thus engaged in supplication to God on behalf of their people. Surely American Christians have never so urgently AFA Journal • june, 1999 as now faced the need to obey the injunctions of 2 Chronicles 7:14 and to pray with intensity and personal identification for our nation. To mobilize prayer for America’s federal judges, a new movement is under way. This effort, sponsored by the Blackstone Institute and known as the “Blackstone Brigade,” seeks to recruit groups of Christians committed to pray daily for a particular federal court. This prayer network includes all 113 federal courts, so 113 groups of Christians have an unprecedented opportunity to cover our federal judges with prayer. For further information, contact the Blackstone Institute listed below. Participation Thus armed with prayer and information, Esther’s last step was to actually become personally involved in influencing her husband, the king. Her actions and their results are recorded in Chapters 7-10 of the Book of Esther. More than was true of Esther, Americans today still have the power and opportunity to influence the courts of our land. It is an almost universally unknown fact that our federal courts can be extensively controlled by the Congress and by constitutional amendment. Congress, in turn, is obligated to be responsive to the will of the people (regarding the courts as well as any other policy matter). And the people are also essential participants in the constitutional amendment process. Our popular power over the federal judiciary may well be the greatest sleeping giant in American government and law. But it is long past time for the giant to awake and act! Two organizations already actively mobilizing Americans to become involved in fighting judicial imperialism are the Eagle Forum’s Court Watch Project and the Judicial Selection Monitoring Project of the Free Congress Foundation. These groups earnestly solicit your participation and may be contacted at the addresses listed below. As we awake and act, we should be guided by three goals. The most urgent immediate goal is to oppose the flood of Clinton judicial nominations and stem the resulting hemorrhaging of justice from our body politic. Our intermediate-range goal is to design a package of court-curbing measures which should become a major issue in the elections of 2000. These elections will probably be the most critical in American history in determining the future of the judiciary and the Constitution, and the forces of reason and restraint must prevail. Otherwise, the judiciary will be lost for the foreseeable future, and perhaps forever. Our long-range goal must be to take every action possible after the elections of 2000 to implement the court-curbing package and to fashion additional proactive and effective measures as needed. The challenge may seem overwhelming, but we Christians today can surely rely on the assurance which God gave His people centuries ago in 2 Chronicles 20:15: “the battle is not ours, but His.” A Person was called In Esther’s day, a problem had been created, but a person was called to cooperate with God in the solution. Because Esther heeded God’s call to her through Mordecai, God’s enemies were destroyed, God’s people were delivered, and God’s leaders were distinguished. Will history be able to record as much about us? Who knows but that we – man, woman, younger American, older American, Republican, Democrat, independent – who knows but that we, too, are come to the kingdom for such a time as this? For more information: The Blackstone Institute 4102 Buffalo Gap Rd., Ste. F-190 Abilene, TX 79605 Ph. (915) 698-9221 • Fax (915) 695-2154 www.blackstoneinstitute.org The Free Congress Foundation Judicial Selection Monitoring Project 712 Second Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20002 Ph. (202) 546-3000 • Fax (202)543-5605 21 Choosing a long distance company is a matter of asking the right questions. Question #1: What long distance phone company recently offered company benefits to the homosexual live-in partners of its employees? a. AT&T b. Sprint c. MCI d. LifeLine Question #2: What long distance phone company is the largest provider of dial-a-porn numbers? a. AT&T b. Sprint c. MCI d. LifeLine Question #3: What long distance phone company is the carrier for Working Assets, an affinity phone company that donates part of its profits to groups like Planned Parenthood, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and others? a. AT&T b. Sprint c. MCI d. LifeLine Question #4: What long distance phone company returns over $2 million monthly to Christian ministries including American Family Association; never advertises on objectionable TV programs; takes a strong pro-life stand and has donated over $100,000 yearly to elect God-fearing men and women to political office? a. AT&T b. Sprint c. MCI d. LifeLine Any other questions? Switch now to LifeLine. Call 1-800-684-3991 22 AFA boycotts The only full-fledged boycott now pursued by AFA is that of The Walt Disney Company. Calls and letters to other companies are encouraged in order to address objectionable policies, products, or practices, but fall short of an official AFA boycott. believe…from page 24 rican figures in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Centerwall had given up on any efforts to get the entertainment industry to reform itself. “Industry spokespersons have made innumerable protestations of good intent,” Centerwall said, “but nothing has happened. In over 20 years of monitoring television levels of violence, there has been no downward movement.” A national study sponsored by the cable television industry last year documented and updated the same finding: no progress. Industry leaders, who sincerely had believed there had been progress, had hoped the study would document it. As in the case of the tobacco industry, some victims are turning to the judicial branch for relief. Several cases are pending in which expert witnesses for victims are showing the link between television and criminal behavior. Meanwhile, concerned physicians such as Centerwall would like to see voluntary rejection of violent television, just as consumers have begun to reject smoking. We should be as careful about controlling our children’s TV viewing as we are about their seat belts, bicycle helmets, vaccines and nutrition, he argues. For that to happen, the public would have to become aware of the TV-violence connection in a gut-level way that has not happened yet. Most people are aware that there is some connection. What they don’t know is the magnitude: TV may account for half the homicide rate. That story still cries out to be told. For television news to do what CNN did Tuesday night – acknowledge the problem openly – is a pretty good start. Philip Meyer holds the Knight Chair in Journalism at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He is also a consultant for AFA Journal • june, 1999 twildmon@afa.net No new worlds left to sail BY TIM WILDMON • American Family Association Vice President By the time you read this, the shock from the Littleton, Colorado, high school killings will be fading. In the past few years we have witnessed a series of similar events from the South, East, North and West. This is not a regional problem as some social scientists have suggested by citing the “southern gun culture.” This is a national phenomenon. Violence among our youth. What causes it? What to do about it? How to prevent it? These are questions Americans are asking. The worst thing I ever remember seeing on the campus of Tupelo High in 1980 was outside on the patio during lunch. We were all sitting around talking when just a few yards away one guy came up behind another guy and bashed him over the head with a board. Everyone was stunned, girls started screaming and someone rushed to the office to get help. The guy had to leave school for the hospital and have his head stitched back together but he survived. The one who did the bashing ran away, but later got expelled from school. Someone told me that the boy who committed the violence was constantly being teased and taunted by his victim for different things. Mostly it was because he was an oddball. Ours was a big high school with some 1,300 students, but we didn’t have metal detectors and, other than a few fistfights during the year, there was no talk of knives, guns or violence. My, how things have changed in 20 years. The day after the Columbine High School murders I told my two school-aged kids that if they ever heard that one of their fellow students had a gun, knife or any kind of weapon, they need to tell their teachers immediately. I couldn’t believe I was telling my third and fourth graders such things. But even that would not have helped in Littleton. These teens had plotted and planned this killing spree, and even to bomb their own school. What causes violence and other forms of anti-social behavior among our youth? There are many and varied reasons I believe. I’ll list just a few. 1. The breakdown of the family, including divorce. By and large today’s American adults don’t care about the vows they make at the church altar. They are just words of tradition without meaning. 2. The power of the mass media – especially the entertainment media, such as violent and dark television shows, movies, music, magazines, video and Internet games. What we think about is what we become. 3. Parents don’t spend enough time with their children. To mold and shape a child or teenager’s character, you absolutely AFA Journal • june, 1999 must spend a lot of time together. 4. Some people are mentally unstable and insecure and looking for something to make them feel powerful or to gain attention, something that gives them identity – like gangs. 5. America – as a people – no longer fears or reveres God. I could add several more reasons. And these are just my observations and opinions, not those of any university study or network polling agency. But I think they make sense. And to some extent we are always going to see evil things happening in our world. Always have and always will. However, we’ve never seen this level of violence among so many young people in America. When I was a kid my mom and dad were the two people I admired the most. That’s the way it is with most children. Why? Because I knew they loved and cared for me. When my parents talked I listened. They taught me right from wrong and the Golden Rule. They spent time with me. They took me to church. They prayed with me. They didn’t divorce or abandon me. All of these things in turn made me want to please them. I know I am oversimplifying matters here somewhat but I strongly believe these parental ingredients lead to healthy children. As good a home environment as some children have in the country, they still have to live in the greater society. We all do. This is one of the reasons why the “if you don’t like it just turn it off ” philosophy doesn’t work. This is what we at AFA have been told by critics for years about almost every issue we’ve addressed. “If you don’t like pornography don’t look at it.” Never mind that most rapists and sex criminals are addicted to pornography. Or, “If you don’t like the violence on television don’t watch it.” What we’ve said to the television networks, advertising community and our critics is, “You may have a right to broadcast sex, violence and crudity but you also have a responsibility for how your programming impacts people.” In the case of Columbine, using this same logic, we could reason, “If you don’t like being shot at, don’t go to school.” That’s not good enough. We Americans are all in this together. We must try harder as parents. And it should start with the household of God, to borrow a phrase from the Bible. There are no new worlds left to sail to and start a new country. This is it. We must take action now to overcome the evils that lead kids to pick up guns and kill other kids. 23 MEDIA AFA Journal • JUNE, 1999 Believe it: TV violence stalks streets of Littleton – and your town By philip meyer As part of its coverage Tuesday evening of the mass murders in Littleton, Colorado, CNN Headline News had a well-prepared segment on the possibility that television and movie violence create a social atmosphere that makes such horrors possible. It was a breakthrough. The story was backed up with clips from violent entertainment and expert testimony based on academic studies of the issue. Usually, news media prefer to ignore this old story. How old? How long has there been scientific evidence that TV violence breeds real life violence? More than a generation As in the case of tobacco, the health hazards of violent television were recognized by experts and even by government agencies long before public awareness began to build. In 1968, the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence was created. In 1972, there was a report by a surgeon general’s committee: “Television and Growing Up: The Impact of Televised Violence.” By 1976, the case was so obvious that the American Medical Association’s House of Delegates passed this resolution: “The House declares TV violence threatens the health and welfare of young Americans, commits itself to remedial actions with interested parties, and encourages opposition to TV programs containing violence and to their sponsors.” Part of the reason that so little of this information has filtered into public awareness is that the media gatekeepers don’t like to think about it. It is a problem whose only obvious solution, censorship, seems unthinkable. Denial is easier. One of the most dramatic and convincing demonstrations of the truth of the TV-violence connection came in this 24 decade when a prediction made by Brandon Centerwall, then of the University of Washington, came true. Centerwall was aware that different parts of the world got television at different times. Therefore, he reasoned, TV’s effects should show up at correspondingly different times. The United States was ahead of other countries. Our TV broadcasting got off the ground in the late 1940s. Our neighbor, Canada, was on approximately the same schedule. Ten years later, just as the first U.S. generation raised on television reached the vulnerable crime-committing years, the homicide rate began a steep climb. After 15 years, it had doubled. Canada had the same experience. To nail down the cause-effect relationship, Centerwall needed a nation where television had arrived late. He found it in South Africa, where the repressive government had banned TV until 1975. Better yet for his purposes, the low rate of white homicide deaths in South Africa held constant in the same period that it doubled in the United States and Canada. When he discovered that, Centerwall made his prediction. In 1989, looking at the most recent data available to him – which was five years old – he predicted that South Africa’s white homicide rate would show a doubling in the period 1985 to 1990, which would be 10 to 15 years after the introduction of television in 1975. It did – and more. Looking at 1983 data, Centerwall could see that the rate had already increased by 56% from 2.5 homicides per 100,000 in the final year before TV. When 1987 data became available, it showed the rate had reached 5.8 per 100,000. The doubling took place on schedule. The same differences were found in U.S. subpopulations. Blacks got TV sets later than whites, and their homicide rate increased later by the same margin of delay. A small Canadian town out of reach of the first TV transmitters enjoyed a temporary immunity that went away after technology brought it into the media mainstream. By 1992, when he reported the South AfSee Believe on page 22 American Family Association P.O. Drawer 2440 Tupelo, Mississippi 38803 Internet websites www.afa.net www.afr.net www.afo.net Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 36 Gordonsville, VA change service requested VERY IMPORTANT: If your mailing address has changed because of the 911 program, please send AFA your correct address. The U.S. Postal Service will not send us your address correction nor forward your Journal after one year. AFA Journal • june, 1999
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